#and I'll tag it appropriately when the time comes in case you're not into that. But for now he can still walk... Or waddle rather.
bigs-bigshot · 11 months
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Fattytober day 11 - Bathtub, day 12 - Distribution, day 13 - Theater, day 14 - Legs and day 15 - Floating.
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ditizygirl · 4 months
Editblr is a breeding ground for idolatry, ableism, racism and so much more all for a community about putting images together.
I've been here for only a year but I feel like I've seen it all, and the excuses oh my god the excuses. You are all 15-19, you should not have the mental capacity of a 8 year old. Your common sense is non existent and almost all of you guys are so fucking stupid it's pissing me off more than any god can understand. You are old enough to have logical thinking skills, you may have a disorder and it may be a reason but not an excuse.
Alot of you have forgotten the saying "Think Before You Talk" and I've sure as hell done alot of thinking. This is my deep dive into editblr.
Typing quirks are a way of personal expression but why do so much of you hate to add plain text. I can understand to extent because plain text hates my head because of how long it can be but I'm not gonna act like a little bitch about it. I'm gonna add my typing quirk or even fonts itself to it.
I'm gonna ask someone to help me, or to do it for me. Stopping making excuses for ableism. Alongside with the typing quirks, your psds are ugly and eyestrainy. Psds also fall under racism because I have no idea why you guys are ignoring the fact some make dark skin characters lighter but in the case of ableism most of them are really bright and makes it hard to see.
Orange and brown? Green and yellow? Blue and brown? Why are you putting colours that can be so much eyesore together? And won't even tag as eyestrain and when someone does ask you only do it for one post.
This one is weird as fuck and I see no one mentioning it. Editblr highkey has a ddlg problem, this "little girl" aesthetic you guys have going on borderlines ddlg alot and its icky. The baby talk typing quirk is disgusting, stop it.
I'm not one to judge how someone copes with their trauma but what I DO judge is how you act when majority says its uncomfortable. Now this section I'm a bit unsure how to phrase it, gotta love dyslexia, but that isn't going to stop me.
There's alot of very uncomfortable romanticization of stalking which I've seen so much of alongside abusive relationships and the justification of these things.
Really can't escape this one unfortunately. Many of you are like kpop idols, you're too dyslexic towards the difference between appropriation and appreciation. Incase you forgot let me remind you.
You can not gift japanese names. Gifting names is a native practice therefore you can only gift native names. Also I've noticed you weirdos befriending people just to use their cultural names. I can't even say it east asian fetishization because its only Japanese.
Also for the love of God can you guys stop saying nonmem and non women especially when referring to sexualities. It's not hard to simply say "queer attraction to women" and "queer attraction to men".
Coming back to the "gifting" names thing, I think it's interesting how all of you conveniently have a Japanese friend who "gifted" you the name of a cute pink anime girl. Maybe I'll do a post later on how much of a bad liar you guys are.
Closed symbols is also another big problem you all have. No matter how much times you're told you can't use something you always cry "but my friend from xyz culture said it was ok!" One person can't speak for a whole culture. You're nothing but a coloinzer in disguise hiding behind the idea of aesthetic. If you want to know if a symbol is closed just use this site.
Goddess Personas
Yea this one is getting a whole section of its own. Like any people I am uncomfortable with goddess personas, especially being someone with biblical sources. Now the idea that a teenager on the internet is making people call them a goddess is strange isn't it?
In my opinion, they're all annoying, copy and paste, and I think not a lot of people talk about how the really bad ones get. You all love to indulge them, make them think they have power over them. You put them on a pedestal and praise them and get surprised when it all goes to their head?
Stop giving 14 years old power, stop indulging in their habits and letting it go their head. Forcing people to refer to you as their goddess? Their Lord and saviour? Their idol? Someone they must listen to? It creates a power inbalance which always leads to the weirdest of manipulation. Also all the engagekiss copiers are so obvious why would you want to copy the identity of a groomer? It says alot of about yourself if that's what you think is ideal.
Callout Posts
Now, personally, I believe that the only reason a callout post happens is because someone was affected, does it not? Very rarely would a callout post would be a fake one, especially if someone has more then one. If you defend someone who has more than one call out post that's on you and you're gonna end up making one some day I can genuine you that. People don't make them for no reason.
This is all I have to say for now. I hope you guys really consider what I have written here, or not, considering the fact you guys have shown multiple times you lack reading comprehension
@starriesse @dollicous @doveinne @firstgf @kiochisato @lamboll @cherryshh @narcbf @lavendergalactic @npditary @sprinkleoverdose @necroangelz @eskeys
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chernabogs · 4 months
I saw in your tags for the scenario promts that you're accepting requests👀 How about “you will always follow the trail in the wood, and it will guide you on the same path, to the same cottage, the same witch. it will always be your undoing” with Yuu? or, if you don't write for them, “names are not like currency here; they are more precious than diamonds and legacies” with Malleus?
I'll give u both xoxo
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The Woodcutter and The Prince
Inc: Malleus Draconia, Reader/Yuu, Sebek Zigvolt, Silver, Lilia Vanrouge, Grim Warnings: None for once LMAO WC: 4.3k Summary: A fairy tale of a woodcutter, a beast, three knights, and a lonely prince.
It feels appropriate to begin the story with ‘once upon a time,’ the token element, as that’s what all tales of magic and monsters begin with.
So, once upon a time, there was a woodcutter. 
You, or Yuu, as many called you, were somewhat of a respectable member of your village. As one of the few people who was brave enough to go trekking into the darkened woods beyond the boundaries for the needs of the villagers, they often turned to you for aid when times grew dire, and winter began its inevitable descent. You had grown up in these woods. You had seen many of the things that the shadows and the soil had to offer, and so you had come to settle into this life alone, becoming quite content in your role as a provider. 
One day, when you are deep within the bowels of nature that never seemed sated, the sharp blade of your axe biting into an oak as you sought to fill your quota, a great beast steps onto the path before you. Fire laps in its ears, and it has a tail like a trident, which twitches and sways in irritation. It holds its head low to meet your gaze, and it’s with that stare that you find your arm stilling, the axe soon held limply by your side. When you cease your cutting, the beast gives a low rumble from within its chest before speaking. 
“Woodcutter, there is a beast in this forest that cannot stop devouring. If you can satisfy him, you will be rewarded.” 
You take a wary step back then, your gaze uncertain as you observed the power rippling beneath the great cat's skin. Its toothy smile contrasts the softer tone it uses to share with you its plea. Yet, despite all these aspects, you feel no malice in its presence. So you heft your axe onto your shoulder and fix the beast with a frown. 
“How can I be of help? I come out here to cut the woods, not satisfy the monsters they house.” 
The beast's tail flicks again as it settles on its haunches. Reptile-like claws dig into the soil of the earth as a shuddering sigh leaves its form. “The beast is a prince who, despite having all the possessions in the world, still carries an emptiness in his core. He is guarded by three knights who let him do as he pleases. Open their eyes, and your reward shall be even greater.”
“How can I even find this prince, or beast, or whatever he may be? The woods are so grand you can hardly expect me to know every corner.” You gesture to the thick trunks and towering leaves around you. “I know only what is close to my home, as that’s all I’ve ever needed. These woods have been more than giving.” 
“You know where he is already. You have walked that path before—though you may need to dig into your dreams to see it. You will always follow the trail in the woods, and it will guide you on the same path, to the same cottage, the same beast. It will always be your undoing—or, in this case, his.” The beast smiles a great grin that showed its many rows of shard-like teeth. “Do you not love your home? Do you not love your kin? If you leave him be, he will come upon your doorsteps in time like a starving wraith. He will claw his way into your homes and feed you sweet dreams until you rot to dust in your beds. Then, he will simply move on.”
“He sounds horrid,” you sputter, your grip on the axe tightening. The beast nods. 
“In a sense, he is. But even the most horrid can change with the right prompting. So tell me—are you good at carving?” 
You find your curiosity soon outweighing your fright over the beast and the tales that he spins. His warnings of what will happen to your home, should this prince be left unchecked, sends shivers up your spine and you find yourself nodding at his words. The beast almost looks satisfied as he rises again with another rumbling purr. He slips back into the brush that he emerged from, the foliage swallowing his form, until all that is left for you to see is a pair of burning blue eyes. 
“Good luck, woodcutter. The forest now rests in your hands.” 
And with that, he leaves you alone once more, with nothing more than an axe and a marred tree as your companions. 
You do not remember your dreams very well. You never have, even in your youth. They seem to dissipate out of your mind as soon as you wake, leaving you grasping at the vaguest of visions to piece together what tapestry your mind wove. Still, your feet carry you forward into the woods with sure steps, the axe still held on your shoulder as you walk. It feels as though you travelled for many hours until you came upon the first of the three the beast warned you of—a man with green hair, and armour of iron. 
“Today, we will enter the valley,” the man declares, unaware of your presence at the edges of the meadow, “and my prince shall find his companionship there.” 
You watch on as the knight looks back along the path, as though expecting someone else, before he moves to a stream close to your hiding position. You lower yourself closer to the twigs and branches below before clearing your throat to speak in a low murmur. 
“Fine knight,” you coo, throwing your voice to make it sound far different than it is, “do you truly intend to let your prince enter the valley?” 
The green knight stands sharply, his hand touching his sword hilt as his eyes flash with anger. “Who goes there?” He demands, his voice like a booming of thunder across the meadow. You remain concealed as you speak again. 
“Fine knight, do you truly think your prince will find a companion in the valley? What will he do if he does not? He will become more despondent, more enraged, and he will pull you into a dreamless sleep as he has so many others. Will you let him do that?” Your nails tap the handle of your axe as you watch the knight's expression. “Will you let him steal your dreams too?” 
The knight doesn’t seem too fond of the idea as he stands by the stream, a conflicted look upon his face. His hand clenches and unclenches on his sword hilt before he looks back to the path once more. “I do not wish… to see my prince despondent anymore,” he murmurs, his voice now less fierce than before. 
“Then find me a piece of yew and bring it to where your prince lay. I shall make it so that he may never feel alone again.” You urge. The knight seems uncertain still. 
