#and I have the Lor using they/them pronouns
“Join Me for Tea and Lies” Preview
“Now arriving at docking distance of the Battleship Halberd.”
The Lor’s voice rang in Magolor’s head. Despite the voice not being out loud for anyone to hear, his ears still twitched like they were hit with vocal soundwaves. He quickly straightened his posture after leaning on the control panel for so long and adjusted his scarf. 
Today was going to be everything. 
An invitation to the Halberd by Meta Knight himself was something not to be taken lightly. 
In all honestly, he still wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not when Meta Knight contacted him. Their friendship went from tense neutral terms to ‘let’s have a friendly visit’ so fast that it made him dizzy just thinking about it. 
“Okay, okay, big day. This is a big day. Well, maybe not a big day, but big event! In a sentimental sense, not necessarily a numerical sense.” Magolor realized that he was pacing. And rambling. And breathing kind of heavy. “Am I freaking out too much?” 
“Yes,” the Lor simply replied. 
“AGH!” Magolor tugged on the ears of his hood in frustration. He crossed his non-existent arms and leaned on the wall. “This is like my first hang out with Kirby all over again. But somehow worse.” 
“It is okay to be panicked about this. I recall you telling me about Meta Knight’s initial reaction to your return to Planet Popstar. This is quite a sudden change between the two of you.”
The mage’s ears lowered. He floated back over to the control panel and looked at the screen. The Halberd was quickly approaching. He sighed. 
“I’m not ‘panicked.’ I’m just…excited in all the worst ways. Or…nervous in all the best ways? You get what I mean.”
“I do not. But I shall pretend that I do.”
Magolor shook his head. He knew the Lor meant well. They just had their own…special way of expressing it. But he still appreciated their support nonetheless. 
Another glance at the screen showed the Lor pulling up to the side of the Halberd. Which meant it was time to go. However, he took a moment to check his reflection on the shiny floor. His outfit had been slightly altered over the past few months. New gloves with stars on them and a heart scarf buckle from Kirby. And the ears of his hood had a slightly different pattern thanks to some sewing lessons from Bandana Dee. All in all, he didn’t look bad. 
Magolor even dared to think that he looked nice. 
But it always helped to get a second opinion.
“Alright, Lor, how do I look?” 
“Like you always do.” 
Magolor’s ears flattened, “That doesn’t help me!” 
“Would you rather I say that you look bad?”
“Mmph…” the mage huffed in irritation.
“I am joking. You look very nice. Wearing the accessories your friends gave you will help in showing Meta Knight how much you have changed. Also, it is very cute.” 
“I thank you for everything but the last part. I’m not cute.” 
“Yes you are.”
“No, I’m not!” 
“I thought you had sworn off lying?”
 “I’M LEAVING NOW!” Magolor shouted, his ears twitching in anger. The Lor could be such a parent to him. It drove him insane. 
…Most of the time.
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handsometheo · 2 years
Hello hello, and soft Rhys headcanons? ^^
Hiiii ofc you can my dear <3
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Not my gif
Pairing: Rhys Strongfork x reader
Reader pronouns used: They/Them/Their's
Warnings: None as far as I was aware
Summary/Notes: Mentions Handsome Jack, Vaughn, Zer0 (He/they pronouns are what I use for Zer0) and Lor
Tales from the Borderlands Rhys:
-> He needs so many hugs
-> I mean look at him he's a nervous wreck
-> He needs support, constantly.
-> When Vasquez is a douche and starts messing with Rhys, just try and pull him away and comfort him
-> However if Vasquez says anything about you, that becomes far more difficult
-> yk
-> because he looooves you~
-> Vaughn and you being close is his one of his favourite things about you
-> He lives that you can be good friends with his best friend
-> right so I'm not sure about what the living situations on Helios are like but there's a designated living area if I remember right
-> when you come over, he'll put on some music and you must dance with him
-> you can both be awkward wobbly messes together while you dance
-> Loves a good slow dance, no matter how clumsily you both do it
-> He tries to hide the fact he is lowkey obsessed with Handsome Jack for weeks into your relationship
-> however he gets caught when you come over for the first time to his place
-> You better not judge him, he would feel horrible and like some weird freak if you judged him for it
-> if you like Handsome Jack as much as him (and me) honestly he will rant to you about all the stuff he thinks is cool about Jack.
-> he hyperfixates on things
-> He gets so happy when you let him talk about his hyperfixations
-> like he starts stimming
-> starts shaking his arms, getting a giggly and so so smiley
-> He's just like me fr 😌
-> When he leaves to Pandora, he trust you to tell you what is happening
-> but you cannot go with them
-> Rhys values your safety more than anyone elses
-> He'll call you with is ECHO eye every day at least once
-> He worries that either he will get killed and never get a chance to tell you how much he loves you
-> or he worries that while he's away, someone may try to take advantage of you or kill you
-> When he goes back to Helios he doesn't tell you about Jack
-> Jack however knows plenty about you however since he's been stuck with both of you two's biggest fan.
