#and I was like oh witches have natural magic sooo..why do we never see it leave their bodies when they die?
wxywardsun · 1 year
My thing is..why weren’t the witches allowed to have a flashy glowy eyed death too? Angels get it,reapers get it,demons get it too! But witches,especially natural born witches get nothing..? I always found it odd. They have magic in their bones! I don’t know..if the angels can get glowy eyes and beams of light coming from Injuries when they die (and demons can get crackly orange/yellow bones) how come the witches can’t get beamy glowy purple eyes when they die? Missed opportunity I think!
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shootingcookielover · 4 years
Soooo @transformationloveb this prompt gave me ideas.
Warnings: Blood, the f-word gets dropped several times, kidnapping i guess, fainting
“However nice this trip is… are you going to tell me the true reason why you brought me here or not?”
Roman startled at the question, unease and anxiety creeping into his heart. Janus’ tongue flicked outwards for less than a second, tasting the lie forming in Roman’s head at this very second. “Do bother to deceive me, Roman. It’s not like you’ve been clouded in a lie of omission since you’ve invited me here.”
Though the serpent wouldn’t admit it out loud, he was actually quite tense. Roman's ominous and unprompted invitation into the imagination had set him on edge; it was one of the last things he'd expected after that video. 
The creative side seemed to shrink in on himself a bit, as the lie in his mind dissolved. He fiddled with the sleeves of his shirt before squaring his shoulders. His eyes closed for a second and he took a deep breath. 
Janus felt his own distrust in the situation - and in Roman, quite honestly - spike at that.
Then the creative side locked eyes with the serpent and, with the most earnest voice he rushed out the words: "I'msorryformakingfunofyourname!" 
The deceitful side blinked a few times, as his mind caught and deciphered the meaning of the sentence. After that he remained quiet for just a bit longer, too dumbfounded to react quite yet. 
Roman had… apologized to him. 
How was he supposed to react now? To his chagrin his deceitful nature kicked in, as it usually did when he couldn't find the right words. 
"Oh, why thank you, Roman! That totally makes up for you ridiculing me while I was vulnerable!" 
Fucking. Seriously? 
Janus wanted to slap, impale and/or poison himself. Why could he never just… Keep his mouth shut? 
Considering it was his job to keep the others silent when they were supposed to be, you'd think he was better at keeping quiet. 
The hurt look in Roman's eyes and the disappointed fall of the other's shoulders told him everything he needed to know. His thoughts were correct: He was a fucking dumbass. 
"No, Roman, I-", however, it was, apparently, too late to take his words back, since a gigantic pair of talons dug into his shoulders. 
Janus bit back a scream as he was lifted off the ground. Whatever carried him - he chanced a glance upwards and it was a dragon, because of course it was - was too far up too quickly. 
The serpent scrambled to grip the talons with his own two- err, three- no, now it was four, four arms. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying his best to ignore the situation at hand. 
Why the fuck had he agreed to come to the imagination?! He knew how dangerous it could be, Remus’ side had shown him that plenty of times! 
Well, truth be told, it was the tiniest of voices in the back of his head, desperate to be accepted by Thomas, all of Thomas, which included Roman. Perhaps he'd also felt a bit guilty about calling Roman evil. 
And, quite honestly, he had expected Roman's side of the imagination to be much safer than Remus'. 
He, of all sides, should know how similar the twins were, but no. He'd still come along. 
He was, indeed, a fucking dumbass. 
Roman, meanwhile, had run after the dragon witch, but quickly lost her and the side she'd caught. Now he stood at the foot of a hill, sword in hand, cursing himself. 
Of course the dragon witch would come out; she'd always been rather protective of him and didn't take well to… 'dark sides'.
She was the main reason Virgil didn't visit more often. 
Now she had Janus and- and… 
And Roman didn't quite know what to do. Maybe he should just… let them go. 
Then at least Thomas would be a better person. 
Roman ran a hand through his hair, lowering his head. "No.", he whispered. 
He was a prince. A hero. 
He saved people from the evil clutches of the dragon witch, no matter who they were. Even if… 
Even if they happened to be reptilian rapscallions. 
Mind made up, Roman tightened his grip on the sword handle and raised two fingers to his mouth. A few seconds later, a shrill whistle echoed through the forest before him. 
He didn't have to wait long. 
The sound of hooves against dirt neared and his trusty horse, Sparkle, came to a halt in front of him. She nuzzled Roman’s neck, her warm breath puffing against his exposed skin.
The creative side gave a light giggle and petted the horse. “I missed you, too, my valiant mare! But now we have no time for this, as another side requires my assistence.”
Roman took Sparkle’s head in both hands, looking into her eyes seriously. “It is time for another adventure!”
Janus decided that having dragon talons digging painfully into your shoulder was much preferable to them suddenly disappearing. 
This time he couldn’t stifle the scream. 
It cut out when he slammed into the ground. Hard, rock-y ground. The air was pushed out of his lungs.
He gasped for oxygen, one arm wrapping around his torso. His eyes followed the giant form of the dragon.
It cycled to the ground, before landing with a loud boom. Janus, who had pushed himself into a semi-sitting position, fell over once more as the ground shook. His undoubtedly bruised rib cage screamed in protest. He gasped for breath again.
When he looked up again, the dragon’s snout was only centimeters from his own. Hot, dry air was blown into his face.
If he hadn’t lost his hat already, it certainly would be gone now.
As best he could, Janus scooted away. His back hit a wall. 
A glance behind him revealed that, nope, not a wall. A dragon tail.
He looked back at the giant dragon head. He could see his own reflection in the creature’s eyes. He looked horrible; his hair all messed up, his clothes rumpled. There were a bunch of tears in his capelet, right where the talons had dug in. 
Deciding that movement would not get him out of this situation, he said: “Sooo… how are you…?”
The dragon gave a light growl, blowing a light cloud of smoke into Janus’ face. The serpent coughed, bringing a hand up to his face. His glove ended up lightly stained red. 
Amazing. Just. fucking. awesome.
“Would you… mind… letting me go…?”, Janus tried again, doing his best to ignore the arm-long teeth of the dragon.
More smoke; more coughing; more blood.
Well this was going great.
Out of nowhere, the dragon’s head moved into the air, eyes on something in the distance. 
If Janus wasn’t mistaken, the creature sniffed the air.
Then there was a strange scraping sound. Janus realized it was the dragon opening it’s wings.
The dragon took off suddenly. 
It left Janus, who had been leaning against it’s tail, stumbling. The strong gusts of wind made him fall over and blew him across the ground. He skitted a few metres, body screaming in pain.
He finally came to a stop, gasping for breath. His arms shakily managed to prop him up.
He looked towards the sky. The dragon was gone.
The idea of escaping, however, soon shrunk as he looked around. He appeared to be in a giant hole in the ground.
A coughing fit shook him, bloodying his gloves even more.
His weak arms buckled under his weight and he collapsed.
Fucking. Great.
Roman slid off Sparkle. The dragon witch’s nest lay just ahead and he really didn’t want to risk his horse’s life.
“Now, go, my valiant mare! But stay near; I may need a quick escape.”
The horse neighed and ducked her head in almost a nod. Then it took off.
Roman watched it go before wrapping his hand around the swordhandle from the sword that hadn’t been there just seconds prior.
The loud flaps of wings made him whip around, eyes narrowed. He searched the sky and quickly found the dragon witch. She was barely recognizable, that’s how far up she was.
Determination flooded the prince’s veins as he stepped out of his hiding spot.
“HEY, dragon witch!”, he yelled, sword pointed at the distant form of the dragon witch. “Release my…”, he struggled to find the right word for a moment. “...colleague! Or face the consequences!”
A bout of fire was his answer. Roman was quick to duck away, avoiding the heated blast with a roll. 
Seconds later the dragon witch landed, and, as always during these fights, Roman was glad he’d conceptualised her with earth magic.
Janus breathlessly dragged himself to the wall of the hole. He groaned in pain as he sat up against it. With a sluggish hand movement he wiped away a dribble of blood from the edge of his mouth.
The wall was too smooth to climb, he found. Another groan left his lips.
He did his best to think, think of a solution for this situation, but there was so much pain-
His eyes snapped open when had he closed them?. 
He remembered Logan, of all people. 
We’re not actually real.
Roman was capable of summoning things wherever he went. Shouldn’t Janus be, too?
