#also... I love stydia
whitedahlia13 · 1 year
You haven't seen the movie and I am glad you didn't. It was... well... I'm just wondering if there's gonna be the second movie, without DoB, do you think we'll get anything good? Jeff said there was a scene, which didn't make it, where Lydia picks up phone to call someone and the camera shows Stiles' name on it, I just... This gives me too much hope, right? how can one trust Jeff Davis after pre-season 4 interviews and pre-movie interviews...
Everything I’ve heard about the movie has made me even more glad I didn’t see it too. So, I’m sorry to say it, but no, I don’t hold out hope for any quality Stydia in future films. Without Stiles we are missing half of our OTP – and the beating heart of Teen Wolf. There, I said it. Not taking it back. The show is lifeless without Dylan O'Brien.
As far as Jeff Davis’s comments… After all this time, I’ve learned not to put much stock into what he says. He's notorious for tossing fans breadcrumbs—and then, not delivering the goods. I’ve lost track of how many times he has teased cut scenes over the years. Remember how there was supposed to be a Stydia love scene in 6x10?
The fact that he even mentioned this new cut scene is suspicious. Why not just SHOW IT? He literally has the power to decide what stays and what goes. I don’t believe it has anything to do with time or expense. Like most Stydia scenes, it couldn’t have been more than a few seconds, which is a drop in the ocean in an almost 2.5-hour movie. And what TW saved on their lighting budget over the years surely could have been put into a Stydia Savings Account to fund the filming of a ten-second scene.
You're right to be cautious. I don’t trust JD either. I mean, there were other ways to explain Stiles’s absence—but he chose the version where Lydia leaves him, and frankly, it feels cruel. Sure, there were worse options (which we will not discuss) but still… Why break up the only couple that no one actually got to see as a couple? Again, show, don’t tell. Jeff claims to love Stydia, but he had a similar opportunity to work around Dylan’s absence (i.e. ALL of 6b) and he did the bare minimum, for the most part choosing to ignore Stydia at every turn. Obviously, Dylan couldn’t be there, but that didn’t mean Stiles couldn’t be. What about texts, emails, photos? And Dylan was in the finale that does not exist. But where was the Stydia we waited for? Hardly any eye contact, a brief hand hold, and (thankfully) the two of them getting out of the Jeep together at the end. More breadcrumbs...
All things considered, it’s actually a miracle we got the Stydia we did over six years. And that is in huge part thanks to Dylan O’Brien and Holland Roden. The way they understood and played these characters, the way they (especially Dylan) fought for Stydia was commendable and unforgettable. I’m more than happy to keep what they gave us close to my heart, to keep insisting that 6x10 was the finale, and to bolt for the nearest exit next time a movie date is announced.
Thank you for your question, love. I’m SO sorry I couldn’t be reassuring. Just remember, we’re all in this together. The Stydia we know and love haven’t changed. Plus, there are always fics to read for new, much more satisfying content.
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septxwber · 3 months
Get in losers, we’re fangirling over another slow burn
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junejuly · 1 year
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camellcat · 1 year
I just think that if Scott is the sun then Stiles is his ever loyal moon and Lydia is his brilliant shining stars and Allison is his comforting swirling clouds
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userlaylivia · 11 months
Don't mind me, I'm having otp feels and getting mad, sad and angry over bellarke not being endgame which will never make any sense to me!! jroth you can go diaf!!
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staliaz · 2 years
so stydia was never a thing til s6, were stiles is missing for the entire season, they have like almost no interactions, they force them together and try to paint their non existent connection as the strongest one and they have a ugly kiss to be endgame. it’s hilarious when you think about it. they didn’t have the time to be canon. they were just made endgame to end the show, and then you find out they broke up over a dream lmfaoo that’s so pathetic. if i were a stydia i would have kept that shit to myself at this point bc it’s embarrassing as fuck.
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burningblake · 7 months
btw the trope "they were childhood friends and now they are in love" only works for me in a fanfic (i.e. about a couple that I already got to ship via another story) and never as the beginning of an original story
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
That's a problem...
Okay first, THANK GOD for Deaton and Argent OMG. We love all of Scott's parental figures constantly there to help him, even when he least expects it. Chris Argent coming in to save the day, Alan Deaton coming in to heal him up. We love it. We love Scott's, like, five dads (Rafael, Stilinski, Deaton, Argent...okay four. Four dads. But still. XD <3).
