#and all of her cute shenanigans on tour and surprise songs and just seeing her three days in a row and stuff
linda-rose · 1 year
I say this during many moments that taylor decides to do things like announce or release an album or song or collab or play a weekend of shows or surprise attend a random award show in a killer outfit or whatever but it really is always at the absolute perfect time for me personally. She puts into the world whatever I need exactly when I need it most--something relatable, comforting, scary relevemt, healing, silly, or simply the only successful distraction from reality etc--and I will never stop being grateful for that.
I don't always realize it right away although sometimes I'm definitely like thank fucking god she's doing something in this moment or has this exact song to distract me or motivate me to get me out of bed or help heal me or whatever but I don't know something something we're so lucky to have her and her music always in our corner <3
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nicknellie · 4 years
Anonymous requested: Julie and the Phantoms are on tour and Juke are dating, one stop on tour Luke gets sick  (woke up with fever, swollen glands, sore throat etc) and the doctor diagnoses him with strep and an ear infection and Julie takes care his stubborn butt back to the hotel because he doesn't like to let down the fans since they have to cancel few shows.
Anonymous requested: alive guys, out of school in the real world, now all living in an apartment together. The 5 Times Luke Was Sick, and The 5 Times Julie Cured Him and maybe add in the 1 time Luke returns the favour of taking care of Julie.
Anonymous requested: Luke and Julie are married and have a daughter (Rose, 3). Rose and Luke end up waking up sick with the flu and Julie takes care of them, and she gets worn down from doing everything and caring for them. And even with him being sick in bed he lays with Rose when Julie’s beat and cuddles her when she feels sick even though he feels the same. Cute family fluff basically.
We Will Fight To Shine Together
The entire week had been hectic. Julie – along with her boys, Luke, Alex, and Reggie – had finally got the keys to their new apartment and had spent the whole of the previous two days hauling their belongings there from their respective homes. Ray Molina, protective as always, had been breathing down their necks in a frantic and worried attempt to help them out, the presence of Willie and Flynn had resulted in less unpacking and more Cardboard Box Wars, and most of their things were strewn about in unlikely places after the chaos of unpacking; just that morning Julie had found Alex’s drumsticks in the fridge.
But they were finally there, they were finally home, and there was nothing to worry about. Everything in the apartment seemed to be in order, they weren’t set to go on tour for another six months so the stress of that was still a way off, and the band’s new-found sense of freedom and independence hung over them like a rainbow. There was nothing that could have gone wrong. Nothing except–
“Dude, you look sick! And not in the good way.”
Julie had been sat atop the kitchen counter, watching Alex prepare their breakfast, but she looked towards the door when she heard Reggie’s exclamation. Stood in the doorway, bundled in about four hoodies, his eyes bloodshot and his nose running, was Luke. Reggie was right – he looked as if he were about to keel over and die. His puppy dog eyes were wide and watery and he looked utterly dreadful.
“Luke,” Julie said, hopping off the counter and heading over to him. “Are you feeling alright?”
He shook his head and sniffled pathetically. “I’m sick,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, you look it,” Julie said. She took his hand and gently led him towards a kitchen chair. He collapsed into it with a relieved sigh as if he couldn’t have bared standing any longer.
To Julie’s surprise (and slight annoyance) Alex and Reggie were laughing.
“You must have the weakest immune system known to man,” Alex joked as he put the group’s breakfast onto plates.
“On the bright side, Willie owes me ten dollars,” Reggie said with a beam. “I bet him you wouldn’t last two weeks before getting sick.”
Julie put her hands on her hips and glared at the two boys who immediately ceased their laughter. She knew she could be quite terrifying when she wanted to and she didn’t like abusing that power too much, but this was a situation she felt called for it.
“You two are seriously lacking compassion,” she scolded, pointing to and from Alex and Reggie. “Your friend is ill and all you can do is laugh at him. It’s mean – he has it difficult enough right now.”
Luke, pouting pathetically, nodded in agreement.
Alex and Reggie, both looking suitably chastised, muttered, “Sorry Julie.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t apologise to me.”
“Sorry Luke.”
“That’s better,” she said. Julie took herself out of Mother Mode and returned to Supportive Girlfriend. She gently ran her fingers through Luke’s hair – he relaxed a little as her touch. “I’m going to take you back to bed, you’re going to get some rest while I look up your symptoms, and then I’m going to take care of you.”
Luke’s eyes widened. “It’s probably just a cold. You don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t, but I’m going to. Come on.”
Julie sent one more cutting glare to Reggie and Alex before helping Luke stand and leading him back through their little apartment to their shared bedroom. She eased him back into the bed, helped him make a half-nest-half-fort with the pillows and duvet, then grabbed her laptop and set up YouTube for him. Then, she pulled up a tab on her phone and sat beside him on the bed.
“Do you feel like you’re going to be sick?” she asked.
Luke shook his head.
“Are you feeling dizzy at all?”
“A little bit,” he croaked.
She smiled knowingly. “Sore throat too?”
He closed his eyes and nodded.
Julie asked him more questions, then determined that because of the stress of moving his immune system had utterly crashed and some nasty bug had seized the opportunity. According to the internet, he needed plenty of bed rest, he should have been kept warm, he needed a lot of water, and most of all he simply needed to not do anything for a while.
“But we’re supposed to go to the studio tomorrow to record a bunch of songs,” Luke protested when Julie told him. He sat up abruptly, but eased himself back down, a hand rested against his forehead, wincing.
“You’re not going anywhere like that,” Julie told him. “I’ll call the studio and let them know we’ll have to record your parts a different time. Don’t say anything,” she commanded as he opened his mouth to argue again. “I’m not changing my mind.”
He grumbled something she couldn’t quite hear but assumed was something childishly rude – it had certainly sounded as if he’d been mocking her voice. She ignored him and instead headed back out to the kitchen. Julie grabbed painkillers and a large glass of water and took them back to Luke who had started a long YouTube playlist of Bondi Rescue videos.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be sitting in front of a screen if you’re dizzy,” Julie contemplated, handing him the tablets and the drink. Luke looked up at her with a mixture of sadness and fury in his eyes.
“I’ve already lost my health, I can’t lose Bondi Rescue too,” he said.
She breathed a laugh and sat back down beside him. He immediately melted into her side, his head rested against her abdomen. She stroked her fingers through his hair and felt him sigh at the touch.
He was asleep within minutes.
Julie and the Phantoms were on tour. It was a moment they had all been anticipating ever since they’d inducted Julie into the band. The four of them had saved up enough money to buy their own tour bus emblazoned with their faces and the band’s logo and were spending nine months driving across the United States and Canada to perform their show to sold-out crowds. Julie could hardly believe it was happening.
Right that moment, part of her wished it weren’t happening.
Julie had been led to understand that before she joined the band and became the responsible one, Alex was the ‘parental figure’ who had kept Luke and Reggie (both far more boisterous by nature) in check. If anyone had told her that on the second leg of their tour, she would not have believed it for a moment. Alex was sat in the passenger seat beside her, but was leaning over the back of it to swat at Reggie who was kicking the back of his seat. Both were calling each other childish names and their hands were flapping about like they were having a catfight. Julie had given up trying to stop them about two hundred miles ago.
Looking after them sometimes felt like having a pair of toddlers. Though more often it was like having three toddlers because Luke would find a way to join in on the shenanigans. But right then, in the backseat beside Reggie, he was oddly quiet.
“Luke,” Julie called over Alex and Reggie’s squabbling, readjusting the mirror so she could see Luke behind her. “You okay?”
Luke nodded then tried to clear his throat. “Yeah,” he said, voice gravelly. “Sore throat, that’s all.”
Julie frowned. “Are you sure? You don’t sound good. Will you be able to sing for tomorrow’s show?”
His eyes widened frantically at the mention of the performance. “Of course! I’ll be fine, it’s just a sore throat.”
It was, unfortunately, very clearly not just a sore throat.
Julie pulled the tour bus into the parking lot of their hotel and the gang all headed to their rooms. Julie and Luke were sharing, partially to save money and partially because they wanted to. Before they went to sleep, Julie checked again with Luke to see if he was alright and again he told her in that rough voice that he was fine.
However, when they woke up Luke seemed distinctly worse for wear. He was radiating heat like the sun but shivering as if he were in the arctic, he was complaining of pain in his right ear, and when Julie looked down his throat she saw that his tonsils were swollen and covered in white spots.
“You’re not going on stage like this,” she said, shaking her head. “No way. I’m calling a doctor.”
“I don’t need a doctor,” Luke insisted, attempting to hoist himself into a sitting position but giving up quickly. “It’s just a sore throat.”
“You can try telling me that again when you can swallow more than a drop of water,” Julie said before picking up her phone and calling the nearest doctor.
Luckily, the doctor was able to come out to the hotel so Luke didn’t have to even get out of bed. The doctor took one look at his symptoms, then turned to Julie.
“Looks like strep throat,” they said, snapping their latex gloves off. “The pain in the ear is because of an ear infection that came after the bacteria travelled from the throat to the middle ear. I’m going to prescribe him a course of antibiotics, he’ll need to take them all otherwise the infection will come back stronger. I recommend he doesn’t perform for at least another month to give the infection ample time to heal.”
“A month?” Luke tried to yell, but it came out as an outraged breathy whisper.
“Yes,” the doctor said, looking down at him over their glasses. “Your infection is particularly severe, Mr Patterson, and if you want to finish your tour then I suggest you take my advice.”
“We can’t cancel shows,” Luke protested weakly. “Think of how excited everyone’s been…”
Julie smiled to the doctor and saw them out of the room. “Thank you very much,” she said. “I’ll make sure he gets those antibiotics and plenty of rest.”
Once the doctor was gone, Julie called Flynn, the official manager for Julie and the Phantoms and Julie’s lifelong best friend. “Cancel every show for the next month,” she instructed. “Doctor’s orders.”
“Are you alright, Jules?” Flynn said, immediately sounding concerned. “I can come over and take care of you, whatever you need, I’ll book a flight right now–”
“I’m fine, Flynn,” Julie assured her. “It’s Luke. He’s got strep.”
“Oh no.” Flynn’s worry morphed into something akin to disappointment. “He’s literally the worst one of you guys to get ill right now.”
“Tell me about it. He’s furious that we’ve even suggested cancelling the shows.”
“He gets it’s for his own good, right?” Flynn asked.
Julie shook her head even though Flynn couldn’t see her. “He knows that but he doesn’t want to let everyone down. He’s been more excited for the tour than the fans have – he doesn’t want any of it to go wrong and this is about as wrong as it could go.”
“I’m sure he’ll get over it once the ‘get well soon’ messages start arriving,” Flynn said.
“I think that’ll just make it worse,” Julie countered. “Anyway, it’s fine. There’s nothing we can do. Just make sure everyone knows the next shows are cancelled.”
“You got it, boss. Good luck with Luke.”
“I’ll need it.”
Julie hung up on Flynn and headed back towards Luke. He was still sat up in the bed, looking very sorry for himself as he pouted with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Hey,” she said softly, crouching down next to his side of the bed. “I’m going to make you some hot honey and lemon water – my mom always made it for me when I got a sore throat. It’ll help, I promise. Is there anything else you want?”
“I want to do the shows,” he said petulantly.
Julie shook her head firmly. “You heard the doctor – none of us are going on any stage for another month. Flynn’s cancelling the shows as we speak.”
Luke looked aghast. “No!”
“Yes. You’re sick, Luke. And think about it; if this were me or Alex or Reggie in your position, what would you say to do?”
“I’d say we should cancel the shows until you got better,” he said as if the answer were obvious, then he seemed to hear his own words and deflated a little. “Fine. I suppose this is for the best. I… I just feel like I’m letting everyone down.”
Julie intertwined their fingers and held his hand tightly. She gave him a soft, reassuring smile. “You aren’t letting anybody down, Luke. It’s not your fault that you’re sick and there’s nothing any of us can do about it now. All that can be done is for you to rest and take your meds so that the next shows we do are as good as they can be. Okay?”
He rolled his eyes sighed, but there was the tiniest smile playing about his lips. “Okay.”
Julie had said it was a bad idea from the very beginning, but the boys had insisted that they’d done it before and it was perfectly safe.
It felt good to be proven right, but less good to be vomited on.
The first problem was that there was definitely not enough room anywhere in their tiny apartment for three grown men to attempt the famous lift from Dirty Dancing. Julie had pointed that out. She had pointed it out almost a dozen times. Every time, Reggie had told her that they didn’t actually need a lot of space, trust me.
The second problem was that their heights simply didn’t add up to a safe lift. Luke and Reggie were of a similar build, but Alex was much taller and there wasn’t really anywhere for him to go – if he held up one of the guys, they’d be held at an angle; if he were the one on top, he would likely crush the other two.
The third and final problem was that none of the boys were dancers and had no training or experience, therefore none of them knew how to do the lift properly and safely. Julie had stretched this argument to its breaking point but the three idiots had not heeded her warning.
And so they had done the lift.
It had started out strong. They had decided that Alex would be the one in the air, so Luke and Reggie had got into position with their hands outstretched and Alex had taken a great running start and leapt at them. To their credit, the boys held Alex in the air for a solid three seconds before Reggie lost his balance and Luke’s grip slipped, and the three of them went tumbling to the ground.
Julie watched in unsurprised horror as Alex fell flat on top of Reggie and scrambled to get off him, while Luke dropped far too close to the dining table and whacked his head on its corner with a grotesque thud.
He was out cold.
Julie muttered a curse and hurried towards him. Alex and Reggie gathered around slowly too, warily looking down at Luke, clearly feeling guilty.
“Luke?” Julie said to the unconscious lump in her lap. He was heavier than he looked – she privately understood why they had decided to lift Alex instead. “Can you hear me, sweetie?”
After a few more minutes, Luke came to, groaning and cradling his head.
“Hey,” Alex said, smiling brightly. “You’re awake! Sorry about that, we–”
Alex didn’t get to finish his sentence because Luke interrupted him by loudly and violently throwing up on Alex’s shoes. A little bit hit Julie’s dress and she quickly yanked the fabric out of the way.
Alex looked at his shoes disappointedly. After a long while he said, “I am going to the bathroom. Either to shower or be sick, I’m not sure yet,” and then disappeared.
Reggie was a deathly shade of green, staring at Luke and the vomit.
“If you don’t like it you can go, Reggie,” Julie said. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”
Reggie nodded and followed Alex out of the room, wide-eyed.
“Let’s get you to bed, huh?” Julie said. Luke nodded vaguely, his eyes far away, and she led him through the apartment to their bedroom. She only just managed to get him into bed before he started slipping into unconsciousness again.
It was plain as day that Luke had a nasty concussion. Julie tucked him into bed, then switched off the lights and drew the curtains so that it was almost pitch black. She got him an enormous glass of water and readied all the painkillers she could find, as well as grabbing a large bowl so that he didn’t have to run to the bathroom if he needed to be sick again. Then she looked up concussion on her phone – it said that if he’d woken up after being knocked out then he needed to go to hospital; she wasn’t sure how she was meant to get him there now that he was unconscious again.
Julie decided to wait until he woke up again. She laid down beside him on the bed and pressed the gentlest of kisses to his forehead.
“You’re such an idiot,” she whispered. “I love you.”
Julie loved her boys usually, but sometimes she really believed they lacked the common sense necessary for general survival.
“You did what?!”
Luke, Alex, and Reggie looked between each other frantically, stuttering for excuses.
“Nothing really out of the ordinary, I don’t think.”
“Pretty sure it was actually you who did something they shouldn’t have.”
Julie raised her hands and the boys silenced. She glared at them, half furious and half exasperated.
“Are you seriously telling me – or rather not telling me – that after all the times I specifically told you it would be a bad idea, you went and got hotdogs that were being sold out of the back of an Oldsmobile?”
“In our defence,” Reggie piped up, raising his hand like a kid answering a question in class, “they smelled really good.”
“Wish they’d tasted as good as they smelled,” Luke grumbled. Alex hit him.
“I have never met anyone with less common sense!” Julie yelled, waving her arms. “What is wrong with you? What made you think it’d be a good idea? How did you not think that it was the dodgiest set up for any fast food ever?”
“Relax,” Reggie said, “street dogs haven’t killed us yet.”
The highly questionable hotdogs did not, in fact, kill them. However, the next day all three boys were overcome with food poisoning so horrible that Julie simply could not take care of them all by herself.
That morning she sent a quick text to Willie to offload Alex to him: Come and get your dumb boyfriend, he and his idiot friends ate bad hotdogs and got sick, you can take one. Twenty minutes later, Willie showed up to take Alex back to his apartment, an ungodly amount of blankets in his hands when he arrived at the apartment.
Reggie was the least ill – he could pretty much take care of himself and at the very least he wasn’t throwing up everywhere. He stayed on the couch, watching some cartoon on repeat. Julie let him be.
Luke, on the other hand, was quite the task. He was feeling and looking absolutely dreadful, unable to move himself from his bed and being sick whenever he tried to do so much as drink a glass of water. Julie truly had her hands full trying to take care of him.
Despite his protests, she called the studio and cancelled their appointment with Luke today. He was in no fit state to record any hit songs right then; he could hardly even open his mouth without sick coming out of it.
Feeling particularly frazzled, Julie finally allowed herself a little break from rushing around after Luke to relax, just for a moment. She settled herself comfortably onto the bed beside Luke once his sickness had calmed down a bit and fired up Netflix. She could feel his doleful eyes on her as she selected a movie and let it play.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked.
“Are you apologising for being sick or for eating those hotdogs even though I told you not to?” she questioned.
Luke had the good grace to look a little ashamed. “Both.”
Julie shifted a little to wrap her arms around Luke’s midriff. “Don’t apologise for being sick. It is your fault, but don’t say sorry for it. I will accept your apology for disobeying me though.”
Luke rested his head against Julie’s shoulders, shuffling further into the covers. “We should have listened to you, I know. But if you could have just smelled those hotdogs…”
“Yeah, I’m sure they smelled great mingling with the stench of petrol,” Julie deadpanned. “I’m starting to think you three need constant adult supervision.”
“We are adults.”
“That’s why I’m so worried.”
Luke huffed a laugh, but then frowned. “I feel bad. You’re always the one taking care of me. Just once I want to take care of you.”
Julie raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying you want me to get sick?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean that,” he said hurriedly, even though Julie had been joking. “I just meant that you do such a good job with this every time. I want to give you a break.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Julie assured him. “But… if I ever do get sick, I’ll make sure to come straight to you and you can take care of me. Deal?”
“Deal,” Luke said with a soft smile.
It had been many years since Luke had been really sick. Julie had naively thought that maybe they’d get lucky and he’d never be sick again. Maybe his laughable immune system had finally caught up and had strengthened itself against what most people could avoid easily.
Wishful thinking.
Flu season was set to ruin Julie’s life. She had woken up one Monday morning and followed her usual routine, heading to her daughter’s bedroom to wake her up for preschool. She had shaken little Rose awake, but the three-year-old had been extremely hot.
“Oh, sweetie,” Julie had said gently. “Are you feeling sick?”
Rose, rubbing her teary tired eyes, had nodded and cried very quietly.
Julie had pulled her into a hug. “Okay, honey. You go back to sleep. It’s alright.”
She laid Rose back down, tucked her back in, and encouraged her to sleep. It took a long time and a lot of tears from Rose, but eventually the little girl drifted back into a fitful slumber. Feeling like all she wanted to do was go to sleep herself, Julie headed back to her own bedroom and shook Luke awake.
“Luke,” she whispered. “Rose is sick. I’m going to call the preschool and tell them she won’t be in, but then I’ve got to get to the studio. You think you can take care of her today?”