The serpent slowly raised his hand. He squinted at the not-so-yellow-anymore glove. 
Come on, he thought, his fang poking his lower lip to keep him focused. Come on-!
There was a sudden weight in his hand and damn. The relief was palpable.
Duck, roll, block. 
The powerful sizzle of magic slammed into his shield. He held his ground.
The magic stopped and the dragon witch needed to recharge. A grin spread across Roman’s face and he sprinted towards the dragon.
Slash. Slash.
The soft belly was very susceptible to his sword. 
Instead of blood, a kind of magic mist swirled from the opening. The dragon witch growled as the wounds stitched themselves back together.
“You win this time, princey. Tell your boyfriend I will kidnap him again, if he keeps making you upset.”
Before Roman could correct the dragon witch, she took off.
The prince stumbled from the gust of wind, but he managed to keep standing.
“What the fuck.”
Roman whipped around. Janus stood next to the dragon witch’s nest - barely more than a hole in the ground - legs trembling from the effort of keeping him upright.
The serpent was done. Done!
This whole thing was just some… prank! And- and…
Yeah, he wasn’t all that angry, truth be told. He was mostly exhausted and done with the whole situation. 
Prank or not, he didn’t much care right now; Remus had done much worse and few of those had actually been intended as pranks.
“Janus! By Odin’s beard, are you alright?!”, the prince rushed to Janus’ side, his sword clattering to the ground. 
“Of course I am!”, Janus snapped, leaning into the prince, because damn it, standing was hard and the other side was soothingly warm. “It’s not like I’m bleeding out or anything!”
Roman wrapped his arms around the other side, carefully hoisting him up, to carry him bridal style.
Janus couldn’t have cared less. The creative side was warm.
The serpent nuzzled into Roman’s chest, giving a little content puff of air.
He still felt like he was on fire with pain, but really, this wasn’t so bad. The snake-part of his brain had mostly taken over by now, basically telling him Warmth=safe & good.
But the rest of his brain hadn’t yet shut down. It gave him the suggestion to finally clear up a certain misunderstanding.
Tired from bloodloss and heat, his voice was a little slurred.
“‘m sorry for comparing you to Remus.”, he mumbled. Roman’s shoulders tensed, irritating Janus slightly. “You’re way better.”
The serpent nuzzled closer. “Way warmer.”
He fell asleep shortly after.
When Roman went to ask Logan for help with bandaging Janus, the logical side only looked at both sides, incredulously. 
“...you do remember we’re imaginary, correct? None of these injuries actually have any kind of impact on us.”
Janus sat up with a “I didn’t forget!”, all his injuries healed, his clothes clean and pristine, hat finally back on his head.
An embarrassed blush spread across his human cheek.
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Falsehood.”, he simply stated before walking out.
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callmeunstable · 4 years
Angels & Demons - Chapter 2
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Chapter 2
Characters: Reader, Godling, Healer
Summary: She finds herself in the middle of a unknown forest after falling asleep. It seems like a normal forest until she gets to meet a mystical creature that welcomes her in a different world.
Warnings: Monsters, Cursing, Blood
Words: 2.000+
A/N: Hey! This is the second part of my The Witcher Fic. I accidentally deleted this part so I had to reupload ot. Yes I cried, but thankfully I still had the draft saved on my laptop.
Disclaimer: GIF’s and PNG’s are taken from Tumblr and are not mine! Credits to the creators!
Tags: @marvelbrat @charliestuff
Song: I couldn’t find the original one sooo
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Absently, Alva wondered if most of the monsters were meant to be as beautiful and kind as James, or if this one was an exception to the rule, her mind struggled to hold on to one thought, with a whole new world opening in front of her.
“I know the healer of the village on the other side of the forest. She’s nice. She brings fruits to me from time to time. She will help you.” James hopped in front of her leading the way out of the woods.
She couldn’t believe anything her eyes captured. There are bad creatures. According to the Godling, there are a lot of them. The boy explained to her, that “Drowners” inhabit both natural and artificial bodies of water, from rivers and lakes to mill ponds and city sewers. It is commonly thought that these creatures are drowned men, somehow arisen from the dead to prey on the living. This opinion is as widespread as it is false, for the beasts are another post-Conjunction relict.
She couldn’t believe that this Godling just was a boy but knowing such crucial things about this life. She remembered James talking about the powers he has, that’s how he was able to save her.
“Hey, play some more of your music, please? I love the sound of it and we have to walk some time.” The Godling begged and gave his best puppy face.
She grabbed her phone and she had an idea. Maybe she was able to call or text her dad? Letting him know she’s okay. She wasn’t sure if this was the best idea she ever had, but still better than making him believe she was dead.
No signal. Of course.
“Music, please.”
She pressed the icons on her phone monotonously and a random song started playing.
 “Oh dear, oh dear, I’m sorry
That you grew up so soon
A cold year and no high school parties
I’ve been drinking alone
Oh, I’ve been drinking alone”
 “A blessing to my ears. What's the name of this bard?” The Godling started dancing along while walking in front of the girl.
“What is a bard?” These questions came automatically out of her mouth, wanting to know everything about this world.
Knowledge is power. Even in a world like this. If she knows what she has to be careful about, she can start to protect herself.
“You know the man and women writing songs and these lovely texts of legends, stories of their personal experiences, or their imaginations. I don’t care what they are about. I care about the melodies. I love the tunes.” James seemed to drift off in a state where he was admiring the artists and musicians at this time the whole way out of the woods.
He specifically talked about a Bard called Priscilla. A young woman famous for her poetry.
 “So, don't fear, don’t fear their warnings
They’re bitterer than most
4 years of driving across the country
For empty seats at their shows
And they’ve been drinking alone.”
 Less and fewer trees came along their way and after some more minutes, a village became visible. Still far away but the girl decided to turn off the music which was rewarded with an angry look of the Godling.
“Her cottage isn’t in the village. It's right here!”
He took a sharp turn between some trees and as told, a small cabin was revealed in front of them. It was old. Looked like a typical middle-aged, self-made cottage. Random kinds of stones were piled upon each other, connected by something that seemed to be a kind of cement. A small chimney was built on top and was busy blowing smoke out of it.
“Savilla! I want to show you, my new friend.” The boy shouted and Alva begged it was quiet enough so no one around could hear them. She wasn’t ready to meet anyone in this world, at least for now.
The old wooden door of the cottage opened and a middle-aged woman stepped out of the house. She was beautiful. Her Long black hair was braided down to the small waist of hers. Her long dress was colored with a dark wood green tone. A small V-neck covered her chest mostly and the butterfly sleeves made her look like a princess. A less fancy princess but a gorgeous one.
“Hello, my lovely James. How can I help you today?” Savilla had a warm smile on her face and holding her arms out for e hug.
The Godling happily jumped into her arms, to just leave them a couple of seconds later to point hysterically at Alva.
“This is my friend Alva. She got lost in my forest and a Drowner hit her. I think shes not from hear so she needs your help.”
Savilla laid her eyes on the small girl for the first time. Silently analyzing every single part of her. At this moment Alva realized that she was a unicorn in this world. Her clothes looked completely different from Safillas and James’. She was wearing a red lumberjacket that revealed her sports bra. Some pair of sporty leggings rested on her legs and short sneakers tied on her feet. Her favorite outfit for hiking. At least her fake leather bag seemed to fit the surroundings.
It wasn’t hard to tell that if the person in front of her wasn’t a cosplayer of Lord of the Rings, she had to be stuck in some kind of middle age century.
“Yes, she's not from here. I can tell.” The firm look of the women changed into a friendly smile. “Come in, I think it’s the best if no one sees you like this.”
Both Alva and James entered the cabin. Inside it was beautiful. Flower and herbs were growing every in countless pottery. An out of stone made kitchen area filled the rest of the room with a cozy fireplace at the opposite wall. Different kinds of fabric and papers stuck to the wall. It was filled with colors and smells that made you feel instantly relaxed, at least if you’re a person like Alva.
“You don’t seem to be in a lot of pain.”, stated Safilla while grabbing a wooden chair and placing it in front of her, guiding her to sit down.
“It’s pretty numb right now. It was worse about an hour ago.” Alva tried to give off a normal impression. But what is normal in this world.
er “That what I was inferred already. You seem to be in shock. Your body numbed itself to protect you from the pain.” While investigating the big scratch she explaining typical injuries caused by Drowners.
