#i wanted to see a blond annabeth and dark haired Percy but I’m not bitching about a choice approved by the author
thatrandomblogsays · 1 year
Funniest thing Rick riordan did was write a book series that that made two of the main character’s physical features such a hallmark of their godly lineage that multiple monsters throw hand on site & created a fandom that collectively lost their minds over character art that wasn’t considered accurate and when the movie didn’t have a blond Annabeth… only to decide to completely disregard it for a new adaptation and not even put the characters in wigs for the new series
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asvterias · 4 months
𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟦: 𝖥𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝖨𝗆𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌 𝖬𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋
the cast // series masterlist
chap. 1 || chap. 2 || chap. 3 || chap. 4 || chap. 5 || chap. 6 || chap. 7 || chap. 8
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Dealing with Grief and Losses, Trauma Responses, Trauma Bonding, Implied Mentions of PTSD, Mentions of Multiple Deaths & Reader pulling bitches??! 🤭
Italics alone are the Reader’s Thoughts
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word count: 5.3k+
tag list: @s0r0ws @starvviss @kjisbae17 @lov3rgiiirl @starless-nightz @random-girls-loves @coolgirl458
author’s note: anyways, i hope you liked this chapter! please don’t be a silent reader and interact within the chapter. ahhh clarisse and reader FINALLY meet!! and so did adrianna and reader!!
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🌊 🐚 ✘ 🔥🗡️
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Your mind was hazy, blurring visions glitching as you managed to make sense of everything. Through your half-lidded eyes, you saw two figures standing above you balancing out the scenery of the thunderstorm outside.
“Where am I?”
“Trust me, new girl, you don’t wanna know.” The unknown girl spoke, appearing to have braided hair.
“You look pretty banged up, so you should rest, to recover from recent injuries.”
“…Who are you? What are me and my brother doing here?”
“I’m Annabeth, and your parentage is the reason why you’re here.”
“What– what does that mean?!”
“That means it’s our godly parent’s fault for making us the way we are,” Another figure appears, this time having blonde hair.
“Adrianna.” The younger girl’s figure shushes.
“It is their fault regardless!” She protested.
“Don’t freak her out!”
“Annabeth…” you whisper woozy, “That’s a pretty name, and I really like your braids, wanna be sisters sometime? I promise to protect and love you forever and ever way more than the asshole who abandoned you. You too Adrianna, you sound like my new best friend.”
“…Is she high?” Annabeth asked. “What did Cassandra give her?”
“I don’t fucking know, but I want whatever Cassy gave her,” Adrianna chuckles.
Annabeth hits her on the arm.
“Anna Banana, can I call you that?”
“No you may not,” she answered monotonously, crossing her arms.
“We’ll see, I’ll warm up to you, I always do with everybody,” You grinned, shifting your focus to the other girl, “Adri, that’s a cute nickname!”
“Only you can call me that,”
“Really? Oh, that makes me feel so special!” You rejoiced, stretching your arms out, “Don’t worry, Annabeth, I’ll figure you out, one way or another,”
“You sure she isn’t your actual sister from a different father?” Adrianna inquires.
“I wouldn’t mind it either way, she seems smart and honest so I like that about her,”
You fall back into a dark abyss of unconsciousness as the girls’ voices begin to fade out all around.
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Eventually, you woke up with a groan, everything began to hit you like a train wreck. You had no idea how long you were out for, the only thing coming to your mind was the two unknown girls from the other day, peering down and talking about you.
The rainy thunderous night, while desperately trying to escape a demigod killer. The car crashed onto the side of the street and everyone waking up battled and bruised. It was your mom’s last moment, in the car, telling you to be safe and discover your true potential. Your cries still echoed in your mind as you shuddered at the faint memory, struggling to keep the fresh tears at bay.
More importantly, the fight with the Minotaur was one you’d never forget. That wretched monster killed your other mom, Sally and so you killed it, driven by vengeance and grief.
It was a wonder how you survived so far, the aching heartbreak of recent losses still lingering in your mind.
“It’s okay, you’re safe.” Grover starts.
“Y/N, you’re awake!” Percy states, rushing to you for a hug. You winced slightly at the impact but returned the hug.
“How long was I out for?” You examined your body, recognizing the same pair of clothes from the Minotaur fight.
“Two days straight.”
“Is there— Are our moms…?!” You gulp, too heartbroken to finish your statement.
They both looked down, refusing to admittedly say it, knowing the losses were a sore subject to discuss.
You frantically searched for the necklace, sighing in relief when you pulled it out, dangling the necklace in your face. You held the sentimental item to your chest, whispered a quick prayer to your parents, and briefly kissed the necklace. The bracelet you wore on your right wrist reminded you of your mother, Sally, gifted on your 10th birthday. It was a Pandora charm bracelet, matching ones, yours was silver and hers was gold.
“I just wanna be left alone right now, if that’s okay.”
You wished the earth swallowed you whole.
“Well, it’s a big deal to kill a monster like that.”
“Did you see it?” Percy asked.
“So, I wanted everyone to know–“
“Did you see it? Did you see what happened to our moms?”
You blinked away the unshed tears, clutching onto your mom’s necklace with one hand and using the other, fiddling with your mother’s bracelet.
“I did,” Grover spoke after some time. “Y’know Y/N most people would go for the eyes but you went for the neck, I’m impressed.”
“She went for both, but okay,” Percy mutters.
“Thanks, Grover, please can we keep the commentary to ourselves for right now?”
“Oh…” Grover catches on, his eyes crinkling in sadness as he holds his head down, “I’m sorry….”
“What are you apologizing for?”
“For not doing my job properly,” His ears dejected as he looked down shamefully “…I failed you both.”
“What happened to my moms wasn’t your fault, you couldn’t have predicted that or stopped it.”
“But I still feel guilty.”
You remained silent, eyes stuck on the ground before a sudden weight crashed into you, catching you by surprise.
“I know I can’t take your sadness away, believe me, if I could I definitely would. So I’m going for the next best thing, a hug.”
A small genuine smile appears on your face at Grover’s statement as you reciprocate the hug before feeling another presence join the hug. Percy nuzzled his head, smiling as you three lingered in silence for a while, comforted by each other.
“Wait,” you backtrack, being the first to pull away from the group hug. You noticed the Minotaur’s horn on the table, “That fight with that thing was real??”
“Oh yeah,” Grover nods, “It’s also called a Minotaur, that doesn’t matter and you probably don’t care.”
“Look at you catching on, I’ve never been prouder.” You joked, finally taking in your surroundings. “Where the hell are we?” You inspected the room, getting up from the bed.
“Welcome to Camp Half-Blood.”
“That’s a stupid ass name.”
“It kinda is.”
“Guys,” Grover stares at the sibling duo, “Not the right focus.”
“My bad,”
“Y/N, I think you should change into something a little less…dirty.” Grover insists, gesturing to your dirty outfit.
“Good call,” you click your tongue, “Where’s the shower? I’m due for a nice hot steamy shower,”
Grover looked at you with a hesitant smile.
“Oh, please don’t tell me this is an actual outdoor camp where I shower in a communal?!”
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The rest of the day went by slowly for you and somewhat, gloomy. Taking a nice shower and changing into fresh clothes was one way to ease your mind, but it only numbed halfway. You wore a bright orange shirt, consisting of the engraved words ‘Camp Half-Blood’ warped around a circle, surrounding a flying horse, and a pegasus, all in black.
Not going to lie, the specific choice of color was too blinding for your taste but you had to tolerate it. Apparently, this shirt was all they had…probably the only one they’d give you, so you took the shirt with gratitude.
However, your beige cargo pants and simple black converse shoes, pulled it all together, making you look presentable.
You complained when viewing the shirt in the full-length mirror in the bathroom though.
How can a camp be in a shortage of decent shirts but have many of these human-size walking traffic lights just lying around? How many kids do they want to come to this camp? You couldn’t even stand a school full of students, and now, this camp is filled with them, you couldn’t escape kids no matter what.
Getting bored of loathing your shirt, you ventured through the infirmary, hoping to be entertained.
The lingering effects of your parents’ deaths still took a toll on you. Your mood was dampened, despite attempting to hide your emotions from your brother, Percy, to not worry him even further.
You found yourself sitting on one of the lounge chairs on the patio outside.
“Hey, new girl,” A voice calls out to you.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, sitting up slightly at the new presence of a stranger.
A pretty stranger too…seems to be around your age, and looks to be a natural blonde white girl. Who also seems to be wearing the eye-soring orange of a shirt.
“Yeah?” You answered hesitantly.
“Is that chair taken?” She points to the empty chair.
“I wanna say yes but I feel obliged to tell you to fuck off,” You honestly respond, shrugging your shoulders.
The blonde girl stared at you in amusement at your honesty, and so were you, shocked even by your unusual behavior. You winced at your harsh tone, refusing to believe your own ears at your words. Great, be an absolute bitch to the girl who wants to be friends with you, nice going Y/N!
Most of the time, you were nice to everyone, but your patience and kindness wore thin so you spoke the first thing on your mind.
“Yes or no?”
“Sure,” you exhale.
You closed your eyes, leaning back in your chair, ruining your posture completely. The footsteps pad against the wooden floorboard and halt when she sits down.
“To be honest I thought you were nicer,” She started, “Sucks to discover you’re just a pretty girl with an ugly personality, message received,”
“Just caught me on a bad day, I’m quite interesting once you get to know me.”
“Oh, I’m certain.”
“Can I confide in you?” You asked quietly, leaning toward her as if you were entrusting her with a major secret.
It was random for you to trust the promise of a stranger, but she felt different, she felt trustworthy enough. Either way, you need to rant your true feelings about recent events to someone. Just to freely talk with them without judgment or their personal opinions, only them listening. You’d talk with Percy, but you doubt he’d be able to assist due to his many lack of experiences in life as yet or burden him with your issues.
“Hit me.” She replies.
“My life changed drastically in only a few hours, and I don’t know how to…cope with it… with everything regarding it. Especially…”
“I lost my mother too,” she hums lowly, casting her eyes downward, a faint sad smile as she recalls the traumatic memory. “When I was 8…she died right in front of me. We were arguing about my father and how I had to leave for my own safety, but I refused to hear her out. So in a desperate plea to end the conversation…I didn’t know where this blinding source of energy, this new power came from, and…it scared me so much. Next thing I knew, the kitchen stove turned on and everything else happened way too fast. The horrid desperate screams, her helpless body being engulfed with flames, and the wretched sound of her body hitting the floor with a final thud. I still relive her death in my nightmares at times, I think my dad does it to haunt me, or maybe it’s my own self-consciousness telling me I did that to my own mother…”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you, it must have been horrible for you, a little girl, to endure hardships this early in her life,” You leaned closer, resting your hand on top of hers before hesitantly pulling her into a comforting hug. “Don’t blame yourself for your mother’s death, it was never your fault.”
You frown, noticing the blonde slightly flinch away from your touch. You quickly moved your hand away, not wanting to make her uncomfortable again.
“Sorry, I like to comfort people, it’s an annoying habit…I know–“
Taking you by surprise, she instantly pulls you in another hug to soothe her worries.
“Thanks, I guess I really needed that. Sorry if I was crossing any boundaries or being too clingy.” She pulls away from the hug.
“Of course, anytime. I’m always here to help a friend, especially if they’re coping with a past trauma.”
“It’s fine, it’s in the past,” she wipes away stray tears, dismissing the tragic experience of hers.
“No it’s not fine, it’ll never be fine. That shouldn’t have happened to you.”
“I believe you owe me a tragic story too,” she chuckles, trying to diminish the somber mood.
You send her a weak smile, “Prepared to get one story for the price of two then,” You exhaled heavily, “On the way here…to camp half-blood, me and my family were outrunning the Minotaur, and if that couldn’t get worse enough, it’d rammed itself into our car, knocking us off the road. I was the first to wake up and get everyone out of the car, and…when I went to rescue my mom…she wasn’t moving, unresponsive and quietly still, that’s when I realized she was dead, although my poor attempts to revive her weren’t clearly working out. By the time me and my brother managed some distance from the Minotaur because of her distraction, that monster crushed her with his…bare hands, and she turned into…” You hesitated, pondering whether to proceed with the following information, “She died from the crushing impact…I killed the Minotaur for that. I killed the Minotaur for killing my mothers,”
“Oh…wow, just so you know…I’m so sorry that happened to you and your brother. Your mothers sounded very brave and loving,” Adrianna murmurs, squeezing your hand gently.
“Well, that’s life, what can you do?” You wiped the tears away.
Hearing the quiet sniffles coming from you, a frown tugged at the blonde girl’s lips, “I don’t know how to comfort you very well, so would you like a hug?” she negotiated with you, “Ask for one, get one free?” She joked.
“Sure, I would love a hug!” Your sobs came out in a hearty laughter, accepting the comforting hug.
“I just get a feeling that she’s still somewhere here with me,” you played with your necklace.
“She is,”
“And so is your mother, she knows what happened to her isn’t your fault,”
“I like you, let’s be best friends.”
“Sure, okay.”
“Huh, that was easy,”
“I think we get along so well because of similar past experiences,”
“It’s been proved that therapists call that trauma bonding,”
“We don’t have any of those here – therapists, I mean…but trauma bonding, ohh, there’s plenty enough to go around!” she whistles, “We’re destined to be each other’s therapist and forced to deal with our own shit in the process. It’s a lose-lose situation, we all cope here differently.”
“Don’t gotta tell me twice.” You muttered, noticing the sunset arriving on the horizon. It was a beautiful sight, maybe this camp wouldn’t be as bad as you thought it would be, considering you made a new first friend.
Adrianna exhaled, standing up and patting off any dust off her pants, “I gotta go, but someone will be back with dinner for you and your brother,”
“How long until me and Percy can actually reacquaint with other people our age?”
“Not too long, trust me. Whenever you reach, keep an eye out for me, okay?”
“Of course,”
“See you later, Y/N!”
She leaves your sight, heading back towards the actual camp alongside the other campers.
“See you later, Adri!”
Huh, your first true friend you made all on your own. Your parents would be very proud of this, you know they truly would...but they weren’t here. They won’t ever come back, and sooner or later, despite the grief, you’d have to overcome their losses and move on with your life.
Your eyes flicker down in sadness, reminiscing on your mothers, your favorite memories of them, and celebrating your milestones. Gosh, they missed so much, making you wonder how much more they will be missing out on in your life.
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Later that evening, the crickets chirped loudly in the grass as you stared at the sky. Percy was still inside the infirmary cabin, lying in the bed, keeping his thoughts to himself.
You wanted to be there in his time of need, but you knew he processes things differently from you. You weren’t always going to be there for him, to be his steady rock every time. It pained him to come to that realization, but he knew it was true, that you had your own life to manage.
So reluctantly with a heavy heart, you knocked on the door lightly, nervously chewing on your bottom lip. Of course, Percy locked the door, demanding some privacy and time to reconcile with his grief as well.
“Hey, I’m here if you need to talk…we don’t even have to talk…we’ll just wallow in silence if you prefer. Just know I’m here for you.” You stammered.
He remained silent, waiting as you left him alone once again.
“I’m sorry I was unable to protect our mothers, I felt like I should have done something more, or if I’d known ahead of time, I would have prevented their deaths. I’m just…I’m so sorry Percy, I never meant for any of these to happen to us. Please, you have to believe me, this was never my true intention,” You cried, pressing your body weight against the door. No tears left your eyes, it was just your voice cracking with each word.
Still, he stayed silent, even to your desperate pleas.
“Okay, I get it you’re silent now, but whenever you’re ready to talk, I’m here, so I’ll be outside.”
You turned to walk away but stopped yourself to say one more thing. “I love you, Percy, and I’ll never let anything happen to you,” You promised.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He murmurs, hoping you’ll hear him.
“Dinner is soon coming, so please eat.”
“Okay, tell me when it’s here,”
As your footsteps retreat from the door, a small smile curls up on his face, content with your presence.
Opening the front door, you stepped outside, closing it behind you, overlooking the sight before you.
Another girl walks up to the patio of the infirmary, balancing two trays of food in her hand, them being foiled-wrapped, supposedly being your dinner. She is absolutely gorgeous! Her skin was beautiful, an olive tone, as the golden hour sunkissed her body, showing off her muscular arms that slowly strained with every movement.
She has curly hair, seemingly refusing to restrain it, which probably tangles quickly, giving her a hassle to handle but you doubt she cares. The olive-skinned girl wore the same dreadful orange camp shirt and a simple pair of blue jeans.
Why am I talking so much about her hair? Snap out of it! Focus on what she’s saying instead of wondering what flavor shampoo she uses.
“What’s up with you? You’ve been saying nothing for a little while, it’s getting quite concerning. I can assure you there’s nothing special about this place. The whole thing is a dump,”
Oh, shit, she noticed me staring at her! She probably thinks I’m weird now. How did I proceed? What do I say to justify myself? Is there anything possible to say to justify my peering eyes on her? Nope, I don’t think there is. This is so fucking embarrassing!
“Just….” You cleared your throat, scratching the back of your neck, rambling anything, “Getting used to my surroundings,” You finished off, trying to convince her about your whereabouts. Who were you trying to convince here more? You or her?
