#bucky barnes found family
sunsetmaidenwrites · 1 month
That TFATWS deleted scene! Whether you're SamBucky or BuckySarah or neither, something that's certain is that Bucky is now part of this family. When he arrives, the kids immediately greet him and ask 'what took you so long', indicating they've grown fond of him and there have been interactions that we haven't seen. The whole cake thing seems to be something he brought to the cookout with them in mind, too. (Kinda like, 'oh, I need to bring something. I bet the kids will like cake!')Then we get Sam's "Uncle Winter Soldier" comment, then at the end of the clip we see Bucky interact first with AJ and then Cass. He's important to them, and they are important to him. That concept of found family in this context, with all Bucky has lost and been through, is just really beautiful to see. It's a trope I've seen play out in fanfic again and again, and something I've written myself--and it just feels like the fandom won in so many ways in this clip.💖
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spidergrotto · 2 months
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retails for a dollar pls reach out for further inquiries
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year
say what you want, sambucky and hardisoneliot are the same ship in different fonts:
insufferable coworker
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serving looks on the job
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it’s been a long hard day
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bro power
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hugs, of course
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totally not in love
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and their chaotic (iconic) first meetings
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so if you sambucky fans want a smart witty tech guy in love with a smart grumpy punchy guy, I highly recommend leverage! five seasons plus the reboot that is running that has two seasons so far
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buckybarnesisdaddy · 7 months
All is Well Part 2
Summary- Daisy and the men are still getting used to their newest houseguest.
Pairings- Steve Rogers(Nomad) x Daisy!Reader, Bucky Barnes x Daisy!Reader, Jefferson x Daisy!Reader (implied), Ransom x Daisy!Reader (implied).
Rating- Explicit, 18+
Warnings- polyamorous relationships, sex (PiV), Oral (f receiving), Double penetration, slight choking, cream pie, teased MxM but doesn’t actually happen, I’m sure I forgot something. 18+ only!!
Word count- 6.2k
Authors notes- This ties into It’s Cold, by @rainydayandmondays so please read that wonderful chapter! I haven’t posted my writing on Tumblr so here goes nothing, hopefully you all like it!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Warmth. A soft, gentle warmth washes over him. “Mmhmm,” he hums as he opens his eyes. Looking down at you as your head is buried against his chest and dreaming away, a soft smile breaks over his face.
Cold. Bone-chilling cold grips his chest as he shoots awake. He is looking around and gasping for air, looking for you, his Daisy. You’re asleep in the arms of the other while one leg is entangled with his own and your hand clasped with his, Grounding him.
Love. Unmatched and all-consuming, as you sleep between your two men. You hum as you start to stir, feeling eyes on you, and then the bed shakes as one sits up, started awake.
“Buck- hey Bucky, you’re safe.” Steve’s voice is what pulls you from your sleep. Bucky’s gasping for air scares you as you wipe the sleep out of your eyes.
“Bucky? Baby, what is it?” You sit up, still holding his metal hand in yours and moving closer to him as he moves to the edge of the bed. Kissing his shoulders and rubbing his back, you try to bring him out of his dream.
“I’m- I’m okay- I…” you look at Steve, who is already sitting up and switching on the lamp. Glancing at the clock, it reads 2 am. “I’m sorry- I’ll try to go back to sleep- I just.” still trying to catch his breath, he stumbles over his words. Bucky hasn’t had nightmares in about nine months, not since you got into a routine. Nine months ago, He moved into the room you shared with Steve. He sleeps on your right, and Steve sleeps on your left. Every other morning, he gets up and runs; the mornings he doesn’t, Steve does. They never want to leave you alone. And the mornings neither get up; well, those mornings usually end up with a late start for all three of you as soft kisses turn into hands roaming each other’s bodies, which leads to you spread out above or below one of them. Bucky makes breakfast for everyone in the house and eats with you either on his lap or admiring you sitting in Steve’s. It’s a solid routine that has worked for the past nine months and one day… no nightmares for nine months and one day until tonight. Feeling the tightness in his chest finally subside, he allows you to move him back on the bed and lean back against the headboard. You settle between him and Steve, laying your head on his shoulder and taking Steve’s hand to your left.
“Talk to me, Baby.” You rub Bucky’s leg, coaxing him to open up, “What’s going on?”
Bucky lets out a heavy sigh. “You’re gonna laugh at me.” You shake your head no, and Steve voices what you’re thinking.
“Whatever it is, it’s big enough to cause your nightmares to return. Just talk to us, Buck.” Steve reaches over and squeezes his shoulder. Bucky sighs again.
“That little prick coming in and messing up our lives,” Bucky grumbles. “We all had a great system! Sleep together, workout, I cook, Stevie cleans, Daisy sits there and looks pretty-“Bucky crosses his arms. “Now I’m having to share my women-” Steve clears his throat, “Our women, Sorry Stevie.” He reaches over and ruffles Steve’s bedhead. “There is never any hot water cause he is always taking damn baths, I have to cook more food, so it’s taking even longer, and I’m not even getting to eat with you two anymore because I always serve you first-” Bucky looks down at you, and you are smiling a little. “See! I knew you’d laugh!” You smile and look at Steve, who nods. You move to straddle Bucky’s lap and wrap your arms around his neck.
“I’m not laughing, Bucky. I think you’re a little jealous of our new housemate-”
“I’m not jealous- I just hate change! You know me, I don’t do change well!” You rub down his chest.
“James Buchanan Barnes, don’t raise your voice at me.” You say in the sweetest, softest voice that all Bucky can do is smile at your request. He grumbles an apology. You giggle and kiss his nose as you say a thank you back. “Fine, you’re not jealous, but I sense you feel left out.” He nods, and you rub his chest again. “A bit… underappreciated.” He nods again, and you reach down to the hem of your shirt and lift it off in one motion. Bucky stares at your breast and licks his lips. You tilt his chin up to look at you, and you smile. “I’m sorry you have felt unseen these past few days… he can be-”
“An ass,” Steve says.
“A prick,” Bucky grumbles
“A handful,” you correct both of them. “Ransom is new; remember what it was like when we brought the last new guy in?” Bucky sighs and nods. The last new guy was a man named Frank. He had no last name, and he had a bad smoking habit. You took care of that pretty quickly. He was sweet but took some training; learning to share can be challenging for little kids, let alone grown men. He finally settled in, and the boys really like him now. He gets along with Jefferson well and keeps to himself except when asked to join everyone. He took some getting used to. Now, he comes and goes as he pleases.
“That first week, he was needy, and you both HATED him for it. Turns out he was just in need of a family, of somewhere to belong. We gave that to him. Ransom has some similar needs. His family was… well, a shit show, and he was never disciplined. Ever. Precious, Dutchess and I must correct that, and there will be some natural pushback. Trust me, it won’t be like this forever.” You lean forward and press your chest against Bucky’s. “And if anyone can show him how to behave, it’s my two Super Soldiers.” You lean in and kiss Steve and then turn to kiss Bucky. Bucky smiles and seems to relax a little. You meet Steve’s gaze, and he nods, clearing his throat and furrowing his brow; he brings up a topic that he knows could be touchy.
“Buck, this actually comes at a perfect time. Bucky looks at Steve and then at you. “The routine you-” Steve gestures to all three of you, “we- have is great, but I think we could ease up on it a bit.” Bucky goes stiff and looks at you. “We are only suggesting this because,” Steve shifts around, “well,” Still feeling like he might be walking into a dangerous conversation, “we’ve noticed how the changes have slowly been affecting you. We think it would help if you weren’t so tied to a routine that you can’t deviate from. Life is full of changes, and we have to be able to adapt to them. This is proof that maybe- just maybe your coping skills aren’t the best solution.” You lean forward and hug him tight, looking up at him with your sweet, puppy eyes, as Steve and Bucky like to call them. “You haven’t had your exact routine for eight days now, and you’ve gotten grumpy, and now you’re having nightmares,” Steve continues. “And don’t get us wrong, we LOVE grumpy you,” you giggle and kiss his chest, and Steve ruffles his hair. “But the nightmares… you’ve come so far, Buck, we don’t want you to lose all your progress.” Bucky looks at Steve and then down at you. He nods and kisses your head.
“Okay, well then, what do you two suggest? Bucky asks, actually curious how two people with no experience in PTSD therapy or counseling are going to help him overcome this.
“Well, for starters,” you smile as you sit up, drawing squiggles down his chest with your fingers. “A good night’s rest will help. And I know you’re not tired now, but,” you look at Steve and smirk. “I can change that,” Steve smirks back and pulls you into a kiss.
“I’m still pretty tired from earlier,” he winks at you as you blush, “but you two go ahead.”
That night, you tire Bucky out, and you pass out next to Steve. All three of you blissed out and incredibly happier than you were an hour ago. You and Steve make it a point to change Bucky’s schedule gradually. If he wakes up late, you encourage him to skip the run and do it at another time that day. If he cooks breakfast, he does it all at once, and it’s not made to order like he used to do. That way, if Ransom wants to be an hour late for breakfast, Bucky isn’t thrown off by that. Ransom gets cold eggs and bacon, and Bucky doesn’t miss his morning snuggles with you. Little by little, Bucky lets go of the reigns and allows the little bumps in his schedule to test his flexibility. And pretty soon, the nightmares stop, too; it’s a strange thing the mind. When every second of Bucky’s day wasn’t taken up with some task or job, it would wander to the horrors of his past life. The things he did, the people he killed, that’s why he wanted to be constantly busy. It took one prick waltzing into his home to show him that he needed to let go so he could heal and move on. He doesn’t care for Ransom, but he can’t say he hates him anymore.
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***5 months later- November***
Bucky is making French toast when he hears someone come walking into the kitchen. He looks over his shoulder, “morning,” he offers, and Jake smiles and pats his shoulder as he walks by. Fixing his coffee and sitting down at the table, Bucky can tell Jake isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. “Ransom?” Bucky asks, and Jake nods.
“With precious now, and that’s why I’m here with you.” Bucky laughs and nods. “So tell me, how does one make French toast?” Jake asks, and Bucky kindly obliges him, going over each step in detail and offering to let him make a few. Bucky likes Jake; he is a little eccentric, but Bucky doesn’t mind that; it makes for good story times at the dinner table. The only thing Bucky could do without is Jake’s need to introduce him to new music; if Bucky has to hear Don’t Stop Believin’ one more time, he might just snap and beat the shit out of Ransom and blame it on music rage. He smiles to himself at the thought. That’s when the bedroom door starts to open.
“That’s my cue,” Jake smiles and excuses himself. Bucky looks over his shoulder, and he sees a half-naked Ransom walking down the hall to the bathroom, as smug as can be. Bucky sighs and shakes his head as he finishes breakfast.
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The sun streams in and shines in your eyes, pulling you from your blissful sleep. You’re blissful yet cold sleep. You reach out on both sides and feel icy sheets under your fingertips. Pouting and staring at the ceiling, you grumble about waking up alone. Steve went for a run right after Bucky got up to start breakfast. You stayed tucked in bed, hoping they’d both be back by now, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. You are still lost in your pouting thoughts when there is a knock on the bedroom door. You forgo your slippers and regret it when the hardwood floor sends shivers up your spine. You tie your silk robe around you before opening the door and seeing who it is, except all you see is a giant bouquet of daisies. You’re eyes light up, and a small giggle escapes your lips. “Steve Grant Rogers, what on earth?!” Steve drops them and places the bouquet by the door before scooping you up into his arms. He tickles your sides, and a laugh escapes your lips as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“I just wanted to treat you, that’s all.” He kisses you as he kicks the door closed behind him. Steve crosses the room to the king-sized bed in the middle of the back wall. The pillows are haphazardly thrown on either side, and the dark green comforter is a little twisted, but that doesn’t stop Steve from laying you down. As you have two men permanently in your bedroom, you have the large master suite with a joined bathroom. Dutchess has a room at the very end of the hall, and it has a joined bathroom as well. Precious (as Jake likes to call her) has the room down the hall, and their bathroom is across from your bedroom. Each room is exceptionally spacious, and you’ve even drawn up plans to add a bathroom to Jake and Precious’ room. It’s only fair that they have the same privacy as you and Dutchess. Also, it would keep Ransom from giving you, Steve, and Bucky a free show whenever he can’t be bothered to close the door. And it would decrease his opportunity to eavesdrop on your private time with your boys. You can count on one hand the number of times Bucky and Steve have stayed and joined in on your time with Ransom… there’s a reason that number doesn’t go past 5.