“You’re lucky that you had James by your side. He’s a loyal soul.” The healer tossed an apple to the boy who caught it happily.
Savilla mixed some unfamiliar herbs and bandaged it up with a clean cloth.
“It should heal fast, it's not a deep cut. You are lucky.”
The women put everything back in place and then grabbed a stool herself.
“Where are you from?”, she asked.
Where was she from actually? Maybe similar countries still exist?
“Originally my family comes from Sweden but I live in the USA at the moment.” The girl explained but ended up not receiving the reaction she wanted.
“I never heard of a place like that. I traveled a lot through Cintra, Temeria, and Lyria. How did you end up here?”
The girl got quiet. She didn’t want to cause any trouble. She was a stranger to this world. How much corruption was she able to cause?
Alva felt a hand on her shoulder. Savilla gently pat her and gave her a motherly smile.
“Look dear, I’m not here to hurt you. I can see you disturbed, even traumatized. You have no idea how you got access to this world, have you?”
The girl started to tear up and found herself in a warm hug of the healer. She couldn’t help herself but at this moment everything that was built up throughout the day suddenly burst out of her.
Every breath felt like acid burning heart throat, inflaming her lungs. Her heart felt like somebody was squeezing out every single emotion trapped in there. Like a sharp blade that is cutting straight through her chest.
“Mark my words, one day will come when you finally realize that fate is inevitable. One day you will get passed all this pain and realize it was a lesson learned for a better future, for a better you. You believe that this was an accident. But in our world, everything happens for a reason.” Savilla didn’t break the contact because she knew that this girl needed it. This wasn’t the first time something like this happened. The same happened decades ago. When the monsters first got into this dimension.
“I can teach you if you let me.”
Alva lifted her head and looked at the healer.
“I can teach you how to survive in this world until we figure it a way how to get you back. You just need to let me help you.”
“How do you know?” The girl was confused, more confused than she was, to begin with. How much does this woman know?
“This is not the first time a portal opened on accident. What we need to figure out is, if this indeed was an accident or if you have a mission you have to fulfill. I will help you. That’s my duty. Let me explain. I’m a mage.”
Savilla explained to Alva that mages are basically what she knows as a witch. Only rare individuals have the potential to become mages and many of those with this potential are doomed to madness. Unless the individual in question - known as a source - learns to control their power quickly, he or she may end up a half-insane, slobbering oracle. That is why schools of sorcery were created, where talented children study for many years, acquiring knowledge and mastering magical skills. Because of their powers, mages age more slowly than ordinary people. Savilla herself attended a school called Aretuza. But she didn’t believe in their morals so she left and lives on her own.
Mages can extract magical energy from the four elements, transport themselves long distances and heal, as well as kill, in the blink of an eye. They have extensive scientific and political knowledge; in the latter respect, many mages are the equals of rulers.
A witch that is connected so some kind of rule book.
“Know you know about me, but for now we need to get you out of your clothes. They reveal your true identity. There are people out there who will view you as dangerous and they’ll get scared. We need to give you a new persona. But for now, let’s start easy. No one will look for you because James took care of that. New clothes will at least give you the appearance of our dimension.”
Savilla walked in a different room and you could her searching sounds. Fabrics got thrown around after her steps came closer again.
As she walked into the room she showed off a dress similar to hers. The dress was white and it had some floral symbols embroidered in the fabric. Her sleeves were also long and wide, almost touching the ground. The White of the dress was mostly protected by a moss green light coat that had a corset on the front. The white dress was strapless but unseen due to the green coat. On top of that Savilla brought her some flat sandals.
“I can give you some pants to wear underneath the dress if you’d like. Is more efficient when you have to move quickly.” The mage was happy she could assist that young girl. She finally had a purpose to assist to.
Alva only nodded along, speechless by the kindness the woman was offering her.
Savilla walked up to her with a hairbrush and put her hair into different styles. “And maybe we can do something with your hair, putting it up or braid-“, she hesitated the moment when she was putting her hair up. “I think it looks fitting already.”
Quickly brushing Alva's hair down again.
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astranne · 4 years
(Natalia Romanova) Crossover Harry Potter x Marvel
So, Natalia Romanova. Daughter of Black Widow and the Winter Soldier. The Avengers are totally her honorary uncles and aunts. Since she‘s James‘ daughter she‘s a super soldier too and HYDRA did some experiments so she‘s now stronger/faster than Captain America. She is now also an empath and telepath. And since this is an AU, Black Widow is a witch (Harry Potter universe here). But she never learned magic like all the others, she never needed speels and a wand. Just like Natalia. The royal family has always been magic, so they are important too in the wizarding world. But since Natasha never has been at the magic places they think she‘s a squib and like her daughter magicless. Anyway.
So, the muggle world thinks, that Natalia goes to a private school with other rich kids, bc Natasha wants her childhood as normals as possible. They send her to Durmstrang, bc this is the perfect school for her. (In this fic, many dark wizard families send their children there, Durmstrang is almost as big as Hogwarts and a proud school. The asshole Igor somewhat is not there) And a former Red Room 'friend' of Natasha is teacher there, so she can train her daughter while school. She goes under the name Natalia Romanoff, but somehow they realize this is the princess of russia. Naturally they try to become her friend, but... her glare is really scary. And then she starts talking about her father and they are like, nooopee not with me. But someone doesn‘t recognizes her. One Draco Malfoy. His father sends him to Durmstrang, bc the school is known for the good teaching in DADA (they totally also learn some dark spells) and Lucius will not send his heir to the school where this Dumbleshit is. Draco only says once, 'my father will hear about this', but no one fears his father. They are all pretty chill and not like britain wizards. So Draco slowly changes, doesn’t become this little brat who runs to his father everytime. He’s more like: oh fuck, my mom will kill me, when he does something dumb. It‘s in the middle of the school year, when he sees Natalia in the library and they just start talking. He has no idea who she is, bc Malfoys hate the muggle world and yeah. Natalia notices that and decides, this is now my best friend. They start to hang out, prank some olders and become friends with Vikor Krum, who starts his career.
And everybody is like: boy, do you realize this is a princess? Draco is just confused until she tells him and he‘s just: why did you do this to me??? I thought we‘re friends? He takes it with humor, yk Draco isn’t this little shit like in canon, Well, he still can be, but only when necessary. Anyway, he’s totally proud, that he’s the best friend of the princess of russia.
Anyway. They become friends and Draco writes a letter, before he comes home. There he casually writes he befriended the Romanova heir and how she teached him some moves with knifes. His father pales, bc draco- how in the bloody hell did you become friends with the russian princess, who is the daughter of the most feared assassin??? His mother is proud and excited to meet this Natalia.
Anywayyy. Draco comes home, his father tries his usual shit, but his son just walks past him and hugs his mother. Narcissa approves™
Uhm... probably should mention that Draco let his hair grow? Bc omg- twelve year old Draco Malfoy with a undercut and a little bun. Omg- and then some years later. You either die, bc he‘s so cute or bc he‘s so hot.
Anyway. Draco and Natalia write through the summer and also meet. James begins to teach Draco, bc you are now the best friend of my daughter. She can‘t always protect you. The Malfoys meet the Romanovas and somehow the whole wizarding world knows this.
Lucius called Natalia a half blood, bc he tought James is one.
“Excuse me, my Lord. But my father is the head of the Barnes family, an old and ancient house of America. He is a true wizard, if the muggels wouldn‘t have tortured him, his magical core still would be intact.“ James stares at Lucius, like he’s ready to kill and then mutters something in russian. Natalia snorts unladylike, while Natasha grins. (James called Lucius a little boy, (in not so nice words) bc he fears his daughter who is twelve years old. Shame on you, Lucius)
Bc Natalia is bored, she created an Instagram account, where she immediately gained millions of followers.
“Hey there! You probably think, what the bloody hell is the princess of-"
“Stop swearing, young lady!“
“And this was my father... anyway. I have summer holidays and while I still prepare for the next school year, I have sooo much time to do nothing! And- Draco, come here! I want you to introduce to Instagram.“ Natalia grins widely, while she films Draco, who was reading a book about the history of Russia.
“What now, Nat?“, he mumbles.
