#and I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while so idk we'll see what happens
thethingything · 1 year
I think our sleep schedule has hit that weird point where we just sleep randomly whenever for short bursts which isn't ideal but it's whatever. I'll maybe order some food to put in our fridge later so we've got stuff to eat when we wake up at weird times and then just pass out whenever
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kayrrhin · 1 year
i saw your commissions were opened after a fic i read, idk if you write for multiple characters but i’d like to request for robin, law, cora, yamato, and ace, with no peculiar pronouns for the reader, it can be fluff or nsfw, as you feel more comfortable with!
feel free to add more or not write for some ofc, no pressure it’s totally understandable, don’t overdo yourself, please and thanks!
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I'm going to be honest, you made a commission which literally features all of my all time favorite babies so let's goooo, i also assumed it was all separated since there were no specification, good reading!
3am baking
characters: Robin, Law, Corazon, Yamato, Ace
fluff, use of pet names, ft. teenager law in Cora's part
Reader's gender is not referred so it can be any gender
Warnings: use of swear words, a bit suggestive at Law's part, french
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"wow, so far it looks good!"
You looked at the cupcakes you and your girlfriend were making, so far there was only the dough but wow it looked good.
"I'm amazed that we're able to make such good cupcakes at this time of day, at least so far the dough is good!"
You grin at the archeologist and wipe some of the flour off her nose.
"Thanks, love."
You smiled and began to put the dough into the moulds, putting them in the oven.
"Now all we have to do is wait!"
Robin put her arms around you from behind and kissed your temple,
"I just hope Sanji doesn't take this the wrong way"
You chuckled a little
"The only thing Sanji might do is cry because we made it ourselves and he didn't cook it for us, or be amazed because it's going to be super good!"
You kissed her cheek and smiled proudly.
"haha, I guess you're right, I have to say though, what a strange urge to want to cook at such an hour, darling"
"Yes, I know, but at least we'll have snacks to read"
She smiles sweetly and kisses you, her soft lips resting on yours.
"Actually, I just hope they're still good tomorrow"
You looked up in a thinking manner for a bit,
"aaah you're right...it's probably going to be a little drier depending on how it goes..."
Your lover chuckled and kissed you.
"Don't worry too much, with a bit of tea it's going to be great, love"
After a little while you finished the cupcakes and boy were they good, as was the sleep you got afterwards.
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"You're messing up your sleep schedule right now."
Your boyfriend said, watching you make cookie dough,
"Oh, you're one to talk! At least it's not to overwork myself but to make cookies!"
You smile and continue to work on your work of art, but you feel someone approaching you.
"Let me help you at least, it might be fun... I guess."
He seemed a little embarrassed but helped you with the cookies anyway,
"Aaaw, thanks, love!"
You smiled at him and continued to bake, when the dough was separated, the surgeon put them in the oven, setting the temperature correctly.
"Can you put a timer on please?"
"Yep, I got it!"
You set the timer and start waiting, Law lifts you up to sit on the counter and kisses you on the forehead.
"I'll never understand how you can cook for ten people in the middle of the night"
He then kisses your jaw and puts his hands on your waist,
"I'll say it's my will to eat that gives me this strength, or a mental breakdown"
He chuckled and kissed your lips, slowly moving down to your neck, kissing it and leaving a few marks here and there, he started to get a little more impatient only for the timer to remind you both that the cookies were still in the oven,
"Yes! My cookies!"
You got off the counter, took out the cookies and turned off the oven.
"wooow, these look dashing!"
"Yes. They are."
You laugh, seeing your boyfriend a little frustrated by the sudden stop,
"Come on, sweetheart, we can continue where we left off for a few minutes, the cookies still need to cool."
"I don't know if I love you or hate you, [Name]-ya"
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"I'm surprised we made it this far without burning the kitchen down!"
You've finished putting your mixture on the plate to put what will soon be brownies in the oven,
"Me too, you've really taken the easiest thing to do"
Your lover wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his giant body.
"Yeah, I figured at 3am, burning the house down wasn't the best way to make something"
You laugh, nuzzling your face into his chest, him, resting his head on top of yours.
"You're right, I'm not sure Law would like us to set the house on fire."
He pulled his face closer to yours and kissed the tip of your nose, then your temple, and lips.
"He'd probably kick our asses if we did, I wonder who the real adults are"
You both laughed and stayed like that for a little while, to be fair the reason he hadn't set the kitchen on fire was because you were making sure he wasn't near anything that could catch fire, mainly his coat which was left in the living room for that specific reason.
"I think the brownies are good, let me turn off the stove"
You did so and smelled the brownies,
"wow, that smells really good, mi vida, we did a great job!"
He kissed you on the cheek and stumbled, causing you to lose your balance.
You looked at the brownies that were about to fall out, but they were replaced by a pillow.
"Can you be careful??? First I wake up because you can't keep it down, when I get up you're immediately about to injure yourself, and you're the adults here?"
"Right! Sorry we woke you up..."
"and thanks for saving us from a third degree burn!"
The teenager looked at you both and sighed.
" It's okay, plus it smells good, it would be sad to let it go to waste"
You look at your partner and both laughed
"Well, I guess it couldn't have gone without at least one little mistake"
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"Woooh! [Name], look, it's growing!"
You giggled at your golden retriever boyfriend who was looking at the gateau au yaourt in the stove.
"Yeah, that's the baking powder, baby"
Your boyfriend looked at you in awe, it was the first time in a long time he'd cooked in a real kitchen, so when you said you wanted to make a cake at 2:56am, he looked at you and instantly got up, already jumping towards the kitchen.
"This is so cool! And it smells so good too! My love, you are so good at baking! You are a god/goddess!"
Your boyfriend lifted you up in his arms, you laughed at his gesture.
" Pretty boy, I think you're over-reacting, I only have basic cooking skill"
He laughed and peppered your face with kisses, which made you giggle.
"Love, can you put me down? I need to turn off the oven"
"Oh yes, sorry!"
He puts you down and lets you reach the oven, you turn it off and take out the chocolate cake, the smell of the cake reaches your nostrils, but you smell something else, like vanilla.
"Wow, that smells good, you know why it smells like va...ni...la?", Finishing your sentence, you turn your head to notice the empty bottle of vanilla extract on the counter.
"Um... it smelled good, and like vanilla so..."
"Please tell me the bottle wasn't full."
You prayed for a second, imagining that the strong taste of vanilla was too much for your taste buds and mentally cried, but your boyfriend assured you that the bottle was almost empty when he did so.
"Ok, time to try it then, I really hope you're not lying because it smells like vanilla hell right now".
You took a bite and ate it, it was indeed very good and the vanilla taste wasn't overwhelming, which reassured your taste buds, you kissed your lover and took the cake to bring it in your room.
"Ah! I told you I didn't put it all in!"
Your boyfriend exclaimed, proud that he had not made a dumb mistake (for once).
"Yes, you did! I think it's time to eat it while reading about Oden, don't you think, big guy?"
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"oui, oui, baguette ! Quoisan !"
Your boyfriend laughed as he helped you prepare the croissants.
"Ace, shut the fuck up, it's 3am if Tatch hears us, we're dead"
The last time Tatch caught you, you were punished by cleaning the bathroom for 3 months, but you both had a sudden urge to cook after a long make out session.
"Come on, this time we're doing a good job and the ingredients were paid by us, this time if he catches us he won't have anything to blame us for"
He smiles as he rolls the dough into a croissant shape.
"You're right but still, I'm not sure having two dumbasses in your kitchen at 3am is the best way to wake up, even if you just want a glass of water."
the freckled boy finished making the shape and placed a napkin on the plate to let it sit and walked over to you and threw his arms around your waist.
"But I like to cook at night with my dumbass and my dumber self"
He chuckled and kissed your cheek.
"Pff, you're so cheesy, what's happening to you so suddenly, love? A second ago you were speaking broken French if I remember correctly."
You look at him, amused by his sudden display of affection.
"Hey, it's not my fault that my heart races when I see you."
"Oh, you're in your flirty state again, finish the croissant, idiot, and kiss me afterwards."
You both chuckled and he put his lips to yours, he was so goofy, my Lord.
"You two again???"
"Fuck, Tatch, wait, we can explain!"
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oval3000 · 8 months
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Yandere Simon Riley x reader (Soap's younger sister)
(Pretend that you guys are adopted or something idk. Also the Canon story with Makarov will be different - he's dead)
Warning: Toxic behavior, light (Forced) Smut, Assault, Curse, very toxic. Yandere, Violence. Slight yandere platonic Soap.
When Johnny's parents told him that he's going to have a baby sister at the age of 13, he was shocked and didn't expect it. At first, he wasn't really thrilled since the age gap was really big. His father will tell him that he'll have to protect you and love you like an older brother should do.
When they brought you home, he immediately realized the things his father had said. The feeling of not caring for you changed. He loves you. He would drop you off and pick you from school whenever he had the chance. He would take care off you when his parents go out on their date.
He would help you with your homework, even if he didn't understand it well. He would show up to all of your school events. He would give you pep talks whenever you needed it.
He got full custody of you, when his parents passed away.
When he joined the military, you were worried about him, but he assured you that everything was going to be okay. You would send him letters and he would reply, which caught Simon's attention.
He was able to get a safe house, after his encounter with Makarov to keep you safe. The only one that knows about it is Price, Gaz, and...Simon.
When they were stranded and needed to get shelter, Soap brought them to you. You met them...you met Simon. Simon couldn't help but to stare at you. You could feel his eyes on you and it didn't feel good. It felt like you were about to get eaten alive.
You never really had good luck with boys since Johnny would scare them away. So the feeling of a men staring you, made you feel a little uncomfortable.
Afterwards, Johnny told you that everything was going to be fine since they took down Makarov, you were happy that Johnny was no longer in danger.
He was happy that he can come home to you. He wouldn't know what to do if something bad happened to you.
So you can imagine his rage when he comes home and you're gone.
He didn't waste anytime to call Price and everyone, telling them that you are gone. They went to check the house and saw broken vases and picture frames on the floor. It wasn't rocket science to know that you have been kidnapped.
Johnny expressed his anger and concern to Simon, who he reassured Johnny that everything is going to be okay. They all tried to track you down. Visiting possible locations where you could be only to storm inside empty, abandoned, places.
Johnny couldn't sleep or think of anything else except to get you back. Each night when he tried to get some rest, all he can think is the moment his father told him to take care of you and failed.
The team told him to take it easy or else he would hit the breaking point of his own health. Price ordered him to take time off while they worked on finding you.
Simon would come and visit Johnny to check how he's doing. "What if she's gone forever, Simon? What would I do with myself if I never get to see her again?"
Simon looked at him with pity, "don't worry, Johnny. We'll find her."
After checking on Johnny and helping the team on finding you, he would go home to his safehouse. He would place his bag on the couch and take off his mask and jacket.
