#am I obsessed with this shot? yes... I'm completely obsessed with this shot
einaudis · 2 months
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riki-riks-chick · 27 days
jay smut :c
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Life Saver ┃P.JS
Vamp!Jay x Turned!Reader
Jay turns y/n to keep her from dying, but was that the only reason?
cw: smut!, finger fucking, oral (fem rec), unprotected sex, vampire sex, blood mentions (biting/feeding), multiple orgasms, slight obsession, and i think that's it.
wdct: 1.7k
Third Person POV~
You wake up in immense pain, vision blurry and ears ringing. you hear strong voices talking, and that's when you hear the words.  "You should have left her dead. why do you wanna be a hero so bad?" A strong voice rung through your ears as you opened your eyes, turning your head to face the two unfamiliar people, despite your aching head.
As soon as they heard the bed sheets rustle upon your movement, they both snapped their heads towards you. "You're awake! How do you feel!?" One of them rushed towards you, seating himself at the edge of the bed as you let your gaze fall on his platinum blonde head of hair. It framed his face perfectly. "I feel awful.." You spoke, your voice hoarse and raspy as you did. The other man in the room simply scoffed before taking his leave. 
 "Where am I?" You asked, glancing back at the kind man in front of you as he poured you a glass of water from the pitcher on the bedside table. "You're at my house.. You'll be staying here from now on.. Do you remember anything from when you were last awake?" He asked as you raised an inquisitive eyebrow, trying your hardest to remember your last conscious moment. 
 "Uhm.. I remember walking home after going out with my friends.. Those guys dragged me into that- wait.. what happened to me, and how did you find me?" You questioned as the man laughed nervously. "I saved your life..  It's a long story, really." He said as you shot up, immediately regretting the decision as your vision went blurry. "Steady.. The affects haven't worn off yet.. It's best to lay down for now.. Drink some water.."
You took a sip of water before laying back down. The second your head hit the cool silk pillow case, you felt somewhat at ease. "What's wrong with me? What affects are you talking about?" You asked as he sighed. "Promise not to freak out?.." He asked as you nodded. 
"I didn't want you to just die like that.. You looked so innocent, and... I may have turned you into vampire to keep you alive.." He explained as you stared at him, completely and utterly shocked. "I- I'm a vampire?" You stuttered out, and he nodded. "Yes, but it's hardly been long enough for the urges to kick in. Once you're okay to stand we can go through with your first feeding."
 "I'm a vampire!?" You repeated as he sighed. "Yes, but it's fine.. It's not much different from being human.. You're just immortal and have an undying thirst for human blood." He responded in a failed attempt to ease your mind, but you were still processing. "I'm a monster..."
 "Okay ouch.. We're not all monsters.. We live just like anyone else.. We didn't ask for this.." He said as you sighed. "Sorry..." You mumbled as he nodded. "It's whatever.. Get some rest and I'll check on you later.."
The second he left, the pulsing pain returned, making you wince. You couldn't even wrap your head around how much of a fucked up situation you were in. Eventually you fell back asleep, that way you wouldn't be distracted by the pain.
A few hours later, you were awaken by the same man as before. He was dressed differently this time, the dark clothing a stalking contrast against the white and gold face of the room.
He looked handsome, something you had hardly noticed before, and the sight of him seemed to ease your mind. "How are you feeling?.." He asked gently, his hand trailing your torso, it felt electrifying.
"I feel thirsty..." You explain simply, but he seems to understand perfectly. "I don't know if you're strong enough for your first feed, but you can feed off of me.." 
"What?..." You sound hesitant, but he brushes your hair out of your face, shushing you. "Don't worry... Every human has tasted blood before.. Just think of it as licking a bleeding cut.."
He then bites his wrist, his fangs stained crimson as he pulls you to sit up, letting you get your fill off of him. He runs his fingers through your hair in the process, easing you through it as you eventually pull away, your lips stained red, and your fangs peeking out curiously, the tips matching the same red color of your lips.
You seem to feel much better after your first feeding, but the glint in his eyes shows pure hunger. He leans in, capturing your lips with his own as he clears your lips of the crimson hue painting them. 
He pulls back, eyes glowing red as he smiles seductively. "I'm Jay..." He introduces before kissing you again, this time straddling you. His hands are planted on either side of you, hips meeting yours as you slide your hands up and over his shoulders, tugging him closer.
Something about him is simply impossible to resist, even the headache from earlier went away the second he got close. "Is this okay?.." He asks, his eyes almost begging you to say yes, and when you nod, he's sitting up, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. You help him, sliding it off of his toned shoulders as you undo his pants as well,  
He stares at you, in a daze almost as he watches you undo his pants, sliding them just barely past his hips before palming him through his boxers. He allows you to touch him for a bit before he grows too impatient, pushing your hand away before kicking off his pants completely. 
He then tugs at your shorts, tugging them off of you along with your silk panties, letting them litter the floor with the rest of his clothes. "You're really pretty... I have to say..." He whispers, running his finger over your hole as he spreads your folds. "So wet.. Good." He smirks, sliding a finger into you as a means of teasing. 
It's only one, and it's not that deep, but fuck it feels good. It's unbelievable how good he's making you feel off of one finger, and once he adds a second you can't even focus. 
"Holy fuck..." You grab his hand, moaning as he grasps your wrist, moving your hand. "Does it feel good?.." He asks, despite need of an answer. You nod, biting your lip as you tilt your head back against the pillows.
Jay pulls his fingers out of you, leaning down to kiss you again as he removes his boxers. "You know... I couldn't bring myself to leave you when I saw you like that.. I got this feeling, and it made me crave you.. Not in a vampiric way though."
You're hearing every word he says, but you can't seem to focus. He presses his tip against you, rubbing his cockhead along your glistening folds. "Can I? Please?.." He asks as you nods, moaning as he slowly pushes into you, filling you up completely.
He doesn't wait to move, his hips making slow efforts as he thrusts into you. His cock is deep inside you and you're seeing stars already.
You don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that your senses are now heightened, but you feel so much more sensitive than before.
"Jay..." You moan his name, feeling your stomach turn pleasurably with each thrust. His cockhead creates a bulge in your lower abdomen with each thrust, and he presses down on it, making everything feel ten times better. "Fuck.."
You feel like you've already experienced an orgasm, but you know for sure you haven't. Everything just seems so much better with him right now.
"If you feel like you need to cum, just let go... Trust me it won't be the last." He mutters lowly, thrusting harder as he slides his hand underneath your shirt, groping your breast. "Fuck Jay.." You grip his wrist, growing closer to your release with each burning touch. "I'm gonna cum.."
He smiles at your words, his hips seeming to increase the speed of their movements. "Cum for me, princess.. Let it all go."
His words seem to send you over the edge as a bout of pleasure blooms in the pit of your stomach. He's now leading you through the best orgasm, hips still moving fiercly against yours as you moan extremely loud.
He fucks you through your orgasm, wanting to push you over the edge even more. You feel incredible. Words getting mixed up, and just overall incoherent.
It's not long before he's coming undone too, thrusting hard, but slower as he cums inside you, filling you with his essence. "Stop clenching around me, fuck.."
He pulls out slowly, watching his white substance spill out of you as he runs his fingers through it, sucking them clean afterwards. "What a pretty little mess."
You're simply watching his every move, already feeling fucked out.
He lowers himself between your legs, licking your cunt from bottom to top as he sucks on your clit, lapping up the mess of cum between your legs.
You squirm beneath him, letting out little whines and whimpers as you tug on his hair. "Jay... Please.." The pleasure is intense and Jay knows it, he's obsessed with the way he's making you feel right now.
"You taste so good, princess..." He's breathing needily against your pussy, licking into it as he slides his fingers into your hole, moving them in and out at a fast pace while focusing his tongue on your clit.
You feel the all too familiar feeling build up inside you again as he continues to eat at your dripping cunt, his fingers fucking into you slightly faster with every passing minute.
You give no warning as you cum, but he's fully prepared for it, lapping up every fluid you let out for him.
When he finally pulls away, chin glistening with your liquids, he pulls his fingers out of you, sticking them into your mouth to make you taste yourself.
You moan around his fingers, gripping his wrist as he smirks down at you. After a short while, he pulls his hand away, leaning in to kiss you. His cock is pressed against you, fully erect and ready to fuck you again. "I hope you enjoy tonight because I want to be like this for the rest of eternity..."
I hope this was good 🫣
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cielelyse · 4 months
Favourite 5 Saezuru Scenes
I recently reread Saezuru for the umpteenth time and just needed to gush about it like a crazed person who constantly hallucinates about Yashiro being happy and soOooOOooo.................
