#and Rylan has longed for one of these since the last one
evertidings · 4 months
— MAY 2024.
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hi everyone!! i hope you're all doing well hehe. i recently came back from a mini-grad trip (oh yeah, i graduated? like, i finished university? woah. weird) in europe and it was so so wonderful. i can only imagine living in places like that.
in terms of chapter eleven, rest assured that it is still being worked on! i didn't bring my laptop on my trip so i couldn't write for the past two weeks, but since i've been back, i've slowly gotten back on the grind. i'm still trying to adjust from the trip and just, well, overall living in general, but we're making progress! i don't want to give any set dates for when the chapter will be released yet in case i let anyone down if it doesn't come true, but i feel really good about the content so far.
all five ros will appear in this chapter in individual or shared branches. one of the combos is expected (they're kinda stuck together like glue) and the other, well, i'm really excited to have them interact more. it sets up a base for the friendship they're going to work towards in the later books, which is very exciting. can you guess who the two characters are?
on a similar note, flirting has reached an all-time high recently and it's, like... gahhh. so much fun. i think i mentioned last month that the romance lock is coming up (should be within the next two chapters ish) so i'm really ramping up the options here. one, it gives you a better idea of who you might choose and two, well, it's just fun isn't it? it makes the progression of your relationship with the chosen ro, whoever it may be, much more natural as well. (and also i just like writing about stoic characters like Blane and K, or flirty characters like Rylan, blush).
i hope you all know this, but i adore this story and i have no plans to abandon it. no matter how long ago the last update, i am still very much working on the next one. that said, i really appreciate everyone's patience. knowing that there are still so many people sticking by me despite the radio silence on my end is more than i deserve, really. so thank you. i really hope i can continue to live up to your expectations <3
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panelshowsource · 3 months
who do you think is an underrated panel show guest? like someone who doesn’t appear on them very often but should
ohh fun question... y'know the thing about panel shows these days is they're sooo so so comedian-centric and really a lot of the same people again and again — which i'm not complaining about! i think they're the funniest people in the room and understand the dynamic of a panel show better than anyone else 99% of the time! but when it comes to people i find underrated in the most exciting way it's usually the semi-rare non-comedian who just...gets it. like, back in the day it was people like john barrowman, martin freeman, josh groban, mark ronson, chris o'dowd, christopher biggins, professor green, a couple of the spice girls (they actually run in comedian circles, interestingly)... they just fit into these shows and dynamics so well!
most of the people who have really surprised me in this regard in the last 5 or so years (bc i don't wanna reach back to, like, 2012 for this hahaha) have been on celeb juice or something like graham norton, the last leg, etc. for example, i had no idea will mellor could really hang, take jokes, dish out jokes, and do physical comedy until i saw him on juice. i think that kind of discovery is so fun!
100000% the uk drag girls (the viv being the one we see the most, love her to death and GET HER ON TM!!) NEED to be on more panel shows, jordan north (and get william hanson on SOMETHING this MINUTE), shirley ballas, ronan keating is actually a laugh, a lot of the reality show people (MIC, TOWIE, etc) who do what they do because they don't take themselves too seriously really do Get The Vibe (this is how we got rylan hellooooo), maggie aderin-pocock is an angel, ore oduba, jordan stephens, judge rinder hmm
comedians-wise (ik the drag girls often are comedians, but otherwise), people we've seen a little bit who we should be seeing more of in the name of comedy — alasdair beckett-king, kiri pritchard-mclean, paul foot, larry dean (whoever has the ‘X days since panelshowsource has mention larry dean’ sorry but you gotta reset), glenn moore, amy gledhill, morgana robinson
+ they're not underrated per say but just people i'd like to see again/continue seeing more often include ivo graham, guz khan, chris addison, holly walsh, robert webb, elis james, catherine tate, jess hynes, josie long, peter serafinowicz, humphrey kerr (we haven't seen him in a minute but i always thought he could have developed more of a place in panel show culture), and ffs can we bring back angus? should we? but could we? can we? just for one episode idk? also graham norton get your ass on tm this INSTANT new years
these types of asks always drive me crazy for the rest of the week bc i'm like "ahh i forgot ____!!!" hahahah but lmk what you think too!
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urfavsho · 1 year
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Hacketts Quarry summer love
2.2k words
Okay so i totally got this idea from this post!
I think it would be fun to try and challenge myself to write some bits and pieces i think would have happened to their relationship over the two month period!! So here i am..attempting that idea. It’s kinda in the form of multiple one-shots? However, it’s been a long time since i’ve written so if its horrible, i apologize profusely <3
Day One of Camp
Starting P.O.V: dylan
Dylans been on a cramped mini-van with the other counselors for about an hour or two now, Hes yet to learn all of their names yet, but two of the counselors stuck out to him. Ryan and Kaitlyn. They had a sort of enticing energy to them, the vibe where you could spend hours talking about how mysterious and interesting the two seemed; Kaitlyn had a very loud, spunky, and no cares given personality to her, whilst Ryan was a loner and rather vague dude.
Dylan looked around inside the mini-van as he soon realized that they were close to Hacketts Quarry, unplugging his headphones and turning the phone off to look out the windows at the scenery presenting itself before himself. The soft orange shimmer of the sun was beautifully illuminating the agricultural landscape, it was comforting to see the squirrels run across the bushes every now and than, to see all of the animals in the vast forest of Hacketts.
“ Wow..this is perfect!! ” a semi-loud voice yanked Dylan out of his daydreaming as he began to look around himself. Abigail, or Abi for short, was the one who broke the loud silence in the car; she grabbed her sketchbook out of her bag and started drawing away. Dylan decided to inch closer towards her and watch her etch away on the paper “ You know..you’re like..uh..Picasso! “ He said out loud, Dylan was trying to start a conversation, but with the snort and weird look she gave him..it’s a 50/50 chance on whether or not it was effective.
“ Alright counselors! We are here at THE Hacketts Quarry! “ Mr. Hs’ voice boomed and the van soon slowed to a stop infront of the lodge. Dylan waited his turn as everyone soon piled out of the van, the last one out before Dylan was Ryan. The pairs hands slightly grazed one another as they got out of the van, a rush of electricity bolted up Dylan’s body and he felt a hot blush rise to his face. This was the first time when Dylan could remember a deeper attraction developing on Ryan.
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Week 2 of camp
Starting P.O.V: Ryan
It’s been about two weeks since Ryan has been at camp. As Ryan begun to teach the younger kids and campers about sailing techniques. However, today was different, he had to do some of the scheduling plans with Dylan. The loner woke up early today, around 6:15 am, and got ready. The duo decided to meet up in the library today, however, it was mainly Dylan who coordinated the meetup, Ryan had expected an outdoor area so he was grateful Dylan had chosen a calm area. After a few minutes of walking around the camp, Ryan soon made it to the library and saw Dylan waiting for him. Dylan had a flower-style hairpin in his hair to hold his bangs back, a bunch of notebooks scattered around the table ,and some apple juice boxes. It was a sight to see.
“ Yo Dylan, ” Ryan said as he approached him, the tall boy smiled and leaned back in his chair. “ Wassup, big guy! ” Dylan responded with a cheerful grin, Ryan rolled his eyes and sat down next to him before grabbing his own schedule book out along with pens and other various items “ ..So we’re scheduling out this week’s sailing plans right? ” Ryan asked as he soon trailed off and admired Dylan’s colorful organization of notes, they were color-coded, sticker coded in a way, and everything had little bulletin points underneath to explain something further; the organization wasn’t just for schedules, but it also was for improvement ideas for certain areas of camp, activities for the kids, gift bags to be made at the end of the summer, and even every counselor/campers birthday so he remembered. Ryan was sure there was more to be found within the countless books, but- “ Ryan! ”
Oh. Right. Ryan snapped back into focus and looked at Dylan “ Yes? ” Dylan rolled his eyes and laughed, his hands came up to slightly cover his smile. It was the sweetest smile Ryan had ever seen. “ Okay, so the reason you are here with me today is so we can get that messy brain of yours under control ! ” As Dylan continued explained why Ryan needed to be organized, Ryan felt himself getting lost more and more in the taller boys big, beautiful brown eyes, he had light freckles dusting his cheeks. Ryan had never noticed that til today. Their knees slowly grew closer and closer over the time they spent as the pair made sure to schedule the “sailing” plans.
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Week 4 of Camp
P.O.V: Dylan and Ryan
Two weeks after their last encounter, Mr.H had announced to Dylan to promote the swim party happening tomorrow. Of course, Dylan broadcasted the exciting event during the daily morning announcements, he explained all of the details and fun activities happening at the party. The campers were eager for the next day to come, they couldn’t wait and kept pestering Dylan about what food was going to be at the party if they could do a bonfire afterward, and even asked if they could roast marshmallows! Ryan soon picked up on the consistent questioning from the ecstatic kids, he quickly stepped in to try and ease the pressure from Dylan.
“ Hey, if you monsters don’t stop asking about the party I might have to cancel it. So head out to the lodge for lunch. “ Ryan quickly remarked in a teasing tone, instant whines and groans came from the campers as they scurried off into the lodge. Dylan stared at Ryan for a second before he reached and gently patted the boys shoulder, a bright smile resting on the taller boy’s face. “ Haha..thanks for the help!! Those kids can be SO persistent. “ Dylan thanked Ryan and began to retract his hand before running a few fingers in his own hair. “ They just can’t resist Dylan. “ Ryan glanced up at Dylan slightly and let out a short chuckle, he shook his head and walked away.
“ Yup. “As dylan watched Ryan walk away he felt a quick increase in the patter of his heart, did he really just make THE Ryan Ezrahler laugh and smile? He must dreaming!! Dylan laughed to himself and patted his hands against the sides of his legs, he felt a heat rising to his cheeks as he indulged more and more into the thought of Ryan. “ Dylan! “ Kaitlyns loud voice awoke Dylan out of his thoughts and he cleared his throat before looking over at her. “ Oh! Uhm, yes? “ Dylan said as he saw Kaitlyn shake her head before she started to tell Dylan that he needed to come into the lodge and eat.
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Week 6 of camp
Starting P.O.V : Ryan
The morning was easy and slow enough, Ryan didn’t have any “classes” starting til around 11:30 so he decided to take it easy and listen to his new podcast obsession, Bizarre Yet Bonafide. As Ryan started his walk around the camp he came across Dylan’s small group of counselors (around 8 kids) Ryan wondered what they were doing out and about on the rocky road trail, the nature walks weren’t planned for another two days.