He would walk to kitchen and open the door, turning on the lights. He would walk down on the creaky, woodfloor, staircase. He would stand there, Infront of the twin bed centered on the back wall of the basement.
He would stare at you.
Chained up that is hooked to the bed headboard. You sat up seeing him there. The man that took you from your home and locked you down in his basement. "Please don't hurt me."
"Love, I'll do whatever the fuck I want with you." He took off his shirt, showing his toned muscles. He climbed on the bed, having you to back away as much as the bed headboard allows you to. "Be a good girl and spread those beautiful legs of yours."
He gripped on your waist, thrusting his hip into you. You felt his cock drilling you so hard and deep you held on to the chain links that is connected to the metal cuffs on your wrist.
You hated it. He loved it. He loved the way you squirm under his tough body structure." Ah..Yes! Be a good girl for me, love!" His grunts and moans will take over your ears aswell as the sound the bed creaking and the sound of wet skin slapping eachother.
He would flip you over, pushing his your head down into the mattress and lift your ass in the air, thrusting even harder. "You're fucking mine." He pulled your hair back, forcing you to arch your back. "All mine."
He would cum deep into your womb. He would get up and leave you there, naked. You would bury your head into the bedsheets and sob quietly. He hated to hear you cry. He really hated it. "Shut up! I'm doing this because you don't listen to me!" He clasp your cheeks with his hand. "You're gonna learn, yeah," he pulled down his pants and shoved his cock in your mouth.
You were forced to swallow his cum.
You have no idea how long you've been in his basement. You don't know if Johnny is out there looking for you. When you tell Simon about it, he would take off his belt and fuck you till you pass out.
At first, you were his sex toy. He'll come home to you and drill you in till you could see the stars and leave you naked alone in the dark.
However, lately, he would lay in bed with you. He would caress your body as you lays on his bare chest.
He would unhook the metal cuffs from your wrist and carry you, bridal style, upstairs to bathe you. He would come home with flowers and teddy bears for you. On your birthday, he would bring a piece of cake with a lit candle on it.
You couldn't tell if you have lost your mind or just accepted your fate, but you wanted him. You want Simon. You want his attention, his love, his affection to you.
When he comes home to fuck you, you felt pleasure than pain. "Mhm...yes! Ah!ah! Harder Sir!"
"Love it when you call me that, love." He huffed, burying his head on the side of your neck, moving his hips back and forth. The sound of the bed creaking so uncontrollable. "You're so...ah!...s-so fucking beautiful."
Although, his demeanor never changed. "How many times do I have to tell you!? You're not leaving this room!"
"I want out of these chains, Simon!" You plead to him, holding out your chained wrist.
He lowered his head to you, "No! And if I were you, I would drop it."
That's how it was for who knows how long you've been tied up in his basement.
You weren't the only one loosing their minds. Johnny, running around trying to found you.
However, his focus came to Simon. How? Because he visited you.
Johnny went to visit Simon, to talk to him, about you. He thought he had some lead on to where you are. When Simon was looking as to where he thought you might be, Johnny wanted to get a drink.
Johnny is no stranger to Simon. He knows where Simon keeps the drinks. So when Johnny touched the basement door, it snapped Simon.
Johnny brushed it off. But not having you in his arms, he would honestly put the blame on a mail man that he met once. So it wasn't out of character for him to honestly question his own teammates. Afterall, they all knew where you were. They knew where the safehouse was. So how bizzare would it be to accuse his friend of possibly taking you.
He would spend weeks, just studying on his mates and all the possible scenarios lead up to Simon. It wasn't really that out of place, Simon became a bit sloppy. His energy of founding in the beginning, shifted. When Johnny would want to go to his house and go to the basement to get some drinks, Simon wouldn't allow him.
So when Simon opened his door and saw Johnny there, he felt the nerves rising. "Hey, Lt. Sorry to just drop by like this. I just wanted to take break and being in the house without her makes it hell."
"No problem, Johnny." He moved outside to let him in. He felt his throat to dry up a bit. Johnny has been visiting him a lot these past few weeks and it was unusual.
They both began to talk and drink. Simon excused himself to use the restroom. Johnny didn't waste time to go to that basement. He opened the door and slowly walked down to not create loud creaking. He reached the bottom floor and saw the bed and you on top.
You were laying down on your side. When you heard the sounds of steps, you thought it was, "Simon?" You peaked up and saw your brother standing there.
It's been so long that you've seen him, so him being there made you cry out. "Johnny!?"
He stood there frozen. He wished there was nothing here. He wished he wrong. He wished that it wasn't Simon. He wished that it wasn't someone he had trusted. "(Y/n)?"
You are so happy to see you. So happy that you couldn't see Simon creeping up on Johnny. "Simon! Please don't!" Simon knocked Johnny out cold.
You plead and plead Simon to let Johnny go. He tied him up. When Johnny woke up, he felt his arms on his back. He went on his knees and saw Simon standing near you. "You..you fucking bastard. I trusted you. You're supposed to be my friend."
"I only did what was the best for us." Simon went to Johnny. Crouched down infront of him. "You left me with no choice. You're overprotective of her, I knew this was the only option."
"The only option! You bastard! She's my sister and you took her away from me. I would never have someone like you to end up with her." His anger with his harsh down tone words made Simon take a deep breath.
"I know. So you kinda left me with no other choice." He pulled out a gun and pointed it to his head.
"NO! PLEASE! Please! Don't do this, Simon!" You cried for him to stop. "Please! I'll do anything you want! Just please don't kill him! Please.
"Sweetheart, you don't make the choice here." He held the gun tight, almost hesitant to pull the trigger.
"I love you, Simon! I love you. I'll be with you! Please don't kill him! We'll both forget about this, right Johnny!?" Johnny looked at you from the side and gave a small nod. "Let him live and I'll be with you. I'll do whatever you want me to do. I'll listen to you,I swear!"
"If I lower my gun, will you attack me?" Simon said to Johnny. You gave Johnny head shooks to tell him not to do something stupid. Johnny wanted to kill him, he does. But he knows the outcome if this. If he does die, then you'll be with Simon. If he does attack Simon, then he'll have to kill his friend.
How he wished he was wrong about this.
"I won't attack you. If you let me go, I won't tell anyone about this. As long as I get to see her still, I promise I won't interfere with anything else. Just let her go off those chains." His voice toned down a bit in a more calming manner.
Simon lowered his gun and turned his head towards you. "You love me?"
Your eyes widen with fear as to what Simon is going to do. "Yes. Yes, I love you!"
He ran to you, cupping your face with his hands, "You love me, sweetheart? I love you too. We'll get married and gave kids together yeah."
"Yes. But don't hurt Johnny. Ou-our kids will want their uncle." You smiled at him trying to hide your fear.
"I won't. I love you so much."
The words stick through. Johnny told Price that you were found and that some punks kidnapped for you 'their fun' it took a couple of months for people to find out about you and Simon.
The wedding was beautiful to him. The honeymoon was magical to him. And the announcement of your pregnancy was amazing to him
Johnny watched you, his little sister. Being trapped in a marriage with Simon.
As for you, you couldn't quite think of anything. It was all Simon. He knows what's best for you.
So you should trust him and love him.
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crabonfire · 1 year
One bed trope part 3!!
warnings: none
characters: sniper and spy
note: finally lmao I'm sick of this damn trope at this point
also, they are the little spoons 👍👍👍 idk imagining spy as the little spoon is cute to me
• he'll just sleep on the floor 🤷‍♀️
"Oh-dude there's just one bed."
"I guess I'll sleep on the floor then."
"What? No! I'll sleep on the floor."
"It's fine, I don't mind."
"No sniper I don't mind."
"...so how will we do this?"
"...we could share?"
"Oh. Alright."
• woah woah woah woahhhhh??? sharing with...you? naurrrrr
Don't get me wrong, he adores you and loves the company. But...sleeping? In the same bed? With? The person he's head over heels for? The person who distracts him mid battle because they are constantly running through his mind? I don't even think he'll be able to sleep at all.
the entire night is quiet. it's an awkward silence from the both of you. any small talk made is,,,well, short. He wants to talk to you, just have fun but he's so tense. So are you, he can see how eager you are to strike up convo, but nothing seems to come out of your mouth.
• "I'm gonna get some shut eye, 's been a long day."
"Oh okay! Goodnight snipes."
• You quickly doze off after a couple minutes and he finds that the TV is not entertaining in any way, so he also decides its time for bed.
Turning it off, he takes off his hat and places it by the headstand on his side, awkwardly slipping into the covers trying his best not to wake your sleeping form.
He faces you for a bit, then feels the blush creeping on his face due to how peaceful you look like this. A soft smile appears on his face. He sighs and turns to the other side, arm under the pillows and eyes closed shut.
• He has a lot of trouble sleeping. So usually he spends his nights just pondering about life and how it could be for him. I mean it doesn't help, but it's the only thing he can do to make himself sleepy enough to actually rest.
But he's snapped back into reality when he feels soft arms wrap around his chest from behind, eyes now open and the blush on his face is back as he realises that your holding him in your sleep.
His body stiffens, he's completely frozen. What does he do in this situation? He really doesn't know.
But...this is nice. He hadn't been held like this in a while. He smiles when he heard your muffled murmurs in your sleep, feeling your face lie gently on his back as you snore. The butterflies he's feeling is immense, his heart is pounding...it feels like he's going to explode.
•Hes glad your asleep, because if you were, he'd look like a cherry red tomato to you.
aww rhat was so cute anywaysss wakey wakey
You find yourself awake before he is, and in a very very intimate position.
• Your holding him tightly without even realising it, his face in the crook of your neck as he wraps himself around your torso. You can feel his warm breath on your neck, sending small shivers down your spine.
You dont know what to do, you try to move but the response you get is a tighter grasp. It seems he doesn't want you to let go, and he's not planning on letting go himself.
He mumbles, making you feel a warm wave of heat spread through your cheeks. You smile weakly and silently scream inside. Oh my god, this is the shit they pull in romantic dramas. Holy shit.
You peer at the clock, your early. That means you can still sleep in, holding your crush in a warm embrace <333
• naur
• yea he planned this lmfaoooo
• no like idk how to make this sound romantic or silly he planned this 👍👍👍
• "Oh-spy uh...there's only..one bed."
"So it seems, well, I guess we'll just have to share, hm?"
The entire night is filled with playful, and downright romantic flirting. It's not subtle anymore, and the fond look he gives you doesn't make this any easier to deal with. You knew this man had his charm, but wow, okay.
When it was time for bed, he waited for you to fall asleep because ain't no way he's letting you see him without the mask.
• "Goodnight spy."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
He simply spends the time to do some light reading, and when he hears your faint snores, he takes that as the time he can sleep. He takes his mask off before he sleeps, he's professional of course but ain't no way he bouta do that.
He sets it aside, revealing his thick black hair, his grey hairs prominent, an endearingly adorable trait of his (hehe he's cute)
• he sleeps facing you, admiring your features one by one, memorising each miniscule detail he can find. It's not this often he can get so close to the person he finds dear to him, so he's going to cherish it.
