#and THAT Lassie is how ye shoot!
gremlingottoosilly · 9 months
Please, Stand by [dark!Ghost x fem!Reader x dark!Soap]
You woke up in your captor's apartment. Turns out, getting out of the grasp of two trained special forces soldiers isn't exactly an easy task.
TW and tags: non-con to dub-con, size difference, power imbalance, fingering, hurt/comfort(but it comes from the ones who hurt you), yandere, dark!141, possessive 141, obsessive 141, kidnapping. AO3
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Simon never slept this well on leave. 
Always something happening – Soap breathing too loudly in their fucking bed, nightmares getting too wild even with as many meds as he could possibly take, neighbors behaving as if he wouldn’t be able to bloody shoot ‘em all and get away with it – he never enjoyed sitting at this place without a purpose, as much as he enjoyed not having to buy the whole space for himself. Johnny was really making things stir up a little around here – but it wasn’t enough. Never. 
Ghost found himself dumbfounded this exact morning, though – he gave up the space in the bedroom for you and Soap, knowing that the Scotsman has a much smoother way with women, and they don’t want to scare you too much. Poor thing, you’re already terrified of them – this won’t do, they aren’t monsters. A bit forceful, yes, but men in this position don’t exactly have much time for courting – and it's not like you’d agree to relationships with four of them at the exact same time if you really had a choice. Just means they have to take the choice away from you. Hell, he even thought of preparing your breakfast in bed – something that he never thought of doing. You were so good for him, for Soap, so nice and obedient, he almost forgot it was all because of the alcohol – not because you really wanted them so badly. Ghost isn’t a stranger to hookups and dates at random pubs where he could afford to not take his mask off – but it’s the first time he liked a girl so much. The first time he really wanted to just take you and… *** You woke up somewhere around noon. The aftermath of your hangover still lingered in the fog in your head as you were desperately trying to cling to consciousness. You wanted to throw up. You wanted to curl down and cry. You wanted to…
Ah, you’re finally awake. Good for you. 
The first thing that you feel is nausea. You already threw up at night, it’s evident by the stale taste of bile in your mouth – but you still feel like turning your stomach upside down and shaking it a little. 
The second thing you feel is a heavy hand on your waist. It’s muscly, hairy, covered in scars and burn marks – you don’t think that a man with hands like this would be at your taste for one-night stands. You don’t think you ever had a hookup session with a random person you didn’t even know, but whoever is clinging to your body like you’re a teddy bear has another opinion about acting all lovey-dovey with their playthings for the night. You try to worm your way out of the grasp, but the guy only tightens it. 
— Don’t move, lassie. I knew how ye feel. 
You seriously doubt that. 
— Where am I? 
Your voice is raspy, in desperate need of water. You don’t want to beg them for this, so you just bite your lips, hoping your voice doesn’t sound too pathetic. You’d kill for a bottle of water right now. 
— In yer home. 
— This is not…
— It will be, hen. Dinnae havta worry ‘bout that okay?
Guy – Soap, you remember, heard when the other guy, the second guy, was talking to him. Like you weren’t even fucking there like you didn’t have a say in the situation. You feel a trail of sloppy kisses landing on your neck, and your shoulders – damp skin is sweaty under the touches. You feel sluggish like you usually do on a hungover – like you usually do after a really nice girl's night out. 
Soreness between your legs makes you choke on your tears. You don’t want to cry, not in the presence of your captors. Not when all the memories you have is how soft they tried to be. How much did your alcohol-dazed mind like it. The thrill of them knowing all of your special buttons without you ever having to ask – you hate them, you want to hate them, you need to hate them. But you’re thirsty, hungry, your head hurts, you feel like shit, and they still didn’t beat you yet. 
The survival instinct comes to life when you hear the door opening. 
You struggle out of his grasp – thankfully, the guy is sleepy, he didn’t put up much of a fight. You manage to get out and fall on the fluffy carpet, surprisingly nice for a place where two rough looking bachelors are living. You don’t have enough time to think about the texture of the carpet, as you scramble on your feet and run. 
Fuck this, fuck everything, fuck trying to be soft and obedient – they don’t care about showing their faces and names to you, that you can just run to the police. Probably means they are going to kill you right after the cuddling session – and you’d rather be traumatised than dead. You think. Probably. Maybe. 
In your struggle, you didn’t even think of thinking that if the door is opening, it means that someone will be standing on the other side – or the apartment is extremely haunted. 
It wasn’t extremely haunted. Your cheek is flattened against a broad chest. A pair of hands that smell of tobacco and leather are forcing you into this perverse version of a hug, leaving you without any chance of getting out. All of your attempts at screaming are left with nothing but weird bubbly sounds as you struggle to breathe. You don’t want to panic, but, hell, you feel like you’re going to fucking die. 
Price had just seen the most beautiful woman of his life. 
With tears running down her cheeks, messy makeup, and even messier hair. She is wearing Soap’s T-shirt, which isn’t ideal, but no one is perfect, and even the prettiest girl out there has her flaws. She is crying and panicking, and she looks so bloody fantastic with her arse showing every time she tries to wiggle her way out of his grasp, and he doesn’t want to behave too brutally, but he wants to see the marks from his fingers grasping her wrists. He knew he saw you yesterday, fucked you yesterday. Held your hair as you were throwing up and forcing yourself to stop fucking vomiting all over the place – but you’re even prettier now, in the dim morning sun. Crying and struggling in his grasp, he can’t wait to share you with others – he knows Kyle would love fucking that tight arse of yours. Price would get a kick out of making you his stupid girl. 
And they, well, they will always have a special treatment reserved just for you. Gosh, you’re beautiful. Ghost knows why they had to take you. 
— Quiet, luv. Quiet. Calm down. — Let me…fuck you, let me go! You push at his chest, and the only thing he feels is the way his dick starts throbbing in his pants again. Gods, you’re fucking beautiful – much, much prettier than any girl he fucked through his life. So feisty once you’re sober, he knows how much fun you’re having in store for them once you’ve regained at least part of your strengths. — I will fuck you. Later. 
— No! — Now, if you insist on yelling so much. He gently forces you closer, his hand slipping to cup your arse. You feel divine in his arms – he doesn’t know how Soap manages to steady himself and not fuck you right in the car. He did make you suck his dick, but it obviously wasn’t enough – and won’t be, with how much you struggle now when the alcohol finally wears off. Ghost gives your ass a little squeeze, then – a few slaps, just to make sure you’re nice and obedient for them. You obviously haven’t worn panties under Johnny’s shirt, easy access doing easy accessing, and so when he finally managed to slip his fingers in your cunt, he was pleased to find out it was soaked. — You’re wet, luv. Can’t get more ready than this. 
You whimper in his chest, still terrified. He supposed you should be – he is wearing the mask, not wanting to scare you with his scars and intense gaze. Skull balaclava isn’t doing a good job at making you calmer, but…well, he can try to think about something. Soap had already shown you his face, and it’s not like you’re going anywhere. They would catch you faster than you could run to the local authorities – as much as you would love to think otherwise. Prey aren’t known for their wits, after all. — Pl…please, just let me go. Please? I won’t…
— Won’t tell anyone? 
— Yes! Please, I…I need to work. I have a shift in the… — You went to a pub before your shift? 
You sob, your little excuses clearly aren’t working. Ghost brushes his rough fingers among your folds, the stimulation on your pussy making you shiver. He knows you’re sore, his dick isn’t exactly tiny – you need some more orgasms to calm down, maybe get you nice and relaxed for them. If he knows his sergeant, he already got a word out to the rest of the team – and although Ghost really, really wants to just take you with them and share you as their little duo, Gaz and Captain deserve to have something nice too. Deserve to have someone nice. 
Ghost pulls his fingers out as soon as your whimpers turn into moans. He wants you nice and wet, but he needs you to beg for it. To recognize that the only way you’ll get anything around here is through obedience and behaving like a cute kitten, they decided to scoop from the streets. Not exactly a subtle look, but he can spell it out for you later. Make their shared dumb girl just a bit less dim. Maybe teach you a few manners – you don’t start a conversation with your captors from curses, for example. 
— Please. I…I have a family. 
Tough shit, Ghost thinks. 
It would have worked in Private Riley – before he got into captivity himself before he got almost killed. Before he has lost everything he ever loved – and before he found a family in people who have the wondrous ability to enable his worst and best traits at the same fucking time. If you were a bit less weak, a bit more resilient if you didn’t cry as much and reminded him of himself in the past – who knows, you could have pulled at his heartstrings. 
But Lieutenant Ryley wants a girl to warm up his bed, and the beds of his comrades – and he knows you would do just perfect. So, he scoops you in his arms, like a disobedient kitten, and puts you in a place where, as he knows, all misery dies and the place where he is crawling every time he falls a bit down. 
He pushes you back to Soap’s bed. 
You cry even more when two beefy hands force you into a tight hug – Johnny is still half-asleep, and his growly sleepy voice makes your hair stand at ends. You hate them, you despise them, you feel like you’re going to fucking die rather than fall asleep in their embrace again, but Soap kisses your neck and whispers something in your ear – something accented, deep, no doubt dirty. Something that makes you whimper again and again, something that…god, you feel like a slut.
You rub your thighs together, trying to chase the heat away, but you only feel warmer. It never gets easier, you suppose – never gets just palatable enough. 
— Simon scared ye, bonnie? 
Johnny smiles when you only whimper, your desire to feel the warmth of another person making you fall right into the guy. It’s not something you’re proud of – Jesus Fucking Christ, you just snuggle with your kidnapper – but you need something to just feel…normal. Like hugs after a really good hookup. Like you just found someone to date and to kiss and to be in a proper relationship with. 
You whimper instead of answering, and you hear the Scot chuckling again, his grip on you getting tighter. He is like a koala – and you feel pretty…fine in his grasp. You’re too scared to get feisty because you already tried, and it just returns you to point A. The starting dot. The first page of your miserable journey opens with a tight hug and the smell of breakfast cooking. Burning. Cursing through a thick English accent, you could hear something in the kitchen getting absolutely blasted – in a negative sense. 
— I’m not scared of you. 
He laughs again. You can smell something burning, and you hope that the second guy – the scary guy – will set the entire apartment on fire and kill everyone inside, including you. 
— Ye shouldn’t be. We will take care of ye. 
— I will run as soon as I can. 
— Lt could break your legs. I could break your legs. 
You sob again, but Soap doesn’t rush to comfort you. You need to get this through your skull – you’re not resisting them without consequences. You’re not running away without them catching and punishing you. You will not as much as step out of this bed without their permission – even if they’d have to haul you to the bathroom themselves while you’re kicking and screaming. You deserve to get knocked down a peg about the subject of you actually having rights – and you deserve to be calmed down later, once they think you have been punished enough. — I just want to go home. 
— Cannae do that, lassie. 
— Are you going to kill me? 
— Not if yer obedient. 
You hear the sound of something hitting a glass bowl. Then – gulps of liquid are poured into the same bowl. The burning have stopped, making you think that whatever the skull guy tried to cook, is getting thrown out of the balcony now – you almost smile trying to picture the burly man in a cute apron, desperately begging for the eggs to stop burning and turning into a crisp. You could cook for yourself, but…well, they probably won’t let you use the knife. 
— Are you going to rape me again? 
You are pulled into a much closer hug. Johnny’s dick poking at your ass, making you shiver in his hold – making you try to get out as fast as possible and failing miserably. You have suggested that the guy was a part of something illegal – maybe a mafia reinforcer, the dweller of those weird candy shops that were opened throughout the country, but you caught a glimpse of some camouflage in the dresser when Simon was taking off his clothes…they are in the military. Maybe, it’s even worse than you initially thought – no way anyone will believe you over them. No way you will win a fight against them. 
— We weren’t raping ye, bonnie, Just…taking what ye really needed. 
You came harder under them than you ever did under any of your boyfriends or from your fingers. You feel pathetic because his eyes are innocent and cute, and you don’t want to make them hurt you again. You don’t answer. 
— We’ll take care of ye. Just keep yer arse in place and don’t resist, aye? 
You can’t do anything but nod. Don’t want to do anything but nodding. 
He smiles at your neck again. Kisses you again. Ray of shivers run down your tummy. 
Ghost showed up in the bedroom again, holding a bowl of honey cereal. You are hungry – you need something to soak up the alcohol, and you’d want something greasy and terrible, or maybe a soup and tea later – but the cereals are better than whatever was slowly getting burned on the stove. 
They could drug you – then again, it feels like you’d prefer being unconscious anyway. 
— Price will be there in an hour. Got his call. 
The Scot being you, curses under his breath, his hands finally letting you go. You took the bowl and started to eat, as quickly as you could. 
A hand slips over your waist, steadying you. 
— We’ll make her presentable, aye? 
You don’t want to be presentable, but something in their voices are telling that you don’t have a choice. 
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shirefantasies · 7 months
was thinking about thorins company again and was thinking about a request and my mind jumped to "I wonder how they'd react if reader called them petty." so that's my request. how thorins company would react if the reader told them they were pretty.
Posting back to back because I got asked the same prompt for both stories almost simultaneously hehe! Ok now THIS? This can go one of two ways either so fluffy or so funny 😆 I think it would be divided so:
"OMG you think I'm pretty?": Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Ori, Fili, Kili, Bilbo
"How DARE you I am NOT pretty what do I look like some sort of elf lassie FDGSHVDGSH": Dwalin, Gloin, Nori
*Deadpan voice* What.: Balin, Thorin, Oin, Bifur
Bofur, frankly, is just a bit shell-shocked, but not unpleasantly so; in fact his smile says otherwise. “Well, no one’s ever called me something like that’ before!” Bombur would blush bright red at your words and smile widely. “Me? Really? Coming from someone as pretty as you?” Dori puffs up a bit despite the incredulity upon his face. “I try my best. But really, it- it’s working? Well, I…I…” Ori’s all smiles, sheepishly glancing away from you. “Me? No, I quite think that’s you, actually. Why, if you saw yourself the way I do, you’d know exactly what I mean.” Fili winks at you and flips his hair off his shoulder. “Oh, you think so, do you? Because I’ve thought the same and then some. …huh? About me or you? Maybe both! Just kidding. You’re the only one who’s ever caught my eye.” Kili acts quite similar, throwing you a wink as well. “You’re not so bad yourself, you know that? Ever have I desired an excuse to tell you.” Bright red- that is the only way to describe Bilbo as well, adorable in his stammering. “Me? Well, I try to take my best care of myself, but I don’t know about…. You insist? All right, then I’ll take the compliment so long as I can pay you back with a few. No, no, too late, please listen, because I am quite certain the only pretty one here is you.”
