altruistic-meme · 5 months
never underestimate the power combo of procrastinating and failure anxiety. I've written ~7k words in like 4 days. im going crazy im going stupid.
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orions-tears · 3 months
Truly Yours - Ominis Gaunt [Part 1]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x fem!Ravenclaw Reader
A/N: Oh hey. Long time no see. I've had a lot happening and I finally feel like I'm able to write again. I haven't replayed the game just yet so I apologise if Ominis seems off this is just my mind Ominis. Also you may read this and question if I remember that Ominis is blind. I do. Anyways, you may look at this and say, "Milo, this is weirdly similar to another fic your wrote. Truly Yours, remember?" An my answer is yes, yes it is. Someone lovingly requested that I switch the roles of the fic to Ominis pining after the reader. I love the request so here she is. To be honest I'm most worried about this not living up to the original but we can't all be perfect can we? Anyways, I'm back and I love you all. Thank you for still reading my work and giving it love. Enjoy.
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You feel the bench shift as it’s weighed down to your left. You look over and see that Ominis has joined you. Odd…you think. You look around for Sebastian and see him lounging at a table in the back of the classroom, talking to Poppy. You look back at Ominis and smile lightly.
“Umm, Ominis…sorry, I’m not Sebastian,” you say quietly, hoping not to embarrass him.
He turns his head toward you and pauses, opening his mouth as if to say something. Before he does, he closes his mouth again, standing up and pulling his wand out. “Sorry,” he replies, walking over to Sebastian and sitting down.
You watch him as he walks away and turn back around, frowning. I hope I didn’t offend him…
As Professor Ronin walks in, Poppy walks over and sits next to you. She smiles widely at you and lays her hand on yours. “So what was Ominis doing over here?”
You shrug and smile back. “No idea. I assumed he just had the wrong table.”
She nods and leans back. “Okay…”
You fold your arms and laugh. “What?”
She shakes her head and looks up at Professor Ronin who stands at the front of the class, beginning his lesson. You look over at Ominis and see him listening intently. You sigh and look down at your textbook, tuning into the rest of Professor Ronin’s lecture.
“Ow!” you shout as something hits you in the back of the head, thumping onto the ground of your room. You turn around and see a small box on the ground at your feet. You pick it up and look up to see Samantha standing in your doorway.
“Little birdy left that for you at dinner but you never showed.” She smiles. “Gift from an admirer, Y/N?”
You laugh and shake your head. “Not possible, but I’m grateful you think so highly of me.” The box is small enough to fit in your hand with a string tying it shut. A small piece of parchment lies under the string and you pull it out, flipping it over.
I had hoped to find something as beautiful as you,
but this will have to do. I hope you enjoy.
Yours Truly,
You stare at it for a moment and look back up at Samantha. “You may be right, actually.”
She gasps and runs over, looking down at the box in your hands. “Well open it then!”
You look down at the box and pull the string. Opening it up you find a necklace. A gorgeous sliver chain adorned with jewels and a large sapphire. Samantha gasps again and you stare down at the necklace.
“That’s beautiful,” Samantha says quietly. “You have to try it on,” she says, looking up at you.
You look at her and smile. “I don’t even know who this is from.” She takes the note from your hand and looks at it. She frowns and looks back up at you. “Not Garreth…right?”
You laugh and shake your head. “I hope not! I’m sure it’s not. Sweet boy, but no.”
Samantha gestures to the necklace and you nod. She picks it up and gently puts it around your neck, clasping it. You walk over to your mirror and look at it. It really is beautiful…you think. You turn to Samantha and sigh. “I guess I have to go ask Garreth about it, don’t I…?”
She presses her lips together and nods. “Best option.”
As you make your way to find Garreth you think about how you’ll even ask him. Hi, Garreth. Did you gift me this necklace? No, too forward. Hi, Garreth. Are you secretly in love with me? That’s worse. Hi, Garreth do you-
“Y/N!” shouts a voice behind you.
You turn around to see Sebastian walking over. “Hi, Sebastian,” you reply, smiling.
He stops in front of you and looks down at your necklace. “Nice jewels. I was wondering who that was for.”
You smile at his statement. “Thanks! I got it from…wait…you know who gave this to me?”
He stares at your for a moment, eyes growing wide. He returned himself to a calm composure and folds his arms. “I do not.”
You put your hands on your hips and frown. “You definitely do.”
He shakes his head and backs up. “No idea, have a nice day.” He smiles mischievously and walks away, humming to himself. You sigh and touch the necklace. That whole interaction created more questions than it answered. Garreth will have to wait.
“I find it hard to describe my feelings for you,” Everett says theatrically, holding up a piece of paper. The students around him laugh and you sit down, looking over at him.
“What’s that, Everett?”
He freezes and looks over at you. “Oh…umm…yours…?” he replies, slowing handing the paper to you.
You take it and look down at it. It’s a letter. From G again. Your frown and look back at Everett. “That’s not very nice, opening people’s mail, is it?”
He swallows. “No. Sorry, Y/N.” You sigh and look back at the letter, reading it.
I had hoped to write a letter to you, explaining why I feel the need to present you with gifts. This issue at hand, however, is that I find it hard to describe my feelings for you. I know how I feel, but attempting to express this in words has proved troublesome. I will attempt to express them hear and I hope my quill portrays my feelings correctly.
You are, in short, beautiful. I have been searching for ways to explain this and can only come up with this: You are beautiful like the moon. You are beautiful like the flowers that bend in the breeze. You are beautiful like the sea, rushing up against the cliffs.
You are so intelligent as well. Of course, you may claim I say this just because you are a Ravenclaw, but I do mean it. You are one of the smartest witches I have ever met. You rival even the best witches and wizards and I am humbled to know you.
You radiate a warmth that feels safe and kind. I wonder how often you notice me and if it is as often as I notice you. The time we spend apart is too much for me to bear. I long to be near you again and I hope we will meet again soon. Until then…
Eternally yours,
You stare at the letter for a long moment, taking in the words. Whoever this is has spent a lot of time thinking about you. You fold the letter and shove it in your robe pockets, standing and leaving the Great Hall. You round the corner towards the stairs and bump into someone, stumbling back. You hear a quiet grumble and look up to see Ominis. “Oh! Ominis, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.”
He straightens and turns his face toward you. “I could say the same thing,” he replies, flatly. You stare at him for a moment and then burst into laughter. He smiles lightly. “Where were you going in such a hurry?” he asks, tiling his head.
You pull the letter from your pocket. “Someone sent me a letter. A…uh…well, a love letter, I guess. I was going to my room to think.”
He stiffens and turns away, slightly, smile dropping. “I see. I hope it isn’t crass.”
You shake your head, even though he can’t see it. “No. It’s…well it’s very sweet actually.”
He turns back toward you, smile returning and nods. "Good."
You put the letter back in your pocket and open your mouth to say something, hesitating. “Ominis…you don’t happen to know who G is, do you? Sebastian definitely knows but he won’t say anything.”
He shakes his head. “No…sorry…”
You smile. “No worries. I should get going though, I don’t want to hold you up,” you say, resting a hand on his shoulder. “See you in Potions Class, Ominis.” You drop your hand and head back to your room. They’re both totally lying, huh…?
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magnoliabutters · 1 year
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pairing: ellie williams x (she/her, 18+) reader
summary: assigned to another patrol with ellie, what’ll happen this time?
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language: tlou 2 possible spoilers, canon divergence; heavy make out sesh, heavy petting, pet names, oral and fingering (r-receiving), the lesbianism, intrusive thoughts, lil’ rough play (light choking), lack of proof reading, etc.
word count: ~3.2k
reblogs for ellie, a gay icon 🌈 ✨
note: we are finding ellie 2 years post tlou2 (i think around age 21-22). all my love to bella, i’ll see hbo’s ellie tlou2 in a few years ♥️ also fresh from writer’s block and depressive episode, let’s get it!
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“Ellie, we doing this or what?” you whine as you graze a hand down your horse’s neck. You turn to see Penny, Ellie’s latest conquest, roll her eyes and turning back towards her to finish their conversation. Ellie nods, smiling while her eyes float between yours and hers. As Penny waves a solemn goodbye, Ellie slowly walks up to you. She tightens her backpack straps against her shoulders. Her red auburn hair falling right to her shoulders.
“You alright?” she asks with a bit of a laugh. She grabs a saddle and lightly places it against her horse’s strong back. You hum, putting your back towards her. You place your rifle’s ammo into the saddle’s sack. “What is that, the sixteenth girl since you got back from California?” you mutter, intentionally not turning around. She scoffs as she tightens the buckles against her steed. “Blister, sounds like she’s been countin’, huh?” she asks her horse with an undeniable grin.
You shake your head no. Your hands hold loosely against the reins as you guide your horse, Milo, out of the stables. Ellie follows closely behind you. “Did they tell us where we’ll be stationed yet?” she asks, leading Blister 2.0 down the walkway. “Clock tower,” you answer. “Shit,” she grumbled, but you can barely hear it. Your eyes are on Jackson’s bustling neighborhood. It continues to shock you. It’s day to day is, at times, overwhelming. You find peace out beyond the walls. That’s the only place you can be yourself. Where you feel free. You hop onto Milo’s back as you slowly lead Ellie towards the front gate.
You have gotten to know Ellie through a few patrols on the ridges of Wyoming’s mountains. Never thought you would end up here. Jesse put you two together, sharing that you both have similar styles. Whatever that means. Despite the lack of conversation, not due to lack of trying on Ellie’s part, you have had relatively pleasant trips. You have especially enjoyed the marksmen competitions, simply started without a word and a single headshot.
Finally outside of the walls, you are able to let a deep breath out. “You know you do that every time we leave,” Ellie states curiously. You bite your lip, keeping your eyes ahead. You sense her looking at you, see her smile in your peripheral. She is taking notes, observing you. She would not know that you do this unless she was watching you. She would not be watching you unless she wanted to. Your heart flutters as you let out a shaky breath this time. But you are careful, careful to not show this bubbling anxiety within you. Careful not to let her get too close.
“You’re telling me you don’t like to take a breath of fresh air?” You ask, nonchalantly as you push on ahead. Ellie laughs, the kind of laugh that folds into itself. You almost expected to hear a snort following it. “You get plenty of ‘fresh air’ in Jackson,” she says with use of air quotation marks. “What’s the real reason?”
You gradually turn back towards her, your chin over your shoulder. As soon as your eyes meet, you quickly return your gaze forward. “A girl’s gotta have her secrets,” you mumble as you hurry your horse. Ellie shakes her head side to side as she slowly catches up. “You’ve got plenty, y/n,” she smiles. You bite your lip, smirking as you land your eyes upon the clock tower ahead.
An hour passes filled with callouts, work and no play. Reaching the base of the tower, you hop off your stead and guide Milo into the building. You tie his reins against the old piping sticking out of the wall. “I’ll meet you up there,” you say as you nod towards the stairs. Your hand softly grazing down Shimmer’s neck until you reach her reins. Ellie nods in response as she slides off her saddle. She closes the metaled gate behind you four. She pulls her backpack strap over her shoulder as she reluctantly walks up the steps.