Luke sleepily opened his eyes and groaned as he shifted into a sitting position. He held a hand to his head – it looked far too similar to him steadying his balance for Julie’s liking.
She sighed. “Please don’t tell me you’re sick as well?”
Luke tried for a smile. “No, no, I’m alright. I’ll take care of Rose, don’t worry.”
He tried to swing himself out of bed, but Julie didn’t miss the way that the sudden movement made him wince. That and the fact that he clapped a hand to his mouth, the other held over his stomach. Unsteadily, he got to his feet and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came back to the bedroom looking sheepish.
“I’m sick too,” he said quietly.
Julie sighed haggardly and looked to the alarm clock on her bedside table. She needed to be at the studio to start her recording session in half an hour, but no part of her was willing to leave her husband and daughter alone while both of them were seeming awfully ill. She quickly made her decision.
“You get back to bed,” she said gently to Luke, taking his hand and leading him back to the bed.
“No, I need to get Rose,” he said, but he grudgingly followed her.
“I’m going to get Rose,” Julie told him as she sat him down and tucked him in. “I’ll bring her here and you can stay snuggled up together. I’ll call the preschool, run some errands, and I’ll check on you both later, okay?”
Luke nodded and lifted Julie’s hand to his lips as if to kiss it, then seemed to think better of it and dropped it. “Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Julie went back to Rose’s room. The little girl was fast asleep, wriggling around a little as she dreamt, her black curls that were the same as her mother’s spread out over her pillow. Gently, Julie picked her up and held her tightly to her chest, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head as she carried her to her own bedroom.
Luke smiled as Julie entered the room with Rose cradled in her arms. He lifted up the duvet so that Julie could lay Rose down beside him. As she put Rose down, the little girl woke up. She looked around, seeming surprised to have been moved. Then she began to cry very, very quietly.
“Dada,” she wailed, tiny fists clutching at Luke’s pyjama top. “Mama!”
Julie was exhausted. She could see a long day ahead of her, looking after both of the most important people in her life as they battled this disgusting illness. But as she looked at them – tearful little Rose snuggled up with Luke, who had his arms around her tightly, stroking her back soothingly as he whispered shushes – she felt a little bit of that exhaustion melt away, replaced with love.
She perched herself on the bed. “Rosie,” she whispered, tucking one of Rose’s stray hairs behind her ear. “If you quiet down, Mama will sing you a lullaby.”
Luke’s eyes widened. Behind the bloodshot sickness, Julie could see the love and admiration he had for her in them. She beamed at him, and he smiled back as if in awe of her. She felt her heart swell with love.
Rose hushed a little and Julie began the lullaby that her own mother had sung to her when she was little. It was a traditional little rhyme, simple and easy, but the beautiful melismatic notes strung together like bunting made the rising melodies sound ethereally pretty. It had always been one of Julie’s favourite songs.
Rose fell back asleep, huddled in Luke’s arms. Luke reached his hand out of took Julie’s hand.
“You’re perfect,” he mouthed, trying not to wake Rose.
Julie smiled, gently kissed his hand, and finally got up to phone the preschool.
Julie never got sick. It wasn’t in her nature. It just didn’t happen.
Except for that one time.
Julie woke up with the highest temperature the thermometer had ever recorded, her head was spinning like she was on a rollercoaster, and her muscles felt so fatigued that she couldn’t get out of bed.
And yet, she said to Luke, “I swear I’m fine.”
Luke, in a rare moment of knowledge and common sense, didn’t take her word for it. He seemed almost excited for her sickness – Julie wasn’t sure how to feel about that – and he pulled her into a tight hug.
“No,” he said firmly, “you’re sick. I’m going to take care of you.”
And he did. The very next thing Luke did was make Julie up a hot water bottle and bring it to her to help combat her chills, then he brought her three boxes of paracetamol and an entire pitcher of water. He called the doctor’s office for advice, then dragged the entire television set up to his and Julie’s room from downstairs. He got Rose ready for school and before he left the house he assured Julie that he would be back soon and she didn’t need to worry and, “If you need anything, just call me and I’ll come straight back.”
Julie couldn’t help but smile despite her tiredness and awful feeling. “I’ll be fine, Luke. Get Rose to school before she’s late.”
“I love you,” Luke said.
Rose, stood at the end of Julie’s bed, said, “Love you, Mama!”
“I love you, Rosie. Have a good day.”
Julie watched the love of her life and her perfect daughter leave the room and listened to their footsteps heading downstairs. Maybe she felt absolutely terrible and perhaps like she was going to be sick, but when she had someone like Luke looking after her it didn’t feel quite so dreadful.
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
Chapter 3 - Unexpected texts
Synopsys: The name of the series is super random, don't mind me. Reader is a postgraduate student at NYU, made a docuseries on her research, and the show got picked up by Netflix. She goes on a press tour and meets Tom on a ‘chat show’. They get together and she decides to stay for a few days in London with him. This could be an amazing few days or more? It’s been interesting writing how they’ll deal with distance and tight schedules once ‘honeymoon’ is over...
Heads up: my first language is Portuguese, so that might explain some things here - of course, I wrote thinking about myself hahaha
Warnings for the series: mention of illicit drugs, angst caused by distance, smut (next chapters, very explicit), anxiety caused by paparazzi, and rude random people taking photos.
Other than that, this is just my guilty pleasure writing so lots of caring sweet Tom and fluffiness.
Chapter 1 - A new city
Chapter 2 - Show time
Chapter 3 - Unexpected texts
This is 2.4k words (approximately)
Later, you were just laying in your hotel room and watching some tv, or telly how they say over here. You wanted to get some sleep and maybe call your parents to tell them about the day. It was so crazy, you didn’t think they’d quite grasp how crazy, but you wanted to include them anyway. I guess maybe especially because of that. Tomorrow you guys had to be at the station super early for the Radio 1 Breakfast with Greg James. 6 o’clock you thought it was that David had told you. You might as well check with him and set an alarm already. So you went to grab you phone for texting him and got a text from an unknown number.
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The contact you had saved as “Tom Holland” (with the air quote marks) was calling on Facetime. Shit. This couldn’t be him. Could it? Have you even given your personal number to the producer at Graham? Shit. Just answer it and kill Lukas. You pressed the green button and the screen was dark. There was some music in the background, but it was a little muffled. And sure enough, there he was. Smiling at the phone slightly bellow his eye level. He’s hot. You look like shit with zero makeup and your hair in a crazy pony tail.
“Hi!” He said laughing. “Do you believe me now?”
“Hi…this is embarrassing. Sorry! I have the worst friends and is just like them to try to pull a prank on me because of this” You answered.
“No worries, darling. I’m a little sad you’d think me texting you is laughable though.” He joked.
“You know what I mean! Like I said, Tom Hanks wanting to work together I would have an easier time believing.” You laughed.
“Maybe I want to work together. By the way, I’m glad you did, but for future reference, you probably shouldn’t use your personal number for these things.” He advised you.
“Well, it’s not like I have more than one number so…” You told him.
“Your agent’s then.” He clarified.
“I don’t have an ‘agent’.” You emphasized the last word.
“Well, you should probably get one then, darling. Trust me on this one.” He was walking and the music got louder for an instant and then muffled again. Looks like a bar or the outside of a bar at least.
“Are you in a bar?” You asked him laughing.
“Excuse me, not a bar, a PUB. And no, I’m on the sidewalk of a pub, actually. Going home.” He said. “And you are…?”
You were kind of getting what he wanted from you and that was kind of annoying actually. He’s a movie star for god’s sake. Can’t he get a girl in whatever pub he’s at right now? “Busy actually.” You answered him.
“Oh sorry. Terrible timing, huh? I asked for your number this afternoon, after the show. But the bloody PA just sent me it right now. He might lose his job for this. Took him a lot of convincing, ya know?” He was talking and walking, you could see he was clearly trying to start a conversation and all that in the middle of the street.
“So you just got it and couldn’t wait to text me huh?” You teased.
“Kind of, yeah. The two pints probably helped me build the nerve. I’m not usually like this. I barely facetime my friends.” He told you.
“And in the middle of the street. If you get mugged, I don’t want to be accounted.” You were relaxing a bit and sat on the bed leaning on the headboard. He laughed at your joke. Maybe he was just drunk and not really after a booty call. “I thought you british were famous for spending nights at the pub. Why you leaving so early, anyway?” You asked.
“Got to get up early tomorrow for a work out.” He answered simply.
“Of course you do” You said.
“And I much rather talk to you too.” He said.
Silence. What do you answer to that? Is he flirting with you? He’s definitely flirting with you.
“Ahem” He cleared his throat. “I really did liked your show, you know? It’s really something.” He said.
“You did? Thank you. Means a lot.” You said. “I’m still shocked it’s getting this much attention, to be honest.”
“Why? I’m shocked no one’s done it before. Is such a good idea. But maybe if they’ve done it, it wouldn’t be the same. Cause your presenting is probably what makes it that good.” He had stopped walking and you could hear keys juggling in his hand. “I live really close to the pub. I know” He laughed and you laughed back. “Hey!” He said to someone outside the screen and started to walk up stairs.
“Do you live with someone else? Your parents?” You asked.
“Uhh…no, no. I mean yeah, my mates Harrison and Tuwaine and my brother Harry. It’s just Tuwaine and his girlfriend downstairs though, I think.” He told you while taking off his shoes.
“Hey don’t go cockblock your friend now” You laughed.
“Never. And always.” He joked back. “Thought you’d be out enjoying London tonight, or were you planning on going out later?” He asked you in a thick accent.
“What? No, I’m a serious business girl. No time for shenanigans” You said laughing, so he’d know you were joking.
“Shenanigans” He laughed back. “Your English is better than mine you know?”
“Oh I’m sure” You answered sarcastically. “Flattering will get you far, but lying will not”
“I’m serious. If you haven’t said it today I’d think you’re American. You kind of have a New Yorker accent” He said.
“Yeah? ‘Fuhgeddaboudit’” You said in a thick accent and you laughed together. It was fun talking to him.
“What other languages do you speak?” He asked you when you stopped laughing.
“Portuguese, English…Spanish, Italian, a little bit, and German” You answered while counting your fingers.
“No way. Say something in German. By the way, I’m still here, I’ll just change these clothes.” He said while putting the phone on the nightstand and getting out of the frame. He was taking off his clothes, you thought. And he wanted you to say something in German.
“Nennen sie das Ärger?” You said, without thinking everything through.
“Now say the same in Portuguese” You heard his voice but didn’t see him.
“É isso que eles chamam de problema?” You said again.
“Yeah, portuguese is defenitely sexier.” He laughed and grabbed the phone again to sit on the bed. He was shirtless and with his head on the headboard of the bed. “What did you said anyway?”
“Excuse me, I wasn’t aware I’d have to translate it.” You mocked being offended.
“Oh so it WAS dirty. I thought I was imagining.” He teased you.
“You’re smooth.” You shook your head. “I’m still not saying it. You’ll just have to learn Portuguese, or German.”
“I’ll learn Portuguese if you teach me.” He said. “How long are you here for?”
“Just till tomorrow.” You said. “Flying back to New York tomorrow night.”
“More interviews?” He asked.
“Tomorrow’s the last one actually. But I’m traveling with David, he makes the show with me, and I’ve kept him from his fiancé long enough. That and we have to prepare for big meeting with executives next week, you know find an agent and stuff.”
“I could talk to my agent if you want to, he’s an actors agent but maybe he knows someone for other kinds of jobs” He said. “You don’t have a fiancé to get back to, do you?”
“No. No fiancé or jobs for that matter.” You laughed. “And I’m not even sure what kind of jobs would those be.”
“Publicity deals. If I had a brand, I’d want you to be the face of it. It’s the face of diversity and youth, isn’t it? It’s a beautiful face” He said.
“The face of diversity and youth?” You laughed. “Now you’re the one confusing me with Tom Hanks” You joked and he laughed out loud. “I could use some friendly recommendation though, on the agent thing. I don’t even know where to start looking and sounds like the type of thing you don’t want to ask the wrong people” You added.
“Yeah, sure. He’ll know someone for sure.”
“Thank you”
“Glad to help! Really!” He smiled at you. “So where you going tomorrow?”
“Breakfast show at Radio 1. Greg James I think” You answered.
“Oh he’s great! We were there today. You’ll have a great time! It’s a bit early, no? Am I keeping you from sleep? Do you want to hang up?” He was cute, all concern and stuff.
“Yes, yes and no. I’m enjoying you keeping me from sleep.” You said. Maybe it was the time, but that was kind of bold Ana. Good job?
“Good. I’m enjoying it too.” He said while you were getting under the duvet, getting cozy. “Are you enjoying London? What’s your favorite place so far?”
“I loved what I’ve seen from the car window” You answered sadly. “And all the studios we’ve seen.” You laughed a little. “But since we’ve landed it’s been go go go.”
“That’s a great song though.”
“I can’t believe you got that reference.” You said surprised. You love The Maine.
“I love The Maine. Honest. ‘Where I come from you learn to make the best of things’”
“‘But honey since we’ve met you know you’ve had the best of me’” You mock singed together and laughed when you finished the verse.
“OH MY GOD DO YOU WANT TO MARRY ME?” He joked while laughing.
“I mean, that’s the dream, that’s the dream.” He said. “I can’t believe that you haven’t seen London though. Wish you’d stay longer, I could take you some places. If you’d like, of course” He said.
“Don’t you have work? I though movie stars didn’t have time for tourism in their own home town” You teased.
“I’m sure movie stars don’t. Good thing I’m not one.” He said smirking.
“Ok, and where would you take me then?” You asked. Where you really contemplating extending your trip just right now? Get a grip on yourself woman.
“Uh, I don’t know. Parks?”
“Parks?” You laughed.
“And pubs.” He laughed too. “To be honest those are the only places I go to when I’m home. I take my dog on walks and drink with friends.”
“Doesn’t sound like a bad life to me.”
“No, I guess not.”
You guys kept talking for hours about everything and nothing. Favorite music, food, drinks, spots for each of those in different cities. You lived in NY but had lived in Berlin before and he was interested in that and you were very interested to hear about the places he’d been, but mostly about London.
“So you actually live here?” You asked him.
“What you mean? London? Yeah.”
“But don’t you work more in LA and stuff? You have a place there too?”
“Uh, no, actually. I don’t work there as much. No as much to justify getting a place anyway. If I’m honest, I haven’t stayed in the same place for too much time, unless I’m off work. And then I’ll be here. Closer to the family. Friends. You know.” He told you.
“That’s nice. It sucks to be away all the time”
“You probably know what I mean. There was a time I was considering getting a place in LA, you know, that whole Hollywood thing. And I was kind of seeing someone there at the time, so that might have had some influence in the decision. We were looking at houses and they were amazing, huge and crazily luxurious.”
“You were going to move in together?”
“No, she was just helping me look for places. Anyway, it didn’t worked out and in the mean time I found this house here so it was for the better I think.” He was opening up to you. “That’s really not for me. That whole life. Mansions, cars, the paparazzi.”
“Listen, I’m not sure how to break it to you. But you might not have chosen the best work line then.” You joked.
“No joke” He laughed. “I know it’s part of the job. At some extent. But I don’t need to go looking for trouble too. This way I’ll just deal with all that when I’m at the states and here I can focus on something else. Spend that money with something else. Spend my time with people that I actually care about and care about me. You know?”
“I like your mind” You said without thinking and there was a while of silence between the two of you.
“I think that’s the best compliment I ever gotten” He said.
“Shut up. You know what I mean.” You blushed.
“I know. And that’s why.” He smiled. “I like your mind too. I like that you don’t filter it. You’re genuine” You had blushed and closed your eyes at his compliment. When you opened them he was smiling at you. “You have the most amazing green eyes, you know that? They’re beautiful. And smile too. I love your smile.” You turned your head to the side, like you didn’t understand what he was saying, but you did. You were only studying him.
“Where you getting at Holland?”
“Can I see you tomorrow? Will you have sometime after your interview?” He asked.
“Yeah. I have the day actually, my flight is not until 11 at night, I think. When you want to meet?”
“I can pick you up right after and we can grab some lunch, sounds good?”
“Yeah, sounds perfect” You said and looked at the clock, it was 02:38 in the morning. “But I should probably try and get some sleep now, or I won’t be a real person tomorrow.” He touched the screen on his phone, probably looking at time himself.
“Shit, that’s late. Sorry, I didn’t felt the time” He apologized.
“Me neither” You smiled. You wanted to say more, like how amazing it was talking to him and that’s why time flew like that, how you haven’t felt that in many years. But you didn’t.
“Okay, I’ll let you go now. See you tomorrow then?”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow Holland” He laughed. “What?”
“I like how you call me by my last name. Sounds good. See you tomorrow (y/l/n)”
“I liked how mine sounded in your English accent”
“Yeah? Did I pronounce it right?” He laughed.
“Close enough” You laughed. “Alright, good-bye now”
“Tchau” He said while you hanged up, catching you by surprise.
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You couldn’t believe what just happened. Oh boy indeed. You were sure you weren’t even going to be able to sleep tonight, smiling in the dark to yourself like that. Get a grip woman.
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hi sweetheart !! may i please req an ateez and bts personality ship ?? my description was SUPER long (I GOT CARRIED AWAY </3) so you can cut my request at the personality part when posting my ship! tysm in advance <3
I’m an ‘03 liner that’s 5’9.5 (basically 5’10) with dark skin, jet black hair (currently in long twists rn!!), and i’m on the curvier side (esp hips and my thighs) !! some of my favorite features are my plump lips (and i have a beauty mark near the inside of my bottom lip!), my long legs (they’re 40.5 inches long and look so good in dresses and skirts <33), my kempt and pretty fingernails, and my eyelashes !!! i’m a virgo (and surprisingly i get along with all the signs, i cant think of a sole zodiac sign i DONT mix well with but i love cancers and virgos <33) ! i’m also an ambivert all the way! i often come off as cold/shy/quiet when meeting new people (one of my closest friends avoided me for a month before meeting me because i looked so intimidating LMAO), but once you get close to me i turn into a goofy (heavy on the goofy im never not laughing) bundle of warmth and love: i will never stop texting them the <3 emoji every morning or buying my friends/s/o their favorite starbucks order when they need a little cheer-me-up. also, lots of people say i’m mature and carry myself well, but around my friends i’m one of the most goofiest people ever (probably bc my face will literally be 😐 one sec and then 🥰 the next second when someone makes me laugh <3)
tysm in advance!!! Have an amazing day/afternoon/evening!
@anpanseok DARLING! I hope you love your ship <3 I'm actually really proud of this one, you'll have to let me know what you think! <3
In ATEEZ, I ship you with one and only demon San!