He's not one to act lovey dovey, but right now, he's in the most vulnerable position he could be in. Maskless, with the person he loves, no weapon in hand and just comfortably lying down, ready for sleep.
The feelings he has for you are strong, and that's saying something, considering he usually settles for casual flings.
But, if its you, being like this is...New. usually, he'd always be on guard and being the perfect, charmer he is around others. But others aren't like you, your special. You make him comfortable with his vulnerability.
• rambling aside, he sighs before turning his back and deciding its time to rest. He has no worries about if you'll wake up to his maskless face because he always wakes up earlier than you ever will.
Good morning, sleepyhead. I have a gun to your head!! Wake up lmao
• he wakes up quick, blinking the last bit of sleep away. something about what he's feeling right now is unusual...he feels warm. like a big cozy blanket has enveloped him in its protective hold.
he blinks a couple more times and realises the position he's in. For once, it seems that he is the flustered one in this situation.
You're holding him in your arms, his head lays on your chest, being able to hear every breath you make and the slow, hypnotising beating of your heart. His hands wrapped tightly around your waist, as if in his unconsciousness, he had been aching to be closer to you.
Oh Y/N, what is he going to do with you?
• being in such a romantic position...its driving him mad. Never had he thought you'd be the one holding him, cradling his body till the day came. But here you are, comfortably asleep with him in your arms.
This sudden intimacy is not new to him, but it has been so long since he's been held by someone he truly loves...and it might be delusion or hopeful thinking, but maybe you feel the same to him too.
• though, as much as he'd like to stay with you like this, hell if he could he'd do it for all eternity, he has to get up. slowly, he unwraps himself from you, replacing him with his pillow, and goes to get ready for the day.
He's glad you're asleep because if the day ever comes for you to see him with red blush staining his cheeks, he'd rather die. <3
author note pls read :•(
hey sorry ive been gone for like...months. finals came up, second semester started, I've been getting unmotivated not only by writing but my other hobbies and even school too. I'm so sorry,,,I'm especially sorry to all the requests I've ignored for my hiatus,,,writing is NOT easy, and sometimes becomes a chore for me when I get pressured or unmotivated.
I hope you guys enjoy,,,sorry for any errors English is not my first language. I will try my best to post more, but I cannot guarantee I will be consistent. Thank you for reading :•)
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calqlate · 1 year
i was watching king the land and was suddenly hit by a wave of inspo for some diluc brainrot (utc)
modern au whereby diluc is the new ceo of the dawn winery, a wine-making company famed for its expensive but high-quality alcohol. he had just returned from his six-year-long bachelor's and master's studies in sumeru (according to the press) and had been missing from his office for the longest time during then. no one had seen the ceo, not since his father passed away in a terrible accident when he was eighteen.
enter [f/n], diluc's new secretary. she was newly hired as things began to get hectic in terms of paperwork, and elzer couldn't possibly shoulder all that workload by himself. the tasks were then split between the two secretaries: elzer was in charge of finance and sales, and [f/n] was in charge of networking.
as such, [f/n] spent her time pretty much glued to diluc's side, accompanying him on visits and meals with investors and business partners within the region as well as across the world.
while working closely with his new secretary, he found himself falling for her. she was diligent and compassionate, and had a penchant for taking care of others when they were struggling in either their work or personal life. she was also indifferent to the fact diluc was born rich and showed him how regular people lived. (she once had to show him how to take public transport, much to her amusement.)
and then cue one night whereby the two had to share a hotel room due to a misbooking of rooms, and diluc insisted that she slept on the bed for the night.
[f/n] raised a brow at her superior, "and where will you be sleeping tonight, then?"
"the couch," he answered, and both heads turned to survey the plush sofa that was definitely way too small and narrow to accommodate to diluc's height and wide build.
"that's not happening," [f/n] said with a shake of her head, "you're never going to be able to fit on the couch, let alone sleep comfortably on it."
"i'll sleep on the floor, then," diluc answered.
she snorted, "i don't think you'll find it comfortable, sir." she turned her head to the queen-sized bed, which was big enough to fit two people side by side. she turned to him, "let's just share the bed."
"i don't wish to make you uncomfortable," he shook his head.
"and i don't wish to have rumours going around that i'm bullying our ceo during a business trip," she said, "anyway, it's just for one night."
[f/n] fell asleep quickly, leaving diluc lying on his back stiffly on his side of the bed, his mind spiralling into a frenzy as he tried not to panic. his brain set itself on the grill to fry, however, when [f/n] rolled over and snuggled up against his side.
his face burned bright red as he froze up, his breaths caught in his throat. never had he thought he would find himself in such a situation, where the girl he liked was sleeping on the same bed as him and was now hugging his torso.
he turned himself around slowly so that he was now facing her, careful as to not wake the girl. wordlessly, he reached a thumb out to push some stray hairs out of her face, then cupped her cheek gently. her breaths came out gentle and shallow, fluttering across his neck as she moved her head to rest in the crook of his neck.
gently, he wrapped his arm around her frame and pulled her closer to him. if this was the only time he could revel in his deepest fantasies, then so be it. he would hold her carefully in his arms until the sun rose the next morning, and he would sear this moment into his memory for years to come.
let's just say [f/n] was not prepared to wake up seeing her superior's sleeping face inches away from hers, and she has just about a mini meltdown in her head about this.
awkward blushy episodes ensue where the two would be too embarrassed to be within the other's one metre radius.
will an accidental confession episode happen? or will one of them accidentally overhear the other talk about how they like and cherish the person? idk, we'll see about that!
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quirkle2 · 9 months
(uhm warning for injury/blood/whump, parental death, uhhhhhhhhh fire? a lot happens (also idk if the read more thing has been fixed so let's pray. i refuse to smack these long ass paragraphs in front of innocent bystanders (this is so long. im so sorry)))
ok so reigen is the professor of the galaxy expedition team and u may be wondering how he got that job: lying :)! he claims he knows everything abt pokemon and that he's been studying them his whole life when in reality he's not even totally sure how many pkmn types there are. granted, the rest of the team doesn't either, so his ability to bluff himself out of any given situation is massively helped by their cluelessness
he just wants to sleep in a bed with blankets and eat food to survive and lying into the professor position was the quickest way he saw to get there. he'd been wandering in the wilderness for a while since coming to hisui before that and it kinda sucked. bro just wants a house in this crippling economy
mob n ritsu were originally from another village! they don't meet reigen until mob is 9 (ritsu 8). there's no powers in this au but mob's whole shtick is that he takes the,, extreme pacifist route i guess? he thinks pokemon r to be respected and loved and Not Bothered and he's against the use of pokeballs to store them and commanding them to battle each other, etc. essentially if he were in a modern era he'd think the way present-time people treat pkmn is, for the most part, cruel
anyway their hometown gets attacked by pkmn and the village is destroyed. their parents die protecting them, so 9-year-old mob was left to fend for himself n his little brother alone. they travel together kinda aimlessly for 7ish months until they get remarkably (unknowingly) close to jubilife village and come across that giant fuckin rapidash before the bridge
it's their first alpha pkmn encounter. neither of them have pkmn to defend themselves with (mob's reason: he ain't like that. ritsu's reason: He Is Eight and Scared). mob has always been able to empathize w pkmn a lot and sorta get a read on what they're thinking, so the vibes comin off that rapidash were rancid and he was worried abt it. mob has never been afraid of pkmn, not even the rly big and scary looking ones. so he approaches it with the intention of calming it down, seeing what's hurting it. he makes ritsu stay back in case things go bad
he's kicked in the head. if u forgot how big that rapidash is just google it. the hooves r the size of ur player character's head and ur player character is like 15. mob is 9. the fact that he doesn't die immediately upon impact is a miracle. the fact that he survives longer than 5 seconds after the fact is basically divine intervention
the doodle i made in the top left corner of ritsu screaming is this ^ encounter. he watches it happen, and then watches in horror more as the rapidash panics at ritsu's scream and rolls a flame wheel over his brother's limp form. ritsu manages to dive for him and run, but the kid is thoroughly terrified and traumatized
i'll spare u the horrid bits but long story short ritsu finds a cave to settle in and while he's rly inexperienced with medical treatment he does his best. his best isn't very good in the grand scheme of things but him being 8 is a pretty damn good excuse. he camps out there for Three Whole Days waiting for his brother to wake up or respond to literally anything but it isn't happening and the longer this goes on for the more terrified ritsu gets
mob's taught him how to survive pretty well all things considered, but ritsu is a lot more worried abt mob than taking care of himself and he ends up neglecting his own needs pretty fiercely. he feels too sick w guilt/fear to eat. he tries to stay up as long as he can in case mob stirs. by the end of it he's pretty worse for wear too
reigen finds them while out in the field doing research (wasting time). he sees a little kid half stuck in a bush looking for berries and when reigen tries to get his attention ritsu, who is extremely on edge and sleep deprived and scared, just straight up screams at him. reigen sees his dirty clothes and skinny arms and flushed face (fever. definitely fever) and alarm bells ring in his head to not let the kid go no matter what cuz he Will lose him otherwise
once ritsu gets his bearings and realizes this is a human (first one other than mob he's seen in forever) and not a pokemon coming to kill him he starts crying to him abt his brother and reigen feels his heart drop to his stomach bc if This kid is worried about a brother who is supposedly worse off,,, dear god
ritsu leads reigen to mob. the dressings around his arm where he was burnt are completely incorrect and most definitely horribly infected and ritsu didn't rly do Anything for the head injury other than clean the blood away bc well. again. he's 8. idek if eight year olds know what concussions are
reigen BOOKS it back to jubilife faster than he's ever ran and halfway through he realizes ritsu has passed out in his arms too (kid's probably exhausted beyond belief. reigen has no idea how long they've been like this but he guesses a while) everybody in the village is kinda horrified when the professor comes back with two hurt kids, one of which is on death's door. the medical team there does everything they can
it takes a while for mob to wake up, but thankfully he does in the end. reigen finds out thru ritsu that they've been alone for "a long time" (ritsu doesn't know. doesn't rly remember. reigen asks mob when he wakes up and mob says he stopped counting somewhere after day 140)
even though mob still isn't quite back to his old self and is still generally confused and Slightly Off, the doctors say he'll be okay after a few weeks and reigen has unintentionally gotten very attached to these kids. ritsu had told him their parents died during the attack on their village. they have nowhere else to go, and like hell is Any member of this village gonna be happy with simply throwing them out into the wilderness again. so reigen takes them in
anyway that's how they meet <3 GVEYAI mob is back to his normal self (the occasional Moment of Confusion comes around from the brain injury, but they taper off after a while) and reigen is very much surprised to see that mob, as ritsu has described to him, still very much loves every pkmn he comes across. he gets a bit nervous around rapidashes in particular, but other than that, mob is still just as caring and just as respectful as ritsu described him to be. ritsu is scared of bigger pkmn like any other kid is. mob is an exception, even after that experience.
