#and also am Demi so like- if I ever want to date anyone
waluigisgaybf · 1 year
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heretherebedork · 11 months
I am very interested in what BMF was saying today about asexuality versus insecurity about sex versus sex in a relationship.
We saw Kawi say he would be more than happy to simply hold hands in bed forever. We saw Max say that he has sex before he ever starts dating anyone. We saw Piseang's desire but also willingness to follow Kawi's lead.
Three different approaches to the idea of sexuality and sex in a relationship and none are right and none are wrong but we did end with the implication that Kawi agreed to sex with Piseang as something new after a day or rejecting new ideas and no discussion about his own thoughts on sex.
So... is this asexual erasure? Is the idea of this episode that Kawi was avoiding sex out of fear rather than a lack of desire?
There is no evidence either way for that. Because there is no singular way to be ace. Kawi doesn't have to be sex repulsed to be ace. Heck, he doesn't have to be ace. He might be demi and only discovering what sexual desire is because he's finally found that part of himself with Piseang.
It was interesting to have the entire conversation with Max revolve around sex and sexual desire and not include asexuality but I also understand it because this is a discussion a lot of BLs over the years have stayed away from entirely (see the blushing maiden trope via @absolutebl because it is a DOOZY, honestly) so is this about asexuality or is this about the idea that for certain people society has said that desire is wrong?
What kind of societal commentary are we exploring with Kawi's reluctance? IS this about asexuality or a fear of sexuality? Is this about how he doesn't want to have sex or about how his reluctance is shaped by society in a way he doesn't even see? Is this commentary on older BLs and their lack of examination of this reluctance?
There are so many facets to what this could be and could mean and I feel like we ending with Kawi agreeing to trying to try sex with Piseang is a very interesting choice that I both understand and am a bit reluctant about. Because what is this about? Kawi's reluctance because he's uninterested or because he's afraid in a way he can't articulate? Is the rollercoaster representing something new or something scary or something that he knows he doesn't like but can't fully articulate?
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ask-the-crimson-king · 6 months
Primarch Sexuality Headcanons
Inspired by this post in which I got very excited to see someone else advocating for an ace-Fulgrim so I'm gonna list my view on the primarch's and their various sexualities.
May do a follow-up on the various captains and other Astartes in the Legions, though that post would get pretty huge pretty fast. I have a lot of opinions.
I invite others to share their perspectives if they have them. For full disclosure, I am coming at this as a homoromantic asexual who is VERY sex-repulsed, so that is, naturally, going to tinge my own perspective.
In Legion order:
Lion El'Johnson - Demisexual or grey-ace, uncertain about romantic interests. I haven't read too much on the Lion, and I know it seems to be popular to make the lad gay, but I don't quite get those vibes from him. I think he prefers women.
Fulgrim - Asexual panromantic. As was said in the thread linked above by the Consortium-human, definitely for aesthetic attraction. He is a peacock in the most literal way possible and I think he'd like his romantic partners to maybe be similar? I can definitely see him dressing them up ostentatiously.
Perturabo - Love the iron hermit, he's definitely a demiromantic asexual. Definitely sex-repulsed. Others would say aro but I could see him being romantically interested in someone if they took the time required for him to see them that way. I don't think gender would matter too much, but I think he'd have a more masc preference.
Jaghatai Khan - Grey-ace or Bisexual king. He's not someone who actively looks for relationships or flings but isn't opposed to them either, if he finds the person attractive.
Leman Russ - Exists in a quantum state between "homosexual bear" and "omnisexual bear". On the one hand, I can see him with basically anyone, but on the other, he gives that rugged sort of "passes as straight lumberjack, is actually gay as hell" type.
Rogal Dorn - Asexual... demiromantic? It's either demi or heteroromantic. Preference towards women or femme-presenting people. Probably sex-repulsed if not sex neutral.
Konrad Curze - Aromantic asexual. Has never had the interest. Has never wanted the interest. Pretty straight forward.
Sanguinius - I feel like it'd be cliche and also wrong to say demiromantic asexual. Aspec for sure. Maybe homoromantic? Maybe biromantic? He's tough to put a good finger on in terms of vibes.
Ferrus Manus - This is a gay man. Homosexual aromantic. I do not think he'd be very into a romantic relationship.
Angron - Heteroromantic asexual. If he ever had the true capacity for romance, anyway. The Nails probably stole it from him.
Roboute Guilliman - This one is tough. I want to say something aspec, as I said before maybe demi or grey. I don't think it's hard ace for him. In terms of a romantic orientation... Tough. I think he'd be interested in trying a date with a man, but I do want to say heteroromantic. Not closing himself off to the possibility of also being into them, but if he is bi-or-panromantic, he still has a preference for femme-presenting people and women.
Mortarion - See, most would probably also assume asexual, and I would maybe agree, but I've always had a thing in the back of my mind where he's just straight. Heterosexual man. Nothing wrong with it. He may be aromantic or just not interested in a relationship.
Magnus the Red - Aromantic asexual, I will say this with my full chest. Not opposed to a relationship, potentially, but would rather sex not be involved.
Horus Lupercal - I've seen some people say he's a bisexual disaster and while I can see where people are coming from, he's always had big asexual vibes, someone who's up for sex if his partners want it but is also just as fine without. Pan/omniromantic for sure though.
Lorgar Aurelian - Asexual for sure. I am consistently flipping between a bunch of different romantic orientations for him. I think he'd be an oriented demiromantic, but on the other hand. Hmm. He's tough. I saw panromantic and I think that is correct. May have a more masc preference though.
Vulkan - I feel like demisexual kinda cheapens him since everyone has flanderized him into being the "friendly" primarch, but it does feel fitting after everything I've read on him. So demi it is. Romantically... tough. Part of me wants to say aromantic. Another part wants to also put him as heteroromantic. One of those two.
Corvus Corax - Heterosexual, probably. I can definitely see him as a Castlevania-Dracula-"if you hurt my wife I will scour the lands and make sure your souls are damned for eternity"-type.
Alpharius/Omegon - It's a mystery, OooOooOO! I'm not gonna cop out like that. Based on what I've read, I see heterosexual aromantic. May be open to experimenting with men or androgenous people, but solidly prefers women as partners.
Bonus Round:
The Emperor of Man and Malcador are gay lovers. I have seen the light. I have read The End and the Death. They are homosexuals.
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missmeasured · 2 years
Hi I’m not sure if you are accepting requests but would you have consider writing a one shot where Snape performs oral sex on a female reader thats very shy and he makes her feel confident enough to open up for him please!
Hi Anon, you are officially the first fan fiction request! How exciting! I went a little down a rabbit hole with this. In my answer both he and reader and demi sexuals who become friends and then it's very suddenly a lot more. I've left open to interpretation how they know each other exactly. Word count 3888 - a lot longer than I set out to write but what can you do?! It moves through me.
Thanks for @5everus as always for beta reading and for giggling with me until our abs hurt.
(Content Warnings: NSFW, Reader has a vagina, fingering, oral sex.)
The Centre of His Singular Attention 
Severus and I had been friends for a while, that was clear to me, but not at first. Happy acquaintanceship had slipped into friendship without my initial notice. Then one day we were talking, in spite of the fact that so frequently we would both be silent on the outside of group conversations together. It makes sense then, that the friendship had also slipped into another category without my notice. Slippery little categories. 
When he was my acquaintance I’m not sure I noticed his quietly handsome features. The way he carried himself was attractive of course, but I had never thought to think of him as available to me of all people, or to anyone. That man seemed an island unto himself. I am also prone not to notice attractiveness until I know someone deeply. Perhaps I missed the signs of something more due to my density in that regard.
At some point after we had accidentally slipped into friendship, I began to notice how funny he was. That cutting, dry sense of humour that he frequently used to defend himself was present also in friendly conversations begun about books. Somehow these conversations about books had turned into us going to the theatre. Some relationship between the contents of the first book we had talked about and the play. So we went, and that had been pleasant, and suddenly we were seeing plays together. 
These plays only seemed to create more discussions. These were not dates; they were mutual explorations of topics through different mediums. After one play we were talking so animatedly that I invited him up to my apartment for a glass of wine so we did not have to cut the dialogue short. When the bottle was long gone, slipped by like the categories of our friendship  I found his eyes fixed on me in a way I was not particularly accustomed to. 
Perhaps I can pinpoint the moment our friendship slipped. It was that one right there, when he set down his wineglass and fixed me with that determined set of his eyes. It made me feel hot all over. I tried to escape it by taking the glasses to my kitchen sink but when I turned around I found him behind me. 
Fleet of foot, he is. Sneaking in around the sides of my heart and the door of my kitchen. Merlin only knows what was said between when I turned around and when his lips met mine, because I do not remember. 
His kiss was unlike anything I had ever known to want. 
The blood turned around in my veins, seeking the very centre of me. My mind, which had been so occupied by his interesting questions and thoughts had gone suddenly blank except a repeated refrain of wanting more. 
I did not over analyse the fact that somehow, I had ended up on my kitchen counter and my legs were around him and I did not doubt myself in my own desirability because it has been so fast. We were both two glasses deep afterall. Unfortunately that fact: those two glasses of wine were the reason he cited for stopping this kiss. He apologised for being too forward, for kissing me without permission. He asked if he had overstepped. 
I was all embarrassment at my needy wanting. It was all well and good of him to come to his senses and begin to gather his coat like a gentleman, but Merlin how badly had I not wanted him to. My answers to his worries had been quiet, meek, assurances that his advances had been welcome.
As he went to leave I looked at him for several long seconds and internally screeched at myself for my lack of words. My inability to tell this man that the moment he had looked at me like that I had been instantly made his. I had gulped and run away to the kitchen, yes, but I had also known deep inside myself that I wanted him to pursue me. The escape being only temporary had confirmed the wanting, it was more than a passing glance. He wanted me more than just the wine might have incited. 
Now, I stood outside of his house with the book he had leant me in hand. I shifted anxiously foot to foot because the last time we had seen each other we had kissed and he had lifted me up onto my counter top like I weighed nothing. When he answered the door he still had those eyes he had looked at me with last time. Oh Merin. I thought. Keep your wits. 
He invited me in for tea and we discussed the book a little. I took off my coat and hat and threw them into an armchair in his living space. I had been here once before but never for any real duration. The living room was situated in such a way that it always felt like it was later than it truly was, the north facing windows and heavy bookshelves made it seem twilight when truthfully the sun shone still outside. 