Speaking of dads, I'm so glad Noah and Rafael are more or less okay.
That said, I feel like Scott's seeing something I'm not in this fight.
Is one of the Berserkers Violet? Is that how the Berserkers work? Does she, like, turn you into a Berserker, somehow?
Because Scott kind of started to freak out when Chris started shooting, and I'm wondering why? Does he just not want anyone to get hurt? Because if he didn't want anyone to get hurt, why was he so pleased (that was adorable, by the way) about Chris having the big gun in the first place?
He's definitely seeing something I'm not, and I need to know what it is.
So I'm gonna move on so that I can keep watching.
It has occurred to me that Malia can't have romantic chemistry with Derek, because they're technically related (forgot about that part for a second lol) and I'm not into that at all.
THAT SAID, she TOTALLY DOESN'T, because they totally have FAMILIAL CHEMISTRY, and I LOVE IT!
It's so obvious and sweet with how Derek coaches her, and how supportive he is, and the little hand hold when she gets scared and how concerned Derek is when she does. I know that they're technically cousins, but that gives such brother and sister vibes, and I am all here for it. Please give me more Hale cousin team-ups. I love them. (Although clearly we were too late, and Braeden is super hurt, so that's not good (what was she even doing there??), but I'll still take the Hale cousin team-ups, because they're cute. <3)
THAT SAID, however, that just proves that Malia's romantic chemistry with everyone else was clearly intentional, because it's not just that she has natural romantic chemistry with everyone that she interacts with. No no. She has pointed chemistry in pointed situations, so whether it's the actors, director, writer, or all of the above, they were NOT trying to hide that romantic chemistry with the rest of the pack, and all I'm saying is, if she kissed every single one of them, I would not be upset.
Okay last, but CERTAINLY not least, I know that that whole scene with Meredith was super stressful and high-key terrifying and extremely heart-wrenching (Parrish trying so hard to keep everyone calm and collected and make sure everyone felt comfortable including Meredith we love him <3) and overall not really a positive scene because we got more questions than answers and Meredith isn't helping us anymore.
STYDIAAAAAAA!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
The way Stiles is backing Lydia up, and trying to keep her calm and ask Meredith the questions in a different way so that she actually answers Lydia.
The way they keep catching each other's gaze at the same time even though they're not actually looking at each other because they just know.
The way Stiles starts to sense that the situation is getting out of hand at the same time everyone else does and just keeps looking at Lydia in concern, because she's who he cares about most in that moment.
The way he was SO QUICK to stand up and catch her when she stumbled back.
The way he just held her and covered her in any desperate attempt to protect her from whatever Meredith seemed to hit her with.
The way he caresses her face so gently and turns her head so he can see her ear.
The way he gives that slight angry and protective glare at Meredith as he just continues holding Lydia and making sure she's okay.
I love Stiles's current relationship with Malia, and I fully acknowledge the romantic chemistry with Derek (and Scott, but we all know I see them as platonic soulmates, so shush).
I love and fully acknowledge Lydia's romantic chemistries with Malia and Parrish, and I would love to see either of those go further.
NOTHING (romantically, that is) will EVER beat Stiles and Lydia's chemistry.
From Episode 1, that spark has just grown, and the two of them are SO similar and balance each other SO well and are SO protective of each other and just care about each other SO much and THIS IS WHY THEY ARE MY OTP!!
Their current chemistries/relationships are great.
But that is all they are.
And temporary.
Full pointers for Liam for trying his hardest to get out, and I felt so bad for him when he fell back into the well, but he clearly has a new vigor, and that little flashback with Scott was so wholesome and cute, and god I hope they find him soon because that poor baby is trying his darndest, but he could really use the help.
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(This was the best gif I could find but it has his little caress of her face so it totally works. I LOVE THEM!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
:) holy fucking shit I'm livid
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whitedahlia13 · 2 years
Rules: pick any ten of your fics, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagged by the lovely, @kylermalloy. Thank you, love 💕
I thought that I was dreaming (when you said you loved me)
She is with him, and he’s relieved and happy. But she’s weeping, vibrations of her body transferring to his, cool moisture soaking his tee shirt. He strokes her crown, hair like silk gliding under his palm as he says her name.