“Huh-uh,” she agrees unconvinced by your excuse, walking closer to you, “Well while you get used to your surroundings, you can eat something, if you fill your stomach with food, then perhaps your mind can regain control too.” she handed you a tray, filled with different sorts of food. She rested the other one on the mini table.
“Thanks for the food…” you squint your eyes, hoping to remember her name, if she even told you it yet.
She finishes, sitting on one of the patio steps. “Clueless and you are…?”
“Do you lack a last name or something?” She quirked an eyebrow.
“Matthews-Jackson, call me any which one is fine by me.” You unwrapped your foil, glancing at your dinner choices.
“Clarisse La Rue,”
“Great. Quick question!”
“Ask away, clueless.”
“Where the hell are we?!”
She chuckles, “God, you’re really living up to that nickname of yours, clueless.” The girl sneaks a grape off your plate and munches on the fruit, “Just know it’s keeping people like us safe.”
You stared at the curly-haired girl unimpressed by her vague response, expecting more.
“Already told that, say something new.” You stated.
“Okay…for starters, I’ve taken a liking to you, which is saying something, even for me,”
She steps closer, causing you to gulp down your fear of personal space.
“I don’t know why or how you intrigue me so much when I barely know you, but trust me, I intend to find out.” her gaze pierced through yours, eyes analyzing your facial features and she smirked slightly at your body language. You flushed underneath her gaze, and your eyes averted elsewhere.
Her flirtatious smile sent an intense feeling in your stomach and your heart accelerated at an alarming speed. Thankfully, your brown skin concealed your blush or else a generous amount of teasing would be sent your way. Was it butterflies…bursting into millions of more butterflies?! No! No! Could it be…?! Maybe you felt slightly attracted to Clarisse, but could it go further beyond being acquaintances?! Guess, we’ll see soon…
“What’s this camp’s deal?”
“That’s not my place to tell you,” She distanced herself away, sitting down and leaning her head against the wooden frame. The two girls sat on the patio steps, continuing their conversation.
“But you could.”
“Yes, I could.”
“So tell me, then!”
“Why not?”
“Because I could but I won’t,”
You roll your eyes, “That isn’t fair,” you cross your arms, huffing slightly.
“Nothing in life is, Matthews,” She muses, shuffling closer to you, “Now eat your food, I’m sure you’re starving.”
“Yes ma’am,” You playfully comment, picking around your food with the fork.
She smiles at your behavior, getting startled when your entire demeanor changes in an instant. Your wholesome voice was replaced by a firm tone of authority. It almost scared her a little bit to witness a whirlwind of emotions appear in an unexpected moment.
“Percy!” You yelled for your younger brother inside the infirmary room.
“What?!” His voice rang from inside.
“Dinner’s here! Come eat now or you’ll starve tonight!”
“Y/N, don’t touch my plate at all!”
“Can’t make no promises!”
Clarisse turned to you, “You have a brother?”
“I thought you came here alone.”
“You thought wrong then.”
“Is he annoying?”
“All brothers are!”
“I heard that!”
“Perhaps I should repeat myself: all brothers are annoying, especially my overdue growth spurt of a baby brother, who goes by the full government name of Percy Jackson-Matthews!”
“My growth spurt just hasn’t caught up to me yet. It’s perfectly normal for guys my age. Also, leave my name out of this!”
“Whatever, blondie. Either come in 30 seconds or your grapes are gone.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh, but I would,” You challenged with a teasing smile, “We both know that I’m a big foodie.”
Happy to know that Percy’s feeling better and the sound of food only dignified that. God, he really was your brother.
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The following day was a recurring one, you and Percy remained in the infirmary cabin, both deciding to get introduced to the head adults of this camp.
Your brother’s eyes caught onto another small building, an open room, a few feet away and you two stumbled across there.
“Excuse me, sir, I’m Percy Jackson-Matthews.”
“And I’m Y/N Jackson-Matthews, we’re new here,”
“Peter Johnson and Y/N Morgan are here.” He shouts to no one, creating an echo.
“Okay,” Percy shuffled on his feet, looking clueless, “That isn’t really our names.”
“Not even remotely close.” you shake your head at the man before you, “Do you know where the office is? Or who’s in charge of this…dump?” You peer at the stacked old dusty wooden box against the wall, instinctively jumping away when a spider appears. Percy scoffs at your sudden clinginess, wondering what scared you but he flinches away, noticing the large spider on the box too.
The man slides his shades down, getting a much better look at the two siblings.
“For your information, missy, this camp isn’t a dump.”
“Then what is it? I doubt it’s a heaven.”
“You’re right, it’s a hellhole, my personal hell, and you just happened to spawn here without warning.”
Grover’s hurried tone appears throughout the room as he runs inside, standing in between the two Jackson siblings.
“Percy and Y/N, this is Mr. D. He’s the camp director.” He introduced you two.
“Mr. D. This is Percy and Y/N Jackson-Matthews.”
“Yeah, Grover,” he throws his sunglasses on the table, “I heard them the first time.”
You tilted your head at the man, “But did you?”
Grover pulled you and Percy aside in a small corner of the room.
“You don’t really wanna start with this guy,” Grover warns.
“Don’t wanna start with him but he’s starting with us,” You retaliated.
“Y/N, the D is for Dionysus, that’s Dionysus,” He recorrects himself.
“What do you mean Dionysus?” You inquired, “That’s an ancient ass name, who names their kid Dionysus?”
“Like the god Dionysus?” Percy persisted.
“No way!”
“Yes, way!”
“There’s no fucking way!”
“You’re not supposed to be cursing,” Percy gasps.
“Oh, and what are you gonna do? Bite me, blondie boy,” You snarled at your brother.
“Do you wanna go? Do you wanna go right now because we can go right now?”
“Shut up you doofus. We’d both know you’d lose, even Grover knows it,”
“Make me, loser,” Percy stuck his tongue out at you.
“Guys let’s not…do that right here. Can you both please be civilized people, at least for a couple of minutes?”
“I can, I have more self-control than Percy,”
“My sister is an excellent liar,”
The three of you turned back to him, walking forward to his table.
“Excuse me, your highness.” Percy starts. You close your eyes, whispering an incoherent prayer as you shake your head in embarrassment. Dionysus grumbles in disapproval and you roll your eyes, slapping Percy in the back of his head, lunging his head forward a little bit.
“Ow, Y/N, what was that for?” He held his head, spinning to you in shock.
“Why are you calling him your highness? He’s not a god or royalty.”
“Yes, he is. Grover just told us.”
“No you imbecile, he told us Dionysus was a god, not a powerful god or not one of the gods.”
“He doesn’t have to be important, he’s still a god.”
“Very obviously not an important god if he works at this dump of a camp, this is probably some punishment for him,”
“Anyways,” he focuses his attention back onto Dionysus, “I think my dad may be around here somewhere, and I don’t know how to ask for him…we don’t even know his name, but I think we should see him,” he says, glancing at you, “I think we really need that right now. Can you help us?” he blinks at Dionysus.
“Yeah, he owes us that much,” You snort, crossing your arms, “Years of abandonment and he doesn’t have the decency to show up.”
After Percy’s sentimental confession, Dionysus sits upright, resting his coke can on the table, and begins to speak. “Actually I think I can….son.” he concludes, keeping a neutral face as he looks at you, “and my beloved daughter.”
“Dad…” Percy initiates, stunned at the revelation.
“Hold up, what?”
“Yes, Peter?”
“It’s Percy.”
“You idiot, he’s not our dad.”
“He so could be.”
“How? Tell me how Percy?”
“Save the sibling theatrics for later. Now, before we get to know each other, there’s something very important I wasn’t you to do for me, okay?”
Percy agrees to the instructions.
“In the galley,” You looked at the open door, staring at the far distant green galley, “There is a bottle of 1985 Château Haut-Brion. Will you go fetch that for me?”
“Uhh, fuck no, my brother’s not your lap dog, he may have the personality for it, but he’s not doing that.”
“No one’s talking to you, missy!” The older man rebuts.
“Is that really all you have to say to us?”
“Hey, um, Mr. D, even if Percy was–“
“Uh, uh, uh, bup! Grover, quiet, please. This is a nice moment, don’t ruin it.”
You stifled a laugh as Grover was rendered silent.
“The galley is right down that path. Grab that bottle and I’ll talk to you about whatever you want. You know, uh…you, uh…me, who cares?”
Percy contemplated his decision for a minute before concluding. He motioned to walk outside the room, but he stopped in his tracks, eyes intensely focused on a moving presence, the sound of hooves against the hardwood floor.
“Holy shit, what the fuck–“
Okay, you were clearly losing it now!
Mr. Brunner stalked closer towards you two, confident in his movements as he halted, staring at the siblings.
He clicked his tongue, “Percy. Y/N.”
“Mr. Brunner?” Percy asked, appalled.
“What are you?!” You inquired, bewildered.
At that, the man remained quiet.
“Uh, Mr. Brunner’s real name is Chiron.” Grover informs, “Camp activities directory, immortal trainer of heroes, he is–“
“Grover, thank you. I’ll take it from here.”
“Oh, Y/N and Percy, this must be a lot for you to process.”
“You being half horse is adding more to that,” You crossed your arms.
“Oh, no. It’s–it’s fine. I mean you’re a horse, my father won’t talk to me unless I get him a drink. Well this all seems totally normal and reasonable–“
“Dionysus has no clue who we are, do you?”
“Yes, I do.” Mr. D replied nonchalantly, “What kind of father would I be if I didn’t.”
“A horrible deadbeat one, that’s for sure.”
“Aren’t you the life of the party?”
“You just wanted to get drunk, did you?”
“Well, if I have to deal with kids like you, I’m gonna need one every hour of the day.”
“No, no, no.” Chiron explains, “Mr. D is not your father, either of you.” The siblings turned to him.
“Told you, dummy.” You grit your teeth at your brother.
“I could be.” he reaffirms with a nod.
“Yes, but are you?”
“Why must you ruin everything?”
“I was right,”
“Aren’t you a little miss know it all? I’m sure you’d fit in right with Athena’s children, possibly another sister of Annabeth.”
“Mr. D knows that Zeus has forbidden him from consuming alcohol and that demigods can do things for gods that gods are forbidden to do for themselves. Mr. D was taking advantage of that. Hmm?”
Your brother faced Mr. D and he only offered a shrug and displeased face.
“Percy, Y/N, walk with me and we’ll start again,” He bargains.
Agreeing with the man’s kind words, you and Percy follow after Chiron, to which Grover trails behind until Chiron stops him.
“Uh, Grover, please give us a moment,”
The boy sighed and fell back, watching you and Percy walking with Chiron towards the camp.
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likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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willsimpforanyone · 3 years
Hey there! Hope you are having a great day!🙂 could u please write a Percabeth fic with badgirl!Annabeth and kind of Nerdy!Percy? Perhaps in 🛏 Percy flips the tables where he is SUPER dominant and he uses Annabeth’s kinks against her? Sorry if that’s 2 specific!
ooo an au and a smut? i'll do my best!
sidenote- i'm such a sucker for pet names so 'doll', 'darlin'' and 'babygirl' are gonna make frequent appearances
i don't think there are any warning needed
"Annabeth, please, I need to concentrate." Percy frowned at the papers in front of him, puzzling over the maths. Annabeth sighed, flopping on the bed, her black leather jacket creaking as she threw her hands behind her head.
"I'm bored, Seaweed Brain," she lightly kicked the back of his chair with a boot. "And you've been staring at the same problem for twenty minutes so clearly you are too." Annabeth leaned up on her forearms, blonde twists tucked behind her ear. "What, I'm not as interesting as marine biology?"
Percy chuckled, but his eyes stayed fixed on the paper. "You're plenty interesting, but right now I really need to figure this out, okay?"
Annabeth sat up properly. "Can I help?"
"You're a genius at architecture and ancient Greek, babe, but marine biology has unfortunately never been a hyperfixation of yours." Percy noted something down on the paper and Annabeth's heart fluttered at the petname. It wasn't often that her boyfriend called her anything other than 'Annabeth', 'Annie', 'Beth' or 'Wise Girl'.
The leather jacket was shrugged off and Annabeth was left in black ripped jeans and a tank top, sleeves dipping to her hipbones. "Perce, you gotta relax," she stood behind his chair and rested her hands on his shoulders. Her lips touched his ear as she leant down. "I know, for a fact, I can help with that."
Percy reached up and lightly stroked her cheek, but returned his attention to his damn work. "I'm serious, Beth, I have to finish this by tomorrow."
Eyes rolling, Annabeth threw herself back on the bed. Clearly, being subtle wasn't working. Well, desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Honey, I'm bored, and I want attention. Specifically your attention." She fixed her eyes on the back of his head. "I want it now, Percy. Get over here."
There was a tense pause. Percy's pencil stopped scratching across the page.
He sighed.
"You're so demanding."
...that was a different tone than Annabeth was used to.
It didn't matter, she was ready to be in control. Percy silently got up from the desk and neatly tucked his chair in, picking up Annabeth's leather jacket from the bed and placing it on the back of the chair. Annabeth made to stand up from the bed, but Percy's hand pushed her back down.
"No, you wanted my attention, right?"
Annabeth paused. This was different. "...yes"
"Then strip."
Percy's voice was deep, commanding, and Annabeth shifted slightly on the bed. "What?"
He placed his hands either side of her thighs, eyes focused on hers. "I don't think I need to repeat myself, baby, do you?"
Oh fuck. Annabeth was so screwed.
Percy backed away, arms folded and giving her space. She stood, uncomfortably aware of her slightly shaky legs, and somewhat inelegantly kicked off her boots. No reaction. She shimmied out of her jeans and tossed them on the floor. No reaction. She pulled off her shirt and tossed that too. About to pull off her bralette, Percy held up his hand to stop her.
"Sit up on the bed."
Annabeth raised her eyebrows. "Since when did you start giving me orders?" She loved this new side, but oh boy was she gonna make him work for it.
The dark smile on Percy's face sent electricity through Annabeth's body. "Since when did you start obeying them, darlin'?"
He moved forward, so close they were almost chest to chest. "Now, be a doll, and sit on the bed. Leaning against the headboard, if you'd be so kind."
Annabeth moved onto the bed almost before realising it. Her breath caught in her throat as Percy grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, revealing toned, lean muscles.
Percy's eyes were dark, a shadowy green that pierced into Annabeth's smoky greys as he knelt on the bed, lowering his head to press kisses down Annabeth's thighs.
Shaky breaths left Annabeth as he kissed closer and closer to the line of her underwear. He winked as he nipped at her skin, pulling a gasp from her. "What, no retort? No witty comeback, Wise Girl?"
"Fuck o-" Annabeth choked on her words as Percy licked a stripe up her clothed pussy.
"That's what I thought," he whispered and leaned up, taking the material between his teeth and dragging it down, lifting her hips to pull the underwear down her legs and throw them across the floor.
Annabeth's head was whirling. Her sweet nerd had a whole other side to him and she felt out of her depth in the best way.
She slapped a hand across her mouth as Percy flicked and writhed his tongue, stifling the moans that threatened to spill out. A sharp slap to the outside of her thigh jolted her body, and she looked down to see Percy glaring at her.
"Don't you dare."
He dove back in and Annabeth's back arched, hands fisted in the sheets as her eyes squeezed shut and moans filled the room. Percy trailed his fingers so slowly across her skin she almost screamed when he plunged them into her, the new sensation lighting her on fire.
"Perce, fuck, more!"
Immediately, Percy pulled away, leaving his girlfriend panting and whining. "I don't think you're in the position to make demands, babygirl."
Annabeth pouted. "What? You just stopped, why?"
"You demanded attention like a brat," Percy shrugged, sitting back on his heels. "And now I'm giving it to you, you think you deserve more?"
A shiver ran down her spine as Annabeth registered the tone and the fact that her sweet, usually submissive boyfriend just called her a brat.
"Tell you what," Percy trailed a finger down her stomach. "If you ask nicely, and be a good girl for me, I'll give you what you want." He smirked. "Sound good?"
Annabeth tried her hardest to not instantly say yes, to retain some of her dignity. She was the tough one, the one everyone knew not to fuck with, and now she was on the verge of begging her boyfriend to fuck her.
She nodded.
"That's my girl." Percy beckoned her to sit up and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her into a fierce kiss. His lips were a soft contrast to his behaviour, and she smiled into the kiss.
All too soon, Percy pulled away, but kept his hand on her neck. "Now, darlin', ask me for what you want."
She swallowed any uncertainty. "I want you... I want you to fuck me."
Percy shook his head. "That sounds like a demand, babygirl. Try again."
The fucker wanted her to beg.
"...please, Percy, please fuck me, I'll be good, I promise!"
The dark smile that spread over his face settled a pleasantly tight feeling in Annabeth's lower stomach. Percy pushed her back so she laid on the bed, and he kicked off his jeans and underwear. "That's much better, darlin'." He reached into the drawer by the bed and withdrew a condom, tearing open the packet and rolling the latex onto his cock. He slid back in between her legs, head dipping into the crook of her neck. Annabeth pushed against Percy's hips as his lips made contact with her skin, and both moaned at the friction.
"You're so gorgeous, baby." Percy nipped at her skin, leaving a trail of red marks in his wake.
