#and I commited to reading it in ukrainian
forestanomaly · 1 month
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Posting nice stuff I drawn this year untill I caught up with today, day five
Parallels between Hollyleaf and Feathertail live rent-free in my head. Both of them are tied to Crowfeather, both were or supposed to be a part of the prophecies that had gone wrong for them in some way. Both are half-clan kits. Both died sacrificing themselves to protect others.
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qqueenofhades · 8 months
Hwy dod we even need to send more money to Ukraine tho like we’ve already supported them plenty! But let Europe pull their weight and we can go back to spending that money on American policies
Do you read like, any news outside Tumblr, any Ukrainian perspectives, any basic analyses of the conflict, any rationale from Democrats or Congress, or anything? Because, in brief:
Ukrainians are currently facing a full-scale genocide. It has been going on for over a year and Russian military leadership has every plan to continue until fruition. If they stop resisting, there will be no more Ukraine or Ukrainians. So all the "appeasers" or "realists" insisting that Ukraine should "give up land for peace" (which notably worked so well with Czechoslovakia and Hitler in 1938) are basically deciding that it's fine to let the genocide be carried out, if it's even minorly inconvenient for us. Putin and cronies have repeatedly stated that if they are successful in taking Ukraine, they will go further. This is the exact scenario that leads to the "escalation" and/or WWIII that various people keep wringing their hands over. It is far more just and safe for Ukraine to be supported now and to stop that before it gets even worse.
America is not actually giving over buckets of black cash, regardless of what various bad-faith takes claim. They are handing over weapons valued at various amounts of money, along with some financial and budgetary aid. A lot of these weapons are older and would cost more to decommission than they cost to give to a sovereign democracy fighting for its life against an imperialist autocratic neighbor. This is some tiny amount like 5% (if that) of America's bloated military budget. And again: it's actual weapons valued at a certain dollar amount. These cannot be spent on American domestic policies.
The idea that helping Ukraine is directly coming out of our own pockets or preventing us from spending as needed on our own needs is propaganda. It is not good to repeat it.
I wrote this post the other day about why Putin is trying so hard to break American/Western support for Ukraine, and why the hard-right MAGA has enabled him in it. Putin's Russia is the motivating nexus, coordination, and funding center for Russian/European/American far-right theocratic fascism. This whole "America Only" is the exact rationale that appeals to said far-right domestic fascists and gives Putin and other imperial expansionist kleptocrats the justification to just throw away post-WWII international order and declare that any larger and more powerful state can systematically eradicate any neighboring country, claim its territory, destroy its government, kill its people, and get away with it. Because why would they stop, if there aren't any consequences and they are rewarded for it?
Putin has repeatedly interfered in American elections to help Trump and the Republicans. That should tell you something about who he sees as most favorable to his interests and what he would do again if allowed to emerge victorious.
Europe IS actually pulling its weight! They just brought all 27 defense ministers to Kyiv, they have been working on Ukraine's accession talks, they have committed all types of weapons (including the long-range missiles that the US still won't clearly authorize), they've committed a new tranche of 5 billion euros in long-term assistance, etc. But the whole "we should pull out of NATO and leave Europe to fend for itself" was a key isolationist and xenophobic Trump idea. We can see what that led to.
American aid is vital to Ukraine's continued existence as a sovereign country, period, and it is in American interests to continue to provide it as agreed upon. Not least because such an egregious betrayal of a democratic ally would empower the fascists of the world, both Russian and American, and because as noted, if this conflict was not stopped and got bigger, it would then involve American troops. It is a moral, democratic, political, and ethical imperative. This is not a difficult call or a complicated situation, regardless of what the Online Leftist tankies and the MAGA-world nutcases (because horseshoe theory) want you to think.
Слава Україні.
The end.
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alcestas-sloboda · 1 year
Why Ukrainians didn’t produce a Tolstoy?
there are a lot of things that can piss me off, today it was this tweet:
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and all i wanted to do was to ask this person, why the fuck do we need a racist misogynistic piece of shit as a standout author if we have Shevchenko as our prophet?
but you don’t know who he is? of course, you don’t. that is the thing with imperialism: you destroy other cultures while promoting yours as the only way to legitimise your rule. even if those territories are of higher cultural development. but there is always a way out of it: kill them all. kill anyone who poses an existential threat to your hegemony. throw them into jail. forbid them to write and paint. send them to gulag. kill them. torture them. execute them.
if you don’t know Ukrainian literature, it doesn’t mean that it‘s nonexistent. if you don’t know "a Ukrainian Tolstoy", it means there is a Ukrainian Bahrianyi, who was sent to the gulag but ran away and was the first person in the world to openly criticise USSR in his pamphlet Why I am not going back to the Soviet Union. "I don't want to go back to the USSR because a person there is worth less than an insect"
there is a Ukrainian Symonenko and a Ukrainian Stus. there is a Ukrainian Lesya Ukrainka and Olha Kobylyanska. a Ukrainian Kotsiubynskyi, Ukrainian Drach, Ukrainian Olena Pchilka and Ukrainian Lina Kostenko. and so many more of the bravest people who despite all wrote in the Ukrainian language about Ukrainian people and for Ukrainian people.
there are thousands of beautiful texts that weren’t translated because this would’ve harmed the empire. that is why you are reading Dostoevsky and not Khvyliovyi.
but there are also thousands of texts that were never written. just how many more poems would’ve Stus written if he wasn’t killed by the Soviet regime? how many more texts would have Pidmohylnyi, Semenko, Yalovyi, Yohansen, Zerov written if they weren’t shot at Sandarmokh?
just how many texts have the world missed out on because Khvyliovyi committed suicide as he couldn’t live in the world with Stalin’s repressions. "today is a beautiful sunny day. I love life - you can't even imagine how much", - he will write in his death note as he shot himself with his friends waiting for him in the next room.
or maybe there was a Ukrainian Nobel Prize in Literature waiting for Tychyna? maybe, but he submitted to Soviet authorities and started writing hails for the regime, suddenly forgetting his own literary style and living his entire life in fear. fear of what? fear of getting caught. of getting destroyed just as all of the previous Ukrainian intelligentsia.
I’m tired of my people being silenced. I’m tired of my poets being undermined by "great” russian literature. it’s not worth a single Symonenko’s poem. it’s not worth a single paragraph of Bahrianyi‘s prose.
the greatness of russian literature lies on the bones of Ukrainian writers. to be this high, they killed hundreds and they are still doing it today.
the body of Ukrainian children’s writer Volodymyr Vakulenko was found in the mass grave in Izium in September 2022.
there will be a Ukrainian Nobel Prize in Literature, and there will be more Ukrainian books. there will be Ukrainian Zhadan and Zabuzhko, Liubka and Izdryk, Deresh and Kidruk. there will be Ukrainian literature.
another funny thing is that this person is Indian and let me tell you: the fact that you stand up for one empire even when your own country has suffered from the doings of another is evidence of deep colonial trauma and I hope you will cure yourself soon
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ohsalome · 6 months
This is, hands down, one of my favourite classical ukrainian novels, and up till today I thought it didn't exist in english translation, but it does!!!!
