#and I got so fucking emotional about ma boi
elvenbeard · 2 months
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The (self-) creation of Adam ~
🏳️‍⚧️ Happy Trans Day of Visibility 🏳️‍⚧️
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kombuuuu · 1 year
Miles 42 headcanons?
no one asked but i’ll deliver !!
Miles!42 x Fem!Reader random headcanons
also a lot of snippets :)
You/Reader: Blue
Miles Morales: Purple
Mama Rio/Rio Morales: Pink
Uncle Aaron/Aaron Morales: Orange
Random/stranger: Black
gift giving love language duhhh
Will have you walk with him through malls and whatever you look at for a second too long he buys
You don’t catch on until you’re both eating at a nice restaurant, absentmindedly staring at some plant when a lull in conversation happens.
He purchases the plant.
“Fuck you mean I can’t buy it?”
“Sir, the plants aren’t for sale, this is a dining establishment.”
“Establish the fact I’m gettin’ that plant.”
50 bucks down and a plant 🆙
He will damn right die if you refuse him. He’ll get all grumpy and pouty when you say he should save for a house, not for you.
convinced you just get shy when bought things (you do).
is even more motivated to buy things
“Miles, baby, you need to save up. Not spend on me!”
“This would look so good on you, Ma.”
“Are you listening??”
“Fuck, and this.”
“Oh my god.”
gets so jealous it’s unbelievable
but only when someone goes too far with you
it’s like 1–100 real quick
he’s not usually the prowling type (ha)
but when someone pushes the line he loses his shit
other than that he’s a supportive bbg all the way
“Wanna go home with me, butterface?”
“Fuck you just say?”
“Nothing homie just get outta here.”
“Say that shit again ‘homie’.”
“Chill the fuck out. Let the lady speak for herself.”
“I’ll fucking speak for my girl all I want, homeboy.”
maybe got a liiiiittle bit of an anger issue
guy went home with a broken nose and a missing tooth
better hope he can afford fill ins
he would never get mad at you though
he gets frustrated you don’t listen sometimes, but it’s never to the point of anger
feel like he has the patience of a fucking SAINT
calm and collected baby u know the deal
“Mami, we gonna have a problem?”
“Didn’t think so.”
a SWEETHEART at times
stand by him being raised right
mama rio taught him to be a romantic
wanted him to take after his dad
so flowers and gifts and chocolates
followed by lovin of any kind
probably a baby for affection but doesn’t show it
so when you get all emotional about being gifted roses for the first time
and hug him and smother him
give him stupid little kisses all over
he’s fainting
poor boy doesn’t know love like u show him
“Baby, are these for me?”
“Yeah, Chiquita. They okay?”
“Wh… They’re perfect.”
“Are you cryin’? I can return ‘em.”
“No! No, no, don’t do that.
I love them, C’mere.”
when you guys get rlly comfortable, like a year and some dating, he ends up getting more chatty
willingly talking w you for hours
feels like you’re the only person he can rlly do that with
rambles so rarely that you kind of just sit in awe when it happens
doesn’t catch himself until he’s trying to name your future kids
“I’ll marry you one day, we’ll have like two, three kids. Get all nice an cozy.
You want a boy or girl? I kinda want both. Definitely not girl first, never having a girl without a brother to protect ‘er.
You’d be such a good Mami.
What’d you wan’ name ‘em? I have a few ideas—“
“But you could choose the girl cause I don’t know any pretty names. And i’ll choose—“
“You gon’ let me keep goin?”
“I love your voice.”
“Tranquila, mami.”
Takes you to every family event he ever has
sits you regularly with Rio and Aaron
they insist you call them uncle and ma
you do, obviously
miles doesn’t need to meet your family if you don’t want him to, but if he ever does he’s totally suave with them
like weirdly smooth
able to get on ur carers good side quick
when you meet his extended family they’re just as loving
his whole family is this bright dash of colour
and you fit right the fuck in
“¡Oh, hija estás preciosa!”
“Dice la estrella de la fiesta!”
“You flatter me, Hija.”
“Miles, come get your girl.”
“You look nice too, Uncle Aaron.”
“..Thanks, kid.”
“Hey Mami, havin’ fun?”
“Aight, I’m out.”
when you find out he’s the prowler you’re not really shocked
he’s hella nervous to tell you and kinda puts it off for a while
as long as you’re not in harms way, nothin matters, yeah?
the guilt eats him alive
he’s already lost so much, if he doesn’t do things right with you, then loses you too
he’d probably lose himself
so he tells you
“The Prowler?”
“The.. Panther guy I keep seeing on the news-?”
“Miles are you—
..—Are you killing people?”
“Mami, it’s not like that—“
“oh my god.”
“These men— I kill,”
“Oh my god, oh my god.”
“,They’re bad, you understand.”
“[Name]. Do you understand?”
“Yeah.. Yeah I understand.”
“You can’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t.”
“Are you mad.”
“I’m not happy.”
you’re kind of devastated he’s killing people
but you eventually get it
like it takes a while
say a month or so
but you forgive quick
i mean, who knows what those men are doing, right?
(ur delulu but it’s ok)
he lets you have your space but talking with mama rio when she realises your absence knocks some sense into him
mans is going to GROVEL
he will fucking beg on his damn knees
knocks on your door and is already kneeling
will plead with you to come back to him
like i said a whole ass romantic
you know what’s romantic? a man who can get on his knees
he will suffocate you in gifts and affection
oh you like (insert sanrio esc character) ? look over there at that lifesize plushie woahhhh wonder who that’s forrrrrr
“Mami, don’t close the door.”
“Miles, go home.”
“And please stop kneeling, the floor is dirty.”
“I’m not leaving ‘til you hear me out.”
looooong sigh
“Okay, fine— whatever, come inside. You have two minutes.”
“God, I missed you. You’re so beautiful Chiquita.”
“Three minutes.”
You talk it out easy, he’s a real smooth talker when he wants to be
“Okay Miles, I’ll see you tomorrow yeah?”
“Yeah, Ma. See you soon.”
“Wh—.. What is that?”
“Why the fuck is it so big?”
“It said “Life Size” on the site? I was thinking like two feet tall.”
“You bought that?”
“Yeah.. I was thinkin’ you wouldn’t let me in. Would have to bribe you.”
“…That’s really cute.”
Annnnnd that’s all i can come up with i’ll probably do more later :P
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dilfl0v3rss · 11 months
what would have had to happen for y/n to be in this situation with ony
hmmmm idk
sikeeee!! i always know😛 link
“got some nerve…coming up in there like you ain’t got no sense” his voice deeply touched your ears as he spoke. your ass was hot from the many times he’s struck it. pussy being pounded into oblivion from the back. it was almost certain you were going to be sore and bedridden in the morning. all because you let jealousy cloud your judgment.
“ma i just told you, been telling you the whole ride home, i don’t know that girl” you rolled your eyes at him, not caring about the irritated look your boyfriend was giving you. “you mean to tell me this bitch knows your name, mom’s name, and has your number in her contacts, and you never fucked wit her? boy get the fuck outta here wit that!” you pointed your long acrylic nail in his face as you spoke. getting up close and personal to show him that you weren’t playing.
ony took a deep breath before replying. crossing his big arms across his chest to keep himself from just snatching you up right there. “first of all…watch your mouth. second, i need you to put that big girl brain to good use and think.” you rolled your eyes as he continued to to break down your assumptions. “no cocky shit, but i’m probably the most known nigga on this campus and you know that. so of course people gon know my name. as for my number, i can’t stop girls from asking around for it. she prolly got it from someone on the team and i’ll check em for that. and you can check my phone to clarify ‘cause ain’t no female in there but my momma and you.”
your face began to soften as his excuses were starting to make sense, an apology already on the tip of your tongue as he continued. “as far as knowing momma’s name, you gotta be smarter than that princess. after every game what i say to the camera?” your eyes revert to the floor, guilt clouding your mind as you start to feel bad for how you were acting. ony softly cooed at you, inked fingers tilting your chin up so he can look into your eyes. “tell me ma” you sighed deeply, taking a long pause before answering his question. “y’say ‘first i wanna give a shout-out to my very first supporters, my parents Abena and Todd Jackson.’ m’sorr-”
“sh sh sh. what else baby?” your eyes instantly began to water as you recited the second part of his speech. “a-and y’said ‘a-also wanna give a big shoutout t-to my beautiful g-girlfriend y/n.’ m’sorry papa i was just so mad and i–” he cut you off again, this time by snatching you up by your throat and bringing your face closer to his. “this is why we communicate ain’t it? to prevent shit like this, but you ain’t do that did you? nahh….you came into the team house yelling and screaming, embarrassing the both of us ‘cause you let your emotions get the best f’you. so now…. ima let mine get the best of me. go in the room and strip.”
it was a matter of minutes before ony had you stripped and screaming in the middle of the bed. dick punishing your insides so good , but you held that need for release with a death grip. “daddyyyy i said m’sorry alreadyyy. p-please let me cumm” you whined, drool dripping from your lips as ony replied with a hard slap on your ass. “no. you ain’t learn yet” he grumbled, angling his hips downward so he can be felt in your stomach. your mouth opened in a silent scream, the feeling too much for you as you tried to inch up the bed.
ony watched you closely, letting you move up just enough so you can take a sigh of relief before yanking you back onto him. “don’t run from me mama. you gettin what you deserve” you let out a loud whine as you felt him begin to hit you deeper than he did before, heavy hand coming down on your ass repeatedly. your ass was definitely going to be sore in the morning. “you love me?” ony asked, stroking you just right to the point where holding your orgasm was almost unbearable. “y-you know i love you daddy”
the next thing you knew, your back was too his chest and ony has his hand tightly around your neck. the brutal pace of his hips slowing to deep strokes. his dick repeatedly hitting the sweetest spots inside of you. there was no way you could hold it in anymore, a quiet whine escaping your lips as your release slowly trickled down your thighs. ony wasn’t far behind, his ropes of cum shot deep into you as he slowed his hips to a stop.