This Love
Her heart swells and races while her mind desperately tries to catch up, to articulate an answer that is worthy of him. “Stiles, that’s so…”
“Weird?” he cringes, briefly glancing at his sneakers.
“I was going to say incredibly romantic.”
Falling Slowly
“Something came up,” she quoted. “Could you have been any more vague? What was I supposed to think? What if I had sent you a message like that?”
His face reshaped with comprehension. “I... I would’ve freaked out,” he admitted.
He sighed and let go of her arms, but she could still feel his touch, lingering tenderness and heat. She could see the remorse in his eyes too, and it got to her. Stiles got to her, made her regret her harshness and remember why she had gone to his house in the first place.
Lies My Brother Told Me
From the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of his watch on my wrist. It relentlessly ticks away. Seconds...to minutes...to hours...each of them more cruel than the last, dragging me further away from the last moment he was still alive.
Further from his last smile – through agony, forced for my benefit.
Further from my last plea. Don’t leave me. I can’t do this alone.
Written in the Stars
“Well, I definitely preferred last night's game — for a lot of reasons, but mostly, ‘cause…” He pauses and clears his throat.
She can feel his body tremble underneath her as he emits a shaky breath. “Go ahead,” she encourages, gently running her hands along his sides.
“Because we’re together now,” he explains, eyes flaring with the morning light as he blinks.
A Breath Between Us
Part of him has the distinct feeling that he is making a mistake, that maybe she needs him as much as he needs her. A louder voice reminds him that Lydia is strong and more than capable of taking care of herself. It tells him that if she wanted him to stay, she would just say so. He feels foolish for thinking that he could ever become for her, what she is to him – his salvation, a light in the darkness, the person he wants to give his heart to.
Regression to the Mean
Eventually he decides to lie down, resting his head against her leg. At first, she tenses. Allowing him that close is not exactly her idea of being careful or keeping herself at a safe distance.
But as soon as he glances up at her and asks, “Is this okay?”, every reservation she has evaporates and she nods.
She is sure there is some undeniable force tightening its grip on her when her hands naturally find their way to his hair.
Back Together
Even though they have officially been a couple for months, he always seems astonished when Lydia expresses her feelings for him so openly. He is chewing on his bottom lip, leading her to conclude that he is caught somewhere between trying to figure out what to say and wanting to kiss her again.
She does now…but a few months ago, when the Ghost Riders swept through Beacon Hills, she didn’t remember Stiles at all. She recalls the awful time she endured without him, the constant ache in her heart because there was someone missing from her life, the bleak and hollow feeling when she realized she may not be able to save him. She never wants to experience that again.
The Years Within a Night
Lydia awoke to the haze of sunlight streaming through her window. Her eyes drowsily opened and then focused on a familiar face. At first, she thought she may have been dreaming. Once her mind cleared, she knew she was not.
Stiles was still asleep, and remarkably, he appeared to be completely relaxed – face peaceful, lips parted, breathing calm and steady. 
Er...I don't know ten writers with ten fics or more, but anyone who wants to do this is more than welcome.
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heradion · 5 months
One of the reasons I think Sterek fans or Thiam fans still continue to like and ship Sterek or Thiam is because of the actors.
Dylan and Tyler Hoechlin have always said they've loved Stiles and Derek's dynamics , they said they would love to explore it more.
Cody and Dylan Sprayberry have also said they've loved Thiam but it was never going to happen.
Khylin teased Thiam and said they have amazing chemistry too.
Hoechlin even suggested a scene to Jeff where Stiles is angry and let's out all his frustration on Derek ( beating him up or whatever) and Derek letting him because he understands.
Hoechlin also talked about trying to add one last sterek moment for the fans during the finale but it was cut by someone ( we know who )
Hell, Holland Roden , the other half of the stydia ship has on multiple occasions stated that she like Sterek.
The only person who cause chaos and gave his unsolicited opinion about Sterek was Posey who called it a bizarre twisted thing ( which Hoechlin later slightly shaded by the way)
While I understand he was frustrated that people were watching the show only for Sterek and not him , the show is for us to watch and enjoy however we want as an audience .
