#and Sam did so much I know but Frodo is so fascinating to me as a character
wordbunch · 2 years
You’re in the Fellowship and the Hobbits have a crush on you...
a/n: lol there’s no explanation for this, just a cutesy idea that came to me. yes I know I’m still not finished with my Legolas story 😅 no warnings here, just fluff and chaos 💛 (the reader here is human/elf/dwarf/anything but a hobbit for extra fascination 😆) lemme know how you liked it! 😘
+ tagging @starlady66 as requested
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For starters let's just (re)establish one thing: being subtle and lowkey is not something any of them vibe with (except sometimes Frodo)
If you're an Elf, Sam would be infatuated with you beyond words. You would just be talking about something and he'd stare with the biggest heart eyes, and then blush furiously either when one of his friends point it out, or when you make eye contact with him - he'd be so red in the face
Oftentimes he would ask you lots of questions with genuine curiosity, and you would be more than happy to answer, whether it's about historical events, songs and stories, customs of your own race, your travels... Anything, and he wants to know it all
Whenever he cooks for the fellowship, you (after Frodo, of course) get the most delicious piece of whatever he made, you caught on it fairly quickly
Many times the Hobbits will talk about you (only the best, of course), but they would be unaware of how loud they're being, and you would hear so many adorable comments and try not to giggle
"Did you see how [y/n] fought off that orc?!"
Frodo would enjoy engaging with you in meaningful, deep conversations, and you think he's wonderful to talk to, yet the spark in his eyes gives him away. And sometimes he has a little smile on his face, no matter what you talk about, he just enjoys talking to you and having your full attention 🥺
wait hold up, Sam would give you random flowers he found along the way, or he would just show you and teach you about many different plants
Like I said, Frodo would be the most lowkey of all of them, but you picked up easily on his mannerisms and you can now read him like a book
You have a great knowledge of Middle-earth and he often wants to consult with you when trying to make a decision where to go next
You yourself are very protective of the four Hobbits and just have a soft spot for all of them, you like to ruffle their curly hair and sometimes tell them a legend or sing an ancient song as they go to sleep
They all love to stay close to you when you're walking over long distances, especially Frodo and Pippin
Firstly, they feel safe with you, secondly, they enjoy your company
You try to always reassure them in little ways
You always always always have a snack or a piece of candy in your pocket for any of them 🤫
You practice sword fighting with Frodo a lot, you're very concerned for his safety, of course
Sometimes that would make the other 3 just a tiny bit jealous, and then of course you'd have to do it with everyone
Gandalf had known you for a while and trusts you, therefore, all four Hobbits trust you completely
Merry is super loud and boisterous around you, shamelessly trying to get your attention, and then keep it for as long as possible
He likes to act all brave and tough when you get attacked by orcs, but more times than not you ended up saving him
Merry is definitely the boldest when it comes to openly complimenting you, and he's very dramatic about it also
In comparison to him, Sam can sometimes feel extra shy and inadequate, but you make sure to let him know you appreciate him and what he does and says
He's just as important!!!!
Sam would tell Frodo that he's crushing on you (not like it's hard to tell...) and when Frodo says he's having the same feelings, Sam immediately wants to back out but Frodo is like "you really think [y/n] would end up with either of us?"
Merry and Pippin enjoy telling you stories of their mischievous adventures so much, and they exaggerate stuff so much in order to make themselves seem cooler
You think they're unbelievably fun either way
So, Pippin is canonically the smallest and youngest and you have an EXTRA soft spot for him, and also he's the most painfully obvious about his crush
He's always sooo embarrassed when Gandalf is strict with him because you can also hear the wizard's reprimands of the young Hobbit
He blushes furiously and he gives you a sad baby look and you always reassure him that "accidents can happen to anyone" and "Gandalf can just be grumpy like that, it's not your fault"
More than once he instinctively hid behind you in a dangerous situation
Sometimes for safety he likes to hold the hem of your cloak and fiddle with it as you walk - helps him get his mind off of all the impending dangers
The other 3 Hobbits would relentlessly make fun of him for being so obvious but he doesn't care in the slightest
Many times when you were alone on the night watch, one of the Hobbits just happened to be unable to sleep and would keep you company instead
Once during the night watch Merry was hanging out with you and laughed so loudly at something you said that half of the fellowship woke up and wanted to strangle him
Especially in those late hours Frodo likes to confide in you and even talk about his dreams and visions that you try to interpret together
You teach Sam about the stars and constellations and phases of the moon
Almost every time Pippin joins you on the night watch, he ends up falling asleep like hugging you around your legs as you stand alert or something (i diagnose him with BABY)
He very much loves to give you cool rocks that he gathers on the way
If any of the Hobbits has an unpleasant dream that wakes them up, they come to you, you just have the calming protective energy (and candy in your pockets, when you think about that...)
If only one of them had a crush on you, it would be a lot to handle, let alone FOUR
But they're so cute that you just can't dismiss them or ignore them ever
And maybe all that lovely chaos is a good distraction from everything bad happening around you
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frodo-with-glasses · 6 months
More Reading Thoughts: In the House of Tom Bombadil
BEHOLD! ANOTHER CHAPTER! We’re making it at a magnificent clip nowadays
Eyyyy it’s Goldberry!
Frodo surprising himself with the poem that springs out of his mouth when he sees Goldberry will never not be hilarious and adorable
It does beg the question of where the heck that came from. Does Goldberry just have that effect on people? Does it have serving to do with Elf magic, like she implies? Does Frodo just have that accidental rizz?? Who knows!
Frodo: “Who is Tom Bombadil?” Goldberry: “Well, he is, of course, silly :-D”
Mighty convenient that Tom has exactly four beds for the four travelers
They DO take a bath before supper >8-D (Don’t mind me, just a comic idea percolating in my head. Some of you know what I’m talking about.)
Tom was waiting for them. Tom was waiting for them. He’d heard word that the hobbits were coming. He wasn’t actively trying to find them, but he wasn’t surprised when he did. I don’t know why that enchants me so much.
Merry and Pippin like “AAAHH NO DON’T TALK ABOUT THE WILLOW TREE” is simultaneously hilarious and heartbreaking depending on how you look at it
Heeheehee nightmare time
Frodo has a dream about Gandalf and Black Riders. Hmm, pity. You’d think he’d have a nightmare about water, given his near-drowning and the way his parents died…but I guess this is important for foreshadowing purposes.
Pippin has a dream about being inside the tree. He feels surrounded and afraid. Understandable.
MERRY has the dream about water and drowning?? Shut up!! If I were him, I’d be way more disturbed that a freaking tree was IN MY HEAD and threatening to kill me!!
“Sam slept through the night in deep content, if logs are contented.” Hilarious 🤣
Much apologies to my girlies on the server who headcanon the hobbits with phobias corresponding to the four elements; sadly, Tolkien is not on the same page as us this time.
Tom: “You’d better not be late to breakfast, or you’ll get nothing but grass and water!”
See, Frodo gets it. Rainy days are awesome. They are beautiful and force you to slow down and admire the world.
“The trees were here before you, mind, and they don’t much care for your shenanigans!”
Ooh, so the Barrow-wights are the ghosts of dead kings that the Nazgul woke up. Fascinating.
Nothing makes the world of Middle Earth feel old and rich in history more than Tom’s stories
Goldberry’s hand being partly translucent is such a vibe
WAIT. Tom and Goldberry. Differences. Tall and short. Blonde and brown. One graceful and ethereal, the other down to earth and joyful. Working together, not in competition. Frodo and Sam. SHUT UP GUYS I’VE CRACKED THE CODE—
Tom is friends with Farmer Maggot!!
Dang where’s my fantasy epic about Farmer Maggot you guys
And this is the part where Tom puts the Ring on his finger and doesn’t disappear, and if they’d ever included this in the movies it would’ve destroyed the gravity and mystique of the Ring altogether
Merry having to bite back a yell like “HOLY CRAP FRODO’S GONE” 🤣
WAIT I CAN MAKE THAT ANGSTY TOO aw heck the brainrot is setting in
“Frodo laughed (trying to feel pleased)…” Relatable, Frodo, relatable
Tom: “And remember, DON’T GO NEAR THE BARROW-DOWNS!” Meanwhile, the hobbits, in the very next chapter:
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balanceoflightanddark · 5 months
"Nonetheless, ease and peace had left this people still curiously tough. They were, if it came to it, difficult to daunt or to kill; and they were, perhaps, so unwearyingly fond of good things not least because they could, when put to it, do without them, and could survive rough handling by grief, foe, or weather in a way that astonished those who did not know them well and looked no further than their bellies and their well-fed faces. Though slow to quarrel, and for sport killing nothing that lived, they were doughty at bay, and at need could still handle arms. They shot well with the bow, for they were keen-eyed and sure at the mark. Not only with bows and arrows. If any Hobbit stooped for a stone, it was well to get quickly under cover, as all trespassing beasts knew well."
-J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, Prologue 1. Concerning Hobbits pgs. 5-6
This paragraph fascinates me for a few reasons. Often in fiction, a long period of peace is often used for explaining why people are so slow to react to a rising threat. That prolonged prosperity dulled the senses and breeds complacency. Indeed, Frodo himself does express some exasperation and almost wishes for a dragon or some evil force to invade the Shire to shake the Hobbits out of their complacency.
Which to some level is true here. It's a known fact that Hobbits like to keep out of the affairs of the "big people". Yet at the same time, even if they want to keep themselves isolated, it doesn't mean the world won't march into the Farthings regardless of what they want. After all, there wasn't a whole lot stopping the Nazgul or Saruman from entering their borders.
Yet at the same time, the paragraph does illustrate that just because Hobbits have grown accustomed to peace, doesn't mean they're pushovers. Consider Bandobras "Bullroarer" Took and the Battle of the Green Fields. When a goblin warband led by Golfimbel descended from the Misty Mountains and broke through the Dunedain's encirclement to invade the Shire, Bullroarer charged straight at the goblin ranks. He then proceeded to knock Golfimbel's head off and shatter the morale of the warband.
The story was repeated in the Battle of Bywater when Saruman decided to set up a criminal ring in the Shire after his defeat at the hands of the Ents. Long story short, once Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin returned, the Hobbits proceeded to raise up a sizeable force and effectively kicked Saruman out of the Shire. Mind you, Saruman used to be the greatest wizard in Middle-Earth, and the Hobbits led to his final defeat. That's two accounts of invasions of the Shire going badly for the invaders.
And that's not even getting into the adventures that Bilbo, Frodo, and his friends got into during the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings respectively. Bilbo was able to save the asses of Thorin's Company multiple times, discovered Smaug's weakpoint and indirectly relayed that to Bard via the Thrush, and risked life and limb to forestall a battle between the Dwarves, Men, and Elves till Bolg showed up. Frodo and Sam were ultimately able to destroy the One Ring, while Merry and Pippin were able to rouse the Ents into attacking Isengard. That's not even counting Merry being partially responsible for the death of the infamous Witch King.
So even though the Hobbits were accustomed to peace, they weren't complacent enough to be pushovers when presented with a threat. Personally, I think part of the reason this is so is because the Hobbits never forgot the basic necessities of a good life: a comfortable home, friends, family, and basically everything needed to live simply. They never indulged too much in luxury to become lax like Smaug, nor constantly scheming to take more power like Sauron or Saruman. They were happy with living simple on the farm.
It turns out, that's what gave them their edge. They were down to earth, so they had a good sense of morality thanks to living humble lives. Safeguarding their farms from wild animals meant that some Hobbits could recognize a threat when they realized it. And their sense of community and friendship got them through some of their hardest trials, like when Frodo almost succumbed to the Ring and Sam never gave up on him. Their sense of community and toughing it out through the hardest times such as during the Long Winter when Gandalf began to really warm up to the Hobbits, seeing the value and courage in them.
So while they're not the flashiest or most "badass" of Middle-Earth's free peoples, the Hobbits are some of the hardiest and "purest" races. And how ironically, peace never dulled their senses but served to toughen them up for the dark times ahead.
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tagged by @diagnosed-anxiety-disorder to do the comfort movies reblog game!
(Sorry; I’m not reblogging the entire chain there lol)
1- Finding Nemo. This was my favorite movie as a kid; I was absolutely obsessed with it. I can still quote most of it from memory; I can remember staying home and watching it whenever I got sick, and I probably had, like, most of the merchandise available for it when I was really young. Which was a lot.
2- The Lord of the Rings trilogy. (Yes, I know that’s three movies.) I was really into LotR when I was in high school, and it got me through a lot. I met my best friend through it, and we have a lot of good memories involving Lord of the Rings. I still tear up at the ending of “Return of the King” when Sam and Frodo say goodbye to each other, because it really brings back those times and how much the series meant to my friend and I.
3- Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This one’s just fun. It never gets old despite being pretty much inescapable, and is also very nostalgic for me.
4- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Did you really think I was going to get through this list without it? You can tell how much I love this movie by looking at my blog. Although I’ve seen it about 13 times now, I think speculating on and analyzing this movie is even more interesting than the movie itself. I love coming up with interpretations and theories on everything, and it’s just so fascinating how many ways you can look at it.
5- The Man Who Laughs. Probably tied with “Caligari” for me in terms of classic films. Just a really good watch, and Conrad Veidt and Mary Philbin’s chemistry is always nice to see.
6- The Passing of the Third Floor Back. Yes, another Connie film, but this one screams “comfort movie.” It’s very sweet, has an uplifting message, and is a nice feel-good film without being too preachy or moralistic. Connie as The Stranger is such an enjoyable character to watch, and there’s something incredible about his acting and how he seems to effortlessly tell us that no matter how bad humanity can be, everything will turn out okay, just by the way he delivers his lines. It’s such a wholesome watch, and while it’s not one of his more famous films, I’d definitely recommend it.
7- Encanto. I love this movie for very personal reasons. I first saw it shortly after I got my ADHD diagnosis, and I related very strongly to Mirabel. Growing up in my family, I always felt like while my sisters were always acknowledged for their talents, I didn’t really have anything that made me stand out, and despite my mom always telling me my social skills were a talent, I wanted something I could actually show to the world and express myself with. This movie really made me feel seen, as I felt it put into words everything I had been experiencing growing up undiagnosed- knowing there was something different about me but not what it was- and feeling unexceptional compared to my family. Obviously, Mirabel was written to be a “relatable” protagonist, but I’d never actually related to a character as much before.
Tagging anyone who wants to participate!
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social-mockingbird · 2 years
Watching Return of the King and wondering why Frodo isn’t a blond, bespectacled, mild-mannered ball of Dad Sass Energy…my perspective is forever changed for the better, @frodo-with-glasses 😂
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hello. it is i. so! i was wondering if you could do a little ditty abt nail polish with the company and/or the fellowship? basically like modern girl in middle earth type stuff, and she realizes that she has nail polish on her which is something they totally don't have in middle earth. basically headcanons abt like how they would react to painted nails and which one of these mfs would let me paint their nails. cuz like - they dont know its just a "fem" thing here so no toxic masculinity. ty <3
OMFG I'M SO HYPED FOR THIS! I just picked a few random Tolkien characters that seem to have a lot of attention, so I hope you like this!!
