#I am both horrified and amazed at myself
hanmeowsung · 2 years
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sebsbarnes · 3 months
Heyyyy. i have no idea if ur taking requests right now but i have one for when you are. could u do tan x reader where tangerine has an exceptional soft spot for reader and they get on like partner in crime and whenever they are on missions together they are just great buddies who take the piss out of each other the whole time and tangerine kinda just wants to be around her whenever shes around like at gatherings (especially at little parties cuz hes kinda antisocial and shes sort of the same and doesnt want to be by ladybug and marias side all night cuz they are kinda lovey dovey and she gets a little sick of them not confessing their love to each other. i ship ladybug x maria they are just cutie patooties to me) or if she goes out for some fresh air after mission briefings hes by her side and the dynamic is kinda how him and lemon get on if that makes sense. lemon is kinda just amused and shocked that his brother is so fond of her and kinda just loves watching them interact and lemon, ladybug and maria are like amused parents just gossiping about them. i hope u can do this and that it makes sense. love ur works and ur an amazing writer :)
the soft spot i have for tang having a soft spot for the reader ahh<3 so cutie. thank you for supporting me and i hope you enjoy this :) also has everyone been seeing the new aaron pics lately phew!!
tangerine has a soft spot for the reader
warnings: none, prob grammar mistakes! unedited
thought lem and tan worked like magic?... Nothing on you and tangerine
you two almost fought over how seamless you worked together bc it would get so annoying sometimes
"c'mon love, i had him!" tangerine would fake tsk after you cut in front of him to shoot the man you were both fighting
"i'm sorry! i got ahead of myself!!"
he'd roll his eyes and pretend to sulk and you would immediately interrupt him- "literally. don't ever make that face again that was horrifying."
"y'know what was horrifying? that shot." tangerine would jest
sometimes even the people you were fighting would stop in confusion because you two were always laughing on the job
"should we continue...or...? we can circle back to this if you'd like?" the enemy would ask, using his gun to gesture between him and the duo
you always ended up way too injured after missions?? to the point it didn't even make sense. your task could be just stand and observe the surroundings without fighting anyone and you somehow ended up with a limp and a bruised shoulder??? no sense.
tangerine would worry so much because truly how did you become battered and bruised???
"do i need'ta stay with you?" he'd ask, the concern in his voice blaringly obvious, "cuz if i have to i'll make lem take on the rest of this job?"
tangerine would be eye-level with you staring so deep into your eyes it felt like he was had burned holes through them
"i'm fine really tang," you'd always wave off when he asked if you were alright
"i'm serious."
"and so am i tangerine, don't be ridiculous."
and even though you'd deliver the sentence with a smile tangerine felt a pang in his chest. he didn't think he was being ridiculous. he was genuinely concerned for your wellbeing.
you would dismiss your injuries and the aches and pains but tangerine would never
tangerine isn't one for big work events... not even in the slightest. he'd rather take on 15 men at once with his bare knuckles then stand around and pretend to be jovial with people he could not care about
but with a work event that means one thing.... you were also be there! and boy did this make the night enjoyable
tangerine would get gloomy though because you were talking to people that you had previous jobs with
if he found himself extremely bored and you were chatting away with someone he would wander over to you and gently grab you wrist giving it a slight pull
you'd get the hint and excuse yourself before vanishing away with tangerine
and you didn't mind, you didn't prefer talking with many people. if you never worked with them on a mission you wouldn't even look their way or try and start a conversation. you were pleased with the small group of acquaintances you had, but ultimately you liked being alone
"thank fuck you pulled me from that conversation, i could see the gears turning in william's head that he'd ask about the kyoto job."
"and what would that old prick have to say, huh?" tangerine rolled his eyes
there was a lot of...criticism of how the job went down
"probably how the brief case went missing in the first place," you shrug
"well that was lemon's fault."
"welllll," your voice rang out in a high-pitched tone
tangerine's eyebrows pulled together, "now what's that all about? lemon was too busy playin' with his fuckin' stickers."
"you could've checked," you countered
"so it's my fault?"
"it's both of your faults."
"i'm about to get a fuckin' headache," he gruffed
you two would be hanging by yourselves observing the people scattered about before your eyes landed on ladybug and maria
"they should really confess their feeling to each other," you'd say nonchalantly and tangerine would follow your eyes over to the pair
"they like each other???"
you would just shoot tangerine a look like really? you can't tell
"ladybug is always talking about how he feels nervous around her and is at a loss for words. the man who never likes anyone calling or texting him because 'it will ruin his state of peacefulness' literally told me he waits at his phone for her to call and when she doesn't all day he gets upset."
tangerine slowly nodded his and he felt his cheeks warm up.
he was getting red because... he felt that way when you were around or when you didn't text him back
never in tangerine's life did he think he'd be able to relate to ladybug
"hey... what's going on with them?" maria asked lemon who had now walked up
lemon laughed a bit looking over to you and tangerine, both of you observing his phone intently
"y'know... i'm not quite sure. i can't tell if he's in love or if it's just friendly. and that asshole would never tell me anyways," lemon would shrug
you didn't live with the twins but you did live next door
it was much like those sitcoms where the neighbor would just burst through the front door without warning and the owner didn't care
you were tough, don't doubt that, but sometimes you felt scared being in the walls of your apartment alone, even if tangerine and lemon were only separated by a hallway
you didn't admit your fears for awhile but one day after a mission as you stepped outside the building you felt the need to confess
the breeze had been a bit chilly as the sun was setting, you were leaned on the railing with closed eyes when you heard the door open and tangerine's familiar footsteps
"are you ever scared?" you asked him that day
you heard his lighter flick, "at times, yeah. i try not to dwell though."
"i'm terrified in my apartment," you said with a glance to him, the cigarette dangling from his bottom lip
"move in with us," he had said with such quickness
"i spend enough time there being a burden, i could never do that."
"you're never a burden in my eyes."
so while you spent countless hours in their apartment you would clean or cook for them as a form of thank you which they hated.
lemon wacked the cleaning solution out of your hand, "seriously, i'm going to have to start paying you. stop cleaning."
"NO!" lemon would laugh, "just sit down and watch tv. you're stressing me out."
there of course were times they were pleased such as when you found yourself hunched over the stove cooking them dinner after a long mission
they'd mutter how good it smells as they approached the kitchen, their suit jackets thrown to the side and watches being unclipped
"this looks so good," tangerine said his body now next to yours
"how was work?" you asked, grabbing plates to set up the food
tangerine's arms cut you off, his arms sliding around your waist, his head coming to rest against yours. you felt his body relax around you and the weight of him leaning against you. he smelt of cigarettes, blood, and the faintest bit of cologne
"fine, now that i'm home," he muttered into your hair, he hoped you didn't notice the way his arms squeezed tighter when he said 'home'
lemon leaned against the wall of the kitchen, a knowing smile on his face as he observed his brother
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 9 months
HELLO YES I´D LOVE TO KNOW ABT JAY´S EYE??? i´m guessing skybound related?? (i am SOOO curious abt your plans for skybound btw aaaaaa!!!!)
(adgsfgsdfass i actually hadn´t noticed it first, my dumbass went and looked at the pretty lights of the ferris wheel and brain shut down lmaoo, gotta step up my game >:0)
also damn!! those are some GOOD colors, the atmosphere is amazing!!!! been to the beach when the weather is like that, scary stuff!!!
Operation Rainbow Lights Distraction is successful *-*)9
Kidding, but it's good to know that his eye is both subtle yet striking! S'what I was going for!
Anywaaaay, explanation time! Grab popcorn and really think about if you're ready to discuss fantasy eye trauma before jumping in <3
So we all know Jay gets an eyepatch in Skybound, but in actuality Clancee just gives it to him for aesthetic reasons, even though Future!Jay was seen to have one back in S5. And, of course, the fandom has run rampant with all sorts of deliciously angsty ideas (blinding him, making it a different color, gouging his eye out, etc), but I...can't do that lmao
-Blinding his eye completely would cause too much of a butterfly effect for a lot of the things he does in later seasons, and I am already juggling enough subplots lmao. Besides, this is one of the common go-tos for him and I wanna take a different approach. -I can't change the color of his eye without going against my own established lore (I did consider just making it a light blue but a) that's also a common thing and b) would wind up looking too close to Zane SO—) -I don't have the stomach to gouge his eye out completely. I can tear Zane limb from limb, carve into Kai's face like a Christmas ham, and have Lloyd nearly lose a hand but I can't bring myself to do that aaaaaaaAAAAA–
BUT I wanted to do something interesting with his eye, and to do something at least a little bit different from what I've personally seen.
Soooo then instead of some kind of external injury (that is, a physical trauma caused by someone/something else), I started looking into the effects that Lightning can have on the eye (so for my purposes, something Jay would inflict on himself). Turns out there's actually possible "lightning injuries" that can occur on the eye (rare though they are), ranging from star-shaped cataracts, electrical burns, iris collapsing (kinda cool, but also ew and horrifying), and ofc effects on vision itself without just straight up blindness.
There's also that I haven't seen very many changes with his sclera (white eye part) either. From scleritis to simple eye strain, the eyes can become bloodshot...but, what if it was permanent, and what if it was from electricity?
ANYWAY I put all this info into a blender and made the following smoothie out of it:
So during Skybound, Jay gets chained up in Vengestone on Nadakhan's ship and mercilessly tortured, yadda ya, but instead of one of the pirates inflicting harm onto Jay, he still tries to force the use of his powers even through the Vengestone, which causes an internal surge within him (as his powers "run in circuits", and applying Vengestone essentially makes his powers an "open circuit", meaning they have no current to follow/no outlet to head towards, so all that power/energy just gets channelled back inward and goes nowhere)
...meaning that the force of the attempt "blows" Jay's eye out from the strain (not literally, but think of it like he's having a contained Outburst, with all that power trying to channel out through the eyes as it would naturally but it can't). The resulting flash/pain turns his eye glassy, makes his eye bloodshot (but instead of "blood" its with electricity, hence the blue), and affects the shape of his pupil (making it diamond star-shaped, though you can't really tell in the tarot card unless you squint).
Resulting complications of this are that his one eye becomes extremely sensitive to certain amounts of light, his eye tears up randomly and get easily irritated, it causes chronic pain on that one side of his head, there's a on-and-off haze around his gaze, and he does start to gradually get worsening vision as he gets older (but not until he passes on his powers to whomever).
He wears the eyepatch when the environment is particularly bright (or he's meeting someone new and doesn't wanna freak 'em out), but without both his eyes his precision and evasive ability gets hindered (which is inconvenient when you're lightning. Also inconvenient when you're trying to teleport and lack depth perception). So, sometimes it's a gamble of if he wants to miss his target, or to avoid excruciating, crippling pain.
But other than that he's fine <3
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ateez-himari · 9 months
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Warning: Talks of survivor's guilt, and reference to dark thoughts
[Sunshine Duo taking on Heart Wrenching Roles]
On September 29 a new Korean drama series made its way onto the big screens starring two idols from K-Pop group ATEEZ, main dancer Jeong Yunho and lead vocalist Min Himari.
When nineteen year old Aerin (Min Himari) finds herself as the sole survivor of a mysterious house fire that claimed her twin brother's (Lee Do Hyun) life due to a late practice that had kept her from going home, she can't help but to feel as though she should have died with him, as though she should have saved him. Despite countless therapists reaching out after the tragedy it seemed as though nothing or no one could pull her through this case of survivor's guilt nor help dissipate the visions of her brother appearing in her daily life all the way into insomnia inducing nightmares. Once a bright presence she begins turning to seclusion and unhealthy activities to distract herself from the overwhelming grief, much to her best friend Jae-Won's (Jeong Yunho) despair. The more he reaches out to her, the angrier Aerin begins to get with him and the further she pushes him away, her actions growing in recklessness by the day. But Jae-Won refuses to give up on her. Will he manage to save her...or will she drag him down with her when she finally falls off the deep end ?
The bandmates appeared in the magazine 'Singles Korea' in order to promote the series where they later met with an interviewer who talked with them about their experience. When asked about the difficulty of portraying a character with such a dark and complex story, Himari said "I was really nervous at first because I wasn't sure if I could convey such a complex mental health struggle so I monitored every scene very closely to make sure I had every detail down."
Much like the maknae, Yunho shared similar feelings of nervosity regarding his role by stating "Even though it wasn't my first acting project, the concept was much darker than Imitation's so I found it to be a really intimidating role. The longer filming went on though, the easier it became to sink myself into the story and my character."
(Spoiler ahead)
The pair agreed that one of the most memorable scenes was the last argument in which Aerin steps onto her apartment's balcony ledge only to be stopped by a horrified Jae-Won, leading the girl to finally break down in front of her best friend after a few moments of protest. In their opinion the key point in this part of the drama is the embrace they share, Jae-Won's hands running down Aerin's body in order to comfort her whilst she clings on to him for dear life, pulling herself as close as possible to the man who had so desperately fought to save her. "Even after the director yelled 'cut', Hima(ri) was still holding on to me and crying, that's how emotional the scene was" said Yunho. "I found this very...draining in a way because I found many similarities between our experiences so the story took me over completely. At the end I had no idea why I was crying, I just couldn't stop." Himari added.
Something that a lot of fans are most likely wondering about whilst watching the series is how everything was filmed despite their tour's grueling schedule, not to mention side activities. According to both actors this project had been in the works for quite a while now so they had filmed majority of it prior to their schedules, what little was left being filmed on days off. Himari's view on it is "Even though it was a tiring project at times I feel like it was worth every moment because it was an amazing experience. I'm also very proud of what we created and I hope the fans will enjoy it too." To this, Yunho agreed and continued with "I'm glad we got to see it through to the end and am really thankful to be given an opportunity to take on a more challenging role. I personally can't get tired of the story no matter how many times I had read and monitored it."
Finally it was noted that they also had quite the romantic tension throughout the series, one that even ended with the two of them sharing a kiss amidst their tears. The strong on screen chemistry was explained by Himari "It was slightly awkward at first to be close in such an intimate manner but I feel comfortable with him (Yunho) and we're very close in real life so we managed to work through it." They both recalled being flustered whilst reading the script and having to film this scene more than any others as they kept shying away or laughing. Yunho said "Having her on my lap was already very...strange but then when production said we had to kiss we couldn't seem to keep our composure."
