#and Pixel probably just thinks vampires are cool
swampbangle · 7 months
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OoOooOoOoh it's the spooky day of numerous spooks and horrors
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condensedpigeonmilk · 7 months
Get to know you: Sims Style
This tag game popped up in my recommended as one of @deatherella's posts and looked super fun, so here we go! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
What’s your favorite Sims death?
When they get squished by a satellite while cloud or stargazing, although getting eaten by a cowplant is the runner up.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
I have no coherent style. If it's pretty and I like it, I use it. I typically like to keep it more cartoony and away from the uncanny photoskinned stuff, though. That legitimately scares me. ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა
Do you cheat your sims weight?
No, but fitness is important to me personally IRL due to mental health benefits, so I like to keep them healthy too.
Do you move objects?
Totally, all the rugs, curtains and blinds have to be perfectly centered.
Favorite Mod?
My favorite gameplay mod is this one but the one that has saved my sanity is this one. I don't use any adult-oriented mods, I even leave the censors on TBH- I have no desire to see pixel butt.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
My first game was The Sims 2 base game! The big one, with the four discs. I still have it, actually.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I'm a big D&D nerd, so I made one of my characters as a sim. He's a dryad and his name is Wisteria Vines. I'll be re-uploading him soon. :3
Have you made a simself?
Yes, she is always friends with all of her neighbors, but I'm going to be doing a legacy with her for the first time soon since I've never done that. ^^;'
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Blond, it's so pretty!
Favorite EA hair?
I really love the vampire/countess hair from NIghtlife, but I use a mod/replacement to remove the headpiece. Before that, it was the hair that Angela and Lilith start the game with.
Favorite life stage?
Toddlers, I love kids! I'd have some real ones if I could.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I love building and giving the houses as much detail as possible with just Maxis items, but I really love the raising multiple generations aspect too, so both.
Are you a CC creator?
Yes, but only recently. I prefer making Sims characters for other people to play with but I also really enjoy making eyes, I just love eyes in general. They are the windows to the soul, after all!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I have a couple of Sims friends! I actually met my longtime online friend @littleballerina through The Sims 2 when we were in middle school. We've been friends for 16 years this year. @furbyq is pretty cool, too! I'm up for making more Sims friends as long as they don't act creepy. :P
Do you have any sims merch?
Nope. I'm hoping to change that, but I don't want people to think I like The Sims 4 LOL. Gross!
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Err, kinda? I plan to just put a bunch of game-related (Animal Crossing, Life is Strange, Sally Face, Undertale, yada, yada...) junk on it. I plan to make Jaydee-esque Sims music videos over the winter because it'll be freezing this year. I haven't posted anything yet, though. T^T
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Just a little bit, I went from entirely out-of-the-box-vanilla to vanilla with sprinkles and now my Sims look kinda like they're from Silent Hill 2 or something. I'm pretty sure James Sunderland is actually running around in the townie pool somewhere.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Hoo, boy. I have so many! Let's just go with top five, or we'll both be here for awhile.
How long have you had Simblr?
The end of 2017, I think? Probably better to just go with 2018. Life whacked me over the head with the responsibilities stick so I was just recently able to come back after 3.5 years.
How do you edit your pictures?
I don't, really? Aside from resizing them and brightening them a little, I mean. I just use the default photos app that comes with my computer.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
My favorite expansion pack is totally The Sims 2: Pets. I can finally live out my dream of being a crazy cat lady!
╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
I tag: @furbyq, @horusmenhosetix, @pooklet, @berrynooboos, @polygonbeach, @nervoussubject9000 and whoever else wants to play (feel free to ignore, if you want)!
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diary-of-a-mad-man · 2 years
Every plot line in Ninjago would make a banger dnd plot line and I will elaborate but only up to the sky pirate arc because I stopped watching then.
Base Explanation (I’m working off of non homebrew dnd rules except for subclasses)
The Ninjas are all either monks or rougues and humans except for Zane, Lloyd, Wu and Garmadon. Zane obviously gets revealed to be a war forged but the trio I’m leaning towards being tieflings but I’m not completely confident in that. I do have full like deep dive dnd decision for the core cast but this is all the base shit. Rouge Subclasses there’s; Thuderbolt and Arsonist and Monk there’s; frozen fist, electric veined, storm surge, unbroken stone, the four elements (homebrew the homebrew), and mistweaver. The only mutliclassing I would think of is Nya and Jay being Artficiers too. So it Rounds out to a party of 4 monks, nya and wu are helpful npcs, Garmadon is the BBG. Onto the arcs;
The pilot; so the team starts at like lvl 2 so no subclass but some training to explain the like entire first 2 episodes, Kai PC lore drop, introduce the mcguffin of save nya and collect the weapons. And there’s the entire first arc, yippee. They lvl up to 3 and subclasses are unlocked but are still kinda weak. Skeletons are like a classic starter lvl enemy anyway.
Rise of the Snakes; a couple of side quest that introduce Lloyd, players don’t know about Lloyd unlocking the snakes but start running into them, play the snakes as Yuan-Ti and base the lore more around that so still clans but magic instead of just anatomy being funky. Party is maybe lvl 5-6 about half way through, just a lot of side quest that start to connect, I think lvl 5 is when more subclass stuff is unlocked so true potential shit or whatever for lvl 5, the entire Jay is turning into a snake is vampire mechanics but snake flavored. Nya is that one npc that keeps preventing TPKs because the DM is still adjusting the difficulties, she’s an Artifier at the time. Wooo dee do a 5th player is introduced and takes over Lloyd. It’s like when a new player gets introduced and the party spends all their time teaching the newbie.
Rise of the Green Ninja; the training arc that gets bored quickly the the new player wants to be older and not 8 anymore. And oh damn this was the stone warrior arc?? With the overlord?? New BBG?? I don’t remember this part happening so soon but whatever. Lvl like 7-8, they fight god? I’m sure there’s a dnd god similar to the overlord but I don’t remember which one, but the 1st spinjitzu master 100% counts as a Paladin or Cleric’s God, also Garmadon is a warlock with the overlord as his patron that he then betrays for that dramatic father son npc and pc lore that got built up. Shout out the player with premade backstory, I don’t think cole even has a last name. But yeah big cool black dragon fight, they breath acid so it works.
Rebooted; Jay gets starts to take some levels in Artificer, good for him. Lvl like 10, Jay is probably like lvl 7 monk with lvl 3 artificer, also monks can cast Pass without Trace starting at lvl 3 so like, the entire gangs stealth is insane at all times. I don’t really remember the plot of this one but DM is in a sci-fi phase and it shows. They also keep needing to explain the super nerdy stuff so PIXEL is introduced, the party keeps calling her Siri. The overlord is their baby and they will continue to use the same BBG because “look their stat blocks are already set up and I barley have to change anything anyway!”. The main Yuan-Ti leader is back (Pythor or whatever his name was) Zane dies, they don’t have a healer, tpks get closer every boss battle. IRL vibes of the player having to temporarily quite and using being a war forged as an excuse on how they could probably come back.
Tournament of Elements; Zane’s player is back but not fully, they had a break and the DM made way to many possible PCs if they ever get to play, Tournament of Elements is brought on. Who doesn’t love the vibes of mysteries with weird challenges and people. Player v. player action, some intense ass role play because Kai’s Player developed a backstory beyond ‘dead parents’ with DM. Zane is back officially and the player got new art and keeps asking Siri questions about mechanics, hi PIXEL. Dragons are back from the og transports when the DM got rid of them after being like “hm, kinda op”, they got tired of the cool transport getting fucked up.
Possession: Me after watching any horror media. DM learned about the Call of Cthulhu system and wanted to steal the vibe, they also keep finding a ton of wind monk subclasses and their inner emo of maker is craving. Morro keeps getting called MCR and Lloyd’s player needed a break, Cole’s dice are cursed and are now in dice jail, the ghost mechanics drive him insane, same with the DM but they can’t admit defeat. TPK almost happened again so Kai’s player and the DM conspire again to get Nya more lore to help out. Girlboss time for her. Ronin is the DM’s other emo oc but this one is cool but also still a wet cat. Airjitzu mechanics took years off the DMs life that ended with just “roll the dice for luck to see if it works and how high”, they’re trying but also did this to their self
Skybound: DM found the Genies in the Monster Manual and just rewatched Pirates of the Caribbean. Jay’s player wanted to rewrite some backstory and the DM is just tired at this point, Improv can only take them so far. The big buff lady is the DMs saving grace of mentality. The Dm had to cancel a session because of a wedding and they regretted going and made it all the players problem. Cold is still a ghost and neither the DM nor the players have figured the mechanics of fixing that yet. The layers of reality pages in the DM’s Manual have been abused throughly. There a chalkboard with a list of wishes that have been made. Nya dies but everyone gets pissed so the DM bs’s a way to that she can comeback only to rewrite time.
And that is in my professional opinion of dming for around 3-4 years now and haven’t watched a single episode of Ninjago since like the movie came out. I do also have a full thought process on the cooler character sheet breakdown I might explain someday.
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Aw thank you!! Appreciate you sharing the love and asking about my lil pixels <3
I've been on an Atticus kick lately so let's go with him. I usually go with ~lore~ for these but let's do some in game facts this time
He has two Starlight Accolades! One for best painting and one for best book (it was a romance novel called Enthralled lmao)
I didn't even know this was a thing until recently but seeing him write in his journal (yes he keeps a journal) I realized that he's left handed! I don't think any of my other sims are left handed far as I've noticed. It's a cool hidden trait and there's a cheat to change it I think
I think "always move in bat form" is really annoying so I always turn it off when I play vampires but Atticus just??? Won't listen???? I have disabled bat form so many times and still he could be going to literally the other side of the room and he still turns into a bat to fly there. I disabled Ryan's bat form and he stopped using it. So it's literally just Atticus. I've even tried resetting him but nope: bat. It's probably a glitch, but I like to think he just really likes being a fucking bat. But fr if anyone knows how to stop this lmk lmao
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4. Atticus has died in my game and made me quit without saving TWICE. The first time was technically my fault - I left him outside during the obstacle course bachelorette challenge. But the second time was him going out to backfloat in the bachelorette mansion pool in full sun like an idiot 🙃
5. He initiated the romance between him and Ryan autonomously so that plot idea was pretty much all them. And I’d already planned in the story for him to come back, but he kinda made that autonomous too by randomly calling Ryan while my bachelorette challenge sims were in the Selvadorada location and asking to come over lol 
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cool new trend where we do tag game tuesday on uhhhhhh saturday
thank you @mickeysgaymom 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
name: swiftfootedachilles achilles a bleeze dumbass whatever idc
sun sign: capricorn
what day of the week were you born: saturday
first app you open in the morning: rn its either chrome or tumblr.gov
last song you listened to: Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
what type of phone do you have: google pixel 6a i think
something you’d like to learn how to do: ????? i dunno. get better at stuff. sleep better. make better pastries. laminate butter
art gallery or history museum: my city's art and history museums are combined so i never have to choose. buuuut if i had to, natural history. as long as they have statues
your least favorite chore: putting clean dishes away and mopping FUCK MOPPING
do you believe in fate: maybe idk
if offered immortality, would you take it: real 100% immortality or like vampire immortality where i have like 1 weakness? if the former nah probably not. if the latter hmmmm yeah id do it as long as there was still some option to die. i dont wanna be stuck floating in space for billions of years after earth explodes
how are you feeling right now: tired im tired all the time but maybe thats just the narcolepsy talking
finally, tell me something you’re looking forward to: honestly i have no clue. i guess saving my money and moving but im failing really hard at audition prep rn since i dont have a voice teacher anymore, also thats super long term in the future. in the near future, probably going to joanns and getting lost in the embroidery section
sorry for being late everyone i know has already been tagged so goodbye now🙆
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kendall-coded · 3 years
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buried like a dog ((art by @seanchaidh7))
stiles/derek, 2.2k, t
alternative universe: human, meet-cute, flirting
“So,” Stiles starts, trying for casual, “do you want me to ask if it hurt or would you like to ask me first?”