"Perce, please, stop teasing me," Annabeth looped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a sloppy kiss, pressing her body up against his. "I asked nicely, please, plea-"
Annabeth cried out and threw her head back as Percy thrust into her. He kept an unrelenting pace, and it was all she could do to hold onto him.
"This what you wanted, huh?" Percy's heavy breath was on her neck, his voice directly in her ear. "You wanted my attention, you finally got it, right?" Annabeth didn't answer, eyes closed and mind clouded with lust and pleasure. Percy slapped her thigh, snapping his hips into her hard. "Answer me, babygirl."
Annabeth shrieked. "Yes! Yes, this is what I wanted, Percy, thank you baby, I got what I wanted!"
Percy chuckled lowly into her neck. "That's my girl."
He sped up the pace, hitting that spot inside her that had her toes curling, stomach clenching, nails digging into his shoulders. "I-I'm so close Perce, don't stop, please please please don't stop-"
"Wouldn't dream of it, Wise Girl." Percy kept his movements consistent, only dragging a hand down Annabeth's body to rub circles in her clit.
Annabeth came with a scream, eyes squeezed shut and legs wrapped around her boyfriend's hips. Percy groaned deeply, reverberating in his chest as he spilled inside the condom, stilling his motions inside of her.
His arms shook with the effort to not collapse on top of her, and he gently pulled out of her. Shifting to the side of the bed, he let himself fall on the bed next to her. Removing the condom and tying off the end, he threw it expertly in the bin.
"Baby, that was just a whole new side of you, huh?" Annabeth smiled.
Percy blushed red, a stark contrast to just a few minutes ago. "Did you like it?"
She brushed his hair behind his ear. "It was new, but I did like it." She poked his shoulder. "My cute nerd has a dominant side, who knew?"
Percy grinned, and pecked her cheek. "Can I go back to my paper now, brat?"
Annabeth rolled her eyes, but smiled and shoved him off the bed. "Get back to it, Seaweed Brain."
i very much hope you enjoyed! this took me forever to write bc executive dysfunction is a bitch but thank you so much for requesting!
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theunholygrails · 3 years
Foolish Games Part 2
A/N: Introducing new characters and some drama! Percy is still sexy as ever :'(.
Warnings: BJ
I woke up to a door slamming so hard it joined the symphony of my pounding headache. I groaned, hoisting myself over the back of the couch to investigate to intrusion. A brunette head of long sweeping hair rushed through the foyer, barreling towards the kitchen. A familiar mop of black hair hurried after.
Reyna was speaking so fast in Spanish my brain scrambled to keep up. I noted lots of curse words followed by a series of sentences too fast I was surprised she even knew what she was saying. Percy was answering in slow measured words, probably fighting a hangover of equal measure. I ducked behind the back of the couch, reaching for my phone plugged in on the coffee table.
It was noon. 2% battery and a couple messages from friends. Nothing from my ex thank gods. Five from Annabeth being nosey. I opened my uber app, squinting in the sunlight breaking through the cream curtains. I managed to get my driver secured.
A door slammed and I winced, peaking to check that they were in another room. I did not immediately spot my dress in the chaotic. I grimaced remembering the midnight swim. When I sat up I finally noticed the white tshirt I wore and the basketball shorts. And then I went rigid remembering what happened after the swim.
“Motherfucker,” I whispered.
Now I really had to get out of this house. I checked the arrival time of my driver. Three minutes away. Great. I made my way on shaky knees to the large wooden front door. My keys were still in the collection dish. I grabbed them quietly and turned the door handle a fraction of an inch before another door slammed open and Reyna came barreling back into the foyer, brown eyes landing promptly on my guilty ass. Behind her, Percy pursed his lips into a thin line and raised both of his hands to lay on top of his head. His biceps strained nicely against the thin t shirt.
“The fuck is this?” Reyna whispered.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing,” I babbled.
“It’s just Noa, Rey. Gods,” Percy said.
“I can see that, Percy!” She snapped. I was glad her spear was not strapped across her back this morning. “Why is she sneaking out of my house in your clothes?”
“People were swimming last night. Her clothes got wet.”
“I’m sure the fuck they did.”
“Zeus, Rey! You ended it with me. Why does it even matter?”
“Because I still fucking love you! I’m sorry, okay?” She burst out crying and Percy instantly pulled her against his chest. The memory of being in those arms drove me out the door like a nest of hornets.
“I’m just saying. You have nothing to feel sorry for,” Annabeth paused to sip her iced coffee. “Unless they get back together and then you sleep with him. But as of right now, you’re good. Trust me. Been on the Percy train. We’re still friends. You’ll get over it. Just a harmless rebound for both of you.”
I groaned, laying my chin on the cool metal table parked outside our favorite coffee shop positioned between our New York apartments. Just two Manhattan women enjoying their Sunday afternoon. The air was cooling as fall neared. I pulled my baseball cap closer to the top of my sunglasses.
“Should I call him?”
“Maybe tomorrow. Let him deal with his relationship drama. Reyna is a lot to deal with. Still nothing from fuckface?”
“Nope and that’s fine.”
“Good for you. We will hydrate you, get you a good dinner, hit the gym before work in the morning and then get back on our bad bitch mental track. Agreed?”
“Good Monday, yogis,” I chirped from my desk at the corner of my studio.
The third class was beginning to trickle in and I was settling into my rhythm. Hot yoga was next and hopefully I would sweat out all the negativity I’d allowed lately. I was in the middle of emailing back a potential client when someone rapped at the wood of my desk. I glanced up to a blonde male who waved gently.
“Heya, sansei Noa,” he said.
“That’s karate. Can I help you?”
“Do you do trial classes?”
I hit send on my email and closed my laptop. The guy was built like a poser with the defined muscles and chiseled jaw but his voice was soft and tempered. He was clean shaven and dressed like a basic gym bro.
“Normally you have to schedule them beforehand because of class size,” I gave my standard answer.
“Right, my bad. Sorry. I was just passing by the front and it looked like the kind of place I needed right now. Can I go ahead and pick a date then?”
I was staring too long into his pale blue eyes, honed in on the polite response. A nice change from the daily demanding consumers. “You know what? Ive got space right now if you like? Have you ever done hot yoga?”
A brilliant white smile showcasing sharp canines. “My favorite.”
“Perfect. I just need a name, number and email to get you a file started.”
He leaned large hands on my desk. “It’s Luke Castellan.”
Before he could give the contact information, I cut him off. “Wait. I know you.” His tanned skin paled significantly.
“You’re supposed to be dead!” I blurted out.
His eyes skated around the room and he leaned in closer. “That’s not supposed to be public knowledge. I assume you’re a demigod?”
“Luke, you trained me. We took fucking sculpting together. The Apollo table was right next to the Hermes one for fuck’s sake.”
He winced. I heard a murmuring from the rest of my class I was disturbing with my volume. I collected my shock finally. “Take a seat if you want. We should talk after class. I need to start.”
“Okay. Thank you. I’m sorry Noa.”
I waved him off and walked over to my yoga mat. I sat cross legged and drew in an even breath to smooth out my emotions.
It was a slow 30 minute class. Each pose and movement dragged on. Finally, I dismissed the group and nodded Luke outside. He was waiting on the bench outside of the studio I split renting with a few other instructors. I sat next to him, wiping sweat from my face with the towel slung over my pink sports bra.
“Alright, talk,” I said.
“Not much to say. I was given a second chance at my hearing. Here I am. Starting over.” A shrug of well-defined shoulders. The muscles flexed beneath his gleaming sweat. His red tank top stuck to his chest and stomach. “I wish I remembered you, truly. That time is such a blur in my life.”
“It’s ok. You were a lot older than me and to be honest I had a massive crush on you so I probably hid most of the time.”
A surprised smile slipped across his lips. “I’m assuming the betrayal helped you get over that?”
I laughed outloud, slapping his knee. “No shit! So where are you staying these days?”
“Just around the corner actually. Got a job at the local gym.”
“Yeah I bet the fuck you did.” I squeezed his forearm between both of my hands. I wanted to roll my eyes at me falling back into my school girl giddy at him. Betrayal of the gods aside. He was even more gorgeous than ever. The scar down his face gave him a dark sexy vibe. Like a bad boy even though he claimed he was rehabbing himself now.
“So how, did you feel about the class?”
“I mean, I’d like to sign up for it a couple times a week, that’s for sure. And I’d like to take you out to dinner to make up for not remembering a beauty like you.”
I almost bit my cheek biting out the response of “Yes!”
“You’ve got my number,” he said, chuckling quietly. “I’ve got to get to work.” He shouldered his gym bag and excused himself.
The bike back to my apartment was spent reliving my tween fantasies about bad boy Luke. I opened my apartment door and screeched seeing a man sitting at my kitchen counter. Percy turned to face me.
“You know you live in New York? You should really lock that.”
“It was!” I snapped.
A quick grin. “Yeah. But it was easy to break into.”
I dropped my bag onto the floor and brushed past him to get a protein shake from the fridge. “I have to shower and get prepared for my night classes.” I told him.
“I know. I’m sorry I didn’t call earlier.”
I shrugged. “I didn’t either.”
He paused, studying my face in the shitty lighting of the single bulb hanging between us over the counter. “Are we good, Noa?”
“Of course. What’s a little head between friends?”
“Okay…I can’t read you. Can you not play tough just for a minute?”
I chugged the shake and set the bottle down between us. I leaned my arms on the chilled counter, bun knocking against the light. “Honestly, Percy. I’m fine. We are good.”
“Reyna moved back in.”
“You’re engaged again?”
I drank from the empty bottle to give myself something to do. He watched me with those green eyes. He’d known me for far too long. He was nearly impossible to deceive, but I was determined today. The fact that I had dreamt of fucking him two consecutive nights was irrelevant if he was off the table. Even if his lips did look incredibly juicy tonight. Even if they had done near illicit things to me just nights ago.
“I don’t know. She said she wanted to work on things. And it’s her dad’s house, so I can’t ask her to go and I don’t want to go to my mom’s and admit defeat.”
“You know you could stay here, Perc.”
He worked his jaw silently, then rubbed his hands over his face. “Thanks. I do know. Even if we aren’t officially back together, I think we should work on it…” he trailed off.
“And not tell her about you eating me out?” I leaned closer because I was mean to both him and myself. Because I knew this top combined with this angle gave him a simple opportunity. And he took it.
His tongue slid out between his lips as his eyes flicked down, stayed, then dragged deliberately back up. “Probably not,” he agreed.
For a long moment neither of us said anything. He had more to lose now than me. We were no longer on equal playing fields. So, I left the ball in his court. “I’m going to go shower.”
I was done washing in the first ten minutes. The second ten was giving him a little wiggle room to decide. I had my hand on the faucet to cut off the water that was beginning to go cold when I heard the door creak open. I watched through the fogged glass, catching a hold of my breath. I watched as he tugged his shirt off. My stomach flipped over itself when he reached for his jeans. What had I done?
The opening door let in a rush of cool air, perking my skin to attention. My eyes raked unapologetically over his naked, aroused body. His dark hair quickly slicked against his stubble covered jaw. His eyes were no longer the sea green but murky like the deep water of the ocean.
“Hey,” he said quietly, cautiously.
“Hey,” I giggled, reaching out to touch his rough jaw. He winced, catching my hand with his. “We probably shouldn’t kiss again.”
“Sure, whatever you want, Percy. What can I do to you?”
He groaned, turning his mouth into my palm, scraping teeth against the vulnerable skin. “Touch me,” he said.
My free hand instantly planted against his chest, scraping at the muscle. His eyes fluttered closed, head tilting back to expose his throat. I slid my other hand into his thick hair, tugging it tightly between my fingers and pulling to grant myself more access to the strong column of his neck. I bit it first, backing him into the tiled wall when he shuddered. I kissed over the reddening skin and moved my hands to his flat stomach, feeling the shuddered breaths beneath my touch.
“Like this?” I asked.
His reply was unintelligible. I kissed down his chest, moving my hand lower still as I went. When my fingers brushed over the v-line of his hips, I shifted my route away from the center and to his thighs. An annoyed grunt escaped his lips. “Hush,” I scolded, getting my knees under me. The now cold water was hitting the back of my neck and flowing down my body. I placed my hands on the inside of both his thighs, trailing them upwards and upwards until he nearly contorted when I gripped him. He let out a scandalous string of curses that quickly turned to moaning silence when I took him into my mouth.
He unraveled in minutes and I let him cum all over the breasts I had teased him with earlier. I rose in front of him, my own rosy cheeks mirroring his. “Now we’re even.”
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timelesslords · 3 years
prompts: could you write an in canon verse (so like gods and stuff are real) fic with amnesia? it could be post TLO or it could be one of them coming out of anesthesia and feeling wonky. i just love a good memory loss fic.
@halfbloodcarrie was instrumental in making this happen!!! Her adorable fluffy idea was completely paid dust in favor of making this angsty as hell but I blame her for me getting it done at all <3
read on AO3
Everything was dark. And everything hurt. His head especially was throbbing, but he couldn’t make out any other feeling. He could hear something; vague at first, just a ringing. But if he struggled, and he did, he could start to make out faint voices. His eyes refused to open, they wouldn’t even blink, but the noises were getting clearer by the second.
“What if he doesn’t wake up?” a worried voice asked. Something about it felt familiar, but he couldn’t even pry his eyes open, much less figure out who it belonged to.
“He’ll wake up,” a second voice said, male this time. He sounded confident, assured. At least he thought so.
“There was so much blood, I thought… gods.”
The first voice again, though this time it wavered. It sounded scared, terrified even.
“He’ll be alright, Annabeth. He’s got a thick skull.”
That made the first voice laugh, watery as it was.
“Don’t I know it.”
Some feeling was starting to return to his limbs, slowly but surely. He tried blinking again, but it felt sluggish, slow. Suddenly he realized he could feel his arms and fingers, and there was a hand in his, gripping it so tightly it was a wonder he hadn’t felt it before.
“Percy?” the female voice asked, hopeful. He groaned. His head was pounding like nothing he’d ever felt before. Actually, he wasn’t sure if that was true, because he couldn’t remember his head pounding before, ever.
Come to think of it, he couldn’t remember anything at all.
He blinked again, this time managing to pry his eyelids open a fraction of a degree. The light streaming in hurt like a bitch, and he groaned again, closing his eyes.
“Percy,” the first voice said again, more frantically, “Can you hear me?”
She seemed to be talking to him, though he wasn’t quite sure. He couldn’t remember his name, but she’d said Percy twice, so that had to be it, didn’t it?
He tried to say something to the girl, but it came out as a strangled groan of pain.
“Will,” she said, a little desperately.
“He’s maxed out, Annabeth, I’m sorry,” the other voice said.
The girl (Annabeth?) muttered something under her breath in-- was that Greek? And how did he know that? More determined than ever, Percy blinked again, this time managing to crack his eyelids open and keep them that way.
His vision was blurry, but a few more blinks and the vague shapes in front of him started to sharpen into focus.
“Percy?” the girl said again. Percy squinted, trying to focus on her.
The first thing he noticed was that she was-- well, pretty didn’t quite describe it. She was seriously beautiful. Her eyes were a dark grey color, currently wide with concern, her hair framing her face in cascades of golden curls. Her nose was small and button shaped, dotted with freckles.
Even if Percy didn’t currently feel like a small blacksmith’s forge was hammering on the inside of his skull, he was pretty sure he would’ve been rendered pretty speechless.
“Hey there, sleepyhead. You were out for a while,” she said, smiling. She did look relieved, but Percy didn’t miss the genuine worry behind her eyes either, the little waver along her lips trying to maintain an upbeat expression.
“I… what’s going on?” Percy asked. Annabeth bit her lip, looking over her shoulder. Percy glanced upwards, properly seeing the other person in the room for the first time. He was a teenager, with shaggy blonde hair a shade or two lighter than the girl’s. He was wearing a white lab coat over what looked to be an orange t-shirt and jeans, which didn’t exactly instill Percy with a lot of confidence in whatever medical care he was receiving.
Of course, the fact that he had no memory didn’t help matters.
“You sort of got hit in the head,” Annabeth said, wincing as she did.
“Really hard,” the boy added.
Percy reached up tentatively, to the place where it felt like his skull was splitting inside out. Instead of skin he felt something else, some thick sort of fabric.
“Ow,” he said, a little unhelpfully. The girl smiled again-- crap, how was she even more beautiful when she smiled?-- but it still had an edge of sadness to it.
“Yeah. Discus accident,” she said.
“Discus accident?” Percy asked, confused.
“Yeah. Those stone frisbee things, remember?” the other guy said.
“No,” Percy said, pushing himself into a sitting position. It made his head throb, but he couldn’t stand lying down anymore. “I don’t-- I don’t remember anything.”
“You mean-- you mean you don’t remember the accident,” Annabeth said, a little forcefully. Her grey eyes flashed, and Percy didn’t quite recognize the expression, but something in his gut told him it was not good.
“No, I mean I don’t remember anything,” Percy repeated, figuring it was best to get it out of the way sooner or later, “I don’t know where I am or who you are or who I am.”
The girl took one very long look at him. He didn’t know what exactly he had said in particular that had triggered something in her, but the concern fell from her face in an instant. She dropped his hand, something sharp overtaking her expression.
