#and I also believe that whatever tf these two had going on wasn’t even a LITTLE bit platonic
slutabed · 2 years
no of course I’m not okay I just remembered that derek morgan calls penelope garcia his “god-given solace” and then they DON’T end up canon how tf am I supposed to be okay
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dumbseee · 1 year
noticed pt2.
f1 au/fic: having her celebrity crush as her boyfriend was something y/n didn’t expect to happen, which she also didn’t expect is the hate she would’ve receive.
lando norris x reader.
fc: bruna marquezine.
part 1.
note: i wasn’t planning on doing a part 2 but you guys asked so you shall receive :) (i wrote that very quickly so it’s not that good i’m so sorry)
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly and 230 997 others.
y/n: lil photo dump because i’m living my best life with my loved ones <3 have a nice week guys!
landonorris: pretty girl <3
liked by y/n.
francisca.cgomes: had the best time with you baby
yourfriend: you’re shining girl
fan1: who tf is y/n? why is she even so popular?
fan2. @.fan1 bc she’s fucking lando and people have an obsession with wags
fan3: ew such a whore
fan4: why is she always half naked?
fan5: i’d be so embarrassed if i were lando bc wtf is she wearing?
fan6: lando RUN
fan7: y’all see a pretty woman dating y’all favourite driver and decide to hate her for no reason
fan8: y/n get behind me
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you couldn’t stop crying, you didn’t know what you did to deserve that. you deactivated all your socials so you won’t receive any messages from people with bad intentions, and turned off your phone that kept buzzing with notifications from friends and family. you tried to call lando, to make sure he knew that this was bullshit and that never would you even think about cheating on him. you did go to neymar’s party but only as your friend’s plus one. you talked with the footballer but for literally five minutes. the girl in the picture wasn’t you and you prayed that lando knew that. but he wasn’t answering his phone and that actually made you panic even more. your whole body was shaking, you were having a panic attack and you didn’t know how to calm it since you never had one before.
this situation was horrible for you, you didn’t even know how to fix it, of course it was all a lie but would the internet believe you? deactivating all your socials could be seen as suspicious by fans. they hated you anyway so whatever excuse you’d come up with, they’d never believe you. would lando even believe you? that thought made you sob even more, you struggled to breath and fell on the ground, resting your head on your knees. you could hear your heart beats going way too fast and you prayed for someone to help you because you were going to die from that damn panic attack.
"y/n! hey y/n!" you heard a voice, but it was faint, as if someone was calling you from very far away. "y/n, please baby! breath!" lando. it was lando’s voice. you opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend, shaking you to make you come to your senses, his eyes were glossy and he looked worried, when he saw you open your eyes and look at him he sighed softly and smiled at you. "welcome back, baby." he kissed your forehead before putting your hand on his own heart while he did the same to yours. "breath for me. we’ll do it together, okay?" you nodded slowly and started to follow his breaths. "one. two. three. yeah, you’re doing amazing my love." he smiled again and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. "you scared the shit out of me." he whispered, still against your forehead. "i am so sorry, lando, i swear it’s not-" he shushed you and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a long and soothing embrace. you felt silent tears roll down your cheeks.
"don’t say a word, i already know." he says, he grabbed your face in his hands and kissed your tears away. "those pretty eyes can’t be drowning in tears, love." he added. "i trust you y/n. i love and trust you with my life, i know that you’d never do such a thing." he finished by kissing your lips. "then why did you ignore my calls?" you asked. "because i needed to get back home asap to confort you." he smiled and you swore that your heart exploded.
that was the moment where you realised how deeply in love you were with lando. he was so perfect with you, always taking care of you and putting you first. you sometimes wondered if you deserved that kind of love.
"we’re going to watch your favorite tv show, order some food and take a bath later. today is y/n self care day. and don’t think about that rumour, i’m going to take care of that." he kissed the top of your head and helped you get up from the ground.
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liked by y/n, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 1 790 007 others.
landonorris: i’m going to say this once and for all: y/n l/n is the sweetest most loving and respectful person i’ve ever met in my entire existence. she’s the light that keeps shining during my darkest days, she’s the presence i crave after a long day away from her. y/n has been the victim of disgusting rumours and death threats, i’ll be taking action against every single ones of you who even just commented one single bad emoji under her posts, i’ll come for you. you made her cry, i think it’s fair enough that i make you pay back for every single tear that she shed because of people like you.
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safwunnz · 8 months
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I probably put too much work into the lineart but whatevs-
Just some stuff about the process of making his design⬇️⬇️
I literally couldn’t make a design that was 100% a loose fit- I had to make it tighter on the waist cuz it looked weird if I didn’t 😔😔
This costume went through three different beta designs- but yeah I like this one a lot ig-
The colors were rlly easy since I knew exactly what they were going to be from the start :3 idk why I spent so much time on the lineart 😭😭 can you believe my dumbass spent OVER TWO FUCKING HOURS ON THE DAMN LINEART- THAT’S LIKE 2/3 OF THE TIME I SPENT ON THE WHOLE DRAWING ITSELF-
no this wasn’t inspired by pomni’s or jax’s design, I didn’t even know tf tadc was when I made the design
also uhh here’s the lineart and flat color
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oh shayt I forgot the sketch- uhhh here it is ig
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aboynameddash · 1 year
Random situations I’ve gotten myself in the last 2ish weeks
A few weeks ago on one random Thursday night, I decided I needed- just HAD to go to Barnes and Noble and I just decided to get lost in books. Nothing really caught my eye but when something finally did, a guy approaches me and I knew instantly what it was. Standing before me wa a guy that was maybe my height, a little apple shaped and had greasy longish hair and glasses. He was also wearing some crystal crest of some kind. He was weird. He was quierky. I didnt like him enough to go on a date with him. But sure enough, something inside him decided he was gonna shoot his shot and ask me for my number to go on a date to “hot pot” Which is like the weirdest first date ever especially if its with a complete stranger. It’s an intimate thing. Anyway, I gave him my number, thinking to myself I really didnt want to, but I wasn’t having much luck on dating apps so why the hell not. I shouldn’t have. I should’ve just politely decliend, but I didn’t know how. And I spent the rest of the night thinking of how to break it to him that I really wasn’t interested. Well. He tried to call me later that night after I ignored his text messages about something akin meeting randomly (even though he admitted to following me for a few aisles because he thought I was attractive or whatever) I totally farted out loud a few asiles back and that was the main reason why I gave him my number - because I was embarrassed and I didn’t know what else to do. He tried to text me again the next day and wanted to keep calling because he wanted to pick an “appropriate place to meet by where I lived” and I shivered. I’m never going back to that barnes and noble again. Last weekend I spent 3 hours in traffic to meet aunty and the girls in anaheim for courtney’s dance recital and somehow spent 3 hours and drove to the wrong location - apparently there were two hotels within 7 minutes away from each other which pissed me tf off. So I’m here walking around the complex like it was fucking nothing wondering where 325 was when it only went up to 321 - only to realize after talking to this random man that was working on the hotel that I was at the wrong hotel. Even though the front desk women told me “all of the elevators lead to 325″ and confirmed there was a 325. Idiots. I was fully prepared to spend $8 on parking and by a change of events, the valet guy swiped me out because it was “broken”. I would’ve driven home if the hotel was farther than 7 minutes. It was both embarassing and stupid.
I can’t believe I fucking drove into a military recruitment base - specifically marine corps. One moment you���re trying to make a turn into pacific highway, the next minute you’re driving on base and the guys are calling you ‘honey’ and taking your id so you can take a quick turn around and wait by the damn light red left turn light that NEVER turns green. I swear I was there for 5 whole minutes before I just realized its probably broken or they’re playing a joke on me so I just took a turn and drove off because I was forming a line.
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lilxberry · 3 years
Hardly Burglar Material - Bilbo Baggins
Requested by: @donniethescienceguy​
Helloooooooo! Can I have a Bilbo x hobbit wife reader where after Thorin insults him (in the beginning when he arrives) she defends him and Thorins like: are you sure it’s the male Baggins we want?
I mean, I still did as what was requested but man, did I not know where tf this was going lmao
I followed quite a bit of the manuscript of the film, the only alteration is when reader confronts Thorin
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Warnings: Nothing really. Asshole Thorin. Terrible writing lmao. 
Words: 1,796
Pairings: Bilbo Baggins x Reader (female reader) (wife!reader)
You hadn’t expected your quiet evening meal with your husband to be interrupted but when a dwarf, a big, burly, tattooed, balding, towering one at that knocks your door, there certainly isn’t much you can do.
After the dwarf, who introduced himself as Dwalin, had entered your home and devoured your husbands fish dinner, to which you offered Bilbo your own meal, more and more knocks sounded at the door, each one miffing your husband further and further until he had finally had enough.
“There’s nobody home!” he shouted as another sound came from the front door, arms holding up the abundance of weapons the two brothers’, Fíli and Kíli, loaded on to him.
You felt terrible, watching as your husband becomes frustrated, not knowing what to do other than spectate in concern.
He tossed the items down out of his arms as he stormed towards the door, shouting at whoever was on the other side. “Go away and bother somebody else! There are far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is.”
Bilbo closes in on the door. “I-I-If this is some plotheads idea of a joke,” he laughed in disbelief before grasping the door handle in his hand. “I can only say, it is in very poor taste.”
With that, he pulled the door open and in comes tumbling through the doorway a cluster of dwarves, all grumbling and whining at the other to get off of them. Bilbo and yourself, who stood a few steps behind, looked down at the mess of moving bodies on the floor before his feet, dumbfounded expressions on both of your faces.
Movement behind the pile up caught both yours and Bilbos’ attention, and once the tall figure bent down ever so slightly to reveal himself, your face twisted into that of utter confusion as your husband sighs in exasperation.
Although you were concerned for your husband, you couldn’t help but find the whole situation quite amusing. You found some of the dwarven folk that had invaded your shared home to be quite a fun, entertaining bunch.
Of course, you were concerned about the possessions within your home, hoping that the dwarves leave your home relatively untouched and that your husband wouldn’t have some sort of mental breakdown.
Your uninvited guests had pillaged the pantry of its food. The race of dwarves certainly did have quite an appetite. Even Gandalf had nibbled on quite a bit of food.
The rowdiness of the dwarves had calmed slightly, if only for moment when they downed whatever drink they had. Even the ridiculous and frankly disgusting belching afterwards was calmer than their initial arrival.
Yet that was quickly replaced with plates, platers, knives, forks, and spoons were tossed from one dwarf to another as they sang a merry tune. Bilbo was quick with demanding caution and for things to be put down. Even you were slightly worried for your kitchen utensils.
The dwarves released hearty laughter when you and Bilbo peered into the kitchen and had seen that everything was clean and stacked, Gandalf chuckling along with them as both you and Bilbo simultaneously release sighs of relief.
Then, the atmosphere became tense as three, loud knocks sound at your front door for a final time that night.
The laughter died out instantly and Gandalf spoke quite ominously. “He’s here.”
You couldn’t really pinpoint what exactly was unsettled you so much when it came to the dark-haired dwarf who sat at the head of the table. Maybe his stature. Possibly his stoic expression.
Most likely the look behind his eyes.
Well, you certainly didn’t like him all that much whenever he addressed your husband.
Most of the conversation between the dwarves and Gandalf became muffled when reaching your ears, certainly seeing no point in listening in on their talk. The second your husbands voice rang out through the room though had piqued your interest and your attention was brought to the conversation.
They spoke of The Lonely Mountain, the dragon Smaug, how they were on a quest to reclaim their home. Gandalf had produced not only a map of some forts but a key, a key the dwarves seemed to become quite excited about.
You also happened to admire the young dwarfs’ courage. Ori.
Then, the topic of a burglar arrived.
“That’s why we need a burglar,” Ori spoke.
“Hmm, and a good one too. An expert I’d imagine.” Bilbo moves back from peering down at the map, holding on to his suspenders.
“And are you?”
Bilbo glances around to behind him before looking towards the dwarves once more. “Am I what?”
“He said he’s an expert!” Oin spoke cheerily. Of course, the dwarf with the horn to aid his hearing would say as such.
“Me? No, no, no, no, no,” your husband started, eyes darting to each dwarf, hoping his point would get across. “I’m not a burglar. I’ve never stolen a thing in my life.”
You nodded your head in agreement. As much as you love your husband, he is quite the stickler for following rules.
“I’m afraid I have to agree with Mister Baggins,” Balin was next to speak. “He’s hardly burglar material.”
You supressed a chuckle as Bilbo, although relieved that someone agreed, looked the tiniest bit offended.
The group of dwarves began to chatter and raise in volume, no words could actually be comprehended by yourself, it all a jumble of noises. Then Gandalf raised out of the seat slightly, his voice booming over the racket the dwarves created.
“ENOUGH! IF I SAY BILBO BAGGINS IS A BURGLAR,” he lowered his voice with each following word. “Then a burglar he is.” Bilbo looked as if he wanted to protest but no words left his mouth.
“Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet,” he continued. “In fact, they can pass by unseen by most if they chose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the scent of a Hobbit is all but unknown to them which gives us an distinct advantage.”
The whole discussion about your husband was unnerving for you. You disliked how your husband was talked of like a ploy in some silly game.
“This quest is no place for gentlefolk.” Thorins’ tone was as if the words left a vile taste in his mouth, clearly showing his disgust for your husband. “He probably wouldn’t last 5 miles away from his precious little home. Look at him, Gandalf! He isn’t made for such things, it’s as clear as day. His big feet and rounded belly would slow us down. Your little Hobbit would cry out for home within a day.”
Your blood boiled with each word he spoke, an anger rising in you which you desperately tried to keep down. Your nails dug into the palms of your hands and your jaw was clenched tightly shut, but enough was enough.
Your outburst caught the attention of every soul in the dining room around the table. Their eyes settled on your figure that stepped closer and closer to them up to the point where you stood glaring down at Thorin right beside his seat. Even Bilbos’ eyes were wide and looked almost ready to pop right out of their sockets.
“My husband may not be a fighter like you…you BRASS DWARVES! But he deserves no less respect. I will not stand for someone speaking down on my Bilbo in such a manner, even if they are some king,” you all but spat out.
Some of the dwarves looked offended that you spoke to their leader in such a way, others looked thoroughly shocked, surprised that a small thing as yourself had such a fire in you. Gandalf smirked as Bilbo looked like he genuinely feared for your safety. He had witnessed outbursts from you that scared him before, which were quite rare, you barely losing your temper, but for once, he was terrified of the consequences seeing as it wasn’t at him nor a fellow Hobbit.
But it was Thorins’ reaction that had you confused. He seemed…impressed?
Thorin turned towards Gandalf, a smirk of his own forming on his face. “Are you sure it was Mister Baggins you had wanted to join our quest?”
Gandalf chuckled and looked towards you and your husband, you now joined your side, who was silently scolding you with his eyes but nonetheless remaining the concerned, dotting husband. “I was certain on Mister Baggins being the 14th member of your company, but I would highly recommend you take a 15th as I believe Misses Baggins certainly has something of her own to bring to the quest.”
