#and I'm not ready to post on AO3
longtallglasses · 4 months
one thing I really like about fandom and fanfiction is seeing how perceptions of characters and headcanons about the story change over time, especially as the media is still coming out.
like in the harry potter fandom I find it so fascinating to read fic from when the books were still coming out. people didn't know who was gonna end up with who or if harry or anyone else was gonna die. seeing what fans wanted to have happen or what they thought was going to happen is so cool, esp when it's something I never would've considered (and sometimes would've even preferred) bc I grew up young enough that most of the books were out by the time I started reading.
which is why I'm so excited by the theories and the fic being written about stranger things right before the last season, seeing all the ways things could go down, all the things people want to happen, before everyone will know exactly what will. Like are fans gonna turn on some character, or change their whole way of thinking about them after the last season? Is there gonna be some big revelation that changes how writers depict them, or depict the setting and the canon universe?
idk so interesting to me, makes me just a little more patient for s5.
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renabe4life · 2 months
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Day 4 - Weapons | Hands
“You’re distracted.”
A whisper in his ear. He shivers. Had he any fight in him, he might reply in kind. Ask who’s fault that may be.
As he is, Clover would see through it in a heartbeat.
“Maybe,” Qrow says, testing his voice. He draws a shuddered breath, an extra moment granted to pluck out the words he needs, and leans further against the warm body at his back. He swallows hard. “Maybe you could… give me a reason to be distracted.”
~~Note that this fic is rated mature, though mostly for the eventual second chapter. Partner piece to this drawing
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an-eldritch-peredhel · 5 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Finwë/Míriel Þerindë | Míriel Serindë, Finwë/Indis (Tolkien), Indis & Míriel Þerindë | Míriel Serindë, Finwë/Indis/Míriel Þerindë | Míriel Serindë, Míriel Þerindë | Míriel Serindë & Vairë the Weaver, Fëanor/Nerdanel (Tolkien) Characters: Míriel Þerindë | Míriel Serindë, Finwë (Tolkien), Indis (Tolkien), Vairë the Weaver, Fëanor (Tolkien), Fingolfin (Tolkien), Nerdanel (Tolkien), Maedhros (Tolkien), Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Romantic Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Parental Soulmates, Non-Traditional Soulmate Dynamics, Ficlet Collection, Unreliable Narrator, just a lil bit, Mythology - Freeform, Just the first chapter, Angst and Tragedy, Character Study, Relationship Study, might be more accurate, Additional Warnings in Chapter Notes, im sorry for tagging gen alongside relationships, but different chapters have such wildly different focuses, so picking multi or other wouldn't really do it, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
The Peoples of Arda are often born with promises inscribed on their skin. Whether the result of spirits splitting, a survival advantage, the inexorable will of Eru, or any other theory the scientists and theologians and philosophers can come up with, when you meet who you are marked for, they will change you. It doesn't change the world, though, and this is still Arda Marred.
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tei-to-tei · 1 year
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They all just wanted to be happy and healthy already.
And yet, it simply wasn't happening.
-Artwork for Chapter 14 of Blood Sacrifice on AO3
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willowser · 1 year
what's to come...
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multi-chap stuff will be updated on a two week schedule ! 🤗 the rest will be posted depending on where they rank in the poll ! 🦋
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pleased to meet you, dabi x f!reader ! (roughly) five chapters remaining.
southern charm, cowboy!bakugou x f!reader ! two chapters remaining.
my heart's aflame, my body's changed (but, god, i like it), werewolf!bakugou x f!reader ! modern au — no quirks, angst-heavy, explicit.
i fought them all off just to hold you close and tight, vampire!dabi x f!reader ! post-apocalyptic au, a bit bloody, explicit.
loving me is all you need, dabi x f!reader ! this is the 'if he's a serial killer...' smut chapter, gore/body horror, explicit.
hell was the journey, but it brought me heaven, ex-husband!bakugou x f!reader ! dad bakugou, mom reader, explicit.
remember me, love, when i'm reborn, dragon!bakugou x f!reader ! cross-species courting, accidental marriage ???, explicit.
