#and I mean James spoke and Lily wrote down his words
wingedhallows · 8 months
traitor - ch. one; sirius black
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pairing: sirius black (golden trio era) x fem! oc | 0.9k words warning: dark themes, death, torture plot: Fourteen years ago, Hecate Hunt, a valuable member of the Order and once a Death Eater gave her life for her friends and the man she loved, at least that's what was believed. Now she's done hiding, ready to fight alongside her old friends and her godson. Ready to return to the life she once had, ready to once again be a traitor. authors note: hi there! I've been meaning to write this since it's been wandering around in my head for weeks. Thank you for reading and let me know if you liked it! :) ps.: this is the first work of mine in years, i wrote a lot of fanfics in highschool but somehow this helps with taking my mind off things. thank u <3 btw, things aren't absolutely accurate so don't come for me, let's just vibe, ok? ok.
navigation | chapter one ; chapter two ; chapter three ; chapter four
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"I want you all to meet a new member to the order. I believe her to be trusted, however you might think." from behind the old wizard a young woman emerged. Hair dark and long, a solem look on her face as she stepped infront of him. "Nice to meet you." she spoke, voice deep and firm. Her eyes were dark, almost black in the dim lit kitchen of the Black residence. Sirius felt himself lean forward, determined to catch a glimpse of her face.
"This is Hecate Hunt, a powerful witch and-"a Death Eater." Alastor Moody spoke, his eye skimming from side to side, mouth in a smarl. "Felt it minutes ago." The other members let their shock be known. Gasps and whispers present. She knew the members, of course. How could she not know the legendary Marauders, for one. 
"Why would you bring a Death Eater to this place, Albus?" Minerva spoke, voice almost too quiet to hear. Hecate let her gaze wander to Lily and James Potter who held hands, thumbs stroking each others hands. She had known the younger members, as she visited Hogwarts the same years they did. They were hard to miss. Remus Lupin just stared at her, hands in fists. Sirius Black on the other hand had his jaw clenched, mouth in a scowl and his wand in his hand. She knew of the older Black all too well. She had listened to the Dark Lord complain about Walburga and Orions incapability of turning their own son to the dark side multible times.
"Hecate has changed her mind in light of recent events.-"I don't buy it. Once a Death Eater, always a Death Eater." Sirius interupted Albus, his fist connected with the dark wooden table as he spat the words. Anger rose inside of her, she knew of his temper, had seen it first hand in their school days. "Oh you would know all about it, right? Since your familiy's swamped with'em and all, Black." Hecate spat, hands now crossed over her chest. She stooped low, she knew, but she had to get in, she had to make a change. She wouldn't let Black ruin it.
Sirius was fast to jump to his feet, wand raised and his body shaking with anger. "How dare yo-"Sirius, please." Remus tugged him down to his chair. Hecate didn't back down, ready to take whatever would jump from the purebloods wand. It wouldn't be worse than to stand against the Cruciato curse, which made its way passed Lord Voldemorts lips all too often. 
Albus huffed a sigh as he eyed Sirius. "If i could continue what i was about to say." Hecate shifted her weight from one leg to another, uneasy with the mood in the room. "Hecate was the witch who freed Alice and Frank Longbottom from the clutches of Death Eaters." he paused, looking at the woman next to him. "Delivered them right to me. I believe that no real Death Eater would've shown them mercy. Therefore, after careful thinking, i recruit Hecate Hunt to be a member of the Order." she gave him a curt nod before taking a seat. She had freed them, too late though. Barty Crouch Jr had broken their minds when she arrived. She'd just spared them from their death. Her eyes once again connected with those of Sirius.
"The reason why i want to help you, is my sister."
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Harry made his way passed the table, to the cabinets filled with plates and mugs. Sirius sat at the head of the table, a mug in one hand and the daily prophet in the other. "Morning, Harry." he spoke, a hopeful smile on his bearded face. Remus Lupin sat to his right, a little notebook placed on the table in front of him as he looked up at Padfoots godson. "Morning." he spoke as he saw Harry. He also greeted Lupin with a small smile. "Good Morning."  They didn't mind Harry looking around, it was an old and interesting house after all. Harry thanked Kreacher as the house elf scrambled to make the kid a cup of tea. His eyes locked on a picture frame. The only picture frame there was. 
There he saw Sirius and a woman he didn't know. Sirius looked younger, twenty maybe, the woman next to him was beautiful. Her dark long hair hung down her shoulders, shimmering in the warm sunlight as a bright smile spread across her pale face. Sirius gave her an adoring look before he smacked his lips on her cheek. The moment repeated, as every foto in the wizard world does.
"Sirus." he spoke, voice quiet. "Who is this?"
He turned around to look at his godfather. His face had frozen up, the shadow of a tear in his eyes. "Harry.." He could hear Remus say, an attempt of pushing the matter away.
"That's.." Sirius had to take a breath, his voice failing him. "Hecate Hunt." he spoke. He took a sip of his mug, the daily prophet long forgotten on the table in front of him. "Your godmother." it was merely a whisper as he spoke. Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing.
He had a godmother, somewhere out there-"She's dead." his voice rang in Harry's head. Harry placed the picture on the table, hand on his hip as he tried again. "How-"That's enough, Harry." Remus said, before Sirius rose to his feet and left, a quiet sob sounded in the distance.
"You-Know-Who killed her, there's nothing more to it." Remus spoke before he walked after his best friend. The boy once more stared at the picture in front of him. The woman, Hecate, once again gave the camera a warm smile. Just as young Sirius planted another forcefull kiss on her cheek he could hear a loud rumble upstairs. 
Sirius had just blown something to bits.
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flowerpottlady · 1 year
The worst begins...
Day 6 of Jily microfics!
MASSIVE trigger warning here, if anything at all makes you feel uncomfortable reading about childbirth, or labor or anything of the sort, please just skip this chapter.
I wrote this for me. I saw the word and was inspired - there is just something so utterly tragic about James and Lily's situation here, I needed it to be in words.
I truly hope you enjoy if you do decide to read this one, it means a lot to me.
Read under the cut!
All she ever wanted was to be a mother, it was a deep desire, something she very rarely spoke aloud. She was heartbreakingly happy when she found out she was pregnant back in december, but guilt gnawed dangerously at her once she realized she had to bring a baby into a war. A war in which she and her husband were standing on the frontlines.
And Voldemort, the monstrous lead of the enemy side targeted this human being that they created. Wanted to kill her baby. 
It was July 30th, any day now Lily could go into labor, it should have been the happiest day of her life - and instead, they were mindlessly watching the telly, the only thing they had to do since going into hiding. James had his feet up on the coffee table, something his mother surely would have scolded him for in the past. But she wasn’t here now. She couldn’t guide him through what came next. 
Lily was laid out across the sofa, her head resting in James’ lap. A pillow tucked between her thighs, another supporting her lower back. She was in turmoil, the cramping in her stomach getting worse. She strained herself mentally, holding her breath lest she make a noise and alert her husband that the worst possible thing that could happen, was actually happening. 
The telly flicked from the comedy show they were watching, to the evening news - but it was all static to her- as it had been days. Lily sucked in a harsh breath through her teeth. Her eyes grew wide in panic as a sharp pain ripped through her. 
“You alright love?” James asked, looking down at her, stroking her hair back from her forehead.  
“Mmm… just a bit uncomfortable.” She whispered, silently screaming inside. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” James asked, trying to keep the worry from his voice. 
“I’ll be alright,” she spoke softly, her words coming out like a pathetic whimper. 
“Are you sure?” 
“James.” Lily said shortly, closing her eyes and taking in another slow breath through her nose. She whimpered on the exhale, willing tears not to fall from her eyes at the indescribable pain she was in. 
“Right, well I have to go use the loo now, you’ll be okay?” 
She could only nod, and James carefully extracted himself from under her, crouching to give her another kiss. “I love you Lily.” 
“I’m fine.” 
She moved her arm under her head, closing her eyes, letting the exhaustion sink in. “I love you too.” 
Once he was safely away from her, Lily allowed herself to succumb to the pain. Breathing out roughly, a sob escaping as she curled into herself. She couldn’t bare to touch her stomach right now. Unbearable fear settling in. 
As the seventh month dies. 
Lily wasn’t having her baby today, or tomorrow. 
She leaned down, pushing the pillow away from between her thighs and crossing her legs. As if that would bloody help. 
Suppressing the urge to scream, she picked up her head, looking to see if James was on his way back. She was in the clear, and she turned her face into the cushion. Groaning roughly as her belly cramped up again, her baby nestling itself right into her pelvis. 
“Lily?” Her husband asked softly, her wonderful doting husband. She couldn’t hide this from him. 
“Lil, c’mon look at me.” He said, and she could hear the panic in his voice. She couldn’t bring herself to look up at him then. 
“Lily are you in labor?” James asked, sounding sick. 
Lily shook her head no. 
His hand was on her back, rubbing it affectionately. “Lil.” He whispered. 
“Please go away, James. Please.” She begged weakly. 
“There… there was some erm… mucus…  on the toilet seat.”
Another sob, a gut wrenching sob that broke both of their hearts. 
“Oh Lily.” He rubbed her lower back, pressing his lips gently against her temple. 
“How long have the contractions been happening?” He asked once her tears ebbed. 
She looked up at him, her cheeks tear - stained, her eyes puffy. “They’re not happening.” She told him, her voice breaking, “he’s… he’s not coming until August.” 
“You can’t put this off Lil.” 
“James… this… this isn’t happening,” she spoke, a fresh round of tears breaking through as her belly clamped up in another contraction. 
James reached for her hand, and held it tentatively, squeezing once the pain became too much.  “You’ve been having contractions sense dinner at least, I could see it in your face.” He said once she relaxed. 
“James please…. I… I can’t do this.” She sobbed, nearly in hysterics. 
“Okay. Alright, listen to me. The second this gets to be too much, I’m calling Marlene and we are going through with the birth plan.” James said, worry for his wife actually having to give birth soon now taking over every nerve in his body. “Look at me Lily,” he said, holding her face in his hands. “This is your first baby, he will take his time. We can just wait this out okay? I’ll distract you. We can try to make it till Sunday.” 
“Okay,” she said, relaxing only slightly, not thrilled with the thought of having to endure this pain for the next day and a half. But it was better than the alternative, her son being born as the seventh month died. “We wait.” 
“The second it gets to be too much, I’m going through with the birth plan.” He told her seriously. 
“We wait. He’s not coming out anytime soon.” She said, a furious look in her eye, one that James knew he wasn’t going to fight with.
Start from the beginning here! 31 days of Potters
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mrsbrookemunson · 3 years
/* Misunderstanding /* (2/2) | Remus x Fem!Reader
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(Not My Gif)... (And I told you I’d be using the same one for part two... because I like it :))
Song: I Was Listening To Indie Music... That Just Screams Remus, Especially Piano Or Instrumental Stuff.
Prompt: The aftermath of the rumor of Y/N--James sister--liking Sirius.
Genre: Angst to Fluff? 
Warnings: Swearing, LONG--it’s LONG! most definitely typos and grammatical errors--I am so sorry about that as a fellow reader I know that sometimes it can take you out of the story but as a writer... it happens. James being the main character. Super cheesy at some points, and yeah, just read it.
A/N: Did not expect it to be 4,301 words... Unedited.
| Not Requested |
| Part One | Part Two |
/* Misunderstanding /*
“Where’s Y/N?” James asked. 
“Didn’t want to come,” Lily murmured and sat down beside her boyfriend. 
“That’s the third day in a row she hasn’t come to breakfast,” Peter spoke. 
Sirius furrowed his eyebrows. “This is all my fault,” he accused. 
“What else could you have done to make it better?” Lily asked as she looked at him with a sympathetic expression. “She needed to hear it.” 
“Wait, what is this about?” James questioned, not following the conversation between his girlfriend and best friend. 
“Promise you won’t tell?” Lily raised her eyebrows at Peter and James.
“Promise,” they replied at the same time. 
Lily took a deep breath. “Y/N likes Sirius and Sirius had to reject her the other night and that’s why she hasn’t hung out with us in three days,” she blurted, rapidly. 
Peter frowned.
James laughed… loudly.
“Why are you laughing?! Your sister is heartbroken–no offense Sirius.” 
James shook his head. “Because Y/N doesn’t like Sirius!” He prepared himself for the confession. “She likes Remus.” 
“WHAT?!” Peter, Sirius, and Lily shouted. 
Cold glares were shot in their direction. 
James looked at his friends, uncomfortably. “Yeah,” he dragged, taking a bite of his toast. “She told me after I found poems she wrote called ‘The Boy in my Head’, and ‘The Werewolf’. And it’s obvious. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t know?” His words were muffled from the food in his mouth but they understood. They all gave him looks as if to urge him to continue. He took a deep breath. “First of all, Remus gets a boner every time she’s around, and Y/N acts like a young school girl with a crush.” He twirled his hair dramatically and squeaked out a giggle. “Oh, Remus! You are so smart, and kind, you’re my best friend, let’s make out!” he mocked. “Do I need to continue? Merlin… who came up with that conclusion?” 
The group went silent.
“It’s not important. But, if Y/N likes Remus then why is she so upset that Sirius rejected her?” Lily asked herself desperately trying to connect the dots until it clicked. “Sirius, what did you say to her?!” 
James and Peter snapped their heads towards Sirius who wore a sheepish expression.
“I–I don’t quite remember to be honest,” he lied. 
The stares of his friends got more and more intense. 
“Fine!” he bursted. “Okay, maybe I didn’t specifically say ‘I don’t like you’, but Lily was so sure it was me, I didn’t think it was necessary. And yes, maybe my words–mistakenly–labeled Remus as not liking Y/N and instead another girl in our year.” 
James turned to Lily, “You were the one that thought Y/N liked Sirius?”
“I don’t know! I wanted to know who Y/N liked, so I tried to figure it out on my own.” She looked back on the signs she found to lead towards such a conclusion. “It just doesn’t make sense I mean when Y/N spoke to Sirius that night she looked so happy.”
“What were you guys talking about?” James questioned.
Siris and Lily glanced at each other. “Remus,” they muttered, incoherently 
James clicked his tongue, “There you go.” 
Peter hummed in amusement. “And now, Y/N thinks Remus doesn’t want her at all, nice going Lily,” he snickered.
James' smile faltered. “And Remus doesn’t know,” he realized. “If Remus found out about this he’d—” 
“Find out about what?” Remus dropped his bag, it landed on the ground with a thud. “I’m sorry I’m late.” His eyes scanned the area. “No Y/N still?” He couldn’t contain his worry. “She isn’t sick, right?” he asked Lily. 
“No,” Lily answered, awkwardly. 
“That’s good.” He sat down in between Peter and Sirius. “So… find out about what?” 
Sirius gulped.
Remus looked at each of his friends in question, “James, you said ‘if Remus found out about this he’d–’, what?” 
“Probably wouldn’t be happy.” James tried to lighten the mood with a reassuring smile. 
Remus glimpsed at Sirius who avoided his eye contact, “Does this have to do with Y/N’s absence?”  
“I mean–maybe?” James shrugged.
“Is she okay?” Remus’s eyes filled with concern. 
“Depends on how you look at it.” 
Lily slapped James in the stomach when the words slipped out of his mouth. 
Remus stood up abruptly. “I knew I should have checked in on her,” he scolded himself. He gathered his stuff.
“Wait, wait, slow down,” James eased.
Remus set down his bag on the table, ready to go, “What?” 
“She doesn’t want to see you right now,” James blurted. 
Remus gave him a look of shock. “Why not? I haven’t done anything wrong, have I?” He tried to search for an answer on his friends faces and found looks of guilt. “Have I?” he repeated. 
“No, not exactly,” James assured, weakly.
“Oh, bloody Hell! Lily started a rumor that Y/N likes Sirius, which then made Sirius reject her in a way that made it seem like the one she actually likes, which is you, likes someone else,” Peter rushed with a proud smile. “See? Was that so hard?” 
Remus froze. “I’m sorry… what?!” His face presented pure horror. 
Lily let out a cry, “Ugh! It’s all my fault!” 
The boys minus Remus let out incoherent mumbles in slight agreement.
“Y/N wouldn’t tell me who she likes, all she mentioned was that he was a good friend and that he keeps giving her mixed signals so she doesn’t know if he likes her back. And then later I saw her–when you weren’t there–giggling with that same smile she’s been wearing for months. I didn’t know that it was because Sirius was talking about you!” She sighs in defeat. “So, Sirius rejected her, but never officially said he was the one that didn’t like her.” 
“Let’s not forget to mention that now she thinks you like someone else,” Peter chimed in, leaning closer to Remus. 
Remus didn’t say a word. It took a moment for everything to settle and when it did, it still left him confused. “So, what are you saying?” he asked.
“Y/N likes you!” everyone shouted at him.
Once again, people sent the group dirty looks.
Remus, slumped, sat back down on the bench. “This isn’t a joke, right? Because if it is, it isn’t funny.” 
“It’s not.” Sirius shook his head. “I kind of wish it was… I didn’t mean for this to happen.” 
“If I was just patient with her she wouldn’t be locked up right now, crying.” Lily pouted at the thought. “Or, I should’ve spoken to her. I thought giving her some space would be the right thing to do, but maybe if I said ‘Sirius is dumb’ we would’ve figured this out way sooner.” 
She ignored Sirius’s hurt expression. 
“You guys are missing the point!” James grins, widely. “Now, Remus can actually do something about his Y/N problem.”
“I never said I liked her,” Remus remarks.
James opens his mouth to reply, but no words formed. “That wasn’t the problem I was referring to, but… are we still in this ‘I don’t like her because I’m scared I’ll hurt her’ stage? I thought we passed this…” 
“We have–I mean haven’t–I mean–there was never a stage!” Remus laughs, nervously.
“Remus, Y/N has told me herself that she likes you, and though you won’t admit it, I know you like her,” James calmly confesses. “I also took a peek in your journal.” 
“Yeah, interesting stuff in there. You know…” James adjusts in his seat. “If you really want my sister–if you want my sister to believe that you’re hers and she’s yours… use it,” he advised. 
Remus gets up. “I-I need to think for a while.” He grabbed his bag, holding it by the strap, tightly. “Just—” He cuts himself off with a shaky breath. “Give me some time.” 
He walked away as they watched intently until he disappeared around a corner.
Remus got to the common room. 
He looked up from the floor to meet the owner of the voice that spoke his name. “Y/N.” 
She avoided his eye contact, “Shouldn’t you be at breakfast?” 
He let out an empty laugh, “I should be asking you the same thing.” 
Y/N gulped. “There’s no one else that’s in our year here, just me,” she informed. 
Remus was taken aback by the off topic comment. “You say that like I was looking for someone,” he responded. 
“Are you not?” 
“I–no? I–um–are you okay?” 
“What?” Y/N choked. “Of course I am!” 
“It’s just… you aren’t making eye contact with me like you usually do.” He didn’t mean to sound so disappointed, but he was. In himself. He should just say it, why can’t he say it? “You don’t have to tell me. It’s none of my business anyways,” he paused. “But, I do hope that when you’ll feel better you’ll come back to the group. We miss you…” He nods, exaggerated, yet slow. 
“I miss you guys too…” 
Remus stumbled a step towards her. “Y/N I—” 
“I have a little cold is all.” 
He knew that was a lie, considering Lily told him the opposite earlier. 
“Might have to miss the Hogsmeade trip tomorrow, but I’m sure you’ll find someone to take my place for our weekly book hunting,” she adds. 
“No one can—”
Y/N gasped as if she remembered something. “That reminds me! I’ll be right back.” 
“Wait I—” 
“I just need to grab something, it won’t take more than five minutes.” She ran up the stairs before Remus could stop her.
A small groan passed his lips. His hands rubbed his eyes and pushed their way, roughly, through his hair. Now he understood why it took so long for his friends to admit the mistake they made. It’s Y/N, how difficult should telling her be? Easier said than done. 
“I’m back.” She walked confidently to him. It was abnormal if you considered the circumstances. “Here.” She held out a piece of paper filled with neat writing. “It’s my list of books I want to read, maybe you could find them for me?” Her voice contained so much hope that it took Remus out of reality for a second. 
Remus was about to take the list but she pulled it back.
“What am I saying? You’ll probably be too busy to even go to the bookshop,” she laughed, pinching the bridge of her nose. She pulled her hand away. “Next weekend. I’ll most likely be feeling better and I’ll go with you guys.” 
Remus bit his tongue. He wanted to argue, he wanted to force her to say it first. It made him sick thinking about it. How much of a coward he was that he’d practically beg her to admit her feelings so he could tell her his without the doubt. He didn’t doubt his love for her, but he did doubt if he was worth her love.
He swallowed back his pleads. “Promise?” 
She smiled, warmly and for the first time in three days her eyes met his. 
Warmth filled his body at the sight. 
“Promise,” she whispered.
His hand slipped down to gently take the piece of paper between his index and middle finger. “I’ll do my best to find every single one.” He did a quick scan of the titles. It stops on one specifically. “Hm.” 
“What?” She tilted her head. “Something on there that caught your attention?” 
“There’s a book about werewolves on here.” He looked at her. “Why are you learning more about them?” 
“Because… you’re one. It’s like how you’re learning more about astronomy… I wanted to learn more about who you are, so one day I’ll be able to help like Sirius, Peter, and James do.” She bit her lip. Cautiously she said, “Maybe I can become an animagus like them too!” 
He blinked a couple of times, processing. “No,” he protested. “You’ll–you’ll get hurt. I’ll hurt you.” 
“That’s why I’m reading about werewolves, so I won’t get hurt,” she counterpointed. “And besides, even if I do. I know it’s not you, the one I’m seeing right here, hurting me.” 
“That’s exactly it!” He folded the paper and stuck it into his back pocket. “It’s not me in the moment, but it’s still me. I am still inside that monster and if it hurts you…” 
“You’ll what? Blame yourself?” 
He didn’t answer.
He sniffled with a shrug. “Because—” 
“But, it’s not you, you forget everything about your life when you transform. You can’t control it. Why would you blame yourself?” 
“I don’t think you understand…” 
“No, I don’t. But, I want to, and the only way I’ll be able to understand is if I allow myself–if you allow me to be a part of the darker sides of your life. Starting with the basics.” She sent him a kind smile. “And if I have anymore say in this; I wouldn’t blame you, I would never blame you for anything, whether it makes either of us happy or sad, because I know you, Remus, and you deserve anything and everything that makes you happy.” 
His eyes were lined with tears that he struggled to push back, “You really believe that?” 
“I do. With every bone, and fiber in my body, and with all my heart. You deserve the whole world, and all of its beauty.” 
“What about you?” 
“What about me?”
“You also deserve the world, the universe even.” 
Y/N shook her head, “I already have it, though that doesn’t mean I deserve it.” 
Remus furrowed his eyebrows. “What do—” 
“Excuse me,” someone interrupted. “Don’t mean to intrude, I just need my wand.” She points to it laying on the table near the pair. “I left it here… silly me.” The girl joking hit her forehead. 
Remus turned away from Y/N to give their fellow classmate a grin. “We all have those days.”  He walked over and grabbed it for the girl who seemed in awe of the gesture. “Here.” He handed it out for her.
“Thank you.” She took it. “I swear one of these days I’ll remember to put my wand in my pocket instead of setting it down wherever.” 
Remus laughed, “At least you haven’t snapped your wand by sitting on it by accident.” 
She raised an eyebrow in question. “Yeah, can’t say I’ve done that before.” 
“You’re in our year, right?” Remus asked.
“Yeah!” she answered, excitedly. “I’m Ruth.” She raised her hand for him to shake it.
“Remus.” He accepted the handshake. “And this is…” His voice dragged when he finally saw Y/N wasn’t there anymore. Where did she go?
“Oh, she left.”
Why would she leave? His mind brought him back to breakfast, “Let’s not forget to mention that now she thinks you like someone else”. He looked at Ruth with a newfound realization. “In which direction?” 
She pointed behind her to where the entrance/exit of the common room is.
“It was great to meet you, but I have to go.” He walked away but was stopped by her. 
“You’re going on the Hogsmeade trip tomorrow, right?” 
Remus seemed to be deciding something at that moment. He didn’t answer right away. “Maybe.” 
Her posture straightened, “Okay… well if you do go, maybe we can—and there he goes.” 
Remus rushed to leave the common room.
“Moony!” Sirius called out. “There you are, we have class, and James and I thought about—” 
“Where’s the map?” Remus asked, quickly.
“The map? Why do you need it?” James, despite his unanswered questions, began to pull it out.
“Because, I think I made it worse.”
Ruth appeared and walked by the group. “Hey Ruth.” Sirius waved. “You’re going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, right?” he asked her.
Everyone looked at the two then back at Remus who seemed distracted by the map. 
Ruth glanced at Remus. “Maybe,” she mimicked his answer. 
Sirius noticed the way she didn’t look at him and looked back. He ignored it and turned to her. “Well, maybe we can go together?” 
“Uh–I’m not interested,” she rejected, awkwardly and glimpsed at Remus before walking away. 
Sirius sighed. “She wasn’t worth it anyways, besides there’s this guy in potions who definitely smelt me when we learnt how to make love potions.” 
“Do you ever take a break?” Marlene, who joined the group, asked, annoyed. 
“She’s not on here,” Remus mumbled. “Do you see Y/N on here?” 
They all looked. 
“She doesn’t look to be,” James observed.
“That’s impossible,” Peter commented.
“The map never lies,” Sirius responded. 
“Then where is she?” Lily asked, now worried. 
Remus stiffened. “Where’s the one place that’s not on the map?” 
“The Forb—” 
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class?” Filch’s voice squeaked.
“We’re going now.” James flashed a smile and waved the old man off. “We’ll look for her later, okay?” He placed a comforting hand on Remus’s shoulder. “I’m sure she’ll be fine.” 
Remus lowered the map with a huff. 
“Yeah.” He shut his eyes tightly. He looked at the group with a thin lipped smile. “I’m not worried… I’m not.” He exhaled, his smile getting bigger. “Let’s get to class, yeah?” 
Remus casually strolled in the direction of the classroom. 
“How do you think this will end?” Peter asked.
“Aren’t you worried about your sister, James?” Lily questioned. 
James' assuring act dropped, “Absolutely. That’s why I’m going to ditch class and go look for her. You guys go with Remus to distract him.” 
“Are you insane?” Lily gave him a look of disbelief. “If you’re going, then I’m going with you.” 
He shook his head, “I think I might know where she is, I don’t need assistance. Just…please, don’t let Remus know.” 
Sirius patted James on the back, “Be careful.” 
“Always am,” James replied before running off. 
Y/N played the dandelions along with the daisies planted into the ground. A small grin plastered on her face. She watched the clouds float on by and breathed in the cool breeze. “You certainly have gained a habit of disappearing on us,” James started, sitting beside her.
“How did you know I was here?” 
“Lucky guess,” he chuckled. “You know, Remus is probably two seconds away from a fit.” 
She sighed, “Why should he care? He seemed pretty busy with the girl he likes.” 
James winced, “Y/N, I think there’s been a misunderstanding…” 
“What do you mean?” She turned her head towards him. 
James hesitated to go further and curled in on himself. 
“What do you mean?” she repeated with more urge. 
“Promise you won’t–I don’t know–do anything crazy?” 
