#and I'm remembering how amazing it was when it was good
sommerbueckers · 3 days
𝐍𝐨 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
➪ 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
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PAIGE MOVED QUICKLY to open my door, nearly tripping over her phone feet. I shook my head from behind her, covering my mouth with my hand as I got into the car. She flashed me a goofy smile before shutting my door, hurrying to the driver's side.
The night was warm and the tropical city of Orlando, Florida was buzzing with tourists all over. The car started up and Paige pulled into traffic, even the most frustrating situations seemed beautiful on vacation. I watched with big eyes at all the lights around the city; the fairy lights on the patios of restaurants, the taillights on cars, the bridge lights that illuminated the water below.
Everything was so perfect, including Paige.
She was dressed in a pair of white linen shorts with a pattern crochet button up, her blonde beach waves hanging down over her shoulders. As the night settled in, Paige removed her sunglasses from on top of her head and gently set them in the center console, her eyes briefly meeting mine for a moment before she looked away.
"What?" I raised my eyebrow, looking curiously.
"Nothing," she laughed, "I can't look at you?"
"You can," I shrugged, feeling a blush creeping onto my cheeks. If she asked, I'd blame the heat.
Paige smiled cheekily, biting her lip and looking out her window.
"You wanna get some ice cream?" she asked.
"Not ice cream...something cold though," I replied, thinking about an alternative.
"Frozen margaritas?"
"Yes! Holy shit," I breathed out, my eyes wide, "that sounds amazing right now."
"Calm down lil lady," Paige smirked.
"I can't," I said, "you just managed to make a perfect night even better, I didn't even think that was possible!"
"Tonight was perfect, huh?" she smiled warmly.
"Definitely. If you pulled out a ring right now, it'd be an automatic 'yes.'"
Gasping, Paige asked, "So it wasn't a 'yes' before the frozen margaritas?"
I shrugged, "A solid 'maybe.'"
"I'll remember that then," the blonde nodded.
"Remember what?"
"Your love for frozen margaritas," she said.
After a beat of silence, I spoke again.
"But seriously, y'know i'll say 'yes' right?" I asked her.
"To marrying you. I can't think of one reason why I wouldn't marry you, unless you've got like some deep dark secret that I don't know about," I explain.
"Hm," Paige nodded.
I frowned, "'Hm'? That's it?"
She laughed, but there was something off about it.
"What do you want me to say?" she smiled with furrowed eyebrows.
"I don't know...I just expected more than a 'hm' y'know?" I shrugged, mocking the way she said it.
She didn't respond at all that time, and when the car came to a stop at a red light, I slightly turned my body toward her. She raised her eyebrows expectantly, her eyes slowly looking me up and down before her tongue darted across her lips. I felt myself grow hot, the urge to relieve some tension building inside of me.
With a deep breath, I was able to clear my thoughts and refocus on the reason I had turned in the first place.
"You don't have anything else to say?" I asked.
"I don't know what you want me to say," she shrugged, "you said you'd marry me if I asked, what -- did you want me to do it now?"
"No," I tried to smile but the frown was obviously there as well, "I just thought you'd have something more to say, that's all."
"Well...I don't, i'm sorry."
"No, don't be sorry, you don't have anything to say, it's okay," I reassured, staring back out the window.
Was I overreacting? How did I expect her to respond to that anyway? I suppose I was half hoping she had a ring on standby, and maybe when I realized she didn't, I got upset? We've only been together for three years, and this was our first vacation alone together, I think I just got too excited, and the many couple drinks I had didn't help.
I heard Paige sigh from beside me as the light turned green, and she reached her hand forward to turn the radio down. Now, it was my turn to stare expectantly.
"I've actually been meaning to talk to you about something," she admitted.
"Okay...what is it?"
"It's about us."
The look on her face was one that made my stomach drop, one that made me want to crawl in a hole and not come out. It was one you'd give your partner during a breakup, a 'it's not you, it's me' look. I blinked silently for a few moments, scanning her face. I wanted to burn every detail of it into my mind; her lips, her eyes, her perfect nose. I loved Paige, and in case this was the last of our time spent together, I wanted to savor her.
I swallowed the lump in my throat before I responded, "Sounds serious," I laughed dryly.
"It is...sort of," she nodded.
"I'm listening..."
"I love you, so much, and I know you know that. It's why I bring you everywhere with me, I show you off on my socials, to my friends, my family," she started, emphasizing the word 'family.'
Immediately I knew where this conversation was headed. It was one Paige and I had had countless times; she wanted to meet my family, and I had yet to introduce her. In the three wonderful years that we had been together, she did indeed bring me along with her to every family gathering that she had. I had gone for Thanksgiving, Christmas, a period of our spring break, she even brought me along when she went to surprise Drew for his birthday. But not once, during all of that, had she even seen my parents' faces.
It was wrong, I knew it was, I just couldn't bring myself to admit it, much less do anything to change it. It was better this way, and Paige just couldn't understand that. I don't think she even tried.
"-but I still haven't met yours."
I chewed on the inside of my cheek, half listening to her talk and half trying to ignore her.
"Why're we talking about this again?" I sighed.
"Because we need to talk about it," she said, "You say you wanna get married and start a family but you're not even working with the one you already have. If we're gonna take our relationship to the next level, I have to meet your family."
"Why though?"
"Because! You know everything about my family and I know nothing about yours. That isn't weird to you?" she asked, not even giving me a chance to respond before she continued. "I wanna know where you grew up, I wanna know who you get your humor from, I wanna meet the niece you mentioned a couple months ago and then never brought her up again."
I shook my head, "I don't wanna talk about this Paige."
"Too fuckin' bad, this is my car and we're talking about it."
"This isn't your car, this is a rental that I paid for," I argued.
"I don't give a damn! You don't get to control what things we talk about and when we talk about them without giving me a say, that's not fair."
"No, what isn't fair is the fact that you're bringing this up for the hundredth time after I've already told you how I feel about it. That's what's not fair!" I shouted.
"Okay. So what -- i'm just supposed to never meet your family? Is your plan for us to get married and just not invite them, or do they have to watch from a separate room that i'm not in?" Paige asked, completely shutting the radio off.
"Oh my God!" I laughed stiffly, "Why does it even matter if you meet them or not?!"
"Because it feels like you're hiding me!"
"I am not hiding you!"
"Then what the fuck is the problem?! You said they know you're gay, you said they don't care, so why can't I meet them?"
"Because I just don't fucking want you to! Why can't you respect that?!" I frowned.
"Why can't you respect the fact that i'm not marrying you until I meet your family?!" she yelled.
I sunk back in my seat, my lips screwed shut as I thought about her words. Keeping Paige separate from my family had been the best decision for me us, and it was one that I chose had to make on my own. I loved my family, but I had grown up with them and I was used to the way they acted, to the comments they'd make and the opinions they had. After coming out to them, despite their reassurance that they didn't care, I had made a promise to myself that whoever I married would never have to deal with them.
But now here I was, sitting next to the only person I had ever considered marrying with that very promise about to ruin everything. She didn't understand, and I wasn't sure she ever would. I wondered if there was someone out there that wouldn't mind not meeting my family, perhaps I could start over with someone else and make up some sob story about how I don't talk to them anymore. As I looked over at my girlfriend, at the only person who had ever made me feel loved even in the times where I didn't love myself, I couldn't even imagine trying to find someone else.
We were silent the whole way back to the airbnb, our desire for frozen margaritas long forgotten in the midst of our anger. Paige pulled into the driveway and I hopped out the car, storming back into the house. There was so much tension between us and I was wasn't sure I'd be able to handle it all night. We changed in the same room, and I hadn't even bothered to sneak a glance at her. We didn't brush our teeth together, we didn't reminisce on the day or share our excitement for tomorrow, we just stormed around in silence.
The familiar pair of curious blue eyes were missing as I did my face routine that night, and I tried and failed miserably to find peace doing it alone. With the door shut and the faucet running, I cried. I cried until I couldn't see the sink in front of me, I cried until I could feel how swollen my eyes had gotten, until my head ached so violently that I had to take a seat on the tub because I couldn't physically stand the pain in my chest. I loved Paige with my entire heart and I couldn't lose her, I wouldn't.
I didn't know how long I had been in there, but when I came out, I found the house to be empty. I poked my head into the living room hoping she'd be watching the NBA finals on tv, but she wasn't there and had seemingly abandoned the game during the fourth quarter. Our bed was empty, still neatly made from this morning when we had left for the day. She wasn't by the pool either and after walking around to the front of the house to check the driveway, I noticed the car was gone. I could feel my anger rising again, how could she just leave without saying anything?
We were mad at each other and we hadn't worked things out yet. What if something happened to her and I never got to tell her I was sorry, that if she truly wanted to meet my family then i'd do my best to make it happen. What if something happened to me? What if someone saw her leave and was now watching me stand there alone and vulnerable. I quickly turned on my heel, jogging to the backyard and reentering the house. I grabbed my phone to see if she had left me a message, she hadn't. It wasn't like her to up and leave like this, and she knew my rule about going to bed upset, so I stayed up.
I sat cross legged on the couch, watching the remainder of the game and making a mental note on who won. A shark movie came on afterward, and I leaned lazily against the back of the couch as the intro played. About fifteen minutes went by before I heard the garage door open and close, Paige emerging from the hall with a drink holder in her hand. She set it down on the counter and then looked at me. Her face softened quickly, and she grabbed one of the cups before pushing off of the counter to make her way over to the couch.