1. Why now? (Chapter 25)
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These 3 panels kill me always... although it's the entire chapter 25 actually, and not just these panels. This broke me when I first read it nearly a decade ago, and it breaks me every time I reread it. I recently just listened to the drama CD for the first time and wanted to hear how this scene played out (a.k.a. wanted to hear Yashiro moan wkegh;ghwle) and I did not expect to start bawling and sobbing uncontrollably when his flashback appeared. WITH THE MUSIC AND EVERYTHING. THEY DID NOT SPARE ME. FUCK. What was supposed to be a tender and gentle and loving and intimate scene between them turned into Yashiro facing the effects of his childhood trauma -- that will never cease to hurt me. Doumeki saying "kashira, kashira, kirei" right before that broke me in a way reading that scene in English couldn't. I WILL NEVER GET OVER THIS and if I keep writing about it I'm gonna cry again so:
2. Car ride back from Kageyama's clinic (Chapter 4)
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This is mostly for nostalgic reasons, really. I first read Saezuru in 2013, and I wasn't used to Yashiro at first. I didn't know what to make of him.
So what happened was that I read "Don't Stay Gold" first and was like... there's a manga about this mildly threatening and unreadable yakuza dude who's Kage's friend…? Who played cupid for him in a weird way? HMMMMM dubious, dubious. Would I even like him? It took me a while, but I finally gave Saezuru a shot anyway, and I remember feeling uncertain about Yashiro up until those panels. I remember it so starkly, because this was the instant I fell in love with him. I think it was because this was the first time I understood the depth of his loneliness (since I hadn't read his high school oneshot yet at this point).
There's just something about how Yoneda Kou-sensei draws these kinds of pages that just resonates with me so well. I CAN'T EVEN DESCRIBE IT. It just connects with me the way Yashiro connects with me, and that was pretty much it for me. Obsession sealed. Life signed away. For the next 10 years I would follow the story closely and routinely check every few months for updates. Yashiro became one of my only 3 comfort characters, and rereading Saezuru always gives me a catharsis and sense of peace that I didn't know how to find elsewhere.
3. "To go on living this strained existence... no longer holds any meaning to me." (Chapter 34)
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This scene is one that I come back to every time I'm down. AM I A MASOCHIST? I really like the June translation too: "To go on living this strained existence no longer holds any meaning to me." I think the way the panels divided up those thoughts were brilliant!
This especially hurt me because for the entire manga up to this point, Yashiro has stated that he completely accepts himself and he's happy with who he is. It wasn't until his realization during the sex scene with Doumeki and how much he's said/done hurtful things to Doumeki afterwards -- who he considers pure and sweet and good -- that he thinks this.
4. "Falling in love feels like this" (Chapter 33)
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The first time I read this, I had to set my PC down, go out to my apartment balcony, and just silently stare out into the night and resist the urge to smoke (that was half a joke) (I did feel a pang in my chest though) (and I did have to fight very hard not to smoke lwkehg;hge). I love the dialogue right after these panels too, when Yashiro said, "Your sister was lucky that you were there." That, along with Doumeki's reaction, hurt.
This was such an intimate scene between them. Yashiro was so vulnerable. So was Doumeki. I hadn't realized this until I reread Saezuru this year, but these two have always had such intimate scenes right from the start. It was a slow burn, yes, but they had always been instantly drawn to each other: Doumeki thinking Yashiro was beautiful and captivating, and Yashiro doing something he doesn't normally do with his subordinates the first time he met Doumeki. And it didn't clue in for me back in 2013, but their conversations with each other were much more intimate than the conversations they'd have with anyone else, right from chapter 1. I find that so precious.
5. Dream (Chapter 40)
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I couldn't not include a scene from post-timeskip, BECAUSE I LOVE POST-TIMESKIP. I love Darkmeki and I love Yashiro and I love that the theme of post-timeskip centers around "change". Wish I could include that conversation Yashiro had with Tsunakawa about it, because I thought that drive-home was brilliant. I really appreciate that Yoneda Kou didn't have Yashiro and Doumeki get together right away after they have sex, and I really appreciate that the question was raised of: Do people change? Can people change on their own, or would you have to force them? Or are we always the same at our core? And I think the answer is of course a mixture of all of it, and that it's very much circumstantial and subjective, but I love how we're able to see the shifts in both Yashiro and Doumeki. How both men aren't quite the same people we knew pre-timeskip. Ten years ago I didn't think I would meet a version of Yashiro that wouldn't talk about sex 24/7, but here we are.
(Not to say that they're completely different now. They're still our Yashiro and Doumeki of course; I just wanted to gush about how well Yoneda Kou were able to flesh out her characters in such a complex, multidimensional way.)
ANYWAYS, I went on a rant without even mentioning these panels of Yashiro's dream. I love everything about it: Doumeki's face not showing, Yashiro running away and turning back to see Doumeki not there anymore, and that last panel of him standing in the middle of nowhere, lost and empty and lonely -- all of that was so incredibly told in pages of no words. UGH YONEDA KOU IS A GENIUS. It reminds me of that page of Yashiro looking at a mother and child in the rain; it's one of my favourite scenes too.
Honourary Mention (Chapter 4):
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I should end with a more light-hearted one. THIS WAS CUTEEEE. I remember reading this for the first time and thinking Yashiro was just salty that his roleplay got ruined. But upon second reread (and maybe I'm delusional here), I thought he might've been happy to hear Doumeki say that.
We know Yashiro gets angry and irritated whenever he's happy to hear something sweet from Doumeki (like that extra when they ate together LOL), and that he had the same reaction of kicking the chair when Doumeki said he can't touch Yashiro's hair anymore. Which was cute to say. So I thought Yashiro might've lashed out in annoyance because he was glad that Doumeki doesn't mind. (I tried putting myself in Yashiro's shoes so many times trying to imagine how I would feel if Doumeki had said this............. and somehow came up with "happy" xD)
...........or maybe this was obvious to everyone and I've just been clueless. AAAAAAAA THIS IS WHY I LOVE ABOUT SAEZURU SO MUCH. It never spoon-feeds you information and lets its readers interpret :")
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ellieluvr420 · 5 months
we meet again, darling ( detective Abby Anderson x criminal reader)
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Synopsis: Abby Anderson is a skilled detective that's never let a criminal escape her grasp, until you. You've infiltrated every part of her life and she still can't get you. As she grows more and more intrigued by you she finds herself descending further into darkness until there's no way back. She takes your hand and follows you as if your presence is the only thing giving her life knowing that you are the most dangerous thing for her. Her life will never be hers again and she will stop at nothing to keep following you down your path of corruption.
Abby Anderson, top of her class coming out of the police academy, one of the youngest officers to be made detective. She seemed unstoppable, one of a kind. There was no criminal that she couldn't catch, until you. You tormented her, took her life away, you're close to taking her job from her. Her obsession with you has completely derailed her life, she knows you exist and she's been tracking your every move for well over a year now but she can't seem to prove your existence to anyone that matters. There's been one too many instances of back up being called for seemingly nothing and insubordination in her quest to find you that she's found herself on probation.
"one more of these stunts detective and you are done. do you understand?" her captain glared at her as he spoke.
"yes sir, I understand." She looks defeated as she walks out of his office and goes back to her desk.
The problem is, once Abby set her mind to something, she couldn't stop, she'd let it kill her. That's why she found herself in a dark alleyway, gun pointed at you.
"Who are you?" she gritted
"oh honey, you know who I am" you smirk "You've been tracking my every movement for a year now" You wink as you see the look of realisation on her face as you walk closer and out of the shadows.
Abby scowled, unamused by your playful demeanour.
"What do you want?"
"Can't I just want to spend time with my number 1 fan? Abby Anderson, star detective, beaten time and time again by stealthy criminal. I watch you too babe." You can't help but grin as you play with her. "Although, its not like our story would ever make the headlines, no one that matters even knows I exist, do they detective?"
"Don't get too cocky, I've been close to arresting you multiple times now"
"hm key word: close, you've never actually caught me have you? Never even been able to get evidence to prove I'm real"
She winces as she realises the truth in your words, but she regains her standoffish demeanour.
"Not yet, but that's about to change." She takes a step forward. "You have a choice: you can either come with me and make a deal for your cooperation, or you can fight this and give me everything I need to see you rot in jail for the rest of your life."
"hmm I pick.. option 3." Before Abby can react, you lunge forward and knock the gun out of her hand and into yours. "See now I'm armed and you're not. Oh wait..." You reach under your dress and pull your gun from its holster around your thigh. "So that's me: two and you... zero" You smile sickly at her.
Abby feels her rage beginning to grow, every time she feels like she has the jump on you, you pull the rug out from underneath her. She's never met anyone that makes her feel so inferior. She rolls her eyes at your constant teasing.
"Fine, then have it your way." As she says this she lunges at you but is caught completely off guard when you shoot at her once, the bullet scraping her arm. She falls down to the ground clutching her arm and wincing. She looks at the blood seeping through her sleeve and then back at you, scowling. She lunges at you again but stops when she sees you aim the gun right between her eyes.
