#amy watches christmas movies
What. The. Hell. Is. This.
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phoenix · 9 months
Rewatching Dear Santa while grabbing lunch, because I will rewatch terrible Christmas movies for Amy Acker
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thelawsofdaylight · 2 years
Pairing: Enjolras/Grantaire Wordcount: 13,861 Chapters: 1/1
Fic Summary: After being evicted from his New York City apartment, Grantaire retreats to the countryside to help his uncle manage the family Christmas Tree farm. With the holiday season approaching he's hoping to keep a low profile and find some peace until he can move back to the city. However, when news breaks of a strike at the farm Grantaire realises that his plans may be shattered... especially when the unofficial leader of said strike seems determined to turn Grantaire's world upside down.
Or, a rather political take on an ExR Hallmark-inspired Christmas fic! Written for @kjack89 as part of the Les Mis Holiday Exchange 2022!
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2ndaryprotocol · 2 years
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#NowWatching A Christmas Horror Story (2015) 🎅🏼🎙🧟‍♂️
“𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚝𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙱𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝙳𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝚐𝚛𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗.”
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happykinzz · 8 months
Brian Thomas x Tim Wright Headcanons
This was kinda written erratically cause I'm sleep deprived lol, enjoy!
-They first became friends when they were assigned as dormmates in College-
-They started talking and hanging out more ( kinda hard not to do when you live in the same place), and it didn't take long for Brian to realize that Tim had a lack of social experience-
-So he takes Tim everywhere, Aquariums, Zoos, Museums, restaurants, places Tim didn't go to often as a child-
-He doesn't judge Tim for not knowing social cues or how certain things work, even if Tim asks what would be an obvious question to most people, Brian will reply with that sweet smile and a helpful answer-
-Anyone who ostracizes Tim for how he act or behaves will most certainly be getting more than a mouthful from Brian-
-In return, Tim also teaches Brian many things, and sticks up for him when Brian won't stick up for himself-
-He introduces Brian to tacky horror flicks, and gets Brian interested in dark literature and woodworking, things Brian would come to like a lot!-
-If anyone is being a d!ck to Brian (*cough cough* Alex *cough cough*), Tim will not hesitate to let that person know how he feels and demand an apology from them-
-They both do lots of acts of service for each other, Tim makes lunches for Brian, and Brian always likes to do hard labor like mowing the lawn / fixing their car for Tim ( even though Tim can do it himself and always argues so)-
-Brian confessed to Tim at a Frat Party, while they were on the roof of the house, looking at constellations in the sky-
-While Tim has been pining for Brian for awhile, he felt reluctant at the start but pretty quickly opened up to the idea of dating Brian-
-They're both head over heels for each other-
-They date privately for at least a year though, cause y'know, it's Alabama-
-The first person they come out to is Jay-
-Then eventually Jessica, Amy, Alex, and Sarah, in that order-
-While on school vacation, they take trips together across the state-
-They always stop for roadside attractions, and take their time looking at everything they see, they're in no hurry-
-Brian takes a lot of photos of Tim, on his laptop he has a whole folder dedicated to photos of him-
-Whenever Brian takes Tim out on date, he is the sweetest gentleman ever-
-One time he even put his coat down over a puddle for Tim to step on-
-Tim got so flustered over it and could only mumble things like "you didn't have to do that" and "oh stawp it you"-
-You know they're gonna spoil each other on Christmas, Birthdays, and Valentines Day-
-The only difference is that Tim starts crying because he has never had anyone show him so much love and kindness before-
-This definately throws Brian off the first time it happens and he's so worried that Tim didn't like his gift and offers to get him something better and all that-
-They rent and watch movies a lot together, the people at the movie store know them as "the two guy friends that always come in and sometimes smack each other's ass"-
-Tim eventually opens up to Brian about his past and his condition, which further motivates Brian to do good in his Psychology class so that he can help Tim somehow ( don't forget he's a Psychology major girlies)-
-Tim likes the sound of Brian's heartbeat, whenever they cuddle Tim is always on Brian's chest-
-Brian doesn't mind because he loves being able to run his fingers though Tim's smooth hair and being able to kiss his temple-
-Tim is also very warm too, and Brian is cold all the time so needless to say they cuddle a lot-
-Brian's main way of showing affection is through physical contact, and Tim is suuupper touched starved so it's a match made in heaven-
-Tim thinks Brian is like the Sun, always bringing warmth and happiness with him wherever he goes, while glowing with a radiance that brings you comfort and makes you feel secure-
-Brian thinks Tim is like a pearl, a coveted rarity that everyone desires, standing out in a crowd of oysters. If they were ever to get married Brian would totally propose to Tim with a ring that has pearls in it-
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nkatr84 · 9 days
Only Murders in the Building 4:3 “Two for the Road” Spoiler Warning
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Okay so the actors are back! And everyone gets paired up. Yet somehow none of them are as annoying as Amy Schumer’s drive by cameo in season 2. Even after Zack Galifianakis’s mean little rant to his agent. Good for you Howard for standing up for Oliver.
So Mabel and Eva Longoria discover Christmas Guy hates Christmas but is stuck having to keep up appearances because his Christmas themed Tik Tok went viral. First of all thank you Hatter (John Hoffman) for letting us see Kamal’s ABs. 👏👏👏 second why couldn’t this guy do other themed workout videos? Like Halloween or Easter? Or movie themed when it’s not a holiday? Who wants to watch a Christmas themed workout when it’s not Christmas? Guy doesn’t know how to Tik Tok. But thirdly the gun on the mantle is a Red Ryder Bb Gun knockoff and Christmas Guy has no motive for killing Charles. Yet fourthly he has a ham radio and is acting weird about it.
Eugene and Charles make a good team. Both plans are disasters in getting Stink Eye Joe to remove his eyepatch but they discover he too is just as socially awkward as Charles and he doesn’t hate him. But the picture in his Apartment features a group shot of the Westies with someone’s face rubbed out holding the pig. Now by the height and slim figure and the fact we can see a bit of white hair I think that’s Sazz. Was she Dudenoff?
Now while Oliver was too busy trying to impress Zack, he did peace together that the Perfect strangers theme was a call sign on the ham radio and 445 was a channel. The person on the other ends warns them that the last person who asked questions got killed (Sazz).
Now while this suggests the person on the radio was the killer, I think it sounded like Melissa McCarthy’s voice. And we know she’s playing Charles’s sister. So I have a theory. Sazz found out something fishy about the movie deal. Went to Charles sister for help. They discover someone is after Charles. Sazz recruits the Westies to help, employing ham radios to communicate. Even pooling their money to rent the studio apartment and take turns watching the East Tower. Because the killer is actually someone in the East tower? But when Sazz gets killed, the Westies freak out and cover up their investigation. We shall see Arconiacs.
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myveryownfanfiction · 11 months
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prompt from @scealaiscoite
prompt: "please, i'm begging you. don't make me watch the nightmare before christmas again."
tags: @illiana-mystery, @fangsandroses, @onedirectionlovers2014
warnings: swearing, drinking
“Peter!” I yelled as Charley and Amy curled up on the other couch. “Get your ass in here!”
“give me a second asshole!” Peter yelled back, making the other couple laugh. “You’re making me carry all the fucking food. Least you could do is help!” Laughing, I stood up. Amy laughed as I slowly started to walk to where Peter was. “Fina-fucking-ly.” Peter laughed when I appeared on the doorway. I flipped him off as I grabbed the drinks and what I could of the food.
“Damn. Those kids sure eat a lot.” I laughed as we carried everything to the living room. “Alright. Foods on the table don’t kill us trying to get it. AH!” I screamed as charley lunged for the popcorn bowl, making amy laugh as she grabbed a drink from the other pile. “Fucking piranhas.” I muttered as I sat down next to Peter. He laughed as the younger couple settled in.
“what are we watching?” Peter asked.
“nightmare before Christmas.” Amy said, earning an eye roll from both males. Charley and Peter shared a look before turning towards their respective partners. Charley was talking to Amy in a hushed tone while Peter raised his eyebrows at me.
“darling, I love you. You know I do.” He took my hands and rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles. “But please, I’m begging you. Don’t make me watch nightmare before Christmas again.” I smiled softly at him.
“Pete, it’s not for me. Amy has never seen it and this is her pick.” I explained. Peter looked over at the other couple arguing and nodded. “After that you can pick whatever you want. I don’t care if it’s the bloodiest, most violent movie ever made. But please. Let her have this.” Peter nodded again.
