#alvera games
argentgames · 2 years
Weekly Update 3/17
Hello all!
We’re back with another compilation of our game dev Twitter updates. 
Check out the pics below for a look at our current games’ progress!
Red Embrace: Paradisus
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Click for more info on the game!
Will you join Kiefer's tech-rebel faction and become a vampire of the wires?
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In which MC accidentally sends Jack to the nether realm whilst trying to get past him.  He doesn't have much luck with these things.
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Alvera and Ventura, the two Golgotha sisters who glimpse all of MC's possible destinies.
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Implementing a glossary of Red Embrace lore terms for RE:P! Soon you'll be able to live your vampire life in a state of significantly less confusion.
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Nadim and the Netizen vampires hope to save a dying world...but that rarely works out smoothly.
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Working on a walk/run toggle button, so you can roleplay some vampiric street-stalking (and navigate small areas more easily).
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Rosalind isn't about the prowling vampire life. She'd rather play MUDs and stay cozy in her coffee shop.
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Guilded Hearts
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Click for more info on the game!
MC and Casper (playing as Moggie), together inside the Lost Heroes MMO for the first time!
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Some profile picture options for MC!
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Chatting to Casper on Dovcord.
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ros-aura · 2 years
mini astrology game ii 🖤🤍
rules: send me your initial/s & big 6, like and reblog, followers only.
and I'll choose to theoretically either:
1. fight you >:),
2. befriend you :), or
3. date you <3
this is just for fun lmao. anyway I hope you'll enjoy this
(ps. if you get fight please don't actually show up at my house. if you get the others dm me before making plans ok? :))
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macabreyouth · 4 years
#20 for any oc(s) u want! [=<
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them?:
Technically Lukas is The Royal Prince of Macabre, but he didn't earn that he was born into that.
Alvera probaby refers to herself like she had a doctorate but she does not. She is smart enough to have one and deserves one! But she doesn't actually have one.
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haharuspex · 4 years
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my courier 6!! she’s a chaotic badass 
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So I’m a naturally very shy person, but I thought I’d post the prologue to my book. 
I’m incredibly anxious about it, but any form of constructive comments would be appreciated.
Anthea sat at the window of the Tower of Zian, looking out over an expansive city. Zian was the highest point in Newlin, a marvel of architecture yet to be rivaled. It reminded her of the mountains she only knew in her mind, the feeling of bracing wind in her face. In her heart, she was there, among a people so long before her time eradicated and displaced. Below, the denizens of the city looked like ants, working away at their individual unhappy lives. The colony was diseased. They worked not in the interest of the whole but of the self, never truly looking at the people beside them. This infection had spread to her own life. 
Her son was away, as he typically was. She had been assured that his work was important. He was a representative of the people, working for peace and equality. Perhaps, years ago when he was a young man, she might have believed him. She recalls the fire that once burned in his eyes, a man that demanded change. Now, she knew he merely played the game to get ahead. He was a eunuch of the machine that used him to maintain a status quo. Her once sensitive and critical son was now hardened to light, going so far as to openly deny his bloodline. His Driag blood, something that was once a sense of pride for him, was now a secret embarrassment. 
His wife, a young woman named Karliah, now sat in a rocking chair across the room from Anthea, a newborn in her lap. Karliah looked down at her third-born child, face totally expressionless. In was only a few months ago that Phillip had sent for Anthea. He had told her that his wife had come down with a case of melancholy following the birth of their daughter and that he needed her to assist with the children. He assured her it would only be a few weeks until Karliah ‘got over it’. She had been in Newlin city for four months at this point, baby Alvera still somehow full of colic and Karliah full of a quiet apathy.
Anthea did not mind helping, as she feared that this would be her only opportunity to see her grandchildren. In her philosophy, children were the light in which we all lived after death. They were wiser and older than she, a fountain of possibly spilling over. Yet, they were so unburdened by the world. She wondered how her son saw them, as he rarely saw them at all. 
At her knee, the middle child sat, quietly. Felia was always a subdued child, though only five years old. Her sister Telia was an untamed spirit, never one to be reserved in voicing her opinion, truly of her father’s blood. Felia always watched, observing the world with questioning analytical eyes. Anthea could feel something in her spirit, a displacement slowly coming into alignment. She feared for the hardships she sensed in this child’s future, but for now, she merely reveled in Felia’s presence, as it was one of immense calm. 
