#and I legitimately missed her when she was away lol
pfenniged · 2 months
+ Also:
Tomorrow I get to see both my mentor to get out of my moldy old job and my therapist is back home from her vacay- which means tomorrow will be full of actionable steps on both fronts. 🖤
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pinazee · 2 months
First season wrap up:
Okay, to start, i should mention my general opinion on first seasons for shows, especially cable shows, is not to read too much of it as canon. The writers, producers, actors- everyone- are all trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t, so i give them latitude, particularly when it conflicts with later seasons. That being said, i do enjoy jumping through the hoops to make it all fit haha
So heres a few leftover notes i had as i revisited the eps to rank them:
I bet part of Lassie was craving the father figure in Henry, since we find out later his own father passed away when he was quite young. I wonder if thats part of the reason why he became a cop, as they are portrayed as the protectors and in the 80’s they were mainly men (i don’t really remember if he states his reason later, i suspect he did and im just not remembering). So when Henry didn’t meet up to the expectation he had in his mind, i bet it hurt a little more as it reminded him of what he lost :/
I think the other reason Shawn plays dumb so much, besides hiding his genius so ppl believe hes psychic, or for laughs, is because its how he gets people talking. Like in Shawn vs. the red phantom, he purposely guessed the wrong room number so the boys would correct him. My apologies if someones pointed this out before, i haven’t combed through the internet for everyone’s theories 😬 i only now noticed. I’m not the quickest at picking these things up lol
If i had to guess, Shawn didn’t want to be a cop for halloween, he probably wanted to be something star wars related to go with Gus’s Lando. So i wonder at what age Shawn stopped trying to please his dad. But also, why didn’t his mother ever stand up for him?? I’ll come back to her later -_-
I somehow missed it the first time, but shawn clearly asked Gus to come to the dinner and Gus even points out that it was a big deal for henry to reach out. Soo, yeah, shawn obviously didn’t wanna be alone with his dad, and even henry seemed nervous about it as hes pretty drunk.
Shawn has a right to be afraid of pointy things, his dad hid his easter eggs under glass when he was 6! Not to mention he later gets stabbed 3 times! (Also its just a legitimate fear???)
So far the list of Shawns knowledge (things i wouldn’t expect an average person to know) includes (beyond the obvious observational skills, deductive reasoning, reading people (poker), and all things police (marksmanship, police codes, etc.)):
Incredible spatial and physical reasoning skills (knowing how much money could fit in the duffle bag, knowing to rotate the water pitcher to catch the reflection from the tv)
Kurt Vonnegut (well, I didn’t know who he was at least)
How to spell aggiornamento (and probably all words because of his photographic memory)
Handwriting expert
Casually spoke and understood german
Has every road he’s driven mapped in his brain, and likely all of Santa Barbara
Familiar with paint (enough to know to mix latex enamel for no messy drips)
Animal tracks (i went back and forth on this but ultimately decided he must have known what to look for)
And heres a list of Gus’s niche interests:
Spelling bee
Safe cracking
Historic rifles
Comic books
Astronomy (even though he was going to the planetarium for the girl)
Local tennis
Online poker
Lastly, Ive decided instead of ranking them, im putting them in tiers. I feel like too many of them are hitting at the same level and I can’t differentiate:
Sweetest, Juiciest Golden Pineapple Tier
Scary Sherry, Biancas toast (ohmygod i just got the biancas toast 🤦🏽‍♀️)
Blue Psych Logo Tier
Weekend warriors
Forget me not
From the earth to starbucks
Poker? I hardly know her! (Sorry @pineapple-psychic!)
Pepto Bismo Pink Tier
Spelling bee
She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me oops hes dead
Who ya gonna call?
Shawn vs the red phantom
Oops Canadian Flag Tier
Cloudy with a chance of murder
9 lives
Game set muuurder
Speak now or forever hold your piece
Woman seeking dead husband, smokers okay, no pets
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emonydeborah · 10 months
snw episodes rated by Una
in which Una is my unit of measurement, not that this is what she would think of the events
All from memory bc who has time
1x01: she’s literally the catalyst for getting Chris off his butt and the whole episode. Barely in it but she did all the detective work for everybody. “Somehow I knew you would” with the little smile and “La’an!” in the softest voice immediately established both relationships and my abiding love for her. She’s literally driving the plot but still not there much; 6/10.
1x02: she shares some LooksTM with Chris. Chris was slightly subdued at one (1) dinner party and Una went something is deeply wrong. Chris is sad and Una tells him to live his gosh darn life. Pretty sure she flies the ship a bit. She’s here. Can’t complain. 6/10.
1x03: OOOOHOHO here we go. Whatever camera angle it is that shoots from the floor to watch people walk away and makes them look tall was excellently utilized. Girl was STRIDING everywhere. Hauled a grown man over her shoulder and was greeted with the shock and awe she deserved. Told her biggest secret (!!!!) to help the crew!!! bc she would sacrifice herself for them!!!!! also she googled her glowworm episode like it had not happened her whole life (which I will accept as a writer thing. but she really looked at a picture of someone glowing bc of an infection and went 😮). Girlie managed a whole ship of sedated/crazy people and did not let anyone jump into the sun/warp core. Had a deep talk with La’an and revealed more of their shared history. Stunning. 10/10.
1x04 another case of I can’t complain. As my favorite character I want her to be happy, but I will take some internal bleeding and other catastrophic injuries. As a treat. The sheer power of ordering the medical staff to give away her blood transfusion and then knocking herself out before they could argue. Unparalleled. Had no impact on the main plot but what she did do in her sphere of influence was important and exemplary. I’ll take it. 7/10.
1x05: back at it again with the b-plot but I AM HERE FOR IT. GIVE ME LA’AN AND UNA BEING GOOFY. Loved the death glare at Joseph so he would confess and how she pretended not to be huffy about her nickname. La’an went can we… play a game… and Una went YEs sounds educational. For science. The look of absolute shock and betrayal when La’an shot her and her little “ow.” “People are idiots. You’re fun.” La’an went lol my childhood was a bleak horror scape and Una went absolutely NOT I’m going to commit crimes to rectify this. I like people having wacky misadventures while the plot is plotting somewhere. 8/10.
1x06 Chris forgot her name. She had to leave so she wouldn’t verbally tear him to shreds in front of his crew. Most likely explanation. Where was she I miss her. 4/10.
1x07: she locked the pirates out of the ship!!! We love a competent first officer shooting people on her bridge. She shook her head half an inch and Spock went absolutely whatever you say. Chris was thrown to the floor in front of her and she crossed her arms and watched him get up. “We’re starting a mutiny.” "Someone's breaking the rules today." Legitimately appreciated her teamwork with Chris in planting the mutiny idea. Would love to see it again sometime. 7/10.
1x08: bow and arrow. She checked on Joseph after and I appreciated that they carried that through from her finding out about Rukiya before. Una was here but she wasn't Una. Also. If we're real she wasn't really there. I liked the eye shadow though. 5/10.
1x09: "you should really try the omelet." The breakfast scene is my favorite and in fact the only scene. Nothing else happened with Hemmer or Spock or anyone. Really short episode. I would have liked to have seen her face when Chris snapped the tongs. She tried to follow the shuttle to the surface with scans and Chris went nah babe we're fine. Let her do her job Chris. Breakfast scene 10/10. Episode 5/10.
1x10: notable by her absence. She checked on Chris and once again told him to live his life. She's not there in the future but I won't take points for that because Chris immediately went where is my bestie. I cannot function without my work wife where is she. Her arrest kick-started the series and for our cliffhanger she was arrested again. I'm sensing a theme. What will they incarcerate her for next and how will Chris break her out this time. I will always appreciate Chris going absolutely feral for his first officer/life partner. 9/10.
2x01: prison. She tells Chris not to be stupid and he goes don't tell me what to do *cough* I love you *cough* Not a strong start for our girl but I trust her to overcome. Once again Chris is going off on a mission to save her. Lost points for the brevity of her appearance and the weird black jumpsuit. 4/10.
2x02: Girl sat in a chair and watched her friends say nice things about her for days. I would shrivel up and die. Una looks teary. Her lawyer put some heat on a guy who said he would NEVER hire Una if he knew her real race and Una said that was too mean leave him alone. La'an confessed her feelings in public. Spock gave the whole courtroom a heart attack to make Una smile. Chris hugged her looking panicky. please don't go away again. Una looked at Chris like she wanted to kiss him or perhaps sip one milkshake through two straws. The whole episode is about how great she is. 15/10.
2x03: unfortunately for most of this episode she did not exist. Liked the professional and sassy attitude towards Pelia but I must reduce points for Una not existing. 2/10.
2x04: Una succumbed to a disease she should canonically be immune to. Fridged almost immediately. Chris said I need some good fighters and took his doctor instead of his super strong first officer who was familiar with the terrain. Una called Chris out on relationship nonsense like the og she is but this cannot repair the damage. Drove me to writing fix-it fic. -10/10.