You laugh, almost giggle at her attempts. "Uh uh uh. That was a warning shot, try anything again and I’ll actually aim to kill you."
Abby slowly nodded and backed away just a step, she lets out a long shaky breath while gritting her teeth and clutching her arm. At the sight of her grimace, you tilt your head and adopt a faux sympathetic look.
"Aw are you in pain love? I'm so sorry, but... it's your fault honestly, haven't you learnt that you will never beat me?"
Abby hates your arrogance but she still found herself intrigued by you. You were like no one she had ever met. She clenched her teeth harder, trying not to react.
"You've barely won so far. You think a little shot to the arm will take me out? please."
"Hmmmm well you look pretty taken down right about now" You can't help but be amused at the sight of the 6"2 buff woman completely at your mercy. "You should really get that looked at, you don't look so good."
"Fuck. You."
"Sorry darling, gotta run, see you soon though." You turn and begin to walk away with both the guns still in your hands and just before you turn the corner out of the alleyway, you turn back to the blonde woman. "Oh Detective, as a sign of good faith..." You put the safety of her gun on and chuck it back to her, smile and disappear once again.
Abby watched you disappear just like every other time before and clenched her jaw. She dragged herself off the ground, fighting the dizziness she felt and grabbed her gun from where it landed. As she stormed back to her home she cursed herself for letting you get away once again. She vowed to herself that, even if its the last thing she does, she will bring you down.
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prettynice8 · 7 months
Kinkmas Day 6: Size kink
Pairing: Akaza x male reader
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This guy
Warnings: size kink DUH, swearing, sex, reader rides Akaza, pretty fluffy
Word count: 1,237
You were just relaxing in the comfort of your own home when you heard something open, then a cold breeze washed over you, causing a chill to run down your spine. Your body shot right up and OH MY GOD.
No I'm just fucking with you, it was just your big demon friend Akaza.
"Sorry, did I startle you?" He asked, noticing your body shooting up off of your couch. You breath rapidly, clutching your chest from the spook he gave you.
"Oh no, I'm fine." You said, clearly lying. His large body walks closer to you, and you feel a tingle down your neck every time he steps closer. You never get used to his large body, strong muscular arms and abs that he always shows off. His fluffy pink hair that you just yearn to run your hands through, his tattoos that you would love to chase the outlines of with your finger while he's sleeping off a night of heated passion and yes you were absolutely in love with him.
Obviously, he didn't know, though you weren't very secretive about it. Always staring at him a little too long and your touches a little too lasting. You were practically obsessed, and you never really knew if he felt the same way. I mean sure you catch him staring at you all the time, he also always stops over for seemingly no reason, and he cuddles you an awful lot, but that's just what friends do, right? And besides he had wife, but bi and pan people do exist. Huh.
Anygay, back to the his striking yellow eyes staring right into yours.
"You okay?" he questioned, breaking you out of your haze and returning all of your attention back on him.
"I'm swell." You replied, still caught in his large frame, like seriously this mother fucker DWARFS you. His biceps are practically the size of your head, oh and those abs. "So why are you here?" you asked, though you already kind of know, he's probably just here because he felt like it.
"Just felt like it." He answered. Yep, called it. For such an evil demon or whatever he sure is predictable. You plop a seat on the couch and pat the spot next to you.
"Take a seat." you said, finally reacting normally like he was your just a friend, which he was, right? You honestly don't fucking know at this point. He obliges, sitting on the spot you patted.
"So, how's life?" he asked, trying to spark conversation.
"Pretty ok, you?" You questioned back.
"Better now that you're here." He replied, the chuckled after, you roll your eyes. "But really, I am grateful to talk to you."
"You could do that anytime." You stated, surprised by his response. He comes a little closer to you now, to the point where your sides are touching.
"And that's why I'm grateful." He said. This is definitely weird, right?
It's quiet for a while after that, you don't really know how to respond to his sudden declaration of gratitude. It remains that way, silently sitting next to each other, you feel his large arm brush against your own. It remains that way for a while until he SUDDENLY KISSES YOU!
You are completely stunned until finally realizing what's going on, then you kiss him right back. He breaks away,
"I'm sorry if that was uncalled for, I just really needed to." He apologizes, you make it clear to him that it was very warranted by kissing him. He automatically kisses you back, his tongue already in your mouth. His tongue starts to explore your mouth, dancing with yours.
His breaks once again to put you on top of him. You barely fill up his massive lap, once he plops you into his lap, he goes right back to kissing you. Your hands do what they have wished to do for months now, you run your hands through his soft pink hair while his hands go for your plump ass. This causes you to let out a little moan, allowing his tongue to go deeper down your mouth, practically being in the back of your throat now, but kissing isn't enough for him right now.
He takes off his vest, obviously not much changing sense already was shirtless, but he also takes your shirt off. He then goes to removing your pants, but before he can take his own off you stop him. His face is one of confusion until you kneel down right in front of him, taking them off for him. His giant cock springs free, and when I tell you it's giant, I mean GIANT.
You begin to lick the tip, causing small noises to come out of Akaza's mouth, but you have the rest of your life to suck his dick, so you get right back up on your designated place on his lap. He sticks his fingers in your ass, spreading just enough to where his member will probably still rip you in half, but at least this time it won't be instant.
He sticks it in, taking a long-time since he is SO FUCKING BIG. His massive cock splitting you open. After what feels like hours only the tip is in. Tears start to form in the corner of your eyes due to the discomfort.
"Shush baby, it's ok." He assured, though it's awfully hard to believe that. Right when you think that it will never go in, he kisses you deeply and passionately, calming your down enough to where he's able to be balls deep.
You let out a sigh of relief and a yelp of pain from his huge dick moving so much so quickly after not moving at all. Your hands rest on his muscled chest for traction, trying not to feint.
"Just tell me when you are ready." He said, not moving until getting the go from you that it's ok.
"Now." You said, and with that he puts hands on your ass and begins to lift you up and down slowly, not wanting to hurt you. You let out whines of discomfort.
"I'm sorry baby, it will start to feel good soon I promise." Akaza reassured, feeling bad for you. He calms you down with light kisses on your face, making sure to kiss the tears welling up in your eyes away as well.
When you get more comfortable with his size, he increases his pace. Lifting you on his girth quicker, the whines of displeasure now finally turning into moans of bliss.
"Told you dear." He said, glad that you're enjoying as much as he is. He keeps a steady and quick pace, then pumping his own hips into you, causing your moans to get louder.
Your tongue lulls out of your mouth, the pleasure now near over encompassing as you feel your release coming on so quickly, his dick really is something special.
"I'm close." You said, warning him on your coming release,
"Really, so quickly?" He replied in a surprised manner. You answer by sticking your tongue out at him, causing you both to breathlessly laugh.
His thrusts and lifting both get quicker and sloppier as he chases for both of your climaxes. You're the first, cumming all over his chest, he's next, cumming right in your ass.
"I LOVE YOU" You both say at the same time, finally cementing your relationship.
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boliv-jenta · 1 year
Mandalorians aren't supposed to sleep around before marriage. Din has been good about that. He's dedicated to his Creed. Besides, while constantly travelling the galaxy or hiding with his people, he hasn't met anyone that could tempt him to risk it. Until he met you. Now he has to employ every trick in the book to work around his Creed, until the day you marry.
Smutty thoughts under the cut.
The first time you jerk him off, Din thinks nothing can get better than that. Maker, your hands are so soft compared to his. He can't get enough. After he watches his cum drip down your delicate hands, he begs you to show him how to touch you so he can return the favour.
No, Din was wrong. Things can get better. Maybe even too good. He thinks he might die from the overwhelming feeling. His length twitches against the back of your throat as your warm mouth surrounds him. The way you suck on him and work his cock with your lips. This is his own personal paradise.
When he is more comfortable, you start stripping naked when you touch each other. Rather than working around his armour. From the first time he sees your breasts, he becomes obsessed with them. The delicate skin, the weight of them as he caresses them. The way your nipples instantly respond to his touch. When you ask if he wants to cum over them it doesn't take long for him to reach his peak. One night, you convince him to straddle your stomach so he can rut his cock between your tits. It didn't take long for him to cum the first time. He was embarrassed by how quickly he shot his load across your chest and neck but he loved the way you looked marked by him.
From there he realises there are parts of you body he is technically allowed to use to make himself cum. Your tits, your thighs, the curve of your ass. He takes them all. Spilling his cum over your skin with much satisfaction. He always makes sure to make you cum on his fingers, at least once, afterwards. 