Overall the hard work and emotions put into this series by its actors is sure to capture viewers' hearts to bring them into a rollercoaster of emotions. Stream 'Where We Fall' on Netflix.
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faghubby · 1 year
wanna bet
"Its not my fault, You lost the bet Paul" Laura told me as she picked out another woman's swimsuit.
"I am sorry I just can't wear any of these" I said softly
"Okay this one covers the most" Laura said picking up a blue one piece bathing suit. I just gave up. I knew I would just have to do it.
Hold on getting ahead of myself a bit. My best friend Pete and I had made a bet. Now I was confident I would win. So I told him I would agree to anything. Well he smiled
"Your forth of July Barbaque" he started
"What about it?" I glared at him it was my yearly thing for years he had tried to move it to his house.
"The loser has to wear a woman's bathing suit for the whole picnic" he smiled pleased with himself.
"I would never have taken you for a crossdresser" I smirked and shook his hand sealing the deal. I never once doubted I would win. We immediately looked up the stupid fact.
Yes country music was the most popular music In the United states.
I was in disbelief searching different ways but finding the same conclusion. When I told Laura she laughed.
"You two are such asses" she scoffed "oh and my parents are coming to Barbaque" she told us as she walked away.
That night it hit me I had to get out of the bet. Only way was to up the odds. So the next day I called Pete
"Double or nothing? " I asked.
"Okay I will be right there" Pete said he pulled in the driveway 10 minutes later.
"What you betting this time?" He asked.
"I don't know" I said not thinking that far ahead.
"Laura!" I said
"You are betting your wife?" Pete laughed as Laura came up behind me.
"You are an ass, he will shave his legs" Laura smiled I had not mentioned to bet her, I was calling her. But now she was mad at me.
"Deal" I said way to quick. Pete pulled out a quarter and said
"Call it" we were putting this on a flip of a coin rushed thru my head in a panic as I called heads.
"Tails" Laura said looking at the coin.
"Want to up it to a bikini?" Pete and Laura laughed. I knew when to give up.
Now with two days till the Barbaque I was buying a woman's bathing suit and hair remover. Laura had convinced me it would be easier.
"You should use this tonight so if there is any drying or rash you can treat it before the barbaque " Laura told me. I read the bottle seemed simple enough. I started to apply the smelly lotion when Laura came in the bathroom she put on gloves and helped. She put it everywhere
"We don't have to" I complained.
"The bet was shaved, hairless. What if youWelch? What happens?" She asked
"He would insist I wear it everyday for the summer" I sulked. As my skin started to tingle. Laura pushed me in the shower. Hair fell away in huge clumps. Laura was waiting when I got out.
"Wow, you look so different" she grabbed my now bald dick and stroked me.
"His this how you looked as a little boy" she coed. And led me to the bed. She sucked my dick. I came all over her breast she never let me finish in her mouth.
"I like thisc her hands running over my chest "Would you stay smooth like this for me after?" She asked lowering pussy to my waiting tounge. She loved sitting on ,y face grinding against my tounge till she came.it wasn't uncommon for us not to have sex if we both had been pleasured in other ways.
"Did you check out your father's sexy legs?" Laura laughed to our 18 year daughter Amber the next morning. Amber was horrifie
"This is so embarrassing" she stormed out of the room. Laura pulled me close her lands slipping down the back of my shorts as her hands grabbed my smooth ass.
"I love it" she giggled. I had taken the day off work to prep for the barbaque. Laura and even Amber were as always a big help. Even if I had to agree to let Amber to drink ( in moderation) tomarrow.
The next morning Laura with a bit too much glee helped me put on the bathing suit. It pulled some but was surprisingly comfortable I thought. Amber reached in and adjusted my package so it didn't stick straight out. When I looked down I was amazed how small it looked.
"What you do?" I asked not really meaning to.
"What, it's not very big" Amber replied I don't think meaning to say it that way either. I put on a pair of shorts as well.
"I can't believe you are doing this" Amber said when she saw me. By noon people started to arrive and lots of jokes and teasing where maid.
"No, no shorts are not allowed" Pete said when he arrived making me take them off.i had not even realized the suit had rode up. And half my ass was hanging out. Amber solution was a beach wrap around the waist. For a bit of modesty after everyone had gotten a good laugh. Including my in-laws.
"Marcus!" I said with joy as our neighbor joined us. He looked at me then gave Amber a big hug. Then again at me and pulled me in for a hug also. It may have lasted a bit longer then I would have thought. I had never been hugged like that by a man. I had felt his bulge press against me. I tried to put it out of my mind. As the hours ticked by and I got a bit drunk. I had caught Marcus staring at me a few times.
"Have you seen Amber lately?" Marcus asked coming up behind me with another beer. His other hand resting on my ass. As I had gone to take a piss behind the shed.
"Marcus I" I started but he kissed me. This large black man 10 years my senior had just kissed me. I thought.
"Have you ever" he asked letting his words fade as he pushed my hand down to his now growing bulge. I felt small in his hands. I wanted to scream and run away. But was frozen as I just held my hand against him. He walked me to the garage. And pushed me thru the side door.
"Take it out" he said as he bit my ear. I couldn't I just stood there as he pulled out his cock. It was dark and I couldn't see as he put it in my hand. I don't know why but I started to stroke him. He was rock hard now he was big I thought well alot bigger then me at least.
"Would you like to give it a kiss?" He asked I nodded in the dark but kept stroking him. He pulled the front of the suit down and teased my nipples. I thought I heard someone else in the garage. But didn't stop. I felt Marcus get closer to coming he pushed my head down and I dropped to my knees. I leaned in and kissed the head of his cock just as he exploded all over my chin and chest. He helped me to my feet.
"I must be going, I had a wonderful time"marcus said grabbing my ass again and pulling the suit up driving it between my ass. I let out a moan. As he left me in the dark. It took a moment till I came back to my senses. I opened the door to the house and snuck up the stairs. I saw Amber's boyfriend Steven sneaking out of her room. Amber telling him she would be right out after she brushed her teeth. Although I was furious about this I hid and let Steven sneak back out to the party. As I slipped into my room. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw Marcus's cum. Curious I rubbed my finger in it and tasted it. Then cleaned myself up and brushed my teeth.as I went to leave I noticed the bed was a mess and Laura's panties on the floor. She would never leave the room like this especially when we had people over. I picked up her panties. They where wet but I just tossed them in the hamper. And hurried back to the party.
"You okay" Laura asked when she saw me.
"Just drank to much" I told her. She got me some water.
"Not as young as you used to be" she said kissing me. It was a deep long kiss. Much more then Laura often would show in public. I got hard again. This whole evening was turning into a mix of emotions.
Pete walked over and smacked my ass.
"You actually did it" he laughed. It's after midnight" he told me. The party was basically wrapped up. Everyone said their goodbyes. I learned Steven would be spending the night in the guest room. As Laura took me to bed. She stripped me of the suit and pinched my nipples. She was still fully dressed. As she pushed me back on the bed she took my cock in her mouth. I thought how she fit itall. And about Marcus. He was so big no one would ever take all of that. I came rather quick. Laura climbed on top of me and kissed me. I didn't even think about that I had just cum in her mouth. But I tasted it. Marcus was thicker, salter. I thought. She stripped and sat on my face. I devoured her trying to drive the thoughts of Marcus from my mind. I made her cum then passed out.
I woke to the sun shining thru the window. It was after 9am. I got up a little hung over. Laura still asleep naked I covered her with the sheets. I heard voices from Amber's room. I was getting dressed when Laura woke and looked at me.
"She is an adult, don't go barge in there" she told me. "Sit we have to talk" she said sitting up and patting the bed. I sat and she looked me in the eyes.
"I don't know how to tell you. So I am just going to say it" she said then looked away.
"I sucked Pete's cock last night" she said waiting for my reaction. I stood passed then though about what I had done with Marcus. And paced a bit.
"Amber caught us" she added. "My guess why she is openly defying our rule." She was waiting for me to say something.
"It wasn't planned or anything and never happened before I had maybe a bit to much to drink. And Pete was commenting on your ass. Not sure what happened next but I was up here sucking his cock a minute later"
"I forgive you,Laura. And i should tell you something." I replied not believe that I was about to tell her about Marcus.
"Last night I gave Marcus a hand job" I spit out. Laura was floored.
"Just a handjob?" She said as if trying to understand.
"Well he had me kiss his bog cock as well" I told her. I didn't mean to comment on the size why didI.
"How big?" Shw smiled.
"Big" it was dark but maybe this big I held my hands apart 9 inches or so.
"Did you enjoy it?" She asked cuddling up to me. She started to rub my crotch.
"I don't know he was just so direct, so forceful" I explained. She stood and opened her drawer.
"Put this on" she handed me a black bikini.
"Laura I don't want" I started she picked up another.
"Well this one then" showing me a thong bikini in pink. I put on the bottoms and she tied the top for me.
"Wait how am Ithe guilty, and you sucked off Pete?" I added hastily.
"If you had a bigger dick and didn't lose bets and shave your ass maybe I would have sucked yours" Laura said changing the point again.
"Now get dressed and go make breakfast and be nice to Steven" Laura told me. We all had pancakes. And Steven was a huge help in cleaning up tables and chairs and such. He had taken off his shirt at one point and I found myself checking out his tone body. Did he have a big cock. Was he bringing pleasure to Amber? I found myself thinking. It was 3 pm when Laura came up to me.
"Paul, Marcus called. He needs a hand with something big" Laura smiled. I followed her inside.
"What are you talking about?" I asked
"Marcus called and asked if you could give him a hand with something big" his exact words. laura felt the front of my shorts as I got hard.
"Go help him, we will talk about it later" she smiled. "Don't be afraid to use more then your hand" she whispered. I was confused but walked over to Marcus house anyway. Marcus opened the door before I even stepped on the porch. As I passed him I felt his hand on my ass. He closed the door.
"Marcus I was drunk and we" I tried to explain as he pulled out his cock. My God it was bigger then I had thought. Hanging soft between his legs. He pulled me close and with a smile took off my shirt seeing the bikini he stripped me down to it.
"Take off my shoes" he said in a firm voice. I knelt and removed his shoes, socks and pulled his pants and boxers off. I was looking straight at his massive cock between his legs. I reached out and stroked it. As he removed his shirt. I looked up. I had never realized how many tattoos he had.
"Your wife is sucking off your best friend, and you like my big cock" Marcus explained. "You will make an excellent sissy bitch" he informed me lifting his cock he smacked the side of my mouth.
"Open" he commanded. I was rock hard as I let him slid 2 inches of his growing cock in my mouth. He let me lick and taste him. Explore his manliness. I cradled his balls. Only able to hold one in my hand at a time. After a few minutes?
"Would you like to sit on my lap" Marcus asked. I didn't answer I just stood and sat on his lap. His hard throbbing cock nestled between my cheeks. He played with my nipples.
"See that littl blue bag on the shelf?" He said
"Yes" I practically moaned. I got up and retrieved it for him. And sat back on his lap. He used two fingers to jerk me off I came in under a minute. I came in Lauras bikini. He then fiddled with the bag and slid something over my dick.
I was rubbing my ass on his cock when he squeezed my dick and I heard a click. I looked down to see a steel devise wrapped around my dick.
"No more fucking for you" Marcus told me. I had no idea what was going on.
"Laura can find a lover, maybe your friend Pete, you are mine now and you only GET fucked" he pinched my nipple hard.
"Marcus, take it off I said trying to stand but his big arms held me still. He bit my neck giving me a hickey. As his lubed finger slid into my ass. I moaned and begged for more as he fingered me. Adding a second even a third. My dick tried to get hard.but couldn't making it all the more exciting as he fingered me.
"In the bathroomin the medicine cabinet is a black butt plug, go fetch it" Marcus said swatting my ass. I found and returned he lubed it and had me bend over. He worked it in.
"You are a faggot, do you understand. Just like the little white boys in prison. You belong to me." He was very serious. I had no idea why I had let him manipulate me like this. But I knew he was right. He smacked my ass again and sent me home. I waddled across the street. Laura was the only one home when I arrived. She laughed at the way I was walking.
"You let him fuck you" she laughed.
"No, he didn't." I showed her the cage and plug. "I belong to him now" I told her with tears in my eyes.
"Don't cry, you must of wanted or needed this. Or you would never of let it go this far. Especially this fast" she said pushing on the plug. I let out a deep moan. "He is right though I will need a lover. Pete has a nice cock" she informed me. I wore the plug till we went to bed.but there was no removing the cage. Laura excited about all this masterbated using her vibrator as she laid next to me.
"Does he want you to wear dresses? Will you have sleep overs?" Laura had a million questions I had no answers too.
The next day I got a delivery, when I opened it I found the frilliest panties and lingerie. All in pinks and babyblue.
"He spent a fortune" Laura informed me. There were corsets, and stockings, bras,nightie. All so bright and frilly.
"He wants you as girlie as possible" Laura laughed then had an idea and sat me in a chair and plucked my eyebrows. Not too thin but more femine for sure. She then showed me how to apply lipstick. I did it over and over till I got it just right.
"Go surprise him" Laura encouraged me. Helping me get dressed then sneak across the road inswears. I rang the bell. A wide smile crossed his face as he let me in. He had me kneel and suck his cock. This time he wasn't gentile he told me what to do. Taking joy when I gagged. He loved the pink outfit I had picked. It suited a fag like me. By the time he finished all over my face my Jaw hurt and my throat was raw. I went to the bathroom to clean up. And saw Pete's car in my driveway. I looked at myself in the mirror. She deserved someone like Pete.
I returned to find Marcus complately naked. He sat and watched the news. Having me sit on the floor. With my head in his lap. As he played with my hair. I spent the next two hours there. Only getting up to get Marcus a drink. Or a snack then returning to MY spot.
it was getting late I wondered how long he would have me stay. When his show ended and he had me get on his lap. His cock got hard with little effort and he applied lube to my ass.
"Go slow, lower yourself on my cock" he said I felt the tip pressing against my hole. Then suddenly it gave way and the head burst into my ass. I screamed as it felt like I was torn in two. Marcus held me working that little bit of cock in and out. The pain receded and he had me get up and face him and take it again. It hurt much less this time and grew accustomed fast. Soon I took more and more. It took almost an hour and I was covered in sweat when we had worked it all in.
he then pulled me off of him and presented me with a bigger plug.