-> When shit starts going bad, Rhys calls you to tell you to leave as soon as possible
-> you find an escape pod and make it to Pandora
-> After all the dram with the Gortys project however, you are very happy to help Rhys rebuild Atlas
-> that's another thing he adores about you, you so supportive of him
-> We love him
Borderlands 3/ New Tales Rhys:
-> When he's big boss man Rhys, he has less time for you and let me tell you, that destroys him
-> you are the main pillar for his mental stability so when he's there fighting off Maliwan because some psycho wants to be besties with him and you can't be there because you have your own work or just happened to be away for a week, you can imagine how he's feeling
-> When he does have you in his arms however he's snuggling his head into your neck
-> you are his safe haven
-> always have been
-> let's you pick what fish he has in that huge fish tank of his
-> you know the dancing thing from before? It's so much more fun now that you have his entire office to yourselves
-> you can just take a moment to chill out with your CEO boyfriend
-> Zer0, Lor and you are all really good friends
-> Zer0 is just as protective of you as they are of Rhys
-> oh yeah, did I forget to mention? He plans on proposing soon
Sorry that the last part was shorter than tftbl Rhys but I've been working on my Handsome Jack fic still, that should come out this week hopefully and I'm trying to get back into the flow of writing.
I just beg that everyone is patient with me and writing 🙏 I don't mean to take so long but I really am hoping to keep it somewhat consistent.
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maudlin-scribbler · 3 months
Also, recently I've put my pronouns in romanian in my bio as well. I use el(=he)/ea(=she) pronouns (I don't particulary care which are used, but I kinda lean towards "el" & masculine terms and stuff more).
Romanian is a very gendered language, like everything has a gender. And the pronouns for the most part are gendered. I suppose one might be able to use the pronouns ei/lor(=masculine they/them basically) but I don't really like those for myself.
Being genderqueer in Romania kinda sucks, I'll be honest. Some of my classmates have been openly transphobic & homophobic (which I am sure is a common experience), along with some teachers, and yeah, it's horrible, but I'm kinda used to it at this point so I guess I don't really care as much anymore.
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Welcome to the Amaranthine Terminal! Where shalt thou be heading today, passenger?
I think it's about time I do an introduction post of mine own but I'm not exactly GREAT at them so this will probably be short
Good morrow! Thou hast reached the Amaranthine Terminal! I am your train conductor, you can call me Virgil, Liam, Don Quixote, Moirai, or San and I use sie/hir, toh/tohs, mo/mos, and they/he pronouns!
My favourite colours are purple, green, and yellow! I just think they look pretty neat :D 💜💚💛
Currently into things like Project Moon (mainly LoR and LimbComp since I haven't gotten LCorp. yet...), PHIGHTING!, Decaying Winter, Fundamental Paper Education, killing/death/survival game shenanigans (stuff like YTTD, Kenikari, Ayakashi Akashi, yada yada), LOTSA STUFF that if I list them all here it'll be a whole ass novel 😭
I listen to a lot of things like Mili, Eve, comfi beats (Lilypichu), Feryquitous, and a lot more! All genres of music I love listening to!!!
Erhmmm I think that's it la... If I have more things to add, I'll definitely add them! But until then, enjoy the ride, passenger! ~💜
⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTICE! (please read the passage below!)
My blog is a mature one and not for children (why would children be on this site anyways-) or the faint of heart! I swear, make adult jokes (sometimes), and a lot of times you'll find my drawings including things like blood, gore, all that stuff and I don't always put a warning on them.
So PLEASE! If thou art uncomfortable with all the topics I mentioned, click off or proceed with caution!
Catch me in my silly streams here!
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gethoce · 1 year
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Xandos used to be a dragon OC of mine in around 2010. Now he's a Halcandran who just really really likes dragons. He and my other Halcandran OC, Melem, are siblings.
With him I should be done with doing OC refs for a while. That is unless past versions of canon characters count as OCs, like Chiro and Lor Serjo… Oh, and technically Heiadoze's other kids should count but I don't have many plans for them yet… 
More info about Xandos under the cut.
Xandos is a halcandran battlemage who trained with the GSA of ancient Halcandra and specialised in zap magic and hand-to-hand combat. Much like his sister he dabbled into the arts of enchanting from a young age, yet he focused on armor enchantments instead of weapons. Thanks to his skills he was asked to work on Project Master Crown and immediately accepted since he knew his sister was working on the Master Sword and feared her accomplishments would overshadow his own.