“alright.” He whispered. “But this is the last time. After this, you have no excuses.” I nodded and Peter looked over at the younger couple. He whistled to get Charley’s attention. “Hey chuck! Drop it. We’re watching it.” Charley opened his mouth to say something but Peter gave him a look that made Charley nod. Amy looked over at us and smiled in thanks. “You know you owe me for this right?” Peter whispered in my ear as the movie started.
“yeah.” I whispered back. “That slutty Halloween costume you wanted me to wear to the hard rock party? How about I wear it just for you?” Peters eyes lit up and he nodded before kissing me.
“that’ll cover your debt.” He smiled at me before settling in to watch the movie.
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Rick and Morty Season 7 Episode 1 Favs and Thoughts
(and maybe a small rant)
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Rick and Morty season 7 has officially begun and this is the first time on this blog I plan on sharing some of my favs (and maybe some not favs) and my thoughts about each episode.
This will NOT be spoiler-free so turn back now if you haven’t watched the episode yet. If you have watched the episode or don’t care if you run across spoilers then please proceed.
My Favs:
The new voice actors!
Ian Cardoni and Harry Belden as Rick and Morty, respectively. I thought the actors did an amazing job at capturing the characters, even though we didn’t hear much from Belden this episode. I was looking them up on IMDB and some of their previous work included being an announcer for Wrestlemania, acting in a really crappy looking Disney Channel Christmas movie, and one of the better gigs, playing a bit part on Joe Pera Talks With You. And now they’re the stars of Rick and Morty. Talk about a big break.
Morty’ s snarky coffee comment and Rick’s sarcasm.
Morty is becoming more like his grandfather every season because that comment feels like something Rick would say. Also, I feel that in such a small scene the banter between Rick and Morty seems a bit richer with two different actors playing off each other as opposed to just having Roiland do the two voices. Hopefully we get some bigger scenes to really get a chance to hear them together.
Ok. To be honest, I’m a little bummed that she was rescued off screen but I’m not going to let that ruin my enjoyment of the season. So she is home and she is an absolute teenage terror! BP took a dive into the deep end of the parenting pool with that one. Others have made this comment as well but I love her punk rock aesthetic that she’s got going on, ahold over from her days at Femme Fatale Training Camp. I hope Morty never meets her because I think he would be SMITTEN for approximately 10 seconds until she kicked his ass to another dimension (or she might be just as smitten by him and in that case I don’t think the multiverse could handle that relationship).
Ghost Robot
I thought it was really clever joke overall especially when Rick interrupts the download for “Business” so it’s unfinished. Get it huh huh get it. Hope he shows up later in the season.
The gangs all back!
I enjoyed the absolute silliness of Rick’s pitiful attempt at an intervention that turns into a drug and alcohol fueled bender that turns into an attempt to woo Amy back, a fight with Mr. PBH’s ex-wife’s new paramour ( who is a Predator hired to spy on her) and then coming to the realization that Amy has moved on and her and Poopy Jr. are in a much happier place, and because of that, Mr. PBH (or Wayne) can find closure in that and move on too.
The fade out pills and the Best Friend Burrito Box
I was giggling throughout the episode but I did love the fade out pill gag and Rick fading back in to explain the pill and give one to Mr. PBH then fading back out again. Also, I was so sad for Gene to get his Best Friend Burrito Box taken away! He wasn’t lying! He did have friends they just faded out without him.
My Not Favs:
Hugh Jackman.
I love the actor and this by no means pulled me out of the episode or ruined my enjoyment but I think the episode would have been stronger without him. Or, at least, have him actually secretly been a real wolverine. Not the superhero, Wolverine, but a wolverine that disguised himself as a human.
My Thoughts
(and my rant):
I think online discourse around film, television, and media has destroyed the ability to enjoy something that is just meant to be simple and silly and fun. If an episode of a season is not “mind-blowing” or “moves the narrative forward” it is immediately the worse thing ever. Was this the best episode of Rick and Morty? No. Was it the worse? No. Was it mind-blowing? No, but most Rick and Morty episodes aren’t and I realize I just said something sacrilegious. Was it deeply philosophical? Again no, but most Rick and Morty episodes aren’t. Again I’m being blasphemous in some circles of the fandom. Was it funny? I thought so but your mileage may vary.
Overall, I found it on the same level of episodes like the one were Morty impregnates a sex bot, 2nd interdimensional cable, Tiny Rick, or the dinosaur episode from last season. So I was really surprised at such a strong negative reaction to an episode that I thought was perfectly fine. I feel that the reaction was completely unwarranted and out of proportion with the episode we got. I’ll caveat it with most of the negative reaction being on Reddit ( which I realize is Reddit and Reddit will do what it will do). A vast majority of critic reviews I read were pretty positive and so has the discourse on Tumblr for the most part. I’m sure some of it is coming from Justin dickriders pissed he face actually consequences for his actions, but not all of it.
I felt the new episode would have fit very comfortably in with season 6 ( which I felt was a great season). Maybe it wasn’t to the level as other premiers but I had fun watching it. I love me a deep lore episode or a mind-bending sci-fi, but I also appreciate an episode that suppose to just be fun and silly and relaxed with a little bit of heart. I enjoy seeing Rick try to help his friend out of a rut and I’m glad there is some closure on Mr. PBH’s arc. And it was good to see the friends reunite. Squanchy’s alive, Birdperson is navigating fatherhood and we got to see a side of Rick we don’t see a lot. And if it’s any consolation to those who absolutely hated the episode, next week’s episode is supposedly a lot stronger.
I think it’s okay to criticize an episode but I did see one Redditor complain that he thought (and I feel comfortable assuming this person was a he) that Rick and Morty was now turning into…a sitcom. I swear I felt my soul leave my body. I wanted to say :
Honey, Dear, Sweetheart
I’m not actually mad I just thought that was hilarious and wanted to share that.
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theprinceandagcd · 10 months
sweet dreams of holly and ribbon
3k words of firstprince christmas fluff that no one asked for
Words: 3111 ao3 link
and everything is icy and blue and you would be there, too under the mistletoe watching the fire glow and telling me, “I love you”
“What do you think of this one, love?”
Alex turns at the sound of Henry’s voice, eyeing the ornament ball assortment in his hands. It’s a simpler array – just an even number of solid gold ornaments and white ornaments that are vaguely shiny. Not glittery, just iridescent enough to reflect the light.
He takes the box out of Henry’s hand and assesses it, wrinkling his nose. “It’s a little… boring, don’t you think?”
Henry snorts. “Of course you would think that.”
“How would you describe it, then?” Alex challenges, stepping closer and lifting his chin to meet Henry’s eyes.
“Golds and whites are classy, darling.”
Alex should tell Henry more how much he’s come to truly adore his accent, the way his voice curls around vowels, all his little enunciations and specificities that are so unique to his speech, but especially how the word “darling” falling past his lips might always be his favorite. It rattles around in his brain, like a direct shot of serotonin, and Henry really should know that.
Maybe later, he’ll tell him.
Right now, though, he has an argument to win.
“Is that what we are?” Alex asks, eyebrows raised. “Classy?”
“It’s certainly what I am,” Henry quips, taking the box of ornaments back from Alex.
“Uh huh.” His eyes catch on something down the aisle, just above his vantage point over Henry’s shoulder. It’s glittering in the fluorescent lights of the Target aisle they’re on. Amy is posted at the end of the shelves, hands clasped in front of her, and Alex knows one of Henry’s PPOs is behind him on the other side doing the same thing. It’s been quiet today, thankfully.
Vaguely, Alex wonders if their security miss the excitement.
Target is certainly pretty tame compared to some of their previous outings. Some people have recognized them, but most have moved on without giving them a second glance. Alex thinks he saw one person snap a photo, and one person did a double take when they walked by with their shopping cart, but for the most part, people in their neighborhood have stopped paying attention to them.
Alex has to admit, it’s really fucking nice to feel even somewhat normal.
It’s their first Christmas in the brownstone since Alex moved in, and the one thing he had begged for was to decorate it with as much Christmas décor as they could find. When he was little, before his parents had split, decorating their house for Christmas had been one of his favorite things. They’d pull all the boxes down from the attic and spend an entire Saturday hanging tinsel and strings of lights and decorating the Christmas tree. More times than not, it was a disaster of a decorating job, imbalanced and messy and perfect, all the same. He and June would always argue over who got to put the angel on the top of the tree, and when he won, he would sit on his dad’s shoulders and the angel perpetually wound up just a little crooked, and their parents would laugh and tell him that it was still beautiful. They would always curl up on the couch once they were finished and watch a Christmas movie that Alex would always fall asleep to before it was over.