You take a deep breath, pressing your head against the base of Shimmer’s neck. Your heart beats quickly in your chest. Breath continues to escape you as you attempt to push the feelings down. Ellie has never made you feel this way before. A sudden skip of a beat, sure - but never this. She just looks so damn good today. That burgundy hoody, with her skin-tight jeans. Her hair, short but ragged as it comes curling around her face. She is beautiful.
After ensuring both animals were safely secured, you walk up the steps. You see Ellie still bent over at the check in table. Her hand furiously writing away. Her backpack resting against the leg of the table. “You know writing ‘All Clear’ is good enough, right?” you ask callously. She peers back at you, her brows perplexed. A smile slowly forms. “Oh, I’m not just counting the infected,” she says matter-of-factly as she turns around. “I also have an ongoing tally of how many times you’ve been mean to me on our patrols.”
You cannot help the laugh that explodes from your chest. “Mean to you?” you ask between chuckles. Ellie’s smile becomes more of a smirk as she watches you through her untamed bangs. “You can handle it,” you whisper sinisterly. Abruptly, your body senses a change in the room’s ambience. A shift in control. She had it now. Ellie was in charge. It shifted, right from under your nose. “I can,” she states slowly. “And I like it.” You scoff lightly in disbelief. “You like it?”
“Yeah,” Ellie says as she leans back against the table. A pen still in hand. “I like it.” You gulp as your eyes widen. A hot flush rushes through your body as you attempt to process the scene before you. “What else do you like?” The words fall from your mouth so quickly you wish you could have caught them, stopped them. You bite your lip in nervousness as your eyes gaze into the blue-grey before you.
Ellie recognizes the worry in your body language. She bites her lip for entirely different reason. Her eyes are hell bent on you and your body. She looks off to the side as she states, “I like going on these shifts with you.” You smile as you let out a shuddered breath. Speechless, fuck. Why can’t you say anything? “Now, my turn for a question,” she starts as she pushes off the table. Her body both graceful and sturdy. “Wait - what?” you laugh off.
“Where were you before Jackson?” she asks, walking over to a window. You are thrown off by the question. It has been over fifty of these shifts with her, 2+ years of living in Jackson - yet, this is the first time she asks. “There was nothing before Jackson,” you reply as you meet her at the window. “I’ve been moving place to place since I can remember,” you add. Your eyes raking over the sight. The bright orange sun lowering behind the mountain tops. The once bustling town before them, absolutely empty. “Staying in one place for more than a month is not exactly natural to me.”
“But here you are,” Ellie says, not taking her eyes from the scene. “Here I am,” you repeat. You feel your shoulder brush against hers as you rest the tops of your thighs against the window sill. “Why are you still here?” you ask blatantly. Quickly, your mind rushes. Screaming at you. You accidentally let out an impulsive thought so carelessly, so dangerously. “Still here?” she laughs, turning towards you. “‘Cause of Dina, right? Man,” she mutters under her breath. A sound escapes her mouth, almost as though she is exhausted. Her face grows solemn. It is clear that this is not a topic she wishes to speak of. Your heart drops to your stomach.
Ellie leans against the wall, placing distance between you two. “Small town,” you start, hurriedly breaking the silence. “Doesn’t help that you’re practically a celebrity there.” Her frown immediately dissipates as a grumbling laugh erupts within her. Your serious face slowly crumbles down as you soon learn that her happiness is contagious. “A celebrity, huh?” she scoffs. “Yeah, or a superhero,” you joke half-heartedly, but her eyes jumped right up to yours. They are flooded with pain, anguish. If you stare long enough, they are almost unrecognizable compared to her warm personality. Not at all what you would have expected, but it intrigues you. You like it. You like her more, for it.
“Anyway,” Ellie pulls away. Her second time filling the distance between you two. You find yourself regretting the question, despite two years of curiosity. “I stay because of JJ,” she whispers. “JJ?” you ask. “My son.” Her eyes float to the ground. “Dina’s little nugget?” you lightly laugh. His rosy cheeks are one of the few things you look forward to each day. “He’s yours too,” you smile, happy in your affirmation. “He might be her nugget, but he was my potato first,” she chuckles to herself.
The hole in your heart fills with her laughter. It’s goofy, almost always a step away from an accidental snort. Ellie’s mesmerizing, it’s undeniable. It’s also why you have stopped yourself from staring at her for too long, up until this moment. “So you didn’t stay behind for Dina,” you mutter to yourself. Another impulsive thought escaping your lips. She looks up to with sincerity in her voice. “What I have with Dina is forever,” she starts, pulling her eyes from you. “But not my forever. Not anymore.”
You take a step back, taking in the powerful statement. It mimics your own story. The love you had and lost. Love that just is. Love that will never cease to exist but is no longer the front runner in your life. Your heart is open, just as hers is. “And you?” she asks, pulling you from your thoughts. Your eyes back on yours. Your heart skips every time you see those hardened, yet sweet, eyes on you. “Why are you still in Jackson?” You maul over the question. The very question you have been asking yourself lately. “Trying something new,” you whisper slowly.
With your eyes are fixed onto hers, Ellie begins to rake over the features of your face. She takes you in, all of you, as your eyes float to her perfect lips. You slowly muster the courage to raise your hand. Raise it to the side of her face, where her jaw and neck meet. Her eyes quickly shift to your hand. Surprise expressed upon her face.
You are slow, so slow as to not startle the bird. “Just trying something new,” you whisper as you lean into her. You note her eyes closing as she meets you half way. Your lips press against each other. A moment so incredible that it takes breath right from under you. Electricity sparks between you two. You hope she feels it too. Your hand against her jaw grips tighter to her face. You feel her hand placed gently against your hip, pulling you deeper into the kiss.
You pull away after what felt like forever to take a simple breath of air. Both of your eyes open to each other as you step back. Ellie’s mouth is ever so slightly open. Her body language looks as though she is about to pounce, ready for anything. A slow tongue runs over her lower lip. Your heart races as you lean back against the window, back to your safe spot - where you had been standing before. You slowly take off your backpack, letting it fall to the floor at your side.
As soon as your eyes hit the floor, Ellie closes the space between you two. Her hands rushing through your hair as your back as pushed against the cold glass. You fall back onto the window sill as you wrap your legs around her waist, pulling her atop of you. One hand softly floats beneath your shirt, holding harshly against the skin of your side. She breathes against your surface as your hand crawls up her back.
You can feel her grinding between your legs. The sensation leaves your eyelids fluttering. Ellie’s mouth slightly opens as a slick tongue slides against your lips. Without a moment’s hesitation, both of your tongues crash against each other. Electricity? No. More like fire now. There is a strong, bustling fire burning between you two. A fire waiting ever so patiently to explode. Not an extinguisher in sight.
Confidence fuels your actions as you desperately want more - more of Ellie. Your kisses gradually becoming more aggressive. Kisses turning into bites. Her grip onto your hair now pulling, no longer gentle. You wince at the pain against her sweet tasting lips. You feel a smile pressed against your own. “Oh you like that do you?” you whisper.
Both of your lips lightly graze against each other as the words fall out. Ellie hums as she presses against your mouth. “I like you,” she says softly. Her eyes still fixated on your mouth as you take in a breath. Your heart pounding, you can feel your ears pulsate. You push off the window, placing your hand behind her head, as you lead her backwards.
However, Ellie has other plans. She quickly turns you and leans you back against the table. Her hand back under your shirt, making its way to your breast. You let out a shuddered breath as her kisses trace from the side of your mouth to your neck. Your eyes close as you take in all only the sensation of touch. Her fingers grab hold of you. Your nipples harden in her grasp.
Ellie’s waist rests firmly between your legs. You begin to rut your hips against her as her other hand slides up your sternum and to your neck. Her index finger and thumb press into the sides of your neck as you feel the rush of lightheadedness fill your body. It is exciting, incredible. At the same time, you feel her other fingers tightening around you nipple. A little whimper leaves your body before you could stop it. All it did was egg her on.
Her hand quickly shifts to your pant’s button and zipper. You widen your legs, inviting her in. Without pulling at your jeans, she slides her slender hand beneath your panties. She curls her fingers up as they brush against your entrance. Her thumb, quickly and lightly, flirts with your clit as another whimper escapes your lips.
With a small pitch, Ellie bites your neck and breathlessly leans into your ear. “You’re so wet,” she whispers. “All for you,” you murmur back. She lets out a sharp breath of air as a smile fills her face. Slowly, two of her fingers press against your entrance. You bite your lip as she kisses against the crook of your neck. She leans in gradually, filling you up with just those two fingers. Another light bite against your neck as she feels your tightness and warmth.
As she bottoms out, her fingers curl within you. They gently brush against your g-spot as your eyelids flutter again. An intense level of pleasure that you cannot control overwhelms your body. You are hers now. She can do whatever she wants to you. And fuck, did you want her to. She slowly pulls away from that spot as her fingers begin to float back and forth between you. Her groin still grinding against you, but now following the movement of her hands.
You grip tightly against the back of her hair as you pull her more and more against your body. Finally, you lift her up and pull her mouth towards you. Your lips and tongues crash against each other in an embrace you will never forget. All while she pumps those fingers deep within you. You moan against her opened mouth as her eyes watch the pleasure expressed upon your face. She is fascinated by how good she’s making you feel. She doesn’t want to miss a second of your beautiful face.
“F-faster,” you muster before kissing and biting against Ellie’s lips. Her hand works hard to give you all the sexual sensations you desire. You entire body is on fire, plastered against her gorgeous frame. Your legs spread once more, pulling her in closer as they wrap around her waist again. Her eyes widen in surprise as her other hand grips tightly against the sides of your cheeks and pulls you in to a forceful kiss. You love it.
It becomes harder and harder to hold those moans in. They wriggle out with each of her hardened thrusts. “Fuck, Ellie,” you whine as place your hands against her shoulder blades. Your nails dig into skin, just below her shirt. “Keep saying my name,” she whispers back. “Just like that.” You immediately oblige her request, desperately wanting to scream her name aloud. You feel as though you might explode.
“Shit, Ellie, you fuck me so good,” you whimper as your head hangs back off your shoulders. “Oh yeah, baby? You like when I fuck you like this?” she asks between gritted teeth as her thrusts become more sudden and hard. “Oh my, fuck,” you let our slowly as you take in her pulsing fingers. “Ellie,” you moan as you struggle to maintain your breath. Your entire body moving with the strength of her thrusts.
“You gonna cum for me, baby girl?” Ellie whispers into your ear as she bites the lobe. You let out weak breaths as your nails dig harder into her back. Little gasps leave your mouth as you feel the rubber and in your stomach about to pop. “I feel you tightening around my fingers,” she says softly. “I know you’re close.”