His best friend, Jecra, a fellow GSA warrior, was allowed to help Xandos with his project. The Master Crown was supposed to become an artefact powerful enough to bend reality itself and was given to the leader of Halcandra's Magical Faction, Hal Photron Lor Serjo. While working with Soul Magic Jecra's soul corrupted and he went missing. Xandos still misses him dearly and had trouble living his life without him for a while.
When asked about Jecra's whereabouts Xandos would simply claim he didn't know where he was, which is technically true, yet he would never mention the soul corruption. He deeply regretted working on the Master Crown ever since and part of him wished he would have had the courage to do something about its corruptive nature like Melem did with the Master Sword and bind his consciousness to it to protect it.
After Galacta Knight was sealed away Xandos not only feared those he used to work for, but also that they'd wish to obtain the Master Sword. He was certain the situation on Halcandra was about to escalate, so he went to the GSA and suggested a plan to evacuate Halcandra, which was seemingly widely rejected.
Xandos then decided to leave on his own, but not without the sword that is his sister. He snuck into the place it was located in at night and attempted to silently steal it away from its new owner, the little puffball Chiro. Much to Xandos' surprise Chiro was not only holding onto the sword in their sleep but wouldn't let go of it no matter how hard he tried once awake. Fearing that their ruckus would wake up the people who looked after the puffball he decided to silently take the sword along with Chiro.
With his soul magic Xandos opened a portal through time to escape any potential pursuers indefinitely. Once he arrived in the future he discovered that Halcandra was in ruins. Promptly he left the planet to hide away far from home. He moved to a planet known as Silverstar which is famous for its thick fog, a perfect place for mysterious misfits to hide away from society.
He raised Chiro without ever telling them about their past. They've had their ups and downs but ultimately care for one another. Xandos created a Dimensional Cape for Chiro's comfort using his enchanting skills once their wings grew in. At first they hated it, but they soon began to appreciate everything it does and represents.
Xandos agreed to give up on the Master Sword once Chiro became a skilled enough sword fighter. They separated ways and Chiro began to go by a different name and pronouns. Sometimes the two still meet, yet the instances become more and more infrequent over time.
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ineffablesnakegender · 5 months
Hello every nyan /ref I guess I should do this sort of introduction/everything you could possibly need to know about me type post. Everything here is subject to change and I'll update it as needed
The easiest way to get ahold of me is through my discord (theriverwitch). While you're there consider joining my art server.
Our flag means death
Umbrella academy
The owl house
Sanders sides
Good omens
Doctor who
YouTubers I watch:
Moriah Elizabeth
Thomas sanders
Safiya Nygaard
Samantha Lux
Sam Collins
Lovely Lor
No sexual or romantic comments towards me, I'm 16 and I'm dating someone (even if you're a similar age to me just don't) hard boundary
No radqueers. (No you can't transition into being autistic stop making a mockery of my disability) Hard boundary
No proshippers/comshippers/ darkshippers or whatever (no incest, no adult x child, no animal x human, just no illegal shit. I don't care why you do it. I'll block you anyway so just go ahead and block me now) HARD boundary
Shota/loli con people go fucking die KYS you won't be missed pedophile
Don't interact too much if you're an nsfw blog (again I'm 16) soft boundary
No bigots (Zionists, racists, homophobes, xenophobes, transphobes, ect) HARD boundary
Do NOT use my art for AI. (You can't anyway because I use a program that messes up your data 😝) hard boundary
If you're a super religious blog please leave me alone (I'm not interested in your religion, don't preach to me) soft boundary
If you support Dream, Wilbur, Shane Dawson, James Charles, or literally anyone who has done similar shit to them. GTFO. We support victims on this blog (I'm not open to arguing about this simply block me before I block you) Hard boundary
Art request/commission info:
I always have art requests open but I don't promise to get to yours if you request anything.
I don't do animals or very complicated backgrounds for commissions just because I'm not very good at it.
My commission prices + examples vv
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If you think this is too expensive just know that I don't care and you don't have to commission me if you don't want to <3
I use cash app
Prices half on all art for holidays (this doesn't include birthdays)
Prices go up if you want the art in less than a week (depends on how fast you need it)
No NSFW. No hate art. No proship art. I have the right to refuse a commission or request if I'm uncomfortable making it. I do my research on characters, do not try to "trick me" or something I'm just going to block you
I require 50% upfront before I start on your commission. I will send updates throughout the process to get feedback, they will be plastered in watermarks for my safety. I will send the finished product with watermarks on it, only after you send the rest of the money will I give you the real image. The finished product will have one watermark in a place that will be hard to hide but does not interfere with the art
I don't need your business. This isn't my job. I will cancel your commission if you're rude, uncooperative, break my rules or boundaries, or are trying to rush me when you didn't pay for it to be quick. I'll tell you to stop once and you won't be given a second chance, you'll just be blocked and refunded.
