#and Monty is also kinda shitty
guppyscolita · 6 months
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Toxic yaoi
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bookholichany · 4 months
Maybe 'm reading too much into it but, to me at least, it seemed like Charles found it easier to open up to Crystal and he did it less as they got closer. And also the way he kept some stuff from Edwin, as Edwin kept some stuff from him but shared them with Niko or even Monty or the cat king in the end. I kinda feel like one of the reasons he needed Charles to know he was in love with him before they left hell was because if Charles had reacted poorly Edwin wouldn't bother to leave hell. Like Charles's reaction at that moment was the thing that he would make that decision based on. And I actually find this so relatable, because as a person I find it easier to discuss my issues with random people on the internet or the people who I know won't be there for ever than the people I truly care about. Because it's their reaction that matters. Because sometimes I see people saying why Charles said Edwin was the most important person to him and yet he kept so much from him, and I think that's why. (And same goes for Edwin) because Edwin's reactions mattered the most. And they both had shitty experiences with friendship. Specially Charles. It's not about trust. It's about that nagging fear of abandonment that comes from years of trauma. That if you say too much, push too hard the one person you care about would leave too.
Like " I love you the most and that's why I don't want to do sth to make you leave" situation.
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skotchtapeowner · 1 year
Ok frens, I have some thoughts regarding episode 77 (latest free ep) so obvious spoilers ahead
Also, this isint me hopping on the Annabel hate train, I love her to the end of time, and I want to see her character be as morally grey as possible because that’s what makes her that much more compelling;
So a lot of people think that the wallening happened because Monty Will and Ada originally wanted to put Lenore in the wall first, but then Annabel stepped in and volunteered Duke (it coudnt have been anyone else) instead to protect Lenore. That in itself is very interesting but what I would find way more intriguing is if it really was Annabel’s plan all along…
Putting lenore in a wall benefits no one, monty likes toying with her and torturing her, so getting rid of her this early on would kinda ruin his fun, I still feel like deep down, ada still really likes lenore and the Annabel wouldn’t volunteer her for obvious reasons.
So then why put duke in the wall in the first place? Well as shitty as it sounds, duke disappearance benefits Monty and Annabel the most, Monty gets his room to himself and gets to get rid of Lenore right hand man, essentially being a way to torment Lenore, and Annabel gets to get rid of Lenore’s main distraction, since Lenore is messing up Annabel’s plan to protect her friends (she could also be a lil jealous of duke getting all her attention as well)
I also find the crime to be wayyyy too specific and complexe for it to have been purely Monty will and Adas idea, Annabel is a strategist after all, and it’s kinda the perfect plan to get rid of someone in these circumstances. If duke dies, he’s in a fuckin wall with no chance to escape, and dying in Nevermore means you get orbed. Assuming your orbed soul spawns where your body was when you died, dukes orb would be stuck in the wall with no way out and no way to be found. It’s litteraly impossible to find duke. If Annabel didint have anything to do with the original plan, I think Monty and co woudve just killed him and buried him somewhere, but that woudve left a trail that could be easily traced, and hi orb could’ve been free.
The question remains, are we really gonna hate Annabel for doing what she thinks is best to save her lover? She said it herself that she sees everyone around her as pieces to her game, so this isint a deceiving move on her part, at least for us the readers. And again, this all happened before the widows watch, so Annabel didint know yet just how far Lenore would go for her friends, if she knew this information before then she might not have done what she did. And of course the method at which dukes dissappearance is mega cruel, but we can’t forget that Monty is also a there and clearly had an influence on how he wanted things to happen.
Annabel being the one behind it all is ti me the most plausible and the most interesting story line, for the angst the drama and eventually the reconciliation (lennabel are endgame after all so them getting back together is inevitable).
No hate to this theory but if annabel was just protecting Lenore, and volunteered duke in her place, I find that it’s kinda a cop out, if you’re gonna make her villainous, might as well go all out right?
We also can’t forget that this is a one for all hunger games style story, people are going to be trying to kill each other left and right since there’s only one life, and we shouldn’t expect everyone to be all friendship first or whatever.
To me, morally grey/ corrupted characters are waaayyy more interesting m, and that’s litteraly the nature of Annabel’s character, just how far would she go to get her and Lenore out of nevermore? This series dosent pull any punches when it comes to morality, and that’s why I love it so so so so much, it’s brilliant story telling!
And then personally for me, my two favorite characters are Annabel and duke so this whole scenario is ripping me apart and I love it ✨
(Also, i wouldn’t be mad at all if I’m wrong and she did in fact do a wall swap, both possibilities are interesting!)
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Like now that I think about it, why IS puppet so awkward with Jack calling her mother now? She literally adopted him! She introduced him to the Freddy’s as a step sibling! Why is she now feeling awkward about it? What changed? Sure she didn’t disown him as the title implied but it’s still kinda shitty to tell Jack that earth and Monty are also his parents now, especially without telling them!
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Just wanna say that I despise Cyprus as a person. If he started stalking me I’d change jobs and countries and get a restraining order against him. I hate you for making him (I’m kidding) and I hate that I read his story even though I can’t stand him. He gets worse and worse the more I learn. This transphobe can catch these hands.
