#and I just appreciate how the team doesn't treat people badly
geekynightowl1997 · 10 months
Something I really appreciate about the team (mostly Eliot though,) is how much they have respect for "the little guy."
As somebody who works retail (I'm not complaining,) it's sometimes hard to work. A lot of people treat me and my co-workers like garbage because of things we have no control over. (Mainly because of Store policy or inventory or just because I/ we can't please them.) And I know there are other jobs that have it worse. Waiters/waitresses, teachers, maintenance, oil riggers, basically any job that doesn't make billions is frowned upon.
It's just nice to see characters having respect for the "little people." You don't see that often in shows.
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vay99 · 1 year
Mikey x reader
You are-?!
Anime/Manga: Tokyo revengers
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"Okay what's up?" Draken asks his friend, hw has had enough of Mikeys behavior. 
"What do you mean?"
"You're attending school. Like a normal kid. For a whole month now? How did that happen?" 
"Just thought that education might be useful." the shorter one shrugs his shoulders. 
"Bullshit." he doesn't believe a word he says, noticing that Mikeys attention has switched to a (h/c) girl passing them in the school hall. "She's the reason ain't she?" 
"We have sports together and she's sooooo badass." 
"Ask her to join Toman if you like her that much." 
"I would love that." he keeps his eyes on you the whole time, smiling. 
"Our Mikey is head over heals~" 
*Loads of teasing later*
Mikeys favorite subject has finally arrived. PE. Oh and you're playing baseball. But you're on different teams which upset Mikey quite a bit. 
Standing at the second base you're waiting for the ball to get hit, which it was a few seconds later... quite unlucky. The ball hit you right on the left eyebrow, causing it to bleed immediately. And Mikey to panic. He wants to send that guy to hell that hit the ball so badly but also want to help you. He's half frozen and half on fire. 
"Someone needs to help (y/n) get to the infirmary." the teacher says, your class gathering around you. 
"No worries, it's just a cut, I need a plaster and that's it." you wave it off but your teacher doesn't allow it, she wants you to get checked up. 
"I'll take her." Mikey yells once he reached you. His anger taken replaced by worrying as he walks you to the infirmary, keeping a close eye on you. 
"Thanks but this isn't necessary." you chuckle once you've reached your destination. 
"Have you seen your wound!?" 
"I've done kickboxing for years, I'm used to such injuries." you wave I off, being greeted by a nurse. 
"That doesn't mean that you don't feel pain or are invincible." his eyebrows furrow whole he stares at the ground. 
"You're right but after some injuries you know what you can handle." 
The nurse tells Mikey to wait outside while she treats your wound. 
"Will she be okay again?" he jumps up after a few minutes, still overreacting. 
"It's just a cut, her head got hit at a fast speed though so she should take it slowly for the rest of the day." 
"I'm relieved to hear that, I'll drive you home." Mikey offers to you. 
"You've got a good boyfriend right there, take good care of each other." the nurse leaves you two alone, equally confused. 
"Boyfriend?" you say in unison, both pointing at Mikey. 
"Thanks for the offer, you're a great boyfriend." stressing the last word you start walking towards his bike while Mikey hides his blush behind his hair. 
"Here we are." you announce after a short ride, taking off the helmet. 
"Are you sure you're alright?" the concern in his voice and his furrowed brows are the softest expression you've ever witnessed on his face. 
"Yes, and thanks Mikey, I appreciate your help." you smile at him "If you want to you can come in and eat something." 
"How could I say no to you or food?" he smiles, following you. "Why does this house look so familiar?" 
Mikey assists you while cooking ramen, he never cooked before but he tries his best. He was very confused when he saw the uncooked noodles "What are those?" and was highly embarrassed when you started laughing. It turned out really delicious. 
"I should learn how to cook." 
"I can help you with that." 
"Really?" his eyes sparkle with joy as you nod and take another bite. 
"I'm home!" a voice interrupts, coming from the front door. 
"Hey Keisuke!" you great the boy walking in. 
"Oh, Mikey what are you doing here?" Baji asks his friend who's currently busy connecting the dots. 
"Yep." you two say in union. "We're siblings." 
After staying silent for two minutes he finally speaks up again. "Should've guessed you're both hella pretty." 
"Yeah I hear that a lot." you roll your eyes. 
"People swooning over your brother?" 
"I can't tell how often girls tell me 'Your brother is so hot, he's such a daddyyyyy'. Like, girl. He can't even look straight into a girl's eyes without panicking. Also stop thirsting over my brother what the hell is wrong with you."
While Mikey dies laughing. "Sounds like Baji." Baji is mad and confused at the same time. 
"They see him beat someone up and fall immediately, how weird are they?" 
/I fell for you because you did the same, so I won't say that, noted./ Mikey thinks to himself while he calms down a bit. 
"If girls really say that how come I'm still single?" 
"You can't talk to a girl without becoming a freaking mess. Get your shit together." you clap your hands at the last sentence while Baji grumbles to himself. 
"Why are you here anyways." he refers to Mikey, ignoring your comment. 
"(y/n) got hit by a baseball and I drove her home." 
"Oh, I see." Baji nods, you both get into fight in a regular basis so a wound is no shocker for him. Then there's Mikey. 
"Are you dizzy? You're still alright?" 
"Yes Mikey." you reassure him once more. 
"Our Mikey is worried?" Baji immediately catches on. "Have fun I'll just grab some snacks and leave you two alone." 
"So you think Kei is hot?" you ask after your brother left the house. 
"Just asking if you want me to set you two up~" 
/Wrong sibling/ Mikey thinks to himself as he follows you into the kitchen with the dishes. "I'm not into Baji." 
"Which one?" 
Took him a minute to get what you're hinting at. 
"Ah, so you're into me." 
"How did this conversation lead us to this point!?" 
"Well the nurse called you my boyfriend, I like the sound of that." you answer honestly, placing the bowl in the dishwasher. 
"You do?" 
"Yeah. Do you?" 
"I nearly died out of worry for you after you got hit by that ball. And I fully died after being called your boyfriend SO YES!" red ears and puffed cheeks turn Mikey into the most adorable person you know. 
"Please don't." you wrap your arms around his neck, resting sour forehead against his. "It'd break my heart if you'd die. What can I call you instead of boyfriend, so you don't die?" 
"I don't know." he mumbles quietly, one hand slowly holding onto your shirt. 
"Babe? Future husband? Cutie? Love?" 
"You're killing me with all of these." Mikey whines, hiding his face in your neck. 
"Can I call you mine?" 
"Okay okay Mikey it is then." you giggle, kissing his temple. 
"You're unfair, I should take care of you." 
"I'm not stopping you." 
Still slightly flustered he carries you bridal style into your bedroom so you can rest, doctors orders, and Mikeys heart can recover from the roller-coaster it has been threw. Cuddling up in your bed you're the first one to drift off to sleep, happier then ever. 
*A few days later*
Mikey wanted to see how strong you are by himself. And damn you're enjoying how that went, his joy... well... 
"The invincible Mikey, laying underneath me, I could get used to that~"
"What's that supposed to mean!?"
"Do you need some type of reward to get serious?" you tease him, while he struggles to escape your grip. 
"Adorable~" you continue, still fixing him to the ground.
"I'm not adorable." 
"Yes you are~" you peck his lips which cause his face to erupt in a bright red. "See? Adorable~" 
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Hello! I like your TF2 headcannons alot, what kind of song's do you think they would listen to? I have no idea if this has been asked or if there are canon answers, but I'd really like your take on it if ever! <33
What's Songs Do The TF2 Mercs Like?
LOVE THIS. Thank you for your ask! This hasn't been requested yet, so I'm so excited to write it. I'm not sure if there's canon music taste and favorite songs either, but we can just ignore the Canon lmao. Also, mutual appreciation! Thanks for being a mutual 💖
Also, it's totally not based on songs I've listened to or like, not at all. Completely unbiased. I'm going to give their top 3 favorite songs and why those are the top 3! I hope you like this, and I didn't go too far of the original ask 😭
Demo -
1. Escape (The Piña Colada Song) Rupert Holmes. They find it funny in an endearing way. He likes the idea of love fading only to reconnect. (Does he choose to ignore the fact that they were both trying to cheat)
2. First - Cold World Kids. The second he heard this song, it hit him like a ton of bricks. He just thinks about every relationship he's lost and how unfairly he must have treated people and just ugh.
3. Problems - Mother Mother. He feels like a disgrace to people he cares about and people he loves. He listens to this music to make himself feel worse, but don't worry the other mercs always try and turn him to cheerful music when he's like that, but sometimes he genuinely likes Problems and First just from a liking music perspective.