“They both have a great deal more to offer than any of you know, including themselves. You must trust me on this,” Gandalf finished.
Thorin looked at Gandalf and Gandalf at he for a moment, Thorin evidently mulling it over within his head before finally, he spoke. “Very well. We’ll do it your way. Give them the contract.”
Both yourself and Bilbo began to protest as Balin produced the document. He handed it over to Bilbo who unravelled the parchment and began to scan over the words, your eyes peering over his shoulder to read it for yourself.
As Bilbo and you busied yourselves with reading over the document, Thorin had leant over towards Gandalf to whisper within his ear. “I cannot guarantee their safety.”
“Understood,” Gandalf hummed in acknowledgement.
“You’ll be left responsible for their fate.”
Bilbo began to read aloud the text, brow furrowed out of concentration, your own face screwed up slightly, straining to peer at the words.
“Terms; cash on delivery up to but not exceeding 1 14th for total profit, if any. Seems fair, uhh-“
“Shouldn’t it be changed to 1 15th if I were to join?” you questioned aimlessly.
Bilbo nodded his head in agreement before continuing. “Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by or sustained as a government, thereof including but not limited to; lacerations. Evisceration?” He unfolds a piece further, reading before looking towards the group with a look of disbelief. “Incineration?!”
“Oh, aye. It’d melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye,” Bofur quipped with ease.
Many more ‘encouraging and reassuring’ words were spoken by Bofur, unnerving both yourself and Bilbo, though you hid it extremely well. The moment your husband passed out, was when Bofur seemed to finally relent.
“Oh dear.” You looked towards your husband laying on the floor unconscious with concern before turning towards the others with a worried expression.
Valar forbid you allow him to go with those dwarves and that conniving wizard alone.
I mean, I don’t really have anything to say sooooo
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
LOTR / The Hobbit taglist:
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familyfriendlyweed · 3 years
late night snaps (quackity x reader)
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a/n : before we get into the story, i wanted to thank you all for such support on my first post - i only posted it yesterday, and got a hell lot of likes and reblogs and even gained 23 followers, which is insane for me (or maybe i just don’t know how tumblr works, haha)! anyhow, i’m really happy you guys enjoyed it <3 
 it was 02:37 and you were editing your newest video. you had no idea it would take so long, though! even if you were used to staying up very late, you knew you have to put away your laptop and go get some sleep. 
 saving the video as a draft and shutting your computer off, you started to blindly search for your phone, since your eyes didn’t get used to the darkness yet. finally finding it, you turned it on to set an alarm for the next morning when you suddenly saw a snapchat notification from ten minutes ago. it was from Alex. you curiously unlocked your phone and tapped the little notification to be led straight to snapchat.
idiota : hello mamacita
 your face instantly lit up in a childish smile. you started to type your response eagerly like it wasn’t 2 am and you didn’t have online classes tomorrow. 
 you : why hello there, el señor
 you saw Alex’s silly bitmoji pop up as he started to type.  
 idiota : what is my chica bella doing up so late?
 you giggled, getting comfortable in your bed - this meant a long chatting session on its way.
 you : YOUR chica bella? when did that happen?
 idiota : ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! >:((((
 you : fine you big baby, i was finishing editing a new video
 idiota : hmm i see, i see
 you : what about you though? u should get some sleep!!! :(((
 Alex’s bitmoji started typing, then stopped for some reason. you lifted your eyebrow at that. then he continued, but it took a while for him to finish.
 idiota : why, i just couldn’t fall asleep when you were on my mind all the time, mi amor
 your cheeks grew red in an instant. you knew you could handle jokes pretty well, but this was quite too much. Alex never got so far as to actually flirt with you.
 you : eh??? what drugs are u on
 idiota : the only drug for me is you mamacita
 you snorted. you had no idea if he was being serious or not, even if the second option was more likely.
 you : literally go to sleep wtf
 idiota : i’d sleep better if you were by my side ;)
 this was enough for you - you felt as if you got one more message like this from him, you’d die from the hotness in your cheeks. setting your phone down, you made your way to the bathroom before bed.
 you came back five minutes later, only to see your phone full of notifications from Alex. your heart was thumping really hard, you weren’t used to this, but you opened snapchat anyway.
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : mamacita, don’t joke w me like that
 idiota : did you really just leave me on read wtf
 idiota : i’m sad come back :(((
 and at last, there was a snap from him. you were quite scared at this point. with a shaking hand, you opened it.
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 you laughed so hard that you seriously thought you’ll have a seizure. still laughing, you snapped a selfie with a cute filter on (you really thought you looked horrible at the moment), captioned it with “your chica bella had to take a piss u simp” and sent it to Alex.
 he opened the snap almost imediatelly and started typing afterwards :
 idiota : mamacita!!!! you look hermosa!!!!
 you : that’s because i have a filter on lmaoo
 idiota : mamacita don’t let yourself down, you are so beautiful :((
 you started to text a sarcastic reply, but stopped. for some reason, Alex seemed like he was being truthful. he wasn’t joking around when he called you beautiful, that was too affectionate.
 you : ...really?
 idiota : si, si! <3
 you tugged at your lip in a thinking manner. true, you had feelings for Alex, but you never thought he had something similar to you. or maybe... maybe he was just supporting you as a friend. figuring that was probably it, you texted :
 you : thank you quacker B]] ur also v handsome
 idiota : mamacita likes me!!!!!😍😍😍
 you smiled sadly. Alex was definitely playing around. you got lost in thought for a few moments, thinking about how would he act if he was actually in love with someone. would he, perhaps, be more mature? that would be very weird to look at.
 finally coming back to planet Earth, you looked at your phone only to see that Alex has written a shit ton of messages again :
 idiota : i want to see you, mamacita
 idiota : it’s fine if u don’t want to, you’re probably going to sleep anyway...
 idiota : but maybe let’s meet tomorrow?
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : i’m coming over <3
 your heart gave a leap of embarassment and surprise. why would he even say that?
 you : wait what
 you : wdym “i’m coming over”
 you : no tf ur not
 you : go to sleep
 idiota : doesn’t mamacita want to see muah???
 you : no, that would be awesome, but you should go to sleep, really :(
 idiota : y/n, i already told you, i can’t sleep when you’re on my mind
 you froze in spot, staring at your screen for what felt like an eternity. did he just call you by your name? you knew he only says it in serious situations. deciding to change your tactic, you started texting seriously :
 you : are you like... for real now?
 you : because i know you call me by my name in serious situations, but maybe it’s only a prank, so just answer me truthfully, okay?
 Alex started typing, it took even longer that before, but at last you saw his message, this time without caps, spammed question/exclamation marks, nothing silly at all :
 idiota : i am serious, y/n. believe me, this is not a prank. i just really wanna see you. 
 your heart skipped a beat or two, your face renewed its redness. you felt as if you were dreaming.
 you : okay... i’m really glad. come over, please
 idiota : thank you so much
 you started pondering in your head - how did this happen? how did this silly conversation turn out like this? 
 but what if Alex texted you because he wanted to come over in the first place? after all, he knew how shitty your sleep schedule was. that would be awesome, you thought, a small smile dancing on your lips.
 you checked the snap map only to see Alex about 100 meters from you. wait... what? 100 METERS??? was Alex near your place the moment he texted you for the first time?
 you jumped up, starting to tidy up your messy room up, only to remember you look like poop at the moment - hair messy, face tired, clothes scrunched. 
 exhaling heavily, you tried to change your appearance quickly - you ran into the bathroom, brushing your hair panickily. then you wrenched the makeup bag open and started to rummage through it trying to find some mascara or something...
 ding ding! 
 you froze, your eyes widened. he was already here, what the hell?!
 you quickly put on some mascara, ran into the hallway while brushing your face with your hands from stress (completely forgetting you have mascara on, somehow) and unlocked the door.
 Alex’s figure was dark, since the lightbulb in the corridor wasn’t working, and it almost gave you a fright. but as soon as he engulfed you in a warm hug, the tension in the pit of your stomach vanished. you hugged him back almost unsurely, but smiling.
 “hello, mamacita”
 you giggled. for some reason, you got the strongest urge to cry. probably from happiness, but it still was confusing to you. nevertheless, tears started running down your cheeks, mixing with mascara, probably making you look like you were going to a halloween dress up party. 
 “hey, why are you crying?” Alex asked, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
 “i look horrible.” you laughed, wiping your tears away.
 “nooo, why won’t you listen to me? i already told you you’re beautiful.” he said with a cute pout. 
 “alright, alright, i’m very beautiful, let me down now.” you said, noticing that he was still holding you in his arms tightly. 
 “whatever the chica bella says.”
 he put you down.
 “aren’t you going to turn on some light? i feel like i’ve gone blind!” Alex exclaimed jokingly and you giggled.
 “i’m like a bat, i hate much light, sorry. buuuut i could turn on this little lamp.” you said, making your way to your desk and turning on a cute little lamp the shade of warm pink.
 “perfect.” Alex said, eyeing you in light now. you thought he’ll make a comment about your awful mascara-stained face, but he said nothing, just smiling and looking at you in awe, like you were some princess in a ball dress instead of a tired college student in messy shorts, an oversized t-shirt and two different socks, because you couldn’t find a pair of the same ones.
 “perfect.” he repeated, shrugging with a smile on his face, like seeing you was everything he needed.
 you laughed and hugged him, muttering a “thanks for coming”. Alex didn’t hesitate and also hugged you, holding you as close as possible, as if he let go of you, he’d drown and would never come back to be by your side again. 
 little did you know, he felt the exact same way.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
I hope asks are open 👉👈
If they are can you please do Ej and reader who are soulmates or something that have this magnetic vibe pulling them to eachother trying to get them to be together but they're both weary of it?
You can do a fic or just hcs or whatever you want I don't mind. Sfw or nsfw idc I would just be happy reading idk I'm sorry if I'm overly specific i couldn't find your rules so
Eyeless Jack Soulmate AU
hi love bug, they’re actually not! I just accepted a singular request from a friend bc it was in regards to my OCs. however, don’t worry! I just,,,, couldn’t say no— apologies for formatting, I’m on my phone this time! Also also, the rules are on my pinned post! I’ll update the pinned post so y’all can find things better in my account lmfao. My bad.
Gn Reader, SFW
Jack doesn’t think it’s physically possible that he has a soulmate. He thought whatever tf happened to him when he was changed into a vessel/avatar of Chernobog that nothing would ever be the same. He believes soulmates are a very human experience.
So, for years this man just went living thinking he wasn’t going to have a soulmate. Soulmate identifiers come in many different forms. For instance? Jane found her wife through a red string of fate!
Sometimes, soulmate identifiers are sluggish in presenting and your mark with him was one of them.
Also did you know that not all soulmate identifiers are romantic?? It’s entirely possible to just have a platonic soulmate and even multiple soulmates! Sometimes, multiple soulmates show up as different identifiers! Very fun. You can even have a platonic and a romantic soulmate. There are no rules here to how the universe spins her webs.
As a proxy, you’re not forbidden from soulmates—you can actually die if you disobey the calling! — but it’s heavily discouraged to form heavy emotional bonds and keep it relatively cordial.
Literally no one follows this though unless their soulmate is unfortunately human/not in the Slender Man’s society.
So, when you become a proxy and begin to feel a magnetic pull like none other, it’s bizarre and a little scary. You grew up thinking you had no soulmate.
Jack feels it too and he thinks he’s sick or dying.
One day, you get really hurt and are sent to one of the best independents around, Jack himself.
The pull is absolutely maddening, like your soul is trying to leap out of your body. It gets stronger and stronger until you finally see him.
Jack can’t breathe and forgets to speak when he first sees you. He knows who you are. Internally, he’s panicking. Never expected this to happen!! He’s questioning everything.
You are too. You’re scared and uncertain, and nothing makes any sense. It’s rare for proxies to be soulmates with independents. Independents notoriously get left out of soulmates the more supernatural they are.
And Jack is pretty otherworldly. He’s a literal demon avatar for an ancient god that’s basically held under the original host’s will, merged together in an unholy fusion to create an apex predator.
Anyways neither of you say anything lmfao. It’s awkward and quiet, no one knows how to break the ice because your world has been turned upside down.
But the pull in your chest is assuaged. It likes that you’re in the presence of one another.
Eventually, you get patched up and head out into the field but your chest aches like mad when he’s not near you.
Jack can barely stand the pain when you cross borders.
You spend many nights curled up in pain unable to breathe because your soul is clawing to be with his. The magnetic pull is awful and at times, you really wish you didn’t have a soulmate.
Realizing the two of you can’t keep pulling like this, Tim grants you permission to spend more time with him, working this out with Slender in the meantime.
Again, it’s awkward.
You and Jack don’t get along at first because he’s holding you so far away from him.
To be fair, you’ve got walls up too.
It’s a slow, laborious, damn near painful process to even become friends with him.
But when you do become friends?? Things start to click into place. Conversations are easier and the pull isn’t as harsh. You feel happier, and he smiles more.
It goes on like this for months, that hesitance, 6 ft apart while the two of you yearn to get closer. But you’re scared. Both of you are.
In this line of work, it’s so easy to get your heart broken.
Jack cannot bear to lose you, romantic, or platonic, you’re his and he’s yours. There’s an intrinsic tie that understands the two of you are meant for each other.
You understand this too.
You’ve seen so much as a proxy, the things you’ve done, and seen… it’s horrifying to make yourself as vulnerable as your victims.
But the pull drives you two even closer, singing for your closeness.
And eventually?
Eventually you give in.
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dollslayer · 3 years
The Stand-In
CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Stood up by your date and stranded in one of the nicest restaurants in town, Bucky Barnes just can't let that stand.
Warnings: slight angst, smut, oral (m & f receiving), deepthroating, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it !), if I missed anything let me know!
W/C: 3,807
A/N: I wrote this for @simsadventures 6k mixed adventure challenge (Congrats!) w/ a restaurant setting and the line "If you could just hold my hand and be quiet, that would be nice". If you like it please reblog and comment and tell me what you think! Cheers!
p.s. - Come check out my other fics or find me on AO3 (same name)!
Main Masterlist
7 PM
Your best Jimmy Choos click gingerly as you walk up to the hostess stand at one of the most popular restaurants in Manhattan. He had made the reservation in your name, which you gave to the hostess. She takes a minute to consider you, cocking a brow as she silently clocks your ASOS cocktail dress. You looked chic enough that she could forgive you. Her moment wasn’t lost on you, this part of the Upper West Side was so stuffy so you put on your best.
Feeling slightly self-conscious about your attire you brushed the feeling off quickly. He would be here soon and he’d reassure you how beautiful you look. When you’d met for coffee he’d make you feel so sexy and confident with how sure of himself he was. So when he asked you to dinner at one of the most renowned places in the city and said he wanted to talk tonight you accepted immediately.
