#ample water intake
popowerst · 1 year
Caffeine and Adderall... what a wonderful combination.
When I'm off my Adderall, I lean more heavily on caffeine to keep my brain going at the speed I need it. This time when I got back on the Adderall, I stopped drinking sodas for a few days (the appetite suppression kinda killed my stomach for a bit and I didn't want anything but water for a while). In a way, I think caffeine withdrawal is as bad or worse for me than Adderall withdrawal (of which I get little or none, just feel somewhat sluggish and it feels like my brain "chugs").
Anyway, I take the Adderall, then I drink the caffeine, and suddenly I'm the productivity machine that I wanted to be. I found the cocktail that's right for me.
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failbettergames · 6 months
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You dream of rain. You dream that the ink that is your flesh is running off the page, smeared into dark rivulets on the vellum. When you wake, you can still feel a stiffness in your back; as if your spine is being held tautly by yarn.
In the dark of the cabin, your mind enumerates sensations as your eyes adjust: The sway of the gondola. The vibration from the engine in the starboard nacelle above you, rattling slightly – still no replacement for the broken fuel intake.
The noise of water rapping against a porthole window.
Hello, delicious friends. It appears that time, very disrespectfully, has chosen to march on until it is very nearly April. The time has come to talk about our major future plans for Fallen London.
A new major storyline
Firmament is Fallen London’s next major expansion, a main story arc that adds on to the game’s ongoing progression. Acquire an airship – permanently, this time. Fly to the Roof. Explore the stalactite fields ruled by the Starved Men, the carved paths of the Moon-MIsers, the inverted jungles of the Antipelago, and more.
This expansion focuses on the Roof. Just like the unterzee gets stranger and darker as you zail away from familiar shores, so do the upper airs of the Neath contain more than what you know about. As these castles on the ceiling open to you, you will learn more.
Firmament will launch over the course of April, with a prologue becoming available on April 11th, and the full first chapter on April 18th.
While Firmament is in some ways a follow-up to the Railway storyline, we are aware of how long it takes to get to the very end of the game’s (current) highest-level story. When Firmament launches, you will be able to start it as long as you have already begun the Railway storyline and reached Ealing. While you will need to advance your railway further to access the latter parts of Firmament, there should be ample time to catch up on the Railway in between Firmament chapters.
New mechanics
The Railway arc added new advanced skills. During the Zeefarer cycle we added revamped Zee travel and the new Boon/Burden mechanic. This set of updates comes with its own mechanical expansions to the game.
New item slots
Airships make their return as full-fledged items. Much like zeefaring ships, they serve you mostly in air travel – Aerial Prowess and Aerial Armament also make their return. But we’re also adding a few other item slots, while we’re at it.
Adornment includes all manner of jewellery and accessories – rings, necklaces, earrings, neckties, brooches, and more. Previously, items in this vein would appear in slots like Gloves or Clothing, leading to the somewhat odd mental image of wearing your Pendant of Helicon Amber and nothing else. With this update, these items gain their own space, enabling more player expression and empowering players to reach slightly higher stats.
Several existing items will be shifted to the Adornment slot, slightly buffing them by allowing them to stack with other existing items. Adornment is intended to be a part of the game from relatively early on – around the later parts of Making Your Name. A new Bazaar store, selling Adornments, will be added in a future update.
Crew is a complement to both ships and airships. We’ve long wanted to give ship crews (distinct from the vessels themselves) a bit more personality. Are they experienced or green? Are they Admiralty men through and through, or a band of privateers and villains? These kinds of concepts never really fit the Companion or Affiliation slots, so we are creating a purposeful slot for them.
Crews will be made available in a future update, initially accessible to players who have a ship.
Luggage may seem like a slightly odd addition, but so much of Fallen London, and Victorian fiction in general, is about travel and the mystique of travel. A battered steamer trunk that’s been everywhere. A briefcase full of secrets. Phileas Fogg’s carpetbag. Luggage is intended as a midgame slot. In a future update, you will be able to assemble some initial Luggage items in the Bazaar Side-Streets.
New Skills
We are conscious of not adding too much complexity to the game, especially not all at once. Firmament doesn’t add a full suite of new skills, like the Railway. It adds one new skill, and two new qualities of a somewhat skill-like nature.
Chthonosophy, the study of the root of things, has already been teased – but you’ve not really been able to obtain it, thus far. It is the major new skill for Firmament, playing a role similar to the role Zeefaring had in Evolution.
Inerrant and Insubstantial join Neathproofed as its two other counterparts. Like Neathproofed, these will appear more as additive benefits; they help your checks with other skills, more so than being checked in themselves. They exist to add a little extra, to help differentiate otherwise-similar items, and to act as an occasional bonus. As part of Firmament, we are pushing to make more use of Neathproofed, and carve out that space for its new counterparts, also.
Roof Travel
I won’t go into too many details about Roof travel, other than to set expectations. Yes, there is a new map. No, Roof travel is not quite a fully-fledged activity like zailing is.
We aimed it at a sort of middle ground between Railway travel (which is convenient and fairly predictable) and Zee travel (which is a whole venture unto itself.) Traveling from point to point on the Roof mostly takes one action; very occasionally, two. But it is drastically more variable than rail travel. There’s a broad variety of different things you can encounter in the upper airs of the Neath. And as you progress this storyline, you will encounter stranger things as you travel through the air.
And other delights…
Of course, we have other things planned for the rest of 2024. Our usual festivals will run as usual. A new Estival. Monthly Exceptional Stories. Various other surprises, including a series of more grounded new stories set in London. But we’ll talk about these things in detail sometime after Whitsun, which should take place, as usual, in May.
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Starscream is given a bath, Part 2:
759 words on this part! I’m trying to make these cuts as natural as possible, but for the record it is meant to be read as all one big thing.
Part 1: here
Part 3: here
“So…” she stood back to take a rest after she was done cleaning, resting her hands on the singular engine inlet mounted right below the cockpit.
“I’m gonna have to get in your intake next, promise you won’t shred me?”
The aircraft chuckled, sending a low vibration through his entire frame.
“I have no intention of doing that today.” He answered casually. “Unless you ask me nicely.” He gave the fan a slight turn, which earned him an instinctive flinch from the human, though she quickly collected herself. Starscream laughed once more at the reaction.
“Oh, relax, I’m not looking forward to picking out your guts from my compressor.”
A moment of silence.
“Just…be careful in there?” He asked, his voice more pleading this time.
“I will.” She replied, and the aircraft lowered himself enough that it would be easy to reach into the air intake.
It was far roomier than it would appear from afar, so much so that she was able to climb her way inside and sit with her legs crossed. Inside was a little warmer than the rest of the room, but it was obvious the engine had been dormant since he arrived at her house. The human carefully scrubbed the inner walls until they turned a lighter color, making sure not to use too much soap when she got closer to the fan, as she didn’t want his engine ingesting water while being rinsed. There were more of those pleasant lights, similar to the lights inside the wheel well, leading from the entryway to the engine itself. She could see a subtle glow emanating from deeper inside the compressor. Was he doing that intentionally, making it bright inside so she could see her way around? The human chuckled at the thought, and brushed off a curious “Hm?” from Starscream.
“It’s nothing, don’t worry.”
Despite her previous reservations about being shredded, she couldn’t help but inch closer to the fan, scrubbing the edges and even… very carefully, touching the fan blades. She wouldn’t deny she found it interesting, if not beautiful.
“I thought you wanted nothing to do with my engine.” His voice echoed as he felt the touch, seemingly coming from every direction. Of course it would, she was almost inside his fuselage. He sounded a mix of smug and curious.
“Well…” she yawned again, using the shower head to blast some water up at her own face in defeat. As comfy a spot as this had turned out to be, she couldn’t fall asleep just yet.
“I don’t ’not want anything to do with your engine.’ It’s… it’s like cleaning a loaded gun, you know? Even when I know the guy holding it has no intention of firing it into my face, it’s still a loaded gun. Your engine is very powerful.”
He thought for a second.
“I see.”
Another pause. The human continued with the finishing touches.
“I suppose I should be… thanking you for this.” A hint of embarrassment was barely noticeable in his tone.
“Don’t worry about it.” The human replied nonchalantly, slowly climbing her way out of the intake after she was satisfied with the cleanliness.
“We’re a team now. It’s only natural I’m gonna want to help you, just…”
The moment she was a safe distance away, before she could finish her sentence, the aircraft transformed back into his regular form, squeezed awkwardly into the bathtub. He had his knees pulled up to his body, arms draped awkwardly around them as he hunched forward ever so slightly. The odd positioning of his frame had given his wings ample space to move, at the very least. Starscream had an awkward, almost guilty expression on his faceplate.
“…don’t make it any more difficult for you than it has to be?” He guessed, wings pricking up as he spoke.
He had found it amusing to watch her tend to him, just going along with anything he decided to do without complaining. But now, remembering the human had no true obligation to help him in the first place, he… it’s not like he felt bad, per se. It wasn’t like he was forcing her to do any of this. It was her own fault, obliging him. But he was afraid that if he went too far, he would suddenly find himself not receiving any help from the human at all. And he had to admit this had been growing on him. It wasn’t so bad, it was comforting, even. And comfort wasn’t something Starscream could risk losing chasing an ego boost.
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xxwitchylanexx · 6 months
A Night Under The Moon-Cloud Strife x Reader
Rebirth Retold Chapter 3
No Story Spoilers
Chapter 4
That night their group set up camp on the edge of the somber swamp, finally ready to cross the desolate stretch after two weeks of odd jobs in the Woodlands. The murky water and foggy air made for the perfect hunting grounds for the infamous Midgar Zolom. The possibility of being ambushed had everyone on the edge of their seats. You assured them that the camp was far enough away from the edge. The tents more into the woods than on the shoreline would give ample time if it was to strike. However that had little effect on the rising tension becoming more and more charged with anxiety and adrenaline by the second.
You laid flat backed on your sleeping roll with a knee bent towards the sky. You could barely see the gentle twinkles of the stars above through the thick mist that blew off the sulfuric water. You missed the ambient chatter of the Woodlands despite being literal feet from it. The polluted land long since drove out anything but fiends and scavengers. Even the others grew quiet the lifeless swamp slowly sapping the once joyful vibe leaving everyone disheartened.
You couldn’t take anymore. The silence was suffocating and your ears felt as if an immense pressure was pushing against your ear drums causing the intake and exhales of your breathing to echo loudly in your skull. You rose to your feet quickly and strode off into the shadows of the looming treeline. As soon as you felt you were far enough away from the bottomless pits of muck, debris, and decomposing remnants you slowed. You footsteps quieted into the soft padding of the old dirt road you used earlier that day. The dark withered plants that would crumble by the lightest of touches slowly morphed into strong mossy green ferns, and the occasional patch of wild flowers that thrived in the abundance of nutrients the forest provided. You soaked in the bursting energy for the whispers among the leaves, breathed in the crisp clean air, and only then did the infectious despair fade within the steady beats of your heart.
You knew it was silly. You’ve came toe to toe with bigger evils than the Midgar Zolom. You’ve seen worse horrors than the over polluted river that carried the remnants of the mako pipes that have leaked over the years. It was silly that something as insignificant in the scheme of these could unnerve you. You, who has endured an unimaginable amount of humanity’s abominations. You, who did not falter under the strain of pressure or threat of danger.