"Wear it everyday day for two hours" he told me. I got dressed before I could rush home He picked me up and kissed me. I had never been kissed like that. With such force and conviction. I reached down and stroked his cock. He put me down but continued to kiss and nibbled my neck as I had him cum in my hand. He moved my hand to my mouth. And had me lick it clean. Only then did I walk home like I had a bowling ball in my ass. Pete was sitting in my chair in the living room when I entered. He smiled when he sawMr. My pink bra on display.
"Go take a shower Paul I will join you as soon as I say goodnight to Pete. Laura said as she kissed him. I told Laura everything. She told me how Pete had fucked her better then she could ever remember. It was so late we both called off work the next day. Laura and I talked. I spilled about the time I had sucked my friends dick in high school. And about spending a weekend with a gay friend in college.
She told me about all the men she had had even the threesome she had just before we met. We had never asked about each other past sexual history maybe because we would have to tell our own.
It was wonderful. No secrets no lies.we would be married but each have our own sex life. We laughed at how we both loved big black cock now. Laura told me how she might leave Pete. For a big black man.then she paused and looked at me. "Should we tell Amber?" Just then the doorbell rang, it was Marcus. He sat down and pointed to my spot.i stripped down to a baby blue flowing nightie and knelt with my head on his lap.
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shewholovestoread · 6 months
Part 1 review and character breakdown are here and here respectively.
Wow, this was such a roller-coaster. It was everything I expected it to be and then some. Let’s get into it. As always, beware of spoilers.
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To start, let me congratulate myself on guessing correctly that it was indeed Nawol-daek who gave up Tae-sang’s mother’s name. The way it was shot and edited actually made it pretty clear.
I also guessed that the threat would widen but I didn’t anticipate that there would be a massive time-jump between seasons 1 and 2. That actually raises so many questions which we’ll get to later. For now, I am very happy with the way the season ended. The show actually made it very clear just how things would go and in that respect, the foreshadowing was done well.
The pacing of the show is absolutely amazing. Having seen Part 1 when it first came out and then Part 2 just a few minutes ago, I am still not complaining that they decided to split the season. I think it may actually have been a good idea because that division was like the calm before the actual storm and I think that brief respite was necessary. When your characters are in a constant state of peril, it can sometimes make the audience disconnect because it almost becomes monotonous, the stakes no longer matter. Here, they definitely did.
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The writing was also super tight with no fluff and this surprised me, once it got dark, it didn’t really try to lighten the mood with levity which a lot of other shows might have done. I think that also ties in with the subject matter and the gravity of just what they were showing. The brutality is ever present and for the perpetrators it was matter of routine which made it all the more horrifying. But when you view the other person as sub-human, it becomes easy to justify your actions irrespective of how heinous they may be.
Part 1’s focus was wider in terms of the number of characters we were introduced to and once Part 2 got going, that focus shrank so it only paid attention to Tae-sang, Chae-ok, her father, General Kato and Yukiko Maeda. The others were still there but they were no longer central to the plot and that was okay.
I admire Tae-sang’s drive to protect the people he cares about. His character went through perhaps most growth, starting from indifference to putting his life on the line multiple times to save Chae-ok. He didn’t have to do that considering he met her not too long ago but he does it anyway. He also doesn’t try to hold her back (as he tried in Part 1) and I liked that he keeps telling her that they both have to live, he gives her hope when there really didn’t seem to be any.
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Chae-ok was still an absolute badass. There is a problem that a lot of dramas have where they start off with a kick-ass female character but as you get closer to the climax, she gets de-powered to prop up the male lead. I was so happy that they didn’t do that here. Chae-ok is nothing if not persistent, no matter how many times she gets knocked down, she still gets back up. There is a fire within her that nothing could put out, you could try to intimidate her but it wouldn’t get you very far.
Chae-ok and her father were always going to go back to the hospital, there was no way they would leave Seishin there at the mercy of those psychopaths. It was also always clear that her father would be the one who wouldn’t make it out. I think that when he realised just what they had done to her, he lost something within him. Death would have been better than what she had been subjected to.
The primary focus in the show was always Chae-ok and her mother and the bond between them and it wasn’t random, it all paid off in the end. It was the memories of Chae-ok that reawakened Seishin’s humanity, made her more than a mindless killer. Her final gift to her daughter was the Najin so she could live. In the end, Seishin was finally free from her tormentors, in giving up the Najin, she died but she died knowing that her baby was alive.
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I had a feeling that Chae-ok would become like a hybrid form of the monster. We saw that with her mother, she was different from the other people who were infected with the Najin. She still had control of herself and if not for the anthrax, I think she would have managed to retain her humanity. Considering how Seishin reacted, it would make sense that Chae-ok would also be more in control than say Myeong-ja for instance. It’s also why Kato was so curious about her and tried to infect her.
Kato took Myeong-ja’s baby and that child is definitely a hybrid. If they have any hope of defeating it, they would a hybrid of their own. But with the time-jump, I don’t know how Maeda and Kato will figure in Season 2 since it seems to take place with a considerable time jump (in the 80s perhaps?). Unless they’ve been experimenting and have figured out a way to live longer. Especially Maeda, considering her burn injuries, I’m curious to see what form she will take in Season 2.
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There are still a lot of unanswered questions like - How does the time-jump make sense? - What is the history between Maeda and Seishin? They hinted at it in Part 2 but didn’t give any definitive answers. Did Seishin cause the death of someone close to Maeda, who was it, how did they know each other? - How is Ho-jae related to the Tae-sang? - What is the meaning of the scar on Ho-jae’s back? - What did Chae-ok do all these years? - How do her powers differ from Seishin or even Myeong-ja?
I may get into some of these questions because there are answers we can glean from the show. But I’ll make a separate post about that so that this one doesn’t become obnoxiously long.
This show was an epic ride from start to finish and while it didn’t give us the conventional happy ending some expected, the ending it did give us is excellent. It sets up the next season perfectly while still giving a good closure to season 1. I can’t wait to what season 2 brings us.
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senlinyu · 1 year
Hi, I love your writing it is amazing! I am rereading manacled for the fourth time. I was just wondering how did you learn to write?
This is going to sound so annoying, but I just read a lot. A lot of my early writing was heavily imitative of the various books and authors that I liked. I didn't do any creative writing when I was in school, but I did a lot of literary analysis, and I used to read the TV tropes website like an addict, which really helped me understand both the purpose of tropes and how to subvert them in ways that were interesting. I feel I didn't fully figure out 'my' voice until early 2020.
When I started, I usually didn't know why I liked the things I liked, or why things didn't work, it was heavily intuitive. Which was where my lovely beta came in, who spent literal years lecturing me on the technicalities of writing and explaining why things worked or didn't both on a sentence structure level, but also on a scene, chapter, story arc level. You can kind of see my writing evolve in fics like All You Want and Manacled as I started out sort of blindly using techniques imitatively without knowing why, and then my style gradually evolving as I started to understand the purpose of those things
It's a bit mortifying to reread my stuff now because as I would be figuring out how to stop doing one thing, like "overusing intrusive alternative dialogue tags" by launching myself into the ditch on the opposite side of the road and start abusing adjectives to a horrifying degree. Or develop some random writing tic like having everyone do things 'faintly' or make mouths twitch a hundred thousand times per chapter.
Ugh. writing is a journey.
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bestutfanonpoll · 10 months
The forms have closed, which means it is time...
To meet the Contestants!
(which is happening this year for reasons)
Submissions: 2
Prunsel was born 27th of February 2021 from the dream of a Tumblr user then named tammycat, who now goes by @nyanoraptor . They dreamt they were playing Undertale, but when they reached Snowdin, Papyrus was replaced by an enormous, high contrast, photorealistic eyeball that looked directly at the viewer. This eyeball was, according to the dream, named Prunsel. Whenever Prunsel spoke, the music completely cut out and instead of text, a red glow would emanate from the text box. Since then, Prunsel has developed quite the fanbase for a character that came from a dream, and some even joke that it may be the brother Sans talks about in Deltarune.
Why it should win:
"Sans needs another sibling. For no reason except that having a giant hovering eyeball around would either greatly increase or decrease the quality of his life, and I think he would be willing to take that chance."
"All seeing eye"
Everyone is Neurodivergent
Submissions: 2 (indirectly)
Returning from the first season after being eliminated by Everyone is LGBTQIA+ in Round One (much sad). Many characters in Undertale (and secondarily, Deltarune) are headcanoned as being neurodivergent. Almost every character can be read as autistic (or anything else if you look hard enough, really), Frisk and Chara's fanon dynamic mimics DID (so I've heard, I do not have DID nor am I familiar with it, it's just what I've been told), and characters such as Alphys, Sans, Toriel, Kris and Flowey show signs of mental illnesses like depression or PTSD. Not to mention I'm pretty sure a lot of the fandom is neurodivergent themselves. Overall, headcanons like this are very common. (If I got something wrong or said something weird, please tell me so I can correct it, I'm not professionally diagnosed with anything and am mostly basing this off of what I've heard secondhand.)
Why it should win:
"I think it's cool and fits their character" (in reference to a submission of Kris being autistic)
Returning from Season One after being eliminated by Fangames in Round One. Fanfiction is a pillar of every fandom and though there are, of course, the good, the bad and the ugly, fanfiction is one of my favourite things about this fandom and has even led me to some conclusions about myself (ask me for fanfiction recommendations I have some good ones!)
Returning from Season One after being eliminated by Headcanons in Round One. Cosplay is seriously underappreciated. Speaking as someone who's first ever cosplay was Undertale, that's hard work, and cosplayers turn out with some amazing stuff.
Submissions: 3 (indirectly)
Ah, the best and worst part of any fandom, the shipping. Shipping is both beautiful and a warzone, romantic or horrifying. I personally am not a big shipper (I like Alphyne and don't have strong opinions on almost anything else) and hold the opinion of like what you like, and if I don't like it I can block people. Popular ships in the fandom include Alphyne (Alphys x Undyne), Papyton (Papyrus x Mettaton), Soriel (Sans x Toriel), Sansby (Sans x Grillby), Suselle (Susie x Noelle), Krusie (Kris x Susie), Kerdly (Kris x Berdly), Kralsei (Kris x Ralsei) and Queen x Rouxls (I don't know their ship name lmao). As you can see, many of them are gay.
Why it should win:
"Lancer parent silly" (In reference to a submission of Queen and Rouxls being T4T)
"I love it Very Very much. I think that the silly gamers should have Minecrap dates together and stick it to the player" (In reference to a submission of Kerdly)
Submissions: 1
With such a lore-heavy game in Undertale and an unfinished game like Deltarune, theories are rampant in the UTDR fandom. Ranging from iconic meme theories (Steven After Not Surviving, Sans is Ness) to more recent theorising on future Deltarune developments, it truly is the lifeblood of our fandom.
Why it should win:
"I am way too tired to type a full answer but they are so interesting and even the 'bad' ones are interesting. There are so many and it's entertaining to watch people piece together these things."
Submissions: 1
Papertrail is a Deltarune AU comic made before the release of Chapter 2 by lynxgriffin. It features original lore and most likely other amazing things I don't know about (I haven't read this one either).
Why it should win:
"It's a Deltarune fan comic that was started pre chapter 2 which is surprising, the creator expanded upon the little info we had and made their own interpretation of the story, having such emotional moments and amazing art. The ending to the comic was absolutely fantastic and I love it soooo much!!! I love the designs and ideas of the dark worlds, they're all so unique! Also all the different Ralsei-like creatures are each fun in their own ways and don't end up being the exact same characters, they also align with Undertale's soul colours! Also Lancer calls each Ralsei-like creature a different flavour of toothpaste and that's very funny. (Did I mention how well they handled Kris and their being controlled arc???)"
Submissions: 1 (indirectly)
Speaking as someone who's dabbled (made a three minute PMV once) in animation, it is really hard, which makes all the amazing animations this fandom creates all the more excellent. With creators such as Lupucs, who makes stunning Deltarune 3D animation, and long-running series like Inverted Fate (featured in season one), the creations of this fandom deserve all the love.
Why it should win:
"The animations take a lot of time and work, all the models being made by Lupucs themself. The shading and textures and smooth animation is also just so stunning, there's one animation where they have a giant crystal statue of Susie and it is so well made for just a 5 second clip, it's insane." (In reference to a submission of Lupucs)
The Other Puppet
The Other Puppet is an AU in which the secret bosses are swapped with the main characters- Spamton and Kris, Jevil and Susie and Seam and Noelle all swap, while Ralsei is replaced by a being known as Dinsoda. It also is intended to have an adult show tone, according to the creator.
Deltarune: Chapter Rewritten
Submissions: 1
Yet another AU I know next to nothing about. It was created by The Winterer, and is a role-swap AU that swaps Darkeners around.
Why it should win:
"Really cool AU with great music, recently got a fangame, definitely the best Deltarune fan content" (a note that this was submitted for season one)
Undertale Red
Submissions: 1
Undertale Red is a fangame created by Taxiderby, featuring an OC of theirs called Red.
Why it should win:
"It's a genuinely nice fangame with a good OC that isn't another AU Sans. It's well tought through with good looking sprites and I believe it deserves a place in the good things of the fandom." (a note that this was submitted for season one)
Deltarune: Neglected Oversight
Neglected Oversight is a Deltarune AU created by @boredgrace23. It's basically Deltarune on Hard Mode; it follows the plot of Deltarune but everyone who steps into a Dark World, including Darkeners who live there, forget who they were and become lifeless shells. Kris and Susie are the only ones who remember and it is their jobs to save everyone by closing the fountains.
And those are our contestants! Once again, may the best UTDR fanon thing win!
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imekitty · 11 months
Questions number 3, 7, & 10 !
(Weird Questions for Writers)
I suck at being concise but I triiiiiied~
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
So I like to play "games" when I write because I like to have order or rules to help keep me focused. I have a few different games and I typically start a new game each month. For example, for this month, I have made a list of eight different fics that I want to work on, and I assigned a number (1-8) to each fic. Each night, I randomize three of the numbers to determine which fics I will work on. I have to write at least one paragraph for each fic, but it can be as short as just a few words, there's no upper or lower limit.
This is cursed because I have OCD and I feel like I can't work on a fic unless it's been randomized even if I feel inspired or have an idea I don't want to forget. I have to remind myself that these are rules I literally just made up, they don't mean anything, I can break them if I want and no one will ever know or care.