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(I thought you'd like that gif ;) )
Okay, when you were describing all of the things that you would want in the relationship, I thought of San due to how clingy and affectionate he is with the other members of ATEEZ. He is a Cancer, which is good because that is one of the star signs that are compatible with yours. I don't believe that the age difference of four years would be that much of an issue, especially since San acts younger than he is most of the time anyway. I feel like most men are intimidated when their female significant other is tall themselves, but he is tall himself and I feel like the fact that you are taller is kind of one of his favorite things about you? One of his other favorite things about you are your curves, he always puts his hand on your thighs during movie night at the boys' dorm or in the back pocket of your jeans when you two are walking into KQ Entertainment together. When you wear dresses when all of you go out to fancy dinners together, he has to hold himself back because he ADORES you when you wear dresses! You said you're am ambivert, I feel like he relates to that in some form of way, like I feel like there are certain situations where he feels a bit more introverted about. Sometimes Hongjoong has to scold him because he texts you so much, but he can't stay mad at you when you pop into the building with their favorite Starbucks drinks and hand-made lunch boxes for them. Just as you always support his creative endeavors, he always returns it for you tenfold and when you are talking about issues you care deeply about, he gives you his full attention and stares at you lovingly. Not just San, but all of the boys, come to you whenever they are dealing with stress and they just want someone to talk to because you are so amazing at giving advice and supporting them. There was a time when a sasaeng approached you, San, Wooyoung and Jongho when you were doing some late night grocery shopping when another ATINY stopped her, causing an argument and nasty words to be exchanged. Let's just say, you shut that sasaeng down REAL quick when you heard some of the things she said. One day you woke up and found a present that San made for you, a mixtape of all of your favorite songs from all your favorite genres of music, along with a little keychain that had tokens of all of the states you had visited. He wholeheartedly loves you and he makes every effort to support all of your dreams. When he has days off from work, the two of you make a blanket fort in your living room and watch old episodes of Forensic Files and Law & Order: SVU, whilst surrounded by fluffy blankets and a couple of his favorite plushies. His life an idol doesn't afford him much down time, unfortunately, but he always makes time for you and you always have the craziest adventures with not only each other, but all of the other boys as well. Squishy San will want all of the cuddles, have you SEEN how affectionate he is with the other members?! Also, him in all black outfits.... YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU. One day he was visiting your apartment and he surprised you with matching beaded pearl bracelets and he never takes it off, not even for performances. The boys don't really think nothing of walking into the bathroom to brush their teeth whilst one of the others is showering, that just comes with their busy schedules and their dorm life. Let's just say this: Mingi wasn't able to look you in the eyes for two weeks because he did just that, not realize that you had snuck in and stayed the night, and were currently going to the bathroom whilst San was in the shower. Your camera roll is not only filled with silly pictures of San that you've captured, but of the most magazine worthy, model pictures you have ever been lucky enough to take. He accepts you for all of your flaws, and helps you to try to work on them, however that may be and you do the same for him.
In summary: You both are simps for each other and I AM HERE FOR IT.
In BTS, I ship you with Namjoon!
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Another tall boy for you, I got you! You both are Virgos, but I looked it up worried that two Virgos would clash, and it said that they would be very intuitive with each other and would understand each other! The age gap is quite large, I don't know how okay you are with that? I know everyone has different preferences. He approached you first when he saw you at the mom & pop coffee shop/cafe around the corner from your apartment, and he thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Another man who I don't think would be bothered by your curves (men can be shallow dicks), I think that is his favorite thing (same as San) about you. Not even in a sexual way, I feel like his hands would always end up on your butt without him even noticing. Most of the time, one of the other boys will point it out when all of you are hanging out together, and he will be proud that he has a significant other like you, but he almost might become a shy mess about it I feel like. I feel like he can get jealous, just because you are closest to Jungkook in the group and you often pull pranks on the other members together. There is never a shortage of laughs when all of you are together, pure crackhead energy if I've ever seen it, just non stop jokes and banter between all of you. You were able to get time off from work and were actually able to join them (their managers were surprisingly chill about you tagging along? CONFUSION?) on their tour around Europe and you had so many memories. You actually brought along a Polaroid camera that you found in a little store one day when the two of you were shopping, and you ended up having to buy an extra suitcase on the trip because you took LITERAL hundreds of pictures of all of your adventures and the tour shenanigans. He has childish tendencies, I feel like he would love to play Roblox with you? I feel like he would take a very mathematical approach to building things, that's just the vibe I get from him. He often stares at you when you're doing your makeup in the morning, he finds it fascinating and he even asked you to do his makeup for some of his shows. His makeup artists weren't angry, luckily, all of their staffs absolutely adore you two together. He is all up for adventures, I feel like he would chicken out at the idea of skydiving, though lol. You keep stealing his sweaters, which he low-key highkey is SO happy about because he loves the way that you look in them. The size difference is only three or four inches (I've seen people say he's 6 feet, but then others say he's 6 foot 2, WHICH IS IT?!), so it's pretty easy to sneak kisses from him whenever you want them when you're together. If he sees you struggling to stay awake whilst studying, he'll softly close your book and drag you over to your bed for a couple hours so you can take a quick nap to regain the energy. I don't really know his temperament that well, he has to be rather even-tempered to deal with those hooligans he calls the rest of BTS, so I feel like you wouldn't have that many fights. You both are always striving to help each other to be the best versions of each other you can be. You joined the boys on vacation at a lake house and one night you were having dinner and he blushed after you said something cheeky to him, causing you to say to him, "You look like a cute tomato when you blush, my cutie pie." in front of the other members. Needless to say, he turned even more red and the boys teased him mercilessly for the rest of the night. Don't know how the cooking would go (this boy is a DISASTER in the kitchen), but you would have fun learning new dishes. He would brag about getting a dish right, and you quickly praise him but also say, " and that's why you a big ass head.", causing him to die laughing. He is the very definition of a hard worker, and I feel like he would love being praised and doing the same for his significant other, so I'm glad that you said that you liked the words of affirmation love language, because GET READY. He's definitely been buffing up (I SCREAM WHENEVER I SEE PICTURES OF HIM NOWADAYS), so
his hugs would always be the best things, so warm and comforting. Don't know how you feel about children? We've all seen that VLive where this idiot literally bought baby shoes because he thought they were cute, so I think he would definitely want children down the road in your relationship if you were both comfortable with it. Best father and husband award goes to him.
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letsperaltiago · 4 years
hc about jake and amy early relationship going on tiny trips/vacations together to b&bs or hiking or stuff like that?
so this is just ‘their first trip’ so i hope that’s ok! 
- for their first trip together as a couple, about 2 months into the relationship, jake and amy go on a roadtrip to spend the weekend in Boston
- they get off work early on friday and drive to boston in Amy’s (nicer) car. Jake gets them both coffee and muffins from that fancy coffee-place down the street for the trip. They spend the 4 hours (one bathroom stop included) talking about everything and nothing, having the other listen to their own favorite songs and jamming to common faves.
- they arrive at their nice, little b&b (credit to amy for research and booking) early evening, which means they have just enough time to shower (together🤭😏because they! can! do! that! now!!) before heading out for dinner. “now that we’re together we should probably share more showers and save water, yanno?” jake comments cockily right as they walk by the receptionist on their way out which makes amy blush and playfully punch his shoulder.
- since they’re both pretty tired they stick to taking a stroll to find pizza that they can eat back in their room and make a detour by the harbor on their way back to the b&b.
- While walking Jake sneaks some cute candid pictures of his girlfriend while she’s not looking because the sun is setting and she looks super pretty walking by the water, looking all glowy in the soft orange light. “what are you doing, peralta?” she questions him curiously upon catching him mid-picture and he blushes, embarrassed being caught. “you just-,” he stumbles over his own words because wow this is def his first time ever having to explain to a girl he really likes that she’s just super pretty and he wants all the dumb stuff being a couple comes with like taking pictures of each other so he can look at her whenever he wants and perhaps, one day when he knows she’s okay with it, use it it as his screensaver and to post on instagram. “i just thought you looked really nice so i’d take a picture. sorry if that was weird. i can totally delete-“ he starts to nervously ramble, nervously, but is interrupted when she grabs his phone from his hand. she kisses his cheek and takes a selfie of it. in that moment jake is sure he could potentially die of happiness. from that moment on pictures of amy, and him with amy crowd this phone.
- back in their room they get into comfy wear, eat pizza in bed (carefully as to not spill on the nice sheets, of course) and make plans for the upcoming day while the tv plays in the background. At some point during the evening Jake gets a notification on his phone which he curiously checks only to discover that it tells him Amy Santiago has tagged him in a picture on Instagram: the picture of her kissing his cheek by the harbor with the caption “Boston Harbor has some pretty good catches ❤️”. Jake smiles to himself feeling all giddy inside: social media is stupid, he knows, but this somehow makes them even more official.  
- After eating and planning they cuddle in bed and watch “Hannibal”. Jake is on his back while Amy has an arm and leg slung across him with her head resting on his chest which is the perfect position for Jake to slide his hand further and further down her back until it comes to rest on her butt. “Maybe I should do like Hannibal and take a bite out of you?”. Amy halts for a second before looking up at him with a half amused half weirded out expression. “That was so bad, Jake,” she laughs but nevertheless leans in to kiss him before pulling back to meet him with dark eyes “But it somehow still worked.” The rest of the night is uhum *well spent*
- The next morning they sleep in which they’re not exactly used to so they really savour the waking up together, tangled up and naked from yesterdays shenanigans. Although at some point before 10 AM Amy does feel obligated to be the voice of reason which Jake does not exactly approve of. Next thing he knows Amy is under the covers and languid but nonetheless hella good morning s*x happens.
- They have a quick coffee for breakfast as Amy is dying to explore their planned museums and monuments. Jake doesn’t care much for that aspect of the trip, but if it means he gets to hang out with Amy and listen to her talk passionately about some tea party and a lot of other smart stuff then the pleasure is truly on his side.
- After 2 museums and monument-hunting for some time they have a nice lunch and then just walk around the city, exploring and enjoying each other’s company. At some point Amy tells him she has a surprised planned for him and minutes later they arrive at a bowling-alley. Jake goes nuts and they have the best time competing, betting that the loser has to put on a str*pte*se for the other that night.
- Amy is good at many things, probably at more things than Jake, but Jake wins this one and after a quite fancy dinner out, they head back to their B&B where she puts on a 10/10 str*pte*se followed by 10/10 foreplay and just… 10/10 night overall.  
- On Sunday they get up a bit earlier and have an actual breakfast at a small local café, where Amy feels herself melt at the fact that Jake, without hesitation, knows her coffee-order. He just gets black coffee but he knows she likes hers with milk, preferably with vanilla syrup, just one pump, if available. With that they share a pile of, what they both agree is, “the best waffles they’ve ever had”. They spend the few remaining hours before departure sailing around in a swan boat which is so cliché but they both secretly love the romance of it and even it out with a lot of *sexy bantering*.
- Jake drivers them back to Brooklyn and lets Amy sleep. It’s almost hard saying goodbye when she drops him off at his place and they almost just skip town again right away. Later that night Jake posts a picture of Amy pointing at and obviously deep into talking about a painting at one of the museums they went to, which, on her side of town, makes Amy smile stupidly wide when she sees it on her phone and reads the caption saying: “Boston’s prettiest and smartest tour guide <3″
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jaeminlore · 5 years
Christmas in New York | Jisung
summary: is there anything more wonderful?
words: 2.9k+
category: not really a full story just a blurb, eloise at christmastime au, jisung as bill, eloise as eloise, nanny as nanny, lots of references to eloise at christmastime, looked at prizes of plaza rooms for this and geez, the reader is a female model from england, joanna fleming is one of my favorite designers, here’s the dress mentioned in the story
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The Plaza. Ideally situated on Fifth Avenue. Elegance Unmatched. 
At least, that’s how the website describes it. To Jisung, it’s just home, and work, and everything his life has been centered around since he was a child. Growing up in the service industry with parents who worked long nights as room service attendants, Jisung has always known hotel etiquette. He’s known hotel living, as he’s spent upwards of eight hours a day in rooms alone. 
He knows all about guests and their preferred champagnes. He knows which rooms like heated towels and which ones ask for extra toilet paper. He knows how to keep oatmeal from becoming dry before he can get it to its appropriate room. He knows about the stock market and horse races and a bunch of other nonsensical things rich people seem to prattle on about for hours without a break.
He knows the names of bag designers and which ones to be especially careful with. He knows how to respond when he receives a tip. He knows how to hold his tongue when some rich old man tells him he doesn’t know “real work”. He knows when the ballroom isn’t in use; he knows how to sneak in and play the piano before the security guard catches wind.
During Christmastime, the Plaza is especially busy. Balls and galas and dinner parties and lodgings are booked every hour of every day. Employees work double shifts and sometimes triple, if there are enough demanding patrons. There a poinsettias everywhere (real, because the Plaza doesn’t do fake flowers) and red tablecloths the color of cranberries. 
There’s some melody of Christmas songs being played in one of the many parlors, and the sound drifts through just enough vents to be caught by Jisung’s ear, as he makes his way to one of the many ballrooms — this one waiting to be decorated for Hanukkah. Jisung has silverware cleaned and ready to be set out, but other than that,  the majority of the decisions are left to the hostess (a rich woman from Manhattan) and the official event planner, Prunella (who always seems to be in a sour mood, no matter what.)
After he lays the silverware down and asks a few questions about appropriate manners when refilling drinks, he leaves, desperate for a bit of respite before the Winter Gala being held in just a few hours.
His respite comes in the form of Eloise, a six-year-old child who lives in one of the apartments with her nanny. She lives on the sixteenth floor, though she prefers to refer to it as the tippy-top floor. Jisung prefers to refer to it as the only joyful room in the hotel; the only place where he is free to release his inhibitions. 
Nanny (as she is so lovingly referred to) is a british woman, who is, apparently, the world’s best caretaker. At least, that’s what Jisung assumes. He knows how much Eloise’s mother pays for their apartment, and a wealthy home like this wouldn’t be left in the care of just anyone. 
Eloise is another story entirely. Jisung has no idea if anyone can tame her (not that she needs any taming.) Of course, most put up with her shenanigans, but uptight guests find her erratic and intrusive behavior rather alarming.  
Jisung finds her to be one of the most fun people he has ever meant. Of course, this could be said about most six year olds, but Jisung doesn’t know any other six year olds as well as he knows Eloise. 
Eloise has a habit of getting into everyone’s heart, whether they want her to or not.
He knocks on the door, ready to serve Nanny’s evening tea, when the door is jerked open. Eloise appears, blonde hair covered in so much red tinsel that it looks like a wig. “Jisung, Jisung, Jisung, you are oh so late for Nanny’s evening tea. I have been waiting around for ages for you to help me plan my spectacular entrance tonight!”
“Tonight?” Jisung pretends to be surprised as he pours Nanny’s tea. “Are you attending the Winter Gala, Eloise?”
Eloise grabs a tea biscuit from off of Nanny’s saucer and stuffs the entire thing in her mouth. She answers his question, mouth still full. “Of course! Mother went to the gala every year when she was younger. I must, must, must carry on her legacy!”
Bits of biscuit crumbs spray onto Jisung’s lapels. He brushes them off as discreetly as he can. Catching Nanny’s apologetic glance, he winks. Then, with a swift bow, he puts on his “princely” accent — a little bit French and a little bit English. “Well, Miss Eloise, would you care to accompany me to the kitchens? I’m sure we can find some napkins to fold for the Winter Gala.”
Is Jisung trying to get out of his room service duties by working the gala? Yes.
Is Jisung trying to distract Eloise from the fact that she hasn’t been invited to the gala? Also yes. 
Eloise’s eyes grow wide with excitement. Then, as if remembering she’s still pretending with him, she does a small curtsy. “Why, Mr. Park, I would absolutely adore coming to help with you.”
Jisung slips a few raisins onto the coffee table, where Skipperdee , Eloise’s pet turtle, resides. Weenie, the pug dog so beloved by Eloise and her nanny, bugs Jisung for his own treat, so Jisung digs a Pupperoni out of his pocket. “Then if you would so kindly take a seat astride my royal carriage, we shall make our way to the Terrance Room.”
The Terrance room is just as beautiful as it was described. The tables are lavishly decorated in burgundy velvet tablecloths. Wreaths of ivy and winter berries remind you of a winter forest. Lights fall from the ceiling, mimicking snow flakes mid-fall. 
“It’s beautiful, Prunella,” One of the models in the tour group comments to the event planner.
You break away from the group and twirl around, imagining what it will be like to dance in the ballroom tonight, when the Winter Gala begins in full spring. You’ve been chosen to wear a gown by Joanne Fleming. It’ll be her designing debut at the Gala, as well as your modeling debut in America. The ballgown you’re wearing is an embroidered flower blouse tucked into a tulle and silk shirt. Perhaps your favorite part of the outfit is the red silk shirt underneath that features poet sleeves and an oversized bow neckline. Paired with hair and makeup, you’re bound to be just as good as the big names here.
You head down the steps away from everyone else, where a large tree stands tall, decorated with tinsel and red candles. Not lit, of course, as that would be a fire hazard.  Your strain to see the topper atop the large, nearly ten foot tree. You back up, and with it nearly in your sight... you fall back into someone.
“Oh my gosh,” you squeal, as two hands grab you waist. As soon as they push you up, you whip around to apologize. “I am so sorry, I was trying to see what the tree topper, uh, was.”
You smile sheepishly at the boy. He’s clearly a waiter, based on his white tuxedo jacket paired with a gold-plated name tag. “Jisung,” you read. “That’s a lovely name.”
“It’s Korean,” the boy says, risking a smile at you. His eyes are wide, whether naturally or just at the fact that you fell on top of him, you don’t know. “I mean, because I’m Korean. I mean, not that you asked, it’s just... you said my name was lovely, so I thought you might like to know where it’s from.” He closes his mouth tightly after that and scratches the back of his neck. “Sorry.”
“No worries,” you hold your hand. “I’m Y/n.”
Before he can shake your hand, Jisung is pushed away by a very small girl.
“Hello!” She grabs your hand and shakes it as vigorously as she can. “I’m Jisung’s best friend, Eloise. I am six.”
You giggle. “Hello, Eloise. What are you doing in a boring room in the middle of the day?”
“Jisung and I are folding napkins,” Eloise says, gesturing to the one (and only one, that you can see) napkin folded into a swan. “They’re for the Winter Gala tonight!”
“The Winter Gala?” You clap your hands together. “How wonderful! Will you be attending?”
“Unfortunately, Jisung and I have far too many duties here in the Plaza.” Eloise falls back against Jisung’s leg and drapes a hand dramatically over her forehead. “Why, if the two of us leave for just ten minutes, the entire hotel may fall apart!”
You look at Jisung for confirmation. The tall boy shrugs, his bow-shaped lips curled into a smirk. “She’s right. We’re kind of the glue of this entire place.”
“Ah,” you say as seriously as you can muster when Jisung has such a distinct twinkle in his eye.
He’s cute, you have to note, in the hustle of listening to one erratic six year old. He’s much taller than you, but it isn’t as intimidating as one might think. Perhaps it’s the way his shoulders slouch forward just a bit, or the obvious youth in his face. 
“Well, if either of you would like to attend, I do have a few companion tickets,” you say, pretending not to care as you fiddle with your scarf. “Of course, I understand if you’re too busy holding this place together. It’s an important job, after all—“
“Are you kidding?” Eloise jumps up and yanks the scarf out of your hands. “You must, must, must allow us to go as your dates. Jisung and I will be on our best behaviors. I shall wear the gown my mother brought back from Milan last month. We went to a fashion show, and I threw up on Coco Chanel!”
You burst into laughter, despite the seriousness on Eloise’s face. “I’m sure that was quite an unforgettable show.”
“Indeed.” Eloise grimaces, ribbing her stomach. 
“I have the night shift,” Jisung says, his deep voice so obvious when spoken right after Eloise’s pitchy one. “But they might place me here,  so I can watch you. I mean, not watch as in leer, or anything. Just a drop by to say hello–“
“I would love it if you would, Jisung.” You clasp your hands in front of you. “Speaking of, I’m sure my stylists are having a fit. I’m about an hour late for all of my appointments, though it was worth it to meet the two of you.” You bend down to Eloise’s height. “I shall see you tonight?”
“I’ll save you a dance,” you assure her. Then, straightening up, you glance at Jisung. “Shall I save you one as well?”
Jisung blinks. Perhaps the invitation goes directly over his head, but he averts his eyes and answers you, cheeks red with nerves. “That’s not necessary.”