Lost in the eyes of your husband and the feel of his lips on your skin, you don’t hear the door open. You don’t hear the clearing of his throat, and you don’t hear him call out your name; you don’t hear him at all, but you see him. Opening your eyes when Steve leaves a particularly hard love bite on your neck. There’s Ransom, bedroom door kicked back open, leaning against the doorframe. Ransom has taken your bouquet, and he’s picking the petals off the Daisies. Steve had taken the time from his run to buy you your favorite flower; it’s where your nickname comes from, and here Ransom is just ripping it apart. His smirk tells you everything you need to know; he’s looking for a reaction. Ransom knows those were special for you. He wants Steve or even you to get angry; you won’t give him that. You know he’s acting out for attention; Steve and Bucky would say he’s just being a little prick. You look away, pull Steve’s face close to yours, and whisper, “Next time, take an extra second to lock the door.” Steve scrunches his brow, and his eyes get slightly sad, thinking he messed up somehow. Looking over his shoulder, he sees Ransom’s smug face and rolls his eyes. Noticing how Ransom’s eyes rake over your body, shielded by this sheer silk robe and Steve, it sends Steve into protective mode. He starts to get up and lecture Ransom about respecting people’s privacy and how Daisy is HIS wife, and HE decides who sees her and when. All that would have done is cause Ransom to laugh in Steve’s face. Steve may be the husband, and he may have some control over Daisy, but everyone knows that the women in this house have 100% autonomy, and no one’s husband can say differently. Well, that’s what they let Ransom think, no one’s had the heart to give him the cold, hard truth about these relationships… yet. Steve just might though. Ransom stares Steve down, almost begging him to let go and yell. Ransom doesn’t rightfully fear Steve, at least not yet. You three ladies allow the men to handle their differences however they see fit. As long as no one is seriously hurt, they can duke it out. That rule was put on pause once Ransom arrived because, well, the boys would have permanently damaged his face and their hands with the amount of times they’ve had disagreements with him. So, if Steve had chosen to tell him off like he so desperately wanted to do, Ransom would have answered with a literal laugh in Steve’s face. And Steve would have had no choice but to show Ransom why he should fear him. But Bucky saves the day and the peace. Bucky always saves the day.
“Beat it.” Bucky walks up beside Ransom and stands in the doorway to block his view. Not before he glances at you himself; he definitely likes what he sees, and you bite your lip when you catch his gaze. He turns back around and looks Ransom up and down. “You’re not supposed to have a foot in this room until tomorrow.” Ransom scoffs at Bucky. “Breakfast is ready in the kitchen; go now.” Bucky stands up straighter, towering over Ransom; he’s only one or two inches taller, but still, with Bucky’s muscles, it's intimidating. Bucky gives Ransom’s shoulder a little push, moving him out of the doorway, and Bucky shuts and locks the door on him.
“I’m sorry he ruined your flowers.” Steve opens your robe and kisses your chest. You hum at the feeling of his beard creating delicious friction along your soft skin.
“It’s okay, Stevie. Bucky? Could you gather the petals? If Ransom wants to ruin my flowers, then he will have to bathe with the petals his next bath.” You smile, and Bucky lightly laughs and nods.
“He’s gonna hate and love that simultaneously,” Bucky says as he gathers the petals and places them on the dresser. One hand plays in Steve’s hair as he continues to kiss your chest, and the other reaches out to Bucky. He stands at the end of the bed watching you and Steve; he sees how you melt in Steve’s arms and soften at the feel of his lips along your breast. You make a grabby motion, and he teases you by doing it back. You pout, and a light laugh escapes Bucky’s lips before he gives in and walks over.
“You two left me in a cold bed this morning, all alone,” You tighten your grip on Steve’s hair, and you squeeze Bucky’s hand a little harder. They look at each other.
“I was making breakfast-“
“I needed to run- I haven’t been running in- “
“Yeah, but it was your first morning with alone time since the- “
“I had promised Sam-“
“Boys, boys, boys.” You say, and they stop talking over one another. “I’m not mad,” you smile up at them; you’re still on your back with Steve on top of you. You run your hands up and down their chests, feeling the muscles move and tense under your fingers. “I just need you two to warm me up.” You smile, and Steve gives you a deep kiss, and then so does Bucky.
“I’ve got just the thing. Buck?” Steve says.
“High or low?” Bucky asks, and Steve thinks for a minute.
“High, I haven’t spent enough time up high.” Bucky nods, and then they are both moving you around the bed. Steve lays next to you and opens your robe as Bucky lays between your legs and rubs up and down your thighs.
“Mhmm, my boys,” You hum as Bucky kisses you along your center. He whispered against your skin.
“All yours, Doll.” Bucky gives a love bite to your inner thigh and then sets in to devour you.
“Sweet, perfect Daisy,” Steve says against your lips as he kisses you.
Soon Bucky has you arching off the bed and clinging to Steve as you reach your high. “Atta girl, just like that,” Steve whispers in your ear while playing with Bucky’s hair as he cleans you up and gets more than his fair share of you. You pull Bucky up, and he settles between your legs as he kisses you, shoving his tongue in your mouth as you moan around it. Pulling away to fill your screaming lungs,
“Now it’s your turn,” you say breathlessly. You look at Steve. “Yours too, Stevie.” You smirk and move them around. Bucky settles behind you while you straddle Steve’s lap, already guiding him inside. You moan at the stretch while Bucky kisses your neck, his hands drifting down your body and between your breasts.
“Where do you want me, baby girl? In this sweet ass,” he squeezes it, “in that sweet pussy with Stevie,” He guides you up and down to start riding slowly. “or in Stevie?” He pinches Steve’s thigh, and that has you all laughing a little, and you turn and kiss Bucky.
“I’d never choose that FOR Stevie.” You wink.
“You choose everything else for him.” Bucky retorts, and Steve laughs loudly. Steve gives your ass a smack on one side with one hand and the he reaches up and smacks the side of Bucky’s ass with the other. Almost like a reprimand to you both, you can’t help but giggle and Bucky laughs.
“This is why you have neighbors like Peter assuming we are fucking.” Steve responds with a bit of light in his eyes. Bucky smirks and slowly pushes in alongside Steve.
“I mean, that’s kinda what we’re doing now, isn’t it?” Bucky says, trying not to sound affected by how you are squeezing him. You and Steve moan loudly, and you collapse on Steve’s chest. Bucky beams at the reaction he pulled out of both of you. Steve catches his breath, and a small smile escapes as he lets out a breathy laugh.
“True, but Daisy’s pussy and my ass are two very different things.” Steve struggles to get out. Bucky smirks as he slowly moves in and out, torturing you and Steve.
“Now Stevie-“Bucky starts, but you and Steve cut him off.
“Just fuck us!” You scream, tired of his games.
“My god, Bucky- just move!” Steve screams and emphasizes it with another smack to the side of Bucky’s ass.
Bucky bites his lip and pulls back before slamming back in hard and fast.
“Ffffuuu“ you stammer out. Bucky’s metal hand wraps around the back of your neck, and Steve sits up and wraps his hand around the front.
“You know how we feel about that, Daisy girl,” Steve whispers against your lips.
“Yeah, it’s the only thing we ask of you, Doll.” Bucky coos in your ear. You smile as they squeeze a little and then let go. Bucky slams back in.
“FUCK!!!” You scream as he hits that sweet spot inside you. Bucky smirks and slaps your ass, and Steve kisses you hard.
“Thatta girl.” Steve praises.
“Love that dirty mouth! Gotta fully commit.” Bucky grabs your hips and sets a brutal pace as he chases his high, bringing you and Steve over the edge.
“Squeezin’ us so good, baby girl!” Bucky moans as he cums deep inside you.
“So good, my sweet Daisy!!” Steve cums alongside Bucky and fills you to the brim.
You lay there wrapped in their arms for a good 10 minutes, unable to move or even speak. You play with Bucky’s hair as Steve kisses your neck, and you thread your hand in his. “I guess we should get up, shower, and join the rest of the world,” Steve says; he stands up to head to the shower. “And you, my wife,” you smile proudly. “are coming with me!” Steve lifts you into his arms and throws you over his shoulder. You laugh and smack his ass. He looks at Bucky and winks. “You comin’?” Steve says as he walks off to the bathroom. Lifting your head, you make grabby hands again, and Bucky can’t resist your grabby hands and pouty face.
“Fine, you’ve convinced me!” Bucky teases and runs after you two. After a long, hot shower and an orgasm each, you finally get out and get ready for the day.
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“Any plans today?” You ask Steve and Bucky as you gather the daisy petals into a bag for later.
“I’m going to spend some time with Cap. See if I can get through to him.” Bucky kisses your cheek. “We are almost on the road to almost having a breakthrough!” He smiles proudly. Steve laughs and pats his back before leaning over and kissing your cheek.
“I am helping Bucky for a bit later, but first, I’m making a grocery run or else Jake, Cap, and Winter will eat us out of house and home.” He grabs his wallet and heads to the door.
“To be fair, Cap and Winter can finally have seconds without punishment. So I get it. Jake? That you’ll have to talk to Precious about.” Steve waves it off and heads out the door. Once you have a moment, Bucky pulls you close and kisses you sweetly.
“I love you, and I’ll see you later. Hopefully, Cap doesn’t kill me,” he teases you. “I’d like my last night with just my Wife before I have to share you with others again.” You blush and pull him close. Three weeks ago, in a private ceremony with just the house members, you and Steve added Bucky to your marriage. It’s not conventional, but nothing about this situation is. Bucky has always been a part of your lives, and that one day, when he expressed his love for you, it felt right. Even Steve knew and felt the same way. Bucky moved in about four years ago, and three weeks ago, it was made official, as official as this can be. Out of respect for the new “marriage,” everyone except Steve had to be hands-off with you for three weeks; today is your last day. Well, that rule only applied to Ransom; you could hold yourself back from sleeping with any of the other men, and they could hold back from you. Random needed strict rules.
“If he hurts a hair on your pretty head, then he will have to answer to me.” You kiss Bucky and rub up and down his back.
“I’ll tell him he will be in big trouble with my Doll.” He says sweetly and kisses you again before finally slipping out of the room.
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You are getting dressed when you hear the bedroom door creak open, but no footsteps approaching. You knowing very well who likes to stand in doorways, observing and taking it all in, you turn around and smile at a happy Jefferson. “And why are you so happy this morning?” You tease. Jefferson smiles and glances down at his feet before looking back up at you and questioning what kind of morning you two will have. He knows this is the last day of your three weeks, but a man can hope, can’t he? You smile and hold out your hand, allowing him to come to you. A gentle smile breaks his smirk, and he walks over to you. You pull him into a hug and give him a sweet kiss on his jawline. Regardless of the hands off rule, Jefferson doesn’t enter your bedroom unless you invite him in. And if there is an invite, he knows it will be a sweet, platonic relationship-type day. If you come to him, step into his basement room where he designs and lets his imagination run free, he has his way with you.
See, Jefferson likes to play this game; he lives off the chase and honestly can’t get it up without the excitement of it. Cat and mouse, hunter and hunted. If you draw him in, then there is no fun, no chase, no sex, just sweet head scratches, fuzzy pajamas, and cuddles, which he loves. If you approach him, all bets are off. It’s his crazed form of consent, and once you got the safe words and hard stops in place, you two have had tons of fun, even involving Steve and Bucky once in a while. If Sex is involved, then Jefferson needs you to approach him with an “I want this; don’t hold back.” He can get intense, so he won’t chase you unless you initiate it. It’s how he keeps himself in check. It keeps the madness from breaking free. You hold out a hand and invite him into your warm embrace; he knows you’re not in the headspace for his games, and that’s okay. Jefferson rubs up and down your back.
“I am Happy, my little Bunny because I just got word that I have a hearing about getting my visitation reinstated.” You could scream, you do!
“Jefferson!!!” You hug him tight, and he lifts you off the ground in excitement. “When?!”
“Later this week, Ari got the call from Andy this morning and told me over breakfast.” He smiles, and tears well up in his eyes. “I could see her soon!” His tears break free, and you give him a gentle kiss on the lips.
“Let me know the exact day and time, and I will be there; we all will!” Jefferson laughs a little.
“Well, we could leave Ransom here, and I wouldn’t care.” You smile and roll your eyes.
“He will be there too. Besides, we can’t trust him to be left alone, at least not yet, so he has to come.” Jefferson laughs again and gives you a sweet kiss on the forehead before he lets you go. He walks to the door and then looks back at you, smirking slightly,
“Will I see you tomorrow?” He asks as he bites his lip. “It’s been too long, Bunny.” You blush as you answer.
“Maybe. It will depend on how exhausting my day is. If not tomorrow, then definitely the next.” Jefferson nods and watches as you walk over to him. “I’ve missed my little Kitten too.” You smirk up at him, and he leans in, kissing you and leaving you breathless.
“Be good, my little Bunny. I’d hate for the Wolves to have to join us.” Jefferson says as he leaves the room winking; you stand there a little dazed and happy.
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“Mom! It’s not- No- I am fine-“Ransom rolls his eyes. You laugh to yourself as you walk into the living room. Ransom paces around, having a lovely conversation with his mom on the phone. You come to stand beside a tall beast of a man, his hair long and almost down to his shoulders, a full beard, and muscles so big it’s a shame they are covered with a shirt. He turns and sees you walking in; a small smile breaks across his face as he opens his arms and puts one around your shoulder.
“Hey, Daze.” He kisses the top of your head, and you hug him tight. “Long morning?” He looks down at you, and you laugh and nod.
“You could say that. Hey! Jefferson told me that you got word from Andy about his visitation!” You say excitedly. Ari nods as he smiles.
“Yeah, Andy has a good feeling about it.” You can’t contain your excitement, and you lean up and kiss Ari’s cheek, “Ha! I’m just the messenger! But I’ll take a sweet kiss if I have to!” You tease,
“in your dreams.” Ari laughs loudly, and you smile up at him. You fully believe in platonic soulmates, and Ari is yours. You’ve had moments and still do from time to time where it gets physical, and boy, is it amazing, he is an excellent shoulder to lean on, and he knows you about as well as Steve and Bucky. He’s just the best. “What’s all this about? Linda not happy about the arrangement, again?!” You ask, and Ari nods.
“Oh, you know Linda, Daze. Nothing will ever be good enough for her boy.” You sigh and look at Ransom. “This has been going on for 20 minutes,” Ari says. He nods his head in Ransom's direction and then nudges you. You shoo Ari away, and with a kiss on your cheek, he is gone.
