#and also because our new manager made it so that closing shift now ends at 1130 instead of 10pm
itstimeforstarwars · 29 days
When I'm allowed to do whatever (when I used to have summer breaks) I naturally fell into a rhythm where I would be awake until 2am and then sleep until 7 am but in my current job I wake up at 3 am and go to bed at 8 pm and it gets me more hours of sleep but I feel significantly less rested.
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aching-tummies · 7 months
Been seeing a lot about corsets used in this kink and it just so happens that corset-belts have been taking my friend-group by storm. Totally unplanned, but I managed to live out some of the corset-scenarios I've seen floating around.
I got off work early today, so I had plans to rush home, change, and then go out with a friend. They had to help an elderly family member with some appointment-stuff, but timing and efficiency made it most optimal for me to tag along and wait for them while maybe guarding belongings or whatever. The plan was for me to go home, get changed, get picked up, and once the appointment stuff was done we'd drop off the family member back to their house before heading out together. It was a great plan…but I found out while waiting that I'd forgotten to factor something in. Breakfast happened prior to 9AM, work took me until close to 4, and I was in a waiting room guarding coats and bags while my friend and their family member dealt with their business close to 6PM.
When I changed, I opted to wear a stretchy corset-belt style accessory 'cuz I was wearing a baggy blouse and wanted to take the waist in just a little. Also, corset stuff is kind of a new addition in my closet 'cuz friends and myself are only now getting in on the craze and I have so few opportunities to go out--so I wanted to wear something nice instead of my work-clothes. The thing was made of a really wide, elastic-y band with a firmer, harder bit in the front and on the back. Almost like strapping armour on or something.
I was in the waiting room of the unfamiliar building, alone and reading a book, when I realized something. My stomach was growling. There was this constant 'buzzing' I'd been feeling for a while and as I sat there I realized what it was: I was hungry. The corset was applying enough pressure to stiffle everything, but it also intensified the rumbles I could feel…like it was transmuting loudness for feel. It felt amazing. Due to the pressure of the corset and the elastic, I didn't feel too many intense cramps, just the rumbling of my empty stomach demanding food. I didn't even need to rub it or anything 'cuz it felt like the corset was kind of doing all of that for me.
The errand wrapped up without too much fuss and we saw the relative safely home before going out to try and hunt down dinner. After ordering, we were waiting for the food to come to our table when a thought struck me: I'm still in the corset. It's not tight or anything and it looks totally bomb right now and the inaudible rumbles feel amazing…but…what happens during and after the meal? There was a lace-up section right in the middle up front and I was terrified it'd stretch open or something if I ate too much or whatever…so I was trying to pace myself and not over-eat to avoid the embarrassment of it showing on the corset. At the same time, I was fighting the urge to just keep eating because by that point it'd been going on 10 hours since my last meal…and all I had for breakfast was a cheese bun. I paced myself as best I could by taking frequent gulps of steaming hot tea throughout the dinner. We went to a Chinese restaurant so there was basically bottomless tea from a tea pot served alongside various dishes.
After the dinner, as we were walking back to the car, I noticed the state of my corset. The lace-up front was still where it was, no noticeable strain (likely went to the elastic)…but the belt kept on riding up. I'd started the meal with the band basically touching my hips because I had pulled it down that far. At the end of the meal, the belt kept on riding up no matter how much I tried to tug it back down to rest just above my hips.
I'm writing this after having just gotten home. One of the first things I did upon getting home was to take off the corset belt. As soon as it left my body, my stomach let out the loudest, wettest gurgle I've heard from it in recent memory. It honestly felt like everything had suddenly shifted with a wet 'blorp' or something. Like, the belt wasn't super tight on me even after the meal…but I guess the elastic waist-band thingy did enough to have an effect. Once the belt was off, it was like everything inside of me shifted. Like a dam had burst or something.
I'm still quite bloated from dinner, thanks to all that tea, but there's definitely a lot less pressure than when I had the belt on.
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Could you maybe do a trans male reader x egon where the reader is egons younger (like the reader is early 20s and egon in his 30s) lab assistant who he falls in love with and they end up screwing in the lab with egon being surprisingly kinky?
I hope this is kind of what you wanted, anon!!
Also here on Ao3
NSFW under the cut!
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You glanced up at the bespectacled man standing across the way from you, a microscope on one side of him and an assortment of Petri dishes on the other. But that wasn't your main focus. 
No, your attention was on his hands. His hands grabbed your attention on a normal day, but now… now, he was wearing latex gloves. Gloves that you were imagining ghosting over your skin… You watched raptly as he handled the Petri dishes and slides, entirely focused on his work. Or… so you thought. You were so focused on his hands that you missed him briefly cutting his eyes up at you.
“Do you need something?”
His baritone voice startled you out of your thoughts. You didn't answer right away, your mind scrambling to come up with something to say.
“You've been distracted all evening,” he continued, not looking at you.
“Uh… No,” you managed to answer, though you knew you didn't sound convincing. “No, I, uh… don't need anything. I'm… fine.”
Egon didn't respond right away, making you shift uncomfortably. 
“You've been staring at my hands, your respiration has increased, your pupils are dilated. You're exhibiting all the signs of sexual arousal.” Finally, he looked at you. “Are you?”
All you could do was stare back, open-mouthed. You were that obvious?! But now that he said it, your mind was racing, thinking up all the things you wanted him to do to you. With those gloves on. There was something about the whole scientist aesthetic that was… really sexy to you. And Egon was that personified.
The faintest of smirks tugged at his lips. “You are.”
You had to look away, your cheeks heating up. “So, what if I am?”
Egon leaned back in his chair, regarding you for a moment. “May I ask what’s arousing you?”
That only made you feel more embarrassed, but he wasn’t leaving the room; he wasn’t chastising you for obviously checking him out. He wanted to know more. That had to count for something… right?
“Well, uh…” You took a breath. “It’s your gloves. Your hands in the gloves.”
“I see…” Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him lift his hand to examine it. “What about my hands in these gloves arouses you?”
You shook your head, closing your eyes. “Dr. Spengler, I really don’t think—”
“You’re uncomfortable.”
You looked at him. “Yes. Well, no. More like embarrassed. I didn’t mean to be so obvious.”
He hummed a bit and stood, walking away from the table and discarding his gloves for a new pair. You refused to look at him, unable to. Part of you wished the ground would open up and swallow you. But it was because you weren’t looking that you didn’t see Egon approach until his gloved hand came down on the table next to you, his front nearly touching your back. He was close enough for you to feel the heat of his body.
“You know, I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what the problem is,” he murmured next to your ear.
You swallowed hard. “H-help me?” 
Dear god, this man was going to be the death of you… He was so close, practically breathing the same air as you… You didn’t dare turn your head, knowing his face would be right there.
“I’ve been watching you since Ray first brought you in to help us. And you’ve been watching me. I’ve been taking notes. I’ve found it quite fascinating to watch how your attraction to me has grown.”
“Is that a problem?” you asked, a bit of defiance in your voice. 
“No, but you are our lab and research assistant. An employee, if you will. I’m not sure how… appropriate this is.”
Says the man practically glued to my back right now! You glanced back and noted he was watching you, waiting for you to respond.
“Well, it shouldn’t be a problem if the feelings aren’t reciprocated, right?”
A tense silence followed, now making you feel uncomfortable. Egon didn’t move, but you could hear him breathing. What was he thinking about right now? Was he going to fire you? Could he do that without the others’ approval? 
“I never said they weren’t reciprocated.”
The words stole the air from your lungs. Surely, you’d misheard him… Surely, this wasn’t— But then Egon’s gloved fingers were on your chin, turning your face toward his.
“If I’m crossing a line…” he murmured. 
“You’re not.”
“Then, if I may ask, what about my gloves arouses you?”
You swallowed hard. “I imagine you… touching me. Like you are now. Feeling them on my skin.”
He hummed, lightly trailing his fingers down your neck. “Like this?”
You nodded.
Egon then pressed his fingers against your pulse point. 
“Your heart's racing.” You finally looked at him, and his gaze lifted to yours. With his gaze locked on yours, he wrapped his hand around your neck. He didn't squeeze, just rested it there. Still, your breath hitched, making him raise an eyebrow. “Interesting.”
You faced away from him again and tilted your head back, taking a shaky breath. This was partly what you wanted. “Dr. Spengler…. Please…”
“Please, what?” 
Egon's lips were barely touching your ear. It made it hard to breathe.
“Please tell me this is real, that you're not messing with me.”
“Why would I be messing with you?”
You managed a faint scoff. “I wouldn't put it past Dr. Venkman to put you up to this.”
You felt Egon's lips twitch up into a smile. “I assure you, Peter did no such thing. Allow me to prove it.”
Before you ask how, Egon grabbed your chin, turning your face toward his, and kissed you. You hummed in surprise, staring at him for a moment before it fully registered what was happening to you. Your eyes then slipped close, and you practically melted against him.
Egon kissed you thoroughly, stealing your breath away as his tongue tangled with yours. Where this passion had been, you had no idea, but it thrilled you to be on the receiving end of it. It was not lost on you that you were likely getting to see a side of Egon not many people did.
He slowly ended the kiss as his hands began to wander over your front. You hummed, arching into his touch.
“You are…” Egon breathed, his hands running down your chest and stomach, “...the most perfect specimen. I've thought so since you first walked through the door. But there's so much more I need to know. If you'll allow me.”
As he said this, his hand slipped under the hem of your shirt.
“Dr. Spengler,” you breathed shakily, already feeling so desperate for him.
“Mm, yes… keep calling me that.”
You managed a faint smile. “Dr. Spengler, please.”
“Please, what?”
His gloved hand caressing your skin was distracting. “I need you.”
Egon hummed and undid your jeans, sliding his hand into your underwear. You gasped upon feeling his gloved fingers finally touching you where you wanted, arousing you further. You rocked your hips against his hand, needing more than what he was giving. And Egon knew that. You could feel his smirk against your cheek.
“How long have you desired me?” he asked quietly.
You had to take a breath in hopes of steadying your voice. “Since I first walked into the lab. But I thought—”
In a surprisingly affectionate gesture, Egon nuzzled your cheek. “Thought what?”
“I thought you could never be interested in me. I thought I might be too young for you. And I’m your assistant. You know, fraternization and all that.”