Oh yea this dirtbag absolutely can catch your hands, he is a boxer and a terrifying one that is. I created him to be someone who talks big and has the fighting credentials to match it 🔥
THere must be an anti Yves and Blanche, hence Cyprus is created 💔like yin and yang, they balance each other outs
naw im just kidding i actually made Cyprus because i was kinda craving for some clout at the time, but my soft yanderes that i like writing about kept flopping and i couldn't get as much notes as i did when i reached my peak in like 2022 ish,
so i tried another approach: literally, trend hopping,, Cyprus is a literal trend and a tiktok thirst trap genre
so cyprus is actually an amalgamation of like common Yandere traits that blew up in tumblr, like what seem to make a yan 'smexy' and super desirable, like a sexual predator but hot and mean. I fr didn't like this mans and it was damn hard not to make him 100% an unlikable edgelord but i try to get that balance, to push myself out of my comfort zone in writing
and it did worked, the proof is that now in this new generation of CKB ocs, Cyprus is my most popular oc and there are a lot of yalls simping for him in my asks like slobbering on his knob type
so i decided to fuck with him and like curse him with really crappy traits like homophobia and transphobia, ykno to try and direct traffic to Yves and his Yandere line (blanche, Leveret, Monty)
but also to see if i can tread the line of making him as divisive as possible, like yea a vocal lot of yall hate him for being a shitty man now, but i KNOW there are a good handful of you guys who still would slob on his knob, i monitor my asks 🫣🫣and i seem to summon a bunch of "i can fix him" readers too
but i remember about this one anon who said "cyprus is the type of man we all love in theory but avoid so hard irl thats why we dickride him on this blog so bad , escapism go brr" and i guess that's pretty much why he's so popular and even if i make him so crappy, there are still people who would beat on his meat
but anyways moral of the story, STAN YVES INSTEAD
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femme-enby · 4 months
Do not attack me, but I have a fanfic update-
So, after waking up after a shift & having another one tonight, I realized a few things…
1) I really miss my seasonal haunt job
2) I really miss spooky season
3) since I’ve never before in my life written a fanfic, or any type of writing that included conversation aside from quotes in essays, I might be better off writing possibly the most self-indulgent BS ever as practice (NOT instead of!!!)
Plus it would give any feral readers some advice, as much like myself, some of y’all are probably decent at analyzing other’s writing. Even if you’re not tho or don’t think you are, when I finally (probably within the week) start posting chapters, I welcome all advice! Just… please, remember I’ve NEVER done this before, so it’s probably gonna be a little bit all over the place and kinda rough.
I’ve kinda already started…?
Summary- you want a seasonal job, (subject to change, considering Fazbear DID try to make a whole haunt attraction with no indication that THAT was seasonal… or maybe I will simply ignore the fact that time is a thing that passes. Who knows.) so after moving you apply at the local haunt. Shenanigans, shitty customers, some animatronics are there, notably two jesters. What could go wrong? (Probably not much, this is for me to indulge & my indulgences are very relaxed)
Similar to the last offering- we will be wooing the jesters, some friends to lovers perchance (we completely ignore the general advice to never date a fellow haunt actor, which exists bc at heart even if not in reality almost all haunt actors are theater kids and that leads to drama) aaaand idk.
I just wanna be a haunt actor rn instead of my typical job, and I DESPERATELY need practice before I dive into a more proper, structured fanfic.
This is gonna be cringe. It’s gonna be goofy. It’s gonna be wordy bc I need practice on… NOT, being INCREDIBLY over explanatory. It’s not that I think my readers are dumb, it’s that I got that tism in me and I over analyze and over explain EVERYTHING.
But!!! If you’ve ever been curious about how being a haunt actor works, what it’s like, etc. then you’ll know how it works (at least from my experience) intimately well.
That being said…
I’ll be doing some research on other haunts for more location ideas, bc while Sun & Moon are pretty easy (EVERYWHERE has clowns. Can’t have a haunt without clowns) the others might give me some trouble… but I also REALLY want to include them, not just bc they’re awesome but also bc it would be good practice for my other fanfic, so I can get a general idea on how I want to write them…
I know my haunt had a more “country” attraction, and Monty’s backstory seemed to portray him as more of a rural gator… but idk. Maybe the difference from his attraction vs his true/current personality is workable tho.
My haunt also had a… food focused, of sorts… attraction, where ofc it would be easy to put Chica…
But WTF do I do with Roxy? Or Freddy???
That will be a problem for another day.
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asteria7fics · 7 months
Can we have some of your personal style headcanons?
Why yes, dear anon, you absolutely can!
I'll only share SFW ones here, but if you're interested in NSFW ones please let me know d(・∀・○)
This also contains some mild spoilers for the fic I'm currently working on - NOT The Song of Broflovski. If you'd rather go into that totally blind, then maybe skip this answer. Otherwise, read on!
Alright, so let's start from the beginning. I personally write Kyle as figuring out his feelings first, while Stan acts on them first. Neither one is stoked on the idea of coming out (Stan for Randy-trauma related reasons, Kyle for Cartman-trauma related ones) so they don't publicly come out/start actually dating until late high school when they know they're about to skip town and move away to college.
That doesn't stop them from messing around of course, but I'll save that info for a NSFW drop. (¬‿¬)
I also really like the idea of their relationship not changing massively even after they've become an official couple. They still fight, they still do a lot of the same activities together, and they never really adopt any pet names outside of still calling one another 'dude' all the damn time. Just two straight dudes in love, honestly.
Kyle is Stan's #1 defender, and will go to war with douchebags in the comments of Stan's social media posts (hard headcanon him as still being a musician/leaning really hard into his passion for music. Crimson Dawn is definitely still a thing in the Asteriaverse). You dare to talk shit about Stanley Marsh on the internet?? In front of God and everyone?? Baby you're getting doxed. Bye.