“Who are you? How can I trust you?” He demands again. You hum quietly from your hiding place. 
“I am Yuu, and I swear that I will not lay a hand on your prince. If I do, you may guide the waters that fill this stream to fill my lungs instead.”
Well, this satisfies the knight, and with a huff and a nod he goes stomping into the forest to search for a yew tree. Once he’s gone, you creep out of your hiding place to continue down the path from your dream, pleased that the first obstacle is now done. 
You find yourself disheartened as the walk carries on and the sun creeps further across the sky. It was dawn when you began, and now it is midday. Still, your mind remains focused as the beast's warnings play over, allowing you to be alert enough to hear humming before the figure emerges. The second knight is a creature in himself—a fae, wearing the clothes of a travelling merchant instead of the armour the first knight adorned.  
He does not give you a chance to hide. His red eyes are locking with yours before you can even move, and the grin he offers shows a pair of brilliant white canines in his mouth. “Fine day, is it not?” 
You pause, your axe on your shoulder as you open your mouth to respond before falling silent again. The knight and you observe each other for a moment before he speaks once more. “What brings you so deep in these woods? You are of the valley.” 
“I am.” You answer deftly as you squeeze your axe handle again. “I am here to complete a task.”
“And what task might bring a woodcutter out here?” The knight prompts, taking a seat on a nearby stump to prop his chin in his hands. His smile does not waver as he watches you, and you know that trying to lie about your purpose to him will be a folly on your end. 
“Do you truly intend to let your prince enter the valley?” You instead ask, lowering your axe as you shift your weight on your feet. The knight raises one dark eyebrow. 
“Why should we not?” He replies easily. “He is our prince, after all. He wishes to find companionship, among others.”
“But dearest knight, do you truly think your prince will find a companion in the valley? What will he do if he does not? He will become more despondent, more enraged, and he will pull you into a dreamless sleep as he has so many others. Will you let him do that?” Your nails tap the handle of your axe as you watch the knight's expression. “Will you let him steal your dreams too?”
“I have no dreams left to steal!” The knight laughs as he leans back on the stump. “My nights are as empty as an abyss.”
“Then what of the others? When he steals away dreams and leaves everyone asleep, he will simply move on to another village. He will still be utterly alone. Do you wish to see him like that?” You pause to gesture to the silent woods around you. “Will you let him continue to hurt as well?” 
The knight seems less fond of this idea as his smile wavers. Perhaps you are misjudging it, but this knight has an almost fatherly look about him when it comes to matters regarding his prince. His black nails tap his leg before speaking. “What do you offer him in turn, then?” 
“Find me a smooth carving stone and bring it to where your prince lay. I shall make it so that he may never feel alone again.” You urge. The knight tilts his head in consideration.  
“Who are you, and how can I trust you?” He muses. “We take great offence to lies, you know.�� 
“I am Yuu, and I swear that I will not lay a hand on your prince. If I do, you may urge the roots that tether these trees to tether my body instead.”
Well, this satisfies the knight, who rises from the stump with a soft laugh before stepping towards you. He touches your arm lightly and looks up at you with a mischievous grin, which does little to hide the wariness in his eyes. “Be kind to him, hm?”
Once he’s gone, you hoist your axe back upon your shoulder and continue down the path, the knights parting words now playing alongside the beasts in your mind. 
Once more, you become disheartened as the midday sun soon shifts onto afternoon. You thought you’d find the prince faster and perhaps bypass the final knight, but it doesn’t seem that the world is willing to give you this break. When you come across the third obstacle, you do not see him as much as you do trip over his form. A stuttered gasp passes your lips as you regain your footing before looking down, where a pair of aurelian eyes are blearily looking up at you. 
“Hm?” Languidly, the third knight sits up from his position beneath the tree. His silver hair nearly blinds you in the sunlight, but this still doesn’t stop you from seeing the peculiar army of animals hovering around his form. Squirrels, chipmunks, birds—it’s as though the entire forest rests by his side. “Who might you be?” 
“Yuu.” You answer immediately, blinking your confusion away as you shift to face the odd man. He seems unbothered by both your presence and your axe as he remains sitting on the forest floor. “Are you… a knight?” 
“Mhm.” The man hums back as he rubs his eyes before rising to his feet. The act sends the animals scurrying away in a tizzy as his attention drifts to you. “Are you in need of aid? You’re quite far from where the village lay in the valley.” 
“I’m on a quest of sorts.” You watch the animals hovering on the edge of the treeline in interest before looking back to the knight. Despite his sleepy gait, there’s an alertness in his eyes that warns you off from trying any form of deception. “Do you intend to let your prince enter the valley?” 
The silver knight looks surprised for a moment before he crosses his arms, a frown touching his lips. “... if he wishes to, yes.” 
“But do you wish him to, knowing all that he will do if his desires fall through?” You decide a more honest conversation is best with this knight, who seems apprehensive of the plan to begin with. The silver knight looks past you to the pathway beyond for a moment before exhaling a soft sigh.
“I do not wish to see him hurt. I care for him dearly, for he is family to me, but…” the knight trails off, leaving you to pick up his sentence. “I also do not wish to see him so alone anymore. My father, my friend, and I—we have always been here for him, but he seems unable to see that.”
His father and his friend must have been the other two knights. You brave a step closer to the silver knight. “Do you think your prince will find a companion in the valley? What will he do if he does not? He will become more despondent, more enraged, and he will pull you into a dreamless sleep as he has so many others. Will you let him do that?”
“I can travel in dreams, so it is of no worry to me. But my father and my friend cannot.” The silver knight seems torn for a moment, standing on the precipice of loyalty and love, before his brilliant gaze looks to you again. “What are you offering, Yuu?” 
“Find me clay—primed for creating—and bring it to where your prince lay. I shall make it so that he may never feel alone again.” You promise. He looks unsure for a moment. 
“How can I trust you?” He asks, his voice soft and full of genuine concern. 
“I swear that I will not lay a hand on your prince. If I do, you may take the stones that lay on this forest floor and lay them upon my body instead.”
Well, this satisfies the knight, who nods his head somberly before turning away. A wave of his hand sends the birds fluttering, the squirrels skittering, and many of the animals into a frenzy as he steps into the woods. You watch him until he vanishes before turning back to the path. 
When the sun dips below the horizon and the sky above the woods is a blaze of golds and reds, that is when you see the home where the prince resides.
True to the beast's words, it is not a grand palace you encounter, but a cottage nestled deep within the woods. A garden surrounds the home, which is built of stone and oak, and a fence guards the path to the front door. You push it open with some trepidation before following the stones to the entrance. A part of you seeks to take your axe within, but another part protests, leaving you to set it aside instead. 
The door gives in to your push with little protest. When you pass through the threshold, you are enveloped in a warmth that seems unnatural, making your skin prickle beneath the wool clothing that keeps you safe in the woods. You tug on your collar as you look around the room—carvings and trinkets decorate the space, each one hand-crafted by someone who resides here. 
And this is when your gaze comes to rest on him. 
He’s observing you as you observe the space. He is a tall man—of this you can tell, even from where he sits—with sharp green eyes and dark lips which are twisted into a frown. Two black horns rise from his head into sharpened points, which are where your eyes go to immediately even as he speaks. 
“Yuu.” Your name rolls off his tongue with such ease that it sends a chill down your spine. You look at him in surprise, wondering how he knows your name already, which he then goes to answer with his next few words. “Names are not like currency here; they are more precious than diamonds and legacies. You give yours far too freely to expect it not to spread.” 
“Was it your knights?” You query as you move closer, drawing a chair out to sit across from him. The act momentarily surprises him as his expression shifts. This is a victory you take. “They all asked me for my name before I passed.”
“No, not the knights. Nature is a most noisy companion. Every breeze, every leaf, and every insect are buzzing about your venture. Dearest woodcutter, what is it that you seek from me?” The words are spoken with an undercurrent of distrust as the prince’s lip curls, showing teeth similar to those of the second knight. You take note of his pointed ears as well. A fae—not a monster like the beast said. Not even close, in fact. The guardedness in his gaze is not born of hostility. “You left your axe outside.”
“I haven’t used it at all on my walk. And I seek nothing more than a conversation.” You lean back in your chair as you glance out the nearby window. This position will let you see when the three knights make their return. 
“You do not seek congenial conversation. I sense an interrogation is on the horizon.” He gives a harsh scoff as he crosses his arms. The temperature in the room seems to rise with his frustrations. “What is it you want, woodcutter?” 
“Are you going to the valley?” You bend to his demands and ask your questions as you meet his eye again. There is no cowering or simpering in your seat—you match his gaze steadfast with your own resilience. 
“What if I am?” He counters with all the haughtiness a young prince may possess. The act makes him seem more human and prompts a quirk of amusement in your lips. 
“What is it you desire?” 
“Why does what I desire concern you?” 
“Because I have been warned of what may happen if you cannot find it.” A moment of silence passes at your statement as the prince’s stubbornness remains. Then he sneers. 
“Did the beast offer you a prize? Is that what you want? A pretty reward for stopping me?” He hisses. You consider his words carefully. At first you did want a reward, in addition to aiding your fellow villagers. The three knights you’ve met have altered this perception, however. The first one with his unwavering loyalty showed you what the prince could be. The second one with his paternal concern showed you what the prince has been. The third knight with his uninhibited care to both the prince and his family showed you what the prince is. 
This is not a monster. This is a man in a cottage who has, in some way, been put in a role he isn’t sure he wants to fulfill. He has fallen into content monotony—precisely like you. 
So you shake your head because you know this is the truthful thing to do. “I did want the reward, but not anymore. I would rather talk to you for a while.”
Another flash of surprise sparks another twinge of victory in your chest as the prince leans back in his seat. “... talk to me?” 
“Mhm.” You gesture to the room. “Did you make these?” 
“I?” The prince then looks around as well, as though noticing the carvings himself for the first time, before clearing his throat. “Some, yes. Others were aided by my knights. It is somewhat of a stress reliever for us.” 
“They are quite nice.” You praise, which eases the tension in his body a little more, opening the opportunity for more. “How did you get into such a hobby?” 
