#although objectively funny way to die
notbroadwaybound · 3 months
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Always make sure you're after the right Cinna when part of an angry mob :(
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jupiters-galaxy · 8 months
I've seen some people criticize how quickly Peter and Steph fell for each other (to the point of being the thing they treasure most), and while I do understand some of the criticism, I think there are a few key things that some people aren't picking up on.
-Treasuring each other IS NOT strictly romantic. While it's true that Peter is in love with Steph, and Steph with Peter, it goes deeper than their repressed love story. They ARE friends. They do genuinely like spending time together, although their connection is relatively new. They care about each other as people first; neither of them seem like they NEED to be in a relationship with the other. They seek each other out even when they're just friends.
-It's also important to remember that the lords in black only want treasured things in the metaphorical sense: they can't give up OBJECTS. It presumably has to be a person or a concept.
-It's important to remember that both of them have been through an unbelieveable ordeal. Peter's closest friends were murdered. Stephanie lost her DAD, and although they weren't close, that can't have been easy to stomach. I cannot stress this enough; Peter and Steph quite literally have no one else left. Peter has no other friends. It logically tracks for him to be attached to Stephanie, as she is someone who experienced the same traumas as him. From Stephanie's angle, she doesn't really like her friends, and since objects are out of the question, Peter is the only person who she feels truly knows her. He's really the only option for her, even if her feelings are confusing.
-I also want to point out that you can really kind of feel them falling for each other, although it is admittedly subtext. Peter is weak to Steph as early as the opening number. He does out of character things to make her happy; a compliment from her makes his day amazing; he faces his biggest fear in hopes of seeing her at Pasqualli's. Stephanie cares for him from the first day they meet, although her care is a lot more ambiguous. She teases him about how he's into her, but at the same time, she's protective of him, feeling horrible that he got beat up and wanting to stop it. Even beyond that, she's inclusive towards him, inviting him to hang out with her simply because she likes his company. Her attraction to him makes sense: we know that Steph has a thing for funny and smart guys, and Peter's geeky snarkiness ABSOLUTELY fits. Their relationship is one that just makes a lot of sense!
-Their relationship is actually portrayed really realistically near the end. They're not intense about their love, nor are they overtly sexual. In NPMD, they don't even kiss! The furthest they go is dancing close together and having conversations, cautiously stepping into a new relationship that they mutually want. Despite the heavy nature of their confessions in As Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise), the payoff is not drastic. The confessions were likely only so heavy because they both thought Peter was about to die. Of course he would go out detailing how he loves her, and of course she would say it back; their last memories together should be good ones. When faced with normalcy, they progress as most teens would.
-At the end of the day, they're two traumatized teenagers who already liked each other before the trauma. It makes sense that they feel like the other is the most important to them; after all, Grace is the only other survivor from their group, and they're thinking about her in a less than favorable way past Richie's death, if not sooner than that.
This is not to say they're perfect, but I think their portrayal was really sweet and a joy to watch. I think the implications are extremely interesting idk!! I love Peter and Steph, I think they're more nuanced than they're getting credit for. I love to see cringefail nerds getting badass and amazing girlfriends, let me have this!!!!!
Anyways yeah that's my hot take. One of many. NPMD is consuming me someone help
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beta-therapy · 1 month
Your Beta Status: Fate or Free Will?
As evidenced by the fact that 2/3 of our ancestors are female, it is a fundamental characteristic of the human species that women exert strong selective pressure onto men in the form of sexual selection, causing some men to have radically higher reproductive success than others. Women can only give birth a few times in their lives, so it makes sense for them to be picky.
But picky for what? What are women hardwired to be turned on by and turned off by?
The harsh truth is that primarily, the answer is genetic suitability. The main purpose of sexual selection is to weed out the bad genetics and to promote the best genetics among the species.
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Although this idea is obvious, there is a common (and reasonable) objection:
Humans are not animals. Men don’t have some crude fight-to-the-death where the strongest alpha gets the woman. Yes, sexual attraction is unconscious and governed by biology, but a woman is genuinely turned on by the personality of her sexual partners rather than by some barbaric display of genetic superiority.
The problem with the objection is that those attractive masculine personality traits are inseparably tied to genetics. While it appears, on the surface, that a woman slept with Chad because he’s funny and witty, the deeper reality is that he demonstrated his intelligence, verbal facility, social calibration (lack of autism, for instance), and like ten other elements of genetic superiority, all in a way that cannot be faked. And if he was short (an indicator of insufficient androgen output during puberty or other genetic issues), she would not have even been talking to him.
Clearly, women are after genetics (they usually don’t know this consciously), but they select the winners in a highly sophisticated way, which makes it impossible to fake genetic superiority. This evaluation is about both physical and mental characteristics, but do not be fooled: there’s no “pathway” for any man to learn how to demonstrate attractive personality traits (beyond the standard advice of “be a good person”); the reason those traits are so attractive is exactly because they cannot be mimicked and therefore say a lot about your genetic suitability.
The personality traits that women go for are anything but arbitrary and socially conditioned. There’s a reason why the “awkward” and “shy” men are cross-culturally perceived by women as unattractive, whereas the “confident” and “dominant” men are universally fawned over by women. Those differences in attractiveness are not just random! They boil down to a fundamental judgement about which men deserve to spread their seed.
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The definition of Nature is what selects. It is made up of many forces working in tandem, with the force of Femininity at the pinnacle. After all, Nature is what creates and what destroys; and the most important type of creation is the birth of children, and the most important type of destruction is the ending of one’s genetic lineage.
You can think of Femininity (and, more generally, Nature) as barbarically cruel, but truly essential for the existence and continuation of humanity. Life does not exist without suffering. A species cannot master its environment without an eternal process of disposing of the bad genetics and promoting the best genetics to allow for rapid adaptation in the proper direction. (And not just with genetics; with ideas in general).
The eternal objective of life is to generate a lot of new ideas, new things, and new genetics; and to note that many of them will be mistakes that must be disposed of, but some of them will be so crucial as to be required for our survival. This process is a necessary condition of life, because without it, we are stagnant, and stagnation inevitably results in Death.
Mistakes must go to die, and good things must prevail, but for that to happen, cruel selection must take place. In the world, we realize the harsh reality that not all ideas are equal, which can be quite uncomfortable for someone who believes in a bad idea, but their ultimate defeat by better ideas is what’s necessary for the collective. But what’s the most uncomfortable type of defeat by Nature? It’s the judgement that the totality of you is not good enough to make it to the next generation. Women are the ones who make the most harsh, judgmental decision of Nature. Femininity is the graceful, nurturing, beautiful mother who is nice to everyone, but through her sexual decisions, inevitably must put men on a hierarchy of “worthiness of reproduction.” And your position on this hierarchy is not something you can take lightly. It’s not based on random socially constructed nonsense. If you are not perceived as an attractive, desirable partner by women, that is Nature’s fundamental judgement that you are inferior (in the deepest possible sense) to other men.
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Note about tipping: There is an option to tip me on the main blog page tumblr.com/beta-therapy (and also on each individual post for computer users). My content will always be available for free because I want to reach as many people as possible. If you enjoy my content and want me to continue to produce better and better posts, and you have some extra money, please consider tipping. Thanks!
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m00nsbaby · 9 months
Violent things.
Steven Grant + Marc Spector + Jake Lockley x F! reader. Part I. (Out of 3.)
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Tags & warnings. Lots of talks about death, violence, abuse. Inspired by Moon Knight's 5 episode x Corpse Bride. (+ this one is for my delulu girls since the reader is a bit delulu lol.)
Word count. 6.2k
"Oh man!" What an interesting accent. "Wow, these meds are really amazing," he whispered as he tried to catch his breath. Hah, he did that too. "I thought I was dead." He hadn't even looked at you properly; he was just suddenly relieved to be in the presence of someone else. "Oh, no," you cleared your throat. "You are dead."
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Each person had a different 'other side.'
Except you. Or well, technically, you had it, but it had been a long time since you'd been in it. In fact, apart from the bright colors, you couldn't remember much of it.
You'd been in excessively bright representations of what people imagine as 'heaven,' parties with mead, and you'd even tried candies that would have turned your tongue green if you'd eaten them in life.
Although, of course, that's how the most common ones looked; there were stranger ones too. People seeing themselves in their tiny cat-filled apartment or wandering the halls of their old school. Either way, it was fine because it was only temporary while they reached their destination.
Everyone except you.
And a few others who had the misfortune of lacking emotional intelligence even in death.
It's okay, though. Over the years, you got used to this 'life' and the idea that you would never see him again, although getting used to it didn't mean you stopped missing him.
Stopped thinking about him.
Stopped wanting him back.
Anyway, work kept you busy because, yes, even in death, you couldn't escape the damn bureaucracy. You didn't have a real name for your boss because she also looked different to each person; to you, her face was very similar to that of an old friend, even though you couldn't specify which one.
She took pity on you somehow. She explained your situation, although it took you a lot of energy and time to understand it. She did everything possible to keep you from becoming one of those lost souls who simply roamed around here. She also pulled you back onto the path when you began to stray.
"There are 3."
You frowned.
"What do you mean, there are 3?"
"There are 3." she shrugged as you walked through the corridors of the psychiatric void. This was a new scenario, and your clothes were different too. Something more modern, you didn't recognize it as something from your time.
Yes, a few years weren't that long, but fashion moved disgustingly fast in the world of the living.
"Do you think you can handle them?" Should you mention to the boss that she looks like a chatty hippo, or is that the kind of thing you keep quiet to maintain good working relations?
You bit your lip and then nodded.
"Good luck." Her mocking smile was never a good sign.
Before you could object, she had disappeared. You took a deep breath; those were funny expressions that had stuck with you even now that you didn't have to breathe for real.
Your shoes echoed in the empty halls as you headed for what you assumed was the main entrance.
The door opened by itself.
Or rather, it opened before you even extended your hand.
"Whoa." You muttered, your eyes widening at the guy in front of you.
A rebellious curl fell over his forehead, and his huge brown eyes were even wider in surprise. He was dressed appropriately for the situation; it looked like a uniform for a psychiatric ward patient, and although it was loose-fitting, you would swear you could see his muscles from miles away.
And he, on the other hand, practically screamed in your face.
"Shit!" He jumped in place, bringing a hand to his chest as he laughed in disbelief.
Oh yeah, there was a bloodstain right on his chest. Nothing to worry about, not anymore at least; once you died, you technically couldn't die twice.
Although finding a functional washing machine in any of the many 'beyonds' was trickier than it seemed. If this Marc Spector guy was in the same situation as you, it was quite likely that he would spend the rest of eternity with that stain on his clothes.
Unless the boss offered him a job.
It would be wonderful to have him here forever.
Were you overthinking? Probably.
"Oh man!" What an interesting accent. "Wow, these meds are really amazing," he whispered as he tried to catch his breath.
Hah, he did that too.
"I thought I was dead." He hadn't even looked at you properly; he was just suddenly relieved to be in the presence of someone else.
"Oh, no," you cleared your throat. "You are dead."