“You’re such an ass sometimes,” she said. Her voice was a little thick, but Percy couldn’t tell if she was crying, because in the next second she stood and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Inadvertently, Percy felt a twinge of something sad in his chest, though he couldn’t quite place why. He didn’t know Annabeth, but she clearly seemed to know him, and what he’d said had clearly set her off.
All of this was really not improving his headache, which had resumed its throbbing with reckless abandon.
“I didn’t mean to…” Percy trailed off. To what? Upset her? Make her run away? But all he’d done was tell the honest truth-- he couldn’t remember shit. The guy was giving him a look that was bordering on disgust.
“Dude, that’s really not funny,” he said. He sounded pissed, though if Percy wasn’t entirely mistaken, there was a hint of fear behind his bright blue eyes.
“I’m not trying to be funny, I literally don’t know what’s going on,” Percy said, starting to feel a little frantic. Why was everyone here acting like they knew him? And why did he not even know him? He felt nerves and something else tugging in his gut, an insistent, terrifying pull--
Without warning, the glass next to his bed shattered, spraying water and glass everywhere. Percy flinched away from the table, whirling around to look at the boy. His eyes were wide and surprised.
“What the fuck was that?” Percy asked, alarmed.
“That was… you,” the boy said, staring at Percy like he had just grown a second head, “Styx, you’re not making this up, are you?”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t know what’s going on for you to believe me?” Percy said, still staring wide-eyed at the place where the cup had shattered. For his own sanity, he decided to ignore the boy’s declaration that he had caused it.
“Four, apparently,” the boy said, rubbing his forehead like he could feel a headache coming on, “Unless you want to make it five for good measure?”
“I have absolutely no memory,” Percy repeated.
“Great. This is just-- this is awesome,” the boy said, sighing heavily.
“Yeah, I’m having so much fun over here,” Percy said dryly.
“Right, sorry,” the boy said, wincing, “Your name is Percy.”
So Percy had guessed that correctly. Good to know.
“My name is Will,” the boy continued, oblivious to Percy’s thoughts, “The girl was--”
“Annabeth,” Percy finished. Will perked up, hopeful, but Percy shook his head.
“I heard you say her name,” Percy explained. Will deflated.
“Oh, right,” he said. He sounded inordinately disappointed, way more disappointed than he’d been when Percy hadn’t remembered him.
“How exactly did this happen?” Percy asked, doing his best not to rub his forehead again. Will sighed.
“Some newbies were messing around with the discuses on the strawberry fields-- which is stupidly dangerous, by the way, we have an arena for a reason-- but it went a little off course and almost hit Annabeth in the face. You shoved her out of the way but it clipped your forehead pretty good.”
Percy tried to process all that, piece by piece. He didn’t know what a newbie was, and apparently wherever this place was had strawberry fields that he and Annabeth had been in together? But the strangest thing of all was that Percy didn’t feel at all surprised that he’d gotten injured trying to get Annabeth out of the way. That piece felt strangely right to him, even if everything else was messy and confusing.
“So me and Annabeth are friends, then?” he asked. Will gave him a strange look, his face paling slightly.
“You guys… you’re close. Really close.”
Percy nodded. That made sense. He didn’t know why Will was being weird about it, but he believed him regardless.
“She was mad at me,” Percy noted. At this, Will winced.
“Yeah. Memory loss… it's kind of a sore subject for her.”
“Why?” Percy asked. Maybe it was a little invasive, but this was all stuff he was supposed to know anyway, wasn’t it?
Will sighed, rubbing his face in his hands.
“Gods, I’m so not the person to be explaining this to you,” he said, “But a few years ago you sort of… disappeared. And you lost all your memories. Except you remembered her. But it was really, really tough on her, she had no idea if you were gonna know anything or not when she found you.”
Percy blinked, trying to take all that in. He had a feeling that was the hyper-condensed version of what had gone down, but it explained the situation well enough. Annabeth hadn’t considered the fact that he genuinely wouldn’t remember her, so she’d assumed it was a bad joke. Percy wished it was a bad joke, because he would give absolutely anything to remember more about her.
“Got it,” Percy said, trying not to frown, “So how did I get my memories back last time? Can we do that again?”
Will grimaced.
“I think last time you drank gorgon’s blood, but we’re fresh out of that.”
Percy stared at him, unsure if he was joking or not. He looked serious, but Percy didn’t want to press it. Clearly last time had been a different sort of deal.
“So what do we do? I can’t go around like this forever.”
“Well, hopefully it's just temporary. Your head injury, plus the mortal pain meds we gave you, plus the nectar--”
“The what?” Percy asked.
“Don’t worry about it,” Will said, a little hurriedly. “The point is, your brain is processing a lot of stuff right now. My best guess is that it overloaded a bit, and the amnesia is a side effect. If that’s the case it should go away on its own eventually.”
“And if it’s not the case?” Percy asked, dreading the answer a little. As predicted, WIll grimaced again.
“It could be from the initial injury. In which case it would be… more permanent.”
Percy’s mouth went a little dry.
“It probably isn’t,” Will said, though he didn’t sound entirely convinced.
“So what do we do?” Percy asked again.
“You could try going to sleep. It might give your brain a chance to readjust, chill out a little. Or…”
Will trailed off, clearly unwilling to finish his thought.
“Or?” Percy prompted.
“Or we could try to jog your memory with stuff you might remember,” Will finished. Percy didn’t understand why this option seemed to be so unpleasant to Will, since it made the most sense to him. He felt disoriented as hell, and he was pretty sure he wasn’t going to be able to calm his mind down enough to sleep anytime soon. Plus, he was pretty sure he’d been unconscious for a good long while.
“How long was I asleep just now?” Percy asked.
“A while,” Will admitted.
“So let’s try the other thing.”
Will swallowed heavily, his fingers gripping the sides of his white coat a little too tightly.
“Yeah. Okay,” he said, still not sounding happy about it at all, “I’ll-- ugh. Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”
Percy did not move, mostly because he didn’t think he could get up from his bed if he tried. Being alone gave him the chance to observe the room he was in a little bit. It was small but clean, sort of a cross between a normal bedroom and a hospital unit. The walls were made of old looking hardwood, and if he craned his head back a little bit he could almost see out the window. It looked green out there, but it was kind of hard to tell.
Nothing about this place felt familiar, but that didn’t mean much, given nothing Percy had experienced since waking up felt familiar.
Nothing except for those few flashes of feeling he’d gotten about Annabeth, anyway.
Will was gone for a long time, a lot longer than Percy had been expecting. He couldn’t tell time very well and he didn’t see a clock anywhere, but it felt like Will had to have been gone at least half an hour, maybe more. Just when Percy was about to give up and try taking a nap, the door opened again. Will was there, but this time Annabeth was in tow too.
Percy tried not to read too hard into the fact that she didn’t look happy to be there. If he wasn’t mistaken, her eyes were puffy and red from crying, though now they were narrowed in barely constrained anger, her arms folded over her chest.
Will, for his part, looked extremely nervous. That didn’t give Percy a lot of hope about how this was going to go.
“It would probably work better if you could get up and walk around, but well…” he trailed off, but Percy knew exactly why that wasn’t possible. Just keeping his eyes open had been a struggle, and he was pretty sure if he tried to stand right now he was gonna black out.
“Yeah, sounds like a bad idea,” he agreed. Annabeth said nothing, just kept staring with her jaw clenched tight.
“I figured-- you know, you remembered Annabeth last time,” Will said, still sounding nervous, “And you guys have known each other for years, so if anything is going to jog your memory… well.”
“Okay,” Percy said, easily.
Annabeth remained silent.
“I’ll leave you guys alone,” Will said, looking like he absolutely couldn’t wait to get out of the room. He did a second later, slipping out the door and shutting it behind him.
Annabeth looked extraordinarily unhappy to be there. Any care that she had displayed for him when he first woke up was apparently gone. She said nothing as she looked at him with nothing but ice in her eyes.
He didn’t know why exactly she was so pissed-- it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t remember anything, and wouldn’t it be worse for him anyway? But she didn’t seem keen on speaking to him anytime soon, and Percy figured it was up to him to break the ice.
“So, um. Are you single?” Percy asked. It was dumb, sure, but he didn’t remember shit, and this girl was pretty and she seemed to care about him and well? Might as well shoot his shot.
Annabeth muttered something under her breath, something that sounded suspiciously like I’m going to kill you. Cool. Definitely did not make her hotter to him, not even a little bit.
“I’m not single,” she said, practically glaring at him.
“Got it. Sorry,” Percy said. For just a second her eyes ducked away, sadness replacing anger. But then she looked back up, and her previous expression was reinstated.
“Why don’t we just stick to you,” she said.
“Sure,” Percy said. He didn't want to make her mad again, because he had a feeling if that kept happening it would not end well for him. He wasn’t sure what could be worse than complete and total amnesia, but looking at Annabeth he was pretty sure she could think of something.
She took a deep breath, a little unsteadily.
“Your name is Percy,” she said, “I guess Will already told you that, though.”
Percy nodded. She moistened her lips, staring down at the ground.
“Okay. What else do you want to know?”
“Where are we?” Percy asked. It wasn’t his most urgent question, but it felt like a safer one to ask. Then again, from the look on Annabeth’s face, maybe that was a miscalculation. She was biting her lip, the anger in her expression softening slightly. It seemed to be replaced by something sad though, and Percy found he almost preferred the anger.
“It’s… a little hard to explain. But we’re at a camp. A summer camp. It’s-- it’s where we met.”
“Why are we here now?” Percy asked. Annabeth shrugged.
“We’re just visiting,” she said.
“Together?” Percy asked. She stared at him, swallowing heavily.
“Yeah. Together,” she said, though she was clearly unwilling to elaborate.
Okay then. Time for a new line of questioning. A safer line, one that hopefully wouldn’t put her on the verge of tears.
“What’s my favorite color?” he asked.
“Blue,” she said, instantly.
“Favorite food?”
“Anything blue,” she said, just as fast.
“I eat blue food?” Percy asked, confused. She smiled for the first time since he’d told her his memory was gone. It was small, but it still made his heart flutter.
“Yeah. It’s sort of an inside joke with you and your mom,” she said. The smile faded just as fast as it had come, but her answer had inadvertently given Percy more information than he’d expected.
“So I’m close to my mom?” Percy asked, unable to help it. Annabeth nodded again. She took a tentative step forward, sitting back down on the chair beside his bed.
“Who else?” he asked, without thinking. Annabeth frowned, a little confused.
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“I mean--” Percy started, realizing this might be a little too much too soon, but wanting to know so badly he couldn’t help but ask anyway, “I mean, who else am I close to?”
Annabeth didn’t answer for a long minute. She was looking down at the ground again, her hands gripping her own shoulders, arms shielding her chest. She seemed to be contemplating something, though what it was, Percy wasn’t sure.
Maybe he shouldn’t have asked that question. Maybe it was too personal-- with a start Percy realized that Annabeth was probably a pretty high priority for him, given the scant details he knew about their relationship, and him not knowing that intrinsically had to hurt.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “Just forget it, tell me something else.”
She finally looked back up at him, though she still seemed upset and unsure.
“No, it’s fine,” she said, though she was clearly forcing her voice not to waver, “Like I said, you’re close to your mom, her name is Sally. You have a sister named Estelle and a brother named Tyson. And your best friend is--” she stumbled, but found herself again, “His name is Grover.”
Percy noticed that Annabeth’s own name was conspicuously absent from that list. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut, all things considered, but his curiosity got the best of him. He wanted to know this more than anything.
“What about you?” he asked, voice quiet.
It took her less time to answer than he expected, but she was still quiet for a minute.
“You asked me if I was single,” she said finally, eyes ducked down, a rosy blush growing in her cheeks, “And I said no because-- because we’re dating. We have been for a while.”
“Oh,” Percy said. He could feel his own face getting red, even though this was kind of great news-- or maybe not so great news, considering his stupid brain still couldn’t remember shit. But it still felt right, like a puzzle piece slotting into place. Of course he was dating her. That was just correct, an inalienable fact he felt dumb for not knowing, despite not knowing anything at all.
“Yeah,” she said, “But you don’t remember, so… so I don’t know anymore, I guess.”
“I’m sorry,” Percy said, and he felt it. He felt like an idiot, both for trying to flirt with her earlier, and for not putting the pieces together sooner. The hand holding probably should have given it away, at the very least.
To his surprise, Annabeth gave him a small smile, even though her eyes were a little red. She wiped them on her sleeve, clearly trying not to do it in an obvious way.
“Sorry, it’s just-- that’s so you,” she said, sniffling a little.
“What’s so me?” Percy asked. He felt stupid, oblivious, but she just smiled again, a touch wider this time.
“Apologizing for something that isn’t even your fault.”
“I really am sorry,” Percy said, and he felt worse with every word, “I want to remember, I do, it’s just-- all of it’s gone.”
“I know,” she said. She sounded defeated. “I guess it would be too much to ask for you to remember me twice, huh?”
She said it like a joke, but Percy could feel the real pain behind her words. He felt an ache in his chest, like a phantom pain he couldn’t quite place, something in him mirroring her own hurt. He wanted so badly to comfort her, but he didn’t know how.
Or maybe he did. His brain was a jumbled mess, but he did know the only things that had made him feel anything since he’d woken up had to do with her.
“I… I almost get flashes,” he admitted, glancing up at her again. She wasn’t quite meeting his eye, looking somewhere over his shoulder, but he continued anyway. “When you say or do things… It’s like my body knows what to feel but my mind doesn’t know why.”
She glanced up, her eyes finally meeting his own. They were still shining with tears, though not as intensely as before.
“Like how?” she asked, simply. Percy swallowed heavily, not exactly sure what to say. It was hard to describe, given he’d barely recognized his own feelings.
“Like… like when you left, before. I was upset but I didn’t know why. I didn’t know you but I knew… I knew that was supposed to hurt, somehow. And when Will told me about how I got hurt in the first place, how I was trying to keep the frisbee thing from hitting you-- that felt right, but I don’t know why.”
She had graduated to crying in earnest now, tears slipping out of the corner of her eyes and falling down her cheeks. Percy felt the inexplicable urge to reach out and brush them away, but he knew he couldn’t. And that hurt too for some reason, a hollow aching in his chest he couldn’t quite place even though the reason for it was standing right in front of him.
“And right now,” Percy continued, even though maybe he shouldn’t, “You’re upset and I just feel this urge to do something, and I can’t because I don’t know how.”
“Percy, please--” she said, still crying, her voice rough with tears. He didn’t know what she was begging for, but he couldn’t help his next words slipping out, like his tongue knew more what to do than his mind.
“I don’t know anything about me, but I know-- I know I love you. I can feel it. I’m not just saying it either, I swear I can feel it.”
“Percy,” she said again, her voice barely above a whisper this time.
“You have to help me, Annabeth. I don’t know what to do,” he said, and this time it was his turn for his voice to get thick, a lump in his throat obscuring his words.
“I--” she started, swallowing heavily, eyes welling with tears again, “I don’t know what to do.”
“Yes you do,” Percy said, and he was sure she did, something in him just knew, “You always do, don’t you?”
That felt right too, even if he couldn’t place why, but it seemed to mean more to her than to him. She stared at him, eyes wide and scared. She was so close now, close enough that he could see every freckle on her nose.
Annabeth looked so panicked that for a second a second, Percy thought she was going to hit him, but then she did the opposite. She leaned over and kissed him.
Her lips were soft and sweet, and she tasted like strawberries and salt. His lips seemed to know exactly what to do, moving against hers like they’d kiss her a thousand times-- and maybe they had. His hand moved, almost of its own accord to her hair, tangling in it, pulling her a fraction of an inch closer--
And then it hit him. The scent of her shampoo, lemony and sharp and familiar.
He gasped, not meaning to, but she pulled back, grey eyes wide.
“Percy?” she asked, hopeful even as she tried to hide it.
“Annabeth,” he said, trying not to panic as things started to float through his mind-- more than things, memories. Her face and her voice and her words, the feeling of her hand in his and her smile against his lips, it all started to flood back like it had never left.
“Are you--” she asked, her hands on his shoulders, gripping tight, too tight, but he didn’t even care.
“Annabeth,” he breathed, saying her name like a revelation, because it was, “You’re Annabeth Chase, you’re my girlfriend and an architect and you’re scared to death of spiders and you still sleep with a teddy bear--”
She cut him off at that last point, throwing her arms around him and hugging him harder than she ever had-- except for maybe that time she’d thought he was dead for two weeks and he’d crashed his own funeral. Percy hugged her back just as hard, because he actually remembered that.
It hadn’t all come back-- things were blurry, most things, actually. But Annabeth at least felt clear in his mind, a shining beacon welcoming the rest of his memories back. He was already starting to get a headache again, but he didn’t care. They would come back. And even if they didn’t-- he had her. That was enough.
She pulled back from her bone crushing embrace, keeping their faces so close their noses were almost touching. She seemed scared that if she pulled away he might too, even though he had no intention of doing so, physically or mentally.
“So you’re back? Really?” she asked, sounding scared to know the answer.
“Sort of,” Percy confirmed, wincing as he did. He really was starting to get a pounding headache. “I remember you. And bits and pieces of other things, but mostly you.”