Ransom paces the room while still on the phone with Linda. “Mom, if you would listen-“she cuts him off for the hundredth time. Ransom sees you walking closer, and you take the phone from his hand.
“Linda! Hey, I am so sorry, but Ransom is due for a therapy session. He’s gonna have to call you back. Bye!” You hang up the phone and lock it before sliding it into Ransom’s back pocket. “Now that she’s quiet for a bit… you wanna tell me what that was about earlier?” You ask as you cross your arms and look up at Ransom. He smiles and looks you up and down.
“I was just enjoying the view.” He bites his lip, and you lightly laugh.
“Well, I’ll let Steve know that you enjoyed the sight of his ass.” You pat the side of Ransom’s face before you walk away. He grabs your hand and pulls you back into his arms. He kisses you hard, and you let him have control for a moment. One little moment, and he thinks he got you. Taking his face in your hands and pulling back, you smile.
“Do you not know the meaning of hands-off, Ransom?” You say as you walk away.
“I do, but I’d much rather put my hands all over your body. Even if G.I. Joe and his handler come for me.” Random calls after you.
“Who is the Handler, and who is G.I. Joe?” You ask.
“It’s pretty obvious. Which ones the machine?” Ransom says, trying to get under your skin. Your face doesn’t change, all you say is,
“That was mean, Ransom. And here I was about to tell you to come by my room tomorrow morning, and I’d draw you a nice bath. But I don’t give treats to mean boys.” You turn to walk out of the room. Ransom realizes he messed up.
“Wait, Daze- I-” you turn around to face him. He is conflicted, his brow furrowed, and he seems tongue-tied, like apologizing is entirely new to him cause it is.
“If you can hold your tongue the rest of the day, no mean words, no angry outbursts, and no making fun of the others, then the bedroom door will be unlocked at 8 am. You can come in then. Understand?”
“You got it, Daisy Mae .” He says, trying to regain his sass as he turns and leaves you alone in the living room. He has no idea what’s in store for him tomorrow morning; you thought it all up while cleaning up the flower petals. You can’t wait, and you know he will love it too.
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Bucky stands at the basement door and takes a deep breath before twisting the knob and pulling the door open. At the sound of the creaking hinges, Bucky hears chains rattle and scrap along the floor. ‘He’s awake,’ Bucky says to himself as he descends the stairs. He usually sleeps at odd hours, and Bucky can sneak in and be ready and waiting when he wakes.
“Here he comes, the reformed assassin. The Soldier is gone, and here stands the Wolf.” His voice is deep and dark; Bucky can hear the hatred laced in the sound. “Or is the Soldier just hiding in the back of your mind, waiting for the right moment to break free?” A dark laugh slips through the darkness. He walks forward into the dim light hanging from the ceiling. His sick smile is the only thing Bucky can see, “Funny that the Soldier has more teeth than the Wolf.” Bucky flips on the rest of the lights. “Why so many lights, Buck?” He lunges forward, pulling on the chains. “Scared of the darkness?” He laughs and moves back to the wall, and sits down. Bucky doesn’t say a word. “I’m not talking, so if you want to stare at one another all day, that’s fine.” He laughs; it’s tight and sounds mechanical, evil. “I can learn a lot by just observing.” He narrows his gaze and looks over Bucky.
“You don’t have to talk, Cap. I can learn a lot by observing, too.” Bucky sits down and stares at his friend, this alternate version caught by Hydra and twisted into this monster before him. “You can refuse to talk, and you can hurl insults at me, but I’m not giving up on you, Steve,” Bucky says, and Cap laughs again. This time, it’s sad and broken; it actually sounds human.
“Well, you really should.” Cap looks up at the wall across from him; there is a little rectangular window at the very top. He can see red, yellow, and orange leaves on the ground. Cap may detest most things, but he always did have a liking for Autumn. He takes a deep breath; he can almost smell the crisp fall air through the basement walls. He turns his gaze down again and settles on Bucky. “Just like you should give up the hope of getting rid of Winter.” He looks down at his shackled feet, special chains that will hold him. He scoffs to himself and then meets Bucky’s gaze again. “He will always be a part of you.” Bucky doesn’t blink, he doesn’t move, all he does is nod and smile.
“And that’s okay-“
“Yeah yeah yeah…. All is well.” Cap sighs, cutting Bucky off before he can start in on his rousing speech. “Wake me when it’s lunchtime.” Cap closes his eyes and repeats the phrase that has been a constant in his life for the past six months: All is well. He wishes he could believe it, and that thought, that want that he has actually to believe in something? That scares him more than Hydra ever did. Because believing that he is okay and that All is well? Well, that means he has to have hope, and all hope has ever given him is the reality of failure and the bitter taste of blood because someone has to be punished. Hope can kiss his formerly star-spangled ass.
Taglist: @rainydayandmondays @theinheriteddutchess @hisredheadedgoddess28 @cjand10 @janineb86
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The Swan Princess
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Pairing: Bucky x female reader    
Summary: Fairytale AU based on the movie The Swan Princess – Bucky and you hate each other! Your kingdoms hope for a marriage between the two of you, but each summer you have to spend with in each others presence makes it worse – until his friends start to befriend you and he realizes you have more in common than he thought. But when he was ready to finally accept his feelings a curse hit you. 
Warnings: Reader is called Sunshine, maybe some stuff that isn’t accurate because I couldn’t decide on a time this would take place and switching POV’s 
Word Count:  ~7k
A/N: This is for Nika! I started it so long ago as I rewatched the movie I liked so much as a kid and I still loved the part when they were kids! Sadly my favorite part didn’t fit in, as Bucky wouldn’t offend you in 5 syllables or less. @intrepidacious
Once upon a time there were two kingdoms divided by a sea.  It wasn’t so long ago to be honest, but that’s just how fairytales start and this is the one of the swan princess. We’ll get to the part with the swan soon, but first we must start when she was just a little girl. 
Her parents had both passed and the kingdom was without a ruler until the princess was of age. Until then a council was ruling the kingdom on the island. The council often argued but there was one part everybody agreed on: They needed to bond with the kingdom of Shield. An arranged marriage would solve all their problems as Shield had an heir only one year older than the princess. The only problem was that the late king and queen had made sure that their daughter should only marry if she wished so and should have never had the pressure of an arranged marriage. And so the council came up with a plan that they proposed to Queen Winnifred of Shield, who immediately agreed. Both kingdoms would benefit from a joining and the plan was made that the princess and prince would spend each of their summers together to hopefully fall in love. 
They didn’t get discouraged when the princess and prince hated each other at age seven and eight. They were young kids and both thought the other gender was gross. Prince James even wiped his mouth after he was forced to kiss the young princess hand. „James, behave!“ the queen called him out. 
„But mom, girls are just gross,“ James said in a whiny voice and looked up to his mom. 
„You don’t think so about Natasha, right?“ His mom tried to point out, but his mind was made up. He wanted his summer spent with his two best friends Steven and Natascha – not being forced to entertain a stuck-up princess who had been apologizing repeatedly that there had been mud on her dress when she stepped outside the carriage. Natasha was covered in mud and didn’t complain! 
His only logical response was to tell his mother that Natasha didn’t count. She sighed, but didn’t force him anymore. They still had time and they were still kids. 
It didn’t get better the following summers. James, Steven and Natasha had been friends for years and spent all year together. You on the other hand didn’t have any friends. The council, maids and teachers raised you, so your childhood wasn’t really one for fun. You learned how to stitch and to sit properly at a table, so you were always lost when the three kids started games that you didn’t know and soon you rather sat with the maids and helped them stitching some flowers onto a tablecloth. 
It all came to a turning point when Samuel came along. He was the son of a new teacher and only a year younger than you – and he was your first friend. He played hide and seek with you and taught you that it was okay when the seam of your dress was dusty and that you could clean it. And soon your laughter was heard in the castle and you were smiling as you were finally having fun. Which gave you the nickname Sunshine from the guards and maids in the castle as you were still always politely greeting them and asking how they were, while sneaking them little treats – but now you were mostly smiling and happy while doing so. 
“Sunshine,“ James, who went by Bucky now, scoffed. “What kind of stupid nickname is this?“ He kicked a stone that was lying in front of him on the path and then even his supposed to be best friend had gone behind his back. “Hi Sunshine,“ he waved in the air with a stupid grin towards a tree and made gagging noises afterwards. No one was here to see him, but he had to get it off his chest. It was supposed to be Steve and him against you. Not you bringing a friend along who glared at him the whole time and Steve greeting you with a horrible nickname that wasn’t even fitting. And now he was stomping alone to his tree house while his traitor friend was making new friends and forgot all about the pact they both had made years ago to never befriend you. He hoped at least Natasha was still on his side. 
It turned out that Natasha wasn’t on his side as both her and Steve reminded him, they weren’t ten anymore and that you could all spend your time together. But Bucky watched how you joked around with the guards and the smile you got back made him roll his eyes. Why were you charming everyone? He had heard about the whispers how they hoped that there would be a marriage. But he was only 14, he shouldn’t even be thinking about stuff like that. And with you? No way! 
You on the other hand didn’t think your summers sucked anymore. Sam trained to be a guard and was accompanying you to your visits still and Steve and Natasha were nice and started to include you – even if it sometimes meant to exclude Bucky. Stupid nickname, you thought. And he was always especially mean when you played cards and he lost. But it wasn’t your fault when luck was on your side and that he had a tell when his cards weren’t as good as he pretended them to be. 
“We could go to the market tomorrow on your last day here,” Steve suggested when he shuffled the cards. Bucky wasn’t amused but in the end he agreed to go to – at least he could get one of the best peach pastries, that would make up for the day. And at least you were gone soon and he would have his friends to himself again. 
A carriage was taking the five of you to the market the next morning with four guards trailing along. They weren’t too keen to accompany the teens on an outing, but then you came and handed each of them a flower and thanking them for trailing along. One of them even put the stupid wildflower through his chain armor – which caused you to smile so brightly that Bucky finally understood why you got that nickname. 
People swarmed the young prince when they saw him and you snuck away with a guard and Sam by your side. A lovely smell pulled you towards a bakery. “Good morning,” you greeted the baker when you stepped inside the small building. 
There was only grunting as a response until the tall man turned around and spotted you. “Oh, excuse me. Good morning, princess. What can I get you?” 
“What can you recommend?” you ask and looked around. In response the baker held a finger up in the air, turned around and came back with a steaming plate in his hands. 
“These are the favorites of the prince. He loves them and gets them every time he comes by. I hope you’ll like them just as much. Maybe I can even provide them for your wedding, it would be such an honor.” 
That made your eyes grew wide. “What wedding?” you asked stunned, but Sam had already placed some coins on the counter and grabbed the plate. 
“Thank you for that, I’m sure we’ll enjoy them,” he said and pushed you towards the door while the guard just shook his head towards the baker. 
“What wedding, Sam?” you asked him in a quiet voice when you stepped outside and he was already tasting a small pie. 
“Oh yeah, well... they all hope that you and Bucky will marry,” he picked a crumb from the corner of his mouth with his tongue. “As if you couldn’t get someone better and not as brooding. What about Steve? I could see that, I think?” He was quiet after that and you pushed the half-eaten pie in his face. You could hear a chuckle behind you. 
“Stop talking nonsense,” you said and grabbed the plate from him. You shared them equally with the others and Bucky was surprised that you even handed him one and that you got his favorite.  
“What are you reading?” Bucky let himself fall into the seat next to Natasha. He just came from lessons and a meeting and he was tired. 
“A letter from Sunshine,” his friend replied casually, but Bucky peaked up. 
“You exchange letters?” he asked confused and was more awake. 
“We have for three years now,” Natasha confirmed. “Mostly we write about what a dumbass you are.” 
“Haha,” Bucky replied, but he wasn’t so sure she was really joking. He hadn’t been the friendliest towards you, even though you had tried. 
“Other than that, she’s really nice. And lonely, Bucky. She’s living on an island without her parents. Her only friend there is Sam and her whole childhood was constantly pushing her into being a queen. She’s 17 now and the only times she was outside of her kingdom was here and let’s be honest, we weren’t friendly with her at the beginning. It’s only two months until she’ll come again, just try to not be as annoyed, will you?” 
“I’m not really that annoyed with her anymore to be honest. It’s just that people expect that we’ll marry each other. They watch like a hawk how we’re acting and it’s,” his voice turned quieter at the end until he stopped himself. 
“I get it,” she said and pushed her elbow into his side. “Maybe you should write to her about it. If there is one person who’ll understand how you feel it's her. Just clear the air and maybe you’ll be friends. You don’t have to marry her, you know? And before you say that it's expected from you and that both kingdoms could benefit from it... Be Bucky first and future king later. Just try to talk to her normally, you’ll see she’s nice.” 
“I’ll think about it. After dinner,” he added when his stomach let out a loud growl. 
In the end Bucky did send you a letter. And you replied, which motivated him to write a response and you both agreed to just try to be civil towards each other. You also both started to talk about the pressure both of you felt and with the hushes of whispers of a marriage that was following you when you were walking through the halls. 
Bucky was looking forward to see you this time, because it seemed like you just got him. And so he was smiling when he stood in front of the castle, next to his mother and best friends and saw the carriage on the horizon. 
“Are you smiling?” Steve teased his friend quietly, but the queen still heard and was beaming. 