But on the plus side, I am able to keep numerous fics going at a steady pace.
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
I find a lot of pleasure in finding ways to link all the details and intricacies in my fics, like little snippets of dialogue that maybe didn't seem that important before or a particular decision a character made in an earlier chapter that opens up a door for an amazing plot point later. Weaving everything together into a fantastically coherent plot is such an amazing feeling, and it's even better when I can share it with others and they are able to actually see all the neat little details that I was able to make work together.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Yes, actually, Disparaged haunted me for a long time. It was my first angsty fic that I shared publicly, and I felt really vulnerable. I felt that Disparaged was odd, bizarre, weird. It details a teenager’s response to trauma but then it also details a woman’s desire to violate a teenage boy. It shows a boy’s struggle with addiction to painkillers and a mother’s addiction to both her son and an elusive fantasy of a man she can’t have. It is horrifying and inappropriate and has all these sexual undertones.
And I guess I felt like...it showed everything that I was and everything that was wrong with me?
And I just wondered why I couldn’t have written a normal angsty fic with all the normal tropes the fandom likes. Something universally likable, something I wouldn't keep getting comments about how uncomfortable and upsetting it was. Something that didn’t cause someone to leave a comment saying they were unable to finish the fic because it was too distressing and intense. Something that didn’t make someone ask me seriously if I’m doing okay.
But over time as I started posting more angst and especially with the popularity of the sequel Dissembled, I started to feel better about it. And now I embrace my love for dark angst.
But yes, for quite a while, I was haunted by Disparaged.
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bardofavon · 2 months
This is longer than I thought it would be...
Hi, you don't know me, because it's been my life's purpose to have no online presence, apparently. But I just read your latest chapter instead of writing an essay and, since I can't be anon in ao3 I'll annoy you here. So, EXCUSE ME??? you can't just drop a masterpiece and walk away casually. This is now one of my favorite chapters, because it’s such a scary thing to read for how “bland” the actual situation is. Like, talking with your partner before bed? Sure, that’s normal. Unless, you know, you’re Kaz and your partner happens to be the Darkling. Sometimes, this read like “old married couple” and other times, I’m flipping a coin to see if they’ll just murder each other right there.
“The Darkling really is pathetically lonely.” (Coming from the man who literally no longer has friends. But, I like that, even though the Darkling is trying his very best to wear the pants in this relationship, and both of them know that, Kaz still thinks of him as pathetic. Maybe Kaz is lying to himself, to make the Darkling less scary, maybe that’s how he really thinks. But nothing will ever be funnier to me than having some ungodly, horrifying weapon of a man being called “cute” or “pathetic” by his partner. Or, in this case, by his slightly less ungodly weapon of a man.)
“’If I said that seeing you on your knees begging for me is all that it would take for me to give you every part of me, would you do it?’ The world's most dangerous thought experiment, proposed while he unbuttons his kefta." (I SCREECHED)
(Also, love that Kaz reads a book an war, of all the books, and is like ‘eh, that seems interesting to read.’)
“It’s not a request. It’s a command, and Kaz obeys.” (I think I felt that one to the core. But, I really like how you’ve written the thought processes and character development in this story. Like, he’s not the same Kaz as before, because Ch. 1 Kaz wouldn’t like the Darkling order him around like that, Kaz would stab him with his own knife. But he’s always kind of slipping into the part that the Darkling wants him to play— even though he’s trying to justify it as “well I’ll just stab you later.” Kaz kinda dug himself into a hole, that he’s both happy with and absolutely miserable in, and that is so exactly accurate that it hurts.)
“The pillow stays between them, the Darkling still following the rules they’d set on the ship.” (At least there’s some respect. It’s interesting, though, that, for as much as the Darkling wants to own and control and endlessly love Kaz, he still gives him this small piece of control over the rules. It’s kind of sweet, but it also reminds me of those fancy extendable leashes that you put on your dog, that lets gets longer and longer the farther away the dog is, so it’s technically more free, but he’s still on a leash, and there’s still a limit to how far he can go.)
“Kaz should have died on that barge.” (Inej makes Kaz want to live, and the Darkling makes him want to die. The chapter where Kaz has that dream about kissing her, and he’s like “ok, yeah, I’ll fix myself and become a better man just for you” makes this scene with Aleksander look that much darker (pun intended I think?). With Inej, Kaz is scraping himself together into something worth give her, and with the Darkling, he’s being torn apart into something he has to be. I want these two to kiss to badly, but I also hope they never speak to each other again.
(Also, I’m sitting here happily anticipating the return of Baghra, I’ve love their dynamic ever since Kaz hit her with his cane.)
Okokok, that’s all I have to say— Just wanted to give you some feedback, because authoring is hard sometimes. Sorry if it’s too much feedback. This was an amazing read, I can’t wait for the next chapter!! I’ll disappear back into the abyss now.
first of all you NEVER EVER EVER have to apologizing for giving me “too much” feedback there is truly no such thing. i am sitting here with an open mouth devouring every word you say. it's good fucking good. there is no better feeling than being understood in the precise way you hope to be. the way you picked up everything I was laying down in the exact manner I meant for it to be picked up in has me kicking my feet and twirling my hair at my desk at work. (also we are polar opposites! you are destined to have no internet presence and I am destined to Demand To Be Known and my heart is SO full that my demand to be known outweighed your wish to be unknown in this moment in time– there is no higher compliment! no greater praise!)
I'M SO GLAD YOU THINK THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!! writing chapters where nothing happens and everything happens is something that can be so personal lol. it's one of MY favorite chapters which feels terrible to say because it's just 2,000 words of mind games and emotional abuse but i just think it goes hard as hell. this is part of what i meant when i said i was entering into my psychological horror error. it's cute! it's a bickering married couple! it's domestic! it's pillow talk! it's someone controlling every thing you do and every word you say with a gun to your head that they want you to pretend isn't there.
kaz IS both afraid of the darkling and thinks him pathetic at the same time. he built up his name to be this big thing, but really the darkling is terrifying and aleksander is just a dude. he's just a dude. the darkling is pathetically lonely (and this is the second time kaz has called him that, pour one out for the darkling) in a way that even kaz hasn't reached despite literally being alone. because kaz loves and is loved, and the darkling is not. and yes!!!! yes!!! as much as the darkling is trying, at the very end of the day Kaz will only ever see his ‘love’ for him as pathetic. the darkling is pushing every button kaz has here and a few buttons kaz didn't even know that he had, but he's also revealing just a bit too much of himself.
he says he wants kaz to call him by his real name when they're alone, which reveals to kaz just how much the darkling does want to be loved and understood for who he really is. this is something that the darkling can't take for himself. he can force kaz to pretend, but he can't force kaz to actually see, understand, or love him. he says he won't take advantage of kaz's promise to give him everything by demanding physical intimacy, but really what that's revealing to kaz is how much the darkling needs to feel wanted. he needs it to be a choice and not something he takes or it won't mean anything. he needs to be desired by this person he believes he loves. and kaz will never, ever give him that. he’s forcing kaz into this charade as punishment but it's mostly revealing to kaz all of these weird domestic wants of the darkling that he can exploit. he's slipping up and forgetting to fight, but the darkling is so determined to hear what he wants to hear from kaz that he's not hearing what kaz is actually saying. this is dangerous to the darkling as well.
GLAD YOU SCREECHED AT THAT PART BECAUSE I SCREECHED WRITING IT i put my head down on my desk and just left it there for a second before continuing with that whole scene. that wasn’t even there in draft 1 i slipped it in later.
i feel like 99% of the books in the darkling's personal bedroom library are war books. i feel like he would use that as light bedtime reading. and honestly??? kaz would too. this is why they would be perfect together if they had met in another time and another place where circumstances were different and also maybe they were both different as people. so i guess they aren't perfect together :/ but they are! you understand my pain.
YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT HIS DEVELOPMENT! you're right about everything actually, you are the most correct person to have ever lived. i hope you can bear that burden with pride. but yeah, if this chapter were in the first five chapters of the story everyone reading it would have a “he would not fucking say that” moment with like…the whole thing…but I think we got here very naturally. chapter 78 imo showcased a lot of his more positive character development in terms of his relationships with his crows, ability to be vulnerable, willingness to do the right thing at personal cost to himself, etc. and this chapter shows another aspect of his development in a completely different way. i think out of context he might appear to some people to be weaker than he was in the beginning when actually within the full context of the story i would say he's very strong here, and stronger than he was at the start in fact. his ability to so fully and completely swallow his pride and slip into this role so long-term shows a lot about what he's willing to do to protect the things he cares about. he's going to win even if he has to lose to do it. but also, yeah, at the same time this is a hole he dug himself (with lots of help!)
your metaphor about the leash is also perfect. that's the perfect way to put it because that's exactly what's happening here. i wouldn't go so far as to say it's love bombing but he is trying hard to make sure kaz still feels safe despite feeling like he's in danger. he wants to give kaz this illusion of control. he knows where kaz's lines are and he’s doing a masterful job of stepping over them in all of the right places to cause as much personal misery and discomfort without crossing a line he can't come back from or making it so that kaz can't/won't come around. he wants to build this life where kaz is punished for wrongdoing but rewarded for following instructions, and sometimes that means giving him an extendable leash so he can wander around a bit and feel less smothered. but he's still leashed at the end of the day. (one thing that darkling is not examining, though, is that kaz is not in fact a small domesticated house dog but a wolf. and a wolf can't be so easily leashed and domesticated).
and YES about the darkling making him want to live and inej making him want to die, something else that makes me go crazy considering the darkling represents his immortality and inej represents the fleeting nature of existence. humanity vs inhumanity. inej is “i can fix him” (but actually ‘i can make him want to fix himself’) and the darkling is “i can make him worse” and they're both working overtime. “i want these two to kiss so badly, but i also hope they never speak to each other again” is the perfect kazling mood. the perfect way to see them.
I'M GLAD YOU'RE EXCITED FOR BAGHRA!!!!!!! when i tell you every scene between them is so easy to write but so hard to write at the same time. they have so many things to say to each other but none of those things get them anywhere. conversations that go no where. kaz hates the darkling AND the crazy witch who raised her. and baghra…………..has opinions about kaz too, that's for sure. they both need to start whacking each other again honestly.
Anyway, Farewell!!!! Thank you so much again, it truly means a lot. I hope you have fun going back into the abyss. I hope it's warm down there. I hope they treat you well down there in the abyss. I hope they sing to you and tuck you into bed down there in the abyss.
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kidge-planet · 7 months
Pidge angst!!
We know that pidge have been through bullying and that her family was the only thing she had… But then, Sam and Matt disapeared…What if she hadn’t been strong enough?
This is an angst fic, the subjects are su**de, depre$$ion and bullying (quick mention of bullying). If one of these subjects trigger you, pass your way!!!!!!!!!!!
def open_file(private):
with open(private_txt, ‘r’) as file:
except FileNotFoundError:
print( ‘‘the file wasn’t found’��)
I don’t really know how to start… Well, if you read this, it means that im dead.
Sounds cliché and all, but it’s true, and im sorry.
I always give up at some point and I guess that I just reached my breaking point.
Times has been hard, lately. I mean, It has always been. But since dad and Matt left, nothing makes sense anymore. Their death seem so strange and I know you won’t listen to me, but I can tell that there is something that the Garrison doesnt tell us… I did everything I could to find it out but every thing I found were small pieces… The rest is missing and I did everything I could to figure it out.
All that to say, two of the only things that were keeping me alive left, you are now all that I have, mom ( and Bae’).
I tried to be strong but you know how weak I am. I can’t.
You know, im tired.
Im tired to be the weird one,
Im tired that other people take advantage of me all the time, I hate it.
Im tired to feel scared of mans,
Im tired of never standing for myself because im not brave enough.
Im tired of being scared,
Im tired to lose everyone I care about.
Im tired of my name,
Im tired of people calling me.
Im tired of myself,
tired of my body,
Im tired.
Im sick because of all that. It is to me the right reason to stop.
I swear, I tried so hard to change, I tried to be normal. But I came to the conclusion that you can’t change what you are. I will always be all that I hate, all that makes me tired, all that makes me sick.
Im probably not important to that world, less than I thought. You know, I really thought that I would do something amazing. But I guess that dad made me believe this. And he’s not here now.
I want to write every words to maybe live somehow, but meh, too lazy.
THIS is my last good bye to this freaking discusting world (That I hope will change).
I love you mom. You’ve always been there for me. All my tiny life.
Thank you for being a good person in this fucking world. Like, fuck everything and everyone, except you.
I hate it so much.
I HATE goodbyes.
But I guess it is for the best.
Im sorry.
After reading this, Hunk turnes towards Lance and Keith that were behind him, reading that same farewell letter. Initially, Both Hunk and Lance wanted to have a revange on Pidge after she pranked them…
But they simply wanted to find an ambarassing picture of her… Not that horrifying paragraph...
They swore to never tell Pidge about that and gave up on trying to prank her…
sometimes, we don’t know a lot about our friends pasts… And sometimes, it better stay unknown.
A/N: this is my very late halloween fic! When I wrote it, I felt like it was a bit cringe but whatever... I still hope that you "enjoyed" reading it, even tho it is a litteral sui**de note----- Be careful about the ones you love, help people that are living a tough moment and of course, take great care of yourself! Never be scared to ask for help! Sui**de is never the solution and that fic does not encourage it!
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mcfanely · 2 years
One for All October, the Winners!
Heya, everyone! After such an amazing influx of content for our little event, Katydid and I are extremely excited to announce the winners of One for All October! Everything was absolutely amazing and because of that, we've added in some more prizes since we struggled so much to select the winners overall, we wish we could give prizes to every last one of you!
So we've got some second place prizes, along with a boat load of honourable mentions! So without further ado -
First place in both art and writing will receive prizes from both of us: a half-body color artwork from myself and a fic of a minimum of 2,500 words from Katydid.
Second place winners will receive a sketch from me and a fic of a minimum of 1,000 words from Katydid.
Honorable mentions will receive a snippet from Katydid.
First Place Winners in Art and Writing:
@coffeeandtoastforbreakfast for this absolutely beautiful and sad piece about the end of One for All and All for One, the colours? Immaculate. Do I want to get my hands on it? Yes I do (I kid I kid, but Coffee you better get this framed I was in awe when I first saw it, it deserves to be on your wall)
And @gojifan97 for Yoichi Shigaraki: The Sociopathic Hero, a very different and fun take on Yoichi’s character and an extremely fun read that Kat and I both adored! It caught both our eyes as something unique and awesome!
