#and I hate that I feel the need to make multiple don’t be racist disclaimers
thatrandomblogsays · 1 year
Funniest thing Rick riordan did was write a book series that that made two of the main character’s physical features such a hallmark of their godly lineage that multiple monsters throw hand on site & created a fandom that collectively lost their minds over character art that wasn’t considered accurate and when the movie didn’t have a blond Annabeth… only to decide to completely disregard it for a new adaptation and not even put the characters in wigs for the new series
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cooketu · 1 year
Anyways, welcome to the official Poptale (page? Idk what to call it honestly) below I will be listing standard information so that you’ll know that (y’know, I don’t bite)
Standard Information
Q: How old are you, what can we call you?
A: My age range is 16-18, you can call me MCanthom (or anything along those lines). Don’t worry about pronouns (I don’t really care what you use to refer to me as)
Q: Are you a frequent poster/updater?
A: No, drawing takes some time and I don’t wanna just make this (page?) just words. Plus I’m going to be posting about Poptale and that’s going to be pretty lengthy and taxing.
Q: What should be avoided on this page?
A: Racism, discrimination, and anything along those lines are not welcome here. If I were to commit one of these I would want someone to tell me. So, in order to prevent any (bad negatives) on this blog, don’t do any of the stuff mentioned above (this also applies for jokes).
Q: Are requests allowed?
A: yes, but they’ll switch between being opened and closed.
Q: What can I expect to see?
A: You can expect to see drawings of Poptale, my (probably multiple Fnaf aus cause why not?), and sometimes other things (not too much though).
Ok, so that’s that. Now here’s the rules:
1.) DONT repost my art (if it’s to share with others then fine, but give credit or smth at least)
2.) DONT request for art (nothing against y’all, but I have my own stuff I need to do)
3.) DONT be racist, homophobic (or the likes), harass, etc.. to other people on this page
4.) (Not really a rule but) please don’t request anything 18+ related
(what do I mean by that?):
(1) Gore, blood, angst, violence, and anything along those lines are fine
(2) I will not be drawing s3x scenes, nudity (for sexual intention purpose), fetish art, or hate art because it’s uncomfortable to draw
And I’ll just put this here as a disclaimer:
Some ships will be included (because I like to have the best of both worlds) so if you feel uncomfortable with the ships that I will list, don’t worry because they won’t appear often (and I’ll probably make most of them platonic), also you can just skip over them.
Ships (I’ll be abbreviating them, you’ll find out what they are later):
Florida (yes, I’m being serious, that’s the name I chose)
Roll n’ Rock
And no, I will not be shipping minors (only if it’s a platonic pairing) because it kinda creeps me out
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dragynkeep · 3 years
rooster teeth + their antisemitism.
bringing this thread over but it can also be found on twitter here. ♥ 
disclaimer : i am jewish + have been watching rt's work (mainly rwby) for like 3 years now. i'm not saying they're aggressively antisemitic but bigotry doesn't need to be violent to be bigotry. ignorance is also not an excuse.
the most foremost + prominent of their antisemitic behaviour is their animated show "camp camp", which i've pointed out before in other tweets the absolute bucket full of antisemitic caricatures + "jokes". they were asked about this in an ama + this was their response.
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this ... is a piss poor response. the featuring of antisemitism in their show for jokes did nothing to address how cruel + hateful + harmful antisemitism & those who follow that mindset are. they did nothing to "condone" antisemitism in their jokes because there's no push back.
the characters used for these jokes, a literal adolf hitler stand in, are idolized + adored by the fandom. by the creators themselves. all you need to do is google the character's name or look in their tumblr tag + you'll find cute fanart for days. of a literal dictator stand in.
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camp camp has been called out by jewish people before, for the weird amount of antisemitic "jokes" in it that feature the character "dolph" (our adolf hitler stand in) targeting the only jewish character in the cast, neil. this features mainly in the episode reigny day.
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the show is directed by a jewish man, @/JordanCwierz (not that it excuses the antisemitism, you don't need to propogate hate against your own people with your shitty comedy show) but the episode itself was written by @/kerryshawcross, who is not.
in the episode reigny day; there are multiple references to jewish suffering + prominent jewish figure anne frank. from neil hiding in the attic, writing in his diary; to dolph demanding the other kids write numbers on their arms in reference to the concentration camps.
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& for all rt said the want to "condone this hate"; at the end of the episode, dolph is given an award for all he did during the episode. this isn't condemnation, this is literally praise! this is making fun of a genocide that some people still to this day don't believe happened.
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and when you look at the comments, well. i'm not seeing any condemnation, rooster teeth. i thought you were shedding light on the dark parts of the world to not condone it? mind telling your fans that?
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the references to the tragedies during Shoah (the holocaust) isn't just contained to reigny day; it also featured in the premiere episode of season 2 of camp camp — cult camp. there, they reference the gas chambers used to murder jewish people. & they lampshade it too.
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again: while this show is directed + overseen by a jewish man, that does not erase the fact that these tragedies, that are *still denied by a good chunk of people in modern day* are being used for comedic value with no push back or condemnation. & are written by two non jews.
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it's even more frustrating when in the episode reigny day, there was a genuinely funny joke about neil's jewish identity that didn't play on tragedy or antisemitism! they can do this but choose to be lazy + co opt a genocide for humour !!
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i haven't even gone over the breadth of "jokes" mired in antisemitism or just plain RACISM in that episode but to quote a handful : 
adolph saying juice to mean "jews" when neil was hiding in the attic
adolph not approving of "mixing colours"
adolph does the nazi salute
so this was camp camp. unfortunately, the antisemitism is not contained only to camp camp, it has it's roots in rooster teeth's other main ip; rwby. mainly with the treatment of the characters coco adel + adam taurus, though in different ways + from different audiences.
the antisemitism through coco adel comes from the person her character is modelled after; known nazi collaborator, coco chanel. coco adel is a "fashionista" who follows her teams "themeing" of sweets; her's being chocolate. however a large portion of her design is based on, coco chanel, as seen through her famed necklaces, beret, the bag, her emblem and her colour scheme of black + gold.
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while coco chanel is known for her fashion company; she's also known for the fact that she built that fashion company on the back of being a nazi collaborator. this woman spied for + slept with nazis. it's not outright antisemitism but it is uncomfortable + inappropriate.
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especially when : a. coco (adel) is a lesbian, + would've been killed by the people that her major inspiration supported & b. we need to stop elevating antisemitic icons to fame because they were "infamous." there were plenty of other fashion designers to use.
i had brought this up before + non jewish people in the rwby fandom were quick to jump to rooster teeth's defence, despite their previous antisemitism, & play the martyr for this company of majority non jewish people.
rooster teeth are not stupid, no matter how much they try to convince you they are so they can have excuses for things like the entire white fang plotline or how may zedong sounding like mao zedong is just a coincidence, or how they refer to a chinese character as a ninja.
from coco we go onto adam which is more of a fandom thing, but has been encouraged with the weird amount of ableism coming from vas + writers alike with his backstory + storyline. adam is a faunus, an ethnic minority in the world of remnant that are poc - coded.  in his backstory he was a child slave to a racist company who was scarred using a branding iron over his eye. this was very reminiscent of african slaves being branded when they tried to escape but is overlooked by the majority white fandom.
people also feed into the hate for this character with a va, arryn zech’s unfounded headcanons that he was a "psychopath who tortured animals as a kid"; miss zech has her own history of ableism that's excused but to put this on a minority character is disgusting.
this all feeds into how the fandom will call adam a "nazi"; he follows his own ideal of how faunus are superior to humans + that they will rule remnant given the chance. a gross mentality but not one appropriate to call him a nazi. why?
because nazism is white supremacy.
nazi ideology is directly tied to the ideal of a white, superior race that should rule. adam is a POC CODED CHARACTER. he is part of the minority in remnant + the writers compared him to malcolm x, which is a whole other bag of cats that is inappropriate for me to comment on.
comparing fictional characters to nazis is antisemitic in and of itself. nazis are still very much real and a dangerous threat to jewish people to this day. we don't need goyim appropriating our struggles + fear to hate on a fictional character. yet it keeps happening.
overall; rooster teeth is not outright with their antisemitism. but that's the point. these are majority non jewish creators either unaware or uncaring of the hatred they are validating + do not care enough to fix it when we are tired of it.  this mentality then bleeds into the fandom itself + puts jewish members of the fandom at risk. it makes us feel uncomfortable, it hurts us to see other members of the fandom idolize people with this mindset + the antisemitic characters they create.
at the end of the day, there is a culture here that has not been addressed completely. they will pay lipservice to jewish fans (with the chanukkah tweet) but then keep playing into stereotypes + harmful antisemites. it has to change + be acknowledged. by rt + the fandom alike. @ people in the rooster teeth fandom, who enjoy rwby or camp camp, LISTEN TO JEWISH PEOPLE. we are uncomfortable!! we are hurting!! we are tired of you not fucking listening to us because you don't think it's antisemitic as if you're the people being hurt. do fucking better.
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CC1 - The Myth
OR why am I subjecting myself to this nonsense?
As I have mentioned, a friend of mine began reading The Book, and sent me some choice excerpts.  I became intrigued.  Not because it’s good, it actually seems pretty creepy, but because I think Si accidentally wrote a paranormal romance.
So before we even start the book, there’s a disclaimer. IDK if it was in the original book.  It begins “Dearest Gentle Reader,” which is not a great start if I’m the one reading because I hate that sort of affectation in writing.  
Like, if someone writes “dear readers” in a fanfic, it has to be really good for me to continue reading.
This disclaimer is basically saying that although 2012 was such a long time ago, and Simon was an ignorant fool when he wrote this, he can’t be bothered actually editing it properly, so please forgive him ahead of time if he did something wrong.
If you ever find yourself writing something like this, you need an editor.
Just so you know, nothing happens in this chapter.  It’s supposed to be an introduction to Simon and how he’s a monster, but you do NOT need a whole chapter for that.
Simon also really needs an editor.  There are multiple sentences in this chapter that lack correct sentence structure.  
For example, in the first paragraph we have this “Yes, I eat people, though the correct term is anthropophage”.  For this sentence to make sense, anthropophage would need to mean “eating people”, as in the act of eating people, it would need to be a verb.  So, when I google this, which Simon tells you to do, I get this result
An anthropophage or anthropophagus was a member of a mythical race of cannibals
So anthropophage doesn’t refer to the act of eating people.  It’s a noun.  It refers to not just cannibals (which Simon maintains he isn’t) but a specific race of cannibals.  
That sentence makes no sense.  And there are plenty of similar sentence constructions throughout this chapter.  I’m not going to point out all of them, except where they affect the narrative, because we’d be here all day.
After Simon begins his “succinct” first paragraph, in which he repeats himself four times, he decides to open with how we must be feeling.
As many of you may know by now, I am not a fan of being told how I must feel, whether that is to my face, in a blog post, or in a book, so he’s losing me.
I also really hate Simon’s “voice”, because it’s really inconsistent.  He veers wildly between what I assume the author thinks is some sort of period affectation, and modern English, when he could have chosen one.  
This is partly because the person writing doesn’t have a style, and partly because they haven’t had their work edited.  And because Simon doesn’t research.  The best way to mimic a style of writing from a certain period is to read things from that period. You can’t just shove words like “one” or “quaint” into your writing and expect it to sound authentic.
Anyway, Simon’s long and belaboured point, is that everything we think we know about monsters is wrong.  He spends another 3 paragraphs reiterating this and then passes up the opportunity to use the phrase “you may not believe in us, but we believe in you.”  This is a good phrase, human minds like repetition.  Instead we got “you may not be afraid of us, but we are still here.”
Then we have some maths and may I just say, if maths is not your strong suit, do not try to put it in your book.
Simon has heard that up to fifty thousand people go missing every year.  He doesn’t know that, he’s just heard it, so from the outset, he’s not even using facts.
For some reason, he thinks missing people must either be murdered or assume a new identity. Those are the only two options he has.
In reality, a huge number of missing persons are not exactly missing, they’re people escaping abuse situations, and they get reported missing by their abuser.  Those people aren’t assuming a new identity or dead.
Simon also thinks all humans dump corpses in national forests.  I don’t know why he thinks this.  I expect there’s a lot of cleanup after dumping someone in a park.  Would it really be worth your while to drive all that way when there’s probably somewhere closer in a city where you could get the job done?  This is what cement boots are for, right?  I also don’t think murderers go to all that trouble of dumping a body just to leave it out in the open like that.  They’re going to at least dig a grave.
It’s also apparently unfeasible that anyone could adopt a new identity without a single hitch.  But you don’t actually have to adopt a new identity seamlessly to “go missing”.  The going missing part is just where you drop your old identity.  Hitches in adopting a new one are a separate issue.
Or maybe I’m just sensitive to this because I’m trans.
And then, in explaining why he isn’t going to claim his species is completely responsible for all missing people… Simon cites two things that do not cause people to go missing as examples for humanity’s awesome cruelty.
Awesome?  Not awful?  Okay then.
I understand that he’s trying to make a point, the theme of the book is obviously “humans are more monstrous than a real monster”, but the point loses something if you make it with a stupid example.
Oh and then we come to my favourite part of this chapter.
It is an experiment. A point. An argument for the furthering of knowledge. Mixed with a little boredom, if I am honest. You are a test subject. By reading this, you give consent to tell me what I need to know.
An experiment isn’t supposed to be making a point, Simon.  That’s not what experiments do.  Also, what is that last sentence?  Is he a mind reader now?  
I think Simon may be a little fixated on the “by <performing act> you give consent” concept.  But if you are telling someone something, you’ve presumably given consent.  The act of communicating with someone actually implies more consent than reading a book.
Now I’m gonna skip down to the part where he decides I don’t believe him.  I hope this telling me what I think isn’t going to continue all through the book because I’m not sure I can handle it.
Also, Simon really wishes this book had ended up on CW network. I know this because he says how disappointed he would be if that happened.  I personally wouldn’t write anything about the possibility of my book being adapted for screen in the book itself.  It kind of sounds like you think it’s your due when it’s really not.  Or like the only reason you wrote the book was to get rich off it.
There is one notable part of this chapter, and it’s this
If you are hoping to hear my account of slavery, you should know that I was fixated upon the flavors of meat raised in the terroir of Virginian tobacco plantations, and didn’t even notice the skin color of any given human.