The guy huffs a laugh as he shakes his head, filled to the brim with good-natured exasperation. Stiles smiles, feeling a little bubbly on the inside, fizzing like cherry cola. “Alright, me first then. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven,” he takes in the costume, making his best guess, “or are generic horror zombies impervious to pain?”
Mystery Man leans down, the swing halting with a creak. His elbows come to rest on his knees while he curls over toward Stiles. “So close,” he clicks his tongue. “Werewolf.”
Stiles is sitting in the backyard. He isn’t sure whose backyard, a friend of a friend of a friend, but it’s nice - trimmed hedges and colorful flowers and a neatly-shorn lawn. It looks like the picture-perfect ones that are printed - all pixelated and blurry - on the boxes that inflatable pools are sold in. He runs his fingers through the grass, feeling the cool prickle of it. For just a moment, he imagines that there is an old family dog buried out here somewhere. That has to be the one fault: a picket fence and a sprinkler system and poor old Rex beneath the green green grass. Probably a golden retriever. Suburban rich people always have golden retrievers.
Time is indiscernible, it’s not nighttime, not really, but the sun is on the other side of the world by now. The party lights keep rotating and beaming through the windows, coloring everything outside in flashes of color - neon purple and orange and green. There’s a haze shifting around him, a thin gray fog that is sheer enough to be almost nonexistent but impermeable all the same, like if he reached out to touch it his hand may very well be met with rigidity, stopped mid-air rather than slicing the entire way through.
The porch light is on, coating everything in a not-quite-opaque yellowed white that’s aided by the streetlamps dotted along the road on the opposite side. None of them flicker or are crooked from careless drivers, not like the ones on the street holding Stiles’ childhood home. He is sitting criss-cross in a mesh top with a ribcage printed across the front, probably not at all close to the position of the actual bones. It does little to shield him from the damp cling of night-heat, an almost uncomfortable warmth pooling under his shirtsleeves, streaming toward the dips at the base of his spine. A bead of sweat dribbles down his temple and lands on his pantleg, milky white from the paint on his face. It took him so goddamn long to paint the skull over his skin, an unsteady hand and a dollar-store cream stick leaving shaky pale streaks until he looked more thing than man. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?
He’s drunk. For the past fifteen minutes he has been trying to deny it, stumbled outside for the sobering remedy of fresh air only to stagger a little too hard and fall on his ass. He’s been in the same spot since, too prideful - even while shitfaced - to act like this isn’t exactly where he intended to be. Sighing, he leans until his back is pressed to the lawn, a little wet, misted from the neighbor’s sprinklers. Staring up at the sky, he notes there aren’t really any stars, just a hazy black-blue vastness. It’s fitting. He turns his head to survey the other people out here with him. There are two girls on the porch steps, one of them is pale-white and barefoot, clothes all ripped up and dirty, a neon yellow toe-tag on her left foot. It’s clever and Stiles feels a small smile tug at his lips. The girl next to her has a vampire cape and plastic teeth. It’s cute, if a little on the safe side. But he’s got no room to talk. A bit farther back, rocking slowly on the porch swing, is a guy who’s far too hot to be at some college kid’s D-list party.
Stiles thinks it may be too off-the-cuff to sit next to him, a little too on the wrong side of personal, so he plops himself down in the space by the porch’s support beams, maybe a foot away from Hot Guy’s legs.
He sends Stiles a questioning glance, all scowling lips and furrowed eyebrows crowning emerald eyes. Yep, Stiles thinks. Just yep.
“So,” Stiles starts, trying for casual, “do you want me to ask if it hurt or would you like to ask me first?”
The guy huffs a laugh as he shakes his head, filled to the brim with good-natured exasperation. Stiles smiles, feeling a little bubbly on the inside, fizzing like cherry cola. “Alright, me first then. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven,” he takes in the costume, making his best guess, “or are generic horror zombies impervious to pain?”
Mystery Man leans down, the swing halting with a creak. His elbows come to rest on his knees while he curls over toward Stiles. “So close,” he clicks his tongue. “Werewolf.”
Stiles snaps his fingers in defeat. “Ah, man. That would have been my next guess!” Stiles rubs his palm against the rough wood beneath him. “How about best two out of three?”
“How about you are very drunk?”
“How about,” Stiles leans in conspiratorially, “you are very, very handsome.”
“I would say the same but,” Werewolf says, gesturing to Stiles, “I’m not quite sure who you are under all of that.”
Stiles thinks that’s what Halloween is about, shifting and morphing until all that anyone sees is kaleidoscopic face paint, a plastic party cup that pulses color beneath the blacklight, a bass-boosted mood ring coated in the smell of rum and body-shot lime wedges. Halloween is about everyone looking at you and no one remembering anyway.
“Is that so bad, Mister Wolf Man?”
“I guess not,” the man hums, leaning back, the porch swing squeaking beneath him, “it just means we’ll have to see each other again. Maybe.” It’s careful flirting, planting the idea but not actively watering it. Pushing the buttons on someone he may never see after tonight. Toeing the line but not quite crossing. It’s Halloween, Stiles figures he is allowed to engage in harmless flirting with a werewolf in a beanie. For once, Stiles is a bit at a loss for what to say in response, feeling just a little like he has been picked up and shaken around, boiling hot wax sloshing around in a cheap lava lamp.
“Derek,” the guy says after too many beats of silence.
“What?” Stiles croaks.
“My name is Derek.”
Derek. It seems fitting. A strong name for a strong man, all trimmed stubble and angles and the hard planes of his abdomen peeking from the tears in his shirt.
“I’m Stiles,” he offers in return, flushing at how Derek cocks his head. “It’s shorthand for Stilinski, which is my last name. If I told you my real first name it’d probably spook you, and not in a fun Halloween way. Trust me.” Working up the courage, he shrugs, sighing out, “Besides, that’s leaning toward second date material, anyway. Better discussed over dinner and whatnot.”
“You think so?”
Stiles nods gravely, pulling his face down solemnly. “I do.”
Derek laughs and Stiles tries not to puff up with pride, forcing his heart to stop clawing at the bone cage surrounding it, that residual itch from being the blabbermouth loser in high school finally scratched by some guy he just met at a no-name’s costume party.
After a moment, Stiles jerks his thumb over his shoulder, indicating the lawn. “How many golden retrievers do you think are buried in the yard?”
Derek turns and squints beyond the flashing lights, as if seriously considering it. “I’d say at least three. But not all from the same family. And maybe a guinea pig. Young rich children always want guinea pigs.”
Stiles laughs, a real one, neck craned back as he feels it heat his chest. “And a goldfish, too, no doubt.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
Clearing his throat, Stiles raises his eyebrows, trying to think of what to talk about when Derek says, “Do you talk about dead animals with or every guy you meet at parties?”
Stiles shakes his head, saying sagely, “No, just the ones I like.”
Derek gives him this smile, then, this disarming and completely unfair sort of thing. He has teeth like a child, when they are still too small and everyone always coos and says they’ll grow into them. It’s endearing and Stiles gets a little lost in it.
“How would you feel about going out sometime?” Derek asks, completely at ease.
“I feel like that’s the start of a bad joke,” Stiles teases, “a skeleton and a werewolf walk into a Dave and Buster’s…”
The scoff of disbelief Derek releases is worth its weight in gold. “What are you, twelve?”
Stiles holds a hand up to silence him. “I have a Power Card with tens of thousands of tickets on it, thank you very much.”
“Of course you do.”
“Hey, that card has gotten me into so many pants.”
Derek smiles and huffs sure under his breath while Stiles reiterates, “So many pants,” grinning too big for his face. He can feel the paint cracking along the lines of his smile.
“Were they satisfied?”
Stiles wiggles his eyebrows. “Wanna find out?”
Derek rolls his eyes and Stiles tries not to feel too pleased with himself. His phone buzzes in his pocket and he curses, squirming until he finally has it in his hand.
Scotty: locked out of dorm again
Scotty: am drunk
Scotty: …,,.very
“One of your Dave and Buster’s trysts? Ticket prize conquests?”
“So close,” Stiles mimics Derek’s earlier words. “Drunk roommate. Lifelong best bud.”
“Ah,” Derek hums, “that was my next guess.”
Sighing, Stiles pushes himself up, stretching out the stiffness. “Well, that’s my cue,” he drawls, leaving it hanging because he isn’t sure if he should ask Derek to walk him to the front of whoever’s house this is. The campus is only about a fifteen minute walk, twenty to get to the building that Stiles’ dorm is in.
But, when Stiles steps away, Derek levers himself up, indicating for Stiles to walk ahead of him. Opening the back door, they are smacked with a sensory overload: too many lights, too many people, too much noise, too much alcohol. Weaving through, Stiles has to squeeze between the crowd, and suddenly a warm palm slips within his own, calloused fingers slotting into place. His heart pounds an erratic rhythm as he wills his hand not to turn clammy and gross beneath the press of his nerves.
When they finally breach the front door, Stiles holds his phone to Derek, who drops the link of their hands. “I would like to have your number.”
Derek smirks and takes it from Stiles, inputting his information. “What, you wanna give me a call when they finally dig up Fido?”
Stiles nods. “And half the cast of G-Force, too.”
Handing the phone back, Stiles sees that he’s sent a text to himself, a series of completely indecipherable emojis. Derek raises an eyebrow. “Only half?”
“I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.”
For a second, they just look at each other, and Stile gets it. What the songs sing about and the poets write about and the high school kids glorify movies about. Yeah, he gets it, meeting someone and thinking you might love them. If not now, then later.
“Can I kiss you?” he blurts, feeling himself flush red and becoming unspeakably grateful that it’s coated in white paint.
“You’re drunk,” Derek insists, brows quirked.
“What,” he grouses, “you’ve never been drunk and wanted to kiss someone until they couldn’t breathe?”
“I have,” Derek refutes, staring into Stiles. Then Stiles has Derek’s hand moulded along his ribcage like an open-palmed branding iron, molten hot fingertips pressing through the mesh as he licks into Stiles’ mouth, tongue tracing the seam in his palate in a way that tingles. It’s over too soon and when Derek pulls away, Stiles chases, kept back by a halting hand on his chest. “Save some for when I see your Power Card,” Derek murmurs and Stiles makes himself step back so he doesn’t attempt to combine the two of them into one being.
“Is that a euphemism?” Derek just grins and Stiles sighs dramatically. “Fine,” he relents, no bite in his tone, “but you don’t know what you’re asking for.”
“I have a feeling it won’t be so bad,” he assures, grinning. “Go let your roommate in.”
“Go dig up the back yard,” Stiles calls back, consciously forcing each foot to step in front of the other. When he gets down the street, far enough that he can’t see the house anymore, his phone buzzes.
(530) 748-3396: Try not to run into any other generic horror zombies posing as werewolves.
He sends back a blurry photo of his middle finger, feeling like maybe the sky’s not so starless after all.
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vioyume · 2 years
My sleep deprived ass talks about Ninjago
I just recently re-awaken my 12 year old self by catching up to the newer seasons of Ninjago (I stopped watching after season 10, picked it back up at season 11) except for the Sea Bound season. I still have yet to watch it when writing this.
I’m just gonna ramble about the show in general. This is not a fancy essay.
Firstly, the writers for this show did not need to make it this heavy on character and world building. They could have leave it at just fighting Lord Garmadon every season and just cancel it after three seasons or so and sell their toys. They didn’t even need to make Zane a nindroid either, but here we are with one of the coolest characters ever (pun unintentional).