Technically, this isn't breaking his Creed he thinks as he pushes the tip of his cock past your tight ring of muscle. This isn't sex, not by his Creed, but if it isn't sex the real thing will kill him. The fact that he can give you pleasure at the same time he receives it is diving him nuts. Every time he thrusts and your tight body works him closer to the edge, he hits something that makes you moan. "I'm close Din. So close." That has him thinking more about your pleasure and not just trying to keep his own orgasm at bay. Snaking his hand around he used your swollen bud to push you over the edge. "Din! Din! Din!" He follows you over the edge. His hips don't still until he is completely spent. Every drop of his seed pumped into your warm body.
Then come the toys. Secretly, you purchase a vibrating dildo. After a rough hunt, you insist on giving Din a show. The way the toy glistens with your cum, the way it has you arching up off the bed, Din is so envious and so, so aroused. Moving to the bottom of your rented bed to get a better look he can't help but hump the mattress beneath him. His heavy cock jerks between his body and the firm foam. He's a mess by the time you reach for him after exhausting yourself. A few passes of your fist have him coating your hand.
Peli, of all people, gives him the best idea yet. It was against his will, after she'd drank too much at a poker game. While he helped her home. She'd made a comment about knowing about his situation. "Some say it's only sex if you thrust. I know of people who just put it in and then get their friends to move the bed. I am not that good of a friend." She'd told him and stumbled off to bed. "Are you sure?" You ask him, sitting in his lap, bare underneath your skirt as his cock sits proud out from his jumpsuit. "Yes." He nods resolutely before helping you to straddle him. He has to breathe through the feeling of slipping into your perfect, wet heat so he doesn't cum. He didn't realise how hard it would be to resist the temptation to thrust once he was buried inside you. He does as he pressed a few buttons to bring the N1 to life. The vibration of the engine powering up run through him, ever so slightly rubbing his cock against your walls. He moans at the feeling. Taking the ship up he punches her forward to be rewarded by you bouncing on his cock. He nearly spills himself there and then. Only holding on because he does want it to end. A few tight circuits around Tatooine has your hips bouncing, sliding and rolling against him. "Dank farrik!" He grunts, shooting the ship into space. The final jolt of the ship stopping in a safe place brings him to climax. He nearly weeps as he lets rope after rope paint your walls. He keeps his cock buried in you, keeping you full as he brings you to your peak, your pussy spasming all over his softening length.
The light behind his eyes is blinding as he fills you. "Yes, Din. Give it to me!" Filling you properly for the first time took his breath away. You'd begged for him to breed you on your wedding night. After such a long wait for him to redeem himself so he could marry you as a Mandalorian, you begged for his cock and his cum. Finally finding the strength after his orgams, he drops down between your legs to see his handiwork. Your hole is still fluttering as he scoops up errant drops of his seed. He pushes it back in deep with two thick fingers before his lips find your clit to suck on it. Making you cum again and causing a fight between your cunt contracting and squirting his cum as he tries to stuff it back in. This is how he spends his wedding night. Fucking you full of his cum and keeping it plugged with his cock, his fingers, his tongue until you stop begging for his seed and start begging for his mercy.
Tags @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid2 @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @graciexmarvel @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass
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justallihere · 3 months
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Hi there! Welcome - I'm Alli (she/her). I like concerts, books, and science. My favorite color is pink and my favorite band is Fall Out Boy. At this time I'm writing fics for The Empyrean (Fourth Wing) series, but someday in the future I might expand that list. Thanks for joining the chaos!
Most of you probably know me from AO3 by the same username. Below you can find my entire masterlist of fics as well as some frequently asked questions. If there's something you'd like to know that isn't addressed below, my ask box is always open 🫶🏻
✨ masterlist:
storm in the quiet (E)
Xaden/Violet, arranged marriage AU, > 200k words, ongoing
It took only a few minutes for Violet to figure out what purpose she served. No one said it out loud—not yet, but they’d get there—but they kept throwing out words like formalizing alliances and uniting two groups, and she understood. Violet was a sacrificial lamb, and Xaden Riorson was the wolf, and her slaughter would be their marriage.
(find sitq deleted moments here, here, and here)
simmer (E)
Xaden/Violet, one shot, 4.1k words, complete
The night that Tairn began channeling to Violet, she didn’t stumble upon Xaden in the snow. She found someone else to take care of her, and when Xaden realized, he was less than amused.
violence in my veins (E)
Xaden/Violet, one shot, 4.1k words, complete
The Riders’ Quadrant had something of an obsession with piercings. The only person Violet Sorrengail knew without any was, of course, Xaden Riorson. Or so she thought.
invisible in a violet sea (E)
Xaden/Violet, one shot, 2k words, complete
“It’s just me here, love. Tell me what you need so badly, Violence.” There was something about the way he said the private nickname in this context, with his voice low and husky, that made it feel entirely different from every other time he called her that. Like it was reverent and special and it, like her, belonged only to him. “You,” she said. “I need you, Xaden.”
void of all composure (E)
Liam/Violet/Cam, one shot, 2.8k words, complete
Liam Mairi figured it couldn’t be that hard to keep Violet Sorrengail out of trouble. Unfortunately, he didn’t account for the fact that her version of trouble was Cam Tauri, and Liam was certainly going to go down with her.
somehow i still love you more (G)
Xaden/Violet, kid fic, one shot, 800 words, complete
Xaden’s favorite time was the middle of the night, when his wife slept peacefully and he got to hold his daughter and watch the snow falling.
Do you have an update schedule?
Nope. Fanfic is a hobby for me—I have other responsibilities and a full-time job. I write because it’s fun, and in order for it to stay that way I write and post as I’m able, and sometimes I step away for a week or two to maintain my own sanity. Unless I specifically say it, I promise my fics aren’t abandoned just because it’s been a few days without a new chapter. Please don’t ask me about updates!
Do you take requests for fics?
I do not. I write things that I love or am inspired by. Trying to conform to specific requests kind of sucks the joy out of writing for me.
Can I write something inspired by your fics?
Go for it! Fanfiction is fanfiction. At the end of the day we’re all just playing in the same sandbox, and the tropes and ideas I use aren’t unique. Twist them however you want, and have fun writing your own take on them. If you want others to know where your inspiration came from, you can use the “inspired by” function on AO3, or link back to my fic in some way if you’re posting your work on another site. That can also be helpful for readers to find similar works.
Can I bind your fics?
Yes, for personal use only. You may not commission any third party that would make a profit off binding the fic to do the work for you. You may not sell bound copies of my fics. Everything I’ve written has been done for free, as my own personal love letter from me to fandom. Keep fanfiction safe and legal. And send me pictures—I’d love to see your finished projects!
Will you ever write your own book?
I'd love to one day! I have lots of ideas floating around at all times, even though I don't talk about them much. I promise if I ever publish any original works, you'll know.
How long will storm in the quiet be?
Right now I’m estimating about 55-60 chapters—that’s just a best guess, if it changes as we get closer to the end, I’ll update this answer.
Will storm in the quiet have a sequel?
Are you going to kill Liam?
No. I promise. I know you’re all traumatized, but please read the tags on AO3. There’s one that says “Liam lives!” and it means he lives all the way to the end and it’s not a joke 😅
When will Xaden and Violet fuck?
Never if you keep testing me. Enjoy the slow burn! I’m begging! (And if you can’t, go check out my one shots. They’re very smutty.)
✨ other info:
Find some of my favorite book recs here
Some great Fourth Wing fic recs here (my own faves and a lot of other good ones that I missed in the comments)
If you’re interested in what I might be currently reading, click here
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crowleyholmes · 6 months
hi there chris! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! i love your art!) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 💘
Hiiii omg this is so sweet and means a lot to me, thank you! 🥺💕
I've been meaning to do a little end-of-the-year shoutout/love post for some of my favorite blogs, so I hope you don't mind if I use your ask as the perfect excuse!
I've had many fun years on tumblr, but this one has been extra special. Falling into the Good Omens fandom and meeting all of you amazing people has made this year so so SO much better than it otherwise would have been, so here are some special shoutouts (apologies, I'm sure this will get long, things like this tend to get away from me, so I'll put it under a read-more)
@majortomyourcurcuitsdead SASHA can you believe I was going to just send you an anon telling you that I think you're cool and leave it at that. Can you believe it. WELL thank Somebody you had your anon turned off and I had to expose myself in your dms because it feels like we just instantly connected about like 20 different things and haven't stopped talking since sskjdfhs anyway I'm so happy I met you you're so fun and so clever and so talented and so enthusiastic and I've only known you for like. What 2 months?? Ish? But I already love you so much <3
@lineffability !!! Line you are so *struggles to find words* you're just great is what you are okay. I feel like you are what happens when somebody takes a big cup and puts six shots of love, chaos, sunshine, talent, fun, and enthusiasm into it, generously sprinkles intelligence on top and gives it a good stir. I don't even remember how or when or why we started talking tbh? But your creativity is so inspiring, and some of my favorite tumblr-moments of this year have been 'yes-and'ing with you about one thing or another in a very >:3 manner hahah so! my point is! i love you lots <3
@dontbotheraziraphale Teeeedddd you're wonderful, I vented at you one time and then we talked for like 2 hours and at the end of that 1 conversation I already considered you a friend - and not just in that "tumblr mutuals who talk 1 time are my friends" kind of way but like. Genuinely. You're so kind and so fun and every time we talk it's such a good time ily a lot my bro my buddy my man <3
@crikey01 Tallulah HI I also completely forgot how we started talking but I remember connecting the dots that you were the one who painted those INSANE black and white and gold oil paintings and the way my jaw dropped like?? BRO you're so talented I admire you so much! And I love that we bonded over stopping each other from masochistically checking certain peoples' blogs... 😂 Anyway you're so sweet and fun and ily lots <3
The list could probably go on but you four are the people I've talked to most on here and you're the tumblr chat boxes I never close but always just minimize and y'all better see this as the ultimate internet declaration of affection that it Clearly is >:D 💕
And here are some more shout-outs because I just HAVE to.