Engie -
1. 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton. Engie is the number one Dolly Parton fan. He's head of the fan club. Speak ill of her, and you'll never speak again. He can also just relate so well with a girl boss, because he is a girl boss.
2. Black Betty - Ram Jam. He loves uptempo songs to work to. He finds he works faster with them. I just think he thinks this song is so great for work.
3. Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy) - Big & Rich. This man. I wanted to be a cowboy so badly growing up! Let's him feel like a cowboy and just a fun song that he really likes playing. (For a while, he didn't know what the implications were. It was super fun when the other mercs caught him singing it and then having the meaning explained to him.)
Heavy -
1. You're My Best Friend - Queen. He wants to be everyone's friend so bad! He wants someone to listen to this song and think of him. He just wants to be a good friend above all else. (He is! He just doesn't think so.)
2. Count On Me - Bruno Mars. Much like above, he wants to be a friend. He wants to be seen as dependable and caring. Scared he doesn't come off that way!
3. I'm Still Standing - Elton John. Resilient fighting, man! This is his hype song. It especially helps him after a bad match. It helps him remember that he does a lot to help carry the team and he shouldn't be so hard on himself.
Medic -
1. Body - Mother Mother.
I never really touched on this in my previous headcanons but I think Medic also has some body dysmorphia. It's just not as bad as spys. I also think this man has vivid intrusive thoughts. I feel like this song for him is most of the things he thinks about put into words he doesn't have.
2. Are You Satisfied - MARINA. This. Man. Has. Never. Felt. Good. Enough. He's always set his own expectations of what he should be so high that he can never do anything but fall short. He also feels a lot of pressure from the other mercs and is always scared of disappointing them. He loves to hear someone else sing of the feelings he has.
3. The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid. I had to throw this in. It was either of this or The Red Means I Love You. He loves both. He thinks their really good inspiration songs to go into surgery humming. Be afraid if this man comes at you while this tune is playing.
Scout -
1. Get It Up -Mindless Self Indulgence. I don't know why but this song just feels like Scout is singing it. Like I genuinely think that he fucking wrote this song 😭 Likes the beat and the way the singer sounds more than the lyrics themselves.
2. Everywhere I Go - Hollywood Undead. See above. No, but genuinely he loves this song. Gives him such confidence for no reason. Makes him feel so cool. I do think he hasnt done anything like this. Yeah, he drinks,but he's never acted like the song. He just lives vicariously through it. Likes the lyrics more than the song in this case.
3. Without Me - Eminem. He wanted to be Eminem so bad! He wanted to be that controversial white boy who could rap. I think all of his favorite songs are just any white man's favorite song ever. He actually does good rapping the song without lyrics. You'd think it be embarrassing but it's actually not, somehow.
Sniper -
1. Read Between The Lines - Tom Cardy. Come on, how is he not supposed to love this song. It fits him so perfectly. I definitely feel like he loves this song because he always feels like people should know how to understand him even though he isn't giving them anything to work with.
2. Ballroom Blitz - Sweet. He likes the beat and tempo of this song more than anything. He also likes the entire vibe of the song if that makes sense. He can also imagine "being the man in the back," an imaginary scenario king if you will.
3. Another One Bites The Dust - Queen. Took all my restraint not to make every song a Queen song. Had to keep reminding myself I could make a post for that on its own lmao. No one can convince me that this song doesn't play in his head when he gets a good kill. One time, just for fun, he tried to sync with the claps and was super successful.
Spy -
1. Money, Money, Money - ABBA. I know this man is like probably 50 or something and has a son and whatever, but sometimes I forget that and think he's a 30 year old classy woman from the 1920s. So, in my mind, he likes ABBA. Likes Money, Money, Money though because he likes the idea of a rags to riches heist plot (that's what I imagine when I hear this song anyway)
2. Royals- Lorde. This man wants to be royalty so bad. He tries to be so classy and dignified, which is funny because you'd think he'd want to be as mundane as possible, but that's neither here nor there. I definitely feel like this song just makes him feel fancy.
3. Vous Le Voulez - ABBA. Yes, I did hc Spy as having two ABBA songs in his top three. No, I will not apologize. This man has definitely killed this song. And! He also dance fought to this song. (Think that one scene in Jumanji, the one with the Rock.)
Soilder -
1. Party in The U.S.A - Miley Cyrus. I mean, can you really blame me for adding this one? I already added it to shitpost canon!
2. Cherry Pie - Warrant. Dad song! This is such a dad song, just like he's such a dad! This man just reminds me of any middle-aged white dad who grills and drinks beer. And I get that so much when I hear this song. So I'd think he'd like a dad song:)
3. Dragula- Rob Zombie. THIS MAN CAN YELL. He loves to sing (scream?) this song! It's a good song to start with, and the fact that he can have a fun time yelling and singing makes him happy!
Pyro -
1. drop pop candy - reol, giga. I have this headcanon I never touched on for some reason. Pyro knows every human language that exists. So they love listening to music in other languages!They actually really like how sweet the music sounds in contrast to the actual lyrics.
2. My Axe - Insane Clown Posse. PYRO. IS. A. JUGGALO. 100%! You can't convince me that they haven't painted their mask to look like juggalo fave paint. Definitely would play this song in their head during a match. They just replace axe with fire or something similar.
3. Buttercup - Jack Stauber. They like most of Jack Staubers' music! They really like the different soft sounds and low tone music.
Okay. I'm posting this hoping everything works! I've had to start this over 5 times and I am exhausted 😭
I loved this prompt, but I swear to god I got such back writers block halfway through just finding the songs they'd like. I'm really sorry if this turned out to be bad. I'm going to go sleep for the years.
Soldier headcanons tomorrow!
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fancyfade · 2 years
Worst part of the "Damian needs to be humbled" narrative is that it could be done in an interesting way. But fans and writers alive seem to only look at it at one way.
For me at least, a potential good Damian Gets Humbled story would be about him learning how to appreciate the little things in life. Maybe him finding community in other people? We know that he believes he needs to prove to "someone" that he can handle everything himself but that's a fantasy, obviously.
Like just workshopping here, what if Damian wanted to make something with the vegetarian meal options at his school, so he runs for class president and actually wins cause he's a Wayne at the end of the day and despite what fanon thinks he's very good at networking. But he realizes he can't make everything by himself so he starts a Vegan/Vegetarian/Environmentalists conscience club at his school and he builts a community?
Obviously there are way more interesting ideas out there than this one but it would something neat, it would be new we don't see very often and it might be...fun? Not sure if DC knows that word....
sorry for the following negativity, i know you're not intending to be annoying, but if someone says "arcs with this concept are terrible" they don't really want to see someone just suggesting another arc with that concept.
And even with your suggestion, there still is actually no good "Damian gets humbled arc". it’s not a good arc for Damian. He can make friends in school without tying it into that.
Reason it is not a good arc for him:
this is sill ascribing flaws to him that he doesn't actually have. He has worked with people! Plenty of times! it's not like he needs to "learn he can't do everything by himself". he started a superhero team, albeit in a badly written book, because he had a threat he couldn't deal with alone, he worked with colin in pre new 52, maya and jon in post new 52.... learning other people can work with him isn't new for him. he likes to be *in charge*, and that works with him feeling like he has to be able to do everything himself, but... why should he not be in charge? Other characters have been in charge of peer groups as teenagers and it not been treated as a character flaw for them..
there can be a plotline of 'damian makes friends at school' without trying to tie it into the most annoying narrative possible
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stoic-whumpee · 3 years
Gosh your prompts are golden! I read your touch-starved Villain one, and was wondering, do you have anything in mind for a role reversal there? So Villain being in a position of having to deal with touch-starved Hero!
Heya! Thanks for the ask!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Outcasted, touch-starved Hero has really bad self-esteem issues. They think the team ignore/mistreat them because they are a bad person.
Villain finds Hero, badly hurt and left behind by their teammates, after a battle and takes them back to Villain's lair. Maybe Villain even find Hero dangerously close to their lair and is intending to interrogate Hero once they are better.
But before that can happen, Villain still has to heal Hero first.
Hero's wounds are serious, and through the long process of patching them up, Villain finds out how touch-starved Hero is. In their delirious/ half-conscious state, Hero keeps leaning toward Villain's touches as if they have never experienced a kind touch before.
At first, Villain ignores it and pushes Hero away. But once Hero is more lucid (which might take days, even weeks, just enough time for Villain to start getting attached), Villain realizes that Hero wants to lean into their touch but is not holding themself back.
Villain are surprised that no one has come looking for Hero yet, eventually piecing it together that maybe the team doesn't care about Hero at all.