"Where did you go?" I asked quietly.
She sat down beside me and held out the cup, a straw was taped to the side of it.
"To get this," she answered.
"What is that?"
"Try it," she urged me, opening the straw and stabbing the top of the cup, "you''ll like it."
I pulled my knees to my chest and rested one arm against the top of the couch while I grabbed the cup with the other, carefully taking a sip. I bit back the radiant smile that fought its hardest to pull through.
A frozen margarita.
"I'm sorry," she sighed tiredly, "for yelling at you and for telling you that I wouldn't marry you until I met your family." I didn't respond because I knew there was more. "But you have to understand it from my perspective. I feel like i'm missing an entire part of you, your culture, your traditions, all your little habits and stuff, I wanna know where they come from. You never talk about your family, like sometimes I wonder if they even exist. Like maybe you were made in a lab or some shit," she said.
I shook my head with a small smirk.
"I just wanna know why."
I could tell Paige wasn't gonna drop this, and if I was being honest with myself, she did deserve a better reason other than me just not wanting her to meet them. I set the margarita down on the coffee table and scooted closer to her.
"I want you to meet my family, I do...it's just -- I don't want you to know them. They do know i'm gay and they said that it doesn't bother them but, I see otherwise on their faces. Whenever i'd bring it up or introduce my other girlfriends to them there'd be this weird tension in the room and I just knew it was because of me. They don't particularly care but they don't like it either."
Paige nodded, "So...they're homophobic?"
"Sort of. But not like 'kick me out the house' homophobic but..." my voice trailed off as I shrugged.
"More like 'don't acknowledge it and it'll go away' homophobic."
"Exactly," I nodded.
Paige leaned back against the couch and shut her eyes, blowing out a frustrated breath as she took everything in.
"Paige, my favorite thing to do is show you off, and I don't want you to think for a second that i'm hiding you from anybody, because i'm not. I just don't want you to have to sit through a -- a dinner or a family gathering and deal with the shit that I had to deal with growing up, it's not fun."
"I know, I know," she said, "and thank you for trying to protect me like that."
"But?" I raised an eyebrow.
"But, someone's gotta walk you down the aisle, right?" she smirked.
I gently hit her shoulder, "Paige! This is serious, you wanted to talk about this."
"Alright, alright!" she raised her hands in defense, and when our laughter died down she spoke again, "If you don't want me to meet your family then...I won't push you any further."
"Okay," I breathed out, "thank you. I promise you will meet them, just not right now."
Paige smiled up at me, and I could see the faint hint of doubt that her eyes still held, but there was nothing I could do about it now. I wasn't ready for her to meet my family yet, and for right now she'd just have to be okay with that.
A/N: here's a little smth cus im on vacation right now. this idea honestly came up because last night my brother said he wouldn't come on vacation anymore if i brought a girl with us and my mom js made a joke about the girl being paige and idk, made me kinda sad.
but thanks to them i conjured this up😏 so you're welcome!
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sebastiannewai · 2 days
Missing you || csc
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✿ scoups x reader
✿ idol!scoups x actress!reader
✿ fluff, comfort
You sat on your dressing room, wiping away tears. Today had been one of the worst days of filming you could remember. Every scene went wrong, and the director’s frustration only made you more anxious. To make matters worse, it had been two long months since you last saw your boyfriend, Seungcheol, who was on tour with the boys.
The day dragged on, each hour feeling like forever. Finally, when the sun had set and the crew called it a day, you sighed with relief and head straight to the hotel. After freshening up, you just wanted to rest and lie in bed. As you close your eyes, your phone started ringing. You’re sure it’s cheol. It has been your ritual to talk at the end of the day, no matter where or how busy you both were. You were hesitant in answering the phone at first because you know you might break down and cry just by hearing his voice but in the 3rd ring you answered. You still can’t resist not seeing him or hearing his voice, even if it’s just through a screen.
"Hey, love!" he said, his eyes lighting up on the screen. "How was your day?"
You forced a smile. "Hi, cheollie. It was okay, I guess?"
He was puzzled by your answer and asked "You’re not sure? What happened?"
You shook your head. "Nothing, it was just a normal day. How was your show?"
Seungcheol grinned. "It was awesome. The crowd was amazing. But I missed you."
You sighed, hiding your face from the screen and wiping the tears away. "I miss you too, cheol.”
He grinned, but then his expression turned serious when he can’t see you on screen. "y/n, I want to see you. Please don't hide."
You sighed and moved fully into view, your eyes red and puffy. "It was a really tough day and I miss you so so much."
He looked at you closely. "There's something else, isn't there? I can see it in your eyes."
You hesitated, biting your lip. You wanted to tell him something but felt unsure. "It's nothing, really."
"y/n," he said tenderly, "you can tell me anything. What is it?"
You took a deep breath. "I just... I wish you were here. I'm having such a bad day, and I want to be with you. Would it be too selfish to ask if you could come home, just for a little while? Just to give me a tight hug? I know you're busy and that your tour is important, but I just... I know it's silly."
His face softened. He spoke gently, "It's not silly or selfish at all. I wish I could be there with you too, to hold you close and hug you tight. But we both know how important this is for us and for our dreams, right? We're in this together, and we'll make it through, I promise. Hey, we'll be together soon. Just a little longer, okay?"
His words wrapped around you like a comforting blanket, easing the knot of longing in your chest. You felt a wave of calm wash over you as you realized you weren't alone in this journey. You nodded, feeling a bit better. "Yeah, I guess so. Thank you, love."
"We'll take each day as it comes," He continued, his voice warm and steady. "And before you know it, we'll be together again."
You nodded, feeling lighter and more at peace than you had all day. "I can't wait for that day, cheollie. Until then, I'll hold onto you. Wow, you always know what to say."
He smiled. "That's what I'm here for. Now, tell me something good that happened today. There must be something."
You thought for a moment. "Well, I did get to eat my favorite ice cream during a break."
He laughed. "See, that's a start! And when we're together again, we'll have all the ice cream we want."
You giggled. "Deal."
You talked for a while longer, sharing stories and laughs until it was time to say goodnight. As you hung up, you felt a warmth in your heart. Even on the worst days, Seungcheol's love made everything seem a little brighter.
"Goodnight, my cheollie. I love you," you whispered to the dark screen.
"Goodnight, y/n. I love you too," his voice echoed in your memory.
You lay down, feeling a bit more at peace. Tomorrow was a new day, and you knew you could face anything with him by your side, even from miles away.
I'm back? hahahaha
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cassiabaggins · 3 days
Too Bitter, Too Sweet (part one)
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A chance encounter gives you a once in a lifetime opportunity: the chance to reunite with your first love, Leon Kennedy.
Fluff and Angst
Words: 4k
Warnings: none. Just Leon being awkward. NO SMUT
(April is an oc, she is VERY briefly mentioned because I couldn't resist)
Reblogs and comments appreciated! Cross-posted on ao3.
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You can hardly believe what you're seeing. He's older, with longer hair and a hardened look, but you'd recognize him anywhere. Leon Kennedy, your first love and college boyfriend. 
You're approaching him before you can think about it. 
He freezes, startling a little like no one has called his name in forever, and turns to stare at you. There is no spark of recognition in those baby blue eyes. 
“Uh, hi?”
“It's me, Leon. Y/N. From college? We… were close.”
Close is an understatement. The two of you had dated for almost a year, but he doesn't seem to recognize you or remember. You suppose you can't blame him. It's been nearly ten years and you've both changed quite a bit.
A beat. Another. 
Then his eyes widen and a soft, shy little smile blooms across his face. “Y/N,” he murmurs, then laughs, running a hand over his hair. “Wow. Hi! You look… different.”
You giggle. Oh Leon. He's really not changed at all. “Different?” You ask.
“It's a good different!” He hurries to say.
“It's good to see you again,” you tell him. 
He nods vigorously, his hair falling into his eyes. “You, too.”
He looks around the area, as if trying to figure out what you're doing here. “What are you doing in D.C.?”
You adjust the strap of your purse. “I'm here for work,” you explain. 
Leon puts his hands in his pockets. “Work, huh? You passed the bar, then? That's amazing.” 
You feel your cheeks warming. “How'd you know I was a lawyer?”
“Because that's what you were studying in college,” he replies. “It wasn't that long ago. You think I forgot? Besides, how many different jobs are there to be done in a courthouse?”
You laugh softly, and Leon grins, clearly pleased that he made you laugh. His smile is exactly the same as you remember it, slightly lopsided, sweet, and genuine. It makes you remember easier times and how he used to kiss you. You shouldn't be thinking about him like that… it's been almost ten years, there's no way he doesn't have a girlfriend.
“Are you still in law enforcement?” You blurt, desperate to distract yourself.
Leon shifts in place, and you think his smile falters slightly.
“Something like that,” he says ambiguously. 
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“It's hard to explain,” he replies, scratching the back of his head. “Uhm… it's government stuff.”
He's clearly uncomfortable, so you stop pushing. 
“Do you like it?”
“The people I work with are great,” he says.
Not exactly an answer. 
“Well, that’s good,” you say, adjusting your grip on your purse. Leon opens his mouth to reply, but is interrupted by the sound of a jaunty ringtone. 
“Shit,” he mumbles, quickly pulling a cellphone out of his jacket pocket. He frowns when he sees the caller I.D. “Uh, one sec, I have to take this.”