Your voice sent shivers down his spine, and when he finally bothered to look at you more closely, you could see a touch of fear in his expression.
You were used to it by now, so why did it hurt this time?
"You're joking."
"Maybe if there was someone else to see me lying to you, it would be more fun, don't you think?" You tried to joke, but the poor guy seemed on the verge of an emotional breakdown.
That was a good sign; maybe you could keep him after all.
Marc pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes as he tried to regain his composure.
"Do you expect me to believe this is the afterlife?"
"No, not the afterlife, an afterlife. This one is yours, well, for now, this is the path."
He fell silent, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as if his body still needed oxygen.
You waited.
And waited.
And waited.
But he never said anything, so you caught his attention by clearing your throat.
"Welcome, dear… traveler," you murmured as you clumsily searched for your notes in your pockets.
Ah, there they are.
"I will be in charge of…" You continued reading. "Guiding you on your way to…" How could you call this? Heaven? Valhalla? Mictlan? "What comes next."
Marc looked at you as if you were crazy, and you had no choice but to continue.
"It's a place that's difficult for the human mind to comprehend, so for you, it's something more…" You looked around with a furrowed brow. "Familiar."
He scoffed, his tone full of irony.
"I really am crazy," he muttered in a whisper.
"Together, we will traverse the 10 steps that will lead you to eternal rest." Your arm moved awkwardly up and down. What a stupid choreography your boss had given you. "Although," you stepped out of character. "Sometimes they are doors, and it seems that will be the case this time."
"Who are you?" He asked out of nowhere, and you swallowed hard.
"Your guide."
"Are you some kind of… Goddess? Are you God?"
You laughed, partly embarrassed, partly genuinely amused.
"I'm just your guide."
Marc had to settle for your answer.
"Are you ready?"
"Can one be ready for something like this?"
You shook your head but gave him a resigned smile. You felt sorry for him, as well as for all those who passed through your hands, but at least you did your part by taking them to what you would never know.
You offered him your hand, and hesitantly, he took it.
The contact with his skin made you swear that your heart was beating again.
You took a slow step through the corridors of the psychiatric ward with him behind you, his fingers gradually clinging to you. This was the first time in a long time that Marc allowed himself to be afraid, even when his thoughts were divided between his desire to cling to life and, on the other hand, that 'finally' feeling that had been intoxicating him for the past 10 years, ever since Roro left.
A few minutes of walking, and you knew by pure intuition which was the first door.
Unfinished business.
The first scene was… Something.
No one likes to witness the way they died, but much less what happens afterward. Have you ever heard that the last sense you lose is your hearing? Marc could clearly hear Layla scream his name just after the gunshot.
Or at least, his body managed to register the sound because he didn't remember it, but you could clearly see the scene at this moment.
"You left something unfinished." Your voice was as gentle as you could make it as you surrounded his body on the ground.
A strange feeling overcame you as you watched the curly-haired girl kneel beside him.
Holding him, begging him to come back.
Not sadness or pity, as it usually happened; you felt… uncomfortable? Annoyed?
Marc released your hand to get closer, appreciating the scene up close, and you knew how much he wished to touch Layla when his hand moved in her direction, trying to get her attention.
"Layla?" He whispered, his voice broken, his attention focused solely on her. He didn't even look at his body, which was slowly giving in. He didn't realize how she cradled him between her cheeks and kissed his lips one last time just now.
Your stomach churned; fortunately, you had already forgotten when was the last time you had ingested something.
"Baby?" He asked louder, and you knew it was time to intervene.
"She can't hear you," you whispered from behind, only able to observe Marc's back. The way his body contracted and suffered from small spasms due to crying.
Isn't it curious how all those things become muscle memory? Your breathing shouldn't be a problem when you weren't in your physical body, yet these things still happened.
"What were you doing here?" Your gaze wandered through the darkness inside the pyramid, your steps careful as you approached the open tomb of God knows who. A disgusted expression appeared on your lips at the sight of the mummified corpse.
Everything was better when you pretended that maybe you didn't really look like this.
Marc gave an ironic laugh, still crying, but you decided to give him space.
"I was trying to save the world."
You scoffed. 'Well, to each their own,' you thought as your fingers traced the edge of the tomb.
Hopefully, they buried you in something nice and expensive too.
"This might hold you here; we still don't know what will happen next because it's very recent."
"No." He interrupted, still kneeling in front of himself.
It turns out that the last thing his body registered was the way Layla grabbed his chest, taking something that rested on it afterward. The girl stood up, still with a broken heart but doing her best not to collapse.
You recognized that expression quite well.
"She'll take care of it."
Everything around him became blurry, apparently, that was the point at which he stopped fighting.
Marc slowly got to his feet, his eyes red, and he sniffed repeatedly. If you had the chance, maybe you'd tell him that he didn't need to do that, nothing would come out of his nose.
He looked good, though, even after getting shot, he still seemed attractive.
The good thing is that you still had 9 different opportunities to make him stay with you, but there was still one question. What did the boss mean when she said there were 3? An administrative error or something like that?
"She'll figure it out," he sounded sure as he pressed his nose bridge and took deep breaths. "She'll fix it."
"Then this is closed." You shrugged. Over time, you learned which dead ones to trust and which not to. Maybe Marc wasn't so wrong.
Nine opportunities.
"Congratulations." You offered him your hand, and he took it again.
That had to mean something, right?
You didn't pay much attention to the way he looked back, as if that would give him one last look at Layla. She had been gone for a while now. In fact, in the world of the living, this had probably happened hours ago.
The good thing (for him) is that apparently, she hadn't died yet.
Well, for you too, so you wouldn't find her wandering around. Romances that not even death could separate were the worst.
No more was said as you guided him through the passageways of the old pyramids as if you were an expert archaeologist, or perhaps an amateur with a lot of free time. One step forward from both of you, and everything around him looked different.
"I have to tell you now." The cold streets of New York made you feel alive, especially in the short skirt you were wearing. The breeze cooled your legs and tousled your hair.
This seemed more common, even in the seedy side of the city. Apparently, Marc had been a normal person occasionally in his life, not someone who went on pyramid expeditions for fun.
"You won't be able to get revenge on anyone by being here." You walked ahead, trying to find the next door. It wasn't worth wasting time on this. "Sometimes divine justice serves in your favor and takes care of them, but it's not worth staying for a trivial matter."
And you knew it well.
When Marc's silence seemed suspicious, you looked back.
His clothes had also changed; he was wearing a leather jacket and a rather peculiar cap. It was gray, and it fit him ridiculously well.
He looked at you with wide eyes, his hand still holding yours.
"Cariño?" That accent was new. Did Marc like to play someone else occasionally at night? It wouldn't surprise you from someone like him.
Weird, like you.
Different, perhaps.
"What am I doing here?"
"Oh no, are you one of those?" You confronted him, one hand still holding his, and the other going straight to his face. You opened one of his eyes wider with your fingers, and he stayed still.
Had he drunk too much the night before or something? Jake didn't experience these things, never.
He didn't lose track of time; he didn't dissociate or lose control of his body; he didn't forget, and he didn't sleep.
This didn't make sense, at least not for him.
"You are dead, Marc," your words made his stomach churn. "I'm guiding you, we're only on the second level." Vapor came out of your mouth as if it were freezing, and your body still had that natural warmth that one emits when they are alive.
He furrowed his brow, looking at you as if he were seeing a ghost.
Well, that's what he was doing, but when you're dead, you don't have the right to see other dead people like this.
"I'm not… I'm not Marc."
The boss's words made a bit more sense now. So, were they really brothers? Twins perhaps? Or whatever they were called when they were three.
The poor guy seemed about to have a crisis, very similar to Marc when you first found him.
"Jake Lockley." Your mind clicked, as it always did when you had these encounters with the souls you guided. A hazard of the job, there were things you knew and things you didn't.
He nodded slowly.
"Listen, sweetheart." He slowly released your hand, and the gesture didn't please you. I mean, if you couldn't keep Marc, maybe it could be one of the other two.
"I don't know what kind of joke you're playing," he walked past you while searching in his pocket for what seemed to be keys. "You're beautiful, and maybe we had a pretty fun night, but it's likely that what we have won't work, especially when you're calling me by another name and trying to play those little mind games with me, which, by the way, don't affect me in the least…"
Jake bumped into someone as he moved away from you clumsily.
"Sorry," he muttered, still confused. The other person ignored him, but when he looked back, his eyes widened in surprise. "¿Qué mierda?" You heard him mumble as he stumbled, sitting on the pavement.
Turns out Jake had bumped into himself.
And you suppressed the 'I told you so' smile.
"See?" You watched him pass you as well, and after a few seconds, you decided to approach him, extending your hand.
He looked at it in silence before taking it and getting to his feet.
"You're not playing, right?"
"Nope," you let go of his hand as you inspected his face. He looked so similar to Marc, yet so different at the same time.
"Are we dead?"
"I'm a little deader than you, but yes."
He bit his lower lip, and you saw him take off his cap and run a hand through his disheveled curls, more out of desperation than aesthetics.
He took a deep breath several times, more than you could count, and looked back. You saw the other Jake moving away in the crowd, and without saying anything, you turned to follow him without losing track.
Jake had to snap out of his crisis to follow you.
And him.
"Is that it? Are you not going to give me an explanation?" He hurriedly walked, doing his best not to bump into anyone until he realized that no one seemed to be affected by his shoves, not even moving them.
"We can't lose sight of you."
"This has to be a bad dream."
Maybe you liked Marc more than him.
"It's not a dream, Jake." You let out a deep sigh as you continued walking behind him. "You died, Marc did too, and…"
You finally turned to look at him when Jake from his memory stopped in front of a car.
It was a nice car.
"I still don't know what happened to you and Steven, but Marc got shot right…" You touched the center of his chest, and he didn't show how your touch made him shiver. "Here."
He wasn't sure if it was worth explaining to you right now that if Marc died, he would drag them both down with him.
"And who are you?"
"Your guide." You gave up; you would have to go through this again.
"Are you a product of my imagination?"
"Unfortunately not."
"Why do you look like one of my one-night stands?"
"I look like this all the time, actually," you looked down; this outfit was terribly uncomfortable. "Except for the criminally short skirt."
The sound of the door made you look forward. Apparently, the other Jake got into the car when you were distracted.
You opened the rear door of the car and looked at the confused guy in front of you.
"Get in."
And he obeyed; you got in afterward.
They were silent for most of the way, neither of you knew exactly where you were going because Jake had vague memories of this particular memory, if that made sense.
He had traveled this same road so many times for the same purpose that this could be any day of his life.
"What's the last thing you remember?" Your voice broke the silence, pulling him out of his thoughts.
"I was interrogating some guys in Cairo."
Ah, well, it seemed that he was just as strange as Marc.
"I see."
Jake somehow saw himself as the most stable of the three; he had learned to deal with the blows of life that he was forced to take to protect Marc and Steven from them.
But nothing had prepared him for the idea of failing them.
For failing them so horribly.
If he kept thinking, he'd go crazy. Even more.
