#amnesia psvita
honeybuddahchips · 1 year
i can't tell if i enjoy Kent's or Shins route more. Kent just seems the most realistic/casual, while Shins has the most intriguing plot. haven't played the other 2 yet though but i was never interested in either character
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ikemenfangirl · 1 year
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Why are you making me do this?
ทำไมคุณถึงให้ฉันทำสิ่งนี้ ?
AMNESIA : Clover world (Kent route)
Platform: Mobile, Steam PC, PSP, PSVita, Nintendo Switch
Kent CV: Ishida Akira
AMNEƧIA : Otome Games
🔗 Steam : https://store.steampowered.com/app/359390/Amnesia_Memories/
🔗 Switch : http://www.otomate.jp/amnesia/switch/
🔗 Mobile : http://www.otomate.jp/smp/amnesia_app/
🔗 PS Vita : http://www.ideafintl.com/amnesia/
🔗 Anime : https://www.anime-amnesia.com/
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hellcatinnc · 10 months
Random Otome Games Questions
Hello everyone! I’ve seen a “15 questions for otome gamers” going around on, so why not posting my answers here. I figured it being otome would help other otome lovers express their love for the games too.
1- Please Talk about your name!
So hellcatinnc was picked up by a friend of mine we were doing a roleplay as teens in second life. I was a hellcat smoking cigarettes, spray painting walls etc all in roleplay. So the town we roleplayed in called me hellcat and it stuck. Most sites see hell as a curse word so I had to start adding to it so I just put innc cause I'm from North Carolina.
2- What made you begin playing otome games?
I love story games especially dating aspect then I found my first game was hooked and needed more.
3- How many years has it been since you started played otome games?
A Year as of like October/November
4- Which was your first 3 otome games?
Love Spell Written In The Stars, 2nd Amnesia Memories, 3rd Code Realize
5- Which consoles do you own?
nintendo Switch, PSVita, Steam(PC), PS5, XBox One S, PS2, 2DS
I only use switch, pc, and psvita for otome games though
6- Which is your n.1 otome game?
It would be a toss up Code Realize set and/Amnesia set both are must have reads.
7- What do you recommend the most for this game?
Code Realize - When you do Lupins route if you watch the anime first you can cut out about 20 hours of game play and still enjoy his story.
Amneisa - Keep count how many times you die just for fun by choosing wrong paths IDK it was funny I died so many times close to 40 times in a full game play.
8- Who is your favorite characters(husbando's)?
Dante Falzone, Ikki, Saint Germain, Impey Barbicane & Loki. Trust me there are more but those men are my main
9- How many games do you own?
30 somethin like that I would really have to check cause I have them on 4 places that I play so who knows and then add voltage games on Love365 and I'm sure its more than that.
10- Which type of otome games are you obsessed with?
I love things that are unique like if I get to date a demon or a dragon but I also love many different types its honestly about how hot the boys are and if love is more the driven like I like a good plot but I need fluffy love.
11- Which type of personality do you easily fall for?
tsundere, flirts and oniichan. sometimes kuuderes but I seem to like them sad boys that are a bit broken and need me kinda thing too.
12- How many otome games have you played so far?
Like maybe 30 or so I honestly don't keep count especially since I don't just play on one system
13- Which otome game heroine is your favorite?
Honestly I think my favorite is probably Yui Kasanagi - Kamigami No Asobi. she isn't whiney, she stands up for herself and when she loves he is loyal and has a heart of gold.
14- Which otome games do you plan to buy next year?
Sympathy Kiss, Cupid Parasite sweet and spicy darling, Tengoku Struggle -Strayside, Matsurika no Kei -kEi- Tenmei Iniden, Foamy Euclonia, KALEIDO TOWER
15- If you could erase your memory to replay one game, what should it be?
I would relive Amnesia Memories Ikki's route for sure... that and Dante in Piofiore so I could fall in love with them again.
Now, it’s your turn reblog if you want! And if you have any random question for me.
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legiongamerrd · 10 months
Hace 10 años fue lanzado en América Ys: Memories of Celceta. Es un RPG de acción desarrollado por @nihonfalcom1981 . Fue originalmente lanzado para @playstation_la Vita. En América fue publicado por @xseedgames . En Europa, por @nisamerica .
Memories of Celceta es el 3er juego en considerarse Ys IV, y es el cual Falcom considera canon, después de que el desarrollo de Ys IV: Mask of the Sun e Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys en los 90s fueran desarrollados por terceros. El juego sigue al protagonista usual de la serie, Adol Christin, quien inicia el juego con amnesia, y explora el bosque de Celceta con sus compañeros.
#LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #NihonFalcom #Falcom #Ys #YsMemoriesofCelceta #PlayStation #PSVita #PSTV #PS4 #Microsoft #Steam #JRPG #ARPG #RPG
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kyouxa · 5 years
Amnesia Later: Translation (Part 02)
This took awhile, but I'm happy I finally finished another part. If you want to suggest me a route to start with, just put it in the comments ☆=(ゝω・)/
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August 11th
Place: Maid's sheep — Entrance
Orion: ...Eh, I guess I said that but ...
Ikki: That's why, we should go and see the fireflies together tomorrow night.
Orion: Suddenly, we’re getting invited to go with Ikki ...
Maybe you didn’t promise to see the fireflies with Toma? Was it Ikki?
Ikki: You're off the next day, right? If so, we can stay awake the entire night and watch them. So?
You won’t be alone with me though, because Kent is also coming along.
Kent said he‘d be okay to drive us out...
Kent: Ikkyu.
The store manager is calling you. It seems that there is something he’d like to confirm for the shift next month. Please go to the office.
Ikki: The manager? Hah... I was in the middle of something important. Whatever.
Well then, please think about our talk before. I am expecting a positive reply from you.
*Ikki leaves*
Kent: The talk Ikkyu mentioned earlier is probably about the firefly hunting. To play around with such a thing as a grown man.
It was only three minutes ago when I was told about his idea. I was forced to be "invited" to go out together without any intention.
Orion: Is that so... well, that means Kent isn’t the person who you promised to be with.
Kent: ...But honestly, I also wanted to show you a firefly. So I’ll try to cooperate as much as possible.
Orion: Eh. Wai- Who is it now!?
Kent: That's why I also hope for a positive reply. Then.
Orion: But, we need to figure out more... ! We need to talk more! We need to know who you promised it to last year... !
*Costumer enters*
Orion: Ugh... we don’t have time to pursue Kent...
Whatever! Welcome back, master!
???: Hello. Are you free right now?
Orion: What, Ukyo? This person is definitely a regular visitor at this shop.
This is Ukyo. He’s a more regular customer of this shop... I sadly don't know more than this information...