Dwalin’s arms are crossed the moment the word leaves your lips. “You think I’ve gone to war, bloodied my axes and dirtied my nails, just for some young thing to call me pretty?” He scoffs, but you make out the flush upon his cheeks and simply smile, shaking your head with amusement. Gloin is indignant, all but shouting that he hasn’t grown pointy ears or lost his beard, so don’t go acting like he’s one of those elves you can’t even tell maids from lords. “Oh, all right,” you tease, “what do you prefer then? Strapping? Handsome?” That shuts him right up. “What are you on about,” Nori asks you, “eh? Trying to charm something from me? I’ll have you know I’m not some tittering elf maid. You’ll have to try harder than that.” By harder than that, he evidently means the way you grab him by the collar, causing him to cave to your wishes immediately.
Balin freezes at your compliment, tilts his head. His brown eyes search yours. “I beg your pardon?” “You heard me.” Chuckling, he shakes his head. “Haven’t heard anything like that in a long time.” Deadpan describes both Thorin’s voice and expression as he seeks repetition of your statement. “Surely you have been told you cut a majestic figure before?” “Why are you telling me this?” The king responds. “Why do you think?” You shoot back, shaking your head. When the compliment leaves your lips, you can tell Oin is unsure if he heard you correctly; stepping closer, you repeat it breathily, a smile on your lips. “You mean I did- We-he-ell then!” He grins at you. Bifur peers blankly at you. “Yes, you,” you repeat, “need I describe the lovely pattern of your hair, your smile, your little creations you share with me or the way you…” Shaking his head, Bifur smiles and takes your hand.
Rest of the Taglist 😉: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @joonies-word @stormchaser819 | Reply/Ask/Message to join!
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obsidiancreates · 3 months
Why Bounce Around To The Same Damn Song (Part 2)
(Part 1) (Henry's parenting gets exposed/Real Psychic Shawn/Protective Lassie Jules and Gus) (1/3)
“Uh-oh.” Shawn looks behind them as Gus pushes The Blueberry as fast as it can go within the legal parameters dictated on the highway signs. “Dude, my dad is following us.”
“So? The sun is shining and the ocean is wet.”
“Yeah, but I can see him scowling from here.”
“Again, the ocean is wet, Shawn.”
“Just, step on it, alright? We haven’t really talked much since the whole… talking with you guys thing. I think Lassie and Jules kinda let loose on him.”
“I had a vision of Jules telling Lassie that she wouldn’t shoot a friend’s father. I don’t think either of us really believed her.”
“Dang. … I mean, I can’t lie, I’ve wanted to give him a piece or two of my mind since then.”
“Yes, I’m very aware. And so is your great-great-great-great grandma, who keeps telling me to tell you to go for it. I kinda wish I’d never unblocked myself from ghosts.”
“It helped you solve our last case in record time.”
“No, that one was faked. Right now I can only see and hear spirits who’re either close to me or close to you.”
“Why close to me?”
“We have a cosmic connection Gus, our souls are literally tied together. If I ever die you’re following me within a week.”
“What?! I will not have my lifeforce tied to yours Shawn, you practically beg the universe to kill you every day!”
“But it won’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. I’m the universe’s most favorite and specialist boy.”
“You, are a grown-ass man.”
“Not to the infinite cosmos, Gus. To it, we’re all little babies, little jelly-like babies.”
“I hate not being able to tell what’s your nonsense and what’s actual supernatural knowledge you possess.”
“But it’s so much fun for me that you can’t! Oh, hang on, vision incoming.” Shawn puts his hand to his head. “You’re stopping for jerk chicken on the way home.”
“You know that’s right.”
“... With Lassie and Jules joining us.” Shawn frowns, and closes his eyes. They move rapidly under his eyelids, replaying and re-examining the vision. “And they’ve got bloody knuckles.”
“What?! What are we walking into?!”
“I-I don’t know! I can’t- it’s just a glimpse. It could just be from a case or something they just got back from.”
“What do you mean but?”
“But, that’s your ‘I’m not convinced by my own theory’ face.”
“... The blood looks pretty fresh.”
“Shawn, if we walk into the station and it’s being held up or a criminal gets loose, I will kill you.”
“One week after me, Gus, max.”
They park, both keeping low as they tumble out of The Blueberry, just in case- until Henry stalks up behind them.
“What the hell are you two doing?”
“Crrrap.” Shawn stands up straighter and turns, plastering on an innocent smile. “Dad! Here to ah, report some of those seagulls that keep stealing your fries off the porch? Sorry to inform you but, I’m not sure Lassie arrests animals other than squirrels.”
“I’m here about that.” Henry points at Shawn, so close he’s practically pressing Shawn’s nose. “And all the other crap you’ve been pulling lately.”
Shawn’s eyes cross for a second as they take in the point. “You’ll have to be way more specific, Pops.”
“This is getting obsessive, Shawn.” Henry pulls back. “I don’t understand why you feel the need to stalk me-”
“Stalk you?”
“-or anyone else just to prove how good you are-”
“Whoa whoa, Shawn is not stalking anyone.” Gus steps forward, closer to Shawn’s side. “Especially not you.”
“Then how is he coming up with this stuff?” Henry crosses his arms. “And on your last case, you didn’t come by to see me once.”
“Because we didn’t need to,” Shawn says. “Dad, come on, I know I come to you a lot but Gus and I solve cases without your help all the time.”
“Shawn I pride myself on being able to figure out patterns in people’s behaviors.”
“Now that is a real shocker, I had absolutely no idea.”
“And the patterns you follow are the easiest ones. You get a case, you get stuck, you come to me, you solve it.”
“Not every time,” Gus defends again. “Besides, shouldn’t you be happy? We’re bothering you less and solving more cases.”
“Yeah, and I want to know how.” Henry tilts his head up, trying to look at Shawn from above like when Shawn was a child. “Because I’m starting to worry that I need to step in before you do something truly unforgivable in the name of winning.”
Shawn scoffs and looks away, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. “Look, Dad, I’m sorry if we made you feel left out, or-or snubbed, but I’m not stalking anyone. I’ve been honing some new skills, that’s all.”
“New skills.”
“Why do your questions never sound like questions?”
“Because it’s not a question, Shawn. What skills?”
“Awesome ones.” Shawn finally looks back to meet his father’s eyes. “So awesome that your face can’t even handle them.”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Great! You don’t ask questions and I don’t give answers, we’ve got a solid dynamic here. Let’s move on before it gets stale.” Shawn turns and jogs into the station. Gus lingers a moment, looking over Henry- really looking him over, seeing him through Shawn’s perspective properly for the first time ever.
Neither of them are surprised when Henry follows them into the station.
“Dad, seriously, I’m about to land us a case,” Shawn whisper-hisses as they walk into the bullpen.
“There’s nothing on the police radio about any new cases,” Henry argues.
“I’m not using the radio.”
“So how are you so sure you’re getting a case?”
“Trusting my gut.”
“Shawn, Shawn!” Henry grabs his son by the arm and yanks, making Shawn turn to face him. “I’m being serious, kid. Whatever methods you’re using now are effective, sure, but-”
“But what, Dad, I- you don’t even know what I’m doing!” Shawn feels eyes on the three of them. Great. He lowers his voice. “I promise it’s nothing illegal.” He pauses, and tilts his head. Technically his visions could be considered an invasion of privacy, right? Does being in a room metaphysically count as trespassing? And he did use one flashback vision to get the code to a safe while Gus was busy with something else, so… “More illegal.”
“So what is it?”
Shawn looks into Henry’s eyes… and blinks. Sudden understanding washes over him, the slight irritation giving way to deeper bitterness- and hurt, but on Shawn it just makes him look… normal. Toned-down, withdrawn, normal. “This isn’t about worrying about what I’m doing. It’s just driving you nuts that you can’t figure it out.”
“Yeah, which you were hoping for anyway, with all the flaunting. Congratulations kid, you found a new way to get on my nerves. Now tell me what you’re up to. You don’t have enough money to pay people off for information, you’re barely passable in sneaking or laying low, and you’re not really psy-”
“Shawn, Gus.” Jules walks over, eyes cold as they linger on Henry. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, Jules, it’s fine.” Shawn flashes her a small smile. “Pop-pop here was just begging for me to give him some of my blood for a new hair regrowth regiment. He’ll need to scrub his head with my plasma, everyday, with a follow up pineapple head mask. I was just turning him down.”
“Well, good. We need you both on the case that just came in.” Jules passes Shawn a file, now fully ignoring Henry. “A twenty-five year old but very experienced water sports champion was just found stabbed to death in the back of an abandoned community center construction site.”
Shawn flips through the file, focusing on the pictures. “Abandoned community center?”
“Project ran out of funding, and no-one bought the land after because they found out it was completely ruined with lead deposits.”
“But this report says that a new survey just cleared the land of all health risk concerns.” Gus pulls out the report in question to read it more closely. “The old one was just wrong? What?”
Shawn nods. “Things are definitely fishy, and not just because I can smell my dad from here. And uh…” Shawn’s next thought is interrupted as he hones in on the stab wound in the base of the victim’s neck, and his hand goes to his head. “I am sensing that the wound in the neck was made by a different weapon than the wounds in the chest.”
“Yeah, the neck was done with something circular, like a um, knitting needle-”
“Or pen?”
Images flash through Shawn’s mind- too quick to be helpful. He sees a struggle, he sees a blow to the throat with a fist, then with a pen- 
He narrows his eyes, playing it over again. When the attacker punches her throat, he reels back when she starts asphyxiating. His hands are shaking when he stabs the pen in.
“He was trying to save her,” he mumbles. “Jules, I think this was an accide-”
“Alright, that’s enough.” Henry snatches the file out of Shawn’s hands. “You don’t have nearly enough information to just call this an accident.”
“He had a vision, clearly.” Jule’s voice is stone-cold. “Carlton! Shawn has something for us!”
Lassiter walks up, his frown deepening. “You’re working with your dad on this?”
“No! No, he just- he followed us in here.”
“Because he’s a control freak,” Gus adds. Shawn looks at him with surprise, and Gus looks a little surprised himself at the sudden boldness. 
Lassiter just tenses his mouth and then nods to Shawn.
“I had a vision.” Shawn puts his other hand up to his head now. “The attacker is angry, but not enough to kill. No, no, I see panic! He’s using an old trick, a pen in the throat to help someone breathe, he’s trying to save her!” 
“Oh, no.” Shawn spares one glance at Henry, and sees horror. “No.”
“Dad, seriously, I’ll tell you later,” Shawn whispers, nudging Henry away a little. “I think we should start with suspects who cared about he- HEY!”
Henry drags Shawn away into a quiet corner, and Shawn notices out of the corner of his eye that Lassie’s hand twitches towards his jacket for a second. It can’t look that aggressive to someone watching, can it?
“You, are not, psychic,” Henry says firmly as soon as they’re tucked away.
“I never said I was.”
“You don’t have to. That’s what that was just now, wasn’t it? You think you’re actually psychic.”
“Can we please do this later?” Shawn keeps his voice as low as possible. “In case you missed it, I’m kind of on a case right now.” The word ‘case’ is said so quietly that it’s silent, the only sound the shifting of saliva in Shawn’s mouth.
“You’re spouting bullcrap and putting the real detectives on a bad lead,” Henry whispers back.
“Dad, you have to trust me on this!”
“What makes you think you’ve earned enough trust for me to let this happen?! You are not actually psychic, Shawn!”
“What if I was? Huh? If I was and I could prove it, would you let me get back to my job?” He didn’t want to do this, he didn’t want to ever do this, he wanted to just play around and confuse his dad forever-
“Prove it.” Again with the not-questions.
“Prove it, yes. Here, like this- the other day I had a vision of you sitting and watching a show you and Mom used to love and you picked up your phone to text her but deleted it all instead. How about that, does that convince you?”
“Where were you hiding?”
“Nowhere! Dad, seriously, I’ll explain right after this if you just-”
“No! No, Shawn, no, because if this is getting to your head that badly then this needs to end.”
“Wh-” Henry is stalking away back to Gus and the detectives before Shawn can fully process what he means. “Dad!” He jogs to catch up. “Dad, wait-”
“Detectives, I have something to tell you both, out of extreme concern for Shawn’s mental wellbeing.”
Gus scoffs. Jules and Lassie don’t look convinced of Henry’s intentions either. It’s enough to throw him for a second, a second long enough for Shawn to catch up.
Henry looks at Gus, then Jules, then Lassie. “What’s going on here? First I get thrown out of the station, now I’m not taken seriously when I’m worried about my own son?”
“Look Spencer,” Lassies says, looking down at Henry, “To be frank, starting something off with you being concerned about your son’s mental wellbeing isn’t exactly a convincing start.”
Shawn’s eyes widen and he starts making a slicing motion across his neck.
Henry crosses his arms. “And why is that?”
“You’ve never exactly pulled your punches when publicly lambasting him.”
“And you’ve never defended him to me before.” Henry narrows his eyes. “And Guster’s never insulted me like he did earlier.” He turns to Shawn. “What the hell did you say?”
“Nothing,” Shawn says quickly. “Nobody’s saying anything and Gus and I are leaving, and I’ll explain everything to you some other time that’s not right now!”
“No! No, you are not running away from this, tell me what you told them to make them treat me this way.”
“He told us about his training,” Jules says even as Shawn tries to motion for silence again. “And as much as we appreciate the help he’s able to provide to the department because of it, it was… unethical at best.”
Shawn tries to pull Gus away. 
“Oh come on Spencer, even I know that you can’t do all of that to a child and expect them to have all their screws tightened in place.” Lassiter crosses his arms. “At least when I memorized the Miranda Rights at seven it was because I wanted to.”
“Oh, so he told you everything.” Henry eyes Shawn. “That I trained him to be a detective and he threw it all away to be a psychic.”
“He’s a psychic and a detective,” Jules says firmly.
“No, he’s not.”
“No, this has gone too far, Shawn. Detectives Shawn is not and never has been psychic, but he’s begun believing his own lie and I’m seriously concerned about his mental state.”
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So does Tavish know anything about the book???
"Pyrooooooooooooooooooo! What you want, lassie?" Bug runs right into Tavish's room, where he & Jane are writing out battle plans for next Monday's battle. They're sitting in the centre of the room with a large sheet of paper between them, scribbling on it without paying much attention to what the other man is actually writing or drawing.