2x05: Una is canonically one of the girls. She hangs out with some very specific junior officers including her emotionally constipated son and her traumatized daughter. She laughs very loudly and I like to think the writers are purposefully making her more open now that people know her genetics secret. Tells Mr. Spock how to be a Vulcan. Part of a lineup to talk to Spock and is a head taller than the rest of the line. All in all a great time. 9/10.
2x06: she yells at her former professor who is also thousands of years old. I would simply perish. "yoU HaVe CruMBs oN yOuR uNifOrM" Starfleet said we need someone to get this defunct and thus far unmanageable station up and running. Send Una. "Oh good, I was afraid I'd miss the speech." Rebecca Romijn note- she is nine inches taller than Carol Kane, but she manages to look/act a lot younger and smaller than normal. Pelia takes about 14 seconds to get Una teary eyed. "My final paper was METICULOUSLY researched." 8/10.
2x07: "That's ridiculous, we can't just 'Not Look.'" "Like... a p i n - u p p o s t e r?" Girl is constantly baffled the whole time. One (1) young man was unnerved by her and she went he knows how I die. She then winked at him and he almost had a stroke. We see a picture of her as she is idolized in the future. Excellent. Different flavor than 2x06 but still 8/10.
2x08: lots of Significant Eye Contact with Chris. She said if you don't get this ship where it's going asap I will revoke your command and drive us there myself. "Everyone is on their own journey." I feel like she knows Joseph murdered a man in sickbay but we don't know for sure. She's out here being a competent first officer and telling the captain how the crew is feeling. I like the reminder of her priorities. Chris is here to explore and it's Una's job to make sure he has a functional crew to do so. 6/10.
2x09: Una Chin-Riley, musical theater nerd, had the absolute time of her life and I am so happy for her. Girl JUMPED into that first song with much soulful pushing of buttons. "A surprisingly beautiful baritone." Chris asked Uhura the singer how musicals work and Una answered. Is feeling her feelings so much these days she started singing about her job. Waltzed through the halls with James T Kirk. La'an went I would like to not do this please and Una said feel your feelings. Fly away with me. Accept yourself. Love yourself. "You came in here hot. On fire. It's making me sweat." The whole ship is singing and La'an is making friends. This was the best day of Una's life. 1000/10.
2x10: Una volunteered for a dangerous forbidden mission to save her husband's gf and spent the whole time stalking around the bridge like a tiger or a mom looking for sales at Target and giving hopeful speeches. She did tell Spock his gf might be dead but if you want to look for her go for it champ. "ORDERS CAPTAIN" Chris is hanging on by a thread. Una is the thread. Not a great end if I'm honest but she did look fantastic walking around murderously. 5/10.
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horizon-verizon · 23 days
https://www.tumblr.com/miss-dollette/751777149185376256/wake-up-call-for-ballistic-team-black-and-rhaenyra?source=share lol
Lucky for me, I never thought that Rhaenyra was Daenerys or Daenerys-like. (my "Rhaenyra and Feminism" tag) I have said these things about these two:
Rhaenyra is not a feminist because no one can be at this time and feminism as a movement began in the 18th century under specific conditions of a particular philosophical movement and under specific economic conditions whereas Rhaenyra, Catelyn, Alysanne, even Daenerys all live in a completely different world, a medievalesque/"ancient" own.....does that mean we shouldn't care how any woman before the 18th century (or those in fiction who would exist out of a feminist-minded/included society) or who aren't full blown feminists do to try to gain autonomy for themselves or to help others altruistically? Misogyny still exists, and it existed "back then"; we need to understand these women and the contours of the sexist conditions under which they live which both helps us to define and trace sexism as well as understand and connect ourselves to these characters to understand oppressive structures' effect on individual who then go on to affect and respond to their oppressive societies. And thus, some women, because they are people too (novel idea) are going to be more selfish than others, and partly bc they have been subjected to this double standard and the socially-justified abuse done against them since young (Alicent-Rhaenyra, esp in the show with how fans kept saying "Alicent is queen, se can demand to see thr baby all she wants, Rhaenyra didn't have to go up there", ignoring the fact that Alicent is trying to humiliate her and she herself knows that she wouldn't like it if someone did the same to her when she birthed her kids; in the bk, she turns against Rhaenyra when R is about 9-10, after Aegon is born and Viserys kicks Otto out for protesting against his choice to keep Rhaenyra as his heir) So yeah, she became more self-focused.
but that doesn't give us license to blame things that were not her fault or her doing or came form people who existed way before she was born; ignore the fact that she loved her kids and vice versa; that she died by femicide and bc of systemic sexism against overt female rulership; that she is one of the only woman and one of the last woman who actually had more political power than her husband and chose him (Rhaenys was the other one who got to choose); that after her death and fall, magic in the world took another hit and the dragons that could have been used to fight against the Others was lost before Daenerys Targaryen reawakened them and gave a reboot to magic in general; [🖇rhaenin-time] that after Rhaenyra's fall, after the fall of one of the few women who a Targ male relative actively supported in away unlike most men of her society instead of just abusing, sidelining, and using up, most if not all other Targ women--who never able to choose their husbands--were not protected from Andal patriarchy and its licens eof spousal abuse because the dynasty itself has fully assimilated into Andal patriarchy with the loss
that fans discredit Rhaenyra's victimhood and problems stemming from sexism how they discredit Daenerys' past victimhood; and then they go on to say Dany wasn't a revolutionary figure bec she's a Targ and a child of incest and can ride "nukes" and profited off of slavery -- people will move goal posts to for their anti-woman agendas and the Dance is coming from and centered around that -- these two women are dehumanized both in-world and the fandom/real life because those do not like they are women who have both acquired power over men or "equal" to what men are granted/obtain for themselves
talked myself to death about how "bastard" is a legal and sociopolitical term that can be "fixed" or argued agianst, how only a King/Monarch could legitimize, how Viserys decided--with Corlys--to accept Rhaenyra's kids into his household and thus include in the line of succession, etc. etc.
Some Master Posts with a List of Links Where I have Argued for Rhaenyra & Why We Should Care about Her
POST [esp against Criston Cole and the Idea that Show!Rhaenyra was Predatory]
🖇la-pheacienne's words:
This is a story about how even the "realm's delight" could not be considered worthy enough to live compared to her rapist scum of a brother, because even the "realm's delight" will always be just a woman so she will always be inherently inferior to any man however pathetic or incompetent he may be. This is a story of tragic irony because it is a woman, and Rhaenyra's descendant specifically, that is currently bearing the Targaryen name, it is a woman reconstructing the Targaryen legacy, it is a woman that brought back the music of dragons, almost two centuries after Westeros would rather have them perish and destroy everything in their passing than allow a woman on the throne, the very dragons that are now meant to save Westeros from its impending doom. And this feels like justice to me. I'm sorry that some people are so blind in their contrarianism that they prefer to make up a bazillion nonsensical headcanons than acknowledge that this is the actual theme of this story.
If no one wishes to read from those links I give here, that's really not on me. It's be ironic, too, if they took the time to read all of that OP's long post anon' links, though.
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all-pacas · 7 months
since i had a save from just before the final battle and, for one, had been dying for details all afternoon: this is from a game where i was durge and romanced astarion.
It's in the slightly random order of "who I happened to talk to in whatever order."
MINSC: Taking his job of "working with" the Guild seriously, and shows up to the party with a random thief he had been in the middle of dangling from a high tower. Says he visits Astarion a lot, but that Astarion keeps accidentally forgetting to tell him when he moves. You can ask him if there are others from the first Bhaal crisis left alive, because you're studying it.
OWLBEAR CUB: Been having fun fighting! You can suggest he settle down with Halsin or Shadowheart (I picked Halsin) and he's very excited.
SHADOWHEART: Says she's almost surprised you came; you can joke "what, just because I don't have a butler anymore?" and she says she was worried, but is glad to see that old memories haven't kept you away. She's found a little cottage in the country and is having a nice time living peacefully. Her parents are doing well, and her mother is teaching her to cook. She also has EVERY SINGLE pet she can find. Just gone from full goth princess to cottagecore.
You can tell her that you went Candlekeep to research Bhaalspawn history, and you agree you'll keep in more proactive touch.
JAHEIRA: The Bhaal temple is still standing, but she assures you it's empty, thanks to you. Jord has joined the Harpers, and Rion has rejoined the Flaming Fist, and is spending her time bullying them. Jaheira is mildly/proudly worried they'll kick her out. Again. She's wrangling Harpers and working to rebuilt Baldur's Gate. She asks if you plan on starting a family of your own, and you can tell her that you plan on letting Bhaal's line die with you.
VOLO: He's writing a tell-all, and says he's gotten very good at faking your signature for the disclosures. He wants to call it "The Hero and Me," and you can suggest "The Bhaalspawn 2." He doesn't think you should think of yourself as a mere sequel.
KARLACH: "I've missed you, you old Bhaalspawn. Oh - do you not want to me to call you the B-word any more?" You can joke that your "army" is bath salts and scented candles, tell her that everyone slips up from time to time, or brag about not thinking about it AND not killing anyone in six months. The answer I picked: "I see my blood not as a curse, but a duty. I have been studying Bhaal, so I can fight him, if his cult ever strikes again."