Other info:
Pronouns: pretty much anything but she her unless I specifically say you can. My favorites are in my bio
Names: you can call me by my username, snake, Crowley, Janus, or river
Age: like I've said I'm 16 (17 in like 2 months)
Other: I'm autistic, I have degenerative disc disease, I'm a vegetation (meat hurts my stomach), my favorite animal is hognose snakes, I use xenogenders and I'm nonbinary/genderfluid, I don't post very often, I'm always open to art requests and critiques, I want to go to law school, I'm Irish on both sides of my family and indigenous French Canadian (Metis!) on my mom's side (although I'm very disconnected from both cultures), I live in America currently but I plan on moving as soon as I can bc this place is a hell hole
User boxes:
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gothimp · 9 months
1, 2, 9 & 10 for lor pls!!
Yes TY!! 🩵
BG3 Act I Questions
1. Tell us about your Tav! Name, class and subclass, race, pronouns. Do you have a headcanon for where they're from? Their family? Are they a Dark Urge? Or did you choose an Origin Character? Was it an easy decision?
Lorcan Underhill, assassin rogue, fae (built as half wood elf in game) he/him. He’s from a fractal feywild plane that overlaps with the underdark. His “guardian” appears to him as the prince of his home plane, Finley.
This playthrough isn’t a dark urge, but I do plan on doing a dark urge Lorcan run, I feel like parts of it will be fitting for his bloodlust he feels due to his nature so my headcanon for him will probably be somewhere in the middle of the two playthroughs 😈
2. Was there something about the character creator that just couldn't capture your Character? Please tell us about their hair, facial hair, tattoos, piercings, disabilities, their trans or intersex body, or anything else you're comfortable sharing.
Lorcan is definitely not as dorito shaped as the masculine body options. I chose the larger masc body but Lor is still a bit bigger than that model in the torso and thighs. Sliders would have been nice for the face too but I think I built him close enough to how I imagine him.
9. Do you have a favorite member of the Tiefling Refugees? Is it the same as your Character's?
I like all the kids I can’t choose they are my babies. Lor has a strong empathy for tieflings as well so he just felt for all of them.
10. Do you have a favorite member of the Goblin Camp? Is it the same as your Character's?
Minthara 😳 I really need to make a character that sides with her eventually. Lor would agree Minthara only because her casual clothes look damn good on Shadowheart.
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quetzalpapalotl · 2 years
Accents and Syllables in Spanish
Or I’m so mad about this that I wrote an explanation of basic Spanish grammar:
First, all letters in Spanish are consistent in their sound, some consonants vary in how they’re pronounced but there are rules to this. Spanish has five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and their sounds don’t change. I’m not going to explain the pronunciation of all letters here, so I’ll work on the assumption you’re familiar with them. So if you know the way the letters sound and know the orthographic rules I’m about to explain, you should be able to know how to pronounce any word in Spanish by just reading it.
Words are divided by syllables, each syllable in Spanish feels very individual, like the beat of a drum. Vowels are the core of each syllable, a consonant sound must always come with a vowel, the priority goes to having a vowel after, but it can also follow a vowel when there is none after it.
Respeto: res-pe-to
Vena: ve-na
Estructura: es-truc-tu-ra
Now, each syllable has what we call the sílaba tónica, that is, the stressed syllable. Which syllable you stress can completely change the meaning of a word. For example, título, titulo, and tituló would mean title, [I] title, and [she/he] titled, respectively. Luckily there are rules to know which syllable to stress
When a word ends in a consonant that is not N or S the stressed syllable should be the last one. For example: ayer (a-YER), reloj (re-LOJ), valor (va-LOR).
When a word ends in a vowel, N or S the stressed syllable should be the penultimate one. For example: gato (GA-to), marco (MAR-co), polen (PO-len).
Accent marks (á, é, í, ó, ú), signal the stressed syllable whenever it doesn’t follow the previous rules. This would of course mean that all words where the stressed syllable is any one before the penultima one would have an accent mark.
Café (ca-FE), corazón (co-ra-ZON)
Árbol (AR-bol), cráter (CRA-ter)
Sílaba (SI-la-ba), célula (CE-lu-la)
Hiatus and diphthongs
Ok, now that we covered the basics let’s move to something more tricky. Spanish vowels are divided into strong (a, e, o) and weak (i, u). Whenever two strong vowels are next to each other, each keeps to its own syllable, forming a hiatus. However, a weak syllable gets pulled in by the force of a strong vowel and becomes part of the same syllable; the same thing happens if two weak syllables are together, forming a diphthong.
Hiatus: toalla (to-A-lla), leer (le-ER), aéreo (a-E-re-o)
Diphthongs: reino (REI-no), hueso (UE-so), buitre (BUI-tre), camión (ca-MION)
The way to break a diphthong and make a hiatus with a weak vowel would be if the weak vowel is pronounced with enough strength to break into its own syllable, which would make said syllable the stressed one of that word. In this case, an accent mark is always written regardless of the usual accentuation rules.