He brought back a tea tray and the brown teapot was to steep away under its cosy for a few moments while we discussed the book and waited for it to be ready. It sat there on the coffee table in front of us, we both sat on the small sofa. When I tore my eyes off the teapot he smirked at me and with the tilt of his head or the twist of his lips I am not sure why, but suddenly I was talking too quickly in response to his questions about the book. He seemed amused by this and I cut myself off mid thought. Telling him not to mind, that I hadn’t been sure what I had meant. 
But clever Severus had been listening and he prompted me, telling me back all my words and stringing them into tangible thoughts, he presented them back to me as if I could somehow make those strung together thoughts into a point but I could not.
“Are you quite well? You seem awfully nervous today.”
“I am quite fine, thanks. Just. Sorry. Just-” What is wrong with my mouth?
“Just?” He prompts.
“Just.. Well I suppose I am nervous. Last time we-”
“Last time I kissed you.” He was matter of fact but the intensity in his eyes made my stomach flip.
“Yup. That.” I answer inelegantly. My face feels like it is boiling hot, am I sweating? Why is all my blood surging up to my face but not to my brain where it might help me? I do not know what to say.
“And you are nervous because you have come to tell me that you would rather I not do it again?”
“No!” Oh gods oh gods oh gods. “It’s not that at all-”
“If it is not that you have come to tell me not to, does a man dare to hope it’s the opposite?”
“...yes…” I spit out.
“Ah. My poor anxious thing. Would it make you feel more relaxed if I kissed you again now and got it over with? I would like to hear your opinions on the ending of the book at a speed that I am able to fully understand.” He teased. 
“Only if you want to…”
He placed his hand on my knee. I stared at it, his smallest fingers wrapped around to the inside of the beginning of my thigh and I felt quite sure that I had never been affected by someone’s touch in the way I was currently being affected by his. “I have no wish to make you so jittery.” He squeezed my knee reassuringly but the seconds ticked on and no kissing spontaneously began. I couldn’t handle it. I couldn't handle another second of this. I turned toward him and thank Merlin he was waiting for me. We melted together.
This time I remembered in great clarity what had transpired before the kissing, but it was how the kissing had transitioned that slipped away from me. Like the tea in that pot went from regular to strong to very bitter and eventually to undrinkable we seemed to have moved from kissing upright in sweet tender exploration to at some point being practically horizontal and there were strong notes of desire brewing. 
That same sensation that the blood was all flowing to one very specific part of me was back with a vengeance. It had not been the wine then. At some point he pulled away from me marginally. In the space between our lips we both caught our breath for a moment. “If I put my hand here on your thigh,” He sat up a bit so he could slide his hand up my tights and under my skirt  “would you think me terribly forward and moving too quickly?”
I shook my head no. I had never wanted to be touched so badly in all my life. One might say it was too soon, but truth be told we had been getting to know each other for so long, I had just never thought it was for any reason other than friendship. That hand slid all the way up my leg and one single finger brushed for a split second against my apex. I gasped a little.
“That little gasp…” he smirked.
“What about it?” I asked self consciously.
“Is that little gasp a ‘yes Severus…please keep going Severus… kind of gasp? Or is it a ‘get your hand out of my dress you brute’ kind of gasp?” He asked.
“The first one.” I breathe. His eyes are so fixed on me they make me nervous yet again.
“Oh what good news.” He began to trace feather light patterns over my thighs until I bite my lip in needing. “What about here?” He asks as he finally touches me. “Ah yet another inhale. A good one?” He asks.
I nod emphatically. He begins to touch me in a way that has little whimpers falling out of my lips. He keeps switching between dragging teasing, light, slow touches over my centre through my tights and underthings and pressing into me gently, massaging little moans out of me faster than I can handle without feeling shameful about my eagerness. I reach over toward his torso running my hands down him reach to try to return the touching.
“Ah ah. Where are these naughty hands going?”
“To touch you?”
“You’re trying to distract me. I’m trying to learn a new language. I need to learn what all these tiny little breaths and whimpers mean. My sweet shy one, I need to hear you tell me in your quiet way what feels nice. I can’t be pursuing my own pleasure when I need so much to hear you. Watch your microscopic expressions.” He leaned in to kiss me again and I tried to draw him into it but he broke off again. “May I take these off?” He asked of my tights. I nodded and I lifted my hips as his hands slid up my legs and found the top of the waistband. His fingers hooked the top of my panties too and wasn’t sure if he intended it. I open my mouth to protest but he has them now it’s too late. 
When they appear below the hem of my skirt all attached to my tights I chagrin to see how damp they are. There is a bit of glistening wetness in the middle where his fingers had coaxed the fabric into me. I wanted to curl up into the couch and die at seeing him see it. He raises his eyebrow in smug acknowledgment. His hand disappears back under my dress and he pushes my thighs slightly apart. 
His fingertips slip up to my entrance and find my arousal there, apparently my wetness is cause to tug at the corner of his mouth into a little smile. I’ve never had a man so intent on staring at my face while he does this. Most are so hurried to get to their part, this part usually doesn't last very long. 
I think he is going to push those exploring fingers inside me but they linger at my entrance. When they move, it’s not inside me but up to my clit. I’m left panting as he paints me in my own slickness. He is very thorough. I wonder if he is mapping me while not having even laid eyes on any of my intimate places yet. My dress still covers me from his view. 
He focuses on that very sensitive spot at the top of my sex and I am made to make all manner of whimpers as he tries different kinds of strokes, trying different directions, pressures. I wondered idly if he had a mental checklist he was going through. Yet it was not rudimentary or scientific, not with the way his eyes burned with excitement when I couldn’t keep my comfortable quiet. 
When he bent over and kissed my knee I panicked and grabbed him by the front of his clothes. “Don’t-”
“Kissing your knee is your limit then?” He teases.
“No- it’s just- I’m ready… I don’t need anything else to be ready for more.” Face is hot again. Panic. Panic. It’s daylight. He’ll see everything. 
“Ah she admits she wants more. What is “more” darling? I know only it’s not knee kissing. You seem quite affronted.” 
I realise now I’m still holding him by his clothes, trying to stop his mouth from travelling up my legs like I knew it would. I unclench his garments with embarrassment. You are a grown adult you could say, sex. No, he will tease you at your lack of specifics. You could ask him to fuck you. That’s awfully vulgar. Use your… oh Merlin is there a single word for his penis I can say out loud right now? “I want to do something where you are having fun too.” I eventually cobble together. 
“I’m already having fun.” He informs with a wicked smirk. The coffee table covered in forgotten tea and snacks is floated gently away from the sofa as he kneels down in front of me on the floor. I gulp. Those eyes. When he had been my acquaintance they had occasionally twinkled at me in shared understanding, as friends in a shared joke, but now they seemed capable of so much more. One glance and I find myself utterly incapable of voicing my manifold insecurities.
He pulls my legs, and I am rotated so my firmly pressed together knees are against his chest. He places his hands on them and caresses me with both thumbs. The sensation goes straight to my needy middle. “I hope you know, I am not the kind of person to press you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable.” He says it so slowly and quietly that my body seems to goosebump as a way of making me more capable of hearing him. As if each raised hair follicle was a willing ear and they reached out to listen to his voice as it washed over me. 
I wait, my breath shaking. He is examining me closely. He bends down and kisses that knee again, looks up, waits for me to freak out and grab him again. I do not. My hands are clenched into the couch cushions. 
“However…” his breath slips up my bare thigh. “I have this notion that you might be playing shy on me.”
His hand slides up and pushes my dress higher, revealing more of my pressed together legs. He moves his face up incrementally, kissing the top of my thigh again. He waits for my hands to fly out and push him away. The hand goes higher, his thumb under the fabric, his fingers above it. That thumb slides all the way up until it touches my sex and my thighs are completely uncovered. “Are you intent on playing shy on me?” He asks. His lips deposit more kisses on a path upwards. I squirm, I want, I desire, I fear. 
“I’m not playing shy. I am shy.” I respond. 
He lifts his face back up off my thighs and looks at me again. I become aware I am biting my lip.
“What if… I spread your legs open right now, so wide that I will see everything? What harm will it do?”
“I would be embarrassed. You might…”
“I might what? Not like what I see? What I taste?”
I am some combination of horrified and aroused. My nipples are hardening at the thought of his tongue. My mind is reeling at the possibility of being so bared to him. 
“That’s the general fear.” I confirm, my voice horse.
“We can assuage one of those two fears presently.” He announces before bringing his fingers to his mouth. I want to protest but I don’t even have the time, I have to watch him savour my taste, he smiles. “As to what I will see, I have already felt, and what I felt, I liked very much…”
“Okay then.” I reply shakily. What else am I to say, I want him to touch me again so badly.
“Oh no, do you think I’m going to pull these knees apart and force my way in? No my sweet. Open them for me. Show me.”
I gulp. Those fingers he had put in his mouth glistened and I wanted them inside of me desperately. So very badly that I was helpless but to follow instructions. I opened my legs incrementally, watching him watch me. He was devouring my flesh with his eyes and I felt myself getting even wetter at it. I tried to stop at some reasonable amount of openness but he prompted me to pull my feet up on the sofa, near my behind. 
My thighs were as open as they possibly could be. I tried not to think about exactly what all he could see this way. Everything. I quivered while I waited for his move. At last hands on my thighs. He rubbed both of them while he looked his fill. 
“What good was it going to do? Hiding this pretty little pussy from me?” His right hand comes up and caresses me for the first time since I’ve been uncovered to him. I shudder as he draws his fingers along me. 
“I had no idea you had this kind of mouth on you.” I laugh awkwardly. His filthy tongue was kind of a surprising delight, even if it made my face feel hot.
“Shall I put it back on you?” He asked before beginning kissing his way up my thigh. Every kiss sent jolts of lighting down the path to his destination and when he finally reached my centre he kissed me just above all my sensitive parts on my mons, then looked up at me as he finally took my most sensitive spot into his mouth. 
I threw my head back in pleasure. My gasping breaths ragged and plentiful, ever multiplying as he lapped at me. The more he licked me the more I felt empty inside, the more my body pulled up against nothing. I wanted his fingers. Was he ever going to give them?
I let myself give soft little whimpers of yearning in hopes he would provide me more stimulation but he seems intent just to lavish his attention on my clit. I was worried he was going to make me ask. I felt embarrassed even thinking about being made to ask for him. 
When he suddenly answered my silent prayers I could not stop the moan that pushed out of me. “Ah she does have a voice.” My friend turned lover stopped to tease and I clenched onto his fingers in anticipation of his mouth’s return to my body. 