Karlach and Wyll have been having a lot of fun fighting and surviving hell. She feels a lot better, and tells you about their plan to heist a new heart for herself. You promise to meet up again.
WYLL: Mizora hasn't been bothering him much, sending him after legitimate demons and evils. She's set him on a new mission he doesn't know the details of, but apparently his target is a devil. He's happy to be traveling with Karlach. He's been able to visit Baldur's Gate and his father a few times, and dad's doing well, leading the city and rebuilding. No Bhaalspawn talk.
HALSIN: He's still hanging out in the former Shadowlands, and Moonrise has been torn down to make new houses. He gives you a wooden duck. No Bhaalspawn talk.
LAE'ZEL: Is just on her full YA Youth Hero phase. Has been fighting and leading and just being super cool, allying with the githzerai. She's currently a dipomat, and you can be like "lol, seriously?" She's amused and says you taught her that diplomacy and words are as sometimes as important as a blade. She's clearly joking around a bit (she calls herself bossy and that it's her charm), but as deadpan as ever.
GALE: HE'S A PROFESSOR, school of illusion. As a sorceror, you can say you're surprised he's only teaching one school, and he agrees and admits he offered to teach them all, before being told he had to pick one. He talks about how much he likes illusion and imagination, and so now I feel like I have to make him illusionist in my runs. He gave the Crown to Mystra, and feels great relief to have the Orb gone. He clearly really, really loves teaching and spends his time trying to make his students love magic as much as he does. He complains they sleep a lot, and Tara butts in to call them cheeky and offers to swipe them.
He asks what you're up to, and you can joke you're napping and thinking of becoming a massage therapist — he jokes that he's glad you found a new career, but maybe leave off your "neck snapping" past when meeting clients. Gale offers you a "guest lecturer" spot, and you can remark that "the healing of my cranial trauma would be a prime case study for the school of Evocation." Gale invites you to stay in his — SORRY, TARA, OUR — tower.
TARA: YOU CAN PSPSPSPSPSP TARA. She does not deign to respond. She asks if you're the one who helped Gale with the Absolute, and if you politely say that Gale helped you, she doubts it very much — obviously he's the hero. She then invites you to visit them, and if you accuse her of having no respect for the "co-savior of Faerun," she retorts that she's here, isn't she? Before dismissing you.
ASTARION: He's happy all your friends are well, but hesitates on joining the socializing himself, because he's just so good at "skulking." He says he doesn't want to hog you because he gets you all the time.
LETTERS: (This was not a 100% completion game.)
Art is rapidly declining, his age catching up to him. He doesn't have long to live, but is happy and content seeing the Shadowlands cured.
Duke Ravengard does not even mention Wyll in his letter.
Arabella is being trained by Elminster! Love that for her.
The Gur write their letter to Astarion specifically, saying they've been keeping an eye on him and admire his restraint and control over his bloodlust.
THERE'S A LETTER FROM ALFIRA ahaha. I did the Durge Savescum to save her, and her letter basically goes: Yeah, I heard you're a Bhaalspawn? I saw murder in your eyes whenever you looked at me, and I'm glad you're doing well, but I'm not going to tell you where I am now. Thank you for sparing me! Bye!
Barcus Wroot has the single most Barcus Wroot letter of all time. "Withers gave me this address and said I could consider writer. Well, I considered it. Return address included. Best, Barcus Wroot." I love him so much.
Dammon 100000% has a crush on Karlach. His letter is basically: "Are you still alive? I think of you all the time. Will you write to me? Yours faithfully." Omg.
Nocturne is in a new Sharran cloister, but she hopes Shadowheart is well and wonders if maybe one day she'll also be brave enough to leave.
Durge gets two threads: I am living in a spa, and I am spending my time researching Bhaal. Or maybe both!
Wyll and Karlach definitely seem to be hinting towards some kind of DLC, with Wyll's new devil target and the whole heist situation. Withers also has an unreadable note on his desk with Hints Of Important Things.
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did u know ao3 has no jesper x male fics??? IT IS ABSOLUTELY CRIMINALLL 😭😭😭😭
can i pls req a jesper fluff 🤭🤭 i dont rlly have a preference for how u do it, just like playful flirting and confessions 🫶🏼
thank you :)
Light of The Moon- J.F x Male! Reader
Okay, judging by your comment about ao3, I went ahead and made this an x male! reader and it is pretty damn fluffy lol. I'm sorry that this took me like, two weeks, I just couldn't figure out how to start this for the life of me and only after I figured it out did I proceed.
I hope you like this one! I leaned more into the confession aspect then I did the flirting because I cannot write anything better than half decent flirting for the life of me, but I hope you like this if you read it kind nonnie.
Fic type- fluff
Warnings- mentions of lungs being given away (Jesper says he would've given his left lung up) mentions of blades, mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption. I'm also tired and this is largely unedited but we die like matthias in this house
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Spring was an odd, but a lovely, time of year. It was the in between as far as weather was concerned. Some days called for rainstorms, others were humid and breezeless, though more often than not, it was a perfect blend of the two extremes.
That day, the day that Jesper graced your door with a candle, some tea, and a few good books, it was rainy. You could hear the pitter-patter of rain against the window that stood two feet above your bed and was connected to the ceiling, and you'd let it be the soundtrack to your routine that day.
Waking up and eating two of the cinnamon buns you'd bought from a bakery in the Geldcanal, not far out from where Wylan had lived with his mother.
Brushing your teeth, showering, getting dressed, grabbing your umbrella and your bag and getting a ride on a cheap coach to the University District, where you took your classes and ignored the intense headache that kicked in halfway through your day. Going home, doing a few hours behind the bar at the Crow Club.
The rain still continued close to eleven bells, after you'd grabbed your cheque for two weeks of work from Kaz and when Jesper showed at your door, two teas in hand, a candle, lighter, and a few books in a satchel draped over a shoulder.
"Mind if I steal your company for a bit, love?"
You scoffed. "You needn't flirt with me, Jesper, not if company is your goal," you said. "I would legitimately drop everything just to hear you laugh, so the flirting isn't necessary."
It was Jespers turn to scoff. "Well then, as far as flirting is concerned, it seems you've become my competition."
"Loser goes against Nina," you suggested as Jesper passed you the tea he'd grabbed. Jespers face showed horror for a moment before he relaxed.
"She'd beat us in a minute," he said. "No chance either of us would win that fight. I think I watched her make eyes at a pair of boots she liked once."
You laughed, took a sip of the tea Jesper had brought along. "Thank you for the tea, by the way. Needed it more than I thought."
Jesper only shrugged in response, incredible grin coming to his face easily.
"It's no problem, love," he said, the grin turning into a smirk. He'd been using that nickname for you since you'd known him, claiming he liked the way it made you flustered.
You'd taken that for what it was, chosen to remain selectively oblivious every time he used it and your heart gave a funny flitter in response.
"I've missed you," Jesper spoke into the silence. "Kaz has had me swept up in jobs and—"
You accidentally cut Jesper off with a nod. He'd been swept up in jobs for Kaz, you'd been swept up trying to graduate from university in one piece as midterms approached and your workload grew more by the day. A literature degree, as it turned out, was not all that you hoped it would be. It wasn't anything short of difficult and it was nothing if not occasionally mildly inconvenient.
"I've missed you more," you said. "Academia, especially in lit, is not easy. I regret this degree sometimes. Miss the jobs, the thrill of it."
Jesper laughed. "Ah, so you miss the jobs more than me?"
You shook your head. Jesper was your best friend, the guy who you'd been in love with since you enrolled in at Ketterdam University and met him in your first week. The jobs may have been worth it because of the money, but ultimately, jobs be damned.
You'd gotten the degree so that you wouldn't be reliant upon crime-based income as it were after having lived as a member of the Dregs for nearly a year and a half when you'd enrolled. But, there was a part of you that knew you'd happily give the degree up if it meant you never had to go more than a week without seeing Jesper, without hearing his jokes and responding to his quips with wit quicker than a blade.
"Never," you said. "I've missed you like hell, though. Seriously. I've missed you much it's not even funny."
Jesper laughed as he lit the candle, and an easy conversation went on. Jesper discussed the job that he'd just been on, and in turn, you discussed the mundanities of university life.
"I came round to talk about something," Jesper said after a few moments had passed, taking a sip of his tea absentmindedly. You took a sip of yours, dread filling you from head to toe.
"Anything good?" You asked.
"Depends on if you feel the same way," Jesper said, a nervous laugh prickling at the end of his sentence. "I uh—silences have never really been my forte, as you've been able to guess. I don't know when it happened, but we've known each other so long and it just kind of did, and I understand if you don't—"
A grin spread on your face before you could stop it. "Are you in love with me, Jesper Fahey?"
"Am I that easily read?" Jesper asked.
You grinned, shrugging. "I've loved you since I saw you at the Boeksplein on my first day at campus," you said. "I saw you and I just thought that—"
Jesper blinked. He'd recalled turning, meeting your gaze and silently recognizing you when he saw you maybe a week and a half later at the Slat, brandy in hand as you poured over something from your course load. He remembered striking a conversation about it, too.
