#and A LOT of our beautiful npc's
fenzs-strikes-again · 11 months
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Heroes' feast
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arachnidiots · 6 months
good morning! happy somebody else saturday — today’s challenge is to talk about somebody else in your muse’s life. tell everyone about an n/pc in your character’s life and some info on the dynamic, how they met, impressions of each other, background, etc! wishing everyone a restful weekend and missing you all sincerely 🤟💓
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felikatze · 7 months
HI. you might know me as the kingphie divorce guy. or as the guy who wrote the 6k ludonarrative essay. Today i am going to introduce to YOU @the-bitter-ocean's fantabulous ISLANDER EUPHRASIE THEORY!!!
This post contains SPOILERS for ALL of In Stars and Time. INCLUDING THE ACT 6 SECRET!!
You have been warned.
The original headcanon/theory is VERY MUCH Ocean's fantastic work! I am merely rehashing all the arguments for it that have been laid out across various chats into one cohesive thing people can look at. Also citations! Who doesn't love those.
Well, it's quite simple. It's the theory that Euphrasie, love of my life and Head Housemaiden of Dormont, is from the forgotten island, same as Siffrin and the King.
(Yes, this is why divorce AU exists.)
Quite a lot of reasons, actually.
It's really funny
Let us begin with: the basics.
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This is Euphrasie. She's very pretty. I love her.
You might notice several things about her, like her fantabulous white hair.
Well. What other characters have white hair?
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You have guessed correctly. The ONLY OTHER white haired characters with actual artwork are Siffrin and the King, both from The Island The World Forgot. Thus we can assume that it's a typical hair color for islanders. Makes it stand out very much that Euphie also has it.
(What about the beautiful one- sh sh sh he's blonde. He's blonde.) (Well, actually, considering that they are the only one who acknowledges that Vaugardians are also weird, what if he's from the island as well? Checkmate atheists.)
Turns out I was incorrect in this. Some characters (Mira, Isa) also have eyelashes on SOME portraits. The mentioned chars r still notable for Always Having Em, + the Loop lashes are like, literally intended as plot twist foreshadowing, but, hey.
That's what you get for writing essays at 1am.
IN RETURN!!! Someone pointed out to me [i forgot who sorry] that Euphrasie's capelet.... has stars on it!! It's speckled like the starry sky!! Now isn't that a neat coinkydink.)
(Original text left up because I respect my past self's artistic vision. And his lunacy.)
Correct. Eyelashes.
Going back to our portrait of Euphie, she is drawn with precisely three eyelashes. Why is this notable? Because Siffrin and Loop are.
So much so, that being drawn with three eyelashes, is specifically an element of foreshadowing to Loop's true identity.
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(squints at character portraits) literally no characters besides Siffrin, Loop, and Euphrasie have eyelashes? Oh my god. What? Nobody has eyelashes? What the fuck? (okay, some moments later: Mirabelle has eyelashes in some battle artwork, but these three are the only ones specifically with eyelashes in dialogue portraits, which is still incredibly odd.)
(EDIT!!! Another Point that is Kind Of Off, in that other characters [e.g. Odile] also do this occasionally. Again, keeping the text for my creative vision.
In return I get to inform you that the King makes the "not so bright, Bright One" pun TWICE in different loops, thus implying the King likes puns. Take this as you will. That's been my psychic damage, buhbyeeee~)
Hey, so, you know when you talk to people in Dormont, a lot of the NPCS will have a nametag that just says "[something] One" right? Daydreaming One, Castle-Loving One, Beautiful One?
And I've seen people wonder, are these titles? Nicknames?
And I bring you this: Siffrin addresses these people with these epithets in his head, because they have no fucking clue what anyone's name is.
So Siffrin just naturally lapses into this style of nicknaming strangers.
Which two other people also do.
Bright one... ...... Do you remember? Traveling one! Are you done talking with your companions? Yes, wonderful, wonderful!
Funny little tidbit that these three characters all speak alike isn't it :)
Okay. With aesthetics out of the way, let's move onto the next tier of this iceberg:
I realize in the process of writing that we must outline the nature of the curse. What gets forgotten and what gets to stay?
The particularity that's important to us right now is: what people get forgotten?
All evidence points toward this: an entire person is only forgotten if they were physically present on the island when it vanished.
I'm pulling up two example cases to prove it: Siffrin and the Daydreaming One.
The thing with Siffrin is: we know he witnessed the exact moment the island vanished. And, very notably, Siffrin was in a boat.
You can get the dialogue that proves this only in ACT 2 in a secret room most people don't find on their first playthroughs, which is both very funny and very evil. Here's the dialogue.
Siffrin: "I ran away from home once!" [...] Siffrin: "And so I took our boat! Got to the beach, rowed away from the shore a bit. I was going to come back right away, I just wanted to scare my parents a bit!" [...]
Siffrin: "I started to row back towards the shore... And then, I... I... ..." Isabeau: ... Sif? Siffrin: (Woah! What?) "Um, yes?" Isabeau: Um... You were telling us how you ran away from home? Siffrin: "I... was?" Odile: You... Were. Bonnie: DID YOU FORGET WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT WHILE TALKING ABOUT IT?!?
Siffrin is from the island, but was not physically present when it disappeared. This resulted in Siffrin forgetting their entire identity, including given name and spoken/written language.
Additionally, this is confirmed via Word of God to be the exact moment the island disappeared, so here's proof I'm not reading into it:
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Shoutout to bibliomaniac's insane google spreadsheet for the easily searchable screenshot. god bless. Brinny, ily.
On the other hand, with the Daydreaming One, we have proof of a person who is not originally from the island, but was physically on it at the time of disappearance.
Siffrin: "Don't you have a sister?" Daydreaming One: I... I don't? I just said I'm an only child, silly!
(For her to forget someone like her sister, so easily... Her sister must've traveled to...)
Secondly, we know that remnants of the island were not completely forgotten immediately.
Memory faded gradually, starting with the ability to still speak and think about it with accompanying headaches, until it ramped up in intensity and everything is simply gone.
The Sparkling Diary in the library is more or less proof. Memory of the island was gone, but... people still remembered that they forgot something. People still knew what they were talking about, (an island north of Vaugarde), just without the specifics.
"Urgh. Also, Dad noticed no one can say the name of the island north of here anymore?" "I tried to say it yesterday and I got like the WEIRDEST headache for HOURS."
And Odile also remarks the following
Odile: We also know that people could remember that country clearly, before.
This will be relevant later. Moving on.
SO. The House of Change of Dormont has this funny little room on the third floor. It's an observatory. To look at stars with. When entering this room for the first time, Mirabelle says this:
Mirabelle: What...? Was there a room like this in the House? Y-yeah, I remember! Someone was working here... Studying... They looked like... ... Um... Sorry, I can't remember.
This reveals to us several things:
This room is innate to the House, and not brought here by the King's weird redecorating
Someone from the House was using it for study
All memory of who or what was studying and being studied was erased alongside the island's existence
Of course we can say, "yo, what if Euphrasie was using this room and just forgot?" but that is. a headcanon. I ADMIT! It is a stipulation
However, I find the general presence of the Island written all over the House incredibly interesting.
Inside the Observatory, there's a pile of papers with messy handwriting. You can't read these in until ACT 4. Even in ACT 4, you can't read them. But you do learn what's written on them.
(A pile of papers.) (It looks like someone was trying to write your country's name.)
Inside the observatory is also a globe. Upon repeated interaction in... act 4, i think, you get this:
(You see a spot on the globe where the paint has started wearing out, like someone kept dragging their finger on it.) (You drag your finger there too.) (Erased. You almost want to look for lightless paint.)
During the various quests to discover the truth of the loops, you run into a lot of books, written in the forgotten language. Now, Dormont is not close to the island. Dormont is not close to the coast.
Bambouche is. That's why Bonnie has heard about the island before and knows it was a big deal - they lived really close to it.
Bonnie (and then1): I think, I think my village was really close to it!!! My sister said it was all everyone could talk about for weeks!!! Mirabelle (anxious1): That's so frightening... I'm glad that whatever happened, she didn't get caught up in it!
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As we can see in this map, Dormont is in the southern half of the country, and very centrally at that, meaning it has basically maximum distance from all waters and ports. So why does this landlocked small town have so many books in this language?
These aren't just dry books, either. In Dormont's library, there's actually a translated version of volume 2 of The Cursing of Chateau Castle.
(You take the book out again.) (You can read its title, now...) (Your heart is beating, badump, badump, badump.) (It's...) (... A translated copy of "The Cursing of Château Castle", issue #2.) (You start laughing.)
Islanders lived in Dormont. Maybe even multiple! We've established that whoever is in Dormont when it vanished would not simply disapper, instead
they forgot where they're from.
One day, the islanders in Dormont could no longer remember being anywhere but Dormont. Being anything but Vaugardian. The observatory fell into disuse, as the person studying there gradually forgot what they used it for, even as they desparately tried to hold onto it, boring holes into the globe, and scribbling its name over and over until its unintelligible.