“You know I don’t make promises.” She narrowed her eyes. “Now, tell me!” She whacked him on the arm, playfully. 
“Okay!” he laughed. “Give me a second…” 
“James!” She hit him again. 
“Oh my Merlin! You’re abusive!” 
“You’re changing the subject!” 
“Am not!” 
“Tell me!” 
“Fine! There was a rumor going around–that Lily started–that you liked Sirius, so that night Sirius was rejecting you, not telling you that Remus doesn’t like you.” 
Y/N froze. “Wh-what?” she stammered. 
“And the whole group knows this now, everyone knows you like Remus and Remus likes you!” 
Her jaw dropped, “But, Remus doesn’t like me.” 
“He does.” 
“I’m so confused.” She pressed the palm of her hands into her eyes. “But—” 
“No! He likes you Y/N, he’s just too introverted to say anything, and… terrified.” 
She furrowed her brows, “Of what?” 
“Hurting me,” she finished in a whisper.
“Yeah,” he said.
“Yeah…” She thought back to Remus and her conversation from earlier before Ruth interrupted. “So, that’s why he was so…” she cut herself off. “Ugh, I’m so stupid!” 
“No, you’re not–well you kind of are–you both are.” 
Y/N stood up. “I have to go find him, and talk to him, sort out this huge, awful—” 
“Misunderstanding?” James guessed.
“Misunderstanding!” she screamed, exasperated. “But… Do I deserve him?”
“You’re really deciding to question this now? Right when you’re about to have him? 
“Yes, yes I am.” She plopped back down onto her knees. “I mean I saw how he and Ruth interacted so easily, and she’s so beautiful, and I can tell she liked him, and it makes me think, what makes me so special?” 
“Don’t ask me this,” James paused. “Ask him this. He’ll have these answers.” He snorted. “I’m just your brother.” 
Y/N nodded. “You are… you are my brother, and as cheesy as this sounds, I’m lucky that you were the one to be placed in that role.” 
“I’ll take it as a compliment.” 
She hugged him, “You’re going to bring this up whenever you get the chance, aren’t you?” 
He hugged back, “Yep.” 
James walked into the common room and it felt as if all eyes were on him. Because they were. 
“Did you find her?!” Remus asked and stormed up to him.
James looked at the group in annoyance, “I’m guessing he found out.” 
“We tried,” Sirius claimed. “We really did, but you do realize you asked us to outsmart the smartest person of our group?” 
“Fair point,” James agreed. “And, yes, I did find her.” 
Remus sighed in relief, “Then where is she?” 
“Astronomy Tower,” he answered. 
Remus wasted no time and left. 
James' head followed the movement until he was gone. “Y/N’s gonna hate that I told him that, but oh well. It needs to be done.” 
“What do you mean?” Sirius asked.
“I told her everything, and she’s planning out this whole romantic gesture—” James fake gagged, “—I think they need to just stop messing around and confess, don’t you?” 
The group mumbled ‘yes’. 
“And to answer your question, Peter, I think this is going to end happily ever after.”
Remus jogged up the steps of the Astronomy Tower and saw Y/N perched at the edge of the balcony. “Hey,” he strained.
She jolted at the abrupt sound and looked back at him. “Oh! Hey!” She scrambled to get up. “Uh–how did you know I was up here?” 
He jutted his thumb back, “James told me.” 
She scoffed, “Of course he did.” 
Neither of them move to get closer to one another, an awkward distance between them. 
“Look—” they both stopped when they started talking at once.
“You go first.” Remus smiled politely.
Y/N swallowed back her nervousness. “I think–I think there’s been some misunderstandings here.” 
Remus’s expression faltered, “Yeah, I–I agree.” 
Did she not like him after all?
“The rumor about me liking Sirius is completely false.” 
“Oh, well that’s a relief.” 
“Yeah, and–um–you see...” She scratched the back of her head. “When Sirius rejected me, I thought he was talking about you and I…” 
“I don’t like anyone, Y/N,” Remus confirmed.  
“You don’t like anyone?’” Y/N’s heart pounded against her chest to the point where it physically hurt. 
“No! I–I don’t like anyone that’s—” 
“That’s what?” Her voice dropped in volume, all confidence gone.
“That’s not you.” Remus’s head dropped, and hung low. He stared at the floor, too scared to seek her reaction.
It was barely audible and perhaps Y/N heard it wrong. She didn’t dare to command a repeat.
He looked at her with pure confusion. “Because it’s you! It’s always been you. You’re the only one who actually listens to my book rants, who listens to me, and who actually voices—” 
“That you deserve all of the world's beauty.” 
“Yes!” he cried, a few steps closer to her now. “And you’re so real. You’re real to the point where I can’t tell if you’re a dream because you fees too surreal. And it feels like I’ve lived this moment a million times in my head, and when I go to sleep. It’s all I ever write about. And if you are a dream, then I better not ever wake up.” 
“What if everything you wanted was on the other side?” 
Remus positioned himself right in front of her, a hairbreadth away. “You’re everything I want.” 
Y/N met his eyes that were as warm as honey, “You’re my world, doesn’t mean I deserve it.” 
Remus’s fingertips traced up her arm, “How is it possible that we see each other in such different ways than we see ourselves?” 
Y/N shivered. “You’re blind, and I have perfect vision.” She tried to joke, but it didn’t come out humorous.
Remus clicked his tongue, “I think it’s the opposite, I’m always the one having to read to you because you can’t read the words clearly.” 
“It's not my fault that I’m stuck with the Potter curse of bad eyesight.” 
He laughed, a laugh that filled Y/N with joy.
“You worried me today, I couldn’t find you.” 
“I didn’t want to be found.” 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.
“About what?” 
“For giving you mixed feelings.” He laced his fingers with hers. “For ever letting you believe I don’t love you.” 
“I-I mean like you, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean–well I do mean it, but I understand if it’s too fast, we haven’t–I haven’t—” 
“Remus!” she stopped his ramble. 
She lifted up her hand and pushed back a piece of his hair that had fallen out of place. She was memorized by it, the feeling, the softness of it. And how damn beautiful he was. “I love you too,” she admitted, quietly. 
“You do?” 
“How could I not?” 
“I can think of a few things.” 
Remus bit his tongue to hold them in, and instead blurted, “Can I kiss you?” 
Y/N’s heart fluttered. He’s asking her to kiss her, because he wants to. He wants her.  (I’m sorry I love the idea of a guy asking if he wants to kiss me instead of just doing it.)
“Only if you mean it,” she responded.
“How could I not?” 
She closed her eyes. “I can think of a few things.” 
He shook his head, mockingly. “Impossible.”
With that he gently pressed his lips onto hers. There was no roughness, or aggression, or desperation. They had all the time in the world for that. Remus wanted to take his time to take in how she tasted, memorize the feeling, the friction that grew, and especially the feeling that her hands left when they ran through his hair or the pads of her fingers brushing his face or neck, her delicate touch. He convinced himself at that moment to believe that if Y/N was telling the truth, that he did deserve everything the world had to offer, she had to be the beauty of it all. Because to him she is. And he convinced himself to believe at that moment he was in a dream, or dead and went to heaven.
And when they pulled apart, out of breath, he was pleased to not have woken up this time.
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svnriseblvdd · 3 years
All Thanks to Padfoot | James Potter
Author: @svnriseblvdd
Word count: 2462
Warnings: I think there's a swear or two, but I wrote it so there's bound to be
Summary: In which James falls head over heels for the new next door neighbour, and Sirius takes matters into his own hands to get them together
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"Prongs, the new neighbour is hot," Sirius announced as he strutted into his and James's shared flat.
"I know," James chuckled, looking up from his book. "I saw her the other day when she was checking to see if she'd have to buy a new sofa to fit the flat."
"And you never told moi?" Sirius gasped, feigning offence. "I've never felt such betrayal, Potter. You're dead to me." Laughing, James hit Sirius with his book as his best friend sat down on the sofa beside him. "So what do you think?"
James frowned. "About what?"
"Pretty? Are you going to give it a try?"
"She just moved in, Padfoot, we don't want to overcrowd her."
Sirius scoffed. "I spoke to her out in the hallway, she said she's new to the area. I think she could use a couple of friends her age. We've got to look out for the young, female, very pretty neighbour, because we're nice people. We're going to be gentlemen. Pick up the flowers from the vase in the kitchen and bring them to her."
James looked at the flowers in question, frowning. They were wilting, droopy, and sad. Previously having been a gorgeous, colourful bouquet when Lily had gifted them with the plants in celebration of Sirius' birthday, they had now seen the last of 'beautiful', about ready to shrivel up into nothingness. "Yeah, absolutely not. Hold on." James pulled out his wand. "Orchideous."
A beautiful bouquet of yellow and white dandelions, bluebells, snowdrops, and irises sprung from his wand.
"When the bloody hell did you learn that spell?" Sirius exclaimed.
"Uh... I have no idea."
Sirius threw away the dying flowers and grabbed the vase, taking the flowers from James and putting them into the vase. "Just go over there and give her the flowers, introduce yourself, be nice. You're a handsome bloke, James, you'll do just fine. Oh, and one more thing: girls love dogs, so I will be your wingdog."
Before James could say a word, Sirius had turned into his animagus form: a large black dog.
"How on earth are we best friends?" James sighed in exasperation, leaving the flat and walking one door over, knocking loudly.
"Just a minute!" Your voice called from behind the door, before it was being pulled open, and you stood there with a smile on your face. "Hello. Can I help you?"
"Yeah, I've got some flowers." James held up the vase, heart leaping at the grin that took over your features as you took it from him.
"Oh, these are wonderful. Oh, you are just a darling, thank you so much! You really didn't have to."
"Just a welcome to the building. I'm James, by the way. We sort of met the other day. I live next door." He held out a hand, and you took it, and rather than shaking your hand, he placed a soft kiss to the skin on the back of your hand, not missing the blush that spread on your cheeks.
"I'm Y/N. I need to put these flowers in water. Um, would you like to come in? I don't mean to brag, but I'm rather skilled in making hot chocolates. And I can get some water for this little fellow." She smiled down at Sirius.
"Uh, yeah, brilliant." James followed her in, taking a seat on her sofa.
"What's your dog's name?" She called, filling up a bowl with some waters, setting it in front of Sirius.
"Padfoot," James replied.
She smiled, scratching behind Sirius' ear. "That's cute. I must say, though, I do wonder how the landlord would feel about this, considering the 'no pets' policy."
Neither James nor Sirius had anticipated this, and so James made something up on the spot. "He's technically my parents'. They've left him with me for the day. But he loves me more."
Sirius let out a laugh in the form of a bark. "He seems to disagree," you chuckled.
"Well, he seems to like you," James pointed out.
"Well, I was cooking dinner when you knocked. Handling meat and things, so he probably smells that on me. Oh, would you like to stay for dinner? You can invite your roommate too, if he wants to join. And Padfoot can stay. I'm sure I can find a steak or something in the freezer."
"Actually, mum and dad will be picking him up in about ten minutes, but I'm sure Sirius would love to join."
"Sirius?" She repeated.
James nodded. "My roommate. He's out at the moment. Went for a walk. Or something like that."
"Sirius like the dog star?" She asked.
"Exactly like the dog star," James answered. "How did you know that?"
"I've always had a fascination with the stars. It's the brightest star in the sky. Alpha Canis Majoris. I'm assuming that kind of name is common within his family. It's a rare one."
"Yeah. There's quite a lot of names like it within his family."
She chuckled. "I'll be sure to ask for name recommendations. I've always wanted to name my kid something like that."
"You're not -"
She burst out laughing. "Oh, no, absolutely not. No, it's just planning for the future, really. I mean, some day I'd like to settle down, and I'd like a fun name like that," she mused.
"Well, unfortunately, Sirius hates pretty much his entire family, so you're probably not getting any name recommendations from him. Although, actually, he likes his cousin Andromeda."
"That's a beautiful name. Daughter to the vain Queen in mythology." Noting James' confused expression, she smiled. "I have a textbook on astronomy. Now, I'll finish with dinner, and you can go hand Padfoot back to your parents and grab your roommate. Dinner should only be about ten to fifteen minutes."
"Thanks, I'll go get Pads sorted out, and then bring Sirius over. See you in a few minutes?"
"See you then."
From that day onwards, they were friends of sorts. Occasionally she'd need a favour, sometimes they had dinner together, the three of them, and their other friends had even met her by this point.
A knock sounded at the door, James opening it quickly. There she stood, a towel clutched in her arms and a small bag perched on top of it. "Hey, James, could you do me a favour? My shower isn't working, and I really need to wash my hair. I'm going out tonight with the girls, and I'm a total mess and I don't have enough time to look into what happened with it and -"
"Alright, alright. Go ahead. You know where it is."
She rushed past and down the hallway, James closing the door, and the shower turned on about a minute later. James took a seat on the sofa, beginning to read through a book.
Sirius came wandering out of his room, eyebrows furrowing when he noticed James on the sofa. "But I can hear the shower. Who's in our shower?"
"Y/N. Her's isn't working so she asked to borrow ours."
Sirius laughed, shaking his head. "This is where it starts."
Though he was sure he'd regret it, James sighed and asked, "Where what starts, Pads?"
"You're doing little favours for her, here and there, and then you've got something like this. She's showering, in our shower, in our flat. Perfect opportunity, Prongs, and you're sitting here doing nothing as if this isn't the opportune moment for you to ask her out."
"I'm just sitting here?" James repeated incredulously. "And you want me to what, exactly? She's naked in the shower, I'm not about to burst in there like some creep."
"Not now, and that's not what I meant at all. I meant that you could be freshening yourself up, or at least something for Merlin's sake, and then that's when you strike."
James sighed, shaking his head. "Never gonna happen."
"No! You are not doing that to me! I have waited too long for this, alright? You're not ruining this by being a chicken."
"Sirius, it's my love life, not yours. No need to get so worked up about it," James told his best friend.
"You will be together. I'm gonna make sure of it. You won't escape this, James Fleamont Potter."
"That sounds like a threat."
"Maybe it is." And then Sirius was disappearing as James rolled his eyes yet again. So dramatic.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the front door, and James answered to a group of girls stood on his doorstep. A group of very familiar girls. Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, and Mary MacDonald stood all dressed up and waiting.
"Any clue where Y/N is?" Marlene asked.
"We knocked on her door but she didn't answer," Lily added.
"We're all going out tonight," Mary told James, to answer his look of confusion as he eyed the outfits.
"Y/N's coming with us," Dorcas stated. "In case that wasn't obvious."
James nodded, his frown still there yet slightly softened. "Yeah, she's here. She came over earlier saying her shower's broken so she's using ours."
"Ohhh, that explains the owl we got from Sirius," Marlene said with a nod of understanding. "Not even sure where to begin to explain that, though, Potter."
He invited them all in, hearing as Y/N began to dry her hair.
The four girls sat on his sofa and he just stood there, almost baffled. Y/N was spending time with his friends. Of course, she'd met them all multiple times before, and they'd all gotten along like a house on fire. But never had he imagined to this extent. No, that was like a far-off dream.
"Y/N said she was going out with the girls, I just didn't realise that "the girls" meant you lot."
"You lot?" Mary repeated with a level of annoyance. "Listen here, Potter, we did not work this hard, nor spend so long being your friend just to be referred to as "you lot" like a group of insolent youths."
Marlene simply laughed at her remark, while Dorcas grinned. "She called us "the girls"?" She asked with a huge smile. "We're the girls, that is so cool."
"James, if you don't snatch that girl up right now, someone will," Lily told him.
"Yeah, that girl is hot, and if you don't get your ass into gear and ask her out, some guy is gonna come along and sweep her off her feet. And I'm not going to be the one to sit here listening to you cry and bitch about it for weeks," Marlene chipped in.
They were right. He knew they were. He did need to get his ass into gear.
It was a while before anything changed, really. James continued to silently pine while managing to retain at least a shred of dignity - at least he had that going for him. Sirius was growing more and more impatient, glaring at James when Y/N was around and his best friend sat there and never ever even made an attempt to tell her his feelings. Their other friends continued to bond with her, and she and the girls seemed closer than anything.
Sirius had decided it was time to take this into his own hands. Planning had never been his forte, but this was worth it. He was going to make this work.
He'd transformed into his Animagus form, that big black dog that you loved so much, and he'd trotted on over to her door, scratching and whining at her door until she opened it, looking down at him.
"Padfoot?" She asked, crouching down to his height. "What are you doing here, boy? Where's James?" He slipped past her into her flat, and took quite a stubborn position on her sofa. She followed him through, sitting next to him and lightly petting him. "James didn't say anything about having to look after you today. He knows that I love seeing you."
For about half an hour, she sat there talking to him and petting him. He listened patiently, and he wasn't even sure any more if his plan would work. But this was nice anyway.
Finally, she stood up from the sofa, turning to him. "Alright, come on. Let's get you back to James. Hopefully he isn't too worried about you. Does he even know you're here?"
Padfoot followed Y/N to the door of his and James' shared flat, and she knocked lightly, James coming to the door and a smile spread across his face when he saw her stood there. "Y/N, hey... What can I do for you?"
"Padfoot wandered over to my flat somehow, I thought I should return him."
James eyes wandered downwards, meeting Padfoot's eyes and he scowled a little. "Of course. Come on, Padfoot."
Padfoot nudged the backs of Y/N's legs, encouraging her to go inside. "I think he wants me to come in. If that's okay."
"Oh, yeah, yeah, absolutely."
She moved inside and into the living room, James closing the door and following her. He needed to think now. What else could he do?
Of course. If he tripped her up, James could be a hero and catch her. Perfect.
He acted quickly. He tugged at the rug she was on, causing her feet to move underneath her, and she fell forwards, into James. Unfortunately, James had not expected this, and was shocked by the contact, and fell with her.
His back met the floor painfully, and he winced slightly, looking up at Y/N. She was above him, sat across his abdomen, with a worried expression on her face.
"James, are you alright? Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I fell, Padfoot moved the carpet and I - oh I'm so sorry. Really. I'll go get some ice, your back might bruise, oh that looked painful, I'm really sorry, I -"
"Y/N," he cut her off, with a dopey, lovestruck grin on his face. "Just shh, for me, okay?" He sat up, so that their eyes were level, placing his hand on her cheek, thumb running over her cheekbone softly, and stared into her irises. Such beautiful colours. And then, his gaze travelled south, to her lips, but had flickered back upwards once again. "Can I kiss you?"
"I - pardon?"
"I said," he began, pushing hair behind her ear, "Can I kiss you?"
"Please," she whispered, and immediately he responded, leaning forwards and kissing her softly, very gently. It was short and sweet, but good.
"YES!" Sirius cheered, but as Y/N's head flicked suddenly to see him, and seeing no dog anywhere at all, just Sirius in the spot where Padfoot had just been sitting, his eyes widened.
"What the - Sirius?"
"Okay, so there's some things we need to talk about," James piped up.
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pottrcore · 3 years
i said some things (that i should never say)
sequel: i said some things (that i should never say) 2
remus lupin x vampire!reader, set in first wizarding war (1979-1980) ; argument drabble like under 1k wc, toxic relationship, mean reader & ooc remus (but i imagine he was more emotional when he was younger), heavy angst (?), and swearing.
first silly little fic thing. i’m just testing the waters — wrote this for some series that i was curious abt but sorta uninterested in now but i like the idea of the argument so here it is. i’m still trying to get in tune with creative writing so bear with the lack of description bcos i love dialogue.
Remus paced the floor of your shared flat quite heavily, and you worried of a draft downstairs. He was angry after getting fired again, going off on tangents and his usual bouts of rage. You figured it would pass, just like the rest. Until he began to speak about some other morose topic.
“Face it. We will never be vindicated. Never be welcomed, never truly accepted. It’s what things like us are destined to.”
“What? What do you mean?” You asked, placing down the dish that you had finished drying down on the kitchen counter.
“Damned Johnny never lifted a pinky, let alone his arse.” He muttered still. “He gets the promotion and I get the sack.”
“No,” you shook your head, “before that. You said ‘things like us’, what is that supposed to mean?”
“S’just rubbish, don’t concern yourself with it.” He waved it off. You pinched your eyebrows together.
“No, tell me.”
You had an inkling of what his true meaning was, and if he had even a thought of that word in his mind, associating both of you to the likes of it, it would not bode well.
He knew it wasn’t nothing. You knew it wasn’t nothing.
“I won’t ask again, Remus.” You hardened your words with finality. “Say it.”
He sighed, an annoyed frown played on his lips. The lines on his forehead wrinkled more prominently than ever, he was troubled.
You set the rag onto a hanger, then walked closer to him.
“Leave it. Now.”
That temper of yours began to flare up his nerves. Perhaps it was an oversight to have moved in together after graduation so quickly, but things have been so good as of late. The Order was doing well so far, and James and Lily were on their Honeymoon.
“You said something, and now I want to hear it.” The look in your eyes were daring him to speak. Usually, he couldn’t help but acquiesce to your requests. Who was he to start stopping?
He spoke through gritted teeth. “Monsters. Monsters like us.” Remus looked right back at you. He waited with bated breath for what he knew was coming.
"I am not a monster." You immediately went to jab your finger in the air, but he grabbed your wrist.
“Here we go again.” Remus said, exasperated. “Are you starting? Is that what’s happening now?”
“Oh, acting like you didn’t know this would happen— (“I didn’t!”) — like you—!” You ripped your arm from his grasp, and with the same hand, clutched to your heaving chest, "I am— I am a person! I am human."
"You’re doing this tonight, of all nights—"
"No. You started this, this tirade of bullshit, and you have no right to act like you didn’t. I have never once thought you a monster, and I have worked too hard to convince myself I am not one. So, I refuse to be dragged down that path of self-loathing because you are still in denial of who you are."
"What I am." Remus snapped to correct you, as if it had been of any importance.
"What" You repeated dryly, "you are." And then you chuckled, "you continue to vilify yourself, and see where you end up later in life. Maybe then, you'll have realized what an utter waste of time it all had been; to live in misery, and wallow in this pathetic—"
Remus' eyebrows were pinched together and his neck strained with a vein that remained as he finally cut you off in a rage that built up.
"Don't you talk to me about pathetic! I am not the one gallivanting around like I'm normal! Like you're normal!" He stalked upon you, waving his finger first to himself and then to you.
"I am normal!" You shouted, uncaring of his close proximity. You weren’t afraid of him. You knew that the biggest threat between the two of them was you. The full moon was not nearing for another fortnight and you had fed just this morning, feeling particularly rejuvenated. You thought, just this morning, that you’d be using this energy for something sinful, but it couldn’t seem further from what was going on. "I — am — normal!"
Remus clenched his jaw. His face was florid, displaying a sweaty sheen to his forehead as a cowlick stuck to his temple. He had looked furious and ragged, more so than usual.
"You are a bloodsucking leech that feeds on humans. Does that sound normal to you?" He sneered, drinking in his satisfaction of the hurt that flashed in your eyes as you recoiled back. You refused to avert your watery gaze from his frenzied eyes, and let him continue.
"You crave human blood like a shark in water. Without it, you turn into some sociopathic beast that rips apart everything in sight. You're nothing but a glorified blood thirsty animal, not even recognized as a being. Does that sound like the average behavior of a human being?"
Blood sucking leech.
Sociopathic beast.
Blood thirsty animal.
His words stung you harshly. You haven’t felt so scorned since Hogwarts, before you were welcomed by Lily, Marlene, all the others— Remus. It was harder for vampires to conceal themselves physically, he knew that. He could hide his much easier, blaming his absence on a sick mother, looking normal for the most part until he reached the full moon.
You, on the other hand, had been on an animal diet during Hogwarts, supplied with the blood from Madam Pomfrey, who for the most part was understanding but she winced to see the crimson staining your pale lips. She never reacted to his scars like that.
(You supposed it was the difference in choice. You could choose to deprive yourself of it, choose to die rather than feed, while he would always be subjected to break his bones every full moon.)
You were pale, had elongated canines, and an ice cold constitution. The animal blood had not sustained you as well as human blood would have, substitutions could only go so far.
He’s heard of the names you were called in the halls, to your face, behind your back. And he’s used it against you, brandished it with spite proudly. You stifled the tears.
You wondered bitterly if this was how he had felt the entire time. Disgust and betrayal pooled into your cheeks faster than heat, and you let your anger rear it’s ugly head. Is this what he wanted?
"Rather that than a savage beast."
Words spewed from your mouth, coming out faster than you could even comprehend. It flowed from an ugly place in you, a place that began caging around you heart and building layers back up. Layers that had taken years for him to peel back, and now they were closing back in.
"At least I'm aware of who I feed on. Could you say the same for yourself, Remus? Soulless, evil—"
He said shortly. "Watch it."
"— deserving nothing but death?"
They left your tongue feeling bitter and twisted, and your throat tightened after you had finished. His neck strained with angry veins, fists clenched so hard that drops of blood fell on the hardwood.
A heavy weight burdened over the air that was between the two of you. It was a dense fog of intensity but your glares were harsh enough to filter through it like headlights beaming through, bright enough to blind each other.
It was most horrid and wicked of you, throwing his own father's words into his face. The words that haunted him since that morning after Greyback's attack. It followed him through his days and especially during his transformations. He heard them when he was alone and he heard it when he was in crowds of unsuspecting people.
You paled. The realization hit you. How could you say that? You knew he was still having trouble with his self image, his self worth, and it related so closely to you, you once had thought it was endearing to share something so intimate between you both. But now it seemed that it was a double edged sword, bound to cut each other.
Regret began to coagulate in the center of your core, and as a few minutes passed by during the silence, you inhaled sharply before trying to speak.
"Remus, I—"
You could only see the back of his head and then the shoddy paint on the wooden door, in all of it's peeled, contemptuous glory.
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
If You Love Me Let Me Know [S.B.]
Character: Sirius Black
Word Count: 4050
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Y/n decides she isn’t going to wait forever for Sirius to make a move... maybe he needs a nudge in the right direction. In which Sirius gets extremely jealous over the prospect of Y/n going on a date with someone other than himself.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @lenalxvegood @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @awritingtree @hemmoporro @thisismysketchbook @acciotwinz @shadowsinger11 @aaannabbanana @lestersglitterglue @anyasthoughts @lxncelot @harrypotter289 @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @valwritesx @hufflrpuffforfred @cappsikle @kiwi-sloan @potter-redheads @pigwidgexn @twinkyjohnson @sarcasticallywitty15 @tyyyweasley @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @wonderful-writer @marauders-loving-queen @vogueweasley @marvelettesassemble @thisismynerdyself @gcdric @loony-loopy-lupinn @gloryekaterina @tinylumpiaa @girl-next-door-writes @locke-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @inkhearthes @sehunasbitch @nkjktk | message or send an ask to be removed! unfortunately, my taglist is closed until further notice due to hitting the max. amount allowed on one post!
A/n: is this me... writing for sirius? oof it’s been a while, huh? anyways this was a fun lil fic, hope you enjoy!!
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“I just don’t understand how this could happen!” You wailed dramatically as you followed Lily into your potions class, “Why me? Why do bad things always happen to me? I just, I can’t deal with it anymore!”
Lily rolled her eyes good-naturedly at you as you fell gracefully across your shared desk, a hand over your heart as you mocked your heartache.