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I feel like Frodo would be very skeptical at first
Because, come on, a girl falling into Middle Earth out of nowhere??
However, his interest is certainly peaked, seeing you twist the brush away from it's blue colored bottle as you smile down at it
"What's that, you've got there?"
"Oh, just some nail polish!"
He watches with curiosity as you perfectly decorate your nails with the periwinkle color
"How interesting..."
He may not want to have his nails painted at first, but has this deep fascination with how perfectly you can paint them without screwing up
Soon, he forgets all about the ring as you paint your nails, sitting cross-legged and starting with those huge blue eyes with interest
If he allows you to paint his nails, he would smile the whole time
What a bean 🥺
Tries his best not to chip the color when he leaves for Mordor with Sam
Gollum is actually really interested with his nails
"whAT IS IT prECI0us?!?1!1?"
But Frodo will swat his hands away, because "it's a gift from someone important."
The one thing that keeps him smiling along the way 😊
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Elf prince is so interested!!
He thinks the spring green color looks so pretty in the bottle
He's obviously not used to most thing from your world
Asks politely;
"How do you use this?"
"...can I show you?"
So whenever the Fellowship stops for the night, he watches with amusement as your brows furrow and you stick your tongue out in concentration
Legolas sits very still, so it's easy for you to paint his nails
How does he keep them so clean?!
He's low-key obsessed with how satisfying it is...
Now HE wants to paint YOUR nails?
He's so good at it!
Legolas is so patient and calm
He says it reminded him of making flower crowns I guess?
And he doesn't even mess up once 😳
He gets so happy with how the color matches him!
Forgets that you have to let it dry at first, so it gets a bit smudged when he draws his bow
Upset Legolas :(
But you fix it for him, and he's happy again!
He's amazed!!
And so proud!
Pretty Elf 🥰✨
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Pippin is very confused, to say the least
He though it would be something relatively close to a nail filer
But once he sees the pastel yellow color, on your own fingers, he has to have some!!
While you're trying to paint his hands and feet (by request), he's telling you great tales of the shire, a throwing his limbs around to exaggerate his story
You've to clonked him on the head and scolded him quite a few times
For some reason, he's saying it tickles??
"It does! The brush is like feather!"
Painting his toes it a lot easier, seeing he can't really feel much on his feet
The color goes perfect with his green eyes 🥴
Also, let's not forget that Pip is the definition of "disaster-on-legs"
After the polish dries, it immediately chips, since he's busy causing trouble with merry or practicing his hand with Boromir
He really wants to paint your nails, and you let him do so...
Poor hobbit has zero clue with how this shit works 🤦‍♀️
He feels so bad about getting it all over your fingers, but you assure him it'll be fine and that it will eventually wash off in a few days
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Pink, as cliche as it sounds, suits him so well
He's just amazed!
Also, really likes the smell 🤔🤔
Is grinning like an idiot while you're painting his nails
"Such talent and patience you have!"
"Pfft, it's really nothing. Takes a bit of practice is all."
Afterward, is flashing his bright pink nails at everyone
"Look at Y/N's spectacular skill of hand!"
I think Boromir would have a habit of picking at the polish after it dries
But that's okay, he doesn't mind too much
It gives him more time to spend with you while you repaint them!!
He's afraid he'll screw up your nails if he tries to paint them, so he never offers
That's alright though, since you know he only means well 😊
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Oh he's so regal
You were in Rivendell, digging through your purse, and suddenly
A deep navy blue bottle, probably about half empty was revealed
He was curious, but tried not to let it show, since that would damage his royal ego 🙄
"What is that?"
"Oh, just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Thorin would insist that you show him how it works first
And so, you did
He definitely admires the color
But defied any suggestion of you painting his own nails
That would be "un-kingly" 😤
Okay so maybe he lets you paint his pinky finger when nobody is around
But he smiles (a rare sight) while watching you paint your nails
And does give a somewhat compliment at your articulate handwork
"It looks exceptional as artwork."
"Erm... Thanks?"
He definitely thinks the color matches you beautiful skin tone 😌
Kili ~
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Prince Dumbass LOVES red
It reminds him of Tauriel 🥰
One night, you left your bag opened on the ground as you went off to get some food from Bombur, and Kili couldn't help but notice the glittering ruby bottle inside
He grabbed it, being the nosy prince he was, and examined its glow in the firelight
"What kind of jewel is this?"
"Oh hey, my nail polish!!"
Very confused
"Why does it smell so strange?"
Thankfully, being a dwarf, his fingernails are a bit bigger, so there's more room and it's easier to paint
He, like Pippin, has issues with sitting still and gets you really annoyed
"I swear to all things fluffy, if you don't sit still I will cut off all of that hair in your sleep-"
He immediately smudges them, and then you have to paint them AGAIN
Once they FINALLY dry, he won't let anyone touch them
"Stop it, Fili! You'll damage them!"
He can't stop touching them, since it's so smooth!
The others tease him, but he doesn't mind, as long as they stay nice and clean
Turns into a whiny toddler the MINUTE they chip
"Y/nnn! I need you to repaint them!"
"I just painted them yESTERDAY-"
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A mix of Thorin and Kili when it comes down to it
Definitely prefers gold 😌✨
Sees you painting your nails one night in the library in Erebor
"What have you got there sagh (friend)?"
"Just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Once again, he wants to see what it does like Thorin
And you of course happily oblige
Admires the color greatly
He says it reminds him of the gold floors in his kingdom, and it makes you chuckle
Fili loves to have his nails painted, and especially with such a regal hue 💅😌
DAMN does it bring out those baby blues 🥴
After that, you stare at his hands a lot, proceeded by his flirtatious teasing
Shows up Kili's sparkly red polish with his "more extravagant" color
He is also very protective of his nails and tries his very best to keep them from chipping
You love watching him hold his weapons and spar with his pretty nails 😳
Even with his larger hands, made for forging and wielding huge swords and axes and smelting, he had an incredibly steady and gentle hand when it comes to this subject, so he's AMAZING at painting his and your nails
Fili insists that you have matching nails all the time, and it's a regular thing for you to hang out and talk about your day while you paint each others nails 🥺
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Have you MET this man?!
At first, he's very weirded out
"What do you have in your hand, mellon (friend)?"
"Oh, just some nail polish."
Thranduil watches intently over your shoulder as you carefully decorate your nails with a glossy black polish, sitting directly next to his throne
"Do you want me to paint your nails?"
He reluctantly agrees, placing his BEAUTIFUL hand in yours and stares down at your gentle talented work
He loves the color more than he cares to admit, and much like his son sits very still as you lead the brush over his clean nails
The elf king loves seeing your tongue stick out in concentration
You remind him that it'll need time to dry out
And as he says in his notoriously sassy voice;
"I thousand years is a mere blink in the life of an elf... I'm patient... I can wait."
Ofc, you just scoff at this and tell him it'll only take about five to ten minutes
He just nods and stares back down at them with admiration
Thranduil doesn't do much around his kingdom, except maybe get a bit drunk and direct orders to his guards, so it's no worry about him chipping or ruining his nails
I hope you liked this, just as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Have a lovely day, and don't forget that requests are open as always!! ❤❤😊
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Dimension Jumping Pt. 5
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Comforting a grieving hobbit and time get everyone ready to go out!
Via the genius idea from katzrfsoa / Kat88
There's been mention of the reader not wanting to take the groups out, for fear of the public's reaction... so what about a cosplay convention? it would give the Reader the perfect excuse to allow them out, and they would wear their original clothes 
This morning has been uneventful for the most part.
Breakfast passed by without issue and now everyone is off doing their own things.
You looked outside and took a peek in the guest room, but you still can't find him.
Sam, Merry, and Pippin are playing a board game you showed them; Legolas is doing his meditation sleep thing; Boromir and Aragorn are discussing something; and Gimli is stacking bread on Legolas' leg to see how long it takes until he notices.
Frodo, however, is missing at the moment.
Right as you were considering telling the others of his disappearance, however, you heard some shuffling from your hall closet.
You open the door carefully and take peer inside, not wanting to startle the small hobbit, and at first you don't see him.
There's more shuffling and you hear a quiet sniff, followed by soft sobs, and you then realize he's hiding behind the shelf.
The door makes a soft clicking sound when you close it, and right away the quiet cries cease. You didn't want to alert him with the door, you wanted to do it yourself, but it's too late now, so you just go with it.
"Frodo?" You call in a gentle voice, staying by the door incase he wants you to go.
"Y-Yes?' He calls back, not moving from his spot.
His voice is thick with emotion, and the sadness in his tone makes your heart ache painfully. And when you walk closer and see him huddled up behind the shelf, your heart breaks a little for him.
He hastily rids his cheeks of any evidence of his sorrows, though the puffiness around his eyes and constant sniffles don't much help his cause, and looks at you with a false smile.
"Frodo, why are you crying?" You ask with furrowed eyebrows, kneeling down in front of him so you may look at him at eye level (mostly).
"It's nothing." He tells you quickly, looking away from your compassionate face with the same sad frown on his lips.
When you don't move to get up or leave, his gaze slides back over to you and he realizes that you're not going to leave unless he straight up tells you to go away. This makes him sigh, but truthfully, he doesn't want you to go away. Not really. For having company in a time of sorrow always mends suffering.
"I... did not have a proper time to mourn Gandalf. I've been so caught up in the oddity that is this place that I almost forgot my sorrows altogether, but then this morning is all... came rushing back." He explains with a surprisingly even voice.
While he speaks you cross your legs and listen along intently, your hands folded neatly in your lap. When he finishes, you reach forward and place your hand atop his with a gentle touch, "I didn't know him, but I can tell he was very dear to you. Honestly, I can't offer much advice, but I can tell you that keeping it all bottled up inside is not a good idea."
He looks at you with that sad face when you speak, and it prompts you to continue, "Also, I know everyone else can be pretty overwhelming or they just don't understand, and I want you to know that I'm always here to listen if you're feeling down, okay?"
Your words draw a small smile from the grieving hobbit and it elicits a similar grin from you.
"Thank you, Y/N. I... actually do feel a little better."
"I'm glad."
After your discussion with Frodo you rejoin everyone back out in the main room and let him recollect himself, going right onto your laptop to get some work done.
You're idly scrolling through a scholarly article you need to research when you see it.
An advertisement for some sort of comic book, cosplay, convention... thing in the area (no wonder you've been seeing so many oddly dressed people recently).
At first you almost scroll past it, but then you get hit with the brick of knowledge and a lightbulb goes off in your head.
"Yes!" You scream, successfully scaring everyone in the room and Penny who is sitting with you for once. "Ohh, my god. This is freaking perfect!" You exclaim, clicking on the link to get some more information.
Your eyes practically soak up everything on the information page, and, once you've skimmed through all of it, you look up with a bright smile on your face.
Literally all of them are looking at you like you've grown two heads, but you only clap your hands together a few times. "Guys, I just had a huge brain moment!"
The joke goes over their heads as per usual, but you don't let that deter you.
"Huge brain moment?" Pippin asks in confusion, looking at his cousin like he thinks he heard it wrong or something.
"Yes! I've figured out a way to take everyone out!"
That certainly gets their attention.
"You have?" Sam asks exuberantly, dropping his game piece so he can turn towards you and pay perfect attention.
"I have, yes," you start, continuing once you're 100% sure they're all paying attention, "So here's the thing, I knew that I could take out you tall boi's without issue besides having to find a hat for Legolas here, and I could explain that Gimli here has dwarfism," you pause at that and realize it may be offensive to him, but you continue once more, "but I also knew that there's no way I can explain away the hobbits, and then I found this gem."
You turn the computer so it faces all of them, but they only look more confused.
"There's a convention thing in town for the next week, and it's the perfect opportunity for me to bring everyone out! We just have to dress up the hobbits a bit and pretend that they're children."
At your explanation you receive multiple pleased smiles, and it serves to make you feel even better about your idea. "And you can all wear your normal clothes, too. And if someone asks who you are... I'll figure out a game or something you guys can use as an alias."
"Are you sure that will work?" Aragorn asks with furrowed eyebrows, sitting up from his spot in your arm chair.
"Um, like, maybe 98%." You confirm with a shrug, "It's better than 88% though."
He doesn't seem like he disagrees with you, so you look back at your laptop again and start to look for ideas to make them more believable as humans.
3 hours of research later, and you've successfully compiled a completely fool proof plan to smuggle this merry band of bizarre boys out of your house.
What you've decided is that you'll put some makeup over Legolas' pointy ears to make them look more fake since the concept of elves is not lost in this world. Boromir and Aragorn can go as themselves, and you'll put some makeup on the hobbits much like you will Legolas (they'll be children elves since there are no hobbits in your world) and tell everyone who asks how they look so good that you're a professional makeup artist.
Gimli, fortunately for you, was the easiest to come up with something for next to the other two humans of this group. You can just tell people he has dwarfism and that's why he chose to go as a dwarf character.
Everything is in order except for what you're going to do, though you suppose you should match their theme and be some sort of renaissance, maiden, lady, thing. You'll figure it out, though you do need to make sure it's convincing like theirs.
You decided to, instead of putting it off, go ahead and start working on finding a costume to match theirs.
A couple of searches later and you come across a really pretty dress that looks to fit their style, and when you show it to them they give you the thumbs up, so you order it with express shipping so it should arrive tomorrow.
It's a lovely flowy medieval dress *just look up flowy medieval dress and go to images, there are some good examples there*, and you feel excited just looking at it. Of course, there's no guarantee that it'll be the best quality, but it's got great reviews and you certainly paid a hefty sum for it.
After that's done with you head to your bathroom to see what makeup you've got, and you find that you don't really have any theatrical/special effects makeup. You're going to need skin colored wax makeup, powders, and contour stuff.
You're no makeup artist, obviously, but luckily for you, your goal is to make them look less realistic, so it should be easy enough.
It's surprisingly easy to figure out what you need to make them as convincing as possible, and pretty soon you've got a nice little list going on that outlines each thing you need.
Since you don't want to delay anymore, you head out of your bathroom and grab your bag while putting on your shoes, "Legolas, I'm leaving now if you wanna come with." You suggest since he stated his desire to join you in the one of the last chapters (:o).
When you call his name he looks over at you quickly, smiling a bit at your offer, "Yes, but you said I need a hat."
"Oh yeah! I have one, just gimme a sec." You tell him, walking over to a drawer.
When you open said drawer, you find a grey beanie with ease and toss it over to him, "Here ya go. Make sure it covers your ears... and uh, tuck your hair up into it too if you don't mind."
He does as you say with ease and, surprisingly, he looks just as good with shorter hair as he does longer hair.
It sticks kinda awkwardly at first, so you waltz on over and gesture for him to crouch down so you don't have to reach up.
Once again he does as you request and leans down so you may fix it.
You adjust it a bit to make sure it won't fall first, and then you smooth it back a bit so it'll also look stylish. And once you're done you take a step back and smile at him brightly.
"All done! Let's go!"
He seemed rather fascinated in the way your car works first and foremost, but once you got him to look out his window instead of watching you, his excitement quickly turned into awe.