reigen waits about a year so that they have time to settle and recover (and so that he has time to observe), and then he gives them each a pokemon. this might seem odd, but mob has never expressed any ill will toward Any pkmn, and ritsu still smiles at the smaller ones
he gives them a choice between the pla starters that have been hanging around his office. mob picks cyndaquil and names her cindy. ritsu picks rowlet and doesn't name him at all (this gives reigen pause, but ritsu seems to have a new fire in his eyes, so he brushes the worry away)
when they're of age (mob waits for ritsu to reach 13. they do everything together) they both join the survery corps, and mob ends up becoming reigen's assistant :]! reigen is admittedly a little worried abt this development, about his kids going out into the wild, but they both seem ready for it (ritsu seems ... a little Too ready for it considering his past) so he relents
mob has made his opinions about pkmn clear, especially to reigen, and reigen has ended up adopting some of his ideals since he met him bc they,, well thwy sound reasonable. they sound nice. mob doesn't ever put cindy in a pokeball, and cindy had never once been in a battle other than play fights with rowlet. mob treats cindy like any other normal pet, like a friend. he looks at those boxes of pokeballs in reigen's office with a frown. he finds the idea of fighting pkmn in the wild for sport despicable. he openly scratches out the pokedex tasks like "defeat 10 times" with disdain. reigen starts seeing another world that he never rly considered before, with mob
this is where reigen senses some,,, tension, between the boys. ritsu evolves his rowlet into a dartrix remarkably quickly since joining the survey corps, and not even a few weeks later he's a got decidueye on his side. ritsu catches pokemon left and right and if they're "not strong enough" he keeps them in pokeballs until he remembers they exist again. he works on building a team with no weaknesses, or as few weaknesses as possible. bro invents competitive pkmn
obviously, mob sees this and ,,, doesn't like it. he doesn't like how Distant ritsu is with his pokemon, with creatures that he wholeheartedly believes should be treated as friends or family. he doesn't name any of them, he spends nearly all his earned money from the survey corps on items that boost their strength, but almost no money toward items for comfort, or even treats, or toys. ritsu treats his team like they're tools. the relationship between ritsu and his pkmn is,, strained. mob can sense they aren't nearly as happy as they could be
but mob knows that he can't just,, police ritsu on how he should handle his own pokemon. he may not agree with how ritsu approaches the subject, or with how ritsu's first instinct for anything pkmn is usually "fight it," but mob knows ritsu Does like pkmn. ritsu's never hated pkmn, he's just,,, scared of them, sometimes. he thinks maybe this is his way of making himself feel protected. mob doesn't like the idea of taking that away from him, no matter how much seeing ritsu refrain from giving his team a break grinds on his soul
little does he know, ritsu's strictness with his pkmn isn't born out of a fear for himself at all. he's building a dependable team to protect his brother. that's the whole reason he's doing this, the whole reason he didn't name rowlet when he first got him. ritsu knew that if he were to do this, he couldn't get attached to them, bc losing pokemon in fights is a very real possibility. it's been drilled into each and every one of his pkmn's heads that they r to protect mob at all costs. if there's a repeat of That incident, ritsu doesn't think he can handle it (>:])
WOW THIS IS ALREADY SO LONG i haven't even gotten to the kleavor part yet. fuck. if ur still reading this can i have ur hand in marriage /silly
OKAY SO . The Game's Plot comes in, finally. took long enough. reigen starts getting reports of frenzied nobles and he's most worried abt kleavor bc it's rather close to them, and the village could very well be in danger if kleavor decides to say fuck you in particular. so reigen goes Hey This is an Actual Threat That Needs My Attention I Have to be Competent For a Sec and spends the next few weeks tirelessly searching for an answer for this kleavor. some of the staff have already gotten mauled by it. reigen cannot ignore this and put it on somebody else like he usually does
the whole town is getting antsy, and mob most definitely notices. ritsu's jumpy all the time anymore, like he expects kleavor to rampage through the streets any second now. reigen looks tired and worn down, and he's been coming home later and later. mob watches as reigen makes plans to use force against kleavor with a sour taste in his mouth. he tries to tell reigen that force isn't the answer here. reigen, bless him, doesn't know how to tell a kid that friendship and rainbows isn't always the answer
after another week or so, mob's had enough. they've gotten nowhere closer to calming kleavor and more people have gotten injured, so mob quietly writes a note and leaves it on his bed, makes sure he doesn't wake up ritsu or cindy, and leaves the house before reigen comes home. he sneaks out over the fence so the guards at the gate don't catch him. he sets off to go see kleavor
he fully and truly believes that force is not the answer. he fully and truly believes that if he goes up to kleavor with no pokemon to fight it with, no weapons or spears pointed at it, and just a calm voice and peaceful demeanor, kleavor will see there is no danger. the galaxy team's previous attempts have all centered around violence and scare tactics. nobody has recently come up to its territory without posing a threat. mob genuinely just thinks that kleavor needs calm
reigen finds the note. freaks the fuck out. immediately rounds up every person in the village that's capable of fighting and they march out of the village to save a kid who's in way over his head. reigen makes ritsu Promise him that he will not leave the village. he can see it in ritsu's eyes, the way he wants nothing more than the come with them, but reigen gives the argument that ritsu is their strongest soldier back home and they still need to protect the village from anything else while everybody's gone. it takes all of ritsu's self-control to not go against him (he's fully set on coming with them until reigen Grips him by the arms and says "i can't lose both of you.")
mob's plan does end up working in the end, but not quite perfectly and not at all in a good way. he steps into kleavor's territory and has it calm at first, but smth changes in kleavor's eyes and whatever Force that's corrupting it surges and kleavor snaps.
mob gets Fucked Up by that thing. sliced and thrown and clawed until he can barely stand up to run away, but it's the last blow that matters. kleavor comes down on him with a chop right to his middle and everything stops. there's a sizeable gash that cuts through mob's side horizontally and kleavor's axe is stuck in the flesh there, but once mob isn't moving anymore and nothing is making kleavor afraid, the fog in its brain clears and it sees what it's done
it also sees that mob is still awake, and despite everything kleavor did to him, he's still looking at it like he knows its capacity for gentleness. even through the pain mob looks at kleavor like he Knows this isn't what it's rly like. and as soon as mob sees the light return to kleavor's eyes he smiles, blood gurgling in his throat
kleavor hears shouts from the forest, sees torchlight and panicked yells for mob. it doesn't know what to do, don't like what it sees, what it Did to this poor kid. it winces when it has to slide its axe out from the gash in mob's side—the squelch it makes and the Noise mob lets out is the last thing kleavor needs to book it
u can only imagine how fuckin hysterical reigen feels when he sees mob on the ground like that. they brought half of the medical team just in case and reigen is rly glad they did bc if they didn't there's a good chance mob would've bled out right there within a few minutes.
he's in rly rly bad shape and is barely conscious by the time reigen grabs his face and tells him itll be okay. they bring him back to the village at record pace and every minute they take he looks paler. reigen is so scared the kid's going to die in his arms before they even get there
when they get to the gates someone from the medical team takes him from reigen's arms. reigen hears ritsu scream. the kid's shoving people away who're trying to comfort him and beelining his way to mob, but reigen catches him before he can fully see the damage bc he does Not want that bloody mess to be in ritsu's nightmares for the rest of his life
ritsu fights him and pushes him and shoves him away, screaming that he just wants to see his brother, but reigen holds him back and he ends up pulling ritsu close when the kid loses steam and just starts sobbing into his chest
to ritsu, he's failed again. to reigen, he's failed them both. to mob, despite holding onto the living world by a thread, he succeeded.
anyway that's the story so far VGEAYVUA I HAVEN'T .. FIGURED OUT TERU YET. or dimple. i know the gist of i how i want teru and mob's meeting to go tho. teru is just like ritsu but like . Worse when it comes to pokemon. uses them as tools and doesn't even rly think of them as sentient at all. until he meets mob that is :]
i'm thinkin he's the warden of sneasler! and yaknow what, just for shits n giggles and bc i love ingo too much to get rid of him, what if ingo is teru's unofficial teacher. what if. wouldn't that be fuckin hilarious and completely ruin any sense of consistency here. what if (it's happening)
i'm also pretty set on making dimple one of the wisps from the spiritomb quest that ends up following mob around. that's fitting i think
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Tw: Sui ideation, self-harm, general sui warning because idk?
Looking for: Advice
Okay, so, I'm kind of really scaring myself lately. I'm used to being able to be hit with emotional stuff and cope (in healthy or minorly unhealthy ways).
But lately I've been having worse s/h urges than usual (I want to actually draw blood and/or get something sharp to use), and there's been a couple times where the suicidal urges have been really strong.
There was a point a few years ago where I was on the edge of going and committing suicide, but my Mother (though unhelpful, could stop me) was there at the time and I didn't s/h. I've hit that point again a couple of times, and the only thing I've really managed to do with it is say "let me just do this thing, and then we'll go". Said thing is really easy for me to get locked into hyperfixation loops on so bad I'll fall asleep doing it, which is why it's my go-to, but I'm scared if I get bored of it I won't have anything stopping me anymore.
And whenever I get to these points I think, maybe I should call a hotline or something or have Mother (albeit. sleeping.) call the hotline, but I keep thinking I'm not actually going to do anything, I'm not actually feeling these urges I'm just stressed and thinking of easy outs and I just want attention.
And I know you're supposed to "call before it's too late" and "you're not seeking attention" but also. How do I know the difference between just wanting to and being at genuine risk of doing something? What if I'm really just over exaggerating? Maybe part of this is because the last time I got to this point Mother said I was being sensitive and it was my fault, etc., but I don't know.
And it's usually worn off when I wake up, so it's not really an emergency I guess? Not like I have a note or anything set up if it does happen or like I have a method or anything. There's no plan it's just like...I want to just walk out on the road and let it happen. Maybe that counts as a plan. I don't know.
But either way, I just. I don't know. It's never been so strong and so real so often, that one time was rock bottom in an already dark place, but now it's happening consistently, at least once a week if not twice or more. And it's stupid because then, like, I could be on the verge of just going through with it one night, and the next day going "yeah idk what the fuck I was on about this is tolerable", so it feels even more invalid and idk. It's so stupid. I have no idea when I should really take the risk of trying to call something or however that works (I don't even know how it works.) and I'm scared if I tell my therapist about it, he won't let me choose he'll just call. But what if I am just exaggerating and he tells me that I'm just overreacting?? Fjdjansnwjajsnnf
Haven't said anything because the only people with me rn are my Mother (concerns discussed), my therapist (concerns discussed), and my brother but. Idk. I'm scared my brother will just think I'm overreacting to nothing or whatever (he doesn't know most of my life history, and struggles understand stuff like neurodivergence beyond stereotypes, and while he brought up it sounded like I had depression at one point, I'm still unsure on where he might stand with mental illness), or that I'll just be adding to an already very loaded plate. Same with Mother. Everyone's got too much shit and if I add this to that it's just make everything so much worse.