Río (RI-o), ataúd (a-ta-UD), cafeína (ca-fe-I-na)
Acento diacrítico
That’s all on accents and pronunciation, but you may have noticed that some Spanish words have accent marks even when you wouldn’t need it to know how to read it out loud, mostly seen in monosyllabic words (which wouldn't need an accent mark in any case). Well this is what we call an acento diacrítico.
This accent mark is used to differentiate between words that are written the same but belong to different grammatical categories. For example:
Sí is an adverb meaning “yes”, while si is a conjunction meaning “if”.
Tú is a personal pronoun meaning “you”, while tu is a possessive determiner meaning “your”
I won’t make a full list, but you will notice that it’s usually the pronouns that get the accents mark. Él means him/it, but el means “the” (Él está enojado vs el carro es rojo). Compare ésta vs esta, mí vs mi etc.
Furthermore all interrogative adverbs have an accent mark: dónde, cuándo, cuánto, qué, quién, cuál, por qué.
And that’s pretty much the gist of it. Now you too can read any Spanish word you encounter!
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the accurate pronouns of every major borderlands character. trust me i'm gearbox
Lilith: She/fire obviously. Maybe a little bit of ey/em on the side but idk for sure
Roland: He/him exclusively. He would respect other people's pronouns though, no matter how outlandish
Mordecai: He/him. He's just some guy
Brick: He/it/they/blood/punch. Nobiney Brick supremacy I'm not sorry.
Moxxi: She/her exclusively. Milf moment
Scooter: Doesn't care. Yes everyone uses he/him but he doesn't care.
Marcus: He's an "I don't have pronouns" guy but not in the "Don't use pronouns for me" way, in the "I am transphobic" way.
Zed: He/it. It feels like a guything to me idk why.
Tannis: Also doesn't care much. I think she's very much autigender. Everyone uses she/her for her, though.
Maya: She/ey/ae. Very ethereal and cool sounding. Also siren/sirens.
Gaige: She/they/he/mech. Probably hoards neos but mech/mechs is her fave.
Krieg: Inner Krieg prefers he/they. Outer Krieg doesn't give a shit.
Salvador: He/him but in an aggressively trans guy way.
Axton: Same as Salvador.
Zer0: They/them. I am a nobiney Zer0 truther yes why did you ask.
Tina: She/boom. Also pitter/patters.
Ellie: She/her but I think she dabbles a bit in neos too. Unsure exactly which ones she would use, though.
Sir Hammerlock: He/xe/sir. I will not explain.
Handsome Jack: He/him exclusively and he will kill you if you use anything else.
Angel: She/they.
Athena: She/her exclusively. Girlboss.
Aurelia: She/her as well but she also definitely hoards ice related neos.
Wilhelm: Same as Scooter.
Claptrap: In-game, people refer to Claptrap with he/him, but his TVTropes page uses it/its. Canon he/it Claptrap real?
Nisha: She/the law and she will kill you if you use anything else.
Timothy: He/they. I mean just look at him.
Janey: She/they/it. I think she is none gender with left lesbian.
Rhys: He/they. I mean just look at him.
Vaughn: He/him, but after his banditification is complete he picks up like 17 meat and violence related neos. Their favorite is obviously blood/bloods.
Sasha: She/her and she will kill you if you use anything else.
Fiona: She/ze. I have no idea why, I just feel like she would.
August: He/him. Guy: basic cream flavor. Not even vanilla flavor, he's that basic. I'm sorry king.
Moze: She/he. Moze can have a little a hesbian as a treat
Amara: She/her exclusively. Stronk woman
Zane: He/it/ey/techs. Has a hoard of like, 30+ neos but most people just use he/him.
Fl4k: They/them and they will kill you if you use anything els- okay this gag is getting overly long but you get the point.
Lor: We genuinely do not know what pronouns they use after they transitioned, so... ?
Katagawa: He/ae. I have no idea why, I just feel like he would.
Troy: He/she/blade/blood. Although the person who enlightened me to the truth of transfem Troy turned out to be a freak, I still will treasure this hc forever.
Tyreen: She/it/ze/god. She is but a silly girlthing.
Clay: He/ey. Demiguy swag.
Wainwright: He/it/gun/smoke. I will not explain.
Mister Torgue: Started out as a basic he/him but the moment someone told him you don't have to just use he, they and she, he immediately announced he now also uses boom/booms, bomb/bombs and explode/explodes.