When the three knights return, night has fallen, and you have managed to coax the fearsome prince into quite the drawn-out conversation. You note that he becomes far more vibrant in his speech when speaking of things he’s passionate about, to the point that he hardly notices the three knights nudging open the door until you pause the conversation yourself. 
“Hello again.” You greet them, noting the materials they carry in their arms. The green knight seems guarded still as he looks between you and the prince, while the other two knights merely offer brief, knowing smiles before setting the materials on the counter. 
A piece of yew, a stone, and an excess of clay held in a makeshift bucket. The prince’s eagerness is replaced by curiosity as he leans forward to stare at the items. 
“Did you go foraging?” He asks the second knight incredulously. A tittering laugh is his response as the knight drifts to your side. 
“Lilia.” Malleus shoots back with a narrowed gaze, which only prompts Lilia’s entertainment over this matter further. “You, Silver, and Sebek are all obliging to a woodcutters orders, hm?” 
“Well, Yuu. You’ve seemed to have made yourself quite at home here,” he muses, the amusement never leaving him as glances at the prince. “Malleus, to not have even offered our guest a drink. Have I taught you nothing?"
A wave of his hand has a steaming mug of... something, appear before you. You eye it for a moment before lightly taking the mugs handle. You don'r drink it, though.  
“Oh, our dear Yuu was persuasive. They told me I could feed them to trees, told Sebek he could feed them to the river, and told Silver he could stone them if they put a hand on you—so we were not overly concerned.” Lilia pinches your arm lightly before looking at the supplies you asked. “I wager I have an idea of what these were gathered for, but please Yuu, do enlighten us.” 
“Well, it’s far too late to do anything now—at least for me,” you quickly add as you glance at the quartet, “but I understand, Prince Malleus, that it’s companionship you’re seeking?” 
Malleus seems slightly displeased at your read of him as he glowers at you—a sharp contrast from his previous joy. It’s Silver’s light nudging to his arm that finally draws a curt nod out of the prince. 
“I know it may not be apparent to you, but companionship is already something that you have. Are you not accompanied by people who care for you in your daily life already?” You gesture to the three knights before continuing your points. “It may be hard to hear but promises of dreams and endless sleep are not ways to earn more people by your side. I began this thinking I was hunting a monster, but now I sit here across from you knowing that you and I are more alike than we think.” 
Malleus seems ready to speak, but you shake your head, which causes his mouth to close once more. You then point to the items that the knights collected. “Each of those items are capable of being crafted and changed in some manner. What tools would you use for them, Malleus?” 
“A blade for wood, a chisel for stone, and my hands for the clay.” Malleus answers immediately. 
“Those are all tools you have on hand. Tools that can allow you to craft wonderful things if used right and if taught correctly.” You then look back to the prince. “Speaking with your knights has shown me that you are someone worthy of being cared for, of being around. You don’t need to go storming into villages—you have tools to earn their care. You just need someone to show you how to use them.” 
You then sink back in your chair with a sigh. “I’m just a woodcutter, yes, but I’m also someone who knows my village well. If you let me, I can introduce you to them—without the sleep part.” 
A pause fills the room as Malleus seems to consider your offer. The three knights remain silent near the door, but you can see by the looks being exchanged and the shifting on their feet that they, too, are hoping he concurs. 
“... you give a rather valiant speech.” Malleus finally hums as his fingers go to touch his chin thoughtfully. “If you are willing, then perhaps… yes. I think I would quite like that, dearest woodcutter.” 
If the room could heave a collective sigh, you’re sure that it would as you rest your elbows on the table with a small laugh. You do not know what the beast’s reward was meant to be, and the curiosity about it fades as you offer the cautious prince a reassuring smile. 
You haven’t the heart to tell the man that you’ve never carved a single thing in your life, and that your entire speech was winged on the spot—but that’s an issue for another day.
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red-man-of-mustache · 4 months
Hey everyone! We're gonna take a little detour today/tonight to talk about something that's happened between me and someone you might know at @askwendyokoopa. I labored with this because in all my time being on/off tumblr I've never had to make such a post as this. Usually, if I block someone or someone blocks me we both move on like normal people. In this case though, I was appraised of the habits of this person along with my own experience with them and I proceeded with a block only to be met with them hopping on another account to blatantly get around said block then, when I refused to engage further they name-dropped me. Here's the post in question I'll be addressing throughout.
But, let's begin shall we? I'll start by talking about me. This'll be a long read and I know I'm asking a lot but please read it in full if you interact with his person.
I hope I've tagged this appropriately, if I haven't let me know. I'll also be reblogging this for the day crowd.
My blog is a safe place. I rp Mario as very campy, bright, and happy-go-lucky so I extend that to my general post pattern. I take my name and reputation quite seriously and as stated just a second ago I wrestled with making this post but I cannot let what they've said go uncontested. If you're reading this and you interact with them then this isn't me damning you or claiming I won't interact with you because of it but this is simply a cautionary tale. With that being said, for the more sensitive bits of proof, shoot me a DM or hit me up on discord(available upon request) and I can furnish you with even deeper details than I plan on going into in this post.
I have always avoided airing out my dirty laundry so to speak when it comes to any aspect of my life on this blog. Although it is "my" blog and I can post whatever I want, again, this is a place of uplifting and an escape. Rare is it when I'll post about how I struggle with certain things or if I feel dejected from a certain community and so on. I made a post a few months ago talking about my substance abuse and how I overcame it. In that same post I spoke about my mom, her alcoholism, and how she injured me in an altercation we had. I did that to be open because these same struggles have impacted my time on here. I was heavily self-medicating during my last run on tumblr and although I was present it was because I literally wished I didn't exist at the time. It all culminated into last year, spilling into this year. You can read that post for that information. I won't entirely retread that ground here.
It's a heavy subject and it's a dark contrast to what I usually post but I did so in case anyone could take strength from knowing I made it through a major struggle such as that.
Now this is a post about @askwendyokoopa,whom we'll refer to as Wendy for the rest of this post, why am I talking about me first? Well, once again, I've never blocked someone and seen them 1. try to circumvent the block with another account(one that perpetrates what I've come to have an issue with on them, more on that later) and 2. have that same person namedrop me for that block as if I need to convince them I don't wish to speak with them anymore.
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Yes, I did.
Truly this song & dance is new to me. Again, I take my name(url) very seriously so to call me out as if I've done something wrong to you for not wanting to speak to you?? That's my right, you can't play victim just because I didn't give you a college thesis. This is the internet, if I don't wanna communicate with you I just won't.
I don't make vague posts about people I don't like, nor do I vaguely allude to me going through a tough time(at least I try not to, if I have those incidents are few and far between) I'll outright say I'm not feeling it or something along those lines but even then I have to be going through hell to make such a post. I also refuse to put it on my moots and followers when I feel inadequate because I'm here to lift you up not the other way around. If you choose to drop a compliment on my writing or personality, great! I deeply appreciate it and it motivates me to keep going but I'm here to give a boost to everyone around me through Mario. He's been with me since I was a kid and always a figure of inspiration in how he faces down trouble. I could use a bit of that in my adult life. I just wanna share that with everyone else.
I've actually been sort of a monolith my whole time on Tumblr and you know what? It's gotten me into a lot of trouble I can't lie. I'm doing my best to break that pattern by being upfront with how I feel, speaking to people more even if it's just to say "Hey I like your blog" or something simple along those lines. How can I claim to wanna provide a morale boost to people if I'm as reclusive as I (still) am? Doesn't make sense which is why I've been moving to change it.
This is not to name me a victim by the way. All this person did was namedrop me and mildly annoy me/make me uncomfortable but I've spoken with actual victims of their harassment and that was actually the last straw. So if anything I'm getting off light, I'm only doing this to clear my side of things and provide clarity for why this is happening.
I met Wendy way back in the infancy of my old @red-man-of-archive blog which I'm sure is obvious that it was the same URL you see me using now when it was active. Things were casual but consistent. IC Wendy had a crush on Mario but he usually never reciprocated and just moved on. Was it harassment back then? No. We didn't talk OOC and kept things "business" as I'll call it. They were amicable and their portrayal was pretty accurate in my opinion of course. Nothing funny going on to my knowledge.
Fast forward to me going through the various issues I did, being unable to even keep up with basic blog activity, and then going on extended hiatus. I tried coming back but had lost my phone number by then due to financial reasons and I decided this was the chance I needed to start over. So I did! I remade the blog September of 2018, archived the old one since I was still somehow logged in on my phone at the time and moved on. I don't think Wendy was around when I started over but they did come around. And to clarify: it still wasn't harassment. Things were casual, when threads ended they didn't have a foul word to say.
I end up dropping out again from tumblr, still in the storm that is my life. Not even a full month later either. I'd pop in for spurts of activity but it never lasted. Didn't see hide or hair of Wendy during this period.
Then we arrive at this year. Nearly three years after my last posting. I had quit smoking(THC) completely, I'm on the uptick in my job/finances, and I'm seeing a therapist. Took a look back and I've been reclusive, posting from my little cave this whole time and I came to the realization that if I want any staying power I need to put more of me out there alongside Mario. So, I start approaching people OOC more and trying to be forthcoming in where our threads are going or if I'm liking/disliking something.
Coming back to Wendy. When I got back so-to-speak I went through my followers to see if anyone was still active. Three years is a long time after all. I came across her again: Wendy. I looked at the timestamps, saw how far back they'd posted but they were among the people I felt comfortable enough to message despite the inactivity. Ironic.
Now, I can't show chat messages between us because when I blocked them the messages were nuked. I don't feel like attempting an unblocking to revive it but I'm about 90% sure they can see my posts anyway. Bear with me a little longer on this narration.
They get back to me after a bit and we start chopping it up. We catch up and I'll be 100% transparent in saying yes I did go along with everything being suggested. We started an entire thread based off innuendo but it was quite ham-fisted and when I stopped replying they began to pester me "Did I do something wrong? Can you not find another acronym?" even going so far as to start interacting with me through a different post and asking in character why I didn't reply.
That thread and the in character incident are gone unfortunately as I deleted them. But, I've got more than that to share. Innuendo isn't inherently bad nor does it go outside of what I do here as Mario.