He steps away to answer the phone, and you watch him for a bit, wondering if you should leave. But you can’t bring yourself to. You’ve only just met him again, and just like in college, he fascinates you. But this time, a little over a decade later, there’s so much more to him. Not just physically, though he’s certainly bulked up a bit over the years, but there’s a darkness and mystery to him that excites you. Besides, what woman hasn’t fantasized about reconnecting with the one that got away? 
You’re shaken out of your thoughts by Leon approaching you again. He looks apologetic. “I have to run,” he says. “I’m sorry. But it was really nice to see you again!”
You don’t want him to leave! You want to keep talking to him! You want to know if he’s happy, if he’s got a wife or a girlfriend, if he still likes listening to metal, if chocolate icecream is still his go to flavor.
But he’s already walking away.
“Leon, wait!” you call. “Before you go!” 
He turns and you reach into your purse and pull out one of your business cards. He takes it with his left hand and peers at it. There's no ring on his finger.
“What’s this for?” he asks
“Just in case you need legal advice,” you joke. “Or if you just want to catch up.”
He smiles and fishes his wallet out of his pocket. You catch a glimpse of some sort of badge as he tucks the card carefully inside. “I’ll do that,” he says, and then he's gone.
You settle into your temporary office and log into your computer to begin going through case files. It's humdrum work, but necessary for the success of your client's appeal. But, not five minutes into this, your work phone starts ringing.
Expecting either your boss or a paralegal, you pick it up and introduce yourself by name.
“Uh, whoa,” says the person on the other end. “That was fancy and professional.”
You'd know that voice anywhere.
He laughs awkwardly. “Yeah, hi. How're you doing?”
You lean back in your seat and twirl the phone cord around your finger, a bashful smile spreading across your face. “Well, not much has changed in the last 20 minutes, to be honest. But it's nice to hear your voice again.”
You can hear the smile in his voice when he replies. “You, too. I hope I'm not interrupting something.”
“You're not,” you assure him. “Although I'm not technically supposed to take personal calls on this line.”
“Yeah, I figured that,” he replies. “But this is the only way I could really contact you.”
“Oh yeah?” You bite your bottom lip, trying to fight a smile. “And what was so urgent that you just had to call me?”
There's rustling on the other end, Leon must be switching the phone to his other ear. He takes a deep breath and lets it out, like he's nervous. Your heartbeat speeds up in anticipation. 
“Well,” he says. “I was just thinking how nice it was to talk to you again. I was hoping we could do that again. Soon. Maybe over coffee?”
It takes all your willpower not to squeal like a teenager. But you're a professional. 
You clear your throat and try to act nonchalant. “Coffee sounds nice.”
“Great!” Leon sounds thrilled. “It's a date!”
“A date?” you tease.
“Uh… I mean… only if you want it to be,” he hurries to clarify. “You still have your maiden name on your business card and I didn’t see a ring, so I assumed— fuck, do you have a boyfriend?”
He meant a date date. You feel a thrill of excitement.
“No,” you say quickly, “no boyfriend. No fiance or husband either… I’m single.”
“Oh, good,” he says, and you almost laugh at how relieved he sounds. “I don’t have any of those either.”
“You don’t have a boyfriend or husband?”
“No wife or girlfriend, either.”
Oh, so he’s got jokes now. You giggle again. God, when was the last time a man had you laughing like this?
“I'm only in D.C. for the summer,” You explain. “Just until the case is over. I don't know many places to get coffee.”
“Well, you're in luck,” he says. “Because I do! I know the perfect place!”
The coffeeshop he recommends is a tiny, hole-in-the-wall place with the best espresso you've had in years. You and Leon plan for only an hour at most, but stay there chatting for nearly two. He even walks you to your car, and as you drive away, watching him wave goodbye in the rearview mirror, you realize that you had done most of the talking. At first, you want to shrivel up and die from embarrassment. Everyone always says that you talk too much, and there you went, yammering away…
But Leon had asked me out again, the other half of your brain pipes up. And he never disliked you talking in the past!
Emboldened by this realization, and determined to eek more information out of Leon next time, you continue on your way.
And so, one coffee date turns into two, then three. Reconnecting with Leon is… it's just amazing. He's older now, hardened by life in a way you can't quite fathom, but he's still so handsome and sweet and attentive. You can forgive his slightly awkward mannerisms and weird schedule and how cagey he is about his job. The first point is nothing new, of course, it's part of what charmed you in the first place, all those years ago. The weird schedule you chalk up to his job, and if it really is government stuff, you can understand why he's so secretive.
Of course, he can't stop you from daydreaming about what his job is, and your imagination thinks up all sorts of dashing occupations. Secret Service, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security… It's fun to imagine him as the dashing hero, leaping in to save the President himself from an assassination or single-handedly stopping a foreign spy organization. He probably looks hot as hell in a fancy suit, sunglasses, and an earpiece.
Coffee dates are nice and all, but you find yourself wanting more. You hint at it a fee times, Leon is oblivious as ever, so you ask him directly. 
“We should get dinner,” you say, pausing by your car. Leon has walked you out to it, just like he always does after your coffee dates. “Somewhere romantic.”
You raise your eyebrows at him expectantly. He's quiet for a second, staring back. 
“I thought you liked coffee?” He asks, looking like he thinks he's seriously misjudged the situation. You just laugh, putting your hand on his arm.
“I do!” You assure him. “But I also like pasta and wine.”
Leon looks relieved. “Oh. Well, I do know a good Italian place!”
You beam. “Yeah? Is it nice?”
“Very,” he assures you. “Very hard to get into, but I can pull some strings.” He winks. “Perks of the job.”
You aren't sure if he's joking or not, but you like the idea of it, at least. 
“Exciting,” you giggle, leaning close to him. “Should we go this weekend?”
Leon's face falls. “I can't do this weekend,” he admits.
“That's okay!” You're quick to reassure him. “We can do next! Or the one after.”
“No, next weekend is perfect,” he says, looking relieved. “I'll have to make a reservation, but I'll call you, okay?”
You let out an excited squeal and throw your arms around Leon's neck, kissing him before you can think.
This is the first time you've kissed since— well, since you broke up the first time. You almost pull away, but Leon cups the back of your neck and kisses back.
He's a better kisser than he used to be, that's for sure, and the whole thing leaves you breathless and weak-kneed. 
He grins at your dazed expression, licking his lips and looking very pleased with himself.
“Next weekend, then?”
You reach up to wipe away a smear of your lipstick off the corner of his mouth. 
“Next weekend,” you agree.
Leon promises to pick you up at 7 PM on Friday night. The two of you text back and forth almost nonstop as the night approaches, exchanging phone calls whenever possible. You're so excited that you even pick out your outfit days in advance.
Then, one day, the communication from Leon just… stops.
It's a day before your date, so you try not to worry too much. Something probably came up. But you find yourself checking your phone almost obsessively. No reply.
You push down your worry and get yourself ready for the date. You choose your favorite set of lingerie to wear under your little black dress, just in case, and probably spend way too long on your makeup.
Nonetheless, you're ready a good hour before he's scheduled to pick you up. You wait nervously for an hour, pacing your hotel room, then snap a picture of yourself to send to him. No answer. By 7:20 PM you're furious with him. By 7:45, you're in tears.
At 8 PM, you're pissed AND crying and a knock sounds at your door. You tear it open, ready to give Leon a piece of your mind, but stop in your tracks. 
Leon looks like shit. He's wearing a rumpled suit and his hair is a mess. Deep shadows show under his eyes, a bruise is forming on the left side of his jaw, and his chin is covered in three day old stubble.
He thrusts a bouquet of flowers into your arms.
All your anger drains out of you, all at once, replaced with concern.
“What *happened*?!” You blurt. Leon flushes. 
“I'm sorry,” he says. His voice sounds hoarse, like he's been yelling for twelve hours straight. “It was a work thing.”
He scratches the back of his head and the movement raises his rumpled shirt, allowing you to see the ugly yellow-purple of a bruise on his hip. 
“A work thing?” You prompt.
He winces. “I can't… tell you.”
What the hell?
“What do you mean you can't tell me?”
“I mean I can't tell you!” He snaps, his eyes darkening for a second. “Okay?”
You can't help but flinch and Leon's shoulders slump when he catches it. “I'm sorry,” he whispers. “I just… can't.”
You wonder if he can't or won't… but you don't press it. 
“You want to come in?” You ask softly.
“I thought we had a dinner reservation?” He asked, glancing at his watch.
“We did,” you say. “But you're an hour late. We missed it.”
Leon, somehow, looks even more forlorn at those words. “I'm sorry,” he says again. “I was in a different timezone, I didn't reset my watch and—”
“Leon.” You interrupt the beginnings of a spiral with a firm voice. “It's fine.”
You step back from the door and wave him inside. “Come on. I want to put these flowers in water.”
Leon shuffles in after you. He stands there, in the tiny entryway, and looks around your hotel room, shoving his hands in his pockets. You don't really have a vase for the flowers, come to think of it. Fancy hotels like this come with all sorts of amenities, but vases are not one of them. You waver for a moment, before grabbing the complimentary ice bucket and filling it with water from the bathroom sink.
Leon watches silently as you arrange the flowers, before speaking up.
“I should have brought a vase, too,” he says. “Sorry. I didn't think—”
You smile at him. “Hey, don't worry. It seems like you have a lot on your mind.”
He cracks a wry smile. “You're telling me.”
With the tension leaking away, you lean forward and smell a rose.
“Are they still your favorite?” He asks.
“I'm sorry?”