That moan seemed only to be the beginning. I could not stop myself from telling him in the most animalistic way what he was doing to me. Even though I was chagrined inside at each noise, the way he used the combination of his fingers and his mouth meant I was helpless to stop them. 
I whimpered as I realised that this man’s steady pace meant I was going to climax right here on his sofa. I had learned from going to see plays with him that he was fast on the uptake and never missed a detail but I had not expected him to use his powers on me so effectively.
Every breath and whimper I had let out he had catalogued and filed away and used it against me now. His tongue repeated some kind of pattern that made me clench around his fingers. His fingers. Merlin help me, we’re hitting that excellent spot inside me everytime. Two of them, stretching me out just enough that I felt like I was being fucked by something all together bigger. 
The word shy had no meaning to me as I climbed that peak. His fingers drove into me again and again and each time a new and different sound escaped me until it hit me. I did not make any embarrassing noises as I came, but my mouth was wide open in a silent scream of pleasure as he pushed me over that edge. 
My panting afterward was heavy and fragmented like I had been holding my breath. He joined me on the sofa and pulled my now limp legs over his lap, pulling my skirt down until I was almost lady-like again. One would never know I had just climaxed a moment before except my stockings and panties lay discarded on the floor still, my breathing was not calm, and I was willing to bet my hair was a mess as I had writhed around against the back of the sofa while he had done that to me.
Halfway in his lap he pulled my face over to his and gave me a soft kiss. “Do you feel less anxious now?” He asked teasingly but with sweetness in it. I could only laugh. “I am eager to know what you were trying to say about the book before all that. Do you remember?” 
“No!” I laugh, covering my face with my hands. “I can’t believe that just happened! We aren’t even dating! I’ve never done anything like that unless I’ve dated someone for months!”
“Well why don’t you pretend all our friendly excursions were dates?”
“Because they weren’t!”
“If you like you can stay for dinner. We can call it date one.” 
“Putting the cart before the horse, I think.”
“Not at all. Stay for dinner. Tell me, what other ways are you likely to act shy for me? I rather enjoy drawing you out.”
“Stop!” I covered my face again as heat rushed to it.
“Don’t start with that now or I will be taking you upstairs presently.” He smirked. He pulled the book over from the side table. “Now I believe you were trying to stammer out something about chapter three and you had better get your wits about you or I shall have to assume you require more relaxing.”
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bloodyellenlost · 26 days
Tiny update on everything
So, I've heard about the dumbass drama from @mrabubu and, I'll be definitely mean and honest here. What's going on ever since the Dragons drama to now Kishi's is absolutely disgusting in my pov. It gives me these horrible memories of the Voltron fandom in 2016, how many fans actually attacked the staff to make them happy.
I am not a homophobe, neither is Kishi (which they have stated), but believing that Leonardo is a homosexual because of how his body language or his wording is honestly disgusting. If anything, those who claim him being gay are believing in gay stereotypes. It angers and hurts me. AGAIN: I AM NOT A HOMOPHOBE. IN FACT; I AM A DEMI AND BIROMANTIC! I HAVE dated girls in the past, but this isn't about me. This is about the state of the rise fandom and how TOO many ship Leosagi.
Wanna know a fact about the rabbit samurai? He's straight in his manga series, had a son out of wedlock (Jotaro), left them because he wanted to become a true samurai. Leaving them to Usagi's rival to raise Jotaro and to marry the woman.
Don't believe me? Go read the manga.
I am so done hearing drama in this community that I am on the side creating a server for those who enjoy shipping themselve with their favorite/comfort characters. Shipping characters has become too toxic for anyone to discuss, it's either 'you're wrong' or 'even if you don't like it, I'll force you to listen because you have to'. Oh, by the way, the writers themselves said that they never planned on any romantic relationships for the rise characters.
Sorry for such a sour and angry note, but this has gone way too far. I am so sick and tired of shit like this. If anyone's interested in the discord server link, send me a message. There will be chatrooms for your AUs, OCs, simping, and more.
I am so sick and tired of everyone attacking everyone in this fandom, and honestly, I'm losing hope about this fandom ever being healthy.
Also for everyone's sanity, go get a hobby instead of being too intoxicated of a ship. It's almost the end of the school year, there's lots to do. I'm done.
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laurenairay · 8 months
Congrats Lauren!! Can I get funny kiss with Josty please thank you I love you 💚
Funny Kiss – Tyson Jost
Words: 730
I really hope you like this silly little blurb Demi! I love you too 💚
“So this is the famous Domino?”
At the mention of his name, your 6 month old Beagle puppy yapped, darting forward to crash into Tyson’s legs, making you groan.
“I would say he’s usually more polite than this, but he really isn’t,” you mused.
“Nah he’s just got a lot of love to give, don’t you boy?” Tyson grinned.
Domino barked happily as Tyson crouched down to give him some fuss. You almost felt like sighing in relief, if you were being honest. You’d been dating Tyson for only a month, but he’d been desperate to meet your dog, cooing over the photos you’d shown him on previous dates, so you’d suggested a date at the dog park to finally introduce the two of them. You hadn’t been nervous exactly, not with how sweet and easygoing Tyson was, but if Domino didn’t like him then it was an absolute red flag for you.
With the way that Domino had flopped onto his back for belly rubs already though, it didn’t look like you had to worry.
“Shall we get going?” you said, smiling down at the scene in front of you.
“Yeah of course! You have his B-A-L-L with you, right?”
Bless his heart.
“I do,” you confirmed, trying not to laugh at how cute he was, “You can throw it later for him.”
Tyson looked almost as excited as Domino.
The three of you ended up spending nearly three hours at the dog park, walking and talking with interludes to throw the ball for Domino to fetch. It might have been one of the most low-key dates you’d ever been on, but honestly, it was also one of the best.
And Domino was clearly as besotted by Tyson as you were, which was a huge plus.
But eventually, you made it back to your apartment, and you left Domino in the kitchen drinking a large fresh bowl of water before rejoining Tyson on the sofa in the living room.
“Do you take him to the park every day?” Tyson asked, smiling.
“I try to, yeah. This apartment definitely has enough room for him to walk around in, and the shared backyard access is fine for bathroom breaks, but he needs to run around as much as he can so I do my best.”
“Any time you need a dog walker, hit me up. For real, he’s the best,” Tyson grinned.
“You are crazy, but definitely the sweetest,” you laughed, shaking your head.
Tyson just shrugged, still smiling as he raised his hand to cup your face, leaning in to kiss you. But just as Tyson’s lips pressed against yours, a heavy weight crashed into you, breaking the two of you apart.
“Domino, no! Down!”
But your excitable dog didn’t listen, yapping away as he darted between the two of you, licking at your faces, Tyson just cackling with laughter.
“I am so sorry,” you groaned, making an oofing noise as Domino kicked your stomach.
“He just wants all the love huh?” Tyson grinned, ruffling your dog’s ears, earning even more excited barking.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Tyson continued to make baby noises at Domino, your dog just soaking up all the attention, the ridiculous situation settling down into fussing over the happy animal that had pushed its way between you.
“I would promise that this won’t happen again, but I really can’t,” you mused.
“Eh, he’s just a puppy, he’ll get there!” Tyson grinned, shrugging.
This guy really was just sweet all round, wasn’t he?
The two of you indulged your dog for a few more minutes until he calmed down, jumping off the sofa to curl up at your feet with a happy sigh that only a thoroughly spoiled puppy could pull off. Tyson just grinned as he settled back into the sofa, propping his head up with his hand, smiling widely at you.
“At least I’ll have a funny kiss story if anyone ever asks,” he teased.
Oh god.
“You’re the worst and I don’t know why I like you,” you groaned.
Tyson just threw his head back with laughter, leaving you to bat at his chest in protest until he was able to stop.
“Mercy, mercy,” he giggled, clutching at your hands.
“On one condition,” you warned.
“Anything,” he said, smiling.
“Stay for dinner?” you suggested, biting your bottom lip briefly in nerves.
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
My reactions, thoughts, and predictions that I had while reading Percy Jackson: The Titan's Curse. At least the ones I bothered to write down. Spoilers below the cut. Also, fair warning, this one is way longer than either of my previous reaction posts. I had a lot of thoughts.
EDIT: part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5
I feel I should mention that the Percy Jackson books have objectively the best chapter titles
The mental image of Sally driving Percy and his friends to get their ass beat like it's just an after-school sports club is hilarious to me
Ooh, Thalia has hypnosis wind
So Thalia didn't age while she was in that tree? Because I remember she was much older than Annabeth at the time of her death, but now she, Annabeth and Percy are all the same age. Huh. Okay then.
NICO DI ANGELO!!! I've heard about you! You're gay! And he has a sister! Oh I am delighted and ready to love them!
Thalia insulting Grover's music taste.
Aww, Nico defending his sister.
"They're not dolls! They're figurines!" Sure, sweetie.
Bianca is great.
Oh my God, Nico, you beautiful nerd! XD
Zoë Nightshade is easily the most badass name I've ever heard in my life.
Please tell me Annabeth is okay. I will not be okay until I know that she is
Oh my God, Nico! XD Also, chill, Percy, he's just a baby.
"Besides, I hear they rebuilt the cabins you burned down." Excuse me, what?!
Percy, leave Bianca be! Besides, you don't even know her! She can be a badass warrior hunter lady if she wants. What even are your hang-ups about Artemis's hunters? They saved your life.
Oh, wait, that's right. Camp Half-Blood needs more people to keep it protected. That's right.
Good for you, Bianca, but I can't say that I would ever leave my little brother to become an immortal virgin. No offense to them, but girl, your brother needs you. You may have a new family, but you're all he's got.
Oh, I love Artemis calling Apollo her annoying brother. Do we get to see them interact? I pray that we do.
Grover simping for Artemis is so valid.
Thalia thinking Apollo’s hot is so valid.
Apollo being an obnoxious kind-of hippy going through an anime phase is the greatest idea anyone has ever had. He's so stupid, I love him.
Apollo's comment about pretty girls turning into plants reminded me of the myth about the time where one of his boyfriends turned into a flower after he died. Hyacinthus. Because we cannot forget that Apollo is canonically bisexual. If Rick Riordan doesn't (at some point) acknowledge how gay ancient Greek mythology is, I'm going to riot.
