#and I just had so many great and clear and concise things to say
skinreflectsthesun · 10 months
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minswriting · 4 months
Okay so I haven't sent an ask here before (also, terribly sorry for spamming your notifis, I just really love your writing😅)
But since uni finals have wrapped up all I can think about is trying to study with Reid. We know he's a great teacher, probably an even better tutor! But trying to study with him when you can't focus? When maybe you had 1 too many redbulls and keep focusing on the wrong things....or maybe he just looks extra nice tonight? I just- trying to study with Spence but you can't focus for shit lol
no warnings for this one. just pure simping
being a grad student, you had a lot of coursework you needed to focus on in order to obtain your master’s degree. as you had to study for your upcoming exam in one of your classes, you had asked your wonderful and most genius boyfriend in the world to help you. an action that seemed like a good idea at the time but isn’t working out too well.
it isn’t an issue with spencer at all. in fact, he’s perfect. he’s explaining concepts to you in a way that is clear and concise, giving facts while also explaining his own knowledge of the topic. all and all he’s a phenomenal tutor and teacher. however, he was hot. and that was the flaw you were having.
as he spoke, you couldn’t help but get lost in the way his voice sounded or the sparkle in his eye as he rambled about his own opinion of it. spencer was wearing this adorable sweater vest over his shirt and his glasses that he rarely ever wore. and god, he just looked so divine.
“so, did that help you understand?” spencer asked suddenly, finishing his rant as he finally looked at you.
you blinked, not comprehending what he had just said. “huh?” you asked.
“did my explanation help?” he asked, tilting his head slightly.
you felt your cheeks warm as you realized that you had indeed not been paying attention and therefore would need his explanation again. “truthfully,” you began. “i was too mesmerized by your handsomeness to comprehend what you were saying.”
and this caused spencer to blush as he stuttered over his words. “oh! uh- okay. uh- i-i could explain it again?”
so he did. and you tried your hardest to pay attention to each and every word he spoke, taking notes as you did so. that way, if you did get distracted, you’d have points to show where you left off.
you were grateful of how patient spencer was with you. and you were extremely lucky to have such a beautiful tutor.
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molinaesque · 4 months
Cooper Howard and Lucy MacLean's rare and wonderful dynamic (and how it's ultimately alright if they don't become "endgame" or whatever)
First off... I'm saying this as a HUGE ghoulcy shipper btw. I don't wanna hear about some bullshit about how "you just don't like the ship" or something dumb like that (have you SEEN the state of my blog??). I ADORE this ship. These are also ultimately my own thoughts. Do not be affronted if this somehow doesn't apply to your hcs. At the end of the day, this is fiction, nothing more.
Something I have to note on about the wonderful dynamic between Cooper and Lucy. Even if ghoulcy stays platonic, I'm fine with it because this is the closest dynamic to Jack/Liz from 30 Rock that l've seen, and if anyone's seen that show, you KNOW what I'm talking about. Let me explain.
Jack/Liz were two v complex characters that had so much chemistry but the way their "relationship" worked was so unique in that they were never romantic but they're WAY more than just colleagues/ friends, etc. There was literally an article titled like "why you'll never see this kind of relationship in television again" and ghoulcy has the potential to be that again which is still GREAT! It even goes on to talk about how they're COMPLETE AND POLAR OPPOSITES but the dynamic still works and how they feed off of each other in the only way no other characters can. The "dynamic" is THEIRS and theirs only. Seem familiar?
From what we're getting not just in the Fallout show but from interviews with the actors and creatives involved, we're already getting that special dynamic. However, I must stress that many of the comments and those interviews (imo) are sometimes taken TOO literally. The existing text and subtext of the ship is already abundant and ripe so I feel like not EVERYTHING has to be referred to the ship and the ship only. I know it's mostly funsies but I legit wonder if some of this is taken too seriously to the point of misconstruing an actor's words and getting tunnel vision JUST for the sake of the ship and ship only, in turn cheapening what is already there. Kinda like what I've seen with people having to vilify Barb further with unnecessary inferences to scenes that give her more layers (like questioning her genuine love for Janey and Cooper. She can be loving AND a villain y'all. Both things don't have to be mutually exclusive) EVEN THOUGH SHE IS CLEARLY VILIFIED BY THE SHOW BY THE REVEAL SO WHY MAKE UP STUFF? To "punish" her more?? Apologies but this kinda reads as "I need to prop up my ship further so I MUST degrade the other ship" even though it's again... SUPER UNNECESSARY (I must stress I've seen this on ALL sides of shipping/character stanning. Both sides suck when you engage in this behaviour). Have fun and faith in the strength of your ships (ESPECIALLY if they're not "canon" adjacent)!
Anyway, as I was saying...
Going back to 30 Rock, there's literally a scene in the show where they get married due to shenanigans, they get in a big fight the whole episode and in the end sit down and have the most revealing discussion with a councilor about why they're so much more complex than typical relationship. And another scene where they sleep in the same bed together and addressed why they never hooked up with each other and why that's okay. By the way, I was also a HUGE shipper of these two... But I was fine with how they ended up with because the story of their special relationship that makes them uniquely THEM was clear and concise. This did not stop me from reading fics where they make kissy faces. It is possible to do both and I think some ppl tend to forget this.
I'm not saying this for the antis (don't like what you don't like, but if you harass shippers then you can suck eggs and leave. This applies to shippers to non shippers too btw. Be. Nice.), I'm saying all this because I want shippers to not "despair" if the ship that they've become so invested in doesn't come to fruition (and not go overboard into thinking that writers should listen to whatever audiences want all the time, we've been down this road SO many times, it's terrible. Do we REALLY need to talk about how The Rise of Skywalker turned out the way it did due to unnecessary pressure from the loudest antis/asshats in fandom? I think not). Maybe this is also more towards the younger audience members as a cautionary tale because we old ass millenials have seen and been through this but didn't have the immediacy of social media at our finger tips, so it was kinda easier to not be as reactionary. I don't like playing the "you youngins don't know what it was like" card, but at some points it is just a statement of reality. Some of you are/were LITERALLY too young to have experienced this.
Ultimately, what I'm saying is even if ghoulcy doesn't become "romantic", I'm fine with it as long as they stay within the "something more/beyond definition" dynamic which is ALWAYS refreshing to see. Give us more "what are we"! Give us more "it's complicated"! Give us more "we can't be summarized in neat little boxes"!
As long as they don't end up in the pit of "one dimensional interpretation of the Found Family trope which is somehow only just Familial and in this instance Father-Daughter". Please, I BEG. Nothing wrong for people to like this dynamic, but to immediately categorize this into that box is just... Tiresome. You can make the same arguments about "shipping two living beings together on screen all the time" too for sure... But again it leads to my point of if we're going the platonic route how about we NOT just shove it in the same boring dynamic of Father-Daughter that if you want, can find in multitudes of other forms of existing fictional media.
Tldr; have fun but always remember this is all fictional media in the end where we play with dolls in a sandbox. Just remember to BE. NORMAL. and not forget this and start shitting in it and flinging poo at each other. That goes with relationships with creators of said media too. Do NOT become parasocial and expect everything to be catered to you. The creators want to tell a story THEY came up with in the first place.
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It sounds like a joke to say (as I just did in a much more concise post) that Fjord's stress would be alleviated by some room dividers and a desk and by rearranging the furniture, but it really is my impression that one of a great many sources of stress for Fjord is how space in the house is portioned. Jester has her studio, but Fjord complains that the entire house is her studio. She tries to say there is the couch on the opposite side, he goes, "My haven: the couch." It's clear Fjord does not have a dedicated space, worsened by the open floor plan. He seems to have recently noticed and become bothered by having nowhere specific to belong in a house that he insisted they have.
It is not that Jester takes up too much space—absolutely not what I'm saying. I suspect the real issue is that Fjord does not know how to take up space, both within a domestic space but also in life, and does not know how to assert what he needs. He never had a space of his own, having grown up in an orphanage and then lived aboard a ship. He and Jester talk about this in 2.62: Domestic Respite while the Nein move into the Xhorhaus, that he never had a house before and that he was getting used to having a room of his own: "Well, my own room's pretty strange." We never get any suggestion that Fjord decorated his bedroom in the Xhorhaus beyond putting up shutters.
I feel like this is what's happening with Fjord in their house in Nicodranas. He never lived in a house before, and they stayed at the Xhorhaus so briefly, so he never learned how to live in one, especially one that he's building with a partner. He never learned how to assert spatial boundaries or how to need space, and thus he inadvertently allowed Jester to have everything and make all decisions. He's just now understanding that the small corner is not enough, and he is feeling boxed out of a house that he personally wanted—simply because he does not know how to assert himself in his own space. (Compare how Beau and Yasha have their own spaces, Caleb has a dedicated space for work at home, and Yeza and Veth have entire separate spaces to pursue their ventures. A ship is also largely communal space, and Jester lives in Fjord's captain's quarters.)
In contrast, Jester is very comfortable taking up space, especially within a home. Since Fjord offered no pushback until recently, she's naturally (and understandably) taken most of the space in the absence of Fjord asserting boundaries for her to follow. His gentle grumbling about the paint and her studio space feels to me to be the first time he's expressed unhappiness with the way their home is divided. It's my feeling that's how the situation developed: without any expressed boundaries, there was no way for Jester to understand how to share the space with Fjord. Negotiating these boundaries and learning to coexist together in a way where you have your needed space without crowding the other out is a crucial and often difficult part of a relationship, and one that Jester and Fjord have very little practice in. Fjord is clearly just now learning to voice his needs. I get the impression Jester is noticing this and is slowly processing how to work this out with him.
And I think this is a very intentional thing in the way that Travis and Laura have arranged this house? The rhythm of the description feels like many of these details and dynamics were discussed in advance.
Fjord is not settling well into his house because he never learned to take up space and there is a lack of obvious space for him to exist in, and negotiating and asserting those boundaries takes time and articulation. Without that, Jester has no signals on how to share the space with him. No joke, it would help to get a desk for him to work at or a table to read at, or maybe expand into a patio or something for Fjord to drink tea in alone in the afternoons. Rearranging their furniture and setting down some rugs, using room dividers if necessary, to break up their open space and create a semblance of separate areas will actually, sincerely, help with all this.
It's a very real growing pain, and it's fun to see it here.
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Crowley's Past: Was He Archangel Camael?
With S2 now having been out for a few weeks, and the theories running wild, I think one of the unanimous beliefs within the fandom is that Crowley was SOME sort of Important Angel Before™. I touch upon the MANY clues in the various parts of my initial GOS2 Thoughts Meta, so I won't go into too many of those here, but inevitably this separate meta started out as the pulling-and-expanding-upon of the Archangel Crowley theory, primarily the "Raphael" theory, since I have loved that theory to bits since its inception early post-S1.
That was until my friend Peter finished watching the season early last week, and presented to me an alternative theory as to Crowley's identity that I thought deserved its own post breakdown, since I haven't seen this theory before.
NOW, I should make it clear I haven't been as DEEP in the fandom as many of y'all since S1 aired, so it's probably come up before S2 as just a light mention, but I personally haven't seen anything, so what follows is a joint speculation between my real-life, not-in-GO-fandom-spaces-whatsoever friend Peter, and myself, with my contributions being the expansion of his theory and linking it to what we already know.
The theory is this: Crowley might actually be Archangel Camael.