Leon gestures toward the bouquet. “Pink roses. Are they still your favorite flower?”
Honestly, pink roses haven't been your favorite flower since college… but the fact that Leon remembered that they were immediately bumps them up to number one once more.
“Yeah,” you whisper. 
And Leon beams. 
You don’t notice him approach you until his hand smooths down your back. You turn to look up at him, taking in his tired eyes and apologetic expression. You wonder again what his job is, and then wonder if you really want to know. Maybe ignorance is bliss.
“I’m sorry for missing our date,” he says softly. “Let me make it up to you.”
“We could try again tomorrow,” you murmur, turning fully to face him. “Or next week, if that doesn’t work out.”
“Sure,” he replies, his hand coming up to cup the back of your head. “But I was thinking of doing something a little more… immediate.”
He bends to kiss you, tender and slow, and you let yourself lean into it. Leon always kisses you like you’re the most delicate, precious thing in existence, he touches you like he’s afraid you’ll break, and you know he means it. You know that you matter to him.
You’re breathing heavily when the two of you finally part. Leon pulls back slowly, his eyes searching your face, looking a little shy but also a little proud of himself. He licks his lips, glances past you at the bed, then meets your eyes again.
“Wanna move this over there?” he asks, gesturing toward it with his head. Your heart skips a beat with anticipation. 
“Sounds good,” you breathe.
That night, you fall asleep in Leon’s arms, well and truly satisfied in a way you haven’t been in a long time. He’s clearly more experienced and more confident than the boy you slept with in college, but he’s still him. Still adoring, still attentive, still a little shy. 
He pretty much lets you take the lead the whole night and while he doesn’t say it outright, you get the impression that he just wants to be taken care of. If you notice tears in his eyes at the end, you don’t comment on it and neither does he.
He drops off soon after you finish, lying on his back like a soldier. You watch him for a few minutes, admiring the curve of his jaw and the slope of his nose, the dimple in his chin and the moles on his neck. There’s a scar on his cheek that you didn’t notice before, a thin white line nearly hidden by his stubble. You wonder how he got it. Probably doing something heroic, knowing him. You fall asleep entertaining little fantasies of Leon being a hero and saving the day.
You're awoken by Leon stirring in the bed next to you. You don't worry too much. You're a light sleeper after all.
You puff your pillow and get comfy again. Behind you, Leon stirs again, a soft groan escaping him.
You roll over, a little concerned. He has his arm slung over his face, but you can see a frown on his lips. He's breathing heavily, but you don't want to wake him up if you don't have to. He looked so exhausted when he came here earlier. It's probably nothing. You close your eyes again, but another soft groan from Leon has you opening them again.
You push up on one elbow, a little frown on your face. He's probably dreaming about something, but you can't tell if it's good or bad. His arm drops off his face, his fingers balling in the sheets. 
“No…” He mumbles. “Please…”
A nightmare, then. You sit up fully and reach for him, but before you can touch him, Leon flings out his arm, inadvertently smacking your hand away, and cries, “Ashley, no!”
Ashley? Who the hell is that?
You shake your head. Now is not the time for that, not with Leon in the midst of a night terror.
You reach out again, grabbing his shoulder and giving him a harsh shake.
He doesn't wake right away, his head tossing side to side and his face screwed up.
You try again.
“Leon! Wake up!”
Leon jerks upright and the world spins sideways, your back hitting the bed with a thump and all the air rushing out of you. A weight presses down on you, arms pinned above your head.
You glimpse Leon above you and faintly register that the force across your neck and shoulders is his forearm. He doesn't seem to see you, even though his blue eyes are wide with terror.
“Leon?” You croak out.
“Fuck,” he gasps, suddenly seeing you. “Shit. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”
You're able to catch your breath again as Leon scrambles off you and through the ringing in your ears you hear him stumbling around the room. You sit up just as the bathroom door slams closed.
Behind it, you hear retching.
You don't know what to do. You sit shell-shocked in the bed, surrounded by rumpled blankets and pillows and stare at the thin strip of light shining from beneath the bathroom door. You rub your hand over your sore clavicle.
What on earth was that? Why would Leon react like that after being woken up from a nightmare? And who the hell is Ashley? It was like Leon didn't even see you when he woke up, like he was stuck somewhere else, living through something horrible. What has he gone through in these ten years you've been apart? Does it have anything to do with his beat up appearance earlier? With the scars you noticed on his body? Did this Ashley have something to do with it? 
You're torn out of your that's by Leon's cellphone, vibrating on the bedside table. Jesus Christ, who calls at— you check the alarm clock next to the bed— 4 AM?
You untangle yourself from the covers and pick up the phone. Should you answer it? Leon doesn't seem to be coming out anytime soon and it seems urgent enough that the caller is attempting to reach him in the middle of the night.
You lick your lips nervously and flip open the phone, raising it to your ear.
“Where's Leon?” The voice on the other end demands. It's female. “Who are you?”
You want to ask the same thing, but you're the one answering a phone that isn't yours. You introduce yourself and the woman on the other end blows out a sigh.
“Oh,” she says bluntly. She clearly knows who you are even if Leon has never mentioned her to you. “Well, can you give Leon the phone? It's urgent.
She doesn't have to sound so annoyed!
“Sure,” you say, sliding off the bed. “Who should I say is calling?”
Not the mysterious Ashley, then. That makes you feel marginally better for some reason. 
You pad over to the bathroom and knock on the door.
“Leon? Your phone rang.”
“...Let it go to voicemail,” he mumbles hoarsely from the other side. Oops.
“I already picked up for you,” you reply sheepishly, feeling for all the world like you've made a massive blunder. “It's someone named April?”
“Goddammit,” he mumbles, and the door swings open. In the harsh fluorescent lights he looks like a fucking mess, far worse than he did earlier than night. You can clearly see the bruises, cuts, and scars on his naked torso. His hair is rumpled, his hairline beaded with sweat. He barely meets your eyes, just takes the phone ever so gently from your hand and raises it to his ear.
“Hey, April…” He says tiredly.
You can't hear what she says in reply but you don't want to leave Leon alone, either. He looks like he's about to fall apart for God's sake. You lean against the doorframe and study him. 
You can't stand the way he's hunched in on himself like he's trying to make himself look smaller than he is and the exhausted, defeated tone in his voice makes your heart ache.
“Okay,” he whispers into the phone. “Okay. I'll be there.”
You're pulled out of your contemplation as he snaps the cellphone shut, looking up into his eyes. 
“Is everything okay?”
He grunts noncommittally. “I gotta go.”
Go? At 4 AM? Where?!
Leon scoots past you cautiously, not even meeting your eyes.
“Work,” he mumbles.
You turn, staring at his back incredulously as he pulls on his pants and shirt. “What do you mean work?” You challenge.
“Something came up.”
He doesn't turn toward you so you're left staring at the stiff line of his shoulders as he buttons up his shirt. 
Some random woman calls him in the middle of the night and he's immediately running at her beck and call? Something like jealousy rears its ugly head.
“Who's April?” You ask, not liking the nasty tone in your voice. 
Leon doesn't react. “A friend,” he says vaguely, pulling on his suit jacket.
“A friend calling at 4 AM about work,” you say disbelievingly. “Right.”
That gets a reaction. Leon turns to face you fully and the defeated look on his face immediately tosses all your jealousy and anger out the window. He looks like a kicked puppy.
“I'm sorry,” he whispers. “I wish I didn't have to go.”
You cross the room and pull him into a hug, resting your head on his chest. Leon clings to you, nuzzling his face into your hair, and rocks you side to side. The two of you stand like that for a few minutes, then Leon lets out a long, exhausted sigh.
“I have to go,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your hairline. “I'll call you as soon as I can and I'll make it up to you, I promise. Anything you want, I'll do it for you.”
You tilt your head back to meet his eyes. “I want you to be careful.”
He nods. “I can do that.”
“And I want you to take me out on a proper date when you're back,” you add, smiling a little to show you're not too serious. But Leon nods determinedly. “Got it. One proper date, coming up. It'll be awesome.”
He cups your face in his hands and ducks his head to capture your lips in a searing kiss.
“See you soon,” he promises, then he's gone.
You watch him walk down the hall, away from you, and can't help but feel like he's walking out of your life, too.
Taglist: @hiya-itsamber
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ctrlhope · 3 days
I need a Spider Jimin in my life. I have a fear of them and had a giant one in my room, I couldn't kill it or move it, so I just stared at it, hyperventilating and crying. Couldn't look away because if I did, where would it have gone! In the end, my roommate got it after I called for them.
I need Jimin to tell them to leave my space alone or for me not to see them 😔
NOOOOO!!! I used to be so scared of spiders too <//3 like once there was a spider in my room and i stg i looked like i was working in a meth lab with the gear i put on to grab it and take it outside AJHBJSB like had a hoodie tied tight around my head, my old lab safety goggles on, gloves, and a face mask armed with cup and paper in hand. I don't know what i thought it was gonna do to me bro 😭😭 now they don't scare me (i'm now the designated spider-taker-outsider lol) but it must've not been fun at all for you :(((( i'm glad your roomate was there to help you out!! Little spider jimin blurb under the cut to help you cope with the trauma 😔😔
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— Dangerous Predator
wc: 1.7k
genre: fluff, hybrid au, soft yandere
content: soft yandere!jimin, hybrid!jimin, spider!jimin, fem!reader, manipulation, kisses, jimin is a good actor, and he’s really sweet <\\3 -> the pitfalls of silk drabble
18+ -> minors / blank blogs dni
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Oh god. Oh god what is that– that thing?! 