Sam was the one helping you out of the carriage and maybe that was a good thing because you knocked the breath out of the prince. It had been nine months since he last saw you and maybe it was because he had never really looked at you before or maybe it was because he now knew a little bit more of you, but you were beautiful. And when you smiled at Natasha who beat him to greet you, he decided that from that moment on he would call you Sunshine too. Steve came next and then his mother nudged him so he would finally come forwards and greet you. 
He wanted to greet you with your title, he really did, but when he kissed your hand for the first time and wasn’t grossed out by it or the idea of standing near you, your nickname slipped his lips as a greeting. 
“It’s good to see you, Bucky,” you replied and he held your hand when he guided you towards his mother where you could greet the queen. 
“Do you want to lie down after your travel?” he asked you, but you denied and so it was decided that you would all gather for tea in the green house. He knew it was one of your favorite places as Steve had told him so. It was something you didn’t have at home. Bucky offered his arm and you accepted with your friends and guards following behind you. 
“What is happening?” Sam asked Natasha and Steve, not believing his eyes. But that was only the beginning and when the second month of your visit was coming around no one was batting an eye seeing you and Bucky arm in arm anymore. Instead, the whispers weren’t whispers anymore and they were openly asking you when the wedding would be. But no one of you even bothered to reply to that. 
“Since when do you like that brat?” Sam asked, referring to Bucky the name you had given him when you were younger. 
“Since I noticed he isn’t really a brat,” you replied and tugged Sam along on your way through the garden. “We were kids, we aren’t anymore and I kind of like him now. He kind of gets me in a different way.” You then realized what you said to your best friend and started to apologize, but he stopped you. 
“I get it, kind of. It’s something different for someone who is in the same position. And I mean he is friends with Steve, so how bad can he be?” he chuckled and you continued your way. As if on cue your name was yelled by the blonde, who ran up to the two of you and asked if you wanted to accompany him into town as Bucky was sitting in a meeting. 
When you came back you had some peach pies in your hand and were on the search for Bucky, who was searching for you as well. When you found each other and you held out his favorite pies for him and him a flower (because he just had to give it to you as he knew it would make you smile), your friends all had a smile or smirk on their faces when you agreed to dine with Bucky while Steve decided he would eat with Sam and Nat in the kitchen tonight. 
This was the first year that both parts weren’t glad that the summer was over. 
“You can write to me, if you want to,” you said when Bucky was leading you through the castle towards the carriage that would bring you to your ship. 
“I will,” Bucky promised and cleared his throat. “And you don’t have to wait for next summer to come visit. You can come visit in winter too. We have places here that are nice in the cold too. And the greenhouse is heated we could sit there even when it’s snowing outside. I mean, if you want to,” he added more shyly, but still hopeful. 
“Do you mean that?” you asked and stopped to look at him. 
“Absolu-,” he started but didn’t finish as the impact of your sudden hug cut him off. 
“I would like that very much,” you admitted in his neck.  
“You’re always welcome here,” he told you and although his mom had said the same sentence to you often, you never felt them like now. The farewell did take longer until a guard told you you needed to leave before it would be too late for the ship. You promised again to come back sooner and went on your way. 
It was late in the evening with Steve and Natasha being in a competitive round of chess when a knock was heard above the storm outside. At the same time as a thunderbolt was hitting outside the door was opened. 
“Prince James, sorry to interrupt but I thought you wanted to know. It’s about Sunshine, I mean Princess,” he started but Bucky was already jumping up at your name and stalking towards the guard that wasn’t even fully in the room. Steve and Natasha had also stopped their game and walked closer so they could hear the guard over the storm. 
“There has been an accident. Samuel is here and he says they got attacked.” Bucky knew that Sam would never leave without you. His heart got heavy as he feared for the worst. The guard pointed him in the right direction where Sam was sitting on a chair while someone tried to get a look at his leg that was bleeding. 
“We were attacked,” Sam said as soon as he saw Bucky running towards him. “I couldn’t really see what it was and I tried to get Sunshine out of there, but there was suddenly a bright light and she was just gone. I couldn’t find her, I searched for her, you must believe me! I would have never left without her! She wasn’t there and with the injury I thought it was better to get you.” 
Not soon after Bucky left with a few men despite the storm. But they couldn’t find anything despite the carriage and the men that were left there. They couldn’t see that much and the rain would wash away every traces soon, but even Bucky had to admit to himself that they couldn’t do anything more now. The next few days and nights were restless, but your friends were searching for you. 
What they didn’t know was that they had no chance of finding you. You were held at an enchanted place and even if they found it – there was no way that they would recognize you. Which would be the only way to help, but we must rewind a few days. 
After the attack on the carriage, you were knocked out. When you woke up your feet were wet and your dress had soaked up a lot of water. You tried to push yourself up, but you were too dizzy to do so. 
“Ahhh, my princess is awake. That is good, we can wrap this up in a few minutes.” You couldn’t recognize the voice, but something was off and nothing could have prepared you for the next sentence. “My dearest princess, would you please marry me?” 
Your dizziness was all forgotten when you pushed yourself up. “What?” you wanted to scream, but it was more of a whisper. One part was because of the ridiculous offer, another because the man in front of you looked nothing like a man with the red skin across his face. 
“Isn’t it simple? When I’ll marry you, I’ll be king!” 
“Why do you even want to be king of Madripoor so bad? Wouldn’t it be easier to just kill me?” You didn’t know why you were even suggesting that, it was like an offer of your part and you didn’t know what he was capable of. 
He walked closer. “See, the thing is your folk loves their princess. When you’ll finally agree to marry me, your kingdom will accept me. Because there has to be something good about me, when Sunshine decides to marry me. And you and I both know why I want your kingdom! Usually islands need more help, so I wonder why no one was suspicious that a lot of things just grow there. The things you could do with the Tesseract and you fools use it to let the ground be more nutritious,” he scoffed. And you were shocked that he knew about it - it was one of your best kept secrets! “Don’t look so shocked, I knew your father. But enough of that. Will you marry me?” 
“No, never!” The words were spat out of your mouth and he nodded as if he had expected that. 
“Then we’ll see each other tomorrow. Goodnight my little swan.” 
You would scream if you could be sure he wouldn’t hear you and wouldn’t know he got under your skin. Why was your life so unfair? You felt helpless!  
The secret had been kept for generations. Once your ancestor found a cube that had a blue shining. When he took it in his hand he felt the force from it. It had been a hard year, the rain hadn’t stopped and the harvest had been weak. His folk had been starving and so he had wished for a miracle to help him. The miracle had been the stone that was called Tessaract and the information had been only shared by a few selected people. But as it always had been when there was a force was that someone tried to steal it for their own selfish purpose. The guy that had kidnapped you and whose face you hadn’t seen yet was once called Johann Schmidt. He was a magician wo had the Tessaract for a short while. But he was too selfish, wanted too much at once and now he was called Red Skull as it described him the best now. HIs face was deformed and red and he wasn’t ashamed. Why should he care what he looked like when he almost had the solution for infinity? He had to get closer, but he couldn’t come back to the island, your father had made sure of that. So had trapped you at the lake. You could only turn into a human when the moonlight hit the water on the lake and you were touching the water. You could turn back into a swan anywhere as soon as the first rays of sunshine were seen. 
Days passed and the routine stayed the same. Every night he came back, asked the same question and walked away when you refused. You were standing at the end of the lake waiting for the moon to rise. There was something in your feathers that you tried to pick out with your beak when something slammed your body into the water. You tried to lift your neck, but something pushed you under the water. Something sharp was pressed into your body and it hurt, but then you felt your body shifting. The struggle for air was still there but suddenly your human head was out of the water and you took a big breath. A pressure was on your chest and when you looked at it you saw a white cat staring at you. If a cat was able to look puzzled this one just did. 
“Did you attack me?” you asked and the cat looked from its paw that was resting on your chest towards your face as if it couldn’t understand what was happening here. Which it probably couldn’t. The cat stayed close to you after that, followed you when you were walking around at night in your human form (and hid once Red Skull came to ask you the dreaded question) and when you turned back into a swan it stayed near you. It even laid beside you when you finally rested your eyes and thought back of home and your friends.  
Meanwhile Bucky, Steven, Natasha and Samuel were gathered in the greenhouse as it was the only place where they wouldn’t be disturbed. 
“Okay, I hate to say this, but we searched everywhere. I don’t know how, but if they’ve taken her, they must be really far away,” Steven sighed. He was exhausted, not that he would say that out loud but his friends looked like they would drop from the chairs any minute now. 
“We can’t give up,” Bucky still sounded determined, but his eyes were closed. He just needed to rest them for a second. That’s why he didn’t notice the yellow and orange sparks that started to appear. 
“What is that?” Natasha asked and it caused Bucky to raise his head. Everyone was staring now at the sparks that appeared in a circle until they suddenly spotted a blonde woman, stepping confidently through it and stopping in front of Sam. 
Bucky didn’t have a weapon with him so the first thing he could think of was standing up and taking a few steps into the direction of the new arrival. “Samuel,” the blonde woman said coldly. 
“Yelena,” Sam replied, not much warmer. 
“You’re an idiot.” 
“I know,” the man agreed, which caused the others to share a confused glance. Their attention was divided by another newcomer. A man with white streaks in his hair and a long red cape followed through the hole and then the sparks died. 
“I’m magician Strange, this is Yelena and we’re here to search for the princess. As this was the last place where she was before she disappeared we needed to come here. We’re sorry for coming in here unannounced,” he said, but he didn’t sound as he was sorry at all. 
“Where were you coming from?” Natasha asked and walked around the place where the sparks had been and only a small black trace on the floor revealed that there had been something magical. 
“It’s called a portal and I don’t have much time. Yelena, if you’re done with staring at Samuel, would you help?” 
It still took a few seconds for the staring contest between the man and woman until she stepped back and stood next to the magician. “We need something from Sunshine that she recently had on her,” she said and suddenly Bucky felt as if he couldn’t move under her stare. Maybe it was magic too. 
“I’m not going to give someone I haven’t even heard of something of her. Maybe you’re after her and I would only help you.” Bucky managed to say. He couldn’t see it, but Natasha and Steve were nodding behind him. 
“You haven’t heard of us because we’re in a secret organization. That’s the point: You don’t see or hear us.” He could have sworn he also heard an insult, but it was too quiet. 
“They tell the truth. They live on the island and they’re there to protect the land. I know Yelena and I know of Strange, I was wondering when they would show up.” 
“Then a warning would have been nice,” Steve commented. 
Samuel recreated the story of how you were taken and the other added where they had been searching for Sunshine and what they found at the damaged carriage. They brought the magician and his shadow towards your stuff. Magician Strange wasn’t interested in your clothes and books, but then he found a stone. It was a regular stone, he didn’t have a special color or a special shape. They were confused why it had been there, but Strange claimed it was the object they needed. Sunshine carried around the stone with her on her travels as it was a gift from Steve. He had given it to her when they started to become friends and he had pressed it in her hands and told her if Bucky was annoying her again she should just throw the rock at him. He had laughed and ran away, but it was the first present she got from a friend and so she kept it close to her. Strange told Yelena he would open a portal for her where he would feel she was with the help of the stone, but he looked more than confused when the other people said they would follow through. He tried to tell the prince he couldn’t just send him out, but in the end he noticed he didn’t have a chance at a discussion with them and he wanted to get their princess back so he agreed. 
Packed with weapons they stepped through the portal. When Bucky looked back he saw Strange staring back at him before the portal closed. They were in a forest, trees he had never seen surrounded him. He could hear the animals, a few birds and frogs. While the others discussed how they should approach they divided in teams. Yelena, Natasha and Sam while he would walk with Steve. 
“Take this,” Yelena pressed a red stone in his hand. It was smooth and cold. “If there’s black magic around it will glow and alert you. Be careful.” She nodded at him a last time before she walked away with Natasha and Sam. 
“That’s a lot. Suddenly there’s magic, we just stepped through a hole full of sparks to step out into a forest and we have a stone that will glow when we stumble across magic. But I guess that’s what you’ll have to do for the woman your best friend loves,” Steve concluded. 
Bucky looked from the stone to his friend who was smirking at him. “I thought she was your friend?” 
“Oh, she is! But she’s also the woman you fell in love with. I actually thought we would have this discussion when she would have been gone for a few days and you noticed that you miss her. Not here – mostly because I didn’t know this part existed.” 
“I already noticed,” Bucky admitted and looked at the stone. No glow, still cold and dull in his hand. “That’s why I invited her for winter. And that’s why I’m afraid we won’t find her.” 
“We will! Now come, so you can tell her,” Steve patted Bucky's shoulder and with more determination than ever they walked through the uneven path. Suddenly there was a glimmer in the stone and Bucky tugged on Steve’s sleeve to show him without having to talk. The closer they walked towards a lake the brighter the glow became. The fact that the sun was down and the moon was about to come up made it look even brighter. 
By the end of the lake was a white swan staring at them. Next to it was a white cat - also staring. “It seems like it comes from them,” Bucky whispered. “What should we do? Should we catch them? The swan and the cat?” 
“I mean we were only here to find Sunshine,” Steve was interrupted by the swan making angry noises at them. Before they could say anything else the swan was startling them as it ran in their direction. Its beak was pulling at Bucky's sleeve, and it ripped. Steves arrow was pointing at the swan, but the bird took another bite into the fabric and Bucky was too stunned and almost lost his balance as the swan was pulling him in the direction of the lake. When he gained back his balance and pulled into the other direction, he lost another piece of fabric. It almost seemed as the swan huffed and waddled towards the water alone – still followed by the arrow. As soon as it could the swan swam on the lake and the cat followed to the muddy path where it could still stand and interrupted the line of the arrow. 