And, in all likelihood, eventually that knowledge was just gone forever. They simply became part of Dormont, none the wiser to their own history.
Books slipped into cracks. Rooms fell into disuse. Nobody remembered to clean out the remnants.
Now. The real cinch of this.
Why, in particular, do I think Euphrasie is one of them?
Answer me this, then.
How does Euphie know what Wish Craft is?
1. How could she read it?
Euphrasie knew specifically that Wish Craft exists, when all books on it are written in a language nobody can read.
The book in the storage room? The diary in the room behind the star door? The book in the secret library? None of them are legible.
There are no legible records of Wish Craft.
2. What about the Favor Tree?
Euphrasie knew specifically that Wish Craft is related to the Favor Tree. It's also a Vaugardian practice to make requests of the Favor Tree, but they're just that - requests. Nobody thinks they actually have power.
Only Euphrasie does. She thinks it's the key to defeating the King.
(This is... A list of people who wished to save Vaugarde!!!) (You look around her desk, trying to find out more.) (Why would she record the people who wished to save Vaugarde?) (... There!!!) (It's a little notebook, jammed between random boring paperwork...) (In it, the Head Housemaiden talks about Wish Craft... How in the days before the King attacked, she noticed everyone was wishing to the Favor Tree for the same thing:) (To save Vaugarde.) (And she started wondering if this wish could be the key to the King's defeat, somehow...) (So the Head Housemaiden knew about Wish Craft!!!)
Except, when Isabeau talks about it...
Isabeau: Well, it's just a random big tree. But when you're a believer of the House of Change, the biggest tree in a certain place is called a Favor Tree! It's like, it’s the tree with the most power, so you can ask it things? As a favor?
He struggles a little to explain it. Almost, as though the tradition came from some other culture, imported into Vaugarde, and no one can definetely remember where it came from.
To note, here, is that the Favor Tree is hugely associated with Loop, and wishes in general. Wishing on a Favor Tree is such a hugely powerful ritual when executed correctly, that it caused the entire timeloops.
And I'm not even gonna break out citations to prove that Wish Craft is associated with the island. Come on. You know that. You played the game. It's required to beat the game.
If you haven't beaten the game, what the fuck are you doing here. Go back and play it, baka.
3. Something's breaking, failing, rotting
At the end of ACT 4, when Siffrin confronts Euphrasie about her knowledge of Wish Craft, Euphrasie is distinctly aware of this: the people of Vaugarde are wishing wrong.
It's true. All of Vaugarde wished to the Favor Tree, wished for us to be saved. We wished for a savior. A way for us to win against the King. And Wish Craft gave us the means to do it, didn't it? Made sure it'd work? [...] But... But something went wrong, didn't it? Something goes wrong, every time!!! [...] The only answer I can find... Is it's because we did it wrong. I don't know what happened But we must've done it wrong!!! None of us in Vaugarde knew the exact ritual, but-- But we must have done it so wrong, it broke, and it doesn't answer to us at all anymore!!! [...] I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!!!
There's only one person who knew how to make a Wish correctly. And he made it by sheer instinct. Something they could not place even if they tried. Just... a forgotten ritual, dredged back up by muscle memory. Something he's probably been doing since he's a little kid, something that's so backed into their habits they use Wish Craft to carve figurines out of wood.
To end, I leave you with this. Dialogue you get when you try to talk to Euphrasie again, before you talked to everybody else.
If you talk to me... REALLY talk to me... It's all over. What "it" is, I have no idea... I know... I can feel that... I couldn't change whatever comes next, even if I wanted to. But I know it is the will of the Change God. Or, no, perhaps... The will of something even bigger... ... Something will end, once you talk to me.
There is a way for Euphrasie to know all of this. To know Wish Craft exists, to be aware she's doing it wrong, but not knowing, remembering quite enough to get it right.
If she knew it all beforehand already.
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paper-mario-wiki · 10 months
Shangri-La Frontier mid-season review
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This is by far the best fake video game I've ever seen written in fiction.
Most MMO-centric isekai stories have trouble with providing accurate and realistic depictions of the complexities and minutia that give MMOs the allure they have. I've seen so much handwavey bullshit tacked onto fake-games that introduce unrealistically overlooked mechanics for reasons like giving the protag immense power just because they're the protag and the story is about them. A good example of this is another MMO Isekai airing this season, "A Playthrough of a Certain Dude's VRMMO Life", wherein the main character becomes extremely rich, powerful, and famous by episode 2 because he stumbled into a stealth archer playstyle, a build which apparently no human in that universe had ever conceived of before, and then making a fortune by selling basic potions to everyone after NPCs stopped selling them (another thing he was uniquely able to do because not a single other player had the forethought to spec into alchemy). These lesser, dime-a-dozen isekai add up to be boring fantasy strories with gaming elements clumsily put in so that the author can demonstrate how powerful the world's inhabitants are by showing their stat allocation screen instead of, say, explaining anything about what they do that's so uniquely powerful and how they figured it out. Ya know, stuff you'd hope to hear about from any competent story.
Shangri-La Frontier is a breath of fresh air for anyone who, like me, is sick of authors ignoring the things that actually make video games compelling in service of creating a stock-standard narratives in fantasy worlds because it allows them to get away with bullshit. I've always found it very convenient that many isekai narratives indulge in things like chattel slavery, because it's societally normal enough for the protag to purchase a beautiful, vulnerable girl to add to his harem (dont worry, she is always inexplicably in love with him no matter what because he's SUCH a kind master). And it never really seems to go anywhere. Because the Video Game Isekai, while an interesting premise in theory, is more often than not used exclusively as a means to simplify the structure of a world's power scaling to abide by an arbitrary set of omnipresent universal rules (e.g. what people who have never cared to look into game development think of video games). This anime, by comparison, is VERY clearly authored by someone who plays a LOT of games.
Every piece of logic used to drive the plot forward, so far, is congruent to a real-world example of video game conventions, and I'm not just talking about levelling up and selling monster parts. Story elements that I've rarely (if ever) seen explored in other isekai are ever-present and genuinely clever and amusingly introduced. My favorite example of this so far has been the way the protagonist has been able to go head to head with so many overlevelled foes in the first 9 episodes. The story of course makes note of how good of a gamer Sanraku (our hero) is, but much like in real life games, being super duper good at dodging attacks doesn't really make up for a 70 level gap in items and learned skills. For that reason, he gets his ass whooped more often than he actually outsmarts others (so far he hasn't beaten a single player in pvp). So how is he getting out of these situations without dying so frequently? Simple: he got access to a later area too early relative to his level (sequence break) and got access to a high level follower NPC that's been carrying him. This is something he acknowledges directly several times, specifically using words like "Emul has been hard-carrying me for a while." This, to me, is extraordinarily meaningful. That's something you can exploit in Skyrim, man. That's REALISTIC CHEESE STRATS. The excitement and wonder I find in this show doesn't come from watching the protag do something unexpected, but by watching him do something that I would think to do.
This knowledge the author has demonstrated regarding modern gaming culture extends further into the actual realistic nature of game design and community. The story exists in a reality where full-dive VRMMOs are the be-all-end-all of gaming, and given the prohibitively expensive nature of developing and designing expansive, immersive worlds, most games are pretty shit. It's been hinted at so far that this is due to a monopolistic megacorp which is one of the only entities rich and powerful enough to make a good game (the game in question being the one that shares the title of the anime), but so far the strife of the characters have been pretty centralized to the happenings of the game world and its politics. By the way, lets talk about the game world's player base politics, which I'm also quite pleased with. It exists in the form of guilds and clans who struggle for power not by participating in seemingly random pvp with other powerful players to see who is the most epic and badass warrior (again, like many contemporary isekai typically opt for), but by gaining actual realistic support from a fictional playerbase with realistic desires and playstyles. Some guilds are interested in lore, some gather for alliance and boss raids, some for things like animal husbandry, and (naturally) at least one is dedicated to trolling and PKing. Each of these factions, through the very little that we've seen of them so far, communicate on forums and only know as much as is reasonable for them to know. The only reason they give a shit about the protagonist at all is because he gained access to a high-level unique scenario quest that they want information on how to access, and the only reason word of that got out in the first place was because someone posted a screenshot of him with a unique NPC onto a forum, asking about it as "where can i find this pet summon, its super cute!" That's real. That's video games, baby.
I like this show a lot so far. I like that it cares about video games, but I also like its writing. I like the main character and how hes less of an ultra badass super cool guy, and more of an earnest challenge-run lets player. Like, a lot of his dialogue straight up sounds strikingly similar to Japanese youtubers. And he's naturally always quick to point out inconsistencies in the game world's logic. I ALSO really like his community of pals from a janky old fighting game, and I ADORE the girl from his school who has a crush on him and also just so happens to be an exceptionally high level player from a top clan, and how she had to spend 9 episodes working up the courage to send him a friend request. I love that so, so much, dude.