“Oh.” His rejection seems a bit blunt, though you understand. You’ve just met, after all, and it isn’t like strangers to dance with each other upon first (second?) meeting. “Well, I’ll be seeing the two of you.”
Jisung hides in the kitchen, helping out when needed and playing mobile Fortnite on his phone when he’s asked to stay out of the way. He’s sure they might need extra waiters at the Gala, with all the hungry models and their plus ones. Plus, the drinks will be offered up soon, and Jisung wonders just when the Gala will turn into an all-out party. It’s possible that these things stay graceful until the end, but Jisung know how rich people can be around a good bottle of wine. And The Plaza has the best bottles around. 
Eloise has already been taken home by Nanny, as her eight o’clock curfew doesn’t quite match up with the Gala’s full schedule. Jisung only knows that she left because she snuck into the kitchen, and just before Nanny found her, she had climbed atop the counter and licked a spoon full of meringue. “Y/n looks so beautiful, Jisung. You really must go dance with her.”
“I really must finish working,” Jisung had said, grabbing the spoon out of Eloise’s hand. Truthfully, he doesn’t want to see you after making a complete fool of himself earlier today.
It’s not like it matters, anyway. He’s a waiter; you’re a model. There are far more important men in your radar, he assumes. You won’t even notice if he doesn’t go.
So he doesn’t. He finishes his shift and takes his leave out the front door, where the snowfall greets him. 
He has his own apartment; a little studio flat across town. It’s a subway ride away, and Jisung has come to find that one of his favorite parts of the day is his commute home.
But he stays outside a bit longer, watching as the carriage drivers begin to undo their horses’ harnesses. He watches the fake Santa Claus down the street ring a bell for the nearby children’s hospital. He listens to the taxicabs honk their horns as they disobey basic traffic laws. 
“Thought you had to work.” It’s you again, your voice just as bright as it was this morning. 
Jisung feels his heart drop into his chest when he spots you at the top of the stairs, dressed in a gown that makes you look like some sort of winter fairy. The ruby-colored fabric matches the makeup behind your eyes, and Jisung has to stop and stare at the way your eyebrows seem naturally dark and unkept. It fits your face, and he draws his eyes down to your lips, where a dark tint resides. “H-Hi. I just got off. Work, I mean.”
You giggle. It’s not a mean laugh, so Jisung tries to file that into the “not embarrassing” category. Then he remembers the words that pour out of his mouth daily, and he thinks he needs to reorganize his mental filing cabinet. “Well, I saved you a dance. Can’t imagine you’d want to go back into the ballroom though.”
“Drunk socialites?” Jisung guesses.
“How did you know?” You wink at him before descending down the steps. The hem of your dress gets wet from the snow, but you don’t seem to mind. Jisung has a feeling your designer will, but maybe that’s not his business.
“Lucky guess,” he drawls, shuffling his feet. “Sorry about the dance. I thought you were just saying that because Eloise was there.”
“I wasn’t,” you say. “I wanted to dance with you.”
“Still want to,” you correct yourself. “Do you think I would be out in the snow in a sheer blouse if I didn’t want to dance with you?”
Jisung feels his cheeks flush. The blood rushes to his cheeks, and then to his hands when you reach for them, tucking your fingers in the spaces between his and pulling him close to you. “You lead,” he rushes out. “I’m not very good at dancing.”
You hum. As the wind briefly subsides, he makes out the tune to “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” You place one of his hands on top of your shoulder, and keep the other one in your grasp. “Tell me, Jisung, do you celebrate Christmas?”
“Yeah,” he says. “You?”
“Yeah.” You’re rubbing your thumb back and forth against his waist, urging him to move, but Jisung feels himself freeze up with the wind. Then you’re leaning forward, lips close to his ear and warm breath sending a sharp chill down his neck. “Relax.”
Jisung breathes in. Out. In again. He squeezes your hand and squeezes his eyes shut. “Okay,” and he follows your lead.
It’s a simple dance. A bit of a one-two thing going on. Jisung has never danced before in his life – never needed to, but he has natural rhythm, so he follows along without much complaint from you. “Do you dance with every waiter you meet?” He manages to joke.
You lift your joined hands and gesture for him to twirl beneath them. “Just the cute ones,” you say.
“And how many is that?” Jisung hates the waver in his voice. Hates that he manages to gain feelings so quickly. Hates that one (count it: one) nice person dances with him and suddenly he wants to be the only one they ever dance with.
“Just one,” you say, casually. Casually, but you avoid his eyes, and your grip slips just enough for Jisung to catch it. “Tell me, Jisung. Do you work tomorrow?”
“I’m off tomorrow,” Jisung says. “Christmas Eve, and whatever. Family things, you know.”
“Oh,” you say. “I leave tomorrow morning.”
“Family things don’t start until noon,” Jisung rushes. Heat returns to his chest as soon as you smile up at him. “We could have breakfast together. I know a nice place down the road. It’s not fancy by any means, but it’s really good. You’ll have to say goodbye to Eloise, too, of course. Maybe send her some letters when you return home. She loves getting mail–“
“Jisung, can I kiss you?”
Jisung feels himself nod before he can really register your words. By the time his mind finally catches up with his body, your lips are on his, smooth and chilled like a marble surface, and Jisung is shivering into your touch.
Your soft hands cup his face. You pull him down to your height, smiling at the way Jisung’s shaky hands clasp your waist. 
When you pull away, you’re still smiling, so Jisung smiles with you. “I would like to send you letters, too. If that’s alright, I mean.”
Jisung sputters and shakes his head. He feels his heart pound as the wind picks up around him. “That’s more than alright.”
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loveylangdon · 5 years
Fallin all in you
Requested: can you do something about Shawn dating one of his friend's sisters?
Word count: 3.8k+
A/N: okay I changed this a bit because I liked this idea or twist I put on it. however, posting this took so long because I originally filled this request with it being Connors older sister If you want me to post the one with Connor lmk but I fell in love with this version more. Thank you for requesting I adore you @r3ader
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*not my gif credit to owner*
y/n p.o.v
Walking down the hallway you feel someone pull on your arm dragging you into a nearby room letting out a little yelp at the sudden movement and change in direction you put your hand on the door frame balancing yourself looking to find who disrupted your trek to the green room 
Looking up surprised seeing Shawn blushing with a smile on his face 
“Hi” he whispers softly looking down at you 
“Shawn what the hell,” you ask chuckling looking around noticing your in an empty what appears to be an unused green room 
“I missed you” he shrugs his shoulders and leads you into the room farther closing the door behind you hands intertwined
“Shawn we can’t do this right now” you laugh at the cute pout on his face, you’re standing in front of him and he’s holding both of your elbows lightly holding you in place as if he’s afraid of you walking out which you could never do. 
He lets out a whine and dips his head to be eye level with you before moving his hands to cup your cheeks “You’re walking around here looking all cute and smiley I just wanted a kiss” he speaks out as he closes the space between you two catching your lips in his. 
Melting into it you can't help but smile until you feel Shawn bite your lip causing you to part your mouth in a moan allowing him to explore your mouth. Moving your hands behind his head into his curls holding him closer if possible. You pressed to his front adding a little more pressure he starts groaning and pulls away for a breath. Leaving you to laugh at his swollen lips, messy curls, and pink cheeks imagining how both of you probably looked fucked from a simple lazy Makeout. 
“Don’t laugh I missed you” Shawn pouts at you while you lean up and place another kiss on his lips which he smiles into “You missed me too eh” he laughs pulling away as you groan at the loss, looping your fingers through the belt loops in his jeans so he can’t go too far as you bite your lip up at him  
“I have to find-” your thought interrupted by his phone ringing in his back pocket 
“Shit” he hisses and pulls the phone out muting the call so the ringtone can’t be heard from outside glancing in the direction of the door you guys came through 
Chuckling you look at the caller ID its Brian 
“Answer it rockstar” you tease as you slip your hand into his back pocket as he throws his arm over your shoulder holding you into his chest 
Smiling at the thought these secret rendezvous, hallway shenanigans before shows, lazy make-out sessions in backrooms it was all thrilling, cute and fun. Joining a tour with your best friend had you over the moon but never did you think you would get a cute guy out of it let alone the one and only Canadian heartthrob. After joining the tour for 3 months Shawn took a liking to you and always tried to be where you were. Him and his friends constantly crashing whatever plans you made with yours. After a while, it didn’t take long for the pair of you to you two sneak into broom closets and find yourself under the sheets in hotel rooms trying not to get caught. 
Your thoughts are interrupted when Shawn pokes your cheek, not even realizing his phone call ended he chuckled “Am I that unamusing you can’t pay attention to a five minute phone call I have” he jokes 
“mm regardless I was thinking about you Mendes don’t get too big headed now” you joke right back at him as you capture his lips in a kiss again letting out a sigh of content until he pulls away 
“Alessia is looking for you apparently you left your phone in the green room and she can’t find you” he smirks down at you 
“Oh I wonder why she can’t rockstar” you pull away from him and it's his turn to groan 
“No I just got you in here I was waiting like a good 25 minutes” he pouts down at you 
“Oh my god you were waiting in here by yourself for how long” you question trying not to giggle 
“Stop” he lets out whining “It was cute in my head, kind of like those hide in the closet to scare your significant other videos” he follows you out of the room wrapping his arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder 
“Significant other videos huh?” You look at him before he hides his face in your neck feeling his face heat up. 
You’re about to tease him some more when you hear footsteps and Shawn breaks away quickly stumbling on his feet making you let out a laugh as he glares at you just as Connor walks in 
“y/n oh hey!” He waves at you and then notices Shawn holding onto the wall “Bro what happened” he’s chuckling as Shawn glares at both of you 
“He tripped over his ginormous legs” you giggle excusing yourself to go find Alessia 
Walking down the hall, you're about to enter Alessia’s green room until you hear her and someone talking 
“I don’t know y/n seems different do you think she’s sleeping with someone on the team” you hear Alessia ask as you tense up 
You never meant to keep whatever was happening to you and Shawn from her but there wasn’t much to tell. You guys were just having fun. You know how she felt about Shawn, for the first couple months of the tour they were inseparable she fell quickly before deciding it wasn’t a good idea and Shawn told her he saw her as nothing more than an older sister. It crushed her but not in a bad way she soon realized it was just being on the road and not having someone to share it with. Being in a close space for so many days there's only so many guys that she can choose to be around and she misinterpreted her feelings for Shawn. She was actually way more into Brian anyways but was too scared to admit it. 
“I mean maybe she’s just homesick you know how she gets, this is her first tour and we’re best friends if she was she would tell us” you hear Liv chiming in to reassure her
Alessia couldn’t be on the road without anyone for long, she always insisted that the next tour she would do solo but it never ended up that way. Going solo lasted 3 months and within the first break, she asked you and Liv to join her for the rest of the tour all the way through the NA leg. All expenses paid and maybe even a job opportunity here and there helping with odds an end things. You and Liv automatically agreed already having been packed just waiting for her to say when. 
“Have you noticed Shawn acting weird too, I mean before he couldn’t not be around and now he’s hardly ever-” you hear Alessia starts but is cut off by Liv 
“Les if she was sleeping with Shawn which I don’t think she is, she would tell us okay. y/n isn’t one to keep secrets. Even if she was would it be a bad thing?” Liv asks as you take in a breathe waiting for Alessia’s answer 
“I mean-” Alessia starts off but you couldn’t bear to hear how disappointed in you she would be so you walked into the room 
“I got lost again, I don’t know how you do it, Les, these places are a maze” you sigh plopping yourself onto the couch next to Alessia cuddling into her side 
“Ahh we were looking for you, I figured you got lost again so I had Brian call around to see if anyone found you” she smiles and wraps her arms around you as Liv comes to join on the couch. “What would I do without my favorite two girls with me” She sighs 
Alessia was singing Out of Love, the most heart-tugging song on her setlist at least to me. Me and Liv decided to watch side stage tonight so here we were holding each other and belting the words out as loud as we could. No one could hear us let alone see us except those on stage and with Alessia totally engrossed in the song paying no mind to anything around her we were in our own little world.
In the middle of the song, Liv was called by Brian to go help with something in the booth doing some odd and end work here and there we were both learning how to do every little job on the crew. It was fun to learn and be of help but not in the middle of your best friends set, where Liv didn’t mind because she’s toured with Les before she didn’t mind the disruption more than happy to help.
You felt a larger body wrap their arms around your shoulders from behind already knowing who it was you grabbed their wrists and leaned back. Moving in the same motion you and Liv were previously. You felt Shawn lower his head and whisper the words into your ear giving you chills and making your heart flutter.
Over the speakers fading out of the song, you heard a camera go off, looking over Connor peaked his head over the lens of his film camera taking photos of you and Shawn. Grabbing Alessia’s attention before the loud bass came back on Connor moved you and Shawn so Shawn’s back was facing Alessia and took a picture of her looking at you guys funny. 
When Connor walked away you expected Shawn to follow thinking they just needed some B roll for his tour diaries. He stayed and even when Liv came back he wrapped both of you guys’ in his arms and into his chest swaying back and forth with both of you before he had to get ready to go onstage. 
After Alessia walked off you and Liv followed her into the dressing room Alessia closing the door on Brian before he could walk in and tell her what a great job she did after every show. Leaving you confused. 
“Are you and Shawn dating” Alessia turned to you asking 
You couldn’t read her expression or emotions and it scared you, she was building her walls back up you looked to Liv for help but she looked away
“Les no, we’re not,” you told her and honestly it was the truth you and Shawn never said explicitly you were dating 
“But you are? Though right? If I go out there and ask him right now what will he say?” She asked with no emotion in her tone 
“Les,” you started but she opened the door facing a confused Brian and started walking down the hall to where Shawn was. Looking at Liv for help 
“Well follow her y/n” she ushered you out of the room “Are you two dating?” She asked looking at you skeptically 
“Liv no we’re not, I would’ve told you guys” you groan jogging after Alessia, Liv and a confused Brian following 
Stopping abruptly you see Alessia just got to Shawn who was looking in a mirror fixing his “makeup” Connor recording him Alessia tapped Shawns shoulder making him turn around confused
“Connor turn the camera off,” Alessia told him giving him a look that made him almost drop his camera 
You guys were in an alcove under the stage a very small alcove might you add it was crowded for seven people. Shawn had to crouch down to even fit and Cez sitting at his desk confused. 
Trying to squeeze past everyone to get to Alessia was hard but you managed to make it over to her. Shawn saw you and his eyes lit up at the sight of you, which didn’t go unnoticed by Alessia who’s eyes widened too reminding her why she came down here in the first place she went to open her mouth when you put your hand over it muffling her words and with the screaming of fans Shawn couldn’t hear her. 
Holding your hand over Alessia’s mouth, “Les not now” you spoke to her and looked up at Shawn who was smiling. She started shaking her head in an attempt to let you let go but you were holding her hands as well. you tried to walk backward with her Connor recording again finding the whole thing amusing with such a tight space it proved difficult. 
Brian came up and picked up Alessia like she weighed nothing and slung her over his shoulder causing Liv and Shawn to let out a belly laugh hesitantly you removed your hand thinking Brian was going to take her back to the green room.
With Alessia’s mouth no longer being covered she let out a scream that had you guys all covering your ears as her eyes went wide and blush rose to her already rosy cheeks as the crowd got louder stopping Brian in his tracks and making him look at her
“My bad” she got soft “I didn’t think y/n was going to let go of my mouth” she spoke at you, still on Brians's shoulder making everyone laugh 
“Shawn you need to get in position” Cez spoke to him making him put his in ears 
“Mendes,” Alessia started pointing at him “We need to have a serious talk” she spoke out towards him with a look that made the color drain from his face, causing Connor and Cez to laugh and you and Liv to put your head in your hands groaning. How was such a small girl so intimidating. Brian took her away in the direction of the green room with Liv trailing behind laughing at Brian pretending to drop her. 
Shawn turned to you quickly looked around and planted a soft kiss on your lips after making sure no one was looking. He smiled down at you and walked down the alcove onto the stairway to take him to the stage as the beginning of lost in Japan started playing. 
Standing there frozen with rosy cheeks at the sudden act of affection, Cez cleared his throat breaking you from your thoughts 
“So that's new” Cez started “Is that why Alessia came down here ready to cause hell” he asked with a small amused smile on his face, causing yours to heat up “You don’t have to tell me, but you should tell Alessia whatever it is that's happening between you two, She’s looking out for you, you’re her responsibility as silly as that sounds I’ve never seen someone go into mother bear mode so quickly” he laughed again “go talk to her I won’t say anything” he smiled turning around again to face the monitors back facing you. 
Turning around you made your way into the green room peaking your head in “Are you done being a psycho Les can we go watch the show now” you chuckle seeing her on the floor cuddled with Brian and Liv 
“We sleep now, show later” she spoke out opening her arms for you to join which you did. 
You guys slept halfway through Shawns set waking up just in time for bstage your favorite part. Making your way over to the corridor adjacent to his piano you were joined by Alessia and Liv Brian having to go help Connor with his camera’s it was just you girls. 
Hearing the chords to “When you’re ready” on the piano fills the room you couldn’t help but let out a big smile, the song was so pretty and seeing the whole arena light up was something out of a book. Seeing Shawn perform on stage was a dream in itself he was made to do this. 
Holding onto Liv and Alessia you didn’t even notice Shawn staring right at you while he was singing. Alessia hit your shoulder breaking you out of your little trance. Looking over at Shawn he smirked and sent you a wink not breaking eye contact which resulted in Liv letting out a squeal which he chuckled at. He finished his little melody and went into like to be you leaving you and the girls screaming the words at the top of your lungs.
When his little guitar solo started Alessia pulled you closer to her, her arm thrown over your shoulder “I know you guys are sleeping together” she spoke into your ear causing you to back up and look at her with wide eyes before she pulled you back to her “Brian told me” she let out a small smile shrugging her shoulders, her eyes showing admiration. She pulls you back in “He really likes you, you know. Brian said he doesn’t shut up about you” you pulled away again looking wide-eyed 
“Les” you started 
“No look at him” she nudges you to look at Shawn who is looking at you already singing straight at you and when you caught him he quickly looked away as if he was caught leaving him blushing. “He likes you” she squeezed your shoulders “You should’ve told me y/n I love you like a sister I just want you to be happy, clearly he makes you happy I don’t know how I'm just seeing it. I support whatever this is, even if this is just a friend with benefits thing which he would be a fucking idiot to do, I am there for you 100% okay” she looked at you and you felt your heart burst 
Pulling her into a hug she hugged you back with more force. She was really your best friend. 
Ruin started playing and you heard Liv over the guitar 
“Shawn got a starring problem or something he keeps looking over here,” Liv asked chuckling and nudging you both causing you and Alessia to laugh.  
After ruin ended you three headed back down the corridor not wanting to get run over by Shawn or Connor who runs back to the MainStage through the crowd from bstage. To your surprise you heard footsteps following you three, breaking apart from each other wanting to make room for Shawn and Connor you felt someone collide with your back bringing you into a big hug from behind. 
Squealing at the sudden movement and sweaty body now sticking to you you heard Alessia and Liv burst into laughter at your attempt to steady yourself from falling to the ground at the sudden impact. 