At the White House, the decorations were extravagant and elegant, and to an extent, Alex loved those, too. There were always lights hung up on all of the trees on the lawn, sprigs of fake holly on all of the hallway tables, the biggest wreath he’d ever seen hanging on the front door. It was fun to watch them get put up, to feel the Christmas spirit creeping into the air. Sometimes, Alex thought that the decorations were a bit too stale, a bit too perfect. The Christmas before Henry first kissed him, he’d walked down the hallway on the night of the 26th and ached for the disorganized beauty of his childhood Christmas decorations, wishing he could fight with June one more time over who got to put on the tree topper.
So, when Henry had asked him if he wanted to do anything special for their first Christmas living together, he’d blurted out that he wanted to decorate the entire brownstone without hesitation. He isn’t sure exactly what it’ll wind up looking like, maybe some wonderful assortment of the two of them – Henry’s quiet grace and Alex’s chaotic energy.
All he knows for sure is that he is suddenly very focused on the two golden glitter reindeer that his feet move him toward, brushing gently past Henry to pick them up off the shelf. He thinks Henry had been insisting the merits of simpler decorations, but Alex been distracted as soon as he’d seen them, so bright and ornate.
He turns back to Henry, smiling with the item behind his back as he closes the distance between them again. “Okay, I hear you. I do. But allow me to counter with-“ He pulls the outlandish decoration out from behind him. “-this.”
Henry tries to keep his face neutral. Alex can see it in the flat line of his mouth and his slightly furrowed brow, both of which are taut and twitching. But Alex grins, and one corner of Henry’s mouth quirks upward. 
They still just stare at each other for a long moment, eyes locked, a true feat of their combined stubbornness. Henry tilts his head, one brow raised high on his forehead, refusing, for the moment, to back down, the stupid box of ornaments still clutched tightly in his hands. Alex has the unprompted thought that he loves the spark in Henry’s eyes and has to breathe in deep through his nose to fight back the urge to kiss the purse of his lips.
It’s another thing he adds to his list of things to do later: 1) remind Henry how much he loves his accent, especially on the word “darling” and 2) kiss Henry’s pout. It’s a manageable list. He’ll definitely make the time for it.
But he can’t back down from this impromptu staring contest, not now.
Henry eventually sighs, and Alex’s heart twists in his chest when the expression on his face shifts into something soft and affectionate. Which is stupid, because they’ve been together for nearly two years now, and he shouldn’t still have to tamp down the stirring in his stomach every time Henry just fucking smiles at him. “Do you really want it, love?”
And he didn’t really, not seriously. He was just being facetious, originally. But he looks back down at it, dazzling and an absolute nightmare of glitter that will definitely get everywhere. David will probably try to eat the runaway glitter, too, which is another issue entirely. But it reminds him of frenzied childhood Saturdays in December, covering a house in Christmas decorations even though it was still over 70 degrees outside. And, well, they are cool. “Yeah,” he says. “Actually, yeah. Kinda.”
Blue eyes roll skyward, but Henry grins and grabs their cart, pushing it in Alex’s direction anyway. “You get one, Alex. I hope this one is worth it.”
Henry puts the box of ball ornaments back on the shelf, but Alex grabs it and tosses it in, too.
He pretends not to notice Henry’s smile.  
Alex puts the reindeer on their fireplace mantel, front and center and impossible to miss. It almost looks too big for the thin surface, but Alex makes it work, grinning when he stands back to admire his handywork. There’s tinsel draped across it, too, red and green and gold twined together and hanging over the edges.
He likes it. It feels like home.
Henry grabs him around the waist and pulls Alex’s back into his chest as they stare at it. He feels Henry’s chuckle against his ear and has to fight back a shiver.
“It’s so garish.”
Alex beams, resting the back of his head on Henry’s shoulder and leaning into his embrace. “I like it.”
He’s poking fun, just a little, but Henry settles against him and props his chin on Alex’s shoulder, fingers gentle against his stomach. “I suppose we’ve long established that I’d just about give you anything you wanted, darling. It’s those damned eyelashes, and that-“ He plops a kiss to Alex’s cheekbone. “-damned smirk. I’m powerless to your charms.” 
“Baby, do you think I’m pretty?” Alex asks, angling his neck to look back and up at Henry, knowing his wide grin is bordering on obnoxious.
Henry cuts his eyes at him. “Unfairly so. Genuinely, how am I supposed to maintain any sense of independence and self-determination when I am reduced to putty underneath your gaze?”
Alex turns, threading his hands together behind Henry’s neck and leaning in to slot their lips together. Henry responds easily, like he always does, kissing him back and making Alex’s toes curl in the fuzzy socks on his feet. Santa Clauses are stretched across the tops of them and Henry has a matching pair with Rudolphs. Alex had snuck those into the cart last minute, and before they had started putting everything up around the brownstone, he’d begged Henry to wear them with him.
To be fair, a “please, baby?” was really all it took.
Which, yeah. He guesses Henry isn’t stretching the truth much.
Alex slides one of his feet between Henry’s to bring them even closer together as they kiss until he remembers that he has to breathe. When he pulls away, their foreheads bump together.
“You know I would do anything for you, too, right?” The question slips out, because he’s pretty sure Henry was mostly teasing, but he has to know that it isn’t one-sided at this point, right?
Alex’s eyes are closed, but he can hear the smile in Henry’s voice. “You faced jetlag and your family’s confusion for months just to see me whenever you could.” He kisses Alex again. “You crossed an ocean in the middle of the night to tell me you loved me and to fight for us and dropped everything a few weeks later to be there for me and help me face my homophobic family.” Another kiss, soft against Alex’s mouth. “You make me tea on your early class days so that it’s ready when I wake up, and cook breakfast every Saturday, and have never once left home without kissing me and telling me that you love me.”  
Henry’s hand brushes across Alex’s jaw, and when his eyes flutter open, Henry’s own blue eyes are stupidly gentle and beautiful, and Alex isn’t sure how his body manages to hold all of the love that he has for him. It’s still overwhelming sometimes. “So you know, then.”
“So I know, darling.”
Alex squeezes at Henry’s neck. “I love when you call me that. Your accent makes it sound so…” He shrugs, scrunching his nose. “I don’t know. I probably love it as much as you like me calling you ‘baby’, honestly.”
Henry tries to plaster a frown on his face. “Where on earth did you get the idea that I like that?”
“You’re wearing Rudolph socks right now because of it,” Alex deadpans, glancing down at their feet.
“I wanted to wear these… lovely accessories,” Henry counters, but then a smile cracks the planes of his face. “Whatever. Darling. Noted. Thank you for your review. Management will take it into consideration.”
“The customer service here could be improved, too,” Alex tells him, and then, because they existed on a list together and he feels like he has to be efficient with checking things off, Alex tugs on Henry’s head and kisses Henry’s pouted lips, just for a moment. Henry is smiling into the kiss and their teeth bump, making them both laugh. Henry’s hand is big and warm against his cheek, and God, he’s still so in love he could die, like every cell in his body was created for the sole purpose of loving the man in front of him. Henry’s tongue brushes against his bottom lip as he kisses him again, and when they pull away, Alex murmurs, “Okay, I’ll increase my rating by half a star. But that’s it.”
“Christ,” Henry murmurs, kissing him again. Probably to shut him up.
Alex doesn’t mind.   
Henry’s fingers trail back down to Alex’s waist and wrap around him, and for a moment it’s reminiscent of a memory so burned into his brain that he knows he’ll carry it with him forever; a mostly dark museum and swaying between statues and clinging tightly to a sliver of hope that everything would be okay. And well, once he gets the idea, he can’t exactly ignore it. He pulls his lips from Henry’s. “Hey Alexa,” he says, pulling Henry closer. “Play Christmas music.”
“What are we doing?” Henry asks, eyes curious as their smart speaker confirms the request.
“Dancing, baby.” Alex moves one hand from his neck to tangle their fingers together as he starts to shift back and forth.
“Oh.” If he’s surprised, he recovers quickly, tightening his arm so that their bodies brush. Alex presses his nose into Henry’s jaw and inhales deeply, registering the combined smell of Henry and the cinnamon candle that’s been burning for the last two hours, and it might be his new favorite scent.