You just hated that a place like this was seated on the opposite side of such a wondrous place. You hated that anyone who was lucky enough to flee the monstrosities of Midgar only to find some peace in the Woodlands then gets trapped in the complex uninhabitable hunting ground of Midgar’s creation. You hated that your home, or the closest thing to a home you had, was basically a cage to prevent anyone from spreading their seeing Gaia with their own two eyes.
It was hard to believe you were leaving once again. How long had you been here this time? A year? Maybe eighteen months. You were thankful for Bill. Even after having his plate full with raising his grandkids after the death of their parents he still found space to take you in when you had nowhere to go. He provided you with room and board in exchange with training some of his chocobos, and when he realized you had a special talent for connecting with them he even found you some clients interested in giving you a shot. Then through the power of word of mouth and your hard work you built up a clientele that allows you to do this for a living. You never thought people would benefit from your gift besides betting on your tremendous jockey record.
Your feet carried you up a winding foot path and up a steep incline, using a few of the thinner trees to keep your stability. Once the ground leveled out you slipped through a gap in the trees where the grass grew a bit more wild. A few wildflowers popped here and there across the wide meadow, and the forest gale swept through the blades of grass leaving behind its melody. You leaned against the rough bark of the nearest tree and toed off you boots the course stems of grass tickled at the underside of your feet. You bathed yourself in the light of the moon as you twirled across the field to the center taking in a huge breath relishing in the crispness of the air.
You gazed up at the vast sky, finding peace in the gentle winks the stars bestowed upon you. Slowly you sank onto to your knees before laying down until the flat of your back met the chilly ground. You ran her fingertips through the blades of grass at your sides, and gently plucked at a few from time to time. Time slowed as you allowed yourself to swept away from any troubles in the symphony of buzzing wings, the song of the cicadas, and chirping grasshoppers.
You never could get used to how far the sky above you, unlike the steel sky you grew up under. Everything felt so restricting back then. The darkness of Midgar was skilled in clipping your wings before you truly learned to fly. It kept you shackled to the inhuman ways of greed, lust, and power. Though you tried your hardest not to allow yourself to be caught in the lurking memories of the life you led then, you couldn’t help but wonder if anything had changed. Did anyone miss you? Probably not. In fact many slumlords probably slept easier knowing your blade had been buried with the body they believed was yours while your captor raged at the loss of income you’d brought in.
Six years ago you truly thought you were going to die that night in the coliseum. You hadn't wanted to participate in the Corneo Cup but the debt you owed to that woman for your upbringing-if you could call it that- was was high as the walls around Wall Market, and only winning the matches would provide enough to keep your ‘guardian’ at bay. You survived all the rounds by the skin of your teeth, the exhaustion of such a drawn out competition draining you in a way that left you lifeless. So the terror when they announced a surprise finale had hooked its claws into the fascia of your useless muscle. Bile rose into your throat and you actually considered to just lie down and accept your fate. But when your opponent was released onto the stage with you you knew your death would be far worse than any pain you’d experienced before, and you never in a million years thought the Don to be so cruel. Fresh from the depth of the Shinra labs, as if he knew where she came from, a humanoid figure stumbled through the gates. It’d smelled of rotten flesh and smoky char. Painful groans emanated deep in its’ chest since its mouth was branded shut. Claws glowed a foul purple, more that likely a product of producing some kind of venom that could prove fatal or just paralyze you so you’d be conscious as it teared you apart. You didn’t remember a lot of details beyond the pain that consumed you as its claws impaled you and twisted within your belly. You should’ve died.
You were told you’d struck it down before it could finish the job however you lost consciousness. You’d came to weeks after hidden away in a strange bedroom you’d never seen before. That’s when Chocobo Sam waltzed in, filled you in on the details, and proposed an exchange. He’d arranged for the world to believe you dead, and was preparing a funeral. He would smuggle you out of Midgar in exchange for your employment in the world of chocobo racing. After all help never came for free. Even back then in the streets of Midgar you held a special connection with his chocobos, and with a little training he believed you’d be a world class jockey, and in turn make him a lot of money. Now, as a free woman who’s had the chance to finally spread your wings, you looked for ways to atone for the for the things you’ve done, and people you’ve hurt.
You thought if you stayed on your own, embraced the bitter loneliness that forever contained, and used your skills to help the people of Gaia as you wandered from town to town that maybe the sins of the past would begin to fade. And when you take your last breath on this Planet the scars you’ve inflicted would disappear alongside you. At least that was the hope. Though you aren’t really sure anymore. Maybe there was a better way to set things right.
You told yourself you’d accompany them until they arrived at the saucer, return to your work, and consider it another job well done, but with every day, even though it’s only been two short weeks, you find yourself wishing that you would never have to leave them.
Tifa was like a big sister. The raven haired beauty always checked in with to make sure you was eating enough, or that you weren’t getting too worn down from all the fights that seemed to gravitate their way. She asked your favorite foods, and tried to accommodate your preferences alongside everyone else’s, and don’t get you started about how she nitpicks at your sleeping habits. You don’t understand why it’s such a big deal to sleep under the stars instead of inside of a tent.
You got along well enough with Barret. You quickly learned that as long as you listened to his many stories about the planet and how Shinra was shit, which was the one thing everyone could agree on, you’d get along fine. Though you made a mental note to pick up some ear plugs the next time the group stays in a town. You didn’t mind how much his voice carried in the daylight, but if you had to lose another second of sleep to his ground breaking snores you was going to lose you mind.
You absolutely adored Red XIII. The two of you had become fast friends. In fact the moment you offered him some of the choco treats you had, you had him eating out of the palm of your hand. Literally. As a thank you, Red would often curl up next to your bed roll to cast some extra heat your way. Sometimes after everyone else drifted off you’d point out your favorite stars that hung in the sky and he’d teach you the name of it.
Aerith was a breath of fresh air. So upbeat and full of life. She seen the good in everything, and led her life with grace. As they traveled, she’d point out flowers that she liked or ones she thought you’d enjoy as well. You didn’t have the heart to tell her they were just a part of the background for you. She’d ask you so many questions like: Where are you from? What do you like the most about chocobos? What’s your type in guys? The last one so out of left field it caught you off-guard.
The only guy you currently thought about was the one member of the group that remained a mystery.
Your curiosity burned within you, at times consuming your thoughts that’d be better used elsewhere. The occasional peek behind this tough, brooding act fueled you to be more daring, but the odd swelling of your heart urged you to keep your distance, and he had little to no difficulty in avoiding you. Every now and then Aerith— her insistence seemed a bit odd to you but you figured maybe she was just trying to get him to be polite-suggested that he should sit next to you, or accompany you to collect water or firewood, but even then his body would remain as stiff as a board. It was very clear how uncomfortable he was. Yet, from time to time she could feel the way his stare drilled into you, or when you thought it was safe to sneak a peak at him- I mean who could blame you- he’d already be looking at you. Embarrassment would swell at being caught though the weight of his eyes would remain heavy on your flushed face even after you’d look away.
You sighed as your gaze refocused on the luminous moon, and in a moment of vulnerability you asked it to shed some light on the situation, and maybe ease the fluttering in your chest.
Somewhere in her peripheral a green flicker bounced through the tall grass. You rose onto your elbows, and twisted at the hips in the direction you first saw it. You trained your eyes, scanning high and low for the source. You began to believe you had imagined it until the faint green glow flared once again, flashing six times before growing dark. Lightning bugs.
Cloud hadn’t meant to stumble upon the scene that played out in front of him. If anything, it was Tifa’s fault since she had asked him to go and find more wood for the fire.
He had combed through the woods after no luck finding burnable pieces near the swamp. Everything was soggy and covered in rot from lying in such mucky water. Truth be told, he jumped on the opportunity to stray from stifling group setting. He basked in the tranquil silence that didn’t happen much anymore since the group had doubled in size the only noises he heard now were the crickets calls and his feet swishing across the ground. He aimlessly picked up dry sticks and bark for kindling and trekked over to a few tress that had a few fallen branches that would last awhile when a rhythmic thumping vibrated through the ground from the clearing up ahead. The movement up him on alert dropping the wood to the ground next to the trunk of the tree he was at and brought a hand up to grip the hilt of his sword.
With measured steps, he stalked forward doing his best to blend into the thin shadows the tress cast to the edge of the tree line. His bicep brushed against the bark roughly as he peered around its’ circumferences. Cloud expected some fiends, boy was he wrong.
The entire clearing was bathed in the full moon’s light. Hundreds of flashing lightning bugs fluttered in circles in soft shades of greens and yellow, and in the center of it all was you in all your striking beauty swaying along with the insects’ movements. He felt himself pull his blade from his back and lean it up against the truck that has kept him hidden. His expression softening without his permission and his eyes swimming in awe of the way you danced as if you were the wind yourself.
His feet began to inch closer to you, his clunky boots padded softly in the grass despite being too hypnotized to care if you was loud or not. He found it rather amusing that he’d tried his hardest not to be alone with you and yet here he was being drawn to you like a moth to a flame. He still didn’t know what to say or do around you. Should he act tough, or should he be more gentle? How would he even go about that? What should he talk about, or should he let you choose a topic and just go along with it? What if the other realize he’s acting different around you? Would they all tease him as mercilessly as Aerith did? He was so stuck in his own head that most of the interactions had been awkward he always felt he came off colder than he wanted to. Only for Aerith to have been watching the entire interaction and tease about his ‘crush’. He’d scoffed, and wave her off saying nothing had changed, but you clung to every bit of his free thoughts and he felt like he was going wild.
You weren’t shy or meek. You had the guts to put Barrett in a headlock when he rambled on for two hours about Shinra killing the planet. Did you have a death wish? You were smart and intuitive, winning Red’s affection by appreciating his intelligence instead of treating him as an animal. How you trained with Tifa and surprisingly could hold your own. His head still plagued him with worry that he wouldn’t be able to protect you in the coming challenges this journey will hold. Yet the spark in your eye when you try to convince him to allow you to fight did something to him. He hated how chummy Aerith got with you. Every day she’d approach him with some new info she learned that could ‘help’ him out. You grew up in Midgar. You liked being in the outdoors vs. being inside. You didn’t seem all that interested in flowers. You preferred salty over sweet, and other things she deemed important for him to know. All it did was make his hands clammy when he got close to you, and internally panic as he was unsure how to interact with you.
So why was this moment so different? Sure his pulse raced, but his need to be close to you override the hesitation that consumed him. Maybe he had to be in a trance so his desires could run freely, though his nose crinkled at the thought that he wouldn’t ever be able to be himself around you. He stopped just a few feet away. You were to focused as you hunched over one of the flickering bugs, your braid falling over your shoulder as you leaned over. There was just something so enchanting about seeing you trying to capture lightning bugs like he had when he was young back home on nights sleep eluded him.
Your brows drew together, and that crinkle between them reappeared, as you stretched out your hands and cupped each one in a half circle. You took in a deep breath and exhaled as you quickly clapped your hands around one, as fast as a snake. You shrieked with joy as you hopped a little as cradled the tiny insect against your chest. You peered down at it through the gaps between your finger, a gentle smile graced your pretty face the greenish light highlighting the e/c of your eyes.
He stretched a hand out to you, for what purpose he wasn’t sure, but you must have seen him then out of the corner of your eye because you jolted upwards with a quiet squeak - cute - and hands thrown up releasing the bug you worked so hard to catch.
