#and I am an ex swiftie ok
joesalw · 9 months
Ok I'm sorry but this is gonna be a long rant.
I am an ex swiftie (also a minor) and I joined the fandom back in 2022 after midnights released. Before that I had heard a few songs but I barely knew anything about Taylor before 2020 and I did not know about the Kimye stuff or anything.
When the bejeweled music video was released I did not realize the easter eggs so thus I thought that I need to become parasocial and I NEED to know everything that taylor has done every minute of the day (referencing Do you really wanna know where I was April 29?)
I went deeper into the hole. I started getting obsessed with Taylor. I clicked on every video , post and podcast mentioning her. I genuinely became a parasocial fan. I only heard her songs and barely cared about other artists. I hated on her exes (Jake Gyllenhaal and John Mayer especially) because I believed that they had hurt Taylor to no extent. I still don't like them/am neutral but I don't hate them anymore. In march I joined tumblr because I heard Taylor was on here and I have no other social media to support her from so I came here to give her my support.
In April , the breakup happened. I was genuinely devastated. Joe was and is an amazing person. I was shocked to see her move on so quickly and date m*tty he*ly . I was even as a child shocked as to how someone can move on so fast. But also move on to someone so problematic after calling herself an activist? Idk what was wrong with her. But IG as long as she is happy.
She broke up with him. We all rejoiced. Speak now TV was also announced! Yay!
I remember so well on 7th July I was in school and I was so fucking excited about it coming so soon I couldn't sit still. I was counting down minutes until it's release even tho I did not have any devices to listen to it on. My friends were so happy to see me happy and excited af.
I went home and heard speak now tv. Amazing experience for me at that time.
I became the person who said shit like : I hate everyone but Taylor and Taylor is a gift to this Earth and etc etc.
But the amount of joe hate and joeover and joebless jokes annoyed me. Why were we hating a person who was in her life at her worst moments? Taylor would never condone or allow this.
But boy was I wrong.
Most of the hate against joe was my #Strike 1 for leaving the fandom.
Then came along Traylor. I was like oh ok as long as she is happy :))
Then she started associating with the nfl people. Br*ttany M*homes and Abuser bitch.
When I heard of this I was like wtf Taylor???
Weren't you the one who was going off about being on the right side of the history and believing victims?
I was like it's fine maybe she doesn't know or maybe she will stop once she knows.
She didn't
Then she won person of the year. I was already very unhappy with Taylor at that time. But I still was like Yay! Congrats! But maybe you shouldn't be the one to win it?
Then the doxxing by a swiftie happened. It was #strike 3
I left the fandom. I still had hope she would change.
Now after seeing her jets emissions (I'm a huge Environmentalist and a feminist so this shit bothered the living helm out of me) and her continuously hanging out with brittany piece of shit and all the joe hate going on, I am beginning to despise her.
I had initally blocked hate pages like yours but Now I open your posts everyday and check them because I relate to them sm.
I went from a person defending every action of Taylor's, being the only one in my entire theatre who knew the lyrics to all the songs of the eras tour movie , having Taylor as my top artist of the year with more than 60 percent of the songs being hers to despising her so much for being fake and stuck up.
I remember after I left the fandom and not many people knew about it , A classmate said something against Taylor and her songs directly to me daring me to oppose it and I genuinely wanted to cry because I thought that I would now always be associated with this fandom.
The ex swiftie in me genuinely wants 2016 to happen again so Taylor will be removed from the pedestal she is put on by so many. She needs to be saved from herself and her parasocial fans.
And I used to say I would love Taylor forever but I suppose forever really is the sweetest con.
Sorry this was so long I had to get it off my chest.
Thanks for reading it!
ex swifties are my favourite people in this planet rn
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I don’t if you still want to talk about it since you have distanced your self from the Swift fandom but I just need to get this off my chest.
Today at work I was talking to a co worker who is a swiftie and since she is performing this week in my city she said “ohh he is going to be there 😏” and I was like I don’t like him so I don’t care. Another person there was like a did you see him on stage and I was like that was cute but when I saw the post she made on insta I cringed and thought it was too much and now the whole thing seems like she is over compensating for something.
The swiftie was then at least it’s better than her exes who hid and I was that’s not fair.
The rest of the conversation was civil but I am still annoyed because I wanted to punch her even though I like her. Like how can grown ass people genuinely make such accusations. I expected that from internet trolls but not adults 🤦🏻‍♀️
It’s so ok anon, I’ve distanced myself from the fandom and the celebrity worship part of things but I still love speaking to people. This is a safe space for you to speak your mind 💜.
The “tayvis” marketing strategy is extremely successful. Both parties have been able to tap into new demographics: the NFL has increased their female viewership and TS has increased her male fan base. It’s a mutually beneficial agreement which is why they’re milking it so much.
The crazy part about this is how gullible her fans are. They have no idea that the marketing mastermind who declares things like “are you not entertained?” Is playing into a PR strategy. She’s made it look believe to her fans but it’s quite obvious to outsiders. Even Taylor Nation which is part of Taylor’s marketing team is posting about tayvis and hyping them up.