“Aba, can you tell me a story?” she peeps, soft as a newborn chick. 
“Anthea,” Karliah warned from her seat, voice never really expressing her emotion fully. She felt for Karliah, having to deal with her opinionated son on top of everything. Philip disliked it when Anthea told the children stories of the old country. The more they knew about their heritage in his eyes, the worse off they were. Anthea also knew that she held the power, as she could simply leave him to deal with his depressed wife and attention-hungry children alone. She wouldn’t, of course, but she could. Honestly, she should. He needed to learn to care for the family he formed in a way that mattered. Still, she stayed, but she did as she pleased and dared him to say anything about it.
“Of course, hneleh,” This was the Driag word for a species of flower, sweet in smell and vibrant in color. Karliah groaned, knowing she had lost. “What story would you like to hear?”
“Tell me about the ocean,” she requests, looking back at her mother. Karliah looks tired, more so than usual. 
“Ah yes. A good choice, darling,” Anthea clears her throat. “Millions of epochs ago, the world was full of nothing but darkness and cold. Within this expanse of nothing was a being, who was as old as the world itself named Mela. They lived for many years alone in the void and grew sad. For all Mela wanted was someone else to be with, a friend to share their time with. They wept great tears of melancholy in their loneliness.”
“That’s sad,” Telia says from beside the fireplace where she had been scribbling on a piece of paper. “I can’t imagine not having anyone at all, even Alvy even though all she does is scream and cry.”
“You mean you don’t want to sell her to the traveling circus in Filar Square anymore, Telia?” Karliah says, chuckling softly. It was a rare thing to see any light in the woman’s eyes.
Telia thinks about this, scrunching up her nose in deep contemplation. “I’m still debating. I’ll get back to you.”
Karliah rolls her eyes, and Felia sits silently, waiting for Anthea to continue. 
“It is sad, Telia. Don’t worry about Mela, though, children. For something amazing was about to happen. Their tears filled up the space in the abyss, creating a great sea of clear blue. The sea became to sway and froth, sending sea spray up into the dark sky, creating the stars. From the depths of the sea below rose four figures in the four corners of the world. They vowed their eternal love to Mela, and asked how they might assist them. Mela asks for them to help fill the void with something beautiful, so they would be lonely no longer. Sympha rose into the sky and created the moon, giving light to their work. They breathed a heavy breath, creating the breeze. Dianah rose mud and sand from the depths of the endless ocean, creating the land and the mountains. Conah carved lines and valleys into the earth, creating the expansive rivers and lakes of the land. 
Mela, in the flurry of creation, gathered up the stars of the sky and scattered them throughout the world, creating the beasts of the land. Within them was the primal flame of creation. Nehan presented the beasts with fire, for them to use and keep warm in the cold winter. He rose into the sky, becoming the life-giving sun. Among the beasts of the land where those who Mela favored above all else, although they loved all of the creations of the new world. To them, they gave their eye, presented to them as an azure stone. In the eye of Mela was a power---”
“That’s enough, mother,” Phillip says, having entered into the living room. 
“Daddy!” Telia shrieked, running to attach herself to Phillip’s leg. He places a hand on her raven curls but says nothing. He has his gaze fixed on Anthea, a steady rage behind his eyes. She meets it head-on, backing down to no one. 
“Son, you’re home early,” she says, evenly. 
“Dismemberment seems a bit harsh before bed, mother. Off to bed, children,” he says, not taking his eyes off of Anthea.
“I want to listen to Grandma’s---” Felia pipes in, timidly.
“Enough,” Philip replies, sternly. “It’s late. Go to bed. Now.”
Grumbling, the sisters dragged their feet off towards the stairs. Felia ran back, grabbing her grandmother into a fierce hug before running off. Karliah followed suit, shooting her husband an apologetic look as she took Alvera away to the Nursery. Philip crosses the room, looking out the same window as Anthea had, but up into the stars and moon that hung overhead. 
“I work hard to provide for my family, mother,” he says, his voice far away. 
“I understand that---” 
“You do not,” he cuts in, sharply. ‘If you did you would not fill my children’s heads with tales of gods that are long dead.”