Online version:
PDF version:
I fear that my synopsis won't give justice to the story, so I'll try to keep it short: this novel is set in 19 century ukrainian countryside and offers a deep exploration of the interrelation between the social and individual psyche. The main question of the novel is "what pushes a person to betray their fellow men and commit crimes?", but also takes something of a "100 years of solitude" approach to this (to a smaller scale) and pushes you to explore the interconnections between people, their relations and how much of a domino effect the small drama of everyday injustices can become.
Basically people ususally compare this novel with "cr*me and p*nishment" because both have criminals as main characters, but "Do oxen low..." is just so so much deeper, and I am not only saying this as a russophobe but also as a person who has read both the novels (and used to be a dostaevsky fan).
There is just so much great about this novel that no words can properly express my excitement. To people who have previously asked my recommendations of ukrainian literature: this is it ☝️☝️☝️☝️
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yellowtomb · 3 months
Today is an important and dark date for any ukrainian. 10 years this day first russian armed forces units crossed the ukrainian border at the Kerch Bridge and the annexation of Crimea started.
In 4 days there would be another anniversary - 2 years since full-scale war with russia. I haven't posted a lot about war and in general here. Tumblr just doesn't feels right, I rarely go here to watch couple of aesthetic posts, but it does not make any sense now. And yet 10 years of war passed today. And I still see so much uneducated takes on this conflict. People around the world, left-leaning and radical left around the globe still think of this as a local proxy war of "american imperialism" and "russian anti-imperialism". You are right about america agenda, you may say the have geopolitical interests in this conflict and not just pure intentions or altruism. Thats not debatable. I would debate that so mane people don't even realise the level of atrocities committed by russians. Many still believe that images of Bucha are staged. Many still believe ukrainian forces destroyed Donbas in the last ten years. What a farce to read those takes for us, people of ukraine, for me personally, as I spent my first three days of russian invasion in the city of Kyiv, in my home (Bucha, Irpin and Hostomel are the suburbs of Kyiv).
This year ukrainian filmmakers compiled two important documentary films about those atrcities, committed by russians. One of them just earned two prizes on Berlin International Film Festival. And will run for Best Documentary nomination at this years Oscars.
Oscars mean nothing of course, its not a merit of truth. The merrit of truth are those films themselves. The documentary material they present. Award run is just an opportunity for more people outside of Ukraine to see those films. And I beg you to see it. I will tell about them in the next post. Its damn time for world to see this, for those blinded by russian propaganda especially. Photo by Evgeniy Maloletka. From the exhumation of mass graves in Kharkiv region. Dozens of civilian ukrainians killed by russian forces in 2022.
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prototypelq · 4 months
Today, is the first day in 23 months when I finally heard some good news from within russia, about politics no less.
As you probably haven't heard, because this theme is being agressively ignored by all possible media, 15-17 march is the date of next presidential election in russia. If you have laughed after reading this statement, then congratulations, you pretty much know everything about it, hence why no media coverage. But there should be.
Ekaterina Shulman, who has a PhD in political sciences, who has been one of the most enlightening sources on all matters russian-politics and autocrasy-related, has been handedly calling the oncoming election an 'electoral event', meaning the current system will not allow any real election to take place (and it never really did), but will instead make an illusion of the 'winner' being fair.
(btw 'election' advertisements and notices have been going under the banner of the letter V, which you can consider fair since 'election' is 'выборы' in russian, so using the same letter makes sense, but we all know who this big letter references, don't we, same way as all the militarist zealots are uniting under letter Z)
Yesterday, she held a stream with Boris Nadezhdin, who is currently running for presidential candidate by trying to gather citizen votes.
The reason you should care about this, is that Nadezhdin is the only candidate, who is openly critical of Putin,
he has been the public voice of opposition for the russian autocracy for more than 20 years,
the stream he held with Ekaterina could be considered an extremely risky move, enough to send him to jail for this move alone, since she has been declared a foreign agent for a long time (current brand of quality for russians),
he has opened up multiple vote booths across the world, so that political refugees (which is exactly what all the russians abroad are) could safely vote, as the government has already considered denying them their constitutional right to do so,
and he has presented the plan for his presidential reign, starting with: releasing all the political prisoners and immediately starting peace talks with Ukraine.
If you think that those are just empty words, well, they might be, though I can only pity the person who would dedicate more than 20 years of their life on empty promises, especially ones that can easily get you imprisoned for life or killed. I am not joking.
The reason there is 'unanimous agreement' of russians and the media of russians regarding the Invasion of Ukraine and other political topics, is that the political filed in this forsaken country has been carefully curated and all unsactioned-by-Kremlin opposition immediately eliminated for longer than I have been alive.
I live with the weight of just living my life in this country being a daily contributor to committing war crimes in Ukraine, and inside Russia. The reason I'm writing this in english on tumblr, which, hey, lgbt is considered extremist propaganda and will get you in jail, and tumblr even markets itself as the most lgbt-friendly social site, is that there is no way to talk about this in russia. And each time, I browse the politics or russia tags here I see the same zealous aggression which russians are called terrorists for, directed back at all russians. I took it for a long time, because there was no way to dispute this claim, I felt and continue to feel shame for this forsaken country or being related to it, and because every day this country exists ukrainian and russian people are forced into the meatgrinder.
No more. or well, no more feeling shame over it, the guilt will remain long after even the end of the Invasion.
Boris Nadezhdin's (btw his surname almost literally translates to Hopeful) electoral booths have been having full rows of people wishing to sign a petition to make him electable for presidential run. People in Siberia stood in line in -40 C (granted, normal siberian weather, but still, you wouldn't want to be out and about for too long in that kind of cold, even when accustomed to it) to sign a petition for him. At the moment of writing he has reached around 70k, out of 100k needed to be legally allowed to petition for presidential run (sidenote: that number is astronomically high for a number of reasons, so him getting that close is a big win too)
(this video covers the current news of Nadezhdin's campaign pretty well, it also has hand-done english subs)
So yes. You're not allowed to call all russians terrorists any longer, untill they are proven Zealots. There are literally thousands of russian people voting against Putin's reign, they are donating money to this campaign to help it grow too.
In a country, which has never really been a free space to be able to discuss politics, much less actively participate in them or have an informed opinion on them, and which has spent decades curating political apathy in it's people, these events are WILD.
Granted, the possibility of Nadezhdin being allowed to actually run for president is astronomically small, the country is still an autocrasy. Still, participation this high is anything-politics related is phenominal, and I wish to celebrate that, whatever may come in the future.