Deciding to end his pointless wondering, Ryan walked up to the group and stood off to the side as he listened to Dylan ramble on about how the group was going to surprise Abi with the sticks, rocks, and leaves for some sort of art activity. Listening to the taller boy talk with so much passion was a new perspective for Ryan, most of the time Dylan could be perceived as a quick, witty, smart-ass so seeing him take a more appreciative approach to something was a completely unexpected experience to witness. Eventually, Dylan realized Ryan standing off to the side of the group and stammered mid-sentence. “ And that’s why- oh! Uh, hi Ryan “ The words came out as a jam before Ryan interrupted him. “ I was just wondering what you were doing, but after 5 minutes of you talking. I think i got my answer “ Ryan’s words came out rude, but his tone was rather sweet in a way. “Oh yeah, that makes sense..” Dylan diverted his eyes away from Ryan’s and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“ Well if you want to join us you can? “ Dylan’s suggestion of joining the group surprised Ryan, he stood for a moment before shrugging and walking up closer to Dylan and the group. “ Sure, why the hell not? “ The words spoken by Ryan made the youngsters gasp and make various Ooos, Ahhs, and giggles, Dylan himself joined in on the teasing and he gently nudged Ryan. “ That goes against camp policy sir, watch the tongue! “
The teasing normally would have been slightly annoying to Ryan, but he didn’t feel any discomfort from the comments, just more of a warm fuzzy feeling. The group, now with a new member, finished their scavenger hunt for the gift to Abi and headed their way to the Art Cabin. Ryan and Dylan unlocked the door, made sure everyone made it in and they started to put together the gift basket of various leaves, rocks, sticks, and flowers. Once finished, Ryan took a step back with the kids and smiled softly “ Nice. “ he said quietly before turning around and giving all the kids high-fives for their hard work “ Go to the cafeteria, I’ll get you guys some juice boxes for your hard work “ Ryans offer made the kids smile and cheer in excitement as they piled out of the room and headed over to the cafeteria. Sighing in relief, Ryan turned to face Dylan and leaned against one of the desks slightly. “ We did awesome huh? “ Dylan asked Ryan with a shit-eating grin, Ryan tilted his head slightly and nodded in agreement. “ Yup. “
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And that’s it!! I could write way more, but i feel like i’ve already gotten sort of ooc for these two. I enjoyed writing it a lot, there’s so much fluff opportunities for these two dorks so i love mixing the pot and making some!! Hope you enjoyed and leave any tips or criticisms in the comments <3
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its-a-humanriot · 2 years
if you haven't been asked for 'im yet... Rye 😈
ooooh, thank you thank you Nyx! time to expand more on the boy 😈
01. Full name: Rylan Reed 02. Best friend: hmmm. Probably Veronica. Before Goodsprings he probably would have said [REDACTED] 03. Sexuality: Bisexual 04. Favorite color: A really dark midnight blue. Or a golden yellow. 05. Relationship status: Single (during F:NV main game) 06. Ideal mate: (I'm answering this as for a romantic partner) Someone who would treat him with a lot of tenderness, and gives him as much room as he needs. 07. Turn-ons: nice hands, confidence, someone being very intelligent/capable. 08. Favorite food: A simple on-the-road grilled dinner of gecko kebabs, cactus leaves, and corn by a campfire. Ya boy loves elotes. Also loves a grilled prickly pear, but they're too much of a hassle to make regularly. 09. Crushes: He gets a crush on Sunny Smiles for a while right after he wakes up in Goodsprings - he kinda imprints on her like a baby duckling. The King. And of course a certain blonde research doctor... 10. Favorite music: some kinda bluesy slide guitar music. Blue Moon is also one of his favourite radio tunes. 11. Biggest fear: that he's actually been dead ever since Goodsprings. It's a recurring intrusive thought/nightmare of his. (He also is very afraid of brahmin). 12. Biggest fantasy: Feeling whole again. That and a little something about the (very soft and tender) things he could do with a certain research doctor. 13. Bad habits: He keeps a terrible sleep schedule after Goodsprings. He also gets a lot more willing to take part in risky behaviour - taking more risks in combat, gambling etc. 14. Biggest regret: Taking the damn delivery job that got him shot. (Later - much, much later - he comes to regard it as something of a mixed blessing and curse) 15. Best kept secrets: The ones he can't remember. 16. Last thought: Thinking about the dreams he has at night where he looks in a mirror and doesn't recognise who he sees. Or worse, that he recognises them and wakes up only to have forgotten it. 17. Worst romantic experience: Thankfully, if he did have any bad romantic experiences, he can't really remember them much. There are some silver linings to being shot in the head after all. 18. Biggest insecurity: The gaps in his memory, and the aphasia he occasionally has trouble with after his headshot. Both of them leave him feeling off-kilter and vulnerable. 19. Weapon of choice: due to his vision issues in one eye, he's not great at very long range. He prefers a pistol for medium range and he has a knife for when people get too close. 20. Role Model: I don't think he has one really? I think he comes to admire certain groups like the Followers and the Kings for sticking up for the underdogs, but he wouldn't call them role models exactly.
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izayoichan · 5 years
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Rylan sits on his brother's bed with a sleeping Hayden and Vy by his side, just watching movies, Chris at work, while Hayle took some time to clean the kitchen after their adventure into learning to make Sushi, which he was quite happy he wasn’t on the cleaning end off, but they were getting better at it.
“You know, I envy you two sometimes.”
He smiles to himself, focusing back on the movie, a hand resting gently on his brother to keep an eye on any changes. River sits in his room turning off the MP3 player. He just went through a good hour of Rylan telling him all they could do when he came back. Laying back he thinks of the beach in Sulani. Of their first date and how he wanted to go back there with him. His mind drifting to sleep with the sound of Rylan's "I love you." Once again, he seeks him out, just wanting to touch him, even if only in his dreams, seeking that energy he knows so well, that soul he loves so much. Mind open and honest, sad and tattered.
Rylan looks around as the room flickers, quickly lying down right next to his brother, incase this is what he thinks it might be, as the room slowly vanishes and he finds himself with his feet in the sand, the smell of sea and home hitting him, familiar smells, and then, a familiar voice made him look around for its owner.
As he spots him he runs towards him, pretty much throwing himself into his arms, just hugging him tight much to his own annoyance he can feel how tears are already making their presence known, it had just been three hard and scary and horrible months of his brother's heart stopping several times, he had stopped breathing, and in general, is had been shit. River hugs Rylan, wrapping his arms tight around him, feeling the tears and sobs that wreck through Rylan's body, holding him tight and close
“Hey princess...”
He pulls back, looking him over, brushing the tears off his cheeks.
“What's wrong?” “Hayden's just been sick... a lot... “
He focuses, not wanting another panic attack, and not thinking that this is something he needs to spend his time here talking about and with that decides not to tell him just how sick Hayden is. He is also sure that River has enough on his plate, and that he doesn’t need more.
“It doesn't matter right now though, this is what matters right now.”
He smiles, although it is a very tired smile, it is an honest one and an actual happy one.
“Sulani huh, not been here since... well you really”
He looks around taking in the feeling of home, the smell was right, the sand was right, it was like he was there, home. River brushes his cheek, just looking at him, before kissing him gently.
“You said you wanted to come swim with me on the tape, and it reminded me of our first date. How happy you were for returning there. Are you somewhere safe? Can we dream together? 
Rylan almost said that he was just watching the two sleepy ones, but figuring that would just lead to more questions, and he would rather just keep this nice, comfortable, and about the two off them.
“I have really missed the ocean, so this, this is perfect! And yes, I am somewhere safe, we can stay here.”
He finds himself pulled into a kiss by River, forgetting so easily all the things he would normally worry about, River nodding at him happy this is a dream, one he has full control over, so he can appear like Rylan remembered him, not the skinny tortured shell of his former self
“Let's go, little mermaid. It's warm and good.”
He holds a hand out for Rylan with a big smile, Rylan taking it, his smile more than matching River’s a glimmer in his eyes that comes from both being there with River as well as the fact that he was home. Rylan pulling him towards the water, wanting to swim and if he can, he wants to show River somewhere special
“How does this work... can you pull memories of places from my mind?” “I think so. Mine too!”
He laughs, diving into the water, swimming after Rylan, splashing water on him when he catches up to him, smiling and winking at him.
“Our minds. It's like our own minds have the information at our disposal and I just use it.”
He shrugs, not entirely sure how it works yet, all he knows is that he loves being able to do this, to be with him, if only in his dreams. Rylan nods. winking at River, dragging him with on their swim, before stopping looking at him again.
“Can you breathe underwater, or?”
He tilts his head slightly, wanting to show River somewhere he has wanted to show him, and this seems a good a time as any in his mind.
“Yes. I can. It isn't really water. Only if I hold my breath. Why?”
Swimming closer, he pulls Rylan close kissing him, admiring that skin he remembered being in awe over when he first saw it.
“You planning to dunk me, little mermaid?” “No, but then you don't need scuba gear!
He chuckles and kisses him back, then pulls him under with him deep down into the sea until a small hole opens up in the mountain head, leading River through the narrow opening, swimming until they breach the surface in a huge cave, lit by Crystals, the same type that Chris had given a smaller version of to Hayle that Christmas they had together. Rylan pulling him up to the beach that is in there.
“It's a little family secret this place.” “Wow! This is amazing!”
He follows Rylan just standing on the beach, looking around then looking up at the crystals. He was certain these were Rylan's memories, so he is using them too. Yet he pushes his worry back, smiling at Rylan.
“So, this is what you wanted to show me in the message.”
He places his arm over Rylan's shoulders, Rylan just nodding, pulling him with him until they are in the middle of the beach.
“Now watch this, or well, listen I guess”
Rylan chuckles as he starts to sing a song his dad taught them both, a merman’s song, and as he sings the crystals around them start to light up. River looking at him dumbfounded, more entranced by his beautiful song than the shine off the crystals.
“I thought you said you couldn't sing!”
River smiles, as he listened to Rylan sing, it was the most beautiful voice and song he ever heard, and he didn't want to lose one second of it.
“I still want to show you this for real one day... but for now, you can at least know what I wanted to show you, an old mermaid's cave.” “I want to see this for real one day. I really do.” “You will, but you'll need scuba gear then and this is not all...”
He e leans over and kisses him, before pulling him along again to a small pool that is at one end of the beach and the cave.
“There is one more hidden place in here... it’s a little freaky though, are you ready for another swim?” “Lead the way princess.”
He chuckles, and dives in, the small tunnel they swim through suddenly expanding as they emerge in what seems like they were no longer in a cave, looking like they were back on the beach, but also a cove, the same glowing crystals as the previous much smaller one.
“According to my dad, it is an old abandoned, he thinks at least, mermaids cove, pretty right?”
He pulls River with him almost to the water’s edge, River following him taking in the scene, the colors, how vivid the memory is, the beauty of it all, wondering if it's as beautiful in real life as the dream. When they stop he pulls Rylan close, their eyes locking as they stand there.
“Wow, this is amazing! This is beautiful but not as beautiful as you.” “It is this beautiful in real life as well, and I promise you I will show you as soon as I can, outside of this dream of course.
He knows, deep down, that if it was up to him, they would just stay here, forever. but he also knows that his parents are already worried about him and what they might do if he would have stayed forever. Not wanting to think about it he pulls River with him, so they fall down on the sand.
“I wish, we could just stay here until you come back for real that is.”
River looks at Rylan, his words actually worrying him and he brushes Rylan's cheek.
“We can't... nothing of this is real. I'm not really touching you, or seeing you, I'm just... in my room... I want to touch you for real”
he pulls Rylan's up, and then close, wrapping his arms around him, kissing his cheek.
“But dear Watcher do I wish this was real. That we really were here together right now.”
“It feels so real though... “
It's like a small realization that this is only a dream hits him, not wanting to think about it, and showing those feelings to the back of his mind.
“And, it is much better than not seeing you at all.. so thank you, for allowing me or us, these dreams.”
He smiles, so easily pushing the idea that this is just a dream away and enjoying it as if it was real instead. River smiles and kisses Rylan not wanting this to end either, wishing it was real, wrapping his arms around him, brushing his cheek again.
“I love you Rylan. Tell me, tell me everything I have been missing. School, the shoots, is Carl still being a weirdo?” “Carl is the normal douche, trying to take advantage of you being away... Hayden has hit him so hard he was knocked out for ten minutes, which made everyone's day.
He chuckles.
“Vy almost punched him the other day too, I almost thought he would.”
he thinks for a bit, trying to remember what has been happening lately, realizing he doesn't actually, remember that much.
“Oh yeah, we have new animals at the shelter, who are all doing pretty well, Lobo is only there when I am because he is now a spoiled old man. And school is well, school, it's boring like normal.”
He once again avoids telling him about Hayden and his incident, not wanting him to worry about that too.
“I would ask you have your training is, but I think that would make me go and hit Morgyn, or just light him on fire.” “Yes... it would. Sometimes I wonder if it's even training or if he's just enacting his revenge... I don't exactly blame him though”
He shrugs and brushes Rylan's cheek with his thumb.
“Hayden punched him? Oh shit! I can't believe I missed that! I would love seeing that!” “Oh yeah, I was actually worried he had broken his hand, but I guess his bones are tougher than an iceberg jawed man.
He laughs shaking his head, pulling Rylan to his lap and kissing his lips gently, Rylan kissing him back remembering one more thing that was new, and something he wanted to do for River when he came back.
“Oh yeah, I forgot I learned how to cook... or well me and dad, I mean Hayle are both learning how to cook from Vy.” “Vy's teaching you guys? Okay, I want to eat something homecooked by you!” “Yes, he is, we are getting decent, at least we no longer burn every meal we make, and of course I will cook you something, all you need to do is come home. 
River laughs again, picturing them burning meal after a meal with a very stressed out Vy trying to save their creations
“What about you? How have you been holding up?” “I'm okay, I think, school, shelter, work, family it kinda fills the days. And then these dreams are like a bonus.”