“Fuck!” you cried as a hand clutched at your chest as you tried to still your rapid heartbeat. “You scared the shit out of me!” You yelled as you stomped over to him and smacked his shoulder. He had to summon all the stubborn willpower in his body to keep the corners of his mouth from inching into a smile. “I worked so hard to capture him, you ass!” You spun the opposite direction without giving him a chance to explain and began looking for your next target like he wasn’t even there.
He scratched at the back of his neck as he shuffled a tiny bit closer to you, “Sorry. I- uh,” Cloud shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably. “Was looking for firewood.” Your lack of a response had him cursing at himself. Maybe he shouldn’t have approached you at all. He awkwardly turned back to the forest and intending to collect the branches, get back to the camp, and hole himself up. He even made a few steps back to the treeline before he stopped to consider if he should say goodbye. He twisted on his feet to look at you again.
He hadn’t expected you to be watching him, for your eyes to trace over him, study him, as he struggled with what to do next. The silence continued and while it should’ve felt awkward it didn’t. He huffed before looking over at a group of the bugs to the right of her, muttering. “I, uh, could help.” He flicked his eyes to your face briefly to gauge your reaction, not expecting the lopsided smile to be there as you continued to stare him down. “Or whatever.” He shrugged.
“Really?” You asked your head leaning slightly to the side. He only nodded to answer your question. “Alright, show me those skills, soldier boy.” You laughed the sound making him feel so much lighter.
He groaned at your teasing. “Ex-soldier.”
As ge spent a good hour or two jumping, leaping, and rolling trying to catch one of the damn things, no doubt completely embarrassing himself as you sat back and enjoyed the show, he wished he’d never opened his mouth. You must think him pathetic that a man of his skill set couldn’t catch one little bug, but when he finally caught one to present to you it made every minute of it worth it.
Your eyes lit up like he’d given you the heavens, a wide smile glowed on your s/c skin, and the gentle brush of his hand against yours as he settled it into yours had goosebumps racing against his flushed skin. To be close enough to shamelessly admire you, as you watched the critter flutter around your cupped palms, was enough payment for his services. Not that he’d ever charge you, and he’d do it all again just to see the way your face slowly warmed once you realized the attention he was giving you.
Until you finally couldn’t take it anymore, and you peered up at him through your dark lashes like you did that first day. His heart knocking against his ribs, trying to burst through his chest and land in your palms to be handled just as gently as the bug. Your voice was barely louder than a whisper as you spoke, “Thank you.”
He blinked once and then turned away from you completely. He didn’t wait for you either as he walked back to the edge of the clearing the weight of his thoughts revealing things he’d never expected to feel. How on Gaia did this even happen? One minute he was a bad ass mercenary and one bug later he was a love struck fool. He had to put some distance between you before he lost his mind altogether. He didn’t have time for shit like this. Sephiroth is out there and if he found out, Cloud could only imagine the shit he’d do to exploit this new weakness. He only allowed himself to look back once after he slung his sword onto his back and gathered the wood he’d abandoned there. “Let’s go back.” He called to you before quickly stalking back to the camp, leaving you there alone.
You looked around the shadowed field, noticing all the wonderful critters disappeared almost as abruptly as they appeared. The whole scene faded like a dream and left you with more questions about the man than when you asked the moon just a few hours ago. You glanced at it once more before making your way back to camp wondering if it was mocking you.
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
I’ve loved every single thing you’ve ever written so I’m so happy to hear you’re doing kinktober!!! Can I request cockwarming with Benny with the dialogue prompts “is this okay?” and “let me take care of you” please!! ❤️
(Anon, you're wonderful. Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Have some soft Benny smut as my gift to you.)
Wrapped up in You
Benjamin "Benny" Miller x f!reader
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Word Count: 1.8k
Rating: 18+ EXPLICIT
Content: NSFW, smut, oral sex (f!receiving), unprotected p in v, creampie, slight/consensual somnophilia, cockwarming, a hint of intercrural sex, a bit of body worship, massage, soft and tender benny
Summary: You're downright exhausted after running a marathon, so Benny does what he does best: he takes care of you.
Your tired legs wobbled and ached as you slid the shower door open, making your way over to the mirror to wipe the condensation from its surface. You offered your reflection a judgemental glare, face flushed and red from the steaming hot water, and you wondered what masochistic part of you had thought running in your town’s annual marathon without a single lick of training was a good idea. As if doing track in high school a decade ago had somehow prepared you for this.
After wrapping a towel around yourself, you limped your way into the bedroom to find Benny sitting up in bed, shirtless and mindlessly scrolling through his phone. The corners of his lips curved into a smile as he caught the movement out of corner of his eye, placing the device down on the nightstand to offer you his attention.
“Feel any better?”
Your muscles screamed in protest as you climbed into bed beside him, still cocooned in the warmth of your towel. You let your still-damp hair hit your pillow and groaned, “Not really, feels like I got hit by a truck.”
A thoughtful sound left Benny’s mouth, and he carefully nudged you onto your side so that you were facing away from him.
“Alright, then let me take care of you,” he coaxed, beginning to gently massage your shoulders.
He chuckled at the satisfied moan his touch immediately pulled out of you, his lips pressing a gentle caress to your shoulder blade. You went pliant under his touch as he loosened the spot where you’d tucked the towel into itself at your side, letting the back side tumble open so his doting hands could make their way down your weary spine. 
Breathy sounds continued to fall from your lips unbidden as Benny rubbed steady circles into your skin, the aches from the day giving way to the pleasant feeling of your body finally starting to relax under his touch. He let his fingers dance softly along your lower back for a moment before sliding his hands over your hips, holding you firmly as he pressed into the sensitive muscles in the dip just above your backside with the pads of his thumbs. Once he’d paid ample attention to that spot, his hands ghosted over your ass for a moment, fingertips tickling their way over the swell of it.
“Please,” you sleepily muttered, your face squashed against the pillow, slack-jawed and nearly drooling with contentment.
When Benny wasn’t busy worshipping your ass in other far more sexual capacities, his large hands knew exactly how to give what you could only refer to as a “godly butt massage.” The practiced way his hands kneaded their way across your cheeks tonight in particular left you keening; each squeeze was accompanied by a dizzying burst of relief. 
Benny’s left hand eventually skimmed its way up your side, dancing higher and higher until he’d reached your armpit. He stretched for a moment, his fingers skimming the side of your breast in the process. 
You laid your elbow down over his hand, pinning it in place, and you could feel the rumble in his chest as he chuckled in your ear, “You sore here, too?”
“Mmm, sure,” you smiled against your pillow.
You let the front of the towel fall, exposing the rest of your damp, naked body, and you heard Benny’s slight intake of breath before he cupped your tender, supple breast in his hand and squeezed. 
“Think you’re gonna have to roll over so I can take care of you properly, honey,” Benny drawled, pulling at your shoulder to get you to shift onto your back.
His skin was warm against yours as he leaned over you from the side, large hands fondling your breasts. Your back arched as Benny’s fingers were replaced by his hot mouth, lips latching onto one of your nipples as he began to suck at the hard bud languidly and traced circles around it with his tongue. 
Moaning, you bucked your hips upward weakly, and Benny’s mouth popped off of your tit as he asked, “You want more, baby?”
You nodded, and Benny shifted so that he was propped up on top of you, and then he began to trail his lips down your stomach, stopping to press a kiss to your belly button. You squirmed as he nuzzled his face against it, and he grinned, sliding his mouth down and to the right to playfully nip at your hip before spreading your thighs wide and settling down between your legs. 
“Oh, fuck,” you breathed out as he licked a stripe through your folds, two fingers teasing at the bottom edge of your hole. 
Towel laid out underneath you, your fingers gripped for purchase at the edges of it as Benny slid his tongue inside of your hot center. His nose was pressed firmly against your clit, hands gripping your ass as he laved at your cunt, which quickly became soaked in a mixture of his saliva and your dripping arousal. 
Every aspect of sex with him was always mind blowing, that was an inarguable fact steeped in stamina, skill, and the fact that neither of you could ever get another of each other. But given his innate need to always prioritize your pleasure like the gentleman he was, there were very few things in life that could compare to being eaten out by Benny Miller. His tongue twisting inside of your wet cunt was akin to an act of outright worship, dipping inside of you with dexterous, hungry strokes, savoring every single writhing, breathy moment until your inevitable shuddering climax.
As an unwritten rule, this was always followed by him lapping up every drop of cum that seeped out of your sensitive hole, often sliding his tongue back inside to lick your walls clean as well. Something which he was now in the midst of doing. When the overstimulation became too great, you reached out a tired arm and threaded it into his hair, tugging at it slightly. 
He glanced up at you, mouth glossy and covered in your juices, and grinned before climbing his way back up your body. Holding himself up above you, he leaned his head down toward the towel, attempting to clean his face off, but he had hardly begun to wipe it before you impatiently turned your head to the side, capturing his lips in a needy kiss.
You let your mouth fall open, and he eased his tongue inside, the taste of you still lingering on his lips. Though you were appreciative of the way he hovered above you, conscious not to add any of his body weight to your sore bones, the brush of his hard cock against your hip left you far too wanting. He moaned into your mouth when you wrapped a leg around his waist, using what energy you had to pull him closer so you could grind against him.
Temporarily breaking the kiss, he looked down at you, blue eyes full of concern. “You're exhausted. If you just wanna sleep, I'm fine. It's alright."
Exhausted or not, you were now overcome with the need to have Benny’s cock buried in you. So you shook your head, nudging down his boxers and dragging the tip of his shaft through your slippery folds.
“Need you inside of me,” you whispered.
Never one to ever leave you wanting for anything, Benny nodded. “Alright, but let’s get you nice and comfortable.”
He slid off of you and rolled you back onto your side, putting your back flush against his chest after slipping his boxers the rest of the way off. Benny curled his body around yours, your legs bent so you were essentially sitting in his lap, albeit sideways. Cock nestled in between your thighs, Benny began to thrust at a leisurely pace, breathing heavily into your ear at the tug and slide the narrow slot between your legs provided.
“Inside, Benny,” you groused.
Benny snorted, “So impatient."
And then you gasped as he complied, sheathing himself inside of you in one single thrust, his thick cock easily penetrating your drenched walls, which eagerly sucked him in.
You mewled, and Benny nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. Holding you close, he fucked you softly, the intimate position sending a sprawling flurry of butterflies through your chest. 
“Is this okay?” he asked, hips rocking against yours in a steady rhythm.
“Perfect,” you panted out.
Benny made love to you slowly and lovingly, still conscious of your aching muscles as he sent lazy, euphoric waves of pleasure blissfully drifting through your body. Once he pulled another tender yet divine orgasm from you and spurted his release deep inside your cunt, you were nearly on the brink of sleep. 
But as soon as you felt him go to pull his spent cock from your hole, your eyes cracked open a hair, and your hand reached back to grab at his hip. “Let’s sleep like this.”
Benny blew out a puff of air, and you could hear the smile on his face as he asked, “You tryin’ to make me have dirty dreams, honey?”
You shrugged. “Maybe. It just feels so warm and good with you in there."
He hummed in response, perfectly content to leave his shaft nestled inside the clasping heat of your cunt.
