#and a couple bonus ruis
artfurbet · 5 months
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Before / After colouring 🎨
I got tagged such an embarassingly long time ago that I don't remember who it was. Anyways, thank you so much to whomever lovely it was, I really appreciate the tag and finally found time to do a post about my colouring.
I started gifing less than a year ago and learned a lot since then. I gif online in Photopea as Photoshop is just to expensive for me atm (and my old laptop probably wouldn't survive running Photoshop). So, if anyone wants a detailed process of gifing in Photopea, jhmu.
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Bed Friend | King and Uea I love how King's desire for Uea is shown in this gif. He is just gone on Uea and barely can hold himself back.
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The Eclipse | Akk and Ayan Loved the sun shining from behind Akk's head and had to colour the gif in a way that the sun would stand out a bit.
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A Boss And A Babe | Gun and Cher Them and their adoration for each other made me love this show.
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My School President | Tiw and Por TiwPor my beloved side couple 💖
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The Eighth Sense | Jae Won and Ji Hyun The story of Jae Won and Ji Hyun was the first of a few series that I call "The Right One", i.e. series that just capture me and leave an impact ✨
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Naughty Babe | Yi and Lian My favourite ghostship. Also the colours in this scene were just too good to not gif.
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Never Let Me Go | Palm and Nueng Just Palm having his big entrance 🤩
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Bake Me Please | Shin and Peach This kiss was sooo cute and lovely.
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Moonlight Chicken | Alan, Wen and Jim MLC was everything, especially this scene.
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Be Mine Superstar | Mingmueang and Namning Aka how to seduce a doctor. I'm excited that we get a new series with Bosston and Jo.
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Kiseki: Dear To Me | Bai Zong Yi and Fan Ze Rui A couple and a show that left me speachless. Their story was so just so good.
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Wedding Plan | Sailom and Namnuea Loved their story and how insatable they were.
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Laws Of Attraction | Tinn and Charn Forever one of my favourite couples and series ✨
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My Ride | Mork and Tawan Had the most fun doing a rewatch of this series.
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Playboyy | Teena and Zouey The way this show combines gorgeous cinematic shots with that storyline makes me feel like I'm watching a stage show. I love it.
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The Sign | Phaya and Tharn Every week this show leaves me spechless it's that good. One of the shows that I call "The Right One"!
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The Sign | The colours As I sad in another post, I'm rolling in the colours of this show like a cat in catnip 😎
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Edited to add a few people who I'd love to see doing a post about their before / after colouring: @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pharawee @liyazaki @bunnakit @khaotungsfirst @gabrielokun @spicyvampire @zhaozi @guzhu-furen @25shadesoffebruary @chinzhilla @crispywizardtale as always please ingnore if you don't want to do it.
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polyshodivorce · 2 months
EnaKasa my disaster couple. They’re both stubborn as hell, I think they argue at the drop of a hat and at least twice a week Ena goes “That’s it. We are DONE. Get OUT!!!!” (<- He accidentally woke her up at 6am being loud) and to win her back Tsukasa has serenade her from the window after she locks him out of the apartment and she either goes “awww… so sweet” and forgives him or lets him back in because his singing is EMBARRASSING her (bonus points if he manages to get Rui to come too for special effects to impress her. Fireworks and everything outside of her window. So romantic and so unnecessary❤️)
Tsukasa is a great model to paint because he is happy to pose for her as long as she needs him to and afterwards he praises her art so much. How she’s so good at what she does and she caught all of his best features. Tsukasa’s actually crazy about her, hyping his loser gf up so much, happy to do anything she asks when she’s too lazy to get up, introducing her as his wonderful talented partner then Ena is like:
“This is my boyfriend, Tsukasa. he’s fucking annoying. But he’s kinda sweet🥰. But like for real he’s annoying as hell😒.”
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Is there a list of card sets where in the untrained art the characters are wearing their SEKAI stage outfits or live2D casual outfits? I’m trying to figure out if they draw characters in their default outfits for more significant events (LUTF for example) or if it’s just random.
(I think I only take note of this with VBS because their default outfit IS their casual outfit, so it’s easier to spot them in cards. Also only VBS and WxS wear their default outfit irl which is why I wanted to know about everyone’s default casual outfit too.)
it seems to be random. There's a few sets where most cards feature the characters in their default casuals, but aside from a couple of VBS sets (LUTF, BFBY) I don't think there are any other sets where all cards feature the default casuals.
Leo/need and 25-ji, Nightcord de. never wear their default stage outfits in any cards. VBS wear them most because they double as casual outfits, and WxS wear theirs a lot as well because they actually exist outside the SEKAI. There's only one card featuring the MMJ stage outfits - MMJ!Miku's initial 4* has a Minori cameo and she's wearing her stage outfit.
Pointless bonus trivia. While every character has been shown wearing their default casual outfit at least once, Rui, Ena and Airi have only ever worn theirs in card cameos. Kanade has worn her casual outfit most (because it's all she owns), with the only exceptions being on flashback cards and her immiscible discord card (because she dressed smartly to meet Mrs Asahina). Shiho, Minori, Airi, Tsukasa, Emu and Rui have only been depicted with their default casual outfit once.
