#although I guess who am I to talk half my music taste is from animation memes and warrior cat animations
chisatowo · 2 years
I need ppl to stop putting "choose a song on my playlist <3" questions in their playlists, I'm so tired of having to chose out of generic pop songs and generic white gay ppl music fucking begging y'all to get some taste-
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re: your last ask about the time travel shenanigans—holy fuck yes please more of this. like, not only is it funny as hell, which i appreciate, but it's also a. more c!thomas and b. points to just how interestingly both the plot and characters of this series have grown over the years and i am ALL for it
"Janus!" is the first thing Thomas exclaims when he sees the Side Formerly Known Exclusively As Deceit rise up where Logan would usually stand. Which just might be a mistake, if Janus’s expression is anything to go by.
Okay, in Thomas's defence -
This is a really, really weird day, even by his standards. Because, like, Logan's currently standing in front of the stairs, and that's not where Logan's supposed to be, and his shirt and tie are all wrong. And had had been grinning. Openly. He had been openly grinning when Thomas had first woken up and looked in his wardrobe and realized that his favorite t-shirt apparently doesn't exist anymore and all his clothes are a half-size smaller than he's used to but also they still fit and - okay, no, back to Logan. He'd gone downstairs and tripped over a chair that wasn't supposed to be there and called out Logic. And he'd been about to ask him what's going on and why everything feels so off and also why Logan's standing in Virgil's usual spot instead of over to the right of the stairs. But then he'd noticed all the aforementioned Very Weird Clothing Things. And he'd stopped and said, "Uh, Logan?" and Logan's grin had dropped and he'd stared at Thomas for a full ten seconds then whispered, "what the fuck," with great emotion.
And then Patton had shown up with a ridiculous amount of pun-riddled cheerfulness that Thomas had been able to clock as sixty-percent fake within about half a second. And his clothes had been all wrong, too, and after a lot of confused, borderline-incomprehensible yelling at each other, Roman had showed up and added to the chaos.
"I am scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it!" Thomas had declared at some point, which had been the cue for an ominous music sting somewhere to Thomas's right that made everybody jolt in terrified unison.
"Did somebody say scared and confused and on the verge of completely losing it?"
"Virgil, thank god!" Thomas had practically yelled, and just about thrown himself across the room to get to him - before pausing midway and allowing his brain to process... wrong hoodie. Wrong amount of eyeshadow. "Wait. No, hang on, is this - "
"FUCKING WHO," Virgil shrieked, leaping backwards half a flight of stairs, which had led to another round of confused yelling, with Thomas trying to assure them all that he's fine he hasn't had some sort of strange head injury or whatever, he's just really happy to see Virgil and no of course that's not weird, what do you mean who's Virgil, that's Virgil right over there, Roman please put down that sword things are already out of hand -
And at some point Thomas had got it into his head that the most reasonable course of events was to summon the one person who always seems to know everything that everybody else doesn't, which brings everything up to speed, more or less. Roman had gone, "Thomas, what are you doing," and Thomas, feeling slightly manic at this point, had said, "I'm trying to summon a demon, obviously," because the best way to get hold of a certain someone probably is blatant lying, and boom, instant Janus.
"Jeee-sus Christ on a cookie-shaped canoe, what is he doing here?!"
So, Janus pops up, he looks literally the same as he always has (except maybe with shorter hair? Wait, they all have shorter hair, including Thomas, wait a second -) with his half-snake-face and his hat and gloves that cosy-looking capelet of his. And although his expression reflects faint bewilderment and that very particular 'wait, what' emotion that results in being pulled abruptly away from something you were busy with, he looks so normal that Thomas thinks for a moment he might be the only sane person left.
But then Janus makes a series of start-and-stop noises of incomprehension, and gestures wildly towards Virgil, who's crouched midway up on the stairs behind Logan, looking like a cornered wild animal, and snaps, "Why for the love of everything that's holy would you tell him my name?"
"You think this is me?" Virgil retorts, hands going up to grab desperately at the bars lining the side of the staircase. "I don't understand anything that's going on! He somehow knows my name! He's - he's being nice to me!"
It suddenly occurs to Thomas that this might just possibly be a time travel sort of thing. It would explain the clothes shift. And the altered layout of his house. And the fact that when he'd checked his phone this morning it had told him it was 2016, and also it hadn't been his phone, it had been the one he'd broken a few years ago in a tragic piano-moving-related accident.
...Okay, yeah, this is absolutely a time travel thing.
"Is somebody going to explain why Thomas ruined all of our heartfelt name reveal moments in one fell swoop?" Roman demands. "I thought we agreed we were going to do them gradually and draw them out as long as possible for dramatic effect!"
"I agreed to none of that," Virgil snaps from his position halfway up the stairs.
"Yes," says Logan, "yes, I think we all would like to know what's going on. Thomas? What's going on?"
"Uh - " Thomas, who has just come to a rather startling realization about time travel and also about how shitty his Sides' taste in costumes were pre-wardrobe change, doesn't really have a prepared answer for this. "I have... I am - I just - "
Thomas struggles for words. Really struggles. And everyone's just standing there, watching him with expressions that range from terror to confusion to suspicion, and they all look so weirdly young in a way that's hard to pin down. It's the clothes. It's probably the clothes, or maybe it's the way they hold themselves. Roman, carelessly confident, without a doubt in the world. Patton, still wearing a fixed dad-grin, politely baffled and looking back and forth. Logan, who hasn't been systematically beaten down and pushed back over the course of many, many years. Virgil, who's basically just a ball of grey-and-black anger and acerbic anger at this point. Janus, who's... Janus. Who's looking at him in a way that Janus has never looked at him before.
And Remus is probably lurking somewhere in the back of his mind, too, doing whatever Remus does, and - would Remus be any different now, four years prior? Thomas hadn't had any significant problems with intrusive thoughts, not back then... or, well, back now. Maybe he's calmer, maybe Thomas could actually talk with him. Try to work something out, try to understand.
But wait, he's still got to give the Sides right here and right now an answer.
...Thomas has been through a lot in the past four years. Not, like, fantasy protagonist a lot, but more like a extended psychological journey of self-discovery and mental health crises. Now, he wouldn't trade any of this for the world, because he's learned a hell of a lot about himself in the process - but also? The Sides have put him through a lot of horrifying realization-type things.
Which is why he absolutely one hundred percent deserves to do what he's about to do next.
"I," says Thomas, with an extraordinary amount of confidence and self-assuredness, "am psychic."
And the dead silence holds. Now even Patton is staring at him in disbelief. Janus has graduated into outright horror, his face twisted up into a oh god no I am somehow responsible for letting him delude himself this far expression.
"Thomas!" Roman gasps, almost instantly lighting up with genuine enthusiasm. "Oh, Thomas, I'm so proud, we've been working on this for years. Tell me, does this extend to telekinesis, or just somehow knowing all our names and nothing else?"
"What?" Janus says. "What - no. No, you can't seriously be going along with this - what? That... what? That doesn't even make any sense?" He turns wildly from left to right, and - okay, it's very enjoyable to see him out of his depth, to be perfectly honest. Thomas likes Janus a lot, knows he has his best interests at heart, but the whole courtroom thing had been a major dick move. This is satisfying. "Are any of you getting this? Does anyone here understand what's going on?"
"I'm psychic," Thomas repeats doggedly. "I acquired magical psychic powers and now I know all of your names and tragic backstories. Surprise! I unlocked my full potential and the ninety-percent of my brain power that I wasn't using."
"That's - that's a widely-perpetuated and wildly incorrect myth," Logan says weakly.
"Nope. Turns out it's true, and I was only using ten percent of it, and now that I've gone full big-brain, I know that Patton's repressing all his bad feelings because he doesn't want to bother anyone with them, Virgil acts all scary and menacing because he thinks it's the only way that I'll ever listen to him, and Janus is secretly a huge dork with a heart of gold - uh, yellow, I guess."
"How dare you," Janus breathes, looking horrified.
"Wha - " Patton suddenly looks very pale indeed.
"Also, Roman, you're my hero; Logan, please never stop smiling like that ever again, it's literally my favorite thing in the world and if you ever stop being enthusiastic about teaching me things I will cry - and Virgil, I love you."
Virgil lets out a choked little noise like he's just been punched directly in the stomach.
"I love all of you," Thomas adds, an afterthought. "I never say that enough. Janus, that goes for you as well. You're right, I need to take care of myself more."
"I'm - " Janus is still looking around at everyone in complete disbelief, but now his gaze fixes onto Thomas, his eyes wide. "I'm what?"
Thomas is now on a roll. An extremely cathartic sort of roll. "And Remus -"
Everybody immediately panics. Virgil and Logan's hands both immediately leap up to clasp over their mouths, which seems to be a reflexive reaction on Janus's behalf. Patton lets out a deranged-sounding high pitched giggle that edges into genuine hysteria.
"Brother? What brother? I don't know what a brother is!" Roman says loudly. "I've never had a brother in my life! Thomas, your glorious psychic powers are malfunctioning. Have you tried turning them off and turning them on again?"
" - I'm not going to lie and say I love him, but -" Thomas stops abruptly, and staggers  backwards to catch himself on the couch as a thought strikes him out of literally nowhere. "Son of a bitch -"
"Does being psychic make you swear a lot?" Patton asks weakly. "Because, uh. Not sure I like this side of you, kiddo - "
"Logan," says Thomas. "Logan, what's the date today? This is so, so important, what's the date."
"It's... October," Logan says, very slowly. "October twentieth. 2016?"
"Holy shit," Thomas whispers, and then says it louder, "holy shit. Okay, listen. I was going to sort out all of our collective psychological issues in one impressive emotional speedrun, but I've realized we have something much more important to do." He pauses, and takes in a very deep, shuddering breath. "Guys. We can save Vine. Excuse me. I've just realized I’ve got to make a lot of calls."
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S5 Ep 3: Apdnarg is Really Hard to Spell
 Yo guys, people are getting vaccinated, the sun is parting through the clouds, and I felt so nice that I even stopped listening to quite so many throwback 00′s BTS mashups (and yet I keep clicking on these dissonant catastrophes thinking “this time it’s got to be better. This time they’ll figure it out.” and like, no. Turns out you can’t match Brittany’s Toxic with BTS’ Black Swan. You can’t do that.)
This must be a sign that things are getting better. If anything, it means my personal tastes are improving. I mean I only clicked on like 3 “Dark Academia” Playlists where I could pretend I’m some sort of spooky witch in an abandoned library with a bad music player and basic taste in classical music (like can we ban Satie from Youtube for a little while?). Hell, I might even do a prompt update to this blog!
Yeah, you heard me, I’m actually going to stay ahead of the update schedule for Yugioh Abridged (maybe. I haven’t actually watched cuz of spoilers, I just noticed the thumbnail pop up on Youtube and was like “Damn it, they came out of hiatus??? I got hurry UP.”)
Anyway, speaking of the sky parting.
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I’ll have you know my bro said this is actually more like a circumcision and it was one of the worst thing I have ever heard.
We get a chance to take in this lineup of confusing and varied character designs, and Joey. who is...still Joey.
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The animators probably had to hold a strike in order for them to put Yugi in the audience, lets be real. There are TOO MANY PEOPLE in this shot and one is wearing a turban where you draw every single wrap. I hope those artists charged by the line.
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Tea has a subplot where she’s just very frustrated with everyone she knows. They have been traveling together for like many weeks and got trapped in a foreign country so I get it. But at the same time, it’s kind of hard to picture Tea with female friends.
Because right now you got this 12 year old child, the other duelist who does not care about anything besides cards, and Kaiba’s 3 dragon cards that we’ve all collectively decided are female.
Hell it’s almost like the writers are asking themselves why Tea is here. Maybe they forgot. There’s no more ghosts to bus, no more people to knock out with her ass with random Olympic feats. Tea’s just sidelining.
(read more under the cut)
Mokuba is a itty bit bit taller this season, and so I guess that means he can legally climb on top of the cherry picker in order to give a riveting speech.
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Really says a lot about Mokuba that he is so unphased about talking to, I dunno...an entire planet of people. Kind of a shame we never see this courage from Mokuba used for anything other than talking really, really big and giving everyone around him a really hard time.
Mokuba takes a moment to dunk on Yugi Muto, as is Kaiba tradition.
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And then introduce the first pair of duelists, which obviously must be between the few people in this tournament that we actually know and care about.
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Thankfully, in between last episode and this episode, Yugi has figured out who his own Grandpa is. This is a relief, because Yugi is such a mess, that I was fully convinced it would take over half a season for him to recognize it. I mean how long did it take him to figure out he shares a body with a ghost? Like half a season?
Instead Yugi recovered gracefully from not recognizing his grandpa, but it’s not like he bothered to tell anyone else, so the rest of our cast is just gonna be like “Is he my hairdresser? The guy who delivers my mail? Who is this guy who made absolutely no significant changes to his outfit or voice?”
Like sometimes this show goes full Spongebob silly kid’s show and you never know when to take it seriously or not. They might be sacrificing the entire cast next episode. I really don’t know. But for now their big concern is who is grandpa??? Like an innocent card version of “Are you my Mother?”
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Faced with public speaking, Yugi decides to have a melt down.
We have seen him face monsters, we’ve seen him on TV dozens of times, he’s been in multiple competitions...but give a speech? Of course he can’t do that. The kid doesn’t attend enough school to know how to do that. Them’s learning skills.
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And that was when a newly assembled wife-jet spliced through the sky like a souped up razer scooter and deposited 1 fully equipped Seto Kaiba in a Buzz Lightyear jetsuit.
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Seto always watching over his Brother, ready to save this awkward party if it kills him (and it really should, that suit is held together by two seat-belts), making sure to get on that platform before Yugi starts going off about how he’s half an Ancient Egyptian. (Ah, life before social media. You could just be hella famous and also half a dead dude and people would just not know. I kinda miss the time before I knew literally everything about everyone.)
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Please admire how close those flames are to setting Mokuba’s heavily hairsprayed mane completely alight. It would be an unforgettable spectacle.
These were absolutely just random ass jet packs that Gozaburo Kaiba made to kill hell tons of people, right? Like Seto found it in the family cabin, clutched to the heart of some crispy fried corpse and was like “neat! Mokuba! I found a cool toy!” and just plucked that thing out of that skeleton’s clutches and has been flying around for months?
Like this is Seto Kaiba’s Butter Glider, right?
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Seriously what type of vehicle license do you need for one of these things? RIP My ‘Seto only has a scooter license’ headcanon.
Which I’m only even thinking about because I’ve had to try and make an appt with the DMV for days to get a freakin REAL ID. I went to sleep in 2019 and I could fly on a plane. I woke up in 2021 and it’s like “Want one last screw you?” and just...can 2020 please stop screwing me over? It’s March.
Anyway, the Jet is removed soon after, so no, this is not part of his new outfit. He goes right back to his Post-S4-Trauma-Normcore.
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After wrestling this competition out of his brother’s hands and confusing everyone in the audience, Roland must have gotten the memo to cut the microphone before Seto got too excited and we were quickly ushered on to the next stage of the tournament.
One sec...the BTS Mashup playlist I just clicked on did a Black Swan X 7 rings mashup and it’s the worst thing my ears have ever heard.
Holy crap. I had to actually turn down my volume. Like...Ariana Grande already has music that has way too many overlapping singing parts on it--and then lets just stick a 52-person boy band on top? That’ll fix it. Yeah. Go ahead.
Wow. Even I had to change the song and you know how much I enjoy pop culture mistakes.
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Spot the Mickey but like a million times easier because it’s a Massive Dick Shaped Dragon.
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Yep. That’s my grocery shopping outfit. Except maybe not a lab coat and a duel disk. Wish I had a duel disk, that would make social distancing just a hell ton earlier. Just a “Yo, only one person in checkout, please” and then bap them on the head with a propelled discuss/hologram.
Anyway, Grocery shopping/Doctor man dueled the Purple Hair Boy, and considering that Purple Hair got screen time and shook Yugi’s hand once--I think that Doctor man doesn’t stand a freakin chance.
Good. I hate him.
Also, every time he breathes he’s gonna fog up his glasses. I have experience in this area. He can’t read his own cards in the same way I can’t read my phone if I’m in the refrigerated aisle.
So the way this tournament works, is everyone has to sit in the stadium to watch the show. Kinda like showing up to a football stadium just to watch a recorded TV monitor...but then again...that is how it feels to watch a football game at a football stadium when it’s live (at least with the tickets I usually get.)
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And as we watch Grandpa waiting for his competitor, we find out that his competitor (Joey) is too busy eating snacks to give him the time of day.
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Why do cartoon hot dogs always have lettuce? Is that seriously supposed to be relish? Or is there a place in the world where you put lettuce on your hot dog?
Sorry, bro has just informed of his favorite hot dog order, which is absolutely terrible so I will share it with you: a Five Guys hot dog with ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, onions, mushrooms, pickled peppers, and you guessed it--topped with freakin lettuce.
My own kin. How am I over 30 and just finding out that my baby brother thinks it’s normal to walk into a restaurant with normal god-fearing law-abiding people and order lettuce and mushrooms on a hot dog?
I have fully failed him.
The rest of this episode is watching both Joey Wheeler and Mokuba have a shared panic attack while Seto does freakin nothing.
Please remember that Seto has both a jetpack and a dragon wife plane and could have easily solved this problem. But nah.
Then again, Seto Kaiba has given this crew so MANY rides, that maybe he’s tired of being the Soccer Mom for the team?
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Like they don’t actually say this episode, but Seto was the one in charge of like...this entire place, do you think he made the 2 for 1 special just to get Joey where it hurts the most? Or does it actually not take any subterfuge to screw Joey Wheeler because he’s just naturally this way?
Like Mokuba wasn’t there when Joey was told “stay right here, and then we will all go together to fight Dartz” and Joey was like “I’mma save Mai from herself although she told me not to!” and then he Hella Died. But, Mokuba did see the result, AKA, Joey’s dead body being carried on the back of Tristan. Maybe Mokuba never realized that Joey died because he went out of his way to be late?
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Lets do a tally of every time I can recall with my dodgy memory that Joey was threatened to be DQ’d/pretty much was DQ’d either by his own fault or no fault of his own
-When he wasn’t allowed to go on the boat to Murder Island because he was a stupid nobody kid who did not have a dueling glove
-When he wasn’t actually supposed to be in Pegasus’ tourney and was, in fact, secretly using half of Yugi’s entrance ticket the entire time
-when Bandit Keith stole the ticket that Joey got from Yugi so then Joey had to borrow Mai’s ticket although she had just used it so it really shouldn't have counted. Because, really anyone could have just piggy backed off of each other’s ticket until the whole boat went through that castle.
-When his account was hacked to get entered into Kaiba’s tourney when Kaiba very clearly told him he could not apply solely because he was Joey Wheeler.
-When he was late to his sister’s eye surgery because he got mugged by Marik’s Rare Hunters, so she almost refused to do the surgery.
-When Joey got possessed by Marik, and as Marik, threatened to murder everyone else in the tournament including both of the Kaiba brother’s who’s tournament it was, and then chained himself to Yugi Muto to throw both of them to the bottom of the ocean.
-I think there was a point when he threatened to attack Kaiba in Kaiba’s own tourney while not possessed? Like several times?
-when he got struck by Lightning and almost did not stand up fast enough after being struck by lightning, which is apparently a type of DQ in Duel Monsters.
-When he tried to save Mai from getting hit by a fireball, but then Yugi did it instead, and then so many people were standing on the dueling platform that Kaiba couldn’t possibly DQ them all.
-When he entered the restricted area of the blimp in order to hassle Kaiba into landing the Blimp, which Kaiba did not do.
-When Marik killed Joey before Joey could press the “go” button on his duel disk to play the card that should have won Joey the match.
-When he was dueling a lawyer in a digital universe but then the dice was like...weighted? So Noah had to walk over and be like “The hell is this weighted dice? This is my perfect digital world? How did you even do that?” and then Joey won because the match was no longer legit.
-When Joey yelled at Noah too much and so Noah turned Joey to stone for being a rude ass spectator
-When Mai was like “Wheeler and Valon, listen closely: do NOT murder each other” and then Joey did a murder on Valon so she was like “I guess I have no choice, I was very clear” and killed Joey straight up.
-When Joey decided to block Seto’s fireballs while Joey Wheeler WAS a playing card, somehow disrespecting both Dartz and Seto Kaiba at the same time.
-When Joey was playing cards but then got absorbed into a giant Leviathan and basically couldn’t play anymore after that.
-There’s probably hell ton of S0 stuff I just haven’t seen yet.
-This episode
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And Joey runs fast for a montage of wacky things that really have no business being in a theme park. Things like this:
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(remember when Bakura almost died from a rock that ended up being a balloon? It comes full circle.)
The stuff that the Kaiba brother’s think is normal and fun.
Anyway Joey fights off a bunch of hologram snakes and bats and everyone is like “Should we tell him it’s just holograms???” And it’s like wow, guys, how many times have these ‘holograms’ straight up murdered Joey Wheeler and everyone else on this cast? Too many? Because I have a google doc with so many deaths on it. 7,805,844,048, to be exact.
Anyway, he gets there with five seconds to spare and Mokuba’s like “well at least you were still entertaining while we filmed you in front of a live audience being a total spaz for 15 minutes straight, so I’ll let you go.”
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Grandpa and Joey start playing, Joey completely oblivious that this is just an older Muto, while Hawkins walks up awkwardly and is like “hey guys. I’m so sorry about this.”
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(welcome to my font choices, for those new here, I have to make weird font color choices to make sure it’s legible for the colorblind and also for the non-colorblind. This one is not much contrast, so I may change it up in the future, but for now, this is Grandpa Muto’s new font. I apologize to every graphic designer reading this. Please don’t tell anyone who has ever hired me for graphic design about this blog.)
What’s funny about this exchange is that after they find out that Yugi’s Grandpa is Apdnarg (HOLY my brain cannot get around the spelling for that, and I will not change it in the caps. I cannot do a ‘pdn’ ever again), they don’t stand on his side of the field or anything. Hawkins is legit Solomon Muto’s only fan during this exchange and like...damn. Way not to back your Grandpa, Yugi.
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Yugi immediately strides up to Mokuba to non-confrontation-ally inform him that he has stepped over a line and Mokuba is like “what are these things you say called ‘lines?’”
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According to Mokuba, Solomon Muto begged him to be in the competition so he could relive his glory days (glory days making no sense here, because the game has only been released for the past 15 years, so glory days is like...the before times that can only be referring to disgraced archeologists and Pegasus ((who is, in his own way...a disgraced archeologist, too))) and Mokuba was like
“You trained Yugi Muto, right? Hey that’s good enough for me. This drama is gold. People will eat it up. Hell yes. Don’t be afraid to abduct him a little bit. Maybe trap a couple people in a digital hellscape for a little while? Now we go by Pegasus house rules here, so fire as many lasers as you want, but just make sure not to hit anyone in the face. Oh man, we are going to be swimming in cash. Love it, Muto Sr, love it.”