At some point, they start talking to Hero. It's awkward and stilted at first, because Hero doesn't trust them and still tries to keep a distance from Villain. But it's clear that Hero is very starved for any kindness at all.
Villain can't bring themself to hurt Hero anymore and they are angry at Hero's team for treating one of their own badly. They get even angrier when Hero, falling back into a fever, deliriously tells Villain that they never think they were good enough for the team.
Villain: "I might be a criminal, but at least I treat my people well."
Villain: "That team doesn't appreciate what they have with Hero, I'd have treated them much better."
They develop an uncommon bond, which makes them both question their stance about the other side and their own side.
Cue lots of emotional turmoil when Hero is well enough to leave. Villain can't let them expose their secret lair, and Hero, despite not wanting to hurt Villain, is still fighting against Villain.
Will be coming up with more scenarios for this prompt, so stay tune! Let me know if there's something specific you want to see :D
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narhinafan · 2 years
Naruhina stans are hypocritical. Stop pretending you care about Naruto or like him. You get angry that people ship him with T7 and crap over the bonds he has with other people like Iruka when you and the other naruhinas's interact with sasuhina and nejihina stans that say naruto the worst character with no growth and a terrible ugly father and friend that deserves to die. Your okay with your self insert being shipped with everybody though. Leave him alone
We don't crap over the bonds he has, as for team seven Sasuke tried and almost killed him multiple times while Sakura insulted and hit Naruto over every little thing. Of course they end up a good team in the long run, but the team itself was completely dysfunctional and Naruto was the one to put the most effort into bond with his team which goes under appreciated by them. Those who fail to realise just how bad the team 7 dynamics were just show how little they care about Naruto. Just compare team 7 to all the other team that are actually supportive even team Gai despite how much of an ass Neji was at first was still more supportive then team 7. I don't see a team where they tend to treat one person badly as a good a team, even Kakashi had moments where he could have done better as sensei. Naruto would have been much better off with anyone else in his age group and that is a fact.
Have no idea what you mean by Iruka he is well loved by the NaruHina fandom and has always been greatly appreciated since he is one of the only adults to reach out to Naruto.
So your saying Naruto deservers to die? The last bit doesn't even have anything to do with NaruHina, nor Hinata but is more about people hating on Naruto. Also most NaruHina fans don't like shipping Naruto and Hinata with anyone else, of course there are few who ship other ships, but that doesn't make them hypocritical they just have different preferences.
In fact I am against shipping Hinata with Sasuke or Neji for the same reason I am against NaruSaku and NaruSasuSaku in that neither ship is good for Hinata and doesn't work. Neji makes a good brother figure after Naruto beat some sense into him, but he still tried to kill his own cousin and didn't care about doing so. As for Sasuke he tends to be cold and unemotional and went the whole original run never even speaking to Hinata. Further more both Neji and Sasuke are aloof Hinata grew up in a cold environment where she was treated like dirt and her own family didn't care for her. I much rather her be with someone with a sunny personality and makes sure Hinata feels loved like Naruto does then Sasuke and Neji who don't really show emotion and tend to act cold.
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7soulstars · 3 years
so glad you opened requests again! can I request an avengers x reader who has huge white wings ,but doesn't know how to fly ..maybe they found her in a hydra base locked in a cage, scarred and frightened and they took her in. thank you 💞
 Hey Darling! Thank you sooo much for sending in a request and for being so patient! I really love this idea and I'll try my best to give it justice it deserves. I really hope you enjoy it ! Love you !
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Pairing: Avengers x Avenger! Reader
Warnings: Reader is traumatised, ANGSTY AF, Overprotective Bucky, OOC Stephen, Avenger Loki (I just love him OKAY !), Floof
Summary: “Man must rise above the Earth—to the top of the atmosphere and beyond—for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.”– Socrates
Alate; having wings or lifted up in flight.
Soaring she moved like the wind would. As if even the winged gods and angels followed her path. Legs dangling she watched the lit up city beneath her, recalling her past.
It had been a regular enough mission. Ambush, Steal Information and destroy base. Natasha, Scott, Steve, Wanda, Loki and Tony moved as the rest directed them through the ear piece in their ear. Scott had managed to break in first through the main door of the warehouse with Wanda following suit. Loki got Tony and Steve in through the back and Nat, well, she slithered in from the top. Then came the problem. The files weren't in the fucking warehouse but at least 30 Hydra Agents were. But then again it never was a big deal when you had even half a handful of superheroes and a villian turned vigilante inside together. 10 minutes and half were either dead or barely alive. Just when they were about to leave Tony noticed the basement. Scott was made to go first since he wouldn't be noticed by anyone. And he definately did not expect to see what he saw.
"I don't like this. Nope."
"What the hell are you talking about Lang ?"
"Get in here !"
"No you tell us what is going on !"
"...........Stark blast the door open..........."
"Don't have to say more Capsicle"
There was a boom and the lead door fell open, almost squashing Scott who yelled a 'watch it' before sizing up.
What they saw was what Peter would say ‘Does not pass the vibe check’
It was a metal box. Only the front covered with bulletproof glass, that was covered with perspiration and probably high amounts of dust. Chains made of lead bound her limbs. Her mouth was muzzled, hair matted, bruises and cuts everywhere, cloth covered something protruding from her back and it looked like it hurt. She cowered into a corner of the box, glaring at the newcomers, visibly terrified as her body trembled.
“What kind of -”
“Sick bastard ? Demon Spawn ?”, Tony continued for Natasha.
“We need to get her out of here”, Loki said grimacing at the way she was being treated.
“She won’t come with us voluntarily.....When, Pietro and I were being controlled by Hydra....We complied so we were never tied down like that.....But the stronger, dangerous ones are.....abused.....Brainwashing probably didn’t work on her....so they may have subdued her and she probably won’t react well to us....”, Wanda said. She felt sick to her stomach at the girl’s state. Old memories came rushing through.
Nat agreed, trying to figure out how to get the other out. They all stood there silently wracking their brains as Bucky and Sam who had stood guarding the outside came in because the others were taking too long.
“ We need to leave they probably called for back-”, Bucky stopped to look in the direction of the cell, “Y/N ??”, he looked shocked as he moved to touch the glass seperating the two. The girl desperately tried to shuffle near to him, struggling with the chains holding her in place. It almost looked like he had forgotten about anyone or anything as he tried to break the glass holding her in. Loki helped in a way too. He somehow unlocked all the chains and the muzzle with his magic. The cloth from her back came loose and there was a bright light blinding everyone for a second. They were wings.....The whitest anyone had ever seen.
The ride in the quinjet was a rather troublesome one. Y/N would hiss at anyone who even tried to mildly interact with her, flinching everytime someone moved and clinging onto Bucky’s arm as she buried her head into his chest. Everthing scared her. The machines, the people, every single thing.
Bucky looked at her in pity.He was angry that he could never get her out of that hellhole. He was angry at himself. You see, Y/N was kidnapped and brought in by Hydra at the mere age of 10. She met Bucky for the first time at the mere age of 16. 
She was one of those who didn’t listen. One of those cases where a brainwashed Soldat was thrown into their cell to discipline them. But she was also one of them whom he refused to bring himself to harm even in that state. She had helped him once. When he was badly injured as he was thrown into her cell . She had looked past her fear and wrapped a scrapped part of her dust ridden gown around his hand. That was the last he had seen of her. He had thought they got rid of her.
Nat had tried. To make the girl at least glance at her. She finally succeeded on offering her food. It made Nat feel a weird kind of warmth something she hadn’t felt ever. 
By the time they reached headquarters Y/N had familiarised herself or at least tried to with everyone. Wanda had helped her in and out of the shower. Nat had brought her clothes. Loki kept apparating and magic-ing stuff to amuse her. Satisfied with a smug look on his face when she let out a soft gasp of excitement. 
Next part was the difficult bit. Equipment everywhere. It recalled the girl of enough horridness. Steve had hesitated and asked if a full health checkup was necessary immediately and it turned out that it was. But Bruce was gentle. At that moment Y/N wondered if such gentleness had ever existed and if it did, why hadn’t she gotten a nibble of it.
Tony had stopped Peter and Thor from attacking the girl with their golden retriever personalities as he constanly kept inquiring to F.R.I.D.A.Y about her origin. Scott and Sam had bickered making Y/N giggle as she sat by Loki and Bucky. For the first time in her life she felt at peace.
Stephen Strange met Y/N a month after her rescue all after winning a bickering contest with Tony when the rest of the Avengers suggested it in the first place saying that ‘It’s not only unfair to him considering his position in the team but he can also help her.’ 
See the thing is that Y/N didn’t know her true potential and the irony is that even with wings she had no idea how the fuck to fly. 