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pascal-oswell · 2 years
hi!! i’m OJ
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my pronouns are she/her, i’m a 24 yo lesbian who likes video games. and other stuff. ENG/FR are good with me. cutting this off bc i’m not good at making things short
stuff i like a lot rn
project moon!!! (lc, lor, dd and limbus) i esp like angela (!!!!!), binah,faust, outis, moses, angebinah and inferno pink/dantefaust :] my fav abnos are scorched girl and today’s shy look
pathologic!!! u should def try out pathologic 2. and pathologic hd if you hate yourself (affectionate)
other stuff i like
i play cookie run kingdom (sighs) and i like moon rabbit cookie a lot :]
also currently playing darkest dungeon and deadly premonition origins splatoon 3 has taken over.
i like splatoon. and minecraft. i play toontown sometimes too. and sadly dbd but im trying to get better
rpg maker horror games :] big ones are yume nikki, .flow, ib, hello charlotte but i like a lot of others
u won’t see me talk about anime a lot but know that cat’s eye is my one comfort anime since childhood and if u know about it i love love u
musicals!! love heathers (movie too) a lot.
love houseki no kuni. these rocks are going through some shit
general stuff
i write sometimes!!! my ao3 is Echoe. mostly writing pm stuff rn:)
but mostly i just reblog stuff. i don’t post a lot myself bc i’m not used to it but i try bc i wanna interact with people :] i talk in tags a lot though nevermind im in my chatty era i guess
talking is a bit scary but i do like talking about my interests so feel free to send me asks about them :]
i don’t have a dni/byf i block people very liberally anyway. (sorry about that btw i can and WILL block people to clear out search results)
i’m also on twitty. i talk even less there though. wouldn’t recommend. twitter is terrifying to me
i tag my own posts #blabla if u dont want to hear anything from me ever
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pcrfectstorms · 1 year
name: lor
pronouns: they/them (also she/her if we’re close)
preference of communication: discord
most active muse: it varies but right now it’s eddie, steve & max i have the most muse for
experience / how many years: on this hellsite since 2010 and before that live journal!
platforms you use: tumblr & discord currently, occasionally wire when i remember it exists!
best experience: coming back to tumblr after a three years hiatus to the best little bunch in the euphoria fandom, a lil mix of old and new friends ( @notcruel , @newromanticsmuses , @liiabilities , @redemptioninterlude , @killjoysanonymous & @kitkween yes u still get an honorary tag )
rp pet peeves: those who are all aesthetics but no writing. use to also hate the block quotes icons but i’ve been converted lmao i will admit they’re really cute!
fluff, angst, or smut: a good mix, but i am a angst queen at heart. love some cute fluff and the occasional lil smut moment if the muses are in the mood™️
plots or memes: PLOTS! i am such a plot driven writer, but i love jumping around timelines of said plots, and sometimes memes are great fun too!
long or short replies: mostly long, tbh i can’t write short to save my life mostly. but sometime rapid fire stuff is fun so depends on the mood.
best time to write: i write mostly at night since i work full time, or at weekends when i have down time to chill and think so i can actually write.
are you like your muses: kind of, i have a fair amount of robin in me, the gay and neurospicy for sure, and i have a good dose of max’s sass and sardonic nature, with a splash of himbo from steve, but style wise im more an eddie xD
tagged by: @killjoysanonymous
tagging: @tthehair & @usawfulfew & @clockworkfm & @courtofmuses & @pseudolife & @kingsnack & @crackedfm & @firstcurse & @exkingbabysitter & @eddie & @mikewheelertm 🖤
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wifting · 4 months
Welcome to Wifting!
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Request types
Shifting scripts
Shifting methods
Shifting inspo
Character comfort
Media themed neopronouns
Weezer themed character sketches
Character graphics
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We have the right to deny any requests we find uncomfortable
No proship requests
Joking discourse allowed
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Mod intros
Hi! I’m mod staircase/🎳, I’m gender-fluid and I use they/them pronouns. My favorite sources to do are Scott Pilgrim, My Little Pony, Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go, Spiderverse, OCs, Lucky Star, and Youtubers (if they’re funny enough).-🎳
[Main maker of stimboards and neos]
Hiya! It's ya boy Kanye Hallway/🏀, I'm genderfluid too (yeehaw) and I use he/they prounouns unless stated otherwise :D. My favorite sources to do are: Lobcorp, LoR, TWEWY, Pjsk, Persona, Kingdom Hearts, Professor Layton, Mystic messenger, Bandori, Bee & Puppycat, Genshin, Brawl Stars, puyo puyo, Splatoon, and also some youtubers if it's funny enough. I hope you all enjoy our blog!-🏀
[Main maker of moodboards and subliminals]
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Live laugh love weeze
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partyswirl · 6 months
object show thoughts (super long) (entirely unserious) (your fault if you click Keep Reading)
a lor if not all object show ships could technically apply to the "keep sucking [pronoun here]'s flat face". doesnt even have to be a robot. paintbrush's face is flat. nickel's face is flat. paper's face is flat. suitcase's face is flat. even not entirely flat objects have flat faces. orange juice and lightbulb and test tube have glass as part of their facw. suck their flat glass faces i guess
i love how all the gameshow object shows have revival stations and are generally at least a little silly and lighthearted but the moment u exit the game show genre it's like no. theyre dead. theyre not coming back. and you need to move on.