Trying to make this as stable as possible, I'm sorry I'm going through it rn lol. I tried to cut the fluff but I'm super foggy right now and yeah. I'm gonna go do my hyperfixation thing before I do something stupid, but I appreciate any advice you can give.
(And, if you think I should be calling someone at these points, resources would be appreciated because I don't actually know what to do and if I have to tell someone I don't want them calling 911 or something. I'm not sure how reasonable that anxiety is, but yeah. Thanks. Have a good day <3)
- Ghost (👻) (Tumblr never likes to let me search my ask so I'm attempting to sign it this time so it may go through, sorry if the thing is taken)
Hi Ghost,
I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with suicidal thoughts. Please know that it's okay to call or text a crisis hotline even if you're not literally on the brink of suicide. Having the thought can escalate very quickly regardless of how many times you've had that thought before, so it's better to be safe than sorry. If you ever have those thoughts again, know that you are welcome to text HELP to 741741, text or call 988, or browse this masterpost of international crisis hotlines. I can assure you that there are no repercussions to reaching out to 741741 or 988, but I am less familiar with the resources on the masterpost, so do keep that in mind.
If anyone has any additional comments or suggestions, please feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help and please let us know if you need anything.
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im-yn-suckers · 1 year
cupids arrows; karma kicked her in the butt
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
pairing- not exactly enemies to lovers but along those lines. idol niki x idol fem reader park y/n (jays baby sister) (debuts in gg)
warnings- fake friends, idk how kpop auditions work so bear with me, light swearing, lmk what else
wow, proofread this time
synopsis- flashback as jay's younger sister in school, you and your friend decided to audition for hybe at the age of 14. when you pass and she doesn't, you get selected to join a survival show. when your and the one member younger than you debut and you don't, you are announced as the 8th member of enhypen. how does getting cheated on benefit the fact that you and niki aren't very fond of each other?
chapter one; karma kicked her in the butt
masterlist -> next
"we should audition!!" you screamed as you showed your friend, I-jun, your phone screen. displaying the announcement from hybe saying they're looking for people to audition for their new girl group.
''sure. why not? after school on monday we'll go" she said from her spot on your bed. she was sleeping over and it was a friday night. enhypen just debuted and everyone at school called you 'not-so-famous park kid'. how motivating.
you texted your boyfriend telling him all about it. he was the best boyfriend ever.
monday after school, you and I-jun walk over to the hybe building and wait in line. there was a crowd of about 40 when you two got there. the line got to about 100 people by the time it was I-jun's turn.
"Hello! my name is Hwang I-jun. i am 14 years old and hope to be able to work with you in the future." she introduced herself to the judges and began to sand a song in english, korean and danced. her vocals were good, they were stable but her dancing was something she could work on. she wasn't bad, but her vocals were very shaky when dancing.
"hello, I am park y/n. i am 14 years old and i hope to become and idol just like my older brother." your vocals were like honey and your rap was so good. you had precision in your dance and nothing was wrong.
the other people lined up did their auditions and the judges went to the waiting room. they announced who passed the first audition.
"Ae-sol, Kim. Jin-sol Park, Y/n Park, Sook Lim, and, Eun Jung! Please fill out this form and give we will update you on when the next audition is within the next week or so. otherwise, you may go home! thank you!" you stood with your mouth open in shock and you felt I-jun's eyes on you.
"good job y/n. you did good, i should have practiced like you told me too. i guess i was just being a shit-head" she said, almost forcing herself to.
on the walk home, you were still in disbelief. you enjoyed the evening breeze and walked I-jun home. she was never that rude.
''don't you think one famous kid is enough? like why two? to brag? i mean, he's not that famous. he'll probably flop and end up disbanding" she was obviously jealous that you passed and she didn't. it was uncalled for and unnecessary for her to say that about jay
"i don't know but anyway, see you tomorrow at school. study for bio!" you dropped her off at her house and facetimed jay on the way home. he made you feel safe. despite his tight schedule, he always responded to your texts and calls. he was the best big brother and you wouldn't trade him for the world
"hey kiddo! how are you?" his voice was comforting and warm
"hey, im ok. how about you? how's life being famous and all?''
"its alright. have you done anything today? you don't usually call out of random like this"
"yeah, i wanted to tell you that me and I-jun auditioned for the new girl group audition at hybe. i passed the first audition, she didn't and she sounded really mad"
"now way! congrats! kind sucks that I-jun didn't. if shes being mean to you, tell me because i'll beat up anybody who hurts you. heh"
"Y/N!!!! wassup!! you passed the first audition? thats awesome!" jake was shouting in the background while all the members gathered around to talk to you.
"niki, are you going to say hi or something?" sunoo asked in his motherly tone, almost a whisper
"nah, tell her im sleeping" he rolled his eyes and walked upstairs.
"well, i gotta go jay. I'm home and i don't want you to hear mom and dad's 'happy' shouts"
"ok, bye kiddo! text me before and after the next audition! eat and drink water before i sneak out of here and force feed you"
"ok, bye jay! love you!"
"love you too kiddo" you hung up and walked inside.
"sweetheart! how'd it go? oh, i mean. welcome home honey."
"hi mom. i passed the first audition but I-jun didn't."
"oh. honey. i'm sorry. it'll be okay"
"don't be sorry, she said rude things about jay. karma kicked her in the butt" maybe she deserved it. you went up to your room and went to sleep. you had a bio exam tomorrow after all.
tuesday morning arrives and your phone is blowing up. tons of classmates congratulating you and a handful being rude.
after the bio exam, you had lunch. to avoid any interactions, you went to study hall. finally, peace and quiet. you checked your email and saw that hybe had sent an email confirming the next audition.
you texted jay, knowing there was a possibility he was busy. after school, you felt the buzz you were waiting for, in your backpack
jay big bro <3: hey kiddo! sorry i responded so late, i had dance practice. im so proud of you! you'll definitely pass. love you kiddo!
your shoulders dropped with relief when you saw jays contact on the screen of your phone.
the day of the audition came and you texted jay before you entered the building.
y/n: hey jay! i know you're probably busy being famous and all but i'm about to go in for the second audition. wish me luck! love you!
jay big bro<3: hey kiddo! good luck! i love you too! im so proud of you!
his reassurance was all you needed to push you into the doors of the audition.
after about two hours of evaluations, singing, rapping, and dancing, they announced who would go on the survival show.
"The participant who will be competing in "My High School Dream' is, Y/n Park!!! congratulations y/n." you were in shock and you couldn't believe it.
your first instinct was to text jay about it.
y/n: i did it!!! i made it! im going to be on 'My High School Dream'!!!!
jay big bro <3: hold up
he facetimed you and started shouting random things.
"guys! come here! y/n passed!"
the guys *unnecessary* shouts were all you heard. luckily you were at the park, sitting on the swings.
"congrats y/n -_-" of course. niki wasn't happy for you.
"thanks niki." all you heard was a sarcastic 'uh-huh' before jay came back after all the guys congratulating you
"i told you you'd make it! congrats kiddo. i love you so much. did anyone else make it?"
"thanks, i love you too. no, it was just me but they told me there would be 12 other girls competing to make one group."
"it'll be ok, kiddo. where are you?"
"im at the park. i was going to head over to Hyu- a friends house after you hung up"
"oh? who's that?"
"just a friend, uh. yeh"
"ooookaaaay. be safe. love you kiddo"
"love you too jay. i will"
your shoulders went up after accidentally telling jay about your boyfriend. he was the only one who didn't know about Hyun.
little did you know, jay texted your parents and told them to buy a cake quickly. he also mentioned Hyun. they told him who he was but that didn't matter.
when you got to Hyun's house, you greeted his parents and told him the news. he was so happy for you and after about half an hour. you walked home excitedly, unknown of what was waiting at home.
"SURPRISE!!!!! WE'RE SO PROUD OF YOU! WE LOVE YOU!" they were waiting at the door of your house with a cake and banner in their hands.
"thanks mom and dad. i love you too"
you ate cake and celebrated. you received an email telling you where/when to go. school wasn't the easiest, but you made it for the week you had left before leaving.
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hospitalterrorizer · 7 months
sunday - monday
i did work on music, but,
i hit a really annoying snag, one of the (*) i used for the new plugins i got, which i only used 2 of, and sparingly i feel like, has gone wrong, so every few seconds it outputs a hissing noise instead of effecting the input. really annoying. i'm trying to figure out which songs i've really used that on, i don't think many? we'll see. i guess i can check now if i'm using it on one of the guitar sounds i really like. i think maybe. but also that might just be vst3 things and have nothing to do w/ that sound. that would be a blessing. i know i have one really overt use that i feel worried about losing what it does, i'll have to figure out some other fucked up feedback sound for that i suppose. that could be interesting though, i think i could find something really interesting there, maybe.
so far like one other song, in a nonessential way, easy to just cut that out and use another plugin in its place, and then forego the transient shaper (sucks but what can i do, it was probably totally inaudible anyways, maybe the mix will be better with the bass not getting that particular boost too?).
found another, sadly i think it was maybe more important but idk, still able to get a sound i liked out of something else, it's just sad it's not as easy, which is really what i liked about that plugin.
yeah, it does sound good.
i can probably stop checking for the rest of the night, and then see more tomorrow. i am also looking at another plugin that seems similar and is free. i should see if i can scoop up others like this as well. bit editors specifically. they're probably not actually doing bit editing/that precise a kind of crushing but it's interesting to hear, i really like it because it can do a really sharp thing, depending on which bits you fuck with. the one i found seems like it can do roughly what i want it to do (but no feedback function which rlly sucks). i hope they figure out whatever went wrong with the thingy.
otherwise i mixed 2 songs today, it went well i think. i listened to the others i mixed and some are a little thin, vocals need to get more range put back in which is easy to solve, and then what, one song has drums that are too loud over all, one song has a snare that's too sharp i think. other than that, idk.
the plugin is like, really weird in ways but i can get it to do what i want (sooo thankful it can just be sharp and annoying).
today we did see friends, it was a long day with them, kinda, time went by fast. because of the shooting anyone with a unlv id could get into this thing we have in vegas, called omegamart. it's like, i dunno, i don't want to say lame, it's like edm bro-core stuff though. but it's like cute and some of the things they had in there were really cool, i think, one room had this strobe that was actually a flash that was connected to a weird camera setup, and it was taking pics and projecting that on the walls in step w/ each flash. that was a good room. they had a pretty chillout room, with these etched glass panels, some ambient. they had some cute interactive things. i thought it would be awful but it was honestly a positive experience. they even had a music thing anyone could go mess with, a couple actually. letting people make music is always nice.
and i just spent a while messing with an old guitar sound that used that plugin, and put the new one in, in a way that hopefully satisfies me. anyways, i am too tired, i wanted to sleep earlier tonight but didn't. so:
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the WIP, hand it over
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Appreciate you asking, bestie.