I just know that he’s a pretty famous and good photographer. Other things... uhm...
He’s actually a really kind person but sometimes he seems kinda lost, he’s also sometimes acting weird when it comes to you.
I'm pretty sure he’s not a bad person in general, but I think he’d be useless if you trust him.
Ukyo sometimes even says "Don't trust me!" by himself.
Ukyo: Well, my order would be the Kilimanjaro. Besides, is your manager here now?
I want to show this pictures to him, because I’m sure he wanted to see them...
Waka: Is this, Ukyo?
It seems like you really visited our store again. I‘m grateful to see you here once again.
Ukyo: Waka-san, hello. I wanted to talk to you so I asked for you just now.
Waka: Oh? What did you need from me?
Ukyo: It is a photograph. Waka-san, didn‘t you want to see a picture of the fireflies?
Orion: Eh, the fireflies!?
Ukyo: When I slept in Kawahara on that Friday evening , I thought that it was a bright night so I took some pictures.
Orion: ... why was he sleeping in Kawahara anyway?
Ukyo: So when I got up and heard that tick, it was a firefly.
I was pretty surprised. There was a firefly in such a small city.
Waka: There has been a series of reports that fireflies have been occurring abnormally for two consecutive years last year and this year.
I wonder if that’s why they showed up there...
Ukyo: Ah, that might be right. I didn’t know about the news, I should’ve listened to them...
That is probably the only interesting thing in this world for now. I have nothing to do otherwise...
Waka: This world?
Ukyo: Ah, no. Thats not what I meant.
I always wanted to take a picture of the fireflies in Japan, so I noticed them and immediately took a photograph.
This is the picture I took. Please, take a closer look at it if you want.
Waka: ...This is... !
Ukyo: The big one on the wall, the small was flying around the star sky.
I was taking the picture of the fireflies with the night sky in the background while lying on the riverbank.
So the light of the stars and the light of the fireflies are mixed up.
Waka: ... how wonderful ... !
It's a wonderful picture... it's a scene where I couldn’t think it's reality.
Ukyo: Hehe, but it is reality indeed. What if you really could see it with your own eyes?
You can go with me to the riverside right away from here next time. Should I guide you there?
Waka: ... So it was in Kawahara... That's right, but...
I’ll give you my word to go there. I'd like to see this scene with my own eyes. Would you mind?
Ukyo: Not at all. I'd like to go there anyway, so why not going together?
Waka: Please wait for a second. I will confirm it once I looked at the working schedule again.
Orion: ... why does he want to see the fireflies so badly? Is it something we should think about?
Ukyo: .....
Orion: Oh, he left Ukyo alone! Let‘s show him his table.
1)— Master, I’ll guide you to your seat
2)— Ukyo-san, please follow me
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— Master, I‘ll guide you to your seat
Ukyo: Yes, thanks for the offer.
— Ukyo-san, please follow me
Ukyo: ...Uh?
...You, just... called me by my name?
Orion: Uhm, I guess that was wrong. Were we breaking the mood... ?
Ukyo: ...That’s right... yes. That was not a mistake from you, right?
... Is that so? You... really remembered my name...
Orion: Eh!?
Ukyo: Ah... ngh, sorry, I‘m okay. Thanks for guiding me, I will sit there.
...Well then
Orion: ...What just happened. Why was Ukyo acting so strange... ?
Somehow ... that expression ... he felt happy even if he was close to cry...
... I don’t know. I can’t imagine what he could‘ve thought at all.
end Choices
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Ikki: Hey, so this is a firefly!? They are amazing... those really are good pictures with only the fireflies and starlight.
This one, in what kind of angle did you take this picture?
Ukyo: I took all of them from below. I was lying on the riverside, looked at the sky, and then I saw the fireflies.
It happened to be a night when the stars weren’t coming out neatly, so it became a good picture. I was pretty lucky.
Kent: However, even if we as amateurs took a picture under the same conditions, it wouldn‘t be able to be taken so beautifully.
I don’t know where to focus on first, the distant stars or the near firefly. We wouldn’t be able to make such photographs at all.
Ukyo: That’s because I’m a little more professional.
But, recent digital cameras have good performances, so even amateurs would take good photos.
Ikki: I wonder, where you took these? I wonder how you found a place with so many fireflies...
Waka: He said it was a nearby riverbank. I’ve never seen it though.
Kent: ... The range is way too wide to know the exact place. Where in the Kawahara did you take them, will you tell me a little more about it?
Ukyo: Then, let's go there together. I don't mind it, if Waka-san has nothing against it right, isn’t that right Waka-san?
Waka: Hm... If so, how about tomorrow night?
It’s a good opportunity. Let's gather all the employees of our shop. We could make a comfortable trip while hunting some fireflies.
How does that sound for the three of you?
Ikki: ...I don’t mind. I’m glad we finally found a place. We escaped much trouble.
Kent: I don’t mind either. This would be better than searching for fireflies, without knowing a good place. I learned that from the previous year.
Ikki: Like this all three of us can participate in watching the fireflies without changing our shifts. Right, (y/n)?
I definitely want to watch the fireflies, so this would be the perfect opportunity for the three of us to go there.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow then.
Waka: Ikki. It would be nice if you’d also give Rika a call. She is also another one of our regular visitors.
Ikki: Thank you very much. I think Rika would definitely want to join.
...Ah, another thing. Hey manager, speaking of fireflies, shouldn’t we all wear a yukata?
(Admin note: a yukita is like a kimono, but it’s more for summer events)
Ikki: If we call everyone, I think we could all gather in a yukata at the same time. I’m sure the girls would look gorgeous in them.
Waka: Wearing a Yukita... it would fit perfectly for the summer. Then let's notify everyone to come with wearing a yukata.
5 o'clock in the evening. I’ll send out an e-mail about our meeting later...
Ukyo: Wa-Wait a second!
Waka: Ukyo-sama?
Ukyo: Uhm, does that mean that (y/n) also participates in this trip!?
Waka: Of course. Is there any problem with that?
Ukyo: It's full of problems... !!
Exactly! A lot of accidents could happen while we‘re at a river.
She could slide her foot and hit her head with a stone, or fall into the river and clash together with drifting driftwood.
She could suddenly start freezing, accidentally burn herself while touching the fireflies, hitting her head on accidentally falling blocks.
A prevention fence could fall over and hurt her entire body, or after she took a bath the hairdryer she brought could suddenly explode in her face...
In my eyes she definitely can‘t come with us!!
Orion: What the hell!!!!
What!? Who is this person!? Drown, burn or even hurt ourself like that!? What is he imagining!?
... but it is true that a lot could happen to anyone on such a trip outside.
Seems like he’s way too worried about your health... I wonder if Ukyo just wants to be close to you.