Second Place Winners in Art and Writing:
@artistichermit a terrifying Evil Yoichi, the lighting is so cool and the composition, we had to give it it's own prize! 💙
@figurativepieceoftrash for Ouroboros, an absolutely haunting story and the way it was pace and just the CONTENT? Beautiful.
Art Honorable Mentions:
I have to preface this with the fact that due to being strapped for time, I am unable to give out any honourable mentions (not that I don't have any, god I literally loved everything so much, you all are amazing I can't sing your praises enough) due to work commitments and a packed schedule-
Though here comes Katydid with an unending ability to write, an undying love for snippets and a LOVELY list of Honorables for you all!
@possiblycringe for Yoichi’s hero poster and Yoichi watching All for One and Second fight!
@marchsage with the lighting and the cold colours👀 (Fane speaking; this was up there with one of my favourites)
@littlemusic-muse, because just look at them both!💙
@2000dragonarmy because Kat and I were so happy this prompt spawned adorable art
@pastel-meadow0203 with this evil baby💙 evil
Writing Honourable Mentions:
@mamashenanigans COLD by MamaShenanigans, Can't go wrong with a horrifying creature and a dark setting!
@gentrychild Family by Gentrychild the brotherliness, the VIBES, loved it so much
@missremember Radial Crack by MissRemember, when I say Kat and I were theorising~
Hello There, Mini Me by SherlockianDemigod221 The innocence of little Yoichi had me melting
@metablood Growing up in his shadow by MetaBlood What an evil big brother, an organised psychopath right there!
@ilentari Revenge of the Little Brother by Ilentari We were cackling, it's what All for One deserves, I've read this multiple times
@chaoticargeltal Brains in vat, or when All For One watched the Matrix too much by ArgelTal Oh the horror of this realisation
Viva La Vida by Space__Cryptid Royalty AU AND AFO with a wife? Such a beautiful fantasy
Randomly Picked Honorable Mention:
@acanfullofspiders To Be A Hero by acanfullofspiders, the role swap, the PLOT👀
Finally, Katydid had a lot of trouble narrowing down the honorable mention list and really wanted to offer a prize to everyone, so there is an additional participation prize: anyone who participated in One for All October but did not win a prize can send an ask for the 5 headcanons game or fic title game. This is only open to One for All October participants and you can freely bombard my own asks or Kats!
You can contact us for your prizes through our socials below. We will not do NSFW content and we reserve the right to ask for a different request. And please be patient since we have quite a few prizes to work on for this contest!
Discord: katydid#9629
Ao3: Katydid
Tumblr: @aimportantdragoncollector
Discord: mcfanely#3085
Ao3: McFaneLy
Tumblr: @mcfanely
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leggerefiore · 2 years
cw: descriptions of a panic attack, comfort fic, Ingo/Reader
written in honour of my monthly freakout
Everything felt fast and horrifying as you sat on the couch. Tears burned in your eyes as you clutched at your shirt desperately. Hiccups left your mouth as you curled up on the couch. You hated being like this. Completely out of control of your own emotions and locked within a coil of negative thought and feeling. All you could do was take it until it passed and let you be a person again. This was something you needed to face alone, so you chose to ignore the urge to call for your nearby boyfriend.
He was in the kitchen preparing dinner for you both. His kindness was always too much for you to understand and left you feeling awful for taking it. You could not burden him with this. Ingo already worked too many hours while also trying to make time for you. It was better to suffer in silence than to bother him with your feelings. You pressed yourself to the couch as you tried to get some small semblance of control over yourself. Everything just felt too heavy and fast for you to comprehend. Your jaw clenched shut as you tried to prevent your uneven breaths from coming out as they were.
It was moments that you remained in that state before a sudden warmth plucked you from your hidden mind area. Ingo pressed you against him and hummed deeply, chest vibrating pleasantly against you. His apron smelled like a delicious meal. Soft kisses were pressed to the top of your head. You clung to him desperately, entirely sobbing into him. He simply held you to him with soft words of reassurance that he was there for you. Everything about his presence was calming. It was almost possible to forget that you had ended up bothering him, despite your best attempts not to.
“I'm sorry, Ingo… I'm sorry…” you desperately said, trying to push away him. Disgust burned your stomach. He held you closer to him and shushed you. His hand stroking your hair softly.
“There is nothing to be sorry over, my love,” his voice was gentle, “Allow me to comfort you. I wish to support you to the best of my abilities.” You could not argue with him, instead letting him gently massage your tense scalp. Every phrase from his lips helped ease away your worries. His way with words never ceased to amaze you.
“Is everything alright?” he finally asked after you felt calmer, “There is no obligation to share anything you feel overly discomforted with, but I will help you through anything you face. I am your partner alongside your lover, may I remind you.” You rested your head on his shoulder and sighed.
“… Just worried about everything… I think I stressed myself out,” you explained, truly unsure of what brought those awful feelings forward now that they had passed. Ingo hummed. It was your favourite sound.
“Well… I suppose we'll have a long discussion eventually then,” he joked, “I do think a good meal would help improve your mood even more. Ah, it should be done soon. Why don't you help me?” You gave a weak smile at him as he grasped your hand and guided you to the kitchen.
It felt impossible that you managed to get a man such as him, but you were forever grateful that you did.
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 8 months
My Opinions on Every Arc V Ship
Continuing my little “every ship of x Yugioh” series for no other reason than I feel like it. This time it’s Arc V because… a combination of Duel Links events, considering new ships, and Declan’s… existence put this series in particular back on my mind. Might use a combination of dub and sub names since within Arc V especially, which name I prefer varies wildly from character to character.
(Note after the fact: I did not realise just how many ships there were on this list. This took days to make. My descriptions get lazier and lazier the further into this you read, I can actually see myself slipping into insanity. Also, due to just how many ships there were on this list, I ended up considering a crap ton of new ships while writing this so... yeah these opinions might change in the future. A lot of these, especially the Dennis and Mieru ships, are more like first takes.)
Aceshipping (Masumi x Hokuto x Yaiba)
So basically LDS throuple. I can sort of get behind this but I’ve also been headcanoning Masumi as a mean lesbian for years now. Mean bisexual works too though. Based ship.
Alterationshipping (Yugo x Shinji)
I uh. I’m not really sure how this would work. Did they even meet? I guess they did both want to overthrow the rich but… I think Yugo was more concerned about fighting Yuri and looking for Rin at that point in the story. I don’t know, it seems a bit niche and not really my thing.
Amazonesshipping (Gloria x Grace)
Hard no. They’re sisters (and maybe twins?). Moving on.
Amethystshipping (Declan x Ruri)
Okay, really cool name aside, I cannot get into this ship whatsoever. I’m a believer in Declan and the bracelet girls and Riley and Shun all being reluctant siblings. That’s not canon (not within the series at least, Duel Links does lean into this though) but it’s how I see it so it prevents me from liking any of those ships. So I’m going to exclude any upcoming Declan/bracelet girl ship to save time.
Announcershipping (Nico x Melissa)
This is so stupid and I love it. They should duel each other with absolute garbage decks while announcing over their own duel like it’s the most epic duel in the history of the world like that one episode of Beyblade did with the two Blader DJs. Because there absolutely needs to be a card game version of that. You better not think I am being sarcastic right now. I mean this. It would be amazing.
Antiheroshipping (Edo x Kaito)
Can’t believe Arc V has canon crossover ships. I’ll do my best to go off specifically the Arc V versions of these characters. Kaito I’ve seen as aromantic for a while now and this ship… well, I can’t say I care for the idea of shipping a victim and a knowing willing participant of attempted genocide. Just… on principle. I can’t remember any of their actual interactions I’ll be honest. This ship doesn’t appeal to me.
Apparitionshipping (Yuya x Shun x Yuto)
Not my thing. I don’t have a particular reason for it, it’s just… eh.
Appleshipping (Yugo x Rin)
Yugo spent just about every second of his screen time either looking for Rin, talking about her, or crying over her. Kinda hard not to ship it.
Artemisshipping (Yuri x Yuya x Serena)
Okay, this one’s hilarious. Not because of anything in canon but because of the fic I wrote where Serena and Yuri eat the most horrible food combinations, horrifying both Yuya and Yuzu but especially Yuya. So that’s their dynamic in my head: Serena and Yuri do horrible things and Yuya faints. Top tier. Love this ship.
Asraishipping (Sayaka x Serena)
I interpreted Sayaka and Allen as much younger than the main group so not my cup of tea.
Astroshipping (Hokuto x Serena)
No feelings on this ship whatsoever. I never heard of it before now and I have no opinion on Hokuto.
Astrologyshipping (Hokuto x Mieru)
I think these two would be that one couple that talks about how their sun and moon signs are perfectly aligned and shares daily zodiac horoscopes with people. So I can kinda see it.
Athenashipping (Gloria x Serena)
And I also thought the Tyler sisters were way older than they might be apparently. Still don't like the ship though.
Attendshipping (Yuya x Gongenzaka x Yuzu)
Yeah, I can see this. There’s another throuple with Yuya/Yuzu I prefer but this is cute too. Yuya and Yuzu can sit on Gongenzaka’s shoulders and hold hands and ruffle his hair.
Aurorashipping (Serena x Rin)
Duel Links took a cannonball to basically every single bracelet girl/bracelet girl ship in the Serena event which was… something. I was really only into one of those ships and it wasn’t this one but yeah that was… a thing that happened. Even ignoring that though, I wouldn’t care for this ship in particular. Very pretty ship name though.
Bambooshipping (Yuya x Isao)
Nah. All they ever did was beat each other up.
Bardshipping (Sawatari x Ruri)
These two should start a band together. Or some kind of singing songbird choir like in My Little Pony. As a ship though… I really just wonder how Shun would react to it honestly. He’s oddly patient with idiots but if the idiot is his sister’s boyfriend…
Okay this is just turning into me coming up with fanfic ideas I'm never gonna write. My point is I think this ship is funny and they might have some common ground. So… I guess I kinda like it, though I have other ships I prefer.
Beamshipping (Ray x Yuya)
I am very confused by this ship’s existence and can’t get into it.
Birdcageshipping (Crow x Serena)
Nah, he’s too old for her in my confusing view of these characters’ ages.
Bettashipping (Yuya x Sora x Yuri)
This is like the Serena/Yuya/Yuri one for me: the dynamic I picture for them is just “they do horrible things to horrify Yuya and comedy ensues.” It’s not as good as that one but I enjoy the idea.
Bittersweetshipping (Yuya x Shun x Sora)
I don’t really care for either of these characters with Shun honestly but I’ll save those thoughts for those individual ships I guess. Not into this one.
Blackbirdshipping (Crow x Shun)
I shipped this one way back when I first watched Arc V. And now… it’s still my favourite Crow ship if we’re sticking strictly with Arc V. (I prefer his 5Ds ships.) I like the rapport these two have with each other, I like their outwardly gruff but inwardly protective almost fatherly personalities, and that little fist bump thing they do gives me life. Good ship. I hope they continue to visit each other post canon.
Blinkshipping (Yugo x Yuzu x Yuya)
This one weirdly kinda works thanks to all the screentime Yuzu and Yugo got together in the synchro arc? And Yuya and Yugo are so similar I could see them being best buds if they met again under different circumstances. Heck, honestly, throw Rin into this dynamic too. I can see them all getting along.
Bluemoonshipping (Serena x Moon Shadow)
I could see these two drinking blue moons. Can’t really see them as a ship though, sorry.
Bondageshipping (Sergey x Barret)
No thanks. To every Sergey ship. They're all eliminated because I dislike all of them for the same reason: I hate him.
Bootshipping (Yuya x Allen)
Shoulda named it redheadshipping /j.
Don’t like this ship cuz I feel like Allen’s a lot younger than him, or at least comes across that way.
Braceletshipping (Yuzu x Yuto)
This ship is forever tied to that frustrating “Yuya and Yuto look exactly the same!” bullshit from season 1 so I can't get into this.
Brashshipping (Serena x Sawatari)
Serena herself said no to this ship and I agree with her. Him trying to kiss her while she’s sleeping isn’t funny, it’s creepy. I’m glad Serena punched him in the face.
Canaryshipping (Crow x Yuzu)
I have no idea why this is a thing and can’t get into it.
Candyshipping (Sora x Yuya)
Yeah, I like this ship. It’s funny to me how much upbeat Sora annoys the usually tolerant chipper Yuya with his antics back in season 1. And also Sora can horrify him with horrible awful food fusions from hell.
Candyappleshipping (Sora x Mieru)
I think Sora should try and eat Mieru’s crystal ball apple. I have no idea what this means in relation to this ship, it’s just the first thing that came to mind when I saw it. So… uh…
I kinda like how Mieru is mainly a ritual summoner while Sora is mainly a fusion summoner and those are the two summons that revolve around spell cards. That’s fun. Not my thing though.
Ceremonialshipping (Michio x Mieru)
I like how similar their names are. Cannot remember their interactions for the life of me since these are both minor characters that never stood out to me so… eh?
Chantshipping (Mieru x Yuzu)
…jesus christ this one feels vicious towards Yuya. Not my thing.
Chaperoneshipping (Gongenzaka x Sawatari)
This ship name is just roasting Sawatari and I love that. As for the ship itself, I can see it. Not a huge fan but it could work.
Chiffonshipping (Sora x Masumi)
I can’t really see this working? I feel like they’d just be kinda mean to each other…
Circustarshipping (Yuya x Hokuto)
Not my thing because I don’t really care for Hokuto in general.
Classshipping (Declan x Yugo)
I can see Yugo annoying the absolute crap out of Declan, which would be funny, but… I already see him as way too old for Yuya, canon ages be damned, so same goes for Yugo.
Clearknightshipping (Serena x Yugo)
I liked their duel and I like how much Serena punched Yugo in the face for being an idiot. So… yeah, it’s a decent ship in my eyes, as ridiculous as that sounds.
Clearwingshipping (Yugo x Zarc)
Can’t see this working what with Zarc now only existing as some weird presence inside a de-aged baby.
Clingshipping (Futoshi x Tatsuya)
I hate Futoshi. That's my opinion on all his ships so I'm ignoring the rest.