We all know how Simon would excuse this, he’d say it’s not his fault he’s a monster blah blah blah.  But honestly, this is racist.  Even setting skin colour aside, is he trying to tell us he didn’t notice some humans were being treated as chattel?  I would think that’s something he would need to keep abreast of, considering he says he targets his food according to whether they’d be missed.
He also says his purpose isn’t to rewrite our past, which gives a great indication of what he thinks the past is (all the big events you learn about in primary school, no society and culture).  But that’s exactly what he wants to do.
Skipping down some more, over the part where he says if I find him funny, to consider he may not be kidding – it’s okay Simon, I’m laughing at you, not with you – and the part about diaries being a proper pursuit.  Even past the insult about mentally ill people.
“harangue me about being a second-rate author; but please be polite.”
Does Simon know what harangue means?  It means a tirade.  It’s not polite.
Another paragraph about how we shouldn’t care about his feelings because he doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks.  And this next bit.
“You are encouraged to embrace this tale however you see fit, communicate with its author any way you can”
Except, apparently, from creating a tumblr blog, that is very wrong.
And that’s it!  Literally nothing happened.  Hopefully things get more exciting in Chapter 2.
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jamesashtonisbae · 5 years
Why Not Both Pt. 5/?
Word Count: 4578
Pairing: Bryce x MC (Bentley Rogers) and Rafael x MC (Bentley Rogers)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language, sexual content - like not safe, lemon content
Summary: Bentley cannot decide between Bryce and Rafael.  Will she have to?
Tag List: @rafaelsupermanaveiro @frugalchoicer @hamulau​
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Pixelberry studios
Link to Masterlist
“Nervous?” Sienna asked from where she, Jackie, and Aurora were lying on Bentley’s bed.  The three of them had been that way since they had gotten home because Bentley was trying on outfits for her double date? date? with Bryce and Rafael.  All four of the women had been up for hours, all having worked twelve hour shifts, and instead of going to Donahue’s with the guys, they had come back for a girls night in.  Grey’s Anatomy, their favorite show to mock, was on, and they had made popcorn with M&M’s.  Aurora was tossing popcorn in Jackie’s mouth.  Sienna was painting her toenails.  
Bentley had tried on over ten outfits, and had not found one yet that said “I want to have sex with you both, but not tonight” which she had told her roommates multiple times already.  She’d tried dresses, outfits, skirt-shirt combos, short-shirt combos, and nothing worked the way she hoped it would.  It didn’t help that she had no idea what to expect from how tonight would go.  It could end so many different ways, a threesome, one of the men coming home with her, the other man coming home with her, neither of them coming home, two boyfriends, one boyfriend, or no boyfriends.  
“What gave that away?  The fact that I have tried on four dresses and six outfits, or the fact that I was pacing all day at work?” Bentley slumped onto the floor in front of her closet in defeat.
“Both,” Aurora said, throwing her hands up in the air as Jackie caught three pieces of popcorn.  She smiled when Bentley shot daggers at her, then Bentley stood and turned back to the closet.
“Guys!  My date is tomorrow and I have no freaking idea what to wear.”
“Bentley!” Sienna exclaimed, jumping off of the bed, the movement making Jackie fall on the floor.  Jackie glared at Sienna, who winced, but then flashed a grin and moved over to Bentley’s closet.  “Okay, so you want to look super hot, but also super sweet,” she thought about it for a couple of moments.  “Found it.”
Sienna pulled a pair of gray thigh high boots from the top of her closet, grabbed a blush pink skirt with a metallic gold overlay and a white v-neck sweater, and handed them to Bentley.
Bentley looked down at her tiny roommate in shock, “How did you do that?  It will be perfect!”
“Well, try it on!” Sienna shoved the clothes into Bentley’s arms when she didn’t just take them.
Bentley hesitated, glancing over at her roommates, “Uhh, aren’t you guys going to leave?”
“Bentley, we’ve all seen you in the locker room.  Just do it, we’re not looking,” Aurora insisted.  She gripped Jackie’s arm and helped her up off the floor.  Bentley squinted at them, then stripped off her clothes to change her outfit.
“Look good?” she asked, turning to her friends.
They all nodded eagerly, their eyes on Bentley as she spun around the room.  Sienna was right.  Bentley loved that outfit and knew the boys would too.  The boys.  She loved the thought that they were both her boys.  They were the two most incredible men, and for some reason they both wanted her.  She couldn’t afford to try to figure out why.  She just needed to figure out what she wanted.  Even still, she had no idea.  They were both incredible men, who she admired greatly.  But, her conservative family and friends would not be thrilled about her being with two men.  There was a tiny part of her that clung to the hope that they would come around and see it her way, but she knew that was unlikely.  And for now, there was Bryce and Rafael.  And right now, they were enough.
It was Friday night, and there was a knock at the door.  Bentley smoothed her skirt, then crossed the living room to let whichever one of the boys was at the door into her apartment.  When she opened it, she realized that they were both there, looking equally handsome, with equally beautiful but very different bouquets of flowers.
“Hey gorgeous,” Bryce smiled, leaning in and kissing her cheek, handing her his bouquet.
“You look stunning,” Rafael kissed her other cheek and passed her his bouquet.
Bentley blushed, once again overcome with how lucky she was to be at the center of these two beautiful men’s attention, “There are my handsome boys.  Let me grab my jacket and I’ll be ready to go.  Why don’t the two of you grab a seat?”
She gestured to where Sienna was sitting on the couch with Danny.  Bryce and Rafael both waved, then crossed over to take a seat.  Danny broke the ice with a question about work, and Sienna escaped to follow Bentley to her bedroom.  When Sienna closed the door, she grabbed Bentley’s arms, “Okay, they are both so hot.  Bentley, please tell me you’re going to choose both of them…”
Bentley sighed dreamily, then her expression shifted, “I want to choose both of them, but my family…”
After a beat, Sienna finished her thought, “Wouldn’t approve?”
Bentley shook her head, “Although, they could just rotate.  My family is kind of racist, so all they would remember is that I wasn’t bringing home a white man and not even bother to remember any details about them…”
“Bentley…” Sienna said softly.  “Is that true?”
“It’s a bit exaggerated.  But they aren’t the most open-minded people in the world.  They made me meet with our pastor after I told them I could see the merits of a single-payer health insurance system.  Not even if I supported it or not, just that I thought it had some merits.”
Sienna laughed, then apologized, “Sorry.  That shouldn’t be funny.  It’s really funny though.”
Bentley smirked, “It is kind of funny, isn’t it?”
Sienna turned and grabbed Bentley’s light pink winter coat from her closet, “Have fun with those two.  Don’t think about what your family would want.  Think about what you want, and need.  Because both of those boys bring out a goodness in you.  Bryce makes you more confident, Rafael makes you more generous, and both of them make you more satisfied judging by the amount of noise coming from your room late at night…”
Bentley blushed deeply, “I’ve been trying to keep it down.  But Sienna, they are just so hot and sweet… Besides, you can start paying me back by getting Danny into your bedroom…”
“Bentley!  It is far too soon for any of that.  Danny is a sweet boy, and I like the pace he and I are going!”
“Okay… But if you change your mind, remember, I deserve to be kept up all night for what I’ve been doing to you.  And just imagine how much louder it will get if I bring both of them back home some time?”
Sienna jumped back, then asked, “You think they’d be up for a threesome?”
“Are you kidding?  They both have talked about how hot the other is more than they’ve talked about how hot I am over the last few days…  Not that I mind, but I think they’d be into it. They both suggested a polyamorous situation way too quickly.”
Sienna raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that about?”
“Bentley, they’re in love with you and don’t want to lose you.  You dated them all through your intern year, and it’s almost halfway through this year… they’ve been so incredibly patient, but they both love you.”
“They love me?  Why haven’t they said anything yet?”
“Because you haven’t mentioned anything serious commitment-wise with either of them.  The second you do, they’ll say it.  The only question is, do you love them?”
Bentley considered the two men sitting on her couch.  It was hard to imagine her life without either of them.  They did so much for her, and gave so much to her.  Her life was full with them, and she couldn’t see herself wanting any other men.  But did she love them?  Truly love them?
“I don’t know Sienna.  I’ve never been in love before, so I don’t know.”
Sienna took Bentley’s hand in hers, squeezing it gently, “It’s okay to not know.  But know that they may not wait around much longer if you don’t make some form of commitment at the very least.  You deserve everything you want, but if you don’t know, you may lose it.  And I’d hate to see that happen.  They’re the only men in the world incredible enough for you, Bentley.  Although, if it didn’t work out, Dr. Ramsey would probably fill in without hesitation…”
Bentley grimaced, “Ew.  He’s hot, but he’s my boss.  And yes, I’d bang him, but I don’t want to commit to him.  He’s not Bryce.  And he’s not Rafael.  They’re the only two…”
She trailed off, realizing that they were the only men in the world for her.  She did want them.  She did love them.  Both of them.  And now she had to tell them both.  And figure out how exactly this was going to work to keep both of them.  But at the very least, she’d made a decision.
Bryce and Rafael sat with Bentley in between them on their way to the restaurant.  She felt so lucky, but also so awkward.  She was holding hands with both of them, completely unsure of what she was supposed to be doing with herself.  Bryce was on her left, Rafael on her right, and she had her hand in both of their laps, completely confused about what she should be doing.  Hopefully the boys wouldn’t hold it against her and would just roll with the awkwardness.
Bryce could sense it, and so he let go of her hand and turned in his seat to face her and Rafael, “So this is awkward, right?”
Bentley sighed, Rafael dropped her hand with a laugh, “It kind of is.  I’ve never gone to dinner with my girlfriend and her boyfriend before.”
She let loose a laugh, turning to kiss Rafael’s forehead, “I think this is new for all of us, don’t you?”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her lips, “I’ll say.”
She felt Bryce’s hand sneak up her thigh, and she turned to him, “Thanks for breaking the ice, Babe.  It needed to happen.”
Bryce leaned in and kissed her mouth softly, and Bentley could physically feel him trying not to outdo Rafael and make him feel left out.  He was one of the most considerate men she had ever known.  It was part of why she loved him.
“So how do we do this?” Rafael asked.
“Right, we obviously don’t both go home with you, we can’t both hold your hand all night at dinner, we don’t really know how this is going to work,” Bryce concurred with Rafael.
Bentley sighed, completely unsure, “I don’t know how all of this is supposed to work.  Or how it’s going to work.  But I do know that I have really strong feelings for both of you, and I’m going to let those feelings guide me through the night.  I know you’re both looking to me to figure this out, and I will.  We will.  The three of us, together.  I want both of you to guide this too.  It’s not just about me finding a relationship, or two, that works for me, it’s about the two of you finding a relationship that works for each of you, too.”
The guys made eye contact over her head, then both leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek at the exact same time.  Bentley had some ideas about what this relationship could be if it worked out.  But it was in that moment that those fantasies became real.  There were two men, who loved her dearly, who wanted to be with her.  She was the luckiest woman in the entire world.  With both of their lips on her cheeks, she finally let herself imagine just how incredible her life could be if she let go of what her family would think.  The two men who loved her were willing to let her be in two relationships, and she shouldn’t squander that, should she?  Not when she loved both men too.
Bentley was pulled from her thoughts as their car pulled up to the restaurant, a fun, casual Italian place with a dark corner table that she had reserved for her guys.  They both helped her out of the car and led her to the table their hostess was guiding them to.  As if they had rehearsed it, Bryce pulled the chair out for her, and Rafael took her hand to help her down into her seat.
“Welcome to Giacomo’s.  Would you like to hear our specials tonight?”
Bryce flashed the hostess a million dollar grin and answered, while both Rafael and Bentley looked on fondly.  They made a handsome threesome, and they knew it.  Rafael and Bryce each took a hand of Bentley’s as the hostess rattled off the specials.  When she finished, she made eye contact with Bentley and winked.  Bentley blushed deeply, turning her head to the side.  It was one thing to acknowledge how into these guys she was in her own home, but to do so in public in front of their hostess, it felt really good.  She wasn’t sure if she was ready for it, but she was sure that she was happy.  The response from others probably meant a bit too much to her, but she was a people pleaser at heart.
The two guys engaged in a conversation about the Nighthawks as she perused her menu.  She pretended not to be listening, but she was hooked on every word they said to each other.  They talked about stats, and normally she would join in on a rousing conversation with two hot men about baseball.  But tonight she sat back and let the two men she loved got to know each other.  Which was actually the whole purpose for the night, but the three words she wanted to utter to each man were pressing on her heart and distracting her from the evening’s intent.
They shared plates of pasta, each couple eating their noodles like Lady and the Tramp.  Bentley’s heart was bursting with feelings of joy and love as she joined the conversation about the Nighthawks, which was something the three of them had in common other than the hospital.  Eventually, inevitably, the conversation turned to the hospital.  Bryce was telling a story about surgery, when he concluded Rafael added, “Man, I’m glad there are people out there who know how to do life-saving surgeries like that.  I’d be dead if it weren’t for surgeons like you, Bryce.”
“Actually,” Bryce wore his characteristic smirk, that melted Bentley to her core, “You’d be dead if it weren’t for me.  I performed your surgery with Dr. Emery.  And Bentley, but I assume you knew that part.”
Rafael sat up a bit straighter, “You performed my surgery?” His voice carried an air of vulnerability that Bentley knew well, but that she didn’t expect to reach with the two of them that night.  The two men made intense eye contact, with Bentley between them, as if she wasn’t even there at all.
Bryce nodded, and Rafael stood up.  He crossed behind Bentley and pulled Bryce up into a hug.  They stood behind her for a few seconds, arms wrapped around each other.  Bentley was happy for the intimate moment they were sharing, but it was also a little awkward for her.  She didn’t know what to do, so she turned to her plate of food and kept eating.  The hug lasted longer than she would have thought, but she was glad to endure the awkwardness if it meant the two men she loved dearly were having a moment.
Eventually Rafael let Bryce go and they both sat down in their seats on her sides.  Bentley tried not to notice the tears in both of their eyes, but when one slipped down Rafael’s cheek, she turned to him and wiped it away, cupping his cheek in her palm and leaning in for a kiss, “I’m so glad you’re still with us, Rafael.”
He kissed her back gently, “I’m glad I’m still here too, Baby.”