The only other Lego show I watched is Monkey Kid. I did watch only one episode of Nexo Knights I think, but that was because I was stuck in a hotel room, and I don’t remember anything from it.
I appreciate the balance of having characters sharing their time in the spotlight, but then have a conclusion for them instead of just forgetting about them. (Garmadon getting killed off, Ronin getting arrested, the surphanteen staying underground [I think? Season 11 made it confusing for me], etc)
Pixel being a permanent character, is a good addition to the show. Her being a voice in Zane’s head was a good idea to slowly move her into the main cast (Though I forgot how her and Zane were kidnapped during season 4). With Nya being the water Ninja, I guess someone else had to be Samurai X.
While we’re on the topic of Pixel, Zane’s death was probably the biggest thing to happen in the show. I never manage to watch Ninjago on television, but I assume some kids out there were probably sad or confused to what happened to him. And they gotta wait a couple more months to see what had happened to him, and see him redesigned. At first I was ify about it, but it makes sense to me now. When Zane does some of his robotic stuff, children will most likely be confused on why some normal person is able to do that. By making him have an android body, it leaves the writers not having to repetitively explain why he can do some android thing, but also let new viewers know “Ok, he’s the ninja robot”. (Same reason for the redesigns after the movie came out, I have neutral feelings on the movie, I didn’t bother rewatching it)
And I guess, aging Lloyd up, was maybe a reason to not let the ninjas look like baby sitters, and let Lego have a cool ass set and not a funny looking child as the green ninja.
Btw, the voice acting for the background children in the show is something that I never really liked personally.
My favourite season of the whole series is Possession. Because one: spooky ghost shit, two: My man Lloyd gets possessed, and it’s not just some ghost floating around. Whenever I watch show with a monster of some kind, they never do the thing they’re suppose to do (ghost possessing people, vampires drinking blood/turning people into them [just do what adventure time did with drinking red if you want to keep it pg],etc. btw I’m still waiting for a game/show with a cool ass vampire character), three: Nya being the water ninja, four: The best theme song remix, five: Cole becoming a ghost and they let him stay that way for another season, and six: Morro.
I like to mention that progressively, Master Wu begins to show more flaws over each season. Like regretting Morro, hiding his past with that one snake that I forgot the name of, letting his age get the better of himself. He has become more than just a teacher.
While it has been a bit since I watched the show, how did Misako and Garmadon fall in love? I remember him becoming evil at a young age, and where was Misako when Lloyd was the evil wanna be? Boy, that was a funny thing to remember about Lloyd.
I pay no attention to the romance in the show besides Jay and Nya, so I feel like it’s not my place to talk about if it’s good or bad.
And how the hell does time and age work in this show? Wu and Garmadon’s father was the first master and found the city of Ninjago, I think. Do they progress very quickly in that world? And is Zane like very old now because of season 11? And who was the previous ice master???? Zane’s an enigma.
What happened after season 10 as well? Production wise, because each episode before has a 22 minute run while they cut that for the newer seasons. I also remember being very confused on which seasons was which because I didn’t have the wiki back then, they have a weird consistency of episodes. A regular season would have about 10-13 episodes, while season 3 had 8, 10 had 4, 11 had 30, and the rest have 16 which I’m assuming is now the new normal amount. It was something I found very odd.
In the end, Ninjago is a very nice little show that I will definitely come back to when I’m bored, and when the finale comes, I hope it gets a proper ending. It may not be perfect, I don’t think we’ll ever get a show like it anytime soon. If there was a show like it, it may have been not able to take it self off the ground because of modern cartoon standards. If Ninjago aired now it probably get canceled after season 3 and we’ll all be sad and have to theorized what the hell happened to Zane.
So I’ll end this by saying, Zane and Cole are my favourite characters. And why do the writers keep torturing poor Zane?! I want another Jay or Kai based season. I don’t really want to count season 12 as it.
I know nothing about how the fan base acts either, but I’m sure your all nice people. :)
Edit: I rewatched the first two seasons, and now know why Misako left. But did she have to leave him at a boarding school of all places? He has a reliable uncle, was Lloyd always acting like a brat, and so she had no choice but to leave him there?
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frankiesmileshow · 3 years
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The Final Fantasy Pixel Shack is over! This was a lot of fun. I will definitely be doing more RPG monsters in the future, but next week will probably be a bit different.
Up top was my first entry, Tiamat. I went into this wanting to redraw the four fiends, but I got a bit carried away with her!
For my second entry, I decided to compensate a bit for having spent too long on Tiamat, and merged two of the 3 other fiends into...
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Krakillith! Bringing together Kraken and Marillith! This one is still using too many color palettes, but its a lot closer to being realistic to NES limitations.
There has been a lot of great entries this week, let’s go over them after the jump:
First up, LandsharkRawr drew a very elegant, dashing take on Lich, so we do have the four fiends present in the end! This is based on an avatar character theyve been drawing a lot, with flowing, flaming green hair.
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They also replaced the player party with adorable NES sprites of various D&D characters they’ve played with, three of which I reckognize. Made me wish I had redrawn the player characters on my entries a bit too. Maybe next time!
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And here is a second entry from Landshark, a masked creature with a terrible winged demon for a lower body. The design gives some SMT vibes. It also seems very close to fitting the NES restrictions, nice work.
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Axolotine also drew a Lich! This one sticks closer to the original. He’s also redrawn the party members, they look super good. The black and red mages are great here.
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Gabriel Harju has drawn an eyeball creature holding bones, called “Itch”, fighting a party of Yani. Who doesnt love a good eyeball monster.
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Jacob J. Ritz  Has drawn Garland as seen in the recent Final Fantasy trailer, as well as a sort of “demake” of that game into an NES style, really cool! I love the colors on Garland’s armor, it reminds me quite a bit of Exdeath from FF5. The flaming sword looks very nice too!
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Lurdiak has drawn a strange ghostly creature, as well as NES styled takes on the FF7 main cast. I understand this is a bit of a joke on some problems he has with the Final Fantasy 7 Remake - but I haven’t finished that yet, so I don’t get it yet! Nobody spoil it for me, aight? I just fought the spooky house boss so far, Barely halfway through! :O
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I believe this mesmerizing entry from Ryan Powser speaks for itself. Please enjoy. If you can summon the inner strength to move your gaze away from Ripper’s eyes, from Ripper’s TRUTH, perhaps we can move on to...
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Long after the last speck of dust falls from the bones humanity has left behind, when the last echo of our will, rippling across time’s ocean, reaches some far-away world, the inhabitants of this world, with sensory organs alien to ours, will perceive our final message to them. They will understand. Crab With Guns, by Scarodactyl.
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A babylonian-inspired entry from Will Olthouse , complete with a ziggurat in the back. Very nice! Don’t think I have heard of Lamashtu before...
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A sinister magician hermit called Gerald, from Will ! Always a fan of creatures with big, flat teeth. He has also submitted this one:
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... that he calls a knight of thorns! Really nice, love that bucket-like helmet with holes, a good striking design. Nice pose, too. This one and the previous might be entirely possible to display as a Final Fantasy enemy too!
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And here is a final one from Mr Taters, a pirate captain with a pair of pirates. I think thats the only entry with a party of multiple enemies, very nice.
That is all for this weeks entries! A LOT of em this time around!
There were also two entries that I missed from last week, one came in a bit late, and the other one I simply forgot about!
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Gabriel Harju made this gnarly skeleton with bony fingers coming out of its face!
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And Will Olthouse also made this robed snake lady vampire! Or she might be a caterpillar or slug? I’m not entirely sure. Either way, shes long.
Have you made an entry and I haven’t added you here? Be sure to reply to this, I’ll put you at the end of next week’s roundup! Thank you to everyone who has participated! Haven’t decided the subject of next week yet, but I’m thinking about a platformer of some kind...
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This is probably a strange question since KH is already a crossover in and of itself, but... KH-Crossovers you'd love? XD Not limited to Disney or any medium in particular btw :)
Fun question!
Hmm... Off the top of my head? Things that I love, because I’m selfish like that. Haha. Something like Inception comes to mind (and I’ve actually written a KH and Inception crossover. Though it would never entirely work out, but shh). But they lend themselves well to each other. Mainly because DDD was clearly inspired by Inception. What?
The Mortal Instruments, Percy Jackson, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as I think all three of them would mesh well with KH. Also, Dark Angel (and a lot of Fox shows, like Dark Angel and Tru Calling), because again with the selfishness. Also, Fox movies. More on some of that later.
Edit: ABC shows, like Alias and LOST, as they’re mystery box stories like KH.
W.I.T.C.H. Gargoyles too, though I barely remember it.
Kilala Princess, probably. And perhaps Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey (at least the villain from it would be great for KH).
I know there are some companies out there who have adapted fairytales that Disney already has. And it would be cool to see their take on them in KH. In my Namiku multi-chapter story--that I’ll sadly never finish--this was going to be a thing. There was something wrong with Kingdom Hearts, so the characters would go to a world and be like, “Wait... I know this is supposed to be Cinderella’s world, but something is off about it.” But that could also work with things like Once Upon a Time and the new Disney live-action movies.
That being said: Once Upon a Time.
National Treasure... that could actually potentially be in KH (as a few on these list could be), but I doubt it ever will be. So I might as well include it. Enchanted, too.
Phantom of the Opera or Phantom of the Megaplex. Preferably the former.
Some DCOMS Pixel Perfect and Disney Channel shows, tbh. Kim Possible!
I think people, like Shire Folk, who have written the characters with Digimon are on point.
Things like Soul Eater... and probably other animes, Square Enix made or not.
Syfy Alice, because it’s my favorite version of Alice in Wonderland.
Pokémon. Because I think Ash and Sora have a lot in common, of course (perhaps also Misty and Kairi, and somewhat SoKai and Pokeshipping). And because, as weird as it is to say... in the first game, where they made a big deal about the Keyblade choosing its master and choosing Sora (and it was very much sentient), the bond that Sora made with his Keyblade (that eventually chose him over Riku) somewhat reminded me of Ash and Pikachu’s journey. To a lesser extent, of course. But still.
Square Enix worlds...
I don’t think I want a “Beauty and the Beast & the Enchanted Christmas” world per se, but I want a Forte boss fight, somehow and some way.
Winx Club.
A crossover with Clamp could be interesting. Especially since Tsubasa and KH are so similar.
I’m down for the Muppets and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit to be cameos.
Anastasia and Titan A.E.
Tales of Vesperia or something? Just because I once made a manip of Estelle and Naminé together, and someone commented that that wasn’t a bad crosier idea and I kind of agreed?
It would never happen in a million years, for so many reasons, but A Song of Ice and Fire could be interesting. They’re both fantasy theories that keep you guessing, with a lot of theory crafting in both.
People have often theorized what KH would be like if it had been Nickelodeon or something. LOL People say “Spongebob would have taken on Mickey’s role”, and I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing what could be done with a Nickeloden crossover, a Cartoon Network one, or what have you.
Grimm’s Fairytales, maybe? Or even the show Grimm? -shrugs-
I could maybe give the Star Wars, Marvel, and Indiana Jones ideas a try...
Tenchi could be interesting... The sword from that/Master Key reminds me of the Keyblade, somewhat.
Madoka Magica?
Sabrina: The Teenage Witch? I have no freaking clue. But I’ve been rewatching episodes of that show on some week nights lately, so it’s on my mind.
Firefly could probably work, and I am trying to write that. And parts of Dollhouse would lend itself beautifully to KH.
Oh. Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Danny Phantom.
People have been saying stuff like Naruto for years, and I agree.
I also wouldn’t say no to DC. I once wrote a Smallville and KH crossover once, but that was wish-fulfillment. I don’t know how much it would actually work. Haha.
Static Shock. Teen Titans and/or Young Justice. Batman Beyond.