Ikki: Ukyo-san, such things can‘t happen. I think you‘re just way too worried about this trip.
Kent: I‘m agreeing with Ikkyu on this. You already went there, so you shouldn‘t worry about anything happening there.
Ukyo: But, isn’t there a high rate that she could make a mistake with a firefly or a burning cigarette that has fallen to the side of the road!?
Orion: ...Ah, there he goes again.
Ukyo: If she touched a firefly, it would probably burn her fingerprints and might hurt hurt forever!
I don’t want to make her feel like that ...!
Orion: ...Hmm.
I understand that Ukyo is worried about you so seriously but he‘s kinda focusing too much on it...
While listening to Ukyo talking about you there was a cute laugh escaping from his lips at first, I wonder why that was?
Waka: Don‘t worry so much about that. There are going to be enough staff member to accompany her.
Like this it won‘t pose any danger for a woman's body.
Ukyo: ...Ngh...
...I understand. I‘ll also help to prepare this trip.
I promise with my life, to try to end this firefly hunting trip as safely as possible... !
Orion: ... Is that something that should make you feel safe... ?
Place: Maid‘s sheep — Outside
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Orion: Thank you for your hard work today~!
We need to wear a Yukato for tomorrow. But seems like you don't have a yukata, huh?
I don’t think you should go without one, but what should we do?
Besides, we still don‘t know who you promised to watch the fireflies with after all.
It seems that everyone will come tomorrow, so I just hope that they‘ll also approach from the other side...
Toma: Good job today.
Orion: Huh? This voice is...
Toma: Good, I still caught you. I knew it was already time for you to go home.
Shin: Out of anyone, why do you remember her working schedule? That’s pretty weird.
Toma: Excuse me. At least I’m not someone who doesn’t care about university. You even picked her up after you returned from your exam.
Shin: That’s not the topic...
Toma: You also put in an extra schedule the day before one of your important tests. It was during your final exams though.
The store manager who found out about it later made me get in the way of your undergraduate and your work schedule.
That's why I’ll look over all your shifts from now on so my little brother shin will pass all his final exams.
(Y/n) also helped me a lot.
Shin: ...Recently, I already thought that the store manager gave me strange working shifts, so you were behind all of this, Toma... !
Toma: If you regret it, make sure to pass your university. After that, you may be allowed to push me around like you want.
Shin: ....Ngh
I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Let’s get going, (y/n).
Orion: Eh, Wa-Wait a second. We don’t know where we’re going... !
Toma: Hey, Shin. Don’t try to take her away just now. You’re confusing her.
Shin: ...This guy, he’s as annoying as always.
Toma: Shin. Just wait for a second.
We got an e-mail from the store manager a while ago, we were all set to go watching the fireflies tomorrow night, right?
But, we don't even own a yukata, so I thought about buying a new one with all of us being together.
That’s why Shin, I’m sure (y/n) doesn’t own one either so we’re here to pick one with her.
Shin: ...ngh... be quiet.
Toma: Well, because the two of you just finished “working", why don’t we going shopping?
Let's go to try on some yukata’s from now on. The place where we could try them is right there.
There is no time and money to make a special one from the fabric, so we should buy an already made one, right?
Orion: What did just happened... I’m surprised that they came over to go shopping.
But, it doesn’t seem too bad. We should accept the invitation, (y/n)
On the other side, I wouldn’t even know which one we should buy for you.
I’m sure the two of them are going to be great help to pick one, I’m glad!
Place: Outside  — Shopping center
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Shin: That's why, I said I’m tired of seeing her in such boring pastel colors.
Toma: You may say it’s pastel colors, but this is definitely a cherry blossoms red . There’s a huge difference in it.
Shin: It is definitely too naughty to let you choose what she wears. You normally don’t care what she wears anyway.
Toma: What’s wrong with me caring what she wears tomorrow then? Did you even confirm how expensive yours is instead of mine?
Shin: ...I also have this blue one.
Toma: Looks good, now we just gotta look for a bank to fix it, right?
Shin: The colors wouldn’t balance if she’d wear a pink band on a blue one.
Toma: What color band would match with the blue ground then?
Shin: ...Yellow?
Toma: ...Yellow...
Shin: ...Are you saying you hate it?
Toma: Because her yukata colors are already warm. Wouldn’t it be strange if everything matches?
Shin: What, that’s such a selfish opinion.
Toma: Oh, Shin. You gotta get one for yourself, you should change into yours too.
I think that this one would be too huge on your arms. I wonder if we should go one size smaller.
Shin: ...Shut up already... !
Orion: ...I was relieved that the two of them came with us, that’s what I at least thought...
They really have an amazing ego when it comes to you.
I wonder if tomorrow’s trip will work out completely fine...?
Place: Apartment — Your room
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Orion: We... We’re... home... ngh...good work...today... ngh
They’re completely insane! It took us three hours to choose a yukata!
You shouldn’t go shopping with those two people again! It would’ve been way easier like that!
...Yes, it was tiring but pretty interesting. Toma is a very nice person, but also Shin is pretty nice even if he acts rude sometimes.
Ikki and Kent, also Shin and Toma... as well as the girls, the store manager and Ukyo...
Everyone is indeed pretty nice to you... I really do like everyone of them a lot.
But... I can’t help but wonder, who did you promise to watch the fireflies with?
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rillianeriver · 3 years
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Lately, I've been into Art Books 💕
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Amnesia Artworks 1 (AmnesiaMemories&Later)
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Amnesia Artworks 2 (Amnesia Crowd)
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Amnesia Artworks 3 (Amnesia World)
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Diabolik Lovers Illustration Book
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Brother's Conflict Artworks
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Hakuoki Official Illustration Book
I've always loved art books and I am glad that I can finally collect them as much as I like. I intend to get more, if only shipping won’t take a month or two (overseas).
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kouei116 · 5 years
Amnesia WORLD: Normal world - Shin
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The cafe was organizing a special event that MC suggested but now she lost her memories, she didn’t know what event it was (it was a day when the guys dress/act as princes). Shin, Toma, Kent, Ikki worked at the cafe with MC; Ukkyo was invited to be the photographer; Rika to help with costumes though she blew up the budget so Ikki could look amazing (Poor Waka haha). Waka asked Shin and Kent to help out as waiters (Ikki & Toma are already waiters), they refused Waka but caved in when MC asked them to :3
Shin was trying to think of dessert menu for the cafe’s event and asked MC to go with him to a popular restaurant to test their dessert. The place was full of girls so he couldn’t go alone. When he asked for suggestion, I followed a guide so the good answer is fruits tart. To thank her for accompanying him, he bought her some cakes from this restaurant so she could enjoy them at home.