“What should I do?” Steve asked, but Bucky only had eyes for the swan. As soon as the reflection of the moon hit the water small splashes flew into the air until they swirled around the swan. 
“What is happening?” Bucky asked but had already drawn his sword. The cat looked unimpressed even by the splats of water that were hitting it as it was still staring at Steve. The water went higher and higher until it suddenly stopped and fell. But where previously had been the swan was now Sunshine. “How?” Bucky breathed. 
“Bucky,” you sobbed and ran towards him. As you had to travel through the muddy part he had enough time to lower his sword and wrap his arm around you as soon as you reached him. Your tears landed on his shirt, but he couldn’t care at all. 
“Are you okay, love?” His arm pressed you against him and he savored the moment you were in his arms. The stone in his hand suddenly wasn’t only glowing but turned hot. The air around them was shifting. 
“You have to go,” you exclaimed and pushed him away. 
“We just found you,” he tried to say, but you kept on pushing. “Go now, before he sees you. Please,” she begged when he didn’t move at all. The cat behind you was hissing. “Just hide there,” you pointed somewhere where the trees were thick. Unwillingly Steve and Bucky walked where you pointed and they only did it because they noticed your panic. The white cat was also hiding in the high grass and Bucky had to watch as you tried to dry your eyes while the grass around you started to become greener and flowers started to grow. 
“There you are,” he heard a voice and his eyes were about to fall out when he spotted someone walking towards his Sunshine. “There is no need for tears, we can turn them into happy tears if you’ll finally accept my offer of marriage. Your days as a swan will be over, you can go back to your island. So will you marry me?” Bucky had to watch as the man with the red face stepped towards you and tried to wipe away your tears. He was about to confront the man, when he saw you stepping back and he could hear your disgust when you declined. 
“Oh this would have been your chance, princess. Did you think I wouldn’t notice your little visitors. This was your last chance,” with a swipe of his hand the enormous tree where Steve and Bucky were hiding was split in two. “You think you can save her? What fools you are! Have fun finding her now!” A loud boom was heard and before they could do anything the whole area around them changed. Loud cackling was heard and suddenly hundreds of swans were surrounding the two flabbergasted men. They couldn’t see Red Skull anymore but could hear his voice before it faded out. “No more human form for you, princess. Let’s see if your prince will recognize you now.” 
“Where is he?” Steve asked confused. 
“Where is she?” Bucky asked at the same time.  
It was loud, very loud. They could almost not hear each other despite standing next to each other, but the swans were making so much noise. They were making their way towards the lake while a few of them came towards Steve and Bucky. One snapped at Bucky’s sleeve. “Sunshine?” he asked, but the swan only turned more aggressive. Another one was biting in Steve’s shoe. 
“Sunshine?” Both yelled in the hopes that you would hear them and come towards them. But they only saw birds over birds.  
“And why are they so aggressive? Sunshine?” Bucky complained and tried to take some steps forward, but there were too many birds. Suddenly a few swans were extra loud and two started to dive into the air. Feathers were flying around and they could see something else between the swans: a white cat. The one which had protected Sunshine. 
“We must reach it, I bet it will be able to recognize her! Can you grab it?”  
“One of them just stole my shoe!” Steve complained and tried to move forward but slipped on the ground and almost fell on one swan. In the end he managed to grab the cat who climbed his form more than willingly and sat down on his shoulder. “Got it, Buck!” As soon as both men stood next to each other the cat walked over to Bucky's shoulder. Together they moved and when the claws retrieved from Bucky's skin, he knew they came closer. 
Until the claws came back full force suddenly and the noise in his ear indicated that Sunshine had to be close to them. That’s when he spotted one swan fighting against two others and the cat jumped in, ready to shove her claws into the bird. Steve was pushing one out the way and Bucky almost ran to the animal that was injured and tried to scoop it up in his arms, but the bird didn’t want to be caged. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” he tried to soother it. “Calm down, Sunshine. I’ve got you!” 
It was these words that did the trick. Suddenly it was very quiet around them while the swan and the prince stared into each other's eyes. One by one the other swans disappeared until only one remained. 
“I think she needs to be on the water to change,” Steve’s voice sounded much too loud in the now quiet area. Bucky was finally able to lift the swan he believed to be his princess and carried it towards the water. And as soon as the feet touched the surface the water started to spin splash against both – although the prince couldn’t care less as he stared into the face he came to love.  
“You’re hurt,” he exclaimed once he let his eyes roam over your body and saw you clutching your arm against your torso. 
“It’s not much, but we need to leave. I think the curse might be broken I feel more like myself I think. But we need to get out of here in case he comes back.” 
The prince agreed. He might be a good swordsman but he was helpless against magic. The three of them made their way back to where Bucky and Steve came from, including a white feline following them. Bucky didn’t hesitate to pick it up and place it back on his shoulders. As soon as it had a comfortable place where it was secure it retreated its claws and slung its tail around the prince neck. With Sunshine to his right and Steve on her right side they continued their way. 
“Okay, so we have Sunshine. And now how to we get back? The portal is closed?” 
“Oh, I might be able to fix this,” you said and walked towards a burned place on the ground. Suddenly your voice had more authority than they had ever heard from you. “Magician Strange, I order you to open this portal right now so your crown princess can come back home.” 
“How did you do that?” Steve asked when he watched the sparks to appear again. You pointed at a bracelet around your wrist with an orange stone like the one they had in their hand. When you told them it was a precaution so you could stay in touch with the magicians it dawned on them that they didn’t even have a plan to get back or if they even should have made it back. And later when you heard the whole story you fell even more in love with your prince and were glad that you had such good friends who risked everything for you. 
“It’s so good to see you, princess,” Strange lowered his head instead of a bow. 
“It’s good to see you too, magician Strange. At least one magician I know I can trust.” Your recap of the story was interrupted when another portal opened and Yelena, Natasha and Samuel stepped through. Samuel didn’t even care that he had to bow before you – never in your life had you seen him rum so quickly and his arms were thrown around you. A burnt smell filled your nose, but you didn’t care and wrapped your uninjured arm around him. 
“I’m so sorry I failed you,” he almost sobbed in your shoulder. 
“You didn’t fail me,” you assured him. It was chaos after that. When Strange heard the whole story, he took Yelena with him to face Red Skull and they disappeared through the portal. After a lot of hugging and checking in with each other (and calling a healer for your arm) you all agreed to get cleaned up to get rid of the burned smell and the smell of swamp. 
Many hours later you were all still gathered in a sitting room. Your head laid on Bucky's shoulder and you had problems with staying awake. Sam was currently retelling the story of a dragon they had faced and you weren’t sure if you should believe him if it wasn’t for Natasha who backed up his story. The white feline was laying on the softest pillow next to Steve, but decided that your lap looked more comfortable.  
“You can sleep, princess. We’ll all protect you,” Bucky mumbled in your ear. 
“I need to go home tomorrow, but maybe – would you like to accompany me? I could show you my island and to be honest,” you paused as you weren’t sure if you could share your feelings now. 
“I’m not ready to be apart from you again too,” he assured you and a featherlight kiss was pressed against your hair. 
“Okay, good,” you yawned and your eyes finally closed. 
In the end the two kingdoms were reunited. And while it was a huge political thing that no one really wanted to get into it was more about their princess. As the story started as the Sunshine and the Grump it didn’t end that way. Because when their King looked at his Queen you wouldn’t know who smiled more. It was a story of love that most people would only find in a fairytale book. And with their friends who travelled with them from the island to the mainland it wasn’t only a story about love, but friendship and family. And as we stated that the story wasn’t so long ago, they still live very happily. 
Masterlist | Library Blog
Reblogs, comments, asks or just a ramble mean the world to me <3
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 6 months
Some Adjustment Necessary
Pairing: Platonic! Peter Parker & Reader; Reader x Bucky (but that's not really plot relevant)
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: uh none really just mentioning the tragedies MCU Peter has endured again lmao oh and he gets hit by a car but it's not as serious as it sounds I swear
Genre: it's still pretty fluffy- there's minor angst
Summary: You happen to be the only person who still remembers Peter Parker exists and you are not about to hang him out to dry. So what happens when you take Peter in and basically become his guardian? Well- nothing is simple where super-teens are involved, but you and Peter can certainly handle whatever comes your way. Right?
You and Peter adjusted pretty quickly to living together if you do say so yourself. And you actually really enjoy having him around. Not that you didn't before but suddenly becoming the full time guardian to an 18-year-old boy isn't something you ever saw in your future til it happened, so you're happy things are going well so far in the first couple of months. 
"Hey y/n I'm headed out for tonight." Peter announces barely stopping in the kitchen to talk.
"Alright, call if you need anything. I'll leave dinner on the counter." You shoot over your shoulder just before your front door shuts. Honestly, you were worried the Spiderman thing would be a bigger inconvenience than it is. So far the only thing you've had to discuss with him is not climbing in and out of his window because he has keys to your place and you already know his secret. It appears old habits die hard but now he just goes out the front door and hollers that he's leaving which is much simpler. Plus it eases your concern to know when he's leaving and how long he's out. He may be a superhero with crazy strength and whatnot but he is still pretty young and has been dealing with the most insane shit since he was still going through puberty.
With Peter out on his patrols and Bucky out of town visiting Sam and his family, you have the apartment to yourself and plan to take full advantage of the quiet with a movie marathon and some pasta you're just finishing up. Two helpings of pasta and three movies later- four if you count the one you're currently half asleep through, the sound of a thump against the door alerts you. You listen carefully to the jingle keys and the click of the door unlocking, your body relaxing when Peter comes stumbling through the entrance hall. Your reprieve is shortlived however as you take in Peter's state. He's covered in cuts and bruises and his clothes are tattered and dirty.
"Oh my god Peter what happened to you?!" You gasp jumping up from the couch and rushing to his side. He sags against you immediately and you have to half drag him to the couch to set him down. "Hang on I'll go get the first aid kit." You say leaving him "What did I say to you before you left? Call if you need anything. I even programmed an emergency call system into your suit. How did this happen?!" You look over him frantically trying to assess what needs immediate attention.
"I wasn't patrolling." He groans. You take a warm washcloth first, wiping the blood and grime off of his face.
"You weren't patrolling?" You frown.
"No. I was in Manhattan hanging with some guys and I-"
"What did you do? Piss off a gang?" You suck your teeth.
"No, no, I made some friends who go to NYU, you know because we talked about me going to college and stuff, and after we hung out I was on the way home and got hit by a car."
"You got hit by a car?!? How the hell did that happen?" You blink at him.
"It came speeding around a corner and hit me. Some guy in red pulled me off the asphalt and left me in the hands of random bystanders and then ran after the car." Peter hisses.
"Daredevil." You say.
"The guy in red. Hell's Kitchen has its own vigilante, they call him Daredevil. I'm guessing it was him." You explain.
"Oh. Does he always chase cars?" Peter's voice is strained but still, you laugh a little at the question.
"I- wouldn't know kiddo. I can't believe you got hit by a car. If he left you with some random 'bystanders' who I'm sure thought you needed a hospital, how did you get here?" You ask.
"I hobbled down a couple of alleys until I lost them, put on the suit, and swung home." He explains.
"You swung home?" Your eyes widen.
"Yeah, which- I don't recommend. That sucked."
"I'm sure walking here would've sucked too. Does anything feel broken?" You gently press against his ribs.
"No- just bruised, maybe a couple of cracks nothing that won't be better in a day or two." He says.
"Oh Peter." You say. "I made pasta. Did you eat with your friends? Do you want some food?"
"I'd love some pasta." He sighs.
"Okay I'll heat some up for you. If I helped you to the bathroom do you think you could manage a shower?" You ask.
"I think I got it." Peter slowly forces himself off of the couch and you watch him carefully hobble towards the bathroom. Only once he's out of sight do you go to the kitchen to prepare him some of the food you made earlier. You wait for Peter to make it out of the bathroom and bring his plate to him in his room. You set him up with extra pillows and blankets and you're admittedly fussing over him but it's hard not to when he comes limping into your home.
"Do you need anything else? Water? Bandages?" You ask.
"Y/n you're doting."
"Of course, I am you got hit by a car." You scoff.
"And in 24 hours I'll be fine!"
"Sure sure, actually just so we're clear you will not be patrolling tomorrow night."
"Oh come on-" Peter groans.
"Don't start. You didn't patrol tonight, which you should've told me but, New York will survive one more evening without Spiderman. Actually, perhaps tomorrow we can discuss this NYU thing. I thought your heart was set on MIT."
"I- can't leave New York." He shrugs, avoiding your gaze as he eats his food.
"Yes, you can. And if MIT is where you want to go you absolutely have to leave New York." You frown. "New York has been around long before you became Spiderman and there are several heroes in and around New York we will be fine in your absence. Not to mention that suit of yours could get you here in like 20 minutes if we needed you so desperately." You say.
"MJ and Ned go there." He mutters quietly.
"To MIT. They originally didn't get in and it was my fault so I tried to fix it and then my whole world fell apart but not knowing me means they got in. They go to MIT, and I can't ruin that for them." Peter shakes his head.
"Ruin it for them?"