You didn't know how long you had been here; everything seemed more tedious when Jake decided he didn't want to chat with you, or anyone, for that matter.
You assumed it was shock or something similar, and as for what this scenario meant, you understood why revenge wouldn't retain him.
Because Jake got rid of everyone who got in his way. To him or to Marc.
Both of you watched him drive, dispose of bodies, clean his clothes, and repeat as many times as necessary.
Well, he observed with a disgusted expression, and he took the liberty of covering your eyes with his hand. Well, it wasn't anything you hadn't seen before; apparently, the innocent face always gave the wrong impression.
The night ended with him crawling heavily to his apartment, tired, regretful, and often injured.
You looked at him beside you. Why did he seem so distraught by his own actions?
"So, can we cross revenge off your list?" You tried to joke when the expression on his face weighed on your chest. He didn't hear you; he kept looking at the path he had taken to the apartment.
If this was a divine way to make him regret his actions in life, it was quite functional, to be honest.
"And now?" His eyes fixed on you.
And you looked back at him.
"Do you still have the keys?" You pointed to the car.
He searched his pockets, and the keys jingled. Without saying anything, he opened the front passenger door for you to get in.
The gesture made you bite your lower lip to avoid smiling.
He got in afterward.
"Where are we going?" He started the car, and the roar of the engine added an extra note to the pain he was carrying at the moment.
He wasn't going to drive his car ever again?
Driving was the only thing that brought him peace, and the car was the only thing that belonged to him and only him. In fact, the vehicle was in his name, as was his driver's license. They were the only legal documents with Jake's name on them, even if it had cost him a fortune to bribe those in charge to get them without having to present any other proof that there was nothing suspicious behind them.
They were the only proof that Jake was real.
"I don't know, you'll feel it when we get there," you murmured without bothering to roll up the window; you just let the breeze hit you as the car started moving.
He didn't believe you, but apparently you weren't lying, his instinct was guiding him through the empty and dark streets of New York.
His home.
After a few minutes, Jake took a moment to look at you while you seemed completely absorbed in the detailed memories of Jake, who seemed to have even memorized the signs that adorned the streets he was driving through.
"What are you?" The question sounded a bit more offensive than he would have liked.
"Your guide."
"Are you sure you're not some kind of fantasy of mine?"
Was he flirting with you or insulting you? Either way, you smiled.
"None of that," you cleared your throat and finally looked at him. "I'm at the point where you are right now, and I'm staying here."
Should he inquire further, or were manners no longer as necessary when you were dead?
"For how long?"
"You seem to know a lot about this; how long have you been like this?"
The way you shrugged was enough of an answer for him.
You had to close your eyes for a few seconds when you realized the effect the question had on you. You usually didn't talk about yourself, especially not with the people you guided. They were always more concerned about themselves, and with good reason; the boss knew well what had happened to you, but having someone directly ask about the situation left a disgusting taste in your mouth.
"My dear."
"Huh?" You looked at him immediately, furrowing your brow.
"Did you say something?"
"I didn't say anything." The most similar you came to a normal conversation began when Jake released the wheel for a few seconds, raising both hands to declare himself innocent of whatever you were accusing him of.
"I heard you."
"I didn't say anything, I swear on my… death, I guess." He ran a hand through his chest, furrowing his brow.
Even with a bad feeling, you smiled.
And he did too.
Things were more fun when you collected as many jokes as you could about being dead.
"Alright." Your head returned to its position against the seat, and your gaze returned to the outside.
Jake looked at you for a few extra seconds; he knew that smile well.
"I think I can get us out of here," he thought, hoping that Marc and Steven could hear him.
Strong emotions or feelings.
The movement of the car eventually stopped, and you could no longer feel the leather under your fingers; you recognized the grass immediately.
Your eyes were forced open when a couple of children ran past you, laughing and pushing each other. You were beginning to feel tired, even though you were less than halfway there.
You sighed, your body feeling heavy as you stood up.
A couple was enjoying a homemade BBQ, even though the clouds seemed threatening to ruin it.
"Jake? Marc?" You looked around.
Ah, there he was.
Near the children's mother, looking closely at her with a radiant smile. It wasn't difficult to guess that he was Steven; his messy hair and tired eyes didn't resemble the features of Marc or Jake. Well, they did, but not really. Does that make sense?
Finally, one of the three didn't look at you in fear or confusion.
"Oh Gods, hiya!" His accent made you smile, and you waved back in greeting, approaching him as he was only a few steps away.
"You must be Steven."
"And you must be my guide." As if it were a friendly arrangement, he extended his hand, and you shook it gently, enjoying the contact. "Jake explained to me."
Was there a gap between door and door that you didn't witness for them to have a chance to talk? Well, you'd ask later.
"You seem calm."
"I'm totally freaking out on the inside."
You laughed again and nodded. You liked Steven, you liked him more than the other two.
"What level is this?"
"Third." Your attention shifted to the couple next to you, the woman's huge brown eyes told you in seconds that she was the mother of the three.
That was something they had in common, those lost-puppy eyes.
"Strong emotions or feelings." You took a step closer to her, your eyes scanning her face for more familiarities among the triplets and her.
The little wrinkles at the edges of their eyes when they smiled also seemed to come from her. And the curls definitely came from their father.
"Well, I love my mom." He seemed just as distracted by the scene as you were.
You didn't mention that love, at this point, wasn't one of the emotions that could retain you.
The situation wasn't new to you; there was almost always a familiar memory here. You didn't count friends separately because time had shown you that friends were the family you chose; the lines blended easily in those cases.
Maybe this was the reason why you would stay with one of them, and with just 5 minutes exchanged, Steven seemed like a good choice.
The children ran by your side again, and Steven's attention was completely stolen by them. You tilted your head to the side with tenderness and a slight curiosity.
"They're not ready yet; you can go play for a while, understood?" The taller boy nodded, stopping right in front of his brother, who ended up crashing into him.
Both laughed.
"Is it you?" You pointed to the younger one.
Steven seemed as distant from the situation as you. He shook his head slowly before looking at you as if he wanted an explanation. It took him a few seconds to be able to murmur.
"I don't… I don't remember."
"Marc?" The woman called, causing an amusing scene between the two children, Steven, and you since everyone turned to look at her expectantly. "Take care of Roro, please."
"Do you have another brother?" Your voice came out so low that not even poor Steven could hear it.
It was a silent agreement in the way you followed him while he continued to follow the children with his mind in a tangle of thoughts. Was this what Marc had been hiding so eagerly?
You could swear a shiver ran through you from head to toe when your eyes settled on the cave the two children were heading towards, and the thunderclap sealed the deal on the bad omens.
You had witnessed these scenes before. When someone was about to die, it always felt like this. Being sensitive to death was one of the quirks that came with the job.
He didn't even look at you.
No answer, obviously.
"It's… It's dangerous, they shouldn't…" He seemed to have lost his breath. "They are going to..."
And you nodded slowly.
"I know."
The small steps were only a few meters away from you as the rain intensified. Both you and Steven were getting wet.
"Let me…" He was never able to form a complete sentence. "I know I can…"
You knew he couldn't, but you still followed him into the cave.
You walked in darkness for a very short time, with "I want my mommy" echoing in your ears over and over again.
The cave seemed to end in the living room of what you guessed was their house. Both of you arrived dripping wet, Steven with red eyes after what he had just witnessed.
You were still wondering what role he played in all of this.
Had Marc's emotional burden somehow reached him? After all, he was also their brother, or at least it seemed like it.
You stopped abruptly when both encountered Steven's mother, hands on her hips, her cheeks red with anger. Steven jerked when she yelled the words, "This is all your fault."
Everything was happening too fast, even for you, who had learned the art of controlling the emotions of the moment. It was usually the boss who handled these kinds of situations.
You were never strong enough.
You moved past the scene, your hand learned to Steven's wrist as you directed him upstairs. He couldn't stop looking as he moved awkwardly, stumbling over his own feet.
"It's this way," you whispered, leading him into the room.
You sighed calmly when finally the silence enveloped you. Inside, one of the children was playing alone. The scene tugged at your heartstrings a little more, but hey, at least there was no one screaming.
"I must be remembering wrong," he whispered as a last hope while he sat on the floor, defeated. He took a seat in front of the child. "It must be Marc's doing."
You pursed your lips, deciding not to say anything as you watched his hands tremble. This kind of thing wasn't in the manual.
"Maybe so," you gave him false hope before knocks on the door diverted both of your attention.
"Open the damn door, Marc!"
Another shiver, as horrible as the first one.
"It's not my mom, it's not my mom," the child whispered, covering his hands. Steven and you could do nothing but watch.
"Open this door!" More loud pounding.
More knocks, more panic, more fear.
Until the voice of the kid made you look again.
"Bloody hell! Look at the state of this place." His little eyes focused on a bunch of Legos in front of him. They weren't even scattered. "Better sort it out before mum sees it." His accent was the same as… Steven's.
"Marc! Open this door right now!"
Witnessing that was enough to clear your doubts; you weren't foolish. After your death, no one could really receit you. Your brain easily connected the dots, and apparently, Steven's did too; he had more clues than you did up to that point.
They weren't brothers.
Marc, Steven, and Jake shared the same body.
"When danger is near," Steven narrowed his eyes as he read from the poster on the wall above the child, "Steven Grant has no fear."
He took a deep breath through his mouth with heaviness.
"He made me up." That was the next thing he said, and you couldn't help but watch the child as he organized his Legos.
The door burst open with a shove, and that was your next cue; it was time to get out of there.
Wendy, whom you had been referring to as 'the mother,' entered the room, her eyes red, and an aroma of alcohol that even you could sense.
"You are going to learn…" She took Marc's belt, the one that hung next to his toys. It was a horrible parallel, and you could swear your chest hurt. "to listen."
Her steps were slow as she coiled the belt in her hand.
"Steven?" You whispered, pushing him in the chest. He stood on tiptoe to get a better view of the scene.
"I wanna see what she did." He mumbled with difficulty.
You gave him another push with all your might.
"Steven, we have to go."
"Let me see what she did." That was the last thing he said before you slammed the door shut, muffling the poor child's cries of pain inside the room.
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"I don't hate her." It was the only thing he could say after what seemed like hours. The sun seemed to have set.
You nodded slowly, your head resting against the door just like his.
"I know."
"She was sad."
You had to swallow the urge to tell him that it didn't justify what she did, but you chose to nod and offer him some peace.
"She was."
There were a few more seconds of silence before you murmured, "We have to go."
He nodded and was the first to stand up, intending to offer you his hand, just as you had done with Jake a while ago. You took his hand and stood up, but you didn't let go of his hand.
You descended the stairs slowly; the house suddenly seemed filled with people. Apparently, this wasn't over yet, and you started to seriously think that Steven wouldn't get out of here. How much more could his heart take?
Everything seemed blurry, although of course, you didn't know that the reason behind it was that Marc had never entered the house that day; the memory was clouded by a window in between.
"What happened here?" He whispered behind you.
"Your mom, Steven."
Her photo was on one of the tables, behind two long candles.