Waka asked MC to collect a package from him on her day off. Firstly, it was raining, she nearly fell down but she tried to protect the package rather than herself. Luckily Ukyo was there to save her. He scolded her for not protecting herself, and the usual you-should-be-careful-around-me. Then, a shady guy trying to invite her to go out drink tea with him, again, luckily Toma and Kent arrived to stop him. Next, a purse snatcher snatched the package, Shin and Ikki ran after to get it back. Finally she could deliver it to Waka safely, inside were blue roses made from Italian Venetia glass. Waka said blue roses mean blessings and miracles, people thought it wasn’t possible to have blue roses, but specialist didn’t give up on researching and it was possible now. Nova (the spirit that bumped into MC causing her to lose memories in this game) said woa, human managed to do this with their own hands rather than asking for God’s help.
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Nova: ...haha, (the photo) is taken. It’s a beautiful one.��
On the day, Shin was popular but he asked MC to let him grumble/vent a bit. He was annoyed by the loud voice, the heavy costumes, the customers getting too close to him when they took photos, even having to feed them the first bite and said Ahhh to them. MC said Shin is popular :P but he replied even if that was true, he was not happy, if the important person wasn’t aware of him, it didn’t matter. He asked her not to look at him serving customers, it’s not because he was embarrasessed. Even though it’s just acting, he hates being touched by any girls except MC so he doesn’t want her to see him doing this. 
Then MC remembered the day Shin’s mom lent her an album of Shin’s middle school. In the year that she and Toma already graduated, Shin was a prince in the culture festival’s play but he quickly took the album back so she couldn’t see how he looked as a prince. This is why she suggested the Prince event to Waka. 
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Shin: Hey Y, let me see your face more. That expression, I want to burn it into my memories so I won’t forget. Don’t run away, princess, did you not long for this?
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Shin: What are you ... that face is unfair, it’s too cute. Don’t say you have shown that face to anyone else? ... Don’t show it to anyone, I’m here first. You finally recognize me as a man, you can’t take it back easily. Therefore, be ready, princess. From now on, I won’t hold back nor go easy on you. 
Oh Shin ~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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I got it on my PSVITA OH MY GOSHHH. I finally got Amnesia Memories and I’m so happy😭😭.
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primofate · 3 years
Otome Game Dicussions
Click here to see my and others’ recommendations
Some recommended websites that list and review ENGLISH Otome games:
https://www.englishotomegames.net/list (super comprehensive list. I love going here to check out if I might have missed something. They even list out RPGs that have Otome/Romance elements like Persona 3)
https://otomekitten.com/2020/05/06/otome-games-in-nintendo-switch-english/ (My go to for walkthroughs but also does good reviews. Read with caution though cause it will definitely have spoilers.)
https://store.aksysgames.com/collections/otome (Aksys games is one of the companies that “localize” or translate Otome games to English. A lot of their work is wonderful. I just randomly visit this page to see if there’s anything they’re about to release. Nothing that interesting here. Idea Factory is also another company that localize games, but their website doesn’t feature Otome games, so I’m skipping it.)
Otome Games that I’ve played (You can ask me/message me about them just to discuss, fangirl or whatnot!) (Favourites are marked with *)
Collar x Malice series* (2 Versions)
Code: Realize series (They have several versions)
Cafe Enchante
Ikemen Sengoku
Steam (PC) 
There are a lot of Otome games on Steam. The issue is about quality. 
Amnesia: Memories*
Our Life: Beginnings & Always* (Not really an otome game. What makes an otome game an otome game is that the MC is usually female. This game however is LGBTQ friendly and the MC is gender neutral/however you want to make them. Really interesting. Lots of dialogue and nice story. Lots of choices.)
Bad Apple Wars*
Period Cube*
Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly
Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk
Hakuoki series (Has several versions)
Nintendo DS/3DS (a LONG time ago)
Tokimeki Memorial Series* (The OG that got me into Otome Games. It was in JAPANESE but there were some talented FANS who translated it into English and I was able to patch and play the game in English. What Godsends.)
Other game genres I’ve played that has romancing/otome elements
Fire Emblem Series* 
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons*
Persona Series*
Obey Me!*
Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask (PS2) (Yes, this Inuyasha game had romance elements. You could romance/build a relationship with ALL the characters from Kagome all the way to Naraku.)
Summon Night 5 (PSVita)
Rune Factory (never actually played this but it’s pretty popular)
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Amnesia Later x Crowd PSVita Fan-Translation patch will be released
Hi everyone! This is the leader of the Amnesia-Translations group! AKA the group responsible for the Amnesia LxC fan-translation patch! I will be releasing the Amnesia LxC fan-translation patch for the PSVita 8 months after the official localization release.
The reasoning for this is to ensure the patch's release has less of an impact on official sales, and thus the PSVita patch will be able to stay uploaded without a DCMA takedown. (I do not want to risk fans downloading reuploads that possibly contain viruses) For those who don't know, the Amnesia LxC was a major project in the fan-translation community to make an English patch. All translation and proofreading had been done over the work of 2.5 years, and the patch was going through it's final beta testing phase. However it was during the beta that news of official localization was announced, the project was halted and cancelled.
I felt bitter not being able to release the patch, and sad for those who have already bought a Japanese copy of the game, eager to play. For those without a Switch, and are under circumstances where they cannot get one. Therefore I have decided to release the patch as it currently is 8 months after the official localization release.
In the meantime however, I will be translating Amnesia Drama CDs! (First ones up are the Ukyo&Orion CDs since that's what I own.)
Thank you to everyone who has supported the release of this patch, and I hope you look forward to it! 💕
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ororosmunroe · 2 years
Otome Games to get your mind to temporarily forget the atrocity that is reality but also still enrages you. @6ayonetta
Amnesia: Memories (Switch/PSVITA)
So a spirit (yes a spirit) accidentally knocks into you and gets stuck in your mind (which makes you lose your memories). You can't tell anyone you don't have your memories because the spirit convinces you that all routes lead to doom. So basically you're playing detective in your own life and trying not to die.
I've played two of the fours routes...YIKES lmaooo. So many people recommended this game, why???
Nightshade (Switch)
Basically, you're in feudal Japan and you're a ninja from a well-known ninja village (but not JUST a ninja you're the village fave). Your heart will hurt and you will curse the devs but it's good. Still haven't recovered from the Gekkumaru route and some of the other story stuff.
Art is beautiful. Music is bomb.
I've played two routes so far.
Warning: There are two routes with age gaps. So uh there's that.
Piofiore: Fated Memories (Switch)
I've just started it (everybody is raving about it). The art is beautiful. but you're dealing mobsters. IN 1926. Italy.
It's progressing but I swear the hottest guy (the route I was super excited for) is named Gilbert.