When you both get to the ULTA store he follows you without hesitation and asks some hushed questions about things he sees, like the light up signs, other passing cars, stoplights, and some other things.
You, of course, answer each question happily and lead him inside, holding the door open for him while he enters and looks around the brightly lit up makeup store.
Right away you head towards the general direction of the nose and scar wax (it's multi purpose, don't judge me), forgetting to make sure that Legolas follows you.
When it does occur to you, however, that the blond elf didn't come after you, you panic.
You turn in a circle and only stop when you see him standing with some ladies who practically have hearts in their eyes.
Unconsciously you breathe a sigh of relief and head over with the wax in your little basket, immediately reaching up to wrap your arm around his, "I got the first thing on my list, come on."
The girls stop their giggles and flirting as soon as you show up and look genuinely surprised.
You give them a smile and nod in acknowledgement, not wanting to make them feel bad over something so silly before turning with your arm still around his own and walking him over to look at some contour stuff and other things.
They make some snide comments when you turn your back about you being a 'clingy girlfriend' and 'not pretty enough to be with a model like that', but you only ignore it and relish in the fact that you didn't make them feel bad over something as silly as a cute guy in a makeup store.
"Why are those women talking about you like that?" He asks in a whisper, leaning down so only you will hear his question.
You look up at him with a bit or surprise since you didn't expect him to pick up on that, before you smile, "They're attracted to you, and they think that I was being selfish with taking you away from their advances."
"Selfish? Advances?" He looks confused, but you only smile and turn back to the display case.
"Don't worry your pretty little head over it, Leggy my boy."
"Leggy?" He asks slowly, looking at you in confusion.
"Leggy." You confirm with a nod with a distracted hum.
It isn't much later that you have everything you need, and so you go to the checkout and buy everything.
"Going to the convention?" The girl at the counter asks with a smile.
You smile back and nod your head, glancing up at Legolas before looking back at her, "That obvious?"
"No of course not, just the items in your basket always fly off the shelves around convention time." She replies with a giggle, ringing up all your items.
"Well, that's fair." You muse, putting your card into the reader to pay for it.
Once everything is in order she hands you your receipt and adds, "Maybe I'll see you there."
"Maybe!" You chirp back happily, liking the nice conversation going on here.
"You and your boyfriend have a good day now!"
You elect to ignore that.
On the way home you pretend to not notice the black car following yours and make small talk with the elf, answering some more of his questions and speaking idly on different things.
"There are so many odd, interesting things here..." He comments after a while, glancing out the back window. "Are you aware that, that car has been following us for the past 10 minutes?"
You nod and hum as an answer, "Mmhm, it's just Brian. He's probably trying to figure out who you are."
The blond knits his eyebrows together and glances back to look at the car again, "Should I do something about it?"
"The only thing you can do is ignore it. He went from lowercase 's' stalker to uppercase 's' since you guys arrived, and it'll only get worse if you intervene." You mumble, trying not to look in the rearview mirror at him. "It's fine."
"You don't seem to think it's fine." He challenges in the same even tone, turning in his seat towards you.
Instead of answering his question you look at him while you stop at a light and grumble, "I told you to put your seatbelt on."
"It's uncomfortable."
"I don't care."
"I will be fine."
"Not if we get into a crash, you won't."
The two of you stare each other down before he slowly reaches up and buckles his belt, never breaking eye-contact.
"Good boy." You coo in a way-too sweet voice.
"Anyways, I know we said as much before, but you needn't worry about that man while we're here." He continues despite your obvious subject change.
"I know." Your reply is softer and less defensive this time, for you really do appreciate it, "Thank you."
He looks surprised at your sudden gratitude, and his expression shows as much "For what?"
"For being you. For looking out for me. All of you."
This time he smiles and says no more.
When you both get back to your house you immediately put everything in your bathroom and get onto your laptop to view some techniques on theatrical and movie makeup, Pippin and Merry on either side of you while they view through the pictures and videos with you.
"That one looks interesting." Merry pipes up suddenly, pointing at a person to wolf makeup transformation.
"Yep, and way past anything I can do."
This pattern of going through pictures and viewing clips goes on for a little while until they two hobbits depart to have lunch, meanwhile you continue on so that tomorrow will be a success.
You're both excited and nervous at the same time, wanting to see how it'll all turn out but also dreading it incase something goes wrong.
You know the most important thing is to have a positive mindset about it, but it's kinda hard sometimes during your more anxious moments.
Also, there's the issue of Brian possibly following all of you...
Nah, that'll be a problem to think on for tomorrow.
"What time will we leave tomorrow?" Aragorn asks from his usual spot on the rocking chair, Penny still nestled in his lap as per usual.
"Around the morning. I bought the tickets already so we won't have to stand in line for too long... Hopefully."
"Thank you for working so hard so that we may see more of your world." He comments suddenly, stroking his hand down her fluffy back.
You tilt your head to the side and smile a bit, "You don't have to thank me."
"No, I do. You have seen to our every need and we no doubt pose to be a huge burden. Thank you, really."
His words make you flush slightly, and you look away shyly.
You've grown to care about all of them, so of course you would do anything to keep them comfortable at this point. More than anything you're just glad they see how much you're trying to make things easy on them. It feels nice being recognized for your efforts.
Plus, the added protection from Brian is pretty sweet.
"Anything for you guys."
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Bilbo and/or Frodo for the character ask thing bestie 💞
I'll do both! Thank you bestie!! 😘 starting with Bilbo:
My favorite thing about them:
Picking just one thing is so hard 😫 If I had to summarize, I guess, it would just be the amount of personality he has? Obviously Bilbo has a whole book to himself so we have more time to get to know him, but even in LoTR there's so much Bilbo influence spread over the world we see, and all of it ties together into this lovable multi facteted character. You've got his bacon loving, his poetry and songwriting, his rooms dedicated to clothes, his love of flowers, his work translating and being a historian and overall his patent Bilbo habit of being equally rude to everyone, elf lord or dragon or wizard or gardner adjdn what a guy!
Least Favorite Thing About Them?
....nothing? Unless you count simpering Thorin fanboy 2012 Bilbo in which case I could go on for hours.
Favorite Line?
This one is sick: “So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings.” but this one is also good and it makes me irrationally sad;
"Don't adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on on the story."
Oh man, its gotta be Elrond. I love that the 6000+ year old elf lord of Imladris thinks this rude bitch is so funny he just lets him live as a VIP in his house and write songs about his dead dad. Runners up include; Bofur, Bombur, Balin, Aragorn, Thranduil, Gaffer etc.
None! Aro/Ace icon.
A Random Headcannon:
I've talked before about this before, but I think Bilbo getting some sick burn scars from his narrow escape from Smaug would be cool. I mocked up a concept sketch for it once and now I just envision him that way subconsciously.
Unpopular Opinion:
I think while Bilbo is attached to his Dwarven friends and to Erebor for nostalgic reasons, he's far more drawn to and fascinated by Elvish culture and history. He settles down in Rivendell and starts learning their history and languages, and is named "Elf Friend" by Thranduil, and eventually goes to Valinor (with elves). Idk if this is really unpopular but I see a lot of people headcannoning Bilbo becoming like an honorary dwarf or wearing dwarven clothes/braids after the Hobbit, and while that's cool, frankly I think he was a little done with dwarves for awhile after that whole fiasco lmao.
Song I Associate With Them?
"Come Along" by Cosmo Sheldrake is my go-to Bilbo song, but I also like "Jackrabbit" by San Fermin- it's about thrill of leaving everything behind to have an adventure 😤👌
Favorite Picture Of Them;
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Tove Jansson Bilbo My Beloved 💕
And now Frodo, my poor little meow meow 😔
Favorite Thing About Them?
God this this hobbit is just,,,so kind 😭 there isn't a resentful bone in his body, after everything that's happened to him. He wants the best for everyone and that's what pushes him to do what he does.
Least Favorite Thing About Them?
Again...I'm at loss? The only thing I can think of is encouraging better communication between Sam and Gollum, but my god it's not like he didn't have anything else on his mind at the time. You know what? nevermind. The only thing any Baggins ever did wrong was being thicc af and giving their sons unfortunate names.
Favorite Line;
To illustrate my earlier point, here's one from the Scouring of the Shire that sucker punches me; “It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing."
And this one, which is just, the heartbreaking distillation of his character arc;
“It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: some one has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them.”
Merry and Pippin and Sam, obviously 😂. Also my MAN Fredegar Bolger you are not forgotten 😤✊
Samwise Gamgee babee 🥰
A Random Headcannon;
Have a little dump of a few; he has constantly cold hands (even pre-quest) he can't cook for shit, he went through an "artistic" phase and there's a room in Bag End full of his landscapes, he's a fantastic dancer even as far as Hobbits go, he chews his nails, one time Sam accidentally stepped on a lizard in the garden and brought it to Frodo, and Frodo nursed it back to health and named it "Smaug" and kept it a secret from Bilbo for several months before his uncle found out (Bilbo let him keep it of course).
Unpopular Opinion;
Hmm I don't I really have any, or if I do I'm not aware they're unpopular. Except for disagreeing with the ice cold "Frodo was useless" take but that goes without saying.
Song I Associate With Them:
"A Pearl" by Mitski and "Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight" by The Beatles :'-)
Favorite Picture of Them;
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Baby boy. Baby.
Thank you for the ask my love sorry it took so long! 💕💕💕💕🥰
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second thoughts (legolas x reader)
The Fellowship of the Ring - Part 1
warnings: none (i think)
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
a/n : so after writing it for the first time, rewriting it and then rewriting it again lol the first chapter of my canon lotr fic is here. not much legolas x reader interaction in this one, more of just an introduction to the series and the readers relationships etc. i also quickly wanna thank @falcor-thee-luck-dragon​ for being super supportive of this ever since i even mentioned it as an idea ily! im super excited for it and i hope you enjoy it, thanks for reading i love you and i hope you have a wonderful day<3 (also i guess let me know if you want to be added to my taglist)
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The journey to Rivendell was purely insufferable. Not only was it due to the time it took nor the saddle sore that you had endured, but to how the time had passed so quickly and yet so painfully slowly at the very same time. You had always loved to travel, but you did not seem to have any time at all to admire the vast amount of sights that appeared before you. In the blink of an eye they were gone, and the views became new for a brief second before they disappeared beyond what you could see. Your eyes were forced to stay focused on the road and the rider ahead of you so that the way would not be lost.
When you arrived at Rivendell, however, all of the annoyance that you had endured throughout the voyage seemed to simply melt away. There were no words for how you felt in that moment when you dropped from your horse, gaping at the infrastructure in complete awe. Always, you had associated elves with inexplicable beauty, but never would you have expected something as incredible as what lay before you. Quick to abandon your guide, you made sure to take your precious time when you strode through the decorative archways, following up the spiral staircase, marveling at everything your eyes could possibly muster.
It had hardly been long when your eyes travelled to seek out shards of a broken blade, sat on a bed of silk, a statue standing tall behind it. The concrete seemed to present it to all who passed. You dared not touch it, though a wave of tempt washed over your senses. The fragments made up Narsil, the blade of King Elendil, the one used by his son, Isildur, to cut the finger that held the One Ring of Sauron the Terrible during the War of the Last Alliance. The legend of the One Ring had faded into less than nothing over the years of its absence, but fear always struck you when you imagined the dreaded return of the Dark Lord. The longsword that lay in front of you belonged to the heir of Isildur, the King of Gondor, Aragorn Son of Arathorn. Your heart forever ached with hope that one day he would return to the White City and that the useless steward that held his place would once again be nothing more than just that.
You had scarcely noticed the figure sitting beside the balustrade until you had felt an uneasy turn in your stomach, signaling that someone was watching you. As you shifted your eyes over to the body in black, they fell upon a man with long, unkempt hair and a scruffy grown-out stubble that covered his face and neck. His arm was casually slung over the handrail, his lips drawn into a perfectly straight line and his eyes were fixed on you. The edge of his lips turned up as your eyes locked.
You blinked. “Aragorn! Forgive me, I was unaware of your presence; I would have come sooner.”
“It is good to see you, Y/N.”
“You, as well, mellon nin.” You clapped him on the shoulder. “I had planned to ride north a little while ago.”
“And I had planned to ride for the White City, until Gandalf called upon me.” Aragorn said, and your mouth turned up into a smile. Your eyes flickered up to the ceiling, once again distracted by the beautiful view.
“It is beautiful here. You are very lucky.” Aragorn gave you a small smile. “For why have I been brought here, Aragorn?”
He took a breath. “You will find out, soon enough. For now, you should rest. Your journey could have hardly been sparing.”
“Oh, alright.” You mused, now engaged with the thought of bed and sleep. He gently shook your shoulder. “Goodnight, Aragorn.”
“Goodnight.” He returned to his previous position; arm hung over the bannister as you ambled off in search of a place where you could find rest.
During your search, your feet treading across smooth slabs, and you came to a halt. There were small folk, talking to one another. They were speaking in the common tongue, and seemed half of your height, though you could not really tell from a distance. Fascinating, you thought. So far, the thought had not even crossed your mind that others might be here, besides yourself, Boromir and Aragorn and Gandalf, of course.
One of them moved toward the other, who was staring out among the balcony. The starrer turned, showed something in the palm of his hand and spoke.
“You’re right, Sam. We did what we set out to do.” He opened his hand and lowered his voice. What he said next could not be distinguished by your faint ears. “I am ready to go home.” He put his hand back into his pocket before it slithered out once again, only this time it was empty.
“And where would home be for you two?” You asked. They turned to look at you.
“The Shire, miss.” One said, the one called Sam.
“Hobbits! In Rivendell! How incredible. How curious.” Kneeling down to get a better look, Sam straightening his vest as the other kept a firm hand on his pocket. You noticed. “Do not fret, hobbit from The Shire. I am not interested in stealing from you. Or anyone else, for that matter. But perhaps a small piece of advice is, make it less obvious that you are carrying something worth taking.” The hobbit with brown, curly hair and bright blue eyes smiled sheepishly. You chuckled, standing. “Go to rest, hobbits. Get ready to go home, to The Shire.”
They bumbled off and a smile spread across your face as you continued the forage for somewhere to sleep.
The morning came quickly. The night had been comfortable, and you set out early to explore the inhabitancy that you had found yourself entering that day previous. A meeting had been called to finally reveal why your presence had been requested, and now, you sat on a chair in a circle, surrounded by some known faces and many unfamiliar ones. There were elves and dwarves grouped near each other, which would never be a good idea. One of the hobbits from the day before sat beside Gandalf. You were located between Boromir and Aragorn, two of your very good friends. Lord Elrond sat at the head of the circle. He stood once everyone had arrived.
“Strangers of distant lands, friends of old. You have summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it.” Lord Elrond began. He scanned those sat before him. “You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this one fate, this one doom.” He paused, turning to the hobbit. He brought his arm forth, inviting him.
“Bring forth the Ring, Frodo.”
By Elrond’s instruction, Frodo placed a golden ring on the centered table. Boromir muttered something under his breath. Then Frodo turned, and sat back in his seat, looking rather timid. You gave him a small smile before your eyes glued to the table and the item it held upon it. It called to you, whispering things in a language that you could not understand and subconsciously you were sure you did not want to hear what it was saying to you. How did a hobbit from the Shire receive a Ring of Power? What business did he have with it?