Apologies, I know I've already tagged a bunch of you recently in a mutuals appreciation post but. This is my official thank-you-for-2023 post and I just have a lot of love for you all okay sorry feel free to ignore this <3
@rowan-ashtree (i'll text you back soon I promise I'm sorry I just haven't had the brain-space recently ssjkdfh) @crawley-fell (we've never talked but i love you from afar :')) @ineffabildaddy @llokilaufeyson @actual-changeling @saryasy @hyperfocusthusly @beccibarnes @rainbowcrowley @thesherrinfordfacility @goodoldfashionednightingale @wibbly-wobbly-blog @highlyillogicalandroid (i see your data obsession and i agree <3) @tortugay @foolishlovers @stargazing-crowley @gingiekittycat @weasleywrinkles @bildads-shoes @finleycannotdraw @bowtiepastabitch @heytherefluffy @samwwise @nocturnal-birb @athousandyearstime @angelsdiningattheritz @most-normal-eccles-cake-ignorer @jedthesecretdreamer @wraithee @hydrangeadangea @southfarthing @frodo-baggins @mobius-m-mobius
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colemorrison · 5 months
Okay look, I’m not crazy… Well I mean I am a little but it’s fine… Here’s some yandere overwatch..
This will include blood, possessive behavior, blah blah.. Mauga, Ashe, Junkrat, Sombra, Sigma and Ramattra are included.
Mauga :
He was always this over protective right? He threatened anyone who looked at his friends right?
"Where ya going? You're supposed to stay with me remember? Who will protect you and keep you safe if you're not with me?"
The look in Mauga's eyes was slightly scary, desperation pooled in them, he needed you after all. What would he do without you? He'd simply pass away.
"No, no.. You can't go see them. Stay with me, don't you wanna be safe? Darling, I don't want to have to tell you again."
His touches were rough, almost too rough, like he was worried someone would steal you.
"Can't have anyone taking you away from me, mine... All mine."
Ashe :
"Awh how cute, you think you have a chance with them? Oh no, they're mine.. Lay a finger on them and I swear I will show you what hell is."
Her fingers danced over your shoulders, displaying how only she could touch you, touch your body. Ashe was practically dangling you in front of them, showing exactly how much power she had over you.
"Aren't they just adorable? Such a sweet sight, look all you want. But I'm not keen on sharin'."
It happened so fast, painted nails digging into your throat, a shot firing straight past you toward the man, blood splattering across your face and Ashe's.
"No one gets to see my pretty little thing and live. Now.. Each time you think about going toward someone else, speaking to someone else, anything with someone who isn't me, I want you to remember this moment."
Junkrat :
"I'll kill em! They can't have you, you belong to me remember? I will make sure none of them even look at you."
His fingers gripped your skin, he couldn't let you go, his body wouldn't let him, what if you ran away? He can't possibly live without you, you're his favourite person, he needs you.
"Maybe I'll make you a nice little place and keep you here, that way you can never ever leave me. Would you like that? I would, I would love to wake up to you every morning."
Jamie's metallic hand drew hearts all over your back, obsessive traced hearts decorating your skin because of how hard he pressed.
"Mine, mine, mine, mine."
Sombra :
She had access to everything possible, she knew every little thing about you, that thing you wanted to hide and completely forget? Oh.. Olivia knows.
"What do you want for your birthday?"
"My birthday? I didn't tell you my birthday."
"You didn't have to, I know everything about you."
Her tone was playful but you could tell she was serious, the way her finger nails traced over the veins in your wrist showed you that..
"You have no idea mi amor, you are everything to me.."
Sigma :
Yes you knew he was insane but this..? Paper's scattered across his room, photos of you, photo's you didn't take. Your name written repeatedly over the walls, it was his own little sanctuary of you.
"See? I love you. No one else loves like I do."
His eyes were full of obsessiveness, insane cackles leaving his throat as he pinned up more photos of you. He needed to be surrounded by you at all times, he would go absolutely insane without it.
"It would be such a shame if this went poorly. I do not wish to kill you and then myself just so no one can have you."
Ramattra :
He took care of you but you weren't allowed to speak to anyone, absolutely no one. If you needed something you ask him, if you need help you ask him. He's learned how to do anything you might need, that way you'll never ever need anyone else.
"What is it? Oh you're hair is tangled? Well let me help you."
Ramattra moved you to sit on his lap, a brush softly going through your hair while his other hand held you by the throat.
"I need you to be still, you can handle this right?"
He chuckled at the small nod you gave.
"Ah.. My wonderful little pet human. No one else even knows you exist anymore, you really do belong to me."
Now... I've never written something like this so enjoy, also I wrote this with the help of @bruhhhh-huhhhhh. So he deserves some credit too.
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
Hello! I was just wanting to request a request your way for Mihawk (OPLA) with a fellow Warlord please?
Preferably female and chubby (if that's okay!) who uses Polearms/spears and has a kind + warm attitude.
Scenario: Both have to work together under the orders of Garp to track down some pirates who've ganged together to cause havoc and its them having to figure out how to actually work together as a team and not individuals with mutual pining >:)
Song: Tongues and Teeth - The crane wives
Have an awesome day!
Pining 😫. Yes, absolutely. Of all of fanfic writing, pining is my absolutely favourite flavour to divulge in.
The song! I'm ✨obsessed✨. It's really shown me the vibe you want for the piece written.
I can already see the battle sequences of push and pull. I'm imagining she be more scrappy in her style, her joy in battle gleefully falling from her lips as they dance amongst each other in the thralls of combat; Mihawk always remaining steady and calculated with his blade.
Mutual respect for their titles, Ginger Cat x Black Cat/Doberman energy.
Disclaimer: I don't regularly utilise body, skin, eye, hair descriptors other than using terms that are exclusively feminine or masculine to have the "reader" be imagined in a multitude of ways. I am more than happy to make an exception to my rule in this case, but I usually prefer not to for ambiguity.
I have a few other pieces to complete before this one, unless the dice roll otherwise.
In the interim, here is the Masterlist for you to consume should you desire some other Mihawk fics. I'm yet to truly write a one-shot for him (I tried, and now it's an ongoing series).
He makes appearances in:
Dance Series: swing, sway, shag & shimmy (Mihawk x reader x Buggy fic) {Synopsis: a night off was granted by captain Buggy and his pirates. Acrobatic reader impresses both of the men with her dance style. Both men decide they have the ability to potentially play nice as they share the acrobat. (Smut in chapter 4)}
Bar Shift: as a patron of Baratie (Sanji fic) {Synopsis: Sanji and Reader are work husband and work wife. They develop feelings of infatuation as they flirtatiously navigate their way through developing rapport as coworkers and now a relationship.}
The Apprentice: the one-shot that got out of hand because I love talking about wine (Mihawk fic). {Synopsis: bitchy boss and their bratty underling, enemies to lovers. Sword fighting, wine tasting and navigating complex feelings. (nudity mentioned in chapter 2 and 3, chapter 5 smut)}
You Should Be Sad: 3-part series of angst, fluff & smut. {Synopsis: Mihawk ruins his relationship with his former fiancé by not giving her the attention and care she truly longed for. She is a talented musician, performing at Baratie when she sees her ex-lover. Sings her wrath to have him feel something. (Angst in part 1, fluff in part 2, smut in part 3)}
I've also got two fics that are active works in progress upcoming:
El tango du Mihawk: Dance Series. {Synopsis: a talented thief manages to obtain an invite to the marine ball and decides to utilise it as a great opportunity to steal from the wealthiest members of the world government. Mihawk immediately recognises them and decides to toy with their scheming, tango dancing ensues.}
The Marine's Mistake. {Synopsis: something horrible occured to rid the warlord of his signature facial hair. Cadets had gathered and began whispering in hushed tones as Garp held a seated meeting with the warlord at a table in a run of the mill tavern. A new transfer does not recognise the sleek cheeks of the handsome gentlemen and immediately decides to approach to flirtatiously engage him over a drink or two. Mihawk is amused.}
I will add this to the ever growing Mihawk list and aim to complete it shortly! Thank you for your request! ❤️
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callmearcturus · 2 months
okay so PC Gamer just scattered a bunch of catnip for me with an article about What If Each Fallout Game Were A Movie, Who Would Direct It and I am going to read this live and judge it
because I'm having a relapse, we all understand this
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A focused, mature, pressure cooker of a movie that is short and stylishly violent? Better call the director of John Wick to take the directorial reigns. Personally, I find Leitch's movies tend to have rather underwhelming final acts, too, and also have a penchant for ending abruptly when you feel more could have followed, so he's the perfect fit for a game that's incredible until it very quickly ends without much fanfare. John Wick movies don't tend to be very wacky either, often depicting the hero's world as very serious (despite the ludicrous premise of the fiction), so again this feels a strong and apt choice for the OG Fallout. A Friday night action movie.