I cringed at her post too. And I agree this is all too much and way too obvious. But, who am I to tell her fans that they’re being exploited? They will either realise it themselves or continue being used as cash cows.
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omgeddon · 5 months
ok so bare with me
on friday I am going to normandy to stay with my ex and his parents and two of his friends. i don't know what my exes sexual history may or may not be with these two friends but the one i've not met before is going to pick me up for the three hour drive to the ferry and I was worried about how awkward it would be if I had an overwhelming urge to suck his dick but I have just learned that he is a swiftie which is going to be insufferable but does solve that potential moral dialema before it happens
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maylorscardigan · 11 months
I need to vent.
Don't feel obligated to post this but: I find it so very funny that TKelc breeder comments (context: on their podcast he and his brother have their mum as guest, they ask her who her favourite is and she picks his brother because he gave her grandchildren. it is all jokes. and during those jokes tk says he needs to find himself a breeder).
What gets me is that this is being heavily explained away/defended by people who will say oh it was a joke, you need to hear it in context. Which - I agree, it was a joke and we shouldn't crucify him over it. But it was still sexist. Deeply rooted in sexism and to me no better than when a man jokingly refers to women as females.
So - his sexism (whether purpiseful or not, conscious or not) gets a pass as a joke. And yet, every single word that has come out of Matty Healy's mouth in the past decade was subject to such scrutiny. Such vitriol. And there was no context allowed. Sentences were being ripped from whole interviews, words have been twisted... let alone trying to justify some things as a joke. That one was met w pushback.
Not to mention the whole situation surrounding TK's teammate's brother (?) and the SA allegations. Or TKs participation on a dating show where multiple women try to date him I guess. Again deeply rooted in sexism. That one gets a free pass because he "needed the money" back then (2016ish?). But Matty's statements about Taylor were dragged around as prime example of his sexism (false statements), with no context, and no understanding of the fact that time has passed.
Like, I am so sorry but I am never ever getting over the treatment Matty got. And it has permanently distanced me from the fandom as such. Not all people are like this but most of them are duplicitous and sheep with no critical thinking skills. And I cant shit on the situation because some nice people I am mutuals with like TK and are excited about all the new things while I'm sitting here having war flashbacks to late spring 2023 and thinking how if this were Matty now they would still be ripping him apart.
Ok. Rant over. Sorry.
I 100000% agree with everything you said.
Add this to it:
And it’s just… ick.
He reminds me of DJ Khalid. I remember the outcry when he said something very very similar and people TORE him to shreds, which is expected.
Another example of why Swifties are down right racist, vain, and performative they are.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Taylor’s Swifties don’t actually care if Taylor is happy. She can stand in front of them, tell them she is the happiest she has ever been and what do they do? They keep acting like pompous, privileged… use your imagination because my word would get me kicked off here.
Orc Boy is, in their eyes, the perfect white man for Taylor. He’s “good looking” (🤢) and he’s white. End of story.
Matty’s looks are… not your traditional hot guy looks. (I think he’s hot as hell) and he’s got that artistic soul, likes reading, poetic etc. Something many of her ex’s are. Travis admits he doesn’t read for fun. He’s not poetic. Taylor likes to collaborate with anyone she is with as we have seen in the past… but the Swifties don’t care. They approve of him because he’s a hot meat head. It’s very high school. Hot guy on the football team. He’s the guy everyone wants. He can say or do whatever he wants and no one cares. Why? Because he’s the hot “football” player.
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whatiwillsay · 1 year
I noticed Gabriella followed her ex boyfriend on instagram recently. Is everything ok between you?
can i just say, one of my absolute favorite things about dating someone with a following, aside from how wonderful, sweet, funny, and sexy she is, is getting to ever so slightly live the other side of the coin and go from speculating on someone else's private life to having strangers speculate about mine. i've long been pretty skeptical about MOST things gaylors overly read into about taylor and made it no secret, while i do think she's obviously queer, i also would not be shocked to learn that most of our fandom theories (and swiftie theories as well) are completely wrong.
it's such a treat to have that hypothesis tested for me and to know that yes, fandoms and followers in many if not most cases are utterly wrong with their assumptions about people's private lives.
i'm publishing this because it's just too good of a fandom meta conversation to keep from my followers, many of whom do enjoy fandom meta musings as much as i do (which is a lot!) and also i guess to let you know since you're oh so concerned that he's not her ex-boyfriend. and even if they had been i have complete trust in gabbie's faithfulness and i am not a jealous, overly possessive, or controlling person. gabbie is a grown woman with the freedom to be friends with literally any person that brings joy to her life, including any of her exes.
i also wanted to tell you anon, as we've discussed here, that while speculation in fandom spaces is fine and normal and as part of gabbie's dedicated fandom we'd expect nothing less from you, what IS highly inappropriate is personally contacting aka harassing the people you speculate about. the fact that you dmed gabbie's friend on Instagram about this is downright gross and very weird behavior. he is an innocent civilian and his friendship with gabbie does not give you the right to harass him. so let's not dm any more innocent random people yeah? let's maintain appropriate boundaries in this space.
anyway, all that said i am loving learning firsthand how people in speculation spaces and fandoms will blow things out of proportion and just be completely wrong about shit. it is genuinely a complete head trip and also 100% justifies all my skeptical positions on gaylor which is pretty cool!
and to my followers, if i sound snarky in this answer it's cause this person isn't actually one of gabbie's fans it's very likely one of her trolls because her normal fans don't follow boring shit like who she's following on Instagram they just enjoy her content.