“if you love me then communicate wit me cause now you gon be here all night. turn over.”
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peaky-shelby · 1 year
Say My Name Three Times | Kylian Mbappè
Pairing: kylian x reader
Series: Take Me On The Field
Request: Heyy, can I have a Kylian Mbappe request maybe they’re at a game of his and she goes to surprise him, she’s his girlfriend and an actress they haven’t seen each other in a month
Writer's note: this is the first story of the take me on the Field series. send in requests for our favorite players. You can check my prompt lists here.
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When I reached Qatar I was praying to everything holy for no one would recognize me. So far I had done a great job at convincing Kylian that I wasn’t going to make it to the final because of reshoots for the new project. The thing I loved most about him was that he didn’t even get mad about it. We were the exception of the rule that footballers dating actresses never ended happily. We both understood each other’s busy schedules, even when it wasn’t in our favor.
Of course the fact that he didn’t get mad didn’t mean that he didn’t complain. He wanted me there as much as I wanted to be there and it was eating us both alive. When I got the ok two days ago to leave the movie set I decided to surprise him, instead of telling and giving him a boost of confidence from the sidelines.
The hat covered most of my facial futures, along with my eye vision which was the reason I bumped into about 20 guys wearing Messi’s shirt. But thankfully my mask hid the rest of my face, as did my black as night sunglasses. To mix with the crowd I was wearing one of Kylian’s jersey’s and an old pair of sweatpants. Nothing about me was screaming celebrity, which was exactly the way I liked it.
The only one helping me with everything and knew I was coming was Giroud. He had spoken to the drivers, so one of them would be waiting for me. On the way to the French base, I stared out of my window, at the people, dressed and blue and white or in dark blue carrying the french flag over their heads. I smiled, truth was, kylian or not, football had been a part of me since I was a kid, the view made me emotional. When we reached the French base, the team had already left for the stadium. One of Giroud’s assistant was waiting for me on the foyer.
“Bonjour Mademoiselle!” he exclaimed when he saw me. He dealt with the security and helped me find my way to kylian’s room. All the way to his room, he’d mumble about how happy he was the Giroud has trusted him with this mission. I laughed at his excitement and thanked him a bunch for his help. When we got inside it instantly felt like home as Kylian’s perfume filled all my senses and I almost snuck in the bathroom expecting to find him by the mirror, shaving. I left my stuff next to the bed, as I raised my head I noticed he had a picture of us by his nightstand. I must have stood there looking at it for a long time because Giroud’s assistant, patted me on the shoudler “We have to go Mademoiselle!”
I nodded quickly, picked just my scarf with the French’s team’s logo, my phone and my jacket and ran outside with him. Everything else happened too quickly, the drive to the stadium, sneaking in with Giroud’s passes and all the way to the dressing rooms my phone was buzzing with Mbappe’s picture. I stopped just right outside the dressing room, smiling at myself. Giroud’s assistant looked at me confused as I answered the call.
“Babe! Où étais-tu ?” he asked, stressed, before I even had time to say anything.
“Je suis désolé! I got caught up at work! Has the came started?”
“Non!” I could hear the nerves in his voice. “Two minutes before we go out! I need your good luck!” While he was speaking I peaked through the door of the dressing room, all the boys were there sitting on their benches. Talking, laughing, putting on their uniforms. Mbappe on the other hand wasn’t there at all.
“You have all my good luck! You know that!”
“HEY! KYLIAN! JE DOIS ALLER AUX TOILETTES, MEC ! SORTEZ !” I heard somebody yelling through the phone.
“FUCK OFF ! Je parle avec ma copine!” he said shot back, my heart sinking when he called his girl. It sounded beautiful in any language he’d say it. I finally walked in the dressing room, everybody started exclaiming until I shushed them with my finger “You shouldn’t be talking to your teammates like the kyky!” I walked behind the benches, high fiving giroud as I passed him and got to the hall that led to the toilet. Tchouameni was knocking on the bathroom door. I guessed Kylian must have been inside.
“They shouldn’t be interrupting me when I’m talking to you.”
I patted Tchouameni on the shoulder. He jumped and covered his mouth when he saw me, he was as shocked as I hoped Kylian would be. I tilted my head to signal him to away for a moment and I got closer to the door. I could swear my heart was tied with Kylian’s because the closer I would get the more I felt it beat, like it wanted to jump out of my chest and right into his hands. I leaned on the door.
“If they gotta pee, the gotta pee Kyky!”
“Can I face time you?”
I smiled “I don’t have time. I have to go meet somebody.”
I heard him sigh and curse. I imagined him covering the microphone because I only heard it through the door, the he said on the microphone. “I really wish you were here, mon cheri!”
“Say my name three times, I might appear out of nowhere.”
He did it without thinking, he’d believe in anything if it could get me to be where he was. I laughed and knocked on the door.
“Putain de merde ! Laisse-moi tranquille Tchouameni!” He yelled, making me laugh again! So I knocked, with my palm, loud, like I was his teammate in need of the toilet. “PUTAIN!” He yelled and I heard him stand up, my heart reaching the speed of an airplane about to lift off. I heard him unlock, my breath becoming so stiff I thought I would choke right then and there and then-
“Merde Ts-“ he stopped. His eyes starring blankly at me, his voice eaten, his body frozen. I thought he was on facetime and the connection had fallen as it usually did and he was gonna stay like that for the next hour. I was scared to even touch him, as if he would reload and disappear completely. Then he spoke, relief filled my lungs, he was real. “Merde..” he said, this time softer, this time like a prayer. He didn’t even waste any time to put his phone back on his pocket, he just let it slip off his hand and wrapped his arms around me, lighting me up. I tied my legs around his waste, hiding my face in the crook of his neck, taking In his perfume and his skin. A drug I had long missed. He spoke curses and muffled words in my hair, until I pulled my head back, just so I could look in his eyes. I smiled widely and kissed him, the way I’ve waited for a month. He walked until I was against the wall, still kissing me and holding me like I was part of him. It felt easy, it felt as it should be.
We pulled back to breath and I leaned my forehead against his, our eyes saying a thousand words as we stared into each other’s souls. He was smiling like a dork, I think I was too.
“Hi.” I whispered and he laughed. Still unable to believe this was real. He shook his head.
“You came.” He whispered, his one hand reach my cheek, stroking it. I leaned to his touch.
“You said my name three times” I whispered back, getting another laugh from him. Then his expression got serious, his eyes fell on me with lust burning out of them.
“I’d say your name every second of every day non stop if I have to.” He answered and leaned in to kiss me again, this time deeper. We were interrupted by someone flushing the toilet. We hadn’t even realized his teammate had walked passed us while we were reuniting. When he came out he gave us a teasing look. Kylian kicked him in the ass, cursing him and then we looked at each other, laughing. It was as it should be.
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
So i was just rotating your "Jack drake lives au" in my mind and at the same time remembered those panels of superman shaking hands with Some Fucking Guy (i think he was being a bitch to Lois or smth) and he makes direct unflinching eye contact with the tight lipped smile and his grip is a little too tight to be friendly
Anyways im not saying he hates Jack but i do think Kon off-handedly mentioned the "joke" about his nail polish and Clark went "oh really now?" And didnt forget
So rip Jack at that family dinner night bc not only is Lois waiting for an excuse to obliterate him but Clark is right there with her and if jack thinks that Good Ol Country folk Ma and Pa will back him up then hes in for a surprise lol
oh yeah absolutely!!!! the thing is. literally Nobody likes jack in this au ksjdhfkd like kon and dick absolutely have texted each other to bitch about him, ma openly shakes her head when she hears about how he treats tim (and she WILL speak her mind if he ever tries to shut that sweet boy down in front of her!), cass literally won't speak to him bc he failed the vibe check so bad, etc...
and like. no one is telling tim this. they Know it'll make him feel like he has to defend his dad bc he loves him! but sometimes tim mentions oh he can't join for games this friday night, he and his dad are going on an early morning fishing trip. and cass just meets kon's eyes across the room behind tim's back and rolls her eyes so hard.
but yeah. clark will mostly let lois handle the obliteration with ma's backup as needed bc he knows she's got this. his form of expressing his severe disapproval of jack, his views, and his parenting? supporting tim. thanking him for doing the dishes after dinner, praising his work ethic, ruffling his hair and telling him he did a great job with that case he wrapped up last week, etc. it makes tim go "!!! :D!!!" like that pic of the cat getting patted. tim has always craved approval and affirmation and affection from people around him and he gets it in spades from the kents. and jack sees his son light up and open up around these people way more than he does with him. it's not a good feeling.
it's just tough bc like, tim doesn't want anyone getting mad at jack. but the idea of anyone getting mad at jack on his behalf is also just such a shock to him. he's not used to that. he feels like he has to manage jack and be responsible for him in a lot of ways (if jack says something shitty in front of lois, tim cringes because now jack is gonna get his ass handed to him and feel humiliated, and that's his dad and he was trying to help, and also he feels like it's on him that his dad is being like that. why? oh you know.) (its the unnamed emotional abuse, thats why.)
but also clark and kon watch lois ask tim how his degree is going now that he's in engineering school, and lightly rib him and ask if she can't poach him into investigative journalism instead, because she doesn't usually take interns but she'd make an exception! and tim cocks his head like a dog and says well, maaaybe he'd be down to consider an internship if she's serious? it does sound cool. what are the details? and jack, who barely gets more than one-word answers when he talks to tim about his future, is just kinda seething. heart rate goin up bc hes mad. and kon and clark just exchange extremely amused glances across the kitchen and sip their hot chocolates.
like the tim and jack dynamic is complicated; it'd be a lot easier if the love wasn't so real but it is present. its just that jack is soooo emotionally immature and grounded in Classic American Manhood and ideas of fatherhood. and the fact that tim is growing beyond that and not fitting in the mold he's "supposed" to eats at him. its a tragedy but also we are all pointing and laughing at jack every time superfam make him grind his teeth.