Annabeth breathed a sigh of relief, closing her eyes for a long moment.
“You scared the shit out of me,” she whispered, her hands trailing up his neck, just barely scraping his hair.
“I know. I’m sorry,” he breathed. And he did know, now better than ever. It couldn’t have been more than a few hours since he’d woken up without his memory, but he knew every minute of it had to have been hell for her.
Annabeth sighed, pulling back further, so he could see her whole face. Her eyes were still red from crying, and her cheeks were still flushed from their kiss. But he could see the barest traces of humor in her expression, a slight tug at the corner of her mouth where a smile was being repressed.
“What?” he asked, but she just shook her head.
“It’s nothing,” she said, but her smile had grown.
“Come on, I just had amnesia. You have to tell me.”
She laughed, a light tinkling sound. It was just on the edge of being hysterical, but she deserved it, after the day she’d been having.
“Fine. I was just thinking-- Hera couldn’t make you forget me but a glorified frisbee could?” Annabeth said.
“Hey, it was heavy!” Percy protested, but he couldn’t help but grin as he did. He would probably stay grinning for the rest of his life, actually.
“You’re such an idiot,” she breathed, pulling him into a hug again, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Percy said, hugging her back. And now he knew he did, in a permanent, tangible way.
There was still a lot missing, but he had the most important bits down. His name was Percy Jackson. He was twenty years old, and in college and a demigod, and lots of other things that would surely return with time.
And he loved Annabeth Chase more than anything in the world.
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annabethy · 4 years
Can u do prompt #3 pls
three a.m.
in which it’s three in the morning, and Annabeth’s hungry.
Percy is the love of her life. She loves him more than anything in the world. She loves his smile, the way he holds her, kisses her. She loves everything about him, and she loves him even more because he’s given her this life she’s always dreamt of. She finally has the sense of permanency she never thought she would get.
She loves Percy so much that if she has to be woken up in the middle of the night, then so did he.
“What?” Percy groans, his face squished into the pillow. His hand went down to soothe the skin over his arm, where she had just pinched him.
“Wake up.”
Percy heaves a sigh, lifting his head momentarily to glare at her in the dark of the room. She doesn’t have it in her to actually be insulted, partially because she knows he isn’t actually upset, and partially because it’s his own fault, really. If he didn’t want to be woken up in the middle of the night, then he shouldn’t have gotten her pregnant.
When she doesn’t say anything more, he settles his head back down. Annabeth watches him for a moment before she’s crawling over his body and laying on top of him. Percy chokes in surprise, but his arms wrap around her, hands resting on her stomach.
“Are you okay?” Percy asks when she nuzzles his neck with her nose.
Annabeth hums, kissing his jaw. She watches his throat bob. “Can we go get something to eat?”
“It’s three in the morning.”
She blinks at the glowing clock across the room. “But I’m hungry.”
“Can it wait?” Percy yawns in perfect timing, rubbing his eyes. “We can go in a few more hours.”
Annabeth frowns. “Please?”
Percy groans again, pressing his face into the crook of her neck now. She felt bad for a second because he really was tired, and he worked so hard so that she didn’t have to. She stayed silent for another minute, and he didn’t say anything, so she just gave up, rolling off of him.
“Never mind,” she mutters, pulling the blanket tighter over herself.
But Percy sighs, letting his hand go back to rest on her bump. It was something he did a lot more recently, and she thinks that he feels the same sense of protectiveness over this baby that would change their lives. “No, let’s go.”
“Are you sure?” “You’re hungry?”
“Then let’s go. I don’t want my baby to be hungry.”
And that is precisely how Percy found himself sitting in the middle of an empty parking lot, his wife having the time of her life holding a vanilla ice-cream cone. Annabeth smiles at him, her face only with the tiniest smudge of ice-cream that he reaches forwards to wipe off her face. He looks slightly more awake than he did ten minutes ago, and she notices him staring at her blankly.
“What are you thinking?”
Percy starts, blinking sleepily. “Just thinking about how you woke me up at three in the morning for ice-cream, and somehow I don’t even care.”
“It’s because you’re a simp.”
He laughs. “Stop calling me that.”
“I love it,” she admits, taking another lick at the cone. “It means that I get what I want when I want it.”
“You’re a little brat.”
Annabeth shrugs. “I know.”
They fall back into silence, and Percy just looks at her with a hint of a smile on his face. He looks soft and warm, the moonlight illuminating half of his face. It’s a mysterious, majestic sort of feeling looking at him, staring deeply into the shadows and contours. Percy has always had some sort of brooding look. People have stated before that it could be terrifying, stormy, like a hurricane ready to wipe everything away. Annabeth has only ever felt comfort with him, and now, when his face is returned to that hard yet soft gaze, she is not scared. She sees love, adoration, and the best dad in the entire world.
“I love you,” she whispers.
“Yeah, yeah,” he dismisses, but she knows he’s just messing with her.
“I’m happy that I’m having a baby with you,” she says. “You’re kind of hot, and you also have a killer poker face. Do you know what that means?”
“That you only love me for my looks?”
“That our baby is going to have the world’s best bitch face.”
“The ultimate goal in life,” Percy agrees, shifting in the driver’s seat. He turns his entire body to face her, leaning over the center console so he can press a hand to the emerging bump. He turns entirely serious as he stares deeply into her eyes. The glow outside is now illuminating the green of his eyes, and they’re never seemed more sparkling. “I love you more than anything. You know that?” “I do.”
Percy’s hand comes up to brush a strand of hair away from her face, and he just looks at her, tracing over every line. “Our baby is going to have the world’s best mom.”
“I think you mean the world’s best dad,” she says. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
“Neither do I,” Percy says lightly. “But I have you, and I know that together, we’ll figure it out. It’s you and me against the world.”
“I like the sound of that,” she says.
Percy kisses her cheek. “Can you believe that in a few months, we’re going to be holding our own baby?”
“I bet it’s going to have your eyes.”
“Oh, no way. I’m voting for a mini Annabeth.”
“You don’t get to vote—”
“Sure I do,” Percy says with the wave of his hand. “I vote for a mini Annabeth. A little girl with blonde curls and grey eyes, and your little nose.”
“Don’t you want a kid like you?”
“Have you met me? My poor mother.”
“She put up with a lot,” Annabeth agrees. “I’ll never live up to her.”
“You already have. You care so much about our little girl, and I already know you’ll move heaven and earth for her.”
“Stop it. I’m hormonal and pregnant and it’s three in the morning, and I will cry.”
“Nooo.” Percy grabs her face in his hands and peppers kisses everywhere — on her nose, her eyelids, her chin and jaw. “But I love you.”
Tears spring into her eyes and she takes another lick of ice-cream in an attempt to stop them from falling. It’s not that she’s sad, because she’s really not. It’s that she is so, so grateful to be where she is. She gets a life with Percy, a life with someone who loves her more than life itself and would do anything for her. It’s in moments like this that it really hits her that this is it. She’s finally found her place in life, and she didn’t think it would ever get better than this.
Except, it would get better because in a few more months, they’re going to be a family. Their life will be insane, running on triple speed, but it’s going to be filled with laughter and some of the best memories. They’ll be a family of three, and she can already see herself buying toys for their baby, and a million outfits. She already has the best life, but she knew it was about to get better, and she couldn’t wait.
“You’re sticky,” Percy says against her lips, holding back a grin. “You ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she says quietly, her heart threatening to burst right out of her chest. She loves him so much, even more so when he’s willing to drive her to McDonalds at three in the morning to have philosophical conversations. She is so lucky, and she can’t help but smile. “I’m ready.”
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cabinofimagines · 6 years
The Only Choice
Fluff | Smut | Angst
Warnings: Explicit sex scenes, Spanking, Swearing (as always bc it’s me).
You've been best friends with Percy Jackson for as long as you can remember. But when your former friend Annabeth gains feelings for him, it affects your relationship with each of them greatly.
Part one
13 days. It had been 13 godforsaken days since you spoke to your best friend Percy Jackson. Two weeks since you got in an argument about said boy always putting you second in everything when you have always put him first. You had actively been ignoring him since that evening, partly because you were embarrassed on how you handled your outburst and partly because you knew his answer already. You had caught him off guard and he failed to produce an answer in a situation like that, he didn’t even try to form an explanation. So you left.
He had tried to talk to you various times, at dinner, in your cabin, when you hung out with your friends, and even at your mandatory duties when you couldn’t run away and leave your post. Each time you managed to evade him in the weirdest of ways, at one point you almost sprained your ankle when you tried to dart out of an escape hatch in bunker nine after he found you hanging with Leo. You didn’t want to talk to him anymore, hoping that the longer you were away from him the faster your feelings would disappear into thin air, but it only got worse.
Your heart was hurting you couldn’t stand the thought of him with Annabeth. There was no point in him talking to you, you knew he would only try to explain how he wasn’t replacing you with Annabeth and how they’d been friends since they were 12, but you weren’t blind. You saw the way she looked at him with longing, you saw how much she wanted him, how much she wanted him to be hers. Just like you.
You couldn't stand it, you'd been in love with him way longer, but she just comes in and kisses him like it's no big deal. You thought the two of you were friends, she knew about your crush on your best friend and she still kissed him.
It was now two weeks after that argument when you went to find her, only wanting to know why she did what she did. You trusted her, she was your friend once before and you trusted her not to go after the one guy you told her you genuinely like. You were getting heated just thinking about it, especially since she acted on it and took the one joy you had in this sad life as a demigod.
You found her at the arena, marching right up to her as she was strapping on armor to spar with her sibling Malcolm. You didn’t bother to ask if you could borrow her for a moment, but instead, you pulled her to the side, asking her calmly, “Why did you kiss Percy?”.
Annabeth looked at you with sorry eyes, “Y/n... “ she spoke softly, “I thought you’d understand. I- I thought you understand how much I want to be with him. I thought you’d want him to be happy, that you’d want me to be happy.”
You laughed at her, “You fucking precious bitch.” You gave her a deadpan stare, tonguing the inside of your cheek in irritation. You enunciated her exact words back to her in an unbelieving tone, “You thought I’d understand how happy you’d be with him?” You didn’t wait for an answer, “The only thing I’m understanding is the fact that you’re a two-faced cunt who went after the only guy I actually cared for.”
She winced at your tone, trying to shush you while trying to defuse the situation before someone else caught on and began spreading rumors. She shook her head at you, eyebrows scrunched together as she tried to remain calm, but her cool was cracking quickly, “I’m sorry, I can’t control how I feel--”
“Fuck you,” you spat with fire in your eyes, “You knew how much I love him and you still chased after him.” You took a deep and shaky breath, “We used to be such good friends before this, what the hell, Annie?”
She looked away at the mention of her nickname, almost as if she were ashamed of what she has done.
You didn’t even notice how close you were getting until you were right in her face, faces only a few inches apart from one another, “Had I known that you’d be such a lying miserable little bitch--”
“Hey!” She shouted in your face, hand coming up to grab your shirt and jerk you forward. She glared at you like you were one of the monsters that attack your kind, she was getting ready to throw you around right when someone intervened.
Percy jumped in between you both, pushing you both away from each other and exchanging cautious looks with both you and Annabeth. He locked eyes with you, sea green eyes searching your own, but you hadn’t stopped glaring back at the blonde girl across from you. He reached over to you, grabbing both of your arms and quietly saying your name in order to break your concentration on the other female. You attempted to jerk away from him, but he tightened his hold on you, focused on getting you out of this situation before it escalated further.
“Let go of me, Perseus.” You growled lowly, craning your head to give Annabeth one last hateful glare.
He ignored you and instead tugged you along to the closest place of solitude, his cabin. You fought him the entire way there, shoving and kicking to get away from him and back to the arena to take out all of your pent up frustrations on Annabeth. It wasn’t until he shut the door behind him when you stopped fighting so much, a little tired from all of your struggles.
You glanced up at him quickly to see him rubbing his temples with closed eyes, clearly trying to clear his mind in order to form a coherent thought. You felt a part of yourself wanting to go ask him how you could help and if he wanted to drown his worries with popcorn and Finding Nemo. But then you realized that you were the reason he was massaging his temples right now.
He opened his eyes to find you staring at him just before you averted your gaze to the old floorboards beneath you. He watched with sad eyes as you crossed your arms over your chest defensively. Percy quietly shuffled over to you, both hands coming up to cup your face and thumbs smoothing over the apples of your cheeks.
“Please… talk to me.”
You pulled your face away from his grasp, pushing him away from you silently and turning to leave. You couldn’t stay like this, your emotions were close to detonation and Percy should not be in range, he couldn’t be.
He reacted swiftly, reaching out to grab your hand in desperation, “Y/n at least look at me!” He cried out, “Just please… please.”
You halted for a moment, chest aching at the sound of his broken voice pleading with you to stay. You couldn’t stay though, you just couldn’t.
You jerked away from him once more without further interference, hand successfully wrapping around the doorknob. Then you were tugged back to him, his big hand wrapped around yours as you collided into his broad chest. You let out a growl of frustration, pushing him off of you almost immediately, effectively throwing him backward a few steps.
“What’s your problem, Y/n?” He yelled, his anger peeking through finally.
You retaliate instantly, ”The fact that you always choose your fucking backstabbing girlfriend over me who you've known since gods know when!”
His eyes flashed dangerously, “She's not my fucking girlfriend.”
You scoff and jerk your hand away from him, hating how much you longed for his touch. All you really wanted to do was to cling on to him, to cry out and ask him, beg him not to leave you behind, but you were so much better than that. “Might as well be,” your own voice was faltering now, ”I'm sure she makes you pretty damn happy.”
He shook his head, fingers trailing up to his scalp and tugging at the ebony strands, “Fuck Y/n, you have it all wrong!” You rolled your eyes, “I think it's crystal clear how you both feel so I'll just leave you both alone from now on.”
You turn to leave once more without anyone stopping you, but right as your hand was about to touch the doorknob you heard him yell in frustration, “Gods fucking dammit.”
Next thing you know you were pinned against the door of cabin three.
His ebony hair was in messy disarray, sea green eyes dark with lust, and hot breath fanning over you. His chest was heaving and occasionally brushing against your own. His eyes were searching your eyes for any discomfort before they trailed down to your lips and lingered there.
“Sometimes you really piss me off.”
You didn’t say a word back to him, still in shock that you were in this position, hands pinned above your head as Percy Jackson stared down at your lips with dark eyes. You gulped, waiting for his eyes to come back to your own, but they never did.
He smashed his lips against your own, teeth grazing your bottom lip causing you to shudder involuntarily. He withdrew for a moment, gauging your reaction before he continued, this time pressing his body against your own and wedging his thigh between your own legs. One of his hands let one of your own go, trailing down your side to your hip, massaging the skin there tenderly.
You gasped, his lips leaving your own and going towards your jawline and trailing up to your ear, “Percy…” You whimpered out, his lips attaching to your jugular and leaving what is sure to be prominent marks.
He growled out, pecking the marks he left, “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he mumbled while he moved to your collarbones, “gods I want to know what you taste like.” This caused you to groan out, freehand coming to the hairs and the nape of his neck, tangling with them.
He broke away from you completely and removed your shirt in haste, your polka dot bra didn’t faze him in the slightest. One hand went behind your back to unlatch your bra while the other played with your covered breast, “I tried to fucking tell you how I felt but you just didn’t want to hear it.”
You arched your back to accommodate him, scoffing and rolling your eyes at his words, “You can’t blame me.” Your bra came undone with a click, lowering your arms so that it tapered off into the floor. This was one of your many fantasies with him, his hands wandering over your skin, his mouth leaving many different marks of all shapes and sizes across your skin, showing everyone in camp who you were to the son of the sea god.
He bit his lip, hoisting both of your legs around his waist like it was nothing but a paperweight, “Shut up and kiss me.” He grunted, slamming his mouth back to your own, grinding against you so much that you began to feel his bulge rubbing against your core. A confident smirk slipped across his swollen lips just as he pulled away just long enough to find the button of your jean shorts, popping them open and dragging the zipper down quickly.
You leaned forward to capture his lips once more, your heart pounding out of your chest, you wondered if he could hear it. The sweet but salty taste of his lips was incredibly intoxicating, each taste you got only left you wanting more, wondering how anything could ever taste this good.
His slender fingers drifted underneath the elastic of your underwear and found their way to your core, his chilling touch leaving goosebumps across your skin. His kisses grew deeper as trailed his fingers over your slit, collecting all of your arousal and releasing a low groan. His forehead rested against your own, both of you panting from the lack of air. His eyes were hazy with lust, biting his bottom lip, letting a single digit dip into your heat quickly to test out how wet you really were, “Fuck baby girl,” he cooed at you, the pet name sounding so right rolling off of his tongue, “all of this for me?”
You watch with hooded eyes as he retracted his hand slowly, inserting the finger in his mouth and tasting you all while he looked straight into your eyes. You whined quietly, the sight shooting heat straight to your core, gods you needed some type of friction. You press your hips into his, collecting a hiss from him, his finger slipping out of his mouth with a pop.
He dropped you suddenly, your legs falling from their place around his hips and to the floor beneath. You probably would have fallen had it not been for the strong arm he had latched around your waist, tugging you upright and toward his chest. He cocked his head to the side signaling the bed which was a few strides away, “Go spread your pretty legs for me, huh?”