By this point my patience has been tested and I realize this isn't the same amicable person I used to deal with. I can't speak for others OOC but I will say they hijack posts very often to ramble in character with this self-referential tone that makes it quite obvious this isn't Wendy(the character) speaking but the mun or simply turn things inappropriate. A few examples, we got
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Just bizarre, plus it's AI
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Again, weird, but not a blockable offense. They've at least put the bare minimum of effort in to tag it, I guess right? Well, around the time the gears were turning regarding this person's odd and pushy behavior there was someone within a server I've joined who made an announcement about them given they've had experience with this person. Unfortunate experience it seems.
They detailed a lot of things as did a few other moots of mine but one thing in particular stuck out to me. They claimed that this particular person used a whole host of other blogs to stalk/harass them. Then I remember this post.
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Wait a second... going to their profile proper we see
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Then if we hover over Pom Pom we see
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So, not only do they have a laundry list of accounts at their disposal but they use them to circumvent blocks, and then will talk to themselves using these same accounts.
I don't wanna associate with someone like this. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, if I haven't convinced you yet, contact me through tumblr DM's or discord and I can let you know what else I know because their rap sheet is longer than their muse list.
They mass follow people within communities they're active in and even if you block this main blog, they could be on your follower list and you don't even know it. Thusly, I am going to suggest you block this person and their list of alternative blogs, and move on. If I still haven't convinced you, once again hit me up privately because I've got more personal stuff to share that doesn't belong here per se.
I don't wanna see this person victimize other people and that's why I took the time to put out this warning. All that talk earlier from me about "uplifting people" but I'm making a callout post right? Well, once again, I didn't want to originally because I thought I could just move on. But, this is a chronic pattern of behavior exhibited by this person and I don't wanna see them victimize someone else. If me blocking them didn't get them up in arms enough to namedrop me and play the victim themselves we wouldn't be here. Plus, I wasn't the only person addressed in their little callout post.
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So, that's the scoop on why I blocked askwendyokoopa and why I believe you should too. They are not worth your time or energy.
The rabbit hole goes deeper but I've rambled long enough.
My discord is available upon request if you'd like to discuss things further. This will be my first and last time addressing them/this situation publicly. I don't do drama and in a month it'll be ten years since I started posting on tumblr. This has never happened to me before and I'd like to keep it that way.
Thank you.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I havent found the answers to this online, likely due to my own fault of not being able to word it in a SEO friendly way, so I'll just ask here. When it comes to relationship tags, if the relationship is a group with a canon name, is it okay to just tag the name as a relationship, rather than combining all names of all individual members? For example - Marauders 4way fic, can I just tag it as "Marauders"? Fic about all of the avengers together, can I just tag it as "The Avengers"? etc
You can tag with anything you want! AO3 is designed to let you make up any tags that make sense to you. You should never feel bad about creating new tags on AO3.
I assume what you're actually asking, however, is if tagging that way will result in the tag being wrangled in a way that's helpful to you. And the answer is... maybe?
If you tag something like "Marauders 4-way", I suspect it will get made a synonym of the filterable tag with all the names written out. Unambiguous nicknames for fandoms, like LotRiPS, get synned to the appropriate fandom tag all the time.
But I'd expect a tag that's just 'Marauders' to get used a lot of different ways. Somebody might mean it as platonic, somebody else not. Somebody might accidentally put that there when they meant to put it in the fandom field or something. If other people are already using the tag ambiguously or if the tag wranglers think it's likely to be ambiguous, they might not wrangle it at all. That would make your work not show up when people filter for the filterable ship tag.
'The Avengers' is even worse because they're not going to know which ship tag to syn that too. Lots of characters have been Avengers! And there are even other fandoms with this name (though I doubt people would tag a ship that way).
I don't think wranglers typically make ship tags of this type canonicals/common (i.e. filterable). Fandom-specific jargon tends to get made a canonical when it's a freeform/additional tag (and only if it's used by 3 different users). The rules for main ship tags are to spell out the names so that it's less ambiguous for fans who maybe aren't in the same part of fandom socially.
Anyway, you're allowed to do whatever you want. Personally, I would just make sure the tag is unambiguous.
Unless you don't care about showing up in filters, in which case, really do whatever you want!
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crappymixtape · 8 months
a love letter // 1k follower celebration
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M O R E T H A N B E A U T I F U L T O M E 🎶 love you always, 1000 follower mixtape playlist!
REQUESTS CLOSED // you open your locker to grab a book before heading to class and see a clear cassette case sitting on top of your things. inside is a mixtape, love you always, xoxo, written messily across the orange label. a crinkled piece of graph paper accompanies it, the track list written down, words scribbled next to each song especially for you. an inside joke from eddie that makes you giggle, a flirty note from steve that makes you blush. the songs make you think of swimming in the quarry, of sharing a joint on the stoop, of late night drives and snuck kisses behind the garden gate and snuggling close on the couch watching movies. ( PARTY UNDER THE CUT! )
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MIXTAPE INSTRUCTIONS ( REQUESTS CLOSED ) as you listen to the mixtape, choose a song ( an emoji ) below and send me the emoji in an ask here with the appropriate info! *DISCLAIMER: if you miss anything from the ask, i won't be able to answer! i'm gonna try my damndest to answer every ask that comes through, but will close my inbox after the weekend! i'll tag you in you the post when your ask is done! xoxo
💿 SONG LOVE -> tell me which boy you want for this! when you choose this emoji you'll get a song recommendation along with a little fic blurb inspired by the song ( boy x reader ). ✏️ FIC LOVE -> tell me a boy and a genre you want for this! when you choose this emoji i'll provide you with a fic rec centered on your choice of boy and genre ( smut, fluff, angst, series ). 💌 LOVE NOTE -> tell me which boy you want and your mood! when you choose this emoji i'll write you a letter from your boy of choice and tailor it to your mood / what you're needing from them ( boy x reader ). 🤍 WRITER LOVE -> choose a question from this list and i'll tell you more about my writing or process on a specific fic you love or just in general! OR bother me about my WIPS ;)
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SMOOCHES FOR MY WRITERS ( FIC & WRITER RECS ) please come through and follow / read these lovely writers. this place was here before i got here and most of these people were here before me, so go go go! read and reblog and shower them with love cos they deserve it! 💋 ily you babies, so glad you're here with me xoxo.
☀ @inkluvs ☀ @fiveraccoonsinatrenchcoat ☀ @carolmunson ☀ @abibliophobiaa ☀ @dukesmebby ☀ @finalgirleddiemunson ☀ @curseofaphrodite ☀ @softharrington ☀ @starrystevie ☀ @acourtofsnakes ☀ @theshireisburning-so-mordoritis ☀ @a-dealwith-god ☀ @keeryshousee ☀ @lofaewrites ☀ @wroteclassicaly ☀ @katyswrites ☀ @schoopsahoy ☀ @andvys ☀ @chestylarouxx ☀ @supernovafics ☀ @superblysubpar ☀ @sswwmmpptthhnngg ☀ @harrywavycurly ☀ @thyme-in-a-bubble ☀ @lovebugism ☀ @sailor-steve-blog ☀ @sattlersquarry ☀ @plainemmanem ☀ @skullrock ☀
@curiositydooropened ☀ @luveline ☀ @stvharrngton ☀ @loveshotzz ☀ @forever-rogue ☀ @forevermoreharrington ☀ @livingintheupsidedown ☀ @annab-nana ☀ @familyvideostevie ☀ @theemporium ☀ @1986harrington ☀ @lucasnclair ☀ @roanniom ☀ @upsidedownwithsteve ☀ @stevebabey ☀ @starryeyedstories ☀ @kimmyiewrites ☀ @softharrington ☀ @hollandweather ☀ @palmtreesx3 ☀ @stevesbabysittingservice ☀ @princessdave ☀ @sweetsweetjellybean ☀ @fettuccin-e ☀ @honeymunson ☀ @usedtobecooler ☀ @aloneinthehellfire ☀ @poguemunson ☀ @myobmaya ☀ @reputationmunson ☀ @sincerelyyoursg ☀ @harringtons-cupid ☀ @spinmewriteround
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the biggest thank you of all goes to YOU, the person reading this! i used to suffer so bad from imposter syndrome ( i still do from time to time! ), but once i grew the courage to start sharing my writing here ( and you showered me with support and love!! ) i realized just how much i love to write and create with these characters we all hold dear to us. know that i recognize all your handles ( and get so excited when i see you like and reblog!! ) and love seeing you pop up in my notifications.
so thank you!! thank you for your kind words, unhinged hashtags, random messages and memes, and for getting me to ONE THOUSAND FOLLOWERS! i am still in shock! love you so, so much and can't wait to share what i have in store for 2024 ♥️
xoxo, divider love to @cafekitsune!
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Sneak Peek #2 (sort of): Incorrect Quotes Tag Game
I've been meaning to do this for my AU OCs for a while now... thought it would be a fun way to introduce you to these characters and give you a feel for what they're going to be like in the story before you meet them properly.
Hope you all like this! And I also hope it gets you excited for the actual story (which is coming soon, I promise lol. I've just been super busy lately... and to be honest... Steph's Crew has been more of a priority lately writing-wise. I'm trying to give the story a satisfying conclusion, but it's so hard when you've purposely made everyone's arcs so unnecessarily complicated haha).
I'm also making this a tag game (I'll tag people at the end like I normally do).
Here's the link to the incorrect name generator:
And without further ado, let's get started!
*Zephyr drunkenly wanders around the house and Isadora is drunkenly giggling* Caius, completely sober: *sighs* Well, it looks like it's just me and you against the world, June. Juniper, going to her room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Adara: Life could be worse, Avalon. Avalon: Life could be a lot better too!
Isadora: It's locked. You got a lock pick? Zephyr: Yeah- Cassius: *kicks in the door*
Zephyr: I’m in love with you. Eurydice: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork. Zephyr: I know. Eurydice: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Isadora: You’re alive. Marcelline: No need to sound so disappointed.