He also just unironically loves the music Stan makes, with Crimson Dawn and otherwise. Like, shitty phone recording from a performance as his ringtone kinda love. I think Kyle would have pretty eclectic music taste in general, but I like the idea of them bonding over the kind of stuff Stan would want to make.
I like to think Stan is more of a bad/freeing influence on Kyle. My Kyle has a little bit of a stick up his ass, especially as he gets older and there's more pressure on him to excel in school. Stan really becomes the person that wraps him up in a blanket after a long day of studying, passes him a drink and puts on Monty Python so they both can just relax and have fun together.
And they're absolutely the guys at the party standing in the corner by the drinks, cracking jokes to one another while they watch everyone else make complete asses of themselves. Just in their own little world, until they get properly drunk and end up making out in a bathroom or some shit. Just messy bitches.
They simultaneously communicate extremely well and absolutely horribly. They have the kind of connection where one look says it all, but when it comes down to deeper issues and arguments they're both trash at communicating their feelings. Kyle gets too heated and just starts RANTING while Stan can barely articulate a singular feeling. Eventually Stan figures out that he kinda just has to let Kyle get his shit off his chest and eventually he'll calm down enough to help Stan sort out his feelings too, but those first couple years? Rough haha no smooth sailing for my boys I'm afraid.
Alright, I'm gonna stop here because I could probably sit here and talk about these losers all day. These are pretty surface level, both because I don't want to spoil too much and because I'm always forming new headcanons for them! Really specific ones usually come to me in the moment while I'm writing, so I'll definitely come up with more before this next project is finished!
Thank you very much for the ask!! ( ´⌣`ʃƪ)
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puhpandas · 8 months
Honestly you've probably gotten this ask or something similar before, but I offer you my Beckory crumbs anyway. Don't feel the need to post this or anything, I just wanted to rattle this off somewhere lol.
Lately I've been bouncing a concept around in my brain where Tony and Gregory are both controlled by Afton, which leaves Ellis and Monty as the heroes of the adjacent Security Breach.
Maybe instead of Tony presumably dying or at the very least getting attacked at the ending of GGY by Gregory, he's instead pulled into the same mind control and the two end up as partners in crime. Both boys subsequently go missing instead of continuing their daily lives, prompting Ellis to go searching for his best friends in the last place anyone had seen them at. There, he meets a decommissioned Monty Gator who, due to not being on because of Glamrock Bonnie's very abrupt (and painful) return to the spotlight, is the only one not controlled by the virus. They navigate through the Pizzaplex together similarly to how Gregory and Glamrock Freddy do in the game, which according to Monty has pretty much been flipped upside-down.
I wanna say Tony reappears pretty quickly, like a stand-in for Vanessa, but leaning more into the "deceptively kind" aspect, as he tries to trick Ellis into walking right into his death. Likewise Gregory, or GGY/Dr. Rabbit is the replacement for Vanny, and actively pursues Ellis with clear intentions. From there it's up to Ellis to either try and find a way to free his friends from their curse, or to end them, or even escape altogether without looking back. There's presumably a whole confrontation between Monty and Bonnie, Dr. Rabbit takes Freddy's head after they manage to decommission his body, Ellis does lots of reflecting through the course of the events on how he kinda acted shitty towards Tony and regrets letting him dig so deeply into things on his own to where he ended up like this.
Also had the thought on the topic of Tony and Gregory working as a sort of double "Vanessa/Vanny" unit respectively, Tony's costume would be a bear to play into the parallels between Fronnie and Beckory. Maybe Vanessa replaces Cassie, or hell, maybe even Crystal, Luis or Cassie's dad. Not sure, it's just my excuse to have an AU where Beckory are evil boyfriends and are shadowed by their equally as evil gay robotic parental figures. Is it cliché? Yeah, absolutely, but them both being mentally brainwashed and still simultaneously being able to finally navigate their feelings for one another is a really tasty concept to me.
AGH YES I've thought about a glitchtrapped tony au where he and Gregory are under the virus at the same time and have to deal with that and have little moments where they're free together and are able to be miserable and scared as themselves. of course Tony's name would be Tarbell. I've never done much with that au but man... this is making me think more about glitchtrapped tony
ellis protag with a monty plot with bonnie is so interesting and it gives screentime to everyone and everything. in my au I had Gregory accidentally free himself and then in sb he would want to free both tony and vanny who are working together against him but seeing glitchtrapped beckory in action next to eachother is a great idea
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c4rl4-k1nn13 · 4 months
Okay so this is just random stuff abt kindergarten like hcs, opinions, theories, etc!!
Head canons
-Yes, those are pennys robot legs that monty is wearing, i think he found her, rebuilt her, stole her legs and then left her at kidds house
-protagonists name is kidd with 2 d's, no its not "adam" you basic ahh, its kidd bro!!
-Nugget is neuro divergent, this isnt rlly a hc just a general fact about him tbh
-Cindy got the breathalyser from her dads car.
-Literally all the characters except from Ozzy, maybe Jerome, Lily and billy come from shitty homes.
-Carla has some issues relating to pushing people away and being unable to register her emotions with fucks up half her friendships.
List of family hcs
-Kidd and Nugget have no parents
-Lily and Billys parents are super nice
-Cindys dad was an alcoholic and fought with her mom before they got divorced (kinda canon)
-Jeromes dad is dead (obviously) and his mom is lowkey alright
-Buggs dad either got the milk (canon) or went to prison, but his mom neglects/ignores him
-Monty lives with his grandma bec his parents were just obsessed with work or substances (how he got the stuff to sell) and was "given" to his grandma
-Pennys mom is obviously dead, i dont think she has a dad but rn shes probably sat at kidds house with missing legs (monty give them back to the android girl rn.)