“You’re not that much younger than me. And besides, there’s a naivety about you that’s… endearing.”
You frowned and nearly pushed his hand away from you. “I’m not naive.”
He then did something with his hand that made you gasp. Egon chuckled darkly in your ear. “Is that so? I’d like to test that.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, unable to stop the faint tremble in your voice as another thrill of arousal shot through you. 
It surprised you when his hand suddenly left you, and he pushed you down toward the workbench, his hand between your shoulder blades. He then pressed over you, his lips near your ear. “Do you trust me?”
You nodded without thinking. Of course, you did. You trusted him implicitly. “Yes.”
It was as though that gave Egon permission because the next thing you knew, he finally pressed his hips to you, letting you feel his arousal against your backside. You couldn’t help but moan and push back. Egon’s hand caught your hip.
“Easy,” he practically purred in your ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you. But there are certain things that must be done first. For the tests, you understand.”
Sure, you understood, but that didn’t stop the frustrated sigh that left you. However, you needn’t have worried. Egon quickly got your jeans off the rest of the way, as well as discarding your underwear, leaving you bare from the waist down. And you didn't have time to feel self-conscious. 
You looked back just as Egon was undoing his belt. Now that you could see the bulge in his pants, it hit you that this was really happening. The man you'd been pining for for so long was about to fuck you. Maybe you'd fallen asleep, and this was all a dream.
But then Egon shoved his pants and underwear down enough to free his cock, already fully hard.
Your mouth fell open a bit as you watched Egon stroke himself. He leaned forward, bracing his free hand next to you on the workbench. At least, that's what you thought he was doing. He was actually reaching for the drawer next to you, where he pulled out a condom. 
You blinked in surprise. “Do you always keep a stash there?”
“I don't, but Peter does.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course, he did… Still, you watched raptly as Egon tore open the packet and rolled the condom onto his cock. He then locked eyes with you.
“You're sure you want this?” he asked. “I can't guarantee I'll get all the data I want from just this one time.”
You smirked. “Good thing I plan on sticking around then.”
Egon returned your smirk with a wicked one of his own. “Good. Because I have every intention of making the most of our… relationship.”
You didn't have time to dwell on that word as Egon reaching for something out of sight distracted you.
“And if you’ll permit me, there’s something I’d like to try.”
He set down a beaker of mood slime next to you. You stared at it for a moment.
“What do you want to do with that?” you asked, a little wary.
You knew he’d been experimenting with it, so you weren’t all that surprised, but…
“I’d like to test it out as lubricant. It’s safe, don’t worry.”
Okay, so you were not at all expecting that, but it excited you. You nodded. “Alright, go ahead.”
You watched as he dipped his gloved fingers into the beaker, gathering up some slime and then smearing it over his cock. You took a shaky breath at the sight. Even Egon exhaled a bit shakily.
You didn't have much time to admire him as Egon quickly lined up and pushed into you. Your head dropped forward toward the workbench, a strained moan leaving you. Fuck, you were not prepared for this, for having Egon's cock inside you, slicked with mood slime. Scratch that; you were very prepared, but this was the last thing you expected to happen when you came into work that day. All of your daydreams and fantasies of the man behind you were starting to feel not so far out of reach.
And the mood slime was only heightening things, making you feel everything. It was almost too much, but you loved it.
“God, Egon…” you breathed.
He suddenly stopped, making you whine in disappointment. “Dr. Spengler.”
“Dr. Spengler!”
“Good,” he muttered, resuming pushing into you.
Egon grunted when he'd pushed in as far as he could go and ran his hand down your back under your shirt, the cool glove leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. “Good boy, taking me so well.”
You whimpered, pushing back as if to get him even deeper. With one hand holding your hip, he shoved his other hand in your hair to tug your head back.
You nodded, too breathless to speak at the moment. And you never got to catch your breath. Not really. Egon didn’t let you. He began thrusting into you, taking you roughly. It was everything you wanted and more. But still, you fought back a moan, very aware of where you were. The guys could come back at any moment. Egon, however, had other plans. 
He moved a hand to your cheek, and you wondered what he was doing for a moment, but then he shoved two fingers in your mouth, forcing it open.
“I want to hear you,” Egon nearly growled. “I want to know how good I'm making you feel.”
Because of his fingers, all you could do was moan.
“Good,” Egon grunted. “Good… Fuck…”
You might have felt a little smug at hearing him curse, knowing that meant he was losing his composure, but you were too lost in the slick feeling of him fucking you into the workbench to really care at the moment. Thankfully, the workbench was heavy enough that it didn't move with each hard thrust that had you seeing stars. Part of you was glad he added the slime to the mix just because of how heightened it made your senses, but because of it, you were already hurtling towards the edge.
You tried to say his name, and thankfully, Egon seemed to realize and removed his fingers.
“Dr. Spengler, Egon,” you panted. “I'm close.”
He grunted again. “So am I. Fuck. I may have… not considered the slime working… through the condom.”
You smile a bit. Good, let him be just as desperate as you. And he was desperate. His thrusts sped up to the point where there wasn't any rhythm. His breaths were harsh, occasionally punctuated by moans that were music to your ears. And now that you knew he wanted to hear you, you didn't hold back. You couldn't anymore. It was all getting to be too much.
So much so that within the next few moments, you cried out, your body shuddering as you came. A long, shaky moan emanated from the man behind you, and he snapped his hips hard against yours as he followed you over.
Egon then collapsed onto your back, both of you gasping for breath. A few seconds later, Egon moved around a bit, and then you felt his bare hand caressing your hip. 
“That was perfect,” he whispered. “Thank you.”
“Egon,” you whispered, still breathless.
He stepped away from you, and you could tell he was cleaning himself and righting his clothes. Part of you was worried he might leave you there and go back to work, but instead, he cleaned you up, too — the slime having made a bit of a mess — and helped get your underwear and pants back on. He then turned you around in his arms and held you close. You sighed and hugged him back. Somehow, you knew this was him admitting there was more to this, that he wouldn’t be holding you like this if feelings weren’t involved. It only made you hold onto him tighter. You loved this man, plain and simple.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked quietly.
You shook your head. “No. That was…” You chuckled. “That was great.”
Egon hummed, and you could feel him smile against your hair. “Yes, it was. Very fruitful. And definitely worth further exploration later. Perhaps in a more… comfortable setting?”
You leaned back to look at him, smirking. “Why don’t you take me to dinner first, Dr. Spengler?”
He returned the smirk and nodded. “I can do that. But afterward,” he murmured, leaning in, “you’re mine.”
With that, he sealed his lips over yours.
Yeah. Yeah, you were definitely his.
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forthereaderinserts · 2 years
The Yokai Ninja
Chapter 1
the moment you’ve all been waiting for
fucking CONTENT
also, just a heads up, this is a timeline squish au
we wanted to date kakashi, but being 12, that’s kinda hard
so we fixed it :) now most of the ages are shifted to be more appropriate
reference will be on the master list
also this chapter was like 5 pages long which might be a fluke cause i just completely forgot about half an entire episode lol
it ended up being just over 5 pages
Today was the day, after years of training and studying, of begging to be allowed to join the academy, they were finally going to be a ninja. It may not seem that impressive in the long run, but the first step is the most important part of every journey to the top, even if Y/N didn’t really care about fame or power all that much. Making their way to their usual spot, somewhere close to the middle and away from all the yelling, Y/N sat down and began scanning the room for any potential teenage drama to avoid. Not because they were above it all, they loved a good show, it was just easier to keep your head down as a lurker.
On a second pass, Y/N finally landed their eyes on Naruto. “So, Naruto made it in? I knew he was secretly Iruka’s favorite.” They made a note of this observation. Despite most of the class trying to ignore him, he always seemed to drag trouble around. Speaking of trouble, the sudden screeching at the back door meant the harpies Sakura and Ino had arrived. Nothing against the girls themselves, but they’ve always seemed a bit vain and boy crazy. At least Sakura seemed smart, if she ever matured she would become an excellent shinobi.
Naruto seemed to notice them as well, leaving his seat briefly to greet the pink haired girl. Y/N couldn’t help but feel bad when she all but plowed through him to preen at Sasuke, who they just noticed was sitting next to Naruto. Their view was blocked by the crowd of girls that had gathered, all screaming about wanting to sit next to Sasuke, but the sudden silence that fell over them let Y/N know that something big had just happened. Whatever it was, it was bad enough to send the girls into a feeding frenzy. The malice radiating off of them was practically visible, and Y/N thanked whatever god was up there that they had never been the subject of such a beating.
When Iruka-sensei finally entered the classroom, the girls had already finished with Naruto and he had managed to crawl his way back to his seat, right next to Sakura of all people. Y/N switched their attention over to the man standing at the front of the room, they would be getting assigned to their ninja teams today, and it was important that they actually listened. They didn’t have anyone in particular that they wanted on their team, but they hoped for someone calm and willing to work with others. Maybe the Hyuuga girl, Hinata, though she seemed a bit quiet.
Y/N’s thoughts were interrupted once again, “Alright everyone, I’m going to start listing off your new teams, so make sure to pay attention. Now, because our class has one too many students, one of these teams is going to have four people.”
Four students? Y/N always felt a bit out of place, happening to be the fourth person on their bench, but that had just been coincidence. They hoped they weren't cursed to be the odd man out on their squad, they always worked better in smaller groups anyways. They would find out soon enough though, their name hadn’t been called yet.
“Team 7,” Iruka called out, “You guys are going to be our four man squad, with Naruto, Sakura,” Y/N hears some cheering and groaning to their left. “Sasuke,” Again. “And finally, the fourth member is going to be, Y/N!” Fuck.
Iruka immediately moves on, leaving Y/N to contemplate their sudden awful luck. They just had to be stuck with the most annoying students in the school. Y/N slumped over in their seat, there was no point in listening now, they could just lay down and wait for lunch to be called. At least this time could be spent daydreaming about their future, who their sensei might be, all the awesome missions they would go on. Maybe life wasn’t going to be too bad, they just had to focus on training and relaxing where they could.
By the time lunch came around, Y/N was more exhausted than they thought they would be. After the announcement of Sasuke’s team, the classroom had been filled with complaints from several girls. They hoped no one would start harassing them for being paired with him, but seeing the offhand sneers thrown their way, lunch would most likely need to be held away from everyone. As soon as Iruka-sensei announced the last team, they gathered their belongings and headed to one of the many benches lining the school's property.