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monsdumpofeverything · 11 months
I know this is usually like an art blog but this has been buggin me a bit so I'll try something different today :D
Analyzing Rui Kamishiro's Robots
Before U start juat keep in mind that I'm a programmer and just a hobbyist when it comes to robots and I'm no professional electrical engineer so this might not be the most factual or accurate post.
Let's Go!!☆
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First up☆
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I'll cover both if em at once, so the one on the left seems to use a simple motor to move forward and roll the drums.
I'm not sure if the face has any animations or special features but I think uts the kind you can get from digital alarm clocks.
The second pink one on the right is ehhh?...?
Um, okay so it looks like to moves around like how spiders do so a couple of degrees of freedom across the legs and works similiar to the first one.
These first two ones seem simple to build and are pretty easy to find part for
Second one
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Oh boy, difficultly level went up :V
Motor system moves the legs, but it looks like it doesnt move very far or fast(?)
It's legs are designed like chicken feet, from what I can tell it probably moves either really funny and slowly. Fit for a street show I guess?
I'm seeing 2 degrees of freedom on each leg, the joint connecting the leg to the main body and one on the knees, well simplified dude.
Last one!
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Okay so this one's effecter is most likely to be the helicopter style blades.
DC motor used but with a voltage power that has enough power to lift itself up.
In order to to make it so that it can fly the body needs to be made if a SUPER lightwieght material. Like plastic or thin cardbord.
And I have no idea what the eyes do.
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Okay, robo nene has always intriuged me. She seems to be a lot harder to build then the rest of his robots.
Robo nene seems to have a LOT of degrees 9f freedom in order for her to be able to dance that smooth.
But then Nene can control the robot from afar so theres probably a speaker to display her voice but then a micro processor somewhere along the line in order to program Nene's dances and stuff. (Dammit, Rui can code as well, a bit)
But what interests me the most is how well made she is, BRO SHE MUST HAVE COSTED A HECK TON OF MULAH TO BUILD, WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THAT MONEY RUI????
Anyways, goodbye for now nerds!
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nogenderbee · 2 years
So there is a contest that decides whos the best potion maker and you and Rui are tied and you both become stubborn during this challenge so you 2 kind of hate each other and trying to beat the other at everything passive-aggressively but one day Rui is stranded in a rainy forest and is lost for the entire night and we find him the next morning drenched and reaching for an apple in your tree and since we aren't heartless we give him a few apples in a basket and give him a map and send him off and everytime up until this point and after that he starts secretly putting little trinkets on your doorstep and you guys decide to have a truce and work together to become the best potion makers
Omg, my dear anon, believe me when I say I absolutely adore your idea! And don't worry about long request because I have a feeling this fic is a little longer than I expected... but anyway I hope you enjoy it <3
Enemies to Lovers with Alchemist!Rui
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You were one of the best potion makers in your country if not on the whole world! But title 'one of the best' isn't a mistake since there's someone who matches with your talent, and that person's name is Rui Kamishiro, someone who's just as good at you at potion cresting and your biggest enemy. Last tournament you've been to, you were against him and both of you had a tie! No matter how many additional rounds you do and how much effort you put into surpassing him, you two always ended on a tie.
Today you were going back to those memories from tournament while working on your new potion that world hasn't seen yet! But the fact that you were pissed at certain purple-haired alchemist certainly didn't helped.
When you were done mixing, you just had to wait couple of minutes and potion would be done with your win! So you decided to spend some time looking at nature. You looked outside and saw that it still was raining like crazy but you also saw your biggest enemy reaching for one of your golden apples! So naturally you quickly rushed outside before he could do anything, after all he could've just wanted to poison them to make your life harder!
"Hey! You there! What do you think you're do-?!"
You were in middle of scolding him when you saw how cold he was. He was trembling like crazy and his eyes were watery, and barely could say a word to you.
Sure he may be your enemy but you're not heartless so you decide to help him out somehow. Luckily your golden apples had ability to warm up anyone who eats it I don't care if they don't, shhhh just pretend so you decided to give him a full basket of them, just in case, after all they will grow back and he needed them more than you right now. You also gave him some of your bonus maps you had since it would definitely explain to him better where to go than you.
"Thank you very much. I... really can't thank you enough!"
You could see that he was surprised and you couldn't blame him, if your biggest enemy was nice to you all of the sudden, you'd be surprised and suspicious as well. So with simple 'goodbye's and 'thanks', he walked away.
Time Skip here ~
Since that day you helped your enemy, you started to receive some small gifts. Be it some resources you could've used for your potions and that weren't so easy to find, some snacks, simple jewelery or many many other stuff! For a while you thought that it may be from your rival and he's trying to sabotage you but the more you received, the more you were sure the presents weren't there to sabotage you, suite the opposite actually!
One day tho, your curiosity won and you decided to spill trapping potion over front of your yard to catch the one who was after it. Sure it may sound cruel but it's completely safe and you just wanted to know who it was.