Collisionshipping (Yuto x Yugo)
These two would probably get along if they could chill out and talk things out rationally. Yugo, ya ever try not being named fusion? Kidding, kidding. Good idea of a ship.
Concealshipping (Yuri x Ruri)
If someone ever asks why Yugioh ships don’t do the combined name thing that other fandoms do, just show them this.
Anyways, don’t like the ship because they have exactly one canon interaction and it’s not good.
Concernshipping (Yuya x Riley)
Riley is too baby to ship. So no.
Connectshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Yuto x Ruri x Yugo x Rin x Yuri x Serena)
Perfection. No notes. Ray and Zarc would be proud of themselves.
Controlshipping (Roget x Yuya)
This ship is just straight up pedophilia so no thanks.
Cookshipping (Michio x Yoko)
Literally the same thing. Stop shipping adults with minors please.
Counterchargeshipping (Yuri x Kaito)
Same problem as Edo x Kaito for me except even worse because at least Edo eventually felt guilt for what he did, even if it was post murdering. Yuri is just a sadist (and four years younger than Kaito).
Counterpartshipping (Yuya x Yuto)
I honestly thought I’d ship this more than I do. It’s fine, it’s got enough moments that I understand why it’s a ship, but it never particularly grabbed me.
Covenantshipping (Declan x Moon Shadow)
This kind of gives me Spectre/Ryoken vibes. Except Moon Shadow is more mentally stable and not unhealthily obsessed with Declan the way Spectre is about Ryoken (at least the way I perceived it). So… the power imbalance is still there but I guess this is a more appealing version of that sort of dynamic for me ? I don’t know, I can sort of see this ship is my point. I’m just not very interested in Moon Shadow as a character.
Cowardshipping (Yuri x Sayaka)
No. That just feels messed up and not in a fun way.
Crescentshipping (Moon Shadow x Riley)
Riley is baby. Riley is like 9. I do not like shipping Riley with the teenagers.
Crewshipping (Sawatari x Ootamo x Yamabe x Kakimoto)
I no doubt spelled one of those names wrong because I don’t think I ever knew these names or spared those three friends of Sawatari’s more than like one of my brain cells. So this ship is completely whatever to me.
Daddyshipping (Leo x Yusho)
This is the worst ship I have ever seen in my life and also completely hilarious. I hope they’re bitter exes and stay away from all children ever because they are the worst fathers ever. They can be each other’s daddies though, that’s fine.
Dancingdivashipping (Yuzu x Asuka)
I don’t care for this ship but the name is fun.
Darkrebelshipping (Yuto x Shun)
Okay, age gap aside, I never got particularly into this one because they just seem way too similar and stoic. It’s a fine ship and I like their canon interactions but I just prefer them platonically.
Dartshipping (Sawatari x Yuya)
Okay, this is a fun one. They’re both such extra divas and some of their interactions in canon can look pretty flirty, especially out of context. I like this one.
Defectshipping (Grace x Edo)
You know, I’m actually kinda considering this ship now that it’s being presented to me. I can totally see Grace having a crush on Edo. I initially interpreted her having a crush on Yuya but honestly? I like this better. Maybe she always wanted to betray fusion but didn’t get the courage to until she saw Edo do it and that admiration of him and their shared experience later formed into romantic feelings. That’s a cute idea.
Defendshipping (Gongenzaka x Yuya)
I prefer them as friends but this is a decent ship.
Delightshipping (Ayu x Amanda)
This… kinda just feels like it exists because they look similar but okay. Not my thing.
Demonshipping (Mieru x Yuri)
I want Mieru to read Yuri's fortune or horoscope or whatever and just fucking faint from how horrifying it is. Bonus points if the fortune is something like “you will eat pineapple on pizza and like it.” I don't care for the ship but an interaction between them would be funny.
Dessertshipping (Sora x Sawatari)
Never considered this one. Well, I never considered most of these ships honestly but in the case of these two, I can’t remember any of their interactions, but I could see them being friends.
Dimensionshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Yugo x Yuri)
Again, legitimately perfect. No notes.
Divergentshipping (Declan x Shay x Yuya)
I feel like these three would sooner kill each other than date. Which like… if that’s what you’re into, all power to ya. Can’t relate but valid.
That goes for any ship I diss here or in my other posts, I’m not going after anyone when I give my opinions on these fictional ships.
Divineshipping (Stargazer Magician x Timegazer Magician)
Another legitimately perfect ship that I would die for. These two’s love for each other is so strong that they can reach across space and time and Yuya’s duel disk to summon up to five monsters all at once. True icons.
Dramaticshipping (Jack x Roget x Melissa)
Take the creepy old dude out of this and I could maybe get behind it, but as long as he’s here, the ship is a no.
Donationshipping (Yuzu x Halil)
I mean I can see him totally having a crush on her but Yuzu has more prevalent ship options that I’m more interested in. Also, this doesn’t have much to do with the ship but the first time I watched Arc V, I mistook Halil for a girl. So uh. Oops.
Dualityshipping (Kaito x Yuto)
4 years is definitely too big of an age gap for me when the characters are this young, sorry. Also aromantic Kaito.
Duskshipping (Dennis x Yuri)
I know they only interact a few times and it’s just to commit horrible crimes but I like this ship. I feel like Dennis would sweep Yuri off his feet and they would also commit arson together.
Elusionshipping (Dennis x Osiris red girl)
I have absolutely no idea who this girl is so I have no opinion on this. If it’s the girl that told Asuka about how horrible the war was and tried to escape with her though, then I prefer that ship.
Emblemshipping (Serena x Yuya)
I feel like the only chance in canon these two would’ve had to interact on any level is that time period in which Yuya was going insane over Yuzu being missing so… him getting a crush on someone who “looks exactly like her” and acts similarly to her would feel like way too much of a rebound. Could work in a post canon setting though even if on its own, it’s missing the chaos of something like Yuya/Serena/Yuri.
Enduranceshipping (Serena x Riley)
Riley is too baby to be shipped with a teenager. I can get behind a sister dynamic between these two though.
Entertainmentshipping (Yuya x Dennis)
Oh hell yeah another fun one. I stan these gay theatre kid bois and their antics and interactions. I particularly like their final duel where Yuya tells Dennis to just drop being an evil psycho and go into the entertainment industry. Fun stuff.
Epochshipping (Mieru x Gongenzaka)
Can’t believe Go Rush stole a name from an Arc V ship smh. Do something original Fo Gush. /j
In all seriousness, I can’t really see this one honestly. Nothing bad, just not a standout.
Escapeshipping (Asuka x Osiris Red Girl)
Okay this confirms what I said earlier about the Dennis version of this ship. Can't get into this either since I headcanon Asuka as aromantic but it's at least got some backing to it.
Exchangeshipping (Dennis x Halil x Olga)
Not really into the two minor characters but Dennis having a troupe made up of fellow exchange students is a cute idea.
Exhibitionshipping (Dennis x Michio)
Honestly Dennis can be shipped with just about anyone and I’d approve. He’s such an over the top flirty dumbass drama queen that the comedic/dynamic potential exists for all these ships. So this one's fine.
Facetshipping (Yaiba x Masumi)
Meh. Not my thing.
Fairyshipping (Mikiyo x Yuzu)
I have no idea who Mikiyo is and Google didn’t help so no thoughts on this one.
Fairytaleshipping (Mikiyo x Mieru)
No seriously, who is this girl? I don’t remember her even as I look at frames of her. If she’s associated with music, then the Yuzu ship makes more sense.
Fallenangelshipping (Yuto x Ruri)
These two are freaking adorable and honestly my second favourite bracelet girl/yu boy ship. I like the idea of Ruri being super forward and sweet and chipper and dragging Yuto off for adventures all while Yuto is being super shy the whole time. I love this ship dearly, it’s honestly one of my favourites and negates any desire I’d have to ship Yuto/Shun or Yuto/Yuya.
Fastenshipping (Gongenzaka x Rin)
Not really sure where this comes from. I guess they both use synchro? Not my thing.
Fatedshipping (Yuya x Mieru)
That’s a big nope from me. Yuya clearly does not like her.
Finalistshipping (Riley x Tatsuya)
Meh, not my thing.
Flightshipping (Odd Eyes x Clear Wing x Starving Venom x Dark Rebellion)
An absolutely perfect ship. May these wonderful dragons one day be reunited after their years of solitude and longing for each other.
Flouriteshipping (Yuri x Rin)
Again, like Yuri/Ruri, their only canon interaction was a kidnapping so this is not my thing. Also, it feels cruel to Yugo and not in a funny way.
Foolshipping (Sawatari x Mieru)
Okay, if Mieru giving Sawatari a tarot card reading and him getting “the fool” and him freaking out isn’t a thing then I will write it because that is the most obvious and hilarious thing to come from this dynamic. I love it. I like it better than the GX Foolshipping that came up on Tumblr when I searched it RIP.
Foresightshipping (Declan x Mieru)
I mean I wouldn’t blame Mieru for having a crush on him but I can’t see him returning that. He would have way too much power over her.
Fruishipping (Yuya x Yuzu)
Frypanshipping (Sawatari x Crow)
Crow gives off more father figure vibes to nearly everyone in the Lancers apart from Shun and Declan so this ship isn't my thing.
Fuschiashipping (Yuri x Yuzu)
These two on their own feel kind of toxic. So nah.
Funshipping (Yuya x Grace)
It’s really easy to interpret Grace having a crush on Yuya but… I am won over by the idea of her actually having a crush on Edo instead, who she has more in common with.
Gembraceletshipping (Masumi x Yuzu x Serena x Rin x Ruri)
Ignoring the way Duel Links took a cannon ball to these bracelet girl ships, this is a fun idea.
Gensisshipping (Ray x Zarc)
This one makes way too sense. Three out of four of their counterparts are romantically involved with each other and the only ones that weren’t were forcibly kept apart their whole lives. The idea that Ray and Zarc were once in love before Zarc went off the rails fits the narrative well and adds another layer of tragedy to the situation. Plus, it’s definitely something I can see Leo leaving out of his story if it was the case and his misery makes me happy. Good ship and stuff. I dig it.
Ghostshipping (Declan x Yuri)
Nah. The only time I remember these two interacting was when Yuri threw Declan at a wall when Declan was trying to protect Yusho. Declan deserves better than that. I would treat Declan better than that. I couldn’t even throw him at a wall to begin with, that dude is buff enough to hold his father over a cliff with just his elbow and pull him back to safety. I’m not messin’ with that block of concealed muscle. I might date him though.
…wait what I was talking about again?
Glowshipping (Yuzu x Yuya x Yuto x Yugo x Yuri)
This sounds horribly inconvenient. Tfw you wanna hang out with your four boyfriends but your bracelet says no and TPs them back to spawn the moment they enter the chunk.
Gourmetshipping (Sawatari x Michio)
Yeah sure. Sawatari’s another character I can see with just about anyone his age and he’d definitely stuff his face with whatever Michio cooks.
Greekshipping (Dennis x Serena)
Throw Yuri into this ship and it’s perfection. On its own though, I can still get behind it cuz Serena can kick his ass when he’s annoying. And also Dennis collects counterparts.
Guardianshipping (Crow x Shinji)
I mean these two are roommates with three kids so this one feels low-key implied. I like Blackbirdshipping better but there’s no reason I can’t ship both.
Guiltshipping (Ruri x Sayaka)
I always interpreted Sayaka as younger than Ruri and prefer these two as friends so it’s a nah from me.
Gumshipping (Yuya x Allen x Sora)
Again, interpreted Allen much younger than them so not my thing.
Harpyshipping (Ruri x Grace)
Going through all these ships is making me realise that I just don’t like shipping any fusion dimension characters with any xyz dimension characters, with only a couple exceptions. So this isn't my thing at all.
Headmastershipping (Shuzuo x Himika)
I think that both of Declan and Riley’s parents should burn in hell and don’t want their mom involved with one of the only good Yugioh dads.
Honeybeeshipping (Shinji x Melissa)
Not my thing.
Horagaishipping (Yuzu x Gongenzaka)
This is the kind of ship where I’d like the fanart and maybe read a fanfic about it if the description amused me but I wouldn’t actively ship it. So it’s alright, just not my thing.
Hospitalityshipping (Michio x Olga x Halil)
All of these are minor characters that I barely give two of my brain cells to so I don’t care about this ship.
Hostageshipping (Declan x Shay)
Even before I saw these two as reluctant brothers, I couldn’t really get into this as a ship. Couldn’t tell ya why it just never worked for me.
Hummingbirdshipping (Shun x Sayaka)
Nope. He’s way too old for her. Do not like.
Icebergshipping (Gongenzaka x Olga)
I have thought about these minor ass Maiami championship characters more while writing this than I ever have over the course of the almost two years I’ve had Arc V in my life. I really have no opinions on them or their ships.
Icesnowshipping (Dennis x Olga)
Okay this one I can actually see a dynamic for. It reminds me of Heath and Abbey from Monster High: dumb boy who flirts with everyone x ice girl who can kick his ass.
Imperialcandyshipping (Yuri x Sora)
I love this ship name more than the actual ship. The ship is fine, not much to say though it doesn’t really stick out to me, but the name is amazing.
Institueshipping (Himika x Leo)
I mean these two were kind of intended to be an abusive couple that parted ways. Really hope they stay separated too because while I hate both of them, Leo was undeniably worse, at least in the context of their relationship. He treated Himika and their son terribly before just up and leaving. Good riddance, jackass.
Interveneshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Yugo)
This loses a lot of chaotic lustre without Yuri in there but I want these three boys to be friends so yeah. I can ship it. Probably not a combination I’d specifically go for though.
Jailbreakshipping (Yuya x Crow)
0/10 ship because the name reminds me of the Emoji Movie /j
This ship is a no for me. Crow seems more like a dad to most of the group so I can’t really get behind this one.
Janusshipping (Dennis x Ruri)
Eeeeeeeh. Dennis was an accomplice in the war but a young and unwilling one. Still, he did assist specifically in kidnapping and tricking Ruri. But… a part of me still kinda likes this ship? Ruri does seem like the type to forgive him if he apologised, at least the way I write her character. I kinda like the idea of Dennis apologising to her post canon and Ruri forgiving him and befriending him, which stuns him and makes him slowly fall for her. Yeah… I can kinda enjoy this honestly. It’s a total guilty pleasure but still a pleasure.