When you woke up the next morning, well-rested and marginally less sore, you were pleased to find Benny’s length had remained tucked inside of you while you slept peacefully in his arms. You shifted slightly, a spark of pleasure igniting in your gut at the feeling of your hole still stretched over him. Unable to help yourself, you lightly began to rut back against him.  Morning sex with Benny was, without a doubt, your favorite way to start the day. Soft, quiet sex as you both still teetered on the edges of sleep, your bodies extraordinarily sensitive to each and every touch and caress. The term “Sunday morning breakfast” gained a new meaning in your house when the two of you accidentally made a ritual out of occasionally waking one another up by way of Benny’s cock in your mouth or his tongue in your cunt.
It didn't take long for Benny’s shaft to begin growing hard again inside of you, and the feeling of that alone almost brought you to the brink of an orgasm. Within moments, you could feel his fingers tighten minutely at your waist; now he was awake.
“Morning,” you greeted him while you rocked yourself in the cradle of his hips.
“Morning, baby. We should—oh fuck, you feel so good...” he trailed off momentarily, teeth grazing your neck as he thrust up into you and groaned. “We should really do this more often.”
After a bit of maneuvering, careful not to pull his shaft out of you, Benny ended up flat on his back with you straddling him. His hands came up to cup your ass, his sleep-tousled hair fanned out on the pillow, tired blue eyes full of adoration and desire as he gazed up at you.
You leaned down to capture his lips in a tender kiss, and the mixture of your cum and his from the night before began to leak out from the edges of your hole and down the sides of his cock while you slowly began to ride him.
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bro-atz · 9 months
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word count: 2.4k
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One thing Gyuri missed about freshman year was how easy all their classes were. Obviously not everyone in the group was exceptionally bright, but the assignments were so easy that they found themselves with ample time all the time. Now that they were upperclassmen, more specifically seniors, they didn’t have that kind of time anymore. Gyuri also kept forgetting that everyone has wildly different schedules, and not everyone can come out for drinks on a Tuesday night. She asked the heaviest drinkers of the crew to come out for drinks, and there was only one person who could meet her that night.
“Yay alcoholism!” Wooyoung cheered as he and Gyuri went to their favorite local watering hole, Starry Bar, which coincidentally happened to be right next door to Ze Cafe.
Wooyoung had gotten off his shift right as Gyuri texted him, so her timing was immaculate. Gyuri and Wooyoung were great drinking buddies, so she really had no complaints, although having all the heavyweights together would have been ideal. Yunho and Jongho could drink the most out of the entire group, but Wooyoung and Gyuri were close seconds, which meant drinking games barely had an effect on them, but it also meant that if they went out for drinks instead of drinking at home, their wallets would cry. At least they were friends with the bartender, who had no problem being a little more heavy-handed than usual.
“I like drinking with you, Gyu,” Wooyoung told her as they sat at the bar, the bartender getting them their usual drinks.
“Why is that?” Gyuri asked as she took a sip of her drink.
“You don’t fight me when I say I want to play drinking games.”
“I know that if I said no to the drinking game, then you would force me to go for karaoke. Drinking games are the lesser of two evils.”
“I like drinking with you a little less now.”
Gyuri laughed. She could see Wooyoung start to ponder what kind of game they should play that night, causing her to slow down on her alcohol intake. She swore she could see a lightbulb go off above Wooyoung’s head as he decided on a game.
“Never have I ever, dirty version,” Wooyoung stuck out his tongue teasingly.
“Put your tongue back where it came from or I swear to God I will make you bite your tongue off.”
Wooyoung’s tongue immediately retreated, a look of fear spreading across his face. Gyuri stifled yet another laugh. “Okay, never have I ever it is.”
Wooyoung pulled his phone out of his pocket and said, “I found a list online the other day and saved it, hoping that I would get to play the game soon. I’m so glad you said okay.”
“Are you sure you want to be asking me these questions?”
“I can ask these questions to any of the guys while we’re sober, and it’s not as much fun. Also, you’re such a closed book about your romantic life—”
“That’s because I don’t have one.”
“Right, which makes us— mainly me— more curious to find out,” he concluded.
“Alright, let’s play.”
The two of them sat up, their drinks at the ready. Wooyoung read the first question off the list.
“Never have I ever had a crush on someone in the room.”
“Room?” Gyuri looked around at the bar. “You sure we should do room?”
“Uh, then what about the group?” Wooyoung offered as an alternative.
“Okay, that works,” Gyuri nodded and took a brief pause before drinking, only to see that Wooyoung also drank. “Who?!”
“San,” Wooyoung responded with a wink.
“Come on, be serious.”
“Okay… Yeosang,” another wink.
“...Yeah, okay.”
Gyuri read the next question, the two unofficially establishing that they would take turns reading the questions. “Never have I ever kissed someone passionately in the group.” She set the phone down and took a sip, Wooyoung’s jaw dropping.
“Close your mouth, honey, or you’ll start catching flies.”
Wooyoung immediately clamped his mouth, then asked, “Who?”
“I don’t kiss and tell,” Gyuri flipped her hair back dramatically.
“You suck. Alright, never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person,” Wooyoung continued before taking a sip. Gyuri looked at him quizzically, Wooyoung answering, “Mi madre.”
“You poor thing. I am so sorry.”
“Hey, at least it wasn’t a nude… That would not have ended well.”
“Never have I ever said the wrong name in bed.”
They both stared at each other in expectation, but surprisingly, no one drank. To celebrate, they gave each other the loudest high five ever done in human existence, only for Wooyoung to hold his hand in pain; Gyuri is just that strong, and her hand is just that big.
“Next one, never have I ever slept with someone nameless.”
Wooyoung took a sip, shocking Gyuri. “Okay, so like, she told me her name, but I was so wasted that night that I forgot it two seconds after she told me.”
“Woo… please…”
“As if you’ve never forgotten someone’s name before.”
“I’ve never! I’m very good with faces and names,” Gyuri grinned.
“Shut up. Play the game.”
“Never have I ever sent a sexy selfie.”
They both drank— no surprises there.
“You should send me your sexy selfies,” Wooyoung teased.
“I doubt your body would be able to handle my sexy selfies.”
“There’s only one way to find out: you have to send me your sexy selfies.”
Gyuri rolled her eyes and bopped Wooyoung in the head with her palm. Laughing, Wooyoung went to the next question. “Never have I ever had sex in a body of water— oh! You have?”
After swallowing her sip, Gyuri answered, “I went to Japan and met someone there. We ended up going to an onsen.”
“Wow, I really thought you were going to say you had sex in the ocean or something… I have many questions.”
“One, did you go to a mixed-gender onsen? Two, who was the guy? Three, you went to Japan without me?!”
“One, I snuck him into the women’s one. Two, a guy I met earlier that night at a bar. Three, it was for my study abroad. I went during that one spring, remember?”
“Oh yeah! I was so lonely without you.”
“Aw, I’m flattered. Okay, never have I ever had a one night stand.”
While high-fiving each other, the two of them took a sip— they didn’t have a one night stand together, but they both got lucky one night after the whole group went to the club. In fact, they were the only two to get lucky that night, but that was also sophomore year of college when things were different, when the nerds of their friend group had yet to become hot.
“Never have I ever faked an orgasm.”
They both drank again. Gyuri had to fake hers often because, let’s be real, what man was actually going to be satisfying all the time? She was very surprised to see that Wooyoung also drank, though. “When did you do that?”
“There was one girl I hooked up with, and she was just really bad… she kept going and going, and I really just wanted to get it over with so I could get the hell out of there.”
“Wait, was this the girl who used her teeth for everything?”
“Yes! I don’t know why I gave her the benefit of the doubt, though, because every time we made out, her teeth would just be scraping my tongue… Bleh,” Wooyoung took a large gulp of his drink. Gyuri could only imagine how horrible that girl was.
“Never have I ever given or received a lap dance?”
Of course, Wooyoung drank.
“Yeosang,” Wooyoung said with the dumbest smile on his face.
“Bye. Never have I ever had a sex dream about someone in the group.”
Wooyoung drank again.
“Who?! And don’t you fucking dare say Yeosang.”
A little chuckle escaped from Wooyoung’s mouth, and Gyuri had to hold all of her anger within her before she smacked Wooyoung across the head. “Goodbye!”
“Never had I ever had to hide a hickey— what a dumb question. You better be drinking,” Wooyoung shook his head with disappointment.
“Of course I am. You read the next question. I need another drink,” Gyuri leaned over the bar top to make eye contact with the bartender.
“Why did you finish your drink so fast?”
“Why didn’t you?”
“It’s called pacing myself,” Wooyoung said proudly.
“Yeah, I would rather drink,” Gyuri disagreed. Another drink sat in front of her, and Gyuri gestured for Wooyoung to continue with the questions.
“Never have I ever had a friend with benefits.”
Gyuri bit her lower lip before taking a sip of her drink. Wooyoung’s eyes widened so much that Gyuri genuinely thought he had turned into a cat. “Oh my God! Do I know this person?!”
As if she could answer that question. She finished her drink, indicating that there was no way in hell she was going to answer that question. Wooyoung turned into Munch’s The Scream as he hollered, “Oh my God!” over and over again.
The two drunk children continued with their drinking game until they could no longer read the sentences on their phones. It was another blessing that the group was friends with the bartenders at that bar because the bartender on duty ended up having to text a couple of people in the group to come and collect them. Two of their friends came to the rescue: Yeosang and San.
Wooyoung snuggled into San, who immediately deflected him onto his roommate, Wooyoung burying his face in Yeosang’s stomach. “Mmm… Washboard.”
Yeosang flicked Wooyoung in the forehead before hoisting him over his shoulders as if he were a sack of rice. San, on the other hand, was tasked with Gyuri. Her face was pressed down on the countertop. He held her shoulder lightly, Gyuri stirring. “Iseul…?”
“Lab,” San said.
“Goddammit… Who’reyou?” Gyuri slurred out.
“Saaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn,” San drew out his name.
“Ohhh, Saaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnn,” Gyuri giggled.
Miraculously, she sat up and held her arms out for San to pick her up. San turned his back towards her and held her legs tightly as she wrapped her arms around his chest. Yeosang and San both waved goodbye to the bartender before taking off into the night, their legs trudging back to 1024UB.
Gyuri swung her legs back and forth while giggling into San’s ear. Wooyoung heard Gyuri’s giggles and also started giggling, their giggles soon turning into loud cackles.
“Stop it, we’re in public,” Yeosang smacked Wooyoung’s butt, who let out a moan.
“Ungh, harder!” Wooyoung could barely speak without erupting into laughter.
“San, I will give you a hundred bucks to take this kid and throw him away,” Yeosang’s voice was very serious.
“That’s illegal, but I can put him in front of an orphanage or something. They’ll have to take him in.”
“Quick, where’s the nearest orphanage,” Yeosang pulled out his phone.
“No! Don’t abandon me,” Wooyoung sniffled. “I love you, my Sang.”
“Uh huh, sure.”
Wooyoung whined and pouted, but no one paid any attention to him as they continued their journey home. Gyuri, meanwhile, was able to sober up a little as she thought about Seonghwa carrying her on his strong back and the cute little freckles he had dotting his neck. Gyuri exhaled intentionally and lightly onto San’s neck, and she could feel him shudder. She brought one of her hands to his neck and traced her fingertip from behind his ear to the bottom of his neck.
“Hey, what are you doing?” San whisper-hissed to her.