So once you heard the familiar sound that meant someone was catched, you went out to check it hoping that it wasn't another animal that happened to pass by, and luckily for you it wasn't! You finally could've know who this generous person was and it was... Rui...?
"Oh my, so obvious trap and yet I didn't noticed it... Well, you catched me, darling!"
He raised his hands in defence once you broke the effect of the potion.
"To be honest I had my assumptions but... why? I'm your probably biggest enemy and you helped me by giving me rare resources!"
"Well... how do I put it... that night you helped me, made me understand that you're very special and I don't want you to think of me as a enemy, more of a... friend for example!"
"But... competition between us is unavoidable, we're matching abilities so of course we have to decide who's better...!"
"Or we can be partners if you'd like! After all, if we truly are the strongest potion makers in the country, if not in the whole world then if we put our strength together we can be unstoppable!"
You saw a bit of crazyness painted over his face but that didn't surprised you. After all you were waaayyy too familiar with that expression of his. But he did have a point... if you were to work together, you might truly accomplish something amazing, and he doesn't seem as a bad partner neither.
"You're right... well then, if you're alright with that then I'd love to work together with you!"
"Amazing! I absolutely can't wait for the world to see how amazing we are together! So I wish us both a pleasant cooperation~"
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hungnitan · 10 months
Mixed Event "最高のクランクアップ!" Summary
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Character Bonus : Nene + Akito + An + Touya + Len WxS
Additional Member : Mizuki + Tsukasa + Rui + All WxS Virtual Singers
Summary (Twitter) :
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Summary (Mine) : Summary above explain event story overall
This event story mostly about Nene road to get along with their class as she's the only introvert person in 2-A which mostly consist a crowdy people while Akito and An helping her (lol). While thinking how to get along with her so brightly classmate, Nene get reminded by virtual singers that it's just same like WxS members and she finally cheer up and asked them their movies preferance.
Class 2-A film consist around world ending action centric chef film, a wandering chef (Akito) help a girl (An) want to make a good food for her sick mother so they collected the ingredients around and at the end of scene they get blocked by villains.
Things doing smooth as plan but near the end, their stuntman injuried so their protagonist, Akito must do the parts too. Their movie win a guest honorable winner which is the best one~
Sad enough, no funny scene which usually Kamikou members deliver but why I keep looking at AkitoAn couple scene here (lol)
For 4-koma comic here
Mentionable Scene :
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This scene happens after Nene get lectured by virtual singers about normal sociality (lol), Nene asked what story they like while watching movies. Len tell her that he love a movie with strong protagonist who save the weak which later become 2-A movie main focused parts
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This scene came after Nene finished the script, An saw Nene writing something and know it's their class script and want to read it
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This card happens at their shooting day, Nene as class 2-A director leads the class for their film shooting
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This scene is the problematic action scene which their injuried stuntman would do, instead Akito as their protagonist doing the action scene. The action scene tells around a chef protect a girl which get block by some villains who want their ingredients. An doing adlib in this scene after saw Akito missed his timing for action scene, so the girl beg to villains to save the chef's life
Akito : Don't mind me, I'm a chef so it's my duty to deliver a good food. Even it's hard road, I won't give up ! (oh yeah he doing action scene with ladle lol)
Rarity : Since this event more into 2-A class, I pretty much agree with it, and seems Prosekai doesn't really like Touya since it's been awhile I saw his 3* above card (lol)
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This card moreless Kamikou Chinese theme part 2 (part 1 came from one half year ago here). I kinda like everyone arts after change and Akito before change one pretty funny lol so I pull two ten pull and get current event and one previous Akito so I'm very satisfied with result~
Don't forget, less than weeks from now will be Sanrio collab so anyone want to pull better hold your hand in this banner (I'm skipping that banner, not gonna throw my gems only getting new 2* lol)
Edit : I already pull for 2x3000 after saw untrained Touya Ena and in the end only getting Miku (very lol)
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autismswagsummit · 2 years
quick question was all of wonderlands x showtime nominated? if you're not familiar their names are tsukasa tenma, emu otori, rui kamishiro, and nene kusanagi. they're like some of the most autistic characters i have ever seen so im really interested if they all were
Disclaimer: I'm lumping this one in with all the Project SEKAI asks, because they appear to be the same source, and it's easier if I handle it all at once
Yes! As far as I can tell every character you mentioned got a decent handful of nominations each, with a couple bonus characters getting their own votes as well! Unfortunately, because the votes are so spread out, its difficult for me to determine a majority winner, but the votes are there!
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
Unofficial Mod Mai’s gender headcanons list since other people are doing it. (+ a fun extra headcanon that is very random)
Ichika: Demigirl (She tried to get her cactus to grow blue flowers once so they were like Miku.)
Saki: Transneutral/Non-binary/Doesnt give a fvck about gender (They needed braces for a few years)
Honami: Transfem (Likes fruit punch)
Shiho: Transfem (Cuts her own hair)
Minori: Pangender (Tried to cut her hair to look like Haruka’s hair once. It did not go well.)