They dance as “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas” starts to play, turning in circles among the Christmas decorations that they’ve managed to put up. The tree is in the corner, with such an eclectic selection of ornaments that Alex can’t help but smile – there’s a cartoonish beagle that June got Henry, a University of Texas longhorn logo, Henry’s gold and white ball ornaments that he’d wanted dotted throughout the fake pine leaves. There are various tinsels scattered around the surfaces in the main living area, one strand hanging over the opening from the kitchen into the sitting room. A Santa Claus gnome sits next to their coatrack by the door.
It's perfect.
Henry rests his cheek against Alex’s hair, fingers rubbing circles into the small of his back as they sway. Alex just breathes, his head tucked into Henry’s shoulder, and tries to blink back the sudden moisture in his eyes, because he still can’t really believe that they’re here.
They live together in New York, both working on something they’re passionate about, and they come home to each other at night and watch movies and make love and walk David and exist in the same space because they’re allowed to, because they fought for the ability to do so. He’s so goddamn lucky that he gets to have this, the most beautiful thing that’s ever been his.
He holds on tighter.
“The place does look quite nice,” Henry says, unaware of the emotion constricting Alex’s throat.
Alex nods a little, his cheek brushing against Henry’s sweater. “Thanks for humoring me with all the decorating. We used to do it as a family when I was growing up, before my parents split, and, I guess…” He picks up his head and glances around. “It might not seem like a big deal, but it meant a lot to me.”
He didn’t mean for emotion to tighten his throat so suddenly, but his voice comes out strained and it really shouldn’t be this big of a deal, but the brownstone looks like Christmas exploded inside of it, bright and colorful and beautiful and theirs.
“Mmm,” Henry kisses his forehead. “I was happy to decorate our home with you, darling.”
Alex swallows, our home settling into his chest and making it feel like it might burst. He pushes his fingers into the hair at the base of Henry’s neck and tugs gently. If he was the Alex of a year ago, he’d probably be terrified of comparing anything with himself and Henry to his parents, terrified that they might still crash and burn, too, and wind up on separate sides of a country or an ocean, without even the excuse of children to bring them back together for holidays.
He isn’t scared of that anymore, though. After everything, emails and fighting back and finding this little slice of heaven in a New York City apartment, he’s never been more sure that he’ll never let something go, that in fifty years they’ll still be dancing around their living room in socked feet and driving each other a little crazy.
If Henry notices Alex’s wistfulness, he doesn’t comment on it. “We could always add more decorations, too. We may not have gone far enough.” Alex hears the mischief in his voice, and it makes him smile. “Perhaps we can get some mistletoe?”
Alex chuckles, pressing his mouth against Henry’s pulse point. “Looking for excuses to kiss me?”
“No, David, actually.”
“Oh, fuck you, sweetheart.”
Henry’s laugh echoes, lovely and encompassing, moving the hair near Alex’s temple. “Well, I was operating under the assumption that I didn’t particularly need excuses to kiss you.”
Alex thinks about teasing him, but instead he picks up his head to kiss him softly. “You don’t.” He watches the smile that lights up Henry’s face for a moment, the pink tinge to his cheeks that Alex brushes his thumb over. His eyes catch on the lit-up tree behind him. “Maybe one year in the future we can get a real tree.”
Henry’s fingers trail up his spine and back down as they continue to turn in circles in the middle of their living room. “Sticking around, then, are you?”
Their noses brush. “Forever, sweetheart.”
Henry is quiet for a long moment. “And no more Christmases apart?”
He’s thinking of last year, Alex knows, of a phone call at one in the morning Alex’s time on Christmas morning, their voices hushed and sad because an ocean was separating them, and a snowstorm was keeping it that way.  “Not if I have any say,” is what Alex tells him now, pulling him down for another kiss.
Alex tucks himself back into Henry’s body, face in his shoulder, and they drift even closer together as they dance, in their apartment, promises of more Christmases and more years and forever tucked safely in their little bubble with them, and a new song starts, and the music around them continues to play, holidays are joyful, there’s always something new, but every day’s a holiday, when I’m near to you.
“Merry Christmas, baby,” Alex whispers. “I love you.”
Henry’s lips brush against his hair. “Happy Christmas, darling. I love you, too.”
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lakesbian · 8 months
Amy would be really into Hallmark Christmas movies
oh my god. i don't think she would be really into them but i do think she has a formative memory she doesn't realize was formative of watching one with the dallons when she was like 7 and noticing that in the movie no one in the perfect family looked different and everyone was blonde. and btw she and victoria had matching christmas jammies
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kittykittyanon · 6 months
if i knew you irl (please just delete this if it makes you uncomfy 😣)
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We would go to cat cafes
I like cats, you like cats. It makes sense
But also the cat cafe is a bookstore bc I go to this bookstore cafe with this cute lil cat named Cedric but that's all the way in NC (not where I live)
So we would pick out a book to read together, something silly that would make us laugh
And we would have lots of sweet treats and hot chocolates while we read the book out loud in silly voices
We would also be snuggling with the cute cats, two teenage girls giggling in the corner if a cafe over a cheesy romance book
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imagining we both live in a city, we would go on walks all the time tbh
Holding hands/p (if ur cool with that) to make sure we don't get lost and giggling about stuff that's happened to us recently
also looking around at the pretty landscapes all the trees and buildings and just being in awe of the world around us
Bonus points if we are looking at christmas decorations
BONUS BONUS points if we play this game; we take turns spotting people and giving then life stories. Like we just come up with what they are doing, how they are feeling.
Also we have some sort if hot chocolate or lemonade or some sort of drink that matches rhe vibes of our walks
I imagine these walks are sort of weekly. We don't walk far just a little bit to catch up with each other
UAJAVSJAVKAVSBDJOSVSOSVSIOSVDODVIDBDODVDIDVEIE OMIGOSHHHH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) AMORIA AMI AMIMI!! HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU /P OMIGOSH AMORIA OMIGOSH. 💥💥💥💥💥💥 ((side note: i love it when you ambush me with silly asks like this,, i like the reminder you think of me :3 and i think of you too!!!))
more hcs under the cut!! <33
first of all, Yes. to everything on this list.
i walk like an absolute DRUNKARD,, and i mean when i get comfortable i never walk straight and i'm always walking in a sort of zigzag pattern,,, i feel like you'd laugh at how silly i walk and then i'd start laughing cause you're laughing and in the end we'd both be cackling and stumbling down the pavement together (≧▽≦)
OMIGOSH I LOVE HANDHOLDING!!! or just any sort of physical affection (as long as you're comfortable with it) !!! when i get comfy with someone,, it's very common for me to sort of. drape myself over them (*ノ∀`*)
if you're comfy with it and you want to,, i feel like we'd scoot our chairs as close as possible and be having our shoulders touching with a cat chilling across our laps,, us holding a book and trying to laugh as quietly as possible in the back of the cafe.
we'd share earphones/earbuds!! 100% we'd do the little thingy where i put one in my ear and you put one in yours and we'd have a mix of both our favorite playlists on low volume while we walk,, kinda like background music!! low enough for us to hear eachother but high enough to be audible.
i'm actually a rollerblader!! ...not a very good one, but a rollerblader nonetheless!! i'd definitely take you skating in our free time when we have energy for it, and i'd throw protective gear at you 'cause i'm scared of us falling LMAO
... yeah, no — we'd end up falling anyway LSNOABSOSVSISKECSHSJSHHSHSH
but we'd be laughing the whole time anyway so it's okay (*ノ∀`*)
during sleepovers, i'd bring a big stash of snacks and candy carefully picked out to your taste and mine, we'd watch coraline or any other movies!!
and then late at night, when it's time to sleep,, i'd give you my plushies so we could go to bed holding soft objects :3
if you stayed up i'd randomly wake up at like 3:45 am to spout the randomest shit only to fall right back asleep a few minutes later.
"did... *hiccup, giggle* did you know that whale sharks are filter feeders... an'... an' they eat plankton..." "... 😰"
i have curly hair so i sleep in bonnets and spend a lot of time in the mirror scrunching in gel and fixing my hair, i feel like you'd sit on the bed on your phone or something as i do it and we'd talk about whatever, breaking into snickers and giggles several times cause we're sprinkling in jokes to make eachother laugh.
assuming we don't go to the same school cause of the weekly walks to catch up with eachother,, i'd probably surprise you in the morning by knocking on your door with a big grin and your favorite snack, ready to walk you to school if i had a day off when you didn't. (if you're chill with it of course!!)
overall, you'd be a friend i cherish dearly. (and you are!!) (๑˘︶˘๑)
i'm a very big gift-giver but a very big broke dummy so you'd get attempted intricate paper flowers and handwritten letters, handfuls of stickers and little trinkets that made me think of you!!
i'd draw a chibi version of you and me doing silly activities together and put them with the rest of my gifts to you,, i'd also maybe draw a leo or two with a chad face and hide it somewhere in one of them HEHEHEE
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"Why did you buy into a candy business."