“Look in the camera!“
“You know, if you say that, I will especially not doing it.“
“And this is my best friend Draco.“
“Draco Malfoy.“ She rolles her eyes playfully, when he still ignores her.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy... now stop being such a brat and come here.“
“I hate it, when you call me by my full name.“
“Anyway. This is Draco Malfoy, my best friend. We met in the middle of the school year and since then-“
“Everybody has to suffer because of our alliance.“
“We are friends, Draco! Stop being such a bloody-“
“Young Lady-“
“It was Draco!“ Her fans love their interactions. Some even do competitions about Draco‘s insults at random people.
“My dad teached Draco some things and now he won‘t let this bloody knife-“
“Natalia Romanova, no cruse words in this household.“
“I swear, my dad knows everytime when I cruse. It‘s spooky.“ Draco snorts, while he still twirls the knife in his hand.
“Your father knows everything you do.“
“That‘s true.“
She gets the permission, still to post on social media while being at school. As long she doesn’t exposes the wizarding world.
“I wanted to introduce you to another friend of mine! This is Viktor-“
“Stanislav! Did you hear? I‘m friends with the princess, take that you fucking asshole!“
“We are not friends anymore, Vic! Stanislav, you are now my new best friend!“
“Hey! What about me??“
Some people are concerned, that she only has male friends, since they only met the three.
“Please. Girls can be soo dramatic, it‘s so fucking annoying. But I have some female friends. Like Daphne. But she goes to another school.... Draco? Do you think we could kidnap Daphne, so she goes with us to school?“ Draco is so done with his life. Why did he became friends with her? She only makes problems...
So yeah, Natalia is a cheerful person, but if you try to hurt her friends or family, she raises hell. Draco tries to control the chaos she creates, but is not always successful.
Uhm, fast forward I think? To fourth year, the Triwizard Tournament. Bc Draco and Natalia are one of Victor‘s closest friends, (and have powerful names) the go for a year to Hogwarts. They also meet the golden trio, who has no idea who they are, but Ron is searching for the princess. Hermione tries to stop him, but he already did the mess. Natalia begins raises an eyebrow and asks him what business he has with the princess.
“I need to speak with her.“
“And you are? Draco, is he a part of the pure blood families?“ Draco just shruggs and says: “I‘m not entirely sure, he has the looks of a Weasly and while they are a pure blood family, no one of the elite likes them.“ Harry begins to shout at Draco, Ron too, while Hermione wants to bang her head against the wall.
“I‘m sure, this is a misunderstanding. I‘m not from England, so I don‘t know the important families like Draco does. He simply said what your political position in the wizarding world is. I‘m sure you know the Malfoys, this is Draco Malfoy and he‘s my best friend. I appologies, if something we said came out wrong, but in Durmstrang you normally don‘t offend students with the political positions of their parents.“
Hermione becomes friends with the two, Harry and Ron are then pissed. Does she care? No.
So, they have their fun in Howgarts, they also befriend the Weasly twins and prank some people.
And then comes the fifth year. People loose their absolute shit, bc boy- They haven‘t seen Draco for 3 months and suddendly he‘s one of the hottest teenagers of the world. They start to ship the two, but Natalia doesn’t react to the fans about this.
For information, they are in the sixth year when they come together (somewhat)
But in the summer after the fifth year, some agency contacts Draco and asks him if he wants to do modeling. And he‘s like, why not. Then I have also a name in the muggle world and much influence.
He does a great job. He gains a fandbase, (he already has one) who are like: fucking finally-bitch, what took you so long???
He also starts social medias, mostly talks about his life. And the world meets his mother and they are like: ok wow, we understand, Draco. She‘s an angel, a badass angel. We know now, why he‘s such a perfect boy
So yeah, Draco starts modeling, his father tries to throw a hissy fit but can‘t really do anything about it.
I totally forgot about it, but Voldemort came back and James is like- fuck this shit and killed him. And destroyed all his Horcruxes. He went to all his former followers and was like: bitches, this was a half blood who wanted to destroy the wizarding world. Don‘t follow his mistakes or I‘ll kill you all.
They look at him with big eyes and he then tells, he wants his daughter save and how can she be save, when the parents of her friends follow a mass murderer?
And yeah, this is how the Winter Soldier destroyed Dumbledore’s plans and didn‘t even know it.
And yeah. Draco starts also acting (he‘s really good at it) and is a part time teacher in Durmstrang. Natalia is doing princess stuff, represents her house in the wizarding world and just lives her life.
They marry some years later (the biggest wedding of the century after Natalia‘s parents).
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jbuffyangel · 6 years
Y'all are going to look really dumb when it's revealed that Maya is black siren's kid. Black Siren & Blackstar. Both have green eyes and blonde hair. & in the audition piece her character asked Dinah about Black Siren. Honestly this the marriage thing all over again. I'm going to laugh my ass off. You get what you deserve!
What marriage thing? When I said Olicity was going to getmarried and then they got married? Was that the thing? 
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Because that’s whathappened.
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I know it can be confusing since there were four proposals,one fake wedding and two real ceremonies. I definitely got what I deserved.No arguments there!
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Maybe I’m thinking too specifically about this “marriedthing” because I agree there were some really funny moments on the way to thealtar:
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Oliver proposing to Felicity in front of L*urel and sheapplauded.
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Oliver leaving L*urel on their wedding day because herealized their fake relationship in the dream world was based off his realmemories from his relationship with Felicity – down to the damn wedding dress L*urelwas wearing. 
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And then Oliver decided he’d rather live in a world where he had asnowball’s chance in hell of getting back together with Felicity rather thanstay in a dream world with L*urel living their white picket fence existence.
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L*urel telling Oliver ON HER DEATH BED he was the love ofher life and he responded with silence. 
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Of course, Oliver didn’t really have tosay anything. L*urel already wished for him to get back together with Felicity 
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and acknowledged she knew she wasn’t the love of Oliver’s life.
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Oliver telling Felicity, HIS WIFE, that no matter who shebecomes she will always be the love of his life.
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That shit was hysterical.
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You could be simply referring to general commitment too. Rememberthe time Oliver cheated on L*urel with her sister? 
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Or when he cheated on L*urelAGAIN with Samantha (who was also her friend), got her pregnant and never told L*urel until Samanthashowed up in the damn bunker? 
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Comedy at its best.
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Or when Oliver ran for the hills every time L*urel mentionedany kind of cohabitation and/or long term future together? 
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I laughed my ass offboth times he did it. 
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The North China Sea and an island from hell were preferablethan a lifetime with L*urel L*nce. HILARIOUS.
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Maybe the “wedding thing” isn’t the show at all. You couldbe referring to comments from the cast and crew in relation to Oliver’sromantic endgame like:
Stephen saying it didn’t matter if L*urel had lived. Oliverwould never be with her and it was always going to be Felicity on their show.
The showrunner confirming Bl*ck S*ren and Oliver would neverbe together romantically.
The showrunner saying Oliver would NEVER cheat on Felicity.
The showrunner discussing Emily and Stephen’s chemistry andhow it was lightning in a bottle, while acknowledging Stephen and KC’schemistry is a hot mess. (Friendly reminder you can’t fix chemistry issuesbetween actors no matter how many different versions of the character theyplay.)
ALL KNEE SLAPPERS!!!!! Completely agree Anon.
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If you’re going to laugh your ass off about something itshould at least be what happened in the show. There’s plenty of stuff I gotwrong.
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I’ll help you out. Let’s see… I said Tommy was Prometheus. That was a goodone. 
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I also said there was absolutely no way Arrow would marry Oliver to theonly lesbian on the show. Boy did I miss the mark that time. 
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Or how about whenI said that L*urel L*nce was going to die. 
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Oh wait. Nope. That happened. 
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Then I said the writers would never bring our L*urel back to lifeagain. 
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Shit. That happened too. Well, I gotta get a few of them right once andawhile.
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But why talk about the past? This is about the future as you say Anon and of course you’re right. Mia is clearlyBl*ck S*ren’s daughter. BECAUSE GREEN EYES AND BLONDE HAIR. 
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Of course Hollywood’snumber one concern when casting a role is matching hair and eye color rather than finding the right actor for the role. Just ask Dakota Fanning.She played everyone’s kid. I’m sure she couldn’t even get in the door beforedocumenting her eye and hair color.
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She probably needed a DNA sample too because we know the actors areactually producing real children to play their fictional children and thenmagically aging them 20 years. Someone should tell Kat McNamara that Katie isreally her mom. What a hell of an episode that’ll make. SO META.
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It’s so sad we have yet to invent hair dye or coloredcontacts if this kind of detail is really important to a director. DAMN YOUSCIENCE.