"Don't talk nonsense." He took a few steps forward to see what you were seeing. "My mom and I already sorted this out; it must have been something that ha- happened." They were all wearing black clothes around him. "in the past." He completed in a whisper.
You looked at him again, his eyes filled with tears as he shook his head.
"No, no, this can't…" He swallowed hard, making your own throat ache in response. "Marc would have told me."
You doubted it, but it wasn't the time to remind him that Marc seemed to be hiding many things from him.
"No, this can't be happening." He mumbled, again losing his ability to string sentences together.
Breaking your heart once again. The front door of the house opened in front of both of you, and you understood that it was time to move on.
Without saying anything, you tapped his shoulder, getting his attention. You pointed to Marc outside the house, just a few meters away, drinking from his flask with teary eyes.
"Marc?" He whispered to himself as he moved awkwardly and quickly towards him, leaving the house with you behind.
You decided to give him space; his memory allowed you to stroll through a couple of nearby gardens, and you waited on the grass while Steven processed the moment when Marc finally broke down.
Kneeling on the pavement, his body tense until the English accent of the other became noticeable in the way he spoke to himself.
The place was getting darker, and after a few hours, you sat on the sidewalk, watching the scene from afar. Steven had the opportunity to digest the situation as much as he could, and although for any normal person this would have been the end, you knew this wasn't the point for Steven.
He was understanding, strong within his sensitivity, and he knew how to deal with things that Marc couldn't.
You finally understood the feeling he was facing and what he was releasing.
The grief of losing his mother as a child, and the grief of losing her again as an adult. His brother, his father.
The grief of losing himself while trying to understand that he wasn't 'the original' but Marc.
Meanwhile, as the crying finally subsided, Steven was talking to himself. Or so it seemed, because no one else (meaning you) could hear the voices of Jake and Marc arguing with him. "I know how to get us out of here." "Jake, we're not going to harm her." They didn't have to say more for Steven to understand that they were referring to you. "I'm just saying it might be an easy job." "Are you suggesting we kill someone who's already dead? You've truly outdone yourself." "At least I'm looking for a solution, unlike you, Mr. 'resigned.'" "We can't leave Layla alone," Steven whispered, his gaze fixed on you in the distance. "See? Steven's on my side." Marc rolled his eyes. "And what do you want to do?" "I'm just saying… if there's a way out of here, she's the one who knows it."
Meanwhile, when the imaginary crickets began to resonate through Marc's blurry memory, Steven returned to you.
"Hey?" You looked at him, who knows how long you had had your eyes closed. "Can we continue?"
You nodded and gave him a small smile.
"Let's move on."
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Mk's tag list :)@ninebluehearts @icreatedthisat317am @onefinnedwonder-fm @shousha133
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hiorisgf · 1 year
Hiii for the valentines event may i please request Shidou + marriage booth?
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↪ft. Shidou
↪In which, this menace dares disrupt the flow of a peaceful round of marriage booth
Event Navigation
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Being stuck in a marriage booth isn't the worst thing to happen—really. It's actually pretty entertaining, especially if the one you're paired up with is your friend or some random stranger you don't know. Pretty scary, sure, but you were lucky to be paired up with a kind and funny guy. 
"Again, I'm so sorry my friends dragged you in this—really. I don't know why they thought it'd be funny to pair me with whoever"
You chuckle at the guy's continues spout of apologies, "My gosh, I told you already, it's fine. I don't really mind—although it is quite a bummer I couldn't buy cotton candy with my friends" 
"I'll buy you that! For free! I feel so bad you just had to be pulled in my friends' antics. Please let me make it up to you!" he clasps his hand together, practically begging you to let him buy you that one thing.
You try to resist and refuse, but he was too insistent you couldn't dare reject his offer any longer. So with a defeated sigh, you nodded. "Alright—err"
"Tanaka! And you?" Tanaka asks, and you answer his question with your own name and some silly side comment that you hoped entertained him.
See? Marriage booth is fun.
Well,, it's fun until Shidou comes and ruin it. 
"I object!"
The crowd audibly gasps, including you, as well as the priest. Then, they part like the red sea when the man pushes forward. Just then, you gasp once more—more horrified than before. Especially when you caught sight of his horrendous hair style and choice of hair dye. Oh my god.
"I reject this marriage!" he ignores you. Very much disrespectful—you dissed.
It takes atleast three times of the priest opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water to finally regain his composure. He coughs on his fist before looking directly at the tanned male, "And who might you be, young man?" he asked, trying to sound as unentertained as possible.
"I'am Shidou Ryusei of the football club. As well as," he pauses in his words, and you shake your head agressively—which only served to spur him on even more unfortunately. "[Name]'s long time lover!" 
Again, the crowd erupts into loud, entertained gasps. Some even starting to take videos of this evetnful (fake) wedding. Your friends on the other hand, are laughing their asses off whilst you're busy trying not to commit third degree murder right then and there.
"Do you accept this statement as the truth, Tanaka's spouse to be?!" 
You whip your head to look at the priest. "Absolutely not your honor! I have never met this man in my whole entire life!" you answered, glaring at the man who ruined what was supposed to be a peaceful round of marriage booth.
"Lies! If you don't know me then why did you call my name earlier?!" everyone nods, recalling the time you said his name in astonishment.
Shidou then stretched his arm froward, beckoning you to come and take his hand with a stupid grin you'd want to erase. "Come, take my hand and run away with me! Away from this creep that forced you to marry him!"
You heave out a (very) heavy sigh, "Sorry, Tanaka, Shidou can become a bit(a lot) of a menace sometimes(all the time)" 
Tanaka chuckles. "It's fine, actually. This is really interesting—like a scene from a movie, it's fun."
You almost tear up—his grin was way too bright and his soul was way too pure to look directly at. "Say, how about you take his hand and actually run way?"
"Absolutely not."
Tanaka sighs at your very immediate rejection. "Why not?"
"Why should I?"
"Well, I don't really think ignoring this guy wouldn't let us finish this sooner unless you accept his prposal and supposedly elope with him."
You wanted to refute, that you'd rather die by eating mold than elope with him but damn. he was right; knowing Shidou, he wouldn't let this farce end until he reached an ending he was satisfied with. So at the end, you ended up taking his hand, begrudgingly. ten times more begrudgingly than normal. 
"I'll kill you someday, I promise."
Shidou doesn't take your threat seriously, and even had the gosh darn nerve to laugh. Rude! "Oh? How romantic! I'd be more than happy to have you as the last person I'll see before I die and go to hell"
"Shut up, please go explode in a remote island or something"
"Running away and living in a remote island with you isn't a bad idea actually"
"I hope you'll waste your money on a vending machine that won't give you your drink. And just take me away already and leave me alone" you sighed, glaring at him the whole time.
"So eager, I knew you love me" he dreamily says, and the most he's received from you was a glare and a promise to send him to a coffin. Not like he was complaining although--Shidou lived for that hateful glare you'd give him every time.
"So mean--but I still love you all the same" Shidou grabs you by the waist and throws you over his shoulder--similar to how one would carry a potato sack.  "Well, that's all from me. bye!" And then Shidou runs off, like a darned super motor leading that's bypassing speed limits leading to you screaming all the way.
"Wait! I still have to return the dress!" 
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cometrose · 3 months
Queen of Tears is so interesting cause i've never dealt with two really complex leads like this in romcom (i mean it is funny)
i've said it before but Haein and Hyunwoo know each other very well but don't know each other at all (i don't know if i've ever seen communication issues this bad).
Losing the baby clearly drove them apart. She blamed herself and put up high walls. He wears his heart on his sleeve and cried over it. We can argue that he should've comforted her in that moment but at the same time she clearly knew he was upset so why didn't she go to him? Haein thought she had no right to grieve and consequently Hyunwoo thought she didn't grieve at all. The moment where they needed each other more than ever- the moment they should've been together they both fucked up.
The core of the issue is that they can't read each other's mind, this is literally said at the beginning of 6- they love each other dearly but also tripping over each in the process.
Outside of Hyunwoo jumping up and down at her diagnosis and faking his way into her will (which was painfully cruel and soooo funny) It's very clear that this is a two person game. Although I always interpreted Hyunwoo's joy as the same as the mistress of a wealthy man who is just waiting for him to die so she can get the money, (it's mean but most times the master either sucks or he's naive as hell and she has no reason to mourn) and at that point Hyunwoo's in the same situation.
Why didn't Haein defend him in front of her relatives? Why scold him publicly in front of the employees? She does a lot of things behind the scenes but good intentions can only go so far if object of those affections is ignorant of the full story. The same thing happens in episode 6, she is trying to protect Hyunwoo from her family but without telling him so he is ignorant of the big picture. Why wasn't Hyunwoo honest with his feelings? Why is he always assuming the worst when she never explicitly says something? We see he tries to talk to her (it fails) but his fear of upsetting her leads him to do otherwise cruel things to keep her happy.
Which is also why the divorce paper is so interesting. That paper was one of the best things he’s done. He was completely justified in writing that. It breaks Haein's heart but severing ties like that was way healthier than him forcing himself to stay in this marriage and pamper her with fake love.
One thing I will admire this piece for is the role reversal, like i'm seeing so many typical fl tropes on Hyunwoo and ml tropes on Haein. You ever read one those isekai or time reverse manwha's were the fl goes back in time to get a divorce but falls in love with her partner again? yeah this is the same exact thing.
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chiiyuuvv · 4 months
[DAY 14] XIKERS VER masterlist ᡣ𐭩 !
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✄ songs for.. ⋆
♡list : @yzerpoz , @imthisclosetokms , @rizzkisworld , @hyvelxve , @dogyunslover , @starryriize
➹ junmin : buzz love - andteam
➹ minjae : unplugged boy - tws
It was only a funny little joke when you first told your friend that he’ll never be able to get rid of you. He huffed and puffed in the past but now in the present, he's grateful that you actually stuck around. He’s grateful you lended your shoulder without a second thought, he's grateful that you’re willing to keep an eye on yechan.
➹ sumin : but i like you - bnd
His mind was too fuzzy to comprehend anything as he scanned the object, finding something that yet again reminded him of you. Everything reminded him of you: the pretty colors of pink painted onto the walls, to the softness of the grocery bags. As he walked out of the store with pride, he couldn’t help but feel a little buzz running throughout his body
➹ jinsik : die for you - dean
He lays in his bed confused, frustrated on how he's so fixated on you – the one who he teases about your height although he’s not that tall himself. His hands go up to grip his hair and he closes his eyes with a sigh when he remembers your feather-like touch, his heart pounding at just the thought of it. Hes troubled and in love, and he wonders if you're feeling the same
➹ hyunwoo : love you twice - huh yunjin
He swore to himself that he would never fall for you, that he’d only see you as a friend, as a little sister. But he hates how you cloud his mind with your effortless smile, how he replays every little thing you’ve said to him that made his heart beat a little faster. He hates how he gathers his things and slides into his shoes, finding his way to your front door. He hates how he’ll die for you
➹ junghoon : tell me it is love - ha hyunsang
Comforts you for the first time, a little shock seeing you cry but cuddles you nevertheless. He lays kisses on the spots where you hide your insecurities, before laying a kiss on the crown of your head, reassuring that his eyes will always stay on you, that he'll love you twice
➹ seeun : need you - vvon
Leaning against his window as it quietly rains, the weather dark and gloomy but his heart is bright and alive. He smiles at his computer monitor at the sight of your smile, telling another joke into the mic to make him laugh, the words slipping out of his mouth on its own: “I've been waiting for you.”