Dating must be really weird at Camp Half-Blood. And between demi-gods in general, right? Because, technically speaking, they're all kind of related to each other. I guess it just works differently since the gods aren't human, so there's not the same case to be made about genetics and the potential for incest. Or maybe that only applies to kids who have the same god parent. Like how Percy sees Tyson as his brother. I’m wondering if the kids from other cabins feel the same way. Like, do kids from different cabins consider themselves siblings? Does Annabeth see the other kids from Athena’s cabin as her siblings? What does the dating scene even look like at Camp Half-Blood? Is it considered scandalous to date other members of your own cabin? Or do some people think it’s taboo or whatever to date other demigods in general? I don’t need sleep, I need answers!
Ohhh. Okay. So apparently Thalia has aged while she was in the tree, just very slowly. So if Percy is 14 and Thalia can pass as an 8th grader like him, and she should be somewhere between 12 and 19, if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say she's about 15 or 16.
Oh, hey, I was right. Thanks, Apollo.
Aww, poor Thalia. Lol. I was the exact same way when I drove for the first time. Literally had a panic attack on the spot, and I wasn't even controlling the Earth's temperature.
Yay, Tyson! I was worried we wouldn’t see him again until, like, the last book or something.
Aww, it’s so sweet that Tyson wants to see Annabeth. And it’s adorable how cool he thinks she is.
Wow, Luke really is an unbelievable bastard. Annabeth is smart, she was smart to question him, but when the rocks started to fall, her instincts drove her to protect Luke, because even though he’s an unbelievable bastard, Annabeth still can’t help but harbor positive feelings for her. For the longest time, he was family to her and she loved him, so of course those feelings are still there, even if she knows it’s illogical.
Wait. Annabeth is holding up the ceiling of a cave, which Percy acknowledges that she shouldn’t be able to do. So… is the cave ceiling actually the sky? Like how, in Greek mythology, the sky is held up by the titan Atlas? In the mythology, Heracles trades places with Atlas holding up the sky while Atlas helps Heracles complete one of his twelve labors, and when Atlas is about to leave, Heracles tricks Atlas into taking back the sky before bolting. Like how Luke tricked Annabeth into holding up the cave ceiling before leaving her alone to hold it by herself.
Okay, Grover, chill out with the stalking, bud.
I guess Grover and Annabeth take turns getting damsel-ed. Last book was Grover’s turn and this book is Annabeth’s turn.
Don’t worry, Percy, I forgot about that scarf too.
Okay, not liking how the Hunters are portrayed. Because when Artemis says to give up love, she only means romantic love, which is clearly not the only kind of love. Greek mythology practically invented the concept of differentiating and identifying different kinds of love. The Hunters should know that, but the way they act towards the other campers is really… I dunno, gross? They act like their way of life is the only way that matters, which is super fucked up coming from the people that follow Artemis.
“I wondered if there was any way I’d looked that ridiculous when I’d first arrived.” Percy, that was literally only two years ago, get off your high fucking horse. XD
Thalia static-shocking people when she’s annoyed is golden and I love her.
Oh, fuck.
Oh, we love the prophecies… Yayyyy.
Okay, guessing time. Artemis is chained to a rock, which immediately made me think of Prometheus, the titan that gifted fire to humanity and was punished by Zeus to be chained to a rock and have an eagle eat his liver every day for eternity. But then the Oracle mentioned that one must withstand “The Titan’s Curse,” which could be another reference to Prometheus, but I don’t think so. Because in the myth, Heracles killed the eagle and freed Prometheus from his punishment, so I’m pretty sure it’s not that, but you never know. Then I remembered Annabeth and my prediction that she’s currently holding up the sky like the titan Atlas, and the Oracle said that “one must withstand.” Admittedly, my knowledge of Atlas and his mythos is shaky at best, and I don't remember him ever having a "curse", but I guess holding up the entire sky is about as "cursed" as it's possible to be. And the Oracle saying that “one must withstand” makes me think that something happened to Atlas, so now someone needs to hold the sky in his place or else the sky will collapse to the earth and the world will end, or something like that. So that’s my prediction, that someone will need to hold up the sky in Atlas’s place for the rest of, well, forever. I don’t have a guess as to who it could be, though.
Also, someone is apparently going to die. And be killed by their god parent. Awesome… Super looking forward to that inevitable heartbreak… I hope it’s not either of the di Angelo kids, but they’re both new characters, and I know Nico becomes more important later (purely by accident and through pop culture osmosis), and since I had no idea that Biance even existed until I started reading this book, I am terrified that that means Bianca is going to die. I pray that I am wrong.
Wow, Thalia is petty and I’m kind of living for it.
I love that the Stoll brothers are basically Greek Fred and George Weasley.
Wow, Zoë’s kind of a bitch. She won’t travel with Percy because he’s a boy, and apparently Grover doesn’t count as a boy because he’s a satyr. Super fucked up.
You know, Artemis did have male Hunters. It didn’t happen often in the mythology, but there was a pretty famous male Hunter of Artemis named Hippolytus. The thing about Artemis’s Hunters isn’t that men weren’t allowed to be Hunters, it’s just that men typically didn’t choose to be Hunters, because one of the reasons why Artemis’s Hunters joined her in the first place is because Artemis protected the women in her care from the sexist constraints placed on them by Greek society at the time. The reason why men didn’t typically become Hunters is because they didn’t need the same kind of protection and escape from Greek society that women did. And Artemis didn’t hate men on principal, she hated the fact that men were the ones who used their positions of power to discriminate against and abuse the women in their society.
Aww. Grover’s such a sweetheart.
I love Sally.
Percy has so many damn Dreams™ and nightmares I have to wonder if this kid ever sleeps.
Apparently Percy knows the names of the pegasi, which is adorable to me. And this one is apparently Blackjack, which is a great name for a horse.
Aww, I want a baby serpent cow.
Aww, Nico. He's precious and I love him. Protect this child at all costs
Oh, I know about Ariadne. Theseus ditched her on an island after she helped him navigate the labyrinth and kill the minotaur. That's how she met Dionysus. I'm pretty sure they got married not too long after.
Aww, Dionysus and Ariadne are still married. That'd be kind of sweet if Dionysus wasn't such an asshole.
Yup, I know about Medea too.
Did they really just give Dionysus the Snape treatment? He hates all heroes on principle because one of them was cruel to his wife? He thinks he’s justified in harassing children because they’re training to be heroes, and he thinks that all heroes suck? Wow, dude. Get a life.
Oh, cool, Bianca’s forgetting things now. Nothing sketchy or sinister about that, I’m sure.
Is the General the titan Atlas? If my earlier theory was right, then he's gotta be.
Excuse me, teeth?! Plant them?!
Oh, wait! I think I know what that’s talking about. In Jason’s myth, he had to yoke a field with the teeth of (if memory serves) fire-breathing oxen. I don’t remember what planting the teeth did, but I’m guessing it wasn’t anything good.
HAH! Saber-toothed tiger kitties popped out
The General talks about mortals the same way I talk about fanfiction and anime
“Sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters.” Truth.
Wait… what’s going on with Bianca? There’s something fucky going on with her memory.
“‘Bianca,’ Zoë said. ‘How long ago…’ Her voice faltered.” FOR FUCK’S SAKE, RICK!
Ain’t no way this friendly homeless guy isn’t some kind of hell monster.
Oh. I stand corrected. Not a hell monster. Probably a god. The gods love disguising themselves as old people to test mortals
The Mountain of Despair. Sounds fun. I wonder if this is the mountain Prometheus was chained to, since it’s powered by titan magic and all that.
Ladon… I know that name. I recognize that, but I can’t for the life of me remember his myth or anything about him.
*in reference to one of Percy's dreams* Oh, wait. Is this Jason and Medea?
Oh, nope. It was Zoë. I figured she had some kind of bad break with a boyfriend or something, but I dismissed it at first because I figured she was too young. But I guess if she was around during ancient Greek times, that sort of thing doesn’t matter.
Oh, hey! I once visited Cloudcroft, New Mexico! It was a nice little place.
“I was never very comfortable talking one-on-one with girls anyway…” Okay, Percy, you and I both know that is a lie. Annabeth is, like, your best friend.
"'Bianca,' I said. 'That hotel you stayed at. Was it possibly called the Lotus Hotel and Casino?'" Oh no.
Seventy years?!
Oh, fuck.
99% sure Aphrodite is the one in the car.
"When she smiled at me, just for a moment she looked a little like Annabeth." AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Aphrodite is the patron goddess of shippers.
What the hell, Aphrodite, chill, lady.
"You act like it was real." Percy, this is Greek mythology. Every single star/constellation was either a person or an animal before this whole mess.
"It... it was for Nico. It was the only statue he didn't have." OH MY GOD!! ToT
"If anything happens, give that to Nico. Tell him... tell him I'm sorry." WHY??!!?!?? LITERALLY DON'T!!!!!
"Here we were in the desert. And Bianca di Angelo was gone." WHAT THE FUCK?!!??!!! WHY DO YOU HATE ME!???!!??
No, but please tell me she's not dead. The prophecy just said "lost", not dead. And there's no body, so she could still be alive. Rick hasn't killed anybody yet, Bianca cannot be the first. I refuse.
The Hesperides! That's why Ladon sounded so familiar! He was the dragon!
I like that Grover, Percy and Thalia actually listened to Annabeth ramble about her special interest enough that they can just recall random facts like that. It's an adorable little friendship detail, but also fucking sad. I miss Annabeth.
Hah. "Dam". Let these kids swear. They deserve it.
"'Nah,' I said. 'Not that high.'" Aww, Percy's a good friend.
Hah. Statue fucking.
Oh no! Is Bessie the monster! No! But she's so cute!
"'This is Atlas's mountain,' Zoë said." LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO
"'Yes,' Zoë said bleakly. 'Atlas is my father.'" THE GAME JUST FUCKING CHANGED
*after finishing chapter 18* ......... Fuck, man.
Wait, why isn't Hades a part of the Twelve Olympians? And why haven't we heard any mention of Demeter's demigod children? I can't remember the last time the Demeter Cabin was even mentioned, if it ever was.
Well, I guess Thalia joining the Hunters is a pretty roundabout way to have the prophecy be about Percy.
"But I will be watching, Percy Jackson. I do not approve of your friendship with my daughter." Well, then you're gonna hate what happens later.
Aww. Percy and Annabeth have matching battle scars. Sort of. Still sweet.
Oh, no, Nico.... Baby.....
"It was a statue of Hades, Lord of the Dead." OH FUCKING SHIT
"A son of Hades." OH FUCKING SHIT
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omgcatboi · 1 month
I love being in a feedist relationship, but it is always a thing where the partner feels like they are almost humoring me? Albeit, they have always been enthusiastic to "let themselves go" and be spoiled with food, but it would be nice to find someone who gets sexually excited over the overindulgence and gaining (especially when I love to cook and haven't had a relationship yet where my partner hasn't gained over 100 pounds in a matter of months).
