#and I'm not quite convinced the guy I went on a date with saw it going anywhere
potato-elf · 1 year
personal posting in the tags again beware
#venting#venting about my love life in the tags again sorry fellas#so#my ex contacted me again#asked if he could send me a letter he wrote to process the relationship we had#he'd taken that approach a lot in the past on psychologist's orders so i figured i wouldn't rob him of that progress#motherfucker sent me a 5 page essay on everything that went wrong during the relationship#as well as stating that breaking up with me was one of the biggest mistakes he's ever made#and whether there was a chance we could reconcile#but like#I care about him a lot#and I too miss the good parts of the relationship that he mentioned#but I don't think getting back together and giving it another shot after being broken up for 3 months is gonna solve our issues#we've both been feeling better since the break-up (he said so himself)#but I'm scared we'd just fall into the same patterns that made us both miserable if we tried again#so now I have to work through a whole bunch of stuff emotionally again#as well as figure out how to tell him that no I don't think we should try again#and it's making me feel like absolute shit#I was also tentatively starting to date again#and I'm not quite convinced the guy I went on a date with saw it going anywhere#but whether that's true or not I feel like I got set back in the way I'd processed the break-up again#and while I don't think getting back with my ex is a good idea I also don't feel like I'm ready to date again now#honestly#if my ex asked me this either 2 months ago or a year from now I would've seriously considered it#because maybe we would've had the time to actually work on the deeper issues that made our dynamic toxic#but it's been 3 months and from his letter it doesn't seem like he has any idea how to prevent our issues in the future either#so I don't trust us not to fall into the same old habits again#though it hurts a lot to have to make that decision right now because I wish the best for him#but we just weren't the best for eachother#and I keep on questioning whether I'm not making a terrible mistake right now
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roosterforme · 3 months
Covering the Classics Part 1 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: Bob is happy for his friends, but feeling like the fifth wheel every weekend has gotten old. Anna's main goal is to fly under the radar as she starts work at San Diego State University with her shiny, new graduate degree. She is convinced that the only company she needs is her own, but a specific flyer in the faculty lounge catches her interest.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, eventually 18+
Length: 2800 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more! Thank you to @mak-32 for the beautiful banner!
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Bob hated it when Natasha was deployed without him. He always ended up feeling like the fifth wheel now that Bradley was married and Jake was dating Jessica. Well, both of those were actually understatements. Bradley was devoted to his wife, and Jake was soppy now that Jessica moved in with him. And Bob's feelings on the matter were never more evident than on nights out at the Hard Deck. 
Without fail, a girl or two or three would hit on one of the other guys, and they would deftly try to pawn said girl off on Bob only for the girl to look rather disappointed and kind of wander away. He just had that effect on women. He was a lot better with the written word than with the spoken, and something just didn't translate well for him when he was met face-to-face with an intriguing smile and an attractive body.
He groaned as he watched another woman head off in the direction of the bar as soon as he nervously stumbled his way through a sentence where he tried to introduce himself. How exactly was he supposed to compete with Jake Seresin anyway? Nobody who originally wanted him was going to settle for Bob. 
"I got you more peanuts." Bob looked up to see Bradshaw's wife smiling at him and holding out a cup. Ever since he visited Chippy's bar, he didn't want to admit to Penny that hers weren't quite as good, but if someone went out of their way to bring him a cup full, he was going to eat them. And it was also nice of her to make sure he was included tonight while Mickey was babysitting his nephews.
"Thank you," he replied softly, and she patted his shoulder.
"I saw you talking to that girl?" she asked, nodding her head toward the bar. "She's really cute."
Bob shook his head as he looked down at his ginger ale. "I mean, yes, she was very pretty, but I wasn't really talking to her. She didn't want to talk to me, actually." He could feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he looked up at her from his stool. "She wanted to talk to Jake."
She rolled her eyes, and Bob kept his fingers occupied by cracking open a peanut. He craved the familiar intimacy he saw when he looked at his friends and their partners. Maybe jealousy wasn't the right word, but he always felt left out of the loop. They all knew something he didn't, and he craved to be on the inside with someone of his own.
"I'd choose you over Jake any day, Bob. You're smart, and I like talking to you."
He smiled at her as he said, "That may be the case, but you'd choose Bradley over me."
"You got me there," she said with a laugh as she kissed his cheek, making him avert his eyes to the floor. "I'm probably not the best judge of character though."
Bob looked toward where she was smiling now and saw Bradley with his hideous tie dye shirt and idiotic looking backwards baseball cap as Jessica slaughtered him in a game of pool. "Yes, you are," Bob told her quietly. Because as soon as Bradley looked at his wife, his expression became one of complete wonder. 
"Sugar! Come here! Jessica is being mean to me again!"
She squeezed Bob's shoulder and then took him by the hand, bringing him along with her to the pool table. He blushed again as he looked a little nervously at Bradley, but everyone knew Bob was harmless. He was the one just drinking a ginger ale since he had to drive home.
"Baby," Bradley whined. "She won't even let me try to make a shot."
"That's not her being mean to you. That's her being better than you," his wife replied. "And what's the moral of the story again?"
"Women should never be underestimated," Bradley and Jake said in unison.
"That's right," Jessica said as she sunk the 8-ball into one of the corner pockets. "Especially ones who have a PhD and tenure." She handed her pool cue to Bradley and did a little dance. Then she reached into Bob's cup of peanuts and said, "Chippy's are better."
"They are," he agreed with a nod and a grin. He cleared his throat as Bradshaw's wife finally dropped his hand. "So I heard the new semester starts on Monday?"
"Yes," Jessica gushed as she fixed her glasses. "And Brian took a position at the community college, so this should be my best semester yet."
Bob already knew that Jake was relieved that his girlfriend would be going to work in a more comfortable environment every day, but it was nice to see how excited she was. 
"You know what I was thinking?" Jessica asked Bradshaw's wife quietly. Bob wondered if he should step away and give them some privacy, but they both kept helping themselves to the cup of peanuts. "Maybe we could put something up on the notice board in the main building, kind of inviting the other female teachers at the school to have lunch together one day? I felt so embarrassed and excluded from things because of Brian, I just thought it might be nice for anyone else who feels marginalized?"
Bradley's wife nodded. "I think that's a great idea."
Bob listened to them for a few more minutes before he wished them good luck as they started back to school for the fall term, and then he excused himself for the night. He stood outside in the dark parking lot for a few minutes and listened to the sound of the ocean before he climbed into his truck and headed for his silent house. 
"Dr. Webber."
Anna looked at the name placard on her office door and bounced up and down. "Dr. Webber," she read out loud again. She had the worst office on campus, no doubt about that. It was miniscule and kind of smelled like stale bread since it was so close to the cafeteria, but she loved it. All of the shelves were crammed with her books, and she could lock the rest of the world out when she needed a minute to herself. She just hoped that the tiny office wasn't a sign of bad things to come after San Diego State University willingly hired her less than a month before the start of the term.
In a matter of eight weeks, she had finally- finally- graduated with her PhD in English Literature and secured a job on the other side of the country. She sold everything she could think of, including her rings, and moved from gloomy New Jersey to a studio apartment in sunny southern California. Sure, all she had in her kitchen was a toaster oven and a mini fridge, but she was on her own. She had nobody to answer to. And she never would again.
"I guess everything is smaller here," Anna told herself as she locked her office door and went in search of the classroom where she would be holding the first lecture of her teaching career. She was too early for the class, but she was filled with nervous energy and decided that walking around would help. 
She looked in classrooms and listened to a poetry lecture on the third floor. She found a really secluded ladies' bathroom as well as a reading nook. Eventually, she and her copy of A Tree Grows in Brooklyn managed to wander all the way to the main building where she found a faculty lounge.
It smelled like coffee, and there were snacks out on the counter, and everyone was talking in pairs or small groups. She should probably get to know her colleagues, but she also didn't mind the anonymity that came with observing everyone without engaging. She was good at that, and she'd spend too much time around people who needed to be in the spotlight all the time. As she reached for a donut with pink frosting, she saw a notice board across the room and went to take a look. 
The hum of conversation around her was comforting as she read about a yoga class in the quad, alumni night, and a teacher appreciation banquet. Then her eyes caught on a single piece of paper with a plain black font. It wasn't flashy, and somehow it reminded her of a page from a favorite book.
If you're interested in getting to know some other women who work on campus, let's meet for a friendly lunch on the first Tuesday of the term! Noon in the quad next to the weird tree.
Anna laughed. She knew where the quad was, but she wasn't sure which tree was the weird one. They actually all seemed a bit out of place to her since she wasn't used to living near palm trees. She started to skim a notice about how to recycle old textbooks, but she didn't get far before she was re-reading the one about meeting up for lunch. 
If it was truly meant just for women, then it sounded kind of nice. She could eat her sandwich outside. She liked weird trees. The idea of having zero men around made it even more appealing. The last thing she wanted was to develop an interest in anyone right now. Or maybe ever again. 
She took out her phone and snapped a picture of the page before checking the time and leaving with her donut. Twenty minutes later, with her class assembled before her in a small lecture hall, she cleared her throat and said, "Welcome to English 205. I'm Dr. Webber, and this semester we will be covering the classics."
"You can do this. You'll be fine," Anna said as she walked slowly across the quad toward a palm tree that looked like it somehow started growing sideways about six feet up from the ground. "It's just some people."
But she wasn't good with people. Kevin had been quick to tell her that all the time. He liked to point out that she was awkward unless she was talking about literature or poetry or something from the New York Times bestseller list. Apparently she didn't know how to talk about normal things. Her hands started to sweat as she held onto her brown paper bag and can of ginger ale. 
"Oh god," she groaned as she got a little closer. Truly, there was nothing to be afraid of. It was just two women smiling as they talked to each other with their lunches. But they were both beautiful. Like the kind of stunning girls that Anna was always afraid to talk to when she was a teenager. One was wearing a suit and high heels, and the other was wearing cute brown loafers and some tweed, and she felt like her own outfit looked awful now by comparison. 
It wasn't too late to just walk past them and loop back toward her office and never try to socialize again. "Yes, let's do that." She nodded and picked up the pace a little bit. She could turn left at the weird tree and then maybe even make a run for it. "What are you doing?" she whispered, slowing down again. It was one thing to swear off men, but it wasn't going to be an enjoyable existence if she never tried to make a single friend here.
With a deep breath, she forced herself forward, and then soon two sets of eyes were on her. All she saw was matching smiles as she approached and said, "Hi. I'm Anna Webber. Is this the weird tree?"
"It's the weirdest tree I've ever seen," said the first woman as the other one jumped to her feet. 
"Hi! Are you here for lunch?" she asked as she adjusted her glasses. "I told you someone would come," she whispered to the first woman before sticking her hand out. "I'm Jessica Reed! I work in the physics department, and this is my friend, and we are so, so happy you're joining us."
Anna smiled at how bubbly she was as she briefly shook her hand. "I just got here," she said with a wince. "I mean... it's my second day working here? I just got hired. In the English department. I'm teaching literature." God, could she sound like any more of an idiot right now?
But Jessica gasped in response. "Advanced Literature!" Then both women squealed, and soon the other one was introducing herself and talking about the math department and pointing out a building Anna had never been inside yet.
"It's silly, we know, but we kind of have code names for each other. I'm Advanced Calculus, and Jessica is Advanced Physics. You can be Advanced Literature. If you want." Now she looked a little uncertain while Jessica bounced in her high heels. "Wow, we sound like absolute nerds."
"We are nerds," Jessica confirmed with no shame as she looked at Anna. "I collect scientific journals. She uses math as foreplay with her husband. Do you want to eat lunch with us, Anna?"
Her response came with an ease that she hadn't felt in a long time. "Yes. Please." Then both women were shifting their lunches down and making room in the middle of the bench. Anna took a seat and watched Advanced Calculus pick a carrot stick out of the most beautifully organized lunch container she'd ever seen. She also had a tie dyed lunch box that was charming in a hideous way.
"How's your first week going?" Jessica asked as she bit into a delicious looking sandwich on fancy, multigrain bread. Anna knew she didn't fit in here at all as she pulled a plain turkey sandwich and some peanuts from her bag, but it was all she could afford right now. 
"Well," she said with a sigh. "It's better than New Jersey."
Both women squealed again. "You're from the east coast!"
"Yeah," she replied as she opened her ginger ale. "I grew up in New Jersey. I went to college and grad school in New Jersey. I attempted to move to New York, and then somehow I ended up here." She left out the heartbreaking parts about Kevin, because he didn't really belong in a conversation where she was surprisingly kind of enjoying herself. 
She learned the two women were from Massachusetts and Virginia, and that they both had PhDs from prestigious universities. They were both in committed relationships with naval aviators who also happened to work together. And both of the men loved packing their ladies lunches. 
"Lucky," Anna muttered as she popped a peanut into her mouth and thought about the kitchen in her studio apartment. It was so small, it almost didn't exist. She was almost thirty and essentially still lived in a dormitory. How sad.
"Hey," Jessica said suddenly. "If you like peanuts, you'd probably love Chippy's!"
"What's Chippy's?" Anna asked curiously.
"Eww, no. Don't listen to Jess. Chippy's is a disgusting dive bar on the other side of campus."
"It's not disgusting! He just doesn't clean the floor."
Anna laughed. "I actually do love peanuts, but I'm not a big drinker." Then both women silently studied her, and she could feel heat rising in her cheeks. She'd said something wrong already. Of course things couldn't be this easy.
"Huh. You like ginger ale," said Advanced Calculus as she sat paused with a carrot stick halfway to her mouth.
Anna nodded as she said, "My... well, a guy I know used to make fun of me for being a ginger and loving ginger ale." She gestured to her auburn hair which was clipped up at the back of her head. 
"Are you married? Or in a relationship?" she asked, and she finally bit into the carrot. 
Anna didn't even have a chance to reply as Advanced Physics gasped on her other side. "You like peanuts. And ginger ale. How do you feel about men with glasses?"
"How do you feel about men with greenish blue eyes?" 
"How do you feel about sweet men who blush?"
"Would you ever date a guy in the Navy?"
"Are you fond of beat up pickup trucks and country boys?"
"Do you want to come to the Hard Deck this weekend?"
Anna was starting to get whiplash as she looked back and forth between the two of them. "Wait, I'm sorry. What? I thought we were talking about a place called Chippy's?"
"We were. But now we're talking about a man called Bob."
Omg omg omg. Okay, here we are with a story for our lovable Bob. Thanks for reading about the Sugarverse. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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☆ sci-fi.mp3 ☆
♡ genre ¿? ♡ -> fluff & angst all in one bowl ♡ pair ¿? ♡ -> ot8!skz x gn!reader ♡ plot ¿? ♡ -> he didn't think this was friendship anymore but accepting his feelings was harder than that. ♡ warnings ¿? ♡ -> swearing ♡ request ¿? ♡ -> yes!
a/n -> i'm not sure if i understood this request correctly but i hope you still enjoy it! it was about not being friends but not being in a relationship so i kinda did it my way so that's an angsty way.
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chan ✉
he couldn't explain the excitement that went through his body whenever he got to see you. it was irrational to feel like that for just a friend but he knew deep down (even if he wouldn't admit it) that it wasn't the case for you two. he always had a hard time coming together with his feelings, actually understanding that he felt a certain way and accepting it. when it came to you it was even harder since he didn't exactly could point out when it went from a friendship to something more.
as you arrived at the studio, he had everything planned out for what you guys were gonna do yet everything was thrown out the window when he saw you. you looked so fucking gorgeous, it was insane to him how mad you drove him but he couldn't do that, he couldn't just date you. he wanted to, oh god did he desired it.
