#and I know he’d act bad in purpose just to get t he punishment
bodega-catto · 8 months
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the giant hand?! ? I know Gojo’s asscheeks where red and bruised everyday from the spanking jesus
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angelgoeslewd · 1 year
Hello angel, i hope you're doing well and i hope you don't mind me making another request so soon. Could I request Wren or Landry (maybe both if you can) with an autistic PC who doesn't see social cues? Thank you
clemmmmmm <3 i finished it!! finally lol. i love writing for landry. need me some more of that man in my life.
and again, STOP MAKING ME SO OBSESSED W WREN WTF. i actually have yet to encounter him soooo
⚠️ warnings: slight references to spicy content
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this man is probably the least grimy creep in this town, despite, you know, being the one who is literally named ‘the criminal.’ he just cares about making a quick dime, is all. doesn’t mean he can’t have a heart while doing it.
so honestly, he’d be the first to watch out for you when he notices that you can’t pick up what others are laying down.
defensive, defensive, defensive. you have a permanent place at his bar, right near him, where he can listen to the convos you have and can swoop in at anytime. he’s the first to tell people off or explain to you straight up what people are implying.
someone offering to ‘take you home?’ tells ‘em to fuck off and never come back, which, considering he’s the cheapest bar in town, is a harder blow than it seem to be. you don’t understand why exactly he’s kicking someone out over a ride, but you trust him enough.
would probably still take advantage of it when it benefits him though. can subtly steer you in his favor when it comes to stolen goods and pawing them off to him. but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel sort of bad for it. he’ll make it up to you with treats and free drinks later. maybe something nicer to wear… you can’t be such an eyesore when he’s looking at you so much.
he doesn’t mind when you slip up socially. he’s a bartender. he’s seen a lot of people who act in all sorts of ways. it doesn’t really bother him when you interrupt him or can’t tell when you should stop asking so many questions. he takes it in stride. it does bother him when others get upset at you for it. they’ll being leaving with pockets much, much lighter.
he worries about you when he’s not there to watch over you. not that he would say anything about it, but he does try to keep you in the pub for as long as you can. definitely has managed to get you to sleep there a couple times. sharing one bed trope man
will NEVER let on what he actually does. god. it would give him a heart attack to think about you walking the town with that sort of knowledge on him. blissful ignorance.
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honestly, Wren would find it amusing. kinda shitty of him, but what do you expect. it brings a new sense of dark humor when you accidentally make someone mad or say something completely off topic with the assumption that it is.
kinda toxic about it, but like. in a shitty boyfriend kinda way? pokes fun at you for it but doesn’t stop you or correct you, teases you because it’s fun to see you blush and try to fix it. sure, it’s probably frustrating for you and he never lets it go too far, but… yeah. he finds it endearing.
purposely puts you in social situations and sits back. again, i feel like a lot of things he does is either for a) money, or b) his own amusement. makes bets with his men on how long it will take for people to get upset.
if you do get overwhelmed or scared though, he’s the first to step in and say that “your little misunderstanding can ALWAYS be corrected… isn’t that right?” Usually has the other person apologizing promptly. spoils you rotten for being his source of fun.
makes a sexy game out of it, but doesn’t tell you about it. anytime you can’t shut up, he’s kissing you until your lips bleed. too handsy in public? well, he’ll have to rectify your neediness right here and now. every time you push an question he can’t legally answer with out incriminating himself too far, well… what punishment are you getting tonight?
yeah, it’s hard to be a CRIMINAL with an S/O who doesn’t realize that maybeeee you shouldn’t be telling everyone what he’s up to, but that’s why you aren’t going anywhere. you’re leashed to his hip like a dog. so he can shut you up when he needs to without actually… you know. shutting you up forever.
his favorite thing to do is have you ruin all the pomp and grace Remy tries to have and make his face turn red in anger. strangely though, you can never be found when Remy actually wants to punish you for it though…
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clowncollectr · 2 years
Arknights - Won't you look at me? (Liang Xun / Lee) - Extra
Rating: T (this chapter), E / M (whole story)
Word Count: 1326 (this chapter), 11117 (whole story)
Summary: The person he’s spent his entire life looking at has finally noticed him and returned his feelings. A lifelong dream come true. Lee should have already been satisfied with just this. There was no need to monopolize his attention. But he still wanted it.
Notes: Just a little extra scene I wrote :D Once again, thank you for reading through to the end and let me know if you liked it! In case you didn't see the link in the first chapter, you should check out these memes I made about this story. They probably all make sense now lol.
AO3 Link
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Extra
Extra Chapter
Du Yaoye groaned as she felt the splash of another puddle beneath her boots. She can’t believe she’s wasting her time on something like this. Who the hell asks to run a delivery at this time anyway? It’s way before sunrise. It’s so cold up in these mountains at this time and the location of the delivery is so far away. She knows that this is her father’s way of giving her a light punishment, after he found out about her attempts to sabotage the Escort’s mission to get the goblet awhile back. But honestly, she would have preferred if he had just chewed her out and made her take some accountability. Instead, she’s doing this. Going to these random remote places to do menial tasks that hardly matter at all. These “missions” were offensively boring. But it’s not all bad at least. Last week she ran into that Lungmenite conman on one of these pointless errands, who’s a surprisingly friendly person. Speaking of that guy, she wonders how Lee is doing now. She had made him promise to keep her updated on his love life in exchange for helping him. It was a pretty ridiculous exchange they made, but she’s learned from experience that the guy is unusually open to humoring people.
She hasn’t heard back from him yet. Well, technically she had never given him a way to contact her. But she has ties to the Escort Bureau and a person like him shouldn’t have any trouble reaching out to her if he wanted. Maybe he struck out and had to go home broken-hearted. It’s too bad. She kind of wanted to know what type of person would even catch Lee’s eye. He’s a strange one for sure, and he didn’t strike her as the type to even bother with things like love. She sure as hell didn’t think he’d actually be self-conscious enough to care that much about what another person thought about him. People that dress and act like him. They’re way too carefree. And usually, it’s because they’re competent and independent enough that they can afford to be. Anyway, she should count her blessings that she’s probably on that guy’s good side now. Putting the thought aside, Du Yaoye kicked some stones off the path as she absentmindedly climbed one of Shangshu’s many mountains. As a local, she doesn’t really find the view too interesting.
Eventually, a voice in the distance catches her attention.
I’m starting to think that he might be doing this on purpose, Du Yaoye thinks as she walks forward, her suspicions being confirmed the closer she gets.
By some twist of fate, Lee is somehow on this mountain too. He might be moping around somewhere abandoned again after his other attempts at love didn’t go well either. If that’s the case, then Du Yaoye thinks that either the girl really isn’t interested in him or she’s oblivious enough that she’s probably a lost cause anyway. Of course, if she can hear Lee’s voice, it means he’s talking to someone. Maybe he did get lucky after all? Or he brought a friend with him to complain to this time. She softens her footsteps so that her walking is silent, intending to eavesdrop for a bit to see who Lee is talking to. It would be really risky to get a good look at them without being spotted by Lee himself, so she stays a safe distance away, hiding behind a large cleft in the mountain for good measure.
“It’s so damn early. What are you going to do if I fall asleep and start rolling down this mountain?”
“It can’t be helped. You’re leaving today. It’s best to do this kind of thing at a time like this when no one is around. The atmosphere is more peaceful that way.”
So the person Lee is talking to is a man. Maybe he did bring a friend along to complain to after all. But for some reason, Du thinks that they sound really familiar. It’s not someone she knows personally or she would’ve identified them by now. But it’s at least someone she’s talked to or someone notable enough for their voice to be familiar to her.
“Can’t argue with that. Even if a part of me wants to find a warm rock to sleep on.”
“Do you still want to keep heading up? I do think the view up there is better, but this is a fine place to rest as well.”
“Ugh, let’s just stay here. I’m too old for this kind of activity. My back is already killing me. Every step I take aches.”
“You…don’t be dramatic. You’re not that old. Your back only hurts because you don’t know your limits.”
Du Yaoye still can’t tell who this second person is. But whoever they are, they seem fairly close to Lee. She feels a little guilty, but she decides to listen in a bit longer, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.
“This coming from the culprit, hm? And I suppose that you were perfectly within your limits?”
“Thought so.”
“You know, it’s not like you made it any easier for me. What even gave you the idea to start dressing up every day the way you did?”
“Hah, curious about that? It was my own stupid idea. But I did get some advice from a friend.”
“A friend?”
“Yeah. She said she would help me win over my sweetheart.”
“Your sweetheart…”
Now that the topic’s changed to her, she definitely couldn’t reveal herself. And what were these two talking about earlier? Did Lee and his friend get into some sort of trouble recently resulting in Lee getting injured? Also is he finally going to talk about what happened with that person he likes? The questions just keep piling up. But one thing was for sure, morals be damned, she was going to keep listening. She’ll apologize to him later if she ends up hearing something she shouldn’t.
“Yes, well you see. My sweetheart was so busy running the city that he wouldn’t even eat dinner with me. So in a fit of desperation, I resorted to drastic measures. But even after that, he-”
“Enough. I get it, Lee. Please stop teasing me. I promise I’ll make it up to you the next time I visit Lungmen.”
“Well, it was my fault too for trying to be cute and surprising you. But if you’re offering to make amends, we should go to a really fancy restaurant in Lungmen and dress in those nice clothes I bought. I could even get us a private room for our table. Sounds fun, right?”
The pieces were all starting to fit together. Du Yaoye cautiously walked back down the mountain, now fairly afraid of what would happen if she actually did get caught. When she was a far enough distance that she was sure she wouldn’t be heard, she broke off into a sprint. She’s not sure what to do with the new information she’s learned. It had no real value to her. She’d be a moron to actually try to use it to gain leverage for herself or the Escort Bureau. Something tells her that making an enemy out of Lee and his lover would be a truly awful idea. But in terms of gossip, she feels like a bomb has just landed on her lap. Du decides that today, she’ll just make up some excuse to her father about why she couldn’t go up the mountain for the delivery. But worst of all, she can’t help but think about how she’s accidentally meddled with this relationship. Her outward appearance is her usual confident and tough looking self. But in her mind she thinks:
Lee…while I was giving advice and trying to comfort you…it was awfully convenient of you to leave out the fact that the person you were trying to impress was-
Mr. Liang, my city’s governor?!
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
request from anon: “Hi, can I request yandere alphabet for Kyojuro Rengoku 👉👈Thank you and have a good day Queen.”
pairing: yandere! kyojuro rengoku x fem reader
request status: OPENED
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A - Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
rengoku does not give a singular fuck who sees him when it comes to giving you affection! you’re in the public? you’ll be holding his hand, kissing your cheek when he feels like it, and if it’s that bad, he’ll do a quickie in the bathroom. 
B - Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
very messy! he doesn’t care. if he sees someone getting too close to you, he’ll make sure to get rid of them as soon as possible. he can’t let anyone get close to you. he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you’re by his side and that no one comes in between the two of you. 
C - Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
honestly, he’ll mock the hell out of them when he feels like it’s necessary. if you’re purposely doing things to annoy him or going out of your way to piss him off, he’ll make sure to remind you that you’re never leaving him. other than that, he’ll treat you like you’re a princess! you deserve everything in the world and he’ll give it to you if he feels like you deserve it. 
D - Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
despite from the sweet nature that he gives off, he will do ONE thing against your will and that’s to have kids. he needs to continue his family line and since Senjuro isn’t working to be a pillar anymore, he needs to make sure that someone continues that and it might have to be his kid. 
E - Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
rengoku, when he feels like the time is right, will bare everything to his darling. come on now, you’re gonna be his wife, right? it’s only right that you know what his baggage is! he doesn’t care if you judge him or not, when it comes to this sort of thing, he kinda wears his heart on his sleeve. 
F - Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
he would be kinda pissed. you’re supposed to be this perfect wife/darling and by you acting out, he doesn’t sit well with that. why can’t you be more like Sanemi’s wife? a perfect little darling that just sits there and waits for her husband like she should. punishment is a whole other ballgame that i will touch on later. 
G - Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
absolutely tf not. how can this be a game to someone? rengoku is the kinda person where if he meets someone that he falls madly in love with, he’ll stick by you until one of you dies first and even then, he might commit sewerslide if you happen to be the one to go first. however, he might get a kick watching you trying to leave him bc it’s nearly impossible to leave where you’re trapped.
H - Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
rengoku’s affection, jesus christ. that shit could get mad annoying. if he’s had a particularly bad day, just brace yourself and let it happen bc he will be one affectionate mf. it could get to the point where he’ll be affection even into the next day if it’s that bad. 
I - Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
literally a picture perfect life. (very much the american dream in a sense). he wants kids, hell, if you want pets of some sort, he’s down to adopt a few dogs or whatever you or your kids want. he just wants everyone to see that his family is perfect and how far he’s willing to go for them. 
J - Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
oh absolutely. rengoku is the type of mf that if he sees someone flirting with his darling, he’s ending that shit QUICK. he cannot and will not let it happen. clearly it isn’t your fault so he’ll console you that you had no way of knowing what that scums intentions were and after he’s done with that, he’ll try to find the person to give them a lesson. 
K - Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling
he will be very clingy like i said. he wants everyone to know that his relationship is perfect but in private, double that. he’ll make sure that you know you’re loved and that he wouldn’t trade his life with you for anything in the world. 
L - Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
he would try the attempt to court you at first. rengoku is someone who is very charming so 8/10 times, it’ll work. however, if you’re being stubborn, that’s when the other side of rengoku comes out. but if you do decide to date him willingly, he’s the sweetest mf ever. he’ll bring you courting gives to every date, etc, etc. 
M - Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
honestly, rengoku is seen as the black sheep in the sense that he’s always readily happy and enthusiastic. not much changes when he’s in the public. unless you happen to piss him off in public, seemingly the only time when he would change his personality. 
N - Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
he doesn’t try to do it often, he hates seeing you hurt. but if you happen to actually piss him off to the point where you need to be punished, anything ranging from being alone for days to sexual punishment (that i wont be going into detail for).
O - Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
not many tbh. you have free range into his entire estate. however if he has maids working around, they know it’s best for them not to talk to you. he wont let you leave his estate to speak to anyone. you have the right to anything as long as you’re not trying to leave or get into contact with someone. he’ll even let you visit your friends or family as long as he’s there. 
P - Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
eh, he’s about 50/50. he can be very patient with you or be ticked off almost immediately. more than likely tho, he’ll deal with your shit most days. the days that he doesn’t, it’s probably bc he had already probably had a bad day and you’re just making shit worse. 
Q - Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
if you die, rengoku won’t move on and like i said before, he’d probably commit sleep forever. if you escape, he’ll spend the rest of his days looking for you. regardless if you escape or die, he won’t move on. you’re his and you will remain that way important person in his life. 
R - Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
to a certain point, he’d feel guilty. i think the only thing eating him up is the unethical part in all of this. the fact that he’s basically abducted you and refuses to let you go. but will he ever let you go? absolutely not. you’d have to kill him before that happens. 
S - Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
i see the only way this happening is bc of his life. his childhood wasn’t the greatest but it wasn’t exactly the worst so idk, i think more than anything it was out of curiosity and probably seeing others do it that make him snap. 
T - Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
if rengoku isn’t at fault for making you upset, he’s HEARTBROKEN. he doesn’t like seeing you that way and he’ll find the person that did it and make them pay for it. HOWEVER, if he was the cause of it, he almost turns into a wall and brushes it off, probably murmuring that you deserved whatever it is that made you cry. 
U -Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
honestly no. he wouldn’t only bc he’s very much the person that finds the classics of being a yandere as the only way to do it. anything like killing your darling or along those lines are way to extreme for him and he doesn’t like it when others step out of line. 
V - Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
SENJURO RENGOKU. his little brother is also his world and i think if you catch kyojuro in a situation where you can exploit senjuro, he might give in but honestly, it probably won’t hurt and it’ll be worse for you when he finally has you alone. 
W - Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
like i said before, only if it was necessary. he wouldn’t ever intentionally hurt you if you didn’t deserve it. he doesn’t like seeing you hurt and he hates seeing you cry so only if it came to you being a brat would he then actively physically punish you. 
X - Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
ehhhhhh, not really. he sees this relationship as 50/50 however he did kinda worship you when he wasn’t your boyfriend/husband but he would go different lengths in order to win you over. he doesn’t really care what he has to do, he will make you his whether you like it or not. 
Y - Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
tbh, it doesn’t take long before he snaps. if he sees you going out with someone and he feels like you might leave him, that’ll be a point. if he sees you being too free, that might be another point. in general, less than a year before he snaps. hell, less than half a year. 