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urfavsturniolowriter · 6 months
Moonlight pt2
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Nick / Matt / Chris / y/n / a/n
TW: nsfw, cuss words
You and Chris have been together for 2 months now,and you’ve been living with the triplets for 2 weeks now, Chris was very attentive and caring towards you. He always made sure to listen to your thoughts and feelings, often finding himself lost in your eyes. but in bed Chris was also quite attentive and caring in bed, making sure to give you plenty of attention and pleasure. He would often spend hours trying to make you reach climax and once he did, he would always make sure to slow down his pace and give you a chance to catch your breath before continuing.often saying things like. “you look so beautiful like this ma”, “mmh~ that feels good huh?”, “That’s it take your time”. Untill Tonight.
You were currently at home on the couch having a Chat about mutual interests with Nick and Matt, Chris is out with his boys doing god knows what but you trusted him suddenly you hear the front door shut and someone stomping up the stairs…it was Chris.
I “Ima go check on him” you say running upstairs into your room “baby are you-“ you see Chris I’m angry tears on your bed cussing in his pillow. “Oh baby” you say sitting next to him caressing his back “what’s wrong?”
“ move…...if you don’t move im gonna punch the shit out of your face.” You knows he wouldn’t do that so you stay where you were
“Tell me what’s wrong chris.” You say with a sweet smile on your face
“I said FUCK OFF.” Chris shouts sternly
Your eyes well up at the sight of chris so angry
“B-baby I wanna make you feel better! Don’t shut me away?” You smile
“Y you wanna know Why I’m so mad…it got you a promise ring, roses and a box of chocolates I didn’t really go out with my friends. Matt and Nick knew but…I..I..a biker knocked me the ring rolled into a drain the roses flew out of my hand and the chocolates spilled everywhere I just feel like a piece of shit compared to you and…and THIS PRICK RUINED IT” Chris said In angry tears
“Oh baby come here” you pull him into a hug put he pushes away
“I’m not in the mood I’m just so angry and..Chris shouts an inaudible sentence”
“Just fuck it outa then. If it will make you feel better” you say sarcastically with a small amount of seriousness
Chris smirks. “Im really angry..this won’t be like it normally is.” Chris says coldly as he smashes his lips against yours his hands roaming over your curves until his hand slides up your shirt tracing patterns in your skin “take off your shirt” Chris said with no emotion whatsoever but you oblige taking your shirt off showing your double d boobs covered by a black bra which Chris is quickly to remove tossing it..god knows where his hand cups your boob his thumb circling your slowly hardening nipple making you moan quietly. “I’m gonna fuck you senseless making you wish you never told me to do this” Chris was quick to pull down your sweatpants Leaving you in just a thong which was also removed seconds later he puts his pointer and middle finger on your lips pushing on them on your lips demanding entrance. you let his fingers slide into your mouth swirling your tongue round them. chris pulls them out seconds later and without warning he shoves them two fingers into your tight wet heat making you moan rather loudly”fuck you’re so wet” Chris growls his thumb finding your clit pressing down on it hard as his fingers curl up slightly and thrust in and out of you at an impossible pace
“fuck baby” you wine
“oh this ain’t nothing I’m just lubing you up for my cock ma” he says with a smirk
“fuck I’m close..Chris don’t stop..please don’t stop” you wince
“cum on my fingers mamas, make a mess cmon don’t be shy.” And with his permission you came around his fingers your hips bucking closer to his hand screaming his name forgetting Matt and Nick are awake downstairs you suddenly feel a hand cover your mouth “shhh its seven o clock. My brothers don’t need to know how good you feels let alone the whole neighbourhood. Only I get to hear those noises leave your mouth…understand” he said while he pulls his fingers out of you licking them clean of your sweet juices. “I said do you understand y/n?” You nod quickly your eyes meeting his as he moves his hand away from your mouth
“Chris what was….intense” you say your breath ragged and eyes closed
“Oh but ma I’m not done yet.” Your eyes shoot open to the sound of Chris belt unbuckling. Chris pulld his jeans and boxers down his hardened cock springing free as he spits on it and rubs it a few times. He was huge. Even though you’ve seen his cock so many times it never fails to surprise you every time you see it. Chris positions himself at your entrance.
“Can we wait a lit- FUCK” you were cut off with Chris pounding his whole ten inch cock into you at once leaving you winded and overstimulated Chris hand finds its way back to your mouth
“What did I say about being fucking quiet y/n. Shut that mouth of yours before I shut it for you.” Chris says pulling out of you and pounding back into you
“Chris~” you moan arching your back into him more gripping onto his hair as he starts pounding into and out of you at an impossible speed
“Feel good huh ma~?” He growls as you nod in response his mouth finding your nipple sucking it harshly making you mumble against his hand
“I’m close Chris” you attempt to mumble against his hand. He must’ve understood because his thrusts getting harder and impossibly faster as he removes his hand off my mouth.”I’m coming” you warn him as you cum around his cock with a wimper of his name.
Feeling you climax around him Chris groans “fuck ma I’m close” he warns before shooting his load into you with a groan. You look back at him and see no emotion whatsoever. He pulls out of you making you moan quietly as he lays down next to you.
“You feel better now?” You ask catching your breath as he replies
“Yeah. Love you ma” Chris says as he spoons you and kisses your neck surprisingly gently considering the angry encounter you just had
“Love you to baby” you say as you open your phone and see a message from Matt saying “well I guess he’s okay now 😂” and another from Nick saying “quiet the fuck down in convinced the whole of America can hear you!!” You messaged them back “sorry y’all. Didn’t mean to disturb you.ima go sleep now lmao” you cuddle with Chris until you both fall asleep.
The end (of pt2)
Hey guys, this is part two hope you enjoyed it it part three soon (I didn’t proofread)
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teyamsatan · 11 months
mim sneak peak soon ? 👀
hi bb, your ask singlehandedly made me start writing this chapter hahahaha, so here is everything i wrote for the last chapter of mim, and i hope you enjoy xx
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“Are you sure, ma ‘ite? You know we wouldn’t force you into anything, but… please think it through. Eywa’s vision was clear, and it showed you two together. Eywa is never wrong, you know this.”
You thought about it, barely able to look into Mo’at's beautiful, sagacious eyes that always felt like they could see through you, through deception and conceit, and get to the soul of problem, the inner core of your amalgamation of conflicting, earth-shattering emotions, covered by a crust of barely-there composure, ready to erupt with any slight friction of the tectonic plates of your heart. You thought about last night, about his words, that still rang in your ears in a muffled cacophony of sounds you were trying your hardest to drown out, that you were scared would end up drowning you, instead. 
“I loved you, Vi.I fucking loved you. You were everything to me. And you broke me.” 
“Even the smallest similarity killed me, reminded me how much I hate you, how much I want to, how much I don't. I've wanted to hate you so much, I tried so hard, but you were in every dream, in every fantasy, you haunted me my whole life."
You thought about his actions, about what drove them, about how, at the end of the day, they were the same driving forces that you acted on. Hurt. Betrayal. Jealousy. Fear. You thought about your actions. How poison crept beneath your skin and pooled in your heart and pumped it through your whole bloodstream, until it was all there was, until it blinded you, and how he started this, but you continued it.
How his fault was indifference, and yours was madness that only he had the power to coax out of you. You thought about his parents, and how his dad was now your dad, and how hard you fought for hearing the magic words: “we couldn’t have done it without you, kid”. Those words, and the “you’re welcome” that followed, became as necessary to you as the air you breathe. It may have started, this need to gain Jake’s approval, as a way to get a rise out of Neteyam, your best attempt at getting him to lash out at you, scream and yell, anything but the horrible silence he ordained you with, but in time, it had less to do with the boy and more to do with you, with how his dad reminded you of your own, how the words of praise and admiration made the ones you were used to, that you’d never hear again echo through the your tent and through the forest, hidden in between the whistles and sonorous trills of birds, but never forgotten, not to you. 
You thought about his specious assumptions, and your words, and how, despite what you spat at him last night, they weren’t the whole truth. You did tell Jake that you didn’t want to mate with him, but not out of a lack of love or desire. No, the thought of one day being one with the boy who shone light through the broken cracks of your soul every day after your parents died, the boy who himself shone brighter than any star or sun or galaxy out there in the vast unknown, the boy who challenged you, and annoyed you, and loved you, and got you… it made you happy. It made butterflies flutter in your stomach and tingle, it made a fuzzy feeling gather in your brain and haze your mind until it was full of nothing but misty reveries, of a life beyond your wildest dreams and fantasies, of night flights and battles won together, of family found and family kept.
You told Jake what you did because your dreams couldn’t happen while you were pushed to the side and made to undertake the duties of a Tsakarem, they couldn’t happen if you had to forsake your talents and an integral part of yourself. You thought that, by saying no, you could make your dad proud, you could make Jake proud… make him proud. You thought that by becoming the warrior you knew you could one day be, you could help him… take away some of the burden that you knew he was shouldering all by himself, that of the eldest son, the responsible child, the prodigy of the clan. More than anything, you wanted to be worthy of him and of his love. That’s why you said no. 
But now, it was all wrong. Your love, your hate, your history and your future, everything you’ve done, everything you should have done. It was all wrong. O’i’en was right, you realised. You held onto this broken relationship, this hopeless promise of a mateship, not because you wanted revenge, but because you wanted him… in any way you could get him. Your undefeated stubbornness, and the war that left too many collateral victims for you to ever be able to sleep at night again, led to scars in your soul no one could ever fix, that you’d have to mend yourself in time, that you never could while in an arrangement you should have declined to begin with. It was finally time… 
“I’m sure, ma Tsa’hik.”
…time to say goodbye to the child you knew - the one you were, the one he was, and the love that took too much of both of you, the one that turned to ashes in your mouth. 