"(y/n)? can you give me your honest opinion on a track?" was usually the way he would let you know he cared about your thoughts and that he wouldn't do this for someone else. his little actions like that spoke louder than words but neither of you ever made a move. eventually you never knew what was gonna happen next but you always knew how it would end and that was a cuddle session on the couch that lasted way less than you wanted to.
minho ✉
he would be in denial that he was being extra with you. maybe he liked to tease his members a lot but with you? oh no, he wouldn't dare. you were so precious to him in such an unexpected way, he didn't really feel this way about anyone. he didn't understand even how to process this because he usually did not have crushes or wanted to be in relationships, but right now he craved way more than a friendship. he admitted to himself that he was fucked from the start when he first met you.
"(y/n) do you think i need to practice more? i've been lacking recently." that was a lie, he would never in a million years say he was lacking, but he felt the need to hear you compliment him. sometimes all he needed were some words of encouragement from you to keep going. as soon as he heard you speak, he felt so calm on the inside and it was almost as if you were the only one who brought such peace to him.
he felt trapped like he knew if it was another context, he wouldn't have so much trouble admitting his crush on you. yet now he still was denying it whenever the boys brought it up and denying it to himself but he knew there was no way he was gonna convince himself ever. he was stuck in a loop where every time he sees you, his heart flutters but his mouth stays shut.
changbin ✉
oh this man, he would facepalm himself every time he said something to you. it's like he couldn't help it, he is a very affectionate person but with you it's another extreme he didn't know he had it in him. you guys do couple things all the time yet none of you asked each other out, you guys wear matching clothes, cuddle, have "friend dates" and yet whenever someone asks if you're dating, you shake your heads. what kind of loser was he being, he could literally have you but he was afraid.
he didn't know exactly what his fear was but he knew he will always just want you. nobody quite understands him and listens to him the way you do. he could talk to your for hours and yet it would still feel too short. he wanted to wake up next to you, have you at the studio, at his concerts and somehow that reality he was creating in his mind even if it felt close, was still so far away.
"(y/n) thank you for coming." he would say with a smile as you two met up which caught you by surprise. you saw each other almost every day but this time it seemed like he actually needed you to be there for him. he didn't know why exactly he called you, maybe it was to confess or maybe it was just to see you. he didn't say anything though, he just wanted you to hold him for a little longer as he thought of all you could be if he wasn't such a coward.
hyunjin ✉
as the hopeless romantic he is, he would live for the little gestures. it would be hard for him to confess to himself what he was feeling. in a way he would feel like he was destroying what you guys had but he knew that you were on the same page as him. shaking off this feeling, he would still talk to you every day and he would care about what happened through your day, what you were up to and what you needed. almost like he was your boyfriend and that put such a bitter taste in his mouth.
he was concerned that you would get tired and eventually find someone else. that thought just haunted him but you also kept coming back so he felt an ease whenever he saw you. maybe you were waiting for him? for his contract to end? for him to confess and maybe have a secret relationship? he just didn't know at all. so many questions on his mind made him forget that he was right next to you.
"(y/n) do you ever feel like... i don't know, you want something and you can't have it?" he asked in his philosophical way and it got you thinking. as you thought through his question, he admired every feature of yours, looking at you in a way with such admiration and love. he felt like his heart was gonna fall from his chest right at your feet. 
jisung ✉
as he thought about you and texted you, he knew he was fucked. there was one thing lingering in his mind at night and that was you, wanting to see you and being away from you was hell. he didn't feel like he was trapped but he definitely felt like he wasn't prepared to be in a relationship yet when he thought of you, he saw the future. he wanted you by his side yet he remained unmoved when it came to (ironically) making a move. he felt like he would rather be friends then lose what you guys have completely.
a part of him was always telling him that you followed what he did, responded to his messages even late at night and would always say yes whenever he wanted to hang out. like it was a sign that he was looking for to actually tell you the truth. but then what? have you actually be in a relationship with him and have to deal with all that came with it? he didn't want you to go through that. 
"(y/n) i really missed you." he said sincerely as he looked at you and his hands found it's way to yours. you offered him a smile and yet when you saw your hands, both of you couldn't help but blush. it's like when you first met, you were so shy around each other yet something pulled you both back as you thought that this wasn't normal. he would die a little whenever you two had to pull away.
felix ✉
he was so tired of all the going back and forth. he wasn't exactly sure if he had a crush (he did) but he knew that acting like this with you and only you wasn't normal behavior for friends to have. he chased after more, a feeling that he would want to have for eternity and that's the one he felt when he saw you. it's like everything always stopped, time wasn't enough when he was with you and he couldn't help but be sad every time he watched you leave but he had no other choice since you two were just friends.
"(y/n) do you think you could help me write something?" he never asked for much help with lyrics but it would feel really comforting and special to write a song fo- with you. you agreed to it and it got you both thinking what the perfect love song would be, what actually takes to write such deep lyrics and rhyme words in a way that it didn't feel too forced. 
as he looked at you, concentrated and you pronounced the words that were on your mind, he knew that he had to accept it. he had to come with the fact that he didn't feel such a strong connection to another person that he's ever met, he wanted to have you but he also needed to understand that it was quite impossible. even after all he knew he could count on you for whatever but sometimes he just wishes he could close the gap and seal it with a kiss. 
seungmin ✉
usually he wouldn't have such a hard time accepting that he wasn't in a friends phase with someone anymore. sometimes people just drift away and you can't really help it, but right now he knew that this was the end of a friendship. he knew that this was the start of something else with you and he didn't know how to handle change but when he was with you, he felt much more safe and sound in a way he did not expect. he looked at you and all the thoughts would invade his mind.
what would a future with you look like? did you feel the same? how would you saying he was your boyfriend sound like? why was he thinking this already? he knew he had to stop. it was easy to daydream, to think of what it could be but he just wanted that to be his reality and not be stuck in this endless life where he would have to see you walk away from him. 
"(y/n) are you seeing someone?" the question was pretty blunt so it kinda took you by surprise but you just shook your head. for some reason when you said no, he smiled and you couldn't quite figure out why. he smiled because that meant there was a chance that you were waiting for him to make a move just like he was waiting for the right time to do it. would there be a right time? would he risk it all for you? maybe, but this wasn't it.
jeongin ✉
as he walked you home, he wanted nothing more than to stop walking and appreciate the moment with you. he would want to hold you close and look at the stars (even though you shined brighter than any of them). he would want to actually kiss you and feel you with him, but he couldn't. he just kept walking as you talked but he dozed off from the conversation and just hummed or agreed with what you said. he knew he was being a coward by pretending everything was okay when it was far from that.
"(y/n) i'm glad i get to exist at the same time as you." he did not expect for the words to fall from his thoughts to his mouth but they did and he was a blushing mess. he felt weird after saying it because you looked at him in such a loving way that he lost his breath for a second. he wanted you to stare at him like that the whole time, so that he feels loved and enchanted by your eyes always.
you didn't have to say anything and you didn't. he just knew that you appreciated his words and that you felt the same way but you couldn't do anything about it. you two would have to live with the feeling and not the thrill of experiencing what it was like to be with each other. he would have his dreams where he would see you again and actually would get to experience much more but as soon as he woke up, it was all over again. 
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mcflymemes · 9 months
PROMPTS FROM MY OLD FANFICTIONS LOL *  assorted lines from the dumb fics i used to write, adjust as necessary
i forgot you don't like us calling you that.
we have some other issues to deal with.
what's so funny?
i can handle it.
the only thing standing between you and the barrel of a gun is me, and it's going to stay like that. i'm not moving.
go on a date, for christ's sake! meet a guy! go hang out with friends! be social for once in your life!
i'm so freaking proud of you!
yes, i watched a grown man cry. i think we've established that.
what did you say your last name was?
this game is so not fair.
you saw the blood.
you believe she actually loves you?
it was never about love.
we need to talk.
ding ding ding! we have a winner!
you know, you shouldn't be drinking this early.
i did not come all this way to see you killed like he was.
that was never part of our agreement.
bullshit. don't lie to me.
it's all right. don't panic. just keep breathing.
let's try for a little self-control.
convincing enough for you?
chivalry is dead, [name].
the last thing i want to do is get on a plane.
i never really got to say goodbye to you.
you went to mcdonalds? and you didn't get me anything?
do you wanna just watch a movie?
why would anyone be upset with you?
[name], i want you to leave.
things will work out.
i heard about that. i'm sorry.
i'm not here to kill you.
maybe i should take that from you.
go. i'm asking you. you need a day off.
what planet are we on?
so that's it, then? you're not leaving?
there's nothing out there for me anymore.
i'm not done with this.
we can't just give up!
i don't want to interrupt them.
don't you think that maybe you're here for a reason?
did you have breakfast already? i'm starving.
it could be possible.
i miss them. i miss them so much.
it wasn't your fault.
are you scared of him?
we're out of toilet paper in the bathroom.
you're always right.
i didn't make him cry.
we have a situation here!
i just hope my ravioli's good.
you don't have anything to worry about, really.
yeah. let's get this done.
it's a nightmare, i tell you.
well... now's your chance to catch up.
it looks like... somehow... we're being held hostage.
there's someone behind this door.
you don't have to leave just yet.
whatever you did, it worked.
i didn't mean to shoot at you.
you've been here since nine in the morning!
where are we? and who are you?
don't you realize it's past midnight?
you should be sleeping.
i thought it was a good plan.
turn your car around now.
look, [name], be careful.
you're in my basement.
[name]! it's been too long!
i quite enjoyed it.
a little culture never hurt anyone.
i think that's a wonderful idea.
thank you for the invitation. i might have to take you up on that.
remind me why we don't eat here more often?
i can't ask you to do this.
i won't let you down, [name].
my plan is working.
you do what you feel is right.
you don't have to go all yoda on me. i get it.
what kind of hero does that?
now you know why i haven't left this house.
same time next week?
it's been a while for me, too.
let me help you. we'll take it slow.
you are making a terrible mistake.
for the last time, you are not my father.
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vanilladove · 8 months
This request is a bit long and specific but I hope that's not a problem efvevefvrgb I'm sorry
So if that's not a problem I would want headcanons for gn reader who is Atsushi's sibling (a year older), has the same ability and also is in ADA and is in love with Akutagawa and he hates them at first but then fall in love. Also reader has very similar personality to Atsushi. (I know, readers description is almost Atsushi, I kin him okay tgbrbrgbrbg 😭)
So fluffy sibling headcanons with Atsushi, romantic (and suggestive/nsfw if thats okay (I'm 19)) headcanons with Akutagawa and also headcanons about dynamics between reader, Akutagawa and Atsushi.
I'm sorry that it's so specific rtgefbefbefg And thank you in advance if you'll write this erfefvvejad ♡
hihi tysm for being my first request, anon! this is actually so cute ahhhhh :,) i felt like keeping this pretty fluffy. engagement is always appreciated (from anyone & everyone:D)! thank you guys for all the support + requests so far ♡
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pic creds luvpngs
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: akutagawa x nakajima!gn!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: fluff + a lil suggestive (hickeys)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none!
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₊˚⊹♡ being siblings with atsushi...
Since you're a year older, you've always been quite protective over your younger brother. Despite having very similar personalities, you're a bit more rational and street-smart than Atsushi.
You made him his first ever ochazuke (green tea over rice) at the orphanage one day to celebrate his birthday, and since then it's been his favorite food ♡
You cheer him up a lot and are kind of like his strength:,) After the kids at the orphanage cut his hair, you convinced him it looked cute and yelled at them to never mess with him again.
You always keep extra tissues on you for him bc he’s a lil crybaby sometimes :(
Both of you train together since you have the same ability. Luckily, neither of you are super competitive, so you both are at the same skill level.
You both share one brain cell...
₊˚⊹♡ being akutagawa's lover...
You fell first, but he fell harder :D
The first time you saw Akutagawa, you were enamoured by his beauty. Unfortunately, the feeling wasn't reciprocated since he held a grudge against you and Atsushi (*cough* bc of Dazai bragging*cough*).
Dazai sent you to negotiate with the Port Mafia on behalf of the ADA once, and you saw him again in a meeting. Higuchi was gone, so naturally you sat next to Akutagawa--much to his dismay.
He was side-eyeing you harshly the entire meeting until his lung decided to act up and send him into a coughing fit...
You gave him your untouched cup of tea and fished some cough drops out of your pocket (always prepared bc you're the older sibling lol). This surprised him (along with the other Mafia members).
He didn't have the luxury of declining, so he took them without thanking you and stubbornly looked away (you swore you saw a faint blush on his cheeks though...)
After the meeting, he pulled you aside and demanded to know your favorite café, so he could take you there, warning you, "don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want to owe you". (he's awkward ik :,) )
Somehow your little 'dates' went back and forth as you kept bringing him more things to ease his condition (handkerchiefs, tea w/ honey, medicine, etc.)
Akutagawa fell for your bubbly personality and giving nature (which he would've regarded as weak before). As much as he didn't want to admit it, it was nice to have someone take care of and genuinely look out for him. It's the reason why he secretly hopes he'll never stop 'owing' you.
His love language is quality time and writing you poems/love letters. Anytime he isn't working or with Gin, he spends with you. His go-to is a romantic moonlight walk by the ocean (he def hates water tho and refuses to even dip his feet in--black cat energy hehe)♡
Expect a lot of subtle affirmations from Akutagawa. Not many “i love you”s but a lot of “the moon looks beautiful tonight, doesn’t it?”
Also lots of affectionate head bonks hehe.
SUPER POSSESSIVE!!! Will constantly hold you/your hand when you're alone together or out in public and leaves hickeys to show you're his.
One time Atsushi saw one on your neck and asked about it...you told him it was "from Akutagawa", and he immediately got defensive thinking he'd hurt you. You awkardly laughed and told him it was a "hickey". Poor, innocent Atsu asked Dazai what that was and obviously Dazai's evil ass explained it in the worst, most suggestive way possible :p Afterwards, Atsushi wouldn't look at either of you for a week...
₊˚⊹♡ dynamics between the three of you...
Although at first Akutagawa refused to hang out with Atsushi, he began to tag along more after you expressed that it made you sad to leave him out. When they did fight, you were the middleman breaking it up.
Akutagawa has been nicer to Atsushi lately--scoffing at his jokes instead of clapping back, claiming "it's for your sake and definitely not by choice".
Nicknames! You call Akutagawa "Ryu" when you're alone together. Aku calls you by your name but still refers to Atsushi as 人虎 "Jinko". Tried to call Atsushi by his name once, but it felt wrong, so he never did it again lol.
Dazai likes to tease that you guys are "Triple Black". You're a powerful trio, and you often strategize and provide support to the other two.
Since you guys are so similar, you once asked Akutagawa why he liked you so much but couldn't stand Atsushi...
Mans was absolutely dumbfounded. The question made him realize it was because he loved you, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it flat out. The thought of that made his face red like a tomato. He was so flustered, he couldn't even think of a cute, poetic thing to say.
He brought you close to him in a hug to try and hide his crimson face, burying himself into your neck.
"Your haircut isn't stupid like his, that's all".
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cosmicanemoia · 11 months
Nights Like This
Ava Coleman x Reader
Inspired by Kehlani's song, Nights Like This.
"He dated me for five years, but I only dated him for 2"
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The reason: you were together at the time, you see signs but you ignore them because you trust her, and when you found out and confront her, she didn't deny or even tried to apologise, but instead justify her action and calls it quit with you saying "Let's be real, we both know we ain't gonna last this long" with that she turns her back walking away from you and leaving you in tears.
Five years of relationship and it ended for a few seconds just like that. The first two years were great, but it started to strain on the third, that's when she met her boy toy, now boyfriend. She managed to lie and lie, the hiding, and sneaking out went out for years, but she got sloppy and you accidentally found out when she made reservations for both at the same time.
"Hi. Uh this table is reserved for me and my girlfriend" you said to the guy who sat opposite you. "No. This is the table reserved for me and my girlfriend" when Ava arrived, the guy grabbed her hands and kissed her, calling her sweetie. You watch in horror trying to figure out what's happening in front of your very eyes. Flashbacks started flooding your mind, showing the all the signs and reason for the scene in front of you, and all you could mutter was "I'm such an idiot" you scoff and started to collect your things before a tear starts to fall from your eyes and went out the restaurant.