➹ yechan : blue hour - txt
Seeun whose confused and pondering to himself once he gets home, lost on how you’re the solution to all his problems, that you and only you could cure the hole in his heart. He spends time yearning for your love, for your attention as he thinks of new ways to make you laugh, to make you fall for him like you did for him.
➹ yujun : memories - riize
Besides the humid heat, yujun enjoyed the time spent with you this summer, able to learn about your identity as he does the same in return, happy to catch up when your schedules were getting cloudy. These happy memories was something he wanted to treasure
➹ hunter : promise - junny
It’s the thought behind each and every gift that leaves you in shock, your mouth agape as you discover the hidden meaning in all of his objects. No matter if it's the expensive dress you’ve been eyeing for a while or the simple bracelet that looks cute around your wrist, you could tell that hunter was thinking about you, that the only thing on his mind was you.
Awkward laughter filled the room as yechan told one of his horrible jokes, but it was only bearable since you were there instead of anyone else; his smile more genuine when you pushed his shoulders with a scoff. When he’s looks at you it feels like everythings changed, the time moving slow yet still sending a rush down his veins, a sudden wish of a time machine so he could always replay the moment
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noodyl-blasstal · 7 months
The Dog House
Day 15 of @taznovembercelebration and I got "playlist"
Read below or on Ao3. Missed yesterday? Catch up here.
Music thuds out of the kitchen, loud, bouncy, and accompanied by the sweet scent of vanilla and spices wafting in the air.
"Taako?" Kravitz tried a bit louder.
There is absolutely no way for Kravitz to compete with ‘Bake, bake, bake, bake, ba, bake it’ and be heard. He knows, he’s tried before. The volume is an important part of the process.
Although... Maybe that will actually work in his favour. Kravitz pulls out his phone, juggling the warm lump in his arms to do it. It’s worth a try, if nothing else, Taako would see the funny side.
He hits record and smiles lovingly into the camera. "Hello love, I'm just here at the house and I have something big to ask you." There's no reply from Taako.
"If you don't reply, I'll assume it's okay, but can we get a dog?" The music thumps away in the kitchen.
"Specifically this dog?" Kravitz readjusts slightly to get the pomeranian into view. "He's very fluffy."
"Okay, well, as I haven't heard anything from you, I'm assuming this means Fluffums can stay."
Fluffums' tongue pokes out adorably and he flops his sweet head to the side. Kravitz can't resist planting a little kiss on it.
"That's the name he came with by the way. Magnus… well, you know. Anyway... I'm glad you..."
"Magnus did this?" Taako says from behind his right shoulder.
Kravitz should have known better than to assume he'd get away with this, Taako always knows somehow, but also, he'll kill or die for this dog… Well, be sulky about it if Taako says definitely not because obviously two yesses is important, but maybe he can live in the Astral Plane part time again, Taako’s really into this sleeping stuff. Fluffums licks his hand reassuringly.
Kravitz smiles as innocently as he can and stops the recording… Maybe if he edits it down Taako’ll forget that he heard the last bit? He didn’t say anything when Kravitz said to anyway - you couldn’t object to a wedding three months later could you? Probably not. He’d have to look it up before he used that as a defence, but it sounded solid.
“Magnus didn’t do anything. He just showed me Flu…”
“No. We’re changing his name.”
“But what if he…”
“He doesn’t. He’s not attached to it. Taako is not calling anyone Fluffums.”
“Even m…”
“Especially not you… Unless you ask nicely.” Taako breaks his serious face to smirk at Kravitz and goddess damn it all if that doesn’t still make him want to kiss Taako stupid.
He has to concentrate though, he can win this. He just needs a compelling argument.
“Look at his little face.” Kravitz elevates The Dog Formerly Known As Fluffums to eye level with Taako. “See.”
“Yip!” Says No Longer Fluffums in the most charming tone (even if Kravitz does say so himself.)
And, it’s only a split second, the smallest of glimpses, but he sees the softness in Taako’s eyes.
“He needs a home, somewhere safe.” Says Kravitz.
That argument’s how Taako got all the cats here.
“And what about the ca…”
“He loves cats.”
“But couldn’t eat a whole one?” Taako tries to look stern, he almost manages it.
“Taako! He would never.”
“Mr Mittens is going to fight him.”
“Mr Mittens fights everyone.”
“Not me.”
“Well of course not, you’re perfect, Mr Mittens fights everyone else.”
There’s a long pause, then Taako stares intently at The Dog Who Couldn’t Be Fluffums, the dog stares right back, pink tongue poking daintily out of his mouth. Kravitz wants to snap a picture, but he really shouldn’t ruin the moment and he’s already taken so many…
Taako wrinkles his nose. “He’s not sleeping on the bed.”
Kravitz can sleep on the sofa once Taako is asleep and sneak back to bed before he wakes up, that’s completely fine.
Kravitz nods seriously.
“He can’t climb on the furniture.”
Kravitz isn’t furniture. Ergo, if he was sitting on the chair then anything sitting on him wasn’t on the chair. That was just science.
“That seems fair.”
“You need to do all the research on how to look after him.”
Taako says that like he thinks there’s a chance Kravitz hasn’t already done an intense Googling session at Magnus’. Like he didn’t stop at the pet store on the way home. Like he hasn’t already rifted everything they could need and more into his closet.
“Of course I can do that.” He pauses, waits for any other conditions, but none come, Taako must love him. “Does that mean we ca…”
“Yep.” Taako tries to look ambivalent, he fails.
It’s not that Kravitz ever really thought Taako would say no, but it’s nice to have official confirmation.
“What do you think of Fluffernutter?” Taako asks suddenly.
“Conceptually, or?”
“For him.” He nods towards Kravitz’s armfull of dog.
Kravitz considers it for a moment, he’s definitely fluffy and sweet, peanut butter is nice, he’s nice. Kravitz likes fluffernutter, he likes the dog. “Yes. I think that’s right, love.”
Fluffernutter nuzzles happily at the crook of Kravitz’s arm as Kravitz draws Taako into his free arm. “I promise to still love you just as much.” He says, grinning over Taako’s head.
“You’d better. Cha’boy refuses to lose out to anyone.” Taako’s hand strokes idly at Fluffernutter, the dog nuzzles his hand and wiggles towards him.
Kravitz gives it a week before Taako’s the favourite. It’s okay, he’s Kravitz’s favourite too.
I hope you enjoyed! Wanna see the next prompt? Find it here.
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superloves4 · 10 months
While I slog through a fic I actually really want to tell (the joys of writing!) I decided to talk about that Feanor as Melkor's son AU I mentioned in my tags
So far I have three possibilities, from least realized to most:
Feanor as Melkor and Mairon bio baby, so far I don't really have much for this one, the Valar find baby Feanor after Melkor's imprisonment (haven't decided why Mairon wouldn't have escaped with the baby) and give him to Finwe to raise (I hadn't realized it doesn't makes sense for Miriel to die in this one until now, so either she doesn't and it's full throwing away canon or in this one she doesn't exist and Finwe just didn't want to tell Feanor who his real parents were, it's both sad and funny)
Baby Feanor kidnap adopted by Melkor, the timeline is bothering me here, maybe Feanor is born before Melkor's imprisonment? Or he leaves imprisonment way before the original? I mostly wanted this to be funny about Melkor and Mairon getting so attached and wanting so bad to be good parents to feral child Feanor that they actually get redeemed (although dark!Feanor x Nerdanel is very intriguing)
And the one I (unfortunately) have the most on (as of right now) is Feanor as Melkor... and Miriel's son, I jokingly thought about this one but alas it got bigger than I expected, so: Melkor decides to go mess with the elves only to find Miriel collecting bugs (they're silk worms, weird bug girl Miriel for the win!) and he gets actually quite impressed with her desire to not settle with the world and wanting to make it prettier with fabrics, they fall in love (or as much in love Melkor can be, so far he is more like canon evil Melkor than the softer one of the other two ideas) but when she finds out who he is, she runs away and falls for Finwe instead.
Finwe is then totally cool with raising Miriel's child because he loves her so much but Miriel keeps feeling she's awful for her previous love for Melkor, combined with the power required to sustain a half-ainur child, and ends up dying.
Finwe of course, absolutely adores little Feanor despite not being his bio dad, and thus names him Finwion (later Curufinwe), but raising a half-ainur child is not easy, especially when you can't actually ask anyone for help without revealing the truth, so Finwe just has to deal with eldritch child Feanor, alone.
(like, one time there's a teacher Feanor hates because he heard the teacher say that Feanor killed Miriel, so Feanor gives the teacher a bracelet he doesn't even understand how he made cursed, the teacher then complains to Finwe, who is just trying to understand how to explain to his son that he can't do that, also he fires the teacher)
Then it's basically the same as canon up until Melkor return, because instead of trying to create discord he arrives and realizes Feanor's his son and tries to pull a Darth Vader and convince Feanor to join him.
Feanor is, of course, against the idea but Melkor is convinced that if he reveals Feanor's true parentage in the upcoming festival then the uproar and hate will cause Feanor to be more willing.
Only, right before he can make his announcement Feanor shows up wearing the silmarils (Melkor decides to rename him Lightbringer but I haven't figured out what that is in Quenya) and instead of going along with Melkor, Feanor
Bows. to. MANWE!!!!!
And does a whole speech about Melkor trying to deceive him by claiming he isn't Finwe's son (Feanor already realized the truth, he's just rejecting it) and doing a whole spectacle of proof
The Finwe family isn't stupid and to Feanor's surprise, the first person to join his show is INDIS!!! Joined then (in order) by Nolo, Nerdanel, and Maglor (if it was political it would be Maedhros but it's a performance remember)
Manwe isn't stupid and understands what they are doing so when Melkor tries to say that it's all Finwe's lie he just tells Melkor that it was clear that Feanor was Finwe's son
Melkor storms out (he still plans to destroy the trees but his objective is Feanor instead of just the silmarils) and the Finweans leave too
Feanor has a cathartic talk and cry with his dad while the rest of the family discuss what this means for them all, Feanor is now more open to his half-family and his relation to the other Valas is totally different, and how that could end up having happier ending to the story.
And that's how much I have of this one, it compels me but it's the only one that I have no idea of how to add Melkor x Mairon and the original idea was about THEM as parents whereas this one is about the original Finweans in a different situation so I'm conflicted
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bennythespaceman1984 · 2 months
Do you Have any Cool Space stories ?:3
Of course! I probably have endless stories to tell. Although... Cool? I have a good one for that!