I’m also someone who thinks a High School Musical could work, and would like to see it. XD. I once wrote a KHxHSM crossover, and at least one reviewer seemed to think I handled it pretty well. So it can be done, imo. .
..Maybe even things like Boy Meets World, even though it shouldn’t work. But ever since the fandom joked that Jason Marsden will be announced for KH, and then the fandom will war over whether he’s voicing Max Goof, Noel Kreiss, or Kovu, and I added on that, “You guys are forgetting Eric’s friend on Boy Meets World. Don’t forget that Boy Meets World is Disney owned”, I’ve weirdly been thinking of Boy Meets World in KH. Mostly as a joke. But meh.
Perhaps “I am Number Four”...
Oh! Harry Potter! Duh! People have been doing that for years, and it works.
People have also written Fullmetal Alchemist/KH crossovers, I think. And I haven’t seen FMAB yet (for shame, I know. It’s been on my list for ages, and hopefully I’ll get to it soon), from what I know of it, I love the idea.
The Kingdom Keepers series would probably be good for KH, even though I haven’t read it yet. Descendants?
Phineas and Ferb!
I’ll just add Sailor Moon, because. Actually, you know what? Sailor Pluto’s staff was pretty much the first Keyblade. So it works and works well.
And why am I now imagining things like NCIS and Castle? IDK.
Hocus Pocus!
And can we get Rinoa in the series, already?
Wizards of Waverly Place. Maybe not as a world, but something. I think that exploring what went wrong with Jerry, Kelbo, and Megan’s relationship could be a good warning for Sora, Riku, and Kairi, perhaps. And there are other things you could, too. To a lesser extent: Phil of the Future and That’s So Raven. Again, they probably wouldn’t work as worlds (maybe cameos). But I think there are interesting things there the games could use. Like, “Oh, you can time travel, Xehanorts? Well, let me hop in my friends’ the Diffy’s time machine and beat you at your own game.” Or, “You can see the future Master of Masters, so can my friend Raven.”
Doctor Who.
The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest.
This is everything that I can think of right now...
I also think it would be fun to add in little cameos, like Proud Snacks from the Proud Family.
Edit: I want Max Goof in this series.
Edit 2: Oh! The Swan Princess and Quest for Camelot!
Edit 3: Hanna Barbara and Paramount’s monster movies could be a good idea.
Edit 4: Studio Ghibli!
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my-fanfic-library · 4 years
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Something Different {BBC Dracula x Reader} [16]
~^nine months later^~
After you had buried Zoe, and you and Jack had tasked Renfield with properly disposing of Dracula’s body, moving on became a difficult task in London. It seemed that Lucy lurked around every corner and whenever you went off to work, you’d somehow find yourself looking amongst the towers of concrete and finding the window that once belonged to the undead Count.
The temperature dipped. Christmas came and went and when it felt like the year only dragged on, despite moving into a new decade, you decided in unison to move back up north. Instead of going back to Whitby, where even more memories of the vampire tainted almost every street, you decided to move to that secret haven you had visited so long ago.
Nine months down the line, Robin Hood’s Bay was in the climax of its tourist season. July was blessing the northern coastline with an abundance of hot days and blue skies and both Jack and yourself had secured jobs.
After the trauma of your dealings with the vampire, you both decided to hand your notices in at the Foundation and find more domesticated lives. They suited you well. Talking to normal humans, leading normal lives - it suited you both so well. You had grown much closer in this time. Jack had learnt to forgive you after Lucy’s death; you had grieved for the vampire man that had stolen your heart and had moved on.
Things were finally no longer dark. Life regained its magnificent colours.
Walking along the beach, parallel to the rolling waves, your hand brushed against his - an innocent mistake. The cooling breeze soothed your skin where the sun beat down. You looked left, taking in the sight of the families far out in the rock pools with their neon nets, most likely looking for little sea creatures to fish out to inspect. Every now and again, a small child would squeal in excitement at finding a dead crab and their father would laugh and explain that it had been eaten by the birds who had left behind the shell.
You then looked right, a soft and loving smile came upon your face. Jack wasn’t paying much attention. He was looking ahead (most likely at the two dogs currently racing for the tennis ball their owner had just thrown). To say that you were surprised at your sudden budding feelings for your old friend would be a huge understatement. You had come to appreciate him for all that he was - plus you suspected that living together (platonically, of course) had something to do with it.
Jack had somehow become your home. He was the only person who could truly say ‘I know what you’re going through’ and mean it. Something about having such an intimate secret with him seemed to tie your bond ever closer.
The walk on the beach lasted a little longer, before you silently agreed it was time to head back. There would be an influx of tourists soon and you definitley didn’t want to try and battle for somewhere to sit on the sand. Besides, standing up at the top of the cliffs gave a beautiful view of the sea.
Robin Hood’s Bay was infamous for its steep hill winding up from the beach to the top of the cliffs. It was hard to walk down without feeling like you were about to topple over and roll the rest of the way down, and it was even more painful trying to get back up. There was a searing pain in your thighs as you took broad steps to try and scale the monster quicker.
You could hear Jack’s laughter behind you at the ridiculousness of your walk, but you ignored him. Hopefully living here would soon provide you with thighs of steel.
The feeling of victory that overcame you when you reached the top was worth every second of torture working up that hill in the heat. You turned to see Jack a few metres away. He grinned up at you and when he made it to your side, he was gently panting.
“Well, let’s agree to never climb that damn hill in the middle of one of the hottest days again.”
“Yeah, I think I’m gonna dive off the cliff and take a quick swim after that.” You joked.
“Let’s get going. I could do with some lunch.”
Slowly walking, you made your way back to your small shared cottage. It was cool inside. You took your seat at the dining table, eyeing your leather sofa with disgust. You knew that you’d stick to it if you went anywhere near it.
As he made himself a little lunch, Jack flicked on the TV in the living room and turned it up so that you could both hear from in the kitchen. The afternoon news was just beginning. It was the usual political issues, a virus outbreak in Southeast Asia, another tragic stabbing in London.
“A body was recovered from the Thames river two hours ago after tourists spotted a floating figure in the middle of the water just south of the Millenium Bridge. Scotland Yard have just released a statement in the last few moments confirming that the cause of death appears to be the same as those deaths reported last autumn in Whitby and in London.”
You looked at Jack. He had frozen halfway through buttering his second round of bread.
“CCTV footage shows a man, as you can see, and the police are urging for anyone with information on the suspect to call the number on the screen.”
You leapt up, rushing into the living room with Jack hot on your tail. The image was blurry but you knew that face anywhere. Dear Lord, couldn’t he have been bothered to dress a little differently than usual?
“The lawyer?” Jack breathed.
“Since when did Dracula drink his blood?”
That was the first time you had uttered his name in nine months and you’d be lying if you said that speaking it didn’t spark a little pain in your chest. You missed him so much. You expected a text message or a phone call every day, until you reminded yourself that you had changed your number. Even if by some miracle he was still out there, you’d probably never see the vampire again.
That was how it needed to be. You needed to be safe.
Your mind began to wonder. Had Dracula been drinking his blood back in London? And if so, had it simply taken this long for him to turn? Dracula’s finest bride, it seemed, would never be seen by its creator. You knew there was more to that lawyer’s loyalty than just contractual.
“Thank god we aren’t in London, huh?” Jack mumbled and made his way back to finish constructing his sandwich.
You trudged back to your own seat, beginning to rearrange the flowers that day in the middle of the table.
That night, you seemed to have a fever dream. A hot, burning fire, and between the flames, a tall figure. It seemed unharmed by the licks the fire gave it and as you reached forwards, the orange forms split to make way for your appendage. Before you could make contact, it whispered your name in a distorted voice. It sounded somewhat familiar. ‘[First]...’ it hissed as if imitating the sound of the fire, ‘where are you, [First]?’
You tossed and turned as the dream began to die away and you spent the rest of the night in a dreamless darkness. The next morning, the dream lingered in your mind. When Jack promoted you to confide in him, you opted not to tell him. It wasn’t like any of it mattered.
He didn’t press too much on it, but decided that he wanted to try and cheer you up.
“Why don’t we go into Whitby for the day?” He suggested, “only if you’re ready, of course.” He quickly added before shoving another spoonful of cornflakes into his mouth.
You thought about it. You hadn’t been to Whitby in nine whole months. Truth be told, you missed it. But you couldn’t decide if that was because you also missed Dracula. You scoffed. You had to be the only person to have grieved for a vampire. Except for maybe Mina Murray - but she didn’t count because her fiancé had been human for most of the time she knew him. Dracula had always been a vampire since the moment you had met him.
“Nah, it was a stupid idea, right.” Jack supposed your scoff was of disbelief that he’d suggest something so utterly stupid.
“No, I think we should go. I’d like to watch the boats.”
Jack watched as an absent-minded smile took hold of your lips as you thought about the harbour.
Well, two hours later and you were sitting by the bandstand, facing away from the structure as you looked out to sea. The pirate ship that took tourists out to sea a little and back again was coming back into the harbour. Some children not too far away from you excitedly jumped and waved and the pirate steering the ship waved back.
It was comforting to hear the whirl of music from the arcades, to get a whiff of both Whitby’s famous The Magpie and Quayside fish and chips, to see the lighthouse, and of course, to look over and up at the abbey.
Oh, how you had missed it here.
“Should we go over the bridge? I’ll buy you a sugar dummy.” Jack offered.
“Sure, why not?” You shrugged and swung your legs over the bench to turn and stand.
You froze.
Standing across the road, outside of the RNLI centre was him. Your jaw dropped. You had to be hallucinating. It couldn’t be! The yellow tourbus whizzed past and when it revealed that side of the road again, he was no longer there.
“[First]?” Jack broke your absolute disbelief, “you alright?”
@vampiregirl1797 @avalanet @bunnyreese12 @nerdonpluto @teamceleries @grifffins @hitbythunder @winterseoul @mymagicsuitcase @angeli-fucking-cat @benedictethegoddess @bloodhon3yx @nifflersravenclaw @writteninthestars288 @labelladrama @frankcastlesgrunts @angelicdestieldemon @quakerlasss @aliisa-jones @wolverinexmenn @clairedragonessbaker @cryiner @mitsukatsu @piratewhore @your-pixels-are-showing @tardisnesss @ladydovahkiin180 @catwomom @god-of-dramatic-death-scenes @th3rah @viper-queen @mephdcosplay @greghouse7 @faeprinces @kokoro-no-yami @trishaferdream @therealmoni @crazytxgradstudent @sansthelonelypunster @crowley-needs-a-hug @girlonfireice @wasntpriscilla @ivanna6026 @greeniemoon @blueinkblot @tefymorgan @misfitgirlwrites @lokiphan @newheart97 @middlespellman @bratty-sweetheart @dipsylou @lilmou5ie @the-fangirl-life10 @enchantersnight @imthedoctorlove @haleyea @hoefordarkness @divinemoonsters @dragosdaughter @certthekilljoy @asianbuttcheek
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medeafive · 3 years
Blood and Stone - 22
"Where'd your friend go?" Tony asks, grabbing the chips. "Turned around and he was gone."
 "I don't know, I'm not his babysitter," Natasha returns, nibbling on a carrot. "Can I ask you something?"
"You mean, whether it's bad when your boyfriend finds out you're pregnant and disappears without a word?" Tony specifies, licking his fingers. "Yeah, it is."
Natasha snorts. "Fuck off, that's not what happened. Who's Lara Croft?"
Tony snorts, dropping onto the couch. "Oh, great, so you just pretend to be asleep the whole time. Do you actually eat or is that also some magic trick?"
"Answer my question, you coward," she returns, picking up cucumber slices.
Tony sighs. "Well, that's not exactly up your alley but- it was one of the last video games that came out, couple of years ago. Nobody really cared, because of vampires and all, but I think it would have fared much better otherwise. She's an archaeologist, but the cool kind, looking for hidden treasures, fighting mummies and tomb raiders- actually, that was the name of the game. Yeah, and she's animated but- she was always wearing tank tops and shorts and all."