Ava followed you outside. "Hey babe--" ava started talking but you cut her off "Don't babe me. I'm such a fucking idiot. How can you do this to me?" She didn't answer. You face her and lock eyes with her "How long?-- How long have you been seeing him behind my back?--" You wait for her answer, "I don't know three years, maybe" she said without remorse, your jaw drop by the revelation "oh- my- god-" you put your hand on your mouth, your breathing heavily "you should have broken up with me, instead of rubbing it in my face" she yelled at you "I didn't meant for you to find out!" "Oh. So you don't plan on telling me. Hey girlfriend I secretly have a boyfriend and I don't want you to find out" you mock "I love you and I really like him. I don't wanna hurt you" she said and you scoff "That's very foolish of you" you tell her and it triggered her "Let's be real, we both know we ain't gonna last this long" then she left and went in the restaurant to continue living her merry life, and your left with a hole in your heart.
Her obsession in climbing the social ladder makes her a cheater. And you can't hate her for being ambitious and doing anything she wants just because, even if you can, you won't, and you would never because you love her way too much more than you should. Maybe you failed showing her how much she meant to you or maybe she just didn't saw.
You now run a non profit organisation with your friends who are also your colleagues from your actual job.
You are a ghost writer. Not caring much about the publicity or fame, you love being a ghost writer. Though sometimes people convince you to agree to be credited and have your name along with the other writers, they said only few people look for the writers nowadays. You agreed in the end, but you told them they have to use your pen name and not your actual name or else you're out.
The songs and stories you ghost write are doing pretty great and are instantly becoming a hit and more request comes your way.
You and your friends were out celebrating your joint success and you all agreed to give back to the community.
You and your colleagues ended up deciding to do a Charity event rather than choosing to donate to just one establishment.
Every teacher and principal are invited. All kinds of people who works at a school is encouraged to attend.
Gregory, Jacob, and Janine, were sitting on the sofa in the teacher's lounge while Barbara and Melissa sat in their usual spot.
Janine suddenly stands up and squealed eagerly "check it out. There's a charity ball and we should all attend" Ava walks in unnoticed
It was Janine's idea to attend. She was scrolling through her phone and she saw her feed flooded by the news of the upcoming event. One or the only best idea she's ever had. But Ava heard it "Oh. I was just about to tell you that. We all should come. It'll be fun, seeing you all dressed up and looking nice tonight" she looks over at Gregory "looking forward to seeing you in a suit, young idris" she proceed to wink at him and look at the camera to give it a wink too.
Janine frowned "the ball is on Friday night. It's still Tuesday" Ava looked at her up and down with a pout on her face "that's literally what I said"
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and everyone dispersed. Everyone went to get their kids or went right to their classroom. Ava went to her office and open her laptop checking the charity ball Janine was talking about.
She saw the poster and the slogan. She thinks its well made, pretty, and inviting. She didn't read all the details and just skimmed it for the date and the theme. She didn't see your name on it, she didn't know you were one of the hosts.
The night of the charity ball have arrived.
Everyone looks elegant. People converse with each other while waiting for the hosts to start the event.
After a minutes of waiting for others to arrive you decided to kick start the event so you walk up the stage and tap the microphone, checking if its on or working.
You cleared your throat and speak loudly and clearly "Hello, Beautiful people. I just want to steal your attention for a brief moment. I am Y/N Y/L/N. I am one of your hosts tonight and I invited generous people whom you can ask for money and get the fund you needed for projects or supplies you want to have at your school. Let's get this party started, and oh- one more thing, don't be shy to ask for the stars. Have a good one everyone, we have an open bar."
Everyone applaud and cheers. A whoo and a whoop whoop here and there, high fives all around, and loud whistles.
Janine, Barbara, Melissa, Gregory, and Jacob walk towards you and surrounds you. They introduce themselves and the school they teach from. You shook each of their hands and you listen to their stories.
You were convinced you were going to help and donate at Abbott elementary. Not because of their sob stories but because the genuinity you feel coming off their vibes and the way they talk about the students. They truly love and care for them.
Another school steal your attention from them, so you excuse yourself to listen to the others and give them their chance.
When you were away from them, they noticed that someone was missing from their group. So they scan the area and they saw their boss, the principal of Abbot Elementary, Ava Coleman, is sitting in the open bar. They all decided to walk up to the open bar.
"I'm okay. No need to check on me" she said without turning her head to look at them. Melissa snorts and Barbara grinned "I'm just here to enjoy and get shit-faced, kid" Melissa replied. "It is an open bar after all" Barbara added.
After one too many drinks they told Ava to talk to you and use her charm on you, unaware of the past you shared, their convincing her to woo you, so you would help and donate to the school they all care for.
Ava did what she was told, convince that she should at least give it a try and that she'll lose nothing, anyway.
"What's up?" She nodded in your direction. You chuckled "we don't have to do this. You can just ignore me all you want. I assure you it won't affect my decision" she looks away from you so you look at her and for a moment you thought she was contemplating saying sorry, but alas, it was indeed just in your head "OK. Thanks hottie" she starts to walk away from you "You're welcome. Shawty" you shouted for her to hear, you know she heard you and she did, but she didn't look back or acknowledge your statement she just kept walking away from you, again.
"That was fast" Janine complimented which made Ava scoff, "Do you too know each other well?" Jacob asked and everyone turns their attention to Ava looking at her with anticipation "What?!" She said in a high pitched tone. Everyone looks at her accusingly, she sigh in defeat "She told me, I should just ignore her and that we don't have to do that. She's my ex." Everyone groans and are shocked with the revelation.
"We're never gonna get that donation, are we?" Melissa said to everyone and to herself "Let's just hope she's not petty or vain enough to stop helping us because our principal broke her heart" She added and scoffs
"No. She's cool. She said it won't affect her decision.-- How did you know it was me who broke her heart?" Ava replied "Aren't you?" Gregory asked, she just look at them one by one and order a stronger drink to get her through the night.
You walk up on stage a little tipsy "Hi, people. Is everyone having fun?" Everyone cheered and shouted "YEAH!" You smiled to yourself "well let me add to the fun your having. I have a surprise guest. Everyone give a round of applause to my friend, Kehlani!"
Most of them cheered and applauded, standing up from their seats and walking closer to the stage, and some are shocked and kept where they were when you made the announcement with their jaws almost hitting the floor.
"Thanks babe. Good evening to you all. Here's a song I think you all know, what you didn't know is that she help wrote it with us" kehlani said on the microphone and points at you.
It was dark for a moment and all the lights went out until the song started playing and the small stage light up.
.......Thought you was mine, but you decided to be with him though. You took my feelings and just threw 'em out the window.......On some nights like this, shawty, I can't help but think of us.......You gon' say you want me, then go switch it up
Just gon' play with my emotions just because, no.......All them times I played the fool for you. Thinking we could put it back together, thought we had forever. You never see my point of view.......
Since the song started everything became a blur, 'I might have way too many drink' you smiled at yourself and went to the bathroom to wash you face.
Ava saw you making your way to the bathroom and without thinking her body moved on its own and decided to follow you there to check up on you.
When you lift your face up from the sink after splashing water on your face you saw a figure standing behind you, you took a paper towel and gently wipe the water off your face. Your vision cleared and the figure behind you was ava staring at your reflection.
She crept a hand on your back to try to give you comfort planning to ask how are you, but you dismissed her "Don't" and you walk out the bathroom leaving Ava dumbfounded.
A few seconds later you came back barging in the bathroom door. You walk up to her, you are now standing face to face, "I told you to ignore me. Why are you here? What do you want?" You stated, your voice laced with anger "I didn't know you know Kehlani and that you help wrote that bop" Ava said, always talking without thinking, a quality you once greatly admire.
You were quite for a moment, "You want to meet her." You look down and nodded. You look her in the eye and sigh you were about to say 'okay' but she speak first "I want you. I miss you. I'm sorry." her eyes glistened and you could feel she's mustering courage for what she's about to do, then she kisses you softly and gently, but you are not reacting or moving so she pulls away from you.
A tear was about to fall on her eye but before it happened you grabbed her hips and pushed her against the wall. You linger, your lips centimeters away from hers, you moved your nose to her neck and inhaled her scent "you copied my perfume" the heat of your breath on her neck makes her blush and have goosebumps. You slide your nose up and down her neck, teasing her.
"Please" she beg, desperation evident in the way she said it. Her arms start to wrap around your waist but you didn't let her, you grabbed her arms and pushed it beside her, "I didn't tell you, you could touch me" you said then you slide your tongue on the pulse point on her neck
"Please. Please. I'm begging you, just do it" she said while she's catching her breath, she seems like she just finished a long run "do what?" You tease her more.
"F- Fuck. Fuck me. Please." Her breath hitches. You kiss her neck then bite her and leave a mark. She let out a moan but it was quickly Interrupted when you finally kissed her on her lips.
You lift her up and sat her on the sink. You smirk to yourself thinking where this is going to go.
You heard the doorknob rattled and quickly pulled away from Ava, you look in the mirror and try to fix your posture, she jumps down the sink to do the same. It was Barbara, she came to the bathroom to wash her hands.
"Barbara you're fired" Ava said jokingly, Barbara replied sarcastically "Sure. Dear"
Ava scans the bathroom looking for you, you already went out when you finished tidying yourself when you got Interrupted. She went out the bathroom when she didn't saw you, she scans the room and saw you slow dancing with someone.
You're dancing with the famous singer, your forehead clashing at each other while your arms are around her neck, and hers are around your waist, hands almost or actually touching your butt.
Ava stopped on her tracks when she saw you in somebody else's embrace. Her chest tightens and she's hurting. She gulped and tried hard to make her body move to the bar, and when she get there she ordered the strongest drink they could offer. She wants to spit it out and be disgusted but with the bitter drink, she also swallows the bitter truth. You were not hers anymore and she knows she's the reason why.
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nebelihood · 11 months
Hey Arnold Study ENTRY01 "Arnold visits Arni"
GUuYS- As you may know I recently got re-obessed with Hey Arnold for a brief amount of time very recently. (Sadly I had to kill that obsession because of school and Looney tunes comic- but no worries, I'll try to come back as soon as the comic is finished jahsj qwq)
BUT I GOT LIKE REALLY OBSESSED LIKE SUPER- YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY HEY ARNOLD SCREENSHOTS I HAVE NOW- I HAVE A WORD DOCUMENTING EVERYTHING FROM ALMOST EVERY EPISODE (Except the ones from last seasons cause I was honestly tired of writting while eating and pausing and not being able to watch comfortably Hey Arnold-)
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Dated 06/06/2023
Side note 01: I don't mean sl*ty in a demeaning way, I was trying to explain things to myself and let them clear to me x'0
Side note 02: This episode happens previously to "Married" episode.
Obviously the most interesting part of the episode was how Arnold switched Helga's personality to someone he actually developed feelings for and it wasn't too far away from Helga's real character like her poetry, her schemes to get closer to the guy she liked and general appearance. What's also interesting to note is how they changed the other characters, they basically switched their personalities between two characters, ex: Making phoebe dummer and Stinky smarter. Gerald more exaggerated and Sid cooler. Rhonda carless and Harold all about looks.
But when they switched Lila and Helga, Lulu came out more "sluty" and flirty. Traits that have nothing to do with Helga. And Hilda came out as inteligent and sweeter, which could be characteristics that could apply to Lila- only without her iconic "Ever so much" and exaggerated kindness. Those characters didn't seem to switch personalities. Maybe show unconscious beliefs of them?
It's a awesome episode to think about since it's all Arnold's dream so reflecting on the way he portrayed "helga" he must have some sort of idea of her, that she's nice deep down. Like he has confirmed he doesn't think Helga is mean for the sake for being mean in the Helga vs Patty episode. Like he has seen Helga act nice in the Rhonda costume party when she pretended to be Lila, like when he took care of her when she got amnesia and seemed too innocent, like when he convinced her to wash dishes and do the right thing. He must by this point, be almost sure there's a good nature underneath her despite how much she fights it.
About Lila... When they first started going out she was quite flirty. And she was also quite flirty when she went out with Arni, so maybe he perceives her attentions to certain degree a little sl+ty out of jealousy? idk just a thought.
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Besides Lulu keeps Lila's way of communication "all so much about" "I'm all to certain that-"And the dream kept Arnold and Helga's tradition for crashing againts eachother. Making them essentially themselves and not them with switched personalities.
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I think it's also interesting to see how Arnold also instantly fell in love"" when he saw Hilda. The first thing he asked was "Do I know you?" as to say she reminds him of someone he has seen cause he thinks he already knows her. The only possible answer is Helga.
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IT's also interesting to see how Arnold bumped exactly with her as soon as she finished telling the moon if she would ever meet her one and true love.
I love Arnold's little shy hands hiding behind him, listening to her happily,,,
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Arnold has witnessed to certain degree Helga reciting poetry like when Arni visited last time, so it's not crazy he made that connection to Hilda admitting she was reciting poetry.
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ANYWAY in review, despite if he knows if Helga is a good person or not which at this point I'm sure he has a gut feeling, he must find her attractive rigth of the bait or at least feel attraction. Like when he complimented her the first time he saw her on "Helga on the couch" episode and because he doesn't even "know her" and he can't help to seem all goofy.
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Note he also included Helga's "love sighs" on the dream, so maybe he has heard them before??
"I've never met anyone like you Hilda, and I really like you a lot"
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He confessed to Hilda and Hilda confessed she liked Arni- This episode could be taken in two perspectives, one is that It's just like when Arni visited but this time is Arnold is Arni; so even if Arnold seems perfectly normal on this episode, he may have been a weirdo to everyone in town except to Lulu like it happened with Arni and Lila. This could be it but for wouldn't be completely accurate, Hilda would have had already been obsessed with Arni or idk maybe not. It could also be Arnold confessing to Lila and Lila saying she likes Arni, except for the whole intro to the situation reviewed on one ep. It's interesting he confessed to Hilda on his dream tho
(I didn't even understand myself what I meant but I'm gonna add that it could be Arnold falling in and out of love with Lila? And meaning he could fall in love with Helga if she showed her true nature? OR saying he already sort of likes her? Or likes what he thinkg he knows SHE IS??? LIKE I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M DOING THIS- I KNOW THEY ARE GONNA END UP TOGETHER I JUST WANT TO KNOW HE LIKED HER A LITTLE BACK TOO BACK THEN AND IT WASN'T THE RESULT OF HELGA SAVING HIS PARENTS AAAAA-)
Everyone chased Arnold except Hilda on Arnold's dream
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Why was Arnold so happy that Helga was really Helga? If she was so nice in his dream (And so mean irl)? Was is because he really likes her as her is; or cause she doesn't like Arni like on his dream? LIKE WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I MEAN I'M HAPPY HE'S HAPPY TO SEE THE REAL HELGA BUT DOES THAT MEAN HE LIKES HER MEAN OR WHAT I'M CONFUSED
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Why was Arnold so happy to find out Lila only liked him? Cause she wasn't the "sl+ty" Lulu who did like him? MAybe he was just happy he wasn't on his nightmare anymore, still Hilda was no nightmare except till the end where she rejected him,,,, I love how he only adressed them like wth- the rest of your friends were the ones chasing you to your death and you don't wanna doble check that???
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Summary: On Christmas Eve, you convince Dean to watch a Christmas movie with you.
Pairing: Dean × F!Reader
Warnings: just fluff
Word count: 721
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"Wait, why does that guy go to that store to buy cookies every day if he doesn't even like them?" Dean asked frowning, without taking his eyes off the old TV you found in the motel room where you were spending the night.
After you had insisted for days, you had finally convinced Dean and you were watching one of the many romantic Christmas comedies that they played over and over again on TV during holidays.
"Because he likes the girl who works there, pay attention!" You exclaimed pointing to the young woman appearing on the screen while snuggling better on the bed next to Dean's body.
"I'm paying attention." Dean muttered before you went back to watching the movie in silence.