“It is a gift.” The voice tore you from your thoughts. Your eyes caught sight of Boromir standing beside you. “A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring?” You pursed your lips in disapproval. One who thought of using any of the Rings of Power is a fool.
“Long has my father, the steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay by the blood of our people, while your lands kept safe.” He looked at you, nodding, giving you the notion that you should be encouraging him. But you couldn’t help but think that Boromir sounded rather ill. Your eyes travelled to the floor for a moment before he continued. “Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use it against Him.”
“Do you know nothing of the Ring?” Your brows furrowed as you spoke, unable to contain your discontent for his words any longer. “It is because of Man’s weakness that the Ring survives. It is not safe in the hands of Men.” You spat unwillingly. You hadn’t expected your words to come off so aggressive. After all, you did not want to hurt Boromir’s feelings, just make him see sense. His eye caught yours and you gave him an apologetic look.
“It does not matter; you cannot wield it. None of us can.” Aragorn said. “The one Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master.”
“And what would a ranger know of this matter?”
“This is no mere ranger.” Behind Boromir someone stood. It was an elf. Some of his silky hair had been tied back into braids and a velvet cloak smothered his built body. His dark brows drew together as he spoke. “He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.” You studied him with curiosity, narrowed slightly whilst you scanned his presence. His eyes locked with yours for a brief moment before you turned them back to Boromir, who seemed to be staring at your friend in utter disbelief.
“Aragorn? This, is Isildur’s heir?”
“And heir to the throne of Gondor.” The elf finished and you looked at him as a way to avoid Boromir’s gaze. It was true. The White City that Boromir’s father currently ruled deserved to have their rightful King back. You could only hope that one day Aragorn would finally take the throne and restore the faith of Gondor once again.
“Sit down, Legolas.” Aragorn spoke in an elvish tongue. So, this was the infamous Legolas, you thought. Aragorn had spoken a lot of him to you in the past, but you had yet to meet him until this very moment.
“Gondor has no King. Gondor needs no King.” Boromir took his seat beside you, but you still refused to return his eye. Instead, you and the elf shared a look.
“Aragorn is right. We cannot use it.” Gandalf confirmed.
“You have only one choice.” Lord Elrond stood. “The Ring must be destroyed.” Silence fell among the space for a moment, before a dwarf shifted off of his seat, his fingers tightening around the axe beside him.
“What are we waiting for?” He rumbled, swinging his axe over his shoulder to slice the Ring with a roar. His blade ricocheted and shattered. His back became flush to the floor, his eyes wide in shock. You gasped, sitting forward in your seat to rush to help him. But before you could, the other dwarves appeared by his sides, steadying him.
Frodo clutched his chest when the dwarf’s blade collided with the Ring, as if the axe had struck Frodo himself. Pain seemed to radiate through his body. You looked to him, concerned. Gandalf had also noticed the hobbit’s reaction to the attempted destruction of the Ring.
“The Ring cannot be destroyed Gimli, Son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade.” Lord Elrond looked around at the subjects once again. “It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this.”
“One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. The great eye,” he made a circle with his hand, “is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this, it is folly.”
“Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed.” Legolas stood, once again challenging your companion. You agreed that the Ring had to be destroyed, there was no doubt about that. Venturing deep into Mordor, however, was an impossible task.
“And I suppose you think you’re the one to do it.” Gimli bellowed from his seat, eyes wide with hatred, fixed upon the elf.
“And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?” Boromir stood and you mirrored his actions, gently grabbing his arm, ushering him to calm down.
“I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an elf!” The words of Gimli, son of Gloin, had all of the elves standing in protest which quickly led to the dwarves standing in hostility too. The squabbling continued despite your attempts to calm it down. You took your seat, sharing a defeated sigh with Aragorn. Gandalf stood to try to diffuse the tension.
“I will take it.” A small voice against the yelling caught your attention. Frodo had stood, standing beside the table. You pulled Aragorn’s sleeve to get his attention, your brows furrowed.
“I will take it!” The disputing seemed to die down when he raised his voice and you shook your head gently at him. “I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though… I do not know the way.”
“I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins. As long as it is yours to bear.” Gandalf placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. Aragorn stood from beside you, marching towards the hobbit, keeling.
“If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword.”
It was no question for you as you stood, kneeling beside Aragorn. “You have my knives.”
“And you have my bow.” Legolas moved towards the hobbit. The three of you moved behind Frodo. You gently rubbed his shoulder, sharing a smile with him when he looked up at you.
“And my axe.” Gimli raised his weapon in the air, joining you.
“You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the council, Gondor shall see it done.” Boromir gave you a smile and you were quick to return it. A yell echoed from behind, another hobbit running to join Frodo. It was Sam.
“Mister Frodo’s not goin’ anywhere without me.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“No, indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you, even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.” A smirk tugged at Elrond’s lips and more shouts were heard from behind. Two more hobbits joined.
“We’re comin’ too! You’ll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us.” One said, slinging his arm around Frodo’s shoulders.
“Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission. Quest. Thing.” The other chimed in, raising his eyebrows. The other turned to him in disbelief.
“Well, that rules you out, Pip.” You giggled quietly at the hobbits, the one in the yellow waistcoat turning to grin at you before Lord Elrond chuckled slightly. His eyes scanned over the group before him.
“Ten companions. So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring.”
“Right! Where are we going?” The hobbit in the green coat, Pip, asked. The other, once again, stared at him in disbelief. Gandalf shook his head.
You were chatting aimlessly with Aragorn by the gates of Rivendell, where you had arrived only a few days previous. The Fellowship were getting ready to leave in the next hours, you had been preparing for days. Now, all that was needed was to get little extra items that could help along the journey.
Aragorn gave a smile to someone behind you and you turned, standing beside him. It was Legolas. You smiled at him and he returned it.
“Forgive me, my Lady, but I am unsure of your name.” He said.
“Y/N. Pleased to finally meet you, my Lord.”
“Legolas Greenleaf.” He corrected. “The pleasure is mine.”
“So, you are the infamous elf that Aragorn has mentioned to me so many times. I had begun to believe Arwen was no longer in his heart and you had taken her place.” Legolas and Aragorn chuckled at your joke. You gave Aragorn a cheeky grin before you caught sight of Boromir. “Please, excuse me.” He made his way toward you as you did the same. When you reached each other, he chuckled, shaking his head.
“You just cannot help yourself, can you?” Boromir said and you giggled. “I am proud of you. It was a brave thing to do.” You threw your arms around him, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you for coming along, too. It will be nice to have Aragorn around and, of course, the others who I am yet to know, but I am very glad for your presence.”
“And I for yours.” He chuckled, clapping you gently on the shoulder. You gave him one last tight squeeze before making your way over to the dwarf. You stood silently beside him for a little time, while he mumbled things to himself that you could make out.
“Forgive me for interrupting you, Master Dwarf. I would like to know your name; I do not recall it from the meeting.”
“You’re not interrupting me, lassie. The name is Gimli, Son of Gloin.” Gimli responded, giving you a tight-lipped smile. You returned it with a genuine smile though you worried he was wary of you.
“Pleased to meet you, Gimli, Son of Gloin. I am Y/N.” You responded kindly. Not knowing what else you could say, your feet decided to take you over to the hobbits, one of which you had already met. Sam and the other two hobbits were tending to their respective packs that they would bring on the journey. Frodo was absent.
“There’s a girl?”
“Yes, there’s a girl, Pip. Did you not see?” The other replied.
“Stood beside Strider, she was.” Sam mentioned, earning a nod from the other.
“Are you talking about me, hobbits?” You drew your arms over your chest, one of your eyebrows raised, a smirk tugging at your lips.
“N—No, miss! We were just—”
“Then, what exactly were you talking about?”
They looked between each other. “Merry was speaking about you, miss. Talkin’ of how pretty you were, he was.” Sam admitted and your heart felt warm in your chest. Pip nodded to back up Sam’s claim and a light blush dusted over Merry’s cheeks. You smiled.
“You are very sweet, Merry. If I may call you that.”
“Meriadoc Brandybuck is my full name. But call me Merry if you please.”
“Alright, Merry.” You said softly.
“What’s yours?” Pip questioned.
“That’s a nice name.” Sam gushed and you could not help but grin. Who knew that a few hobbits could be so incredibly sweet? You pondered, ruffling their hair gently before you wandered off again, sitting by yourself this time.
It had been almost a week since the Fellowship had set off from Rivendell and all had agreed that a night stop was definitely needed. You and Aragorn had agreed that you would take the night watch for you did not get much rest even at home. It was not difficult for you to still function without much sleep. Before everyone went off to bed, however, they were shoveling food down their empty stomachs. You sighed, looking at the food spread. You were not particularly hungry though you knew you were going to have to eat something. Sam finished his own food and made sure Frodo completed all of his, plating up another portion and plodding his way over to you. He sheepishly held out the bowl to you, scratching the back of his neck with his spare hand. You gave him a smile, thanking him, taking the bowl before biting into the food. Sam took a seat beside you, making sure you would eat everything.
“You should really be eatin’ everything you can, Y/N. We wouldn’t be wanting you to starve.”
A breathy laugh left your lips. “I’m alright, Sam. You needn’t worry about me.”
“Not worrying, miss. Just making sure you’re alright.”
“Thank you.” Sam shared a smile with you. “And you? Are you alright?” He gave you a nod. You continued to eat until you had finished everything in the bowl. By that time, most of the Fellowship had settled down to get some sleep but Sam was still at your side.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He yawned, treading off to settle beside his master. You wrapped your cloak further around yourself, sitting beside Aragorn. Neither of you spoke for a while, rather just enjoying the other’s presence in a comfortable silence.
You do not remember much of how you and Aragorn had met, only that he had saved your life. He was known to you as Strider back then. There was a creature that attempted to attack you. You knew nothing of combat back then. He slayed the beast and brought you back to Rivendell. Quick friends you had become. Somehow, Lord Elrond arranged for you to be taken to Gondor. It was there that you would grow up. Boromir acted as your father since you had first arrived there. He was protective of you; you were the daughter he had failed to have.
“What are you thinking of, mellon nin?” Aragorn said in a whisper. You took a breath.
“Our friendship. And how I am glad to spend time with you once again before I make my decision.”
“Have you made it?” He queried, turning his head to look at you and you shook your head at him.
“It is not simple, Aragorn. How am I supposed to make a decision that affects the rest of my life and those who will come after me?” Another sigh left your lips and you leaned into Aragorn’s side.
“I could not describe the feeling when Arwen chose what she wanted. My heart ached with many feelings.”
“Arwen has something to choose for,” you mentioned. “Who knows? Perhaps I will meet a lovely fellow, be it man, elf, dwarf, or even, hobbit, and I decide that I want to spend the rest of my life with them. That would sway my decision quite a lot. I could not imagine being shipped off to the Undying Lands while my love stays on Middle-Earth. Nor would I want to wait for them to die and then hop on a boat to live forever. I am unsure, Aragorn.”
“You need not make any decision yet, mellon.” You continued to speak with your close friend throughout the night, whilst keeping close watch on your surroundings. However, what you did not notice was that a third member of the Fellowship was far from sleep and had in fact been listening in on your conversation.
Legolas rolled over, turning away from the two of you, his head against something that acted as a quite poorly pillow. He had not the slightest idea of what you meant, only that for some reason, you could choose to make your way to the Undying Lands. But this was something that man could not do, so why were you able to choose? He did not know. But he wanted to find out. He did not know why but you intrigued him. How friendly yet quiet you were. The timid yet confident way that you carried yourself. The knives that you held on your belt. He had not seen you use them yet, luckily, but he was looking forward to. You were the first woman he had seen since Tauriel who carried weapons. It was not common for a woman to be trained in combat. He pondered where you had learned, and if you were any good at all.
“The night is long, mellon nin. You should rest.” Aragorn suggested.
You let out a chuckle. “And leave you by yourself? You will need me to protect you from any danger. I will not rest.” Aragorn smiled at your words and gave you a nod. Your eyelids became heavy throughout the night, but you refused to give in to the temptation and the snores of Gimli were sure to keep you from any sleep that you could potentially get. Fixing your cloak around yourself for warmth, your eyes continued to search the space around you. Your ears perked up so to hear any sign of movement. You watched your breath exit your mouth and disperse into the crisp air. The moon was bright and tall in the sky. Hoping nothing would come in the night, you sighed and relaxed against the tree that you were sat up against though still keeping a firm hand on your knife belt. Aragorn pulled you into his side and you smiled. Your hand tightened around your belt.
“Goodnight, Aragorn.” You whispered, and you hoped it would be.
221 notes · View notes
Books of 2021 - Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson
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It’s probably time to admit what is probably my most unpopular opinion about the Cosmere: I hate Words of Radiance. It’s the book I have to slog my way through to get to Oathbringer. Part of my dislike is heavily linked to my disillusionment about Shallan… However, I do think the big moments in this book – most notably the duel scene and final battle – cloud people to the genuine faults in it. It is a technical step up from The Way of Kings, but there are huge parts of this book that are unnecessarily slow to read and there is a huge thematic drop that starts in this book that I cannot forgive Sanderson for. I also dislike a lot of the individual plotlines, major characters are barely in this book, and a lot of the big reveals/developments feel unearned because they had to happen in this book so we could get on with the more important conflicts in the rest of the series.
This review has spoilers for The Stormlight Archive, you have been warned.
Structure and Plot
I don’t want to touch on the structure too much because a lot of my niggles for The Way of Kings continue into Words of Radiance. All of these books have too much fat around them – the interludes continue to feel irrelevant; the main bulk of the book is drawn out slightly too much; and the flashbacks are merely okay, they haven’t reached the level of Oathbringers’ flashback sequence yet. However, Sanderson does make some serious improvements in this book.
Shallan, our focus character, does have a much more interesting backstory and the flashbacks have slightly more bearing on the present-day plotline. However, for me, they lose interest on subsequent rereads and there are slightly too many of them that don’t add any new information once we’re aware of how terrible her family life is. They are an improvement on Kaladin’s, and I like them a lot more, however, considering how much we STILL don’t know about Shallan (as of Rhythm of War) Sanderson could have utilised them better in this book. Saying this, I do remember really liking the flashbacks on my first read, so I really do think my current negativity is a product of having read this book one too many times? I’m going to hold off on Sanderson for a couple of years after this reread so (if I remember) I’ll come back and reevaluate how I feel about Shallan’s flashbacks with a fresher eye.
Sanderson also gets us into this book a lot quicker than he did in The Way of Kings. Jasnah’s prologue is one of my favourites in the series so far, and part one does hit the ground running. It sucks the reader back into the world, refamiliarised with the essentials of the story, as well as introducing the next leg of the plot. It’s a fabulous introduction and it’s one of the strongest first parts in the series as a whole.