But I dunno, I feel like Grandpa won’t make it past next episode. It is Joey. We kinda need him to make it past Ep 4 of the arc. If Grandpa Muto becomes the new Joey Wheeler, that will be a weird transition for this show to make.
But that’s all for today, as always, here is the link to read these in chrono order becuase there’s SO MANY that you don’t need to read backwards--don’t do it--just use the chrono tag (and I don’t know if you can add compound tags, but I did separate the Season from the Episode, so if you write S4, it should only pop up stuff from S4. I didn't’ do that to seasons 1-3 though because I just...didn’t.)
And because I brought it up: here it is, the best BTS Mashup that I found on my deep dive. Like legit--this one isn’t a mess:
Most of other ones are horrible in a fascinating way. Like I’m not even a BTS fan, I think I sort of age out of that metric, I’m just bored and quarantined. And lets be real, we all appreciate a good bop when we hear it.
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[image description: a q&a for the webcomic someone always cares. full desc under the cut because its long and wordy sorry]
post chapter 3 Q&A
first - previous - next
thanks for yalls questions!! it was fun to answer! if anyone still has questions feel free to ask whenever i am always 100% down to ramble. even if i did go slightly off topic in some answers
additional: went off topic with the hair question a bit. their bright hair is all part of the transformations. regular hair dye does exist though. best way to tell is that if the eyebrow matches the hair its probably not dyed. also, quartz’s hair is naturally ginger.
also for more on ages, check out the character bios here
also was gonna keep this in the tags but thought i might as well actually try to answer it: the question i found it hardest to answer was someone the song one. my taste in music is. a mess really. ive been listening to like the same 5 songs on repeat all day. more under the cut because i was rambling again and now its uhhh half 1am
if it helps at the time of answering that specific question i had home by cavetown on repeat, and that song reminds me of both rami and lewis. but that may be because i project onto those two a lot, and as a aro trans dude. who sucks with people skills, yeah of course i love that song.
specifically the vibes of like not knowing how to communicate (rami is fine with his friends but other people are different), the lines “ Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now and this place, Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane” idk what the porcelain face line is supposed to mean but im picturing it as like. a mask. that you need to take off and stop hiding and rami does tend to hide when hes feeling upset, and the next two lines kinda could tie into that, like the feeling of when youre overwhelemed and just want the world to stop so you just hide somewhere. also the colours could go with chapter 3 with the chromatic abberation.
also the bit with “ my eyes went dark, I don't know where, my pupils are, But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here” just kinda sums up ramis whole hero thing with his powers and all. anyway this has turned into less what songs rami would like and why this particular song reminds me of him and lewis (lewis specifically has the hair cutting/chest hiding, [big transmasc mood], and also messy haired trainwreck who doesnt know who he is yet. also the ghosts bit)
i did end up picking upbeat songs because ramis a dude who like to try and be upbeat even if things arent. even if hes not really feeling it he will pretend to.
[full description: Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: “hi ily!!! do characters like quartz who have colored hair have that naturally or did they dye it?”
“its both natural and not! while most supers can do a magical girl ish transformation, including a change in hair colour, there are some exceptions.”
theres two small full body drawings of rami, one in civilian clothes, one fully transformed.
“if a superhero were to have a biological child, the child will inherit the powers of the parent(s). however, the child will not inherit the full transfromation. they do inherit any physical transformations, but not the outfit.”
theres a drawing of a woman in blue, quartz’s mother, fully transformed, holding her mask in her hand, smiling down at a much younger quartz as a child. hes smiling back up at her with the same blue eyes, pointy ears, and blue hair, but hes still in normal clothes.
“in the case of quartz, both of hisparents had superpowers, and he inherited those powers and the physical transformations.he can also pick and mix whatphysical traits to change.“
next is a headshot of adult quartz, his face split down the middle with one side having hair and eye like his mother, the other like his father. theres a list of traits from each parents, blue hair and eyes and pointy ears from his mum, and purple hair and eyes and pointy teeth from their dad.
 “Anonymous said to someone-always-cares:  Are all the characters the same age? If not, how old are they? Are they irl friends or just superhero friends?”
theres some headshots of rami and his team lined up with ages labelled: cam is 15, rami himself is 17, lin, mateo, and dante, are all 18, and cap is 20.
“rami and xandra were somewhat friends before she got superpowers, so when, after the incident with her old team, she found rami had developed powers, xandra stuck close to him. their other teamates started off as superhero friends but soon turned into irl friends too”
theres a headshot of lewis and jade. theyre both 17
“when lewis first decided to start being a vigilante,jade quickly found him and decided to help train himand offered to be a mentor of sorts, as they both have similar powers. that quickly derailed.”
“ cinder5555 said to someone-always-cares: How long does it usually take to make a comic page? I'm curious because they're so freaking good that they must take FOREVER”
theres a drawing of myself, a fluffy hair tired bastard in a hoodie, smiling
“Thanks! Ive been doing this shit since like 2017 and i still have no idea how long it takes me. i can get a page done in a day if i have nothing else to do or if its a simple page, but if i have work then maybe 2-3 days? i spend like, most of my free time doing this.“
another drawing of me, now looking frustrated muttering “how the FUCK does time work”
“but i can never do it all on one sitting.i will inevitably get distracted and zone out daydreaming mid drawing so its very hard to get an accurate read on how long it takes. so however long a piece of string is i guess“
the only qustion not from tumblr is a discord message from RuneStone Cabin:
“Q: Can you talk about the incidence of superpowers in this world? Like many people are supers, which powers are more or less common, how long they've been a thing for, stuff like that. Also does Omen know I'd die for them “
theres a drawing of omen pointing at a date circled on a calender marked “decembuary”, theyre saying “i know. i already wrote your death in my calender.”
then a giant wall of text reading: “Supers have only existed for a relativly short time, since the early 1940s. momento mori was the second person to have ever gained powers.
Only a small number of the population are supers! the chances are higher in more populated cities, but unusally london has oneof the higher percentages of supers. while nobody in universe has any idea of the origins of superpowers, it does seem that powers are more likely to occur in people who would actually use their powers.
as for what powers are most common, after making a badly catagorized spreadsheet of every superpowered character ive made for this world (70% of which will probably never even be seen), turns out that elemental powers are the most common. although not all elemental powers manifest as the straight up 'controling this element' as seen in characters like lin or tsunami. for example, iris's powers would fall under shadow elemntal powers, but theyre a lot more weird that just controlling shadows.there are some abilities that have never been seen before,such as ressurection or full on time travel (aka anything that could bring a character back to life), but powers are certainly allowed to toe the line eg healing, powers involving undeath, immortality, pausing or manipulating time.
aside from that, anything goes. you could get plain old superstrength, but you could also get the ability to create dogs with your mind. other not quite rules, more guidelines are that supers are immune to their own powers hurting them (unless they were pushing themselves too hard), although the way the imminuties occur may be inconvinient to the super.
while some powers may be 'more powerful' than others, powers dont really get to be way underpowered or overpowered in comparision to others. sure being able to talk to animals may feel a bit useless compared to someone who can lift 4 tanks at once, but nobodys going to end up with a power like 'can turn into a goose but only once' or 'can grow toenails twice as fast' or 'if i sneeze i can change my hair colour'. at the same time, youre not going to get someone with the power to snap their fingers and level a city, or instantly blow up the moon or whatever.
“Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: I love rami PLEASE tell me his favorite song(s) and why. I will die for you”
a drawing of rami saying out loud “i dont really have any specific favourite song, really? i just listen to whatever sounds catchy and then listen to that on repeat for hours until i hate it. i guess i do like upbeat songs? ones that make you feel happy even if the lyrics are sad”
“ un1c0rnhh said to someone-always-cares: tell me,,, please,, cam,,, are they a cat person or a dog person?? ily"
theres a drawing of cam a metre away from a cat lying down. she has her arm out and is making ‘psspsspss’ noises at it. end id]
FUCK i am so glad i didnt hand write all of that, it would have been a major pain in the ass to write it all and then have to transcribe all that next. but nope i could directly copy paste the asks and word answers. cheers if anyone made it this far down. if anyone wonders why this is uploaded late, you know now.
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staytheb · 5 years
Like Oh 2.0 - White Day
Previous Chapter: Late Night Word Count: 3,949 Summary: It’s White Day and the boys wanna show their small appreciation towards the females.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
here is the 7th chapter!! and i wanna apologize again for the name changes, languages bits, and the usage of unnie/noona/oppa/hyung as well as i find it as a customary honorific sort of thing. so it’s staying for the sake of how this story was written back then. lol also i honestly have no idea when writing this where i wanted to go with it. i just knew that i based the writing on a year thing as i started with the school year and would work with holidays and birthdays from there on. it will include the boys’ actual schedule during that year, but it has been tweaked to fit my fic. lol but other than that, it should be fun so um, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Serena spotted a grocery bag hanging on the door of her apartment upon returning from work. She eyed the bag suspiciously. In all the years she has lived here she has never received such a thing before. The woman slid one of the holders off the door to peer inside the bag and discovered that it was filled with candies and folded pieces of paper. "How long has this been here though?" She muttered in English while glancing around her, but nothing. "Is it a trick or something?" She did another look around, but was still the only one in the hallway. "Or is it related to White Day?" Serena shrugged her shoulders while taking a hold of the bag and entered her peaceful abode. She set everything onto the coffee table while throwing herself face first onto her sofa and let out a satisfied yet tired groan.
The woman had just finished a twelve hour shift as a part-timer at a pet center that groomed, pet sit, and whatever else to care for and treat the animals. Serena's been up since four in the morning and she was dead tired. She vowed she wouldn't take another twelve hour shift in her sleepy state ever again. Still lying on her stomach Serena let out another groan upon remembering that she still had to finish the rest of her Chinese assignment that was due tomorrow. "Ugh, seriously fcuk my life." Serena muttered in annoyance as she slowly maneuvered herself into a sitting position while rubbing the tiredness away from her face. She then stared at her feet while running her hands through her hair. "Shower first. Food second. Then homework." She stood up while stretching. "Yeah, that sounds great."
After her quick shower Serena made herself two sandwiches and sat down in front of her laptop with music playing in the background on her TV. She logged onto the school's campus's website to access where a majority of her Chinese homework was already released. "I still can't believe that we still do everything online and attend the class just so we can review everything that we did online, man. If I knew that I would have registered with another teacher for more of an interactive environment." Serena muttered to herself. The class itself wasn't as bad, but it was just boring sitting there just listening to Teacher Cuī go over everything that was already online. Serena enjoyed the in class assignments on her own, of course with Mark always asking to be her partner.
The female figured it was because the idol could avoid working with the classmates who were fans who would rather talk about him, the group, or of themselves instead of working on their classwork. Serena couldn't blame them for that since he was a celebrity and a popular one that was still rising. Still though, it gave Serena some minor issues whenever Mark couldn't attend the class where they would actually need a partner as a lot of those classmates didn't want to pair up with her and would always give her the stink eye and ignore her. So Serena would either do it alone or pair up with another student that wasn't a fan, but working alone made it manageable to get through those days.
After about an hour into her online work and several grumbles during most of it Serena finally took a break. "I'm pretty much self-teaching myself." She sighed as she rubbed her eyes. "Well, it's better than bugging Jaycee and Euncy about it although they would be a better teacher than my current one." Serena muttered as she stood up and stretched her limbs. "Maybe I'll ask them for a review later on." The woman then heard the sound of her front door opening and saw just Melanie entering. "Where's the twins?" Serena asked. "At school. They're getting ready for their double date." Melanie answered as she set her things onto the sofa and coffee table. "A guy asked Jasmine out and she agreed. She just had to rope Jeannie into it as the guy was looking for a date for his friend as well."
Serena laughed upon hearing that. "Please don't tell me that they both agreed only because of a free meal at some restaurant that they've been wanting to go to since forever." "What you just said." "I don't blame them. It is White Day." Serena noticed the two small white boxes on the table. "What's in the boxes?" "Macarons given by two guys who are friends with one another." "Awkward." "Yeah, but dude, you got to try the lychee rose flavored one since I know you like lychee." Melanie said as she then pulled out a white and pink macaron with a dark pink filling along with a light blue macaron that had yellow filling. "This one is blueberry lemon isn't that bad." Serena took the pink one from her sister and bit into it. "Oh yeah not that bad." She tried the half-bitten blueberry lemon. "This one is okay, but I like the lychee flavored one is better." "I know."
Melanie followed her sister to the kitchen. "I have marshmallow cake that another guy gave me." Melanie said as she placed it into the refrigerator. "But it tastes better when it's cold." "Ugh, I can't handle anymore marshmallows for today. I'll eat it later." Serena made a face as she chugged down some water. "I ate a lot of those at Pet Care and brought some of the extras home that no one wanted." "Hmm, maybe I can put some in my secret stash." Melanie chuckle as she opened the hidden compartment pantry to the right of the fridge. "I need to stock up on it anyways. I'm running low on my snacks." "Be my guest." "Cool, but I'll do that later. Lazy right now and I need a shower." "It's still on the coffee table where I left it once you're done." "Okay."
Just then a dialing tone sounded. "What's that?" Melanie asked while looking around. "You don't have a home phone." "I don't. It's from the laptop. Someone's calling me through Skype." "Is it Jaycee or maybe Euncy?" "Probably one of those two." Melanie went to take a shower as Serena returned to the living room to glance at the caller and saw that it was Mark. "This better not be homework related or better yet, it better be homework and not some thing to pass time for." She sat down in her previous spot, turned off her TV, and answered the call. "Nǐ hǎo." Serena greeted Mark in Chinese and then switched to English. "What's up?" "Nothing. Just wanted to bother you." Mark laughed as he fixed a few strands of his hair while Serena rolled her eyes. "Well, if that's all you wanted, Mark, then I'ma hang up." She shot him a small smile. "I don't need you to waste my time when I can be using it for studying."
"But I'm not wasting your time, Serena." Mark smiled at her. "Because you're talking to an idol." "Get out of here." Mark laughed upon hearing her response and then noticed that Serena was really going to hang up on him this time. "Hey, wait, Serena, wait. I'm just kidding." He continued to laugh. "Really, I'm kidding." "I don't have time for your jokes, Mark. I still have to finish my Chinese homework which you should be doing too, Yí Ēn tóng xué." She spoke the last part on purpose as Mark grinned at her. "Well,  Zhōng Lǐ  tóng xué, wǒ yě shì." He then grinned wider. "We can work together like we do all the other times." "Tch, again? Really?" Serena made a face as she stuck her tongue out at him. "Why don't you just ask Jackson for help? He's fluent." "Yeah, he just talks too much." "Ouch." "Besides, I get to talk with you more because you don't talk a lot like him." "Wow."
Serena noticed the background behind Mark and recognized it a moment later. "Are you at the company?" She asked him. "Yeah. Why?" "Then don't you have practice or company work you have to do?" "Yeah, but we're on break right now." He smiled at her while playing with his hair. "That's why I'm calling you so I can ask for help. Also, I don't know when I'll actually have time to complete it. Plus, I still don't have the textbook." "I knew you just wanted to copy my work since day one." Serena glared at him as Mark laughed while dismissing it with one hand. "It's not even like that." "Please lor, nǐ shì xué rén jīng." She shook her index finger at him in a playful-like manner. "What?! No way, Serena. Teamwork, remember?" Mark reminded her with a smile. "Besides, the term you used is a bit offensive, but then again you wouldn't really know since you're such a newb to the language."
"You're a jerk." The female told him as Mark let out a chuckle in disbelief. "What? How am I a jerk?" "You just are." She stuck out her tongue at him before speaking again. "Anyways, how would I say those words without being offensive?" Mark thought about it as Serena took that moment to go through the grocery bag from earlier and grabbed one of the Hi-Chew bars. "I guess you can say something like, nǐ shì gēn pì chóng. Although there are other words, this one is more in a teasing-like manner. Also, it works better than the other one if you don't want to sound rude that is." He teased Serena as she nodded while opening a strawberry flavored Hi-Chew and popping it into her mouth. "Okay." "I see you got the candies that was hanging outside your apartment door. Do you like them?"
"Wait, they're from you?" Serena asked surprised while holding up the opened pack as Mark nodded his head. "Yeah, didn't you read the letters?" She eyed him weirdly. "What letters?" "The pieces of paper." "No, not yet. I thought they were for decoration or something." She let out a sheepish laugh as she grabbed one of the papers and then showed Mark the letter with a bored face. "Seriously? You guys put 'from the boys from a few doors down'. Really?" Mark laughed. "What? Did you expect us to put our real names or GOT7?" "No. I wasn't thinking of anything about it until you mentioned it." Serena shrugged as she set the paper on the table before looking at the idol again. "Why did you give us candy though?" "For White Day." "But we didn't give you guys anything for Valentine's day, Mark." "It's just a simple gesture, Serena." "Ah, well thanks then. Happy White Day."
"You're welcome and Happy White Day to you, too." He smiled. "The younger members actually wanted to make you guys chocolate, but we didn't have time. We had to do our White Day event with ahgase this morning." "Oh, that's nice of you guys to do that. I'm sure they appreciated it." She smiled at him and then remembered something. "Oh yeah, tell the other members thanks, too." "Yeah, I will." At that moment Melanie returned to the living room after her shower. "So who called?" " Yo-Mark." Serena caught herself from saying 'your boyfriend' as she turned the laptop around to show her sister. "Hi, Melanie." "Hi, Mark." The two waved at one another as Melanie picked out a melon gummy from the grocery bag. "Did you get these on our way home, Rere?" "No. GOT7 left it on my door after I went to work and saw it when I came back home."
"Oh, thanks, Mark. Happy White Day." Melanie thanked the idol. "You're welcome, Melanie, and Happy White Day to you, too." Mark smiled at her as he initiated small talk. "Did you get any good stuff for White Day?" "Yeah, a lot of macarons and cake." Melanie showed him a light green macaron that was pistachio from out of the white box. "Have you've tried these before?" "I think so. I don't remember." He laughed as Serena appeared behind her sister so she can look at Mark as well. "Since I can't do my homework now, you guys converse instead." "Wait, why? Where are you going?" Melanie asked her sister with a confused expression. "Yeah, Serena, where are you going?" Mark echoed. "We're supposed to work on our Chinese assignment together. Remember?" "No, I don't recall as I don't remember, Mark. Sorry!" Serena smiled at him before facing Melanie.
"I need a nap. You can continue to talk to Mark and help him with his homework or whatever." She then faced the idol. "Your break should be over by now. Go back to practice. Later, Mark." Serena waved at him as she muttered the last part to her sister. "Don't disturb me." She then headed off to her bedroom for a well-deserve nap. "Wow." Mark simply let out as Melanie laughed and sat down. "Yeah, that's just Serena being Serena for you." "Yeah, I'm beginning to understand that little by little." "Anyways, I don't think I can help you with your Chinese homework at all." Melanie informed the male. "I'm not that fluent and only know basic, and I do mean basic, Chinese." Mark dismissed it. "It's all good, Melanie. I liked to annoy your sister about the homework anyways. I finished that yesterday." "Oh, then why did you tell her that you guys still needed to work on it?"
"It was just a lie to see what she was up to." Mark explained with a smile. "And to see if you guys were free tonight." "Well, it's just me and Serena. Jeannie and Jasmine are busy with other things." Melanie told him as she continued to eat the melon gummi. "Is there a reason why you're asking?" "Oh, well, it's nothing big or anything like that." "Well, I'm sure whatever it is, you still have your practice that will tie you guys up." "Oh yeah about that, well, practice actually ended earlier than usual." He laughed as Melanie shook her head with a smile. "Wow." Mark was about to say more, but someone appeared and blocked his view and replaced Mark's face with theirs. "Hi Yugyeom." Melanie greeted the youngest member. "Hi, Melanie." He greeted back in English as Melanie tilted her head. "Or should I call you Chris?" "Chris is nice. How are you?" "I'm good. You?" "I'm fine. Thank you." "Welcome."
Another person decided to butt in. "Hello, Lani." BamBam greeted the female in Thai with a smile. "How are you?" "I"m good, Bam." Melanie switched to Thai with a shake of her as BamBam looked for the others still speaking in Thai. "Where's everyone?" "Nhi and Minh are busy and aren't coming over. Lina just went to sleep just now." "Oh." A fourth person appeared. "Hi, Chaewon noona." Youngjae greeted Melanie with a wave and a bright smile as the conversation switched to Korean. "Hi Youngjae." Melanie greeted back as she was still wrapping her mind about how casual the conversation was going with one of her favorite K-Pop groups. "What are you doing, noona?" Youngjae asked her as Melanie held up the now half-empty bag of melon gummi. "Eating. Thank you guys by the way." "Oh yeah, you're welcome!" The youngest trio exclaimed.
Somehow in the process Mark's phone was snatched from out of his hand and in control of the younger members as the trio walked off to show Melanie the practice room. Mark shook his head with a tired smile as he still wasn't able to ask Melanie the real question he had contacted Serena in the first place. "What's wrong with you, hyung?" Jackson asked coming up to him. "Why are you smiling over here like an idiot?" Mark just shot him a look. "Sorry I asked." Jackson backed off while putting up his hands. "But what did they say?" "I didn't get the chance to ask them." "Hyung, you were on the phone for like half an hour. What were you doing then?" "Not even, Jackson. We were just talking. Anyways, the kids took my phone before I could actually ask them the actual question." "So? Just ask for it back so you can asked." "Oh, right."
Mark beckoned for the trio to returned with his phone. "But we're not done talking with Chaewon noona." Youngjae replied dejectedly. "She wants to ask JB hyung something." Yugyeom said as he handed Mark's phone over to Jaebeom who began speaking with Melanie about something with one of his buddies from Konkuk. "Just tell JB to ask her the question." Mark suggested to Jackson. "Since he knows Melanie better." "Why can't you just ask him to ask her?" "Because you're the one that keeps bothering me about it. So just go do it, Jackson." "Ugh, fine, Mark. I will." Jackson huffed as he made his way over to Jaebeom dramatically as Mark just shook his head with a wry laugh at his friend's behavior. Jackson whispered the idea to Jaebeom as the older male then asked Melanie the question. "Sure, that's fine. See you guys later tonight." She answered before ending the call.
Serena woke to the smell of something cooking. Not like in the deliciousness sort of smell, but the kind that had a strong scent and it needed to be aired out kind of smell. She hated that kind of smell the most where she felt like she couldn't breathe. She groggily got out of bed, stumbled out of her room, and slowly made her way to the kitchen. "Mel," Serena began as she leaned on the wall that separated the kitchen and living room. "It smells. Open the window or turn on the fan." She then focused her eyes on the figure. "It's too strong." Serena squinted to make out the back of what she assumed was her sister and realized that it wasn't Melanie she was staring at as the person had wide shoulders. "Who are you?" The person turned around to look at her and Serena looked at Jaebeom in confusion. "JB?" "Hi, Jyongri noona." He greeted awkwardly with a slight bow of his head.