You did as told, almost running to the bed and leaping onto it because you were so excited. Your eyes connected with his approaching form, large hands removing his shirt and revealing a toned work of art. You bit your lip at the sight, parting your legs for the male before you. His hands then moved to the hem of his sweats, stepping out of them and casting them aside before he pushed your shoulders back into the bed, mouth coming to your nipples and sucking harshly.
You arched your back and let out a low moan, fingers threading through his dark hair and gripping the roots for support. He playfully nipped at your sensitive bud, toying the other between his calloused fingers. He released with a pop only a few moments later, the chill air making sudden contact with the wet skin caused you to flinch slightly. He trailed his lips down your stomach, sucking marks into the skin above your pelvis as he pulled your shorts and underwear down your legs before discarding them to some unknown corner of the room.
As he raised his head to look down at the new bits of skin, he paused. He played with his bottom lip, licking it quickly before biting down, his gaze never leaving your slick lips while his hand continued massaging your breast. You began to feel nervous underneath his gaze, both hands coming down quickly to cover your most intimate parts up. He was shocked to say the least, glancing back up at you swiftly before removing your hands with own, intertwining one of your hands with his, “I want to see all of you.” He stated simply.
He leaned up and gave you a quick pick on the lips, taking you completely off guard. Before you could further question his actions he was between your thighs, lapping at your core hungrily. You gripped the navy bedspread beneath you, moaning out his name loudly between pants. If Percy hadn’t taken your breath away before this encounter, he was making absolutely sure that he was now. He traced a slender digit around your entrance teasingly just before he dipped it inside of your heat. Your breath hitched, stuttering madly as he pushed in and out of you slowly, outlining your clit with the tip of his tongue and attaching his lips to the bundle of nerves.
You hiss and sputter out curses, “Dammit Perce stop teasing me.” You were so needy for his touch. You hadn’t been able to touch him for weeks, thinking you’ll never get to see him again after Annabeth stole him from you, or she tried at least. In the midst of your actions you felt yourself grow smug because here was the boy, you two were fighting over, fucking you.
He chuckled, the vibrations sending shockwaves through your body and eliciting yet another hum of pleasure from you. Your plea, however, did not faze him one bit as he only added in another finger, stretching you out while licking stripes over your core.
“You taste even sweeter than I imagined, damn I could get used to this.” He mused to himself, suckling on your clit and causing your mouth to form an ‘o’ shape. In goes another finger, curling up and brushing your g-spot in the most euphoric way, winding up the coil in your stomach. You couldn’t even get a word out, choking on your moans as he relentlessly thrust in and out of you, sucking and nibbling at your sensitive clit.
You were getting close to your climax, getting more and more vocal the more he pushed you to the edge. He sped up intentionally, wanting to get you as close as possible just so he could pull away and deny you your orgasm. Just as you whimpered out a warning, he pulled away with a lopsided smirk covering his tan features, “You’re not coming until I’m inside you, I wanna feel that pretty pussy around me when you come.”
HIs dirty words softened your anger towards him, still upset that he pulled away right when you were about to fall over the edge. You went to crawl towards him, fingertips brushing over the strained material of his black boxer briefs ad palming his length through them. He let out a hiss, hand catching your wrist and meeting your lustful gaze with a hazy but warning look.
You pressed on, jerking your hand free and pulling down the elastic to free his erection, springing free and slapping against his stomach. He let out a throaty groan, sea green eyes squeezed shut as the cold air of the cabin made contact with his throbbing member. You took him in your hands, spreading the precum leaking out over his tip, moving your hands up and down the member.
His eyes flashed open, pushing you back onto the sheets suddenly, he positioned himself at your entrance, connecting his lips with yours just as he pushed himself inside of you slowly. You whimpered and gripped onto his shoulders, legs instinctively wrapping themselves around his hips, urging him to keep moving. You could taste yourself on his lips as he kissed you, but you couldn’t understand what he was talking about when he was talking about your taste.
He started off slow and only began picking up the pace when you hissed at him to move faster, your hooded eyes flashing with need. You ran your hands over the panels of his chest, years of training has proven to work, all the proof is right under your fingertips. He ground into you, one arm supporting himself above you while the other slipped underneath your back, embracing you flush against him. You met each of his thrusts with your own, wanting more than he was currently giving you.
You growled and twisted your hips so that you were riding him, further turning him on when you started to bounce on him as fast as your body would allow. His hands went straight to your ass, fondling the skin while he assisted you in your mission to set the pace you needed. Your hands were stilling exploring his chest, one occasionally slipping up to his neck to his ebony locks.
He felt so good inside of you, brushing your walls in such a euphoric way it was intoxicating. You clenched around him, causing him to hiss and leave a stinging sensation on your ass. He spanked you a few more times, gripping the flesh and soothing it afterward, causing a stream of swears to leave your lips. When you began growing tired, slowing your pace and slowly slipping down to his chest, he halted your movements and pulled out momentarily.
He flipped you over, pushing your upper body into the mattress and lifting your backside upwards. He stood in his knees behind you, wasting no more time by slipping in and continuing at the original fast pace you had set. You let out a gasp, turning your head to watch him pound into from behind, his thick brows scrunched together while he focused explicitly on pleasing you.
He met your own eyes, watching you intently as he leaned forwards and snaked an arm beneath your stomach, fingers finding your clit once more and playing with it roughly. You couldn’t help the needy whimpers that escaped your mouth, “P-Percy, I’m getting--” He interrupted with his own grunts, the way you were squeezing him was bringing him to the edge as well, “Fuck, I know baby.”
His thrusts grew erratic as he began losing control over himself, wanting to reach that high alongside you. With a few more thrusts you came undone with him following shortly after, both of you moaning out the others names save for a few swears here and there. Percy hadn’t pulled out though, he was milking this feeling, the feeling of your walls contracting around him as his seed began to drip out of your entrance.
You pulled away from him, wobbly legs making the attempt to turn around so much harder. Once finally facing him you gripped his bicep, catching his attention right away, “Does this mean we can go back to talking?” He asked innocently, drastically different from how he was just acting. You were stunned and slightly hurt, thinking that he just slept with you to get you to talk to him.
“Go back…?”
He nodded, eyes wide as he reached out to wrap your naked body in his embrace, “I missed you so much…” when he noticed how tense you were he sighed deeply, “It was always you, y’know. I never even considered Annabeth as a girlfriend.” You relaxed a little, cocking your brow curiously, urging him to go on with a nod of your head.
“I distanced myself because I didn’t think you felt the same way, but when you got mad at me that day for putting you second… I was...stunned speechless.” He paused, nuzzling his nose into your neck, “I thought you’d never speak to me again.”
You sighed, hand coming up to stroke his hair comfortingly, choosing your words carefully, “I felt like I wasn’t important to you, Perce.” You closed your eyes as he peppered your neck with more kisses, the front of his messy locks brushing your neck softly. You never wanted to feel like you weren’t important again because you were just as valid as everyone else. There was no reason for him to make you feel that way.
“Let’s try out ‘us’,” You spoke slowly, watching as his head lifted up swiftly and his eyes twinkling in hope, “But I’m not a second choice, I won’t ever be second again, okay?”
He grinned widely, letting out a chuckle as he kissed you deeply, “Never again, promise!” You smiled at his words, pecking his nose softly as he continued, “You’re the only choice.”
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dyde21 · 5 years
Lone Wolf 2: The Confrontation
A continuation of the story inspired by @somethingmorecreative1 Since it got so much attention and I got some new followers I decided to pump out part two! I hope you enjoy it, it’s... intense. xD Fair warning, a bit of swearing and some more angst. Promise there will be plenty more fluffy sunshine in the future. But this plot starts dark. xD 
Annabeth paced back and forth in her office. Her work was done, but her head was somewhere else. She kept replaying the scene from the previous day. Different words she could have said, different approaches she could have made when talking to that boy. Piper was right, that boy could only be described as desperate. Yet, he ran off. Annabeth couldn’t help but feel that if he died she was partially responsible. Maybe she could have done more to calm him down. 
It wasn’t exactly uncommon for wolves without a pack to be a bit unbalanced. Their life was chaotic enough having a double life, and some part of their nature craved a pack. Living alone wasn’t good for their mental health nor their physical health. 
She hoped he would seek them out, she had sent out some people to keep an eye for him, incase he did start looking. But her hopes weren’t high, he seemed stubborn, to say the least. 
Still, she couldn’t get him out of her head. He reminded her of herself, when Thalia had first found her on the streets. She hadn’t been alone long, but it seemed like he had been. 
A knock on her door snapped her back to reality as she beckoned them in. 
Piper entered, looking as anxious as she felt as she took a seat in one of the seats of her office. 
“Any word?” Annabeth asked, knowing the answer.
Piper shook her head. “No. He might have left.”
Annabeth nodded. “We tried.” She offered, but her voice didn’t even convince herself. 
Piper just leaned forward, resting her head in her hands. “I don’t want him to get himself killed. He didn’t seem like a bad guy.”
Annabeth nodded, finally taking a seat of her own. “I… I know. But he ran, and I don’t think chasing him down would have helped.”
Nodding, Piper sighed. “You can’t help someone who doesn’t want help. For a moment though… I thought he was going to.”
The blonde sighed. “I thought so too. Something happened before to have him spooked. That’s all I can think of.” Looking over, she saw Piper not looking well. “Come on, let’s go get some food. I think we both need fresh air. If he turns up, we’ll be the first to know.”
Piper nodded, standing up. “You’re right.”
As they made their way down to the street, Annabeth’s phone rang. Fishing through her pocket she pulled it out quickly. “Hello?”
“Emergency in the forest.” It was Will’s voice, and he sounded panicked.
Freezing in place, Annabeth’s blood went cold. “What do you mean? What’s going on?”
Piper tugged on her sleeve, trying to figure out what was going on. 
“Some hunters went out to look for the “bear”. Apparently gunshots have been heard in the forest.” 
“On it. Meet us there, Tell everyone else to stay back, I’m going with Piper.”
She ordered, hanging up and taking off at a sprint towards the forest. Piper was at her side, trying to figure out why her Alpha started sprinting down the street. 
“Gunshots. In the forest. Hunters went out looking.”
Piper’s face contorted into horror. 
They were both thinking the same thing, there was a good chance that someone is going to die. Either Percy could kill someone if backed into a corner, or he could be put down by hunters who don’t know better.
They had to move quickly, and small because attracting too much attention could backfire if it rallied more hunters.
The second they reached the cover of the trees they shifted and tore through the woods as wolves, looking for any scent of blood. 
Annabeth could feel her pulse pounding as her eyes scanned everything, taking in every inch of detail she could manage. Before long Will had joined them, but they still weren’t having much luck with tracking down anyone. 
Another gunshot echoed through the forest and Annabeth almost tripped over a root from shock. 
Turning, they sprinted towards the sound. A few minutes later, and the scent of fresh blood hit their noses hard. Slowing slightly, Annabeth took the lead as they approached. At the sound of bushes rustling, they stopped and lowered themselves, ready to react to whoever emerged. Whatever it was was bleeding badly. 
Just then Percy emerged, holding a hunting knife, looking wide eyed. He stumbled for a step, before he collapsed into the side of a tree. 
Annabeth looked over him, and her heart skipped a beat. What was an old, slightly torn white shirt was stained a deep red, as he clutched his side. His face was pale and contorted in pain as he uselessly held out the small hunters knife in front of him as a threat. 
“Stay back. I’ll kill you.” He warned, his voice cracking from pain during the threat. 
He tried to take a step towards them, before he collapsed into a heap on the ground, curling up slightly as he held his side. Blood was pooling into the leaves around him, and Will let out a soft whine. Their doctor hated seeing people injured, threats or not.
Annabeth shifted back. “Don’t move.” She ordered her packmates as she stepped forward. 
“You’ve been shot.” She stated plainly as she made her way towards Percy, hands up and in the open to show she wasn’t a threat. “Let us help you, or you’re going to die.”
Percy grunted, forcing himself to sit up. 
“Stay away! I’ll be fine! I’ll heal! Just get the hell away from me!” He said, swinging the knife through the air between them.
“Stay away!” His voice cracked as tears threatened the corners of his eyes from pain. 
His pitiful attempts at bravado cracked Annabeth’s heart in two. He was on the verge of death and so terrified it hurt to watch.
Carefully, Annabeth pressed on towards him. “Percy, I’m not going to hurt you and I’m not going to let you die here. Trust me.”
Percy glared at her. “Never! Stay away!” 
Kneeling down, Annabeth continued to approach him. 
In one last desperate plea, Percy stabbed out with the knife, digging it into Annabeth’s leg.
Both of her packmates snarled, but Annabeth turned towards them with every ounce of authority she had in her. “STAND DOWN.” She ordered, with such force they both bowed their heads slightly.
Reached down, ignoring the burning pain spreading through her leg, she wrapped her hand around his, prying his hand from the knife without much issue. 
Shifting her leg away, the knife still in it, she held his hand. “Percy. We’re going to save you. I promise.”
He squeezed her hand, looking up at her with desperate eyes and shallow breaths. They were shaking with fear as tears started to fall. Even his broken facade fell apart. “I’m… sorry.” His voice cracked out, as he squeezed her hand a little tighter for a moment, before his head slowly fell to the forest ground.
“Will!” She ordered and in a flash Will was at her side, pulling supplies out of his bag as he did what first aid he could. “Don’t let him die. That’s an order.” Will just nodded at her outrageous command. It was obvious he was going to do what he could, but the order was mostly just to help her feel some sense of control over the situation. 
Piper rushed to her side, looking at her leg. “Are you okay?”
Annabeth nodded, wiping some sweat from her brow. “I’ll be fine. I’ve had worse and it’s just my leg. Will can help me after Percy is more stable. Call Leo, have him have a van ready to bring Percy back. He will need more help.”
Piper was on the phone a minute later as Annabeth sat back, wincing as her leg still felt like it was on fire but she was tough, she’d be fine till Will had a chance to help her. 
Percy was completely out now, but still breathing luckily. Will continued to do what little he could for now, before he moved over to Annabeth. 
“I have to remove the knife now.” He warned. 
Nodding, Annabeth took a deep breath. “Just let me kn-”
Mid sentence he pulled the knife out as quickly as he could.
“SON OF A BITCH!” Annabeth screamed, her words echoing through the forest, making Piper looked back at her over her shoulder from her phone call. 
Will just winced, with the smallest hint of a smirk on his face.
“You asshole.” She said, wincing as he started to stitch the wound. 
“I didn’t want you to tense up.” He offered. 
Annabeth just glared at him, having a few more choice words for her sadistic doctor but Percy was dulling her edge at the moment. 
A few minutes later a few more of their pack members showed up and managed to carry Percy towards the van while Piper helped Annabeth limp her way back. Her leg was already healing but it would still take a while.
As they all piled in the van, Annabeth just let out a deep sigh.
“Are you okay?” Will asked from Percy’s side.
Annabeth nodded. “Just done with today.” 
Piper let out a hollow laugh, kissing the top of her friend's head. “We saved him.”
Annabeth nodded, leaning into Piper’s shoulder as her eyes drooped slightly. Healing always drained Annabeth’s energy.
“Get some rest, I’ll wake you up when we’re back at the house.”
Annabeth nodded, and after one last glance at the boy, she was out.
Annabeth paced back and forth as Will finished up all he could do on Percy. 
“Will he be okay?”
Will nodded. “He’ll be fine. The wound is closing up nicely, we got there in time.” 
Annabeth felt like a weight dropped off her shoulder. Now that he was safe, they could work on helping him mentally. That last look he had given her and set her mind. He needed their help. Even if he didn’t want to admit it. She was too stubborn to let him go now. 
Looking over his frame, Annabeth frowned. “He… doesn’t look good.” 
Will nodded his head, running a hand through his hair solemnly . “He’s… drastically underweight.” He said, putting it lightly. 
That was much was clear, even to Annabeth. The guy was starving. Plus he had a few scars on him, the most notable being a large deep scar from his right shoulder to his left hip. With how fast they healed, Annabeth shuddered to think about what the wound must have been like in order to leave that. 
Annabeth couldn’t even imagine how much of a hell his life must have been to leave him in that state. 
This boy seemed like a tragic mystery to her, and she desperately wanted to figure him out. 
Seeing Will out a yawn, she stood up. “Go get some rest. You’ve been working straight for a while now. I’ll stick around in case he wakes up.”
Will opened his mouth but Annabeth cut him off. 
“Shut up. You said you’re done with him. Go get some rest, we might need you later. That’s an order.” 
Will gave her a mild glared, but nodded. “Fine. There’s some pain killers on my desk if either of you need them. Call me if you need to, don’t hesitate.”
Annabeth gave him a dismissive wave as she pulled up a chair, spinning it around and leaning over the back of it as she looked at the sleeping boy. There was so much to him, and she wanted to know why he was so adamant about refusing help even when dying. She had a feeling that scar had a lot to do with it. 
Annabeth wasn’t sure if she had fully dozed off or not, but at the sound of a groan, her eyes shot open as she saw Percy start to shift, eyes blinking. 
She watched him fully wake up, shifting before his eyes fell on her and he tensed up. 