Suddenly, she quickens her movements. The tips of her fingers curling and lightly brushing against your bumpy spot. “Ellie,” you let out abruptly. Your breath leaving you as you let out a deep moan that presented as music to Ellie’s ears. She moans along with you as her body curls against yours. “Fuck,” she lets out breathlessly as her eyes close. She feels you squeezing against her fingers. Your cum pooling in the palm of her hand.
Your moans slow as your body falls from your high. Everything feels like pins and needles as you crumple into Ellie’s embrace. Her arm wraps against your back as she pulls you in. Still with that wicked smirk on her face. “Fuck, you feel good,” she says breathlessly against your neck. Her fingers still warm inside you. “Again,” you muster the strength to say as your thighs attempt to clench together.
Ellie pulls back with an incredulous look. Her eyes rake over you face, attempting to gather information about whether or not she misheard. “Again, Ellie,” you say sternly. She smiles as her fingers curl within you once more. “No,” you whisper as you lightly tap her wrist. Her eyes flick up to you with concern. “On your knees this time,” you softly demand as you pull your shirt over your head.
You rest bare chested before her. Her eyes now filled with shock and excitement as they look over the new sight. You give her no time to adjust as you simply state, “On your knees.” With a smile, Ellie slowly falls to her knees. Her hands slowly pull at your pants until they fall the floor beside her. Her fingers from tightly onto the flesh of your outer thighs as she leans deeper into you. At the sight of this, you lean back onto your elbow against the hardened wood of the table. Your hand now deeply entangled into her hair as you push her further between your legs.
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note: hi. okie bye.
taglist for ellie? ♥️🫶🏼🤞🏼
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• nav • no-no plagiarism • one shot • requests open •
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ejunkiet · 1 year
you’ve got red on you
prompt fill for the wonderful @pinksparkl about Milo’s reaction to Sweetheart having a panic attack in front of him for the first time.
(special bonus points to anyone who recognises the title >:3)
redacted audio: milo/sweetheart, rated teen. cw: panic attacks
Milo comforts his mate after a panic attack. - “I’ve got you, sweetheart. You’re okay. Just- breathe.”
you’ve got red on you
All it takes is a moment of distraction while he’s prepping dinner for his grip on the kitchen knife to slip, the sharp edge slicing across his palm and sending the half-chopped vegetables scattering. “Shit!”
“S’all good, sweetheart. Just, fucked up with the knife.” It’s an understatement, considering the state of the counters, the blood welling from the cut in his palm spilling over onto the hardwood. Goddamnit. He knew better than to get distracted while using the good knife. Christ, the shit his mother would give him over this-
He wraps his hand in a dishcloth before he stumbles over to the sink, a litany of curses falling from his tongue as he fumbles the taps to turn on the water.
He glances up to find the shape of his mate in the doorway, their features shadowed by the busted light in the hall he’d been meaning to fix before they came over. “What happened?”
“Nothing, just me being a fuckin’ idiot.”
They take a step further into the room, their eyes focused on the bloody dishcloth, and they’re not saying anything, although they look - strange. Off. As if they’re feeling sick.
He sees it when their hands start to shake, their breaths coming fast and shallow, as if they can’t get enough air. The way their eyes lose focus, pupils dilating, even as their aura flickers, their silhouette going hazy around the edges.
“Sweetheart?” They’re still not saying anything, and unease stirs in his gut, prickling at his skin. It’s not like them to lose their words like that - they always had plenty to say. “Hey, you okay?”
“I-” And just like that they vanish, flickering out of existence as if they had never been there in the first place.
He can’t see them. Can’t feel them, the warmth of their presence, their scent. But he can still sense them in the room with him - feel the quiet flicker of their aura, subtle in the air but distinctive, if you know what you’re looking for.
And he’s familiar with that aura now, familiar with finding it in a way that’s becoming second nature to him, and he steps away from the sink, crossing over to where they had been standing, where he thinks he can feel them now.
If he concentrates hard enough, he can see the faint shimmer of their magic vibrating in the air, like heat from sun-baked tarmac. He pauses, squinting. “Sweetheart?”
Every instinct in him is screaming at him to do something, to fix this. But he’s not even sure what this is. He’s got an idea - his pop used to get like this after a bad night, frantic and non-verbal, disappearing into his office for hours until his ma could finally coax him out.
She was good at stuff like that. He - he wasn’t. He didn’t have her soft touch, her endless patience. Shit, he’d probably make things worse if he tried.
Panic squeezes at his throat like a vice, even as he tries to swallow it down. “Sweetheart, can ya - can ya talk to me?”
A flash, and their hand appears, reaching out to grasp his wrist, gripping tight. A rush of heat floods his hand, followed by a sharp pinch that makes him curse, before the ache in his palm recedes, the wound closing.
He flexes his fingers as they flicker back into view, their mouth pinched into a tight line, eyes still too big but focused as they stare down at his hand.
It’s still bloody, the skin of his palm freshly pink, but he can feel the way their fingers tremble around his wrist, and fuck, it must be the blood. Christ, Milo. You’re a fucking idiot.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he focuses on his core, weaving the pattern of a simple cleaning spell, his breath leaving him as the magic runs through his system. He flexes his fingers once it’s done, checking over the clean skin. “Shit. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
They still won’t speak, won’t look at him. Their hold on him is tight enough that he can feel their pulse through their fingertips, still too fast, and carefully, telegraphing his movements, he reaches out, guiding their face up to meet his. “Hey. You still with me?”
They take a breath, deep and gasping. “I-I’m sorry.”
“None of that. You’ve got nothing to apologise for.”
They finally look at him, their bright eyes wide, slightly dazed but calmer now, a little more like themself. It settles something in him, although it's not enough - he needs more, needs to know that they’re okay, feel them against him.
“Can I hold you?”
They melt into his arms, soft and warm and perfect, like they were made to fit against him like this, and fuck. He runs his fingers through their hair, pressing his face against their throat until he can breathe them in, deep.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart. You’re okay. Just- breathe.”
“So, it’s the blood?”
They release a low hum, sinking further into him where they’ve settled on the couch, his arms around them, their legs across his lap and their body tucked against his chest.
“Yeah. I saw you standing there, and I couldn’t-” Their voice cuts out as they swallow, taking a moment to catch their breath. He holds them through it. “It just hit me, all at once.”
This was new, then. They hadn’t reacted like this to the shade - or at least, he hadn’t seen it at the time. There was that period after the fight, when they’d met with the department, but considering they were at his place immediately after that, he didn’t think it did.
And they’d been working, then. If he can remember well enough the stuff that had happened with his pop, then things like this tended to happen in the aftermath of an event - hours, maybe even days, later.
The fucking department. His grip around them tightens as he grits his teeth, tamping down on the urge to growl. “You’ll tell me, if this happens again? If there’s anything I can do-”
“There isn’t.” They wince, as if their words came out sharper than they intended, and they shift in his arms to look up at him. “But I’ll tell you, if it happens again.”
They lay their head back down against his chest, right over his heart, their fingers curling in the fabric of his shirt. He can feel the rhythm of their breath match up to his, easy and quiet, and he loves them. He loves them so fucking much in this moment, it makes his heart ache.
He’ll ask his ma about this, and maybe… maybe get in contact with his pop. They’re long overdue for a conversation, anyway.
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
~”Why her?!”~
TWS ⚠️ mentions of blood and death ⚠️ please, please do not read if you are sensitive to these topics.
This was written in 3rd person.
Milo’s hands hurt.
Her fingers were bleeding.
Tears fell from her eyes, making it hard to see what she was doing.
Tanjiro watched with worry from the doorway as Milo relentlessly stitched the haori in her hands. He wanted to tell her stop, to give her hands a rest for she had been at this for hours but he knew she wouldn’t listen.
~3 Hours Earlier~
Milo was waiting in anticipation, excitement was coursing through her veins as she awaited for them to return. Milo remembered what Tanjiro told her clearly.
“Miss Yuna and I are going to head out to track down a demon, okay? If we can’t find it in three days, we’ll come back”
Milo subconsciously touched the spot on her head where he had kissed before leaving.
Today was the day they were coming back and Milo was so excited to show them how far she had progressed. She waited with a large smile while sitting atop a large bolder. She was humming a random tune when she saw Tanjiro’s crow flying overhead. That meant they were close! She leapt off the boulder and ran towards where Tanjiro and Yuna promised to meet up at.
She saw a black and green checkered haori in the distance and raised her hand high in the air to wave at the approaching person. Person? Wasn’t Yuna with Tanjiro? Maybe she went to the butterfly mansion to patch up some wounds? Milo brushed away any worried thoughts as she ran up to Tanjiro. Milo quickly noticed the way he was looking down at the ground.
That was odd….
“Tanji…? You okay…?”
Tanjiro sighed and looked up at her with a heartbroken expression. He was starting make her worried. She hesitated for a moment but decided to take a step forward. She finally noticed a few wounds grazing his body.
“Tanjiro! You’re hurt—!”
Tanjiro frowned as tears welled up in his eyes. He gently grabbed her wrist as she reached out to him
“Tanjiro? What wro—“
She stopped as soon as he started crying. He let go of her wrist and slowly reached into his haori’s sleeve.
Milo could practically hear her heartbeat in her ears and that only quickened when she saw a glimpse of lavender. The same shade of lavender that made up Yuna’s haori. But that was just a coincidence, right? Right….?
Milo felt her heart drop as Tanjiro pulled out Yuna’s haori. She felt like she wanted to throw up. That she wanted to scream, to cry, to be comforted.
Because the haori was covered in blood. And Milo had the sinking feeling it wasn’t a demons.
Milo covered her mouth with her hands with a loud gasp and fell to her knees. She let out many choked gasps as the hysteria began to set in. Her breathing picked up rapidly as tears streamed down her face with no end. Tanjiro immediately crouched down and held out the bundled up and stained haori and his own voice was starting to betray him.
“Milo I-I’m so sorry. She wanted you to ha-have this…. To remember her by…”
Milo felt so guilty. Even in her last moments Yuna— no, mother was thinking about her. A child who wasn’t even blood related, a child she cherished so dearly.
Milo reached out to take the haori with shaky hands as Tanjiro continued to speak.
“There are a fe-few rips but we can get it repaired”
Milo was treating the damaged and dirty haori with the utmost care. She froze slightly when she felt something hard and cold in the folds of the lavender material. She shakily lifted the fabric to reveal a shiny copper hand guard. Milo couldn’t help the silent sobs that left her shaking body as he held the two items close to her chest. Tanjiro crawled towards her and wrapped his arms around her, offering Milo a shoulder to cry on. She immediately accepted this offer and buried her face into his shoulder. Tanjiro was rubbing her back whilst stifling his own cries when her devastated voice reached his ears.
“Why… why did this have to happen?! It’s not fair!”
Milo’s wails continued as she clutched Tanjiro’s uniform shirt.
“Why her?! Why did it have to be her? Why did it have to be one of the only people who cared for me?!”
No more words left Milo’s mouth as she let out a devastated cry. Tanjiro lifted her off the ground and led her to the butterfly mansion. People looked at her with pity for they knew the price of becoming a demon slayer.