I am once again giving my feedee insight that no one asked for away for free.
I've been seeking a feedism relationship for quite some time now. But it's hard to find someone who has a hot dynamic with me who doesn't live ten billion light-years away. I gotta have somethin irl lol. And admittedly, it takes a good chunk of getting to know one another before I even consider someone a relationship option.
Or worse, someone on meet up apps that just want to ' feed and fuck ' me. As if I'd ever meet up with anyone for the first time with sexual intentions when I'm demi / ace and only have sex with people I know and connect with on a personal level.
I currently live with someone who totally understands feedism, but we aren't in a relationship. It's more developed into a friendship. I met them mere months ago, and I'm glad things are workin out so well.
So I get you. I'm kind of? In a simulator situation?
In the since of " these are both feedism related things that are good but on a more platonic level "
So I currently relate in my own way lol.
I guess it really comes down to what you want. Do you want a relationship where there isn't sexual excitement coming from the other person in relation to your ( assumably ) main kink / life style ?
Because look, I'm gonna level with ya, only one of my relationships had feedism elements. And tho I was super asexual / sex repulsed at the time, it was still the most memorable relationship I've had to this day. Infact, it was so fun because of that aspect, that I downright refuse to date someone who isn't a feeder, or at the very least, a fat admirer. It was just too fun goin' on fast food runs at 2 AM and piggin' out together while they rubbed my belly.
Once I get a lil taste of heaven, I refuse anything else. Once I know I can have something I want, I make it for myself. So to me, the patience is worth it. I've been single for what feels like forever, but that's what happens when you're picky lol.
By all means, if you love this person, and you think they are worth keeping, then do that if ya want. If you're monogamous, then it's your decision to make.
If your relationship is non monogamous, however, I don't see any problem at all except that yer missin' a feedee in the equasian.
Remember to not settle while also keeping a realistic mindset on what you want. It's possible to do both. I hope your situation gets more favorable in terms of figuring out a romantic/ sexual outlet for feedism.
Bc you're right to imply the difference between a chubby person eating Because they're in a relationship where it's ok to " let urself go " and a feedee who genuinely loves every aspect of gaining, not just the free pass to eat whatever we want. Because we do that regardless, we don't feel the need to have permission to indulge and allow our frames to wear the result as a trophy.
Two totally different vibes. Two completely different dynamics.
This is a common thing I've seen with feedism friends, and I don't really understand how it's so common. But feeders / feedees be gettin in relationships with normies. Which is fine, but at the same time... Ya know what ya want.
It's exactly why I refuse to date someone who isn't also passionate about this life style. Especially since I'm going to end up being immobile and will need a caretaker at some point.
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yandere-kittee · 1 year
Derrick Cohen (Yandere Playboy x Gn! Reader)
Contains: Isolation, Manipulation.
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Derrick is rumored to have been in bed with the entire female population in the school, but what they don't know is that he's only ever dated one girl and only lead girls on because he doesn't seem to be in love with them at all.
Sure, he's pretty and all that but what else? They don't know him that well and neither does he, so why would he bed or be in a relationship with someone he barely knows?
He'd only be in a serious relationship if he knows that he can trust them and they can trust him. (Yes, I am implying he's demi romantic and demi sexual)
He can be flirty but he too knows his limits and boundaries, he's a playboy, not a home wrecking piece of shit.
He doesn't get attached to those he flirts with.
Though, you we're different.
You treated him normally and barely glanced his way despite his good looks and popularity, you two had been assigned to do this thesis statement and you two swapped numbers to have contact with each other outside shared classes.
You didn't try shooting your shot even though you could have the chance of getting close to him and maybe going on a few dates or something like that, but no.
You focused on your thesis statement, even helping him with areas he couldn't quite grasp or fully understand, you didn't belittle for it, at all.
Maybe cause you really wanted to focus on your studies and think that you'll focus on love when you got your while life together, but that's just the author talking.
He wanted to get closer to you since he genuinely wanted to be friends with you, who knew.
Who knee he'd actually fall in love with you, someone who didn't seem to have that much pressence.
He really wanted to get to know you but you had the biggest trust issues, it was hard letting your guard down on someone whose rumored to have been in bed with the whole female population of the school.
But that was it.
They we're just baseless rumors, so who we're you to judge? So you let your walls down a bit and gave him a chance, ACL chance for the two of you to get to know each other.
It was at first, weird, since he was so eager to get to know you, asking you so much questions that you couldn't be able or didn't want to answer some of them, he was very enthusiastic.
But you could guess that was apart of his charm, he looked better when he smiled, you also like it that he has two dimples on his cheeks when he smiles.
He was a bit clingy at times and would appear out of no where but you truly enjoyed his company, though it slowly became overbearing when he'd accompany you everywhere, not just at school but outside as well.
If you we're going to go out, he'd ask if he could tag along, if not outside then inside your own home, you had a little grooming kit in your room that had some of his clothes, self care items and a few stuff from his previous visits.
He's rarely seen hanging around with his usual group of girls and is now always seen next to you, he's willing to give away his play boy lifestyle for you to stay by his side.
Since you hardly interacted with other students, it was easy to isolate you from the rest and keep you all to himself, telling you how other students gossip about you behind your back, insulting you and overall saying how you're just clinging onto Derrick and don't know your place that well.
Buy don't worry, all you need is him and no on else♡
I hope you enjoy this one, I'm a bit sleepy and definitely need to sleep early cause I gotta wake up early but I got motivation back (Did I? I don't know...)
Picrew link (I lost the link, so if anyone knows it and has it please let me know so I can properly credit the artist.)
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Hello hi! I'll just post this again just in case mine was also deleted, if not you can go ahead and ignore this! I was wondering if I'd be able to get an Obey Me match up!
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: demi-sexual
Appearance: I have straight black hair that goes down to my waist with chocolate brown eyes. I stand at a whopping, gigantic height of 5'0 (I know, I'm super tall 😌😌). I also have a few, small scars on me, either from minor surgery that I had to go through or because I'm just clumsy 😔😔
Personality: I like to think I'm a super fun person to be around. Of course when I'm meeting someone (or someone is meeting me for the first time) it's just the usual niceties, but once you're within my close bubble I'm a very silly person. I like to joke and tease with my friends a lot (within their comfort zones). I'm also very observant when I'm with friends. I always make sure everyone is having fun, and if they're a bit down I make sure to do a quick check up on them, making sure if they're alright and just there in case they need someone to lean on/listen. I'm also very affectionate! Whether it's verbal or physical (a little more for physical because when I tell you I am TOUCH STARVED). I love hugs, head pats, playful nudges/shoves, or just platonic/romantic cuddling I love it all.
Likes: I love the rain, from the sound as it fall or the way it smells I love it! I also like to read! I mainly read a lot of fantasy and romance books because a fantasy book with a drabble of romance is a huge KO for me. I also really like to just hang with friends or loved ones, just being around them brings a lot of comfort for me!
Dislikes: I am not the biggest fan of hot weather (90+F) I will literally turn into a puddle of ice cream and just lay there as I continue to melt on the concrete. I also don't like mushrooms, it's either the texture or the way they taste but I refuse to eat them. I also don't like overcrowded places. If it's just a bit of a large crowd then I'm somewhat fine, but if it's so crowded that I have to shimmy between people and we kinda end up brushing against each other I will absolutely hate it.
Extra fun fact: I'm a big sucker for knowledge and always want to take it all in, whether it helps me or not in the long run I don't care, I want to know. I like to know random things that will not help me in any shape way or form.
I hope you have a good day!!🫶🫶🫶
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
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~~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~~
Belphie is a tough nut to crack; he takes a long time to get close to anyone. From his trust issues to his hate for his brothers, he genuinely didn't want people around.
All Belphie ever cared for was to have Beel around. Beel was safe, his twin comforted. However, you started to creep your way in.
When Belphie was forgiven by the crew, he tried to turn over a new leaf, especially to make it up to you.
He would forgo sleep to help you with classwork, cook for you, and even help you find a new book to read.
He constantly questioned why he cared so much about you. Was it because you were small, like a teddy bear, or was it because you were kind to him even after everything he said and did.
When he confessed these growing feelings to you, you were a little apprehensive. I mean, yes, he was much better than before, but could you let go of everything that happened?
You gave him a chance to impress, and boy, did he impress. He set up the whole attic in a start-night theme, with pillows and blankets galore and a projector playing a movie you liked.
Your cuddle date soon became a weekly occurrence. Some nights you watched a movie and other nights you would read to Belphie as he slept.
He loved your voice, and all the books you read were fascinating in their own ways.
He would pick up on the books you liked the most and try to mimic what the lovers would do. Or he would decorate the room in the fairytail theme of your book.
As you two grew closer, the brothers noticed a massive shift in Belphie and were thankful for your presence in his life.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You had just gotten back to the House of Lamentation after a grueling day of helping Dia and Lucifer out with minor tweaks to the exchange program. You felt off as you went to your room, passing by some of the brothers. They all were looking at you oddly and laughing even. Once you reached your door, you quickly learned why. Though Belphie and you were officially dating, he sometimes didn't hesitate to torment you. Hung on your door was a note that said 'Attic tonight?' and a cow-themed pajama set. You laughed out loud. It was no wonder everyone was so weird.
Changing into your new onesie, you made your way to your destination. Upon entering the room, you saw a beautiful landscape of fairytale dreams. Once making your way in a little deeper, you found a half-asleep bull curled up on a pillow. As if sensing your presence, Belphie popped his head up and looked at you, "I thought you were never going to make it!" You laughed gently, taking your place next to the man. He soon wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your side. He was always the cutest when he was sleepy, when he was akwake he was always grumpy.
You pulled out the book you had been reading for Belphie and found the right page again. As you began to read, the boy got more comfortable around you and dozed off. You smiled, finishing the chapter you were on and marking the book. You scooted down and got closer to Belphie, tangling your legs with his. As you repositioned, he woke slightly, gently kissing your cheek before closing his eyes and finding sleep again. Not too long after, you also found comfort in the darkness of sleep with the bull-man by your side.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Mammon had just approached you with an offer to go see a play that was the original writing of a book you liked. Belphie was not a fan of this as he couldn't sleep with you that night.)
Belphie: Do you have to go with stupid Mammon? What if it's a ploy to get with you?