Please, PLEASE note that I am aware that authors and writers change things for creative liberty and originality, so please take this entire theory with a grain of salt (or go nuts with me, I'm happy either way!).
I'll TRY to keep this concise, but y'all know me. You can skip right to the "Conclusion" for a point-by-point breakdown if you don't want to read everything, but I hope you'll at least give me a chance to explain within the body of this meta.
I apologize in advance if any of my thoughts are a bit scattered. Here we go:
The Initial Text
Here is the initial text Peter sent to me after he finished watching S2 (and this was after I mentioned that the popular running fandom theory is that he's actually Raphael):
Okay… well - disclaimer I did not go to religious school and my biblical studies were a great many years ago. As I recall Lucifer was not one of the 7 archangels - he was meant to be but he rebelled before he was appointed (and there is some wiggle for a fictional story). So, based on what we have seen Crowley was one of the 7 but he hung out with the wrong people and asked too many questions. He never says his real name when we see him as an angel it is comically dodged - for a good reason. Crowley has a login and proves he had clearance way above a level 37th angel. He can see the top most important meetings… like he may have been allowed to attend in a previous life… And one line sticks out to me “one fallen prince has already gone to Hell. Two shows a problem.” As I stated Lucifer was not a Prince - we are not talking about him. Gabriel was banking on going to Hell like his “brother” - I’m guessing Camael, the one who Sees God - who ironically has cursed eyes now as a demon - the Prince of Fortitude (also Love and Charity). He often breaks his demonic spirit in cases of charitable needs or love. Crowley is one of the big Seven to be entrusted with creating the cosmos ;)
Naturally, this had a lot of things click for me, and I'm going to break them down below, with my additional research into the points that Peter made since he mentioned that he was going off memory.
Who Was Cameal?
When Peter mentioned this angel, it boggled my mind that I never actually recall knowing of this archangel. I went to a Roman Catholic school up until Grade 12, and with that comes Religious Ed classes, which also feature World Religions in the later grades. Funnily enough, I found out WHY I never heard of Camael:
Camael is not recognized by the Catholic Church due to the Vatican's decision to ban the veneration of angels not mentioned in the Bible [SOURCE]
Kind of explains why I only heard of Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael (which now adds another layer to a theory I will cover further down in "Does Crowley Remember?"), then.
Reading further:
[He] is the Archangel of strength, courage and war in Christian and Jewish mythology and angelology. [SOURCE] He is claimed to be the leader of the forces that expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden holding a flaming sword. However, in iconography he is often depicted holding a cup. [SOURCE]
A Flaming Sword, you say??? Interesting. Here's a good place to point out that there IS also a theory that Crowley and Aziraphale are one single archangel that was split into two (and Gaiman has stated that in original drafts of the original book, they were at first one character, so this fact might be an afterthought of that original idea). Also, interesting that this angel is depicted with a cup, traditionally used in Christianity to depict wine, which is Crowley's drink-of-choice. So, there's that.
Another standout point for me is the Adam and Eve bit (which I bolded above). The Snake of Eden is TECHNICALLY the instigator (the "leader") who encouraged the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden. "Forces" in this reading of it could be the metaphorical definition of it; the knowledge of good and evil, and the desire to see beyond the Garden. AND also the Flaming Sword itself BEING the object of force given to the couple for protection.
Furthermore, Crowley's a strong and brave character, given all the shit he endures time and time again. Strength (and bravery for that matter) can mean many things: emotional strength, physical strength, possibly also a strength of character and an unwavering belief in the values one holds dear. I should also note that it's interesting that an angel of war, should Crowley indeed be this character, wants nothing to do with a war and is actively trying to stop one: an angel of War can absolutely NOT want a war, because he knows it's wrong.
And without the Angel of War up in Heaven to PREVENT any war at all? Well, they would just get all willy-nilly crazy on the idea of War without having any pushback on it, wouldn't they?
Kind of like how Gabriel was to be demoted (cast out) for denying Heaven a War. Funny old world, isn't it? Seems the parallels write themselves.
What's in a Name?
Because Peter mentioned the name meaning, I had to look into it myself, and indeed, one of the various meanings of Camael is apparently "he who sees God" in Hebrew.
As Peter stated above, I think this is very significant because it's seemingly only Crowley who has "demon" eyes that he himself cannot change. It's the ONLY part of him that always remains a constant, and why he is forced to hide them. We know from S1 and bits of S2 with Shax that other demons can change their eyes because we see them mimicking other humans time and again without the black eyes if they choose to.
Crowley's eyes could have been cursed specifically because was ordained as "the one who sees God" and possibly was the ONLY angel who ever "saw" a physical God in the literal sense (it's implied in the show that no one actually SEES a physical god). It's possible that Crowley being cast out literally burned his angelic eyes and left a visible scar that can't be fixed or erased – a forever-reminder of what he did and can no longer do. AND as the one who sees God, he indeed was a very high-ranking angel.
In the GO universe, I suspect he was indeed the FIRST Supreme Archangel, tasked with creating God's Vision (HAH) of the Universe. And when Crowley questioned what the point of creating such beauty was only for it to be destroyed, God (or, I suspect more likely, the other Angels) saw it as Crowley questioning their "vision" in the metaphorical sense.
Does Crowley Remember?
In light of Season 2, and some interesting exchanges and moments of Crowley with other angels, some people speculate (and as I watch the series more, I'm starting to also agree somewhat) that Crowley may not remember everything from Before.
Now, while I do like this theory a lot, and it makes sense with the context clues from S2, I don't think it's that he doesn't remember anything at all, however, as many versions of the theory postulates.
My speculation is this: what if, by having his Angelic Name removed from recognition in the Bible, and going through a similar Trial to Gabriel, THEN by Falling the traditional way, the memories are still there, but they're just a bit fuzzy and scattered? It could also explain why some of the other Archangels DON'T remember him... he was removed from the memories of other ranking angels (Saraqael is the only angel to seemingly remember who Crowley was, so I postulate that she WASN'T a top angel until fairly recently, because of the named angels in the next section).
The show brings up the Book of Life in S2 on several occasions, leaving me to believe that this will be an important item in the next season. What if the phrase "it will make it like you don't exist" literally means "don't exist in memories"? Maybe a Book of Life 1.0 existed at one time, and everyone who Fell was forgotten because their angelic names were removed. Because wouldn't that be more awful than never having existed? Remembering that you WERE something or someone, you had a name that you can't remember, that you WERE important to people and events, and having everyone around you who you considered family forget who you are? It's its own kind of personal Hell ... kind of like George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life, a movie that references angels, funnily enough. And Crowley remembers the furniture being there but not where it all belongs. I think his memory haziness is also a side effect of Falling the traditional way (burning sulfer and all that jazz, possibly causes trauma amnesia?).
It's a stretch here, I know, but I thought I would put this one out there as a possibility as to what it could mean (given that Gaiman and Pratchett tend to "play on words" a lot, I think it is worth mentioning this as an alternative meaning).
In S2, when Gabriel was sentenced, the Trial stated that Gabriel would forget his time as Gabriel, but not his time as an angel. I think a similar thing happened with Crowley, only much more violently with the "burning the eyes out" and "staining his wings black" thing.
My friend Peter mentioned that the show avoided Crowley's Before-Name "to a comical degree". I reckon, rather, that Crowley just simply doesn't remember his Angelic name, and his changing of his demon names is him possibly trying to find an identity. I think he recalls it having started with a "C", maybe? And now he's a snake, so he's kind of crawl-y, must be "Crawley". As time moved forward and as he learned more and more about humanity, he changed is namee to fit in better. Having a full Human-esque name makes him feel more connected to the Humanity he prefers.
And because I'm a romantic sap at heart, I think he enjoys spending time with Aziraphale because perhaps some part of Azzie's presence helps Crowley remember bits and pieces of his broken memory. He is LITERALLY Crowley's Emotional Support Angel – remember Shax can read into people, it seems. Azzie brings comfort to him, and seeing another Angel that also questions the choices Heaven makes allows Crowley to feel less alone.
The Original Seven Archangels
It's brought up a couple to several times in S2 the point that "God loves sevens". I actually couldn't remember why Seven was such a big Biblical number so a bit of quick Googling reminded me that "Seven [...] communicated a sense of “fullness” or “completeness” [...]. This makes sense of the pervasive appearance of “seven” patterns in the Bible." (SOURCE).
And of course, after Peter had mentioned it, I had to look a bit more into who the Original 7 could possibly be. Wikipedia mentions it could be Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel.
Peter was correct in his assumption that Lucifer wasn't one of the original 7 archangels, so that leaves us with Raphael, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel, if we're assuming that Crowley is one of these top Archangels.
I would also like to speculate that "God likes 7's" could also mean (if you allow me to reach a bit) "God's favourite angels are the initial 7". If Crowley happened to be one of these 7, it could explain why he's able to get into Heaven without raising alarm at all, why he still maintains his immense power that set off alarms in Heaven when it was used purposefully against Heaven, why he was able to access the Gabriel Files, and why Sarqael allowed Crowley to continue watching the Trial (because if God allowed Crowley access even when he's no longer an angel, then Sarqael has no reason to believe that he's still not important to God).
Perhaps, in Modern Day, only having four archangels making the decisions symbolizes that, indeed, God's not really calling the shots anymore – and hasn't been for a long time – and that the whole system is all broken and not complete.
It also begs the question: if Crowley was one of the Original Seven (if they are indeed going to go in that direction), what happened to the other three? Did they also suffer the same fates? Were they turned to Scriveners just like Gabriel was to be?
Here is where I will also throw out there that my random thought that Muriel possibly also may have been one of the other three, as my own expansion of this theory, but I digress.
Anyway, I think I found the original Fandom Wiki that Peter quick-referenced when doing his quick message to me, and it's very interesting:
How they were founded as a unit is unknown, but it is said that it happened during Lucifer's rebellion. When Lucifer rebelled against God, one entire choir of angels followed him and was lost. Many angels from other choirs also followed him in his rebellion. It is revealed that Lucifer was meant to be apart of the Seven Archangels as well, however, since his fall he was replaced by Camael. 
Disclaimer here that I understand that Fandom Wiki isn't THE BEST resource, but we're also talking about a fictional story that loosely references actual scripture, so I think it's valid enough, heh.
But I bring this point up because Peter links it to Metatron mentioning the "Prince of Heaven" falling, as Gabriel as being "another" one. "Another one" what?? We have to assume that Metatron means another "Supreme Archangel" as holding the title of "Prince of Heaven", meaning Gabriel was NOT the first and only Supreme Archangel. I don't think Metatron is referencing Lucifer here. In fact, they deliberately avoid saying a name. We just ASSUME that it was Lucifer because that's the "common knowledge".
If GO is going to reference the theory that Lucifer actually fell BEFORE becoming an Archangel, then that means in my theory Crowley became his replacement of the Original Seven. And given that he was possibly the One (and only angel, in my above theory) Who Sees God, he was in-turn given the position of Supreme Archangel, charged with creating, again, God's Vision of the Universe.