Even though it was night, the room was well lit by the lights from the Christmas tree located just outside the motel and filtering through the windows, reflecting off the floor and walls.
"But why doesn't he just tell her that he's in love with her?" Dean asked again after a few moments.
"Because otherwise the movie would end now and people like slow-burn." You explained as Dean let you rest your head on his chest, bringing his hand to lazily run up and down your back.
"Slow-what?" He asked.
You rolled your eyes for the second time in a matter of minutes. "Put it this way, if I worked in a bakery and you didn't know me, would you come and buy the pie I make every day just because you like me?"
"It depends, would you make a good pie?" He asked teasing you.
"Dean!" You laughed nudging him by his side.
"Okay, okay, I get the point." He said as a smile formed on his lips. "And yes, I would come see you every day, even if your pie would probably suck."
"Correct answer Winchester." You mumbled as you buried your face in his chest as your eyes began to close even though you seemed intent on not falling asleep.
"Hey, do you want me to turn off the tv? We can sleep." He asked brushing a strand of hair from your face as you opened your eyes.
"No, I want to stay awake." You muttered.
"For the movie? I'm pretty sure the two will end up together." He said.
"Dean, it's a Christmas movie. Of course they're going to end up together." You laughed but your voice was quite sleepy. "And no, I want to stay up until midnight so I can say Merry Christmas to you."
"Well, you can tell me tomorrow morning" He said. wrapping the blanket around your shoulders "I'll be here when you wake up."
You nodded slowly as your eyes closed again. "Mh, okay. Promise?"
Maybe Dean's life wasn't like the one of characters in the movie you were watching, he would never have had a love story like that, with a first date where he would bring you flowers and you would go for a walk while it started to snow, but that was okay.
He had met you on a hunt and not in a bakery, you had shared your first kiss while you were stitching him up and you were both covered in blood and not as he walked you back to your door and you had never even had a real first date but Dean still had everything he needed. You were all he needed.
He saw the clock radio on his bedside table as the time clicked and midnight rolled in, ushering in Christmas Day.
He smiled watching you sleep peacefully with your head resting on his chest.
"Merry Christmas sweetheart." He whispered even though you couldn't hear him and left a kiss on your forehead.
He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, then settled back being careful not to wake you up, still snuggled up against him and he wrapped the blanket around both of you.
The last thought he had before falling asleep was that that night seemed a bit like he was in a Christmas movie, without monsters, death, weapons and battles but with lights, a warm room while it was starting to snow outside and someone he loved next to him.
Maybe, thought Dean, that kind of movie wasn't so bad.
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Tags: @eevvvaa @spn730015 @supernatural111222 @youcancallmelily @clairenovakanddeanwinchester @dads-on-a-hunting-trip @3amstillawake @supernaturalmess @marvelandsupernatural @agirlwatchingalotoftvshows @candy-coated-misery0731 @impalaslytherin @rudy-the-winged-wolf @dean-winchester-6767 @samanddeansannoyingsis @roseblue373 @waynes-multiverse @random-spn-fan
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hanicchy · 3 months
actually i'm gonna talk about it because i'm unwell about it spoilers for dead plate beneath the cut
Vince and Rody's characters are SO interesting to me because they literally have the same problem to completely different degrees and go about it in wildly different ways. Like Rody is obsessed with Manon, he's pushy and thinks about her constantly and the only reason he even applies for La Gueule de Saturne is because he wants to save up to take her on an expensive date.
Rody is quite literally the overbearing boyfriend, to the point that Manon BROKE UP WITH HIM and he's STILL CALLING HER NIGHTLY a FULL WEEK LATER. Nothing about that screams "well adjusted partner".
On the opposite end, Vincent is obsessed with Rody in a similar but not equal way. He literally believes that Rody will be the thing to fix him, and is convinced that what he's doing has a greater cause but that Rody has to be the one to fulfill it. Rody's obsession over Manon is the catalyst for Vince's subsequent obsession with him.
Of course Rody deals with his feeling by hounding Manon and doing everything with the intention of winning her back. Vince deals with his feelings by literally trying to eat Rody, so. Clearly different solutions there.
What makes me truly feel crazy is that Vincent is disgusted at the implication that he's a cannibal?? Or that he'd ever eat anyone else. He's SO CONVINCED that Rody is the answer that he, in some twisted way, doesn't see what he's done as awful or reprehensible. Like sir you killed someone and fed them to someone else with the intention of eating that someone else. What about that is normal. TBF, he's also shown to just generally be a questionable person anyways, so it sorta makes sense.
(The whole game anytime Vince did ANYTHING I was sitting there screaming "THAT IS A BOSS RED FLAG!!! GET TF OUT OF THERE RODY!!!!" And then he didn't leave so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
From what we get from the game (from what i remember), we know that Vince and Manon dated for a very short period of time. Vince clearly didn't care about her, and Manon treated him "like a rebound." We also know that Manon still loved Rody after the breakup, but left him because she felt uncomfortable with the tilted scales in the relationship. So, presumably, Vince discovered Rody through Manon, for whatever reason.
Which is fine. It all makes sense! But what the actual fuck incensed Vince to begin with his whole plan. In what world did learning that some random woman is still into her ex conjure up the idea, "Oh, I think I'm gonna kill her and feed her to her ex so that when I eventually kill him too, he'll taste like he was made with love 🥰🥰" I'M SO FUCKING SORRY???
I need to know what the thought process was before, during, and after. Because why. What. Help.
And Rody clearly saw the red flags!!! He KNEW something was weird about Vince. Sure, he might've thought it was just typical toxic boss shit, but it was definitely clear in the fact that he flipped between being generally amicable with Rody and being awful enough to slap him in front of the whole kitchen staff. Like he snooped through his apartment the moment the opportunity arrived. He did not respect Vince any further than "this man provides me the money I'm going to spend on Manon."
Also the fact that Vince clearly had people that, even if not considered friends, were friendly enough with him to come to his place for a dinner party of some sort? He wasn't a serial killer or a practicing cannibal anything he just had the craziest grudge against this couple specifically. Vince saw Manon being sad and went "what if I killed her and then also the guy that she's sad about. Teehee." There's something wrong with him.
I'm just. Rody seems so normal next to Vince and then you think about the fact that he's calling Manon nightly and not eating consistently and saving all the money he could be using to fix his bathroom or clean his apartment so he can take his ex girlfriend somewhere fancy for a SINGLE date. Not to mention his denial that they've even broken up. Rody may be normal but he is Not Okay.
Don't even get me started on the third ending. Vince chasing down Rody to kill him makes sense and Rody fighting back also makes sense but it drives me crazy (in a good way) that he lights the bistro on fire afterwards. He said "stabbing him in the neck ten times isn't enough I need to light him on fire" and he was correct to do so. Fuck him up Rody. The image of ALL THOSE LINE COOKS working there waking up without work because they're fucking job burnt down with the boss inside is also very funny to me. Wild series of events.
The news the next day must've been wild like. Famous bistro burnt to the ground with owner inside. Owner's apartment, directly above the bistro, was also burnt down. Former employees come forth about awful working conditions from said owner.
That shit HAD to have become a cold case. True crime girlies would have a field day with that if it were true. This guy mistreats employees and generally doesn't care about customers' opinions on the food, and then he fucking burns to death with his bistro and apartment going down with him? Within a week of a new server being hired?? There's no way they wouldn't suspect SOMEONE doing that and the chances of Rody being number one suspect are not zero.
But also this takes place in 1960s France and idk anything about their law enforcement or what even a case like this would look like in that setting so. Who knows.
I could talk more about Vince's idea of love and how it relates to food, as well as the extent that Rody's need to please goes (him going "you'd do that for me...?" when Vince offers him a fifteen second head start on not being butchered. I'm truly baffled. Wild thing to say to the man who has you tied up in a meat freezer and is threatening to eat you. What), but I couldn't articulate it if I tried so I leave you with this.
There is just so much going on in this game. I'm astounded. Sometimes a story about a wannabe cannibal and an obsessive ex trying to kill each other can be so personal.
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Can I request a Chuuya X Fem!Reader with prompt 10 with the flower lilacs?
Author's Note: Hello again~! Thank you for requesting & I hope you enjoy this fluffy event!
Prompt 10: "Opposites attract when two characters pretend to be dating and fall in love!"
Chuuya x Fem! Reader + Lilacs
Word count: 1,338
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The two of you somehow got roped into quite the mess. Mutual friends of yours were both dating someone and both of you were constantly invited on couples dates. Of course this wouldn't be an issue if the two of you had partners. But you didn't. So, to save yourselves face, you and Chuuya agreed to pretend to date.
He waited for her at the door after ringing the doorbell. She emerged in a sleek, elegant light purple dress. “What do you think, Chuuya?” Her hair was down in soft wavy curls that framed her face in a flattering way.
Chuuya had to clear his throat and fix his jacket. “Yeah, it's very convincing. Come on, we'll be late.” He didn't really give much response since they weren't really dating. This was all a front to just keep their friends from teasing them.
She was used to this of course. It didn't hurt her in the slightest the way he would give her short and cold answers.
They had dinner and it went perfect as planned. Chuuya was a completely different man when he was pretending to be in love with her. Stealing kisses from her lips and holding her close to him when they sat next to each other.
They had their friends completely fooled. “You two are so smitten, I must admit I'm a little jealous!” One of the friends would laugh and playfully nudge their partner.
It would all go back to normal when they parted ways. “How much longer do we really need to keep this going?” She sighed when Chuuya took her back home.
“Look, I'm still trying to find someone then we could go over the whole breakup phase. Are you sure you don't want to find another guy? It might look weird if you don't at least have someone to fall back on.”
She had the same reaction every time Chuuya would bring the subject up. “No way. I'm happy being single anyway. I just can't wait for this to end so I can focus on me again.”
Chuuya would shrug his shoulders and leave it at that. “If you say so.”
There would be times that Chuuya would gift her flowers, edible arrangements, and even doves holding love letters. They made it painfully obvious how much they doted on each other.
It was easy for them to play it up then walk away. Little did both of them know, that even if they were pretending to be in love, Chuuya was catching some feelings even when they weren't around their friends.
She didn't pick up on it at first. Chuuya would brush her hair behind her ear. She would look around, expecting their friends to be around to witness it but there was no one.
“I can fix my own hair you know,” She didn't understand why he was suddenly being so voluntarily soft around her.
“I saw a leaf in your hair, that's all. It was bothering me.” He turned away from her and his ears would feel hot. Even Chuuya was questioning his own choice of actions.
The two of you would walk the same route along the park and Chuuya's hand brushed against hers. Instinctively, he grasped her hand in his.
“Chuuya?” She turned her gaze toward him, confused. “No one is around. You don't have to hold my hand. We're just here to take photos to post on our social media, remember?”
He let go of her hand and brought it up to fix his hat. “Of course! I just thought you were trying to hold my hand, that's why I grabbed yours.” Again, he couldn't bring himself to look at her.
Though, she was thankful for him not looking at her since that interaction even made her blush a little. She shook her head trying to brush off her silly feelings for Chuuya. They weren't real.
The two of them took a photo on a bench with the trees and a small pond in the background. “Wow, your hair flowed flawlessly with the wind before you snapped the photo.” Then Chuuya coughed with a slight tut. “Cause you know, it's good for people to see you at your best if we're going to be a convincing couple.”
“Yeah, yeah.. because we're just pretending to date, right? This isn't serious or anything.” She would laugh and shrug it off. But something in her weighed heavily on her chest. A small part of her didn't really want it to be fake.
They ended up walking back together and she turned to say goodbye like usual when they parted ways. Except she wasn't really anticipating for Chuuya to embrace her out of the blue.
“Chuuya—” She tried to protest but Chuuya tightened his grip around her. “Shut up.. I just wanted a hug. You know. To just… reinforce our performance. It feels like you've been pulling away and I want to make sure they don't find out we're faking you know?”
It was a little odd, but she humored him anyway with the hug. Her heart was racing and it didn't help with Chuuya's body being flush to hers. It felt different from all the times they pretended in front of their friends. This felt… real.
When Chuuya finally pulled away, he quickly turned and walked away. “See you tomorrow.”
That night, as she lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, she couldn't get Chuuya out of her head. Was she actually starting to fall for him? Did he reciprocate those same feelings?
You asked to meet up with Chuuya early before the double date. When he showed up with a puzzled look, you took the initiative to grasp him by the collar of his shirt and pull him close. “Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth, Chuuya. Why have you been acting all out of sorts lately?”
It took him by surprise because, first of all, she wasn't typically assertive like this. Also, with her face being so close to his, it had him blushing furiously. He had to firmly pull away to take a moment to gather himself.
“It's nothing. I just wanted us to stay on the same page.” He tried to sweep it under the rug, but she wasn't having it.
“You're a terrible liar. Spit it out Chuuya.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Are you developing feelings for me?”
He felt like his heart was in his throat as he swallowed hard. “Well..” He trailed off then gritted his teeth. “Okay fine! So what if I am a little attracted to you? I even stopped looking for someone else because there's no one like you.”
This came to her as a big shock. Even if she had a hunch he developed feelings for her, she wasn't expecting her guess to be correct. And even more, he stopped looking for someone because of her?!
“Really..?” She felt her face heat up. It was so much to process that she just left Chuuya hanging there for her response.
“Well? Don't keep me waiting! Do you feel the same way? Or even just a little bit?” It was killing him on the inside. Deep down, Chuuya wasn't one to express emotions that made him vulnerable.
She bit her lip then opened her mouth to speak in a low voice. “Maybe.. a little.” Her cheeks were burning up and Chuuya could see it clear as day.
“Just a little? Your flushed cheeks tell me otherwise.” Chuuya approached her face to face. His hand cupped her cheek and it became too much for her to deny it anymore.
“O-okay yes. I do like you. But this was supposed to be temporary.. I mean..” She didn't really know what to say. He tilted her chin to look at him. “Is it so bad that our fake relationship is becoming a real one?”
She laughed with a smile and pressed her forehead to his. “I suppose not. Let's give it a try… for real this time.”
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𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 - 𝐒.𝐇. 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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☁︎song: Better than that by Marina
☁︎word count: 4,6K
☁ Summary: You have been Steve's friend for a long time, but when high school started, he changed and started to date Nancy Wheeler. Their relationship gave you bad vibes, but was it because you were jealous or was their relationship doomed from the start?
☁︎warnings: angst, ooc characters i think, no that happy ending (yet ;P), eddie survives, some dialogue is canon and some not, not really proofread, Y/N is used, let me know if i'm missing something
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤(๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝*
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It's the cliche, you and Steve have been friends since forever. Your life was much better before High School, Then it all went upside down, literally. Before high school, you were happy, you were still friends with him.
You're just another in a long line of men she screwed
Then he decided to change.
Steve started to drift away from you and hang out with the other jocks. He began to go to more and more parties, completely forgetting your friendship.
Just another in a long line of men she knew
⋆☯1983 ☯⋆
It had been like every other school day. Steve kept rambling about Nancy Wheeler. You knew you should be happy for him, but something told you that this wasn't going to end well. It was the end of the school day, but you and Steve had to stop by the lockers to bring your stuff.
And yeah she did, yeah she did what she wanted to do
"You literally saw how she looked at Jonathan when she told her sympathies to him and how she had cheated on her partners", you said, a little pissed at how oblivious he was.
Like all the boys before
"You don't know shit", he snapped. "Why do you have the need to put down our relationship all the time and drag down one of your good friends? That's really pathetic" Steve complained.
"Christ, you're so delusional. I want to häbe happy for you, but you have to understand that when she looks at other guys like that it isn't going to end well. Also just because she's my friend doesn't mean I'm not going to call her out", you tried to convince him, but deep down you knew that you were desperate to change his mind.
Another dream come true
He was already a different person that he was a year before and your friendship has started to go downhill.
"Me? Delusional? Nancy was like that in middle school and she has changed now. Have some faith in your friend shithead. If your intention was to make me feel like shit then congrats, you did it." Steve slammed his locker shut and ran off to home.