He smiles, gently caressing Rivers chin, not mentioning all the time he spends just hoping, waiting and dreaming about having another one of these dreams.
“You look tired though... “
He brushes his face gently, thinking that he also looked thinner and sadder, like he'd gone through a rough patch. River sighs, wanting to ask him all of it, but knowing well it might shatter the dream. Besides, probably a dream wouldn't be the best moment to spill the beans. So instead he kisses Rylan gently.
“Is there anything else, you want to tell me?”
“There isn't much more to tell, I know boring right? Work, more work, school, sickly brother, dreams, oh yes, and cooking, I honestly never thought I would learn how to cook.”
Although River can tell he's hiding things he decides not to press it, just enjoying the moment with Rylan, playing with his hair gently.
“I miss boring, honestly.” “I'll make sure to have a lot of it waiting for you when you come home then.”
He chuckles, enjoying the moment too much to want to risk anything by talking about more serious things, feeling his body move slightly, which he has learned by now means someone in the real world is moving him. River noticing it as well, 
“Are you sure you are somewhere safe?” “I am, but I think those that were sleeping are waking up.” “ “Morning perhaps? Do you have school? I'll see you again soon, I hope, don't worry. Once I get to sleep again, I'll call for you... “
He looks at River, not wanting what comes next.
“I want to stay here though, with you...”
He kisses him one more time, not really wanting to let go, but knowing he has too.
“The bell's struck midnight, princess.
he smiles as the dreamscape starts to disappear, a rather sad smile for having to let Rylan go, but wondering if Rylan even rests when he is here.
“I love you, Rylan.” “I love you too River. Oh, And thank you for the date!”
He smiles, not wanting to show River just how much he hates that they have to say goodbye like this, the dreamscape vanishing, Rylan looking around the bed, noting that neither his brother or Vy is there anymore. Rylan drags himself out of bed finding them in the bathroom, Hayden in the tub, Vy sitting next to him.
“Do you need anything?” “Can you get some fruit, I think his energy levels are very low.
Vy looks worried at Hayden, who once again looks far from good. Rylan nodding telling Vy he will be right back, walking downstairs getting fruit from the kitchen, almost losing himself in the memory off the dream, shaking his head and walking back up, handing his brother the fruit, sitting there with Vy just watching him.
Beginning - Previous - Next
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pixie-in-trebleland · 3 years
I'm stating now that there is a possibility this tangent may have spoilers for the series so, do read at your own caution? I guess? I'm only halfway through the second book, so anything that happens up until now is fair game.
All right, we are back on another "Blood and Ash" rant...thing. I'm currently reading the second book of the series ("A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire") and have choice words about one of the characters. Theories. I have theories about Alastir in particular.
So, Vikter dies towards the end of the first book. Vikter, throughout the entire first book, "From Blood and Ash", serves as a father figure to Poppy, along with being her personal guard. Described to be somewhere in his 40s, golden hair and blue eyes, this man screams dad vibes the second the dynamic between him and Poppy is explored. It's almost instant that you can't help but trust Vikter. This is also why his death at the end of the first book is fucking heart-wrenching. There's no easy way to say that, especially since Armentrout does such a stellar job of putting the reader in Poppy's shoes. We feel her grief when Vikter is fatally wounded and dies in her arms, when he apologises. It isn't long after his passing (like, literally no more than a few seconds or minutes) that Hawke and the Duchess whisk her out of the room. Poppy doesn't get to say goodbye or prepare for a funeral like she did when Rylan was killed early on. She doesn't get to properly grieve the way that anyone deserves.. it's just go go go and it sucks because Vikter was, like I said before, more of a father figure to her than anything.
It's explained early on in the second book that Poppy doesn't...remember Leo, her birth father, all that well. In her nightmares, he's nothing more than a blur or muddled in appearance, and his voice is never quite right. And sure, one could argue that it's a dream /nightmare, but that isn't..a just argument. She remembers her mother with vivid detail, down to her dress and her voice and just little tiny details that can be discussed in a whole other micro essay.
Enter Alastir ..Last name. I don't remember his last name, but! He's a Wolven. He's the right hand man to the Da'Neer family and serves as an advisor to them. He's close with Prince Casteel and his bestie Kieran, which makes him seem cool and trustworthy. It cannot just be coincidence that his description is eerily similar to that of Vikter's.
Yes yes, blonde and blue eyes is common, but in this circumstance, I think it's intentional. Poppy comments when she first meets him that Alastir reminds her a fair bit of Vikter, and that she can't help but trust him. The repetition of this statement is...odd, to me. We get it, you trust him, but...why would it need to be repeated unless there's something else?
Alastir is guarded, but compassionate. Casteel makes a remark that Alastir can't keep his mouth shut, which only leads me to believe that...maybe Alastir has his own plan? Maybe this once, he has a completely different motive than the royal family. He's quick to offer Poppy a way out if she doesn't want to marry Casteel. If he was as loyal to the family as everyone is letting on, then why would he help a young woman who has been a key tool in creating those that have decimated his own people. If he was as sweet as they say, why does he speak to Poppy alone? Every interaction between Poppy and Alastir has been a father-daughter bond...behind closed doors. Never in front of Casteel, who is like a son to him, and Kieran.
In summary? I don't trust Alastir and he's written so well that it's all up in the air..
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hlizr50 · 3 years
Chapter 1: This is Wrong
Hawke eavesdrops on the Duke's lessons with Poppy and realizes what is happening within the walls of castle Teerman
Read on AO3
Casteel… Hawke… stared at the door as it clicked closed, the Maiden having entered the Duke’s office.
“Penellaphe, I am so incredibly disappointed in you.” Duke Teerman always sounded so haughty and condescending.
Something didn’t feel right.
“I’m sorry to have disappointed you. I –“
The Duke cut her off, “Do you even know what you have done that has disappointed me?”
Was this why she and Tawny had been so apprehensive of the Duke’s summons? A scolding? A dressing down? It couldn’t have been just that, considering how Penellaphe had frozen before the door.
He took up a position not too close to seem suspicious to the two men standing guard. No matter. He was Atlantian, and even though he leaned against the wall a few feet from the door he could hear every word spoken in that office. He didn’t know what he should expect.
“I don’t. But I’m sure whatever it is, I’m at fault. You are never disappointed in me without cause.” Her words were measured. Careful. And careful wasn’t really her style.
“You’re right. I wouldn’t be disappointed for no reason at all. But this time I find myself blindsided by what I have been told.”
Hawke had been her guard for barely a day, but he found it hard to believe that Penellaphe would have committed a crime so egregious to blindside the Duke. Although, if her escapade to the Red Pearl was any indication maybe she had.
“Remove your veil, Penellaphe. You do not want to test my patience.”
“I’m sorry. It’s just that we… we are not alone, and the Gods forbad me from showing my face.”
“The Gods will not find fault in today’s proceedings.”
They were not alone? His amber eyes narrowed slightly. Who else was there? Had he not experienced the meeting yesterday he would have also wondered why she was apparently hesitant to remove the veil. But he knew the Duke likely wanted to take the opportunity to comment on her scars.
“Lift your eyes.”
A pause.
“You grow more beautiful each time I see you.”  Hawke grimaced. His insides roiled at the thought of the Duke looking at her with those deep, empty eyes.
“Thank you, your Grace.”
The Duke made a cluck with his tongue. “Such a shame. What do you think Bran?”
It was Lord Brandole Mazeen, then. Gods above, what was he doing in there? His lust and depravity were well-known throughout Castle Teerman. The maids were often warned not to earn his attention, good or bad.
“As you said, such a shame.” The Lord answered.
“The other scars are easy to hide, but this? There will come a time where there will be no veil to hide this unfortunate flaw.”
How many years had Penellaphe been here? How many times had the Teermans and their lackeys taken an opportunity to cut her with those words?
“Do you know what that new guard of hers said? He said she was beautiful. Half of her is truly stunning... You look so much like your mother.”
Hawke had said that. He meant it.
“You knew her?” Penellaphe gasped.
“I did. She was… special. You do realize that the guard wouldn’t have said otherwise. Wouldn’t have spoken the truth. I suppose it’s some small blessing. The damage to your face could have been far worse.”
Maybe he shouldn’t have stayed. It was difficult to for him to keep his expression neutral as the Duke continued to berate her. So he kept his eyes down, studying the stone floor of the hallway. It had likely once been rough and uneven, but the years of scuffing boots had smoothed the cobbles to satin.
“You do have such pretty eyes… And a well-formed mouth. Most will find your body pleasing… For some men, those things will be enough.”
He didn’t like the way the Duke paused between his backhanded compliments. Was he looking at her? Touching her?
“Priestess Annalia came to see me this morning,” Duke Teerman paused, as if waiting for a response. “Do you not have anything to add?”
“No, I’m sorry. I don’t know what Priestess Annalia would have to say. I saw her last a week ago in the second floor parlor and all seemed fine.” Penellaphe sounded confused.
“I’m sure it did, since you only spent half an hour there before leaving unexpectedly. I was advised you didn’t once pick up your embroidery set, nor did you engage in any conversation with the priestesses.”
So… this was the crime? She hadn’t completed any of her needlework? Penellaphe had sounded confused, and Hawke had to admit that he was, as well. With all honesty and due respect (which was none, if he was being honest), who the fuck cared?
“My mind was occupied with my upcoming Rite. I must have been daydreaming.”
“I’m sure you’re very excited about the Rite, and if this had been just one situation I would have easily overlooked your poor conduct. But I’ve learned that you were just in the atrium.”
“Yes, I was. I didn’t know that I wasn’t supposed to be. I don’t go often, but –“ she was interrupted again.
“Spending time in the atrium is not the issue and you’re smart enough to know that. Don’t play coy with me. You were speaking with two of the ladies in wait. You know that is not allowed.”
She had barely spoken two sentences to them! Who had run so quickly to report her to the Duke for that? The ladies had been too busy trying to get Hawke’s attention. He grinned at that, recalling the spilled rhinestones and fainting young women. But Penellaphe, who was not to have any interaction with, well, anyone… she had been in the atrium before anyone was there. The ladies had chosen to sit at the same table. Was she just supposed to just stand up and leave?
“Do you have nothing to say?”
“Such a demure Maiden.” Lord Mazeen’s words dripped like acid against Hawke’s skin. He did not have to know the Lord well to know that he would get an inordinate amount of pleasure in killing him. He felt ill knowing that Penellaphe was alone in that room, with those two beasts.
“I’m sorry. I should have left when they entered, but I didn’t.” He didn’t think he’d ever heard anyone apologize so much in his life. What had happened to the woman from the Red Pearl? That Penellaphe was so full of heart and fire. The girl on the other side of that door was…
“And why not?” The Duke prodded.
“I was… curious. They were talking about the upcoming Rite.”
“I’m not surprised to hear that. You were always an active child with a curious mind that flicked from one thing to the next: something I’ve warned the Duchess you wouldn’t grow out of easily. Priestess Annalia has also informed me that she fears your relationship with your lady’s maid has become far too familiar.”
Good Gods, how many imaginary transgressions could there be? How was she not supposed to be familiar with someone who had literally been tasked to be at her side at all times?
“Tawny has been a wonderful lady’s maid, and if my kindness and gratefulness has been mistaken for anything else then I apologize.”
Hawke knew that had struck a nerve. Penellaphe and Tawny were close, and the Maiden was allowed so little in the way of… of anything that made life bearable.
“I know it may be hard to keep boundaries with someone you spend so much time with, but a Maiden does not seek intimacies of the heart or the mind with those who serve them. Not even those who are to become members of the court. You must never forget that you are not like them. You were chosen by the Gods at birth, and they are chosen at their Rite. You will never be equals. You will never be friends.”
He inwardly scoffed.
“I understand.”
“I don’t think you do. You were chosen at birth, Penellaphe. Only one other has ever been chosen by the Gods. It was why the Dark One sent the Craven after your family. It was why your parents were slaughtered. That hurts, doesn’t it? But it’s the truth. That should have been the only lesson you ever needed,” Duke Teerman had a talent for cutting words, Hawke noted. “But between your lack of awareness regarding overstepping boundaries, your lack of attention with Priestess Annalia, your blatant disregard today for what is expected of you, aaaaand the attitude you displayed yesterday toward me. What? You thought I wouldn’t address your behavior while we discussed Ryan’s replacement? You stared back at me as if you wished to do me physical harm.”