Bentley pulled away, “You’re a hero for saving that little girl, even if I was so scared I would lose you.  And you,” she turned to Bryce and kissed him gently too, “You’re a hero for saving this man over here under extreme duress.”
They all pulled away from each other, a bit too melancholy for Bentley’s taste, so she added, “And I’m a hero because I helped too.”
The men she loved laughed heartily at her attempt to shift the mood.  Mission accomplished.
The three of them smiled as they conversed over dessert, each man lifting their forks to Bentley’s mouth, taking turns feeding her and pressing their lips to hers to taste the cheesecake they were sharing, and not seeming jealous of one another, at all.  Whoever taught these men to share did an excellent job.
The night ended with the three of them strolling down the sidewalk hand in hand.  Overall, it had gone even better than she had hoped, but now was the truly awkward part: deciding how the night would end.  She wanted to talk to each of them individually, but she had no idea how to go about it.
“Soooo, how does this night end?  Because I get that tonight was about the three of us, but I think I speak for both of us when I say we want to make out with you right now,” Rafael said, gesturing between the three of them vaguely.  “Like, I don’t think it would be in our best interests for each of us to make out with you while the other waits his turn.”
Bryce laughed, then said, “I agree with Superman.”
“I mean, I want to make out with both of you, too.  But I have to talk to each of you, individually, about something really important.  So, I’ll take one of you home tonight, and take the other home the next time we’re both free.  I really want to be able to talk to you both as soon as possible.  So I don’t know, do you want to flip a coin or something to decide who goes first?”
Rafael laughed, making eye contact with Bryce.  Soon the two men were doubled over laughing and Bentley was standing beside them awkwardly.  It was getting a bit ridiculous how many times the two men were completely comfortable with each other and Bentley was the odd one out, but that must have meant they were going to get along really well.  Well enough to share a life, and everything that entailed, with her.  After an insane amount of time, the two of them stopped laughing, and gazed at Bentley softly.
“Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow, Bentley.  You and Superman have tonight.  Maybe after work tomorrow, we’ll grab a drink and talk, okay?” Bryce asked, grabbing her hands and pulling her into his arms.  Bentley leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to Bryce’s lips.  The two of them kissed sweetly for a few moments, until Bryce pulled away.  “I’ll see you tomorrow, baby.”
“See you, Bryce.”
“Bye Bryce,” Rafael said, shaking Bryce’s hand, then pulling him into a hug.  The two men stood for a second in the hug, then pulled apart.
“Take good care of her, Superman,” he smiled and sauntered away, flashing them both a brilliant smirk and flipping his silky hair off to the side.
“Will do,” Rafael murmured as he pulled Bentley into his arms.  “Where do you want to go for our talk?”
“My place is good for me, but if you need to go somewhere else that’s fine.”
“Well, will there be anything to look forward to at the end of this talk?  If it’s going to be a good talk we’re going to need somewhere that I can show you how deeply my affections for you run…”
Bentley turned around and kissed Rafael, “Then let’s go to my house, change into some comfortable clothes, and snuggle up in my bed to chat.”
They rushed back to her place and did just that.  Soon, they were cuddling under the covers, propped up against a mountain of pillows.  Bentley looked over at him fondly as he asked, “So, that talk?”
She leaned into his strong figure and took his hand, “Yeah, that talk.  First of all, I think tonight went really well.  I like the three of us together, even if it was a bit awkward at times.  Mostly just me.  The two of you were amazing together.  And so patient with me.  I promise I’ll get less awkward, I just have a few personal things holding me back.  I’ll talk to the two of you about them, but they’re unimportant as far as tonight’s conversation goes.”
“Most first dates are awkward.  And this was our first date as a… throuple.”
She laughed super hard and kissed Rafael on the lips, “But I saw how great it could be.  The three of us, making it work.  You and Bryce were so good together, and so in sync.  It rarely felt like I was giving one of you attention and the other was sitting behind jealously.  You both were so cool about it.  I think I want this.  For real.  Long term.”
“Really?” his grin was as wide as the skyline as he buried her in the tightest hug she’d ever been pulled into.  “Was that it?  Was that the talk you wanted to have?”
She shook her head, tilting her chin up, “No.  I wanted to tell you that I’m in love with you, Rafael.  I cannot imagine my life without you, and I don’t want to.  You make me happier than I’ve ever been.  You go out of your way to put a smile on my face, no matter how long your day has been, or if you’ve just undergone major surgery after recklessly saving a girl from a subway collapsing.  It’s always your mission to make me happy, and I just hope that I return the feeling, even if it’s just in a small way.  When I’m with you, time stands still and passes by faster than ever, and all I want is to spend eternity knowing that I am yours and you are mine.  I love you, Rafael.”
Rafael smiled widely, pressing his lips to Bentley’s in a heated kiss.  He kissed her hardly and passionately, making her toes curl as her body curled into his.  For what seemed like minutes, and felt like hours, and passed like years, they stayed that way, before Rafael pulled away with a grin, “Say it again.”
Bentley smiled, pressing one peck to his lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Those four words from him flipped a switch, and Bentley’s lips were back on his like a magnet.  She moved under the covers so she was straddling his lap, her whole figure pressing against his deliciously.  He groaned and ran his hands over her back.  Soon, his touches became heated and moved closer and closer to pulling off her clothing.  Rafael pulled away gently, pressing further into his pillow, before asking, “May I make love to you tonight?”
Bentley let out a growl, “You’re in no position to be asking questions like that,” she nipped up and down his neck, slipping her hands underneath his shirt, “Instead, I’ll ask, Rafael, may I fuck you senseless tonight?”
Rafael let out a soft groan, pulling Bentley up so she was looking in his eyes.  The emotion that radiated from his eyes wasn’t one Bentley was familiar with.  No man had ever looked at her with that much desire in his eyes before.  It must have been love.  Bentley leaned back down and kissed him deeply, stopping only to slide his shirt up over his head.  She kissed down his torso as she used her arms to fling their covers to the side.
“I’m going to need to hear an answer from you, otherwise we’re just going to stay like this Rafael…” Bentley turned her attention to his now healed surgery scars.  She ran her lips over them with a feather-light touch, looking up and making eye contact with Rafael.
“Bentley, oh my god, yes, please, please, please…” Rafael moaned as she moved her hands underneath the waistband of his sweats and cupped him in her hands.
“Use your words, Rafael.  Please what?” she pulled his pants off of his legs, along with his underwear, then leaned down and took him in her mouth.
“Oh my god Bentley…” he groaned, as she used one hand to assist her mouth, and the other to slip out of her sweats and underwear.
“Please what, Rafael?” she asked, pulling away to take off her baggy sleep shirt so that he could see her completely naked body.  “What do you want, Superman?”
He moaned, the sound shattering her world, “For the love of god, just fuck me already Bentley…”
Bentley moved up so her center was hovering over him, then slowly lowered herself onto him.  He surged up to meet her, and Bentley threw her head back in ecstasy as he filled her entirely.  Rafael sat up and took one of her breasts in his mouth as she bounced up and down on him.  Together, they reached their peaks and came crashing down, Rafael holding her to him tightly.
“Bentley,” he sighed, laying back down and pulling her down to rest on top of him, “That was so hot.  I really liked that take-charge side of you.  Like, really liked it.”
“Mmm, maybe if you had just answered me the first time I asked I wouldn’t have to have been so bossy…” at that Rafael rolled her so she was pinned underneath him, his lips on her neck.
“Don’t think for a second that if I didn’t like that I wouldn’t have stopped it.  It was fucking hot.  But I could have flipped the switch and had you writhing and moaning beneath me in a second,” to prove his point, he let his lips roam from her neck down her body to her core where he sucked greedily until Bentley was writhing and moaning beneath him.
“Okay,” Bentley sighed after Rafael made her come three more times, “you’ve proven your point…”
Rafael laughed, tugging her closer, “You good, Baby?”
Bentley looked up into his eyes, running her fingers through his thick locks, which were flopping over his face, “I’m so good.  Tonight was one of the best nights of my life, Rafael…”
He leaned down and kissed her, “Yeah, Bryce is super cool.  I get why it would be hard to choose someone over him.  But also, I think I’m going to like figuring out a life with both of you in it.”
He kissed her greedily, then pulled away, “Plus he’s stupid hot… Part of me wonders what it’d be like to watch the two of you together… And to be with you at the same time as him…”
“Rafael… do you have a crush on my boyfriend?”
Rafael laughed heartily, “No, I just think your boyfriend is pretty awesome.  And your other boyfriend.  I think they’re both pretty awesome.”
Part Six
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
So dare I ask what the nightmare in detail is regarding Brexit right now?
@tollers-and-jack said: I’m asking for the rant…
@rhymeswithtessa said: I’m a big fan of your rants gimme your thoughts on brexit
@onlymorelove said: Ahem. I am interested in your rant. If you feel like sharing. 💗
Ahaha wow. Apparently this is something the people really want to hear about. Disclaimer, just remember that you asked for this, and that this is, as Captain Holt would say, a trigger for me. So if this periodically devolves into incoherent screaming/application of capital letters and exclamation marks, and what have you, just know that.
So… I wrote these posts soon after Brexit in 2016 explaining what a spectacularly stupid idea it was even then. If I said anything optimistic in those posts, in a sort of grasping-at-straws-maybe-this-will-work sort of flailing way, please disregard it. We have had empirical evidence of how this played out. Spoiler alert: it failed. It failed so comprehensively on every possible level that it seems almost ludicrous for a supposedly modern political system, but this is 2019, the world is dogshit, and we are all retreating into our little late-capitalism xenophobia bubbles with our right-wing strongmen and our populist rhetoric and the UK is now a global laughingstock. Which believe me, the ex-British Empire richly deserves, especially given the part that anti-immigration paranoia played in this whole debacle, but also, I live here and really would Rather Not.
I do not even know how to sum up the ridiculousness of the past few months, where – almost at the end of the two-year period of triggering Article 50, with just a very short amount of time to the original exit date (29 March 2019) – the UK finally managed to secure a withdrawal deal. Mind you, it was a shit deal that both sides hated, but by golly, It Made Brexit Happen, and since the Theresa May-bot has only been able to repeat over and over that she will Make Brexit Happen, there you have it. Not surprisingly, it proceeded to be comprehensively defeated in Parliament by the largest majority ever seen since World War II. It then was subject to surface-level makeovers and cosmetic tinkering about the backstop in Northern Ireland (since among many other things, the ardent Brexiteers forget that oh yeah we share a land border with an EU country and peace in Ireland is kind of a thing that should be paid attention to). The DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) of Northern Ireland, whose 10 MPs prop up the minority Tory government, absolutely hated it and would not support it, since it would effectively introduce different regulations for NI than the rest of the UK and thus jeopardise the, you know, United Kingdom. Plus it would require the EU’s assent to end the arrangement, and also we can’t have that. Because reasons.
The deal was then thumpingly defeated for a second time, people got worried because uhhhh aren’t we supposed to leave the EU in like a week, Parliament had to institute emergency measures and hold a series of votes on Brexit alternatives, those also got defeated and May would not even commit to honouring the will of the House, 6 million people signed a petition asking for Article 50 to be revoked and the Brexit process cancelled (the biggest in parliamentary history) and got ignored. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage led a pathetic procession of 200 diehard Leavers against literally 1 million people in London calling for a new referendum, the deal got defeated for a third time after they had to do all kinds of fancy-dancing to get it back for yet another vote, they got the EU to agree to a crunch extension to 12 April, and now that that is three days away with absolutely no consensus in sight, have sent May back to Europe to beg Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron to extend the deadline to 30 June. They actually had to pass a bill (by one vote) forcing her to do this in order to avoid a no-deal Brexit. The EU is justifiably exasperated with this utter, unbelievable incompetence, the fact that the hard right wing of the Tory party pulled this absurdly irresponsible jackshit without any clue how to do it, and the way the UK still thinks it can just pick an a la carte deal where we’re great and the EU sucks and blue passports and blah blah Great Britain is Great!!! And there has been absolutely no collective awareness from either major party that maybe, just maybe, trying to undo a legal and political and cultural alignment that has existed since at least 1973 when we were a founding member of this project, in two years, with no idea how, to please a xenophobic lying campaign, WAS A STUPID FUCKING GODDAMN IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!
(we pause while the blogger breathes and drinks heavily)
Anyway, that is the short version of Nobody Still Knows What The Fuck Is Going to Happen. Technically if we stayed in the bloc past 22 May, we’d have to hold elections to the European Parliament, which bitch bitch whine whine, the Brexiteers don’t want to do. Maybe we think we’re entitled to more special treatment (no scratch that, we definitely do) because we can’t sort our heads from our asses and have been so wildly and bogglingly arrogant and incompetent that it would almost be funny if people’s lives and livelihoods and futures weren’t at stake. And we have the goddamn European Research Group (aka the hard Brexit wing) yapping about how no deal wouldn’t be that bad and we should just take it on the chin because Blah Blah Blitz Spirit, Nationalism Patriotism Our Freedom From The Tyrannical EU. (Sidenote, if someone just punches Jacob Rees-Mogg in the elitist Little Britain face, you don’t know where I was, God I hate him so much.) Every single business, manufacturer, industry, finance, medicine, food, education, you name it outfit has been warning that no, actually, no deal would be catastrophic and the UK is not remotely prepared for it. To the point we have the military on standby to deliver basic goods if it happens??! How. How is this acceptable??!?!? I don’t understand??!?!
(And the Brexiteers who are like “this is Britain let’s all just hunt hares and grow food in our back gardens,” which, yes, is something I heard actually said, are out of touch to a truly stupendous degree. Yes I’m sure that a modern first-world country wants to resort to subsistence farming to feed its 66 million people. Do they. Even. Hear Themselves. Racism is a hell of a drug, my friends! And if you want to be like “oh no it’s not about racism/anti-immigrant sentiment, it’s about the economy,” let’s just say that the newsreader covering a Brexit march said that he’d never seen so many white people in one place and was forced to apologize, because racist white people don’t like it being pointed out to them that they are racist white people. That tells you a lot. And the Leave campaign has been convicted multiple times for breaking electoral law and just flat-out Lying to the public, so the people who voted Leave thinking they were in fact getting a better economic deal were deceived outright and have indeed often expressed regret that they were so wildly and deliberately deluded. So anyway. Fun!)