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coming soon x
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bucky-h0e · 3 months
A/N: The start of Bucky and Alpine's adventure in the 40s! I hope you all enjoy, please interact with the post if you do! I am always open to feedback
warnings: canon level descriptions of violence and injury, minor character death, illegal activities (Alpine is lying to everyone), Bucky and Alpine having a rough relationship tbh, Alpine bullies Peggy in the beginning, grieving Alpine is sad
Pimp My... Buzz Wagon? | Masterlist
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Alpine Joins The Howling Commandos
Peggy knew as soon as she met the other Howling Cammandos that they would be a rag-tag group of troublemakers for the SSR
as soon as she saw them in that bar
drunk off their asses and singing like the drunkards they are, not a care in the world
she just knew
so when Steve put together this team and she had gone for her own little investigation and seen there was no medic on said team
she realises that although Steve is courageous, brave, loyal and trust worthy
a good man
he was also a bloody idiot
so, she another little investigation and found a medic for the team
Steve can heal as fast as he likes but he still has teammates with regular healing abilities that may require medical assistance
now Peggy des have a little crush on America's Golden Boy (fucking understatement of the decade) so she's a little particular about the medic she chooses
she wants them to be well read, keeping up to date with all medical advancements that had been happening throughout the war
she wanted them to be quick on their feet and not scared to improvise - lord knows they'd have to do a lot of that with the new weaponry being built by HYDRA
so when she hears of Doctor Andrew Doe, a Korean-American doctor making a name for himself in the front lines by experimenting and sharing his findings with the allied forces
she knows that this is the guy
imagine her surprise when she gets to the bases records show he's supposed to be in to find him gone
she'd managed to get a hold of someone, a young man looking as if he were in a rush but not wanting to be rude to the pretty lady who had ordered him to stand at attention
"Where is Dr Doe, I need to speak with him."
"I'm sorry ma'am, he died a few days ago."
well shit
there goes that plan
"His daughter has taken over his research and then some. Names Miss Alpine Doe. She's young looking, but the document's are legitimate."
oh great
so now her option is a young looking girl who needed her documents checking
just fantastic
how could it get worse?
"How young?"
"Certificate says 18 years ma'am."
a fucking child
"Well then. Do you know where she is?"
"Yes ma'am, she was called out to one of the nearby bunkers, they got wound-"
a buzzing interrupts them, the unmistakable sounds of a siren and a vehicle honking as men surrounding them rush to the open area
the truck skids to a halt and the back doors burst open, a young girl climbing out and beginning to pull a stretcher out
"Get me plasma, bandages and morphine. I need as much as we can spare, poor bastard got shot to bits, lucky to be alive right now. Let's get him stable and home to his ma."
surprise was not the word Peggy would use to describe her current emotions, watching this definitely not 18 year old girl work and order the much older men surrounding her
and they listened
"Miss Doe has worked on all of us, ma'am"
it's the young man she'd caught before hand, she turns to look at him and he's got an awestruck look on his face
"Most of us came here wounded, Miss Doe saved most of our lives or at least stabilised us so we could get home to a hospital. She's a fine medic, if that's what you're looking for."
Peggy watches as Alpine and a few of the other men begin to walk back into one of the many tents which held beds for the injured
she can't get far though, before another two trucks come blaring through
perhaps this would be the perfect test
Peggy watches as Alpine assesses her situation, getting a nearby medic to hold the wound she had been previously, running to the first of the trucks
"GSW, left shoulder, straight through."
she turns to the second
"It's bad miss, explosive went off nearby, leg's basically gone."
tutting, she turns back to the tent just as two teams of three come racing out
"Philips, take the first one. Multiple GSW's, three exits. Find the shrapnel, get it out, get him stitched. Taylor, take the second. You,"
She turns to Peggy, a hard look in her eyes
"Get lost or start helping."
the fucking audacity of this kid, does she know who she's talking to
no absolutely not
does she care
fuck no
is Peggy equip to be a medic?
no, but does that mean she'll sit and let men die?
definitely not, so, she shucks off her coat, rolls up her sleeve and let's alpine guide her into help
and boy is that girl fucking bossy
and mean
"Press harder Carter, jesus do you want this man to bleed out?"
"The man's just lost his leg, give him the bloody painkiller!"
"They should make basic first aid a mandatory skill to learn when you become an agent. Oh wait, they do."
"Carter you're not wrapping a Christmas present for gods sake, faster!"
by the end of it, Peggy is pretty sure she's picked the right person for the job
if anyone was going to be giving medical aid to a group of sarcastic, stupidly cheery and sometimes grumpy men then it should be at least someone who could hold their own
so when all is said and done, they'd managed to get the poor man stabilised and Alpine was organising his immediate transfer out of the unit and to an actual hospital, Peggy approaches
"Miss Doe, I have a proposition for you."
"Unless it's to do with shipments of morphine, plasma, bandages, gauzes, tunicates and all the other supplies I've been badgering everyone about, I'm not intrested."
"I'd like to offer you a position in the Howling Commandos. You'll be working with Captain America, Steve Rogers and his team."
Alpine blinks at her
not moving
before she gestures to the space around her
"I've got men dying as we speak and you want me to drop them just to work with a lab rat and his crew?"
"They need a medic, you are the only one qualified enough. I didn't know about your father, I'm sorry for your loss, but please do not let this be a wasted journey."
Alpine's eye twitches
"You helped save a man and it's a wasted journey?"
Peggy sighs and shakes her head, clearly she's approaching this girl wrong
"I'm simply saying- this isn't the opportunity to skip out on, especially for someone like you."
Alpine knows she's speaking of not only her age but also gender
this was the 1940s after all, not exactly the golden era for women in the military
or medical services
"You're incredibly talented. Captain Rogers and his team need someone like that to keep up with their absolute stupidity."
Alpine laughs, signing the papers she'd been working on and handing them to one of her colleagues before looking at Peggy and offering a smile
"I'm sorry Agent Carter. I made a promise to my eldest brother. No working with Captain America. After what happened with the 107th and the other forces, he's been a bit protective - as much as he can from the front lines. I'm afraid I can't go against my promise to him."
Peggy nods but takes a slip of paper and writes the details she'd need to contact her and hands it to her
"Please, if you change your mind before the war is done, don't hesitate to contact this number."
Alpine nods and the two separate, Alpine returning to her work in the bloodied clothing she'd arrived in and Peggy feeling like she needed a bath after helping remove a man's leg and stitch it up again
it's weeks later when Alpine contacts the number, she'd refused to give any details to the receptionist who picked up but instead managed to organise a way to their base in London
to say Peggy was shocked was an understatement
The Howling Commandos had all come into the meeting room for their first debriefing after destroying the first HYDRA base on Steve's list
and the need for a medic had never been more obvious
Dum Dum had a large gash on his arm and had refused to seek medical assistance, instead stating that it was 'just a graze, it'll heal over night'
absolute bullshit
even Bucky had told him to get help but the man refused, Steve had suggested getting it checked out before the briefing, just to get Peggy off their back (to ease her concerns) and again Dum Dum had refused
imagine the absolute rage on Peggy's face
honestly, these men were the reason's she'd found a grey hair that morning she was sure of it
not that she'd ever mention anything to anyone
She was about to order the man to seek help when the door to the briefing room opened to reveal a worn out Alpine
covered in less blood than when Peggy had left her, eyes darkened with loss and large bags settling in her undereye
her hands were dirty, holding tightly onto two letters, and she looked frailer
"Sorry for the interruption Agent Carter, but she said she had an appointment and insisted-"
"It's quite alright. Miss Doe is a friend."
as she moves closer to the girl, the rest of the men surrounding them take the opportunity to study her
and bucky is in shock
what the hell is a child doing in their briefing room?
seriously, she was what 16? (15 - but he didn't need to know that)
she's there, blood splattered on her sleeves, dirt in her nails and her hair thrown up in a ratty bun
she looked like she came straight from the front lines
but she should have been at home
with her parents
why the hell, was she here?
"I'd like to take you up on your offer, Agent Carter."
Jesus even her fucking voice was a tell-tale sound that she was underaged
and Peggy had made her an offer?
for what?
"I take it your brother changed his mind?"
ah so she had a guardian at least
"My brother died, ma'am."
"Miss Doe.... I'm sorry."
there's a shared moment of silence for the loss before Alpine is looking up and trying to smile at her
"So, if your offer still stands, I'd like to take it."
Alpine spies Dum Dum's arm and thanks god that she carries a satchel of supplies with her everywhere
she'd sold rations for them and was sure she got some odd looks off of people for it but she didn't care
better safe than sorry
Peggy gives her arm a gentle touch before turning to address the men who had been staring at her, a pissed off Bucky included
"Gentlemen, this is Alpine Doe. A little younger then you're all used to-" bucky scoffs, Steve elbows him "-but a great medic nonetheless! She'll be joining you, no arguments."
her words are final and the rest of the team seem fine with it
they jump up, everyone greeting and shaking her hand
normally she'd love meeting people who weren't screaming in her face, but she can't bring herself to truly enjoy the moment, despite the pleasant smiles and pats on her shoulders
Steve offers his hand and she takes it, smiling at him
"Good to have you. We'll take good care you you, like you will us I'm sure."
Bucky is glaring at all of them
they're all idiots
he knew that but jesus
are they truly THIS stupid?
"Are we ignoring the fact that she's an actual child?"
he didn't realise he spoke
he thought he'd spoken to himself
but it came out
and it came out harsher than what he would have liked it
no stopping now, someone had to stand up for the kid
her brother obviously didn't want her here
"I'm 18, Sergeant Barnes."
"And I'm the King of England."
they stare at each other, glaring really
Bucky can see the tears building in Alpine's eyes
he didn't think he was pushing too much
but then again
he doesn't push too hard after seeing the tears, actually takes a minute step to comfort her before she's turning her attention to where Dum Dum had sat, now tending to the gash on his arm
distracting herself from the overwhelming frustration building in her stomach
Bucky turns to Phillips
"You're signing off on a kid working with us? Going into HYDRA bases? With their weapons, what's the use of a medic?"
Phillips sighs and shakes his head, frustrated with the entire situation to be honest
"You're still using regular explosives, regular bullets. They ricochet, debris exists, you get a cold, she's there to keep you healthy and on your feet."