The Duke chuckled then. “The meeting would have ended vastly different if others had not been present, and we weren’t there to discuss Hawke replacing Ryan-“
“Rylan! His name is Rylan, not Ryan!”
There she was, that spirited woman that had so intrigued him.
“THERE it is! Not so demure now!” Lord Mazeen sounded… almost gleeful.
“You mean, his name was Rylan. And does it really matter? He was just a royal guard. He would have been honored that I even thought of him. Either way, you just proved that I must double my attempts to strengthen my commitment to make you more than ready for your Ascension. Apparently I’ve been too easy on you. Unfortunately, that means you require another lesson. Hopefully it will be your last, but somehow I doubt it.”
“Yes. Hopefully.”
Hawke sighed inwardly in relief. How long had been here listening to the Duke ramble on about imaginary transgressions and basic human interactions painted as crimes. They should be finished soon.
“I believe four lashes should suffice.”
He froze.
Hawke could barely breathe. This was no mere dressing down, no raised-voice scolding with some hurtful words.
“Are you sure that’s enough? I wouldn’t want you to feel as if you haven’t done enough.” Gods, Penellaphe’s fire roared to life at the worst possible moment.
“How does seven sound? I see that number agrees with you. What do you think, Bran?”
“I think that is sufficient.”
This was no “lesson”.
“You know where to go,” the Duke directed.
This was abuse.
“You’re not ready, Penellaphe. You should know better by this point.”
Hawke strained to hear. It was far too quiet. The Duke was waiting for something. Could he hear the soft rustle of fabric? His restraint was thinning by the second.
This was torture.
“This is for your own good. This is a necessary lesson, Penellaphe, to ensure that you take your preparations seriously and are committed to them, so you do not dishonor the Gods.”
This is wrong. This is wrong.
“Brace yourself, Penellaphe.”
He heard the faint whistle… then a crack… it had to be a cane that the Duke was using on her.
A cane. Sweet merciless, sleeping Gods.
Swoosh. CRACK.
Two. Was this the fitting punishment for not touching her embroidery set? For speaking a word to a lady in wait who needed to be put in her place?
Swoosh. CRACK.
Three. Was this the fitting punishment for daring to have a friend? For not cowering when the Duke had hoped to humiliate her the day before?
Swoosh. CRACK.
Four. His eyes were wide, but when he looked to the guards at the door they avoided his questioning glare, acting blissfully unaware.
This… this travesty…
It was as if…
As if this happened all the time.
Swoosh. CRACK
Five. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. He was back there… in Carsadonia. In his cage. Made to bleed. Made to feed. Forced to take and be taken.
Swoosh. CRACK.
Six. The Blood Queen took pleasure from his pain. For decades. He couldn’t understand how any living being could be so monstrous.
Swoosh. CRACK.
He let out an unsteady breath. It was over.
Penellaphe hadn’t made a sound.
“I truly hope, Penellaphe, that this lesson… sinks in.”
His rage was white hot behind his eyes. He had to keep them closed. The guards would have been… disturbed… if they saw how they glowed with his ire.
Duke Teerman had signed his death warrant. And it was not going to be quick and painless.
Breathe. You have to breathe. You have to get ahold of yourself. This is not the time and place.
Hawke took a few measured breaths, and his heart began to slow. He couldn’t wrap his mind around what he’d just witnessed.
The door clicked and his head whipped up, amber gaze falling on the veiled woman who gingerly pulled the door closed behind her. She looked up and saw him, and Hawke could see her entire body tense. He just stared at her, willing her to meet his gaze behind the veil. He could tell that she avoided it. Penellaphe then straightened slowly and did her best to walk toward him, past him, as if nothing had happened.
But it had.
Her breathing was labored and he could tell that every step she took caused her pain. He followed her down the hall, cursing to himself when the effort became too much for her and she started whimpering softly with each pace. They made it to the narrow spiral staircase that would lead them down to the main floor. He opened the door for her to enter, and she dared not look at him as she passed.
She was already attempting the first step, grunting with effort to lower her body down through clenched teeth, when he closed the door behind him.
“Penellaphe,” his voice was low. Cold. Raw.
She continued to work on the next step, acting oblivious to his call.
She stopped.
“How long?”
“What?” she tried to sound surprised, but he could only hear the pain lacing the word.
“How long. How long has the Duke been doing this to you?”
Silence. It hung heavy over him. He felt like he was being smothered, waiting for an answer that he knew would likely ruin him. He could hear her pain-laden breaths sawing in and out. It had taken such effort for her to go down two steps. He watched her shoulders rise and fall with a deep, calming breath.
“Since Ian returned to the Capitol.”
Gods, why weren’t they somewhere with something he could break? Blood red rage roared in his blood. Hawke could feel himself trembling.
“That’s… that’s been years,” he whispered.
“It has.”
And then she began struggling down the steps again. As if that were the end of the conversation.
It wasn’t. Not even fucking close.
He practically leapt the three steps down to stand in front of her. “Is that all you have to say? Poppy this is wrong. You know that, don’t you?”
“Don’t call me that. Only my friends call me that.”
“Am I not? Do your friends know about this? How have your friends helped you?” Hawke spat, clenching his quaking fists at his side. “From what I can tell, I’m the only person who seems to give a flying fuck about what just happened. Tell me how that doesn’t qualify me as your friend.”
“There’s nothing that can be done to help,” she whispered and turned her head to the side, suddenly finding the stone wall quite interesting. He uttered a curse and reached for the chains that held the veil on top of her head.
“Take this Gods-damned thing off,” he growled as he pulled it away. He couldn’t stand trying to speak with her without seeing into her eyes, seeing her face. She was a person. Her emotions and expressions mattered. But she barely even flinched, keeping her gaze fixed somewhere near his boots. Her face was flushed and her eyes lined silver.
“Look at me.” When she made no move he reached her hand to her. He lightly traced his fingers over her left cheek down to her jaw, pulling gently so her face was lifted to him. “Please, Penellaphe. Look at me.” Her emerald gaze met his, shining with pain and sorrow and shame.
“I… I used to try. I used to do everything I thought I could to fix whatever it is that I’d done that had disappointed him,” she blinked, allowing a couple stray tears fall. “But it was never enough. No matter what I did, no matter how demure I was, no matter the eggshells I walked on and the dedication I tried to show… I realized eventually that my dedication was never the point. It was never about what I did or didn’t do. It didn’t matter how hard I tried. He would find anything-“
“Like not doing your fucking cross-stitch?”
She sucked in a breath and pulled away from his fingers. “How much did you hear?” the fire-haired beauty clasped her hands in front of her heart. He held onto her gaze and her eyes roared at him with hurt.
She shuddered and bowed her head. Her hands trembled as she brought them up to cover her face. Hawke could feel humiliation rolling from her in waves and saw the tension in her shoulders. She was weeping before him.
“He will find anything that could possibly be an offense. He’s punished me for walking too quickly and breathing too loudly. And I have come to realize that… he only does it because he wants to hurt and humiliate me. He knows that his words make me flinch and his touch make me want to peel the skin from my body. And he relishes that. And I hate that he has that kind of power over me.”
Hawke’s ire sharpened into something cooler, more calculating and thoughtful. He had come to Masadonia to kidnap and ransom the Maiden, a symbol to all of Solis. He’d come to send a message using their precious prize, a privileged brat that was no better than those soulless creatures who had raised her.
He took a measured breath and ran a hand over his face in realization.
She was... innocent. She was a pawn, a possession. She was a victim, kept in a cage just as he had been, albeit far more gilded. And even though there was an illusion of life and choice, she was guilted, berated, and beaten into submission.
And Gods, she was still brave and vivacious enough to risk the Duke’s ire. Reckless enough to step into a brothel and send all of Hawke’s expectations straight to hell.
There is nothing that can be done to help.
There was. He could take her away from this. He had planned to do that, in a way, but now? How could he deliver her back to the Ascended knowing that this is what her life would be? And how could he convince her of the truth? She was smart, and Hawke knew that she didn’t agree with everything the Ascended ordained. Her reactions at the council meeting had been proof of that.
He reached out to her again, taking her hands in his and pulling them away from her tear-streaked cheeks. He stroked his thumbs over her knuckles and spoke her name to draw her gaze.
“This is wrong. You hold no shame in this. He has done this to you, and that is evil and terrible and monstrous. Tell me you realize that, Penellaphe,” he urged. She nodded softly. He gave an encouraging quirk of his lips and continued. “He does these things to make you feel weak and powerless, and you are neither of those things. He knows that you are curious and full of life, and he is afraid that you will be able to see past his façade and into his own weakness if he cannot keep you squashed under his heel.”
Hawke let go of her hands and gingerly held her face between them, using his thumbs to wipe away any remaining dampness that fell there. He looked down for a moment, and then brought his eyes back up, a burning golden stare.
“I need you to make me a promise, Penellaphe. Can you do that?”
“A promise?” she whispered.
“Promise me. Promise me that you’ll trust your instincts. Question everything. You are fierce and intelligent, so think about what they do and what they say. Think about it… you are the most important person in the entire kingdom. They should be worshipping at your feet, not taking a cane to your back,” he was afraid he’d said too much; pushed too hard. Would she be suspicious? Would she balk at his request? Her gaze was green as springtime, and her eyes stared into his, trying to process what he was saying.
“Can you promise me that?”
The knight endured her gaze for a few tense moments, her face still in his palms. She closed her eyes after a sigh and placed her hands over his, dipping her chin.
“I promise, Hawke.”
Thank the Gods.
He pressed his lips to the crown of her head and the Maiden inhaled sharply. Chuckling, he let her go and reached down to the discarded veil.
“I will make you a promise, as well,” he extended his hand with the soft fabric. She moved to grab it and he clenched her hand with both of his. Startled, she looked to him again.
“He will never hurt you again.”
She smiled wistfully then, and he could read in her expression that, as much as she wanted that to be true, she didn’t believe that anyone had that power. Then she pulled the veil from his hand and attempted the next step in front of her.
It would take forever to make it down the stairs.
“I have an idea,” Hawke smirked. “I think it will help. But you have to trust me.”
“I… I don’t trust you. Not when you have that look in your eye,” she laughed lightly.
“Here, if I squat down can you climb on my back?” he turned around on the step in front of her. He knew he was still much taller than she was, even on a step below. “It may be painful to get there, but if you can wrap your arms around my shoulders and your legs around my waist we could make it down much more quickly. And hopefully without too much strain on your back.”
Hawke felt a hand on her shoulder, but she hesitated. “That would be… incredibly inappropriate. What if someone sees?”
“You’re hurt. If someone opens one of the doors we’ll hear it and have enough time for me to set you down and throw that Gods-forsaken sheet over your head,” he scoffed over her shoulder. “Now wrap your arms around my neck, and I’ll grab your legs when I stand up.”
He was surprised when she didn’t argue and her forearms crossed in front of him.
“Ready?” He asked, knowing the first time he lifted her up would probably cause her some pain.
“Yes.” Her grip tightened around him. She gasped into his shoulder as he stood straight, putting his hands under her thighs. He waited a moment, listening for her breath to even out as she adjusted to the soreness.
“I’m sorry. Are you alright?” Hawke gave her legs a light squeeze. She nodded against his shoulder, and he started gingerly making his way down the stairs. He thanked the Gods that he was Atlantian, strong and light on his feet. He knew he could practically glide down without causing her any additional discomfort.
They reached the bottom landing and he gently set her down, heart constricting when he saw her wince as she slowly lowered her arms to her sides.
“Here,” he grabbed the veil from her hand and placed it over her head. He studied the tiny chains that were supposed to hold it in place, and he had to admit that he wasn’t sure what to do with those. A giggle escaped from behind the veil.
“Give me that,” she grabbed the chains. “It’s not far to my room. We should be able to make it there without it falling off.”
Hawke grinned and pulled open the door. “After you, Milady.”
They walked down the corridor slowly and silently. He would look down at her from time to time, wondering how she could possibly have the strength to be so spirited and brave knowing the consequences that could await her. What would the Duke do if he’d known about her little trip to the Red Pearl? He frowned to himself and looked forward. That had been reckless, but he understood her need for life. For freedom. She had wanted to experience things that everyone else in the world took for granted. They said she was Chosen, privileged. But she was also alone.