Y/N: My dear, there is no ploy to get with me; I am with you. I just want to see the play.
Belphie: But it's Mammon. Maybe he is gonna try to sell you off to clear some debt.
Y/N: Belphie, it sounds like you are jealous and don't want me to go for your own reasons.
Belphie: Nno I just want to keep our regular routine.
Y/N: Mhm, I see no jealousy at all.
(A pillow could be seen flying across the room)
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queer-advice-hotline · 5 months
Hi 😅 I hope this is okay to ask, I’ll try to be brief but will probably fail at that. Basically I’ve been raised in a Christian household, very conservative too. But I met a far more liberal Christian friend and over time .. sort of am to the point I think I might be left-leaning too (definitely more than my family). This scares me. I don’t want to disappoint my family by being liberal …
She also recently talked to me about evolution which I was never taught about, the most I learned was reading a single textbook that talked about it around college. And … it all makes sense. I even went to the religious science site my dad says proves evolution is false and I can’t find any actual proof evolution is false. Everything is evidence to the contrary and .. I’ve listened to videos about experiments where cells clump together and start getting more complex and it’s honestly so exciting? That’s so cool? But … I can’t help but think of how disappointed my family will be about this, too …
But the worst part .. I’ve been holding off on looking into LGBT stuff because I don’t know what I’ll find. I’ve never had a crush on an actual guy (I’m a girl), even though easily over 20 guys have expressed interest in the past, some just said I was hot and kind of asked me out, others expressed wanting to marry me. I’ve never dated, ever. I only like fictional characters really, and the only strong connection has been literally 12 years of loving a character. My affection for him went into full force when I empathized with him, but I’m also autistic and he’s my special interest, so idk how that factors into it. Some of my friends say I’m demi, but I’ve insisted I’m straight and I’m just picky. I don’t know if I am. I also … have met or been friends with three girls over the years, or presumably girls, that I know I wanted to spend time with or get to know, I’d be nervous around (but I also have anxiety ..) or still think about sometimes. But I don’t think I’d want to have sex with a girl … idk, it’s really confusing because my mom always told me people think they’re LGBT because of wounds, and I definitely have been wounded in the past. But I also … I just don’t feel attracted to most people … but I also can find any person attractive or pretty? I just don’t necessarily want to do anything with them? Like recently I saw a video game character who I felt very Eh about, like he’s pretty I guess, until I learned he has trauma and now he seems more appealing because I empathize with him.
But … I don’t know what to do. My faith is extremely important to me and I know I have to have some sort of spirituality no matter what. But I just … I just can’t be LGBT. It’ll destroy my family and I might not have a place to live if I decide I am. Especially if I got a partner like that. I don’t know … I know I’m already such a disappointment for disagreeing politically and .. probably believing in evolution, and now I need to look into LGBT stuff because I need to know if what I’ve been taught is wrong, but I’m so, so, so scared. I can’t … be this. I just can’t. I don’t know if I am.
I’m sorry, this was kind of a vent and I’m sorry if any language is poorly-worded. I’m living in a constant state of anxiety right now so I am probably saying things wrong and I apologize. I just don’t know what to do. If you read this, thank you - and I hope you have a good day.
I think coming to terms with your identity may help you, even if you don't tell anyone. Your family doesn't have to know until you're ready to tell them, or they never even have to know at all.
It's important to remember that you don't need to rush into anything either. This is a pretty big change from what you described as your lifestyle, so it makes sense that you are having a lot of feelings of anxiety over this. Rushing into a new identity won't help you, especially if you aren't ready for it.
As for you religion, you can be religious and lgbtq, there are plenty of quuer people who are religious, and talking with some of hem might help you. They could give you advice on your family and you identity. Any religious quuer people feel free to reply to this with advice.
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mrsaltieri-real · 6 months
His Perfect Victim (Mickey Altieri x OC!Dahlia Levine)
Chapter Sixteen: Lexi
Words: 3.2k
Warning/s: langauge, a lot of angst, past relationship trauma, mentions of sex and violence, mentions of pre-killer Mickey, relationship doubt, toxic relationships, Dahlia being lowkey gay for Mickey’s ex, etc
A/N: This was really intense to write. It’s a very important chapter though so I hope you guys enjoy! Goes into Mickey’s past a little more and makes Dahlia doubt a LOT. Thank you to @bisexual-horror-fan for beta reading and editing this for me! So much love!
Also, if anybody is interested to know the dynamic between Lexi and Mickey, I wrote a reader x mickey one shot a while back which is literally them. I’ll tag it. Raw (Mickey Altieri)
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⬇️For reference, Lexi’s face claim is Alexa Demie⬇️
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Well, this is fucking awkward.
I sat at the table, fingers drumming the stained wood anxiously. Lexi smiled at me, looking a little bashful as she sat herself in front of me.
“Do you, uh, want a drink or something?” I asked, quickly getting to my feet.
“Oh, uhm, yeah, water would be great?” She replied, smiling up at me. She didn’t seem anxious or concerned at all, rather the opposite. Not only that, but she seemed completely at ease, and it was making me a little uncomfortable.
But God, she was breathtaking.
I hummed to myself as I walked toward my sink, grabbing a glass and shakily filling it up with water.
Come on, Dahlia. Calm down.
“Thank you, Dahlia. I’ll get right to it. If that’s okay with you?” She asked as I handed her the glass of water and sat back down in front of her. All I could do was bob my head once.
My boyfriend's ex was here, across from me in my dorm room. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I felt too awkward to make eye contact with her. She was stunning. Intimidatingly beautiful. My insecurities were sneaking up on me rapidly and there was no holding them at bay. Every move she made, every flick of her hair and elegant movement, caused me to feel more and more self-aware.
She had a gracefulness about her, so much confidence radiated from every pore that just being in the same room as her was overwhelming. She tucked ran a hand through her long, black hair, sweeping it over her shoulder before dropping her hand to the table, her elegant and manicured fingers drumming lightly on wood.
Why the hell would Mickey break up with her? She was fucking perfect.
“How long have you been dating Mickey?” Lexi asked me after she took a sip of water.
“Eight months. Can I ask, I’m sorry, why are you here?” I asked my question tentatively, still not looking the stunning girl in the eye.
“I, uh…” She let out a sigh, placing the glass back down on the table. “I made a promise to myself that if Mickey ever got serious with somebody, I’d warn them.”
I stared at the woman like she’d grown two heads, my eyebrows raising as I asked, “I’m sorry, you’d warn them?”
What the hell was there to warn me about? Mickey was nothing short of a gentleman with me. Never pushed me to do anything I wasn’t comfortable with, always made sure I was okay. What could she possibly be worried he’d do to me?
“Look, Mickey can be… Intense. I just thought I should let you know, give you a heads-up, you know? I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what I went through with him and-“
“I’m sorry,” I shook my head, finally making eye contact with her. “What you went through with him? How do you even know who I am? That I’m dating him?” The questions came bubbling out before she could even attempt to answer, the stress of the situation beginning to hit me at full speed. I didn’t like this at all.
She smiled halfheartedly at me, shrugging slightly as she answered only my second question. “Everyone knows who you are, Dahlia. Everyone knows what happened to you and your friends in California last year.”
Her big brown eyes were sympathetic and didn’t have a shred of ill intent behind them. Maybe she was good at masking, maybe she was genuine.
“Okay, but how do you know I’m dating him?”
“I received a phone call a few months ago. Some woman named Debbie?” She looked at me, as if she was expecting some realization to cross over my face.
Debbie? I didn’t know anyone named Debbie.
She seemed to pick up on the fact that I had no idea who she was talking about and carried on, “Well, she told me that she was looking out for you, that you were dating Mickey, and she was worried. I don’t know how she got my cell or even knew who I was. But I felt obligated to come down here and tell you some things about him.”
The way she said that word, “him”, it had some venomous undertones that I couldn’t ignore. It actually made me flinch to hear it. Mickey is a cocky asshole, sure. He could behave like a dick. But he was a college student in his 20s, how bad could he have been when he was in high school?
This felt wrong, like I was somehow betraying him and his trust. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as Lexi continued to talk.
“Mickey has always been… Complicated. I dated him for over a year and I never met his family, he didn’t really seem to have many friends. He was eighteen and lived in an apartment all alone, which struck me as odd because we were still in high school, but he just said some crap about his family not being around. He was sweet at first, tentative and caring. But sometimes he’d act… Different.”
“Different?” I asked anxiously. My fingers twitched for my ring, but I ignored it.
“He’d be on some weird kind of edge for days on end and then completely disappear for others. He’d come back, and he’d have this weird wildness to him that I can't explain. It was like he was on some kind of high or something.” Lexi watched my face drop, and she leaned forward, shaking her head quickly.
“He was never violent with me. Well, not in that way anyway.”
“Not in that way?” I asked, eyebrows furrowing.
“Sometimes when we’d have… Sex, he’d go a little overboard.”
I didn’t flinch away from the comment. I was insecure, but I wasn’t insecure enough to feel bad about Mickey sleeping with an ex-girlfriend. But I did however feel uneasy about the way she spoke. Her face screwed up slightly as she relived some memory, and she shuddered delicately.
“You don’t have to tell me, Lexi.”
“I think I do. I won’t go into the details, but Mickey is dark. Darker than he’ll let on. Don’t get me wrong, he never forced me to do anything.” She said the last part quickly when she took in my expression. “It’s just… I don’t know you and you don’t know me, but just be careful, Dahlia. There’s something off with him, trust me.”
“Why would I trust you? I don’t know you. You’re some chick who dated my boyfriend and came to my door and started telling me to, what, dump him?” I couldn’t hold back the scoff. I felt a sudden wave of protection over him, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being genuine.
I hated that. I hated that I was doubting my trust in the man who’d saved me from myself.
“Mickey hasn’t done anything to me.”
“Really? Nothing at all you can think of?” I pursed my lips like a fucking child, and she leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms across her chest. “Dahlia, I promise you this isn’t some weird ex-girlfriend shit, okay? Trust me, there is something wrong with him.”
“Trust you? I don’t know you!” I threw my hands up, letting them fall back down onto the table with a loud thud.
“Look, I get how weird this is, okay? I just… You’ve been through a lot and I promise you, he’s just going to make things worse. It’s not in him to help people, not really. Not unless there’s something in it for him.”
“Mickey wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.” My voice was stern, I couldn’t help how defensive I was feeling over him.
“Really? So he’s never done anything in an attempt to hurt or upset you?”