It stufng Anthea to hear her son speak that way of their religion, of their culture. He was a man of no faith, a man of no morals. 
“The people of this nation look upon our people as if they are vermin. They see our blood as sullied. I don’t want that shame on my children.”
“Most people in the city are our kin, Philip,” she retorts, and it was true. The people of Newlin are almost entire descendants of Driag nomads fleeing their homelands. Philip shakes his head, sadly. 
“We have no kin or kind. Our people died out long ago. It would be in your benefit to accept that and to respect the way I choose to raise my children. We are Newlin, we and Mesari, nothing else.”
Silence hung heavy in the air, and it broke Anthea’s heart. 
“You have no convictions. The god you believe in is one of your own making. Do not expect your family to bow before you forever,” she says, tears welling up in her eyes. 
Philip says nothing as Anthea rises and takes her leave and merely continues to look out over the sea of pin-point light up above him. 
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poisonquill · 5 years
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                                       QUEEN OF THE QUILLS.                                         rita alvera skeeter. twenty five.                                               creative. silver tongued. resourceful.                                                 corrupt. cruel. vindictive. selfish.                                                  reporter. columnist. gossip icon.                                                        death eater collaborator.
                                                             too bad. so sad.
playlist pinterest 
soft betrayal, mom jeans and high heels, long nails tapping impatiently against paper, organized chaos, quietly humming while ruining yet another life ( piece by piece ), ancient typewriters, never getting your hands dirty ( but your hands are stained red, regardless ), the devil’s favorite weapon is a quill, coffee that burns your tongue, burying yourself in strangers, chasing stories, the sweet taste of destruction, heart shaped lollipops, sunkissed shoulders, blurred lines between right and wrong, dog eared pages, blowing bubbles, fake smiles, the color of dark oceans, running in high heels, slowly becoming an empty shell of a girl, sour ambition, ‘my heart will leave you blistered and stained’, roses tucked behind ears, revenge in a tea cup, backhanded compliments, writing and writing and writing until your heart bleeds, scribbled notes in margins, blood red lips..... and how you’re so afraid that you think it might just break you ( luckily, villains don’t break that easily ).
LINDSEY MORGAN? No, that’s actually RITA SKEETER from the MARAUDERS ERA. You know, the child of ADRIANNA VARGAS (NEE SKEETER) and DIEGO VARGAS? Only 25 years old, this SLYTHERIN alumni works as an REPORTER and is sided with THE NEUTRALS / HERSELF ONLY. SHE identifies as a CIS WOMAN and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be VINDICTIVE, CRUEL, and CORRUPT but also SILVER TONGUED, CHARMING, and RESOURCEFUL. — &&. ( LIZ, GMT+2, SHE/HER, 22. )
name: margarita alvera skeeter. born name: margarita vargas. occupation: journalist. nicknames: rita, ree.
+ creative, silver tongued, resourceful, charming and bright. - two faced, cruel, vindictive, selfish and scheming.
age: 25. date of birth: december 31. zodiac: capricorn. hometown: acapulco, mexico. current location: lives across the street from the ministry in an apartment she can most definitively not afford. gender: cis female. pronouns: she/her. orientation: bisexual. allegiance: herself only. but she collaborates with the death eaters frequently, as she will write anything that they want. spoken languages: spanish ( native language ), english ( fluently ), french ( sufficient ). moral alignment: neutral evil. - A neutral evil villain does whatever she can get away with. She is out for herself, pure and simple. She sheds no tears for those she kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience (x).
element: water. house: slytherin.
so. margarita vargas was born as the youngest of five daughters. she grew up in the coastal city of acapulco, located in mexico, and her first few years were spent in absolute bliss. her father, a muggle man, was a famous - and later, infamous, televangelist. diego vargas was known all over mexico for his weekly broadcasted church service, and became very rich for it. what did he do with this wealth? well, for the most part, he spoiled his family rotten.
the vargas girls were the perfect daughters, as was expected of them. they grew up in the public eye, attending sermons, smiling pretty, posing for elaborately staged family portraits. and always, always saying the right things. like pretending that they were being sent off to a christian girl’s school every year, instead of attending illvermorny.