Z - Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
mentally, YES! physically, if he needed to. but not to the point where he’s killed you. 
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can you pls write alphabet for yandere fundy ty and ily!!!
Author's note- Little furry boi, I really want more Las Nevadas Crew request
Warnings- Obsession, Worship, mental abuse, Psychological torture, physical abuse, panic attacks (Fundy), lack of freedom, guilt tripping, and fear
Yandere Fundy Alphabet
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Fundy would be very touch starved, so he would cuddle you, kiss you, and just pick you up and carry you around.
But if Fundy couldn't touch you, he would give you gifts of things you like, he'll spoil you rotten.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Fundy can be pretty messy. His main method is quite simple, he'll just slash the person in the back with his claw like nails and then claw them to death.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Fundy wouldn't want to to treat you badly, he doesn't want to be like his father, and just the thought of it makes him sick.
Fundy would treat you with respect and will respect your boundaries, but if you don't like being touched, well I'm sorry because this furry boy will NEVER let you go.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
I mean, possibly touching you if you don't like being touched. Oh, and not taking you outside, he'll only take you to Las Nevadas since you two live there, but even then he'll watch you like a hawk.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Fundy is pretty vulnerable, everyone basically left him, he can't loose you too. So if anyone threatened his Darling, he would fucking beat them to a pulp until someone pulls him off.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Pretty disappointed, he's given you everything, besides freedom, but who needs freedom anyways when you have someone to think and do things for you. He'd most likely just lock you in your room until you behave.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This. Isn't. A. Fucking. Game. This man would go into straight fucking panic the moment he find out, he may even have a panic attack. But after that he'll calm down and using his fox sense of smell to find you.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Picture this:
You just said to Fundy that he was just like his father, and that, that would break him. All of his common sense, all of his self control and all of his sympathy and empathy are all gone.
"Just like Wilbur? HAHAHAH, you think Wilbur would do something like this... Oh... I'll show you what he would do if I'm just like him!"
Fundy would pin you you down and start punching you, and they he would start to claw at your face, and he would only stop when he looks at his hands, all of it covered in blood. Fundy would look at your passed out and limp body with so much regret. He would patch you up while crying and cuddle you saying.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're right... I'm just like Wilbur..."
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Living in Las Nevadas with no worries. No more wars, no more Dream, no more Wilbur. Just peace.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Fundy gets jealous quite easily, and when he does he starts to get rude to the person and insult them until they run off crying. If you were to ask what was that for, he'd just say that he was protecting you and that they were just going to use you for their own disgusting desires.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Pretty soft, he'd do whatever you want and treat you like absolute royalty. But don't take him for a push over, the moment he sees your taking advantage of his kindness and generosity, he'd lock you in a room with no food and no water, just so you learn that his kindness and generosity is a privilege, so treat it as such.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Fundy would be so blush around you, he would send you love letters and gifts anonymously, and would watch you when you open them, wanting to see your reaction to his gifts, seeing you happy makes him so happy.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Not really, no, but he is 10x softer.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Fundy would never want to hurt you physically or emotionally on purpose, he doesn't want to be Wilbur 2.0
Key words are- Physical or Emotionally.
This man will definitely use some psychology shit on you. Have you heard of white room torture? He would definitely do that. This man would harm you mentally, but he could never harm you physically, cause whenever he sees the scars he starts to cry, seeing himself as a disgusting monster.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Freedom and freedom of speech. God forbid you mention or say the name Wilbur around him, this man would go insane and beat you to a pulp, before regaining his composure, patching you up, and crying while cuddling you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Fundy's pretty patient, he understands that love takes time, trust, and that it can be cruel. He'll give you all the time in the world for you to love him, there's no need to worry.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you were to escape, he would find you within a few hours, and then drag you right back while ranting and guilt tripping you about how much pain you caused him.
Now if you died, he'd be heartbroken, he wouldn't even take care of himself anymore and would just let his nightmares consume him, and juust allow himself to wake up from those nightmares.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Fundy would know it's wrong to hold people hostage, but he just wants to protect you, they're too much bad and terrible people on this server and he doesn't want you to fall victim to them, so if kidnaping keeps you safe, then I guess that's what he must do, love hurts, but it'll be worth it in the end.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
☆PEOPLE LEAVING HIM☆ So whenevethe starts to fall for someone or befriend someone, he'd do anything for them not to leave him, but if they abuse or mistreat him, he'd drop and let them go.
Tears: How do they feel about their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Fundy would feel terrible if he made you cry, he would beg you to stop while apologizing. But if someone else made you cry, he would threaten the person.
If you were to yell at him, he may get scared since it reminds him whenever people got upset with him, mainly Wilbur, so Fudny would just back away scared before running off.
If you were to isolate yourself, he would tell you it isn't healthy and that you should talk to him if he or someone else did something wrong.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not really sure.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
A few things actually.
His obsession with you, if you act like you're obsessed with him, you may be able to escape.
His desperate attempts to not be like Wilbur, if you continue to assure him he isn't like Wil, you could gain his trust and escape.
Using guilt tripping against him, make him feel bad and he'll give you more freedom, then you could escape.
Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Fundy has outbursts sometimes and during those times he can't control himself, leading him to hurt you. He doesn't mean to though.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
A lot of lengths, he basically worships the ground you walk on and would do anything for your love, affection and approval.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
1 year.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Fundy doesn't want to break you, he could never live with that.
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Summary: Steve wanted to surprise you after a long mission, but wasn’t expecting to walk into your bedroom to see you with your legs spread and a toy playing with what was his.
Pairings: Daddy!Steve x Black!Reader
Warnings: swearing, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, mean daddy, dom/sub dynamics, dirty talk, rough sex, plot? what plot? only porn.
Tagged: @titty-teetee, @harrysthiccthighss, @ozarkthedog, @night-of-the-living-shred​, @liquorlaughslove
(A/N: trying to knock out my WIPs because there’s just sooooo many.)
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Steve had been gone for way to long and you were missing him more than ever. You tried to keep yourself busy. So you didn’t think about it. It was hard, though,
You craved him. His touch. The way he kissed your body. Or how he’d make you cum over and over again until you couldn’t take anymore. You missed how good he held in your mouth. It seemed like he got off on getting you off.
Just thinking about it while laying in bed was enough to make you need him. As your hand went into your panties so you could play with yourself he was all you needed to think about. Your middle finger rubbing your clit in those little circles.
This is what you’d been doing to keep yourself satiated in the meantime. It wasn’t enough. Nothing could ever be compared to him, but at least it was something.
Well that was until it became not enough.
You’d had a toy before you got together, but when it finally died you didn’t even need it anymore. Not when you had an insatiable man like Steve. Now with him gone it didn’t seem like it would hurt to get a new one.
Fuck it felt so good. The vibrations on your clit made you gasp. You tried to concentrate your thoughts on him. Thinking back to maybe the last time you were together. How you craved him.
How he’d fucked you with those strong thrusts. How he made you cum over and over again. Said he’d wanted to keep you satisfied until he got back. You wonder what he’d say if he knew that all it did was make you even more needy.
You wanted to come so bad. Could feel it so close, but it just wasn’t coming out. You needed it so damn bad.
“What the hell are you doing?” Your boyfriend’s voice knocked you out of you concentration. You sat up really quickly, pulling the comforter over your body.
“Honey, you’re home!” You said in a syrupy sweet voice as if he didn’t just catch you playing with yourself. “How was the mission?”
He glared at you, glancing down at your body which was covered by the comforter. “What was that?” He asked, stepping a little closer. “When did you get one of those?”
“The internet is a wonderful place filled with magical things,” you replied.
If you weren’t in this situation, you would have jumped up to hug him like you always did. Wanted to hold him after he’d been away for so long. But no instead of warning you so you could have a nice home cooked meal waiting for him with the lingerie you’d bought explicitly for him to rip off when he came back.
His blond hair was damp because he probably showered at the compound before coming back home. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of gray sweats which means you could clearly see his dick print. Fuck even looking at it through the fabric was making your mouth water.
He yanked the comforter down so you were exposed. You tried to stop him, but he was a lot stronger than you.
“Oh so now you’re shy?” He glared at you. “You wanna act like a whore then I’m gonna treat you like one.”
Your jaw dropped, but before you could respond he smashed his lips into yours in a bruising kiss.
“How do you turn this thing on?” He asked with a chuckle, surprising you as he grabbed your toy to place between your legs again. Soon the buzzing continued as he finally switched it on.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head sending jolts through your spine. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. It almost felt like it was to much with the angle it was at.
He kissed you again before picking up you up so he could get on the bed. He placed you on top of him so his back was against your chest. His other hand going to your breast, pinching your nipple between his fingers before placing it around your neck.
“Fuck,” you gasped, bucking your hips up.
“You gonna cum from this? Already? Wow. Is my dick not enough for you, Baby?”
“It’s enough,” you moaned. “I just missed you.”
“Then next time you fucking wait for me to get home so that I can fuck you properly. Now this is your punishment. This pussy is mine. I get to play with it. I get to fuck it. Not some little toy. You don’t get to cum unless I let you.”
Who the fuck was this. It sounded like your Steve Rogers. It looked like your Steve Rogers. Except right now he was talking so dirty that you’re not sure.
“Who’s is this?” He whispered in your ear.
“It’s yours, Daddy.” You cried feeling your buddy shudder. Fuck he was getting you so worked up.
He chuckled. “Oh so I’m Daddy now?” You could hear the smirk on his lips.
“Uh huh.” You turned your head so you could look into his baby blue eyes before pressing your lips to his again. His tongue pushed against yours and his free hand went to your thighs pulling one up higher before smacking it.
You could feel the tingle starting in your toes as it worked it’s way up your body. You’d thought you were close before, but now it was like every inch of you was on fire. You needed to cum. “Can I cum?”
He smirked, pressing the toy in deeper to you. “No.”
“Please?” You gasped.
“Stop asking.”
“Fuck!” You cried trying to hold it in. “Daddy!”
“That’s it, Baby. Take it.”
“Daddy,” you mewled. “I can’t.” You couldn’t stop yourself even though you promised you tried. It was just too much as you started to feel pussy juices squirting out covering the toy, his hand, and the sheets beneath you. He didn’t even pull the vibrator away from you so it kept coming out. It was torture.
He finally made it stop, but not before pushing you forward so your ass was in the air. He took a swat at it before standing up. Your mess was right above your head and if you just moved a little bit you’d be in it.
Before you could wrap your head around everything he’d grabbed your legs to pull you to him so he could slam his dick into you. Normally he would have worked to stretch your pussy out since it’d been so long and he wouldn’t have wanted his dick to hurt your little pussy. Now he wasn’t even giving you time to adjust as he pounded your cunt.
The way he was fucking you forced you into another orgasm because fuck after that you were sensitive. You pushed your face into the mattress to scream because it was just a lot. You felt like you could barely handle it.
“Look at you.” He chuckled. “Cumming like this. Not being able to control yourself. Like a little fucking slut.”
You were pretty sure you’d reached euphoria now.
Your face got closer and closer into the mess. Like he was trying to push you into it on purpose. “Daddy, my mess,” you whimpered out the warning.
He pulled the tip of his cock almost all of the way out of you before slamming it back in deep. Making you bounce forward at the intrusion putting your face directly into the damp, soiled sheets.
“Good little bitches clean up their messes.” He grabbed your hair tightly. “Stick your tongue out.”
You did as you were told as he rubbed your face in it. Shoving it around and making you taste it as you did.
“I know. I gotta teach you a lesson for disobeying me, Honey. You see how I have to treat you when you don’t listen?” He didn’t let up.
“I’m sorry!” You cried.
“Sorry for what?” He was so condescending as he grabbed your hair to hold you down.
“For making a mess.” You cried out.
“And?” He groaned because fuck your cunt was so tight around him and it felt so good.
“For not listening.”
You moaned. “For playing with your pussy without permission.”
“That’s a good girl,” he cooed. “Go ahead and cum for me. Cum for Daddy.”
You orgasmed again this one feeling like it hit you out of nowhere. If you knew it would be like this you would have asked Steve to fuck you rough like this sooner.
He pulled out so he could flip you over to get on top of you. This time he eased in, like he was savoring the swollen heat of your overly sensitive pussy.
“Daddy,” you mewled,
He looked down at you with a lazy smile before kissing your lips. You raked your nails up and down his muscular back, wrapping yourself legs around his waist.
“That’s my best girl. If I knew what a nasty girl you are, I would have done this sooner,” he whispered in your ear. “Only for me, huh?”
“Yes. I’m yours.”
“That’s my girl.” He kissed you again. “Want me to cum in you. Fill you up?” He moaned not being able to hold on anymore himself. His hips stuttered as he spurted out his cum fucking into you into thick creamy white ropes. “Fuck, Y/N.”
The two of you laid there for a few minutes. Totally spent from what had just happened. Until Steve kissed you softly as he pulled out of you. You were so sensitive you whimpered, but clung to him because you wanted him close. “You okay?” He asked, nuzzling your face.
It was like you couldn’t speak. Couldn’t move or anything. He sighed before pressing his lips to your cheek. You could feel yourself dozing off for a few minutes. He’d when you out. It was exactly what you needed.
He got up, somehow breaking free from your grabby hands. You turned over getting more comfortable as you curled up on the bed.
Steve came back over to kiss your forehead, jostling you awake. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, too, Stevie,” you mumbled half asleep as he lifted you up.
You buried your face in the crook of his neck as he carried you to the bathroom where the bath water was already running.
“I put your bubble bath in and your little salt things.”
You yawned. “It’s perfect.”
He placed you in the warm water and you moaned from the sensation. “I’m sorry if I was too rough.”
“Don’t be. I like rough Stevie.”
“You mean Daddy?” He asked with a chuckle.
Your face started to heat up in embarrassment. Thank god for melanin or else your face would probably be red. “I’m sorry it just came out.”
“You don’t have to be,” he replied. “You better get used to it.”
“Get in with me,” you whined, feeling like you needed him close to you. You wanted his warmth, you wanted his kisses, needed to feel his skin against yours. Maybe it was because of how long he’d been gone or from what had just happened, but you needed your man. 
“I will, but I have to go clean up the mess you made.” He smirked before leaning over to kiss your forehead again. “Try not to play with yourself while I’m gone,” he said in a teasing tone, winking at you.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
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CRYING OVER SPILLED MILK  — TOJI FUSHIGURO *insert cute edited picture of Toji here that I don’t have*
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Synopsis: After a long stressful day of work, you come home to a bratty Toji just begging to get punished by you. 
A/N: To the bestie that sent me that request for more of Sub!Toji with a sugar momma, you really messed up because I don’t think I’ve gotten to work on a request faster than yours and I’m positive this isn’t the end of this saga.  also shoutout to @killerbananas​ for helping me with the title ! 
TW: Whew..... first off not proofread so probably a bunch of typos, glimpses of that sugar mommy lifestyle, sub!Toji, Dom!Reader, Fem!reader, light bondage, overstimulation, teasing, mommy kink, use of ‘sweet baby boy’ as a nickname, a whole lot of mature things, but I think those are the main warnings, 18 plus, MINORS DNI or I’ll eat your ankles like corn on the cob
WC: 3.7k, told you I got carried away !
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Your quavering voice echoed through the white marbling interior of the home as soon as you made your way through the door, shoulders and head rolling to get every nook and cranny out your neck that sitting at a desk from hours on end caused. You weren’t expecting to stay behind for as long as you did today, the decision of overtime being a unanimous vote between your boss and last minute cancelling coworker, so you couldn’t say no even if you wanted to. No matter how much you craved the tight embrace and warm fanning of breath between the valley of your breast accompanied with a headful of raven spikes that peaked out in wild directions from your younger companion. 
Your home lacked the disarray of toys on the floor, the constant faint melodies of Cocomelon ringing through hallways, or the sickly sweet smell that often wavered through the air whenever kids frequented an area. Not to mention the lack of jewelry on the fourth finger of your left hand not signifying that you were single, but a silent way of letting those around you know that whatever situation you had at home wasn’t stable enough for a ring. Most women around your age were married to the successful men they worked alongside expecting their 2nd child despite the fact that their 1st born can barely talk, but you were different. 
You had Toji to come home to and that was good enough for now. 
The sound of your call out to him fell on deaf ears. Maybe the exhaustion was too heavy in your voice making your tone quieter than usual or else he would’ve been on you the moment you walked through the front door; eager to take your purse and keys away from you like the true gentleman he was underneath, but with an ulterior motive just like any man just so he could get you to the bedroom and please you quicker at his pace.