Turning your head around to look at Shawn you see him smiling from ear to ear his eyes lit up before you noticed he leaned in and captured your lips in a kiss hearing a gasp come from the girls and Connor who let out “I knew it”
Shawn pulled away chuckling, “Brian told me he told Alessia” he looked over to Alessia  giving her an accusatory glance raising an eyebrow 
“And what about it Mendes, taking my girl from me after I open your show as a favor” she jokes but looks at him seriously
“Sorry we didn’t tell you Les but she’s stubborn and wouldn’t agree to be my official girlfriend” he squeezed you as you glared at him “She wouldn’t even agree to go on a date with me because there's nothing to tell if we don’t” he mocked you joking and laughed looking at Alessia “but now that Alessia knows y/n be my girlfriend please if you say no you just make me look like a creep staring at you through an entire set” he chuckles pushing his hair out of his face 
“mm ill think about it you joke” finally making your way to the MainStage and he stops in his tracks and groans 
“no, you’re supposed to say yes” he whines which causes you all to laugh 
“fine yes ill be your girlfriend now go before Cez kills you” you push him towards the stage but not before he can pull you into another kiss earning hollering from your friends around you.
He starts to walk back under the alcove but before he disappears he shouts “Alessia y/n is going to be on my bus now ha” he jokes and turns around 
“In your dreams Mendes we still need to have a serious talk” she shouts back at him but louder and seriously which causes him to turn around quickly with wide eyes causing everyone to burst into laughter again before Cez pushes a guitar into his chest and shoves him up the stairs.
Alessia slings her arm over your shoulder “Ha he thinks he can take my girls away from me, over my dead body” she jokes grabbing onto Liv too 
“Damn who am I suppose to date now if y/n has Shawn and Les has Brian” Liv pouts looking at you two 
“I have who now?” Alessia’s eyes go big causing us to hit her she’s about to protest when Brian walks down the hall towards us
“Ready Alessia?” He asks causing me and Liv to nudge her 
“Where are you taking her” I ask smirking at them two 
“oh” Brian starts but his face heats up “We were gonna go get food before we have to get back to the busses and it gets impossible to leave” he lets out scratching the back of his head 
“hmm okay I’ll allow it, this time” I joke as I see them both roll their eyes and walk out the main corridor to the green rooms and the back entrance
“Guess it's just me and you Liv” you sigh holding onto her making your way back out to the crowd 
“So Shawn?” She wiggles her eyebrows towards you as you push her face away with your hand 
Walking back out to the main stage Shawn makes eye contact once again sending a wink in your direction causing Liv to squeal and Shawn to laugh. Pulling her into a hug to shut her up.
The chords to fallin’ all in you begins to start and you grab Liv to slow dance with. As soon as Shawn finishes his little speech you and Liv are rocking side to side with his melodic voice in the background when you feel another body collide into you two. Alessia came back but changed into new clothes smiling from ear to ear putting her arms over the both of you. All three of you swaying back in forth singing to each other. 
“You think I would leave my girls for the most romantic song during his set” she beams at you two “I love you guys” she kisses both of you on the cheek as you guys turn to watch Shawn staring at you three with a twinkle in his eye 
This was your happy place you and your girls together supporting each other for everything. 
A/N: thank you for being patient and for reading don’t forget to like and reblog or leave comments below again sorry this took so long I originally filed this request with Connor but I liked this version more. lmk if you want to see the original request but with Connor Xx
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particularnervous · 5 years
Welcome Home
summary: Shawn and Ella have been dating for a few months and he comes home after being away for a bit 
a/n: This is a continuation of Crowded! To read part one, click here 
Ella cursed as she almost dropped the eggs she was carrying, arms full as she tried to open the condo door. She had forgotten a bag when she went to the store, and in an attempt to do the right thing had declined a plastic bag and opted to carry her groceries a block to Shawn’s condo. It didn’t seem that far in distance, but with about a dozen things cradled in her arms, it was definitely an adventure. Ella was aggravated for many reasons though, not just the pile of food she seemed to be dropping. She was attempting to do something nice for her boyfriend who had been out of town on a small two-week promo trip in New York and LA for his newest song. She had Brian expedite ship her his key to the apartment and decided to bake Shawn homemade cookies for when he got back. His mom had been there an hour before to drop off soup and had texted Ella that she had left a cookie sheet and parchment paper. As she made more and more steps in this plan, however, Ella felt extremely stupid. What is Shawn didn’t want to see her right away? He probably just wanted to shower, change, and chill before their plans later in the evening. He was due home at 6:30 and they had planned that he would be over to hers around 9:00.
“I wish I could just fly the plane right to your house. Parachute out of it and be at your front door. I miss you”
That’s the text Ella had received a few days prior, to which she had replied that she’s working on a teleportation device.
Shawn: I’ll be over around 9:00 on Sunday? We can watch a movie or just sleep
Ella: Sleep sounds good, I know you’ll need it. Can’t wait to hear all your travel shenanigans though
Shawn: Can’t wait to tell you them. It’ll be late when I finish the show tonight, will you be up?
Ella: It’s live, I’ll be watching on the corner of my seat silly
Shawn: I’ll call you on my way back to the hotel then. Talk soon, sweetheart.
Now, around 5:00 on Sunday, Ella was second guessing their entire conversation. On the phone that night he had gotten slightly emotional, the lack of sleep and home-sickness catching up with him. Ella had tried her best to console him, her heart aching from not being with him. He had told her probably one million times that night, and since, that he couldn’t wait to see her. But now, as there were only hours until he was home, she wondered if he wasn’t feeling that way anymore. Maybe it would be like when you black out at a club and do some dumb shit and wake up the next morning hungover and guilty wishing you hadn’t done any of it. Not to mention, they had only been dating for close to three months and she had basically broken into his condo without his knowledge.
Ella went about her plans, though, and when the cookies were finished and cooling on a plate she sat back and texted Shawn. She saw she had a few messages from him saying that he had landed and was almost home. She replied, and opened her twitter to look at pictures of Shawn with fans at the airport. Before Shawn, she had followed a few stan accounts, but ever since pictures of them kissing at the club leaked, their entire relationship had been fairly public. It had taken a bit to get used to the hate in the beginning, but she usually stuck to twitter where things were usually nice and mild, and made her Instagram private. She loved interacting with fans now, it made them happy and Shawn loved it. “My favourite people talking”, he would say, “I should bring you on tour with me, they’d want to see you more than me.” She would laugh, but truthfully as much as his fans liked her, she was in awe of the way they cared for her boyfriend. For some, it may be annoying to see girls and guys fawning over your partner, but for Ella it filled her with pride. He was the greatest guy, and she was so happy that everyone saw that. Plus, the stuff that they would say about him physically made her laugh. It wasn’t uncommon for her to reply to a tweet about how hot he was with a witty remark about how she doesn’t know how to control herself around him. Seeing him with fans at his hometown airport, though, brought her another level of happiness. He looked so happy and relieved with his arms around the people in the pictures. She grinned when she saw a tweet with a video of him, the caption ‘oh my god, I love them so much’. She opened it and her heart squeezed listening to him. A fan had asked if he was going home to Ella, and he had replied “I’m seeing her later tonight, I can’t wait to hug her”. Her nerves calmed a bit and she continued to scroll, saving a couple pictures of just him.
Shawn: Just getting home, I’ll text when I’m on my way xo
Ella’s heart started to beat faster as she heard the lock click and the door swing open. Shawn walked in, and it took him a second before he noticed her. He messed with the key, grumbling something about it never cooperating, and put down his guitar, before he turned and finally noticed her standing in the hallway in front of him. The look on his face was priceless as he stared at Ella, mouth wide open.
“I hope this is okay. I wanted to make you cookies because I know you said you were craving the ones I made you that one time, and Brian sent me his key so that’s how I’m here, but I can leave if you want.” Ell rushed out, wringing her hands together in front of her. Finally, Shawn moved, rushing forward and grabbing her into the air. With a shriek, Ella wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging to him. She inhaled his familiar scent, her favourite, and felt tears spring to her eyes. It was only two weeks, but she had missed him so much. Pulling his face out from the space between her neck and shoulder, he grinned at her in awe. “Ella,” he breathed, before kissing her hard. He pulled back quickly, placing jer on his kitchen island and stepping away to admire her. She was wearing leggings and one of his sweaters, her hair braided behind her head, but she looked gorgeous. If he could have framed that view right then and there he would have.
“You’re not mad?” She asked, quietly and he shook his head wildly. How could he be mad? He had wanted nothing more than to take an Uber right to her apartment from the airport but he figured he should bring his stuff home first. He wasn’t expecting this at all, but now that they were here, he realized that it’s exactly what he had wanted. It was something he could get used to, coming home to her.
“Not mad, princess. How could I be? This is the best surprise, you’re the best surprise.” He stepped forward again and wrapped her in his arms, holding her there for a minute.
“Well, in that case, I made you cookies and the soup your mom brought over smells so good.” Shawn laughed, and pulled away, helping Ella down from the island. He went over to the cupboard and grabbed two bowls while Ella took two spoons out of the drawer. Sitting down next to each other, Shawn began telling her about his flight and the airport.
“I saw the video of you saying you were excited to see me, very cute.” Ella teased, and a blush appeared on Shawn’s cheeks.
“Shut up, I wasn’t even that excited.” He muttered and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, okay Mendes. You’re the one that said you wish you could parachute to me.”
“I said to your apartment, not you. What if I really missed your roommates?” He said, defensively, and she laughed. He had a great relationship with my roommates, and it was something Ells was thankful for. She wouldn’t be surprised if he missed them.
“I’d say, if you missed them so much go hangout there and I’ll enjoy these cookies myself.” Ella huffed, and Shawn laughed, pulling her stool closer to him so that he could wrap his arms around her.
“I think I’ll stay here with you and the cookies.”
A few hours later, they were quietly getting ready for bed in Shawn’s bathroom. Ella had left a toothbrush here officially a month ago, as well as her face wash and moisturizer. When Connor and Brian saw, they made fun of Shawn for a good ten minutes before Connor cracked and told him honestly that he was happy for Shawn. Brian continued to make fun of him.
“I love doing this with you, babe.” Shawn admitted, watching as she ran his brush through her hair. He had finished his routine before her, as usual, and was sitting on the toilet trying to memorize her routine. Hair up, wash face, brush teeth, moisturize, hair down, brush hair, lip chap. It all seemed so domestic he thought his heart might burst. He loved just watching her live her life and do the normal, small things. He was so enthralled.
“I do too,” she replied softly, knowing exactly what he meant. “Makes me feel safe.” She muttered, voice shy. He stood and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back into him. Their eyes met through the mirror and Shawn’s heart skipped a beat. “You make me feel the same way.” He told her, kissing her neck softly. Ella closed her eyes and leaned back into him. They stayed like that for a moment before he pulled away and made his way into the bedroom. She joined him a minute later, having changed into a t-shirt of his. She climbed into bed as he stripped down to his boxers and he stopped short when he turned around and saw her in his bed. This wasn’t a new sight, she had spent the night more than once, but after two weeks apart she looked like a new type of gorgeous all wrapped up in him like that. His shirt, his sheets, he thought he could cry. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand and stood at the end of the bed in the middle, snapping a picture of her. He took a moment to admire it, how soft she looked in the light, the way her face lit up in the smile she always has behind the camera, shy but happy.
“You’re so beautiful, Ella, I’m so lucky.” Ella felt like she might pass out, so overwhelmed with the sweetness of their evening. She couldn’t believe she had been so nervous earlier that night, it seemed pointless now. Shawn tapped away on his phone for a minute, and Ella’s own phone buzzed from beside her. ‘Shawn Mendes as made a post’ her Instagram notified her, and then ‘Shawn Mendes tweeted: I’m in Toronto and I’ve got this view’. The picture he had taken moments before was attached. Ella grinned, commending Shawn on his caption skills. In retaliation, she climbed on top of him and snapped a picture of him looking up at him. She posted it to her own social media, captioning it ‘my view’s better’. They giggled over the replies and comments together, liking and replying to a few of them before putting their phones down.
Shawn turned on his side and pulled Ella into him, kissing the back of her head. “Goodnight, honey.” He whispered, and Ella squeezed his hand as her own goodnight. The two of them slept better than they had the past two weeks.
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topweeklyupdate · 6 years
TØP Weekly Update #62: They’re *Really* Back (9/14/18)
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We knew going into this week that there was a real storm coming, and that was an understatement. Though the complete Trench album is still waiting to be released, it really feels like the band is back more than ever. 
This update is a novel-sized doozy. Grab your new merch, and let’s dive into it.
This Week’s TØPics:
A Complete Diversion in London Brings Trench (and a Flaming Car) to the Stage
The Boys Speak to the Press: Rock Sound and Alt Press Announce Special TØP Issues, and the Boys Hop Back Onto Radio
First Details Emerge About “Neon Gravestones”, “Pet Cheetah”, Clancy, Nico, and More As the Press Hear the Album for the First Time
Major News and Announcements:
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The big one finally hit: after over a year, Twenty One Pilots returned to their home on the stage. They started making flex moves before the show even started. They arrived in London two days in advance, rehearsing and playing soundchecks into the night that die-hard campers could hear from outside the venue. They arranged for folks in Bandito uniforms to dispense 150 tickets to those that showed up at the box office.  The venue delivered food to the queue, and the Clique in turn donated their blankets and duvets to a local soup kitchen. Pretty darn sweet.
The real event was even sweeter. 
Twenty One Pilots did not quite pull out all of the stops for their first performance in over a year. The set was just over an hour, did not debut any never-before-heard songs, did not include any special guests, and mainly stuck to the skeleton of the Blurryface Era setlist. And you know what? There was absolutely nothing wrong with that. If anything, Tyler and Josh keeping things focused on dusting off the old gears and introducing a few new elements for the Trench era resulted in a tight and emotional return for today’s greatest band. (Shout out to Ohio Clique for editing fifteen different Periscope and Instagram Live streams together to make a cohesive concert movie.)
Highlights of the show include:
There were no screens present in the smaller venue, but the production crew did make sure to bust out a ton of other great production elements, including tons of lights and, most notably, the car from the  “Heavydirtysoul” video that bursts into flames at key points during certain songs- including, at one point, when Tyler was standing on it.
The Clique brought the production value in the crowd, too: beyond all the folks dressed up as Banditos and Bishops, you also had plenty of people bring in yellow screens for their flashlights and yellow flowers and petals to offer Tyler.
The setlist was pretty sensible, with the four new Trench singles plus all of the songs that you would have expected them to play at an old festival show (minus “Guns for Hands” and “Tear In My Heart”, no I’m not sweating, why?). It is interesting that “WDBWOTV” and “The Judge” were played, but I suspect that it was mainly to justify bringing out the ukulele for “Nico”; if there are more uke tracks on Trench, I would not be surprised to see one or both of these songs dip out of the regular rotation.
Tyler had to stop the show twice to help people out of the pit- it was that kind of show.
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The show opened with Josh coming out on stage in full Bandito regalia, torch in hand, looking like a badass. After sitting down at the drums and playing a few simple sequences, a masked man with a bass guitar walked out on the stage, started playing “Jumpsuit”’s gnarly riff, and yelled for the crowd to “GET UP!” Awesome. Twenty One Pilots is back, mate.
Tyler stumbled over a few lyrics in “Jumpsuit” and “Levitate”, but he successfully played it off- only the most diehard fans would have caught that he wasn’t just pausing for breath or to hear the crowd.
Tyler actually yelled “Why’d you come, you know you should have stayed?” at the end of “Heathens”, and it sounded damn good. Hope it sticks for future shows.
Tyler’s “WDBWOTV” pre-speech was a pretty good inaugural address for the Trench Era. He let the rabid audience know that he had been watching them since before the concert (both literally and metaphorically), joked about needing to get back in “show shape”, and thanked London for being a home away from home for them. In gratitude for hosting them, Tyler even announced that they were adding a third arena show at Wembley and joked that Mark should tweet it or something (he did).
Prior to playing “Nico”, Tyler adorned a bright yellow jacket over his usual uke kimono; Josh helpfully banged the drums dramatically for every successful button.
Tyler and Josh did the handshake during “Nico”, because of course they did.
For “My Blood”, Tyler drew from the old playbook and attempted to direct the two halves of the audience to sing harmonies. It worked even better than it used to with “Doubt”, much to Tyler’s evident glee- his smile and little dance to everyone singing his new song back at him was probably the best moment of the whole show.
The Trees Speech was short and sweet, with Tyler promising that he’s written “pages and pages” of things he wants to say, but for now all he can say is that they’ll be coming back on the new tour with “things we’ve never seen before” and that the fans look so good.
In the last bit of major news: new merch (that Josh stitched himself, be nice) and a new yellow Trench vinyl that I’m sure won’t immediately sell out. Have fun spending your life savings, kids!
Other Shenanigans:
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The band was active in other spaces this week, of course. After Zane Lowe broke open the floodgates last week, both Rock Sound and Alternative Press announced that they would release some exclusive Trench Era Content (tm). Rock Sound’s came in the form of a thirty-page mag featuring a lengthy 22-page feature comprised of the first interview the two bands gave together since before the hiatus, Tyler and Josh’s first full photoshoot in over a year, and tons of awesome posters and Clique art. It definitely is not available in any form on the Internet that I’m afraid to link to lest I get pegged for copyright and sent to jail. Highlights of this interview that I certainly haven’t read include:
Lots of typical Rock Sound purple prose, in which the writer goes off on more tangential metaphors than even Tyler Robert Joseph.
The reporter describes Tyler’s house as “quite stunning” (yeah, with that Blurryface money combined with Columbus real estate values, I should hope so).
Josh laughs at the memory of some of their old costumes. “Those suits were so hot,” he says, as if those heavy coats aren’t a billion degrees inside.
Tyler: “There’s something healthy about realizing that the world keeps turning. Sometimes it can feel like the whole world is revolving around you- I think we all selfishly get to that point. When you have those moments, when you stop and realize that even if you weren’t there those other people would be, it lifts a weight that can feel very heavy. It motivates you to want to come up with a reason why you’re here.”
Tyler says they cut out social media during the hiatus in part because “removing the ability to run straight to it was important. For me, writing music is the thing I want to run to when I feel compelled or inspired. Whether it’s frustration or anger or compassion, whatever it is that I wanted to express, I wanted it to live somewhere new. I didn’t want one drop of meaningful expression to live anywhere else.” Additionally, they did want to test whether the Clique would stick around, and even kinda hint that they wanted to shrink how crowded some of the rooms they entered were becoming.
We are assured, however, that the next “hiatus” will not be the exact same as this. Tyler: “Going away broke my heart. It hurt that we weren’t able to tell people why we had gone, but I’m an advocate of showing people what I’ve been working on rather than telling them how hard I’m working. [...] That said, though we don’t know what the timeframe will be or if we’ll take another break, the manner in which we left... we’ll never do that again.”
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I’m just gonna leave this here: “He tells us also of the beautiful relationship he has with his wife, Jenna, and the role that she played in helping him unlock the words and the sounds that would form the basis of this new chapter; of the times he would hand her the phone while behind the wheel of his car to allow her to record anything from melodies to simple poems.” Yeah, will someone sweep up all the pieces of my heart that are just lying on the floor, that’d be great.
Tyler has long had the idea to tell a geographic story, much longer than since the end of the last cycle, and he didn’t always intend to tell it through music. “I feel like in our mind there are places we learn we shouldn’t go.”
Tyler says that there are lots of songs that he writes that never see the light of day because he has moved past the season he wrote them in by the time it comes to record them.
Rock Sound is positively glowing in its brief advance review of the album, saying it is undoubtedly the best project of 2018, “a labor of love”, “a varied, often spectacular collection” with some of the band’s all-time greatest moments. It will be even more sonically diverse than we’ve come to expect: “Morph” is described as “old-school R&B”, “The Hype” “anthemic indie-rock”, “Pet Cheetah” has “stomping beats and a fiery rap verse.” The highlight, though, is apparently “Neon Gravestones”, “a piano-laden spoken word masterpiece” with lyrical content that “will save at least one person’s life”. Damn.
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Alt Press will also be releasing a 24-page cover feature on the band and were even nice enough to include a fun video ad from the boys. They’re so cute, and I’ve missed them so much. (Also, Tyler’s checkered pants are a quality meme.)