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*reminder that nothing is being posted yet !! this is for in the future only, when my hiatus has ended !!
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(Hanahaki AU tag)
Eddie bends double with the force of his coughing. Steve hurries to his side, helping him gather up all his hair out of the way as he spits out a congealed mass of petals covered in blood and saliva. It’s a pretty big mass. 
“It’s getting worse, Eddie. What was your plan, anyway?” Steve lets go of Eddie’s hair as Eddie wipes his mouth, but doesn’t go far, hand slipping down to rest on Eddie’s back. “Gonna be honest here, for a while I thought the girl lived out of state and that’s where we were going. But I’m getting kinda concerned that we’re not doing that.”
“What girl,” Eddie rasps, before he figures it out. Jesus H. Christ. 
“You know, the…” Steve’s rubbing circles on Eddie’s back, and Eddie thinks this whole stupid trip was worth it, just for this. Just for Steve Harrington soothing him like this, when he’s hurting. “The one you’re so hung up on. Did you tell her yet?”
There’s no such thing as a perfect time to come out, but Eddie thinks this might actually be worse than anything he could’ve imagined. He can’t figure a way to say actually it was never going to be a girl, turns out all the shit that gets said about boys who barf flowers is right on the money for me. It’s suddenly looking like pretty good odds that Steve figures everything out eventually, but if he can put it off even for a day, even for an hour, he’s going to do that.
So instead, he just mumbles, “I meant it. What I said. It’s selfish to put that on someone.” 
“Shit, Eddie. You can’t—this is the rest of your life we’re talking about, man. You know they say the cut doesn’t always turn out okay? People can get really messed up on that operating table. Like, the rest of their emotions don’t work right or something.”
“Not—gonna get the cut,” Eddie forces out. He spits again into the dirt. The taste of flowers is always in his mouth, these days. 
“You’re—” Steve’s hand clenches into a fist, snagged in Eddie’s shirt before he abruptly lets go. “What—what do you mean you’re not gonna get the cut? What, so you’re just gonna…”
“Yeah. You caught me. This is the Eddie Munson Farewell Tour, strictly limited engagement.” Eddie sits back in the dirt, closing his eyes and tipping his face up to the afternoon sun. 
It feels weirdly good to tell Steve, like now that he’s not the only person in the world who’s carrying this specific secret, there’s a little more space inside him. Feels peaceable. But then of course he hears a muffled noise, and when he looks over, Steve’s gasping for air, crouched with his head in his hands.
See? Selfish, even this much. Eddie sighs and leans over to rub Steve’s neck. 
“I had a pretty good run. Cheated death a few times already, thanks to some stalwart heroes I could mention. My time’s just up, is all.”
“How—” Steve wheezes. “How are you so—fuck, dude—you shouldn’t be—”
“I know,” says Eddie. “It would’ve made for a better story if I’d died fighting monsters or something, right? Damn my inconvenient survival.” He shakes a fist theatrically at the sky.
“Fuck off, don’t fucking say that,” says Steve, and turns to throw his arms around Eddie. He’s a heavy guy, and he’s not exactly being careful, so it’s basically a tackle; Eddie’s back hits the dirt, but Steve doesn’t let go. Eddie pets his hair a little as he clings to Eddie’s jacket, shaking, and stares up at the sky. There’s some clouds moving in on the horizon, all wispy and scattered like they’re not sure they’re meant to be there.  
Finally, Steve sits up, though he leaves a hand on Eddie’s side, big and warm on his ribcage. 
“Sorry,” Steve says, pinching the bridge of his nose. His voice is steady but strained. “Didn’t mean to have a, a fucking breakdown on you.”
“S’fine, Harrington. Get all those big feelings out now, there’s a good boy.” 
“I just.” Steve stops, and swallows hard. “I don’t see why—”
“Yeah, I don’t want to talk about it,” snaps Eddie. It’s a little soon for flowers to be stirring in his gorge again, but he can feel the queasy phantom clench in his guts that says the next one’s going to be a doozy. 