Zephyr: We have fun, don’t we, Cai? Caius: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
*The squad is at a dinner party but someone has been murdered* Cassius: You’re acting pretty carefree for someone whose life’s at stake. Who’s to say you aren’t the killer? Zephyr: It’s a murder, not a tax audit. I’ll be fine. Juniper: What about Eurydice? Nobody ever suspects Eurydice! Eurydice: Well what about Zephyr? He has a gun! Caius: Cassius has a knife. Cassius: Yeah, for fun, not for murder! *stabs Juniper in the arm*
Eurydice: Caius gets offended by everything. Caius: What did you say about me?!? Eurydice: Eurydice: Case in point.
Avalon: Adara, what if there are monsters? Adara: Don’t worry, we’re top of the food chain. Much later… Avalon, lying awake at night: I am the monster.
Zephyr: You’re overthinking this. Caius: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Zephyr. What if I’m underthinking?
Adara: Why would you do that? Avalon: Because I feel guilty. Isadora: Guilt is a trick emotion. It’s put there by your parents to stop you from doing things that feel good.
Marcelline, holding a box of Lunchables: Ah, I loved these when I was younger… fine dining. Isadora: Fix yourself.
Xander: You know, Ava, you are the sun in my life. Avalon: Why? 'Cause I'm smoking hot? Xander: Because it hurts my eyes looking at you.
Adara: I’ve organised messages from my BFF into three categories. Adara: “From Isadora.” Adara: “Death Threats.” Adara: and “Death Threats From Isadora.”
Marcelline: What if the person who named Walkie-Talkies named everything? Zephyr: Pregnancy tests are Maybe Babies. Eurydice: Socks are Feetie Heaties. Caius: Defibrillators are Heartie Starties. Xander: Nightmares are Dreamy Screamies. Juniper: Stamps are Lickie Stickies. Cassius: I hate you guys so much.
Xander: A decision had to be made. Caius: And you f*cked it up!
Juniper: Hey, Xander you're smart, tell me what would happen if I chugged 3 gallons of chloroform. Xander: Have you ever been to a mortuary? Juniper: Yeah, my grandma lives there. Caius: That is the worst response to that question.
Caius, to Zephyr: I mean, I get complimented all the time- Avalon: *starts cackling* Caius: I do! Avalon: *laughs harder*
Marcelline: What happened?! Isadora: Do you want the long version or the short version? Marcelline: Sh-short?? Isadora: Sht*'s f*cked. Marcelline: Okay, long. Isadora: Sh*t's very f*cked.
Juniper: Who hurt you? Eurydice: *snorting* What, do you want a list? Juniper: …Yes, actually.
Tagging these guys:
@exquisitecrow, @thelavenderwriter, @gummybugg, @waywardwizzard, @the-stray-storyteller, @sam-glade, @sarahlizziewrites, @mjparkerwriting, @maiwritesbooks, @janec23, @mysticstarlightduck, @winterandwords, @hallwriteblr, @leisoree, @writinglittlebeasts, @stanrendipity, @magpie24601, @eli-writes-sometimes, @ashwithapen, and @fire-but-ashes-too. As well as anybody else that's interested!
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dude1818 · 4 months
Back to my Call of the Night liveblog. When I left off, the Mahiru/Kiku arc had finished with the two of them committing suicide together, which seemed pretty out of place in this story. That arc was about 50% longer than each of the first two, so either we finish with a mini arc or a really long dénouement. In either case, the pacing has been a little wack
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Oh right, this d-bag. Particularly bad timing after all that
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Appropriate response
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Why is "dinner at a fancy restaurant" the most gremlin he's ever been?
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Yeah, okay, closure arc
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A blood bag will not stay good for ten years. Red Cross says whole blood has a shelf life of 42 days. Even though the point isn't for it to remain viable, you're still looking at months until it breaks down and isn't blood anymore, just dirty water
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Oh dang, gremlin mode is diegetic?
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Keeping this one XD
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Incredible. No better way to ruin the mood than to realize the reason the date is going surprisingly well is because you're technically related
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God damn it, Nazuna, I thought you learned this lesson at the end of season 1. Seeing you is how to make Ko feel better
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"No way he's actually going to be at the vending machine this time, right? Rule of threes, gotta subvert it on the third time"
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Double baited, amazing!
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She's so cute 🥺
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Ko, you're a menace
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Oh no, poor baby 🥺
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Huh. I thought her thralls were still human. I guess that wouldn't work since they're glamoured to love her. Actually, are they not glamoured in the first place? They're just freaks?
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I remember seeing this panel in the tag when the chapter came out. I thought they were being domestic and having a board game night, not house hunting
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Oxymoron of the century. I bet the issue is that as someone who was never human, she's actually more human than all the normal vampires
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Nazuna doesn't drink ... wine. (I think she only drinks beer. Maybe she had sake once? I'm not sure if you put sake in a wine cellar)
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All vampire live in the non-Euclidean Seinfeld apartment, apparently
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Yeah, I caught her catching Nazuna blushing last chapter. This is another point in favor of the double-human ending. I know that was in my predictions for the finale post, but I'll have to check what I said about it
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Jeez, Nazuna, that's harsh. I can't think of a worse thing for a vampire to say when you offer them your blood
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Oh, well then. I wasn't expecting her to just come out and say it already. ("Already," it's chapter 171)
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At least I'm not the only one surprised XD Although I've been saying she's fallen in love with him since the end of season 1, she just didn't realize it yet
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jeongyunhoed · 5 months
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As seen on my FF.net
Following the events of fifth year, a new adventure awaits for Norah Lee. Boys, exams, school events, common room parties, and old foes outside of Hogwarts. Even battling pensieve guardians was easier than this.
Main Pair: OC/? Genre: Adventure/Angst/Fluff (it's a little of everything, tbh)
KEEP IN MIND: Characters are aged up (even if the story's got them in sixth year) to make it more appropriate. Time period is leaning towards the modern day so in case you might find anachronisms in the dialogue or references, this is why. This may also be quite a lengthy fic too.
BE WARNED: Social anxiety, mentions of blood and injury, grief, drinking, kissing but nothing more than that, death (this is Hogwarts Legacy, after all)
P.P.S: Sorry in advance for any mischaracterization and other mistakes. Tag list is open if you would like to follow this story on here. Reblogs are much appreciated.
Chapter 3
"6th years, you've now managed to make it to NEWT levels," Professor Sharp addressed them all that afternoon. "Well done, I must stress that everyone pay attention, and assume that you've all done adequately the previous year to be able to take this subject. All of the potions I will discuss from here on out, you will be required to make and know like the backs of your wands."
Norah was reading along to Professor Sharp's description of the first potion they were to make this year: Veritaserum, which made the drinker tell the truth. Along with the confused hums coming from everyone else, Sharp explained that it was because today, in particular, was the start of the new moon. The ingredients seemed simple enough as she rummaged through her own stock of ingredients.
"There won't be any need to drink these potions, however, lest you look forward to a visit to the hospital wing or even St. Mungo's, so for your safety and everyone else's, avoid doing so. The grade for this will depend on what it looks like after 28 days."
She chuckled, looking over her own kit of ingredients when Professor Sharp signaled for them to begin. Carefully measuring each ingredient, she took her time in brewing the liquid.
"Psst! Norah!"
She looked over her shoulder, seeing Samantha Dale, the Ravenclaw she helped return a crest into her troll-infested family tomb. "Hello Samantha," Norah nodded. "I see you're taking NEWT Potions too."
Samantha was grinning. "Anyone ask you to the Yule Ball yet?" She said, keeping her voice low.
Norah shook her head. "No,no one's asked me yet. It's still quite a long way away, isn't it?"
"Yes, and no," The Ravenclaw replied. "But people are now wondering who might be the lucky guy who takes the Hogwarts heroine to the ball, you know."
Norah looked back at her own cauldron, quickly stirring the mixture until it reached the desired color. Sebastian, who was sharing a table with Norah as well as Amit, glanced at Samantha when she said it. "I'm not expecting anyone to ask me, let's put it at that. I might've scared them away knowing what happened last year," She mumbled, crushing two sopophorous beans with her blade. "What about you, has anyone asked you yet?" She turned it around.
"Oh no, but he will ask me soon, I know it," Samantha was confident. "He might just be waiting for the right time. I'll see him in the common room."
Sebastian and Norah tried to stifle their surprise when Samantha glanced at Amit, who was absorbed in getting his potion right. Or at least gave the impression that he was focused, as the blush in his cheeks became evident.
Norah bit her lip to keep herself from giggling. It was cute. "This is what hanging around Norah feels like, I'm getting more than I bargained for," He mumbled, the blush on his cheeks becoming even more visible.
"Amit is blushing," Ominis quipped as he carefully added his own ingredients in.
"You don't know that," Amit tried to shoot a look at the blonde Slytherin.
"I don't have to see you to know, and I know."
"You're lucky we're not doing amortentia," Sebastian quipped, making the two of them snort, Norah nearly spilling some of her ready made potion as she poured the liquid into a vial. "You'll be in trouble then."
They stiffened up when Professor Sharp approached their table. "I hope all the snickering is that you're all done with brewing your own veritaserums," He said, giving the side-eye to Sebastian and Norah, who presented him with her vial. "Well done, Miss Lee. You've managed to stay focused."
They sighed in relief when Sharp walked away. "So," Norah decided to change the subject. "Are we looking for our first table tonight?"
That made Amit look up in delight. "Yes! But..." His shoulders suddenly sunk.
"But?" Sebastian asked.
"But the nearest ones after the tables we found here in Hogwarts are in the Forbidden Forest," Amit frowned. "I hate to think of what we might encounter in that forest at night."
"You say that like you didn't fight goblin loyalists with me in that mine, Amit," Norah raised a brow. "You're a lot braver than you give yourself credit for. And besides, you're not looking for those tables on your own. If anything happens, we can handle ourselves."
Even though it wasn't directed at him, Sebastian felt assured by her words. It was true after all. The previous year tested her relationship with each of them like no other, and certainly proved that they were going to be lifelong friends. Amit also seemed assured, yet still wary about heading into another adventure with Norah after the mine incident.