I highly recommend this show if you're into a single thing I've mentioned. The animation is great. The world is beautiful. The character design is immaculate. And I'm looking forward to watching it continue.
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
1st Batch: the Inhabitants
[Blank Scripts AU (non-canonical)]
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Multiple footsteps reverberated within the claustrophobic stairways of the Parable.
One strikingly beautiful old man elegantly struts up the stairs with a scowl on his face, having a heated one-sided discussion (lecture) with a poor stuttering businessman on his phone call.
The rest simply follow him, a group of special individuals who have come and now reside in this strange building for their own peculiar reasons. They don't quite understand many things about the workings of this place, but one thing is for certain.
Wherever the Narrator tells them to go, whatever he tells them to do, they comply.
- [1st Batch: The Inhabitants] - [2nd Batch: The Janitors] - [3rd Batch: The Citizens] - [4th Batch: The Guardians]
↓ [Chatter and Credits below] ↓
The first illustration is posted! [Yay!] There will be more coming soon!
I've decided to pair these characters together due to a single uniting trait they all shared. Being residents of the Parable! [Either as an NPC or as something else.]
I admit that I went in with a lot of confidence, thinking I would finish this illustration in just a day or two, and I got HUMBLED. Starting June 16th [the day after everyone's characters got submitted] I spent five days just drawing this one illustration alone. [I draw fast, I usually only spend a few hours on one drawing before moving on, so this was a challenging experience.]
There were many factors contributing to why it took me so long. Such as drawing blindly [not preparing before trying to render and failing at it], not using references, lack of experience drawing buildings from scratch, etc. [Okay, now I just sound like I'm making excuses but wow that was really hard HAHAHA I almost got art-block as a result!]
My grievances aside, I'm happy with the result!
Mell by @katkit-drops-alt
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Her dress and concept are absolutely lovely!! I like how, despite how terrifying she may come off, she's ultimately still a girl with her own normal life to live [or whatever it is that's normal to her anyway.] Her silly farm boyfriend is cute too!
[unnamed character] by @rick-ety
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Ahh this girl!! I'm interested in her! [I love character designs that look 'ghostly' or dead.] Her pretty long hair reminds me a lot of Sadako [that one ghost girl with long black hair covering her face...] Her poor limbs missing and the twist of her not dying simply because she's already dead ahhh!!! o(〃^▽^〃)o
Helena by @neat-o-things
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A silly girl who died in the Parable as she was about to make it out then ended up getting reincarnated as an NPC, making maps for the Parable, not knowing why she's doing it or where she even is!!! Only that she feels like she should :). I hold her dearly.
Anika by @hyydrochloricacidd
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Uwwaahh we have sisters!! Anika is so unnervingly tall and creepy, I love that seemingly doll-like look on her face. It feels very uncanny! I can't wait to draw her sister Anala soon.
Root by @therootthatquestiond
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AHH a drawing in Roblox!! (p≧w≦q) I love Roblox, you did a really great job!! We appreciate our quiet guy Root. Praise Root.
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celestialholz · 2 years
Today in Gay People: Hassel.
There's something I've noticed about our resident art teacher, and that's... well, Flapple. I mean, we all know how gay the whole Applin deal is, but... well, it's where it is that's particularly interesting.
This is Steven Stone's team.
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This is Cynthia's team...
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This is Wallace's team...
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I could go on. (And yes, I'm using champions because, like Hassel, they're important, powerful NPCs with a proper team, and let's be real here, Hassel is five minutes, that Tournament Dragonite and a fuck to give away from kicking Geeta out of his office.)
But the point here is... well, that penultimate slot. The fifth slot in a champion's team - or fourth, in Hassel's case - is reserved for the vice-captain role. It's the Pokemon hardest to take down before the ace, meant to weaken you up - the secondary signature mon. We see here with Milotic - defence for days, Marvel Scale, offensive too. And we see it with Armaldo - excellent attack, difficult type. And then we see it with Gyrados - Dragon Dance, Earthquake, power. Utility. That second-to-last slot is designed to weaken you up for the finale, the real powerhouse of the squad. Leon does it too - his fifth slot is the starter strong against yours, the one you may not have a counter to if your team-building isn't on point.
... And then we have Hassel.
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... Now, there's a few things to note here.
Flapple shares the same quad weakness as Noivern, which leads. That's, er... different.
Flapple, statistically, is the weakest Pokemon here. Not by a lot - Dragalge is only ten points or so better, but it's a defensive Pokemon. It's meant to fill that role, as well as being a counter to Fairies.
Flapple isn't the utility mon most penultimate-slot mons are.
... And yet, here it is. Now, I could draw upon Hassel's six-mon Tournament team here, which adds Dragonite into this slot instead, but the Tournament is Hassel fucking about. He's been chilling in the staffroom and someone's gone "oh, that champion-rank kid's up, get out here." The Elite Test line-up is him at work. He's specifically chosen to leave a pseudo-legendary at home... for Flapple.
And why would he do that? @edgeanescence pointed out on the EphemeralArt Discord that the penultimate slot is meant to represent the trainer; the personality and the heart of them, as well as acting as vice-captain. And, well...
Cynthia's is a Milotic. Grace, beauty, the defence of Sinnoh against Cyrus.
Steven's is an Armaldo. A fossil, a Rock-type, the strongest of all fossils at the time - perfect sentiments for him.
Wallace's is a Gyrados. Power, controlled by a former eighth gym slot; ferocity in water.
... And Hassel's is a Flapple. Like him, she has power, but what she represents as a Grass/Dragon is much more important to him than raw offence or defence. She is his softness; she is his tears, and pride in his students; she is part-Brassius. Whether Brassius gave him the Flapple or not is irrelevant, though it's pretty compelling that he did - this man takes a representation of his heart and of his love into battle over the Dragonite, who has 120 more points of stats. By rights, even if he's leaving the Dragonite at home, Haxorus should be here if this is about power, not Flapple.
And you can tell me that it's about game balance as much as you like, but oh look:
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Brassius's rematch team, everyone, and look at that penultimate slot.
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Look at that Arboliva sculpture, with Brass's own spikiness and Dragon-type purple-tinged blue.
Brassius is not like Appletun, the obvious counterpoint here. Brassius is drama; Brassius is a man formerly weak, much like Smoliv; Brassius is not home comforts, apple pies, yet he's surprisingly kind and encouraging. Reminding you of anything?
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... Ah, yes. Arboliva, depending on mood. And, if you're not already convinced...
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That's Flapple, in the Violet dex. Strong, and covered in clay. Like a fucking artist, or a man who loves a sculptor.
When the chips are down, when they show up to work, when they have important, key battles, Hassel and Brassius don't just take their Pokemon to the arena.
They take themselves, and they take each other.
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danieyells · 4 months
After Hotaburi's chapter i was very curious about Zenji voicelines! Can i ask for them, please?
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@yuri-is-online YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT OVERWHELMING ME although I appreciate the concern!! If I get overwhelmed or need a break I just put it aside until I'm ready or have the time and energy and attention span or ideas if necessary haha so no need to worry there 'u' (Also. . .good luck with those fics lolol)
ZENJI IS OUR LAST BOI. Until we get Ed and Lyca anyway. Which will honestly probably be in like. A week or two. Possibly less. I had my suspicions when I first read his that he was a ghost lol knowing he is. . .it gives them a little different feeling I guess haha.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Why, hello there, my dear. Suppose we kick off another swanky day here?"
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Come now, read those messages out, won't you? They're fan letters for me, aren't they? ...They're not?"
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"You want to know the meaning of my words? I see— I'll have to give you a lecture on romanticism."
"What's this? Well, it's a biwa, of course. It's a biwa just as you are yourself."
what does that mean tho. . .i mean i get what it means but also it feels like it must mean something. . . .
"Girls, be ambitious... Dream big, my dear."
proud women enjoyer zenji kotodama
"A man who's everywhere but can be found nowhere... That's what it means to be an inspired man of the quill."
i think that's just what it means to be a ghost bby. . . . . . . . . . .
"Heh. There's no doubt about it. Zenji Kotodama is once again the most styling man on campus. These glad rags are the cat's pajamas."
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Come now, let's depart in search of something sensational."
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Oh, have you come to see me? This is troubling. I'm afraid I'm out of autographs."
where have you been distributing them. . .?
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What am I doing here? ...I'm people-watching."
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ordinarily I ask for write-ins for my advice salon on the World Wide Web...but tonight, I'm taking it out into the field."
i wonder if he's waiting to encounter people who'll be able to see and hear him or if he's just like. . .genuinely ignoring/forgetting/disregarding that he isn't seen or heard. . .or maybe he was ignored a lot in his lifetime too so he doesn't question that people don't respond. . . .