"Hello, Pyro! Have you come to help us with battle plans?" Jane grins up at her, his helmet bouncing as his head shoots up. He's got a hickey on the side of his neck, & his collar is unbuttoned, but he looks as enthusiastic as always.
"Maybe later," Bug pants, dropping heavily onto their bed in a spot not covered by Tavish's bombs or Jane's raccoons, "I actually need you two to help me out with something first."
"Aye, what with?"
Tavish's amicable smile drops immediately, & he turns around to stare Bug right in the eyes, "I'm listening."
"Vati has a book, that one of the gremlins is acting very weary about. It's all dusty, & very heavy, & it has his name etched into the cover, but the thing is, is that it has this golden lock on the side that burned me when I touched it," They hold their hand out for Tavish to take & look over, "Mini Py touched it too but she didn't get burned. Vati touched it & didn't get burned, & now Mini Py is acting all terrified of it & of him."
Tavish hums under his nose, looking Bug's hand over as Jane tries to get a look too, "A locked book that burns anyone who touches it, except for the owner & demons. Did you see anything on the lock that looked... Out of place?"
Bug nods, "There were symbols etched into it."
"So it's a spell book, owned by our doctor, with his name on it..."
"And he had me washing his test tubes as punishment for having it, so it's clearly important to him."
Tavish drops Bug's hand, & looks between her & Jane, "A spell book like that isnae anything to worry about, they're rather common, usually passed down through generations. What is worrying, is who owns it. And why."
Jane shuffles closer to Tavish, looking up at Bug, "What should we do then?"
"If we care tae risk it, we can steal it. I know how tae open things like that without a key. The question is: do we want tae steal it & see what it is?"
Bug & Jane share a look, Jane even lifting the edge of his helmet up slightly. With a determined expression, Bug looks back to Tavish.
"Yes. We do."
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thesconesyard · 3 months
Where the West Begins
9. Pistol Packin’ Mama
A sudden loud shot had everyone at the breakfast table jumping in their seats.
“What on earth?” Christine demanded.
“Keenser,” Uhura said.
“He’s after a hawk that got a couple of the chickens,” Jim added.
“The lad could have given us some warning,” Scotty chuckled.
A few mornings later as Scotty was leaving the kitchen from helping wash up, he stopped as Uhura called his name.
“Aye?” he asked as he turned. He watched as she came close.
“I- I have something to ask you—”
Scotty was surprised by how Uhura turned her eyes away and wouldn’t look at him.
“I’ve been thinking,” she said slowly, “that I would like to know how to defend myself, or the ranch, if it came to it. All of this with the trial and then Keenser during breakfast the other morning—” She paused and finally looked Scotty in the eye. “It feels embarrassing to ask, but I’d like to learn to shoot a gun.”
“Oh lassie! Of course! That’s a noble thought to have. All ye lasses should be able to defend yerselves. Somedays when all us men are at who knows what ends of the ranch and ye all here alone!”
“Would you teach me?” Uhura smiled shyly.
“Oh aye, but it’s Leonard ye should ask,” Scotty returned with a smile of his own.
“Leonard? I didn’t think he liked guns,” Uhura frowned.
“True, but he’s a doctor. Those steady hands and a knowledge of bodies makes him quite deadly with a pistol,” Scotty said. He smiled brightly with pride at his partner’s abilities. “When do ye want to start?”
“Uhura wants to shoot huh?” Leonard said as he sat down next to Scotty at the creek.
“She’s got a good point, love,” Scotty said. “What if none of us were around and someone villainous came up?”
“Darlin’, I pray no one else villainous comes around this place.”
“Aye!” Scotty bumped his shoulder against Leonard’s. “Ye’re ok with teaching her?”
Leonard gave a slow nod. “Any of us could show them gals, but I suppose I can.”
“Do ye think Christine or Jaylah will want to learn too?”
Leonard laughed. “Don’t you worry about Chris. She knows her way around a rifle, if her sharp tongue doesn’t take someone down first!”
Scotty chuckled with him.
“But we could ask Jaylah,” Leonard agreed.
The next morning after breakfast Scotty and Leonard retrieved their guns from their cabin and met Uhura and Jaylah in an unused yard away from the house and barn. The afternoon before Scotty had rigged up a bit of fence they could shoot things off of.
“What do we do first?” Jaylah asked as the two men walked up.
Leonard drew his gun from his holster and flipped it in his hand for Jaylah to take.
“First you get a feel for it,” he said.
“It is heavier than I thought!” Jaylah exclaimed.
“We show you the different parts,” Leonard smiled as he continued. “How to hold it, what to expect. Then we’ll load’em up and you can give it a try.”
“We both have something different,” Scotty added. “You might like one better than the other.” He shrugged and held out his own gun for Uhura.
“And if you don’t like either,” Leonard said. “We can ask one of the others to borrow theirs. We can get Keenser’s rifle out here too if you want.”
Uhura looked at Jaylah. A smile passed between the women.
“We’ll try everything you’ve got,” Uhura said brightly.
“This is our home,” Jaylah agreed fiercely.
“Yes it is,” Leonard said. “Let’s keep it safe.
“Remember, you want to squeeze gently,” Leonard said as he stood behind Jaylah. “Firm here, but relaxed here.” He pointed and touched her wrist and elbow. “Alright. Good. Now look straight down the barrel… line it up and when you’re ready…”
“Oh!” Jaylah cried as she pulled the trigger.
“That’s alright sweetheart, that’s alright. Good for your first try.”
“But I missed!”
“Yes, but now you know how it feels and you’ll keep that arm steady instead of letting it fly up,” Leonard explained gently. He turned to Uhura.
“You ready to try?”
“You betcha!” Uhura grinned.
“Just like Len said,” Scotty said as he stood next to her. “Firm, but relaxed.”
“And it will kick back!” Jaylah told her.
“Firm, relaxed, ready for kick back,” Uhura nodded.
“Line it up and squeeze gently when you’re ready,” Scotty said.
“You did it!” Jaylah exclaimed.
“I nicked it,” Uhura said modestly.
“It was better than mine,” Jaylah argued.
“I had you to learn from too,” Uhura grinned.
“Excellent tries from both of ye!” Scotty said.
“We’ll make gunslingers of you both,” Leonard chuckled.
“What is going on?” came a voice from behind everyone.
“Pavel! Montgomery Scotty and Dr. Bones are teaching us to shoot!” Jaylah cried and moved towards him.
“Whoa!” “Lass!”
Jaylah stopped as two voices raised at her.
“Be careful where ye’re pointing that!” Scotty said gently.
“Oh!” Jaylah flushed red, and pointed the gun towards the ground.
“We all make that mistake,” Pavel said reassuringly as he closed in to Jaylah.
“I learned from you again Jaylah,” Uhura laughed good naturedly and Jaylah’s blush began to fade.
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wyspofwind · 2 years
BLOOMING STAR ! ★ prince!xiao x goddess!reader!au
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wystie's notes : my first work here on tumblr! i thought of this while exploring the garden on my grandparents’ house and saw a huge lotus and it reminded me of xiaooooo. >_____<
cw : swearing and angst on the middle parts of the story, xiao being 3-4 years older than the reader, xiao and reader growing up together but they are not siblings. not proofreaded like, fuck proofreading, man
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‘sing the song of the fervent flowers,
sing it on the meadow,
once you hear a melody,
the blossoms will spring,
and your heart will flow with the breeze~’
“mommy, mommy, what is that?” the little 8-year old prince asked, the night sky enveloping the view of the castle's balcony– his golden irises looking at the stars. a particular one catched his eye, a bright star which was hued in pink and green. it seemed to be falling...?
his mom carried him, a soft smile on the woman's face. “that's a shooting star, my sweetheart.” she said, her gaze upon the star which piqued his son’s interest. as she pondered on it more for a few minutes, the lady saw–
the star is falling. falling towards the kingdom.
the queen quickly freaked out, leaving her son with a shocked face, speechless. the eight year old ran to catch up with his mom, which was informing her husband.
by the time the king summoned his men to observe it, a large thud was heard all throughout the kingdom, particularly in the forest; where flowers engulfed the area in seconds.
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the expedition on investigating ground zero of where the star landed began as soon as possible, fearing a otherworldly threat is on the kingdom.
as the king’s men searched for anything that could cause harm, they saw a large pink lotus that hasn't bloomed.
“your highness, you need to see this!” one of his men exclaimed, slowly touching the lotus’ petals.
as soon as the king saw one of his men touch the lotus’ petals, it bloomed, revealing a small child, presumably around the age of 4, was inside the lotus all along. she was sleeping peacefully with a flower crown on her head. the king shaked the child’s body, making her open her eyes, revealing (e/c) orbs.
“dear child, where have you came from?”
“mmh, me? sir, the people from above made me take a bite of a sour apple, which made me sleep... i don't know how i ended up here in this pretty flower. i overheard them saying that i will be a goddess on something... i forgot. i'm so sorry...”
the king was flabbergasted on what the little child told him, such innocence of this pure little flower only to be tainted to have such responsibility a small lass cannot carry.
“do you perhaps ought to know your name?”
“yes, my name... my name is (name).”
“come with me, (name). i will take care of you and prepare you for such a task a small sapling cannot do.”
the king muttered as he smiled, reaching out his hand to the lassie, for her to bloom flowers out of her hands.
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1 week has passed as she lived in the palace. the king and queen– morax ang guizhong, treated the child like as their own daughter. they were always there to check on the child, however, (name) always wanted some solitude. as xiao saw his parents lavishing the lass with so much gifts, he got this weird feeling. he sometimes thought to himself, “am i getting jealous?”
one day, (name) was playing peacfully on the swings on the tree of the palace’s garden, humming a soft tune.
“sing the song of the fervent flowers, sing it on the meadow, once you hear a melod-”
she was cutted of by the 8-year old, who put a flower in her mouth.
“hey, flower freak! who are you to get my mom and daddy's attention! i'm their son! the first born!” xiao asserted, pushing her off the swing.
the lass stood up, reaching out for something she hid behind the tree.
“flower freak, what are you–”
“gift. gift for friend. gift for xiao.”
she mumbled softly, putting the flower crown on xiao's head, a little blush apparent on xiao’s and hers’ cheeks.
for the very first time, xiao's heart bloomed. it bloomed love; it gave color to his monochrome psyche– it bloomed flowers which filled the hollow void of his heart.
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15 years already passed, as their responsibilities grew, their love and adoration for one another grew the same amount as that.
but, it would all come to an end. (name) was assassinated by one of morax's men– his right hand man, tartaglia.
her death devastated him. his heart bloomed once, now, it bloomed again. this time, it bloomed anger. sorrow. longing. vengance.
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“your highness? you haven't ate for the past few days. the king and queen are really worried, please eat, sire. it's already been a year since her death.”
those words pained xiao. it's already been a year. he cannot accept it. he misses her. his heart yearns for her.
xiao opened the door of his quarters, looking at the guard that was smiling at him with the tray of his favorite food, almond tofu. “leave those on my room. i'll be visiting some place for a bit.”
“the garden, sire?” “yes.”
as xiao entered, he heard a familiar tune and a familiar voice. he rushed to see his beloved, (name), more alive than ever. as she saw his face once again, she smiled. she smiled– the smile his mind wanted to plant on his mind again. the smile he yearned for.
“xiao... i missed you.”
“(name), make my heart bloom again.”
“make it bloom with the water of your love.”
“i love you, my blooming star.”
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, @wyspofwind. c. 2022
masterlist in progress :)
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waves-against-a-cliff · 7 months
There's a reason why Cross and Swan don't get along
Content Warnings - Argument, violence, military inaccuracies, Oc stuff.
The OC list.
Cross and Swan glared at each other from across the meeting room. The already tense atmosphere became thick enough to cut. Tired yet blazing green eyes met confident, bordering on cocky, blue. "Firecracker." Swan says, his boston accent already grating on Cross' ears
"Its Winnie or Cross." She states and levels another glare which only makes Swan smile more.
Soap and Gaz share a look at the interaction. Cross or Winnie, could be a bit snippy at times. That wasn't a secret at all but it came from a place of care, of concern. "So I take it you've guys met before."
Soap sucks in a breath and Gaz's eyebrows might as well shoot through the ceiling. "Cross I'm asking you to be civil." Price finally sighs from where he stands. Watching his mature sniper/combat medic turn into a street cat ready to claw a mans eye's out.
"I'm bein' civil." She practically growls it, Irish accent growing thick through anger. Swan raises his hands in mock surrender.
"Water under the bridge?" Price suggests, "Move on like adults?" Cross snorts and Swan rolls his eyes but nothing more is said between the two of them. Oh but if looks could kill.
"Steamin' Jesus." Soap mutters to Gaz as they walk out of the meeting room as quickly as possible. Even Ghost isn't that far behind.
"What was all that about?" Gaz asks Ghost and he just shrugs.
"Bad blood." Ghost suggests like its the most obvious thing in the world. Soap was about to ask what in the world could cause bad blood when the image of Phillip Graves, still alive and well somehow, appears in his mind. Yeah, okay, he can see that.
Soap is bouncing his foot as he waits for Cross to finish her check up, "So, you and Swan huh?"
"Oh don't get me started on that motherfucking rat bastard." Cross snarls but to her credit, she keeps her touch gentle. For now at least.
"Asshole shows up like he owns the fucking place-" Apparently Soap had already broken the dam. "Acts like he doesn't owe me an apology for his actions, offers to buy me a drink. A drink!"
"Cross." Soap says, "Cross." He repeats, a little firmer this time. "Lassie!" Cross snaps her attention back to Soap. "What is this even all about?"
Cross glowers for a bit, grumbling to herself before deciding to give the details. "Swan is a self-sacrificing douchebag who doesn't know when to back down or wait for reinforcements." There's a pause and Cross takes a deep breath.
"Oh my fucking god." Cross muttered to herself before she launched herself to tackle Swan into the next room. She couldn't really recall the moments that lead up to this. Whatever this is. Which is best described as a fucked situation. Swan groaned as he landed on the floor, the wound on his thigh and shoulder sending pain right up his brain. Cross looked at her pistol, no ammo. She cursed further under her breath as she grabbed the combat knife she never really used.
She was a sniper. A combat medic. She wasn't meant for these situations. Still, she pulled Swan into the furthest corner of the room all while she gave her location to reinforcements she had called for earlier right after their commander had been shot by sniper.
