mamaswildchild · 3 days
do me a favor and do not give money to strangers in your ask box. ever
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itscooltoskate · 1 month
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Tagged by @velocidaixxtor graciass!! 💚
picrew + last song listened to
I'll tag @befickleforever, @lilyletham, @navybrownie, @frankly-alien, @san--jose--sharpedos & @arcadeghozt if you want to, no pressure :)
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makorragal-312 · 2 months
Imagine if the show decided to juxtapose Buddie's first kiss with the BuckTommy kiss with how Eddie initiates it compared to how Tommy initiated it.
When Tommy kissed Buck, he did it while Buck was rambling but not before staring at him with this stone expression that gave the impression that he kissed Buck just to get him to be quiet.
Imagine the same scenario for the Buddie kiss.
Buck is rambling on about something but instead of looking on with a serious face, Eddie is just staring at him with a fond smile and he either waits for Buck to stop talking before he leans in or he gently interrupts Buck mid-sentence and when Buck asks why, he just stares at him for another second before leaning in to kiss him.
Bonus points if Eddie pulls away and Buck is shook, but immediately overcomes it and leans back in for another smooch.
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drewiresora · 4 months
I could argue that this aroace flag is better at communicating that it is the aroace flag because it has the purple n greens and the "grey scale" that both ace n aro flags have and everyone that can identify those two will understand what this flag means
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And is the best combo/mashup aroace flag because it does have design unlike other combined flags
And that I love so much the colors of the aroace sunset flag and I like the idea of using blue for aroace, but it doesn't communicate that well that it's aroace, it doesn't even have the iconic "grey scale"
But I don't have the time to do that, so
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short-wooloo · 10 months
With the news from Adam Driver about how kylo redemption was never the plan originally and his story was basically meant to be reverse Vader, I'd like to resurrect an old conspiracy theory of mine about Rise of Skywalker
So the duel in the ruins of the death star, y'know how it ends with Rey stabbing kylo and then she heals him?
Well I believe he originally was meant to die there, Rey killed him in anger, and it causes a breakdown in her, she's upset not only that she failed Leia and couldn't redeem kylo, but also terrified by her anger, scared that she truly is a Palpatine, and from there we get our pep talk from Luke and final battle with Sidious
Basically I think Rey healing kylo was a last minute addition to the script (probably at disney's insistence)
And the rest of the film doesn't exactly prove me wrong
How does kylo get to exegol after Rey took his TIE fighter? Well apparently in the exploded, sitting in water for 30 years ruins of the death star there's not only a functional imperial TIE, but one with a hyperdrive too
What does kylo do upon reaching exegol? Fight the knights of Ren, something Rey herself could do or perhaps even better you could have had the Knights fight Finn, Rose and the Resistance soldiers
Does kylo meaningfully contribute to the final battle with Sidious? Not really, he gets drained of his life force by Sidious (so basically he inadvertently helps him) and is thrown down a hole for the rest of the battle, Rey does all the heavy lifting from there
The only meaningful contribution kylo makes after his "redemption" is sacrificing himself to revive Rey, which may not have even needed to happen because the only reason she was so drained is because kylo being there caused Sidious to realize he could absorb both of their life forces to restore himself (so in a way, it's his fault!) Alternatively it could have just been written that Rey passed out due to exhaustion and was otherwise fine
So yeah, that's my conspiracy, not that crazy, perfectly reasonable from my perspective
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radioactive-dazey · 3 months
Me: I like all the sides a lot but I dont like Patton very much at all. A lot about his character makes me feel bad about myself because of how alike we are. It's a really weird thing to experience, to see all your worst qualities personified in a bubbly blue package
Thomas, as Patton, doing a father's day video: Hey kiddo!!
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laurenkmyers · 2 months
don't you just love it when you call someone out for stealing an entire gifset and reuploading it, getting a half-arsed response back with no apology, and then they proceed to block you so you can't see your gifs not being taken down.
anyway, @inlovewithdean you saying 'I will keep that in mind the next time I promise' after you've already stolen someone's work doesn't quite cut it, love. i hope the notes you get from your post is worth it.