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kaylor · 1 year
Girl I mean as in "Ok you're right I DID something bad but I wasn't delulu (like some swifties said), I saw the criticism and you were right so now it's over" and not "my fans are annoying pains in the ass I do what I want, nobody can stop me". She won't apologize like she's never, ever, apologized for anything in her life, but she stopped the relationship. I also doubt she's going to start bashing Healy left and right. She hasn't outright bashed an ex (a la joe Jonas) in ages. One interpretation (accepting responsibility for your actions and stopping) is less bad than the other (girlbossing your way through life not giving a shit). I am invested (tm) so I accept criticism. That's what I meant.
ok i see what you mean now. i still lean more towards the girlboss interpretation because historically that's her MO. it's a very roundabout way of taking responsibility, phrased very much like a teenage temper tantrum... but i see where you're coming from now that it may be what she was going for without explicitly apologizing. thank you for explaining.
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bisluthq · 1 month
The happiest you've ever been is ALWAYS supposed to be the current partner.
Is it though? How does one even quantify that? To me saying this everytime you have a new partner is just to try to invalidate the good you had with someone else. Every partner she had is a different person, she had good moments with all of them doing different things. It feels childish to me to always pretend like the new guy is the only time she ever felt truly happy and there wasn't anyone and anything ever this good. It's ok to say you are happy now with this person, without trying to make it a competition or as everyone prior was shit.
That's why you have swifties saying dumb stupid shit everytime about how this guy is seriously the one that is making her feel loved/is loving her the most, is the best boyfriend she ever had and they never saw her this happy. They do it every single time, because of this mindset Taylor herself encourages.
and I mean maybe one day Joe will also say he never loved anyone like his future wife and that may or may not be true (because as we know a lot of times love isn't enough and we may have had this love that really was passionate and different than everyone else but doesn't work out. We can love more than one person a lot during out life in different ways and have this one person that was our first big love. We don't have to find someone that surpasses what we felt back then, just someone that we also love and suits us better), but one thing I did notice was the difference in their interviews.
Taylor as usual talked about in superlatives how she has never been this and that and that in her whole entire life. Joe in his, to try to convey the picture he is also doing well didn't say he was happy like he has never been before now. He actually said "he's fortunate enough to be in a great place at the moment", which to me rings genuine. This to me is a much more down to earth, common sense of talking. He didn't say he has never felt better after leaving Taylor or equivalent and everything in his life has never been better. To me it reads yeah I had tough times and I'm doing better now and that's how a human being works
It actually reminds me how Taylor herself used to answer these kind of questions back in 2019. She wasn't talking in superlatives and actually was much more mindful with this stuff. But this ties back to the fact that Taylor ends a relationship and apart from Taylor L, doesn't ever hold the perspective that we were happy, we had really good times together and just because it didn't work out that doesn't make it any less true or the love we shared any less strong and real.
It's ok to say yes I was happy once with the other guy and I am happy again now. It doesn't need to be everyone before this guy was shit and now I know finally what true love and happiness looks like.
I kinda see what you’re saying and yes ofc you can acknowledge the good you’ve had in past relationships but imo your current relationship, should, in the moment, feel overall better than your previous ones. In hindsight maybe you’ll think “actually it wasn’t that great and maybe the one before that was better” even but IN THE MOMENT I do think you should feel you’re happier than you were because otherwise like… why aren’t you with your ex or single and looking for someone who made you as happy as your ex (or happier)? Like you should feel “this is the best rs I’ve had in my life” (not saying the others were shit lol but this one’s even better) because otherwise I’m not sure you should bother with it? If you feel like “eh this is fine” then idk why you’re doing it? And that’s not to say a past relationship can’t have been more passionate but imo it shouldn’t feel like it made you HAPPIER than your current one.
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as a non swiftie with psychosis, id love to know how she makes you feel seen- maybe i dont pay enough attention to the lyrics of her songs when i hear them, but i had no idea they could make people like me feel seen.
i'd love some reccomendations on particular songs you think encapsulates the feeling of being psychotic/mentally ill in general !!
Hey! Thanks for your patience, I’ve been living hell lately and wanted to give you a thorough answer.
So as a general response (but i will definitely put a list somewhere in this ask with all my recs), I do want to preface by saying I am not and will never diagnose Taylor with anything. When I say “this song reminds me of my psychosis” or “this song is so BPD coded,” it’s my own experience and interpretation of a piece of art that she willingly gave out to be experienced and interpreted.