Stephen liked her. Wong did too. She was quiet and spoke only when necessary but there was kindness and fascination in her eyes. She had tried her hand in sorcery and she was learning. Fast though not as fast as Stephen it was surprising. 
Her wings were heavy It was understandable why she didn’t try flying. But Stephen tried. Oh how he did and though embarassingly for him he had also asked the others for assistance but it never seemed to work. 
Y/N had felt what the meaning of being called an Avenger for the very first time and that it was filled with loss and pain. She had looked around her as she threw the magical golden whip at the enemy. Nat was limping. Steve struggled. Peter was down on his knees. A pack of little screams had alerted her as she looked to see a set of civilians at whom guns were being cocked at. She had leapt. Without thing of the consequences as Bucky had yelled a painful no. She lept right in front of the group,Her wings shielding them when she heard the shots go off. She waited for the pain but she felt nothing but little jerks. The battle had turned silent. Everyone had stopped to look and take in what had had happened. Her wings had ricochetted evey single bullet. Hitting them backing into the ones who had fired them in the first place. And for the first time that she had flapped them she felt herself lift off the ground as the shone a blinding white.
Y/N recalls Sundays. The days when everyone sat together at Stark Towers as they lean on Y/N’s wings watching movies peacefully with occasional perks of laughter.
Shimmering gold and green flashed beside her as she sat recalling on top of the building. A hand placing a book by Socrates in her hand. “They’re waiting and I’m tired of being pestered. Come on, let’s go”,he snarked earning a giggle.
She finally knew what the quote meant. She was lucky to be Alate.
--The End --
Finally done! I am so sorry for delaying all the requests I’m really going through a very important and stressful phase of my life. (One which practically determines my future). Thank you so much for being patient and I really hope you will enjoy this fic! Feedback is appreciated and please like, reblog and comment if you like my work to support me! I have made changes in my fic request list so do check it out! Please do not plagarise my work!
~Love, Hri
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
How would Tamaki, Kirishima, and Mirio deal with having a crush they've been pining over for literal months that's always pushing them away? It's not because she doesn't LIKE them, necessarily. But it's a grand combination of shyness, insecurity, never dating/fallen in love before, and being called ugly/being asked out as a joke. That's all their attempts at establishing a romantic relationship are to her: one big, mean joke. She gets a little mean with them sometimes, but that's just the hurt.
I felt that in the heart oof I hope anyone out there’s who’s experienced this kind of bullying from other people is able to one day overcome it and find peace and love in yourself, and genuine kindness and care in others! Until then, I will send all my love to you guys.
Requests are temporarily closed so I can catch up on the ones I’ve received!
-What first draws him to you is the surprising lack of anxiety he feels when you’re around. Like, usually people, especially strangers, would raise his stress levels significantly. But with you, he feels like he can think, and speak.
-Ofc he’s still shy on top of that, so he doesn’t usually say much...but baby steps. He finds himself falling into a friendship with you pretty quickly, and you’re attentive to his needs and struggles, which he appreciates.
-But then he realizes his heart is starting to speed up when you’re around, and at first he’s like ‘oh no is it the anxiety’ so he tells Mirio about it and Mirio is like ‘aw you have a crush, I think that’s the first one you’ve ever told me about’ and Tamaki is like, dying on the inside because what the heck is he supposed to do with a crush?! It’s not like he can tell you, he’ll probably faint.
-So the months go on and his feelings for you only get stronger. He learns to deal with it, but then...the worst thing happens.
-The day he finally psyched himself up enough to tell you about his feelings, he hears whisperings in the hallway about you getting a love letter on your desk that morning. And his heart just...implodes, and he feels kind of sick to his stomach.
-The whole day is thrown off, and he spends most of the time trying to talk himself out of his sadness, like ‘maybe it wasn’t meant to be, then’ and some more negative things like ‘as if she would actually return my feelings’. it’s sad.
-He doesn’t see you most of the day, under the guise of being busy, but really he just doesn’t know how to deal with the thought of seeing you with someone else.
-He even waits until everyone leaves the school before heading out himself, just so he doesn’t risk running into you.
-But fate has other plans
-He’s just about to leave the campus when he hears muffled sobs coming from somewhere nearby. he may not be a people person, but he’s still a hero. If someone needs help with something, he’s not going to ignore them.
-he follows the cries to a small patch of trees not too far away, unassuming looking but dense enough to provide some good cover. A good place for hiding and crying, also.
-He’s lowkey heartbroken to find out that it’s you who’s crying, and looking so broken and downtrodden. He makes sure to call your name quietly before coming up to you and taking a seat, so he doesn’t startle you (or your reflexes).
-You turn away from him slightly, but don’t outright tell him to leave, not yet.
-He just sits by you for a few minutes, letting you cry. he tries to offer you a gentle hand on the shoulder, but you wince away from him like is touch burns you, so he tries not to get too close after that.
-Finally, he asks you what’s got you so upset. And you pull that stupid love letter out of your pocket and shove it at him.
-He a little confused at first because like, isn’t a love letter usually a nice thing?
-But then you explain to him that a group of boys had written it as a joke and given it to you, and waited at the ‘meeting spot’ with a camera to capture your reaction and make fun of you.
-Never in his life has he ever wanted to beat up his fellow students, but there’s a first for everything I guess. He’s shocked and appalled that someone could be so cruel, especially to you. You’re so kind, and smart, and caring, and strong, and you make him feel safe. He couldn’t imagine ever hurting you.
-He tells you all of that, knowing from his own experiences that you probably won’t believe it, and he leaves off the part where he’s totally head over heels for you. to tell you something like that right now would probably only end badly for both of you.
-He’ll do what he can in the following months to try and boost your confidence, and he’ll absolutely confront the jerks who had the audacity to make you cry. For the time being, he’ll be a friend to you, a good friend, until you’re both in a place where it’s better for him to admit his feelings.
-And when he does, it probably takes some coaxing and a lot of patience, but he’ll never get short tempered with you, or give up on you, because he loves you so much and see so much worth in you, even if you might not be able to see it yourself.
-He likes you the moment you start talking. He’s just such a friendly guy, it’s hard to not get along with him, even if you tried. He’s got his own personal issues, but he’s genuine in everything he does and everything he feels. An actual ray of sunshine.
-It doesn’t take long for you guys to become friends, a few conversations in class and soon enough he’s actively seeking you out. He really likes how you guys just seem to click together, and how you work so well as a team - in all aspects. He starts growing feelings for you pretty soon after you become friends, though his own insecurities keep him from saying anything.
-He struggles with self worth sometimes, especially when he thinks about the person he used to be, so a little piece of him will doubt that you could ever return his feelings. So he decides to stay friends with you for now, until he deems himself worthy of your affection. But he’s happy you’re in his life.
-He hadn’t planned on confessing to you, not for a long time, but shit happens. A couple months into the school year, you guys are walking to class from the dorms, when suddenly you stop, and try to tug him in a different direction.
-He wonders what you’re doing, but you just say that you’d rather take a different route to class, one that’s less busy.
-He doesn’t get it, though. There are only like four people ahead of you, and one small group of girls standing around.
-You roll your eyes and huff a little, telling him that it’s fine, he can walk whatever way he wants to walk, but you’re going a different way despite the fact that it’ll probably make you late.
-He debates chasing after you, but you seem to be pretty upset about something...and it might be something important. A couple minutes probably won’t be enough time to talk about it, so he’ll wait for you to collect your thoughts some and then he’ll ask about it later.
-He continues walking towards the school building, but pauses momentarily when he passes the group of girls, who start giggling as soon as he approaches. He’s like ‘???what’s so funny??’ because they’re tittering and looking at him and tittering some more. Like, does he have something on his face?
-It turns out to be something not so benign. One of the girls is like ‘It’s nothing, you just look better without that awful girl lurking at your side’
-And he’s like ‘what awful girl? The only girl who was with me was-’ and it clicks for him.
-The girls continue chattering amongst themselves, making snide comments about you, the way you look, your skills, your personality. If they have the audacity to say those things in front of him, then there’s no doubt they’ve said them in front of you too.
-Boi doesn’t get mad very often, but this is one of those rare instances. 
-He absolutely lays into the group of girls, knocking them down a peg and calling them out for what they are; bullies. They know nothing about you, about your kindness, or your smile, or your sense of humour, or the way you care about others. 
-He definitely tells them what kind of strength you really have, both as a hero and as a person, and how you’re a better friend and a better human than any one of them. 
-He’ll leave them with an offhanded threat, telling them that if they ever say another word to or about you ever again, there will be hell to pay.
-He’s kind of surprised by himself, like. He knows he cares about you deeply, but he never knew he’d be so fiercely protective of you like that. And little does he know, you heard every word he said.