“Right this way” the hostess said and broke you out of your self-doubting stupor and guided you towards a some-what secluded table towards the back of the restaurant.
“Here are some menus for you two, if you’d like anything to drink while you wait, your waiter should be here soon”, she sent you an artificial smile and turned on her heel back to the stand.
You picked up a menu and it left you reeling at the prices. You had half a mind to text him and see if he wanted to go somewhere else. Based off of the way he dresses and how he had tipped the barista on your first outing you thought better of it. He’d said he wanted to treat you, so you’ll let him.
7:15 PM
You decided to wait to order anything to drink until he got here, too afraid of the price tag attached to any bottle of wine on the menu.
You took a sip of your water and checked your texts for the second time since sitting down. Still nothing, you didn’t want to text him just yet, you knew he was busy and you didn’t want to seem overbearing. You knew he was a CFO and he’d be coming from the financial district when traffic was insane. You could forgive him. You take another sip of your water hoping it’ll wash all of your doubts away. Besides, it’s not like he’s late-late, he’s like, fashionably late, he’s working-man late.
7:30 PM
Okay, so he’s late-late, don’t panic. Sometimes things happen, he’s only human and this is only your second date.
Your waiter approaches the table again, eyebrows raised expectantly at you. The smug look on his face says he’s thinking what you’re too afraid to.
You order yourself a $25 martini. Your waiter promises to return and you finish off your water.
Time to craft the perfect text that says ‘Hey I’m here, where tf are you?’ without actually asking where the fuck he’s at. You tap away nervously on your phone.
‘Hey, I’ve got a table towards the back, closer to the end of the bar’ Perfect.
7:45 PM
You’re still sitting solo at the table, you feel the beginnings of humiliation creep into your features. You feel warm, your brows form a seemingly permanent crease of worry, and you are trying everything in your power to suppress the tears you felt building up.
You don’t make eye contact with your waiter when he stops by again, playing it off like you were sending a text. But you tell him you’ll be right back so that he doesn’t give up your table.
You walk quickly to the bathroom hoping no one will notice your trembling face. You feel just like a middle schooler that got dumped at the dance. You make it to a bathroom stool and dial your best friend, Wanda.
“Is everything okay? You’re supposed to be out with your mystery date aren’t you?” She had answered almost immediately.
You sniffled a bit and took a shaky inhale. “Y-yes, our reservation was for 7 and he put it in my name, I texted him once already but I don’t wanna seem too overbearing for a second date, y’know? But something feels off. I don’t know, maybe I’m being crazy.”
“You’re definitely not being crazy, it sounds fishy to me. If he doesn’t answer in five minutes I want you to leave and come straight over. I’ll have white Russians and Drag Race waiting for you” Wanda always knew just what to say, just how to make you feel. You were grateful for her.
You sighed into the receiver. “Thanks, babe, I’ll let you know what happens either way”. You hung up and grabbed some toilet paper to dab at the corners of your eyes. You knew you’d need an extra minute to compose yourself as you faced the truth.
He’s not coming, he’s not texting me back, he probably regretted setting the date which is why he put the reservation in my name, I won’t be hearing from him again. Just pay your tab, smile, and leave. You got this.
7:52 PM
Checking your appearance in the mirror one last time you let out a final sigh and push open the door back to the dining room. Your walk to your table begins to slow when you notice someone is sitting at your table. A rather tall, unfamiliar someone.
Did the waiter really give away the table? I’ve been gone all of 7 minutes! What do I even say to this stranger? Should I just grab my bag and go? Hopefully it’s still there.
Your final steps towards your seat are nervous and uneven. The man in the chair opposite yours must’ve heard you and he faces you. You’re struck with an unfamiliar but extremely handsome face. The look of surprise must be tangible because he laughs and slight wrinkles form at the edges of his eyes. Who the fuck is this guy? Well he hasn’t stolen my purse so there’s that.
“I-” You lean over to grab your purse when you’re cut off mid-apology.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, you know how it is at work. Sit down, I ordered a bottle of wine for the table”. The man said.
You sat down slowly and felt so stiff and uncomfortable in the chair. Were you being pranked? Was this part of some very elaborate joke? Before you could ask any of those questions the man reached across the table and grabbed your hand.
“If you could just hold my hand and be quiet, that would be nice” He said as his thumb grazed your knuckles. You were slightly stunned by his boldness. You complied, if only out of shock and hoped he’d explain himself a little better or let you go in time for you to make an exit.
He leaned in closer to you, to anyone else it would’ve looked like an intimate moment during any normal date. He looked you in the eyes while he kept hold of your hand and you realized how warm he was, how clear his eyes were. You took a deep breath through your nose and tried to play it cool.
“I’ve been at the bar for a while now, it seems like whichever idiot decided to stand you up made a grave mistake.” Your brows pinched together and he continued, “I was with a friend talking business but he left and you look like you needed to be saved from the incident so here I am. James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky.”
You were unsure what to do with the information just given to you. Yes, it would’ve been embarrassing to pay your tab and leave alone after sitting there for almost an entire hour by yourself, but it was also embarrassing that this man had noticed and you certainly didn’t need anyone looking at you like some damsel in distress.
You caught yourself from scoffing completely and schooled your features. “I… appreciate that you’d do that for me but I don’t want anyone’s sympathy, especially not a date.” You tried to pull away when his hand gently squeezed yours.
“Please- I- I didn’t mean to make it sound like I’m doing this out of pity. Whatever happened here is unfortunate, yes. But you’re also very beautiful and you’re here by yourself so why not ‘shoot my shot’ as I believe the kids are saying these days? Think of me like a stand-in for the other guy, but y’know, better” he replied playfully.
A very brief moment of contemplation was solidified by your lack of notifications on your phone. Why not? He’s good looking and he’s doing you a favor.
You had to at least afford a small chuckle at that. “So ‘Bucky’, huh? Well I don’t have any cool nicknames but you can call me by my first name.” You gave it to him and he repeated it back to you, a wry smile on his face.
8:05 PM
Still no texts from him but you did text Wanda to tell her everything worked out and there’d be details to come. She’d go into full on mama bear mode if you hadn’t updated her.
“So, Bucky, what do you do? Do you live here in Manhattan?” You asked before taking a sip of your wine (which you didn’t dare check the price of per bottle).
“Brooklyn, actually, but a lot of my business is here. Have you heard of Buchannan hospitality?” He asked.
Your brain snagged itself on that name. That sounds familiar? Where have I seen that? Oh wait! Didn’t you see him in the Forbes ‘30 under 30’ list last year?
You’d meant to answer him but unfortunately all that came out was a confused “Forbes?” at which he laughed a little bit and nodded.
“Yeah you might’ve seen me there. I own some hotels and lounges around Manhattan and Brooklyn. What do you do?” He had brushed off his accolades so quickly, wanting instead to know about you, this random girl that had been stood up.
Shit, your mid-level marketing job doesn’t stand up to this in the least. You took a sip of the wine and answered him, explaining you were second in command of your small company’s marketing department.
He seemed genuinely intrigued and you two ended up talking business and swapping office and university disaster stories until the main course arrived. You dug into your meal, savoring the taste and relishing in the unusual turn of events.
8:47 PM
The plates have been cleared away and the wine glasses refilled. Bucky was proving to be great company and as oddly as it started you were grateful to be sitting here with him. You’d nearly forgotten about your would-be date and decided to check your phone one last time.
You had 11 unread texts, 10 of them from Wanda wanting a play-by-play and one of them from the man that had stood you up. You opened it and sighed. ‘Can’t make it tonight, baby, promise to make it up to you soon’.
You scoffed to yourself. He’s not gonna say where he’s been? Or even say sorry? Douche.
You put your phone away and looked back up to Bucky who was eyeing you with playful curiosity.
“Lemme guess, that was the guy who was supposed to be seeing you’s sorry ass excuse followed by a flimsy apology” He said as he drank from his water glass.
“You’re 1 for 3. It was him but he didn’t apologize or try to explain himself. Should’ve known when he put the reservation under my name and not his that something might be up and when he wasn’t there on time.” You said more to yourself than to Bucky.
“What’s his name?” Bucky asked.
“His name’s Brock Rumlow,” Bucky’s expression changed just slightly at this. “I think he works at some firm in the financial district. We only ever went out the once before this so I don’t really remember.” You explained. “What? What’s that look for? Please don’t tell me you know him”.
“Sorry to say that I do. Sorry to say I know his wife too” He said a little more quietly.
You felt humiliated all over again, the same feelings that you experienced in this very seat not an hour ago still had you by the gills it would seem.
Bucky reached for your hand again, running the pads of his thumb across the ridges of your knuckles in an attempt to calm you.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I didn’t mean to make you upset, but you definitely ought to know that Rumlow is no one that deserves your time” Bucky said in earnest.
His words were nice but you’d need some time to get over this embarrassment on your own. In the meantime, you really were enjoying Bucky’s company so you decided to let it distract you.
Bucky flagged down a waiter, signaling him to bring the check. He took one glance at it and set his card inside. As you reached for the bill with your own card in hand he gave it to the waiter before you could even get a peek. He was so nonchalant when he looked at you.
“Don’t even think about it. So tell me, is the night over or are you game to spend a little more time on me?” He asked. This is the second time he’d been dominant but kind in one breath. You weren’t entirely sure how you felt but you didn’t dislike it.
If you went home you’d just be wallowing in your own self pity, or you’d go to Wanda’s and do it but if you go with Bucky you could delay that feeling for a bit longer. Out with a stranger it is.
“Where to?” You asked him.
9:59 PM
A private booth on the top floor of what he said was one of his favorite lounges turned out to be where to. You were relieved to find there was no dancing, as you had two left feet and half a bottle of wine by now. When you got to the booth you stuck with water, knowing you’d need to get yourself home.
Bucky had insisted on one glass of champagne ‘to chance encounters’ he’d said. You agreed but just one. You found yourself closer to him while you talked, your knees touched and his hand found its way to your leg. It didn’t dare to move higher up, just staying there like a comforting weight almost while you conversed.
You were rambling on about the time you and your cousin took your dad’s car for a joyride when you were 14. You were laughing the whole thing off when you realized he wasn’t laughing with you. You had worried for a moment that you’d bored him when you saw the soft yet intense look in his eye and tilted your head with curiosity.
“You’re very beautiful, you know that right?” He didn’t let you answer as he shifted closer. “I’d like to kiss you, is that alright with you?”
Oh. You were caught off guard by the abruptness of his question. Suddenly shy, all you could do was give a small nod and bite your lip in anticipation. His full lips were soft and almost as warm as his hands, which were holding you in an embrace. One of your hands had made their way to his hair and one on the outside of his lower thigh. You sighed as you kissed him back.
It was soft but insistent, things became a little more passionate as you swiped your tongue into his mouth and you both let out a small moan. You didn’t want to stop kissing Bucky, it just felt right.
He finally broke the kiss as one of his hands still rested at the nape of your neck. You were breathless, this man had kissed the daylights out of you. If he could do that with his tongue imagine what else he could do with it. You were both panting softly, sorting through what to make of things and where to go from here.
“I don’t know about you, but I wanna keep doing that, but this might not be the best place for it. You can say no if you want to, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but I’d love to take you home and treat you right” He said with unwavering eye contact.
Well how on Earth could I say no to that even if I wanted to? Wait doesn’t he live in Brooklyn?
“Let’s go back to mine, probably closer” You said. He nodded in agreement and sent a text to his driver to come pick you both up.
10:40 PM
You did indeed find out what else that tongue of his could do, you were finding out right now. He had made you cum once from his tongue alone already but he added to thick fingers and started pumping them into you, making a scissoring motion that hit you just right. You arched your back and pushed his face in deeper as you cried out, signaling your second orgasm.
Completely drunk in the afterglow of it, you wanted to keep this feeling forever. You wanted to show him what you could do too. You got up albeit with a little shakiness and hovered over him. You kissed his neck and slid your hand down to meet his groin. He was still in his briefs and you pulled the elastic band down with ease.
His cock sprang free and you had to hide the slight surprise you felt looking at the sheer size of him. You were always told you were good in bed so time to really put yourself to the test. You kissed your way down to his pelvis and your hand started working him. Staring back up at him you maintained eye contact while you kissed the dab of pre-cum that pooled at the head of his dick.
He shuddered but you kept staring at him, and in what you have to say was a pretty proud moment for you, you held his gaze while you took him slowly and in one go. You closed your eyes and moaned, feeling him in the back of your throat.
“Shit, oh my god. Are you gonna…?” He was lost for words so you decided to answer him by getting to work. You started slowly, up and down, letting yourself get used to his size and reminding yourself to breathe through your nose and stay relaxed.
His moans were growing louder and his breathing heavier, you knew he was close and you were wondering if he was going to let you finish him. You got your answer when he pulled you off of him by the hair.
“As bad as I want you to finish what you started, I wanna feel you first.” He panted.
“So what’s stopping you?” You asked playfully. A small shriek escaped you as he flipped you under him. He lined himself up with your entrance and thrust in slowly. You could tell he was using a lot of restraint but that was quickly forgotten as you remembered how big he was. You suddenly appreciated the slow pace.
As he became fully sheathed inside of you you let out a loud moan that was quickly silenced by his lips on yours. A few more small thrusts and he was nearly fucking your cervix. You felt unbelievably full.
“Had no idea how talented that mouth was of yours, doll. Trying to make me cum without getting to fuck you though? Now that’s just cruel. I think you need to pay for that, don’t you?” He asked playfully as his thrusts became a little harder and forceful.
You could only nod and moan as he picked up his pace. Your hands clung to his shoulders for dear life and you whimpered and keened while he railed you into your mattress. Finally getting used to the feeling you reached down to play with your clit.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” He asked in between grunts.
Your eyes rounded and you shook your head.
“I wanna be the one to touch you. Make you cum. Only me.” He forced out as he replaced your fingers with his. He made tight, quick circles around your clit but didn’t let up on his pace as he fucked you closer and closer to a third orgasm.
“Your pussy’s making it fuckin’ impossible for me to hold out any longer, need you to cum, sweetheart. Cum all over my fuckin’ dick.” His words sent you right over the edge and you did as you were asked.
Not two seconds later he cried out and emptied himself inside of you, sending a few final pushes into you before taking himself out and dropping down on his side.
You leaned over and kissed him with what little breath you two had left. Your sweat mixed together but you didn’t mind.
His hands provided that comforting weight as he brought one to your shoulder and the other to your hip. He kissed the tip of your nose and watched you begin to drift off to sleep. He could probably use the rest himself and decided to close his eyes for a bit.
9:30 AM
You woke up in a half empty bed, but before you could let yourself be too disappointed you heard the sound of your shower turning off. You padded down to the bathroom and opened the door to find Bucky toweling off. He gave you a lopsided grin.
“Good mornin’, I would’ve asked you to join me but you looked so peaceful I didn’t wanna wake you.” He explained. “If you’re not sick of me, do you maybe wanna grab some breakfast?”