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I mean of course Felicity can’t be the mother because she’sa bottle blonde. Whereas Bl*ck S*ren, who you love to remind us is anexact replica of E1 L*urel L*nce, is clearly a natural blonde. Just like ourL*urel was. 
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Oh. Nevermind.
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It’s a real mystery where that blonde hair comes from withMia because everybody knows children are sprouted from the heads of motherslike Zeus and Athena. Women are asexual after all. The mother’s DNA is the onlything that matters in the creation of the baby.
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You know what’s weird? I have brownhair and brown eyes. So how did my daughter get the most beautiful blonde hairand blue eyes the world has ever seen? OH MY GOD!!! IS SHE NOT MY BABY? AM ILIVING SWITCHED AT BIRTH? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *picks up phone to call police*
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Hang on. 
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I’m trying to remember my sex education. I assureyou it’s been awhile. I feel like at some point someone told me the father alsoplays a fairly significant role in the creation of a human being. Somethingabout sperm. 
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My husband has blonde hair and blue eyes. So maybe it’s possiblethe man I’ve been sleeping with for 13 years impregnated me with thischild (if we’re to believe the junk science of sex education) and passed on hisblonde hair and blue eyes to her. THE MIND REELS. *putting down the phone*
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So if Mia wasn’t sprouted from the head of her mother andArrow has embraced the insanity of actual science, I guess it’s possible that Miagot her blonde hair from OLIVER. 
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But what about those eyes? It’s IMPOSSIBLE for two blue eyedpeople like Oliver and Felicity to produce a green eyed baby. Although, Iseem to remember my 10th grade science teacher saying somethingabout two blue eyes making green in our genetics unit. I also did a 5 secondGoogle search and some guys from the Stanford Genetic labs also confirm it’spossible, but there’s no way they know more than you Anon. I definitely think your dunk-a-person-in-water-and-if-they-don’t-drown-it-means-they-aren’t-a-witch kind of science makes a hell of a lot more sense than Stanford geneticists. If there’sone thing history taught us it’s to follow the science of 1600s Salem,Massachusetts.
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But maybe I misunderstood again. Your word gymnastics is sotricky and smart. It’s hard to keep up! 
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Maybe you just meant Bl*ck S*ren getspregnant by Mr. Rando. I’m sure we’ll see her love story develop any day now,since she has to get pregnant really soon for Mia’s age to make a damn bit ofsense. Certainly Bl*ck S*ren’s relationship with Mr. Rando will take precedenceover Oliver and Felicity’s love story. It’s not like the show is centered onOlicity, so I’ll be on the lookout for this impending great romance.
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Genetics aside, you also alerted me to the iron clad proofof the audition scene!!! What would I do without you anon? I haven’t seen Mia’saudition scene, but if she mentions Bl*ck S*ren then of course it means she’sher daughter. DUH. Everything from the audition scenes ends up in the show. Question – was her name Maya in the audition? 
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I did see the audition tapes for nearly every actress whoauditioned for “Tina” aka Dinah Drake. Those leaked everywhere. I bet theshowrunners were pretty ticked. I’m still waiting for the writers to introduceCarlos or dive into Dinah’s service with the Marine Corps. It’s almost like theyput things in the audition scene that don’t end up on the show to throw peopleoff. Ya know, in case the scene leaks.
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I remember when people thought there was a chemistry testbetween Stephen (Oliver) and the actress playing Tina (Dinah) in her audition.Everyone freaked out. Olicity was over! Oliver Queen was going to end up withthe new Bl*ck C*nary, which of course is exactly what happened in the show.
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Damn it! I’m wrong again!
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I really need to rewatch seasons.
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Funny enough the snip it of dialogue from the audition scene for Tina did end up in an episode of Arrow. But the scene was betweenDinah and Diggle. 
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So weird. It’s almost like they screen tested chemistry withanother actor. But God knows that wouldn’t happen because obviously Oliver isending up with some kind of C*nary.
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I know what I’m about to say is insanity, but maybe Bl*ckS*ren was mentioned in the audition scene as a diversion. It could actually beproof Mia’s character has nothing to do with Bl*ck S*ren at all. I’ll be sureto ask the writers once Carlos shows up. It’ll be any day now.
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And last, but certainly not least, Bl*ck Siren and Blackstar both have the name BLACK. Does this also mean she’s Dinah and Zoe’s baby? Because they have black in their code names too . Oooh maybe Dinah and Bl*ck Siren get married!!! I do love a good wedding theory. If William ever gets a code name he better make sure it has GREEN in it so people know who the hell he is. That’s the point of a code name right? Damn. Bl*ck S*ren is CIA level. She’s so sneaky. I’m sooo impressed.
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Thanks for reaching out and showing me the light Anon. Truly, I am grateful. I can’t wait to see how this response ages on Monday. 
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btshogwartsfics · 6 years
BTS at Hogwarts (Pt.7- Jungkook)
A/N: Last one in the series, yay! Kinda sad it’s over now, but if anyone wants me to continue with this BTS x HP thing with headcanons (Member x Reader(s)) or fic ideas, let me know and I’ll see if I can do it. I’ve already started toying with a Hoseok x Hufflepuff!Reader, but I’m not sure what to do with it, yet. Thank you all so much for sticking with me and my mess I like to call creativity! Enjoy this last part with our very own Golden Maknae! <3
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House: Slytherin
Patronus: Fox
Wand: Cedar Wood, Veela Hair and Phoenix Feather Core, 11 Inches, Slightly Flexible Flexibility
Blood Status: Pureblood
Possibility of Being a Prefect: Yes
Quidditch: OF COURSE
Best Class(s): Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions
So, I’ve seen people argue for Jungkook in just about every house but Hufflepuff (not to say it hasn’t or can’t be done). For me, I can understand all of those points and arguments, but I just feel like Jungkook is a Slytherin boy. He’s obviously very ambitious (he debuted at fifteen-years-old after all), and he continues to be so and he cares about his career because it’s his goal and his passion. He’s resourceful in getting what he wants and if need be I have no doubt he would also be very cunning. He’s a smart boy, he thinks smarter not harder. He knows what he wants and he gets what he wants.  However, though this isn’t said to be a key Slytherin trait, I have not met a single Slytherin to be unloyal. Even Draco Malfoy was loyal at the very least to his father and his family, if not to his friends or Voldemort. And don’t even try to tell me Jungkook is not loyal to his boys, don’t even try. And Kookie, I’ve come to realize, is a devious little shit. We love him for it, though so it’s okay. You can disagree with me if you’d like, I have no objections, but these are just my thoughts.
The symbolism for a fox is this: physical or mental responsiveness, cunning, seeing through deception, increased awareness, swiftness, passion, energy, and confidence.
“Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.”
Veela Hair -  “Veela wands are temperamental like the creatures they come from, and are considered too volatile for a decent wand core in many circles. However, some wizards, particularly those with Veela blood, enjoy the boost it gives to outdoorsy magics, divinations, and Charms. The veela’s inherent intelligence makes finding these wands among the non-Veela blooded most common in Ravenclaw. Occasionally a wand will be made with more than one of a particular core, or with a combination of two cores.”
Phoenix Feather -  “This is the rarest core type. Phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. They show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance is usually hard won.”
I chose two wand cores because I thought by combining them (a seemingly common Ravenclaw core and a seemingly common Gryffindor core) I would be able to represent both of the other areas of his personality. I think he is a Slytherin through and through, but he does have the wit and intelligence of a Ravenclaw (something that I’ve seen is common within the Slytherin house) and the courage and recklessness of a Gryffindor (and it’s been said that Gryffindors and Slytherins share some common features in the first place so…). Plus, it said that Phoenix feathers are rare and Veela hair wands may not be enough on their own and are best when paired with another core.
Now I decided to make Jungkook a pureblood. I don’t have much of a reason why I just get a very pureblood vibe from Kookie. He’s not stuck up and in my mind, he and his family are not traditionalists, blood status doesn’t really matter to him at all. He just happens to be a pureblood. He doesn’t think purebloods are better and that he’s better because he’s a pureblood, I just get a very noble, refined, almost regal vibe from Kook that I think really suits purebloods. Again, feel free to disagree, that’s perfectly okay.