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The moon is beautiful... I always look forward to passing the hours in conversation with you and Towa on nights like these."
i thought you didn't hang around jabberwock after dark because the dark was dangerous tho. . .maybe if the moon is big and bright he doesn't mind because it's not as dark lolol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My folktale videos? I filmed them at Haku's behest, but I can't imagine these old things will capture my fans' hearts..."
based on that the Urashima Taro video has his voice in it but his character story recording doesn't have him or his voice in it(and Haku deliberately tries to make the background interesting because he knows it'll only be the background and biwa sounds,) I think his voice can be recorded but if he's visibly in the recording it won't be captured? That or Haku has recording equipment that can capture ghost voices, but not images???
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"It truly is the age of YouTube. Can you fathom the romance of my artistry spreading to all four corners of the globe?"
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Every tool has its own knack you've got to acquire to use it properly. Behold— my mastery with a fishing pole!"
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"This doll here is special. The moment I met him I felt a destiny such that I knew we couldn't be strangers."
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Oh, I didn't mean to give you a fright... I ought to have expected this. A sudden brush with an inspired man of the quill would take anyone's breath away."
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you got any siblings, my dear? Why no, I don't mean anything by it. Just a little morning conversation."
i can imagine him looking fondly at his doll as he says he doesn't mean anything by it. His sibling isn't one of the most important things in the world to him or anything. He's just making conversation. btw in Japanese he says "morning talk" which sounds an awful lot like "pillow talk" to me and idk how many people would be comfortable discussing their siblings after the deed--
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Are you going to Mortkranken, my dear? ...I see. No, I don't mean anything by it. Are you hurt? I hope you'll take care."
so while it makes sense for Zenji to ask this as he is noted in his profile to be a worrywart, not to mention he died on campus, but also. . .y'know, his brother lives there.
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sneak up on you. Apparently my footsteps give the general students the heebie-jeebies..."
In Japanese it does clarify that he moves without the sound of footsteps at all because the general students freak out hearing his footsteps since they can't see him
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"A swanky morning calls for a swanky breakfast, and some swanky radio calisthenics."
apparently radio calisthenics are still pretty popular in japan. in any case man are you sure you died like a year ago you sound so old
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Why, Subaru hasn't risen yet. Go ahead and wake him, won't you, my dear? I'll accompany your efforts from here with my biwa."
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"A burst of inspiration has taken hold of me... No. The ghost of artistry has possessed my soul!"
okay well be careful with ghosts taking over your soul you don't have a ton left if you lose that--
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be a Darkwick student is to greet danger as an old friend... But I hope that Haku and Subaru have a long life ahead of them."
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Zenji Kotodama is a wonderful name, don't you think? A sensational name befitting of my sensational sensibilities."
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Trouble sleeping? Then I'll read you a story. How about Urashima Taro?"
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"I was standing by your pillow last night? Horsefeathers, I'd never. I was there the night before last."
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Go ahead and eat. No, don't give me another thought—I'm on a diet, you see. Watching you is enough food for my soul."
you see why i suspected initially that he didn't know he was dead? can you eat at all buddy?? i don't think it's a diet if you've lost the ability to consume food. . . .
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Haku's busy today—film me in his stead, won't you?"
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I've got a little story about a hapless fool of a man... I'm sure it's hardly worth listening to. I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to share it with you?"
the true stories seem like the ones he wants to avoid. . .'a hapless fool of a man's story that isn't worth listening to but i'd still like to share' sounds an awful lot like it must be about him and his life. . . . In Japanese he says 「救いようのない、馬鹿な男の物語さ」 "it's the story of an irredeemable/hopeless, stupid man.". . .who did you hurt, Zenji?
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"To be able to look into your eyes and bid you good night... I'm the luckiest fella for miles around."
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Maybe we did meet too late. But it's all right. I promise I'll find you in the next life."
but. . .but we have this life. . .although this is one of the few acknowledgements he really gives of his own ghostly nature. He wants to be able to live with you. To be tangibly there for you, to touch you and support you, to be able to show you off to others. . .but he can't be recognized. He can't be seen or heard but by a select few, it's only thanks to Haku that he can be seen or heard by you. It's too late for something 'real' now. So he can plan for the future. For the next life. He'll find you when you're both alive and then you can do everything you'd want to do with a real physical boyfriend. He promises.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"In spring, the dawn... Red tinges the slowly paling mountain rim... Ah... These mountain fellas must've been goofy for some doll..."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There is hope buried under the cherry trees... It means that spring is the season of chance encounters."
isn't the like. rumor that cherry blossoms are pink because they dye their petals with the blood of corpses buried beneath them or something? i swear i read that somewhere. apparently it comes from a poem. is hope a body buried under a sakura tree. is that where they buried you, Zenji?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The cherry blossoms of Hotarubi are ephemeral—they bloom only to be quickly washed away by the rain. But I am rather fond of that way of life."
Zenji simultaneously lives in Acceptance and Denial stages of grief it seems lol
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The beauty of the cherry blossoms under the night sky inspired me to pick up my pen... Oh, it has gotten easier to lift."
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Have you seen him!? Who? Why, my doll, of course! This is very troubling. I've got to find him before the boogeymen stir!"
. . .somehow this reminds me of the Jiro dialogue where he's like "if Yuri asks where I am, tell him i went to bed, i'm going out" lol if the doll reminds him of Jiro, it seems to make sense that now and then it wanders off on its own. I wonder where it's going though?
(between 11am and 4pm)
"My ideal summer vacation? I wish to lay down my burdens in the springs of Yugawara and pursue my wordsmithery in peace, as so many greats have done before me."
Yugawara is a hot spring town in Japan! Apparently since the Meiji era people would go there for inspiration and such thanks to the atmosphere
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"This master wordsmith studied by the light of fireflies... I see. Haku! Turn out the lights!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I heard a frightful rumor... Apparently the ghost of a dead student has been spotted around Hotarubi..."
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Fall is the perfect season for a new book, and I have the perfect one for you... From inspired man of the quill Zenji Kotodama, the fruit of his sweat and blood... "Body.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"A song for you in the season of the arts... From inspired lute priest Zenji Kotod— Wait, where are you going!?"
why is this the one time 'biwa' is translated to 'lute' lol. . .although 'lute priest' does sound way better than 'biwa priest'
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Gauging the literary significance of this video by something as insignificant as views... Horsefeathers, isn't it?"
yeah!!! don't judge your worth by views or follows, zenji!!!
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I've decided to make you the heroine of my next work... A beautiful princess who bites into a poisoned apple and falls into a deep slumber... and seven of you!"
a fascinating retelling of Snow White. . .Snow White And The Seven Snow Whites. . . .
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning, fellas! Time for my biwa recital to color the chill of this frigid sunrise! I call it "Six O'Clock in the Morning.""
(between 11am and 4pm)
"There's a rumor going around that you can hear a biwa playing in the music room when no one's there... I go all the time though, and I've never heard it..."
again. . .that's because it's you. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"The setting sun... The sky dyed purple... Your beautiful profile, obscured... (gasp) I've been struck by inspiration!! My dear, I have to leave you here!"
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Are you cold? Then let me warm you up... My dear, why are you scooting away? I'll only make you colder...?"
it really seems like he forgets he's a ghost pretty often lmao
His birthday: (June 19th)
"Is this...a birthday present...? (hic) (sob) I'm the luckiest fella around...!"
people don't give him gifts often huh. . .or he's just very emotional. both could be true.
Your birthday:
"I've planned the perfect day to celebrate the miracle of your birth... We'll start with an ode to you, accompanied by my biwa."
he planned you a whole outing or maybe a party! with all day musical accompaniment!! What a sweetheart!!
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year, my dear. I'll be making the first shrine visit with Haku—care to join us?"
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"My dear...is this for me? (hic) (sob) I'll treasure it always...!"
well given he probably can't eat it. . .fair reaction
White Day: (March 13th)
"I'm sorry... I did try to explain that a biwa recital would make a better gift, but Haku insisted I present you with confections instead..."
thanks haku you a real one lmao although music wouldn't be bad just. . . .
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"No, I would never lie to you. An inspired man spins fiction with his quill, not his mouth, after all."
y'know, i love the honesty! you keep making stories and being open, zenji!
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Why, you gave me quite a fright in that getup! What a marvelously queer celebration this is! So this is the legacy of westernization..."
no the marvelously queer celebrations are in june. although halloween is also marvelously queer sometimes--
Christmas: (December 25th)
"Merry Christmas! I've completed a new fairy tale. May my wishes reach the hearts of children everywhere..."
not a gift for you, but for the children! can a ghoul ghost and a human have--
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"...And they lived happily ever after. How did you like my new story? I'd love to hear your— What? You weren't listening!?"
(13 affinity and above)
"Can you see me? Phew... You've been so quiet, you had me worried, my dear."
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Ah, I'm so relieved you're all right, my dear. I wondered if something had happened on a mission... I'm glad my fears had no teeth."