I cannot emphasise enough the sheer, staggering arrogance and delusion of the people who proposed this project and then forced it through, because the British public has believed throughout its entire history that it’s better than the whole world (see again: imperial nostalgia and Oh No The Foreigners Are Coming and etc) and has been fed for a good 25 years on this point on a lot of bullshit stories about how terrible and Liberal and Anti-British the EU is, because the British popular press is a flaming dumpster fire (you think Fox News is bad, and it is, but so many of the tabloids are basically Fox News UK). So the Brits feel as if they’ve been so unfairly repressed by the EU and need to Take Back Control (once again, there is a very long history of this  rhetoric of the English being supposedly attacked and repressed by foreigners, dating back to the idea of the “Norman Yoke” resulting from the Conquest, which became a big deal in the 19th century – I am a historian, I can pull receipts for days on this). Once again, they think they can just do whatever they want, the EU is the bad guy for not giving it to them, that we should set ourselves on fire and jump out the window rather than sit at the table like grownups with the rest of Europe, and just take our ball and go home and yet still think we are entitled to preferential treatment.
I just…. I don’t even. I DO NOT EVEN. I seriously lack the words. 
So we may get another rolling series of short-term extensions, we may not, nobody can come to any agreement on what should be done, May promised to resign to get the deal through, the deal did not get through, the whole setup is so unsustainable that it feels like a general election is an inevitability, and the obvious solution would be another referendum to see if the people even still goddamn want this. But the Brexiteers, for all they bluster about upholding the will of the people to leave, resist this with all their might (what are you fucking afraid of? If you’re so confident that you’re still the majority, you should WANT another referendum to confirm it, but you’re cowards and you know you’d lose and you’re tied to this stick of dynamite for Ideology Reasons, god damn it). The message has been always that We Must Deliver Brexit and This Is What The People Want, while the people are breaking records saying that no, actually, we’d like another say, because everyone has now seen that this is an absurd shitshow that cannot be accomplished (and ONCE AGAIN WAS NEVER! FEASIBLE! IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE!!!!) and it hey, actually was not a bad idea to be in the EU. 
This is again, the alignment of the entire post-WWII political and legal world. It confers countless benefits, freedom from tariffs, the single market, a customs union, visa-free travel, no roaming charges, the right to live and work in 27 other countries, etc. But because the ex-British Empire (which really wishes it was still the British Empire) has its fragile racist panties in a bunch about other people coming to live here (when as ever, the problem isn’t immigrants, it’s austerity budgets and the Tories absolutely gutting government and NHS funding and social programmes and thinking that the solution to knife crime is to punish teachers for not noticing their students getting into it), they have decided this is actually the best course of action. Because we don’t want those Non British People telling us what to do. Ew gross.
As people have said, it’s like trading a gourmet three course meal for a bag of crisps and feeling self-satisfied about it, because boy we sure showed them. It has been bungled to a degree truly stupefying to everyone who isn’t a marching Brexiteer ideologue, Labour have…. really not inspired any confidence whatsoever that they’d be able to handle it better (since they have wildly see-sawed between what they will and won’t support, if they’d revoke Article 50 or support a new people’s vote or so on) and the Prime Minister has failed on an utterly fundamental degree to build cross-party consensus or engage with other European leaders or display any ability to consider alternatives. The Tories have truly felt that they can ram this through without any reference to anyone or anything else, and fuck consequences, I guess. The British economy has already lost approximately £66 billion as a result of Brexit uncertainty and loses more every day, every major firm is moving its headquarters to somewhere they can take advantage of EU law, this will leave us poorer, more isolated, less secure, with fewer options, and generally a worse deal in every imaginable way, and yet, because again, racism and xenophobia is a hell of a drug, there are still some factions who feel like yes, this is absolutely what we should do. 
It is truly a slow motion car crash of nightmares, it’s completely avoidable and yet nobody has the backbone to do that, Parliament and the PM have completely broken down, nobody is listening to the British people for whom they are supposedly doing this, and once again, the British Empire absolutely 100% deserves this. But as someone who lives here and would actually kind of like to get a job here, Jesus Christ. Jesus. Christ. JESUS. CHRIST.
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drunklander · 6 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 401
Oh hey, y’all. We’re back for another season of that show we keep watching in hopes it’ll get back to its season one glory Outlander! Since I’m incapable of keeping my Opinions to myself and have no filter after a few drinks, I’m gonna do drunk recaps that no one asked for or wants again this year. Because why not. So buckle up, randos, because under the cut you will find nothing of substance, zero insights and absolutely no analysis!
Before I dive into the stream of consciousness, quasi-incoherent beat-by-beat nonsense, I just want to say that I overall liked this episode. I definitely enjoyed it more from the comfort of my own couch than in the theater with thousands of screaming sycophants at NYCC. It definitely had me singing along to the Federalist Papers part of Non Stop all day though. A series of scenes, tangentially related, introducing the Colonies to the public. Some are obviously just there to just set up the plot of the season or like check a residual box from last season. But some are solid world-building and character moments. And, because it’s Outlander, some are like *side eye*.
But I’m for real excited for the first half of this season! The second half of Drums is a dumpster fire (fucking Rogergate...) and it seems like the show is going to stick pretty close to the book, so I’m going to try my hardest to not let preemptive feelings about that nonsense cloud potential enjoyment of the first bit. Because dammit, I love me some domestic!Frasers. So yeah, happy end of hiatus, y’all!
Ok I don’t want to start off on a downer note, but jfc. I get what they were going for with the 2000 B.C. stone circle stuff, but omg no. I don’t care if certain indigenous peoples really did make stone circles and dance around them as the sun rose. I know they’re trying to show the universality of circles and these time portal thingies or whatever, but by making the parallel with the druids at Craigh na Dun, it’s basically being like “Oh hey! These Native American folks from *checks notes* North America are just like the white folks we’ve been hanging with for the last three seasons!” It came off to me like erasing the unique cultures of the diverse peoples of North America in favor of framing them as a generic group of “natives” who do the white people stone dance. And in a season that’s going to deal heavily with multiple tribes, this really isn’t giving me much confidence in how they’re going to handle the rest of the Native American characters.
I’m really hoping someone else will articulate that better than I did. Because I feel like I’m not communicating well what my actual issue with the sequence was.
Petition to make Jamie wear a hat at all times to hide his horrible bangs.
Gavin Hayes has to be being hanged for literally the dumbest crime ever. But he seems pretty chill about it so...
Ok I never liked book!Bonnet as a character (like obvi he’s a terrible person so I was never going to like him as a person, but I was always annoyed that he was still around rather than appreciating him as a villain), but even from that presumptuous “yeah can I snag some rum too, bruh” in the jail, I’m like solidly on board with show!Bonnet.
Jamie tried to save Hayes, but you see Hayes straight up killed a guy. Sure it was in self-defense, but, y’know, ye olde times and he did kill the dude. Sooo...
I want to feel for Lesley, I really do, but I’ve never actually given a shit or been given a good reason to give a shit about Rupert and Angus 3.0 so, sorry for your loss?
Unpopular opinion alert (should be the standard disclaimer on all of my #hottakes) but I really don’t care for the new theme music. Every time they change it, I find myself wanting the OG season one music back with just the images updated.
The bald eagle for the title card just gives me such mixed feelings that have nothing to do with the show. Like here’s a symbol of my country and it *should* invoke good feelings, but *gestures at the current political climate* every national symbol at the moment feels tainted by the growing white nationalist movement that’s being spurred on by the current administration.
Time for some post hanging brewskis. We are here to mourn Gavin Hayes. Who died only so the new villain could be introduced. Let us bow our heads.
Marsali and Fergus win the prize for least subtle “can we be excused to go bang” ever. Rock on, Fersali.
I fucking LOVE that they changed the tavern scene so everyone sings with them like they know what’s going on rather than how in the book it was like them making fun of the red coats as part of Gavin’s song and then Fergus passed around a hat for coins. But by having everyone in the tavern in on what’s going down and earnestly participating, it establishes that 20+ years after the failed Rising, after the Clearances, after everything the Scots went through at the hands of the English, they were not truly defeated. They may have moved across an ocean, but they are still Scottish and they still practice their traditions and dammit I’m having feelings about those resilient motherfuckers.
The scene with Jamie and Ian is very well done and I’m SO glad they included it because they did in fact include his rape last year, but fuck the show for including that rape in the first place. A very similar version of this scene could have been done without the rape, there’s enough trauma involved in being kidnapped, taken across the ocean, held hostage by a batshit lady and knowing that everyone else she kidnapped ended up dead for one 16 year old kid. With Jamie’s rape we got two episodes of trauma and four of recovery. With Mary, Fergus and Ian, we get three child rapes that could have all been avoided (especially Ian’s, but the plot points that come from Mary’s and Fergus’ could have definitely come about without them actually being raped), and they all just got one brief scene to express their trauma and then everything’s hunky dory again. (We know they’re going to include Bree’s rape, also fuck them very much for that, it’s completely unnecessary, and I’m guessing we’ll spend some time with her on her recovery. But that’s a rant for when we get there...)
For real though, Jamie parroting Claire as he comforts Ian is super sweet, but it makes me skeptically nervous for how he’ll react to Bree’s. Since in the book, it’s...not great.
Stephen Bonnet is so delightfully smarmy. Also, how fucking naive is our main squad now all of a sudden that they don’t realize from the jump what a sociopath he is? C’mon, y’all. Like I know Jamie came close to being hanged or whatever, but literally everything about this dude screams that he’s bad news. He is not subtle in his I’m a straight up unapologetic and charismatic good guy criminal. And like, he’s a friend of Gavin? Come the fuck on, squad. HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THAT HE IS FULL OF SHIT. *gets Det. JJ Bittenbinder on the horn*
For real though, dodgy accent aside, I fucking love Ed Speleers in this role. Why the fuck do they have to include the rape. Can’t he just be a bastard without being a rapist? Why must you make me rage, show. I just want to enjoy a decent villain.
Jamie and Claire are doing their best Jean Ralphio and Mona Lisa Saperstein trying to talk their way through this checkpoint.
“You’ve never parted with the ring from the first?” Yeah, I don’t get it either, Bonnet my dude. I don’t get it either. #FuckFrank
Bonnet talking about circles fascinating him makes me think he’d do well in a group of stoners having what they think are philosophical conversations at 3:00 a.m. “But like guys, have you ever like thought about...the rhombus?”
For real though, him being real with Claire about this drowning stuff makes him an infinitely more interesting villain than Black Jack ever was. Black Jack was kind of a crap villain tbh. He was horrible and did horrible things, yes, but like that was it. He was just horrible. Bonnet’s like oh I’ll charm you, be real with you and then fuck you up in the course of one episode and not give any of it a second thought because I have not a single fuck to give about anyone but me. I’m just out here living my best life, sorry not sorry. *puts on shades, drops mic, walks away*
For real though, his “be wary of thieves and outlaws” line might as well have been “it’s me, I’m talking about me.” And these dorks don’t even pick up on it. GUYS YOU ARE KILLING ME, YOU DIDN’T USED TO BE THIS SHITTY AT JUDGING SOMEONE’S CHARACTER.
I’m guessing this is the official christening-their-new-continent-bang because it’s too cold to do River Sex™ in Scotland. But I’m looking forward to getting the rest of Ch. 16 once they get to the Ridge. (We all saw those strawberries in the promo...)
The book lines still feel shoehorned in rather than organic to the show, but not as much as 95% of A. Malcolm felt. So I guess I need to just accept that the writers are going to keep doing this and I just need to stop expecting them to actually do their jobs and adapt for the adaptation...
For real though, I know Spotify doesn’t exist yet but jfc Jamie and Claire’s secksi time playlist literally just has this one song and guys, there’s a whole world of songs for smushing out there. My man Doug Judy would be glad to broaden your horizons.
Claire’s I just had sex smile as she looks out over the valley made me literalol.
Cool that we get woke!Jamie saying that the American Dream is a nightmare for the Native Americans after Claire’s Americana 101 speech, but this is a woman who lived in wicked racist 1960s Boston. She knows that things aren’t nice and rosy in America in the 18th *or* 20th centuries. Her speech makes me hate S3 a little more for focusing on Frank’s manpain instead of Claire and her and Joe’s time in the hospital, where the show could have explored gender and race in the 20th century to set up a contrast for how things will be this season in the 18th. Claire went through enough shit last time she was in the past, and so far this time, to know that the past isn’t idyllic. She knows enough about US history and 20th century America to know this mythical origin story she’s spouting is nothing but a fairy tale. I get why she might cling to that ideal, this is the first time in her life she might get to settle down and build a home with the person she actually wants to build a home with, but her whitewashing history like this strikes me as a way too naive for her.
The green screen as they stare out at that very much not actually there valley is killinggg me.
Ok for real though, this cut from them in the Uncanny Valley to the room getting ready for dinner is the most jarring of the episode. Like, I’ve come to terms with the fact that this is just a series of independent scenes rather than an actual, cohesive whole, but jfc. Who actually is Lillington, how do you know him? Nope? No info? Not important? Just need to get it out there that you have jewels so the last scene in the episode can happen so the ring can be taken so the rape can occur? Cool. Cool cool cool.
Ok so show!Claire makes me sad with being insecure/self-depreciating about her appearance. Like with saying brown is a dull color when Jamie calls her mo nighean donn the first time and when she asks Joe if she’s sexually attractive and when she dyes her hair before going back through the stones and now with the mutton dressed as lamb thing. (Claire, girl, how are you that up on Colonial fashion that you know what’s “age appropriate” already? Wouldn’t think there was much fashion gossip along the road from Georgia to North Carolina, but whatevs.) I know three of these four things are straight from the book, but in the show it hits me differently. Book!Claire is kind of a bitch when it comes to looks. Her parting words in her letter to Bree were “try not to get fat.” She like judged the crap out of that rando lady in Edinburgh before she went to the print shop just to make sure she didn’t look too old. So when she has these aforementioned moments, they land differently. Now I’m not saying I want show!Claire to be like book!Claire, quite the opposite. I’m glad they cut that other stuff. But now whenever show!Claire has a moment of self-consciousness, all I want to do is be like woman, you are a fucking smokeshow. Fuck the patriarchy for making you feel like you aren’t stunning exactly as you are. #LadyBonerForBeauchamp
Oh Governor Exposition. How nice of you to join our merry band of randos for dinner!