"Well yeah- what if somehow we end up talking to each other in college and the cycle begins again and I ruin their lives in a big way like I almost did with their college opportunities?" He frowns at his bowl and you sigh.
"I think you three are destined to know each other. They'll find you again one day- even if you're trying to hide from them." You say running a hand through his hair.
"I can't lie to her, not again."
"Then don't. At least not forever. You could absolutely tell her the truth in time if it came down to it."
"She'd never believe me." He says.
"She did the first time."
"Yeah but 'I'm Spiderman' and 'we've known each other for years and were in a relationship, and you don't remember because I made the entire world forget who I am' are not even close to the same. She'd probably assume I was a crazy stalker if I told her the truth." He scoffs.
"You'd start with Spiderman, I imagine she'd be much more open to the other things once you prove you're Spiderman. There's much she doesn't know about the world." You say.
"It's just too complicated." Peter shakes his head.
"Peter, I don't want you to think that because you are Spiderman you have to stop being Peter Parker. You were Peter Parker first and you can't lose yourself because of that suit." You say softly.
"I dunno, I tried and- well it didn't end up too great before you showed up." He says.
"We'll continue this conversation later, but Peter. You have to at least apply to MIT. Don't spoil your chances because you're afraid of some possibilities. You gotta do things anyway." You tell him.
"I'll think about it." He mutters.
"That's a start. Enjoy your pasta, rest up. Yell if you need anything." You say gently patting his shoulder and leaving his room.
"Hey, y/n I'm headed- oh- hi Mr. Barnes. I didn't realize you'd be here." Peter comes careening down the hall.
"Kid you can call me Bucky." Bucky says and you chuckle.
"You're headed where Peter?" You ask.
"Just- out." Peter glances at Bucky.
"With friends this time or-"
"No, not this time. Just out on my own." Peter waves his hand and you almost miss the way his two middle fingers curl briefly the way he does for webs.
"Alright well be safe and if you need anything call. And I mean it. Another incident like two weeks ago and I'll have to start watching you with a witch's glass." You warn.
"Yeah yeah I'll call if I need to, see ya later! Bye Mr. Bucky." Peter says before rushing out the door. You catch the way Bucky's face twists in confusion at Peter's goodbye and giggle.
"That kid is so strange." Bucky shakes his head.
"Most teenagers are." You nod.
"What happened two weeks ago?" He asks.
"You said a repeat of two weeks ago would have you watching him through a witch's glass. What are we hoping not to repeat from two weeks ago?" Bucky asks.
"Oh- Peter ended up hurt and instead of calling me he hobbled his broken ass back home from Hell's Kitchen." You roll your eyes.
"Was this while I was away? You didn't mention it."
"Well yeah, why would I? He was better before you got back. I just don't want it happening again." You shrug.
"You know you can't possibly monitor everything he does, right?"
"Oh I have no interest in doing that but the kid has had a hyper independence problem since he was like 14 and I need him to understand how to use a support system. We are undoing trauma."
"You- also have a-"
"Ah ah this isn't about me it's about Peter. I want better for him than he's had." You cut Bucky off knowing exactly what he's about to say.
"You really care about this kid."
"Of course I do. I'm his guardian now and it's my job to do the best I can for him. Kids don't ask to be here and it's not fair how often they suffer the consequences of someone else's actions."
"I didn't realize you felt so strongly about the subject."
"We've never really talked about kids." You shrug.
"Do you want them?" His question sounds hesitant, as if he's not sure he wants the answer.
"I dunno. I think it'd be nice. To have a family. But it's- not a number one priority. I guess it depends. Have you given it any thought?" You ask.
"I don't think I'd be good at it." He shakes his head.
"I disagree. I think you're kind and patient and you may not see those traits in yourself but I see them every day in the way you interact with strangers, with me, your tales with Steve from the 30s, even the way you are with Peter-"
"I don't even talk to Peter." Bucky scoffs.
"No, but you pay attention when he speaks, you know his idiosyncracies, you've helped me with things that are for him, you even accommodate that he's staying here when you make plans for us. That's a lot of consideration that many people wouldn't offer. I think you'd make a wonderful father, if that's ever something you'd like." You shrug.
"I dunno, I'd have to give it some thought." He frowns.
"Like I said, it's not a top priority right now. You can decide that whenever you're ready. And no matter what you decide we'll be good. But if you're interested in testing the waters you could always try actually connecting with Peter."
"Oh no, I told you when he first got here that you couldn't make me talk to him." Bucky shakes his head.
"I'm not making you do anything baby it's just a suggestion because I think you'd both benefit from it." You say and you mean it. Peter has always looked up to Bucky, though you can't tell Bucky that, and you think Peter would love a chance to do more than admire from afar.
"And how would he benefit from it? He's terrified of me." Bucky says.
"No, he isn't."
"He just called me Mr. Bucky after I told him he didn't have to use my last name." Bucky points out and you chuckle a little.
"Believe it or not, he's called me Miss Y/n for years. Even up until he moved in. It doesn't mean he's scared of you, he's just being respectful." You say.
"I- will consider talking to him. But I make no promises."
"You don't need to. I just want the two guys in my life to be able to do more than awkwardly sidestep each other in my kitchen." You laugh.
"I'll keep that in mind sweetness." Bucky chuckles. You don't know what's going to come of your light encouragement but there's very little Bucky wouldn't do for you, so you imagine this will only result in something good.
Tagged Users: @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @buchi91
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gayspacedrawings · 1 year
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"will Steve's hard head dent this pot?"
Who needs enemies when you have a best friend that lets intrusive thoughts win
2012 avenger w/Bucky au
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bucky-h0e · 4 months
A/N: It has been a hot while, but I am slowly working my way back into the writing scene. I missed writing these but unfortunately, Uni took priority but on the bright side, ya girl got her masters degree!
This one is more focused around Sam and Alpine's relationship.
Anyway, enjoy!
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How Alpine Celebrates Mother's Day
Now, Alpine does not have the best relationship with her parents.
Why else would she have immediately gotten herself adopted by an ex-assassin? (or did she adopt him?)
So when she met Bucky, and he started doing little things for her and supporting her in a way a father would, she buckled.
she immediately started thinking of ways to celebrate father's day for him
But then when Sam entered the picture, Alpine had a moment of realisation at 2am whilst watching big foot documentaries
she had Bucky
strong, protective, grumpy old ass who would put himself between her and any threat that popped up in her shenanigans
and she had Sam
sassy, enthusiastic Sam who encouraged her shenanigans
she had a whole family dynamic going on and she was going to celebrate that
for the first time in her life, she had a family and she wanted to show them both how much she appreciated them letting her be in their lives
lets be honest, she didn't give them a choice
but she could still show her love for them
now she didn't know what days to celebrate each person, she just knew she wanted to give them each their own day
so one day (quite literally mother's day - Alpine lost track of time and procrastinated too long), Sam and Bucky are at the latter's apartment, just chilling having a guys night
catching Bucky up on all the movies he's missed
having a couple of beers
just two friends, relaxing, laughing, having a good time
until Hurricane Alpine struck
She came barrelling in, bags in hand that she was trying and failing to hide
balloons floating behind her she she kept trying to pull down behind her back
hair an absolute wreck, out of breath and trying to play it off
"Oh hey i didn't know you'd both be here what a surprise"
"Alpine you made us download a collective calendar, you know damn well it's guys night"
"shut up you love that app"
she struggles to get a coin out of her pocket, cursing at the balloons hitting her in the face and dropping the bags
"Uh.. you need a hand there Al?"
punches the balloons into the hallway and turns with a wild smile
"Flip the coin"
Sam is scared
Bucky is confused and debating whether or not he should put a restraining order in
"no reason"
"well there is a reason obviously"
"no, no reason"
"i think there is a reason, what are you going to do"
"why do you assume i'm up to something?"
"the last time you made us flip a coin with no context you sold Bucky's arm"
"Hey when a blue lady comes knocking on your door looking for a gift for her raccoon friend, you oblige"
"do you know how LONG it took for me to get my arm?!"
"you're being so dramatic you literally got it back a few days later"
"I didn't get it back, Shuri made me a new one."
"Even better"
"She keeps texting me warnings about raccoons"
"She's looking out for you"
Sam is loving this, he remembers the day he walked in on Bucky frantically looking for his arm whilst Alpine sat on his couch cry-laughing out of pure stress and enjoyment.
Though they were slightly concerned by the fact that a) Nebula came to Alpine to get the arm and b) Rocket now had cybernetically enhanced piece of Vibranium.
safe to say Alpine was in trouble for a while
"Can you just- will you flip the coin? I'm not going to sell any appendages or organs to otherworldly beings."
"When did you sell organs?"
".... What organs?"
With that knowledge, Sam and Bucky flipped the coin, Sam calling heads whilst it was in the air, with it landing on his call.
victorious, he grimaces and looks at Alpine
"You can't have my wings."
"I don't need 'em, you wait here. I will be back"
grins and runs out, half tripping over the forgotten balloons as she goes and running into her door in the process.
Bucky decides to pray for Sam whilst the latter looks at him nervously
"I should be worried, shouldn't I?"
Bucky sighs and shrugs, "It's Alpine."
it's silent for a little while, they can hear loud shuffling and curses coming from across the hall
"Yes, be worried"
Sam is debating whether or not to run now or just accept his fate
it's too late though, because Alpine comes rushing back over with a card, some flowers, the balloons that had been poorly hidden behind her back and a box of chocolates
both men are seriously confused, but Bucky is also slightly annoyed
sure, Sam wins a coin flip and gets flowers, Bucky wins a coin flip and get's his arm stolen
makes sense
"Happy mother's day Sammy!"
Bucky is no longer annoyed, laughing and grinning at Sam
Sam is confused
when did he become a mother
when did he sign up for this
"Al what-"
"I know, I know. But I never-.." she pauses, handing Sam his gifts before shuffling, Bucky stops laughing at this point because he knows when Alpine is about to dump some trauma
"I never had a good relationship with my family and it's mothers day today and I was like I could just celebrate you two on father's day but you've both helped and supported me in different ways and you don't deserve to share a holiday besides you'll just argue, so i thought this was a better way and-"
She huffs and glares at them both
how dare they interrupt her nervous ranting
didn't they know its the only way she could c o p e
Bucky grins at her, glancing at Sam as the latter stands and gives her a tight hug
Alpine is surprised, she genuinely thought Sam would be annoyed but hugs him back anyway
is kind of embarrassed and awkward
poor baby is not hugged often
but relaxes soon enough when she spots Bucky smiling at the pair on the couch
Sam's hand rubbing soothing circle on her back before they pull apart and he grins at her
"Thank you kid. Really. I'm- I'm happy you think of me as your family, you know I'll always be hear to support you."
"Aww thanks mama goose"
Bucky snorts
literally a few months ago this man thought Alpine was a cat
now look at them
Alpine is positively glowing
she literally could not contain herself and she goes back in for another hug, laughing as Sam begs her not to call him any type of nickname
"I'm serious, do not call me mum in public."
"Are falcon's motherly?"
"I regret so much"
"Aw man am I getting disowned already?"
"Yeah no, you've done it now. You're my kid forever now bitch"
"Sammy you can't call your kid a bitch"
"I can if its affectionate"
Sam is buzzing, despite now having to reject every mother bird pun Alpine makes, shaking his head at all of her new bird pun name suggestions
He didn't like to admit it, but he was always somewhat jealous
sure he was friends with Steve before, but it always felt like Steve and Bucky.. and Sam
and then with Alpine it was Bucky and Alpine... and Sam
but now he had Bucky
and he had Alpine
he had a family here in New York
and he loved them
would he admit that?
no, he would actually rather cease to exist once more
but he knew they knew
an unspoken bond between the three of them that all three would die protecting
as if they would ever let Alpine do that though, she cuts her finger just trying to slice an apple and he and Bucky go absolutely insane
but they make this an annual celebration, though Sam refuses to admit it is for mother's day
"I am not your mother"
"uh huh, okay"
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sjsmith56 · 3 months
Chance Encounter - Masterlist
Summary: A chance encounter in a supermarket leads Bucky to the discovery of a secret from his past, one that he has no memory of.
Length: 3 parts, plus a Drabble
Main Characters: Bucky Barnes, two named OFC, named OMC, Sam Wilson.
Warnings: This is a work that discusses issues of abuse, forced marriage with a minor, and drug dependency. As noted on each part.
Author notes: One shot that expanded into something else entirely. It does get dark but ends happily.
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Chance Encounter - Part 1
Warnings: Evidence of forced marriage with a minor, spousal abuse, feeling of familiarity for Bucky, HYDRA memories.
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Chance encounter - Part 2
Warnings: More HYDRA memories including medical experimentation, suicide of a character, discovery of something Bucky doesn’t remember, evidence of drug dependence, rejection.
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Chance Encounter - Part 3, + short Drabble
Warnings: Angst, Bucky feeling guilt, cold turkey detoxification (sped up for dramatic purposes), fluff at the end and in the Drabble.
Please do not copy and paste my work into another platform, translator or AI program. MCU characters are the property of Marvel / Disney. All other characters and the plot are the author’s creation.
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kitcat992 · 11 months
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“Hey, Mr. Stark?” Peter called out on a whim.
Tony kept his eyes strictly on his task as he sounded out, “Hm?”
Peter watched for a beat that went on a little too long — earning a curious look from Tony along the way — as the man bent and folded the amber glowing metal with a pair of pillars in one hand and blacksmith tongs in the other.