“My sweet boy,” You called out in an exclaimed voice you knew would have him perking up and at your attention even if he was in a completely different room with his headphones turned up to the max, just the soundwaves from the nickname alone conditioning him to be at your beck and call whenever you wanted him too. And just like how you had predicted the soft pattering of feet slowly came into your sound range and it wasn’t long until he was a couple feet away from you leaned against the walkway connecting the corridor to the front door, a scowl on his scarred lips and eyes narrowed with an expression that you couldn’t quite read because of the tufts of black hair that fell over the front of his face.
You stood there for a moment expecting him to take away the contents of your hands like he normally did, but the lack of movement and verbalization from him left you stuck yourself with confusion. 
“Anyways,” you attempted to move on as you made your way to the common area with all of your belongings to put them up yourself, “Today was the most exhausting day I’ve had in a long time. None of my favorite coworkers were there, so I was stuck with a group of stuck up assholes who thought anything that wasn’t work related was unprofessional to talk about. And then I got stuck with the rest of somebody else’s shift because they hate me; that has to be the only explanation, right?” 
A word vomit escaped your lips the moment they opened. The freedom of finally being able to talk about your terrible experience lifting half of the weight off of your shoulders and the other half disintegrating once you got your daily reassurance from Toji, but all you got were scoffs and mumbles of whatevers that had your hands going to your hips in a chastising position like that of a mother. 
“Do you have something to say?”
“Like you’d even have time to stand there and listen to it, anyway, y/n.” He scoffs with the roll of his eyes, arms crossing over his chest and eyes finally meeting yours when he adjusts himself off the frame of the cut off to seemingly walk away.
 At least that was the plan until your fingers held the fabric of his signature black t-shirt between ligaments and bone, halting him in his tracks completely. Two silent strides from your heels being off of your feet granting you the element of surprise with this move.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” Moving from the back of his neck your fingers travel to grasp his shoulders and use the momentum of your arm swinging to turn him around to face you with ease, the words that leave your lips a mix of a purr and growl. 
The stiffening of his already hard muscles underneath your touch is an indicator that he knew what was going to come from his little attitude fit and from the soft blush that grazed his features, it’s as if he were expecting it; provoking this reaction out of you on purpose. Needy for your attention to the point where he’d upset you even further on a day you came home with an already sour mood. 
What a slut, you thought in the confinements of your head. 
“I’ve had the most frustrating and exhausting days at work today, the job that I work so I can spoil you like I do, and this is how you’re going to treat me? Instead of letting me take out all my anger on your cock like we’d both like?”
Suddenly your hand is dropping down to the obvious bulge that’s poking through the light grey fabric of his sweats. A sharp inhale sounding from his nose as you gently fondle the erection with your free hand. Watching the hairs on his neck stand each time you graze over the soft sack of his balls before moving back up to his shaft just to tease him like you weren’t already groping him through his pants. 
Even then that’s enough to stimulate the feelings of want for you that had been in the back of his mind all day long and it’s not long before he’s bucking up into your hand the closer he gets to his orgasm. 
“How cute.” You coo out as you take note of the deepened blush that has taken place over his features along with his slightly parted lips and slight tilt back of his head. And just when the bucking up of his hips became rough and sloppy you removed your hand as quick as possible with a teasing smile on your lips at the frustrated groan that left his lips.
“Bad boys don’t deserve orgasms, only sweet boys do.” You taunt, taking a hold of his hand and leading him to the bedroom. 
A silence falls over the burly man and he melts right back into the submissive you have him trained as. Obeying every single one of your orders once you get in the bedroom until he’s splayed out on the bed in a starfish position with his bare erect and yearning cock pressed up against his toned stomach with precum oozing from the swollen red tip and the soft glimmer of a silver cockring at the base of his cock.
“Mommy…” He finally speaks up in a desperate whisper for the first time today, your body slowly being disregarded of clothes finally bringing him to his begging point before you’re even touching him again. The weight of his actions finally weighs heavy in his mind when he sees you practically prancing towards the bed with a rugged bundle of light pink rope in your hand. 
The kind that always made him feel so pretty when it matched the lingerie he put on for you now being used against him as a tool in his punishment. 
“I’m sorry, mommy. I was just too needy for you earlier and was upset when you didn’t come home at the time you usually do.” His apologies fall on deaf ears just as your calling out to him had done earlier. Your face not even reacting to his words or looking in his direction when you move to each corner of the bed to restrain his wrists to the edge of the metal railing bed. Only looking down to chastise him with a quick ‘tsk!’ of your tongue when his mouth attempted to latch on to your nipples as you reached over to secure his wrists.
“I didn’t make you act like that earlier, you did this to yourself. Mommy wanted to come home and please both her and her sweet baby boy. But now look at you,” Your hand roughly comes down to forcefully take his jaw into your hand and force him to look up at you with eyes filled with regret, “All tied up ready to be used by me.”
It’s then that your hand travels down his stomach to place a gentle tap on the swollen tip of his cock. Going as far to even trail your finger around it eliciting groans from the pit of his stomach knowing you were going to pull away as soon as he got close to that sweet release again. Quiet gasps being the only thing that left his lips, the squirming of his hips underneath you a silent way of showing how much he wanted you. 
“You look so pretty all tied up for me like this, baby.” Each word that left your lips sent a wave of pleasure straight to his dick and you could see the way it twitched from the corner of your eye as you moved your focus down to his chest deciding he wasn’t worthy of the kiss you were going to give to him. With pinched fingers your hands moved to the cherry red bud that was his nipple. Fondling the oversensitive bud on his plump chest warranting his whole torso to rumble with the pained groans of pleasure that escaped from him.
“Please,” A voice that you wouldn’t expect to come from someone his size, similar to that of a begging child’s, sounded from him with ease when you were the one delivering the pleasure, “Please give me more.” 
A smirk made its way on your lips before you leaned down to capture the bud between your plush lips. Your tongue encircling the sensitive flesh to soothe the pain your pinching must’ve caused him. Only pulling away with a trail of spit following as you moved on to give the next nipple the same treatment. And if it weren’t for the tight cockring at the base of his balls, something as simple as this would’ve had him coming undone without you even having to touch his cock. But instead he was forced to deal with the painful ache of his erect straining against the cold metal.
Two quick swift movements and your mouth was pulling away from his chest against his wishes, whimpers leaving his lips, but quickly being shushed once he realized you were positioning yourself right over his cock. 
“I still haven’t gotten my stress relief for the day,” Grabbing on to his thick shaft you lined up his swollen tip with your entrance, teasingly dragging it along your wet slit up to your clit before you were stuffing it inside of you without warning, choked moans leaving the both of you from the long awaited pleasure. 
“So fucking big you can barely fit inside of me.” But still you lowered your hips down on him until you were at his hilt. Taking a moment to adjust to his girth and size before your hips swirled at an achingly slow pace in a sloppy figure 8 motion. The feeling of your clit rubbing up against his hardened lower abdomen making you damn near see stars.
“Y-You feel so good around me, mommy. So fucking good.” Greed got the best of the needy sub, his hips attempting to buck up into you to change the slow pace you had set, but that just prompted you to stop the movement of your hips altogether. Stopping to look down at his flustered face and pressing your hands down on his to limit his mobility. 
“What a needy slut my sweet baby boy is,” You sucked in through teeth when he delivered a quick snap of his hips up into you. Your nails dragged along his chest hard enough to leave pink markings on it, but not rough enough to make him bleed. “If you weren’t such a brat earlier then maybe I would’ve been letting you fuck me right now as we speak,” your hips resumed their former pace and pattern of movement, “But you’re not.” You taunted him in a teasing voice, watching as his face scrunched up in both pain from the limitations his cockring put on him, but also pleasure as you indulged him in the warmth of your cunt wrapped around his length.
“Please...I’m sorry...please just let me cum.” Toji basically cries out, whining like a poor dog. 
“Not until I do.” You grab his chin forcing him to look up at you and reaching down with your free hand to grope at his plump chest. They fill your hand up in all the right ways like they were made for you to toy and mess with. “Not just once, but twice. And then maybe if I’m feeling nice I’ll be nice enough to let you cum too.” 
And so it goes on like that for at least an hour, your slick pussy gripping around him and creaming so many times around him to the point where a thick ring of cum had formed at the base of his cock because of you. Your clit was swollen from the stimulation his skin gave you and almost matched the color of his darkening cock with each passing minute, the only difference being that you constantly got your relief. 
Tears pooled at the edge of his eyes, glossy each time he looked up at you and silently pleading like a dog begging for food. His wrists were sore and raw from yanking against the pretty pink rope this whole session. It’s felt like forever for him, not only having to endure this session, but waiting and longing for you all day long. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Please, please, please, mommy. I’m begging you! Please let me cum mommy, make me feel good too please.” His voice is barely audible and sounds more like a croak than smooth pronunciation. Already considering to finally give him that sweet release since you’ve had your release already, it was his soft desperate sniffle that brought you completely to your conclusion of freeing him.
“Mommy is going to take care of her sweet baby boy now.” 
Reaching over you grabbed the ube from your bedside drawer that you always kept for situations as such and poured a fair amount on the shaft of Toji’s cock. Using the cooling sensation of the lube to take away some of his swollenness and ease him from the restraints of the cockring. 
“The rope.” He brought to your attention before he took his sigh of relief, watching with widened and eager eyes as you reached over to undo the intricate knots on his wrists. Soothing the raw area with your thumb and kisses before you allowed them to drop to his side, that sigh of relief finally sounding from his lips.
He wasted no time in relishing on the fact that he wasn’t tied up and begging anymore or even paused to wipe away the flushed tears from his cheeks, but immediately wrapped his broad arm around your torso and flipped the two of you over so you were now the one below him as he towered over you.
He almost didn’t know what to do with this freedom after not having it all day long and it took a moment for him to decide, but the first thing he did was drop his face between your breasts, groping and motorboating them like a mad man. You threaded your fingers into his dark raven spikes as his mouth found your nipple and began to gently suckle on the sweet skin.
“So good.” He let out in a satisfied hum that vibrated against your nipples and sent a shiver up your spine.
“You do that so well, such a good boy for me when you’re not being a brat.” You backhandedly  praise through soft gasps underneath your breath. 
 Dark eyes looking up at you through lashes, pupils blown wide from pleasure, and your praise making his cock leak with precum at the tip. Your grip in his hair tightened as you pulled him closer against your body,  the arch of your body into him giving him perfect access to slip in between your folds with ease from the wetness that had accumulated between your thighs from multiple orgasms already. 
“Your pussy feels so warm and tight around me.” He pulls away from your lipples with a loud pop and grunt like this wasn’t his fourth time of the day feeling the confines of your velvet walls. The only difference being that it was at his pace for once and not the painstakingly slow one you had been teasing him with all day long, able to pound into like he had been dreaming about all day long. The bed swaying back and forth and squeaking with each powerful thrust of his hips into you.
“Look at you, rutting up against me like a bitch in heat. So desperate and needy for me to the point where you’re crying,” A soft hand comes up to wipe away at the tears that continue to come down his face despite the release he’s getting in this moment. The taunting tone of your voice only encourages him to move faster, but he’s so backed up that all it takes is a couple of rough thrusts before warm strings of cum are shooting up inside of you. The embarrassment from cumming so fast only warranting more tears to stream down his puffy face.
“Couldn’t hold out, huh? Don’t tell me my sweet baby boy has turned into a one pump chump on me.” Your taunting has yet to stop, but from the way his cock twitches with each degradation that leaves your lips you’re not going to stop anytime soon. 
“You just feel so good. Especially after not being able to cum in you all day long.” He defends himself, pulling out of you with a still swollen cock. 
“How pathetic of you to have such an amazing cock that you can’t use right.” Your hand makes an impact with his already pink right cheek on his face, not harsh enough to hurt him but harsh enough to leave a pink imprint the shape of your hand there. Toji is only able to look down from embarrassment, face secretly growing more flustered as your humiliating words and actions continue. 
You shift to sit up and push down on his chest so he’s now laying back, his still erect cock leveled out with your face now. Twitching in your direction from excitement still nowhere near satisfied yet. 
“F-Fuck.” He breathed out verbally when your hand gripped the base of his cock, already driving him crazy and you hadn’t even given him your mouth yet. You couldn’t help but hold a cocky expression as you leaned down to circle the tip of his cock with your tongue before taking as much of him as you could fit into your mouth, enclosing your throat around him while you stroked the remainder of him with your hand. 
Suckling softly around the salty skin like he had done your nipples earlier, you looked up at him through dark lashes and the sight was godly; muscles constricting with each moan that rumbled his chest, a thin sheet of sweat making his skin glisten in the dim lighting of the room, tears coating the chubs of his cheeks,  and his eyes closed shut with his scarred lip tight between his sharp teeth. Not to mention the soft bucks of his hips up into your mouth forcing you to choke as he forced more of his cock down his throat until you had gentle tears falling from your eyes as well. 
“So so good, mommy. You’re so good at sucking my cock, no one else does it better than you do.” The breathlessness of his voice lets you know that he’s already near the edge of his orgasm, the muscles of his stomach flexing every time you hollow out your cheeks and flick your tongue against his tip already tasting the salt of his cum. 
Hazy eyes opened to peer down at you in all of your glory with his cock down your throat, one hand coming down to knead at your breasts as you worked your magic between his legs so good to the point where you had his toes curling and gripping at the silk white sheets of the bed.
“I’m going to-” The dark haired man wasn’t even able to get the rest of his sentence out before a string of ‘Mommy’s was leaving his pink lips as his stomach contracted until he was shooting a big load of backed up orgasms down your throat to the point where some of the white fluid was spilling from the sides of your mouth messily. But you didn’t stop at his orgasm, you kept going until every last drop of his cum had gone down your throat and you were positive he had come down from his orgasm.
It took his hand removing you from his cock forcefully for you to finally stop and even then it wasn’t a full force grab, his hand barely able to move due to his mind still being heavily clouded with pleasure. An override of senses crashing his system to the point where he was sure he would’ve gone into subspace if he hadn’t got you to stop sucking his cock.
“Are you okay?” You cooed out softly as you brought him into your arms so his head was resting against the soft plushness of your bests, gently stroking his hair and wiping away tears while he came down from that mind blowing orgasm. 
“Mhm.” Was the only thing he managed to get out before smuggling his face against your chest completely. The two of you too tired to get up and take a shower.
“Let’s just stay like this for a while.” He let out in a soft breath. 
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enbyprentiss · 3 years
Little brat
Genre: Smut, pure filth, zero plot
Pairing: Hotch x Reid
Warnings: Sub!Spencer, Dom!Hotch, Spencer in panties and makeup, bratty Spence, spanking, penetrative sex, degradation, daddy kink, some praise, slight aftercare, oral (male receiving obviously), face fucking, and I think that’s it but lmk if I missed anything!
(and no @sparklinspence, if you’re reading this, i REFUSE to incorporate Hotch’s supposed foot fetish)
Also, Hayley does not exist in this story because that woman deserved so much better. And instead, she got murdered. Yes, I am still salty about it and no, I will never forgive the writers for that.
Spencer liked being a good boy. He lived to please. However, he loved being a brat even more. He always looked forward to things that were supposed to be punishments. He liked Hotch to yell at him. Tell him what a dirty boy he is. He liked being fucked like a bitch. So, he planned on being the biggest brat today. 
It started when Aaron called him in for a case. And instead of telling him that he’d be there within 20 minutes like he usually did, “What if I don’t?”
“Spencer...”, he warned. 
“What? What are you going to do?”, he always knew just how to push Aaron’s buttons. 
“If you don’t, I’ll have no choice but to terminate you.”
“You would never.”, and even though he couldn’t see Spencer, he still had a smug look on his face. 
“I better see you in the next 30 minutes.”
Reid huffed, crossing his arms and hanging up the phone. He reluctantly pulled himself out of bed, putting on the pair of panties he knew drove Aaron crazy and quite possibly the tightest pants he owns so that Hotch would be the only one who would recognize the outline.
When he arrived at the office, his eyes flicked straight up to Hotch’s office. And god, just looking at him made his pants become just a little tighter. He had to strategically pull his satchel closer to his body, quickly seating himself and tucking his legs completely under the round table. Spencer purposely made sure that the seat next to him would be empty. And, of course, Aaron took the opportunity to sit next to his young lover. At first, it was just a sweet gesture that wouldn’t expose their relationship to the rest of the team. The problem only arose when Reid placed his hand on the older mans thigh while JJ presented the local case. As his hand traveled farther up slowly, Hotch could simply not wrap his head around how Spencer was possibly this turned on at 10:00 AM. Regardless, he knew Spencer’s little game and grabbed his wrist, wrapping his much larger hand around it as a subtle warning. He watched as his face turned a light shade of pink, and he obeyed for now. But not for long.