"What are you doing here?" Serena asked the idol in Korean. "Making kimchi stew." Jaebeom answered. "It's almost done, noona." "Okay." She let out slowly as she rubbed at her eyes thinking she was still in her sleepy state, but knew that she wasn't. "Why are you making kimchi stew again?" "Because he wanted to make dinner because of White Day." Melanie responded instead as she appeared beside her sister and then pointed towards the living room. "Go say hi." Serena followed to where her sister was pointing and saw six other blurry figures. "Wait, why is GOT7 here?" Serena switched to English to have a private conversation with her sister. "To have dinner." "But why?" "White Day. Stop asking questions and go say hi and be nice." "No."
Melanie watched as her sister walked towards the bathroom instead of greeting the male idols. "Don't worry about Jyongri unnie. She's being weird and dumb right now." Melanie told the six males in Korean with a smile as she joined Jaebeom in the kitchen to prepare some snacks for the rest as they waited for his stew to be done. "I'm really beginning to think that Jyongri noona doesn't really like us." Youngjae voiced his opinion out loud. "Me, too." BamBam agreed with a nod. "Just try to be nice." Mark advised them as Jinyoung interjected. "It might just be a defense mechanism." "For what?" Jackson asked confused. "To defend herself from what?" "Not from what, but maybe from who. Maybe you, hyung." Yugyeom joked as he directed it towards Jackson who shot the younger male a look. "I'm an awesome person. I get along with everybody." He boasted. "Everybody loves me."
"What a joke." Serena commented in English although it wasn't directed at Jackson, but the idol didn't know that. "Excuse me?" Jackson let out a bit offended upon hearing that comment from Serena while also using English. "What did you say, Serena?" "Huh?" She let out distracted while squinting at the males. "Say what?" "That I'm a joke." "When?" "Just now." Serena looked at the blurry figures in confusion. "I didn't say you were a joke." "Yeah, you did." "I-" Serena paused as she looked down at her phone when she felt the vibration and realized the situation. "Oh, I wasn't talking about you. I was just talking to myself about what my co-worker had just messaged me just now. Sorry." She apologized as she walked towards the group of six and pointed at Mark. "Um, what's your face. Oh yeah, Mark. Can you hand me my bag please."
"Did you really just call me 'what's your face' right now, Serena?" Mark scoffed as he grabbed a hold of the blue and white stripped backpack, but didn't hand it to the female. "Yeah, sorry, but can I have my backpack please? I really need to get going." "Where are you going, noona?" Youngjae asked in Korean. "You have to stay for Jaebeom hyung's kimchi stew. It's super delicious!" "Maybe later, Youngjae." Serena cast him a tired smile as she was close enough to all of them to distinguish each figure better. "It's work related so I can't eat it with you guys. I'm the closes one because they can't reach any of the other managers at the moment." "Where do you work, noona?" Yugyeom asked curiously. "A pet center." "Can we come?" BamBam asked as Serena shook her head. "No. Because I don't want to explain how I know you guys." She admitted with a laugh and then focused her attention onto Mark. "My backpack, please?"
Mark eventually passed Serena her bag as she took it with a smile and made her way back to her bedroom. Melanie returned shortly afterwards as she set a bowl of popcorn and a plate of freshly baked oreo and chocolate chip stuffed cookies onto the coffee table after she had cleaned it up earlier. "Where's unnie? I heard her talking a few seconds ago." "She said something about work." Jinyoung replied as he picked up a cookie. "Again? That's annoying." Melanie scrunched up her face. "Anyways, I'll be back with more snacks and a variety of drinks." Just then Serena spotted her sister while wearing a pair of glasses this time around and in a different set of clothes as she exited her bedroom. "I really have to go, Mel. Tell JB and the others sorry about the soup and White Day."
"Okay, dude, sure. Later." Melanie replied as she headed towards the kitchen again as Serena didn't look in the other six's direction and cast them a short wave while speaking briefly. "Sorry and bye. Happy White Day." Serena was out the door before any of them could respond back. Jaebeom and Melanie entered the living room with the main entree and other things. "Let's eat." Jaebeom exclaimed excitedly to direct the attention away from Serena's departure after what Melanie had informed him about a minute ago. The group of eight proceeded to eat while watching a movie and talked in-between every now and then. After that the idols helped cleaned up once they were done and called it a night as it was getting super late and they all had schedules to take care of the next day. Serena didn't return home until four in the morning. She was too exhausted to eat and just went to bed.
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granddaughterogg · 6 years
Azrael is a kinkster, yo. Azrael/Reader. Lemons ahead! Part 1
Chapter 1
Some people just burst with sexual energy. Their stare strikes sparks, their body language is hypnotising. You have serious trouble listening to what they say, because your mind is occupied with... very nonverbal things. You’ve met quite a few of such people lately. Azrael is not one of them. If you had to describe Azrael in one word, it would probably be: decent. Of course, the Archangel of Death possesses a lot more traits than this. He’s wise. He’s also candid, tactful and immensely empathetic. Yeah, he overflows with empathy. You’ve yet to see him lose his temper. Which is no small feat, considering how easy it would be to crack the shits in the company of your beloved Darksiders. Hell, there are moments when even you get a bit overwhelmed. They are four very distinctive personalities who bicker a lot.
There are days when Death is being more difficult than usual, War is pouting somewhere in the corner, Fury lashes out at everyone and Strife decides it’s the perfect time to tell a poop joke.   You told him once what you think about poop jokes. Remains to be seen if the message has come through. On days like this you feel like pulling your hair out. Enter Azrael. Azrael the tactful, Azrael the charming. Azrael with this level, kind, yet irresistible voice of his. And magic happens. You suspect that the key to the angel’s success is that he respects everyone. He believes in equality. And his attitude comes through. He brings out the best in people. He and War are practically war buddies. Even though you find it impossible to imagine how their cooperation looked like. Death is actually fond of him; and people who Death’s fond of could be counted using fingers on a sawmiller’s hand. A very unlucky sawmiller’s hand. Fury loses her aggressive attitude when Azrael is around. Even Strife, who doesn’t like the guy that much – begrudgingly respects him. You feel that the angel should work in NATO. He could save humanity from many wars. That said, those are all not very sexy traits. You fail to imagine Azrael engaging in anything erotic. Of course, you’re a big girl now - and aware that it doesn’t take a testosterone-addled hunk to have an interesting sex life. Never the less, your angelic acquaintance always looks way too occupied with more important matters. Much more important. Speaking of looks. He isn’t classically attractive, but has a great profile. And beautiful hands. You always watch them eagerly whenever they emerge from all those fancy sleeves. Oops. Anyway, you two are now friends, right? It’s been a few months since War took you on a trip to Heaven. You’ve visited quite a few times since. Sometimes accompanied by one of the Horsemen, sometimes by all of them. The angel and the Darksiders had their own pressing matters to discuss, of course. But Azrael always made sure that you feel important and welcome. He would brew you great tea (seriously, you’ve never tasted better.) You two would talk at length; mostly about books. This guy is a crazy book magpie. He collects them all. Angel ones, human ones. he’s not too haughty to read the demonic ones either. If something has been written down, Azrael sooner or later will get his shapely, narrow hands on it. And then he’ll sniff it.   He probably sniffs books.
I require pleasant company for the weekend.   Would you care to come alone?
You got this mail on a Friday afternoon.   Really terse, considering who the sender was. If, say, Strife wrote it – you’d suspect that someone clobbered his head with a thesaurus. But emails from Azrael were usually at least one page long. And he wasted entire paragraphs asking you about the weather, about how you were doing and so on. This message was almost...sloppy. Hectic. You pondered a little. Reminisced his subtle smile and those pretty hands, caressing some large-ass tome. Azrael probably obtained a first edition of Balzac or some such and he couldn’t wait to show it to you. Well, you were down with that.
Sure, I’ll come around. Just give me about two Earth hours, okay? I’ll pack the essentials and also change into something spiffy.
Excellent. I’ll open a portal next to your house. And yes, please do dress nicely. Although you always do.
Oh Azrael, you smooth-tongued lad. „Guys, I’m going to Heaven for the weekend” you proclaimed, standing in the doorway of your shared living room. (Yes, you and the Horsemen live together. You’ve bought a house. But it’s a different story for another time.) There were no objections to that. All Four had a day off from their murderous duties. They spent whole Friday lazing around on sofas, watching youtube or just dozing off. You’ve already learned that the Horsemen are like predators in that department. They don’t spend energy unless they have to.   „So. You’re going now?” muttered War. He was lying on his back, one arm tucked under his head, the other – the iron one – hanging limply. It already carved a trace on the wooden floor. „Well, yeah. Azrael invited me” you answered absentmindedly.  „Now I need to do my hair...no, first I need a bath!” Death was resting on another sofa nearby. He raised his head a little and gave you an inquiring stare. It was short and piercing, like a tiny electric shock. „Loosen up, girl” chuckled Strife. He had both of his eyes closed. A PS4 pad and a half-eaten doughnut rested on his tight abdomen; remnants of impulsive decisions, defeated by idleness. Sometimes you wondered how is it even possible to eat so much junk and still look like Strife does. „Whatever you’ll do, he’s still gonna be the sharpest dresser.” „Yeah right, but I don’t mean just him, but all the other angels, too. I don’t want his colleagues from work to think that he’s friends with some uncivilised slob…” „Colleagues from work” said War slowly and pensively, as he often does. „That’s a flattering way to put it, when he rules them all with an iron fist. You know that, don’t you? No lesser angel will dare to offend you. And if one does… „...then we’ll come over and have a chat with them” finished Strife. „It’s been some time since I’ve plucked pigeons.” „Thanks, guys. I appreciate that” you said, genuinely grateful. „But I’ll feel so much better about myself if I doll up. You know how Azrael is...so posh and all.” „He’s hella boring though” said Strife. „What are even you gonna do with him for two days straight? Drink his wretched tea?” „That too, yes.” You smiled. „But I can feel it in my water that it’s about a book.” You’ve been already closing the bathroom door behind you, when Strife said in a hushed voice: „It’s always about some book. That guy’s a pervert.” „Stop it, Strife. ” That was War. ‘What? I call it like it is.” Fury said nothing, because she was fast asleep. She snored tiny cute snores. Death might be a big, intimidating mass of bone and sinew. But he can move like a soft pool of shadow if he chooses to. He did just that to get you at the very doorstep. Away from the others’ earshot. „So, when can we expect you to come back?” He was standing next to the coat stand. You had no idea how he managed to blend in with the wall. As usual.   His voice was relaxed, but you could feel the tightness lacing the words. „Azrael’s gonna send me back on Sunday evening” you said, looking into this closed off, seemingly impassive face. You knew it so well. „Death. Are you worried about me? I’m going to Heaven. Heaven. What could possibly go wrong in there?” ‘I’m not worried” he said, observing some wall crack right to your head. „Azrael is my friend. I’d entrust him with my life. I’m just...ascertaining things.” You let out a deep sigh. You felt so sorry for this man, unable to spit out a simple „I’m gonna miss you” even if his life depended on it.   But that’s what he was saying. With all his body language. His back bent slightly more, his hands hanging a little looser than usual. As if the sadness weighed on him. You embraced him - abruptly, before he had a chance to step back. You pressed your cheek to his hard, exposed torso, which (contrary to the folk stories that we humans sometimes tell each other) wasn’t cold at all. „I love you so much, you know?” you whispered into his left pectoral. That horrible scar has long disappeared without a trace. „I am going to be back home on Sunday evening. Even if Azrael conjures me a truck of books. I promise.” Death’s large hands embraced your shoulder blades. The Horseman closed his eyes and pulled you close. Very close. And then he let go. „I know. Have fun.”
Heaven! Are there even words in any human language that could describe its glory? I don’t think so. What if I tell you guys that everything is high-rise and steep and haughty in there? That everything is luxurious, but never vulgar – and constantly bathed in subtle golden light? Are you going to be satisfied then? Angels live above the clouds. Rainy day is just an expression for them. Wait. I’ve got it.Imagine an Apple store which has been designed by Michelangelo. That was Heaven. Azrael lived in a lavish apartment at the top of one of the White City’s spires. At least you guessed that there must be more rooms than just this huge one. In which you’ve spent so many evenings, chatting passionately about this and that. A spacious room with a decorative rib vault and a shit ton of books everywhere. Books upon books. Carved bookshelves crammed with tomes; some covered in wood, some in silk or even animal hide. A whole lot of regular cardboard covers, too. Azrael updated his collection on a regular basis. Many of those human books were gifts from you. There were also scrolls of parchment and papyrus stacked together and threatening to fall over. Heck, you’re sure that you’ve spotted a bunch of dusty clay tablets in a corner.   Next Christmas this guy is getting a Kindle. You sat in two soft, obscenely comfortable armchairs, covered with slightly worn out periwinkle velvet. Soft music poured from somewhere – relaxed, jazzy downtempo. You had no idea where do they get these earthy tunes from in Heaven. For all that you knew, Azrael wasn’t familiar with spotify. You drank the tea. This time it was green jasmine. With a drop of acacia honey added for good measure. It tasted like the first day of spring. Azrael put the cup aside, rested a cheek on his hand and gave you a gentle smile. „What are you thinking about?” You smiled back at him. „I think that you look ravishing today. That colour” - he pointed at your peach dress - „really showcases the tone of your skin.” „Wow. Thanks” you said. Internally you were squeeing in delight like an excited teenager. Azrael could be so chivalrous. OK, you thought, that’s enough with this line of thinking. Get your shit together, woman, before you tip something over and embarrass yourself. „All right”, you said, putting your cup away; the fine china clinked on the marble tabletop. „Nice little chat that we’re having. Don’t keep me waiting though. Bring out the book! The angel tilted his silver head ever so slightly. His eyes glinted with amusement. „The book? I beg your pardon?” „Well, it is about a book, isn’t it? Like usual. Some rare first edition long out of print, which you really wanted to share with me...Right? Azrael?” His eyes were as milky and opalescent as a cloud. And as serene. You started to blush under this constant stare. „What?" you asked, annoyed a little. His narrow lips curled up in a cryptic smile. „Come on, it’s not funny.” „Indeed” he said slowly. „I’m afraid that I owe you an apology. I lied.” „You...did what?!... When? Also, is lying even legal for you?” „Just right now. I wasn’t thinking about your dress, even though it is quite lovely. I was thinking...” he reached out with his long, slender arm. His fingers stopped mid-air, a mere inch away from your face. „...that I would like to kiss you.” There was a pause. During which your whole world twirled around, stood on its head and fell back to normal. Normal enriched with new, exciting possibilities, that is. "Oh. Right. Sure! I mean, go on. I can’t see why not…” What started as a nervous chirp ended in a mumble. Azrael put two fingers on your lips. You parted it; it was quite instinctive, really. You wanted him to touch you where you were soft and moist. He did just that. For a briefest of moments. Than he took his hand away. „Come here” he said in a low voice. „Okay. You mean...me, there? Right, that makes sense. God!” you whined. „ I’m so akward.” „Let’s keep God out of this” Azrael said with such a face that it was practically a wink. But then again, you had yet to see the Angel of Death winking. You stood up, not quite sure where your legs are – and came over to him as he asked. Azrael sat back in his armchair and pat his lap in an encouraging manner. It was the most un-Azrael thing that you’ve ever witnessed him do. Up until today. When the count of surprises was really going to pile up. You were in such a daze that for a moment there you forgot how to sit on another person’s lap. Especially when said lap is completely covered with sophisticated, flowy, floor-length angel robes. „I said: come here”  chuckled Azrael. „Do you mind if I?...” he gestured explanatorily. You nodded. Stupid redness burned your cheeks. Azrael put his hands around your waist, lifted you up and put on his knees as if you were a cat. The silk rustled. He smelled nice. Definitely non-angelic. Like...roses, maybe?   You knew that scent, you just couldn’t put your finger on it. „What now?” you whispered, stricken with this dumb, embarrassing shyness which you haven’t felt in such a long time. Which you hoped to never feel again. It wasn’t like that with the Darksiders. Not at all. Sometimes they would scare you. Or dumbfound you. But none of them has ever made you feel so small. Not like this highly restrained, immaculately dressed, back-combed man does.   A man with beautiful cheekbones. That much was evident now, when you sat so close. They really were top notch. „Can I?...” you breathed. He nodded smilingly. All this time he didn’t break eye contact.   You touched his cheek. It was pleasantly cool and softer than yours could ever be. Also, his face was covered with delicate fuzz, as bright as frost. „Do you even shave, Azrael?” „That is one peculiar question to ask” he said, still smiling. „That is one peculiar question to ask” you repeated, leaning in desperately and closing your eyes. „Kiss me then.” He weaved fingers into your hair and pulled your head in so sharply that you trembled. And then he kissed you. He was gentle - at first. Tested your boundaries. But you had no patience for such subtlety anymore. You immersed both of your hands in angelic locks and moaned urgently, while you pressed your lips to his. Well, you didn’t have to tell him twice.   He laughed breathlessly at such eagerness and went in with the tongue. And what a brilliant, flexible and knowing tongue he had. As expected of an angel. Time stretched like the most polite and accommodating of rubber bands, so a thousand years (or two minutes) later you were all taut as a bowstring. And rather wet. When it comes to the technique, his was definitely second to none. Azrael was the figure skating master of kissing. Those nimble lips of his were driving you crazy. He knew what he was doing to you. And he was savouring it. „Mmmm...mhm! Don’t stop!” you groaned when the angel finally broke contact. He let out a small chuckle - and suddenly bit your lip. „Azrael!” you cried out. He smirked so smugly you wouldn’t believe it if you didn’t see it. You had no idea that this noble face is even capable of such a dirty expression. „Stop...laughing...at me!” You were in a daze. You lunged forward and bit him back. Azrael cried out a little and touched his lip. It was bleeding. You have drawn angelic blood. It was as bright red as your own. That chilled you the fuck down. „Oh, shit. I’m sorry!” you called, terrified. „I’m so sorry! I got carried away. Carried away...with you.” Azrael wiped his lip and shot you an inscrutable stare. Only now have you noticed how wildly dilated his pupils are. The vivid blush that coloured his pale cheeks. He wasn’t toying with you. He went along for the ride. „I wasn’t laughing at you” he said. „How could I? I was laughing TO you. Because you’re just so ardent. Impulsive. You feel a physical sensation and you follow it with reckless abandon. I happen to think that it’s amazing.” You felt like an utter moron. Something incredible has just happened. You had this little moment of magic, Azrael and you. And you had to destroy it. You let your worst instincts take the wheel. Just because this man made you feel inferior. „I apologise for at” you said, gently touching his bitten lip.   „I would never want to hurt you like that. I have no manners. Maybe I should just go.” „What?...” Those pearlescent eyes went wide with surprise. „What are you talking about, my dear? Please don’t. That…” - he touched his lip - ”is nothing. A trifle unworthy of my attention. At least when compared with what I intend to do to you.” „What?”   Despite your desperate suggestion, you stayed still in his arms. Your heart was pounding. Your body ached for more pleasure. You didn’t want to go anywhere. And Azrael was holding you quite firmly. „I planned to be prudent and unhurried” he stated, shaking his head with a little rueful smile, as if admonishing himself.   „But with you...such approach is pointless. You’re like a flame. You burn through my reason.” He put his fingers on your swollen, wanting lips again. You let him slide them in this time. Slide them deeper than neither prudence nor unhurriedness would suggest. You sucked on them and you looked him in the eye, feeling crazy fearless. Suddenly you didn’t care whether you come off as uncivilised anymore. „I am going to undress you and tie you up. And then maybe I will whip you” said Azrael, looking you in the face with a tender smile.   „I haven’t decided on that last one yet.” Oh. Oh. You felt like an ice cube melting on fire. Does that metaphor even make sense? An urgent, eager flame licked your innards. „The question being of course: what do you say to that?” „Yes!’ you cried out. „Oh, please, do it! I’m in. Yes to all of the above.” He kissed you again – deep and hard. Unabashed. You didn’t even try to stifle the moan that rose in your throat. „I can see that we are on the same page here” he breathed into your lips. Then he pressed his to the skin at the nape of your neck. You inhaled sharply. „I am so glad that that is the case.” ‘Wait” you huffed, putting both hands on the embroidered front of his shirt. „Did you just say: undress, tie up and whip then?” „I said exactly that.” It was amazing how quickly Azrael could put on that official, venerable face of his.   "And then I’m going to fuck you.” „Good! I was just about to ask that...” It was worth it. If only to see how this self-satisfied son of something holy loses his composure. And regains it in a split second. „And not even once” he added. „Not twice either. There is a probability that by Sunday morning you’ll start to cry and beg me to stop fucking you.” You threw him a breathless, shit eating grin. Your direct future looked positively – heavenly. “Wonderful. I can beg alright, if it turns you on.” „Very. You shall see for yourself.” There was something in his half-lidded stare that made your insides tingle.
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papipopsicle · 6 years
Pairing: Archie Andrews X Short!Reader
Summary: In which two best friends since childhood test whether friendship and can co-exist without causing conflict. Including my OC’s Flick & Cherry, a lesbian couple and best friends of Y/N. Set Pre-Veronica.
Warnings: FWB, swearing, mentions of sex and oral but no actual smut
Words: 3.9K
feedback is always appreciated
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     One week passed with nothing said between the two best friends. Whilst their teasing way of life carried on, they completely avoided the subject matter of last Friday night. Saturday morning shone through the parted curtains of Y/N's grey and pink bedroom, waking the pair from their dreamy states, and a meaningful conversation began as quickly as it ended.
Y/N let out a groan and tightly shut her eyes after daring to open them, and suddenly a soft hand, that didn't belong to her, unwrapped itself from her stomach. After scrunching her brows together in confusion, the girl processed the sight her eyes caught; the view of her window and dressing table blocked by bare skin. She sighed and nestled into the warmth of a broad chest, the soft arm lacing back around her waist as a groggy voice cut through the air, "Morning, Tiger."
She groaned again in response, not having the energy to speak, and Archie couldn't stop the chuckle falling from his lips at that. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and Y/N was glad at that moment that her head was buried in his chest, because the confidence she had last night wore off like a Cinderella spell and now she was sure her cheeks matched two cherry tomatoes.
"You feeling all right?" The redhead asked, and finally Y/N raised her head to meet his eyes, smiling at the calming effect they had on her. She simply nodded, her hand that wasn't trapped under the pillow now drawing patterns on his upper arm. Archie took this as a chance to ask another question in his gravely morning voice she wouldn't admit she found a little too attractive, "Wanna talk about last night?"
Y/N kept her gaze fixed on his arm and her fingers, searching her mind for the right words to a difficult answer. She yawned and nodded once more, flicking back to the attitude only he could bring out of her, "It was fun, Andrews, I like that side of you."
"What's wrong with the other side of me?" The boy pouted watching her from above as her hand now lay flat against his chest and she wriggled to lie on her side fully.
She smirked up at him devilishly, "Absolutely nothing, pretty boy."