It is fair to get annoyed when fans bombard the writers actors or others about demanding more scenes from 2 character just because they ship them .
We saw how Sterek and Thiam were queerbaited , even though the actors were 100% comfortable.
The actors are comfortable and openly talk about the ships instead of pretending like it doesn't exist or that fans are delusional or twisted for seeing them in a romantic light.
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zodiyack · 1 year
Better For Me
Pairings: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, swearing, smoking, plotting
Words: 684
Request: Can you please do one for Tommy Shelby, where the reader is someone that he’s been pining over for as long as he can remember, but she’s never returned his feelings, she wants better for herself and desperately wants to escape Birmingham to have one, once he finds her plan he comes up with a scheme so that she will have no choice but to stay there with him (you can decide what that trap is)
Author’s Note: So I don’t exactly like the thought of her being 100% forced against her will, so I changed it a little bit to where she does indeed have feelings for him but never once said anything because she knew once she got involved with a gangster, her life would never be the same, and she wants better for herself. Hes also a little ooc.
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Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist | Cillian Murphy Masterlist
Taglist: @simonsbluee, @stuckysslag, @psychkunox, @marquelapage, @i-love-superhero @captivatedbycillianmurphy, @stydia-4-ever, @jenepleurepasbaby, @peakyxtommy, @babylooneytoonz, @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @darling-i-read-it​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @fandom-puff​
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Her bags were stuffed to bursting with her belongings. She frantically packed the last of it in a barely spacious case. A knock at her front door scared her as it broke her from her hurry. She wasn't surprised when she saw the Blinder on her doorstep, only nervous.
"You're packing?" His cold voice inquired.
"Yes." She responded simply. Y/N avoided giving him too much detail. After all, he was who she was running from.
"Why can't you stay?"
She sighed heavily. "We've been over this Thomas. I need something else. I want a better life. I don't want to be in Birmingham forever." It was part of the truth. Really, she couldn't be around the violence, the theft, the gambling, the Peaky Blinders. Tommy.
She winced slightly. "No, I need to do this myself."
"I'll take you places. We can explore the world together, love." He chuckled lightly. "I promise."
Her words seemed to set him off. "Why? Can't I do anything to convince you to stay?"
"No!" She couldn't stop herself before she shrieked out the word. Covering her mouth in shock, she collected herself before speaking again. "I'm leaving, Thomas, and that's that."
"At least tell me why, love." He persisted. His hand reached for Y/N's. He definitely noticed something was wrong when she swiped her hand away. "Is it because of me?"
"No, it's not because Of anyone! I just can't be here anymore. Tommy, I want to experience more than this place. I want a better life. We've been over this before, a thousand times." She huffed as she stuffed the rest of the items into her bag. “Please, just leave me to finish this up. I’ll stop by before I leave.” She turned away and waited for him to leave, the door clicking shut behind him.
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When Tommy went outside, he spotted a copper doing his usual patrol. He nodded at him, gaining his attention. “I need your assistance.”
“What is it Mr. Shelby?”
He lit a cigarette, looking off into the distance. "Y/N L/N. If she tries to leave, prevent her in whatever way possible. Keep her alive, and inside of Birmingham." Tommy ordered, "by order of the Peaky Blinders. Alright?"
The copper nodded, "Yes Mr. Shelby. I'll make sure to it that everyone knows."
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The door of the betting shop slammed shut after being aggressively swung open. Heels clicked angrily against the floor. Tommy didn't even have to lift his head to know who it was.
"You fucking bastard. You told them to keep me here?!" She shouted. Her brows were furrowed and her expression looked full of rage. "You fucking asshole!"
"You wouldn't listen to me." He kept his composure.
"I was leaving because of you!"
The truth shocked him, but he didn't let it show. Instead, Tommy stared at her with a stone facade. "I love you."
She shook her head in disbelief. "I know, Thomas. You've made it clear. You've made it clear for the past five years of our life. But I don't want that. Not for me, I need better."
"Better?" He tsked. "I could give you everything."
"That's the thing, Tommy! You're involved in so much, even being friends with you and your family, I worry for my life. Your morals, they make me wish I didn't feel this way about you. My morals, are what are telling me I can better my life. They are telling me to leave rather than get involved in this kind of life."