Here are some additional russian sources available to english-speakers to learn more:
The Russian State of Mind, a brilliant lecture by Ekaterina Shulman, PhD in political science, updated with data from october 2023
Maxim Katz channel, he covers politics and subtitles his videos by hand in english, I've linked another video of his above
Meduza newsletter has an english department
Tamara Eidelman covers history, mythology and related topics, her lectures are fascinating to listen to and have english voiceover
Yuri Dud does interviews with english subs
Any content creator with the (obligatory) foreign agent (иностранный агент) warning is good to listen to. This means the author said something not to the current governmen'ts liking, or not Enough liking of russian system, so good for them for having an actual opinion.
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ssouhekii · 9 months
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warnings: none
a/n: I tried to find the most accurate feminine version of each name. i wasn't sure whether to turn nicole's surname into a feminine version or not, because of the debate about gogol being ukrainian or russian. i kept the surname the same, so sorry if it's inaccurate. not proofread!
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Feodora Dostoevskaya
- Her chief love language is acts of service, though these acts could border on terrifying if you weren't the one recieving the favors.
- You'd never doubt that she loves you, though, because to commit a crime for someone is the ultimate act of love.
- You think.
- She'll take care of any major inconvenience for you without you even mentioning it to her.
- If someone had stolen your identity, she'd find them, steal their identity back, and take you on a shopping spree.
- She has eyes everywhere, so never try to hide something that's burdening you. She'll figure it out, and help you fix it anyways.
- Feodora has never known how to express herself truthfully all that well. She may not be able to write a searingly beautiful love poem to the one she loves most, or show them a boombox below their bedroom window and blast a song to declare her love, but she can do other things.
- Her other favorite thing to do for you is play music. Nothing makes dear Feodora happier than seeing you in her audience, big or small, for the cello.
- Aside from cello, she can also play the piano and the harp.
- Feodora mostly plays classical music. However, she'd maybe be convinced to learn a pop or rock song for you. Only for you, though.
- She's also a great listener. She'd love to hear anything you have to say, losing her analytical skills as she gets lost in your voice.
- The only thing that the genius "demon" of the Decay can't figure out is how to stop biting her nails.
- Luckily, you're there to help, buying her press ons or even very short acrylics to stop her biting.
- Unfortunately, rats have very strong teeth. She appreciates the effort, and does her best to stop, though.
Nicole Gogol
- Nicole's chief love language is gifts.
- Whenever she sees you, she'll bring you something. It may be small, just a rock she found or a deck of cards, or it may be huge.
- Like, she-snuck-a-car-into-her-overcoat-large.
- The types of gifts will depend on how you react to them.
- If you get easily freaked out, she'd love to bring you someone's eyeball from her escapades for halloween, or matching lockets with both of your hair for your birthday.
- You're still not sure how she got your hair, and she won't tell you. A magician never reveals her secrets.
- However, if you're not all that squeamish, she'll surprise you in other ways.
- Have you ever seen an albino cat? A two-headed snake? A three-eyed fish? Have you?
- She'll take strange things from any circuses or shows she's travelled with, either to give or just to show you.
- Of course, she wanted to give you all the two headed animals, but you said there wasn't enough space in the house.
- You may serve as the voice of reason in the relationship, but Nicole has smarts of her own.
- She loves to read philosophy books with you, and ramble about her own theories.
- Even if you don't understand, she's glad you listen.
- Nicole loves to put on little magic shows, just for you.
- You've seen every attemptible trick in the book, and you wouldn't hesitate to see any of them again.
- Nicole moves so smoothly when she performs her tricks, and performs them so delicately that you're reminded of how much she cherishes you.
- She wouldn't do any of this for anyone else.
- Occasionally you even get to play assistant to Nicole, watching doves flit away while her arm wraps around you and holds you tight.
- You're always in the audience for dangerous tricks, though. She doesn't think she could bear to see you hurt.
- By the way, Nicole is really strong. Really, really strong. When she works out in the mornings, you often serve as a weight for her push ups.
Tatsumi Shibusawa
- Tatsumi's chief love language just has to be words of affirmation.
- Though she'll shower you with gifts and pay unending attention to you. her favorite thing is to compliment you.
- You are, after all, more amazing than any jewel she's ever seen.
- She loves to show off and impress you. Tatsumi is very vain, so seeing your eyes on her in wonder puts her on top of the world.
- She often tailors clothes for you. She knows your measurements by heart, and many visits to her have been accompanied by a gasp of surprise at a whole outfit completely unprompted.
- Speaking of which, you can expect to wear lots of matching clothes now.
- Whenever you go out, you're often matching. If not a full outfit, you both at least have silver necklaces on.
- Though cold, Tatsumi is a very sentimental person. She will keep anything you give her, and even a paper heart will recieve the same care as one of her crystals.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has galvanized Ukrainian society in many unexpected ways, but perhaps one of the most remarkable is how it has advanced the rights of LGBTQ people.
On Tuesday, in a move that would have been nearly unthinkable a year ago, a Ukrainian lawmaker introduced legislation in the country’s parliament that would give partnership rights to same-sex couples. This legislation, along with a prohibition against anti-LGBTQ hate speech abruptly adopted in December, reflects a sharp rejection of Russia’s effort to weaponize homophobia in support of its invasion.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said repeatedly that he attacked Ukraine last year partly to protect “traditional values” against the West’s “false values” that are “contrary to human nature” — code for LGBTQ people. Perhaps he hoped this would rally conservative Ukrainians to Russia’s side — it’s a tactic Kremlin allies have tried repeatedly over the past decade. But this time, it instead appears to be convincing a growing number of Ukrainians to support equality and reject the values Putin espouses.
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Recent History
I could not have imagined the LGBTQ movement building such momentum when I first visited Ukraine as a reporter in 2013. Ukraine was then on the verge of consummating its long-negotiated “association agreement” with the European Union, a step Russian President Vladimir Putin bitterly opposed. As the deadline to sign the agreement approached, an oligarch close to Putin funded a campaign with billboards reading, “Association with EU means same-sex marriage.” Anti-EU protesters dubbed the EU “Gayropa.”
This effort failed to dissuade Ukrainians from a European path...
But the past decade has also seen Ukrainians standing firm in their commitment to democracy, and a growing understanding that this includes protections for fundamental rights.
There was an explosion of organizing by LGBTQ people in the years that followed the Revolution of Dignity, and some slow advances were made. But it’s been the stories of queer Ukrainians fighting and dying in the war with Russia that have truly helped other Ukrainians to see them as full citizens.
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Pictured: Territorial Defense member Romanova shows a unicorn insignia, a mythical creature that has become a symbol of the LGBTQ community. This patch, which depicts a "valiant" unicorn breathing fire, has become the unofficial symbol of Ukraine's LGBTQ+ military.