Man, I’d love to be so rich that I can pull a Baron and casually just happen to have 100 pounds on hand to buy a giant ruby at a random dinner party.
John Grey, who was shunted from shit post to shit post, totes is special enough to get Scotland’s Valjean to England’s Javert cleared. I mean, obvi.
Oh hey, Jamie remembers he has a daughter! Showed more emotion in that scene about how America would become her country than in the scene with the photos. Fuck Sam et al. for the disaster of a performance choice in ep. 306, don’t @ me.
“I dinna ken. But she’ll be saying it in Scotland, won’t she?” I do love Young Ian a lot. I know that’s in the book. But dammit I love John Bell in this part a crapton.
Casually lol’ing that they crossed the ocean because Ian was taken and now that they have him, they’re just going to send him alone off to sea again.
The first time I saw the episode, when Lesley gave his “my place is at your side” speech I was like crap, we’re going to be stuck with this guy aren’t we. BUT WE’RE NOT! (I am a terrible person.)
Fergus and Marsali are totes going to be the new Jenny and Ian, aren’t they? The characters who just show up once or twice a season when the core squad needs something and that’s it? Because they get tossed aside in the books like that. That makes me super sad (and I hope I’m wrong) because of how they changed show!Fergus and show!Claire’s relationship from the book that we won’t get to see more of them together. Le sigh. I hope they at least let Bree have a scene where she meets Fergus and learns she has a brother. Especially if she’s not going to go to Lallybroch to meet the Murray squad because Jenny isn’t in this season. Part of what I loved about the Lallybroch part in the book was Bree realizing that she wasn’t just gaining a father but a whole extended family. I hope they kind of transfer that over to her meeting Fergus and Young Ian in the place of [insert Murray kids who let’s be honest we really don’t care about here].
Hey remember that time Jamie was wicked opposed to Fergus and Marsali getting married for literally no reason? That was fun. But yay for Germain!
Holy motherfucking green screen, Batman. Please can we get to the woods soon? Or some other location where it’s not this fucking jarring?
Claire America-is-the-land-of-milk-and-honey Fraser suddenly is overly-on-the-nose indignant about slavery. Cool. Cool cool cool. Again, you know what would have been cool? Seeing her with her best and only friend in the 1960s more last season because he was a Black man. If they had let Joe be a fully formed character, navigating racist af Boston as a doctor, rather than just being Claire’s sounding board and martini maker, we could have seen how Claire being exposed to his reality shaped her views on race in America. But nope, that would have taken air time away from Frank’s manpain. (Seriously, my recent re-watch only highlighted just how much they screwed over Claire’s character last season.)
I’ve always loved that Jamie gives Claire the medical box. It’s just such a simple way to demonstrate that he *gets* Claire. (*side-eyes a certain other husband who patently did not*)
Jamie’s bangs are an affront to anyone with hair. Someone please give that man his hat back!
“This ring is all I need.” Aaand that’s when we all knew that Jamie’s ring would be the one stolen.
“Not for a single day.” Uh, *casually points at the episode in season three when she retcons her entire life in Boston to be not as bad as it was because Jamie’s been such an asshat to her*.
Ok. Holy shit this final scene. I love everything about this final scene. Except the song. This show is not subtle. It’s never been subtle. But holy shit, playing the iconic Ray Charles version of America the Beautiful at the end of an episode called America the Beautiful to be like welcome to ‘Murrica, fuckos, is like even less subtle than they usually go. I 1000% LOVE the choice to cut the audio from the end of the fight scene and just have the visuals, it just would have worked much better if they’d scored with with a regular instrumental piece.
Gah, Bonnet is such a smarmy motherfucker! The nose wipe before he coldcocks Jamie is just perf.
Claire’s face in this entire scene, holy fucking shit. *throws all the awards at Balfe*
And then Lesley dies and I’m a terrible person because I’m happy we don’t need to be stuck with him all season. But holy shit Bonnet when he pauses right before he cuts his throat and then kills him, I love show!Bonnet so much more than I ever gave a shit about book!Bonnet.
And honestly, Claire’s face when he’s killed right in front of her. *throws more awards at Balfe*
I’m so fucking glad they changed which ring gets taken. There was an interview where they were like “oh we did it because it has to be visually distinct so Bree can get raped!” and I’m like a) fuck you for including that and b) right decision, wrong reason. This is the right reason for the change.
But even as I say that they made the right call in which ring to have stolen, it’s still a fact that they fucking chose to have one stolen at all. The writers and production team decided that Brianna needed to be raped so a ring must be stolen. Because Diana never wrote a character she didn’t want raped and the Outlander producers never read a rape scene they didn’t want to include. Fuck them all very much for that.
Fuck Them Very Much for That, the title of my memoir.
Oh god her face right at the end when she sees that it’s fucking Fred’s ring she’s left with and not Jamie’s fucking murders me.
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hanzi83 · 5 years
Clearing the Clutter from My Brain
Before I begin, I have to clarify that anything that I put out there is not 100 percent true when it comes to what I assume is happening behind the scenes. I am mentally ill and while different communities will accuse me of using it as a crutch, I retort with this, since I am accused of saying the same shit, and maybe by saying the same shit I will eventually just turn into dust and disappear in mediocrity, but if these people at the top and their minions love to put it out there I am mentally ill and I am a piece of shit to dismiss any of my thoughts, then why can’t I use it back to my advantage since no matter what I say will not be taken seriously. I am not to be taken seriously they will fuck with my connection when I go on my platforms, so I cannot have a clear message, not like the actual speech from it is clear enough with my constant stammering, but at least with a blog I can at least intellectualize it a little better, even though it probably reads as someone in third grade and then throw in the mix of it being on tumblr with an outdated layout and format that I am too dumb to change, and even at the risk of it not being read by many, at least it is out there just like everything I have been transparent with in my life since everything WE all do is always monitored, and when the system decides it is convenient they will then expose whoever and whatever and create an elaborate reason why it has come to fruition.
So since I and others who choose to express themselves online get accused of being attention seekers etc, it normally comes from people who uphold the status quo and keep a limited narrative, even if they seem “woke” about certain things. I know anything I have said in my life and on all my platforms will come back to haunt me and the ones who perpetuate it are paid to bring it out because there is a system in play but since I already am blackballed from the rest of society and their secret rules that they swear does not exist, I have nothing to lose. They will either keep me this tortured and no one will pay attention to my delusional cries or eventually these people will push me to just fucking end it or maybe better they will actually decide to kill me. Since my computer has been hacked multiple times, I would not be shocked if they frame me for something since people in my life and the people they take orders from will fucking end me but not just destroy me, make sure I am here to endure the nonstop mental torture that no one will acknowledge and when it is too late they will then pat themselves on the back for pretending they care about something kind of like their soulless existence has to put on their best acting but since their act is so mediocre they don’t come off well but they sure do commit to the role of making it seem they are just like regular fucking people.  I rather express my thoughts, as stupid as they may come across then have to hide who the fuck I am and how irrational I am because I am still recuperating from being dumbed down for the majority of my life but it is clear I am not witty or smart enough to be a part of this world.
It stems from the fact that I think I figured out me and a select few are chosen targets to exploit and there are underground ways to exploit someone since they can organize your appearances without knowing you are making one because they organize in group chats and pass around information and will use it on someone who they can blackmail, hence why so many lowly type of individuals are always recruited to be trolled. That is why people react to these trolls because they are not regular people, they are government agents. I think there is a contingent of people who have cliques to fight back and that I can understand but the overall existence of this type of digital gang warfare is on some next level, and so much so they dumb it down by giving limited solutions like “Why don’t you just log off” not disclosing that even if you log off these people can harass you and invade your privacy, especially if you are outspoken about the system. They have censored and killed off so many leftists who have tried to expose the system but all you ever hear is about some fucking nazi not being able to get a rise out of the “SJWS” being censored while the internet organizes and makes you believe these fucking nazi supporters are the ones who are the victims.
I could have sold my soul many times, but I did not want to partake in paid propaganda. I know being on my own mentally might not be the best because I entertain so much shit that I might be spreading propaganda without even realizing it but I always put the disclaimer not to take my word seriously because it is clear I have no fucking idea of what I am talking about since the people at the top or people in my life have made it clear how mentally ill I am, so much so they will never take accountability for what they did and are essentially gangsters behind the scenes, and since they are sensitive as I am, they collectively can fuck my life up or others if I don’t comply with them. Even with me wanting to die, they will approach me privately and politic, if it is not trying to be my fucking manager, or telling me that I am needed here so that is why I can’t die. If I die, their connection to the system goes away so they rather make it seem they are inviting me places, which are limited, and people giving me attitude if I ask any questions about anything, but they do that so if anything good happens to me they can say they did this for me. These people plan this shit out and organize within group chats. I seriously think people from my past at the behest of the system will end up harming me and maybe even killing me when they don’t actually need me. It would not be obvious, it could be a simple heart attack and you would not even blink because “HELLO… HE SMOKES CIGARETTES AND EATS LIKE SHIT”  Maybe they have instilled so much paranoia into my fucked up brain by bringing up that my family and friends hate me and that they are partaking in torturing me, but even if that is the case is that not evident enough that I don’t belong on this planet? This is not some cry for help but sometimes I need to get this shit off my chest.
Not only do I have to deal with racist Stern fans who despise me and constantly remind me that Howard is paying them to watch me and fuck with me and if I dare take it seriously then it is that Howard does not know who I am, so you cause a shit storm of rage from me which I happened to manage well at times, even though I have my manic meltdowns and now lately since I have been vocal about the WWE’s corruption, I have certain cliques of the wrestling community to come after me because I dare think Roman Reigns’ cancer may have been exaggerated and any questioning in it has lead to these people who seem to be so caring and outraged of the idea that it could be fake they want to come across and seem like they are the ones who are thinking clearly while they still support a racist company tied to a racist president and has so many past scandals that have been thrown under the rug from paying people off or having people sign non disclosures. The worst part about it is how WWE have branded with certain minority groups be their employed shills who call out certain racism like a Lars Sullivan or Hulk Hogan and maybe a little performative outrage about the Saudi deal, but then ignore the hidden system shit that exists. It drives me crazy when it is people from a marginalized group because even though people got to make their money and this is the game, but the hypocrisy drives me nuts. I am not totally against the stuff the views they have because maybe while they shill out for WWE they do call out other racist elements in the industry, like Sinclair broadcasting or how AEW has ties to Trump as well since the owners donated too but it just seems they do it while protecting themselves in this neoliberalism, and whenever I call them out for being employed, the same ones will show up with the same insults, which then I use the same insults as well then they call me out for using the same insults. It is funny because initially when I did a stream the night Reigns came back and made the announcement, and after these supposed shills shut down some of these people who were questioning it and I happened to stick to my guns on it, these same caring people have no problem not showing remorse when I put it out there I am “feeling kind of suicidal” and then they tell me to go do it, and that is fine. I am not here to cry about people being mean on the internet in this instance, maybe in other instances but that is a different story, but to show these people are actually soulless.
It is going to be hilarious when at some point the scandals of this company eventually do catch up with them and there is an actual revolution into the business but so many people have upheld the status quo because they want to be included, and while I wanted to be included in general, not WWE in particular, I have become such an outspoken enemy to people in the industry, with government connection they would put the word out that someone like me will be coming to the States and they will use it as an excuse to detail in, so they will limit the moves I make while solely blaming it on me and making it seem like it is all on me, and I will take responsibility for the blame I share but the key word is SHARE, because I am not the sole owner of this fucking entire fucking dilemma. It makes me sick that even loved ones I have known my entire life can so easily master this effort that has been taught to them and they constantly lie to me and hold me in a position while they make the connections that exist because of me being a fucking prostitute on the fucking Stern Show, which bullies you to call back in and stay reliant on him, and the genius is the employed fan boys there can make it seem like it is on the whack packers for calling in and no one is forcing them.
No media outlet will ever look into it because Howard is powerful while still coming off as irrelevant into today’s culture. I see people who often talk about injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere and while I am not on the list of insanely even more important shit but since the media can focus on a celebrity using the N word and have nonstop performative conversations about it like it is the be all end all of all discussion on racial inequality, I am sure you could go for someone who has pimped out people mentally and maybe sexually under the guise of entertainment while creating chaos in these people’s lives. I relate to others in these institutions mentally even though I have not gone through what they have physically, but that is why is makes me upset that no one will ever take a stand against these bullies.
I wonder if I am supposed to call it out and these people at the top are now playing roles of the villains when they were once revered in a positive light and they have to make it real thus making us really want to rise up and maybe because other people who are not as big but still have prominence are kind of woke but still have to kiss the elites ass help normalize these people and sometimes they are misunderstood it makes you have a case of constant cognitive dissonance and because I am already dumbed down, it makes me not being sure and I just want to be left alone forever and never be seen because no matter what people will eventually become the bad guy. I am already seen in such a fucking negative light and will always be a fucking joke who is probably one of the most pathetic and ugly people on the planet, why should I be here? And no this is not me feeling sorry for myself or asking for your pity, just like I don’t need your retweets, likes, internet points etc I do this because this is what I am feeling and if you feel it then good, if not then fuck you.
Look at how this generation gets put down for being “entitled” when the same public figures and their sycophants don’t acknowledge the tantrums they have had or the amount of shit hey had to do to get their spot because they were not strong enough to say no and you have that fucking audacity to fuck with people who know their value and won’t let these corporations pimp them out and use them until they are nothing. You have the audacity to blame us for people being outraged and being about free speech but you never acknowledge the right wing who become outraged about shit. And it is like these employed fan boys of these public figures are being so transparently defensive of their every fucking move, and as someone who used to be dumbed down and buy into that, I have now seen it for what it is, and even though not everything warrants a complaint, the utter hatred for the people rather than the system organizing this reaction really shows why nothing will ever fucking change.
If I end up being right and Vince McMahon has to answer for past scandals like all these other public figures, who were in prominent positions, but have to answer for it and now have to be the heels, then I wonder what scary shit these trolls will do because it seems they are sending more recently towards me. They will either have to retreat or finally admit they are part of that establishment clique and basically run good PR for them. The entire AEW thing too has become annoying because it seems like there are insufferable people shilling out for them too but I guess they are lesser of the evils, but I await when the day they become the established enemy since we all go in cycles.