I think having Crowley be the one who witnesses Gabriel's Trial is important if we're going on the theory that they are mirrors of each other in S2. What if:
Crowley ALSO had a similar Trial when he questioned God (or the other Archangels) about "what's the point of" the destruction of the universe, then subsequently saying "nah" to having Armageddon 6,000 years before the events of S1?;
In said Trial, Gabriel was a presiding member, and, given that we know his prior cruelty from S1, he voted on Camael being cast out in a vicious and cruel fashion "for betraying God". Thus, his eyes burnt and forever scarred to prevent him from ever seeing God again, had his name and memories removed from the Book of Life, and sent to on a one way trip to Hell. I speculate this because Trial-Gabriel certainly believe he was going to "Fall" that way. I'd also wager Camael/Crowley was the last angel to ever "properly" Fall, which is why the modern angels still think that they do it this way, rather than the way they planned for Gabriel. I realize that this point DOES contradict my theory about the other missing Archangels quietly being erased and reassigned, but perhaps BECAUSE Gabriel is SO High up the chain, they HAD no choice but to make an example of him. Perhaps Metatron just quietly deleted the other Archangels' original names without anyone's knowledge.
We now know from S2 that regardless of an angel's status, the angels will veto against anyone who goes against their interpretation of The Great Plan. We now also know that the "Supreme Archangel" is also a "title only" job that has benefits only if you're going to go with the Majority Vote. And if you don't, they're going to make an example out of you.
And I reckon Camael/Crowley, just like Gabriel after, tried to "go his own way" (as quoted by the Metatron) and got banished for it.
Aziraphale really now has himself in a pickle, and I suspect that he will figure ALL of this out when he gets there.
And finally because this is the "Sevens" section of this meta, I also want to mention these "a-bit-reaching-but-still-plausible-theories" that I came across while I was researching:
This tweet speculates that Gabe is morse coding "7"
Michael tweeted 7 dots after S2 aired
While this theory doesn't outright bust the Raphael Theory (since there are some similarities with Crowley and Raphael within the theory), as well as the "he was Lucifer" theory (which I also really like, but Crowley mentioned in S1 he was "hanging out with Lucifer and the guys" before he fell, so... I'm more apt to not really run with this theory). BUT it does tie up a lot more things, and it connects things better than the Raphael one does, in my humble opinion.
The TL;DR of this entire post is this:
I think Crowley was an Archangel, that is the only CERTAIN thing I feel.
I think he was Camael, The One (and only angel) Who (Literally) Sees God. He was the First Supreme Archangel who created God's Vision of the Universe.
I think that Camael questioned the Council of Angels why they need to destroy beauty that God created. It didn't make sense to him.
They told him about Armageddon (the S1 one). As the angel of war, and as the Supreme Archangel who had final say, he said "nah". And he tried "to go his own way" to avoid Armageddon.
The Council and Metatron did not like this, saw it as blaspheming against God. Camael then had a Trial similar to Gabriel's.
I think this all happened shortly after the war that sent down Lucifer and the other rebelling Angels, so Heaven was still VERY tetchy about anyone who questioned God and The Great Plan. Because Camael was a Supreme Archangel, the original Prince of Heaven, this was seen as SEVERE betrayal of the Council. For the record, I think the "Before the Beginning" sequence takes place AFTER the War that created Hell.
My belief about the Book of Life is that its ACTUAL purpose is to remove people from being remembered, which is far worse of an existence for someone banished. A metaphorical interpretation of "removed from existence" simply could mean "and everyone forgot about you", à la It's a Wonderful Life, a movie that references "angels getting their wings".
Camael was sentenced in a way that would make an example of him to other angels to remind them of their place: He was cast out of Heaven, his angelic name erased from the Book of Life which caused his other Council Members at the time to forget him, and for him to have foggy memories in turn, although he KNOWS he was an angel (perhaps as a side effect of being cast out the traditional way, you are forced to remember that you once lived in Heaven). His eyes were burnt out to quite literally leave an unremovable scar so he could no longer "see" God and their vision, which explains why Crowley cannot ever change his eyes regardless of how he presents himself. He has to hide them away.
I think Crowley was the last angel to be cast out in this way. BUT because his ANGEL name was erased, none of the remaining Original Council angels (Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel) recognize him. I suspect Sarqael remembers him because she was NOT an Archangel at the time since she was not one of the Original Seven Archangels.
I also suspect that there are purposely missing Archangels for a reason, and the fact that only 4 rather than 7 seemingly run things symbolizes the problems in Heaven and that God has not been in charge for a long time. I think those missing 3 or 4 are actually Scriveners, who were quietly sentenced and erased by the Metatron, hence why Gabriel thought that he was going to be cast out like his predecessor. But because Gabriel WAS a Supreme Archangel, he HAD to be made an example of, just as Crowley before.
"Supreme Archangel" is a Title-Only job, and if you go against the Council, you are indeed made an example of. I think this is purposeful setup for S3 to show that Azzie is in DEEP shit.
I still want to expand upon my Angel Theory section from my S2 Meta, but for now, I am so pleased with how this turned out, and I hope you've enjoyed this Deep Dive into another Archangel Theory. I had a lot of fun with this one; I like learning about supernatural things, it's always interesting.
I am interested in others' thoughts on this theory, especially if your memory of your religious education is a bit better than mine! Feel free to expand upon this more, because I am an interactive blog, so it will be added to the post! <3
I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading!
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tarakaybee · 9 days
I Was Right (Oxventure Wyrdwood Thoughts)
In the past on this extremely low follower blog of mine, I've talked about how I liked Oxventure for the first few sessions before it deteriorated into unstructured nonsense with no emotional stakes, no story, and no interesting gameplay and I stopped watching after they started to become repetitive, derivative, uninspired and a lot of other mean words. The reason that I fixated on its problems is because I genuinely thought everybody involved was extremely talented, I could vividly imagine a slightly better version that I would've loved, if only they had greater ambitions than just doing gags for six years like they were writing The Beano. I've been thinking on this a lot, but I remember that I quickly emotionally connected with the five player characters in the early campaign and some of the early NPCs, and my villain origin story for my many frustrations with Oxventure was that I felt embarrassed for emotionally investing myself when the campaign progressed and it became clear that there were never going to be any emotional consequences for anything.
I think everybody should play D&D the way that they find fun, even if, no especially if it's a campaign that is being filmed and broadcast, but it irked me that they never engaged with a lot of the fun parts of the game, which are fun and designed specifically to be fun. I'm trying to not sound like I'm gatekeeping, I sincerely believe that they simply never read the books in any amount of detail and never became aware of the interesting parts and would've enjoyed it if they did, because I just don't see how you can be a fan of a game system if you have to remove more than half of the rules to enjoy yourself. I've long held the suspicion that when they started playing they were instructed by Johnny to not worry about understanding all of the rules right away, and the players held the belief for years that the rules were extremely complicated, when they continued to not learn them. Mike in particular makes jokes about how he doesn't understand the rules, like in the lead-up to Orbpocalypse Saga where Johnny explained what spell slots were, Mike made a joke about how the explanation would take several hours because it was so complicated despite the fact that it's literally just a few rows of boxes that you tick off when you spend them, the Paper Mario games have a more complex magic resource system than that and Mike is supposed to be a games journalist.
After not watching the main campaign for several years, I decided to give Oxventure Deadlands a try, and I was surprised that Andy ran a campaign where he was willing to say no sometimes, and sticks to a consistent emotional tone without sacrificing the all-important comedy, and I said on this very blog that if Johnny were to run a campaign in this style where the players were willing to take things seriously that would be absolutely perfect, because Johnny has established their strong storytelling chops in basically every way possible other than during Oxventure Prime.
And I was right!
They were all capable of the kind of D&D campaign I wanted to see, and thought would be more deep and enriching than just going for the cheapest gags every time, they decided to take that leap and Johnny just casually, offhandedly created one of the all-time best campaign settings in episode one of a new campaign. Oxventure Wyrdwood, based on only one episode is absolutely brilliant and everything I've wanted out of Oxventure for the past six years, the first time Johnny actually wrote a story in earnest it was so creative, so inspired, so rich with lore, and unlike some seasons of Dimension 20, they did it in a way that was concise.
All the players are great too:
Luke Dob was a seminal moment for me in my experience of the D&D hobby, the simple combination of half-orc and bard was such a brilliant combination that it inspired a five year long campaign in which I played a character inspired by that same combination. Happen is a very fun concept, I always love it when a player mixes and matches classes and backgrounds, Acolyte is an interesting background for a Ranger that gives Happen a lot of fun depth, and I enjoy the Cadence Dice system so far.
Jane I knew that Jane was going to go for the logical opposite of Prudence, I definitely called that Jane would be a Life Domain Cleric months and months ago. What I liked about Willowfine from the offset is that Jane doesn't play her superficially, she isn't just a healer, she is actually, genuinely kind, her first healing action being to save one of the episode's antagonists was a brilliant tone setting moment for the character and the campaign as a whole.
Ellen Like Jane, Ellen made a brilliant choice of playing against type for herself, but I really like that Ellen's way of playing an extremely selfish character is distinct from the way Jane did and has some obvious nuance to it. Prudence was obsessed with violence and evil magic and generally likes amusing herself, whereas Cressida seems to be more interested in her image and personal pride. Related, I don't think I would've called Prudence actually evil, she didn't do that many obviously selfish things when compared to say, Corazon, she was basically just a dramatic goth who likes the aesthetic of evil. In contrast, Cressida has a selfish motivation that is easier to accurately roleplay without becoming a liability to the party.
Andy It was very obvious that there was some secret gimmick to the way Andy was going to go about things and the way things turned out intrigues me greatly. He was the player that surprised me the most, I love the idea that Robin genuinely has a commoner's stat block until the evil side takes over. Aberrant Mind is a fun subclass, and it looks as though he gained Cure Wounds from his Magic Initiate subclass to fit into the witch aesthetic a little more.
Mike With Mike, this is where my one nitpick lies, I don't think Mike is the best roleplayer of the bunch. The fact that Mike doesn't understand extremely basic parts of the rules at this point has long stopped being funny and genuinely just reflects poorly on him. Why does he still not know how proficiency and attack modifiers work? It's literally a sum consisting of adding two single-digit numbers together, and it's a sum that you're supposed to write on your character sheet before playing to eliminate the brainwork of doing it mid-session. And if doing two minutes of homework to prepare your character sheet before playing a two-hour game of D&D is too much, why doesn't he just use D&D Beyond which adds the two numbers together for you? That's exactly how I learned it, and also the fact that I just read the rules recreationally because I thought that they were fun.
I was surprised that he read what Rage actually does, but then Mike gets confused when Johnny doesn't do the maths to half incoming damage for him, despite the fact that it's not Johnny's job to use Mike's character abilities for him. To put this as nicely as possible, I knew Mike was going to choose Barbarian because if you don't like the game system as Mike seems not to, you at least don't have to interact with it much if you choose the class with the fewest abilities possible. Mike seemed to shine the best in Blades in the Dark, which seems to be designed to have as few rolls as reasonably possible.
Roleplay-wise, I think Mike portrayed Lug as different enough from Egbert that I was happy with the character in concept, but like with his other characters, there is no second layer below the obvious quirks that are on the surface like everybody else demonstrated.
Johnny Johnny was always my biggest problem with Oxventure Prime, I found their DM philosophy and storytelling choices completely mystifying. Why when Luke established that Dob was looking for his sister did this plot get resolved offscreen by an NPC? Why when Andy said he was searching for a pirate treasure did Johnny forget about this plot for two real years and have Corazon find the bulk of it offscreen between episodes? Why did Johnny not write a plot or do any worldbuilding the entire first campaign when not having anything set in stone created massive problems in the final story arc when their farewell tour gets cut short because the players can't remember more than one notable location and only two NPCs? Why did Johnny constantly ask the players to roll for things that were not optional, and then when the player rolls low, just ignoring the result and saying they passed?