-Carla has no mom, but she has a really cool older sister and like 3 brothers and her dad only cares about her brothers so she just gets along with her sister really well and sees her as a mom
-Ozzys parents are 100% helicopter parents and watch his every move and take him to the hospital 50 times a day
-Ted and Felix's parents are business owners and are rich (canon) but tend to prioritize Felix over Ted, also their business 100% is involved with drugs (felix has some in his cubby)
-"Why do you hate ozzy"
A) i hate gingers (monty is an exception)
B) Fuck you ozzy (Im literally dr danner trust)
-Cindy, Monty, Nugget, and other characters will always be there, cindy as the clingy ex, monty so you can buy stuff, nugget because hes nugget, and other characters so your not lonely
-SHES BACK, MY FAVOURITE GIRLS ARE BACK!! CARLA AND CINDY, FUCK YES!?!?!?!?!?!?! (Carla better have a mission istg)
-so is that ted or felix.
-I think that the other kids were just home schooled/kindergartened or sent to another one (L Carla, monty, kidd, nugget, cindy, and felix/teds parents bro, take better care of them smh!
Opinions on characters?
Rating in order (favourite to least favourite)
-Fucking Ozzy. Fuck you ozzy.
Uhh so thats it, also the ships i ship are;
-Monty x Carla (OPT)
-Penny x Carla (multishipper core)
-Lily x Nugget (THE OG!!)
-Cindy x Felix (they hate yet like like eachother)
-Me x Miss applegate (its canon trust)
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knockoff-conlon · 1 year
Fleamont potter is a retired cop. And that means he knows when people are bad news. And those two new kids James keeps having over- they're bad news.
James is usually an excellent judge of character. All his other friends are nice, respectful, and very polite-looking. But they all have shitty families so Fleamont practically adopted him on the spot. Which means he's protective of all of them.
But Marlene and Remus? They're different, they're off. Both having tattooed arms and piercings, silver chains around their necks, combat boots. They just look so different from all James' friends and he doesn't like it for them.
But James wants to have all his friends over. All of them including Marlene and Remus. They all sit in the living room together and Fleamont keeps an eye on them. He's got an itch, letting the two of them be around everyone else. But nobody else seems to notice anything, quite the opposite. Regulus literally hides between the two giants, smiling unusually big at them. Fleamont really doesn't like it. The group starts watching movies together and some of them go outside to fuck around. All of them are allowed to run rampant until he realizes Remus is missing. "Hey, Regulus, do you know where Remus went?"
"Outside, I think," he replies quietly. Fleamont turns around and heads outside, looking for Remus.
And he finds him.
With his tongue jammed down James' throat.
James had been gone? James was dating Remus? What?
Fleamont knew his son was queer, it wasn't tough when he'd once caught him sneaking out to go to a gay bar. But he'd never seen James date a guy or anything. And dating Remus? It was never in the realm of possibilities for him. Remus was bad news.
"Hey, Potter!" Marlene popped up behind them, buttoning her shirt and fixing her hair. "Hands off my brother, ugly." She shoves James, a grin on her face.
"I could say the same to Dorcas," Remus comments, looking at her neck. "Also, Fleamont, we can see you, I am not blind."
"You kinda are," Marlene whispers. Marlene and Dorcas? What the hell? How the fuck did he not know any of this? He was always suspecting Marlene and Remus of hiding something, but he would never have guessed it was the fact that they were dating some of the nicest people in James' friend group. "Hey Monty!" She smiles and bounces past, humming under her breath. Remus slides past, trying to force down a smile. And Fleamont looks at James.
"Why didn't you tell me, James? I was worried Marlene and Remus were hiding the fact that they deal drugs or something."
"Oh, they do."
"I'm kidding, dad. No, they're really nice. They look much tougher than they are."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah. Marlene has three cats cause she didn't want to separate them as kittens and Remus has a full closet of knitted sweaters so Sirius and I can take them."
"That's sweet." James nods. "And you like Remus?"
"Um. We've been dating for almost a year. I'm, like, completely in love with him." Fleamont nods, staring at his son. He'd never seen him uncomfortable or in any way embarrassed.
"That's nice."
"Dad, we've never talked about my love life before, we don't need to start now that you know I'm dating a guy." Fleamont smiles. "How'd you know we were out here?"
"I was looking for Remus, I was worried."
"Always the cop, dad."
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get-rammed · 1 year
would you tell me more about skeevy drug dealer Diego? 👀 does he still think he's hot shit? and how does he know Bonnie? did they meet before or after Bonnie met Monty? it'd just be funny if he met the both of them without realizing they're related or finding out later on lol
God complex given human/big crocodile form. He is an absolute unit. Standing at 7 feet tall while Human, and 15 feet tall while gator. Absolutely shredded. Knows he's hot shit. Knows he can wreck your shit.
Also has a wide variety of goodies for the depraved. Doesn't really sell directly anymore, but will to a select group of people. Everyone else has to go to one of his lackeys.
Kinda guy you see and immediately make room for because he will not move for you.
He met Bonnie on accident. He was barely 16 at a concert. Dawn took him to go because she liked the band, and wanted to bond with her newly adopted son and show she cared for him.
They got to meet the band up close and something just kinda clicked. Bonnie and Diego talked a lot after and hung out a lot in the weeks following. Just getting high and vibing, going on trips an such. Dawn didn't care too much as Diego got a friend, and didn't get the vibe Bonnie was being a creep. He genuinely wasn't, just kinda clicked with the kid. Straightened him out a little.