THAT'S ALL OF EM. He's really. . .he is himself the whole way through huh lol. At the same time when he does acknowledge his ghostliness(and oftentimes he does the exact opposite, simply lacking in self-awareness) he seems a little lonely and regretful. . .I wonder if he was always such a worrywart or if he started worrying more after he died, realizing first hand just how dangerous things could be. I'm surprised how few acknowledgements his doll gets, although I don't think he carries it on the home screen?
I wonder how different his personality was when he was alive. Probably not very different tbh.
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2smolbeans · 8 months
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2.5
About Marco In Love Me, Love Me Not! (Character info)
Yandere Bestfriend x Obstacle Reader
Disclaimer: I made changes to this since I changed a lot in the story while on my break, so things are a bit different.
ANOTHER EDIT 2024: I am rewriting both part 2, 3, & 4 at the moment while I take a break. Everything you see here does not apply to the story anymore! I made a lot of changes and will post when I am back from hiatus!
So this is kind of a quick detour or filler chapter to discuss our main yandere (Marco!).
Something I want to make clear about Love Me, Love Me Not is that the story is an AU of an already existing yandere story for Marco's side!
In Marco's original timeline, he's the COO of a successful makeup branch . In Love Me Love Me Not!: Marco never met the CEO (his half brother) of Beauty Point - instead continued to pursue his career in the police force.
(Basically, he never became that rich delusional man who was impulsive, irrational, and delusional - instead a corrupt cop who was more calculative, nonchalant, and saw people as little sheeps who doted on him. Think of it to a 'I NEED THEM' to 'THEY NEED ME' personality switch.)
In this timeline, Marco met you in college after bumping into one of your friends during student orientation day. He couldn't care about what you had to say, but regardless, he feigned interest as he listened to you ramble about something he forgot about.
Leaning close to you, nodding, letting out cheerful. "Uh-huh- ohhhh, I see. Thanks! Man, same here! Y'know, that reminds me of the time-" basic NPC type of small talks.
But once he got a good look at your group, one from all had caught his interest.
Matheias, Angela, You, and Mila.
She hadn't spoke, she didn't even have to try- but she grabbed his attention. With her arms folded and a curious look on her face as she tagged along, not saying a word- it was love at first sight.
Soon enough, he found purpose with staying in that little group.
Though when she started to dwindle away from your friend group, Marco had felt obligated to stick with the rest. I mean, sure, he didn't care too much, but that didn't mean he didn't love you guys. So he made memories with you and found himself genuinely being invested with each and one of everyone's personalities.
For some reason, he noticed that you often sticked around him like a lost puppy. (Which is hilarious to me because Marco, in his og universe, was more of a golden retriever eagerly following around anyone who gave him attention, but oh how the tables turn)
He found it cute, so of course he paid more attention to you from the rest of the litter of nobodies. You could say that you were his favorite from the rest - but of course you could never take her place.
The two of you became close, the sleeping overnight - type of close.
There were some moments where you would catch him off guard, making him blush, flinch, or chuckle whenever you were yourself around him. He would never love you the way he loved her, but by god, would he go through hell to give you what you wanted. After all, he knew you would do the same.
Huh, I guess that's what best friends were for..
Though as things were going smoothly, Marco would notice how Angela became a bit annoying to him with each day. He never had a problem with her before, but the way she would swoon over Mila made him go cold.
He wasn't the type to overreact. He knew he wasn't the type to get upset so easily. It was once, he swears!
But one thing led to the next, and Angela had died to an unfortunate allergic reaction. Of course, Marco had slipped some peanuts into a snack he gave her, and no one suspected a thing. I mean, something like that must've been an unfortunate accident on her end. She ate something that had peanuts, she was alone at the park, and she didn't have her Epi-pen! It was a tragic accident.
Matheias had his suspicions that Marco had done something.. There was no evidence or reason to think this, but he had a gut feeling.
Fast forward, and you and Marco were the only remaining people in that friendgroup. After graduation, Marco and you were still on talking terms, Matheias had completely cut you off after Angela's funeral, and Mila was still talking with Marco - but not with you anymore.
More time passes, and on that very night, Marco calls you crying on the phone, begging you to meet him somewhere. Of course, worried, you rush over there only to see him smiling with a body bag over his shoulder.
Forced to comply as you knew you would be the next body bag for him to drag if you said no.
Why, though? Why specifically did he call you on that night if he knew he didn't want any witnesses?
That's something that would probably be revealed with time..Or not if he decides to end your life the very next day.
It was only once you thought. But soon enough, you found yourself complying with more of Marco's requests.
And of course, once you showed hesitance and stood your ground, Marco took that as a threat and made you into one of his own victims.
Come the present day, there were you trapped in his apartment, not knowing if he wanted you dead, or if he had other plans...
The thing that hurt the most for you was the fact that even when you knew he had feelings for someone else, you still liked him. Even now, you still have a bit of a crush on him...Talk about a painful rejection..
But that's the basis of this AU!
If you have any more questions about Marco in his 'Love Me, Love Me Not' Au, feel free to ask!
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vicsims3 · 1 year
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Welcome to Riverview Reimagined - A complete overhaul/redo of Riverview as you know it!
" Riverview is a flourishing riverfront town with a diverse population nestled in the beautiful rolling countryside. The town was founded by the Harrington family some 200 years ago, and it has since grown significantly and begun to truly flourish, with a great sense of community. This is the ideal small, yet lively town to call home for a variety of reasons, including stunning panoramas from nearly every angle, a wide range of activities to do and sights to see, and interesting individuals to meet. Riverview is undoubtedly a remarkable town! "
The world may be laggy at times and take a while to load, depending on your computer specifications, but then again, The Sims 3 is a rather poorly optimised game.
Here are some general 'stats':
103 lots in total
55 residential lots (7 empty)
48 community lots
150 sims (including NPCs, role sims & animals)
30 households
This world has been PLAYTESTED by 5 other people, so no major issues should occur when playing this world, at least not any issues unheard of when generally playing this game.
ALL Expansion Packs
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Since it is somehow not possible to include the bridges and distant terrain in the exported world, that metadata will not show up and you will need to download them and place them in your mods folder to appear in-game. Technically, these are not required, however, without them, parts of the town will not look very good. Luckily simsample on ModTheSims has our backs! Get them HERE
Scroll to the bottom of the page and download the following 2 files:
Then, simply place them in your packages folder within your mods folder. If you do not have a mods folder, please refer to THIS easy tutorial.
They should show up in your game now.
NRAAS Mods are essential to a smooth, significantly less buggy game, as they assist in dealing with errors and things that cause performance issues in-game. - NRAAS Master Controller - NRAAS Overwatch - NRAAS Errortrap - NRAAS Register (optional) - NRAAS StoryProgression (optional)
HERE is a fantastic, in-depth explanation video of the NRAAS mods and what they do/how they work by the lovely acottonsock
FOR CAMPGROUND I could not find a way to place functional tents on the campground without them disappearing once the world was exported. There are a few workarounds, though.
1.) Simply type in the cheat "buydebug" and look for the tent/s that come with World Adventures. Purchase it for your sim, have them manually place it in their inventory, and from there you can place the tent/s on the campground for your sims to use. Alternatively, you can use the tents that come with Island Paradise, found in the miscellaneous part of the comfort section in buy mode. Do the same as instructed above and place the tent/s on the campground.
2.) Download this mod that enables the World Adventures tents from buydebug. In Edit Town, edit the campground and navigate to the community objects icon in build mode. From there, click on the infinity sign to load all community objects and rabbit holes. HERE you'll find the unlocked tents. Place them on the campground and they should be functional once you enter live mode.[I used the first option, "Tents as Community Objects"]
I'm really sad that I couldn't include the tents already, but I tried several different methods and none of them worked.
The world is populated, with 30 households in total, but there are plenty of houses available for purchase, as well as 7 empty lots.
I manually replaced and added trees individually. It's a bit cluttered, but more lush, especially in the area around the campgrounds.
I manually replaced all the roads, intersections, and sidewalks. Credit goes to GrandeLlama
Added a small bay in the lake into which the river flows to add a campground with a pier.
Swapped the bridge near the campground with the green one found in Twinbrook.
Small changes and additions to some sidewalks.
Some lots were added and/or changed.
Some street addresses changed.
Other minor details.
~ I really wanted to add ghosts to the cemetery and some other lots, especially to add to the lore, but unfortunately it is not possible when exporting a world through CAW.
~ Most of the interior tips and tricks I used to make custom furniture/unique decor were my own, but for a few of them, the credit has to go to the wonderful and talented @theplumdot.
~ I had several issues with the apartment lots but managed to fix most of them, except this one... The apartments are set to 'EP09 Apartments', which I accidentally set and even if I changed them to regular residential, they reverted back. This means roommates will appear after a while, but BEFORE you move your sims in, you can fix this by going into Edit Town, clicking on the lot, and changing it to 'Regular Lot'. If roommates still show up, you can cancel roommate services by clicking on your sim's phone and going to 'Real Estate and Travel Services'. Also, choosing where to move your sims in, two apartment lots in the central town area will be available for rent that is actually occupied and will add the existing sims as roommates. The only unoccupied apartment in town is the "Midview Apartments".