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i don't put watermarks on my work because i blindly trust people will just reblog the original bloody post. silly me, i guess.
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deadlydelicious · 5 days
unironically ready for this to be the seaaon of Eddie. this is his 'eat, pray, love' self discovery year guys, I feel it in my bones
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
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I feel numb. 📞
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ramblesbiab · 2 months
They should invent a button that lets you swap aspects of things, if only so I can fix mistakes make by the gaming industry.
Swap it around so Borderlands 3 has a story at the level of Borderlands 2 while still having the superior combat. Swap it around so that a VN with a story I adore has the production value of a VN I'm a bit more eh on. Switch it up so that Shadows Over Loathing has an actually good ending more akin to the first game. Change it around so that every time Dave the Diver wanted to make a fat joke, it didn't. Swap out Exit the Gungeon for a game that isn't... fucking terrible, and make an actually good sequel to Enter the Gungeon.
tbh this was just an excuse to get out some niche gaming opinions lol
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lxndonorris · 3 months
Max just behind the fastests cars this weekend, with significant damage, is so good.
All in for tomorrow!
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remnantofabrokensoul · 5 months
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"And in the end
I'd like it to be you.
In the dark,
Or in the Sun's warmth;
Your lips across mine,
Or your shaky hands reaching in need,
Your body aching
Pressed against mine;
Or your tears on my sweater,
And my hands across the bloody thighs,
As long as you're mine,
And swaying with me
Alongside the record's spins."
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oh great you’re back again to create drama in the fandom. yippie. 😐
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skywarpie · 1 year
Why are all yall skipping the fact that copia literally played out his rocky fantasy and made the crowd take part in it 😭
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honeysfilmclub · 1 year
As a Rose (and tenrose and tentoorose stan), I’m so so scared of engaging with literally any ninerose stan. I’m so fucking scared.
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ganondoodle · 2 years
I'm interested in your thoughts on the new trailer!
And that voice actors was... not my first pick, personally 😅 there were so many others they could've chosen! 🥲 cuz while it's not confirmed who's speaking I can't think of anyone else it could be--
alright, so just a heads up, im not trying ruin anyones fun and i hope you can ignore my very weird opinion without hating me bc theres never been a new zelda game while i was this deep into the fandom and cared so much and when i care about something alot i have very strong feelings about everything ... so here are my honest thoughts after seeing the trailer twice (it might differ with time but this is how i feel now)
the gan voice sucks ( english is unbearable to me but so is all the english VA unfortunately, german is .. fine but sounds like discount daruk?? but at least its fits more to a mummy, japanese is the best one but also a bit generic) its way too light, expected much deeper, and also way too clear, you cant tell me a 10.000 year old mummy can talk like that
typical villain "uhohohoho im so eeeviiiil"speech, i expect as much of the plot now
that very light skinned in white dress person is either hylia or "ascended" zelda or some shit and i hate it (yes partly bc i have been trying to write my comics plot around the lore in a way so it rarely if ever contradicts canon and my fear or totk throwing all that work out the window is now greater than ever, yes yes i can just ignore and move one but i cant .. i guess thats my autism brain or soemthing else thats wrong in my meat orb but i just care too much, i just spent so much time working on this plot and it might all be for nothign now bc i specifically wanted it to fit neatly into the empty spaces the canon left .. and i KNOW im being an ass, this is just how i feel, unfiltered ..) but not JUST bc of my stupid little story i made up about a franchise i dont own but just generally hoped she wouldnt play role and stay in those damn statues and mangas or whatever
lastly the buidling ..... wh ... i do not like .. fortnitetification of botw..... no ...... i guess it could be fun to fiddle with but if its the focus ... no thanks ..
i hate to be so negative, i hate to hate, i hate that i care so much i hate that i feel like this
but i feel like this, right now :(
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