You shook your head and reached past him to turn the shower back on.
“No way. I make the best pancakes and as a thank you for everything last night, I insist on making some for you.” You smiled up at him, hopeful he’d agree.
“Well I hope you know what you’re up against, I’m a very insatiable man.” He joked back.
You hit him with a washcloth and laughed. “Oh believe me I know. Gimme 15 and I’ll be right out.”
He nodded and closed the door behind him. You let your mind wander back to last night as you washed off the sweat that lingered from the night before.
10:15 AM
You set down two plates stacked mile-high with pancakes and bacon. You held your coffee mug up to his and clinked against it.
“To chance encounters” You said with a smile.
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rrasado · 3 years
Yo! If that's okay could i request the brothers (or some of the of your choice) reacting to a teen mc who already has a pact with a demon long before coming to the Devildom and this demon is pretty much their (very protective) guardian/caretaker? Like, the demon is really sweet and gentle with MC and babies them constantly but they're wary of the brothers (Nothing romantic, just platonic hcs!) Feel free to ignore if i'm bothering you!
Congrats on the 400 followers!!💞
Who’s The Guardian?
On another episode of “why didn’t I see this in my inbox before-“ but this is such a cute request.
I...haven’t played OMSWD in half a year ;-;. I never got past lesson 40 so, sorry in advanced for the OOC-
When you already have a pact
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...is caught off guard, big time.
He probably skimmed through your files and records but not once did the thought of a seemingly innocent teenager already having a pact with a demon prior the exchange program crossed his mind.
That’s coming from someone who overthinks a lot.
As the so called right hand man of the young lord himself, he’ll want to conduct a thorough investigation on whoever this demon is. He can’t risk sullying the honor of Diavolo because of some minor slip up.
Under the guise of a friendly get together he asks MC to invite their demon pact mate over for a nice afternoon tea. Harmless correct? Well that -less becomes -ful when the demon immediate smothers their favorite human with such rare affections he didn’t knew demons were capable of.
He’ll attempt to be discreet about his intentions but, it seems the demon is more vocal about their displeasure of finding out that their dear human is living with seven of the most powerful demons in hell. So lucifer would blatantly put on a facade to keep the dignity of the council and the prince at peace. But if it were up to him...
“We all care for the human’s well being yes? A little cooperation is to be called for”
...Feels betrayed. And disappointed
He...wasn’t MC’s first- oh god the others are laughing at him as we speak aren’t they.
Would probably try to not so discreetly compare himself to the demon, arms crossed™️
Is that why MC was so fast in making a pact with him? Like no fear whatsoever because they’ve already done this before? Now he feels dumber than before
It all ultimately ends with..the demon and mammon trying to out do each other when it comes to spoiling Mc whether material wise or affection, of course mammon is at a disadvantage given how much he denies his concern for not being Mc’s first.
But in the end, if anything bad no matter how small happens to the two demon’s beloved human, they’d probably set aside their differences and hunt down the source. It’s a whole other story if the source was mammon-
“Oi the human also has a pact with me Ya got that!”
...is both amazed and disdained.
And on the other hand- wow...you’re such a normie for being able to pull in other races, what in the name of damned friendship is this-
But that disdain turns to envy, whether envying you or the demon sometimes it’s interchangeable- because he wished he was also that cared for. Being able to be brought gifts or being protective over- it’s the otome dream he’s secretly wanted.
But once he realizes that the demon just genuinely cares for MC, for whatever reason- he seems to understand along the way, maybe he to wishes to protect one of the few people that willingly put up with him with a wild smile. Teen mutuality huh.
He might even invite their demon pact mate over for a game or two- heck if things go well they three might even become a triumvirate. Overall he’ll learn to get along with them but...it’ll take a good while djdndnbd.
“H-hey...ya sure you wanna hang out with someone as yucky as me? Ah- wait I have games for three here somewhere.”
...Is highly intrigued suffice it to say.
The guy was highly enthralled when you managed to even make a pact with him through hard work and it seems there was a much farther history as to why.
Unlike the first born however, he’d be actually successful in hiding his true intentions when he decided to investigate whoever demon managed to wind up with the young human in the first place.
Those detective novels did him good Huh-
On a more serious note. He’d actually be encouraging to a certain extent until the demon directs their threats to him. Like how dare this lowly bastard make a point to the Avatar sin of Wrath- oh it was for MC’s sake...hard pass-
At one point he’s probably the closest to this demon in terms of peace next to Beelzebub since he’s the most serene of the brothers. Overall neutral to them unless the demon gives him a reason to.
“It’s nice to see the human having someone to lean on to...I wonder what would happen if that support were to suddenly collapse”
...is sappy to the brim
Look at the lovely human already catching demons with finesse! Proud wine aunt moment™️. And the fact that it was prior to the program? Damn the kid has more potential than he thought.
At first the demon themself is gonna- Ehe carry MC away everytime asmo ties coming in but. With a little nudge and convincing they’d probably stay to listen to Asmo.
Trust me when I say these three will go shopping every weekend once everyone is comfortable with each other. And for what it’s worth they might even get matching outfits.
Asmo would probably try and nitpick how MC even managed to wind up in a pact with a demon without knowledge of the Devildom in the first place but at the same time he thinks it adds to the younger’s charm
These three end up being the child the mom and wine aunt dynamic and y’all can’t convince me otherwise.
“Ehh~? Oh don’t look so weary it’s bad for your face darling~”
...For some reason happy.
Is this why MC managed to make a pact with his brothers so easily in so little time? Is this why the teen never seems to be bothered by any of his brothers’ threats? Overall he’s happy that you have experience.
He remembers something oddly like this...but in his case he didn’t had experience prior the fall wow way to go at angsting this am I right-
Because unlike him, a being millennia old was so confused of what’s in store for hell after the fall but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and bare the fear.
And someone so young managed to get a taste of a fraction of that experience but here was MC...laughing without a care whilst this other demon places a protective arm in front of them as they interrogate beel- oh wait they were talking to him-
Food as peace offering? You bet, thankfully they did settle with food and unlike first impressions- the demon actually is the most sensible to beel seeing as he was one of the few who...didn’t actively attempt to kill their human- in fact, the demon is probably the one to inform Beel of what demon food the young teen can actually eat and what they prefer.
“I see...ah, would you maybe wanna join us? Food always tastes better when shared”
...could care less until they talk about the whole time universe killing thing-
Ohhh boy- belphie run I’m telling you run- no beel won’t defend you on this one in fact I think I see mammon running with the demon but belphie run boy run-
In all seriousness him and the demon will take the longest to get into terms. Heck not even Mc’s convincing has effect, because the demon really really doesn’t like the avatar of sloth for good reason.
Depending on how the demon even winded up with MC. Belphie would also not like the demon.
That...is until something actually bad happens to MC-
The demon might blindly pin it on belphie but the thing is- he’s also panicking because if he and his brothers were there and the demon was there- wHO TF IS WITH THE TEENAGER-
He...didnt want to have what he did to MC happen again. Let him be the last one to harm the spunky human. I even considered him and the demon to never actually get along no matter how long of a time but...again it all depends on the Hows and Whys.
“I...Care for them as much as you do. Just- Tsk... I don’t need you to believe me.”
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Just a Touch Away
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Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4k
Request: Not necessarily?? A few people did ask for this though and who am I to deny you of that?
Summary: Part two of Just a Flight Away
Warnings: Sex, just sex. There’s fluff too, a good lil 50/50.
A/N: The fact that this is longer than the original makes me fucking laugh cause how tf did that even happen?? Hope I didn’t disappoint. I also got lazy half way through editing so only like the first 2k words are edited.
Neville was beyond ecstatic to be walking hand in hand with his girlfriend. It was better than anytime his mind would wander to it during the day and anytime it’d lull him to sleep at night. He looked down at her, watching as her eyes looked at everything in amazement. It reminded him of his first year at Hogwarts, wide eyed and full of curiosity of all there was to be explored. (Y/n) seemed to be soaking it all in as if she took even the smallest of blinks, everything would vanish before her eyes.
“It’s a pretty place, isn’t it?” He started off, catching the girl’s attention. She looked up at the tall lanky Gryffindor smiling at him. God he couldn’t believe that such a doll was his. This was his girlfriend.
“Yeah! It’s amazing! I love how tall the ceilings are and all the intricacies such as the carvings around the walls and floors, the big open windows, it’s all to die for!” She exclaimed, bouncing up and down a bit. How could one girl be so cute? Neville knew that if she asked, he’d do absolutely anything she wanted without a second thought. Anything she wanted and needed he would give to her at the drop of a hat.
“Yeah, that’s not even the most magical part. No matter where you go in the castle, you can find something new almost every time. Be it a hallway, room, whatever.” he stated, smiling as the girl gasped in amazement.
“We have to explore then some time while I’m here! However, today I wanna spend time with you doing you know,” she started, looking away as she was overcome with shyness, “Doing couple things.” Neville felt his heart swell at her words, trying his best not to drown her in all of his affection.
“Of course, petal. We can do whatever you want today! How bout I take you to Honeydukes and then we end the day off with the greenhouse? I know you wanted to see that first but trust me when I say it’s even more of a beauty during the evening than it is at this time.” He said, reaching down to push a bit of her hair out of her face. He laughed some as her eyes lit up at the mention of the sweets shop. When Neville and (Y/n) would send each other things, Neville would send her treats as much as possible. He had learned early on about the girl’s large sweet tooth and second stomach for dessert.
“That sounds amazing! You know how much I love treats!” she said, clapping her hands as she began to jump more. Neville looked at her fondly as he watched her fit of excitement but quickly stopped as he noticed her frown. “I don’t have the right currency to buy things yet though. I still only have dragots. That’s okay, we can j-”
“Did you really think I was going to make you pay, flower? What kind of man would I be to invite you out and not pay? I insist, shop to your heart's content today.” He said, reaching down to stroke her cheek. She leaned into his touch, smiling up at him.
“I love you, Nev.” she mumbled, closing her eyes in content from the warmth that radiated from his hand. Neville felt his breath hitch as he looked down at her, face flushing a bright red. It wasn’t the first time they had said it to each other. Sure, they ended their letters with it more often than not but to hear it from her voice? A voice that was so beautiful, so full of love, aimed towards him? She was making it really hard for him not to just have his way with her right then and there.
“Oh angel, I love you more. Come here.” He pulled her closer, bending down to rest his forehead on hers, smiling as he leaned in to kiss her. The (h/c) haired girl met him halfway, smiling into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around her neck. He continued to kiss her, deepening the kiss before remembering that they were quite literally in the middle of the hallway. He pulled away, placing a quick chaste kiss on her lips. Confusion took over (Y/n)’s face as she looked around them. In different parts of the hallway, a few guys were looking in their direction. “What is it, darling?” he questioned, grabbing her hand as he continued to walk. She simply dismissed his question, offering him a soft smile as he guided her towards the nearest castle exit. That’s when he started to hear it. It wasn’t loud, but it was loud enough for him to hear.
“God she’s a right fitty, isn’t she?”
“Yeah I mean look at the ass on her. She’s one of those Ilvermorny girls.”
“Could’ve fooled me. Looks straight outta Beauxbaton.”
“Longbottom’s a fool, I would’ve had my way with her as soon as she stepped out the train.”
Neville felt his jaw clench, trying to calm himself down. He had to get them out of here before (Y/n) heard, because if she had? Those guys would see exactly why he was put in Gryffindor in the first damn place. “Petal, do you want a piggyback ride? I know you mentioned wanting one in a few of your letters. Come on, hop on.” he said, bending down some so she could get on. (Y/n) felt her eyes light up at the idea. She took a large running start before jumping on the boy’s back, squealing as he lifted her up. Neville secured her on his back, biting his lip at the feeling of her plush thighs filtering between his fingers. They felt heavenly, he couldn’t help but let his thoughts wander to what they’d feel like wrapped around his- they had places to be. He didn’t want his precious girl to hear anything that those twits were saying about her so quickly he took off down the hallway, smiling as the girl laughed, tightening her arms around his neck.
(Y/n) gasped as her eyes zoomed in various places all around Honeydukes. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. She ran to various different snacks, reading the packages of them. “Look Nev, look! These look sooo good. They’re strawberry flavored! I love strawberry.” she said, holding up the box of snack cakes in his face. Neville laughed at the girl’s enthusiasm for sweets.
“I’ve had those before. They’re quite good! I think you’ll enjoy them ‘specially since you like strawberry so much. Do you wanna get them?” he questioned. (Y/n) pondered, humming slightly before nodding, setting them in his hands. She wondered how he could contain himself, especially when there were so many sweets around! Who wouldn’t wanna buy practically the whole store? 
As they walked around the store, (Y/n) would occasionally find something else that piqued her interest, ask Neville’s opinion on it, and then throw it in his arms. She did this numerous times until she realized how full his arms were. The tower of sweets and treats almost covered his face. However, she couldn’t help to admire how his arms flexed and tensed under his shirt only imagining how nice they’d feel-
“Are you done, petal? It’s okay if you’re not! You can get a few more things, I just wanna get back to the greenhouse before it gets too dark.” he explained, turning to the side so he could see her face.
“Yeah, I’m done! Are you sure this is okay? This is a lot of stuff Nev.” she questioned, biting the inside of her cheek guilty.
“Nonsense! Nothing is too much for you, flower. Let’s get going, I’ve got a few plants that I need to water in about,” he set the treats down on the counter before looking at his watch, “30 minutes. Perhaps you can help me?” 
“I’d love to! You know that’s my favorite part of growing plants is the watering part. It’s almost like you can see them do a little happy dance when you do! Well, some of the more animated plants quite literally do but you get what I mean!” she rambled on, quickly latching onto his arm once more. Neville listened to her, grabbing the bags as they began to walk out of the door only for him to bump into Malfoy himself. Great.
“Ah I see, loneliness has stricken you again huh Longbottom? I don’t know what all those treats will do for that!” He snickered out, high fiving Crabbe and Goyle. Neville rolled his eyes, frankly quite done with the bloke. He didn’t give him that same sense of fear as when he was younger. In fact, now he found him to be quite annoying. 
“Actually they aren’t for him, they’re mainly all for me! Neville’s personal pick is just this little box right here.” she said, holding up the small box before placing it back in the bag. (Y/n) had to stop herself from letting out an audible gag as the blonde’s eyes traveled up and down her frame.
“You must be Neville’s American cousin, right? I-”
“Didn’t ask. Come on babe, let’s go.” The small girl said, dragging her boyfriend along with her. Draco stood there in shock as the two walked off still in amazement in how Neville had such a hot American girlfriend already.
“Woah! I’ve read about this plant actually. Even had a small personal one of my own.” The (h/c) haired girl said, positioning the magnifying glass up and down around the leaves to view it better. Neville whipped his head towards her in excitement.
“Really? Wait, had?” he asked, watching as the girl shrugged sheepishly.