Your eyes were shut, a proven mistake as you heard your professor’s voice suddenly speak out in front of the class, “Miss Evans, could you please enlighten me with why Miss L/n is laying on the desk in such a fashion?”
You sat up on said desk, eyes wide now and mouth dropping open as you realised the students already in the room were staring at you.
“Someone ate the last piece of toast at breakfast, sir, and she’s being dramatic about it,” Lily replied monotonously as you scrambled to your assigned seat beside her.
“Well, Miss L/n, as much as we’re all devastated you missed out on your... toast... I would thank you to keep your eccentricities outside of my classroom, preferably far away from myself, do I make myself clear?”
The professor narrowed his eyes at you, and for a moment you wondered if he was going to take house points away, or give you detention - insolence, he usually told you off for. And speaking out of turn. Not particularly fair considering you didn’t think you’d said anything that bad half the time.
But then the professor’s attention - and much of the class’ - had moved to the group of Gryffindor boys who had ran into the room, out of breath.
They rushed to their seats, still laughing about something or other, ignoring the scolding of the professor, his requests for them to quieten down and take their seats falling on deaf ears.
Your eyes followed Sirius Black as he made his way to his desk - the one diagonally behind you - his long hair falling into his face, tie undone and shirt untucked, making your heart race as he shot a wink over at you when he noticed you looking.
Turning back down to your work, a smile growing on your face as you traced shapes on your parchment before you with the tip of your finger.
Sirius Black was both the bane of your existence and the love of your life. Dramatic? Perhaps. True? Most likely.
He was obnoxious, loud and extremely cocky. He also flirted with you - a lot. In fact, at a distant glance, you could be mistaken for dating, his arm constantly round your waist, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered sweet nothings to you.
It wasn’t a secret you fancied him. He knew, Lily knew - practically the whole school knew. However, he never moved to make things official, never asked you out nor mentioned any feelings, and after a year of that, you were beginning to think he just enjoyed your attention, rather than liking you the way you wanted him to.
The lesson began soon after the class quietened, the professor’s voice lulling you into almost falling asleep when suddenly you felt your hair moving around you, making you jolt up and flatten it back down. You frowned as you scanned around the room, your eyes landing on a cheekily grinning Sirius, and suddenly you understood.
“Stop,” You mouthed, still attempting to keep your hair from flying about around you, shaking your head at him.
He shrugged, as if he weren’t doing anything, an amused smile on his face at your constant attempts to keep hold of your hair.
As you turned back to your work, Lily nudged you and raised an eyebrow, shaking your head, “He’s trying to get my attention, I’m not sure what for though-“
“Mr Black!”
You jumped as the professor yelled out his name, eyes widening as you looked over at Sirius, who had a crumpled ball of parchment in his hands and appeared to be mid-throw, James laughing at him from beside him.
The professor grabbed the parchment and shoved it into his cloak pocket, before pointing at the dark haired boy, “10 points from Gryffindor for disrupting the class.”
“And another 10 points for answering back,” the professor added on, his eyes darting around the class before landing on Lily, who was quietly continuing on with writing her notes, “Please change seats with Miss Evans - perhaps separating you from Mr Potter here will force you to concentrate on my class.”
Sirius’ eyes lit up as he realised he was moving to be sat next to you, “Not a problem at all, professor!”
Lily picked up her belongings and headed over to sit besides James, her seat quickly being taken by Sirius, who couldn’t help but grin as he caught your gaze.
The professor resumed his lesson, leaving Sirius free to lean over to look at your work, frowning as he saw all your notes, “As if you’re actually listening to that boring old fart.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled your parchment away from him, “Unlike you I want to pass my exams, even if he is a boring old fart.”
Sirius watched as you wrote, your eyebrows furrowing just a tad in concentration, gripping your quill as you moved elegantly across the page.
“Too bad you didn’t get the chance to read my note,” he spoke casually, watching the professor march up and down at the front of the class.
Curiosity got the better of you and you placed your quill down, “Why, what was on the parchment?”
He shrugged casually, shooting you a lazy grin as he leant back in his chair, “Might’ve been me asking you to come join me at the Black Lake later tonight.”
Your heart sped up and your breath caught in your throat as you turned to face him, bringing your bottom lip between your teeth. After a year of dragging it out, did he finally just ask you out?
“With you? Uh, sure,” you replied in what you hoped was a nonchalant way, hands nearly shaking as you picked your quill back up.
“Great! Should be good, Prongs is bringing Lily, and I’ve already asked Marlene and Dorcas...”
You didn’t hear the rest of his sentence as you felt your heart plummet at his words. You swallowed harshly, staring down at your parchment and willing yourself not to react.
He’d asked other girls too. Of course he wasn’t asking you out. He never was.
The end of the lesson finally arrived and you quickly grabbed your things, not bothering to say goodbye to Sirius, instead heading over to Lily, who linked you as you headed out of the classroom, leaving Sirius and his friends behind.
You were laughing at something she said when you heard your name being called from behind you.
You turned slowly, half expecting to find Sirius, however you instead were met with a rather attractive Ravenclaw - Zachary Bryant, if you recalled correctly - nervously biting his lip as he arrived just before you.
Lily squeezed your arm and whispered an “I’ll meet you in the library” before heading off down the hall, leaving you in the emptying hallway with the brunette boy.
“Zachary, right?”
“Yeah!” He nodded a tad too enthusiastically, almost in excitement over you knowing his name, and you smiled at him warmly.
“How can I help?” You asked with a small shrug.
Zachary opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, as if thinking what to say, as if he didn’t think he’d get this far, before finally speaking, “I was um... well, you’re really rather pretty, and of course smart and funny and- and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to... accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend?”
He was extremely different to Sirius - a polar opposite in fact, shy, earnest, kind - but maybe that’s what you needed. If Sirius wasn’t going to ask you out any time soon, why not go on dates in the meantime? Zachary was sweet after all, and super cute with his curly dark brown hair and sincere smile.
“Sure!” You replied, making him breathe out in relief.
“That’s amazing! Thank you! I mean- I didn’t expect-“ Zachary stuttered, the tips of his ears turning red in embarrassment.
You laughed, enjoying how flustered he was getting, “Not at all, I’m looking forward to it!”
James slid into the chair beside Lily, pressing a kiss to her forehead before nodding over at you in greeting.
“Abandoned the rest of your entourage?” You asked with a grin and a raised eyebrow, wondering why the usual motley crew weren’t following behind him.
“Couldn’t find ‘em. And Padfoot has the map. Thought I’d find you two in here, so well, here I am,” he gestured to himself with a grin. To be fair, he was right - you and Lily could always be found in the library. Mostly because when you needed to get work done, the place was usually Marauder-free.
“Ahh, so you didn’t want to see me, you just couldn’t find your friends?” Lily asked with a smile, gently nudging him.
He threw an arm round her chair and nodded, “Yeah, that’s right, that.”
You shook your head at him, though couldn’t help but laugh at your best friend’s boyfriend.
“Did you set a day to go?” Lily asked, shaking her head at James and instead continuing your conversation from before he arrived.
“Well Zachary said he’d meet me outside the Great Hall on Saturday afternoon and we’re gonna go to The Three Broomsticks, have a nosy round some of the shops, maybe grab some food. Should be nice!” You grinned at her.
“Wait, you’re going on a date?” James raised an eyebrow, sitting up straighter in his chair and removing his arm from Lily’s in shock, “With Bryant?”
“Yes I am,” you nodded, clearing your throat and looking up at him, finding him narrowing his eyes at you, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Babe, you’re Padfoot’s girl, he kinda called dibs,” James shrugged as if it were no big deal, leaning back in his chair and kicking his feet up on the table. Lily nudged his legs, shaking her head at him and he reluctantly moved them back down again.
“What do you mean he ‘called dibs’? I’m a person not the last bloody chocolate biscuit!” You replied indignantly, crossing your arms over your chest and furrowing your eyebrows.
James widened his eyes a little, but continued with making his point. Besides adding the official labels, you and his best friend were... well you were together, right?
“He... well, he always says you’re his girl. Kinda made it extremely clear to the rest of the lads here. Or, well, most of them I guess, besides Whatshisface who’s asked you. You’re off limits to everyone else, unless they want a very angry Black to come after them,” he said it so casually, like it was common knowledge.
“Sirius Black, despite whatever he may have claimed, has never asked me out, nor made a move. As far as I’ve been made aware, he has no feelings towards me, none that he’s mentioned anyways, and that is why I have agreed to go on a date this weekend with Zachary,” you replied adamantly, anger seeping into your voice.
Lily reached out and grabbed the hand closest to her, giving it a squeeze. You offered her a small smile, before sighing.
“Look, I keep waiting for him to make a move... but if I’m waiting on him, I could be waiting forever. I don’t have forever. Zachary wants to date me now and, sometimes, a definite now is easier than a maybe later,” you shrugged, “Sirius... he knows how I feel about him. Everyone knows how I feel about him. I’ve made it clear. Very clear, in fact. He’s not done anything about it, which only makes me think he’s not really interested enough in making us more. I can’t just turn down other guys that are.”
You sighed, collecting your belongings from the table and shoving them into your bag. With a half-smile shot in James and Lily’s direction, you bid them goodbye, heading out of the library doors.
“You’re going on a date with bloody Bryant?”
You looked up from your place on the couch in front of the fire, where you were busy reading a book your mother had just sent you by owl, to find an angry Sirius, fists clenched, eyebrows furrowed as he practically glared down at you.
“Yes? Yes I am,” you replied simply, before looking down at your book, though you were no longer focused on reading.
Sirius collapsed on the couch across from you, elbows resting on his knees as he stared at you, not saying a word.
You sighed, closing the book slowly and placing it carefully beside you, “Can I help you?”
“Why would you choose Bryant? Of all people. He’s-“
“He’s sweet, he’s smart, and more than that, he actually asked me out. And I’m looking forward to going. Unless you can think of anyone else I should be going to Hogsmeade with?” You asked casually, yet pointedly, staring at him expectedly as he fumbled with his fingers, mouth gaping as if he didn’t know what to say.
“N-No... you should go. I’m sure Bryant will be a great date. Quiet, meek Bryant,” Sirius spat his name out as if it were poison, a snarl set on his features. He wasn’t happy, very obviously in fact, but since he didn’t say anything to make you not want to go on your date, you nodded.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a book to read,” you faked a smile and grabbed your book, opening it to a random page and pretending to read, ignoring Sirius’ presence.
He had ample opportunity to stop you going, ample time to have you to himself.
Too bad that he didn’t take it - that he never took it.
Saturday arrived quickly, and you were looking forward to meeting up with Zachary. Lily had helped you choose the perfect outfit, and you’d spent slightly more time than usual doing your hair and makeup. You took a last look in the mirror before grabbing your bag and lipgloss, and exiting the door.
You headed down the stairs from your dorm, dressed and ready for your date, feeling nervous yet excited.
The common room was empty bar Sirius, who was sat on the couch nearest the door, and a couple of first years. You felt your heart beat a little faster as you took in the sight of him - black jeans, black t shirt, hair messy from the amount of times he’d ran his hand through it.
He stood up as his gaze caught yours and you smiled a little at him, mouth opening as if you were going to say something, before closing it again when you realised you didn’t know what to say.
“You’re still going on the date?” Sirius asked softly, hands clasped behind his back as he rocked back on his heels.
You smiled at him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you replied, “I have no reason not to... do I?”
Perhaps it was foolish of you, to hope he would say yes. That you shouldn’t go because he didn’t want you to, because he wanted to be the one to take you on a date instead.
Sirius shoved his hands into his pockets and shook his head at you, though his mind was screaming at him to tell you to stay - with him.
“Have fun.”
You pressed your lips together and nodded, “Thank you, I will.”
With that, you turned on your heel and headed out of the common room, feeling like you wanted to cry out of frustration. You would’ve stayed in a heartbeat for him.
Sirius watched you walk away, staring at the door even after you’d long disappeared out of sight, before sighing angrily. He shook his head at himself, disappointed that he didn’t say anything, questions swirling around his mind.
Would you have stayed if he’d asked you to? Or would you have left him anyway?
He collapsed onto one of the empty nearby couches, letting out a loud, frustrated groan into a pillow and receiving a couple of looks from the first years, though he didn’t pay them any notice.
It was his fault, he knew, that he was feeling like this. Because he hadn’t said anything - because he never said anything. You’d given him the chance, and plenty of opportunity and he hadn’t taken it. From fear or something else, he wasn’t sure.
He stayed laying on the couch, face buried in the pillow, thoughts of you and this Bryant kid plaguing him. Would you kiss him whilst on your date? Sirius grimaced at the idea - he hoped not.
Time passed slowly, at least, in his mind, feeling like hours had passed by the time his friends arrived in the common room to join him, though at most it could’ve only been around half an hour.
He was pouting, arms crossed as he slouched in the armchair he’d moved to, grumbling things to himself every so often and completely ignoring half the things his friends were saying, not replying to James’ jokes or Remus’ witty remarks, and barely glancing at Peter when he offered out some of the sweets he’d picked up in Hogsmeade earlier in the day.
“Alright, what’s up with you, Padfoot?” James rolled his eyes, fed up of the lack of responses from his usual partner in crime.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” Sirius mumbled, though anyone could see from one glance that he was not, in fact, fine.
“He’s mad because his girlfriend is currently on a date with someone else,” Remus said with an almost smug smile, half enjoying how grumpy and jealous his friend was being over the girl he should’ve asked out a long time ago.
Sirius shot a glare over at him, “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“But you want to her to be, don’t you?” James grinned, moving to lie down across the couch he was on, arms resting behind his head.
“Yes... no... I don’t know!” Sirius sighed, sitting up and hugging a pillow to his chest, “I don’t know what I want, I just know I like her and I don’t want her out with anyone else. But I don’t know if I want a relationship.”
“Well... you couldn’t really expect her to wait around for you to make a decision on this, could you?” James said pointedly, nodding over to him, “As she said to me and Lily, she’s waited long enough. You’ve been stringing her along for over a year now. Either date the girl or let her date someone else.”
Sirius frowned at that. He wanted you more than anything, but was afraid he might hurt you accidentally, or let you down. What if he said something he didn’t mean and upset you? He couldn’t handle that. It was better to keep you as a friend, right? One that he flirted with a lot.
He sighed to himself, bringing his knees up to rest his chin on them. He wanted to be with you, all of his doubts be damned. Friends don’t wanna snog their other friend against a wall do they?
And that’s what Sirius wanted to do to you.
James words bounced around his head as he paced up and down the room later in the evening. His friends had retired to their dorm room, leaving him alone to wait up for you - you still weren’t back from your date and it was nearing curfew.
He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he paced, ideas of what you could be doing making his hands curl into fists and his heart pound.
Why didn’t he just stop you from going?
Why didn’t he just tell you how much he like you?
He looked up immediately, eyes widening as he watched you enter the common room through the portrait door, a concerned look on your face as you watched his frantic pacing.
All thoughts of what he wanted to say left his head, all he could do was stare at you blankly, glad you were back, and hoping your date didn’t go well.
“What are you doing still up?” You asked, your eyes taking in his dishevelled appearance, “Were you- were you waiting for me?”
Sirius swallowed, wondering how to answer, before words began tumbling from his lips, unable to stop himself, “Um... uh, yeah. Yeah I was. I’ve been waiting for you ever since you left. I shouldn’t have let you go on the date, I didn’t want you to go. I was just too much of a coward to say anything at the time. But I kept thinking about... what if he kissed you? Or touched you? I didn’t like those thoughts. So yeah, I’ve been waiting here like you’ve been waiting for me because I’m an idiot and didn’t do anything to show you how I feel.”
Your heart was racing. You’d wanted to hear those words for over a year now, waiting through flirty conversations and near-kisses, hoping he’d give a sign he wanted to be with you.
“And how do you feel, Sirius?” You asked tentatively, dropping your gaze to your feet.
“I love you. I’m in love with you. And I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I should’ve- I should’ve. And I don’t know if your date went well, or if you’re planning on going out again, but if you still feel anything for me, please don’t. Just... be with me instead.”
He ran a hand through his hair, swallowing again and he stood in silence before you. He’d finally said it - admitted to you that he loved you. His heart was pounding, waiting for your response.
“I’ve waited and waited and you never said or did anything. Why now?”
“Because I’ve realised that anyone could come along and take you from me and I don’t want that,” he admitted, his voice dropping to barely a whisper, “I wanna be the one that takes you on dates. That kisses you and touches you. Please let me be that guy. Please.”
You stared at him for a couple of seconds, shaking your head, then broke out in a smile and stepped towards him, “It’s a good job my date was just mediocre then, huh?”
His eyes shone as he stared at you, disbelief and relief running across his face as he watched you walk closer to him, stopping just in front of him.
“You know I love you Sirius. If I’d have known all it would take was going on a date with another guy to make you admit your feelings, I would’ve done it a whole lot sooner,” you grinned.
Sirius hesitantly reached out to grab your waist, pulling you gently towards his chest and holding you there for a moment, as if he couldn’t believe he had you in his arms.
He looked at you, eyes darting across your face, taking in your features as the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile, “Does this mean I can kiss you?”
“Yes,” you nodded, the word barely escaping before his lips were on yours, pulling you into a desperate kiss, one you’d waited a year to feel, pouring all the feelings he’d kept hidden into the kiss, as you ran your hand through his dark locks.
“Guess you’ve got official dibs on me now, huh?” You laughed as you pulled away a little, Sirius still chasing your lips, “Guess I really am your girl.”
“Damn right, and I’ll make sure everyone knows it. Especially that git who took you out. You’re mine,” his grip tightened on your hips as he rested his forehead against yours, smiling at you lovingly.
It may have taken him a year, but he was finally yours, and you were his. And as he pressed his lips to yours again, you smiled into the kiss.
This was definitely worth the wait.
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Hi!! Could you please write something for Sirius where he and the reader had a big fight and weren't on speaking terms anymore, but the marauders pulled a prank and she covered for them, wanting to save Sirius from yet another detention? And she gets caught and is assigned to do something horrible in detention, so when she gets back to the common room the marauders see her and Sirius feels bad because she looked like she'd been crying and talks to her and they make up? Thank you!!
“Oh I see, you can’t resist me, can you?”
Summary: While you and Sirius are in the middle of an argument, you take the blame on a prank he and his friends pulled which leaves you with a detention
Paring: Sirius Black x Gryffindor!reader (little mentions of the common room)
Warnings: Talk of burns, fire, and a little angst I suppose
A/N: Hey hey hey, I wrote this as like 3 am when I couldn’t sleep, so please enjoy <3 And thank you for the request! Also there’s a nice ending (I apologize for the angsty ending on that last fic lolll) Ooo and if you’re interested, you can send me an ask to be added onto my taglist :))
Word Count: 1325
Masterlist + Characters and ships I write for
Requests are always open <3
Reminder that I do not support jkr. Do not interact if you do.
“How many times are you going to apologize for missing our date?!”
Sirius began to defend himself. “You know I—”
“Yes Sirius! I know that Slughorn caught you again! But you could’ve at least told me you were going to have another detention.”
“I asked James to let you know but—”
“Sere, it’s not James’s job! You need to be the one in the first place to stay out of trouble.”
You hadn’t expected to be arguing with Sirius right now. You were the last two left in the common room and it was far too late for anyone to be thinking properly. His eyes were filled with exhaustion and misery as he met yours.
He lowered his voice. “Please just listen to me, y/n.”
Your voice broke as you walked up to your dorm. “I can’t do that right now. I’m sorry.”
“You can’t ignore him forever.”
Lily’s whispers were a stab to the chest as it was going on almost a day without talking to him. “C’mon, you two practically never leave each other’s sides.”
She had agreed to a last minute library trip before curfew, just to help you avoid the common room.
“I don’t plan on ignoring him forever, I just— I don’t know,” you closed your book and quietly stood up from the table.
Lily did the same, though she was slower in gathering her stuff, allowing you to get a head start back to the common room. “Lily, I’m just going to go to bed, tell them all I said hi.”
“Now would anyone like to claim this wrongdoing as their own?”
Slughorn’s voice echoed through the room as he paced through the aisle down the middle of his class. “If nobody is willing to confess, I could go off of my suspicions,” his voice got higher, giddy with the excitement of giving your friends another detention as he looked their way. “Keep in mind, students, five detetnions means—”
“It was me.”
You hadn’t even realized what you blurted out until Sirius sat up straight in his chair, muttering your name under his breath. You didn’t mean to listen for such a quiet whisper of words, but it was nice to hear his voice again.
You met his eyes for only a brief moment before Slughorn stood directly in your point of view.
His voice was suspicious. “Really?”
“Yep, yes, yeah I um— I did it.”
You didn’t know what five detentions meant, and you didn’t want to hear any longer of what it could be seeing as Sirius would have reached that number. Knowing your professor, it was probably something cruel.
“Well, please see me in my office after dinner for details on your detention.”
“Good evening,” Slughorn started as you walked into his classroom. Did you have a good dinner?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, taking your eyes off the floor to find an eager looking room of children.
“I, um, have a group of first years that need a great deal of help in class. Which brings me to your detention,” he spoke to you discreetly off to the side. “You’ll be assisting first years in the basics of potions and brewing. They never seemed to quite grasp my subject, so I thought a review would be best for them.”
You glanced around the room of now very talkative students. One had already filled their cauldron with water. You let out a sigh, agreeing to everything he was assigning you as if you had a choice anyways
“Mr. HigGINS!” Slughorn's voice grew louder as fire shot up around the cauldron in front of you, dispersing itself in the air around you. The flame had died out within seconds, though effectively left burns on your hands and soot across your front. “No, no, it was an accident, Melvin!”
The poor boy that caused the little mishap had at this point disappeared, tears in his eyes.
Your professor looked at you, opening his mouth to say something. You turned around, excusing yourself from the room.
“Oh my, y/n, I’m sorry. You’re excused. Please see Madam Pomfrey if needed,” he called out with fake serenity.
You were on your way back to the common room, not even willing to bother with the nurse, afraid she’d keep you overnight to ‘monitor’ you.
“Hey y/n!” What happened?”
As you turned around to see who had called, you were barely able to catch your reflection in the armor stand.
James arrived at your side. “Are you alright? Tell me what happened.”
You shook your head, wiping the black substance off your lips and eyes with the back of your sleeve.
“No, no, it’s nothing really. Small accident is all it was.”
You walked away silently with James struggling to stay at your side, questioning you more about it.
“James! Please. I’m sorry for how I’m coming across but I need to be alone. Just a quiet night in the common room is all I ask. I’m fine, really.”
He nodded, offering you an understanding smile as he spoke the password to the portrait and climbed through.
James hurried upstairs and your shoulders relaxed upon seeing the room completely empty.
You muttered an incantation, igniting the fireplace while you reached your hand under the couch, pulling your book that you keep there out.
Opening the book had left little black specks falling onto the pages. You groaned, taking time to shake your clothes off entirely, next moving onto your face, avoiding the lump in your throat telling you to cry.
You didn’t have to look to know who was talking.
Sirius appeared on the couch beside you, crossing his legs. “I just wanna talk.”
“Me too, Sere.”
The feeling of tears gathering in your eyes dissolved as you scooted closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“I really am sorry about not being there for our date.”
You slipped your arm under his, hugging it. “It’s alright, really. I just—I needed some time to think about things.”
“But it’s not alright and I’m going to make it up to you.”
You laughed at him, not out of disbelief, but out of the fact that you’d probably wake up to a mountain of flowers around your bed and him sneaking food from the Great Hall to give you breakfast in the comfort of your dorm.
“How do you feel about dogs?” he teased, the cheeky smile present in his voice.
“Oh godric, whatever you’re planning, find something that doesn’t involve getting us expelled.”
The both of you laughed out at that, having a moment of normality, joking with each other until he brought up what brought him down here.
“Hey, what happened to you? James said you came out of Slughorn's— Oh, which reminds me, thank you—”
“Sirius, don’t apologize. I'd rather have my first detention with that idiot, then you getting your fifth one.”
He grabbed your hand, holding it a little too tight in his lap, causing you to hiss, pulling away.
Sirius sat up straighter with a look in his eyes that gave off the impression he was going to go assault someone far too dangerous. “That Melvin kid— the really clumsy first year, he um, caused a little accident.”
You finally got a chance to examine your hands, as did Sirius.
“Do you want to go to the hospital wing? I think you should go see Madam Pompfrey, we can go together.”
Sirius mumbled off his words, starting to get up from his spot.
“I’d rather stay here.” You situated yourself closer next to him.
“C’mon the burns don’t look good.”
“Sere, it’s fine we can just stay here. I haven’t had— I just miss talking with you and that’s honestly all I want to do right now.”
“Oh I see, you can’t resist me, can you?”
“Shut up,” you slapped his leg, the both of you disturbing the once peaceful common room.
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selenes-sun · 3 years
If This Was Love//
James Potter x gn! Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Im sorry it's sort of short but I wrote something! I didnt think the day would ever come again tbh but here's some James content and feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
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daffodil; a flower symbolizing rebirth or unrequited love
Key- (Y/n)=Your name (F/d)=Favorite Drink
Warnings: Unrequited Love, Mentions of liquids
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“James stop!” You shrieked, a laugh escaping past your lips as James Potter himself started chasing you around your backyard. You ran from him as fast as you could, running out of breath quickly from all the laughter. That couldn’t defeat him though because soon enough James caught up with you with his cup of water still in hand and he ended up dumping it all over you.
“Gotcha’ love,” He said with a smirk and a slightly breathless laugh escaped past his lips as you yelped in the surprise of the cold water raining down on you. Shaking yourself off, making sure to splash some water on him you raised your fingers playfully and his eyes widened before he ran off faster than anyone you know.
“I know where you’re ticklish, Potter!” You shouted to your boyfriend as he ran as far and as fast as he could. He looked back and when he realized how close you were getting to him his eyes widened and he quickly headed toward your patio and when he got to the platform he looked at you with a triumphant smile.
“This is the safe zone, as long as I’m in here you can’t tickle me.” He put his hand on his hips and strutted around before blowing you a kiss which you laughed at.
“Oh come on, at least give me an actual kiss before I accept my defeat,” Laughing, you put your hands up in surrender before letting them fall to your sides, trying to gain his trust. If anyone else was looking at you they would see the mischievous shimmer in your eye and would most likely be afraid.
But James? Your dear James? He was like an oblivious puppy and you knew that he would fall for your so-called defeat. As James gave you one final suspicious look he stepped down from the patio and pulled you in close.
As he lifted your chin so your eyes could meet you could see the love in his eyes and you almost — keyword almost — felt bad for what you were about to do next. As he pulled you in for a slow and gentle kiss you wrapped his arms around his waist and immediately attacked him with your fingers.
He quickly pulled away and burst out laughing, squirming at the sensation at his sides. Although you still felt a little bad, nothing could stop the evil smile from making its way onto your face as you saw him bending down to control his breath.
You saw him raise your hands in a stop motion and you pulled back, slowly backing away in a defensive matter. Running to the porch you stood, proud that you could get away, and sat down in your chair. Pouring yourself something to drink you watched as James finally caught his breath and soon enough he joined you, sitting in the seat across from you.
“I gotta admit, I should’ve seen that coming,” He breathed out, pouring himself his own drink. You just smiled innocently at him and continued to drink your (f/d). When you both finished, the Gryffindor across from you grabbed your chair and scooted it so you sat right next to him.