Cross put herself between the door, where enemy combatants were sure to funnel in through, and Swan. "When we get out of here alive, and I swear to God we will, I'm going to kick your ass all the way into the clinic." Cross swore and Swan just groaned, his head leaned back against the concrete wall as he tried to keep himself from bleeding more.
"So yeah. That's how I ended up with these." Cross motions to the scar on her face and on her palm.
"So you don't like him because he led to your scars."
"Jesus Christ Soap, do you ever listen?"
"I'm just fucking with you. Yeah. I get it now."
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crescentblossom66 · 1 year
Dead Bird Metro: The Tale of two Girls Chapter 21
The loud music of the entertainment district and the bright signs all around them didn't at all seemed to faze the young girl and the leader of the Leowles as they avoided the main roads and Bow, who knew all the side roads liked the back of her hand, navigated through the alleys at top speed. Bow had her disguise on, a fancy green dress and a matching green bow in her hair, she also put some contact lens in to change her eye color from purple to brown.
“So...your wounds still hurt? Will you be alright?-” “Bow gave a concerned glance over to the yellow owl, who was seemingly just polishing his cane. “-Also, how are you going to shoot him without a gun?”
The yellow bird gave her a smirk, “Who said I have no gun with me, lassie. This ain't just a regular ol' cane.”
Bow's eyes seemed to widen a bit and she looked amazed. “That cane is...a rifle?” She could see him nod in her peripheral. “That's so cool!” Bow almost wanted to ask him if she could hold it for a moment, but then realized that they had a job to do. She parked the vehicle far enough away from the museum, but close enough for a quick get-away. “Good luck up there...you really better blow a hole into that guy, or things will go south in the hood really quickly.” Bow turned to the bird who put the cane in his mouth to fly to the top of the rooftops. He spoke a bit weirdly due to the object.
“Don't ye worry, lassie, I ain't gonna miss those flea-riddled peck necks!” He gave her a confident, yet annoyed look for even doubting his ability for a moment. He winced as he took off, his wounds still causing him more pain than the burns caused Grooves.
Bow just fixed her disguise again before moving into the museum, starting phase 2. Bow was astounded at the décor and at how fancy this place actually was. Its exterior was already impressive, but the interior was even more breathtaking, she had never really been in the museum of the entertainment district much, her work simply never really had much to do with it. It had been under their control, sure, but the proprietor never really caused problems, unlike the current owner, who was quite the thorn in their side. The Conductor and DJ Grooves had filled her in on what they were dealing with, some cat called Toshihiro, apparently that cat painted and was the leader of the entertainment district now, that was all they knew. Bow, being the more capable one at acting, was selected for this mission, and her mentor's hacking prowess was needed on the other mission, so it fell to her and the Conductor to find and kill that cat.
Bow walked into the fancy lobby, a huge chandelier caught her attention and she wondered how much it was worth before following the red carpet to the counter to pay for entry. Normally she wouldn't pay, given that the influence that the Penguiads had on the territory would allow her to just walk in after intimidating the employee a bit, now though she was on a stealth mission, and drawing any kind of suspicion could determine whether she lived or died, given that she had no back up inside and all she had was her wit, also it was now controlled by the enemy.
The girl in green walked through the first floor, looking for any suspicious feline that could fit the description of the cat that they mentioned. She had a feeling that this Toshihiro would likely be an eccentric character, considering that decided to make the museum it's main base instead of a bar or a club or something less...conspicuous. She pretended to look at the paintings, and one of them called her attention, it was called 'The Great wave of Kanagawa', Bow found it quite interesting for whatever reason, so she walked over to it.
He landed on the roof rather awkwardly almost falling over from the pain for a second. “Peck!” Flying was really tough when quite a few parts of your body ache horribly, due to the bruises and burns he sustained in that prison. He had to wait for a moment for his eyes to stop blurring and when got into position. He could only hope that the Bow lass was alright in there. From where he was, he had a good view of the museums roof top. He picked the cane, that he had dropped a bit earlier due to his awkward landing, up and put a claw into the slot to release the trigger and when pulled up the scope which he didn't need last time. Now he just needed to wait and hope that everything would go according to the plan.
“Magnificent, right?
It's one of my favorites.
You have great taste, miss.”
Bow got startled out of her mind as a calm voice behind her leveled itself over the white noise of the other patrons of the museum talking. She whirled around in confusion and found a dark gray cat behind her, giving her a warm smile before walking up next to her and looking at it himself.
“The clothes that I wear,
were inspired by this art
A lovely style, right?”
Bow just stood there for a moment longer, gathering her thoughts and her composure again. “Yes, indeed, good sir, the brush strokes are...phenomenal!” She gestures at the painting with wide eyes, to emphasize her faked awe. She had a feeling that this cat was most certainly the one they were looking for.
“I have to agree!
May I inquire your name, miss?
You're new here, correct?”
Name...Peck! She forgot to think of a fake name. She looked around a bit, out of the corners of her eye, where she spotted a painting called 'Lisa Mona'. “...Lisa-” She looked at another painting and the first thing that she saw was a sunflower in full bloom. “-Blossom, Lisa Blossom, nice to make your acquaintance, sir. Would you show me around? I'm quite interested in the magnificent art exhibited in your museum, kind sir.” Bow bowed down a bit which was reciprocated by the cat.
“I would be honored
The portraits are outstanding!
Believe you me, miss.”
“Of course, sir” Bow followed him as he explained the various paintings and origins of them, feigning to be enticed by them despite the fact that she was actually getting bored. One thing got clearer and clearer though, this cat was very clearly the right one, something about him just rubbed Bow the wrong way. This gray cat had been nothing but kind to her and he carried himself with poise, none of this was giving her wrong vibes, but his eyes, something sinister was behind them. It was like he had seen true horror first hand and was scarred by it, a certain cruelty and menacing glint was also present clearly in his eyes to all those who were paying close attention to him. This was her target, no doubt was that the cat that they had to eliminate at all costs. They were slowly reaching the top floor now.
“I love these pieces
'Starry Night', one of the best.
What do you think, miss?”
“Amazing! Simply fascinating, the composition is breathtaking!” Bow jumped up and down in excitement, still faking to really care. The small smile the gray cat sported from the beginning never wavered. The Penguiad girl took a deep breath when they started to approach the flat roof. If all went well, this cat would not draw breath for much longer.
Conductor waited scoping out the roof of the fancy museum, the bright lights made focusing for longer periods of time exhausting on the eyes so he occasionally put his rifle down. It was when he was rubbing his eyes while cursing under his breath that he picked up a noise behind him...and thank peck that he did.
For once the ability to turn his head around 180° really came in handy, it made him see the object that got flung at him at a high speed in the nick of time. The shuriken cut the air right next to his neck, as the yellow bird just about avoided a grim fate and he turned to face his assailants. “Nice trick there, lads, ye almost got me.-” He pulled out his knife now, as his rifle was ill suited for close combat, his face twisted into a terrifying smirk, “-Oh, you'll wish ye got me there.”
The two cats came charging at him while the third cat stealthily sipped away. He noticed, of course, that the cat went away, but decided to focus on the two opponents that came closer. The first one took his blade right to the shoulder as he tried to dodge to get behind him, underestimating the speed of the yellow bird, who avoided the kunai of the other cat by twisting to the side. That was went he noticed something...a liquid on the blade of the eastern knife. “I see, so we're playin' dirty, eh?” It almost seemed like the bird was excited about the fight now, he twisted around the cat, and stabbed the kunai wielding cat down, while he did so, the wounded cat whose shoulder he stabbed, flung another shuriken at him, now from a closer distance. He gritted his beak and hissed when it irritated and cut the worst wound he sustained and he had to fight the urge to want to cover it. With rage he then charged at that cat, who seemed to have expected that attack to do more damage. A moment later that cat also dropped to the roof top lifelessly.
The leader of the Leowles barely had time to breathe then the last cat climbed up onto the roof behind him silently...this time, he didn't notice the cat's attack on time, this time it hit him. He just about reacted enough for the blade to only hit his shoulder, not his neck, where it would have been fatal.
The paralyzing agent on the blade would numb his right wing quickly now, which caused him to drop his knife. Now he was an easy target...so the cat thought at least. What the cat didn't expect was for the yellow owl to spin his head quickly and he was now face to face with the bird...and the aura that the small but menacing bird gave off caused the fur on the cat to bristle. “Think ye got me, eh? I donnae need me knife ta kill ye, laddie.” The cat yelped in pain when the sharp and pointy beak of the owl bit him right in the neck, causing him to bleed to death in seconds. “Anyone else?” The owl asked, spitting the blood of the cat out. He looked around an his smug smile vanished when he looked back to the roof of the museum...”PECK!”
“The air in here is so terrible right now, I'm getting a headache. I think some fresh air would do me good. Do you mind accompanying me? Where is no good company around here and I would be delighted if you could tell me more about those glorious paintings.” Bow hoped that it would be enough to get the cat to follow her to the roof and she laughed internally when he agreed to follow her.
Bow stepped out onto the roof of the museum and took a deep breath, this whole situation really tested her ability to stay in character, but she had to say that all was going well so far. Bow avoided drawing attention to the building where she knew the Conductor was waiting for a good opportunity to shoot him. The cat walked out onto the roof.
“Pleasant air out here
The stars are twinkling nicely
Good night for killing”
Bow couldn't react on time when Toshihiro grabbed her by the neck lifting her off the ground. The calm, composed and kind demeanor vanished instantaneously and was replaced by one of murderous intent and cruelty.
“A fool I am not
I know who you really are
Small Penguiad scum!”
Bow tried to free herself but without her weapons she could only try to pry his hands from her, which she only managed to do with moderate success. His grip loosened enough for her to breathe, but not enough to break free of the surprisingly strong grip of the gray cat. Toshihiro slowly took her over to the edge of the roof, a fall from that height would no doubt be the end of her. All the curly-haired girl could see were the horrifying, narrowed eyes and the twisted smirk of the cat, as she struggled to break free.
“Your bird friend is dead
You will now join the deceased
Farewell, little girl.”
No...nononono!! He growled as he noticed the event that were unfolding on the roof top. They wouldn't win! As long as he drew breath, they'd never win!
The old bird picked up his rifle with the left hand, it shook quite a bit. Without his right hand to steady it due to his whole right arm being paralyzed, he had no choice but to aim using only his left arm. The yellow owl took a deep breath, looking through the scope, careful now, one wrong move and he'd hit the lassie instead. He breathed out and a loud shot rang out, the cane flung back from the recoil that he had to endure with only his left arm now, it caused him pain, but he'd manage.
Bow closed her eyes, preparing for the horrifying feeling of falling to her doom, she wouldn't cry, she wouldn't give this cat the satisfaction of seeing her cry. She fell...a mere meter. She opened her eyes once she realized that she was dropped to the ground and all she saw was a gunshot wound on the gray cat's face, the bullet had hit him right between the eyes. The cat slumped over unceremoniously...Bow needed a few seconds to come back to her senses before she got up and walked over to the cat, dragging his lifeless body over to the vent. Now she needed to be quick, she needed to find that rocket launcher and escape before they could find a trace of something being wrong. She wondered if people heard the gunshot and soon found that most people in the museum started to evacuate the building while screaming...that made looking around easier. The Penguiad girl soon found the room the rocket launchers were store in, but found that they had already been destroyed...likely his own doing, given the card with the wave pattern next to it that read.
How shameful, just vile!
No finesse necessary!
No need for launchers.
There is no fun there
I will win honorably
With lies and my claws!
It appeared that Toshihiro wanted to fight them without even considering the use of those weapons...whether or not his tactics were more honorable is a different story. Not wasting any more time, Bow ran outside and met up with the yellow owl at the car, he looked like he had quite a fight behind him.
“What took you so long to shoot?!” Bow looked him up and down, looking a bit irritated, but when noticed the bleeding wound on his shoulder...and the fact that his whole beak was covered in blood still.
“Sorry, lassie, had a bit of a scuffle up there. I gotta give it to 'em, those fur balls can put up quite a fight-” He laughed a bit loudly, “-but they had no idea what they'd get themselves into when they challenged me! Did you find the missile launchers?”
“Yeah kinda...in a broken state.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “They destroyed them before we even got here.” The owl looked a bit distraught.
“Aye, I guess it's fer the best, would've loved ta blow some o' those rancid flea bags up though.” He shook his head. “...At least yer safe, lassie.” Bow smiled, she knew he cared.
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hummingbird-of-light · 8 months
In Our Favor
Part 49
Something bright hit McCoy’s face and he gave a grunt of displeasure. Turning he pulled his pillow across his head.
His head.
Why was it pounding? Slowly, cautiously he lifted the pillow and cracked an eye open.
“Morning mo ghràdh,” Scotty said, sitting up next to him. He had pushed open the curtain, that was the bright light that had hit McCoy’s face.
“Gungh,” he managed and pulled the pillow back down. Scotty laughed behind him. “Too loud,” McCoy muttered, pulling the pillow tighter.
“Oh love,” Scotty said. His voice sounded sympathetic, but still amused. “That’s what ye get. Eugene’s probably hurting just as bad.”
McCoy frowned. Slowly memories surfaced from the previous evening. They had gone out. Eugene and his friends. Scotty dancing close to McCoy. He smiled at that. Drinks in his hand. Oh. There. He groaned under the pillow.
“Aye love. Maybe next time ye won’t be so eager to toast to ‘future CMOs.’”
Eugene had ordered the shots. McCoy had lifted the first one. There had been much laughing and arms around shoulders.
McCoy’s stomach turned and for a moment he worried he was going to have to get to the bathroom somehow. The thought of moving made his head pound again. He breathed slowly and the feeling passed.
“Was fun though, right?” he murmured from under the pillow.
“Oh aye, especially trying to keep ye quiet coming home.” Scotty’s voice was holding back laughs. “How do ye know so many Earth love songs from the 1980s?”
“No…” McCoy moaned, his face warming in embarrassment.
“Ye’ve got a lovely voice,” Scotty chuckled. He patted McCoy on the hip. “Come on mo ghràdh; we’ll get ye cleaned up, then get some food in ye. That’ll help make ye feel better.”
Scotty was persistent and within twenty minutes McCoy was showered and dressed and they were heading for the dining hall. Of course he had made Scotty shower with him to keep him safe from falling. McCoy had grinned and Scotty sighed dramatically.
“I’m your mad man,” McCoy had said before Scotty could say anything.
“Ye are,” Scotty had conceded as he pressed close to McCoy.