"Oh God," Natasha remarks with amusement. "That is horrible ."
"Was just a joke," Tony defends. "Yeah, and the lady from Resident Evil fights vampires, in similar garments. You get the picture."
"Have you ever seen me in shorts ?" Natasha questions. "That's ridiculous. So you were just hitting on me while I was asleep."
"Not that asleep, apparently," Tony points out wistfully. "Nah, just pointing out the archetype, extra tough sexy badass and all. And, well, looks really cool from a distance, not sure it's as cool when you get closer."
"You were totally attracted to me when I got here," Natasha recalls. "But then you tried to set me up with your best friend and- I don't know, I never took it seriously. Also, you were with Pepper and I'm really not a homewrecker."
"So vampires are cool but taken guys aren't?" Tony prompts. "Also, if you'd let yourself be set up, you wouldn't be in this mess."
"Yep, and I'd also be either dead or a vampire right now," Natasha returns. "Doesn't that sound great."
"I think you're well on your way to being dead but Bobbi seems to disagree, so what do I know." Tony rubs his forehead. "But- Barton ?"
Natasha snorts. "You're really blowing this way out of proportion. And don't give me that shit that he's older than me, you're all older than me except for Sharon, and I already got that from the vampire."
"The fuck does he think he can tell you," Tony remarks. "When he's basically a hundred years old."
"Eh, don't worry about it," Natasha returns, picking up another carrot. "I mean, he went pretty hard to our side. A traitor of all vampirekind or whatever."
"You just enjoy making people do radical stuff, don't you?" Tony grins. "Manipulating people, having that power. Don't think Lara Croft was like that."
"Yeah, maybe stop comparing me to pixel women in shorts," she counters. "Just trying not to get killed, thank you very much."
"Hey guys." Bobbi turns the corner, yawning. "How are you? Don't listen to Tony."
"What'd I do to you?" Tony complains.
Bobbi snorts, crossing her arms. "Is he telling you you can't be a hunter? Cause that's what he used to tell me."
"Not true," Tony objects. "I said you weren't ready to be a hunter. And then you went out anyway and promptly got hurt."
Bobbi shrugs. "Learning by doing. Honestly, Pepper would have started going out much earlier if you hadn't told her it's too dangerous."
Natasha follows the exchange with amusement, nibbling on her carrot. "It is dangerous!" Tony defends. "And I built her the suit, don't act like I wasn't supporting her."
"Y'all can't deal with loss, is what I'm saying," Bobbi returns. "You only built her the suit because she was about ready to break up with you. Different kind of loss."
Tony snorts. "You know what, I really didn't miss that argument."
"You guys seem fun," Natasha throws in. "I'm good, by the way."
"Yeah, I actually came down so we could do some prenatal prep," Bobbi replies. "Because you only got two weeks."
"What the fuck is that?" Natasha asks.
Bobbi grins, gliding her hands into the pockets of her sweatpants. "Pushing and breathing. Not much more. Certain muscles you need. It's pretty awkward, though, so let's better do it downstairs or somewhere else private."
"I thought you'd just do a C-section," Tony suggests.
"Not if I can avoid it," Bobbi replies. "Not sure we have the equipment for that. Risk of infection, risk of strong bleeding, I'd rather try the vaginal route if it's possible."
"...I'm just gonna keep that joke to myself," Tony suggests.
"Thanks," Bobbi replies. "Very generous of you."
  "Tony said you were doing lady stuff," Pepper remarks, putting her helmet down. "And we want in on that."
"What, you also want prenatal prep?" Bobbi asks, spinning in her chair like she was born in it. "How was patrol? Quiet night?"
"Quite the opposite," Sharon replies, hopping onto a table. "Saw three vampires. One got away. All fledglings, they must have come in from outside town."
"Three?" Natasha repeats with worry. "We haven't seen a single one in weeks ."
"Maybe that was your friend's doing," Pepper suggests, pulling off the shoulder plates. "You should ask him. Where is he, by the way?"
"I don't know, guess he left," Natasha admits. "He'll come back sometime."
She hates how vague that sounds, but she really doesn't know. "He ran into Steve, didn't he?" Sharon suggests. "That probably scared him."
Right. Completely harmless explanation. "Oh, but this is great," Pepper remarks, brushing through her hair. "I haven't met so many friends in a long time."
"Yeah, tell me everything!" Bobbi encourages, giggling. "How are things with Tony?"
"Pretty good," Pepper replies, also leaning against the table. "Really good actually. I still have to kick him once in a while but not as often. So I'm pretty happy."
"Kicking him sounds kind of fun, though," Sharon remarks. "Am I wrong?"
Pepper snorts, crossing her legs. "Sometimes. Mostly, it's annoying."
"Still sounds better than when I left," Bobbi insists, crossing her arms. "Honestly, I wouldn't have bet on you two making it. You know, Tony being Tony. Reason enough to dump him."
"He's really improved!" Pepper returns. "Anyway. What about your new guy?"
Bobbi sighs. "Eh, he's fine. Drives me nuts. In the good ways and the bad ways. But it doesn't have to be perfect and it doesn't have to be forever, so it's fine."
Sharon shrugs. "I don't know. Dating someone you hunt with sounds like a hassle."
"Oh yeah, why not date someone you hunt?" Bobbi interrupts. "Like a vampire?"
Sharon giggles. "Oh, come on! No offense, Natasha."
"No problem," Natasha replies, even though this whole situation freaks her out. Like, what is she supposed to say? She's sitting there, stone-faced, just listening and waiting-
"That has to be really weird, though," Pepper states. "Physically weird. Just their body temperature, and everything they smell… and the fangs!"
Bobbi chuckles. "Why not ask? Hey Nat, come on, we want to hear something."
Shit. "Oh, we won't tell," Sharon promises. "Ladies' room promise."
Natasha groans, rubbing her face. "Fine. The… what was it?"
"Body temperature, fangs, weird dick, anything," Bobbi repeats. "The juicier, the better."
Natasha snorts. "His dick's perfectly normal. Though- nah, I'm not sure I wanna tell you that."
Bobbi groans. "You motherfucking tease."
"That bad?" Sharon encourages, smiling way too nicely.
Urgh, fine, she's gonna die sooner rather than later anyway. "Not bad. Just, he always has two orgasms. One with just a little bit of stimulation and then he's still hard, you know, second orgasm a while later, everything normal. But it's always two."
"Oh my God, tell me more." Bobbi swirls in her chair, crunching up her face. "But he ejaculates both times?"
What an ugly word. "Yeah, but not very much. Anyway, I think that's all the vampire stuff."
"But he's cold, isn't he?" Pepper questions.
Natasha sighs, letting her head drop back against the pillow. "Sometimes. Just, when you touch him, he gets warmer? In the beginning, it took a while but now, he's basically always warm around me, even before I touch him. And softer, too, just more human, you know? And it worked on the other black cloak, too, not just on James. I don't know."
"The fuck," Bobbi remarks. "Just around you? No one else? That's creepy."
"I don't think anyone else really touched him," Sharon throws in. "So we don't know. Maybe it's psychological, you know, because he's only attracted to her."
"Yeah, we should test that," Bobbi suggests. "Just hold his hand for a while, see what happens."
Natasha snorts. "Well, ask him. When he comes back."
There's a knock on the door and it takes them all a moment to realize it's not the door to upstairs but the one in the back. Sharon hops off the table. "Is that the room with the ice block?" Bobbi asks. "Is that where you put him?"
"Steve," Sharon replies tensely. Pepper walks to the door. "Yes."
Pepper pulls the door open. It's indeed Steve, steadied against the wall. He doesn't look good but he never really does. "Hello," Pepper starts in her professional secretary voice. "I think Sam is still asleep but maybe we can help you?"
Steve blinks at them slowly. Sharon's knuckles are white against the edge of the table. "Oh, no, I really don't want to bother you, I don't need anything, just- do you mind if I join you?"
"Oh, sure thing." Bobbi gets up and pushes her chair towards him. "Here, sit down. No need to exhaust yourself."
Steve drops heavily into the chair. "Thank you. Uh, you're… you're not Sharon, are you?"
"Nope," Bobbi replies cheerfully, pointing to her right. "That's Sharon. That's Natasha, that's Pepper and I'm Bobbi. You're Steve."
Steve smiles as soon as he sees Sharon. "Oh, hey. I saw you- I don't know how long ago that was. Maybe a few days?"
Yeah, and he talked to Natasha yesterday but maybe he already forgot that. "Hey," Sharon blurts out. "I'm- Grandma is- I'm Peggy's granddaughter. She's my grandma."
Steve just blinks for a while. "I'm sorry, I'm still- oh, the- Peggy? Peggy Carter? From Britain?"
"Yes!" Sharon exclaims. "Sorry. Well, after the war, she got married and had my mom and- well, my mom had me and here we are, I guess."
Steve smiles again. "Oh, I see the- the resemblance now. Is she- How is she?"
Sharon giggles. "Oh, good. I mean, she's getting old but still holding on as always, you know her. I haven't seen her in a while, though, travel is very difficult."
"Oh, I absolutely remember that," Steve replies. "She was so determined and disciplined and smart, of course- oh, but she has to be very old now, the- what year is it again?"
"She's 78," Sharon says. "It's 1999. December 1999."
"Wow." Steve rubs his swollen red face. "That- I won't get used to that anytime soon."
Bobbi chuckles. "Uh, should we let y'all work that out alone or…?"
Steve turns. "Sorry, Ma'am. Are- You sound Southern."
"Georgia," Bobbi confirms. "But I'm not related to anyone. And I don't live here anymore, normally. Transferred to Florence, Italy."
"Oh, and I talked to you- was that yesterday?" Steve turns to her lying on the bed. "Was- It was Natasha, wasn't it?"
"Yep," Natasha replies. "Still very visibly pregnant, so I guess you won't confuse me."
Steve blushes, remembering. "Right. Is- is Bucky here?"
"No, he left," Natasha tells him. "Guess he needed some space, after running into you."
Steve groans. "Right, sorry. Does- wait, he would remember Peggy, too, wouldn't he?"
"James doesn't remember shit," Natasha returns. "Sorry. Not Peggy, not you, not anything before he turned into a vampire. Maybe it'll come back slowly but not right now."
"That's- unfortunate." Steve sighs. "That's probably why he- well, I guess he doesn't want to see me then."
"Natasha is a little harsh," Sharon admonishes. "I'm sure he'll remember eventually and it'll all work out."
"Yeah, after the vampire baby bullshit, nothing surprises me anymore," Bobbi remarks.
Steve blushes again. "Uh, so- what are you guys doing here? You're not from here, are you?"
"Oh, I'm Czech," Pepper replies. "Little village in Southern Bohemia, near the Austrian border. Came to Prague to get a job, ended up at this American company that was just getting started over here- with a really, let's say, eccentric boss- yes, and then the vampires. Let's say it really didn't go the way I planned."
"I'm Russian," Natasha adds. "Or I was."
"British American," Sharon states.
"But-" Steve coughs. "Pepper?"
"Oh, that's not my actual name," Pepper replies. "It's Jindřiška. But none of you can say that, so Tony called me Pepper and that stuck."
"And Tony is the-" Steve prompts.
"You saw him already, he was working on James' arm yesterday," Natasha remarks.
"He used to be my boss," Pepper explains. "He's sort of an engineer, an inventor. His company, the one he inherited from his father, used to produce weapons but he's moved it to energy production, reactors and the like, all of it renewable. Though it feels like he really worked on everything at some point, just like Bruce."
Steve rubs his temples. "Oh man. Who is Bruce again?"
"Our resident doctor," Bobbi replies. "He's brilliant, really. Fury recruited him. He used to study biochemistry somewhere in Sweden but when you break your arm, he'll fix that, too."