~ Some female sims have the weird two-tone blue and green lipstick from Into The Future for some outfits, mostly swimwear. I have no idea why this happened, but I tried multiple times to get rid of it but it keeps showing up again.
~ Pretty much all of the sims have gloves for their outerwear. I have this glitch where even if I remove them, they somehow show up again. Hey, Riverview gets cold in the winter!
~ The female butler, Arasha Shreshta's face goes all EA's "pudding face" when she is in her career outfit, but normal/the way I made her in her normal outfits. I have no why idea why this happens.
~ Some role NPCs might get stuck in the apartment buildings, but a simple reset should fix them. I've tried several workarounds to stop this from happening but to no avail. This tends to often occur in Bridgeport and would generate NRAAS "Unroutable Sim" popups.
~ Upon loading the world (no fly-in, unfortunately I'm not that technically inclined), you might notice the household thumbnails taking a while to load and pets showing up pitch black, it's just a simple graphical issue.
~ Most of the big houses are quite expensive, which I apologise for. I'm quite the perfectionist and detail is very important to me, which means it doesn't take much for my builds to become quite pricey.
@cowboysimmer YOUTUBE / TWITTER / TWITCH
A special thanks to @theplumdot (YOUTUBE / TWITTER) for inspiring me to always try new things with builds and interiors and for the support!
If you want to install the .sims3pack version, simply click on it and install it through the launcher. Alternatively, if you wish to bypass the launcher, you can install the .world file by placing it in the Worlds folder within your root Sims 3 directory, and depending on what platform you play from, it will differ;
For Origin/EA App it will be 'ProgramFiles(x86)/OriginGames/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
For a disc/retail installation, it will be 'ProgramFIles(x86)/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
For Steam, it will be 'ProgramFiles/Steam/steamapps/The Sims 3/GameData/Shared/NonPackaged/Worlds'
If you encounter any issues with the installation, like the world not showing up in-game, please contact me on Twitter.
Alternatively, you can fix this issue with the old version by installing the NRAAS SleepFreedom mod, although it does not apply to existing saves with the old version, unfortunately.
- (.sims3pack) SFS - (.world) SFS
MIRROR: - (.sims3pack) DRIVE - (.world) DRIVE
I hope you enjoy it! My amazing friend ShanFindsPixels made a world overview on his YouTube channel, please go show him some love!
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phoenixcatch7 · 13 days
Every so often I drift back to the overlord anime but I can never stay for long because it's a good 70% smut with the succubus and 20% side character drama that never goes anywhere. It's a similar premise to svsss, in that a modern guy accidentally gets sucked into a fictional fantasy world he was obsessed with as the villain with a group of people and a place he rules over and wants to protect, and his paranoia/procrastination combo strategises his way to victory.
So of course I thought, 'let's get our dear old scum villain (affectionate) in here'.
Cuz i'mma be real sy would make an infinitely more interesting panicking lich king. Take off that emotion nullification, for starters.
A) pidw was a vr mmorpg with a vast, overarching storyline of the rising emperor lbh, whom players could battle or wed for rewards. A respawning final boss of such strength it took a world wide unified invasion of top players to fell. When sy gets pulled into pidw and all the npcs come to life, so too does lbh, who is very confused as to what happened but remembers sy as one of the players who fronted the invasion (having dug up every nugget of lore on lbh and using that vast knowledge in strategy) and carries an immense grudge that eventually turns into love as he gets to know sy. Sqh is there too, of course, the uncredited game dev who made lbh and his right hand man mbj, who's own base in the north got retaken when mbj also resurrected and is having his own worrisome love story.
B) sy and sqh are in the same guild, named cq, and the demons are sqhs overly detailed npc. Lbh works as the guardian overseer, aka the head npc, and as they wait for the game to shut down sy sneakily makes a joke in lbhs character sheet about him loving sy. They get sucked in, the characters come to life, and sy spends the time he isn't using panicking about the situation, five dimensional politicking, or protecting the base being in denial about the whole lbh thing (and his no homo) and feeling DEEPLY guilty (and hiding it from sqh). Lbh, of course, now having free will, thinks about it a bit and decides to fall madly in love with his kind, gentle, soft hearted lich king boss in spite of his loyalty to his creator. Sqh goes 'dude, wtf' and so goes a very long back and forth as sy tries and fails to come up with the right code of ethics to deal with this insane situation he inadvertently created, meanwhile lbh is strategising how one could feasibly get railed by a skeleton and being the Best Housewife Right Hand Man Ever. And get headpats in the process.
C) sy was part of the xianxia themed cq guild, and everyone (the peak lords) got sucked into either ygddrassil (overlord world) or pidw (svsss). Basically, all the peak lords are millennials old friends running around trying to deal with the consequences of their role play and finally getting to try out the fancy food and drink. I love this one because everyone would be really comfortable with each other, lots of slang and in jokes, a well oiled team stuck in a crazy situation together with ridiculously powerful characters each and every one, and you could have sj as a member! Sy could be the beast tamer peak lord. It'd be so interesting to see what they'd class and subclass as. Sy might still be a lich, but Yqy would be a really interesting choice! Him and sj would definitely still have history though... Hulijing, wood elf, bamboo spirit, human, who knows!
D) sy spent a few years as the lich king guild leader in ygddrassil (I'm definitely not spelling it right), bored by the lack of anything interesting, before the system intervened (maybe as a remnant of the original game interface?) and whisked him off to svsss. Post canon he gets either revealed as an imposter or there's some past life wife plot (some animal that was a boobacious beauty in its past life getting cursed to switch between them?) that turns sy into his old big bad lich overlord form, which is hilariously incongruent with his personality but utterly terrifying and anathema to the jianghu, but lbh is now having to crane his neck back and desperately trying to figure out how to get dommed. Everyone is fully convinced this is sy's og body, and not some modern human one they don't even get to see.
E) sy gets yoinked by system and when lbh (and maybe some others?) catch up a few years later he's in the skeleton body in ygddrassil dabbling in world domination and very eager to see them. The npcs get introduced and draw many incorrect conclusions.
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 5 months
Finished Felvidek and had a grand time!
Thought I'd do a lil list of things/moments/details I loved off the top of my head:
gave cursed coffee bean to a chicken and it mutated. Did it for science
game's got some twin peaks vibes, some monty python, a tad of hylics, along it a bunch of other ingredients, but it feels very much its own thing with its own identity
pear man and his daughters deserve the world, wish we hung out more
there's a fight with an invisible enemy, all your attacks miss because your guys can't see shit and I was laughing just imagining Pavol and Matej swinging their swords at nothing hoping to slay the forest fiend. Very Don Quixote, I love it.
the PS1 style cutscenes are sooooo beautiful I love them to pieces, they drip with style and charm. I knew I needed to give this game a go the moment I watched the trailer and was greeted by the cinematics. God I love them so much. And not just the syle but the directing itself, the way shots are framed, god...
I love the character portraits for everyone. There's so much detail and everyone feels unique/like an actual person with distinct features. From the Priest's very punchable face, to Pavol's grin to Josef's sexy ass... From main characters to NPCs to enemy sprites, I love everyone's design and colour coding (don't know if it was intentional but the purple for the cultists was neat, seemed to subtly imply early on that they were being funded by rich folk, since pruple is associated with nobility, power and wealth)
speaking of character design, shout-out to this lil guy, look at him please
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Numnut the drunkard my beloved, I recruited him and less than a minute later he fell on flat ground into a nearby river (and drowns???). I reloaded a previous save to see if I could have him in my party a lil longer. I took a different path, got into a fight. "yay I get to see him in action!"- I thought. I used his one special move, called: 'good idea', and Numnut proceeds to punch his own face, dealing 90 damage (not even in the endgame did I deal such high numbers!). THE Character of all time, he drowned again after that and I'll never forget him.
BALLOON IN THE MIDDLE AGES! (possible Andrei Rublev reference? I can dream...)
just, the way things are worded:
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cutting people's ears after killing them as spoils (and giving the ears to a maiden, as you do)
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there's a quest where you have to cut a man's tattooed buttock to give to another guy, and it's all for nothing, you ruined a man's ass for nothing. I love it. The dialogue during this whole section had me dying.
I love that there's just this guy who lives in the castle's well. And our boy Pavol thinks it's a great idea to throw a bomb in there to make him come out.