-You had turned back a couple seconds after you stormed away, worried out of your mind that your outburst would cost you a friendship, as if Kirishima is that easy to get rid of.
-You don’t try to run up to him before class, and instead you wait until lunch to pull him aside and thank him for sticking up for you. He’s kinda saddened that you didn’t just tell him that you were being bullied, but he also kind of gets it. It’s hard to let people in when others are hurting you. Hard to trust.
-But he makes you promise to tell him if anyone else says anything, because he wants to make sure that no one hurts you like that ever again. You’re iffy about it, because like, what if he gets tired of you, y’know? There’s always been a group of bullies in all your schools who’ve set their sights on you and used you as a verbal punching bag; horrible ‘pranks’ and humiliating ‘jokes’.
-But like I said, he gets it with the self worth thing, and he can’t imagine what kind of shambles your confidence is in after so many years of being treated like shit. He’ll let you know that he’s proud of you for pushing on, and that he’s always gonna do what he can to take care of you, because he loves you a lot, even if you don’t believe it.
-It kinda just slips out that he likes you as more than a friend, and once he realizes what he said he turns as red a his hair. You’re also pretty flustered, and you don’t really believe him, but he’s okay with that for now. He can’t expect you to just jump blindly into something that has in the past proven harmful.
-He’s gonna work to prove himself to you, however he can! And when you finally do end up letting him in, he’s going to do everything in his power to keep your trust and your love.
-Probably the most persistent out of everyone. Once he sets his sights on you, he doesn’t let you go. Not in a creepy way, though. If you really express a disinterest in having him around, he’s obviously not going to push your boundaries, but he’ll always be kind to you and he’ll be there if you need him.
-That being said, he’s an easy person to have as a friend. He’s strong and smart and so, so kind. His sense of humour never fails to lift your spirits, and training with him is what helps you improve the most in your studies.
-He doesn’t really change his attitude very much when he realizes he’s falling in love with you. He keeps being kind, keeps treating you well, all of that.
-But when you realize you might be falling for him? You’re terrified. You’ve never been in love before, so you’re not sure if what you’re feeling even is love! You’ve heard descriptions of love before, but everything sounds different depending on who you ask.
-On top of that, would he even feel the same? 
-You’re training one afternoon when it hits you, your realization, as well as all the negative thoughts that come with it. 
-You start losing focus, and you take a couple hits, and Mirio is like ‘okay something just happened, are you okay?’ and you tell him that you’re fine, you’re just tired all of a sudden, and you need to take a quick walk to clear your head.
-Unlike Kirishima, Mirio follows you. His intuition tells him that something isn’t quite right, and that it’s really taking a toll on you. You never get distracted like that, especially not when you’re training with him.
-He loses sight of you for a couple minutes, but finds you again on a bench just outside the Yuuei Gardens. You’re just sitting there, staring at the pathway, looking lost in thought and horribly sad.
-He takes a seat beside you, facing you slightly, and very slowly places his hand on yours. You startle a little, and glance towards him while trying to blink away budding tears. Once you see that it’s him though, you look away and try to wipe your face.
-He outright asks what’s got you so upset all of a sudden, or if something happened earlier, or if he did something that upset you. And you’re like ‘of course not, you’re perfect’ which he’ll remember and talk to you more about later. For now he’s focused on you.
-He eventually gets the truth out of you, though he pushes a little more than might be considered necessary, so it comes out as an outburst. Your voice is raised and your tone is stressed, as you cry at him that you think you like him but you have no idea what love is supposed to feel like, and even if you do love him why the hell would he love you back? You’re upset because you’ve basically set yourself up for failure and heartbreak, and because of your stupid feelings.
-He gets really serious, enough that it’s a little concerning, and he very sternly tells you that anyone would be lucky to have your love and your heart, and whatever that means for you is up to you, because love feels different for everyone and it feels different depending on who it’s meant for.
-Plus, if anyone ever thought they wouldn’t have their feelings returned, it’s him. He thinks you’re such an amazing person, strong and quick witted, compassionate and warm, always willing to stand up for others.
-He doesn’t like that you think so little of yourself, but he supposes he understands. He doesn’t know what kinds of things you’ve gone through, but he knows it isn’t always easy to love yourself, and that it’s something you need to work at.
-He just hopes that one day you’ll be able to trust him, and trust yourself. However long it takes, he’ll wait for you. He’s not gonna try and persuade you to enter a relationship with him right then and there, but h’s definitely gonna do his best to woo you. Even if it takes years, he’s going to work for your trust and stand by you while you work on yourself
-He is the number one supportive best friend, and when the time comes, the number one most supportive boyfriend..
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lizzybeth1986 · 3 years
(1/3) Hey, Playersexual Anon here. I really appreciate that you took the time to address my question. I'm a longtime player (4+ years), but I don't often interact w/the fandom; I don't have a Tumblr account. But I do sometimes browse to see Choices discourse and you're definitely right that many straight players say their favorite LIs aren't queer, I saw this a lot w/Ethan for example. So I understand your issues with the term now and how it's weaponized against queer, especially bi, players.
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Sorry again for the delay in responding, anon! Loads of IRL stuff happening this side so wasn't able to write much or go on my blog. I'm glad you never engaged in the disagreeable behaviour that I've seen in other stans, and you seem to be observant enough that even while not interacting with fandom you were able to notice some of these things. You're right that the original sin here, really, is PB and the way they make a song and dance of their inclusiveness while engaging in writing that really doesn't do queer characters any favours.
My feelings about customizable characters...are a little bit more complicated. I agree that, the way PB uses them now, they're more band-aid for actual representation - they exist for PB to claim diversity, without having to ever do the work (I mean, this is work they hardly even do for default CoC!). So I can understand why it's popular to dislike customizable characters or paint them with a broad brush. But here too, I feel (and here I'm not talking about you - but more about the fandom so far) that many people miss how we got to this point, and fandom's role in how we see customizable characters treated.
When PB started using customizable characters (Liam was the first race customizable one, and Hayden was the first to be both race and gender customizable), while there was considerable excitement, fandom was also engaging constantly in what I call a "preference heirarchy". In books where there was a default white person, or a default CoC who was exoticizable, customizable characters faced impossible levels of scrutiny, or were constantly derided no matter what they did. They fared much better in three instances:
1. When there was more than one customizable character (particularly by race. Eg. MTFL, TRM)
2. When they were the only (optional) white character in a sea of CoCs (eg. Bloodbound)
3. When the character was a default race was black 😣 (look no further than Platinum!).
But when they were introduced, they were often not always the pet fave of the teams (who would lean towards the white/exoticizable brown male LI) and the fandoms would either write them off as "boring" without knowing much about them, or drag them down for every. single. thing. they. did. Liam, for instance, was constantly labelled a "cheater" for wanting to continue his relationship with the MC while trapped in an engagement his father had manipulated him into (with his fiancee's consent, mind you! AND he never even had a relationship with said fiancee!!) and fandom had a long, long history of shifting the goalposts with this character. I've lost count of the number of PM stans who falsely claimed Hayden had no variations after the first few chapters, who compared Hayden to a toaster, and who had a problem with Hayden's very justifiable outburst at the group in Book 2 Ch 6. These are just the two most visible examples.
If we're really going to talk about the present cookie-cutter nature of the current crop of customizable characters, or how shady it is that PB is using them as rep, maybe the fandom should take a long, hard look at how they treated them when they were in the same book as other white LIs, or LIs they could grossly objectify. They didn't identifiably act like CoCs even back then (and were in most cases still white coded) but the fandom didn't hesitate to treat them badly.
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420pogpills · 3 years
part 3 of asks! part 1 part 2
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yeah i know he said that, what's why i found his behaviour so odd. he was saying how he thinks george doesn't try that hard, and in last night's stream george was genuinely try-harding, and dream kept sabotaging him it was just v weird. like i know ofc dream doesn't mean it, he praises george to the high heavens haha. but it just wasn't like very fun to watch him be like that when george was trying so hard to win :')
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it's just genuinely been so goddamn LONGGGG since we got solo george :( i know he probably prefers streaming with his friends it's more fun and what not but omg i really really want a solo stream! or maybe half solo, and then someone joins in the other half, as long as the vibes stay good
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bro he doesn't just have a comp sci degree, he got a FIRST, which is the highest classification you can get for a ba/bs. it's very impressive! i do hope he ends up doing a nice chill coding stream one day :D here at tumblr it's full of gogy simps, we appreciate his brains!