That being said, I’ll also say that when I say a lot of her songs remind me of having psychosis, it’s not about the staple paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, etc that you may experience (although if anyone has any song recs that do relay that lmk pls lmao all I know is paranoia by neoni 😭😭), it’s more about the slightly more widely experienced, uhhhh, “look” to other people? And to explain that, let’s take a deep dive at uhhhh Blank Space
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Ok so the first few stanzas, which I’ll put a picture of here, she’s obviously setting the scene of the song and outright states like twice that the relationship will not last. Before my current partner, that was definitely my viewpoint on things. Knowing my mental illnesses will get in the way of any healthy relationships. That doesn’t immediately spell out psychosis but let’s move.
“Got a long list of ex-lovers; they’ll tell you I’m insane.” So yeah here we get to the meat of it, she’s clearly (imo) acknowledging the “crazy bitch” label and I think that’s something every psychotic person experiences to some degree, even the cishet white masc ones. Like yeah probably not as much as like an afab person or a femme aligned person or someone else, but you can’t act like ableism is ever fully stopped by privilege. It’s not.
More on being a crazy bitch—she has a lot of songs on this. She has a lot to say. I will keep listening, bc yeah lmao.
Ok this next part is like… really relatable to me?? Let me know if you agree, lyrics I’m about to discuss are the next image.
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So like yeah it’s like a fun song and it sounds upbeat n shit and like I do have a lot of fun listening to it, but if we pay attention to what she’s actually saying, it’s like yeah she’s throwing a party but that’s because what else is there to do? She’s tried controlling it, she’s tried getting help, getting better, she’s tried being honest, being fake, nothing works. (She is me I am she). So… guess we’re crazy bitches now
I don’t know if any of this is making sense so far, ugh it definitely made more sense in my head
Anyway thats like a super basic example but honestly the what I would personally call ableism that she has had to deal with is LITTERED in her songs. Whether she’s psychotic or not, whether she has BPD or not, anything else, idc. Even if she’s perfectly fucking mentally healthy. Anyone coming at her (or her fans, or uhhh anyone??) for displaying what look like poor mental health symptoms, whether they are or not, is coming at her with ableism.
Ok let me pull up Delilah’s /sys playlist lmao.
Ok screenshotted below is our alter Delilah’s playlist, two of them are not Taylor so have fun. But yeah I’ll quickly run through a few of them:
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Don’t Blame Me—the feeling of being absolutely consumed by love that it feels like you’re high, like you’re losing your mind, like you’re out of control, and loving it
New Romantics—the feeling of wanting everyone who ever abused you to watch you sing the eras tour live on stage 53 times in the States and 30 international, but they can’t afford to come to the Eras tour themselves or even buy that Spotify sweatshirt that they won (bc they’re a top fan because they listen to your music on loop because your success pisses them off and idk i guess they just don’t know what to do with that) so they talk shit about you online on anon on like young girl’s tumblr accounts trying to like “downfall” the swiftie nation but everyone blocks them immediately, they’re an idiot, and ur still singing the Eras tour in 53 cities in the US and 30 internationally so idk who’s winning?
Who’s afraid of little old me?—fuck you fuck you fuck you it’s your fault i’m like this and now I have to fucking clean it up so fuck you and also watch me absolutely destroy your life with nothing but my songs you idiot fuck you
(I got carried away really fast rip)
Ok yeah this wasn’t as good of an answer as I hoped I’d make but I hope it at least made some sort of sense and my ask box is always open, swiftie or not.
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foreverswifty · 8 months
The endlessly ranting about her exes based on some bs from a tabloid that spreads any lie brainless idiots might click on… that’s why it’s embarrassing for some us to call ourselves swifties
Wow ok! That's violent and I don't think that's proportionate! But you're right in one thing and that's why I deleted my post, I was an idiot for getting too emotional over a tabloid.
I wanted to share my thoughts because for me, thinking Taylor won't write about her feelings is not really knowing her writing process. But first, who am I to say I know her writing process, and second, I worded it very poorly, with way more hate and/or disrespect than needed.
But please, don't ever say that I shouldn't call myself a swiftie (don't mind my name, I created this blog when I was very young and very new to the fandom and I didn't check the spelling before, that's a mistake I'll carry my whole life I guess ^^')
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benefits1986 · 11 months
Tito Ro & Taylor Swift & Relationshit Dialectics
Kahit lumpuhan Sabado, 3 AM na 'di pa rin ako makatulog ng mainam. Whyyyyyy?
Pinagod ko talaga sarili ko ng weekend, kasi tinitignan ko kung makakatulog na ako ng mainam para makabawi sa weekday grind. Tinodo ko na lahat and usually, sa Grab or bus, dead asleep na ako sa ganitong level ng kapaguran, but hell, no. As in tina-try kong matulog pero andami kong iniisip kahit pilitin kong hindi mag-overthink. Parang nababaliw na ako.