All they had was a simple bento, some leftovers they saved from last night's dinner, but they weren’t feeling picky today. After their luck with team selections, they figured it would be safer to just accept whatever was thrown at them. Letting out an exaggerated sigh, they dug into their meal, eating with one hand as they pulled out a book to read after they finished. It was an older novel, something off the shelf they had probably read a hundred times before, despite the concerning pile they had yet to start on. Their family ran a small publishing company in Konoha and had enlisted Y/N as an assistant. They had worked with several big name authors before, but they always liked the small, local titles. There was more heart, more passion for what was written.
They hadn’t even packed up their bento when they saw Sakura walk past them, she was mumbling something about Sasuke and foreheads, “Hey, Sakura,” They regretted starting this conversation as soon as they spoke. “I already ate but if you want, we can sit together for the rest of lunch and get to know each other before we meet our sensei?” She didn’t even offer a response, only pausing slightly before turning her nose up and glaring at them from the side. She resumed her walking with more energy but did not call out for Sasuke again, merely sitting on the bench one down from theirs. Despite the massive failure in team bonding, Y/N was not surprised at the results.
They watched the girl slump over quietly for a second before she jolted up. Looking for what had caught her attention, they saw Sasuke leaning on a tree across from her. For a minute, they just watched as the two stared at each other, Sakura occasionally turning her head in embarrassment. She dropped her head again just as Sasuke started moving towards her, though what he called out left them struggling not to interrupt the moment, “Sakura, your forehead, it’s so wide and charming. It makes me feel like kissing it.” They stared at each other for another moment before Sasuke spoke again, “Just kidding, that’s something that idiot Naruto would say.”
Clearly, that isn’t what Sakura wanted to hear, but Sasuke paid no attention and sat down next to her. She looked up at him again when he asked her a question, “So, what do you think about Naruto?” 
She answered in a whisper, Y/N had to scootch over to hear her, “He knows about how I feel and still tries to bother me everyday; it’s like he does it on purpose, like he wants me to feel bad. Naruto, he doesn’t know anything about me, he’s just a pest. All I really want is for you to notice me, Sasuke.” They couldn’t see his face, but he had stuttered something back, and Sakura confirmed whatever he had just said, “Yeah, that’s how I feel, I’d do anything.”
Y/N was leaning off of the bench now, desperate to catch any detail. When they saw Sakura start leaning in to kiss him, they had to stop themselves from gasping loudly. Just as it seemed they were about to make contact, Sasuke suddenly jerked away and ran off holding his stomach. They sat back up in their seat to avoid being caught spying and watched, wide-eyed, as Sasuke ran back into the school building while Sakura called after him. After a minute of waiting, Y/N and Sakura saw Sasuke walking down the path again. She immediately jumped up and started rambling about kissing, asking him if he was ready this time.
Much to their surprise, Sasuke just ignored her and kept walking forward, head on a swivel like he was searching for someone. Sakura interrupted herself in confusion, “Hey, Sasuke, where are you going?”
He ignored her again and asked his own question, “Naruto, where is he?”
Her back was facing them, but Sasuke’s uninterested face was in full view as Sakura began ranting again. “Why are you changing the subject again? Anyways, forget Naruto! All he does is pick fights with you. Y’know why he’s so annoying? It’s ‘cause he wasn’t raised right, he doesn’t have a mom or dad to teach him how to behave!”                                                                    
Y/N stared in disbelief, eyes widening in shock at Sakura’s words. Was that really what she thought? They were surprised Sasuke didn’t have anything to say, all he did was continue to ignore her and look around halfheartedly. Wasn’t he an orphan as well?
Sakura continued, not realizing that the boy in front of her wasn’t paying attention, “Just think about it! He does whatever he wants, as soon as it comes into head!”
Sasuke finally snapped out of his daze, stiffly turning his head to glare at Sakura. The malice he radiated was enough to make them shiver.
Sakura continued, every word only making him more furious, “If I acted like Naruto? Forget it! I mean, my parents would get mad and I’d get in trouble, why would I ever mess around like that? But, I guess, if you don’t have parents to punish you, how would you know? He’s just selfish and bratty, it’s no wonder he’s all alone.”
His scowl deepened before he looked down, his eyes closing and his fists clenching in anger as he stepped to the side, preparing to walk away. “Alone… Isolated…” Sakura threw her head up, finally stopping her rant. “It has nothing to do with whether your parents scold you or not, you have no idea what it means to be alone.”
She took a step backwards, her arms raising slightly, “Why, why are you saying all this?!”
Sasuke turned his head, glaring viciously at her, “Because, you’re annoying.”
Without waiting for her to respond, he walked away. Sakura stood there, staring after his retreating form, before stumbling backwards and slumping down on the bench. Y/N followed her lead, pushing out a breath they didn’t know they were holding, eyes wide as saucers. Hesitantly, they started gathering their belongings, occasionally glancing over at the despondent girl. She had hunched over, gripping her hair and making faces. They considered checking on her, but they wanted to give her some space after that show.
Just as they were about to stand, Naruto finally made an appearance, clutching his stomach and grumbling to himself. Their eyes darted over to Sakura, watching as she made a face like she smelled something horrible. She seemed to collect herself before calling out to the boy, though her expression never dropped.
“Hey, Naruto…! We should walk back to class together.”
She let out a strained chuckle, messing with the fabric at the front of her dress. Naruto stood for a second, seemingly awestruck, before his expression quickly turned sour.
“Trying to trick me, huh, wise guy? Well, I’m not falling for it!”
Naruto brings his hands in front of himself, moving to perform a jutsu, a determined look on his face. He opened his mouth to call out his move, pausing before he could utter a sound, and let out a groan. He clutched his stomach, hunching over. He stumbled backwards, turned shakily, and ran back towards the school building, screaming.
“Again? Why is this happening to me!?”
Y/N and Sakura stared as he bolted, waiting in bated breath for something to break the silence. It seemed that Sakura would be doing the honors, though. As she started to make a choking noise, they turned to look at her, watching as she shook her head in anger. They jumped back in their seat when she threw her head up and cursed Naruto out.
“Naruto, you idiot!”
At that, Y/N decided to leave the girl to her rage. Getting up from their bench silently, they walk back into the school and decide to spend the little time left of lunch reading. As they pass the bathrooms, they crash into Sasuke.
“Oh, shit. I’m so sorry-”
“Tch, whatever. What do you want?”
They blink dumbly while Sasuke’s scowl deepens. Just as he moves to push past them, Y/N scoffs loudly and continues on their way, shoving him to the side with their shoulder. They ignore the indignant sounds coming from the boy, and keep walking towards the classroom.
The rest of the day went by slowly, and now it was just waiting for their new sensei. Supposedly, they were a Jonin; with how late they were, Y/N was surprised they even graduated. They were seated a few seats next to Sasuke, everyone had congregated to the front of the room after all the other jonin had taken their students. Naruto had taken to pacing and Sakura mumbled to herself every so often nearby. It seemed like they were all just waiting for something to happen, luckily Naruto couldn’t go too long without complaining. 
“Come on, man! Everyone else has already left, how come our sensei is so late?! Even Iruka-sensei went home already!” 
Sakura piped in, “Naruto, calm down. Even if he's late, we need to be respectful. He’s a jonin after all.” Despite her calm words, you could tell even she was starting to get tired of waiting.
“No way! If he’s gonna be this late, I'm gonna teach him a lesson!” Y/N barely lifts a finger to stop Naruto from balancing an eraser on the door, this could potentially be the funniest thing they’d ever seen. 
It seemed the rest of their teammates had the same idea, as they only offered minor complaints and warnings that a jonin wouldn’t fall for a prank like that. Now that the trap had been set though, it was only time until it got set off. Almost immediately, a hand grabbed onto the door.
Everyone sat with bated breath as the door creaked open and the eraser landed on the head of a gray haired jonin. He’s… so young.
Naruto burst out laughing instantly, ignoring the heated glare of the older ninja in front of him, “Hahaha! I can’t believe it! This guy’s supposed to be a powerful ninja?”
“Naruto!” Sakura scolded, “I tried to stop him sir, I would never do something like this!” Y/N scoffed under their breath, unknowingly drawing the attention of Sasuke and their new leader.
Sasuke’s eyes flickered over to them for a moment before resting his gaze back on their teacher.
“Well, regardless.” The older teen scowled, “I’d have to say, I think you’re all a bunch of idiots. Now, follow me to the roof.”
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Joke’s On You 13
When Fred Weasley carelessly bumps into you into the hallway, you decide to take him a notch down; not by berating him, but by showing him up at his own game of using your charm and intellect to get what you want. And it’s fine if the end result doesn’t leave everyone quite satisfied - in fact, that’s what you want…
[Fred Weasley x Reader.] [Warning: Story Contains Explicit Smut.] [Warning: Non-Consent.] [Warning: Manipulation.] [Warning: Humiliation.]
⍟ Click Here for Joke’s On You Home Page (All Chapter Links) ⍟
Christmas came around. As it turned out, Fred had asked his mum to do him the favor of knitting an extra jumper – of a crocodile with a large “C” on the front, not to be mistaken with “A” for alligator.
Molly was bemused, but when Fred explained that you had a fondness for crocodiles, she cheerily went about making the extra jumper. 
When you opened it, your mouth fell open. The entire family was looking at you expectantly, with Molly in particular looking hopefully at you, clearly anxious that you wouldn’t like it.
“It’s quite – Well, it’s just – just lovely,” you managed to stammer out.
“Put it on! Put it on! We’re all wearing ours!” Fred said brightly.
George shot Fred an amused look.
“Sure, all right then…” You pulled the jumper on. It was lovely and warm, to be sure. You forced a smile at Molly. “Thank you so much. It’s perfect.”
“And you like crocodiles?” Molly asked curiously.
“Um… Yes. I’m guessing Fred told you that?” you replied.
Molly nodded. She beamed at Fred. He’s getting so thoughtful because of her! she thought proudly.
Meanwhile, you were staring at Fred with your eyes in slits, watching him laugh merrily at you while wearing his own, stupid “F” jumper.
 *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
All throughout the day, you lay low and stayed quiet around Fred. This was not unusual. In fact, you and Fred rarely spent time together in a way that caught anyone’s attention. 