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haha ikr oh my god his tolerance is something else. georgeeee clink clink spare some change in the form of tolerance?? i need it so badly because mine is so insanely thin, i scream at my door if my clothing catches on the handle
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yeah this is always why i try my best to word myself carefully because i don't want to sit here and preach like i know what george is feeling. i don't need to defend george from his own friends and i have no plans of doing that :') but i am allowed to say how i, as a viewer, feel about what i saw and how i would feel in the situation! :) us getting a little upset about how george was treated is not the same as us going 'uwu gogy i wish i could hug him that was so mean dream is awful booooooo'.. it was just an unfair situation, and regardless we're allowed to project, and people are allowed to agree or disagree. we can all just discuss it in a calm manner :)
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yeah karl seems to be super busy atm, i've not seen him open up minecraft in forever i feel like! that would be the most hilarious team in existence oh my god i would love that :')
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yeah it can get very frustrating. not babying george should not mean you can insult him and put a joking or lighthearted tone indicator behind it. i feel like george's 'pretty privilege' is a double-edged sword. it feels like most people know him now for being the pretty one and a lot of people act like that's all there is. george fans get ridiculed a lot because people think we just watch him cause he's attractive. which is like??? why would i sit there for 2-3 hours of a stream just to look at someone's face? i literally sometimes just put on his calm solo streams in the background because i find his vibe relaxing, i don't even watch it. why would i do that if i only liked him for his face? he's not even my type anyway :'))) i just appreciate that he's a beautiful beautiful man, but i would never waste my time to watch someone just because of what they look like.
in general, people need to remember that these streamers are real people with feelings. and their job is on the internet, so they spend a lot of time on social media, and if you write a nasty comment about them, there actually is a high chance they will see it. i wish people just stayed respectful, and realised that their words carry weight :)
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yeah i think they struggle a LOT with streaming etiquette. i feel like after all this time, they are aware of how people perceive them (after having to point out several times that george can take a joke that it's not that serious etc etc) they know that people get a little upset at these things. i get maybe like in the moment if they're really high strung or just frustrated, they just do what they do and don't think about the fact that over 100k people are witnessing them do it. which yeah, i think sometimes their arguments or disagreements get too personal - and they are friends so they are fine with it, but we don't know their thought process, we don't know them the way they know each other, so we just see what's on the surface. and on the surface it often looks like a negative situation, and people get either worried or upset or frustrated.
because here's the thing - we watch streams to enjoy ourselves. george is my favourite streamer, and my idea of enjoyment isn't to see him trying hard to win at something and his friends sabotaging him, getting in the way and acting like he's incapable of achieving something by himself :') and a toxic vibe is just no fun to watch. i get that that's their friendship and like i'm not saying they should change anything about it - but there's nothing wrong with us venting, with expressing ourselves and releasing our frustrations. we are all allowed to feel different things. just because i'm not a fan of how george was treated, doesn't mean i'm trying to baby him. if i was babying him, i'd be @'ing dream and co on twitter and demanding he apologise lmao. saying i think it was unfair of them to say george was being carried when george was doing fine on his own is not the equivalent of babying someone.
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jadelotusflower · 3 years
Robin Hood Rewatch: 2x08 Get Carter!
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This is actually one of my favourite episodes of the season, partly because I really enjoy relationship angst, but mostly because we get multiple characters dealing with their trauma/grief. If we can't get these guys and gals into therapy, at least we get to see them talk (and hug) it out.
Also the best episode title they're had for a while - I have no doubt one of the writers is a fan, and Carter is so named only because they wanted to make this reference. The assassin seeking revenge for a dead brother is wholesale lifted from the plot of the film, and Joseph Kennedy almost has a passing resemblance to Michael Caine's look in that role.
"Get Carter - before Carter gets you!"
Carter is one of the only guest stars they actually will bring back later, and for good reason.
"Why don't you ever kiss my ring?" Vaisey, always making things creepy.
Marian is simmering with unrestrained anger, eager to get into the fight, while Robin is the one advocating for the watch and see approach, and it’s quite the role reversal.
The gang's reaction to her charging off is quite funny though, she knocks John over completely and Djaq throws her hands in the air.
Robin’s now getting a taste of what the rest of the gang have to put up with dealing with his recklessness.
Tying Marian up in the middle of a melee, however, is disgusting behaviour - while Marian was hot-headed throwing herself into the fight (nothing Robin hasn't done before himself), he knows that she can hold her own with a sword and doesn't need protecting. Tying her hands is the absolute worst thing he could have done, because how is she meant to defend herself? I can somewhat understand where Robin is coming from in this episode (even if he goes about it badly), but this is unjustifiable.
Clearly she gave that guard she clanked on the head amnesia, because he never reports back that Marian was fighting with the gang.
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“I owe you my life”/“I won’t take it just yet.” Nice.
Scimitar is still missing in action.
Robin doesn’t want Marian to be seen in case she needs to return to the castle, when he’s spent the whole season urging for her to join the gang. I think he realises he made a mistake asking her to flee last episode without giving her time to deal with her grief, and wants to leave her options open. But telling her that she’s not ready to make the decision (about whatever she wants to go back), however correct, is patronising.
There's a fundamental conflict that Marian wants to be treated like a member of the gang, but doesn't want to cede to Robin's authority like the rest of the gang - in turn Robin expects her to follow his orders like the others, but isn't treating her like he would the others either - he would never tie them up to keep them out of a fight, and Marian has every right to pissed at him about it.
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Djaq and Much having a little tête-à-tête about Carter - I just really enjoy that they’re often paired together in these gang scenes, they balance/play off each other so well. Just this pure platonic frazzled vs calm vibe.
Much just has this really great memory for faces - he was able to recognise fake Richard last season just from his profile despite wearing a helmet, and now he knows he remembers Carter's face from somewhere (or as it will turn out, Carter's brother).
Much really just does not let up, and I love that about him. "You'll be disappointed though, with uh, today's wound. I mean if you're planning to go back to the Holy Land and, uh, kill him." That not so subtle probing for information and Sam Troughton's delivery is always perfect.
"Wasn't me, was it?" Oh Much, so close.
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“The crusty one” - lol
It's not explicit, but implied that Vaisey and Guy believe Edward was the one passing information to Robin, and Marian is cleared of any suspicion (paving the way for her return). Guess Guy never showed the Sheriff that hair dagger after all.
Vaisey is actually giving Guy some really good advice here, albeit laced with his usual cruelty and getting all up in Guy's personal space.
"Grow up Gisborne" - now I don't think it's deliberate on Vaisey's part to invoke a Marian parlance, seeing as she really only says this to Robin (and once to Much), but it's a nice little callback, however unintentional.
Marian asks for an apology (and deserves one), but Robin doubles down and doesn't come out of this exchange well.
Because his delivery is terrible, but he's otherwise quite correct - as skilled as Marian is, she’s used to relying on (and having to worry about) only herself and not work in a team, and look to a single point of command. But both of them have their backs up - they're two strong personalities and neither is going to give ground, reverting to the ideological clashes of season 1, except now in much closer quarters.
Robin's also not used to being challenged in this particular way, and in his frustration is reacting like a captain disciplining a soldier, not a lover helping their partner through their grief. I do wonder if the conversation would have gone differently if they'd been alone.
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lol at the gang awkwardly standing around listening to Robin and Marian fight. Djaq trying to busy herself with her mortar and pestle as Robin and Marian argue around her.
A really great scene between Marian and John aka the camp dad. Marian really just needs someone to listen to her and appreciate what she's going through - Robin is too fixated on the dangerous way she's channeling her grief and not even trying to address the root cause. He trying to tell her what to do, not listen to what she actually needs.
On the other hand it's probably better coming from John, a neutral party without the emotional baggage she has with Robin.
Because Robin and Marian are really being driven by completely different motives - Marian by grief and therefore loss, and Robin by trauma and therefore fear. In her sorrow, Marian has lost all her fear of being discovered, in fact she wants to make it know she's with the gang, to finally be free to say which side she's on and fight openly, to make her father's death worthwhile, and can't understand why Robin is trying to stifle that.
"I thought you used to have your own men Little John?" So someone remembers Forrest and Hanton!
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After Carter takes down the gang one by one, Robin takes down Carter in three seconds (including catching the long dagger Carter throws at him, and flinging it back) and it's lights out. Can you believe it's the first concussion of the season? (Notwithstanding the multiple head injuries Allan sustained last episode).
While Marian has been known to be punch-happy, the "he'll tell us more if he knows we're willing to hurt him" is just so (intentionally) out of character - it is however somewhat reminiscent of Robin in 1x08, wanting to get his punch and torture on with Guy. However rather than understanding where Marian is coming from, he pushes her away with the "go and cook something" jibe. This almost feels like he was going for familiar banter and miscued, but is also an asshole thing to say. When their positions were reversed in 1x08 Marian at least tried to reason with him - Robin is seems to be ill-equipped to do the same.