"I watched you take notes on the book you were reading for a classic lit division my first night at the Slat," Jesper recalled. "I remember. I approached, started a conversation, and I fell in love almost right off the bat. It was the brandy that got me, I think. Brandy shows good taste."
You laughed a bit as Jesper came to sit to your right. "That night?" You asked. "I looked a mess that night, and you fell in love with me then?"
"You didn't look a mess," Jesper disagreed. You remembered that night in near perfect detail. You'd been wearing a Ketterdam University jumper that all first years got in the welcome kits they were given at the campus entrance, a maroon colored one with gray sweatpants. Your hair was a mess from running your hands through it so much, your fingertips stained with ink by the time that Jesper had approached.
"I absolutely did, Jes," you disagreed.
Jesper thought on it for a few moments. "All right," he said. "I concede. You looked a mess."
You nodded your agreement.
"But you were quite the mess that day," Jesper said. "The sight of you sent me into a gay panic that Inej made fun of me over, and I think right then I would've given my left lung just to kiss you."
You laughed, resting your forehead against his shoulder.
"I really would've," Jesper said. "Still would, I think."
"You don't have to give anything up to kiss me," you said. "The feeling is mutual, seriously."
Jesper grinned, and you pulled your forehead off his shoulder, standing and setting the to-go mug of tea you held onto your dresser. Jesper did the same, and then you both were leaning in.
"May I?" Jesper asked.
You grinned, nodding as your arms came to rest on either of his shoulders where his wrapped around your waist. "Jesper, I have waited for you to kiss me for four years. Please do."
And then his lips were on yours and you were so happy that it felt almost earth shattering, contentment flowing through you like it never had.
He pulled away, grinning. "I love you," he whispered, lips still ghosting yours. "I have loved you as long as I've known you."
"Ditto," you whispered, and he was laughing, and your lips were on his again and you were so content that it was almost dizzying.
You spent the remainder of the night in each others company, the both of you exchanging kisses and talking in the light of the moon. You felt like your life was perfect, and you wouldn't've had it any other way
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thebuttsmcgee · 5 months
Okay! I've missed out on talking about the past few episodes but the show quite literally finished today as far as we know so it's a good as time as any I suppose to talk!
So yep. Spoilers for The Ghost and Molly Mcgee's possible series finale below!
So! To start off, Jinx vs the human world!
It was alright! Had good moments, bit of a lacking song near the end but the VILLAIN SONG? pretty damn good! Rob Cantor knows how to make a villain song and make them GOOD good. The rest wasn't bad, I liked Molly gaining her power from any kinda positivity, which is boosted by good talk of her forever friend, the Chen family scenes (well, besides that kinda. strange. scene about Mrs Chen asking ollie about kids but disregarding that) were really good!
There had been some light speculation about Geoff being the one who spooked Ruben as a kid but it was mostly in humor, so that ending up being true was neat! Definitely funny but also neat. It was also nice to see more of the Chen family coming to terms with actual ghost stuff and Ruben learning to chill with the ghost hate.
Jinx was a fun villain! Her VA did an amazing job as always! She stole the show in nearly every scene she was in and it was cool to see a ghost actually try to go up against the human world, as the title would suggest. She did go out in a pretty cheesey way but eh I don't really think it was bad, the show's based on friendship anyway.
The overall plot wasn't bad, it took Molly outta the picture for most of it but ya know I guess I do get why. At least it was in an actually reasonable way, by the villain actually being competent. It was cool to see how Ghosts are kinda invincible, but especially with the Chairman's robe, the og Chairman was a good showcase of that terrifying power but was cut short, meanwhile Scratch wasn't really all that a good showcase cause it's just Scratch, who iiiiis lazy lol.
It all felt kinda. Safe. If that makes sense. Like there wasn't really a moment where I felt in suspense. It was still enjoyable mostly, but I didn't really feel myself getting too worried about what could happen.
So yea, like a 6 or 7 outta 10 from me 👍.
Now! For the finale!!! WOO
I'll be honest, a good amount of S2 hasn't been as good as S1 for me. When S2 is good, it's REALLY good like 100% Molly or All in the Mind or Faint of Art. It's just that S1 was just SO good, some of S2 falls flat to me.
That said, The End felt like a season 1 episode to me cause THAT was sooooo good.
I felt actual stuff with most of the scenes, I was actually getting worried while Moll called Adia, I did wanna shed a tear when the truth hit Scratch and they used the exact same line read in Episode 1 when Moll had called Scratch to come back when he ran away MAN IT WAS ALL SO GOOD.
And the songs. MAN. The first one was good, a banger but nothing too extravagant, even if it's about being extravagant. Scratch's song tho? THAT SONG? ABSOLUTELY LOVE. That fucking hit me so hard, I legitimately wanted to cry a bit cause the lyrics, the delivery, the instrumentals, it was all so damn good! And the ending credits song being something that calls back to the usual end credits' theme, man that was so fucking good.
Here comes the heavy truth!
So the most popular theory ended up being true. Scratch is indeed, the Wraith of Todd, the background character who had small resemblances to Scratch.
Honestly I'm not too sure how to feel about it. It wasn't exactly shoved in our faces and wasn't quite hinted at, all that much unless you reaaaally paid attention to certain things. It wasn't completely outta nowhere, but also it did feel a bit, ehhh. The execution of it all was just superb tho, the voice deliveries, the animation, all of it was so well done. So I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it right now, other than the fact they executed it really well.
The whole scene with Moll and Scratch talking about what could happen when Todd is alive again, man. That hit. It hit good. That actually made me feel more nervousness than most of the previous episodes. Man what can I say. They just nailed it.
And the ultimate ending, with Todd having the personality of Scratch and his little quirks, yet supposedly not retaining his memories from when he wasn't in his human body. I say supposedly, cause tbh? His callbacks felt a bit on the nose, almost exactly like how Scratch would be when he was messing with Molly. He is a trickster at heart after all.
Can't say for sure if he doesn't or does remember cause who knows! Maybe he doesn't, maybe he does. For now tho, it seems as tho he doesn't.
And tbh, I still enjoy it.
Is it bittersweet? Yes. Extremely melancholic? YES. But it's done so well. It didn't feel underwhelming, it felt sad yet done so in the right way.
Everyone trying their best to get him to remember got me ngl lol that was. That was sad man.
Also I saw the Bill and Bob's ok adventure book I see yall tgamm crew.
Todd leaves to see the world and see Adia. Leaving Brighton, and Scratch's new family behind. Again, really bittersweet but done right. Todd is happy to live, and so is everyone else for him.
What a good ending. Bittersweet to a T.
Yes. Yes indeed a 9 for me!
Now as most of us know S3 might not happen. Who knows due to what, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't cause of fan demand, cause I'm p sure there was a lotta that for this show. And this was a fairly good way to send off the show! It had a pretty good run and it was usually up there with BCG, TOH and amphibia when discussing disney channel shows thatve come these past years, and for good reason.
I'll be honest. I'm kinda already missing it. I remember fondly of watching it for the first time and the next episodes, especially when it had aired near my nephews birthday and I had been wrapping his presents. I still enjoy listening to the few podcast talks and whatnot the crew have done for the show. It feels so. Sad. To know we'll probably never get a continuation of anything from this show. Not even a book. But all good things as they say.
If they do continue it tho, I wonder how it'd go. Probably trying to convince Todd to remember who he is and was, his time as a Wraith and as a Mcgee.
But who knows! All I can say is, thank you The Ghost and Molly Mcgee. It's been great. Really. Thank you all.
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Love yall ❤️✌️
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tharizdun-03 · 4 months
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Okay, so I liked my overall time with Nijigasaki. It's a generally cute time. It looks quite good (even if the production seems to have been tight so the general animation is sometimes stiff when it doesn't need to be more), and the music video style for the solo performances is something I'll dearly miss if it doesn't carry over into future series.
But I have two main problems with Nijigasaki:
1) It's not goofy enough
2) Too many characters so we don't get sufficient character work
The first thing is more so just a personal preference. Yes, maybe Chika jumping into the ocean and Riko rushing after her because she thinks she's committing suicide, but then it turns out that she was just taking a dip to clear her head and then all the girls have a big gay moment in the water as Chika cries, is a *bit* much. (love that moment tho)
I think for the drama, the more subdued approach sometimes works. Yes, instead of the above moment, the characters in Nijigasaki just talk things out. I like that. Not necessarily at the expense of the other approach, but it's a nice change.
But, it doesn't led itself to the comedy well, and I mainly enjoy Love Live as a sitcom. The characters in Nijigasaki, because they take a more subdued approach, are also just too bland. They're too normal. What is the weirdest quirk in Nijigasaki? Well, Shizuku was scared that people wouldn't like her when she was young because she liked old movies (something that is NEVER brought up again btw. a consistent issue). Compared to Yohane, who falls out of trees and then calls herself a fallen angel, so there's a legitimate reason to be worried that people won't like her lol. Like, the Nijigasaki girls are all too saccharine, they're too smoothed over, they're too boring.