Until Diego got into selling shitty weed and worked his way up. Then he became a plug for the band and their staff. Yes Freddy has done some drugs, but not anything too hard. Man just wants to a lil weed and to pass out sometimes.
Skip a few decades and waddles in a 23 year old Monty to replace Bonnie. Diego basically brushed the guy off and told Bonnie he'd be better off else where. Didn't mention they were related. Didn't feel it was worthy of bringing up.
They are related by blood. Diego's bio parents gave him up when he was born, and he got bounced around a lot. Made him a lot of different types of traumatized. But felt so safe and secure with Dawn, and she helped him find some of his family that did want to see him.
Monty's mom adores Diego, partly because he looks just like her. Careful not to say he looks like her sister, his mom. Who was ostracized from the family a number of years prior for just being a shitty person overall. And partly because he's a polite young man who's been nothing short of friendly at the family gatherings :)
Diego doesn't much care for any of his bio family, but knows how far a thank you and a smile can get him :) especially with the scary croc lady
Diego and Monty's relationship is very "we're related, I see you once a year at family gatherings. Don't talk to me.". Diego has always lowkey viewed Montgomery as a loser. A runt who wasn't ever going to go anywhere. He would die the useless sibling to his family.
Yes he has said that to Monty. No Monty has never told anyone. He was 15, being berated by a cousin he didn't know for no reason other than Diego wanted to make him cry and knew Monty wasn't a narc
Bonnie of course asked Monty later if he knew Diego, and got the hint pretty fast how that whole situation is. Didn't really do anything with the information because it didn't seem relevant to him at all. Diego has been his friend for a long ass time, and he just needs Monty to play well so he can retire.
Within the current timeline of the were AU, Monty is 26ish (I've probably said other ages in the past but for now slapping that age on), where Diego is 47, and Bonnie is 55 (not old, old, but old enough to know he wants to kick back. He's been rocking for just over 30 years man).
Diego has made passes at Y/N. Mostly because he knew it upset Monty.
He gets along fine with Morgan, but Montana he's always butted heads with. But he respects her enough to leave her alone.
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simmified-impact · 8 months
Intro Post! 💚
This blog is run by three different people! The one writing this being gloomy! My friends and I, wanted to make a Genshin x Sims 2 crossover, with each each of us contributing to something.
However deciding which blog to post all the drawings and ideas to was going to be a hassle, so I had the thought of making a shared blog!
Now onto the introductions!
Gloomy 💧:
rainy here!!!
-My main blog is: @gloomykiz and my writing blog is @gloomykizwrites (and my more irrelevant reblog one being @lazykiz while my shitty old account is @lazyislays... a lot of blogs, I know...)
-I am a Turkish girl that is fluent in French :) I originally got into Genshin Impact because of a rarepair I liked lol (the rarepair being scaramouche x layla)
-I was always interested in the game, so ofc I installed it at some point, although recently I did actually uninstall it since it was taking up so my space... Rip, but I will still keep up with the story through gameplay videos in the mean time, and hopefully play again!
Hi! Fish here!
💠A filipino person who plays sims 2 and 3 (not anymore) and had hyperfixations on Veronaville and Strangetown.
💠My simblr is @pooshineh !
💠I play Genshin Impact currently and the lore kinda caught me and as soon as I knew about Pantalone and Neuvilette, this game became my comfort game. (Waiting for Arlecchino) Now i am also playing Honkai Star Rail because of Dr. Ratio 🫶
💠My favorite Veronaville resident is Antonio Monty.
Traffik 🐈‍⬛:
I am also here, I suppose. I know nothing of Genshin Impact, I just like world-building and being included. I'm just here for the ride.
My simblr is @simstraffikcone
I have cats.
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lapassantjuriste · 1 year
Now that I've watched season 3.
Ani is still a terrible character. Somehow I found her worse this time around, because i realised that she is the personification of the worst of both Hannah and Clay. What I've also realised is that this season would have been so much better without Ani in a pivotal roll because she actually contributed nothing to the plot.
Bryce would still have been on his journey to redemption and would still have ended up at that pier.
And Deputy Standall would have covered for his son.
I get that having an unreliable narrator is the way of this series but Ani is so terribly written, because she lifts right out.
This time around I didn't hate the Bryce redemption plot so much. He may not have deserved a chance at redemption but he got it and was making a go of it. Tbh the best way to humanise him would have been to have Nora Walker be this season's narrator, because she acknowledges that his son is fucked up, but his human side can be see through her eyes. She's his mother she can both see his flaws and still love him unconditionally. And there were some very nice scenes with them.
That said the Monty story line is still shitty, mainly because it's inconsistent. Like his dad has money to buy him a fancy car but he's also kinda poor? Idk. It makes sense that Monty is a little shit because his father is one and that's who he's grown up with. But i think him being a closet gay is a bit too much ass pull tbh. Or rather it ought to have been explored properly not just thrown in there for emotional value.
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Wants Within | S. Shinazugawa | Chapter 24
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✦ Sanemi Shinazugawa x femReader!, college au, reader is adult
✦ Synopsis: You're a college student taking classes with a very strict lecturer- professor Shinazugawa. Because of an unfortunate event you got on his bad side so now you're trying everything to regain in his eyes. Well, you most certainely didn't expect that kind of attention.
✦ Word count: 1,3k
18+, minors do not interact
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You walked slightly past Sanemi, looking at him from time to time but he seemed deep in his thoughts. You wanted to ask if he needed help, if he wanted to vent out, tell you something, but you were not in the position to do it. You were the one that started the topic and destroyed the whole date. You are the one that lied to him. 