HMMMMMM. I feel like I disagree on the mode I would want FO1 to be in. Like, yes, you can play it that way, but FO1 is famously one of the first games to make Speech arguably the most important skill to have in a video game, so I dunno. I love Leitch and feel like while his sense of realistic-yet-stunning action is a trademark, I think the use of locations is even more of his thing, and when I think about memorable locations, I think more of FO2 than FO1.
I feel like I would give FO1 to some hyper-realistic scumbag who is more obsessed with Process than Enterta-- oh. Nolan. gdi I'd give FO1 to Chris fucking Nolan, him whomst I loathe.
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Who better to direct this expansive and often wacky depiction of the Fallout universe than the director responsible for epics such as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, and The Man Who Killed Don Quixote? Gilliam loves a good road trip in his work, too, which fits with Fallout 2's Highwayman-based exploration, and his penchant for vast vistas with wacky and absurd details feels perfect. The combat scenes wouldn't be as slick as Leitch's Fallout movie, but characterisation and a more rambling, philosophical, off-beat narrative would deliver. Plus, Fallout 2 even has a Bridge Keeper encounter that directly references Monty Python and the Holy Grail, in which Gilliam starred. Watch on a Saturday night for a bit of everything.
......... I straight up cannot argue with that. No notes.
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For a movie based on a game that is focussed almost entirely on squad-based combat in urban environments, combat where soldiers die in terrible ways and the horrors of war are all too apparent, I feel the director of The Hurt Locker, Kathryn Bigelow is perfect for this. Fallout: Tactics would be a war movie with a very tight focus and strong characterisation for just a handul of lead characters. Tense and at times adrenaline-inducing due to the flashes of extreme violence, but interspersed with soul-searching dialogue from its grizzled, war-scarred leads, this would be an erudite and focused Fallout war movie. Watch on a Monday or Tuesday night.
Looking at Bigelow's list of works is how I just now learned she also did Strange Days, so I think it's fair to say that this is giving her way too small of a pick. Give her FO1 and give Leitch FOT.
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It would be so bad. Forget about A-bombs, everyone in the movie would drop an F-bomb every other line. Don't watch on any night.
Fucking weak-ass pick. Think about the history of how FO:BoS happened, i.e. they were trying to slap the Fallout license onto a completely different style of game without any respect for the source material. They swapped out Nuka Cola for Bawls product placement.
Give it to Zack Synder.
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As the game that properly introduced V.A.T.S. system slow-mo to the Fallout universe, with kill shots shown off in glorious bullet time, there can be only one director for a film version of Fallout 3: the master himself, John Woo. Woo's stellar action movie work in titles such as Hard Boiled, Broken Arrow, Face/Off and Mission Impossible 2, among others, means the action in this game is off the charts. Slow-mo radiated doves and all! Woo handles the post-apocalypse war vibes well, too, thanks to his work on Windtalkers, while he communicates the hero's awakening into the future thanks to previous on Paycheck. A good fit for Friday night, thanks to the action, or midday during the weekend due to a longish, war movie-style runtime.
holy shit i cannot argue with that, that's genius. absolutely fucking yes. i think that's a perfect fit.
also, like, FO3 and Woo have the same "problem" for me, in that they know exactly what they are doing, it's just not my cup of tea, but there is a solid identity there.
yeah, fucking do it, give FO3 to John Woo.
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Casinos, gritty environments, extreme violence and heist movie vibes mean I think of Guy Ritchie for this film adaptation. Ritchie's also a fan of slow-mo combat shots, too, so we've got the game's V.A.T.S. system represented well, too, while the game's macho factional warfare as undertaken by factions like Caesar's Legion and the NCR, is right in keeping with Ritchie's love of gang-based conflict. There's not much romance in New Vegas, either, which is a weak spot for Ritchie, but as shown in movies like Sherlock Holmes, Snatch, The Gentleman, and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, he's good at holding together movies with various interconnecting narratives. His work on Aladdin also shows he can handle the comedic and wacky aspects of New Vegas, too. A mid-week action-comedy treat.
/rubs face
I am unfortunately a massive fucking fan of Ritchie movies. this is so powerful.
i think........... Ritchie is so thoroughly uninterested in saying anything philosophically profound, you cannot give him The Most Profound Fallout Game. like, I want to love this idea, I really do, but no.
....................... You need someone with snappy dialogue that actually means something, who is willing to veer into borderline magical realism, who loves an overdressed set, and who can manage a lot of different characters with well-reasoned motivations.
I think you need Rian Johnson.
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I feel Ang Lee is a good choice for a Fallout 4 movie adaptation, having good form in handling large and sprawling fictions with plenty of characters and side-stories. Just look at films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Life of Pi as an example of this. He's got some form with action, too, thanks to his work on Hulk. There's probably more romance/relationship offering in Fallout 4 than in any other Fallout, and Ang Lee has form here too. The result, though, is a movie that ends up being a bit flabby and unfocussed at times, despite technically bringing more to the table than Fallout 3, and being funnier and lighter overall. Watch on a day off due to a chonky runtime.
what are you fucking talking about, Ang Lee's best movies are Brokeback and Sense & Sensibility, and his worst are probably Hulk and Gemini Man. Fallout 4 is the one where Bethesda just stopped pretending to give a shit about story and roleplaying, instead pivoting the game into a skinner box of tightly-honed but ultimately soulless mechanics.
I'm not even trying to mock Marvel, but I feel like the MCU's Design-By-Producer-And-Executive-Oversight is actually the answer here. It doesn't matter who directs it because the main voice will be a board room.
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oh shut upppppp
Fallout Shelter would in some ways be the most obvious setup for a movie: the self-contained story of a vault-dwelling society, interspersed with the surface adventures of random dwellers. Sounds a bit like the TV show when you put it like that, which is why there's only one Nolan for the job: Christopher! Yes, fresh off Oppenheimer it is time for Oppenheimer 2, focusing on the aftermath of all-out nuclear war (hell, Cillian Murphy can even have a cameo as a brain in a jar, I'm that generous). Moody, intense, riven with twists you didn't see coming, and with all special effects done for realsies, this movie could only ever be rad. The only downside is that, like the TV show Silo, you'd spend an awful lot of time indoors.
absolutely fucking not. the thing about Nolan is that his shit is so meticulous, it like.... pitches past hyper-realism and lands in this weird uncanny valley of "he wouldn't fucking say that" but it's for a character you've only known for ten minutes.
FO: Shelter is about emergent storytelling that feels almost accidental rather than arranged or scripted. you need someone who is hands-off the script but can capture a.... good moment..............
oh god, it's JJ Abrams, isn't it? god dammit. or, frankly? Spielberg. so I'm saying no to the director i hate and offering instead two other directors i dislike, but for different reasons.
yeah. yep. that's what i'm doing.
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As an MMO that takes many aspects of the Fallout universe to the extreme, it feels a movie version of Fallout 76 would be akin to a huge-budget, climatic MCU movie where it really helps if you've had previous with the series to get most enjoyment. As such, I feel the Russo brothers would take the reigns for Fallout 76. The result would be a jack-of-all-trades action-adventure that borrows bits of every previous Fallout to make something that appeals to a lot of people but, after watching, doesn't go down as something you'd rewatch for most all of them. Big, bright, wacky and action-filled, there's no doubting though that you get a spectacle and fun, though. Watch in two sittings over two nights (as the movie's runtime is 3 hours 47 minutes).
no. fuck you. i reject your premise. the Fallout game that shipped with no NPCs and expected the story to be entirely conveyed by set-pieces, environmental design, and audiologs?
resurrect Tarkovsky and give us FO76, desolate and beautiful with environmental shots that last seven minutes without a cut. because the only good thing about FO76 is the setting, the amount of effort put into building the actual space, so I want 90 minutes of film and seven pages of script.