The second thing is that we just have too many characters. Most of season 1 is spent about introducing each girl, one episode each, that we don't get the chance to actually build a group dynamic and individual episodes. Granted, the second season does try to fix this by making units, and I overall think it does improve things, but not everything.
The new girls, for example, get their one episode but don't have much of a build-up. Even with Lanzhu and Mia having struggles that should work, it often just makes me go "i guess that makes sense" rather than actually make me feel something.
Maybe Lanzhu's whole deal of pushing people away would've hit if we actually got more than barely a few actually significant conversations between her and the cast, and some interesting dynamics. Maybe we should've gotten more from Shirioko than just her one episode.
Is it the gayest Love live so far? Eh... Like, sure, it definitely has the gayest MOMENTS, but because of the lack of character work, we don't actually have as gay RELATIONSHIPS compared to Sunshine.
Think about someone like Rina (who should have the face board on way more often, so much missed comedic potential). Who do we ship her with? Ai (who is so flat as a character btw)? We barely get screentime with the two and they don't have much of a dynamic at all. And now Rina is holding hands with Mia and everything?
Or one episode, we get ship bait for Kasumi and Kanata. Does Kanata have any sort of relationship with anyone in the cast really? We haven't developed it. And Kasumin could have more stuff with Shizuku but we barely get anything. There are too many characters. We don't have clearly defined ships.
Why don't we have clearly defined ships? Is that all I'm looking for in this show? Gay stuff? No, but it points to the larger issue. It's because the character work is too vague, too fluid, too underworked. To the point that we don't actually have strong enough bonds between the characters.
Anyway, it's still a fun series. It is by no means close to the best Love Live has to offer for me but it's still a good Love Live series and I enjoyed my time with it. Hope the music video style continues somehow in Superstar. And Kasumin is still best girl.
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lostfracturess · 4 months
okay i’ve loved s&c since i started reading it but my god…chapter 8 was seriously one of the best things i’ve read and has made me just insanely connected to this story. so pls excuse me if this ask is obnoxiously long i’ve got a lot to say 😭🤚🏼
first off lol i just need to get this off my chest but the SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER…IMMACULATE. I GOT TINGLES im so immune to smut since i’ve read sm of it but oh my godd when he said “fuck i cant hold back any longer. let me fuck you already or i’ll cum in my pants” I HAD BUTTERFLIES IN TWO DIFF PLACES FROM THAT🧍🏻‍♀️…also i like how realistic the sex feels,, like it genuinely reads like two adults in this sort of complicated relationship still desiring one another, mature & sexy yet classy at the same time? bravo seriously (also reader getting the lingerie hehehehrhrh)
the way you built the tension throughout the entire chapter regarding satoru’s super mysterious phone calls and his reluctance to share anything w reader. so wonderfully laced into all of the scenes, there was this sense of dread throughout that simmered even during the fluffy scenes and oof it was a wonderful but torturous feeling haha
speaking of fluff- when he keeps mentioning “love” and now marriage!! pls 😭 it came out of nowhere but i feel like his brazenness to say it so soon makes me believe that he really means it if that makes sense?? :”) one of my fave lines from the chapter was
“he was stating it as a fact, something that was a done deal…he’s simply been waiting for you to catch up.”
that has to be one of the most romantic things i’ve EVER read in my life. a chill legit ran through me haha like if that isn’t love!! 🥲 he knew since the beginning </3
thank you for clarifying the thought process behind reader’s doubts in herself. when she said something about how she wonders if she’s cut out for it…oof i felt that. imposter syndrome is SO damn real, especially in medicine, and my fave moment in the whole chapter is when satoru really steps up in that moment as a mentor and says “taking a break isn’t giving up” <3 i totally understand her push back though, it’s hard to shake insecurities built over years
and my god. satoru’s character. i know that he is so troubled and has made mistakes but my heart legitimately ached for him during that conversation with geto. this was the moment where i was like omg this story is something so special bc you tackle the sensitivity of topics such as drug abuse so fucking well.
i used to work at an emergency department and so often we would get patients rolling in w chief complaints of withdrawal, a LOT of the time young patients in their twenties, and it’s really heartbreaking to see because you can never ever fully understand the pain behind someone’s story or change the past, all you can do is try to help them and make them feel better in the present.
i feel so bad for satoru, seriously fuck sukuna for taking advantage of him like that omg give me two mins in a room w that mf and your story is gonna be missing one of its characters 😅
“walls up before anyone gets close, pushing people away because he’s convinced that deep down, he’s broken.”
siggghhh as someone with an avoidant attachment style i so relate to him. i really hope reader can show him the brighter things in life (i mean she’s definitely someone that makes him want to be a better man which is lovely), i look forward to seeing how he opens up more emotionally in the chapters to come.
im so sorry this is getting so fkn long but i simply cannot pass speaking up ab geto?? what an insanely emotionally intelligent character. the way he acts is so consistent, i looove how he’s recognized that maybe satoru’s relationship w reader, despite the forbidden aspects, is something more than just lust and is something deeper than that :”)
“there is no point, neither in life nor death. but you can either cry about the whole meaningless of the world or try to find meaning to it. to do something that gives meaning to life.”
talk about words that no longer feel like part of a story, but literally jump out of the page (err my phone screen? lol) and have you feel them in the reality of your own life. stunning, your writing is just amazing miss lostfractures
also curious if he got sued cuz he punched that student lol 🤔 or maybe it’s related to malpractice
ugh i’m so sorry this was so fucking long but it’s midnight for me rn and i just had so many thoughts while reading the chap i had to share 😭🤞🏼 thank you sm for this story, it goes without saying that i’m SO excited for more 💕💕💕
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okay i have no idea where to start but first THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! i feel insanely grateful for you to take the time to write this message, really!!
i'm smiling and giggling like an idiot rn at work omg.
so so glad you like the SMUT, this is always the worst part to write, so i'm relieved it didn't read cringey and made you feel something (i laughed at your comment about the butterflies in TWO SPOTS omg).
can relate. ngl.
and yes the whole marriage part did came out of nowhere but i guess that's just so him, like he's so clumsy with feelings and don't know what to do with them so he's just really messy but also so adorable with it, idk!!! ahhhh
your reactions to the chapter make me SO SO happy, like really, that's all us writers want to achieve, right? to make the reader feel something. so glad i could stir something within you!! <333
& yes you never know what a person might have experienced in his past to it really comes down to being patient and understanding with people, but yeah satoru surely has an avoidant attachment, like SO SO BAD. and that can be so FRUSTRATING.
his past even gets worse in the next chapter, because apparently i can not NOT make him even more miserable.
haha the whole philosophical part at the end was mostly because i read a lot of camus and kafka lately lol. couldn't hold myself back, but i guess that mirrors satoru's existential crisis he goes through, that will be more highlighted in the next chapter.
but like at the same time, he needs someone to put him in his place and the reader is gladly accepting that and is like, I'M SO DONE WITH YOU, GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER MAN.
thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart for spending your precious time to read and write this message!! i really don't know how to phrase it how happy this makes me, just imagine myself smiling and crying like an idiot <33
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Away from home - chapter 7
Y/N is an actress, filming for her first lead role in the film adaptation of her favourite childhood book, produced by maximum effort.
She bonds with Ryan Reynolds over their share Love of the Korean pop band Stray Kids, and he has a surprise for her.
When she starts missing home and the darkness creeps upon her, her hotel neighbour comes to her rescue.
Trigger warnings- mentions of depression, self harm and anxiety.
This chapter is NSFW
Stray kids fan fic
Mainly staring 3ratcha
But the other boys do make appearances it's just easy to keep to minimum of characters lol
Chan x oc
This is my first ever fan fiction so if it's shit soz.
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It's 3pm by the time I wake up. I feel groggy. My mouth's dry and my stomach hurts from hunger, I pull out my phone and order a McDonald's meal... or two.
I hop in the shower, forgetting its broken, so i pull my pj's back on and head to Chan's. But before I exit my door i notice a piece of paper on the floor.
It's from chan. He's handwriting is adorable.
'Morning Y/N. I realised I don't have your number and you didn't answer when I knocked on your door this morning so I'm guessing you're still asleep. I really enjoyed last night, I hope I didn't come off too strong.
I just really wanted to kiss you.
I know it's only been a few days since we met, but it feels like we we're meant to be in each others lives.
If you don't feel the same that's cool, I just wanted to put all my cards on the table. I like you and I'd like to take you out on a date sometime. I'm out this weekend, staying at Hannah's, but I'll be back tomorrow night. I'll see you then. Its a date!
Chris x'
Why am I crying?...
Is this the first time anyone has ever said anything like this to me?
Fuck, my McDonald's is here.
I scran down my big mac and chicken legend and crawl back into bed. How I'm I meant to go two days without him? God I sound ridiculous! It's been 5 fucking days and I'm acting like I'm in love. I think I'm just addicted to how I feel around him, he feels like home. The comfort of walking into a warm house after being in the cold outside.