“And what are you doing,” You asked, making eye contact with him.
“If you really want to know, I’m kissing my wonderful partner,” He pulled you in close and you suddenly became more aware of your surroundings. You could feel the breeze from the warm summer air and you could hear the rustle of the trees brushing together. You saw all the different colored specks in his hazel eyes and suddenly you saw darkness as you closed your eyes when he pulled you in for a soft and gentle kiss.
That’s almost always how your kisses went, you never knew what James felt in those moments but you seemed to become hyper-aware of everything around you.
“(Y/n), (Y/n),” Sirius called your name from the spot next to you and you seemed to snap out of your daydream that had never even existed in the first place. At first, you were staring at James and Lily dancing in their small backyard but those two were long gone and now you were staring at Dorcas and Marlene dancing and laughing with each other in the same spot.
“You seemed to be deep in thought and I thought you might’ve needed a distraction, would you care for a dance?” Sirius offered his hand out to you and you looked at it before shaking your head and pushing his hand back toward him.
“Don’t worry about me, go dance with your own beloved,” You said with a teasing smile. Sirius playfully rolled his eyes at you before pointing his thumb over to Remus where he was chatting it up with some old lady.
“As you can see, he has better things to do,” Sirius said sarcastically and you let out a short laugh before he offered his hand out to you again. “Come on, just one dance.”
You looked at his hand reluctantly before finally accepting it and standing out of your seat. As soon as you were up he started to drag you to the dance floor where he put his arms around you like you were about to ballroom dance.
“I know you were thinking about James,” He said to you quietly once you started dancing.
“How did you-”
“I could see it in your eyes darling,” He looked at you with a look that you couldn’t decipher and you looked down, biting your lip, deciding his shoes looked far more interesting.
“Where are the bride and groom anyway?” You looked up and he looked behind you with a sorrowful look on his face. When you turned you could see them smiling and leaning in for a kiss but before their lips touched you looked back at Sirius and saw he was staring at you with a look of pity.
“I think we’ve had more than one dance,” you whispered, stepping back slowly before going back to your table. You were happy for Lily and James, but seeing your best friend and knowing that he would only ever be your best friend and nothing more was like an arrow to the heart.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t even see James approach you and you jumped in surprise when he put his hand on your shoulder.
“Whoah there, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you but I wanted to ask if you could possibly give a speech, as my best friend you know?” You felt the arrow twist and dig deeper into your heart at his words but you gave him a soft smile instead of saying anything.
“Of course,” At your response, he pulled you up into a quick tight hug of gratitude and left back to his table quickly. Feeling tears well up in your eyes you blinked them away and sat down to take a sip of your drink.
Walking upon the makeshift stage moments later, you tapped your glass lightly until you got the attention of everyone in the room and you were suddenly hyper-aware of your surroundings. Some people were still murmuring and you could almost feel the breeze that had yet to come on that wonderful night. What stood out to you was Lily and James staring at you intently with big smiles of their own, waiting for you to start.
“I’d like to start with congratulations to the bride and groom-” You spoke and as you recited the rest of your speech you could feel the flowers wilting and hear the beautiful sorrow from the crickets’ songs. He might not be yours in a romantic way but knowing that you’d always have him by your side made you feel slightly better.
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If you want to be added to my taglist just fill out this form: selenes-sun taglist
General Harry Potter TG: @mischiefsemimanaged, @poppin-peters, @angelxnaa, @im-a-toaster, @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
James Potter TG: @frecklesandfirecrackers
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prfctethereal · 3 years
bloodline. | james potter
thank u, next x marauders
alexa, play bloodline by ariana grande
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pairing: james potter x reader (fake dating au)
summary: after lily breaks up with james, you offer to pretend to be lily over the christmas holidays
word count: 10k (i deeply apologise)
warnings: language, mentions of food and eating, sexual jokes and innuendos (nothing explicit or smut), a whole lotta angst but a whole lotta fluff
a/n: a can't believe i wrote so much for this man. anyway, this is probably my favourite thing i’ve ever written to enjoy - Kennedy
The common room was a ghostly quiet, but that was expected at this time of year. Tinsel decorated the mantelpiece by the fireplace, the smell of nutmeg and cinnamon wafting through the air. In the corner, a large, oak tree sat, it’s leaves standing tall and proud, juxtaposing against the scarlet walls. Christmas was the reason for this tranquil atmosphere.
Except, that wasn’t the case for everyone. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be going home for the holidays this year, opting to stay at Hogwarts to get in more study time. It felt like nearly all students were going away this year and the ever growing loneliness was catching up to you, weighing your mind down, a foggy haze resting over your eyesight.
You turned your head, looking up at the clock on the wall. It was nearly one in the morning, which meant that there were usually more students in the common room. The train was leaving back to London tomorrow - well, today - so you assumed that they would all be getting some rest. The only sound that filled the common room was the fire crackling and some light whimpering.
Light whimpering?
That definitely caught your attention. Straightening yourself up on the chair, your eyes scanned the dim room, searching for the source of the noise. It was quiet, but prominent, and it definitely sounded like someone crying. The sniffling painted a picture in your mind of someone’s broken face, eyes red and puffy.
There was something wrong though. Your intuition was getting the better of you. You recognised that voice, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it. Sure, you had friends, but you weren’t close to anyone, close enough to know what they sounded like when you cried.
By now, the crying was loud enough to attract the attention of anyone that would pass by. Your book, laid forgotten on your lap, was brushed aside, as you sat up, ready to find the source of the crying. There weren’t many places to hide in the common room, so it struck you as odd that you couldn’t see anyone.
Following the whines, you crept to the corner of the room, where the cries never stopped and seemingly carried on through the wall. A smile stretched across your face, a mystery forming in your head. Pressing your palms against the wall, your tenacious fingers searched the wallpaper for anything, small incisions, lumps, maybe a door handle. In the lack of light, you didn’t notice the small hole in the wall, letting your finger slip through the wallpaper. Curling around your knuckle, you tugged slightly, opening the secret door you had just found in the wall.
Letting the light slip into the tunnel, you noticed the figure curled up in a ball. His suave messy hair, paired with the thin, round glasses on the ground gave away that it was James Potter who was crying in a secret tunnel at one in the morning.
Your heart broke in an instant. James was actually a very close friend, having helped him and his marauders out multiple times on their pranks and overall mischief. You had met James in the first year and you were the bestest friend he had outside the marauders; he had told you multiple times. Many times you had laid together in the common room, shoulders touching, staring up at the ceiling, enjoying each other’s presence. It was comforting. He was comforting.
But right now, he needed comfort.
A lone piece of parchment was peeking out of his arms, which you carefully plucked away, not focusing on the ink scratched in. Soothing his shaking muscles, you ran your hands up his arms, him immediately calming down at your touch. When you felt like he was feeling better, you reached down, sitting against the wall next to him, placing your arm around his quivering figure. Your fingers found his lonely glasses on the ground, bringing them up to his face, trying to coax his hands away from his reddening cheeks.
The moment you met his eyes, you could feel his pain. His normally bright, cheerful eyes were filled with salty tears, staining his freckle-covered cheek in a sheen of sadness. It was the envisionment of pure anguish.
“Jamesie,” you started, voice quiet as to not shock the obviously patronised boy, quivering next to you, “can you tell me what’s wrong? I want to help you, love.”
“It’s-” He sniffed, voice croaky, “Lily. It’s Lily.” He struggled to keep his gaze on your face, opting to look at his fiddling fingers in this lap. “She broke up with me. A few hours ago.”
Your heart failed. Lily broke up with James? But they were perfect together. For the past two years, it was always James and Lily, Lily and James, high school sweethearts. They were so happy, so why would she end it?
The sadness creeping up inside of you soon turned to wrath, a fire burning wildly in your chest. Red clouded your vision as you felt your fist curl up in anger, fingernails digging into your skin. You only stopped when you felt James’ hand resting on yours.
“Why?” You asked. It was a dumb question, but it was the only thing that came to mind, wanting to keep the attention off of your growing asperity.
“Dunno,” James shrugged, turning back towards his corner. “She said that she wanted to take a break. Had no idea why though. Thought everything was going swimmingly.” His voice was laced with sarcasm, a nice contrast to his tearful expression.
“What a bitch, right before Christmas.” The words fell out of your mouth without you registering it, your eyes scanning the room as you chew thoughtfully on your bottom lip. You didn’t know how James' face grimaced at the mention of Christmas, a pink tint growing on his face, but not from the tears.
Turning around, you saw James with his head in his hands, an excreted groan vibrating from his vocal chords. “Fuck!” He swore, “She was supposed to be coming to meet my parents this Christmas. Now, I have to owl Mum to tell her that’s she’s not coming, oh no-”
He paused, rubbing his eyes together. “This is going to ruin Christmas. Mum and Dad are going to be fretting over me all Christmas. I wish she could’ve just waited until after the holidays.”
It really did seem like James was in a predicament. You had never met Euphemia or Fleamont Potter, but you did know that they were described to be some of the most lovely people to be blessed on this Earth. Even through your tight friendship, you hadn’t met them yet.
Then, another problem rushed through your mind. Lily was now going to be staying at Hogwarts during the holidays, and your blood was boiling. It was going to be difficult to stay in the same room as her without lashing out in defence of James.
“I don’t want to have to deal with Lily for a whole week.” You muttered under your breath, unaware that James was hanging onto every word you said.
“You’re not going away over the holidays?” James asked, eyebrows furrowed together as he scanned your face for any insight. Sighing, you shook your head in response.
“Nah, normally stay.” You pondered for a moment. “Do you think that Lily is gonna be unbearable over Christmas? I might as well just stay in the Room of Requirement all Christmas.”
Then, a thought came to your head. It was almost genius, a bright light twinkling in your eye, your mouth slightly agape. You sucked in a small breath, watching as James eyed you curiously, before a slim smile stretched across your face.
“I have an idea James, but please, I want you to stop me at any point if you feel uncomfortable with this. You are grieving in a way and I don’t want to undermine that. Promise me you’ll shut me down if you don’t like it, okay?” You noted that his head nodded up and down, letting you continue.
“What if I pretend to be Lily? Your parents have never met her before, right? Or me, for a matter of fact. I can come to yours for the holidays and pretend to be Lily to keep the Christmas cheer. When the week is up, we can stop fake dating and you can send a letter to your parents a few weeks later saying that Lily broke up with you. Christmas saved, no pestering parents, and I don’t have to spend a week with the insufferable Lily.”
There was a silence that followed, James gawking at the ground as his mind churned over what you had just said. Then, he spoke.
“If that’s okay with you. I mean, it’s just fake dating, right? For like a week? Are you okay with that?”
You exhaled a deep sigh of release, followed by a hearty chuckle. “Of course I’m okay with it. I suggested it, remember? And besides, we’re friends. Best friends, if anything. Everything will be fine.”
“What about Sirius and Remus? They’re staying over the holidays too. Are you sure they can keep the secret? That, you know, you’re not actually Lily Evans. You’re Y/N L/N.”
“Yeah, I think they can.”
“We can’t keep that secret.”
You and James and just explained what the plan was. It was the morning of December 21st, a fresh layer of snow had just been laid on the ground. Wrapped carefully in many layers, students of Hogwarts had bundled up into the crimson train, ready to go back to London for a week.
After explaining to Professor McGonagall that last minute plans meant you could go away in the holidays, she had let you onto the train, where the four of you sat in a carriage, laying out the details of you and James’ awkward plan to fake date for the Christmas holidays.
Sirius had found the whole prospect of the situation immensely funny and had been laughing ever since you told him. Remus - the more serious one of the two, ironically - wasn’t too keen on the idea, a look of disappointment plastered on his face like an angry parent.
“You can’t just lie to Euphemia and Fleamont. They’re your parents, James. Surely they’ll know you’re lying?”
“That’s the brilliant thing!” James had surely brightened up overnight. After talking for a bit, you helped James into bed, hoping that a good night sleep would change his mood slightly. Unexpectedly, his mood changed more than slightly; almost drastically. He was cheerful, his teeth glowing in the daybreak sun, enthusiastic talks from across the common room. It was a rather stark constraint from the glum Lily Evans who was moping around, as if she was the one who got dumped only the night before. “They’ll never know! They haven’t met Lily, nor Y/N! Sure, they’ve heard about both, but they won’t connect the dots.”
Anxiously, Remus looked at Sirius for guidance, except Sirius hadn’t stopped laughing, glistening tears of joy beading at his waterline, a hand clamped over his chest. You rolled your eyes at his tomfoolery, focusing your attention on the still uncertain lycanthrope.
“Remus, please?” You begged, pouting your lips. “It’s just one week. Please just lie for one week.”
It seemed as if his brain was clicking into place because after a moment, a smile replaced with frown, with him sticking his hand out. Eagerly shaking it in agreement, your mood lightened significantly.
The rest of the train ride, you went over everything that you needed to know about James and Lily’s relationship, if it came up. Firstly, they got together in February of year five, 1976. You fake barfed at the fact that their relationship sprouted from Valentine’s day, an opinion that the others giggled at. Secondly, James had told his parents that Lily was a muggleborn, so you would probably get bombarded with questions about muggles. You didn’t mind though; you were muggleborn yourself.
Next, you had to make some rules to keep boundaries between James and yourself. First, let James answer questions about the relationship, while you have to make notes and remember. Second, only refer to you as Lily in communal spaces, as Euphemia or Fleamont could appear at any moment. Three, physical affection is fine, almost encouraged, but no kissing on the lips.
As everything was settled, the train pulled into King’s Cross Station, the horn blasting through, grabbing the attention of the energetic students, ready to stretch their legs. Nervously, you kept still in your seat, an anxious stomach ache coming on. You felt sweat beading at your forehead as you finally realised how nervous you actually were.
James took note of this though, grabbing your hand and rubbing the back of it soothingly, calming your tense nerves. It seemed impossible, this task at hand looming over you, but you had to keep calm. You knew you could; in all honesty, you didn’t know why you were feeling so worried all of a sudden. Giving in, you took James’ hand and followed the three boys out onto the platform.
You followed the gaze of the three of them before your eyes landed on an older looking couple. A lady was standing there, dark brown hair pulled tightly into a ponytail, streaks of grey peaking through. Harsh smile lines protruded through her skin, a warm and inviting look on her face. Next to her, a taller looking man stood proudly next to what you assumed to be his wife. His feathery hair was combed back and the same round glasses as James sat comfortably on his peaky nose. You could only assume that this was Euphemia and Fleamont Potter.
Walking over, you stayed quiet as James greeted his parents first, pulling them into a tight hug. Immediately, you noticed how much of a mummy’s boy James was when you saw him unconsciously seeking comfort from his mother. It hurt to see him not being able to get what he needed in the moment. You looked away, afraid that you might’ve started to cry if you continued looking for any longer.
Fleamont greeted Remus and Sirius like they were his own sons, engulfing them in a hearty hug, lovingly slapping them on their backs. You watched as the affection oozed from James’ parents, a warm feeling growing in your chest. It was admiration.
Then, you felt a tug on your sleeve, looking back to see James’ trying to grab your attention. Giving him an inquisitive look, you noticed Euphemia, arms open, a beaming smile on her face.
“You must be Lily. Come in, dear.” It felt wrong as you dove into her arms, letting her motherly love wash over you like a tidal wave. Pulling apart, you felt the guilt twang in your chest, the name of Lily echoing in your mind.
That wasn’t you.
But you continued to smile. You smiled through your greetings with Fleamont. You smiled through the light banter they shared with James’ friends. You smiled through the small talk. You smiled through aparating to the Potter’s house.
As you stepped through the front door, you were greeted with an adorning archway, the walls endlessly covered with family photos. Everything about the house was inviting. A lingering smell of fresh baking settled in the house, as the light from the window perfectly captured the chandelier, a thousand rainbows dancing around the room.
As you stepped into the entrance way, you watched as Euphemia gestured the four of you up the staircase, down a hallway littered with doors. She stopped at a room, a sign with ‘Sirius’ on it, labelling you it belonged to. You beamed, remembering how this was now Sirius’ new home.
“I hope you don’t mind Remus bunking with you Sirius. I pulled out a spare mattress.” Euphemia addressed the two boys, who eagerly piled into the bedroom, grinning like a kid in a candy store.
“You too, this way.” You looked over to James, but his face was contorted into something unreadable, only smiling when he noticed your staring, giving a reassuring squeeze of your hand. You brushed it off though, your mind blurred by the thought of following Euphemia.
“Here’s James’ room,” Euphemia stopped in front of a door that was decorated by a Gryffindor flag. “Make yourself at home, sweetheart. I hope you’re still okay with sharing the bed? James said that was fine in our last letter.”
You inhaled tightly through your nose, clenching your jaw. You looked back at James, whose face was once again turning a bright red, his lips slightly parted as stutters started to spill out. “Well- I- actually-”
“Sounds great, Euphemia. Thank you so much for your hospitality.” Impatient to leave the awkward situation, you gestured to James to enter his bedroom, trailing in behind you, keeping a faux smile on your face, up until the door closed behind you.
In an instant, apology after apology spluttered from James, trying to explain. You were vaguely listening, although you were more focused on the room around you. You liked the detail and the Gryffindor pride. Moving posters of different Quidditch players lined the walls, covering the red and white wallpaper. In a corner, a pile of muggle vinyls were stacked together, tied together by a pink ribbon, which you could only assume was gifted by Lily. The room was surprisingly tidy, different to the state of James’ dorms back in Hogwarts.
“I like your room.” You finally spoke, dragging a finger across a chest of drawers. A thin layer of dust rested on the pad of your finger, which you rubbed off on your skirt before turning back to the panicked boy before you.
“Did you hear anything I said?”
“Don’t worry about it, James.” You comforted him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “You forgot; that’s okay! I honestly don’t mind. It’s sort of what I signed up for anyway.” You laughed, hoping James would join in. He did.
Dinner went alright. You stayed quiet most of the time, only speaking when spoken to. You didn’t think Euphemia or Fleamont noticed, but you did get a peculiar look from Sirius, seemingly smirking at the way James and your seats were placed so close together.
After excusing yourself from the dinner table, you helped out in the kitchen with Fleamont, drying the dishes and putting them away in the cupboards. You were lost in your own thoughts, drifting off, keeping a smooth rhythm as you stacked plates.
“Lily, can you pass me the soap dispenser please?” You almost didn’t register what he was saying, a muted hum escaping your lips, until you realised you were being addressed. After apologising profusely for your tardiness, you handled the soap bottle to Mr Potter and carried on, hoping he wouldn’t start a conversation.
He did anyway.
“How’s James been treating you?” Fleamont quipped, a sly grin on his face. You knew what he was implying and shook it off, trying to keep the conversation as ambiguous as possible.
“Good. He’s been good.” He didn’t seem to buy it. “Lovely as always.” You gulped discreetly, disguising your nervousness as a yawn, which wasn’t missed by Fleamont.
“My dear, you look tired. You better retire for the night.” Nodding and saying your goodnights, you trod up the stairs, into the bedroom, where you were met by James, where only pajama shorts, reading Quidditch Through The Ages on his bed. You smiled, knowing that it was one of his favourites. He looked up when he saw you enter, smiling sheepishly, pointing towards the ensuite door.
“You can get changed in there, love.” Humming in agreement, you took a spare change of clothes into the bathroom and quickly returned, having brushed your teeth and washed your face as well. It wasn’t that late, but you felt inordinately tired, feeling as though you could pass out.
Collapsing on the soft bed, you pulled the duvet covers over your torso, letting your head hit the soft pillow. You nearly missed James whispering a small “goodnight darling” before falling into a dreamless sleep.
Tuesday 22nd December
Day two of whatever this was supposed to be had begun. Sunlight was streaming in through the windows, not uncommon as James had always been an early bird and must’ve opened them himself. He wasn’t in bed when you rolled over, but you did notice the harsh sound of running water and an overwhelming smell of apple shampoo seeping into the bedroom.
Getting into some fresh clothes, you heard the water stop, buttoning up the last button on your blouse as James waltzed back into the bedroom, before seeing you. He stood like a deer in the headlights, water running smoothly down this toned skin, wearing only a towel around his hips.
“Why is it that I always catch you shirtless?” You tried to end the awkwardness by making a joke, reaching into James’ drawers and pulling out the first shirt you saw, throwing it across the room.
Because of James’ Quidditch skills, his fast reflexes caught the soaring shirt, catching it in one hand, unintentionally flexing his biceps. You shouldn’t have been staring, but the situation was too hard to read.
After standing still for a moment, you regained intelligence, snapping yourself out of your gaze. Muttering a quick apology, you dashed out of his bedroom, closing the door behind you. Pressing your back to the newly closed door, you shut your eyes tight, trying to forget the fresh memory in your mind.
“Trouble in paradise?” You opened one of your eyes to see Remus standing there too, novel in hand, also having his back pressed against the closed door.
“Shirtless.” The only words that could fall out of your mouth, making Remus bark with laughter, before clamping his hand over his mouth, an inch of sympathy showing in his eyes.
“Can’t be that bad of a sight, can it?” He joked, egging you on. You clutched your hands up to your face, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks. It was so embarrassing, but the worse past was that there was still so much more to come.
“Shut up Lupin.” You stuck your tongue out playfully at Remus, before bolting down the hallway, hoping to help Euphemia out with breakfast, like you said you would last night at the dinner table.
You were efficient in the kitchen, once again keeping talk to a minimum. Except today, you were feeling more comfortable with Euphemia, a more natural conversation gracing your time. It felt easier to speak. Maybe it was the fact that you had just had a good sleep, or maybe it was that you were actually feeling somewhat at home at the Potter’s residence.
Just as the bacon seemed to be completely cooked, James bursted through the door, Sirius and Remus in tow. James seemed to be the only one nervous, as the other two boys sat down at the table gleefully. Dishing up the breakfast, you handed the plates out to everyone.
Lastly, you handed a plate to James, trying your hardest to not make eye contact. You only stiffened when you felt James’s soft fingers accidentally brush against yours, tensing your muscles immediately.
“There you go,” you spoke in a voice so everyone could hear, “sweetheart.” You hissed the last word out in gritted teeth. Instead of sitting next to James like last night, you opted to sit directly in front of him, something that didn’t go unnoticed by James himself, who gave you a curious look at your choice in seating arrangements.
But before he could talk with you about it, you had finished your breakfast, immediately bouncing back into the kitchen, avoiding all signs of the messy haired brunette who was lurking around the ground floor.
The rest of the day followed a similar pattern. Mundane tasks, followed by awkward conversation, and running away. It wasn’t what you had thought when you offered the idea to fake date, but you realised how hard it actually was to pretend to be madly in love with someone.
It wasn’t until later in the night, when you were getting ready for bed, that you overheard James talking with Remus and Sirius. You knew you shouldn’t, but after hearing him say your name, you were too curious not to eavesdrop in. Pressing your ear against Sirius’ door, you prayed that Euphemia or Fleamont wouldn’t walk past any moment now.
“How’s it going with the whole fake dating thing?” It was Sirius’ voice, and there was a cheek to his voice. You rolled your eyes at his blatant teasing.
“Honestly, I don’t know.” It was James speaking this time. “Everything was going so well, especially yesterday, but after today, I’m a bit worried that my parents won’t believe.”
“What do you mean?” Remus’ voice held a question, an obvious inflection at the end of the sentence.
“I just wish she was a little more, you know,” a pause, “tactile. At least, a little more affection. She’s not playing the part well.”
You should’ve been hurt by James’ words but instead, you felt immense anger, and for what? You didn’t understand why you felt so annoyed by James’ harmless comment, but you did.
Begrudgingly, you languidly stomped back to James’ room, burying yourself under the covers, pretending to be asleep. You didn’t want to talk to him at the moment, in fear that you would just snap at him for the comments that he was making behind your back.
When James came back in about half an hour later, you felt a feeling of pressure being lifted from your chest, breathing easily as James tucked himself on the other side of you. You didn’t know why, but you felt like it was so much easier to sleep now that you knew that James was beside you. And so you did.
Wednesday 23rd December
It was an accident. You didn’t mean to wake up at the piss crack on dawn, wrapped in James’ arms. Sometime during the night, your sleeping form must’ve found its way to James. Your head was tucked in the crook of his neck, the soothing sound of his heartbeat rippling out. You felt safe.
Until you remembered that you were supposed to be mad at James. Carefully so you didn’t wake him, you slipped out of his arms, letting yours legs fall off the edge of the bed. Your warm toes made contact with cold hard wooden floors, making you jolt up in surprise. Looking back, you saw that James was still asleep, so you sighed, peeling out of the bedroom.
It was winter, so it wasn’t even that early in the morning. The grandfather clock in the living room was showing that it was just about to be seven, and that was good enough for you. Taking initiative, you decided to start cooking breakfast yourself, remembering the open invitation Euphemia gave you to use the kitchen whenever you want.
Cozying up to the stove, you placed the palms of your hands just over the radiating heat of the stove top, reveling in the delicious warmth that was defrosting every muscle in your body. Your mind was working overtime, trying to remember what James’ favourite breakfast was.
If James wanted an affectionate girlfriend, then he was going to get himself an affectionate girlfriend.
Mixing together a sweet pancake batter, you welcomed Euphemia into the kitchen. Praises filled the room, as you poured the dough into the pan, letting the bubbles rise to the top. In the meantime, you took out the bowl of fresh strawberries in the fridge, letting them come to room temperature on the kitchen counter tops.
Once again, James entered the kitchen right as you were serving up. Making sure it was as noticeable as possible, you sent a massive wink his way, catching him off guard. Grabbing a chopping board from the cupboard, you started slicing the tops off of the strawberries, to which James stopped you.
“Let me help darling.” He spoke, his morning voice making you feel something in your stomach that you weren’t expecting. Butterflies? Surely not. You shook the thought away, focusing back on flipping the pancakes on the stove tops.
After serving another freshly cooked pancake, your attention was pulled to James, a dopey smile on his face, strawberry juice staining his lips. “Y/- Lily, come over here.”
A bitter feeling rose in your chest at hearing Lily’s name, but you pushed it away, walking over to James’ workstation. He had a strawberry in his hand, beckoning you over to taste it. An idea sprouted in your head as you sashayed over, swinging your hips slightly.
You did what James wanted you to do, bending over slightly to place your lips around the sweet berry, letting your loving ‘boyfriend’ feed you. What he didn’t expect was after you had eaten the strawberry, you latched into his hands, wrapping your mouth around his fingers and gently sucking off the rest of the strawberry juice. It had caught him off guard but that’s what you wanted.
Today he was going to get all the affection you could give him.
At the breakfast table, you sat beside him, resting your hand on his thigh as you ate, leaning into him as you laughed at a joke Sirius had made. It wasn’t that funny but you wanted to prove a point. You wanted to prove that you could play the part of the doting girlfriend.
Soon, after breakfast, the Potter’s decided to go for a walk, so everyone joined in. Wrapping each other up in as much warm clothing as possible, everyone bundled outside together, minding the brisk breeze that was blowing through.
Holding James’ hand, you strolled calmly together, leaning your cheek against his arm and shoulder. He didn’t seem to mind, but he didn’t keep sending you strange looks as you continuously clutched his arm, running your fingers up and down his skin. You couldn’t tell if the goosebumps were from hesitation or the cold.