If your eyes were a second slower, they would’ve missed it. If your reaction speed was just a feather more hesitant you would’ve never noticed the massive creeping brown arachnid skittering across your floor. Legs longer than you’ve ever seen, a massive thorax sticking high in the air making it look all the more menacing, as if it was actually threatening you. As if it had its sights set on you.
The yelp that tears through your throat makes its way out faster than you can stop it, your body jumping high as it tries to scramble on the kitchen counter– plant itself high off the ground, away from where the predator lurks. Ready to do… do whatever it was thinking of doing… yeah. 
Okay, maybe you don’t exactly know what its plans were, but they can’t be any good! Not when it was moving towards your foot like, like that! When your boyfriend is nowhere to be seen, hiding away, sulking in the basement, pretending the food you're cooking doesn’t smell as amazing as it does. 
Sure, you can handle the small spiders– the little ones that appear as no more than dark spots in the corners you can’t see. The ones that cohabitate peacefully, giving you your space and keeping theirs. Two lives nearby yet never crossing paths. But the big ones, the big ones are a struggle no matter how hard you try to adapt. Especially when they move so close to you, disrupting the peaceful environment you’ve created. 
Jimin normally handles this, is normally the expert on dealing with 8-legged creatures you’d rather not share your domain with. But right now, he’s nowhere to be found. A disagreement only a few hours ago putting a halt on all communication with him. Rather feeling the urge to  stew in your own feelings.
But now, right this very second, you could not give less of a shit about the petty argument. Can’t even remember the cause of it in the first place. The only thing you do know is the rush of adrenaline through your veins, the way your eyes lock onto the predators on the floor. The way it takes slow steps in your direction, moving ever so slowly to where you sit pressed on the kitchen counter, lettuce in hand– the perfect defence. 
If you truly believed what Jimin told you about his ability to talk to spiders, if you thought any deeper about them then you do right now– you would think that it’s actually mocking you in the way it steps. Each slow, careful movement as it keeps its eyes locked on yours deliberate and teasing. 
Fucking prick. 
“Jimin!” Your voice calls before you can stop it, another yelp leaving your lips as you helplessly toss your leaf of lettuce at the mighty beast, completely and utterly missing. It’s almost ironic, really, that the biggest spider of all is the only one that can save you at this moment. 
No more than a second passes before you hear his legs bounding up the stairs, scurrying as fast as he can to meet you. To see what the problem may be. Faux nerves taking over his being as he hears the fear in your tone, calling for him. Wanting him above anybody else. 
He wants to laugh once the scene in the kitchen comes into frame. He really does. He almost feels bad for it, honestly, but you just look so cute as you try to struggle away, eyes not leaving the arachnid below. 
But he’s supposed to be your knight in shining armour. He can coo over how adorable his mate is later. 
“Pretty? What happened?” He asks in a hurry, concern buried deep in his tone as he quickly approaches your shaking form. Arm reaching out, gently taking one of your hands in his own. He brings it to his face, using your palm to cup his cheek as he presses a gentle kiss into the surface, gaze burning with worry over your tied expressions. 
You wish you could say you were soothed, that his presence alone brought peace to your quivering heart but it couldn't. Now that the predator was out of your vision, blocked by the very man you called for, you couldn’t be more alarmed. Your body twisting against him, head trying to poke past him to see the beast still lingering nearby. 
“Min! Min there’s a spider! You have, it’s going to eat me!” You shout, pointing over his shoulder with the other hand. How could he not see how urgent this is! This is a matter between life and death!
The gentle annoyance that finds its way into his veins is quickly washed away, discarded into his brain for later. The only mention of it being the quiet narrow of his eyes, ever so slight that no one would notice it. How could you still be concerned over a little spider when he is right in front of you, saving you? 
Did you forget that he is a predator, too? He can’t believe he’s jealous of a spider right now. 
Mmm, but he knows how humans can be. When they get all scared like this they can’t help themselves but to clamp up, frozen out in fear. One of the reasons he never wanted to be the cause of it. The misfortune that bespoke your mind every waking minute. No, he wanted to be the sunshine on a beautiful day, a field of flowers to dance in. Maybe even a handsome prince on a horse, ready to carry you away. 
So that is exactly what he’ll be. 
Soft eyes looking up into your own, half lidded and dangerous with affection, “Well that just won’t do, will it?” He pouts, lower lip jutted out in a cute expression that can’t help but take your breath away. Mince your mind in half, one side still focusing on the obvious threat while the other causes your heart to pound. Causes a fluttering to erupt from deep within. 
Your pretty boyfriend spins on his heels, placing his hands on his hips and puffing out his chest in a manner that can only be described as the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. His cheeks blown out in much the same way, forcing your brain to think about nothing else other than kissing him.
“Now listen here!” He tuts, admonishing the spider. Somehow, he even seems to make glaring cute. “You better leave my pretty mate alone! This is my territory so unless you wanna mess with me, I suggest you leave.” He huffs, yet can’t hide the playful undertone in his words, only half serious. 
You know he probably isn’t taking you seriously. Can never truly understand your fear of the same arthropod you're dating. And you know the spider probably doesn’t even understand a single thing going on– but at the same time you can’t help the battering of butterflies in your stomach at his words. That he’s going these lengths to make you feel protected and safe. 
“She doesn’t like you around here, and she’s the most important in the world to me. So, if you don’t leave right now and tell all of your friends you're not welcome around here, I'll have no choice but to do it for you.” The spider takes a hesitant step back, suddenly lowering its body closer to the floor, almost as if…
Shit. Maybe he really can talk to spiders. 
“Get out.” And with those final words, the spider quickly turns around and scurries out of the kitchen and into the yard, practically waving a white flag all the way. Your eyes widen in shock, mouth hanging open as your legs drop against the counter walls. Fanning either side of Jimin in his embrace. 
A cute smile is on his lips as he turns around– the cocky, proud kind that you normally roll your eyes at. But this time you can’t help but stare at him in shock, blush dusting your cheeks. Even as he leans closer, planting a gentle kiss against your lips as a reward for himself.
“There.” He smiles, hands coming to rest against your thighs. Any thoughts of dinner completely abandoned. He’ll just order take out once he has you in the nest. “All better.” 
“How– you, you!” You hesitate against the sound of his adorable giggle, his hands pulling you closer to his body. Legs wrapping around his waist on instinct. 
“Mhmm, they won’t come around here anymore. I promise, baby.” He hums, lifting you as if you were nothing more than a stuffed animal clinging against his body. “What do we say when your handsome mate helps you out?” 
Your eyes narrow into a glare at his teasing, but you can’t help wrapping further around him. Pulling him close as he ensnares you further into utter devotion. Becoming your safety net against all things scary in the world. 
“Thank you.” You grumble quietly, a gentle peck against his too-soft lips given as a token of your appreciation in that moment. Stopping yourself before you melt into the feeling of his fangs pressed against your lips. “I appreciate it Min…” 
As you’re finally able to hide your face away in his neck– snuggling against his skin and blocking your vision from any other scary things that might exist in the world, you completely miss the way Jimin tosses a small pile of bugs near the window. The same window that was left open just a crack too wide. The same window that he allowed a spider to crawl inside.
The same spider he may have made a deal with.
He hates when you’re mad at him. Hates it more than anything else when you take away the single thing he craves most– you. So could you really, really blame him for hatching a little plan? One he knew would send you into his arms. Make up for your whole little argument in a second. 
Never, ever wants to be the cause for your fear. But every once and awhile it can serve a purpose, he supposes. Especially when it gets him out of the dog house. Gets you nestled into his web, watching movies for the night. Curled in his embrace, gentle words and soothing hands warming you. 
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brujamala-aka-gigi · 21 hours
a tarot reading just in case you need to remember this: it's okay to be a bitch.
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we all know good vibes, kindness and empathy are amazing traits and etc BUT... there's shitty people who don't deserve that and some of us can't pretend like we are not full of anger. "negative" emotions are just as valid as "positive" ones, they contribute to our growth and our character, and they also keep us same from further harm.
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
pick a pile and let's find out what type of "bitch" behavior can bring something good to your life.
xoxo gigi <3
images from pinterest and dividers by @ithemes 
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plz excuse the shit quality pictures of the cards, i'm working on that but i didn't realize how bad they were until i uploaded them :(
btw I'm doing a poll so you can pick a day when its convenient for you and me to do an ask game on here, answer some questions with my tarots and give away readings from my menu.
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Pile Number One
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Hello there! So, the cards on this reading are mostly “positive” if we take a superficial approach, and ignore the prompt of this reading. What I see here is that, although there’s a sense of brightness, joy and enthusiasm that is typically associated with your identity, there’s a lot of your inner world that it’s not getting any chances to be manifested into your daily life. I think many people assume you are happier than you actually feel, and many people think the joys and blessings of your life came to you out of nowhere, they think you’re naturally successful, when in reality you are quite the hard worker. Nobody likes to be realistic in the struggle to achieve anything, so it's understandable to some extent that people are not seeing the actual strength and patience that it took you to be where you are. 