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there's these lil inisghtful and mournfoul comments on the dead bodies you leave behind. Like, expressing regret at all the senseless violence and death or how cheap life is here. And I'm not sure if it's Pavol or Matej making them. It makes more sense for it to be Matej but I kinda like the idea of it being Pavol's comments, these small moments of introspection and realization in the midst of a drunken adventure. You've been engaging in all the violence while pissed drunk but then after you kill your opponents and look at their corpses... and it's like this sobering moment, before you're back at it with all the merry-making (I also like that a lot of these bodies don't disappear and just remain on screen, and you can see the carnage your guys leave behind in their quest)
the whole adventure felt to me like, this series of odd little events in a knight's life before it's passed down, told by and retold by different people, and after many generations it's been touched up and made more coherent and noble than the clusterfuck it actually was. Before it became a narrative I guess is what I mean
it can get a bit wordy and hard to follow but I really like the old timey way the dialogue is written and its dry sense of humour
there's these little subversions of gaming tropes that I found really fun too! Like as soon as Pavol's wife and your falling out with her is introduced you may expect a reconciliation between the two, or a moment where you have to save her and prove your worth and love to her to win her heart. As you would expect from a story with a knight and a damsel. But no she hates his guts lmao tries to murder him too! (tho I do think Pavol took her in that balloon ride at the end). There's also the fact that I am not allowed to play minigames! Josef wants to play tabletop games but your character always replies no. No minigames for you son! And like, this feels especially catered to me as someone who, more often than not, will dread whenever a game will introduce some sort of card game or the like. I was so happy that wasn't forced on me for once! Couldn't believe it. Kinda felt bad for Josef tho, I'm sorry Pavol doesn't wanna play Pexeso wth you.
the battle animations! I'm particularly fond of the eating porridge one, or the chugging down a bucket of sour cream, and the petard
the little *slaps face* animation
Pavol and Matej as a duo and the whole tavern scene with the two exchanging clothes
the lil moments of humanity where Pavol talks about his broken life and sense of self
the rare moments when Pavol stops grinning
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it goes without saying but the art is absolutely gorgeous. Its nostalgic monochrome melancholy speaks to me on a deep spiritual level. Inject it directly into my bone marrow please. Shout-out also to the ost, it fucks and has tons of bangers. The Hrad track, the one that plays on Josef's castle... god... love at first listen, and have been listening nonstop for the last few days now while going on walks.
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sevilemar · 9 months
I got such an amazing gift from a fellow player in DnD today, I am still glowing with happiness and excitement.
I made the conscious choice at the start of the campaign to play a very young, very naive religious fanatic in a world designed to only contain shades of grey (Shulassakar in Eberron). Suffice it to say, I did not intend for her to live very long.
What I did not know before our first session was that a fellow player decided to play a very liberal, very hedonistic blood cleric Dhampir named Corvin, whose morality is firmly on the darker side of grey. We clashed from the beginning, and I had already attacked him once, but was stopped by other members of the party. I also saw him help and heal others, and we had each other's back in a few fights. For someone like Selise, who was born into an eternal, holy war to keep one of the Overlords from taking over the world, that means a lot.
I was just accepting that maybe, just maybe, 'good' might include other things than I was taught, when we went to the desert to find an old battlefield that became a manifestation zone for war and strife. Because Corvin hadn't fed for several days on the journey, he went into a blood frenzy, killing and feeding on a swarm of blood bugs.
Long story short, after he found himself again, I challenged him and we ended up fighting each other, becoming more and more locked in and angry until it truly was to the death.
As a player, I was hesitant at first. I had never taken such a big swing before, and it felt wrong to attack another player. Thomas and me had talked about it once it was clear our characters may be headed that way, and our GM and the other players had OKed PvP as well, so all was fine on the consent front.
And still I needed the dice to make the final decision, and I was quite shocked when they decided it was time to fight. But now I was commited, and so I went for it with a heavy heart. I love my Selise, and I really did not want to kill another player's character. It was a long fight with lots of dice rolls for me, since the third PC tried to stop us. Well, mostly me.
Halfway through, Corvin asked Selise if he will ever be safe in her presence, and I had to actually think about it. I talked myself through it out loud, and came to the shocking conclusion that no, he would not be. And after that, when we both knew this was to the end, I lost my doubts, and it became so much fun. I still did not want to kill Corvin, but I was OK if Selise died, and I knew it was OK if Corvin did.
In the end, Corvin had one hit point left, Selise had 4, and it was the third player's turn. She decided to use up all her inspiration to get the two NPCs around us to grapple me. I got out of her grasp, I got out of one of the Elf's grasp, but the third one pinned me down in a pool of blood. And then it was Corvin's turn. He casts Toll the Dead, my dice rolls, and it is only a 10. Selise is dead.
And then this motherfucking blood cleric, this awesome player and very kind friend, uses all his inspiration to cast a ritual and make me into a Dhampir like himself.
Fuck me, I did not see that coming.
It is such a beautiful, beautiful gift to a fellow player, a way to take the big swing, see it through to the end, and still keep a beloved character, and give her such an interesting new twist.
And Thomas told me after the game that it was his plan all along if we ever got here, and our GM knew about it, too. That means he thought about this, thought about a way to both let me be true to Selise, and let me keep her as well, and it is such a kind and generous thing to do that I'm still crying about it now.
And now it is my choice where we go from here. There are so many cool possibilities, because as Shulassakar, Selise is basically a mix between Aasimar and Yuan-Ti, descended from the Couatl: god-like beings with wings and a snake's body, and what does that mean for her now?
But that is a thought for another day. Today, I will go to sleep with a stupid smile on my face, firm in my conviction that telling stories together is good for the soul. Good night, gentlefolk, or god day, and may the story gods look upon you favorably always!
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anghraine · 2 months
Today's unhinged "good God I hate how much extreme generosity I'm expected to extend to the Peter Jackson films by people who make wildly bad faith arguments about things I like" rant:
I am very deeply tired of people insisting with zero evidence that of course the LOTR films are imperfect, but the difficulties of adapting LOTR are such that it wasn't possible for them to be better than they were—in, apparently, any respect. They just couldn't be done better, at all, because it was so hard to make something watchable at all.
This is always just like ... really? Really?? Just what prevented them from making better decisions about anything? What exactly made casting every actor of color as barely differentiated villainous hordes in the twenty-first century so necessary and unavoidable? The glamorization and vast expansions of battle scenes and insertion of "heroic" war crimes was the highest film as a medium could aspire to in the early 2000s because of what insuperable force?
What made it impossible to give Arwen a coherent character arc? The films could not have been made without the underlying assumption that most of the cast are NPCs who will only do the right thing, when they will, if prodded or manipulated or influenced by main characters? In what way is this an inevitability of adaptation or film that simply couldn't have been conceptualized differently, much less better?
There is zero explanation or justification for why any of this stuff (or the myriad other flaws) had to be that way and couldn't have been done better in any way at any point. It's just stated that the films that exist must be the best films that could have existed because they're the ones that do exist and are popular. QED.
That doesn't make any sense, though, and it doesn't convince anyone who doesn't already agree. The idea that they could not have been better in any way (including their worst quality, which again, is the extremely racist casting), that some force was preventing not only the actual filmmakers but any filmmakers that could possibly exist from doing anything better just seems patently absurd.
You can like them and respect what they did achieve without demanding that everyone buy into a baseless and irrational argument that their pop culture success means nothing about them could possibly have been done any better. Look, I was in my mid to late teens at the time. I remember the early 2000s quite well. It wasn't now, but we are not talking about an age so divorced from our own that any of these things were somehow fundamental to the media landscape.
There are ways in which the LOTR films were very good that were essential to their popularity then and now. This does not require anyone to accept that it was literally impossible for them to be better than they are or that some defense is required against every criticism of them ever.
I am not, incidentally, talking about removing Bombadil, an entirely understandable and defensible decision that the film defenders in my notes somehow always feel the need to bring up. I know that changes had to be made, that adaptation is not a word for word transcription, that it would always be a difficult text to adapt, that structurally minor elements had to go, that they are cinematically beautiful films that a lot of work and love went into. I know this. EVERYONE knows this, because for the last 20 years it's been impossible to criticize anything about them without being reminded. Their accomplishments, and their existence, do not mean that any choice made by the filmmakers must definitionally have been the right call and could not possibly have been better in any way.
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imissylou · 4 months
 Sims 4 LOTR Legacy Challenge
Welcome to my Sims 4 LOTR Legacy Challenge!
As a lifelong fan of The Sims, I’ve always enjoyed creating unique and immersive stories for my sims. Meanwhile, my boyfriend is a huge "The Lord of the Rings" enthusiast, with an impressive collection of memorabilia and an encyclopedic knowledge of Middle-earth lore. We often share our passions with each other, and this time, we decided to blend our interests into an epic adventure in The Sims 4!
The result? A Legacy Challenge that combines the enchanting world of Middle-earth with the creativity and fun of The Sims 4. Each generation of my legacy family will be inspired by iconic characters and themes from J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece, following their own quests and adventures in the game.
Join me as I guide my sims through the trials and triumphs of this LOTR-themed legacy, from humble Hobbit holes to majestic Elven realms, and everything in between. Let's embark on this journey together and see how the spirit of Middle-earth comes to life in the world of The Sims!