Allan just having a little snooze against the castle wall. He really seems defeated and depressed after last episode.
Marian's corset has a pouch to hold a dagger - or at least I hope there is because otherwise it's ouch time.
Leaving Marian at the camp is again a mistake on Robin's part - it excludes and isolates her from the gang, rather than trying to involve her so she can bond with them, engaging in their outreach to the peasants - who she helped as the Nightwatchman, but never really had the opportunity to come to know. It would remind her that they are not just fighting against the Sheriff but for the people, which in her frenzied grief she has perhaps lost sight of.
Instead, Robin's focus is on Carter, who he rather identifies with and so finds it easier to address his motives, and try and change them.
Carter is in many ways Robin’s dark mirror, what he could have become in the Holy Land if he chose a different path. It’s important that this happens right when Robin is backsliding - he’s trying to save his own soul as much as Carter’s.
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Okay, let's talk about Marian’s forest gear - fashioned from the outfit she wore when she fled the castle the previous episode - but dear me it's awful. The grey culottes, rather than becoming trousers have now been turned into that corset, and her vest/skirt overlay have now become those trousers. Just baffling.
“I’m good with nuns” followed by Allan straight up knocking the Mother Superior over and stealing her ring is iconic.
Much gives Robin a sword to use going after Carter - still no scimitar.
I really love the confrontation/fight scene between Robin and Carter - it's very well choreographed and written, but we also see the best of Robin's character (after seeing some of the worst earlier).
Carter's brother is called Thomas - Allan's brother was called Tom. Lots of dead brothers in this show (including Djaq's).
The story of Carter's brother Thomas dying because he "stopped listening" and led a raid against orders is a little on the nose, but gives context to Robin’s fear for Marian’s safety in part triggered by his war trauma - someone charging in against orders and then dying in his arms.
But it shows Robin as a man who, even when Thomas' recklessness had cost not only his own life but others of Robin's men, was still moved to instruct the stretcher-bearers to make Thomas the hero, and himself the negligent captain, in order to comfort his family.
The fight is fairly even, and although Robin gets the upper hand in the end, it's only partly his skill - rather his true strength is in reaching the man inside the assassin, and then surrender and allow Carter to take his revenge if that's what he wants, and despite his fear, trust that there is good still in him, and that he can leave behind the life as a killer as Robin has done (tried to do).
This scene is the core of why I really love Robin as a character. He's riddled with PTSD and a reckless bravado, he's at time emotionally stunted with those he loves, makes terrible mistakes and often says the wrong thing, but he also has this great heart and compassion that allows him to reach people, to understand and help them, even at the risk of his own life. He's trying.
"He was a hero - just not on that day" is quite a poignant line.
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Much and Djaq together again, just saying.
Robin finally finds out that Roger of Stoke was intercepted. I had assumed he'd figured that out once he knew Allan was a traitor but okay.
Poor Much crying out for Robin's attention - he's got his own trauma from the war and wants to talk about it, to commiserate with Robin about what they went though, but Robin can only cope by not talking about it, not even thinking about it.
Much makes a good point that Robin should have listened to him about recognising Carter, but it comes across as jealously over Marian and Robin misses just how deeply Much carries his hurt.
One of Robin's biggest flaws is that he's overwhelming in his affection, compassion, and understanding for strangers, but takes those he loves for granted - Carter's response to grief was the same as Marian's, but Robin listened to Carter, consoled and comforted him, while keeping Marian at arm's length. Perhaps because strangers don't ask for anything beyond that - it is the granting of kindness, but not the sharing of self. It's the latter Robin truly fears, but what Much and Marian deserve (although tbf Marian has problems with this as well).
“Either I’m part of your gang or I’m not” is a valid point, and Robin's still not happy even when she agrees to stay behind!
But she disobeys him, and saves his life. It's a rite of passage - almost all of the members of the gang have this.
Allan looking rather distressed as Guy is about the chop off Robin's head, and he makes a small movement just before the swing (as does Much).
Guy again pushing Marian past the point of discomfort - she left, wrote him a letter asking him to leave her alone, straight up told him to his face to leave her alone, and still he persists.
Her kissing Guy (to distract him from seeing Much and Will) is really the only time she sends mixed signals, but Guy's whole energy seems to be just to wear her down until she agrees to be with him and it's gross. It is however kind of amusing that he tries to be authoritative and forbid her from leaving, and she immediately walks away.
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Robin and Marian are back in playful banter mode, although I wish there had been a deeper discussion (and that Robin had apologised in return). It doesn't quite feel like the conflict between them has been resolved, it really is just a "truce".
But I do like that it's Marian who reaches out to Robin at the end of this episode, because up until this point it's Robin who has been (somewhat) the one making overtures - asking her to join the gang, telling her he needs her, telling her he loves her, while Marian's been more reserved. This feels like her acknowledging that sometimes she needs to take the first step.
This was a long one - but as a I said, I really love this episode!
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jolinarofmalkshur · 4 years
I've been re watching Leverage recently and I'd just like to say how much I appreciate the opening team meeting of The Low Low Price Job. When Eliot is trying to convince the team that the big box store is bad for the little town and they bring up all the reasons it's good, I just love that they're all correct and have the perfect response for their backgrounds.
Eliot points out how all the mom and pop shops are gonna close and later we find out that *gasp* he was the child of a small business owner, who saw that coming? Me! Also the child of a small business owner! Everything he said made 100% sense from that perspective! And he's right!
Hardison says all the deals that they can offer help low income families, specifically his family growing up and yes! He's right too! Buying what you can afford from big chain stores is not a bad thing! And no one said it was, even though that's the impression Hardison got at the beginning, the team never judged the people that worked or shopped there through the whole episode.
Parker doesn't have a personal connection to the topic, most likely because she's a thief with a loose grasp on how stores work. But she said it would create a lot of jobs which is what people without any kind of personal stake would normally say. And she's right too! She just doesn't know at this point how badly the workers are treated.
Sophie points out it's a big brand, and Nate points out all their unethical business practices, both saying that it's too big for them to take on, and both right.
I just love this episode y'all, I love seeing all the different sides of this presented as valid and correct!
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mistressemmedi · 3 years
I've been so exhausted and I haven't had the guts to tell my mom this but I really need to get this out of my chest, a while ago I told you via anon that I was applying to a mexican college because I did the math and it was going to be cheaper than having student debt here in America and while I'm saving money because I haven't moved to mexico yet because they're still doing online lessons due to Covid and I only have gone a couple of times to present the acceptance test and some paperwork stuff it's been a nightmare like I thought it would be hard due to language stuff because that part was hard on the acceptance test and also because is online college you don't actually know people or your professors but boy was I wrong so far the kids that don't do the test but get in because of a thing called “the pass” have been a nightmare and they don't even realize specially the ones that went to the college prep school in comparison to the ones that went to the college highschool and they're not like evil, they're nice just like everyone but like they already know eachother because either they went to the same prep/highschool or have mutuals and some teachers evaluate with the bell method and since they're already adjusted to how the college works they always have the highest grades, apparently the first semester stuff at least on my career is a continuation or a review of what they already saw on prep and two of my teachers only pay attention to them, one of those teachers treats the ones that went to highschool like shit because apparently the highschool ones choose their own subjects and they usually choose the easy ones meanwhile the prep ones had an assigned curriculum that gave them “ a complete education in exact and social sciences, arts, philosophy...” and God knows how many much bullshit else meanwhile he almost ignores the rest of us that got in by test, the citation style is different in every subject some teachers ask for APA format, some Chicago, some the college one or the faculty one and it's been only two weeks and I'm already thinking of dropping out because I really feel like it's impossible and some people usually say hurting stuff that it's not actually hurting stuff but it makes me feel bad because I feel like I'm not smart enough and it's partially due to the education I received in America specially in subjects like history or literature and even the cultural stuff which has been a massive problem since day one, for context mexico is currently celebrating their war of independence ending 200th anniversary and remembering the 500 years of conquest and is such a big deal but I just don't get it and is a main conversation topic and it will continue to be for at least another month until celebrations are over, one of the awful teachers made us do teams and a girl from my team tried to cheer me up but it just made me feel more bad and when I asked her why the teacher made such a big deal out of the prep school she explained to me like it was nothing out of the ordinary but it is and I just feel that she doesn't appreciate the opportunities she's been giving and that many people including myself would want, she told me some alumni names like FRIDA KAHLO and she explained me that the prep school is technically 50 years older than the university which is apparently something I was also wrong about because I thought it was the oldest university in the continent but it's not its only the antecedent of the college and not the college itself because the prep school is like 150 years old and the fact it was the older from the continent was one of the factors why I wanted to go so badly because I thought It was 470 years old so older than Harvard and I'm just rambling because I don't know how to deal with this sorry May and I just wish I've have applied to an American college instead
Hi anon, I remember you - if you're unhappy with your choice, is there a chance for you to withdraw your entry at the college? I honestly have no idea how it works in the Mexican system, but here you have (usually) three weeks to withdraw to be able to get a refund on your tuition.