"Because Willy Wonka is my favourite movie."
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leslie-lyman · 2 years
All Hallow’s Eve (A Stranger At My Gate Drabble)
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summary: A little look at what is, technically, Tessa and Pero’s second Halloween together.
rating: G (though my entire blog and its contents are only for those 18+)
word count: 1.5k (I’m still counting it as a drabble, fight me)
a/n: I started having some Tessa and Pero thoughts on my walk home from work this afternoon, then cranked this out after dinner. It occurred to me that it might be fun to spend just a moment or two with these two today, given the importance of All Hallow’s Eve to their story. Happy Halloween, everyone!
Masterlist. | Series Masterlist.
Pero will never admit this out loud, but he secretly loves when Tessa fusses over him. Little touches that show that she cares, like she’s doing now, adjusting the collar of the white shirt that lays under the light blue vest she’d picked out for him.
“Alright, Flynn Rider, gimme your best smolder.”
“I will do no such thing,” he replies evenly, scowling at her.
“Hey now,” Pero grumbles, reaching down to tickle her side, “it worked on you, didn’t it?”
Tessa lets out a small shriek and twists away from him.
“Pero, behave. I promised Amie we’d hand out candy at her place while she and Thom take the kids trick-or-treating and we cannot be late.”
“With you in that dress, mi amor?” He cocks an eyebrow at the frilly purple garment that is turning his love into Rapunzel for the evening. “I make no promises.”
“Moira make it to Florida okay, Tess?” Henry says as she and Pero fill bowls of candy in her sister’s kitchen.
“She texted me when she landed earlier,” Tessa confirms.
“Tessa said she goes on this trip with her witch friends every All Hallow’s Eve?” Pero asks.
Amie nods.
“And Moira never misses a year when it’s Nancy’s turn to host. The woman takes to South Beach like a spring break co-ed.”
Henry barks out a laugh.
“Remind us, Pero, to tell you one day about the time we had to bail the whole lot of them out of the Miami-Dade County jail when they got booked on disorderly conduct.”
As with every nugget of information Tessa’s family shares with him about Moira, Pero is equally impressed and terrified.
Thom wrangles the kids into the kitchen, their whole family outfitted this year as Toy Story characters. Molly, Toby, and Finn — done up as Bo Peep, Rex, and Woody — rush to give their aunt and uncles hugs before racing out the door, eager to start collecting candy. Thom places a big red cowboy hat onto his wife’s head, completing her Jessie ensemble, and she helps him shuffle out the door sideways so as not to damage his Buzz Lightyear wings.
“Be good until we get back, you crazy kids!” Henry shouts at Tessa and Pero, one hand on Walter’s leash and the other around Martin’s waist. The two of them had decided to go out with the kids this year, wanting the chance to show off their costumes as Blue and Josh after the rain had thwarted everyone’s trick-or-treating plans last year.
Tessa and Pero settle themselves on Amie and Thom’s front stoop. The whole month of October has served as the last round of modern holiday education for Pero, Tessa and the rest of the Walsh family including him in their Halloween traditions as they had those of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and the Fourth of July over the past year. Pumpkins Pero had picked and helped to carve now stood guard on either side of Tessa’s front door. He’s gone on a hayride and wandered his way through a corn maze. He’s watched spooky movies and been the eager beneficiary of Tessa’s return to fall cooking, their house always smelling of pumpkin, cinnamon, apples…
And now, he’s let her dress him up to partake in the tradition of costumes and trick-or-treating, happy to spend a few hours dressed up like that Flynn character from that movie with the long-haired girl with the pretty voice if it means he gets to see Tessa all done up in her lace-edged dress, an innocent pink bow sewn to the neckline between her breasts that makes him think anything but innocent thoughts.
Paper bags with battery-powered tea lights line the driveway and front walk, a collection of carved pumpkins are clustered on either side of the door. The air is cool and crisp, the sky cloudless, the faint smell of fallen leaves on the breeze. The yellow glow of the porch light lets folks know there’s candy to be had at this house, and turns Tessa’s hair appropriately golden.
Slowly, children and families start wandering up. There are a few costumes he recognizes, classics like vampires and ghosts, a number of tiny witches to whom Tessa gives a little extra candy, characters from that movie The Wizard of Oz that Tessa loves so much. There are plenty of others he doesn’t — a lot of young girls are going as Ms. Marvel this year, and many teenagers and grown women are the Scarlet Witch. Tessa coos over a young boy dressed as the Mandalorian (who, she insists, Pero is a dead ringer for, even if he doesn’t see it), who comes up to get candy along with his Jack Russell terrier dressed as Grogu.
Some of the children eye Pero with trepidation, the inherent spookiness of the holiday and the shadows cast by the porch light making him look even more intimidating than usual. But then a girl of about five dressed in an absolutely precious Rapunzel gown of her own approaches them, and Tessa and Pero can see the look on her face change when she realizes who they’re dressed as.
“You’re Flynn Rider!” she squeals, then marches straight up to Pero to loudly whisper in his ear, “You’re my favorite Disney prince.”
Pero has had enough practice at playing pretend with Tessa’s niece and nephews that he’s able to get over his surprise and muster up a suitable reaction.
“Thank you, princesa,” he says, giving the girl a courtly little bow from where he sits. He drops an extra large handful of candy into her bag with a wink, and she practically sprints back down the drive to her waiting parents, loudly telling them how Flynn Rider and Rapunzel live at that house.
Tessa giggles next to him and leans her head on his shoulder, murmuring something about how she knew Flynn would be a great costume for him. But Pero is lost in thought, the mirror image of this scenario playing out in his head, in which he and Tessa are the ones standing at the end of the drive, and the little girl in the princess dress running excitedly to meet them is theirs.
Once they’re home, Tessa plops their doggy bag of leftover candy down on the counter and goes to get herself a glass of water. Pero unlaces his boots, tugging them off and placing them on the mat. There are so many places for his things now in the house, so many reminders in every room that this place is theirs, not just Tessa’s alone.
When he straightens again and looks to her she’s gazing out the window over the sink, the one that in the daylight offers a view of the woods that conceal the Gate in their depths. Pero makes his way over to her and wraps his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on top of her head.
“You are thinking very loudly, angel.”
Tessa sighs, but it’s a contented sound.
“I was just remembering…it was a year ago tonight.”
Pero hums.
“I’ve been thinking about it, too.”
Tessa turns in his arms, resting her hands on his chest.
“You left quite a first impression that evening.”
Pero grimaces, imagining the way he must have looked, wet, injured, unkempt, unconscious, Tessa and Henry literally dragging him into the house that first night to take care of him.
“You were quite a surprise too, you know,” he tells her.
“Oh yes? What was it exactly?” She teases him gently. “My house full of magical gadgets? My inability to understand any of your languages? My absolutely incredible grilled cheese sandwich-making skills?”
Pero shakes his head, brushing the tip of his nose against Tessa’s.
“You were so kind to me,” he murmurs. “So kind when you had no reason to be. And you weren’t afraid.” He says it like he still can’t quite believe it.
“Of you? Never.” Tessa curls her fingers into his shirt. “You were mine, right from the start, even if it took me a while to realize it. And I was yours.”
A year. A whole year she’s been his, a whole year they’ve belonged to each other. It’s not enough. Pero wonders if any amount of time ever will be.
He slots his lips over hers and kisses her, loving the way she responds, always meeting him kiss for kiss. Tessa never leaves any room for doubt that she wants him.
She pulls away for a moment, a suggestive glint of mischief in her eye.
“Trick or treat, Pero?”
His answering grin is her only warning before he scoops her up and tosses her over his shoulder, pulling an indignant squawk out of her.
“I think, mi amor,” he says, heading for their bedroom with his prize, “I won’t be satisfied until I’ve tried both.”
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e-vay · 1 year
Here's a new assembly of asks, assorted by topics so you can browse only what interests you:
Anon Asked: Have you ever watched The Nightmare Before Christmas? I was wondering if you watch it during Halloween or Christmas or do you consider it as both for the two seasons?
A: I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!! I consider it appropriate to watch for the last quarter of the whole year haha.
Anon Asked: Do you sometimes envision you and your husband as Sonic and Amy?