“Tough shit, Eddie! You don’t get to fucking die on us without talking about it.”
Eddie sits up, dislodging Steve’s hand, and wraps his arms around his knees. “I didn’t know you were setting the goddamn rules of life and death. Must’ve missed that little update.”
“Yeah, well.” Steve sets his jaw mulishly. “When I run off to die alone in the middle of nowhere, you can set the rules. Until then, I’m calling the shots.” 
Eddie drops his chin onto his folded arms. He really hates fighting like this, but he guesses this particular fight’s been dogging their heels since they left Hawkins, hunting them down like a patient predator. He’d thought he’d be frantic and furious if he ever had to talk about it, especially to Steve; the idea of it, of having this talk, had been enough to bring him to the edge of panic. Instead, all that’s left is a strange, bitter calm. 
He’ll get through this, no matter what’s on the other side. There isn’t any other option.
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naavispider · 11 months
The week of Caught updates is nearly upon us! I'm away for work this week but have all the chapters saved and ready on AO3 🥸
Chacon was two feet to his left, his rifle hanging relaxedly on his back… He’d betrayed them. He’d led them to the Na’vi. “Lower your weapon,” one of the warriors spoke.  But Miles was distracted by the figure emerging from behind the man. A tall, blue, intimidating figure with black dreads tied back loosely by a Burnfiber band. He knew that face… Wait.  He knew that face. 
Caught - chapter 26 snippet
A reminder of the posting schedule:
Monday: chapter 25 Tuesday: chapter 26 Wednesday: chapter 27 Friday: chapter 28/epilogue
I'm so ready!!
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bluebellhairpin · 1 month
okay chat should i start posting this erwin fic over on ao3 yes or no.
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reggieblk · 7 months
can't believe i've given myself a deadline with if we were lovers bc now i don't want to finish editing lmao
good to know i haven't changed At All in the last 8 months since I finished uni
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souenkun · 7 months
"no more left behind" | silver & dad!lance
"I can raise him," Silver blurted, and it didn't feel like he was present when he claimed the now-wriggling Deino as his own. It sounded much like his past self, the one who stared at the happy families traveling for their vacations aboard the S.S. Aqua, his frail heart wishing for a chance to live just as normal as those kids who never knew how lucky they actually were. The decision, as abrupt as it may be, felt right as it glided off of his tongue.
Or: Silver was assigned to raise a Pokémon from when it was an egg by Lance, and there was more lesson that he learned than just forging a bond with the newest addition to his team.
This work is a part of Champion Lance Week 2023 for Day 7 / Free Day (@lanceappreciationblog).
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candyfloss-kittens · 8 months
When you've finished writing everything for a one-shot fic you've been working on for the past week or so, including figuring out what Ao3 tags to use, and making a short summary for said fic. But cannot figure out what the heck you're gonna title it....
Why is coming up with fic titles so hard?
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ageofzero · 10 months
You have a choice to make.
After the pieces are cut from you, after the silence has fallen and you're tasked with the protection and continued survival of a child you are wholly unprepared to raise, you have a choice to make.
It is a choice that you've been backed into.
You have a support system, you have a family. You have old friends and lifelong partners. One of them is struggling to keep his pieces in place, the other is struggling to rebuild the cracked foundation of a cursed home. You can't reach out to either of them, not because of their own struggles.
The choice you have to make is going to dirty your name further, and already people are going to be dragged down by the filth the world now sees you covered in.
You weren't dirty by choice before. The choice is going to make the difference.
You choose your words carefully, you choose who you contact even more so. You choose patience and surveillance. You choose a mask and wear it in place to meet with another masked man. You choose the friend who is a viper in human skin.
You choose to look as if you've fallen on impossibly hard times, as if your friends have abandoned you, as if you struggle to support the needs of a child. It makes you look like prey to a predator. You are a wolf in the clothes of a wounded sheep. The blood attracts the predator you hunt, and you let him get close.