I have not called into other wrestling radio shows because certain ones I helped prop up have fucked me over and have become more like Stern Show with their tactics, and always wanting me to kind of snap if they keep me on hold until the end so if I say anything they will ban me, and they were already limiting my topics when I would call in like bringing up the Reigns cancer being fake, and since I did not get to be part of their 10 year anniversary I decided not to even give that show any of my time, even if they don’t want to admit that I had more to do with the success, because you can’t have me buying into my own fucking hype. They have to keep me at a level, so I got sick of it and now I can see they will probably organize my platforms to fuck up so I won’t have a voice to speak on shit about the industry, especially if I don’t keep it within the parameters they would like me to.
At least the old youtuber that harassed me for the last year or so is paying the price by being exposed by his new reddit community that he used to clean up his image and do videos reading stories and since he could not help himself in not politicking to destroy someone with a bigger audience his community put two and two together that he was actually someone who was banned from youtube before. It was probably the funniest thing that I have laughed at since the remainder of shit in my life is completely sad. I wish it was Stern being exposed even though they have trained you to start thinking Howard was evil, by focusing on him in the Lorena Bobbitt documentary on Amazon but painting him as the main guy to build up John Wayne as this ultimate victim, like it was meant to take attention away from raping and beating her and Howard being one of the main voices to say she was too ugly to rape, and it is so funny that it fooled me because all these liberals etc who are against that type of insults would pal around with Stern. See I am such a fucking dumbed down person that never could think for himself and just see what would be around me, in my house, school, television, movies, radio etc and just change my attitude according to whatever I felt kind of made sense, even if it was intellectualizing ignorance. I have to live with it every day but Stern and Vince McMahon are 2 of the people who helped poison the water supply into this culture. Would it be fair not to mention the good things they have done? Sure, but we blindly have given them credit for decades, and now it is time to point out there is more to this.
I will always be a fucking target and the best part is no one will care because literally everyone behind the scenes who knows of me, and even the people in my life probably have such a disdain for me and it is probably likewise since they could be protecting me but since they have inside information on my path, and not disclosing me it makes me envision the worst and it makes me think they will fucking end up harming me after a while or maybe it is just in my head. I feel like the more I look forward to these people go down from their throne, these people know any vindication will not be good for them because they won’t be able to control me like they have and tested my patience and mental health in the previous years while pretending they care about my mental health. I will pay for writing this blog and they will ensure that people continue to fuck me over.
I will never forgive any of these people who are supposed to be progressive not even bringing attention to what evil Howard Stern is, maybe because the last person who hinted Howard bought a car for someone who was not his girlfriend that reporter ended up being dead within a year so maybe people have learned to stay in their lane. Hopefully Stern and someone like Vince plot to kill me and they can get away with it. Don’t worry ITS MY MENTAL ILLNESS SINCE YOU GUYS WILL BE SAYING I AM MENTALLY ILL WHO NEEDS HELP AND IT IS NOT HELPING MY CASE BY TYPING IN ALL CAPS LIKE A FUCKING MANIAC AND IT HURTS SO MUCH I BEAT YOU TO THE PUNCH BECAUSE YOUR JOKES AND INSULTS ARE SO PREDICTIVE, and also the fact you think because you pitch these jokes in your shitty group chats that they are funny, because you have other people starving to be funny telling you that it is good so you laugh at their jokes in return like it is some kind of quid pro quo deal, so now you think putting those insults online toward me will actually mean anything. Okay and even if you are funny then who gives a shit I am a mediocre irrelevant Pakistani in his mom’s basement who has no value but for some reason a bunch of trolls have to show up to tell me that when the irrelevancy should speak for itself correct? And if it does speak for itself then I can just type my opinions out without anyone making a fuss, until it is convenient since most of you are given permission when to be outraged about limited issues that does not give you the full view.
I hope you read this entire grammatical and spelling mess and it gives you a headache but most likely you will convince yourself to say you did not read it, even though you hang on to every fucking word like the doggies you are.
I was not going to post this shit but now the employed WWE stans are all in my facebook page leaving comments and I will repeat a line I said before, and I will repeat it over and over until WWE changes their creative since they give you the same shit all the time but calling me Mr. Potato Head is not really creative but since you are employed WWE stans, it tells you probably have some kind of say in the fucking creative. Keep spreading rumors of others being shady in the business while completely ignoring the systemic shit the company you stan for does. You better hope the Reigns shit is not a façade because I am fine looking stupid, I have looked stupid since the birth in this shit world, but are you prepared to look stupid and is it supposed to be this transparent that you are projecting onto others?
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alright. it’s new years and i have a lot to say, so i think i’ll be breaking it into multiple posts by topic. i just really want to get this out, and whether or not it goes over well, i won’t be sure. but i can at least say i am steadfast in writing this and mean every part of it.
the rpc is extremely toxic. maybe it’s because i’ve chosen to look at this hobby as more than just roleplaying, or maybe it’s the way i’ve grown as a person in what i’m more aware of, or maybe it’s how the rpc’s entire focal point has shifted. it’s probably all three, seeing how things have changed as the years have gone by.
i won’t lie. i’ve made call outs, i’ve name dropped people, and i’ve sent asks. i will preface this by saying i’ve never sent anonymous hate, i’ve always tried to be at best transparent in all i do, and i never truly wanted to hurt anyone. but i still did, because y’know at the end of the day, i think that it’s impossible not to.
i don’t want anyone taking this the wrong way, as a way to justify and excuse negligent or toxic behaviors. i don’t want those i’ve called out in the past or future to point at this post and go “ well you went and said blah blah ” because no. i don’t regret doing what i did, but i do sincerely apologize for while i called out those on malicious behaviors, i was sarcastic, i was passive aggressive, i did so out of less and less a need to truly confront those with their behaviors and warn others and more of a way to feel like i “ fit in ” and that... rush you get, which i’m disgusted with myself for. which again, does not excuse those of your behaviors, but i do apologize that i didn’t do these things for the only, singularly, right reason.
i think it happens to everyone, though. we find someone doing something that’s “bad”, and it just... gets out of hand. and trust me, i’m not making this post to point fingers, because this is something i’ve seen in myself, and i want to make a change in at least with my own life. but it gets out of hand, we dig around and find more receipts to back us up, we go to others, and it just gets so bad that by the time the person is actually being properly talked to their entire experience on this website is tarnished and ruined.
i think people get vilified. and no, i’m not sympathizing with homophobes or pedophiles, and i’m sure as hell not excusing them, because what we need to understand is that real life ideals and those we write online are different, and i’m ashamed to admit i’ve flirted with that line of calling people out on what they write. ( this does not include pedophilia, for this is against the law to write, draw, and create in any kind of media. ) but i do feel ashamed because i’ve policed others in what they write when i turn around and am fine writing or discussing plot points that include similar topics. then there are those  who are genuinely malicious, like those who are actively homophobic, racist, ect. but that’s not the same as writing these things, and if you do so it needs to be done in a healthy manner. you use disclaimers, you tag simply for blacklisting, and... that’s it. a lot of people need to realize their media intake is also their responsibility. blacklist what you don’t want to see, but know that in today’s day and age it’s... hard to not be constantly criticized for a lot of what you do, and it’s easy to fall into the pit of doing it to others.
and it’s difficult to remember when you’re so into drama that these are real people. i try to hold onto that: i try to be transparent, and i try to treat them like the human beings they are with but these flaws, because they have lives. they have friends. i know i’ve had toxic behaviors in the past, but i was ignorant and i was a child, and people grow and learn just i know i have.
it’s not a “mob mentality” or a “hivemind”. these are grossly inapt terms and more so used as a weak defense to make yourself sound better and almost akin to playing a victim card. but i have found myself jumping in when there’s blood in the water because i wanted to support my friends and not be seen questioning them, if in... the weirdest of ways? not because i’m intimidated, or i genuinely don’t think the behaviors they’re pointing at me ( or ones i find on my own ! ) are bad, but because... i want to be liked. and that disgusts me. but i don’t think i’m the only one.
i think... it’s like a bit of a bandwagon, at some point. and once you start, it’s a hard slope to climb out of. i’ve had two breakdowns because of online drama, and it’s ridiculous, and i wasn’t even the person in the center of the problem! it stresses me out to no degree, because i while my argument is just and valid, is my reason for doing so? and what right do i have to judge someone for writing what they want? ( again, i’m not saying it’s good or bad. but the extent i’ve seen this policing go? as long as they’re doing it healthily and it’s not against the law to write, as disgusting as it may be with things like rape or incest or murder - which is a topic often glossed over for it’s romanticization and normality in today’s world - there’s no other place to explore it, and it shouldn’t be demonized if it’s done right. people have that right. you can dislike them, you can unfollow and block, but... yeah. it’s your responsibility to monitor your media intake, not others to bend to your wants and wills. )
it’s stressful and... this just needs to be said, because i feel like no one else is going to. so in 2019? count me out for the petty drama, the policing, the stuff people have genuine right to. if it’s gross, it’s gross, but i won’t demonize someone for doing what’s within their legal rights so long as it doesn’t break the law or impede upon the rights of another being. i hope you guys understand because this? this just... needed to be said. thanks, and happy new years!
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starrywriting · 7 years
favorite boy
billy hargrove
spotify link  youtube link
summary: billy wants you to care for him, love him. he wants to be yours and vice versa… but he also wants to break your heart. (lowkey based off of ‘best friend’ by rex orange county) linked above ^
disclaimer: me writing this is not me excusing is abusive, racist and impulsive behavior.
warnings: swear words, implied sex
an: my friend introduced me to rex orange county and im in love!! i am working on requests and part two or starstruck, it just takes a bit because i write out the plot for each of my imagines before i start. Send me some of your fave songs! I need more music to listen to! Or send me a song and a character! (tbh im not sure im happy with this imagine lol)
words: 2.4k
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Your name: submit What is this?
You had met her on Monday. It was raining and you saw her skating past you. Her red hair looked like a fire losing its rage in the rain, her face was pale, her nose was cold. You told yourself to be kind to everyone, so you pulled over and stepped out of your car, umbrella in hand to cover yourself from the rain, “Hey! Do you need a ride? It’s freezing out!” You called out, hoping your voice wasn’t getting drowned out by the rain and wind.
Her head whipped around, watching you carefully. You could see the hesitation, and it almost seemed like she was a deer in the headlights… she looked afraid, but of what? “Uh... No.” Was all she called back to you, causing you to frown. You could see the obvious chatter in her teeth. Her fingers were red and her clothes were dripping.
You quickly ran out towards her, hoping she wouldn’t skate away before you got to her, she didn’t. “Take it..” You breathed out, extending your umbrella. The cold air around you causing your bones to shiver. She hesitated again, her hand reaching for the umbrella. She wrapped her hand around it, sending you a small smile. You nodded happily, quickly taking off your leather coat and placing it on her shoulders. You could see the protests in her eyes, and her lip was quivering.
“I can’t take this. You’ll be cold! The umbrella is enough!” She tried, extending your coat back towards you, but you took a step back, pushing her hand back towards her.
“I have a car, I’ll be okay.” You smiled, taking a few steps backward before you turned around and ran back towards your car. You stayed parked on the side of the road until you saw the girl skate off, and you followed suit in your car. Your music playing lightly as you drove and pulled into the parking lot of the school.
You found it quite comedic to watch all the girl and boys scurry towards the school, trying to get away from the rain. It was just water, after all, it would dry off. You had a theory that the girls and boys at school were all witches and warlocks, so if they got water on them, they would melt. It made sense since everyone but yourself seemed to have a wicked side.
Max carried her bag in her arms, placing the umbrella inside along with her homework and books. She was still wearing your coat, she liked it. It was warm and made her look badass. She had no idea who you were, but she thought you were pretty. It had been a while since she met someone kind, so meeting you brightened her day, even if it was raining throughout most of it. “Where’d you get that?” Billy questioned, pulling Max towards him by the cuff of the leather.
“From this girl..” Max mumbled, trying to pull away from him as he scowled out into the crowd of kids in the parking lot. It wasn’t raining anymore, thank the gods. Billy hated the rain. It ruined his vibe, and most importantly, his hair. He also thought the rain made the girls at school look like dead, cold cats rather than their already hideous cow look he saw every day while he walked down the halls.
“What girl? Was she pretty?” Billy joked, a smirk growing on his face as he shoved her away from him.
“Yeah actually, she was!” Max called out annoyed, opening the car door, “She’s the girl with ripped jeans, red chucks, and a bun!” Max continued, flicking Billy off before she shut the car door with a slam, slumping against the car door as she scowled at the glove compartment.
“What the fuck…?” Billy growled under his breath, watching you carefully with an almost dead cigarette in his mouth. Billy knew you, surely. Everyone knew you. You were the definition of high school popularity. Your title was higher than Queen. You were Billy’s ‘competition’, at least he thought you were. You were popular, pretty, kind and smart. You had everything going.
Everyone knew who you were. Your popularity was undeniable, but you were as humble and sweet as anyone else. You weren’t sure why so many people saw you as ‘popular’. You saw that as an empty label, but with so many people pegging you as so, you just started to continue with your life and ignore it. You were always kind to everyone, making sure to not let the others words bend your personality. That was something that bugged Billy so much so that his eyes narrowed every time he saw you. He was jealous.
“Hey! (y/l/n)!” Billy called out, a new cigarette in his mouth as he jogged towards you with a set jaw. You opened your car door, placing your backpack on the passenger seat before you turned towards him, leaning against the car.
“Hargrove.” You nodded, watching him carefully. He was really the only person that grinded your gears. His personality was too conflicting with yours. He was too stubborn, and he thought too much with his fist and dick rather than his head; that made you cringe.
“Who the hell do you think you are? Don’t talk to Max, ever.” He hissed, his nostrils flaring as he held the cigarette between his fingers.
“You mean your sister?” You smirked, keeping your cool as you walked towards him, “She’s cool,” you shrugged, grabbing his wrist, “I think I might just keep talking to her..” You smiled, a glint catching in your eye when you noticed how his eyes kept falling on your face and then down to your hand on his wrist. You used your free hand to pick the cigarette out from between his fingers, dropping it to the ground, you stubbed it out with the bottom of your chucks. “No smoking in school, bud.” You winked, patting his chest with your palm before you let go of him, opening your car door and turning on the ignition.