I think Kookie would love the idea of being a Prefect. He may be mischievous and a bit of a prankster (him and the other maknaes, especially Tae), but I think he’d not only like the idea of having that authority (being the maknae) but the chance to help and influence the younger years. He’d be a role model for them, especially the Slytherins, and I think it suits him well. And I have no doubt he’d also go for Head Boy. Him and Jimin both, no telling who’ll win, though. Hmmm…
Kookie would definitely play Quidditch. I feel it would be one of those things he’s ambitious about. Being a pureblood, I feel like he would have grown up playing it and just being around it. He’d be really good at it, too. Slytherin’s Golden Seeker. Him and the snitch have that in common… (Oh God, please ignore my puns. I’m so sorry.)
I think Jungkook would have a knack for Potions. Again, it’s just a hunch. I also think he’d be really good at DADA. He’d just have a natural talent for it, and I think he’d find it pretty interesting and enjoy it, too. But that’s just me.
Alright boy secretly had been waiting for his letter for days
Like every morning he offered to get the mail, just to see if his Hogwarts letter had come yet
When it did he played it off cool
but lowkey boy did a little happy dance in his mind for weeks straight
His parents got him a lot of stuff from Diagon Alley and he was stocked
When he got to the train he was secretly kinda sad to leave his family but was super excited too so he snuffed that down
Sorting Hat took literally about ten seconds to place him
All the Slytherins were so excited
I mean, even at eleven I imagine he just embodied confidence
Immediately befriended Tae and Jimin, I mean come on
Professor Slughorn’s favorite student
Like he literally is so proud and so impressed
All the other students are jealous because Kookie can literally do nothing and still get a great grade and praise from Slughorn
Purposely bothers Yoongi in the common room when he’s trying to sleep
but they get along occasionally
Sometimes like days after Quidditch, they nap together
Ahh goals
Kook landed the Seeker position the second he got on that broom
Their star player
They call him [Slytherin’s] Golden SeekerSecretly loves the nickname
hAs sO MaNy fAngIrLs (and bOyS)
Literally has like a new secret admirer every week
All the first and second years are head-over-heels
Some of them even send him gifts
Some even ask him out
But he gets so shy around girls that he tries to just stay away from the majority of them
Some of them he can handle but he just gets really awkward when they ask him out
One time he just froze up and walked away
Felt sooo bad after but he had absolutely no idea what to do
His brain literally just shut off and all he could do was stare until he got the nerve to just walk away
Definitely tried to apologize after though
It’s all good
Not as fascinated my muggle objects as Tae, but definitely finds them interesting
Likes their jelly beans better, they don’t taste like vomit
DADA is where it’s at
Likes to pick on poor ChimChim, but it’s just a prank man
Always makes up for it though 
Owes that boy so many butterbeers good lord
Tries to practice with Tae but he’s too busy with other classes
Top of all his classes because come on, he’s the GOLDEN MAKNAE
Hates Muggle Studies though
Like why do they have to learn this
Can’t they just use their magic to do that stuff for them???
Him and the other maknaes love to mess with Jin and Hoseok 
Don’t know why they just do
They’re the most fun to tease
but he really really loves his friends
A/N: Thank you all for finishing these character profiles! If anyone has any requests, don’t be afraid to request them! My requests are always open. Sending love <333
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bizarre-dollhouse · 7 years
Discussing the intersection of expectations, culture, and narrative structure when it comes to suspension of disbelief and perceived narrative quality (using Kuroshitsuji and Sherlock season 4 as examples)
The title makes this sound kind of smart but in reality this is another really really long and totally incoherent ramble that accomplishes nothing it’s just something I thought was interesting and wanted to rant about. I’m sorry. One day I’ll go back to writing clever text posts I just don’t know when that day will come.
TL;DR: I thought of what it would be like to describe the 2ct becoming canon to someone who’s never heard of it and it sent me on this long spiral of thought where I concluded that the cleverness of a plot twist can be weighted on toooootally different criteria depending on who you ask.
Honestly the 2ct becoming canon is the most bizarrely conflicting plot twist to ever happen to a fandom.
Like, on the one hand I legitimately think that it was a good twist although who knows it could fall apart in the future only time will tell. I say that because in retrospect it was blatantly obvious (especially in the Boat arc and the Green Witch arc) but Yana still framed everything in such a way that it still felt ambiguous. Evidence piled up piece by piece so each thing on its own could be like “nah, it’s just a coincidence” but once it’s all together it starts to be like “....that’s a lot of coincidences.....hmmmmmm”
Plus, it’s a fun twist even if you figure it out before hand. Also, if you did put all of the pieces together you get that fun feeling of accomplishment that comes with solving a puzzle. 
On the other hand, one of my friends was really into to kuro, but (as far as i know) she’s not caught up past the green witch arc and she doesn’t keep up with the fandom on tumblr, so she probs doesn’t know about the 2ct or that it’s canon (and even if she does then idk make this a hypothetical friend it still works).
I’m like
What would she even say if I told her that Ciel has a twin brother? I can’t imagine it being anything except for “what the fuck! that doesn’t make sense and came out of buttfuck nowhere!”
Which is weird bc, as stated earlier, I think it was a plot twist which was easy enough to figure out, but maybe if you weren’t looking for hints then it’s actually a bad twist.
But on another level, that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me either. Because a twist that you can figure out is good, but if it’s too obvious then it just feels like a stupid non-twist. And, like I said, I think Yana did a really good balance of “in plain sight” but also kind of ambiguous (that’s also just my opinion, though). 
Sooo...why do I think it would feel so out of left field and terrible if you didn’t figure it out?
I think the elephant in the room is the fact that it’s the most cliched plot twist in the history of western media. Ever. Any parody of a soap opera being used for comedic purposes shows how corny and stupid soap operas are by showing someone had a secret twin. Fucking Gravity Falls had the twin twist but they still had a fake show to make fun of how cliched their own canon plot twist was. It’s mostly only annoying if it’s to create artificial drama or legitimately comes out of nowhere (which I’ll get into later), but it’s still a joke at this point from being used in the past.
it’s a cultural meme.
And this is super fucking unfair because, as akumedeenglish points out, it’s not a trope in Japan, so for Yana and her Japanese fans this is probably purely and unironically rad.
But for any member of the Western fandom who hasn’t heard of the 2ct or just thought the idea was stupid, it feels really stupid. 
If I were to tell someone who doesn’t get into kuro theories something like “hey, John Brown turned out to be a grim reaper!” their reaction would probably be more positive even though there is waaaaaaaay less evidence for that actually being a thing even though i want that to be a thing.
But at least you can take it seriously.
I feel like the main reason people hated the 2ct even before it became canon is because it is physically impossible to not think it’s dumb on some level just because it’s been made fun of so much, even if from a technical writing structure it makes perfect sense.
Expectations and specifics can greatly affect the public perception of a good twist. My absolute favourite comparison to make is the twist in Sherlock season 4, which is literally the worst twist of all time ever. In that show, Sherlock also has a super secret sibling, except it makes no fucking sense. Sherlock apparently magically forgot about her, and apparently she had the ability to mess with him at anytime but just...chose not to for several years.
Also she can fucking control people and see the future in a show that is not science fiction and is supposedly set in reality.
Like nothing was building up to the twist except for like one line where Mycroft says something about “the last one” or something implying maybe there was another Holmes. Still dumb, and still last minute. But because of that people weren’t dedicated to an expectation that the sibling theory wasn’t canon, so there was no disappointment, just shock.
Followed by disappointment when the next episode aired.
But what made me paranoid was that my mom (who also hated season 4 of sherlock by the by) had a coworker who totally thought that it made sense and wasn’t contrived as shit. My mom said something that made me rethink the entire structure of a show like Sherlock compared to the Kuro manga.
“He was defending it”.
So of course I sat down to have an existential crisis about the nature of plot twists and narrative structure. “Am I just defending a shitty plot twist by telling myself it wasn’t shitty?” I thought to myself while sitting with my fist under my chin in an intellectual position of philosophical thought.
No, with a “maybe” on standby in case this whole Phantomhive twin thing totally sucks in future chapters.
Like i said, the 2ct follows the structural rules for creating a good plot twist. It makes narrative sense, and you could figure out before hand while still having fun with it. The same fucking plot twist was total bs in Sherlock for the reasons mentioned above (btw I should point out that I actually like the first two seasons of Sherlcok before anyone has my head. I would also like to point you towards the 1.5 hour video where someone describes how Sherlock doesn’t work as a mystery bc in that video there is a clip of the directer/writer saying “ah man, if we dove into Sherlock’s backstory, that would be a mistake and no one would buy it!” ....but you did. ah yes. clearly the sibling thing was a brilliant and well thought out twist and not something you made up to look clever. way to be consistent.)