No one truly knew how important Yuna was to Milo…
But one could assume that Milo thought extremely highly of Yuna by the way a small chunk of the copper hand guard was fastened into a necklace and the lavender haori was transformed into a gorgeous kimono once restored.
~La Fin~
Once again I think I ended this poorly 😭
Why did I decide to kill Yuna off again?! 😭
I need to make a Yuna Lives!AU.
(I forgot I promised to tag @larz-barz once this was finished—)
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Prompt: "You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
For Nina x Reader please!!
Couldn't Love Anybody Else - Nina Zenik
Content Warnings: Insecurity And Doubt. No Beta/Proof Reading.
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"I think it's best that I go," Nina tells Kaz, "we know I can be very persuasive." You smile, knowing exactly how persuasive Nina is capable of being.
"No," Kaz says plainly before looking to you, "you will go."
"Why?" You ask, and bite your tongue at the snapping rate of the question.
"Because you have the expertise to get you in," Kaz says, "and you're exactly his type."
"I resent the way you said that Brekker," Nina says. "Besides I am everyone's type."
"Nina, I need your skills elsewhere," Kaz says, "now go home, get sleep, tomorrow we have a job to do."
You know better than to argue with Kaz Brekker, but that doesn't stop Nina from trying. Once she finally exhausts herself from arguing with him, you hold the door open for her and start the short walk back.
Jesper stops you on the way, asking if either of you have recently set eyes on Wylan, Nina is uncharacteristically quiet, clearly thinking something over and over. "What dumb thing have you done now?" You ask. Jesper tilts his head side to side.
"I didn't do anything dumb," he says, and then upon some contemplation, "but I did say something dumb."
"What could you possibly say that is dumber than things you've come out with before?" You ask, trying not to let your gaze linger on Nina's blank expression too long.
"I was talking about missing Milo," Jesper explained. You nod.
"The goat," you say. Jesper rubs his neck all sheepish.
"Yeah, I am glad you recognised that, turns out that might not have been so obvious to everyone," Jesper says. You sigh.
"You didn't prefix it with, by the way I am talking about a goat?" you ask. Jesper takes his head.
"I would clip you one if I didn't think you were faster than me," you warn him.
"It's stupid, I know, and now I can't find him to explain," he says.
"I'd check the night market," you tell him. Jesper frowns.
"We have a night market?" he looks deeply unnerved.
"In the nice side of Ketterdam, he sometimes goes there when he is stressed, they make good snacks, and they sometimes import good powders," you explain. Jesper scans you up and down in a glance. "Yes, I listen to your boyfriend, now go and apologise while he is still your boyfriend."
"Received," Jesper says before dashing off into the dark.
"Dumbass," you whisper, you look to Nina, hoping for a smile, but she is scrunching up her nose in discontent. You don't try asking until you make it back into your kitchen, and offer Nina some hot chocolate. She shakes her head, not even really registering the question and that's more than enough to have you worried.
"What is it?" You ask.
"Hmm?" Nina says, looking startled out of her thoughts as she looks across the room to you.
"You don't think I can do this job?" you ask her.
"I know you can do this job," she assures you. "I don't like it any though."
"Why spend so much time arguing with Kaz, Nina, you knew it was pointless," you say, leaning against the counter.
"Had to try," she says.
"Why though?" You ask. She presses her hands together and then looks up at the ceiling, she is searching for a reason, a reason that isn't the truth, a reason that sounds more reasonable than the truth, but she fails to find one. "You're jealous, aren't you?"
You had meant about the job, about Kaz putting you in the centre, and asking Nina to pull some background tricks to keep them moving, but the second the words reach her the look of guilt on her face reveals a whole other kind of jealousy, a type you hadn't dared consider. She's jealous that you have to seduce someone as part of the job.
"No," Nina's voice is sturdy but her conviction is lacking. She won't meet your eye as she says it.
"Nina," you sound out her name soft and slow, and she quickly mistakes your empathy or pity and throws you a look. Her arms crossed across her chest and doing her best not to pout.
"Look, you don't have to look at me like that," she says, "I know it's part of the job."
"Nina, I am not looking at you like anything," you defend. She eyes you, not yet convinced. She has flirted her way through jobs before, she has flirted herself out of trouble more times than she can count. But with you it's different, because you didn't flirt for fun, or for the sake of it, you weren't like Nina and Jesper, you'd never got your kicks from watching someone else blush and buckle under the weight of your attention. Flirting was something you'd grown to do, a response to Nina and her charm, a charm that flourished your own. So the idea of Nina watching you work that same charm on someone else, it made her jealous, jealous in a way she hasn't ever really known before. But also protective.
"With your eyes like that," she waves a hand at you before returning it to her side. You've never seen Nina Zenik, Queen of Smiles and Charisma, so... unsure.
"I am looking at you the way I always look at you Nina," you tell her.
"You always look at me with such pity?" she asks. She huffs slightly, moving to cross her arms. "I had always thought it was awe in those pretty eyes of yours, but thank you for correcting me."
"Nina," you tell her, closing the space between the two of you to place your hands gently on her arms. "I never look at you with anything less than utter admiration, and complete reverence."
"Really?" she asks, smile creeping into her pout.
"Nina for a while now, I have been nothing short of ridiculously, and rather desperately, irrevocably in love with you," you say, "have I not made that abundantly clear?"
"Well," she shrugs a shoulder gently, "maybe not abundantly."
"That is on me then treasure, and all I can do is beg your forgiveness for such an egregious duplicity."
"You're just trying to distract me with words now," she teases, "keep going it's working for you."
You laugh, her arms move from being crossed to wrapping around your waist, holding you close to her, as she smiles at you, all forgiven, all argument disarmed. "You know this is just a job to me Nina," you tell her, "this will always just be a job, Ketterdam is not my home, and admittedly neither is Ravka, you are my home, and I will always return to you, you are my only loyalty."
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
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Day 4: Pansexual
–› Milo Gilbert & Lizzie Saltzman (Legacies)
“Why do I have to entertain him, mom? I don’t even like him. He’s a total dork!”
Caroline stopped in her tracks, turning around to face her daughter, an angry scowl graced her face. “We do not talk like that about other people, Elizabeth.”
Lizzie jutted out her hip, placing both hands on them in the process. She scrunched up her face.
Caroline scoffed, shaking her head as she mirrored Lizzie’s pose. “You’re going to hang out with Milo until Eleanor comes by to pick him up and you’re going to act nice the entire time. And if not, you can forget about spending the summer in Paris, little missy.”
Lizzie narrowed her eyes, glaring at her mother. “You’re bluffing.”
“Try me.”
Lizzie huffed, throwing her hands up in the process. “Fine! Whatever. I’ll entertain Count Dorkula.”
Milo skipped into the room, a giggling Josie following suit.
Lizzie rolled her eyes, listening to her sister and Milo gabbing on and on about another comic book he just read. She’d be lying if she said she wasn’t into hearing Milo ramble. She loved how passionate he was about his interests. How kind he was to her, even when she was being anything but to him.
“Hey, Caroline!”
Caroline beamed at the boy. “Hey, sweet pea!” she greeted. “Mom dropped you off?”
Milo nodded. “She wants to talk you. She’s waiting by the gate.”
“Okay, I think I know what this is about. Let’s not make her wait. Come on, Jo, we’ve got some secret planning to do.”
As mother and daughter walked out of the school building, Milo beamed at Lizzie. “Count Dorkula is funny. Could be my superhero name in the future.”
Lizzie bit the inside of her cheek. “Sorry, I know I should be nicer. What do you feel like doing? Don’t say anything about comics.”
Milo opened his mouth, halting at the last part of Lizzie’s sentence. He rocked back and forth on his feet, hands clasped behind his back. “D&D?”
Lizzie’s brows furrowed. “What’s that?”
“Nevermind,” Milo said. “I could teach you some chords on the guitar.”
Lizzie nodded, finally contempt with Milo’s presence. “Fine. That seems acceptable.”
“Awesome,” Milo beamed again, planning their future wedding in the back of his head.
TAGGING: @waterloou @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @oneirataxia-girl @wordspin-shares @nejires-hado @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen    
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oldestenemy · 1 year
The first time it truly feels good is when they see the cracks forming on one of the drake eggs Penny had rescued from the Marleybone Museum. Sabrina and Ceren had been flooding the trio of eggs with life magic for weeks, as their exterior slowly but surely became more shell than stone.
And then the first one began to hatch.
When the shell broke apart, it was in Artur Gryphonbane’s hands. He had wanted to see the babie after all, everyone agreed he would be allowed to let the first hatchling imprint on him. Sure enough, it rolled out of the shell with brilliant amethyst scales, coughing out sparks of lightning that the wizard knew might one day put the Catalan to shame.
The victories keep coming after that.
The Life tree—to no ones surprise—is the first to shoot up out of the dirt in its new garden plot. Its branches are thin and spindly, but it is beginning to blossom with pink and white flowers that fill the whole center of the grounds with sweetness.
Front and center against its smooth bark, a face is beginning to form. It isn’t quite there yet. But it’s something. It’s hope.
The ruined classrooms have been fully excavated, and the rebuilding process is well underway beneath Regina’s watchful eye. Many of the remaining ghosts have offered to assist however they can, usually by way of unlocking gates that have blocked off collections of knowledge crystals since the war. The Milos in the Athenum is always delighted to receive them, and promises to keep the library well sorted as they continue to flow in.
The wizard spends most days awake from dawn until well past midnight. It’s harder to tell in Dragonspyre of course, but their connection with the Celestial Calendar seems to have given them a sense for the hours as they pass. They don’t get much sleep, but it’s better that way.
Less time to dream.
Less time alone with their thoughts.
A day comes when they can’t settle, when something feels wrong.
They are on the upper level of the Academy grounds, helping tend the Myth tree sapling when the pull comes.
It is long past time we dealt with Morganthe.
The contact spheres aren’t like Raven’s voice.
They are audible to any near enough.
The young wizard remains frozen as Ambrose’s instructions come, fingers still dug in the dirt. They try to ignore the fact that every classmate on the upper level seems to have drawn a little closer.
Deliver your messages and then return to me at once!
“Nolan, Sabrina.” They are grateful that their voice isn’t shaking. “I—”
“—We know. We’ve got this.” Sabrina replies, shooting Nolan a look when he opens his mouth. “Go.”
Reluctantly, the wizard pulls away from the little sapling Ivan had produced. Keeping their eyes on the ground, not wanting to see the return to being othered.
It had been nice for a while.
Watching the Academy come together.
A shame… they never really get to see the final fruit of all their efforts.
But it had to end sometime, one disaster calling after another.
Read more here <3
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deathontheworld · 8 months
Chapter 1 of "Just the Two of Us" is out!
Yup, you heard that right. Just the Two of Us chapter 1 is out!
(Read below the cut for the chapter or go to my AO3
When the bell rang for lunch, Jasper follows the flow of students to the cafeteria.Suddenly, Jasper knocks into someone, causing them to shout something at him, but Jasper wasn’t focusing on that. Jasper’s throat tightens as it goes dry, his nostrils flaring. Jasper started to make his way out of the crowded hallway he was currently in. 