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(Made by me)
General Rules
Starting Out:
Create a founder sim inspired by a LOTR character.
Move your founder into an empty lot and build a home with starter funds or start with $0.
No cheats allowed (except for resetting sims if needed).
Aging and Lifespan:
Set the game to Normal lifespan. Short if you want a challenge
All aging must be enabled, including NPC aging.
Heir Rules:
Each generation's heir must be directly related to the founder.
The heir is typically the first-born child but can be chosen based on story elements or player preference.
Mods and Custom Content:
Mods and custom content (CC) are allowed, especially if they enhance the LOTR theme.
Avoid mods that make the challenge significantly easier.
Gameplay Restrictions:
No money cheats or other gameplay shortcuts.
Only sell items created or collected by your sims (e.g., gardening, fishing, painting).
The official tag for this challenge is #LOTRLegacyChallenge
Made by imissylou 
here's the DOC
Read the first gen under the cut!
Generation 1: The Hobbit (Frodo)
Starting Out
Create Your Founder: Create a sim inspired by Frodo Baggins.
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Cheerful, Good
Move In: Move your founder into an empty lot. Build a small, cozy home reminiscent of a Hobbit hole. Use modest furnishings to reflect the humble lifestyle of Hobbits.
Goals and Objectives
Gardening and Fishing Skills:
Max Out Gardening: Frodo is known for his love of the Shire and its natural beauty. Your sim must max out the Gardening skill.
Max Out Fishing: Spend time fishing in local ponds and rivers to max out the Fishing skill.
Form Close Friendships:
Fellowship of the Ring: Form close friendships with at least four other sims, representing the Fellowship. These can be new characters or other sims in the world.
Consider sims with different traits and backgrounds to mimic the diversity of the Fellowship (e.g., a brave sim, a wise sim, a loyal sim).
Adventure and Exploration:
Travel: Visit different locations to simulate Frodo’s journey across Middle-earth. Spend time in Granite Falls (representing the wilderness) and Selvadorada (for a more exotic adventure).
Collectibles: Gather unique collectibles from these travels. Aim to collect all types of frogs, insects, or crystals.
Maintain a Simple Lifestyle:
Off-the-Grid: Enable the "Off-the-Grid" lot trait for a more authentic Hobbit experience.
Small Home: Keep your home small and cozy. Upgrades are allowed, but the home should always feel modest and welcoming.
Diary: Keep a diary (in the form of a journal or book) where Frodo writes about his adventures and friendships. This can be done by having your sim write in a journal or create books using the Writing skill.
Photos: Take photos of key moments and places visited. Display these photos in the home to create a visual record of Frodo’s journey.
Additional Challenges
Quest for the One Ring:
Find the One Ring: Choose a specific item in the game to represent the One Ring. This could be a unique collectible or a family heirloom. Once found, it must be kept safe and displayed prominently in the home. An idea could be using the crystal creations stuff pack to make your own ring.
Resist Temptation:
Avoid Wealth: Frodo’s journey is about resisting the lure of power and wealth. Keep household funds modest. Any large windfalls should be donated to charity or used to help friends and neighbors.
Hobbiton Community:
Community Garden: Create a community garden on your lot where friends can come to help tend plants and enjoy the outdoors together.
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gothoffspring · 1 year
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Previously on Living a Nightmare;
Riley received an AMAZING chance card and jumped all the way to the top of the comedy career! He quickly became an overnight sensation and is now a one star celebrity! This is definitely Riley's biggest accomplishment and it means we'll have to spend a lot less time at work as the legacy progresses which I'm happy about!
Immediately after being promoted, Riley was flown out to Del Sol Valley to film his very FIRST comedy special titled "Hot and Heavy". It was a resounding success! "Hot and Heavy" was one of the most popular comedy albums of the entire year, and Riley has the plaques and posters to prove it. His life has skyrocketed in a very short amount of time. He's got a beautiful girlfriend, a job that he loves and grand ideas for what the future holds for him.
Monica decided she was ready for more and autonomously asked Riley if she could move in! They're both so infatuated with each other and don't want to waste any more time not being together.
Under the cut you can find some a lot more info on the gameplay aspect of the legacy and my future plans for the Burns family!
First of all, I had to extend the short lifespans just a LITTLE bit. Short is TOO short y'all, I can't. I still made them shorter than the normal lifespan. Lifespans are as follows:
Baby: 2 days
Infant: 6 days
Toddler: 8 days
Child: 11 days
Teen: 14 days
Young Adult: 18 days
Adult: 25 days
Elder: 8 days
We'll play out this first generation with these lifespans and see how it goes, I may have to adjust it a bit but I'm not sure. I really did not realize how difficult this challenge was going to be, because I get attached to my gameplay sims very fast. They're all gonna DIE so quickly, pray for me. I'm honestly excited to see how much progress we can make in a short amount of time though.
As far as future plans, I'm completely over Strangerville and it's annoying NPC's. I did not beat the Strangerville story and I was using a mod to toggle the story on and off, and sometimes I would forget to toggle it and it's just so frustrating. there should ABSOLUTELY be an option in the gameplay settings to turn the story off.
We are officially going to be moving to Chestnut Ridge! I figured it would be fun to try out some horse ranch gameplay and own a huge ranch. We're going to be taking out a loan in order to afford it, and Riley is going to keep working for a while as a top comedian before he retires and dedicates all of his time to the ranch. We're going to be attempting to survive by selling nectar, breeding horses/doing competitions, and farming! Monica may also pick up crocheting or cross stitching as a side hobby. Maybe canning?! I haven't done any canning at all yet! I know it makes little to no sense for them to be moving to a huge ranch from a very rundown home, but since Riley shot to stardom so fast I like to think he realized the first thing he wanted was a nicer home.
I think it fits Riley PERFECTLY. He's always wanted to make his own nectar and being a country boy at heart, Chestnut Ridge won't feel too far from home. Monica is also an animal enthusiast and VERY excited to get some animals, so it's going to be great for both of them. They've been doing some house hunting lately and they've almost found the perfect place. I've already moved some of their friends to Chestnut Ridge and given all of the original Chestnut Ridge townies little makeovers! I also added a couple more sims to the world just to fill it up a bit more. Riley and Monica will be making TONS of friends I'm sure. There's a bunch of couples ready to have babies at the same time as them which I'm excited about, gotta make sure our kids have friends!
I think that's it for now, but I did just want to say thank you so much to anyone who shows any kind of interest in following along with my gameplay. I know I've been widlly inconsistent and have rarely been posting gameplay, but I truly believe that's about to change as I dive back into this legacy and get things rolling again!
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lastarvek · 6 months
not sure who needs this, but here is a list i've made of all the "realistic" serana replacers, bc i know the "doe-eyed 16 yr old" look that most replacer mods have gets old real fast (and creepy, given her backstory)
replacer for serana by @yennethan : i love this one and i'm going to use it for my next playthrough. gives her more of a 'wise older sister' vibe, as opposed to a 'young vampy bimbo'.
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anima nera by serkethetyt : this one has a creepier vibe than all the other serana replacers i've seen. if you like your vampires to be more on the horrific and visceral side, then look no further.
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npc overhaul - serana (high poly) by ihuntalone : this mod manages to strike a nice balance, keeping her facial proportions realistic while still making her look delicate and elegant
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eeekie's serana by eeekie : one thing i love about eeekie's mods (besides the stunning realism) is that the characters always look like grown adults. if you want a more mature and seasoned look for your serana, this is the one.
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seranade by annaccident : i only found this mod while making this post and ?? why is this one so underrated lol, she is gorgeous. i like her tired eyes, because wouldn't you also be exhausted after taking nirn's longest nap? the hairs are also mashups, making them quite unique and giving her the signature braids she sports.
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dashing dawnguard followers by tragedian : one of my all-time faves ! this one (and all of tragedians mods) puts a refreshing spin on vanilla style, staying true to the game's original vibe but making serana a lot more aesthetically pleasing in the process. (note that this mod is not standalone and will replace other dawnguard npcs)
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definite serana smp hair by mharlek1 : another mod that stays pretty true to vanilla style, with the added bonus of smp hair ! (if you don't use smp, there's an option for no physics as well).
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serana - daughter of coldharbour by southpawe : this mod models serana's face after her voice actor, laura bailey. the ethics of this mod are... questionable lol, but on the plus side, who fits serana's voice better than her literal voice actor?
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nithi npc enhancement - serana by nightmarezone : this lovely serana has a realistic face and has 3 different hairstyles to choose from. if you like the style of this mod, you should check out the rest of their work, bc their npcs are awesome.
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dragonborn waifus - yet another serana replacer by lucazoid : don't let the name fool you, this is no waifu mod. this replacer gives her a strong brow and tired eyes, and has a whopping 24 (!!!) hairstyle options.
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