So, what I have in mind is writing another wuxia au for Killer and Healer because I had a great time writing the last one (and I always like to write an au at least twice (mafia aus don't count, I love mafia aus so I'm always thinking of those fuckers)) and it's gonna be a multi-chaptered fic and a case fic...but with a twist! It'll be a supernatural wuxia case fic au. (explanations are gonna get long so it goes under the cut)
So, Jiang Yuelou is a detective/royal inspector/crown prince (this last part is kept a secret for reasons I haven't figured out yet) and Chen Yuzhi is a fox spirit doctor who works in the "Ghost Market" of the kingdom. Why is it called the Ghost Market, you ask? Because that's where all the "weird" happens...it's where the demons, mythological creatures, and outcasts live. (It also only opens at night so...Ghost Market).
I've got I think at least 8 cases planned out
Illegal black tea/herb being sold/is killing people - the case that leads Jiang Yuelou to Chen Yuzhi because the tea/herb is only sold in the Ghost Market and Chen Yuzhi is a doctor in said Ghost Market so he'll be able to recognize the tea/herb (lowkey inspired by the first case from Strange Tales of Tang Dynasty)
Ghost Brides (or Jue Yuan) - Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi leave the city of Jing'an and head to Yingtai, where their women are either being "sacrificed" as "ghost brides" or their women/daughters are stolen by the jue yuan (this case is kinda iffy because ghost brides are an easy fix, the jue yuan are a little bit more complicated and since I want each case to have a happy ending, I'll have to decide which one I wanna go with...the Jue Yuan would be more interesting because it would force Chen Yuzhi to disguise himself as a woman to get capture by the jue yuan so that he and Jiang Yuelou can wipe them out but again, if you click on the link and read about the jue yuan, the whole premise of them is a little....hmm. Idk, we'll see)
Missing children - Guhuo Niao - Nanzhou - after solving the last case, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi head to Nanzhou to solve the case of missing children who are captured by the Guhuo Niao (a nine-headed demonic bird sometimes transforms into a human woman that kidnaps children). A happy ending, of course, the children are found and the Guhuo Niao is defeated/sent on her way/killed (I gotta figure out how I wanna get rid of her)
Jiangshi - Guangzhou - Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi then head to Guangzhou to deal with a case of Hopping Vampires (or Hopping Zombies) (this idea is courtesy of @tolkiennaite111) and they find out that some fucking quack wants to see if they can reanimate the person they love...so to see if he can, he creates a bunch of Jiangshi, who are pretty much killing/absorbing the qi of the people in the village
Poison - Tianjin - if there's not a poisoning case, what's the fucking point, you know? Do I actually know what I'm going to do for this case? Nope. All I got is that it's a poisoning case in Tianjin and Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi have to go solve it
Now, the next three cases I'm having Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi go back to Jing'an but these three cases are gonna be connected. So, we'll start with an assassination attempt in an inn (someone tries to assassinate Jiang Yuelou while they sleep) and while Jiang Yuelou is fighting off the assassin, someone else is kidnapping Chen Yuzhi (because they know he's a fox spirit) and taking him away to join a circus full of creatures/humans that can shape shift into different demons.
And once Jiang Yuelou realizes that Chen Yuzhi is gone it's a full on manhunt. But they can't find him and Jiang Yuelou is called back to the palace by the emperor (his father Bai Jinbo) and tells him to get ready because in a few weeks time, there is going to be some sort of big celebration and people from all over the kingdom are gonna be coming.
So Jiang Yuelou prepares and then on the day of the celebration, the fucking circus shows up and all of the humans in the circus are in their animals forms but they have no control over their own mind and body because the circus master has had a longstanding grudge against Bai Jinbo and so wants to use the celebration as a great time to assassinate the emperor.
So he sends his "animals" to attack the royal court and Chen Yuzhi, of course, goes straight for Bai Jinbo but Jiang Yuelou quickly stops him and stops the guards from killing him because that's not a demon, it's a person, it's his person, don't kill him. Thankfully Chen Yuzhi is able to shake off the incense/concoction that was in his body and instead attacks the circus master in his demon form but is hurt because fuck one of the royal guards who thinks that Chen Yuzhi is an actual demon.
Again, happy endings all around, but there is a good hurt and comfort scene of Jiang Yuelou having like all the healers, both from the kingdom and the Ghost Market, heal Chen Yuzhi because he can't lose him. How am I going to end this fic? No idea. But this is what I've got so far. Probably won't end up writing it until my winter break because I've got grad school stuff and other WIPs to worry about at the moment, but I'm excited for this one...I think it's gonna be good
Thank you again for asking me about this, oh it feels so good to get it out of my system
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AAAAH WAIT IT'S THE FALL FINALE?? For some reason I did not realize that XDD Makes sense though lol
Well that's gonna be crazy lol
Ooh yeah Bobby's definitely investigating that o.o not that I expected he wouldn't but aaaahh looks like it's gonna be intense >:D
Lol xD anyway that's a bunch of short clips but it looks like it'll be wild :))
And AHHHHH a 9-1-1 Lone Star promo!!! I saw one during one of the commercial breaks earlier that had some different stuff so I'll make a separate post for the few things I caught in there with one rewatch of the one I saw during commercials as I searched up this promo to see if there was anything I was missing lol since it went so quick.
So yeah! That's the last of my last thoughts. Looks like it'll be super intense! Now time for the. . .
I LOOOVED this episode. I thought it was great! A dip back into the old commentary, some angst but also a bunch of laughs lol, and my lovelies being family :DD. Plus we got Joshhhh, always love to see my boy :D. And overall just some really cool calls and such!
First off, congrats(-ish? lol) to Buuuck, it finally happened lol xD :D. Took a while but we got here xD. Anyway, I'm happy for his friends :)). And I'm glad that he finally got some (good) sleep lol, after he started being unable to as well XD. Hilarious, love my boy lol <3.
Eddie! Not much to say for him, though that scene with Bobby after the fire was really great. But we DIDN'T GET THE SHOT XDDD. The cross shot from the promos!! Rude lol. Anyway, him playing video games was great, and I'm glad he finally got some sleep xD.
(Chris: . . . you didn't sleep did you
Eddie: eat your breakfast)
(wait wait wait it's like the babygirl meme - I'll make it in a second lol because I won't finish this before tgd since I wanna finish last week's tgd review lol)
Hen, plus Karen and Denny! Very important storyline, but clearly it doesn't end here. I'm glad they were so supportive of him wanting to know and stuff, it was really nice to see :). But I'm glad Hen admitted to her emotions about it <3. Like, just because they know it's about Denny doesn't mean they can't have feelings lol! But if Denny did go to visit his bio dad in secret, I'm curious as to how that'll continue 👀👀. Welp, we'll see! Anyway, THEY'RE ADORABLE AND THEY'RE FAMILY AND I LOVE THEM <333 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
Also yeah Eddie openly saying "moms" got me okay 😭😭 I don't know why (that's a lie, I do, it's because it's amazing to see on tv :'D)
Poor Josh this episode xDD. I was wondering why they were looking shifty but I couldn't think of a reason (like thinking he was up to something or had a new relationship or something didn't make sense, them scheming to stop him sleeping or something didn't make sense, although it turns out they were scheming XD). I've gotta admit though it was a hilarious plotline lol, I loved it xD. Plus I just liked seeing my boy :D. Anyway, it was great xD.
Madney!!!! AHHHHH!!! They bought a house :DDDD. I mean sure, it's known as the murder house, but it's not ACTUALLY lol. Plus I'm sure that and eit cheaper :D xD. Besides the fact that it needs to much work. I'm sure we'll see the renovation process, and I'm looking forward to it!! I'm so excited and happy for them, ahhhhh (small aaaah scream not awhhh) :))) 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. THEM <33!
Now, onto Bobby. I feel so and for him D:. I wish his friend had survived, I was really hoping he'd be able to get through whatever he was going through, but alas :'(. And I liked that conversation Athena had with him :'). It was a nice callback, and of course I love my babeys <33. Plus I just like seeing anyone being supportive of their loved ones :)). Idk, it's just nice 🥰🥰❤️. I'm VERY interested in Bobby stopping at nothing to get answers though, it seems like it'll be super intense but I great storyline 👀👀. Not that the intensity is bad! Anyway, as long as it isn't too short or isn't drawn out too long, I think it has real potential :D. Plus, it's always wild (and a privilege lol) to just see Bobby go ham xD. Batcrap, I'll say, since I don't cuss lol. It's gonna be great >:).
Overall, I really loved this episode! I thought it was great, it had a suitably creepy atmosphere, and I thought the insomnia theme was really interesting! It left space open for moments we wouldn't normally see, which I loved :D. And the calls, plus all the family feels, and some angst? Perfect episode, in my opinion /hj <3. It was just great 🥰🥰. Between all the storylines, and the little moments, it was an awesome episode.
So yeah! I enjoyed this episode so much. It had a bunch of great parts, and I don't really have any complaints. I'm excited to see where the stories go next! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 9: Red Flag
What a great fall finale! I know we'll have to wait a while for the next episode, but I'm still interested in what's gonna happen next. I'm definitely invested! I'll be back here then for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 10: In A Flash
See you then!
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minniepetals · 2 years
Taehyung, only if you know about everything she has been through those 10 years. I'm sure you would blame yourself..
And Yuna come to bring Y/n back to sleep again is so adorable. I think that a vulnerable side of Y/n, right? The reapers and Y/n has sure a deep bond which I'm so jealous of ಥ‿ಥ but Y/n is so precious so protect her at all cost!
Why does this chapter remind me if this line in the song Who by BTS and lauv?:
Who are you? 'Cause you're not the girl, I feel in love with, baby Who are you? 'Cause something has changed. You're not the same, I hate it.
I hate to say this but if we can just imagine all the things she has been through, would we do the same as her? Would we be so brave as her? Cause I know I wouldn't. I would just pull a bullet in my head (•‿•)
But I need to tell you how much I love your writing like you use the best words every and like idk it just some lines are my motivation now.
"You're just as bad as the abuser."
"You have to give a part yourself to reach something much better." (I don't remember how it was written correctly but that how I formula it) and much more Tbh. Keep up the good work and I can't wait for more but btw.. can you upload something to keep me busy?