Personally, I think that sometimes it’s really hard to fight back against misconceptions on how hard do we actually have to work in order to get something, it’s even harder when people don’t allow you to express anger, and belittle any feeling that it’s not as comfortable to be around as your usual “good vibes”. You are the type of person who everyone is too lazy to understand beyond their own romantic ideas of you. Don’t let others dehumanize you like that, you are a person, not a secondary character in someone’s love life, or the sweet innocent sidekick, or the girl next door, or whatever. Embrace everything that makes you complex and misunderstood, as these are the things that will bring you closer to people who are actually interested in your true self. 
But, there’s absolutely nothing wrong if you’re being strategic about who gets to see your most genuine version and who doesn’t. I see a lot of prosperity for you in the future, and you might not be able to appreciate this now, but your career choices will make you quite happy eventually. Take a lot of time to reflect on the people you want to keep around you, trust your intuition and prioritize your mental health, don’t be afraid to communicate your emotions in ways that others might find uncomfortable, in the worst case, by doing this you will find out who actually deserves your time and energy. And please, don’t fall for the first person who shows any kind of romantic interest, this is not a great moment for you to deal with a relationship, as there’s some emotional work to do first. Be persistent with how you take care of yourself, be patient and kind to you in the same way you are with others. 
Pile Number Two
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What I’m seeing a lot on these cards is a lack of closure and proper communication about it. I’m not necessarily talking about a situation that hasn’t been settled yet, but more so about the fact that you are able to perceive things deeper than the average person and whenever you can, you do go ahead and take the actions necessary in order to get things going in the way you know best. You are someone who moves quickly and efficiently, but others who are more dogmatic in their ways are beginning to find issue with this, forcing you to conform to spaces where everyone knows you are too overqualified to be in. 
I don’t think you are someone who is submissive or someone who allows people to walk all over you, but I see that you’re trying to find less conflictive approaches to issues and situations that you are used to solving in more explosive ways. Behaving in a more “diplomatic” or “assertive” way is not exactly what works for you, but at this point it is necessary that you learn to tolerate being put in this position. I don’t see you losing your values or your ideals, not even your personal strength. But I am concerned that you might be doubting yourself with things that are so bonded to your nature that you haven’t even thought twice about so far, and rightly so! You’re lucky that your determination and passionate ways, even when proving an inconvenience to others who don’t get it, has been channeled in such proactive ways. 
At this point, all I can tell you is that whenever you are being forced to remain in stagnation due to self doubt, you shouldn't attribute this to your lack of will to stick to norms and traditions, but more so, this situations happen because people around you need to catch up with what you already saw and processed. This means that many times you will have to choose between waiting or moving on by yourself. Be strategic about this, and always make sure that there are comfortable places for when you need to reflect and relax. Yes, many things have gone right for you by moving impulsively and following your gut, but imagine how much more you could accomplish if you took some time to plan. 
There’s nothing wrong with your creativity thriving in chaotic environments, there’s nothing wrong with being confrontational and hot headed, absolutely nothing bad about being perceived as hot headed and impulsive… just be more mindful on how to channel these parts of yourself. 
Pile Number 3
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Okay, this is a complex set of cards for a complex and sensitive person.  What I'm seeing here is this sort of nostalgia other people have for a version of you that was painful to live for yourself. I think plenty of people were feeling too comfortable with you when you were not on top of your game or working towards your own personal happiness. I feel like you are now beginning to find new ways of questioning and deconstructing ideas and actions that are no longer serving your deeper desires, and you are sharing this with people who are not willing to join you in this path, while also alienating you from your own power to manifest into existence the person you want to become. 
As you are beginning to move away from spaces of comfort that were designed for a weakened version of yourself, you will realize there’s plenty of facades and deceitful half truths. It’s a shame that all you have during this moment is your own emotional intelligence and a well justified sense of hope, nobody should face things like this on their own. But being realistic, solitude is a strength in your case, and you will soon find out that this journey was meant to give you consciousness about the powers and strength, many have tried to hide from you in order for them to keep the spotlight. 
Don’t let others force you into being someone who is only an ornament or a tool for keeping a facade. Even if you are naturally generous, kind, empathetic, and altruistic, it’s not a betrayal of those values to focus on growing outside places that don’t deserve all your sensitivity. This is a moment where you will find plenty of personal characteristics that many have ignored or belittled, cultivate those and nurture your ability to exist on your own terms. You have more control than you think, and far more tools than you imagine. It takes bravery and intellect to take the steps you are taking into finding new ways of being yourself, while also being celebrated and respected. 
Always remember that many times, others will make you believe something crucial to you is a defect, or a disadvantage, but it’s up to you if you’re taking into consideration the thoughts of someone who doesn’t know why you are who you are, and who you are trying to be. (You shouldn't).
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giggly-squiggily · 1 day
*slinks into your inbox like the Grinch to the fridge*
I waited a couple days to try and give other people a chance to request something from you, but since you still have some slots open, how can I not jump in? 🤩
I'm gonna circle back to an oldie for this one if I may! Platonic!KageHina has been on my mind a lot recently and I just LOVE your fics for them so much, friend! Perhaps something a bit more casual? Like just hanging out chatting turns into something? I don't have an exact scenario in mind; I just know you've done some volleyball-related ones for them in the past and thought it could be neat to shake it up a bit. But whatever you wanna do, I trust your writing judgement with my life! Thank you in advance and remember to drink water! 💖
Girl the way I CACKLED! kkarjkaerkjajrkeawjk That opening was amazing! And the prompt EEE! I haven't written for Platonic!Kagehina in awhile, so this was a delight! I've gotcha covered!
CW: swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart @riisada
“Is it good?” Hinata asked, watching as Kageyama took a hesitant sip. A new boba shop opened up recently, something the tiny redhead insisted on going to. “We’ve never had it before! Come on!” Was all he said before practically dragging Kageyama with him.
The brunette sat back, letting the taste settle on his tongue. Then: “Yeah. It’s pretty good.”
“Not much of a reaction.” Hinata laughed, leaning away when the other offered a sip. “No thanks- I don’t like milk.”
“What- what do you think our drinks are made out of?” Kageyama blinked, watching the redhead suck on his bright orange beverage.
“Juice!” He cried with a grin, teeth pumpkins. “It’s way better! Want some?”
“Nah- I don’t like orange juice.”
“Huh.” Hinata hummed, the two sitting side by side sipping on their drinks. Then- “Why not?”
“Too sour. Makes my face hurt.”
“This isn’t sour at all. I got extra sugar in it.”
“You’re gonna be bouncing off the walls. Not that you haven’t been doing that already.”
“Oh please- like you’re so above that.” Hinata snorted, looking at the creamy boba tea Kageyama held. “Is that sweet?”
“Don’t know. Want a sip to find out?”
“No way. Milk’s gross.”
“That’s why you're short.”
“Oi!” Hinata puffed as Kageyama smirked. “I’m not short- you’re just too tall! You’re built like a stalk of celery.”
“Better than being built like a baked bean.” Those were fighting words, but Kageyama didn’t stop himself from saying them. He quickly moved their drinks aside before it could be knocked over, Hinata’s cries of war nearly muffled as he was knocked flat onto the bench they shared.
“Take it back right now!” Hinata demanded, fingers already in action. Kageyama didn’t even get a chance to reply before he was fighting down the giggles rising in his throat. “Take it back, you celery looking jerk! Take it back I say!”
“Ne-nehehever!” He cried out, halfheartedly shoving at the hands pawing at his stomach. “Bahahhaked beahhan b-bohohoke!”
Hinata gasped at the alliteration, clutching his pearls. “You-you-you son of a- that’s it! I’ll show you what this baked bean can do!” Motivated, Hinata put all his energy into tickling the other, grabbing Kageyama’s wrist and pulling it overhead. Once there, he took his other hand and slowly began walking it up his side, pressing in sharply with each step. “Coochie coochie coo! A tickle tickle tickle Tobi-Toe!”
“GAH!” The setter all but yelped at the touch, arching some before dissolving into giggles. “Yoohohohou ahahahahss! Dohohoohn’t- noohohoht the bahahhahaby tahahhaalk! Geahhahahahaha!”
“Yes baby talk! Babies love milk, so that makes you one! A coochie coochie coo!” Hinata made his voice extra sweet- talking like a mother to her newborn as he viciously dug into the center rib along Kageyama’s side. It was a terrible spot- one that nearly sent him flying with how hard the other writhed. “Who’s a ticklish whittle baby? You are! You are!”
“SHUHUHUT UUHUUHP! SHHIHIHIHT! YOHOOHOU AHAHAHASS!” Kageyama cackled, squeezing his eyes shut as he kicked his feet against the bench. Oh how he was gonna destroy this little turd! “MOHOOHOVE SOOHOHOEMWHEHEHERE EHEHEHLSE!”
“Huh? What?” Hinata paused his tickles briefly as he leaned in, a hand to his ear. “Can’t hear you- you’re far too quiet! Wanna try again, whitt-”
His teases were quickly ended when Kageyama flipped the tables- literally. How he managed to keep them on the bench in doing so amazed him, but there was no time to wonder. “Thehehere, you ahahahss! I’hihill show yoohou who’s the bahahaby here!” Kageyama was quick to repeat Hinata’s previous move, grabbing his wrist and going straight for a bad spot. The redhead didn’t stand a chance.
“AHHH!” Hinata shrieked like he was in a horror movie, quickly dissolving into laughter as Kageyama dug into his stomach. “Kahahhahahahhagehhehahahhhaha! Mehahahahhahahaha nooohohoht my behehehehlly! Geahahhahaha pleahhahahahhse!”