"Not every goblin is bad. I've come across quite a few of those goblins last year, helped them with missing art carts and mooncalves. They love life and beasts just as much as we do," Norah remembered those moments fondly, smiling to herself as she cleared out her cauldron by pouring the remaining contents of her potion into one other vial to have in handy. If only Ranrok spared his own brother, they would've met again for a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks by now, celebrating thwarting Ranrok's plan, she thought.
That made Amit mutter something that they were sure was him wanting to improve on his Gobbledegook. "Well, Lodgok was one of the nice ones," The Ravenclaw glanced at her.
The mention of Lodgok made Norah think about something she thought of doing now that she was back. Once class was dismissed, Norah cleared out her cauldron and left the room, focused on what she was thinking. It took her a week or so to finally learn how to apparate, with some help from Professor Weasley and practice from Poppy and Natty. In a flash, she was at a mausoleum at the Hogsmeade graveyard.
Professor Fig's grave was next to his late wife's, and next to his late wife's was the grave of the goblin Lodgok. Norah had gotten some flowers nearby, carefully placing some on each grave stone. She immediately wiped the tears that quietly fell down her cheeks as she stood back up. Each time she wiped her cheeks, more tears came out, as if her grief had only caught up to her now, the sadness finally sinking in.
"I'm pretty sure the three of them would've been proud of you, for finally putting an end to Ranrok and for discovering what they worked for."
Norah didn't want to look over at the Three Broomsticks barkeep herself, Sirona Ryan, standing a few paces behind her. Her eyes were likely so puffy already. Sirona knew the goings on in Hogsmeade and was perhaps one of the most-liked shopkeepers in all of the village.
"You think so?" Norah sniffled and wiped her face with the tea towel Sirona handed her.
"At least I know Lodgok would and Professor Fig too."
With a wave of her wand, Norah made sure to clean the tea towel she used before handing it back to Sirona. "I hope so."
Sirona patted her shoulder. "You're in need of butterbeer, dear. Come, we'll raise a pint to them," She offered. "And if it's any further consolation, several people would want to be there for you right now."
When they entered the Three Broomsticks, Norah was met with the faces of her friends, all of whom seemed relieved. Yet, even with their concern, they each had pints of butterbeer in their hands. Much like her, they were already dressed quite casually, with Amit being especially excited. "We figured you'd be back there again," Sebastian got up from the stool and approached her.
"What do you mean?" Norah raised a brow at him.
"Whenever you suddenly leave without saying anything, we know it's you going back to the mausoleum to visit Professor Fig and his wife, and Lodgok," Sebastian pointed out, handing her a pint of the drink Sirona just poured out.
"This has apparently been a habit of yours, hmm?" Sirona said with a knowing smile. "I've been hearing Timothy Teasdale call you all sorts of nicknames. At first I thought you were just hanging about again, possibly shopping for more fertilizer from him. Apparently, he's seen you go into the graveyard and the mausoleum twice, three times a month."
"The Troll-Slayer," Natty chimed in.
"The Absconder Assassin," as did Poppy.
"The Hogwarts Heroine," same went for Amit.
"The Mongrel Murderer," Ominis piped up with a grin.
"The Dugbog Dropper," Sebastian added.
"The Bane of the Poachers' Existence" Natty said again, making them laugh.
"I must ask who calls me those last three names," Norah's brows furrowed at the absurdity of the names. Yet, it did bring some levity to how she was feeling. All of them laughed.
"Well then, shall we raise a glass?" Natty steered the topic back, raising her own pint of butterbeer. "To Lodgok, to Professor Fig, and to his wife, Miriam," she said. "But also, to Norah."
"To Norah!" The rest of them cheered as they clinked their drinks before taking a sip.
Norah sipped the warm drink, already feeling a lot better. Yet, the last moments of her and Professor Fig kept playing in her mind. The last moments of her and Lodgok in that mine. She made her choice, and she hoped she could stand by it until she couldn't. It was becoming more clear that it would be insulting to their memories if she continued with the choice she made at the caverns. Norah could only hope it wasn't too late.
If only she could access the caverns again. But how would she do it? Only the keepers seemed to know how to do it. Now, she would practically be considered one herself.
"Norah?" Sebastian's voice suddenly snapped her out of her thoughts. "You okay?"
She glanced at their expectant faces. "Hmm? Sorry, I was thinking about heading to our first astronomy table outside Hogwarts," She tried to explain.
The rest of them exchanged looks. "You were staring so intently at your butterbeer," Natty pointed out. "We've all agreed, Amit, we're going to the tables in the Forbidden Forest."
"In that case, I'd like to remind all of you to be careful. There are still people and creatures there that don't take kindly to witches and wizards. Even ones that did some good," Sirona eyed each of them.
After another round of butterbeer, they sought to walk back, but not before they stopped by 's for extra stocks on certain potions. After Norah told them what to arm themselves with, they sought to do just that. While they each had an idea of what she had been up to whenever they weren't with her, Norah filled the blank spaces of the stories they knew. At least most of the blank spaces.
Unsurprisingly, Amit offered to write those escapades in a book.
"I will say it was a good idea to have this incredibly miniscule satchel," Amit was referring to what looked like clutch purses on each of them. The purses were enchanted to hold anything and everything no matter the size. "I love being a wizard. If we were muggles, we'd be bringing a lot."
"Yeah, I was wondering how many Chinese chomping cabbages I could fit in here," Poppy looked inside hers.
When they finally stopped in front of the entrance of the forest, they exchanged looks. "So the search begins," Sebastian said, while Norah cast lumos with her wand to lead the way. "The first table should be nearby."
"I'm not too keen on climbing up those rocks," Ominis frowned.
"You'll be fine. We'll lift you up if we need to," Natty assured him.
The six of them walked down the dark path, with Norah's and Sebastian's wands the only ones illuminated so as not to draw too much attention to themselves. They didn't have much time until they had to return for curfew. They trekked up the small hill, with Norah standing by Ominis in case his wand didn't pick up the land they were treading on.
"Can you hear that? I hear a low humming, it's coming from that stream over there," Ominis said, his head tilting toward the direction he heard it from.
"Just a dugbog, Ominis, it's alright," Norah assured him. "It's not going to get us from up here. Amit, you might as well get on with it."
"Gladly," the Ravenclaw clambered up to where the table was and set up his telescope. "Wow!"
The rest of them set up a little blanket to sit down on, with Norah bringing in a few sandwiches and snacks from the kitchens for them to eat while they waited for Amit to finish stargazing. From all of them, only Amit took NEWT-level Astronomy.
"So, my mother is excited for the Yule Ball," Natty glanced at the girls. "She wants to take me shopping for a nice dress. Do you two have something to wear?"
Poppy hummed. "Not yet, but my gran was excited when I told her."
Norah shook her head. "I guess I'll figure it out, won't I? Maybe look through what I have. It's all in the room."
"Did anyone ask you yet?" Natty looked especially excited upon asking. "I know two boys who have been arguing in our common room to see who gets to ask you first."
"Please tell me they're doing that as a joke," Norah said.
The Gryffindor girl laughed. "Norah, lighten up. Amit's not the only one among us who's getting a date to the ball. What about the two of you?" She turned to Sebastian and Ominis.
"Well we'll see, won't we?" Sebastian quipped, taking a big bite into the sandwich he had.
"Adelaide Oakes and Nellie Oggspire are waiting," Norah teased, remembering the fleeting comments the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor girls made when they talked to her. The two Slytherin boys shrugged it off. Natty and Poppy laughed.
Norah smiled to herself as she ate the rest of her sandwich, glancing at Amit, who was frantically trying to fill out his star chart - a new one after filling up his other chart. No doubt that Sebastian and Ominis would have girls fawning over them by now. She was also sure that Natty and Poppy each had admirers of their own.
Her mind drifted back to what she planned on doing in the map chamber. It needed to be a priority, at least for her. A chance to make things right. She wouldn't have time to think about boys and who might be interested in her and who she might be interested in, not that there were many. But a glance at Sebastian and Ominis seemed to make a convincing argument that yes, she did have time.
"So, Norah, between Garreth or Leander, who would you want to ask you to the Yule Ball?" Natty pressed, almost making the Slytherin girl spit out her sandwich, cheeks tinged pink.
"Why did I know it was the two of them?" She muttered, wiping her mouth with a napkin. Natty and Poppy laughed, while Sebastian let out a snort. "I don't know. They seem like nice boys, though."
"If I recall correctly, Weasley made you go to Honeydukes for him and you bested Prewett in Summoner's Court and in Crossed Wands," Sebastian pointed out. "And Prewett still thinks of asking you to the Yule Ball?"
"And what about it?" Natty raised a brow at him. "Leander's a nice boy, he's just a sore loser at times."
Norah smiled. "Maybe I'd consider it. He showed me around the greenhouses too during my first Herbology class."
"You would consider going with Prewett or Weasley?" Ominis suddenly asked.
"It's not like-" Norah wanted to say something, but she bit her lip. "Never mind. I don't think what happened to me in those caverns made me any prettier or something. I wouldn't be surprised if I scared boys away."
"We're still here, aren't we?" Sebastian said. "Even Amit."
"No one would be surprised if the two of you were friends with me one bit, though," Norah side-eyed him, and he nodded knowingly. "Besides, you like to live your life on the edge," She teased. "Not sure about Ominis."
"My last name already gives off danger," the blonde boy retorted.
"That is true too," The three girls nodded.
Amit cleared his throat. "Alright, I'm unfortunately done. The sky is so beautiful tonight," He sighed, helping himself to the last remaining sandwich. "The stars are out there, as clear as ever."
"It's quiet too..." Norah muttered, looking up. "If I could just stop time for a moment, just not think about what lies ahead of me, that would be really nice..."
She felt her eyes suddenly feel a little prickly, tears threatening to come out. Not now, she thought. No one must see her like this, she kept thinking to herself. "We should probably go back to the castle now, before the prefects go on their rounds again and we'll get caught," Ominis suddenly suggested, making her glance at his direction. They knew this was to remind Sebastian not to get himself in detention so early in the year.
"The next table we can find is further into the forest, Amit," Poppy reminded the Ravenclaw male.
"It's okay, I'm not completely terrified now that I'm certain we all go there together," He said, with renewed confidence as they gathered their things and one by one, made their way down.
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starry-mist · 1 year
Oh hi. Welcome to my blog.