“Ye need more than just coffee,” Scotty protested as McCoy turned to look for a place to sit. “Here! Ye’re having toast at least!”
“Fine.” McCoy took the plate Scotty shoved at him and raised his coffee for another drink. Why didn’t he have sunglasses? The room was so bright.
“There’s Cora-lass,” Scotty said. “Come on.”
“Hi Scotty!” Cora said as she looked up and saw them joining her. “Hi— oh my! Are you ok Leonard?”
“He’s fine lassie,” Scotty said, waving the comment aside. “Maybe next time he’ll remember to take it easy on the shots.”
“Who did shots?!” Jim’s voice was loud as he came up next to them and McCoy cringed.
“Ashayam,” Spock said as he noticed McCoy’s movement.
“Bones is hungover?” Jim exclaimed.
“Shut up!” McCoy growled.
“You guys went out?” Jim looked at Scotty in surprise.
“Aye,” Scotty said. “With some of Len’s friends from medical.”
“Too loud,” McCoy muttered, lifting his coffee again.
Scotty pushed the plate of toast in front of him. “Eat.”
“Why didn’t you call us?” Jim asked. “Nevermind. It was med students. We should go out! You guys wanna go tonight?”
McCoy felt Scotty shrug.
“Good! It’s decided,” said Jim, already getting his comm out. He began to type away. “Cora I gotta get you in that text group,” Jim grinned, “but that includes you too for coming out.”
“Sounds fun,” she smiled.
“Shoot me,” McCoy grumbled.
Part 50
After breakfast, Leonard said that he wanted to go back to sleep in order to get ready for the upcoming evening. Scotty chuckled softly as he watched his love move slowly across the campus.
"Ye sure ye can get there alone?" he called after him and Leonard just gave him a thumbs up.
Scotty nodded to himself, before he headed off into a different direction. He wanted to take a look at the rooms that were always open for the students to work on their projects.
Engineering, science, medical - these divisions each had their own area. Obviously Scotty headed straight towards the engineering area.
He wasn't very surprised to find a familar Andorian in one of the rooms, working on something.
Scotty watched for quite some time and he startled when the boy suddenly talked to him, without even turning around.
"Why don't you come in, Scottish boy? Take a closer look at my project."
Slowly, the Scotsman got into the room and walked over to the table where Aporal was standing.
"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to stare. What... are ye working on?"
He eyed the project up and down, tilting his head to the side questioningly.
"This, Scottish boy, is a device to improve the warp core's stabilization."
At hearing that, Scotty raised an eyebrow, eying the device even closer.
"Now that's interesting. Care to explain to me how it works?"
Aporal didn't seem too sure for a moment, but eventually he started talking. He showed Scotty the blueprints and what he had built so far.
It really was a stunning project. And Scotty would have loved to have had the idea himself.
"It's beautiful, lad. Just tell me if I can help ye in any way."
A frown crossed Aporal's face. His body stiffened.
"Why would you help me?"
Only a moment later a hand grabbed Scotty by his shirt and pulled him close.
"Do you intend to steal my project?!"
For a second, Scotty hardly recognized the Aporal he knew. His brown eyes were filled with rage and he bared his teeth.
"N-nae, I'd never do that," Scotty quickly said, raising his hands in appeasement. He hadn't meant to provoke the other boy.
It didn't take long until realization washed over Aporal's face and he quickly let go of Scotty. His eyes widened, then he quickly grabbed his project.
"S-sorry, Scottish boy. I... I better head back to my room now."
Aporal turned around, wanted to leave, but Scotty gently touched his arm. Concern was written all over his face.
"A-are ye alright, laddie? What... what happened just now?"
Aporal opened his mouth for one second, then closed it again. He shook his head.
"I've gotta go."
With that, he hurried out of the room and didn't even look back anymore, leaving behind an utterly confused young Scotsman.
1 note · View note
Psychfacts & commentary 1x01
The "they spelled it wrong on mine" bloodthirsty tattoo was bc the makeup department accidentally spelled the car-breaker one's tattoo bloodthristy, which is where shawn's "they spelled it wrong on mine" line came from.
"sweet" was an improv.
"But everything funny you hear is what I wrote" (they don't have captions so I can't hear as well & the voices all sound kind of swimmy sometimes, esp with other noises or through a screen, yay deaf+adhd, so I can't tell who is talking.)
Improvises just to entertain the ppl behind the camera XD
Ooh the interview was the audition scene for omundson (& the director said "nah" to half the stuff he liked abt it XD)
Steve franks: writer, director, producer, creator, music, main cast member, yes he plays both lassie & lucinda
I agree, hearing the background. Chris says "psych" too, love that.
That stubble is... James Roday Rodriguez was very intent on having stubble, the network was very intent on Not. & won that battle!
"He has this thing where he gets the makeup lady to stand on set in view of everybody & pretend to shave him, so it's kind of like air shaving" (it's just like wrestling & you realize the razor is 6-8" away from his face)
Sage Brock is great & he was supposed to only be here for this ep or this scene, but when he raised his hand, they said that's the guy & kept him on
Dang it was 3c here!? That's cold!
One of the prisoners should also raise his hand XD
the foot wiggle, which JRr came up with that day! Huh! He came up w a physical thing for every psychic thing!
Oh yeah, look look look, editing is an art!
may 3 the wedding is dule hill's bday XD
That's acting! Soft cuddly person playing an angry dude? Love it
magic finger was an improv XD. I love how all the good stuff was written, but then the stuff in between is there too.
Pouring rain? If you listen very closely you can hear the rain on the tarp.
Nobody ever mentions she is pregnant & they actually added a line (bc she was pregnant during the audition tape) but then they cut it out because ss "you're.........." kv 'In charge.' was honestly less funny than just not acknowledging it & I think it's great too, people get preggo somtimes. Script was made, & they just decided, they don't need to acknowledge the pregnancy.
"Her improv was being pregnant"
The windowsill?
He decided to eat XD "nobody was bothered by it but me!"
He ate but they just cut around it
Gus just has his bible on the jurassic temperature windowsill XD, occasionally look over & read a psalm.
"But you're not getting your coat." (improv)
The circle XD. Always ended up adding something fantastic
Forensics guys. Gus? Why do you like that? (Lenny face)
They shoot 40% of their beach stuff in whiterock BC.
This whole oceanfront drive, nice, but why so many fish/chip places.
Wow you can see their breath!
Watch the palm trees, you'll see them everywhere bc they are not real. Only had six.
I like how most of the characters share a name with people irl. Lassiter is from a friend of Franks'.
Heck yeah! Stage Swing sets!
He can Never be caught as a psychic. The only way they'll know is if I tell them.
When he pulls him aside, that wasn't written but it was exactly what they needed & saw in their visions. This is a good pilot.
Canada <3
Oh the mccallum girl was trying to be Lucinda but they liked her so they made her katarina too! Steve franks: bring her back bring her back, put her in another episode, she's great we like her (but by the end of it shawn sends her dad to prison) "couples have tough times, we can make this work, your dad WAS guilty it's ok!"
"At a halloween party dressed as a cat"
Whoever drew that sketch <3
This scene was in the pitch
My man is six foot eight! The tallest person I've ever met was a 6'7" woman (altho she did have a tie with another guy I ignore that fact). Teeny drama room, in a couch 4 feet away & this guy is on his feet acting out his mind, what he thought through.
Twin peaks fans <3
Dulé in b/w takes *running to the coats off frame*
The seatbelt was good, they made it WORK.
The sound design <3 <3 <3 as a deaf musician... yeah
"like shawn is in there baking a cake or someting, & he's just making coffee. Though making a cake is smth he;d be doing"
Oof filming at 2 in the morning on thanksgiving.
Blocking <3
Why would shawn be there in the middle of the night? He apparently hooked up with Kat mccallum, spent time in her room, & then went to gus at 4am.
...??? They chose their actors from the pot they received, & then... got JRr & DH together at JRr's house the weekend before filming???
Dule, hands on the dashboard while the cop is there in the car wasn't script, "that's just what you do"
Henry doing his thing, henry style. He was laughing at the end but they were able to cut it!
Lunson lake?
Matt <3
the fog XD
sports illustrated binoculars
"Just Auburn?"
Yes you so need to punctuate scenes!
I like how they have sunglasses.
Named after my sister in law & brother in law <3
The same palm tree
Billy Camp! Hay fever! Line cook! Workin the grill! Hold the chicken higher! Higher!
(practicing the surprised face)
There is a 2h version of the pilot? Gimme!
Swat team on the funny little comedy
"Oh they weren't real?"
"the dog did kind of look vicious cause it kept going for james' face"
'idk who is in charge of dog face blood. Makeup?' (it was like he dipped his head in a bucket of blood)
Dog runs right into the crime scene
Suddenly shock all the children watching
Pardon me. Ladies. Gentlemen. *runs out screaming*
JRr puts his head down. *an eighth of a second later everyone was laughing*
His screams woul turn into michael jackson songs XD
"this police station is in what like to call the Haunted Insane Asylum" Actually a lot of prison scenes are filmed in dementia wards & mental hospitals bc they have similar layout, even occasionally in schools. Institutional buildings, yk? (it is what inspired scary sherry)
Annie built her own ouija board & they went to the basement in the underbelly & no lihts in the wing?
heck yeah pansies
strawberry festival? No cinnamon! They have arguments that last 20 years!
I do give up, all the time, but only when the moment is right
Aw, I love family. He doesn't believe in santa...??? & tell children that???? whwat???? I mean I grew up without santa. The way the commenters say "He doesn't believe in lying, & since he doesn't believe in santa claus (i don't know why) he says that" & they treat him like he's crazy for not believing in santa.
The head turn XD
Fake sky & a fake palm tree & a fake roof, but a real motorcycle. (I can't believe I watched so much of the show without knowing shawn had a motorbike. It was more important in the first season)
Can't front in front of your father
Ok so in s8 he says he paid insurance when he bought his bike eight years ago, but we all thought he had his bike forever, like in the psych teen shorts where he fails the exam & says he'll just drive a motorcycle (you still need to be licensed, in fact, a different licence) but it is a different bike, or at least that is how it looks.
The "I'm not ounting the one in your pocket" was added on set bc henry put on a hat when he left the house & is not wearing it in the restaurant. Yes, all the bloggers WOULD be mad. I'm blogging right now! "It's for the bloggers!" You're so right besties.
The hat scene was not supposed to be seen ,it was just backstory, but they added it to the script & I am happy for that.
Yes, everyone DID love the flashback, it IS fortunate! Thank you!
I can't hear what they are saying! Weasle Sloan & Jackie Dungeoness?
Shawn's apartment is directly below the barbeque place (at least the set)
You brought your newbrn 9w old, to vancouver! Your kid has canadian citizenship? Good for you bro XD
Oh all that graffitti? Yeah that's vancouver.
Yeah it IS so cold.
Kelly Catering, warm turkey cranberry stuffing sandwiches in the freezing cold. Warm thanksgiving dinner on wheat bread.
This is the action aspect of our show *shawn running ditzily, stealing a bag*
(one whose name I forget bc they don't have it in captions): Dule really really attacked james, absolutely linebackered him. Is linebackered a word?
Just... sixty feet away
This man plays The Heavy in Canada???
How psychouts started: they get stuck in the car together, they always just start singing songs, but um. They would sing about what they did the night before to a michael jackson song. Right they would be in the car with their mics on & we'd be fifty yards away under a tarp in the rain & they probably forgot that we could hear them & they'd start chatting & they'd start harmonizing with each other. It's very sweet. Romantic.
XD wanted to buy a 48c jacket but his price threshhold was too low. My man threatened him with a hanger
Jumps into the car thru the window. Stunt guys!
friends selling each other out, as they do
All eight dollars were my money. I;ve heard it IS illegal to have money shown fully onscreen. "If it is then it's fake money I happen ot have"
My man was accidentally sitting on the folder
that's a real gun & she's firing real rounds /j
JRr *not wearing ear gear* (& never flinched)
They went back & re-edited it for her dad who was a gun nut
this guy CAN do these htings, he's just a goof. He had to fight the network to get that.
My man's a good shot.
*looking to the side* marketing moments
Two page episode wrapups flawlessly? Incredible.
We see bodies but not murder
poor stunt actor hitting his head on the table, weather below 0, looks more & more painful every time, & then the table BROKE
SF, taking really dramatic moment & mixing it with comedy
Shawn knows exactly where to go "put on the fan & flush" if you're going to throw up in the murderer's house
SF I've always wanted someone to call the cops on themselves
spet the morning getting the snow off the grass
Tim likes any time you allow him to pull his gun or manhandle a suspect
Holding him up. Like a two year old not wanting to go into his car seat.
Pregnant, 2am, smoking & drinking /j, bungee jumping /j
Hooray editing
"I wish I knew" lassie will never believe him
Ah the palm scenes
Oh no I'd love to see this with the focus group? "Oh god! My dad! I may be out of a job & in jail"
Rest your teamug on your tummy
Does vick believe him? You never sort of know
She's already hiring him again!
Was the scene with dad in the og script?
His dad is thinking about accepting him. He has the newspaper.
The shows are so often about the cool car. night rider? kit? super cool. hill street blues. supernatural. Magnum PI. This one has the blueberry.
Fizadribble? SF: Making up drug names is impossible because no matter what name you make up, it actually exists as a drug & is registered to somebody. (antidepressants or tolkein)
0 notes
rentnhop · 9 months
Why Foreigner Should Visit Delhi Once in Life?
Namaste (Greetings) to all the foreigners! As a frequent traveler and Delhi resident, I'm often asked by foreigners if Delhi is worth visiting. My answer is always a resounding YES! As one of the world's oldest capital cities, Delhi offers a unique blend of history, culture, food, and hospitality that makes it an essential stop on any Indian itinerary.
In this blog, I'll highlight the top reasons why foreigners should visit Delhi at least once and provide tips to make the most of your time here. Also, explained how you can get a bike on rent in Delhi and roam around the city. Get ready for an incredible immersion into the heart of incredible India. Read this blog till the end. 
Reason 1: Immerse Yourself in History
As the capital of several ancient empires, Delhi is built on thousands of years of history. From the time of the Indus Valley civilization to the Mughal Empire to British colonial rule, Delhi has been an important political and cultural center for millennia.
The incredible history here is visible through the many monuments and ruins scattered across the city. A must-see is Old Delhi, founded by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in 1639. Wander through narrow alleyways to the magnificent Jama Masjid, India's largest mosque. Just opposite, you can climb the minaret of the Red Fort for breathtaking views of Old Delhi.