Russo Brothers, get tf out of here
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whiskygoldwings · 2 months
Whisky's Bundle of Awesome Things
Decided it was about time I did one of these pinned posts to introduce myself! Profile icon is by the very lovely and very talented @anstarwar!
Hi, I'm Whisky, she/her - I write.
I believe very much in ship and let ship. My current obsession is Clone Wars, and yes, I enjoy more than a little cloneshipping. If that's not for you, the back button is your friend!
I also reblog NSFW content! Girls gotta get a little enjoyment in life ya know?
Writing links below the cut!
My writing can be found on AO3, which you can find here:
I am currently writing a long, slow build story exploring the Coruscant Guard and a descent into fanon-typical abuse. It is, in all honesty, my pride and joy right now. Five chapters are up and at current writing it's not complete, but there are approx 60,000 words written. You can find that story here:
I update on here when I post chapters to AO3, so if you'd rather get your updates this way, you're in luck!
Petals Slip From Lips (Your Stain Upon My Heart) is a Hanahaki disease Fox-angst with a happy ending one-shot. You can find it here:
I'm currently also writing a Jangobi Mandalorian training camp fic with dark elements such as unethical medical procedures/manipulation etc. You can find that one here:
I welcome likes, reblogs and comments! I get RABID about Marshall Commander Fox, no apologies! I do tend to get a bit over the top with reblogs, so I apologise about that one!
Please do feel free to send me an ask or a message about any of my stories or if you just want to chat! I'm happy to have a natter! You can find me on discord as WhiskyGoldWings as well.
Anyone who follows me, uh... Sorry for the sheer hail of reblogs, I forget how to queue...
My tags: my fanfic, marshall commander fox, not my art
Good luck and enjoy! <3
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the-badger-mole · 5 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged By @kila09
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
I wouldn't say I don't care anymore, I just haven't been inspired by them in a while, but definitely Inu/Kag. They were not my first ship, but they were the first ship I wrote for.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Serena/Darien from the Sailor Moon US dub.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Inu/Kag. And no...you can't read it.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Inu/Kag. it was drawn by my friend
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Ha! I am the discourse....yes. I do.
6. Did you used to have a NOTP or have it currently?
Kataang and Sess/Rin. The full body cringe I get when I think of either of them...
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Zutara, forever and ever. Usa/Mamo (now that I've seen the original Japanese version), Inu/Kag
9. Is there any couple, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Zutara. They are my only OTP that isn't canon, but they should have been. Hayley and Andy from Modern Family is next. I'm honestly not happy at how they handled Hayley's arc in general. The writers were so cruel to her! I'm still not over it, and I'm mulling over a fix-it fic for her (one-shot probably). Ichabbie (Ichabod Crane and Abbie Mills) are in third place, but a very distant third. I lost all respect for Sleepy Hollow after how they treated both Abbie the character and Nichole Beharie the actress.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
...no. Not really. I mean, I guess you could count CaptainSwan from OUAT, but that's less I didn't like the ship and more I wanted to get rid of Emma so EYE could have Hook.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now would be canceled over?
I mean...probably? I can't think of any right now. I only have a handful of ships that I care enough about to talk about, and most of them don't appear on my blog, so...🤷🏾‍♀️
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Mai/Aang (or Flying Dagger as I call them). I don't even really consider this a crack ship. Don't get me wrong, I see them being a disaster together, but not in a cracky sort of way. More of a reality show couple way.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Zutara these days. It used to be more of an even split between my top 3 ships, but the fact that I get around to reading anything these days feels like an accomplishment.
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
Powerful women and the powerful men who would die protecting them. Also, powerful women and the powerful men who are their biggest cheerleaders
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I mean...pick a trait from Kataang, and that's pretty much it. Hero gets the girl because he's the hero; the woman becomes the supportive background partner no matter how powerful and ambitious she was before she got with him; Man can't control his violent outburst without his partner's help. Kataang is the embodiment of everything I hate in a ship.
@soopersara @dhwty-writes @veggie-smoothie @vocalvixen20cp the floor is yours if you want it!
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Random HB headcanons / thoughts I guess
(tw for some sexual mentions and cursing )
Mammon fucking HATES jingle bell rock
Asmodeus sending fizz "send this to someone you love!" Type of videos and fizz sends shit like this
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Just the thought that asmodeus ( the embodiment of lust ) believes love is not love without consent is honestly a great detail
Also thinking about how fizzarolli has eyebags
Millie can use a bow and arrowwwww
I think the human versions of blitzø and his family are indigenous, idk the nose and the skin tone, it might be a long shot but I like the idea yk
Also love seeing indigenous characters
Stolas loving outer space that's canon right
Imagine him as a kid just reading a shit ton of books about space and in any occurrence it's brought up now you know how the universe is going to end
Blitzø: I just need space-
Stolas: SPACE???????
I think after Octavia gets out of her super angsty teenager phase ( do not come after me I know it's more than an angsty "mom leave me alone I wanna be famous" thing, I'm kidding ) she would really like indie music
Like indie rock if that makes any sense
I'm sorry but there neeeeeddsss to be more Millie appreciation
I kinda wish there was an episode that centers around her yk ?
Do you think imps nipples are white too like scars and freckles or am I weird
Ozzie posting on everything " YES THE RUMORS ARE TRUE THIS IS MY FUCKING SOULMATE" because for some reason there was a lot of controversy and debate if it was real or not
Then next to it it's a picture of him and fizz
People were PISSED
I thought mamom was played by bluey's dad bandit if I'm being completely honest I'm so sorry
Millie is spider man moxxie is hello kitty
Stella likes soup. What is she eating now? Oh some fucking soup. What's wrong with her icecub- SHE FROZE THE SOUP TO MAKE ICE CUBES-
Loona has a very bad picking at her skin habit, not really with her face but with her legs and arms ( human form obviously )
Fizz posting " FUCK ALL OF YOU" on all of his socials , deleting everything ( especially the sexually explicit things )
I think being a part of the circus is equivalent to trailer trash in hell
I mean look at em
I love it
Human form Ozzie would have THE MOST luscious hair ever
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This image just says so much about them as a pair it kills me
The way the animators just go above and beyond is just amazing to me
How did fizzarolli get the 2 minutes notice thing planned so quickly...........
Fizz over sharing as a teenager ( not projecting )
fizz really thought in "oops!" That he wasn't gonna make it out of the fire again
Like bro just put his knees to his chest and CRIED
Speaking of fizz how did that mark in the next episode get there? What was that? Idk if it was maybe a bruise from.. something.. I don't wanna say it was from mamon because that would defeat the purpose of his character being EMOTIONALLY ABUSIVE and that emotional abuse is still abuse, but idk some people said it might be because of him?
Can you tell I'm obsessed with fizzarolli
The sexual harassment rep.... People who have experienced sh usually think "it's not as bad as *other s3xual trauma* so I'm just being dramatic" ( I say this from experience ) but it ABSOLUTELY IS AND SHOULD BE RECOGNIZED. It's still something you're not comfortable with. Fizz brushing it off as "oh well they're just fans who express their love differently!" Should not have been taught to him.
I'm not slightly projecting again. Nuh uh
Ozzie can play saxophone. He just gives me the vibe.
Beezlebubs design just screams if kesha. Even if they didn't mean to.
Millie getting stuck in trees as a kid and being too scared to get down
Was Barbies real name barbie or is that a nickname? Or was it for the sake of the circus ( like blitzøs name being .. well blitzø )
Millie name is short for Amelia maybe? People used to call her Lia but she hated it so much she started writing her nickname Millie on everything.
People saying they hated / thought the stolas human design could've been better can go FUCK themselves HONESTLY
Blitzø and fizzs as teenagers going to their town center and being like "?????? Why is everything so FANCY it's AMAZING"
Octavia can't handle spicy things for SHIT
Look at their British asses
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They cough at smelling PEPPER
Stolas just randomly texting Octavia "you're so beautiful darling! Have a nice day <3 -your dad" or "don't forget to eat! -your dad" ( he texts like that IDC )
Octavia writes poetry! It's actually really good
Okay so I have this headcanon that in the HELLUVA BOSS universe that songs like contoursionist, toxic ( by ashnikko ), tunnel vision and agorah hills, NYMPHOLOGY, and he has this "one last show" thing where he preforms these songs and HE IS SCREAMING SOME OF HIS OWN SONGS
But that would also defeat his character development so I'll just imagine him singing this songs in the car or smth
Mamon having to do some toxic gossip train shit
Millie kills the spider.
I think that may be all okay byeeee
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hi! Can I request a one shot for Genos finding out he's got a crush for the very first time with gender neutral reader that's the opposite of him? Basically a slow burn, friends to lovers, opposites attract each other tropes! and Genos being nervous and confused!!! I'm a sucker for that shit. Thanks in advance and you can change anything to make it more comfortable for you, have a great day!