I want to know more about him. All his little intricacies and quirks. I want to know what wakes him up in the morning and what keeps him in bed. To know all about what goes on in that gorgeous head of his. I'm counting down the seconds until I can.
8 pm Sunday evening. I've legitimately just slept all weekend. I did have a video with my family back home. It felt so good to see their beautiful faces! But mostly I enjoyed seeing my cats that my mum put on the call whilst she went to the bathroom. They told me they miss me too.
No one has yet Come to fix my shower. I'll let them off since it's the weekend, but I've been stewing in my post night out smell. I should go round to Chris', but theres two problems with that idea. 1. I haven't heard him return and he hasn't knocked round here.
2. I smell like shit and look like it too. (Very reminiscent of my depressive episodes im prone to, but with out the actual sadness. )
There's no harm in just knocking to see if he's, so I grab my dressing gown and head to his.
I here him talking, but theres no reply. I wait for a moment, he's probably on the phone. He stops talking so I knock.
"One minute!!" He yelled! " I'll be back in a sec guys!" Guess he's still on the phone. He answers, a huge smile appears on his face, he looks back in the direction of his phone and slowly closes the door slightly behind him so we're both in the hallway.
"Sorry is this a bad time?" I ask, slowly heading back to my door.
"I'm just... I'm just doing a live stream." He replies, looking slightly embarrassed.
"Oh yeah your Chans room! I've seen a few" He seems to look less nervous that I'm not judging him. "I just wanted to know if I could use your shower. Mines still broken"
"Yeah of course you can, could you wait just like 40 minutes?"
"Yeah sure! I've waited over 24 hours, 40 minutes won't kill me" I laugh. He brushes his hand through his hair and I notice his bicep flex. I never really noticed it but this man is buff. No wonder I feel safe around him, he could beat up a bear a win. Well maybe not a  bear?
I turn to head back into my room, but he takes my hand stopping me.
"Did you get my letter?" He asks, his eyes shining with hope.
"Yeah I did" I say meeting his eyes with the same anticipation.
" and did you..." I cut him off, bringing his lips to mine. My hand running through his hair.
" does that answer your question?" I tease.
"And all the ones after" He answers, slightly bewildered. "I have to head back in. I'll see you soon"
"It's a date" I reply. His grin has taken over his entire face, giddy like a child.
"It is indeed" He says before closing his door.
I collapse on my bed and open up his stream. God he's gorgeous. He keeps smiling to himself, which makes me do the same. I'm literally kicking my feet and smiling over this man. The chat seems to have noticed too. All mentioning how he seems to have found something outside his room very exciting. He answers them saying a staff member just was asking what food he wanted from the shop.
He signs of with a virtual hug, and now I get to have a real life one. And a shower.
I knock the door again, he shouts that it's open in response. I walk in, naked underneath my dressing gown. I stand awkwardly in his room, not sure whether we should talk about everything now or after my shower. He turns in his chair away from his laptop, his gaze lands on me. I'm suddenly aware that if this thin belt unwraps I'll be stood here bare ass naked. I pull the belt tighter.
"You gonna shower?" He questions
"Yeah, I just didn't know if you wanted to talk about everything properly now or after my shower?" He seems taken aback from my forwardness.
"Now?" He pats on his bed for me to sit down. I follow his direction and sit down opposite him. He wheels his chair closer to me so our knees are touching. A knot beginning to form in my stomach. He puts his hands on my knees. I think I flinch in response because he removes them as soon as he places them down.
"Sorry" He stammered, backing off. I hold his hands, stopping him from backing off too far.
"I'm okay. Its just..." fuck how do I explain this without sounding like a weirdo? "I've got nothing on under here. And well." I put my head in my hands. "I've never been touched in such a gentle way there. I was just a bit taken aback." He's silent. Then his lips curl into a smirk.
"So, that reaction was because you liked it so much?" A raised brow has joined his smirk. I can tell this man loves a good tease. He's gonna be the death of me.
He pulls himself even closer, this time he gently spreads my knees apart, replacing the space between them with his knee. Each second he does this, he's locked his gaze on mine, making sure I'm okay with this. And fucking hell I am. He stops centimetres away from my vulva. I'm glad he does cause im honestly embarrassed by how wet I am from just his smallest touch.
He leans over to my ear, his lips grazing  my neck ever so slightly, inciting goosebumps and a sound from me I'm not sure I've ever made before. He giggles, savouring the state he's got me in. "You should take your shower" He whispers. I snap out of my trance
"Are you saying I smell?" I'm joking but slightly concerned. He laughs, removing his knee and standing up from his chair
"Not at all. I just know you've been waiting to have one. Plus I'm worried you feel like this is going too fast. Cause I am." Chan looked down admitting his feelings. "I don't want you to do anything you'll regret. we haven't known each other long and I know you wanna know someone before you're intimate like that with them". Fuck me. This man may be the most caring person I have ever met.
I stand up from his bed and walk over to him, kissing him on his forehead.
"Thank you. I did enjoy it, please know that." He drops his head, but I lift up his chin with my index finger, "I mean it." I kiss him, deeper than before. I do want him. Just not yet.
I walk past him and head into his shower.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
@mangacupcake A bit of my Yuu in the headmistress rosehearts au that I thought of at 3am last night. Lol
What could it have been this time?
Isabelle was unsure. Anything could have attracted the ire of the headmistress. Maybe she decided Isabelle had to drop the hem of her skirt again. Or maybe she wanted to separate her from everyone at lunch. Maybe she didn't like the way she breathed in Riddles general direction. Very little surprises her anymore as she made her way to the headmage office.
As she opened the door, preparing for the worse, Isabelle saw a woman in a green dress standing in front of the desk speaking to her. The woman's back was facing the door, so all she saw was waist length brown curls much like her own.
"You asked to see me, headmage?"
" Ah yes, Miss Rosa. Your guardian is here to see you."
Isabelle furrowed her brow. She didn't think the woman would let Crewel back on school grounds. "Where is-" she stopped mid sentence when the woman turned around.
It was like looking in a mirror that went forward twenty years. Her face, her hair it was all Isabelles except for the eyes that were pitch black rather than the golden brown she had from her father.
The woman smiled and opened her arms. "Oh my sweet girl, I finally found you! Come here." She walked forward.
Suddenly Isabelle was flung back to being ten years old, sitting on her porch waiting for a mother that would never come. She shoved the woman off and backed away.
"You- you can't be here. That's not possible." She looked to the Headmistress with pleading eyes. "That is not my guardian! She isn't my anything!"
Mrs. Rosehearts merely picked the file on the desk and strode over to her. "This paperwork begs to differ." She flipped it open. "She has your birth certificate. A legitimate id. Even photos of the two of you together." She held up a photo of what was clearly her as a toddler being held by the woman.
"Isabelle," the lady in green said in a sickly sweet tone, "it's okay. I know it's been a while, but-"
Her whipped around and glared. An anger she hadn't known for a while courseing through her. "It's been awhile? Is that really the best you have to say to me?!"
The womans eyes widened at the sudden outburst.
"It's been a while is what you say to a friend you've been to busy too call. It's not what you say to the daughter you abandoned!"
"I didn't abandon you!" Her mother yelled back. There it was. That frustration that always took over when she didn't get her way. "I wasn't in the right head space to raise a child."
"Oh really? Was it the first time when I was two? Or was it the second time when you 'decided' you wanted to be a mom and then left again?"
Headmistress Rosehearts seemed to decide she had enough of this family squabble and finally inserted herself in the conversation. "Whatever the case may be, she is your biological mother and your only next of kin."
"No that's Divus Crewel!" Isabelle corrected.
"It really isn't. Now. On to the next matter. Your mother will taking over as your caretaker and will be staying here, so you two will have all the time to work out...whatever this is." Mrs. Rosehearts said as she went back behind her desk and put down the damning file.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I got a job here." Her mother answered. "I will be taking over teaching Hex's and Curses."
"Welcome to Night Raven College, Professor Cruz."
"Thank you, Headmistress, and Isabelle..." She put her hands on her shoulders, but she didn't feel it. She didn't think she had ever felt this numb. "I know we don't have the best relationship. But I'm still your mother. We can finally be a happy family. I can teach you everything I know."
Her mother's words hit a nerve. This woman didn't get to call herself a mother. Not when her father, grandmother, and aunt and had everything she was supposed to do. Isabelle glared at the woman who birthed her.
"You are not," she said slowly, "and never will be my mother. We will never be a happy little family. I want nothing of what you have to teach me , Elena." Without another word, Isabelle stormed out of the office.
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Okay hold on HOLd UP
Spoilers below for 'Earth's ORIGIN STORY in VRCHAT'
Trigger Warning below cut for: Cursing
Not five seconds after making a 'LUNAR!!!' post we get Earth lore, I am being fed today on the richest of content.
Look look look I get it The Princess and the Pauper movie is great but you cannot go wrong with Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus okay? Alright? This is now. This is now a Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus blog alright? In this house we love Barbie and the Ma
Princess and the Pauper came out in 2004 for anyone who was also wondering, but didn't look it up.