‘’I’ll tell you, but only once so you better fucking listen.’’ Suddenly he stopped and looked you in the eye, like a predator spotting his prey. 
You quickly nodded your head, now even knowing what he was about to say. 
‘’I never told it to anyone so you better…’’ He really didn’t know. 
In his eyes you looked so… small. Too small to scold and throw anger at. 
‘’But… should I…’’ You tried to tell him something but it was hard. ‘’Should I be the one to know your… secret?’’ You were still filled with guilt and shame. Right now you felt like the last person to be honoured with his honesty. 
‘’Yes, out of all… you should be the one.’’ The white haired lit up your heart a bit once more. You did not anticipate something like that. ‘’Because you’re the only one that had the guts to admit guilt to my very face.’’
Your eyes traced his features in awe. You never thought he read the situation like that. What human would even make a point like that? You just told him that you’re a dirty eavesdropper and he thanks you for your honesty? What is this? A Monty Python sketch? 
‘’I can’t believe it.’’ You speaked up. ‘’You’re just… one in a kind. How can you thank and trust me after what I just admitted to.’’ 
‘’I’ve already told you, now listen if you can… because I’m fucking sad.’’ He started walking again, at a slightly faster pace. 
Now, the enchanted forest around you turned into a more eerie one.
‘’I met Kanae and Shinobu at the uni, when we were younger. There was a bigger group of friends that some of you may know. We were all on the same track, trying to be future professors at the university that you go to. You do recall Rengoku and Tengen I believe.’’ You nodded your head, their faces appearing in your imagination. ‘’Yeah, they were also in the picture. I guess I kinda flirted with her, ah screw it, I did very much flirt with her and she liked the attention. Shinobu didn’t, she always had THE balls to tell what was on her mind. She didn’t like me from the start. ‘He looks like a punk, he’ll likely be out of the uni in no time, look at Rengoku, he’s so well-mannered.’ That’s what she babbled all the time about. At one point I even argued with Rengoku until he told me that he’s not interested in Kanae. Heh, funny, at that time he also told me that in his opinion, Kanae is not the best for me. Of course I didn’t listen. She was, and still is, beautiful. And that’s kinda all she has, sorry to say that. At least that’s what I think. She has no moral spine and interests of her own. The worst part is that the two of them act like they’re one organism. They also have an adopted smaller sister that’s mannered just like them. Kanao, that’s her name.’’ 
What? Was it that Kanao, the one that shittalked you?
‘’We went to parties together, drinked together, talked at the uni. One thing led to another and I asked her if she wants to be my girlfriend. We started dating and at first it was okay, I just kinda ignored Shinobu. I thought Kanae was the one in charge of their sisterly relationship. Now, I don’t know for sure. It’s not like Shinobu orders Kanae to do things but she has that little, shitty strategy of whispering things to her ear. At first I thought it was just Shinobu being Shinobu, I thought that Kanae disagreed with her, but she didn’t. She very much agreed.’’ A long breath escaped his lips. ‘’They both had a similar opinion about me and Kanae thought she could shape me just like she wanted to, and like Shinobu wanted to. That I would change for her, for them. And guess what? I didn’t want it. I have a lot of flaws, plenty, but I like myself. Before I realised that I already proposed. I bent down to the pressure of their constant talk. ‘He should propose already. You could do so much better. If he doesn’t propose it means he’s cheating.’ Ah, I don’t even want to remember all of that.’’ 
His pace slowed down, mimicking the sinking of his voice and weight in his heart. All of these hurtful memories flashed over him once again like a stormy sea. 
‘’The story isn’t extreme. We just didn’t agree and I ignored all the red flags. I ended things once I was fed up. I thought we would just part and that’s all but once again I was wrong. They can’t get over it, bombarding me time and time again. The relationship got more heated after the breakup. The rest I think you’re aware of because you heard Shinobu talking back then, you know what they accuse me of.’’ 
‘’And is it true? Any one of their accusations?’’ You didn’t know where the sudden courage came from but it did and you asked this question. 
One part of you believed Sanemi, yet, there was a small digit that couldn’t let go of women's solidarity. 
‘’I promise I’m hundred percent true right now.’’ The white haired stopped in his tracks, you faced him. ‘’At that time I did love Kanae, in some way. I never did anything to purposely hurt her. And I never will, I’m better than that.’’ 
Although it was painful to hear him talk about his love for another woman, you understanded him. Feelings change and it may be a good sign that he doesn’t deny his past emotions in the light of the present situation. He’s honest with you and with himself. 
You nodded your head, looking to the ground and started to stroll once more. After a while of silence that helped the both of you process everything that just happened you started once again in a quiet and unsure voice. 
‘’I’m sorry I ruined the date, you must have taken some time to prepare this.’’
‘’You didn’t ruin it.’’ His voice flared up hope in your slightly wounded heart. ‘’Dates are for people to get to know each other. That’s what we are doing. Getting to know each other. You should love not only my hot abs, sexy smile and mesmerising personality but also all of my cuts and scars, baby.’’
‘’Are you sure you’re twenty something, cuz sometimes you speak like a wise, old, old, old man.’’ How come he always made you laugh, even if it was a smile lined up with pain?
‘’Are you sure you’re twenty something because sometimes you act like a fucking brat.’’ He spat back. 
‘’First, don’t steal my lines. Second, aren’t you a brat tamer, hon?’’ You wiggled your stretched pointing finger in front of his face in a pretentious manner. 