Unfortunately, the pacing doesn’t reflect this strong introduction – once Shallan loses Jasnah’s guidance, and Kaladin is established as Dalinar’s guard the book dramatically slows down. Kaladin’s chapters, while slow, have some differentiation to break them up with Bridge Four learning how to be guards. Shallan’s turns into an interminable slog across the countryside. One of the things I loathe in fantasy are the long journeys with nothing going on – sometimes they can be done beautifully. For example, I love Sam and Frodo’s section in The Two Towers, but Shallan’s is just painful. Sam and Frodo’s journey is so fascinating because of the internal struggle they are going through (together and separately), it’s atmospheric and powerful because of its character work. Yes they are trying to get to Mordor, but the goal isn’t what matters here – it’s whether Sam and Frodo can survive the journey, and what state they will be in when they get there.
Shallan’s journey is clearly a way to get her to the Shattered Plains in the right circumstances and it shows. We’re journeying from A to B, with a few obstacles thrown in. There is some development from Shallan as she learns the basics to being a conwoman from Tyn. However, again this is something thrown in to keep Shallan’s point of view interesting while she’s riding through the countryside. It’s not vital character growth that can only be done at this point in the journey. If we’re going to slog it through the wilderness there needs to be a point to it that can only be learnt from showing such a long journey – otherwise cut down Shallan’s chapters in this section and only show the necessary highlights, while hinting at the longer journey through her internal reflections.
I’m also just going to throw out that I was bored in part three – the end of this part is phenomenal, and contains the famous duel scene with Adolin and Kaladin, which is one of the highlights of the whole series. However, the build up to this scene is repetitive and a bit dull in places? It’s possibly because I’m not a huge fan of Shallan and Kaladins’ arcs in this book. I’ve never liked the Ghostbloods plotline (and it’s only gotten worse with the Thaidakar reveal in Rhythm of War), Shallan’s romance with Adolin is slightly cringey, and I’m going to have a rant about the Kaladin/Moash conflict when I get to writing about Kaladin’s character. The main plotlines in this book are a bit…painful? They scream filler for a lot of part three – I don’t necessarily mind it; I actually like the conflict between Adolin and Kaladin because it does make sense for both characters. It doesn’t do much except build a camaraderie between them and develop their characters, but there are a few too many scenes of it, along with the painful romance scenes. Sorry, romance isn’t Sanderson’s strong point…
Still painful, still don’t love it. I do think there is a slight improvement between The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance because there aren’t any egregious moments that stand out to me in this book. Some moments, such as Kaladin’s first flight through the chasms and then when he’s flying with Syl over the Shattered Plains, even stand out as highlights for Sanderson’s writing – I really feel Kaladin’s joy and sense of freedom. There are some lovely moments in this book, and it does mark an improvement in Sanderson’s writing style! However, I’m still not a fan of Sanderson’s prose as a whole, it still feels clunky in places, and I’d prefer it to be a little bit more refined. This is very much a personal preference complaint though, as I stressed in my The Way of Kings review.
Magic System
I should probably discuss Sanderson’s magic system in the Stormlight Archive at this point, especially as it’s becoming more and more relevant as we continue into the series.
So, for those of you who are reading this without having read the book (why?!), Stormlight is dominated by a hard magic system called Surgebinding. Human Surgebinders (I’ll probably discuss the Singer’s surgebinding abilities in a later review) are members of one of the ten orders of the Knight’s Radiant: Windrunners, Skybreakers, Dustbringers, Edgedancers, Truthwatchers, Lightweavers, Elsecallers, Willshapers, Stonewards, and Bondsmiths. Each order possess the ability to manipulate two of the ten surges using Stormlight to power their abilities:
Windrunners: adhesion and gravitation
Skybreakers: gravitation and division
Dustbringers: division and abrasion
Edgedancers: abrasion and progression
Truthwatchers: progression and illumination
Lightweavers: illimitation and transformation
Elsecallers: transformation and transportation
Willshapers: transportation and cohesion
Stonewards: cohesion and tension
Bondsmiths: tension and adhesion
They also gain magical armour and weapons known as Shardplate and Shardblades, although when each order gets their plate and plate depends on the order and spren/nahel bond. The order of the Radiant will depend on what oaths they swear and what type of spren they are bonded to:
Windrunners: honorspren
Skybreakers: highspren
Dustbringers: ashspren
Edgedancers: cultivationspren
Lightweavers: cryptics (“liespren”)
Elsecallers: inkspren
Willshapers: lightspren
Stonewards: peakspren
Bondsmiths: the Stormfather, Nightwatcher, or the Sibling (I don’t think we have a spren category for these three)
In Words of Radiance, we get the most insight into Windrunners and Lightweavers through Kaladin and Shallan, respectively, so I’m going to focus on these orders. This does actually work well because the Windrunners and Lightweavers can represent the two “styles” of orders quite well, each one being fairly structured or esoteric respectively.
Kaladin’s Windrunner powers are the most stereotypical magical ability – using gravitation Kaladin can fly, well technically fall in any direction, but the effect is the same. We see him using his powers to soar through the skies above the Shattered Plains, and run on walls. The effect is incredibly cinematic to read (although I suspect it would look ridiculous if poorly adapted into a visual medium) and enhances Kaladin’s status as an ‘action hero’. His other ability, adhesion, is slightly less dramatic – at least when it’s used straightforwardly. He can stick things together, or draw objects towards something else, including people, with magical superglue.
However, Kaladin’s, and the rest of the Knights Radiants’, powers are connected to the oaths he swears and his bond with Sylphrena (Syl). The Knights are granted the ability to surgebind and control their powers through 5 oaths, each order has different oaths but the first is universal: ‘Life before Death, Strength before Weakness, Journey before Destination’. In Kaladin’s case his oaths are connected to protecting others, which does slightly excuse Kaladin’s “saving people thing” and inability to let it go if people he cares about die. Whether Kaladin keeps his oath depends on whether Syl, his bonded Honorspren, best friend, and a tiny piece of divinity in her own right, agrees whether he is keeping them in spirit – something we explore at length with Kaladin’s plotline in this book.
Shallan’s Lightweaver powers are also incredibly visual, especially as she spends all of this book focusing on illumination, which gives her the ability to shape Stormlight into realistic illusions. Her abilities are particularly useful for subterfuge and lies as Shallan can use them on herself to change her appearance, or on their own to make it appear as if something is there when it’s not. Her other ability – soulcasting, the surge of transformation – still hasn’t been explored as of Rhythm of War. Soulcasting changes one substance into another, but exactly how it works and the extent of its power is still uncertain. However, from what we’ve seen through Jasnah, who also has the ability, it is overpowered and very cool.
Shallan’s oaths are less obvious than Kaladin’s and it’s hard to tell what oath she’s on by the end of the book – although this is also heavily linked to Shallan’s backstory and developments in her character in later books,Shallan is definitely a non-standard Radiant! Her oaths, after the initial oath, are made up of truths about herself. She speaks her truths to her spren, Pattern, in order to progress as a Radiant. Her oaths also force her to develop as a person, which has been a painful process because Shallan has been lying to herself since she was a child and doesn’t want to admit what she’s done.
The magic system is clearly very complicated, and we still don’t know everything about it, six of the ten orders haven’t been explored through their specific books, and even the orders we have seen a lot from through our viewpoint characters are shrouded in mystery – I’m still not entirely sure what Bondsmiths do despite having the Bondsmith book (Oathbringer) because the order is so esoteric. It’s well drawn and compelling, especially as Sanderson uses the progression of the Knights as a mystery throughout the books. Despite not being that interested in hard magic systems the magic in this book is interesting and I really like the structure around the Radiants – it also makes for interesting discussion, debates, and Harry Potter style quizzes in the fandom, which is fun!
Characters and Plotlines
Kaladin, Syl, and Moash – Unfortunately, my new found love of Kaladin was tried in this novel because Kaladin REALLY gets on my nerves in Words of Radiance. It’s not because I disagree with Kaladin per se… I actually agree with a lot of Kaladin’s anger, resentment, and sense of injustice with the social system in Vorin/Alethi society. Kaladin has a right to feel angry and seek retribution for what was done to him, and Bridge Four.
However, Kaladin walks around with a massive chip on his shoulder in this book, particularly in how he talks to and thinks about Dalinar and his immediate family. His motivation I can understand and sympathise with, but the impression of ‘I’m so hard done to, the world is against me’ that Kaladin radiates in this book feels completely at odds with the reality of his situation. Yes, Kaladin has a right to be angry. Yes, he has a right to seek justice. But there is no reason he should be so personally antagonistic towards everyone because of their social position. He is in a position of power, he’s outside the social hierarchy to a large extent, and in control of his own life (and the lives of the ex-Bridgecrews). Kaladin is angry at everyone and everything, but he’s losing the justification for a lot of his resentment, particularly when it’s expressed towards Dalinar and his sons.
In particular I have an issue with Kaladin’s main plotline around Moash and the attempt to assassinate Elhokar. Aside from the fact I hate Moash, to the extent where Moash could be dropped from the books without resolution and I wouldn’t bat an eye (sorry Moash fans - I’ve never liked him…), this plotline just doesn’t feel right for Kaladin’s character. It actually feels like a betrayal of the character we got to know in The Way of Kings and continue with in Oathbringer/Rhythm of War. I can’t see a world where Kaladin Stormblessed is okay with murder or assassination.
Kaladin’s whole deal is honour and justice - justice as in what’s morally right (legality is another thing entirely!) He also wants to protect everyone, including Syl - Syl perhaps above everyone else as Tien is dead - but this plot is something she explicitly isn’t comfortable with and is concerned about. I CAN see a world where Kaladin pursues a plan to see Elhokar removed from power, but not assassinated. The argument about Elhokar’s removal being like removing a gangrenous limb (or whatever the exact metaphor was) doesn’t hold up for his character.
What makes this whole plotline worse is it doesn’t really lead anywhere, other than placing Moash on the opposite side to Kaladin in the upcoming war. All that we really get from it is confirmation that Kaladin is a Windrunner to the core (which we already knew) and Moash is on whatever side Kaladin isn’t because they’re foils for each other. However, the only real outcome of this entire 1,000 page plotline is Moash is maneuvered into position for his arc in Oathbringer, and Kaladin gets to swear his third ideal. Yet Kaladin’s perspective doesn’t radically change and quite frankly working out the third ideal could have been done in another way, without betraying Kaladin’s character for two thirds of a book. It was there to conveniently get a few characters where they needed to be for the next book, and to let Kaladin have another superhero moment. I love Kaladin superhero moments as much as anyone else - I just wish it wasn’t prefaced with this plotline.
One thing I really don’t understand - and is why I dislike this plotline so much - is why we’re stressing so much on a Kaladin-Moash friendship anyway. They don’t feel like friends! Honestly, this is a larger problem with Bridge Four as a whole - their friendship with Kaladin doesn’t feel earnt. Well no, Rock, Teft, and Lopen do. But the larger part of Bridge Four feels like they’re just there? They definitely feel like they’re friends with each other, but not necessarily with Kaladin. 
I’ve already confessed that I’m not the biggest fan of Bridge Four at the best of times because they feel like a sports team underdog narrative, which is honestly my worst nightmare of a storyline. However, I DO want to see Sanderson actually show Kaladin being friends with them, especially as they are such a huge part of his motivation to protect. We have one scene - the bar scene - with a few of them acting like a genuine friendship group. Yet this doesn’t make for a genuine friendship, we need more little moments throughout the book, including Kaladin. 
Sanderson does improve on the Bridge Four dynamic, Oathbringer and Rhythm of War make me feel like Bridge Four are genuine mates a lot more than Words of Radiance does. However, for this book we do need to see Kaladin and Moash as real friends, maybe even as close as brothers, for the Elhokar assassination plotline to work. But we don’t! It’s easier for me to believe Adolin and Kaladin’s friendship than Moash and Kaladin! And Adolin and Kaladin spend most of this book bickering…
I think the real issue with this plotline is the execution. The way Kaladin’s character has been established, the lack of page time spent on Bridge Four as a whole and Moash in particular, and ultimately small outcomes for this plotline makes it feel tedious and slightly pointless. Sanderson needed to increase the REAL stakes - there was no way Kaladin was really going to lose his status as a radiant, just for narrative reasons - and work on the emotional impact. We need to believe Kaladin would really go through with the assassination, and his friendship with Moash before getting to this plotline. But as we don’t, or at least I don’t, feel this so Kaladin’s anger and it’s consequential plotline ends up frustrating me to the point where Kaladin is on thin ice for a lot of this novel.
Shallan - Okay, I’m going to address the elephant in the room later - the elephant is Shallan and the “Boots scene” if you weren’t aware. However, I do have a few other complaints about Shallan in this book. 
My main issue with Shallan, excluding the classism I’m addressing later, is that a lot of her character feels unearned (in this book specifically not as a general rule.) Not in the sense that her powers feel unearned, or her backstory isn’t believable (which I really love), but her achievements and relationships in Words of Radiance feel cheap. There are several moments that stick out to me as being particularly annoying.
Firstly, Shallan’s ability to control Tvlakv, Tyn, and the merchant caravans. Personally, I find this whole situation ridiculous when I think about it. I can go along with Shallan being able to get to the Shattered Plains miraculously meeting the slave trader who sold Kaladin. However, the fact Shallan is apparently capable of manipulating Tvlakv into taking her there with very little conflict is ludicrous. 
Shallan’s a shipwrecked, fairly middling noble with few resources at her immediate disposal, and a somewhat shy (if on later acquaintance bubbly) personality. It doesn’t make sense to me that she can have this influence over Tvlakv. Yes she’s been taught by Jasnah, and yes she does have some confidence/authority from her own position as a lighteyes. However, I’m really struggling to believe that, at this point in her story, she is a good enough actress to pull off an aloof lighteyed woman of significant enough rank to make Tvlakv do what she wants, especially when they’ve met in the middle of nowhere and Shallan has no other options. 
My second issue with this is with Adolin and Sabarial. Adolin also falls into my larger complaints about Sanderson’s romances, which are by far the weakest elements in any of his books. However, let’s start with Sabarial: 
So… Why the hell does Sabarial take her in? It makes ZERO sense. The ‘because it annoys Dalinar’ argument just doesn’t cut it, and neither does the ‘Sabarial is so weird’ perspective. As bonkers as he appears on the surface, we know Sabarial is a shrewd businessman. He’s lazy, but also a clever and manipulative leader, he doesn’t do anything without getting something in return. However, he doesn’t get anything from taking Shallan in except the satisfaction of getting one up on Dalinar? She doesn’t even do his accounts properly! It feels like an inconsistent character move that is only there to suit the storytelling and give Shallan more freedom, rather than demonstrate Sabarial's motivations. 
Okay Adolin is both better and worse than Sabarial. I can genuinely understand why Adolin likes Shallan so much and vice versa. I love the relationship they have once it’s been established - they’re good for each other (well I think Adolin is better for Shallan than she is for him, but the point stands.) However, it’s just so insta-lovey! They just meet and it’s like the heavens aligned, and a perfect relationship blossoms. It’s not quite that fast, but it’s pretty quick. And I just don’t buy that initial push into their bond.