"Well, now you can discard those morals. Stay with me. Besides, it's not as though you have much choice." He quirked a brow, referencing the whole reason she was there in the first place.
Y/N rolled her eyes and turned around, clicking back to the door. She stopped in front of it with a pause. "I may love you, Tommy. But even if you make me stay, I will never get involved with you."
"Even if you make me stay..." She turned her head to him. "Not now," she faced the door again, holding onto the handle with a tight grip, "not ever."
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restinslices · 11 months
Teen Wolf Opinions
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Teen Wolf opinions but I don’t explain anything
Season 3 is the best season of the show. I don’t just mean 3B, I mean both parts of the season.
Scott and Stiles’ miscommunication trope in season 5 was dumb as shit and makes Scott look like a bad friend
Erica, Boyd and Isaac deserved a lot better. Both in the sense that they needed therapy but also they were wasted
Kira’s story was also wasted and having a movie where the Nogitsune and Oni come back (a story she was a big part of in the show) but not having Kira there is weird. Yes I know about the controversy. Y’all shoulda paid Arden her money.
Stydia was done terribly. Idk what Jeff was thinking. Why wait that long?
Season 3 had the best fight scenes because it was obvious who outranked who
Allison did not care about Isaac. He was a replacement. That was all.
Lydia was weird to still fuck around with Aiden knowing his folks were actively hunting her friends
The debate on whether Allison or Kira is better is weird to me. I promise you can like them both
I love Derek but him going around and biting teenagers with shitty lives was shitty
Parish and Lydia should not have been a ship
Teen Wolf is corny and cheesy as shit, but that’s ok. It’s part of the charm.
Them bringing back Kate and Gerard isn’t something I felt was necessary. I would’ve preferred new villains.
Cora and Isaac should’ve came back for season 6
Speaking of Cora, her and Stiles could’ve been a good couple
It would make sense if everyone in the town knew about the supernatural but just minded their business. That hospital, sheriff station and school always got bullshit going on and you mean to tell me no one noticed besides Danny? Don’t lie to me.
My eyes hurt so imma end it here. Maybe I’ll make more or explain some of these later.
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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hotgirlstiles · 4 months
Stiles and Lydia give such a strong sibling energy, I can't and your recent post made me remember this again
Both Bambi-eyed, with pouty lips, cute noses, crazy smart, and, most of all, weird like... they bicker like siblings but would fight to death for each other... Also don't get me started on their crushes on Hales, I know it's all they talk about at their sleepovers
EXACTLTYYYYYY HEDWIG PLEASEEEE 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗 stydia treated as THEEE hale gems…. Them being the BIIIGGEST ALPHA BAITS!!! it makes derek INSANE but he also knows that stydia letting it happen is a test for HIM so he stays quiet and lets them do their thing and later when everyone is horny and in love, they go to DEREK their ALPHA …… DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAG FIC IM TAKING ABT FODDDDD THAT FIC IS SO GOOD…
and besides derek (and by extension the pack) is the only one who can keep up with stydia’s weird and smart conversations…. Derek and Cora absolutely have conversations that go like “that doesnt sound true.. im gonna ask lydia/stiles and get back to you on that” like theyre the emissaries for a reason! the planners! THEYRE SOOOO
edit: this is the fic btw.. everyone please read it its literally everything to me..
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Morning love
Theo reason x reader smut + a lot of fluff cause I'm a softie also it has some Stydia reference because we Ship them them😤
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that's so freaking cute!!! Unable to cant😭
Yn woke up with the feeling of someone gently caressing her face. She hummed softly at the feeling, how long had it been since anyone touched her like that?
She cracked her eyes open and was met by Theo, green eyes staring softly at her, mouth parted into a soft smile.
"Morning sleepy head" he murmured to her, his voice still groggy from sleep.
Yn smiled gave him a tired grin and snuggled close to his chest.
She felt theos run his hands softly through her hair "we promised Liam that we'd meet with him at the preserve remember?"
"I don't want to go...I just want to stay here with you forever and ever" the girl replied stubbornly her voice slightly muffled as she pressed closer to his body.
"Me too baby..."
Yn looked up at him and gave him a tired smile " then let's stay here, damn Liam"
"Oh really? Then Liam will come here and take the katana back and send me straight back ro hell" he replied giving her a teasing smile.