"Bobbi is a doctor, too," Pepper points out.
"Yeah, different kind, though." Bobbi shakes her head. "I got a medical degree, too, but I specialize in women's health. That's actually how I got here, because I volunteered in the early nineties when they didn't have enough experts in that around here, a lot of them had emigrated. Well, the thing is, babies tend to get born in the middle of the night, so I had to make spontaneous visits while the vampires are out in the streets. Clint started to accompany me, to convoy me so I could do my job without getting killed and… yeah, I wanted to be a hunter, too. So now I'm both."
"People really have a lot less babies now," Sharon remarks. "Not the world you want your child to grow up in."
Steve coughs, swallows. "Right. Uh, so… what did you do, before, Sharon?"
"Nothing," Sharon replies, smiling. "Just finished school. I've always been a hunter."
"Oh yeah," Natasha agrees. "Me too."
"Oh, but Natasha is probably the best tracker in the world," Sharon points out. "Really. She's been doing this longer than any of us."
How she wishes she hadn't. Maybe then she wouldn't be so tired from it. Steve looks confused once more. "What's a tracker?"
"That's a kind of hunter, someone who's very good at finding vampires," Sharon explains. "In the early days, they traveled, following specific vampires and hunting them down, but these days, there are just too bloody many. It's still useful, though, on patrols. I'm a tracker, too."
"Well, I think now we've got everyone," Pepper remarks. "Except for Clint, he's the one with the bow-"
"The- sorry for interrupting," Steve interjects. "With the bow ?"
Bobbi snorts. "Yeah, the bow. Gotta say, it's efficient because you only need to make the tip of the arrow out of silver, instead of the whole knife. But mostly, he just likes to be special or he'd use a gun. Oh, we used to date, if you didn't notice already."
"And Fury, of course," Pepper adds. "Fury is- well, Fury. You'll know when you see him. Rumor is he was a CIA agent stationed somewhere in the Eastern Bloc, and he just stayed around after. And this is not the first station he's run. But really, we don't know, he's not one to share."
"Could you- tell me about Sam, too?" Steve asks.
"His parents were from Angola," Bobbi tells him. "He came here very young. His dad was- was it agriculture? I don't know, he was some technical expert. They came here as refugees, from the civil war, and his father went through East Berlin to West Berlin to the US, trying to get a green card there. Of course, that took years, so Sam mostly grew up here. Yeah, and then he moved to the US, joined the Airforce, all that. Came back when vampires were starting to become a thing here."
"Oh yes, he said it- there are more here?" Steve states tentatively. "Vampires, I mean."
"Yeah, it started in Russia," Natasha remarks. "And you can thank your buddy for that."
Bobbi snaps around. "Wait, what?!"
"He told me," Natasha admits. "Schmidt sent him and he bit four people in Moscow, four in Saint Petersburg. Eight in total. There were others sent to other countries but those were the first ones."
"That motherfucker. " Bobbi snorts, crossing her arms. "I'm definitely not holding his hand anymore."
Steve blushes. "Uh, were you going to…?"
"Oh, we thought about doing an experiment," Sharon explains. "We were talking about that, actually, before- Well, vampires are usually cold, you know? But Natasha said her friend's not cold when she touches him, so… we just wanted to find out how that works."
Steve blushes even more, probably every time he's reminded his old buddy-new vampire knocked her up. "Oh. Didn't think about that."
"Only eight people?" Pepper repeats. "Really?"
"He thought that was enough," Natasha replies. "And boy it was."
"Wait, just so I get that right," Steve interjects. "Bucky caused a global vampire epidemic?"
Well, calling him Bucky really doesn't help. "Pretty much. He didn't know much about the others. I should mention there's some form of mind control involved, from a vampire to the vampire that bit them, though not in every case. Schmidt bit all of the black cloaks, so…"
"Mind control, too?" Bobbi snorts. "Oh, fuck that. That's bullshit."
All that cursing doesn't appear to be good for Steve, blushing and coughing. "But we don't really know how that works either, do we?" Sharon adds.
Natasha shakes her head. "Well, that's going to be an issue if Schmidt shows up."
"Uh, why would Schmidt- he's the Nazi vampire, right?" Steve asks. "Why would he show up? And what are black cloaks?"
Bobbi groans, rolling her head. "Oh man, we're going to be here for a long time, aren't we?"
  They don't get a lot further until Steve is so overwhelmed and tired he goes straight back to bed. Natasha eats a huge amount of pasta and then falls asleep quickly. She's always so hungry and so tired now, though it got better with the vampire blood. She wakes when someone sits down on her bed. It's dark. She blinks. Oh, right. The warm stone touches her shoulder. She yawns. "Oh, you're back."
He sighs. "Yeah. Sorry I ran. It wasn't about you."
"He was here," she remarks. "Earlier today. And man, you really have to explain that guy everything ."
He chuckles, rubbing his ear. "Yeah. I don't know, I'll figure it out. I mean, I'll have to, whether I want it or not."
"You'll figure it out," she agrees. "And you don't have to become best friends with him at all, just clear the air a little."
He shrugs. "Somehow, yeah. And… I'm sorry, I'm sure you didn't want that reaction from me, about the pregnancy. You must have hoped I would be happier about it."
She sighs. "I don't know. There's no right way to feel about this. I didn't expect you to cheer for something that was really bad for my health."
He takes her hand and rubs it. "You smell better, by the way. Less dead, more vampire. I- I can't smell the baby, I think."
"Maybe that's part of the vampire smell," she suggests. "Look, I thought about what you said, that you can't really do this, and- it's okay. I still want to have it. You're enough as you are. Just love me, and support me. That's all I need."
He smiles, golden streaks flashing in the dark. "Always. I will try to look forward to it, then."
She snorts, placing his hand on her rounded belly. "Oh, yes. I also look forward to when this is over."
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vintagesimstress · 5 years
21 Questions Tag
It’s the first time I got tagged to do something like this, exciting! Many thanks to @batsfromwesteros :).
Rules: answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
(It got quite long, so I’m putting it all under the cut!)
Nickname: I don’t have one and never had. Some people tried to come up with something, but for some reason it never worked.
Zodiac: Leo
Height: slightly over 170 cm
Last thing searched: 1890s music
Favourite musicians: ehmmm, it seems I live almost without music these days, mostly listening to radio. Katie Melua, but rather her earlier CDs, until ‘Secret Symphony’? Right now I’m a bit crazy about those guys as well. What else... <franticly looking around the room in search of any CDs> ...Brahms? Honestly, have you ever heard anything more beautiful than this, especially from 9:22?
Oh, am I’m kind of a fan of Roksana Węgiel, the girl who won last year’s Junior Eurovision. I wouldn’t call her a ‘musician’ yet, but with that voice she can achieve a LOT. And yes, I know she’s 14. Sue me.
If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future? I’d go back in time... But only if I was sure I can come back to the present day whenever I want. With all my interest in history, I can’t imagine my life without radiators, thank you very much.
Do I get asks? They are rather comments than real asks, but technically yes. And they make me very happy :)
Following : 54 people
Would you rather be rich or famous? Come on, we all know that EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE FAMOUS!
Honestly though, I think too much of either of those things is dangerous for your mental health and can turn you into a very shitty human being. So, yeah, rather famous, but not superstar level - and famous for some cool skill or something I did and not just because many people know I exist.
Oh well, being a bit richer than I am now wouldn’t hurt either...
Amount of sleep: you mean the amount I get or the amount I need? The first one would be around 8 hours, the second - minimum 10 h per day. Yep, I’m no Napoleon.
What I’m wearing: Black ‘office’ trousers which are my normal casual wear since I quit working in an office. An organic cotton, fair trade blouse in royal blue from Living Crafts which I bought last week, to finally have some proper long sleeves in my wardrobe. No 3/4, 4/5 or whatever, but something that will actually reach my wrists. And some super old, white, knitted, short-sleeved sweater over it. Yeah, there’s a reason why I mentioned radiators earlier.
Oh, and saturated pink socks. My fashion taste is impeccable, as you can see.
Dream job: Something connected to environmental protection and research. I wish I’d realised it 10 years ago.
Dream trip: I’ve been dreaming of Finland for years! And probably yet another trip to Portugal would be yet another dream.
If you were an animal. What would you be? A bird. Flying around freely, travelling around the world.
What are some of your favourite books/films/shows/games/etc.?
Books: too many to name them all. Some examples from the couple of past years: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers Ali Smith’s Autumn Youth without God by Ödön von Horvath Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso Anatoly Rybakov’s Children of Arbat series most of the stuff by Chingiz Aitmatov Jo Baker’s Longbourn Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle A Tree Grows in Brooklyn I Capture the Castle Eco’s The Name of the Rose lots of Jostein Gaarder To Kill a Mockingbird The Poisonwood Bible Swann’s Way ...and tones of others.
Also, as an honourable mention: Charles Bukowski’s The Captain is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship probably saved me from a mental breakdown some years ago, so it’s quite dear to my heart.
Films: I’ll just list all my 10 and 9 stars’ movies: Pan’s Labyrinth (2006),  Intolerance (1916), Alive Inside (2014), Pulp Fiction (1994), Kimi no na wa / Your name (2016), Paterson (2016), The Fountain (2006), I am (2010), About Time (2013), Samsara (2011), Yume / Dreams (1990), Melancholia (2011), The Godfather (1972), Interview with the Vampire (1994), White Oleander (2002), What Dreams May Come (1998), Shrek (2001), Frida (2002), Volver (2006), Notre-Dame de Paris (the musical, 1999), Fiddler on the Roof (1971), Once (2007).
An honourable mention goes to Mamma Mia, which is technically a garbage movie, but it makes me smile like no other.
Shows: I’m not really into shows. Let’s say I’m currently watching / waiting for new seasons of Anne with an A, The OA and Babylon Berlin, but I’m not super hyped for any of them.
Games: I play only TS4 right now. Used to love Heroes of Might and Magic, Civilisation, Age of Empires and all that strategy stuff. My all-time favourite award goes to The Longest Journey and it’s sequel, Dreamfall.
Play any instruments? No. Sadly. I have some basic idea of playing the piano, but I’m not really into it.
Language(s): Fluent or close to it: Polish, English, German, Japanese In the making: Portuguese, Russian, French, in this order, with French being ridiculously bad.
Describe yourself as aesthetic: ...what do you mean when you say words?
I lost track of who was already tagged and who wasn’t, so sorry for any doubles and omissions! I TAG @linzlu, @retro-pixels, @pandorasimbox, @smallcowplant, @girlwithaheadamongclouds, @retro-vintage-sims, @mrtri91 and anybody else who’d like to participate :)
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khazrakh · 3 years
Have You Played Loop Hero?
When I swipe through the games Steam is recommending me, I can usually tell in an instant if a game is interesting to me or not. Does it have cards? Does it have a hex grid? Does it even remotely look like a strategy game? I'll probably like it. Is it an AAA shooter? Does it have Japanese/Asian art style? I'll pass, thank you. But occasionally, there are games where I just think to myself "what the hell is that meant to be!?". One of these games was Loop Hero, a recently released strategy roguelite game made by Four Quarters.
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   All images taken from Steam
  At first glance, Loop Hero is your standard roguelite game. Your hero moves around the countryside, battles monsters, finds loot, levels up, faces the boss... and eventually dies. When he does, he'll leave behind some resources which are meant to help you with your next run. What's making Loop Hero so special is the fact that you don't control the hero, like at all. Instead, you control the environment the hero is moving through. Every new run consists of a randomly generated loop that your hero will follow. Every time he meets a monster on the path, a separate window will open, showing the fully automated battle. The rest of the map is completely blank in the beginning and it's up to you to change that. Monsters that your hero kills will occasionally drop new tiles to add to the world. What tiles can be dropped is decided by you as well, but more on that later.