God really nerfed me on that one.
I have to formulate my thoughts more about the rest I have because HOO BOY. Some of these titles got me thinking, "Am I the drama? I'm not the drama...Maybe I am..AM I THE VILLAIN??"
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ikemenfangirl · 3 years
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AMNESIA : Shin & Toma April fools version
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AMNESIA is otome games (PC, Nintendo Switch, Mobile, PSP, PSVita) Anime and Manga
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neur0515 · 3 years
do you have like top 5 otome games you would recommend playing? :o
I actually don't play too many otome games ;v; the first non-phone otome wasn't too enjoyable for me so playing them is a fairly recent thing (blame Amnesia Memories).
I mainly get my fill from watching anime series based off of them! And playing the occasional phone game.
But what I can recommend is:
Code: Realize (Available for Switch/PS4/PSVita): Easily my favorite and the game that I compare all otome games to. Van is best boy and nobody can tell me otherwise.
Tears of Themis (For phones): Latest obsession if you could not already tell. The main story isn't otome but all of the boy's personal stories play like otome routes so far (only two episodes are currently out for each boy). It is gacha so beware if you have any issues regarding that. Vyn has 10000 red flags but god I love him.
Samurai Love Ballad Party (For phones): I played a ton of this a few years ago and I think it's still around. I enjoyed playing it as a free to play player, and it's nice to read all of the different stories. Beware that two routes from what I can remember did make me uncomfy (Toshiie and Shingen). Kojuro is the best but Masamune also has a special place in my heart. Don't give Voltage any money, enjoy this for free and take your time.
I do have a bunch of other otome games that I need to play (or restart) like Piofiore, Alice in the Country of Hearts, Steam Prison, and a couple others. So maybe in the future I'll have more recommendations!
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legiongamerrd · 2 years
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#Gamefemerides Hace 9 años fue lanzado en América Ys: Memories of Celceta. Es un RPG de acción desarrollado por 日本ファルコム (@nihonfalcom1981 ). Fue originalmente lanzado para @playstation Vita. En América fue publicado por @xseedgames . En Europa, por @nisaineurope . Memories of Celceta es el 3er juego en considerarse Ys IV, y es el cual Falcom considera canon, después de que el desarrollo de Ys IV: Mask of the Sun e Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys en los 90s fueran desarrollados por terceros. El juego sigue al protagonista usual de la serie, Adol Christin, quien inicia el juego con amnesia, y explora el bosque de Celceta con sus compañeros. #LegionGamerRD #ElGamingnosune #Videojuegos #Gaming #RetroGaming #RetroGamer #CulturaGaming #CulturaGamer #GamingHistory #HistoriaGaming #GamerDominicano #GamingPodcast #Podcast #NihonFalcom #Falcom #Ys #YsMemoriesofCelceta #PlayStation #PSVita #PSTV #PS4 #Microsoft #Steam #JRPG #ARPG #RPG https://www.instagram.com/p/ClbGIpCLmFs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kyouxa · 5 years
Amnesia Later: Translation (Part 01)
This is basically just for myself and my friend @saitoswife, but maybe someone else needs it too since I couldnt find any translations. If you know someone, please write me. (Last update: 25.07.2019)
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This is the story of a certain girl from a certain country in a certain world.
August 1st.
When the girl woke up, all of her memories were lost.
Nearby was a strange boy, Orion, who called himself a spirit.
The spirit Orion said, it was his fault she had lost her memories.
While taking advice from Orion, who declared he'd support her in regaining her memories,  the girl started going through her personal belongings…
After awhile, the relationships of the girl started to become clearer.
And thus, the complexly intertwined motives behind the true reason she had lost her memories began to appear.
Orion had realized it, “I see, so the reason she lost her memories wasn’t because of our collision!”
A human from the organization appeared before the girl struggling to comprehend everything.
The outstretched hand of a demon.
Will her memories ever return completely?
What‘s the reason behind her memory loss?
Is Orion able to protect and save her?
What‘s the destiny holding for Orion and this girl-!?
August 10th
Place: Apartment — Your room
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Orion: Wouldn’t it be nice if it was that sort of story!
Hey, good morning (y/n). Are you awake?
Hm? Are you still sleepy?
That’s probably because you stayed up late last night for our strategy meeting, huh~
But saying 'Who are you?’ right after you woke up was a pretty severe case of being half-asleep, don’t you think?
You looked out of it so I tried to summarize your current situation simply.
What I just showed you was an outline from August 1st up to today. I’m the sprit Orion. You remember that, right?
What’s with that face?
Some of that wasn’t true? Huh, really? I think everything was pretty accurate.
Yes, it was a lie. I‘m sorry.
All the stuff about the hand of a demon and any organization or there being a ’real truth’ behind your amnesia — it was a lie.
It was just an accident.
It was my fault.
Your memories disappeared out of your head because I bumped into your soul.
What I just said, was secretly my wish.
Ahh, it’d be nice if there really was a different reason behind it.
I’d fight to protect you if there was anything from your background that causes trouble.
I’ll guide you with my wisdom, bravery and save you from anything evil!
I can’t touch human things. I can’t be seen by anyone other than you and I can’t talk to anyone either, but…
Ah, a pursuer-! Orion, save me!
…Just kidding.
Well, in actuality, all I can do is investigate around you.
Hah… reality is cruel.
1) — I’m counting on you. 2) — It’d be nice if you could speak with people, too.
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— I’m counting on you
Orion: Ahhh, thanks!
I may not have been much help up until now, but I’m really, really gonna give it my best!
— It’d be nice if you could speak with people, too
If that was the case, I could gather information for you and go to risky places.
And I could possess those guys who are after you!
end Choices
Orion: Well, I’ve gotta try to do something other than just lamenting about.
What I can do now is support you so you can live safely.
Hey, look at this, it’s the person correlation chart we made yesterday.
After you went to sleep last night I was looking at this by myself and did some thinking.
Yesterday we just took in the situation and got a rough idea of what your relationships are.
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Orion: Your parents are somewhere far away and thus absent. You’re living alone, and you don’t have a boyfriend.
You’re especially close with your two childhood friends and your four colleagues from work.
You’re not in the midst of dealing with being injured from an incident. You’re not being bullied by a group of malicious girls.
It doesn’t look like you’ve got a guy with a tragic fate keeping an eye on your life either.
I’ve got a suggestion. How about you pick someone reliable and tell them about your amnesia?
I think that would be the best shortcut to regaining your memories and living a peaceful, normal life.
Anyway, you got work today. I hope you can meet the people you’re close with well enough.
Try to think about who is the most dependable while you’re talking with everyone.
And then you can explain your situation to whoever you think 'That’s the one!’