Joikshipping (Yuzu x Olga)
Yes. Yuzu duels all the female duelists for no suspicious reason whatsoever :)
Jokershipping (Yuya x Sora x Sawatari)
I love it. Gay theatre kid throuple that would call themselves a troupe and be overdramatic every single second. They aren’t as closely knit as my Arc V OT3 but I do enjoy it.
Jubilantshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Sora)
My Arc V OT3 and possibly my favourite of all these ships (it’s very close between this and Fruit). Sora is an extra drop of sweetness and rambunctiousness in my beloved Fruitship and I’ve always loved his friendships with both of them so making it a throuple feels so right to me with how tied together their character arcs were. It’s a shame they didn’t get more screen time as a trio.
Keepshipping (Asuka x Grace)
Not my thing, I see Asuka as aromantic and Grace has a better ship with a fusion defector.
Knaveshipping (Sawatari x Yugo)
This is just himbo x himbo and I love it. They share one brain cell and are constantly fighting over custody of it.
Knightshipping (Sawatari x Yuto)
Eeeeeh could work but not as well as Yugo/Sawatari for me.
Knightmoonshipping (Yuto x Serena)
Can’t really see this one working.
Lancershipping (Declan x Yuya x Dennis x Shun x Riley x Gongenzaka x Sawatari x Serena x Moon Shadow)
Well that’s a crap ton of ships that vary wildly in quality, some of which have terrible age gaps with some incest snuck in for good measure. Yeah, sorry, not all chaotic polycules are gonna be my cup of tea. If it were just Yuya, Dennis, Gongenzaka, Sawatari, and Serena then maybe but as it stands now, this ship is a hard nope.
Lightshipping (Edo x Yugo)
I feel like there would be too much of a power imbalance between these two so no thanks.
Lightsabershipping (Yaiba x Hokuto)
This ship gets a thumbs up from me for the Star Wars reference in its name alone. I hope they stay up until 3am every night having long winded discussions about Clone Wars.
Lilyshipping (Yuri x Gloria)
This sounds incredibly toxic. Or should I say venomous. Not my thing but I can see where it came from.
Lithomancyshipping (Mieru x Masumi)
Accidentally read this as “lithromancy.” Like “lithromantic.” Which made me picture Masumi having a crush on Mieru but then going “NOPE!” when Mieru returns those feelings. Anyways, this ship aesthetically slaps and this ship is probably my favourite of all the ones presented for these two so I’m down for it.
Lunomancyshipping (Serena x Mieru)
Also kind of a banger honestly. I can see these two being witches together.
Lustershipping (Masumi x Yuzu)
Masumi blushing at Yuzu and subsequently giving her a rose card is pretty easy to interpret as her having a crush on Yuzu so I’ve always kinda liked this ship. Wish they’d gotten to interact more.
Lyrashipping (Hokuto x Yuzu)
Can’t really see this one sorry.
Lyrebirdshipping (Shun x Dennis x Ruri)
As a throuple, no. Ruri and Shun are siblings. As a vee where it’s just Dennis dating them though… I mean Shun being protective of his sister when she starts Dennis and Dennis getting Shun off his back by seducing him would be pretty funny.
Macaronshipping (Michio x Sora)
Coffee shop AU where Michio has to make the most cavity-inducing coffee and make the pile of macarons Sora orders while Sora flirts with him when?
Maestroshipping (Hokuto x Yaiba x Masumi x Yuzu)
Can’t really see Yuzu adding much to this ship, even if I do like her and Masumi.
Mamashipping (Yoko x Himika)
Oh goodie. A ship of two of the worst mothers in Yugioh history! No thanks!
Manipulateshipping (Leo x Roget)
I mean… I can see this ship but it doesn’t appeal to me since I hate them both.
Mazarineshipping (Yugo x Ruri)
Yugo with the only bracelet girl who hasn’t beat the crap out of him in some way? Who’s also coincidentally the only bracelet girl he hasn’t met? Yeah I don’t know how I feel about that. They do both use wind attribute though so maybe they can bond over that.
Mochishipping (Sora x Serena)
Despite these two having similar backgrounds and narratives, I can’t remember them ever interacting. I feel like they’d have a lot to talk about together post series though so I can get behind it platonically. Don’t know about romantically though.
Mockingbirdshipping (Dennis x Shun)
This one’s funny in the context of Dennis also dating Shun’s sister, like I said earlier. Plus I tend to prefer ships with opposing personalities so flamboyant Dennis with serious Shun is a pretty good matchup in my eyes.
Moonbeamshipping (Masumi x Yuzu x Serena)
This sounds just a little chaotic especially with Arc V’s stupid “omg the counterparts look exactly the same!” plotpoint. Not sure if that would make this ship really funny or really frustrating so I’m torn. I’d take any one of these pairs individually so leaning towards go for i
Moonblossomshipping (Ruri x Serena)
Serena’s Duel Links event took such a cannonball to every ship like this which sucks because I actually did have a soft spot for this ship. Goddamn stupid game that I love yet sometimes selectively ignore when it suits me. Whatever, I still kinda like this ship. Bite me.
Moonfragranceshipping (Serena x Asuka)
I like this as an unrequited crush on Serena’s end. Can’t see it being requited though.
Moonstoneshipping (Masumi x Serena)
As long as the relationship isn’t built on Masumi mistaking Serena for Yuzu or some stupid shit, I can get behind this one.
MusicBoxshipping (Yuzu x Sora)
God the picture the masterlist used for this is so cute. I love these two. I love Sora teaching her fusion and I love their tag duel and aghhh it’s so good. I hope they geek out over broadway musicals together in their spare time.
Mysteryshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Yuto)
Please no. I hated the plotpoint of her mixing them up so much.
Mysticshipping (Mieru x Dennis)
Okay, okay THESE TWO would go on and on about their zodiac signs being a great match for each other. Or they’re a Pisces and a Leo or something and they try to argue that “actually we’re the exception!” until they break up and go “oh gosh it was in the stars all along that we were not meant for each other! And yet we pine for each other regardless! We are the Romeo and Juliet of Zodiac Signs!”
Basically I ship it because these two are both drama queens.
Natureshipping (Yuzu x Serena x Rin x Ruri)
Shoutout, again, to Duel Links for taking a cannonball to these ships. Still gonna ship it regardless because it's funny.
Newmoonshipping (Sawatari x Moon Shadow)
Nah. Not my thing.
Ninjashipping (Moon Shadow x Sun Shadow)
Can’t remember if these two are brothers or something, I remember so little about Sun Shadow’s existence. If they are brothers, then this ship is a hard no. If they’re not, it’s just kinda whatever to me.
Nisshokushipping (Sora x Sun Shadow)
Can’t really see the appeal of this one either since I can barely remember Sun Shadow’s existence.
Observeshipping (Roget x Melissa)
No thank you
Obsidianshipping (Shun x Masumi)
Can’t really see this one and her being brainwashed into thinking she knew him for a while… while not Shun’s fault, still makes me not like this ship.
Oceanshipping (Ruri x Kaito)
Too big of an age gap so no thanks. Also, aromantic Kaito.
Oddeyeshipping (Yuya x Zarc)
No. Zarc by the end of the series is stuck as some weird de-aged baby so this is a big nope for me.
Ominouswindshipping (Rin x Yuto)
Pretty neutral on this one. It exists.
Ornithomancyshipping (Mieru x Shun)
Nah Shun’s gay in my headcanon.
Owlshipping (Shun x Dennis x Gongenzaka)
Ya know doing this I’ve realised I don’t have any Gongenzaka ship I feel strongly about. All of them so far I’ve either not shipped or thought they were “fine enough, I guess.” Which is pretty much how I feel about him in general. So yeah this throuple’s not really my thing.
Parfaitshipping (Olga x Michio)
The sheer amount of ships on this list is starting to make me go insane. I don’t have a strong enough opinion on either of these characters to care about their ship. The fanart is cute though.
Paradiseshipping (Shun x Yuri)
No. This dude’s a sadist who hunted Shun's people for fun. The only reason I’d want Shun to interact with Yuri is for Shun to get revenge on him. You can use that dynamic for a ship. I've enjoyed such a dynamic before (AiRyo), but it doesn’t appeal to me with this ship.
Parrotshipping (Shun x Sawatari)
Okay, I can kinda get behind this one. I like their interactions in Duel Links and it’s a fun idea.
Pawnshipping (Yugo x Yuri)
This one’s also just funny to me thanks to Yuri’s weird ass dialogue in the sub. I don’t actively ship it as I used to but I stillenjoy it.
Pendulumshipping (Declan x Yuya)
Nope from me. Declan’s got too much power over him for this to be a balanced relationship.
Poisonedappleshipping (Yuri x Yugo x Rin)
Fun ship name but not the ship isn't my thing.
Pollinateshipping (Shinji x Yuzu)
…I don’t think I’ve hated a ship name more. I just… don’t like what it implies. And I don’t like the ship either.
Ponzushipping (Yuzu x Michio)
Did these two even meet? I cannot remember anything that Michio did outside of his weird duel with Yuya so I can’t get into this one.
Praiseshipping (Tatsuya x Ayu)
Yeah sure, why not?
Prayshipping (Yuya x Yuzu x Serena x Ruri x Rin)
Man Arc V has a ton of polyships. I respect that even if I don’t care for all of them, like this one.
Predatorshipping (Yuri x Serena)
I ship this, but it’s entirely a fanon thing and interpretations of them can differ wildly. I like mine the best personally. I want them to have a healthy relationship and I also want them to horrify everyone around them. Basically I want them to be Morticia and Gomez.
Preyshipping (Shun x Sora)
No no no no, this is so much wrong with other ships I bashed. I can’t get into this at all. I know Sora didn’t mean any of that shit he spouted but aaaaah no.
Primaryshipping (Riley x Ayu)
Perfectly fine ship. No strong opinion on it.
Princeshipping (Sawatari x Yuri)
Eeeeeeh. Could be funny but this just kinda feels Dennis/Yuri minus the history of fighting together so not as appealing.
Prodigyshipping (Declan x Serena)
The ship Serena’s event sank that I care the least about. Never cared for this ship, even prior to viewing them as siblings.
Protectorshipping (Crow x Gongenzaka)
Not my thing. I’m running out of unique ways to say that. Crow is lancer dad.
Pupilshipping (Masumi x Marco)
No. That’s an adult and child, no thanks.
Pursueshipping (Sora x Yuto)
I have exactly the same opinion on this ship that I do for Shun/Sora. In fact:
No no no no, this is so much wrong with other ships I bashed. I can’t get into this at all. I know Sora didn’t mean any of that shit he spouted but aaaaah no.
Radianceshipping (Kaito x Yugo)
Not my thing. I headcanon Kaito as aro.
Ravenshipping (Shun x Kaito)
This ship always just feels like “cause of death: edgelords” whenever I see it. It’s kind of entertaining but I’m not really into it.
Rebelfamilyshipping (Shun x Yuto x Ruri)
As a throuple, no. Don’t ship the siblings. bad.
As a vee where it’s just Yuto dating them, yeah I can get behind it. I love Yuto/Ruri and am kinda just neutral to Shun/Yuto so it turns into a feeling of casual enjoyment. Bi Yuto is a plus after all.
Recipeshipping (Yuya x Michio)
I really don’t want this ship because I don’t want Yuya’s mom anywhere near Michio and that would probably happen if Yuya was dating him. Plus their duel sucked sorry not sorry.
Reclaimshipping (Shun x Ruri)
Those are straight up siblings. Bad.
Reconshipping (Sora x Dennis x Yuri)
I like Yuri/Dennis but I don’t know about Sora with either of them. Sora’s got better ships.
Redlightshipping (Declan x Sawatari)
Sawatari is one of his students. I don’t care that they’re “only two years apart” it's still fucking creepy and I hate it.
Redmoonshipping (Serena x Sun Shadow)
I do not care for this. I do not care about Sun Shadow and he's also too old for her.
Refractionshipping (Masumi x Ray)
They never met and probably can never meet so can’t really get into this.
Researchshipping (Sora x Declan)
Again, power imbalance, like a lot of these Declan ships.
Resoluteshipping (Declan x Shun x Yuto)
Don’t like either of them with Declan due to… well, everything that transpired between them.
Resonanceshipping (Odd Eyes x Dark Rebellion)
Just like the quad of dragons, this ship is perfect. May these tragic lovers separated by fate one day be reunited.
Ribbonshipping (Mieru x Eita)
Don’t remember who Eita is and don’t feel like looking it up so I don’t care.
Robustshipping (Asuka x Kaito)
Okay so… I’m torn. I had been headcanoning them both as aromantic for a while before learning about this ship. Asuka especially came across as a closeted ace/aro in GX and with her GX counterpart, I definitely still agree with that. But she is different in Arc V, not that different upbringing would cause someone to be aromantic, that’s bullshit, obviously, but her personality and narrative were changed too. Honestly, I… I admittedly just kinda like my friend’s writing of them from what I’ve seen. I haven’t seen much but I like the dynamic she’s described. And also this one part I won’t spoil but man did it fit Kaito really well. And also Asuka did rebel against Fusion pretty quickly when she found out the truth so the whole fusion/xyz weirdness thing I have doesn’t apply here.
Uuuugh I’m really torn on this one, I can’t really give a concrete opinion on it but not in the same way as some of the other ships I’ve talked about here. So many of those I just had no thoughts on but this one is the opposite: I have so many thoughts on it that I can’t decide how I feel overall. So for now, this ship is a resounding “I DON’T KNOW.”
Rollerskateshipping (Sora x Allen)
Allen’s too young for him. I’m passing on this ship.
Rottenshipping (Yuri x Yuya)
Yeah this one’s kinda fun, especially alongside ships like Fruitship and Predatorship. Or, hell, even Duskship. I enjoy it but pretty casually compared to some others.
Rulershipping (Jack x Declan)
I can’t really see this one working out. They’d just butt heads a lot.
Sapphireshipping (Masumi x Ruri)
Really pretty ship name for a pairing I have never once considered. Ruri can be the sweet to Masumi’s sour I guess. It could work.
Samuraishipping (Gongenzaka x Yaiba)
Probably my favourite of the Gongenzaka ships I’ve been shown so far? Yaiba was the one to teach him synchro summon after all. They could be synchro nerds together. Maybe Yaiba could learn from Gongenzaka too, I dunno. Good freaking ship I guess.