Kuro is dumb, but it’s not stupid.
Sherlock looked smart but turned out to be incompetent. 
Plus, even though I love kuro, I’m not gonna sit here and be like “oh man, that boyband arc was totally necessary and not stupid at all! I’m sure glad Yana spent 3 whole volumes describing Ciel having wacky antics at a public school!” I may have Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to this manga but I also have standards. (Actually in all honesty I was falling out of love with the series because I hated the boyband stuff so much, but real ciel brought me back XD).
(Actually, I think a valid point about the 2ct becoming canon is that the timing was baaaaaad because it happened right after a point where people where drastically losing interest in the series).
But in the end, it is a legitimately bad twist for some people for a multitude of reasons. It is cliched, even if Yana didn’t know that and it only affects western readers. It can change people’s perception of the main character in a way they don’t like. If you’re an audience member who has never heard of the 2ct, it can really feel like it came out of buttfuck nowhere. Plus, for every reader, it kinda turned the series in a weird direction??? I legitimately have no idea where this is going. It could totally suck balls. Yana could unintentionally make it follow the evil twin cliche to a point of nausea. My only ray of confidence is coming from the fact that she had a plan for this and I have foolish optimism.
So I guess at the end of the day it comes down to suspension of disbelief and level of investment/curiosity? Like, how much are you willing to accept it as a twist that makes sense and are you interested enough to see how it plays out.
But like I said, I still think it’s a good twist based on dramatic stakes, narrative consistency, and the fact that it was set up in a clever way. This becomes a lot more obvious when Kuro is compared to Sherlock season 4.
That’s my rant. bye.
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monkey-network · 5 years
Mini Stuff of Good: 2019 2nd Quarter
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We’re doing a lightning round of anything up to this point, no holds barred! 3. 2.. 1...
One Punch Man 2
The story certainly made up the utter downgrade of its animation. If anything, I’d seriously stick with the manga if we’re talking good spectacle. (Grade: C+)
Care Bears: Unlock the Magic
I can say this is Turner’s answer to Hasbro’s My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. The look of it is a plus and the episodes are on the same level of quality as MLP, but I had my doubts that this would get the same level of traction, especially since it’s Boomerang. It’s not bad, just not much to write home about. (Grade: C)
An upbeat movie that I say didn’t deserve the disdain it received. Like yeah, it’s pretty by the numbers, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t entertaining in the slightest, and surprisingly heavy in its racial undertones if you’d believe me. (Grade: B-)
Avengers Endgame
Was certainly conclusive and fun, but inferior compared to Infinity War, especially when it unfortunately has to undo everything that happened in that movie. Not as many good memes from this as the interchangeable Thanos snap meme. (Grade: B)
Tuca & Bertie
Honestly a fun series that makes its cancellation just depressing to hear. The duo themselves made every episode enjoyable and while I wish certain plot points could’ve been better, the overall story arc with our MC’s friendship was very investing. In the least, the season ended on a good, optimistic note. (Grade: A-)
Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart
Essentially the Adventures of Puss in Boots, anime edition. Not to say that’s a bad thing, because there are plenty of differences, but come on, the similarities between the two leads and the premise are eeriely similar. As such, it gets the same grade (Grade: B+)
A DC comic book movie that actually tries to be a comic book movie. Bonus points for the director being one that mostly made horror movies. (Grade: A-)
Scooby Doo and Guess Who?
Scooby Doo and self humor doesn’t sit well with me since the fun came in taking its campy nature straightfaced while having some good sitcom laughs, i.e. Monsters Unleashed, Mystery Incorporated, or Be Cool, Scooby Doo. The celebrity guests are almost always a highlight, but they also admittedly take away from the characters we’re meant to see. (Grade: B-)
Archer 1999
Finally, a season of Archer that has everyone together doing space adventures, and it’s not the final season! (Grade: B+)
Dick Pikachu
Lovely to look at, not so much in remembering it. It has the same grade I gave the game it’s based on. (Grade: C+)
Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband
The most perfect yakuza based slice of life comic around. (Grade: S)
Burning Effect
I honestly haven’t seen a webcomic that went this hard before. It’s like Bakugo from My Hero Academia went into every character design and impacting visual, with a story and premise that gradually makes sense the more you carry on and a female lead that is a upcoming warrior in every sense. (Grade: A)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
There’s a Youtube channel that reviews this show episode by episode and I found them more insightful and entertaining than this series. A shame since I like the original She-Ra and I was hoping for a good series about princesses fighting. But this series was slog to get through and it doesn’t help that my attachment to most of the characters has fizzled out. Season 3 certainly picked things up, but it shouldn’t have took this long to pick things up. (Grade: C+)
The Secret Life of Pets 2
Just as good as the first one, if not better, which I bet many who reviewed this will probably say otherwise. The scene near the end is honestly cemented in my mind, it just worked. (Grade: B-)
SMG4, The Anime Arc
This definitely fun. A middling 1st half, but things definitely pick up in the 2nd half. There are some contrivances and conveniences, but man was that the most engaged I’ve ever been with this Youtube series overall. (Grade: B+)
Aladdin (2019)
Oh wow, another remake that pales in comparison to the original. A takeaway from all this is Disney needs to hire directors that aren’t boring. (Grade: D+)
MIB: International
Oh wow, it’s Jurassic World: Men In Black edition with two great actors that are heavily underutilized in it. Where’s Taika when you need him? (Grade: C-)
Lion King (2019)
Oh wow, a remake that doesn’t understand why the original worked. This here was honestly the final straw for me as I am distancing myself from these remakes because unless one actually looks and feels appealing, my sensible bias towards them will never change. I feel annoyed that I DON’T know what people see in these. (Grade: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!)
DC Super Hero Girls
Honestly what I wanted Nu She-Ra to be, better animated, better characterized, and reminds me of the new Ninja Turtles series with how it is setting things up. As a DC fan, I am more than impressed. (Grade: A)
X-Men, Dark Phoenix
They honestly weren’t trying and this movie resulted in me getting Ligma. (Grade: D+)
Our Cartoon President
We had our laughs a couple years ago, but let’s be real. Trump is a dried up meme and there was no reason for a 2nd season of this. (Grade: F+)
Final Space
Season 2 has its hits and misses but I am very much enjoying this series still. The latest episode deep down made me wish it didn’t try to make things drama heavy for the previous episodes, like it’s trying to recapture the sharp turn that was season one’s episode six. Needless to say, they’re certainly keeping the momentum going for this series and I’m all for it. (Grade: B+)
Aero (Comic series)
Imagine if Nejire from My Hero Academia was a Marvel superhero. The dialogue and writing is generic and simple, but you not only get a nice grasp of our heroine but this is one of the first anime looking Marvel comics that looks incredible. This really stood out at my comic shop and I am very intrigued to see more of this character and this artwork. (Grade: B)
Infinity Train
Very compelling, nicely visualized, and the 10 episode work to a good strength of pacing. Though I will be honest, One-One wasn’t a character that stood out to me, I dunno, I felt distant towards him compared to the other characters. But I enjoyed this no doubt and I’m glad there is more to come. (Grade: ???)
Twelve Forever
This is one of those rare shows where I’ll gladly say it’s good but not entertaining. As much as I enjoy randomness every now and then, I felt bored watching it. The Butt Witch was the saving grace, immediately being my favorite character, but she wasn’t enough to make me keep going. I’ll give it a good grade tho with the effort they put into everything. (Grade: B)
Rocko’s Modern Life, Static Cling
I already reviewed this before, but I honestly considered this a great comeback to a very nostalgic and influential show. (Grade: A)
Meta Runner
A new series with surprisingly good pacing and a empathetically great main character. The dialogue can be give and take, with a villain that’s honestly too evil for his own good, but I can’t help but say that this is an engaging series. And it’s youtube sooo bonus. (Grade: B+)
A series that definitely got better as it went along. I like the episodes that had good ties to the season’s climax, the main four are especially the highlight with their personalities, and the character growth felt natural if on the nose sometimes. I’m stoked for part 2,,, hopefully they schedule it better. (Grade: A-)
Angry Birds 2
It was fun. Probably forgettable to many, but I won’t deny that it’s one of the better popcorn flics of the Summer (Grade: B+)
Toy Story 4
I grown tired of people questioning whether or not this movie was pointless, so I’ll come out the gate to say that this is the best movie of the Summer so far. It was a more solemn movie that was organically thoughtful with itself, there were plenty of laughs, I loved Bo Peep, and the way they handled the antagonist is something that rocked the franchise’s themes to the core sensibly. This film makes for one of the few times a fourth sequel can actually come out great. (Grade: A)
T I M E’S U P ! ! ! ! ! !