Haruka: Honestly I can’t decide for her. I like Transfem and Transmasc Haruka so… their gender is whatever Im feeling like it is. (Her favorite color is purple.)
Airi: Transneutral (As a child she had a pet rock named Saku and treated it like it was alive. She fed it and everything.)
Shizuku: Demigirl (Her phone wallpaper is set as Haruka. She had to get Airi to help her change it though. And yes this is shizuharu propaganda)
Kohane: Transfem (Sometimes forgets to put her contacts in and can’t find her glasses so she just can’t see for the day.)
An: Transfem (Im gonna be honest I can’t come up with anything for her. Sorry…)
Akito: Honestly I can’t decide for him but thats because I just. Haven’t looked enough into his character to make a decision and man he could be anything. (I also dont have a random headcanon for him sorryyyyyy)
Toya: Demiboy (He sometimes accidentally does the :3 smile)
Tsukasa: Non-binary (His bed is 70% plushies, 10% pillows, and 20% space for him to sleep on. He insists this is very comfortable.)
Emu: Transfem but doesn’t care what you call her (Bought a whole store because Rui mentioned they needed a part from there for their next robot. This also might be emurui propaganda…)
Rui: Transfem but prefers they/them pronouns (With said store Emu bought, Rui started exclusively buying parts for their robots from there unless an absolutely necessary part wasn’t stocked there.)
Nene: Demigirl (Now owns seven game systems because Emu overheard that she wanted another system. Emunene propaganda maybe? I prefer it platonically but ehhhh I’m a multishipper…)
Kanade: Transfem (A bit clingy towards Honami… heheheheheheh honakana is cute…)
Mafuyu: Agender (Their real smile is similar to Rui’s. The whole :3 thing you know.)
Mizuki: Transfem (Has started to do the :3 smile occasionally because of how often she spends time with Rui. This just might be Ruimizu propaganda…)
Ena: Transmasc (Slightly fearful of Honami because of her art.)
BONUS!!!! A couple of NPC’s!!!
Riho: Transfem (Likes to doodle while coming up with new songs)
Reki: Transmasc (Unfortunately I dont really have anything for him. But he is very silly to me.)
No Mai because, frankly, I do not remember what I last said my headcanons for her were and I do not want to confuse you guys (I tend to be very flexible with some of my headcanons, especially gender ones, so yeah…)
- Unofficial Mod Mai
should we make a tag for gender headcanon posts
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kumamoto-division · 1 year
Since Kurome house is told to have reputation of being haunted so we have to ask the couple who live there…
⚰️ for Kururi & Ryukyu
Kunio smirked when he reade the ask and natsume's eyes had a glow of fun on them
"if i have seen a ghost...well it is a good ask"-he said and Natsume saw him
"what's mean it?"-Kunio giggled
"I always had a light belief in ghosts but that beliefes growed after meet you"-Natsume started to laugh
"when we was "just friends" you often dragged me to placed with fame of haunteds,or when you use me in your summons rituals or spells,and the time when we "play" kokkuri san,on almost all those times I see things i never thought would be reals"-he explain and natsume nodded with a smile giving his husband a kiss as Aoba rolled his eyes
"I hate you two fucking lovebirds"
"so yeah,i saw ghosts and things like that sometimes in our own house"
After it Natsume answer
"of couse i have seen a ghost,since i was a kid i noticed things like that several times,after told my parents about my visions mom teach me to read the tarot cars and seeing spirits presencies,we two tried communicate with spirits and dad was afraid of it was something funny, he remembered it when gifted me and Kunio this house for our wedding due it's reputation of being haunted, and I try detecting it's spirits since a when with rituals or charms"-he said looking nostalgic for the memories of the past
Kururi smiles Ryukyu rolled his eyes in a way similar to his stepson
"Definitely trick 'cause i love play jokes to others and halloween is the perfect epoque to do it although i choose receiving sweets but i also love jokes,is a bit hard choose one but i will play jokes when i can"-she said in his typic joy tone
"Contrary to Rui i will choose treat, it could be shocking to some people but i like sweets and i take advantage of halloween for get candy"
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2-kamikou-1 · 6 months
7 9 and 14 for rui or mizuki or both if you want :3
7 (thing this fandom does with this character that you like) - as individuals. I love it when people have mizuki do/say absolutely deranged things. "I sleep with socks on but only on one foot" or the hc that because she's sensitive to hot food she'll eat cold fries. I love this for her I think she deserves to be weird as fuck. it's healing in a way I like the idea that she gets to be comfortable around people and starts getting sillay. be yourself!! let loose!! im so serious I want her to do this so bad it makes me so happy!! BE SO WEIRD. something that I love with rui particularly in sickfics or similar prompts like for art is that if he is the one that is not sick he seems to have no regard for his health whatsoever. contagious illness be damned he is showing the other person so much care and affection. his immune system is like damn you're talking a lot of shit for someone who doesn't eat their damn vegetables. (bonus points if there's allusions to rui getting sick later because of this. dumbass [affectionate]). as a couple something that I love is when people focus on mizuki being super into fashion while rui constantly looks like he got dressed in the dark. girl give him some kind of guidance he needs it
9 (roommates) - ive never had a roommate so I don't quite know what this might be like. I feel like I could be roommates with mizuki no problem but maybe not rui I don't do well with sudden loud noise HHSLGSGKG
14 (assign a fashion aesthetic) - yamikawaii rui...yamikawaii rui save me. mizuki has her own sweet girly fashion sense thing going on but I think she looks understatedly good in gothic types of clothing (see: how good she looks in lukas darkfes dress)!! it's not to say that the game doesn't give her gothic outfits, it's kind of niigos whole thing depending on how loose your definition of gothic is (when I answer questions like this about fashion it always makes me a little nervous because my understanding of fashion and styles is really not that good shdskkgs). like the old and new unit fits, the depths costumes, the wle costumes, the 2nd anni connect live costumes, etc, but more like. I feel like people don't talk about how GOOD she looks in those!! LOOK AT HER SHES GORGEOUS
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also I love it when she has little hats.