It's a power, it's a power, it's a power move
Well now you feel like shit. You didn't mean to hurt him, you just wanted to protect him from heartbreak.
And while I'm not quite sure what she's trying to prove
And honestly, you didn't have anything against Nancy. She was very sweet and one of your best friends, but you could tell that her feelings towards steve weren't genuine. You knew about her previous relationships with men, and every one of them ended up with her cheating on them. You didn't want that same fate to Steve, but you didn't want to seem like the jealous best friend, so you decided to keep quiet after that.
They all say she's got low self-esteem
But you understand her, just like you, Nancy was just bad at showing her feelings knowing how her parents weren't the best example of a love filled couple. Like a few minutes before, you were concerned for Steve and wanted him to be happy, but the end result made you both feel like shit.
So, why is she looking like the cat who got the cream?
Watching Steve be happy with her hurt you. It was selfish, you knew it but couldn't help yourself. He was completely abandoning your friendship for the relationship and it made you mad. Of course he has the right to choose who he decides to hang out with but it still hurts.
But you, you can do better than
You can do better than that
It was the next day in school. Your class was about to start, but you had to stop by your locker and because you happened to be the luckiest person on the earth Steve's locker was next to yours and he happened to be there right at the same time. You felt really bad about yesterday so you had decided to apologize and make your friendship healthy again.
Steve looked at you weirdly like you had done something embarrassing in front of the whole school.
I know you've been feeling sad
"What's up steve. What's with the look?" You asked a bit confused.
"Since when did you start to hang out with that freak Munson?" He asked with a bitter tone.
I've got no right to be mad, mad
Oh, yeah, you had started to hang out with Eddie since your friendship had started to shatter with steve. Obviously you weren't as popular as Steve or Nancy and because your style and morals differed from the popular kids. Eddie was there for you and you noticed that you two shared pretty common interests like the same taste in music and both played instruments. You played bass and he played guitar.
But you can do better than that
He was there for you when Steve had started to abandon your friendship. He was a genuinely nice person and took every outcast under his wing.
"At least his hair doesn't look like a fucking paint brush" Well that was mean but Steve kinda deserved it for insulting Eddie. "Honestly, I was about to apologize for yesterday but never mind. Bye" You walked away to your next class while Steve watched you leave, a bit stunned but also a little sad
But you can do better than that
Now it seemed impossible to save the friendship you two had. The endless bickering and insulting started to be childish and stupid so it would be better to end it or at least take a break from each other.
Little did you know that he felt the same. He missed you and your friendship. He wanted to fix it but he wasn't sure if his relationship was in the way.
And I know that you're not to blame
You were afraid to confront Nancy about all of this. Even if you had known Steve before her, she was still your good friend. You didn't want to come off as a bitch but you wanted to be honest with her.
It was lunch right now and instead of going to eat in the room you decided to go to Steve's locker and slipped a note that said "let's meet after school in the parking lot - (y/n)"
You just got caught in a game, game
You were honestly kind of surprised to see him actually come there. You expected him to be mad at you and never want to see you again, but here he is right in front of you.
"Oh, you actually decided to show up," You said with a little surprised tone.
But you can do better than that
"Wow, you have so much faith in me," Steve replied with a sarcastic tone. You laughed a bit and said "Hey, I just wanted to say sorry about all the stuff I have said. I guess I was just a bit jealous because I have a feeling our friendship is lost. I just want to fix all of this and begin from the start y'know. I know you're probably mad at me and you have all the right to be. It's your choice to forgive me or not."
"Hey it's okay, I mean I was an asshole too. I don't want to lose our friendship either, just let's not be mean to each other anymore, okay?" Steve responded.
Better than that
You smiled a bit and said "yeah sounds good just don't be mean to Eddie please."
"That freak? Yeah not gonna happen, sorry," He replied with a sarcastic tone and chuckled a bit.
"Hey!" You smacked him a little and laughed "Stevie, please"
"Yeah, yeah I won't mention him okay" Steve reassured you.
"He is actually a very nice guy, y'know" you told him" you told him.
"Yeah sure." You knew that Eddie didn't really like him and vice versa, but you still wanted to introduce them to each other even if you knew that it wouldn't end well.
Better than that
"Um hey one thing. I also wanted to apologize for insulting your hair. I know how important it is to you. Also I won't mention anything about Nancy. I know this is your first relationship with someone and I don't want to ruin it" you uttered to him. You sincerely wanted him to be happy.
"I swear, it's fine. It was actually kinda funny and I understand that you're worried, I would be too if you started dating someone. So let's not allow our significant others to come between our friendship okay?" He looked into your eyes with his deep brown orbs for compliance.
Better than that
"Sounds great" you smiled and hugged him. Steve hugged you back, maybe a little too tight but it has been a while since you've had any physical contact with him and everything felt safe within right in this moment.
"Please, don't tell this to Steve, but I think I have feelings towards Jonathan" Nancy whispered to you. Honestly you weren't that surprised but you felt horrible. You had promised to Steve that you wouldn't mention anything about Nancy yet here we are and she decided to drop the bomb the next day after the discussion with Steve.
Better than that
"Please promise, i know you're his best friend and all but don't tell him. I'm pretty sure they will go away in a moment" Nancy pleaded.
"Um well okay, I promise but why are you telling me this?
"Because I trust you and I just needed to admit it to someone so I don't go crazy you know." She looked at you and laughed.
Better than that
"Uh-um okay" you let out a nervous chuckle and looked at her back.
"But seriously promise me. I will let you copy my homework, please." She assured you and stared into your eyes.
Well this was super wrong, but you had made a promise and needed to pass the class somehow so it didn't leave you any other option.
You knew that Steve's heart was going to break at some point and it was inevitable, but life was rough and cruel.
⋆☯ 1984 ☯⋆
She's the apple of everybody's eye
The last year has been rough and a bunch of unexpected stuff has happened in Hawkins, but the weirdest thing has to be Steve's and your friendship with Jonathan. You didn't know how to feel about the situation since the conversation with Nancy last year, but like you had promised, you kept your mouth shut.
But the most important thing for you was Steve's change. It was now the old Steve you knew. No bullshit acting around other people and was the genuinely kind person he has always been.
With an angel voice,
Halloween was nearing which meant parties full of teenagers and that kids would be all around the neighborhood collecting candy. You had got an invite to Tina's party, but you weren't sure if you wanted to go. I mean Steve and Nancy were going there and Apparently Jonathan too.
"Please you have to come, I know you had a bad time last year since my dumbass, but I promise it's going to be fun" Steve pleaded and honestly you couldn't say no to his pretty eyes.
Whenever you saw Nancy have a conversation with Jonathan you shared an awkward glance with her.
"Hey I know I told you my feelings towards him would go away, but i still don't know which one i should choose. Y'know ever since all of the stuff that happened last year I think I have fallen more" she admitted to you.
devil in disguise
"Nancy, please if you don't love Steve just break it off. Jonathan and Steve aren't toys and this whole thing will hurt all of you" You snapped at her. This was starting to be ridiculous.
"I know but I don't think I can do that, but it doesn't feel right. Just promise you won't tell either of them" she cried.
You looked at her with a puzzled face. She really did not know what she wanted.
Got a sour face like a poisoned fruit
"I promise I won't tell him, but eventually you have to make up your mind and tell the truth to Steve and Jonathan," you assured her.
That was a conversation from a few weeks back. Now the next thing you knew was that Nancy and Jonathan were nowhere to be seen and Steve was stressed. He had heard the news from Tommy himself. It hurt you because you loved Steve, maybe a little bit more as friends, and the world treats him like this.
It was the end of the school day and Steve promised to take you home so you wouldn't have to take the bus.
You were in his car right now, going home. The atmosphere was a bit awkward and quiet till he decided to ask:
That the boys can taste 'till they're out of use
"Seriously, did Nancy mention anything about leaving in the middle of the school day?" He asked, a bit worried. I mean of course, she was his girlfriend. He has the right to be worried. It made you mad since right you wanted to be in Nancy's place. Not exactly to be with Jonathan god knows where, but the concern Steve had towards her, it was something you wanted to be towards you. It was selfish but you couldn't help it.
"No she didn't, but I saw her with Jonathan on a break. They were talking about something, but I didn't have the time to intervene with them." You admitted. The whole situation was a bit fishy, you have to admit.
Even if it means getting into bed with you
"I'm sorry if I shouldn't ask this, but what were you two arguing about back in the halloween party? I know it is probably something you don't want to talk about but I'm always here for you if you need me"
"Well.." he started and paused a little and continued "I mean fights between us weren't that rare, but this one felt like a real fight, like an adult one y'know? It was basically her calling everything bullshit"
"Bullshit?" You asked, a little offended behalf him.
"Yeah, apparently I was bullshit, our relationship was bullshit, everything is bullshit. She didn't even say that she loves me"
"Please promise, i know you're his best friend and all but don't tell him. I'm pretty sure they will go away in a moment" Nancy pleaded.
It was gut wrenching to hear Steve admit all of this."Steve, I know that it's difficult but I think both of you should take a break from each other and think through this" you didn't know what else to say. He deserves better.
"Yeah I don't know what to do. It just feels like there's something going on with those two. She has been very secretive lately." He said with a bit of a broken voice. Seeing him like this broke your heart. Even if he was a bit oblivious at times, he didn't deserve this.
Everybody's friend, does it ring a bell?
"Yeah, I don't know what's going on with those two. It's weird, but I promise everything is going to be okay." That was a big fat lie, but you still managed to say it with a smile. He smiled at you and took hold of your hand, which surprised you but didn't complain.
"Please, don't tell this to Steve, but I think I have feelings towards Jonathan"
I know a little too much but I'll never tell
"Nancy likes roses, right?" He asked with a little panic.
"Um- I mean aren't you supposed to know?" You replied a bit confused.
You were right now in the flower shop that was mostly full of middle aged women. He wanted to apologize to her and you tried to help him, even if he wasn't the one that needed to apologize.
Next mission was to go to the wheelers and you would wait in Steve's car while he went towards the door with the rose bouquet.
But you, you can do better than
It was until Dustin who came along and there started the unlikely friendship.
"So you're telling us that a giant lizard is actually a monster from another dimension ?" You asked Dustin, a little puzzled how the night turned out this way.
You can do better than that
"Yes that's exactly what I said, unless you need me to repeat it in another language" He replied from the backseat, starting to get a bit defensive.
I know you've been feeling sad
"Yeah yeah I got no need to. I got it" you replied, a little perplexed by his attitude.
"I swear to god man it's just some little lizard, okay"
"It's not a lizard"
"How do you know"
"How do I know if it's not?"
"How do you know it's not just a lizard"
"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat"
The silence was heavy for few seconds
"Your poor cat," you said quietly.
The next thing you knew was that you were somewhere in the middle of a forest on a random path with the two boys the very next morning.
I've got no right to be mad, mad
You and Steve were unloading all the stuff you needed from his car meanwhile Dustin was speaking with Lucas over the walkie-talkie.
"Yeah right now I'm with Harrington and (y/l)" Dustin told Lucas.
"What?" You heard Lucas say.
"Alright let's go" Steve voiced.
But you can do better than that
It had been several hours and right now you were at the Byers house, cleaning all the stuff that was thrown out. You were listening to Steve's conversation with Nancy. He was trying to convince her to go with Jonathan and that you and he can take care of the kids.
The situation was under control till Billy Hargrove himself decided to pull up and demanded to know if Max was here.
"Yeah she's not here" Steve gave a sarcastic smirk at him.
"Then who is that?" Billy pointed towards the window.
"Well shit" Steve cursed
And I know that you've been feeling down
The next thing you knew was that Billy was beating up Steve and you were frozen, but probs to Max handling the situation when you as the "adult" couldn't do anything.
Right now you were crammed in the car with four kids and Steve beat up head in your lap while you tried to tend his wounds. You noticed Steve was starting to wake up and looked up at you.
You're always out on the town, town
You and Mike shared a glance.
Dude, do I look like?
"Oh, shit sorry- wait what the hell is happening?" Steve started to panic. Yeah, you had let Max drive since, well, you still didn't have your license and didn't really know how to drive.
But you can do better than that
"Hey Wow Wow Wow- why did you let her drive!" He shouted while Max was drifting like crazy.
"Steve, you know that I can't drive"
"Yeah but still!"
When you arrived at the destination, the kids didn't hesitate to go down. "Steve, we are going to make it out alive, but right now we need you, okay?" You reassure him.
And of course he couldn't say no when he knew that you and the others needed him.
Better than that
Better than that
After the whole upside down ordeal was over you all tried to go back to your normal lives, except now Nancy and Steve had broken up. It wasn't messy, it was actually a kind of a silent agreement with both of them.
And of course being the good friend you are, you were there to comfort him.
"Don't blame yourself Steve. Break ups happen to everyone even if it hurts. It just didn't work out for either of you" you assured him with a comforting tone.
Better than that
"I just don't know what went wrong, like okay, I know all the shit that happened at the lab and those god damn dogs. I know that I'm a bad boyfriend, I don't deserve her." He sighed, obviously heartbroken.
Seeing him like this, sad and blaming himself, it broke your heart too.
Better than that
"Steve, don't blame yourself. We all have been through much and at least things are somewhat okay. Most important is that El is safe and with Hopper." You tried to reassure and to take his thoughts away from Nancy and Jonathan.
"Also we should pay more attention to getting jobs for next summer. Have you already found a potential job, Steve?" You asked, trying to change the subject.
Better than that
"Not yet, but they are building that new mall so I think I could find something from there. Have you?" He asked.
"I actually called the music store that's near family video and they said they're considering it, so let's hope I get it," you told him, laughing a bit.
"Yeah, well I wish you luck," Steve laughed.
Well, I guess it's just what humans do
⋆☯ 1985 ☯⋆
You don't remember anything other than the fire and the explosions. You had no idea of your surroundings, but you realized that you had woken up in what seemed like a hospital.
Being awake for only what seemed like 15 minutes but not having the energy to make any movement or say anything. You tried to look around with a blurry vision, noticing a person sitting right next to you sleeping.
However it didn't take long for you to recognize Steve was the one next to you, obviously deprived from sleep.
Hook up with other people until it all falls through
And when it's over, they go out and try to heal their pain
"S-steve?" You stuttered quietly, yet it was enough to wake him up. "Hey, you're awake!" Steve exclaimed and you tried to sit up a little, but he was already stopping you. "Hey, wait. Don't stress yourself too much, I have to tell the nurses that you're awake."
Hook up with another lover, do it all again
"How long was I out?" You aske, not really paying attention to his fussing.
"Only for a few days. Many of us haven't healed yet completely." He answered. "Where's Robin, or the kids? What about Nance and Jonathan?" You kept asking, a little panic starting to bubble inside of you.
I'm not passing judgment on her sexual life
"They are all fine, don't worry pretty little head off" Steve said, trying to reassure you
I'm passing judgment on the way she always stuck her knife
"Now, I'm going to get a nurse. Stay still, okay?" And then he exited the door.
You just watched him leave.
⋆☯ 1986 ☯⋆
"So, are you and y/n finally together?" Dustin asked Steve.
They were sitting in his car, waiting.
Steve turned his head towards Dustin, a bit speechless "w-what? What do you mean?"
In my back ever since we were starting out
"I mean I was just thinking since you denied the thing with you and Robin and you refuse admit that you aren't over Nancy so it would be logical that you two have something going on, y'know"
Suspicious from the start, I always had my doubts about you
Again, speechless Steve tried to answer "B-but doesn't she have a thing with Eddie?" It felt wrong for him to say it, but he didn't know why, didn't know why it hurt him to admit that you would be happy with someone else.
To this Dustin just face palmed "jesus christ you are so dense sometimes. Haven't you seen the way she looks at you, the way she was always there for you to bring you up?"
Steve just stared, not knowing what to say or how to feel. The fact that out of all people, you would actually like him that way.