The return of the true villain of the series: That one fuckin bouncy, physics defying plush cylinder in the theater.
The music change had me wheezing, the fucking dramatic chase music for this bouncy toy.
Followed by all three of them legitimately walking around trying to catch the damn thing.
I'd love to see an episode where they have a discussion, like a serious discussion or something in the theater, and someone throws the toy and it just bounces around forever while they're having a serious talk, and it's played completely straight the thing is bouncing and no one addresses it or tries to catch it this is wishful thinking but the idea had me laughing so hard i forgot hwo to use punctuation
Sun and Moon sitting down on the little plushies seats like kids listening to story time was so cute.
"You will refer to me as Creator" "Hello Father!" "That works as well I suppose!"
It's strange seeing how... kind? The creator is towards Earth. Like, he's always been kinder to Earth than he has been to Sun or Moon or Killcode, but it's still weird. Like, he lets her decorate her room and got her movies in preparation for her activation, and doesn't get upset when she calls him father, and he's gentle when he asks her to leave them at the end.
"I abandoned mortal flesh for eternal life as a brain!" "Oooh! That seems clever!" Lol
Huh a Garbage Guy.
I like... whatever is going on between Garbage Guy and the Creator. Like, GG is so annoyed with the Creator, but he's speaking so casually to him? Exasperated with the Creators antics. They're like... a goddamn sitcom couple or something. The Creator gives no shits about this guy's irritation. They remind me of Chatot and Wigglytuff from PMD:EoS.
So, Earth was activated around November-December 2022, during the Bloodmoon arc. She showed up in... April? I think? Late March, early April? Though she said she got lost trying to find the daycare/Sun and Moon, so she left/was sent away from the Creator sometime just before that.
Also, whos they? Fazbears? Sun and Moon? Some third party? Why would they get shut down? I may have missed something. I assume it's Fazbear's inc the two of them are talking about.
Earth raising her hand to ask questions.
They have a connected background??? The Creator got the garbage can stuck on this guys head?? Did he make him immortal too, or did he just get hired because he was immortal? What's the dealio with these two?
"Why do you have a trash can on your head?"
"Why don't we ask your Creator, hmm?"
"Can you not, with the whole brain eye thing!?"
I'm crying it was mostlikely a misclick im crying that was so funny
"Um. You see. It's a, um, fashion trend that he's trying from another country."
"Oh fashion trend today is it?"
WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE ARE THEY DIVORCED WHAT AM I LOOKING AT This can't be just me can it?? I want more of it.
"Too bad. My lab." LOL
"I acquired the entire collection of Barbie movies!"
Creator enforces gender 'norms'. Asshole!
I know there's other things happening this episode but. "Was that all?"
"Nooo I wanted to ask you TAKE THIS DAMN THING OFF MY HEAD!"
Also is that the Arthur jingle? Like, the scene transition jingle from Arthur? That's what it sounds like.
"He could see?!" THAT'S what you're taking away from this Moon????
Earth out here being very right about the Barbie Rapunzel movie too, that magic paintbrush was banger, I wanted one too.
This episode was fuckin' fun. So many good quotes, I was laughing the WHOLE time. Also we might have a set up/ worldbuilding for the Creator's enemies and also more Creator and Garbage Guy stuff. Still wondering if he's dead. StG Killcode mentioned putting him to eternal rest at one point.
Also the thumbnail, again the thumbnail! IT's so pretty! The details are amazing, I wish I could look at them closer somewhere. Do we know yet who does them? I've seen suggestions in the comments of both videos featuring art so far that these new ones are done by Kiwi_Artz, but they aren't credited in the descriptions and they haven't post the thumbnails on Twitter anywhere. :(
I feel like this will most likely be the last calm episode before the 16th. This feels like a 'calm before the storm' situation and I cANNOT wait. 9 days till the 16th, that's probably 4-6 lore episodes/ 5-6 VRCHAT episodes, presuming anything is going to happen on the 16th. I'm both not ready for it, and 100% ready for it.
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
When are we reading the fic HUH you keep teasing us!!
I'm not trying to tease. 🥺 I'm trying to show I'm making progress. 😭 Because I have such a bad habit of hyperfixating on a fic for a total of 48 hours and then abandoning it.
But as a showing of good faith, here's a page +1 extra paragraph of first draft porn.
I haven't even looked at this a second time, much less gone through it with the intention of actually editing it. If it sucks, don't tell me LOL IT'S NOT FINISHED YET. It's on page 9 of 12 that I've reached so far.
The surreal nature of this moment wasn't lost on him — nor was the inappropriateness. He'd been sent on this mission specifically to locate, retrieve, and extract a human target while ensuring her safety. By all rights, they should have been on a chopper heading to a military base to get to a plane that would take them home. At no point should this mission have ever involved him holding the president's daughter in his lap while he sucked on her tits — all the while possibly being watched from the shadows by a man who may or may not have been an actual legitimate pirate — but here he was.
He'd be so dead if anyone found out.
It wouldn't be the worst way for him to go out, though. He could think of far worse fates.
Ashley was humming and moaning softly in appreciation for every little movement of his mouth. Her fingers were woven into his hair at the back of his head, and she had her lips pressed against the crown of his head in encouragement. His cock twitched in excitement and anticipation within the tight confines of his pants. The more she sounded off for him, the more desperate he became to bury himself inside of her.
A noise that Leon could have only best describe as a squeak escaped from the back of Ashley's throat as he swapped his attention from her one nipple to the other, and he hummed eagerly against her sensitive flesh in return. His hips instinctually rolled up and into hers, his growing hard-on pressing hard against the soft curve of her ass. Ashley threw her head back in response and sucked in a sharp breath through her gritted teeth.
In that moment, he couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever been brought to orgasm solely by the right amount and type of attention paid to her breasts — and if he could pull off possibly being the first to get her there.
It was a sentiment that was short-lived. Before he could fully register what was going on, Ashley was gently pushing herself away from him in order to slip out from his arms and plant her feet firmly on the floor. Almost instantly, Leon missed the heat of her skin and the pressure of her body weight bearing down on his hips.
She didn't go far. Once her balance was stable, she dragged her hands down the back of his neck, over his shoulders, and stopped to rest them on his chest. As she did, she leaned in and kissed him once more. This one was much slower than the others — warm and tender in a way that made him almost believe that she really, truly wanted him, as opposed to seeing him as just any port in a storm.
After all, that was the only way women had ever viewed him, going all the way back to the night he'd lost his virginity. It was funny in a very depressing way that so much about his life had changed since then, but not this. Never this. He was only ever a body to share heat with — a cock to be ridden and then discarded, and only ever in the most desperate of times.
Leon closed his eyes and settled his hands at the smallest part of her waist as he kissed her back. Just for this moment, he allowed himself to pretend — to buy into the delusion of thinking that Ashley Graham, the First Daughter and one of the hottest women he'd ever been lucky enough to get his hands on, wanted him for him. He granted himself the permission to believe that the tiny sounds of kissing being passed back and forth between them, and the careful, deliberate way that she met his tongue with her own again and again and again was born of a genuine affection for him. A genuine desire. A true longing for him and his touch and his presence and all that he had ever been or would ever be.
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dracomort · 5 months
You are so right Tom Ripley is what you would get if you put Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle in a blender lmao a well seasoned taco if you will 🌮
Sorry to bring the 1999 film to you awareness…I’ve almost finished the series and am debating checking out the film but the vibes seem a little off. Is it at all worth watching? It seems weirdly sappy and generally off brand for the source material
Tl;dr a bad adaptation but a... good film? According to people that aren't massive haters (ie. NOT me).
It's... the kind of film that is good if you're watching it without having read (and liked) the source material. Sort of like Kubric's The Shining. A lot of people enjoyed it, including people who have read the book, so bear that in mind. I tend to have extremely strong opinions on most things so you may still enjoy it but I loathed it lol. Brevity is not my strength so this is going to be long, sry.
You can read the following quote from the director and see if you want to see an adaptation of Ripley by someone with this opinion:
A legitimate gripe that fans of the novel might voice is that I entirely missed the point of the book, because the book celebrates an amoral central character who gets away with murder and doesn't seem to suffer for it. And part of the fun of the novel is that he doesn't seem to care. [...] You know that he'll have no remorse about killing other people to get what he wants. And there's a kind of glee in seeing him do it. But it's not a glee that I wanted to transform into the film, partly because of the nature of the way you experience film. But, if that's my technical position, it's also my moral position. I don't want to tell a story about a man who gets away with murder and doesn't care. It doesn't interest me.
Sorry, but WHY did you adapt RIPLEY if that was how you felt about the source material. Tom is a deeply sensitive, emotional person, but also a stone-cold psychopath who not only doesn't feel remorse—bar brief moments of clarity—but also believes he's entirely morally justified in his crimes.