The team spilt up, half of them in the field and half of them staying back to work from the bullpen, which left Aaron and Spencer alone in an SUV. Spencer took this opportunity to act up further, he leaned over the console, kissing Aaron’s neck gently before moving to open mouthed kisses. He would’ve left it at that if it wasn’t for the apparent bulge in Aaron’s pants. He rubbed him over his slacks the best he could before Hotch broke his trance. 
“What has gotten into you today, Spencer?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”, he shrugged and smiled in faux innocence. 
“Oh, so you want to be a filthy little brat today? We’ll have to fix that later.”
Spencer didn’t respond, just squirmed in his seat, fantasizing about all the possibilities of what awaited him. And luckily for him, the case was solved pretty quickly. The unsub stabbed random people repeatedly on the street, the only thing is he did every 27 minutes on the dot and was extremely sloppy, making his fairly easy to catch. Though, Spencer still managed to slip in some more trouble-making behavior. When they weren’t actively trying to put the profile together, he spent time flirting with both the male and female officers but only when he knew when Aaron was watching. Of course, Aaron noticed and it only made his blood boil more. 
When they got back to the BAU, he pulled Reid into his office, demanding that he follow him to his apartment. And he obviously wasn’t going to deny, this was what he wanted all day. 
As soon as they burst through to the door to Aaron’s apartment, their lips met in a heated kiss. Spencer licked against Aaron’s bottom lip, but he quickly gained dominance over the kiss. He moved to kiss down the younger mans jaw and the exposed parts of his neck, making Reid whimper.
“Such a desperate little slut. Go to the bedroom and strip. And you better not be touching yourself when I get in there.”
Spencer nodded, now ready to obey every word that was said to him. He stripped of all of his clothing, leaving them in a crumpled pile as he rushed to sit on the bed. Aaron waltzed around his apartment for roughly 10 minutes just to tease his lover, and he only entered the bedroom when he could hear him audibly whining. He pulled the frail figured man over his lap silently, palming over his ass gently. 
“Do you know why you’re being punished, baby?”
“No, daddy.”, Spencer shook his head the best he could with a small pout on his face. 
Aaron landed a harsh smack across Spencer’s ass, “Really? Because I think this is exactly what you wanted. Teasing me all day, wearing this pretty pink little panties. You’re just so desperate for my cock, aren’t you?”, he landed another hard smack.
“Mmhf! Yes, daddy!”
“Count for me. And that’s the only thing I want to hear from you, since you were such a bad boy today.”
Spencer whined anyway, which only earned him more spankings, each harder than the last. Eventually, he had counted all the way up to 25 with tears in his eyes and a few slipping down his cheeks. Aaron helped him sit back up, wiping some of the mascara stained tears away.
“T-thank you, daddy.”, he sniffled.
“Oh, sweetheart, you really think I’m done with you. Get on your knees.”
Spencer scrambled to get in position in eagerness. He rubbed up the older mans thighs, and he expected to be pushed away since he didn’t ask for permission, but instead Aaron was focused on ridding of his pants.
“Since you want my cock so bad, you’re gonna let daddy fuck your face, ok?”
He muttered a small ‘Mhm’ while nodding his head with an excited smile. Aaron lifted his hips into Spencer’s awaiting mouth, immediately hitting the back of his throat and making him gag. But Spencer relished in every action Hotch made, pushing his head down by his light brown curls and then pulling him back up so he could focus on just the tip, swirling his tongue around and over his slit. 
“You love this don’t you, brat?”, Hotch groaned as Spencer’s throat tightened around him and he moaned around the cock in his mouth, confirming Aaron’s suspicions wordlessly. He continued pushing the younger mans head down roughly, watching more tears fall down his cheeks and watching how perfectly his plush pink lips wrapped around his tip. As Spencer licked down the prominent vein on the underside of Aaron’s cock, he felt the warm white liquid shoot down his throat, gladly swallowing all of it.
“Let me see.”, Hotch demanded. Spencer opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue slightly, revealing that he truly did swallow all of his lovers cum, “Good boy.”
Spencer’s eyes lit up at the praise as he bounced on his knees slightly, “Fuck me now, daddy?”
The dark haired man sat in front of him, acting as if he was pondering the idea, “Fine, get on the bed. Hands and knees.”
He moved frantically to get in position as Aaron retrieved the lube from his not-so-hidden drawer. He kissed down Spencer’s spine while applying a generous amount of the substance to his fingers. He continued planting soft kisses wherever he could reach, slowly pushing one finger into Spencer, making him yelp.
“Oh, daddy!”, Aaron took that as a good sign, pushing another finger into him, scissoring them to stretch his boy further. 
“W-want your cock instead, daddy.”, he whined. 
“I don’t know. Can you take it?”
“Yes! Let me show you, daddy, please!”
“Ok, baby, give daddy one second.”, he answered, applying a fair amount of lube to his cock.
Aaron put both his hands around Spencer’s petite waist, pushing into him slowly, making his sub moan out shamelessly. He hadn’t even pushed fully in as Spencer began to squirm and arch his back. 
“Mm, so big, daddy!”
“Oh, come on, baby. I know you can take it.”
Spencer’s hands balled up in the sheets, scrunching up his face while simultaneously begging Hotch for more. Eventually, he had pushed all the way into Spencer, setting a ruthless pace knowing he liked it rougher. 
Spencer’s moans quickly devolved into little ‘Thank you, daddy’, and mindless babbling. 
“Aw, look at you, baby. I fucked my little genius dumb.”, he groaned. He reached around to stroke Spencer’s cock, knowing that he wouldn’t last much longer. 
“Fills me so good, daddy!”
“I know, baby. So tight and warm for daddy. Such a good boy.”
“Oh, oh, oh! Can I cum please, daddy?!”
“Go ahead, sweet boy, cum all over my hand.”, as soon as he was given permission, he came all over Hotch’s hand and his own tummy. 
Aaron continued slamming his hips into Spencer’s, making him whine from the overstimulation. He pushed his hips so much harder than before, releasing as Spencer tightened around him, “Oh! You make daddy cum so hard, baby.”
“T-thank you, daddy.”
“Of course, baby.”, he pulled out slowly and began to walk away.
“W-wait! Will you um--”
“Will I what, baby?”
“W-will you plug me up. Want to keep the mess in.”
“I don’t know if you’ve earned that much of a reward.”, he said, cracking a rare smile.
“Please! I promise I’ll be good, daddy!”
Of course, Aaron knew this was a lie, he was bound to act up again but he simply couldn’t deny when Spencer looked at him with those signature puppy dog eyes. He pulled one of Spencer’s favorite plugs out of the drawer and slipped it slowly into him as Reid’s hips bucked up involuntarily, placing a soft kiss to his lips. 
“I’m going to get some clean pajamas for us, ok? I’ll be right here, baby.”
Spencer nodded with a small pout. Aaron handed him his favorite pair of pajama pants as he went to get him a glass of water. He reluctantly took a few sips before placing it against the night stand. Aaron got into the bed next to him, pulling Spencer close, knowing that he needs skin to skin contact after scenes like that. 
Reid fell into the spell of sleep first and Aaron watched how his chest rose and fell slowly while brushing through his soft locks before burying his head closer to Spencer and falling asleep himself.
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Andrew Showing The Foxes His Love Through Actions.
All through “All for the game” we can see how Andrew shows his love through actions. I believe that Andrew does care for his teammates and I know I; m not the only one, so I wrote this. (Also, I will just forget about the choking scene because N*ra did their relationship so badly, like- ugh, that’s for another time)
Tw: Curse words, references to the foxes pasts, punches, vomit, Riko, mentions of scars, mentions of nightmares, mentions of panic attacks, mentions of past self-harm, probably many spelling and grammar mistakes.
It happened during a game, the foxes were winning and the other team were getting exasperated because they could not get past the backliners and if they could, Andrew would not let them score.
During the last minutes of the game, a player from the other team made Allison trip on purpose and “accidentally” kicked her.
Everyone else were too far away from them.
Except Andrew.
When the referee called the fault, Andrew was already there, punching the guy resulting in him taking a step back and falling to the ground.
As the referee gave him a yellow card, Andrew extended his arm to help Allison up.
And if he asked Renee how bad the injury was, no one had to know. 
When Matt was visiting his mom during summer vacations, they decided to go shopping, there he found the most adorable hoodies. It was orange on the outside and the inside had a really soft and warm fabric, which was white and had orange paw prints. But the best part was that the hoodie had fox ears.
Matt obviously bought nine of them.
“Disgusting.” Andrew had said, which Matt had obviously expected, so he thought nothing of it.
Everyone wore them, Aaron had given his to Katelyn, except Andrew.
But when winter came, Matt saw Andrew get out of his dorm room with the hoodie on, pulling it tighter against himself when a cold air blast came.
“Not a word.” Andrew deadpanned, pointing at Matt, when he noticed him, before leaving the tower.
Matt smiled the whole day.
During one of their dinner bankets, the foxes were placed into pairs and told to socialize with the other teams. The pairs were meticulously design so that ‘the monsters’ (minus Nicky) interacted. This meant every ‘monster’ was placed with an upperclassmen. Andrew got Dan.
So when they Dan were talking to some players from Penn State, the Ravens decided to join.
They began talking sh¡t about Dan’s time as a stripper.
Andrew didn’t say or do a thing, knowing Dan was capable on fighting her own fights, she is the first female captain on Exy, but he does stand to the side, throwing a death glare to them.
But when one of them decide it’s a good idea to slap her in the butt when she is distracted....Andrew intervienes.
He grabs the Raven’s wrist, twisting it before pushing him into a table.
Dan is surprised, to say the least, but she knows that the Raven will get a worst fate if she leaves Andrew like that. 
Calmly, she tells him she is okay and that the Raven didn’t touch her and that he can look and see for himself.
The latter does the trick, Andrew turns his murderous glare at Dan so she turns in place extending her arms showing him that the Raven did nothing to her.
Andrew calms after a while and stands up, glancing at the Raven one more time. 
The rest of the night Andrew does not leave Dan’s side until they head back home. Dan attaches herself to that memory forever. 
Renee and Andrew sparred at least once a week, more whenever Andrew was having a bad day.
Such as that moment, Aaron’s trial was just around the corner and Andrew was not having it.
He went to Bee’s twice but it still wasn’t enough, so him and Renee spared.
But today was a specially not good day, Aaron’s lawyer had said that he’d have to speak about what happened that day.
Renee knew that Andrew was far more on his head than n the present so she wasn’t mad when Andrew threw her down to the mat and her hip bumped onto the floor.
For the first time since they spared that day, Renee saw Andrew actually see her.
His eyes were wide, probably surprised of what happened so she reassured him that she was okay and that it didn't hurt much and that she’d had much worse before.
But he didn’t listen to her and got off the mat.
Renee stood up and went for her water bottle, thinking that Andrew had gone to let out some steam alone.
But then he came back with an ice package in hand and gave it to her.
Renee thank him, placed it on her hip and sat near him while he starred to the distance in moral support.
Nicky wasn’t one to get sick often, but when it happened, he really got sick.
So when one day he wakes up with a headache and all of his bones ache, he knows he’s in trouble.
Not wanting anyone to be worried about him, Nicky tries to stand up, just for a blast of nausea hits him and he has to run to the bathroom before he pukes on their bedroom.
When he is done throwing his guts out, he brushes his teeth and walks out to the kitchen for a glass of water. But when he gets there, a water bottle is out with a bottle of Pepto-bismol beside it. 
In the middle of his confusion, Andrew and Aaron appear with a thermometer, a blanket and pills.
“Go lay down,” Andrew says with an uncharacteristically softness in his tone.
Nicky complies and walks towards the couch, Andrew protectively trailing behind him with his phone and a blanket.
“I don’t have any class today, Aaron has two in an hour but then he’ll be back. Tea?” Nicky is perplexed at this attention given by his cousins so he is only able to nod and think who were these people and what did they do with his cousins.
The rest of the day, the twins (mostly Andrew) take his temperature, give him his meds, cook for him and help him out whenever he needs it.
Nicky sleeps with a smile that day.
The next day, he feels much better, but because the sickness messed with his feelings, he has an urge to hug his cousins.
He asks for permission and surprisingly, Andrew says yes.
Nicky keeps the hug fast and makes sure he doesn’t make Andrew feel trapped.
He still cries at the memory. 
Out of all the foxes, Aaron is the one with the most difficult things to study. He is in fact studying pre-med.
So during the finals week, he is the most stressed.
There is this one class in which Aaron has been having the most trouble with and if he doesn’t pass the test, he’ll have to repeat the class. So to say that he was stressed was an understatement.
He begins studying for that class a week and a half before the exam is and the day before the exam, he skips gym, morning practice and afternoon practice.
He studies for the exam the whole day and had to be reminded to take breaks for the bathroom and meals constantly.
He is also forced by Andrew to sleep when he woke up at 3 am and Aaron was still awake, studying.
Aaron keeps thinking of the material as he tries to sleep, and isn’t able to until 4 am, he dreams on the material the whole night.
When he opens his eyes, he sees that the sun is much higher than usual, worried, he checks the time on his phone just for his fears to be true, his alarm didn’t sound and he slept through the whole exam.
He doesn’t even care to change and runs to the building. The door to his classroom is closed and the professor is not there.
“Can’t stop thinking about the exam? Me neither.” He hears one of his classmates say behind him.
“I didn’t even do it.” He says through his teeth.
“What do you mean? I saw you there.”
Aaron is confused so he asks more classmates if they saw him, and all of them said that yes, they saw him there.
Hurriedly he got to the tower and confronted Andrew if it was his doing and if he did the exam for him like they did in high school.
“I did.” was Andrew’s only response before walking out.
Aaron got a B⁺ a grade much better than if he had done it by himself.
After Riko died, his and Andrew’s deal could be done, but they had grown close, they had passed so much time together since Kevin escaped Evermore.
Neither of them would say it out loud, but they were each other’s best friend.
So when Kevin learned that his things would be thrown away from the Nest, he went into a spiral.
But when Andrew asked and Kevin couldn’t say why, Andrew made it his mission to know.
Neil had a few assumptions, but when he had been at the Nest, he had been too focused on his injuries that he wasn’t a good resource.
So Andrew contacted someone he never thought he would be speaking to. Jean.
Jean told Andrew of Kevin’s old bedroom and the things Kevin had to hide away from Riko because if he found them, Kevin would be punished. Yet he didn’t know what these secret things were. 
Thankfully, Jean knew where the hiding spot was.
The next day, Andrew took the Maserati in the early morning without a word (Neil knew but he had to act as if he didn’t), and made his way to Evermore.
Once there, he had to sneak inside, but given that the Nest was desolated for classes it was easy.
When Andrew got to where Jean had told him where the hiding spot was, he found a small shoe box.
Opening it, he found three things and Andrew immediately understood Kevin’s spiraling.
When he got back to the tower, he directly went to his dorm. Inside were Neil, Nicky and Kevin watching a game.
Andrew signaled Neil and the latter made Nicky follow him out.
“Where were you? You missed morning practice,” Kevin said as soon as they were alone.
Without a word, Andrew took the shoebox out of his bag and carefully gave it to Kevin, who took a shaky breath at the sight of it.
As soon as it was in Kevin’s hands, he opened it and carefully took the three things which were the last things he had from his mother.
A woman’s ring, a record player and a photograph. 
Tears immediately sprang from Kevin’s eyes and Andrew decided he would give Kevin his space.
“Thank you,” Kevin said as he opened the door, Andrew just nodded feeling a weird warmness in his chest.
Andrew shows Neil his love in so many ways, helping him out during panic attacks, reminding him that he’s safe, holding his hand, kissing him, sharing a cigarette in the roof, stroking his hair when they cuddle and so much more.
But the most important thing Andrew does for Neil is letting the latter see his vulnerability and trust him with it.
It starts with simple things, Andrew letting Neil sleep with him in the same bed, cuddle together, sit on Andrew’s lap (and vice versa), etc.
But it slowly begins to increase, let Neil stay whenever he gets a nightmare and/or a panic attack, let Neil take care of him when he gets sick, let Neil cuddle on top of Andrew, let himself seek comfort in Neil, Andrew letting Neil take his armbands off, see and touch them.
It takes a long time, but Neil doesn’t mind, those little things are more than enough for him and he doesn’t expect more from Andrew, but welcomes this little things and holds onto them with all of him.
Wymack is always threatening his foxes with running marathons and says that their personal stuff is over his pay rate, but oh doesn’t he care for them.
He works hard for them so they can have good things and safe and comfortable area for them, that’s why he had the walls on the showers made.