Halfway through the hall, Jasper is finally able to see the commotion- students fighting. By what he could sense, and smell, this fight was a bloody battle. Jasper jumps when he feels an arm wrap around him. 
“C’mon.” Alice says. 
Jasper gives one last look to the fight as teachers and the school officer came to pull apart the fight. When the students are pulled apart, Jasper makes the same student from early, who starts to attack the teacher holding them. Jasper can feel Alice pull on his arm, but yet he does not budge. “I’ll be there, soon.” Jasper mumbles, pulling away from Alice and going to retrieve the students backpack, who was now being dragged out of the hall in handcuffs. Following the student and the officer with the students backpack in hand, Jasper makes his way to the office. Along the way, Jasper can’t overhear the student crying, saying that they can’t go back to jail. The officer escorting them stays silent. 
When the student and the officer enter the office, Jasper stays behind for a second, before entering the office. Upon entering, a wave of stress and anger hit him. The student looks at Jasper and he can make out the features on their bloodied face. There were scars all over the students face, all of them looked old. Something Jasper didn’t notice before, a reddish-brown birthmark under the students eye. 
“Thats my bag.” The student says. 
Jasper says nothing as he goes to place the backpack next to the student. “Thanks.” The student says, squirming as if to get out of their handcuffs. Jasper smiles, thinking of what to say.
“C’mon Harris.” The officer grumbles, getting keys out. The student, Harris, Jasper presumes, stands up and makes his way over to the officer with a grin on their face, relief flooding over them. Jasper starts to listen in the student and the officers conversation, when someone calls out for him. 
“Hello? Can I help you?” A staff asks Jasper. Shaking his head no, Jasper is told to head back to class. 
Walking down the hall, Jasper is stopped by a shout. Turning around, Jasper sees Harris running to get to him. Upon stopping, the student pants for a second, before stating, “Thank you for y’know.” raising the backpack up. 
Jasper smiles, “No problem.”  Harris looks at Jasper, as if to study him,  smiles at him, then raised a hand. “Milo. Nice to meet you.” 
Taking Milo’s hand, Jasper shakes it. “Jasper, nice to meet you.”
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redroom-rainbowguts · 2 years
tw: death/od, @solarchaotica gave me this idea and I needed to scribble this angsty thing out ft. their oc Milo
Up, down, up, down. Milo's eyes followed the path of their chest as they rested on his couch. Up, down, up..........down. A shaky hand ran through his long hair and his eyes darted to the clock. They'd been asleep for awhile now; how long was too long? Milo's phone vibrated, but he couldn't be bothered to answer it. It was probably Avery looking for some backup, but this was not the right day for him to drop everything just for work. She'd already approved him not coming in today, and besides, it was for true love! Someone needed to be here for them when they woke up.
Up... down.......... up, down, up.... down. Their breathing was becoming somewhat sporadic.
"You okay, hun?" He asked, voice barely a whisper. Of course there was no reply. He dug the bottle out of the trash and read the label again, pausing every few lines to check on the adorable figure passed out on his couch.
It was all pretty straightforward- a single dose was included and guaranteed to provide sleep for at least 8 hours. They'd been unconscious for nearly 15 now, that was probably normal, right? The silence of the apartment was broken every few moments by shuddery breaths, but it wasn't enough. Milo sat on the couch, pulling them into his lap.
Up, down...... up... down, up, down............ up. He cradled them, embracing the warmth between their bodies.
"You're going to be so happy here, we'll cuddle and watch TV and I can make you all your favorite foods. I remember that cake you were eyeing the other day but didn't get because it was expensive, and I've got the recipe and all the ingredients. You never have to worry about a thing again!" He placed a gentle kiss on their cheek. "Maybe we can even cook together! Won't that be fun?" A trail of drool poured down their chin lazily. Down............ up........................... down................
"You just need to wake up, and then we can start making memories!"
Panic was starting to seep into Milo's voice. Their chest lay still. Silence drew ice into the air. As the realization hit him, he froze as well.
"...hun?" A pale hand pressed to their neck in search of a pulse. Nothing. He finally allowed himself to get a bit more aggressive, sitting them up, shaking them, squeezing their hands in his. Tears freely flowed as reality grew harder and harder to ignore.
"Please, please, please wake up! It's okay, you're okay, you're safe here! I promised you I'd keep you safe!" Milo's voice cracked the harder he begged. Sobs turned his words to gibberish until all he could do was hold their cold body. Pressed against him, their flesh leeched the heat away from his skin. Warmer.... They were getting warmer! That was a good sign right? Right!?
"M-Maybe you're just cold because of the apartment, h-here let me grab you a blanket, hun." Covered in fleece, they really looked as though they were asleep. "Are you comfortable? Maybe it would be better if I stayed close to you, yeah? Here move over a little." Milo repositioned them so they could both fit under the blanket. He sighed.
"I know it's been a stressful day, but we're gonna get past this, I just know it." He picked at the already chipped polish on his nails. Black flakes littered the couch, but they didn't seem to mind. A few stray tears dribbled down his cheeks. They would wake up soon, he just knew it. He just needed to keep caring for them, and sure, it wasn't going to be easy.
"But you're worth it." Milo whispered to them. He cuddled up even closer and closed his eyes. Nothing better to pass the time than to sleep with the one he loved.
"Good night honey, maybe tomorrow we'll wake up together."
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messy-gemini1 · 2 years
You died in place of milo and Clagger and Vander
Arcane x motherly! reader
You struggle from the rest of the bonds the chair has you in, Vander sat beside you; face beaten as blood runs down his chin. By his feet is Milo struggling to unlock his foot.
You finally release yourself from the bonds and rush over just in time to pull Vi's form into the room and slamming the door shut on the beast.
"Milo" you speak "take your time, breath my boy" you say, patting his head despite your racing heart. You join Claggor in the effort to dig a way out of the room as the beast pounds on the door.
Your heart beats like a freight train in your ears, the only thoughts you can understand is to get your family out of here and make sure powder is ok.
'Squeak squeak clap'
'Squeak squeak clap'
its faint but you know the sound all too well. Your head shoots up, eyes glancing at the door just as the ground rumbles. Your instincts kick into high gear before your thinking and your arm wraps around Clagger throwing him out of the way.
Another shock wave erupts, and the building begins to crumble. Your eyes lock with Vanders just as debris falls around you all. Your eyes glance at all your kids, their eyes screaming fear but their bodies reading ready to fight.
Milo hurries and pulls Vander out of the chair, the older man leaning most of his weight on the boy. You gather your kids in your arms and look around yourself, the ground shakes again.
You can't stop yourself, smiling at your kids.
"i love you kids, you did amazing" you said, shoving them towards a new opening, letting the rock divide your all.
You hear Vi scream your name mixed with the others. Tears fall from your eyes just as another blast sends your form toppling from the building and into the foggy rain.
Your eyes fade in and out from darkness. You can't feel the pain. you know you're dying. the blood pooling around your head is enough proof. You can't tell whether its tears or rain falling from your eyes, but you hope the others don't see you in your condition.
"we have some good kids huh?" Vander speaks, watching the others mess around. Powders voice ringing in laughter. You nod with a smile, leaning a head against Vanders shoulder. "i..I wish Silco was with us sometimes" you admit.
Vanders grip on your hip tightens. "As do I" he mumbles.
Another memory skips.
"Mom look at this new gadget! when the enforcers come, they won't know what hit em!" powder says, grinning wide. You smile and ruffle her hair. "Your gonna do some great things pow wow" you said.
You see Milos yourself cleaning Milos black eyes, Vi's bloodied Knuckles. Sleepy Sundays with the kids and Vander.
More tears fall from your eyes just as you hear running footsteps close in.
"n-no... I'm sorry I'm sorry!" your worst fear is coming true. You hear powder hiccup before she drops to her knees beside you. You turn your head slowly, watching as snot and tears roll down her face.
Despite your body dying, you lift a hand and wipe her eyes, Powder clinging to your hand. You smile softly at her "you did your best kiddo." you cough.
You can hear Vanders loud footsteps as the others run to your form. "no honey stay with me ok your gonna be ok" Vander speaks, raking your form with his eyes, hands hovering having no idea what to do.
You cough out a laugh. "I know I'm gonna die here sweetheart" you say, your eyes blink slowly. "i'm getting cold" your voice get lower. "no no! mom!" Milo screams, you feel their arms wrap around you all.
"don't ever stop my lovley bunnies. fuck them Enforcers up.." you can hear a sob of laughter as your tries to fight.
"vander...Tell silco" you breathing slows. Vander watches your face as you meet his eyes.
"tell him I'm sorry for not saving him that day, and that I forgive him and I love you both so so much" you whimper as your body gives one last breath before submitting to the darkness.
The last drop is loud as ever, a picture frame surrounded by flowers sits upon the wall, taking up most of said wall,
Vander and Silco stand next to each other, watching the patrons. "she..she said she forgives you" Vander finally admits. "and that she loves us both" he speaks. Silco doesn't speak, he only tightens his grip on the rag in his hand.
"I-I know...She always had too must trust in others" he spoke. The two don't speak anymore, only turning when they hear the kids coming in. Vi with her Girlfriend and powder with her mini army of robots.
It's different, its carefree. Each of the kid pats your portrait on the wall before going their separate way. You face keeps the patrons from going too far almost like you did when you were alive. The peace stays even in your absents.
Vander promises to do right by the second chance in life you've given him and the kids.
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beewithknee · 3 years
rumbling & tumbling
asher x david x milo x babe/angel/sweetheart fluff
Two furry creatures zipped under your legs as you glided around the kitchen. You rolled your eyes as Asher shrugged at you. “I don't know babe, they’re going a bit crazy. Need me to help with anything?” He asked sweetly, offering his services. You looked at the recipe you were making for dinner and shook your head.
It wasn't that hard.
“Nah. It's pretty easy.” You replied, turning back and forth between benches. More fur flew in and out of your vision, making you stumble. Hands wrapped around your apron covered waist, keeping you from hitting the ground. “My hero.” You teased your lover, he twirled you around like a prince would. Landing in a kiss, you smiled. Humming into the vigorous kiss, you enjoyed his sweet taste. Despite Asher’s beliefs, you could tell that he was getting antsy. “Go. Go have fun. Be back in about half an hour and do not track mud in this house or so help me god, your moon goddess will have nothing on me.” You promised, placing your finger in his chest. He nodded quickly, hair bouncing around.
“Thank you babe! You're the best.” He kissed you once more before stripping, leaving his clothes at the back door. It was a good idea to buy the house that backed onto the forest.
David, Milo and Asher slammed into the glass, making it shake. “Careful!” You hissed, feeling like a tired parent. Having three lovers, werewolf lovers at that, was sometimes exhausting but you wouldn't trade it for the world. You peered out the window, seeing the three rolling around in the dirt. God they were gonna need a good shower. You shook your head with a laugh. You loved your crazy life.