Part of it was that the Weasley family naturally had this warm, almost clumsy, and wonderfully inclusive atmosphere that everyone seemed to melt into. In fact, you liked following around and helping Mrs. Weasley as she blazed around the house – a furious force for good – and you enjoyed chatting with Mr. Weasley about the state of the Ministry of Magic and about Muggle trinkets. Most of all, you liked to prance over to Ginny and give her a tap on the shoulder to let her know when her brothers were occupied. Also, of course, you made quite sure not to get in the way of Fred and George. The last thing you ever wanted to do was to disturb them when they were together. 
Sometimes, you would wander over to them and laze around them without saying anything. You often sat in Fred’s chair, with your legs dangling out the side and quietly watched them as they tinkered with new inventions. Or else you found yourself lying atop Fred’s bed, hugging his pillow and dozing off while Fred and George muttered to each other about “that’ll be a collection” and “running out of ingredients for those…” 
But today was different. Today, as you wore your pink jumper all day in a mark of shame, you were planning furiously in your head. 
You slunk around Fred and George and slid onto Fred’s bed, as usual. You closed your eyes and pretended to doze off, but in truth, you were merely waiting for the opportune moment.
The moment came from Mrs. Weasley called, “Lunch! Come down here now!”
Fred and George leapt up and headed for the door.
Then, at the doorway, Fred said, “Oi, wake up. Aren’t you hungry?”
You pretended to shift awake. Blinking blearily, you murmured, “Hm? Oh, yeah, I’ll be down in a minute…”
“Leave her be. I’m sure Mum’ll make her something later,” George said. He and Fred left.
You instantly jumped to your feet and dashed to Fred’s closet. Your eyes scanned all of his clothing.
Gaudy, gaudy, gaudy, you remarked to yourself. But it hardly mattered. You had work to do.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
At lunch, Mrs. Weasley reminded the family that everyone would be off to pay visits to nearby friends and family to spread some holiday cheer – “except you, Fred, because you’ve got to stay to entertain our guest.” 
Mrs. Weasley said that at the exact moment you had come down from Fred’s room. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen, you spoke out, “Oh, I’m sure he will entertain me.” 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
“Fred Weasley, you get back here!” 
It was just you and Fred in the house now, and you were chasing Fred all over the Burrow. The two of you were running in circles, going around and around the low coffee table in front of the sofa in the living room. 
Fred looked over his shoulder and shot you a grand ol’ smirk, clearly taunting you and saying, Oho, come at me, then.
Finally, you stopped, crouched down, and then pounced.
You managed to tackle Fred right onto the sofa.
Hmpfh, you thought, satisfied with yourself. Look at that – I can catch Fred Weasley without a net. 
“What?” Fred cried out, laughing. “What do you want from me?” 
You stared down at Fred. Here you were, sitting on top of him, wearing this stupid crocodile jumper and with your hair all in disarray, with strands coming down in front of your face, and demanding some form of retribution while Fred was lying back on the sofa, clearly pleased with himself. 
You made to punch Fred in the stomach. Still laughing, Fred reached out and easily grabbed your hands to stop you. All the while he insisted, “The jumper’s been made. Mum spent a long time making it, y’know! You shouldn’t let it go to waste!”
Yanking your hands out of his gasp, you then prodded your finger into his chest. “Who said anything about being angry with the jumper?”
Fred’s eyes shot open in confusion. “Huh? That’s not what you’re mad about?” 
You grabbed the front of Fred’s jumper roughly and lifted him up a little from the couch. “You forgot what I said, didn’t you?”
“Forgot what, exactly?” 
You huffed out, “Fred Weasley, did I or did I not tell you specifically that you owed me a jumper and a shirt.”
Fred blinked. “Oh. Did you?”
“I did,” you seethed. “I made it very clear.” 
“Well, I’m halfway there,” Fred said cheerfully. “I’ll get you a shirt once we get back to – Hey, hey! What’re you doing?” 
You had grabbed the hem of his jumper and started to tug it up. 
“Oi!” Fred yelped, trying to tug it back down.  “What’re you trying to do to me?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m taking what’s mine. Shifting atop of him, you effectively locked your knees against his hips and held Fred down while you roughly pulled up his jumper and shirt. 
“But – Look here - ” Fred sputtered.   
“Shush. You’ve created more work for me because of your stupid little brain. You can’t think of anything when you’re cumming, can you?” you growled at him. “I should’ve gotten a nice little present, all tied up with a bow and now, here I am, reduced to a common thief by having to take it off of you myself.” 
“Is that what happened…?” Fred wondered as he helplessly felt you yank his jumper and shirt off of him. Though, he noticed when you gently eased his head through the jumper hole, as the last thing you wanted to do was genuinely hurt him. 
A moment later, Fred abruptly found himself lying atop the couch without a shirt or jumper on. Then, Fred blinked as when you suddenly dumped your own jumper onto his face. 
“All right,” you ordered. “Now, you wear mine.”
Fred’s muffled voice floated out lightly from under the pile of soft fabric on his face. “I’m all right, thanks.”
You insisted, “Wear it. It’ll suit you better. It’s pink – your color.”
“Since when is pink my color?” Fred said indignantly. 
“Since now. Put it on, Freddie boy.”
“Freddie boy can’t do anything when you’re sitting on top of me,” he retorted.
With a sigh, you got off of Fred.
Fred sat up. The pink jumper slid off of his face and onto his lap. He picked it up and obviously made to toss it aside when suddenly – Fred glimpsed you. 
You were in the middle of pulling on his shirt and jumper, holding up your arms as you slipped the clothes over your head, but the thing was – Fred swallowed and noted, “Uh - You’re not wearing anything underneath?”  
You froze, still holding Fred’s shirt in one hand and his jumper in the other. You’d honestly completely forgotten. 
Fred looked down at the pink jumper in his lap. “This is all you were wearing?”
You tried to explain, “It was too warm inside the house, but I didn’t want to take the jumper off. Your mum – um – She might’ve thought something was wrong with it. I didn’t want her to be disappointed, after she’d put all that work in for me.”
Fred reached out and wrapped his arm around your waist. Drawing you in close to him and then teasingly running his fingers across your tummy, he murmured, “Wow. You’re real nice to everyone but me, huh?” 
You bristled. “Well, there was nothing wrong with what she did! It’s your fault. You told her I was a crocodile!”
“I did not tell her that you were a crocodile. I only said that you liked crocodiles,” Fred corrected. But then, he grinned cheekily, as he remarked, “But you know, then, do you, that you’re a crocodile?” 
“I am not!” You grabbed the pink jumper on Fred’s lap and thrust it back into his face. “Will you stop smirking at me and get to wearing that, please?” 
Fred shook his head and the jumper fell right back onto the couch. Instead of listening to you, Fred leaned over and slid his finger under the waistband of your pants. “Are you wearing panties, at least? Let me see.”
You rolled your eyes and pushed his hand away. You pulled on his shirt and began to pull on his sweater, when Fred suddenly got a bright idea. While you were in the midst of getting your head and arms into Fred’s jumper, Fred sat up and then, hugging you in his arms all at once, he pulled you right into his lap.
“Fred, what are you - ? I’m busy!” you complained. “Let me get my clothes on!”
“Sh,” Fred muttered. “Don’t be disagreeable now. Not when it’s just the two of us, and I’ve got you right where I want you.” Shoving his shirt back up your body, Fred took the opportunity to run his hands all over your body. Then, making you turn a little in his lap, Fred cupped your soft, lovely breasts in his hands, bent his head down and began to suck all over your breasts, pressing his mouth hotly against your supple skin and sucking hard enough to leave light marks on your breasts.
“F-Fred,” you breathed out. You tried valiantly to pull your shirt and jumper all the way down, but the way Fred was holding you with his arms locked around you, made it impossible for you to get the fabric down that far.  
At that moment, you felt Fred bit lightly at your nipples and tug at them gently with his teeth. 
“Nngh…” You bit down on your lower lip. You made to swat at Fred, but you were still somewhat trapped in Fred’s jumper. Barely about to see over the soft fabric bunched up all around your head, you only managed to lightly bat at Fred’s shoulder.
Fred laughed. “You missed.”
You finally managed to get your hands through the sleeves. 
Fred reached up and helped guide your head through the jumper as well. However, before you could properly pull the jumper down to cover the rest of your body, Fred kissed you hard enough that you fell back against the arm of the sofa.
“Fred, I was scolding you. Making you trade jumpers with me wasn’t an invitation for you to – to kiss like this… I was only taking what you owed me, you silly –– Ah… Mmm…” Your words were lost in the sweet kiss he gave you. 
Fred’s hands fell onto the sofa, slipping in the small spaces between your arms and body. Leaning into you, he pressed you into the sofa. You slipped further and further back into the cushions as he kissed you more and more passionately.
“Ah.. Fred…” you whispered. 
Fred gently bit your lower lip, catching it lightly between his teeth. 
“I think you’ve – mm – I think you’ve gotten better at kissing since we started dating,” you whispered. 
Fred scoffed haughtily, “A lot’s going to get better now that you’re dating me.”
Eyes sparkling with mischief, you pretended to perk up as you teased him, “Oh? You mean, I’ll finally get myself an interesting boytoy?”
Fred soured. 
“Ah, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” you pleaded at once. You looped your arms around Fred and hugged him tightly. “I didn’t mean it, Fred. I was just teasing.”
Fred sighed. 
“But c’mon,” you said, looking up at him earnestly, “you didn’t mind being my boytoy, did you? It’s just that you wanted more. Right?”
Fred was silent.
You deflated the slightest bit. “You really didn’t like it when I pinned you down on the ground and came by rubbing myself all over your chest?”
“You didn’t let me touch you!” Fred protested. “I was dying to touch you, and you wouldn’t let me!” 
“Yes, but you didn’t enjoy holding your breath for me so I could use your chest? I thought that was so sweet,” you said, now frowning a little. “And you didn’t like the little show I gave you when I tucked away my skirt?”
“Well, well, that – It drove me mad,” Fred said, though he was weakening slightly. 
“And when I drew hearts all over you and then kissed you in the middle of the hearts, one by one, you didn’t like that?” you asked. “And what about when I dressed up in little lavender panties and went out and shamefully bought a heart butt plug for the first time in my life, all so I could give you a nice glimpse of what I was wearing for you – you didn’t like any of that?” 