He loves the foxes, and they love them too.
One morning, he had to organize some piles of paperwork, but he had a stressing week and the night before he hadn’t been able to sleep good, so after a while of organizing paperwork, he decides he deserves a break.
The foxes are supposed to be in class so he doesn’t expect them until the afternoon. He goes to the lounge and lays down on the couch to “rest his eyes”.
He falls asleep almost instantly.
Andrew had forgotten something on the court after their morning practice so he decided to go now, he had finished his classes and knew that Wymack had to organize some paperwork, he was surprised to see the old man asleep.
Andrew could remember his initial fear of the man when he saw him the first time, he was tall, broad and serious, but he didn’t let it show. He had been waiting for the man to do something to him, but instead the man had respected his boundaries and didn’t ask when Andrew broke into his home in the late night and made himself a pot of hot cocoa (which had been bought for this reason).
So quietly, Andrew went to Wymack’s office and organized his paperwork, marking those who were missing one or two things with a post it and leaving right after he was done, not expecting the man to know it was him.
When Wymack woke up and walked back to his office he was surprised to see that his paperwork was organized. He mentally questioned who it was but when he read the post its he immediately knew it was Andrew, he knew all of his children’s handwritings, and made sure he bought Andrew’s favorite  chocolate ice cream.
Abby was the first one, apart from Bee, to see his scars. 
The first time she had tried to say something but she had seen something in his face because he didn’t and let him place the armbands back on.
After that she looked away when he took them off and just glanced at them for a second to make sure there were no track marks before turning around again so he could put the armbands back on.
(She knew there would not be track marks, so she just looked at them so there would be no new ones, he cared for her foxes.)
And during the physical exam, she made sure not to touch him more than necessary. 
Abby checks on Bee asking if he’s okay, she never expects an in depth answer, just a confirmation and she feels relief when Bee tells her that he is getting better.
On one of his sessions with Bee, she suggests Andrew that he should tell someone about his scars, preferably someone who has already seen them. 
Andrew knows what Bee is trying and Bee knows that Andrew knows and Andrew knows Bee knows that Andrew knows.
In the end, he does tell Abby. He keeps it vague and watches her reaction, waiting for a small expression change, but thankfully Abby just listens, and shows no pity, knowing that Andrew would hate it and does not comment.
When he’s done, she just nods and thanks him for telling her and when Andrew leaves, Abby lets the tears she had retained out.
She keeps the truth guarded with her life, glad Andrew trust her enough to say this.
It is not a secret that Andrew sees Bee like his mother figure, out of all the woman in his life she was the only one that he didn’t feel the need to be unlike himself, she loved him just the way he was.
It was scary at first, his mind supplied that it would be just like Cass, he just had to wait for the other shoe to come down.
It never did.
So he found himself driving to her office when he needed to understand something or he was just not in a good mental place.
He would also call her when he didn’t have the energy to move.
She was on one of his sides during Aarons trial, helping him keep his cool when he felt like he needed to punch something.
When it had been his turn to say his testimony, he had looked at her and Neil, remembering that they would be with him and that they would show no pity to him.
So the day before Mother’s day, when him and Neil were shopping for clothes, and he saw a coffee mug in the shape of a bee hive that read “To the Bee-st mom” he had to buy it.
The next day he arrives to her office and leaves the cup before leaving without a word.
It fills Bee’s heart when she reads it but knows best than to comment of it on their next session.
But if she uses it everyday and it becomes her favorite mug, no one has to know.
Look at me posting three days in a row, I’m proud of myself ngl. Anyways, have this, hope you like it, I tried my best and this is honestly the longest “headcanon” I’ve ever written.
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trueshellz · 4 years
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I hope this is okay! I tried to show her as helpful as possible but a little sparky too. They're not all the same length but I tried to use different scenarios too.
The first time he saw you, you were surrounded by 2nd years pestering you for your phone number and he truly felt sorry for those guys. You couldn’t have had a bigger ‘fuck off’ face even if you tried. As he walked over, he was getting ready to set them straight when he overheard you.
“If you don’t get away from me in the next 10 seconds, I will rearrange your face.”
He’d never seen boys run away apologising so fast in his life, his signature laugh being heard by everyone, even Kenma gave him a WTF look as they walked together down the corridor.
“Oya? You seemed to have put them right in their place.”
Still annoyed at the situation, you whirled around and glared at him, hands placed on your hips. You knew Kuroo Tetsuro, everyone knew Kuroo Tetsuro. Third year, Nekoma volleyball captain, signature smile and absolute flirt.
“You wanna go as well, pretty boy?” You huffed as he held his hands up in mock surrender, grin wide across his face.
“Woah there, sparky. I was coming over to help you.”
Hiking your bag up your shoulder, you purposely walked between him and Kenma. “I didn’t need your help.”
The second time he saw you, he was grabbing a book from the library and he saw you sat with one of the 1st year girls. Exam week was around the corner so the library was busier than usual, he could see some of his teammates in the back too, knowing full well if they failed exams they could be pulled from the upcoming games.
He could see the girl was stressed out from the way she was flailing her arms, her face red as she pointed at her books. He saw you smile as you leaned over, pointing to something before taking out a mini whiteboard and pen from you bag. You giggled as she held her arms up in the air, she must have got the answer right. He was momentarily stunned by your change in demeanor and he could feel himself smile as you clapped for your student.
When you were dating, Kuroo was more than aware of how people perceived you. He had the same issue to some extent, being perceived as a harsh captain with a scheming personality meant some students were often scared to approach him. But when you were alone, you would often curl up to him on the sofa and often acted cute in front of him especially when he came home after a game to help cheer him up. Packing bento boxes for his lunches with cute cut out fruit and animal shaped onigiri and leaving cute notes in his bags and books.
You would always come near the end of Nekoma practice matches with drinks or healthy snacks for his team, who loved you for this reason. Yamamoto more so than the rest, a huge flirt who tried to hug attack you every time only to get yelled at by your boyfriend and given clean up duties as punishment.
"Tetsu, he just wants a hug."
He mock pouted as he looked at you, his lip stuck out almost comically. "Those hugs are mine, he can't have any."
The manager and you got along well too, you would help them by sweeping up after the boys or tidying away the equipment. A few times you helped Lev out when he tore his uniform falling over or tripping on his long legs as he got used to playing volleyball. He would feel so bad too, looking at you like a lost puppy as you sewed up his hem or patched a hole he had in his shorts or t shirt. The one time he managed to rip the stitching of his t shirt up to his arm pit when he skidded across the floor trying to save the ball. Needless to say, it didn't end well and you were glad you had taken to carrying a sewing kit with you when you went to watch them practice.
"I'm so sorry!"
"It's fine, Lev. Don't worry about it."
Kuroo knew the saying: Don't judge a book by it's cover, but he didn't realise how true it was until he met you. He could have missed out on one of the best people in his life.
Bokuto was known for having a cheery outlook on life, yes he had his emo moments but it took a lot to get him down generally. But you always baffled him, whenever he saw you it seemed as though you were angry or annoyed. In class, no matter the task or who you worked with, you looked fed up. After school when you were walking home, you seemed frustrated. At lunchtime, you sat with friends but you seemed like you'd had enough. You were a conundrum to him.
After school one day, he was walking towards the local shop to grab some snacks and he saw you crouching on the ground, your face was a mixture of awe and sadness as you looked at a box on the ground. As he neared you, he could hear small whines and the scratching against the box and when he peered over your shoulder he could see some puppies in the box.
"Someone left them here alone?"
You jumped as you heard his voice, looking up to see him standing over you, he had his bag slung on his shoulder and was still dressed in his volleyball gear. You'd seen him around school, he sat on the opposite side of the classroom to you so you never worked together. You knew he was the captain of the school's volleyball team but didn't know much else about him.
"Yeah, it's so cruel. They're only babies too."
And that was how you two became started friends and eventually dating, bonding over your love for animals and disdain for the situation. He accompanied you to the local animal shelter where you dropped the puppies off, not being able to take them home. He was enthralled by your change in demeanor, you would always smile at him and act a lot more animated. You would help Akaashi get him out of his funk when he had a bad day or one of his moves didn't go to plan. He had taken to buying you the famous octopus plushie too and would use it to gauge your mood, you found it hilarious. If you were sad or angry, he would come bearing snacks or gifts and if you were happy, he knew he was able to hug attack you and smother you in kisses.
Attending every game, you would always dress in his team number and cheer the loudest for him. After school, you would help him unwind, either spending time giving him a massage or just cuddling on the sofa together. You would lay on him, arms and legs intertwined as you watched television or playing with hair as his head was in your lap. Even going as far to sometimes climb into the front of his hoodie so you would be skin to skin with him. You loved the feel of his heartbeat against your ears and his breathing would calm you. You spent more time in his lap, head buried in his neck than sat alone as you lived feeling his body heat against you. Thankfully, Koutaro didn't mind, he loved the attention and having you close to him.
Who knew such a angry little bean would become such a cute little sloth?
Every weekend like clockwork at lunchtime, you would walk in and order 2 meals. One to eat at the time and one to pick up at the end of your meal and take away. You always sat in the corner by yourself, flicking through your phone. You weren't rude or anything, but you had an aura of 'leave me alone' or else which usually kept people away from you. As Osamu watched, he couldn't help but wonder about you and your background.
He tried talking to you first, but apart from polite conversation you didn't seem to want to talk to him. He tried broaching lots of subjects but you just gave minimal answers. He was quite frustrated to say the least, Atsumu didn't help with his idea either. They just seemed to be annoying or potentially harassing, neither a great choice.
It was the end of the day when he was packing away, you had just left the restaurant and Osamu was packing all the left over food in boxes to give to the homeless people around the restaurant. He didn't like wasting food, not being one to be ungrateful and decided early on to donate it to those who were less fortunate. Carrying the snack packs, he started his usual journey down the roads and handing his packages out to anyone who was in need.
As he rounded the corner, he saw you leaning down speaking to an elderly lady who had a small child. She looked tired, her cheeks red from exhaustion and cold, the child looking equally cold in this weather too. They had been selling fruit from what he could see and he stared in fascination as you not only bought their remaining stock but gave them the second meal you bought that day.
"No, no. You always do this. It's not fair, we'll exchange. You give me food for my fruit."
"Auntie, no. You know very well that I don't expect payment for this. Its a gift. Take the food, go home and eat. Use the money for your daughter."
Nearing to you, he bowed quickly before leaning down and handing the child some onigiri. She smiled up at him, all toothy and he felt his heart warm up seeing her munch away at the rice ball. Looking at you, he could see the broad smile on your face as you bantered with the woman, seeing you like this was such a contrast to your usual stoic attitude.
This routine continued for a few weeks, eventually you would help Osamu out with his packing. Carrying some of the lighter packages to hand out to everyone, your conversation becoming more and more in depth the more you spoke to one another. You had more in common than you thought, including your selflessness you both had similar taste in music and movies.
One thing led to another and soon you found yourself dating, Osamu didn't realise how cute you were in real life until you moved in together. He remembered how shocked he was when you bought matching Pikachu onesies to wear and would take lots of selfies with him. His phone was full of cute pictures that he got during the day with little messages and lovey dovey quotes. The apartment was full of couple things like matching slippers and the progression of your relationship through little mementos strewn across the wall.
You would spend any spare time you had at his shop helping him, or trying to as you seemed to get distracted by how pretty your boyfriend was. Or you would come behind him and attach yourself in a backhug, Osamu wouldn't be able to get much done with a limpet attached so you compromised on a only doing that when he had a break.
What started as a fascination ended up being one of the biggest surprises of his life and he couldn't imagine his life without you in it.
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keilemdarkmode · 4 years
🚫contains themes of abuse, noncon/dubcon, yandere. 🚫
all characters aged 18+
pro hero! hitoshi shinsou x reader 
word count: 2.4k
you cry so pretty, all for him. 
a/n: hey y’all! please don’t read if this isn’t your cup of tea!!
this is my first (posted) story with like. dark themes. finally, i am able to filthily indulge my crying kink <3333 enjoy!!
warnings: yandere, spanking, dacryphilia, kidnapping, isolation, degradation, spanking, light pet play (collars and nicknames), light non-con
You were so fucking pretty when you cried.
For him, anyway.
Just him.
If anyone other than Hitoshi dared to upset you to the point of tears, they would hardly be around much longer to tell about it.
No, Hitoshi took pride— hot, ego-boosting, revolting— pride in making you hiccup and wail to the point of a migraine once your tears had settled. Fuck toeing the line of pain and pleasure, he’d shove you over its jagged edge without a thought if it got you to tears.
If he was in a particularly cruel mood, he’d keep you sobbing for hours.
It never felt long enough for him, but he prided himself on knowing what limits of yours he could safely break without breaking you. The last thing he wanted was a lifeless doll, that would defeat the entire purpose of keeping you in the first place.
There were surely thousands of other tight cunts in the world that would fall all over the famed, underground hero ‘MindBreak’, but Hitoshi didn’t want any of them. He’d had a fangirl or two strung up in his bed during his early years of professional hero work, but it was always lackluster. Too many clawing, exaggerated moans and needy cuddling for his liking. He’d rather beat one out alone than pretend he enjoyed indulging a girl’s selfish fantasy.
Hitoshi had given up on ever finding a partner who would suit him just right.
Until he met you, of course.
A hostage situation, easily diffused with a handful of words in the twilight of a closing luxury shop, expensive purses and watches lining the walls.
It was far too simple for Hitoshi to bait the villains that dared to put you in harm's way.
When he first saw your tear-flushed cheeks, the barrel of a villain's handgun to your temple, Hitoshi knew he was beyond fucked.
His cock shouldn’t have twitched at the sight, yet it did. He was sporting a half-chub the entire mission, endlessly glad that his costume was baggy enough to hide it and that his voice modulator covered his hot, shamed cheeks.
When Hitoshi finally got to you, carefully checking you over for bumps and bruises, he let his hands linger. Any potential self-imposed disgust that bubbled in his throat died the second he felt your skin against his own.
He was hooked.
You thanked him, tearfully, over and over as he walked you to a waiting ambulance, rubbing at your eyes with the backs of your wrists. Hitoshi kept a firm hand on your lower back, quietly reassuring you that you were ‘safe, alright, protected—’
The last word might’ve been a bit much for a pro-hero to a civilian, but you were too busy sobbing to notice.
Hitoshi had to be subtle at first.
Showing up at your work, always bearing a coffee and a smile, talking to you like an old friend and not a near-stranger who kept too many tabs on you. You didn’t know about his behavior and Hitoshi was convinced you wouldn’t care either. You always grinned so sweetly from behind the counter, sipping the beverages he always treated you to.
Blissfully ignorant.
You were sweet, far-too innocent to notice how Hitoshi pushed and pulled you into the undertow of his fucked-up desires.
Maybe he was first disgusted with himself, for a small while, but he was quick to rationalize, easily mushing and tugging his own mind into a lull of lust and instinctual compliance.
You needed him, it was obvious. You needed a sweet man to kiss and blot your pretty tears away, keep you safe from the horrors of the world while he did so.
Hitoshi was happy to provide.
You fought him, of course, when he first brought you home.
He was careful not to push you in the beginning, letting you sputter and beg your lips dry and eyes red before even thinking about reacting. The kitten-kicks and punches you landed phase him in the slightest.
Hitoshi wasn’t delusional enough to think you wouldn’t need time to adjust to your new existence.
But, truly, giving you constantly neutral expressions hurt him too.
He wanted to scoop you up, kiss your pains away and keep you safe, like he knew he would. But, Hitoshi wasn’t an idiot. If he pushed you, there was no chance you���d ever trust him.
He had to be patient.
Hitoshi also knew that he should only use pain if he needed to. No need to punish your tears that he loved so, so much. It was only when you acted out that he ever would use force.
Such as the time you’d tried to pry off the pretty collar Hitoshi had made for you.
Sleek, black leather, a few o-rings, silver hardware and even a damn bell. The whole thing was even studier than it looked, a thin band of metal running between the layers of fabric, making it more than industrial grade. The last thing Hitoshi wanted was to snap the pretty present he'd even you— not to mention it had to stand up to the heavy links of chain that tethered you to the headboard of your silk-covered king-size bed.
See, he was even nice enough to let you have your own room while you settled.
Though you chose to spit on that kindness quickly.
He’d walked in to give you breakfast—  a warm, home-cooked meal, your favorite, when he found you, bloodied at the neck, as you had slipped a fork (you must’ve saved it from dinner the night prior) between the unyielding collar and the fragile, weak skin of your throat. Tears spilled down your chin and cheeks, frustration and rage so clear in your eyes.