mr. vargas married adrianna vargas knowing full well that she was a witch, and intended to take full advantage of that. and adrianna was happy to make diego’s life easier, because she loved him. but more than anything, she loved him for his fame, his money, his success.
unfortunately for the vargas, everything came crumbling down when rita was eight. then, it became public knowledge that her father was heavily involved in financing and also collaborating with several corrupt political bodies which aimed to cause mayhem, destruction and terror within the country.
so the vargas fell from grace, and out of favor in the public eye. mr. vargas faced jail time, lost all of his sponsors, and suddenly didn’t seem so appealing to mrs vargas anymore. so adrianna packed up her bags, took her daughters, changed their names and moved to england. and so margarita vargas found herself with a new identity - rita skeeter.
after that, she would never see her father again. her mother never spoke of him ( like most things, in the skeeter household - problems were buried but never forgotten ), and refused to acknowledge his existence.
their new life was a sharp contrast to their past, which would come to seem like a blurry dream. while the vargas had bathed in luxury and money, the skeeters kinda struggled financially. her mother was fueled by fury - angry with a man that had humiliated her, taken advantage of her, left her with nothing. so she vowed to never be dependent on anyone else ever again. she found herself a job, and set up a new life for herself and her daughters, one that wasn’t focused on the saintly teachings of her ex-husband. instead, adrianna skeeter drilled into her daughters that success, power and glory was all that mattered. everything else, even family, comes second. you can only depend on yourself.
so, the skeeter girls became competitive. cut throat. dangerous. her sisters’ names can be read in the highest offices of britain, in politics, in the nicest corporate offices in london. but they also hardly ever speak to each other, anymore.
she arrives at hogwarts ready to prove herself. show that she’s just as good as her sisters, if not better.
but she soon realizes that she falls painfully short — that she isn’t the brightest of the skeeter bunch, that she isn’t the most talented witch. hell, she doesn’t even place second.
so what does she do? she plays dumb. pretends that she’s just a pretty face. it’s just a fluke that she’s getting high grades - it’s not that she sits up all night studying. or that she manages to bribe and cheat her way into getting a time turner by her fourth year. she’s working herself into the ground, but refuses to let anyone know. it’s better, that way.
really though, pride isn’t the sin that will hang rita. she’s playing the long game, and comes to realize that no one doubts a pretty, senseless girl. so that is what she shall be.
she gets through hogwarts on dirty tricks and hard work, but makes it look effortless.
around hogwarts, she was known as quite the party girl, always looking to have a good time. maybe a little too good of a time, actually. her reputation always walked the line, on that one.
she acts drunker than she is, but is careful to always remain sharp. most people think of her as baby skeeter - fun, but harmless. for rita, secrets become a currency.
and so she moves through different social circles, shedding her personality like a snake sheds its skin, all to fit in with any crowd, any house. she loses herself somewhere along the way - at this point, rita doesn’t know who she is. but that’s just as well. rita skeeter has never let anyone in, and she never will.
a new name appears in the school paper around rita’s fourth year. bridget higgins writes the stories that are on everyone’s lips, but no one knows who she is. obviously it’s rita.
by her seventh year, rita manages to become an animagus, and a royal blue beetle begins its reign. miss higgins’ stories become more and more elaborate, more daring, more scandalous. by the end of her time at hogwarts, rita is already writing in blood, destroying lives through the flick of her quill.
rita started interning at witch weekly during the summers after her fifth year at the school. she wrote short fluff pieces about fashion.
after graduating, rita started working as a columnist for witch weekly. she wrote a popular gossip column about popular famous witches and wizards, but also dipped her toes into the pool of wizard politics in britain.
eventually, she came to take on a second job at the daily prophet. she stretches herself too thin, but she makes it work. somehow.
at the daily prophet, she writes more political stories. zeroes in on the ministry. asks uncomfortable questions. shows up where she is definitively not allowed to be. she becomes a pain in the ass like no other, and writes exposés that become notorious for putting people in tight spots.
many at the ministry treat her like crap, like a bug that needs to be squashed. she realizes quickly that they have little respect for her, and she is quite happy to return the favor. if they treat her like she’s awful, she might as well be just that.
her stories aren’t entirely fabricated —- every story that she writes has a seed of truth in it. just enough to make it believable.