Even though Mr. Stark hadn’t actually told him what he was working on, Peter was smart enough to put the two and two together. And while his visiting weekends were always ‘Internship’ days — which meant sometimes they’d work on their suits together, other times they’d brainstorm crazy new ideas that either took off or failed — Mr. Stark was right, today wasn’t technically an ‘Internship’ day. Not on his off-weekend that May had traded to make up for next week’s wedding.
And so, without any real plans for the weekend, Mr. Stark had simply told him he had a project he needed to wrap up. For Peter, that was the extent of that.
Taking a moment to truly watch and examine Tony’s movements, Peter didn’t need verbal confirmation on what he saw. It was obvious to the passing eye; a ring of sorts being crafted by hand, and the material used to forge it laid all across the table Mr. Stark had stationed himself at.
Peter could tell himself all he wanted that he didn’t know what provoked his next question. But even he knew the focus of the wedding had taken his thoughts hostage for a while now — sometimes even more than the lingering weight of being brought back to life.
“When you asked Ms. Potts to marry you…” Peter trailed off, swallowing hard to wet his parched throat. “When did you…I mean, how’d you…”
Tony slowly set his tongs down, careful on where he put the glowing hot ring along the way. An arch eyebrow vocalized his puzzlement more than words could’ve.
“How’d you know?” Peter forced himself to finish, the best that he could.
Tony let the tongs lay down next to his welding torch, being sure to keep the still-glowing metal in a safe place where it couldn’t be disturbed.
“That she’d say yes?” he tried to clarify, proving Peter’s attempt ineffective after all.
Looking down at his work table, Peter tapped his finger on the surface without ever stopping — never once finding the courage to look at Tony when he spoke.
“That you…loved her,” Peter managed to fight against every atom in his body that screamed for him to stop talking. “How do…how do you know when you love somebody?”
When Peter  finally looked back up at Tony, he wished nothing more than if he could go back in time and shut up after all. The look of confusion on the man’s face was enough for Peter to crawl into a ditch and die from dirt inhalation.
“Like, obviously I know what love is,” he tried — oh boy did he try to make himself look better. “It’s not that I don’t know what love is — I love May, I love…you know, other family. And friends.”
He was making it worse. With every growing inch of Tony’s smirk, Peter knew he was making it worse.
“But what’s it like?” Peter finally found the words to ask, and with a heavy sigh parting the break that came in-between. “With you and Ms. Potts? What’s…what’s that like?”
Peter wasn't lying — not even in his nervous stammered fit that failed to string together a coherent sense of words. He  knew what love was. He knew he loved Uncle Ben, he knew he still loved Aunt May. He knew he loved his parents at one point — what kid didn’t?
But yet, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop thinking about almost two nights ago. Not because of the aliens that landed at the compound while he was in Queens — no, something else finally disrupted his excitement for that.
It was remembering MJ’s smile on the bridge, and the way she smelt like powdered doughnuts and vanilla lavender, mixed with the draft of sea water that rose from down below.
The way the bridge’s lights made her skin look like polished chestnuts, and her hair a perfect frizzled mess of tangled vines and curls.
How her laugh was as soft as the wind, and her smile was bright as the setting sun.
It was remembering the way she made him feel — a way he’d never felt before. A feeling he couldn’t quite explain, but also couldn’t forget.
Peter couldn’t help but wonder what that was.
And as Tony looked at him head-on, with a small smile turning his lip up towards his ear, it was easy to say the older man had it figured out a long time ago.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
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HELLO?!?!?!!!??!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?!??!??
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spidergrotto · 4 months
imagine peter patrolling when those killer clowns were roaming the streets . . . ??? it’s. a normal patrol, he’s swinging around stopping a mugging or two, maybe he gets to chase down a couple of stolen cars if he’s lucky!
he turns a corner, and there’s a random clown stood in the middle of the road— nobody else is around, just a clown holding a knife. peter is spider-man, he’s fought aliens and wizards .. but this? absolutely not, for the first time EVER peter parker calls in backup— he doesn’t explain, just tells karen to call anybody and everybody because the clown has friends and there’s now four instead of one just . . . standing around.
they notice him, one of them starts waving — another does a weird stabbing motion and spider-man does not move an inch, frozen in place. he nearly forgets about the backup and decides to make a run for it when two more appear but iron man and hawkeye are both at his side and bucky barnes is somewhere on a roof top, everyone is confused completely expecting a huge fight, buildings destroyed and a couple injured— but instead they all stare at . . fifteen? killer clowns just . . standing around doing nothing.
iron man is the first to break the silence, immediately suggesting they all retreat and circle back on this . . never— peter protests, they can’t just leave a bunch of killer clowns out on the street ! . . . bucky is unsettled but also intrigued and starts walking over but turns back around the second he makes eye contact with one of them ( clint left the second he saw the clowns. )
and they just, observe quietly. nothing happens— the clowns start walking around as a group and peter starts praying— but nobody intervened because? fuck that?
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lillywillow · 2 years
It Takes A Village
Summary: When Bucky moves to a new place, he falls in love with the community there
 Written for: @buckybarnesbingo
 Words: 1961
 Square Filled: K2- Found Family
 Pairing: Bucky Barnes x SingleMother!Reader  
 Warnings: Fluff, mild swearing
 Bucky decided it was time to move out on his own. It was scary and he wasn’t sure if he was really ready to do it but it was something that he needed to do. For the first week, Bucky kept to himself. There was still a part of him that was afraid he’d lose his battle with the Winter Soldier and hurt people. That all started to change when he met you.
 The first time he saw you, he was heading out the door as you were coming home. You had a young boy holding your hand, excitedly telling you about his day while a girl a little bit older followed behind. You smiled at him as you crossed paths.
 After that, he bumped into you a few times since then, usually making small talk. One afternoon, Bucky was getting his mail as you were coming downstairs in a hurry. In your haste, you missed a step, sending you tumbling down.
 “My ankle!” you cried out.
 Bucky rushed over to help you, gently assessing the damage. You hissed in pain as he held your ankle. Already it was starting to swell and a purple bruise started to blossom.
 “You need a doctor to look at this…”
 “No! I’m too busy to get hurt! I’ve got to take Ida her lunch, and make the sandwiches for the men’s workshop and take my kids to their classes and bake for the-the…”
 “I can help you. Let me take you to the doctor and we’ll go from there…”
 There was something in his eyes that made you trust him.
 After a visit to the doctor, Bucky took you home to rest. Fortunately, your ankle wasn’t broken but it was badly sprained. Bucky helped you get comfortable with your foot elevated before going to take care of the first job on your list. He knocked on the door of the apartment a floor below yours. A small elderly woman answered the door.
 “Who is it? What do you want?” she asked in a Germanic accent.
 “Hello, Mrs Rosenburg. My name is Bucky and I’m helping Y/N take care of a few things since she hurt herself. I have your lunch for you…”
 “Ah! I know Y/N. Nice girl. She often brings my lunch,” the woman smiled, ushering Bucky inside.
 You had warned Bucky in advance that Ida liked to have a chat over lunch and she liked to chat a lot. You thought that she may be lonely.
 “You seem like a nice young man. I have a grandson just about your age,” she mused as she arranged what she needed for lunch.
 ‘I highly doubt that,’ Bucky thought.
 “Can I help you with anything Mrs Rosenburg?” Bucky offered.
 “Please, call me Ida. Mrs Rosenburg makes me feel so old,” she chuckled.
 Bucky walked over and helped Ida get comfortable at the table and made her a cup of tea. Ida insisted that he make one for himself too.
 “You remind me a lot of my husband… He was so handsome, charming and brave,” she smiled, pointing over to the cupboard full of photographs.
 Bucky walked over and picked up a sepia photo of a young man in a German uniform.
 “No easy times in those days. He had to hide his faith from those Nazi bastards. Saved a lot of lives…”
 Ida went on to tell Bucky the story of her husband. He was a German-Jewish who was drafted into the army when World War II broke out. Karl used his position as a soldier to help smuggle innocent people out of the country. In turn, Ida would help forge documents to help them on their travels. After the war, Karl and Ida immigrated to America. Their story was kept a secret until recently. Sadly, Karl passed away a year ago. Ida had been mostly on her own ever since. She told Bucky her children and grandchildren had offered to stay with her but she assured them she would be alright.
 “Goodness, look at the time. I must have talked your ear off by now. You’re welcome to come back any time,” she smiled, taking Bucky’s hand and patting it.
 He smiled and took his leave, making sure Ida was okay before heading out.
 Bucky checked to see you were still resting comfortably before he took the sandwiches you had made to the men’s workshop. As he looked around the place, Bucky felt a welcoming atmosphere. A large, burly man with long grey hair tied back in a braid with a beard to match.
 “Can I help you, lad? Are you looking to join?” he asked.
 “I’m here with the sandwiches Y/N made. She hurt her ankle and I’m helping her out while she gets better,”    Bucky explained.
 “We know Y/N! She’s a fine lass. Grub’s up fellas!” the man bellowed to the others working.
 The men all stopped what they were doing, switched off any machines they were using and headed over to where Bucky was standing with the food. They all swarmed, grabbing a sandwich and taking it to sit down and eat.
 “What’s your name?” the burly man asked.
 “Nice to meet you, Bucky. I’m Aaron. I’m the one who keeps an eye on this sorry lot,” he grinned, making the others laugh.
 “Hey, is that arm made of vibranium?” a slim built young man asked from his left.
 “Yes…” Bucky started to feel a little self- conscious.
 “That’s so cool! I’d love to get a hold of some of that to make some upgrades,” he grinned, pulling up his pants leg to show off a prosthetic leg.
 “I’m Soos, by the way. If ever you need any work done, I’d be happy to help you out some time,” he smiled.
 “Thanks, Soos,” Bucky smiled back. “I should be getting back to Y/N.”
 “Alright. If you want to come back and join us, you’re welcome to come back and do so,” Aaron beamed, giving Bucky a friendly pat on the back.
 Bucky thanked him and headed home.
 Bucky helped you do some baking while he waited with you for the kids to come home from school. Under your guidance, he actually produced some pretty good-looking cupcakes and cookies. While you worked, you told him all about your deadbeat ex who ran out on you and the kids. You had been working from home so you could still see your children while making sure you could afford a good life for them. You were also very active in the community. When your kids arrived home from school, they got changed so they could go to their classes. Your daughter put on her karate uniform and your son in ballet tights. Bucky was a little surprised but said nothing. If that’s the way the kids wanted it, then who was he to judge? You made a quick call to their teaches to let them know in advance of the change in drop off and pickup and informed Bucky of their password system which was an extra form of precaution.
 “Now, listen to Mister Bucky and don’t wander away from him, okay?”
 “Okay, mama,” the kids agreed.
 You kissed their heads and let them go on their way.
 The whole way to the community centre, your son Dylan asked Bucky many questions while your daughter Sasha quietly followed next to him. Bucky tried to answer all the questions while also including Sasha.
 The classes would be held within an hour of each other so Bucky had plenty of time to wait. He got to know some of the parents while he was waiting, using the password system if they asked and explaining the situation. Bucky was in awe of your children when he watched them in action. Dylan was quite good at ballet and worked well with the little girls in his class. Sasha was the complete opposite in personality to her brother. She was a tough girl who didn’t give her competitors a chance. Bucky was completely amazed.
 After the lessons were over, Bucky started walking the children home when he saw a group of boys picking on a skinny kid.
 “Hey! Leave him alone!”
 All it took was one glance of seeing Bucky heading in their direction to send the bullies scattering. He walked over and helped the boy to his feet.
 “Are you okay?” Bucky asked, making sure he could stand on his feet.
 The kid puffed his inhaler and adjusted his glasses.
 “I’m okay. Those jerks were giving some ballerinas a hard time so I stepped in… Are those Y/N’s kids?” he asked.
 Bucky smiled a little. This kid reminded him a lot of Steve.
 “They are. She hurt herself this morning and I’m helping out until her ankle gets better. I’m her neighbour, Bucky.”
 “That’s Kim. He lives in our building too,” Dylan supplied.
 “Can I walk you home, Kim? It’s starting to get dark…”
 Kim thought for a few moments before nodding. Bucky walked the young man home, meeting his mothers Jade and her wife Marsha. They invited Bucky for dinner to say thank you for what he had done for their son but he politely declined, explaining he had to get back to you. They smiled, admiring his kindness, saying he could join them at any time. Bucky thanked them and walked the kids back to your place.
 That was just the start of Bucky’s week. Everyday he stopped by your place, helped make breakfast and get the kids to school. Bucky got any chores done you needed doing and took Ida her lunch. He took care of your every need. You also encouraged him to go out a little, assuring him you would be fine on your own for a little while. Bucky took the time to get to know the people he met a little better, joining the men’s workshop, meeting up with Jade and Marsha and having tea with Ida. In the weeks it took for you to recover, this community had become his family and he would do anything for them. Bucky’s neighbours weren’t the only ones he had fallen for; he had also fallen in love with you. He admired the way you were raising two kids on your own and the way you cared for the people around you.
 One afternoon, Bucky stopped by and knocked on your door.
 “Hi, Bucky. What brings you here?” you smiled.
 “I… these are for you,” he said, handing you a bouquet of beautiful flowers.
 “Oh, thank you!” you beamed, taking the flowers and breathing in their sweet fragrance.
 “I got them from Marsha’s flower stall. She made the arrangement herself…”
 Bucky was starting to become a little flustered.
 “That was very nice of her…”
 “She’s great. I was actually wondering if… I could ask you out on a date…”
 “A date?”