I just find this initial meeting and first couple of dates unbelievable? It’s also very cringey… I can’t read some of their ‘banter’ because it’s painful for me at this point - I’m literally Kaladin whenever he has to watch them together. It’s the worst combination of Sanderson’s sense of humour, his poor romances, and annoyingly quirky characters. By Oathbringer I do think they have a good, settled relationship going on, but in this book I really dislike the way it’s sparked. (I’m also questioning why Adolin doesn’t seem to be mourning Jasnah and is going out on dates? It just seems off to me!)
Honestly, I could probably live with both of these aspects if it wasn’t for the final, most egregious issue I have with Shallan in Words of Radiance. Her discovering Urithiru.
I cannot stress enough how much I HATE that Shallan discovered the Oathgate on the Shattered Plains. The other successes feel unrealistic and unearnt but are ultimately small moments that would have to happen in some form - Shallan has to get to the Shattered Plains, and she has to meet/fall in love with Adolin. They’re irritating in how they’re executed but are ultimately okay instagatory moments.
On the other hand, finding Urithiru is one of the biggest moments in the whole series! It’s a significant part of the climax of the whole book! Without it we’d be reading a very different series in Oathbringer and beyond. But giving this huge moment to Shallan is completely out of proportion to the work she’s put in. Yes, Shallan has been looking for it for a few months, she wants to continue Jasnah’s work. However, Jasnah has been slaving away at this for YEARS, literally YEARS. Why does Shallan get this moment of triumph? It’s completely unwarranted for what she’s done, especially as she literally couldn’t have done it without Jasnah’s research. It just pisses me off that we seem to give all the credit to her when, in reality, she drew a map.
I think this annoys me so much because Sanderson went down the ‘kill the mentor’ trope for this book. There was actually very little reason to remove Jasnah in the way he did in Words of Radiance - Shallan could have easily been ignored by Jasnah once they reached Shattered Plains as she’s dealing with the high stakes politics/war effort with Dalinar, leaving Shallan to get embroiled with the Ghostbloods and Adolin. This would have left small amounts of time to see them working together on their scholarship, whilst also giving Shallan room to grow. Using ‘kill the mentor’ AND having Jasnah return from the ‘dead’ felt cheap the first time around (nevermind this one!) whilst achieving very little that couldn’t have been done in other ways.
Overall, I just think Sanderson overplays Shallan’s competence in this book. She’s still a 17/18 year old girl and he’s overdoing it with her abilities that aren’t related to her Radiant powers. The discoveries she makes don’t live up to her reality of character and I find it irritating.
I’ve said a lot that is negative about Shallan - I do get more positive after this book, so that’s something I guess? Nevertheless, I do want to say one thing I really love about Shallan and this book is her backstory. Apart from Dalinar, Shallan has the best backstory out of the main characters we’ve seen so far. The abuse from her father, casual cruelty and neglect within her family, and Shallan’s own darkness is fascinating to read about - if slightly distressing. I don’t have much to say about it as a whole because I think it’s very effective in adding a darker layer into Shallan’s character, as well as being a much more interesting story than Kaladin’s was in The Way of Kings.
Sanderson hasn’t quite mastered the interweaving of the flashbacks into the main storyline in Words of Radiance, then again Oathbringer was exceptionally good in comparison to all the other books for this aspect. However, the Words of Radiance flashbacks are a marked improvement and made for a great way to deepen Shallan’s character past the hints we’d seen in her chapters in the first book. I think it’s a very believable backstory. It’s probably the backstory that’s having the most ‘present day’ impact on the character in question (again Dalinar is a close second but Sanderson dropped the ball with his character growth in Rhythm of War.) Shallan’s past is fabulous and well utilised by Sanderson to make her grow - and I did want to say something positive about Shallan because, despite not liking her, I do think she is a very well written character.
Pattern - I want to say that, despite my apparent vendetta against Shallan, I REALLY love Pattern! He’s so annoyingly sweet, sincere, and genuine! Actually he reminds me a lot of one of my dogs, which might be a contributing factor to my enjoyment of him? Either way Pattern is one of the best spren characters we’ve met so far - he’s amazing!
Dalinar - I’m mainly here to complain there isn’t enough Dalinar in this book and I miss him… I understand why he isn’t as present in Words of Radiance as he is in The Way of Kings and Oathbringer. However, I do think the absence of both Dalinar and Jasnah - my two “problematic faves”, plus Kaladin feeling very off for most of this book, contributes to why I don’t like it very much. Their loss leaves a big hole for my personal enjoyment and attachment, especially on rereads. It’s a very personal problem and comes down to who you read the series for (and whether you like Shallan or not.)
Although, when we get one of the few Dalinar chapters I am ecstatic because they’re all particularly punchy in this book! Chapter 67 - Spit and Bile - when Wit and Dalinar discuss his nature as a ‘benevolent tyrant’ is one of my favourites in the whole series. It’s a real moment of character realisation for Dalinar and gives us some FANTASTIC food for thought before we get to the shocking revelations of Oathbringer.
Kaladin and Shallan, Class Status, and the Boots Scene
Okay, it’s time to address the elephant in the room – Sanderson dropping the ball on his discussion of class conflict. I loved Sanderson’s introduction of class conflict, it’s something I’m particularly interested in as a British person. However, he handles this theme badly in Words of Radiance and drops it completely in Oathbringer, and it was almost a deal breaker for me on this reread. I’m genuinely upset about it.
So, a lot of Kaladin’s arc in this book is centred around him learning to look past his (valid) anger over what was done to him by the lighteyes, and specifically Amaram. Of course, this can’t really be resolved in one book, and I do hope Sanderson listens to the very vocal criticism around his “resolving” of Kaladin’s anger by pressing Kaladin into siding with his oppressors without uncritically examining his choices in books 3 and 4 (as well as making him a de facto lighteyes himself). However, in Words of Radiance Kaladin is very much giving into his anger now he has the opportunity to live, rather than just survive, and Sanderson uses a lot of his interactions with Dalinar, Adolin, and Shallan to show him ‘not all lighteyes are bad’.
I do have issues with the way Sanderson handles this with Adolin and Dalinar - maybe Dalinar not so much because his character has A LOT of other issues going on and his interactions with Kaladin are very much structured by their positions in the army. Their relationship remains largely professional, especially in this book, and Kaladin is shown to trust and respect Dalinar and vice versa. Not to mention that Dalinar is actually prepared to listen to Kaladin’s version of events and do his best to get justice for Kaladin against Amaram - it’s just not an easy situation to prove or resolve, and it can’t be done in the way Kaladin wants.
As an aside for the rest of the series - I do have issues with Kaladin’s long term idolisation of Dalinar as a leader and ‘noble’ lighteyes. We haven’t really seen Kaladin’s reaction to the revelations from Oathbringer (the in-world version) which I do think would change the dynamic between them. After all, the revelations about Dalinar show him to be worse than Amaram in many respects! Kaladin should have a reaction to the morality around Dalinar’s actions in the past, even if he is trying to change, and not just continue as they did before. Although, this issue ties into the larger problems with the series structure and how Sanderson keeps all but dropping Dalinar’s character growth in every other book - we need to address the consequences for revealing his past to the world, particularly with his family and political allies, not just sweep them under the carpet as we did in Rhythm of War!
In contrast to Kaladin’s relationship with Dalinar, he and Adolin are on a slightly more (although not completely) equal level, as demonstrated by their bickering, banter, and eventual friendship. Their relationship begins with Adolin’s suspicions about Kaladin, Kaladin’s hatred for lighteyes, and a mutual grudge against each other, but their relationship grows into a very real friendship after the duel sequence. Their relationship is one that has never bothered me because they had that rocky start. They grow into a friendship of equals, their distrust turns into a genuine bond because they learn to trust each other as they prove to each other that they aren’t what they first assumed.
Most importantly, despite the rocky start, neither of them are actively dismissive of the other based on their social status - Adolin never demeens Kaladin for being darkeyed and once Kaladin gets to know Adolin better his hostility towards lighteyes in general vanishes as they established their personal bond. The only moment you can point to Adolin actively dismissing Kaladin due to his social status is in The Way of Kings when he asks him to take a message to someone in the prostitute scene (sorry I’m not looking up the page numbers.) Adolin never shows dislike of anyone because they are darkeyes and definitely does not toy with those of a lesser social status than himself. Yes, I do agree Sanderson could do a better job of using the relationships between Adolin, Kaladin, and Bridge Four to address some of the subconscious biases Adolin holds. But Adolin is never cruel or manipulative to those with less social status. 
This brings me to the big reason why I’ve come to loathe Shallan and the key reason I dislike Sanderson’s mishandling of the social class discussion. It’s not even necessarily Shallan herself that I dislike, it’s the way the narrative frames her character and Sanderson’s dismissal of Kaladin’s anger. I could look past most of the problems I’ve raised against Shallan if it wasn’t for the way Sanderson portrayed her in this book. I still don’t think she’d be my favourite character now but I wouldn’t feel the urge to close the book every time I have to read her chapters.
However, Shallan is probably the best example we have in a point of view character of the minor abuses of the lighteyes against anyone of a lower social class than themselves. I’m not talking about the major crimes committed by Sadeas or Amaram where they show a blatant disregard for life, but I am talking about the subtle abuses of those with wealth and rank against those less fortunate.
Throughout the series we see Shallan casually and absentmindedly manipulate, dismiss, and bully darkeyed individuals. She’s not maliciously cruel, but she is casually abusive. She treats people like Kaladin or the slaves she ends up owning as less than herself, especially when she first meets them. I’m not here to say this is Shallan’s fault per se. She has been taught to do so by her society, she’s been indoctrinated into a system that believes those with darkeyes are lesser than herself because the Almighty has deemed it to be this way. It’s an inbuilt, largely unconscious bias formed by the society she was brought up in. I’d actually like this character trait if Sanderson used it to challenge Shallan and make her grow as a character, like pretty much EVERYONE else has to do with aspects of their character! 
But Sanderson doesn’t. Shallan is given a free pass for toying with darkeyes or those of a lower dahn than herself and using them to amuse herself, or even for dismissing them. And it’s not just once she does it, it’s a systematic behaviour in this book. Now, I will admit most of the time this behaviour is used against...unsavoury characters - it’s usually people like Tvlakv, a slave trader, who often fall victim to Shallan’s manipulation. As an audience we don’t like Tvlakv and don’t really care if he’s manipulated and pushed around by Shallan because of his earlier treatment of Kaladin. We like Kaladin, we like Shallan, but Tvlakv? Not so much. But her casual dismissal of Tvlakv’s life and livelihood (putting my loathing of slavery aside for the moment) does show Shallan’s contempt of those beneath her in general.
The better case to demonstrate Shallan’s classism is in her scenes with Kaladin. There are two moments I could use to make my point: the infamous “Boots” scene in chapter 28 and the Chasm sequence in Part 4. In both these scenes we see Shallan, in a position of power, dismiss Kaladin - the “Boots” scene is by far the worst of these two, but the later sequence give us a better glimpse into the problems with Sanderson’s framing of Shallan’s and Kaladin’s past traumas. Shallan’s trauma is validated by this scene, but Kaladin’s very justified dislike and anger is dismissed by both Sanderson and Shallan. There is very little, leading up to the Chasm sequence, that suggests Shallan is a nice person to Kaladin and he has a lot of long-term trauma from mistreatment and abuse from lighteyes in general. Kaladin should be allowed to hold onto his resentment to some extent. Instead he is forced to get rid of it because of Sanderson’s inflexible belief that all anger, even righteous anger, is wrong.
I could elaborate on this scene but as this review is now ludicrously long, I’m going to stick to the Boots scene as it is simpler and I don’t really need to summarise the scene because it’s so well. The basics you need are: Shallan uses her gender, social position, and Kaladin’s relative lack of authority to humiliate him in front of his men and con him out of his boots. And it’s played for laughs.
There is a small hint later on that Shallan shouldn’t have done what she did when Kaladin confronts her about the incident outside the meeting of the Highprinces. Yet, a large part of this was Shallan saving face when she realised he is Captain of the Kholins’ guard and could pose a serious threat to her plans if he felt so inclined. She doesn’t express any remorse for her behaviour morally speaking, nor does she think that she shouldn’t mess around with people who can’t fight back. No, she’s remorseful because it’s convenient for her.
The 'Boots' scene isn’t funny. It’s a clear, if childish, display of the sheer amount of power lighteyes have over everyone socially below them. But Sanderson doesn’t depict it in that way. It’s just there as an amusing scene, and to get Shallan and Kaladin off on the wrong foot. Kaladin was just doing his job, grumpily, and didn’t deserve this treatment from Tyn or Shallan. Especially as Shallan very much knows that she ISN’T a conwoman and she really IS Adolin’s betrothed - she doesn’t need to impress Tyn, especially not this close to the Shattered Plains. So, she has little excuse for acting in the way that she did, and she really didn’t need to humiliate Kaladin in front of his men. As the audience, we know Kaladin’s command isn’t going to be affected because of his history with Bridge Four, and we know he can replace his boots. But Shallan doesn’t and it only shows how little she really considers the lives of those below her. It’s just casual cruelty that served no purpose except to entertain her and Tyn.
The fact that Shallan has never really been called out for this by the narrative/Sanderson, only by Kaladin and more socially aware fans, is outrageous. Anyone else would be - and everyone else has similar issues that narrative insists they work on and overcome. Yet Shallan is consistently let off for this behaviour. On the other end of this scene, Kaladin is forced into letting go of his anger and falling into line with the Kholins and other lighteyes, despite being systematically oppressed and mistreated by the lighteyes as a whole. Sanderson doesn’t allow Kaladin his anger and he’s punished for it throughout this book.
I will say that Kaladin isn’t completely in the right here, he did need to learn that not everyone is the embodiment of evil just because they are born into wealth and privilege. However, neither was it okay to dismiss the complex dilemma around Kaladin and class - where he needs to overcome his prejudice against everyone at the top of the social system, because there are good lighteyes, whilst still challenging that system - by making him a lighteyes. This doesn’t solve anything! His anger is valid and righteous. The Vorin social system does need a complete overhaul and Kaladin should be allowed to take the helm for that social movement - even if this arc isn’t at the forefront of the series (you know because we’re all slightly busy saving the world!) 
Sanderson shouldn’t keep allowing Shallan a free pass for deeply rooted and problematic behaviours and attitudes. It doesn’t need to be a major point of discussion, especially as the series has evolved and everyone is more concerned with staying alive. However, this is a huge series, there is space in it to address this issue every now and again in the background of the novel, particularly in non-combative plotlines. It would also help to change the perspective in moments like the “Boots” scene. Rather than showing these as just funny moments, take the time to show that they are symptoms of a serious problem in Vorin society and demonstrations of the casual abuses of power lighteyes can get away with on a daily basis.
At the end of the day, Kaladin is going to be fine - and he does drive me nuts with the huge chip on his shoulder that he has throughout Words of Radiance. His only real consequence from this scene is wounded pride, he’ll recover. However, Shallan shouldn’t be let off the hook for it either and Sanderson does need to pick up this plotline on the abuse of power and class in the series. He introduced a serious discussion on the dangers of a class-based society and it’s a shame (and irresponsible) to just drop it now. 