Well, no she wasn’t. Not anymore.
As they stopped in front of her door he turned to her. “Are you alright? Is there anything you need?”
“No,” she shook her head. “Tawny gets an ointment from the healer. It will help, but I may not be… I may stay in my room for a while. But I heal pretty quickly, and this isn’t the worst I’ve had…”
The anger roiled through him as she trailed off. Of course it wasn’t. Of course seven lashes for not touching her embroidery set and her attitude hadn’t been the worst that he’d done to her.
“I… he…” he swallowed and took two deep breaths. “I’m going to calm myself so I don’t do anything reckless about what you just said.”
“I’m sorry,” she answered quietly.
“Don’t you dare apologize, Penellaphe. None of this is your fault. I am simply… staggered by his cruelty,” he managed a soft smile that he knew didn’t reach his eyes. “Get some rest.” Hawke reached down and squeezed her hand before he opened the door and motioned for her to go in. He began to close the door behind her when she stopped.
“Yes?” he answered, looking for her eyes behind the veil.
“You can… please, call me Poppy,” she gave a shy grin and shuffled into the room. He pushed the door closed behind her and leaned his forehead against the wood.
He was shaking.
Breathe, Hawke. Breathe.
His ragged breaths seethed out from between his teeth. In for four counts, out for four. In… out… in… out...
After what seemed like ages of breathing exercises he pushed away from the door and stalked down the hall.
He needed to think. And talk to Kieran. He would be none-too-thrilled at the change of plans.
But plans would change.
Duke Teerman would die.
They would have to find another way to get his brother back.
Because nobody was going to hurt Poppy again.
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managingmymuse · 3 years
for writer's month 2021
day twenty-one: pizza
(original fiction | Sentinel universe)
The hotel room was depressing. An upper middle class sort of depressing, which should have felt like home, but somehow just made it worse.
I grabbed the remote and flicked off the TV. "I'm hungry. You wanna get some pizza?"
"What's pizza?" Rylan asked.
I wheeled around to look at him. "What do you mean 'what's pizza?'"
"I mean, 'what's pizza?'" he said. "I assume it's a food?"
For a long moment, I just looked at him. I glanced at Ablom, reclining in his corner chair like he owned the place. He looked comfortable, and not a bit incredulous, which probably meant that he didn't know what pizza was either.
"Let me get this straight," I said. "You've never had pizza? None of you?"
"Maybe you could describe it for us," Rylan said. "And then we can decide if we want some."
"Describe my ass," I said. I opened the desk drawer and rummaged around. Sure enough, I came up with a list of take out places recommended by the hotel. A place called Pizza Al's was prominent on the list.
I punched in the number, and was greeted on the third ring. "Al's."
"Can I get a large pepperoni?"
Thirty minutes later, Zippa returned from the hotel lobby carrying two pizza boxes in her outstretched arms. I'd have gone to get them myself, but you know, I was supposed to be dead.
The smell of garlic overwhelmed me even before I could open the box. "Oh my god," I said.
Zippa smiled her small, secretive little grin. "Down girl."
I mimed panting like a dog. How long had it been since I'd had honest-to-god pizza? Six months? A year?
Rylan and Ablom were exchanging glances. "I guess it smells good," Rylan said.
I put my hands on my hips. "You guess? You guess?"
Zippa passed out plates, and I went over to the box and cracked the lid open. A gust of warm air wafted up towards my face, bearing the scent of tomatos and cheese.
My mouth watered, but I clamped down on my hunger. I picked up the box and presented it to Rylan and Ablom with a flourish. "This," I said, "is pizza."
They stared down at it, with confused expressions on their face.
I glanced at Zippa. "Come on. Help me out here."
She pulled a piece out of the box and put it on her plate. "I don't think I've ever seen you be this excited about something that doesn't involve explosions."
I frowned at her. "Ha ha. Grab a piece."
That last comment was directed at the boys. With extremely dubious glances, they copied Zippa's movements. When all three plates had pizza on them, I dropped the box and got myself a piece.
It was halfway to my mouth before I realized that Rylan was staring. "You just... eat it with your hands?"
"Yes," I said, before taking a huge bite.
The flavor of sauce exploded on my tongue. My god. Tomatoes. Oh, how I'd missed you.
I was so absorbed in my own pizza that I nearly missed it when Rylan took a bite. His face scrunched up, almost as if he was processing what he was eating. "Hey," he said. "This is pretty good."
Ablom was still fussing over a long string of mozzarella. "You're sure it's food?"
"Just eat it," Zippa said. "Lori's going to have an aneurism."
I was, but not because of him, for once. Silvernas didn't have mozzarella cheese. Oh my god, how was I going to live without it again?
Ablom sighed and finally took a bite. An Ablom-sized bite, in fact. His eyes widened in sudden shock. "Holy shit," he said.
I laughed around my crust. "Told you."
He threw a napkin at me, and I retaliated. And though we were still in a blank hotel room, I found that the blankness suddenly became a whole heck of a lot less depressing.
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Find the Word
Thanks for the tag @dotr-rose-love! I was given the words drink, flower, soft and bone. I’m using the first drafts of the four parts of The Mastery that I’ve done so far (which is almost 400K), so there’s quite a few for each word. Therefore, under the cut they go! :)
I’m going to tag some people who’ve appeared on my ‘latest notes’ feed this past month: @lxpinwrites, @ariannastewart, @silentlylostwriter and @what-is-this-blog-about. Have the words mild, grow, house and/or eat appeared in any of your recent/current WIPs?
DRINK (I am prone to over-hydrating so always mention drinks haha):
“Surely you have servants who’ll get you a warm drink and a few biscuits for your pet?”
“Please, I insist you must have something to drink. Personally, I think it is too early for an alcoholic beverage, but I have juice, water and the like.”
He indicated for me to put my drink down before grasping my hands, “That’s why you’re so important.”
“No.” Sebastian went quiet, fully focused on the bubbles in his drink.
Phineas had given me three books, so, after grabbing a drink, I pulled one out of my rucksack.
“Hey, I don’t personally drink,” He said, putting his hands up, “I don’t condone it either."
I didn’t drink last night- even if I liked alcohol, a certain someone’s glare was enough of a deterrent to sit on the other side of the compartment.
Since it was only the two of us, the teacher left for a few minutes to fetch herself a drink.
“No, he wasn’t.” She said, finally sitting down. I’d gotten into my dorm. She'd followed and declined when I offered her something to drink.
Sebastian took a while to take a drink from his cup, but responded, “That’d imply he was logical.”
Miriam had been watching the two bicker as if observing a tennis match. She grabbed her drink at that point, spluttering as she swallowed wrong. The two looked at her in panic before dropping the conversation.
Martha nodded, taking a sip of her drink, “This is why I didn’t want to come now. I can’t think straight.”
“He’ll be in his eighties by now, so even if he is, he wouldn’t have much longer to live.” Uncle August answered, turning the kettle on after realising he hadn’t made himself a drink.
“I know,” Matthias smiled, stirring his drink, “When are we meeting your partner, Alex?”
“Hmm?” Rylan mumbled, “My father said that coffee is unhealthy and addictive. To wake yourself up early in the morning, you should drink hot water. I wanted at least a little flavouring, so I infused some tea leaves in. Try it.”
He laughed once, “But you don’t drink, and otherwise it’ll go to waste.”
“Let me get you a drink. Do you want to come into the dining room?”
August smiled, “If we weren’t teetotal, I’d say let’s drink to that. But we’re going to have to make do with tea.”
“Dad, what is the point of drinking tea when you have so much milk in it that you lose the taste of the actual tea? Just drink warm milk.”
“Ah, my apologies, but he only takes in interns when he requests for them. He hasn’t at the moment. Since you’ve come all this way, would you like a drink?”
There was silence before one relative piped up, “I’ll drink to that.”
“Have a drink while you’re here. I’m a little bit out of the way so save your time and energy.” 
“Thanks, Alex,” He took a long sip of his drink, “I’m so nervous though.”
Miriam snorted, “Don’t make me laugh when I’m about to drink.”
“She’s taking over, as we suspected,” He muttered, pouring himself a strong drink of alcohol, “And she’s basically told Dimitri and I that only one of us can lead the Meeting and she’s picked me.”
The three of us were in the ‘roundabout room’ of the hospital. In the middle was a hexagonal flower box with some odd-colour foliage and around it were five different hallways. There were seven different floors, and we were on the bottom one.
The town looked quaint from the station, but I couldn’t pronounce its name due to not having a Phinean accent. Compared to Natli and Mindeya, it was homely looking with its flower boxes and sign pointing to a vegetable market.
He dropped me off in front of a large house before taking the horses back to his own place. It seemed more grandiose than the properties surrounding it since there were flower baskets coming out of literally every window, but it was the same size. Even the Donegall house, which was also in the centre of the city, was obviously not the property of any old person.
“Ah, but that is the beauty of flowers. She can make her room look pretty with them even though she hates the recipient. And flowers have a lot of meaning. One flower may both mean ‘I love you’ and ‘fuck you’.”
“You work in a flower shop but don’t know your flowers, silly boy. Is Miriam tall and pretty?”
“At the flower shows they have in Natli, her family decide on the winners. She picks second place now she’s the Secondary Master. She doesn’t like the idea of picking just on which she thinks are the nicest so researches quite a bit to make sure she’s actually making the best decision.”
“He’d have stepped up by now if that was the case. It’s been over a decade and a half since I was born.” If looks could kill, I’d be dead by now. Her voice, however, was low and soft.
Father stuck his hand out, and I was surprised about how smooth the skin was. He was only thirty-nine but his face was aged, looking way older than Dimitri’s forty-two-year-old one. But the back of his hand was soft and looked well moisturised.
"Roman says he's a Tibetan Mastiff, they're soft and protective despite their deceptive build. But cute doggies aren't a priority right now. Have you got Miriam and Caspian's scents?"
I laughed, then consciously realised he hadn't moved his hands. I hadn't put on my jacket yet so I could feel how warm and soft they were.
"Well, I'm not moving until someone from the shop floor drags me off," I said, lavishing in the beds comfiness. My one at Natli was hard although the pillows were ridiculously soft, I had to stick blankets underneath for some comfort.
Her hair was near enough white and she also had the same piercing grey eyes which her son didn't possess. She had a soft face although that was shrouded by her current expression.
I couldn't think of any way to describe the voice other than silk. While tinged with age, it was soft and smooth.
She appeared as a mixed woman, with tied back brown locks and a soft but unvirtuous expression. Roman stared as she did so.
Cyrus was interested in all types of vehicles but always had a soft spot for motorbikes. I never paid enough attention to learn anything about the specifics.
Roman nodded, beginning to catch his breath, “Luka wants my Grand Master gone at least. From what she has said, he seems to have a soft spot for Miriam, but I think it is to do with-”
This was one of the rare times he’d smile genuinely. He hid the fact he had these guys most of the time so he didn’t look like a soft-hearted man due to being a pet lover. Deep down, any furry animal was his weakness.
“You have really soft knees, Kadir.” (A/N: The character who says this is drunk, I don’t have a weird knee fetish)
“What? No!” Uncle August had a soft voice but it broke then, “He’s been doing as well as he can be, making the treacherous journey he currently is.”
I’d held Matthias and Octavia plenty of times when they were younger, so I knew how to hold her. Juliana noted it, “You’re so soft-handed, but what’s the frown for, buddy?”
“Well, why are you surprised?” His voice was uncomfortably soft, “The more experience you get, the harder the challenge is. It’s how the world works Meline, not just me.”
Rylan’s voice was surprisingly soft and soothing, and there was a brief smile on his face when I looked at him. There was actual warmth in his expression compared to the other two people in the room.
“Carlos clearly has a soft spot for you too,” Phineas said, “But then again, he seems to have one for everybody bar backstabbers.”
Seb and Uncle Jonathon were almost identical apart from age and build. Their confident but laid-back demeanour was also scarily similar. But his eyes were the same soft deep brown as August’s.
“Did he give Andrei something soft and warm to lie in? I don’t think that’s fucking likely.”
Khristoph and I swapped positions and it became clear they had almost identical faces. Soft brown eyes, long thin eyebrows and a childish look of wonder around them.