Ah, but we don’t know if there’s anything going on so we’ll carefully look at the whole state of affairs.
How about it? Do you think it’s risky? Well, take your time thinking it over while you’re working.
All right, change your clothes and let’s gooo!
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???: ...Hm?
???: Anyway, I’m sure you went back to sleep after you woke up. You need to fix that. It’s annoying when you’re late to appointments and the like.
Orion: Gee, thanks for the harsh words first thing in the morning.
I’m sure you know, but I’ll explain just in case. This is Shin. He’s your childhood friend.
He’s blunt but he really does worry after you a lot. …Even if he is strict.
I think he’s a trustworthy companion in his own way, so it’d probably be fine if you confided in him.
Shin: What are you staring into space for? You’re worse than usual, not even answering me. Are you still half asleep?
Orion: We’re not really half asleep! We slept very well~
Shin: I wonder why you’ve been acting airheaded around my neighborhood a lot.
You’re such a handful. …You always need to be looked after.
Orion: Hm? That’s a troubling way of saying it.
Is something wrong? Or is he just grumbling about you?
1) — I’m sorry for acting stupid
2) — What’s wrong?
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— I’m sorry for acting stupid
Shin: Why are you apologizing all of a sudden? I don’t get it.
Orion: Huh!? Wasn’t your tone criticizing her just now! No?
Shin: I wasn’t really complaining so you don’t have to apologize.
You’ve always been a handful so don’t worry about it.
Orion: Not a good follow-up to that follow-up hmm…
Shin: Anyway, go already. You won’t make it in time if you don’t.
Orion: Oh, right.
— What’s wrong?
Shin: As soon as I woke up this morning my mom said she was panicking because she forgot to buy rice and bread.
Rice is heavy so she said she thought she’d ask me and then she said the store she usually gets bread from is closed today.
And she said it’s embarrassing to do first thing in the morning so I had to go buy bread.
But of course the convenience store is no good, so she directed me to a place on this street. She said she has points saved up.
Why would you burden others with your own mistakes? I’m going to go where she said anyway.
Orion: Hmm… What do you think?
Even though he’s making that disapproving face, he listened to all that so he’s probably nice, right?
Shin: Why are you and my mom such airheads? Isn’t that inconvenient for yourself?
Orion: … He says too much.
Shin: This isn’t the time for you to just stand around talking. You should go already. You don’t have much time, right?
Orion: Ah, that’s right.”
end Choices
Shin: Later. Take your job seriously.
Orion: Yeah, that too, but we’ve got to work hard at gathering information!”
Place: Maid‘s Sheep — Entrance
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Hah, we barely made it, just like Shin said. You were a bit sloppy changing into your uniform.
???: Good morning, (y/n).
We’ve met up at the shop a lot recently. It’s already been what, 6 days in a row? You’re really giving it your all.
I think your fatigue is piling up, though. Look. 
Your headdress is crooked, but it seems like you didn’t even notice. Mind if I fix it?
Orion: Hey now! Don’t try to get close to her all smooth like first thing in the morning!
This perv is your superior here at work and a college senior, Ikki.
This guy is so incredibly popular with girls that he even has a fan club. It’s so bad it seems like a joke.
Anyway, he’s closing in on you fast so react-!
1) — I’ll fix it myself
2) — Please fix it for me
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— I’ll fix it myself
Ikki: You don’t want me to touch your hair? I wouldn’t try and do something else to you under the cover of that, you know?
Orion: That remark itself is dangerous!
— Please fix it for me 
Orion: Heeeey!?
Ikki: …How unexpected. I thought you’d get embarrassed and run away. Is this because you aren’t really aware of me?
Hmm… That’s too bad if so. Oh well.
You have such beautiful hair, I’ve always wanted to touch it…
end Choices
???: That’s enough, Ikkyu.
Orion: That voice is-!
???: Dont get any closer to her than that. The manager wont permit sexual harrassment in the sanctity of the workplace and neither will I.
Ikki: And out comes the Statistics Wonder, mad Kent!
Orion: That’s not right!
This is Kent. He’s your superior at work and a graduate student at Seichi University.
Ikki called him the 'statistics wonder’, but he actually does have that impression. This guy seems like a personification of numerals and theories.
Kent: I won’t allow you to act so shamelessly under my watch, Ikkyu!
Ikki: Hmm? And what right do you have to get in my way?
Kent: I do have that right. The reason being that I was the winner of the 500th mathematics puzzle held the other day
The defeated must obey the winner. That has been proven as a standard throughout history. Therefore, I have the right to interrupt you.
Ikki: Huh… No way, were the results so awful that you’d go that far to declare victory?
Kent: You scored 68 points. Though I feel I may have overly raised the difficulty to commemorate our 500th time.
Let’s make the next one simpler. It’s inevitable that I gave out an unsolvable puzzle for you.
Ikki: Stop that. I’ll wither away if you go easy on me. You really need to come at me seriously.
Kent: Oh, so you say. Well then, for the 501st, I will craft the highest difficulty puzzle as of yet.
Ikki: Likewise, I’m going to ambush you with my full force. I won’t just go along with getting destroyed.
Orion: …500 puzzles produced and returned between these two. They never give up.
As you can see, Ikki and Kent are really good friends.
Both of them aren’t quite normal in some ways, but I don’t think that they’re not trustworthy.
There’s a trick to discussing it with these two. If you did, it might be better to speak with them as a set instead of just one…
Ikki: By the way, (y/n) , what are you going to do about your headdress?
Ikki: Shall I fix it? Or would you like Kent to fix it for you?
Orion: We’re back to talking about that!? Wait, those are your two options!?
1) — Ikki should do it
2) — Kent should do it
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— Ikki should do it 
Ikki: Understood. All right, come here.
Is this the first time I’ve gotten to gaze at you from point blank range?
I’d be happy if you became my captive after this but… How is it? Still not effective?
Orion: HEY- he’s just fixing your headdress, right!?
Kent: You have poor taste, (y/n).
Why would you willingly throw yourself into the tiger’s den?
— Kent should do it
Kent: …What? You want me to fix a girl’s hair ornament? That’s impossible for me. I refuse.
Orion: He would say that…
Ikki: She went to the trouble of naming you personally, so why don’t you just do it? She picked you over me.
Orion: This one’s pouting!
Kent: Generally, touching the hair of a person of the opposite gender can come off as an act of sexual harassment. You’re not agreeable to having me touch you, are you not?
Ikki: Of course she agrees, she asked you to do it, right? Or is it you that doesn’t want to, Ken?
Kent: N-no… That’s not it, I just...
end Choices
???: Looking riled up today.
Ikki: Good morning, Waka.
Kent: Good morning.
Waka: Good morning. Is this everyone for today? Its great  to have everyone present on time.