"Now, because she's a medic, she'll be a non-combatant member of the Howling Commandos, the only one."
the world has gone to shit at this point
"So let me get this straight. She's an underaged girl-"
Alpine goes to correct him, but he points an accusatory finger at her that shuts her up because it reminds her of her brother
"-that you've let become a medic in the army and now, you're putting her, unarmed, up against weaponry that quite literally vaporises whoever it hits?"
"She's done it before Sergeant, now one more outburst from you and I'll be forced to take disciplinary action!"
Steve elbows him again and he shuts up
he wants to fight for this girl but can't let Steve go out there alone
he hates the fact that this girl is clearly in over her head
and everyone is just letting her
it reminds him of the Steve he knew before the serum
the one who would stop at nothing to get into the war
the one who faced prison for lying on his enlistment papers
was he truly the only person who saw this all for what it was?
the leading of a lamb to slaughter for their own goddamn advantage
that much was shown when they moved out to their next base after the debrief
Alpine had avoided them all after patching up Dum Dum, whose arm had healed beautifully
she went straight home after the meeting and only saw them all again when they were meeting for the plane back abroad
even then, she kept to herself and refused to speak
Bucky would glance over occasionally from where they sat on the plane, watching her read and re-read the same two letters in her hands which she carried in her pockets when her hands were busy working
Steve had sat next to her, trying to coax her into a gentle conversation but she'd answered with little words and left not room for the conversation to continue
when she wasn't reading the letters or working on someone, she was writing in a little blue journal, with a black journal open and glancing between them both
she'd scribble in the black one occasionally but for the most part, the blue journal was the only one she wrote in
what she was doing Bucky didn't know
but it was clear it was important to her
occasionally the others would tease her, trying to get her to open up
but again, they were being blind to the truth about this girl
she was a child and she was grieving
he could see it in the way she's hold her breath when she read the letters
wiping away unshed tears and pulling at her hair
Bucky sighs, nodding to Steve and making him swap seats with him in the tight aircraft, causing everyone to glance up at them
he settles next to Alpine, nudging her when he sat and played it off like he hadn't noticed
if no one else was going to support her
then he'd have to do it himself
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millylotus · 1 year
Rasberries & Lemon Delights
Country Boy!Danny x Emo Punk!Duke
Danny[18] goes to live with Aunt Alicia on the family farm for a gap year, which just so happens to be in Smallville. He’s been there since January. A town in the middle of nowhere with at least a nice small population of people, it's not a big jump from small town Amity Park.
Duke[18] doesn’t usually visit the Kents but he had nothing better to do and Damian[16] wanted to go see Jon[15] for the summer, so roadtrip it was. Besides, Duke didn’t have much else to do and Martha & Jonathan had invited him to stay as well. It’ll be fun to just get away from the constant buzz of Gotham.
The Palad Family Farm has a rasberry orchard [it should be spelled this way or like raz(s)berry, not fucking RASPberry I had to fucking look this up, it’s only ever been spelled rasberry in my head, english can go suck my dick [sorry bout that anyways]] with a couple chikens and cow and a produce garden. it’s off to the side compared to the others in Smallville, separated by a line of trees that you might be able to call a forest. Their closest neighbors are the Kents, and that’s through the trees.
For this AU i changed the boys’ appearance a little bit
Duke is less emo-punk and more punk-emo when it comes to his aesthetic
Danny’s bigger in the muscle aspect kinda like a toned down version of Jack
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About a week into their stay Danny comes over to the Kent’s to bring over some rasberries as a gift.
The kids just so happen to be hanging out outside when he walks up.
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Duke sat lounging on a chair he’d dragged out to the front lawn, reading his book which sat heavy between his cross legs.
Damian and Jon were further into the brush chatting and messing around.
The only thing really odd were the sunglasses the brothers wore, heavily shaded and thick, with the bright Kansas sun and being from one of the gloomiest cities of the world it was practically a necessity.
Jon paused as he spoke and looked down the road, both brothers turned their heads in interest.
A couple meters down the road a young man Duke’s age was walking their way, a straw garden hat on his head, holding a crate in his arms.
The kryptonian smiled and stood up waving at the approaching stranger, “Hey Danny!” he shouted in greeting.
The stranger whose name was evidently named Danny walked up the driveway to the Kent house.
“Hey Jon! Who are your friends?” He said with a smile.
“Damian and Duke, family friends. They’re visiting for the summer.” Jon said happily as he pointed at each sibling.
Damian stood up and walked over to Jon’s side “Nice to meet you” . His voice was as flat as it always was with strangers.
Duke nodded at Danny, “Sup.”
Danny nodded back with a smile, before turning back to Jon, “Me and Aunt Alicia harvested some rasberries yesterday, we got a lot and where wondering if y’all wanted some.”
Jon’s face lit up like a star, “Fuck yeah! Ma’s gonna love ‘em! Come on!”
Jon took Damian’s hand and pulled him back to the house, Damian and Danny following. Duke sighed and decided to go as well, closing his book he stood up and caught up with them. He ended up walking side by side with Danny.
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Danny looks down to the shorter boy walking by his side. Duke is gorgeous in an ethereal way, brown eyes almost glowing under his sunnies, winged with perfect black eyeliner. His face was stoic in the same way Damian’s was, little to no emotion shown. It didn’t take away from his serene and chill vibes though.
Duke glances up at Danny, and the taller boy quickly looks away to the Kent house, face flushed.
He almost missed the playful smirk that spread on Duke’s face.
Ma thanks Danny for the raspberry and ropes him into chatting for a bit with the boys adding little commentary and things
Duke’s trying to not be obvious about staring at Danny’s muscles
Dami & Jon notice of course
Jon and Dami glanced at each other as Duke tried to grab their attention, desperately trying to make them stop whatever they were scheming.
“Hey Danny?” Jon says
Danny looks towards the teen, “Yeah?”
“Damian and Duke kinda just got to Smallville and they haven’t even gone all that deep into the fields, – Jon leans in a bit with a wide smile – We could go out tomorrow and us country kids could show them around?”
“I wouldn’t mind that, how ‘bout ‘round after 10?” Danny afford with a smile.
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Danny shows them around the area near his family’s farm
Damian and Jon end up scurrying off to let Danny & Duke be alone, of course they’re watching from the sidelines
Duke pretends to be externally calm but is kinda freaking out on the inside his internal monologue is “Hot Boy Hot Boy That was so fucking weird don’t say that again God he’s so fucking funny I kinda wanna kiss him”
Danny is much the same, but he’s not very good at hiding how flustered he is, he’s smiling like a goof and his face is all flushed “Pretty Boy Cute Boy Pretty Goth Boy I have a type Ancients I wanna kiss him”
Duke is not so subtly flirting with Danny, complementing his muscle, being actively interested when Danny talks about the farm and his friends back home
Danny’s also flirting back of course, drifting closer to Duke, asking him about Gotham and his friend, the book he was reading yesterday
When they get to the Palad family farm, Jon and Dami had already gotten there and where drinking some sweet tea with Alicia
Alicia is of course entertained with Danny’s crush, and watches as he and Duke walk around the rasberry orchard
When Jon and the brothers have to go back Duke and Danny trade numbers, even though they’ll probably talk again tomorrow and basically the rest of the summer
They’re both smitten with each other
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Duke and Damian are in the attic of the Kent farmhouse, each on their own twin bed on either side of the room
Duke: *yearning sigh*
Dami *teasing*: You like the Palad boy don’t you?
Duke *suspicious*: No ... Whatcha gonna do about it?
Dami: Oh nothing it’s just funny, you always said you wouldn’t fall for someone on the family type list
Duke: What are you- *realization* oh OH! Screw you, you can’t say shit Dames! *chucks pillow at Dami who’s laughing* I see how you look at Jon *teasing*
Dami: Shush! Don’t say that he could hear you!
Duke *smirking* : Or what? not my country boy to worry about
Dami groans and flops into pillow tossing back Duke’s pillow & flipping him off
Duke laughs and lays onto his back, staring up at the ceiling with a smile, before closing his eyes and going to sleep
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Danny and Alicia are eating dinner
Alicia: So the Wayne boys, I only really got to talk to Damian, what’s Duke like?
Danny *excited*: Oh he’s so cool! He’s reading this romance novel right now. Sounds really cool, so I might drop by the library to check if they have it!
As Danny talks about Duke, Alicia watches him with a smile
Alicia: When are you gonna go out and see him again?
Danny: Not sure, but I hope sooner or later
Alicia: mmm, If you like so much you better ask him out soon
Danny *high pitched*: What!
Alicia *laughing*: Duke’s the new mysterious pretty boy in town. The other kids your age will be falling over themselves to get to know him
Danny tries not to let himself look stressed, Alicia shakes her head fondly
Alicia: Don’t worry to much kid, Duke already seems to like you, you’ve got a good chance of winning his heart
Danny sighs at his food
Danny: I hope so
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I don’t know where I wanna put this but like Alicia has a weird reputation in Smallville
She doesn’t leave her farm very often, only for big events like the Farmers market
And she has most of everything she needs for food at her farm
If she does need to buy something she’ll pop into town at the weirdest of times and leave quickly
When Danny comes around this doesn’t really change, he goes out into town more than her
There were a couple rumors about Ms.Alicia’s nephew staying for awhile
Danny’s been basically the line connecting Alicia and the rest of town
Anyway back to the main plot!