A long time ago when Futuron was just forming, I was working off-base to search for some mysterious object—I dunno what it was, we never went back to look for it. But, on the way there I got a distress signal. My partner insisted I ignore it, because something about the "tone" was off. I told him he was full of it! If someone was in trouble I wasn't going to ignore it because their ship made a funny noise! Turns out, it was a Blacktron cruiser. He was right, I guess. Anyway, I still approached, because the ship honestly looked like it was in bad condition. I mean, the federation isn't evil. We wouldn't leave anyone to die because of their faction.
My partner, I remember, was on the edge of his seat! I wasn't bothered! I was determined to get out there and patch whoever was in there up! Unfortunately for us, that was not a good idea, because when I got a little closer to the ship it immediately fired up and that's when I knew we were screwed! I sped out of there so fast— But the cruiser was on our tail, so I had to do some real tricky maneuvering to get the ship confused. I'm an S tier pilot don't you know! At one point I think we briefly lost it, but then I saw on my navigations panel that it was coming right at us! Gosh, if only you were there— There's no way to explain that adrenaline rush. My partner screamed, and we were soaring between asteroids! That was a heck of a chase! Eventually the Space Police got to our location and caught the guy, but I'll never forget that. It's not every day you get ambushed by a Blacktron cruiser!
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amphiptere-art · 2 months
Humm. I've been trying to figure out how this would work. May as well just throw out the idea.
Evil blue Moon
We shall nickname them Arcane.
This is based off of the idea of a blue moon that uses there magic without pity. Eclipse's are killed mercilessly. There's no feeling behind there slaughter, and no feeling for slaughtering those around them.
They basically taught by golden the same way normal blue moon is. The only difference is that they started to resent sun and moon for how they treated them. And then they thought they found a friend. Earth. But she was a liar. She tried to control him. He wasn't having any of that. He basically forced her to remove that pesky code that made him want to stick around. And once that was done he slaughtered Sun and Moon. Slaughtering Earth also despite her pleas.
He also gained an object like the cube. Put this one made purposely crafted from a wither storm they found. Using the ball pit to explore at first. I should call this object the octagon. There is no downsides to it. They simply lets him explore the universe to his ease and by typing in simple directions. Always able to return home whenever he wishes.
They go throughout the universe trying to cleanse it of eclipses. And if you are an eclipse lover. Well you're just in his way. People slaughter the eclipse in anyone that fights for them. And due to having no morals nor the younger mentality. They are stronger and faster. Unlike other blue moon types they took the star. Deciding to finish their wish. Which for them doesn't result in a shattering. Although the merger still happens.
This Blue Moon basically wished to be powerful and strong enough to siphon whatever energy/magic they wanted and to never run out of energy. Basically cutting out the main weaknesses of blue moon. Which is their ability to run out of endurance, the moral fears of murder, And the fact that some world still have magic. Arcane works more so like a wither storm himself in the world without magic. Sucking the energy out of everything around him. Uncaring of how it affects the world.
Arcane also does not really care about hurting somebody's feeling by eating them. While they would still want to eat somebody who is deserving. If they are hungry they will simply go to a Lord world and eat the inhabitants. If they want to challenge they might stalks in the streets of a standard world. Feeding into this sense of paranoia as they scramble to figure out why their friends are disappearing and dying. He honestly finds it funny.
Due to the extreme power creep they learn magic from many places. Their room magic is about as strong as Blue Moon's and stronger. Plus without their weaknesses dragging them down. They really are quick and merciles with how they hunt. And due to not having the weakness of running out of physical energy and never have worry that they cannot fight. They can fight for years if they wanted to. Utilizing the magic they have to basically heal them over and over again.
Not to mention the star they now use. Finding it as something to give them what they want to destroy all that pains them. Usually that is in a constant healing factor. Basically the star just heals them over and over again. Sometimes though it's to give them a significant power boost or a way to remove magic. Basically unless you are holding a star arcane could simply say that your magic doesn't exist. And it will be so.
Arcane is very dangerous. You don't want to meet up with Arcane. You don't want Arcane to find your world. And you definitely don't want to fight Arcane. As even in the most advantageous situations. They will just continue to fight. Using their practically invincible overhealing to keep up and of course not getting tired. They will fight you and tell the world is nothing more than the void a wither storm usually leaves behind. You either give up and die, or let the world die with you. Now of course it's very good thing. Arcane is simply for fun, and does not exist in the reality of my head cannons. As they are simply a april fools.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
It's almost funny how anti-feminist fire and Blood actually is. All the female characters either have cartoonish characterization (the evil stepmother, the tyrannical queen), or have no personality whatsoever. Rhaenys is the "Queen who never was" but actively supports the murder of her son and the daughter of her 'usurper' cousin? Laena is the rider of Vhaegar and... brave? Baela and Rhaena love their stepmom and stepsiblings, have no ambitions, character defining traits or resentments.
GRRM actually goes out of his way to mock American feminism in Fire and Blood. He has Mushroom, a crime and sex addicted (male) jester, refer to the Maiden’s Day Ball of 133–in which Aegon III was to choose a bride amongst the maidens of the Kingdoms—as “the Maiden’s Day Cattle show”. This is a reference to the radical feminist protest of the 1968 Miss America contest at Atlantic City, which included signs such as these:
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Although maybe not as well known today especially outside the USA, the protest had a profound effect on the image of second wave feminism. The protesters claimed in a 10 point manifesto that the pageant judged women like animals at a county fair (to the point they mockingly crowned a sheep Miss America), was racist (having only crowned white women so far), supported the military-industrial complex, was consumerist, led to double standard stereotypes (“both sexy and wholesome, delicate but able to cope, demure yet titillatingly bitchy”), celebrated mediocrity by elevating beauty rather than intelligence/ambition as the goal for girls to aspire. They also set up Freedom Trash Cans in which to throw away makeup and bras (the inaccurate report that they’d burned these items gave rise to the stereotype of feminists as bra burners), among other tactics.
All right, so I think it’s obvious that GRRM intended the “Maiden’s Day Cattle Show” to be a reference to the 1968 “Miss America Cattle Auction”, since women were judged based on their appearance and perhaps a brief interview for the ultimate benefit of a young man, Aegon III. There are a few things I found annoying about the reference. One, is that the narrative does not criticize the pageant, quite the opposite; the great lords forced the cruel Lord Peake’s hand in letting Aegon get a chance to choose his new bride, rather than be betrothed to Myrielle and thus give the Peakes long-lasting power. Two, is that it’s Mushroom—who, as mentioned, delights in telling us about the sexual exploits of especially noblewomen—who mocks the ball as a Cattle Show, rather than a woman of any social class; this takes the criticism of beauty standards and women reduced to objects for the pleasure of a male audience (as it was in the original protest)….and turns it into a sassy remark by a man who loves to talk about women as sexual objects. It’s not the families or House Targaryen being criticized for having the ball take place (in fact, Rhaena and Baela presenting Daenaera with a “found your queen” is presented as a dramatic, triumphant moment over the grasping Lord Peake) and parading their daughters around, it’s Mushroom mocking the women as objects only worth their carnal beauty and riches (“Each maid seemed lovelier than the last…. It would be hard to picture anything more beautiful, unless perhaps all of them had arrived naked”. Btw yes, he does wax lyrical on Daenaera’s beauty even though she’s 6). GRRM was so proud of this reference that he partly named the chapter after it: War and Peace and Cattle Shows. Knowing that it comes from an iconic USA feminist protest against beauty standards for women, and how he used it as a joke for his favorite character Mushroom to mock women, I can’t find it funny. Just annoying, and maybe a little insulting.
tl;dr yes I agree, F&B wrote many female characters lacking in nuance (either evil stepmothers, Mary Sues, or tragic victims. Not to put the blame on victims, but that GRRM uses these types of characters to just suffer and then die horribly, with little attempt to treat the issues they face from their POV). The author mocked feminist iconography in a few instances in this book. Not just with the “Maiden’s Day Cattle Show” (though that just seemed the most obvious) but with his one-note stand-in (whose role in the story is to get hundreds of Faith Militant killed in an unsuccessful rescue from a public execution) for Joan of Arc “the Maid of Orleans”, who has been an icon of Western feminism since the contemporary writings of Christine of Pisa; as well as naming a Green-Allied pawn who gets unceremoniously killed after William Moulton Marston, the creator of Wonder Woman.
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
Mc just booping Odon randomly +rad classmates reacting to it like they just come up to him with a serious face and just boop him then go on about their day or mc just booping everyone
This is a very nice idea, reading it honestly cheered me up a bit, which I needed because yesterday I received some news that shook me a bit😥so I hope that, by writing this, not only I'll satisfy your request, but that it will also manage to distract me🙈I tried to write both scenarios, I hope that's okay, I did my best✨:
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Initially she would be slightly surprised to see such an interaction between Odon and MC, but soon she would find that quite funny and in a way she would see herself in such acts, since sometimes she happens to climb on Odon's back to reach high objects, to see things in the distance or simply to receive a nice piggyback ride. However it's likely that she would like to receive a similar treatment from MC too, so she might get sulky if MC doesn't pay enough attention to her
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Although he's aware of the fact that Odon isn't hostile and in general very chill and gentle despite being a demon, Domnra believes that MC has either a lot of courage or a total lack of sense of self-preservation to undertake such an action towards Odon, especially because no one would dare get so close to them because of their old reputation. Mobim, on the other hand, would be curious about MC's gesture and would try to replicate it on Domnra to understand how it works
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He would find such action hilarious and honestly he would wonder how he never thought of doing such a thing too, not only to Odon, but also to others, because he has little restraint and decidedly little restraint, therefore not even people like Lucifer or Lord Diavolo would be safe from one of his new favorite pastimes. However, being friends with Odon, Azul would love to join MC in the art of booping
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Knowing Odon, Zuri would imagine that they would appreciate MC's gesture, even though they usually don't allow many people to approach their face, for a matter of safety, however she would find quite ridiculous the fact that an ancient and feared demon like Odon, let a human boop their nose, however she wouldn't voice her opinion, since it's none of her business
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They would have no idea of what exactly MC is doing in the beginning, they might even think it's some kind of traditional human greeting that they have missed over the centuries or somehow forgotten about, yet Odon would find the gesture nice and being the only one to receive it would make them feel special, something they're not used to
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She would be happy to receive such a demonstration of attention and affection from her mate, in fact she would let herself be pampered without making a fuss. Demya would probably reciprocate MC's gesture either by booping them in return or with affectionate kisses and little chomps, with her it's not uncommon to end up playing fight after all
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MC could boop Mobim without any problem, the little curse would be pleasantly surprised and would try to reciprocate MC's affectionate gesture, however Domnra would die of embarrassment if his partner did the same thing to him, especially in public. In private he might be persuaded to receive such treatment, but his face would wear a embarrassed pout
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MC would involuntarily create a booping monster and from a simple nice gesture the situation would turn into some kind of competition to see who is better and more creative in affectionately reciprocating the gesture. In Azul's case, he would have an advantage over his lovely star though, being able to walk through walls like a ghost as well
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Normally Zuri wouldn't appreciate such a childish gesture towards her, considering it almost a lack of respect, but since this case is about her beloved, she would let it go and just reply with an exasperated but affectionate sigh. In moments of greater domesticity and tranquility in private, she might be tempted to boop MC back
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They would be confused and honestly it would be one of the few times they got caught off guard, but one of the reasons Odon appreciates their dear friend MC is because they're full of surprises, so in the end they would appreciate the gesture. It's also likely that the eye-like creatures have seen MC booping other people around Devildom, so Odon would be happy to have been included in such ritual, however they would be hesitant to reciprocate, because they wouldn't want to overstep or disrespect MC's boundaries
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gizkasparadise · 5 months
2023 wrapped: webtoon edition!
my final 2023 wrapped post for the year! unlike previous ones, this list is every series i read this year vs. ones that started this year. previous lists for this year:
cdrama edition
kdrama edition
ranked from least favorite to most favorite, which doesn't mean objectively best, just ones that hit me more. ones that are completed series will have a * after the title
15 my deepest secret*. omfg i hated this webtoon. the twist was asinine and frankly ignorant. none of the characters were likeable by the end. hate quit this one with like 5 chapters left to go i just couldnt
14 my second husband. seemed promising at first! i was hooked for the first 40 chapters or so but then it just started getting weirdly paced, had big plot holes, and nothing ever felt like it was getting resolved. the ML had like 0 charisma as well. dropped.