Actually, may parang pamahiin na 'pag nagigising ka raw ng 3 AM, may nagpaparamdam sa'yo. Also, dahil baliw ako, tumitingin pa ako sa salamin kasi gusto ko makita up close ulit nanay kong Taurus. Gusto ko pagalitan niya ako ulit. So far, maliban sa paramdam sa umaga at sa hapon, wala naman siyang 3 AM legit oka tokat moves. Tagal ma. Dali na. Subukan mo na tatag ko.
'Yung utak kong foggy ang daming gusto at 'di gusto. Syempre, line of work ko sabi nga ng dad ko, bawal bobo. Sabi ko naman, mag-resign na lang din ako agad. Tanga ko raw. Parati kasi mala-thesis defense at court hearings ang vibe sa mga ganaps pero, again, I'm not complaining. Tapos dagdag pa 'yung pag-grow ng team na organic, it's fantastic. UGH. LOL. Pero sige, I thrive kuno in negotiations. :D Hahahahha. Minsan nga, iniisip ko na lang mga dog breeds ang mga kausap ko para sure na compassionate ako kahit masungit talaga ako. Not to belittle anyone a. More of bringing the good vibes, kasi andaling magpaulan ng bomba kasi kaya ko naman din. Pero dalisay mala-Shirakawago canal tayo at gusto nating magpunta doon ng naka-postmodern ideally winter na parang Samurai X kaso baka mamatay ako sa lamig. Hahahahahaha. As a frail ferson na hypothermia ang most likely ang cause of death.
Anong pinaka highlight ng weekend na 'to? My soul sis' hubby na sobrang Tito as in thicccccccc Gen X is finally a Swiftie. Si Tito Ro, hipster, craft beer drinker and brewer, biker, at get this, solid sound engineer in Cali. HUHUHUHUHU. Kaya kung baga, 'di basta-basta. Saka sobrang old age niya. Fil-Jap siya pero doon na siya sa Hawaii na-born. Siguro, second time pa lang niya sa Pinas pero love na love na love niya Pinas.
Twice pa lang kami nakaupo three pero sobrang love na love na love namin ni soul sis si Tito Ro. Sabi niya nung first visit niya sa akin, he wants to eat fresh lumpia in Binondo. HAHAHAHAHHA. Strength ng Gen X 'yan, deep dive research. Impressive, in fairness. Kabado ako ma-meet si Tito Ro kasi nga English na contextual ang labanan tapos syempre, chikahan galore kami ng mga kabobohan ni soul sis as millennials. HAHAHAHHAHA.
So, ayun na nga. Very, very good 'yung Binondo trip namin. Kain sa Sincerity and lakad-lakad. Tapos sobrang nag-enjoy siya sa 168. Hahahaha. Para siyang bata sa Lego store ganun. Sabi ko sa soul sis ko, buti na lang talaga si Tito Ro naging asawa niya. Sa dami ng mga Taylor-inspired ex netong si soul sis, jusq, ako na 'di sumusuko, nag-let go, Jezzzazzz take the wheel na. And then, poof, Tito Ro came in the picture. HUHUHUHUHUHU. Syempre, si Tito Ro, 'di naman perfect pero solid na totoong tao and oks naman siya. Siguro plus points 'yung profile niya upon grey hat digital stalking na ginagawa ko lang din 'pag may special requests sa akin at kung may pake ako. HAHAHHAHA.
Second visit nila which is quite recent lang, Greenhills tapos BGC. Hahahaha. Bumili ng first parol nila sa house nila and tumingin ng mga replica shoes as a hypebeast si Tito Ro habang ina-assist ko sa pag-check nung photos nung shoes na gusto niya. As an OC, gulat na gulat siya e. HAHAHHA. Sabi ko pa: That's the magic of third world shit holes like Pinas. Everything is so cheap. Everything has a version. I don't buy counterfeit items, by choice; but, sabi nga ni Rich BFF, even Chinese rich people buy Hermes na Class A. Hahahahaha. Wais ba. Basta good quality.
Init na init ako the whole time pero hala, siya, sige. Enjoy na enjoy siya habang kami ni soul sis, todo chikahan ng Tagalog sa patuloy naming kabobohan to pay the bills.
We went to this underrated craft beer shop a go-to ko sa BGC. Gulat si Tito Ro kasi parang comparable na sa Cali levels 'yung beer. Not as good, but super up his alley. Syempre, may trust issues ako, so I probed. And probed. And probed. Legit naman comment niya. LOL. Gulat din si soul sis kasi bakit daw 'di ko man lang siya dinala doon nung nasa Pinas pa siya. Sabi ko naman 'di naman kami umiinom sa labad masyado saka gastos ng BGC. Tawanan kami.
Sa two visits na 'to, sabi ni Tito Ro, ampunin daw nila ako sa Cali kasi mas bagay daw ako doon. Tapos hahanapan nila ako ng match na legit. 'Di lang daw talaga niya sure if I'd go for an XY pero try daw niya best niya. Sabi ng soul sis ko, kahit ano pa basta pumunta lang daw muna ako doon. Napunta na kami sa may chances ako na makahanap ng work doon kasi nga nasa content industry ng matagal and credible si Tito Ro. Big enough naman daw house nila na kahit ilang months ako mag-stay doon. HAHAHAHHA. Me: Teka. Bakit andyan na tayo? Hahahaha. Umiinom lang tayo dito a. Walang ganun. Sabi ko kay soul sis, paki translate ng contextual English each line.