Since I was still on the floor, he went onto his knees and kissed me. It was slow, soft and exactly what I needed at that moment.
Uncle Jonathon let his curls go wild but they didn’t reach further than the top of his neck. Grandfather’s, however, were in line with his elbows, the same length as mine. They were maintained well though, and looser than any of ours. His eyes were a soft but deep brown, although they were almost shut due to his frowning.
“Considering you’re the mother of the victim, are you really in the best position to do this?” The judge asked. His voice was soft rather than Winona’s jabbing.
“Vanska,” He responded, voice soft, “Where are we?”
He looked to the door which Roman left through before turning to me, “I was in here when you were watching him. There’s still a soft spot for him in your heart, isn’t there?”
We were looking at each other again when a voice arose. It wasn’t Lawrence’s high, shrill voice, nor Roman’s soft and warm tone or Vesna’s staccato tone. This one was animalistic and growling.
Myles and Jonathon headed over to the blanket, the former looking at Miriam and the latter at Andrei. He had a soft, paternal look to him before a shadow appeared over him.
“Ludwig is surprisingly quite soft as a paternal figure. For some reason I preferred him to Martha.”
“Oh, Miriam.” She gave me her soft hazel-eyed look, “We’ll be able to make something out of this. You won’t have to live like your mother and uncle did.”
Dad was soft, but that was one thing he rarely said, “I love you too.”
Dimitri was a man with rough edges but he had soft spots for dogs and children. After all, he owned more pets than some shelters and had taken Miriam in. 
I rolled over, making a soft grunting noise.
Despite his rough appearance and supposed bluntness, Gino had a soft, tinkly laugh.
“Well, my Dad is Grand Master Schwarz. He’s a bit soft from first glance but uses his brain, not brawns. My uncle is Grand Master Ivanov. He’s the opposite.”
Her daughter had a soft and cute face in comparison to her mother’s harsher one, “Oh, alright, what’s the change?”
“Oh, okay. I know this was yours and Miriam’s discussion, but I’ll step in. Why don’t you talk with Nina and let her take charge while you work on understanding the lingo and working on your soft skills? I know a guy who lived in Anthonia who could help you.” 
“If I had a bone in my body that was sensitive, I’d have a problem.” She said.
He'd put his hands on my shoulders so I bit down onto his forearm as hard as I could. It went deep, his bone almost visible and it was bleeding heavily. He yelped in response.
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oaken-evenshade · 4 years
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Horrific Visions: Three Letters 
(The following three letters were written by Oaken Evenshade in the midst of a horrific vision puppeteered by the Old God N’Zoth.)
Letter to Sora Fletcher
If ever this letter is delivered into your hands, my time on Azeroth has drawn to a close. I wish that there could have been more time. My life has been fortunate to have seen a couple millenniums pass by. In my time, I have witnessed many beings born into this world and seen many beings leave it. My mind now is on the leaving of things. There are loosened strings I cannot leave untied.
There was a choice I made sixty-six years ago that would alter your life before you were born.
In the Arathi Highlands I stumbled upon a small Alliance patrol in the aftermatch of a skirmish with the Horde.There appeared to be no survivors save two men. They were each in poor condition.There wasn’t time or resource enough for me to help both of them.
Both of the men were young, both had honest looking faces. I knew not how to choose which to save and which to let go.
My decision came down to two fingers.
One of the young men had lost a portion of his hand in the battle. In those frantic moments I decided to choose the man who would have full use of both of his hands.
As I tended to the other man’s wounds, the one who I had abandoned spoke to me from behind my back. He used the last of his energy to share how he was to be a father soon; how he had a wife with child. He spoke his name, Rylan Fletcher.
Sora, I have tried to give you the fruits of the work of my own hands. It has been no substitute for the life of your father. How sorry I am that my decision decided a great portion of how your life would unfold.
Yet pride fills me when I think on the life you have created for yourself with your own hands. All that I have, I leave to you.
Be well Sora,
Oaken Evenshade.
Letter to Leonir Evenshade
A hastily drawn sketch of a toad sharing a flower with a harpy takes up the portion of this letter. Written below the drawing are the words:
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An’da, there are more than two. So much more.
Letter to Sagelight Sisters
(Written in Darnassian)
D’ana’no ni dieb belore su su dath neph’o turus no dath dieb aman osa. Ni turus aman al o anar thero’shan. No tal mush ni dieb turus lo ishura. Ethala su su al turus, su alah belore aman’ni shan’re tal dorados’no alah fal turus.
Fala’andu ni, ni dieb rini ni turus alah’ni turus ni fal sharu;dune su anar.
Ni alah ni su shovel.
(A few different types of seeds are sealed under Kyndolin’s name)
Ni mush ni turus turus thero’shan alah n thus. Ni dieb mandalas o shar al su n tal fal mush ash isura. Al dur tal neph’o alah n dieb aman’ni su fulo no much turus, ni dieb shando tal d’ana’no. [Big ink stain] Bleeding Thumbs, ni dieb aman o turus ethala, tal alah nor ama o much su su.
Turus ash fal dal’dieb no su aman. Dath mush rini ash tal turus. Ellnara, shaha lor’ma. Al tal osa Shando.
Ellnara, Kyndolin, andu-falah-dor!
Oaken Evenshade.
Sora Fletcher: A human woman that Oaken has taken responsibility for since before she was born. Over the past 66 years he has sent her the greater portion of his earnings in an attempt to support her in a way that her deceased father could not. 
Leonir Evenshade: A Kaldorei fisherman that went missing after the Forsaken overran Darkshore. Leonir is Oaken’s father. They’ve had a shaky relationship as long as Oaken can remember. (Further mention of the Toad and the Harpy story in “Flashback: Swords and Flowers”).
Kyndolin and Ellnara Sagelight: Highborne sisters currently located in Stormwind City with their Sagelight Tailoring Emporium. Oaken first made an alliance with them when they faced down a Druid of the Flame. From there they became fast friends with a common purpose  to quell the flames of whatever fires (figuratively and literally) they might find throughout Azeroth.
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evertidings · 11 months
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happy birthday to my beloved and initially hated by the public character (they could never make me hate you), Blane !! my darling, the love of my life, my favourite emotionally repressed half-Fae.
this is my third year (or maybe second? i might have skipped the first year) of birthday posts for Blane and we've come a long way. from chapter one to chapter ten, they've seen so much improvement lately it makes me so happy.
in honour of their special day, i'm trying something new and have written a list fic of the presents they got. it's short and sweet and i hope you enjoy &lt;3
[A] got Blane a tote bag that says “plant parent,” claiming that because it was sage green and about plants, it was the perfect gift
Blane was not amused
(they secretly liked it though, but they wouldn’t be caught dead with that in public)
later [A] gives Blane their real gift, which is a set of limited edition books that they’ve been eyeing for a while
[A] claims it isn’t a big deal and purposely leave out the fact that they stayed up until 3am trying to get them
(Blane knows)
N got Blane a custom-made pot for their plant, bought from a small business that Blane has a couple of trinkets from
they also got Blane another black long-sleeved turtle neck, as a running gag since they met
(Blane finds it funny that all their shirts are from different brands, but it makes it easy to tell when they got which one)
the last gift N got was a vintage camera, something for Blane to fiddle with and try out, since they’d taken a recent interest in photography
(Blane only mentioned it once as an offhanded comment, so they were incredibly touched)
(no, they totally didn’t cry)
K and Rylan combined gifts, hosting Blane (and the group, but mainly Blane) a birthday dinner
on the side, K got Blane tickets to the conservatory on the side, while Rylan gifted a new set of rings and a necklace for their collection
Blane wore the jewelry immediately and thanked K profusely for the tickets
(they didn’t say they were going to use them to go with you, but everyone could see it on their face)
for the sake of it being Blane’s birthday, no one teased them
all and all, it was a wonderful birthday.
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Descendants OC Masterlist (Q-Z)
( A - D ) ( F - K ) ( L - N ) ( Hiatus )
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Name: Queenie Hearts
Series: Time For Tea
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: The Queen Of Hearts
Face Claim: Madison Davenport
Love Interest: Helena
First there was Mal, then there was Uma.  Mal had defected, turned good, abandoned the kids on the isle who desperately needed her help.  Uma’s martyr complex and desperation had long since outweighed her ability to come up with a real plan.  But someone needed to protect the children, needed to keep the major villains in line, needed to run the Isle with an iron first.  And that person is going to be Queenie, no matter the cost.  And if anyone objects to her revolution, well, off with their heads.
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Name: Raina Gold
Story: Deal With The Devil
Parents: Rumplestiltskin
Face Claim: Katie Douglas
Love Interest: Harry Hook ( poly sea three? )
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Name: Raisa Rasputin
Series: Time For Tea
Story: Bury A Friend
Parents: Rasputin
Face Claim: Sophia Anne Caruso
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Name: Rini
Series: Time For Tea
Story: People Are Strangers
Parents: Ringmaster
Face Claim: Jenna Ortega
Ship: Carlos De Vil
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Name: Robin Fitzherbert
Story: Next Stop Anywhere
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face Claim: Natalia Dyer
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Name: Rosabelle Legume
Series: Anti-Hero Series
Story: A Rose By Any Other Name; Kiss With A Fist; You Should See Me In A Crown
Parents: Gaston Legume
Face Claim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Prince Ben; Harry Hook; eventual Ben & Harry
There were many reasons that Rosabelle Legume didn’t want to go to Auradon: the Beast might have her executed, she didn’t want to leave her big brother, her crew needed her, and she wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Harry or to whatever relationship they had.  But there was one very good reason for her to leave: it would get her away from Gaston.  So she packs her bags and goes to Auradon with Mal and her gang - fine, whatever, she’d help them get the wand and everything would be fine.  But she wasn’t expecting to need to get close to Prince Ben to do it, and now Ro has an even bigger choice to make: Ben or Harry, Auradon or the Isle, good or evil?
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Name: Roslyn “Marcie” Hood
Story: Civility
Parents: Robin Hood & Maid Marian
Face Claim: Zoe Colletti
Love Interest: Chad Charming
Roslyn Hood never wanted to leave Sherwood Forest.  And why would she?  She loved her life there, it was all perfect.  She had her family and she had her freedom, what more could anyone want?  But unfortunately for her, not everyone was as happy about it as she was.  And just before her sixteenth birthday, in one of his last decrees as king, the Beast King made a proclamation.  In exchange for their freedom within the forest, the people of Sherwood Forest would have to send one child — Robin Hood’s own daughter — to Auradon Prep.
Forced out of her home and into a school where no one pretended to want her around, Roslyn had to adapt.  She started going by her middle name, Marcie.  She stopped running around barefoot.  She stopped climbing up to the roofs of the school.  She bided her time, waiting until she could leave.  But when Prince Ben brings over a new group of students, she finds that her time may have come sooner than expected.
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Name: Rylan Fitzherbert
Story: Next Stop Anywhere
Parents: Rapunzel, Cassandra, Flynn Rider / Eugene Fitzherbert
Face Claim: Timothee Chalamet
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Name: Saoirse Smee
Story: Awfully Big Adventure
Parents: Smee
Face Claim: Millie Bobby Brown
The oldest daughter of Mr Smee, Saoirse was nothing special on the Isle. Just another kid of a sidekick, she would have been the lowest of the low if it hadn’t been for Harry Hook. Mr Smee had taken care of he and his sisters when they were young, and Harry repaid that by taking his daughter under his wing. He got Saoirse a spot on Uma’s crew and a bed on the Lost Revenge, protected her from the bigger and badder VKs and taught her how to make herself untouchable. How to be dangerous. And then the letter came for Harry, inviting the child of Captain Hook to Auradon, as part of Prince Ben’s first decree.
But Harry wasn’t going to leave his crew, and Harry had always taken care of Saoirse. So instead of Harry getting in the limo bound for Auradon, it was Saoirse Hook, the youngest child of Captain Hook.