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kkuracafe · 2 years
Hi! First time requesting <3 could I have a pj sekai fluff with Tsukasa about "accidentally falling asleep together"? Like,, he's exhausted after dealing with Emu's high energy and Rui's "safe" ideas and he tries to stay energetic in your (the reader's) presence, but he's just so exhausted at the end of the day that he ends up falling asleep on you. Ahdjshakash I love my boy sm <33 bonus points if you want to include when he wakes up super flustered with a face redder than a tomato and he's stuttering out apologies before you just pull him in and tell him to go back to sleep. Thank you <33
A/n: I LOVE TSUKASA SM THANKYOU FOR THIS <333. I wrote this on the verge of falling asleep so don't mind the errors. I renamed twister and just dance (to what I always call them) Girl! I'm going to be a star
"Accidentally Falling asleep together w/ Tsukasa Tenma"
(Yes im using this gif)
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You were sitting on your bed working on homework, when tsukasa walked into your room and gave you a smile. He grabbed the homework out of your hands before dragging you to the living room.
"Should be play tister wister? Ooo or go go dance??" Tsukasa asks excitedly. You give him a questioning look and he sighs, grabbing your hands. "Mi Amor! Do you not remember the text you sent me earlier saying you were bored!" He asked in his loud voice. You made a 😮 face as you remembered the text fron earlier. Giggling softly you decide to choose go go dance as the game to play. After one round Tsukasa's energetic act seemed to waver a little bit but you didn't take notice till you both finished playing the second song. He pulled you onto the couch with him saying he needed a two minute break. You went to ask him what was wrong but you felt a weight on your chest. Looking down, you saw Tsukasa snuggled info your chest quietly snoring, you smiled and stroked his hair letting sleep take a hold of you also.
When you woke up you saw tsukasa sitting up fron your lap with messy hair and a bright red face. Noticing you were awake he started stuttering out apologies to you, you giggle and cup his face, giving him a chaste kiss.
"Come on I'm still tired let's go back to sleep." This time you snuggle into his chest as you drift back to sleep. Tsukasa sits straight as a wall as you fall asleep on his chest, face redder than a ripe tomato. After a couple minutes of your silent yet calming breathing he relaxes and lays down, wrapping his arms around you and holding you closer, slowly drifting back to sleep himself.
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cosmic-navel-gazin · 2 years
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@dongtopus​ Oh boy oh boy, fasten your seat belt sir!
I’ll just go with the second question first and say: YES! This happens to me all the time! I distinctly remember this one time many years ago that really irked me. I was watching Barry Lyndon and this guy played by Patrick Magee suddenly appears:
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Basically the only difference was the placement of the beauty spots. I shook my fist at Kubrick, I was in awe at first but then so pissed for a while that he beat me to it lmao.
Back to the first question, here’s the the first neat faces that popped into my head:
Max von Sydow
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Basil Rathbone, I want his smug bastard energy
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Speaking of bastard energy, Siân Phillips and Glenn Close
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Our man Ian Mckellen
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Gael García Bernal put a spell on me and I’ve never been the same since
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Javier Bardem (that profile one!)