Ukraine’s current LGBTQ rights debate is unprecedented; never before has a country under siege had such visibly out soldiers who have so few formal rights under their own country’s laws. LGBTQ rights supporters have successfully framed the question on same-sex partnership as whether Ukraine will recognize LGBTQ people as equal citizens, which has become the norm throughout much of the European Union, as well as North and South America. They are successfully flipping the proposition that, as one Ukrainian politician once infamously put it, that “a gay cannot be a patriot.” ...
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“I actually think that the Russians did a good job in terms of raising awareness and changing attitudes towards the LGBT community in Ukraine,” Sovsun told me in an interview. “The more Russia insists on [homophobia] being a part of their state policy, the more rejection of this policy [there] is from inside Ukraine.”
The aspiration of many Ukrainians to join the European Union has also helped move more Ukrainians to become supportive of queer peoples’ rights, as Ukraine attempts to define itself as a European democracy in contrast to Russian autocracy. A study conducted last May by the Ukrainian LGBTQ organization “Nash Svit” and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology found nearly 64 percent of Ukrainians said queer people should have equal rights. Even among respondents who said they had a “negative” view of LGBTQ people, nearly half said they still supported equal rights.
The current push for same-sex partnership rights began with a school teacher from Zaporizhzha named Anastasia Andriivna Sovenko. In June, Sovenko registered a petition with Ukraine’s government demanding same-sex couples be granted partnership rights. It said simply, “At this time, every day can be the last. Let people of the same sex get the opportunity to start a family and have an official document to prove it. They need the same rights as traditional couples.”
Sovenko said she was inspired to file the petition after reading a story about different-sex couples getting married before one partner went off to war. It felt unfair to her that queer people couldn’t take the same step to protect their rights. Signatures quickly poured in, stunning even Sovenko herself...
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Under Ukrainian law, the president is required to formally respond to any petition that gets 25,000 signatures, and the partnership petition quickly cleared that threshold. But in a sign that the politics of the issue remains complicated, Zelenskyy ruled out full marriage rights in his response, arguing that this required a constitutional change that could not be carried out under the rules of martial law. Instead, [Zelensky] punted to the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, to examine the creation of civil unions. His language implied support, but he stopped short of using presidential powers to make it a reality.
“Every citizen is an inseparable part of civil society, he is entitled to all the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine,” Zelenskyy said in the referral."
-via Politico, 3/7/23
While the fight is still ongoing, I can't underlie enough how massive this shift in public opinion is. Russia and Ukraine have generally been incredibly unsafe places to be LGBTQ, including in very recent history. This is huge, and it sounds like it will only get bigger.
This could also help bring about a wider sea change throughout Eastern Europe, which in general has a very pervasive culture of homophobia, often tied in with both religious conservatism and ethno-nationalistic conflict, though thankfully things have been improving significantly over the last decade.
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thegayhimbo · 5 months
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Say "I know nothing about the history of Russia's treatment of Ukraine (the Holodomor being one such example) or what's currently going on between Russia and Ukraine" without saying it. 🙄😒
For those who can't access the video due to the "age restriction," here is a transcript of the 60 Minutes interview with Scott Pelley interviewing Freed Ukrainian Prisoners of War:
SPOILER ALERT: The following video/transcript contains descriptions of beatings, torture, rape, starvation, child deaths, and human rights violations.
As for "Russia is not continuously bombing all civilian infrastructure and committing a genocide," there have been multiple posts and articles over the past 2 years proving otherwise (including their recent attack on New Year's Eve). This also includes the Russian war crime of Ukrainian children being kidnapped by Russian soldiers, deported to Russian reeducation camps, getting brainwashed, and being used as Russian Propaganda tools:
Between the 2:27 and 2:37 mark, Isobel Yeung (the narrator) doesn't mince her words when she notes how Vladimir Putin and his cronies are accused of trying to "ethically cleanse a generation of young Ukrainians."
If you've read this far, you can probably come to the conclusion that imtryingsir did absolutely zero research, or even cared enough to follow the last 2 years of news about the Russian-Ukraine War, before making their abhorrently idiotic comment.
So why am I bothering to dignify this with a response when it's clear this person is being maliciously stupid? Because of this post. Specifically, the disgusting little remark they made where they tried to justify why a Jewish woman on social media deserved to be bullied/harassed (which eventually led to the Russia apologist comment above when they were called out on it by multiple Tumblr users):
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Putting aside the gross victim-blaming and thinly-disguised antisemitism (which I'm sure my Jewish followers are deeply sick of at this point), what really gets me is how disingenuous this user is. They don't actually give a rat's ass about what's going on in Gaza: Someone who truly cares about genocide and the deaths/suffering of innocent people wouldn't be going out of their way to downplay/whitewash the genocidal actions of another country (Russia), or making comments dismissing another groups problems/trauma while dehumanizing them, or even straight up wishing for more death and destruction:
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People like this (as well as the so-called "Pro-Palestine" users in the Jewish woman's post who were harassing her) are devoid of empathy. They relish in being cruel and condescending to others because they feel empowered in doing so, and they know they can get away with it without facing lasting consequences. They are doing nothing to help alleviate an already horrific situation, and are just making the world a worse place to live in. I'm sure they'll tell themselves the sweet little lies about how their bullying and antisemitism is really "activism" or "caring for Palestinians" or "Being antizionist; not antisemitic" (while continuing to spew the same bigoted rhetoric that Jews have been calling out as antisemitic for YEARS). At this point, I truly don't give a damn what their excuses are since they will grasp at anything, no matter how flimsy, to rationalize their behavior.
I never thought I'd see the day where a bunch of Leftist/Westerners would embody two of the most loathsome fictional characters in media (right down to their hateful, sadistic, vile attitudes), and yet that is the point we've currently reached:
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To say this has been deeply unpleasant to witness is an understatement. 😒
I talked about this in a recent post about antisemitism from the Left, and I'm going to reiterate something I said: "There is a larger conversation that needs to be had about how selective Leftist empathy and compassion really is. By this, I’m talking about people on the Left who will a.) Only be compassionate/empathetic when it’s convenient for them, or b.) Only be compassionate/empathetic towards people they think are “deserving” of it."
People like imtryingsir only prove why it's important to have this conversation: If you're perfectly okay dismissing/downplaying the suffering of one group of people (be it Jews, Ukrainians, Palestinians, etc) so you can prop up your preferred group of people who are suffering because you think they are more "deserving" of empathy/compassion......................you need to do some serious self-reflection about the type of person you've become.
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redjaybathood · 2 months
It's killing me how pervasive russian propaganda is. Propals love to claim that the West is hypocrites bc they support Ukraine but not a variety of countries and people they, themselves being from the West more often than not, did not give a shit about before. They would rather blame anyone else: the government they voted for, the media they are reading, - than look into themselves.