I have been reading your stories over and over again now 🤣🤣
Love you! - CeoAlpaca
omg those lyrics from who though omg they actually go so well with cmar. taehyung (and the rest) will definitely have a looootttt of thinking to do once they realize everything oop. also about the question as to us being in y/n's position and how we'd be able to handle things, i think in a future chapter, i'll address it subtly and we'll see more how of she handled things through more flashbacks and stuff -- because as you know, there's still a lot of things that you readers don't know (regarding what happened during those 10 years so honestly the reveal will not only be for the boys and for the reapers but it'll be a reveal for you guys too haha).
also i'm so happy i've been able to create quotes for you ahhhhh. i'm glad they can motivate you.
i try to write something small in the meantime while writing cmar but like,,,every time i write something else, it always ends up a series lmao, or they get too big. i can't write anything small now brUH. remember those drabble asks? and how a few of them turned into series?? those series are like around 10k when you put them all together bro i cant. things used to be so much simpler back then 🤡
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ashtoninbloom · 1 year
[text]: Honestly, and it's so refreshing to be surrounded by people who understand the value of family time. Aaron has been traveling quite a lot this past year to film, and he auditioned for a few roles that would likely film next year if he gets them. So being able to have this uninterrupted time with the older girls has been wonderful. Just trying to soak it all in because it already breaks my heart when they have to say goodbye to Collins to spend time with their mom. That's the best mindset, honestly. She's little, but she has her own little personality already and I bet you've figured out a few of her coos after just a few days. Because you're a great dad! Don't refuse the help, but maybe in another week or so. This is your bonding time with her. Sleep will come.
[text]: Is she even Australian if she doesn't love the water!? The vision of baby Ava in massive headphones is sending me right now. She's going to be so, so proud of her daddies -- cheering you on from stage right every single night. Collins is a vibe alright, and I love her more than I ever thought I could possibly love something. She's barely four months and has me wanting another already, so if that doesn't tell you something idk what does. Let me let you in on a little secret -- you're stuck with me for far longer than 18 years. We'll be old and wrinkly, showing off our grandbabies and great-grandbabies to each other and I wouldn't have it any other way.
[ text ]: i didn't really have a tight knit family unit when i was a child, so now that i have a family of my own, i feel like i wanna work even harder to make sure we get to experience everything together. everything outside of our little bubble has taken the backseat and i don't see that changing, especially with Ava being so little still. you two have to balance a lot of things to get that family time, with Aaron's busy work schedule, visitation with his two older girls, your busy career and of course, little Collins. makes sense you'd do your best to make sure every little moment you five have together. It's hard that your baby girl has to miss time with her siblings but at least you guys are doing the best you can to foster those relationships. she's very sweet and chill but i definitely see some of that Luke sass in her too. say a prayer for me, please. we're alternating taking care of feeds, and trying to nap while she sleeps. the jury is still out on if it's entirely working but i wouldn't change it for the world.
[ text ]: true, she's getting her first beach exposure this weekend, i'll send you all the photos of my little water baby. she'll look very rock'n' roll and i have to make her a little 5SOS jacket to match that vibe. you're an amazing mum, i've known that always. is baby number two a want still or are you two working on it? you think you guys will end up having more than two of your own? Luke wants to have four, so there's gonna be a lot of babies to take to Bali when the time comes. yes please, they say it takes a village to raise a baby and i'm so glad you're always on our team, lovely.
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hospitalterrorizer · 5 months
okay so i know it's like i missed a day or something or i don't know.
but basically yesterday i did not sleep until today, i went to bed at 2-am ish i think. maybe more like 1. it was like crazy, i was up so late my head started hurting, i do not even feel normal today, still kind of loopy, too. but today was good, tomorrow is errands day and that has me worried because idk if i will be together enough for that to not be a frustrating/distressing day for me.
the good thing is i'll probably read in the laundromat, so that will be good for me.
i also made a song today, for that one song competition thing in this server i'm in, today we had to sample stuff off this site:
i didn't go entirely with samples but it mostly is, the one thing that isn't is the bass synth.
i really like the song, i think i kind of want to work on it more, add some stuff to it, like maybe some fucked up guitar-ish synth things, like i like to do, and maybe some other stuff too. i also think it might be good to have vocals on it, but we'll see. it is not something that's of utmost importance rn i suppose. but i will say i like it enough i want to make cover art for it really quick so brb.
people said it sounded like crystal castles and it def does, just cuz of the bass mostly. but i was also thinking about this song:
i think i just naturally will make stuff that sounds like other stuff, when i'm trying to evoke anything as like, considered and thought out as most microhouse, which i'm fine with, i like being able to use it in a different sort of way. listening to the song now, it just sounds like there's a couple hiccups in it, that i need to correct, but that'll be a while like i said.
another song i was listening to, completely unrelated:
anyway i just showered and stuff, i should probably sleep nowww so
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coveredinsweetpea · 2 years
hiding [eddie munson x reader]
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A/n: this is the first thing I've written in MONTHS so don't @ me!!! Idk where this came from, but this man brought me my inspiration back!!
Summary: Eddie sneaks in through your window while your parents are still home. Stuff happens. (SMUT-ish) 2.1k
Warnings: nothing major really. unprotected sex, a little bit of name calling, the risk of getting caught... it's a chill one :)
Over the sound of the water hitting the shower floor, you heard the door open, and sighed. "Jesus Christ, can't you kno- Eddie!?"
With a little devious smile on his pretty lips, he slipped inside the bathroom and closed the door behind him without a sound, "Hi, baby"
"How did you get in here?" you asked, slightly enraged but still amused. You were still hidden behind the curtain, with only your head peeking out.
"Through your bedroom window, obviously"
"You can't do this, Eddie, my parents are at home!"
"You think I don't know that?" he shrugged, checking himself out in the foggy mirror. "I would've used the front door otherwise, you made me a key, remember?"
"For emergencies!"
"This is an emergency" Eddie grinned, gently tugging at the shower curtain, "I missed you"
"You're such an idiot, Eddie, if my-"
A swift knock on the door interrupted you. "Y/n?"
Your heart nearly stopped as Eddie's eyes threatened to fall out of the orbits.
"Honey, I need that hand lotion we got last week"
"Yeah, I think it's in my room" you lied, looking straight at the little container as it sat peacefully on the edge of the sink.
"No, I'm pretty sure it's in here. I saw it this morning"
"Wait! I'll give it to you in a minute"
"I can get it" she said, and time nearly stopped as you saw the door knob starting to turn.
Before you could even register what was going on, Eddie had jumped inside the bathtub. He was fully clothed, muddy boots included, standing one head taller than you as water poured down his head and body. 
You both just stood there, frozen, looking at one another and trying not to burst into laughter.
"Hun, me and dad are gonna go out tonight for a bit, ok?"
"Great, have fun!"
"And your brother is sleeping over at Tom's house, so you'll be on your own"
"That's ok" you said in hopes that she'd be done faster. 
Hearing your mother's words, Eddie was barely able to contain himself. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to your ear. "Think of all the rooms I'm gonna fuck you in"
You didn't even get a chance to react before your mum continued speaking. "You know, this would've been a great opportunity for you to have a boy over"
"What?" she exclaimed, trying to sound offended. "It's been a year, it's time you got over Steve, baby"
At this point, you didn't even dare look in Eddie's direction. "I am over Steve, mom, remember? I broke up with him"
"That's my girl" Eddie whispered, playing with a strand of your wet hair.
"I still don't understand why you did that, he was perfect for you" your mother continued.
"Yeah, yeah, maybe he was. I don't know, I don't care, I didn't like him like that anymore, now can you let me shower?"
"How about Jason? I met his mother at the grocery store, she seems like an amazing woman"
At that point, you thanked the lord for the shitty pipes and the loud water stream, because otherwise, your mother would've definitely heard the gagging noises Eddie made, and the little yelp he let out when you elbowed him in the stomach.
"I hate Jason, can you leave now? Please?"
"I just feel like you're missing out on things, honey. Before you know it you'll be on your own, working everyday, I don't want you to let these beautiful times pass by, that's all"
"Yes, mum, you're right. But how about we talk about this tomorrow, huh? We'll go out for a coffee or something"
"Sure, hun, whatever you say" she mumbled and then you heard her grab the knob. But the door didn't open. "Promise me you won't spend all night doing homework, ok? You spent more time at the library these past few weeks than I did throughout college"
You saw Eddie grin, and bend down to whisper to you, "Is that what you tell your parents when you come over?"
"Yeah, mhm" you answered them both. "No homework, I promise"
"Ok, baby. I left some money on your desk, order some food, ok? Mama loves you, bye baby!"
"Bye mom!"
"Jesus Christ!" Eddie exclaimed as soon as your mother had left the room. He pushed his wet hair back from his face, and started undressing himself. First, his beloved jean vest, then the leather jacket, the not-so-muddy-anymore boots and then his jeans.
"Eddie, I'm sorry to do this, baby, there's no way we're fucking in the shower"
It was like his whole world crashed on top of him. "What do you mean? Why not?"
"If you think I could get turned on right now, especially in this shower, after the discussion I had with my mom, you're mistaken"
"I bet I can change that," he grinned. 
"Not a chance, Eddie" you laughed, and pushed the curtain away. You were one foot out of the bathtub when he grabbed your waist and dragged you back in. "Eddie!"
"I just showered at home, I didn't get undressed for nothing, do you have any idea how difficult it is to put on wet jeans?"
"Jesus Christ, Eddie" 
"I'll have you screaming that" he chuckled, pinning you against the cold, marble wall. His lips immediately found yours, and as his tongue pushed inside your mouth, his feet parted your legs. 
"Eddie, no" you giggled, nudging him away.
"We're already here, we're already naked, I'm already hard. I don't see what's stopping us?"
"That's all it takes, huh? For you to be hard?"
Eddie raised an eyebrow, and without even a flinch, he pushed his middle finger inside your pussy, and the simple fact that it slipped right in proved his point. 
"Any arguments left?" he grinned, and pushed one more finger inside you.
You let your head fall forward to stifle your moans into his shoulder, as he kept a very steady pace against your core. 
"I hate you"
"Hate fucking isn't my forte, sweetheart, but we can work something out"
After that, Eddie didn't waste too much time working you up anymore. And he didn't really have to. He gave his cock a few pumps and aligned himself at your entrance, pushing his whole length in with one swift motion. 
A rather loud moan broke past your lips, but with the shower still running, you didn't bother to keep quiet. He did shush you however, in-between the kisses he peppered along the side of your neck. 
His thrusts were slow but deep, moving your body up and down against the wall as you held on to his shoulders. His fingers were digging holes into your hips, as a way to let out the pressure that was building inside of him. Eddie, unlike you, still tried to keep quiet.
"Fuck, ok, ok-" you panted, raking your nails across his scalp before grabbing hold of his roots, "Faster, please, go faster"
As if he didn't want to. The fact that he had been rock hard ever since he had climbed in through your window didn't help with pacing at all. Ever since he entered you, he was on the edge of bliss, but hell if he wasn't gonna have you come first. 
"Look at me, look at me, sweetheart" Eddie whispered, pulling away from you. Your eyes locked just as he picked up his pace, just slightly. 
You nodded yes, eyes ready to roll back when he brought his hand between your bodies and started rubbing at your clit. 
"Look into my eyes, baby, come on. Don't be like this"
"Yeah, fuck" you moaned, swallowed thickly and forced your head upright. 
His thumb worked you hard and fast, in a pattern he already knew so well. It took him about two weeks to learn what your body loved and craved, and he had been using it against you ever since. 