These tiles can either be simple landscape elements like hills, mountains, or meadows, or they can be dangerous places spawning new monsters for you hero to fight. What might sound a bit confusing at first really works out pretty well. Each tile has a different effect like increasing your champions hit points by a certain amount or spawning a Vampire every time your hero fights close to the tile. Your hero will also find a lot of different items to equip and will eventually level up, granting you additional passive effects to choose from. The game mostly revolves around making the best out of the tiles and items you are given. You have to place the tiles in a way that will allow your hero to kill as many monsters as possible without dying himself.
By combining different tiles, you can create new elements providing new effects. If you combine 3x3 rocks and mountains together, you will create a mountain peak for example. This will provide a hefty bonus to your hero's hit points but it will also spawn a strong enemy he has to fight every few days. As indicated before, you decide yourself what tiles to bring to a round and as you progress through the game, more and more tiles are unlocked allowing for many different strategies. Considering the fact that you don't control your hero in any way, you still have a lot of decisions to make. If you just mindlessly place the tiles you find, your hero will either die early or be way too weak once he has to face the level boss.
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   Between runs, you can build up your camp with the resources you've found on your adventures. There's a lot to be discovered there. A lot of different buildings can be constructed and upgraded, all providing additional effects, boons, and even new classes. You can also find a lot of different items during your runs which can then be equipped in the village, providing you with additional effects. All this allows for a lot of customization and obviously adds a lot of replayability to the game. There's always something to finish next, an item to test, a building to upgrade. A normal run takes between 20 and 40 minutes, so the game can be played in shorter intervals if time is a problem.
What I really don't like about the game, though, is its art. That's also the main reason I really wasn't sure what I was looking at when I first found it. To tell the truth, the game looks like it was made in 1990... by somebody not very good at making stuff like that. I really don't mind the pixelated art style that many of these indie games have. Actually, if done right, it can look really awesome. For my taste, Loop Hero is taking things a bit too far here, though. It really really isn't a good looking game.
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   The sound isn't that awesome either, it basically just consists of random noises. The music at least is pretty decent although I wished there would be some more variation to it, as it get's old rather fast. Nevertheless, if you can look behind these issues, you'll be rewarded with an extremely entertaining and surprisingly deep strategy game. The first stage is pretty easy but once you move on to the second level, things really heat up a lot. With all the different stats, attributes, items, buildings, tiles, classes, and what not, there's an extraordinary amount of different combinations to try. It's also really cool that you have to experiment with the different tiles yourself. More than once, I've accidentally found a new combination that killed my hero in the process but allowed me a whole new approach for my next attempt.
The game is sold at 14.99€ (which should be something like 17$) on Steam and I feel like that's a very reasonable price for what you get out of it. So far, I've played almost 25 hours and while I'm not firing it up every day, I still enjoy doing the occasional run every now and then. If you play it from start to finish, you can expect to get about 30 to 40 hours of entertainment out of it. If you want to finish all constructions and unlock all items and classes this should probably be doubled. Either way, you'll get a lot of entertainment for your money. The game is comfortably sitting at 94% positive reviews on Steam right now and I feel like that's well deserved. It's not among the best games I've ever played, but it's fresh and entertaining. A full recommendation in my book!
And that's all from me for today. Thank you all for reading and see you next time!
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fish-d · 7 years
Hi, it's Tanz Secret Santa! Omg, I also very much love Steve Barton, all his recordings as Krolock are brilliant! And I also LOVE Max Niemeyer, ugh he is the beaniest of precious beans!!! 😍😍😍 I am also very new to Tanz, so I'll love looking the other actors up! Just was also curious, do you have a favorite production and song from the musical? Hope you're having a great weekend! ILY2!!! 😘
honestly as much as i love seeing other people’s interpretations of the graf, barton will always be my absolute favorite. a lot of the more modern krolocks come off as cold and emotionless (ivan) or smug and disdainful (drewww), and those are perfectly valid interpretations of the character! but barton has this melancholy and warmth to him that i ADORE. like in his “Vor dem Schloss”, when he says the “ich bin ein nachtvogel” line, he giggles at his own gatdamn joke ??? that’s fucking adorable ? you really get the sense that he’s a lonely dad who’s had a hard 300-odd years but he still has a lot of love to give. i’ve made myself emotional goddamnit (PLEASE watch this video of his “Die Unstillbare Gier”, it’s the rawest emotional performance i have EVER seen)
also, fun fact, he did english demo recordings of the Dance of the Vampires translations for unstillbare and gott ist tot ( “Confessions of a Vampire” (x) and “Original Sin” (x), respectively )! i mean the translations are still janky as fuck but its cool to hear him do the graf in english
iiiii got into tanz maybe? a little under two months ago? so i feel you >u
OK OK BACK TO UR ACTUAL QUESTION my favorite production is. mmmmm i think i mentioned this the last ask but the 2006 Hamburg Tarte proshot ( handsubbed on youtube here ) and the… I think ‘97? Barton proshot, which my friend had to rip off of piratebay :’) there are like 11 pixels on the screen but its worth it to see My Boy Steve
and my favorite song iiiis probably a tie between “Vor dem Schloss” and “Die Unstillbare Gier”, but special mention goes to “Carpe Noctem” and “Sie irren, Professor!”. basically any time krolock is either a) being emotional or b) on the stage with alfred, i lose my goddamn marbles - ESPECIALLY if its a krolock who uhhh tends to Get Physical (like here with aleksandr sukhanov and sergey denisov or here with barton and aris)
ANYWAY SORRY ABT GIVIN U HOMEWORK LMAO but i hope your weekend has been good too !!!
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
I’m taking the night off from sky-making because I’m actually ahead of “schedule” and because I’m getting sort of disturbingly obsessed and playing my game for a bit instead, so while it loads, I write a bunch of replies. :)
These are for *deep breath* @penig, @holleyberry, @esotheria-sims, @acquiresimoleons, @kayleigh-83, @didilysims, @tamtam-go92, @dunne-ias, @strangetomato, and @eulaliasims. (Which doesn’t look like a long list, but there are multiple replies for pretty much all of the above, so....Yeah. :) )
penig replied to your photo “Dear Diary, Like wow! I got my first kiss and lost my virginity in...”
Bang it out...I see what you did there...
holleyberry replied to your photo “And here’s the other one I really wanted: Just a grassy, flat horizon...”
Maxis neighborhood specific ones would be great too.
How do you mean? Like, made from panoramic pictures of specific neighborhoods? It’s an interesting idea, actually. I’d have to reinstall those neighborhoods to do it, though. Unless someone wants to volunteer to take pics for me. ;) Even so, I’m not sure I could get the scale right. Scale is a definite issue with these things. It will never be right, actually, but the most noticeably out-of-scale things on them are definitely buildings, when compared to the size of an actual, in-neighborhood building.
Speaking of Maxis, though... I’ve been fooling around with making some flat horizons to actually match the Maxis terrains, but it’s proving difficult. The scale issues are pretty bad. :\ I mean, like I said, these things are always going to be out of scale with the actual in-game houses and whatnot just because it’s the nature of the beast, but I’m trying to minimize that as much as I can. For some reason, it’s just not working very well with the Maxis terrain textures. I’m hoping to be able to make it work, but right now it’s not looking good. :\
esotheria-sims replied to your photo “Man, I’ve put a lot of work into this one. :) Like *checks time* about...”
Wow, just wow. This has got to be one of the coolest and most realistic skybox recolors I've seen around (though the 'realistic' part doesn't really come as a surprise, considering the source material :D) I'm extremely tempted to turn Strangetown into a miniature pseudo-Arizona town now.
:D That’s pretty much what I’m doing for retro-Strangetown. Because it amuses me to make the town Roswell-esque. Roswell’s in New Mexico, not Arizona, but the terrains in the two states are pretty similar. About the only difference, overall, is that (southern) Arizona has saguaro cacti and New Mexico doesn’t. I think NM is not quite as dry as AZ, but they’re both part of the same big desert, really, so...yeah. 
In any case, that sky is one specifically meant for retro-Strangetown, for my own purposes. I also separated the horizon from the sky and put the horizon-only version on a lower layer so that the horizon can be used with any sky. So, the place can have different skies at different times but always have the same surrounding terrain, for continuity’s sake.
acquiresimoleons replied to your photo “Sharon still had that flirt want, and I figure the only way she’s...”
I guess her time with the aliens was fun and she wanted to try it with an earthling
Hah! Yeah, maybe...although in my mind the alien thing isn’t sexual at all. Just a “bit” of genetic engineering. But it might’ve put crazy ideas in her head, nevertheless. :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Will, attempting and failing at yoga.  But hey! At least he was doing...”
Like juggling, Sims have a remarkable natural aptitude for yoga!
That, and the fact that if you’re a Sim who’s really good at playing the piano, you can also paint like Picasso. Wish it was like that in real life because I’d really like to be able to paint. I mean, I can do all right with digital painting so long as I can use custom Photoshop brushes so that I can just “paint” a shape with a single click. But with actual physical art tools and supplies on an actual canvas or piece of paper? Completely hopeless. *sigh* Although I do plan to take some art classes at the local community college when we go home to CO. I’m hoping to be able to learn something. :)
didilysims replied to your post “I’m having a bit of a dilemma. Need some input. :)”
Some download sites have an option to have individual files in a folder and you can download the entire folder, so maybe that's an option? But honestly whatever's easiest for you is fine. I want 'em no matter what! :D
On SFS you can upload stuff in folders, and then downloaders can choose to download individual files from within the folder. That’s how Lowedeus uploaded his recent batch of skies. I’m thinking that might be better for folks with slower internet connections or those who know they don’t want every sky and want to pick and choose. I’m going to make a photo album on my Livejournal space with at least one pic of every sky, that such folks can reference in order to decide what they want. I’m thinking I’ll do a folder as well as a single file with everything in one, for people who just want everything and who have the internet bandwidth to download it all within a reasonable amount of time. That ought to cover all the bases, I think.
didilysims replied to your post  “You used to use a bite neck mod for vampires. Do you still use it?...”
Cool ideas! I definitely want to steal the no food for vamps plan! Part of me also wants to steal the turn/kill randomization too, but I know I would be so sad if someone had to die. :(
Yeah, I can understand that. I’m just not overly-sentimental about my pixel people. Actually, I get far more attached to the pets than I do to the human Sims. So, I don’t have problems with killing Sims when the random number generator says to kill them and/or to have them die of illness thanks to RealSickness. And sometimes...Well, sometimes a population just NEEDS culling, especially because I let Sims breed as they will. In such neighborhoods, when I’ve got vamp residents, I’ll usually bump up the chance of bitten Sims being killed as population control. BUT! If you wanted to try it out, you could say they can only bite/turn/kill townies that you don’t really care about. :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “Will decided to skip class, so I sent him off to the park that I...”
Lol, I have a sim that has three bolts with a guy with the same face template too xD
There’s always that one gorilla-faced dormie! :D I actually don’t mind that template at all. If you breed ‘em with a Sim with the right features to sort of soften the gorilla-ness, the kids are actually pretty darn cute. Usually chubby-cheeked and full-lipped but not as extreme as the gorilla-face. I have a weakness for chubby cheeks, myself. :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “As if spending most of his time yakking with dormies wasn’t enough...”
I LOVE the tiles!
Yeah, they’re pretty cool. Maxis, too, since those made-over Academie Le Tour buildings I use are all CC-free, and I see no reason to make them otherwise, for the (relatively) short time that Sims live there. I think those tiles came with Nightlife, IIRC...
penig replied to your photo “Alien pregnancy doesn’t stop Sharon from being a complete nerd. It...”
You say "complete nerd" like it's a bad thing.