most of it is bullshit though, but to stir the pot, she every now and then drops something that is very accurate. sometimes she does it to help the order. sometimes she does it to help herself or the death eaters. but there is always a motive behind it.
eventually gets involved with the death eaters. didn’t actually mean to, but fucked with the wrong person at the ministry !!! now she’s under their thumb and it kinda sucks but she’s also not that mad about it because she gets some ~~~~carefully selected~~~ information in return. so she basically writes whatever the fuck the death eaters want her to write.
rita started out with the goal of doing good reporting, but realized quickly that those stories did not sell papers and gained little interest from the public. so she turns to sensationalism, doesn’t see the harm in spinning her stories a little further than necessary. which soon spiraled out of control.
RITA’S FUTURE ( 1998 and forward. )
rita skeeter goes missing in 1999 and is rumored to be laughing all the way to the bank because the biographies she wrote on harry potter, albus dumbledore and severus snape sold MILLIONS. new books by rita skeeter resurfaces every few years, but no one ever sees her again. conspiracy theorists are sure that she was murdered ( and her books are now penned by a ghost writer ), but others say that she’s off on an island somewhere.
so ------ rita is pulled from her youth, straight into the future. it’s a bit of a shock, of course.
rita is a reporter first, everything else second. so what does she do? RESEARCH. looks around. tries her best to figure shit out. makes diligent notes of everything that has gone wrong, and everything that has gone right. she researches her future self. she researches everything her future self has written.
most of all, i think she adapts. to the muggle technology, mostly, but also to the new world order.
holds a grudge like no other !!
other talents include backstabbing and lying!
lowkey mean. lol.
only does what serves her best : ~)
neutral evil thank u
never sleeps? runs on coffee and caffeine pills
has never done a selfless thing in her entire life
daddy issues 4 sure
super good at faking niceness!!! it’s a talent, really
most stubborn gal ever, try to change her mind
doesn’t actually realize that she’s the villain
always playing dirty
*sombra vc*: where’s the fun in playing fair?
has like three cents to her name at all times :/
always working a fucking angle and plays the long game.
loves attention!!!
cut throat, will drop u so fast !!!
very bi 
loves hearing her own voice!!!
but also very observant and can shut up if she knows that’s more beneficial to her !!
the type of person to take and take and take until u are left with absolutely nothing
10000% her parents’ daughter !!! takes after them both.
very determined!!!
doesn’t really believe in what voldemort is doing, but also isn’t personally invested enough to properly care.
trust issues!!
not so much motivated by money ( she’s broke ) as she is by fame. could have something to do with her past idk.
possibly the most selfish girl on the planet?
THE DARK CHICK - good at reading emotions, resolving fights and weaponizing her strengths — all the while keeping an eye on what she considers to be the bigger picture.
FEMME FATALE - ‘first she turns you on, then she turns on you.’
INTREPID REPORTER - a troublemaker sort of journalist.
THEN LET ME BE EVIL - any sense of good reporting and morals gets broken down by being treated like crap by presumptuous forces of good for too long. aka everyone telling her she’s shit.
CONSUMMATE LIAR - a liar so good you never want to play poker with them because you’d go home without your underwear and short next week’s paycheck.
BITCH IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING - wears a thousand masks to hide her true colors.
THE POWER OF ACTING - a character who acts her way through life.
NO FACE UNDER THE MASK - does the real rita skeeter even exist? who is she? can she remember her true personality? probably not.
THE EVIL PRINCE - a character that knows they’re meant for greatness, but there are a lot of other… less great characters in their way. if only these characters could be “persuaded” to move, then nothing would stand in their way to the throne. ;)
CHRONIC BACKSTABBING DISORDER - someone who constantly and successfully betrays their allegiances. switches sides as frequently as she switches clothes. what is loyalty?
AMBIGUOUSLY EVIL - it’s never quite made clear what side she is truly on? sike, she’s playing for both teams !!!
HEEL / FACE REVOLVING DOOR - morality is grey, and this character switches sides so often that in the long run, they end up… just not having one.
THE CORRUPTER - the metaphorical devil on your shoulder.
THE CON ARTIST - selling lies so outrageous they can’t possibly be true, but still getting away with it.