Gyuri did not respond. Instead, she licked his neck, San almost dropping her.
“Oh my God, Gyuri!” San sounded panicked. “Wooyoung and Yeosang are right there!”
“So?” she asked.
“So? Do you want them to find out?”
“All I know is that I want to watch anime.”
“You’re drunk, Gyuri, not tonight—”
“I said I want to watch anime,” Gyuri’s voice lowered.
San shivered once more. Gyuri patted the top of his head and discreetly ran her fingers through the back of his hair. Thankfully, San was walking behind Yeosang, and Wooyoung, who was still over Yeosang’s shoulder, was facing Yeosang’s butt.  “Okay, we’ll watch anime, but please wait until we get into the building.”
That was good enough for Gyuri. She stopped teasing San, and soon, the four of them were in the elevator up to their apartments. “You got Woo, right?”
“Yeah,” Yeosang rolled his eyes. “He needs to stop drinking like this.”
“Gyuri’s a bad influence,” San sighed.
“Yes, Gyuri’s been a very bad girl,” Gyuri spoke about herself in the third person. “Bad Gyuri.”
San and Yeosang looked straight ahead, neither of them responding to whatever the hell Gyuri just said. They got to Yeosang’s floor first, Yeosang and Wooyoung leaving. Gyuri waved goodbye until the elevator doors closed before hopping off of San’s back and pinning him against one of the walls in the elevator.
“Are you sure? You did have a lot to drink,” San asked her as she brought his neck to her lips.
Gyuri didn’t respond. She licked, kissed, then lightly bit his neck. She felt his arms wrap around her and hold her tight, a groan rumbling in the back of his throat.
The elevator doors opened, and they made their way to Gyuri’s apartment. Gyuri felt like she walked past someone on her way, but that doubt immediately faded as San grabbed her cheeks and kissed her intensely. She felt him press her up against her front door, his hand slowly going up her shirt and under the elastic of her bra. She knew that they should probably get into her apartment before they went any further, but she was so besotted with his sweet lips and hot touch that her brain and limbs felt like putty.
“Wait, San…” she whispered breathlessly.
She held onto his shoulders tightly as she felt one of his hands leave her body. The keypad beeped, and the door opened, San’s strong arm holding Gyuri up before she could fall backwards. his lips were still pressed firmly against hers as they made it through the threshold.
“Do you still want me to wait?” He asked quietly in between kisses.
“No. Keep going,” she responded as she pulled him back in.
The front door closed and locked as the two entered Gyuri’s bedroom hurriedly.
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decorworks · 4 months
The Power of Plant-Based: A Guide to Veganism
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Veganism has gained significant traction in recent years, and for good reason. It's not just a passing trend; it's a movement that aligns with our desire for a healthier, more sustainable planet. By adopting a plant-based lifestyle, individuals contribute to their own well-being while making a positive impact on the world around them. The power of plant-based living is becoming increasingly evident as veganism is not just a dietary choice, it's a lifestyle that encompasses compassion, health, and environmental consciousness. Discover the principles of veganism, the health benefits of a plant-based diet, its environmental impact, ethical considerations, tips for transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, and addressing common concerns. 
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What is Veganism? At its core, veganism is a philosophy that seeks to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, whether in diet, clothing, or any other aspect of life. It's an ethical stance that promotes compassion towards all sentient beings and recognizes the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and the environment. Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet Embracing a plant-based diet can have profound effects on our well-being, and there are significant health benefits: Nutritional Advantages: Plant-based diets are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing essential nutrients for optimal health. Disease Prevention: Studies have shown that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Weight Management: A plant-based diet, when balanced and varied, can support healthy weight loss and weight management.
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Environmental Impact of Veganism The environmental consequences of animal agriculture are staggering. By adopting a vegan lifestyle, we can significantly reduce our ecological footprint.  Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By eliminating animal products from our diet, we can reduce our carbon footprint. Conservation of Resources: Animal agriculture requires vast amounts of land, water, and feed. Shifting to plant-based alternatives allows for more efficient use of resources. Preservation of Wildlife: Animal agriculture is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat destruction. Choosing plant-based options helps protect biodiversity and wildlife habitats. Ethical Considerations Ethics is at the core of veganism. By adopting a vegan lifestyle, we actively express our compassion for animals and advocate for their rights. Veganism encourages the use of cruelty-free alternatives and challenges societal norms regarding the treatment of animals. Tips for Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can be a gradual process. Here are some tips to help you navigate the journey: Gradual Changes and Substitutions: Start by incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet and gradually eliminate animal products. Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping: Plan your meals in advance and explore the abundance of vegan options available. Stock your pantry with wholesome plant-based ingredients. Seek Support and Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, join vegan groups, and seek support from friends and family who understand and respect your choices. Addressing Common Concerns Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle often comes with questions and concerns. Let's address some common ones: Protein Intake: Plant-based diets can provide ample protein through sources such as legumes, tofu, tempeh, and quinoa. Nutrient Deficiencies: With proper planning and a varied diet, vegans can meet their nutritional needs. Pay attention to sources of vitamins B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Social Challenges: Dining out or attending social events as a vegan may require some adjustments. Communicate your dietary preferences in advance, and be prepared with vegan-friendly alternatives.
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Vegan Recipe Suggestions Here are a few easy to prepare and delicious vegan recipe suggestions to try: Vegan Buddha Bowl: A colorful and nourishing bowl packed with a variety of vegetables, whole grains, and plant proteins. Black Bean Tacos: Flavorful and satisfying, these tacos showcase how classic dishes can be made vegan without sacrificing taste. Overnight Oats: A simple and nutritious breakfast option that can be customized with your favorite toppings and flavors. Lentil Bolognese: A hearty and comforting meal that highlights the protein potential in vegan foods. Additional Resources For further exploration of veganism and its benefits, here are some recommended resources: "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger: A comprehensive book that extensively covers the health benefits of a plant-based diet. "Forks Over Knives" documentary: A compelling film that explores the correlation between diet and disease, highlighting the power of plant-based nutrition. The Vegan Society website: A comprehensive online resource for anyone interested in veganism. It offers a range of information from basic principles to practical advice, recipes, and more. "Earthlings" documentary: A thought-provoking film that sheds light on the ethics of animal use in various industries, encouraging viewers to reevaluate their choices. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle is not just a personal choice but it should be a conscious decision to make a positive impact on your health, the environment, and to do your part in protecting animal welfare. Start living a plant-based lifestyle and contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world today. Every step you take on this journey matters. Embrace the power of plants, explore new flavors, and savor the incredible benefits that veganism brings to your life. Read the full article
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corvidist · 1 year
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Located on the north shore of Great Slave Lake, Yellowknife today is the territorial capital and largest city of the Northwest Territories of Canada. This is not the story of that city, but rather of what comes after.
(PA stands for Post-Anthropocene. It is not the system used by Directors for measuring time.)
1 PA
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The city of Yellowknife, prior to the war, was growing at an exponential pace. Its stable climate, ample water supply, and the relocation of many important government functions eventually led to its population surpassing 200,000 by the time a one-megaton thermonuclear warhead, launched from western Gansu province, landed just south of its primary airport. The city's fairly compact layout, combined with the yield of the device, led to total devastation, the first days seeing the deaths of over half the city's residents.
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One year later, a global nuclear cooling effect has taken hold, and the charred ruins of Yellowknife lay empty. Some Human survivors remain on the outskirts, however the city as a whole is largely devoid of complex life. There are more survivors however, both Human and nonhuman, within the fallout radius, and elevated radiation levels will lead to increased rates of genetic mutation among the next generation. While typically leading to death or chronic illness in those impacted, among dwindling nearby Raven and Crow populations two mutations will actually prove mildly beneficial. A slight change in beak shape, and a growth abnormality in the right set of talons.
At a time when most edible plant and animal life is dead, and what remains is often small and burrowed, these chance mutations will forever alter the course of Earth's history.
1000 PA
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Around this time, somewhere in Tierra Del Fuego, the last Human takes their final breath. While the effects of nuclear cooldown are long forgotten (at least at the superficial level), the destruction of nearly 80% of the ozone layer proved far more consequential in the long run. Even as industrial greenhouse gas emissions were suddenly and violently halted, the amount released by the firestorms that engulfed much of the Earth at the end of the Anthropocene led to further runaway warming, picking up around 20 PA.
By now only small pockets of large plant life remain, much of it in areas too hard-hit by the initial nuclear exchange for Humans to take advantage of before the end. Much of Earth's plant life is comparatively smaller, hardier shrubbery and root organisms that can survive drastic weather changes and high UV exposure. This is an improvement from the first 100 years, however, is a very difficult environment for land organisms much larger than coyotes to survive in.
Amidst the desolation, events unfold in the North American Arctic. With populations at a level that Humans would have long ago considered critically endangered, Crows and Ravens in this region, low on options, begin to crossbreed, leading to the first early "Directors". Still, without the caloric intake necessary, this new species remains, like its ancestors, at a level of only basic sapience for the time being.
100,000 PA
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It's been 99,000 years or so since the death of the last Human, a little less since the hatching of the first members of a species that could vaguely be described as Directors. In that time, tool use, especially among those individuals, has diversified significantly. Use of large rocks to hunt creatures from the air, early harnessing of gathered fire, spears to reach deep into burrows, and stone shovels for digging out root plants. Still, the overall cognition of this species lacks certain important complexities.
Around this time, that is quickly changing. As the species has been psychologically driven for millennia to find, gather, and consume any food they come across on account of its sparse availability, the steady return of an ample food supply has led to the consumption of higher-than-necessary quantities. This, combined with improving tool use and the occasional harnessing of captured fire, will, given enough time, lead to the dawning of Earth's second technological society.
For now, however, the average life of a Director wouldn't look remarkably different from the life of any typical Crow or Raven of the present day. A few more tools, a little more complexity in communication and games, but all in all nothing that would get one whisked away to a research lab by today's Humans.
300,000 PA
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Amid the treetops, an endless expanse of wilderness stops only at the side of a fantastic lake. As winter ends, in rudimentary language a group of avians discuss an idea to help one another tend to their nests. Soon, most of the roost disperses, but a few members stay behind. Together they craft tools, collect food, make art, and otherwise watch out for one another.
It works out well.
It works out very well.
As the next winter comes around, more decide to join them.
The first permanent communities constructed by Directors are only as large as the surrounding environment permits, and in the warm season, most continue to break off into smaller family territories. Still, these year-round communities wait for them upon their return, and as they have for millions of years, prove vital in the exchange of information.
Each warm season the communities grow, and understandings of everything from food acquisition to the inner workings of nature grow with them. The first instances of selective breeding can be recorded in this time period, particularly among grasshopper species and, of all plants, sunflowers, an odd final "gift" from the last Human survivors in the region being their ample presence.
One year, a casual game causes sparks to erupt on the shoreline of the lake, the right stones dropped on top of one another from just the right altitude. It lights a small fire in nearby brush, which quickly goes out on its own.
400,000 PA
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An ominous orange glow rises in the distance. Far from the permanent community, though if the winds change moving it won't be too difficult, at least at this time of year. They can always make a new one, and the controlled burn serves a purpose too important to not carry out. As Directors are too small to adequately clear land, at least on their own, a complex system of agroforestry has developed instead. This region's culture, now harboring one of the post-Anthropocene world's first new writing systems, uses it to manage forests and encourage the growth of edible plant life. Much of it involves introducing plant species selectively bred for nearly 100,000 years, to a point unrecognizable from its original form. Each year, on top of the tried and true, they tinker with new methods and record the results. All part of a more complex, more widespread ideology that has begun to blossom.