In this campaign, with a mere few months of doing actual legwork, in Oxventure Wyrdwood, Johnny crafted a beautiful, immersive and unique story setting. In the first boss fight at the end of the first session, the monster was consistently doing enough damage that it could have killed everybody other than Lug in one hit if they didn't fight smart, and fight smart they did, it made perfect sense for the monster to quickly go down when the other members of the Folkmoot arrived. There were a couple of rules-aberrations, but my problem isn't getting rules wrong, it's not using game mechanics and everybody was definitely engaging more with the gameplay and not treating it like an unwanted obligation this time I feel.
In addition, I love the "Magic Will Have Its Due" mechanic, it's not just cool sounding words that Johnny plastered over the marketing, it's an intrinsic part of the story, and therefore an intrinsic part of the gameplay. This is probably one of the only ways you could outright play anything resembling a horror campaign in D&D, where there isn't so much a consistent looming threat and the stakes take a different form. The main horror module in 5E, Curse of Strahd, is a very well designed story and game experiences, but the horror aspect pretty much doesn't exist in the gameplay after the players level up a few times.
I was cautiously optimistic before this first session, but now I'm actively excited in a way that I haven't been since Critical Role campaign two. I desperately hope this quality remains consistent throughout the remainder of this story. Also, I'm glad the episodes have proper titles and not things like "Water Wonderful World" or whatever.
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silviakundera · 2 months
aug objective: actually finish Meng Xi Shi's Fourteenth Year of Chenghua
I've started and stopped it twice before, but that was due to the english translation not being complete at the time.
Starting over from the beginning and I forgot how much I enjoyed him adopting the lil 8 year old to be his sister and them actually becoming like real siblings ❤❤ and then badass Brocade Guard boss basically moves him in and wifes him up without him noticing. I love how clear it is that the 3 of them have a richer, happier life together as a family. It's not dramatic & angsty, it's just subtle undertones cushioning the plot - just them becoming a warm & safe home for each other.
I also enjoy all the ancient china crime solving. A classic mystery fan, I grew up on Agatha Christie. After reading half-way the last time, I went looking a translation of The Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee (and then got sucked into late Qing/Republican true crime Murders of Old China by Paul French).
Random highlighted passages so far...
[Tang Fan finds himself in possession of an 8 year old]
“Can you take me in, Sir Tang? I’ll be really hardworking, and not give you any trouble. I don’t want to go to Nanjing, I don’t know the Young Lord that well!”
Tang Fan didn’t know how to react. “You being willing to come cook is fine by me, but the question is: will Young Lord Li be willing to let you go?”
Hearing that his tone had relaxed, she suddenly got excited. “He will, he will! I heard the steward say that the house has too many people in it right now, and they won’t need so many later on. Isn’t that them being eager to lose a few? I eat a lot and don’t work that much, so they would definitely be willing to let me go and wreck someone else’s house!”
“…” Is it really good for you to be that frank?
Ah-Dong stuck out her tongue. “I misspoke, I misspoke! Me being too happy is all to blame. Don’t take it to heart at all, I’m actually great! Just pretend that you didn’t hear what I said right then!”
[Tang Fan finds himself on a date (without knowing he's on a date) and then moved into his date's house. Sui Zhao is efficient like that.]
He took a long detour, and when he leisurely got back home, he discovered that someone was already standing at his gate — wasn’t that Centarch Sui?
“If I had known before that you would be here so early, I would have come back first thing so that you wouldn’t be standing in wait at the entrance!” Tang Fan promptly sped up towards him, an apologetic smile on his face. “It’s no problem,” Sui Zhou answered.
Tang Fan found that he was also carrying some food.
“My home is far from yours, so I’ll just stay with you for tonight. Do you mind?”
“Ah? I don’t mind, I don’t mind! My break is tomorrow, so we can talk through the night by candlelight!”
Mister Tang lived the legendary bachelor life to its entirety. ... “Where did you buy this crispy tofu? And why is it so delicious?” he wondered. “I had some ingredients at home,” Sui Zhou answered concisely. “You can cook?” Mister Tang was wholly shocked. Sui Zhou gave a rare hook of the lips, saying nothing. A few breaths later, Tang Fan was still soaking in his shocked emotions. “Brother Guangchuan, you can actually cook? That’s really, really, really…” He ‘really’ed for half the day, but didn’t get out what the ‘really’ was about. Then, a rapid knock echoed in from outside the door. “That’s really too amazing!” Tang Fan took in a deep breath. ...
“Since you’re in such contradiction with the Li’s, what are you going to do about housing?”
Tang Fan hadn’t told him the thing about him currently looking for board everywhere, but he still took note of it. His meticulous mind was apparent.
“The capital is big, and there’s a lot of rooms. I’ll likely be able to find some.”
Sui Zhou thought about this for a moment. “If you want, you can come live with me.”
Tang Fan was taken aback. “Is… that alright? Wouldn’t your wife be upset?”
“I haven’t yet taken a wife,” Sui Zhou replied coldly.
“There has to be someone like a wife, right…?”
Sui Zhou was not pleased. “I haven’t accepted any concubines, nor slipshod maidservants.
Before Tang Fan could ask anything else, he proceeded to say, “My parents live with my eldest brother. I moved out on my own. Don’t worry about that.”
With all that said, since the other was inviting him there in good faith, it would be poor of Tang Fan to decline again. He ended up clasping his hands together, saying with sincerity, “I’ll bother you for now, then, Brother Guangchuan!”
[Sui Zhao continues marrying in Tang Fan]
" Furthermore,” he paused to look at Tang Fan, icy expression finally suffused with a trace of helplessness, “you’re a Dynasty-ordained official that’s run off to write an anonymous book like that. If that gets out, your reputation likely won’t be kept.”
Tang Fan chuckled. “What’s wrong with doing it? It’s not just me, but a lot of people in Court that do this, too. No one can tell who’s who with pen names, anyways. How could somebody support their family otherwise? Relying on salary alone? If they don’t want to be corrupt, they can only take a different approach..."
“I have a salary.”
Tang Fan just kept going. “Wouldn’t you say so, Guangchuan… eh? What’d you say?”
“I have a salary. No need to worry.”
...Hearing what he said, Tang Fan was stunned for a while, after which he started to laugh wildly. He ended up having to support himself on Sui Zhou’s shoulder in order to keep steady, rubbing his own stomach in pain. “Ouch… well, then, us siblings will depend on you from now on, Centarch Sui. Once I use up all my salary, you’ll have to help me out!” “Mn.” Tang Fan still couldn’t resist wanting to laugh, but he was a bit touched, as well. He knew that not everyone was capable of making the man say stuff like this. //
“Today is a family banquet, second brother. The Old Madam said not to bring outsiders, so why did you bring someone we don’t know? There’s women here, too! He’s not even someone close enough to be considered family! You’re really being too careless!”
The speaker was the wife of Sui Zhou’s older brother, Lady Jiao.
... As soon as she was done, [Sui Zhou] gave her an indifferent answer: “From now on, he’s to be considered family.”
Those words were so authoritarian, no one could say anything for a moment. They all stared at Sui Zhou.
// “How would Ah-Dong be able to hold you back?” he asked. “From now on, after you get your salary of grains and cash from your paper money, hand half of it over to me. I’ll safeguard it for you. If you ever need to spend more after using up what you have on hand, you’ll need to justify that to me first. You can use it only after I agree to it.”
Sui Zhou had never been fond of meddling in others’ business. Almost all of said business that he had cared about in this lifetime had come from Tang Fan’s head.
It was fortunate that they had the kind of relationship they had. If someone else had been ordered to do this, they would feel it difficult to understand, and might even turn hostile. Someone like Mister Tang, who was different from the average person, just nodded with delight. “That’s great! With you stopping me, I won’t spend so recklessly!”
From that point on, Millarch Sui not only had a heap of things to look after in the Northern Bastion Office, but also had to help Mister Tang manage his money when he returned home. He truly did wield total power, both foreignly and domestically — how very envy-inducing!
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thepowerisyouth · 7 months
Eh mental health is annoying. Buying & cooking cheap low-FODMAP diet is annoying. My best top note for now is I'm using this blog to practice writing. I need more practice in it. I only know business, accounting & economics stuff. Its stupid stuff. Theres too much actual fraud everywhere that its annoying
Also I use mobile so formatting sucks cause Nvidia GPUs, or Arch dont like tumblr site. Or tumblr site dont like tumbkr site
Also also I 100,000% support all my fellow ones-and-zeros and their identity. Everyone is welcome here.
Except transphobes/zionist/long list of others but you get it. I'll help harrass any of those types endlessly if someone wants to tag me, and bring me in on an argument like that friend you call for backup with fights
Im unhinged so who's to say exactly what will end up here but this is also a completely public blog to me friends, family, hell, even acquaintances i dont give a fuc.
Blog should be expected to be roughly as child-friendly as simpsons or bobs burgers. But also boring like a civics/economics lesson sometimes. Yay
I (and my husband) am ex mormon. Its a weird thing. Look into it if you havent recently. Realllllyyyy look into. Takes time to figure it all out in this fuckin fucked up world.
I just moved a year ago. Didnt watch the US stock market as much as I normally do. Had my first snowstorm 10 weeks ago, that was.. fun to handle while ill prepared. About 6 weeks ago I was hopping back on the market and notice its a huge tech bubble about to pop and all the conditions Ive been warned about my whole career imply this is not good. Just took a little more thinking & digging and I'm a little too confident to stop talking about it now.
(Oh I'm also care-free as fuc so I dont really read or desire to change past posts more than lil-nitpicks. More informative for the reader & myself-in-the-future-reading that way)
And I'm not kidding I do love feedback & questions. Its a very public blog tho so I get that part for sure.
If you search "life story" in my tags I had that pinned for a min Im just moving shit around rn
Being poor sucks. Will write more on that later.
First of all-- the exact timeline of an "economic shock" is literal insanity. Dont worry about the exact timing of any of this-- just know its doomed to happen soon.
Here are some effects I predict of this upcoming economic downturn
If anyone comes across any sources for these events that support my arguments please feel free to add in comments, reblogs, etc.
This concise list is mainly for my own reference, but it would be great to add to it if any one has something to add!
0.5. US Stock market collapse-- I have no desire to try and predict this one exactly. Too many conspiracies are actually correct about this big guy. Lets just say 7 US Tech stocks are worth 25% of the entire worlds market, roughly. "Too big to fail"-- I believe is the phrase
1. Corporate (slightly later will be residential by extension) real estate crisis: currently way too overvalued. Most of the houses, land, & urban corporate property we see could stand to decrease by about 60-90% from its current price.
2. Bankruptcy crisis: similar to the after-effects of the 70s inflation-- we can expect to see a huge wave of bankruptcies affecting a variety of business: from the micro-self employed; to the small business with leased buildings; to the largest corporations who commit massive accounting fraud & hope to escape accountability in time
3. Bank runs-- there is an extremely high overreliance on the Federal Reserve, who does not have good control over this situation. Once it becomes clear that there is a crisis (we call this a catalyst event)-- bank runs for physical cash are a surety. Hard to say how long a crisis like this might last. I should ask my siblings who lived near the SVB bank crisis hotspot (but those were rich fucks they do their "bank runs" over the phone)
3.5. Global currency collapse, which takes effect in every single local, state, & national economy at slightly different times. This means prices lower. Much lower. But takes time
4. Whatever the fuck the geopolitics is gonna do???. Its weird. You got Russia wanting to invade Europe? (Look at global economic forum 2024) Trump wants to let them. Biden wants to be an establishment corporate ass. North Korea has changed its #1 public enemy to South Korea (dont remember my source but it was a couple months ago). USA is stationing more troops in Taiwan, but probably only because of semiconductor technology?