Hi!!!!!! Just to let you know, I am absolutely OBSESSED with this idea! Thank you so so much for requesting it! I really hope I played it out well and hope you enjoy!! Have a great day anon!!!
Overheating - Genos
Pairing - Genos x gn!reader
Warnings - none! just a ton of fluff
Word Count - 1,290
Notes - i had a blast writing this! thank you so much anon for the request!!
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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“Well?” You turned to Genos, shaking your keys in front of him. “Are you coming? We don't want to leave Saitama waiting for us.” “O-Oh… right… of course.” You giggled and grabbed Genos’ hand, leading him down the many stairs of your apartment building. Genos liked that you never took the elevator. You told him that you didn't want him to mess up the wiring or bluetooth or whatever shit they put in there and in turn, you didn't want him to shut down in an elevator. It made him feel… cared about. By you. It made him feel all fuzzy whenever he thought about it too hard. He didn't hate that feeling, but he didn't like it either. It was different, and he wasn't used to different. He was used to everything being routine. But one day, you showed up. You’ve known Saitama your whole life, so when you saw some random blonde sitting in his kitchen, you couldn't help but become friends with him. He also liked that about you. How easy it was for people to like you. How easy it was for you to make friends. He sucked at social cues, but you seemed to completely understand them, as if they came to you naturally. Honestly, he was kind of jealous of you. Intrigued, but jealous. That burning feeling he would get in his chest everytime you were around… that had to be jealousy… right?
“Sorry we’re late, Saitama, it seemed our computer was running a little slow.” You ruffled Genos’ hair and he readjusted it, scooting into the booth next to you. He couldn't help but notice the way your elbow would bump against his. The way you played with your straw as Saitama talked to you. The way- “Genos, what are you gonna order?” He was pulled out of a trance, snapped back to reality. He turned to you and tilted his head, his eyes dimming a little. “What are you gonna get, Genos?” “Oh… uh… I don't know yet.” “God, Genos, do you need to update or something? You’re going as slow as my old Windows XP computer.” You giggled and poked at his back as if it would make a difference to his malware. He was considering an update though. What was wrong with him?
“Where is Master Saitama?” You turned over to see Genos come through the door, holding bag after bag. “Did you go shopping?” “Yes.” You hummed in response and turned your attention back to the movie you were watching. “Where is Master Saitama?” You looked up. “Oh, did he not tell you?” “No.” “He’s going out for the night. He should be back crazy early though. I was going to be his housesitter, but it's nice to have some company.” You hopped up to help Genos put away all of the groceries he got. He couldn't help but stare a little seeing you in your pajamas. You always had something nice on whenever Genos was around, so seeing you in some basketball shorts and a giant shirt was new to him. “What?” You noticed that he was staring and he quickly looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “My apologies. It is just… new to see you dressed in something so… not put together.” “My pajamas are very put together, thank you!” “Oh… I-... I uh…” “I'm joking.” You gave him a playful smack on the arm as you giggled and Genos sighed, his motors making a very loud exhale sound. “I know I don't usually dress like this, huh? Sorry if you were expecting an outfit for royalty.” “No! Of course not! I…” He felt his face get warm, making him clear his throat. “I like it.” “Aw! Thanks, robo-buddy!” You ruffled his hair and he felt the room somehow get warmer. Was he about to overheat?
He tried taking his mind off of it and went to reach for the last item on the ground, his hand brushing against yours. He jumped back, his arm feeling almost inflamed by the feeling of your hand. You giggled, putting the item in the cabinet. “You’ve been so jumpy lately, Genos, are you okay?” “I-I do not really know.” “Do you need to sit down?” The goofy smile on your face faded and quickly turned to worry. “Um… I think I will be alright… but perhaps I will take a seat.” Genos slumped down on the couch, his face bright red and the engine in his chest making a very loud humming sound. “I'm going to take off your shirt Genos, make sure everything is okay with your engines or whatever.” You slipped off his shirt and his engines were burning hot, you couldn't even touch it. “Uh… you’re burning up… are you going to be okay?” Genos turned to the AC and pointed to it and you quickly turned it on, but since it was Saitama’s house, the damn thing hadn't been turned on in years, immediately shooting dust in your face. You coughed and nearly fell backwards, but was caught by Genos. You smiled like a dork at him and he was very fearful that he would overheat at any moment. How did you do it? How did you smile all the time? How did you seem to always be excited to do something new? How did you put up with Genos, who was monotone and would always just go with the flow? “Thanks, Genos! You’re the best! No wonder you’re an S rank hero! Are you feeling a bit better?” You sat him down on the couch and checked his chest again, seeing that things didn't get much better. “I will be okay. I honestly do not really understand what happened. It is like… whenever you are around I overheat. I get all fuzzy whenever you start talking. Maybe my system is… allergic to you?” You blushed. “Wh-What?” “Yeah. It is strange, I agree. I do not know how to stop it either. But if I am being completely honest, I do not hate the feeling. Perhaps I should talk to Dr. Kuseno.” You turned away. Genos had a crush on you and he didn't even know it. “Genos, I don't think you have to go to the doctor.” “Why not? All of this is confusing, and I-” You put your hand on his shoulder and looked directly into his eyes. “Genos, I think you have a crush on me.” “A crush? I… do not understand.” Now you were the one with an overheating system. “Y-You… uh…” You didn't know how to put it into words. It would be impossible. You of course felt the same, but it had to be different. He was a robot. He was the complete opposite of you. Always trying to figure out new things, extremely intelligent, quiet. All while you were blunt and willing to goof off all the time. You definitely couldn't explain the feeling that either of you had through words. You leaned close and pressed the smallest kiss onto Genos’ cheek. He turned to you with a confused, but adorable expression that nearly made you melt. You couldn't help but giggle as you leaned forward, cupping his cheek. “Is this okay?” Your lips were only inches away from his, your voice barely audible past the sound of his engines and the AC. “Please?” He sounded desperate, like he had been needing this. Needing you. You leaned closer and pressed your lips to his. He pulled you closer so you sat on his lap. You could feel how warm his face was, he was clearly nervous, but he wasn't pulling away.
Instead, the two of you ended up falling asleep in each other’s arms on Saitama’s couch.
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gardensofthemoon · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by the lovelies @ettelene and @tilion-writes, many thanks! Sorry for the late response, been busy with real life commitments.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 10
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 38,319 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently, Silmarillion and MDZS/The Untamed, though I haven't posted anything yet for the latter.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fëanor posts on r/amitheasshole
Family Dinner
Immortal Longings
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, always! And I ramble a lot.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hm. I write quite a bit of angst, and I can think of at least three fics of mine with sad endings, but I think Cardinal takes the cake. It's a bleak end, miserable, made even more so by the relative tenderness of the main story.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Fëanor posts on r/amitheasshole, because it's crack. Nobody dies; is that the low bar for a happy ending in the silm fandom?
8. Do you get hate on fics? So far none, but I expect to get some in the future as I want to write about darker themes. And I'm mentally preparing for posting in a new fandom that's known for its toxicity.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, and I plan on writing more! I love shipfic, I love romance, this is the main genre I read in fanfic, so. If I had to classify my style of smut, I'd say it veers into porn with feelings territory. The main sentiment behind my writing, behind all my writing, smutty or not, is yearning. What intrigues me is what the characters are feeling, their thought process, building the tension and portraying their dynamic. I don't think I can write smut just for the sake of smut - and there are so many facets of the characters' personalities that can be explored through their kinks, their bedroom attitude, their emotions and insecurities. Also, I write slash, though I'd like to try my hand at femslash as well.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? No, but I've thought about it. The logistic aspect of it ruins the fun, unfortunately.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not yet.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Not sure if they can be considered "all-time" favourites since I got into fandom less than a year ago, but the ships I'm completely obsessed with are Curufin/Finrod for the silm fandom and Jiang Cheng/Wei Wuxian for mdzs/cql.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My Curufinrod in Valinor fic that I talked about on here. It's a long project and I'm used to writing one-shots, so I keep telling myself I'd work on it and post it once it's finished. Not sure when or if that will happen.
16. What are your writing strengths? Story concepts, comedic timing, eliciting emotions. Prose if I'm feeling confident.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am always obsessing over sentence structure, conveying tone, and word choice. English not being my native language doesn't help either. Technicalities aside, probably dialogue and longer story arcs.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Ambivalent.
19. First fandom you wrote for? The Silmarillion! Best fandom.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? The second chapter of Capodopera (which is composed of two mirroring one-shots). I think I managed to write precisely the story that I set out to; I'm pleased with everything about it, from the prose to the characterisation, to the escalation and the power shift, to the smut scene. And it doesn't hurt that it's the most self-indulgent thing I've written for my silm otp.
I'd like to tag two of my favourite writers @crackinthecup and @tobermoriansass, I'd be super curious to read your answers!
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