As a generalist species with fairly short lifespans, early Directors have a better sense of the cycles of life and death than early Humans and are more prone to consider the impacts of their actions outside of their own lifespan. Much more than us, they live on through their offspring. To an extent, this culture, like many others, believes in integration with nature rather than dominance.
Despite this, what is said is not always done, and language tends to focus more on avoiding annihilation rather than alteration, though the hypocrisy of some of these sentiments will become increasingly important as technology advances. For now, the first large communities have begun to pop up around these controlled burn sites, sedentary agricultural hubs, and rudimentary fisheries along the coast. They feature a one-level layout among the tree canopy, largely for waste management, with everything from basic trade workshops and artistry to storage areas, even archives or libraries in the largest communities. However, unlike early Human cities, these possess no leader, no monarch to give orders, and no currency.
This will become a running theme as Directors progress further into their development.
490,000 PA
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Is City of North Winds in the distance, a group of Directors works together to pull an early lighter-than-air craft. It carries a variety of items belonging to their rural community, now migrating to the city for easier access to food and resources amidst lowered global temperatures following an unknown volcanic eruption.
The city in the distance has a population of over two million, the largest city on Home at the time. Its most densely populated section has been under construction for thousands of years, trees selectively bred to grow taller and more resistant to flame, their branches sturdier, reaching high above the forest canopy. Recently developed bioluminescent lanterns seem to hang across every surface, and everything from tapestries and streamers to chimes and windmills adorn the exterior. Within the branches and cavernous clearings of this city, the region's culture blossoms, as does a (somewhat) new system of labor organization.
First originating on the Island of currently plentiful shrubbery, known in the Anthropocene as Baffin Island, the collective system arose in response to a need for accounting of who was doing what at any given time as the population grew. In order to do this, collectives were formed, loose groups of individuals coming together to complete needed tasks for a community. These groups were and continue to be open to join and leave as an individual wishes, with no structure or hierarchy within them save for systems of apprenticeship that were established as certain forms of labor complexified. It takes Is City of North Winds by storm, as although there is no force by which to drive people to personally adopt the system, the cold has everyone on edge.
More confined than usual, amidst the city's interior its residents watch as much of the livestock that couldn't be brought inside, some of it entirely immobile as a consequence of millennia of alteration, ends up succumbing to the extreme cold. Debate, long engaged in but seldom at a societal level, over the ethics of many of the selective breeding practices being engaged in begins to rage. It will lead to the three lakes' culture's slow disillusionment with many of their practices, which will take root, vanish, and reappear over hundreds of generations. It will take over 9,000 years for this undercurrent of discontent to finally be put to rest.
498,000 PA
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In a smaller auditorium at the edge of the community, a crowd gathers before a group of travelers from far southeast. Outside, an already-operating windmill is wired to produce a small amount of energy, just enough to power three models of a strange new contraption. The audience is intrigued. While aesthetically displeasing, the increasing number of ways to harness this energy poses unique opportunities in dozens of fields, and the crowd can't help but speculate.
499,000 PA
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Solstices ago, a research collective in the underground section of the city received a design for a device via mail. It comes once again from the southeast, where a thus far unwieldy technology has slowly become better understood in spite of limited general interest. Now, it bears fruit. The world's first electron microscopes in nearly 500,000 years, small towers compared to their operators. Within 200 years, laboratory gene editing will be commonplace. Within 500, society as they know it will be nearly unrecognizable.
500,000 PA
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Night falls on Was, Is, and Shall Be City of North Winds. The glowing, immensely decorated mountain of sorts rises high above the forest canopy, surpassing even the monolithic posts of airship docks.
Society has changed in so many aspects over the past thousand years that it is somewhat pointless to try and list everything. Still, perhaps the most significant among these changes is what has occurred on the cultural level. To the residents of this community, and indeed to most of First Home's cultures, the development of direct genetic modification was a turning point beyond anything in the history of the configuration. Technologies that would have otherwise taken incredible spans of time to direct to fruition now took a few solstices. And, importantly, most could be done utilizing only stem cells.
As part of a wider societal craze, many ancient ethical debates had the equivalent of a sledgehammer taken to them as communities unified around a new goal, preached but not truly practiced by cultures since the beginning of their civilization. That goal, the recognition, and more importantly treatment of all complex life as being inherently equal to their own configuration, was perhaps finally within reach.
Far from the city, a grasshopper lands on a well-positioned sunflower, one of many that grow freely in the wilderness of the central north. They do not consider the balloon rockets departing in the west, or, at least not strongly, the nature of the airships passing in the distance. Still, it is because of their sacrifice that they fly, and now it is for them that they will continue.
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hotsforharlow · 8 months
Can you write about Jack being secretly a sub. -but it only really shows when He ends up having way to much to drink at an after party. And you guys end up having to go home because he starts to get all needy and touchy. (And can it include worshipping kink, praise kink, spit kink, overstimulation, all that)
AN: I hope you like it, feel like i forgot all the kinks you wanted and I apologise for that :( Forgot how to write for Jack i think as well
“Hmm, I thought we were not drinking so much.” Softly, you whispered into his ear as your delicate, painted nails moved through his curls. Jack only hummed; nuzzling into your neck as your mouth watering scent came over him. His larger hand slowly moves up and down your sides now; the silk dress of yours is hardly a barrier.
Thankfully, the dim lights of the club concealed your acts but some eagle eyed fans would snap pictures, you were sure of it. The amusement dancing in Urban’s eyes was hard to miss as you fought against rolling your own. “You smell so good.” Jack purred; his accent even deeper with the amount of alcohol intake. 
The groping only continued as your own arousal was building. Your delicate, ringed hand moved onto his thigh; stroking higher than needed. A smirk played on your soft lips as a shiver ran down Jack’s spine. “Do you want to go home, hmm, baby boy?” You whispered into his ear; leaning closer as your sweet, ample breasts brushed against his shirt.
Even with the lights; you could see the pink blush coming over his cheeks as he ducked his head. Those curls of his falling into his face. Your noses brushed together as you gracefully settled into his lap; your smirk only widening as you lovingly leaned in and captured his soft lips. “I have missed you.” The words fell from your lips with ease.
His hold on you only tightened as your hands reached for his shoulders whilst you settled yourself. The soft material of your dress rising up especially with Jack’s eager hands. The kiss continued and only grew more passionate as your tongues danced. His fingers now were buried in your locks as he kept you impossibly close.
Slowly, you pressed soft, open mouthed kisses down his neck. The act only caused him to shiver once more. With a giggle, you leaned in and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his lips before slipping from his hold.Your giggling only continued as a soft pout came over Jack’s face. Your eyes moved down his body as you chewed cheekily on your plump, bottom lip.
Jack only groaned; you knew such an act had his cock twitching in his pants as he eagerly moved to stand. The size difference as ever caused you to shiver in anticipation. “Are you bailing?” Urban hummed; looking up in a daze as Jack’s arm wrapped around your shoulder and brought you impossibly close against his body.
“Hmm, yes..” You giggled over Jack’s head as he hid into your neck once more. Cheekily, your hand slowly moved down his muscled chest. He moaned deliciously into your ear as your hand cupped his clothed, hard cock. If only you were alone, you thought to yourself whilst fighting the urge to dip into his jeans.
“Shh, baby boy…I’ve got you….” You softly whispered as you moved your hips; spelling out his name with ease even with his fat cock stuffing your sweet, creamy pussy. Jack only groaned out his enjoyment; his head falling back on the pillow with his curls messily surrounding him. Those soft, ample breasts of yours bounced with ease.
Those delicate hands of yours reached for the headboard as your riding only increased, much to Jack’s enjoyment. Those blue eyes of his watched your sweet tasting, ample breasts bouncing which only prolonged his pleasure. His obsession for them was near insanity as he leaned in and hotly captured your sweet, pebbled nipple.
Your hands brushed through those curls once more and brought Jack impossibly closer against your soft body. The intense pleasure was making itself at home inside you as you shook some more. Your nails brushing down his soft, silky to touch skin. Jack could only shiver and moan against you; sending vibrations down your spine.     
His tongue brushed over your nipple as whimpers of his name easily fell from your lips like a prayer. Your hips still moved; now spelling out his name as Jack pushed deeper. Your toes curled at the sensation as your rocking resumed. Your hands moved over his chest once more as his grunts of pleasure echoed in the bedroom.
The taunts from Urban would ring in your ears in the morning no doubt, you thought to yourself. There was no shame in your movements as you quickened them; bouncing on his throbbing cock without care. The wet, obscene sounds make their presence known once more as a ring of cream forms around his thick length.
His larger hand slowly moved down your body, palming at those sweet, bouncing breasts as your head fell back. Jack pushed against the bulge on your stomach as a smirk tugged on those soft lips of his. His thumb brushed against your sweet, sensitive clit that had your body jolting. God, he knew your body so well, you thought to yourself.
Your legs could only shake whilst you reached for his chest and pushed him down on the sheets; taking control of the situation just as he liked. It did not stop Jack from teasing your sweet tasting pussy as he roughly rubbed against your clit. Your stomach tightened in anticipation once more as his hips rocked some more.
Soft mewls of pleasure escaped your lips as you leaned in; brushing your noses together. Those blue eyes of his burrowing into yours. “I love you.” He whispered in your ear whilst pressing his lips against your cheek. His hand brushed up and down your naked back before moving in those thick locks of yours before tugging.
His chuckles echoed as a sharp gasp escaped you; the pain and pleasure mixing together so nicely. Your orgasm was quickly approaching now and Jack only fucked you through it with ease. “Fuck that’s it…ah, so good.” You whispers of praises had him whimpering beneath you. His fingers still rubbed against your clit again and again.
His arm wrapped around you as his thrusts quickened; the sound of your bodies slapping against each other echoed. It was only when his cum was flooding you that the condom you forgot to wrap around his throbbing length came to mind. Fuck, a problem for another time, you thought to yourself as the pleasure was so addictive.
He was addictive. You softly whispered sweet nothings as you both came down from the high that still hummed under your skin. His hands slowly moved up and down your back as you snuggled into his chest. Jack’s heart beat lulled in your ear as you sweetly mouthed at his neck; his mouth watering scent coming over you. 
“I love you too.” Your painted fingers moved through his hair; massaging his scalp as he nearly purred at your touch. “Are you sober now, hmm?” A whine escaped him when you moved to leave ; his arm instantly wrapping around your waist. You were practically cock warming him now and it was a favourite of Jacks.
Not that you minded as you hummed; toes curling as the soft pleasure still brushed over you. Jack grunted in your ear as the sheets were soon pulled to your chin. You could stay there forever, you thought to yourself as he only cuddled closer. The clinginess Jack was known for with you coming out full force now.
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niadsofthelecterfarm · 2 months
Lecter Estate Niad Department Files
Subject: Queen William Graham
Identification Number: QN-001
Type of Niad: Royal Niad
Place of Origin: Ancient Forest of Eldoria
Acquisition Date: 15th August 1975
Physical Description:
- Height: 6'2" with tail
- Weight: 135 lbs
- Eye Color: Luminous emerald
- Hair Color: Dark blue with bioluminescent highlights
- Wingspan: 8 feet (translucent with intricate veining patterns)
Unique Physical Traits:
- Distinctive crown-like growth of bioluminescent petals around the head.