What Alicia said is true, the few other college kids visiting their family in Smallville do want to get closer to Duke
Duke doesn’t really mind, since he’s always kinda been popular, but he insists on staying with Danny at all times
Danny sometimes feels jealous so he often does things to catch Duke’s attention, even though he knows he doesn’t have to do much
When Summer Farmer’s Market time rolls around a bunch of farmers in Smallville drive to the bigger town nearby Dolmeny Town
Alicia & Danny have their own stand selling more rasberry desserts & treats, along with some little carved statues that Danny makes
The Kents also have a stand, selling breads, a few milk products, and flowers pressed and or fresh from Ma’s garden
The stands are like right across from each other as well, both in the food section
Danny & Duke  staring at each other from across the street, going over to each other’s stands to buy a few things
Duke complementing the rasberry pastries, and Danny promises to save some for him later
It ends up becoming a a date, they meet up near the end of the day, Duke brings a bouquet he made and Danny brings some rasberry scones
They sit at a bench and just start talking about themselves learning more about each other
Cute stuff like that, by the end of it they’re holding hands when Danny walks Duke back to the Kent’s at the end of the day
I have other date ideas, as well. Maybe there’s a party or concert going on in Dolmeny that Danny found out about and they go there. I think they’d have similar music tastes
Going to a cafe, and talking about their favorite foods
The library, where Duke gets Danny to read some of the romance novels he loves
Duke buying some gotham brand lemon candy for Danny, like the really sour stuff cause Danny mentioned he liked sour stuff
Going to the lake for a beach day with the others
Just hanging out together
Danny fixing Duke’s makeup cause he’s done it for Sam before
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Of course I want a scene or part where the rest of the Superfam and Batfam, and the Fentons plus Sam & Tucker of course
Come over to visit their family in Smallville for the summer, like a week or even just a day or two
Jazz, Tuck & Sam meeting Duke for the first time and him & Sam immediately getting along
Conner dragging the kids to a bigger concert than they’ve ever been to before
Batfam mildly hazing Danny because they can
The Fentons being able to play wrestle with the Supers with no real problem cause of liminal bullshit
The three families having a big dinner on the last day with barbecue and such, it’s basically a feast with how many people and food is there
Danny & Duke walk away near the end and go for a walk together
The sun’s set and the sky is filled with stars, as Danny talks on about the constellations and planets the two sit together
Eventually they get to talking about what will happen when the summer's over, Danny’s going to either Caltech or Princeton and Duke will be going back to Gotham U for his second year
Princeton’s in Gotham, so it would keep them closer, but Caltech has the first best Space Science program in the country
Duke doesn’t want to affect such a big decision in Danny’s life, and Danny really wants to go to Caltech
Danny chooses Caltech [Cause he deserves it gosh darnit! and if their relationship doesn’t pan out at least they have a whole country between them]
They end the night with a kiss!
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I think this the first one with a proper ending! :D
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erratic-brainrot · 2 years
List of my personal K2 Headcanons
•Kyle and Kenny became close through mutual venting and learning to be less repressive Martyr bitches. Kyle was able to talk as much as his heart contented, Kenny was allowed to sit and listen— and Kyle gotta practice his emotional engagement/comforting skills, and Kenny gotta practice talking more.
•Kenny and Kyle enjoy cooking. Kyle has always known how to cook due to helping Sheila around the house, while Kenny never really had the materializes to cook much. Kyle was able to teach Kenny during times they hung out together, and began to prefer cooking for each other rather than going out most nights. Kyle has a more casual enjoyment of it— seeing it as a necessary skill, while Kenny loves it as a productive means to decompress.
•Kenny created canon voices for many of the characters Kyle created. Coming about typically during playful moments of reading Kyle’s stories out loud, till it became a tradition to do so.
•Kenny draws in the corner of Kyle’s scheduling whiteboard that he has within his room.
•Kyle often feeds Kenny whatever leftovers they have in the house (esp those that are gonna go bad) due to his Ma’s love of cooking, but the fact all the broflovski boys kinda eat like birds. They aren’t big eatters. But McCormick’s don’t waste food :)
•Kenny and Kyle often message on discord over any other platform. It’s easy due to discord being through internet connection over, over sms on his horrific phone plan. With Kyle genuinely just liking discord and having worked at a mood before, and Kenny enjoying to create many fucked up emojis and abuse all the text functions and bots discord has to provide.
•Kyle took on the duty of babysitting Karen in highschool when Kenny’s started working parktime and his schedule often overlapped with Kenny’s. He refused any money Kenny attempted to offer, and tried to return any Kenny hid in Kyle’s shoes or pockets.
•Piggy backing on the first idea, Kyle’s only source of rebellion was to constantly refuse to let Kenny pay for any dinners they did end up buying. Often fighting to hand a waiter or whoever their wallet first.
•Kyle and Kenny actually went to the same school together for university. They both went into different fields, but shared a few general courses together. Often helping the others with their projects.
•a main part of the reason Kyle got into psychology was due to Kenny and Karen, having a direct source of seeing the impact of overt child abuse— and being incredibly tied to the constant struggles of it… as well as having Kenny enlightening Kyle to his own trauma. How Kyle himself was also abused by a couple different people in his life, and how horrifically it affected his emotional development.
•they both like writing dnd campaign together. With Kenny sometimes acting as a pawn for Kyle when he’s DM— to push a heavier narrative with the story.
•Kenny was the first person to ever learn Kyle was bi, due to Kenny being first guy in their gang to come out, and generally being the else judgmental of the group.
•Gerald actively dislikes the fact Kyle is dating Kenny, for a multitude of reasons. And attempted to like, bribe Kenny to never date Kyle again. And Kenny told Gerald off hard.
•in turn, Stuart isn’t the greatest fan of Kyle. Not trusting Kyle to be more than a boy with a sliver spoon in his mouth… but unlike Gerald grows to be okay with Kyle. Though he’s still a little… dated in his understanding of queerness, but is at least more trying.
•Kenny is fairly short compared Kyle, and due to this, enjoys climbing Kyle— randomly— as if he were a tree. Kyle, deals with it.
If anyone is interested I’ll add more but simply put I like the specific ones :))
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thedevilsruby · 1 year
Why Don't You Love Who I Am? (Scout & Spy fic)
Scout was still trying to absorb all of it.
Spy was his father.
Spy was the man who left him with his spiteful ma and his bullying brothers in that insane household.
Spy was the reason ma resented him since the rat bastard left them behind and never bothered to get in touch with again.
And now he was just learning that was his father.
"No, no, it's can't be right..." Scout mumbled, trying to deny it. But no matter how hard he tried, he knew it was the truth.
All this time, he had been working with his father. And he was the one who bullied and belittled him, left Scout for dead when he knew Scout was in trouble. He would rather save his own skin than save his flesh and blood.
There was a knock.
"Fuck off." Scout snarled, knowing who it was.
Spy opened the door, a hesitant look on his face. It looked foreign on the French man.
"Jeremy, I-"
"it's Scout to you." Scout snarled. "You lost the right to use my name the day you walked out."
"Jer-Scout, please, let us talk about zhis-" Spy pleaded.
"Oh, now you wanna talk!" Scout snapped. "What're you gonna do, call me a failure?"
"Say how useless I am, tell me I'm not really a part of this team? Tell me how incredibly stupid I must be to think anyone would ever wanna love me?"
"Scout, I'm sor-"
"No! No, you don't get to apologize and think it'll make everything you said about me okay!" Scout felt his emotions building up, and tried to shove them down. "You left me and it not only hurt me, you hurt me and my brothers, which made them hurt me!"
Spy froze. What did Scout's mother and her sons do? "What...?"
Scout took a shuddering breath. "Ma always hated me since you left. She said I was just a reminder of you, the one who left her without any indication that you were coming back. Ya didn't even fucking call her!" Scout started pacing back and forth. "And her boys? Oh god, she treated her boys like they were perfect fucking angels! Even when they would make fun of me and treat me like total shit, just because we didn't have the same dads!"
Spy's jaw sagged slightly. He had no idea that's how they would treat him. He thought he left Scout in the safest hands. "Scout...I-I'm sorry. I really am. I thought she loved you."
"You thought wrong." Scout glared at Spy. "I got this job to get away from that, and here I am, getting bullied by my fucking father!" Scout's dam broke and he started crying, not caring in the least how weak he looked. He was just so done holding it in.
Spy placed a hand on Scout's shoulder. "Scout, please I-I never meant to...I didn't..." Spy, for once, couldn't find the words. "I'm so sorry, Scout."
"Why don't you love who I am?!" Scout yelled. "Am I really that bad?! Am I that hard to love?!"
"No, Scout, please, let us talk about-"
"SHUT UP!" Scout screamed, shoving Spy away. "IT'S YOUR FAULT! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! If you hadn't left me o-or just taken me with you, I...maybe I would be good enough! Maybe I could be lovable to someone! Maybe I could get the attention I've been wanting for years!" Scout wiped his eyes and cheeks, trying to calm himself. "Maybe someone could actually help me be better..."
Spy felt his own tears welling up. He had helped ruin his only child without knowing it. He had put Scout through hell no one deserved.
He pulled Scout into his arms, not caring if Scout fought him. "I have always loved you." He whispered. "Zhere was never one day where I didn't zhink about you. I left because I zhought you would be safer. I'm so sorry."
Scout tried to shove Spy away, to find his voice to curse and scream at Spy. But he couldn't. He couldn't shove his own father away. He simply clenched Spy's jacket in his fingers and sobbed into his chest.
Maybe the healing could begin now.
I have a headcanon that Spy didn't know Scout was his son, just another wannabe brat from Boston but now that he knows, he's going to make up for lost time.
I also have a headcanon that Scout's mom was abusive towards him since Spy left him and her a single mom yet again, but absolutely loved her other boys, who treated Scout like dirt since he was only their half brother, and they saw how Spy leaving gave their mom more grief than before and blamed Scout.
I hope you all enjoyed this!
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monpalace · 10 months
The chain meeting Twilight’s mom (who is totally a milf) and finding out —through her directly or by stories Twi tells them that SHE told him— that Time is HER father, making Twilight his grandson
(Before meeting twi’s mom) Twilight telling the group about how he didn’t know much about his family outside of his ma
Tei says that he thinks his mom and her parents had a strained relationship —more with her father than mother but thats what he assumes
Twi being told that his grandpa was a fisher man at heart and could be very child like when in a good mood
Twi being told his grandma had a way with horses and how Twi natural inherited that even tho the two never met
Twi’s mom singing him ssong that his grandma sang to her (epona song?)