“You drool when you sleep.” Was all she said, as she continued to stay on the chair, watching him carefully.
She saw his expression shift from fear, to anger, to relief, before settling on a forced stoic face. 
“Where am I?” He asked curtly. 
“Someplace safe. Will patched you up, make sure you thank him later for saving your life.”
Annabeth countered. 
“I didn’t ask you to.”
Glaring slightly, Annabeth shifted her weight. “I know. You actually made quite an effective argument against it when you stabbed your knife into my leg.” 
The boy winced, before  he glanced at her leg then back at her. 
“Where’s my knife?” He tried something else. 
“Someplace safe.” She repeated, a little pleased at the annoyed look that crossed his face. “You lost your privilege of having sharp things for now.”
A low growl emitted from his throat as he looked at her. “Don’t talk down to me.”
“Or what?” Annabeth challenged, sitting up. “You can’t even stand up.”
Percy glared at her, clearly attempting to sit up but that was clearly a bad idea as his face flushed as he gasped in pain. 
“For now.” He muttered childishly. 
Annabeth sighed. “Just be patient and let us heal you up then you can have your stuff back.”
“Good. Then I can get out of here.”
“OKAY. What the hell is your problem?” She snapped, kicking the chair off to the side as it hit the wall. Her frustration had gone way past her limits. 
Percy flinched at this, but he was completely at her mercy. 
“I’ve gone out of my way to save your life, even after you STABBED me. I’ve had every reason to kill your or let you die and you still are acting like we’re out to get you.” She was breathing heavily now, the frustration of the past few days finally boiling over. “What the hell is wrong with you.”
“Because I know you’re going to kill me!” Percy snapped back, forcing himself to sit up despite all the pain he was clearly in. If Annabeth wasn’t so worked up she probably would have yelled at him for that. “It’s the same with every pack. They talk sweet to you, let you in, and the second you’re seen a threat they try and kill you! I’m done with it!” He snapped back, tears boiling over. “I just want to be left alone. That’s all I want.” 
Annabeth paused, taking a few deep breaths as she was glad to finally be getting some honesty from Percy.
He glared at her, fists bunching up. “I’m sorry, okay! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for shouting at you. And insulting you. You saved my life, and I’m so relieved and thankful. I can never thank you enough. I just don’t want to die. I don’t want to hurt anyone…” His voice cracked as he full on started crying despite his best attempts to hide it. 
Annabeth felt all the steam leave her as her heart broke at the boy trying to keep it together in front of her but failing miserably. Her suspicions had been right, something had happened with a previous pack. Moving over, Annabeth sat on the edge of his bed. After a moment of hesitation, she reached out and rubbed his back. 
“It’s okay.” She said, her voice gentle. “I promise you, this pack isn’t like that. We just don’t want to see a lone wolf kill himself out of stubbornness. We’re not saying you need to join us or whatever. Just.. give us a chance. Let us help you, okay? That’s all we want. I’m the Alpha, and you have my protection as long as you’re here. No one can lay a hand on you, as long as you don’t do anything stupid.”
Percy nodded, taking a few more shaky breaths. “I… Thank you. Annabeth. Thank you. For everything.”
Annabeth smiled, messing with his hair slightly. “You’re welcome. But get some sleep. We still have a lot to talk about, but you need rest. When you wake up we can talk some more and I’ll introduce you to the people who saved you.”
He nodded, slowly laying back down. He was quiet, and Annabeth figured she wasn’t going to get much more out of him for now. It seemed there was even more to unpack than she thought. Still, knowing that he would be safe and getting help was enough for now.” Setting the chair back up, she set a glass of water next to some pain killers on the table near him and then left him alone, not the least bit surprised when she suddenly opened the door as Piper stumbled into the room from where she had been listening on the other side. “Come on, he needs some rest.” She said, deciding here wasn’t the best place to scold her friend. As she lead Piper away, Annabeth just smiled. It seemed things had finally calmed down. Now the real work could begin.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, I had a lot of fun writing it. Boy it’s hard writing angst though. As always, let me know what you think! Percy was a bit different in this one, but he’ll get back to how I usually write him soon enough. =P I hope he came across alright.  If you enjoyed this please check out my twitter HERE
Also please consider checking out my commissions HERE It really is hard to split my time between writing and working on my art to get some income so just spreading the word is enough. I can absolutely through in another chapter or request with an art commission too! Either way, thank you for looking at them!
I hope you enjoy it! Depending on the engagement I might be able to get another chapter out soon too!
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itsshortfurball20 · 5 years
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong? 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This chapter has 3,545 words 
  8 – This is the Sad Part
Percy replayed the story that Fury had told them over in his head. Apparently, not only did Loki’s fancy scepter open portals, but it also controlled minds. Some of SHIELD’s own agents under its influence had struck the ship. In the end, they had managed to lose Loki and his scepter, Banner, Thor (who had fallen in the glass cell that had used to host Loki), and most devastating, Agent Coulson who had died at the hands of Loki.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. There were so many emotions swirling around inside of Percy like a hurricane. Frustration, humiliation, guilt…
Sure, Percy didn’t know Agent Coulson that well. He didn’t even know that his first name was Phil until the director had told him. But no one should’ve died. No one.
The son of Poseidon just stared down in his lap, fiddling with his pen. On one side of Percy, Tony sat with a blank face and glazed eyes, body turned away from the table. From what Percy could remember, the two had been friends. Percy had lost many friends of his own through the years, and each death was always a punch to the gut, leaving him lost and numb.
On Percy’s other side was Steve. The super soldier has been silent since Fury announced Coulson’s death, his jaw clenched tight and his hands hidden under the table where Percy guessed they were curled into fists. Percy wasn’t sure how well the Captain and Coulson had known each other, but it was clear to Percy that Steve was just as distraught as everyone else.
In front of the table stood Fury. His face seemed to have age, becoming tired and worn. With a heavy sigh, he reached into his coat’s pocket and pulled something out. “These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them.”
He tossed a pack of cards onto the table. Steve reached for the top card. Percy noted that the top corner of the card was stained with blood. He looked away from the cards and back down on Riptide.
“We're dead in the air up here.” Fury told them. “Our communications, location of the cube, Banner, Thor. I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming.” Fury’s eyes swept over the table.
“Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract.” The director admitted. “I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier. There was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avenger Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could.”
Percy let his eyes drift back up slowly. Fury had moved from the front of the table to behind one of the empty chairs. The two quickly met eyes, and Percy felt trapped as the director studied him.
After a brief pause, Fury sighed and stood up straight. “Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea.” He tried to make eye contact with each of the three men, only which of two he caught their gaze. When Fury met Percy’s eyes, he was able to see just how tired the director was. How heavy his shoulders seemed to be, burdened with the weight of Coulson’s death. “In heroes.”
Tony swiftly stood up and left. Percy watched him leave, his now empty chair spinning slowly. Fury walked to stand next to Percy, his eyes focused on the doorway that Tony had just left through. “Well, it's an old-fashioned notion.”
Percy snapped. He stood up so that he was eye-to-eye with the director. Jaw clenched so hard that his teeth started aching, he stared Fury down. The director met his gaze. After a few seconds, Percy spoke up, his voice as soft as a whisper that only Fury could hear him.
“Don’t say that. Don’t act like there’s nothing to fight for anymore. Coulson died a hero. We should honor that. Honor him.”
Percy didn’t give Fury a chance to respond. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.
Percy figured there were one of two spots that Tony would run to. The first would be his room, but as it was empty, Percy headed to spot number two.
He entered the cell room. The large green glass cell that had once housed Loki was gone, leaving a big gaping hole in the middle of the room. Percy slowly walked around the catwalk, closer to Tony. The man was staring blankly in the center of the room, eyeing the empty space.
“I’m sorry,” Percy spoke up. “I know he was a friend.”
“He was.” Tony took a deep breath. “He was an idiot too. Thinking he could take on Loki by himself.”
“I asked him to,” Percy admitted. “I asked for someone to come watch Loki while I went and tried to help Thor tame Banner.” He let out a bitter laugh. “Lot of good that did…”
“He should’ve waited.” Tony insisted. “He was out of his league.”
“Everyone else was busy. Who was he supposed to wait for? You?” Percy asked. Tony turned around to face the demigod and he noticed the anger on Percy’s face. “You were busy with the engine. There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
The room fell silent. Percy stared at Tony, waiting for him to say something. When the billionaire said nothing, Percy let out a sigh. “If…if it’s any consolation, I do know that his actions more than likely earned him a spot in Elysium. Paradise, for heroes.” He added when he saw Tony’s blank face. “All we can do now is honor his memory and stop Loki.”
Tony pushed past Percy and marched down the catwalk. “And how are we gonna do that?” He asked. “Half of our team is gone, we just got our butts whipped. How are we supposed to take down an army when we can’t even stop fighting for five minutes?” Tony stopped in front of a large stain on the wall, staring intently at it.
Percy recognized it as blood instantly.
“He made it personal,” Tony muttered, almost too quiet for Percy to hear.
The demigod paused, recalling the prophecy Rachael had given. The words played like a broken record over and over in his head. Dark as night… final fight…charged to protect… all must end in blazing pain.
Percy shook his head, trying to clear it. The prophecy had to mean something. There had to be a hidden meaning somewhere. His mind wandered to the other aspects of the dream; his and Loki’s talk, the Chitauri, Rachael’s sketch…
“I know where Loki’s next move is!” Percy shouted, startling Tony. The demigod ran over to the billionaire. Tony lifted his eyebrow, waiting for Percy to elaborate. “Your tower,” Percy explained. “I saw it in a sketch. Rachael, our oracle, drew it, I just didn’t remember because the prophecy was more pressing at the moment.”
There was a small silence while Tony absorbed what Percy had just said. When realization finally dawned on him, he asked the demigod, “You mean that antler-wearing-diva is planning to use my tower as his source of energy? Son of a bitch!”
Percy fished around in his bag, searching for a drachma. As soon as he found one, he headed to the bathroom, where the shower was already running and waiting for him.
As soon as Percy and Tony had realized Loki’s next move, they left to go find Steve, who had actually been on his way to see them. Together, the three had devised a strategy to take down Loki. Now Percy stood in the bathroom, armor on and ready for battle. He was supposed to meet the others at the Quinjet in five minutes so they could fly to New York City.
There was only one thing left he had to do.
“O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Sally Jackson, Upper East Side, Manhattan.”
The first thing Percy heard was laughter. There was a shimmer in the rainbow as it revealed Sally’s living room. Percy saw Annabeth sitting on one of the chairs, her head tossed back in laughter. Sitting on the couch opposite of her were Sally and Paul. Sally had a big smile on her face as she stared at Estelle, who was sitting on the ground in front of them, surrounded by her toys.
Percy’s lips curved into a smile. He loved little moments like this, where everything melted away. It was nice to not worry about space armies, or egotistical gods trying to take over the world.
His smile dropped a little as he realized he was running out of time. “Mom?” He called out.
Sally’s eyes turned to him, widening in surprise. “Percy!” She smiled.
Annabeth turned towards him, her curly blonde hair falling in her face. She noticed the battle armor and her smile dropped. Percy noticed the slight tilt of her head as she started trying to analyze the situation. “Why are you wearing armor? What’s happening?”
“There was an attack, Loki escaped.” Percy rushed to get his explanation out. “We know he’s heading your way. You need to leave now.”
Paul scooped Estelle off the floor and brought her close to his chest. “I’m on it.”
Percy nodded. “I don’t want you guys taking any risks. Head to Montauk for the weekend or something.”
“But what about you?” Sally asked, concern written on her face. “I can’t just leave knowing that you’re going to be in danger.”
“I’ll stay,” Annabeth spoke up.
Percy shook his head fiercely. “No.” He stated. It wasn’t even an option to him. He crossed his arms, unwilling to change his mind. “Annabeth, you need to go too. This isn’t a debate.”
Annabeth stood up and walked to stand in front of the IM. “We’re not having this fight again Percy. I don’t want to fight with you.” She pleaded. “Remember before you left? We were arguing about the same thing.”
“I don’t either want to fight with you either,” Percy confessed. He sighed, knowing that the clock was ticking. He needed to wrap this up. Running a hand through his hair, he tried to come up with a quick solution.
“We can handle ourselves, son,” Sally told him. “We’ll… head to Montauk,” she said slowly, looking over at Paul for confirmation. “Annabeth’s needed here more than there.”
“Besides,” Annabeth piped in with a small smile. “You need someone watching your back. I know you’re unhappy with the idea of me staying, but… I can help evacuate civilians!” She offered.
Percy thought about the idea. After a brief silence, he slowly nodded his head. “Okay. Don’t draw unwanted attention,” he advised. Annabeth nodded as she turned to start preparing. “And stay safe!”
Annabeth turned back towards him. “You too, Seaweed Brain.”
She cut through the IM and Percy leaned against the wall, the events of the day finally catching up. His body was tired, and his arms were heavy. He wanted to stay there for a while, but he knew he had to go. Making sure to grab his helmet, he took one last sweep of the room, trying to make sure he had everything he needed, before leaving.
Percy jogged through the halls to try and make up for the time he had spent talking to Annabeth and his family. His armor clanked and his shield made his heavy arms even heavier, but he trudged on.
Eventually, he rounded the corner and entered the hangar bay. Straight up ahead he could see Steve’s distinctive blue suit. Slowing down, he neared the group. “I’m here,” he said.
“You’re late,” Tony told him before turning his attention back to his suit, making final adjustments.
Percy took a quick glance at the group. He had seen Tony and Cap’s suits before, but he noticed that Natasha was in a new leather suit and had some cool looking gadgets on her belt and wrists. She was checking her guns and talking to a man Percy hadn’t seen before. The man was tall with blond hair and had a quiver stocked full of arrows strapped to his back.
“Who’s this?” Percy shrugged towards the new guy.
The man turned towards him, and Percy saw the light reflect on something small in the man’s ear.  “Hey, I’m Clint.”
The guy, Clint, held out his hand for Percy to shake. “Nice to meet you,” Percy said taking his hand. “I’m Percy…so are you new here?”
“He was one of the agents under Loki’s mind-control,” Natasha informed him as she strolled into the Quinjet, Steve following close behind her. “He’s part of the team.”
“Ah…got it, I think,” Percy muttered as he climbed the Quinjet. He took a seat on the bench, wishing that there were some form of seat belts. Didn’t the place pride in safety for everyone?
The ramp door closed, and Clint moved up to the cockpit with Natasha while Steve took a seat opposite of Percy. “We’re not too far from New York,” Steve reassured Percy. “It should only take us fifteen minutes to get there.”
“That’s fifteen minutes too long,” Percy muttered.
He set his helmet down next to him and tried to get comfortable. The demigod could hear the familiar sound of Tony’s repulsors firing up before he took off, the Quinjet following close behind as they made their way to New York City.
Percy realized that Tony had reached the tower when he heard the billionaire talking to a Dr. Selvig. Listening to Tony talk to his AI, the son of Poseidon grabbed his helmet and placed it on his head. He saw Steve also gearing himself up, strapping on his own shield. There was a small pause and Percy figured that Tony was making his way inside the tower.
“Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity.”
Loki’s voice came through the comm. Percy could imagine the god, with his smug smile and that condescending look in his eyes as he stared down Tony.
“Uh...actually, I'm planning to threaten you,” Tony informed the god.
“You should have left your armor on for that.”
“Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?”
Percy concluded that Tony Stark was either ADHD or just really good at evasive tactics. With an anxious glance into the cockpit, Percy hoped that Tony could keep Loki busy until the Quinjet arrived to help.
“Stalling me won't change anything.”
“No, no, no! Threatening.” Tony corrected. “No drink? You sure? I'm having one.”
“The Chitauri are coming,” Loki told Tony. Percy, still miles from where the words had actually been spoken, felt a slight chill run down his spine and the image from his dream entered his head. “Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?”
“The Avengers.” The billionaire answered. “It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes' type of thing.”
“Yes, I've met them.”
“Yeah, takes us a while to get any traction, I'll give you that one. But, let’s do a head count here. Your brother, a literal god; a super soldier, a living legend that kinda lives up to the legend; a man with breath-taking anger management issues; a Greek demigod who holds true to his namesake; a couple master assassins and you, big fella, you’ve managed to piss off every single one of them.”
“That was the plan,” Loki said. He sounded confident, so sure of himself. Percy couldn’t wait for the opportunity to change that.
“Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they'll come for you.”
“I have an army.”
“We have a hulk.”
“I thought the beast had wandered off?”
“You're missing the point.” Tony’s voice rose, getting louder. “There's no throne, there is no version of this, where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it.”
There was a small pause and Percy hated how he couldn’t see what was happening. And then Loki spoke, sounding much closer to Tony. “How will your friends have time for me, when they're so busy fighting you?”
“No!” Percy shouted. Across from him, Cap sat with the same wide eyes and shocked expression. A cold feeling stirred inside Percy. How could they have been so stupid to not realize what Loki could do? Now they had lost Tony to Loki, and with them down Thor, the only other flying member of their team, they stood very little chance—
“This usually works.” Loki’s voice came through, confusion lacing his words.
The cold feeling left Percy’s body as he slumped back in his seat. ‘It didn’t work’ he thought, relieved.