You let him twist himself into you, as he looks for any threat you may carry. You let him open your rib cage to look for danger and poison and he finds none but the poison he's left there himself. You live with that poison for as long as it takes to gather your information. You pretend you've forgotten the law you worked so hard to represent. You pretend you've forgotten those you befriended.
You make a choice, and the viper comes into the trap.
You make the choice for seven years, and the trap finds its bait. The trap snaps shut on the viper's throat.
You use other hands, other claws and teeth, to accomplish your hunt. You and the viper are no longer so separate. It takes a delicate hand to keep from being snared in the same trap, but you still cause collateral damage.
You made that choice.
And even when the work is done and the viper is removed, there is still the poison he left behind. In you, in the system, in the damage. Your choices cannot be taken back. You can be given the clothes you once wore, the badge you once upheld, the job you were removed from, but the person who wore all those is gone. The choice was a sacrifice of that person, and what's left has to pick up the pieces.
The choice was made, and you don't know who you are anymore.
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sisterdivinium · 5 months
I did some gushing over WN on Dreamwidth for the Snowflake Challenge if anyone is interested.
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fortunatefires · 10 months
I'm rereading uglies and you can't tell me Shay and Tally don't read as bi. I mean, the part where Shay is guessing where Tally got her necklace and basically being like omg you totally fell in love while I was gone and invited them to the smoke!? Omg that's the same thing I did!
Like??? You couldn't be more gay if you tried. The whiplash of Shay being in love with David instead of Tally is fucking wild. I still don't believe it.
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heytheredeann · 2 months
Febuwhump 2024, Alt. 6 - Immortality
Tags: Creator Chooses Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Sci-Fi Elements, Immortal Napoleon Solo, Napoleon Solo Whump, Hurt Napoleon Solo, Non-Graphic Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Mercy Killing, Temporary Character Death, Gen or Pre-Slash, Vivisection
Notes: This one is a little dark so heed the tags! This is part of a series of stand-alone fics exploring the same general premise in different ways, because it has a lot of potential for whump. You don't need to read the others to follow this, though I'd say that the first fic in the series might have the most in-depth explanation of Napoleon's situation (and actually this one in particular is extremely vague on that). Also, as always in this series, the CNTUAW is just because I'm not sure if I should tag MCD, none of the other major warnings apply (there's torture/violence but it isn't graphic). Enjoy!
Wake up, he tells himself, firm and authoritative like he’s trying to train a dog. Wake up now, he presses, closing his eyes and trying to drift away from the feeling of leather grinding against his skin in his struggle to break free, from the menacing click of pieces of metal meeting one another, from the sound of Rudi’s voice sliding under his skin.
It doesn’t work, each feeling grounding him even more to the present, where his heart is hammering in his throat and he suddenly feels sick, all too aware that the electrocution was just a prelude.
He was never going to get out of this. He knew from the moment he woke up on the chair, yet, in his ever delusional optimism, he’d dared to hope for a miracle. He has always managed to get out alive up until now, hasn’t he?
In the beginning, after he discovered his predicament, he was relieved. He thought that maybe it was a gift, that maybe he’d better start sending a few prayers up there, because surely someone is looking out for him and trying to make sure that he doesn’t die at the beck and call of the CIA—months later, when he found himself bound and helpless, just a sack of meat to cut through looking for information, he realized that there are much worse fates than death.
(He got out with little more than scratches, yet for weeks his nights were plagued by hands holding him down, knives slicing through him, echoes of the human experimentation conducted during the war. The nightmares dissipated in time, but they never disappeared completely.)
It was over in a flash of all-encompassing pain, burning him alive. Faulty equipment, voltage higher than intended, and Rudi broke his new little toy. Napoleon wishes he’d had the presence of mind to play dead as consciousness rushed back to him.
[More on Ao3]
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damiemontclair · 8 months
ok, I am asking for help bc I have day 27 of mxtxtober written and ready to post but I am gnashing my teeth out on day 26. So. Anyone got ideas for Poison & Ghosts?
I wanted to write Xie Lian/TGCF but at this point I am willing to take anything, the brain juices just aren't working here.
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