Twi’s mom and his grandpa rarely got along, to the point were she had left BEFORE he had died
(During/after meeting Twi’s mom) Twi’s mom nearly having a heart attack at the sight of Time, grabbing Twilight and keeping him behind her
After first interaction and Twi’s mom being reassured Time wasn’t a ghost, they all have a very tense dinner at Their home <3
Twi’s mom is aggressively doing chores as she tries to calm her mind, which isn’t working considering the boys are VERY curious
Eventually one proudly asked she knew that her and her son was related to the hero of Time, she said yes in a very bitter tone
Que the boys asking questions as mama twi passive aggressively does idly chores/cleaning (keeping her back to Time the whollleee time.)
Through gritted teeth she explains the connections. But she did say that she didn’t realize her father was the hero of Time many years AFTER he died
Can you imagine how utter horrified and disgusted Time would be in himself for driving his own daughter away
Okokay! Thats it for now, dont wanna make this too long <3
i sat here thinking you said time and twi's mom were both his parents and not like,, generational,,,,, i genuinely had the thought of "oh. his swimmers stayed alive for a hundred years after he died and was skeletonized?? that's fucking insane"
but ignoring my insanity + inability to read, that's such a good idea??
if time were to figure out that his (unborn/imaginary/planned/etc/etc) daughter was twi's mother before they met, i'd imagine he'd be anxious (in a good way) to meet her-- what with how often twi talks about her and how high in his regards she is
but also imagine if he didn't tell twi that he came to the realization before meeting her? epona's song, twi's natural taking to horses and farmwork, and every other skill handed down to him throughout the generations was an almost immediate flag to time; but then twi starts to divulge information regarding his mom and grandpa?
"ion know if he was dead before i was born, but i never got to meet 'im. she tol' me that she left on bad terms wit' 'im 'n' then he died," and time is immeadiately sent through a flurry of emotions?
what did he mean by she left of bad terms? was it just a usual family fight, or was it something more serious? did she never return? in his line of work, he expected to die, but did she attend his funeral? did they leave off so horribly that she turned her back to him entirely? was it all his fault, or was it some outside force?
time's plagued by his questions, but he doesn't ask them. he didn't want to ruin whatever relationship he had already built with grandson because who knew how much longer they'd have to travel together with whatever emotions that lingered from them
GRAHHH‼️‼️‼️ all i can say is that twi's mom is a bigger person than me,,, time would not be coming in my house and that the rest of the chain can join him in sleepin miles away if they didnt know how to read a room
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escapismblue · 8 months
hi. look, if you don't want any negative opinions on the new Frontiers DLC, then just skip this. I do have some positive things to say, but mostly? not really! anyway, full opinion under the read more thing.
Alright, I'm going all in on this. I've kept my mouth mostly shut about my gripes about recent Sonic stuff but no. Nope, I'm not keeping my mouth shut when the games are my favorite part of this entire franchise.
I love the base game of Frontiers. I have sunk so many fucking hours into it. I genuinely think it's close to 80 hours. It still had some issues, but nothing that really... stuck out to me worse than like "well that wasn't perfect" or "that was kind of annoying." Mainly because I absolutely saw the base game as a step in the right direction. It wasn't perfect, but it was fun and it was getting there. Mainly the story was not great, (had a lot of good concepts but was very underdeveloped in those ideas,) but. But but but. Then they said the DLC would basically fix the story and oh my god I was so excited.
I spent days thinking about what they might do. I didn't think any of my ideas would be even close to canon, but it was fun. Honestly, my only hope for DLC was that there would be some level of emotional payoff. I didn't expect the kind of payoff we've gotten before, but anything more than what we got originally. Well, okay, we got a little more than the base game but you know what I mean. There were basically no emotional payoff.
There were emotional beats, don't get me wrong, but absolutely no payoff for said beats. And it wasn't like the emotional beats were bad! They were basically the best part of the story, but nothing came of them. Sage literally told Sonic that his friends weren't handling the cyber corruption well and what does he do in response in the cutscene? FUCKING NOTHING. Maybe a grimace, but no words, no nothing.
I will be 100% transparent, I didn't finish the DLC myself. I'm not gonna go on about how fucking hard it was because that's been covered before, but I watched the cutscenes to see if the absolute frustration I was feeling while playing was worth it. I didn't think it was.
Though, actually, I will complain about how fucking hard it is to unlock the map because literally why is so hard? Is it because they just wanted to make it harder to unlock fast travel because that's honestly bullshit in my opinion. Whatever, some of the harder map challenges were fun but most of them were just absurd.
Anyway, back to my point. Because I didn't play it myself, there may have been optional cutscenes or more dialogue while you're playing that gives a little more than just the main cutscenes, but that's not good enough for me!
That was a gripe for the base game too! Important context and lore should not be optional! And even still, it makes it clear, that the story is still not a main concern. And look, I get it, it hasn't been a main concern in a long time, but it is disappointing that the main draw was 1. the story fixes and 2. getting to play as Amy, Tails, and Knuckles (and god Knuckles does not control well.)
Another positive thing though, I did like playing as the other characters and I do hope that playing as other characters stays for more games. Sonic is my boy, but it is fun to have other characters.
But hoo boy I'm getting to my biggest point now. One that I think a lot of people are gonna disagree with, but honestly I just need to get this out.
I do not like how Amy, Tails, and Knuckles were connected to the Ancients. Now hold on, let me explain. At first, I thought this wasn't even a valid complaint, because I thought I wanted Sonic to be unique and have all the special things, but no. This actively makes Amy, Tails, and Knuckles less interesting! It puts even more focus on Sonic.
I like Sonic being connected to the Ancients because he's already extremely connected to the Emeralds. And look, I know they were already hinting at it in the base game, (all four being connected,) but the DLC made it obvious enough that I can't ignore it.
And look, I know it's probably just trying to be a "history repeats itself" story but that's not clear and I'm not going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
First, let me just say, that you did not need to connect Knuckles to the Ancients because he already was. There is already plenty of connections between the echidnas and the Ancients. (ahem ahem Chaos) but my main point is that it makes Sonic's supporting cast even more connected to him. It makes even more of their lives revolve around him.
I fucking love Sonic, almost everything I write is focused on him, but oh my god his cast is not there just for him.
Look, if you like it, cool, but I just. I worry about the future of these characters if this is their fix for Frontiers. Out of all the characters (minus Sonic because I cannot objectively judge his character,) Knuckles is written the best. Because his story didn't have anything to do with Sonic specifically. Him deciding to go off on his own had nothing to do with Sonic, it had everything to do with his own life. He was going off on his own because he's taking control of his life instead of letting his duty control him. (Which was, again, sort of ruined by tying him to Sonic directly through the Ancients.)
Tails, I will say, is inherently connected to Sonic and that's okay. He's a kid and Sonic's brother. I like him becoming his own character that is less connected to Sonic, but they can't seem to decide if that's what they're doing or not. And like. It really just feels like they're trying to fix the criticism modern Tails gets in a super roundabout way.
I'm not even going to touch Amy. I've never really liked what they've done with her and I'm not even. Nope. I don't think they know what to do with her and I will continue to just do whatever I want with her in my fics.
Also I hate Eggman being any sort of ally, but that's mostly because the games I tend to focus on have him be an absolute asshole and I like him that way.
Anyway, some more positive things to round this out:
The voice acting is very good! Sonic's deeper voice makes me want to go feral, Amy's voice actor conveyed her emotions really well, and god Knuckles laughing scene is literally I think the best cutscene second only to Sonic's new form.
On that note, I really do like Sonic's new cyber form. I wish they did more with it, but that's not a new problem so I'm not gonna harp on it. They rarely give forms a lot of time besides normal Super.
I really liked that the final fight was basically only Sonic. It's not that I don't like people helping him, but for final fights I tend to like it being just Sonic or like. Shadow or Silver.
This DLC did make me appreciate Sage more and that's not nothing. Because I didn't love her at first. Then again, that also could've been because I like how some fans handle her.
Music slaps.
Alright, anyway. I might do a rewrite for Frontiers now. Until then. o7
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hazardworld · 9 months
Hey Tumblr friends! One of my Ao3 fics “Dustin’s a Damn Good Ally,” got somewhat popular. However, every time I read it, I can’t help but note all the grammatical/spelling errors, the simplicity of text, and sheer lack of description.
I don’t want to completely change and destroy it though, because even with all its faults, it did make people happy.
Therefore, I’ve decided to preserve it before I edit it. On here, I’ll be posting the ORIGINAL chapter-by-chapter, with a link to the EDITED one on Ao3 (when it goes up).
Chapter 1— Confessions by the Dumpsters
Ao3 Link
Originally Posted 1.1.23/Edited 9.1.23
Summary: Dustin's dad sucks, and Will is heartbroken
(Queer author saying queer is used both positive and negative here)
On Dustin’s first day of 6th grade, he was called 'toothless.' That was a generic, appearance-based insult, something similar to insults he’d gotten in the past. It didn’t hurt him, he knew it was just a name.
The same people who called him toothless called Will 'a queer.'
Dustin knew what that meant.
When he was 7, his dad had called him 'a queer' and other words he wouldn’t repeat, and he and his mother had quickly left their small Minnesotan town for Hawkins, Indiana.
Dustin knew the effect that word had on people.
So, he kept defending Will. It didn’t matter if will was actually gay or not, the word still hurt, and he made sure the other two in their squadron of 4 knew how bad of an insult it truly was. Mike didn’t really get it.
That school year, he kept Will under close watch, making sure to always have a snack and some tissues on hand, keeping an eye on his emotions and the people around him.
That’s when Dustin noticed something interesting: Will’s body language always showed shyness around Mike, and Dustin would’ve been damned if he didn’t catch the small smiles and pinked cheeks Will got when talking to the other boy.
So maybe Will was queer, after all.
Not that that was a bad thing!
But obviously, that insult had merit to it. Merit confirmed the night of the Snow Ball, when Dustin watched as his good friend forlornly watched Mike slow dance with their new friend El, and decided to make his way over, linking his arms with the other 8th grader.