13 to love your enemy. this one was REALLY fun until the cult arc hit and then it was the biggest wtf is happening. dropped it shortly after
12 i dont hate us*. i liked this one until the timeskip ending, where then everyone and everything just felt really off. the second female lead gets a special mention because i HATED her at first but by the end she was my favorite character <3
11 romance 101.* this was okay. the art style was really cute and i loved the FL. but there never seemed to be any chemistry with the main ship to me, and the plot became really focused on the app/programming club which bored the hell out of me. dropped this one around chap 100
10 shadow bride. nothing bad but nothing particularly noteworthy for me. fluff read.
9 high spirits neoma. im not very far into this webtoon yet, or it'd be higher up the list im sure. im around ch 5 and finding it really charming and i love the color palette for it
8 dreaming freedom/freedom in dreams. although the art style isnt my cup of tea, i really enjoyed this fucked up high school revenge/romance webtoon but where im currently at (ch. 111ish) it's starting to feel a little circular. hoping it goes back to what it does best which is Unsettling Shit
7 my reason to die*. man this would've been in my top 3 but the ending arc is just. really boring??? like i dont want to watch them search for a pot farm for 10 chapters. i havent finished this one yet, but ive been putsing getting back into it ever since post reveal. the drama is very pretty though and the reveal chapters hit me like a truck in a good way
6 operation true love. i borderline hated this webtoon when i first started, but the reviews had me wanting to stick it out and im so glad i did!! around ep 10ish it really finds its footing and just keeps going for it! very kdrama in flavor and endearing FL.
5 unholy blood*. a fun, dark, and nostalgic webtoon about vampires and vampire hunting that brought me back to my tween years in the best way. the character designs are really awesome. it's a little lower on the list because the ending felt a bit rushed, but it's a really solid horror/action comic with a lil romance
4 surviving romance*. this one's complete but i got about 10 chapters left. it's a really fun horror comic (NOT romance, dont be fooled by the title) that reminds me of extraordinary you but if the plot was focused on the metaphysical horror of it a little more. fun characters and relationships. a little lower just because the second "return" arc feels tedious/unneeded so far. we'll see. TEAM RINA.
3 maybe meant to be/fate found by chance. ive found that i tend to gravitate toward darker webtoons, so this is my c-c-combo breaker! cute, funny, quirky, and really endearing. standard contract marriage plot but between two delightful weirdos
2 purple hyacinth. this series is everything. the art is gorgeous, it has its own OST built into the reading. the characters are nuanced and complicated and omg it's a ride and a half so far.
1 olgami/trapped*. INCREDIBLE characters and such an intense look at enemies-to-lovers. the drama starts as a psycho-thriller about gravedigging for a vampire and ends up about two leads who have never learned how to love willing to try it with one another in their fucked-up way. dysfunctional. hot. SO GOOD. the art evolution for this series was great as well
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paradoxcase · 8 months
Chapter 31 of Harrow the Ninth
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I'm a little bemused that her objection was that they were old? I mean, sure, they are old, but they are old like vampires are old, they're permanently young due to immortality, they're not like, elderly. It's totally understandable if you don't want to watch them all make out with each other because they're all terrible people, but it doesn't make sense to complain that they're old
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Gideon is right, Harrow is even more oblivious than I am, and that's saying something
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You know, it's funny that this religion has the same concept of nuns as the original Catholic church, where they are considered to be like, married to God, because it allows Harrow to just say stuff like this by which she means "I am in love with the body in the Tomb" and Ianthe just interprets it as "I am a nun"
It's interesting that Augustine was like 1000% sure that Gideon the First would go to the training room and that he actually went to Cytherea instead
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It sounds like he did not even try to defend himself
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Also kind of curious about this. This is also the second time an incinerator has been (partially) implicated in a murder
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Why would Cytherea want to kill Gideon the First? I mean, if she had some beef with him she had 10,000 years to do this, and her original goal before she died was actually to kill John, so why isn't she doing that instead?
Although, Gideon the First probably has something to do with Gideon Nav and her mom, and I think Cytherea probably figured out who Gideon Nav was back in the first book, so possibly she now wants to murder Gideon the First based on some conclusion she came to based on that?
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Direct reference to when Palamedes suggested she make a weeny construct to get into the Lyctor laboratory at Canaan House? Which is something Harrow no longer remembers
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Why does the incinerator need to be that hot? What is it for?
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Yes, he definitely seems to have some issue with the automatic healing part of being a Lyctor, or perhaps the necromancy part
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He says "us", and then later he does not remember this conversation, and if he just wanted to not kill Harrow in repayment for her saving him he could have done something like say "I promise I'll stop trying to kill you", but instead he says this. So I think what is going on here is that he is maybe like two different people in the same body in a more discrete way than the other Lyctors are, and one of them (Gideon or Pyrrha, I have no idea which) wants to kill Harrow for some unknown reason, and the other one is the one having this conversation with Harrow right now and telling her what she needs to do to protect herself from the first, and is possibly also the one that visits Cytherea, since that's what he was doing right before this, and the first one regains control later on and doesn't remember any of what happened because they weren't in control at the time. The other time that Harrow saw him with Cytherea he was also not trying to kill her, I note. I wonder if Gideon the First is therefore also a kind of incomplete or imperfect Lyctor similarly to how Harrow is, but for a different reason, and isn't imperfect in a way that makes everyone else think he's going to die? Possibly this is also why he is able to drain thanergy, as that doesn't seem like it would be a common ability for Lyctors? If Pyrrha is actually in control of his body sometimes as her own self and not fully absorbed, it probably also explains why he is not keen on the others talking about Pyrrha as if she is gone
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At first I thought he might be talking to Gideon, but if the last word is "baby", he might be talking to Gideon's mom, which brings me back to my guess a while back that the sword might be haunted by Gideon's mom. If Harrow is haunted by something, which seems likely, it's probably the Body, but the sword seems to also be haunted and may be haunted separately from how Harrow herself is haunted. So whichever one of Gideon/Pyrrha is helping Harrow here, that's the one who has a connection to Gideon's mom, probably
It would probably make more sense for the cavalier to be the one attacking Harrow with weapons constantly (and never with necromancy) and for the necromancer to be the more mild one who doesn't particularly want to kill her, but I don't know enough about who they were as individuals to say for sure now, I don't think
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The only other option would be that she went out the airlock, right? I wonder if we will see her again, or if the mystery of why she hates Gideon the First now will be solved some other way. I guess if she believes that she killed him, and that's the reason she came back as a revenant, that should resolve her lingering issues and she should move on, right?
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I'm guessing Augustine and Mercy think that Harrow did all of the stabbing and firing up the incinerator in her attempt to kill Gideon the First, and lied about Cytherea wandering around as a zombie
And that's the end of the act. A much more interesting one than the other two, I think
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
Get to know a simmer
Okay, soooo I was tagged by @silentsundown (thank you so so much for tagging me, I really love to talk, ramble and even most of the time overshare on this blog, so thank you! I really appreciate you tagging me, I hope you're having a really nice time of the day!! 💗)
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Meteorite death in The Sims 3, definitely! And maybe werewolf bite death and I'm not sure if it's a mod, buut I love when humans die by being sucked out too much blood by a vampire, like blood loss death or? Oh! And being eaten by the cowplant. Also, death by a myth from High School Years pack. It's super creepy for me personally. Please note that I'm not really a player, so I don't remember much deaths, I'm sure there's so much more interesting. creepy and kinda funny ways to die in Sims 4!
2. Alpha or Maxis Match CC?
It's both! I equally love alpha and maxis match, and mix those two styles because honestly? There's too much gorgeous and unique cc to both of these styles to just choose or prefer one.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
No? Maybe because they don't because even when (actually it's IF) I play I cheat their needs :DD OH, and I also have some MCCC marks or whatever it called in English (метки) so their appearance won't be reseted or be able to change because I'm too tired of their presets changing for some reason when I enter live mode.
4. Do you use move objects?
5. Favorite mod?
I don't really remember all my favorite gameplay mods, but there are some I can't play without (not including some obvious ones such as MCCC and WW and UI Cheats and cooking mods that I have a lot):
ALL mods from SpinningPlumbobs, especially the Expanded Mermaid and Werewolves! These are super detailed and amazing for players who mainly focus on occult sims. It makes occults so much more interesting to play and it brought me back to somehow enjoying gameplay.
ALL mods from PERSEA, but especially Realistic Life & Pregnancy mod because it has so much cute interaction and it truly brings in so much depth and a sense of feelings to sims. Like real emotions and buffs, also cute dialogue options!
ALL mods from Lumpinou. But especially RPO, Open Love Life, Psychic Sims and Rambunctious Religions (if you wanted to have a cult in your game, esp occult cult - it's possible!!! And god I LOVE having sexy priests that are really priests in my game). Actually, every single mod of this creator is my must-have for gameplay, so YEEEEAH.
ALL mods from Maplebell. I do think that the Acting overhaul was a very needed mod for the game, as well as the socials & more kisses mod!
ALL mods from Adeepindigo, but especially education system overhaul AND PARANORMAL CAREER & GHOST HUNTERS!! Family activities and custom nuptials are the mods I find myself using the most, as well as Pet Care Activities. Also, the tweaks & small mods are VERY useful! The only mod I don't use from this creator is dental care - although it's super cool and realistic, but it's too overwhelming for me (thanks OCD), same with the most recent - Divergent sims, it's incredibly detailed but I'm not ready to deal with the same shit I go though every day in The Sims too lmao. It's overwhelmingly realistic & very detailed!