…Hm? Your headdress is slightly off, (y/n).
You should go fix it at the mirror inside the office so we can continue this conversation.
Orion: Well then, let’s go, (y/n)!
Orion; And~? Did we fix it? ...Yes we did. Ok, let’s go!
The person you just saw, is the manager of this shop.
Everyone, just calls him store manager or they call him by his real name. He’s basically a good person too but...
... what’s his reason for caring a bamboo sword in the first place?
Waka: Hurry up everyone. We can continue chatting later.
I’ll be in the kitchen. Is it okay if you two are the waitresses today, Ikki, (y/n) ?
Ikki: No problem. I think it’s fair if the two of us are working here.
Waka: Also, Kent. I need you in the kitchen. It seems that you’ve came in early and prepared everything already.
Kent: That’s right, store manager. But, I think we got a problem here.
Waka: What is it?
Kent: A large amount of dried basil has arrived instead of fresh basil which was ordered from you.
Fresh basil is out of our kitchen ingredients since yesterday. Which means, today's pasta genovese can’t be made. 
Waka: What... ! Dried basil instead of raw basil... !?
Kent: A similar scenario happened last Monday, but you should’ve been apologizing for your mistake last time already.
It doesn't matter where you’re in charge, but it's painful that you made the same mistake twice in a row. 
If you go to buy fresh basil from now, I want you to at least open it 5 minutes after buying. Therefore I’d like to ask for judgment on this matter.
Waka: ...
Ikki: ...Manager?
Waka: I really did... the same mistake as two weeks ago ...!
I can’t... I can’t accept that!
Im an unforgivable blunder as a manager of this store ... take this bamboo sword and cut off my bully, as an apology for my behavior!
Orion: He what!?
Ikki: Hold on, manager! I can’t cut off your stomach with a bamboo sword, I’d be in trouble if I did that. 
Kent: Good grief. Sometimes you can’t believe that you’re our manager. But, why aren’t you just apologizing for your mistake?
Waka: Because, there is a shame rankings between the mistakes of the employees or the manager!
I’m the owner of this store, this is unforgivable... ! 
Ikki: But, that’s why this store is popular in Japan. Because we’re a different store. We’re neither a boring coffee store nor a normal maid cafe.
So please stop the habit of trying to cut off your stomach already, oh my.
Kent: Anyway, I’d like to replace today's pasta with another one. It’s reasonable to use less peperoncino in this one.
I could finish the preparation without hesitation. It’s not a big deal. How does that sound, manager?
Waka: ... I can’t fight anymore. I’m trying to be greatly obliged.
Ikki: Since that problem is solved ... Let's open the store for our customers.
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Orion: Okay, 6th table got its order!
Ahh, It's hard when they ask for "Today's pot". The clay pot is hot and pretty heavy.
Ikki said he’ll carry them if he has an open hand, but he can’t help us every time.
... but at a coffee shop, why are you offering "today’s pot” anyway? Isn’t this a cafe?
*someone enters*
Orion: Oh, another customer entered! Welcome back ma... huh
??? : Good afternoon. How are you doing?
??? : Heyy! So you and Ikki were in charge of the waitressing today.
??? : Good afternoon, Senpai. I’d like to have a seat at the window.
Orion: Huh. That’s, That’s a more unusual combination ...
I think you remember but it's just a supplement. This...
??? : What’s wrong? You’re so quiet. Are you getting any hypotensions again?
Because you live alone, it probably makes a rough life. I always regret I catch a cold in my apartment.
Orion: This guy is called Toma. He‘s a pretty nice guy who always takes care of you.
Toma is one of your childhood friends. It seems like Shin, you and Toma grew up like brother and sister.
So. Here...
??? : Is this your real experience Toma? 
I often say that the first barrier of living alone is that youre going to bed with any illness.
Orion: This girl is Sawa. She’s the same age as you, she’s like a friend to go out with on any holidays.
My memories are a little messy but I think she‘s a good girl.
??? : Eh, but Toma's family lives so close to his apartment.
If it’s cold, I‘d pick up my stuff and go home.
Orion: This girl is called Mine. You‘re in the third grade of high school and she’s one under you, but I think I can say that she’s an honest person.
All three of them are also working in this shop here. So basically everyone in this shop is somehow connected.
So, conversely, it's difficult to choose one person to trust with your secret ...
Toma: It‘s impossible to catch a cold and then just go home. My parents would never allow me such things, sadly.
It’s a self-responsibility, including colds, because I need to prove that I can live alone so that I’m independently.
Sawa: Ahh~ ... That‘s really tough.
Mine: Well then, your parents don‘t interfere with your actions at all?
Toma: Exactly. Unless I have to do lot a lot of thing, they‘d leave me alone...
Well, let’s not interrupt the business anymore.  Shall we order something?
Mine: Yes, but i‘ll pick the place to sit ~
Sawa: This is going to be a long story, so let's go go!
Mine: Lets just sit down already~.... 
Orion: A long story? ...They came here to talk about that?
Ikki: Thank you.
Orion: Ikki. Seems like he needs to serve the customers over there.
Ikki: Somehow, this is a really weird combination. It’s not usually that Toma comes here with two girls together.
Have you finished ordering? Not yet? Well then, I'd like to continue with those three people which just arrived.
Female customer: I‘m sorry, we‘d like to order something.
Ikki: ...Oh, my... Theres another customer who wants to order something.
I'm sorry, I’ll greet them immediately. Welcome back, madame.  Could you just wait a second, young lady?
Orion: Well then, let's go taking the orders.  I also care about the content of this long story.
Sawa: After all I think that's on a riverside.
Mine: Is there no pond or pear? It would be helpful.
Sawa: I think its just a basic river.
Mine: You were the one who went there last year right? Because, I don‘t know about it I never went there.
Sawa: That was... because uhm... I probably forgot.
Toma: It was a promenade. But, because it has been renounced since then, you might really forgot.
Sawa: Eh, is that so?
Toma: It seems that they thoroughly cleaned the inside and the way around the river when the sand was itchy after heavy rain.
I have no idea what I can expect this year, because the environment has changed.
Mine: Then how about that. Why aren’t we visiting the mountains for once?
Sawa: I love this idea! The lodge! Camping! Barbecue! Wait a minute, curry would be hard to throw away.
Mine: Seems like Sawa senpai‘s purpose changed already.
Sawa: You can enjoy it in any way. I‘m sure everyone would enjoy it.
Mine: Ahh~... but I think Shin doesn’t like this sort of thing. He’d probably not enjoy a barbecue in the mountains.
Toma: I think it looks like individualism, I think he’d get along.
He doesn‘t actively participate in conversations, but he likes being around a group of friends for sure.
But the mountains are pretty dangerous. We wouldn’t be able to return home quickly.