Sanctuaryshipping (Allen x Sayaka)
Kind of generic but I don’t mind it. I can see it easily.
Seafoodshipping (Michio x Teppei)
These characters are both too minor for me to have an opinion on this.
Seanceshipping (Jack x Yuya)
Jack is way too old for Yuya. Because he’s from the show where you actually needed to be 18 to be able to ride these motorcycles while Yuya isn’t.
Seasonshipping (Olga x Halil)
More Heath/Abbey vibes I guess. I liked the other one that had that vibe better. What was it, Dennis/Olga? I’ve been doing this for too long. I've probably shipped Dennis with like 8 characters by now. This ship is fine though. I can see it.
Serenadeshipping (Yuzu x Serena)
Okay, last time I’ll bitch about this, I swear: this ship got cannon balled so hard in Serena’s event. I honestly cringed at some of that dialogue. But… I’m not mad about it. I like that they see each other with such closeness, even if it’s not shipping closeness. That said though…
I still ship it outside of the context of Duel Links. It’s kind of a situational ship for me: I’d ship it in some contexts but not others.
Sideshowshipping (Dennis x Gongenzaka)
I mean. I like the episode that this ship's name originated from where they perform in the streets together. Decent ship.
Singleshipping (Shuzou x Yoko)
Let’s not make Yuya and Yuzu step siblings please.
Smileshipping (Yusho x Yoko)
Throwback to when I said these two were a better pairing than any of the implied ships in DM. I still stand by that.
Smilemaskshipping (Dennis x Trapeze Magician)
Listen, if Dennis wants to simp for his ace card, I ain’t here to judge. I’m borderline a simp for my own ace card. You do you, Dennis. Screw the haters.
Smokescreenshipping (Moon Shadow x Yuzu)
No, they seem way too far apart in age.
Sovereignshipping (Declan x Zarc)
Okay, I’m gonna humour this one for a second. Obviously, it doesn’t work in canon due to Zarc being gone, then split into four teenagers who are too young for Declan, then being de-aged into a baby. But imagine some kind of AU where there are no split dimensions. Leo just has two kids: Ray and Declan and both of them fall in love with and date Zarc. He would throw a fucking fit and it would be hilarious. So if that AU exists, I ship this.
Sparrowshipping (Yuya x Shun)
Not my thing, I prefer so many other ships with these two.
Spectershipping (Yuto x Yuri)
Hehe. Spectre. Vrains loving brain go brrrr.
Can’t say the same for the ship though since it’s an xyz victim and a sadistic fusion attacker.
SpeedDemonshipping/Ridingshipping (Yugo x Jack)
This ship sounds like “death by himbo.” They’re too far apart in age to be a romantic pair but I’d love them platonically.
Sproutshipping (Rin x Yuya)
Another one my friend swayed me on. I really like the idea of a Yugo/Rin/Yuya/Yuzu OT4 she proposed a while back.
Stalwartshipping (Shun x Gongenzaka)
I don’t really see the appeal.
Stargemshipping (Hokuto x Masumi)
It’s okay. The trio are together a lot so I can see any of those ships. I don’t really have a preference toward any of them though.
Steadfastshipping (Sayaka x Gongenzaka)
Nope. Too big of an age gap.
Stealthshipping (Sora x Moon Shadow)
Not drawn to this one at all.
Structureshipping (Leo x Yoko)
Eughh. This one wouldn’t even be funny problematic. It would probably just be abusive.
Strychnoshipping (Gloria x Grace x Yuri)
I do not care about any ship involving the Tyler sisters (with the exception of Edo/Grace), especially not ones that involves incest. No thank you.
Swayshipping (Edo x Yuya)
I can’t stand how fast and forced Edo’s turnaround was. And how dumb his story arc was in general. He’s one of the most interesting characters from GX and in Arc V he’s just… kind of stupid. And Yuya is forever tied to this crappy character arc of his in my mind so I can’t stand this ship.
Swiftshipping (Ruri x Rin)
The sweetest bracelet girl with the sassiest bracelet girl? Yeah I can get behind that. Also purple and green look good together.
Syncshipping (Yugo x Yuya)
I’ve said a few times that I can see these two being besties if they met under different circumstances and I can see that being a ship as well. It’s a fun one, even if they are a little too similar.
Teddybearshipping (Sora x Riley)
No thank you, Riley’s too young for Sora.
Tideshipping (Rin x Serena x Yugo)
I’m not sure how Rin would feel about this. Otherwise, no opinion.
Tigerlilyshipping (Grace x Yuzu)
I have no idea where this comes from. Both of them liking Yuya? Either way, don’t really like the ship.
Tornsmileshipping (Edo x Yusho)
Again, this just ends up being tied to how much I hate Edo’s portrayal in Arc V.
Towershipping (Yuzu x Sawatari)
Not particularly into this one like I am with either of them with Yuya honestly.
Toyboxshipping (Yugo x Sora)
Well, I’d certainly take this over Sora/Yuto and honestly probably Sora/Yuri too. Could be cute honestly. Maybe Yugo could teach him how to turbo duel or something.
Trapezeshipping (Dennis x Yuzu)
I kind of ship this but it feels kind of memey since they only interact once in the entire series. I guess I like it, just not as much as some others.
Trickboxshipping (Dennis x Sora)
Man, Dennis has a lot of ships. This one’s alright but kinda on the lower end of his ships.
Triggershipping (Yugo x Yuzu)
I find it so weird how well this ship works for me. I honestly really like their interactions in the Synchro arc. The counterpart mix up thing doesn’t last long and they just seem really genuine. I like them platonically and romantically.
Trophyshipping (Declan and Riley)
I hate that this is a ship so much. I despise it. They are SIBLINGS. *cries*
Truthshipping (Dennis x Masumi)
So… liar x bluntly honest basically? Yeah, that’s an okay dynamic but there are so many other ships for them already and I’m having enough ship confusion with them and Mieru as it is.
Tuneshipping (Yuzu x Rin)
These two are a little too similar but I still can get behind it.
Turmoilshipping (Yuya x Yuto x Sawatari)
Can’t believe these three engulfed the Galactic Republic smh.
Anyways, not very into this one, sorry. It just sounds kinda messy.
Unicornshipping appears to be a manga ship. I haven’t read the manga so I can’t give any sort of opinion on them.
Upholdshipping (Crow x Yoko)
No. Crow’s too good for her.
Upstreamshipping (Ayu x Mieru)
I think Mieru is supposed to be closer to Yuya’s peers’ age, as she’s in his duelling class, and I’ve been talking about her as though she is around their age. So through that lens, she’s too old for Ayu.
Vassalshipping (Moon Shadow x Ruri)
No. I have no reason. Just no.
Waltzshipping (Mad Chimera x Bloom Prima)
Beautiful. Deep. Profound. Touching. Moving. Their love breaks down barriers and transcends dimensions.
Also Yuzu and Sora shipping their monsters is funny.
Whistleshipping (Yuzu x Ruri)
Yeah, this is kind of a cute idea. I can see these two feeding birds together or singing a duet or something.
Wingshipping (Yuya x Ruri)
The two with the most chill introduction out of all the counterparts. Ya know, comparatively. It’s okay, I could see them being chill.
Wintertigershipping (Grace x Rin)
No thoughts on this one, I can’t really see the connection. These just kinda seem like two random characters to me.
Holy shit I’m finally done. Arc V had way more ships than I expected. I don’t know why I forgot it had so many characters. Since I covered just so many ships this time and will probably be covering even more if I do this for the other series, I’m gonna list my top 5 favourites of this set! Maybe I’ll go back and do the same for VRAINS and 5Ds too at some point but for now:
My top 5 Arc V ships
#5 Artemisshipping (Or basically Predatorshipping + a horrified Yuya)
#4 Appleshipping
#3 Blackbirdshipping
#2 Fallenangelshipping
#1 Fruitshipping and Jubilantshipping. I don’t really care to pick. The Yuya/Yuzu ship is the best part for me but Sora does improve the dynamic.
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malaurymalfunctional · 3 months
1, 6, 12, 39
get asked things, dork (affectionate
welp, get your reading glasses out everyone
1: 3 things that shaped me into who i am
-1: luck. from the classic things like being born in a wealthy western country, being white (not inherently lucky but made me privileged/safer), having a relatively nice familly with no financial struggle, etc, to smaller stuff. like, it's a miracle i was never bullied in school. if it wasn't for that one person, maybe i would've died. i had free access to the internet since i was like 9, and somehow never stumbled on stuff that was inapropriate for my age
i consider myself quite lucky, despite all the hardships
-2: being trans. sorry to the people who think it's cringe when we make it our whole personnality, but it is litteraly so important. so central. i cannot fathom what i would be like if i weren't trans. that's just not the same person
-3: having weird ass parents. by that i mean that they're almost not like parents, more like... people i lived with that cared for me? i of course mean that in the sense that i don't have any special emotional attachment to them and all, but also that it doesn't feel like they raised me because they transmitted so little to me. my way of seeing the world, my hobbies, my fears, my political opinions, my general knowledge, my understanding of myself and others, my skills, i got them from, well, not them. the internet school, my friends, but not my parents. truly, i don't really know these people
6: best and worst part of being online
i've been here most of my life, so all the bad is just part of it. yes, that's where all the haters are. sure, all of the horrible things in existence can be found here. but that's also where my friends are. that's where community is. that's my only way of accessing at least 50% of what makes me happy. it has taught me so much about the world and myself, has held so many fulfilling experiences for me
if i had to choose 1 worst, i'd say transmisoginy i guess? i dunno, girl, i'm not even popular enough to get hate mail
12: a piece of advice i'd like to give
like i said in a previous post of mine i'm just 18. i'm like a baby. i feel like the least qualified person on earth to be giving advice. but i'll say one thing: advices are kinda bullshit. in essence they're opinions you think will be helpfull to someone else. but in my experience, they rarely are, especially when talking about life choices, mental health and the such. i watched hundreds of hours of self help videos, listened to people, went to therapy, and i felt like a fucking moron. i knew all the things, i had the advice, but it wasn't working. in the end, what helped me crawl out of the pit is time, love, and a bunch of stuff i'll never know about. find what works for you and ditch what doesn't; it's not because a piece of advice is true that it is helpful. searching for your solution will probably work better than just trying to apply the solutions others found
39: a youtuber i'm obssessed with
hard and specific
brennan lee mulligan? absolutely obssessed. a youtuber? not really
thegreatreview (he's french)? amazing youtuber. so fucking talented. obssessed? not really
dougdoug? obssessed by his entire cinematic universe for a while now. a youtuber? maybe 50%? it's all twitch streams highlights
john and hank green? ok i'll stop there
let's settle for brian david gilbert then, the man so nice they named him thrice. please buy his bed.
most well known for his Unravelled series on Polygon's channel, like the one about the sonic bible or the one about the smash bros osha violations, his personnal stuff is simply perfect, sometimes whimsical, like "i wish that i could wear hats" or "Pumpkin Cowboy", sometimes horrifying, like the one about the american healthcare system or "Teaching Jake about the Camcorder, Jan '97", often a mix of both, like "we like watching birds" or "earn $20K EACH MONTH by being your own boss". his comedic genius is at its best when it is also at its weirdest. he's also the guy who made the sibling dance song, i guess
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among-paper-worlds · 11 months
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Chapter two
I expected the room to look like the inside of a basement, but I was wrong. The room looks like a normal kitchen with a table with three tulips on it. They are tiled and there is a kettle with boiling water on the stove. A man is standing by the kettle. He's about 50, definitely albino. He is wearing casual clothes, a grey T-shirt, and black sweatpants. He sways gently to the rhythm of the music playing in the background from the radio, and on his face, you can see the timid rays of the sun.
I'm worried he hasn't noticed me yet, but I don't know if I should do anything to make my presence known. It wasn't specified in the instructions. I'm standing here like a prisoner, listening to Elvis Presley's "My Way." Despite the calming melody, there's an eerie sense of quiet that's unsettling, like the stillness after a lightning strike. My heart is pounding in my chest, and my breathing feels like a scream. Suddenly, a cold, controlled voice interrupts my thoughts with just one word.
-Sit down
I am so horrified and fascinated that I dare not deny or return the answer. I sit at the table, staring at the tablecloth with sunflowers. As the melody from the radio slowly fills me, I notice something strange next to the chest of drawers. These are the bars. Behind the bars, however, are rabbits, all white, as well as albino's skin. Their eyes are blood red. I'm about to ask why this man needs rabbits in the kitchen, I turn my head as the man sits down next to me so quietly that a loud sigh of surprise escapes my throat. He just stirs his tea in a flower cup and smiles softly.
His Eyes. As red as rabbits
I wake up terrified. Inhale, Exhale. I knew going to see the whole stupid horror movie was as dumb an idea as having to get up at 5 am tomorrow for lectures to make it on time. I look at my watch. It's exactly 02:00 at night. I roll over onto my other side, curling up like a tortilla in the duvet. Could I sleep for once without having some bad dreams? Just one, do I require so much?
I stare at the window. I live on the 17th floor, so I can see the whole city below me. The streetlights flicker lazily, and the road is quite busy for this late hour. I switch on the lamp by the bedside table, sit down, and take a sip of water from the glass.
Where did rabbits come from in my dream? I don't even like rabbits. Maybe I should tell my therapist about this, I'm sure he'll be able to help.
I get up because I know that I'll not fall asleep until the alarm clock. I leave the bedroom and walk around the apartment. There is a pretty good view of the road from the living room window. The whole room is illuminated by lamps from the street, as well as from the bedroom, but there is also semi-darkness. I go to the fridge, blinded by a strong, bright light. I grab a carton of milk and sit on the floor, leaning against the wall. I turn on my headphones and stare blankly into space, I listen to "If it's real, then I will stay" from Bonjr.
At one point, I notice a picture hanging on the wall. It's me and my brother. I haven't seen him for so long. It's been five years? Alex was in his third year of art studies, he was doing great. His works became more and more perfect, more and more profound, and more and more his. I loved his work, not just because I'm his brother, it was just amazing. Several of his paintings still hang here in my mini living room, where we both used to spend so much time. I feel one lonely tear, but I let it run down my cheek, chin, and neck. The rush of thoughts makes me sleepy again. I go to the couch, cover myself with a blanket and slowly fall asleep.
words - 691
(the picture at the top isn't mine)
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