“Hmm, no. You get what you get.” The setter snickered, an idea coming to mind as he shoved up Hintatas shirt. “Don’t think I forgot your little comment earlier, Boke. Tobi-toe, huh?”
“Yeahhahahah cahahhsue youohohu lohoohohook like a tohoohohie-EHEHEHEHEH!” Hinata arched with a loud squeal as Kageyama dragged his finger against warm skin, drawing out a tic tac toe grid. “Wahahhait wahahhaait whahahhahat?”
“X’s or O’s?” Kageyama asked, tapping the center “square” rapidly as Hinata struggled to think. “Pick before I decide for you.”
“Eheheheheh! Fihihihine, fihihiihne Oohohohohs!” Hinata cried, giggling harder as Kageyama scratched out an “x” on the center square. “Nohohohoo fahahahir, I shoohoohuld get to gohohoho first!”
“Too bad. Where do you want your “O”?”
“Ehehahhahah! Gehahahhaha- uuhuhuuhper mihihihidle-EHEH!” Hinata kicked as an “O” was drawn. One after the other- x’s and o’s were “sketched” into his stomach, leaving him a squealing, shrieking mess. Eventually leading to…
“Damn, a drawl.” Kageyama hummed- drawing out a massive “C” across the entire graph. Hinata was near silent with mirth, wheezing against the crook of his trapped arm as he gasped for air. Seeing this, Kageyama stopped his tickles- waiting patiently for the tiny jumper to catch his breath. “Want me to stop?”
“Hehe..hehehe..” The ginger giggled. He whispered something- so quiet Kageyama couldn’t quite hear him. With his free hand, he gestured him closer.
“I said…” Hinata began, only to quickly grab at Kageyama’s side. “Take that!” The setter yelped and collapsed against him, cackling the entire time. Soon their controlled tickle fight turned into an all out brawl- their hands poking and grappling at each other's tickle spots as their laughter filled the area all around. Eventually, everything came to an end when they rolled off the bench.
To their amazement post the tickle fight- they somehow avoided their drinks. Small victories.
“Heh..hehehe..whhohooho one?” Hinata giggled out, haphazardly flopping into Kageyama’s side as he gasped for air. Kageyama wasn’t any better, leaning back into him as he wiped mirthful tears away from his eyes.
“Hell..I dooohohn’t know. Truhuuhce?” He asked, humming as Hinata nodded. Reaching out, he blindly reached out for his drink, bringing it to his lips.
“Mm!” He yelped when his tongue was assaulted by citrus. He grabbed the wrong one. “Oh….oh.” He took another sip, nodding. “You know…that’s not bad.”
Hinata blinked, then he reached across the other- grabbing the milk tea. After a few sips, he nodded. “You know….I still hate milk.”
Kageyama sputtered so hard it came out his nose. Hinata cackled, falling on his back as he laughed and laughed- Kageyama practically in tears once more against him as he did the same.
Thanks for reading!
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jenosbliss · 2 days
How are you doing today?
I wanted to request for the 100 followers celebration if that's still open?
So if it's possible, can you do a FWB chenle with 11,13 and 15
Angst with a possible happy ending?
Thank you sm!!
Hope you have an amazing day! 🫶🏻
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pairing. fem!reader x fwb!chenle | genre. suggestive, angst | wc. 1.2k | warnings. mdni, reader is toxic and manipulative
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Chenle wasn't a liar. He believed in white lies and the omission of words rather than outright lying. He despised liars and couldn't stand pathological liars or manipulators, but call it fate or irony that the biggest manipulator and liar he ever met was you, his everything.
He lied when Jeno asked if something was wrong. He betrayed himself when he replied, "No, I'm good." The way he gripped that red plastic cup so tight that his knuckles turned white, his lips quivering with anger, face slightly red not due to the alcohol but because of the rage he felt, eyes darkened staring at you, jaw tightened gave him out.
Jeno knew he wasn't good but didn't press on the topic further as he figured out the reason for his discomfort... you. It was the way you were being a little too cozy with Sungchan in the corner of the room, Sungchan's lips leaving kisses along your neck, and how you smiled and laughed at his worst pick-up lines, relishing in his touch.
The whole universe knew about Chenle's crush on you. Anyone would, with the way he looked at you longingly, and not to mention the times he had already confessed his feelings for you, only to be rejected twice. But did that stop him from loving you? No.
Sungchan was just a phase, just like Jisung or Eunseok. You were with a different man every month, but the only constant man was Chenle, by your side as long as you could remember. This made him never give up his feelings for you, hoping that maybe one day you could see him the way he sees you.
Your relationships with all these guys didn't last long, not because of Chenle's presence hindering your love life but because you got bored of them. Sticking to one person wasn't enough; you needed a new partner once the honeymoon phase was over.
But the only person you never got bored of was Chenle. You would seek comfort and solace in him after every breakup or sometimes to satisfy your burning desires when your current boyfriend couldn't. And sometimes it was him who would reach out, when his jealousy got the best of him, like today.
"Lele, what are you doing?" you whispered, trying to get out of his arms around your waist. "What do you think?" he murmured, his lips leaving a trail of wet kisses on your neck, just over where Sungchan's lips had been, as if erasing his scent and replacing it with his own.
He had pulled you into this secluded hallway when you excused yourself to use the restroom. The moment he saw you getting out of Sungchan's arms, he took the opportunity to get you in his, reminding you whose touch was capable of making you feel ecstatic.
"Anyone can walk in on us here," you protested. His grip on your waist tightened as he slowly moved your hair aside and kissed the back of your neck, mumbling, "So? It'll get exciting." You felt his smirk against your skin. "We could get caught!" The sternness in your voice made him pull you flush against his chest as he whispered above your ear, "Then they'll know who's better."
Everyone knew about Chenle's feelings for you, but no one was aware of this friends-with-benefits relationship. People spoke of it with skepticism, while sitting on the cafeteria table, along the lines of "Rumor has it Chenle and Y/N are fooling around. Isn't she dating Sungchan? Nah, she's with Eunseok. Dude she's with a new man every week."
"What if Sungchan sees us?" he sucked in a sharp breath before muttering, "I don't care. He doesn't matter." You sighed, knowing this conversation wasn't ending the way you wanted. "He's my boyfriend, Lele. He might break up with me." His left arm remained around your waist while his right hand moved along your sides, sliding up slowly under your dress.
"None of that matters now." He nibbled on your ear, letting out a chuckle. "Not everything is a joke, Chenle." Having enough of your fake protests, he pushed you inside the room down the hallway, pinning you against the wall."Don't act like you're not turned on by my touch or don't get off secretly to my thoughts of how good I fuck you."
His fingers gently pressed into your cheeks as he grabbed your chin to meet your gaze. Without hesitation, he leaned in to kiss you deeply and passionately.
He pressed his body against yours, his hands running over your curves as he bit your bottom lip slightly, seeking entrance. You let out a small gasp when you felt his fingers sliding up your dress and tugging at the waistband of your underwear. He deepened the kiss the moment you gasped, his tongue exploring the softness of your mouth, his desire for you growing with each passing second.
"If Sungchan catches us, it'll be over between us," you managed to speak when he broke the kiss only to trail his lips along your jawline to your neck, sucking and nibbling there. "I'm here for you. Come to me like you always do," he mumbled against your skin, slowly removing the strap of your dress, exposing your shoulder. "You promised me, Chenle, what we do will not harm my relationship with others," you moaned when he bit down on your neck, then licked over it as if to soothe the pain. "Don't worry, he won't notice."
It felt like you were losing control over him, as if he decided to take authority over you, and this was something you couldn't let happen. Placing your hands on his cheeks, you made him look at you. "Why are you doing this? Did I do something wrong?" you asked gently, kissing him softly on the corner of his lips.
As if on cue, his demeanor changed and his grip on you loosened a bit. He held your hands, which were on his cheeks, and rested his forehead on yours, saying, "No, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just..." He pulled back to look at you with yearning and passion as he continued, "All I want is for you to look at me the way you look at them."
Your fingers gently weaved through his hair as you pulled him in for a hug. He was quick to hug you back, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, arms encircling your waist. "They can never have what you do, baby. They'll never have me screaming their name while they pleasure me. Only you have seen me that vulnerable. Never compare yourself with them."
A voice in Chenle's mind warned him about your lies, but he was so much in love with you that he ignored everything that told him to resist your manipulations. "I'll text Sungchan that I was feeling unwell, so I left with you, okay? While you take me here on this very bed... all yours, Chenle," you whispered before kissing him again.
By letting him have you there and giving in to his desires, you once again made sure Chenle was nothing but a pawn you could use anytime you wished. You ensured Chenle wouldn't try to assert his dominance over you again and ruin your current relationship with Sungchan, and that his ego wasn't hurt. You made sure Chenle would never leave you and would always be there for you.
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masterlist. nct dream | nct 127 | wayv
100 follower event 🌷
a/n. I’m really sorry for not giving it a happy ending 😭
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artisplatters · 3 days
Spoilers ahead, go watch the vid if you havent already
Also I'm writing this as I'm watching it so don't mind any inconsistancies too badly
Episode 1: Spirit of the Cabin
So right off the bat we have confirmation that the ingredients Ran was being made to cook (and Charlie being made to eat) are actually various organs and flesh bits.
Actually, maybe this was already confirmed but I don't remember there being flash-backs in the original, but then again i only learned how to move frame-by-frame recently (like... today)
And then that explains Charlie's hesitance in eating the dish! He's still under mind control but its some crazy cool resistance that he was able to put it off as long as he did.