A: I do not, we really aren't anything like them. Ryan is very quiet and humble and shy. And yes I am forward and romantic like Amy, but unlike her, I'm an annoying little gremlin LOL!
Anon Asked: Have you ever watch 'Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'? You MIGHT like it amd I highly recommend you watching it ( but don't force yourself if you don't want to)
A: I've never actually watched it properly, but I've watched compilations of it and I really enjoyed what I saw! I love the art style of it and I like how all the turtles are unique. Plus Ben Schwartz, c'mon!
Anon Asked: Hi e-vay, have you ever played life is strange?
A: Hi! YES! I loved that game. Nana always said that she was Chloe and I was Max haha. I didn't play the sequel though.
Anon Asked: Here’s some positivity to counter that negative ask you got! What’s your favourite thing about your new style? *grabby hands* Gimme all the details!
A: I appreciate that. Honestly, I didn't purposely "change" the way I draw; art just evolves over time ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Besides, I still think my style is MY style. I feel like the characters are more on-model and expressive and don't look as flat as I used to draw. If people don't like my art anymore that's fine. I like it, so really that's all that matters.
Anon Asked: EVAY I AM DISTRAUGHT, I've been perusing your blog looking at fanfics but I keep coming across some posts that I can't access anymore like ones by kbspeeding :( Do you know of any way to read them?
A: I know, it breaks my heart, too :( To my knowledge, there's no way to access the posts of anybody who has deactivated their accounts. I wish that wasn't the case because I sincerely miss her work, but I have to respect her and others' decisions to remove their content.
Anon Asked: What do u think of the amy rose ballerina hc? I think it’s so beautifully graceful and fits her so well💗🩰?
A: I'm not sure what specific headcanon you're referencing, but I definitely believe she knows ballet! Especially her idle animations in the Boom games. That girl knows how to dance.
Anon Asked: Do you like sonic unleashed or have you ever played it?
A: I never had the chance to play it, but I love the story and I love what I've seen. I am hoping they'll re-release it for the PS4 (or PS5) so I can finally play it!
Anon Asked: If you don’t mind me asking, what do you think of Barry the Quokka, the protagonist from The murder of sonic the hedgehog? If you don’t know anything about them what do you think of their design?
A: Of course I know the trash bin king! I like his design a lot. He's super cute and I love a nervous wreck of a character. I also loved that he was just this totally normal dude who has to spend an afternoon with the most insane group of friends ever.
Anon Asked: If you had to choose, what is your favorite and your least favorite sonic game?
A: I always have a hard time answering this because there are so many styles of games and I think some are better at certain aspects than others. For example, I think Frontiers had the best writing and actor perfomances. I still think Sonic Adventure 2 has the best gameplay and replay value. And Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is my favorite of the classics because I think it's the most visually perfect and the gameplay is a lot of fun. But if I have to choose, I guess I have to go with SA2 because I never get sick of it. My least favorite is Sonic Spinball haha I suck at it.
@tonyrockstar15 asked: Hey E-Vay, have you thought of making your own Sonic Fan-Cartoon?
A: I kind of already do that with my comics :) I would love to make animations, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to do that kind of thing regularly.
Anon Asked: Do you think sonic does his taxes?
A: He has no income! But if he did make any money, I'm sure Tails would make him do it (and by that I mean, file his taxes for him because he's worried Sonic will do it wrong)
@twistedchaos101 asked: Hey, What is your expectation for the new Sonic Frontiers DLC?
A: Sweet, sweet content! By the time I'm writing this I've already played some of it and I LOVE IT! UGH, Sonic Team has been so good to us in 2023! 😭💙
Anon Asked: Hey E-Vay! Big fan of your art. I was curious to know what’s going to happen with the Hell Hath No Fury comic? Will it be continued or left up to fan interpretation following the Shadow page?
A: Thank you so much! I will finish it. It won't be left up for interpretation. I just have to get to it.
Anon Asked: Is there a possibility that everyone I mean Sonic,Shadow,Amy,Tails, Aurora and so on have some mental illness? I now that Shadow does have PTSD at some point, but does anyone else have some specific mental illness? Btw love your art ✨
A: Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm not a professional so I don't feel right diagnosing anyone with anything, even if they are fictional characters. I personally suffer from anxiety and depression so I can speak to that, but I don't think I am the person to comment on anything else.
Here are some fun questions I received from @pccyouthleader about Aurora that I wanted to share:
Q: What are Aurora’s primary and secondary love languages?
A: I had to take the Love Language quiz as Aurora. I got her primary as Quality Time. Physical Touch and Acts of Service were nearly tied for second.
Q: Does she like practical jokes? I remember you saying at one point that sometimes she acts without considering the reactions.
A: Yes! She loves a good prank, so long as it doesn’t hurt anybody. Sometimes she doesn’t realize that not everybody enjoys a practical joke though.
Q: Is Aurora competitive?
A: She is, because she feels like she’s got a lot to prove. But not to the point where she’s going to hurt a kids feelings just so she can say she won at something. She’s always going to let little ones win.
Q: Do she have a guilty pleasure?
A: She loves reading romance novels and sometimes she writes friend-fictions like Amy does in Sonic Boom or Tina in Bob’s Burgers hahaha
Q: What quality does she most value in Shadow?
A: She loves how he is unapologetically himself, if that makes sense. Despite what he was created for, he is his own man/hedgehog and he’s forged his own path. Even when others try to put him down or break him, he knows who he is and he doesn’t back down and she’s in awe of that.
Q: Pet peeves?
A: Closed-mindedness is the main thing. Whether that’s about something important like accepting somebody for who they are, or something small like not willing to try a type of food for the first time. She doesn’t understand how people can be like that and it irks her. She also hates when people agree to something and then they flake out haha
Q: If she were shopping, what type of store would she choose and what type of item?
A: One of those record stores that has a little bit of everything. You go there for music and movies and books and they always have fun, quirky gifts. Even though the world she lives in is futuristic, she can appreciate classic things and finds them fascinating. Otherwise yeah she’d love a thrift shop because there’s always strange stuff in there. Wherever she shops, she can’t leave any store without getting something silly that she found cute.
Q: What is her most and least favorite chore?
A: Her favorite chore is spring cleaning, where everybody rummages through everything and downsizes stuff. She likes it just because of the things she’ll find that she’s forgotten about or never knew was in the house. Her least favorite chore is laundry. It’s boring and it never ends!
Q: Outside of swimming and singing, what others hobbies does she have?
A: She loves to dance, that’s a big one. I’ve also joked in the past that she’d do really well if Shadow ever brought her to a gun range, so with that in mind she’d find things like laser tag and paintball super fun
Q: I remember you saying she hadn’t traveled a lot, so if Aurora could choose anywhere to visit, what place would she most like to see?
A: She’d love to go to outer space. She’d never been to space before meeting Shadow. But she also gets that it’s a “ridiculous” dream since she hasn’t even explored all of her own planet yet. Honestly she would be happy to travel anywhere, she wants to see the whole world and beyond. She wants to experience the most of life.
Q: What is her favorite fairy tale?
A: Thumbelina. She could see herself in that story a lot: a small lady who is loved but doesn't really fit in anywhere, and gets whisked around by others trying to control what she does with her life. In the end she's rewarded for her kindness and finally finds where she belongs.
@nerdk7 asked: Don’t know if you answered this question, but how did Shadow propose to Aurora? Was it sweet? Chaotic? Or both?
A: I can't reveal that yet! 🥰 I want to keep it a surprise!
@mod-bubamon asked: I have a question about cc...maybe a few im sorry I'm kinda obsessing over how adorable she is tailsxcc for life We know cc can indeed feel,but can she feel pain? Does she know about the ai art and apps? How does she feel about them? I'm sure that in winter mobians fur coats grow thicker. So did cc somehow implement that into her body? Also how much more cuddly would she get when tails fur grows out? Sorry for all the questions out of nowhere, I've been a fan since I've started tumblr a while ago.
A: Please don't ever apologize for questions. I'm happy you're so interested! And especially glad you enjoy CC! When she was in her original "drone-like" form she couldn't feel pain but she could feel fear. When she builds her Mobian body, she engineers it so she does have all kinds of feeling-receptors, including pain. Not that pain is enjoyable to her, but it's important for her to be able to have as much of the Mobian-experience as possible. I wasn't expecting AI Art to pop off the way it has so I never thought to include it in my work. CC is beyond the AI form now though, she's a full on person. Just like Sage became a full person, beyond just her programming. So I think she and Sage have the ability to create their own forms of art from their own minds. I think I've address something similar in the past: CC has the ability to just play music from her body like a speaker, but she preferred to learn how to play an instrument because she wanted to experience the art form properly. CC didn't think to include a winter coat for her Mobian body, but upon snuggling with Tails she'd definitely add that to her list of future modifications! He's the fluffiest of them all in the winter so he'd be so snuggly and warm and lovely. Thank you for following me!