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Jeremy Brett
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These three...Omar Sy, Olivia Colman and Toni Servillo... their faces in general, but the million dollar smile just, arghh I want to capture that
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“poor lil meow meows” category: Zbigniew Zamachowski  and Anatoliy Solonitsyn
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Juliette Binoche
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Charles Dance
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Roger Hammond, Geoffrey Palmer, Cyril Shaps in   The Madness of King George (1994)
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John Hurt and Richard Harris, the last two are of them in The Field (1990)
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Philippe noiret and Massimo Troisi, love their contrast in Il Postino (1994) on the last pic
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Willem Dafoe
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Jonathan Pryce
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Rachel Weisz
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Peter O’Toole
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Peter Vaughan
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Daniel Day-Lewis
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Rui Rezende, here playing a romantic well-read werewolf in a renown brazilian soap opera: 
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The Name of the Rose (1986), the monks there is the gift that keeps on giving for me. I have nothing but love for all the diffferent and excentric looking characters  be it well known actors or lesser known,only appear for a couple of shots figures in the background
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Ivan the Terrible (1944) is also a gold mine for tons great and distinct looking faces
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I love this fella over here he looks like a small bird of prey
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Bonus: Kapellmeister Bonno from Amadeus (1984) played by Patrick Hines. He has the best facial expressions and reactions, every time... I can't take my eyes off him
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loveswickedpitch · 3 years
the canonical list of my favorite ships (for now)
first off, junnanana. (yes, even after the movie.) this will probably always be my revstar otp. it’s perfect and i love them so much. and their hair colors are complementary (...in the RYB model, not the RGB model)! idk why i just love them
i also like all of the other “canon” ships. futakao, kuromaya (NOT mayakuro, hoping more people come to my side on this after the movie)... and of course, hikaren, though for that i definitely prefer mahikaren OT3! and in that OT3 my favorite couple is probably mahikari. absolutely love their dynamic. another “non-canon” pairing i love in kurotaba. absolute brotp. bromance. love the idea of claudine teasing and flustering futaba. very powerful.
also, futahika is extremely funny as a joke, and i love nanahika (and to a lesser extent nanamaya) as like... otp but they hate each other (or do they???). i think that’s about it for seisho-only ships. wait no i just remembered that nanataba is kind of cute. i love the seishos
i absolutely adore tamaruiyukko OT3 (two of the six fics in the AO3 tag were written for me). i don’t even like reading fanfic that doesn’t include all three of them in a triad bc i think it’s perfect, though tamarui and ruiyukko can still be fun as long the third one is like, around and i can headcanon them in there. i know a lot of people have moved towards tamafumi/ichitama/tamaichifumi but i never really did. i just like tamaruiyukko and fumichie, which is another all-time favorite. though polymeikan can be good. just a bunch of girls doing crimes and being gay
gotta be misoruru. easily my favorite frontier ship. i love misora crushing on aruru for a million years and aruru being either oblivious or being worried that reciprocating misora’s feelings will ruin their friendship... you can easily go either for comedy or for angst and it’s great. it’s really clear to me that they love each other a lot.
shizukasa is fun! i’ve commissioned at least one art of it. throwing lalafin in there is great too. shizulala is also really cute on its own. tol and smol. also misokasa’s good, mostly bc it’s basically canon that misora thinks tsukasa is attractive. not super into frontier polycule but it could work.
akishio akishio edelbowl akishio. siegfeld is probably my second-favorite school after seisho bc everyone there is dumb. they are all just slightly insane except for mei fan who’s just all too willing to go along with whatever dumb insane shit the others get up to. akishio was my first siegfeld ship and still my absolute favorite, but also i love edelbowl bc i invented it (well, i probably wasn’t the first person to ship all the siegfelds with each other, but i did name it and write the first fic of it on AO3! edelbowl is even a valid tag for them on AO3).
yachimei is extremely strong. absolute dipshit duo. yachiyo is too clever for her own good and mei fan is way too earnest. power couple. i like to imagine that yachiyo loves to flirt with and fluster mei fan but as soon as mei fan returns it with incredibly sincere affection yachiyo just melts. yachiori’s got a similar vibe imo. akimichi is good for that childhood friends vibe. what if hikaren was dumber???? akimichi dares to ask and answer this question. but really the edels are a set and you Cannot Separate Them.
i mostly just like kohahisa. (hisakoha? kohasame? hisaru? who knows). i’m not as into the stageplays (i have trouble with live action stuff) so i’m not quite as familiar with the characters. sometimes i like to throw suzu in, for flavor, but i mostly find suzu a boring character... sorry suzu fans...
first off gotta shout out kaotama/tamaoruko. absolutely wild. childhood friends/rivals to rivals/enemies to ????. throw futaba in for bonus fun. hell, throw in rui and yuyuko too! futarui’s great and obviously we have to include yuyuko. can’t not. also a friend of mine started shipping junna and ichie and drew a bunch of art where junna was a huge fan of ichie’s when the latter was an idol and that’s fun! i actually wrote a fanfic about it, though it ended up mostly being about fumi and nana...
can’t not also mention akifumi, michifumi, and yachifumi. akifumi and yachifumi especially, though bc i usually do edelbowl i end up not going for yachifumi bc yachiyo dating both sisters might be weird. a lot of these kind of end up as Angst Central but not necessarily! i think you can write some good comedy about these ships now. also a lot of yachifumi was based on super early interpretations of the characters that are kind of dead in the water now, lol
akiruru is hilarious and cute. yachikasa is also cute. kuromayaharu is incredibly based. just kuromaya slowly absorbing koharu into their relationship. i don’t like mahisuzu but i’m often enamored with the idea of hikasuzu. that’s hilarious to me. especially the idea of hikari just hating suzu for literally no reason while suzu sees hikari and is just like “oh! it’s my friend hikari :)”. they furiously make out in the closet at parties. that’s just the way it goes.