This paradigm also ignores:
Massive anti-Ukrainian russian propaganda campaign that is running for ten years now. Chances are, all they heard about Ukraine before the full-scale invasion is Azov, Bandera, Nazis, and that's what they're running with it (especially leftists/tankies who think Greyzone is a reliable source of information). Despite chances are, there are more far-right in power in their country than there are far-right politicians in Ukraine. Despite the massive reform Azov underwent. Despite the voices of our Jewish citizens and academics, despite Muslim soldiers in Azov;
Massive support russia, russians, russian imperialism still gets. For one example (and there are numerous) Australian ABC TV station recently made a documentary based on the point of view of russian invading forces, and it treated everything they have heard from them or seen as a legitimate point of view. Bucha massacre denial, for example. This is not humanization, this is straight-up genocide denial. And I know that UK TV also showed this documentary, it's side by side on their website with the documentary about Ukrainian abducted children. The children - those of them who survived the deportation anyway - are being indoctrinated against Ukraine, right now, trained as soldiers. If you even care;
The obvious reality that after people realized that there's not going to be a WW3 or a nuclear war anytime soon, they stopped caring all that much, if they ever did. Look at tumblr: any Palestine or even Israel-related post gets 20+k notes easily. That's not something that we see nowadays with Ukraine, if ever. And there is more negativity about Ukraine here, or on other social media, than for Gazans. And this is even counting that Gaza is the base for legit terrorist organization that committed a massive terrorist attack against the civilian population and is currently holding hostages. Which is the justification Israel puts down for their attack, and for their massive infliction of civilian casualties - but it's also what happened. Whereas in Ukraine, what happened was a Revolution of Dignity, where the victims, the dead, were the people who protested against the corrupt government and won. They didn't attack civilians, they didn't kill russians, they didn't even ban a russian language. They just didn't want to live in a corrupt country, in a police state, where children can be beaten up by police forces and be sent to a hospital. That's how Euromaidan started, if you even care. And Euromaidan is exactly the justification russia put up for the invasion back in 2014. You get me? HAMAS terrorist attack spiked huge support for Gaza and the Palestinian cause even before there were 30K Palestinians murdered by Israel. Even before one such death. Ukraine's fight to protect its freedom was met with indifference if not hostility.
Nothing of the above means you should not care about Gaza and Palestine. But somehow, it means that people treat it as a morally superior position not to care about Ukraine, to blame their government, to blame their media, to blame schools and parents and corporations - and, of course, zionists. Which is their dog whistle for Jews.
It deserves another post, how quickly misinformation and antisemitism spreads on tumblr. Holy shit. You guys are fucked up.
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transmascpetewentz · 6 months
Was talking abt this with my family and decided this needed to be a post on the webbed site:
A fundamental way that antisemitism operates that makes it so difficult to remove from leftist spaces is by taking the broad scope of problems in the world and finding a couple that can be vaguely tied or related to Judaism in some way, then taking "this is tangentially related to Jews" to mean "Jews are 100% responsible for this." It's particularly this sentiment that I see echoed in most of the antisemitic posts that I see on the dash.
It's one of the reasons, imo, why the west is so focused on Israel as opposed to the situation in the Congo, Sudan, or Ukraine. All four of these situations suck and are very clearly, to any person observing, bad. However, only one of these awful situations where war crimes are being committed is one that I hear about every day, that I am told if I so much as block some tags relating to it that I am a bad person. And that's the one where people can blame The Jews for it.
Despite Russia currently committing what I would call a genocide against Ukrainians, many westerners who preach anti-colonialism are completely silent or worse. I thought that silence meant you are directly complicit? Odd, huh? Does this principle of being against historical imperial powers committing genocide against colonized people not apply when the colonized nation has more than three times the relative Jewish population compared to the colonizer?
Yep. And many of the most prominent antisemitic antizionists are completely pro-Russia because Russia claims to be against quote-unquote "western degeneracy," which is literal Nazi shit. As a Russian who regularly speaks out against slavophobia/russophobia/anti-Russian people sentiment on the left and the right, I am horrified by westerners' complete disregard for human life and basic moral principles to defend my country's genocide.
And this idea of blaming all tangentially-related problems on Jews isn't just showcased in how much people focus on Israel, but also in who gentiles tend to call "zionists" and the attributes that they prescribe onto anyone who is labeled a zionist. Zionism is a political movement with historical basis in Judaism, but the actual definition of zionism is irrelevant to the critique I am about to make. My issue is with how some gentiles define, or don't define, zionism.
I have said this before, but when some leftist gentiles are asked to name a few qualities that all zionists share, they might give a list that's something like this: they are pro-Israel, they support Israel's genocide of Palestinians, they are completely anti-Palestine, and they do not have nuanced takes on I/P. Of course, this is a batshit insane and very ahistorical take on zionism, but I would have less of an issue if these gentiles would stick to that definition and only call people zionists if they shared all of those qualities.
Instead, these same gentiles who claim that all zionists share these opinions will claim that any Jew, convert-in-progress, or ally that doesn't hate Jews is a zionist. This circles back to my first point about how antisemitism takes anything where Jews are involved and turns it into "Jews are The masterminds behind this." And that's exactly what this is. The label of zionist being applied to a non-zionist turns their views from nuanced and neutral to racist and genocidal in the eyes of antisemites.
The idea that all Jews one doesn't like must be behind some child-murdering conspiracy is an antisemitic one, no matter how real the child murder happening in Palestine is. Random Jews, even Israeli Jews, are not responsible for the actions of their government (which is being backed mostly by gentiles overseas, btw). Stop fucking taking any instance of a bad thing being tied to Jews or Judaism and blowing it up into calling Jews the masterminds behind it. There is no global conspiracy, no matter how much you wish there was for your daily dose of emotional support antisemitism.
Reading Comprehension Questions:
What do you think that OP means when they say "The Jews" with both the "t" and "j" capitalized? Is he using that language seriously, or is he trying to get another message across?
Is this a post about Israel and Palestine, or is this a post specifically addressing antisemitism within the pro-Palestine movement on the left? Additionally, does OP give any meaningful indication of his views on I/P within the post?
Why does OP talk for two paragraphs about the situation in Russia and Ukraine? How is OP more qualified than the average Tumblr user to have an opinion on Russia?
Why is OP, despite not being Jewish, making a post about this subject? How might OP be more qualified than the average gentile to make a post about antisemitism?
Does OP blame Palestinians for antisemitism on the left in this post? Does OP single out any specific ethnic or racial group as opposed to just gentiles?
Have I sat with and mentally answered to myself the above questions before I clicked on OP's page to send him an anon telling him to kill himself?