"You have absolutely no idea what kind of affect you have on me, little girl." He matched her smirk and tightened his grip on her waist to bring her the slightest bit closer, her side of the bed left completely vacant.
"You need to stop calling me that." Y/N grumbled slapping his chest lightly, and Archie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. She rolled her eyes at his stupidly adorable face, "It makes my mind think dirty things, dirtier than last night. Things that best friends probably shouldn't think about each other."
He was quiet for a while after that, but then a thought popped into his mind like a bubble and his smile returned. "What if," he began, morning voice wearing off much to the girls dismay, "we're something more than friends? I know you don't wanna be in a relationship right now and you know I'm the same, but what if we're something in between?"
"Friends with benefits?" She perked up and pondered for a moment before her grin suddenly mirrored his, "Okay, I'm in. Just us plus sex, like ice cream and extra sprinkles."
Archie chuckled, "Exactly. Do you have any ground rules? You know, so if we do this it actually works."
"No fucking other people, that's just rude." The petite girl said almost instantly. He rolled onto his back as she spoke and Y/N rest her cheek against his chest as she continued, "And we keep it a secret as best we can. If we decide to tell anyone then give the other person a heads up first or straight after. You got any?"
"How about saying no at any time is perfectly fine? Neither of us should feel forced to do something if we aren't comfortable with it. And it can be stopped at anytime, circumstances don't matter." Archie said with a kind smile, one arm running up and down her back as the other absentmindedly played with her hair.
Y/N grinned, "You've got yourself a deal there."
"So this is actually happening?" The redhead asked almost not believing what had just been agreed to him and his best friend of eight years.
"Yep," She popped the 'p' and snuggled back into his chest, one leg wrapping around his lower torso and an arm lightly draped over his muscular chest, "can we go back to bed for a bit? I don't care what the time is, it's too early to get up."
Now it was his turn to grin, "Of course, Tiger."
And just like that, their deal was struck.
It was the norm for people to comment on how close Y/N and Archie were, but by now the entire school (teachers included) could predict the response of 'we're just friends' even after being caught in each other's arms. Their change in behaviour wasn't picked up by anyone, although when the short y/h/c girl suddenly squeaked out a moan she'd been trying so hard to hold back, sat next to Archie late Thursday evening with the usual suspects surrounding them at Pop's, it raised a few eyebrows.
The weekend rolled around soon enough, and after spending all of Saturday procrastinating and finally getting some work done in the evening, Y/N felt it was only necessary to have a well-earned day off. She planned to stay in bed for the evening, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders like a cape, cookies on hand whilst Agent Carter ran on repeat from her near-dead laptop. But, those plans were smashed to smithereens when her sister decided that would be the day to invite half of her year over and drink from dawn until dusk.
Coincidentally, their parents had gone down to San Antonio to visit Y/D's brother since his niece had just gone into labour with a baby boy on the way.
Once again, this left Y/S in charge of her younger sister, meaning whatever happens over the two days stays between them and their parents would get the story of lounging around trying to annoy each other all weekend. Y/N had spent the morning with Cheryl at the gym, afternoon with Betty baking cookies and lounging in her room, and now, she didn't know what to do with herself.
She lay on her stomach in bed, scrolling through Instagram whilst her legs kicked at the air in boredom. Another half an hour past until the banging of EDM and thoughts of drunk teenagers trashing the house became enough to send her wild. With it now being Spring Break too, nothing would stop that party until everyone of them were passed out somewhere. Y/N groaned to herself and grabbed her pink backpack, shoving a few necessities in it and picking up her phone.
Tiger 😸💞 Guessing you're awake/home rn?? x
Flame Crotch 🔥 Ofc I am I don't have a social life, you wanna come over? x
Tiger 😸💞 Yep, Y/S has terrible taste in music and I'm pretty sure if I don't make a break for it now I'll be dragged into a very non-consensual orgy :/
Y/N slid her bomber jacket on and picked up her bag; she wore a bubblegum plaid skirt with a ribbed cream turtleneck jumper tucked in and a pair of grey ankle boots. Her hair had been pulled up into a messy bun, and nothing but freckles covered her skin. She and Betty decided to dress all cutesy for an afternoon of baking, and Y/N was sure Archie would appreciate her short schoolgirl-esque outfit too.
The girl let herself out through her side door, luckily an unknown area to party-goers, and locked it after leaving. With her backpack slung over one shoulder, Y/N went incognito through her own garden and avoided the gaze of intoxicated minors. She crossed the quiet street and sent two soft knocks to the door of 113 Elm Street.
Silenced enveloped her until it was shattered by rushed footsteps, barking and a whole lot of indistinct clatter before the door was answered a minute later by the eldest Andrews. He put his body between the door and the free space created by it being opened, not looking too comfortable in the position as he attempted to keep Vegas from attacking the girl with slobbery wet kisses.
"Hey Freddo, heya Vegas buddy." Y/N beamed, and before he knew it the Labrador had broken free to be fussed over. Although she grew up with cats and was therefore the designated 'crazy cat lady' of her clique, the petite girl adored all animals, especially her best friend's 11 year old dog who was still a 2 month old puppy at heart.
"Thought you would've had a key made by now, kid." Fred greeted the girl with a side-hug and chuckled to himself, stepping aside and pulling the bundle of energy with him so she could step through the door.
"Must've left it at home." She shrugged and sent him a lop-sided grin mirroring Vegas's current expression.
Then, a loud crash from upstairs startled the two, and a few seconds later Archie stumbled out of his room whilst fumbling to get his shirt over his broad shoulders.
Y/N furrowed her brows, but happily drank in her friend's perfectly disheveled appearance, she let her head rest on the railings of the stairs and peered up at him, "Did you just fall off your bed?"
"N-no. Definitely not." Archie responded almost instantly, his lack of hesitation proving the statement to be false. Y/N simply shook her head and followed the boy back up to where the noise had come from just moments ago. She slung her bag onto the floor nearest his mess of a wardrobe, the patch being claimed as her spot whenever she came over.
Y/N huffed, and in one step she face planted the boy's unmade bed, finding conflicting emotions within the musky smell of his duvet that usually only brought her comfort. Archie chuckled dryly, mimicking her movements to flop down next to her with their noses now touching, "What's up, Tiger?"
"Nothing." The girl pouted a little but it soon softened into a smile when she noticed his frown, she lifted her head ever so slightly and pressed a light kiss to the bridge of his nose. "I'm just happy, full stop."
"So..," Archie mimicked her movements and quickly pecked her nose before continuing, "what's made your nonexistent heart suddenly start beating?"
Y/N shrugged for the second time that day and answered simply, "Everything. There's been no fall-outs with the girls, Josie hasn't said anything to me recently, my cousin's baby boy is perfect and happy and healthy, and then there's you, obviously. You, Archibald Andrews, on top of all the good that's happening right now, you're what makes me the happiest."
"Ah, we're playing this game now?" He asked with a smirk, one hand finding its way to her shoulder and he began to twirl strands of hair between his fingers aimlessly. "Well, I'm sure your main reason for coming over here was to see Vegas and that I was just an afterthought, but you're what makes me the happiest too."
This wasn't exactly a game, more like a reoccurring conversation over the past ten years. At their brightest, darkest or most boring moments throughout their lives, the answer to whatever made them the happiest would always be each other. It made no sense most of the time, and was just a strange little phrase to the outside world, but to them it was a promise.
Out of the blue, the girl shot up. Archie jumped up at her sudden movement, but watched curiously as she rearranged herself to sit cross-legged with her head in her hands. "Written anything new recently?" She asked hopefully, then before he could answer she added, "Don't you dare say no, your guitar's not in its case and your good luck pen's on an open page of Lola. I don't need to be Sherlock to see that you were writing before I arrived."
The redhead rolled his eyes playfully at her antics and reached for his lyric book, easily handing it to her. He normally didn't share his songs with anyone, but in the sweetest way possible Y/N would pry it out of him eventually so there wasn't any use fighting her, not that he would keep it hidden from her for long anyway. Archie stood to grab his guitar before sitting at the side of his bed, propping the instrument up against himself and looking back at the girl as a smile made its way to her face. He watched for a moment, mesmerised by her concentration on his work; the way her lips quirked up at the lines she liked, or the pout that appeared when she couldn't work out what something meant due to his scrawled handwriting.
The redhead finally decided to interrupt her thoughts, "It's not finished yet, and I'll probably change a few things, but this is what I've got so far- and before you ask, I'll tell you what it's about after you've heard it."
(song is When You Can't Sleep At Night by Of Mice and Men)
He began strumming his guitar and settled for a mellowed rhythm, and just as he began to sing Y/N leant back against the wall with her eyes closed to fully appreciate the lyrics she read just moments ago.
He breathed in deeply, "Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes, but it's love that keeps fuelling me, fuelling me."
"Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes, would you show them to me? I know I'm not that perfect, but you stay awhile, baby, then you will see."
There was a pause, and Y/N opened her eyes to see Archie with his closed, deep in thought as he began to sing the next few lines, "Miles away I can still feel you, lay your head down on my embrace, my embrace. Far away."
"Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes, would you show them to me? I know I'm not that perfect, but you stay awhile, baby, then you will see."
"Don't give up, baby. I know that it's shaky. Just let love consume us, consume us..."
As she realised the song was coming to an end, Y/N quietly sang along matching the boy's pitch perfectly, "Here in this world I'm awaked with mistakes, but it's love that keeps fuelling me, fuelling me to love you."
"Miles away I can still feel you, lay your head down on my embrace, be not afraid to love me."
Archie repeated the chorus one last time and the song finished as the last strum of his guitar ricocheted through the room. A moment of silence past before the petite girl let out a gleeful squeal and began clapping to hide the fact that hearing him sing such reassuring lyrics brought tears to her eyes.
"That was beautiful, Arch. Like I know I say that every time you play me something new, because it's true, but that may just be one of my new favourites." Y/N sighed contently, "So, what's it about then?"
The redhead placed his guitar back down and leaned back against the headrest of his bed to get comfy, but this only prompted his best friend to lean against him. So, there was a moment of awkward fumbling as they shifted to get themselves comfortable, but in the end Archie settled with his arm protectively around her as she lay against his chest with her legs over his.
"It's about everything really." He admitted with a hidden but faltering smile, "Life isn't perfect or the best in any way, it can get really fucking rough at times, but love and positivity will always beat that. All that cliché kinda mushy stuff. The bond between family or two people who love each other can overcome any of those difficult obstacles. Originally, I wrote it as a sort of lullaby, it's been ripped out of Lola and rewritten so many times I couldn't ever get it right. This is so stupid- I was meant to send it to you last year after what happened, because I knew you were having trouble sleeping, but something stopped me every single time."
Y/N didn't respond straight away, she snuggled into his chest more whilst processing the words. Her best friend didn't find confidence in his work easily, but she never saw anything but pure talent in its rawest form. The fact that he wrote for and about her was something she treasured, it meant the world to her that he'd spent so long trying to find the right words to help her.
"I think it's perfect just as it is, I might be a year late hearing it, but I love it just as much." She sniffled, using the sleeves of her jumper to wipe away her tears. Archie's expression changed in a split second when he heard the noise; before he was frowning, thinking he'd left it too late to show her that he was there for her, but now he was just downright confused and concerned.
Sniffling again, Y/N twisted in his arm and raised her head ever so slightly, pressing her lips against hers softly. It was completely unadulterated, only lasting a few seconds before she pulled away with a smile.
"I loved it." She affirmed, gazing up into his doe eyes with her wide ones as he relaxed instantly with the words. And with that, she wrapped her arms around his torso in a bear hug and let her head rest on his shoulder as he rubbed her back on instinct.
Archie shook his head and chuckled slightly at his own thoughts, "You know, I lied, I did fall over before, and it hurt real bad, I'll probably have a bruise in the morning."
This got the girl's attention, rather unintentionally though. He just wanted to hear the laugh that made his stomach do somersaults again, but the devil on Y/N's shoulder had different ideas. She eagerly sat back up, to the side of Archie this time, with her legs over his and her arms around his neck, then she grinned out the most wicked of smiles.
"Can I add to those bruises?" She temped, one hand weaving its way into his bright hair as the other settled on his shoulder.
Archie groaned in response, his head falling back ever so slightly, "How the fuck do you do that?"
"Do what?" The small girl asked innocently, her bottom lip jutting as she batted her eyelashes. She knew exactly what he meant, but needed the satisfaction of hearing the words leave his lips.
Archie held her by the shoulders in his tight grip, staring at her with darkened eyes now, "How the fuck do you go from the girl I play GTA with three days straight without showering to the sexy little girl you are right now? It's driving me insane, you parade around in these tiny mini skirts. I can't cope, you're meant to be my best friend but all I can think about is fucking you 'til the sun comes up."
"I can safely say I want nothing more than that right this second, and I'm not saying I'd stop you either. But from what I know, I'm not exactly quiet and it would be oh so unfortunate if your dad walked in to see you neck deep in my pussy, now wouldn't it? Because that would end this before it's even begun, and that's the last thing I want to happen." Y/N all but whispered into his ear, her breath hot against his neck making him tighten his grip on her.
"Fine." He sighed and knew she was right, but that didn't mean he was alright with it. "Want a top to sleep in, Tiger?" The redhead asked in vein, by now he knew if the option was ever there she'd take his shirt over anything. He never got why exactly, but went along with it anyways.
Y/N chuckled, tapping his chest a couple times before leaning against the wall and away from the warmth of his body. She knew he wasn't happy with the situation, and truth be told neither was she, but knowing his unsettled reaction was only a joke made her feel safe. She trusted him with everything.
The girl smiled up at him as he began to get off the bed, predicting her next words before they'd even left her lips, "Yours, pretty please."
Seconds later, Y/N sat up and drew her knees to her chest, only to have Archie throw a black t-shirt in her face. It was one he didn't wear very often, since helping his dad and going to the gym more now meant it showed more abs and biceps than it covered. But that wouldn't stop it from drowning the petite girl like all of his tops.
She stood up and grabbed her bag with the t-shirt in her other hand, and turned to Archie one last time, "I'mma go change into this, could you close the curtains? You know, so if anything does happen, Betty doesn't find out about our little agreement by randomly looking out of her window."
So, that's exactly what they did. Y/N changed out of her cute ensemble and into the boy's shirt, and as predicted, it sat just on her thighs. She washed her face and brushed her teeth, smiling with satisfaction at her fresher appearance. Taking off her underwear, she put on a pair of Calvin Klein's and packed everything back away again. With one last look in the mirror, the girl unlocked the bathroom door and made her way back to Archie's room.
The sight she was greeted it made her core twist and tighten, but she ignored that and focused on putting her bag back down. Archie had been leaning against his desk scrolling through something on his phone, in nothing but his boxers. It was something only two other people had been graced with, one of those being his father and the other Betty through the safety of her window. He was hot, and the Y/L/N girl couldn't stop her mind from flashing images of him on his knees, tufts of orange hair gripped in her hand as he brought her to the brink of cumming over and over again until she was screaming his name.
Reluctantly, she pushed those thoughts aside for another night and plonked herself down on his bed again. The night went on for hours as they talked about everything from alien invasions to the newest Stranger Things episode, and had a small game of would you rather somewhere in-between. But now, around three in the morning, Y/N was fast asleep curled up against the wall with Archie closely behind her in his own happy little dream.
It was nothing less than bliss.
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jay-birddie · 6 years
heaven on earth// dick grayson x reader
request: none! I just really had the inspiration. though, i should get on to writing the actual requests i still have in my inbox.
pairing: dick grayson x reader
au?: takes places in the 1940′s. for some reason i got that kind of vibe when writing this. 
genre: the good ol’ stuff
a/n: wow author you’re finally puttng out fanfic again after six months.
Also, I used to keep a notebook with daily paragraphs of writing. The first 3 paragraphs are from that notebook. i feel as if i now lack the creative mind I once had in my writing, but i know that in order to become a better writer, i actually have to pick up a writing utensil and let my feelings flow.
A lady, standing there, an angelic glow radiating off her body. 
A man, standing just a few feet away, being pulled towards the light. 
Beams of light reflected off of the crystalline glasses held delicately in her pristined hand. Those hands, trained to hold a grace in their movement, kept the glass so still that even the golden wine within it would remain unmoving as her her head tipped back in open-mouthed laughter.
White satin gloves covered her elegant hands to represent her purity and youth to the rest of the attenders and potential bachelors. The oval pearl earrings clipped onto the lobe of her ear dangled back and forth in time with the movement of her head like a metronome, glittering with the pearlessence of gemstone along with opalescence of the diamonds surrounding it. She had a natural forid tint to her cheeks, and so the need to apply rouge was unnecessary.
Although at her fair age, Dick could notice the crinkles on the outer corners of her eyes that would define themselves later as she aged and mature. It was her constant smile that created his prediction, though it wasn’t a feature that he disliked but appreciated. A faux grin doesn’t cause the outer corners of one’s eyes to crease.  
Her features were so genuine, and it made Dicks heart flutter against his sternum and his cheeks match the color of hers.
He took continuous sips of his champagne only to avoid any gawking he might display, and looked around aimlessly as if he were searching the crowd for the perfect partner. But his eyes had already landed on her, through her eyes did not do the same.
The part of him that wasn’t so entranced wondered which family or organization she belonged to, as he had never seen her there before. She could just be a villain incognito, or a spy for the government, but Dick had to admit that he would spill every secret if she asked.
Her dress was quite magnificent; It was plain, yet so interesting. It was all one piece and the color of pink peonies. The fabric, from bodice to skirt was shiny, as if a shoe shiner polished it. The skirt draped elegantly down past her ankles, covering her feet as she stood there. A lengthy, thin, burgundy ribbon was wrapped once around and tied into a long, drooping bow.
The bodice was the most intriguing part of the entire ensemble: it was fitted at the waist up to the breast, where another thin ribbon of burgundy ran just below her shoulder. On the other side of the ribbon, the fabric scalloped at an upward angle all around her, making it look like her supple body was emerging from a budding flower.       
He tipped the glass back only to find that his previous sip was his last, and his glass and stalling session time had run out.
He set his glass down on the silver platter of a butler swiftly passing by, and took a daring step towards her. But then, he took a step back as soon he saw her eyes on him. They took his breath away, her delicate eyes. The soft glow of the lighting made her features look gentle, and created a twinkle in her orbs.
She smiled at him, and he thought he might faint right then are there. He returned the smile, and before his mind could realize, he continued to walk in her direction. She began to walk as well with a focus that Dick was glad remained on him, and soon their bodies met.
Dick felt his soul being pulled in, and if hers was magnet that attracted him. Her natural, uncovered beauty made her more alluring up close.
“It’s rare that one is invited to a Wayne gala, and I’ve only heard rumors of actually being greeted by the host or his family. It must be my luck that both happen to me, of all people,” she said sweetly. Her finger tapped silently against her glass and swirled the remaining drops of campagne.
“Guess you’ll be able to tell the tale,” Dick responded, shifting his arms to fold behind his back to make him seem more open and confident. He giggled softly, her lips stitched together, nothing compared to what he had seen earlier. “Which organization are you a part of? I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before,” Dick quickly added to avoid any and all awkwardness that could occur.
“I’m not affiliated with any organization. Which reminds me,” she lurched with excitement in recalling a thought, “that what Mr. Wayne’s doing with some of his earnings is the most wholesome act I’ve seen since the late Ms. Ast, bless her sol, put in her will that her manor was to be the new Gotham City Orphanage,” she said.
He studied her for another moment, waiting for her to reveal the reason she was  here. She took in the last sip of her refreshment, filling the gap in the conversation. Dick looked down at his feet as she did so, somehow amused. His head remained downturned as his eyes quickly glanced to the rim of her glass There was no lipstick mark, and Dick realized that her lips were always just that naturally spiked with blood.
“I am a humble journalist,” she said unexpectedly, her voice leaking with pride that the ‘humble’ could not conceal. Dick’s head popped up from the sound of her voice, and his left eyebrow lifted with interest. He remembered talk of women entering the literacy field, but frankly, he had never actually met one. “I write for the Gotham City Gazette.”   
“You must be one hell of a writer,” He commented, prolonging her beaming smile. She thanked him, reaching to make sure not a hair had fallen out of its curled and rolled state. She looked around for a moment, prompting him to do the same.  
“I’m going to search for that butler with the champagne. Would you like another glass?” She asked. Dick had reached his limit of two. Unfortunate, yes, but one particular night taught him how well he could hold his alcohol: barely.
“No, thank you,” He said. She began to turn as he continued, “Although, a dance would do nicely.” The words slipped from Dick’s mouth, and froze her body. He could see her lips creasing as he stood there, waiting for a response with an arched eyebrow and inquiring eyes, his lips parted slightly.  
“No one’s ever asked me to dance.” She blushed, making it look like she rubbed raspberries all over her cheeks. She reversed the half turn, facing towards Dick again and acknowledged her embarrassment by bringing her hands to cup her cheeks to cool them. Dick chuckled at the reaction but was puzzled by what she said.
“Who was that fellow just before me talking to you? He seemed very interested,” he asked.
“Just a very good friend of mine. I’ve know him for my entire life and each time I see him he’s telling me a new story. Though sometimes exaggerated, he is quite humorous.” She was so animated in her speech compared to stuffy people Dick had met at previous galas who had their arms glued behind their back and their bodies stiff as boards. “But yes, I would love to dance, though you’ll have to forgive my feet before I step on one of yours.”
Dick laughed, untying his arms and holding a hand out to finally take hers. he assumed that by now, she had forgotten about her drink. Naked met gloved as she placed her hand in his. The gloves felt new, soft like the petals of budding roses in the spring. Their steps were quick and excited as they rushed along with other couples to the dance floor. Music entered the atmosphere. It was as bright and jumpy as his heart, the allegro tempo of the violins in harmony with the piano.
They set their bodies in place and waited for the cue: Their hands clasped, and Dick thought they fit and molded together perfectly; He placed his arm around her backside, settling his hand in the indent of her side, and he tried to keep the most chaste thoughts running through him; She placed her other hand on his shoulder, and Dick felt a delicate heat flow down to his stomach and birth butterflies.
The music replaced the hushed and nonexistent voices of the dancers as feet began to move. She immediately looked down to hers, though kept in mind the eye contact that needed to be exchanged with a dance partner. Dick could see the anxiety deep within her pupils. He felt sympathetic towards the lady, remembering the first time her attended a Wayne Gala. He was so nervous, the point of his shoe didn’t even step into the ballroom.
“Hey,” he whispered. He would have called her by her name if he had known it. Her head whipped up at the call to attention. “Don’t think about your feet. The music will make them move on their own.”
She nodded slowly, still gazing at him. Like Dick said, her feet maintained in perfect sync with the music. She got excited, pulling a sudden breath of air into her lungs, and her eyes brightening in triumph.
She gained more confidence as the music reached it climax, and Dick lost count of how many successful spins and box-steps they did. But he did keep track of the many times she looked as though love enwrapped her like the film on a piece of candy, so tightly twisted, yet so easy to come undone. He wanted to the be the one to unwrap her on the nights when everything seemed right in the world. He wanted to taste the sweetness of her skin, and get drunk on her heavenly perfume.