Nag-narrow eyes si Tito Ro, tapos inom-inom siya ng beer niya. HAHAHAHHA. Tapos tumawa. Sabi punta muna ako and subukan tapos if 'di ko vibe, uwi na lang ako. Okay. BYE. Mag-TNT na lang muna ako kaso hindi ko kasi dream ang States. Cali puwede pa. Dream din ni mother dragon 'yan. Pero, hyperinflation din kasi though gusto kong i-pet si Toto saka ang ganda ng bike destinations ni Tito Ro pero sure na laspagan szn po tayo simula pa lang. Hahahahaha. By the way, ang pusta ni Tito Ro, XY ang kakabagsakan ko. Si soul sis, XX. Bakit parang nasasakal na naman ako rn?
Etong si Ateng TS talaga ang full circle and full context in 5D ni Leslie A. Baxter na isang favorite theory and underlying framework ko sa content work ko. Tawag sa kanya is RELATIONSHIP DIALECTICS. I easily get bored kasi talaga even when Diliman is poppin' and poopin' sa comm res prowess. Hassle for me, kasi sobrang out of touch madalas. Saka pet peeve ko 'yung ayaw mag-widen bias in the name of the high horse called educational excellence. Perhaps, 'yung turn off ko sa Diliman is talagang theories talaga ang labanan at 'yung lang. Pati film classes na sana mas maganda na may film project using theories, deluge ng papers. HAHAHHAH. Weak. So weak. LOL. Maldita ko na naman pero kasi naman 'di ba??
Dati gusto kong maging prof ng digital comms sa Diliman pero wala na. Triple ekis na. Hindi madali for sure 'yung application process pero kasi it's giving Jurassic Park 90s version po talaga sa pagiisip. :p Sobrang meh ng progress, pivot and purpose. AYWAW. Totoo naman. Aminado sila diyan. Hahahaha. Inisip ko, kaya ko naman ilaban pero, I am choosing my battles na talaga. Doon na lang ako sa worthwhile kahit gapang lusak noh. Che. UUUUU-WE.
Ganun pala talaga 'pag dream turned reality. It comes with its dragons, demons and dungeons. I realized na yes, natupad ko wish ko pero idealistic nga talaga ako. Iba ang standards ko. SHEMAYYY. Yoko na talaga sa earth.
So, going back to relationship dialectics. Sobrang easy and practical netong paganaps ni Baxter kahit sabihing 'di pa super classics neto since 2000s lang siya naging proponent. LOL. Pero eto lang comeback ko: Plato's definition of love, Thomas Aquinas and phenomenlogy of love ni Manuel Dy. :D And, I thank you. HAHAHAHAHA. Bakit Sunday, g na g pa rin ako? Dapat downtime ko 'to e. Bakit 'di pa rin ako makalma? Bakit?
I won't deep dive on RD na kasi tatamad ako pero siguro, eto 'yung all about connections ke personal, work or in between na oxymoron. Moron na ox. Very dad joke na naman po tayo. Kidding aside, ang ganda kasing i-build and baklasin and i-bespoke ng framework na 'to. Plus, sobrang dali i-operationalize and optimize. Baka need ko na 'to i-integrate sa dating game ko. HAHAHAHAHA para naman maiba at makahanap ng mala Tito Ro or pwede rin Tita Ro version. Flexible naman ako. CHZ. Kasi, ang dali mag-mistake sa relationships na patungo sa relationshits and vice versa these days. Kung work ko nga, nagagawaan ko ng paraan kahit shemay mamiiii I cannot talaga at times, sige, subukan naman nating mag-move beyond work and friendships, family matters, dog matters and the like.
'Di pa rin ako pressured pero sabi nga nung travel bud na isa sa mga kasama ko nung weekend, tingin daw niya sa akin, kung gusto ko magka-lovelife, puwede. Pero need and want ko dapat. 'Di raw ubra 'yung mga galawan kong boredom princess. Hahahahahaha. Stress. Hahahahahahaha. 'Di ko na matandaan comeback ko. Kaya ko gusto kasama 'tong mga 'to kasi nahahataw akong mainam e. Lambast levels 1000000.
Side kwento: 'Yung mga digital nomads na 'to, related pala work namin. Akala ko lang IT security pero we speak the same language pala. Hahahaha. After years of puro daldalan ng outside work, tawang-tawa kami sa page title and meta description shizzzumzzz, atbp. Sabi ko, let's not go deeper na kasi gusto ko lang magka-life outside my 6 to 8 grind. LOL. Lipat na lang ba talaga ako sa team nila kaso magkaibang department kami. Hahahahhaha. Or baka mabatuhan ko sila ng sandamakmak na ad hoc at isumpa na nila ako. HAHAHHAHAH.