You acted as if you didn’t hear it, turning your back to him and walking down the path, hips swaying from right to left in your victory lap. In an instant you felt the weight of his arm around your shoulders. 
‘’I need to say, you would also do good in taming.’’ You looked him in the pale, violet eye, his face inches from your. ‘’Taming me.’’ 
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@secretxchive @vesperazhier
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horatio-fig · 2 years
The Mandalorian Season 3, Episode 1 - The Apostate.  
I never do these ‘My thoughts on’ posts coz I figured no one cares, but Don't knock it til you try it, I guess. Here are some thoughts I had watching it -  
An Alligator ruined that kids little party so I will be calling the covenants new planet ‘Space Florida’ until told otherwise.  
Did Din see they were in trouble and rush in to save them, or did he sit back and watch for a while as he tried to remember if this was part of the ceremony.  
When The Armorer first said the whole ‘bathe in the living waters’ thing and Din was like ‘but there’s no water?’ I thought it was Mandalorian Idiom like ‘when pigs fly’  
I low key hope there are no waters and Din has to realise the only think that makes him Mandalorian are the friends he made along the way or something like that.  
I love the Purrgil (I could do without everyone who recognises them from Rebels acting like they’re the only person who’s seen Rebels however) I just love Star Wars, so anything remotely related to the world of Star Wars and I'll lose my shit. If I see a Loth-cat, I hear the word caf, if they reuse a planet, I love it.  
They gentrified the pirate cove. The bastards.  
Of all the side quests Din has been offered ‘become a Thane of Nevarro, you can even purchase a house’ is my favourite.  
The episode paused to give us a truly batshit ‘let me drink in the school’ Monty Python sketch and I request they do this once an episode.  
I saw a lot of articles demanding to know what happened to Cara Dune but honestly, they all had the same energy as my Grandma asking ‘are you still friends with Susan from your year 9 English class?’ Like, we worked on a group project years ago and last I saw she was posting shitty all lives matter takes on Facebook.  
Considering the First Order is kind of supposed to be a look at this right wing resurgence. (The enemies where once nazis and now they're angsty little white boys who wanna be nazis) it could have been interesting to have Greef be like ‘hey you still friends with Cara?’ and Din go ‘she started saying stuff like ‘I don't always agree with the First Order but every now and then they say what we’re all thinking’ and now we don’t talk anymore”. But, I understand the importance of separating a character from an actor so it’s probably better they don't do that.  
I’m glad they didn’t bring back IG-11. I kind of don’t want them to cheapen his heart wrenching death scene, but this is Star Wars, when has death ever meant anything? Can't wait to have him back.  
90% sure Grogu was trying to eat the Anzellans  
If this season doesn't win an Emmy it’s because they cut out a scene where Din crawled on his hands and knees to get into that droidsmiths.  
I hope Din teaching Grogu how to fly becomes a Chekov's driving lesson and Grogu has to fly the ship to save the day. 
That dogfight with the pirates was pure Saturday morning cartoon and camp and it’s why I love Star Wars. 
I have never been sure if Mandalore was a planet or a planetary system so this episode did kinda clear some of that up. (And it’s always fun to see more Mandalorian places) 
Bo-Katan's hair is giving me Halloween Store Ginger Spice Wig realness and I’m sort of into it. I also love how all the other Star Wars ladies are infamous for constantly changing hairstyles and she just went ‘nah, this is the one’ 
Bo-Katan sitting/slouching/laying on her chair is me every day, sprawled on out the sofa trying to figure out why have back problems. Finally, the representation we need.  
Overall, solid first episode. It kind of felt like when you start up Skyrim again after not playing for a while and just spend the first hour or so just remembering where you got up to.  
I enjoyed the different in tone to this episode. The first episode of Season 1 showed a lone ranger type, mowing down enemies and having no time for people like Greef. In this episode he is much less bloodthirsty and we see him catching up with multiple friends throughout the episode. I understand the need to up the drama and stakes with every season, but it's also nice to see your character get to enjoy the benefits of their success and character development.  
I know some people are mad that the show had no planned ending and will keep going for as long as they want. People have been saying this will make the show ‘aimless’ but the Mandalorian has kind of always been an aimless wander through the galaxy, picking up friends and questing and I think this episode show cased that.  
Finally, I saw a review saying that the Mandalorian premiere fails to match the high bar set by Andor and it pales by comparison. That's like saying winter isn't as warm as summer. They’re different things, that do different jobs in the franchise. (Also, I remember when Andor premiered and there were plenty of revies saying it was no The Mandalorian) 
It’s too cakes! Two amazingly good cakes! Andor has a prison break episode and it's a gut punch of a saga that makes you feel the need to go for walk and appreciate your freedom after you watch it. The Mandalorian had a prison break episode and it was a fun romp of double crossing and cartoon violence. And we get to have both, and it’s great and I just love Star Wars in all shapes and sizes.  
I have more to say but I'm gonna leave it there, I might do one of these for the next episode, but we’ll see. All in all, it was a good solid The Mandalorian episode and I am a fan.  
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nolanhollogay · 2 years
❛ you wanna know what your problem is? ❜
THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!!!!!! montyreggie BEEF is REAL also montys tragic backstory unlocked 🔓
Monty liked to think he was a good person, but he knew truthfully that he wasn't. And he'd like to think he'd made peace with it, but sometimes the feeling that there was something inherently wrong with him was inescapable.
That was probably what happened after your shitty parents kick you to the curb for liking guys, but, like, whatever. He was passed that.