Fred groaned.
You reached up and gently stroked the back of his hair, as you counted recounting, in a soft murmur, “Or how about when I had you on a leash and you were fucking me from behind, making love to me and pushing me into the bed with your hips, while I got to tug at the leash and hear you gasp in my ear, and you could feel me getting more and more desperate and tugging harder on the leash the closer I got to cumming…” 
Fred was breathing quite heavily into your neck now.
You smirked to yourself. But, when you gently pushed Fred back up so that you could look at his face, you blinked up at Fred innocently as you wondered aloud, “You mean to say, you hated all of that?” 
“I never said – It’s not that I hated it, per se - ” Fred floundered in his words for a moment. 
You giggled softly. You shifted your hips a little, as you murmured gently, “Evidently not. You’re all hard, Freddie.”
Ignoring his throbbing cock, Fred instead grabbed your wrists and pinned you down against the cushions. Giving you quite a skeptical look, Fred said to you knowingly, “Listen, I know you. If I say yes to any of it, you’re going to take advantage of it. You’re going to tie me up and punish me again somehow.” 
“Yes,” you answered at once. “I wouldn’t deny that.”
“Well, I don’t want to traumatize my family by having them walk in on you spanking me, no thank you,” Fred said wryly. 
“As if I would be so careless. As if I would be so clumsy,” you scoffed, while lifting up your head to kiss Fred’s neck. 
Fred softened slightly when he saw you trying to kiss his neck. You instantly slipped your hands through his loosened grip. Reaching up and rather roughly burying your hands into Fred’s hair, you whispered, “You should know that by now.”
Then, you kissed Fred hard on the mouth. You felt Fred sigh into your kiss. But a moment later, his arms came up and wrapped around you and he hugged you and kissed you back. 
You thought that Fred was softening for you, but all the while, Fred was slowly sliding his shirt and jumper back off of you.
You let him, of course, because you thought the two of you were going to continue.
But suddenly, you felt Fred smirk into your kiss. He ripped away from you, holding his shirt and jumper victoriously in one hand. “Got it!” he crowed. Then, he dashed away.
Your mouth fell open in surprise. You sat up, furious. However, while a part of you wanted to shout his name out in indignation, another part of you already knew that Fred had a surprise waiting for him.
Besides, the key was rattling in the front door. You quickly reached over and slipped the ‘crocodile’ pink jumper over yourself again. Then, after hurriedly re-arranging the cushions behind you to their original state, you primly crossed one leg over the other and sat up straight just in time for the entire Weasley family (except for Charlie, who was away chasing dragons and Ron, who had stayed at Hogwarts with Harry) to come in through the front door.
At the exact same time, a cry of outrage rang out from Fred’s room. 
“What on earth - ?” Bill began.
Just then, Fred sprinted out into the front room, holding a pair of boxers that now had glittery pink hearts all over it and shouting at the top of his lungs in frustration, “Really? Down to my boxers?” 
There was a stunned silence.
You stared at Fred, wide-eyed, with the rest of the family.
Fred paused. He looked at you, then his family, then the boxers in his hand. “Merlin’s baggy Y fronts,” he cursed. Then, whirling around, he marched straight back up to his room.
You quietly reached out and fluffed up a random pillow.
“Dearie, do you know what was about?” Mrs. Weasley asked you.
You shook your head. 
“Well, that was quite – that was quite - ” Mrs. Weasley blushed. “I don’t know what’s gotten into that boy. Sometimes he’s fine, sometimes he’s not.” 
“Er - ” Mr. Weasley cleared his throat. He was obviously holding back laughter. “Shall we all go to the kitchen for some tea?”
“Sounds good, Dad,” George agreed. 
Everyone shuffled into the kitchen. 
As soon as the door closed – the entire family exploded into uproarious laughter.
“That was quite something!” Mr. Weasley said cheerfully. 
“Do you have a pair like that, too, George?” Mrs. Weasley asked, a tad nervously.
“No,” George replied, “but you know Fred, he always like to make a statement with his clothing.”
“A bold statement, at that,” Bill chirped.
“Gah,” Ginny complained, “now I have an image of Fred in those boxers. It’s such a cursed image.”
“Stop thinking of it, Ginny, dear,” Mrs. Weasley said. “It isn’t an image Merlin ever intended.”
Percy snorted heavily. “It certainly isn’t.”
Meanwhile, you were dying with silent laughter. Tears were sparkling at the corners of your eyes and you had doubled over on the sofa.
When Fred came back out, his face was beet red. He stood in front of the sofa and tapped his foot warningly as he watched you laughing. 
 “What did you do?” he whisper-hissed at you. “My entire wardrobe now has hearts all over it. Every single item.”
You cackled silently with happy laughter. You pointed your finger at Fred and then laughed again, making it very clear that you were laughing at him (as if it wasn’t already clear enough). 
“How the hell did you do it?” Fred asked you furiously. 
You shook your head at him and tsk’ed. “A magician never tells her tricks.” 
“Well, get rid of it!” Fred snapped. “I can’t go out wearing that rubbish.”
Finally, you sat up. Reaching forward, you grabbed at Fred’s jeans and dragged him forward. Then, resting your chin on his stomach and looking up at him, you informed him in a delighted whisper, “They only come off when I touch them. You know what this means, Fred Weasley? Either you’re going to wear my pink ‘crocodile’ jumper or else I’m going to fuck you in every piece of clothing you own.” 
Fred flushed a beautiful bright pink.
Look at him, turning all the colors on the pink and red scales today, you cooed in your head. Isn’t he so cute? 
Abruptly, the kitchen door opened. You grabbed the throw blanket and threw it into Fred’s hands.
Startled, Fred clutched at it. 
Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came out, holding a platter of tea and cookies for you. 
“Now, you hold it out like this and you shake it – that’ll get the dust off. And then you fold - ” You took the bottom corners of the blanket and folded it back up. 
Fred stared at you. 
“Fold, Fred, fold,” you repeated. 
Fred slowly folded his end. 
You took the blanket and draped it back over the end of the couch. “And that’s that.” 
“You have Fred folding?” Mrs. Weasley said, laughing, as she set down the platter of tea before you. “He never folds by hand, no matter how much I beg him. He only ever uses magic. Always impatient, this one.”
Fred snorted. “Why would I fold by hand, though? ‘S complete waste of time, innit?”
At the same time, you and Mrs. Weasley pressed, “But it builds character.” 
Mrs. Weasley lit up. She bustled over to you and took your hands in hers. “You understand! Oh, your parents must’ve raised you well. Heavens, I’m so thankful Fred listens to you.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Weasley was looking over at Fred with bemusement. Fred sighed. He had to hand it to you, you were marvelously quick at presenting yourself well.
But Fred wasn’t going to take your prank standing down. No way in hell, he decided in his head. I’m going to pay her back. And I think I know just how to do it. 
Leaving you with his parents, Fred headed for the kitchen. He went and found Ginny.
Ginny nodded at Fred. “What?”
“You know the present Aunt Muriel got you – ‘cause she thinks you’re still five?”
“You ever going to use ‘em?”
“No,” Ginny replied flatly. 
“Can I have ‘em?”
Ginny eyed Fred. “Why do you want them?”
“None of your business,” Fred responded. “Look, can I have them or not?”
Ginny sighed. “Fine, you can have them. I’ll go get them.” 
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Next, Fred flitted over to Bill and George. Sliding his arms over both of their shoulders, Fred brought them together and asked, “Listen, I’m sorry to ask this of you both, but George – do you think you could sleep in Bill’s room for one night?” 
George looked over at Bill.
Bill shrugged. “I don’t mind. But why?”
“I’m expecting a visitor tonight. Or tomorrow morning.”
“Santa’s already gone and went,” George said, “and in case you didn’t notice, you got a big fat lump of coal, Fred.”
Fred shook his head. “No, it’s just that I’ve got to give that girl a taste of her own medicine.”
“She’s going to be fixing all my clothes tonight,” Fred continued muttering, “by hand.”
With that, Fred was gone.
Bill turned around to George, “Was that supposed to make any sense?”
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
You slept well that night. Satisfied with your punishment on Fred and fully looking forward to waking up in the morning to see him either in your pink jumper (which you’d kindly laid out for him atop his pillow) or a full attire of heart-covered clothing.
In fact, you even had a dream that Fred came to you that night and told you how much he liked the hearts and how he thought you were so clever and kind for doing that to him and he was going to treat you just as well…
You giggled to yourself and turned over in bed, happy that you were living in this silly little world with Freddie…
But as you turned over, you felt slightly uncomfortable. Is it just me or is something brushing up against my tummy… and my breasts…? My face is sort-of – sort-of itchy. 
You suddenly blinked away. 
You reached up to scratch at your cheek – only your fingertips met something plastic. 
You sat up. You gasped. Your arms were covered in heart-shaped stickers. 
You threw back the covers and ran into the bathroom. You lifted your shirt to find heart stickers plastered everywhere on your body. You hurriedly reached down and made to scratch one off, but it wouldn’t come off.
You ground your teeth together. Fred Weasley! At least I gave you a choice! 
Feeling embarrassed and desperately praying not to be seen by anyone else in the family, you bundled up your quilt around you and quickly hurried along to Fred’s room.
You opened his door quietly, not wanting to wake up George. Only, George wasn’t there.
Fred was there, apparently asleep. 
Silently seething, you quietly stole George’s pillow from atop his empty bed. Then, you held it over your head and snuck over to Fred. You held your breath and then – 
Whump! Fred grabbed you and yanked you down onto the bed. 
But you had guessed that Fred might be awake and you let loose the pillow anyways – and a second, far brighter Whump! sounded out as you furiously smushed George’s pillow in Fred’s face.
Fred grabbed the pillow and threw it back over onto George’s bed. 
The two of you wrestled furiously, with neither of you holding back at all. 
However, you noticed that when Fred grabbed your wrists – the heart sticks fell off of your wrists. 
Your eyes followed the falling stickers onto the sheets. As Fred leaned closer to you, the sheets shifted, and the heart stickers glittered. 
Staring down at you with glinting, victorious eyes, Fred whispered meanly, “Caught on, have you? These stickers only come off where I touch you.” 
Your brow furrowed. “What’s the point of this?”
“The point,” Fred explained to you, “is that I’ll make you a little deal. You go over there and you change back all my clothing. For every piece of clothing you change back, I’ll take one sticker off of you.”