i also really strongly dislike nanahisa... i am sorry. it feels like a ship where they could’ve been in a relationship in the past, but that was then and this is now, and i don’t think it’s something that they could do in the present day. does that make sense? there was a time and a place for nana and hisame to get together, but it’s gone now, and you can’t get that time and place back... nana knows that better than anyone tbh
also the fuckin uhhhhhhh... teachers. what are their fuckin names? sawa and kyouko? evil teacher and flip-sensei. also me x teru
idk anything about the blue glitter OCs or siegfeld 2: monarchy harder
anyway i hope you enjoyed my unhinged ramblings. i’d wanted to do a post like this for a while but today i finally did it. i took my dextroamphetamine like i’m supposed to but don’t usually do and i wrote a bunch of words about shoujo kageki revue starlight on the internet. congrats if you read this far. if you did reply with “junnanana4ever” for $5 off your next purchase
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For the wedding hcs could you plz do Jumin x V ✨✨✨👀
Hohoho don’t mind if I do
Jumin x V wedding hcs:
where they get married:
-Pribably somewhere e super fancy, like Greece or Italy, it can’t be in Korea tho :( but they will fly out everyone in the RFA and maybe Jumin’s father!
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ):
-Porbably during autumn. They get married at the time around sunset, to then have the party at night! They get either married on September or at the beginning of October
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
- (I found so many things about Korean traditions omg.) So since Jumin is a very traditional man, he will do every single Korean tradition lol. I’m talking about presenting a goose (that’s adorable), both grooms wear blue, the wine ceremony where they share a glass of wine, and many more!
what their wedding cake looks like:
-ohh it would be either blue or white. It’d be a super big cake, decorated super fancy and maybe with 2 or 3 (floors? What are those things called?)
….who smashes cake into whose face:
- V, V, V ,V, V lmaooo, he wouldn’t smash the cake in Jumin’s face, but he’d make it so that he has a bit of the cake in his nose of cheek lol
who proposed to who first:
-Jumin proposed to V during a supposed business trip. They were at this super fancy resort and Jumin got down on one knee, asking V to be forever by his side, and V said yes
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither ):
-I don’t think any of them would walk down the aisle tbh, but if someone were to do it it’d be V (accompanied by you of course )
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
-They both wear blue suits. V has a lighter one, and Jumin a darker suit.
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what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
-ihhh fhis one was hard. Probably a really light color scheme, like maybe very light turquoise or just white. They would have plenty of pictures that V took, and that are Jumin’s favorite.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? )
-They both have an almond tucked in their suit pockets, it means promise.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
-Jihyun would go for a really cute traditional-ish. “You have always been there for me, my best friend, and now, my love. You don’t know how happy you make me.”
-While Jumin would be super poetic. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my years with you. You have always been there for me, ever since we met, and you’re the only person who has ever made me feel like this...I promise, that for the rest of my life I will cherish and protect you. I love you.”
if anyone’s late to the wedding:
-Saeyoung, he was trying to steal Elly lmao
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other:
-Definetly you, along with the RFA (yes, Zen too, Jihyun made Jumin choose him and it was the best thing ever lmao.) also we’re including Saeyoung since Jumin doesn’t want him anywhere near Elly
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
-For a fem!MC and Jaehee, a white dress with a blue bow tied around the waist, for a male!MC and the rest of the guys, white suits with blue bowties (Saeyoung did get ahold of one of the dresses though and Zen got catfishes again lmao)
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
-Jihyun would tell a story about funny stories/seeet memories with Jumin. Some times when they were playing hide and seek, or times when they’d stay awake during sleepovers and talk for the rest of the night. And of course he’d talk about how they met, and how amazing it has been to have Jumin in his life.
who catches the bouquet( s )
-Do I even need to say? SAEYOUNG OBVIOUSLY PFTTT
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
-Theyre photos are the sweetest thing ever. Rui takes them for them, as a wedding gift. The favorite photo of the two of them, is when V and Jumin are looking at each other, holding their hands with big dorky smiles on their face. There’s also one where they’re exchanging rings and V looks so happy he’s about to cry, while Jumin can’t stop smiling. And then of course, the one where V just put a bit of frosting on Jumin’s cheek. They’re both smiling and V now has his nose covered in frost too!
what sort of food they have at the reception
-They have pretty fancy and traditional Korean food, along with some western one too!
who cries first during the ceremony
-ME, I mean, definetly V. He’s way too happy and can’t hold it in.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
-So Saeyoung and a really really drunk Yoosung get into a dance competition, and when Yoosung is drunk and Saeyoung is feeling chaotic, you know it’s going to be freaking wild
what their rings are like
-Their rings are very simple silver ones, that have a big small diamond on the center and then there’s like two or three smaller ones on the sides. The diamond is blue, and it’s not like super big, but it’s definetly real
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
-They have tons of stuff, Jumin has some cat candy (he couldn’t help himself ok) and there’s a really tiny bottle with a flower inside of it
where they go for their honeymoon
-they go to a lot of places, Italy, singapore, and to Jumin’s little island
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
-At one point Yoosung slipped and fell dancing and then he started crying because he lost the dance battle lol. Also Zen actually congratulated Jumin while being all blushy about it, but he was really happy for him! Saeyoung also managed to get 2 feet near Elly until he was taken away by the security guards
who officiates the ceremony
-they would probably get married by a priest, since they’re both catholic
what song their first dance is to:
-ohh this one was hard! But I think this one fits them pretty well:
The way it starts slow but then slowly builds up, and V and Jumin hold each other close, saying how much they love each other. Everyone stares in awe as the couple dances, Jumin teasingly whispering into Jihyuns ear as the dance goes on, and they get more skippy and more happy, since they can’t believe that they’re finally together, and they start dancing faster and faster, unable to stop smiling. They’re filled almost with a childish happiness at being with each other, they’re so excited, and you can tell by how they both move and smile. Until they slow down, and Jumin leans his forehead against V’s, whispering words filled witr love.