But he wasn't passed lashing out at people or picking fights with people who didn't really deserve it. Though Reggie did kind of deserve it.
Reggie was the nicest guy in the world, so Monty knew there had to be some kind of issue between them because he wouldn't stop sending him dirty looks and saying passive aggressive bullshit about Monty's friendship with Ant. After dealing with his mother, he was sick of passive aggression, so he wasn't going to just let it slide.
Monty knew something like this was coming sooner or later because he wasn't exactly secretive about his feelings for Ant – though Ant couldn't seem to pick up on them at all – but he didn't think Reggie was the jealous type. He didn't think Reggie really existed on the Earth's emotional plain. He'd never really seen him feel anything other than happiness and being stupidly gone for Ant.
It was just his luck that the first time he saw Reggie mad, it had to be at him.
They — Diet Soda, Sunset Curve and Ant — were having a bonfire to commemorate the end of Diet Soda's tour. It was probably illegal, but no one had called the cops yet so they were smooth sailing.
Monty had been keeping an eye on Ant all night because there was a new cluster of scratches right under his left eye that he'd been avoiding questions about all night, and he was worried. If there was a visible injury on his face, who knew what else he was hiding under his clothes?
And, okay, he might've been hovering a little bit, but he always got pulled into Ant's orbit, like Pluto circling the sun.
He didn't think it justified the obvious rage settling into Reggie's shoulders when he followed them away from the fire.
"We kinda, um, wanted to be alone," he said, as they stopped short of the edge of the woods.
"I can't let you go into the woods alone, man. S'not safe," Monty argued. (He might've been trying to stop them from going to the woods to make out or whatever it was they planned to do. He never claimed not to be a sabotager. But, frankly, Reggie deserved to be cockblocked for being a dick.)
Before Reggie could reply, Alex shouted for Ant from where he stood by the fire. Something about "double-decker s'mores".
Ant lit up like a little kid. "I'll be right back. I need to watch him fail. He does it wrong every time and I have to be there to laugh. It's tradition." He squeezed Reggie's hand before running back over to the fire without waiting for either of them to reply.
"How are you, Reginald?" Monty asked, once they were alone.
He was expecting Reggie to blow up at him. He wasn't expecting the frown and the whispering.
He realized, belatedly, that he was trying to avoid gathering anyone's attention. Ant's attention.
"I... don't like that you never let me and Ant be alone together," he said, quietly, like he was trying not to startle Monty. "I don't... He's my boyfriend. You can't, like, steal him away or whatever you're trying to do."
Monty wouldn't have been mad if it wasn't for that second part. He could understand wanting alone time, especially when no one knew they were together and they had to hide from everyone. They probably didn't ever really get to be alone, except for when they were hiding in each other's bedrooms and sneaking away. That he had no issue with, and probably would've apologized for.
But to claim that Monty was trying to steal Ant like some kind of uncaring homewrecker? After he'd actively shoved his own feelings to the side and pushed Ant into his arms? That shit wasn't going to fly.
"You wanna know what your problem is?" he started, curling his hands into fists at his side. "It's got nothing to do with me, I'll tell you that. You're insecure in your relationship because of your stupid parents. And, like, whatever. That's fine. Everyone has baggage, but don't take it out on me. It's not my problem that your mommy and daddy don't love each other."
Ant had drunkenly cried to him about how shitty all their parents were the month before, accidentally giving Monty free ammunition. He knew it wasn't right to exploit it, but rage wasn't exactly the most kind emotion.
Reggie visibly deflated, the tension in his shoulders disappearing as they slumped. "That... That has nothing to do with anything. And that was really... cruel of you to say."
"Truth hurts, buddy," he said, with a mean little shrug.
"My parent's relationship has nothing to do with me and Ant. It has nothing to do with this conversation," Reggie said, eyes shining with hurt.
Ant's laugh sounded from near the fire as Alex groaned in annoyance. For a moment both of them cracked a smile, and their weird little rage bubble burst. But then Monty remembered what they were talking about and got pissed off all over again.
"It has everything to do with your relationship with Ant. You learn what love is from your parents, and your parents' taught you that love is screaming and hating each other and cheating and whatever bullshit. So you're trying to avoid that with Ant, by making me some shitty cartoon villain boyfriend stealer," he argued. Reggie shifted uncomfortably on the balls of his feet. "You don't have to believe me. I'm not really a good guy, but I'm not that kind of guy. I want Ant to be with you because you can make him happy in a way I can't. I'm not going to wreck that for him."
Monty's parents, in a display of the world's greatest irony, taught him loyalty by kicking him to the curb. It taught him that it you really loved someone you'd stick by them. You wouldn't discard them the second they do something that makes you unhappy. So, that's why he was sticking by Ant for as long as he would let him.
Reggie blinked at him, obviously thinking something over, and then he threw himself at Monty. It took Monty a beat too long to realize it was a hug and not a tackle.
"'M sorry. I shouldn't have been mean to you," he said into Monty's shoulder. "I'm just... I really like him, ya know? I don't want to lose him."
Monty patted his back. Reggie was a really good hugger. "You won't. He's super into you. Last time we hung out he talked about you for twelve minutes straight. I counted."
Reggie laughed into his ear.
"Why are you hugging? Is everything okay?" Ant asked as he walked back over. He was holding two s'mores, one in each hand, and there was chocolate on the corner of his mouth. Cute.
"Everything's good," Reggie replied.
Monty nodded. "Yeah, I was just seeing what all the hype was about. You better watch out, Bambs. I might steal your boyfriend." He sent Reggie a wink.
Ant rolled his eyes. "In your dreams."
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