SOMBRA ( overwatch ) - always got another dirty trick up her sleeve, kinda selfish, always infiltrating something, out there manipulating those in power hell yeah
KELLY KAPOOR ( the office )- the narcissism, the many layers, the gossip, the jealousy, the drama, the lies, ‘i don’t talk trash, i talk smack. they’re totally different’.
CONNOR WALSH ( htgawm ) - wow i can’t believe rita skeeter is connor walsh?? either way. so sly, bit of a slut, utterly shameless, lies a lot, doesn’t care too much about other people, very confident, bit over emotional at times. gets whatever the fuck they set their mind on. the ends justify the means, always.
MARGAERY TYRELL ( game of thrones ) - the cleverness, the manipulation, the scheming.
HERA ( the goddess ) - the vengeance, the viciousness, the jealousy.
DEBBIE EAGAN ( glow ) - lowkey thinks the world revolves around her. bit manipulative. really ambitious. kinda cut throat. ready to throw anyone under the bus to get places.
JESSICA HAMBY ( true blood ) - the strict religious upbringing, the rebellion, the occasional softness.
ALISON DILAURENTIS ( pretty little liars ) - the bitchiness, the cruelty, the constantly shifting personas, the lies.
CHANEL OBERLIN ( scream queens ) - really ruthless, can be quite mean, bit narcissistic.
LIRA ( to kill a kingdom ) - the siren!!!! singing (aka writing) people to their undoings!!!! with little to no remorse!!! hell yeah
LAUREL CASTILLO ( htgawm ) - a snake that is good at hiding under the radar, kind of shady, highly manipulative, bounces back and forth between allegiances.
JACKIE BURKHART ( thats 70s show ) - the STYLE!!!!!!!! the narcissism! the manipulation! the greed!
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blue-scorpion-king · 5 years
Dark Alpha Fairies squad idea
//Just an random idea I have thought of this morning, involving an squad of Zolubu fairy maids cleaning an possible problem up in an abandoned park, similar to the Warhammer 40K game, “Space Hulk: Death Wing”.
Location of the purging: At the abandoned theme park, Camelot Theme Park, near the town of Chorley, the borough of Chorley, Lancashire, England. Reason: Earl and Remilia are going to Chorley for an 2 day weekend date in an more local place in the world than unsual, not in some fancy restaurant, and more akin to Earl's rural roots while in Scotland for the first 18 years of life. But, in order to not risk getting that ruined, after hearing of something that has been 'brewing' underneath the park since 2012, the year of its permanent closing, an squad of 8 English dark fairy maids, of the Dark Fairies Alpha, or D.A.F., legion, are send on the early morning hours of Slayaday, before Saturday, with supplies of course, on Earl's direct orders, to purge/clean up the possible problem under the park, that could cause damage and ruin the whole village; If there are any underneath the park grounds or not.
Weather: Calm, cool, breezy summer day on July, 2046, Bagklock time.
The problem under the theme park: An huge colony of elusive, high libido having, malicious Boggarts, which also abduct men, women, and children, that was the hidden problem, among other problems, that caused the theme park's downfall. Also, there are ogres and redcap goblins.
The tactical-type squad/section of 8 dark fairy maids of the Dark Alpha Fairies/D.A.F., who are English, and their legion colors being dark green & bone white.