“Yeah, turns out it wasn’t really suited for the climate in America. Such a shame though! She was a real beauty.” She said, still not looking up at the plant. Neville smiled at her fondly, walking closer to her as he stood behind her.
“Yeah, she is.” he muttered, wrapping his arms around her waist as he turned her around.
“Something tells me we’re no longer discussing plants.” she joked, wrapping an arm around his neck as she brought the other to stroke his cheek. He leaned down hovering his lips above hers.
“I’m afraid we aren’t.” he closed the gap between them, kissing her with all the anger, all the passion that had built up over the day. He was tired of it, tired of men speaking about her like he wasn’t right fucking there. Obviously that wasn’t his sweet flower’s fault but god was he furious. He took one of his hands, trailing it from her waist to the underside of her skirt. With one hand he flipped it up and with the other he began to grip and prod at one of her cheeks harshly. He trailed his free hand up to her jaw, holding it tightly as he pulled away from the kiss leaving a trail of saliva in its path. “Do you want to-”
“Yes.” she cut him off, taking one of his hands and leading it under her shirt. He moved his large freckled hand up her torso until he reached her breast. His eyes widened as he felt the lack of bra.
“You little minx.” he sneered, gripping her ass in both of his hands as he sat her on top of the working table. He pushed her shirt above her breast, watching as her nipples began to harden from the cool air. Neville got on his knees pulling the girl to the edge of the table. He couldn’t help but pause and admire how beautiful she was. The setting sun reflected off of her sweaty (s/c) skin making it appear as if she was glowing. The shadows and light hit the parts of her soaking panties, revealing just how wet her cunny was. Neville let out an audible groan at the sight, adjusting his tightening pants. “God you’re bloody gorgeous. Look at you baby, all soaked just for me?” He ran a finger over her cloth covered slick, smirking as the girl jumped a bit letting out a soft whimper. “Let me treat you, yeah?” he whispered against her clothed cunt before ripping her panties down and stuffing them in her back pocket (He certainly was not giving those back). 
His eyes were glued to the sight in front of him. It was more beautiful than any photograph that she had sent. No matter how many times she had written to him about how wet she was, nothing could prepare him for the true extent to what it was. The entirety of her pussy was covered in slick, running down her folds and now onto the table. He watched as her pretty little hole clenched and unclenched around nothing practically begging to be filled. But he couldn’t just yet, he had to do what he had been dreaming of for years. He moved a steady hand forward rubbing her clit in circular motions before licking a fat strip across her slit as he began to suck on her clit. (Y/n) gasped, bringing a shaky hand down to his head pushing him in forward and, who was Neville to deny her? Sure, Neville lacked experience severely. They both did. But he’d be damned if he came up from between her legs without giving her an orgasm first.
Neville took his middle finger, gathering a bit of her juices on it before slowly sinking it inside of her. He began to pump it in and out, making sure to be gentle and slow while maintaining a steady pace. (Y/n) threw her head back, letting out a cross between a whimper and a moan. It wasn’t like she hadn’t pleasured herself before, she had...numerous times. Sometimes even multiple times a day. But god his fingers? They were so much thicker than hers, so much longer touching and hitting spots she didn’t know were possible. “A-another please.” she whimpered, bucking her hips onto his face. Neville looked up at her, humming around her clit in agreement before he slid in another digit into her tight hole. He felt his dick strain against his pants more at the sound of her moans but he could ignore it. This wasn’t about him right now, it was all about him pleasuring his perfect girl.
“Do you like that, pretty? Hm? Like when I get my fingers covered in you.” He muttered against her, groaning as she clenched around his fingers. He drove them deeper keeping with his slow pace. Neville didn’t want to rush this, he wanted to appreciate the girl who he loved, the girl who kept him up late into the night as he stroked one out. He knew they would share many intimate moments in the months to come but he definitely wanted their first to be the most memorable.
 He continued to lick and suck on her bud, pulling away every so often to lick at the stray juices that ran down her folds. “Just one more, pretty. I’ve gotta make sure you’re nice and stretched out for me.” she nodded lazily at his words, feeling herself growing closer and closer by the second. (Y/n) was in such a state of euphoria, never wanting it to end. She let out another strangled moan as Neville slid in a third finger, scissoring them a bit before beginning to make a come hither motion within her. The tips of his fingers rubbed against her spot sending her into a fit of nonsense phrases and words, the most recognizable of them being “please, please. Yes, yes, yes!” which only encouraged him further. With more force he repeatedly began to jab at her g-spot growling as the girl came apart above him. (Y/n) gasped, falling back onto the table as her body grew tense, releasing all over Neville fingers. She continued to moan as her arousal slipped past his fingers running down the table as the boy fingered her through her high. Neville pulled his fingers out, stretching them apart as he stared at the arousal that was connected between the spaces. He stuck his fingers in his mouth, letting out a soft moan at her taste. Just as sweet as he had pictured it. 
After a few moments of heavy panting, (Y/n) felt a bit better and decided to sit up. Her (e/c) eyes trailed down her lover’s body as they reached the bulge in his pants. ‘If it’s that big through his pants, I don’t even want to imagine how big it is out of them!’ she found herself thinking. No wonder he had used three fingers, she wasn’t even sure that that was enough. She reached both her hands out, beginning to unfasten his belt pulling down his pants before freeing his member. She held back a gasp as she watched it slap up against his lower abdomen. Neville’s cock was a shade darker than him, it had no curve to it but it didn’t matter. He made up for a lack of curve with the sheer girth of his cock alongside the length (which was most definitely half of her forearm, if not more). She took a deep breath before hopping off of the table and kneeling before him.
“What’re you doing, love?” he asked, reaching a hand down to stroke her cheek.
“Returning the favor?” she replied as she reached a hand forward to grasp him. She looked at him confused as he lifted her back up, setting her back on top of the table.
“You can do that some other time. Right now is about pleasuring you.” he said, moving his lips to her neck as he began to suck and kiss along it leaving a trail of marks in its wake.
“A-are you sure? What about you? I’d feel bad that I’m not pleasing you in return.” a soft frown took over her face. Neville grabbed her face softly, tilting it towards his own.
“Oh darling, taking care of you brings me a greater pleasure than anything you could give me. Tonight is about you so let me just take care of you, yeah?” he asked, looking into her eyes full of love and a deep amount of arousal. She sat there unsure before nodding, leaning up to capture his lips. Neville returned the kiss, trailing the hand that was against her face to wrap gently around her neck. He pulled away, tugging her lip with him. “I’m gonna put it in now. Are you ready?” he asked, lubing himself up with the reminisce of her first orgasm.
“Please be gentle.” she whispered, hiding her face in his neck as he pushed his tip against her entrance.
“‘Course love. I’ll do my best.” he placed a kiss on the top of her head before beginning to sink into her. He let out a hiss at the tight heat of her velvety walls. When he was in enough, he brought both his hands up to embrace her, whispering soft phrases of encouragement as he slid into her tight hole. He couldn’t help but feel guilty at the sound of her whimpers and cries, feeling awful that he was the cause of it.  After what felt like ages, his pelvic region finally met with her mound. He pulled back gazing at the sight as he let out a soft moan.
“Y-you can move now. Feels good.” she stuttered out, gasping as he pulled out some. Neville thrusted into her deeply to test the waters, watching her facial expressions. He felt himself grow relieved when he saw how deep in pleasure she was. Her eyes were clenched shut, chest rising and falling quickly. He took that as a sign to continue, thrusting into her deep and slow. He gripped her hips tightly, deepening the intensity of his thrusts. The boy was absolutely enamored. How could she be so cute in such a filthy state? Tongue lulled out the side of her mouth, hair tousled messily as sweat covered her delicate skin. Seeing her in such bliss only fueled his need to please her, to see her come undone beneath him. He continued to pound into her, every thrust filled with passion. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, angel,” he growled out leaning down to capture her breast in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around her nipple, nibbling softly before pulling away and doing the same to the other one. (Y/n) continued to let out a string of moans, tightening her grip on the Gryffindor's back. She couldn’t help but dig her fingers into the flesh of his back, trying to ground herself as her lower region received immense amounts of pleasure. She let out a cry of gratification as he began to rub at her clit with circular motions, digging her heels into his lower back. “God just look at you. You feel so fucking good wrapped around my cock. Who’s making you feel this good?”
“Y-you Nev! S-so good. It’s so deep, so big.” she whimpered as she began to feel hot tears form in her eyes. “Love you so much, I love you!” she sobbed, resting her head on her chest. It was all too much, too good for her to handle. Neville cooed at her adoringly continuing to thrust into her. “C-close….”
“Hold it for just one second of love. Let’s cum together.” He grunted. After a few moments, he felt a familiar pit in his stomach signaling his release. His thrust began to grow sloppy, hips stuttering but as he went to pull out, the girl stopped him.
“Please don’t. I’m on birth control. Want you to cum inside of me, want you to fill me up.” Neville gripped at her hips harder, pistoning them with an animalistic amount of pace. The moans of them both echoed off the greenhouse walls as they both released, collapsing against one another. (Y/n) shuddered, whimpering at the feeling of his thick seed spilling inside of her. It seemed nonstop, pouring and pouring deeper inside of her, dribbling out past him and onto the table.
Neville let out a breathless chuckle at the sight, feeling a sense of pride at the fact that it was his seed dripping out of her. No one else. Not Malfoy, not his idiot friends, and certainly not those morons from in the hallway earlier. He stroked her skin gentle, watching as she shuddered at his touch. “Sorry love, it seems I left quite the mark on your neck.” he mumbled, brushing his fingertips along the healing mark he had left. It was a big purple hickey, the same shade as the bruises on her hips.
“S’okay. I’ll have something that reminds me of you. I think I accidentally gave you one too when I came. I couldn’t help myself.” Neville viewed his reflection in the small hanging mirror across the room. Moving his long shaggy hair to the side, he saw a small reddish bruise, the indent from her teeth still visible. 
“It’s a shame that I didn’t get to show you the rest of the plants you wanted.” he frowned. He had totally forgotten that was the entire reason they had come to the greenhouse today. Neville wanted his girl’s first day at Hogwarts to be absolutely perfect in every way and he had ruined it in his own fit of selfish greed.
“Are you kidding me?” she asked, sitting up. She winced slightly but continued on. “This was way better than any sort of plant! Nothing says ‘welcome to Hogwarts’ like what we just had.” Neville let out a breath that he wasn’t even aware he had been holding.
Even though this was the first day of them meeting in person, he knew this was the girl for him. As the sun set and they both held each other in their arms, the pair couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for them. What adventures lie ahead? Only time could tell. But luckily they didn’t have to spend another minute apart. (Y/n) was no longer just a flight away, but a mere inches apart.
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shugojima · 3 years
𝗔𝗸𝗮𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶 𝗞𝗲𝗶𝗷𝗶 🍋♀️
Sensual play✔︎
Very soft✔︎
Condom cause he smart✔︎
You were out with your friends. Those usual party nights you spend together, searching for a boy to fill you up. Yes, that's how much of a hoe you were. You just compensated your depression with dick. Some good dick made you forget about all the problems you had so why not making this a regular?
Dancing with some halfways attractive stranger you felt yourself getting thirsty. No, I don't talk about that kind of thirsty... hoe.
Walking your way to the bar you pushed some people aside and sat down to order your drink.
"Just give me something strong, please."
This lead to nothing. Not with this guy you thought. Also he seemed to be soft asf and you needed to get destroyed so why bother?
"Wanna talk about it?"
A soft but deep voice rang in your ear when you looked to your side and saw a pretty damn attractive guy. Black hair... beautiful, tourquise eyes... glasses... Damn. You had a thing for glasses. You thought those made every man look ten times hotter.
"Oh, sorry. Akaashi." he reached for your hand and you took it.
"Y/n... What made you think I need to talk?"
Smiling a little he said
"You just ran away from a guy you wanted to sleep with for whatever reason but figured it's not worth it, so you came here and ordered a strong drink to forget whatever is on your mind. So I just guessed you'd probably need someone to talk to."
"Well shit. You got me there... what a whore, huh?"
Sipping on your drink you tried to wash away the last blowjob you gave two hours ago as he looked at you kinda worried.
"Do you do that often?"
"I mean using dick to cope with something."
You looked at him raising a brow.
"What are you my therapist?"
"You're right, I shouldn't have asked that. That was rude of me."
"Well, you certainly give off therapist vibes. With that look on your face, those glasses.. also what are you doing with pen and paper in a bar? Taking notes already?"
You felt you were getting comfortable due to the alcohol. He laughed a little and said
"Valid question, I guess. I'm a manga editor. That's just my worksheet. Usually I do that at home but I felt like I needed a drink."
The way he used his words so carefully and his overall behaviour made you wonder how high his IQ is.
Certainly a smart man and to be honest, that was a rare breed around here.
The two of you kept talking for over two hours and you really had a lot of fun. It wasn't the usual shit talk, nothing too flirty more deep. You also told him that he was right and you were actually just looking for a rough fuck but gave up hope when you noticed that guy was definetely a bottom.
Also... you were a little tipsy by now...
And that's where it started.
"So you think in order to forget everything around you, it has to be extremely rough?"
You looked at him confused. Well sure it has to be?!
"Uhm... yes? I mean... I at least never really enjoyed that soft shit. It's just... ughh idk I just like it hard."
A warm smile on his face your eyes met and his gaze was so intense, it send shivers down your spine. No way you would be able to break eye contact. Wow... just... wow. You felt like he was able to read your mind, look straight through you. He definetely had something about him. Something special that made your mind go blank.
"That isn't true."
"I said that isn't true."
Who tf does he think he is? Thinking he knows what you like or not?
Looking into your eyes, no... basically into your soul, he said
"Sensual sex is something you need the right man for. You need to connect on a high level and feel real attraction. Not just to his dick but also to his personality. If you ever come across that man... Think of my words."
You sat there, mouth slightly agape and you didn't know why but his words somehow affected you... that deep voice, the way he spoke, its was erotic. No other way to put it. So you couldn't help but eventually press your legs a little together.
Sure, he noticed your reaction. He's a smart motherfucker after all...
Slowly placing his hand on your thigh he said
"That's what I was talking about. And I only used my words." He winked at you and you were already a puddle.
Blushing hard you almost spilled your drink when he broke eye contact first.
How did he do that? How could he get such a reaction out of you just by talking to you? Not even doing dirty talk, just by stating facts.
"How... I-...how?"
"Skill." He laughed.
"Make yourself at home, love. You relax a little I'll be right back."
You nodded and got a little comfortable on his bed. Sitting there you realized you had never been so nervous before you had sex.
Something was different this time and you were sure it was a positive change.
You knew each other for only about 4 hours now and you felt like you were already close friends. It was weird and if you'd believe in such things you'd say he's your soulmate.
The way he spoke about that connection people need to have... that had to be it.
When he came back he had more comfortable clothes on and a bowl with ice cubes in his hand as he sat himself besides you, placing the bowl on the carpet.
"How do you feel?"
"Good, I guess... not that drunk anymore."