As promised, half an hour later, three dirty wolves came tumbling through the door. Still in their wolf form, you ushered them upstairs, into the bathroom. “Alright, shift.” They did as you said. They were caked in mud. Good god. “For god sake- y’know what. You all can deal with yourselves. I'll be downstairs finishing dinner. I’ll be done in about 15 minutes and I am not gonna wait for y’all.” You winked, showing them you weren't actually mad. Walking out of the room, you placed the final ingredients into the pot and stirred slowly, letting our mind wander. You, David, Asher and Milo had been together for about 2 years. You all trusted each other with everything in you and loved each other even more. Cold palms rested against your stomach under your shirt, making you jump.
“Jesus David. Don't scare me like that.” He hummed quietly, and placed a kiss on your neck in apology. You could feel him smiling, the little shit wasn't at all sorry. Asher stomped in next, “Damn babe. That smells good!” Asher smiled, his cheeks scrunching up. You smiled back, pulling him closer and resting your head against his shoulder. “Don't leave me out now.” Milo’s accent called out through the kitchen, coming to your other side. He brought your hand into his, taking the wooden spoon from you. You stood for a few seconds, allowing the horribly domestic situation to fill your heart. The timer beeped and you shooed all of them out of the way. They scrambled to the table, setting the cutlery and drinks. Serving the soup into the bowls, you placed each in front of them. Your hungry men devoured it immediately and you just sipped on yours. “Good, huh?” Asher nodded enthusiastically while the other two just kept eating. Food was eaten, dishes were done and life was good.
Hours later, you all went to bed. You could still tell that their skin was prickling with the urge to shift. You had gotten good at reading their tells and they weren’t exactly subtle. “Go on. I know you want to. And I wouldn't mind some wolf cuddles.” You mumbled the last sentence, but they all still heard. Milo’s cheeks lit up with a delicious pink and David snorted. “Fine. Give us a sec.” You turned around, respecting their privacy. They had told you before that they didn't mind you watching them, but still, it felt better to not.
A wet snout pushed against your back and you turned around in time to be attacked by three heavy wolves. “Hey babies.” You kissed each of their heads, Asher sneezed as you did.
“Gross man!” You groaned, rolling your eyes at the silly puppy. Helping them onto the bed very ungracefully, you flopped next to them. Milo curled up into your side, pressing himself as close as he could to your chest. You laid on your back, letting him push your arm around him. Asher flopped himself between your legs as per usual. He adored placing his head on your chest and feeling your heartbeat and breathing. David, being the biggest, wrapped around your other side and the bottom of your feet. You found yourself chuckling quietly at the arrangement. Your free arm came up to sit on top of Davey’s head, stroking between his eyes. A crackled rumble broke free from his chest and you leaned over to kiss his snout. Asher let out a whine at the lack of attention. “Oh I'm so sorry baby. Am I neglecting you?” You teased, but he nodded anyway. You took your hand from beside Milo and alternated between patting him and Asher. They all seemed satisfied with this, eyes gently closing. They were happy with the knowledge that they were protecting you. They’d never let anything hurt you. After a while, you felt your eyelids droop, exhaustion catching up with you.
“Goodnight my loves.” You whispered sleepily, letting their purring breaths lull you to sleep.
Life was good.
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graham--folger · 3 years
You should do 56 or 26 on the kiss prompt for Jon and Martin
26. Jealous kiss
56. Caught off guard kiss
read on ao3
It really is a lovely wedding, Jon thinks fondly, as he watches Georgie and Melanie dancing and laughing and smiling through happy tears together beneath the gentle strands of light. He’ll deny it until the day he dies but there were a few happy tears of his own during the vows. Martin’s hand found his then and squeezed.
Now though, Martin’s the one sniffling a bit and trying to be inconspicuous about wiping his eyes. Jon smiles softly and leans close, pressing a kiss to Martin’s shoulder.
The dance is over and Georgie and Melanie embrace and suddenly people are talking again, the awed silence broken, as more upbeat music starts to play, inviting more people onto the dance floor. Jon excuses himself to fetch drinks as Martin gets caught up in a warm conversation with someone nearby.
Jon is picking up two glasses of wine when he hears a delighted voice from behind him.
“Christ, could that be Jonathan Sims?”
Jon turns, already feeling a smile forming at the familiar voice. “Milo? Is that you? Good Lord, it’s been years.”
Milo hasn’t changed a bit since their last year together at uni. Their hair is still a mess of dyed curls and their eyes are obscured behind possibly the same glasses frames from all those years ago; Jon is a bit miffed however to see as they approach that Milo has an inch or two on him now.
“It’s been far too long, Jon,” Milo grins. “How are you?”
“I’m doing well,” Jon smiles, letting his gaze wander a bit to see Martin gesturing expressively and smiling while speaking to someone Jon doesn’t recognize. Martin must notice Jon’s gaze because he looks up and smiles so fondly Jon’s cheeks heat. “Yeah, very well.”
Milo follows Jon’s gaze, and they raise a querying eyebrow. Jon clears his throat, turning back to his friend.
“And you? How are you doing?”
They continue to talk good-naturedly about their lives since they last saw each other at uni, commenting on how exciting it is to see Georgie married and happy. It really is great to see his old friend, and Jon finds it hard to keep the wide smile off his face as they recount old exploits. He quite forgets what he came over to do in the first place until a warm hand gently rests on his shoulder.
“There you are, love,” Martin chuckles slightly. “Sorry I got so caught up.”
“No, no,” Jon waves a hand, “Martin, I’d like you to meet my old friend, Milo.”
“Ah, so you’re the famed boyfriend, good to meet you, Martin,” Milo holds out their hand amiably. “Jon, Georgie, and I all know each other from uni. Had a lot of crazy adventures together,” Milo winks surreptitiously at Jon, and Jon stifles a laugh.
“It’s good to know Jon managed to get up to some mischief during his time at uni,” Martin says a bit flatly. As soon as he drops Milo’s hand from shaking it, he grabs Jon’s and puts on a particularly forced smile.
“Well, as fun as it is to catch up with old friends, I’m afraid I’ll have to steal Jon away as he promised me a dance!”
Jon scoffs. “I did no such thing!”
Martin chuckles. “Well then,” he holds out his hand, an eyebrow ticked up in that over-the-top flirtatious way that makes Jon giggle. “May I have this dance?”
Jon pretends to ponder the question for a moment before sighing and saying, “I suppose.”
Martin grins widely and leans in to place a particularly searing kiss to Jon’s lips, a hand coming to rest against his neck. When he finally pulls away, Jon is quite dazed, heat rising in his cheeks, and it’s all he can do to mutter a disjointed apology to a rather amused-looking Milo before he’s pulled out onto the dance floor.
It’s not until Martin’s hands are resting at Jon’s waist, leading them in a gentle swaying amongst the other guests that Jon has the wherewithal to sputter out a “And what was that exactly?!”
Martin sniffs and looks off into a corner. “Nothing.”
Jon raises a single eyebrow, unamused. “We really must do something about that jealous streak.”
“Hey, you love it!” Martin protests. “You get all smug. Don’t think I don’t notice.”
“Yes, well…”
He reaches up and pulls Martin down by his collar so he can press a lingering kiss to his cheek and then a quick peck to his lips.
“…Maybe I appreciate being someone to be jealous over.”
Martin shakes his head. “You truly are a ridiculous man.”
He presses a soft kiss to Jon’s forehead and stays there. Jon wraps his arms around Martin’s neck, taking the opportunity to kiss his collarbone, and sways to the music. He’ll have to apologize more formally to Milo later for his boyfriend’s—admittedly adorable—antics. But for now, he lets himself smile against Martin’s chest as the music continues.
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ejunkiet · 2 years
snapshots of the aftermath
this is short and just a little bittersweet. post-inversion. davey needs a hug.
redacted asmr: davey x angel. rated teen, no warnings aside from inversion.
Post-inversion. Davey breaks down, Angel is there to catch him.
“You’re safe. You’re home. I’ve got you.”
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snapshots of the aftermath
The full weight of what happened hits him when they’re back at the house.
Asher and his mate have set up in the guest room - neither of them were ready to part ways completely after the last twenty-four hours, and no one else had questioned it. 
Milo had promised to follow as soon as he could - and there’s something he’s not saying, something to do with the magical exhaustion he’d had when he’d arrived at the healing station, but David hasn’t got the strength to press the point now.
He barely has the energy to strip out of his clothes inside of their room, Angel’s hands finding the hem of his bloodied shirt, pulling it over his head. His jeans are the next to go, replaced by a pair of worn sweats, comfortable and familiar, and it helps, a little.
But once it starts, it doesn’t stop - until he’s almost crushed by it.
It’s more than the exhaustion that’s left him barely upright, more than physical, a drawn out panic attack, wave after wave until he’s bowed beneath it, thick and cloying in his throat, almost enough to drown.
Their touch breaks the moment. An anchor point, to the here and now, the warmth of their body against his, the gentle pulse of their heartbeat as they cradle his head against their chest.
They’re sitting on the floor of their room, beside the bed - and he doesn’t remember when that happened, exactly. But Angel’s hands are in his hair, tangled amongst the knots, and it grounds him.
“You’re safe. You’re home. I’ve got you.”
His arms wind around their waist, and he can’t let go.
(“Don’t- don’t leave. Please.”
The words stumble from his mouth, even as Angel falters, eyes wide as they glance back from where they'd been reaching over to the side table. He’s shaking, an uncontrollable tremor in his fingers as he grips the sheets, a ringing in his ears, and he can’t-
“I’m-” They shake their head sharply, turning fully back to face him, pushing back the sheets until they can reach him, finally, searching palms and steady grip, wrapping themselves around him, all too warm and so fucking soft.
“I’m not going anywhere.”)
“You don’t have to talk about it.”
Their hands trace over the lines on his chest, the faint discolourations that mark his skin, what's left of them. Soft, ever so soft, as if they're afraid to touch them, as if the brush of their fingertip could reopen the freshly healed scars.
(Ash carries a matching set along the length of his right flank, deep enough that David had seen the flash of white bone before his teeth had torn through the partially corporated flesh of the shade that had him by the throat.)
“But if you wanted to. I’m here.”
He releases a long, slow breath. It doesn’t shake this time.
“There isn’t much I can say.” Another breath, held and then released. “It- happened.”
The pressure of their fingertips against his sternum, pressing neat crescents into his skin. Their eyes are dark when they meet his again, their gaze distant, remembering.
They were there, too. They didn’t see all of it, but they saw enough.
They’ve arranged the blanket they’d dragged off the bed into some sort of nest around the two of them. It’s impractical, and frankly stupid with the bed so close, but he can’t find the energy - or the will - to move.
With their arms around him, it doesn’t matter, anyway.
“We had no warning. The timing-” he cuts himself off with a frustrated growl. There’s no point thinking about the why or how now. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, except the cost.
Too great a cost.
“I had to make a choice.” The words are laboured and thick, like treacle. The exhaustion drags at him now, slowing his body, if not his mind. “It was the right call.”