Mine: Eh~ what’s wrong with that?
Toma: You are a high school student and not a normal student. See you next year.
Mine: ...Toma is as rude as always.
Toma: I’m not rude or anything, I’m just telling you the facts.
I am not the kind person to begin with anyway.
Sawa: Uahh, to say such thing about yourself. ... well this time we should just keep talking about this day trip.
Orion: Are they, planing on traveling somewhere? I wonder if they‘re planning to go out, somewhere on a day trip maybe ....
Toma: Okay, sorry but, (y/n), we’d like to order something.
I’d like to have the Blend... no wait I want the Cafe-AU. What do you two want?
Mine: I’d take a cinnamon roll and milk tea.
Sawa: Kent is in the kitchen today, right? If that’s so, I want a green tea with latte.
Mine: Why are you asking for him?
Sawa: Because Kent‘s tea is the best. Shin and the manager praise his cooking skills so well.
Toma: Oh, you‘re talking about the mix ratio of matcha and milk which is made in perfect temperature because of his form theory?
Orion: Form theory...?
Mine: ... I see. Hey, senpai. Where would you want to go as a senior?
Orion: ... Eh? Why is she asking us about that?
Sawa: Ah, that’s right. Because you got the leading role, you can choose it for yourself.
Orion: Leading role!? (Y/n), you also planned on participating!? And then the leading role... for real!?
I didn’t know about that! W-What should we do...!?
1) — Anywhere is fine
2) — Toma should decide 
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— anywhere is fine 
Mine: Anywhere she says...
Toma: Well, we might have troubled (y/n) for just asking her out of the blue.
— let Toma decide
Mine: Eh ~ why is that? I guess you really trust and care about Toma.
Sawa: But, if that’s her decision? She says they used to be like brother and sister since ancient times.
Toma: So you really want me, to decide where we‘re supposed to go... is that really okay for everyone?
Orion: If he’d do that, it will be helpful... right? (Y/n)
Toma: Well, why don’t we check it in the web? If I acted by my own presence, I might get in trouble.
It would be a pity if I‘d just take a place and everyone would be disappointed.
Mine: Wow, Toma-san‘s pretty sweet. Even though we didn’t even decide where to go, we just asked "Where would you prefer to go?".
Toma: Thanks to Shin, I am deeply absorbed by (y/n) and I even had some privat business about it.
But since I was asked for my opinion, your big brother will do his best.
— end Choices
Toma: If you're didnt plan on looking around in this area, why not going out, that would be fine, right? 
Did everyone save money for the upcoming trip? Because it would cost a few thousand yen to sleep in a mountain hotel.
Sawa: We'll be okay! ... I guess
Mine: That's fine. I’ll do my best to save money until then.
Toma: (Y/n) also seems to be okay with my decision. I told the manager last month that we‘d put in extra bytes.
Orion: Eh, is that so!? I thought there were just a lot of shifts, but seems like that's the reason behind it!?
I'm honestly fine with going out, but there seems to be some purpose, I wonder what it is... ?
Place: Apartment — Your room
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Orion: I’m so tired, but you did good work today!
I also did my best today! That's why, we should rest for today because we had a hard day.
For some reason, we had a full member meeting in the shop today. 
I think, you could trust everyone of them.
Im sure everyone would help you if they knew about your memory loss. They’re all very good people.
...However, you should only choose one person to tell them your secret...
But, let's go for a quick morning meeting tomorrow or something. You can’t remember them because you have no memory. So this might be troublesome...
Ah, but it was good to see why you were in a lot of shifts.
You can try to chat with the members like this way more, maybe you also could visit some places together with them? 
Well, Ikki and Kent weren't included in todays member meeting, maybe they won't join us at all?
Because, Toma was the one saying he had the "Supervision" about himself? 
If you asked me, many of the seniors in the group do have the supervison.
If they won't join, there really won't be any men who are older than Toma.
Ikki or Kent, let's not say the store manager. Maybe you should tell them about your secret?
Well, even if I shouldn't think so deeply about it, I think that Ikki and Toma would actually be the best people to tell.
I'm also surprised because they are a more unusual combination. I wouldn't be surprised if you were actually going out with one of them.
Hmm... ... but where should we go and what should we do ...
... I should stop overthinking. Let‘s just rest for this evening.
It's still early so why aren’t you going for a bath or dinner, i‘ll watch TV while you do whatever you want.
If you see the weather forecast, the weather seems to be clear, let's  buy a futon before going to your part-time job tomorrow.
Even tho your bed really is fluffy... huh? What’s coming up in the news now?
Caster: So, this year's anomaly is that the relationship with the climate is unclear.
Female caster: That means, you can see fireflies in a wide range, not just in some areas like last year. 
Caster: I agree. It looks like the summer tradition can be enjoyed all over the country this year.
Female caster: But, is there any fear that the ecosystem will be weird as a result of the abnormal occurrence? 
Caster: The animals that occurred this year have been confirmed to have very weak fertility, so there is no particular impact.  
Female Caster: That also seems pretty strange. I wonder if that mystery will be ever solved?
Caster: Then, please look at the earlier cast again.
We showed an image of the firefly taken around Shinano Station last year.
(Y/n): ......
Orion: Eh... Heh!?
— Last year...
— I promised, to see them with someone...
Orion: Agh... huh, ngh... !
Oh, I'm sorry! I suddenly felt unstable, like you were falling from somewhere!
But, yes. One of your memories returned. What do you think does it mean?
Someone told you to look forward to it next year, but was it really something about the fireflies? 
Because they were talking about it on the TV right now? Isn't that what you remember when you saw it? 
So you promised to see the fireflies with someone.
But, who was it... ?
…Ah! Hey, could it be that you promised it to Toma on this other party?
Because I heard him talking about, "The pond", "The River", "Mountains" and so on, it would be an environment for the fireflies, right?
OK, then let's check out if our guess is right tomorrow!
If you see the fireflies with the person you promised it, your memory may come back more vigorously!
Let's focus on asking Toma for now! Yes!
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rillianeriver · 3 years
Otome Haul 💕
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Mercari package came in yesterday 💕
I'm so happy with my new collections. This is actually my first time buying something from Japan and using a local forwarding service (meaning they buy the stuffs for me and ship it to my address). I am quite lucky to have found this loot although the shipping is pretty much expensive.
This is my 1st Amnesia Otome loot BUT I just wanna say that although I bought these stuffs, Amnesia wasn't my favorite otome nor anime (that would be Vampire Knight). I bought this because it was cheap and has a lot of stuffs also because I wanted to buy all art works from Mai Hanamura, her art style is reallt pretty. I ought to buy CollarXMalice soon.
You can watch me go through them here:
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