After the Complete Diversion, Tyler and Josh performed a mini-press tour. First, they gave five-minute interview with Annie Mac on BBC Radio 1 and an Instagram Stories AMA on the station’s account. Highlights of this quickie include:
Josh and Tyler joke that specifying the exact number of months they’ve been away sounds like a mother saying their kid is “14 months” instead of a year old.
Tyler notes that this was the first performance in a long time that they’ve felt truly nervous, as they could no longer rely on muscle memory to carry them through after the long break, particularly with the new songs.
Annie references her last interview with Josh, where he confessed to be nervous about whether the fans would return. When asked if the first show helped them overcome those nerves, Tyler replied honestly, “To an extent, yes.” They chuckle about it, but the implication remains thick: the dedicated fanbase certainly turned up, but there is no assurance that they’ll have long-term mainstream success in the future. They seem cool with that.
Tyler states that they chose London specifically to make their return because, besides Columbus, it’s the only city where they have played in every size of venue, from the Barfly club to the Ally Pally and everything in-between over the course of fifteen shows. That type of home atmosphere made it feel right to start the new era there.
Josh says they played a bowling alley in London once. He did not wear bowling shoes in the set nor when he bowled afterward, which, as Tyler points out, is very punk rock.
Tyler reflects on how this show represents years of preparation and practice teaching them how to “trim the fat” and master the tempo and flow of the concert to appear as confident as possible and bring the audience along for a well-planned journey.
“My Blood” is one of the most challenging songs for both artists to play, particularly Tyler, as he has to balance the difficult falsetto with keeping that bassline groovy and consistent.
The IG answers were mostly just the dudes trying and failing to answer basic questions like “Are you happy to be back?” and “What’s it like to be famous?” in as few words as possible without giggling, hugging, and tickling each other. Best Q/A: Why did they watch the Grammys in their underwear? “We didn’t have air-conditioning.”
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South African DJ Rob Forbes from Radio 5FM also conducted a truly fascinating interview with the band, the first that dives into the lore and one that gives us even more of a glimpse into some of the future songs. Additionally, Mr. Forbes briefly posted the tracklist w/ time-codes, revealing that both “Chlorine” and “Bandito” go over five minutes- get hyped, kids. Highlights from this interview include:
When asked about Clancy, Tyler responds with a pregnant silence before asking how the the interviewer knew about him. DJ Forbes stutters an answer about having listened to the record, but Tyler replies that Clancy’s not on the record. All he does say about Clancy is “I’ve heard about him, and I know we’re from the same place.” What is up with your cryptic nonsense, Tyler Robert Joseph?
The band intentionally left the Trench Trilogy open-ended to be able to continue it in the future. Tyler did not mean to make the timeline confusing, but did note that its cyclical nature left it open for the Clique to pursue that interpretation.
Tyler is careful with choosing his words to describe Nico. He admits the whole thing is pretty confusing (his grandma asked him once, “What’s a Nico?”), but that was his intention: he wanted to give the Clique a lot to think about and discuss as a reward for waiting so long. He does seem to confirm that Nico is Blurryface, or at least an aspect of him that represents how much more familiar Tyler has become with the nature of his own insecurities as he writes about it.
Tyler denies that the final verse of “Neon Gravestones” has a specifically political bend and actually sounds a little offended that something so important to him could be cast in that light. No idea what that means, I need to hear this song.
The interviewer says that Tyler calls his “Pet Cheetah” “Jason Statham” within the song itself in a fun rap verse. Tyler laughs and says that came from an inside joke between him and Josh that he was excited to bring to life. I am SO confused, you have no idea.
Tyler says that they had plans at one point to come to South Africa for a show that fell through at the last second, but that they’re still interested in going at some point in the future.
Additionally, the music production interest site Mix did a small spotlight on the producers behind Trench. We already knew that Paul Meany was handling main production duty; Darrell Thorpe, whose credits include Radiohead, OutKast, Paul McCartney, and Foster the People, joined him as an engineer while the band captured the album’s drum tracks at United Recording Studios in LA, the only studio they used outside of the one in Tyler’s home. It’s always cool to see the dudes who bring the band’s music to life, but, to be honest, the best part of this short little article is Tyler’s dad socks in the photo.
Oh, and music video director Andrew Donoho told Billboard that he can’t spoil the album or Tyler will burn down his house. So... yeah, okay, moving on.
Chart Performance:
After its first full week of sales and streaming, “My Blood” secured a debut at #16 on the Billboard Bubbling Under chart ranking the songs that have yet to reach the Hot 100. The song gains at all metrics, and according to some industry sources like Headline Planet, it is receiving a concentrated marketing push to pop and adult contemporary markets that its predecessors have not. “Jumpsuit” continues to fade, but its run was respectable, and I remain optimistic about Trench’s commercial prospects going forward, especially in the midst of this hype wave.
Whew. That was a long run. Congrats to everyone who made it all the way to the end. We’re so close to Trench, you guys. Keep powering through. Stay alive. And power to the local dreamer.
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idasessions · 6 years
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Famous Muses & Groupies in Rock Music Pt. 17
MUSE: Carey Mulligan (full name Carey Hannah Mulligan)
Carey was born on May 28th, 1985 in Westminster, England to Stephen Mulligan, a hotel manager, and Nano, a university lecturer, with an older brother, Owain. When Carey was 3 years old, her family moved to Germany so her dad could run a local hotel chain, but they moved back to the UK when she was 8 years old. Carey was educated at Woldingham School in Surrey, where she was the head of the drama department and aspired to be a professional actress. She worked as a barmaid and errand-runner at Ealing Studios before she landed her first legitimate acting gig at age 19, in the 2004 Royal Court Theatre production of ‘Forty Winks’ in. That same year she was also cast and filmed her film debut of Pride & Prejudice (2005) as Keira Knightley’s little sister. Since then, Carey’s had a steady career on stage and screen with popular movies like Northanger Abbey (2007), Never Let Me Go (2010), Drive (2011), Shame (2011), and Mudbound (2017); plus the mini-series “Bleak House” (2005), the 2007 episode ‘Blink’ of “Doctor Who,” and the Broadway revival of ‘The Seagull’ in 2008. She received an Oscar nomination for Best Actress with the period romance An Education (2009) and a Tony nomination for Best Actress with the Broadway drama ‘Skylight’ in 2015.
TBQH….Carey and Marcus Mumford might have the flippin’ cutest relationship backstory I’ve ever heard. As kids they attended the same summer camp when Carey was 12 and Marcus was 11. After camp ended they decided to stay in contact as pen-pals until they eventually lost touch as teenagers. While Carey was making a living as an actress, Marcus became the leader of the folk-rock band Mumford & Sons in 2007. Around 2011, they both realized that the other was also famous and not only reunited, but began dating. Awwww. This was apparently a surprise to their fans, because only a couple weeks before they were spotted being all lovey together, Carey went on a date to a M&S concert with matinee idol Jake Gyllenhaal. So either Jake was actually just a friend, or Carey changed her mind PDQ after seeing Marcus perform, lol. Carey and Marcus’ love was apparently here to stay as a year later in 2012 they got married, and had the wedding officiated by Marcus’ parents who are evangelical ministers. Cute.
In 2013 the couple collaborated on the Coen Bros.’ 1960s folk music homage Inside Llewyn Davis, where Carey was the female lead, and Marcus co-produced the soundtrack with T-Bone Burnett. Carey also sang vocals on the song ‘500 Miles’ in the film, and Marcus had a duet with Oscar Isaac on the opening song ‘Fare Thee Well (Dink’s Song).’
Before Marcus and Carey officially got together, Marcus was in a relationship with indie singer-songwriter Laura Marling in 2009-11. Marcus was also her drummer and the two broke the hearts of many a hipster music fan on college campuses across the western world when they broke up. Carey also had a whirlwind romance with heartthrob-turned-character actor Shia LaBeouf from 2009-10 after co-starring in the sequel Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010). The two were cute as heck, but ultimately separated because of Shia’s usual messy ass shenanigans. These days Marcus and Carey are enjoying parenthood with daughter Evelyn (born September 2015) and son Wilfred (born August 2017). They still contact each other through letters when on tour or location shooting too.
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 38: The Day The Tutor Baked Cookies
Co-written with @jiminieblush
Recommended Song: Heart Attack by LOONA Chuu
|All Chapters|Masterlist|
It's nice just being able to spend a day with your friend.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count:  4272
Length: 38/?
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Music blasted from your small- yet powerful- Bluetooth speaker as you thoroughly cleaned your kitchen surfaces and prepared all the equipment you would need for the day. Chubs was meant to arrive at any moment now in the taxi you had organised for her.
You were on your hands and knees rummaging through a cupboard for a set of scales when your phone buzzed in your back pocket. It was her.
'Just on way up :)'
You found the scales and had just enough time to give them a wipe down before there was a knock at the door.
"Coming!" You shouted, wiping your hands on your jeans and then turned the volume of music down.
You rushed over to the door, Miri's nails tappings against the floor as she followed after you, and pulled it open with a smile.
"Hi~" Chubs grinned, stepping forward as you moved back to let her inside.
"Hey! I'm surprised you didn't get lost...again."
She shut the door behind her and crouched down to greet Miri. "That's because you gave the taxi driver your address over the phone."
"Aren't I a good friend?"
She nodded. "I'm the one who flew twelve hours to see you. Aren't I the good friend?"
You crossed your arms and deadpanned, "I have everything prepared to make cookies."
Her eyes lit up as she stood upright. "Forget what I said; you're the better friend."
You smirked. "Damn right."
Leading her into the kitchen, you reminded her to wash her hands since she had touched Miri.
"I plan to make shaped sugar cookies today."
You grabbed a 'h' shaped cookie cutter. "We're writing a message out of cookies."
"And that message is...?"
Heat rose to your cheeks as you remembered the message you wanted to convey and why.
"An... um... apology..."
Her brows pinched together as she dried her hands. "An apology? Who have you been upsetting?"
You fiddled with your fingers as you failed to meet her eyes. "You know... for Jungkook’s neck-"
"For the hickeys!"
You buried your face in your hands. "Yes, for the hickeys. God, that was so embarrassing."
She awed. "He seemed to like them."
"The staff at BigHit won't though."
She gave you a look. "So are they for him or the staff?"
You took a moment to count the amount of letters your apologise would need.
"There's enough for Bangtan to have one each along with 13 members of staff.”
She giggled and clapped her hands. "Okay, let's get started then. What cookies are we making?"
You quickly washed your own hands, knowing that door handles were one of the most unhygienic objects in a household. "As I said, basic sugar cookies. Then we're icing them to make them look prettier."
You slid a mixing bowl along the counter so it was in front of her along with the scales.
"Can you be trusted to weigh out the dry ingredients?"
She nodded. "Of course! Though I need to know the measurements."
You pointed to a piece of paper on the work surface. "All the measurements are there. I wrote them out because we need more mixture than is mentioned in the original recipe. So instead of constantly doing the maths as we go along, I did it for us."
She raised an eyebrow. "You is smart."
You shrugged and went over to the fridge to find the eggs, butter and milk you would need.
"I'm not smart, just prepared."
The two of you went about the task of making the perfect cookie dough. While Chubs sifted the dry ingredients together, you creamed the butter and sugar before combining everything with milk and eggs. After the mixture started to form into clumps, you began kneading it together until it formed one big ball.
"Would you like to roll it out?"
Chubs nodded and waited as you put the dough into a plastic bag. She grabbed the rolling pin and began to roll it out.
"Once you're done we have to let it rest in the fridge for half an hour."
"Can we take her on a walk?" She asked nodding towards the ball of fluff eating from her bowl.
Half an hour would give you just enough time to take a walk around a few streets.
"Sure. I can give you a mini tour of the area around me."
While she rolled out the dough, you removed your already messy apron and washed your hands again before heading off to locate Miri's lead. You found it hanging from a hook by the front door and put your shoes and jacket on while there. Chubs joined you after washing her own hands saying that she'd left the dough to rest.
You hooked Miri's leash to her collar and gave it to Chubs. "You can be the one to walk her since it was your idea."
Opening the door, you gestured for her to leave first. The two of you took the elevator to the ground floor and then headed down the street towards the main road. As you walked, you pointed out the various shops, restaurants and takeaways just as Jungkook had only a few weeks ago when introducing you to your neighbourhood. You even popped into one of the shops to pick up some snacks so the two of you weren't tempted to eat the cookies once they were done.
Chubs was happy to ramble on asking questions about the area you lived, what it was like, how you were getting on with your Korean and such. As much as you loved Jungkook and Bangtan and the BigHit staff, it was nice to catch up with a friend from home.
"How's college going?"
She sighed and gave Miri's lead a gentle tug when she noticed her fall behind.
"Stressful. I wish it could all be over and done with already."
"You're finishing your last A-levels this year right? Any uni plans?"
You felt a tad bit of pity for Miri. Her small legs must be getting tired.
"Yeah, actually. The application process is driving me crazy." She looked up from Miri to you. "Now I know how you felt last year."
"At least you don't have a budding romance thrown into the mix. That added extra stress."
She scratched at her cheek. "Yeah I guess so... You had a lot going on. I bet your still can't believe you're here, can you?"
You shook your head. "I really can't. Like, it blows my mind that I live 10 minutes away from Bangtan. That Jungkook wants to sleep in my bed as much as possible."
She chuckled and you guided her down a street which would lead back to the one where your building was situated.
"I think we found out Jungkook is a cuddly drunk the other night."
"Very," you chuckled, memories of him practically draping himself over you on the sofa in front of the others after only a few cans of beer.
"Which reminds me," she started and swapped Miri's lead to her other hand so she could fish her phone out of her pocket. She tapped about on the screen for a second before passing it to you. "I may have snuck a few pictures. I hope you don't mind."
Your head snapped towards her, eyes wide. "You didn't!"
She waved her phone in front of your face. "Of course I did. Not only did I want to document the night but as your best friend it's my job to take cute candid pictures of you and your boyfriend."
Your cheeks tinted red as you stared at the small screen. You were sat on the floor against the sofa staring down at Jungkook who lay with his head in your lap. The two of you wore goofy grins, cheeks pink from the alcohol.
There was a moment of silence as you took in the details.
"Never let Jungkook see this."
Chubs looked at you confused, "Why?"
"As much as I love cuddly Kookie, he can't go around thinking it's okay to be clingy in public like that."
Chubs suddenly stopped to gather Miri in her arms; the pupper's eyes closed immediately as she rest her head against Chubs' forearm. You both 'aw'ed and continued on.
"Don't worry little fluffer, we're nearly back home."
You picked up the pace back to your building.
"He can't be clingy because he's in the public eye or because it makes you uncomfortable?"
You scratched the back of your neck. "Both I guess... I'm not used to PDA... and with him being an idol, PDA becomes super public."
She 'ah'ed. "I understand. I would probably feel the same if ever in your situation. Best to keep some of your personal life private."
Finally back home, you unlocked and opened the door for Chubs who gently placed Miri in her bed. You both went into the kitchen and donned your aprons before washing your hands.
"Can you preheat the oven to 200 degrees while I sort out the dough?"
She nodded and you got the dough from the fridge. You placed it on the worktop and removed it from its plastic bag to knead into a ball. Then, you placed it back into the bag so you could roll it out to a 5mm thickness. Chubs went about lining a baking tray while you rolled it out. After, it was time to shape the cookies using the cutters.
"So, what are we spelling out?"
You fiddled with you apron. "I wanna spell... 'I'm sorry for the hickeys'..."
She shrugged. "Alright-y," and began sorting through the letters for you.
You decided to cut the letters in chronological order as to make sure you had the right amount of each. Re-adjusting the oven temperature to 180 degrees, you put the cookies in and set a timer on your phone for 10 minutes.
While the cookies were baking, you quickly tidied up then resigned to the living room together with the snacks you’d bought earlier. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence on the sofa, scrolling through your individual social media accounts and tucking into a bag of honey butter chips.
"There's still gifs of me and Jungkook floating around," You groaned upon stumbling across a gifset from the party. Curse Taehyung for broadcasting your drunken shenanigans! Maybe he shouldn't get a cookie…
Chubs shifted so she see the gifset you were staring at with a small frown. "Want me to work some magic?"
You chuckled. "What magic? You can't get rid of every gif on the internet."
She huffed and sat back. "Fine. Just for doubting me I won't."
The situation somewhat reminded you of when you and Jungkook had uploaded videos of you doing each others makeup and how people had cropped images to make them look inappropriate or had giffed Jungkook's hand on your thigh…
You glanced at Chubs. "Were you offering to do another purge of the ship tag."
"Maybe. Only if you want me to. I can't do much about taking the original video down or other social media sites but I could probably do something about Tumblr."
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "How?"
Her lips quirked into a smile. "It's a secret."
"Do you have contacts in the Tumblr staff?"
She simply smiled. "What if I am a Tumblr staff?"
"Then let me give you a list of everything that's fucked up so you can fix it.”
She started to laugh and shook her head. "I'm not staff but if I was the website wouldn't be as bad as it is."
"Maybe you'd even sort out the problematic sub-communities..."
You may have been on that hell-site since you were 14, which only meant you had seen more shit hit the fan than most other people. And you definitely weren't happy with some of the issues raised on your dash which nothing was done about, such as the paedophilia tag.
"I'd make it a much safer place than it currently is."
And with that your phone began to vibrate in your hand.
"Cookies are done."
You told Chubs to remain seated as the cookies had to cool first before going to take them out of the oven. You carefully transferred each one to a cooling rack, then headed back into your living room.
Resuming your previous position, Chubs spoke up. "So...you're going to have to give these to Jungkook, right?"
You nodded with a slight frown of confusion. You thought that much was obvious.
"Do you need me for moral support or..."
Oh... She was wondering whether she was going to come along too.
"Of course you can come with me! I plan on spending as much time with you as I can while you're here!"
You playfully hit her on the shoulder with a smile.
She sagged against the sofa as she let out a breath. "Okay, good. When I got the message about flying over I was worried you'd be too busy and stuff..." she admitted, toying with her phone in her hands.
"I'm only attending online lectures right now so I'm not that busy. And I doubt Bangtan would invite you over here without making sure I had an empty schedule first."
To create some background noise you started flicking through the TV channels until you stumbled across The Return of Superman. That show was always so cute.
"True...no one said anything about-" she stopped mid-sentence to let out an inhuman squeal. "Y/N! Look! He's a baby panda!"
You looked to the TV where a teeny toddler was waddling about in a fluffy panda onesie.
"Aw~! That is adorable as fuck! You can bet I'll be dressing my future babies up like that!"
There was a nudge against your arm.
"Babies, huh?" There was a mischievous glint in Chubs' eye and you playfully pushed her back onto her side of the sofa.
"Stop~ I just meant in general..."
Getting back up, she gave you a skeptical look. "Yeah... right... I believe you."
You bit your lip and turned back to the screen, face softening when the toddler stumbled into his sibling as a result of the panda hood covering his eyes. The two of you continued to watched the show, gushing over how cute the children were. You were honestly amazed at how they were able to put together such complex sentences at such a young age, your memories telling you your younger siblings did not have that ability.
The episode finished and cut to an ad break. You clicked your neck, ignoring Chubs’ wince- hating when you did that, before getting to your feet. The cookies were probably cool enough to decorate by now.
"Up ya get Chubs, we have cookies to ice."
You both went into the kitchen and donned you aprons, for the final time that day, then washed your hands.
"Okay, so we need to mix the icing sugar, lemon juice, egg whites and food colouring together."
"Have you chosen a colour yet?"
You shook your head no. She smirked at you.