The scope of our global financial woes are larger than can be explained in any of our lifetimes. Its much, much closer to pre-revolution France or the late 1920s. Big change is coming. Itll be soon
5. More to come
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louisisalarrie · 8 months
Hey! I’m the anon who asked how touring works. Thank you for such a great explanation! Really appreciate you taking the time.
I’m a Louis fan…wasn’t previously into 1D (am now!) but I found solo Louis first. Can I ask you what makes you so sure Louis is gay? I’m not challenging this in anyway…I guess I just wanted thoughts from someone who has been around all of this a lot longer. I saw the anon saying they read that Simon knew Louis was gay etc right from the start and you responded (beautifully, I might add) but do you really feel certain he is?
Like I say, I’m newer to all of this. I’m a Louis fan first and foremost and I honestly didn’t know about Larry until I got into Louis so this has blown my mind a little. I know there are various receipts about this and fans feel that Louis is loud at his shows but I’m just not sure!
Looking back at his early, early days when he got onto xfactor he seemed to be playing it ‘straight’ - had a girlfriend, ladding a lot with his mates. There are even reports from his school days saying he treated kids that were out at his school badly - I guess that could be part of him being confused and not accepting how he felt until he met Harry?
I’m so sorry if any of this comes across inappropriately. Your responses are always so great that I wanted to ask you…and thank you x
Hello angel!! Love to see you here and being curious on everything. I’ll pop in my two cents as well, but here are some excellent larry timelines and resources to, well, help with the whole reason we believe in larry.
Now, let’s get down to what I think from being here from the beginning.
I watched louis and Harry fall in love. Even from very early on, it is painfully obvious that they acted very differently around the other boys. The fond eyes at each other, the PDA, the full comfort at acting so domestic and touchy with each other that even I don’t look at and touch my bestie like that, and I’m a very touchy and affectionate person. So, heading down the rabbit hole, I’m gonna give you some really strong gifs for reference, and then tackle the louis notes you made. There are a heap of different larry resources on tumblr, so I won’t go through an insane amount, and just keep this concise.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Re your comment about louis playing it straight, him and Harry were immediately acting like a couple. I’ve had some lad friends, and they certainly don’t look at each other like the above, nor fake make out with each other, bc yikes, that would make you look gay, and why would he want his lads to think that? He was immediately thrown into the public eye, very quickly got a heap of fans, and wasn’t exactly keeping his guard up to make sure he didn’t look gay in front of a global audience. I’m sorry, I’ve just never seen him act like this with anyone except Harry. He jokes around with the other guys, sure, but if you go through those masterposts and videos, it’ll become very clear that he just couldn’t keep himself from Harry. Even during the video diaries and X factor, from the very beginning, he was touching Harry all the bloody time. Regardless if they weren’t blatantly kissing on camera (as advised not to), you can see the affection and how natural it looks. It just kinda happened. I just don’t see him acting like a lad during X factor as you said, and not sure where that idea came from, but I promise you that there’s a lot of proof of him being quite flamboyant and expressing himself in the manner of how many gay men do. That’s not me stereotyping, whatsoever, but the things he said and the way he acted with Harry, don’t line up with straight to me.
Now, I feel like if you’ve come into the Larry/1d world with Solo Louis being your first experience, this can all be super overwhelming and intimidating and very very strange hahaha, because he presents himself quite differently now (but the matching tattoos are still there xx) and you haven’t been here for all the stunts and the beginning of bbg and all that. Also, the Solo Louis fandom holds an overwhelming amount of people who are anti larry and therefore anti larries (including the person who took a poster to louis’ concert that said “larries mass extinction” on it… yikes), so you can often be fed a lot of misinformation. Whereas here in this beautiful community on tumblr, and even on Twitter, I never see any larries going out of their way to send horrible messages to antis. They really love coming into our inboxes though (god knows how many “you should unalive yourself”) messages I’ve received from antis since I’ve been a larrie), and actively telling us we’re trash, so they tend to try to make us look as horrible as possible, including, spreading misinformation about Louis.
Now, I don’t know where the receipts are about young louis treating gay kids horribly, so if you could provide them to me, I’d absolutely be happy to look into them and verify (to the best of my ability) if they’re real or not, but spoiler alert, I very much doubt they have any validity to them. We never knew louis when he was at school, so you’d have to just trust this person who’s saying louis is homophobic (which so many anti louis/anti larry fans do), but also, growing up in a place like Doncaster around that time, I imagine it was extremely taboo to be anything other than a straight laddy lad who played footy and had a gf.
If louis had figured out his sexuality prior to meeting Harry, and knew he was gay or maybe bi or at least curious, I highly doubt he would’ve come out in that space at that time of his life. Growing up gay is harddddd. Teenagers are so mean. And trying to fit in is important when you’re a kid just trying to figure everything out.
Now, not saying that louis did this, but in my experience, I watched a few kids who now have come out as gay pick on others in school who were out. Some of the bullying got really bloody bad, and it was all to just shut out their own feelings, and pushing away any ideas that they were anything but straight. It happens a lot, it’s insecurity, it’s feeling extremely uncomfortable with who you are, peer pressure, and maybe a family who would kick your ass if you came out to them. It’s a very hard thing to navigate.
Him having a gf at the time, Hannah, I explained about in a previous ask from an anon. You can find that on my page under #anon #answered and I think I may have tagged #hannah as well??? I probably did, but I wrote a timeline and big explanation as to what I believe happened there, and provided with proof. So jump in and have a squiz if you’re keen!
Also you didn’t come across as rude at all! You’re curious to know, and I’m here to help. xx let me know if I’ve not answered something or you want further clarification on anything, there’s a lot to cover here and I’m a bit sleepy but never hesitate to hit me up! Thanks babe!
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softguarnere · 1 year
hello! :) i'm working on a bob fanfiction right now, and i wanted to know if you had any tips for aspiring bob fanfic writers (or if you had talked about this before?) i'm especially curious what you have to say about balancing the historical accuracy of the story vs deviations from history, as well as how to weave an oc into the original plot of the show while still keeping the content fresh and (somewhat) original
oh! and also how you go about doing your research (if you do any)
your writing is a huge inspiration to me, so thanks so much!! i hope you have a good day :D
Hi Anon! I answered something similar here if you want to check that out
Aside from just going for it and having fun with it, I do have some thoughts (everybody act shocked), but I'll try to keep it concise 🤗
Balancing historical accuracy with fiction
First and foremost, I feel like it's helpful to point out that Stephen Ambrose made some mistakes in BOB. Not trying to disparage his name or anything, just to be clear! Several of the men (Speirs, Shifty) pointed out mistakes he made about them in the book.
Why am I mentioning this? Because I'm a historian and I'm annoying about it lol Because the historical narrative we're drawing our inspiration for fics from isn't a narrative that everyone agrees on -- then again, good luck finding one that people do, but I digress -- I think it gives some wiggle room for bending the story a bit to make it work for the narrative that we as writers are trying to create
Similarly, I feel like it's important to invoke the disclaimer that many of us put on our fics: these stories about fictional representations from a show (though it is based on real people and events)
In the end, we're all taking liberties with the narrative for the sake of our writing. Most people in the fandom probably won't bite your head off if you use plotlines that are alternate histories because most of us are doing them, too -- and a lot of writers here have some very cool ideas and plots with alternate histories that are really good reads!
At the end of the day, don't feel pressured to stick directly to the historical narrative. After all, we're writers -- having imagination is what we do
Weaving an OC into a well-known narrative
Oh boy. I'm not sure if there's a great way to answer this. Personally, I knew who my OC was, what her background, wants desires, etc. were, and then I just sort of . . . set her free into the story? There are moments directly from the show where I wove her in and made her a part of that scene, and then there are interactions and plotlines that I came up with myself.
Honestly, it probably depends on your plot and your character. No one really wants to read a re-write of BOB -- after all, that's why we're all out here writing fics with our own ideas and stories. However, if you feel that a certain scene would further your plot/advance your character, and that you can weave them into it, then go for it! It's all about how you write and what feels right to you for your story.
Have I abused some of my historian privileges during my time in this fandom? Perhaps 👀 But if you don't have university archival access, never fear! There are still lots of good ways to research
In terms of background, I found that reading the memoirs and biographies of the Easy Company men was really helpful when figuring out how to write them. It was also good for learning stories and experiences that did not make it into BOB. Watching interviews with them on YouTube and watching interviews with the actors was also extremely helpful for things like speech cadence, mannerisms, etc.
Definitely branch out, though! I was lucky in that I had to do some projects about WW2 around the time that I joined the fandom, so researching different aspects of the period was helpful for me when I started writing. Don't feel like you have to rush out and read every WW2 book or watch every documentary, but it can definitely help with learning different perspectives and experiences, as well as providing context.
If you ever want book recommendations, feel free to reach out! Especially if you need book recs about paratroopers in general, because I have a whole shelf space dedicated to those haha
Lastly, thank you so much for the lovely compliment, Anon -- and thank you for trusting me enough to reach out! 🥹 Feel free to reach out if you ever want to chat, and I look forward to reading what you write in the future 💕
(Other BOB writers feel free to add on!)
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stevie-petey · 27 days
Hello! I just wanted to start off by saying I LOVE your Come Home series and your writing with it. It has inspired me in so many ways, and in all honesty, I’ve enjoyed it more than I have actually watching Stranger Things! I cannot wait to see where you take the book, and how you navigate whatever comes with season 5!!!!
I was also wondering, how have you found so much success with this series on Tumblr, and do you have any tips for growing fics in general? It has gained so much popularity and I am so happy to see it because you totally deserve it, your hard work is paying off so good!
Have a great day or night,
Anon 🦋
hi dear !! first of all, thank you so much <333 i appreciate the kind words so much and i adore you for being so supportive :’)
long post ahead !!
as for how come home managed to become what it is now: i truthfully cant really say. it still amazes me that its so popular now, but even then i dont necessarily consider it “popular” in my head lmao shes just my lil story !!
i want to start off by saying i never intended for come home to become such a well loved fic. i uploaded the first chapter simply because i wanted to, i liked what i wrote and hoped someone would like it as well. never did i think “cool ok this fic will def become an overnight sensation”.
honestly, one day i was averaging maybe 60 notes per chapter and then the next day i was suddenly averaging 300-400. the fic quickly took off before i could even really process it, and i want to emphasize that this is rare !! so so so incredibly rare. i got lucky, thats all there really is to it :/ sometimes amazing stories dont get the recognition they deserve and sometimes they do. i have personally written fanfiction for 10 years now and i never once had a fic “blow up” how come home did.
i also want to say how fucking grateful that my story managed to find its own community and become this amazing thing. every day i cannot believe any of it is real and i genuinely love and adore each and every person who reblogs and recommends the fic.
what i CAN say is that tags help !! ive noticed some new authors dont know how to tag their fics, which can really diminish their reach. for tumblr, the first five tags are the most important. these are the ones that show up on dashboards !!! i think what also helped me was having a very clear and concise story structure with pretty frequent updates. im fortunate to be able to write and upload a lot faster than i probably should (it concerns many but i find it funny).
and lastly i also just think its super important to interact with everyone !! answer all the asks, reblog all the responses, reply to every comment. i firmly believe its the least i can do if someone has taken the time to read my story and found time to say a quick praise or simply tell me they laughed :)
at the end of the day, its a game of luck and perseverance if anything else, but the general creator rule of thumb is that you should never create something just for the notes/reblogs/praise. create for yourself, create because you WANT to !!! its a slippery slope keeping track of clicks and hit and whatever. i stopped keeping track of come homes own traction because i simply dont care enough to follow it. im happy where i am and i love how the story has grown :)
hope this helped a bit and that ya enjoyed my rambles <3
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randomstarmuffin · 2 months
AUgust Day 1: Canon Divergence
dunno how many of these i'll actually manage but yay to at least 1!
cross-posted to ao3 and i'm so sorry but i work in 5 hrs and haven't slept so i'm just going to leave the actually good tagging there, apologies
April 11, 9:48 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3
“Mr.… Swellow, right?”