He was beyond furious when he walked back to his car, his voice echoed in the car and his music blared, almost popping the speakers. His voice was hoarse from the yelling. Max should have been scared, she should have flinched multiple times at his voice getting progressively louder, but instead, her head was leaned against the glass of the window, and a smirk was on her lips as she remembered just how speechless Billy was at the sight of you.
He slammed his bedroom door, making sure he put a chair under the doorknob. He didn’t know why his blood was boiling so much. He didn’t know why his heart was racing so much, and he specifically didn’t know why a low fuzzy feeling was settling into his body.
He growled, looking at his reflection. His eyes were dilated and his veins were prominent in his arms. He was tense, no doubt about it, so he did the logical thing. He hopped out his window, car keys in hand, drove off, his car ending up at the front of the house of Tina, the girl who had eyed him since his first day. Maybe he could get you off his mind if he saw her.
She was quick to open the window for him, and he was quick to get to what he came for. Moans and groans filled the room and he could feel his shoulders relax. He needed a distraction, and a girl like Tina was the perfect distraction by the way she threw herself at him. Everything about the sex was great, he was pleased, and she was sure to pay close attention to his pleasure more than her own, but with every groan and moan that fell from his lips, all he could think about was you. He wanted you. He wanted you in any and every way he could have you. Your name was on the tip of his tongue, and he was more than ready to say it out loud in the same way he was groaning Tina’s name.
The next week, Billy was quick to notice the change in Max’s behavior towards him. She wasn’t afraid, she wasn’t ashamed, and she was always late. Almost as if she knew someone would be waiting for her if he ended up leaving her. He knew who that someone was, so instead of letting Max flee towards you, he stayed late and waited for her. He slowly started feeling like a lapdog. Following your every move when you weren’t looking, waiting for you to make a move so he could follow suit. He felt pathetic. He was entranced in your smiles and giggles that he heard from afar in the halls.
He was wrapped around your finger. He wanted you. He wanted to be yours and he wanted to be able to walk up to you and kiss you until the only word you knew was “More”. But something in the back of his mind made him want to see you cry. He wanted to break your heart for making him look pathetic and weak. He wanted revenge.
It wasn’t until you walked into school one day, your head hung low, that he felt his gaze stay on you until you turned to corner, and even then, he started following you. His steps were quiet behind yours, and he made sure to keep a distance so you wouldn’t hear him. Your body was hidden in a big, knitted sweater and tight, black jeans. Your demeanor seemed tired, and every time someone would come up to you, you would brush past them without even acknowledging a single word they called out towards you.
Billy was smirking, crossing his fingers in hopes that the reason why you were so glum was because you were finally going to give up and let him become superior. 
Once you had turned right into an empty, Billy happily called out to you, “(y/n).. baby..” He teased, his tongue flicking out to lick his lips before getting caught between his teeth. “Babygirl…” He grinned, walking faster to catch up to you.
He reached out, his hand grabbing your wrist, pulling you back, “Cat got your tong-“ He started, his smirk falling immediately when he saw your tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. His lips parted in surprise and without any hesitation, he pressed you into his chest, wrapping his arms you as you cried. He wasn’t sure what had happened, he was supposed to hate you, he was supposed to laugh at your vulnerability but instead, he was in the middle of an empty hallway, already 20 minutes late to first period, not that it really mattered to him, with the girl that was meant to be his enemy. He was supposed to make you his and break your heart afterward, but now that you were crying in his arms to the point where you shook with sadness and choked on your tears, made him realize that he was insane. He was insane for wanting to hurt something as beautiful and bright as you. It was then that he realized that the reason everyone loved you so much was because you were so strong, you were there for everyone, but when you needed someone, everyone seemed to turn a blind eye. You were heartbroken and he was going to fix it.
He led you out towards his car gently. You were rubbing your eyes, tears free falling from your lashes and dotting your cheeks like freckles, but unlike the sun-kissed dots that sprinkled peoples skin, yours were full of sadness and remorse. When he opened his car door for you, you looked up at him in quiet gratitude before slipping in; hugging your knees to your chest. He started his car and drove. He drove all over Hawkins, and he continued to drive until nightfall, and your sobs diminished, and all that was left was the sticky imprints of your tears from earlier.
He parked his car on the edge of a small hill, the edge looking down on a small field. He had no idea where they were, but he didn’t have any reason to rush home. He leaned back in his seat, letting out a sigh before he squeezed your shoulder reassuringly and stepped out of the car. He was confused and angry at the world. Why were even his own bloody emotions so damn complicated? Everything in his life was hard, he felt like he would never catch a break.
His eyes danced across the stars, and his breaths were shallow. He only pulled his eyes away when he felt you lean against his shoulder. He was leaning on the hood of his car, his arms crossed over his chest. You leaned into his side, keeping your eyes forward. Your breaths were small and your cheeks were glazed over with crimson from the cold. He watched you carefully and felt his stomach drop. He was finally next to you, he was finally able to see you the way he’s been wanting to see you for weeks, months even. He thought you were absolutely beautiful.
He pulled away from you, taking in a deep breath before he turned to face you and your doe eyes. He gulped softly, his lip catching between his teeth. He could feel his heart beating against his chest, and his cheeks were growing hot, but under the light of the stars, he was positive you wouldn’t notice.
He stepped towards you, his hands landing on either side of you, entrapping you against his car with his arms around you. You didn’t pull away, and rather, you leaned towards him, resting your forehead against his. Your eyes fluttered shut and you let a small sigh escape your lips.
Billy watched you closely, his eyes wide with overflowing emotions. He trained his eyes all over your face before looking at your lips. They looked soft, and he wanted his to be against them, so very badly.
He leaned down, feeling your breath tickle his bottom lip, and when you didn’t pull away, he dove in, kissing you harder. It was slow, passionate and hard. His hands were gripping your waist tightly and yours were in his hair, holding him against you. He was quick to get addicted to the feeling of your lips, so when you pulled away, he was already leaning in for another kiss. Peck after peck, you both began to smile, your kisses becoming sloppier and funnier, and in that moment, Billy knew what he wanted. He wanted you, flaws and all. Sadness and happiness. He wanted more nights like this, he wanted you as a best friend and a lover, and he wanted to kiss you at all hours of the day and night, no matter where.
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eggoreviews · 6 years
I finished watching all the MCU films a few days ago (I have too much time on my hands) and, as a first Marvel list, I thought I’d rank all of the main villains in terms of how cool/powerful/how generally good I think they are. Come and see where your faves have placed in this messy, ill-informed list!
This list includes all of the main villains for every film up to Infinity War (Ant-Man and the Wasp isn’t out yet so it’d be difficult to include Ghost in here) with a couple of side villains that I felt needed a spot in the list. Enjoy! (Also, possible spoilers ahead for basically any MCU film)
Disclaimer: My opinion will probably, definitely not be yours
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23. Whiplash (Iron Man 2)
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Oh God.
I’m pretty vocal about how much I’m really not a fan of Iron Man 2 in general, but one of its worst aspects is a totally forgettable and laughable villain. I mean, I think at some point he has a subplot about his dad or something but most of the time he’s whining about his ‘bord’ and building shitty whips with his tech rather than something useful.
22. King Laufey (Thor)
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I mean, sure. I guess this guy wasn’t supposed to act as much more than suitably evil looking blue person for Thor to fight. What puts Laufey ahead of Whiplash is pure cool factor, like I wouldn’t mess with this guy. He’d freeze me or somethin’.
21. Abomination (The Incredible Hulk)
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Honestly, this is probably a higher ranking for Abomination than any other list I’ve seen. My only issue with this guy is that he’s a bit eh. Despite being played by Tim Roth, a brilliant actor who appears in multiple of my favourite films, his character is just one dimensional, sweaty soldier until the end when he turns into one dimensional, sweaty green monster. Again, his minor redeeming quality comes with his raw strength (say what you like about the Hulk film, that Harlem fight at the end is well worth watching the other hour and a half), but he’s very much let down by an underdeveloped character and a completely absent motive for anything.
20. Aldrich Killian (Iron Man 3)
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Okay, now we’re getting into the villains that sort have a motive at some point. Personally, I didn’t hate the whole ‘Ben Kingsley isn’t the Mandarin’ twist, so that’s not why he’s placed so low. I’ll agree that that Guy Pearce plays a decent villain here, but the film itself is so messy and full of subplots that Killian sort of gets lost in it and never really develops beyond angry rooftop guy who can set himself on fire.
19. Malekith (Thor: The Dark World)
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I thought Thor 2 was pretty damn okay and not the horrendous mess people make it out to be and I’ll defend Christopher Eccleston’s Malekith just as tentatively. Malekith’s only downfall is a non-existent character beyond cool looking menacing elf dude. We know that he wants to make everything all dark again for reasons that aren’t quite clear, but that’s kind of it. Again, his slightly higher ranking is more the cool factor.
18. Darren Cross (Ant-Man)
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Cool suit by the way my dude.
Corey Stoll’s Yellowjacket is a pretty by-the-numbers MCU villain. He has his moments, particularly the Mexican standoff during the presentation of his suit, but he’s a pretty okay aspect of an otherwise great film. He holds his own as a decent villain, but his backstory and motives borrow a little too heavily from Iron Man’s Obadiah Stane. And he doesn’t quite pull off the disgraced CEO as well as Jeff Bridges.
17. Ronan (Guardians of the Galaxy)
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I loved Lee Pace in the Hobbit films, so the fact that Pace plays Ronan well isn’t in question. The thing about Ronan is that it seems like putting the heartless genocidal racist at the centre of a comedic superhero film about a group of misfits acts as a pretty jarring tone shift. It sort of feels like Ronan was stuffed into the wrong film here (But maybe that’s why he’s having his second round in Captain Marvel next year). Ronan isn’t exactly forgettable, but when surrounded by such rich and interesting characters, his destructive plans and endless angry monologues just sort of melt into the background.
16. The Black Order (Avengers: Infinity War)
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I sort of lumped these guys all together purely because I don’t think any one of them shines out as more developed than another. They act as cool, menacing underlings to the purple fucklord that is Thanos and I’m almost kind of mad they didn’t make it to Avengers 4. As little development as there is, you can tell each one of them plays a specific role (Cull Obsidian is obviously massive brawn thing, Ebony Maw is the clever one, Proxima and Corvus enjoy stabbing things etc), which means the only thing that’s really stopping these guys from appearing higher is lack of screen time.
15. Ultron (Avengers: Age of Ultron)
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Age of Ultron, like Thor 2, is often crapped on just as heavily for reasons I don’t think are hugely valid. And, like Thor 2, its villain is often the centre of the crapping. Ultron’s motives are relatively clear throughout the film and he feels central enough to be a genuine threat. I also like the plot arc that Ultron is the Avenger’s (particularly Tony and Bruce’s) fault, so that gives a whole new dynamic to his character. My only issue with Ultron is how odd his humour seems at times, as if he can’t quite decide whether he wants to be the serious villain or the funny villain. I’m all for villains showcasing both of these traits but, in Ultron’s case, he seems conflicted on which he’s trying to be.
14. Alexander Pierce (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
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Robert Redford plays the creepy Hydra dude very well and there’s something genuinely sinister about Pierce that especially comes through with his willingness to kill twenty million people. Pierce’s only downfall is that he’s a non-enhanced villain among many super-powered heroes and villains. So for all his sinister acting, Pierce just comes off as a little bit powerless. Not that this at all negates Redford’s performance or the strings Pierce pulls within SHIELD, it’s just that his lack of genuine power is something you can’t help but think about.
13. Justin Hammer (Iron Man 2)
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I maintain that the only saving grace of Iron Man 2, aside from the newly cast Don Cheadle as Rhodey, is Sam Rockwell’s Justin Hammer. He brings genuine humour to an otherwise joyless film and acts as a worthy adversary to Tony Stark. Also, his dancing during the Stark Expo? Worth watching the film for. I’d be very happy to see him return, although it might be a little late due to the fact that Iron Man may be about to make his exit in Avengers 4. RIP Justin, maybe another time my dude.
12. Obadiah Stane (Iron Man)
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Here he is, the villain that started it all. Jeff Bridges’ Iron Monger makes for a genuinely chilling, unsettling villain whose calmness is probably his most terrifying trait. At the centre of any good film, especially a Marvel film, is a good, compelling villain and Bridges manages this with ease. Unlike the two Iron Man sequels, this is an Iron Man villain who genuinely feels like he’s up to taking down Stark.
11. Kaecilius (Doctor Strange)
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Kaecilius is yet another chilling villain played by the brilliant Mads Mikkelson who, much like Stane, feels like a match to the protagonist. But what put Kaecilius ahead of him for me is the fact that he believes what he’s doing is completely right; he thinks he’s granting everyone eternal life, rather than enslaving them to Dormammu (who won’t be included because of his lack of screen time/only redeeming quality being his massive face). This alongside some kickarse magical abilities just puts him up a bit more. Time for the top ten!
10. Helmut Zemo (Captain America: Civil War)
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Daniel Bruhl goes full Bond villain for this one. Civil War in itself is a movie packed full of conflict at its core, so it takes a pretty memorable villain to make a mark on a film like this. Bruhl’s Helmut Zemo pulls all the strings behind the Avengers’ downfall and does so with a lot of sinister energy. But at the same time, we’re compelled to feel sorry for the fact that he lost his family in Sokovia during Age of Ultron. I think we’re probably going to see this guy making a return in future.
9. The Grandmaster (Thor: Ragnarok)
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I love Jeff Goldblum. Everyone loves Jeff Goldblum. And while he plays more of a minor villain role in Ragnarok, I think he made much more of a mark and delivered a more compelling, genuinely funny performance than any other Thor villain. So it’d be pretty amazing to see him come back for a future film. Especially if Taika Waititi has something to do with it.
8. Ulysses Klaue (Avengers: Age of Ultron, Black Panther)
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It’s pretty rare to see Andy Serkis in the flesh in a film rather than behind a lot of CGI and this character couldn’t have been played by anyone else. With Klaue being the second of two minor villains in this list alongside the Grandmaster, Klaue most makes his presence felt in Black Panther where he more than holds his own alongside Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger (who we’ll get to later).  Andy Serkis brings a hell of a lot of humour and genuine manic energy to this role and this is near enough his best performance. It’s just a shame that Ulysses Klaue is unlikely to return, considering the fact he was a shot multiple times during Black Panther.