"Come on my cock, yeah? Come on, baby, I'm right here, let yourself go. That's my good girl, show me how good I can fuck you" 
And his whole plan would've worked. He knew what set you off, and only needed a few more moments in order to have you screaming his name. But another knock on the door interrupted him.
"Y/n, honey?" your mother's voice rang through the bathroom.
"Fuck-" you whispered, tears welled up in your eyes. "Yeah?"
"We're leaving, alright?"
"Ok, bye, mom!"
"Bye, hun!"
As soon as she left, both you and Eddie relaxed, not having moved one muscle ever since the knock. You expected him to pick up where he left off, but instead he didn't, he just watched you, his cock still buried deep inside your pussy. 
Eddie licked his lips. "You little whore"
Your eyes widened in surprise, but the little smile that curled the corners of your lips betrayed your true emotions.
Without any warning, Eddie pulled out and let you down. You were about to protest and cling to him like you always did when you wanted something, but he was faster. 
He spun you around to face the wall, and pressed himself against your back. "Think I didn't feel the way you clenched around my cock? Getting caught fucking the outcast made you like that? Hm?"
"Eddie!" you whined, trying to arch yourself back against his cock.
"I think you love the fact that your mom hates me. Don't you?"
He pressed his cock at your entrance and leaned closer to your ear. "Is that why you came and basically jumped me a few days ago at rehearsals? When I had to fuck you in the bathroom twice before you finally calmed down? Wasn't that just right after that article came out? Where everyone trash talked me? Accused me and my friends of all those horrible things?" 
"Fuck- fuck, ok, maybe!"
"Oh, I was wrong about you, sweetheart"
"Eddie!" you cried, "Please!"
"Please, what?" 
"Fuck me, please"
"I don't know..." he teased, and you couldn't take it anymore.
"Eddie!! Just please, please, just fuck me. I'm begging you, please"
"That's my good girl" he chuckled and kissed the side of your neck. "Was that so hard?"
You barely managed to shake your head before he entered you again. This time however, he didn't waste any more time. Balls deep from the very first thrust, he worked up a pace that had you almost crying out in pleasure in seconds. 
"Fuck, I'm close, Eddie"
"I know you are, baby" he said and wrapped his fingers in your hair. He pulled you up against your chest and held you tight as he continued to ram his cock into you. "Come for me, doll, come on"
And you did. Moments after, the orgasm washed over you like never before. Your body trembled and you felt exhausted, but he held you up, fucking himself into you until he was finished too. 
"Fuck-" Eddie breathed out, letting his weight fall against the wall right beside you. 
Suddenly feeling empty without him so tightly wrapped around your body, you pushed yourself up and moved over to lean against his chest as his cum leaked down your thighs.
With the remaining bits of energy inside his body, Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head.
"I love you," you said.
"I love you, sweetheart"
Knowing very well this was only the beginning of a very long night, you and Eddie soon left the shower and headed downstairs to order food. You settled on a monstrous pizza with a little bit of everything before going into the kitchen to make some drinks. 
"You know what you said about my mom, about how I like the fact that she hates you?"
"Mhm" Eddie nodded as he poured vodka into your cup.
"You're right"
"Of course I am," he chuckled. "When have I ever been wrong?"
"I mean it! I wanna tell her about us!"
"I obviously don't wanna cause you any problems, doll, but I'm all for that"
"I'm gonna do it tomorrow, I'm done hiding you, I want everyone to know we're together"
With a ridiculously big smile on his lips, Eddie walked over to you, "You have no idea how happy that makes me"
"Hiding was fun though"
"I can think of stuff," Eddie laughed.
Like every time you hung out with Eddie, time flew right by. Before you knew it, the pizza had arrived and the drinks weren't even ready yet.
"I'll go get it, '' Eddie announced and sprinted out of the kitchen. 
You couldn't help but laugh at yourself, thinking of him wearing only his wet pair of underwear and your Pink Floyd t-shirt that didn't even get close to his ass as he opened the door.
"Um, Y/n?" Eddie yelled from the front door.
"Yeah?" you asked as you jogged over.
"I don't think you're gonna have to wait until tomorrow to tell your mom about us" he said just as your eyes landed on your half naked boyfriend who was standing next to your very pissed off mother.
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
So I never ever send in spicy Sunday requests but I really wanted to see this so here I am
Can we see Kanthony in an AU where they’re actually wild with each other so could be offside, simmering, post traumatic, good girls, any really - but instead of being wild they just have a very soft lovemaking session I guess? Like oh my god I love you and idk what id do without you.
I’m sorry if this is a weird ask but my knowledge of this genre is fairly limited. Just something that I wanted to see
I'm not sure there's an AU where these two aren't wild with one another but we're going to go with Offside and we're looking at the night before Anthony's operation
Kate had been dreading this probably since the beginning of her relationship with Anthony, maybe even from the day she'd met him. As soon as she'd read his file, as soon as she'd examined him: she'd known this was coming. He'd been nursing knee injuries for years before she started at city and honestly, it was a little surprising that it had been his choice to retire at the end of last season at all.
She'd seen how he was limping around the pitch that day two months ago, demonstrating something to Gregory and dread had settled in the pit of her stomach even before she'd seen the ultrasound she'd needled him into letting her do by whispering promises in his ear. Kate had tried not to let her face fall when she'd seen the screen but Anthony had seen it, because of course he had.
"It's time isn't it?" Anthony's voice had said as they lay in bed together that night, her chin resting on his chest.
"You- You don't have to." Kate had said, and selfishly, she almost wished she wouldn't. Just so she wouldn't have to sit by the bed of another man she loved and pray he'd wake up. But they had Edmund to think about, sleeping soundly just down the hall.
"I want to be the best version of myself for you and Neddy. Tomorrow we'll start planning."
She'd entertained the idea of seeing surgeons in Manchester before she'd made the call, her friends voice booming through the reciever.
"Well if it isn't the first lady of english football! Katie Kat!"
She'd barely been able to bite back her tears, "Mickey, it's Anthony. I need your help."
And it had barely been a second before she heard Michael clear his throat, "I'll clear my schedule. I'll look after him, Kate, you know I will."
And now it was time. They'd be in Glasgow tomorrow, and Kate's chest was already aching. Anxiety swirling in her chest, panic gripping her as she looked at Anthony, quietly rocking Edmund in his arms. I need him so much, please don't take him from me.
It was unbearable, the thought of not have Anthony now. Of waking up without her beside him, of not standing shoulder to shoulder while they got ready in the morning. Never having his hands on her again, never feeling his smile against her skin. Of Edmund growing up without his father.
She'd thought nothing could hurt this much, not after her father, but she also hadn't really thought she could love someone as much as she loved Anthony. And maybe they were too wrapped up together, Edwina had certainly accused them of it with a hissed I shouldn't have to see this! When they'd taken part in that interview shortly after their Adidas billboard had come out where they'd read thirsty comments. For just a moment, Kate had forgotten there were cameras on there when she'd read the comment.
Anthony Bridgerton has huge I love eating girls out energy. I can feel it radiating off him.
And it had just slipped out "Well, he doesn't often go hungry lets put it that way."
Anthony had spent the rest of the interview leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head, smiling smugly as he read out Kate Sharma can choke me with a stethoscope any day of the week
And maybe it was too much. but they loved one another. And the thought of being without him made her feel so hollow.
The second he lay in bed beside her his fingers intertwined with hers, wrapping his arm around her waist to tug her back against his chest, and she was already burning for him, but what he said just made it worse.
"I love you, you know. You and Neddy are everything to me, and absolutely nothing could stop me from coming back to you."
Kate could feel the tears stinging at her eyes, desperate to be close to him as she spun in his arms, pulling him even closer, sealing their lips together in a searing kiss.
A groan escaped Anthony's chest as the kiss built steadily, stealing the breath from her lungs as his tongue tangled with hers. There was something so strong in his eyes when he pulled back, his jaw clenched as he pressed his forehead to hers, breathing her in deeply.
"What do you need?"
And Kate wished her voice didn't crack when her fingers traced his lips, "I need to feel you here. Right here with me."
Anthony nodded slowly, brushing his lips slowly against her, sending heat flickering in her stomach as he stripped her slowly, until they were skin to skin, the warmth of his body prickling right through her. He let the weight of him press her into the mattress, heavy and safe and comforting, her hands tangling in his hair as his lips fell to her neck, his tongue laving over her skin as his hips started circling slowly.
Everything could be so hurried between them sometimes, had been from the beginning. It was hard and fast and passionate, her knees knocking against the headboard, or her hand tight on his throat, but this was just as perfect. The gentle way his moved against her, the way his fingers tangled in her hair, tilting her chin towards him, the way he nestled into the cradle of her hips as though they were made to be together, his arms holding her close.
jesus fu-Kate.
Anthony groaned with the first movement of their hips together, Kate's eyes rolling back in her head as she felt him, as close as two people could be, her chest heaving already, even as tears stung at her eyes at the tender love in his eyes, his hips grinding a steady, gentle rhythm against her, stoking the fire building between them.
His forehead was pressed to hers again, holding her in place, their eyes locked together and still it wasn't close enough. Kate's arms shot out, wrapping tightly around his chest, crushing him against her until she could feel his heart pounding through her, her legs tightening around his waist to hold him as tightly as she could. Desperate to feel him.
The entire room was on fire, It felt like it must be, Anthony's eyes burning with it as their gasps and moans filled the room, pushing each other forward, twining them together even more desperately than they already were.
Anthony's words were pressed against her skin, Kate, I love, God I love you so much, babe.
Their were tears, rolling down both their cheeks as her words mingled with his
I love you, Anthony. Just the two of us. Forever.
They fell together, a desperate noise gasped from Kate's chest as she clutched Anthony's shuddering body impossibly tighter, and finally everything was still.
But even so: Kate didn't let go.
"I mean it, Katie." Anthony's voice was muffled against her neck where he'd collapsed against her, sleepy and satisfied as the sweat cooled between them. "There is no fucking way I'm leaving you and Neddy alone. Plus, Michael seems annoyingly sure of himself."
Kate forced herself to chuckle, her fingers pushing Anthony's damp hair back from his forehead, her free hand running over her name, inked on his skin as though engraved on a stethoscope placed over his heart. "He's good at what he does. I just- I'm scared."
Anthony nodded against her, "I know, but the only thing you need to be scared of Kate, is the fact that when I have my fancy new knees: I'm never getting off them where you're concerned. I've a reputation to uphold."
And despite the laughter that filled the room seconds later, Kate's only worried eased when Anthony's eyelids fluttered open, and so, the very next week she slipped out with one of his birthday cards clutched in her hand and returned with his handwriting inked neatly down her collarbone
Love, Anthony.
Though truly: She could have done without Anthony's smugness a month later when the test was positive again.
"Oh ho ho! Dr Sharma! Very sneaky! And your oldest not even nine months old yet! Shameless"
"Shut up. Anthony."
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