It started snowing quite heavily so they decided to head back inside. James and Remus had been caught up in conversation for most of the walk, about who was better at wizard’s chess and had agreed to a competition to decide for once and for all.
Curled up on the couch, you sat beside James, one and curled around a mug of cocoa and the other places upon James’ thigh. He let you, nodding when you hesitated on placing your hand there the first time.
About an hour into their little competition, you felt a haze settle upon your eyes, rendering you tired. It was late afternoon though, not a good enough time to go to bed. Yawning, you placed your mug down on the coffee table, and stretched out over the couch, placing your head down on James’ lap. Subconsciously, his left hand followed the movements of your head, latching onto a piece of your hair and twirling around his finger.
You never slept, but you rested your eyes. You didn’t know for how long until you felt the familiar sound of Euphemia’s dream-like voice, calling you to dinner. Hurriedly, you placed a mushy kiss against James’ cheek and sat in the usual spot at the dinner table.
By now, conversation flowed more easily than it did the day before. You were now beginning to feel safe in the Potter environment, opening up to everyone more, letting yourself join the conversation.
When you were going off the bed, you placed one last public kiss on James’ cheek before lacing your hands together, pulling him up to the bedroom and winking at Sirius and Remus, knowing full well what it was suggesting.
Once you got behind the doors though, you were off him in an instant, searching through your bag for a spare change of clothes for the night. A comfortable silence settled between the two of you, getting ready for bed in your own separate bubbles. It wasn’t like you didn’t want to speak to James, it was more that you didn’t know what to say to him after today. You were afraid that you had crossed a line.
“What was that today?” James finally broke the silence, a crack in his voice as you spoke. You spin around, a fake smile creeping onto your face.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.” His voice was cool, sending shivers down your spine. Your smile dropped, replaced with a frown. You could almost feel a few tears edging at your waterline, threatening to spill over if you weren’t careful.
“I’m sorry.” You started, fiddling with your fingers. “It was just- I overheard what you said last night. You said you wish I was being more, uhm, tactile.” You felt embarrassed to say the word. “I just wanted to put in a bit more effort. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
James stayed quiet as he settled into bed. You followed suit, getting it just behind him. You faced away from him though, as your cheeks were now being stained by your tears.
“Y/N?” You heard James call from behind you, but you didn’t turn around.
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable. It was just strange seeing so much affection from someone who wasn’t Lily.” He paused. “Thank you.”
“Goodnight Jamesie.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
Thursday 24th December
Once again, you woke up in James’ arms. Once again, you weren’t sure how you got there, but you weren’t complaining either way. Once again, you moved out of his arms before he noticed.
A new occurrence this morning though was he woke up by your movement.
“Oh, good morning love.”
Your heart fluttered at the nickname, although you didn’t know why. You kept your eyes closed, as they were still heavy from last night’s sleep. Unfortunately, it was plagued by fluffy dreams, all lead by a familiar bespectacled boy. You shook the thought from your mind, trying to open your eyes, but you couldn’t. You could barely mutter out a greeting.
“Hmm.” You grunted in acknowledgment, burying you head in the pillow. It smelt like James. A smile crept on your face without you realising.
“Hmm.” You let out another whine, this one more pitiful, as you nuzzled you head against James’ arm, wanting to feel his warmth once again. Chuckling, he wrapped an arm around you before placing a calculated kiss on top of your head.
“Stay here darling.” You didn’t have to be told twice. As James left the bed, you stayed put, falling down where James was previously sleeping, laying horizontally along James’ bed as you fell back into your slumber.
You didn’t know how long you were out for, but you didn’t wake up to the sound of the creaking door opening and the clinking off ice against a glass of water. You tentatively opened one eye, letting in as much light as you would allow, adjusting to the new found sunlight. Slowly, you opened the next eye, so you could properly see what James was doing.
In his hands, he carried a breakfast tray, adorned with fresh ciabatta bread, yogurt, and a bowl of strawberries. The clinking sound before was coming from a glass of icy cold water, sitting next to a vase of peonies. Your favourite flower. You flushed at the fact that James had remembered something so miniscule.
“Breakfast in bed for the princess.” James joked, letting you sit up filling before placing the tray on your lap.
“What does that make you then? A prince?” You continued the joke, folding back a bit of the duvet to let James hop back into the bed too. There was double of everything on the tray, so you assumed one helping was for James.
You gave him a plate of breakfast as you slowly miches on yours, your mind too preoccupied to think about breakfast. All you could think about was why you were feeling so nervous around James. Why was your heart racing? Why were your cheeks flushing? Why were your hands clamming up?
“Open wide.” You whipped you head around to see James with a goofy grin on his face, holding a strawberry in his hand. Remembering what happened yesterday, you took a bite of the berry, purposely not continuing how you did yesterday and licking his fingers.
A disappointed pout returned to his face. “No finger sucking? Aww what’s wrong?”
“Did you want me to suck your fingers, Prince James?” You poked him playfully on his side. “It would be highly inappropriate. We aren’t even married yet. What a scandal.” You spoke in an over the top British accent, mimicking stereotypical royal figures.
“Oh, don’t worry Princess Y/N, I wouldn’t mind have you in my bloodline.”
“Hm, Princess Y/N of the Potter residence.” You jokingly thought for a moment. “Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
As you giggled together, you heard a knock at the door, followed by a “I’m coming in.” The doorknob turned and Euphemia emerged from behind the door. “How is my happy couple going?”
You kept the smile on your face, not letting it falter and break character. A little voice in the back of my mind was angry, upset that Euphemia had interrupted the moment, but ultimately you thought that maybe it was for the best. You needed to keep the flirting for the public eyes only.
“Hey Mum.” James cheered. You looked back to him and noticed the same smile on his face, like it hadn’t fallen. Like, he hadn’t even noticed that Euphemia had called us a couple.
“It snowed again last night so we’re snowed in for the day. Do you two have any plans?” She asked, her eyes flickering from between us.
“I have a lot of homework to do so I might do that today.” You spoke quietly, a little embarrassed that you wanted to do homework. You didn’t actually want to do homework, but you felt like you need to be occupied by something, to control an inner urge that was bubbling inside of you.
“Come on!” James whined, letting his head fall down on your shoulder. You got immediately warm from his touch. “It’s the holidays! You can’t seriously be doing homework?”
“I have stuff to catch up on.”
“Like what?”
“Like, um, stuff.”
“Would you kids like to do some baking for Christmas tomorrow?” Euphemia suggested, to which James lit up like a Christmas tree, completely infatuated by the idea.
“Yes, yes, yes.” James repeated, rushing out of bed, but carefully enough to not spill the tray everywhere. You followed suit, pulling on a dressing gown and entering the kitchen with an enthusiastic James.
That’s how the rest of the day went. You and James stayed in the kitchen all day, still wearing your sleeping pajamas, fooling around and baking.
You started with making Christmas cake, but soon found out that James was rather good at baking himself. He took the reigns, busily working as you helped out, doing the chopping and measuring for him.
At one point, James’ eyebrows were furrowed together in concentration for over two minutes. You were getting restless, the perfection needed for baking boring you, so you decided to have some fun. Pinching your finger together, you gathered up a handful of flour, flinging it at an unsuspecting James. He turned around slowly, his cheek covered in white powder, before an evil grin consumed his face.
“Oh, you’re on, L/N.”
That’s how most of the baking went with James that day. Joking around, flinging ingredients at each other. By the end of it, you could hardly tell the difference between the kitchen floor and your aprons.
At the end, you had made Christmas cake, gingerbread cookies, and a loaf of bread. Happy with your haul, you went into the living room to call the rest of the members of the household to inspect the food.
“Come see what we made.” You and James called, standing underneath the archway from the kitchen and the living room. As you were about to step away, you heard a halting sound.
“Uh uh, wait up.” You turned back around to see Fleamont with a cheeky smile on his face, pointing at the two of you. You didn’t know what he was pointing at but Euphemia, Sirius, and Remus did, following Fleamont’s arm and laughing when they saw it.
Gazing upwards, you looked to see what the big fuss was about. Your face fell in an instant. Hanging above you and James was a freshly picked mistletoe plant.
You grimaced at the thought, feeling guilty. It was one of the rules you had set. No kissing on the lips. Surely Remus and Sirius knew that, but they were too busy laughing their asses off to remember.
Looking back at James, you gulped. You stared up at his cerulean blue eyes, your hand shaking beside you slightly. James’ eyes were raking your face, searching for any sign of consent. You nodded soon after realising what he was doing and you let him cup your face, bringing you closer than you’ve ever been.
“Are you okay with this?” James whispered for only you to hear. You kept leaning forward until you were only millimetres away from touching when you breathed out your last word of consent: “yes.”
Your lips met in the middle. It was soft and sweet, not wanting to push what was already fragile. James’ left hand stayed cupping your cheek, holding you face still as his right hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. It was magical, as if all your happiness you had ever felt was wrapped together and given to you right there. You had your hands resting on his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat underneath you like a song from the heavens.
When you pulled away, your eyes lingered a little longer in James’, the eye contact you were holding inescapable and passionate. Your head felt heavy, your eyelids weighing you down as a wave of exhaustion hit you like a freight train. Discreetly, you yawn behind you hand, a gesture that wasn’t missed by James, who reached out for your wrist, running his thumb up and down your hand.
“Let’s go get you some sleep, hm?” An affirming sound escaped your mouth as you trailed behind James. Back in his bedroom, you collapsed on the bed, your lips still tingling from the sensual kiss just moments before.
The two of you were silent as you got ready for bed. Working harmoniously beside each other, you changed, and did your repetitive nightly routine, just to end up in the same place as always; on opposite sides of the bed, unable to make conversation. Luckily for you, James was onto it.
“I’m so sorry,” he started, but when you tried to butt in, he cut you off, continuing his rant. “I knew that was one of the rules and I broke it. I should’ve just said no and I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that. You didn’t deserve to have your boundaries crossed. I’m sorry for pressuring you into something you weren’t ready for.”
You stayed silent for a moment, soaking in his words before you began yourself. “James, I didn’t mind. You didn’t take advantage of me. It’s completely okay. And what’s that famous saying, rules are meant to be broken.”
Your pathetic attempt to joke was shut down as James didn’t say anything, nor move, just staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Huffing, you rolled over, trying to let slumber take you away, but you couldn’t. There was a chill in the house tonight, another snow storm heading your way. You shuddered as a draft blew through.
“You’re cold.” James finally spoke, yet it was an obvious statement, as you were still shaking under a blanket, your teeth starting to chatter.
“Come here.” You turned around, seeming as if you had misheard him, but you saw what you were afraid of. James’ arms were wide open, beckoning you to fall asleep with him wrapped around you, keeping you safe.
So you did.
Friday 25th December
Christmas morning was perfect. As you fluttered open your eyes, you once again found yourself situated in James’ arms, the only difference was that he was awake too, his radiant smile beaming down on you, making you feel warm and cuddly on the inside.
Breakfast was simple, as everyone was mostly preparing for Christmas lunch. You tried to help out as much as possible but Euphemia always shut you down, insisting that you had helped out enough and that you needed a break. So, you sat patiently on the couch, munching slowly on an apple, the juice running smoothly down your face.
“Good morning Lily.” James had appeared beside you, placing a soft kiss on your temple. The words falling from his mouth were more acidic than the juice dripping from your chin. Your returning smile was filled with bitterness, something James picked up on, his nose scrunching up as he surveyed your emotions.
“G’morning Jamesie.” You slurred, gritting your teeth together, detesting the name you were just called. Still unable to figure out why, James gave you a look, a look that just said “what?” It hurt, knowing that he wouldn’t know why it spurred you on so much.
Fleamont soon joined you in the living room, taking the armchair in the middle of the room, burying himself in the comfort. Politely, you nodded towards him, acknowledging his presence, but there was a glint of mischief in his eyes.
“How did you two sleep?” He asked, gesturing between the two of you, to which you both smiled.
“Just fine, thank you, any you?” You responded for the both of you, feeling James’ hand curl around you own, his fingers intertwined with yours.
“Just fine, although, I was walking down the hallway during the night and I noticed something peculiar.”
Unsure of what he meant, you egged him on. “What did you notice?”
“Your bedroom door was open, son; the pesky draft must’ve opened it. There was moonlight streaming in from the window, and I noticed the two of you curled up together.” Fleamont looked directly at you. “I didn’t realise the two of you were at that stage of your relationship.
As Fleamont winked at the two of you, your mouth fell open, appalled, as James was laughing like a maniac beside you. It wasn’t until Euphemia came into the living room to break apart their banter to get together for Christmas lunch.
It was a peaceful meal of casual conversation and light jokes. You stayed quiet most of the time, actually rather enjoying listening in on the fascinating stories that Euphemia and Fleamont were telling about James when he was a child. Soon, the conversation turned towards the future, and all eyes were on you.”
“Dear, what would you like to do when you leave Hogwarts?” It should’ve been an easy question to answer but you were stumped, unsure if you should answer as Lily or as yourself. Unable to think of something Lily would say, you decided to answer as you would.
“Actually, I want to study in a muggle university. Literature, or maybe anthropology. I’ve always been interested in learning about the world and my heart has always been somewhat attached to the muggle world. It’s where I want to flourish.” Embarrassed by your little monologue, you flushed a deep red, before turning back towards your ham.
“How inspiring,” Euphemia said, clapping her hands together in delight, “and what about marriage? Have you thought about settling down?”
You almost choked on your food at the question, catching you completely off guard. All eyes were on you and James now, with Sirius and Remus trying not to disturb anyone as they laughed in the distance.
“Uhm,” you looked at James for guidance but he also seemed just as uncomfortable as you were. “I haven’t thought that far through, to be completely honest.”
“Oh, but dear,” Euphemia looked positively thrilled. “We would be absolutely delighted for you to join our family. Lily Potter, my beautiful and caring daughter-in-law.”
“Okay, how about we clean up now, yeah?” Thankfully, James had broken up the conversation, offering to clean up the plates. Eager to leave the uncomfortable situations you helped bring in the stacks of food, offering to split it up, and repackage it for later consumption. You worked efficiently, avoiding anyone with the last name Potter at all cost.
When everything seemed to be tidied up, the Potter parents insisted that everyone sit around together for the gift giving portion of Christmas. Quietly, you rushed back to the bedroom, getting out the small gifts you had brought everyone for the Christmas season while you were out the other day.
Sitting amongst everyone, it felt like everything was back to normal. No more awkward conversations about the future plagued the atmosphere, just joyous laughter and pure happiness circling the room.
Firstly, you gave small presents to Sirius and Remus, including some quills for school, and gunpowder for pranks. You gave Euphemia and Fleamont some Christmas fudge that you had found, as well as a thank you note, thanking them for letting you stay over the Christmas season. Lastly, you handed a small box to James, a lacy ribbon decorating it.
“Open it.” You spoke in an almost whisper, as James’ fingers fiddled with the ribbon. As it fell open, you heard the small gasp from James, as he took the chain out of the box.
It was a small silver bracelet, yet it was decorated by a tiny, dangling gem, the colour of the deep blue ocean, something that seemed to have enchanted the bespectacled boy.
“It’s a sapphire.” You said, running your fingers over the cold chain. “It’s supposed to represent honesty, trust, loyalty. Everything that embodies you.” You spoke with so much weight in your chest, speaking from the deepest depths of your heart. Everything you said was true.
Swooping down, James pressed a kiss to your cheek, whispering a hushed “I love you” under his breath, so faint that you weren’t even sure if you were supposed to hear it.
The rest of the presents were handed out, until there was only one left underneath the Christmas tree. With a smile on his face, Fleamont reached down underneath the tree, grabbing the package and passing it to you.
It should’ve been a happy moment, a moment where you truly felt like you belonged in the Potter house. It did at first as the smile seemed to never be able to falter, until you stared down at the packaging, noticing the name ‘Lily Evans’ written in cursive. A single tear ran down your face as you realised something harsh in that very moment. It was always going to be Lily Evans, never Y/N L/N.
The feeling got worse as you carrot undid the wrapping paper, revealing a collection of polaroid photographs. They were all different shots of you and James throughout the holidays. Curled up on the couch, baking in the kitchen, out on the walls, sucking the juice off of his fingers. The last one made you laugh as you remembered the memory that had now turned fond.
“I love them. Thank you so much.”
The day was mostly mundane, just filled with more activities, like chess, or cleaning to fill in the time. It seemed like everyone was just waiting for the snow to melt, so they could all go back outside again. You knew James was just itching to play with his Quidditch set outside.
Strangely enough, you found yourself outside in the snow, wrapped up tight from the weather. The snow had stopped falling for a peaceful moment, so you thought it would be the perfect time to get some fresh air, away from the overwhelming company.
You were soon joined though, as you heard the front door open and close from behind you. You didn’t even have to guess who it was as they stood beside you, taking in a deep breath, exhaling visibling in the frosty air.
“How are you doing?” James looked over to you, his eyes laced with concern. You shrugged, smiling that he seemed to care about you. It warmed you.
“Overwhelmed, but you’ve been perfect. All thanks to you, I think they might actually believe it.” You were now completely facing James now, looking up into his deep, aquamarine eyes, watching as the tint changed when the light hit the irises at a different angle. It was mesmerising.
You weren’t the only one mesmerised though. James couldn’t stop staring at your beauty. The way your eyes sparkled in the light. The way your skin catched the light snow that was starting to fall. Your lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
The question caught you off guard, but it left you feeling unsatisfied. Before you could even respond, you had James by the collar of his sweater, pulling him down ever so slightly so your lips could meet with his. It was light fire and electricity, a thousand gusts of wind blowing through you, spilling into you like an endless thunderstorm. You kissed him like it was the last time you were ever going to see him, hungry, desperate, passionate.
You were in love.
Saturday 26th December
You had fallen asleep on the couch, slumped with James as he cocooned your sleeping body between his limbs. Unfortunately, your slumber had been awoken in the early hours of the morning by banging on the front door. Groggily, James got up, rubbing his head with his hands.
Running your fingers through your hair, you got up with him, putting on a sweater to make yourself look more presentable. James’ sweater, to be exact.
The four other residents of the house had now awoken from the persistent knocking and had joined us downstairs. It was just after sunrise so everyone was sort of dazed and out of it. With one last eye rub, James swung the door open to reveal the person standing there.
Lily Evans, with her hair like a roaring fire, cheeks naturally rosy, and eyes glinting like a morning sunrise, she stood there, clutching her hands nervously. As soon as she saw James though, she flung her arms around his neck, burying her head in the crook of his neck.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” A string of apologies came out of her mouth as tears started running down her cheeks, dark mascara staining her porcelain skin. A confused look was shot my way as Euphemia just stared between the two of us, unsure of what to do.
“Hello darling.” Euphemia’s motherly voice was out to play. ”If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?”
“Oh sorry for not introducing myself.” Lily removed herself from James’ figuring, wiping her eyes on her sleeves, as she stuck her hand out to be shaken. “I’m Lily Evans, nice to meet you.”
Then, Lily noticed your looming form sending a curious look your way. It wasn’t the only look of confusion. Euphemia and Fleamont were almost unreadable as you flicked between the two of them.
It was time to come clean.
“This is Lily Evans, my ex girlfriend.” James had the same idea as you, introducing the red headed girl to his parents finally.
“And this is Y/N L/N, my close friend.”
That’s all you were. That’s all you would ever be, compared to Lily.
It took a bit of explaining and sitting Fleamont and Euphemia down to fully explain the plan. You started off with the breakup and then talked about the devilish plan, saying that all you wanted to do was keep Christmas light and cheery. All you got were uncomfortable looks from James’ parents.
When everything was laid out on the table, Fleamont got up and left, obviously disappointed in the choices you and his son had made. Euphemia looked as though she had just swallowed a bee, lips pursed as she contemplated the next move.
“Well, Y/N,” the name fell bitterly for her lips; it sounded so foreign, so unnatural. “You are happy to stay with us until tomorrow. It was nice to finally meet you.”
That was the full extent of the conversation. For the rest of the day, it seemed as though Fleamont and Euphemia were keeping James and you away from each other, always asking one or the other to help with chores, or to do a mundane activity with them.
It wasn’t until night time dawned on the residence. The atmosphere had unfortunately changed after Lily’s short and unexpected visit. Her exit was speedy after her unprompted entrance, an uneasy ripple of tension in the house.
When it was time to sleep, Euphemia had shown you to a spare room, taking initiative to set you up somewhere separate, now knowing that you weren’t actually dating James. It was cold though, empty and alone, and as you tried to sleep, your hands kept trailing to James’ side of the bed, searching for him.
You took it upon yourself to take matters into your own hands. Creeping through the house, you found yourself outside of James’ bedroom door. Quietly, you knocked, waiting a few seconds before entering. James was lying in bed, eyes wide open, staring at the open curtain which was letting in trickles of moonlight. When you entered, he looked back at you, his lips parted slightly in shock.
“Can I…?” Your voice trailed off as you couldn’t bare to finish your sentence in embarrassment, but James seemed to know what you were alluding to, pulling back the covers almost immediately.
“Of course.”
Sunday 27th December
You woke in early hours of the morning. It was intentional, not wanting to be found in James’ bed again. It would be scandalous. You laid back in your new bed, closing your eyes for a moment, hoping you could go back asleep, but sleep couldn’t find you.
Before breakfast had started, you had packed you bags, ready to catch the train at ten o’clock. An early breakfast run was needed as you munched some Christmas leftovers, opposite sides of the table from James. You still hadn’t talked about what had happened. Even last night, you had only just cuddled until you both had fallen asleep. Your feelings till needed to be addressed.
Hurriedly, the four Hogwarts students were aparated back to King’s Cross Station by Euphemia and Fleamont, both with sorrowful looks on their faces. They were hugging their son goodbye, then moving onto Sirius and Remus, hugging them like they were also their children. You shifted awkwardly in the group.
“And we can’t forget you, now can we, Y/N?” It was still strange hearing your own name come from their lips, but you welcomed it, slightly happy to be the only receptor of the love now. As you were pulled into a jug by Euphemia, you could hear the last words she spoke to you. “Thank you for looking after my son. I’d be happy to have you as my daughter-in-law.”
Last minute goodbyes were said as you all bundled up onto the train, finding a carriage right in front of where Euphemia and Fleamont were standing. You waved cheerfully at them as the train pulled out of the station, a chapter of your life closing.
You hadn’t noticed Remus and Sirius had stepped out of the carriage, giving you and James some much needed privacy. There wasn’t much that needed to be said though. Everything that needed to be communicated had already been done through awkward glances and small looks.
“Hey.” His voice was almost silent.
A pause.
“What are we?”
“Whatever you want to be.” You eventually said. James hummed in agreement, resting his head in his hand.
You smiled.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Emerald Eyes
Summary: After Lily Evans kisses him, James needs help to figure out what to do in that situation. And who better to help him and Sirius with relationship issues if not his dad?
Notes: I was reading @startanewdream's fanfic Exist Song (For Film) when she wrote about a song that spoke of emerald eyes.
I remembered the song Claudia by Finneas, and needed to write about Jily's first kiss, and somehow get Fleamont involved.
I don't think I've ever read a fanfic where he helps James and Sirius with relationship issues, so I wrote it! I know James only becomes prefect in seventh year, but I needed him to become sixth, to make sense of the story.
sue me
James was fine about just being friends with Lily, really, he was up for it and he liked being friends with her. Of course, he still thought about kissing her and, dammit, sometimes dreamed of her with her clothes off and couldn't look her in the eye for the next three days. But overall, he was fine with his old crush.
Everything was fine, it was just a crush, he would get over it.
He liked other girls over the last few years, liked hanging out with them, kissing them, and there was one muggle girl that James really thought was going to be something more serious - he even lost his virginity to her. But things didn't go as it should and life went on. Sirius comforted him that his crush on Lily was probably because he idealized her in a way that it was now difficult for him to like other girls, but that James needed to let go of the 'what ifs' and move on.
James tried, he swears he did.
But when Lily Evans kissed him on the train back to King Cross, after a prefect meeting where James was trying not to sleep, things completely fell apart for him.
When he got back to his friends, James felt very lost, and Remus even asked if he was alright, but all James could do was nod and touch his lips in fear that the feeling of Evans' soft, sweet lips would go away and he realized it was a dream.
As much as he had dreamed very hot things about Lily, they never kissed, so James wasn't prepared for it at all, he was just imagining it was supposed to be good. But it wasn't just good, it was stupidly good.
So good that he spent all the traveling hours remembering. And when they arrived at the station, he could only think of meeting Lily to say that he thought he was in love. Was this possible?
"Mate?" Sirius asked, following him out of the wagon. '’Did something happen at the meeting?'’
"No, I-" James saw her, which automatically made him forget all the words his parents had taught him, suddenly his brain shutting down and only caring about one thing; Lily Evans.
James didn't know what to do, if he was going to talk to her or not, if he waved, if he called her, if he shouted for everyone to hear that she kissed him… James wanted there to be a manual on how to deal with this situation, because he felt so lost and it was stupid.
There was no time to do anything however, the students were hurrying to leave and pushed James who had been standing in the middle of the corridor, while Lily blushed and smiled awkwardly, giving the boys a wave and then getting off the train.
Should that mean something? Why didn't she talk to him?!
''Come on James, I want to go home.'' Peter complained, making him wake up from his reverie and follow them outside, knowing Sirius was watching him with the eyes of an eagle, and that probably Remus too, but very more discreet.
After they said their goodbyes and headed off to find his parents, Sirius whispered, never bending over or making it sound like he was whispering, "You kissed her, didn't you?"
"She did it." James swallowed, still completely shocked. "Best kiss of my life, I must say."
"Fuck, James." Sirius shook his head, walking faster and accepting Euphemia's hug as James greeted his dad with a longing hug.
"Are you two okay?" Monti asked, a hand in James' hair and an all-too-knowing look that made him think his dad had heard, by some miracle, what Sirius had said. Fleamont always seemed to know everything.
"Yes, perfect." Sirius smiled. ‘’Right, James?’’
‘’Yes, more perfect than this impossible.’’
That night, after Euphemia left for the annual florist dinner she always went to, Fleamont called James and Sirius down to the dungeons, where he had finished brewing another beer. James knew his dad wasn't an idiot and he knew the two of them had already been drinking in hiding there on several occasions, but he liked that they were now considered old enough to be able to go there without having to dodge.
"So, how were things at school this year?" his dad asked, pouring some beer into each of their glasses, sitting on the wooden bench he and Sirius had helped to assemble last summer. "Any news?" Fleamont lingered at James, but then smiled at Sirius and glared at him too.
"Yeah, I think I'm liking someone," Sirius said, and then looked at the glass of beer in front of him on the pine table.
''You think? How can this be? Either you are, or you aren't.” Fleamont didn't seem to judge him, that gentle smile that had James spilling so much of his secrets over the past few years to his dad for help.
"She's a little complicated," Sirius ran a hand through his hair, taking a sip of his beer. ‘’ She says she doesn't want anything, but then she gets mad when I talk to another girl? I don't know, I like her, I just don't know how… you know?’’
"No." James didn't know how Sirius still hadn't learned to never do that to his dad. Fleamont would never say what he thought you meant, even if he was sure what it was, he would always make you talk.