"He wouldn't be cause if he did I'd personally de ball him"
"You are so Stiles sister" he chuckled and bent his head slightly down and pressed his lips against yn's.
The sunlight came through the window illuminating the room in which the teenagers were. Still tangled in the bed sheets, pronouncing their love for each other.
Yn didn't know how but the kiss suddenly took a smutty turn. Her skin felt as if it caught fire, and she longed to feel Theos skin against hers. The arm that Theo had around her waist moved so that she laid on her back with Theo above her propping himself up in an elbow kissing her. Yn found that she didn't feel slightly uncomfortable with the way that Theo kissed her, softly, lovingly and somehow demanding. Somehow it didn't feel as if he was asking something from her that she didn't feel comfortable to give.
Yn hands wondered to his hair. Messing it more that what it already was, she pulled him closer, letting him kiss her more deeply. Her skiing clawed and she felt a somehow familiar wetness between her legs, she knew what she wanted now. She wanted him, more like needed.
Softly she jerked her hips up clashing with Theos side. Theo quickly pulled back and stared down at her with slightly wide eyes. His lips red from kissing and hair a complete mess.
Yn started back at him biting the edge of her lower lip nervously. Maybe she had done something wrong. But that doubt suddenly faded when Theo reached down again and kissed her.
"Are you sure about this" he asked her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Yeah...I just. I've never done it before...I mean I know all about it, just that you're the first guys I've ever even kissed..." she said nervously. She assent nervous because of him. She was nervous because she didn't want to do anything wrong.
"We don't even have a condom" he told her softly, Theo wanted her, but he couldn't bring himself to do something that she wasn't comfortable with.
"Uh.. I think Stiles has in the bathroom of the hallway"
"Ill get it"
As Theo exited the room she thanked her lucky stars once gain that Her father wasn't home. Hed totally freak out if he was the chimera in boxers wondering in the halls.
Yn giggled at the though. Her dad would surely skin her alive.
Theo returned "he had, why does he even have any? I though he and Malia had broken up" he said climbing into bed.
"Oh forgot to tell you... with my help stydia happened" she was so proud of herself, her brother was finally happy... except currently he was in a ghost riders dimension. But never mind.
"Finally?! I though they we're never going to admit their feeling for each other?"
"I know... but I helped plenty..."
"Huh.. really? It took you so long to admit you had feelings for me?" Theo gave her a playful smile as he laid again next to her.
"That's because I was young and stupid and they already had working chemistry. I only had to add a few touches." Yn said smiling turning to her side to face him." And also because I'm pretty awesome" she added with a wink.
"That you are" Theo. Breathed out as he wrapped an arm around Yn gain and flipped her to laying on her back him hovering above her, propping himself in an elbow. Green eyes looking softly down at her, as if caressing her with a look." Are you a hundred percent sure you want to do this?" He asked her again.
Yn nodded with a small smile.
Theo reached down again and and kissed her forehead softly and then claimed her lips once again. Their lips moved in complete sink. Though more heated up. He softly bit onto her lower lip. Prying her lips open. She granted him access and his tongue explored her mouth, tongues meeting and teeth clashing. Theo ran his hand softly against her side, from her stomach to her tight, fingers lingering over her clothed skin.
Yn ran her hands through his hair, relishing on the feelings he made her feel. She was pretty sure that by now her underwear was soaking wet, and her body was covered in goosebumps.
Theo gave a low moan into her mouth as she pulled on his hair. They parted the kiss and stared at each other.
"No way you get turned on when I pull your hair"yn giggled, Theo rolled his eyes and rested his for head against hers.
"Yn I could smell your arousal form a mile away. No way you get turned on when I kiss you" he retorted back, and before yn could get over the shock that he actually said that, he kissed her again. Yn kissed back after a moment purposely pulling in his hair, she could feel Theo trying to keep his moans at bay.
"Why did you stop?" She asked teasingly pulling back.
"I think I'll live the moaning to you sweet heart" he whispered and tried to kiss her again, but Yn stopped him.
"Dont. I like to hear you" She pulled him down and kissed him again. She didn't know where she had that confidence from but she liked it. She wasn't exactly shy in their relationship, but she left all the smuttiness to Theo because she had plenty.