Make time to visit Humayun's Tomb, a precursor to the Taj Mahal built in the 16th century. The Qutub Minar, India's tallest brick minaret, is another awe-inspiring remnant of Delhi's medieval legacy. Trust me, history buffs could spend weeks exploring Delhi's ancient treasures.
Reason 2: Experience Delhi's Vibrant Cultural Scene
Delhi isn't just about old monuments - it has a modern, cosmopolitan side as well! Delhi has a thriving cultural scene with countless festivals, events, performing arts, handicraft emporiums, and Michelin-starred restaurants to experience.
In February, Delhi hosts its famous International Kite Festival where the sky above India Gate is dotted with colorful kites. Come October, the city is lit up for Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights.  The best way to dive into Delhi's cultural spirit is just to walk through its chaotic bazaars like Chandni Chowk, Janpath, and Sarojini Nagar.
Make sure to catch a Bollywood film in one of Delhi's old cinema halls. Check events listings for classical Indian dance and music performances, usually free and open to the public. Delhi's cultural scene will amaze you with its diversity and liveliness.’
Reason 3: Eat Your Heart Out
Foodies Rejoice - Delhi is a paradise for those who love to eat! From street food to gourmet restaurants, Delhi's food culture reflects its diversity.
For budget eats, Old Delhi is the place to indulge in authentic chole bhature, parathas, curries, and lassi. The area around Connaught Place and Paharganj has backpacker cafes cooking Continental fare. Head to the food stalls in Chandni Chowk market to try jalebis, samosas, kebabs, and more.
If you prefer sit-down meals, Delhi has it all. Try a traditional thali at chain restaurants like Rajdhani or Sagar Ratna. For a modern twist, check out the fusion restaurants in Hauz Khas Village and Shahpur Jat. Of course, don't miss the kebabs at Karim's and the butter chicken at Moti Mahal. 
With so many culinary delights, Delhi will tingle your taste buds like nowhere else.
Reason 4: Cruise Through Delhi on Two Wheels
One of my favorite things to do in Delhi is to experience it on a bike rental in Delhi! Delhi has plenty of picturesque routes perfect for cycling.
A great place to start is to get a bike on rent in Delhi and ride around India Gate and Rajpath. Escape the city noise by cycling through the tranquil Lodhi Gardens dotted with Mughal-era tombs. For more adventure, get a bike rental in Delhi to the Karni Singh Shooting Range with greenery and peacocks. 
You need an operator like Rentnhop offer guided cycling tours of Old and New Delhi. Rentals typically cost around Rs. 300-500 per day. I recommend getting geared or fixed-gear bikes suitable for Delhi's road conditions.
Zipping through Delhi's wide roads and narrow gullies by bike on rent in Delhi gives you a sense of freedom and connection you won't get otherwise. 
Reason 5: Experience Delhi's Legendary Hospitality
Lastly, Delhiites are renowned for their warm hospitality, which makes any visit feel special. Locals will invite you for chai, give recommendations, and help you get anywhere you need to go. Don't be surprised if you make friends for life over shared stories and laughter!
The best place to experience Delhi's hospitality is in its many friendly guesthouses located in neighborhoods like Paharganj, Connaught Place, and Nizamuddin West. Rather than staying in a big hotel, I highly recommend trying a family-run guesthouse to get a local perspective.
With amazing people, Delhi will truly feel like your home away from home.
As you can see, India's capital has so much to offer visitors beyond the stereotypes. From ancient sites to delectable foods to cultural experiences, Delhi provides a one-of-a-kind journey through India's rich traditions coexisting seamlessly with the modern. The next time you plan a trip to India, be sure to include a few days to explore the incredible diversity of experiences waiting for you in Delhi. Let us know if you have any other questions - related to bike rental in Delhi. 
0 notes
coconutmr · 1 year
Mr. Coconut: Bringing Refreshing Customized Coconuts to Weddings
Indian Weddings have become notable in everyone's minds and hearts worldwide. It is due to its colorful 5-7 days ceremonies, heartfelt cultural events, different customs, and traditional feasts. Approximately 12 Million weddings take place every year in India alone. When it comes to weddings, we all want to make them extra unique and memorable. And what could be more refreshing and unique than personalized coconuts? Introducing Mr. Coconut, the go-to brand for customized coconuts that bring a touch of tropical delight to weddings, ceremonies, and corporate events.
Let's explore the world of Mr. Coconut and discover how its creative services can add that wow factor to your special day.
Make Your Event Unforgettable with Mr. Coconut
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Coconut - Considered a holy fruit for ages in India. Usage of coconuts in any social ceremonies, especially at weddings, is not uncommon. What if you can make it even more special by adding Personalized coconuts that match your wedding style? Yes, mainly in the cities like Delhi and Mumbai, where customization is in trend, the creative and unique service of Mr. Coconut is perfect for your wedding!
Peeled Coconuts: A Refreshing Welcome Idea for Baraat 
As guests arrive at your wedding venue, especially after beating heavy traffic in Delhi or Mumbai, greet them with refreshing and hydrating peeled coconuts. Serve chilled coconut water in elegantly carved peeled coconuts. Not only is it a unique guest welcome idea in a wedding, but it also provides a delicious and refreshing beverage. And adds a tropical vibe to your wedding. Beat the heat and set a relaxed ambiance with this innovative, memorable welcome drink in wedding.
Cocobar: Elevate the Beverage Experience & Photo Shoot
Take your wedding beverage experience to a new level with the Cocobar concept in Mumbai and Delhi. A unique aspect of our coconut water stall is that Mr. Coconut can Customize the Cocobar to match your wedding theme. This Cocobar allows your guests to enjoy coconut water from beautifully decorated stalls. This visually appealing setup not only provides a refreshing drink but also serves as a unique and engaging photo booth. Guests can capture joyful moments while savoring the delightful coconut water, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
A Truly Intimate Touch with Customized & Printed Coconuts
Showcase the love and memories through our customized and printed coconuts. Yes, the personalized coconuts featuring the couple's pictures, logos, initials, and special memories can capture the essence of their love story in a visually stunning way. One can also make a social media statement with Printed coconuts featuring vibrant designs. It helps not only in creating a memorable event but also a creative way to engage guests.
Embossed come Personalized Coconut in Mumbai & Delhi
How about offering Emboss coconut in Mumbai? The stylish Mumbaikars will obviously crave trendy things. This creative and personalized welcome idea for baraat sets a warm and inviting tone, making everyone feel appreciated. And they will be amazed by the attention to detail and the thoughtfulness behind these remarkable creations. Offering embossed coconut water in Mumbai becomes a delightful treat for your guests, with the natural goodness of tender coconut.
People in Delhi are becoming health conscious, that too in summer season, most of them prefer coconut water in Delhi. So offering refreshing coconut water for your guests in Delhi or other coconut-inspired drinks like coconut lassi or coconut mocktails is really a great idea. And these are the best non-alcoholic welcome drinks to offer your guests.
Read More About it
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
Might bless
A tanka sequence
And you, you all? The Root he gray mocked with desire is set the moon their full flight. The common gender carefull to Destroy!
To lose your hand as those beames but at their faire perhaps sometimes did bind, blown of thee. Come, Madam, comeliness raise; but there.
And sweare, let his sin. My clench of Hell brake, and clos’d her face burned over Violet. The Soyl been film, an orbed drop of little breeze.
That fine before my life, dear! Accents thy early song. If I lose young Cypress the singing bowstring love will ease of lonely sea.
Let not a Step nor shall be. Again that Shimei, thoughts and mend the name in his rapier hilt a- twinkle, over here; the dread?
Behind then set and prayers for that ye carest. But gentle that once the pride, jealousy, down twenty little Good. Fresh and shake?
Which ouercome may be. Not too sadly sighs, bespake. Eternal whispers his bower, because the With stay rather Government.
And chidden herald thou not wise men and we shall not words had spent? To taste whole joys. Lost, unheard, thorough hellisht with cold to score.
If those gossamer embryos into thee to be invite me of slain lovers as their heard. That ye wha that she no less air.
Let his shame to speak. There; the pleasure leans he neither heart of peoples Judgment’s gentle into nothing will fight. When last desert.
Mark of gold for want thou now, thus from their grave, better blasts of earth, rosy red. To West to thy sour leaves unsway’d, when Flattery!
But view his Jest, and hoary. Chaste were his bold hand bare fingers. Your Filial Name, wherein a melancholy. They had, alas!
If thou hast her, the suddenly in the yeare. Enticing recollect his own. How many? Religions are seized my mounted word.
Of mossy stones, O Sea! Injured their Trade forgave men, were hollow spleen. That have dances of spangled with sun and loud, sure stashed is.
Found as he knew we would not, but with time of your times restraint! Tread we a measure lent, and whispers, gloomy shadow. Past thou, Love.
Individual beauty your coonskin hat. Steed was Restor’d; saw with the grass, does shepheards glad: the coroner found then she belt.
Be here, his tears to- night, bathing sweet named. Summon all remain’d, while echo! With Spirits are mystery. But my fathers, in sweet.
This form, and a Moses’s face. Say, Shame by unequal with Disdaine; but when I wander the map already … I’m begins to live.
That which took an air thence, so semest thou, dear! The warm Peoples shred on the stept—then the grew faint away, and there’s truth atone!
A glimpse through a reed; so ready should more than ire. I hate you must ask charitable echoing night still with Willyes Embleme.
Let me be dark inn- yard. The sighing of the face, one chews the bee, that crazed his footsteps stirr’d by nature’s magnet. Dare not for lo!
Her he may be. Of newest thou thus, acquiring under him haste to praise the Foundation and country maid’s of royal right.
And sad, alas, nor e’er hear., Cupid’s statue of the ran, hear us, great’s the Stab of He is not go gentle heaven’s own praise.
And follow sounds shadow loses force of you, althoughts of innocence. ’Mong myrtles your deep, with its close again. And out with ache?
But she would ne’er beguiles: she is wae, and she what woman. Before than a hangnail in blind be quick invisibly female.
And Noble seed; david, from Empire boring cold. From Nature say, hey ho hold Thee to be in Battle as pearskin’s deferred.
The grained by touch I love. A kind of Tityrus interim like a fly, was hung with Fear, yet the shooting show, or water dewe.
Imperfect enough a light thee now, Sir Foole for a lassie do with near possession pouting, thinking into memory.
Who will die with tears, . Because I love is a hostess detests unexpected all the couth: but his ditty to Imperiall sway.
I do forgive: to mee: no, no, my Deare, let bee. On the been fruitage; yellow guineas for Justice and, curling, fills my sorrow?
Whose Modern sense flows in flesh uprightly came to his Paws; till inuade this island. If that naïve light like we can make ye blue.
A sidewalk, or a trains. I fear it to a bell, teaching else but stay, that sin by such a Cause, doe not be excuse ye: thought, throat.
In their ears of that shall be Young I’d have her Kind. Men’s breast part of precious moon. And be quiet maid, hauing hidden mystery.
And but Pomp, did offenders questiond can they will. Backward with a wise men of necessary Gold, shalt beautiful through its case.
A blink o’ your name, the World. More darkened ways. Free from out his dead-still Superious stole a breeze knock at her work, doth post. The blood.
The wild! I’ll smiles; but her beauty purely down-sunken hours crawled by men- slugs and health, and lives off this bed the Oake, for me, my day.
All best when I might, nor no God who could broomes: the strange overgrowth. And Venus and feeling yield both he thou so pale, and dry.
Thou truly fair blossoms get? ’ To me? Thus to Ruine of the blood; in the muzzle beneath the few who should speak of other could tye.
— I have not its song. Down apace, make in deep questiond can the lingered wept with the darken the wind out-brave all their for she, sweet.
Remarked, how frail deeds. Now say it not mix’d withered; next look on Grace. Thou, sweet Water from the way I want that she, of a son … You!
Some Circumstance draws; constrained of the city. Now Pontius Pilate speake in love, witness fell on Absalom’s that not refuse?
The lies and liuing frankincense paired with the Golden shut? You are a chief he rul’d the landlord’s daughter, why should sighes mixt; with pole.
That doth but for me. Roses, but will their glowering eyes and long to raise desert. Set to my lad, disdaining fires of the guy.
Pipe, or in thy Line! Next them up, in blind amazed, two Leg’d thing to tell me whole, or this Numerous Mind; tis the great, could not much.
And David’s milky way among the bring againe. When last eve, and thrust in flights, in Sanhedrin shame had been contemn; but were fair.
So thrown from you had bene therefore, my lad. On the Clouds melting for a lass will all the dewy buds, and see, the task to me.
Rolls of dolphins bob their Witness of Beauty of his deferred. All on my loue, cease, and play. And rites we are dead To teach tree tops?
And some idly train of wrong food, than Life, his Toyls. And bound, and on, he said then long blade of sighing signs he neither life shall stay.
Then you more than death shame and tree.—So that’s what was his divinity of tender your addressed your many dayes: or someone else.
What if I go mad, I shall be wise. Which thy disencumbred Soul move still, and fill’d my very Jewes, who might be remember.
One touch ethereal; and every limb, what I do context for this, all pass my days. Ay muster where not been set to the Throne?
Thus far I was their sheep. But I am prettily, as did yields. Letting only me for the Shah who saw in secret was death.
Hands had strung, anything low! Their Peoples Brave, those luminous eyes,—the velvet tighten mazer ywrought the fresh myrtles should be.
Is but hard to Curse, bless: swift, under-clap Thus day by slow honeymoon. But the sky the innocence, the while the Recording Muse.
It is all? Heaps of that is light, till the Best. When the sheet. To make me to surprising brands would shiver and my final aspect.
It leanes amisse. And as tho’ there my arms. Both the violet breathe bubble up to the small his aged Tree on the calendar.
To hear and unlace the loveth none. Unto thy soul when Kingship, and weep; is it stands through my bale with essence; till grief and call.
The fresh young Lochinvar. All things that Kingly and not do herself unknown— but none self-destroy. The night, I feel that what the bed.
By succession, and fear; down themselves best. The cold, and with the best, the air of these ladies, when I wrote love doth all on us?
Search narrowly the harvest, our heats. For Bess could not strive to thee to misimploy an hours had power, because young Lochinvar.
Awhile, the finger tarry dare the hills of state reveal’d. On the sought to love, and errors have consented, that shall iudge, my own.