- Vine-like tendrils extending from arms, capable of intricate movements and manipulation.
Medical and Biological Information:
- Lifespan: Indeterminate; displays signs of longevity typical of royal niads.
- Metabolic Rate: Elevated; requires a high intake of energy and nutrients derived from specific flora.
- Reproductive Capacity: Able to produce and nurture a wide variety of lesser niads.
- Sensory Acuity: Enhanced; possesses superior vision, hearing, emotional and olfactory senses compared to other niads.
Behavioral Characteristics:
- Displays high levels of intelligence and strategic thinking.
- Exhibits strong leadership qualities and natural command over other niads.
- Shows deep attunement to the natural and magical elements of her environment.
- Temperamental
Technical Specifications:
- Energy Output: Radiates a consistent field of energy that can be harnessed for various purposes, including alchemical processes and enchantments.
- Communication Abilities: Utilizes a complex system of pheromones and telepathic signals to communicate with other niads.
- Environmental Adaptability: Highly adaptable to changes in environment, though prefers lush, wet, forested areas rich in magical flora.
Containment and Care Protocols:
- Habitat Requirements: Must be housed in a secure, enchanted habitat that mimics the natural conditions of the Ancient Forest of Eldoria. This includes ample magical flora, a flowing water source, and controlled light conditions.
- Nutritional Needs: Requires a diet of rare plants and a regular infusion of pure energy.
- Security Measures: Due to his unique abilities and importance, Queen Will habitat is under constant surveillance and protected by multiple layers of magical wards.
- Interaction Guidelines: Only authorized personnel may interact with Queen Will. All interactions must be documented and conducted with the utmost respect and caution.
Research and Utilization:
- Alchemical Research: Queen Will's magical essence is a key component in several advanced alchemical formulas.
This report serves as a critical advisory regarding Queen William, the Royal Niad. Despite his majestic and ethereal appearance, Queen William possesses significant dangers that must be acknowledged and respected by all personnel. Failure to adhere to the following guidelines may result in severe injury or fatality.
Physical and Behavioral Warnings:
1. Enhanced Strength and Agility:
- Queen William exhibits extraordinary physical capabilities. His strength is far beyond that of typical niads, and his agility allows him to move with alarming speed and precision. Direct physical interaction without proper precautions is highly discouraged.
2. Vine Tendrils:
- The vine-like tendrils extending from his arms are not only dexterous but also possess considerable constrictive power. These tendrils can immobilize and potentially crush individuals who come too close. Maintain a safe distance at all times.
3. Telepathic Influence:
- Queen William has demonstrated the ability to exert telepathic influence over other niads and, in some cases, humans. This influence can lead to disorientation, confusion, and altered behavior. Personnel must be vigilant and report any unusual mental sensations immediately.
4. Pheromone Emissions:
- The Queen's pheromones have potent effects on niads, causing heightened aggression or docility depending on hia intent. These pheromones can also affect humans, inducing strong emotional responses. Protective gear is mandatory when entering his habitat.
5. Energy Field:
- Queen William radiates a powerful energy field. Prolonged exposure without proper shielding can lead to severe magical burns or energy depletion. Limit exposure time and utilize protective enchantments when in his vicinity.
Containment Protocols:
1. Reinforced Enclosures:
- Queen William is housed within a heavily reinforced, enchanted habitat. All access points are secured with high-level magical wards and physical barriers. Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited.
2. Surveillance and Monitoring:
- His enclosure is under constant surveillance. Any anomalies or unauthorized activities are to be reported immediately. Security personnel must be on high alert at all times.
3. Interaction Restrictions:
- Only authorized personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher may interact with Queen William. Interactions must be pre-approved and conducted under strict supervision. All personnel must wear protective gear and carry emergency containment devices.
4. Emergency Protocols:
- In the event of a containment breach, initiate Protocol Alpha immediately. This includes the activation of emergency wards, deployment of containment teams, and evacuation of non-essential personnel. Under no circumstances should any personnel attempt to engage Queen William directly.
Queen William is an extraordinary yet perilous entity. His potential for both knowledge and destruction is immense. It is imperative that all personnel exercise the utmost caution and respect when dealing with him. Complacency or negligence can have catastrophic consequences.
Stay vigilant, stay protected, and always adhere to established protocols.
"In the pursuit of knowledge, we must never forget the power we seek to understand."
Prepared by:
Dr. Abel Gideon
Head of Niad Research Division
Lecter Estate
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hirocimacruiser · 11 months
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Tommykaira R-z brochure translation.
The wonders of Tommykaira Magic that you can experience while driving. R
Total balance with a high degree of perfection commensurate with 530ps.
The displacement has been increased to 2700cc, achieving a maximum output of 530 horsepower and a maximum torque of 54.52kgm. To achieve this, various types of tuning have been applied. For example, the crankshaft, which is the most important element for bringing out the best performance of the engine, is an original crankshaft manufactured by Fandon in the UK. Highly rigid full counter type provides excellent balance performance. Furthermore, the R-z uses an H-section connecting rod and forged aluminum piston, making it both highly rigid and lightweight. What's more, it achieves well-balanced tuning. In addition, the R-z uses metal head gaskets, high-lift camshafts, valve springs, and racing plugs to bring out the best in the pistons, connecting rods, and crankshafts that are the main moving parts. Composite Radiator Improves cooling effect by using NI water pump.
I got it.
Changes to the intake and exhaust system have resulted in a significant increase in efficiency through the use of a stainless steel exhaust system with suction from the front pipe and a racing type intercooler. By increasing the size of the fuel system parts and strengthening the drive system, you can enjoy ample torque even when driving at low rpm around town. What's more, the sense of power, extension, and revving at high rpm will captivate anyone sitting in the driver's seat.
suspension tuning is
"High ride comfort and handling"
Balance in Dimensions.” During normal driving
Passenger-friendly ride
While realizing the taste, wine day
It is sharp and has excellent turning performance when turning.
Tomita has achieved this goal and has received rave reviews from many quarters.
It's a magic called Kaira Magic.
The front brake has been strengthened to control the 530 horsepower. Uses AP 6-pot calipers, AP brake rotors, and PFC brake pads. This is a highly reliable braking system that responds precisely to the driver's wishes.
engine body
・Cylinder head/port polishing
・Cylinder block/boring, internal polishing
・Original crankshaft made in UK Fandon
・Special H section connecting rod
・Special forged piston
・Titanium coated piston ring
・Metal head gasket
・High lift camshaft
・Reinforced valve spring, valve guide
・Racing plug
computer unit
・R-z dedicated computer unit
cooling system
・Large capacity water-cooled oil cooler
Water pump for high speed N1
Intake and exhaust system
・All exhaust system
・Large capacity intercooler
・Special turbine
fuel system
Large capacity air flow meter
large capacity injector
・Large capacity fuel pump
drive system
・Twin plate clutch
Reinforcement parts
・Strut tower bar (with master cylinder stopper)
・Reinforced engine mount
・Enhanced mission mount
Brake system
・AP 6-pot caliper & rotor (F)
・PFC brake pad
・Bilstein original shock absorber
・Original spring (F)
Original double spring (R)
・Forged magnesium cut wheel “PRO R” 9.5×19+22
Reinforcement parts
・Stainless mesh brake hose
・Front tension rod (pillow ball)
* [Exterior] and [Interior] are the same specifications as R-s.
PRICE ¥10,500,000-
Max Output 530ps/7300rpm
Max Torque 54.52kgm/6000rpm
RB26DETT STRAIGHT-6 DOHC Turbo with multi-cup Intercooler
Piston Displacement: 2700cc
Bore x Stroke: 87.0mm x 75.7mm
Length: 4620mm
Width: 1785mm
Height: 1335mm
Wheelbase: 2665mm
Tread: Front 1496mm
Rear 1496mm
4 Wheels Drive
Transmission: 6MT
Brakes:(F) 6 Piston Opposed Type Caliper + Ventilated Disc
Brakes:(R) 2 Piston Opposed Type Caliper + Ventilated Disc
Wheels: 9.5JJX 19 (Front&Rear)
Tire: 275/30ZR19 (Front&Rear)
Suspension : Original Shock absorber + Original Coil Spring
Steering: Rack & Pinion < SUPER HICAS >
*Price is vehicle price delivered at Kyoto store, registration fees and consumption tax not included US specifications, data, etc. are subject to change without notice. *Detailed options, equipment, body color, etc. are based on genuine Nissan. Catalog photos may look different from the actual products as they are printed materials. For inquiries and requests..
dream factory
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the-fatty-frontier · 8 days
Back in the Frontier Wars, mercs of all kinds were hired for all kinds of jobs. Some had the flashy work of battling on the frontlines, taking part in massive battles between the corporate powers. Others were hired by the IGSR to act as a gift column, protecting their agents and sabotaging the corporate alliances. Some though did the poorly paid work of colony protection, chasing off criminal syndicates and bandits like the gunslingers of Old Earth. For Nadia, that’s what much of her young years as a mercenary was on Caldera: find the bad guys, punch the bad guys, and make sure they didn’t go bothering any towns or villages. For the most part, it was a really dull job with not much happening. Though sometimes, it switched to be the more bizarre.
A couple years into the Frontier Wars, Nadia got a job to hunt down some water thieves. She didn’t care that much about the reasoning for it, but the pay was decent and it could lead to some action. Slipping into the den the thieves had set up, she quietly snuck through the dark halls, careful not to bring any attention to herself. All she had to do was find the water tanks and report back to her employers, then she’d get a nice, tidy bounty. It was all going to plan as she snuck into the deepest part of the facility, when a masked figure quickly appeared in front of her, blowing a powder into her face and knocking her out.
When she woke up, she realized that things were going south fast. She wasn’t in the stairwell she remembered before she lost consciousness. Instead, she was in a massive storage bay, her arms and legs held apart by cuffs, keeping her from trying to escape. Worst of all, she got a good look at just who she was messing with. This wasn’t a group of water thieves, not at all. In front of her, covered in deep crimson and red armor, stood agents of the Astro Vipers, a gang of mercenaries hired to sabotage whole colonies for profit. And in front of her stood their leader.
“You got pretty far merc, I’m impressed,” a female, heavily synthesized voice spoke to her from behind the leader’s mask. “Unfortunately for you though, I have no intention of getting caught. And if you’re here, it’s just a matter of time before law enforcement arrives. So I say you help us dispose of our marked cargo.” Nadia opened her mouth, ready to hurl insults at her captor, only for a hose to be shoved into it. “You must be thirsty, let’s help with that.”
One of the gangers walked behind Nadia, just out of view. Soon, she heard a loud, pneumatic hiss, followed by her cheeks swelling up with a sudden intake of water. Caught off guard, Nadia began to instinctively gulp down mouthfuls of the stuff quickly, trying again to get lose. Though as she struggled against the cuffs, she suddenly felt her body get heavier, looking down in horror as her belly began to quickly swell up! Each large mouthful pushed it out more and more, stretching her company uniform against it as she started to blush, realizing just what the hose was attached to.