So I think we can all agree I don’t like a lot of this book. I’m in the minority here. There are some fantastic moments throughout Words of Radiance, but as a whole I struggle when rereading this particular entry into The Stormlight Archive. Sanderson drops the ball on one too many issues, and I really dislike Shallan here. I do get on with her slightly more in later novels - well in Rhythm of War - however, having such a heavy focus on her here makes it a slog for me to read.
Still, onward and upwards! Oathbringer is (probably) my favourite book in the whole series, although I’ve only read RoW once so that might change when I finish this reread. Hopefully I’ll have a lot more positive things to say in my next review - and I finally get to make my speech on why I love Dalinar and his backstory!
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erdariel · 3 years
Fandom things: The Musketeers, Merlin, Lotr!!
Oh boy, now I need to think about this... Sorry, some of these are kinda boring/disappointing answers
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Musketeers: idk, probably either Constance, one of the main boys, or like all five of those at once
Merlin: either Merlin, Gaius, or Gwen, idk. Probably Gwen, tbh
LOTR: I don't remember, it's such a long time since mom first read LOTR to me (it must've been the summer between 5th and 6th grade, I think). Probably Frodo, though. Or if not Frodo, then Sam.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
...tbh for the most part I don't really have any of those. With Merlin, there's kinda Arthur, he was more fun at the beginning of the series, but towards the later seasons his lack of growth became frustrating. I still don't hate him, but I'm more interested in other characters. But other than that, there isn't really any
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I'm not much of a shipper, so tbh there isn't really anything that comes to mind
my ultimate favorite character™:
(It's Constance, Merlin, and Sam, though)
However funnily enough those aren't necessarily my most faves to write or read fanfics about, even though if I have to pick absolute faves from the canon I'd name those
prettiest character:
Aramis, Lance (can you tell I like Santi lol), and, uhh.... idk??? don't really have one for LOTR
my most hated character:
Rohcefort, idk really? maybe Uther, though I think narratively he's an interesting character, but like as a person he's a dick, and, uhh.... I don't really have a character I would really hate all that much in LOTR, not even the more unlikable ones
my OTP:
my NOTP:
I don't really have that strong feelings about ships
favorite episode:
Uhhh I can't choose with Merlin or Musketeers, and not applicable to LOTR anyway
saddest death:
Musketeers: Treville and Lemay. Don't make me choose between them, I'm sad enough about both
Merlin: Lance and Gwaine :c
I mean in LOTR itself there isn't that many deaths altogether. Boromir, though. Boromir is the saddest death. (Though I have been known to make myself sad about even Halbarad's death, and Halbarad has like maybe two or three lines of dialogue altogether and is very minor character)
favorite season:
Musketeers: S1 by a long shot, though I enjoy the later seasons as well
Merlin: either s2 or s3, but I marathoned them so the seasons kinda melt together in my memory so hard to say
least favorite season:
Musketeers: s3. I don't hate it, but I enjoyed the first two seasons more, and s3 had so many things that were just kinda poorly written
Merlin: either s4 or s5. S4 bc of the whole Shade!Lancelot and Gwen's exile thing, s5 bc of the whole evil!Gwen thing. Both were just stupid tbh
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Idk I don't really have one for any of these? I'm kinda really basic with my opinions. With Merlin I'd say Arthur, except I know that a plenty of other fans dislike him too. Also I don't really hate-hate him, I just dislike his character in the later seasons and feel frustrated at all the lost potential in him and character development thrown entirely away
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
I don't really have any of these... With LOTR, I find Denethor much too fascinating to dismiss him with just an "ugh he's a fucking dick", but he's not like, a fave, I just kind of find it interesting to look at his character and see where he was coming from in some of the things he did and said and was, and like while he wasn't a great person, I can still also appreciate the tragedy of his character and story
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Lemay. Need I say more?
Like literally half the cast. Merlin, Lance, and Mordred in particular
Frodo. He suffered so much, it just hurts me 😭 Sam kinda too
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
ehh again I'm not a big shipper, so I don't really have any of those
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
Literally anything and everything I ship goes into this category bc, like I've already said multiple times, I'm kind of... mostly not that much of a shipper. So I'm just gonna name the things I ship at all (and in most of these cases, my shipping mostly extends to situations where the romance adds something interesting to the story, either during canon or after canon events)
Aramis/Porthos, Aramis/Anne, d'Artagnan/Constance, Athos/Sylvie
Aragorn/Arwen, Eowyn/Faramir, Sam/Rosie
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thermie · 4 years
h h hewwo owoo 22 / 23 / 29 / 31 / 34 / 50 / 58 / 61 / 88 in any order, and u can also just. pick only those that u want :3
hhhh-ewwwo? I did say I wanted to chat and I desperately do not want to do work or studies so buckle in for a long post (derogatory). 22. role model? Oh man, I don’t think I have any, like, specific ones for entire things, though I do fall in my hero-worship phaes and then fall out of them like everyone else. I think that taking an entire person and being like I wanna be like them is... not for me though. But I do look up to some people for specific things - I look up to, weirdly enough, Abigail Phylosohpytube who I didn’t watch before her coming out for her graceful coming out video though she admits that the experience wasn’t obviously as smooth. I look up to lots and lots of people for their ability to create and their art (not gonna tag my fav artists bc am tiny and do not want people to look at me, but i do be reblogging). I look up to people like ConcernedApe Stardewvalley and Supergiantgames Hades for their ability to put so much soul in their work, smth I aspire to do. I look up to @not-poignant for, among other things, their idk how to say it best, wisdom in understanding and communicating with others and with myself? I’ve learned a lot by just sort of being in their periphery and seeing how they articulate their thoughts and choose to be kind and witness other’s pain. Hell, I look up to twitch streamers and youtubers sometimes (the recent nice trait I’d like to have if I ever went into bigger content production is how ibxtoycat deals with parasocial relationship realities). 23. strange habits? Hm. I don’t think drinking tea whenever I need a pick-me-up is strange, that’s just probably forcefully assigning a British nationality to me. I think my insistence on misspelling words in a way I think is lowkey funny might be one, I say thamks bc it feels softer, or thank bc it’s funny, I say sleeb, I say finkers or tryink or otherwise replace g with k for lulz. I also don’t know if it counts as a habit but I have a small leather band around my wrist that’s been there for a year soon. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I probs have like, stranger habits but I can’t recall rn. 29. best way to bond with you? Hmm. Well, if you show initiative and are explicit about wanting to spend time with me, that’s already a big chance of me spending time with you. And then if our interests match and I don’t think that you’re like, young in a way that automatically puts me in a position where I don’t feel comfortable really being myself around you bc in my head I have to look out for you (it has happened with two of my friends, sigh), and we regularly spend time together, voila, friend acquired. It simultaneously doesn’t take much and takes a bit to be my friend and bond with me - it’s easy af to become a casual friend cuz I’m always open to new people, but there has to be a level of trust to become like, a close friend. Respecting my boundaries, talking shit with me, being explicitly committal about wanting to bond with me are big steps that way. 31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? Uh, I don’t do neither, but a current fave that is reasonably badass is my black tshirt with like, a ritual circle and a deer skull. V edgy, 10/10. I also used to have like a real edgy tshirt with a jester and some dice that said the game of life, but I threw it out bc dysphoria. or maybe I put it at the back of my closet along with one other shirt In Case I Get Top Surgery so I can wear them then. 34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? Many, such is the nature of advertising, alas. I have managed to avoid most of it tbh though, so the only place I am forced to sit through ads so they stick is my scrabble capitalist nightmare app where I play and always beat haha my coursemate. And they have adds for those shitty apps where you have to solve a puzzle that ends up failing in the add and like, drenching a man in green goo. I find those kinda fascinating tbh. Who plays these games? Who plays these shitty shitty games whose ad has to be “prove your IQ“ to make you want to prove yourself to play them? Oh and also, the insidious nature of ads in media I consume - the mcelroys have gotten me informed about many many things bc they do it in a funny way. Have you heard about squarespace? What about meundies? I also literally installed honey yesterday that I knew abt bc of the relentless adds and I wanted to save, uh, 2.50 from my minecraft server purchase (and then spent some time googling how they make money before giving up. just say u sell my data, that’s easier than not knowing what part of this makes you money). I was tired and in a weird mood, ok. 50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? It’s always the stupidest jokes, what matters more is laughing together with someone and getting caught in a laughing loop. I still remember laughing with my siblings until our stomachs really really hurt bc I think one of us said a rug was vomit-colored and it was funny in the moment. How many times have I laughed like that with you too, vit. I know that Laura’s one is nostrilatu, right? :D :D It’s just something that catches you off guard, I think.
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Oh shid. Hm. 1) My ability to analyze data and understand the basic building blocks of something. Makes me cool at studying and sexy at explaining things to my course-mates. 2) Not a talent more like a skill that I’ve worked hard on through therapy - but my inner positive voice/healthy parent is very strong and automatic (something I was sure would never happen). A good example is me going out for a walk, my phone dying so I can’t listen to music, when I went in my head “well I can always make music in my head. do-do-do *drum sound*“ and I could feel the wave of self-reprimand cresting but before I could actually hear any negative comments the positive voice said with a light of a thousand suns NO THAT IS ACTUALLY CUTE AND SEXY and just haaaaaaah. 3) I sing good. Need to sing more. 4) I think I’m good at making conversation. Even with people I don’t necessarily like or want to talk to. More of a skill again but whatever. 61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Do not come to me and ask for favorites, witch. Uh, I have some quotes in my notes app, like 7 from Pia’s writing :D. But imma go with “It’s a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in the broken world“ by Mary Oliver. It counts, ok. Or, wait, something I will for real one day either crosstitch of commission shitpostcalligrapher: “t’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger, they were. And sometimes you didn’t want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going. Because they were holding on to something. “What are we holding onto Sam?” “There’s good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.“” 88. your greatest wish? Hrm. Right now? To have like a couple days with no responsibilities and without the outside world bearing on me as heavily, to be tiny tiny tiny so I’m invisible and can drink tiny tea on a tiny leaf. Uh, in general? My recently formulated wish or a goal is stability/peace. Then everything else becomes ok because you can bounce back to stable ground between feeling shit or everything happening so much. And I’ve sort of reached that. Also like, half a million euros would be nice too so I can get a house and a car and go on a few trips abroad. :D // there’s two ask memes in my blog recently, go wild
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Of History and Revolution
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Today we had some really fascinating discussion on the Fig Tree Discord server about Frodo's role in the Scouring of the Shire, and how it relates to historical revolutions in the past. Since this blog is coming up on the end of the chapter, I thought this would be the perfect way to close us out.
I will admit, I did feel some frustration at Frodo not fighting in the Scouring of the Shire. I just thought "man, this is your HOME! Why don't you fight for it?" I understand why he did what he did. It makes sense for his character. It just bugged me on my first readthrough
And he does [fight for it]. The other three fight for its liberation, but Frodo fights for its spirit.
Rudy Studee:
A revolution needs a Sam Adams to succeed; a revolution that ends well also needs a John Adams.
Rudy Studee: (after being asked to explain further)
Sam Adams was a Boston brewer, knew Paul Revere, very typical hot-headed rabble-rouser. The aspect of John Adams' character I am thinking of is that he defended the perpetrators of the Boston Massacre in court. He believed in the principles of justice, no exceptions.
That's a good thing to do
Rudy Studee:
In every revolution that goes sour (which might be every revolution, depending on your definition of the term), the John Adamses are second against the wall
I'm kind of a hothead myself, so maybe that's why I had the reaction I did to the Scouring scene lol
Rudy Studee:
Yes, I was very much so the first time through as well
But I understand why Frodo is the way he is. He's a gentle person forced into bad situations. He doesn't want to hurt anyone
Kasey Gondor:
I think it's an important detail that Frodo doesn't try to stop, or discourage, or shame those who do fight. he tries to stop any unnecessary violence. but he recognizes that these people in power do have to be resisted. he just won't be the one to do it in arms himself.
He's tender. He's a literal gentleman.
I’m reminded of the French Revolution; mind you, I only remember it in broad strokes, but the fact that it went from “overthrow the oppressive monarchy” to “mass and near indiscriminate beheadings” to “Napoleon stepping in because SOMEONE has to fill this power vacuum” to even more wars and death just proves the need for the peacemakers in revolution. Violence starts revolutions, but it doesn’t know where to stop; the peacemakers are the ones who can rebuild society afterwards. Otherwise it just becomes a cycle of the oppressed becoming the oppressors, and then being overthrown by the oppressed, rinse and repeat.
That's true. Someone needs to be able to take power, end the violence and start a relatively peaceful rule.
I'm going to be chewing on this conversation for quite a while. There's a lot of great things to think about.
RebirthoftheMustelid is @weezlbot, Rudy Studee is @whitehorsevale, and Kasey Gondor is @captaingondor! A post with just the drawing at the top can be found here, and if you'd like to join the Fig Tree Server yourself, here's a fresh invite!
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hufflepuffhobbits · 4 years
Whoo boy. This turned out long, here’s some meta about the book vs movies in  respect to Frodo and Sam’s relationship.
TLDR; In the book it Frodo says Sam will understand him leaving, while in the movie Frodo says he will not. I find this fascinating.
Since I recently rewatched the Lord of the Rings movie and then proceeded to reread the books, one difference has really been itching at my brain.
In the books when Frodo decides to leave, the book reads:
 “’They’ll be hunting for me,’ he said. ‘I wonder how long I have been away. Hours, I should think.’ He hesitated. ‘What can I do?’ he muttered. ‘I must go now or I shall never go. I shan’t get a chance again. I hate leaving them and like this without any explanation. But surely they will understand. Sam will. And what else can I do?’”
And then we have the movie, where Frodo has his confrontation with Aragorn.
Aragorn: Frodo! I swore to protect you.
Frodo: Can you protect me from yourself? [holds out the Ring] Would you destroy it?
[Aragorn reaches out for the Ring, hearing Sauron's voice whisper to him. He pushes Frodo's hand away]
Aragorn: I would have gone with you to the end. Into the very fires of Mordor.
Frodo: I know. Look after the others. Especially Sam. He will not understand.
I can’t help but wonder what inspired the change. Why did Frodo in the movies believe that Sam would not understand his decision to leave the fellowship? Whereas Book!Frodo believed that Sam would?
Is the change due to the limitations of the medium requiring that the relationship of the two has shifted? Is it to create a different tone for Frodo’s departure. Is it because the the writing crew felt that the former was not as impactful? Is it because the circumstances, Frodo talking with Aragorn and asking him to look out for the others instead of thinking to himself, have changed? What was the point when the results - Frodo leaving and Sam following - are the same? It’s such a minor thing, but considering that both lines are during the Breaking of the Fellowship and considering the whole of the movie and the script, it’s unlikely that Peter, Fran, and Phillipa are unaware of this minor thing.
Now, this could just be my experiences and perspective leading me to this interpretation, but I think it slightly shifts the relationship between Frodo and Sam. Already the movies changed some things. While the relationship remains that of devoted employee and devoted employer, Movie!Sam does not call Frodo Master, nor do we see him being ordered about by the other Hobbits like we do in the book. 