Not once did they break eye contact, and Dick knew that anyone who saw their affection would be jealous at the sight, and wish upon a star that they could experience the same feeling.
As the music came to a fade, so did their movements, until her dress sightly grazed passed her ankles at a slowing turn. She removed one hand slowly from shoulder, but Dick could still feel the warmth from her palm and fingers. His arm unlatched from her back, but Dick remembered that he might have more intimate dances with her in the future. Their hands unclasped, but their fingers lingered in touch and their bodies remained close, and their souls molded together perfectly.  
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Survey #146
“peace sells, but who’s buying?”
Have you ever been arrested? For what?  No. Do you like Pres. Obama? Why?  Don't even fight me, dude was funny.  From a political position, I can't answer.  I didn't pay enough attention to form a well-supported opinion. Do you know how to change the oil in your car?  Nope. At what age did you obtain your driver license?  I don't have it yet, but I do expect to probably get it this year. Do you like Slim Jim’s?  g i m m e What are you favorite kind of chips?  Spicy Cheetos. Are there any plants in your house?  I think there's none... How important is it for you and your partner or friends to share a similar taste in music, movies, shows, etc?  Not very important at all. What sort of compliments make you feel the best?  Because I'm a self-conscious piece of shit, calling me pretty or something of the sort and actually sounding sincere can brighten my whole day.  Also just a compliment on my behavior means a lot. If you have a pet, do they sleep with you at night?  Roman does. <3  He sleeps on my hip, arm, or curled beside me. What is the climate and geography like where you live?  Usually warm, humid as fuck in the summer...  We live in a pretty flat area.  Farming terrain. Do you have a Facebook? If no, then why not?  Yeah. Has there ever been a murder in your town?  Yeah. Are you someone who has to analyze everything?  AAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Are you too sensitive for your own good? YUP. Do you still have pictures of you and your ex best friend?  I'm sure in old photo albums Mom keeps. Where does your grandma live?  My only living one technically lives in Florida, but she stays in NY with her son's family a lot.  Probably doesn't much now that she's married, though. Is there a mirror in your room?  We have one we need to put up on my door. Have you ever done hard drugs before?  No. Have you ever lived with a roommate before? Jacob and Amanda when I was in the apartment with Jason. What's the littlest you have slept in?  Naked accidentally lmao. What is your favorite juice? Mixed ones.  Particularly mango ones. Do you love one parent better than the other?  Yeah, admittedly.  But I adore them both. What’s the best club you’ve ever been to? Never been. Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast?  You will never see me eat burnt toast. Are there any forms of Art you personally find pointless?  I will never in my entire life understand why scribbles a two-year-old could make sometimes sell for thousands.  But for the artist themselves, if it's therapeutic, then, *shrugs* Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way?  YUP and my mom would always try to fix it.  I still do it. Who were the last two girls you texted?  Sara and Mom. When was the last time you completely broke down?  Uhhhh I'm unsure. Have you ever gone to court?  Yeah, but only to explain to a judge why I felt I should be released from the mental hospital sooner.  Won.  They wanted to keep me for a whole month and I was like um fuck no, especially when your facility sucks. When was the last time you felt left out?  *shrugs* Do you know if women in your family tend to get gray hair early? Have you yourself ever had a gray hair?  Idk, and no. Who in your family has the longest hair? How long is yours? Nicole easily has the longest.  The longer side of my hair just barely passes my ear. What professional teams do you and/or your family root for? Dad's for the Carolina Hurricanes and Cleveland Browns. How many people have you truly fallen IN love with? Two. What’s your favorite bird?  Barn owls. Does your car have an alarm?  I don't have my own car.  Mom's doesn't. What about your house?  No, but Teddy and Bentley suffice well. Have you ever seen your siblings naked?  As kids, sure, and then Nicole has like zero shame walking around the house naked after a shower to get clothes. Did you ever really believe in the tooth fairy?  Lol yeah. Would you ever get your legs waxed? No, sounds painful as fuck.  Especially when your hair's as thick as mine. @_@ Do you like the picture on your license/I.D. card? HELL NO.  It looks n o t h i n g like me. Have you ever had surgery or stitches? Both. Are you unemployed?  Yeah. Do you think the govt has a cure for cancer, but is hiding it from public? Tbh maybe.  Like, have you not heard the billion ideas that could cure cancer, but these ideas are never pursued?  And even those that have been, I would not at all be surprised if one way or even multiple have been found but kept silent because the world runs on money.  Might as well let people stay sick and milk millions out of them, right?  I don't trust the government for shit. Do you have a Mexican friend?  Yeah. Are both of your parents still alive?  Thankfully. Was your ex born in America?  All but one, although I really don't even consider us as ever dating. What popular social media platforms AREN’T you on?  I don't have a personal Instagram, no Snapchat, and I literally only have a blank Twitter to like Mark's shit get on my level. What was the last thing you were stressed about? Uhhh how am I blanking on this. Would you rather have a trampoline or swimming pool?  Pool.  I could never handle a trampoline again with my knees, plus it just doesn't entertain me as it did as a kid. Do you have the same favorite colors you had when you were a kid?  Yeah.  My favorite color has always been hues of red. What do you like to put in your tea? I hate tea. Who have you been told you look like? My sisters, at least somewhat.  And Mom and Dad. What color are your doorknobs?  Gold. Do you own a bobblehead?  No. What do you make wishes on?  Nothing. What is your city known for? "You mean Tennessee?" What is your state known for? Mountain Dew, Pepsi, Bojangle's, probably half of all country bands... What’s your favorite Paramore song?  "That's What You Get." What was the subject of your last photo shoot? I couldn't tell you the last time I was in what I'd call a "photo shoot," not since I was a kid...  The most recent one I did was of Colleen and her son. What are some of your favorite sounds?  Wind chimes, waves, fire crackling, the breeze through leaves, sARA'S SINGING YOU GO AMY LEE... lots of things. When two family members are fighting, what do you usually do?  There's a chance I'll be dumb and butt in if I think I could defuse the situation, but I'll sometimes just awkwardly stay silent. What’s your all time FAVORITE freezer food? Do you eat that a lot?  I dunno, that's broad as hell... If you had to choose, would you rather be an alcoholic or pothead?  The latter. What are you listening to?  A Jeffree Star video oops I've fallen in love with him tbh. What if someone asked you to be in a relationship with them?  I'm already happily in one so the answer would be no. What will your next piercing be?  It's probs gonna be my collarbones. Your phone is ringing. It’s your ex. What do you say?  Well I know none of my ex's numbers but Girt's, but I'll just say I knew them.  Aaron, I'd be very confused considering we haven't talked since like freshman year, but greet him like I would any old friend.  Juan or Tyler, wouldn't answer.  Girt, answer like normal.  Jason, tbh I'd answer and do whatever I could to show how much better my life is without him.  Bitchy but idc.  After the shit he shoved me into, I want him to know I came out better than ever. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?  Quite a few times but still not enough weeps. Will you kiss that person again?  YEAH. Do you like champagne?  Never tried it. Do you like cinnamon on your apple pie?  I hate pie. Do you clap or cheer when at a concert?  Only been to one, but yeah. Do you use a comb or brush?  Mostly a comb now that my hair's short. Do you eat the crust of your sandwiches?  It's the part I eat first. Have you ever had a vacation where you stayed in a cabin?  No, I wish. Would you rather call or text?  Omfg do not call me. What color would you dye your hair right now if you could, and it was guaranteed to look good?  Okay so currently I'm dying (hawhaw) to get this mostly peach color, but have it fade to fiery, reddish-orange on the longer side.  It's based on a picture and would cost over $100, so.  Guess who's not doing it anytime soon lmao. Do you like the way you look naked? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Have you ever dissected an animal?  In high school. Do you believe that humankind has a future in space (will we live there some day)? Maybe.  Probably, actually. What (not who) do you care about?  Gay rights, animal rights (no, not to PETA degree), equal human rights in general, the first amendment, maintaining peace/pacifism, conservation efforts... I'unno, lots of stuff, if you want the answer to be like, big topics. Who or what is really the absolute root and source of all evil?  Discontent.  Now this itself doesn't always lead to evil actions, but just about any malevolence I can think up stems from that. Has anyone ever led you on? No. Would you rather date someone 4 feet tall or 9 feet tall? The former. What is the one thing you do that your friends wish you didn’t? I've heard "don't be afraid to reach out first" a billion times. Do you believe you have a soul?  Yes. Would you rather have a child that is more confident or more curious? Curious.  Ask questions, learn things. Who influences you to be the way you are?  LOTS of people! What is one idea that you live by?  Yikes, that's hard.  But I suppose one of the biggest is that caring about the world and what's within it does wonders. How can people act to make you want to get to know them? Be super open, honest, and shameless of yourself.  See the positives, SHOW you clearly care about others, have passion... and if you're funny, that's a bonus. When are you at a loss for words?  It's honestly rare I seriously am.  If I in person was to witness something like abused dogs screaming at being pet for the first time, that'd almost definitely get me. What is the worst time to be alone? When suicidal.  You.  Need.  To.  Talk. What do your parents do that you will try never to do?  I'll never smoke like Dad.  And I'm never having kids, but if I did, I would never, ever spank them like Mom did me and my sisters. Who is your favorite visual artist?  Some folks on deviantART.  The three probably in a tie are NukeRooster (I prefer lots of her older stuff, though; also got permission to tattoo one of her paintings one day yeets loudly), sandara, and Culpeo-Fox. What is the most magical thing that has ever happened to you?  I'm fucking pathetic that time Mark reblogged my gif lmao my soul evacuated my body and left me for dead for like three days & nothing felt real.  Whenever that gif comes up in my activity now, a single tear falls. Do you have high blood pressure? No, it's usually kinda low. Have you ever pumped gas?  No.  I'm 22.  Weeps. Do you have any appointments this month?  I have a therapy and psychiatry appointment monthly, so yes. Do you like bras that have removable straps? h u n n y I ain't in the Itty-Bitty Titty Committee so it makes no difference to me, me wearing bras without straps is a danger to society. What are you the most sensitive about? Can we like never comment on my weight.  Actually, scratch that, that's not the worst.  I would probably rip someone's eyes out and sob for a week if someone claimed I did Jason wrong.  I'd fucking lose it. Have you ever left a mean unsigned note? No, I don't think I've ever left a mean note. What are three things that you try not to think about?  Perhaps more than anything is the fact one day, I may become immune to the medications that played a big role in saving my life.  I try really, really hard to never think about that.  I do pretty well at that, thankfully...  Two others are hazards of me driving and the possibility of getting another job that only flops. Is casual sex acceptable for you? Abso-fucking-lutely not. What form of sexual protection do you use? Being in a gay relationship lmao.  Okay but seriously I take birth control, but for my period. Do you believe in the need for political correctness? It's gone way too goddamn far jfc. Does anyone have a video tape of you doing something embarrassing?  Mom probably lmao. What is the worst fault a person can have?  Abusive. Who have you read a biography about?  Ozzy Osbourne. What do you find yourself encouraging others to try?  BELIEVE IN YOUR CAPABILITIES!!! Are there any animals you flat out refuse to touch?  Maggots, slugs, some spiders and insects, centipedes... If it were legal would you own a human slave (race unimportant)?  Nope. Do/did you always say goodnight to your parents before bed?  No. Are there any holidays you don’t celebrate?  It'd be easier to tell you what we do celebrate.
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artbysarah98 · 4 years
Part 2 What the f*ck is going on?
When we're young...series
Part 1 An unexpected turn
A/N - I've never been on an airplane before and also have no idea how a flying works or an airport. So not everything may be accurate.
"Dear passengers, this is your captain speaking. We're a half-hour away from our destination Seoul, Korea. We are starting our descend to Incheon International Airport soon. So we would like you to fasten your seatbelts, please. We hope you enjoyed your flight with Korean Air, and we wish you a pleasant stay. Upon exiting the aircraft, please take all your belongings with you," announced the pilot over the intercom first in Korean. He repeated himself in English for international passengers like Ella. This alerted Ella to sit up straight in her seat and fasten her seatbelt.
She looked around her. As far as she could see, the other passengers were of Korean nationality or at least an Asian one. A few other people stood out because they looked closer to her citizenship. She felt a little bit out of place, being one of the only passengers with a different nationality. The man on her left was one of these passengers. A middle-aged baldheaded man, around 45 years old, yet a prominent black mustache. On top of his head were a pair of glasses.
'Those must be for reading. He hasn't worn them at all during the flight. I would have put them in my carry-on baggage to not lose them, but then again, I lose almost everything with how clumsy I am,' she thought while her eyes glided down to his expensive-looking suit, 'He looks like a businessman on his way to make a new deal. I wonder where he's going.'
The man looked very tired as if he hadn't slept in days. He looked like he could fall asleep any second. He nodded his head as he started to doze off. However, a sudden gust of air caused some turbulence shaking the plane. This caused the man to straighten up, looking around for what was happening. Ella saw his eyes also falling on her. They held each other's gaze for a few seconds before she decided that this interaction became too awkward.
Ella looked over to her right shoulder. On a row behind her sat a young girl with long blond hair braided into one thick braid. The end of this braid rested on her left shoulder. Ella's eyes fell on the hair tie that held it in place. The color of it was red and had a red heart charm with a silly face on it. A smile crept on Ella's face, 'That looks cute. I wonder where she got it. Maybe I should ask her? No, that would be awkward.'
The girl looked around her age, maybe a little longer 16 or 17 perhaps. Ella saw the girl happily swaying her head along to the music she was listening to on her earbuds. She was also singing along to the music, but Ella couldn't understand what the lyrics were aside from some English words that clearly had something to do with the main title. Ella had a feeling that the chorus was playing again as the words 'Fake Love' started falling from the girl's lips once more.
The girl was wearing a shirt of some group Asain looking men called BTS, as that was the name plastered onto it in huge letters together with a logo that looked like doors being pushed open, and a pair of bleached shorts. Ella had no idea who or what BTS was, but she wanted to find out. Maybe that had to do with the strict rules the Young Boarding School had on the use of mobiles and the internet. Those rules always caused her to missed new things becoming popular. That included celebrities like this BTS probably was, or else, their faces wouldn't be on a shirt. Her curiosity being ignited caused her to grab her phone, a Samsung Galaxy S7, maybe not the latest edition, but sufficed its primary job.
'I lived under a rock,' thought Ella as the hits with articles related to this BTS group started showing up, 'These guys have millions of fans, apparently called ARMY, won multiple awards. They performed during the AMAs in 2017, making history for other K-Pop idols and K-pop music industry and yet I still managed to miss all of this somehow. Mom, Dad, why are your rules so strict?'
Now updated on who they are in general after reading some articles, she still didn't who was which member. Although she managed to learn the names, Ella still had to combine them with the right face. On top of that, she still had to discover what they sound like. Ella decided to look up their performance from the AMAs. The song was titled DNA. She plugged in her headphones and pressed play what she heard in the next 4 and a half minutes blew her away.
Their introduction was done by the Chainsmokers, and even they acknowledged the fact that called them international superstars was an understatement. The fans were chanting the name and screaming during the entire song. From the first note, until the very last, the boys did not lose her attention once. That meant a lot as Ella did not get into a different music taste smoothly, especially one she couldn't understand the language off. There was just something magical about the performance. The one with the silver-brownish hair gained her attention the most. Something kept telling her to keep looking at him.
'How have I never seen or heard anything about BTS before?' Ella thought in amazement, 'Let's save it in my favorite songs for now, and then I can look up more songs later.'
Ella put her earbuds away as she decided to look up some more about BTS. She ended up on the website from BigHit Entertainment, the agency BTS was signed under and clicked on the menu. This showed not only BTS but two other acts licensed under BigHit, TOMORROW X TOGETHER, and LEE HYUN. She was tempted to click on TOMORROW X TOGETHER, but clicked on BTS and then profile since that is what she originally came for. Ella quickly learned that BTS consists out of 7 men; Jin, Jimin, Suga, j-hope, Jung Kook, V, and RM, RM being the leader of the band. She managed to combine V to the man with the silver-brownish hair from the performance video that attracted her to him but wasn't any closer to learning which faces belonged to which of the remaining members. Despite that, she learned more about BTS. Ella noticed that she was being drawn in by the beauty of all the members and shook her head.
'Okay, this is enough BTS for now, and this is not beneficial for my phone's percentage,' thought Ella, 'I guess this is how it starts. You look up one thing about them and want to know more and more as if you're pulled in by a magnet.' She put her phone back in her pocket.
For the remaining time of the landing, Ella decided to take in some more of the passengers. Her awareness settled quickly on a Korean looking man to her right on the other side of the aisle. The man was wearing a black hoodie, dressed warmly for the time of year as Ella looked down at the green spaghetti top before looking back, and a black mouth mask covering almost his entire face except for his eyes and a few blonde locks peeking out underneath his hoodie. Ella couldn't quite see what his eye color was, but something about him attracted her to keep looking. The man looked a little older than her, maybe 25 or 26 years old. He was in a lively conversation with a man just a captivating a he was. His talking partner wore a plain black shirt, a white Nike cap, and a red mouth mask covering his entire face, just like the man with the black hoodie. A little of his blonde-brownish hair could be seen from underneath his cap.
Suddenly the man with the black hoodie turned his head looking around for a bit before he looked straight at her. Their eyes locked for a few seconds. Ella's face flushed crimson and quickly turned her head away. 'Om my god, this is so embarrassing. He caught me observing him,' Ella thought, 'At least I finally know what his eye color is.' Those eyes are probably one of the darkest she has ever seen. They are such dark shade of grey that they almost look black. Ella looked outside of the airplane window or at least tried to and noticed that they started their descend.
Baron and his bandmates from VAV are on their way back to Korea. They had just wrapped up a music video in the Phillippines. Their new music video 'Give Me More' is going to be released on July 23. This is the first time they made a music video featuring a different artist since their debut.
For this collaboration, they attracted the attention of a Latin American artist. For 'Give Me More' the band worked together with De La Ghetto and Play-N-Skillz. He hopes that their fanbase VAMPZ is going to be as enthusiastic as he is about their new song. He loved the more exotic vibe that was going on in the music video. Baron and his bandmate ACE are in an animated conversation talking about their new mv and what the reactions of the VAMPZ are going to be.
ACE said with a twinkle in his eyes, "I can't wait until we can tell the VAMPZ about our new mv. I'm so excited that I want the release date to be sooner."
"Me too," Baron responded with a smile gracing his hidden lips, "I think this mv will be received very well by VAMPZ, but we can't say anything about the mv yet. A Team will not be happy if you spill something, ACE."
"I know, Baron, but I still can't wait," ACE said, suddenly he noticed the girl on the other side of the aisle looking at them or specifically at Baron, "Uhh, Baron, I think someone is staring at you," nudging his head to someone on Baron's left side.
Baron turned his head in the direction that ACE pointed out. He searched for the person ACE was talking about. His eyes landed on a girl directly on the other side of the aisle. He looked straight in her eyes. The eyes he met were big bright blue-greyish, and for about 15 seconds, they looked at each other. The girl then turned crimson and quickly turned her head away. Now Baron couldn't look away from her. Her beauty, drawing him in, wavy shoulder-length brown hair with blonde outgrowth, a little bit of lipgloss on her lips, her different nationality, and of course, the bright blue-greyish eyes that he couldn't get off his mind. The way that they held a sadness despite looking very lively intrigued him. He was glad he was wearing a mouth mask, or else the girl and ACE probably would have seen him turn crimson too. ACE tapped on his shoulder made Baron cut off his stare.
"You're doing the same thing as that she did. I can see she is beautiful too, but you probably won't see her again after the flight, and on top of that, you haven't even spoken one word to her yet. Not during the entire flight or just now when you crossed eyes. I would relax now if I were you. We're going to reach the terminal soon," said ACE. Baron looked one more time at the girl and did just that knowing what ACE was probably correct.
Ella nervously peeked to her right and left out a relieved sigh, 'He isn't looking at me anymore.'
She decided to put her thoughts somewhere else when she felt a strong urge pull on her. It was her bloodthirst, one of the downsides to being a vampire, or partly vampire, in the way she saw it. No matter how much she drank, she was never truly satiated. Ella let out a frustrated grunt placing her hands on her stomach, 'I fed before the flight. This flight is taking too long. Why do I have to be on this plane for 10 entire hours?! Guess I have to find a new person to feed form when I have found a place to stay for the night.'
Bloodthirst feels the same way as hunger feels to a human. It's an urge to get something in there and gets more demanding the longer you wait. It slowly eats you up on the inside until you give in to it. Sometimes this can result in brutal massacres caused by one vampire. Ella tried to calm herself and ignore her hunger. The fact that she was on a plane with over 100 blood pumping hearts wasn't making that any less hard. She was glad that the aircraft was lining up at the terminal entrance and that the doors were going to open soon.
After what seemed like an eternity, Ella was finally of the plane. She was now on her way to the exit of the terminal. Her desire teased her the entire time that Ella stood in the row to exit the plane. Even now, the sound of thumping hearts that seemed to increase by thousandfold as she got closer to the terminal exit. Ella saw her blue suitcase labeled with her name in red letters passing by on the baggage claim and took it off.
Packed with all her belongings, she made her way to the terminal exit. The moment the doors of the terminal opened, Ella was met with a sea of people. Paparazzi with their camera's at the ready and very excited looking girls. Most of them were wearing mouth masks, and many girls were holding signs with Korean phrases, Ella couldn't understand, and weird names.
'This explains why the sound of heartbeats increased so much. It doesn't explain, however, what is going on here. What do those signs say?' thought Ella as she felt confused, but panicked at the same time. Her PTSD started kicking in by the screaming and amount of people. Ella tried to calm herself down as she looked at the signs, 'Those names are so weird. Are that Korean names or stages names like the members of BTS also have? Can you even call those words names? I don't know. Whatever the signs say to me, it looks like a children's drawing with all those strange symbols.'
Ella had never seen anything like this before. Experiencing this unknown feeling increased her bloodthirst and sped up her breathing. For a second, her eyes flashed golden as she felt trapped. She knew people often had family waiting for them at the terminal, but this was insane. Her hunger for blood almost took the better of her at that moment, but she managed to hold back. Seeing that the crowd wasn't going to part any time soon, she let out a sigh as she needed to get away from that place. So in complete conflict with what her therapists always told her, Ella ignored her PTSD. Otherwise, she would really attack somebody out of hunger combined with panic and a flinch of frustration. No other option left Ella started pushing her way through, but that wasn't easy seeing that they weren't, exactly, cooperative in letting her through. She took a moment to catch her breath, something she rarely needed to do as a hybrid and looked around, seeing that she was not the only one having trouble with this. Ella sighed and continued her way through the sea of people.
As Ella struggled to get through the sea of people, the crowd suddenly got even more lively. Cameras were flashing, and girls started screaming.