 Bucky’s face started to turn pink.
 “Yeah… I like you a lot, Y/N. You’re an amazing woman with amazing kids and I’d really like to go on a date with you…”
 Smiling, you hugged him tight and teared up a little.
 “You helped me when you didn’t have to. You helped to take care of my kids too. I would love to go on a date, Bucky.”
 Bucky smiled and worked out a time that would work best. He couldn’t wait. It was thanks to you that he was finally able to face the world again and found a place that he could once again call home.
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lynlee494 · 8 months
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It was a fairly routine outing for the Avengers, aside from the location making Steve and Bucky uneasy, not even forty miles from where Bucky had fallen into Hydra’s control for nearly seven decades.
What was he supposed to say, ‘I know this is where I failed you, so just wondering if you wanted to sit this one out?’ or maybe, ‘This might be hard, but do you want to talk about how this is where they dragged you off from, after I left you behind, broken and bleeding?’
Instead he had been too in his own head at the same news, the train, the snow, Gabe’s face when he saw Bucky’s absence and Steve’s broken state – making it real, sealing it. They had both sat there in a sort of stunned silence, heart beats passing, and then it was too late. Bucky was out the door, shoulders back and his stride long, and Steve merely followed him to the armory.
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rp-partnerfinder · 28 days
Hi! ❄
I'm 23 years old and am currently looking for a longterm 18+ Found Family Rp set in the Marvel/MCU universe.
I'd love Bucky Barnes as my oc's parental figure. My oc is/ will be a vigilante, depending on his age, but he'll be keeping it and some of his powers a secret at first. My oc's age will be 14-16. The youngest I can go is 13, but I won't go any older than 16.
The idea for the Rp is that it would take place while Bucky is part of the Avengers or after the events of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and he will be assigned by SHIELD to adopt my oc to get him under control. The only thing that Bucky would know about my oc is what was on the file he was given.
The main antagonists for the rp will be my oc's family who used to be a part of HYDRA. I do have ideas for this which I'd love to expand on and can be included in the rp to add a bit of conflict at first.
More can be discussed, because I love world-and story building or just OOC chat in general, so I'd love for us to throw ideas back and forth and such. :)
I mostly rp on Discord, but can rp here on Tumblr as well, I don't mind and I reply relitavely fast unless I'm busy.
I have information about my oc on the pinned post of my blog, so you'll find everything there, including my rules.
If you're interested, please interact with this post or you can message me directly at @azuresrp and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. ❄
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 7 months
A New Home
Pairing: Platonic! Peter Parker & Reader; Reader x Bucky (but that's not really plot relevant)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: uh none really just mentioning of all the tragedies MCU Peter has endured lmao
Genre: it's pretty fluffy- there's minor angst
Summary: You happen to be the only person who still remembers Peter Parker exists and you are not about to hang him out to dry. So what happens when you take Peter in and basically become his guardian? Well- nothing is simple where super-teens are involved, but you and Peter can certainly handle whatever comes your way. Right?
You're worried. You know you've been gone for months and things can change a lot in a few months but it shouldn't be this hard to find Peter. Flying down the streets of New York you finally spot the kid through an open window in a rundown apartment building.
"Parker! There you are! Dude, I've been looking all over the city for you what the hell?" You lean against the window sill, startling Peter when you speak.
"Miss y/n! You know who I am!" Peter blinks at you.
"Well duh, why wouldn't I? And what are you doing in this godawful apartment?"
"Well-" Peter trails off, avoiding your gaze.
"Peter, what did you do?" Your eyes widen.
"I- made the entire world forget who I am?" He says hesitantly. You blink at him for a moment.
"Wh- ho- why would you- what made you think that was a good idea?"
"It wasn't a good idea it was the only idea." He says.
"I- how'd ya figure?" You tilt your head.
"It's a... long story." He mutters.
"So start telling it. Been lookin' for you all over the city so I've got time."
"Okay- it all started when I went on a summer trip to Europe and I met this guy- Mister Mysterio, and it was right after Mr. Stark died and you know, he was pretty important to me and you were away and Mr. Stark left me so much tech that I didn't know what to do with so when Mister Mysterio basically offered to take me under his wing I dunno I thought it'd help me deal with the Mr. Stark thing but he ended up being a super bad dude and I had to fight him and just before I defeated him he like released a video telling the whole world I was Spiderman and also painting me like a bad guy and it totally ruined my life. Like when I started senior year in the fall there were people literally protesting outside of my school! Some wanted me to pay for what I did to Mister Mysterio but others thought I had a reason for what happened since I'm like a neighborhood hero-"
"Well did you?" You ask cutting off Peter's frantic 2x speed recap.
"What?" He blinks at you.
"Have a reason. For whatever happened with Mysterio."
"Of course I did! He wanted to use Stark's tech to take over the world!"
"I'm just pulling your leg kid- I know you'd never harm a dude for no reason." You chuckle. "I'm just dispelling tension because you're speedrunning. So this guy ruined your life by telling the world you're Spiderman. What happened next?"
"Well with all the chaos it caused me in my daily life I went to Mr. Strange to try and fix it."
"You went to Strange." You repeat.
"Yeah cuz he's got that magic stone and with you gone, he's like the only person I know who might've been able to do the thing I was thinking of." Peter shrugs.
"And what was the thing you were thinking of?"
"I was going to see if there was a spell that could make the world forget that I was Spiderman but while we were doing the spell I remembered that there were people I had already told independent of the whole Mysterio thing and I didn't want them to forget because it's so much easier to not have to lie to Ned or MJ or Aunt May so I kept fixing the spell to be more specific than 'everyone forgets Peter Parker is Spiderman' and did you know there are other Spidermen in other versions of reality?!"
"That makes sense." You nod.
"I travel through time and space a lot, I've seen hundreds of versions of hundreds of people- there being other Spidermen makes sense. What was your spell?"
"Well I altered it a few times while Mr. Strange was creating it but the last thing I said was something like 'everyone who already knew before should still know' and somehow it brought people who knew other Spidermen here. Specifically two other Spidermen and of course, they were all villains because I guess those guys do not have friends back home-"
"Peter!" You gasp barely holding back your laughter.
"Sorry- that was rude but I was really overwhelmed okay there was a dude who could like control electricity, and a guy made out of sand, and a huge freaking lizard monster, and a guy who dressed like a goblin and he killed Aunt May and there was a dude with gigantic mechanical tentacle arm thingies that came out of his back it was- terrifying."
"Oh honey." You sigh.
"We almost died in the process but me and the other Spidermen managed to kick them back to where they belonged, but Mr. Strange's botched spell was causing a collision of the multiverse so to reverse it we- had to make the whole world forget Peter Parker altogether." Peter says. There are a few moments of silence as you contemplate what to say next. Scolding him seems harsh, he's been through too much since you've last seen him.
"When did that happen? The forget-me-not spell part."
"Like- four months ago." He shrugs.
"And you've just been on your own here since then?" You frown.
"Aunt May's dead- no one else knows who I am- I- I didn't have anywhere to go." He shrugs.
"Do you want to stay here?" You ask.
"I- hate this apartment, I don't really like you living here it's- tiny and probably not up to safety codes but if you'd rather stay I can't force you to move I just- I'd feel better if you moved in with me. So I'm asking."
"I don't wanna be a burden."
"Oh don't be ridiculous I could never see you as a burden and you've had a hard enough time in the last year there is no reason for you to have it any harder than it needs to be. If you want to move in with me there's plenty of room." You tell him.
"You mean it?"
"Absolutely." You nod.
"Okay- I'll- pack my things I guess."
"Good." You clap your hands together and climb fully into the apartment to help him.
It takes a few hours but eventually, you get Peter out of that shoebox of his and set him up in what used to be your guest room. He spends a little while in there unpacking until he's apparently too overwhelmed to do any more of it and takes refuge in the living room to watch TV. You're in the kitchen when he comes out and declares unpacking will have to wait and while you don't want to bring his mood down you feel like you have to check in before you can finish the baking you were doing. You take a seat in the armchair next to where Peter is perched on your couch.
"I- didn't get a chance to ask earlier but, how are you dealing with the whole Aunt May thing? You barely got to grieve Tony before it all went to shit it seems."
"I- haven't really had a whole lot of time to dwell on it actually, but I've been to visit her a couple of times."
"If you need anything Peter please ask and I'm serious. We've been family for quite a while as far as I'm concerned but especially now. Can't have you thinking you've got no one left in this world."
"Thanks y/n. Although I seriously don't get how Mr. Strange's spell didn't affect you too." Peter frowns.
"Dunno- maybe I was traveling through time when he did it. Or somewhere in space, outta range." You shrug.
"Lucky for me I guess." He says.
"Very." You stand and ruffle his hair before returning to the kitchen. You're glad he seems to be getting comfortable in your home already. You want him to be comfortable here, he deserves a little comfort after all that's happened. Some time later you hear the lock to your front door click open as you pull cookies out of your oven.
"Y/n?" Bucky's voice calls from the door.
"Kitchen!" You call back setting the tray on the counter. You can hear Bucky making his way down the hall before he enters the kitchen. His smile turns to a look of confusion and he retreats from sight for a moment and then pivots back into the kitchen.
"There's a boy in your living room babe." He points out.
"Yeah, I know that's Peter." You say with a laugh.
"Do we know Peter?"
"I know Peter."
"He's-" you pause for a moment. Bucky won't remember him. He barely knew the kid in the first place. "He's my godson." You say. That's probably believable.
"You have a godson?!"
"I have a few godchildren actually- he's just the oldest." You say. Truth.
"He's got siblings?"
"No, he's an only child but I am a godparent to multiple children that are not related to each other."
"Including that one?" Bucky points down the hall in the general direction of your living room.
"Yes including that one. He's moved in with me." You say.
"What?!" Bucky's eyes widen.
"It's a... long story- he's not my nephew or anything I actually didn't know his parents. I was friends with his aunt who ended up responsible for him after his parents died and she made me her- for lack of a better word, successor if anything happened to her once she became his only living family."
"Well, where's his aunt?"
"She died while I was gone." You say. You'll have to make a point to visit Aunt May's grave soon.
"So where's he been?" Bucky asks.
"In a dingey little shoebox of an apartment." You grimace.
"He's old enough that he got his own apartment?"
"Well, he's eighteen but I don't believe in throwing kids to the wolves once they turn eighteen so I told him he could come stay with me because there's no reason for him to be in a shitty apartment struggling to support himself when I have space. Plus he's got basically no other family now, I don't want him to be alone."
"Alright, but you can't make me talk to him." Bucky says.
"My love he's a teenager I don't expect you to have a playdate. I'm looking after him, I'm not making that your responsibility." You chuckle.
"Cool." Bucky snatches a cookie off the counter. "I'm headed to your room for a while." He kisses your cheek and disappears up the stairs. A couple minutes after Bucky disappears Peter comes shuffling into the kitchen.
"Godson?" He asks sitting on one of the stools by the island.
"Hm?" You frown.
"You told Mr. Bucky that I'm your godson."
"Oh- well, it was the first pretty believable thing I could think of. And I think if May thought something would take her from us so soon she'd probably have planned for you to stay with me or Tony." You shrug.
"I think so too." He says after a moment.
"Don't worry too much about Bucky, you know how he is around new people."
"We didn't really get to know each other the first time around but- do you think he'll warm up to me?" Peter asks.
"Aw of course he will. He'd never admit it but Buck's got a secret soft spot for chosen families. It won't be immediate but I'm sure you'll be ganging up on me in no time." You shrug.
"He doesn't seem all that open."
"Well- you know how when kids bring home a puppy they 'found' and their parents grumble about a new responsibility but end up falling in love with the animal anyway?"
"Not that you're a stray dog or anything but Bucky's kind of seeing it in the same way. He probably thinks I'll need his help looking after you. Which- on a pretty much unrelated note sweetie, are you still Spiderman?"
"Yeah- just now no one knows. Is that... a problem?" Peter asks hesitantly. 
"Now why would that be a problem? I'd be quite the hypocrite to suddenly decide you can't be Spiderman. That's how we met after all." You chuckle, reaching forward and pinching his chin affectionately. "And helping people is what you do. It's what we do. I'd never ask you to stop. But we'll need some regulations."
"Regulations?" His tone makes you giggle a bit.
"Within reason. I just mean I need you to keep me posted. Holler before you go on patrols, and call me if you have any emergencies. Oh, and any time you tell someone your secret I'd like to know."
"Oh, I don't plan to tell anyone. Well- maybe we can tell Mr. Bucky eventually. I agree with those regulations but I don't have anyone else to tell." He shakes his head.
"For now but if you go to college and make friends-"
"Do you think I could?" Peter's eyes widen hopefully.
"Make friends?" You frown.
"Go to college."
"I think you've wiped yourself from the memories of everyone you know- it gives you a unique opportunity to start over however you see fit. I know college was something you were really looking forward to so- if you get your GED you can enroll next fall or this spring if you're ready to start earlier. I'll help you in any way I can if that's what you want." You say. There's a stretch of silence as Peter considers your words.
"I'll think about it." He says.
"You do that. In the meantime just- let's get used to living together. Deal?"
"Deal." He smiles.
"Good. Cookie?" You slide the tray towards him and he takes one happily. You really think this is going to be good for him and it might even be better for you than you expect.
A/N: if I wrote more of this would y'all want to read it? It would be anthology style but I think the concept is real cute!
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