You can do better than
You can do better than that
"You're such an idiot at times" Dustin said, leaning against the window.
'I know' Steve thought.
I know you've been feeling sad
I've got no right to be mad, mad
It was now over, but at what cost? The town is torn to shreds, thanks to Vecna.
You were in the hospital with Lucas and Erica. Meanwhile they were watching over Max, you were sitting next to Eddie who was lying on the hospital bed unconscious. He managed to survive the bat attack, somehow.
But you didn't have that much time to be at the hospital since you had to go to help the others to collect stuff and bring them to the school to be donated.
But you can do better than that
You wanted to say bye to Eddie, but he was most of the time unconscious. He was not in a coma, but he didn't have the energy to talk or do any kind of movement. It made you feel bad and guilty, since you had survived just with a few scratches and emotional trauma and he had to endure the worst along with Max.
You arrived at the Wheeler's place and greeted Nancy and the others. And of course Steve was there and it suddenly made you nervous, which was unexpected since you knew he would be there, but you couldn't help yourself.
And it seems like he realized something was up with you being quieter and avoided his gaze. You were carrying a box full of clothes to the car till you felt a hand on your shoulder.
And I know that you're not to blame
You just got caught in the game, game
"Hey, you good?" Steve asked.
You looked at him a little dazed and said "Yeah, I'm good. Why?"
"Well you just look very tired, y'know? I mean we have been through a lot now so I just wanted to check everythings okay." He said.
"Yeah everything's fine, just worried about Max and Eds" you admitted.
But what you didn't know was that the word "Eds" made him feel something, and not in a good way. Steve knew that Eddie was your friend and was there for you while he was busy being "king Steve". He knew he had no right to be angry about it.
But you can do better than that
Better than that
But it still made him feel jealous, the way you're on a nickname basis. Steve didn't even realize that it might be love that made him feel that. I mean how was he supposed to know, hasn't it always been Nancy that he loved?
It wasn't long before you heard a car, a pizza one out of all, pull up and saw familiar figures hop out, except the long haired guy. You swear it was longer than Eddie's, but you had to make sure that you never tell him that.
Better than that
Better than that
As everyone was done with the hugs, you saw Nancy and Jonathan talking with each other and being all lovey dovey, understandably since they have been away from each other for so long.
But the thing that broke was how Steve looked at them, especially Nancy.
You couldn't help yourself and said, "Steve". Hearing your voice he immediately turned towards you.
"You can do better than that" was all you said and started walking towards the car, box in your hands and waited for the rest to come too.
Better than that
Better than that
Better than that
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a/n: the ending is kinda rushed bc i just wanted to be done with this almost 8 month project😭 Also this is my first songfic ever so it is a bit messy lol✌️ btw i don't hate nance, she's actually one of my faves, but I just thought the song would fit well. Btw let me know it there are some mistakes or confusing parts, i have been too lazy to properly proofread this🥲
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asena-graywolf · 1 year
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Considerate Boyfriend
“Look y/n… are you really dating that weird guy?”
"Yes. Is there any problem with that?”
You could proudly tell your friends that you were Aone's girlfriend. Unfortunately, your friends were biased about your boyfriend because of Aone's outwardly scary appearance.
“No but…he looks like a bully”
"Yes. Does he treat you badly?"
“Did he do the scar on your knee?”
As usual, they managed to get on their nerves.
“What nonsense are you doing? I fell off a horse last week. Luckily I survived with only one minor scratch. He also put the tape on my knee.”
"You can’t be serious!"
“I am quite serious. He may look like a terrible bully from afar, but he is never what he seems.”
"Is he just being nice to you, then?"
“I have never seen him mistreat his teammates or anyone else. Besides…who knows? Maybe you don't deserve to see the real good side of him. So he's not really showing you how kind and bland he is."
They laughed at the answer. Obviously, no matter what you said, they wouldn't be convinced that Aone wasn't what they thought she was.
“This is crazy. Open your eyes, fool! That guy is a bully. Besides, I've heard that when he gets on the train, no one sits next to him. The team captain punched Futakuchi in the shoulder”
“Who knows what Futakuchi did? Also, Aone doesn't hit anyone for nothing. Either something happened to make him very angry or he couldn't control his power. Doesn't anyone sit next to you? Don't be funny! I'm sitting next to him. Others may fear him, but his kindness and cuteness never frighten me. You are low-thoughted people.”
“You are blinded by love. If you ask me, try to save yourself from this mental patient as soon as possible"
“Watch your tongue! That boy you call mentally ill is the strongest middle blocker on the volleyball team. He’s such an iron wall. Plus it's way better than those cool kids you're dating. Don't ever laugh at him or blab around about him!”
“At least those cool boys can talk, y/n-chan. Can your boyfriend really talk?"
“He can talk. But he doesn't want to talk to you. Why would he talk to fools like you who don't understand the heart and love? He talks when he wants, not when he doesn't want to. Everything is up to his taste. He is aint for none”
Your eyes are filled with anger, but you try not to show it.
“Shut your mouths and keep hunting handsome boys, you jerks! Leave my boyfriend alone! You don't know him! You will never know!”
You quickly drove away from there. You wanted to throw yourself away. It never mattered where. You thought of the attic and you went up there.
You felt a little calm as the fresh air hit your face. You calmed her nerves and kept her eyes from watering.
It wasn't just because you felt the fresh air blowing. When you turned your head, you saw Aone sitting against the view with her back to you.
It couldn't be a coincidence that your boyfriend was here at the same time as you.
“Aone? Were you here too?" you said and you approached him
There was no way he hadn't heard you. Yet he did not react. You knew you weren't supposed to go after him when he didn't want to talk. But you needed to talk too
“It is no coincidence that we are here at the same time. My dumb classmates pissed me off again. I hate when they talk back and forth about you. They don't know that you have a loving heart. Seriously, none of them deserve to see your true personality. People are really cruel and prejudiced…that's why I don't want to make friends. Except for you of course"
Again, Aone didn't react to you. He was just listening to you. He knew that even though he didn't answer you, he could understand your feelings.
"Come on! Will I always talk to your back like this? Okay, I know you don't like to talk. But you don't like talking to me too? I'm literally taking words from your mouth with tweezers"
You sighed and smiled slightly. You turned around and sat down with your back to his
“Well okay. Let's not talk. Then show me a sign of how I can get along with you without speaking."
You rested the back of your head on his back and took a deep breath. Then you turn yourself to the right, face her back, and wrap your arms around her waist. You put your cheek on his back. You could hear her breathing and heartbeat
"Do you know?…I love you. No matter what they say. I'm not ashamed to be with you. Quite the contrary, I'm proud to be your girlfriend. If you're just with me, that's enough for me. I don't want anything else. I don't need any friends but you anyway. Lovers are also like each other's best friend"
Your words must have pleased Aone. You felt the warmth of his hands on your hand. He stroked his knuckles and the back of his hand
“Sit near to me” she said briefly and clearly.
You put your arms around his waist and came over to him. You pulled your knees to your chest and sat down. The Band-Aid on his knee caught his eye
“How was the your knee?”
"Better. For you sticking the tape"
He caressed his kneecap with his huge palm
"Well. I am pleased"
“Do you have practice today?”
He nodded yes.
“Oops! Look at the chance. I also have training. If it wasn't, I would say let's meet in the park at the exit"
“Don't worry, we'll find time to meet up. You go to your training. But watch out. This time, don't fall off the horse"
“I do, don't worry. You do well too. Do well-by to your iron wall nickname"
He took your hand. Your hand looked tiny within his huge hand, and it was literally disappearing. He ran his fingers through yours, she. The warmth of your palm hit your cold palm
“How huge are your hands. Tall people have big hands and feet though. And look at my hand. Lost in your hands" you laughed
While you were laughing, Aone pulled her hand towards her and placed a kiss on it.
You rested your head on his shoulder. His free hand caresses your cheek
"Come on. Lunch break is almost over. Let's go" he said and you stood up
You continued to attend your classes until the departure time. Unfortunately you couldn't meet at checkout and you only wished him a nice and productive workout via text message.
After I came home and had a snack, you went to practice. You loved this job. Both horses and riding them
You took your horse from the stable and rode it, and you were enjoying a workout in the company of your trainer. You felt extremely cool.
I wish Aone could see you on horseback too. You would like him to discover your riding charisma
Then you turn yourself to the right, face her back, and wrap your arms around her waist. You put your cheek on his back. You could hear her breathing and heartbeat
"You know what, I love you? No matter what they say. I'm not ashamed to be with you. Quite the contrary, I'm proud to be your girlfriend. If you're just with me, that's enough for me. I don't want anything else. I don't need any friends but you anyway. Lovers are also like each other's best friend"
Your words must have pleased Aone. You felt the warmth of his hands on your hand. He stroked his knuckles and the back of his hand
“Come with me,” she said briefly and clearly.
You put your arms around his waist and came over to him. You pulled your knees to your chest and sat down. The Band-Aid on his knee caught his eye
“How was your knee?”
"Better. For sticking the tape"
He caressed his kneecap with his huge palm
"Well. I am pleased"
“Do you have practice today?”
He nodded yes.
“Oops! Look at the chance. I also have training. If it wasn't, I would say let's meet in the park at the exit"
“Don't worry, we'll find time to meet up. You go to your training. But watch out. This time, don't fall off the horse"
“I do, don't worry. You do well too. Do justice to your iron wall nickname"
He took your hand. Your hand looked tiny within his huge hand, and it was literally disappearing. He ran his fingers through yours, she. The warmth of your palm hit your cold palm
“How big are your hands. Tall people have big hands and feet though. And look at my hand. Lost in your hands" you laughed
While you were laughing, Aone pulled her hand towards her and placed a kiss on it.
You rested your head on his shoulder. His free hand caresses your cheek
"Come on. Lunch break is almost over. Let's go" he said and you stood up
You continued to attend your classes until the departure time. Unfortunately you couldn't meet at checkout and you only wished him a nice and productive workout via text message.
After I came home and had a snack, you went to practice. You loved this job. Both horses and riding them
You took your horse from the stable and rode it, and you were enjoying a workout in the company of your trainer. You felt extremely cool.
You wish Aone could see you on horseback too. You would like him to discover your riding charisma
You wouldn't fall off the horse like last time. But it didn't turn out the way you think. You lost control of the horse, just as the horse jumped over the obstacle, the reins slipped from your hand and you were blown up.
The last thing you remember was being in the air. You couldn't remember how you hit the ground and what happened after that
You opened your eyes in the infirmary. He was surrounded by your trainer, your fellow riders, and a few doctors.
“How did this happen?”
“Suddenly he lost control of the reins and fell down instantly”
“She walked away from accident. She's conscious. No cracks or cracks anywhere. Just let her rest.”
Luck wasn't really smiling in your face. Just two weeks ago you fell off your horse and injured your knee, and now you're covered in bruises.
This was normal for your trainer. You were still a beginner and you were going to learn by hovering
You're alone with your trainer after everyone leaves
“Yes y/n-chan. Falling off the horse is normal, but you need to be a little more careful. You heard the doctor, rest well. Is there someone to take you home? Do you want me to inform your family?"
You weren't fully sober yet. You had difficulty speaking. It occurred to him to call Aone. must have wondered about you
"No. I hafta call my boyfriend. He can take me home. I don't want to worry my family for nothing"
"Ok. Wait, I'll get your bag"
When he looked outside, it was getting dark. You knew Aone's temper. If he couldn't reach you, he was going crazy with curiosity.
You answered your phone as soon as your coach brought your bag. You saw the screen full of missed calls and messages from Aone.
Y/n…where are you?
Pick up that phone!
Are you gonna make me worried sick?
If you don't response it I'm really going to the police
You immediately called Aone. He picked up the phone instantly. There was fear and anxiety in his voice. Anger stemming from some fear
“Y/n! Finally! Why don't you pick your phone up! I've been calling you for hours! I thought something happened to you, i went through hell and back”
"I am sorry. I didn't want to worry you. But unfortunately I fell off the horse again. This time is worse than before”
"What did you say? Are you ok? I'll come and get you"
You tried to get off the stretcher
“That's why I called you. Please come get me Aone"
“I'm coming right now. I'll be there in a short while" and hung up the phone.
You got dressed and waited outside the training ground. Aone arrived within minutes. You stood up as soon as you saw him.
“Aone…so you got here”
He took her face in his hands and examined the scars on his face.
“God! Don't you ever pay attention y/n?"
He kissed you on the forehead
“It happened in an instant. The reins slipped out of my hands.”
You were dizzy and almost lost your balance.
"Are you ok?" ' she asked, holding her shoulders.
"I feel dizzy. I am not able to stand”
He took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. You lay your head on his chest
“Get some rest. I will call a taxi. Then I'll drop you home"
Somethings and someones made me Aone fan and this is my first Aone x reader fic
I love him so much, he’s not popular but he deserves to love more
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variety-fangirl · 3 months
Better / Jimmy Keene x fem!reader
Summary: Inspired by Dove Cameron's Boyfriend. A series of occasions where Jimmy knew he could be a better boyfriend than your current one. And the one final occasion where you realised it. (Lyrics are not in order, just where they fit).
Warnings: swearing, jealous Jimmy, shitty boyfriend who cheats and treats you like shit, lmk if I miss something.
Authors note: Oooh I love this idea! Song inspo is always peak 😎 Thank you for requesting my love, I hope your new year was good 😘 I am genuinely sorry for how long this took 🥴 student life is quite hectic and busy right now, has been for weeks but I hope you liked it, enjoy! I am hoping I will have a lot more free time over the next few weeks to write more. Thank you for reading, please enjoy my loves. Liking, reblogging, and commenting really helps me out.
Word count: 2.7k
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Jimmy was a friend of your friend's boyfriends and often hung out with your group, he had become a regular and close to everyone. He was a perfect gentleman in every sense and had always treated you with respect and care. You had grown a rather soft spot for him and had naturally become closer as time went on, he was your best friend. He became someone you trusted wholeheartedly and could rely on no matter what.
On more than one occasion, more like several, Jimmy had made it obvious his distaste for your boyfriend, Mike. You and Mike had been dating for two years now, a year before you met Jimmy. Jimmy had seen, like everyone else, how badly your boyfriend treats you. Over and over again, but you were blinded by the love you have for him. Mike often treated you as second to everything but would make up for it all with extravagant gifts and apologies that clouded your judgment further.
One afternoon not long after Jimmy had joined the group (after a few meet-ups), you were all having a chill party with the group in your best friend's backyard. Everyone was already there and waiting for you and Mike, not long, about twenty minutes or so. Your friends were a little worried and that quickly grew when you both walked into the yard, food and booze in hand, with a solemn expression on your face. Mike quickly found a friend he enjoyed spending time with and walked off like nothing was wrong despite having thrown a completely unnecessary fit forty minutes before.
He saw an innocent message on your phone from an old male school friend who asked if you wanted to catch up over coffee after having run into him a few days before. The guy is happily married and has a baby on the way but Mike saw it as an attack, despite neither of you clearly not being interested sexually, and took it out on you just before the party. You had to manage to touch up your makeup and make yourself presentable enough, because Mike insisted on you both still going, and made your way here.
Your closest friends, best friend and Jimmy were all sitting at the large picnic table, a drink in hand or food in front of them on a paper plate. You sat down between your best friend and Jimmy with a tired smile, instantly deflating into the seat. Your friends all looked at you worriedly but didn't say anything more after you assured them you were just tired from work. But of course, Jimmy saw through your facade like paper. He leant into your side as your friends emersed themselves into a pleasant conversation, "What's up?" He questioned as he passed you your favourite alcoholic beverage. Always so observant.
You took it with a smile, "Thank you. I'm okay." You tried to sound as convincing as possible and to most it would have been but Jimmy just had some sort of special power that seemed to always accurately detect when people were being false, lying or hiding something. Jimmy rolled his eyes as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you close, "Don't lie to me, sweetheart."