Okay. Back to errands. Salamat at umepekto ang Deep Sleep PL at nakapag-siesta ako. FINALLY. So kahit, 'di ako makatulog mainam mamaya, may bawi naman ako. Sana bumalik ako sa dating state ko na 8 solid hours ng sleep this quarter or Q1 2024. Need to deep dive how not to overthink and how to kalma. HAYYYYY. Hassle. Tumatanda na talaga yata ako.
Source to the quick doc kasi madalas ugh AI results. Eto naman optimized na 'di lang maganda UX. CHZ. Huy, bukas mo na reserve 'yang laban mo na 'yan. Sunday pa lang. Easy, Tiger.
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paolachatters · 11 months
I do want to throw in my two cents on the whole joking about Joe thing. I am debut swiftie so I know very well that we always make jokes or even dislike her exes that's fine. But I do hope swifties will have more consideration and use their brains a little and realize that the words they chose are being read by other human beings: making fun of him for looking like a wet cat or his acting is whatever because it's about him amazing no notes, making jokes about his monetary situation, saying Taylor got bored of him not getting jobs/joebless, making jokes out of mental health are all way to common and simply not ok.
Idc about him but I do care about people in this community who don't deserve to see how easy it is for other fans to depict social status, money or job struggles, mental health issues as embarrassing, annoying and boring. And honestly if that's all your material you're extremly boring and detached from reality.
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finnickodaiir · 1 year
wait ok so we call crush boy as CB2 cuz he was the second guy i crushed on since day 1.
it was going great untill...
ok so
yk you have that moment where you just sit and wonder "what the fuck is wrong with that guy...why is he all spotless green flag....did he kill someone? thats fine i can live with it" and then you just wonder what the heck is wrong with him or like yk...something you dont like and you immediately lose all crush feelings for him?
yeah so that happened.
he said "taylor is overrated like wtf is we are never ever getting back together and she always writes songs about her exes" (dont worry, we have 5 swifties in our class who jumped on him).
and boom. zero feelings.
and now ive been drowning in assignments.
and then i see on insta that he mentioned me on his story
AND IM THE ONLY PERSON HE HAS A PIC WITH (like ok he has pics with others too but he put a pic of me and him ONLY and not the group pic???)
and then he asked me abt the assignment and i shared the deets and he said "love you brother"
I'm happy you got a "I love you" even if it was accompanied by that last word <3
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mightbelola · 1 year
Boohoo, Boys Like You
I'm writing about Taylor Swift. I started listening to her when I was fifteen. It was 2008, I think. It wasn't Love Story. The song's catchy, but nothing moved me like the song Fifteen. That song turned her into my imaginary best friend.
All my friends had boyfriends and I didn’t so I was feeling some type of way. She said, "but in your life you'll do greater things than dating a boy on the football team." Ain't that the truth? That's what I told myself to feel better about the fact that no one ever had even thought about dating me, before I could think about dating a boy on a football team. but like, her boy problems that she sang about in her other songs were so bizarre to me I couldn't relate at all. Like boohoo, boys like you. At the same time, I understood all of it. She had all stories about falling in love and losing them, getting her heart broken, getting revenge. I imagined myself having all of her problems, and I guess it helped me forget my own.
I love a whole lot of her other new songs, I could go on but that's not what this is about. It's about how she and I went through stuffs together. For two years, we were growing up, we went through some stuffs, we personally changed as people, and her songs just changed too, or I changed, and I didn't quite like that. Imagine it like stop being friends. I didn't realize her other songs were good, because I stopped listening. All the songs they played on the radio were her pop songs, which I wasn't a fan of. I stopped caring. At the time, I was living the emo life, listening to emo songs on my best friend's Walkman, full of rage and anger. I copied his interests in music, watched him play guitar cover of my favourite emo songs. We exchanged the Walkman every two nights. Emo to us means a lot different than what you're thinking. It's rage and frustration for us, but emo for you is like more sad and depressed. We were depressed, obviously, but we didn't cry about it. We screamed to Famous Last Words, if we could paint our eyes black, we would. All we wore was black. My girl friends thought my music taste was brutal. I of course took it as a compliment.
Taylor was having more dramas, I couldn't be bothered. It was blurry but it was the time Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were a new thing, and I rolled my eyes when I found out. Baby, Baby, Baby, ohhh. Yeah, that was a great line. Then it was also the mic-grab incident with Kanye. I mean, I honestly didn't care enough about it to ever have a say and I am ashamed of that. I didn't learn it before, but Kanye was definitely a prick. She was dating Taylor Lautner too, JACOB, THE WEREWOLF IN TWILIGHT I WAS IN LOVE WITH. I was hurt. Like, seriously Taylor? Which boy is it next? It was like your ex best friend stealing your biggest crush from you. The sickest sabotage. Um, so, her songs annoyed me.