"Have you considered purple or red?"
You got the ingredients from the fridge. "No...I'm not too sure if I have those colours..."
"Shame... they would have been hickey coloured if you did..."
You placed the things from the fridge in front of her and went over to the kitchen cabinet which held your baking stash.
"Hm, I can't see any..." You pushed aside a box of pancake mix you'd picked up for those days you were too lazy to make them from scratch.
What you found was yellow: Jungkook's favourite colour. And since the icing was going to contain lemon juice it would be perfect. You went about mixing all the ingredients together to create a basic icing, Chubs leaning against the counter watching you.
A giggle suddenly bubbled out of her, making you raise a suspicious eyebrow.
"What are you laughing at?"
Another giggle, "It kinda looks like cum."
You stopped what you were doing to give her a disgusted look. "Ew!... How does your virgin ass even know what cum looks like?"
"Porn." She said, completely straight faced.
You made a fake gagging noise and turned back to the task at hand.
"It's your fault!" She cried. "How can you send me links to porn blogs and not expect me to scroll through them?!"
"I send you links to funny things I found on them while doing research for smut writing! How was I supposed to know you were going to look through the blogs!"
She shrugged. "You should have expected it from me."
"I thought you were pure," you muttered in mock disappointment, giving the icing one final mix before testing the consistency. Needed more lemon juice.
She giggled and pat your arm. "Sunshine, I've never been pure."
You tutted and mixed in the extra lemon juice, watching the mixture thin out to the perfect consistency. You spooned the mixture into two piping bags. One for you and one for Chubs.
"Basic rules of icing this way: outline first, let that dry, then fill."
She saluted you. "Aye, Captain."
You rolled your eyes at her antics. "Also, don't eat the icing until we're done...please?"
"Okay, okay. I promise I won't. Pass me a cookie please?"
You sighed, placing the piping bag down on the counter, you shook your hand out. It was cramping, but you had finally finished. A glance at Chubs told you she was on her last cookie, just starting to fill in the outline. You admired the set of cookies you had iced, all looking uniform and extremely yummy.
It was a shame you wouldn't be having one. Luckily you had used the leftover dough to make regular shaped cookies.
"Okay...I'm done." Chubs said putting down her icing bag and flexing her wrist like you had done.
"Right, just have to find a container for them and something to present them on once we get there."
You quickly found a tupperware container and Chubs managed to find a nicely decorated tray.
"All set!"
Chubs began carefully loading the cookies into the container while you refilled Miri's food and water for while you were gone. You each grabbed your belongings and made your way outside and to the bus stop along the main road.
You had sent Jungkook a text saying that you were on your way while on the bus. You didn't want to just drop in unannounced... or spoil the comeback for yourself and Chubs if you had arrived during a dance practice. His reply was almost immediate saying that he could be found in one of the dance studios and that you'd need to stop at reception for a visitors pass for Chubs.
The bus stopped a few buildings down the street from BigHit which gave Chubs plenty of time to freak out before you entered. And freak out she did. You even filmed it without her knowing. It was just too funny with how she was treating BigHit as some holy place that you took a religious pilgrimage to.
"I just can't believe I'm here," She muttered as the two of your walked through the revolving door into the building. “This trip is going to feel like a dream when I get home.”
You reached out to pinch her arm and giggled when she scowled at you.
The receptionist was all smiles, happily greeting you both and wishing you a good day after handing Chubs her pass. You led her down the maze like corridors, pointing out different areas and what they were. You even introduced her to some trainees you bumped into... not that they could hold a conversation past "Hello, how are you?" since they were in the beginning days of being taught.
Then, finally, you reached the dance studio. Chubs held out the tray so you could place the cookies on it before handing it to you. Chubs knocked on the door only for it to open no sooner than she'd dropped her hand. Yoongi stood in the doorway, bleach blonde hair matted to his forehead with sweat. He gave you a tired gummy smile before casting a look down at the cookies. He raised a brow at you then waved the two of you in.
You swore you almost dropped the tray when you saw Jungkook dressed in all black with a black bandana around his neck.
"Chubs... hold me."
Your friend instantly wrapped a hand around your bicep, muttering a curse, knowing exactly the kind of expletives and screams running through your head.
"Hey! What are you doing by the door?" A voice called.
The world seemed to morph into slow motion as Jungkook turned on the spot to look in your direction, eyes dark and hooded- obviously still in performance mode. An embarrassingly high pitched "eep" escaped you as he approached.
"Aw~ My Jagi has brought some homemade cookies in for me," He said with a smirk while brushing a strand of behind your ear, "cookies for her Kookie, right?"
You gulped and nodded, barely noticing Chubs let you go and move towards Namjoon.
"They're an apology."
"For what?"
"Read them."
He dropped his gaze to the tray and was silent for a second before bursting into giggles.
"'I'm sorry for the hickeys.'" He read, looking back up with a wide smile. "You're so cute!"
"I'm not cute," you muttered, feeling your cheeks heat up as you heard Namjoon's chuckles.
"I helped her to make them!"
You and Jungkook looked to Chubs who was awkwardly playing with the sleeves of her hoodie.
"I bet they taste super good, then." Smiled Jungkook, taking the tray from you and turning to face everyone else scattered around the room. "Hyung! Can we take a snack break?"
Hoseok gave him a thumbs up from where he was bent over double trying to catch his breath.
Jungkook turned back to you. "These are all mine right?"
"No! They're for you and Bangtan to share with some of the staff. I already have it figured out. You and Bangtan can have 'hickeys'-"
"I don't think I like the idea of my Jagi giving the members hickeys."
You lightly smacked him on the arm and shoot a look at Chubs who was muffling giggles into her sleeve. The members all gathered around in a circle on the floor of the studio, the tray in the centre.
"I'm gonna have the 'K' for Kookie." Jungkook announced as he carefully took his targeted cookie from the tray.
Hoseok grabbed one with a shout of "'H' for Hobi!"
"'C' for Chim." Said Jimin, also taking one from the tray at the same time Yoongi took the 'Y'. Taehyung slowly took the 'T' from 'the' and Jin the 'S' from ‘Sorry’ which left Namjoon shaking his head in disappointment.
You picked up the 'M' and broke part of it off then offered it to Namjoon. "There, a makeshift 'N' for the God of Destruction."
Chubs giggled yet again at the cookies which now read: 'I orry for he ies'.
You looked down at the broken off bit of cookie and offered it to Chubs. She shook her head and nodded for you to have it.
A giggle then bubbled out of you as you rearranged the cookies to read: 'I sorry for he.' Leaving an 'I' and extra 'E' spare which you shared out between you and Chubs. You now felt you had an adequate apology for the staff.
The members mostly ate in silence, a few- notably Jimin and Taehyung- lying down and closing their eyes.
"It looks like you've been working hard. Are preparations going well?"
Jungkook nodded, scooting closer to rest his head on your lap. He must have been tired. You thread your free hand through his hair, brushing the sweaty strands out of his eyes. He looked so adorable munching on his cookie. Like a little baby.
"Do you like the cookies?"
He nodded again. "They taste awesome and they're my favourite colour. What's not to love? You didn't have to apologize though. I like my hickeys."
You sighed. "Other people won't though..."
"The makeup Noona's can cover them. They're really talented."
You brushed a crumb off his cheek. "I know, baby. But seeing our names on the headers of news sites once was enough. No more scandals."
"I want to give my pretty Nabi hickeys-"
He was interrupted by Chubs clearing her throat. "I think this conversation is beginning to become inappropriate for public."
Jungkook pouted and went to protest but a stern look from Namjoon made him snap his mouth shut.
"Y/N, is this your own recipe?" Piped up Jin who was brushing the crumbs off his t-shirt.
"Uuh... no... I got it from a Korean youtuber. She bakes all sorts of cute things. I wish I could run a channel like hers."
Jimin slowly sat up, Taehyung being brought with him.
"Then why don't you start one?"
"I don't have a face for camera."
"Yah!" Jungkook shouted, sitting up with a face of horror. "What do you mean?! You're beautiful!"
There were murmurs of agreement around the room causing your cheeks to turn pink.
"No I'm not..."
Jungkook put a hand on either cheek, squishing your face between them.
"I wouldn't give you ‘Nabi’ as one of your nicknames if I didn't think you were as beautiful as a butterfly."
"Someone give me a bucket, I'm going to puke." Muttered Yoongi who was leant against Hoseok's side fake gagging.
Jungkook just smirked and leaned forward, placing a kiss on your squished lips with a wet smack.
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christianborle · 8 years
well well well. here we are. after a year and a half, rotten says goodbye on broadway. i’m super sad about it but i’m grateful it is going on tour and will continue to spread joy and laughter around the country.
here was my day at rotten’s final performance! (warning this is super dramatic and emotional)
i’m going to bold the moments i started crying just for dramatic effort (well i was tearing up the whole day but these moments were like....The Emotional Moments)
the first was on the train where i remembered “hey, i’m on the train to see something rotten for the last time”
i got to the theatre at around 3:30. i stood under it and took it all in. and there was no one around, weirdly, which really added to the effect. i took long, lasting looks at the marquee and the wallpaper. i crossed the street over to phantom to look at the theatre from afar. i couldn’t believe in 24 hours, it would all be gone. my home would be gone.
then i met up with me pals (@stuff-and-shenanigans​ and other pals who don’t have tumblrs) and we went to get food and then got ready for the show in our matching t-shirts bc we’re annoyingly extra. hayley headed to the theatre early and we met up with her. while we were waiting in line i saw christian borle and his dresser, meredith, walk into the restaurant right next to the theatre and i was so shook. i knew he was gonna be at the show, i just didn’t expect to turn around and boom there he is!
finally the time came and the usher who i don’t know his named but he always checks our bags and he knows us now checked our bags and we thanked him for everything and hugged him and the usher scanned my ticket and i just. began crying. last time scanning my ticket, last time walking down this long hallway.
Christian Borle and his dresser Meredith, Brooks Ashmanskas, Brian D'Arcy James, Will Chase, Jordan Roth, Karey and Wayne Kirkpatrick, John O'Farrell, Kevin McCollum, Gregg Barnes, and Todrick Hall, and all the producers were in the audience tonight.
also i saw stephanie @writingplays again yay!!
i also saw karey and wayne in the lobby and i went over and said hi and wayne hugged me and we talked about the tour! they’re so freaking nice it’s really mind blowing to just?? be in the presence of the writers of ur fave show and have them remember you??
The Show!
So this was the most rowdy crowd I've ever heard in my life. Any time there was room for applause, there were waves of it. Literally just.....always cheering. Every entrance and actor made got an applause. Every applause after a song lasted twice or triple as long as it would have on any other day (A Musical and Omelette were even longer, but we'll get to that later).
cheering for Brooks's cell phone announcement (I'm so glad they kept it as Brooks for the whole run. I'd love to have seen his reaction to hearing his voice again) and for the dimming of the lights and for André's entrance.
Cheering as the curtain pulled up
The ensemble looked so happy and so ready to burst with energy. They were smiling so big and were holding back tears.
Huge applause for Rob and Josh and the troupe!!
So Rob was sick yesterday and apparently had a raging fever, which is insane because he was AMAZING. I would have never known he was sick
Robin (Aaron Kaburick) got so many cheers and laughs throughout the night i’m so happy for him
The famous “don’t be a penis” line got a huge laugh, the laugh it deserves
GERRY VICHI!!!!!!!!!!
Huge applause!!! His speech about how much he loves theatre was so passionate and so full out energy and it got a huge cheer, something i haven’t heard since previews/early run
Rob played along and even clapped for Shylock!
Also any time jews were mentioned some audience members clapped thx friends
LESLIE KRITZER!!!! WENT OFF!!!!! I love her so much she riffed the hell out of the song and just gave it her all!
When bea kisses nick, she kissed him for a rly long time and the audience started cheering so leslie broke off and then just kept kissing him again rt ur goals
Bea winked and blew nick a kiss right before running off and got a huge applause of course
Josh changed his hyperventilating/panic bit! It’s really hard to describe just in text but basically he dragged out his words “i don’t thiiiink i can wooooork under than kind of pressuuuuure”
Got a huge applause!! We literally just didn’t stop so nostradamus just went with it and he started looking up and around as if he could hear voices.
Brad always gives x200 each performance, but tonight he just had so much enthusiasm and it made me so happy to see him give justice to this number.
There were cheers for the les mis joke, for when the ensemble comes out, “and then you got yourself a musical,” and the end. People were also clapping along to the song.
“And then you got yourself a musical” is the line that always gets me. It’s the loudest point in the song, it’s when everyone is lined up together, it’s just?? The best part and i really teared up at that part. 
The standing ovation started when everyone had their headsketches up. It was really incredible to see the actors smiling so wide, really taking in the audience. Most of the ensemble was crying. I was in the second row so I could turn around and see the orchestra, the mezz, and the balcony all on their feet. I saw Jordan Roth standing and beaming. It was really magical.
The applause clocked in at approximately a minute and 30 seconds, which doesn’t seem like a lot of time but trust me when i say it felt like five minutes. Then when everyone sat down, the applause started back up again to last another 30 seconds.
So Elizabeth Earley went on in Marisha’s track, meaning she was the ugly woman Nigel accidentally points at. And she did the funniest bit i have ever seen in that role. Nigel pointed at her and she screamed at him, shaked her butt, and just kept dancing and the crowd went wild. She hovered over to the fruit stand and bought grapes from the seller and proceeded to eat them in front of everyone. The crowd was LIVING. I didn’t think i could laugh any harder until she took ANOTHER grape vine and offered it to portia and portia said no so she just gobbed on them. This literally went on for a full minute. I’ve only seen a funny bit done in this role before at that was with Tracee. Elizabeth Earley is so fantastic I’m so glad i got to see her shine!
I’ve never laughed harder at black death than i had last night
“Pleasure’s a sin”
Any time bea mentioned feminism the crowd cheered
I Love the Way was so frickin CUTE
Will Power was so fire and I kept thinking of Christian in the audience watching and wondering what he was thinking
“Thanks for helping with my wood”
Adam’s “hmm” are so funny
Bottoms Gonna Be On Top might honestly be my fave number i just love it so much
THE TAP BATTLE ok so any time the crowd cheered for Shakespeare, Nick looked at the audience (specifically in my direction??) like “what no stop!!” and rob did the most hilarious thing. When shakespeare asks “you wrote omelette?” rob mimed a string lifting up his knee, then mimed lifting up his foot, and the mimed cutting the string and his foot landed on the ground and he said “yes” that was so brilliant and unexpected i hope he keeps that on tour
I said hi to Gregg Barnes!! we had a rly nice convo about his costumes and tour and seeing the show develop from previews and he’s honestly such a nice guy. he thanked me for supporting the show and coming back and i rly can’t wait to see what he does in the future
i headed over to the lobby and saw some of my pals talking to jordan roth so i said hi to them and jordan said hi and welcomed me back and complimented the matching shirts!!
I saw todrick hall in the lobby and we made eye contact and he smiled and i waved?? I don’t know him super well and he doesn’t know me at all but that was a cool moment!!
dina @sscsldcp had a free snack voucher so i went with her on line to get a drink and we ended up behind christian on line with brian and brooks in our vicinity. i said hi to christian and he smiled and said hi and that he was happy to see me!! (that sounds super general but he was actually so nice and generous!!)
Act Two (idk why act two notes are shorter than act one notes??)
Again i just kept thinking about Christian watching Adam do HTBTB
“i like the new york actor”
The scene where nigel reads his poem to portia got so much response!
We see the light was so fun and happy
Tari’s last “so true PREACH IT”
Everyone awwed when nigel and portia kissed!
“DON’T DO THAT” left the audience SILENT and SHOOK my fave moment of the show
To thine own self was fire
Adam’s toby screech
Right hand man reprise was so sweet and touching
My favorite line in the whole show, “my father said this to me, that he did and then he blew me………….away” got so much laughter thank u thank u
Another standing ovation for Omelette. Pretty much the same as before. Lasted a minute. So much smiling and energy from everyone in the theatre.
To thine own self reprise :((((((( man i was crying
“And brother. I know just the story we should tell”
I was full out sobbing during the finale and the curtain speech
John and kate popped out stage left during the speech and i was so shook???? Surprise ALL ur faves are here!!!!!
Stage Door
Edward Hibbert, Catherine Brunell, Aaron Kaburick, Leslie Kritzer, Angie Schworer, Max Clayton, Stacey Todd Holt, Elizabeth Earley, Jenny Hill, Rob McClure, Josh Grisetti, Tari Kelly, Brad Oscar, Leah Hofmann, Beth Nicely, the Kirkpatricks, John O’Farrell, Jordan Roth, Kate Reinders, and John Cariani all came out. I saw Eric but he had to leave.
I basically just thanked everyone and wished them well. I got hugs from Catherine, Leslie, Tari, Eric, and Beth.
I took a ton of photos with my pals and as I was walking away from the theatre I just lost it. It felt so wrong leaving the theatre knowing it would all be gone.
and that.....was my night. if i remember any more i’ll update this post but ye thanks for reading and thank you to all my SR pals on this website!! ur the real bros!!
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Cute HCs with new ships, part 1!
(AKA I’m unashamedly aboard the TorBeo ship and nobody can stop me)
Avogadro and Mars going because Mick gets word that neither of them have gotten to go before. EVEN BETTER, MICK AND HEATHER SURPRISING THEM WITH IT.
(Gadro loves it so much he’d want to honeymoon there but he would never admit it because he is the most stubborn person ever.) OMG AND MARS SUSPECTS THIS AND HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO TAKE HIM SOMEWHERE ELSE BUT THEN SURPRISES HIM AND TAKES HIM THERE
Avogadro taking Bear with him though in a little carrier and little kids keep on coming over and asking to pet him :D
Mars took SO MANY PICTURES of that whole event and talked with the kid’s mother about their respective husbands.
Later they would offer to pay for the small family to stay at the Grand Floridian hotel (which is so fucking gorgeous) and make sure that their trip is magical too
(Avogadro would totally dress up like Flynn Rider though)
Mars INSISTING on going on the Tower of Terror together and Avogadro screams at the top of his lungs the WHOLE TIME but also loves it.
And they would definitely hit both Toy story rides (Buzz lightyear and the one in Entertainment Studios) and would get all competitive with it and the winner would definitely owe the loser kisses.
(Avogadro always loses. No matter how many rematches he insists on XD)
This is off-topic, but imagine Mars being the first to have the idea to propose and he goes to Mick about it because Gadro’s parents are dicks and Avogadro is SO STUBBORN about wanting to propose and Mick and Heather and Inca and Pilot are just trying to get him to wait to propose while Mars is preparing his but Gadro is too stubborn about it so they both end up trying to propose at once XD
“I want to be his fiance!” “Just… wHY DONT YOU WAIT A LITTLE BIT LONGER”
(Avogadro would plan it by attaching the ring to Bear’s collar and calling Bear in and acting all “confused” but he’s a terrible actor of course. BUT THEN BEAR WOULD JUST RUN AWAY BEFORE GADRO CAN GET THE RING OFF HIS COLLAR AND AVOGADRO IS JUST LIKE “BEAR WHY” XDDDD.) (Mick probably planned that somehow tbh XD)
Ras is totally scared of roller coasters but he is converted into a rider after he tries it out.