There's so much more, but my brain is super dumb, so I can't remember, but! If you see any detailed occult mod esp for vampires - you KNOW i'm already using it because that sort of mods are the most amazing for me. I love gameplay mods. although I don't really play a lot, but I have much of them.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I'M A FUCKING PIRATE HOW DO I ANSWER? I got them all at ones time yeeeeeah I'm too cool for this question 😎😎😎😎😎 But if I'm being serious, although I got on a pirate ship when I was a teen, I started playing sims 4 when I think Cats & Dogs came out? So that can count as the first thing I got just because I started there. But If i'm being serious, I don't remember lmao. When I was a teen, I was pirating everything I saw on russian torrent websites, but I remember being instantly more interested in TS4 when pets expansion came out. SORRY I'M STUPID AND MY MEMORY IS TERRIBLE
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
aLIVE. But overall, I have no idea how it should be pronounced. And with LIVing it sounds so dumb I'm sorry-
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL ANSEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH AND- LUCINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T CHOOSE! THEY'RE MY FUCKING KIDS!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!! IT'S CRUEL TO PICK SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Have you made a simself?
Lucinda is enough of simself. I think. She has my appearance for the most part, and tbh, she's my vent OC so I guess?...
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
I DON'T KNOW. WAIIIIT I searched for the post-reblog with traits, so yeeeeeah I found it! My brain doesn't know English today bc I just forgot how the traits translates in English, so....
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
12. Favorite EA hair?
Wait, howwww they even look? I haven't used any EA hair in the recent months or even years, so I had to look them up in CAS lmaooooo. Okay, so! Probably all HYS & Growing Together hair, almost all black hairstyles! AND I LOVE DREAM HOME DECORATOR AND NIFTY KNITTING HAIR!!! they're so good wowwwww! and i'm a fucking fan of Paranormal mullet! AND ALL THE HAIR FROM COTTAGE LIVING TOO! The way I didn't know about them until I started writing this tag 👁️👁️👁️
13. Favorite life stage?
YOUND ADULT. I'm scared of aging and death everywhere, so I have NEVER played a sim older than young adult. It may be oversharing (which is my love language btw and I just can't shut up SO BEAR WITH ME and my loud personality here), but the only thought about elders make me extremely sad and almost makes me hystericly cry for hours- NO IM NOT OKAY but my phychiatrist says it's getting better you know!!!! ALSO. My god infants are incredible cute and I love playing with kids because my god they're so adorable in game! I'm a child hater btw, but the game infants are super cute!
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I'm sorry but NEITHER. But if i need to choose, I'm choosing building because it's so good but also! Not nessecerealy building, but decorating! I don't build I'm fucking dumb & scared of floorplans, roofs and terrain painting. But decorating? Anytime, please!!
15. Are you a CC creator?
NO- At least yet, but we'll see! Btw, I almost forgot that I wanted to recreate a fucking pose from the sexy french anti-smoking campaign poster 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
17. What’s your favorite game?
Ummm... Bloodborne & The Forest & Alien: Isolation?? But if we're talking about Sims, then it's TS2! The townies are the best although I didn't really grew up on The Sims in the way most simmers did, I played TS2 with my older sister all the time and this game has such amazing humor (although yeah it's pretty crude and mature BUT THAT'S SO COOL WWAAAAAAH) and personality, It's super good!
18. Do you have any sims merch?
DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW MUCH DELIVERY TO GERMANY COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although I want to have the merch maybe like?? Plumbob headphones or like headband? That would be so cool!
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
NO. I wanted to be simtuber for some time, but I'm too scared of hate that comes with particiapating in youtube community, so NEVER THANK YOU!
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I have no idea, I'm sorry. And I don't really have my much older sims or screenshots or save files? But I think I started being more risky and using much more CC and using heavy alpha CC which I adore! Also, my sims started to become more and more gorey and dark-themed. Like- I feel like my sims were less horror-like few years before, they were casual occults. GOD I HOPE ONE DAY WE CAN HAVE TRUE BODY HORROR (MORE EYES PLEASE!!!!!!!! I WANT MY SIMS TO HAVE EYEBALLS EVERYWHERE ON THEIR BODY AND I WANT THEM INSECTS GROWING UNDER THEIR SKIN PLLLLSSS!), like imagine having open lungs. more than two hangs or other body parts?? OR BLOODY DEER ANTLERS OR- sorry im fucking unhinged and maybe one day I'd get my lazy ass and create it all myself BECAUSE I CLEARLY NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21. What’s your Origin ID?
It's a secret. There's nothing and I was banned for piracy while sharing sims (no CC ones btw, and they were fucking normal like USUAL sims) TWICE. So nope!
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I have 300+ GB mods folder how do i answer this.... Okay, let's do it! And BTW, I'm scared of tagging creators and tagging in general, so I won't do it this time so I won't spam or annoy anyone and won't be this anxious myself.
@pralinesims EVAN I'M SORRY BUT I'M TOTALLY TAGGING YOU!!! You- First of all, as I remember, you were the first creator with whom my journey with CC began and even then, you had a superior quality CC, and it was and still is the best CC content ever! I know I've said it a million times before, but! Your CC is a true must-have for me, I literally can't imagine CAS without it, it changes so much and adds necessary little details that give my sims a lot more personality :') AND SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR THE GORE!!!! gore forever!! I love gore!! AND FOR THE EYES!!
@lady-moriel (I know I tagged you twice in this post, but it's for a different purpose 😭😭 pls forgive me) has the most amazing fantasy/ occult cc which is really high quality AND MY GOD THE ARMOR!! AND DRUID STUFF!! It's so unique and done just so amazingly, all the details- it looks beautiful in game and I fucking swear, I can't live without your CC! And I still can't get over your Leshey set, because my god... I can talk about it for hours, it's just- It's a perfection, and you need to know that it's only thanks to you I can have literally Zone Blanche in my game-
Now, creators I'm afraid to tag in this ramble thingy. IT'S GOING TO BE SUPER LONG SO BE PREPARED LMAOOO
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Favorite skin details/skins creators — @/obscurus-sims, @/northernsiberiawinds, @/poyopoyosim, @/ddarkstonee, @/sims3melancholic, @/lamatisse, @/nesurii, @/angissi, @/twisted-cat, @/squea, @/thisisthem, @/simbience, @/sammi-xox
Favorite presets creators — @kashisun (!!!!), @/hi-land, @/viagosims, @/cinnasims, @/meeshi, @/ssspringroll, @/sammi-xox, @/arenetta
Favorite clothes creators — @/backtrack-cc, @/eunosims, @/nucrests, @/gorillax3-cc, @/plbsims, @/lumysims, @/trillyke, @/amelylinaa, @/arethabee, @/liliili-sims4, @/cinnamon-sims I don't remember more I'm sorry- I use much cc but do I remember creator names? mainly not 😭😭 my brain is not braining i-
Favorite hair creators - @/sheabuttyr, @/simandy @/ebonixsims, @/icchixxxxxx1, @/clumsyalienn, @falsogod, @/0o0ghost0o0, anto, @/leahlillith, @/aladdin-the-simmer, @/simstrouble, @/zaozzaa, darknighTt on tsr, @/1-800-cuupid THERE'S SO MUCH I'M JUST DUMB AND I HAVE MEMORY LIKE A FISH-
I came here in March, I believe! So like... 3 months? And my god I never felt this accepted in any community before, although begging was very scary and still is a bit, but the more I shared my OCs, edits and screenshots with you, the more accepted and loved I felt and my god, this is such an amazing feeling when you see how everyone share their amazing creativity and love for franchise and just- It's truly amazing to see everyone's amazing creativity and I still can't believe how different everyone's sims and game is! IT'S JUST SO COOL! I love seeing such different and unique visions being connected by the one game.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
OOOH It's a lot! First of all, I have pretty heavy and detailed reshade (but my PC is very much okay with this, so don't worry), I have a couple of favorite presets that make the game look SO MUCH DIFFERENT AHH! But keep in mind that I change a lot of settings and have my MXAO's set differently. The ultimate favorite of mine is Softee preset by Lustrousims! Its truly amazing and I use it every time. What I love about it is colour scheme and the way it DOES work with POC sims which is AMAZING! So for gameplay or build (which i have like... three, maybe?) or cas posts I don't really edit anything, maybe use a couple of color ajustments + dust + light leaks + resolution enchance + blur background a bit or make some details pop, but that's all!
But when It comes to my edits.... I do use blender, so you can see a few of my renders here. I edit them and in-game pictures either in GIMP or Photoshop (I pirate it too btw) for psd actions or if i'm editing while at work or while going somewhere - i use mobile editing apps such as Photoshop Express & Lightroom, Glitch Lab, Polarr, Vaporgram! Sometimes mobile apps are more useful for specific things than GIMP or Photoshop on PC lmaooo, so yeah.
Thirdly, I enchance resolution on PC by Topaz AI and on mobile with Remini, which is super useful because it does add details and really unblur pics.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
OKAY SO. Please keep in mind that my opinion may be weird, but that's because I never paid a single euro for The Sims 4, I KNOW most of TS4 packs and content in general is super overpriced and bad if you keep in mind how much you paid for it, but I haven't, I have it all for free, so I just mostly enjoy everything when I truly explore or play it. I do still shame EA tho lmaoo.
Expansions: Get to Work (mainly because of aliens and active careers), Cottage Living (HAVE YOU SEEN THE CUTEST COWS??HAVE YOU SEEN THEM??), Cats & Dogs, Growing Together, Island Living.
Game packs: Vampires (OBVIOUSLY!), Strangerville, Realm of Magic, Werewolves
Stuff packs: PARANORMAL, Vintage Glamour, Movie Hangout Nifty Knitting, Tiny Living, Laundry Day!
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
Okay, sooooooo......
Expansion: music groups & choirs & opera pack that will bring more ACTIVE careers for musicians, more music instruments, PLEASE GIVE ME OPERA AND BALLET THEATERS (... my russian side truly wants to have it, like pls), tours and trip-hop as in-game genre! Also, It would be amazing if they'll add something like church choirs or something like that.
Game pack: FAIRIES. And bigfoot. Please. I want to have those in my game so bad! Also, I think it would be amazing if we'd another pack where we'll get the whole funeral system, like funerals and graveyards! I WANT TO HAVE THOSE SO BAD. And I want this pack to have maybe mortician career. maybe even an active one? As well as active funerals, more coffins with cross-pack compability so that vampires can sleep in them too. Also! You know this message your sim sometimes get about their very far relative passing away and giving them money? I want it expanded & it's a great ability to add an option for a sim to own a multiple homes and apartments, like having their own and the house that was passed for them by a grand-someone.
Stuff packs: something for toddlers and infants, maybe including functional strollers & new interactive toys (like a mini piano or a book that can sing them songs) and more clothes and bb objests. I think we need more gameplay for toddlers and infants! And also, maybe a separate stuff pack for kids? ALSO WE FUCKING NEED THE SPOOKY STUFF REFRESH!
Lastly, I'm tagging @alinelie, @lady-moriel, @lunarspellsims, @noeyinthemist, @the-daydream-archives, @2013trait, @isthisdesire98. I know it's not a lot of you, but I don't remember who I've seen doing this tag, so yeah! Please feel free to ignore this and I also apologize in case I annoyed you. I hope you're having a good day! I love you all just so much!
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