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Name: Savina Stromboli
Series: Time For Tea
Story: War Of Hearts
Parents: Stromboli
Face Claim: Diana Silvers
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Name: Shiloh Reece
Series: Time For Tea
Story: Long Live the Queen
Parents: The Cook
Face Claim: Emilia Jones
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Name: Sloane White
Story: Ties That Bind
Parents: Snow White
Face Claim:  Odeya Rush
Love Interest: Chad Charming
Sloane White had a plan.  Actually, Sloane White had several plans.  And backup plans, and backup plans for her backup plans.  She had plans for her relationship with Chad.  She had plans for the future of Bavaria, and for how she would hold title of both Queen and High Protector.  She had plans for her Aunt Evie, and for Ben’s dream of Isle reformation.  Sloane White had a plan for everything.  Except for Ben publicly proclaiming his love for one of the VKs.
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Name: Tania
Story: Reflection
Parents: Ting-Ting
Face Claim: Lola Tung
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Name: Taryn Porter
Story: Strangers Like Me
Parents: Tarzan & Jane Porter
Face Claim: Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Jay
Let’s make one thing clear, no one wanted Taryn Porter at Auradon Prep.  Well, no one except for Ben, and no one was willing to go against the prince over bringing a civilian to their school.  Her dad grew up in a jungle, raised by apes and her mom was a scientist.  Taryn absolutely, most definitely, did not belong at Auradon Prep alongside children of princes and princesses.  Maybe that’s why, when Ben decides to bring four villain kids to the school, Taryn is the only person who’s genuinely excited about more outcasts joining the student body.
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Name: Tenney Earwick
Series: Time For Tea
Story: Lavender Haze
Parents: March Hare
Face Claim: Jack Wolfe
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Name: Topher Charming
Story: The Weight Of Living
Parents: Prince Charming & Cinderella
Face Claim: Nicholas Galitzine
Love Interest: Evander Kö­ni­gin
The problem with founding a kingdom when the ruling family has no children is, of course, figuring out the line of succession.  That wasn’t the first problem with the founding of Auradon, to be fair, but it was the first one that concerned His Majesty the king.  But, in a stroke of great fortune, a royal baby was born soon after.  Christopher Charming II, son of Ella and Kit Charming, prince of Gevaudan.  And, until such time as Adam and Belle have a child of their own, the heir to the United Kingdoms of Auradon.
Fortunately, Belle and Adam have a son the following year, and Topher is bumped down to being the spare.  But unlike the spares of old, there is no room for Topher to be anything less than perfect.  He’s the eldest royal child in Auradon, the blueprint upon which every other child’s future will be mapped.  A modern day Atlas, carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, but a sacrifice that he made willingly so that no other royal child would have to.  Along with being the perfect prince himself, Topher took his responsibility as Ben’s right hand incredibly seriously.  Whether that be coaching him in all of the skills that a prince should have, or tutoring him on matters of policy and protocol, or helping him draft his first official decree as king.  Whatever it may take, Topher would do anything to protect and support Ben, to help him be the best king he could be without having to sacrifice his childhood.  When Ben brings five children from the Isle to Auradon, Topher volunteers himself to help them adapt to their new home.  But his determination to see Ben’s plan succeed is put to the test when he meets Evander Grimhilde, the unfairly attractive son of the Evil Queen.
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Name: Trina Tremaine
Story: Heartless
Parents: Lady Tremaine
Face Claim: Lana Condor
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Name: Tristan Of Maldonia
Story: Dig a Little Deeper
Parents: Tiana & Naveen
Face Claim: Jordan Fisher
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Name: Viatrix
Story: Love Struck
Parents: Viatrix
Face Claim: Olivia Rodrigo
Love Interest: Griffin
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Name: Violet Kingsleigh
Series: Time For Tea
Story: Lavender Haze
Parents: Alice & The Hatter
Face Claim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Cian Hearts
Violet Kingsleigh loved growing up in Wonderland, she really did.  She loved spending mornings in her aunt’s - the queen’s - gardens; she loved fighting lessons with her parents and reading with Absolem; she loved playing with the Tweedles and hide and seek with Chess; and, of course, she adored her dad’s infamous tea parties.  Yes, Violet loved everything about Wonderland.  Especially that it wasn’t in Auradon.  It was perfect.  And then the queen is cursed, and all of Wonderland knows that Auradon is to blame.  But they can’t declare war without proof, so suddenly their young princess is being sent to Auradon prep to investigate.  Violet knows her mission.  Violet is absolutely and entirely focused.  Violet is most definitely not prepared for the boy-king to have invited a group of teenagers from the Isle Of The Lost to start school on the same day as her.
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Name: Winnie Pan
Story: Where Dreams Are Born
Parents: Wendy Darling & Peter Pan
Face Claim: Haley Lu Richardson
Love Interest: Harry Hook
When magic was shut off from Auradon, Neverland was shut away, no one could come or go.  Unfortunately for Peter Pan, he was on the wrong side of that barrier.  Stuck in Auradon with a fully grown Wendy Darling, he had no choice but to grow up, and in fact the vanishing of the magic that had kept him young didn’t just make him age as normal, it pushed him into immediate adulthood.  And with adulthood came children.  A daughter, Winnie Pan.  Winnie was raised on Peter and Wendy’s stories about Neverland and she had long since fallen in love with it.  But it was inaccessible, she’d been told, she could never see it.  And as much as she hated it, she understood.  Until Prince Ben lets four villain children through their barrier into Auradon.  And Winnie has a realization: if one barrier can be taken down, so can the other.  And Winnie Pan will follow the second star to the right to the home she should have had, or she’ll die trying.
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Name: Winona Sykes
Series: Time For Tea
Story: Hungry Dogs
Parents: Bill Sykes
Face Claim: Milly Alcock
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atlanticcanada · 5 years
'Financially unsustainable': Canadian Women's Hockey League folds
The collapse of the Canadian Women's Hockey League plunges the future of the female game in Canada into disarray, at least in the short term.
But the CWHL declaring it will cease operations May 1 even if a financial saviour comes over the horizon indicates the ball may be in another player's court.
"There are a large number of organizations that have stated their support for women's hockey and expressed the desire to see this sport continue to grow," CWHL interim commissioner Jayna Hefford said Sunday.
"Our hope is that those organizations will step forward in actionable ways to continue to advance the growth of Canada's game."
A week after the Calgary Inferno won the league championship and hoisted the Clarkson Cup trophy, the CWHL announced Sunday morning the 12-year-old league's business model is economically unsustainable.
The CWHL owns and operates the teams.
CWHL chair Lauren Walzak said Sunday the league needs more revenue. But Hefford was emphatic the CWHL is done even if more money comes in from a last-minute source.
"The CWHL will not operate next year," Hefford said.
The NHL and the U.S.-based NWHL are the prime candidates to step into the breach.
Players stepped up calls for one women's professional league in North America over a year ago.
The NHL owns the rights to the trademark "WNHL."
"We recognize that having professional options is important to aspiring young women hockey players," NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly said in an email. "If those options were to become unavailable, the NHL would consider helping to create alternatives."
Daly pointed out there are still professional hockey options for women after the CWHL's announcement.
If the CWHL folds with no replacement, however, there will be fewer places for women to play.
Some in the women's hockey community have been adamant that for women's professional hockey to be viable, the NHL has to be involved.
"Can't help seeing today's #cwhl news as a positive step in the long run for women's hockey," Hayley Wickenheiser tweeted. "One step back, two steps forward perhaps?"
Can’t help seeing today’s #cwhl news as a positive step in the long run for women’s hockey. One step back, two steps forward perhaps? #adaptordie #playthegame #oneleague #callmecrazy #nhl
— Hayley Wickenheiser (@wick_22) March 31, 2019
NWHL commissioner Dani Rylan declined an interview, but said in a statement talks about a possible merger were ongoing.
"We had an excellent meeting with the CWHL in January where we presented significant proposals to them about forming one league, and we agreed to meet again in April," Rylan said. "We are sorry to know those talks will not continue.
"The NWHL wants to assure the players, fans, staff and supporters that our season is confirmed to start in October. As we have since our first season in 2015, we remain committed to building the value of women's professional hockey players -- not just in the U.S., but around the world."
The CWHL, founded in 2007, had six teams in North America and China this past season.
The league included national team players from the United States, Canada, Finland, Japan and China.
Canadian captain and Les Canadiennes de Montreal forward Marie-Philip Poulin earned the league's most valuable player award for the third time in four years.
American star Hilary Knight was Poulin's linemate in Montreal, while U.S. players Brianna Decker, Kacey Bellamy and Alex Rigsby helped the Inferno win the title.
The CWHL began paying its players salaries in 2017-18 ranging from $2,000 to $10,000, out of a total budget of $3.7 million.
The arrival of two expansion teams from China that season -- since amalgamated into one -- was believed to have injected hundreds of thousands of dollars into the CWHL.
The Chinese teams didn't pay expansion fees, but signed five-year licensing agreements with the CWHL.
The loss of one Chinese team decreased revenue, but China was committed to staying in the league, Walzak said.
The CWHL lost a financial backer in November. Graeme Roustan of the venture capital firm Roustan Capital withdrew his financial support citing a lack of transparency regarding board expenses.
If a CWHL shutdown lays the groundwork for one new league to rise from the ashes, players and team personnel were unaware of it Sunday.
Toronto Furies general manager Sami Jo Small says financial issues were not discussed during GM meetings at the Clarkson Cup.
"I have to think there maybe is something coming down the pipe," Small said. "What is hard and what is shocking is we're not part of that conversation and we would like to be part of that conversation moving forward. The players were not consulted.
"Maybe there's this great announcement coming Monday or Tuesday. We have no idea."
Small co-founded the CWHL in 2007 before stepping out of the boardroom and into team management last year.
"I have a great deal of respect for Jayna and what she's done for the game and as a friend," Small said. "I hope she has put us in a position of strength."
Hefford, a former player in the CWHL and its predecessor league, took over as interim commissioner last year when Brenda Andress stepped down. Hefford was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame last year.
Walzak and Hefford spoke to player representatives from each team Sunday in a conference call.
Inferno forward Dakota Woodworth said the players were told to be optimistic, but given no reason why they should be.
"Fully confident and fully hopeful that something better is definitely coming just because it has to," Woodworth said. "All we know is May first, everything is shutting down."
The CWHL says a record 175,000 tuned in March 24 to watch the Inferno down Les Canadiennes 5-2 to win the Clarkson Cup final.
"I think our product is just too good to go away," Woodworth said.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/2WxzGPn
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izayoichan · 3 years
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River crossed his arms listening to his words. He looked at the cup of coffee and sighed. He could tell the loneliness and pain in Lucas' tone. His desire to have a family and never having been granted one. 
River: I know it's not much, but... We can be your family, if you'd like. Me, Flynn, my in-laws. You're always welcome here and we'll always find a place for you if you need one -he gave Lucas a gentle smile-. This isn't just a shelter for pets, it can be a home for anyone who needs it and it can be your home too.
Lucas: Thanks, it means more than you think to have someone say that, oddly.. this place has felt like home since I first stepped foot in here. 
He almost mentions how his own place felt like home when River was there, but stops himself. That was probably just because he was tired, and for once the house wasn't empty. His eyes for a short while rested on the picture of Rylan and River that was hanging in the entryway. 
Lucas: I'm really glad I met you guys when I did. - smiles- It's just given so many good things, first of all meeting all of you, getting Munchie, working here with all the pets. - he finishes the last of his coffee. - Thank you for taking me in, so to say.
River smiles, taking a sip of his coffee and setting the mug on the counter before reaching for Lucas'. He had realized that more often than not, he found himself smiling in the presence of Lucas, he didn't often smile at all, other than Flynn and Fan who always managed to get a smile from him, rather less with strangers. Yet, something about Lucas, how light and welcoming he felt, made him smile easily.
River: No problem. We're happy to have you here and I am happy you see this place as a home, it'll always be yours, whenever you need it -he nodded- Well, back to work, starling? Those pets aren't going to groom themselves, except the cats.
Lucas: Oh I know at least two cats here who prefer some help with all their fur. - he chuckles, some of the long haired one needed a hand sometimes with the grooming. - But yes, your starling is ready to get back into it. 
Beginning - Previous - Next
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monotonemanday · 6 years
Hues of A Miracle
Hey Hey! Moving right along! Samantha is working. I mean well she’s distracted, but she is actually working. A little glimpse of being an Heir to big business.