"Ayno." "Ziu." "Please marry me, ACE!" "Baron-Oppa, please notice me!" "VAV!" Though looking men in black suits started separating the sea of people so that the group of men called VAV could pass. This resulted in her being pushed out of the way roughly by one of the men in black. Ella was getting kinda pissed. Her pupils dilated, and veins started to show underneath her eyes. Realizing that her face was showed its true colors, Ella tried calming herself down. Her expression morphed back to her normal one. She waited for the so-called VAV to pass. One by one, seven men with bodyguards passed by, but she recognized one of them. It was the man who sat on to her right on the other side of the aisle. By the shocking impression on his face, it looked like he recognized her too. He almost stopped in his tracks, but a bodyguard ushered him to keep walking. He passed her but looked back at her one more time before leaving her eyesight. The crowd of people started to drip away following VAV giving Ella a chance to breathe and calm down.
'What the f*ck just happened? Who is that man who sat on the other side of the aisle?' thought Ella, 'Well, it doesn't matter for now. I need to find a place to feed before I attack somebody at the airport.'
Part 3 A encounter that she didn't see coming
0 notes
ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: Music of Water
>In a concert hall in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, a KUROFUNE concert was beginning.
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It seems like a lot of you are really hyped tonight. Am I right?
>The crowd begins cheering loudly.
MC: Excellent! Just hope KUROFUNE’s music will be this lively.
>In the stands.
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Lively might be an understatement.
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I know Ryuji’s been in the idol scene for three months now, but this is really a lot of excitement.
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Now Ann chan, I’m sure Ryu kun is just as nervous about this as you are.
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Yeah, just look at the crowd. Almost everyone showed up. Even some members of Kanamin Kitchen are here.
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Wow! Ms. Ochimizu, there sure are a lot of people here. Could KUROFUNE really have gotten this popular just because they got a third member?
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That remains to be seen. It’s not like the whole world is here.
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You know they might just be live streaming this.
Ms. Ochimizu: You didn’t have to mention that.
>Back with us.
????: Hey, we’re here to, y’know!
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Oh no, we didn’t forget about you, Rise san.
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(mood changed) Glad to hear it.
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Either way, I’m so glad we could all be here tonight to watch your friend perform with all his heart. I’m just sad Sensei, Yosuke, and the others couldn’t make it. It’s just us three.
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I’m sure if they had time on their hands, they would come.
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I can’t wait to see the look on Ryuji’s face when he sees I’ve come in human form... Though, I was a little upset they told me I needed a ticket to get in. It’s not like the time when I was a cat, I could get in free.
Teddie: Trust me, it’s worth it. You get to meet all kinds of people and pretty girls that you couldn’t as an animal.
Morgana: That’s something I guess.
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Which reminds me, have you thought of a new name for your human form? Seeing you in a man’s body, I don’t think being called Morgana would be such a wise move.
Morgana: Well, until ATLUS says otherwise, I’ll be going by Diego Vega.
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You mean like Don Diego de la Vega?
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I’m not familiar with that name.
Makoto: It was Zorro’s real name. And since Zorro is his Persona, I guess it would be the obvious choice.
Rise: If you want tips on that role, you should totally ask Senpai. I got him to play that role for a show once.
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I don’t know. Removing “Don” and “de la” sounds a little overdone. I think the name should be a little more creative than that.
Diego: Fine. But I’m keeping the Diego part.
Yusuke: Ren, have you any idea what “Diego’s” last name should be?
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>Kurusu >Amamiya >Sakura >Takamaki >Mercurius >>Mercury >Hermese
Diego: Mercury? You mean like Mercurius?
Naoto: That would sound right. The planet Mercury was named for Mercurius. Since Mercurius is Diego’s Ultimate Persona...
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It’s perfect.
Naoto: I’m glad you agree with that.
Akechi: Thank you.
Diego: Then it’s decided. My human form’s name will be Diego Mercury. But only until ATLUS says otherwise.
Mrs. Sakamoto: I’m not sure what you’re all talking about. But if that’s this young man’s name, very well. It’s nice to meet you, Diego kun.
Diego: The pleasure is all mine.
>He takes Mrs. Sakamoto’s hand and kisses it.
>Meanwhile, backstage, Ryuji saw what just happened.
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Damn it, Mona! Did you really have to go there?
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Is something wrong, Ryuji san?
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Huh!? It’s nothing. Are we set?
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We’re all ready to go.
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Alright! Then let’s get goin’!
>Meanwhile, back with us.
Ann: Hey look, there’s a new card here.
>I check the Dorika Deck.
Ren: Oh, I know this one.
Futaba: We all do. It looks like it’s just for Ryuji.
Mrs. Sakamoto: It does look like it would suit him well. I think I’ll choose it.
>We all agree to do so as well.
???: It’s all going according to plan.
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>I turned to the person who spoke.
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Forgive me, I was just talking to myself. Enjoy the show.
>The young man quickly leaves... What was that about?
Diego: Ren, it’s starting.
>I turn to the stage.
MC: And here they are, the ones you’ve been waiting for! KUROFUNE!
>The crowd cheered as KUROFUNE comes on stage.
Yuto: We sail now into a new land. A land of light and love!
Keigo: The people there need that light and love to live their lives!
Ryuji: But a great darkness now blossoms in that land. But we’ll use our music to give you hope.
KUROFUNE: Cheer for us as we tackle the... Blooming Villain!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Yuto: Your cheers will help me move forward.
Catch Your Cheers!
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Keigo: I’ll enjoy the happiness you’ve given me.
Catch Your Cheers!
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Ryuji: A new one, huh?
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Okay, I’ll make it work for me!
(Reminder: The following images are not in violation of the Tumblr policy as they do not actually contain sensitive or adult contain. They only show the upper half. Please do not flag.)
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Poison Fang Series! Complete!
>Keigo changes clothes.
Military Rock Series! Complete!
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Golden Playhouse Series! Complete!
>And so, KUROFUNE performed Blooming Villain.
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>Later at our favorite (and incredibly expensive) sushi restaurant, we decided to celebrate another successful concert.
Yuto: To another successful concert!
Everyone: Here! Here!
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I never thought sushi would taste so good!
Diego: And I never thought I would be eating sushi with my own hands instead of... Well, you know.
Futaba: Whoa! Ryuji, Diego, control yourselves. I know it’s been awhile since we had sushi, but still where are your manners?
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(laughing) Must be because of his costume tonight. Orlando will have that effect on people.
Ann: No kidding.
Makoto: Either way, I’m glad Ryuji’s idol career is really taking off.
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Just don’t forget your studies, okay?
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R- Right?
Rise: Don’t worry, I’ve been there before. But I’ve always had my friends to help and some good tutors.
Teddie: I don’t think you need to worry, Mako chan.
Naoto: Same for you, Mrs. Sakamoto.
Mrs. Sakamoto: I’m glad to hear that.
>Suddenly, Mrs. Sakamoto’s phone rings. She answers it.
Mrs. Sakamoto: Moshi Moshi? Yes? I see. Alright, I’ll be there.
>She hangs up.
Mrs. Sakamoto: Sorry, Ryu kun, but something’s come up at work and I need to work the night shift.
Ryuji: I know. You have yer responsibilities. I’m already used to being alone in the apartment.
Mrs. Sakamoto: I know. But what with your father still in town.
Akechi: Actually, Mrs. Sakamoto, we wouldn’t mind letting Ryuji stay with one of us though.
Mrs. Sakamoto: You would? Thank you. Ryu kun?
Ryuji: I guess it’s cool. It’s just for one night.
Mrs. Sakamoto: That’s my boy. I’ll see you tomorrow.
>With a hug to her son, Mrs. Sakamoto leaves for work.
Ren: I suppose I could set up the couch for you. Hope you don’t mind, but Yusuke’s moving some of his stuff in for the Summer.
Diego: Where will I sleep? My cat house is nice and I know I can’t sleep on the bed with you and Yusuke and the cat house is nice, but I really like the company... (gasp) Does this mean I can sleep over a Lady Ann’s place?
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Hell no! Besides, my parents are home and I have no idea how to explain to them why a cat or a boy are staying over.
Diego: (looking down) It was worth a try.
Makoto: He can’t stay with me or Haru either. We have to study for our mock exam.
Mishima: And I still remember from what happened that last time Sakamoto kun stay over at my place.
Futaba: Mine would be the same with Ann.
Ryuji: Yuto? Keigo?
Yuto: Sorry, Ryuji san, but my apartment is too small. I don’t think I can even set up a futon.
Keigo: And I have a lot of relatives staying over at my place. My grandmother’s birthday is coming up.
Ren: You’re the only one left, Akechi.
Akechi: I guess I don’t mind. So, what do you say, Ryuji?
Ryuji: Thanks, Akechi. Besides, we still haven’t seen your new apartment yet...
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Guess I’ll be the first.
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I’m glad to hear that.
>We finished our sushi and called it a night. We went our separate ways for the night.
Ren: See you tomorrow.
>Me, Yusuke, Futaba, and Diego, who changed back to Morgana the cat and got into my bag, were on our way to the station.
Futaba: You know, there’s one person I’m sad didn’t come tonight.
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You mean Kasumi chan? I tried inviting her, but she said she was busy tonight.
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Well, she’s still new to the group. So I guess she’s a little shy with us right now.
Futaba: Maybe next time.
Yusuke: How about the movies? I hear Hikari Gazo just finished her latest film.
Futaba: I guess that would be good.
>Suddenly, my phone rings.
Morgana: Who could that be at this hour?
>I answer it.
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Ren, there’s something I have to tell you.
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What’s wrong, Chihaya san?
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Well, you know that friend of yours? The one with the bottle blonde hair?
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What is it?
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Well... I think he’s in trouble.
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>Akechi’s apartment building.
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This is where you live!? I always thought this place was abandoned and maybe even... Haunted.
Akechi: It has a rustic charm, but it’s certainly not abandoned. Haunted?
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Well, it definitely has some spirited tenants.
Ryuji: How spirited are they?
Akechi: You’ll see.
>With that they head inside.
??????: Welcome home, Akechi kun.
Akechi: Good evening, Hanako san.
Ryuji: Hanako san? Wait, who said that?
Akech: See what I mean?
Ryuji: (worried) Wait. When you said the residence here are spirited, do you mean this place really is...
>Suddenly, the sound of something shuffling was heard. Ryuji saw that a door was open. Although it was dark in there, he could definitely make out some large people in there smoking and playing mahjong. In fact, they were so large, they almost look like... Oni.
???????: Hello.
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Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.
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No, it’s my bad. I shouldn't have been spacin’ out like that.
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Well, I guess it’s because this is your first visit here.
Akechi: Isshiki kun, Akine chan, this is Ryuji Sakamoto. Ryuji, this is Reimei Isshiki and Kuga Akine. They live here, too.
Akine: It’s nice to meet you.
Ryuji: Same here.
Isshiki: We’ve heard so much about you from Akechi kun. How’s idol life treating you?
Ryuji: Pretty good, actually. It’s what I love to do and I’m really helpin’ my mom out.
Akine: That’s good to hear. You must love your mother.
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You bet.
Akechi: I take it you two are off to the baths downstairs.
Isshiki: That’s right. Do you care to join us?
Akechi: Not tonight, it’s been a long day. We’re just going to go right to bed.
Ryuji: Same here, I’m really tired. (yawn) I know performing takes a lot of energy, but I’m really drained tonight.
Akine: Alright. But the baths are always open in case you change your mind. Goodnight.
>With that, Akechi and Ryuji go upstairs... Suddenly...
Akine: !?
Isshiki: What’s wrong, Akine chan?
Akine: I thought I sensed... Never mind. It’s probably just some wondering spirit passing by.
Isshiki: Maybe Ryu came back.
Akine: If he did come back... We would know... Although, he did say he would be back soon.
Isshiki: Yeah... Usually he takes longer.
Jin: That girl almost sensed us. No matter. Nothing can stop what is to happen next now.
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Dude, are you sure you really want to do this?
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He’s right. We know we’re not that smart, but don’t you think this plan of yours is a little... Crazy?
Jin: (making an intimidating stare) Care to run that by me again?
>The Deucey Twins just back away.
Jin: I figured.
>Jin returns his gaze to the apartment building. Jared and Jesse took this as an opportunity to slip away a bit to talk amongst themselves.
Jesse: This is getting outta hand even for us.
Jared: Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to start ditching school for this stuff. How did we even ended up here?
Jesse: I’d like to know that myself. And all because-
Jin: Quiet, both of you! ... They getting ready for sleep.
>Jin was looking at the window of Akechi’s room through a pair of binoculars.
Jin: No amount of magic in there will save him now. Because this kind of magic... Has science, too.
>Inside Akechi’s room, Akechi noticed that Ryuji’s been scratching his chest a lot.
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Is something wrong, Ryuji? You’ve been scratching your the whole time.
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It’s... It’s nothing. Just an itch. Guess I’ve worked so much of a sweat tonight. And I think I’m a little thirsty. Got anythin’ fizzy?
Akechi: No. But I do have some water.
Ryuji: Fine. I guess it’ll do.
>Akechi gives Ryuji a bottle of water and drinks up the whole thing.
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Wow! If that’s a little thirsty, I’d hate to see what real thirsty looks like.
Ryuji: Sorry. I just don’t know what’s goin' on.
Akechi: Well, just in case, I think we should see Takemi sensei in the morning.
Ryuji: Yeah, I guess.
>They both then got into their futons.
Ryuji: This place really is nice once you get to know it.
Akechi: I know. I can’t wait to invite everyone else as well.
Ryuji: Me, too... I wonder if they would come, too.
Akechi: You mean Peter and Harry? I guess they can come, too. I might even invite Miles and the others.
Ryuji: Yeah. By the way, did you hear? Harry’s finally decided that he’s ready.
Akechi: Yeah, Peter told me. Starting this September, Harry will be accepting the role of CEO of Oscorp. He said he’ll finally be raising from his father’s shadow and lead the company his own way.
Ryuji: But for now, they want to enjoy their comin' Summer Vacation. They even emailed me what they’re gonna do in case we decide to join them.
Akechi: Me, as well. First, they’re going to hit Coney Island Beach with Miles, Flash, Randy, and Aleksei. Harry also invited John and Ollie to come as well and Peter invited a new friend, Grady Scraps, I think. Next, they’ll go to a baseball game with Aunt May to celebrate her reopening F.E.A.S.T.
Ryuji: Attend a Ross Cailban concert with Gwen, Anya, Liz, and Mary Jane. And to top it all off, a camping trip upstate with Miles, Gwen and Anya.
Akechi: And that’s just for July and August. They’re still trying to decide what to do for June.
Ryuji: If anythin’ they could always try comin’ here.
Akechi: I guess that would work. I’ll let them know in the morning... Which is evening for them. And I should also ask them about...
>Akechi seems a bit hesitant.
Ryuji: I’m sure things with Otto Octavius are still fine. If anything happens, Harry and Pete would let us know.
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You’re right. I’m probably just overthinking this. Thanks, Ryuji.
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Anytime, bro. Anytime.
>Ryuji lets out a big yawn.
Ryuji: Well, g’night.
Akechi: Goodnight.
>With that, Akechi turns out the light and the two young men quickly fall asleep... Not knowing the fate that now approaches... Ryuji.
>Ryuji was sound asleep when he suddenly heard something. Like the sound of wind howling and water roaring. Ryuji opened his eyes...
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Wh- Where...
>Ryuji was standing over the ocean on a sotrmy night. He saw ahead of him was an island.
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>He looked back to see Tokyo. What was going on? He turned to see the island again. For some reason, he felt drawn to it. He found himself leaning closer and closer. And then... He fell into the water. Ryuji tried swimming back to the city, but the wave were kept on pushing him towards the small island... No. It was pulling him towards the island. The water was somehow holding him until it started to drag him down Ryuji was scared. Was he going to drown? Then, his chest started aching with pain. He looked down to see he was now nude and something was on his chest.
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>Ryuji tries to break free of the water’s grasp, but it was no use. It was starting to cover his body like a snake. Then, it started forming around him like a suit. Ryuji couldn’t take it anymore. He screamed... As his eyes turn green.
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>Back in reality, something woke Akechi up. He could hear Ryuji tossing, turning, and groaning.
Akechi: Ryuji? Is something wrong? Did you have a night-
>But before he can finish, Akechi was blown away... By a jet of water.
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RYUJI!? Wh- What’s happened to you!?
>Ryuji just stares at Akechi.
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I... I don’t know. What’s happenin'? Wh- WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME!?
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I... I wish I knew.
>While this was going on, neither of them noticed Ryuji’s phone ringing.
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>In Shinjuku, I’ve been calling Ryuji’s phone for the umpteenth time.
Ren: Pick it up, brother. Pick it up.
Ryuji’s voicemail: Yo, you reached my phone. I can’t answer right now, but if you leave your name and phone number, I’ll get right back at ya.
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It’s not use. It keeps going to voicemail.
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What about your other friend? Maybe he’ll answer.
Futaba: Right. Akechi’s our last hope.
>Futaba takes out her pone and dials Akechi. After three rings, he answers.
Futaba: Akechi?
Akechi’s voice: (dumbfounded) Futaba chan?
Futaba: What is it?
Akechi’s voice: ... What do you know about... Alien technology?
Ren: Does this have something to do with Ryuji?
Akechi’s voice: Well...
>A picture arrives on the phone from Akechi.
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N- No...
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Oh, god.
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How could this be?
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Poor Ryuji.
Chihaya: I’m sorry, everyone. But maybe there’s something in the cards that can help.
Ren: Thanks, Chihaya, but maybe another time. See you later.
>With that, we leave.
Chihaya: But I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to call in a favor.
>Chihaya takes our her phone.
Chihaya: Call Bruce Sato.
>Oh god, Ryuji. What’s going to happen to us?
0 notes
leo-lucid · 7 years
Everything Ask Game
I was tagged by @littlescarletstar time to share some shit!
LAST… Drink: Water Phone call: Arizona Pizza Company Text message: The backpack is pretty large but it would take a while to ship here and it $80 but I have a $25 off coupon and half goes to a charity that helps saves the bees Song you listened to: I Hear You by Vicetone Time you cried: About an hour ago because I rewatched the music video to Shelter 
HAVE YOU… Dated someone twice: Nope! Kissed someone and regretted it: Never been kissed so nope!  Been cheated on: Nope! Lost someone special: Yep! Been depressed: Of course I’ve been depressed I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been depressed at least in one point in their lives                             Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope!                                                            Made new friends: Yep!
Fallen out of love: Pretty sure I’ve fallen out of my 1st grade love by now Found out someone was talking about you: Yep! That shit hurt. Met someone who changed you: No honestly.  Found out who your friends are: Of course! Kissed someone from your facebook list: Like I said never been kissed Kissed a stranger: -_- Drank hard liquor: Just a sip to see what it tasted like Turned someone down: Yerp! Sex on the first date: You could probably guess that I never had sex if I never even had my first kiss yet Broken someone’s heart: Probably Had your heart broken: Not significantly I do a pretty good job putting up a wall Been arrested: No but I did accidentally call the police when I was 5/6 years old and they said if I did it again they would arrest me. Scared the shit out of me. Fallen for a friend: Yep Kissed on the first date: -_-
GENERAL List three favourite colours: Silver, purple, white How many facebook friends do you know in real life: A pretty good handful Do you have any pets: I have a doxin, a yorkie, and three cats Do you want to change your name: Actually yeah, I wouldn’t mind changing it MORE What time did you wake up: 11:20 am  What were you watching at midnight last night: Brooklyn 99 Name something you can’t wait for: I’m so hyped for Voltron Season 3 on Netflix!! When was the last time you saw your mum: Saturday What is one thing you wish you could change in your life:I wish I could change my sleeping habits What are you listening to right now: Alien Cookies by Dirty Audio Have you ever talked to a person called Tom: I don’t think so? Something that is getting on your nerves right now: My bank account wanting to by that backpack but having little money and asking my mom to help me a bit. I don’t like asking for money but it’s hard to buy stuff without money. Most visited site: Tumblr? That or Webtoons Mole: Mostly on my leggies Mark/s: Birthmark on my knee, scar on my other knee Childhood dream: To be a child prodigy. Still my dream actually.  What do you like about yourself: I like my sense of humor. It usually charms people. Piercings: Two in each year and I’ve been thinking about getting a helix and industrial piercing Nickname: Becca, Beccy, Reb, Leo, Bec Pronouns: she/her or he/him Favourite tv show(s): Brooklyn 99, Mob Psycho 100, Voltron, Kitchen Nightmares, One Punch Man, more anime. Tattoos: Not yet but boy howdy do I want a lot soon Right or left handed: Right Surgery: Yeah! I had to get teeth removed and I might have to get my wisdom teeth removed soon Hair dyed a different colour: Absolutely  Sport: I used to fence. I miss fencing.  Vacation: Take me to Japan or Bolivia please! Current and all-time best friend name: Rebecca, Maria, Antonia, Ellie, Shannon, Alex, Ben, Noah Eye colour: Hazel Favourite movie: Speed Racer  WHICH IS BETTER? Hugs or kisses: Hugs although I’m not a big touchy touchy person Lips or eyes: Eyes for sure Shorter or taller: Either is fine Nice arms or stomach: Either is fine  Sensitive or loud: Loud! Hook up or relationship: Honestly? I like to keep things casual in relationships or if I ever have one hook ups. But I guess I’ll go with relationship for now. Troublemaker or hesitant: Pretty sure I’m a troublemaker DO YOU BELIEVE IN… Yourself: I try to but someone in my life makes me feel like I’m not as good as I should be sometimes Miracles: Meh, nah. Love at first sight: Depends. With people it’s so-so but with pets hell yeah I want that kitten right now! Santa Claus: Nah TAGGING
@typebill @ropeless-and-hopeless
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newgeekcity · 7 years
New Geek City is Live Blogging MST3k The Return
Once a upon a time there was a bored kid. He just moved to a new place where he didn’t know anyone. Hair was coming in weird places. His face looked like it came from a rare Garbage Pail Kid card.
Other things were changing for the kid, namely his tastes. To him everything started to be so childlike. His books, Full House, even Saturday morning cartoons. There wasn’t anything that really appealed to him anymore.
Except for Batman the Animated Series, that was still awesome.
So one day while trying to avoid the Smurfs or some shit, the kid flipped on Comedy Central. Gamera was on. Everything sucked, but he wasn’t too big for Toho movie monsters. 
Just look at it...
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And see those guys on the bottom? They were cracking jokes, making astute observations. Then they would do silly musical numbers. It was the best, and for years after, no matter what, the kid would tune in to see what crazy schlock the boys of MST3k would do next.
And yeah yeah, the boy was me. Twist ending, M. Night Shyamalan style. Blah blah.
Since MST3k came into my life so early, sometimes I wonder where it started and I begin in the soup of neurons and my memories. Am I sarcastic and love terrible movies because it brings me back to my safe space? Or am I drawn to MST3k because I am sarcastic and I love 1960s Godzilla movies.