@firerush asked: What does Aurora think of her Werehog form? What does she think of Shadow's or even Sonic's if that's canon?
A: She likes that she's finally tall, but other than that she doesn't like how she looks. She's very self-conscious about her werehog form. But she loves how Shadow and Sonic look as werehogs.
@jhyannarqq768 asked: How would you think if Aurora was the project while shadow was a mortal one? And i just wanted to ask how would you think if there's a another universe that Aurora it's he imortal and shadow it's the mortal?
A: Well, if she was the project she wouldn't be Aurora. She is the creation of Sonic and Amy so without them she wouldn't exist :) As far as her being immortal and Shadow being mortal: If Shadow was engineered in the 50s and he wasn't made immortal then they never would have met. He would have passed away long before she ever came around.
Anon Asked: How good of a fighter is Rory?
A: She is average as far as physical combat. She's better at diversions and dodging, using an opponents' energy against them. If she was playable in a game, I imagine she'd have a lot of QTE actions that allow her to dodge a boss and make them tire themselves out before she uses her light powers to damage them. While she attended the Young Heroes program she learned combat, but Sonic never wants her in harms' way so he instructed her to always try to distance herself from enemies so she can use her long-range light powers. But she won't back down from a fight if it means she can protect someone else.
@jordanjoebanana asked: Can the Shadora kids turn super when they have all the emeralds or is it only just Shadow,Aurora,and Sonic?
A: All the kids can go super except for the third litter (Cinder, Diamond and Boon). Those three aren't able to use chaos emeralds at all. The family does not know why.
@mysticalsuitfury asked: What led you to create a child for sonamy and naming her aurora?
A: I always make fan kids for everything I'm obsessed with. If you knew me from my Naruto days, I had a huge world of Naruto kids. So naturally I wanted to give my favorite couple of all time (Sonic and Amy) a kid! As far as the name, Aurora is my favorite name in the world. Ever since I saw Sleeping Beauty as a child, I've loved that name. So I gave my favorite name to the child of my favorite couple. Also I think it suits her personality: Colorful, cheerful, hopeful.
@twistedchaos101 asked: Aurora speaks how many languages?
A: She only speaks English.
@aurorathehedge6 asked: How old is Ruff and T-Bone since Aurora is now an adult and have kids?
A: Ruff is 8 years younger than Aurora and Tumble is 12 years younger than Aurora. For most of my comics where Aurora is not yet married, she is 20 years old.
@animeartbros asked: Do Aurora Piper and Blitz hang out much?
A: Piper and Blitz are constantly bickering so a girls' day out tends to involve a lot of yelling and picking on each other haha. It involves a lot of Aurora going "Girls, remember, your sister is your best friend for life. You don't know how lucky you are to have siblings! TT_TT Please stop fighting."
Anon Asked: Has shadow ever taught any or all of his kids how to use a gun and if so how did Aurora feel about it? | And another Anon asked: If Shadow tells his children where babies come from, I am sure that he taught them how to 'defend yourself' with a gun at a very young age ... or at least tried haha I see sometimes short comics in which Shadow tries to teach Cream how to use a gun and I can imagine that this mf would totally try to do the same with his children. Would Shadow succeed if he tried this or would Aurora stop him?
A: Gun-wielding is a part of Shadow's identity so I'd never take that aspect away from him. And Aurora actually enjoys shooting too (targets, not people!) so she doesn't feel weird about that topic. However, I believe that they are huge proponents for RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP so they keep all their weapons securely locked up and unloaded at ALL TIMES. And Shadow wouldn't teach the kids how to shoot until they're MUCH older and responsible enough to handle such a dangerous weapon. But you'd better believe he trained them well in marksmanship via laser tag and paintball as kids!
Anon Asked: Hi! I noticed that in your Aurora-comics Sonic grows a mustache as he gets older - what made him come to that decision? And what does Amy think about it???? What about kissing Sonic with a 'stache? I, personally, think he kind of resembles Eggman so, I'm not that big of a fan but that doesn't matter! I'm more interested on their POV. I still love the way you draw them, btw. And it's really sweet to see them together through the passage of time 🥰
A: Hi and thank you so much! Honestly, the reason I gave him a mustache was just to make him appear older haha. I tried multiple ways to age him up but the mustache was the most effective. Originally, I wanted to give him something more distinguished but I ran into two problems: 1 - I didn't want people mistaking him for Uncle Chuck. 2 - I don't see Sonic taking the time to properly sculpt a mustache/beard, so I gave him something rough and simple haha. I have drawn him deciding to grow it out and Amy's reaction to it :) Amy loved it, then didn't like it, then went back to loving it because now she gets the most ticklish, delicious kisses! 🥰 The good thing about hair/fur is that it's not permanent! You can always change it :)
Anon Asked: Omg ur feeding us so WELL with the content I honestly can’t picture actual sonic canon anymore without Aurora like she is completely canon in my mind I love her so much!! Also I have a kinda weird question, if Aurora saw a gay or lesbian couple out in public as a little kid and she was curious about it, how would sonic or amy explain it to her?
A: Aw, thank you! Well the Sonic franchise has been feeding ME well this year so I have the energy to nourish you all hahaha. I'm so happy you accept Aurora 🥰 I like to think that Sonic and Amy are very accepting and loving people and would raise their children to believe that too. Also, Aurora is VERY used to seeing public displays of affection from her parents, so if she saw two people kissing or holding hands in public, no matter their gender, she'd be bouncing up and down "OOH ARE THEY IN LOVE?! ARE THEY IN LOVE??" and Sonic and Amy would be like "That's right, Tiny!"
Anon Asked: What have been going on in Aurora's mind when she was a baby?
A: I'm not sure babies think about much 😉 Just general thoughts of "Mom, Dad, Food, Joy, Sleepy" But hey I could be wrong!
Anon Asked: Out of curiosity, I know that you ship Shadow + Aurora together (and I’m okay with that)… But what if the Time-Travel Adventure never happened?… What if Shadow never went on a Big-Space Adventure and stayed with the Others?… What if he was there to watch Aurora grow up, with the Others?… What would their relationship be like, if that happened?… Would Shadow become like Aurora’s Uncle or be like a Teacher/Mentor to her, in the ways of combat?… Or would they somehow still have a romantic relationship, instead of platonic? 😇?
A: Even if Shadow never left, I don't imagine he'd spend much time with Aurora as a child. He and Sonic are not friends, and though I'm sure he'd consider Amy a friend, I don't think they're close enough for him to want to be actively involved in their kid's life. I don't think he'd even be actively involved in Ruff and Tumble's lives if he was on-world the whole time. It'd be more of a "Oh... hey kids... just here to see your mom... goodbye..." He'd likely be more of an idol to Aurora and she wouldn't mean anything to him. That being said, I do believe in soulmates, and again Shadow is immortal so he does not age. So I believe that once she's grown up, that's when he starts to really see her for who she is and that attraction would come later in life, but that would not happen while she was a child obviously.
Anon Asked: What was the scariest movie that Aurora ever saw and how exactly did it end?
A: Aurora does not like scary movies so she avoids them haha. Sometimes she'll agree to watch a classic horror movie with Shadow because he likes that kind of thing but she still finds it terrifying haha. Aurora can sort of handle movies like Wolfman or Dracula but not anything more intense than that. She couldn't sleep for days after "Night of the Living Dead (1968)"
Anon Asked: i appreciate the effort you went thru compiling all those asks. felt like a free readers digest that was nice to read through! …and now here are more questions 😈 1- how does grandpa sonic feel about shadow’s shadoralets? i wonder if he jokingly calls em faker and lil fakers sometimes haha. 2- whats it like having amassed long time followers of your art stuff? (ive been around since the ol 2009 days)?