“Uh. What am I, a Pokémon? Heh. Like, ‘Who’s that…’”
Well. Mia’s really off to a rocking start, here.
Mr. Grossberg’s correct, of course, in his little defendant’s lobby pep talk—she shouldn’t let the client see her like this, but she can’t help her frown or involuntarily biting her lip all the same. What the hell is a ‘pokey-mon’? Is that somehow relevant to the case? Did she miss something important in the court record, or–
“Er, you know what, never mind,” Doug Swellow says hurriedly, looking at her in concern—great, Mia, really great work, way to keep the client calm and assured. “I just meant, it’s actually Swallow, not Swellow. Like…huh, actually. Like the bird, I guess—just, the real one and not the ’mon, y’know?”
Mia…really doesn’t know. She’s also not sure if several of those words were even words.
“A-hem,” Grossberg coughs pointedly. “That aside, Mr. Swallow, rest assured, you’re in good hands.”
“Right,” Mia says, possibly a little too grateful for the save, “I promise, if you’re truly innocent, I will do everything I possibly can to save you!”
“Uhh,” Doug replies, leaning back as far as he can, “yeah, great. Would you mind, maybe, letting go of my jacket? Thanks.”
Right, right, right, it’s totally alright. Mr. Swellow—er, that is, Swallow—is the one on trial, and Mia’s got this. She knows what she has to do, and she can totally get through this and there’s no reason to be nervous at all. Once all’s said and done, she’ll be able to rest easy, she’ll be able to tell Diego he can rest easy, and Doug here will be able to rest easy, too…and preferably won’t be looking at her with such a clear questioning of the wisdom of his decision to agree to let her take over his defense from Mr. Grossberg anymore.
On the bright side, things can only go up from here.
April 11, 10:12 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2
Things go downhill very, very quickly.
It’s easy enough to answer the court’s first few questions: the defense is ready; the cause of death was poisoning; the motive, the “bad blood” between the parties involved, was, of course, Dahlia Hawthorne, the victim’s girlfriend and the defendant’s ex. Mia knows all that, even if it’s insulting to be treated like such a rookie she had to be asked the basics of the case at all—even more so that Winston “Rookie Killer” Payne was the one so smugly leading the discussion.
…Even more so, that, maybe, she really had been freaking out enough that some of the fundamental basics of court had fled her mind. Only for a moment, of course! But it still stings that Prosecutor Payne’s annoying needling actually helped her in any way.
Even then, it’s one thing to be treated like a rookie who doesn’t know the basics of the case (even if she had been furiously catching up on everything in the court record as the trial began). It’s another thing entirely for all of the evidence to stack up so quickly and concisely to implicate her client.
It’s another thing entirely to have to cross-examine her right off the bat.
As if that demure, crocodile grin wasn’t bad enough, the crocodile tears Dahlia Hawhorne hits the court with as soon as she steps on the stand are genuinely nauseating. Then again, maybe Mia’s the only one who thinks so—the judge and Prosecutor Payne are clearly charmed, and even Grossberg murmurs, “Poor girl,” from Mia’s side, despite the sharp elbow jab he receives in response.
In fairness, she would be, if Mia weren’t positive that not even an ounce of her so-sad sympathy-sculpting sorrow is sincere. If Mia weren’t sure that this woman is the one behind this whole thing, to begin with.
If Dahlia Hawthorne weren’t so clearly trying to get away with poisoning someone again.
Mia almost misses it, but someone scoffs as Hawthorne launches into her latest round of tearful, sobbing “testimony” (more accurately: accusation)—“I thought Dougie was better than this, how could he let his jealousy get the best of him, what did poor Feenie ever do to deserve this?!”—and when Mia surreptitiously glances askance to find the source, she finds the only other face in the room darkened with clear disdain rather than bleeding sympathy is her client’s.
So maybe there’s hope, then. Maybe despite having dated her in the past, Doug Swallow actually sees this megalomaniac for who she really is. It would certainly be a breath of fresh air, and it’s all the second wind she needs to reaffirm she has to prove this man’s innocence, however she can.
She’ll make sure he walks free, and she’ll make sure to get justice for the victim—for all of Hawthorne’s victims.
As for the cross-examination at hand…
Hawthorne sniffles piteously as she finally answers the question Payne had actually asked her: “We had dinner plans, so that’s why I went to Feenie’s place to meet up, and–! Oh, it’s too horrible!” She punctuates it with some more sobbing, but Mia isn’t deterred.
On the contrary, she calls, “Hold it! When you say ‘it’s too horrible,’ you’re referring to…?”
“F-finding his body, of course,” Hawthorne sobs, “he was just lying there, and, oh, poor Feenie–!”
“Witness,” Mia interrupts, “we are looking for facts with your testimony. We don’t need–”
“Ms. Fey, have a heart! Can’t you see the poor girl is in mourning? I can’t even imagine how hard this must all be for you, sweetie; please, take your time,” Payne cries.
Unfortunately, the judge all too readily agrees that she is, somehow, the one in the wrong here, and Mia is forced to try a slightly less aggressive approach.
“Urgh–! Okay. Fine. Then, Ms. Hawthorne, when you say you had dinner plans, when exactly were you supposed to meet?”
Altogether, it’s, to put it bluntly, a slog. Dancing around Hawthorne’s lies and the judge and Payne’s incessant gooey-eyed protectiveness of her is infuriating, but eventually, they can put together something of a timeline.
The problem is, Doug Swallow was witnessed exiting the victim’s building around 4 PM—and not just by Hawthorne, but corroborated by a bunch of Art Department students who knew the victim as well (not that he would have been hard to identify, considering his obnoxious sweater)—and Hawthorne herself claims to have entered it later at around 5:30, at which point other students heard her scream and someone eventually called 911 at exactly 5:34, which would seem to line up perfectly.
Hawthorne is vague about why she would have been hanging around the victim’s building at 4 if she wasn’t going to go in until later, but Mia isn’t able to press her about it very hard before His Honor stops her from “going too far” for something not particularly related to the case.
In any event, when Payne calls the defendant to the stand to testify himself, Mia meets his eyes and finds again a kinship to her own feelings about Hawthorne, and she can definitively state that the defense has no objections. Besides, Swallow is innocent.
All she has to do is prove it.
April 11, 12:17 AM District Court Courtroom No. 2
“Proving it” is proving difficult.
It’s news to Mia that they’d found the defendant’s fingerprints on the victim’s bottle of cold medicine—even when the judge calls for a 20 minute recess following the change of witness and this revelation, and she takes the opportunity to grill him about it, he just laughs humorlessly and sits heavily on the couch with his head in his hands, saying, “I’m fucked. She got me.”
She’s hoping getting back in the courtroom will make her client more forthcoming, but he clearly doesn’t want to tell them what actually happened.
“What’s the point?” Swallow asks, smiling bitterly. “No one would ever believe me.”
“Mr. Swallow,” Mia implores, or perhaps begs, with how desperate she feels, “I swear to you, I believe in you. I believe in your innocence, and I want to help prove it. But I can’t do that unless you tell me what happened. Please.”
He stares her down for a moment. “I really don’t think you’re going to like what I have to say.”
“That’s fine. I don’t have to like it, I just need to know what really happened. If—if you want me to get—the person who did this—and to get due justice for you and Mr. Wright, I need to know.”
Doug sighs. “That poor sucker. He never knew what hit him… Okay. Okay, fine. I’ll tell you, but…don’t blame me if you have to eat your words.”
Mia wishes she could say she wasn’t worried about it, but she has no idea what to expect. Indeed, she doesn’t expect what he tells them, but it’s not as bad as she feared. That doesn’t make it good, but…
“I called him out to talk—Phoenix Wright, I mean. We were supposed to meet at 2:45 PM after class behind the Pharmacology Building. I was there on time, but he never showed. I waited around for a while by myself, but eventually I figured he wasn’t coming and left. I…got worried, later, and…that’s why I went to his place. The medicine bottle…that…wasn’t my fault.”
Sure, there’s more than enough clearly wrong with that, but it’s also something to work with.
“What did you want to talk to him about?”
“Oh. I…well, to be honest, I wanted to warn him about Dahlia.”
“‘Warn’ him? How so?” Mia presses, hoping she doesn’t sound too eager.
“She’s…” he hesitates, eyeing the judge mistrustfully, “she’s not the person she seems like she is. There were…there were a couple of…thefts. In the labs, in the pharmacology department.”
“Thefts of what?” Mia prompts.
“…Deadly poison. Once the night before the incident, and once eight months ago.”
Eight months ago! Finally, finally.
Swallow continues, “I wanted to warn that guy—Mr. Wright—just in case. I was worried because…Dahlia had come to the lab both times. She was the only one who could have stolen it! I have no idea what she was doing with it, but…well. Rather, I had no idea. Now that it’s come to this, though…I feel like it’s pretty clear.”
Mia can barely hear the murmur of the gallery over the pounding in her own ears. Dahlia Hawthorne stole deadly poison from the pharmacology lab eight months ago. It’s exactly what she’s been waiting for.
Before she gets ahead of herself, she needs to make sure she gets everything she can out of this cross-examination, though.
The judge calls for order, and Mia takes a deep breath of her own.
“Then, Mr. Swallow,” she prompts, “when you say you were worried about the defendant and went looking for him at his place, you mean…?”
“Honestly, I didn’t expect the guy to end up dead! I just…when he told me he’d be there at the meeting time, he sounded pretty set on coming. I guess I was more worried Dahlia had gotten to him first—er, well, not like… Like, that she’d told him not to talk to me, y’know.”
“And when you arrived at Mr. Wright’s room, what happened?”
“I knocked, but no answer. His neighbor saw me in the hall and told me he’d tried to go out earlier but his cold had apparently gotten worse and he barely made it to the end of the hallway before some of the other students had to take him back.”
“Did they see Ms. Hawthorne?”
“I…didn’t ask, sorry. I should have. But, I kind of doubt it…”
“That’s okay,” Mia says. There’s only one last thing she really needs to follow up on, then. “Mr. Swallow. When you said the medicine bottle ‘wasn’t your fault,’ what did you mean by that?”
He lets out a heavy breath, like maybe he’s been expecting this all along. “Right. Well. That would be because…”
His hesitation lasts long enough Mia has to prompt, “Because?”