‘’How to tell her.’’ It was funny and almost frightening how Sirius looked like someone else when he arrived at his house. There he didn't have to pretend anything or be an asshole to draw attention, his parents were always willing to listen to him, just like they did with James and that's probably why he always seemed very comfortable telling things to Fleamont, like now.
"Well, I think you two are friends at least?" Sirius nodded. ‘’So, be honest with her. What do you have to lose?''
‘’Her friendship? Humiliate me? Do you hate me, Monti?’’
"Sirius, don't talk like that," Fleamont stood up, a little slower than he used to when James was younger, but still quick for a man of nearly sixty. "When I told Mia I liked her," He floated a pot of potato chips off the top of one of the cupboards, like he did after James had behaved himself and helped him clean the yard. ‘’I felt like I might pass out at any moment, I was in a cold sweat… We were in front of her house, at night, after I took her on a date,’’
''I hope you were respectful Monti, I don't want to be disappointed in you when I found out you took her to a dodgy bar.'' Sirius joked, making James laugh along with him, knowing he'd just done it to make himself feel less nervous.
Sirius did this whenever someone was paying attention to him and actually treating him as an equal, James had noticed this over the years.
"Of course not, we went to a fair near her house," Fleamont sat back down, putting a portion of the potatoes into a smaller pot. ''Anyway, at the end of the night, I knew I needed to tell her that I loved her, which today I think was a silly thing, because I didn't even know what love was yet,'' He shrugged, a smile on his face. "I was young and Mia was, and still is, the most beautiful woman I've ever met, I felt I couldn't let her go without knowing it."
"She said she liked you too?" James asked, and for the first time he was interested in that story. His dad looked at him with that look that said he knew exactly why James was paying attention, but he didn't say anything.
"No, and it made me very angry and humiliated." He glanced at Sirius, who raised his eyebrows as if proving a point. ''But I wasn't fair to her, Mia was just being truthful, but I was too young to understand that sometimes things just don't happen at the right time... A few weeks later, I met her at a family dinner and we talked, and she said she didn't love me, but she liked me.'' He shrugged. "I think she loves me these days, I mean we're married and we have a family." Sirius chuckled.
"How did you know she was the right one?" James asked, looking at his half-finished beer. "I mean, let's assume," Monti nodded, paying attention to what he said as if it were the most interesting thing. ‘’If you had dated other people and so did she, how would you know she was the right person?’’
“Hm… wouldn't know, son.” Fleamont shrugged, pouring himself more beer. ‘’And I didn't know then either. Just happened.''
"I asked Hestia out," Sirius admitted, and not even James knew it, so he turned his head to his friend with an almost incriminating look, but it was gone as soon as he saw the annoyed smile on his lips. ‘’But she didn't want to go, so… I guess she's ashamed of me? I don't know, she's really smart and a good girl, I don't think she wants to be seen with a guy like me.”
“A guy like you?” Fleamont grabbed some chips.
"Monti, no need to pretend you don't know," Sirius rolled his eyes. "I don't have a good family, and you've had to sign a lot of letters because of my detentions."
‘’Hm… yeah, you're right about the detentions, but the family? Sirius, you are not a reflection of your parents' mistakes. Maybe she doesn't want to go out with you right now, and maybe, most likely, you aren't even the problem at all. Who can guarantee us that she… Hestia, right? That Hestia isn't going through a difficult time where she doesn't really know how to deal with this sort of thing, and just needs some time? You're not always the villain in the story, son, actually you never were.'' Sirius looked like he wanted to deny it, James noticed how his brow furrowed, but it eased as Fleamont pushed the pot of chips towards him, a fatherly smile at the lips that seemed to make Sirius' beast fall back to the ground like a trained dog.
James thought of Lily, the things he'd witnessed over the past few months and how she seemed to be dealing with a lot more than that these past few days. He still remembered how sad she looked when she read a letter that had come to her from her mum. James didn't ask what was written, of course, but he tried to make her smile for the rest of the day and during their patrol, hating that her brow was so furrowed.
The war was getting worse, a lot of people were dying, and the mini death eaters were really putting into practice what they had been learning in the last few years. It was frustrating, to say the least, that Dumbledore did nothing to stop sixteen-year-olds from getting their arms marked by Voldemort.
He wished he could help her, not just because now that spark of feeling inside his chest had become a scorch of acres and would leave a huge footprint inside him, but because James really cared about her before anything else.
"Dad, um…" James began, not quite sure how to speak, or what. ‘’Can we install a muggle phone?’’
"Of course," Fleamont smiled, just as he had smiled at Sirius. ‘’And you son, how was school?’’
‘’Well, I… Nothing too important but… it was a good year. There haven't been a lot of detentions this year, so I think it's a win.” He joked, just because it was a little weird talking about it with his dad.
"But he wanted to be dating," Sirius nudged, pouring more beer into his glass.
“Oh, is that that muggle girl?” Fleamont at least looked away, spending more time than necessary picking out some chips to eat. James mentally thanked him.
"No, and Sirius doesn't know what he's talking about." James rolled his eyes, wanting to push him off the stool. ‘’I decided that this year I will dedicate myself to studies.’’
"Oh James, you don't have to lie to your old man so much like that, it's okay, your mum isn't here so come on, tell me, what can I help you with?"
"It's her again, Monti," Sirius reveals, as if he doesn't say much.
James wanted to kill him now.
‘’Evans? Oh, son, are we still in it? When will I meet her? I'm starting to imagine you guys invented her because it's been almost five years since I first heard her name and never saw her.” Sirius and his dad laugh together, watching James blush like a fool. ‘’What happened this time? I thought you had raised a white flag for her… Is it because of her that you want to install the phone?’’
‘’It's just… She has family issues, and I think she's going to be alone this vacation since Marlene has traveled and Hestia too, so… I just thought about trying to call her. She gave me her phone number before classes ended, and I think it might cheer her up, I don't know, we're friends and I don't want to-’’
‘’Mate, you kissed her today, what kind of friendship is this?’’
''I wasn't the one who kissed her, she was the one who came at me, and for Merlin's sake, can't you shut up?!'' Fleamont doesn't intervene in the boys' discussion, seeming to enjoy it, and James almost took back everything he said and ran to his room to hide under the covers, but his dad seemed to notice this and became serious again.
"James," he said, in a warning tone but still with the shadow of a smile on his face. "It's kind of you to worry about her like that, anyway, but I think Sirius is right, I don't believe there are friendships where people kiss."
‘'She didn't even talk to me about it later, she just… ran away, leaving me alone. I don't think she even wanted to do that or I’m a bad kisser.'’
‘’It is a possibility, for sure,’’
"Even more if we think you ate that plum candy before the meeting, which smells disgusting." Sirius grimaced.
"But, you even said, she's having problems at home, and like I told Sirius, it's not all about you. She probably doesn't know what to do or say either, and is afraid of ruining the friendship… The best thing to do is ask her what it means, but knowing that maybe the answer will hurt you. It's a risk you take.” James nodded, looking at the beer kegs near the wall, and then down to his own glass again. "We'll install the phone and you'll call her, maybe that doesn't encourage Sirius to be less fearful and send Hestia a letter." Fleamont smiled. "There's nothing to lose, for either of you, just tell them how you feel."
''Haha! He would die before he did that, you know what he did last month?’’ James grinned vengefully, dodging Sirius' hand that tried to cover his mouth as his dad laughed at them both.
"Potter, just do it."
"Padfoot, what if she curses me-"
''She is not going.''
‘’ But she can. ’’
‘’Call her for fucking sake!’’
"Quiet or my mum will listen, and she doesn't need to know we can swear." James took a deep breath, the crumpled paper in his hands trembling as he noted the number written there, then looked at the buttons on the phone.
The man who came to install it had explained to them how it worked, but James was so nervous he'd forgotten all about it.
"Just dial!" Sirius cried for the umpteenth time, sitting beside him in the armchair, a Muggle magazine in his hands.
"Mum will kill you if she sees this." James pointed at the five women in bikinis, in very indecent positions for a rock magazine.
''Shut up Potter, and call her or I'll do it.'’ James huffed, rolling his eyes and looking at the numbers again.
Okay, he could do that.
Yes, just do it, James.
"Hello?" Evans' sweet voice sounded from the other end, it didn't sound much like her, it was a little more harsh and hurt than James used to hear, but it was definitely her. He tried to picture her by the phone, probably wearing a T-shirt from some muggle band he didn't know but would try to learn about just to impress her.
"Hello… Lily?"
“James?” Her voice radiated happiness then, as if she were grinning from ear to ear. His stomach turned over. ''Is that you?''
"Yes, yes it's me." Sirius chuckled softly, patting him on the shoulder and walking out of the room, probably so James would feel more comfortable being a lovesick fool. ''How are you?''
‘’I'm fine, I… how did you call me? Did you buy a phone?
"It was something my dad had wanted for a long time, so it was pretty easy to convince him." James grinned. “I just called to…um…just to say I like you, Evans. I really like it, and maybe you don't feel that way, and I know things aren't easy, but I really care about you, and if you don't… like me, that's fine, I'll understand. But ever since you kissed me I… I keep thinking about you, and I keep thinking about kissing you again, so I called just to tell you that… I like you a lot, Lily.'' James took a deep breath, feeling as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
Lily took a while to speak, which made him a little, very, nervous, and James even considered hanging up the phone and never using it again, but he remembered what his dad had said about listening to what she had to say and not rush.
"I…I like you too, James." He could hear her smile, even though her voice was a little quieter now. "I can't stop thinking about you and our kiss, either." His cheeks would tear. ‘’And… would you like to go out with me? For a date?’’
"Evans, I think if you asked me to jump off a bridge right now, I would." She laughed, one of the most beautiful sounds James had ever heard in his life. ''Yes I do.''
‘’Great, I… I need to turn it off now because Petunia is taking a shower and if I take too long the water will be cold and she won't leave me alone anymore, but-’’
"I'll call you later," James said before she even asked. He didn't lie when he said he would do anything for her, and if that meant talking to her on the phone overnight, he would. It was so much better than a letter, it took less time, and there was also the fact that he could hear her voice. It couldn't be better. "See you later, Lily."
"See you, James."
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angstymarauder · 3 years
His Time of the Month {R.L} (Part 2)
Remus Lupin x Female!reader part 1
summary: You know about your boyfriends lycanthropy and you love him regardless, but sometimes the words he speaks on the days leading up to the full moon still hurt. A lot.  
word count: 1.1kish
contains: angst, troubles with self-worth, ending is left up to interpretation
a/n: the reader has trouble with self-worth in this and I would just like to say that your feelings and self-worth should NEVER EVER rely on the words of others, especially those of your loved ones. I know how hard it is to hear people, who say they love you, ridicule you, and say things that make you feel like shit. And its like - you know they don’t mean to hurt you, but it doesn't change how much pain you feel. I’ve been there (and sometimes I still go there) and while it is a big process filled with tears, cutting people off, arguments defending yourself, and just a lot a lot a lot of self-acceptance, it is possible to stop letting them get to you. YOU are the only validation you need. I love you for who you are and you should love yourself for who you are. My messages are always open, loves <3
He messed up.
And he knew he messed up, but his own mind was working against him and at that moment his rational mind couldn’t overpower the anger that had been building up all day.
Always his enemy, he wanted to blame the lycanthropy, but his rational mind knew that this was all his fault. You have been nothing but loving and understanding about everything when it came to his condition. Night after night you had sat there, taking his screaming and yelling, trying to calm him down, never leaving an argument with unresolved issues, but tonight he watched himself jump over the line that you had pushed back for his time and time again.
Remus stood in the now-empty tower, the sounds of your fading footsteps running down the stairs, each step another ache in his chest. The anger in his mind was screaming at your retreating footsteps. Words of detest, saying that you hated him. That you gave up on him. That you thought he was a monster just like everyone else. But the rational part of his mind sat in the back of his head screaming the truth over all the other noise and he knows he can’t blame you for this. He knows this is his fault. And somehow that idea just made him even angrier.
Angry at his lycanthropy. Angry at the world. Angry at everyone else.
But most of all, he was angry at himself, because he never wanted to hurt you.
Because he doesn't know what he would do without you. Losing you would be the worst thing that could ever happen to him. It would be like ripping all the pieces of his human heart straight out of his chest, leaving only the animalistic urges that show themselves once a month. Without you he might as well never transform back, find a way to stay a werewolf forever.
Suddenly Remus’ senses pick up on footsteps, coming up the stairs this time. He knew whose steps those belonged to, so when James opened the door to the West Tower, Remus was not surprised. Breathlessly, from running up all those stairs, James said “what…. the fuck …. is happening ….up …. here?” taking a breath in between each couple of words.
Running his scarred fingers through his hair, Remus turned to look at his sweaty friend. “I fucked up. I fucked up big time.” He began pacing, the events becoming clearer and more realistic in his mind with each word, “With y/n, I fucked up big time.”
· · · ∞ · · ·
“HE SAID WHAT?” screamed Marlene, now pacing around your shared dorm room, “I’m going to kill that lanky-ass son-of-a-bitch.”
“Marls, please,” Lily spoke softly after glancing at your tired expression. Heartache tends to wear a person out.
The redhead sat down beside you at the edge of your bed, running her hand up and down your back, allowing you to relax a little more. Whispering in your ear so the others didn’t hear, she spoke, “listen, just wait until Tuesday, after the full moon once he’s all cooled down, and then talk to him, ok?”
You nodded at her words even though they barely entered your mind, your head already racing with thoughts you couldn’t bring yourself to say out loud. Lily soon ushered you to sleep, the exhaustion evident in your eyes.
But you couldn’t fall asleep. Questions floating around as your brain sprinted marathons in your head, trying to answer them, and coming up with nothing. Could you ever trust Remus again? How do you know that the next time you fight he won’t say those words again? Did he mean them? Or was it his lycanthropy? How much of these arguments can you even blame on his lycanthropy? And when does it become his fault? You can’t use his lycanthropy as an excuse for everything, but you also don’t want to use it against him….
Did he mean them? That was the question your mind kept circling back around to. Did he mean them? Are your worst fears and deepest insecurities true? Are you good enough? If the person who has told you they’re in love with you, time and time again, doesn’t think so, then how are you supposed to?
Tossing and turning, you woke up, no less tired than the night before. It took effort to get dressed that morning, almost wanting to stay in bed all day, but knowing you couldn’t. Marlene, Lily, and Mary persuaded you to breakfast in the Great Hall. You avoided Remus, in fact, you avoided all of the Marauders. Their presence, only a reminders of your bleeding heart. Remus seemed to be giving you space and, for that, you were grateful. But just the mere sight of him sent you back to your bedroom where you spent the rest of the day, claiming illness to your professors.
· · · ∞ · · ·
It was 3am, you assumed, as you got out of bed. In only your pajamas you quietly made your way through the halls without interruption. Your feet leading you to the top of the astronomy tower where you stared at the sky.
The full moon. Your voice quivered above a whisper as you cast a small silencing spell before allowing sobs to begin escaping your mouth. You thought about Remus as you stared into the moon. Hearing his howls in the distance, you couldn’t help yourself from asking the stars to keep a watch over him.
· · · ∞ · · ·
They found you passed out in the astronomy tower, Lily and Mary, your tear-stained cheeks and dark circles made your previous actions evident. Your roommates came searching for you as soon as they woke up to find your bed empty.
Mary insisted on taking you to the infirmary. Lily, as the only other girl who knew about Remus’ lycanthropy, tried to stop it, but Mary wasn’t hearing it.
Your body began to wake up, your consciousness returning to you slowly, allowing yourself to regain feeling in your fingers and your toes before attempting to open your eyes.
You’ve been in the infirmary plenty of times to visit Remus, but you’ve never been in one of the beds before. You don’t even remember how you got here. Sorting through your memories you last remember being in the astronomy tower staring at… the moon. It was the full moon last night, which means -
“Hey.” He spoke softly. You could feel his eyes staring into your figure. Remus was so surprised when he woke up in the infirmary, the night after one of his worst full moons, to see you two beds over. Your skin lacked its normal shine and tears still stained your beautiful lips. His heart ached over knowing that it was he who caused them. He knows that James said to give you some time, but seeing you here like this, he had to let you know how sorry he was.
You turn to face him, your eyes locking almost instantly, “hey.”
His eyes bore into yours, an expression of complete love, sorrow, and vulnerability filled every inch of them and as he spoke the words, “I’m sorry,” you knew they were true.
lol i was so confused on how to end this and every ending I wrote felt wrong so I'm just gonna leave it up to your imaginations, sorry
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weasel-b33 · 3 years
500 Miles (j.p x fem!reader)
Description: A few years after the birth of your son Harry, you and your husband James recall the beginning of your relationship. (NO VOLDY I CAN NOT DO THAT TO MYSELF) 
Warnings: Fluff, Kissing, A little Swearing, idk Cute Daddy James, Prolly many spelling errors I wrote this late and I am very tired...
Also the dates may be a bit wrong so im sorry in advance!! 
italicized is flashback!! 
Lyrics used in the song are from “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers (I KNOW THE SONG CAME OUT IN ‘87 BUT SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF PLEASE)
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(not my gif)
The rambunctious laughter of the four year-old toddler and his father echoed throughout the large estate.
“Daddy!” exclaimed the messy haired Harry, “Can I please have a story.” Heavily emphasizing the puppy dog eyes he learned from his godfather, Sirius, a few years prior.
James Potter, the man unable to say no to anyone, tried to recall a story he had not told his son. Thinking back to the fairy tales of a prince slaying a fictional dragon, even though they are very much real, to save the princess that his mother used to tell him, James realized he was all out of good material. 
“I’m sorry bubs, I have nothing new too share,” the bespectacled man added lamely. The disappointment was instant on the child’s face, but luckily before the waterworks began, Y/N Potter strolled through the foyer into the den.
“Mommy!” Harry exclaimed, jumping up and bonding over to his mother, nearly knocking her over with his brute strength.
“Umph- Where’s the fire lovey?” you questioned with a slight chuckle. The dramatics of your son were never a surprise. Between his father and Sirius, you were surprised he had not acted much worse. Walking, more like sliding due to the child gripping your calves, over to your husband and lightly pecking his lips you ask, 
“What’s wrong now?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, he sheepishly stated, “I sorta don’t have a new story to tell him... he’s a bit peeved, if you couldn’t tell.”
A loud laugh tore through your throat as you pet your son’s hair affectionately.
“Come off Harry, Mommy has a perfect story to tell you,” you crooned softly.
“You do?”Harry questioned, rubbing the tears out of his stunning green eyes.
You picked him up and sat down near James, “Yes poppet, I have a very interesting story about how two very special people fell in love.” 
James quickly turned his head and quirked a questioning brow, “It all started when they were 15...” 
November 7, 1975
Quietly sitting on the vermilion couch of the Gryffindor Common Room, you began to fade out the noise of Lily ranting about the recent History of Magic exam, and Marlene’s long monologue over if she should or should not cut bangs. Instead, you were beginning to rip out each and every one of the hairs on your head because your Potions essay was nearly finished, yet you could not get those final words to conclude it all. 
Across the common room, a rowdy group of teenage boys, better known as the Marauders, were planning the newest prank on Snape. 
"We should give him that shampoo that will change his hair pink,” Sirius added.
Remus shook his head disapprovingly, “Pads, we did that last time come on..”
“WE HAVE NOTHING! WHAT IS WRONG WITH US, MOONY, HELP I’M DYING OF NO CREATIVITY!” Sirius exclaimed throwing himself across the scarred boy.
Although, many people turned their attention to the dark haired pureblood, James seemed he could not take his eyes off the girl nearly burning holes into her parchment, the girl he has fancied since he was 12. 
While playing with the snitch he stole, he said, “What if we tried that new rain spell we learned in charms today?” 
“Too difficult, we have not had enough practice.” Remus dismissed. “Well what if I found someone to practice on?” James added quickly turning to face his werewolf best friend. 
“Sure... Whatever, I could care less- Pads, get the bloody hell of me before I kick your arse,” 
“I’D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY REMUS JOHN,” Sirius yelled beginning his quick climb up the stairs to the boys dorm, with Remus and Peter quickly following.
“You comin’ Prongs?” Remus asked to the brunette still staring at the girl with shaky hands.
“No, I’ll come up in a few, still want to try to figure this prank out...” he said quietly. The lanky boy followed his best friends line of sight and quietly smirked to himself.
“Alright, don’t wear yourself out too much.” 
Even throughout the commotion, you still made no move to change your line of sight. That was until Marlene nudged you and whispered into your ear.
“Psst! Oi! Y/N! Why is Potter staring at you?” 
You quickly shook your head and waved off her question, opting to continue to find the right words.
Well until your blonde friend gripped your jaw, and turned your head to the direction of the boy. You instantly made eye-contact with the messy haired Gryffindor and quirked a brow. He smirked and turned his head away. You thought nothing of the interaction, until you felt a sudden drop above your head...
Instantly, it seemed as though there was a storm in the common room. Looking towards the ceiling you saw the dark rain cloud above your head. Quickly turning your head to the essay you were writing you noticed it completely wet and ruined. You jumped into action, trying to salvage what you could, but it was too late. Ignoring the screeches of your friends and fellow housemates, you began to look for the source of the cloud.
That was until you made eye contact with the laughing and smug James Potter.
“POTTER!” you yelled. Almost immediately the rain stopped, but the damage had been done. “JAMES POTTER! YOU BETTER HAVE A REASON YOU STARTED A STORM IN THE COMMON ROOM!” 
Hearing the commotion, the rest of the Marauders came down to the common room to witness what was happening. But all they saw was a yelling match between you and their brunette best friend.
“What? I did nothing, I don’t mean to dampen your mood, but I have no idea what you are on about.” James replies smugly.
“UGH- YOU ARE A BULLY AND A RIGHTEOUS, STUCK UP, EGOTISTICAL ARSEHOLE! I HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING THIS BECAUSE-- OH MY! I-” You were quickly being dragged away by your red head companion. 
“Y/N, he is not worth it... let’s just leave.” 
“Y/N, it was just a prank, its no big deal relax.” James said.
“RELAX! ARE YOU KIDDING... I-” you paused taking shallow and rapid breaths, ‘you know I can not believe you think its funny. You truly have no regard for people and how they feel do you?” you asked slowly and meticulously. 
“Prongs, just apologize and lets go..” Remus said quickly.
“I- I didn’t realize it would be that big of a deal.” James tried to say to you, but it was no use because you had already dragged Lily and Marlene out the common room and to the library to re-start your assignment. 
“Oh, COME ON! I did not” James stated jokingly.
“Darling, you must certainly did, I barley passed that essay as well. I blame you for me getting an E in that class.” You replied giggling.
“Moooommmyyy! Story, get back to the story,” Your son said dramatically, grabbing your cheeks and turning to face him for extra effect.
Hearing a chuckling from James in the background, “Alright bubs, back to the the story”
January 23, 1976
After months of back and forth between you and James, he was fed up trying to get your attention. From roses to chocolate, to even a firework show in your honor, James believed he had done everything to apologize to you for his stupid prank and prove his affection.
Tired of his friends constant whining, Remus and Sirius decided to take matters into their own hands and talk to someone who knew you better than anyone else, Lily and Marlene.
“Oh Evans, Mckinnon, we are in grave need of your beautiful minds” Sirius flirted. Remus smacked him across the head adding, “Ignore the git, we need some help its about-”
“James?” Lily and Marlene said in unison.
“Yeah...how did you know” Remus questioned. “Are we gonna ignore the fact they spoke at the same time” Sirius said, once again receiving a blow from his friend.
Rolling her eyes, Lily remarked, “Well, Y/N has been complaining about him for months,” Marlene quickly interjected, “...and you never are without him so its an easy assumption. 
Now its was the boys turn to roll their eyes to the back of their heads. “Anyways, he will not shut up about getting her to forgive him... so we were wondering if you had anything that could work to get her to forgive him?” Remus pleaded with the best Sirius puppy dog eyes he could muster.
“Fine,” Lily and Marlene said jointly.
“THEY DID IT AGAI- OH NOT YOU TOO AS WELL!” Sirius exclaimed rubbing the now sore bump on his head. 
Ignoring the dog’s dramatics, the group of four began conducting a plan for James that would knock Y/N’s socks off.
At this point, Harry had nestled between his parents and fell into a deep sleep.
The two of you put him to bed and settle down back into the living room.
Looking longingly at his wife, James says, “Well, might as well finish the story love... it is the best part.”
Giggling at the antics of your husband, you shrug and began to finish the story...
February 14, 1976 
The Great Hall looked as though Cupid had just went on a decorating rampage. The room lined with pink and red hearts and the sight of loving couples nearly made you want to gag. Then, you remembered the boy who has dying to get your attention for the past months and can not seem but to get excited.
What does he have planned for you? Is he gonna get me a gift? Do I look presentable? 
“WHAT!” you quickly think to yourself, “Why in Merlin’s name am I excited to to see Jame- Potter. Godric I can’t feel like this for him... He his as a fly that buzzes and will not leave me alone... but he is not the worst to look at”
You quickly snap out of your thoughts as Lily starts to put food onto your plate. You begin to eat, but can only think of one thing.
James Potter.
“Why?” You begin questioning again, “Godric, Y/N You like him... No I do not.. You realize you are having this whole conversation within your brain, right? It is obvious you like him...” you grumble to yourself as you realize your psyche has won once again.
Lily noticing your strange behavior begins to question if you discovered what they have planned. 
Almost as though the boys heard Lily’s thoughts the beginning of the plan is activated.
Instantly, the candles in all of the Great Hall extinguish and there is the beginning of a song plays.
Suddenly, a spotlight shines onto the teachers table where atop, James and the rest of the Marauders stand, Remus and Sirius with guitars and Peter on the drums. James holding a mic begins to sing...
When I wake up, Well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next to you.
Your head snaps to the noise and there you see in all of his glory, James Potter holding a microphone staring straight at you.
When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along.
Quickly shoving the breakfast roll down your throat you nearly choke as you see the boy slowly make his way towards the front of the Gryffindor table.
When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you.
Your eyes widen comically when you see James Potter jump onto the Gryffindor table. 
And when I haver, hey I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you.
Slowly, the boy begins his walk across the table to where you sit. You try to make a run for it, but Lily and Marlene quickly grab your arms and anchor you down to the bench 
“What friends you are!” you hiss at the two.
Marlene just rolls her eyes and Lily pinches your hip.
And I would roll 500 miles And I would roll 500 more Just to be the man who rolls a thousand miles To fall down at your door
Once the boy is standing in front of you he reaches down for your hand. Stubbornly, you ignore his gesture, well until your two friends throw you up onto the table with the love struck brunette. 
When I come home well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you And when I grow old, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you.
You grip onto the boys biceps for stability and are forced to look into his ravishing hazel eyes...
In that moment you forget all that he has done to you in the past and all you can think about is him and you. 
But I would roll 500 miles And I would roll 500 more Just to be the man who roles a thousand miles To fall down at your door.
Smiling, to yourself, you grab the face of the boy in front of you and mold your lips together. Ignoring the cheers of your classmates, the only sounds you hear are the background noise of the boy’s best friends signing backup. 
Da da da  Da da da                                                                                                            Da Da Dun Diddle                                                                                            Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da Da.....
Smiling to yourself and grabbing the hand of the man you love you start laughing.
“What’s so funny, love?” James asks.