“Hmpfh,” you said, unimpressed. “I’d rather live the rest of my life as some heart-sticker monster than let you touch me, Fred Weasley.”
Fred leaned over and picked up a fallen sticker. He stuck it back onto your wrist. You reached down and made to take it off at once, but it wouldn’t come off.
“That’s right,” Fred smirked. “It’s not a one-time thing. So, get. Get your butt over to my closet. Now.”
Glaring at Fred, you pushed him off of you with a hard shove. Fred stepped back onto the floor, stumbling slightly.
You went over to Fred’s closet and yanked the door open. You stepped inside. You reached your hand out to touch the nearest hanging piece of clothing – a bright red jacket that clashed horribly with his hair, and was currently covered with sparkly pink hearts, courtesy of you. But just before you touched the jacket, you looked back over your shoulder to find Fred standing behind you, watching you.
Neither of you said anything, but you both stared at each other with narrowed eyes as you slowly inched your hand closer and closer to his jacket… and Fred slowly inched his hand closer and closer to the back of your hand, where three stickers had been stuck on. 
You finally touched his jacket. It transformed back to normal, with the heart pattern disappearing. At the same time, Fred allowed his fingers to press against the back of your hand, and a heart sticker fell off. 
You moved along, glaring at Fred as you took the spell off of his clothes. True to his word, Fred kept touching you up your arm, so that slowly, your hand, wrist, and arm became free of heart stickers. 
Next, you touched a band t-shirt of his, featuring “The Weird Sisters.” As you turned it back to normal, Fred lifted his hand to touch his fingers to the sticker glittering on the side of your neck. It fell off and slowly spiraled to the ground. Your hand slipped over to touch the “Chudley Cannons” jersey – and that was when Fred had to brush back your hair to touch the sticker on the back of your neck.
You hesitated. Fred’s gaze had changed, and so had yours; the two of you were no longer looking at each with glares meant to kill. Instead, there was a certain, all-too-familiar tension beginning to rise between you two. 
You tried to act natural as you looked away, pretending to have to look at the clothing to know where it was. 
Fred didn’t say anything. He simply stayed with you and gently pressed his hand against your neck. You felt his fingers linger, brushing against your skin for a brief moment… 
“Why’d you stop?” Fred whispered. 
“Just – Just trying to imagine a universe in which this would actually match you,” you murmured back, as you pointed at a bright yellow shirt with a duck on it. 
“Ginny bought it for me a joke, after Dad spent a whole week trying to figure out what Muggles use rubber ducks for,” Fred explained.
“Ah. I see.” You reached out and touched the sleeve of the shirt with your hand. 
Fred shifted behind you. 
Er -  is it just me or is he standing awfully close to me? you wondered. 
You had barely thought that when you felt Fred’s breath pass warmly against the back of your neck, making you shiver, and then – he put his hands on your hips (though on your clothes, damn it, meaning that no more stickers fell off) and leaned in to press his lips against the back of your neck.
You shivered and shut your eyes tightly. You didn’t even realize how tightly you were suddenly grasping the sleeve of the yellow “duck” shirt – but Fred noticed. He felt at once how tense you became, all over, and he saw over your shoulder and spotted the way you were clutching at that shirt, even though you’d already turned it back to normal.
“Babe…” he whispered. 
“Shush,” you said weakly. “You haven’t – You haven’t taken all the stickers off of me yet. I won’t forgive you until you do.”
“If I take the stickers off of your hips and waist, will I be closer to forgiveness?” Fred whispered, all the while nuzzling the side of your neck.
Your breath was starting to quicken. 
“Let’s see, shall we?” Fred murmured, not waiting for what was sure to be a “smart-ass” reply from you. “Let’s see if you’ll be in a better mood once you’ve lost a few of these stupid stickers, huh?” 
“That’s not how it works, Fred,” you whispered back, “because it’s not the number of stickers that you put on me that makes me mad. It’s your overall behavior that – oh…” Your voice slipped into a soft pant as Fred rather hurriedly slipped his hands under your shirt and grasped at your hips and waist. He traced your hips with his hands a few times, feeling your shape, which he was coming to know so well, before squeezing your waist tightly, purposefully pushing the breath out of you.   
“Ah…” you gasped out lowly.
You felt more stickers fall off of you and you heard a soft rustle as several of them slipped out from under your shirt and fell to the floor at once.
“See? Already in a better mood,” Fred said knowingly. 
Fred pressed himself tight to your back and slipped his hands up until he was grasping and groping at your breasts under your nightie shirt. 
You moaned, willingly falling victim to the way in which Fred was teasing you, playing with your nipples and squeezing your soft breasts together, over and over again.
By now, you’d leaned forward and were full-on panting into the yellow shirt. You buried your head against it and bit at the material as Fred squeezed, almost painfully hard, at your puffy, pink, little nipples.
You shuddered heavily. “Uhn… What’re you - ? Don’t – The stickers are already off there…” you whispered, almost pleading with Fred, although you had no idea what for. 
“Well, you’re not taking the hearts off of my clothes anymore,” Fred pointed out. 
You wanted to melt back into Fred and let him have you, but your sense of pride and righteous kicked in. Ignoring the fact that your legs felt quite weak, you made yourself step forward and touch another one of Fred’s shirts. 
Fred kept up his end of the deal, as he reached forward and slipped his hands into the front of your pajama pants and caressed your thighs. You felt the stickers flutter down your legs and at your feet.
Fred’s hands passed over your tummy and then back down to your thighs. “Mm,” he breathed out softly, as he thought about how much he loved being buried between your thighs. He’d never thought much of eating a woman out. It had always been more for her pleasure than for his, but with you – well, with you –
“Ah,” you exhaled abruptly, as you felt Fred’s fingers just brush over your clit.
“By the way,” Fred whispered in your ear, while he brushed his nose gently across the back of your neck, “I saw the panties you’re wearing right now. Just plain white panties. No lace, no hearts, no anything – you really did dress up for me, didn’t you? In some ways, I’m…” He dragged his finger across the line of your panties on your hip… “disappointed.”
Your heart gave a little jolt. Disappointed?
“That’s why I had to put a sticker right here,” Fred told you, and his fingers pressed gently against your panties, just above your clit. “To dress you up a little. To restore you back to your rightful state, like with your plug.”
Your heart was thundering. Your mind was going rather hazy, too, because it felt like Fred was everywhere. The closet smelled faintly on Fred, and then there he was, warmly pressed up behind you and with his hands touching your thighs and tummy all over…
Oh, Merlin, you prayed in your head. Help me keep it together. I can’t give in to Fred just like this. I can’t.
“So, I thought you’d be appreciative of my efforts, mistress.” Fred shifted forward and came even closer to you. He reached down and grasped your hands in his and then gently pushed you forward, until your hands were up against the beam that held up his shirts and jackets.
Fred leaned in and he pressed kisses all down your cheek before he bit softly at your ear.
Oh… Oh… Oh, no, you moaned in your head. You could feel your defenses slipping away, one by one. You held your breath, trying not to show Fred how much he was affecting you right now.
But you ended up grasping onto the beam quite hard, and all at once, you panted out, huff, huff, huff. Then, you let out a soft, but intense moan. In fact, you damn near mewled.
Fred stopped and stared at you. Wow, I’ve never heard her sound like that before.
Shoulders heaving, you leaned forward and buried your head against his shirts for a moment. Then, feeling that Fred had gone still beside you, you turned your head and looked back at him. “What? What are you looking at?” you said brusquely, pretending that your face wasn’t flushed all over. “Get these stickers off of me.”
Fred kept gazing at you. “I’ve never heard you moan like that before.”
Fred slowly dropped to his knees. He reached out and grabbed your hips and turned you around. You still clumsily reached backwards for a moment and managed to hold onto the beam with one hand. You needed the support because you were feeling quite light-headed.
“Remember what you taught me?” Fred murmured, as he hugged your legs and looked up at you. “The heart makes the spot where I get to eat you out.”
“Huh?” you said, confused.
“When you drew hearts on yourself with chalk,” Fred reminded you.
“Oh… But that – um - ” Your voice faded away into breathy gasps of anticipation as Fred slowly pulled down your pajamas and then peeled away your panties to reveal your cute, already slightly wet pussy, with a heart sticker just above your clit.
“Fred…” you mumbled. “What are you…?”
“I’m going to do what you taught me,” Fred replied. “I’m going to eat you out and I’m going to take my time with you.”
“But the sticker,” you insisted pridefully. “Aren’t you going to take it off?”
“Sure… after you cum on my face.” Fred smirked up at you.
You swallowed. How come his stupid face looks so handsome right now? That silly, impish grin of his… How come I’m so happy whenever I see him smile that way?
Fred reached up and gently pushed your legs apart. You grabbed onto the beam and let your feet come apart for Fred, for your boyfriend.
Fred eagerly slotted himself between your legs. Reaching up, he held onto you as he slowly but firmly pressed his mouth against your pussy.
“O-Oh,” you mumbled out, in a soft moan.
“Been too long, right?” Fred murmured.
You nodded.
Fred smiled. Then, he slowly began to lap at you, running your tongue from your pussyhole and along your clit. “Mm,” he moaned, “yes, it’s been way too fucking long. You’ve been paying more attention to my family than me, y’know. You used me as your stupid boy toy and then forgot all about me so easily. All busy playing the good girl in front of everybody, when I know better…”  
“I just wanted your family to like me,” you said honestly.
“Well, they do, so I figure you’d better return to me now,” Fred murmured. “Let me have a taste of this naughty little pussy of yours, yeah?” He lapped harder at your clit.
You gripped the beam tightly. Your head fell back and you moaned a bit loudly, “Ah, yes… Right there, Freddie, yes!”
“You better keep quiet, mistress, or else my entire family will figure out what a bad girl you are,” Fred warned you. “‘Specially Mum. Mum thinks you’re an angel, you know.”
“I – I am,” you replied.
Fred shook his head at you, while knowing full well that that meant his tongue would delve against your wet little folds even more. “She thinks you’re a good influence on me.”
“I am. I’ve taught you all a-about how to be a g-gentleman.” Your thighs tensed, as Fred pressed the flat of his tongue against your pussyhole, making you all warm and wet. “Ah, Fred!”