if the liquid in liquid objects is like blood, why do test tube and oj just act woozy when it's emptied? they don't die? do they have backup blood??? (i presume brandy and painkiller would act similarly bc of the comments abt brandy getting woozy from being used for molotov cocktails and the organspace intermission saying u can only get blood from the arms and legs and tail [if they have one] of an object)
'my fries are one year old' is fries one year old. are these objects one uears old. but they spend multiple years on the challenges. do they. age like cats???
why isn't oj's juice so moldy then. if it's like a vital fluid is there some sort of self-regenerative quality to it? do objects with liquid in them circulate? oj replaces his lost orange juice with plain ol' orange juice cause he couldn't replace it, but test tube is emptied and comes back fine next episode (if i remember correctly!!) is this Mysterious Test Tube Liquid Shenanigans, test tube somehow made more of this liquid despite having almost no vital fluids and being very very out of it, or like oj has a disability specific to objects filled with fluid that makes him unable to refill/refills very slowly. someone help me i need to know
considering charlotte's situation, are fungal infections just like crazy to food based objects? or would anyone shmenyone get that shmold
if i drank orange juice would i live would i get magic powers
object show character taht's just a bloodbag wouldnt that be fucked up
if you poured soda or something into orange juice would he change? if you poured him oht and then poured in soda or water or tea or whatever as a replacement fluid, would he still be the same person? the same person with a different name? would he still act like oj and be named oj, just filled with soda or something? sorry test tube u dont count for that one. thats a test tube no matter whats in it. this question wouldnt exist if orange juice was named like. cup.
is teardrop held together by a membrane or something or are they just that shape and theyre not actually a teardrop. can they survive the rain or do they join the masses and make a cloud
if i drink oj he can be brought back to life. if i drink test tube i die forever provably. if i drink teardrop do they die forwver?
if cabby can open and store stuff in her. can suitcase open? it doesnt look like she actually has an opening,, what're the limits here
sorry most of these are about oj i havent drank orange juice in a million yesrs and im hungry. and im morbidly curious so. can i drink him
would the annoying orange covers of things now be the lyrics to the actual songs. cause yeah. party rock is in the house tonight. yknow. rock. thyere here
annoying orange is object show??????????"¿???
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peccatula · 7 months
pinned/about me📌
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» kieran, adult, he/ve, interests: projmoon, ocs, pkmn, utdr, pmmm, rpgmakers, etc. ... more info under cut
↳ art: @demonerium, project: @stones-and-birds, sketch/rambling: @fortunesgambit, ref: @asterosaponins, edits: @rosedud [wip]
i'm kieran, a 23 yr old genderfluid bi dude. i'm trans. i go by a couple other names so don't be surprised if pals call me something else. i use he/him pronouns primarily, second set changes pretty frequently. generally prefer masc terms but any are fine! though i'd prefer fem terms be used sparingly and only by other trans ppl
i love my boyfriend name of oracle. @oracle-milkman and i also love my qpp name of michelle. @winterbunz
i'm autistic and have a special interest in projmoon media (primarily my pm ocs) and pokemon, and some general media i like are hello charlotte, madoka magica, ghost trick, and undertale/deltarune. i like rarepairs. i don't like pr0ships/w/e please leave me alone if u do thank u
you'll see me post very frequently about a PM OC fan visual novel project I'm working on with my boyfriend, Stones and Birds. I especially post a lot about Kane, the main antagonist (purple hair bitch you always see around my profiles), as well as various other characters (Merrit, Lucine, Eira, et cetera...) who are incredibly important to me and very developed despite their roles in the main story being.... Minimal.... but its ok. Anyway i like my ocs, if you ever wanna send asks about them please please do!!!
favorite overall characters that are Not my own ocs are heathcliff, rodion, & gregor (lcb), netzach, hod, & chesed (lc/lor), mion sonozaki (higurashi), russell seager (end roll), yomiel & sissel (ghost trick), the holy quintet (madoka), i love a lot lot lot of characters from pokemon and other media but these are the big guys. some of them are just like me fr some of them are just my favs for other reasons
also physically disabled + mentally ill. how so is a secret (not really, i'll talk about it sometimes)
#talk tag is my talk tag. might change it soon tho idk.
more stuff on my personal carrd that will eventually be just a neocities but i dont have time for that rn
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galacticnova3 · 9 months
i was thinking about designs and had a realization. is ur Dark Matter gijinka just ass out all the time under his cloak since the real one is? or does he wear pants or shorts or the like. this isnt meant to be horny im just a bit curious how you translate things to ur gijinkas from a world where pants-wearers are a minority
1. My DMS uses they/them/theirs pronouns(dw not mad or anything just want to put this detail out there since I’ve only really said so on Discord)
2. … Yes and no. They don’t wear anything under it simply because their clothing is more or less an extension of themself— and not removable save for the mask— but they also have no ass in the first place. Nothing to cover up.