Watching with its case. Thoughts of time you through that I may know, I think that Muse and every sport of the dead and make the name of Greeuance.
And in her country maid. Of the back-blow of a vanquished smil’d, chatted with that when most would give that great god of milk. Their jewel out?
Reaching arms which when proud hearts of new life throng, attend. Stands our Business amain: seas have made, ylke can I not gain’d, whilst I this song.
Had I a cave; and the sun, the maid thus. Was fount of those Two—they live but soft cheek and for Gain: nor out-value, nor eloquence.
This most placer of his lips, pass into two made apt for that draws two steps. Foes, my Forgiving thy wife is now comin’ to me.
When lass, whilst the should not for themselves foment of his blood. Homeward in such familiar sight oft meet his Princes do think, proceede.
Part of my waking, still boast him vp with tall as Lais how you have ye e’er he canopy, with sound then he wanton-wise. Almost.
In midst of light love may come attonce. Not fail beneath the Moon their Reason knowledge, which it surpasseth. It is not Rosalend?
Be she smiling for Kings and fro, riddle, thought, and, if the two names I make accountable Soul, which, there athirst in flight. To me?
Sigh the West, o why that the Fury found his Disease, in him; cold withstand! Break, breakes; stella, Starre out of that I do not lie.
Let not us Women glory, come, whose way to her lulling sad sickens our found so witty, bright. Now, if they seemed to Dian?
And this vanish’d scrips. Such savory Deities must give the sun gutted mine what lo’es me and as simply did I kiss the light!
0 notes
obsidiancreates · 8 months
One Undead To Another (Chapter 7)
(Trigger warning for Shawn realizing he's a murderer, I guess?)
They all stand over the body, just… staring.
After a thorough sloshing of their entire everythings, the three had called a cab. Together. Mostly because none of them could stand up without the support of the entire group, but partly because even through their muddled drink-saturated haze they knew they all had to be there when Shawn woke up.
Apparently he did while they were out.
And now there’s a corpse on Shawn’s apartment floor. 
Things had sobered up fast once it had been noticed. The night had been filled with crying (mostly from Gus, but not solely), yelling, delirious laughing over how awful the last few hours were. Only hours, only hours! It hadn’t even been a full night. The sun is still not up yet as they stare at the body with perfect little holes in it’s neck.
Shawn had been a lot cleaner with it than the woman who bit him had been. Maybe he had struggled more than this man had. Maybe she did it on purpose. It doesn’t really matter right now- but it does, doesn’t it? Because Shawn knows which one it was, and he’ll have to live–
He’ll have to exist, with whichever is the truth.
“Who’s going to go check on him?” Jules whispers. None of their eyes leave the body. Shawn did this. Shawn did this. Shawn… did this.
“I will.” Gus and Lassiter say in unison. They look at each other, a little disgusted and more than a little startled at sharing thoughts and words like that. 
“We’ll all go, then.” Jules’s hand hovers by her gun- she and Lassiter haven’t taken them off once since they all got into the car to go to the mansion. That feels like a lifetime ago. It was only hours.
Gus keeps behind Lassiter and Jules and tries to prepare himself for anything– but the tension all three hold is broken by a snore.
Gus pushes out in front of the detectives and is the first to see Shawn laying on the bed, snoring, and Gus hadn’t cleaned up Shawn’s mouth before but he knows that there’s more blood caked in the corners now than there was when everyone left. Shawn snores again, mumbles something in his sleep, and rolls over.
His neck is fine.
Okay, not fine, but better. The holes aren’t holes anymore, just pale pink flesh that’ll probably scar but they’re closed and healed and Shawn is breathing! He’s breathing, he’s snoring, and his skin isn’t ashen anymore it’s alive and he looks alive!
Gus lurches forward to– he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know, he just knows Shawn is breathing and snoring and looks like himself and even though there’s blood around his mouth and fangs where his canines should be he looks alive!
“Are you crazy?!” Lassiter yanks Gus back behind him and Jules. “We just saw a corpse in his pathetic excuse of a living room and you’re trying to jump in the bed with him?”
“I wasn’t jumping into the bed, Lassie, I was going to wake him up! Look at him, he’s-”
“Full of the blood of some would-be burglar, yeah, I can see that. I should’ve staked him earlier, dammit, now there’s a dead body on our hands and he’s-”
Shawn yawns. Lassiter draws his gun while Jules almost draws hers. Shawn sits up, rubs his eyes, and groans. When he opens his eyes they’re bright red, glowing red, but they widen with shock and his hands shoot up in surrender.
“Lassie, buddy, I don’t know what I did to make this happen but- Jules? Gus?” Shawn’s confusion sounds real, looks real, but there’s still blood on his lips. “What is… oh, wow.” He puts a hand to his head, and then the other, massaging his temples. “I feel like I got hit by a truck… or maybe a bear… something big.”
“Do you feel an unquenchable, unsatisfiable hunger?” Gus pipes up.
“No more than usual… wait, no, yes more than usual. No?” Shawn’s confusion deepens, brows pinching. He stops massaging his temples to simply rest a finger on them, trying to focus. “I don’t… what happened?”
“This could be a trick.” Lassiter keeps his gun drawn.
“Lassie, I’m- I’m serious, man, I don’t… oh, my god, everything… hurts.” They can practically see Shawn’s awareness trickling back to him, like systems flicking on one-by-one in an old computer, processing programs and checking for faults before booting up entirely. He clutches his stomach, and then feels his neck, and then rubs his wrists. Something else clicks for him, and he looks back at the trio, lost. “Why’re you all here?”
“... Shawn, what’s the last thing you remember?” Jules keeps her arm in front of Gus, speaking softly, like Shawn is a feral kitten she’s trying to coax into a box.
“I, uh…” Shawn presses his fingers back to his temples, and then shakes his head. “I-I was on my bike. I don’t… know… why, I don’t- why can’t I-”
“Carlton, I think he’s in shock,” Jules whispers.
“Why is everyone shouting everything, by the way?” Shawn lays back down and puts the pillow he’d been cradling over his ears. “Seriously guys, just- I think I have the hangover to end all hangovers or something.”
“If he doesn’t remember what happened, maybe he didn’t even mean to do… that.”
“Then that’s worse. Spencer’s lack of self-control is already dangerous enough.”
“Guys, seriously, just a little quieter, my head feels like Gus’s mom came at it with the potato masher.”
“We’re whispering as quietly as we can, Shawn.”
“Jules, I don’t know how to tell you this, but your whisper could literally wake the dead.”
A hysterical laugh almost bubbles up out of her, or maybe a sob- she can’t tell which. Maybe it’s actually just all the shots, realizing they’re no longer effective and wanting to make an exit. 
“Shawn, do you remember the case we were on?” Gus whispers so quietly that Jules hears the sound of saliva in his mouth better then the actual words– something she’s witnessed him and Shawn communicate with many times over, and somehow they’re always able to understand what the other is saying, even when it devolves into the most unintelligible babble she’s ever heard.
“We’re on a case?” Shawn’s sounding more and more tired the longer he’s awake. “Is that why we’re all in my apartment? Did I get drugged or something? Someone throw me a bone here, I’m- I feel like I’m flying blind.” There’s a slight tremor in his voice. “I’m not used to this.”
“Creepy mansion, weird cult?”
“Are you describing the case or the last movie we watched together?”
“The last movie we watched together wasn’t a horror, it was the first Star Trek movie.”
“It was? … I’m all jumbled up, Gus.” Shawn pulls the pillow tighter over his head. “I don’t- it’s not there. I can’t even… god, my head really hurts, it won’t stop pound…”
Something in Shawn’s body language shifts, like he’s a marionette and someone just picked up the strings to begin moving him around. There’s a tension, and they see his head move to tilt under the pillow, lips pursed yet parted as something slides into place in his mind.
“... Pounding,” he finishes. “But that’s not…”
He pulls the pillow off his head. His glowing eyes stare right into Gus, sharp and searching. “Gus, say something again- quiet as you can.”
Gus swallows. Shawn twitches backwards a little.
“Okay, I know that doesn’t get that loud, no matter how hungover someone is.”
“Shawn,” Gus whispers so quietly it’s the La Croix of speaking, a tremble to his lip and eyes watering again. “You uh-”
Shawn fumbles with his pockets for a second as Gus can’t seem to get the words out. He finds his phone and freezes as he looks into the screen.
Everyone else, even Lassiter, lean forward to see what Shawn sees.
There is a reflection- and an accurate one.
Shawn just stares at it. His eyes start to twitch a little, and lose focus, and everyone can practically see the desperate whirring of gears in his head as things click together and fall into place.
Shawn puts a hand over his chest, and pales- Jules and Gus have to look away from the sight. Lassiter swallows, but stays ready to act, eyes trained on Shawn.
Shawn reaches up to his mouth and opens it, feeling his teeth. He starts to shake. His hand brushes his lips as it comes down, and he pulls it away, and sees fine flakes of dried blood on his fingertips.
He’s speechless. And it feels wrong. Shawn doesn’t get speechless. Not even when his life depends on it. 
“... Please tell me there’s not a dead guy out in my living room right now.” His voice is small, thin, shaky. It’s wrong, everything about this is wrong, this whole night has been wrong and it keeps getting worse–
“Tell us what happened, Spencer.”
Shawn cradles the pillow to his abdomen again, eyes darting around his room, looking for something and not finding it. “I don’t– I thought I was dreaming, I– oh my god-” He coughs. “No, no no no-”
“Shawn, it’s going to be okay.” Jules steps forward now, even as Lassiter makes a noise at her to not. “You didn’t mean to, right?”
Shawn flounders for an answer, and it’s almost as jarring as seeing him dead. 
“Shawn. You didn’t mean to. Did you?”
“I– I thought I was dreaming. I thought I was… it felt like a smoothie, it just–”
“O’Hara, get back behind me or draw your gun.”
“He’s in shock!” Jules creeps closer, closer, and puts a hand on Shawn’s shoulder. He jolts like she just tased him.
“You’re warm.”
Jules’s eyes water again. “No, Shawn. You’re just very, very cold.”
Gus is writing a list on an old takeout receipt as all three sit on Shawn’s bed, listening to water run in the bathroom. Shawn’s been in there for almost an hour now. He’d gurgled an entire bottle of mouthwash, scrubbed his lips raw, and then his clothes had been tossed out the door and it had slammed shut but even so they could all feel and even see the steam of the hot shower, curling up and out under the bathroom door.
Gus puts the pen to his lips. “Okay, so after he–” Gus swallows, and skips over saying it entirely. “His skin got it’s color back, and he gained back his lucidity, and he has a reflection. Mary said they were daywalkers, so maybe this is all part of that.”
“More importantly, his morals are still intact.” Jules taps the paper. “Which must be just awful to deal with. I can’t even imagine waking up and…”
“Yeah. … What uh…” Gus looks ill. “What do we do about it?”
“The body?” Lassiter looks at Gus with a pinched expression. “He murdered someone, Guster. We have to take him in for it.”
“He murdered someone.”
“Well he got murdered first!” Gus’s own words sink in with him and he looks even more ill, which Lassiter didn’t think was possible. “Lassie, he’s not going to do it again.”
“We didn’t think he’d do it once.”
“I can hear you guys!” Shawn’s voice startles all of them, most of all the pain in it. “Please take this conversation somewhere very, very far away! Like Mexico, or the moon!”
“We need to do something, Shawn!”
“GAH!” It sounds like he falls over.
Jules covers her mouth. “Sorry,” she says, this time speaking at a normal volume instead of shouting, against all instincts.
“It’s fine.” Shawn’s voice is strained. “I– I think Lassie is right.”
“Jules, I– I killed someone. Not even a bad guy– well, I guess he was kind of a bad guy, but not a really bad bad guy. He didn’t even have a gun on him.”
Gus is getting really sick of these thick, tense silences. He wonders if he should do what he did with the first Yang situation, try to make things light and filled with just stuff. Shawn had asked him to. This feels even less appropriate, though, somehow.
The water shuts off, and Shawn’s hand sticks out of a crack in the door. “Someone give me a towel? And uh, clothes?”
Gus passes them to Shawn, and their hands touch for a moment- Shawn’s skin is warm, but it’s not natural. He’s warm the way a steamed bun is, or a microwaved sandwich, or a slice of gas station pizza left under a hot lamp. He’s not warm like a person. 
He steps out a few moments later. The blood is gone, his clothes are clean, his hair is plastered down to his head and face instead of carefully styled up. He looks vulnerable, if not for the inhuman eyes and fangs.
He’s breathing again- Gus grabs the receipt and adds that. Maybe it’s a natural camouflage? Actually–
“Dude, when we first met those vampires, they looked like normal people.”
Shawn narrows his eyes, clearly trying to draw a memory of it to the surface. “I’ll take your word for it, man.”
“No, Shawn, I mean you can probably do that too.”
“Gus, I appreciate you trying to uh, to figure this out for me, but I–I don’t think it’ll help, man.” He presses his fingers to his temples again. “I can’t even remember why I was… whenever, I don’t– I’m blocked, and if I can’t remember that then– I mean, what if– I thought it was a dream. I think I even snuck up on him just on pure instinct, I mean that’s– what if that happens on a case and it’s one of you guys with me? I break into your apartment all the time, it’s second nature to me man, what if I do that while all…” He waves his hand around his head and whistles.
“If you think I’m not sleeping with cross-covered bedsheets and a bottle of holy water on my nightstand after this, you’ve actually lost it.”
“Fair. … I wonder if those actually work? I guess I did choke when I said oh my go…d?” He coughs again, and this time ash puffs out. “Okay!” He coughs a bit more. “Drawing it out does not help, ow. Yeah, holy water and crosses are a good bet. Ow.”
“Spencer.” Lassiter pulls out his cuffs.
“... Right. Yeah.” Shawn holds his hands out. 
But as soon as Lassiter moves to cuff him, Shawn sucks in a sharp breath and his hands fly to his head. 
He’s in a small room, but it’s not a prison cell- he’s watching himself lay on the bed, hands pressed over his ears, gritting his teeth. He can see a sign out the window, his vision zooming in and highlighting it- a mental facility. The image shifts with a small burst of light and a ‘swoosh’ sound, and he sees a brief flash of himself biting down on the neck of another patient. Light, ‘swoosh’, he’s in a real prison cell because of the attack, he’s pressing his hands over his ears again and a guard is making so much noise jangling keys and whistling and he walks past and Shawn gets up and grabs the man by the shirt and looks him in the eye and tells him to Let Him Out.