“Sh. If you’re too loud, we’ll have to stop, and I can’t let that happen,” Fred told you. “I’ve missed this too much. I have to taste you again. I have to have you cum all over my face tonight, at least once. Please.”
Hearing Fred say please, you managed to lift your head and look down at him. “Is this you finally learning your manners?” you wondered aloud, cheeky even when you were being much softer with him than usual.
“Well, if it helps me get what I want, I’m not averse to being polite,” Fred explained.
You frowned at this, though your face was scrunched up partially because Fred was now gently tonguing your pussyhole and it was making you feel butterflies in your tummy. “That – nngh – That’s not why you use m-manners.”
“No? Then why? Teach me,” Fred mumbled. His words came out muffled as he kept his face buried against you.
“It’s for the sake of – of being c-civilized and common decency – oh,” you suddenly cut off, as Fred yanked your hips forward and pushed his tongue inside of you.
At that moment, Fred’s nose touched the heart sticker and it finally fluttered off of you.
“There,” Fred murmured, “I’ve kept my end of the bargain.” With that, he started to tongue your pussy roughly, getting you all wet and ready for him.
“Ah, ah, a-ah – Fred!” you cried out.
Then, you gasped as Fred abruptly yanked you down onto the floor with him. Fred caught you, so that you ended up sitting in his lap. Your hands naturally flew to his shoulders, as his arms looped around your waist. Holding you in a hug, Fred squeezed you.
“Fuck, that’s it,” he growled impatiently. “ I’ve had enough of this. Besides, the heart sticker is gone now. Lesson time is over.”
Fred hurriedly pushed up your pajama shirt and he kissed and sucked at your breasts so eagerly that a strand of his hair fell in front of his face. At the same time, he ran his hands all over your thighs, pushing them open.
“Fred,” you told him, “you have absolutely no self-control, do you?”
“Well, I don’t know about that,” he replied, as he pushed his pants and briefs down hurriedly. “I put up with you for a long time, so I must have some form of - ”
He guided himself to you and then gently pushed the tip of his cock inside of you.
“ – self-control,” Fred finished, gritting his teeth.
“I would b-beg to differ,” you breathed out, panting. “I think you’re – you’re – mm!” Your retort became lost as Fred started to rock his hips back and forth, taking you right there, on his closet floor.
When you’d fallen down to Fred, you’d ended up dragging quite a mess of clothing with you. As it was, as Fred began to snap his hips forward, pushing you back onto the floor, you somehow ended up with his shirt draped over your stomach and his scarf wrapped around your leg. At one point, a jacket sleeve fell onto your thigh, but Fred quickly pushed it aside. Your thighs were his, and he meant to keep them wide open and grab at them as much as he desired.
You moaned lowly and fell back entirely against the floor. Without realizing it, you had one hand up, gripping Fred’s shoulder, and the other was grasping at the floor, until you ended up squeezing the other end of the scarf that was tired around your leg.
There were also heart stickers absolutely everywhere, for all of the stickers that had fluttered off of you had ended up on the floor.
As you glanced down to catch a glimpse of Fred’s handsome hips driving forward, and his cock thrusting into your pussy, you noticed a small sticker on his knee.
A great sense of satisfaction came over you, as, for some nonsensical reason, you felt you’d achieved a small victory.
Meanwhile, Fred was pushing into you harder and harder, until you found your knees on either side of your head.
By this point, you were breathing so hard that you could hear your own breath echoed in the small closet, and your eyes had blurred with soft tears.
Fred’s poor scarf had a rip in it now, courtesy of your nails.
“Nngh – Fred!” you whispered in a heartbreakingly desperate tone.
Fred moaned. He had one hand on your hips, supporting you so that you’d keep your pussy right there, right where he wanted it, right where it was perfect for him to pound into. But with his other hand, he reached down and tenderly cupped your cheek.
Fred looked down at you. He saw your brow furrowed tight with concentration and he saw how you were biting down quite hard on your lower lip. Your cheeks were all flushed, and your eyes were so lovely, all dazed, but bright and starry. Fred gently pushed his thumb against your lower lip; he wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t bite down too hard and hurt yourself.
“Hah… ah!” you moaned. You grasped onto your own thighs, trying to control them as they were starting to shiver.
“Good girl,” Fred groaned lowly. “Can I cum in you, love?”
As he asked, you heard how wet your pussy was for him. Soft little squelches and smacks were sounding out as Fred made love to you, with the front of his thighs pushing up against the back of yours repeatedly.
“Y-Yes,” you managed to breathe out. “Give it t-to me, Freddie, please.”
Fred stroked your cheek and brushed back your hair for you before he reached down and grabbed your hips with both of his hands. That was when Fred noticed, also with a matching satisfaction, that a small heart sticker was now plastered onto your rosy cheek.
Back to her rightful state, Fred thought dreamily. Then, he shut his eyes and leaning forward, he proceeded to give you a rough, hard pounding that lasted for a few minutes.
With a final, low, and intense groan, Fred grabbed both your hips and dragged you down right as he thrust inside of you. You felt his cock slam into you, and you gasped loudly.
Fred moaned, almost pitifully, as he felt your pussy squeeze the entire length of his cock.
“A-Ah, ah, ah!” you moaned, even though Fred was no longer thrusting into you. Just with that last thrust, and with him being sheathed so deeply inside of you, you were feeling all sorts of things deep inside of your pussy.
Your legs fell onto the floor, on either side of Fred, and then – you arched your back so beautifully for a moment. Fred gazed in wonder at you as he saw your body laid out before him, all taut and quivering, with your soft breasts trembling, and the curves of your body accentuated as it caught the dim light inside of this closet – and then, with a loud, breathy “ah!”, your tummy caved in and you fell back onto the floor, panting with your chest fit to burst from want of air.
Fred leaned over and ran his hands all over your body, appreciating how soft and warm you felt. He also made to pull out of you, but you grabbed his arms and blurted out, through gritted teeth, “No!”
Fred hurriedly clamped his hand over your mouth to quiet you. “Sh, b-baby,” he moaned out lowly. “You’ll – uhn – wake everyone up.”
But you stared up with him with fierce eyes, as you half-commanded and half-pleaded, “N-No, Fred, please stay i-inside me. W-Want to f-feel you – nngh – until t-the end – ah!”
You had barely finished speaking, when you came all over his cock.
Fred’s mouth fell open when he felt you cumming so heavily on his cock. Your pussy was all throbbing, hot, and tight. Fred, having just cum himself, felt that his cock was sensitive, and to have your pussy squeezing at his cock like that broke him. Fred’s dominant persona quickly disappeared, as you gripped at him, both with your hands on his shoulders and your pussy wrapped around his cock, until Fred, with a defeated groan, fell over. He scrambled to hug you tightly and he whimpered slightly against you.
You moaned. “Ah…!”
Fred let you have your moment, but he was reduced to clinging onto you and continuously whimpering as you came with his cock still buried inside of your warmth.
“Oh, God,” you choked out, finally, as you finished cumming. “That – That felt s-so good. Mm, Fred, thank you.”
With a nod and a muffled groan, Fred finally began to pull his cock out of you.
You both tensed slightly, and your nails dug into Fred’s back, as you felt his cock drag down your overly sensitive, warm pussy walls.
When Fred had pulled himself out of you, you glanced down, only to see Fred’s cum start to trickle out of your quivering little pussy. You shut your eyes and moaned.
Came in me… He came in me… Fred… ‘Cause he’s my boyfriend… My boyfriend… My love…
You felt so warm and full in that moment. Your breathing finally slowed. You blinked up at the ceiling as you regained a sense of reality.
Meanwhile, Fred was still all pressed up against you, hunched over slightly as he had his face buried against your neck.
“Fred,” you murmured. You tried to brush back his hair for him, but as he had buried his face against you, it was impossible to do so.
“What, are you ashamed?” you asked him teasingly. “You were bad again, you know. I’d forgotten about that detention I gave you, where I drew hearts on myself and all over you, but now that I think about it, I really did go through all that trouble to try to teach you how to please a woman properly. Tonight, you made me think you were going to do better, that’d you’d be obedient for once. But you just lured me in to where you want me.”
“Sorry,” Fred mumbled. Kissing your throat now, he ran his hands up your body and then slid his hands into your hair, keeping you pressed to him. “Obedient is not in my nature. Charming is, though.”
“You mean sneaky,” you retorted.
“Mm,” was all Fred said.
You wrapped your legs around Fred and hugged him back. You let your hands drift up over his shoulders and into his hair. You ran your hands through his hair as you murmured, “So, what now? You get to be all ‘charming’ and you get to cum in my pussy whenever you want. But I can’t call you ‘Freddie boy’ anymore? And I don’t get to tease you the way I used to…” You were smiling to yourself, but you disguised that fact in your voice, as you said, “Doesn’t seem fair. Where’s my bit of fun in all this?”
“No, no,” Fred replied. “You’re leaving out a lot there, love.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.” Fred finally pulled away from you a little. “What about that stupid hide-and-seek game you made me play? And how about in the fields, when you made me cum so hard that I was asking for you, but you wouldn’t even let me hold you or kiss you? Besides that, I don’t know how the hell you did it, but you somehow framed me in front of my entire family, so that I ended up showing them heart-covered boxers in front of everyone.”
“Ah.” Your eyes glinted wickedly, and a mischievous smile graced your lips. “That was just good timing. A stroke of luck following a stroke of genius, I’d say.”
“My point is that you can’t say it’s unfair,” Fred reminded you.
“But remember,” you pressed, “when you were asking me to come over, you said you’d let me build a dungeon for you here.”
Fred stared at you. Then, he groaned. “You can’t be serious. That was obviously a joke.”
“Was it obvious?” you mused, pretending to seriously ponder. “I took it a part of the deal. I mean, I took it seriously.”
“You can’t build a sex dungeon in my parents’ home, you numpty,” Fred told you, sighing.
“Fine, fine,” you relented. You hadn’t been serious about it anyways. Rather, this was a tactic in your negotiations. By bringing up an absurd request first, you hoped that you would sound much more reasonable as you bargained for what you really wanted, “But then, you’ve got to give me back my rights to draw hearts on you and tie you up.”
Fred’s nose scrunched up.
Knowing when to play your ‘silence’ card, you merely cocked your head at him and waited expectantly.