Seventh chapter of this wonderful collab with @rossyele !! <3
CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 
Chapter 7
Rylan watched leaning against the wall next to the doorway. Samantha was sitting at the head of the large conference room table, looking down at the papers in front of her. Her pen was gracefully running across the page on top. At the other end of the table, in front of the room was a man standing in front of the projection screen, giving a run down on usual business matters. All things Samantha was supposed to be paying attention to, but from what Rylan saw, she clearly was not. He shook his head and went back to taking notes so she wasn't completely out of the loop. If she wasn't going to pay attention, it couldn't be helped. It's not like he could tell her what to do. Samantha felt light and airy. Like time was flying by. She knew that her focus wasn't honed in 100% on the meeting at hand like it was supposed to be, but she was only human. How could she focus? His voice, his eyes, his smile. All of them had been rushing threw her mind. Distracting her from not only her bruised tailbone but everything around her. She was laser focused on the paper in front of her. Her pen gliding across the page. Her wrist flicking gently for soft strokes of ink across the blank canvas. She could feel the corners of her mouth upturning now and again. Every couple of seconds it seemed like. What was happening on that page was her main focus until her ears caught wind of something she didn't like.
"Last matter of business, in light of recent matters I think it would be beneficial to downsize staffing in the following departments. As you can see these past quarterly reports show we are actually losing profits from these areas. I also have given specific names of the staff members we can afford to lose."
Samantha set her pen down and looked up at the figures on the screen. She raised an eyebrow, skeptically listening to the mans next words carefully. 
"This of course is at the discretion of the board, so I ask that we put it to a vote based on the figures here. All those in favor?"
The board members at the table didn't move a muscle and they didn't say a word. The man began to sweat on his brow and nervously demanded why they weren't responding.
"Is no one going to listen? This is disrespectful! As an authority you are supposed to listen to me!" The mans voice gradually raised in volume and Rylan scoffed at his outburst. Still leaning against the wall, eyes closed and a smirk on his lips. 
"No, You're disrespectful. They aren't answering because I don't think they appreciate you undermining the boss." Rylan rebutted, his smirk only growing.
"The boss?! You mean that spoiled tart at the head of the table!? She doesn't know what she's doing! She's a daddy's girl! Hasn't even been paying attention this whole meeting! She shouldn't even be in charge of the interns, let alone whole departments!" The man only got sweatier and more and more enraged with each word. Samantha stood up and placed her palms on the table, meeting him with a calm and sweet tone.
"I am very sorry you feel that way. However, I earned my position here. And I suggest you don't underestimate me and what I'm capable of. In business or elsewhere." Her sweet smile turned into a wicked smirk. Just for a split second. Then back to it's original state. "Unfortunately, I am going to turn down your proposal. I will not fire hardworking employees over personal vendetta's. Especially if you're going to present falsified reports." 
"Wh-what, how did you-?!" The culprit was physically shaken as Rylan walked over and pulled documents out of his messenger bag. Samantha took them in her hands and began to make her way towards the greedy business man. 
"These are the actual quarterly reports. Very different from what you have up there. I go over them each quarter. Quite thoroughly actually. Trying to fire people due to personal grudges related to other business is inexcusable. I appreciate your concern for the company, but we do not have a financial situation currently. And if we do, it starts with you." Standing in front of the man, the tips of her stiletto heels parallel to his penny loafers, Samantha pushed the documents into his chest. "So I'm sorry to say. You can pack your things."
Inching ever closer, her lips reached the opening in his right ear. "And go see my father. He has a parting gift for you."
A cold chill ran down the mans spine as Samantha turned to the rest of the board members and dismissed them. They saw her off with warm regards and smiles and she did the same. The newly unemployed man stormed out after. 
Rylan was scooping up the documents from Samantha's place at the table. Shuffling threw them he spoke without looking up.
"Should we have anyone on alert? And I don't know why I'm even asking, do you want a security detail?"
"I am not worried about him. And no, I'm not a baby."
"Samantha, one day there is going to be someone you can't handle on your own, and you're going to get injured or killed. And when that happens, I am waiting for a very sweet tasting I told you so to serve up to you." Still shuffling through the papers he stopped. His eyes widened and then quickly narrowed, fixating on the redhead at the front of the room, rolling her eyes at him. A sketch. What she had been focused on the majority of the meeting. A man with a bright smile and soft yet piercing eyes. The black and white sketch conveyed the man had light hair and Rylan could only assume it was this "V" that had gotten her so flustered earlier.
"This your boyfriend?" He made sure his volume was low on purpose.
"You say something?"
"Nah. I'm going to drop off some docs at C&R. Don't forget to go and talk to your father. I'm not kidding."
"Sure thing, mom." Samantha felt like she hadn't stopped rolling her eyes since Rylan had started talking. "You know I AM older than you. And I always looked out for you when you were even scrawnier than you are now. I don't know when you got that stick up your-"
"I'm leaving."
Samantha chuckled as she watched Rylan depart the conference room. She stretched out and looked toward the window and took note of the wonderful weather. She had a pleasant morning, with her C&R lobby mishap, and a good afternoon getting coffee with Rylan and serving a bit of justice in the board meeting. She decided to spend a little time outside, wanting to add a little more to the sketch she had started. The one that was embarrassing, almost like writing a crushes name in a notebook over and over again. 
Despite her embarrassment she looked forward to working on it. But she quickly ended up in a panic when her spot at the table was cleared off. Her sketch. Was gone. Along with the documents she was working on. Documents that were supposed to be routed somewhere. By Rylan. Who just left. To deliver documents. She racked her brain violently. Like she was doing advanced math equations. 
"Okay, I wasn't paying attention to him. I barely ever do. But he took my sketch! I know he took it. He's a punk. Is he going to use it to tease me? Something worse?" As she paced back and forth, rattling off her thoughts out loud, realization hit her like a truck. C&R. He was on his way to C&R.
Samantha bolted towards the door, swinging it open with great force and flying into the hallway she screamed with urgency. "RYLAN!!!!" 
Used to this behavior from Samantha, one of the long time security guards was passing by her. He chuckled and stopped in front of her. "I saw the boy about 3 minutes ago making his way to the lobby. You must have him working hard. Poor boy was running."
"RUNNING?!" And her feet were on the move once more.
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hardfcclings · 4 years
cleo miller ( about )
trigger warning. suicide attempt, substance abuse, child emotional abuse/neglect
disclaimer. cleo does have borderline personality disorder and because of her parents’ emotional neglect it was not diagnosed until her 20s which created an added toll on her mental health. you may see cleo refer to herself as being “crazy” or say that her brain is “broken” and i want to be 100% clear that just because cleo feels this way about herself, it does not reflect my personal feelings about persons with bpd. cleo struggles with her personality disorder and how it effects her mental processing capacity both before and after her diagnosis and struggles to healthily cope which is why she says these negative things about herself. all that said, i do not personally have bpd ( though i do have friends who do ) so if you see something i have written for cleo that seems inaccurate to the behaviors of someone with bpd, please call me out on it, as i recognize that research / personal anecdotes is not necessarily enough to create a consistently accurate representation of personality disorders. 
nickname(s). cle, miller lite, mills, princess
birthday/zodiac. august 12, leo sun, scorpio moon, sagittarius rising
orientation. pansexual/panromantic
hometown. thousand oaks, california, usa
tattoo(s). tbd
piercing(s). ears
father. vincent miller
mother. cassie miller
pet(s). duke (rescue greyhound)
mental. borderline personality disorder
physical. none
drug use. recreational use of marijuana
alcohol use. recreational
diet. n/a
personality type. enfp
moral alignment. chaotic neutral
temperament. choleric
enneagram. 7w8
hogwarts house. gryffindor
born to two parents both on the business side of the entertainment industry, cleo was familiarized with hollywood pretty much from day one. she got her start as a toddler doing modeling gigs, commercials and small guest spots on the shows of her mother’s other clients. she already had a good collection of films under her belt and was well on her way to being a household name by the time she was 10.
because she was always working, cleo never attended traditional school. the entirety of her education has been homeschooling either with her mother or private tutors. cleo typically worked on serious film sets as a child, so she also typically didn’t spend much time around other kids her age, and never had any close friends. 
when cleo was 11, she landed a role on a disney show. she was cast as the best friend role and not the lead, so her mother initially didn’t want to accept the part, but cleo was desperate to be around kids her own age and basically begged to get to do the show. the show ran for the standard three years. cleo grew a big attachment to the show and it’s cast because it was her first real experience with socialization with kids her own age, not to mention it was the first set she was on longer than just a few months and as such her first real sense of consistency outside of her immediate family. 
the end of her disney show marked the beginning of more things for cleo than endings, but either way, cleo looks back at that point as one of the most significant moments in her life. cleo transitioned into more “serious” acting roles as well as entered into her first serious relationship with a boy who, other than family connections, was relatively unknown. 
things only really got messy when cleo was 18. an important note about cleo is that she has a tendency to lose track of her own fame and she doesn’t really think things through before she says them. she started to fall in with the wrong crowds and garner a reputation for being a bit of a partier. she also started to say some accidentally inflammatory things in particular about her former co-star alexa. after that things really started to spiral. as a result of cleo’s carelessness, she ended up losing both alexa as a friend and also her boyfriend. 
cleo REALLY spiraled after this. the combination of having lost the only friends she’d ever really had, partnered with her feeling of complete lack of control over her life, and her undiagnosed/untreated personality disorder, cleo attempted suicide following her breakup. she was admitted to the hospital and was quick to admit to what she had been trying to do. she was put on a psychiatric hold and began regular therapy after she was let out. the entire thing was covered up by her momager as just a health issue and it was never released to the public that it was a suicide attempt. beyond that, cleo’s stint in therapy didn’t last very long and got pushed to the side every time it interfered with her filming schedule so she ended up dropping it entirely within about a year.
the next big transition in cleo’s life happened the next year, when she once again temporarily forgot she was famous and uploaded a youtube video of herself singing a song she had written. after that she got a lot of calls from various producers begging to sign her, wanting to capitalize on what appeared to be a big name actress looking to transition into music. cleo ended up signing with connor mann, alexa’s best friend, because he was the only person she trusted to genuinely invest in her and didn’t seem to only be in it for her name. this whole thing ended up sparking a big fight with cleo’s mom and she ended up firing her mom as her manager, which ended up meaning cutting all ties with her family.
cleo’s life is pretty much perpetually a wreck regardless of verse so there’s not a lot to say there. girl is messy. she does have good intentions but it’s hard for her to sort through her thoughts and feelings and actually rationalize anything. especially because she doesn’t start therapy again until her 20s and learn to process her emotions healthily. when she does eventually get to that point, she ends up moving out of la, but not actually quitting music. she just takes a break from the hollywood lifestyle as she recognizes eventually that the fast pace makes it harder for her to process everything healthily and keep herself grounded. 
overall, cleo really is very kindhearted and friendly, if not a bit misguided. she can be harsh because she doesn’t think before she speaks, but she loves with her whole heart and she’s very kind to everyone she meets. she’s also,, remarkably humble despite being a world famous actress.
alexa paige. ex-best friend. being cast as best friends on a disney show when they were eleven threw both cleo and alexa into the spotlight, and towards each other. for the years they were filming, the duo were inseparable, always having sleepovers and trips to disneyland together. after the show ended, though, things changed. alexa left acting behind for music and cleo had to deal with life in the film industry after disney alone. while alexa was out making new friends, cleo was feeling left behind on her new grown up film sets without her usual companion. not to mention the way the press always seemed to be pitting them against each other. in a couple of heated moments with the paparazzi, cleo said some things she lived to regret, and her friendship with alexa paid the price.
connor mann. producer / best friend. connor was alexa’s friend first. so naturally when things fell apart in her friendship with alexa, cleo’s budding friendship with connor got cut short. the two only reconnected recently after cleo made her first move onto the music scene. connor was in need of a client, and cleo needed someone to show her the ropes. cleo doesn’t know how to express how grateful she is for connor, and to him for putting her past mistakes behind them and beind such a great friend. they never expected to become so close, but connor quickly became cleo’s favorite person in the world. 
rylan maxwell. first love. as a kid, cleo tagged along with alexa to just about everything, including family gatherings. which is how she met rylan, alexa’s cousin. the two fell hard for each other as teens and maintained a serious relationship for a few years. but it was rylan’s family loyalty that drove them apart after cleo and alexa’s fallout. the two have very much been at odds ever since.
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