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stephobrien · 4 months
I’m coming from my vent account because I don’t want to get found out as a Jew on my main. Please, please stop posting in the antisemitism tag. You’re clogging it up and taking away a safe space for Jews by trying to delegitimise Jew hatred. Now, I don’t know if you’re good faith or not, but I’m leaning on no. You keep on going onto posts about Jew hatred from Jews, saying what boils down to ‘wow! I’ve learned so much from this!’ and then you go back to posting inflammatory things again. I mean, you posted something from Caitlin Johnstone, I can’t believe that you give a single shit about Jews (or Ukrainians) after that
As for your most recent post on how poor you just can’t believe lying Jews when we talk about discrimination because you’re scared we’re deceiving you, you put in a comment ‘If I'd seen said Arab nations' governments massacring thousands of civilians, while painting every single criticism of said massacre as Islamophobic, yes, I would have’. This is… I don’t even know how to tackle this, do you genuinely not know all of the horrific shit so many of the Arab states have done? Qatar is known as one of the biggest countries of modern slavery. The Houthis in Yemen sex traffic Ethiopian women, and also reintroduced slavery into Yemen. Just look at the atrocities so many of these countries have committed against Shia Muslims! Is your brain mush, how can you say this when there is so, so much evidence of the horrors that these nations have committed?! And if you think these states graciously accept criticism of those horrors… you’re being ignorant on purpose. And it’s still not okay to say that you don’t believe an Arab when they talk about anti Arab racism that they’ve experienced, I think we can at least agree on that. So why’s it not the same for Jews?
For a more personal example to Jews, look up the Mizrachi expulsion. The Arab states violently expelled almost a million Jews from their countries ‘because Israel’, which they only care about because it ruined their dream of pan Arabism, not because of any solidarity with the Arabs in the mandate btw. My family was lucky, we came from Iran, which is not Arab, so the violence was coming from the people rather than the state itself. But I’ve had to heard accounts from people talking about how they watched their family get shot in the head while their homes were repossessed for no reason other than the fact they were Jews. Is that bad enough for you? Does it even make a dent in your image of the Arab states? Or is it okay because it happened to Jews?
I know I sound very angry in this, and that’s because I am very angry. And that anger is completely justified! My life, and the lives of almost every Jew on this disgusting website, have been beyond horrible for five months. The number of times I’ve had to read about a new Jew hating shooting or stabbing in the world is too many too count. And then, non Jews like you decide to play the ‘oops, I just caaaan’t believe those Jews about Jew hatred because they could be zionists!’ (Which are around eighty percent of the Jewish population, but I don’t think you’re ready for that conversation yet, it’s reserved for people who actually want to learn). All of us are so unimaginably angry. All of us are at our fucking breaking point, or we’ve completely snapped already! The people you have interacted with have been some of the kindest, most levelheaded people here, but you’d better not get used to it, because we’re all tired of this bullshit
Thank you for taking the time to call me out. Between you and the several other people who contacted me about this, I’ve come to realize that that post was a terrible mistake.
It was meant to be a vent post about people who deliberately blur the lines around what’s actually antisemitism, and about my lack of certainty about my own ability to independently assess the less obvious instances of that (which is clearly still very lacking, as the response to that post made clear to me).
But it apparently caught a lot of innocent Jews in the crossfire, making them feel unsafe, unheard, and delegitimized. That wasn’t the intention, but it was clearly the effect. I screwed up badly, and I’m sorry.
I admittedly don’t know all the details about the horrific shit Arab nations have done. I was aware of Iraq’s government mass murdering protesters, and Saudi Arabia’s horrifically sexist laws, but some of the info you shared in this post is stuff I hadn’t previously heard of.
As for why I mentioned false accusations of antisemitism specifically, it’s because that’s the one I’ve seen several times a day lately, sometimes in the form of stuff like telling people who protest child murder that “You just don’t like it when Jews defend themselves.”
That said, you and the other people who responded have made it clear to me that that focus was based on an overly narrow view on my part. I’ve been more active in pro-Palestine circles than in circles that focus on the other situations you mentioned, so naturally that resulted in me seeing more antisemitism accusations than accusations focused on groups that aren’t directly involved in that conflict. So that resulted in a less than balanced viewpoint.
While my vent post was meant to be about one specific phenomenon I’d personally seen a lot of, the fact that I didn’t mention similar behavior on the part of groups I hadn’t personally seen as much of that behavior from did result in it being unjustly targeted, in a way I didn’t intend but should’ve assessed better.
What happened to you and other Jews at the hands of Arab nations (and pretty much every nation) was absolutely not okay. The effect my post had on you and other Jews who saw it was not okay. The treatment you’ve endured on Tumblr is not okay. And I’m sorry for the pain I caused you.
You have every right to be angry at me. I won’t ask you to forgive me or trust me, because I know I earned your anger with that poorly thought out post. I shouldn’t have made my own insecurities and frustrations other people’s problem like that. I screwed up badly, and I’m sorry.
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ohsalome · 8 months
Let's talk about "liberal russians"
Meet Ilya Varlamov. He is a popular russian blogger currently living in Europe. I used to watch him years ago for his urbanism content and architectural preservation/restoration projects.
Ilya has fked from russia because he doesn't agree with putin's politics. He doesn't feel safe and free in russia and he wants to live in a cultured and democratic society.
A perfect recipe for an anti-war "good russian", right? Wrong.
Instead of raising money for Ukrainian army, helping out Ukrainian refugees, participating in pro-Ukrainian demonstrations, raising awareness about russian war crimes - basically, doing anything morally correct in a situation when a country you're a citizen of is commiting a genocide - Ilya spends his time whining about how unfair and "russophobic" the world is.
Tumblr media
Recently he has been spotted in London by a ukrainian journalist, who has asked him a very simple question - is putin a war criminal? For a supposed "anti-war opposition", this couldn't be easier to answer, no? Well, Ilya answered the question by running away from the journalist
You might remember this character from the last-year scandal involving his Instagram post about Kyrgyzstan. While staying there as a "war refugee", he has defended his entitlement of insulting the country that sheltered, compared Kyrgyzstan to a giant restaurant and said that Kyrgiz people should be grateful that he has blessed them with his presence and must aim to please him. Never deleted that post, btw. Probably still thinks there was nothing wrong with it.
(Cultural context: Kyrgyzstan is a Cetral Asian country, so his speech reads very much as "natives, come kiss the feet of a white man")
Ilya has video series where he explores various "post-Soviet" countries, and a year ago he has made one about Ukraine as well. Only unlike with other countries, his entry about Ukraine was full of lies and pro-Kremlin propaganda. There is a very thorough examination of that "film" by a ukrainian journalist Roman Tsymbalyk, whom he has interviewed for his film and then edited out 99% of the interview and totally misrepresented Roman. Unfortunately, the video is in russian, but you might play around with automatically generated subtitles.
I am talking about this man not because he is some kind of rando. This is a very popular blogger (1,3 million subs on Instagram, 4,56 million subscribers on Youtube). This is the voice the "young, progressive, anti-authoritarian russian youth" listens to. This illustrates the truth all ukrainians know very well - russian liberalism ends on the "ukrainian question".