Minghella's adaptation manages to be both less progressive and less nuanced than the 1955 book, despite being made almost half a century later. It is also less true to the essence of the book than the French 1960 adaptation, Plein Soleil, despite that film being beholden to the standards and censorship of the mid-20th century. Minghella's film is, I think, a great demonstration of why the American audience on the whole never 'got' Highsmith. She was always far more popular in Europe and I do believe that is because your standard American audience couldn't handle the moral ambiguity of her books.
There's a lot you can read into with TTMR but, to me, the book has always primarily been about class, not sexuality. It has more in common with a film like Parasite than Brokeback Mountain or Maurice. Tom is the American Dream taken to its perverse extreme—a ruthless, ambitious, dishonest character who will do anything to get ahead in a world stacked against him. The class element is near completely erased from the Minghella film, with the focus instead on Dickie as some sort of manic pixie dream girl who Tom stumbles into the thrall of and becomes infatuated and obsessed with to the point of snapping and killing him when he rejects Tom's feelings. Yes, Minghella managed to play into every homophobic stereotype out there by depicting Tom as an explicitly homosexual character and... a violent incel who can't take a hint.
In contrast, book Dickie is stunningly mediocre to the point of being an embarrassment to Tom, far from Jude Law's character. If anything, Tom is the one who brings excitement into Dickie's life . Minghella's Ripley is a shy, ungainly nerd; Highsmith's Ripley has his clumsy moments—certainly never managed to win Marge over lol—but is a capable, charismatic and driven person in his own right.
E Shannon's paper 'Where was the sex?' does a better job of discussing the altered interpretation of Ripley than I can. I've linked SciHub as it's locked behind institution login on JSTOR.
Highsmith certainly explores sexuality with great sophistication, but ultimately sexuality remains subtext in the novel, while it dominates the film. To pursue its concerns, Minghella's film revises the novel's characters and invents others, all with the aim of redefining Tom Ripley for a Hollywood audience. Minghella's Tom is first and foremost a gay man besieged by a hostile, straight world and only secondarily an American social climber on the hunt in Europe. Ironically, Minghella's focus on Tom's "taboo" homosexuality leads to a story that is less-not more-subversive than Highsmith's, whose critique of American ideas of class is lost to the film's paradoxically conventional sexual conflicts. In fact, in one sense, the film altogether inverts the sexual context of the novel. Where the novel uses Tom's sexuality to critique contemporary ideas of class, the film uses Tom's class to critique contemporary ideas of sexuality. Highsmith's Tom Ripley is a diabolical "culmination of the American success ethic" (Cochran 162), while Minghella's Tom Ripley is a misunderstood casualty of sexual bigotry and provincialism and a victim of his own frustrated sexual desire.
And also:
Minghella's audience is encouraged to criticize the monolithic presence of the "straight culture" and sympathize with Tom's dilemma, while Highsmith's readers are asked to consider aspects of culture beyond gay or straight sexual identity. For Minghella, Tom is either gay or straight. Either Dickie loves Tom or he loves Marge. The complex, sometimes asexual relationships of the 1950s novel are replaced with the simpler, blunter sexual truths of 1990s Hollywood, where "homosexual" is becoming almost as normalized as "heterosexual."
They also make a good point about Dickie being arguably closer implied to being a closeted gay man than Tom, which is actually quite a depressing thought. You can understand why he chooses estrangement from his family with that interpretation. Also, his assertion that Tom is in love with Dickie's material possessions, rather than him as a person is something I agree with. Tom doesn't miss Dickie after he dies, because he views Dickie as the sum of his parts—those being his signet ring, his fancy watches, his shiny cufflinks and his nice shoes. Again, deranged <3
Ultimately, I don't believe that even the shadow of a character like Ripley can be adapted to the screen. Dostoevsky being a major influence of Highsmith's is no surprise. Tom reads a lot like one of his rambling, neurotic characters, his inner dialogue being his most critical, defining feature, and not one that can be brought to the screen. Still, Minghella doesn't even try lol. I hate it.
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dufrau · 1 year
every so often i remember that one scene from bigfoot 1.5 and giggle because its just a perfect comic relief moment because its so fucking funny. like lets unpack this:
1: just the fact that robin and nancy left very conspicuously in the middle of the pool party to very obviously go fuck
1.5: and they were loud enough that el now knows what happy screams are rip
2: max being such a gremlin teenager about it and saying "that's hot" like ok i also saw you staring at steve, miss mayfield. i love her
3: mike wanting to drown himself in embarrassment lol. like imagine if your sister just did that and you could Hear lmaooooo
4: everyone except for mike being nonchalant about it like you go girls!!! get that gay sex!!!
anyways thank you for this funny bit to help readers like me not die due to angst. like i still did actually but this was cpr
Also it was a pool party in their honor, it was sort of a little graduation/leaving for college party for them. I didn't give a lot of thought to decorations but its even funnier if we imagine there was a "Congratulations Nancy and Robin!" banner hanging somewhere.
1.5. Their entire (short) relationship to this point has been fucking in the woods or in motels where nobody knows them or in Robin's house when her parents were away in Canada experiencing Cirque du Soleil, they have never had to be quiet before. Totally unprepared for this moment tbh. Good for them good for them etc.
2. Max is right it was hot. Also Max has been repeatedly almost killed, half her body is in casts and she's blind. She doesn't give a fuck. She is just saying what's on her mind from here on out.
3. Legitimately poor Mike. And it went on for like a while too. Steve trying to sneakily raise the volume on the radio bit by bit to drown them out but its just a little boom box it only goes so loud you know? Sometimes it goes quiet for a few minutes and Mike is like "Oh thank god" but then they're just right back at it and he is back in the pool wishing he was dead. Nightmarish. I am so sorry Michael.
4. These kids have seen too much to be homophobic. Plus they're all about to be sophomores in high school which was how old Nancy was in season one, they are hormonal little monsters if anything they are probably just jealous. Besides Mike who is mortified. And Steve who's like "You missed the cake! I baked it myself and drew you guys on it in frosting! I was so proud of that cake. Max smashed Mike's face in it though that was funny I guess."
Thank you for reminding me of this scene lol I love it so much. <3<3<3
(also if you havent read this fic here it is)
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rikki-roses · 4 months
Fluffy February Day 16: Spontaneous
I realized that I haven't written any baby!twins fluff in ages, so need to fix that lol.
Pairing: The Twins (Aka Setra Rowan and Kevra Kallig, AKA Barsen'thor and Darth Nox)
Time Period: Roughly 12 years before the start of SWTOR, when the twins are about 10. Two years before The Incident.
Location: Coruscant
The twins trailed behind their creche mates as the tour guide led the Padawans through Coruscant's Museum of Galactic Cultures. It wasn't the tour guide's fault that they were bored; they had snuck into the museum after-hours on three different occasions, and had consumed more information than the child-appropriate tour provided.
The only reason they participated today was to provide a cover story to hide their midnight adventures; they did not want to alert their masters that they routinely snuck out, even if it was legitimately purely to learn.
Kevra looked over at Setra as their tour group stopped outside an exhibit on Coruscant's rebuilding efforts after the Sacking. Setra, as usual, was feigning interest - she'd always been better at regulating and hiding her expressions. Kevra let out a frustrated sigh.
"You know, we could just bounce. Find a different museum to explore. We could totally time it so we're back before they notice we're gone."
Setra responded with some side-eye. "Too risky, better to wait until tonight. Besides, this isn't even the worst museum we've been to, we can suck it up for a few more hours."
"But I'm bored, Sissy. And we could hit up two different museums if we went now and later."
"Or you can practice patience for once."
"Or you could practice spontaneity for once."
"That's not in the Codes."
Kevra pouted at her sister. "They're not going to notice, Sissy. Master Grey forgets we even exist half the time. And what are they going to tell us, that we're wrong for wanting to actually teach ourselves? As far as rule-breaking goes, this is like, bottom of the list."
Kevra smirked as she saw the gears turning in her twin's head; she knew Setra was just as bored as she was. Setra started to chew her lip, and Kevra took the chance to grab her sister's hand and haul them out of the museum, both sisters cloaking themselves in the Force to hide their escape.
After a quiet yet heated debate, they settled on the Coruscant Xenozoology museum and made their way there; Setra wanted insect subjects to practice drawing. Kevra had to hand it to her sister; she'd never seen so many bugs in one place before. She'd never even heard of many of them.
Kevra set an alarm for when they needed to sneak back to their group; Setra was absolutely terrible with keeping track of time. And money. Anything involving numbers, really, caused her sister's eyes to immediately glaze over. Satisfied with her alarms, Kevra followed Setra as they roamed the museum.
While it wasn't Kevra's first choice (being a 10-year-old girlchild who didn't care for bugs in general), but she was able to write down interesting facts to serenade their creche mates with later.
It was just as well that Kevra'd set her alarms; she'd been swept up by her sister's enthusiasm. When her 90-minute alarm went off, she grabbed Setra and the two scuttled back (thankfully, the museums were only a few blocks apart), Setra hiding her personal notebook away under her robes.
Kevra ended up being right; Master Grey and their creche mates hadn't noticed them missing. Kevra's spontaneous decision was successful, and the twins made plans to return that night to continue their buggy journey.
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