If you've been following me for more than five minutes, you'll know most of this already, but since there are some new folks, let me introduce myself and what you will/will not find here.
I'm a big (probably an understatement) Hudson & Rex fan. Specifically, I'm a huge Sarah Truong fan and probably one of the OG Charah shippers, but I love all of it. The cast, the scenery, the stories. That being said: I am critical of shit the show does that I dislike, or (more often than not) things that I find particularly problematic. I firmly believe in being appropriately critical of the media I consume (h/t to @farfarawaygirl for the creation of my absolute favourite tag), and it's not always going to be sunshine and roses here. I don't do toxic positivity. If you're looking for "OMG Charah are forever perfection and these characters can do no wrong ever," look elsewhere. I don't do character hero worship. Characters have flaws. They'd be boring AF if they didn't. For example, if you were here for my H&R season 4 journey, which also included a bit of a mental breakdown, you know I will just as easily criticise my faves when they're being...not great...in the same breath as I will gush about how much I love them. I try to keep it real.
Occasionally I reblog stuff from other fandoms, but I have a tendency not to use tags for ships/fandoms that get...shall we say, a little *heated* from time to time (IYKYK.)
I'm "fandom old." AKA I was probably reading/writing fic before many of you were born. Why is this relevant? Because I'm not an "I write fic for engagement and kudos and whatnot" person, I'm more "I write fic because I enjoy exploring characters, and sometimes I'll share it on AO3." Basically: I'm probably way too old for this site, and I'm definitely too old to care about things like clout, or being "fandom famous" or infamous, or whatever the kids are into these days. I write because I want to. I don't engage with "you must interact with creations in this specific way or else you suck" takes. I get that there are people who take that stuff very seriously, and that's cool, you do you.
I write smut. If you can't deal with that, don't read it. I'm not going to apologize for including sex scenes in many of my fics. Tags and ratings exist for a reason, and I will always use them appropriately to ensure readers know what they're getting into.
If you know who I am on other social media, no you don't. Seriously. I keep my fandom life separate from my real life for a reason. Please respect that.
I love engaging in lively debate. I don't block often (unless you're a pornbot, which, if so, GO AWAY.) If I do, it's to protect my peace. If you block me, I assume it's for the same reason, and wish you well, or whatever.
I don't do fandom gatekeeping. It's weird. People engage with different media for different reasons, and expect different things from it, and that's okay.
Anyway. Just felt like putting that out there, in case people are in any way wondering where I'm coming from when I post certain takes, or reblog certain things. Thanks for reading.
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How do you do all your tags? I went through my blog and kind of reorganized it, but I want cool tags like you
So I'm not entirely sure what it is that you're looking to do, so I'll just say generally what my system is. Typically when I start a new tag, it's because I'm making a post and realize that I don't have a good place to put it, but that it belongs on this blog (say, pretty churches, for example - I did that one recently). I usually just start by tagging a post with something appropriate, typically just the first thing that I come up with that I kinda like: in this case, "took up God's house to meet him," from the poem "Cathedral Builders." Then, I scroll through my existing tags (I highly recommend having some sort of master post where you compile them all) and think if there are posts in other tags that are likely to fit better in the newly created tag. In this case, I ended up sifting through my tags for visible light and the image of God. I manually add or switch out the new tag, as appropriate, and add it to a notes app page that I have going for tags that I've set up, but which haven't gone on my master post because for whatever reason I can only link to tags in a text post from desktop.
If I have a tag that I want to rename for whatever reason, I use this Tumblr tag replacer. It's really great.
When it comes to inventing the names of my tags, typically it really is just whatever floats to the surface in my head. The main point is to just have something, and in most cases to make sure that it isn't gonna be a super common tag already in use. A lot of times my tags are little snippets from texts I like, but sometimes they're just descriptors or phrases too. Idk. It's a lot like a game of word-association, honestly.
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whumpinggrounds · 1 year
Hello, my name is Alexandria or Dria for short. Your post about writing characters who use wheelchairs was really helpful my friend and I are creating a comic and one of our main characters is an immortal character who was a hero before a spinal injury (c5 vertebrae) and became paralyzed from the neck down and left the hero-ing world. A group of rookie heroes goes to him for help when the same villain who injured him resurfaces years later. He ends up agreeing to tell them everything he knows and helping them as much as he can and it's a found family thing. If you know anyone else who would have good advice it would be great if I could reach out. Do you have any more tips? It's a comic so if you have anything that you think I should include that would be really appreciated. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Hi Dria! Thanks for stopping by. Your comic sounds really cool, and I hope you and your friend have fun writing it!
Without knowing more about your story, I don't have a lot of specific tips besides what you've likely already read in the post - make sure the wheelchair you're drawing is appropriate for your character's needs and abilities is the main one that comes to mind. Not to self-promote, but you may also want to look at my post about overused disability tropes.
In terms of more general themes - reading your synopsis, I'm wondering why the hero leaves following his injury. Is it because he doesn't feel he can succeed as a hero anymore, and if so, why not? Is that reinforced by the story? By those around him? If it's for other personal reasons, how does that interact with his disability and the way his life has changed? How has he adapted to his disability in the time since his injury?
I don't want to tell you what to write or what not to write - I have no authority to do that, and I wouldn't do it if I did! What you've written here makes me wonder if the storyline is that he gets injured, is no longer able to be a hero, and then when a group of (I'm assuming nondisabled, but I could be wrong) young heroes shows up, he acts as a mentor because he can't contribute in other ways. In this case, I would say to maybe try to subvert the narrative of tragic disability that derails a life. It's not necessarily inaccurate, but it's also so, so important to recognize and celebrate disabled joy, disabled success, and disabled people with a quality of life and life enjoyment that is just as high as before they were disabled.
As for resources - @cripplecharacters is a great resource for writing disabled characters! The extensive and experienced team of mods answers specific questions, and the blog posts writing disability resources from other blogs on Tumblr as well. Make sure you read the FAQ before sending an ask - they want specific questions, not really a "how to write x" vibe.
The last thing I'll say is I highly recommend searching "writing disabled characters" "disability writing resources" "writing wheelchair users" and key terms like that. I do not recommend just using the tags "wheelchair user" or "actually disabled" or anything like that. Please do not use people's actual life experiences as writing advice if they have not explicitly offered that. Do not ask disabled people for writing advice if they have not explicitly offered to give people writing advice.
The above is not specifically directed at you - I've seen some posts lately from people that are really frustrated with their vent/personal posts being used as writing references, and I wanted to mention how inappropriate that is in case people hadn't heard or thought about it. Anyway - that's all I can think of! If you have any more questions, feel free to come back, and good luck with your comic! Happy writing (and drawing)!
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zhuzhudushu · 1 year
你好! I read your post about choosing a Chinese name and I have a question if that's ok. So, I'm named after a noun. Specifically, a religious concept from a religion that my family didn't practice, my parents heard it and thought it sounded cool. Could I use the hanzi for this concept as my given name or is that a cultural no-no? It sounds nothing like my legal given name. Also, is there a website with common Chinese given names and the connotations they have (like Edith and Doris being considered old lady names, etc.) 谢谢!
What an interesting question!
Honestly, in my experience with Chinese people, they would not care about cultural connotations other than what imagery/meaning it has. Even with my closest friends (who I have deeper conversations with) they don't really seem to have a concept of cultural appropriation the way we do here in the west, and if you told the story you just told me—that your parents like the sound and the meaning and chose it, I think most Chinese people would say "oh neat!"
When it comes to Chinese names, a lot of the times people have stories for how they got their names. Sometimes it's a deep, meaningful thing, like specific nature imagery, or what their parents hoped their children would achieve (hence how you get a guy named 成功 which is literally success, which is very extra even to Chinese people lmao) and sometimes it's just "my parents thought it sounded nice." Either way I think a Chinese person would appreciate it. A direct translation of your actual name is a fine way to go about choosing a Chinese name.
Without knowing the actual religious or cultural connotation/symbolism of your name, I can't say it I would think it's offensive or not. And without knowing the Chinese character, I can't say if it would be Weird to use in a name or not!
As for if there is a resource for whether or not a name is old-fashioned, I wish there was one! But alas, I know of none.
I know of some, just from experiencing Chinese culture and tv and my friends, like how 杰 (jié) was super common for boys' names in the 70s-80s and isn't used much anymore, or how 雯 (wén) and 佳 (jiā) and 琪 (qí) were common for girls' names in the 90s-00s (hence why I used one in my name).
The only advice I have for that is going on Tandem (or other language exchange apps) and running it by native speakers!
Also there is this site, which allows you to type character-combos and you can see if it's been used in a Real Name before.
And if anyone knows of more resources, please respond! I'll put this in the main langblr tags in case anyone knows of any resources <3
You're also welcome to join my discord here, where we have a whole channel dedicated to discussing names!
Hope this helps!
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hvndredbattles · 3 months
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yoinked from: @nezemny
tagging: whoever wants to!
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have?━━ fandom brainrot lmao In all seriousness, though, I do tend to build my muses toward whatever genres or fandoms I'm currently most engaged with. On this blog in particular, it was definitely falling head-first into CoD.(Teddy being the exception, though she doesn't have info yet; she was inspired by a different piece of media (Wingwomen).)
is there anything you don’t like to write? ━━ Not generally in a way that has come up? I don't like children/pregnancy plots, just because they're not of interest to me, and I'm not generally into period drama type writing? And crack, I suppose.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? ━━ I'm an old fashioned whump/angst bitch. I like giving characters a good thrashing, be it emotionally or physically, and sticking them with other people, and seeing what comes out the other side. (Shaking the snowglobe, as it were.) I also really like working within established/plotted dynamics! Not necessarily that the whole trajectory is plotted out or anything, but developing a solid basis in which to work. I enjoy when characters settle into something, and then presenting circumstances that can reinforce or change those dynamics.
AND SPOOKY SHIT. God, I love me some serious, thriller/horror type spooky shit, even if it's not quite in line with the original media.