Hitoshi had never truly been upset with you until then.
He felt his own face fall.
When you finally noticed him at the unbolted door, you chucked the bloody fork at him.
You missed by a mile.
What Hitoshi didn’t miss was every strike he laid the plump flesh of your ass that day.
With every strike, Hitoshi wondered why he hadn't bent you over his knee sooner. Maybe it was his early boundaries and need for some order in his own mind.
He loved you, he didn’t want to hurt you.
But now, you fucking deserved it—
And he’d take advantage of it.
He yanked the chain attached to your pretty collar, forcing your neck and spine to curl just right as he smacked his hand down against your bare ass yet again.
“Bad kittens don’t deserve to feel good, do they?” Hitoshi asked, knowing you wouldn’t be able to reply with anything other than fat tears. You’d already soaked the sheets below. Hitoshi had particularly reveled in getting to grind your cheeks into your own mess.
Part of him was tempted to take it a step farther.
He only teased you, though. A single finger trailing from your tight hole to your clit, smearing what little slick you provided (He made a mental note to purchase lube.) Through his touch, obliviously teasing, you had shuddered for him, squirming harder, trills of pleas dripping from your bitten lips, ‘please, no, no, I’m sorry— please, Hitoshi, please, don’t— ‘
Hitoshi didn’t, as much as he wanted to watch you sob while he broke your cunt with his fat fingers.
He had to be patient.
Instead, he settled for spanking you until your ass was bruised and battered. He didn’t even try to count his strikes, rather he stopped when he ran out of ways to verbally berate you.
“If you just listened, kitten, I wouldn’t have to do this,” Hitoshi tsked, shaking his head as he slapped at your upper thighs. “If you were a good girl, I wouldn’t have to spank this cute little ass, would I?”
You squirmed, wailing into the sheets. You’d already begged yourself silly for a reprieve, but Hitoshi didn’t care. Hitoshi didn’t want an apology.
He wanted to see you weep.
He wanted to see you millimeters from shattering, preferably with your tight, silky cunt around his cock. It was a goal he aspired to reach.
But first, you needed to be trained as a proper pet.
At the end of that first punishment, Hitoshi yanked you upright by your collar, back painfully arched as you panted, shaking and writhing in his grip.
Hitoshi forced your thighs around his own, relishing the fear that continued to spill from the wrinkles and lines around your eyes.
It got even cuter when he spit on your lips, harshly slapping your cheek, though tender enough to catch your jaw as you reel.
“So, what did my sweet kitty learn?” Hitoshi asked, watching the way your glassy eyes refocused on him. The tears on your cheeks had yet to slow or stop. Hitoshi wondered if he could get you to run yourself dry.
“T-that— t-that— “ You sniffled, wrists flexing in Hitoshi’s vice grip. “Um—”
Your eyes went blank, vacant.
It hurt some part of him, though it was buried quickly.
It was necessary.
Hitoshi squeezed your cheeks in one hand, cock twitching at the feeling of your precious tears wetting his hand, “Feel that, kitten? In your head— you know what this is? Answer honestly.”
You shook your head, slow and methodically.
“It’s my quirk. You’ll do anything I say without question.” Hitoshi massaged your slack cheeks, tightening his grip on your wrists. “Anything. Do you understand?”
You nodded.
Hitoshi didn’t want to use his quirk on you— no, he wanted to make you his handiwork, not the byproduct of his feared-quirk.
Still, it was a nice safety net.
“I’m going to release you, and then you’re going to tell me what you learned.” Hitoshi already started to let you go. “And, kitten, be quick about it. I wouldn’t want to keep you bent over for much longer, especially since you’ve already made such a mess.”
The moment his hold was fully released with his last words, your eyes went wide, body going rigid.
“Bad kittens don’t get to feel good!”
You panted it out, pain and panic having stripped your already raw mind bare.
Hitoshi was nice enough to sit with you as shakily ate your cold breakfast, praising you in the same breath as calling you a ‘disobedient cunt’ and an ‘ungrateful whore’.
It was cute to see the whiplash in your eyes.
You got better, under Hitoshi’s training.
It just took a bit of time and coaxing.
You cried a lot after that first punishment, flinching whenever Hitoshi got within a few feet.
Hitoshi’s response to this was simple—
Get you nice and needy.
He was the only person you saw anyways, so it wasn't a hard feat.  
A few crushed up sleeping pills into your dinner left you knocked out and pliant, though Hitoshi only tucked you into bed, allowing himself to even kiss your forehead as he got to work.
He removed all of the books and drawing paper he’d given you. All of your clothes sans three distinct, uncomfortably fitting outfits were removed from your closet.
Each bit and piece of stimulation Hitoshi could find, he stole away. Even the alarm clock at your bedside.
He even took away your towels, though graciously, he left behind your toothbrush and toothpaste. Hitoshi really patted himself on the back for his grace.
He left you to awaken only with a sheet on your bed and a sweet note from him on your bed.
Be a good girl.
Hitoshi (Master)
His plan worked wonderfully.
At first, you were still reluctant to get near him. Though it hardly mattered.
Hitoshi made a point to hardly speak or spend time with you when he would drop off your meals. He didn’t linger.
Though, he did make a point to praise you a single time, each day. Just a small, insignificant ‘good girl’ with dinner just before exiting to rebolt the door to your room.
He’d always wait in the nearby hallway, pulling out his phone to check the hidden cameras that dotted your room.
Typically, you would eat quietly, then tucking into yourself in your favorite corner of the room under your single sheet for the rest of the day. Maybe Hitoshi would have felt some remorse over your shivering, scared form if he doubted himself and his methods.
It wasn’t long before you started to crack.
You’d sniffle behind the door, rubbing at your eyes from the view of the cameras.
Quickly, you went from cries to sobs, then all-out wails.
The first time you screamed, something wretched and high, Hitoshi left you to beg and plead behind the door, as much as it pained him.
As cute as your begging was, he couldn’t deviate from his methods when he was so fucking close to his goal.
With a sly, curling grin, Hitoshi felt confident that the next time he graced you with his presence, you’d be wrapped around his finger.
You had become so well-trained.
Perfect, like Hitoshi always knew.
You’d taken to sitting on the floor as Hitoshi busied himself with the day’s paperwork. Some program droned on in the background, just white noise for the evening.
You’d been good that day, particularly good as Hitoshi ate your cunt like it was his last meal over the arm of the couch he was now sitting on.
He couldn’t count the amount of time you wept ‘thank you’ as Hitoshi drove you into a mess of snot and sobs.
After the fanfare, your body spent and tired, he’d given you some reprieve. Your cheek rested on his knee, eyes half-lidded, shoulders relaxed.
Softened, good and proper.
All for him.
You had your slipups, notably. Mistakes were human, weren’t they? You still jumped sometimes if Hitoshi got too loud. You’d shriek if he surprised you, in jest or otherwise. Still needed a lesson drilled into you once in awhile, but overall you were a very well-trained pet for him.
“Kitten?” Hitoshi hummed, not looking up from his papers. “Up on the couch. Head on my lap.”
You sweetly climbed up, the skirt you wore riding up against your thighs. Hitoshi watched your hand twitch to cover yourself, but quickly, you stilled.
That particular lesson had been hard for him to get through your dumb little skull, but eventually, finally, you understood that Hitoshi was the one who decided how much you bared and when.
Luckily, he was more fatigued than normal. He reached out to smooth your skirt flat, squeezing your thigh as he did.
You laid on him, so pliant and soft. Hitoshi absent-mindedly played with your hair, skirting his nails against the shell of your ear, cherishing the way you shivered against him.
It was moments like this that were his favorite.
You started sniffling.
Though your head was directed towards the TV, Hitoshi knew better than to think it was the show that triggered your tears.
No, it was just circumstantial.
Hitoshi enjoyed the soft moments. No fighting, no need to bruise and hollow out your mind, just you so sweetly curled up for him like the perfect kitten you were.
The tender moments are what made you cry so hard.
You slowly dissolved into ragged breaths, fisting the fabric of his joggers and burying your face in his thigh as you wept.
Hitoshi felt his dick twitch.  
He let you do this, despite knowing why you did. He felt no guilt as you shattered with sobs against him. You needed the catharsis of it, Hitoshi knew this and wouldn’t take that away from you.
He was just so gracious.
As was so routine, he dragged you up, wide hands positioning your thighs around his own. You sagged in his hold, half-limp and half-relieved by his contact. You settled on his lap just like he taught you, tucking into his neck with your hands bunching up the front of his shirt as you wept.
Deliciously hot tears seared Hitoshi so well that his eyes rolled back into his head. Though, he kept himself appearing unaffected, sorting through his paperwork all the same, though lightly rocking and cooing to you as he did.
His fucking crybaby was right where they belonged.
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starryseung · 4 years
nsfw a-z! bang chan
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chan ~ minho ~ changbin ~ hyunjin ~ jisung ~ felix ~ seungmin ~ jeongin
a/n; [ REPOST ] can’t believe i wrote this for 2 hours straight lmao
word count; 1.4k words
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A: aftercare
chan would be the sweetest man on earth during aftercare. on days he thinks he’s been rougher than usual, he’ll take extra care of you. he knows you get really tired after a good fuck, so he’s most likely to fix the sheets and take care of you. aftercare shows how intimate chan can be with you even outside the bed.
B: body
on himself chan loves his arms (hands). he loves the strength he has and how he asserts it on his partner. he knows the effect it has on his s/o as well, which is probably another reason why that is his favourite body part.
on his partner, chan would love their neck/waist. he seems like someone who would love marking up his partner, admiring how beautiful their hickeys and love bites look. (he might tease you about it too, but that’s another story)
C: cum
chan loves cumming on your stomach. sometimes he feels intimate and would cum inside (with protection/partner on pills) but other times he loves looking at himself on your stomach. he would also rather come in your mouth and make you swallow, but it depends only if you like it or not.
D: dirty secret
he’s recently been wanting to try out a little bondage. he wants to experience the idea of tying/cuffing you up, edging you with some toys. he’s even jacked off to the thought of stimulating you with your hand behind you. he’s been wanting to tell you this for a while but is waiting for the perfect atmosphere.
E: experience
chan has little to no experience. but he’s willing to try out a lot of things with you.
F: favourite position
chan might see like the person to fuck you from behind, but he looks like the person who would want to look at you. he wants to look at how your face contorts as he reaches depths in you, and would definitely prefer missionary.
G: goofy
let’s face it. chan is definitely goofy when he needs to be. depends on if you’re having soft sex or if he’s going down hard. he would smile down at you/chuckle when he feels the need to, making the whole moment so much more than just a senseless fuck.
H: hair
well groomed. not just for his partner, but he likes keeping himself clean in general.
I: intimacy
for chan, intimacy plays a huge role in sex. he wants his s/o to feel comfortable with him, and would do his best to pleasure them. dirty talk, sweet praises, degradation, he can move from simple to extreme real quick.
J: jack off
chan would usually jack off after a stressful day or when you’re not around, to relieve the pent up frustration or just relax.
K: kinks
chan would be into slight bdsm. he doesn’t intend to inflict pain on his partner, just slight bondage and edging would satisfy him as mentioned. other than that, he would love praises, some slight degradation if he feels you’ve been bad. he also loves eating you out.
just like how much he likes giving, he admires when his s/o takes the smallest effort to appreciate his love and affection for them. on the other hand, he loves his partner being submissive.
L: location
just like i mentioned previously, sex might not be something so casual for chan. he likes those few moments of closeness he can spend with his lover, and would definitely have sex in a comfortable place/if you both agree to it.
M: motivation
your small annotations of his love. he loves it when you reciprocate the affection he showers you with; it keeps him going. he appreciates it when his s/o is equally dedicated to keeping him happy.
N: no
pain. he likes the idea of edging his partner, but not to the level where it's physically painful. he doesn’t seem like the person to inflict pain on someone, the same vice versa.
O: oral
y e s. this man can eat you out like he’s been starved for ages. he’d stop only if you tell him to. he knows how to make you feel good with his lips and tongue, sucking and licking at your sweet spots that have you coming in minutes.
i can totally imagine chan addicted to the feeling of your lips around him. he loves the way you gag around him, how you stimulate him at the right places.
P: pace
again, it depends. if one of you is tired/you two are in the soft giggly mood, he’d go slow and sensual, making you feel him reach depth in you. he’d usually go for only one or two rounds in such cases.
if he’s stressed/angry, you’re over. he’d go fast and deep, leaving you shaking under him. he’d only stop if you’re begging him to, which usually happens after you’ve come three-four times.
Q: quickie
he’s 99% in the studio so that’s the most common place for a quickie. never at the dorms, because he has roommates and if one of them finds out he’ll be teased about it to death (even after death).
R: risk
the most risky act he’s done is fuck you on the studio couch. he’d never do anything more, like in the practice rooms or worse, the dorms.
S: stamina
he mentioned he’s an athlete, so he could last for three rounds. on the fourth one it’d be too much for both him and you.
T: toy
like mentioned, he’d love using a vibrator/dildo or some handcuffs on you. simple but dangerously effective. he’d be the kind to make you cum with him simply thrusting the vibrator in and out of you. also handcuffs you to the bedpost and edges you with the dildo until you’re begging to cum.
U: unfair
of c o u r s e he loves teasing you. he’d totally smirk and chuckle while licking up your folds, holding you down by your hips. he’d also enjoy when he’s playing with your hole with his fingers, brushing against your clit every once in a while.
but you teasing him? he stops you instantly and shows you your place. he doesn’t like his dominance stripped away from him, and would definitely be pissed if you’re playing with him.
V: volume
he loves hearing you, drinking in the sounds of your pleasure. he doesn’t appreciate you blocking your pretty voice at all, and would touch you in all the right places to make you moan and whine even when he’s just making out with you.
he would be the person who’d groan and grunt once in a while, feeling your warmth clench around him. otherwise, he whines pretty loudly when you’re sucking him off. also would sometimes purposely groan into your ears to feel you get wetter.
W: wild card
chan loves hickeys. giving and receiving. probably won’t be much of a secret once you two start making out/having sex regularly, but he simply loves the pressure of your lips on his neck or collarbone, slightly biting at the skin to let it darken and stay for the next few days.
while giving hickeys, it’s like he needs to be stopped. he adores the sounds you make while he’s pressing his lips and tongue against your soft skin, licking and nibbling at it. he’d mark you up all the way from your neck to your waist, covering your breast and sometimes even your thighs too.
X: x-ray
he’s on the slightly longer side, but has the girth. he knows he might not be the best out there, but as long as you’re satisfied, he’s loving it. he stretches you perfectly, not too painful or not too displeasing. he’s just perfect.
Y: yearning
he does get needy sometimes, but won’t tell you. he’d sometimes finish up his business by himself, but if he’s working and you call him up all needy and wet, he would 100% get hard at the image of you under him; telling you to wait for him to be home (and probably punishes you after)
Z: zzz
cuddles right after aftercare. he gets tired easily due to his job, and is most likely going to sleep instantly if you simply continue running your fingers through his hair.  also loves being the big spoon, but sometimes he doesn’t mind your arm and leg around his waist uwu
taglist; @hyukminie​ @cherryeol04​ @lomlminho​ @bruh-changbin​ @yooniversalstudios@minhoslittlebitch​
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junnibook · 4 years
Pt.2 Can I request nsfw alphabet's For 1.hawks 2.iwa-chan 3.daichi 4. SHIGARAKI!!
Shigaraki Tomura nsfw alphabet.
A/n: have fun you dust loving reader 🙏🏼
Q: would you force skin care on him?
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
wait, your alive? like your not a pile of dust on his bed? wow okay.. well firstly his aftercare sucks, just saying, he doesn’t care to stay around and if he does have deep feelings for you it would still suck because he’ll either go do “work” or he’ll play the game. his way of after care is keeping you alive so don’t push it.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he likes your boobs and your face. one he’s like a child and most children cling to their mothers chest plus he likes the size and how they feel. they do have a lot of bite marks. he likes your face because of all the fear and emotions you show him. he cant get enough of that, make those faces for him more often. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he’s a messy boy. okay so one his cum would taste overly salty so if your a swallower get a cup of water because your gonna need it, two its super thick for no reason at all. he likes to leave his cum any and everywhere. he doesn’t came if it’s messy. you turned him on, purposely so that’s your problem.