You groaned quietly, more to yourself but turned your head to look at him. "Me and Mike had a fight before coming here is all." You shrugged like it was nothing but inside it was eating at you. And Mike didn't even seem the slightest bit bothered by it, he was over the other side of the garden laughing and drinking with his friends like nothing was wrong. He hadn't even turned to look at you once but that wasn't surprising if you were honest with yourself.
Jimmy scowled at your boyfriend's back, mentally cursing him, he knew exactly what he could be like. "What did he do this time?" Jimmy grumbled unimpressed. He listened to you complain for the next thirty minutes about what had happened, only commenting or offering words of wisdom when necessary. All while he was thinking to himself about how better of a boyfriend he would be.
I could be a better boyfriend than him,
I could do the shit that he never did.
On another occasion, Mike was late to one of the only dates that he offered to take you on, after months of nothing. Jimmy had randomly been driving past on his way home when he saw you sitting alone in a restaurant window looking so sad and disappointed. He was exhausted and had a long day but no matter what, he could not bring himself to drive past and act like he hadn't seen you. He parked his car in a space out front and made his way in, making his way to you instantly after explaining to the waitress.
His heart instantly broke when you looked up at him in surprise with teary eyes that threatened to ruin the beautiful makeup that you had clearly spent so much effort on. He had simply reached his hand across silently to intertwine your fingers together and he ordered food for you both, your favourite, and didn't say anything more.
He didn't ask, he didn't need to, already knew the bastard had let you down once again as he always seemed to. You bravely wiped at your eyes and made mindless small talk to stop yourself from bursting into tears, all while not noticing Jimmy staring at you like you were the best thing he'd ever laid his eyes on. His thoughts getting the better of him as he imagined all the ways he'd treat you better.
I don't need to tell you twice, All the ways he can't suffice, If I could give you some advice, I would leave with me tonight.
It was also the same when one afternoon on his way home from work, something told Jimmy to turn onto the route of your place of work. Normally he would have ignored it, not wanting to seem weird because it wasn't on his route home but he decided to listen to the little nagging feeling for once. The rain was pouring down harshly, anyone walking around would be drenched and soaked to the bone within a mere moment with how bad it was. He was driving slowly, looking over at the pavement for any sight of you.
Your car was broken but your boyfriend had promised to be your lift for a few days until it was fixed. He assumed he would have picked you up two hours ago when he said he would but he wanted to check to be sure. And he was glad he had because ten minutes later he caught sight of your pretty blue bag and signature shoes, your arms wrapped around your waist as you shook. Jimmy drove slightly up ahead and pulled over safely before calling out your name once you were close enough to hear him.
You turned to look at the open window in shock, one eye closed from the aggressive downpour. "Get in!" Jimmy yelled, ushering you to get in but you shook your head. "I'll get the seat drenched, no!" You were so cold and wet but you didn't want to be a burden. Jimmy stared at you annoyed, "You think I give a shit about my seats? Get in the fucking car!" He leaned over effortlessly and opened the door for you, leaving no room for argument.
You decided to not be difficult and just get in his car, grateful to be out of the rain. You closed the car door and watched as the window rolled up, lingering droplets of rain on the door. You pulled the seatbelt over you as you shivered. Jimmy didn't miss a beat as he leaned over into his backseat and returned with a soft cotton sweater and a hand towel, it was large enough to cover down to your mid-thigh.
"Here, put this on before you catch a cold." He gently placed both on your lap where your hands were resting. You were freezing and rather drenched so you took them both graciously, wiping as much water out of your hair and clothes as possible as you turned to look at him with a grateful smile. "Thank you so much, for the ride and these," you sighed, "I appreciate it." He nodded as he began driving off, turning the heater on to warm you up. He's so caring.
Once you were dry enough you put on the sweater, pulling it as close to you as possible. You pulled the sleeves over your hands as much as possible as you placed your hands over the heaters, a contented sigh falling past your lips as you snuggled back into the chair, warming up slowly.
"You always seem to come to my aid when I need you most. It's like you can read my mind somehow." You spoke quietly, looking down at your lap, which pushed your nose into the fabric of the sweater. You ended up breathing in and smelled Jimmy's smell on there powerfully, he must have been wearing it recently. It made you feel oddly calm and safe. Jimmy's presence seemed to have that vibe about him, you always felt relaxed when around him.
"I'm glad I chose to come this way instead of my regular, you would have been out there for god knows how long." Jimmy sighed, seemingly annoyed at something. He flicked his eyes in your direction before focusing on the road once more, "where's that useless excuse of a boyfriend anyways? Wasn't he supposed to pick you up because your car is broken?" He questioned, a tense tone present as he spoke.
You couldn't even find it in you at this point to defend him, because he just kept letting you down and it seems it wasn't only you that saw it. You sigh exhaustedly, "I honestly couldn't tell you. He said he would be there but I haven't heard from him in hours. Probably out drinking with his friends, knowing him." You hear the sound of leather pulling and look to see Jimmy gripping the steering wheel tightly in his hands.
"I don't know why you are with him, he treats you so badly. He doesn't deserve someone like you." Jimmy grumbled, his jaw tense. You turned to look out the window, watching the buildings and people pass by quickly like little blips of light. "I wonder the same thing sometimes, but you can't help who you love. Maybe one day I will come to my senses." You were half joking, half serious. Jimmy said something under his breath that you didn't quite catch.
For the next twenty minutes, you both chatted idly about nothing in particular as he drove you home. You felt bad because he would have to drive back the opposite way in order to go home, so you vowed to get him a thank-you gift. He finally arrived outside of your home, your cat patiently waiting perched on your windowsill for you to arrive home after a long day. "Thank you again, I truly appreciate it." You leaned over and gave him a side hug, which he returned, before pulling away and grabbing your bag, hand on the door handle.
You had the door open and were about to get out when a hand grabbed yours gently, stopping you dead. You turned to face Jimmy, "I'll be here in the morning to pick you up early." He stated simply as if it were just a normal occurrence between you both. You were about to protest but he interrupted you, "No argument. Go, I'll see you in the morning." And with that, you left and went inside.
The next morning as you made your way outside ready for work with two coffees in hand for you and Jimmy, not holding the expectation of him showing up so you weren't too disappointed, but you were pleasantly surprised to see him already parked and waiting out front. You walked towards his car with a happy smile, your day already ten times better than it was yesterday.
I can't believe we're finally alone, I can't believe I almost went home.
The universe must have divined this, What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?
It was no different now. You were all at a local nightclub, partners included, for a night out of drinks and dancing. The night had been great except for the huge elephant in the room of your boyfriend sitting at the other end of the club catching and being far too close to a beautiful petite blonde for the past two hours. You had tried your best to ignore the situation and just dance with your friends. You weren't one for confrontation and if he was that easy to lose, he wasn't worth keeping. That was what you kept telling yourself anyway.
Jimmy must have noticed the absence of your shitty boyfriend because he came up behind you a second later and tapped you on the shoulder. You turned and found yourself smiling, happy by his presence. "Hey! Wanna dance?" Jimmy questions as he leans into your ear, the music quite loud. You find yourself nodding, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, happy to dance with someone. Unlike Mike, who had two left feet, Jimmy danced great. Jimmy wrapped his hands around your waist as respectfully as possible but he had a plethora of sinful thoughts that would make you blush if he were to say them out loud.
What are the chances? Everyone's dancing, And he's not with you.
Jimmy decided that tonight was the night he would tell you how he feels, in hopes you'd finally leave your shitty boyfriend. Jimmy brought you near and leaned closely to your ear, the feeling of his breath tickling. "I need to tell you something important that I've been wanting to tell you for a while," Jimmy said as loudly as possible, waiting to see if you heard him. You nod, placing a hand on his shoulder to keep him close so you can hear him properly.
"I like you. I have for a while now. And I know fully damn well that I could treat you so much better than him and you know it, sweetheart." His hand travelled up gently to your face, thumb stroking against your slightly sweaty skin. You were shocked, to say the least, but you knew he was right, you could do so much better than Mike. And Jimmy would be perfect, he treated you amazingly without even being in a relationship with you. How much longer were you going to put your life on hold and waste time with a man who didn't even care about you?
You decided enough was enough, that it was time to end things once and for all with Mike. You knew he wouldn't pay attention to you so you decided to text him, knowing he had it on vibrate. You turned in Jimmy's arms, letting him see over your shoulder what you were doing. You quickly sent Mike a text that things were over between you, that you had finally had enough of being treated like shit. It was as respectful and decent as he deserved with how he'd always treated you. Mike reaches into his pocket and unlocks his phone, seeming to read the text you'd sent.
Mike looks up at you with a scowl, rolls his eyes and then returns to look at his phone. He sends a simple 'whatever,' and that's when you know you've made the right decision. You turn back to face Jimmy, place your phone in your pocket and smile up at him. "I like you too," you yell back, wrapping your arms around his neck. Jimmy grins like an idiot at your reply and pulls you in for a kiss.
You end the night by going home with Jimmy, you don't sleep together but you do spend the night at his snuggled up in his side wearing one of his shirts. The next morning, Jimmy proves why he would be the better boyfriend by making you breakfast in bed while he has his breakfast in bed ;).
I could be a better boyfriend than him, I could do the shit that he never did, Up all night, I won't quit, Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him, I could be such a gentleman, Plus all my clothes would fit.
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Ice and Roses
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Chevalier x female reader, Gilbert von Obsidian x female reader
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Chapter One
It had been three months since you had left the comfort and luxury you had known in the palace. You had fallen back into your routine as a commoner with Rio by your side. The only difference is Rio was aggressively trying to convince you to date him.
You tried to tell him your heart needed time to heal. However, the extra steps Rio was pulling to woo you were slowly mending the cracks in your broken heart. Still, you weren't quite ready to date anyone.
In the three months, you still recalled the meeting before you left vividly. As well as how the people of Rhodolite seemed to be in awe of your choice of King. You knew it would have been well received had you chosen as the king since he was well loved by the people, and he too cared deeply for the people of this nation. However, you knew Rhodolite needed Chevalier’s intellect as well as his innate ability to always do what was best for the kingdom. That way, Jade, Benitoite, and Obsidian wouldn’t dare to take advantage of Rhodolite.
The whole room was hushed when you had spoken Chevalier’s name. Chev, of course, was not surprised. However, a few of the other prince's were as they felt Leon would have been the obvious choice, but none of them spoke out against your decision. You clearly saw and knew what they didn't.
"Thank you for your service as Belle (y/n). I'm sure I don't need to remind you of clause 99 or that your time here has come to an end.” Sariel announced.
"No, I appreciate you giving me the honor to become belle.” You then turned to the princes. They all stared at you. Some held a sadness to their gaze while Chevalier held the exact cold glare as when you first met him. "I wish you all a lifetime of happiness.”
It was the only thing you could say when you felt a heaviness in your chest and on the brink of falling apart. You curtsied and left out the door with Rio behind you. You left all but one stunned.
Before you stepped away from the closed door, you heard Yves and Jin go to your defense and rag on Chevalier. Surprisingly, you even heard Clavis say a few choice words. However, it was behind you now.
“Let's go home.” Rio spoke softly.
It almost seemed foreign to you as the palace and the men residing in it had become your home. However, you were foolish to believe such a fleeting fantasy. It was always going to end this way. In a way, becoming Belle was the best and worst thing to ever happen. You met some amazing guys, and yet you were never going to be with any of them no matter how your relationship deepened with them.
You shook the recollection. It would have been kinder if they had erased your memory.
"(Y/n), how about taking a break from shelving the books. Let's take a walk, I'll treat you to lunch as well.”
Your eyes fell to the pile of books in front of you. Rio was always looking out for you.
"Alright, let's go.”
Rio grinned as he held out his arm for you. Giving him a small smile, you hooked your arm with his as you left the shop. Stepping out into the plaza, you noticed it seemed busier than usual, but you weren't sure why. It wasn't a holiday, and you even noticed some of the palace knights. You furrowed your brows considering the possibility that something big must be taking place.
"Oh, you know what? I just realized we should go this way.” Rio announced, heading in the opposite direction of the knights.
You knew Rio was only trying to protect you by walking in the other way. You went along with it as you both neared one of your favorite lunch spots. Rio opened the door for you as you stepped inside. Rio followed in after you and the door closed behind him. The hostess recognized you both and began chatting with you as she sat you at a table on the second floor.
The two of you were discussing new book shipments that should be arriving later. You didn't want to alarm Rio, but the books you ordered were from Benitoite. You just hoped Silvio didn’t show up, though you didn’t see why he would have any reason to do so. You had no idea how the other princes were doing since the ceremony of Chevalier becoming king. That ceremony was the last time you had seen all of them together. It was a bittersweet memory for you, as they all bid you farewell.
Rio noticed you seemed deep in thought about something but decided not to ask about it. He was certain it had something to do with recalling your time at the palace. If he could erase your memory himself, he would do so. Though he did know one man who could. Clavis was still working under his brother, and he was sure if he wrote him, he might be willing to do that much for you. He would have to contact him in secret. Then there was always the possibility you wouldn’t want to erase your memories.
After lunch, Rio took you for a walk through town, and you ended up brushing off the memories. It felt nice enjoying the warmth of the sun with your closest friend viewing the beautiful roses of Rhodolite. It wasn’t until you arrived back at the bookstore that you realized why there were so many palace knights. Rio stood in front of you as you peeked from behind him to see a long-haired knight. You immediately recognized holding a document as a few men were sprawled onto the floor unconscious and wounded.
“What are you doing here?” Rio questioned narrowed his eyes.
The guard showed indifference and met your gaze briefly before your eyes fell to the floor, averting his stare.
“His majesty wishes to summon the former belle to the palace for an upcoming event.”
“How dare he wish to see (y/n) after the damage he has caused!” Rio lashed out.
The guard immediately pulled his sword, the tip of the polished silver blade pressed at his adam’s apple.
“I suggest you watch your mouth. This is the king of Rhodolite you are speaking ill of.”
Your eyes widened as your eyes flit to the guard. The guard was seething from Rio’s outburst against Chevalier. You appreciated Rio’s willingness to stick up for you.
“I’ll go…”
The guard glanced at you before sheathing his sword and held out an envelope. You stepped out from behind Rio and took the cream-colored envelope with gold embellishment from Chevalier’s guard.
“His majesty would be pleased if you come and even said you may bring a plus one if necessary.”
You arched a brow, “Thank you for bringing me the invitation.”
He nodded as two more guards appeared and took away the men who were on the floor of the shop. You didn’t recognize them and had no idea why they would be in your shop to begin with. They didn’t appear to be people from Rhodolite.
“What a jerk…” Rio muttered. “Now we have a mess to clean up.”
You sighed. “I don’t even believe those two men were the ones to deliver the books I ordered.”
“You’re right, which makes me wonder, are there people still trying to pry into Rhodolite?”
“Chevalier wasn’t the popular choice, Rio. I’m sure he has enemies, even if I never really saw any of them alive at the palace.”
Rio scoffed. “That’s obvious enough since he would just kill them off the bat anyway.”
“Unless he deemed them to have information he sought.”
Still, this didn’t bode well with you, and on top of this, what the hell did Chev want you to attend an event for anyway. You were certain you were done with associated with him it was part of clause 99 after all. You thought back to Jin’s mother, who had been the previous belle who had fallen in love with the chosen king. Then, he thought to Chevalier’s mother, who was in a loveless marriage, all for the duty to the kingdom to produce an heir for the king. It was no wonder Chevalier found emotions pointless, seeing how his mother suffered from heartbreak.
You slid your finger under the opening of the envelope and pulled out a formal invitation with gold embossed letters. Not realizing something had fallen onto the floor from behind the invitation.
You’re cordially invited to the debut of the future queen of Rhodolite
Place: Rhodolite Palace
Time: Six o’ Clock
You couldn’t believe it.
Rio noticed the piece of paper and took it. He would look at it later and see if it was worth you even looking at. From the looks of it, the invitation alone had left you disappointed. Rio clenched his fist, Just how much longer do you plan to hurt her Chevalier?