BUT ALSO I do just really enjoy writing with my friends.
how do you come up with headcanons? ━━ Uhhhh I mean. I almost never write canon characters (too intimidated by the prospect of fucking it up), so anything "headcanon" is actually just canon, technically? In any case, I tend to sit with the character and start prodding at a concept I want to know more about. I'll try to visualize it and set the character down in related situations to gauge reaction and then build from there, if that makes sense?
do you write in silence or do you play music? ━━ It depends. I do have curated playlists for some characters, and generally have a genre or fandom playlist that I can put on. Sometimes I struggle to focus on writing if I have other stimuli, but other times I need something else to split my focus so I can actually get work done
do you plan your replies or wing them? ━━ RP to me is improv. Very little planning, a lot of feeling it out as you go, informed by whatever you've got in your noggin about the character you're writing as.
do you enjoy shipping? ━━ It's not what I write for, but I do enjoy shipping on occasion! I think... iirc out of all my ships, I'm rarely the one to suggest it first, but I'm not avoiding it. It's another one of those vibes-based things where I sort of just need to feel it out as I go, and approve or pivot as I feel is honest and appropriate to the character involved. Very chemistry-based.
what’s your alias/name?   ━━ This is a funny place to put this question in the order of questions lshdfhsdf I'm Squid! I've been Squid for years and years, at this point; longer irl than online, actually. I've had other names and aliases, but this is the one I'm likely to stick with. It rings true to me.
favorite color? ━━ I don't? Have one? Idk man, greens are pretty sick, but I couldn't pick just one. But I also rly like gold and yellows!
favorite song? ━━ Such a "depends on the day" answer. Uhhhhh. Can't pick. Have this one: Gloves (with Matt McAndrew) - Saint Punk
last movie you watched? ━━ What a great question. It's-- OH! It was the new Chicken Run movie, which I watched with my beloved Hannah.
last show you watched? ━━ Does stuff on Dropout count? If yes, I've been burning through all their stuff, and have been currently working my way through Um, Actually. If not.... it's been. A While since I watched any television. It might have been 3 Body Problem? Which I haven't finished, because it was Stressful, but I was enjoying it!
last song you listened to? ━━ lshdfhsd I've got music on rn, cuz I was trying to find one I vibed enough with to share for the fave song question. I bounced around for a while, and then ended up back on the playlist I have it in, so sldhfhsd see favorite song for the song I last listened to.
favorite food? ━━ Macaroni and cheese!
favorite season? ━━ Fall, maybe? idk, they all have their pros and cons.
do you have a Tumblr best friend? ━━ A few! My bestest tumblr friend (and actually just one of my best friends) is @ru5t!
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mortemos · 3 months
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#𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐒 independent  portrayal  of   𝘷𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘥   with sporadic activity in PST. established 2017 and written by vera ! minors do not interact. dark topics and ns.fw themes are present. please read my rules before following.
                               𝐃𝐎𝐂𝐒 ✟ 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐖 ✟ 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐒
IMPORTANT. writer is 28 ( she/her/they ). i tend to follow canon depictions of this character, with a sprinkle of my own creativity. for irl faceclaims, i'll be using manips with no direct reference. that being said, i'm very oc and crossover friendly but lean more toward following manga/anime style blogs.
if you're writing an alucard or someone related to dracula, i won't be acknowledging our characters relation/family ties since it's non-canon circumstances - we can work around those factors, it depends on your approach but d can always be a test tube experiment in other cases.
WRITING/DISCORD. i enjoy decorating and formatting my posts, not excessively but there's personality choices in my writing style. there may always be icons used, among other things regardless if you choose differently. i might not be inclined to follow if you use big gifs/pictures.
writing on disco will be iffy for me but if you find discomfort writing certain topics on the dash, let me know and we can exchange handles if we haven't already.
also, i don't write with minor characters, the subject matters are not suitable for children and will make me uncomfortable.
FOLLOWING. i don’t follow everyone, it’s overwhelming. my blog is mutual exclusive and strict on who i allow onto my dashboard due to mental health reasons. PLEASE HARD BLOCK IF YOU AREN'T INTERESTED IN WRITING. ( i promise it's nothing personal, if we don't mesh from your POV, then protect your peace. ) i'll always read your rules before following, and also a second time once we've started interacting. consider this a safe space, i'll never disregard you or your character's boundaries.
if you're a multi, i implore that you lean on your own judgment when deciding on a character to toss my way. i'm not going to ask for someone who is low energy for you to write, this comes from a caring place. i want to write with passionate people.
PHOBIAS/THEMES. i don't have triggers except: transphobia, racism, pedophilia, and hate speech in general isn't okay. otherwise, i'll write any other subject, i'm just desensitized having been roleplaying for 10 years. i'll use the appropriate tags for things, but please understand i'm just a human being with adhd that can barely remember to function properly.
MAINS & EXCLUSIVES. i’m far more compliant with  mains  than exclusives, since i have trust issues and require a lot of feedback if we decide upon the former.  it’s just a serious matter for me and i don't want to humor exclusivity if you're a low activity partner.
SHIPPING. i portray this man as pansexual and panromantic so let’s ship, i love it.  we can plot out the dynamic, figure out what works and how they tick.  i have no shame in wanting to write toxic, platonic, lust driven, enemies, and anything under the sun. i'm here to have an interesting time, nothing offends me and i can't be bothered to act shy. i ship everyone WITHIN THE AGE OF CONSENT. again, keep your children away.
pre-established  won’t be an issue, though i’d prefer an ooc discussion beforehand.  just to get the quirks out of the way since this character is very fickle.
N.SFW THEMES. now on the topic of smut/ns.fw, i know there's a stigma against it but honestly i love a healthy balance in writing it.  i just go with the flow if that's what the situation leads to. ( flirt with him, give sexual tension, be disgusted for all i care ) just keep in mind that i use poetic/soft core writing when it comes to it, i just don't want to be crude and icky with my descriptions. all of which will be under a read more and may be subject to deletion later on ( primary up to you ).
i have unresolved trauma when it comes to female lower anatomy and will not write smut involving it. ( i can talk about nsf/w topics but depicting it is a no go ) this doesn't effect shipping or romance - only sexually explicit content being written between characters. anything leading to it will be explored but gradually fade to black.
CONTENT THEMES. cannib.alism, blood consumption, de.ath, apocalyptic settings, se.xually suggestive situations, deformities and monstrosities !
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sinsiriuslyemo · 10 months
How to Write a Fic Summary (Dos and Don'ts)
First of all, let me just open this by saying that I am by no means the authority on what constitutes a great summary. I'm still to this day am working towards mastering this craft, and I've been writing fanfic for over fifteen years. So, I'm going to come at this not just from the perspective of a writer, but also through the perspective of a reader. We all know a good summary when we see one, right? Creating them is hard, but I think we can all agree that identifying them is much easier.
Some of these tips, as well as others are from this reddit post, I just included the ones I personally use below. Others of them, I have learned along the way from studying my favorite authors. I wanna make it clear though that I'm still learning, as every writer is, even the ones who can rock a good summary.
Okay, here we go!
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Treat the first line of your summary like the first line of the fic.
If you're an avid reader (and I mean, shit, you're here, you very likely are) then you know the importance of a good first line. Think about your favorite novel, or hell, even your favorite fic of all time. The one that you always return to when you need a guranteed good read. I'll bet you the first line sucked you in, or at the very least made you snuggle into your seat in anticipation of a cozy, amazing read.
Keep it short and sweet.
I've had experiences where a first line in the summary has made me wanna click on a fic. It's just as important as the first line of the actual story. It's the first impression, and first impressions are important.
Keep it clear
Sometimes when I'm writing a summary, I can get caught up in needing to give full context because I think the reader needs it in the summary, but this isn't always the case. Sometimes leaving out context is exactly how you make the summary concise and cohesive. Here's an example of such a summary:
"When a simple jewelry heist goes horribly wrong, the surviving criminals begin to suspect that one of them is a police informant."
This is the summary from one of my favorite films, Reservoir Dogs. It's short and sweet and simple (much lile the film itself). The context that seems important but that is missing from this summary is that these jewel thiefs are all strangers to each other, which makes the who-dun-it far more interesting as not even we know who to trust. But that detail isn't needed to explain what the movie is about, it's just a twist that makes the plot more interesting.
This brings me to the next tip ...
I don't know about you guys, but one thing that really bums me out is when I stumble upon a super compelling summary, but then it just keeps going. And going. And going. And — Oh my god, there's more?!?!
Don't get me wrong, sometimes you do need a lengthier summary, either because you're writing an epic or maybe it's because you're writing a dual perspective and want to be sure you include appropriate buildup for both your mains. Whatever the case may be, I would refrain from writing anymore than two paragraphs, at most.
The main thing to remember is rhat a summary shouldn't only be what your story is about. It should also include for the reader, why they should care.
Don't use tag terms in your summary.
Examples of this include Dark!Rafael or Daddy!Nevada
Save that for your tags, which everyone should make a habit of including and reading! If you want to include some short ones at the end of the summary just in case your reader doesn't read the tags, that's fine, but don't overdo it.
Don't say you suck at summaries.
Just to be perfectly clear, I have also been guilty of this... like, a lot. It seems like an honest and goofy way to entice your readers to just give your story a chance, because summaries are hard. And yes, they are hard, but you shouldn't rely on not learning how to write them. Just do the best you can, I promise you'll get better and better the more you practice.
Keep your themes in mind.
Imagine you stumble upon a summary that gives you action adventure vibes, only to find the story to be more of a dramatic tragedy. Bummer, right? Knowing your themes can help you craft a good summary, and give your readers appropriate expectations. Whatever you do though, don't include more than two themes as it can get a bit messy. Focus on one or two of the dominant themes of your story, and go from there.
Take a page from the greats.
One of the best things you can do as a writer is to study other authors. That goes for summaries as well. Read some of your faves and try to decipher their formula for the summary, then fill in with the details from your own story!
In closing
Ideally you want your summary to reel your readers in with each sentence, like a fishing line.
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The kind of story that has you clicking immediately, either to cuddle up and see if you can get just as sucked into the actual story, or immediately on a method to save it for them to read later when they have the time to get swept away. In my opinion, that's hard to do when the flow is broken up by a tag term, but this is just my opinion.
Okay... that is all.
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