D = Dick size ( the size of their dick)
he’s above average and isn’t too thick but makes up for it in length. i wouldn’t say he’s a proud boy he honestly doesn’t care if he’s big or not, if someone had somethings to say they could gladly be turned into a pile of ash and he would pee on it it and move on with his ashy day.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
none, the boy doesn’t like people before he met you or whom ever, he was like a needy wild animal he had it the first time, didn’t know how to act. just humping away feeling that good ol pleasure and was blinded by it, yea if you had your first with him than he would 100% be rough with you... masochist.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
he quickly finds out that he likes to be deep into you- like fully into you, he likes mating press the most, just be on birth control because he doesn’t like condoms like at all. im sure you don’t want any baby shiggys running around turning children into dust right?
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
no way, not a chance. you won’t catch him being goofy at all. he has his DICK out and is showing himself to YOU. be glad that you made this far, don’t test him by trying to be goofy. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
100% not shaved or trimmed. why would he? he’s a busy man plus he doesn’t care like at all.. if you have a problem with it shave it your self other than that don’t say anything abt it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
N O he doesn’t know romance it’s not in his mind set. the most he will do that you can call romantic is go easier and or softer on you. if your looking for emotional sex for comfort or something.. get you a side piece and use them for that one thing
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
yea he does, it’s a stress relief and on his pettiest of days he’ll leave his cum near you. he wouldn’t care if you thought it was gross, he’ll leave his cum by you and move on with his day.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
he likes: praise kink, because he likes no he loves when you praise him for making you go dumb over his dick. 
he likes giving you just a little pain.. he likes the literal tears in your eyes. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere he pleases which is mostly in his room. all for one told him off the last time he fucked in public since people got a half a look at his face. but if he wasn’t told not to he’d fuck you in public. “ show the hero’s how you take dick from a villain”  
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
anything- he’s so easily turned on, but if he’s playing the game and you try and distract him- he takes that as a threat and literally will sit on you so that you can’t move- or if he’s angry and almost won and you made him lose, he’ll grab you by the neck, have his thumb dangerously close to the rest of his fingers on your throat pull you close and look into your eyes. “stop being annoying before i makes you regret it “ 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
sit down loves he isn’t a bottom nor does he want to try it out, he’s top and if you don’t like it - leave {btw you cant leave because he literally won’t let you} he also doesn’t eat you out- he thinks it’s gross-
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
his head is terrible, he hates eating you out AND him fingering you is like Russian roulette, his thumb might accidently meet up with the rest of his fingers and turn your pussy into dust- no more wap for you, you now have the dap {dusty ass puh} also he might let you suck him might not- he has trust issues and he doesn’t trust your teeth. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
like i said- he isn’t the type to go slow, he’s chasing his own pleasure si yes he will go hard and fast nonstop. safe words are needed but will be ignored- just saying so if you don’t like it so rough that your legs give out for a few days than find a new partner because he isn’t for you love. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
quickies are basically you sucking him up while he plays the game - if you want him that bad than you can wait until he wants to get off the game and fuck you, lucky for you it isn’t a long wait.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he use to be risky until he had his face shown at his attacks and so he can’t be risky and fuck you out in public to often, before he was seen he would fuck you in public places- where they could hear you moan 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can last up to two rounds- sorry maybe three if he’s needy and maybe four if he’s stressed which is all the time.. so it depends on his mood because it changes from time to time as you know.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he doesn’t have time for things likes that and besides but how much he’s giving you- you wouldn’t be able to think about anything yet alone toys. he thinks they are weird and un needed. “are you saying my dick isn’t good enough for you? “ say no if you want, he’ll have you in tears begging for him in minutes.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
meh- not to much he doesn’t have time to waste on teasing you, he has plans and wouldn’t want to pause them just to tease you, take the dick and go to sleep. it’ll knock you out for sure so sleep up before he wants more. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he doesn’t moan he insults- like degradation kink is a small kink of his, he likes the way it sounds coming form him and he loves the way you repeat it when he tells you too, because who are you to refuse him. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he is down to share you, he likes the idea of breaking you down while using another guys dick. that would probably be a punishment though, like if you happened tp the extra annoying that day and just kept brothering him. 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
his dick is ashy so be careful don’t get rub burn- im joking it’s not ashy probably  the most non ashy  place on his body,
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not as high as you might think- taking down the heros will always come first on his mind- his games are second and you come.. well last- your the last thing on his mind. no offense.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
knocked out no questions asked, your knocked out too for sure, he put you straight tp sleep. so take the sleep while you can.
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bemybstar · 4 years
Saw you write nsfw including daddy/sir & humilliation kinks so if you're still up for requests...May I request smut where Louis and a carnivore!reader have that kind of relationship (with him being the dominant one ofc)? I've always thought it fit with his herbivore complex and that carnivore fetish of his 👀 can be hcs or a one shot, whatever you prefer! I ADORE your work...Thank you so much for sharing it 😭❤
A/N: Yes I am still taking requests since they are still open! Thanks so much for commenting on my writing I really appreciate it!
Pairing: Louis x fem!carnivore!reader (reader can pick the animal they want)
Warnings: Jealous Louis, dom/sub relationship, mentions of daddy kink, reader gets punished, it’s honestly just filth at this point lol.
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“Louis? Do you mind helping me with this next part?” You ask politely and await his response. He was busy finalizing scripts for the drama clubs last play rehearsal, since he’s the leader it’s part of his job. “Sorry but I’m busy right now. We can practice in private later.” He says bluntly not even bothering to look you straight in the eye.
You were a member of the dance team and wanted to go over some last minute critiques for the festivals performance. You’d figured your boyfriend would be up to the task of helping you with some new dance moves but you were clearly mistaken. “But I need your advice now or else I’ll forget the entire choreography later,” you whine.
“I already told you I’m busy. Now go be a good girl and ask someone else to help you until I’m done.” He snarls finally locking eyes with you instead of his paper. “Fine!” You huff as you storm out of his office, “I will...”
You scope around the room for a potential partner, all the girls were already in groups or busy stretching after wrapping up. You sigh in defeat, there goes your chances at getting someone’s input. That was until Bill spotted you and headed your way. 
“Hey, Y/N. What’s up?” The bengal tiger asked you sounding a bit too excited. “I overheard you talking to Louis. That guy can be such an asshole, am I right?” Technically you’d be willing to defend your boyfriend and put Bill in his place, but no one knew you two were dating. So you had to play it cool and act approachable in case others got suspicious. 
“Haha, yeah I guess so,” you comment wondering how much did he actually hear of the conversation, but you push it aside as an idea pops into your head.
“Bill! Do you mind giving me your opinion on my dance number? You know, since Louis is too busy for me and all,” you pleaded with a smile. “Sure! I’d love to help you out. Where should we start?”
“Hmmm,” you think and look around until you found the perfect spot. “How about there?!” You exclaim as he follows your pointed gaze to the corner of the room. He agrees, taking your word for it as you grab him by the hand and walk over together. You place the stereo on top of the shelf and press play before taking a deep breathe.
“And one, two, three. One, two, three,” Bill’s voice echos through you as you take each step with such ease and grace, moving in sync to the rhythm. “Would you mind practicing with me for a little bit?” You ask him before stopping in place as he agrees to your offer.
His hand touches your arm as he stands behind you, raising your wrist a bit higher for dramatic effect. Your figures project on the mirror in front of you, proving just how close you two really are. His muzzle is just above your head as he instructs you on what to do next. You tilt your head to the side and lock eyes with Louis, who has been watching your every move as you intended. The whole purpose of practicing in the corner was because he had left his door wide open, he pretty much had a front row seat to this little game of yours. And he didn’t seem to like it one bit judging from his envious expression.
Bill had taken something that belonged to him and he’d be damned to let it continue any further. You let go of Bill’s hand and thank him for his partnership once the bell rang. “Bye Bill,” you wave off. “Thanks for all your help again.”
“Anytime, Y/N. Anytime,” he says waving back with a sly grin plastered on his face. You hum quietly to yourself and make your way over to Louis’s office, awaiting for what’s in store. He’s sitting across from you, pupils flaring as his eyebrows drew together in vexation. But before you ask him about his well being, he had the upper hand in stirring the conversation.
“What was all that about?” He asked. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Don’t play smart with me. You knew exactly what you were doing,” he scolds. “I don’t know what’s worse. Your desperate need for my attention or your attempt at toying with Bill’s feelings in order to get what you want...”
You gasp upsettingly and walk straight towards him. “They can’t be all that bad if they managed to get the job done. Just face the facts... you were jealous.”
“Excuse me?” He snaps before getting up from his seat. “You told me I had to find someone else to help me and I did just that. Maybe if you would have listened to me from the beginning, I wouldn’t have resorted to Bill in the first place!”
“And maybe if you acted like a good girl from the start, I wouldn’t have to punish you for it now!” He grimaced through gritted teeth.
“You know what happens when you disobey me, right?” He comes into contact with you, filling the space between you and him. He wraps his hand behind your hip and pulls you in close, bracing your palms against his chest from the forceful impact. Your lips are just inches away from his as he stares longingly at them, eager to give you what you crave once you answer his question.
“Y-Yes Louis,” you whisper lowly. His hand quickly races down your hip and goes straight to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. A warning. A mistake on your end, it wasn’t the answer he had grown to expect from you. “Yes. What?”
“Yes, sir,” you whimper correcting yourself. “Mmm, that’s more like it,” he drags and mashes his lips against yours. This kiss isn’t sweet, but fueled with fire and pent-up anger. He’s fast enough to show you that he really wants you but at the same time stands his ground, proving to you that’s he’s in control. He leaves your lips and moves to your neck.
“This doesn’t... this doesn’t change the fact that I’m still mad at you for ignoring me,” you breathe raggedly, screwing your eyes shut at his mouth works wonders on your neck. He had a knack for knowing your weak spots. He then removes your shirt as you place your hands up and toss it to the side. Your bra comes off next as he unhooks it from the back and let’s it drop to the floor. You pull down your red shorts next as to get it over quicker for both of you.
“Stay still...” he orders to the sofa chair in front of you, propping your hands down on the arm rest to gain balance. He strips off his suspenders, loosens his tie, and pulls up his shirt placing it with the rest of the pile on the wooden floor. You spread your legs wide enough so he can get a better look at you, your fully exposed to him in this moment, it’s moments like this he enjoys most. The intimacy was unlike anything either of you had experienced in the past. It’s as if the roles were reversed, you were his prey and he your predator when it came to your sex life. Neither of you felt weak or overpowered because in those moments you were one in the same. Two animals in love, with the same hopes and desires of sharing that love.
“If it’s too much for you let me know,” he’s referring to your punishment as you give him a quick nod indicating you understood. “Good, now count.” He smooths over your fur before giving it a smack, automatically making you count up to your limit. “T-Ten...” you wince from the last one sinking your claws into the fabric as a reflex. By the time Louis was finished, your ass was red and stinging from soreness. “You take your punishment so well for me, baby. But I’m still not done with you yet...”
You hear the sound of a zipper coming undone and the thud of a belt dropping soon after. He takes out his cock and strokes it softly before grinding himself against your fold with his tip. He’s such a tease... you say to yourself. “If you think you really deserve this, then beg.”
“Please!” You shout a little too loudly mainly out of desperation. Your body can barley take it anymore at this point. “I want your cock buried deep inside my pussy. I want you to fuck me senseless until I’m dripping with cum. I—“
Before you can finish Louis slams himself into you, filling you up just the way you needed, the way you’ve been craving. He holds you steady from behind as a way to guide his erotic movements. Rocking into you with his hips little by little, setting up a steady pace before picking it up faster than before. You move up and down his length, getting wetter as each second passes. “F-Fuck Y/N,” he hisses as he continues to savagely thrust into you.
“D-Don’t stop...” you mewl out breathlessly. Your eyes roll back barley able to see straight, as he rams into you harder than before as each time passes. “I-I’m gonna cum, please can I cum?”
Louis grunts before giving you permission to do so. His thrusts become sloppy and messy meaning he’s on the verge of climaxing right along with you. After a couple seconds, you release with a scream of his name as he follows shortly after. His warm cum spurts inside you, filling you up to your core as his liquid pours down your thighs. You gasped as you try to catch your breathe, your eyes fluttering shut as pure exhaustion took over your body. You plop face down on the sofa cushion to regain your strength as you were too exhausted and overwhelmed to move.
Louis puts his clothes back on and excuses himself, giving you a chance to relax. He returns shortly after from the males locker room with a warm towel in hand. You moaned as he ran the smooth material along your body, slipping it between your legs to clean up the cum and sweat dripping out of you. You thank him with a kiss and begin to dress yourself back to your usual state as he waits by the doorframe.
“Now, come on. I believe I owe you a dance lesson...”
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Missing You
You’ve been having some trouble with yourself during the pandemic. Fortunately, your boyfriend is there for you every step of the way. Title inspiration: Missing You by All Time Low. Written for @ssebstann‘s writing challenge! 
Pairing: Chris Evans x female reader
“Sweetheart?” You heard Chris say as he leaned in the door frame of his room, crossing his arms. He was wearing a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt that was a little too big, but his hair had been fixed and he’d obviously been awake for a while. You squirmed in bed a little and turned over to look at him. He saw you and sighed, noticing that you hadn’t been sleeping. You'd just been laying there, staring at the wall. 
“Hey,” you said quietly, yawning as you sat up. 
“You feelin’ okay?” He asked, walking over to you and putting a caring hand to your forehead. You nodded. 
“Yeah, just tired,” you lied. He smiled at you, ruffling your hair. 
“Just checking. I’m gonna go get our groceries, I’m just getting a pickup. When I get back I’ll start on dinner, alright?” You nodded again, kissing him, and then he left. 
That was the same kind of interaction you’d been having for weeks. He’d asked you to quarantine with him and abandon your apartment, even though you’d only been dating for six or seven months. He knew that you were going through a rough time, and he didn’t want to take the chance of not being able to see you for an indefinite amount of time. So you’d agreed. But soon enough, he’d lost his bright, bubbly girlfriend. You’d been replaced with someone he didn’t know how to help, no matter how much he wanted to. 
You’d lost your job about a week into all of the pandemic stuff, and you constantly checked for your unemployment checks that just weren’t coming. Chris was having you do little things for him here and there to keep you occupied, like having you do some of the social media for ASP, but even that came crashing to a halt when the launch was delayed. You had a family member die and there was no funeral to go to and you couldn’t just fly to your hometown anymore. 
You acted like you were fine and everything was normal, but it wasn't. Chris could see it. He saw it in the way you almost never got out of bed anymore, the way you didn’t even try to do your hair or your makeup or wear real clothes even though you almost always did that before. He saw you lose motivation to do literally anything except take a daily shower and eat, and as you started gaining weight from it you only became more insecure with your body. You barely let him touch you the way he used to, only because you said you were tired. His heart was absolutely breaking for you, especially when he heard you crying in the shower, but he didn’t know what to do. 
He’d talked you into seeing your old psychiatrist, thinking maybe some medication would help, but you would forget about it most days until he nagged you to the point of tears. He knew it was only a matter of time before you stopped eating or you had a full breakdown. He couldn’t do much, but he could try, and that was what he intended to do. 
He returned half an hour later with grocery bags, knowing better than to expect for you to have gotten out of bed to help. Normally you were more than happy to help. But lately it seemed like you were the one that needed it more, he thought as he unloaded all of the groceries. He walked back up the stairs to see that you were in the same place you were before. Pausing in the doorway, he knew what he needed to do. 
“Babe?” He asked. “You hungry? I’ll make your favorite pasta.” He took his shoes off and crawled onto the bed beside you, pulling your back to his chest even though you were under the covers. 
“No,” you replied. He sighed, reaching over to grab your hand and pull it to your rapidly thinning stomach. 
“What happened to my happy girl, huh? You’ve never said no to pesto pasta.” 
“I’m just not hungry,” you replied. You felt the tears start coming to your eyes and he had a feeling that they were coming too. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Just eat for me. Please, angel?” You turned toward him when you heard his voice. He was desperate, upset, all because of you. He never called you angel, ever, unless something was wrong and he needed to be easy with you. That made you want to be defiant, to say no, but you couldn’t. You just couldn’t. You laid there for a minute and you let the tears come because it was the only thing you knew how to do. You started crying and he gave you space, removing his hand from yours and starting to rub up and down your side. His lips pressed against the back of your head as he just let you cry. 
“I feel like I’ll throw up if I do.” 
“You only feel like that because you haven’t. Just do this, for me, alright, baby? And then we can cuddle up and watch Peter Pan if you want.” You sniffled and laid there for another minute, limp, before forcing yourself to get up. “Good girl. Come on.” 
You walked downstairs after Chris, hearing Dodger’s tag on his collar as he followed the two of you. You sat down on the couch for the first time in ages, taking your old spot, and Dodger jumped up onto your lap like he knew you were hurting. Chris just went to the kitchen and fixed dinner, moving every so often to get a better view of you in the other room. You had stopped crying, but he had a feeling that this slump was far from over. He was just worried. Worried you’d hurt yourself without even realizing it. 