“Nothing.... Just we began dating because you performed a whole song and dance in front of the entirety of Hogwarts.” you reply breathlessly.
“Well, hey, look at us now... happy, healthy, and a true family.” he replies smiling at your antics.
You lay down your head into the lap of your husband, and look up into his hazel eyes you got lost into all those years ago, “Such a sap, Potter, such a sap...”
Kissing your cheek softly, “Only for you, my darling girl... only for you...” 
“I love you Jamie”
“I love you more, my love.”            ______________________________________________________________
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dreamifics · 3 years
Favorite Crime
James Potter x Reader
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Summary: Y/N L/N and James Potter were in a relationship together, Y/N was too blind to see James Potter's intentions. Just pure angst.
Know that I loved you so bad
I let you treat me like that
I was your willing accomplice, honey
James Potter..
How would I describe him? Charming, Endearing or just a prick? He was everything I wanted, I loved him. I didn't see it back then.. How his eyes would fall on her, how he did anything just to make her smile. I never gave it much thought, I was too busy giving him heart shaped looks to notice that I was really not the one he loves but he was all I loved.
"Y/N, would you mind if we skip our date today?Lily needs some help with a few things." He asked..
"We haven't hang out with each other for weeks now.." I hinted.
"I'm sorry, but Lily needs my help."
"It's your choice, I don't own you." I answered with a frown..
"Alright, I'll see you tommorow." He still chose Lily, but I still didn't give that much a thought.
It's been weeks since me and James last hang out, just us. Today he told me he was studying in the library, but he wasn't there.. Where was he? I spotted Remus not far from me, I walked up to him.
"Hey, Remus!Did you see James anywhere?He told me he was studying in the library but he's not there.." I questioned one of his friends.
"Ohh..He didn't tell you?"
"What?" I nervously asked.
"He went to Hogsmeade with Lily.."
"Yeah, he didn't tell you that?" He asked..
"No!No!I think he did, I must've forgot." Maybe, I just forgotten about it..
Even though I saw the signs, I ignored it. I was innocent and inlove, every red flags I saw went down the drain. Just because I love, I let him fool me like that.
And I watched as you fled the scene
Doe-eyed as you buried me
One heart broke, four hands bloody
Quidditch practice has just ended, sweat and muscle aches was all I could feel. I'm walking back inside when I saw James waiting for me. I was delighted to see him, I felt my heart raced as our eyes meet.
"Y/N, can we talk?" My smile dropped when I sensed that this was about something serious.
"Of course!" I gave him a timid smile.
"I--Uhh, I don't know how to say this but.." He walks up to me, his eyes blank. This was not the James I knew..
"What?" I questioned unsure of how I should react.
"I'm breaking up with you.."
And just like that, I died..
"W-What?" The information refused to sinked in, my lungs suddenly collapsed as tears fell in my eyes.
"I'm sorry. " I looked him in the eyes, there were no guilt or remorse. It's like he already moved on.
"Sorry?That's all you could say?" I laugh bitterly and dry, he just moved his eyes away from me.
"I don't know what--"
"I mean, why?Is it because I'm not pretty enough?Or is it--"
"Prongs!Professor McGonagall's asking for you!" Sirius shouts from a far.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I have to go." The tears flooded down my cheeks as my heart broke to thousand of pieces. Why did he do that to me? After that day, insecurity and anxiety became my new companion.
It didn't take long for James to move on because the next week, the news of Lily and James relationship spread Hogwarts like a wild fire.
"I saw the two of them kissing when James was still with Y/N." I heard from a student, so that's the reason. He cheated, he didn't love me, he wanted Lily not me.
"I heard from Sirius that James just used Y/N to make Lily jealous." And that caught my attention, I saw my friends give me a concern look.
"Let's just go, Y/N..Don't mind them."
They pulled me away from the crowded halls and into our house common room. Did he really just use me? I felt the tears appearing on my warm eyes. It suddenly made sense, the time James and Lily went to Hogsmeade, that's when he totally changed for the worst.
"Y/N, don't you dare cry!" My friend warned me, but it was too late. The tears involuntary fell from my eyes, they couldn't help but feel pity for me. A silent sob escapes my lips, I felt my heart getting worse when I try to breathe. Insecurities seems to find it's way to my brain as my thoughts started to compare Lily to me.
James Potter killed me, not with the killing curse but with a much worser curse ever to exist..
Those things I did
Just so I could call you mine
The things you did
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
In our relationship, I tried everything to make him stay. To refrain him from finding another. I did anything he enjoyed doing, to pulling pranks on Slytherin to skipping class to sneak out of Hogwarts. I did everything he wanted,  just so I could call him mine..
"Oh my god!Malfoy's gonna lose his sanity when he finds out that we put a charmed pink hair dye in his shampoo!" I giggled as we walk away from the Slytherin tower.
"I know!And I couldn't have done it without you, love.." James smiled cheekily at me.
And all James did was call me his but leaves once Lily showed up. He killed me, James Fleamont Potter killed me, he committed a crime, a treason. He betrayed me, he used me.. He's a criminal and I hope to Godric that I'm his favorite crime..
You used me as an alibi
I crossed my heart as you crossed the line
And I defended you to all my friends
I should've trusted my instincts, I didn't listen to my guts when it screamed inside me to not fall for James. And it turns out that it was right, James only used me as an excuse to make Lily Evans jealous.
"And if I put this king here, I would---mmm" James cut me off with a heart shaking kiss, we were in the great hall playing chess when he suddenly kissed me.
Back then I thought that it was sweet but reminiscing now, he only did that when Lily walked in. I was too busy melting in his kiss to notice it, ignorance is really a bliss.
Stupidity really runs in the course of my veins, I should've listen to my friends when they said that there was something odd with James.
"I'm telling you, Y/N..He's just using you as a distraction from his feelings to Lily!" A dear friend of mine pointed out to me.
"James is not like that, I've know him since we were little.."
"Since you know him so well, you also know his weirdly obsession with Evans!" Another dear friend of mine points out.
"Stop being like this guys, he's not like that.." I protested.
Oh, how wrong was I? James was everything they said he was, I was naive enough to defend him. See, how much I loved him.. Love is really something..
And now, every time a siren sounds
I wonder if you're around
'Cause you know that I'd do it all again
Now, it's hard to trust anyone who crosses my path. When they tell a word James once spoke, this siren suddenly blast in my mind and memories of us immediately flashes in my head.
"I like you, Y/N.." A Hufflepuff student confessed to me, I couldn't help but remember James..
"I like you, Y/N..More than I should like a friend.." James was a great pretender.
Now, trusting for me is much harder than killing. I'm afraid, because I know that it will happen again. I'm scared, because I'd do it all again. I will feel the same pain I felt when I was with him.
James Potter killed everything in me..
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we do
'Cause I was going down, but I was doing it with you
Yeah, everything we broke, and all the trouble that we made
But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
Oh, look what we became
The damage he did is still present to this day, because it's still embedded in the walls of mind, it still lingered in my heart. I was never happy with him, but it's nice to know that he wasn't happy with me either, we were miserable with each other, I was going down with him.
I guess, I'm also in the blame, we both committed crimes but not the same crime. We both caused damage, it's sad to think that after all the troubles we did, I don't regret anything. I hate you, but I keep saying that with a smile in my face.
Why? Because in the end, we were both in the wrong. James used me, betrayed me but I let him do it to me.. Ignored the red flags and warnings, turned a blind eye because I loved him. We both commit crimes that we both knowingly committed.
Well, I hope I was your favorite crime
Your favorite crime
Your favorite crime
'Cause baby, you were mine
James Potter was my favorite crime..
I just wrote this because I can't get this song off my head, I didn't re-read this, they might be typos or mistakes. If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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deadpcnned · 4 years
let’s talk about... sex? you&me? (s.b. x reader)
pairing: sirius black x reader 
summary: sirius and y/n struggle with the two things that make a relationship. sex and communication. 
warning(s): mentions of sex, uh i guess “steamy” scenes but no smut, sirius is written possibly ooc, also kinda angst ? 
word count:  6.7k 
a/n: this is sort of a mess but i enjoyed it anyway so oh well :p ALSO if you think anything i wrote in this is unconsensual in anyway pls lmk i do not support that AT ALL. anywayy here’s my first fic on this account hehe
A giggle left Y/N’s swelling lips as Sirius lowered her onto his bed. It had been luck that none of his dorm mates were there, but he was pretty sure he wouldn’t have cared if they had been. Not when the girl in front of him was letting out such beautiful labored breaths, a sound that only he got to hear. 
Y/N reconnected her lips to his, bringing her hand to cup the back of his neck. Sirius’ lips left hers again, but she didn’t have to let out the whine that was at the back of her throat as he began to nip at the skin of her neck, immediately turning it into a strangled moan. Tilting her head she allowed him to pepper straggled kisses down her neck to the exposed skin of her shoulder that peeked out from her jumper. Or rather his jumper. One of his hands gave him support as he hovered over her, while the other was pressed firmly to her side. He let the pad of his thumb rub circles into more exposed skin and Y/N felt the knot in her stomach grow. It was as though she couldn’t get enough of him. Her hands moved down from behind his neck to start unbuttoning his dress shirt. Sirius began to pull away from her neck but she quickly caught his lips in hers, causing him to smile against her. Her desperate kisses let him know just how badly she needed him. But as he pulled back again, he shifted his body so that he was now laying beside her, his arms sprayed out above him. 
Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed at the sudden lack of touch and she turned to Sirius with questioning eyes, “Are you okay?” 
“Hmm,” Sirius looked at her with his eyebrows shot up, as if the sudden shift of energy was completely normal. “Oh yah, of course, love. ‘M just tired. Wanna cuddle?” 
No. Y/N didn’t want to cuddle. Not when she could still feel his hands on every part of her he had touched and the effects of those touches on the parts he was yet to. But if Sirius was tired, then that was fine. It was actually only right. So she quietly rested her head on his shoulder (not missing the way he stiffened for a second), finding a different kind of pleasure in the way his fingers eventually began to run through her hair. 
It had been a few days since the awkward occurrence and Sirius seemed to be making it a point to do virtually everything in public. Every second that he had to spend with Y/N alone, he always seemed to be suggesting they spend it in some public area. Studying? The library. A walk? Near the quidditch field, where his mates seemed to interrupt every few minutes. But now they were running back hand in hand straight into the common room, trying to make sure they reached before Filch caught up to them. Their laughs were loud and their breath heavy as they ran through the portrait hole. Sirius collapsed onto the common room couch, not paying much mind to how empty the common room was. 
“I’ve got to hand it to you, Y/N/N,” Sirius spoke, still attempting to catch his breath. “Ditching potions to try to sneak into the kitchens was bloody worth it. Even if Filch might still be on our arse.”
Y/N chuckled as she stood across from the dark haired boy, taking in the site of him. He had shut his eyes and was clutching his stomach with one of his arms while the other was extended across the right side of the sofa. He was smiling, though, indicating that he truly did enjoy their endeavour. Merlin, he was beautiful. 
“If it was such a good idea,” drawled Y/N, her legs slowly carrying her closer to the Gryffindor boy. “Why don’t you give me a treat?” Sirius’ eyes snapped open as he felt her fall into his lap and her hands cup his shoulders. 
“After all, I didn’t really get that dessert…” she spoke, looking at him through her lashes. Sirius gulped, as he hesitantly wrapped one hand around her waist. Before Sirius could convince himself otherwise, he was responding to her. 
“You’re right,” He rasped. “Bloody Filch. How am I gonna treat my girl?” At this point their noses were brushing against each other, lips mere inches apart. 
“Mm, I have a few ideas,” Without another word, Y/N connected their lips. Her right hand weaved itself through his black hair and he let out a groan as she tugged on it. His hand had snuck under her robe, traveling up to her bare thigh as it reached the edge of her skirt. As Y/N realized Sirius made no plan to go further, she decided to take initiative. Pulling her lips away, she inched closer once again, lightly biting his bottom lip. Sirius gasped and she stuck her tongue into his mouth. Sirius didn’t even try to fight for any form of dominance as her tongue explored his mouth. All he could focus on was the way her hand was clutching his shoulder so tightly and the noises she was letting out against him. She moved her hand from his neck down his chest, and slowly (so slowly that Sirius wondered if he might’ve imagined it) she let her fingers barely brush past his crotch. But Sirius was sure he wasn’t imagining the way he was hardening underneath her. He quickly brought his hand to her neck, pulling her back and effectively disconnecting their lips. 
“Wha-” Y/N yelped, as Sirius set her beside him and jumped up from the couch. 
“Y/N! I completely forgot, James and I thought of this wicked prank!” Y/N hazily stared at the grinning boy, still trying to pull herself down from the high she had been experiencing. 
“Sirius, why don’t you tell me about it with James… you know, later.” She had a pout on her face, but Sirius laughed ignoring it. 
“Yes, let’s go right now. I’m pretty sure him and Peter are headed to the library after class.” He grabbed her hand but she halted his movements, causing him to look back at her with a confused expression. 
“There’s still an hour before classes end. We can’t go back right now.”
“Oh it’ll be fine, we can just go to the last of our classes,” Sirius began to walk, but was stopped once again by a quiet voice. 
“That’s alright. You should, um, go back to class. I think I’m going to head up to my dorm.” Sirius cringed at the way Y/N’s voice cracked at the end of her sentence, but he made no effort to show her he noticed. He nodded, his shit-eating grin unwavering. As she quietly went up the stairs Sirius sat back down on the couch, dropping his head into his hands. 
Upstairs, Y/N wiped her unwanted tears as she sat down on her bed. Sirius and Y/N had been together for nearly a month, which may not have been very long, but they had been pining after each other for a year and for even longer subconsciously. She was more than ready to go farther than just kissing with Sirius, but he seemed to be on a completely different page. Of course, Y/N didn’t mind that the guy she felt so deeply for wasn’t ready to go farther. In fact, she wanted him to feel more than comfortable when they did get there. What bothered her was that it was Sirius that she felt deeply for. Sirius Orion Black, the infamous lady’s man. He had slept with so many girls at Hogwarts that he had lost track (no really, he tried to keep a list when he had first lost his virginity). The same Sirius Black that had told Y/N that it was childish of her to not talk about sex with him because it was “completely natural and something friends talk about” when they were fourteen, was now making no move to do anything of the sorts. How was she not supposed to feel insecure when he had been thinking of James Potter while making out with her? What the fuck. 
Despite her insecurities and, frankly, her sexual frustration, Y/N had put her qualms aside by the next day. If Sirius wasn’t willing to have sex yet, that was completely his decision and she had to respect that. So, she sauntered into one of the classes they shared seating herself down next to him and kissing him on the cheek. She playfully winked at James who was glaring at her (he hadn’t quite forgiven the couple for kicking him out of his spot next to his best mate). 
“Hey,” Sirius said cautiously. “I didn’t see you at breakfast.”
“I overslept,” Y/N responded honestly. “I missed you though.” She grinned cheekily at the boy in front of her as she rested her arms on the table in front of her, resting her head on top. 
Sirius chuckled, scoffing, “Yah? You saw me yesterday.” He carefully watched her to see her reaction to him referencing the previous afternoon. But when her smile remained intact, he felt himself relax. She wasn’t angry. 
“I know. What can I say, you have that effect on me.” Sirius’ smile grew even larger, which Y/N didn’t think was possible but was so glad it was. “We’re still on for tomorrow right?”
“Obviously,” Sirius rolled his eyes, jokingly. “I would never miss a date with my girl.”
“Never? Be careful, Black. That’s a deadly promise.”
As the next day rolled by, Sirius found himself knocking on the young girl’s dorm. The door opened to reveal red hair and a pointed look. Lily stared at the boy in front of her and seemed to be sizing him up. 
“Um, is Y/N there?”
The red-head narrowed her eyes and carefully said, “she’s just finishing up in the bathroom… So where are you taking my friend, Black?” 
“Oh, c’mon, Lily. Don’t act like a stranger,” Sirius scoffed, obviously referring to the pair's very close friendship. Lily, who — though she’d never admit it— knew she was being a tad bit dramatic, kept her face stoic as she replied. 
“Well, when you date my best friend, this is the Lily you have to deal with. You chose this, Black.”
“If it means I get to date the girl of my dreams, I’d say it's an easy price to pay,” Sirius cheesily spoke, but the look on his face was genuine enough to elicit a positive reaction from his red headed friend.
“Good answer, Black. You’re welcome to come in,” Lily smiled, rolling her eyes. 
“Why, thank you. That’s very thoughtful of you, Potter.” Howling with laughter, Sirius dodged the pillow Lily harshly chucked at him from her bed (“I will never be a Potter!”). Sirius placed himself on Y/N’s tidied up bed and found himself smiling at her corner. He had been here multiple times before, but something felt so different now. Suddenly the muggle nightlight she kept between the corner of her bed and her night stand made his heart beat faster. And now getting to see the moving pictures of her friends and her lining her walls was a reminder of how lucky he was to be accepted into her life. And the poster of some famous wizard made his stomach turn with jealousy. Every mundane thing about her side of the room, had him spiraling out of control. 
“You didn’t have to meet me here, I could’ve just come to the common room,” Y/N’s voice pulled him out of his head and he shot up taking her in. She had a short white dress adorning her body and a carnation pink cardigan in her hand. Her hair was pulled into a loose ponytail, defining her cheekbones that carried a light blush. She looked gorgeous. She was gorgeous. 
“Thought I’d pick you up from your door like in those muggle movies you like.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not exclusively a muggle thing, but still very thoughtful, nonetheless,” Y/N mused, leaning up to kiss her boyfriend. 
“Yes, please pretend I’m not here.” Laughing, Y/N pulled back from Sirius. Apologizing to Lily, the couple left hand in hand. 
“Alright, babe, what’s the plan for today?” Sirius inquired, his hand quickly wrapping around Y/N’s shoulders pulling her closer. 
“Right, so since we still have class tomorrow, I know we can’t go anywhere, really. But I wanna show you something special. ”
“Ooo, somewhere special you say? Now tell me, where can my precious Y/N be taking me?” 
“You’ll just have to see,” Y/N winked up at the boy. 
Y/N’s destination had been the herbology greenhouse, which had sparked a lot of questions from Sirius. She explained that she had asked a professor to let the two of them spend some time there if they promised not to touch any of the plants. At first, Sirius had begged Y/N to let him steal some of the ingredients he needed for an upcoming prank he had planned on Severus, but quickly quieted down when he saw the disappointed look on his girlfriend's face. As he finally started to listen, she began to explain why the two of them were here. The night had ended with the two deciding to sneak some leftover dinner out of the kitchen and eat it in the astronomy tower. 
Huddled under James’ invisibility cloak, the teenagers tried to keep their giggles at a minimum.
“Oh, would you stop knocking your head into mine?”
“Me?! You stop!”
Finally, after a lot of hushing and, as a result, even louder laughs, they had made it into the Astronomy tower and were now situated on the floor. The pair ate their dinner in a comfortable silence, each of them reflecting on how they had felt that day. Sirius felt loved. They hadn’t shared the three words yet, but there was no other way to explain it. It felt like he had finally found the light out of the tunnel that he had been running through for the past six years, ever since the Sorting Hat had placed him in the house that bled red and gold. He felt loved, safe, worthy. And that terrified him. Throughout the last six years, all he had heard was that he ruined everything. The taunts came from the only other woman he had ever loved. Yes, it was in a very different way but it was his mother. He loved her and all she had ever done was tell him he didn’t deserve the same in return. But as he looked at Y/N as she silently gazed at the stars in front of her, he knew she would never hurt him like that. She was here to stay. Despite this, he still couldn’t bring himself to do the one thing he was yearning to do. 
However, Y/N wasn’t on the same page. She began to move her hand up and down Sirius’s thigh as she rested her head on his shoulder, peering up at him. “Sirius?”
“Hm?” But he never got a reply, instead having her capture his lips in a sloppy manner. She shifted so she was propped back on her elbows and Sirius responded by laying her down further.  After a few more moments Sirius could feel that this was once again headed in a direction he had been avoiding. His suspicions were confirmed when Y/N let her fingers play with the hem of his sweater, as if waiting for him to give her some form of permission. As she waited, she brought one of his hands to rest low on her inner thigh, giving him access to move it where he wished. Sirius’ mind was yelling for him to pull away, but as he looked at her laying beneath him he couldn’t help but give into his desires. His hand disappeared under her white dress and pinched at the soft skin of her thigh. Y/N let out a whimper as he began to rub circles in addition to occasionally pulling at the skin. Sirius pulled his lips away at the same time that he moved his hand to rub against her lace underwear. He couldn’t believe the sight in front of him. Y/N had her eyes squeezed shut as she let out quiet moans at the way his fingers were moving against her core. Sirius’ lips trailed down her throat as he considered what was happening. There Y/N was, underneath him, her arousal pooling in his hands, and her breaths showing just how desperately she needed him, and yet he couldn’t go through with what he wanted. Sirius opened his eyes and - somehow surprisingly to Y/N - pulled away, heaving. But Y/N figured if he wasn’t going to respond to her physical hints, she would just use her words. 
“We don’t have to stop,” Y/N mumbled, resting her hand on his cheek as she stared into the swirling storm of his eyes. 
“No, that’s okay.” Taken aback by his brashness, Y/N let a few minutes pass before she spoke. Everything in her mind was telling her it was a bad idea to voice her concerns, but she had to at least communicate with her fucking boyfriend. 
“Yes, love,” Sirius was looking out the window, his arms now extended behind him propping him up. 
“Why won’t you fuck me?” Sirius’ eyes snapped up to Y/N’s, a look of pure shock on his face. She wanted to run away and never meet his eyes again, but she held her ground. This was normal. Couples talked. 
“I- what? I’m not not - I don’t,” Sirius blabbered before he was cut off by Y/N.
“Don’t bother denying it. I mean you’ve been avoiding doing anything past making out, which is fine! I just… i just wanna know why, is all.” Her gaze was stuck on the ground as she whispered the last part.
“I don’t know what to say,” Sirius said, dumbfounded. 
“Um, I guess - well, are you uncomfortable? Are you not ready yet?” Y/N’s suggestion was innocent, but all Sirius heard were accusations. Sirius wasn’t necessarily the most mature lad and Y/N implying he was nervous about having sex (one of the things he prided himself on knowing best) seemed like an attack to his pride. 
“What? Of course not. I am not the least bit unready.”
“Oh, great then! If you’re worried about me, then you don’t need to be. I’m ready too, Sirius. I really want you.” FUCK. Sirius’ bloody ego had gotten in the way of his only decent excuse as to why he wouldn’t have sex with his own girlfriend. Who was now even closer to Sirius, a welcoming smile on her face. 
“N-no. I mean I’m ready but…” 
Y/N stared at Sirius unsure of what to do. This was definitely the most awkward moment the two had found themselves in in all the years they had known each other. Staring for a couple more seconds, Y/N leaned closer only to have Sirius lightly push her back. 
“I DON’T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU, Y/N!” He had uprooted from his spot and was now staring down at the girl, making her feel like an irritating child. She slowly rose up from her spot, tears now brimming her eyes as she looked at Sirius.
“Oh… so it’s me.”
“No.” Upon her eyes looking at him with a little more hope he quickly sputtered out, “I mean, yes. Yes, it’s you.” And just like that, tears were streaming down her face. She quickly ran around the slender boy, invisibility cloak be damned. Sirius’ shouts be damned. 
The next morning, Y/N had decided what had to be done. She greeted Lily with a smile as she normally would. She got ready for class as she normally would. And went down to meet up with Remus (who had a tendency to wake up late, just like her) as she normally would.
As the two friends talked casually, Remus didn’t even realize Y/N had sat down next to him in the Great Hall. But everyone else had. Y/N and Sirius had sat next to each other since second year. James claimed one side of Sirius’ while Y/N claimed the other. Even James had at times sat in other spots around the table, whether it was to try (and fail) to charm Lily or to tease Peter and Remus. But Y/N had never sat anywhere but next to Sirius and Sirius next to Y/N.
As the werewolf and witch’s laughter finally died down, they looked up to see the whole table staring at them. It was at that moment that Remus noticed the empty spot to the left of the boy across from him. His eyes shifted back to the girl next to him, watching as she quietly ate her food. 
“So, Y/N,” James began, a questioning look in his brown eyes. “Don’t wanna sit next to your boyfriend today?”
Sirius’ eyes were already trained on Y/N and the solemn look on his face couldn’t be missed. Her eyes met his for a fraction of a second before turning to James, a polite smile on her face as she replied. 
“Don’t have a boyfriend to sit next to,” She deadpanned. The clash of a fork was heard and now everyone, but the one person he wished was, was staring at Sirius. Unbeknownst to Y/N his eyes had gathered tears and he was looking at her as if his world had turned dark. Which it had. Her words had extinguished any form of light and now he was just wandering blind. He quickly shot up from his seat, looking frantically at the faces around him before running out of the Great Hall, ignoring his friend’s requests to slow down. 
“What the fuck was that, Y/N?” Y/N had expected James to be the one to shout at her, even Remus maybe. But when she recognized the voice as that of Lily’s her eyes shot up and she furrowed her brows. Had she really messed up? It might’ve been dramatic, but she didn’t think it was uncalled for. He didn’t want to be with her, she was cutting him loose. But the way Lily was staring at her, the judging glare she reserved for everyone but Y/N, made her question whether her ploy of embarrassing Sirius was worth it. But she was also upset. Maybe irrationally, but genuinely upset. So she shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat. 
The rest of the day had gone by at an alarmingly slow pace. Y/N’s head was pounding the entire day and all she wanted was to crawl into her bed. She hadn’t seen Sirius in any of their classes and Remus had informed her that he hadn’t attended other classes either. She felt guilty at his words, but she didn’t let it show as she told him she didn't really care what Sirius was up to. The worst part of the day was that while everyone seemed to be treating her normally - granted a little cautiously - her best friend had been giving her the cold shoulder. Since when had Lily become a fan of Sirius? The two shared a strong friendship, but she had warned Y/N at the start of her relationship that Black wasn’t the type of guy you trusted with your heart. Of course, at that time she had been referring to the fact that he often only sought out relationships with girls that ended in him receiving a sexual favor. Ah, the irony of it all. 
With Lily giving her the silent treatment and her growing headache, Y/N had opted to stay in her dorm for dinner. Instead, she decided to take a short nap to keep her from feeling everything she felt right now. 
“Wake up.” The voice that woke Y/N up from her sleep was harsh and belonged to none other than Lily Evans. As Y/N slowly sat up, Lily pointed to the plate of food she had brought her before exiting the room. It wasn’t fair. Sirius probably had all his mates with him consoling him (or rather cheering him on for his new found freedom) and Y/N didn’t even have the one person she was meant to. Sighing, she picked at her food and had a small conversation with Alice who had stopped by for a bit. Y/N could tell she was dying to ask her about the break up, but was refraining. One thing she could definitely go her entire life without dealing with, was the rumors she was bound to hear the next day. 
It had been a couple hours since Lily had left the plate with Y/N and Y/N’s ability to sleep had seemed to disappear. Which meant it was just her and her thoughts. She wondered if Sirius was okay. No person, let alone a man like Sirius, would be happy with the way she had ended things with him. She felt stupid for caring about what he felt. He basically said Y/N was sexually repulsive. The boy that fucked anything with legs, had said he didn’t want to sleep with her. The boy that was supposed to make her feel special.