Three months.
That’s all it took for Chevalier to move on.
You pressed your lips together, fighting the urge to cry. He wasn’t worth your tears anymore. In fact, you knew what would hurt Chevalier more than anything. If he was inviting you to see his queen. Then you would bring a plus one. You knew just the man to bring. The only problem is just the thought of being around that man made you shudder.
“Rio…tomorrow I’m going to get in touch with the one I’m going to take as my plus one.”
Rio’s eyes widened before he frowned. He had hoped that maybe you would take him, but he could see you were determined to make Chevalier jealous. This meant you still held feelings for Chevalier, and he couldn’t understand why.
“Very well, we should clean up and then lock up the shop for the night,” Rio announced.
You nodded. You knew this was Chevalier’s way of telling you to stop holding onto your feelings for him and move on. This would work out well so you could show chevalier you had moved on, and he means nothing to you. However, the painful squeeze on your heart told you that was far from the truth.
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lisalay00 · 11 months
Our 4th of July Hero-Steve Harrington
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Our 4th of July hero 1/?
‘Hey sloth, get your ass down from my couch.’ Lucas groaned when took a sip of the Coke following a disgusting burping sound. I squeeze my nose in disgust; I grabbed the tape on the table to throw right up to his head. Meanwhile, Max went into the living room with a huge bag, rummaging it one hand with a tired face.
‘I'm tired of your fights, you guys!' She landed the bag, the sound echoed throughout the room accompanying the old fan sound. Mike needs to convince his family to buy a new one. Last time Dustin lost his balance and it was the only one standing for him. Steve's laughter leaked out in my mind I shook my head and tried to focus her.
‘Tonight we have girls’ night. Don’t tell me you forget again.’  I grabbed the Coke from Lucas's hands. I couldn’t handle his sound anymore. I turned to her when I threw the Coke out the window. Lucas screamed out rushing to the window. I smiled devilishly.
‘As if I am a huge fan of girl nights’ she rolled her eyes. She grabbed one end and tried to stretch it as much as possible. Lucas attempted to give a helping hand but she bounced off with an angry gaze. He trembled and stepped back.
Girl’s Night a classic is among Max, El, Chrissy, and the last member Nancy. And I was the one who forcefully attended the full-taken girl company. Every time I gave my all effort to create an excuse but I would find myself sitting on the bed and listening to their problems with their boyfriends. And bingo, I am the only one haven’t been taken yet.
They tried their best to do so, at first they created a blind date and told me that was a school dinner. I'd got frozen when I saw Sam sitting on the table with flowers. Flowers!
It wasn’t enough. Max tried to be Cupid. However, the arrow had stuck in the wrong place. As expected, she’d talked to Billy before our prom night. I was sandwiched between his Camaro and him. He was too drunk and he confessed everything inside of him. And it was not a fairly lovely Juliette story. He thought me Sandy from science class. She was passing there and she heard her name, he was yelling in my face. I found myself watching them aside from the park when they were eating each other.
Luckily, he moved back to California and I don’t have to be ashamed at least if I do not remember them at night.
And the current aim now was the one whom I was scared of the most. I’ve tried my best since then, even I took dinner with Jason and it was terrifying, just a terrifying memory.
Actually, He was not unexpected.
Steve Harrington.
It'd been thrown on the table by Dustin, it was February 14. I love the day so much because they are mostly busy with themselves. But this year they made the stupidest decision and gathered together at Dustin’s radio tower. I wanted to dig into the spot I was sitting. I remember his watermelon-covered mouth and his smile at me. Everyone was there, except Nancy, Jonathan, Eddie, and Christy. That means the most dangerous gathering ever for me. For four months I tried my best to stay away from him, I started to work with Eddie's uncle on motorcycle repair. It was so out of a girl's job but I love working with him. The more the better, I was quite apart from them.
I couldn’t feel the feverish anger on them or blame them to try their best to find someone for me. However, I don’t know how long I keep this feeling aside. All I can just keep them because when they find out, that is the day I die.
Eddie’s Uncle was out of town for a couple of months and he decided to close it for a short term. So that means I was unemployed until fall.
They started throwing their love arrows at me a couple of weeks.
Lucas grabbed another Coke can; I took it from his hands swiftly and thanked him for open. I took a sip when he kicked the empty D&D box on the ground. Eddie went in of nowhere.
Suddenly, the idea came to my mind causing the Coke to get into my throat. Our eyes met with Max who was finally zipped the bag. I coughed but I could talk.
‘Isn’t the fourth of July today?’
Eddie’s concern slowly faded, he sighed at me with a tired face.
‘So?’ Max mumbled.
‘What? It’s an important day for our count…’
Max’s hand covered my mouth I shockingly blinked, when did she reach here? Flew or something.
‘You are coming tonight, no excuse!’ She grabbed the bag and left us in Dustin’s living room.
I rolled my eyes and raised my finger to the boys who were sitting like angels.
Don’t bite it.
‘Everything’s your fault, why the heck happen these girls decide to stand against you!’ I roared as my eyes rimmed between the three. 
‘Mike started all of them and disappeared out of hell .’ Lucas mumbled. I sighed the three stupid Dustin suddenly stood up collided his hands, and kneeled in front of me.
‘I beg you Suzie came here too please do something, save us!’ I scrunched my nose as his voice cracked at the last word. Then Lucas kneeled beside Dustin and pushed him aside.
‘Please you are our hero today!’ My eyes widened Eddie followed them and kneeled on my feet I groaned in pain kick him to the couch.
‘You are a Fourth of July hero come on you got this!’ Eddie screamed out, rubbing his waist.
‘Fourth of July Hero!’ They cheered together I covered my ears frantically when they got higher.
‘Okay alright just shut up!’ I rolled my eyes, a grin landed on my face. I slapped my forehead as I grabbed the Coke on the table, and headed to the door.
I screwed up.
They were all team up feverishly singing Fourth of July songs and they were so drunk. I was the only one who didn’t drink. My eyes landed on the beer-filled cups on the table I sighed.
Nancy turned to me and yelled at me as if I was far away from them.
‘Why are you sitting here?’ She suddenly started to cry. Shit, she was literally drunk, and drunk Nancy means emotionally attacking you.
I rushed to them and put a fake smile on my face.  She held my shoulder and pushed me in the middle of the circle. I turned to their vicious smiles.
‘Today it’s your day!’ Max cheered while holding the cup in my hand. My eyebrow arched, I looked at the beer-filled cup and our eyes met.
‘You are only not taken here.’ She smiled when Nancy entered with a bottle. When did she sober up?
I made sat down on the ground and she landed the bottle in the middle of us. Damn, how did I let them gather here? If Steve found out, he tore us into thousand pieces with Nance. When she sipped the glass I take back my thoughts. He’s going to kill me only.
I took the cup from El’s hand she turned her angry gaze on me, and I shrugged my shoulders.
‘I don’t let you drink sorry!’ She tried to refuse to grab the cup back but Max’s voice interrupted us. She pointed to Chrissy who looks like waiting for the moment her entire life. She rolled the bottle and it stopped at El. I attempted to grab the cup again but Nancy held my elbow and sat me on the ground harshly.
‘Okay, you two don’t drink!’ She pointed to two teenagers when Max was about to insist she grinned.
‘If you drink this cup, why not?’ She pointed the cup in front of me half spilled on the ground. I looked at El was already looking at me. I grabbed the cup and raised my finger at her.
‘If I see take an even small sip, I’ll kill you!’ I uttered as she nodded frantically. I turned to Max, she’d already thrown the cup aside in the room.
‘Alright, I start!’ Max crumbled in front of me and I momentarily leaned back when she came closer right to my face. Seriously she started to scare me for some reason.
‘You like someone, you know?’
‘Are you serious? I should have known that!’ I attempt to stand up but her words drifted me to my place.
‘Steve? Maybe…’ My head frantically spanned, she stood up and opened her two sides.
‘Maybe I should call him and chirp something.’
‘You got the phases your brother, God shut up!’ I mumbled she walked to the other side of the room, grabbed the handset, and looked at me.
‘You don’t know his number, damn stop blackmailing me!’
‘Oh I am not sure, I guess.’ She looked at Nancy, my stomach jumped to my heart. I got up quickly and hastily took back my balance, one of the cups fell to the ground, beer scent spread to the room.
‘So you like him?’ She rolled up the phone to the other side of the table and climbed on it. I jumped on the beer river, but I missed the other one. I dodged another falling. I raised my finger to her.
‘Stop this no sense, Max!’ She flipped over the table when all the junk fell over the ground. God, her room turned into a battlefield. She started to dial the number looking at the paper in her hand, Nancy and Chrissy set a fresh wall in front of me. I rimmed the room and quickly noticed the bookshelf on the wall.
I grabbed one of the books maybe the only books she had. I threw it out to them. She dodged it to grab it with a smile formed on her face following the other book.
Then a door knock interrupted the world war third, I turned to quite surprised faces at me.
I walked down the stairs silence was killing me now even though it was the most beautiful thing in the world. I grabbed the doorknob but hesitated to open it weirdly. I was pretty getting used to kind of girl’s nights ended up when one of the main topics of gossip barged into the company.
A glass-shattered sound took me back again; I heard groans and Jonathan’s mumbles. When I heard my name I hastily opened the door. The last person I hoped to be standing in front of me and so drunk.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
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ah, and once more, it's wednesday my dudes!
a slightly different update from me this week - things have been slow in terms of words being put to paper lately, and this will probably be the case for a little while. i'm gonna be trying to get a chapter of something out in the near future (probably like wringing blood, but don't quote me on that), then ya gurl may or may not be taking a slightly more official break from the internet to deal with some stuff here at home ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
such is life. ANYWAY, for this reason, i'm offering a few snippets/sneak peeks of multiple projects this week, just to show y'all what's bubbling away on the backburner. if you're interested in seeing any of that, click the readmore! either way, hope you're all having wonderful weeks so far, and taking care of yourselves as best you can <3
like wringing blood from a stone
There were a million things he could say to that, maybe even a million and one. What he settled on, however, was probably the lesser of all those evils. “You kidnapped my counselors.” Travis’s whole face puckered at that, letting him know in no uncertain terms the lesser of those evils had still been pretty fucking evil, in fact. “What did you want me to do, Chris?! Huh? Huh?! You bit one of them! They both saw—” “Oh for Chrissake, quit fucking whispering, wouldya?” Obviously he’d been expecting something else—an actual fight, maybe—and so Chris took Travis’s surprised spluttering as an opportunity to dig his own heels in. “If you’re gonna bitch me out, at least do it with your big-kid voice.” A vein ticked furiously in Travis’s neck, making it look like something was itching to burst its way out of him. He narrowed his eyes to slits, then leaned in until the two of them were nearly nose to nose. He could smell the blood beginning to clot where Jack had split his eyebrow, the ointment he’d smeared over it before covering it with a bandage. “You and I both know,” he began again, still fucking whispering, “That anyone could be listening outside. I don’t—” Before he could finish that thought, Chris threw his arms up into the air, shouting at the very top of his own voice, “I DON’T CARE! I do not fucking care, Travis! I couldn’t care less if you paid me to! Know what?” He cupped his hands to his mouth then, tipping his head back as he did so, and, tapping even deeper into his (presumably very bruised) diaphragm, hollered, “I HOPE YOU’RE ALL LISTENING! I HOPE EVERYONE IN THE GODDAMN COUNTY CAN HEAR ME LOUD AND FUCKING CLEAR!” If Travis’s face went any redder, it probably would’ve started looking purple. It was Chris’s turn to narrow his eyes; instead of glowering like an asshole, though, he flashed him a grin, sarcastic and savage and sharp enough to nearly slice through his tongue. “Big-kid voices, Travvy. Why the hell not, right?”
of mummy men & bathtub soup
“My oh-so-charming brother is just running his oh-so-charming mouth,” Julia said sharply, calling the Smith brothers’ chit-chat to a screeching halt. “Here’s what I think actually happened: Conrad made up a story in his head, decided it was funny, and now he’s done so many mental gymnastics convincing himself it’s true that he believes it too.” Her head swiveled on her neck, only adding to her overall mean girl vibe. “That’s something Connie likes to do, you see, mix up details from stupid made-up bullshit and real life, then decide it’s all real.” Oh. Oh! If she thought he was gonna be easy pickings just because he’d brought a date along tonight, she had another thing coming! Hell, she hadn’t been paying attention to his whole deal! Jules was the one who got embarrassed by this shit when other people were watching—Conrad reveled in it. So he did the one thing he knew would get her goat (the only move a self-respecting sibling could take in a situation such as this): He brought up the bathtub. “If this is about human soup guy, you’re actually calling Dad a liar and not me, sooo…nice try, but my feelings remain totally unhurt.” Then, he waited for what he knew would come next. He held Julia’s gaze. He took a drink. It was Daniel, God bless him, who finally bit. “…human…soup…guy?”
the tale(s) of the champion
“All right. If you are so…determined to have me discuss Hawke, then fine. I will discuss Hawke.” He leaned forward over his desk, a gesture, she thought, meant less to evoke authority than to simply steady himself as he braced against the unpleasant tide of memory. His eyes found hers for only a moment, but that moment was all it took for her to understand perhaps ‘unpleasant’ was too delicate a word to describe a return to Kirkwall. ‘Agonizing,’ maybe. ‘Wretched.’ “Cassandra and I are of a mind on one thing, at the very least—Varric is a liar. However. I would be remiss if I didn’t draw your attention to the one thing, the only thing, I’ve heard him say about our shared time in Kirkwall that at least approaches the truth.” She couldn’t help but notice that Cullen spoke the city’s name in much the same way Hawke had spoken Elthina’s: as though it tasted bitter on his tongue. “Namely, if, for whatever reason, you wanted to find Hawke,” he continued, speaking with a terrible evenness that smacked of everything but calm, “All you had to do was follow the blood. “What blood? Whose blood? Some might argue that since Hawke killed so often, so indiscriminately, that it wouldn’t matter—couldn’t matter—which blood trail you picked. Oh, I’ve heard the jokes. I’ve heard them all. How it must’ve sometimes seemed Kirkwall was populated solely by nameless, faceless throngs of gangs and ruffians that she cut through at nightfall, slashing and hacking her way towards the betterment of the city. How Varric had to keep a running tally of all the vendettas held against her, lest she forget which seedy element might be coming after her next for putting an end to their leader. Hilarious. Truly.” Had Cullen not been wearing his gloves, the Inquisitor had the singular sense she’d be watching his knuckles turn white as bone; the way he’d taken to gripping the edges of his desk, she was a bit shocked that nothing had given way. Yet.
"Which is why, boys and ghouls, we’re gonna be packing our bags and taking a roadtrip this weekend.” Which was…also what Ashley was afraid he was going to say. Her shoulders slumped, and she felt Chris turn to her as he noticed, but Josh kept going, as he was wont to do. “Turns out ‘ghost shit’ was a gross understatement. You lovely ladies aren’t going to believe what a little snooping dug up about this place…” “It’s pretty messed up,” Chris nodded. “But pretty messed up in a way that I gotta admit sounds like it’s gonna make a juicy episode or two.” “Or five. So c’mon, hop to. We got a business dinner to catch—on me, obvs—and details to hammer out. You’re not ready for the shit that went down over there. Hope you’re ready to start trending in the true-crime feeds though, because I know I am!” Dropping the book back on the table, Josh hopped to his feet and playfully tweaked Sam’s ear before starting back for the microfiche where he’d left all his stuff. “Hey Edgar,” he said as he passed him by, “level with me here. Have you been a ghost this whole time? Is that why you know all this crap? When we get in the elevator and leave this floor, do you just poof off into the ether and cease existing until we come back?” In a voice so flat, so disaffected, so wistful, that Ashley very nearly forgot about the pang of fear that had seized her at the sight of those five Death cards staring her straight in the face, Edgar sighed, “Don’t I wish.”
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