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sprout-fics · 9 months
hi, hope u're having a great morning, day or evening whenever and wherever you are reading this!
I have not been here for a long time yet but I can tell I'm enjoying ur omegaverse series very much c:
also thank u very much for repost u did about makarov and overall glorification of russian military. sometimes being Ukrainian in the fandom of cod feels lonely when I see posts of people simping for Makarov 🥲. so it made me feel warm and comforted for a second <3
have a great time and sorry for my English skills if smth!
дякую <3
I'm glad you're enjoying omegaverse! What a lovely ask <3
I'm sorry this fandom does not feel like a comforting place for you because of this issue. That honestly makes me so sad. I think there's a lot of insensitivity in this fandom to many many issues that require care- Sexual assault, military propaganda, violent relationships/dark content, and failure to equivalate much of the game's messages that mirror real life. It makes me doubt just how many people in this fandom actually follow current events and are aware of the atrocities committed by the Russian military. I think often how people are frequently lacking the clarity to discern fiction from reality. It's really disheartening to see this spill over to a war that has been so incredibly violent and atrocious towards civilians.
You have a space here. My heart goes out to you and your country. Know that so so many of us support you right now. Please stay strong.
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ravlykpavlyk · 7 months
The world is hypocritical, and absolutely unfair.
But we’ve already know about it, right?
We all see what’s happening in Palestine, and it’s terrifying. It’s devastating. It’s just horrible. No one should experience this level of cruelty, and the world absolutely needs to take actions. Actions, which are yet to be taken.
And it’s disgusting, right?
People do it themselves. They spread news. They write treads and share what can be shared. They go to protests. They boycott companies, that still support Israel. They cancel celebrities, which support Israel. They hate Israel; hate everything connected to it. They do everything to support Palestine; to show that they are not alone.
Palestinians don’t have access to the Internet? People become their voices.
Palestinians doesn’t have food, houses, or means to live? People donate, people help.
People spread information. People block, argue, and hate people who do not speak up about this genocide; hate people who has voice, but still stay unpolitical.
Because it’s disgusting, right? Because no one has the right to see the genocide right in front of them and just look away; just live their lives as if nothing happened.
That’s what happening now in the world. People see the victims of the genocide. People stand with the victim. People help victims. Because you can’t stand with both sides. You can’t support both Palestine and Israel. If you stand with both of them, you just support the aggressor. If you are silent, you just support the aggressor.
You can’t stay silent. You can’t support both sides. You have to hate Israel, and boycott companies that still support Israel.
And that’s right, isn’t it? No one bats an eye. That’s what people do, when one country commits the genocide of another country. That’s what people do. And that’s not cruel. That’s not bad, that’s good and right.
And that isn’t fucking fair.
That’s so fucking unfair that I want to vomit.
Do you know what happened when Ukrainians said the same about russians? People hated Ukrainians. People called them Nazi. People said they were overreacting. People said that not all russians are bad. People took both sides and were fucking helping russians. But when you take both sides, it means that you support the aggressor? Good thing that people just called the genocide of Ukrainians the putin’s war, and that’s it. People called it a fucking conflict, and that’s it.
Ukrainians were and are spreading the information about the war, about the relationship between Ukraine and russia, about history, russia's motives and other aspects, which can't be understood unless you truly know the history of Ukraine. russia’s desire to destroy Ukraine dates way back in time. Their hatred towards Ukraine and Ukrainians has been there for centuries. I’ll not write about all of them (you can read about it on the internet, if you want). But here are the main points for you to understand:
That. Is. Not. A. putin’s war. No. That’s the war russians started against Ukraine in 2014. Yes, russians, not just putin.
It’s not the first war russia started against Ukraine. There were a lot of them.
During all these years, russia killed millions of Ukrainians. As a soviet union, russia occupied Ukraine for 70 years. Ukraine didn’t become a part of soviet union because of their wish. There were wars.
There were three man-made famines in Ukraine, which were conducted by the soviet government (russians if you still haven’t guessed). Russians were taking every food from people, especially in villages, because that’s where Ukrainians had farms, gardens. Russians took everything. If people hid a few seeds just not to starve to death, these people were killed and sent away (where they were either killed and just died because of cold and horrible conditions). Because of starvation, people had to eat their friends, or the corpses of other people. 
The second man-made famine is called Holodomor. It derives from Ukrainian words “голод” – “hunger, starvation” and “морити” – “exterminate”. The peak of it happened in 1932-33. Not only Ukraine suffered from it – it also was in other countries, such as Kazakhstan (and some parts of russia even). It is difficult to estimate the exact number of people, who died because of it. Some scientists say 4 million, others – 10 million.
Russia was killing Ukrainians just because they were Ukrainians. Ukrainian language was forbidden more than 100 times. Russia rewrote Ukrainian history and changed the language just to make it more similar to russian.
After the fall of soviet union Ukraine had nuclear weapons. Ukraine gave it up under a few conditions, one of which was that some countries guaranteed Ukraine safety and protection. You know what country was there, guaranteeing this protection? Right, russia.
And in 2014 russia attacked Ukraine.
I said literally nothing to explain the real terror russia committed in Ukraine, but it’s something, right? So basically, if russia is not stopped (like permanently), it will collect more power and attack again. And again. And again. 
And russia did this not only in Ukraine. You need to just google “russia’s was crimes” and you will see long lists of the genocides russia committed. Ukraine, Chechnya, Sakartvelo (Georgia, if you don’t know), Syria, and many other countries. Russia is in the constant state of war, which they start all the time.
You see? Russia is a reason for the deaths of thousands of people in different countries.
Ukrainians said this, again and again. You know what happened? People called them Nazi. No, not russians – Ukrainians were Nazi to them.
Ukrainians asked to boycott russians – people said that not all russians were bad. Even now I see posts, video that russia is a good country with a bad government. People like russian artists, sportsmen, and even soldiers. Can you fucking imagine? This soldier killed Ukrainians, raped them and stole from their houses, then posted a video of him flexing his muscles, and everyone just ate it and said that he was sexy. He is a war criminal. And people like him.
When Ukrainians were getting killed for just being Ukrainians, people all over the internet were complaining that Ukraine was getting too much attention. People, who now say “you can’t stay indifferent”, “you can’t be silent”, “you can’t take both sides”, said in the best case nothing about Ukraine. They stayed indifferent, silent, and took the aggressor’s side. Sounds kinda hypocritically, doesn’t it?
Ukrainians were crying for help, and people called them crazy. People said they were too aggressive, and their aggression (harsh words, that’s it) made them uncomfortable. People supported russians, who were committing genocide, and took offence to some words of war victims.
People found some flaws in Ukraine just to say that Ukraine was problematic. Can I say something? Such people are in every country. Homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc. Yes, there are such people in Ukraine, but so are in other countries. But people didn’t want to see it.