Yet, all she could think about was that her notes wouldn’t be good enough today to give him for the classes he had missed. And she hoped that he had ate a proper lunch because in the last week him and Peter (who had been missing with Sirius at lunch) had been too busy playing stupid pranks to eat proper meals. She also wondered if he had talked to any other girls. She knew plenty of girls, even some of her friends, that had put their plans of seducing Sirius on hold because of her new relationship. Feeling the little bit of food she had managed to consume travel back up, she forced herself off her bed heading to the common room. She had to distract herself. 
She noticed her friends in one corner of the room, but when Lily’s cold gaze met hers she looked away and headed to another corner. She was lucky enough to find a few of her other friends to converse with. She hadn’t really put much input in the conversation, but she listened carefully to what her friends said in hopes that their gossip would distract her. 
Y/N’s eyes trailed up to meet Remus’ soft ones and a sympathetic smile on his face. He nodded his head to the other corner of the room, indicating for her to follow him. She slowly followed him, her nimble fingers playing with the frayed edges of her cardigan. 
“First of all, missy,” Started James a mischievous smirk on his face. “You are not allowed to just sit away from us. Even if some of us are being unnecessarily harsh.” Y/N’s eyes widened slightly as she realized he was referring to Lily. His Lily. But in that moment she was too grateful to worry, especially when he lovingly wrapped his arms around her shoulder letting her rest her head on his chest. She mumbled an apology and wrapped her arms around the torso of the boy that had treated her just like a sister since first year. 
“‘s no problem, bug. Just don’t make the same mistake twice.” She nodded her head, falling back asleep within minutes. When she woke up, James wasn’t holding her anymore and instead she was wrapped in a soft cashmere blanket on the same loveseat. It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, but when they did she had the breath knocked out of her. Across from her, on a slightly longer sofa, was the boy that had just been in her dreams. Sirius looked different from in her dreams, he appeared troubled even in his sleep. But beautiful nonetheless. 
Y/N quietly walked over to where he was laying, crouching next to him. She knew it was wrong but all she wanted was to feel his skin under the tips of her finger. She carefully moved the hair that had matted to his forehead behind his ear. She didn’t miss the way he was sweating and the smell of fire whiskey that left his open mouth. But she stayed right there next to him, tracing her fingers lightly across his cheek. Y/n wished she could freeze time right there. Because this way, he wasn’t bothered by her and she could have him right by her side. 
“You lost the right to touch me when you broke up with me,” Sirius’ rigid voice startled Y/N and she quickly pulled her hand back. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were up. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have,” her words left her mouth in a rush. Hastily, she began to head for the stairs but Sirius caught her wrist before she could leave. 
“Don’t go. Please.” The vulnerability in Sirius’ voice was enough to make her turn around. He was still laying on the sofa and he made no effort to explain himself. He just looked straight into her eyes, the fireplace casting shadows across his face. Her wrist was itching from his touch and her eyes burning from his stare. She swallowed her nerves and sat at the end of the sofa, releasing herself from his grip. 
“I shouldn’t have been so childish this morning,” Y/N murmured, her eyes looking straight at the fireplace. She shifted her gaze to look at him knowing she had to do this. “I’m sorry for the way I ended things, I should’ve done it in a more mature way.”
“You shouldn’t have done it at all.” Y/N would’ve scoffed if it wasn’t for the fact that Sirius looked like he was one wrong move away from falling apart. 
“That isn’t fair, Sirius,” Her voice rose slightly, but she recognized that the common room wasn’t the right place for her to unleash all her emotions. “You can’t expect me to stick around when you don’t even want me.”
Sirius simply sighed, using his arms to get up and bringing his knees to his chest. “You’re crazy stupid, love.”
Y/N was ablaze with anger now and was about to get up before deciding against it. She was going to speak her mind, no running away from this. 
“Yah, I’m so crazy for not wanting to be in a relationship where the guy I love doesn’t even want to have sex with me.” She was so angry she didn’t even realize what she had said.
“I love you too,” The raven haired boy replied, breathlessly. 
“You said you love me. Do you mean it?” Y/N cursed under her breath before looking at her lap as tears began to fall from her eyes. 
“Yes, Sirius. I love you,” The tears were falling harder now but she persisted. “But don’t lie to me. If you don’t love me, that’s okay. But stop pretending you do,” she was sobbing now. Her whole body was racking with sobs as she brought her hands up to cover her face. The long forgotten headache was slowly creeping back into her head and all she wanted was for it all to stop. But apparently the universe had other plans for her, because she was now being wrapped into the arms of the one person she wanted to get the farthest away from but also impossibly close to.
“I would never lie to you,” Sirius began, rubbing the young girls back. “Especially not about this. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t. I love you so much, Y/N. I don’t think you could ever understand how much I need you.”
The young girl didn’t respond, instead just letting her heart pour itself out in the arms of the boy who was squeezing it. Eventually, she pulled back from Sirius. He felt cold. Despite the fire that was lit right next to them, he felt so cold without the contact of her body. 
“How,” she sniffled. “How can you love me but say what you said last night? Do you think I’m unattractive? Or is it something I do?” Sirius had never seen the girl so unsure of herself. She almost always exuded confidence. Authentic confidence. He couldn’t believe that the girl he was meant to make feel secure, was doubting herself because of him. 
“Listen to me, Y/N. You are the sexiest girl I have ever seen. And that’s not just some bullshit I’m spewing to make you feel better. No, I mean you are literally the sexiest girl in all of Hogwarts and I am yet to find someone more attractive than you in any other place I’ve spent time. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible. You’re so fucking hot that - Merlin, this is embarassing - in fourth year I had my first wet dream about you.” At this the girl in front of him couldn’t contain the chortle that left her throat. 
“I know, it’s so fucking embarassing. I never told you because I thought if I expressed how attractive I thought you were it would ruin our friendship.”
“Oh,” sensing the forlorn feelings creeping back into her mind, Sirius continued.
“But you’re also beautiful. Like heaven and the stars above on earth, ethereally beautiful. Do you remember last year, when you, Lily, me and the boys went to that muggle ball over summer holiday. The one Lily took us to? I, um, actually one moment,” Sirius without another explanation ran up the stairs. However, within seconds he ran back down a book in his hand. “You can’t tell anyone but I have a journal-”
“You have a diary?
“A journal.”
“I like when guys write in diaries.”
“It’s a diary, actually,” Sirius smirked when he saw a bigger smile spread across her face. He wouldn’t stop till he got one that met her eyes. “Well, this is my diary from fifth year. On the day we went to the ball, I wrote quite a lengthy entry - I’m sure you remember a lot happened that night. But, I wrote this first. I think I might be fucked. I’ve never doubted how attractive Y/N is, but today was different. She looked like an angel. I mean a literal angel. Her dress was gold and it had one of those necklines that makes a v-shape. That’s probably what they’re called actually. But, by Godric, she looked so gorgeous. When she was walking down Lily’s stairs to meet up with the boys and I, I had to pinch myself. I actually pinched myself, because I thought I was at my bloody wedding. A wedding?! Why the fuck did I think I was marrying my best friend? How is it humanly possible to be that beautiful?’”
“A wedding?” Y/N’s eyes were blown wide, as she looked at Sirius with worry.
“Don’t worry, love. We both know I have a tendency to be a bit dramatic We can table the wedding talk for a few years from now,” He winked, and this time he heard the laugh she let out. “What I’m trying to say, Y/N, is that your looks are not even in the question. Neither is anything you're doing. Which by the way can I just ask, how are you so good at that shit?” 
Her cheeks flushed and she was glad that it was dim in the room. Ignoring his question she proceeded with one of her own, “Then why, Sirius? If you’re ready and I’m ready and your diary knows that, why don’t you want to sleep with me?”
“I do, more than anything. I don’t know why I didn’t just say that yesterday,” Upon receiving a skeptical look, he continued to explain himself. “I want to be with you in that way and in every way possible, but I don’t want to rush it. Not because I’m nervous, per say, but because that’s what I always do.”
“Baby,” Sirius shifted closer as he heard the endearment leave Y/N’s lips. “I know you're more experienced than me, but that doesn't bother me. I’m not going to think that I’m just another one of your conquests, if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
“That was one thing I was worried about, but I also just think I need to take it slow for me. I’ve never had a girlfriend before. You had that one git early last year,” He grumbled, eliciting an even louder laugh from you. “But, I’ve never been in anything serious. And I think I need to assure myself that I can build a connection - a romantic one, that is - outside of sex. I’m quite shit at communicating, as we have gathered from recent events. I need to work on stuff like that first I think.”
The y/e/c eyed girl felt her heart swell as the words left his mouth and it took everything in her not to throw herself on top of him. 
“Are you upset?” It was Sirius’ turn to basfully face away, as he awaited a response. 
“How could I be?” Y/N moved closer to Sirius so that they were both face to face and her hands grabbed his. “I’ve been blessed with the best boyfriend in the world.” Sirius’ ears perked up at her words.
“If you’ll forgive me? I should’ve tried to understand you better. I shouldn’t have been so rash.”
“Wasn’t only your fault, I definitely had my part to play.”
“Hmm,” She hummed. She pulled at his hand in a way that indicated she wanted to lay down. He pulled her into his chest as she continued. “In that case, we can work on it while building our connection.”
“I like the sound of that,” Sirius nuzzled his chin into her hair, before resting his cheek over her head. “Now, tell me. How was your day without the amazing Sirius Black?”
“Oh, Sirius,” she started, already feeling better that she could vent to him. “It was utter shit. I mean not only did I not have you, Lily was so angry with me. All of the boys were so sweet, but Lily wouldn’t even look at me.” 
“Um, I might’ve told only Lily everything I just said to you, this morning. And I might’ve left out my harsh words last night.”
“Sirius!” Y/N tried to hit her fist against his chest, but he caught it easily. 
“I’m sorry! The boys wouldn't have understood what I was saying. I’m actually the most sensible of the bunch.” 
“Okay, well that just isn’t true. But too bad, Lily’s my best friend, you get the three boys that barely make one brain together and I get the smartest girl in our year. Do you understand?” She sassed, only a little mirth evident in her voice. 
“Yes ma'am,” Sirius grumbled. 
“You’re wrong by the way,” Sirius spoke, continuing upon seeing Y/N’s confused stare. “You’re the smartest girl in our year.” 
She rolled her eyes before replying, “I can’t be the sexiest and the smartest girl.” 
“That’s why you’re so amazing, you defy the odds!” At his compliment, the girl simply mumbled for him to shut up and he pulled her closer. 
“Y/N, can you say it again?” She didn’t have to ask him what he meant. She knew.
“I love you, Sirius,” She whispered, pressing a kiss against his clothed shoulder. “I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you too, darling.”
“I love you.”
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Soulmate au! tattoos - Harry Hook x Reader - Oneshot
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Small spin on two soulmate au ideas that got sent in, name tattooed somewhere on the body and whatever is drawn on the skin shows up on the other, and im including tattoos (except those don’t disappear so if your soulmate get a tattoo you get one too and unless you get it removed it's there to stay)
soulmate au ideas from anon and @harryhasmehooked 
tattoo designs/ideas borrowed from @kindofchaoticgood 
Everyone was born with their soulmates name tattooed somewhere on their body, on their wrist, on their collarbone, on the back of the neck, anywhere really. Another thing was that whatever your soulmate had something written or drawn on their arm, it would show up on your body as well.
Many soulmates found each other by communicating with a pen and writing their information on their skin, others liked to make it a hunt and only give hints to their soulmate.
Then there were the tattoos. and not the ones that one was born with. The ones that someone got willingly inked onto their body.
If someone got a tattoo, that same tattoo would appear on their soulmate's body, but unlike when they simply wrote on their arm with a pen, it wouldn’t disappear unless they got it removed.
Sometimes, people gushed over their soulmate's tattoo and proudly wore them, others hid their tattoos away in fear they would be judged.
Usually, the ones who hid their tattoos either had a good reason to hide them or were just ashamed of their soulmate's choice of art.
You weren’t one of those people.
Around the time you were 11 or 12, small temporary tattoos began to appear on your skin, first just little inked ones that would easily wash off, but soon little stick and poke tattoos started to appear, they would fade after a while but they were cute and you retouched them on your own when you could. Some were little music notes, others resembled constellations, and one, which was your favorite, was a small hook nestled in the crook of your palm.
The first “real” tattoo showed up several months after the first poke and stick tattoos, your cousin had joked about how cliche it was and your soulmate must be a pirate or something, a skull with crossed swords on the right side of your chest.
Your parents had pretty much freaked out, you only being 12 and already having a tattoo but you brushed it off and admired it every day, writing on your arm to ask your soulmate where and how they had gotten the tattoo.
Unfortunately, you had never gotten a response.
The next tattoo to appear, on the left side of your chest this time, was a ship sailing into the horizon. Again you asked them where and how they had gotten the tattoo, along with asking the name of the ship, once again there was no response.
Only a week later a new tattoo showed up, this time on the inside of your left arm, written in slight cursive were the words “No grave can hold me down” you had traced the words the entire night into the next morning.
Soon after that, another tattoo showed up, this one on the back of your left hand, depicting three swords crossing their blades.
Your cousins always teased you about how pirate-like your soulmate's tattoos were, but you laughed at the slight irony of it since your soulmate might have been a pirate after all.
Considering their last name was “Hook” it was a pretty good chance that they had followed their dad's footsteps.
“Harry Hook” a name that drifted through your dreams, you always imagined what they would be like, hopefully, nothing like James hook.
It was years before a new tattoo showed up, when you were 16 and attending Auradon prep, after King Ben had invited four villain kids to Auradon, curling black inked words on the inside of your right arm ‘death before disloyalty’. You had no clue what it meant, but it clearly had a deeper meaning.
Throughout the years you had no luck in attempting to contact your ‘Harry Hook’, you had either sent a simple ‘hi’ or a small little note mentioning one of the tattoos. It was always no response. Though you got little notes from them that were rare and never had anything to do with what you sent him. Just little ‘hello’s and asking your name, but every time you responded, nothing came back.
you had mentioned it to Evie, who was in your art class, who said that because of the barrier, it prevented soulmate magic as well, meaning Harry hadn’t ever seen your little notes and didn’t even have your name tattooed on him somewhere.
Evie was also the only one who knew of your soulmate's name that was willing to tell you about him, being the least…biased against her fellow vk. Mal, Jay, and Carlos all seemed to have some sort of grudge against him and always badmouthed him when the topic of Harry came up.
Though thanks to Evie and her thankfully amazing art skills, she had depicted Harry for you, she had said it wasn’t perfect since she was more of a concept artist than one who practiced realism, that was more Mal’s thing, but you could tell she was just being modest.
Black fluffy hair, ocean blue eyes always lined with liner, plump lips that Evie said were always in a sharp smirk, a jaw that could cut someone. He was perfect, and you hoped you could meet him soon.
Three months after the vks had come to Auradon, a new tattoo appeared; this time of a solid black anchor on your right forearm. You traced it constantly with your finger, wondering what this one meant, just as you did with every tattoo appearance.
Soon after that, a swallow appeared just above the crook of your right elbow, and a lioness with a language you couldn’t speak written under it appearing on your left wrist.
Then a watercolor lily on the side of your right forearm, then constellations started to appear on your back, you had Evie take a picture each time one appeared, smiling as yours appeared among them (star sign, like Virgo or Capricorn)
Around April, another tattoo appeared, again on your right forearm, this time of a treble clef symbol with a series of notes within the loops. You wondered what the song was, humming it under your breath as you tapped out the notes on whatever surface your hand was resting on.
It was several months later before another tattoo appeared, and it was the most beautiful one yet. Swirling turquoise tentacles curled around and down your right arm, starting from your right shoulder and ending just below your elbow.
You had started wearing sleeveless tops more often, wanting everyone to see the masterpiece that was curled around your arm.
Once you turned 18 you started to decorate your skin as well, your first being a watercolor compass on your left bicep that melted into waves as it drew away from the middle.
Next, you got one with a moon theme on the back of your neck just below your hairline, reaching down your neck and connecting with the constellations on your back.
After that you got a skeleton hand on your right hand, then the map of Neverland on your thigh, then the north star on your ankle.
You were almost covered in tattoos, to which some people gaped and gasped, but you paid them no mind, your tattoos were your only connection to your soulmate and you couldn’t wait for the day that he would finally see your combined works.
Harry didn’t know if he had a soulmate or not, the barrier prevented any type of communication through writing on their skin or their names being tattooed on their body.
So Harry had gone his entire life without knowing the name of his, possibly non-existent, soulmate, and no matter how many times he had tried to talk to them, there was never any response.
He always did wonder though, if he had a soulmate, what they thought of his tattoos. Did they like them? Did they wear them proudly? Did they hide them? Did they get them removed? He would probably never know.
Until one day, only a couple days after the four traitors had invited four new vks, he was outside of the barrier.
The blank spots on his skin bloomed to life, a watercolor compass on his left bicep, a skeleton hand on his right hand, Gil told him about the moon tattoo on the back of his neck, the tingle of magic on his thigh and ankle told him there were new tattoos there was well.
He stared at the new tattoos, smiling slightly at the realization that he did have a soulmate. His smile dipped a bit as his left wrist started to burn slightly, and he ripped away the old bandage that covered his scar from years ago, eyes widening as the curving letters of his soulmates started to appear.
‘(y/n) (l/n)’
Harry stared at the name, not realizing everyone was moving towards Auradon till Gil gently pushed at his shoulder to get him to move “oh” Harry muttered, catching up with Uma and smirking as she stared at the large tattoo sleeve on his right arm.
“you are such a dork” she snorted, pushing at his arm and looking at his hand “didn’t think you were one to get a skeleton tattoo”
Harry just held up his left wrist with a grin “Oh holy shit!” Uma laughed, grabbing onto his hand and examining the name “(y/n) huh?...nice name” Mal yelled at them to catch up, making Uma glare at the girl. “hold your pants princess were dealing with some shit back here!”
Uma and Harry shared a look ‘we’ll talk about this later’ and followed after the other vks, Uma continuing to poke and prod at Harry's new tattoos.
Harry stood awkwardly in a quiet corner at Mal and Ben's engagement party as everyone else danced in the middle of the large garden. He swirled the pink lemonade in the small glass cup and took a careful sip. He let a small smile grow on his face as Gil and Uma spun around on the dance floor.
He glanced down at his left wrist, flexing it a bit as his soulmate's name shined lightly in the sunlight. He let out a sigh and took another sip of his drink, he had no idea where his soulmate was, they could be anywhere really, in Auradon, or maybe on the other side of the world.
“I like your tattoos” a voice spoke from beside him, and Harry glanced at them for a moment before looking back at the dance floor.
“Thank yeh” he muttered back, pausing as he went to take another sip of his drink. He whirled back around, eyes widening as he really looked at the person who had complimented him.
They were covered in tattoos, ones that matched his exactly, on their right arm were turquoise tentacles, an anchor, a swallow in flight, a watercolor lily, a treble clef with music notes, and…his name on the inside of your wrist. “Harry Hook…right?” you asked nervously, tapping your foot against the ground.
Harry looked down at his wrist again and looked back at you “aye…(y/n) (l/n)?” he asked softly, smiling as you grinned and nodded.
“That would be me, it's nice to finally meet you Harry” you held out your hand, your grin widening as Harry eagerly took it. “Come on, let's talk”
“Okay,” Harry muttered, sharing a smile with Uma and Gil as they pointed at your tattoos with wide grins “let's talk.”
You tugged Harry out of the garden party, your hands tightly intertwined. Just below your intertwined hands at the wrists, the tattooed names glowed for a moment then shimmered to a shining, just visible, gold color.
A symbol that one's soulmate had been found.
 another short but sweet oneshot! probably didnt make complete sense but im just wanting to get back into writing since ive been feeling a bit of a block with my main stories, so if anybody else has anymore soulmate au ideas send em in.
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @remembered-license
@random-thoughts-003 @verboetoperee
@rintheemolion @jatp-rules-my-life​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​  @imtryingthisout​
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zephyrcove · 3 years
Summer Thing by @zephyrcove
Well, I didn’t think I had time to write today but I came across @the-dream-team ‘s TPT for today, read the first few lines and RAN to see what the prompt was and write it myself. SO here’s the accidental 3 pages of summer Jily that I wrote for @petalstosarah training prompt tuesday :)
It was a pleasant sort of hot as they lay there, basking in the summer heat but protected by a gentle breeze. If he tilted his head ever so slightly he saw the curve of her face tucked into his side, a pointless attempt to shield her pale Irish skin from the beaming English sun. James held up a hand to cast a shadow on her features, admiring how his own tan skin soaked in the warmth unfazed by the pinkish burn that had begun to spread across her cheeks. They were silent, listening only to the sounds of nature around them, the whispering breeze rustling through the grass and the chirping of birds as they flitted through the trees behind his house. Their secluded spot in his expansive backyard afforded them privacy, tucked behind a mossy knoll in the lawn and far enough away from the house to not be seen by the prying eyes of his mother and brother. Not that those two didn’t know something was going on anyways; they always saw through his halfhearted excuses, his doting smile giving him away when he went off to meet her even as he said he was headed to Scrivenshaft’s for new ink. 
Her breathing evened out and he listened to her above the natural underscoring of the grounds, the rise and fall of her chest beside him lulling him further into the happiness of the summer heat. His hazel eyes flitted left again, taking in the golden glow of her auburn hair in the afternoon sun, framing her rosy, freckled cheeks perfectly as she dozed off contentedly beside him. He was happy to stay there for the rest of his life, frozen in this sliver of time where everything was perfectly, incandescently happy. 
But even as he lay basking in the August sun, he knew that this sliver of time could not last. It was August after all, and despite the joy of its sunny days, August alway brought September. And with September came the wake up call of normality, of school and Scotland and the marching on of time. September brought the end of their days in the sun, stifled by those chilled winds of their separate lives. So while he tried desperately to stay present in August, to get lost in the rays beaming on their faces and the bubble that they’ve formed in that golden hour, he could not help but frown at the prospect of September, the prospect of the end.
Hours passed like seconds as James pushed back the thoughts of September for one more day, focusing instead on the girl beside him. It’s as if August had two suns for him, her bright light compelling him to stay and bask just a moment longer in his happiness, in their bubble, in her. The real sun had begun to shift now towards evening and he knew that he needed to get the other home in from the night air. 
Moving for the first time in hours, he shifted towards her, pressing a warm kiss to her hair. The soft sound she made as she woke from her sunkissed nap tugged at his heart and he added that moment to the long list of memories he was keeping of the summer, of her. Lily’s eyes fluttered open and he watched in macro as her lashes gave way to emerald flashing in the setting sunlight. The corner of her pink lips tilted upwards as she smiled serenely at him, her mouth forming a breathy “‘lo”. 
“Hi there,” he smiled back at her, his eyes dancing across her features, aching to take in every second with her, building a composite memory of all that he could see and hear and feel so he would never be made to forget this summer. 
“Is it horrible?” she questioned, pulling his focus back to her eyes. “The sunburn, I mean, I think by now I know that you don’t find the whole of me repulsive.”
The smirk lit his face, as it was wont to do, and her teasing smile matched its energy. “Well not the whole of you I s’pose… your tits are pretty bangin.” Her eyes flamed as if you could floo through them and she slapped his cheek playfully, feigning offense.
“Damn right they are, you cheeky boy.” The hand she had swatted him with came to rest on his muscled chest and her eyelids fluttered lower, sultry as she leaned up to press her lips to his. The arm he wasn’t propped up on wrapped instinctively behind her, his strong, worn hand gripping her ribcage through the floral linen of her sundress, holding her tight to him. Her delicate fingers fisted in the fabric of his shirt she smiled into the kiss as his tongue probed at her lower lip. When her lips parted, James deepened the kiss and rolled so he was atop her, gently lowering her back to the grass and holding himself up with his forearms framing her face. He brushed back a strand of hair as he pulled back for air and she bit her lip lightly, even as their noses were still touching, breath ragged from desire. Lily reached up and wound her hand into his curls, pulling him back down to her. His body was thrumming with feeling and with want as they continued, but her moan brought him back to August, the precursor to September,  and he pressed a final kiss to her rosy lips before he pulled back enough to look at her.
James shifted onto his hips beside her, his palms pressing into the sides of his head as he exhaled and raked his fingers through his hair. He felt Lily move beside him as well, knowing that the preemptive stop was out of character for him and that she would want to know why. He felt the weight of her hand lightly on his shoulder and he looked up at her, his eyes glowing in the sunset with a painful passion. Lily’s brow was furrowed slightly, and he resisted the urge to lift his hand and smooth that wrinkle with his thumb, not wanting his feelings to mar her pretty face.
“Lil I-” he stopped to take a breath and she watched him carefully as he shook his fingers through his hair again. “I just- I don’t want this to end.” Her eyes glistened as she let out a small sigh through her nose, her expression one that he couldn’t quite place. Not able to bear the words that he knew were to come, he spoke again quickly.
“I know this is just a summer thing, but I want you to know that when I’m with you, I’m happier than I’ve ever been. These summer months that we’ve been together have been the best I’ve ever felt.” He shifted towards her again, nearly facing her but not yet ready to look into her eyes, afraid of the roadblock he might find there. “It’s like I was in this dark room, content and cared for, but not knowing what living with the lights on was like, and then this summer you kissed me for the first time and it’s like you turned on the light. You were the light, the sun, and now I can see… everything... and I feel so much. I can’t imagine a life where I don’t get to lay here in the sun with you where I don’t get to kiss you. I can’t imagine a September where I have to pretend like this August never happened.”
Lily’s emerald eyes shone back at him as he finally met her stare, and he only hoped that the passion he’d expressed hadn’t ruined everything. Resolute to conclude his speech, he put a calloused hand on her arm, holding her attention and conveying the magnitude of his feelings as he finished. “I know what we said, about the summer, about keeping this thing between us… contained. But I am happier than I’ve ever been. I’m in love with you. And I’m not willing to just let that go without fighting for it.”
In the moment of silence, besides James’ slightly ragged breathing, anxious from the declaration, the air around them was quiet. Even the birds paused as if they too were waiting to hear her answer. The soft wind blew by for a moment, darting in between them, as they sat in the orange glow of the setting sun, so much riding on this very moment in time. 
Within seconds the fear in his chest was cast aside as Lily surged forward and kissed him passionately, her hands clutching onto his shirt, pulling her as close to him she could get. Her hair curtained around them keeping them in their bubble as he broke from the shock and met her passion enthusiastically. His hand snaked behind her neck and held her there as she confirmed all he had ever wanted. 
Having properly kissed him, she pulled back ever so slightly, her warm breath still feathering his cheeks as she whispered to him. “The only Septembers I want are with you by my side and I never August to end. If we’re just a summer thing then summer is all year long baby, because I couldn’t handle not being yours. I’ve spent years of my life trying not to fall and two months of you in the sunshine has thrown all that out the window. I love you James. I am happiest when I am with you.”
As the sun set behind them James didn’t know what he could possibly say to top the feeling of hearing Lily Evans say that, so he did all he could think of and kissed her again. The warmth of the summer night air reminded him that the sun was still there, she was right in front of him and she was blinding, and he was happy.
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