Welp, looks like the spring and summer have indeed strengthened itself for the better. Can the latter half of 2019 keep the momentum as we reach the new decade? Stay tuned.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
disgaea 3 absence of detention psv
disgaea 3 absence of detention psv
Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention cheats & more for PS Vita (PSV)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, trophies, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PS Vita (PSV). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the PS Vita cheats we have available for Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention.
Also Known As: Absence of Detention
Genre: Role-Playing, Strategy RPG
Developer: Unknown
Publisher: NIS America
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: April 17, 2012
Currently we have no tips for Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
How To Unlock All Classes
Archer : Have a level 15 Valkyrie and Cleric
Armored Knight : Have a level 15 Warrior and Martial Artist
Beast Master : Have a level 15 Valkyrie and Fight Mistress
Berserker : Have a level 40 Armored Knight and Beast Master
Celestial Host : Beat the Item World Command Attack on any difficulty in under 145 commands
Cheerleader : Have a level 25 Wiseman and Cleric
Dragon : Defeat a Dragon in Item World or Class World
Factory Desco : Unlock Desco, pass the, “Create a Final Boss?” bill as Mao
Felynn : Defeat a Felynn in Item World or Class World
Female Samurai : Have a level 35 Valkyrie and Archer
Gunner : Have a level 15 Magician and Thief
Gunslinger : Have a level 15 Witch and Thief
Kunoichi : Have a level 30 Fight Mistress and Witch
Magic Knight : Have a level 25 Warrior/Valkyrie and Magician/Witch
Majin : Get the Normal or Good ending
Masked Hero : Have a level 45 Thief and Gunner/Gunslinger
Ninja : Have a level 30 Martial Artist and Magician
Ranger : Have a level 15 Warrior and Clergy
Samurai : Have a level 35 Warrior and Ranger
Shaman : Have a level 25 Wiseman and Magician/Witch
Wiseman : Having a level 20 Martial Artist/Fight Mistress and Magician/Witch
Cameo Characters
Complete the corresponding actions to unlock the special Cameo Characters:
Aramis : Clear Class World Command Attack with less than 100 commands
Asagi : Beat extra map 4
Axel : Beat extra map 6
Laharl, Etna, and Flonne : Beat extra map 7
Marona : Beat extra map 5
Master Big Star : Beat extra map 1
Pleinair : In Survival, get 7 Level Spheres and wish for the Mascot Character
Prism Red : Beat extra map 3
Salvatore : Beat extra map 2
Different Endings
Almaz’s Ending : Win stage 8-4 with Almaz alone and the battle after
Death Institute, Majin Academy Ending : Clear Death Institute, Majin Academy Side Story
Human World Ending : Kill more then 99 allies and clear two alt. stages by stage 7-6
Laharl’s Ending : Go to homeroom and propose “Watch a New Ending” and clear the stage
Mao’s Ambition Ending : Clear stage 1-9 on 2nd or higher cycle before stage 4-4
Normal Ending : Don’t meet any other ending’s requirement
Raspberyl Version Ending : Clear Raspberyl Version Side Story
Raspberyl’s Ending 1 : Lose against Raspberyl on stage 1-5
Raspberyl’s Ending 2 : Lose against Raspberyl on stage 2-1
Super Hero Ending : Use Mao at Lv 500 or higher to defeat final boss
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Trophy List
10 Piece Combo Meal (Bronze) – Destroy your enemies with evil teamwork!
A Single Step (Bronze) – Welcome to Disgaea 3 – Absence of Detention! We welcome new and returning players alike! Enjoy!
All-Pro Receiver (Bronze) – Let’s cross this continent!
Arcarnageologist (Gold) – Reaching the 100th floor.in Carnage!
As the World Turns (Bronze) – If it spins, it’s only natural to want to spin it.
BGM Lover (Bronze) – How ’bout buying some music for a change?
Call Me Nacho Cinco! (Bronze) – We’re going to outer space, baby!
Ch.1 Netherworld Honor Student Complete (Bronze) – I am indeed the No.1 Honor Student!
Ch.2 Mao’s Heart Complete (Bronze) – I was supposed to pour salt and pepper on it, instead of hot sauce!
Ch.3 The Freshmen Leader! Complete (Bronze) – Boss! Boss! Boss!
Ch.4 Almaz the Hero Complete (Bronze) – Babuu.
Ch.5 Grand War Complete (Bronze) – Hot Hot Sensitive Tongue Slash! Kiiiiiaaaaahhhhh!
Ch.6 The Reckoning Complete (Bronze) – Hmhmhm.
Ch.7 An Eye for an Eye Complete (Bronze) – Gimme an autograph later!
Combo No. 255 (Bronze) – I won’t stop hitting until you stop getting up.
Commando King (Bronze) – Now you’re the Class World King!
Cross Fists as Friends (Bronze) – It’s a story about a friendship born through fisticuffs.
Demon King – Have It Your Way (Bronze) – Force your will on them, like the demon your are!
Eryngi Baal Slayer (Bronze) – I’m not going to get my “a” back?
Finale Complete (Bronze) – I will.become the Overlord!
Finger Flicking Good (Bronze) – Mooove! My fingers are on fire!!!
First Setback (Bronze) – That was just a warm. Now I’m ready to go!
Giga Damage! (Bronze) – More training! You can do more!
Gotcha! (Bronze) – Yay! You got a new ally!
Hardcore Gamer! (Bronze) – Thanks for playing! But we suggest you take a break.
Hop, Step, Jump (Bronze) – Isn’t jumping sooo much fun?
I Got Gummed. (Bronze) – Why me.?
I Had an Axeldent! (Bronze) – Axel never stops working! Even in the Item World!
It’s Da Bomb! (Bronze) – Playing with bombs in Homeroom? You’re quite an honor student.
Item Spelunker (Bronze) – Congratulations on reaching the 100th floor! You’re on the right track to become a hardcore player!
IWCA Flyweight Champion (Bronze) – You are the Item World Champ!
Kneel Before Cat God! (Bronze) – *blush* Oh, you can stand, meow.
Magichangician (Bronze) – Transform! Yeah!
Majin Academy Complete (Bronze) – I shall take over this Academy!
Master of the Chain (Bronze) – Do massive chains! Use your brain to the max!
Mega Damage! (Bronze) – You gotta train! For starters, a million damage!
Omni Bonus! (Bronze) – It’s only natural for a demon to take everything.
PE Teacher Destroyer (Silver) – It’s always been a dream to defeat a PE teacher.
Platinum Trophy (Platinum) – Congratulations on getting all the trophies!
Playing Favorites (Bronze) – Aren’t you happy to be surrounded by your favorite characters?
Puzzle Master (Bronze) – Erase everything! Train that brain!
Raspberyl Version Complete (Bronze) – You all graduate, today!
Reverse Pirates! Everything is Mine! (Gold) – Reverse Pirates, yeah! Nothing is left in our wake.
Reverse Pirates! I Shall Take Your Innocents! (Silver) – Reverse Pirates, yeah! We’re taking all the Innocents with us!
Reverse Pirates! Your Treasure is Mine! (Bronze) – Reverse Pirates, yeah! All that treasure’s just for me!
Shopping Spree (Bronze) – As a proud demon, I’ll buy everything at the store!
Shut Up Already! (Bronze) – I’ll never stop talking!
Super Honor Student (Bronze) – The HQ at this school is truly amazing.
Survival Class – Passed (Bronze) – You truly are the Survival Master!
Tera Damage! (Silver) – Even more training! Good job!
The Shamshank Redemon (Bronze) – I’m just testing your loyalty.
The Towertastic Ten (Bronze) – This is the epitome of a tower!
Treasure Hunter (Bronze) – Don’t your legs feel stronger from all that jumping?
Trophy Shopper (Bronze) – I’ve been waiting for you in this Mystery Room!
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