"That's great to hear." he smiled as he leaned in whispering with his dark voice
"Because I want you to be sober enough to feel everthing to the fullest. Everything of me."
"You're so nervous again just because of my words... You probably really love dirty talk, am I right?"
Eyeing me closely he didn't need an answer tho.
"Nevermind... Your legs are pressed together just like they were two hours ago."
Blushing hard you tried to act normal and keep your composure but that was absolutely impossible when he guided you onto his lap and looked deep into your eyes, through his black framed glasses. His mouth slightly open, not even half an inch from yours.
"If I'm doing it right, you're about to feel heaven, my love."
You wanted to feel his lips on yours so bad so you leaned in but he hold you in place, his hands on both sides of your head.
"No kissing. Heavy breathing can be just as erotic."
And that it was...
You just stayed like this, breathing in and out on opposite times, basically exchanging breaths. The air around you heating up rapidly as you closed your eyes and enjoyed this intense feeling.
"Can you feel the tension?" he breathed into your mouth before kissing you so sensual yet full of lust. He slightly bit your lower lip when he slid his tongue into your warm mouth, one hand on your back, the other slowly running through your soft hair.
You felt nothing less than loved in this exact moment and you already forgot about everything that made you feel so terribly sad earlier.
Never did a kiss feel so good.
When your slick lips seperated he leaned to your ear and whispered
"I can hear your heart beating."
Wanting to get rid of his glasses you stopped him in his tracks.
"Can you... leave the.. glasses on?"
Smirking knowingly he put the glasses with his middle finger back up the bridge of his nose.
"You like that, hm?"
"Y-yes... they.. look good on you."
"Note taken."
Carefully placing you with your back on his sheets he gave you a soft kiss on your forehead before he stood up.
"What.. are you-"
"I'm sorry, love. I don't do it raw."
"Oh r-right.."
Rummaging something in his drawer he put the shiny package on his bed side table before crawling up on top of you.
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you didn't even know why. He was a stranger after all. Someone you just met and still he made the butterflies in your belly you didn't even know you had, go fucking wild.
Your hips between his legs he slowly started to unbutton his grey and blue plaid shirt when you looked away blushing.
"Hey, eyes on me." He commanded softly, continuing with the last 3 buttons.
I'm sure my eyes had hearts in it by now when I saw his ripped body. Fuck... he was so hot. Those toned abs, perfectly on display with the low light that shone on them, leaving a little shadow under every muscle.
"My god..."
"And you wanted to look away in shame."
He smiled when he threw his shirt on the soft carpet near his bed and leaned in on you.
Kissing you again he carressed your deep red cheek and whispered
"Let me show you what real sex feels like."
You got the chills when he started to trail a path of soft kisses down your neck and sucked a little on your skin every now and then. Slight gasps leaving your throat he breathed heavily against your skin.
"You're so... so sensitive to my touch... "
"Wait.." You breathed out, wanting to get rid of your shirt as well so he could kiss you further.
Quickly taking it off so he can continue making you go crazy.
Holding you in this half sitting position he asked you if he could take off your bra as well when you nodded.
Skillfully opening it with one hand while his other cupped your cheek. He didn't stop kissing you until he layed you back down and took a moment to fully capture your feautures.
"You look absolutely beautiful, Y/n."
"Thank.. you, Akash-"
Leaning down on you again his soft fingertips explored your body. Carressing along your neck, your collarbones, your breasts... before he pinched your hard buds slightly. Moaning softly you closed your eyes to make the feeling even more intense.
"Do you feel comfortable, love?"
"Y-yes... nghhh.. very much so.."
A warm smile on his face he reached for the bowl with ice cubes and put one into his mouth. Playing around with it a little until it completely melted he started licking circles around your bud. His cold tongue driving you crazy when he sucked slightly.
"Nghh... K-keiji.. that feels so good.."
Feeling his smile against your skin his hand found its way down your belly... to your skirt.
Hovering above you again he kissed you once more.
"You know where else that feels amazing?"
Melting another ice cube in his mouth he lifted your hips from the sheets and slowly took of your skirt along with your soaked panties.
Going down on you his cold tongue parted your slick lips making you throw your head back and moan loudly.
"Right here."
He licked slowly but greedily along your wet slit, evetually sucking on your clit before he slid a finger inside and looked up at you.
"You're soaking wet, love. I thought you can only enjoy it the hard way?"
Inserting another finger you arched your back as you grinded on his fingers. Desperate for more.
Desperate for him.
"Keiji... I- I need more..."
"Is that so?" he smiled, curving his fingers inside making you scream as he hit your sweet spot.
"M-more... please!"
Pulling out slowly he licked your juice off them
and opened his belt before he stepped out of his jeans and pulled down his boxers.
"Holy shit."
Chuckling he went "Thanks I guess?"
He reached for the shiny package on the little table and opened it with his teeth before rolling it onto his hard cock.
Can we talk about how fucking big he is? Lord help you were thinking of calling an ambulance in advance.
"You know... I don't have to be rough on you to have you drowning in pleasure. There's no need to be when you know which bottons to push and when."
He said as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose when he leaned in on you and was close to your lips again, his eyes drilling holes into yours you felt his tip at your entrance.
"Right now you're craving my cock so bad that you'd basically do everything just to feel it rubbing against your walls. And I like that a lot. Not that I'd dare taking adventage of your miserable situation."
"Put.. it in... please, Keiji! I can't anymore!"
You whined as you tried to lower yourself onto his length just for him to grab your hips and hold you in place.
"Why are you so impatient, my love?" he breathed against your lips, pushing just his tip inside.
"Nghhh fuck! Please!!! Please I need more, Keiji!!"
"Remember this moment."
One deep thrust inside you screamed in heavenly pleasure, your eyes shut close and your back arching.
Smirking at your reaction he took your hands and intertwined your fingers, holding them down besides your head when he started moving slowly.
"To me at least... It looks like you're enjoying it a lot."
His thick cock stretching you out to the limit, low growls leaving his mouth as the sounds of his balls hitting your ass and the squelching sound of your soaked pussy filled the room.
You were in heaven.
He brought heaven to you.
An endless rush of endorphines fluted your body as he teached you his way of pleasure.
He knew exactly what he did, how to do it and when. Noticing every little reaction coming from you and knew what it meant.
This man was a drug.
And you were about to get fucking addicted.
Guys... I had to do a cut. This is getting sooo long and I really love how it turned out.
It's so sensual and sweet my heart is a puddle.
I will upload the second part as soon as possible.
Soft Akaashi is gold
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angelicimagines · 3 years
hello hello! my last haikyuu request was really good so thank you for that mod shuichi!
so if you don’t mind mod shuichi can i get some headcannons for oikawa, sugawara and tendou reacting to their s/o being flirted with by a member of the team they’re about to go up against?
thank you!
Hello there Anon. You see, I could write the request, but there's a much simpler way to show their reactions.
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Ok really in all seriousness thanks for requesting, here's your request. -Mod Shuichi
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Oikawa Tooru, Sugawara Koushi, Tendou Satori reacting to their S/O being flirted by a member of the opposite team before a game.
Oikawa Tooru🤍
🤍 He acted like someone had stabbed him in the heart. 🤍 Was deadass about to jump the player, but Iwaizumi gave him a death glare because "Shittykawa if you anger the opponent I will kill you, we don't need the other team angry at us right before a game." 🤍 So yeah, now it was either give the other team hell or ignore it. Tough choices huh. 🤍 In the end, he decided to listen to Iwa-chan's advice…mostly. 🤍 You see, he could just leave it alone…or he could bother the person flirting with you and intimidate them before the game. 🤍 Flawless plan, truly. And that's exactly what he did. He walked right up to were the both of you were standing and swung his arm over your shoulder, holding you close to him. 🤍 The player apparently had balls of steel cuz they just kept going even with him there. What did the grand king do? He started agreeing with whatever was said. 🤍 The player flirted, he agreed and complimented you as well. It was hilarious seeing the player get repeatedly more frustrated as the flirting went on. Eventually they just stormed away in defeat. 🤍 Oikawa was beaming with pride, oh what a great confidence boost right before a game. He hugged you tightly and gave you a kiss on the forehead before one of his teammates came looking for him. 🤍 Ok so, his plan backfired on him. yes, he did make the game extremely hard for the flirt's team, but he also got distracted during timeouts and stuff like that. 🤍 Was he not living up to his full potential, was the other player better than him, was he not doing enough for you, did volleyball take up too much of his time and you were angry at that, did– 🤍 Iwaizumi had to smack him upside the head to get him to focus. After some scolding from Iwa and some teasing from Mattsun and Makki, he was ready to get his head back in the game. 🤍 They ended up winning, much to Oikawa's surprise. He was sure he blew the game being so distracted. 🤍 He made up his mind and wanted to talk to you about his thoughts. You read him like a book and he just wanted some closure on the situation. 🤍 In the end, he didn't need to. The sweet kiss you planted on his lips as you congratulated him made all of his worries melt away <3
Sugawara Koushi🧡
🧡 He did not believe it at first, even did a double take. 🧡 Oh hell no, who tf does this bitch think they are. That's it, their fate is sealed, they're about to get expressed shipped to God. 🧡 Had to be held back by Daichi because he was ready to commit first degree murder. Nobody flirts with his honeybun and gets away with it. 🧡 The rest of the team is terrified and trying to talk Suga out of commiting bloody murder. It works thanks to Kiyoko who threatened to call you over to where the team was to witness the temper tantrum he was having. 🧡 He might want to kill the bitch but he won't let you see him do it, you might take away cuddle privileges. 🧡 So he settles for beating the other team, or at least annoying the living daylights out of the flirt. 🧡 He got the whole team on it too. It was very easy because the player also flirted with Kiyoko and Yachi, so everyone was in protection mode. 🧡 The other team was in utter shock at the Karasuno that played against them. The flirt felt their soul leave their body once the games ended because nobody can survive Karasuno's collective death stare. 🧡 You were also in shock at the utter thirst for blood that radiated off of the team. Did the flirt annoy them that much? 🧡 Step one completed, now onto step two. 🧡 As soon as the game was over and all of that post game jazz was done, he went straight to you. S/O cuddles here he comes! 🧡 He knows you didn't fall for the dumb flirt, logically he should know that. You see, he knows he's replaceable and that thought frightens him, you leaving him for someone better is a reality he doesn't want to accept. 🧡 So he makes a point to show you much he loves you as much as he can. In this situation, that aspect goes up exponentially. 🧡 He wouldn't leave you alone for the next 4 hours, followed you around like a lost puppy and basically attached at your hip. 🧡 Kiyoko did snitch on him though and you did take away cuddle privileges. He pouts at you until he gets them back <3
Tendou Satori💜
💜 Tendou did not expect to see one of the rival players acting all flirty with you while he was looking for some water, but here we are. And oh boy did he not like it. 💜 Not only were they flirting with you, but they had the audacity to try and take away his pride and joy. Not on his watch, not. on. his. watch. 💜 Ok so, he was having an internal debate on what to do. On one hand, he was angry at the player for even thinking about flirting with you; but on the other, he was scared that you might leave him for someone more "normal". 💜 Before he had the chance to act, the coaches called the players to the benches for some technical talk and final encouragements before the game started. 💜 Don't think he forgot, oh no. He was dead set on making the game living hell for that one specific player–and by association, the team. 💜 The rest of Shiratorizawa was confused as to why Tendou was focusing his most brutal blocks on the poor player but nobody questioned it. It was winning them the game so they could take advantage of this situation. 💜 Shiratorizawa ended up wiping the floor with the other team. Tendou felt accomplished, not only did he humiliate that guy in front of you, he also made his team win. 💜 After the game, he made a b-line straight to you. He needed to recharge after the game and he needed to make sure you still loved him. 💜 That thought was eating away at him the entire game. What if the flirting actually worked and you fell for the other player, what if he wasn't enough for you anymore, what if you began to think of him like everyone else did? 💜 He couldn't allow it. For once in his life someone love him and he is not gonna let some lowlife flirt take that away from him. He loves you even more than that creep and he'll prove it. 💜 That's how you found yourself trapped in a cuddle session with the famous Guess Monster. Not that you were complaining, the dude gave great hugs and you hadn't really had any time just the two of you recently. 💜 You knew that he saw the flirting earlier and you knew how much it affected him, since he was being extra affectionate today and his grip on you was tighter than usual. 💜 You felt guilty that you hadn't put an end to the flirting earlier or had a conversation with Tendou before the game, but that's in the past. Now, you decided to focus your efforts on reassuring your boyfriend that you loved him and that there was no room for anyone else in your heart. 💜 Man melts, he's just overwhelmed by love and he's angry at himself for even thinking about you not loving him, how dare he doubt you like that. You shut him down with a kiss on the forehead and some head scratches. 💜 He thanks every god he can think of right then and there because he had been blessed by his own guardian angel <3
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cleverthylacine · 2 years
Was pre-war Functionist society non-amatonormative, or amatophobic? And why?
There’s been some interesting meta going around recently about whether IDW 1 Transformer society is homonormative or simply just not amatonormative
Obviously--everyone who wants to think of the society as non-amatonormative because they would like it to be is valid in writing whatever they want. Certainly Transformer society is already dystopic enough for most people!
However, I personally think that pre-war Transformer society was probably amatophobic under pre-war Functionist rule.
Sentinel Prime in IDW was historically a fascist, conservative Functionist ruler.
It’s clear from Sentinel Prime’s bigoted and generally ugly rant at the beginning of the Titans Return arc that he disapproves of people in relationships talking about it in public and showing even limited affection (hand-holding, kissing) in public, and he explicitly states that this wasn’t tolerated in “the old days”.
There’s also an interesting tidbit dropped to the effect that you can have an amica or a conjunx on most of the colony worlds just by saying the words, and in the case of a conjunx, doing the Four Acts, but it’s also stated that in order to be officially recorded as having a conjunx on old Cybertron you had to first swear to be amica endura and live as amicae for a period of time (ten years?) before you could ask to be recognised as conjunct.  (Which I think is really very weird. You have to pretend to be platonic BFFs and live that way for 10 years before you can get married?)
Because of this I think that mainstream Cybertronian society was not just “non-amatonormative” but actively amatophobic for a very long time, and may also have suppressed strong platonic relationships, and it’s possible that having a conjunx was unusual in this society because it was socially deprecated and carried significant social costs.
For instance, if the prevailing attitude of the upper castes and the authorities was similar to Sentinel’s, I would imagine that openly engaging in a conjunx relationship (and going through the hurdles to do so) would result in loss of privilege and active discrimination in a society that was already plenty bigoted.
(And realistically, given romantic love and close partnerships’ tendency to spring up between people who are not supposed to be interacting in a casteist, classist society, that tracks. Why wouldn’t they suppress close relationships between people if it led to things like Dominus Ambus conjunxing one of his slaves, or Orion Pax falling in deep friendship with a miner?)