I hesitated, teeth sinking into my bottom lip and my gaze averting from her. He had. My mind flooded back to the party, that stupid party. We talked, we laughed, we bonded, but then he tried to kiss me and I rejected him. He immediately got angry, defensive and proceeded to trick me into walking into Sidney’s bedroom where he fucked a girl right in front of me.
With how well things were going, I’d all but forgotten about that night, as well as how much of an asshole he was. I wasn’t stupid, I know people didn’t change so rapidly in the way that he had. Was it all a trick? Was Mickey that good of an actor? Had all the movies and television shows he loves watching so much made him talented at hiding who he really was?
“That’s what I thought.” Lexi crossed her arms, leaning back in her seat. “Listen to me, Dahlia. He is not okay. It’s all a fucking act, okay? He’ll be the person you want him to be until he gets what he wants. It’s like he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.”
“And what does he want?” My voice was small, and I still couldn’t look her in the eye.
“What do most guys want?” Her body language altered slightly before she cleared her throat and asked, “Have you…”
My eyes met hers for a moment and I shook my head. “No.”
“Then it isn’t too late.”
I scoffed, unable to stop myself from rolling my eyes at her.
“Not too late? What, is he going to fuck me to death?“I could taste the acrid bitterness of my words as I spat them out to her, my hands bunching up into fists.
“He’s just something else when it comes to it. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s fun, but it’s like he can’t help himself, like when he’s in the moment that mask just slips away for a while. It’s one of the many, many reasons he and I broke up. I know he never meant to, I think in a lot of ways he didn’t realize what he was doing, you know? We were young and stupid and inexperienced. But I just couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t warn you.”
“The only thing Mickey said is that things had ended badly between you two.”
Lexi surprised me by laughing, a genuine laugh and her head thrown back. “That’s what he said? If you consider him nearly killing me then yeah, it ended ‘badly’, sure!”
I felt a strange shudder go down my spine, goosebumps beginning to rise on my arms. “What?”
She stopped laughing, a small smile still toying on her lips as she leaned forward, as if she was worried someone would overhear her.
“There’s kinky, then there’s him. It wasn’t on purpose, he just gets…” She paused for a second as if she were trying to find the right words before settling on, “Lost in it. You just need to be careful with him. I’m not saying break up with him or anything, that’s not what this is. He’s just not right.”
“You keep saying that yet you won’t go into specifics.” I argued. As she looked at me, I could tell she’d noticed the slight waver in my body language, how on edge I was becoming. I did my best to mask it, but to no avail.
“So what, you don’t believe me?” Her tone wasn’t accusatory, more sad than anything. I could see the genuine worry and concern she had for me, some girl she didn’t even know. It was disconcerting as Hell and made the doubt in my mind gradually become more and more overwhelming.
“It’s not that I don’t believe you. I don’t know you. But I know him. He’s not the same stupid eighteen-year-old high schooler that you loved.”
“He never loved me, Dahlia. I don’t even think he’s even capable of it.”
Lexi shook her head. I could see in her face that she’d admitted defeat, and I didn’t blame her. I was so infatuated with him, I really don’t think there’s anything she could have said at that moment.
Looking back at it now, I didn’t deal with the Lexi thing in the right way. She told me all these things about Mickey, but I’d made the decision to repress and ignore because that’s the only way I could deal with it. I couldn’t believe for a second that Mickey would’ve hurt me. Surprisingly, I was right. He didn’t set out to hurt me in the end, but that’s exactly what he did.
“Look, I can’t stick around to change your mind, I don’t want to bump into him, but-“ Lexi grabbed her purse, pulling out a small piece of paper and a pen before she scribbled down a phone number with an L above it and stood up from the seat, “- Call me if you need me, okay? I know you don’t know me, but I don’t want anyone to go through what I did with Mickey.”
I looked at her beautiful face for a second before my eyes dropped to the paper she held outstretched to me in her hand. Furthermore, I hesitated for a moment before taking it, feeling a weird sense of betrayal the moment my fingers closed around the paper.
“I should go.” She walked toward the door, pausing for a minute to turn and look at me again. “You seem like a sweet girl, I get what he sees in you. Good luck, Dahlia.”
In Lexi’s eyes, I could see that she wanted to say something else, but she decided not to.
The moment she left, I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding and wrapped my arms around myself.
Mickey’s ex-girlfriend making the effort to track me down after receiving a phone call from some chick named Debbie was naturally not sitting right with me, not at all. I felt the same wave of unease flutter over me, and I shivered as I stared toward the door after her, unsure of what I was going to tell Mickey.
I couldn’t tell him that his ex dropped by, that would be weird. But at the same time, didn’t he have the right to know? Wouldn’t that be a good way to know if he was hiding something?
I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket, scrolling through my contacts until I found his name. My finger hesitated over the call button before I sighed, dropping my phone onto the table with a clatter.
If I wasn’t worried, if I had complete trust in him, why was the thought of telling him about this making me feel like I wanted to throw up?
The sound of my phone vibrating made me jump, “Jesus Christ,” I muttered before picking it up, seeing Mickey’s name printed across the small screen.
Another moment of hesitation before I tentatively answered, clearing my throat before speaking.
“Hey, Dahli, sorry about earlier, you caught me at a bad time. I didn’t mean to be rude.” He sounded a little breathless, the strange excitement Lexi had described evident in his tone.
“No, it’s fine.” I tried keeping my voice even, not wanting him to catch on that something was wrong. I knew that conversation would be a headache, and over the phone wasn’t the right time to talk.
“Are you alright? You sound weird.” Mickey’s voice changed, a suspicious edge lingering in his words. Fuck, he knew me too well.
“No, no, I’m fine. Sorry, was just about to, uh, take a shower when you called.” I was a terrible liar but lucky for me, Mickey seemed too lost in his own distractions to notice.
“Are you sure?”
“Mmm.” I rolled my eyes at myself before clearing my throat again. “Yeah, I’m sure. I just miss you, you know?”
“I miss you too.” His voice changed again, back to the somewhat giddy undertone. I couldn’t help but wonder why he seemed to be in such a good mood. “I wanted to call and tell you that I’ve done what I needed to do quicker than I expected, so I’m on my way home. I’ll be about an hour, I’ll come by your dorm?”
I glanced at the door and down to the piece of paper with Lexi’s phone number on my table. I had an hour to get myself together because I had no doubt he’d see past my feeble attempts of lying.
“Yeah, that sounds great! I’ll see you soon.” I tried to make my voice light and enthusiastic, and clearly must’ve been at least halfway convincing enough because the phone call ended happily enough.
As I stepped into the shower, it did the opposite of what I wanted it to. I didn’t feel relaxed, I felt even worse. The hot water was doing a shit job at relaxing my tense muscles, it was like the burning water turned ice-cold the moment it made contact with my skin.
No way could I tell him about Lexi. I didn’t know everything about him, but I knew Mickey well enough to know how angry he’d be that she had tracked me down.
There were too many mysteries and confusions surrounding her arrival. How did she know where my dorm was? How did she know I was in a serious relationship with Mickey? Did he hurt her? Would he really hurt me? What if I’d been ignoring the screaming red flags because I needed him so badly?
He brought me back to life. When I came to Windsor, I was an emotionless wreck, a shell of a person who was just surviving rather than living. But he… He built me back up again. In my head, I couldn’t imagine the person Lexi described him to be when he was eighteen. But maybe I’d been completely blinded because of how much I loved him.
I loved Mickey. I knew I loved Mickey, and it was truly terrifying. I couldn’t even fathom the idea that he could hurt anyone, it just wasn’t him. But maybe I didn’t know him as well as I thought I did, maybe none of us did. He’d been an enigma, somewhat of a mystery, since I’d met him. He was very talented at only allowing people to know what he wanted them to. He was so charming and charismatic that it was too easy to see past what he could be capable of.
I was being crazy, right? I knew Mickey. How could I possibly know Lexi was even telling the truth about him? It was easy to think this way, but I couldn’t ignore the feeling that she was being nothing but truthful. The way she spoke about him, she had no ill intent behind her words. It didn’t seem like she hated Mickey or that she was jealous. She never told me that I should break up with him or that he was a bad person, just that there was “something wrong with him”. It was like she was genuinely concerned about what was in store for me.
But the one question that was toying with my mind the most, who the fuck was Debbie, and how did she know anything about me or Mickey?
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littleshysheep-at-da · 5 months
All my Persona Series Ships!
(Felt like Posting this here, keep y’all Updated. I made this as Google Doc to send to people when I know they also like Persona so I don’t have to say it everytime)
I actually am a crazy Shipper, strongly dislike when people don’t Ship or break my Pairings, and am OTP/OT3 for life. I just also have Self Restraint and Common Sense, so I understand Shipping's all about fun (and doesn't have to be Canon Compliant or make sense) and to not be an asshole to other people having their own fun.
Also adding Sexuality/LGBTA+ Headcanons for ones I have them for (but I don't have them for every Ship or Specific Character). Also yes I am caring about Name Order here.
-Persona 5 (and it’s many Spin-Offs):
Akira (Gay) x Goro (Demi)
Ann (Lesbain) x Shiho
Haru (Bi) x Ryuji (Bi)
Futaba (Ace) x Yusuke (Ace Pan)
Makoto (Lesbain) x Kasumi (Bi)
Toshiro x Eri
Sojiro x Wakaba
Sae x Kawakami
Tae x Chihaya
-Persona 3:
Hamuko (Bi) x Minato (Bi)
Aigis x Hamuko or Minato
Ryoji x Hamuko or Minato
Fuuka x Natsuki
Mitsuru (Lesbain) x Yukari (Bi)
Junpei (Straight) x Chidori
Shinjiro (Bi) x Akihiko (Bi)
-Persona 4:
Yosuke (Bi) x Souji (Pan)
Yukiko (Bi) x Chie (Lesbain)
Naoto (Nonbinary) x Kanji (Pan)
-Persona 2:
Tatsuya (Bi) x Jun (Gay)
Eikichi x Miyabi
Ship Numbers (because Autism)
P5 = 9 | P3 = 7 | P4 = 3 | P2 = 2 | Total 21
Gender Breakdown 18/21 Ships
(not counting Kannao or Aigis and Ryoji)
M/F = 7| M/M = 4 | F/F = 7
Other Ship Notes:
I personally DO NOT see the Protags as self inserts. I think they all have their own personalities. So I don’t really have any self insert ships were I ship them just because I want to date a character, but I do understand some people have those.