And when Ran's mask is flashing we now can hear soundbits from later on in the experiments, from whenever he's not under control, an audio testament that they've been through this multiple times like a loop. Which yeah, we already were told that when the mask lights its because he's receiving memories again, but we (or at least, I) didn't know the memories were of the exact events shown in the episodes.
My only question at the moment in regard to that is that, everyone killed was definitely, irl, actually for-real killed (in universe), so how are they brought back to do it again? Clones? Future resuscitation tech?Are they just conscious corpses being puppeted around like some sorta sick marionette show?
And Sneeg, oh Sneeg, the way he was made to stand so rigidly while Ran was asleep, couldn't even move or sit, just looking around frantically. I wonder if he was made to feel like it had actually been 8 hours. I wouldn't put it past Showfall Media.
Episode 2: The Mastermind of the Warehouse
So, it seems like they cut out the Mastermind's little bit of a freakout when he gave Ran "a little bit of juice" that almost killed them, they also made it look like Ran's recovery from it was much quicker. Makes me curious, but I guess they don't want any of the audience thinking the "villain" is just as scared and unwilling as the heroes yet.
Though with how blunt they are with the other murderous torturous stuff, I'm surprised thats one of the things they chose to cover up.
Speaking of which, the surgery section.
God, the surgery section.
Also sped through a bit, understandably, but that cut away to the security camera where he's just screaming in agony.
It hits way harder like that oh my god. Oh my fucking god.
Charlie is an absolutely insane actor.
Onto the Carousel! Which, by the way, the animation blips have been so fun and they are so well done, amazing work on the animation team's part.
You see him freak out at remembering but him trying to keep his composure, UGH such good acting. And him saying he needed to go to the bathroom so he can try to escape, still can't believe that almost worked.
But when they catch him with the mask? So much fucking creepier somehow. Everything went dead silent and froze, and even though his body is compliant you can see the anger and fear in his mind. Also felt like that lasted longer than before.
And then how everyone just snaps back and gets into "acting" again, also super fucking creepy. Insanely well executed.
now, skipping forward to after Nikki's death, when Ran goes through the door after the Mastermind... FACTORY RESET? It says factory reset? How far back does that take Ran? They seem to still remember what they had been through so what exactly is it resetting?
I dont remember the slimetowel segment at all, I feel like it was added. Though that would be the nature of generation loss, not being able to tell what was added and taken away.
Episode 3: The Choice
Oh boy here we are again
The transition being in the style of one of those "classified document" videos is a great touch, cuz it does go "off-script" here supposedly, though we all know thats not the actual case.
Ran trying to talk to the camera people still breaks my heart, they're not in control all they can do is film.
Also, can't believe I ever thought Hetch was a good guy after hearing "You aren't supposed to leave yet" and then the blatant lie that everyone is still alive. Like I never trusted him to begin with but he seemed about as trustworthy as everyone else thats under control.
The way Hetch talks about the company makes it sound like its some sort of eldritch entity, rather than a business conglomerate. And who's to say it isn't, with how it's "repurposed" and "recycled" literal human beings, turning them into brainless automatons. Also the cut to Charlie's stream startled me lol.
Aw man, the music/heartbeat/ringing drowning out Charlie's voice after they find Hetch and get the map. Incredible way of showing Ran's mental shock.
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Still hurts
The change I've noticed here is that we start zoomed in on Ran's face, whereas I think before we could see the whole scene from the start, Hetch, all of it.
And WOAH, the flashes of the photos before the announcement? Are those all photos of them when they were kids? thats such an amazingly disturbing detail.
Another disturbing detail, the zoom-in and silence following the box closing, showing all the blood pouring out. Horrifying. Not even any music or anything while the credits roll. Really lets the audience sit in what just happened.
The Therapy Sequence
I'm calling it the Therapy Sequence based on how the dialogue sounds, though it very much could be psychology or something else.
This Ms. Roads Character is new, I believe
She's been having "vivid, scary dreams" and says to call her Zero, which ha ha pun but also kinda sad. Zero Roads is a kind of hopeless sounding name.
And then, in the unlisted vid, its the Founder giving us the tape of the social experiments.
"Its your experiments now"
I hope people who are able to afford to buy the tapes will share it's contents with the rest of the community. "Communication is Key" and yada yada.
I have no doubts that there's more secrets to be found within.
Final Notes
I'm so fucking proud of Ranboo, oh my god
This story that they're weaving continues to amaze and inspire me, its so incredible that he's gotten to create this.
I'm so excited for what happens next.
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whatimdoing-here · 5 months
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pardonmydelays · 5 months
Here’s what photosets you did so far:
• Denim Shirt
• Plaid Flannel Shirt
• White T-Shirt / V-neck
• Tank Top
• Shirtless
• Hands
• DILF vibes
• Dark and Broody
• Arms
• Dogs
• Hat Backwards
• Glasses
Did I miss anything? I have another request, but I’ll send it separately. 🙂
anon, i am impressed! thank you so much for keeping up with my shitty content, i appreciate it!
even i don't remember all of them, but you know what, it's 1am here & i am really bored so i'm gonna find them all & drop the links, so it's easier to find them in the future (not that anyone needs it but like i said, i am REALLY bored).
denim shirt
plaid flannel shirt/white t-shirt
tank top/shirtless
dilf vibes
dark & broody
dogs (...and peggy cats)
hat backwards
happy lin
messy hair
the tongue
dancing lin
hair hair hair
sleeping lin
also some random gifs: here & there, also here
...more to come!
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foxgirlmoth · 5 months
I wish strong feelings and emotions had a better way to feel like they translate to physical space. For me, personally, I get that shit cranked to 11 and if I can't get that shit out there and verbalized or shown it ends up making me cry. Fear about loss and change and thinking 30 years into the future? Cry. Have so much love in your body at once and can't let enough of it get shown to those who matter to you? Cry a whole lot. I used to put it towards art and especially personal poems or made up song lyrics or something but idk. I can't be staying up sobbing at 4 am due to random thoughts. Its always when I feel like I'm doing my best that this happens, idk if its just processing everything.
I know my emotional regulation skills aren't the best and I often go from a thousand yard stare to crying or a laughing fit or something. I don't want to be like this really, and often times this does happen when I think about loved ones a lot when I'm alone and I just end up wishing I was around someone I can feel loved by and love so much. Maybe I just want to be anywhere besides this 'home' where I know I'm actively seen as a nuisance and treated as a lesser person.
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the-halfling-prince · 9 months
Designed a dress I want to make heavily inspired by Merida from brave and then I decided to draw it on Merida.
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The original sketch:
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#I've been big on costume design ever since sophomore year when I was on our play's costume team and I like to think I'm good at it#In 11th grade I got a superior at districts competition for costume design so#Unfortunately I didn't get to do it again in 12th grade#I think my into the woods antebellum Red riding Hood and my regency Rapunzel would have gotten high scores but whatevs#Oh yeah! I also gave her archery gloves. I wish I had archery gloves it would save my hands so much pain#I have money I should get some#This had got to be one of my only dress designs without a million pounds of tulle#I like tulle heavy dresses lol#Like my Cinderella from into the woods design. Or my Juliet and Clara dresses (I admit I do name the dresses I design with people names#I know a lot of people do that and I think it's better than saying 'oh that one pink dress' like babes which one#I still need to properly draw my tinkerbell dior dress design#Basically the skirt is just like that one door dress. The one that looks like it's got flower petals. But it's green#And also very tulle heavy#For this dress I was trying to figure out a way to incorporate tartan in the design and as I was looking online for teal velvet fabric I#remembered how hard it is to find that exact shade of fabric (my dad made me a merida dress when I was little and it took forever for him t#find the exact shade) and then I realized I could just use blue and green tartan (which is way easier to find they've got plenty at Joann's#And I'm pretty sure my dad already has some I could use) instead!#I want to get a few simpler sewing projects under my belt before I attempt this#But my mum suggested I make a matching dress for my dolls and like. Literally amazing idea.#I've got a tunic I need to make for a convention so that's how I'm gonna start. Like the most I've done on a sewing machine is hem so yeah#we're starting small#I design dresses all the time so I really need to learn to sew so I can make them#And this is my motivation I NEED this dress#Anyway#my posts#my art#pixar brave#I once said my favorite Disney princess was Merida and my friend said 'yeah that's what I figured' like??? Is it obvious?#anyway moving on
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franeridan · 7 months
there's a certain kind of lost-in-translation feel when talking op ships between manga-onlys and anime-onlys that should seriously not be underestimated, I think
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britishchick09 · 2 months
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@cestlefantome has the rewrite!!! :D
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
i was just reading through your intro in ur bio and: what piercings do you have?? do you plan on getting more??
I have been activated like a sleeper agent.......
I have a lot of ear piercings I did myself (I don't recommend it. My ear is torn a little now because of it, which is actually kind of cool), but I've never been really into ear piercings. I wouldn't be opposed to something like a triple/double helix piercing, but I'm not broken over not having it.
I mostly have and want facial piercings! I have snakebites, a nose piercing, and a philtrum. I really wanted a bridge piercing, but my piercer vetoed that (which I'm actually glad she did!). I've been thinking about something like a labret hoop, but I already have so many oral piercings, and I don't want to over-crowd my mouth :/
My next goal is a double nose piercing on the other side of my nose. I really love asymmetrical piercings, and I like how double nose piercings look. I've also thought about a cheekbone dermal piercing........
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einaudis · 6 months
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