Mainstream Transformer society is homonormative simply because gender itself wasn’t acknowledged on Cybertron for millions of years, except in the case of people like Arcee that you frankly couldn’t control (and her backstory is a horrorshow, thanks Furman).
Everyone in mainstream, non-colonial Autobot and Autobot aligned society who was acknowledged as a person was referred to as he/him. Many people didn’t think she/her (or they/them, or anything else) was an option, although some people addressed beastformers like Ravage and Howlback as it/its.
This would have made identifying as “heterosexual” or “heteromantic” difficult. The default would’ve been relationships (if at all) were between two he/him people.
It/its people weren’t considered people, which meant that relationships between he/him and it/its would likely have been considered perverse if open and/or consensual but the fact that nobody wanted to believe it existed probably led to a fair amount of abuse of it/its people by he/him people; even if you personally don’t think ‘sticky’ sex was a thing in TF society, emotional abuse and the use of a subordinate as a friend-substitute that you could kill if you didn’t like how “it” took this treatment are still pretty awful.)
So, yes, relationships between he and she people are probably a little bit transgressive, just because a lot of people aren’t really sure what ‘she’ actually means, and because people determined enough to insist on the use of she/her pronouns probably do stick together and end up in relationships a lot--reproduction isn’t a factor, but shared experiences, especially in the way privilege is used against you and others like you, are very much a factor.
It seems likely to me that Functionist rule had something to do wtih the suppression of variant gender identifications and the degendering and depersonalising of the lower castes, and also with the general suppression of relationships and ties between individuals that might cause them to value a relationship or a person over the fascist society as a whole.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Quintessons introduced some of these ideas in order to make the population more tractable, for that matter. I always see them as partly responsible for Functionism, not just because they stratified their slaves by caste, but because Functionism is weird.
Functionism assigns a value to people that is not based on birth (that’s not an issue for TFs) or inherited wealth (also not an issue) nor on a person’s actual talents, abilities or skills, but rather upon their alt mode.
And the value of each alt mode appears to be dependent on what another individual could use that person for as a tool.
Who would classify people not by the uses to which the people themselves are best suited, but to the uses another person could put them to as an object?  And classify common alt-modes (like dataslugs) and wilful, non-tool alt-modes (like cats) as being least valuable?  Slaveowners, that’s who.
This strikes me personally as a way of thinking that the Quintessons would have introduced, unlike oppressive systems like capitalism that reward people based on personal qualities like aggressiveness and greed and lack of empathy, particularly among privileged groups, and enforce these attitudes on anyone who wants to join the privileged.
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illegal-spiegel · 4 years
No Lying
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x gn!reader Genre: fluff Warnings: mention of blood (from a wound), making out  Summary: Bakugo gets hit with a quirk that makes it impossible for him to lie  Updated on 10.19.20
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you’re apart of the Bakusquad 
you’re best friends with Mina, so it was only natural for her to rope you into her friend group 
Bakugo didn’t really ever talk to you at first unless it was an insult or he was yelling at you
you didn’t mind though, seeing as how he always acts like that
eventually though, he gets used to you being around and starts to chill tf out 
you think he treats you like the rest of his friends now and you couldn’t be happier
he doesn’t though
he doesn’t get his other friends their favorite snacks. He doesn’t help patch them up after a rough training session. He doesn’t yell or insult you as much as the others. You’re definitely not just a friend to him but shh we don’t talk about that
you all were a happy friend group for months until the ‘travesty’ happened
someone hit Bakugo with a quirk that makes him tell the truth anytime he tries to talk 
you all found this out after first defeating the villain 
“Hey, Bakugo. Are you okay?” you ask worriedly as he sits on the ground with blood running from his head after being hit with a powerful blast 
“No, my head is aching and throbbing,” he answers honestly before instantly choking up 
normally, he’d brush off everyone’s worries and brag that he’s completely fine and he doesn’t feel a thing 
but why did he just say that? 
that wasn’t at all what he was going to say
you thought it was a little odd too that he was being so honest but you weren’t about to call him out on it when he’s in pain 
“C’mon. Let’s get you to Recovery Girl,” you say as you help him up
he goes to say that he doesn’t need your help standing up and that he doesn’t need to see Recovery Girl 
but instead, he says, “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” 
you almost fall flat onto your face out of surprise 
the Bakugo just thanked you 
Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed, headstrong, tempered, anger issues having boy just thanked you 
you stutter out a ‘you’re welcome’ before dropping him off with Recovery Girl
he was red in the face for the next hour. It was mostly embarrassment but he was a little angry too that he didn’t lie 
while he was there, he found it impossible to lie 
he didn’t even tell Recovery Girl this because that would’ve been too embarrassing 
when he got home, he refused to talk unless he knew some nonsense wouldn’t come out of his mouth 
he tried to just be straight up silent but then everyone would start worrying about him and it was really just a bother 
you ended up hanging out around him more though whereas the others gave him his space 
“Why are you following me around so much?” he asks you one day, the question being more so out of curiosity than anger 
he always sounds angry though 
so you took it as you’re annoying him 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m just worried about you. After that one fight, you’ve been really quiet. I just thought-”
“Thank you for worrying about me.” 
“You’ve also been really nice here recently and it’s honestly freaking everyone out.” 
he can’t believe he slipped up again 
he stayed quiet for a moment, knowing he needs to tread lightly or else he’ll slip up again 
“I don’t mean to,” he admits. That kind of sounds like something he’d say 
“Oh, okay. I just don’t want you thinking you have to change who you are to be friends with us,” you reassure with a warm smile 
he goes to say he knows that
it’s the truth so he can easily say that
so tell him why he says this instead 
“You have a beautiful smile.” 
he instantly slaps his hand over his mouth, absolutely mortified right now 
you both gawk at each other, cheeks as hot as an inferno 
neither of you can believe he just said that 
the Bakugo just complimented you 
Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed, headstrong, tempered, anger issues having boy just complimented you 
you both remain silent for at least a minute, not knowing what to do 
is he pranking you or something? He’s not really the pranking type though 
just as he goes to silently leave, you squeak out, “Thank you, Bakugo. That means a lot coming from you.” 
you’re staring at the ground and refuse to look at him 
his heart is honestly beating too fast for his liking and he needs to get out of there 
“Don’t mention it,” he says as fast as Kaminari’s bolts before briskly walking away 
both of you are flustered for the rest of the day and no one can figure out why 
he keeps acting like a love-sick fool and he hates it 
he keeps complimenting you and saying nice things and ugh 
when does this quirk end? 
it’s been five days and he’s still acting like this 
he just wants to call you a stupid brat to wipe that cute dumb smile off your face 
on the fifth day, you come up to him and ask to hangout 
this is nothing new for you two 
what is new, however, is his answer 
instead of brushing you off and letting you beg for him for a while
or agreeing but informing you it’s going to be boring 
he says, “I’d love nothing more.” 
he didn’t even realize that this was the truth until he said it 
you’re shocked that he agreed so easily and even said that he would want nothing more than to do that 
while you two are hanging out, you decide to be upfront with him 
“Bakugo, do you like me or something? You’ve been so nice to me and complimenting me a lot. I-”
“Yes, I do,” he replies casually as if you two are discussing the weather 
he takes a swig of his water before realizing what he just said to you 
the water goes down the wrong pipe and the next thing he knows 
he’s choking 
he hacks out a lung while you pat his back 
you’re kind of glad this happened because you need a moment to process his answer
he just straight up told you how he feels 
oh my god
once he’s breathing normally again, you two are sitting in silence once more 
“I, um, like you too,” you admit quietly, biting your lip afterwards 
“Don’t bite your lip. That’s my job,” he says as he puts his thumb below your lip and forces your bottom lip out of your mouth 
he can’t believe he just said that either 
is that too forward? Did he scare you off? 
“Then why aren’t you doing it?” you whisper back, your eyes meeting his 
your face is the hottest it’s ever felt 
he seems to notice but only pays attention to that for a second before  his eyes are closing as he kisses you 
you two makeout for a while 
and after that, you two makeout a lot 
like, all the time 
you two do it in secret though, per your suggestion 
you just figured that Bakugo would want it that way seeing as how you two will be teased a lot and it’ll just piss him off 
after one specifically spicy sesh, you pull back to pant for air as you look him over 
god, it really is illegal to look this good 
his hair is disheveled from your hands 
his lips are a little swollen from how hard you two were kissing 
he has red marks littered over his neck from your lips and teeth
and you’re sure you’re much worse than him 
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask. If you weren’t suddenly being nice to just be nice, why have you been so kind to everyone and whatnot?” 
you watch him press his lips together, your brow raising as you watch him seemingly fight with himself 
“I was hit with a quirk that makes it impossible to lie,” he admits 
now this is interesting 
you don’t even realize you’re smirking until he speaks up 
“Whatever you’re thinking, no.” 
you pout and wrap your arms loosely around his neck 
“I’m not thinking anything,” you feign innocence 
“Yeah, right,” he replies sarcastically 
you pout before deciding to let the innocent facade go 
“When did you start liking me?” 
you watch his lips press together again, a blush rising to his face
“C’mon, just tell me! I’ll tell you how long I’ve liked you if you tell me first!” you compromise 
he huffs and rolls his eyes, doing his best to give you a bored look as he says in a monotone, “The sports festival.”
your jaw drops at this 
that long ago? You weren’t even in the Bakusquad yet!
“Awe, you had a crush on me without me even knowing,” you coo, playfully pinching his cheeks 
“Shut up. Your turn,” he snaps while smacking your hands away 
you giggle and wrap your arms back around him, thinking for a moment 
“Well, I thought you were cute on the first day. But then you’re ego was just so big and you were just so angry—”
“Okay, I get it,” he interrupts, glaring at you 
you laugh at his reaction and lean forward to give him a sweet kiss before continuing 
“Then, Mina had me join your friend group. I got to know you better and I realized how you show your affection for others. It’s all just hidden behind harsh words and actions. I see through it now though,” you finish softly, brushing some of his wild hair back before watching it spring back up 
he stares at you for a long moment, just remaining silent 
“That’s one reason I like you, you know. You’re so observant.”
you blush at his compliment, quickly hiding your face in his neck to hopefully conceal the embarrassed look coming over your face from his eyes 
“Plus, you’re so easy to fluster,” he teases as he playfully pinches your thigh
the sound of your smacks to his chest are covered up by his laughter 
it didn’t take long for Mina to catch on to you two though 
“Bakugo, do you like (Y/n)?” she singsongs when all of you are hanging out in the common room one day 
all of them wait for him to deny it and start to yell at her 
“Yeah. We are dating,” he says calmly 
they all gape at him in shock and surprise 
“Stop gawking at me.” 
after he speaks again, they all go into a frenzy 
“You two are dating?”
“When did this happen?” 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” 
he pulls you into his side protectively as he growls at them before shouting, “Because it’s none of your business, you extras! You all are so annoying! I want to blow out my ear drums just so I don’t have to listen to you all yap!” 
Bakugo then goes quiet 
he, obviously, doesn’t want to blow out his ear drums 
that was a lie 
oh my god, it’s over 
after a grueling week, he can finally be himself again 
thank the heavens 
“Aww, c’mon, Bakubro.”
“You’ve been so nice this past week. What happened?” 
“I hate all of you. Leave me alone,” he snaps. 
all of them smile at his crude words
every time he’d be nice, they’d frown and furrow their brows 
they missed this 
“You’re so cute when you’re mad,” you tease, kissing his cheek 
“Shut up, extra,” he snaps at you next 
you can’t take him seriously though with his face being as pink as it is and his arm tightening around you
More with Bakugo
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goldentsum · 4 years
━ jealousy
REQUESTS: (seperately) bokuto, hinata, and akaashi x jealous s/o. say that she isn’t a very jealous person to begin with but there’s another girl who seemed to have taken a liking to the boys and she doesn’t like it. add some angst if you will :) hopefully ends with some fluff. 
🎕 asked by: nonnie 🎕
CHARACTERS: bokuto koutarou, hinata shouyou, and akaashi keiji
GENRE: angst, fluff
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i don’t know if i did it right but D: i’m rlly active rn cus im excited idk why-- also hinata has a lot of dialogue in this one
━ bokuto ♡
bokuto is a jealous baby owl and you know it,, know it too well... he gets pouty if your attention is elsewhere even for a minute!
you, on the other hand, is as cool as a cucumber. well, that what it looks like anyway. 
you get jealous quite a lot, to be honest, but your pride won’t live if you show it so you just try to shrug it off every time
but when kou gets a little too much attention it pisses you the fuck off 
you get snappy and your mood is down for the day but kou is always on his way to make it better~ 
the baby owl may be oblivious but when the topic is about you, he pays attention to your every movement and to what makes you tick
so when someone!! a person you hate because of their flirty attitude and rude remarks gets a little too close to your baby--
oh, it's about to go down!
you’re in the cafeteria sitting on one of the free tables, waiting for your hyperactive baby owl, when you see a certain someone clinging to Bokuto and pressing their chest against his arm
you turned around and looked at the juice box you bought for bokuto and grabbed it roughly, stabbing the straw to drink it yourself
you knew how popular bokuto was and how ‘plain’ you were but it still hurt when people never respecting bo’s personal space and your relationship as you two were publicly open with your relationship
akaashi, who was lagging behind bokuto, saw this and quickly rescued the dense captain making a certain someone whines about it but akaashi paid no mind and dragged bo away and towards your table
“hey, babe!” 
you looked at him and rolled your eyes, scoffing a little with the straw still on your mouth as you proceed to ignore him
bokuto’s eyes widen at that and sat closer to you, leaning closer and putting his head on your shoulder, nuzzling at you. 
this usually makes you break but nope, your pride said nope and you ate lunch with bo pouting and whining to you. akaashi who watched the whole scene sighed.
the next time you saw bokuto was at dismissal with him racing to your classroom the moment the bell rang. he went inside when your teacher dismissed you and waited on the side for you even though you were ignoring him. but what slightly shocked you was the serious face he has on. 
when everyone else was gone and you were about to go to, bokuto grabbed your hand and made you stay
“what’s wrong? please talk to me...” He whispered, hugging you close to his body. 
you pouted at that, the gesture cracking your cold demeanor quickly. you sighed and hugged back the sweet boy.
“i’m sorry for ignoring you, kou...” 
you felt his smile on your skin making you smile too
“It’s okay but please explain...” 
his innocent words and eyes made you shy. maybe you overreacted a little bit but your ego is too big sometimes
you averted your eyes and looked at your shoes, bokuto’s arms still around you. 
“cus... you let (h/n) touch you and you were smiling too!” 
you whined a bit, looking up at him. his surprised expression then turned into relief and he started laughing
“who knew you were the jealous type too, (Y/n)!” 
you pouted and hid your face on his chest, 
“shut up... i’m human too, ya know... and you’re not one to talk, you’re the one who always gets jealous..”