“Well, performance issues. You know, not uncommon. One out of five, I would—” Tony cut off as a large thud noise occurred. Percy could hear Tony talking to JARVIS, his voice sounding rough.
Tony made a guttural sound like he was being choked. “You will all fall before me.” Loki stated through Tony’s harsh breathing and yelling of ‘deploy’ before the sound of glass breaking and wind filled the comm. Percy figured that Tony had been thrown out of his window. He waited with bated breath for the roaring wind to stop, for Tony to miraculously stop falling. It took a couple seconds, but finally, Percy could hear the thrusters of Tony’s Iron Man suit.
“And there's one other person you pissed off!” Tony yelled over the sounds of the thrusters. “His name was Phil.” A blast sound followed by a cry from Loki made Percy smile a little. The smile did not last long, however.
A great boom sound filled the air. Percy didn’t even need the comm to be able to hear it from inside the plane. Needing to see what was happening, Percy stood up and headed into the cockpit.
Just up ahead was the island of Manhattan. The familiar skyline brought come comfort to Percy before it was wiped away by a huge portal that was only growing larger by the second right above the city. It was just like the sketch Rachael had drawn.
Then to top it all off, something came through the portal. At first, it was just the one, then a couple, quickly growing to a huge mass of flying aliens. Percy could faintly see Tony flying up in his suit to meet them. He was able to knock a couple down, but they were coming through too fast for Tony to be able to stop them all.
Pretty soon, they started shooting at people, no doubt causing mass panic among the population of New York. The demigod could see some smoke start to rise from the streets. Flying high over the buildings. the Quinjet made its way to STARK Tower.
“You know, Loki isn’t being low-key,” Percy commented as a group of aliens on flying scooters flew after Tony.
“If I could shoot you right now, I would,” Natasha told him, her voice calm and collected for what was happening. “Stark, we're heading northeast.”
“What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you.”
Up ahead, Tony flew by with his Chitauri entourage close behind. Clint used the Quinjet’s gun to shoot down some of the invaders. Percy grabbed onto the back of Natasha’s seat as she steered the jet upwards.
A queasy feeling entered Percy’s stomach and he felt the need to sit. Making his way to the back, he gripped onto the rail tightly as the Quinjet made a sudden turn.
“You hanging in there?” Percy heard Steve ask.
The demigod waved his free hand dismissively. “Yeah, as soon as we land—”
He never got to finish his sentence as Clint and Natasha both grunted as the ship shuddered and started to spin. Percy’s heart dropped when he realized that the plane was descending. His feet lifted off the floor of the plane. The son of Poseidon clamped his eyes shut and gripped the rails so hard his knuckles turned white.
There was a rumble and the jet shook as it landed on the ground. Percy’s feet fell back on the floor and he became aware of his own harsh breathing and rapid heartbeat. When he heard the sound of the ramp being lowered, he loosened his grip on the bar and took a couple of deep breaths. Once he gathered himself, he joined Steve, Natasha, and Clint outside the plane.
It was chaos. People ran by screaming, desperately trying to run away from the massive crowd of aliens flying overhead on hovering bikes, shooting at anything that moved. Just up ahead was STARK Tower, now missing its R and K.
“We gotta get back up there,” Cap shouted over all the noise.
Percy took off running with the group as they started making their way back to Stark’s tower.
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iwaoihs · 8 years
Until the Night turns into Morning
a/n: hi! thank you if you’re going to read this story of mine. i really like this au of percabeth - it gives me all the butterflies and squeals. anyway enjoy!
☾  guitarist!percy + pianist!annabeth
The night sky has never been prettier than before. It was the time of the month where I could just stare at the stars for the rest of my life; where I could forget everything that's running inside my head at the moment. If only. . .
        Instead, I went away from my windowx just diverted my attention to the laptop screen in front of me. And on cue, all the stress and headaches surged into my brain all at once. I groaned in frustration and rested (not gently, by the way) my head on the keyboard with a "thud", inputting in random keys.
         “I fucking hate you, Science!”
        It was also the time of the month where I am in deep shit. By deep shit, I mean being bombarded with school works enough to give you a migraine to last a lifetime.
        That was an exaggeration, but you get the point.
        I lifted my head, and saw my wonderfully written essay. Our dickhead teacher told us to write an essay about Carbon – which I don’t give two fucks about and we need to have at least 500 words.
        Where the fuck am I supposed to get 500 words?
        “I’m going to finish this son of a bitch. I’m going to finish this son of a bitch. I’m going to---“ That was my mantra for the whole night.
        I mean, I’m not really a slack. Actually, I am doing good in school. I don’t get grades below a C, and I plan on maintaining it to get a good chance in a prestigious college. But, that doesn’t stop me from complaining the shitload of school works.
        As I was on my 499th word, a cellphone call interrupted me from my crying.
        Asshole is calling. . .
        I just stared at the screen. A wave of emotions was felt – felicity, confusion and nervousness. With a sigh, I picked it up and cleared my throat.
        “What do you want, Asshole? I was in the middle of---“ I began to talk but he cut me off with a ‘shh’.
        “I know, I know,” he said. “That’s why I’m inviting you to join me in my late night escapades.”
        I looked at the clock hanging up in our wall, 12:30 am, it says.
        I ignored all the butterflies – scratch that, there were motherfucking dragons breathing fire in my stomach. It was already dark outside and chances of murder are higher; so it is a huge no for me. I declined his offer.
        “Oh, come on, Annabeth! Pretty please? I won’t kill you and dump your body in the woods! Swear!”
        I stifled my laugh and replied, “Now that you said that, I am even more reluctant to join you and you ‘escapades’.”
        Well, I was hella up for it. I really need to take in fresh air and see the starry skies to relieve the stress our dickhead of a teacher gave us. But, like I said, chances of murder are at stake.
        Then, he suddenly laughed.
        “What the fuck are you laughing at, Asshole?”
        I imagined him grinning through the phone at the tone of his voice. He sounded very cheeky. “I have something you couldn’t reject. Now, my fine Hoe, listen.”
        “Yeah, I’m listening.”
        “I have peanut butter sandwiches with me.” I internally gasped. “Now, are you going to join me or not?”
        “Fine! Let’s meet in front of my house at 1 am sharp. And, be quiet, please.”
        He chuckled. “Are you going through the fire escape?”
        “Duh, you idiot. Am I supposed to go to the front door and wake the hell out of my parents?”
        “Yeah, yeah, genius---“
        And I hung up.
        I heaved another sigh and got up from my not-so-comfortable chair. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black hoodie. I wore them in a flash and slipped on my good ol’ sneakers. I stared at the full body mirror that I have, contemplating whether my reflection is decent enough for my hopeless crush to see.
        Yeah, that asshole is just a crush, folks. That’s why he is crushing my poor, innocent, dark soul.
           I let my blonde locks hang loose behind my back – thinking that it is a good change. My gray eyes were dull and lifeless, with dark bags underneath them. I guess this isn’t exactly a jaw-dropping reflection.
        Percy. A boy who is a best friend of mine, A boy who plays the guitar with such passion, a boy who loves the ocean with all his heart, a boy who is obsessed with stupid puns, a boy who managed to bring color to my monotone world.
        And, finally, a boy who could never return the feelings I have for him.
        Chill, this is just a crush of mine.
        This will just pass by.
        Everything will go away.
        Nothing good will come out from being hopeful to impossible wants.
        I sighed, and stared at myself in the mirror. “Don’t be stupid, Annabeth. Don’t be stupid, Annabeth. Don’t be stu---“
        And, that was my mantra for the rest of the night.
            At exactly 1 am, the sound of his Honda echoed throughout the quiet neighborhood. But, I wasn’t scared at all – my neighbors are quite heavy sleepers.
         I went out my window and climbed down the fire escape. Percy was already waiting for me, clad in his plaid flannel with a smile plastered on his handsome face. I want to punch him.
         “Oh, Annabeth, a good girl by day and a bad girl by night.” He commented, and whistled after. I just rolled my eyes.
         As I step foot on the ground, he held his arm, still with a smile on his face. “Are you read for our escapades, m’lady?”
         I returned his smile and giggled. I wrapped my arm around his.
         “Of course, kind Sir.”
         And, we went off.
         Inside his car was the smell of his perfume – fuck – and his trusty guitar was at the backseat. I smiled at the sight.
         “You can’t leave Blackjack?” And, by Blackjack, I meant his guitar.
         “Why the fuck would I leave Blackjack?” he said.
         “Touché.”  Was all I could reply.
         When we were sat comfortably in our seats, he turned his music on. And as usual, an Ed Sheeran song was playing. Plus, it was my favorite that was blasting through his car’s speakers.
         Tenerife fucking Sea.
         Uhm, the title doesn’t have the word ‘fucking’ in it. Just so you know.
         “You look so wonderful in your dress,” I sang softly, feeling all the feels and goosebumps. “I like you hair like that.”
         Percy smiled, while his hand was on the wheel. “You should sing more, Annabeth.”
         I shook my head vigorously.
         “Stop being so humble, bitch.” He laughed, and I just rolled my eyes at his remark. Like that was going to happen.
         I observed the surroundings as we go on a moderate speed. “Where are we going?”
         I was flustered at his response. School? What is going on his head? Did he fall and hit it, or something?
         “School? Are you fucking kidding me? The reason why I joined you in this ‘escapade’ of yours was to get out of that hell hole I was in earlier! And, now, we are going to school that reminds me the fucking---“
         My beautiful rant was interrupted with his hand on my mouth. I licked it.
         “Ew!” he exclaimed, causing me to grin cheekily at him. He looked at me with pure disgust. “Just shut up okay? We’re not at school to burn you with fire. Calm your tits.”
         And, I did.
         It took a couple of more minutes ‘til we reached our destination. The school looked like a haunted one; the dark enveloping the buildings accompanied by an eerie silence. It was a creepy sight.
         “Well, Mr. Escapade, we reached our first location. What are we going to do?”
         He faced me and held out his hand. “You’ll see it.”
         I guess in my own perspective and time, I stared at his palm for a thousand light years, thinking if I should take it or not. But, in normal time, I took it shortly and he led me inside.
         When we are in front of the door, he fished out a bunch of keys. I was impressed with what this asshole could do.
         “Don’t say a word.” He said while inserting the key.
         I raised my hands in defense. “I’m not saying anything.”
         The doors creaked open, echoing throughout the dark school halls, with only the moonlight illuminating.
         Percy, still his hand gripping mine, led me towards to a familiar pathway. We stopped in front of a door as he fished his set of keys and inserted into the keyhole. In that moment, I knew what we were going to do.
         “Our school’s music room. . . Really?” I said. He just responded with a smile.
         I sat on the chair by the piano, already feeling the rush of adrenaline through my veins. My fingers itched to dip the ivory keys as they glisten in the dark. In my peripheral vision, Percy was getting a guitar.
         Oh, boy.
         He sat beside me. I could smell his scent – the smell of unrequited feelings and Axe cologne. My heart thumped faster, and my mind was blowing all over the place. But, I contained it all; for the sake of friendship.
         He leaned his arm on the piano and faced me, along with his sly smirk. “Play for me.”
         I raised an eyebrow at him. “What do you want?”
         He looked above, appearing to be thinking, with his fingers rubbing his chin. And, faced me again.
         “A Drop in the Ocean.”
         I take in a deep breath as my fingers worked their way. But, he stopped me.
         “And, sing, please.”
         I looked at him with confusion. He smiled even brighter – this was his means of persuading me unto his desire. He even closed his eyes to look ‘cuter’. Which was fucking working, and I hate every bit of it.
         “Fine.” I groaned.
         I played the first chord. “A Drop in the Ocean.” Then, another. “A change in the weather, I was praying that you and me might,” I took a short breath, trying not to pour my emotions. “End up together.”
         “It’s like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, and I’m holding you closer than most,” Control, you fool. Control. “’Cause you are my heaven.” Then, the short piano riff, accompanied by his playing of guitar resounded across the room.
         We continued the whole song. Just the two of us, with my life running on ivory keys and his on guitar strings.    
         “Wow,” he said. “That was nice. We should do a cover or something and be the next Us the Duo.”
         I laughed at his comment. It was unbelievable.
         “You wish,” I said. “As if I would record a video with an asshole.”
         He smirked. “You mean an asshole with devilishly good looks and amazing guitar skills?”
         I rolled my eyes.
         He took out the (probably) stolen keys from his pocket and said, “We move to our next destination.”
         Our next destination wasn’t inside a building or a forest where I could be murdered; it was the beach.
         I fucking love the beach. The sense of sand beneath your feet, the sounds of waves and the smell of the ocean breeze were enough to keep me sane in this insane world.
         I squealed like a little girl as I ran on the sand.
         After a couple of swear words from my dearest best friend, we settled sitting near the beach. He even brought a blanket for us to sit on. And, the night sky was full of stars, making my insides to fill with delight.
         I sighed at the beautiful view. “Stars are so pretty.”
         “But, you are a whole lot prettier,”
         I whipped my head to my right, where he was sitting next to me. “What?”
         He shook his head and muttered, “Nothing.”
         Did I hear it right? Have I gone deaf? Did I clean my ears this morning? Are my ears not functioning well?
         I ignored my train of thoughts, because this is giving me a bigger headache than our Carbon essay.
         I was suddenly reminded of our deal earlier. I looked at him, staring into his deep sea green eyes and said, “Where the fuck are my peanut butter sandwiches.”
         He laughed. “I thought you were going to say something else. . .” Percy reached the plastic bag behind him and threw it at me. “There you go. Ten sandwiches for your happy stomach.”
         I accepted it with pure satisfaction as I munched on my first sandwich happily.
         And, we just sat there. Silence embraced us. Well, with the sound of my chewing of sandwiches.
         “You know, Annabeth. . .” Percy trailed off, getting my attention. His eyes were focused on the sea, with the stars above us. “I like you.”
         I swear, I choked on my food. I stared at him, with flabbergast written all over my face as he gazed at me profoundly. Like he was seeing all the pores on my face.
         “What?” I questioned, still with food on my mouth.
         Percy sighed. “I know that you don’t like me that way, but I just wanted to confess it to you.”
         I blinked.
         Am I dreaming? Is this a hallucination? Am I dead and this is my heaven?
         “I. . .” was all I could muster. I gulped down the remaining food in my mouth and placed the remaining sandwiches down. He started talking again.
         “I know that we are best friends. I fucking know! But, I can’t stand seeing you with another guy. For fuck’s sake! You have no idea how beautiful you are while playing the piano, and you are even more gorgeous when you sing. No, scratch that, you are beautiful in everything you do! Even when you eat all those sandwiches in one take. I get all these feelings bottled up inside in me that I have no idea what to do. Whenever I look into your eyes, I get tongue-tied, thought it may not appear so. Damn it, your cute laugh is music to my ears and your obsession with stars and peanut butter – UGH! Plus, the way you rant over your Star Wars theory. I just want to stare into your eyes for a lifetime, and hold your hand. Annabeth, words can’t really tell what I’m feeling.”
         Did I really hear all of them right?
         “Am I deaf?” That was what I said next.
         Annabeth, you fucking idiot.
         “Annabeth,” he said, this time looking at me. “You may be a straight-A student, but you are so dumb when it comes to this.”
         I blinked again, and snapped.
         “Really? Really?!” I shouted, investing all my hidden feelings into what I am about say. “You have the fucking nerve to call me an idiot? Listen here, asshole. I fucking like you too! And, did you even notice, that? No! You are so enthralled in the thought that this would be reciprocated. Yes, my feelings weren’t noticeable, but it was your goddamn fault! You said you like Reese---“
         He disrupted. “Reese? That was just a joke!”
         “Whatever, dick! And you have no fucking idea how I sulked in the corner of room---“
         He disrupted me again. But, this time he disrupted me with his lips on mine.
         He tasted like a coffee and mint. Percy was all I could think at the moment. I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing the gap between us. The smell of axe was welcomed by my nose, itching to bring him even closer than we are. His hands rested on my waist, and I couldn’t tell how the dragons inside my stomach are. They are probably having a party.
         I pulled away, and placed our foreheads together. Both of us are out of breath, but that couldn’t hinder the smiles on our faces. His eyes sparkled, and his hair is messy, too.
         “Should we go to our next destination?” he asked, intertwining our fingers
         I nodded vigorously. “Yes.”
        When we got inside his car, he turned on his music. And, an Ed Sheeran song played again. This time, it was his favorite.
         “Five drinks in on Friday night, We only came to dry your eyes,” he sang. I was surprised by this.
         He never sings.
         And, of course, I joined him. Our voices off key, but that didn’t matter at the moment. I just want to be with him, with our hands intertwined.
         I checked the time, it was already 5 am. I looked at the sky; the sun is already breaking out. Goodbye, stars.
         Until the night turns into morning, You'll be in my arms.
         “Where’ our next destination, kind sir?” I asked, he chuckled and rubbed his thumb over my palm.
“And we'll just keep driving, along the boulevard.”
I didn’t complain and just smiled at him, in which he returned. Nothing could compare to this. An Ed Sheeran song playing in the background, his hand in mine, and a drive to a destination unknown.
And if I kissed you, darling, Please don't be alarmed.
“Aye,” he suddenly said. “You were damn alarmed when I kiss you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Shut the fuck up asshole.”
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