1) Emi Yusa (Devil Is A Part Timer!AU). -Role: Sergeant Maid. -Main firearm: AK-47 assault rifle, AA-20 automatic shotgun, and .500 S&W Magnum revolver. -Main melee weapon: V4 Chainhander English broadsword. 2) Juley Alvera [Chiyo Sakura] (Nozaki-kun!AU). -Role: Assault Maid. -Main firearm: 12 gauge Benelli M4 shotgun, AK-47 assault rifle, and .10mm Bren Ten semi-automatic pistol. -Main melee weapon: V4 Chainhander English broadsword and war pick. 3) Floretta Radley [Sakurada Akane] (Castle Town Dandelion!AU). -Role: Light Infantry Maid. -Main firearm: M1 Garand rifle, Heckler & Koch MP5SD2 submachine gun, Thompson-OA submachine gun, and .10mm Bren Ten semi-automatic pistol. -Main melee weapon: V4 Chainhander English sabre sword. 4) Jennifer Athenaisclare [Roka Shibasaki] (D-Frag!AU). -Role: Heavy Carry Maid (Heavy Weapons). -Main firearm: Browning M2QCB machine gun, Heavy Flamethrower, Saab Bofors Dynamics AT4 rocket launcher, and .475 caliber Wildey Magnum Pistol. -Main melee weapon: An Purge-Fitted gada-type mace and an bill polearm. 5) Mikelle Blossom [Onodera Kosaki] (Nisekoi!AU). -Role: Melee Maid. -Main firearm: M1 Garand rifle and .10mm Bren Ten semi-automatic pistol. -Main melee weapons: 10 drill javelins in an medium quiver, heated billy club, Purge-fitted spear, that fires four small rockets before the spearhead comes out, & V4 Chainhander English broadsword. 6) Morisla Grace [Haruka Morishima] (Amagami SS!AU). -Role: Special Carry Maid (Special Weapons). -Main firearm: 2 Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns, Colt M16 assault rifle, Enfield bolt-action ball-clip musket rifle, and .10mm Bren Ten semi-automatic pistol. -Main melee weapon: Heated jackhammer spear and V4 Chainhander English broadsword. 7) Rema [Miriam] (Bloodstained!AU), Dark Fallen Angel fairy maid. -Role: Nun Maid (Chaplain). -Main firearm: AK-47 assault rifle, SRM 1216 revolving shotgun, and Desert Eagle 50 AE pistol. -Main melee weapon: Rocket-powered war hammer. & 8) Thornta Heckla [Chitoge Kirisaki] (Nisekoi!AU), Dark Gorgon fairy maid. -Role: Medikus Maid (Medic/Apothecary). -Main firearm: Lanchester Mk. I submachine gun and .10mm Bren Ten semi-automatic pistol. -Main melee weapon: Heated steel baseball bat and war pick.
-So, that's just my random scenario idea that I have typed down. I hope you like it. :3
~The Bat~
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knightedwritertags · 6 years
Character’s First Dialogue Tag
Tagged by the ever lovely @incandescent-creativity for this awesome game :D Since The Moon’s Song isn’t far enough along to have Serah, Draeya, Rin, Rella, or The Seer, I’ll include dialogue from both Contact and Death’s Name (in that order).
Rules: Post the first section of dialogue your character ever speaks, then tag people.
Keenan:  “Are we alright?”
Alderon:  “Until the end of time.”
Garrick: “I’m not here to challenge you, Lord Alderon.”
Odra:  “Lord Alderon. To what do we owe this visit?”
N:  “That’s right.”
A: “That’s right! Burn, motherfucker, burn! This is what you deserve!”
Desmines:  “Computer, close doors D4B7!” (this is while Ruthvier is chasing them).
Ruthvier: “Oh. You’ve sealed the room. I was not expecting that.”
Cassy:  “Victory!”
Viri: “Was she good for you?”
Oui:  “And what makes you better than all the others applying for this position?”
Thendren:  “It has. What use is there for us to be angry? We’re just simulations. That’s what you believe. Right?”
Shutte:  “But, Desmines, it wasn’t just them. That asteroid strike was just terrible timing.”
Laethe:  “I…don’t know? I can’t remember.” (when asked her name)
Commander Roes: “You! Stop!”
Alvera:  “I lost sight of her.”
Karolus:  “Me too.”
Neale:  “We could always just give her a name, you know,”
Ilea:  “Oh no, I don’t think so, little knight.”
Veldaren: “How are you feeling?”
Alee:  “Can you walk?”
The Queen: “Did you give my Commander due trouble, Alee?”
All the Namers just introduce themselves with their names to start off, so I think I’ll skip that haha.
@kclenhartnovels, @theprissythumbelina, @elliot-orion, @theimportanceofbeingbookish, @greenhousewriting wanna get on this?
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ros-aura · 2 years
Hi!! Hope you are having an amazing day!! (I haven't followed your blog. Now Imma go and stalk your blog for a while
I would like a personal moodboard please
🐣Pronouns: She/her
🐣Sun: Capricorn
🐣Moon: Scorpio
🐣Ascendant: Pisces
🐣Venus: Sagittarius
🐣Mars: Aquarius
🐣Preferred aesthetic/colour: Peachy pink please
Thank you 💛
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Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon, Pisces Ascendant, Sagittarius Venus, Aquarius Mars
Detached, hardworking, strong emotions, adventurous, creative.