Angel doesn’t press when he falls silent again, their fingers gentle as they run through his hair, present, without the pressure of expectation. He shifts until he can wrap his arms more securely around them, pressing his face into their throat. Their heat, their scent…
Alive. Which may not have been the case if those shades… had gotten out.
He knows that. He does.
“I-” The words are choked in his throat, but he has to say them, say them out loud. Maybe if he said them enough, he would actually believe them. “I did what I could.”
The rest, he just has to live with.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | chapter one
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summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, depressed spencer, reader has a daughter, falling in love, strangers to lovers
word count: 3,147
Read on Ao3
There’s this small, tiny part, of Spencer that wants to run away.
He’s always felt like he’s never truly been home, a never-ending and long yearning, a homesickness for a place he didn't even know, eating him alive day by day. It made him want to drop everything and buy a cottage in the woods, to fill it with books and coffee and never see another person again.
It got worse after prison and after his mom asked to go back into a care facility, it hurt the most when Penelope left the FBI and things with Max fizzled out. Then he was really, truly alone again. His apartment felt cold and uninviting, the BAU felt like a chore, using his brain for anything other than taking care of himself was extremely hard.
He needed a break.
So when he walked out of work and straight to his favourite park for an escape, he wasn’t surprised that he didn’t stop walking. Going further and further down the trail, following the dirt path towards a pond, covered by a beautiful willow tree and surrounded by pink, purple, yellow and white flowers. The contrast of the green grass with the colourful flowers, the blue sky and the light green willow tree reflection dancing on the surface of the pond. It was like he walked into Eden, taking a seat by the tree and picking a book from his satchel.
For the rest of the week, it’s his own little sanctuary, escaping desk work and home cases as fast as he could. Even then it wasn't enough and he started going every afternoon, he’d sneak out for an hour and just relax. Reading his book, feeling the breeze on his face, the sound of ducks and frogs competing with the crickets for loudest being in the area. Eventually bringing his bike on the subway to work so he could get there faster.
It was beautiful.
Almost as beautiful as what he walked in on when he arrived Saturday afternoon. Parking his bike by the tree, looking at them carefully as he took his satchel off his shoulders and placed it by the trunk. Craning his neck so he could look at who it was, seeing the purest display of human affection known to man.
A mother and her daughter were having a picnic, dressed up like Miss Honey and Matilda as they had lemonade and snacks, spread out on a blanket as the mother handed her a sandwich wrapped in checkered red wax paper.
Spencer was in awe, sitting on the other side of the pond by a second tree, pretending to read when really he was glancing at them. Their laugher filling the field, bouncing around the trees and filling his chest with warmth.
It reminded him of all the afternoons with his own mother. His head in her lap, the sound of her voice as she shared worlds wisdom with him. He missed childhood, freedom, hope. The will to continue…
When the little girl finally notices that they’re not alone in this little world she’s creating, he sees her tug on her moms shirt, asking her a question before cheering. She picks something out of the basket and comes running towards Spencer.
“Excuse me, sir?” Her sweet little voice asks. “Are you an archeologist or a palaeontologist?”
It makes him laugh slightly, a large smile erupting on his face as he pushes his glasses up and puts the book down. “No sorry, I’m not, what made you think I was?”
“You have a satchel and glasses like Milo from Atlantis, but you have a dinosaur on your tie, you look like you work at a museum,” she rambled all her thoughts out, much like he did as a child.
“I’m actually an FBI agent,” he whispered.
“Wow,” she whispered back in amazement, “are you like a knight? Do you save princesses?”
“I do," he nodded enthusiastically, "do you know any in need?”
“Her,” she pointed. “I’m Lady Amoreena, the Princess over there says I was a gift to the kingdom but that she’ll never need a prince or king to take care of us, but I think a knight would work!”
He laughed lightly, seeing her mom shake her head as she overheard it, covering her face with her hand, she looked embarrassed.
“It’s nice to meet you, Lady Amoreena,” he put his hand out to shake her’s as soft as possible, noticing the cookie in her hand. “My name is Dr. Spencer Reid,” he added softly.
“Would you like a cookie?”
He smiled as she placed it in his hand, “thank you.”
“Do you like Matilda?”
“It’s one of my favourite books,” he smiles.
“Do you want to have some lemonade and read with us?” Her face lit up, turning back to where her mother was watching from the pond.
“It’s okay, thank you for offering,” not wanting to intrude on their moment.
“We need a voice for Matilda’s father, please?” She begged, overly sweet and incredibly convincing.
“Alright, but I’m warning you if I upstage the princess with my awesome voices, it’s not my fault,” he smiled as he stood up, grabbing his things and starting to follow her over to the blanket.
She took his hand and tugged him along the edge of the pond, dragging him right to were her mother was sitting on the ground.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized softly as he sat down. “She’s very persistent about making new friends. We don’t see many people on this side of the park.”
“It’s fine, honestly, I’m Dr. Spencer Reid, by the way,” he introduced himself. “I work with the FBI, normally I’d advice women and their children to avoid strange men they don’t know when they’re alone in the woods like this.”
She laughed slightly, “Y/N Y/L/N, I’m the head librarian at the DC library, and you don’t seem that strange.”
“Neither did Bundy,” he tried to joke, knowing she got it and trusted him when she bit back a smile, eyes twinkling at him in the sunlight.
“My name is Amoreena, like the Elton John song,” her daughter cut in, noticing how they were staring at each other and trying to get the attention instead.
“It’s a beautiful song, no wonder you love it here,” Spencer smiled at her, “do you come here often?”
She nodded, a blush flowing through her freckled cheeks, “have you ever read Tuck Everlasting? The pond here can make you young forever,” her whisper was the cutest thing. She was so full of life, personality and joy.
“I have, you’re right this feels a lot like the field from the book, what other books do you like?”
“I love books,” she lays back against the blanket ever so dramatically. “Matilda, Anne of Green Gables, Beauty and the Beast, I love every story that ends with true love and happiness, and cats.”
He couldn’t help but laugh at her explanation, knowing that feeling all too well. “I have read almost every book ever, more than the entire DC library probably."
“We dress up every week for what ever book we are reading, next week is Peter Pan if you’d like to join us? We’re here every Saturday at 11,” Y/N offered.
“You haven’t even heard me read Matilda from memory and you’re already asking me to come back?” Spencer smirked as their faces lit up.
“No way, prove it!” Amoreena shouted, shoving him lightly to encourage him to start.
“The Reader of Books,” he began, seeing the pages in his mind as he repeated the words. “It's a funny thing about mothers and fathers. Even when their own child is the most disgusting little blister you could ever imagine, they still think that he or she is wonderful.”
“Okay so you know the beginning,” Y/N teased, opening the book to a random page, “what's on page 32?”
"My name is Jennifer Honey," Miss Honey said. "How do you do, Mrs. Wormwood." Mrs. Wormwood glared at her and said, "What's the trouble then?" Nobody invited Miss Honey to sit down so she chose a chair and sat down anyway. "This", she said, "was your daughter's first day at school." "We know that," Mrs Wormwood said, ratty about missing her programme. "Is that all you came to tell us?" Miss Honey stared hard into the other woman's wet grey eyes, and she allowed the silence to hang in the air until Mrs. Wormwood became uncomfortable. "Do you wish me to explain why I came?" she said.
Amoreena thought it was the coolest thing ever, reading the page and jumping up and down when he was correct, “how did you do that?”
“I can remember every word I’ve ever read, I have a pretty interesting brain,” he explained it as overdramatic as he could, knowing she would find it magical.
“You’re so cool!” She swooned, dropping back against the blanket just as dramatically.
Y/N was all smiles, running her fingers through Amoreena’s hair and giggling slightly at the sight of her silly child. “Spencer, would you like to do the honours today?”
She handed him the book, knowing he didn’t need it. He gently opened it, starting on the first page and starting to read it the way his mother would. Bringing out voices, hand gestures, all the bells and whistles.
They were in the field together until the sun started to set, casting a purple and orange glow over the pond. Amoreena was resting in Y/N’s arms, legs extended over Spencer’s lap as they sat close. It was the most perfect Saturday he has had in a long time. Probably the best day of his life, actually.
“Matilda leapt into Miss Honey's arms and hugged her, and Miss Honey hugged her back, and then the mother and father and brother were inside the car and the car was pulling away with the tyres screaming. The brother gave a wave through the rear window, but the other two didn't even look back. Miss Honey was still hugging the tiny girl in her arms and neither of them said a word as they stood there watching the big black car tearing round the corner at the end of the road and disappearing for ever into the distance. The end.”
He closed the book softly, setting it down on the blanket and looking at them softly, “am I still invited next week?”
“Absolutely,” Y/N smiled, “I’m dressing as Tinker Bell, Amoreena will be Peter Pan, and you can be anyone else of your choosing.”
“I’ll keep it a surprise until next week,” Spencer smiled right back.
Amoreena crawled out of Y/N’s lap and leapt into Spencer’s arms, hugging him tightly in her small arms. “That was the best story ever, thank you!”
Everything in the world felt right then, hugging her back while he smiled at her mother. Y/N had a hand over her heart as she swooned, watching her daughter bond with the man who just happened to wander into their picnic.
“Can I get your number?” Y/N asked softly, “you know, so we can arrange outfits and stories as the week's pass.” She shrugged, licking her lips slightly as she blushed.
“Of course, I’m not on duty for the rest of the month, so if you wanted to go to a museum or anything, I’m free? Since I look so much like I should work there,” he teased Amoreena.
“I’m sure lovey would like that?” Y/N leaned over Amoreena’s shoulder, holding her around her waist and tickling her softly.
It was a nickname that made perfect sense in his mind. Amoreena, the keyword being Amore, to love. She was very loveable, incredibly vibrant and full of innocence, a life that was full of possibilities, wonderful like her mother.
“We’re going to the Smithsonian tomorrow to see the Dino’s,” Amoreena’s face lit up. “Do you know anything about them?”
“Surprisingly enough, while I’m not a paleontologist, I know a lot about dinosaurs, and I might have some connections there to see the rare ones,” he exaggerated his voice again, watching her get so excited she started to run around with her arms in the air.
“You don’t have to if you’re busy,” she says softly when Amoreena is far enough away, picking flowers as she ran around.
“I’d love to, actually, thank you,” he whispers towards Y/N. “I haven’t been having the greatest week.”
“Is it okay for me to ask what you do?” She asked, just as softly as Amoreena kept running around the field.
“I’m a profiler, I consult on intense cases.”
“The strange man comment makes more sense now,” she smiled. “we’re looking for a literary historian at the library right now, I’m sure remembering every word in every book would get you hired, you know if you wanted to switch careers for something easier on your soul?”
“I have been thinking of leaving, in all honesty, I’ve actually been having more of a rough 15 years,” he tries to laugh but he just feels frustrated. “It’s been really hard.”
“For everything you see, you’re still a very sweet man, not many people would sit down and occupy his time with an autistic 7-year-old,” she complimented him with a smile, sharing something personal in a way that would fit right into the conversation and not make a big deal. “We really did enjoy your company today.”