I don’t think there’s a real answer to that question. However, after a long long departure. MST3k is back and on Netflix... so lets dive into the first episode which is called... episode 1? Seriously guys? Way to be descriptive.
We got movie sign after the jump
00:00 - Hold on I need more coffee. 
00:00 - Alright, back. Lets see what’s up. I’m really curious about the opening. If I remember right the opening song was sung by Mike Nelson. So lets see how this stacks up. 
I’m not looking for a perfect recreation, but something in the same spirit.
1:39 - People? There’s other people in this universe? I thought there was like 10 tops in the entire world in the original series. Then there’s Wil fucking Wheaton. I don’t mind the people, but I do mind Wil Wheaton, that fucking guy. The DIY effects and models are really great though.
In what looks like the Gizmonic mission control, the staff are puppets. I love that.
Wait I know that lady... She’s Erin Gray. Colonel Deering from Buck Rogers. When I was 5 I wasn’t sure if I was going to marry her or Princess Leia. 
Hey it could have happened, I was a cute kid.
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But seriously, Fuck. Wil. Wheaton. 
2:00 - I have to admit, I’m sort of liking Jonah. He has the same affable quality as Joel and Mike. 
4:30 - Gypsy could talk? Like for reals? Weird.
I also did like the opening sequence, a lot. Its different. It feels like that’s what the sequence should have been for the movie. But I really liked it. Great work Joel. 
8:00 - Invention exchange is back. Patton Oswalt is perfect as TV’s son of TV’s Frank. Although I was doubting Felicia Day, I have to admit she is charming here. 
The movie doors are different, you could tell they used a computer for this one. Not sure if I like that, But whatevs its minor. 
The bots voices are actually pretty good too. Crow sounds like Crow. Tom sort of sounds like Tom. I do have to get used to Jonah though.
9:00 - Its not skin, its beef. Just saying.
Delicious ground beef.
10:30 - Tom can fly! He can fly!!
13:15 - We have Super Dragon reference! Also one of the best MST3k songs 
14:00 - “You know an aquarium is just a pet store that doesn’t sell anything.” Made me lol.
14:41 - Gypsy showed up and made a quip. I already forgot what it was. I wonder if it’ll be a thing.
16:35 - I’m hoping the movie picks up. I doubt it because its MST3k. But they did a “commercial break” just now. They repeated the name of the movie and showed I guess would be the Deep 13 House Band. 
I think a skit would have worked better. Its not like they have to fit in actual commercials. But they’re probably trying to keep as close to the original format as possible.
18:30 - Scientist 1: “I envy that young man.”
Scientist 2: “He will be busy now.”
Me: Yeah with your daughters, you Dane weirdo.
20:00 - Who just keeps an electric eel in a tank in a hallway? Nothing is gonna go wrong there. Nothing at all....ARRRRRGHG 
22:00 - I’m having a really hard time picking up who’s speaking. Particularly with Tom / Jonah. 
But Jonah’s Monster Mash / Reptilicus cover was definitely out of the Joel Robinson playbook. 
25:00 - Can someone tell me if that Dane blonde, scientist daughter has a single daughter along the R line? And that wound looks like pudding. Just saying it looks like delicious reptile pudding.
27:00 - Ok the skit break is this kaiju monster rap. The bots, particularly crow are more animated. He’s able to move his arms around now.
The song itself is way different from the original series. Which I’m giving it a thumbs up. It fits well into the original ethos. Its catchy, fun. Its a good update. Nice work modern MST3k writers.
32:00 - One thing I’ve noticed is the actual filmic quality of the movie. In the old MST3k’s you could still see the scratches and dust, and the warping. It looks like that this is a restored film. 
Its not awful or really a distraction. But its just something I noticed as a long time fan.
35:00 - Dickweed. It makes me laugh every time.
36:00 - Of course the goofus stuck his hand in the electric eel tank. You know comedy. It had to happen. Like the sun rising, and the rain falling in the amazon.
38:00 - I wish netflix would have some way that it counts up instead of down. It would make my life easier here.
Another “commercial break” I was wrong, in the new series its Moon 13 and Patton Oswalt gave a fun fact about the doors. The house band is playing at the same time. Its very Svengoolie.
39:00 - Xanadu reference. Not sure how many youngin’s would get it. I barely do because my dad had a bootleg VHS tape. 
It was awful.
41:00 - I was about to say a lot of the jokes are falling flat, but when that scientist “screamed” and one of the guys dubbed it with Opera, that was brilliant. 
43:00 - I get that MST3k was never really about plot when it came to the host and bots. But they seemed to jump into the riffing really quick. I was expecting some sort of intro for Jonah, like he’d ask questions about why he’s there throughout the movie and the bots would fill him in and he’d grow into the host role. 
I think it would have added some sort of dimension to it. But I would get why they would just jump right into it. 
45:00 - Also I’d expect the Mads would show up more by now. Maybe in the next skit sequence?
47:00 - No Mads, but the cloning of Tom Servo in the “genesis tank that’s conveniently off camera” was real classic MST3k. 
So far, Jonah I would say earned his spot. He nailed it. 
Crow, yup classic Crow. 
Tom, well. He’s not awful. He’s funny but I just can’t get past the voice. Kevin Murphy really owned the character. I hope its just matter of getting used to it. Like when Kevin originally took over in Season 2 (I think) of MST3k.
51:00 - Hold on I need a gif of that.. give me a few minutes.
Ok, I couldn’t get a gif. I’ll have to check into that. BUT I did grab a screenshot.
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Single handedly this is my most favorite special effect ever.
54:30 - Although another stray observation, when the people are in frame, the film is alright. Like no scratches (for the most part) but when the monster is up it looks like someone went through it with sandpaper. 
Which lazy bastard only did half a restoration?
55:00 - It feels like Tom should have had that ability to fly all along. His bottom always reminded me of a hovercraft.
56:00 - Yup the commercial breaks definitely is reminiscent of Svengoolie, Paton Oswalt should just show up on that set one day as TV’s Son of TV’s Frank. 
It would be some great cross promotion.
BTW, go watch Svengoolie. Its not as funny as MST3k, but it’s really charming and fun.
Occasionally they show a good movie. Which I guess defeats the point, but whatever.
60:00 - We’re about at the halfway point. So far, I will admit the new MST3k is... I don’t want to say a worthy successor but Joel Hodgson really did something special. This definitely feels in place with the originals. Almost like it never went away. 
I do want more Mads for this episode. Where are they?
62:00 - How did they get letters? This is like the first episode in almost 20 years. How many 8 year olds could sit still long enough to watch reruns? Aren’t they making methlabs and sexting? 
63:00 - Just a note, I know nothing about modern children.
71:00 - Have you ever wondered why Kaiju are impervious to tank shells? Think about it, they’re designed to punch through concrete, steel plating, etc. I don’t think they’d have a problem with reptile skin, prehistoric or otherwise.
74:00 - Another thing I noticed is that the guy and the bots are more animated compared to the originals. They’ll move around, fly by, bring in barrels to interact with the screen. 
I know the originals did similar, but it seems to be more frequent here. Its not unwelcome. Its actually nice.
77:00 - Another commercial break. Its a TV seal of quality with the Moon 13 house band. I’m still liking them.
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Patton talked about how Kinga established some TV group, probably to make profit. 
Its not so much how the joke was clever, I just liked how they used that to add some background of the world of MST3k. Because we really don’t know much about it, besides the SOL and Deep 13 and such. 
I never thought it was missing, but now that I’ve seen some glimpses into the surrounding world I am interested in learning more. Does the world know about the Forresters? Have they always run in secret? Or they make their intentions known and the government is powerless to stop them. Who is the government there anyway?
Are they considered brilliant or total fuck ups? Are they part of something bigger? Like SMERSH or the illuminati or something?
78:00 - They’re freaking out about getting a gallon of some sort of lizard knock out drug. Do Danes know how much a gallon is? It’s not that much, if it was like an oil drum’s worth then you got problems.
80:00 - The gallon is really just a beaker. So I guess Danes don’t get the imperial system after all.
83:00 - Seriously the guy playing Crow is really good. If I close my eyes I’d have a hard time telling the difference between him and Trace Beaulieu.
Although I noticed the mouth movement on Crow isn’t as pronounced as it was in the originals. Its a little detail, but it went a long way in figuring out who was talking.
85:00 - Monster’s dead, yay I guess.
86:00 - “Push the button Max” doesn’t have the same cachet as “Push the button Frank.” But I’m glad they brought that back.
87:00 - The end credit song sounds like it was made with a real orchestra. It gives it some gravitas. Its rather lovely. 
88:00 - They’re repeating the monster rap. Not bad, still cute. 
89:00 - Wait, in the end credits, They gave the proper name for the Moon 13 House Band, they’re called “The Skeleton Crew.”
I like Moon 13 house band better.
90:00 - Nice touch--
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And of course--
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The end tag. Its nice to see some old standbys come back.
Final Thoughts - 
I suppose if you really wanted to you could say its worse or better than the originals. I guess its like how you wanted to fight over Joel vs Mike. 
They’re different. They had their own styles, and they were very funny in their own way. 
MST3k The Return is a lot like that. There’s enough elements of the originals that it feels familiar, but stylistically its been updated. I personally think its a good thing. 
With the bigger budget, and more modern delivery I feel a lot of the fun, DIY, anarchic, lo-fi qualities that was so mind blowing about the original show is very much here. 
I like the new cast, except for Wil Wheaton (fuck you Wesley Crusher), and I think they’re as charming and clever as the previous casts. Just... different.
So if you loved the originals as much as I did, I definitely think its worth binging with your kids. Personally I plan to make this a Saturday morning thing like I did way back when.
One last last thing. From what I saw of the preview for the next episode it looks like Pearl, Bobo, and Brain Guy are visiting. Hopefully Mike shows up too.
I. Can’t. Wait.
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bangtan-spells · 8 years
Yoongi Scenario: Wild Rose.
Request: Hi I'd like to request a fluffy scenario with yoongi in the 19th century where he's a noble and he threw a party but got bored quickly so he went outside to the garden and he sees y/n and they start talking
Genre: Fluff / 19th Century AU.
Yoongi knew what he had to do when he wanted to slip out of anything. In today’s case he was doing everything humanly possible to run away from the more than boring conversations that surrounded him. Sometimes parties although denominated as such weren’t what they seemed, for the nobility a party could be a long list of things, but more often than not it was only an occasion to flaunt wealth and successful trades or setting marriage arrangements. Yoongi’s head threatened him with ache at the thought of the latter, he had managed to slip out of those too, but he wouldn’t taunt his luck too much.
Soon he was slipping out of the party, no longer noticed by the group of men speaking about politics, he let his glass of champagne at a random table, one of the dozens that were disposed at the perimeter of the great hall. His father sure had a taste for opulence, the hall could host hundreds of guests at its full capacity and the paints on the walls, the intricate works of porcelain, the hangings, the ornate lamps and the most flamboyant floral and food arrangements didn’t have anything to envy those of the royal family. 
Although Yoongi’s taste not being as outrageous he couldn’t deny the beauty that held such parties; they were like spells that held everyone together for one night and after they ended they had the power of change lives. Yoongi had seen it, good men stripped from their lands for a conversation gone bad, unexpected marriages for the sake of two households, men rising in glory because they knew exactly what to say. He amused himself with it more often than not, but tonight he didn’t want to hear the word parliament one more time.
If his father had a taste for luxurious interiors, his mother had it for luscious outdoors. Their castle was well known for its outstanding gardens, as his mother liked to collect the most beautiful flowers that there were, even bringing some from across the world. Yoongi fancied the comfort of his chambers more than anything but he liked the peace nature brought, so he understood his mother and her love for it.
The hall had three ways to the exterior, one that went directly to the front of the castle although it wasn’t its main entrance, but it assured the guests a more complacent path to their carriages when the party ended. The second consisted in a balcony that had a gracious view on the extent of the lands and not far away lake, and the third lead directly to a font that lead to the gardens. Yoongi decided for the third, knowing that no one would be outside at this point of the party. Only that he was mistaken.
By the font he saw a girl who was fairly entertained by the water plants on it. Yoongi thought about going back, since encountering with someone else would go against his purposes, but this girl seemed familiar to Yoongi but right at the moment he couldn’t remember her name and that did strange things to his curiosity.
You were grazing the water softly, leaned a little bit more than necessary into the font. Almost like a child he dared to say, although your body begged to differ. The sleeves of your peach gown started at your shoulders leaving part of your chest exposed, the line of your body stretched at your waist gracefully without being constricted to not being able to breathe, the gown had gold and black applications making it more appealing to the eye. Yoongi saw your gloves laying indifferently also by the side of the font, as if losing them or wearing them meant nothing to you.
-Are you having fun staring my lord?- you said without lifting your gaze from the water.
Yoongi was astounded, looking behind his shoulder for a second as if you could be talking to someone else, he hadn’t even registered when he had started to stare, or when you had found him out.
-Aren’t you too far from the fun?- he answered with a question, trying to evade explaining himself.
You sat upright, now Yoongi seeing the elaborated necklace that hung over your chest, a piece of jewelry so finely crafted it could only belong to a high noble lady, but why he couldn’t remember your name?
-If you consider that over there fun, my lord, then consider this conversation finished- you sentenced as you moved your hands a little to dry them, proceeding to grab your gloves only to stash them in some sort of secret pocket hidden between the pleats of your skirt.
-Do all dresses have those?-
You looked down at your hidden pocket and gave him a half smile. -I had them made of course, I find it a little unfair how men can have pockets everywhere and we can’t-
Yoongi walked to you, but even if this was his home and he should feel comfortable he did it slowly and carefully, as if he did a brisk move you’d run away, and Yoongi certainly didn’t want this conversation to be finished.
-You seem to be very practical, lady…-
You scoffed but a little smile appeared on your lips. -Lady Y/N, and don’t ever call a woman practical, what sort of flattery is that, lord Yoongi? or I should say lord Min?-
Yoongi was impressed by you knowing his name, but then again you were at his castle, it would be foolish to go to someone’s party without knowing their names. -You can speak to me informally, just Yoongi- he said calmly, he figured you were the type to do so anyways. -And I didn’t know you were expecting flattery lady Y/N-
You mimicked the lopsided smile, like giving it to him that he had caught you. -You can speak informally to me as well, call me Y/N, if you wish-
Yoongi looked at you, the fine dress and jewelry, soft looking skin with a hint here and there of those paints women used on their faces, not too much, as your looks were polished but without it being overbearing, your hair was half up half down and it was shiny like it had been brushed a thousand times, and yet you had a few stray locks framing your face that moved around every time you did.
You were a fine noble lady, but yet, you moved and spoke with such easiness that were most common in girls that didn’t care about their status, like a peasant girl or like a queen.
-So what made a host run away from his party?- you asked as you circled the font, eyeing all the greens around and the several paths that would conduct to different parts of the garden.
Yoongi moved with you, seeing everything you saw, following your steps with curiosity. -Boredom I guess, what made a lady come alone outside?-
-Alone- you giggled. -Why men are always baffled when a lady is alone?- Yoongi didn’t have an answer, honestly he didn’t know why. You smiled at him letting you know you were once again playing. -I like gardens and flowers, and I’ve always heard how yours are magnificent-
Yoongi stopped walking when you did so, he had the words at the tip of his tongue, you were beautiful and without any doubt unique, he wanted to keep speaking with you, but he had come out to be by himself, but then he was pretty much always by himself. He saw you staring at anything but him, and Yoongi knew that he wanted your eyes on him one more time.
-How would you like me showing you? These are my gardens after all-
You put your hands behind your back, like a good girl who had been granted a prize. Yoongi just stared, amused, surprised.
-Are you this way with everyone?- he asked as he started to walk.
Yoongi had no idea of course, that this wasn’t your first time seeing him and that beyond anything else you were thrilled that he had at last noticed you. You had seen him in parties and one or twice around town. But until now you couldn’t have the chance to speak directly to him, now that you finally had one your intention was to make this boy to never forget you. That didn’t mean that you weren’t being authentic, you were showing yourself as you were, only that you were throwing a little bit more to the mix, flirtatious smiles and looks, just enough to pique his interest, those weren’t for everyone.
-I show myself as I am- you explained. -Of course certain things depend on the person I have before me, don’t you think?- he nodded. -How about you? Do you show yourself as you are?-
You wanted to know his answer, despite you having some sort in infatuation for him you were aware that you didn’t truly know him, Yoongi seemed to be aloof, quiet, a gentleman since you had never heard a scandal about him, and foremost you were almost certain that this noble boy was a dreamer, just like you.
-I guess I do, although I rarely show myself- he said honestly.
Yoongi led you through one of the paths you had near, the gardens were truly beautiful, just as the rumors had promised it to be. In mid spring you saw dozens of flowers in plain bloom, although you knew there could be hundreds or thousands of flowers around the entire garden. Every section of the garden had little bird fonts that were empty at night but you could imagine them being full with life in the morning, there were ornamental statues that celebrated art, some of them were animals, some of them were beautiful women or men with musical instruments in their hands. You couldn’t see all the details, but the moon shine gave you enough clarity to admire the beauty, it enhanced somehow the magnificence of the flowers. Roses, tulips, carnations there was a vast selection of them.
-This is espectacular- you said as you saw a beautiful peony from up close. -I think I had never seen so many flowers together-
Yoongi nodded. -Here we have the ones that can survive together at plain air, my mother keeps the more special specimens and the ones with special needs in the greenhouse-
-Your mother is the one behind this?-
He nodded again. -She loves her flowers, and she loves these gardens, and she gets deep involved in the creation of it, although she cannot do much herself-
You frowned a little at that, but Yoongi speed up the pace a little bit so you couldn’t see his face, something had happened with his mother, you wondered what but now you were a bit nervous to ask.
Keeping on with the walk you kept enjoying the gardens, you wished you could have gardens like this at your castle, but sadly the lands that your family had were invested in stables, archeries, and courtyards, not much space for vast gardens and beautiful sculptures.
-You even have wild roses here- the remark made him stop, you were leaning to see them better. Wild roses weren’t much common around, but here they looked to grown spontaneously. -They keep growing, and mother doesn’t want to cut them-
You understood, who would want to do that? You looked at his eyes who was staring back at yours. -Why do I think I have seen you before? Like I know you-
-Perhaps we know each other and you forgot about me, how rude my lord-
Yoongi chuckled amused by that, he seemed to be interested in you, attentive of what you had to say. But you wanted to hear about him too.
-So what are you interested about? Your father sure has some politics to do, your mother has these beautiful gardens, what about you?- it took him some time, Yoongi looked up at the sky, the night was free of clouds so you could admire the moon and stars fully and then he looked back at you.
-I don’t know… I’ve always, I’ve wanted to travel and see you know, everything out there but…- he shook his head. -My mother is ill, I have to marry in a couple of years, I have to take over this castle and these lands… I want to see the world but I barely leave these gardens-
You kept silent for a moment, you had slowed down your pace so much that you had almost stopped walking. He sounded sad, a dreamer just like you had suspected, but he was lost.
-Yoongi I..-
-I apologize, that was inappropriate- he said more seriously this time. -We should go back-
You knew you had, you had been absent enough time but you didn’t want this moment with him to end like this. So you stood there trying to think something clever to say, or a smart remark, or anything, but instead you smelled something.
-Oh my…- you opened your eyes wide looking around trying to spot the source of the smell. Yoongi looked at you confused and more so when you took his hand and started to run.
-Wait, Y/N, what is the matter?- he ran after you, until you halted in front of a few white flowers, round on their petals, but they were moving, and they were so fragrant  -What are these?-
You smiled brightly at him and at that moment Yoongi could only see you, the disheveled hairs due to the little run and the rosy cheeks of the same tone the wild roses you had left behind -Wait for it, you’ll see-
Yoongi teared his eyes from you and stared at the same direction as you, he saw in complete awe as the two white bulbs spread right before his eyes, letting out a sweet fragrance that now flooded everything. It was a beautiful scene, only at the end he noticed he was still holding your hand.
-These are moon flowers- you said quietly, like the flowers could hear you and be shied away of this spectacle. -They bloom only at night, it happens fast and they leave behind the sweetest of smells, aren’t they beautiful?-
-They are- he assured. Wanting to let go of your hand because he felt self conscious, but still not wanting to end the contact with your skin, it was improper of him and of you, but Yoongi didn’t care at the moment.
-You have such beautiful and wonderful things just before you and you don’t realize- you said a bit more quietly, the rosy tone one your cheeks intensifying as you pulled your hand away from his. 
You looked around, breathing in deeply and then gazing at him. Yoongi’s handsome face, his expression so focused on you that managed to make your heart race, you didn’t know what you had done tonight, something crazy you were sure but you had gotten what you wanted, and as you felt yourself trembling a little before speaking you figured you had realized much more than you had intended. -I hope after tonight, you don’t forget that-
Yoongi stared down at your hands now separated, and then at you. He didn’t know if he was imagining things or if this whole walk through the gardens was just a dream, all he could register was the sweet fragrance of strange flowers that only bloomed at night, and the eyes of a girl that shone like stars, if he could assure something was the memory of you in his mind. -I will not forget-
291 notes · View notes
7O3X 1 | Saiyuki Reload Blast 1 | Konbini Kareshi 1 | Knight’s & Magic 1 | Chronos Ruler 1 | 18if 1 | Boku no Hero Academia 27 | Vatican Kiseki Chousakan 1 | Katsugeki 2 | Hina Logi 2 - 3
Still need votes for this.
7O3X 1
As you can kinda tell from these notes, I love random trivia, so this was a hype show ever since I found out about it. Then again, I never thought a quiz anime would exist in the first place prior to the announcement of this.
Okay, question 1 – why exactly did some Japanese staff member saddle this show with a name that doesn’t match the Japanese title at all? So long as you know O is a correct answer, you’re fine…
I love how they’ve styled the credits to be like a Q and A. That really works in the show’s favour.
Headband girl’s name is Mari Fukami, right? How does she pose her legs like that?!
For some reason, I like Shiki’s name in the Western order more…
Interesting how Kuroda stands out more than Shiki, knowing anime tropes.
I’m not entirely up to snuff on Japan’s nuclear stuff, but the Descartes saying is fairly well known and I got it. The thing about quiz shows is that you have to want to play along, which I’m not getting just yet, but this is just the setup stage so I’ll keep going. Sahara…The Metamorphosis (I love transformation fiction, so to get a question about Metamorphosis so early on basically means you’ve won me over, LOL)…I think the deeper this goes, the more cliché it may seem, but I like it. Especially because I remember  helping out at the library a lot (plus free pizza as a result…haha).
The books Shiki passes by include “The World of Literature You Don’t Know” and a parody of that Arukeyo Otome thing by Masaaki Yuasa that was released recently (which is based on a novel). Specifically, the name of the 7O3X version of the book is “The Morning is Short, Walk On Girl” (to use the sentence pattern of the original).