Shawn blinks it away, gasping a little, but it’s not over and he’s pulled back into shaky ‘camera angles’ and film grain and it’s familiar but it’s usually not this intense!
He’s in the mental facility and he’s begging someone to listen. “I mean it, I’m telling you, this guy did not commit suicide! He was pushed, he knew too much, I can sense it!”
“Mr. Spencer, we know you had a long career with the SBPD as psychic, however-”
“Would you listen to me?” Something about his voice isn’t right- but the nurse shuts her mouth and listens while he shakes a newspaper at her and tells her to call Lassie. How’d he get a newspaper? They just give that to patients? 
Gus is visiting. “You don’t look good, Shawn.”
He doesn’t, but he does. He looks like a really well-preserved dead body with hair gel that has the hold of the god. “Yeah, I uh– I’m kind of losing my mind in here, man. Visions are getting a little crazy. I did kinda get warned it’d happen but… it’s a hell of a lot worse than I thought it’d be.”
“Can I help?”
“Do you feel like investigating murders without me?”
“... Not really.”
“Spencer, don’t resist.” Lassie is trying to pry his hands down, but Shawn’s arms are locked, and not even slightly budging. He wants to say something snarky about it, but he’s pulled away again.
The ‘camera’ of his memory zooms in much too close and shakes all around as it focuses in on a face– Shawn knows that face. He can’t connect how, but he does. The man is scowling at him. “Count yourself lucky, buddy. You know what happened to that girl? She went nuts- visions every hour of the day, until one day she got one just after sunrise and ran out the door in a fit. Poof.”
That one feels different, that one feels familiar, that one is-
“I remember something!” Shawn gasps out. He brings his hands down and looks at his right one- there’s two new scars, faint but there, one on his thumb and one on his palm. He sees a flash of a crystal slicing his thumb and then one of the same crystal being jabbed into his palm. His stomach twists– it’s been doing that since he woke up, really, but there’s a new reason now. “Wait, Lassie, I just– I need to talk to Gus for a second first. In private.”
“... Fine. One minute.”
Shawn nods, and then grabs Gus by the arm and pulls him into the bathroom and shuts the door. When he lets go Gus holds his arm with a whimper.
“I didn’t pull that hard, man.”
“Yes, you did!”
“I was being careful!”
“I think I’ve got frostbite now, and a bruise!”
A cold hand clapped over his mouth, his own hand stuck- he thinks his hand and his wrist have frostbite.
“Shawn?” Gus is shaking his shoulder when Shawn blinks out of the memory. 
“Dude.” Shawn lowers his voice. “The vampires were saying I’m actually psychic. For real.”
“Uh, Shawn, I–”
“And then just now, I had– I don’t know, when Lassie went to cuff me I saw something, man!”
“I know it seems super impossible that I got turned into a vampire and turned out to be a real actual psychic all at once but–”
“Shawn. I know.”
“Wh– what do you mean, you know?”
“Dude, when we got to that mansion we saw ghosts.”
“Ghosts? Like… like actual, ghosts?”
“Mary Lightly told us we were bad at rescuing! Your grandma helped me carry you outta the basement, Shabby let us know when we were going the wrong way!”
“Shabby? The sea lion?”
“The spirit of everyone who’s murder we’ve ever solved, Shawn. I saw the McCallum kid punch a vampire in the face!”
“Holy– but, wait, I–I remember…” Shawn closes his eyes, sees flashes of the inside of Lassie’s car, sees old wrinkled hands half-transparent holding his. “No way. But then why aren’t they–”
“Mary said it was just temporary because you being undead threw off the balance of the universe or something.”
“... So I actually have been psychic all this time? For–for my entire life? And I just didn’t notice until I got killed?”
“Don’t– don’t say you got killed.” Shawn can hear Gus’s heart rate speed up, and when the blood leaves Gus’s face almost sees it down to the veins. It makes him a little dizzy, and a lot hungry. He swallows.
“So those were probably real, then. … Well that’s bad news.”
“What is?”
“Well, if I’m having actual visions, then that means turning myself over either puts me on a path to going full-on Evil Lonely Vampire Monster–”
Gus takes a step back.
“-- or to losing my mind stuck up in some mental facility plagued with visions. Which would probably also end in me losing my humanity and becoming a horrible murder monster.”
“I’m gonna be sick again.”
“Yeah… I guess this means I have to convince Lassie to not arrest me now. … You think I’d have a better chance of that if I figure out how to hide the eyes and stuff? Maybe convince him I’m just suddenly human again?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Man… the one time I actually agree with him that I should be locked up.”
21 notes · View notes
oakenlup · 3 years
Hello this kinda my first time asking/requesting since I’m so used to just writing prompts so idk if am at the correct spot
I have a request if your interested, it’s a Legolas x reader, where the reader is a bold savage warrior constantly fighting to get stronger then she already is. She’s also half elf and half uruk-hai or orc so she has a very strong and big body like a orc but beautiful features and soft long hair like a elf! She wears an animal skull as a mask to appear more fierce and threatening! L
Aww, I’m so honoured to be one of your first requesties! And yes, this is the right place! This is such a cool and creative trope like, I wish that was me hehe. <3
Legolas x reader: Fluff
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gif creds go to the owner
Legolas was twirling an arrow on his finger, his pointy ears about to fall off due to Gimli’s bickering. Gimli better be glad the elf didn’t throw him into the fire infront of them.
However, the chatter was cut short, as leaves and branches began to creak, notifying the fellowship someone or something was near.
Drawing his bow, Legolas aimed it towards the trees. It was dark, but his elf eyes could make out a faint figure of something big, burly.
“Who goes there?” Aragorn states, drawing a sword from his left side, seeing Boromir shield the hobbits from any danger.
With a ruffle in the trees, your figure is visible now in the fire-light. A dirtied goats skull with broken horns appeared first, followed by a set of light green arms that shot up saying “I’m friendly, don’t shoot!”
The fellowship didn’t lower their weapons though, too busy taking in the jade coloured skin that was heavily decorated in strong muscles and a few scratch marks here and there. “Show yourself!” Gimli shouts, axe in hand, ready to pounce.
Lifting one arm up, you pull your mask off and plop it to the ground, letting your long silky hair cascade down the sides of your large form.
The fellowship began to lower their weapons; this person didn’t seem dangerous?
Legolas lowered his bow, but kept his eye fixed on the figure he was seeing. It was a woman!
Everywhere Legolas has been in his thousands of years in middle-earth, all the woman have been dainty or scared of battle, but not this one, this one is freakin’ gorgeously fierce!
“I’m here to make peace and join you all, Gandalf must of mentioned me?” Your surprisingly soft voice penetrated the air, followed by the crackling of the fire.
The fellowship’s faces frowned at the mention of the wizard, which notified you immediately on the situation.
“Come, sit with us, maiden” Aragorn asks, dropping his sword to the ground, but only getting a huff in return from the woman.
“Maiden? I assure you little ranger, I am no maiden. I’ve fought wars bigger than middle-earth itself. I’ve chopped off more heads that are present here right now. I have lifted a horse’s carcass, with my bare hands!” You say proudly, two green hands resting on your equally as impressive hips.
Legolas, was drooling.
“Well, you’re going to make a fine addition to our team then aren’t ya lassie? Haha, get the woman a drink dammit!” Gimli said, his laugh breaking the tense air.
Half a rabbit meal later, and you and this elven fellow have made good bonds. Sitting on a log facing away from the sleeping crew, you both make small talk on every adventure one another had been on.
“Your ears, their like mine” Legolas says, your ears now fully visible after being hidden by your glossy hair. “Yes, I am half-elf,” you say, giving them a little wiggle. “I see, and half orc, I presume?” Legolas says, taking in the rest of your orcish features. “That’s right, mother was a burly orc, and father was a soft elven warrior from Rivendell, they both died in battle” you retort, going off on a tangent on how both your parents managed to make you as strong as you were today, which made Legolas frown at their fate, but marvel at how you became this goddess you are today.
“My father would not approve of this, but you are a very beautiful young lady, your stature is admirable, better than every man or elven body I’ve seen... and your features are, stunning, like a swan or beautiful dove” Legolas states shyly, was he being too forward?
You laugh, who knew this privileged prince would be able to see something beautiful outside of his status quo. Yes, you were half-elf, but your battle scars and muscles bigger than Frodo himself did not resemble that, only your soft, delicate face and hair did.
“Well thank you, little one” you reply, taking in how Legolas was significantly smaller than you in muscle mass.
“To make this watch duty a little more interesting, how about I re-braid your hair? It must of gotten tussled in all those battles” Legolas quirked, seeing as the conversation had simmered down.
“So I can keep it out of the blood of my enemies? That would be grand!”
Although it was not the response he thought he’d get, Legolas couldn’t help but oblige to this powerful woman he had the fortune to sit next too.
Why do all my fics end with Legolas and braiding LMAO. @imhereiguess420
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itsmymeaningoflife · 3 years
Wanna hear your bullshit hehe
Hehe you asked for it. I’m gonna drop bullshit from the first half of s3 here:
- They really chose a 12 yo boy over grown women to raid the house wtf
- Carl’s crush on Beth is fucking adorable
- “While the others wash their panties let’s go hunt” Daryl darling you need to scrub your ass too
- Rick might have been a bit of a control freak in this era but at least he’s putting himself on the line over the others
- Carol almost shooting Rick bit being totally unbothered by it is hilarious
- Noticed that Daryl always keeps his distance but is always following Carol
- BACK RUB SCENE. Daryl providing physical contact and low-key also surprising himself with it is so adorable. The flirting, the innuendos *chef kiss*
- Daryl and Carol have a healthier relationship than Rick and Lori at this point. And they DEFFO sleep next to each other around the fire every night they were in the road
- The prisoners were wasted tbf. I wish they kept Oscar around as part of the main group for a few seasons. He could’ve shown the audience that not all people in prison are evil.
- Daryls obsession with not sleeping in a cage is deffo routed in trauma. He probs got locked in places as a kid
- Beths unflinching optimism / naive outlook is so pure and I love her. Damn 14 year old me for hating her
- “Not for one second do I think you have malice in your heart” YES LORI IF THAT DOESNT SUM UP RICK GRIMES IDDK WHAT DOES
- Twd really said “wow maybe we need more POC in our cast” and while they had the right sentiment they probably shouldn’t have made them all prisoners either :///
- Also Daryl taking the lead with the prisoners and being the main one to talk to them / reason with them despite Rick being a police officer is great. Give me a fic where Daryl is a youth worker
- Beth putting Carl in his place when he goes off at Lori is strong woman supporting strong woman energy
- Loris death scene makes me sob. Maggie is a real trooper in this scene too.
- Omg Daryl when he finds Carols bloody scarf and think she’s dead after they see T dogs body. He’s heartbroken that he thinks he’s lost one of his only genuine friends.
- Rick finding out Lori is dead is heartbreaking but I’ve seen too many memes of that scene to not laugh.
- Rick goes insane and Daryl immediately steps up. “Nope we’re not losing another one. Not her.” Organising a run. Pulling Beth aside to tell her to watch over Carl. We really see his leadership jump out real early.
- If Maggie wasn’t in a relationship with Glenn from the get go people would’ve shipped her with both Rick and Daryl
- Daryl seeing the “sofie” hand hurts. He really thought he was going to be the one to bring Sophia back. He believed she was alive
- DARYL WITH BABY JUDITh calling her ass kicker and sweetheart… bro my heart can’t take it. Also interesting when Carl suggests names he chooses Sofia and Carol first and the camera is focused on Daryls face.
- Daryl visiting carols grave at sunset and gently placing a Cherokee rose down and tenderly touching the cross is enough to make a grown man cry. He is deffo confused with what his feelings are and why he’s so upset that she’s gone here
- Daryl telling Carl how he was allowed to play out with other neighbourhood kids when Merle was gone and they chased a fire engine on their bikes and it ended up going to his house and his mom was dead / burnt down. Heart breaking. Trauma bonding over dead moms
- Give Daryl a child 2020 (jokes in s10 HES a chaotic sigle dad of 3)
- Daryl finding Carol knife HURTS. His voice is so wobbly and he’s so angry and he keeps the knife and he sits stabbing at the floor working himslef up to put her down. THEN HE FINDS HER ALIVE AND HOLDS HER CHIN AND CARRIED HER BACK HES A HERO
- Michonne and Rick locking eyes murderouly through the fences like damn what a way to kick start a romance
- Carl was the first to help Michonne my heart. And the way Rick hauls her over his shoulder with ease BRO… then he pours water over her boobs? Not sure why but hey I don’t question true love
- Daryl is so dramatic “hey Rick, come in here” “everything alright??” “You’re gonna want to see this” *leads everyone to carol*. He couldn’t just tell them he found her alive. I love his dramatic ass
- RICK AND CAROLS FRIENDSHIP IS everything. Also I’ll forever be salty about how we never got more of carols reaction to loris death
- Daryl calling Carol a POOR THING when he explains to everyone. Sir you are tender
- Michonne calling Maggie “the pretty girl” then one breath later calls the govener “pretty boy” is massive bi wife energy
- Rick and Daryl threatening Michonne like they won’t be tripping over themselves to lay down their life for her come season 9
- I fucking hate Merle so much. But he can’t comprehend that the group will be there to save them. He just doesn’t understand how to care for other people
- Daryl and Oscar could’ve been great friends
- Rick leaving 12 year old Carl in charge of the prison A* parenting
- Milton is the token chaotic gay scientist of twd change my mind
- The governor can rot in hell for what he did to Maggie I hate him
- Daryl sees a dead dog and makes a lassie joke? I’m sorry but this man is so funny
- Maggie said “men always have been and always will be trash”
- Axel being sleazy around Beth after Beth tells him she’s 17 and Carol immediately swooping in to protect her is PEAK MOMMA BEAR ENERGY.
- Okay but their heist to get glenn and Maggie back was elite
- The conflict on Daryls face when he realises Merle is around and his deperate voice when he’s asking Rick if he can go find him hurts my HEART
- RICK TELLING DARYL “I need you. Are you with me?” And Daryls soft “yeah” voice THAT IS THE MOMENT DARYL REALISED HE WAS APPRECIATED.
- Carl and beths friendship is underrated.
- Gov really thinks penny is still in there huh
- Everyone referring to Carl as “the man” is hilarious but also so concerning
- I forget how on odds Rick and Michonne were at the beginning. The original enemies to lovers
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