Akira and Goro are a massive call back to Tatsuya and Jun from Persona 2, and Tatsuya and Jun are written with the intent to be romantic. Though I think after the third semester I usually don’t have to explain why I feel like Akira and Goro is an obvious Ship, it’s one of those you can totally have a different preference but you understand what I'm getting at right?
I reeeally hope I don’t have to explain that Futaba and Akira are in sibling dynamic so Shipping them would be gross.
Kasumi’s infatuation with Akira makes ZERO SENSE. The only people who see through your delinquent deguise is Goro (because soulmates narrative foil) and Ryuji (who doesn’t see through he’s just a good boy who trusts everyone), so Kasumi seeing through it makes NO SENSE. If she were to follow anyone around saying “Senpei” I think it would be Makoto.
Rise’s feral one sided thirsty crush on Souji is very funny to me (and I love playing it for comedy) but I don’t think he would ever reciprocate it. Her love just feels a bit too superficial, and Souji has too many issues of not being seen for himself for me to like it as a Ship.
I do think Yukari had a crush on Minato and I think Minato would be willing to try dating her, but I feel their love languages would be too different and it would end in disaster. Minato seems like the little actions and subtle comfort where Yukari seems like she would want big romantic gestures (something Mitsuru would do for her).
I will say with all Persona Romance Routes I am very much not a Fan of the Pandering that is “Girl likes you for no real reason” (it’s honestly just a boring Romance to me) and would’ve liked if more of the Girls just weren’t Romanceable so we could just have more Male/Female Friendships. I feel (aside from the stand out VERY BAD ones) a lot of the Romance Routes aren’t that bad, just don’t mesh well with the Tone and Tension of the rest of the Game (they’re kind Mundane and Boring in comparison to the Relationships I ACTUALLY Ship). But my Opinion on Persona Romance Routes as a whole would be a completely different discussion than Ships.
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chaoticbard · 26 days
Romance headcanons
Tagged by: @iron-hearts-ablaze and tagging @apalestar @charlatanry @galefcrce @unfortunatedarling @maestrojax @lcftyambiticns @lolthswcrn @infernaliscor I am probably forgetting some of you off the cuff and I'm sorry but I AM TAGGING YOU TOO!
Long post is hella long so it's cut.
Name: Alaara Norixius
Nickname: 'Ravager', but she'd love to have a new, better one.
Gender: Cisgender female
Romantic Orientation: Heterosexual. It's the one boring thing she's got going for her. But also like- demi I guess?
Preferred Pet Names: Will call others she in love with things such as 'my heart', or 'my home'. She will say them in draconic. She's not particular what others call her so long as it isn't something like 'pet'. Things of that nature are insulting, as the insinuate inferiority and ownership.
Relationship Status: Single and ready to mingle
True Love: The concept of true love is something wonderful and different to her. Her environment was loving growing up, and it isn't like love doesn't exist among dragonborn, but it's different. It's- I'd say it's something between humanity and whatever the flying heck the gith are doing. On top of that, Dragonborn mostly marry temporarily, and there's no love between them when they have children.
Love at First Sight: She knows logically that one meeting and a light chat doesn't count as love. Not even close. But the storyteller in her loves the concept. Attraction at first sight just doesn't have as good a ring to it.
How Romantic Are They? She goes against the bardic stereotype in this department. Everyone would likely peg her as being disgusting levels of romantic, but she's pretty low-key. She isn't going to show up under your window and play the lyre while loudly crooning a love song unless you asked her to (or if she was trying to be obnoxious). She prefers to do acts of service.
Ideal Physical Traits: Anyone that has draconic or draconic-like physical traits has a small advantage on Hotness Checks™. But really, she's not terribly particular on physical appearance. Do try not to have bird legs though. You'll never keep up with her if you skipped leg day.
Ideal Personality Traits: People who harbor goodness. People who put into the world what they want it to be like. People who work hard to bring honor to their name. People who, despite any sort of limitations, are willing to take a risk and put their necks out there because something is right.
Unattractive Physical Traits: Don't look and smell like you live in a dumpster. No amount of flirting is ever going to override that.
Unattractive Personality Traits: Prejudiced, close-minded people. People that positively refuse to become better. People that think their shit doesn't stink. People that swear up and down they'll love you no matter what and then go back on their word when things start going south.
Ideal Date: A good meal paired with a good drink is perfectly fine for her. She'd be glad to simply walk and hold hands too. Small, simple activities can showcase key pieces of someone's core self. She loves seeing that kinda stuff.
Do They Have a Type?: Anyone that isn't as daft and as interesting as a plank of wood. Easy-going individuals. If they enjoy creating that is a bonus.
Average Relationship Length: It's depended on the person. But none of them have lasted beyond a few years.
Preferred Non-Sexual Intimacy: Cuddling, hand-holding, spending WAY too long talking, sitting close with her s/o as she tries to teach them to play music and sing, resting her forehead against her s/o's. She'd probably resist wrapping her tail around anyone unless they were ok with that.
Opinion on Public Affection: 200% ok with public smoochin'. 200% gonna hold your hand. If it annoys someone she's going to do it even more and she'll grin like a devil while doing it. But she's going to follow the lead of whatever her partner is comfortable with first and foremost.
Past Relationships: There was a young fellow she met on her way to Cormyr that decided to travel there with her. That was Alaara's first love. It ended amicably; they wanted vastly different things out of life. There were one or two brief dating stints with others after she'd returned from Cormyr, but Rishaal, a dragonborn mage, was her most serious relationship and longest-lasting. That one... did not end amicably.
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angiestown · 11 months
okay I've been fussing with my asexuality for years and nothing ever felt right. I'd sift through microlabels and everything fit like a shoe on the wrong foot, like aaaalmost there but still just wrong.
I'd kind of settled on demisexual as the closest thing, but that still felt wrong because demi is like you're only attracted to people once you get close to them, and after dating my current bf I kind of realized oh I uuh really never was that into anyone else I dated. I liked dating them, but now that I know what being attracted to someone actually feels like I'm realizing oh I just liked my previous partners as friends. I never developed that attraction even after becoming close. current bf is a weird fluke I think. he is an outlier.
next best thing was grey-ace and that felt even more wrong, because regular ace felt completely wrong and grey-ace is kind of like halfway between ace and allo
I'd kind of just given up on microlabels all together and just went with a blanket queer because every other variation of asexuality I could find seemed to hinge on either being sex repulsed or some weird asterisk like "sometimes I want sex and sometimes I don't" or "I only like to imagine having sex but don't want it for real" like NO I'm a horny ass bitch I. Want. To. Fuck. I've got a nsfw blog !!! that only gets posted to like twice a year but I have one !!!! it kind of felt like asking an allosexual to go find hot singles in a retirement home. like that's not on me, there's just nobody in the retirement home that I'm into. except the retirement home is the whole world and I don't like gilfs.
anyway all this to say I just discovered the term cupiosexual and it's basically that, wanting and enjoying sex, you just aren't into anybody. first time I've ever in my entire life found a term and instantly been like THAT'S IT THAT'S WHAT I AM
and after finding that, it made it so easy to just be like okay yeah I'm greyromantic too. like I'd like a romantic relationship, but I could take it or leave it. also explains why polyamory has worked out so well for me because I want friends and I want fuck and who better to fuck than friends, and being poly doesn't tether you down to one person so I can have as many friends who are down to clown as I want
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kiliinstinct · 2 years
someone could have asked this previously but do you have any hcs or ideas for lgbt ships? I am a grayke lover like you and would love to know!!
Well, I've done some Grayke Headcanons before, and you can find those at [this post.] But lemme see if I can think up some more!
Canajane: Cana confesses first, but it takes a good long while because no one ever really knows what Cana is thinking. (does she date men as often as she says? does she like men? women? who knows? she seems pretty open to anything, but no one's ever SEEN her actually out on the dating scene all that much.) She finally confesses when she gets tired of hearing people spread rumors about Laxus and Mirajane, and is very happy when Mirajane admits she's not even attracted to men. (A fact Laxus already knew, but kept secret as it wasn't his to tell.)
Fraxus: Freed takes the lead a lot more often than one might think. It comes naturally to him after leading The Raijinshuu for so long and Laxus is happy being able to trust Freed enough to just let it happen. But their business is their business, so it doesn't get shared often.
Lisanna: Ever the chaotic asexual who likes to tease and join in on pranks, has turned down more offers for dates than she can count because she really doesn't want anything physical with people and they always have to make it about that why... (I may be projecting a little here, but shh.) May also be Aromantic, but the jury is still out on that. (Even Lisanna doesn't know. If anyone asks she's just gonna shrug.)
Eflman: Trans. What's manlier than a selfmade man. (as said by @phoenix-before-the-flame) He knew what he was since he was very young, and while it scared and confused him to bring it up at first, the way both sisters immediately called him by his chosen name and pronouns filled him with so much joy. (No wonder he immediately wanted to learn take over so Mirajane didn't have to be alone. He wanted to do for her what she'd done for him.) No one remembers who Elfman "used" to be anymore and he couldn't be happier. (and when Evergreen eventually found out, she stopped harping on him about his "be a man" speeches as much and would often say it to him instead, just to watch his face light up. But shh, don't tell anyone.) Natsu: DemiRomantic and DemiSexual. This gremlin is the Demi of all Demis. Romance? Don't think about it until he's already neck deep in feels for someone and by then it's just confusing and overwhelming so time to pretend that's not there. Sexuality? Can he eat that? (In a non sex way thank you very much.) Sure, the jokes and the fantasies come out the more he ends up liking someone, but he'd much rather a good ole brawl over the horizontal tango any day. (That and who dances horizontally? That's weird. What? What do you mean that's not what that means? Crap.)
Hisui and Yukino: They're shy babs who don't know what to do with their feelings or where to even begin expressing them. Especially since they don't see each other often, but Hisui certainly has felt things for Yukino since she first laid eyes on her and it sometimes leaves her feeling restless and annoyed that she's stuck in Crocus Castle all the time. (Being a Princess is full of too many duties to be running about on dates, after all.) Yukino is more oblivious and while she thinks Hisui is gorgeous and a wonderful leader, she doesn't understand why the Princess Blushes so much when they're around each other.
Stingue: He has moments of gay panic around Rogue more than one might think. He can't help it. The soft smiles Rogue gives just makes his heart stutter and he forgets how words work half the time. Please don't tell Rogue, the shadow slayer would NEVER let him live it down.
Frosch: No ship but.. they're enby. It's canon. No one can convince me otherwise.
I'm sure I can think up some more, but I don't wanna make this post too long. I may write more later. Thanks for asking, @newgeht !
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