Theo then started kissing her jaw and then down to her neck. Bitting softly just below her jawline. Yn took a strangled breath as he continued kissing down her neck. Moving her.. well actually his, shirt to the side. Exposing her shoulder. Yns eyes closed shut as Theo found her sweet spot. She felt him smile into her skin as she have a low moan when he started sucking.
"Theo don't live hickeys to big or my dad will skin us BOTH alive" she told him.
She felt him remove his mouth from her neck " uh... you can wear a turtle neck?" He asked sheepishly.
"Theo if my dad sees that..."
" it's only one" he complained.
"Just don't put any marks on my neck, you can live marks anywhere else"
Theo's eyes lit up and Yn wondered if she shouldn't have told him that, but he returned once again to pampering her neck with kisses. Here and there he bit softly. Just to hear her let out a breathy moan, one that only he alone would ever hear.
His hand wondered below her shirt and softly caressed her skin. Making Yn shiver slightly, pulling Theos hair. He lowly moaned into her skin. Sending vibrations through her making her smile. She was enjoying this so very much.
Theo then pulled away from her neck and lifted the hem of the shirt slightly "off...?"
Yn lifted her torso slightly and let him pull the shirt off, leaving her chest and stomach exposed. She blushed slightly because she knew that she had a slightly flat chest which she had tried to ignore all through her teenage years.(this is because you see... I have a flat chest and need to feel like I belong:()
She bit her lower lip as Theo looked at her body. Smelling her embarrassment he looked at her face. "You know you're beautiful right?" He whispered softly.
Yn looked in his eyes and knew he was telling the truth. She nodded slightly still a bit unsure. Theo kissed her lips once again." Yn you're are the most beautiful girl in the world, don't think otherwise" she smiled up at him.
"Thanks" she whispered
"I'm only telling you something you should already be aware of"
"That's why I'm Thanking you, you know I love you right" she said softly.
"I love you too Yn" he whispered back. As if only for her to hear, as if only she should ever hear Those words.
Theo kissed her once again softly, and started to kiss again for her neck.
"Wait..." she stopped him" off..?"
Theo chuckled and pulled his shirt off. Exposing his toned chest and abs. Yn ran a hand down his chest. Never tired of seeing his shirtless.
"See something you like?" Theo asked with a cocky grin
"Spare me the cocky act Reaken"
"Whatever you say Stilinski" and went once again to kissing her neck. He went down to her exposed chest and down the valley between her breasts making shure to live a hickey. One if his hands slid up from her taight to below her breast but to shy to do what he wanted to do. Yn noticed it.
"Theo..." he hummed from where he was kissing in her stomach." You can touch me" she told him quietly. She was comfortable with him. And she knew for shure that's what he wanted.
He looked up to her face and Yn swore she saw him blush slightly but never said anything because she wanted to keep his dignity as a man.
Theo bit in her skin again slightly, earning a breathy moan from Yn who had closed her eyes shut as he worked his wonders on her.the hand that had been resting below her breast he slowly ran up. Thumb circling her nipple. Yn sucked in shakky breath eyes still closed tightly, hands in Theos hair. Theo then reached up and sucked gently on her nipple still massaging her breath with his thumb. Sucking slightly and biting softly. After a while he went and gave the same attention to her other one.
Yn's phone on the night table beside her bed. Dinged with a notification. Yn never put he phone in vibrator since sometimes her pack needed her and had a specific ringtone to all of her friends.
"That's pup" yn told Theo.
"It's only 9 in the morning he shouldn't be bothering" Yn rolled her eyes with a smile at her boyfriend.
She was going to say something when Theo pulled her pajama pants down a bit. Lokking at her for reassurance. Liam forgotten, Yn nodded,.lifting her hips, letting Theo pulls her pants down, living her with only her underwear which was very wet because of her arousal. Once gain she thanked her lucky stars that she had waxed and shaved a week ago because Malia had wanted to go to a pool party. It ended up raining and they didn't go, not that Yn complained. Though Yn knew Theo wouldn't mind if she hadn't shaved at all. But luckily she was spared the embarrassment.
Theo again went up and missed her lips. "You weren't kidding when you said you were wet" he joked.
"I never said that. You did" yn answered, a little abashed.