“Because,” Swallow sighs, “I didn’t end up seeing Phoenix Wright at all that day, but I did run into Dahlia Hawthorne.”
The judge has to call for order. When things have quieted down again, Mia has to reign in her own excitement. She’s so close. She can almost taste it.
“And when was that?” Mia asks, “What happened then?”
“It was while I was waiting for Mr. Wright. She passed by the Pharmacology Department…and ran into me, literally. She bumped into me—I thought because our umbrellas had been obscuring us from each other, and she’d had headphones on, but…”
“You don’t think that anymore?”
He laughs harshly. “Yeah, not really. She fell over when she bumped me, both our umbrellas went flying…and she dropped some other stuff she’d been carrying. Including a bottle of Coldkiller X…which I stupidly picked up for her. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was literally the whole reason she approached me in the first place.”
Prosecutor Payne sneers, “Hah! How convenient! Your Honor, the witness is clearly lying through his teeth to cover his tracks!”
Mia’s pretty sure Swallow mutters, “That’s what I was afraid of,” but she doesn’t have time for that.
She has to convince the judge that her client is telling the truth. And… She thumbs the corner of the newspaper clipping in her pocket. She has to find a way to connect this to Diego’s poisoning. She has to.
She is so, so close.
April 11, 2:59 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 3
She never gets close.
There just isn’t any evidence. She can’t prove Dahlia Hawthorne stole the poison from the lab, and all she has is Doug’s word that she was ever there at all. No surveillance cameras, no entry or exit logs, no nothing.
She can’t prove it.
She can, and does, however, prove Doug Swallow’s innocence. The words “Not Guilty” have never sounded so bitter. It’s a fluke, honestly. Most of the end of the trial is a blur. It turns out Swallow has an airtight alibi that somehow they’ve all missed. It turns out, by some miracle, Swallow never had the opportunity to take the specific poison that was used, that he was always with at least one other person in the lab, that—honestly, even if she only just proved it all, she barely remembers the specifics; it’s just, it doesn’t really matter.
It doesn’t matter, because Mia fails. She couldn’t prove she stabbed Valerie Hawthorne, she couldn’t prove she pressured Terry Fawles into taking poison to silence himself for her, and.
She can’t prove Dahlia Hawthorne murdered Phoenix Wright.
She still can’t prove Dahlia Hawthorne poisoned Diego.
The insidious tinkling of Hawthorne’s smug laughter chases Mia out of the courtroom. She was honestly ready to lay everything on the line just for a chance to bring Dahlia to justice, even a very, very slim one, but Mr. Grossberg had stopped her before she’d pressed hard enough to lose her badge entirely. He’d had a point, she supposes. If she loses her badge, she’s that much further from being able to do anything about any of this. If she loses her badge, she’s that much further from her original goal, from finding the man who ruined her mother and her village and bringing him to justice, too.
But it hurts.
Diego once told her a lawyer can only cry when it’s all over.
But fuck, she wants to cry. She wants to scream and bitch and moan and curse until her throat is raw, too, but she really, really wants to cry.
She won’t. He’s right. She still has work to do. But that doesn’t erase the want.
Still. Even if there’s a dark, heavy pit in her stomach, even if this is somehow nearly as bad as the worst day of her life, when she’d had to watch her first client die on the stand before her very eyes, she still has a duty to her current client.
She forces the brightest smile she can muster.
It might not be enough, but it’s something. She has to try. It can be the darkest hour, and she still has to try. She couldn’t live with herself otherwise.
“Congratulations, Mr. Swallow,” Mia manages, turning to him. Smiling.
“Yes, congratulations!” Grossberg agrees, clapping him lightly on the shoulder. Mia’s boss is undoubtedly faring better than she is, but she can tell he’s far from unphased. Still, she appreciates that he’s able to muster a little more enthusiasm—Doug deserves it from somewhere, at least, and it sure as hell isn’t going to get there from Mia.
“Thanks,” Swallow says. He smiles back, although Mia can tell he’s feeling a much more real sense of relief at his acquittal than she is. He winces a little, like maybe he can tell as well. “I’m…really sorry I didn’t have anything else to help prove it was her.”
“No, no, that’s… You have nothing to apologize for,” Mia replies honestly. “If anything, I really need to thank you. Even just knowing where the poison was from…that’s a great clue. Really.”
Swallow looks like maybe he can’t decide if she’s just being nice about that or not, but if he has doubts he doesn’t say anything about them.
Mr. Grossberg asks, “What will you do now?”
The question reminds Mia—she feels terrible she’d forgotten to even think about it, frankly. She gasps, “Shit—sorry, Mr. Swallow. But—I don’t think she’s going to just forget about this. You might still be in danger–”
“Ah,” Swallow says, not sounding particularly surprised, “yeah, I…was kinda thinking the same thing. Then again, if anything happens to me now, it seems like it’d be pretty obvious, so maybe… Well, either way, this is my last year. I graduate in a couple months. Maybe I’ll be a little extra paranoid during that time, but, hey, y’know. I got falsely accused of murder, and all. I don’t think my classmates will find it all that weird if I insist on taking a buddy with me everywhere.”
It’s not a terrible plan—it is, in fact, an exponentially better plan than anything Mia had come up with, which was a big fat nothing, because she’d been so clouded by her dark, bitter disappointment and rage that she’d let Dahlia Hawthorne get away again.
Grossberg seems to agree, for whatever that’s worth, because he says, “That sounds like a wise course of action, but still, be careful out there, my boy.”
Actually, Grossberg looks a little like he’s thinking about how he might need to watch his own back, too—which, in all fairness, is absolutely true.
“Yeah,” Doug agrees, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. “You too. You know…it’s a shame, really.”
“What is?” Mia asks. Which specific shame are we talking, here? There are oh-so-many to choose from.
Doug is looking at the doors to the courtroom like he hasn’t quite caught up with the fact he doesn’t have to go back into it yet. “It’s a shame about Phoenix Wright, I mean.”
“Oh,” Mia says, feeling stupid. Obviously. And it is a shame. She’s feeling keenly her own shame at not being able to catch his killer.
“Yeah. He must have—I mean, they spent so much time together, you know? He had to have known something else—maybe, if only you could ask him, you know? I mean, don’t get me wrong, the guy seemed like a total simp, but still. You can’t spend that much of your time with someone and never give anything away, right? Or pick up on something? He must have known something that could have helped prove it. Then again, I guess that’s probably why he’s, you know…”
“Y…yeah,” Mia says faintly.
Her mind is whirling, overloaded, her processing running slowly. She’s stuck on—if only you could ask him.
If only…there was a way…to ask someone…someone dead–
“Well,” Grossberg is saying regretfully, “if only that were possible, and we might not even need lawyers working court cases after all. Imagine, if you could just ask every victim about what happened. You’ll put us out of a job, Mr. Swallow!”
The two men laugh, albeit more than a little lackluster, not as if it’s something particularly funny per se but more like the only thing you can do about something so ridiculous, so idealistic, so impossible, is in fact to laugh at the mere suggestion of it.
Mia feels like laughing, too, but maybe not in the same way.
April 11, 4:56 PM RosAnzerusu Mia Fey’s Apartment
Mia doesn’t laugh until she’s safely home, and, importantly, alone.
She thinks she said goodbye to them both, at some point. She’s pretty sure they all went their separate ways, considering she’s definitely by herself, now. She’s also pretty sure Grossberg dropped her off at her apartment, not being subtle about doing it because he was worried about letting her walk or take the bus alone after what just happened. She hopes she thanked him. She appreciates it, and it’s not his fault she’s got something else on her mind. It won’t exactly be fun to go back to the office on Monday, but she doesn’t think it’ll be completely suffocating, either.
Still, she laughs.
It’s, frankly, a terrible idea.
The last time anyone tried it for this specific purpose, Mia’s mom fucking vanished into the ether because of how utterly terribly it went, leaving not only Mia but also her 10-years-younger sister to fend for themselves in the downright ravenous jungle of the power struggle vacuum she left behind for them.
Then again, last time, it had been to name the killer, not to find evidence to implicate an already known killer. So maybe not, technically, this specific purpose.
It’s still a bad idea. It’s still such a bad idea.
Mia doesn’t realize she’s picked up her phone until it’s already ringing, and by then it would be far more cruel to hang up first.
“Sis!” comes the phone-distorted young voice to prove her right in no time at all. “What’s up?! You never call on Fridays!”
Even just hearing Maya’s voice is enough to make things seem less bleak. Mia hadn’t realized she needed that right now.
Mia can’t help but chuckle, though she hopes it’s a little less manic than the kind of cackling she’d been doing as she slid down her apartment door as soon as it closed behind her. “Hey, Maya.”
“I– Oh, oops, hang on,” Maya says, and then, slightly muffled: “No, it’s fine, Aunt Morgan, it’s just Mia! Yeah, I– Yeah, I know, don’t worry!” and then once more in her normal voice: “So! Hi! What’s goin’ on?”
Well, if only that weren’t such a loaded question. “Just got home from a trial.”
“Oh, well, that’s pretty— Wait, what?! Like a trial in court?! I thought you didn’t want to do those anymore? You never mentioned you were going back! What gives?”
Mia can’t completely hold back her sigh. She can’t unload all of this on Maya, she’s still so young—only fourteen. Mia is the older one; she’s the only truly loving, reliable family Maya has left in the world. It’s too much of a burden to share with her. Which is exactly why Mia should never have even remotely entertained the idea in the first place, and why she definitely shouldn’t have called, and–
“Helloooo? Mia? You still there?”
“Yeah, I’m– I’m still here, Maya.” And then Mia stops there. And then Mia stops there and doesn’t continue because if she lets herself continue she’s going to say something stupid like: “Hey, Maya? How would you feel about coming for a visit? Maybe stay with me over the weekend, or…?”
Mia’s so busy refraining from smashing her face into her own door frame for her complete lack of self control, she almost doesn’t notice how unexpectedly lengthy the pause is before Maya replies.
She doesn’t have time to question it before Maya is saying, breathless and somehow both trepidatious and excited at the same time, “…You really mean it? Me come there? The whole weekend?!”
There’s too much jumbled around in Mia’s head to fully appreciate what it means that her sister doesn’t immediately believe she could really be inviting her over to her place. She can’t think about that, too. Not right now.
So she laughs a little (and no one can see her if it’s a bit helpless) and repeats, “Yes, Maya, the whole weekend. Unless you get sick of me, I guess.”
“No!” Maya shouts, maybe a little too quick and a little too loud. “No, I mean, that’s– Of course I wanna come! I just– I mean, I thought you’d be calling for a favor, or something. Haha.”
“Ah,” Mia says, wincing. “Well…”
“Oh,” Maya says, though she recovers her lighthearted tone much faster this time, “What, you need a housesitter or something, Sis? For shame, using your one and only little sister for manual child labor…”
“Ha-ha,” Mia replies flatly. “Not that kind of favor.”
In fact, if she can keep a hold of herself and her own better judgment, she might not ask any kind of favor at all. That’s what she knows she should do, at least.
Only…Diego. Only: Mr. Fawles, and Valerie Hawthorne, and Mr. Wright.
“Oh yeah? What kind of favor, then?”