7. Red Skull (Captain America: The First Avenger)
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Here is a villain that more than deserves his spot in the top ten. Arguably one of the most memorable villains of Marvel’s first phase, Hugo Weaving plays the angry clever Nazi scarily well. What makes him so great is the fact that he’s the complete antithesis to Captain America, which just makes the conflict between them seem more interesting. Plus, come on, it’s Hugo Weaving. He’s in every good film ever. What a guy.
6. Ego (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2)
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Kurt Russell’s Ego places this high for many reasons, mainly the fact that he doesn’t present himself as the villain until towards the end of the film and yet the film functions perfectly without a central antagonist (I love Guardians 2 a lot. This will become obvious probably). Ego even retains the parts of his character that you originally related to before he goes full bad guy and tries to cover all the planets in blue marshmallow fluff. Other than a couple of misplaced jokes (’I’m gonna go take a whiz’), Ego is a near-perfect Marvel villain.
5. Vulture (Spider-Man Homecoming)
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I struggle to call this guy a villain, even though he undoubtedly is. Everything he does is out of a place of concern for his family and the only murder he commits in the whole of the film was an accident. Okay, so this doesn’t necessarily make him a good person, but what makes him any better than the Netflix Punisher? Or Deadpool? Anyway, kind of irrelevant, Michael Keaton plays his second bird super-character in the same way he plays all of his roles; amazingly. One of the main elements of Homecoming that made it such a genuinely good reboot was an interesting, relatable villain that you struggle to hate (apart from maybe when he’s pummeling Spidey into the ground at the end, that hurt my feelings).
4. Loki (Thor, The Avengers)
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You can’t really call Loki a villain anymore, similarly to Bucky, M’Baku and Nebula (her especially, if she isn’t a full time guardian by the third one I’m not gonna be happy), he’s undergone a redemption arc that hasn’t negated his mischievous behaviour, but just makes sure the good parts of his character shine through a little more (that’s why I’ve only listed the two films in which I would class Loki as a villain). Tom Hiddleston plays Loki in a very sinister way, but more importantly with an overriding sense of fun. He perfectly strikes a balance between being a funny villain whilst still maintaining his sense of power.
3. Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War)
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Speaking of sense of power, it crushed my heart a little to see Loki get so easily offed at the beginning of Infinity War, making Loki’s usually undeniably effective plots seem like cheap parlor tricks (to be fair, all he did was pretend he wasn’t going to stab him, but I guess if Loki’s desperate, you know everyone’s fucked at that point). Aside from all that, Thanos easily is the most terrifying character in the MCU, purely because of sheer power. Josh Brolin plays him (and Cable too) with overflowing gravitas and a threatening aura that seems to be present in everything he does. Even if he is inevitably defeated in Avengers 4, the mark he’s left on the MCU is gonna sting the survivors for some time (Sidenote: if any Guardian turns out to be permanently dead, I will officially never get over that. Yondu was bad enough).
2. Hela (Thor: Ragnarok)
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Cate Blanchett as the first central female MCU villain (as well as the goddess of death) is iconic. Hela presents the same threatening, overly powerful aura that Thanos has and does every despicable act with a sense of sadistic humour. If I had the choice to bring back one villain, it would be Hela, because I very much doubt she died when Surtur squished Asgard, so her lasting mark may end up being equal to Thanos’. Or maybe she’ll turn out to be Lady Death? So many possibilites but to be honest, as long as they bring her back, I’m up for anything.
1. Killmonger (Black Panther)
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Who else was it going to be? Black Panther in itself was an iconic film, not just for its cultural significance, but also for breaking the usual Marvel mold with its narrative. And at the centre of all this is Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger, who perfectly strikes the balance between someone you love to hate and hate to love. But most of all, Killmonger’s death holds the most emotion of any villain-centric moment for me, as the ever brilliant T’Challa takes him up to see Wakanda’s sunset before he dies. But overall, what puts Killmonger ahead of all the others is the fact that everything he’s doing could easily be seen as morally correct, just not in its execution. All Killmonger wanted in the end was to arm and support his oppressed brothers and sisters, which highlights the film’s political message. Among irrelevant whip-wielding Russian scientists and endless business people in metal suits, Killmonger stands out as a villain you can side with as easily as the hero and is a villain I find it the most difficult to show any dislike for. (Totally not relevant, but Michael B. Jordan plays a good character in a cool indie film called Chronicle that came out a few years ago. If you're planning on watching a film anytime this week, I highly recommend you watch it, it will blow you away)
Phew. That took a while. Thanks for reading if you made it this far and feel free to let me know your top picks for MCU villains! If I do another Marvel list, will probably be the actual films next.
Have a good day/night my dudes
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leaveharmony · 7 years
** this got mad towards the end and it wasn't a targeted sort of mad at anyone in particular so much as a tired & probably-stemming-from-always-having-thing-I-enjoy-and-the-way-I-engage-with-it belittled sort of mad.  And as my father has always taught me, having or expressing emotions is shameful and wrong, so sorry.
Idk I think it's like....harder for me to cast judgement RE: ~cheating scandals~ or w/e because it goes back to it all being completely theoretical to me. No one's ever, face to face, at any time in any way expressed any kind of romantic interest in me whatsoever, I've never been in a relationship of any kind.  It hasn't come up, and that's fine.  Whether this is a case of you cannot miss what you've never had or whether I'm just like....a broken empty vessel for whom the yearning for human contact has gone beyond recall or desire, I dunno, and it doesn't concern me.  This isn't a pity me statement or an uwu secret crush notice me statement, I literally don't care at this point and tbh can't remember ever having done so.
Probably my oldest friend at this point, she....like as long as I've known her she's dated married men almost exclusively (and this started when we were both in highschool, when she was screwing around w/ her married english teacher - something I now understand was shocking predatory behaviour and probably statutory rape besides, but she does not acknowledge it as such so bring it up isn't my place).  She's been seeing the current one for at least three years now, I think, and he's married.  It's certainly an uncomfortable thing, and god knows I don't believe he could possibly think much of her or his wife if he's been doing this for so long and never once manned up and been honest or seriously considered ending his marriage.  But it's her life and we don't talk much anymore anyway, so I've never felt like it was my job or my place to be her therapist RE: holy shit what the fuck is wrong with you why do you do this to yourself and how could you do this to someone else?
Like full disclosure she started ‘seeing’ that english teacher when we were sort of puppy love internet-together (another long story but she wanted to or at least said she did and I sorta went along with it cos I didn't want to hurt her feelings...which of course, then it certainly seemed v. much like she didn't have many of, considering within a week she was having it off w/ someone else...again, this was a detached ‘Oh’ kind of moment, not really connected to any real hurt as she had instigated this and I hadn't really felt anything myself...it was upsetting in a sort of, ‘so this is what people do when they tell you they love you, that is disappointing but I guess life is not fiction’ kind of way but not in a ‘how could you, I love you’ kind of way.  As a first/only experience it could have gone better tbh, but it certainly gave me the right level of expectation afa being used & discarded when someone more convenient came along).
It's possible that most of the people I have ever known have just been fundamentally really bad at relationships and so I just sort of assume this is a normal thing; my father is an abusive shitbag and we're inescapably trapped with him, grandpa was a sort of...disinterested stick in the mud with a frightening temper for whom my grandmother gave up all her interests in sports and the outdoors because he did not share them.  Wabs never married, Tosh told me like she was expecting a pat on the back and a medal that she'd been faithful to her husband as he died of cancer 'even though she  ‘didn't have to be.’  And my instinctive reaction wasn't GOOD FOR YOU so much as it was “....what?!” but again...I didn't speak, because what the fuck do I know?  Maybe ppl run off and start seeing other ppl as soon as their partners get so much as a headcold all the time.
Ppl just sorta get abused and trampled and left and cheated on and discarded, or they do the same to others, and it just looks like a hell of a mess I'm well out of, tbh.  Which I guess is another reason...unless somebody's getting beat or otherwise abused, I feel like it's none of my business.  So honestly, “Tana slept around when he was single and one day some chick he canoodled with for like two months stabbed him for it” is filed under “Yeah that'll happen, thank god he didn't die” rather than “Hahahahaha karma amiright he totes deserved it, domestic abuse and attempted murder are hilarious when they’re directed at men who’re full of themselves!”
Nobody needs to tell me to have low fuckin' expectations for men, ok, I live under the boot of one of their idiot kings.  Tell me Tana fatshames his family for eating, tell me he gaslights them or acts like when they’re hurt or injured they’re making it up to personally inconvenience him, tell me they have to rigidly control their emotions around him to avoid setting off his violent temper, and ok.  Tell me he's a bigot, tell me he hits his family, tell me he hates women, tell me he's a rapist, ok.  But like...’he had a lot of sex and probably hurt people's feelings’ is not really high on my list of cardinal offenses b/c as far as I can tell, that's fucking everyone.  It isn't like he still does, it isn't like he's not tried to put it behind him and grow from it and be better.  It's practically his motto.   Why is ‘I acted in a shitty way but I'm trying to atone and I still look back and feel guilty about it’ only an admirable, affirming  thing to aspire to when it's a tumblr post & not when a guy is straight up saying it?  Which he has, on multiple occasions.  Can't change the past, can only try to learn from it.
At.  Least.  He.  Fucking.  Tries.
When has redneck george ever walked back his comments about gay ppl or his Islamophobia, when has Lesnar?  Beyond a token apology and chasing it w/ a dozen I'M NOT A RACIST THO interviews when has Hogan really acknowledged the depths of how he fucked up?  When did Warrior apologize for his vile bigotry, where's Elgin sincerely regretting being a fucking piece of shit dragging a rape victim's name through the mud?  Jericho's response to ‘hey maybe you shouldn't be advertising your cruise by saying there will be loads of bikini-clad women there available for you to ogle’ was essentially ‘are you triggered, bro, y so srys?’ and at no point did he objections seriously.  Orton never so much as thinks for two seconds before condemning BLM protesters or footballers who take the knee, AND he voted for Trump, but other than hollowly chanting that he's not a racist while blatantly doing things that are racist, silence.  Honma beat his girlfriend, Snuka murdered his partner, Austin smacked Debra around, Angle got stoned out of his mind and broke into his ex's apartment, X-Pac hit Chyna, exactly how often do they refer back to what happened, when did they apologize or express regret or even acknowledge any of it?  I mean I guess Benoit can't, what with the fucking suicide after he bashed in Nancy's skull and murdered his son.
Ppl have different things they can tolerate and forgive, is I guess my point, or at least one of them.  Which is fine!  I mean...I'd sure fucking side-eye anybody who writes any of the above a pass, but, I guess everybody's stories and reasons are different.
I like Tana.  I'm a fan of his.  Ok?  Like it probably sounds like I think he's a flawless angel crowned with light b/c compared to my fucking father, he IS.  It doesn't mean I'm being willfully blind to mistakes he's made or that I'm absolving him of every sin he's ever committed.  I think he's a good person and it's heartening and encouraging that he's in the world and if saying so without adding 18 asterisks about past behaviour and an disclaimer acknowledging all men as shit and all people as inherently flawed makes me a gullible childish ~fangirl~ than ok, I guess I am.  Everybody knows my tags for wrestling/wrestlers, which are there as much as a courtesy to anybody who needs to blacklist as they are a filing system for me (that’s why there’s a catch-all!  For ppl I haven’t thought up tags for yet or don’t intend to!), and tumblr savior is right there if me being silly about my favs in my own space bothers everybody so fucking much, god knows it wouldn't be the first time I set somebody cringing and they had to tune me out before they quietly dropped my ass like a particularly stupid puppy on a country road.  That I am a sloppy fawning emotional mess of untreated neurosis who hyperfixates on things & people who make me feel halfway hopeful for entire minutes at a time & gets stupidly overexcited about stuff isn't new information to me, so if you can't deal with that then... Well...sorry, honestly.  Like sincerely.  I know how I am and I try not to be but I can't help it sometimes when I like something.  Don't feel bad about leaving if you don't want to deal with it, cos I get it, honestly.  Have exactly zero (0) guilt feelings about it.  I’m a fundamentally repulsive creature, ppl have hard limits on how long they can put up with me, and so it has always been, and so it goes.
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Why do you hate Mercy...? Did she do something bad...? I haven't read the comics, so is there something I don't know about? Sorry for being annoying. I looked it up but didn't see anything.
thanks for the question anon- now the rest of this post is gonna have an angry tone. it’s not directed at you, i just get super salty every time i think too long abt mercy and how people stan her despite her doing, tbh, some horrible stuff.(OH another disclaimer- i like the wlw fans of mercy who are just out here havin a good time. the stans im talking about are like, the racist ass gency or pharmercy shippers who think mercy can do no wrong and will defend her to their last breath.)
she took advantage of genji’s near-death condition to turn him into a living weapon for overwatch, and used completely experimental technology on gabriel, which if she really wanted to help or improve his life she never would have done. no doctor would ever do either of those things to someone who wasn’t able to consent- that’s one of the exact things spelled out in the hippocratic oath. (gabe would have been dead or near death so he never could have consented, and genji doesn’t count because you can’t consent to something when you’re overwhelmed with pain and your other option is death.)
now the last time i joked that mercy can’t have taken the hippocratic oath, people got pissy at me. and i like to go one step beyond, so although i admit this is way over the top, here’s the passages from the actual oath showing that mercy isn’t worth shit as a doctor.
gabriel reyes- “I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. Above all, I must not play at God.”like…there it is tbh. that’s literally the exact opposite of what mercy did with gabriel. he was literally dead/dying and should have been left alone and respected. instead, she used experimental technology on him without consent, which is the very definition of playing god, considering she was trying to reverse death.
genji shimada- “I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required.” this one means you treat the sick with the motive of making them better, nothing less. what that doesn’t mean is refusing to treat the patient unless they work for your company, nor does it mean outfitting them with all kinds of robotic shit they do not need to survive and makes them feel less than human or like a tool. (do not tell me genji needed to have shurikens in his knuckles.)
breaking the hippocratic oath once means you’re no longer fit to be a doctor. mercy’s done it multiple times, make of that what you will.
i know the game, comics, etc. really try to make these look like positive things mercy’s done, but if you think about them they’re super cruel and fucked up and i really don’t like her for them
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