A: I'm so happy you enjoyed my last set of asks, Anon. I hope you return and see your question here! Grandpa!Sonic is wayyyy more accepting of his son-in-law at this point and doesn't hold (much) ill-will towards him. However he does revel in the fact that Shadow doesn't know a moment of peace now that he's got a million children haha! But he loves his grandkids to death and so does Grandma!Amy. I did an old comic (having a hard time finding it right now) where Sonic has a dream about his future grandkids and when he wakes up he calls them "Tiny Fakers" but he would never actually call his grandkids that. They're his family! I appreciate that compliment and I can't believe you've been following me for so long! I'm honored (and blown away haha!). Honestly though I don't really think about the concept of having "followers" all that much. I just look at it as I'm here having fun drawing silly things and I've been lucky enough to have other people come and enjoy it with me. I'm very thankful for the support, especially to those who have tagged along for as long as I've been online.
@tatablue2004 asked: Do you like silvaze?
A: I like it enough, but I don't actively seek it out. I'm mostly indifferent to Blaze and to Silver as characters so I'm not that invested. But I do think they're cute.
@chrismantike asked: What’re your thoughts on the shadaria ship? A: 👎
Anon Asked: Sonadow yes or no?
A: Yes! I like them having a bickering, sassy relationship where they still annoy each other but they actually really care about each other.
Anon Asked: How do you feel about Sonic x selly? Would you ever draw them? Maybe for a time travel thing or a space rip or something??
A: I believe you're asking about Sally Acorn. If so, no I do not ship it and I won't draw it. If you're referring to another character, then I'm sorry but I don't know who that is.
Anon Asked: What do u think of amy being sapphic in any shape or form?
A: That's hard to say, since we've only ever seen Amy have eyes for Sonic. I'm not against it, though.
Anon Asked: In your universe, have Sonic and Amy had any suuuper big fight in the marriage? If so, what would it be like for them and how do you think it’d “affect” their relationship??
A: I mostly avoid heavy topics and fights because we get enough of that in other media and I like most of my art to be a safe place people can go to to just get a good boost of feel-good serotonin! So for my main storyline, they get into little arguments and bicker over small things because all couples do, but I try not to ever put them in a giant blow-out fight that will alter their relationship. That being said, the biggest disagreement I ever have them going through is in Aurora's Time Travel adventure (which still hasn't been published yet, sorry!). Sonic adamantly believes Aurora should not risk her life and time travel in that story and Amy disagrees. This will put tension between them for awhile, but ultimately they will be okay.
Thank you all for the questions! There are way more but I don't have the mental capacity to answer any more at this time lol
Evay QA Bulk Post 1
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ronsenthal · 9 months
tag game
✨get to know me✨
tagged by @whollyjoly and @xxluckystrike <3
- Name:
Jessica but since I don't really like my name you can use Jess or whatever you want
- Pronouns:
- Star sign:
So I'm a taurus, with aries moon and capricorn rising but theres is way too many aries on my chart for my own good
- # of siblings and fun facts about them (if you have any):
only child, but I do have a half-brother and we met like 2 years ago, he didn't even knew I existed and never talked after so I don't know if that really counts? (i have a really complicated family I know)
- # of pets & their names:
I have 5 (five) little monsters so we have Bowie (orange boy), Amy (white girl), Toto (black angry guy), Geminha (tortoiseshell girl) and Fedora (she is like grey with some yellow and white fur)
- Fandoms:
listen I am a mess but I think mostly BoB of course, some Percy Jackson lately, lots of Harrison Ford and Cillian Murphy??? IDK it's really all over the place
- Favorite color:
it's always changing but I love blues and lately I've been in love with some dark greens and stuff
- Favorite song:
Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie it's like the greatest piece of music ever written, and no this is not even a debate
- Favorite author (of anything readable - books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!):
I haven't been reading a lot in the last couple of years since I had burnout but some of my faves are J. R. R. Tolkien, George R. R. Martin and Bernard Cornwell. I got into graphic novels/comics quite recently and I absolute ADORE Neil Gaiman and Art Spiegelman. As for fics since I joined BoB fandom it's been @softguarnere
- Favorite fic type:
I don't think I have a preference at all as I read a bunch of different things, I'm not really into too angsty or fantasy AUs
- Favorite Holiday:
Idk I really like christmas because all of the mood with the lights, the songs and also because it means vacation time lmao
- Do you have a partner (romantic, qpr, anything!)?:
- Hobbies:
I'm pretty boring since I like to listen to music, read, watch movies and tv shows and some sports on my free time. I also love to look at maps, go to museums and cook sometimes
- Fun facts about you:
Okay so most of you already know that I'm colorblind but I'm also ambidextrous so I can use both of my hands to drawn and write stuff, but it also means I'm so prone to mess up since I get confused sometimes. I have a pretty good sense of direction and distance, like at topography classes I could walk a straight line and tell the almost precise distance, it was a recurring joke my class
tagging, if you want!: @footprintsinthesxnd, @venus-haze, @mercurygray, @ronald-speirs, @bloodstainedsaint, @ewipandora, @georgieluz and @iceman-kazansky
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saltygilmores · 1 year
The Many Loves of Rory Gilmore (Yet Another Old Interview With Milo)
Stars Hollow may be a small town, but Rory Gilmore has managed to find two boys to tickle her fancy. There's Dean, Rory's sweet boyfriend. And this season a new boy has caught Rory's attention. Ever since Luke's nephew, Jess, sauntered into town, we knew there might be trouble.
This month, in our continuing look at the many loves of Rory Gilmore, we turn our eye to Milo Ventimiglia. The 24-year-old actor plays Jess, the troublemaker we just know has a heart of gold.
Fans may be unsure about whom they would like to see Rory end up with and the actor is equally uncertain. When asked why he thinks Jess is the better guy for Rory, he replied, "I'm hesitant to answer that. I bring things out of Rory that Dean can't. Dean has given her things that Jess can't offer Rory. Jess and Rory might work it out and just end up the best of friends."
Rory wasn't the only one who was quickly smitten with Ventimiglia's charm. When he first auditioned for the role, the character was slated to only be a guest star. But then he met series creator Amy Sherman-Palladino and she told him, "We want you for two years."
In fact, Ventimigilia was hired so quickly that "they didn't have a name for my character." "They didn't know where he was from," Ventimiglia said in a recent phone interview. "All they knew was that he was Luke's nephew and that he was a troublemaker. From March to September [of 2001] I really didn't know much. When I finally got my first script, I was giggling like a little girl. Everything coincided with what I created in my head."
The actor, who starred in the short-lived Fox comedy "Opposite Sex" and can currently be seen in a PT Cruiser commercial, wanted to act ever since he was young. "I knew when I was a kid that I wanted to be an actor. When my parents asked me if I wanted to try to break into the business, I always said no. I wanted to wait. I didn't want to leave school, leave sports." But that didn't stop him from performing. Every Friday night, he and his parents would act out plays.
Ventimigilia doesn't have too much in common with his television alter-ego. For one thing, he was a very good kid. "Teachers liked me, parents liked me," he explained. When his friends wanted to do something, all they had to say was "I'll be with Milo" and they were good to go. "The only thing I have in common with Jess is that we both always have a book in our back pocket. We both like to read. My best friend in high school, he was a troublemaker. I'm basing the character on his antics."
But Ventimiglia is still getting to know his character and understand what makes him tick. "I would love to figure out why this kid is so uneasy. He talked about his mom not having him come home for Christmas, but I feel like there's something more to that. He seems unaffected by it, but I'd like to dig a little deeper."
He's also starting to get recognized. The day after his first Gilmore Girls episode aired, a girl approached at his gym and asked "Are you on Gilmore Girls?" When he said "yes," she exclaimed, "Oh my God. I hate you." One time he and Alexis Bledel (Rory) went to the movies. "People really flocked to her and asked me what books I was reading," Ventimiglia said. "It's kind of bizarre, people equate your character with you as a person."
Recently Bledel, Ventimiglia and Liza Weil (Paris Geller) all went to see a taping of "Friends." He loved watching David Schwimmer direct an episode of the popular NBC sitcom. "I'm dying to get on the other side of production. There are lots of talented directors. Some are good with camera and not with actors. Some good with actors and not with camera. I would like to combine the two."
What was it like to join the critically acclaimed series in its second season? "I definitely felt like the new kid. They were all especially gracious and kind. But they had a history. It's like going to a new high school. It's really an incredible environment. They're great people on and off the set. I can only be as good as the people around me and people around me are amazing. Scott Patterson (Luke) is really funny. He makes things very comfortable for me and I feel free to explore this character. Alexis does the same thing."
One thing Ventimiglia is sure of is that he's keeping his lengthy last name. "I had a non-union agent when I was 16 years old. He wanted me to shorten my name to Venti." Ventimiglia was so outraged that he thought about adding his middle name (Anthony) to annoy his agent. "It's my name. I'm not changing it."
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