Nah, not bad, per se. Just reminds me too much of me when I was young and way too serious and not-fun for my own good. Being a complete anything can be a bad thing, after all. There was so much I missed out on when I was young because I was so focused on being a superior student and then on my career. The former actually didn’t have that huge of a positive impact on the latter. And I sort of gave up the career path I’d planned on to focus on raising my kids -- which I hadn’t planned on having -- anyway. So, in the end, all that seriousness and nerdy and sort of arrogant scholasticism had no real net gain and, like I said, made me miss out on experiences that probably would’ve been greatly enriching both personally and professionally. So...moderation in all things is my philosophy now. Which isn’t to say that I’m not a nerd at all. I mean, an encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek as well as a nerdy fascination with arthropods kind of clinches that. But I don’t strive to be a complete nerd anymore.
dunne-ias replied to your photoset “So. I made skies. Like, *cough* 30 of them. So far! Above is a...”
I find it hilarious that you "need to get your butt in bed now" when you live where you live compared to where I live and it's actually approaching MY bedtime.
:D Yeah, being nocturnal and living on the US west coast and going to bed around noonish my time does sort of put me on the same sleep schedule as normal diurnal people in especially the more eastern parts of Europe that are 9 or 10 hours or so ahead of where I am. Like you, for instance. :) 
penig replied to your photo “Oh God, not you, too, Will! Just sitting there, not playing chess,...”
Replace the chairs. They're too comfy.
See, that’s the thing. Those same chairs are used in other places in the dorm, not just at the chess table. Yet they choose the ones at the chess table, even if they have to walk past other iterations of the same chair to get to it. It’s weird. I can’t figure it out.
didilysims replied to your photo “The cow mascot was wandering around, doing her thing. Must hurt to get...”
Eh, they're just cheap plastic. Look at the tacky shine on 'em.
Well, yeah, but cheap plastic can still hurt if it pokes you hard enough!
...OK, that sounded vaguely dirty somehow. :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “The cow mascot was wandering around, doing her thing. Must hurt to get...”
I love those mascots, such shit disturbers!
Y’know, I’m actually not a huge fan of the mascots in general. I find them more annoying than anything, same as I do Crumplebottom. Usually, I ban them with the Visitor Controller. For some reason I decided to let them torment dorms (they’re still banned in private on-campus residences, where it seems less appropriate for strangers to be barging in to do strange things) for now. I’m sure they will become annoying enough to ban them again, but for now...Yeah, they’re amusing me. And hey! The cow mascot’s sprinkler prank gives the germophobes something to do, with all the mopping. *eye roll*
strangetomato replied to your post “Later that night...”
I will never be tired of the silly date gifts.
It’s actually one of my favorite things about the whole dating thing. They make me laugh and/or they can sometimes be really useful. In fact, if they didn’t exist, I might not send any of my Sims on any actual, official timed dates at all. But since timed dates/outings are the only way to get the silly pressies, I do...
eulaliasims replied to your photo “Oh, God, it’s time to finish this thing. :P It’s campus housing, to...”
Apartment lots *are* a pain to furnish. Shift-key and dump identical bare necessities in each apartment is my method. At least the building looks gorgeous! I like the mix of windows. :D
Thank you! See, part of my problem with apartments is that I really can’t bear to furnish/decorate them identically. I really don’t know why. I mean, if I download an apartment lot with identically-furnished units, I’m perfectly OK with using them as-is. But, if I’m building the building, I just...can’t. I have to do them all differently. So, it’s like committing to decorating four (or more!) entire houses for one lot, and since furnishing/decorating is pretty much my least-favorite aspect of building...Yeah, apartment lots sort of intimidate me. Love building them. They’re fun to design/build. But the rest of it? Ugh, such a burden. :)
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geek-gem · 7 years
OK KO Parents Day and We Got Hacked
3:54 pm so I just watched the episodes. Also by mistake when I was washing my mouth because I sneezed earlier despite using water I heard won't work but anyway. I saw the show started earlier at 3:25 it said and I watched it at 3:27. I only missed some of the beginning yet it started with KO and his mom in the car and the title pops up.
Including today saw their were some pictures some leaked ones but I didn't wanna look at them despite some by mistake. Mainly from a guy I follow on here who I mentioned in my talk about Michael Bay and Dora movie shit. That's another topic that's weird.
So honestly I seriously enjoyed both episodes and will talk about them both. Yet I feel I won't be as detailed. Basically because my nose is well runny. Even I feel just....I don't know my hearing isn't bad but still.
But I'll talk about, "Parents Day" first and I seriously enjoyed it quite a lot. Including weeks ago I tried to not look at spoilers because I wanted to wait and support the show when it's on the air mainly.
Yet again I liked it a lot. But gonna talk about some stuff. So not really a Halloween episode yet KO like in the promos thinks Enid is trick or treating without him or Rad. But it's just a pretty narly episode with just all that spooky stuff it can still be enjoyed.
So basically the story is on a Parents Day the plaza has surprised Mr. Gar does that cool, KO is excited about this. Yet not Rad since he doesn't like it that his parents embarrass him. I remember seeing I think Rad's dad on a picture of a video on here but I didn't wanna see it to avoid spoilers. Yet of all the three's parents Enid's parents aren't there and she says their a clan of ninjas and decide to leave.
So wanting to find out KO and Rad want to know. Also this joke about Enid likes purple despite it's not a big deal but KO does. Yet they realize that Enid lied about her family. She lives in a haunted house and dresses up as a witch. With KO thinking she's trick or treating without them. I'm surprised Rad didn't make a joke or mention it's not Halloween yet or some shit. Kind of nice despite how weird the world is they still have holidays cool.
Including I was thinking after the episode I'm surprised I haven't cherished the concept and going all out despite I like this holiday where I feel I could be myself some sort of freak. Yet I'm just going by my days normally.
So as they discover and being found by Enid's mom. Including they find out her mom is a vampire and her dad is a werewolf. Also yeah I'm kind of explaining the episode. Let me say this and almost left turns out. But seriously Enid's parents are awesome. Including just how they are. Along with the episode being funny. They just seem so cool. Along with being supportive.
But turns out Enid is embarrassed of her parents and wants to be a ninja. Yet because of conflict with these two ghosts who live with them and possess Rad and KO stuff goes crazy but it's because of Enid's ninja skills and powers or stuff that helps end the problem. With Enid's mom sucking the ghosts right out of the guys and Enid's dad having to make sure she spits out the ghosts.
Because of that Enid's parents don't mind her being into that ninja stuff. Including just seriously it's very nice and cute. Then also Enid wants them to come to the next Parents Day which means she's alright with her parents now.
Also this interaction and development was gonna say I suppose but between Rad and Enid. Because they could relate to parents being embarrassing..... honestly I seem very different from others. Mainly not being embarrassed of my parents yet I can see it might be a problem for some people....I forgot if it was embarrassed. I'm just thinking her parents are so cool. Because of all that spooky stuff and other things.
Honestly I liked the episode. It's probably my favorite of the two being shown today. Including now finally seeing the episode I've tried to avoid spoilers for and waited for. It was seriously funny too including I guess when Rad was just seriously reacting to the concept of Enid's parents and other stuff. Including Enid's reactions just a lot of stuff was silly and funny.
But also glad I tried to avoid spoilers. I remember reading the guide of the episode on TV because I forgot last night and went to bed early by mistake the episode being called, "Parents Day" which I thought referred to Enid's parents but didn't think of a actual parents day yet I remember that video I decided not to watch.
Including I was surprised it wasn't like a Halloween episode featuring the holiday in the episode. Because it was promoted like that. I was excited yet it was different. But it was a lot of fun and loved the episode.
Random shit you guys might find funny but personal stuff. But isn't Enid pretty in a witches outfit. Even before the episode a bit yet seeing it more and in motion I like it. Even after wards when she wasn't dressed as a witch anymore. Personal opinions just saying.....she's cute well thought pretty is actually the word I wanna use mostly to be simple.
Now let's talk about, "We Got Hacked" and this in a way kind of teaches something and glad even before this I don't do this. DO NOT CLICK POP UPS including these weird ones I question are they doing that because of possible popularity, pop culture, and other shit.
So KO tries to use some sort of power mop but it messes up the plaza and he asks Dendy to come over. Okay just yawned yet just mentioning first after and funny scene Dendy basically saying, referencing, and revealing Mr. Gar's, Rad's, and Enid's personal problems and weaknesses yawned some time a bit ago. She tries to fix the mop. Yet KO presses a pop up despite Dendy clearly warning him and it being a virus. Along with it being silly mentioning it to trick old people.
But this virus is different, it's affecting costumers, and making them glitching basically scary looking when you think about it. Even before the episode aired. Almost left even again but this episode I tried my best to avoid spoilers too.
Also what was the case with Rad having his okay a friend of mine sent a photo. But what was with Rad getting his legs and arms broken. I thought it was a cramp however it's spelt. Yet seriously it was weird. I'm guessing it was being a parody of probably the idea when a group of survivors try to escape someone gets injured probably.
Also the joke of Rad his face going against the door lol and his face is still seen ha.
Honestly theirs this thing where KO tries to not admit he's the one who clicked the pop up screen. The episode tries to make some what a big deal out of this. Yet it ends with KO admitting it and to reboot the glitches. Yet Dendy just tells him that it was him who doomed the world and I suppose she said he should of not done that. Weird for some stupid reason was expecting this conclusion if KO admits it was his fault then the glitches away just to test him......ha I was being stupid lol.
Yet the reboot idea gives Dendy well the help stop the problem. But the hack pack is at the front of the plaza. So thinking this is the end KO thinks of this idea instead of becoming glitches the last thing they see being the glitches themselves. He wants it to be a friendly face they know and it's a adorable moment. But then they realized and Dendy says their is so many glitches their becoming slow. Even just in time when KO grabs Dendy to get the hack pack and Rad moves his arms seconds later.
Despite a dramatic well some what of a ending. Making it seem like KO is the only one who can do this it shows and I wondered too that Dendy shows up. Or just I mean this idea Dendy being that's not how you press those.
So they reboot the system and all of a sudden Mr. Gar returns. Seriously I was wondering where was he at. Honestly during episodes where the plaza or anything else is in danger in certain episodes he doesn't appear. I keep thinking if he does then he just fixes everything. Yet he could of been infected too. But the glitches could fuck up his powers and even did that for the others I hope so lol ha the appearance of a glitchy Mr. Gar ha.
Yet the ending also has this funny scene because of being touched by glitches before they we're rebooted just...ha that word lol. Because of that KO's face is glitchy and so fucked up. I was expecting a normal pixelated face but seeing it I remember I saw that image before the final shot with all of the characters. Yet seriously that part was funny and everyone's reactions. Then Mr. Gar mentions that Dendy might be able to fix it. Which ha would be reasonable because this show actually does have continuity smiled a few times okay being weird even my nose too.
But honestly I enjoyed both episode. I should see them again which means I will and helps ratings smiled a bit including need to see that first part of, "Parents Day" and just seriously it's not that bad. But my nose and I'm not really sick. I just don't feel like myself. Despite I left early for lunch even if I waited for a bus despite I could walk it was for personal reasons. Such as ticks and shit.
Seriously both episodes were very nice liked them. Wonder what the next episode or two episodes are. Got tags done and missed clicking the 2nd tag but honestly again wanna say seriously again good episodes 4:44 pm I just have Ridiculousness on on mtv1 yeah that channel looked up to right. I'm in my chair sorry.
Yet okay....meh I'm waiting for the time. But I again just me saying stuff over. Okay now is the time good episodes 4:45
Edit 6:32 it just turned to that it was 31 just the show is on ha I fixed witch to vampire because I fucked up seriously lol I even made a new post lol edit same time and ticks last time but my memory sucks ass just smiled a bit. Oh my nose but seriously my memory sucks 6:33 edit same time just why now 6:34
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