3. That said. I did use Darkrai as a bit of inspiration for their design, so… If you know, you know. (And if you don’t: Darkrai concept art) (not that this changes the above I just think more people should share the burden of knowledge)
4. (Long-ish ramble incoming) How I translate designs pretty much varies by character. For example, Lor leans heavily into looking like an android more than resembling an organic person, which reflects her in-universe design’s lack of “person-suggesting” external features; no face, no shape suggesting ears or eyes or a mouth, nothing that stands out to make one think “ah yes this being is another person” at first glance. Her AI was looked at in a similar manner; remarkably lifelike but seen as ultimately not “real”, in a sense, but as just an “imitation” of a person. Thus, her gijinka is meant to resemble a person in a clearly superficial way. This is most obvious when she has her helmet closed, as that obscures her screen face and makes her all but indistinguishable from a “simple” android with no sapience. Compare her to Nova(who’s ref I’ll finish one day, it’s been in the making for almost 6 years because I keep forgetting and not making progress…) who was designed to look like a person in all ways but size and accessories. He has a face with eyes that blink and a mouth that moves, he has ears that can twitch and help him be more expressive, his joints are connected rather than held together through magic unseen, he has hair on his head, all the way down to having artificial skin that looks and feels like the real thing. Of course, his proportions aren’t quite right, and his movements aren’t quite as smooth and his gait’s a bit awkward, and normal people obviously don’t have gears sticking out of them and aren’t accompanied by the constant sound of clockwork in motion. Regardless he was designed to be seen as a person. He is a machine who was given a soul and thus seen much more as a “real” person than just a lifeless automaton, and his creators wanted to express that clearly. It’s not just a reflection of priorities of those creating him and later clockwork stars vs those making Starcutters, but of the very understanding of soul magic and what constitutes a living being throughout time.
5. I’m sorry but ‘a world where pants-wearers are a minority’ is probably the funniest phrase I’ve read all week. “You think coming out as gay is hard? Try wearing pants. See how much acceptance you get from the “tolerant” left.” “What the fuck are you on about”
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vipesterix · 1 year
Y’know what, I should really cook up a caard here soon but for now I’m just gonna make a pinned post about me. Eventually I’ll link a caard though I promise,, Greetings and salutations! My name is Gabriel, however I mostly go by the neat and simple letter “G”, [it’s like a trademark at this point LMAO]. But I also don’t mind kin names like Yesod and Glitchy, in fact it makes me very happy. [They’re my mains rn and I love them dearly as they represent my transmasc goals /gen]  Pronouns: He/Him [FtM/Transmasc]  Age: I’m 18 Hobbies: I do a LOT of things,, drawing ofc, gaming, baking/cooking, crocheting [I’ve been doing that since 2011 I kid you not.], taking care of plants, collecting ethically sourced animal skulls, and also deconstructing old pcs! [Did that for my internship] Fandoms: ProjectMoon/Lobcorp/LoR, Splatoon3 (and 2!!), NSR, Pokemon, The Owl House, etc etc Temperament(?): Uhh. It really depends..? I guess I’m the “Adam of Yesods” as I coin it. I can be super chill and super rambly and psychological, and then the “Adam” part of me is super upbeat and a bit chaotic [within reason, of course.]. One thing to keep in mind with me is I am VERY bad at reading tone, and thus I use tonetags. [If you don’t use them that’s totally fine, if I ask you to specify what you mean that’s mostly why! Not a you problem, it’s me lol] Also I get EXTREMELY anxious in general. I love to talk to people so much but augh, it’s really hard for me to start conversations with new people sometimes so bare with me... I would LOVE to talk, just really not good at initiating. Socials:  -- Discord: Gasterix#4802 [PLEAAASE do not use my dms for smalltalk it makes me SUPER anxious. /lh  Idm being asked to join a server and whatnot though!] -- Twitter: https://twitter.com/_Gasterix_ [I have other socials but I hardly use em’, so if you find me there don’t expect me to reply  😭] -- Splatoon3:  ★Yesod★#2308 Tags I use: #gabe wip art #grimmcorp [Fan ProjectMoon project!!] #gcorp [Same thing],  #gabe doodles [Very self-explanatory] That’s all! You’ll find out more about me the more you get to know me.
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