"Well, I was right"he kissed her again then pulled back looking serious "yn, this is your first time and I will try and be extremely gentle. But if I get out of control ,I need you to lock yourself in the bathroom and not come out till I'm calm" he looks gravely into her eyes "You know I'll never hurt you but I'm still a werewolf with a bit of coyote" he said his eyes softer.
Yn have him a smile " I know you'd never. But I'll keep it in mind."
Taking the condom that he had put beside them in the bed, he pulled his boxers down, reveling his hard length. Yn had seen him naked a few times before. When he turned into a coyote or wolf and sneak into her room through the back door. Thats probably how she got hold of some of his clothes. She stared at him as he opened the plastic wrap and pulled the condom on and it struck her that she was extremely lucky to have a boyfriend that cared so much.
"Ok... are you still sure about this?" He asked once again
"Theo, yes... I'm sure"
Theo nodded and slowly pulled her underwear off, discarding it somewhere around the edge of the bed along with the rest of their clothes.
He pulled her legs apart and set himself between them. He looked at yn in the eye and rested their fore heads together."not going to lie... this might hurt. So try to breath in" he whispered, and kissed the tip of her nose.
Then slowly he pushed half his size inside of her. It didn't hurt so bad at first. Problaly because she had, and was, dripping wet.
"Do you want me to go all the way or.."
"Yeah go all the way" she breathed out.
He pushed inside if her gently. And Yn scrunched her face up in pain. Theo kissed the tip of her nose once again. He stayed still all the while letting yn adjust to his size inside of her. She shifted a bit under him and it hurt pretty much. Then suddenly all her pain vanished and she furrowed her eyebrows as she felt pleasure instead of the pain that had been tormenting her.
"Theo did you...?" She looked at him wide eyed " you took away my pain?" She whispered.
"I don't like seeing you in pain" he whispered " are you good now?" He asked her.
"Yeah, yeah.. you can move now"
Slowly Theo pulled out a bit and inside again. The wave of plesure Yn felt was amazing, she let oh a breathy sight, legs automatically wrapping around Theos torso pulling him closer. Her fingernails involuntarily scratched Theo's back.
"It ok, ill heal" Theo whispered between slight pants.
Yn nodded not trusting herself to talk.
The sunlight snaked it's way to the bed where the couple expressed each other a love that cannot be said or written. Along all the pleasure she was felling. She wondered how people ever had sex with anyone they didn't love, with anyone they sometime didn't even know. This was the most special way, anyone could express their love.
"Oh fuck" Theo murmured as he felt Yns falls tightened against him. She was close, and honestly if she kept tightening around him like that he'd be too. Actually he though he would come right then.
"Theo..." Yn asked unsur saying his name with a light wine in the end " I think I might be close" she said between low breathy moans which made Theo turn on even more.
" whenever you're ready baby ok?" Theo reassured her softly moaning when she involuntarily scratched his back, fingers curling around the bedsheets by the side of her head.
Yn felt a lightly familiar knot on the bottom of her stomach, she had felt it before when she had touched herself, but this one was much more prominent. Theo's head fell into the crook of her neck, his movements a little rougher than before. He lightly kissed her neck and let out a low moan when Yns hips jerked up meetings his stroke. Yn's walls tightened once again.
"Theo" she moaned, Theo felt as if be was in could 9 as he heard his name being said like that by her" Theo I'm gonna..."
"Ok, come for me sweet heart" he whispered into her neck.
His words had her come undone, she came wetting the sheets below then and him a bit. As she came with a moan that sounded in all the room, she jerked her hips up, sending Theo over the edge and cuming inside the condom with a moan and a grunt. Tightenig the grip he had around her waist.
The layd there panting the sun hitting Theo softly on his back which was healing from the few scatches that yn gave him.
Theo have yn a wet kiss on the neck" that was great" she murmured, receiving a humm of agreement from her boy." We have to do that again some other time"
"You never been righter" Theo said lifting his head from her neck and kissing her lips.
"Now I don't want to go to the preserve at all" yn said with a pout.
"How about I take you on a date after?" Theo suggested kissing her cheek.
"Its a deal"
Hi my beautiful readers!!! This is my first smut, and its funny how all the smut readers and writers are all virgins, including me 😂 I'm at leat a 99.0% percent sure of it. Anyway check my account for more stories and have a nice night/day. Love you guys!!
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