Ah, now Shiki’s a kiddo that gets me! I’ve never been too sociable to people and before I got too deep with the internet, it was just me and books, and as a result I specialised in everything English (bar writing, which I was average at). However, by the time I was 13, I lost my skills in English to essays. My love of anime made its resurgence around then so I suspect if I were still a book nerd, I wouldn’t be where I am today…
Okay, I think someone on the ‘net warned me about the panty shot. It’s a good thing Shiki is clearly uncomfortable with it…yeah. Moving on.
That club with the skirts really is disturbing, but I couldn’t help laughing like the brunette in front of Shiki.
Gakuto really made a great first impression. It wowed me. Unfortunately, the quiz show he referenced doesn’t exist, according to Google-sensei…”High School Quiz Show” apparently does, though.
I think there are specialised makers of those buzzers, Shiki. Or you could order them online or something, your call.
Please stop with the panty shot references…but sticking “April” in English really doesn’t make this question work out for me. So, to answer in Japanese, it would be shigatsu.
There are 50 stars on the American flag, right?…Yep. It wasn’t a trick question – buzzing in too fast can be a liability, so make sure you listen to the entire question before you answer!
I’d actually guess Gakuto is going to ask for “the nation with the most people”…Darnit! Oh well, I knew that one before the other guy buzzed in. Interesting how there’s Vatican Miracle Examiner this season though.
I suck at anticipating questions, but I’m good at answering like Shiki. “Et tu, Brute?” is said by Julius Caesar.
The guy to Mari’s left just seems to be fooling around. I’d know that sort of guy anywhere…*frowning face*
I don’t know about this “I fell in love” one…By the way, the text is here. That reveals the author is Dazai and Das Gemeine actually starts with “Back then, each day was the end of my life.” “I fell in love” comes after that.
Kaijou High School? Is this foreshadowing for a later opponent? Like, say, Mikuriya Chisato?
Stop it with the panty shot reference! Argh!
Wait, there’s a silhouette there in one of the circles. The long hair and colour of the circle indicates it’s most likely a girl, but probably one the staff want to keep secret…Interesting.
I’m kind of ambivalent, as this was one of 4 major hype shows for me. The number of panty shot references means they may refer to the event again in subsequent episodes, and fanservice has killed shows for me in the past. However, I’m slowly getting the hang of this quiz bowl stuff, even if I can’t always get in before the answer, and I know the emphasis is on quizzes, so I’ll give it another ep.
Saiyuki Reload Blast 1
Apparently, you don’t need to know much to get into Saiyuki so *shrugs* I’m gonna try it.
I think a more literal version of this ep title is “Sudden Storm”. “Squall” implies power as much as immediacy…
This reeks of DN Angel (late 90s/early 2000s) style, and I like it! Plus I’ve heard of the dragon/Jeep from other people who’ve talked about the series (notably there was an article on CR that convinced me to watch this and it mentioned the dragon), so…that was actually no biggie. Camera blood spatter is a bit questionable, though…
I have weird tastes in humour, as you might know from Kado. Therefore, when the woman appeared at the window, I laughed myself silly…
Shangri-la is China, so it’s natural that west China is different to east China. Kind of like how western America and eastern America are different…
I dunno why Gojyo is a water sprite, but that “diarrhoea sprite” thing is funny.
Gahh! That blonde (Sanzo) is too hot for me! No wonder people put characters on dakimakura, this guy looks right at home on one.
Well, I dunno what I just got myself into, but that was some good stuff! Next ep, please! (Plus, Granrodeo and Luck Life, the same duo of artists on Bungou Stray Dogs. That’s gotta be a good sign, right?)
Oh great, I left the ep running and it turns out there’s an after credits segment. Tsukigakirei’s after credits extras didn’t quite work for me, but since I laughed so much at the main show, this shouldn’t hurt, right?
G-Guh! The dragon can write calligraphy?! With its feet?! At least the joke works in Japanese and English…
That baldness joke works for me, considering I know Sanzo’s a priest…welp, if you get a lil’ background knowledge, it seems like you can conquer almost anything Saiyuki, and who knows what places it’ll take me in the future, eh?
Konbini Kareshi 1
I’m here for the VA talent, if nothing else. Nishiyama’s (Atsushi of Boueibu) getting a lot of side roles lately, which is great!
That running sequence took a good minute and a half, which is the same length as the OP. I almost noped out of there because that kind of thing is only compelling for about 10 seconds for me.
There’s something that’s a hybrid of Sagrada Reset, Denpa Kyoushi and Tsukigakirei here…which means it’ll probably get a low to medium rating, if anything. I can normally peg what sort of rating a show will get by its first episode,because shows tend to be consistent about what they do.
Interesting to note they don’t use shigatsu here.
The picture book is “The Mermaid Prince” (<- update: “The Merfolk Prince” is a better translation, so my bad). It was pretty obvious by the swimming sequence in the OP that at least one of these guys is a swimmer, or at least a PE nut (as some of the other things on his table suggest).<br>
I’ve never seen a younger brother be a morning person and the one to wake up a sibling. It’s always an imouto or a mother…
Wasn’t this straight romance, and not Hitorijime My Hero romance? Towa really has that bromance thing going on for him, the way Suna and Takeo (Ore Monogatari) do.
CS I think is a reference to BS Japan, one of the TV stations that shows Boueibu. Update: It’s actually highly likely to be CS-TBS, which shows the show. By the by, Nishiyama is Miki.
The red keion announcement vaguely pisses me off simply because I know that’s the light music club. I’ve seen small snippets of K-On, and while it wasn’t enough to warrant marking episodes off, catchy songs aren’t enough to keep me coming back.
This first meeting seems a little hamfisted for some reason I can’t put my finger on. However, it’s great Miki’s getting a lot of lines right here, although it’s still a side role…
The background scenery is beautiful in this show…
Here we go again…(basically, I have a very low opinion of this show, just as I suspected I would have).
I’ve got the volume on to evaluate Nishiyama, but the high-pitched teasing voice Towa just used is not natural at all. It would’ve worked better in his normal voice.
I get why the girls are fangirling over books, but I didn’t get who Michael Ende was until “The Neverending Story” came up, haha.
Glasses girl (Mami, right?) is reading something called “Glasses Man”, haha.
There’s a lot of voiceover here, as if the anime staff don’t quite care about their show enough to animate lip flaps.
As soon as she stepped on his foot and he didn’t give chase, that’s when I realised I didn’t quite care about these people. The pacing in this show, during critical moments, is just too awkward, that’s why…
Well, that was subpar. It has an opportunity to get better next ep, but I don’t care to stick around enough. However, there’s an interesting thing in the ED – there’s credits for scripting “Merfolk Prince”, meaning that may show up in a later ep. This ED sounds Coldplay-turned-Japanese, which is cool.
Knight’s & Magic 1
If you didn’t notice already, I’ve become so complacent with the premieres, this is my biggest season so far. If I finish watching every first ep I intend to watch as of the count I did for this commentary, I’d have 17 documented (7 more than on my hype list) because I have time, plus I’m relying on ANN to find me the good stuff this time.
What’s with that apostrophe in the title? As someone who likes their grammar to be correct, I just don’t like it.
I get the appeal of programming as an IT nerd, but it’s an acquired taste, plus it doesn’t have much payoff when you get frustrated at problems within your own code because it’s all a bunch of words and punctuation anyway.
Oh, it’s that effect where you-letterboxing! That’s what I was thinking of! (Reminds me of Erased.) Also, the ambient light is nice here, but the angled letterboxing is just plain weird.
CGI…bugs? That’s a pretty bad choice for monsters, IMHO.
ANN people have commented Erni’s past went too fast and I agree. Also, it’s just cliché after cliché with this show, ain’t it? Including the need to kabedon a girl.
Why does red eyed girl look like Atsushi of Bungou Stray Dogs? Plus, the wear on the mechas is nice.
Not every man – or every woman or other kind of person – dreams of robots, y’know?
“Trandorkis.” That’s the worst name I’ve ever heard in a while, and not just because it has “dork” in it, mind you.
Well, the look is shiny, bright and appealing and I can see this having a niche appeal to those who like giant robots. However, the backstory was too fast and Erni is way too OP for this world, so I’m dropping it.
Chronos Ruler 1
I’m familiar with only the first one or two chapters of the source material, so I was surprised this got adapted to anime…considering it’s a Taiwanese creator on a Jump manga though, it was kinda inevitable these days with all the Chinese coproductions.
That was a pretty interesting intro, even if it seemed like I’d watched the PV instead.
The battle there was good but a lil’ rotoscopy…hmph.
The colour scheme’s a lil’ dark…it’s a bit worrying, because Chronos Ruler normally has some pretty bright colours. I don’t want this to come off as a completely edgelord work like Big Order. I don’t seem to recall this dog though…
I’m pretty sure I don’t remember the forced humour spot, either, though it’s not as bad as, say, Bungou, where the director is known for his distinctive style of humour. Then again, my memory on this stuff is kinda vague.
This thing is starting to show cracks in its façade. Some of the movements are stiff and the CGI, while integreated well, doesn’t quite work with the 2D (although that’s shown up since the battle with the Horologue). “Cabalet” really adds to the cracks.
Every time Kiri speaks, I think of Kunikida (Bungou), so Victo is Dazai.
Adding the music to the show really adds another crack. There is absolutely no singing going on in this one singing scene.
Cue bad time puns. Puns are one of my specialties, y’know, so I don’t mind ‘em. Why else would I run LOL Yeah Shinichi, eh?
Victo, you remind me so much of +Anima’s Senri…and that’s just beautiful. Not many shows remind me of that. To anyone reading this, if you can get your hands on the old Tokyopop releases, +Anima is a gorgeous series, so go read it!
If Victo’s cards can fire at Mach 10, then he can’t beat Koro-sensei, LOL. (Ouch.)
Kids, don’t wear your hats inside. That’s an etiquette thing you should never forget, okay?
That was…strangely a much better premiere than I expected a Chinese part-production to be like! It’s better than the bunch of premieres I’ve tackled already and since good premieres are scarce, I’m taking it!
Update: Here’s another sign that doesn’t bode well for this show – it’s got the same director as Chaos Dragon (Masato Matsune), which I dropped after 2 eps. Chaos Dragon is known to be the epitome of road apples around the internet…
18if 1
18if was initially the only thing guaranteed to be out of Amazon’s greedy hands, so it’s great to see something so visually exciting ifnally be here for me. I know it’s based on a mobile game, which tend to be bad, but…c’mon, I’m struggling to find a good lineup here with what’s basically the death of Kaito x Ansa (it debuted on the 12th, but still hasn’t come CR’s way). Katsugeki’s good though, so at least that’s a lock for the commentary…
Quick –is this thing meant to be fully English? Or is this just Funimation being annoying?
Oh no, what a horrible first impression! Someone who speaks from their *erhem* and a chicken, aka cock…*muffles laughter* How dirty of me to even suggest it, but…well, it’s what we’re working with here.
The more I watch, the more confused I get.
Couldn’t Haruto have run towards the door? Or is this one of those non-lucid dreams?
This 16 frame simultaneous animation doesn’t quite work for me, but it’s an interesting hallmark of this anime.
Katsumi’s a Looney Toons Cat, sort of kind of…
The production values are mostly quite good, but unfortunately Haruto looks eyesearingly bad and I still can’t quite grasp the narrative thread of this show…
I just realised I completely didn’t care about Haruto getting his arm chopped off, not only because this is a dream world where anything can happen, but because heck, that arm drop wasn’t dramatic in the least.
“Anything can happen in this world”, eh? Including headphones being sliced off with a head, it seems.
Wait, so Yuko’s from his school? Haruto, please don’t encourage Yuko to skip school, as cool as that is.
Okay, I can see this becoming a harem crossed with The Royal Tutor…which would pretty much make this the Monogatari series. Unfortunately, because I still can’t quite detect what’s happened narrative-wise and the production values aren’t as great as they seem at first glance, I’m dropping this.
Boku no Hero Academia 27
Finally, we get out of that pool of mediocrity to get to the good stuff. Let’s go!
This new amazarashi OP is…great! Absolutely great match for this show…but as a musical choice for me, it’s kinda dull.
This old man is great humour-wise, but man, he’s basically Speed of Sound Sonic as an old geezer, LOL. The vibes between “little bro” and “big bro” are just too much.
Gran Torino really is a great old guy, basically Yoda, LOL (I had to make the comparison because even though I’ve never seen Star Wars, Horikoshi’s a fan). He can see weakness just from watching Deku on TV, which is what every great mentor should be able to do, right?
What makes movement flexible? Belief in one’s own strength and no fear for repercussions (not quite in the way Deku’s doing right now, but rather going all out all the time without having a subconscious fear drag you down). Also of course exercise and youth works in your favour.
Deku likes katsudon, LOL. No wonder he’s basically Yuri Katsuki’s little bro as well as Saitama’s, hahaha.
Best Jeanist is basically Aoyama gone pro (I’ll say ouch for Bakugou in advance).
Oh! Uwabami! I know she came from Oumagadoki Zoo, so it’s nice to see her animated!
Gahaha, Gran Torino is such a Mr Miyagi (even though I’ve never seen the original Karate Kid).
“Omazan”, LOL! This ep just keeps getting better and better!
Gahaha, I just made a comparison of Yuri Katsuki to Deku, and suddenly here come the food metaphors. This show became superhero!YOI with better comedy, and that’s just even more fantabulous than before.
This fairy tale AU, I dig it. Unfortunately, Mercy (@mercysorrows) spoilt prince!Shouto for me, but yes, this AU is just as great as the ep itself. Kaminari looks great in this, although I’m disappointed I couldn’t see Tokoyami. What a great twist at the end though, for it to be 1-A’s festival album…is that foreshadowing for a later arc, perhaps? (The All Might fire is both a fitting and a sad analogy, because All Might’s force is literally Deku’s sword and shield and All Might’s presence is what makes Deku a hero, yet it suggests Toshinori’s time as a buff man is limited…*feels all sad inside*)
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan 1
This one actually seems like it has some promise, and because I was a Detective Conan fan a few years back I’m a sucker for any new seasonal mystery series. By the way, let’s just call this “The Vatican Anime” and leave it at that, okay?
“This story is a work of fiction…” – The Vatican’s real, though, right? By the way, “succor” is, according to Google-sensei, “assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.”
The shaky camera doesn’t quite do it for me…There was similar stuff for Chronos Ruler, only that time they overdid their spinning.
I thought the door was an elevator, that’s how deceiving that doorbell was. Sheesh though, Hiraga looks like the dude from 91 Days when he’s tired (which is not a compliment!).
The Game of Angels and Demons seems to be reversi or something, Google doesn’t give me anything good on it.
*points at undressed Hiraga* Unnecessary, but wowee. Me likey.
“I’m the one who came up with the game.” – Oh, that explains why I had no proper hits on it…*sighs*
Biometrics? I thought we were in the 91 Days era, or at least another period in the past. Turns out we’re in the present (or somewhere very close to it).
Comparison to Youkai Apato here – both shows take care to state the obvious, but well…they’ve all got a good dose of (at least somewhat good looking) bishies, so I can live with that.
Okay, wait…they show Mexico on the map, but Google just keeps getting me hits for New Mexico (slightly off from the shown section of America) when I look for “aliens America 1945”, and Roswell was 1947 so uh…this really is a work of fiction, after all.
The most widespread religion where I am is Christianity, so it was optional for me to take RE back in the day. I’m not too familiar with Catholics (although there should be some if I bother to look for them), but…this smacks so much of my old RE classes yet doesn’t give me the same nostalgia as the recent Saiyuki did. Maybe it’s the cracks of subparness and the stating the obvious that are doing this.
This Jacob guy looks brainwashed. More than the other procession of priests we’ve just been introduced to, at least.
Bad CGI…then again, I keep these gripes because even Chronos Ruler does better than this and because Kado is its precedent.
“…follow the way like a little child would.”
So the show finally shows some promise! Why did it only start pulling out its big guns now? Probably lazy writing…
I know the AB negative blood is rare, but couldn’t there be someone else with that blood type around the Church? It’s not impossible, y’know?
Can someone verify the correctness of the Italian in this email?
I think we met Johannes already, so…it seems like this show has a propensity to introduce the viewer to a person twice over. That works when things are like Detective Conan (one story spread over 3 eps) but doesn’t work for 1 ep.
I get a sense of feeling of blasphemy from you guys (Hiraga and Nicolas) too, although I’ve pointed out my reasoning.
It’s a good thing it seems like the staff went out to the Vatican to get something that looks realistic, eh?
Wait, is Lauren a man?! Oh my…Also, from my version of the video (from Hidive/Sentai) I get the feeling the next ep preview got blended into the ED. Or was that just time constraints?
Wait, there’s a Horror Bunko? If I knew a Horror Bunko existed, why haven’t they started adapting stuff from it until now? I think people have been complaining about the lack of good horror works in anime…(Oh, I could probably answer my own question there – horror isn’t that popular in Japan itself. It’s popular in the West though…)
All in all, it’s not quite as Scooby-Doo as some people have pegged it to be, but not inspiring enough to continue.
Katsugeki 2
I’m pretty scarce on choice, so I’m doing what was previously never ever done before – I’m picking up one of my worst rankers (Hina Logi) to have a second look at. Mind you, we’ve had an overall stinker of a season so far.
(insert “Come at me, bro!” joke for Tonbokiri)
Huh, interesting – I’ve used female pronouns for the saniwa due to the female VA, but now that I properly listen to them, they do seem more like a dude. Does that mean that Touken Ranbu is specifically trying to go for a larger audience than just fangirls? Of course, for the fangirls, there’s Hanamaru, but Katsugeki’s way better.
Okay, Mutsu. 6 bullets is overkill, calm your gun-totin’ farm. Mutsu’s much like the typical anime protag and while he’s an alright sword, I never have been able to understand the appeal behind him. Maybe he’s for the people who like muscular bishies…? Tonbokiri and Yamabushi probably do that better than him…
LOL, these two. However, just comparing their stats, Kane-san edges over Mutsu a bit for everything aside from range…and that’s only because most swords have a short range.
When you talk about Tonbokiri, you often hear the legend, so it’s no surprise to hear it here. I’m just not good with sorting these swords chronologically though, so…Tonbikiri comes from the age of Nobunaga no Shinobi, huh? Interesting.
The reason Mutsu carries a gun is because Ryoma Sakamoto was around during the dying days of the age of swords.
It’s kinda hard to hear what Mutsu’s saying from the way he talks, but the hot pot is specifically a nabe.
Noting that Tonbokiri’s ben out about 50 times, this saniwa really is a rookie and this era is probably the second or third map. Yagen isn’t too rare though, so he’s probably the biggest veteran here in regards to this saniwa. However, Mutsu’s number means that this saniwa’s starter wasn’t him…who was it, then?
Mutsu’s statement about daifuku is a pun on the fact “daifuku” means “great luck” as well as being a name for this mochi-like item.
Mutsu, weren’t you going to eat…?
What even is a Historical Restraining Force? Is that the group the saniwa is part of?…My bad, they just explained it.
One of the things that make Touken Ranbu so great is the propensity of it to go from battle action to serious drama or poignant melancholy at the drop of a hat.
This ED…was an odd choice, but has a nice singer. I realised the shots of people I don’t recognise show the swords when they were…y’know, swords. I still love the style of the next ep preview though (it’s even got the same BGM as the game!) and as expected, the citadel at the end of the ED is gorgeous.
Hina Logi 2
Good anime are scarce this season and magical girl shows that can be put through the commentary are scarcer, so…here we are.
“Rice Balls Over Flowers” is hana yori dango. Plus, hina means chick and since chicks are cute, I guess that’s where the aesthetic of the show comes from.
Someone likes the Osomatsu-san ED aesthetic, it seems.
How can you walk and not notice those breasts??? That’s exactly why I didn’t want to pick up this show again.
A qipao is a type of Chinese dress, the sort that normally has a slit up the leg and a skirt that doesn’t quite go to the knees.
Interesting, they’ve incorporated the panda hair accessories into the Trance.
For some reason, the production values here are quite nice, meaning either luck and Logic sells well in Japan or Bushiroad put a lot of their funding behind this…it’s probably a case of both.
She wants to stay with Nina, but unless she was either bored or maltreated at her home castle (which I don’t think was the case) I don’t really get Lion’s motivations…
Well, it actually was a rice ball (onigiri)! Geez, these puns…
Nina needing a logical answer is of course appropriate for a show based off Luck and Logic, LOL.
I seem to remember this Veronica lady from the original, which is funny, because I don’t remember Nina and Luck and Logic was very forgettable…
*tries to sneak away* Gratuitous boob shot? On a high schooler? Yeah, nah.
“small little town” – Small and little are the same thing though…
Trying to entice the lolicons with this ED is not good, y’know.
There really seems to be something hinted about Kagura-sensei, y’know?
I’ve termed this season “the race to the bottom”, but it was interesting to actually pull out a low ranker and give it a second chance. While I’m still not into Hina Logi as a whole and I gave it a 30 first time around, it’s probably better than that stinker Konbini Kareshi.
Hina Logi 3
*shakes head* Only in anime would someone ride a rocket like this. Only in anime.
I can’t see what Lion’s pointing to…
I am screaming profanities at my screen and shaking my head. Only in anime would a plotline like this happen. Only in anime!
I kinda understand Lion’s plight, since my dad used to go to my school to help out every now and again or have parent teacher interviews. Of course, that was when I was much younger, so…yeah. I think the staff are trying to get more younger girls involved in this by bringing in a “sexy dad”, but my tastes don’t skew that way.
Oh, now I understand Lion, but I still don’t get Mahiro, Yayoi, Karin or Karen.
Doesn’t spasibo mean “thank you” in Russian?…Yep. So Liones (country) is based on Russia, then.
Oh gosh, it’s one of those “There are two trains” questions…they bore me to death so much (and I can never solve them!) that as much as I like solving anime board questions, I’ll pass on this one.
The subber at CR decided to put their sub out of the way at the expense of being able to read the question. However, not being able to read the sub of the dialogue is a major problem! So I have absolutely no idea what the teacher was saying during the time she had that math problem up! (Also, that Foreigner question would depend on if you defeated the monster on impact or took extra time to properly defeat it.)
When there’s that screen with the four visuals on it, there’s a girl with a horned hoodie. I recognise her from the original series, but I don’t remember her name.
Here’s something on ezhiki, although there also appears to be a cookie variant.
Little kids always want their own independence, to the point where running away is one of those things most kids do, but then they come back. I don’t think I ever ran away from home, though. I was always too busy with studies and piano to run away…
I know these eyecatch-style screens are meant to be funny, but still…I never laugh at them…isn’t that sad for a show that wants to be a funny slice of life/fantasy…thing?
Last time I saw a bear in anime, it was Armed Girls Machiavellism…
Why would you ever need a bear repelling machine???
Who’s Belle?…Oh yeah, Belle is the squirrel.
Dasvidanya = goodbye. I’ve learnt more Russian because of anime than I ever would have without it (I read the entirety of Crime and Punishment thanks to that gorgeous Fyodor in Bungou Stray Dogs, y’know).
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