“That’s cus my girlfriend is too pretty and too many guys have their eyes on you!”
you scoffed playfully at that, not having the energy to remind bokuto that those guys were just asking for some notes or something to you, knowing well that it would brew into bokuto pulling up his ‘facts’ and arguments on you again that those guys were unto something...
“shut up, you owl”  
“your owl~” 
━ hinata ♡
this small bean is also one of the easily jealous type and he creates a safe and danger distance around you in his mind
there’s only a certain distance a guy can come close to you and if that line gets crossed, he goes pROTECTIVE MODE
tanaka and noya are proud of their pupil as they watch him circle around you like a rabid dog or crow?
he is always with you! ALWAYS! And he always buys you some cold drink or if you don’t bring lunch, he lets you share his bento with the courtesy of his mother as he asks her to make a bigger lunch for him when he knew that you don’t really bring your own lunch.
so when it was lunchtime and hinata was nowhere in sight, that worries you a LOT
you run to the courtyard where you two usually hangs out with kageyama but was surprised to only see Kageyama and his milk box
jogging up to the tall male and you asked him about shoyou and you heard an answer you were not expecting to hear
“some fancy pink letter asked him to go to the rooftop, it said that they wanted to say something to that tangerine” 
(y/n).exe has stopped working
kageyama looked at you with a quirked brow, still sipping on the milk box, he poked you with a curious look
“why did you let him go, you idiot!” you said, surprising kageyama who pouted and glared at you
“why the hell are you yelling? he’s just meeting someone!” 
“you dense blueberry!” you shouted and hit kageyama on the shoulder with a light scowl
kageyama was about to retort when a familiar childish growling caught his attention as you both looked at the side and saw a glaring hinata racing towards you two at a fast rate
“why you kageyama--! don’t get too close to my girlfriends!”
hinata slotted himself between you two and started bickering with the tol blueberry
you sighed at the scene in front of you and a light pink object caught your attention. there it was, a pink chocolate bar in hinata’s hand as he waved it around, trying to punch kageyama. 
you frowned at it and started walking away, leaving kageyama and hinata at the courtyard. hiding from hinata, you ate lunch in the bathroom stall as icky feelings start to grow.
after lunch, you quickly run to your classroom wanting to avoid seeing hinata at the moment 
but luck wasn’t at your side when Hinata dragged you off and got inside the janitor’s closet with you. 
“hinata, what are you doing! lunch is already finished, i’m gonna be late for class!” 
you tried to leave the small room but hinata closed the door when you tried to open it
“no! you left me with kageyama all lunch break!”
“i-i had a stomach ache and went to the nurse’s office--”
“i went there too, you weren’t in there” 
an awkward silence filled the small room while you looked at hinata with surprise
“i-it doesn’t matter--”
“It does matter! If you feel the need to lie to me then it’s a big matter!” hinata said, frowning at you 
you sighed and let hinata hold your hand
“please tell me what’s wrong” 
“i heard you got confessed to”
hinata blew a fuse at that and started waving his hands furiously, “h-how’d you know?! i didn’t accept it, i promise--!” 
“you didn’t?” 
hinata stopped for a moment and looked at you, eyebrows furrowing
“yeah, i got myself the best girlfriend... why would i wanna change that?” 
you went closer to Hinata, letting your body hit his and hugged him
“i-i’m sorry... it’s just that, i thought you would find someone better and leave me...” 
“I WOULD NEVER! You’re the best girlfriend in the whole wide world, (Y/n)!”
“You’re the best boyfriend too, little tangerine” 
━━ akaashi ♡
let’s be real here, you’re definitely the jealous one in the relationship. I mean having a boyfriend who’s too pretty to comprehend and easily attracts a lot of attention can make you like that. but you hide it pretty well, well most of the time anyway...
akaashi always ALWAYS pays attention to you and knows everything that can trigger you to become sad, angry, jealous, and happy
he always makes sure that you’re always fine and happy, that you’re comfortable and content
we stan the perfect boyfie 🥺
bUT he can be quite dense sometimes when it’s not about you or volleyball.. fUKURODANI PPL ARE DENSE 
girls would always flock his classroom before you can get there, snacks and treats in their hands to give it to akaashi and being the petty little gremlin that you are, you were pouty
akaashi sighed because it’s always either you were pouty or bokuto is and sometimes the worst-case scenario happened where both of you are pouty at the sAME TIME! 
akaashi= Mom Daddy
you reached our final form of pouty when you saw a certain someone a bitch dragged akaashi to talk to him or whatever and being the curious thing you are, you followed them and hid behind the vending machine, listening to their convo
“you know, your girlfriend is cheating on you, right?” 
wHY THAT BITCH! She just lied like it’s her common language wtf! 
you prayed that your baby boo won’t believe her cus YOU ARE NOT CHEATING ON HIM! why tf would you cheat on him when you hit the jackpot? tf
“and you must know that spreading rumors and lies about a person can take you off the first string in the track team right?” 
you snickered behind your hands, listening to the lying snake stutter a complain but akaashi cut her off 
“if this is all then I’m going now but if i hear any rumor circling around (y/n), i won’t hesitate to take action myself.” 
the snake scoffed at that and walked away, stomping 
there was silence for a moment but then keiji called out, surprising you
“i know you’re here, (y/n)” 
you stiffened at that and moved away from your hiding spot while coming up with excuses
“i-i wasn’t doing anything! she just dragged you off so i followed--!” 
akaashi smiled softly at you, walking closer and patted your head gently making you feel flustered.
“i know, let’s go? you must be hungry” 
“you won’t leave me for her, right, keiji?” 
akaashi shook his head at your question, a small smile on his face and looked at you, letting his hand fall and held your smaller hand in his
“it’s not like you’ll let me leave”
“HEY! you make it seem like i’m holding you as a hostage or something!”
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night-fallz · 3 years
XY’s Muse
Based on this prompt
Like I have stated before, this is my first fanfic. Please let me know what you think of it. Any kind of criticism will be welcome.
uploaded on 01/23/21
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Ao3 // Wattpad
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Chapter 2
XY was staring at the ceiling. A week has already passed. And he still couldn't stop thinking about the day he spent with Marinette. It was the most fun he'd had in a while.
Before the whole Silencer fiasco, his father would not stop pressuring him to produce a new song. So when they met up for dinner and his dad came up with the idea of stealing someone else's music, he couldn’t bring himself to decline.
XY knew it was wrong.
But all he wanted was the chance to finally impress his dad. Bob Roth might not have the best attitude towards him, but he was all XY had left.
Xy already lost his mom. He would not lose his dad too.
At least, that's what he believed. He should've known that his father was just using him for money. According to his dad, money was the most valuable thing in life.
XY scoffed. He should've known better. He should've known that all his father thought of hi-
He felt a buzz in his pocket and his face immediately brightened. Marinette just texted him!
Marinette: what's up?
Marinette: have u been inspired yet?
Marinette gave XY the idea to just sit back and let inspiration hit him. It was a common idea but it was one that most people tend to forget in the long run.
XY: nothing much
XY: and nope.
XY: my dad has been pressuring me to come up with something tho
Marinette: ignore him
Marinette: he's just mad cause he can't get any ladies
The three dots popped up on his screen.
Marinette: OH CRAP I'M LATE
Marinette: TTYL.
XY rolled his eyes and smiled.
They've been texting back and forth these past few days. He's learned so many things about her and vice versa.
It was nice. It's been a while since XY has had a friend.
Maybe she'll be even more, XY couldn’t help but think as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Huh," XY said out loud. "Even more"
And just like that, inspiration for his next song hit him.
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Marinette was thinking of a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed musician when she heard her phone ring.
"Tikki!" she screamed, staring at her phone as if it was Hawkmoth himself.. "He's calling me. XY is calling me."
Tikki sighed and floated next to Marinette, "Maybe you should answer it. It would be pretty rude to keep him waiting."
"Right, right," Marinette answered his call and hoped her voice didn’t sound as squeaky as she thought it did.. "Hey."
There was a moment of awkward silence.
Marinette didn’t know what to do. She glanced at the small goddess.
Tikki rolled her eyes at their awkwardness as she gestured to the phone. Ask him why he called you, she mouthed to Marinette.
Marinette nodded. That was a smart idea. "So," Marinette cleared her throat. "Why did you call me?"
"Right, Uhm." Marinette heard him shuffling around his room. "You know how you've been asking me if I was inspired and stuff?"
Marinette's eyes grew wide and a huge smile took over her face as she started to nod before remembering that he couldn't see her. "Yep." she eagerly said, "Did you find any?"
"Yes!" Marinette could hear the excitement in his voice. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to design the outfits for my music video."
Marinette's eyes looked shocked. "Yes!" she jumped around in excitement before remembering she was still in a call with XY. "Why me though?"
XY’s voice sounded confused.. "What do you mean, why you? You're literally perfect for it. You're talented. Plus, everyone loves your designs."
Marinette’s cheeks resembled a tomato. She has never been more thankful for the fact that he couldn't see her right now.
"Thank you." Marinette managed to mumble. "That really means a lot."
"You're welcome." XY said. Marinette had a feeling he was smiling though. "I have to go and have my dad listen to the demo. But I'll text you later, okay?"
"Yep," Marinette whispered and gave Tikki a cookie. "Good luck. I know that whatever song you came up with is gonna sound good. No matter what he'll say."
Marinette heard a faint "Thanks" from the phone before the call ended.
Marinette screamed into her pillow and looked up and saw Tikki look at her with amusement. “I think I like him.”
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"So, what do you think?" XY asked as his father finished listening to his song. "Is it bad? Do you think people will like it?"
Bob Roth grinned at his son. "This is a Masterpiece. Where did you find this?" He gestured to the video of XY singing the song, "Who did you steal this from?"
XY's proud smile immediately turned into a scowl. "What do you mean, who did I steal this from?" He yelled at his dad, his blue eyes glaring at him as he grabbed the demo from the table. "I made it. I came up with it myself." XY felt his eyes tearing up. "Something you would actually know if you thought of me as something more than a money-making machine."
How could he? XY thought as he climbed up the stairs. Is it that hard to believe that I could come up with something good?
XY slammed his door shut. "All I wanted was to prove to him that I wasn't a talentless son." XY put his hands on his face. "I just wanted to make him proud."
XY felt a buzz in his pocket and immediately knew that it was Marinette. After all, she’s the only one that ever texts him.
Marinette: how did it go?
Marinette: did he like it?
XY wiped away the tears that were starting to come out of his eyes. He couldn't help but smile. Marinette certainly had an effect on him.
XY: he called it a masterpiece
Marinette: yes! I knew he would like it.
XY: yeah
XY: but then he asked me who i stole it from
Marinette: THAT JERK
Marinette: WTF
Marinette: THAT's SO MESSED UP
Marinette: HOW COULD HE-
XY laughed at her text messages. He only started to text her and he already felt better.
XY: no, it's fine
XY: i actually yelled at him
Marinette: ...
Marinette: do you feel better?
XY: actually, yep.
XY: he's a really sucky father
Marinette: for some reason, a lot of the blondes i know have a toxic parent
Marinette: it's kinda sad
XY: maybe it's a paris thing
They texted back and forth, XY laughing at the memes Marinette sent.
XY: You're definitely a daughter of Athena
Marinette: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Marinette: is that a percy jackson reference i see
XY: yep
XY: have u read the books?
Marinette: duh
Marinette: you haven't lived til you've read the books
Marinette: sadly, the movies sucked tho
Marinette: EXACTLY!!
XY: oh yeah
XY: before i forget
XY: what's ur insta?
Marinette: which one
XY scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion.
XY: What do you mean by which one?
Marinette: i have two
Marinette: one as my personal one and the other one for commissions and stuff
XY: ohhh
XY: smart
Marinette: i know ;)
Marinette: my personal one is @Mdupaincheng and the one for my commissions one if @MDCdesigns
XY switched his apps and searched up Marinette's personal instagram. He clicked on the first result that came up.
The profile picture was Marinette in a blue, silky dress that went just above her ankle. There was a slit on her left leg that showed her knee. It was nighttime and Marinette was practically glowing under the city lights. She was staring at something on her right side, with one hand running through her silky black hair which was down for once.
She looked hot.
After XY stopped admiring her profile picture, he finally noticed her follower count.
She had 200,000 followers. 200,000.
It wasn't as high as XY's follower count, that was still quite a lot.
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XY: i didn't know u were insta famous
Marinette: wdym?  
Marinette: which acc
XY: ur personal one
XY: u have over 200k followers
Marinette thought that she read his text wrong. There's no way that Marinette had that many followers. 200,000? There was no way.
Marinette: ur lying
XY: I'm not.
XY: check ur acc
It's been a while since Marinette has logged onto her personal account. The hate she got the last time she's been signed in was too much for her and when Alya told her to log out and just focus on her other account, @MDCdesigns, she couldn't bring herself to argue against her.
Marinette hasn't even thought of that account since that day. So when she logged in and saw that XY wasn't lying, she accidentally dropped her phone in shock.
Tikki looked at Marinette with a questioning look.  
Marinette ignored her kwami and texted the blue-eyes boy back.
Marinette: HOLY SHIT
Marinette: I HAVE 200k FOLLOWERS
XY: when was the last time you checked ur acc
Marinette: about 3 months ago
Marinette: the media thought i was adrien's gf and his fangirls came at me
Marinette: i got a ton of hate and a friend of mine told me to log out and just focus on my @MDCdesigns acc
Marinette: so i did
Marinette: i haven't thought abt that acc since then
XY: the fangirls were probably just jealous
XY: it's been months so they probably calmed down
XY: I'm looking through the comments rn and so far the latest hate comment you've got was about 2 weeks ago
XY: you've got a bit of a fanbase yk
Marinette: WHAT DO I DO
XY: don't post anything rn
XY: post a picture of yourself and the caption it something that shows ur thankful for the number of followers u received
XY: a few hours before u post the picture, make sure u post on ur story abt how ur back from ur break on social media
XY: that way ppl will understand why u haven't been active
XY: it'll also have ppl prepared for ur post and they'll be waiting for u to post it
XY: that'll give u more engagement and stuff
Marinette: thank u
Marinette: that was really helpful
Marinette: when should i post something?
XY: u told ur friend that u were taking a break from social media right?
Marinette: yes
XY: then they probably weren't expecting u to post anything so they weren't checking ur insta
XY: u should post something on the weekend
XY: that way ppl wouldn't bother u during school this week
XY: if u want i can help u come up with ideas tomorrow?
Marinette: yes, please!
Marinette: do u wanna come over
Marinette: we can plan it in my room so that ppl won't overhear us
XY: guess I'll see u tomorrow then
XY: just text me the time ur available and I'll be there
Marinette: make sure to wear a disguise tho!
Marinette: we got lucky last time and no tabloids caught us
XY: ur right
XY: we must've been really lucky if no one got a pic of us
XY: but okay
XY: I'll wear my best disguise
XY: goodnight, princess
Marinette blinked a few times, making sure she read the text correctly.
Marinette: goodnight ♥
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This is the first chapter of the story. Please let me know what you think
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