#although is billy
spideyhexx · 30 days
can't wait for all the feral billy edits from part 2
SO TRUE im so excited in general to see the fandom come back more alive :)
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nelkcats · 11 months
Not everything is what it seems
When Young Justice found Superboy, the heroes began to think, were there other similar places? Were there more cloned heroes? How had it all started?
So they investigated, there wasn't much to salvage from the destroyed place but they managed to trace the plans of the cloning pods to an abandoned mansion in Wisconsin. It appeared to be normal at first glance, although no one had set foot there in a while, that was until they got to the basement.
The basement was a mess, one side was destroyed as if something had exploded, on the other side were notes, capsules and DNA samples, though these were clearly useless, if the files could be trusted. It appeared to be old research, all of this was addressed at the weekly League meeting.
The worst part of it all was learning that the sample did not belong to any of them; what might have seemed like relief turned into torture when they discovered the existence of a "hero" in the past, a young hero who had acted before them all, and about whom no one knew anything. Another concern was a possible clone of said hero on the loose, though they didn't know how to address either issue.
Bruce couldn't get out of his head the image of a scared kid, out there without any support, fighting an evil version of himself. The League's priority was to find that boy immediately, and see if his clone was still active. They had to do something about it.
Most of them ignored Captain Marvel's advice to leave the matter alone, as it had been a long time and they didn't know the current circumstances.
At Amity Park, Danny felt a chill, he had a bad feeling. He decided to ignore it as he continued to scold Dan and Dani for using their powers irresponsibly, he knew the citizens of Amity wouldn't care, but the rest of the world would. Danny feared the world wasn't ready for them.
It really was hard being a single parent, although it didn't bother him, after the initial awkwardness everyone had adjusted and were quite happy.
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ihni · 2 months
Billy but instead of his long earrings it's a hello kitty one.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
the kisses start with a peck, something soft and gentle, from steve. but then he’s back for seconds, thirds, fourths, fifths and sixths - affection so aggressive that it distracts billy from the book in his lap.
steve’s pressed into the blond’s side where they’re propped up in bed, kissing and kissing.
the soft snort of billy’s laughter is muffled as steve pulls his boyfriends face against his, pressing his lips to a rough cheek with a smile as billy playfully pushes him away.
“enough,” billy chuckles with a grin of his own, scrunching his nose as he feels steve’s hand come up to grab his face - thumb pressing into one cheek and fingers on the other, squeezing gently to pout his lips.
steve kisses him there, too.
so billy sticks his tongue out, licking over that wide cupid’s bow and steve’s front teeth.
“ew!” steve cries with a grin, letting go of billy’s face so he can instead wrap his arms around muscled shoulders, eyeing the freckled bridge of billy’s nose and pressing kisses there, too.
billy’s suffocating, but he doesn’t really mind, no. because he trades the book for steve in his lap happily and quietly, letting his pretty boy shower him in sweet kisses and soft laughter for a little longer.
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pinkeoni · 8 months
Will's Possession vs. Billy's Possession
Right now I'm starting a post about Will's s2 possession and how it relates to both Will and Mike, but first I wanted to side step and talk about Will's s2 possession in contrast to Billy's s3 possession, and what their differences highlights in terms of the story and presentation of gender and sexuality.
From the outset, Billy and Will's possession are different right from the jump. Both involve forced insertion, although for Will the Mind Flayer enters him from inside one of his true sight visions, while it's implied for Billy that the point of entry was from the flayed-rat-meat-monster that was underneath the ironworks. We don't see this for Billy, but we do see it visualized when Heather's parents are flayed.
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This difference suggests a higher sensitivity or openness to the supernatural that Will possesses but that Billy does not. Whether a natural ability or afflicted, Will's True Sight is unique to him. Unlike Vecna visions, Will is able to move about physically in both dimensions, whereas victims of Vecna visions/hallucinations stay solitary and are described as "spacing out" or are tranced completely. We also know that Will had to have been physically in the Upside Down in order for the Mind Flayer to enter him, as we don't see any Mind Flayer particles out on the field while Will is being attacked.
There isn't anything to suggest that Billy had any sensitivity to the supernatural before this, and I'm inclined to believe that his vision in the Upside Down is another vision from Vecna as he takes over his mind, rather than Billy being physically presently there.
A little bit about gender in horror
Typically in the supernatural horror genre, especially with occult stories, possession, sensitivity to the supernatural, and being a "portal" for the "devil" (the devil being the Mind Flayer/Vecna in a nonliteral sense) is gendered as female. The body of the possessed has presented an "opening" for which the masculine demonic force (the Mind Flayer was gendered as male even before the show revealed it to be an actual male) enters.
And yet, it’s not so simple as to say that both possessions are gendered feminine. And in fact, there are huge differences that help gender Will’s experience as more feminine and Billy’s experience as more masculine.
For one thing, the moment of entry is hardly a focus for Billy’s possession, and is suggested rather than shown. We see Billy being dragged down to the ironworks basement, but the show cuts away before we actually see the particles enter his body.