"Dustin? What—"
"Shhhh…" Dustin put a silent finger to his lips, "Wanna head outside and talk for a bit? It’s not like any of us are getting the dates we want," Will’s brow furrowed, obviously confused at Dustin’s specific wording, but he nodded, and Dustin led the way to the back parking lot, where he knew no one would be there to listen.
"So…" Will said after the door closed, "What’s up? Here to complain about…girls?" Dustin smiled warmly, sitting on the concrete steps below, patting down a space next to him. Will sat.
"Will, I want to ask you something, and I need an honest answer, ok? No judgement." Will’s eyes went wide with panic, as if he knew the question Dustin was about to ask. He probably did, if Dustin was gonna be honest.
"I’m—I’m gay," He whispered the term hurriedly, tears starting to form on his cheeks, "if that’s what you’re asking." Dustin grinned.
"I was gonna ask if you like Mike, but sure, yeah, that works too." Suddenly, Will just started sobbing, and Dustin pressed him into a deep hug, not realizing that he was starting to cry softly, too.
"Fuck, Dustin, I like him and he only likes her and it hurts!" Dustin used his hand to rub Will’s back in circles, something Ma did for him whenever he needed a good cry.
"Well, Will, Mike’s kinda a douche, ok? He’s a well-meaning douche, but a douche.” He felt Will nod beside him, and he kept rubbing his back. Suddenly, Will drew away from Dustin, putting his hands on the older preteen’s shoulders.
“So you don’t hate me for being…’a queer’?” Will whispered the term, and off of instinct, Dustin grimaced. This instantly sent the wrong message, as Will backed away quickly, panic streaking across both boys’ faces.
“Shit, Will, oh my god, I didn’t mean that like that!” Will’s face still reeked of fear, but now with the added dose of confusion, “I could never hate you for being queer dude, that’s a dick move!” Dustin watched Will sigh in relief, the confusion still there.
“So then…why’d you make that face?” Dustin sighed, looking down.
“I dunno. Just the way you said that…didn’t hit right for me. Felt like you were hurting yourself. It’s stupid, sorry,” Will grinned, pulling Dustin in for another brief hug.
“Don’t be. It’s cool. Thanks for…being cool with all this.” Dustin grinned, “I haven’t exactly come out to anyone yet, but I think my mom and brother know.” Dustin nodded. He wouldn’t say how or why, but he knew they did, and that they were safe. Really, that’s all that mattered.
“So…enough talking about my shitty love life, how’s yours?” Will grinned, and Dustin rolled his eyes.
“Dude, Steve taught me all his popular jock boy tricks and none of them are working!” Will laughed, “I thought I’d be a chick magnet tonight, but here I am with you talking about unrequited love.” He groaned lightly, pinching his hand to the bridge of his nose, and Will patted him on the back.
"Shitty love lives together, eh?"
They chatted back there until Lucas grabbed them 20 minutes later, saying Steve was there to pick them all up.
Later, Dustin realized he became Will’s crush confidante: he was the only person who explicitly knew, so Will would come to him or walkie him asking for advice, or to rant, or to even just ponder.
It was nice to have that relationship: partner work was almost always Dustin-Lucas and Will-Mike, so it was great getting closer to another member of the party he didn't spend as much time with. Will was kind and thoughtful, and also a real snark when he got into it.
Truly, Dustin thought it was all pretty bitchin'.
It is my firm belief Dustin is the first one to clock Will at the Snow Ball, and everyone's better for it.
Also, the kid has absolutely no social cues. This will be a reoccurring theme.
Chapter 2/6
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theomnicode · 2 years
One Punch Man appreciation
Now that MA arc and Garou's arc has officially finished, I just want to say...
Thank you Murata- and ONE-sensei and all their amazing assistants for giving us this amazing wild ride and thank you for your hard work and dedication. I know they are not on tumblr but I wanna say it anyway.
I only got back into OPM at roughly chapter 163 when I finished reading all the chapters and boy, did I get hooked back in. The storyline I have dissected and appreciated to death here already so...
Thanks OPM manga team for...
The absolutely stunning and gorgeous covers:
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Just *cheff kiss*. The absolute goat at work. Many props to those who also helped him colour multiple cover pages.
The jaw-dropping dynamic action scenes:
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The sheer movement and dynamic action is just insane.
The pure badassery:
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Blast is a legit goat. Nobody can tell me otherwise. The dude's insane. But they're all just insane and Genos has the biggest balls in the universe.
The amazingly detailed visuals and scenes:
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Can I just say that 165 had some crisp AF environmental detail, holy shit. They went all in on this chapter.
The insane coloured panels:
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Like, seriously guys, it's just plain nutty. I've nothing else to say. Who is this man?
The holy fucking shit hype moments:
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When Murata dropped an actual GIF page, I just stared at the screen in disbelief. Then Cosmic Garou's entrance was just... and Saitama Death punching Garou and ending the chapter in a cliffhanger left me vibrating for two weeks.
166 stands as my favourite chapter of all time.
The oh my fucking god what:
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The sheer absurdity and insanity of it. The wtf moments.
The uh oh and ominous:
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When you just get the chills.
The raw emotional moments:
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There's just so many, too many to fit...
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...that legit made me cry and stare at the screen in shock...
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...and pained my heart and made it swell in empathy and other feels.
When Genos died, all I could think of was "oh my god if saitama arrives to the scene and sees this..." and then he did.
I think they enjoy hurting their readers. Lucky me, I love angst.
The One Punch Man:
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Only in One Punch man folks, will you get a guy who kicks and moves around hyperspace gates. And sneezes away jupiter's atmosphere and farts in space.
*shocked pikachu face*
The humour and trolling:
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You know the trolling and humour is legendary when it reaches meta redraw level status and transcends the manga. Half the people probably couldn't be bothered to actually read what Genos was saying and felt exactly like Saitama here.
The melancholic, happy and wholesome:
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Touching and wholesome and cute moments.
My top 3 list of favourite pages from this arc:
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Simply amazing. There is nothing else to say.
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The sheer loneliness portrayed in this scene makes me grip my heart tightly too. I felt so much for Saitama.
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The best panel obviously, is there even any doubt?
The raw, unfiltered emotions in this page is just...it's so visceral. You can feel the pain in this scene when you stare into Saitama's eyes. The guilt. The absolute shock.
One of the best panels of all time, in One Punch Man. Easily.
In addition to all that, lots and lots of cake too. And we can eat it too. Murata-sensei is the best, for thinking about us fans.
Cheers for the ongoing manga of One Punch Man! Onwards to the next saga! :D
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
How would Jason react if Pamela adopted Bubba Sawyer?
Are you some sort of wizard anon? I literally was typing a post about Jason when I got this 😂
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Now this is of course assuming the other Sawyers aren’t up for grabs, and it’s just Bubba. I don’t think his reaction would be nearly as bad. Now of course, parents like to claim that they don’t treat their “real” children any differently than the adopted ones, but we adoptees know the truth. Many times the brith child might think they’re being replaced. And I think that would be Jason’s knee jerk reaction.
He’d wonder why his mom didn’t like him so much she had to get a new one. But of course Pamala would shut that down right away. She loves her Jason more than anything in the whole world. She would have to do a lot of reassuring to keep him in good spirits.
But on the flip side, Bubba might feel like they aren’t as loved as the Jason. Which again, wouldn’t be true. I entirely think that Pamela would have had more children if she could. Of course Jason alone was more than enough for her, and she was blessed to have him. But she seems the type to have a heart big enough for a village. Family before anything, I genuinely think she’d be one of the few adopting parents who really sees no difference between their children.
The next emotion Jason might feel is nervous. Depending on what age everyone was when this happened, it can be jarring to have a stranger in your house. Especially a stranger you’re expected to love. That’s a lot of pressure put on both kids. Both Bubba and Jason were outsiders for the same reason. They were considered faces only a mother could love. I think once they realised that, things would go a lot more smoothly. When you’re on the same page you can begin to trust each other.
Jason is a big old mama’s boy, so I know damn well he went through the “competition” phase. Picking fights with Bubba behind the scenes so his mama doesn’t know. Then acting like an Angel in front of her so he can stay the “favourite”. This is all again assuming this happened when they we both still children. Kids that age don’t have the maturity to understand the concept of unconditional and unlimited love. They see it like a piece of a pie, and they don’t want to share it with anyone else. Funnily enough that would be the perfect explanation for why these sweet sweet boys have such violent tendencies.
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Bubba is a little different, if we were talking Thomas, that man is tied with Jason on the mama’s boy scale. But Bubba, poor thing, had what to much masculine enervating in his life. And somewhat toxic too. If he was raised by Pamela? Oh this sweet little baby would be the Goodest boy! Are you fucking kidding me???? He’d make him and his mama matching paper plate masks. Pamela would gift her mask to Jason so her two sons could match.
That stage would mostly continue through their teen years (this is assuming Jason never drowned). But if J had, Bubba would be a fucking mess! If you thought Pamela went hard after Jason died, oh boy, Bubba is not staying within the grounds of that camp. Everyone is the enemy and Bubba doesn’t lose.
But when Jason comes back, all bickering is gone. No more competition, no more fighting, no more lies. Jason is just grateful to be back, and Bubba is happy to have their brother back. Those teenagers aren’t going to stand a fucking chance. Imagine how terrifying it would be to have not only Jason Voorhees but Bubba Sawyer stalking after you? These bitches tall!!! These bitches big!!! And these bitches got hands!!!! Absolute blood bath!
But then they crawl on home back to mama and sit down for dinner. They’re still her good boys and would never be late for ma’s cooking. Pamala knits them matching sweaters every Christmas. She sharpens their favourite blades, and buys them fancy new ones when the others break. Considering she’s the only one that would not look suspicious going to town. Who suspects a little old lady of such devious acts. She dotes over her babies when they get hurt. Mama ain’t afraid to put that burlap sack back on and defend her cubs.
Ultimately they’d be besties, even if they did start out on the wrong foot. Thank you for the brilliant question Anon, I had a lot of fun thinking about this!
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