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
-I have a really angsty hc that Jihyun’s dad is the one that’s like nope, so I feel like V would probably ask you, or just walk down the aisle with Jumin? You know?
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can you recommend some (preferably chinese) tv series to watch after the untamed? i have hard time deciding what to watch next
Okay so *cracks nuckles*
The “budgety+quality” ones Joy of Life : period drama, long but good pacing, COSTUMES BUDGET, intriguing story, lots of political schemes, romance is not that bad, the acting is GODDAMN GOOD (especially for the older actors). Also. The Second Prince. Oh! And Xiao Zhan but he appears later. Winter Begonia : set in 1930, based on a BL and despite Feng Tai having a wife it SHOWS (oh my god they were soulmates). Costumes again are *chef kiss*. More daily life than action-driven but not necessarily slow. Oh and it’s about chinese opera. Acting good (seriously, Feng Tai and Xi Rui’s interactions are just pure bliss). FOOD. The Sleught of Ming Dynasty : detective but in period drama, F O O D. So much food oh my god. The main trio works well and I particularly enjoyed Wang Zhi (but then again that’s my fave type of character so yeah). Pace slows down but then picks up. Based on a BL but does fall into the trap of setting the male couple with their respective female LI. Doesn’t last long, they don’t stand a chance but poor girls suffered from bad writing. However there are some things that were handled with more care than I thought possible so bonus points.
The Romance of Tiger and Rose : romance and action-y (more like buffoonery), period drama. It does have an interesting setting premise and some things I genuinely thought were “clever” or worth a conversation. Qianqian and Han Shuo have no business being so cute. Nor does Pei Heng (ot3 for the win fight me). Zi Rui is just the best character ever. Periodt. For real tho : for a romance-focused story I was surprised by how much I like it!
The Ghost Bride : Taiwanese-Malaysian (1890), have watched only 2 episodes (out of 6) but so far so good. So for a short one it could be nice. The Lost Tomb Reboot : like I said, at the very least the first 11 episodes if you enjoy Indiana Jones-esque stories.
Now, the “not that good+lower budget+bless their hearts they tried” who can be enjoyable to watch
My Roommate is a Detective : detective premise (duh), Shanghai in 1920. The costumes are not bad, the acting is a bit mismatch but bearable. Honestly Chu Sheng/Lu Yao/You Ning do work (give it time). CS sugar daddy of LY. The Bromance™ that ends up with a panicky het couple out of fucking nowhere and one dude staring sadly in the distance (don’t watch the final episodes, not worth it). Oh. And not so subtle hints of PATRIOTISM. But it’s funny (ridiculous). Once upon a time in Lingjian mountain : period but fantasy. Bonkers like It don’t even know where to begin with this one. I had me confused. Wang Wu is queen and that’s it. The dubbing is all over the place but weirdly funny. It’s mostly comedy but it does have it’s angsty moments (the last scene had me SAD okay). Costumes and props...they tried. Altho I’m pretty sure Wang Lu wears a thin jacket that looks suspiciously like plastic? IDK. Confusion. Guardian : I mean at this point this one is just iconic. The only good acting comes from Bai Yu and Zhu Yi Long. Bless their hearts they tried. I cannot in good conscience be too harsh with the wigs. Also, based on a BL but yet again, not that subtle (the lollipop pop pop pop). The ending differs from the novel and it sucks so hard that the author of the novel had to make like a short story thingy to fix it. Pretty wild. The Lost Tomb 1 : *circus anthem*. PATRIOTISM. CGI that screams in agony. The tomb feels like a liminal space??? Wu Xie best boi. Still have to see Pangzi again (he is about to enter the scene I just know it). Emo!Xiao Ge with Evanescence on repeat. DRAMATIC MUSIC at random. All very intense, we don’t what or why but it’s all VERY INTENSE. 10000/10 would recommend. And because I cannot go making recommendations without adding these two
Psychopath Diary (kdrama) : it’s one of those that you feel the people working on it had fun and IT SHOWS. Really, really, REALLY satisfying ending. No romance shoved up your throat. Male and Female lead work well and establish a solid friendship. Seo In Woo dancing in his murder room. Strangers from hell (kdrama) : look this shit is scary af but doesn’t rely on jumpscares. It’s just a perhaps not so slow descent into madness and it’s amazing. If you enjoy that genre it’s a must watch.
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