Mia should just let it go. In all likelihood, he won’t react well to the whole thing, anyway. In all likelihood, he won’t be able to give a coherent answer, he’ll freak out, he’ll want nothing to do with them, he’ll—any number of things. A million ways it could all go very, very wrong. Not to mention—bringing Maya here? Now? Right after she challenged Dahlia Hawthorne again in such a direct way?
Mia would never forgive herself if she got her sister involved in something dangerous—and, well. This particular thing already has at least four bodies in its wake—three cold, one warm but unmoving.
Mia can’t do this. She can’t–
She can’t. She can’t let her go. What will she do when the next victim appears? When she could have tried something more to stop her?
“Well…” How to say this. In the end, Mia decides: “There’s someone I’d like you to meet, if you’re willing, Maya.”
And Maya answers, “Oh yeah? Sounds easy! Are they cool?”
“You know? I have no idea.”
“Huh? You mean it’s not someone you know?”
“Not really,” Mia laughs, “no. Want to find out together?”
“I,” says Maya, “have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, but do you even have to ask? Of course! Which train do I take?”
If Mia were smart, if she were responsible, she’d call the whole thing off now.
So of course, Mia asks, “When’s the next one leave?”
And honestly, it might all be worth it just to hear Maya’s delighted laugh in response and to know, if nothing else, at least she’ll get to see her sister’s bright face soon.
It might.
Hopefully, she’s right to wager that it will be.
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youngster-monster · 1 year
real talk you WOULD be a really good writer for blizzard theres more conciseness in your fics than there is in the actual official lore, i spent like 2 hours one time trying to figure out how old illidan was and i STILL cant get a clear answer
i actually hadnt watched wc3, but since you mentioned it i thought i might finally get around to watching it because Why Not and .. no yeah you were right kael is so obsessed with him there. he is so funny for that
i cant play ffxiv because i fear what the double mount collecting opportunities will do to my brain as if itll like turn me into a shrimp or something. mmorpgs are crazy dangerous forreal
also the best part about recent content- or like. recent...ish... it was in shadowlands and now we're in dragonflight and i still dont know whats happening but kael AND vashj showed up in shadowlands and they had BANTER!!!!! i was going absolutely nuts about it it was great. i miss them (can replay shadowlands at any time)
devastated that neither of them had a Massive role in shadowlands though. i remember prior to launch i found out they would both make an appearance and i just about went feral abt it but then they only really appeared in covenant campaign stuff.. and not even for the full campaigns.. and also only for like two of them... i will never get over this ever
oh illidan's age is really easy! he was already a few thousand years old during the war of the ancients so... that's not right... no he was a baby when... wait a minute... (checks notes) (increasingly frantic riffling of paper) yeah okay so he's anywhere between 10,001 year old and Old As Balls, hope that helps
that's very sweet of you to say though. my secret is that when i make a story choice i try to stick to it and make it work even when my understanding of the universe changes with time :)
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(@ blizzard's "rule of cool" i am COMING for you)
also bold take to call my fics 'concise'... i AM looking at a few thousand words of completely unrelated worldbuilding that i snuck into this soulmate au but thank you for the vote of confidence <3
i'm SO GLAD you gave w3 a try!!! it's my favorite warcraft content for many reasons (nostalgia and 'best and only correct kael characterization ever' first and foremost) and it's SO funny like kael truly abandoned kin and country to go on a gay vacation to space mojave with some hunk he found in a ditch. iconic.
(also arthas' arrival to lordaeron is branded permanently into my brain, kid me was so in love with his undead ass it's not even funny)
you should play ffxiv tho... it will absolutely turn you into a shrimp but in a good way. you would not BELIEVE the amount of elves they're hiding in there. also the free trial including-- (i am dragged offstage by a comically long hook)
KAEL AND VASHJ BANTER.... god that's the dream. #1 item on my wow wishlist at all times. rare blizz w for that one now release more kael and vashj content PLEASE
they had to shove illidan in space forever because my level of normalcy about the whole thing would have risen to truly unsafe levels if they had had even the SLIGHTEST Possibility of interacting post-legion
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fickleminder · 2 years
In response to your post about your writing...
Forgive the essay, but you're one of the best writers I've seen on this platform. My favorite is probably "the years start coming and they don't stop coming"; it never gets old. I also LOVE "The Sphynx" and "Dirty Pop(sicles)" (but that last one... lmao).
I think the way you write is typically clear, concise, and interesting. You do a good job at varying sentence length and structure, and you use a wide range of vocab to avoid repetition. These things also give the MC a relatable personality and convey their emotions in a subtle way (not to mention the fact that they can be downright hilarious). "Actions speak louder than words" is always a hallmark of good writing, and I'd say you nail that most of the time.
One thing about fanfiction is that you don't have many opportunities to describe things without relaying something your reader already knows. But this is arguably good practice; in general you don't want to stop time to give a full description of an environment unless the character is in awe and observing it all in detail themselves (even then, keep it brief).
Personally, I like your character- and plot-centric approach; truthfully, the details of the setting and what someone's wearing aren't important to the reader... unless, of course, they are.
Some might disapprove of your "abrupt" transitions, but I think it works really well for you. The way you introduce the next part usually makes it easy to pick up and avoids being repetitive, so I don't see it as a problem (quite the opposite, actually).
In short, you do a great job! Do you write/plan on writing formally at all, or is it just a hobby for you?
I had to lie down and reboot my brain a few times before even thinking about how to reply this. This is such a motivating thing to read first thing in the morning, holy shit.
Thank you. Thank you so much. I’m going to print this essay and hang it on my wall.
I feel like I struggle with “show don’t tell” a lot, which leads to the balancing act between elaborating/describing and not over-explaining/stating the obvious. I’ve written plots too vaguely before, and I always have to remind myself that plot twists readers can see coming (or at least don’t come completely out of nowhere) are actually a good thing 😅
I’ll keep your encouragement in mind Anon! And to answer your question, writing’s just a hobby for me. It’s something I want to keep absolutely stress-free, so I don’t do those “write x words a day” stuff or monthly challenges. Kudos to the writers who do though, I have mad respect for them 🫡
I can’t say this enough, but thank you again. I’ll let you in on something: I’m actually in the middle of commissioning an artist for an illustration of a scene in The Sphinx. Since you enjoyed that piece (I had a lot of fun writing it too even though xOC fics generally aren’t popular), I hope you’ll look forward to it when it’s finally done.
Have a great rest of the week Anon 💕💕💕💕
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dcbicki · 2 years
sorry if you’ve already answered this, but what characters do you think will die in st s5?
I've talked about it at length on Twitter (even before S4 came out) and honestly I can't see a single death among the regular cast. And I can see people disagreeing but, to me, it's just not that kind of story and never has been.
I mean:
El and Hopper are most likely safe because they've "died" before and it wouldn't feel genuine, and Max isn't going to die again when there are only 8 hours left and she's already in a coma.
The Byers have been the main family the audience can empathize with since the beginning, and they're not going to kill off Joyce or her boys because it would break her. That said, Will is at risk because of the UP connection.
They've already said Mike is safe -- There are some characters you just can't touch. As much as people want to hate the kid for some reason, the Duffers love him and he's their surrogate. (Not to mention the cascade of shit it would cause.)
Lucas, Dustin, Erica, Nancy and Robin are all clear for one reason or another. The boys (and Erica) have plot armor because they're the 'kids'. Nancy is more than likely safe; she's been a driving force of the show since the start and I can't imagine her not making it through the final battle. Robin might be a possibility if she wasn't both the only out character and had not been around long enough to have a real impact. If anyone is going, it'd be a season/two-er.
Karen, Murray, Owens, etc. are all up on the chopping block tbh, but really the one main character who could bite the dust and (I say this light) shock the audience...
... is Steve. He's an original, had a great-to-middling arc, and he has connections to several characters. But he's not actually tied to them. We've never even met his family. He's technically disposable, and that sucks. But he's probably also safe because he has the advantage of being a/the fan favorite and even though the Duffers claim to never pander to fans, they do when it comes to Steve. That's why he's still around cracking jokes, being a full-fledged himbo.
Really... I don't think any of the key players can die. And this whole "gotta kill off people! there's no stakes! blahblahblah!" thing people go on and on about is just mind-boggling to me because, like, what show have they been watching? Those dudes love their own characters too much to kill them. They've proven that. It's why they bring in new meat. This isn't based on a book -- there are no deaths to check off a list. It's rooted in 80s coming-of-age movies and horror. How many of those end in actual tragedy? That's what it would be to kill off one of these characters.
So the problem isn't that they don't kill off enough characters or ones that have actual meaningful arcs. It's that they can't because their storylines are so intertwined that it would cause a whole chain reaction of sadness. This doesn't happen with most shows, etc: If you kill off the Love Interest to the Hero, it's not going to ricochet to every other character in the series.
Throw in the fact that there's a limited timeframe to do it in, which means the story has to be condensed and concise. Short and sweet. You kill Mike -- the glue of the show. I will keep repeating it -- and it affects his family, his friends, and Eleven. And if you send Eleven off the deep end, Hopper's arc gets tossed out the window too. This affects Joyce, then her boys, then Nancy, and no matter which order you put them in they all directly have an effect on each other. You can't have a bittersweet ending if any of these characters die -- The bitter has to do with either El's powers or Hawkins or these people who've all become family having to separate. Not death.
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void-dreaming · 1 year
Same Anon from before. Hey!
I noted that you weren't harassing anyone. However, multiple people have made similar posts to yours that have inevitably lead people to concluding it's okay to talk crap about people (even if you don't agree with that).
While it's not harassment per se, your post seems to be fomenting sharing controversial opinions to the point where you don't mind hurting people's feelings. Which... doesn't sound great in writing?
Also, your reply got me wondering about who you might be referring to as being harassed. Thinking back on it, the only person I can think of that matches that description is a now deactivated user under the name of Y**naremy, and while I DO believe that the situation got out of control, it's important to note that they'd been spewing out many, many extremely hurtful posts on their blog without providing any real evidence and had already been blamed for bullying, harassment, and even threatening in the past. They claimed that they left the site for mental health reasons, but then they started stalking and harassing the literal 15-year-old that had gotten them angry in the first place on Pinterest, a 15-year-old, mind you, that never insulted them once. They don't seem like a great person?
Of course, I could be wrong. That might not be who you're talking about.
Well, Anon, I am terribly sorry for what people chose to do in regards to those other posts, but I specified in my post that we should be able to respect each other's opinions on the matter without harassing each other, I don't really know what else you want me to do or say in that regard.
In regards to hurting feelings, I don't believe we should go without speaking our thoughts and opinions just because someone's feelings may be hurt, I don't particularly believe in holding back for someone else's comfort, nor do I expect others to do the same for me. I realize that will definitely make me someone people will dislike, but if I'm willing to hear people out (barring genuinely harmful things, thats a definitive "no"), I would expect the same grace extended to me. I understand that feelings may be hurt, but that doesn't mean we should be barred from sharing an opinion, even if it's a blunt opinion or worded bluntly.
As for the user, it's not them (I've never heard of that user actually.), but I'm uncertain if the user I was talking about is alright with being mentioned, so I'm holding off on mentioning them. I would, however, like to argue that it doesn't actually matter if I mention any one user, because it's a prevalent problem with every Fandom, it just so happens I was talking about a character in this fandom.
Again, I do appreciate your civility, Anon, and I would like to apologize again if my inadequate writing leaves a lot to be desired in the way of clear and concise expression of my thoughts and opinions, but I would also like to respectfully disagree with your points.
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