Then, I grew up. Fast forward, it's pandemic in 2020 and she released Folklore. I saw her documentary, Miss Americana, and I was like, ""Ok, girl I think I owe you an apology," I was calling her some crazy things. I was just jealous she's doing all of these things, writing, telling stories, living my dream. Anyways, we made up. I started listening more to her stories, memorize almost all of her songs. I experience her songs, fully. I understand them on a personal level. I like her more and more, to a point I proudly call myself a Swiftie now. It's crazy to think that so many young people out there are experiencing her songs for the first time right this moment. I remember how that felt like. I'd do anything to experience it for the first time all over again.
So yeah, growing up, she was my imaginary best friend, we broke up because she dated a boy I liked, but now we’ve made up. I’m married and she’s happy with this best tight end guy on a football team. Guess she’s doing all the great things in life after all.
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canirove · 2 years
Sorry to your Taylor fans but she sometimes is obsessed and i guess that she is smart and clever like type of cunning.....in a way i mean it's not bad because she is successful and in the industry many people are ...but i think her trying to get the image or her fans claim the theory that she can never be wrong is just does not sit with me ....i mean maybe media treated her wrong and all that but i guess writing again and again all the songs about ex or like even ifs not true letting fans entertain the idea is just wierd.. because it's the reason the person is called ex and ... How her fans treat her exes is weird specially to Jake because i am his huge fan (again meaning only his acting) and the way they diss him as if he is just a bare minimum and it's bitter ruth that Taylor is overrated (before she was underrated maybe in red era but midnight's is totally not worth the hype and not worth the bill boards
That's one thing I don't like, that she kind of encourages some of her fans to bully people like Jake, Karlie or anyone who has done her wrong (some actually have, with others we just have her side of the story), and she never says anything when things get out of hand. It may be useless, but at least we know she cares and that she doesn't agree with that behaviour.
With Karlie I've seen sexism and antisemitism, swifties constantly saying that she is a bad model, a flop and that her career is over, comments that just show how ignorant they are. I guess that with Jake is the same. And don't you dare call out this group of fans, because they will call you sexist and use one of her songs against you. They can insult you and be disgusting because if it's to defend Taylor it is ok, but don't you dare say anything negative about her, because that makes you sexist and you are doing it because you are jealous and have a sad life 🙄
And I say all this from experience. I've said this on my Karlie blog before, and the hate and disgusting comments I've got from them are 🙈
But as I always say, this is just some of her fans, not all. Most are normal people who don't think like kids.
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vegasporschetruther · 2 years
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bciwasinlove · 2 years
Just adding to the larries liking taylor swift, i think one of th reason is that most of the larries are part of of the lgbtq community. And in our community, Taylor is very loved. She's a gay icon. It's easy to just brush away the shits that happened with haylor since it's in the past. Also these larries thinks it's a double sided bearding. There is this theory about how TS was dating Diana at the time of haylor. I believe Diana also sometimes thirdwheel to haylor's dates. That Out Of The Woods is about when their stunt is ending or smthng. OR this larries could be just newbies that already like Taylor Swift and couldn't careless about Haylor since the y didn't get to experience how horrible that time was.
For me, I think I just tolerate her. Some of her songs are good. But I am still annoyed at the annoying songs she wrote about haylor. 🤢 Can't escape it tho, since two of my sisters are swifties.
Hey anon I do know about those rumors I personally don't feel the same on the matter of her being 🏳️‍🌈 tho I don't know much about her music past the "h**lor songs" to truly say. But for argument sake let's say she is isn't that worse when it comes to this topic? She would know what it is like to be a closeted celeb and yet she still used a fellow closeted celeb to make herself look like a victim and them the "toxic ex womanizer who treats women like trash." She did something that further put H in the closet and madw people think he's straight.
People may say oh it was all her team like sure her team may have initially decided for her to get involved in a fake relationship with H but all the slandering of H from her at one point that's on her. If her team did tell her to say all those things and it wasn't her personal choice to drag H then give her a fuckin oscar bc she did a damn good job playing the role of I'm a victim of a shitty ex and here is why.
So I [along with anonymous mutuals] believe whether she is or isn't 🏳️‍🌈 she still dragged H through the mud with almost all of 2013 promo/award season being her dragging "her ex" aka H and we just can't get ourselves to be ok with that. And during the time period of h**lor's relationship L&H were fuckin miserable every day.
Of course here we are 10 years later and he is STILL being asked about her and whether his songs are for her and to no suprise he fuckin hates it. She unintentional or not caused them a lot of trauma and was the reason H womanizer image sky rocketed in 2013. So it will never make sense to me how someone can claim to love L&H proudly "being a larrie" while idolizing her.
I do think like you said most of those who love her are newbies who just weren't around in 2012/13 time period to know what happened bc if they had been they would know how much it fucked them up. And don't even get me started on how most of these stans think their ✨️ besties ✨️ with her.
This interview from 2012 will always be a huge deal to me in understanding how they felt about the situation and her. When Lou was asked what his thoughts are of H&T relationship Lou makes it clear not only are they not dating but their not even friends. This was literally Lou reaction/body language throughout the whole 3 month ordeal.
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Lastly L&H celebrated when it ended. They clearly don't care for her, want her to stop being brought up and to move on from her but some of their own fans sit here and try to paint them as friends.
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