Pictures used
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ros-aura · 2 years
Hiii first of all I almost didn't recognized you , then your astrology game popped up and I remembered your name 😅.
Initials :- S.P
Sun = Aries
Moon = Taurus
Ascendant = Scorpio
Venus = Taurus
Mars = Gemini
Mercury = Aries
hii it's okay 😭 I just got bored of wtrclr.
this is for fun. thanks for joining!
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ros-aura · 2 years
Hi, I'd like to participate in the mini game. I'd like to choose option 1. My initials are TG. My big 5 are: Virgo sun and mercury, Cancer moon, Libra rising, Leo Venus and Sag Mars.
Thanks for hosting the game! ❣️
hi, sure
You: Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon, Libra Rising, Virgo Mercury, Leo Venus, Sagittarius Mars
I ship you with:
Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn Sun - Taurus is an Earth sign, and it's ruled by Venus which also rules Libra which is your Ascendant, Virgo because you have both your Sun and Mercury in Virgo, and it'll be easier to understand/communicate. Capricorn is an Earth sign as well which is cool
Fire/Water/Earth sign Moon - Fire, especially Leo since it's beside Cancer. Water signs is self-explanatory since Cancer is a Water sign too. Earth because it's complementary and you're a Virgo.
Air Rising: Similar rising similar vibes.
Earth/Water Mercury: Easy communication between other Earth/complementary signs which is good for any relationship!
Aries/Sagittarius Venus: Fire Venus x Fire Venus
Aries/Leo Mars: Same logic as above
I hope you liked it. Please leave feedback.
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ros-aura · 2 years
Alvera's Astrology Moodboard Game 🫀
1. Like and reblog
2. Send your placements: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Venus and Mars signs (/ any placements you want) and preferred colours/aesthetics
Types of moodboards:
i. Personal Moodboard (just your placements)
ii. Romantic Partners Moodboard (send your placements and theirs and genders)
iii. Friends Moodboard (send your placements and theirs and genders)
3. Leave feedback
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ros-aura · 2 years
Hey ! Here for Alvera's Astrology Moodboard Game 🫀 i hope it's still open 😭😭💗
My placements : Scorpio sun aquarius moon Virgo rising Scorpio Venus Libra mars Scorpio mercury ( she/her)
My partner's placements: Capricorn sun , Scorpio moon , aquarius venus , Libra mars Capricorn mercury ( he/him )
Euh for the aesthetics : dark academia, rainy weather , royalcore ...dark colors in general ( I hope it makes sense lololol)
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Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Virgo Rising, Scorpio Venus, Libra Mars, Scorpio Mercury x Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aquarius Venus, Libra Mars, Capricorn Mercury
Mutual understanding, compatible emotionality, attached to the other, sweet, intense.
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ros-aura · 2 years
For the Moodboard please :) I like a gothic aesthetic usually, carnival goth as well would be interesting, or my favourite- vampire goth hehe. I like black, red, gold and white for colours
Sun- Aquarius Moon- Pisces Ascendant- Leo Venus: Capricorn Mars: Pisces Mercury: Pisces Jupiter: Aries
A personal one if you please :) Thank you so much in advance. Feedback will surely be sent!
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Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Leo Ascendant, Capricorn Venus, Pisces Mars, Pisces Mercury, Aries Jupiter
Otherworldly, daydreamer, practical in love, reserved, languid, passive.
Pictures used
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ros-aura · 2 years
Heyy💜 hope you're doing good. I'm here for the moodboards game..
My placements
Socrpio sun,venus, mercury
Capricorn moon
Leo Rising
And Aquarius mars
Prefered colors would any color related to or from the red family/blue family.
Prefered aesthetic- royals/Siren
( I put two options you can choose anyone that you want to make out of them <3)
Have a good dayy💕🍀
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Scorpio Sun, Capricorn Moon, Leo Rising, Scorpio Mercury, Aquarius Mars, Scorpio Venus
Royal, bright, confident, intelligent, intense, wise.
Pictures used (+ others)
(Above pictures do not belong to me, I've tried to find and credit all the pictures/pins used here, however, if you are the owner and want me to credit the picture/s, please let me know and I'll do it without hesitation on my part)
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