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thatsdemko · 5 years
Treat you better- C.Caufield
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Requested: yes|no
A/N: this is another non-requested I have started writing requested imagines they are works in progress so in the mean time you might see some of my works from wattpad that have been published to give people something to read while I work on the requested!
Your boyfriend had cheated on you. It's not something you certainly expected coming from that you had been dating for almost two years now, and he decided to be stupid and do that. So there you laid in your billet brothers bed sobbing. What made it worse was that he told you over text that he cheated on you, he didn't love you anymore, and wished you were a whole lot different than the way you were.
Your billet brother, Marshall, had to leave for his game in two hours, and he knew you were in no condition to leave the house, especially since you and your boyfriend before this all happened had plans to go to the game together. He wanted you to be there, as did one other person on the team. He hadn't told the guys that you weren't coming as well as hadn't come up with a lie yet to hold off for a bit from telling the truth.
"I'm so sorry, he's an idiot anyways, y/n." Marshall hugged you as your phone started buzzing like crazy. You hadn't replied to your ex by now, figuring that there was nothing to say. Once you read the text you immediately made your way to Marshall's room. He was someone you actually did treat as a brother since he got so close to you over the years, and you both were going to be attending Boston college next year.
"I just wish this didn't happen to me." You sobbed into his chest as he held you tighter picking up your phone from the bed reading that somehow jack had found out. And then Alex. Then case. And Cole. Cole was Marshall's best friend and the guy who had a crush on you. Yeah sure, you had small feelings for Cole, but you were in love with your boyfriend at the time. What were you going to do anyway?
"I know, but think of it this way, it's better off like this. Now you can be yourself and not worry about someone else. That's what you wanted anyway, right? After all the times he's let you down?" Marshall was right. For once a guy was right. You had told Marshall, and sometimes Cole, thousands of times crying to them you weren't going to let another guy control your life. You wanted to just be single, although you hated it, you wanted a slight bit of freedom or opportunities to be free while in a relationship not entirely tied down.
"I suppose," you whispered wiping away your tears from your cheeks as Marshall got up from his bed about to start getting ready. "Why don't you come to the game, yeah? The guys will be happy to see you, plus you can get your mind off this." He suggested and you nodded your head getting up off the bed, "I'll just go get ready." You said as Marshall handed you one of his u17 jerseys on your way out.
"How did you all find out anyway?"
"He told us all."
"All of you? Except for me?"
"Well I'm sure he imagined you were going to find out since y/n always runs to you and Cole to begin with." Trevor rolled his eyes, he was right though. You told Cole and Marshall everything. If something was going on in your life they knew about it. You knew your boyfriend was jealous about that, but you just had a better bond with them anyways, it never meant anything.
"That's not always true." Cole announced and jack scoffed, "oh please you're happy when she talks to you! You love her! Just admit it!" He joked and a few of the guys laughed expect for Marshall. Marshall knew about Cole liking you, and he wasn't going to say anything.
"No I don't! Maybe you like her." Cole suggested, at one point you knew jack did have a crush on you, in fact half the guys did expect for Marshall. All of their crushes went away as time went on, but Coles stuck with him.
"False, man, I don't."
"look if any of you were to act on your crush on her she wouldn't want to date you anyway. But Cole he's the only one who's suited for her on this team."
You sat alone near the parents. Jacks mom was excited to see you, but when she asked where your boyfriend was you just came up with a lie saying he couldn't be there, you would assume jack would just tell her later of what happened. So there you sat. Your parents weren't coming due to being out of town visiting your older siblings at college, so it was just you and Marshall for the weekend until they got back.
The puck dropped and you were now consumed into your text messages seeing your ex had texted you asking if you both could just be friends. But how could you? After what he did to you? There was no way you could possibly ever want to just be friends.
And then it had gotten worse when he actually showed up to the game sitting rows away from you. You didn't want to see him. It was way too soon after a break up and this was bad. Extremely bad since he wasn't alone. No, he took what was supposed to be your ticket and is now with the girl he cheated on you with. You felt tears threatening to spill as you couldn't help but keep looking at them both being really happy together. You knew you weren't always the best girlfriend, but this was still horrible. The fact that she was still with him?
You couldn't take it any longer deciding to just get up and leave the game now. You didn't need to see them being all happy up in your face. It was like he was doing this to you on purpose.
"Can you tell Marshall I'm going to be in his car? I'm just not feeling too well." You said to mrs. Hughes who nodded her head, "sure thing, sweetheart, I hope you feel better." She offered a smile and you nodded your head rushing out of the arena now.
"She didn't leave, she's just in your car she started to not feel well." Mrs. Hughes explained to Marshall and he nodded his head thanking her now seeing your ex boyfriend waiting. It was like he was waiting to talk to you, Marshall, or Cole, but Marshall just kept walking not even taking a look over at him and headed out the door, and right behind was Cole.
"where was y/n?" He asked and Marshall explained to him what he assumed happened during the game.
You were still sitting in the car. You had practically cried yourself to sleep in his car so you were in one of Marshall's sweatshirts he had in the back and you used his jersey as a blanket to keep yourself warm.
The sound of the door unlocking scared you causing you to jump up frightened seeing Marshall opening the drivers door and Cole got into the backseat.
"Why'd you leave?" Marshall asked and you shook your head not wanting to talk about it. As you looked back to see Cole sitting there.
"Hey," he smiled pushing some of your hair out of your face and you smiled softly at him before looking back at Marshall as now the backseat door opened and jack came in, "hey, want me to beat him up?" Jack asked causing you to laugh lightly shaking your head, "no it's okay."
"You sure? We can." Cole suggested and you shook your head now looking at Cole. And there it was. It was so clear to you now. But you couldn't now. Not after a break up so quickly.
"Thank you guys I appreciate it, but he wants to be friends." You said with a slight eye roll and Marshall scoffed, "that can only mean one thing. He just wants to get back at you."
"Bro, if this motherfucker doesn't leave the arena I'm going to beat his ass." Trevor said as he and Patrick came into the car now as they were squished together in Marshall's backseat.
You laughed, Trevor always knew how to make a situation light hearted and you loved that about him. He was just a guy with a good sense of humor, "you guys, it's okay." You admitted although it wasn't. Cole could tell it was not okay, he could tell you were trying to make it be better than you wished.
"I'm still serious though, y/n, I'll beat his ass." Trevor said hopping out of the car now coming up to your window shouting, "I will beat his ass! Swear to God! Period!" He said as Patrick shoved him telling him that he would get beat up in a millisecond.
"Offer still stands on the table." Jack stood up slightly reaching out to hug you as best as he could in the car, "thank you, j. But I'm really okay." You lied again as jack pulled away messing up Coles hair before getting out of the car as you now watched Patrick drive by, "I will beat his ass!" Trevor shouted causing you to laugh watching them drive off as Patrick cranked up the music to tune Trevor out.
"I umm I have to ask jack for something actually I'll be back." Marshall got out of the car leaving you and Cole alone now.
"You don't have to lie to me." Cole said reaching out and grabbing your hand as you accepted it intertwining your fingers together like you always did with him when you were nervous.
"I know I don't." You admitted as he moved closer to you now on the edge of the seat, "then talk to me," he said as you sighed, "Cole, I don't know. I saw him tonight this was just way too soon to be seeing him and the fact that he was happy? Gosh I thought I just hit rock bottom. What did I do to deserve this?"
"Nothing. You're a perfectly good person and you didn't deserve that from him. You deserve a guy who will treat you better than what you've been treated like." Cole said, he wanted that to be him badly knowing he'd treat you so good. But he knew it couldn't be him and that you wouldn't go for a guy like him.
"Are there guys even out there like that?" You asked and he nodded his head, "yeah," he said stroking your hand with his thumb making your heart go crazy, "you know any of them? Want to shoot them in my direction?"
"Me." He said not even making direct eye contact with you. you weren't even shocked that he said that, but he was more than you could imagined.
"I knew that." You said with a smile appearing on your face as he looked up from the floor at you, "what?"
"Come on, ask me out." You giggled and he blushed as a big smile appeared on his face, "will you go out with me, y/n?"
"Yes I would love too, Cole."
"See you Friday?"
"See you Friday."
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