And now, every other post about Palestine has at least one mention of Ukraine. You think to ask for help for Ukraine too? No, to shit on Ukraine.
I was posts that Ukraine has “softest kind of war”, that there is no war or genocide in Ukraine, that Ukraine is just a Nazi country, and deserves everything.
Ukrainians deserve everything just because they are white. They are white, so it doesn’t matter, right? Ukrainians have some privileges. Ukraine got all the attention and help, while Palestine none.
No, I don’t say that Palestine gets a lot of help. And yes, I do think the world has to take actions and actually help.
But it’s not fair to Ukrainians.
You know what russians said on 24.02? They would occupy Ukraine in three days.
You know what the world did during these first days of full-scale war? Nothing. They waited just to see Ukraine collapse. They watched Ukrainians die just to say that it’s a pity, and they stand with Ukraine. They waited, promised some fairy-tails, and continued making business with russia. The world said Ukraine to surrender, to let russia take whatever it wanted, because the world didn’t want any difficulties, wars, and problems. Little they understood that if the Ukrainians gave russia some territories, russia would wait, and then take more, until Ukraine was wholly occupied. And then other neighbour countries.
Only in a few days, when it was clear that Ukrainians were not giving up, the world decided to help. Yes, the world helped Ukraine. After 8 years of the war. 8 years, and no one batted an eye.
Russia committed and keeps committing war crimes. Russians kill people, hit cafés, houses, hospitals, and schools with universities. In Mariupol, which is temporarily occupied by russia, the approximate number of killed people reaches 100 000. It’s hard to tell for sure, because russians occupied the city and made their best to cover the evidence of their war crimes. So basically, they got rid of many bodies, and now are rebuilding the city to say that they are such good people to help poor citizens.
And it’s only one city. In Ukraine, there are dozens of them.
Last winter, Ukraine was mainly without electricity. Russians hit power stations, so Ukrainians didn’t have electricity, water, heating. But once again, no one batted an eye.
Russians hit the dam, and created the flood, which killed people, animals, and destroyed the ecosystem and people’s houses. No one batted an eye. Before the hit, russians said they would do that, but the world ignored it. And then russians did that, what a surprise. 
Ukrainians live with the thought that russia can hit them with a nuclear bomb. The government gives them instructions on what to do in this case. Can you imagine? Now people are getting ready for the winter of blackouts, because russia will hit power stations again. Because that’s what russia does – terror.
And still. Ukrainians are called Nazi for hating russians. Ukrainians are hated for still living. Ukrainians are told to just stop fighting, even though the second Ukrainians stop fighting, russia destroys them.
And now, when People, who support Palestine, compare Palestine and Ukraine, saying that Ukraine doesn’t deserve help and to live in general.
I can understand, that you are desperate. I can understand, that Palestine people are dying and crying for help. But I don’t, can’t, and won’t understand how you can support Palestine and hate Israel, while hating Ukraine, diminishing the genocide in their country, and defending russians.
That’s disgusting. Ukrainians are fucking dying, and you hate them for not dying quicker, so Palestine can get more help.
But Ukraine is not an enemy to Palestine. Ukraine wants to survive, just like Palestine. But why Ukrainians have to read, hear all this shit about them?
Here’s a thing – you can and should support Palestine without dragging Ukraine in. Seriously, how is it Ukraine’s fault that the world doesn’t provide the needed help to Palestine? What should Ukrainians so in this case? Stop fighting? Give all weapons to Palestine? I repeat, Ukraine is in the war against countries with one of the biggest army. Ukraine is fighting against the country that has been starting wars all the time and doesn’t have any morals or war rules. 
Maybe instead of shitting on Ukraine, you can finally see that russia is still killing Ukrainians, and it’s just not fair to hate Ukrainians just because they want to survive.
Maybe if you are so about principles, you should revaluate your words about Ukraine and Palestine, and understand that you can’t say “don’t support both Palestine and Israel, because this way you support the aggressor” and then support russians or stay silent about Ukraine. 
Again, that’s hypocritical.
You think if russia supported Palestine at some UN voting, russians are good guys here? Russians and russia don’t give a shit about them. Yes, that’s harsh, but that’s true. And believe me, at some point they would do the same to the Palestinians. Russians hate everyone who is different from them. And even minorities in russia say that “pure-blood russians” hated them and harassed, even if said minorities have russian passport.
The point of this post is not to say you to stop supporting Palestine. No, of course not. I want you to understand that it’s unfair to shit on Ukraine and support Palestine at the same time. You can’t spread information about Palestine by comparing their experience to Ukraine or saying that Ukraine suffers not enough.
Yes, Ukrainians can be mainly white, but it doesn’t mean that they fucking deserve to die. Why do you put the blame for racism on Ukraine? How is it their fault?
That’s not fair. That’s disgusting and cruel.
No one should go through this. You know, it won’t kill to have some sympathy towards Ukrainians.
You can and should support both countries, you know. 
Free Palestine
Слава Україні.
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
'They cut heads off people': IDF major general describes aftermath of Hamas attack
A lot of people are still not clear about what happened in Israel last weekend. It was not a military operation, it was a massive terror attack.
It had no military goal that anybody can discern. Its only motive was to kill and kidnap a lot of civilians – and in the most brutal way possible.
Hamas acted like a cross between Hitler's SS and ISIS – and should be regarded as such.
People in the West who make excuses for Hamas terrorism are cheerleaders for atrocities. Do their friends and family know that they approve of babies being beheaded to further political goals?
To be clear, I am sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinian people. I believe in a two-state (or possibly even a three-state) solution. I feel that Netanyahu's Likud Party has harnessed the support of religious fanatics and ethno-nationalists to prevent such a solution and, as such, they are a danger to peace in the Eastern Mediterranean. Netanyahu is a power-craving dickhead who is on the wrong side of history.
The Hamas orgy of murder and brutality has done nothing for Palestinians and has resulted in a war that will not end until those who committed last weekend's atrocities are dead or off the scene for good.
Ukraine has suffered for centuries – not just decades – because of Russian imperialism. Stalin even starved to death much of the population in the early 1930 in a genocide known as the Holodomor.
And Vladimir Putin has renewed Stalin's efforts to eliminate even the concept of Ukraine. Yet despite this long history of persecution, Ukrainians have not been conducting mass murder sprees in Russian villages across the border – even though Putin's Russia has no qualms about murdering Ukrainian civilians either close up or by drones and missiles.
What Hamas did is not liberation or resistance. Nobody got liberated and many people in Gaza are now suffering because of Hamas.
Read the Hamas Charter. It is filled with anti-Semitic tropes which sound like they come from Mein Kampf. This is NOT anything like the Freedom Charter of the Nelson Mandela era ANC.
It is easily possible to be pro-Palestinian without being a shill for anti-Semitic mass murderers. But some people on social media haven't gotten that message.
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