He snuck up the stairs as the water was boiling to go to your side of the bed. Your pill bottles were empty. So you were taking them, or you had been taking them, until you ran out. How long had you been out? He would’ve picked them up for you if he knew, but... He sighed and walked back down to finish making food. 
You ended up eating every bite he gave you - he made sure not to give you an overwhelming amount, just enough so that you would eat all of it, and sat beside you instead of across from you. He put a hand on your back as he tried to talk to you, just about anything, to get you talking again. You’d been all but silent for days and he just wanted to hear your voice again. His favorite voice. 
“Good girl. Go pick a movie and I’ll clean up here,” he said sweetly, patting your back. You got up and walked back to the couch, sitting down in an almost robotic way. You got better when he joined you and nearly forced you to cuddle up with him. And you fell asleep halfway through the movie, something he wished he could get used to again, in his arms. He kissed you awake, smiling down at you. 
Soon enough the credits were rolling and he sat up a little bit, waking you up, and you turned to him with concerned eyes. That feeling, that pit in your stomach, was starting to form again when you saw him. He just looked so sad to see you the way you were. He looked... disappointed. 
“Are you mad at me?” You asked timidly, refusing to look him in the eyes. Instead you laid your head in his shoulder, breathing in the slightly faded scent of cologne. He started rubbing at your back, shaking his head. 
“No, angel, I’m not mad at you. I’m just worried about you. I’m so worried about you. You haven’t been eating, you’ve barely been sleeping... I saw your empty pill bottle, too, and...”
“I spilled them so I threw them away.”
“You threw them away?” His voice went cross without him meaning to make it that way, earning a flinch. “I’m not mad. I’m not mad,” he assured you. “How long?” 
“I don’t know.” You both were silent for a minute, taking in the weight of what you’d said. You didn’t even know what day it was, what week it was. Hell, you didn’t know if it was still 2020. All you knew was that you were letting him down. Maybe he was better off without you. Maybe he didn’t need you like he said he did. Maybe he just didn’t want to leave you because you were too sad, maybe... 
“Baby, I want you to be honest with me,” he said. “And I don’t want you to get mad at me, because I’m not accusing you of anything. But I just need to know. Are you hurting yourself like this on purpose? Punishing yourself?” You stuttered to form a response, tumbling over your words. 
“Chris,” you finally muttered, tears coming into your eyes before you could stop them. You were mad, you couldn’t help it. You were pissed. “No!” 
Your voice came out like a desperate cry, angry but admitting exactly what he didn’t want to hear. He tried to grab onto you, but you got up first. He followed you, and even though he knew you wanted space, he wasn’t going to let you fall into an even worse place by letting you think. 
“Just sit down!” He said finally, following you up the dark staircase. He re-directed you into his office, and you immediately fell onto the couch in the corner. You were all but throwing a fit, just angry that he would even think you were intentionally hurting yourself. You were, but that wasn’t the point. He was... 
“Why don’t you trust me?” You asked, your eyes brimming with tears. “You’re supposed to trust me?” 
“Because I can’t! I want to, but God, you’re hurting yourself and you’re not answering me. I’m trying to figure out how to help you because you can’t or won’t help yourself.” You looked up at him to see tears in his eyes. he was hurting, maybe just as bad as you were, because of the way you were acting. You were the one hurting him. This was all your fault. All of it. Suddenly you felt more guilty than you ever had in your life and you were standing up, walking over to him and hugging him tightly. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmured. “I didn’t know I was hurting you too. I wasn’t trying to hurt myself, I just was, and I was so...” You stopped talking, not really sure how to say what you wanted to say. He hugged you back, then led you back over to the couch. The two of you cuddled right up together, like you always did, and he rubbed your back with his hand to calm you down before a storm could start. For some reason, you didn’t want to cry it out. You just wanted to lay there, in his arms, and be at peace. 
“Baby, you’re hurting yourself. So much more than you realize. And you can’t just keep doing it, you have to admit it and let me help you. Just let me help you, please, baby girl, okay? I miss you. I miss you so, so much. I just want my happy girl back, no matter how much I have to help you heal.” 
“Okay,” you promised, sniffling a little. 
“Just hold on and let me take you on the ride if you’re too scared to get on, okay?” He said to you. You briefly thought about your first trip to Disney together, where he’d said almost those exact words about a roller coaster you were scared to go on. He’d helped you get over it then and he was helping you get over this now. 
“How about we go get some of those one dollar plates from Walmart and we throw ‘em in the backyard? Or we can paint one of the walls black? Or we can get in the car and I’ll play your favorite Taylor Swift album and you can sing all the words?” You shook your head, feeling the way that his stomach was moving up and down with each breath. 
“I just want to be right here. With you. Is that okay?” You asked. He moved a little until he could grab the blanket that you would sometimes use if you napped while he was working. He spread it out over the two of you and let Dodger jump up until the three of you were in a big pile of cuddles.
“It’s always okay.” 
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The Brothers (+Undateables)
MC who’s joints crack randomly OR has Joint Hypermobility Syndrome
For @offbrandmilk and The Simp Club 😂✌️
The Brothers ~
Lucifer 🔥
Y’all are chillin in his study as he finishes up his work when *CRONCH*
He snaps his gaze up, that disgusted surprise on his face at the noise
“MC... did you- did you just make that noise?”
“Ah yea, sometimes my back cracks randomly when I get up lol.”
*Disgust intensifies*
“Do you... need assistance of some kind, perhaps?”
Would relax and sigh with relief when you say no
“You humans never cease to amaze me.” “Thanks!” “... That wasn’t a compliment.” “:(“
Would Glare TM each time it happens, making you feel increasingly self conscious
Until he’ll inexplicably soften - “MC...” “Yes?” “When -“ he’ll huff, “Doesn’t that hurt you? To do that...?”
His brows downturned, blush upon his cheeks as he attempts to examine the latest CRONCH
If yes, will personally see to it that you are looked after during those times - “it’s not that bad Lucifer! Really!” Does not register lol
If no, will revert back to being vexed or ‘disgusted’ by it, especially in public
Clicks his knuckles, on purpose, with a sickening crack
“You hypocrite!”
Mammon 💵
You’re messing with the Levi, having taken a treasured figurine to ‘sell’ when you drop it
“Hurry up would ya? He’ll catch up!”
You squat to pick it up when *CRONCH*
In the heat of the chase, silence falls dead
A solid minuet of Mammon frowning between you and your knees before anyone speaks
The Most Expressive Derp TM
“Wha- what the heck was that?!”
You rise, brushing it off with an exasperated sigh “It’s nothing, happens a lot.”
“We don’t even make that noise when Lucifer punishes us.”
Would occasionally steal glances thinking he’s being surreptitious about it when you finally ask “What is it?” Would fiercely deny it
“Pfft Me? THE GREAT MAMMON? Starin’? Ha - in your DREAMS Human.” Blush
*Spongebob narrator voice* 5 Seconds Later
“Ok so what if i was starin’, huh? It was weird!”
... “You’re fine though, right? It didn’t hurt ya doin that to get the toy of his, right?”
... “Mammon! Would you stop looking at me like i’m going to snap in half if you breathe?!” Blush
Levi 👾
You’re doing a co-op match of a horror game you’re trying with him - things get jumpy when *CRONCH*
You’d bent your arms ‘inhumanly’ at a jump scare, accompanied by a CRONCH
Levi thought it was the game that made that sickening crack
You wish you could frame the horror stricken expression that turns to face you after a dumb moment
His face unmoving, his eyes flit to your bent back arms and your casual smile
Error 404, Levi does not compute
You break the silence with a laugh, “Oh yea i’ve got hypermobility -“ bends arms further
He snaps out of it with a “Wooooaaaaaaaahhhhh!!” “Eek!” As you tease him a bit further
“The game’s scary enough!” “LOLOLOL”
Actually finds it really cool
Quickly gets you two to cosplay and roleplay usuing your ‘Special Ability’ as he’d call it
Would 100% roleplay kinky and try to do it himself, too
Satan 📚
He’d be teaching you how to play chess in the library. Silent focus, from jovial to tense... until *CRONCH*
Raised brows as he meets your blushing features. You scratch your head, nervous for disturbing the silence
He frowns, a smirk tugging his lips, “Did you just make that sound?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose to put you off or anything -“ “Good. Or else i’d have to punish you.”
You try not to combust at the unintentional insinuation
Otherwise lets it slide, finding it ‘odd’ or ‘quirky’, even endearing...
Likes that he’s the first and only brother to know about this ‘quirk’ of yours
Barely notices it/doesn’t mind at all
That is until, you CRONCH in the silence he requires in order to read dense text
He eyes you darkly as you CRONCH for the fourth time in a row - you wince
“Sorry!” A harsh whisper before you creep out to CRONCH your back elsewhere
Smirks as you leave, shaking his head before calling you back in - as though it were an ‘inconvenience’ to do so
Asmodeus 💋
He’d drawn you a bath in his own king sized tub, ready to spoil you rotten for your spa day
You’d sunk into the tub with an appreciative hum as he began rubbing massage oil in your wrists
He’d set the mood PERFECTLY as usual
“How am I supposed to control myself when you sing so sweetly?” Wiggly brows
There wasn’t a crick, nor a crack... BUT A *CRONCH*
He freezes, you peel your eyes open with a suppressed smile. He makes a choked noise, the mood having been shot dead
“Honey... what the hell was that noise?”
Knowing full well it was your wrists that made such a deafening crack
You giggle at his tense expression, as he asks “So are you secretly an eighty year old, or?”
You explain you have joint hypermobility syndrome, which is sometimes painful
After getting over his initial freak out, he pampers you EVEN MORE
“You come to me if it hurts honey, ok?”
Your pain is his pain, though he may not show it, he actually gets intensely upset if something truly hurts you
Beelzebub 🍔
You’re chilling in your room together, with take out from a new chain beside Hell’s Kitchen, both making happy yummy noises as you eat
Beel pauses mid bite, but shrugs and keeps eating. Maybe there was lettuce in his burger after all?
You remember - sauce! Can’t eat with Beel without the full experience!
“Hey there’s some Hellfire sauce in the kitchen lemme grab it real quick -“ “:)”
You get up to get it when - *CRONCH* there go your ankles again. Welp.
His eyebrows raise a second, “MC... are you ok?”
You smile, laughing off how that happens sometimes
He frowns in thought before shrugging with a laugh alongside you, “Fair enough.” Seems legit lmao
He’s seen weirder shit and is still unfazed by it so he does not give a flying fuck lol
“As long as it doesnt hurt.” “:)”
If your joints/limbs were particularly sore or even dislocated that day, he would gently scoop you up and carry you anywhere <3
Belphegor 😴
Your napping in his arms as the little spoon, just between wake and sleep as he snuggles into you. You shift to get comfy when *CRONCH*
He freezes, you freeze too, trying not to laugh
“MC...” he begins groggily “What the fuck was that noise you just made?”
You explain sometimes you just CRONCH. It be like that sometimes Belphie, it do
He doesnt believe you, especially since you’re laughing as you explain it
“No really! I’m serious!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because it’s funny! You’re reaction pfft” “>:(“
“If your weird human body wakes me up i’m not gonna nap with you again.”
He doesnt mean it
*Goes to leave because you CRONCHED* “Well, where do you think you’re going?”
*Visible Confusion* He flashes a cocky grin, “You’re not skipping out on being my Pillow.”
Grabs your CRONCHY wrist and tugs you back under the covers for more snuggles
“But you said -“ “Shut up and sleep”
*Kisses your forehead* “:)” <3
The Undateables ~
Luke 👼
He’s baking treats for you, Beel and Simeon when you offer a hand when you see him sturggle with the tray and *CRONCH*
The Most Disgusted Face TM
Almost drops the tray on your feet
“What in this disgraceful Devildom was that noise, MC?!”
“My joints do that sometimes” with a shrug and laugh as you #Take 2 with the baking
Turns his nose up “That was a horrible noise no wonder the demons love you so much.”
Tries and fails to act prim and proper as he carries the tray from your grasp, only for Beel to tackle the tray and eat the first batch
This ’Chihuahua’ is all bark and no bite, doesnt mean a word
After a silence, he’ll ask quietly, “Are you... hurt by it?” Little blushy face
If no, he’ll smile and turn his attention back to the sweet treats. If yes, he’ll be a sad puppy
“I’m alright, Luke! Don’t worry.” “Ok :)”
Will fight any demon anyone who may question or mock you over it, even though it doesnt bother you
“ChOtTo MaTtE! >:(“ #NotSoSilentProtector
Simeon 😇
Your walking to class together at RAD when he drops his books. You insist on plucking them from the ground for him when *CRONCH*
Surprised Pikachu Face TM
Breaks into That Smile TM and laughs with you at your cronchie knees
“That was... certainly an interesting noise.”
You don’t need to explain, but you do for the record so to speak
He gets weirdly curious about it, Is it all humans? Do you enforce cronchie joints upon your young? Mandatory or compulsory to be a human with cronchie joints? “:’)”
Will try to CRONCH too out of curiosity
It doesn’t go badly per se, but it doesn’t go well either
“Simeon, stop before you hurt yourself.”
Similarly to Beel, is hardly fazed by it at all when considering some shit this boi has seen
“Oooh like what?! *~*” He smiles all Innocent TM “You don’t want to know.”
Innocent my ass
“Now I wanna know more!”
Solomon 🧙‍♂️
He’s showing you some magic to prank the brothers in a sneak attack when *CRONCH*
He eyes you with That Smirk TM and bursts out laughing with you
“Hey! Me too!” *CRONCH* his knuckles
You two start CRONCH Wars
You act out lines of Star Wars to each other ever since and CRONCH, terrifying the Demon Brothers and Purgatory Hall
“MC, I AM your father.” *CRONCH*
Somewhere nearby, Lucifer holds the bridge of his nose with a deep *sigh*
You both sneak attack the others with CRONCHES, scaring the shit out of them
apart from Beel or Satan. They don’t notice or see it coming, respectively
You did it once to Lucifer. You did not want to do it again ... *~*
You start to slowly recruit others to the CRONCH wars, starting with Levi and Mammon
“When will this nonsense end?” “THE CRONCH WARS NEVER END, LUCIFER. NEVEEER.”
Would CRONCH next to you when you’re asleep to freak you out
*CRONCH* “Solomon... why are you in my bedroom?”
Barbatos 🕰
He’s showing you how to prepare the Hellfire cigar rolled cookies so that you can teach Lucifer, when *SPLAT*
Jk, it’s ofc a *CRONCH* - but i nearly got ya! haha ok sorry i’ll stop
Anyway, *CRONCH* go your shoulders as you bend over a simmering tray to get a whiff
Your eyes pop open as you hear the sickening crack and Barbatos makes a small surprised choking noise
You lift your gaze with a nervous smile only to see him smirk
“That was a... curious noise, MC.” That small chuckle behind his gloved hand, “Is that a regular occurrence?”
Laughs it off, shrugs. Surprised he didn’t see it coming when he quite literally knows all
Ignores it from then on
However will chuckle behind that glove if the timing is particularly humourous
Will seem unfazed if it hurt you, but his actions would speak for him.
Making you tea and checking on you more frequently, even if you’re not at the palace
Would snark anyone who comments on your CRONCHINESS like the diva he secretly is
Diavolo 👑
You’re visiting the palace on your best behaviour, taking a stroll with Diavolo when *CRONCH*
He’s smiling through a frown as he tries to work out where the noise came from
“Was - was that you, MC?” That Laugh TM head tipped back, tears in his eyes laughing
“Hahah such fun!” *CRONCH*
He CRONCHED his arms to CRONCH with you, only he CRONCHED too far
His arms are stuck in their newfound ‘unsightly’ position
Puppy eyes as he can’t seem to UN-CRONCH
Your turn to burst out laughing, he quickly joins you
Lucifer’s hand flies to his chest when he sees you two return - “MC... did you have something to do with this?” Glare
You flush, about to fight your case when Diavolo steps in with That Smile TM
“I wanted to joint in!” “...” “;)” *FacePalm*
“It was fun, you should try it Lucifer!”
Satan snickers at the double meaning - “Fun? Lucifer doesn’t know how to have fun.”
Diavolo pulls those Sad Puppy Eyes TM
By the end of the night Lucifer literally bent over backwards to make Diavolo happy lolololol
Don’t take these too seriously! Mostly a shit post for the simp club lolol - hope they made you smile! ✨
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