This line further accentuates this difference. In the movie Sam Will Not Understand. Will he not understand Frodo leaving? Or will he not understand Frodo leaving him. The way Sam follows and replies to Frodo’s declaration of ‘I’m going to Mordor alone’ with ‘Of course you are. And I’m coming with you.’ leads me to believe this is personal. And this implies that Sam almost views the relationship between him and Frodo as a right, as his, and believes that Frodo feels the same. Of course Frodo won’t leave. There are mutual expectations between them and being left behind is NOT one of them.
On the other hand, Book!Sam Will Understand. He knows that Frodo’s duty is to the Ring and the Fellowship and not Sam. Sam’s duty is to Frodo, but their’s is not a relationship of mutual expectations. Now don’t get me wrong. There is absolutely love and affection between them, you only have to read the book to see that. But at this point their relationship is defined by duty that has grown into affection, but duty none the less. If Frodo feels that to fulfill his duty he must leave alone then so be it. But Sam is coming with him, because that is Sam’s duty.
I hope this makes sense. There is so much I feel is waiting behind those two lines, behind a Sam who will understand but goes anyways and a Sam who will not and will fight until Frodo sees that he needs his Sam. I could go on, and if anybody has thought of their own, please share!! I’d love to discuss this. But if I went on I’d only get more rambley, so I’ll stop here
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mmmkay, assorted thoughts on the first half of RotK:
So the revelation from Pippin’s first encounter with Denethor that it’s only been thirteen days since Boromir’s death is just crazy to me - like, it’s certainly plausible, but the events of TTT feel like they take place over a much longer period of time - possibly compounded by the fact that the Frodo&Sam stuff is happening concurrently, but feels like an extension of the narrative, or by the fact that Fellowship stretches over a considerably longer course of time. So finding out that TTT takes less than two weeks to unfold was quite a surprise!
Denethor. So the general fandom sentiment is that he was done dirty by the movies, and boy were people not fucking kidding. He was one of the biggest question marks for me going in as to how I was going to respond to the story differently as an adult, as I remember disliking him the first time I read the book, before I was exposed to the movies or the fandom. But yeah wow he’s actually emerged as one of my favourite characters - he’s just sooo complex and formidable and actually intelligent and competent! So dedicated to protecting Gondor! So stubborn and bitter and proud, in ways that make him clash with Gandalf and Faramir in ways that chafed at me as a kid but are just so fascinating and understandable now! And the whole thing where he accuses Gandalf of wanting to undermine him by bringing in Aragorn - AND the way Gandalf takes up the Stewardship upon his death (with Faramir incapacitated and Imrahil unavailable, but still) and starts calling the shots - he’s not... wrong?? He made some valid points? And the way he gets overcome with despair and wants to die on his own terms, and at least go out with a blaze of glory if he’s doomed anyway... yeah I appreciate it.
Arwen making Aragorn’s standard is such a lovely little detail! (Though I do wish we got more of her perspective in the narrative proper...)
I’m majorly stanning Halbarad, Aragorn’s kinsman and standard bearer - the way he says he can’t begrudge the hobbits their obliviousness to the Dúnedain’s sacrifices in protecting the Shire? It’s good. RIP my dude.
So, early modern scholar that I am, there’s this trend in Tolkien’s writing that I’ve been picking up a lot in this particular part of the narrative, which is using a “[adjective noun] and [adjective]” construction, with both adjectives describing the noun - for example, the Haradrim are described as “bold men and grim.” It’s a phrasing that I associate a lot with Milton - cf. Paradise Lost 1.17-18 - “...that dost prefer/before all temples th’upright heart and pure,” and it shows up a bunch of other places in Milton as well. It’s possible they’re both borrowing from some older tradition that I’m not aware of, but it seems possible to me that Tolkien was imitating Milton specifically in these instances!
When Aragorn tells L&G that he looked into the Palantír and revealed himself to Sauron, and Gimli freaks out, Aragorn says “You forget to whom you speak” (with his eyes glinting!) and like damn! I love this Aragorn! Arrogant and a bit fey and a force to be reckoned with! There’s also a line later on - I think when Legolas and Gimli are talking to the hobbits post-Pelennor - about how Aragorn could have been scary powerful if he’d taken possession of the Ring. There’s just a dangerous edge to him in the books that doesn’t come across as much in what the movies did with him. 
“But Arod, the horse of Rohan, refused the way, and he stood sweating and trembling in a fear that was grievous to see. Then Legolas laid his hands on his eyes and sang some words that went soft in the gloom, until he suffered himself to be led, and Legolas passed in.” - The movies lied to us. Legolas, not Aragorn, is the horse girl.
The Wild Men apparently refer to the sun as “she”, the way Elves and Hobbits are said to. With Elves it makes sense, given that the sun actually is a woman in the mythology of the world, but I’m curious to know if there’s a reason why the Wild Men should do so! (And also why the Númenóreans don’t, since they would have been familiar with the story of the creation of the Sun and the Moon?) Hmmm. questions.
Théoden is compared to Oromë when riding out to battle at the Pelennor fields, just the way Fingolfin is when riding out to challenge Morgoth!
Aragorn’s line “It will be long, I fear, ere Théoden sits at ease again in Meduseld” hits you like a ton of bricks when you know Théoden is going to die. And his last scene with Merry is just wonderful <33 ;___;
Éowyn’s words to the Witch King - “you stand between me and my lord and kin” - are so much better than the movie?
There’s some excellent descriptions of Éomer during the battle as well. 
This juicy little bit - “‘Authority is not given to you, Steward of Gondor, to order the hour of your death,’ answered Gandalf. ‘And only the heathen kings, under the domination of the Dark Power, did thus, slaying themselves in pride and despair, murdering their kin to ease their own death.’” - So this is an interesting contrast to the norm in Númenor, in which, for the kings, choosing the hour of their death was considered the morally proper option, and clinging to life for as long as possible into old age is the thing that’s textually frowned upon. And while killing your family members along with you is a separate thing, it’s hard for me to see the distinction between “choosing to lay aside your life according to the powers granted to your people” and regular old suicide? I suppose the “pride and despair” part is supposed to be the difference (although assigning moral judgment to that is.... eesh), but it’s still a weird sentiment given that context.
When Imrahil discovers that Éowyn is still alive, he says “have you no leeches?” and there’s also a line about the Gondorian healers being skilled in “leechcraft.” I know this is meant to echo a time period in which people actually thought bloodletting worked, but. leechcraft. LEECHCRAFT.
Aragorn making Strider the name of his house (but in Quenya!) is a detail about him that I remembered, but I forgot that he explicitly says in the text that the Quenya makes it seem fancier. Aragorn....
Aragorn and Éomer’s conversation about Éowyn, and how there was a “shadow” on her even before her encounter with the Witch King, is one of those places in the legendarium that acknowledges the existence of something approximating mental illness, which I really appreciate? But I do feel somewhat uncomfortable about the setup of the scene involving two men having a conversation about her over her unconscious body... like there’s a lot about how the movies handled Éowyn (and her dynamic with Aragorn) that I don’t like, but at least he delivers the line about her loving “a shadow and a thought” to her.   
God, the way Aragorn follows the others in to the Houses of Healing and then dramatically reveals himself.... and then how he disappears after tending to the wounded, such that everyone wonders “if the coming of the king had been but a dream”... he’s a literal cryptid in these chapters. 
“‘It is good that they are still alive,’ said Gimli; ‘for they cost us great pains in our march over Rohan, and i would not have such pains all wasted.’” GIMLI.
During the Black Gate Opens sequence, in which Pippin becomes convinced that he’s going to die and wishes Merry were there, and comes to understand Denethor wanting to die with Faramir, because he wants to die with Merry - YES. Granting ACTUAL LEGITIMACY to Denethor’s POV. We love to see it. 
So, Imrahil is certainly hyper-competent and invaluable to Aragorn’s rise to power in Gondor, but I’m having trouble grasping where he’s coming from in terms of political goals, and why he’s batting for Aragorn. It’s entirely possible this is expanded upon later on, and I’m just not remembering, but it’s also possible it’s another thing we only get from the appendices?  
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thatfairyfangirl · 6 years
Written In The Stars Chapter 2
The stars twinkled bright in the night sky as Steluta slipped from Rivendell to the small caravan that sat just outside the borders, weeding through her belongings, removing flowing fabrics and the silver jeweled circlet that sat atop her brow, shedding down to just the leather armor underneath, finding all the daggers and pouches of Songmaster tricks that she felt would prove useful, fastening satchels of food and other supplies to the large steed that pulled her wagon as she unhooked the horse.
As dawn drew up over the land the rest of the group met with her and the Clydesdale horse. With a smile she passed out apples as she took stride next to Boromir, feeling far more comfortable with the familiar face by her side.
The fellowship of ten traveled slowly toward the east, Lenora the Clydesdale acting as the perfect steed for the Hobbits to ride to keep up with the group, the raven haired wanderer at the rains. Hours passed as the group moved silently, unsure what to say to the others, the rag tag group of missmatched heros knowing they were unlikely traveling companions.
“Steluta why not give us one of the songs your people are so known for?” Boromir finally asked as he lengthened his stride to keep up with her. She couldn't help smiling brightly at the request. She could recall many meetings with the son of Gondor, but none in which he neglected to hear her sing nor see her dance.
“No fair Boromir. Not while we travel.” She explained as she slid from the horse to give it a break from the weight. “It would attract unwanted attention. But I promise, I will find chance to sing for you before journey's end.”
“Apples are good and all...but I could really go for a roasted rabbit...or maybe some chicken.” Sam remarked offhandedly as he munched on his snack, already missing the food in the Shire.
Steluta looked to the little hobbit with a charmed smile before scanning the terrain. Suddenly seemingly without warning she drew a dagger from her boot and just as swiftly Legolas drew his bow, arrow and blade both flying through the air before the soft squeal of a now very dead rabbit could be heard.
The four hobbits drew back in fear at the sudden aggressive display from the girl before she rushed off to pluck the dead creature from the ground. Boromir simply chuckled. “The Princess of the road is a wonderful markswoman.” He explained to them as she held up lunch triumphantly.
“You'll have your wish little Samwise.” She announced lightly.
“I don't see why you are so proud of my arrow. It is obvious I slew the meal.” Legolas remarked as he hung his bow around his shoulder.
“Do elf eyes make you blind?” She asked with venomous words as she pulled the dagger from the small creative's neck. “It was obviously my blade.”
“It would have been if my arrow didn't pierce the skull first.” He corrected as he pulled the arrow from its head.
“A markswoman rivaled only by the arrows of Legolas.” Gandalf added as the argument between prince and princess grew louder, trading insults of race.
Aragorn rolled his eyes as he stepped to the two, plucking the rabbit from their hands. “Minimal blood pooling on both wounds...you both killed it.” He snapped before shoving it into Steluta's arms. “Now lets be on our way.”
“I'm still better.” She mumbled as she tied the soon to be lunch to her saddlebags.
“So Steluta...where do the gypsys come from?” Pippin asked innocently, genuinely believing that was what her people are called.
Dark waves of hair danced violently around her as she turned to face the insult, fingers caressing her blade out of instinct before she reminded herself he was from a simple place they rarely traveled...he didn't know any better. “Don't call my people that. Such a word is an insult.” She warned in a low gruff tone.
“Oh I'm sorry… it's just thats the only name I heard them be called by. What should I call your people then?” He asked politely, wanting nothing more than to get on the seemingly wild woman's good side.
“It seems that depends where you hail from. Some call us Songmasters, others call us the wandering kingdom…people of the road...”
“Elves call them Delebdang and Delebfura.” Legolas added in as if the elvish insults were nothing.
“What does that mean?” The young hobbit asked with a thirst for knowledge.
“Nothing courteous.” Was the only answer the elf was willing to give as the princess's eyes bore daggers into him.
“Gondor once called them the Outcasts, but that was long before my time.” Boromir added.
“Why's that? Were you outcast from Gondor?” Pippin continued.
“From our homeland. We once lived in a lush green land with a mountain of fire bringing fertility to the land and warmth to our hearts…”
“Then why not go back?” Pippin's innocent question brought a single tear to the wanderer's eye as she recalled a land she's only remembered from the stories told of it but longed for with all of her.
“You would know the land better now as Mordor. It is a rather sore spot in their history.” Boromir explained as he placed a comforting hand around his friend's shoulder.
“So the stories are true?” He asked perking up with excitement, fascinated by the legends he's heard of them. “Can you really blind with a scream? And travel outside the borders of Middle Earth? Is that true too?”
She couldn't help laughing, charmed by his thirst for knowledge. “Yes, we travel over all of Arda in search of a new land to call home… But I'd hardly say our voice can blind.” No, that story was much more complicated than that yet so much simpler. She was sure in time the little one would have chance to see the truth behind that rumor.
~ ~ ~ ~
Hours on the road passed to her as effortlessly as eating the rabbit did to the hobbits, but even she had to admit it was nice to take a seat. Travel may be something she grew in but she how she missed her wagon, and the bed it held. Steluta's smile shone as she chuckled at the sight of Boromir teaching the halflings how to use the swords they were given. “Careful Boromir,” she teased, “the little ones will best you.” She chuckled as she watched them tackle her old friend playfully.
“What is that?” Frodo's hushed worried tone broke the laughter as his eyes focused on a dark shadow off in the distance.
“Nothing, just a wisp of cloud” Gimli answered as the elf took more heed of the warning, moving closer to the little ring bearer to see as well.
“Carbaen from Dunland!” He cried out.
“Hide!” Gandalf warned prompting a rush of bodies to put out the fire and mask all sign of their camp and themselves.
Steluta however held the true challenge, finding a spot for her larger horse leaving only her visible. Legolas muttered in elvish as his long milky fingers wrapped around her dark tanned wrist pulling her into the bush, holding her tight to him. “Let go of m-” his hand clamped over her lips cutting off her protest with a shush. Her dark eyes looked up to the fair elf prince Before glazing over, her sight thrusting her into a vision of her future - silky fair arms wrapped around her, long blond hair pouring over her dark skin as she let put a sigh of pleasure.
The dark birds passed just as quickly as they came. “We should move quickly.” Aragorn instructed as the company emerged from hiding.
But the princess did not move, her premonition not done with her just yet. “Steluta?” Legolas asked with a touch of concern as he held her limp body.
“What have you done to her?” Boromir demanded as he stepped closer, concern blanketing his face.
“I did nothing!” He insisted as he held her up.
Boromir placed fingers gently on her cheek as he looked into her eyes, once brown now a milky white before breathing a sigh of relief. “She is having a vision.” He smoothed the thick mess of raven hair planting a soft kiss atop her head letting the elf continue supporting her, aware changing her state may interrupt what she is seeing. “Let us hope it is something that will prove useful.”
Moments later she drew in a large gasp of air, the brown of her eyes returned as she came back into the now. She looked up to Legolas's soft blue eyes as he held her before shoving him away. “Get your string pulling hands off me!” She barked as she recomposed herself. “I hope you savored that moment Elf.” She continued as she gathered her horse. “Because if you put your hands on me again you'll lose them.” She added as she mounted.
“What did you see?” Boromir asked as he watched her, concern for her still lingering.
“Nothing good.” She answered, her eyes boring daggers into the elf as she passed him.
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