Also, imagine them taking Lev and Lev’s one aspiration is to be Peter Pan so he wears a little costume and gets all excited to meet Peter Pan XD
Honestly Santana and Ras would have like the weirdest dynamic ever just because he’s such a pussy and he does not take ANYONE’S shit so she would constantly be like “IT’S A FUCKING HORSE GET OVER IT” I LOVE IT
Jason: “Are our S/Os going to get along?” Locke: “O...one way to find out…” Santana: “IT’S A HORSE. FOR FUCK’S SAKE IT’S NOT GOING TO EAT YOUR CHILD” Ras: “They’re EVIL”
Gio wants to wear a princess dress just because he wants to so he decides to call dibs on Cinderella, but no, Abri’s idea of a costume is just straight-up CRUELLA DEVILLE  because ABRI DOESn’T FOLLOW YOUR RULES
Ras: “Cruella Deville? That’s Santana’s job isn’t it?” Santana: “NEIGH NEIGH YOU BASTARD”
Lindsay: “Please don’t make horse noises…”
Speaking of 42, here’s room for experimentation because I still dunno what’s gonna happen here, BUT
Imagine some 42 crew Disney shenanigans- featuring a bunch of little kids thinking Whimsy is an ACTUAL princess and asking her for her autograph and cute shit
Monty would totally be HYPE about it and Eloise goes with them because Uh, hells yeah, and Beo would tag along just because he HAD to. No other reason. Why would BEO want to go to DISNEY?
That facade lasts approximately ten seconds after they’re off the plane XD
They all get stuck in the tunnels under Tom Sawyer’s Island
That is so ironic omg XD I think Wyatt can tell you why that’s not a good idea XD
Beo would totally be excited about being there and would dress up EVERY DAY but you’re technically not allowed to wear costumes in the park when you’re a certain age but Beo would find a way around it as Beos do XD
Beo and his crew would accidentally run into Torque and their sisters at one point and then Beo would be on the hunt™ But this time not in a psychopathic way lmao.
Monty and Eloise would probably try to get rid of Beo for most of it because they don’t want him third-wheeling with them lmao.
Poor Torque just wants to enjoy their time with their sisters and now they have Beo conveniently meeting up with them and singing corny love songs from Disney movies XD
Probably after some shit with Nik happened tbh because lbr I can’t condone that relationship it was not all that healthy in the RPs. XD
Fiona and Ree are dying tho. Kyria is a bit too young to really get it, she just thinks that Beo is a prince and he’s singing just like he should be.
(“That prince isn’t a very good singer Torque.” “-_- I know he’s not -_- -_-” *Ree and Fiona cackling in the distance*)
Torque would call dibs on being Belle XD Fiona would be Merida, Ree would be Aurora, and Kyria would be Anna.
Monty would definitely be Lumiere. And they would both try to get Eloise to be either Cogsworth or Mrs. Potts.
FINALLY the last day they’re there Torque agrees to catch dinner with him and Beo is literally SO EXCITED about that. And he would do EVERYTHING to make it obscenely romantic. But Torque is TOTALLY petty enough to bask in that kind of attention so of course they would totally doll up for it and be totally pretty and extra as fuck XD
Honestly I could def see these two working out because Beo will give his S/O ALL the attention and love and mushy gushy kisses and shit and Torque would BASK in being treated like royalty because they work so damn hard all the time that every once in a while the just need to be pampered.
Literally Torque is ALWAYS on Beo’s mind, always. And Beo is literally BURSTING at the opportunity to do the littlest things for them
Like, Beo will be doing homework but then get TOTALLY DISTRACTED snapchatting Torque and texting them and it annoys the fuck out of whoever his roommate in Uni is but Torque knows that they can get him back on topic with a nudge.
Literally EVERY CORNY LOVE SCENE ever, Beo’s all on that shit. And Torque always acts it with him.
But he would get INTERROGATED by Torque’s sisters because they’re super suspicious XD
Also, imagine the Careers’ reaction to the ceremonial change of the relationship status on Facebook XD Whimsy clapping and being all excited and Tempest being like “WTF?”
Beo would fight anyone that even talked about hurting Torque though so she’d better be careful what she said XD
Also, Beo would totally say “I love you” really early just because he feels SO STRONGLY. And Torque is… Well, Torque is #Shook. XD But like a good shook. But after everything happened that knocked them down a few pegs they’re not sure how to react.
ALL THE POETRY. HOLY SHIT ALL THE POETRY. BEO WILL JUST WRITE SO MUCH POETRY. AND MOST OF IT SUCKS. But when he does free prose, it’s fucking gorgeous. Those are the ones Torque will pin up to their wall (alright, and a couple of the REALLY BAD poems just because they make them laugh.)
Torque would stay up SO LATE to study with Beo because by the time they hit their two month Beo’s totally comfortable around Torque and focuses best when they’re around. Plus, Torque is pretty strict about staying on task (true story xD)
Beo’s not sure how this is going to go considering that Torque is gray ace, but soon he realizes that for once he craves affection more than sex.
But every once in a while Torque will say something that will make Beo feel all fuzzy inside and he will screenshot that.
Beo’s photo roll: half screenshots of his conversations with Torque, and half selfies of him and Torque.
Beo totally cries at their wedding. XD What a softie.
Beo always initiates kisses mostly because he usually thinks about it more than Torque does. But Torque definitely isn’t complaining.
Even dating in Uni, I don’t think they’d room together just because Torque knew that if that happened, the likelihood that Beo would focus on his work/classes would just plummet.
But man, lemme tell you that Beo’s roommate, whoever that poor soul is, would have the misfortune of hearing EVERYTHING ABOUT HOW TORQUE IS DOING. And tbh that person would have to be EXTREMELY patient and not afraid to straight-up steal his phone when he gets too distracted XD
Okay, well I imagine the first trip for the Richie and Lawerence kids would be on a joint vacation where it’s ALL OF THEIR FIRST TIMES.
Numitor is far too old for Disney, of course. Yesss XD Numitor would hold that facade until they stepped into the park and then that would be it, he’d be totally excited and he would practically DRAG Alchemy everywhere. XD
Alchemy: “I knew it” and she’d be very smug.
ARISTOTLE WOULD RIDE BUZZ LIGHTYEAR OVER AND OVER AGAIN. And he would be ALL OVER Space Mountain and basically all the rollercoasters. I feel like the younger ones would have to stick with the adults, but the 15s would be able to have a little bit more freedom in the park.
Cupid, of course, is ~far too old~ to be excited about something like that. But honestly seeing Trixie all excited would just hype him up even more.
Trixie dresses like her favorite princess (hm… Maybe Elsa?) and the whole day everyone in the vacation party treats her like royalty which just tickles her to no end.
If they go to Entertainment Studios and Numi does run into Semper than those two are going to ride Star Tours constantly for the entire time they’re there XD Nerds.
Also, the SPACE SIMULATION in Epcot. That ride lowkey triggers me though xD
Aristotle would totally have an Autograph book that he would use to get the signatures of ALL HIS FAVORITE CHARACTERS.
Numi and Tot are teeming with excitement about anything and everything Toy Story.
As for Rowe, he’s definitely gone multiple times as a kid so he knows all the parks inside out and knows exactly what his priorities are every time they go.
And Henryk is the opposite, he’s never gone. Though he always wanted to as a kid.
Fast-forward to, oh, let’s say… Wiz and Sorcery and Tot’s high school graduation. The parents decide to surprise them all with a squad trip to Disney and they are all so excited.
(Henryk may or may not have cried when Sorcery told him but just low-key.)
Rowe is a MAN WITH A PLAN. He KNOWS what he wants to get done and will not stop until he is satisfied. But he could probably be slowed down by Alchemy who is probably just tired of being dragged around by her overexcited friends XD
Aristotle would want to ride the Rockin’ Rollercoaster OVER AND OVER again, he is a roller coaster ENTHUSIAST.
Also, the squad would definitely make bets about what color the monorail is going to be that they’re going to ride on. My family always did this :)
Henryk would be in a CONSTANT STATE OF “OoO” the entire time. He would always just be amazed at everything and super DUPER excited. He would totally want to meet all the characters and do EVERYTHING.
Also imagine all of them watching a fireworks show together and being all snuggly. xD
Aristotle would be down to take Wizard back in the hotel XD Honestly Rowe would be dtf too but he’s much less, um, obvious about it XD
I feel like Alchemy’s and Rowe’s first time would be someplace special, like Disney. XD Or in the normal Panem world, after some major event but IDK what…
Maybe Rowe takes the stage with UV for a song or something? Idk. I mean, if that were the case then he would be SO HYPED afterwards that he would probably be more likely to initiate it. XD Oh yeah, true XD
Henryk would be dtecawm (down to eat cookies and watch movies XD)
Henryk would probably be low-key scared on the Haunted Mansion at first because he thinks it’s a legit haunted house XD
Also imagine Rowe making a checklist of things to do and the best order to do them all to maximize riding time XD
(Also, imagine them going back multiple times throughout their relationship and each time the list is refined more and more. Then one trip they go and Alchemy notices he doesn’t have a list but he’s still dragging her along so she goes along and he just stops and says “alright, first item of the list!” and she’s like “what?” and he hands her this tiny piece of paper that just has one box that says “Ask Alchemy to marry me in front of Cinderella’s Castle” and it’s corny but also emotional as FUCK XD) AND THEN SHE SAYS YES AND LIKE SHE’S SO EXCITED BUT ALSO WISHES SHE COULD SHARE THIS MOMENT WITH HER LOVED ONES AND THEN NUMITOR RUNS OVER AND HE’S CRYING AND HE’S JUST LIKE “We made it Al” AND PRACTICALLY TACKLES HER AND THE REST OF HER FAMILY AND SQUAD IS CLOSE BEHIND.
In the actual Panem he would definitely plan something totally grossly romantic, like some kind of dinner on the beach under the stars and out of nowhere UV members keep appearing with instruments and Rowe would sing something grossly romantic and it would be totally elaborate and planned to a T. XD
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ianmoonestuff · 8 years
AQOURS 1ST LOVE LIVE ~Step! ZERO to ONE~ Live Viewing Coverage in Malaysia
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I really don’t know how to start this article with. It was a hell of a concert. Full of ups and downs kind of feelings. The memories that AQOURS had given us was quite priceless. As usual my article will be very long and VERY thorough. 
So please, in order for you to fully enjoy reading my article, it is recommended for you to really spare some time, brew a cup of coffee(or tea, whichever you prefer) and sit back, take a deep breath and enjoy.
I’ll divide the coverage into Day 1, Day 2, personal opinions, the REAL things that happened during the Live Viewing in Malaysia and BONUS as I’ll explain one of the greatest history and memories in Love Live concerts.
Update: -Added video highlight from official sources. I also want to share the unofficial one but I lost it..sorry
(25th Feb)
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GSC Movies stated that the official merchandises will be available to purchase starting 12.00pm until the concert began. I rushed there by train(as usual) in the morning. Some of my friends are already there as early as 6am or so I heard.
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They only provided a very LIMITED item such as pamphlet, sub-unit rubber strap keychains and KingBlade.
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And surprisingly everything went sold out fast for the FIRST hour!
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Also we were featured on the big screen. The video was during the recent Final Love Live and the record breaking for the largest audience and 1st Live Viewing in Malaysia.
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It’s time. People taking their seats.
Now some of the highlights from the concert. I won’t provide any pics because...it’s a rule duuh and I won’t gonna risk my country from getting ban. Also I won’t specify it much since you guys can read it more from many sources out there.
So they start with Aozora Jumping Heart followed by Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM and introductions. Everything went so well until...rainstorm came.
Yeah the live viewing got interrupted. I heard that Singapore were affected too. If it does then I’m not that surprise since it’s raining season now here in Southeast Asia. It happened to be during a raining season so can’t help much. We tried to warn people to keep switching off their phones. The least thing that we could do was do not disturb the signal. We missed Yume de Yozora wo Terashitai and Genki Zankai DAY! DAY! DAY! but quickly recovered until CYaRon’s mc part.
The funny thing was if you guys remember the 2nd or 3rd episode when Chika, You and Riko about to perform their first debut and everything doesn’t went well because of the thunderstorm? Yeah, it was the same thing that happened us. All of us were screaming “KISEKI!!!”. Some of us even sang some idol songs to calm us down(curse the guy who sang BokuHikari XD). The funny thing was they even sang some random songs from other idol anime like Macross Delta and iM@s.
My favourite part was when Guilty Kiss make their appearance with Strawberry Trapper song. KYAAAAAAAA!!!! It was a legit rock song sang by some cute girls and I LOVE IT. Their performance was FREAKING AWESOME!!! I CAN’T DESCRIBE MUCH HOW AWESOME THEY DID. EVERYONE CHEERS MAKE IT MORE PUMPED UP AND I CAN’T STOP TYPING IN CAPS!!! MY OSHI HAVE TO BE MARI AND AINYA, HER SEIYUU AND SOMEHOW I PICKED THE RIGHT GIRLLL!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. LOCKK ON!!!!! MY KOKORO!!!!
Not to mentioned AZALEA!! Especially Arisha. Given that she’s also a gravure idol, man I can’t help but being amazed of how was she look with that dress. GOSH!!!
The live ended with Step! ZERO to ONE as one of the encore.
We actually did the largest AQOURS-SUNSHINE cheers but I forgot to take the picture because I was busy queuing in the arcade(my bad sorry )  
(26th Feb)
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Well the weather back then was pretty cloudy. I can expect many things can be happened during 2nd...which it was indeed happened.
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I started a few bit late and the hall will be open on 2.30pm.
2nd day setlist was pretty much the same as first but they replaced AQOURS Heroes with humming Bird. 
Somehow I did a good deed as a fellow Love Liver. Apparently a girl sitting beside me didn’t have any KB and judging by the way she act, she was a shy girl. Once the concert was about to start everyone were standing up except for her. So in order for not letting her felt left out, I offered let her borrowed one FLL KB(I actually brought three different kind of KBs during that time haha how convenience). She said she was kind of nervous(aww how cute) but I kept telling her that just enjoy the show, scream all you want and dance the hell all you want, we don’t judge here as we’re all Love Liver here. So I did showed her how to use the KB and yeah she missed some of the chants, cheers, calls but meh she was still learning.
Everything went so well and again like I said before since it was a raining season here...yes, we got another interruption and this time it was kinda frustrated for me. This because we still have a few more songs left to go and *boom* it happened. I heard people praying to God so it won’t happen that long, some of them even left the hall for awhile for a breather and yeah I did pray a lot too so we won’t missed much. 
Then suddenly some guy screaming from outside the hall. He told us that they finally announced the 2nd season of AQOURS and 2nd Live Tour! We screamed with overjoyed but we still want to watch the broadcast.
Then the broadcast turned back into normal and it showed the last mc where Aikyan was crying about the announcement. I straight away grabbed my KBs and support her along with other cast.  Thus, the 1st Live ended with a breeze...well...not ‘that’ breeze as I’ll talk about it later. Enjoyed some dinner with other Love Liver then went home with head full of memories and tiredness of supporting your favourite girls(I slept while standing in a train...no kidding)
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Forgot to mention that we actually did made a flowerstand. We have representatives there who handle the flower for us.
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 Thanks to all who contributed for our project. Surprisingly we have one Indonesian contributor there who also joined our project. Incase people wondering, KEI is my nickname there.
Below are some shenanigans that we Malaysia’s Love Liver did haha
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(Noticed that various idol series?)
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The thing that he hold was actually AQOURS callbook.
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...courtesy of Malaysia’s Love Liver.
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Oh and if you decided to come here in Mid Valley, please visit Komugi bakery. I really love their meronpan. Wish you were here @emitsunosaurus-rex
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And that’s all for AQOURS 1st Love Live ~Step ZERO to ONE~ coverage from me. Thanks for reading...you can go now...unless...
Rikako’s Breakdown
Yeah...it was one of those biggest moment in histories of Love Live live concerts. It literally hit me hard...VERY hard seeing RKK’s(Rikako) struggle for the sake of the concert, for the sake of other members and for the sake of her fans. We didn’t stop discussing about it after the concert was done. Even while we’re having a dinner. I had to ban myself from listening any AQOuRS songs after the incident in order to let the feeling cool down a bit...(but knowing internet’s natural being, I kept being hit by feelings everytime I checked my phone.)
It was a 2nd day live viewing. The seiyuu were already took their spot for Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song. The piano was already there as usual. The idea of the performance was to imitate back episode 11 where we already know the story behind it was that Riko had a problem of playing piano and won’t play before this but then decided to join the competition...but since this is LIVE concert, it was a real business.
When Chika(Anchan) started to sing everything went well...until when the music was cut off. I actually did noticed a ‘wrong’ note being pressed resulting the music sounds a bit off. The rest of the seiyuu just continue on dancing and keep acting professional as they might be thinking it was just a technical problem and soon be over. The instrumental version was played a bit to cover RKK mistake but just for a few seconds as they realized that RKK...REALLY DO NEED HELP NOW! 
A faint voice saying ”ごめんね”(gomenne) was heard and Anchan rushed to RKK and embraced her, hugged tightly and calmed her down followed by Ainya(Mari) and Suwawa(Kanan). The word ”大丈夫”(daijoubu) being repeated countless time in order to make sure RKK really calmed down. Anchan reached and gave her a water bottle and a towel. They hold her hands very tightly and keep on calming her down. Knowing Ainya’s personality, I already expected that she will rushed to RKK too(YOU GO GIRL!!).
Yes RKK had a panic attack. This might be because of the pressure she had to face when it comes to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare song where she volunteered herself(if I’m not mistaken) to perform the piano part. I’ve to admit everything went very well on the 1st day and it was really great watching RKK performed. Having no background of any music theory, she practiced playing piano for the past 3 months...for her fans. 
The crowds including me broke into tears. The incident really...really...really hit me VERY hard! At first I thought it was a gimmick to imitate back the scene where Riko can’t play piano...but it was a mistake and I’m really sorry for thinking it that way. I really am. 
The crowd then switched their KB into sakura pink and keep chanting “RIKAKO!” countless time. I did the same and screamed my lungs out hoping my voice to reach out despite broadcasting in Malaysia. All of the crowd turned into a sea of sakura pink as a sign of supporting RKK. Tear-mark left on our face during that time.
Anchan, Suwawa and Ainya, they hugged each other for a very quite some time. Then they continued on taking their spot leaving RKK alone again and hoping everything will be fine. I still can’t forget RKK’s face and shaky hands from the camera view that mounted beside the piano as soon she about to start playing it.
They performed Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare as usual and this time without any mistake and no flaw. RKK’s performance on piano was flawless. Ending the song with a view of RKK pressing the last note...with her shaky hands trying to get that perfect sound...she pressed it. The last note was a bit off but I DON’T CARE!! RKK have done well for us. The audience still keeping their sakura pink KB and keep on chanting RKK’s name endlessly. The performance ended with You greeted ”ただいま”(tadaima) followed by ”おかえり” by RKK...with a smile.
Again...it was one of the greatest, heart warming moment in the history of Love Live concerts. Rikako eventhough you’re not my oshi, you’ve earned a special place in my heart because of your act of braveness facing your hardship, never give up and keep on smiling in the end...
There you have it, my coverage for the past 2 days. I was listening to Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare while finishing this article and yeah nonstop tears streaming out. Sorry for taking it too long as I was busy and calming myself up after that ‘incident’.
With 2nd season coming up and Next Step Project, I hope they realized that they are actually competing with their own senpai in this idol-anime world. Not to be rude but I’m looking forward for AQOURS to beat their senpai sometime haha
As always, feel free to contact me if there are any errors here and there. I won’t bite.
Pictures Credits: https://www.facebook.com/gscmovies/ https://www.facebook.com/scania.hokokonn https://www.facebook.com/sixthseal https://www.facebook.com/blesxjiarong https://www.facebook.com/aio015 https://www.facebook.com/thompson.enthusiast https://www.facebook.com/houjoufamily https://www.facebook.com/Chiu.K.Liang https://animatetimes.com My pictures My monochrome-themed instagram account
~If there’s a colour for courage, it would be sakura pink~
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