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Contrast this with Will’s possession, which I already showed above, where the moment of entry is not only visualized but emphasized.
The reaction to their respective possessions is gendered as well. The focus of Will’s possession becomes his emotional suffering, while Billy, either reacting to and/or succumbing to masculine force, acts out violently. Will cries and finds comfort in his mom, while Billy dreams about attacking Mrs. Wheeler (and then successfully attacks Heather and orhers).
And perhaps this is meant to be exemplary of each individual’s expression of gender. My post here lays out Will’s femininity, and Billy seems to represent an inverse of this— a paragon of masculinity that Will can’t relate to. Will is sensitive and soft and artistic in a way that the people shun him for, and Billy is sporty and aggressive and sexual in a way that the town rewards him for.
I talked before about how the town views Will in my Zombie Boy post and my longer analysis about sexuality in the show, although I think in the past I naïvely believed that after season one the town was neglecting to see Will’s feminine side, seeing only a predatory masculine side despite Will’s character not changing. But this isn’t the case. If anything, it’s the fact that Will is a feminine man that causes the town to see him as predatory in the first place and to be labeled as such.
And yet, when both in the position of possession, it is Will who remains pacifistic, holding out as long as he can (until the demadog attack at the lab, but even then, Will is more just the eyes for the Mind Flayer rather than being the one actually doing the attacking) and Billy is the one who succumbs and turns on the town.
When Billy is emasculated, either through his dad calling him a “faggot” or through possession, he leans into his machismo and lashes out violently. When Will is possessed or faces outward hatred from others, he responds by holding true to himself.
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lovelynarusasu · 25 days
i'm deep in another ''every love song is about Naruto and Sasuke'' phase making new playlists in my lil corner and it made me wonder
what's your favorite sns song?
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Was he good at least?
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cssammyyarts · 5 days
the fact that the only person butcher's really ever truly managed to save because he cared is Hughie. someone krill me
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just-call-mefr1es · 2 months
day uh six- ice skating
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yes, i did kind of grow up in the rink, and yes, i do not know how to draw people skaing😽 im quirky like that🤪/j ill post the other days when my doodlebook page is filled because convenience. and lets just say theyre on a frozen river or something👺
i didnt feel like colouring it ut i still think it came out pretty good^^ still took an hour tho👹
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girlinthetardis04 · 8 months
For your consideration: Scream (1996) swapped!AU where Sydney and Tatum are Ghostface and Billy and Stu the victims.
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thebreakfastgenie · 3 months
Nocturne was recorded as an instrumental but at one time it had lyrics. There's a demo of it with lyrics. I like the instrumental but I'm kind of obsessed with these lyrics:
When it rains I watch the window Golden dreams Wash down the willow Where are my Mardi Gras memories? Under silver seas Long cold nights Change my reflection Unsung songs Show my direction Where are my make believe victories? Under silver seas Ships pass over my head Purple and blue, yellow and red White sails catching the breeze Sailing on silver seas Ships pass over my head Purple and blue, yellow and red White sails catching the breeze Sailing on silver seas Once I lived You might remember Born in May Died in September Where are my carousel fantasies? Under silver seas
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rozex21 · 2 months
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FOR YOU MY DEAREST @gayest-squrrel <3
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cherrydreamer · 2 years
Been thinking about Teacher!Steve in the 90s who confiscates an annoyingly beepy Tamagotchi from one of his kids, and is very serious when he reminds them of the rule- Not to be returned until home time. No exceptions.
Only for the kid to give him the biggest puppy-dog eyes ever, and say, "Please, Mr. Harrington, you can't let him die! Please!"
And, yeah OK, Steve's not exactly a hardass- no matter what his teacher stare might have you believe- and this kid really does seem worried. So Steve promises that he'll do his best and, after a quick tutorial from a whole gaggle of eager middle schoolers, Steve finds himself settling down on his lunch break and ignoring his marking to take care of this odd little egg instead.
And you know he gets attached. It's just a dumb little game really, but Steve is oddly charmed by it and, true to his word, he keeps that bunch of pixels alive and happy until he can be reunited with his relieved owner at the end of the day.
And if Steve just so happens to pass a toy shop on the way home? And pick up a little annoyingly beepy egg of his very own? Well he's a grown-ass adult and he can do what the hell he likes with his money, thank you very much!*
*That's his exact reply to Billy when their post-dinner couch cuddle is disturbed by a shrill beep, and Billy's eyebrows practically disappear into his curls when he spots the new addition to their household.
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cinnamon-notes · 3 months
billy joel why did you have to attack me that piercingly when you released vienna ???
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oh also!!!
catherine, called birdy playing a cover of billie piper’s masterpiece “honey to the bee” in a movie WITH billie piper in it (over a montage of hot monks, no less) was such a very specific and niche delight, i may have actually gasped aloud in joy
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songsintheattic · 1 month
in a shocking turn of events, keke palmer has replaced florence + the machine on the "artists i am incapable of leaving off a playlist" list
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