Minutes passed as Nadia was inflated, feeling her belly go from poking out a bit, to round, to gravid and quickly getting as big as a yoga ball. Worst of all was that Nadia could feel the water shifting, looking for other areas to fill up as her already ample rear quickly joined in, stretching her pants to their limits as her hips pressed outwards, along with her things becoming conical and bloated. “This is taking too long, speed it up!” The leader suddenly spoke up, and Nadia’s reluctant gulping down of water was replaced with a rapid flow.
Rips and tears echoed through the store room, her uniform giving up against her belly as it pushed closer to the ground. Her chest soon joined in, ruining her uniform more as they swelled out to the size of melons, as if desperately trying to keep up. Even her arms joined in, losing all muscle as she felt them fill up too.
Half an hour rolled by, and Nadia continued to expand the whole time. Her uniform was quickly defeated by her figure, scraps of it falling to the floor as the rest hang on to her swollen frame. It got to the point that they didn’t even keep her shackled any longer, releasing her only to watch Nadia fall on top of her moaning as she jiggled and wobbled in place. “Well, this is certainly fun, but I plan on spending tonight in a nice Arcadian hotel. Take care merc~” The Astro Viper leader said with a mocking laugh, turning to leave as her goons set the tank to empty at its fastest pace, leaving Nadia swelling like a water balloon on a firehose in the underground storage facility.
By the time rescue had come, Nadia was massive. Every part of her expanding figure swollen to comical proportions to the shock of Nadia’s fellow mercs. Rather than finding the nimble, tough gun for hire, they found a belly the size of a truck in front of them, mounted by a chest just slightly smaller. The rest of the Nadia’s body was similarly massive, her rear pressing into the water tank behind her, easily rivaling it in size and surprisingly keeping her bottom heavy figure, if greatly exaggerated. Nadia herself moaned softly, so filled with water that her cheeks were puffed up as well, feeling her body slosh at the slightest touch and unable to speak from all of it. Who knows how they’ll get her out of the facility, but at least they know where all the water is now.
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skin-care-news · 1 year
Easy Tips For Preventing Forehead Wrinkles
Forehead wrinkles, also known as "worry lines" or "expression lines," are a natural part of aging. As we grow older, our skin loses its elasticity and becomes more prone to fine lines and wrinkles. However, there are various preventive measures that can be incorporated into your daily routine to slow down the formation of forehead wrinkles and maintain a smoother, youthful appearance. In this article, we will discuss some easy and practical tips to help prevent forehead wrinkles and keep your skin looking radiant and healthy.
Stay Hydrated
Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day keeps your skin hydrated, plump, and less prone to fine lines. Dehydrated skin is more likely to show signs of aging, including forehead wrinkles. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily and incorporate hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables into your diet.
Sun Protection
One of the leading causes of premature aging and wrinkles is sun exposure. Protecting your skin from overexposure to UV rays is crucial in preventing forehead wrinkles. Always wear mineral-based sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, even on cloudy days. Additionally, consider wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to shield your forehead and face from direct sunlight.
Use Moisturizers and Serums
Regularly applying moisturizers and serums can keep your skin nourished and improve its elasticity. Look for products containing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, granactive retinoid, vitamin C, and antioxidants, as they can help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Apply these products in the morning and evening as part of your skincare routine.
Adopt a Gentle Cleansing Routine
Harsh cleansers can strip your skin of its natural oils and disrupt its moisture barrier. Choose a mild and gentle cleanser that suits your skin type, and avoid excessive scrubbing, especially around the forehead area. A gentle cleansing routine helps maintain skin integrity and reduces the likelihood of developing forehead wrinkles.
Facial Exercises
Engaging in regular facial exercises can help strengthen the muscles in your forehead and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. One effective exercise involves placing your index and middle fingers above your eyebrows and pulling down gently while trying to raise your eyebrows. Hold for a few seconds and repeat several times. These exercises can help improve blood circulation and maintain muscle tone.
Get Sufficient Sleep
A lack of sleep can lead to the breakdown of collagen and elastin in the skin, accelerating the formation of wrinkles. Strive for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night to give your skin ample time to repair and rejuvenate.
Avoid Smoking and Limit Alcohol Intake
Smoking damages collagen and elastin, leading to premature aging and wrinkles. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption can dehydrate the skin and rob it of essential nutrients. Quit smoking if you are a smoker and limit alcohol intake to preserve your skin's health and youthful appearance.
Use Silk or Satin Pillowcases
Cotton pillowcases can cause friction and lead to sleep lines and wrinkles on your forehead. Switching to silk or satin pillowcases reduces friction and helps prevent the formation of these lines while also being gentler on your skin.
Practice Stress Management
Chronic stress can accelerate the aging process, including the formation of forehead wrinkles. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or engaging in hobbies to promote overall well-being and healthy skin.
Taking care of your skin and adopting a proactive approach to prevent forehead wrinkles doesn't have to be complicated. By incorporating these easy tips into your daily routine, you can help preserve the youthful appearance of your skin and maintain a smoother, wrinkle-free forehead for years to come. Remember, prevention is key, so start implementing these practices early to enjoy long-term benefits for your skin's health and appearance.
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helperhome · 1 year
Reconnecting the Mind, Body, and Soul
The next steps...
So, you've written out your baseline responses and have taken ample time to reflect... now what?
(you got dat journal handy, right?)
First, and most importantly, write yourself a note thanking yourself for finding the strength to begin this journey. Congratulate yourself for everything you've been through and express gratitude for every experience, both good and bad.
Right now, we are at the beginning of the assessment phase, with new questions to ponder. If you'd like, do that check-in questionnaire before we dive in.
The questions for today:
How does my mind treat my body?
In what ways am I being unnecessarily hard on myself? (This can be strictly mental, or perhaps even physical if you wanna get deep into it.)
What do I feel I am missing in my life? Go back as far as you can to see where the problems have started. Ask your child self what they need.
How can I be the person I need?
This step is all about your actions. First, we assessed the way we were feeling, now we will look at the way we are treated, both by ourselves and others.
How do you treat your body? Be brutally honest with this one. The more honest you are in any process like this, the more you will get out of it so always try to keep that in mind. When you wake up in the morning, do you take care of yourself? Or do you neglect yourself, rolling out of bed 15 minutes before you have to be out the door? When you look in the mirror, do you think kind thoughts? When you are in the shower/bath, how violently do you wash yourself? Are you washing yourself the way you'd bathe someone you love and cherish?
When you make a mistake, how do you respond when no one is watching? Do you hit yourself or cause other bodily harm? Do you restrict your food/water intake? When you feel like you need a break from your current task at hand, how do you respond to yourself? Are you forcing yourself to skip the break and keep on moving? Do you feel anger and frustration towards your lack of energy?
When you're out and you see a couple, how do you feel? What is your initial response internally? Is it positive? Or, when you see someone bonding with a parent or adult figure, how do you feel? Do you feel bitterness or a lack of some sort? When you are with friends or family, do you feel heard? Do you feel like they truly care about the words you speak? Are they supportive when you do something degrading to yourself?
Chances are, these questions may have invoked a negative response from within you and thats completely okay! I asked them intending on doing so. Now that you've experienced your reaction to them, go back to the bulleted list and write out the answers to those questions. Be as thorough as possible, releasing all of the emotions that bubble up to the surface.
Right now, in the assessment phase, the goal is to gather as much data as we can. If we are going to tackle the puzzle within you, we need to have a full understanding of what we're working with.
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shiprastyle · 1 year
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inferniso · 1 year
a kiss after treating a wound
(the sorrow's mostly embers, nowadays. funny they're doing this for someone who...)
rough squint, gentle hands. they fuss over the tear in her pants and the skinned bit of knee — procuring a little thing of salve from somewhere under their cloak, cleaning and bandaging the scrape.
he doesn't even know if things like this really hurt her — doesn't know if he forgives her fully, doesn't know if she's really aware of what she's done in full. but it's the principle of the whole thing, damn it. he cant ignore someone who's so...
ugh. someone who's so warm, y'know?
so this, too, is a kind of wish, the same way she'd wished on his behalf, pressed featherlight on the skin above the bandage. even if it's not real, even if it doesn't work, the wish is set afloat either way; a wishy-washy prayer of healing. for her, maybe for more than just her knee. (maybe for himself, for where the grief used to char...)
they huff. this is ridiculous. (this is only the human thing to do.)
"there, all better.")
Idunn didn't mean to cause any trouble. She had decided to busy herself with a few tasks to help out some of her fellow students. Fetch a few supplies here, carry a few documents there--simple things, that require not any sort of talent but the hard work and commitment she tries to foster in herself. It was going well, too, until she took a sudden fall. A snag in the road got the better of her, while eyes of ruby and shining emerald were distracted by a crowd of her peers.
They move like fish whenever they're busy. She finds it hard not to be captivated by the lives humans lead.
Lucky for her, Chad was nearby. Chad who taught her wishmaking, who showed her that every one of the world's flowers has a purpose. Some give off lovely scents for her to smell on the way to class, others lend their vibrant colors to dyemakers so they can weave beauty into silk--and dandelion seeds are the hands of heaven, carrying wishes wherever they go.
She winces. She looks like she's about to cry.
Idunn's manakete form is delicate by draconic standards. Chained and alone for centuries, it had ample time for its hide to soften. With nothing to sate her hunger, nothing to replenish her spirit for so long, she had to make accommodations to conserve strength. Miracle it may be that she survived with no intake of energy, she has grown weaker as a result. Factor in the strength it took to hold up the Dragon Temple before she collapsed, and one could understand why pain is a very real sensation to her.
"...Thank you." Muttered just beneath a breath. Hackles raised and scales primed, her body tenses up to their touch, yet her mind and soul know better--that the thief means her no harm. There is an unsure look in their eyes which she isn't ignorant of, but that they press on is proof their hearts are connected. Idunn finds the will to hold firm, to not budge when the cool sensation of their salve stings her open wound. They're already a saint to her, nevermind the fact that she hasn't earned any of her blessings. To trouble them any further wouldn't be fair.
"I wasn't looking. I'll pay attention next time." Said as though reciting a passage of text in class. The dragon peers down at her now-bandaged wound, twisting her ankle to view the entire scar. The blood might've frightened her, if it wasn't a reminder that she has a heart to send it coursing through her body. That she is alive.
The kiss comes next, and her mouth opens wide in reaction. "Chad...!" she nearly wants to shout, asking how they could offer so much kindness. But experiences are proving that this is simply human nature, to walk hand-in-hand. People are like seeds. They aren't born with ugly roots or fetid stems. The darkness in humanity grows in barren soil, away from light and water and care. Need creates struggle, struggle creates anger, anger creates hate. If the world had enough beauty for everyone, then malice would be traded for smiles--sorrow for joy.
(Then the wish of His Highness would have stayed pure. He wasn't a bad person, just a desperate one--with a dagger twisted into his heart by the world.)
So she sighs, and her face shields itself with a dusted pink. She allows Chad's thoughts and actions and hope to touch more than just her skin. The hand that rose up to cover her gasp falls, along with its twin, to lift the thief by the shoulders. "You have a beautiful heart," again, spoken as fact, "...Don't let anything happen to it."
Using what delicate force this form can muster, Idunn pulls them to their feet. With her chin held high and eyes squeezed shut, she returns a kiss to their forehead--mindful not to ruffle their hair. Maybe, had she said these words to the king long ago, things could have been different.
It is now her duty to ensure history doesn't repeat itself.
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