He handed her a business card from his pocket, feeling a bit overwhelmed and emotional as he handed it to her, “I've had a wonderful time. I'm also autistic, I know what it's like to want to share the world while no one wants to listen, thank you for letting me join you. Let me know what time you’re going to the museum tomorrow and I will be there.”
Y/N’s face lit up once more, reading the card over before sliding it into her bag. “Do you want a PB&J or a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow?”
“PB&J is a great museum lunch,” he bit his lip so he’d stop smiling, it was beginning to feel embarrassing with how much he liked her already. Not used to random kindness from smart and beautiful women.
Amoreena came running back then, handing Spencer a handful of flowers upon her arrival. “For you, Sir Knight,” she bowed as he took them.
“I bid you a good day, my fair ladies,” Spencer plaid along, standing to curtsy back.
“We’ll see you tomorrow then?” Y/N asked from the blanket as Amoreena dove into her arms.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Spencer smiled one last time.
“Bye Spencer!!” Amoreena cheered as he waved, walking back down the path towards the main park entrance.
With his satchel draped over his shoulder, he pushed his sleeves up as he walked towards his bike, overwhelmed by the feeling of joy still swirling in his blood. Peddling his way down the path with a smile on his face, excited to get home and plan for the Smithsonian tomorrow, he was an excellent tour guide.
And he did actually have some connections.
Calling the museum curator, an old friend from years ago who owed him a favour. Asking if there was any way he could show his friend and her kid around the un-displayed dinosaurs and fossils, of course she said yes. People seemed to do anything for Dr. Reid of the FBI.
He thought about her job offer then as he hung up, reaching the train station finally and making his way back to his sad apartment. It would be nice to change things up for a bit, it’s not like he couldn’t go back to the FBI in 20 years like Rossi did.
15 years in the field and a metric fuck ton of trauma later, he was officially fed up. Opening his computer the second he got home, writing his 2 weeks notice to be forwarded to Mateo Cruz.
He woke up with excitement, for the first time in years.
Well, at first he was happy, then he thought about it too long. Despair creeping in, it was truly sad to think that he’s been sad for so long, desperately needing the happiness Y/N and Amoreena brought to his life.
Like when he spent time around Henry or Hank, there was something so rewarding about witnessing a child see something for the first time. Explaining the world to them, seeing their eyes widen as they enjoyed the world around them.
It was the best thing someone could do, spending the day living with the happiness of a child.
Y/N had texted him right as he woke up, the chime of a new message actually making him smile instead of panic.
Y/N: hey smartie pants, we’re thinking 11 am today. Can we meet you out front?”
Spencer: sure! You should start preparing to hear me ramble all day long. Also my I suggest bringing proper shoes for lots of walking and a backpack for the things Amoreena will get to bring home!
Y/N: oh you weren’t kidding about those connections huh?
Spencer: nope!
Y/N: well, can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! (And to hear your voice all day ♥︎)
It made his heart swell, he could swear it grew three sizes as it pushed against his ribs. Trying to break free from him and run to her, he hadn’t felt this strongly about another person in a very long time.
It wasn’t lust, it wasn’t greed, it wasn’t desperation. He didn’t just want to sleep with her or use her to fill his time, she wasn’t just another friend to occupy his days and talk to when he had to, she was special. She was interesting, she was kind, she was beautiful, she reminded him of his own mother in a strange way that made him fear Fraud was right.
He found a comfort in her that felt a little like home, like all his running led him to her. She was the end of the finish line, the cold glass of water, the euphoric pride of a job well done. She was everything good wrapped up in a beautiful bow and he was gone.
Feeling like he did when he met Ethan, Derek, or Elle for the first time, even Maeve when they were just talking on the phone, that butterfly feeling that excited him to try something new.
Y/N made him believe in possibilities again.
It felt nice to look ahead, to dream and wish of the future and not see death and destruction. Instead, dreaming of them running through the fields, flowers dancing everywhere as they hear Amoreena’s laughter. It’s how life is supposed to be.
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fuzzy-melonlord · 2 years
What have i done with milo and sweetheart??
Alrightie nonnie, so this hurt a lot. This whole fic has SO MANY Inversion spoilers. The first half of this fic is legit just part of the last Inversion video lol. So just a fair warning before you read this.
Prompt: @badthingshappenbingo - What Have I Done. TW: Blood, vomiting, magical overload, Major character deaths, distress, crisis situation, WC: 1.4k+ Summary: Not everything turns out as we hope. The world can be cruel and ruin those fragile little hopes. Especially when the situation is already dire.
“Milo…Milo, come on. Talk to me, Firefly.” Sweetheart was scared to even touch him. The horrible sounds the barrier made when Milo took in the magic had almost been enough to stop their heart from beating. Not to mention when Milo collapsed to the floor. It was all so damn much and Sweetheart couldn’t wait for this horrible day to end.
The coughing was the first thing that alerted them that he was alive, a good sign. They helped him sit up, one hand on his back and the other gripping one of his own. Feeling stray bits of magic fizzling against their skin as it tried to escape his body,
“W-What?” He was out of it, eyes unable to focus on them as the coughing continued. Their hand clenched his tightly, eyes not leaving him as he slowly came back to them.
“Are you alright? You’re not hurt at all?” He didn’t look physically injured but the cold sweat he had broken into was concerning. He shook his head slightly, eyes closing as he tried to get a grip of himself.
“No…” A wince, “No, I’m alright. I’m-I’m not.” He wretched himself free from their arms, the contents of his stomach spilling out onto the floor. The room filled with the musky smell of vomit, forcing Sweetheart to do their best to keep their lunch from making a return visit as well. Their hand returned to his back, rubbing small soft circles as he returned to coughing once again.
“Did it work?” The words slurred so much that they could hardly understand him. It almost sounded like it was painful taking in air as he tried his best to continue speaking, “Is it down?”
Sweetheart’s heart ached listening to the way he struggled to steady his breathing, and there was absolutely nothing they could do to help. It was a terrible feeling. So they simply nodded, clearing their throat as they tried to help him sit back up properly.
“I think so, everything went dark when you messed with it.” They weren’t exactly an expert on barrier magics but it did look like it had dropped. Milo winced again, leaning back onto Sweetheart’s chest as they held him and resting his head against their shoulder.
“Good…” He struggled to get the word out, pain filling the single syllable, “Feels like…everything in my body is on fire…” His hand gripped onto Sweetheart’s for dear life. Holding as tightly as he could as if they were his only lifeline.
A shuddering breath and more coughing filled the room as Milo tried to keep what was left of his stomach’s contents inside of him. Sweetheart could tell from the way he swallowed how hard the act was all on it’s own.
“We have to get out of here…” Milo forced the words out once more, trying his best to stay focused on the task they had originally set out to complete. The final step being to get away without being noticed, “We..can’t let them find us here.”
With every struggling intake of breath, every cough Sweetheart’s heart broke more. Sure they had seen Milo sick before but this was something entirely different, they couldn’t help this or nurse him back to health. They just had to let the magic run its course. Milo gave them a small nod, using their grip on him to try and push himself into a standing position. They quickly move to wrap his arm around their shoulders to help him but he shakes his head with another sharp intake of breath.
“No…no, I can walk. Not much else..” He groans, looking as if he were about to throw up once more and causing Sweetheart to renew their grip on his hand as his gaze moves to the entrance. A renewed determination in his eyes, “We gotta get topside, see if Lasko pulled it off.”
“And get you help, before you collapse again.” Their words were forceful, leaving no room for argument. They weren’t gonna let Milo get far without getting some kind of medical attention. They didn’t care what they had to do.
“Yeah” Another wince and a harsh swallow as they began slowly walking towards the exit,“yeah yeah, and get me help.” A few more steps forward and Milo felt his knees begin to give out, knowing he would have fallen to the floor once more if Sweetheart hadn’t been holding him up. The more he moved the worse he felt, it was a horribly overpowering feeling. All that magic felt unnatural inside of his body. He honestly might have been underestimating how bad it felt.
“Yeah…definitely get me help.” Sweetheart was grateful he was at least willing to admit that he needed it.
It took much longer getting out than it had to get back up than it had to get it. The duo having to stop every so often to give Milo a breather. His condition not getting any better the more they traveled. Sweetheart even offered to stop and try and heal him, but he had refuted the offer saying that despite their best efforts the pain from their healing might actually do more harm than good. Which was unfortunately true, after all of this was over…they might sign up for some healing classes at D.A.M.N to maybe help lessen their “jack-hammer” healing tendencies.
As they reached the top, hope filling both of them. They prayed that Milo’s plan worked, that everyone would be safe and all of the Shades would be killed. But unfortunately, reality didn’t always work out the way they would hope.
Screams of terror filled the air, the smell of blood practically choked Sweetheart as they stared out at the disaster in front of them. Bodies lay scattered across the blood stained grass as the people tired their best to fight off the seemingly endless waves of Shades that were now spilling out through Dahlia. They watched as countless civilians were cut down and drained by the Shades.
Adding on top of the already terrible pain he was in, Milo felt a horrible sense of guilt welling in his gut as he struggled to stand on his own.
“What have we done…” His voice shook as another innocent was struck down, their body falling with a sickening thud, “What have I done?!” The abject horror of the situation hitting him like a ton of bricks, weighing him down. He didn’t have the strength to shift right now…let alone fight and try to protect people. The people HE had put in danger because of his stupid plan. His stupid wish to protect the ones he cared about, his family. And now…all of Dahlia would pay the price.
Those deaths would be on his conscience, even if the only ones who knew would be him and Sweetheart.
He feels his heart sink into his gut as he feels his partner pull away from him.
“Milo, head back downstairs where it’s safe,” They don’t meet his eyes as he turns to face them. A chill running down his spine as he realizes what exactly they’re planning on doing.
“Sweetheart no!” Raising his voice hurt, everything hurt. He could feel the urge to vomit rising within him once more as he tried to cling onto them. Wishing that their fool hearted bravery just decided to stay away just for once. “Y-You’re gonna get…g-get yourself killed!”
“We caused this Milo.” Their words cut deep, hitting the pain he was already feeling at the realization, “I can’t protect you and everyone else, so go! Now.”
They don’t give him time to argue back before they’re rushing out to fight a shade away from a civilian, their experience helping them..as much as it possibly could. But not nearly enough, Milo watched from the door. Wanting nothing more than to run and help his partner but knowing he would only get in the way…would only make things worse if he did. He felt so fucking helpless. Watching as they took hit after hit, watching fresh blood falling from their newly formed wounds as he struggled just to stay standing.
It was torture, the whole situation. And he had no one to blame but himself.
“Lasko look out!!” The scream following their words, the familiar voice of the friend he had just made. The friend who had put his hope in Milo…as his life was drained away by those Shades. The lifeless look on Lasko’s face would haunt his nightmares, as would the scream echoing from the love of his life as they quickly joined their new friend in the beyond.
And it was all Milo’s fault.
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