Fred rolled his eyes, but he laid his head on your shoulder and relented, “All right, you can go back to drawing hearts on me and tying me up. Can’t help it if I’ve got a hellcat for a girlfriend, can I?”
You smiled, pleased with the outcome of your negotiations. Good, you thought happily. Mission ‘Tame Freddie boy’ accomplished – at least for tonight.
The two of you got up and left the closet. Fred helped you clean yourself up. Then, he followed you around as you finished changing all of his clothes back to normal except –
“Hey.” Fred suddenly noticed, “You didn’t change that pair of boxers back yet.”
You looked over to where he was pointing. Sure enough, there was a pair of boxers, still covered in glittery pink hearts.
“Oh, that.” You smirked at Fred. “Those actually came like that. I slipped in them while I was busy changing stuff. It was my Christmas gift to you.”
You walked over and poked at it. The fabric did not change upon your touch. “See? It won’t change back, because that’s what it really is.”
“What the hell am I supposed to do with a pair of boxers like that?” Fred wondered, looking personally affronted by the boxers.
“Oh, don’t worry,” you assured him. “You’ll get a lot of use out of them.”
Feeling a dreadful sense of anticipation, Fred asked carefully, “What do you mean by that?”
“Keep up, Fred. Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to make you wear them, of course,” you said, quite matter-of-factly. “In fact, if you don’t wear these boxers for our Valentine’s Day date, I’ll keep your balls blue until the end of the year.” As you spoke, you cozied up to Fred and gently ran your index finger down his chest and stomach. At the same time, you looked at him with rather alluring eyes. “Okay?”
“You – What? No way would I wear these out on a date with you. How the hell do you even come up with stuff like this?” Fred protested, turning pink in the face.
You laughed. “To be honest, it’s only when I see how much if affects you that I get all these bright ideas.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and said, in a sing-songy voice, “You’re my muse, Freddie boy.”
Fred scowled, but he couldn’t help except let you laugh and hold onto him because you looked so damn cute when you did that.
You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. “Mwah. Good night, then.”
You made for the door, when Fred suddenly grabbed your hand. He quickly pulled you back to him and, before you could say anything, he told you, in a low, thoughtful voice, “Hey, before you go. I was thinking about it, and you have said that you’re mine before.”
You looked up at Fred with a quizzical look on your face.
“You teased me yesterday, saying that you never really said that you were mine,” Fred reminded you. “But you did, when I had you in bed, and I called you a hellcat, and you said that you were mine. My hellcat. I remember that clearly, and you can’t take it back now.”
As Fred spoke, he wrapped his arms firmly around you.
You allowed yourself a soft, happy smile as you buried your face against his shoulder. “Aw, shucks,” you mumbled, “I’ve been caught.”
Hugging you tight to him, Fred replied, with a spark of smugness in his voice, “That’s right, you’ve been caught. And don’t you forget it.”
  Tagged User(s):  @saltstacks  
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mosylufanfic · 1 year
A Long Way to Sunrise
I started writing this before Christmas, hoping to post it for the holiday. Then I was hoping to post it for New Year’s Eve. I will now pause for your knowing laughter.
Okay, now that we all have that out of our systems, I made up most of the holiday traditions and superstitions in this story, or plucked them out of whatever dusty store room my brain stashed them in when I read them ages ago. The exception is the food that Bix makes, which are dishes I chose because Adria Arjona was born in Puerto Rico. 
A Long Way to Sunrise
They'd spent the day making the house ready for the new year, cleaning it top to bottom. After they'd finished, Bix had fallen asleep mid-afternoon, which was also traditional. 
When she woke, it was well after dark. She sat up, pushing the heels of her hands into her eyes, and muttered, "Bluuuuugh," into her wrists. She had the kind of headache you got from falling asleep at a strange hour and sleeping more than a nap's worth. 
The house was cold and quiet, and she shivered against it for a moment, annoyed. This was wrong, all of it. Just wrong.
On Ferrix, Life Day and the new year were midsummer holidays. Oh, of course the technical end of the year, by the Imperial calendar, was a month and a half later. But everyone on Ferrix knew the year really ended and began a week after Life Day, with Last Night and First Morn. 
And the week in between, when the salvage yard and most businesses were closed, was when everyone celebrated, the sun pouring cheerfully down on them as they cooked holiday food, took gifts around the town, and held parties in the streets. 
But Gangi Moon was almost perfectly opposite, as far as seasons went. They'd come away from Ferrix  in a late-blooming and chill spring, and landed here in the middle of fall, already turning back to cold and dark. 
To Bix, it just felt as if she was stuck in the middle of a winter that would never end. 
"Stop that," she said aloud, and forced herself up out of bed. 
She dug her fingers into her scalp and massaged until the tension eased, then undoing the tie at the end of her braid and combing her fingers through it until her hair spilled loose over her shoulders. She shook it out, considered her reflection in the night-dark window, and smoothed down as much of the frizzies as she could. 
Then she undid the ties of her quilted jacket and the shirt underneath it, and the drawstrings of her pants, letting everything dangle loose so as not to stay tied to anything from the old year. 
She'd never trucked with such superstitions before. She was Bix Caleen and she controlled her own destiny. But now, humbled and sobered in more ways than one, Bix felt the need of all the luck she could get. 
With all her clothing loose like this, the chill got to her, so she pulled her blanket off her bed and wrapped it around herself. She peeked over in the other room at Brasso's bed, but it was empty. Maybe he'd gone out to get something. 
She got herself some pernil from the chiller box, noting that it was close to gone, and packed the savory shredded meat into one of the sweet dinner rolls they'd made the night before Life Day. Brasso's recipe, passed from his mum and his nan, his family's Life Day tradition. 
After she'd eaten her makeshift sandwich, he still wasn't back. Frowning, she assembled another one with the last of the pernil. "Bee?" she called out.
After a moment, she heard the little droid’s servos shifting and his wheels rolling slightly - his version of a sleepy query.
She went into the hall where they'd put the charger they'd managed to find. "Hey, Bee," she said, crouching down. "How's your charge?"
"Eight-t-t-ty percent."
She frowned. He'd taken to spending longer and longer on his charger lately, with a far slower charging time. "We need to get you a better charger."
"This is f-fine."
"It could be better," she said. "Where's Brasso gone to?"
"Outs-s-s-ide. In the b-back." They had a patch of back, not even big enough to be dignified with the term yard.
"All this time?" She opened the back door and found him sitting on the small, square step. 
Something about the slump of his shoulders made her go out to him. "Brass? What are you doing out here? It's cold as balls."
"Just thinking," he said, with a slur at the edge of his words.
He had a bottle of something set down by his feet. She frowned at it. "Are you drunk?"
Brasso would have a drink at the pub or with friends, but she'd never seen him drunk, or even heard of it. She'd always figured it was because of his dad.
"Lil' bit," he sighed. "Just a lil' bit."
She handed him the sandwich and the last roll. "Here. Soak up some of that in your belly."
He took it. "Is this the last of it?"
"Yup. Best to get everything eaten before First Morn." She leaned up against the house and wrapped her blanket tighter around herself. "Thinking about Jezzi's message?"
"Don't know what's worse. That we're not home or that they can't celebrate proper." He was still holding the sandwich, picking at the crumbs flaking off the edge of the bread.
She kicked her heel uncertainly against the house. Usually it was her down in the dumps, and Brass trying to cheer her up. What would he say if she came up with this? "It was still Life Day, a week ago," she offered. "And tonight's still Last Night."
"No private gatherings of unrelated persons," he said gloomily. "No leaving your house after curfew. No sound above a certain decibel level. Permits for any community gatherings."
Translated, that meant no parties, lasting far into the night and inviting everyone on the street and half the town besides. No open-house day at the cramped row flats where Brasso had lived for years, where everyone threw open their doors and wandered from flat to flat, laughing and eating and drinking. 
"No concert," he said. "Think of that, Bixy. No concert at the school."
Oh, now, that was taking it too far. "Nobody goes to that concert if they don't have to. It's completely dire."
He battled for a moment, then admitted, "Well, yeah, it's bad, but it's nice to know it's there all the same. I sang in that concert thirteen years, and you did too."
"Yeah," she sighed. You smirked at your friends and neighbors who had to turn up to that concert because their kids were singing, knowing that someday it'd be your turn to sit through it for some kid you loved. 
He shook his head. "Isn't right," he said. "It's not the way things should be."
She couldn't say anything to that. Knowing she wasn't going to be home for Life Day, or for Last Night, had dumped her in the swamps for most of the month. She'd dragged herself to her feet most days because Brasso worried so much when she didn't, but the day after Life Day she hadn't been able to get out of bed at all. She was looking forward to being through it and not having to think about what she was missing anymore.  
"A lot of things aren't the way they should be," she said. "But tonight's still Last Night."
"They won't be permitted to celebrate," he said darkly. "All those people in the streets. All the noise and the shouting, and the trumpets and the drums when the sun comes up. Like another riot."
"Still," she said. "I think they will."
"They bulldozed our wall, Bix."
Just thinking it made her sick. That had been part of Jezzi's message too. The wall - the wall of all their people - 
"Our kin are rubble and gravel," Brasso went on. "You think the ones who did that will care for First Morn?"
"But Ferrix people'll stay up for Last Night," she said. "Even if it's behind closed curtains. Even if they have to stay out of the streets. Even if they can't sing the last moon down or cheer the sun when it rises. They'll stay up."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Because we are."
He twisted around and stared at her a moment. There were tears in his eyes. He looked away, wiped his nose, then reached down for the bottle. "This rotten stuff is doing my head in, and no mistake."
"Best pour it out, then."
"Rather make a rebel's cocktail with it." He sloshed it thoughtfully, then sighed and flipped it upside down, letting the cheap stuff glug into the dirt. "But there's nothing for us to light on fire here, so pouring it out it is."
She wrinkled her nose. "From the smell of it, a rebel's cocktail is the best use for it anyway." 
He was still holding the sandwich, and now he took a meditative bite. "Did I tell you this was really good?" he asked with his mouth full.
"You did."
"You didn't make any of your rice this week."
"I made rice."
"Yeah, and it was good, but not the special rice you make, with the sort of - " He waved the half-eaten sandwich. "The beans in."
"Arroz con gandules," she said.
"That's it. Yeah. S'good."
"I couldn't get the pigeon peas," she said. She'd barely been able to get the seasoning for the pernil, which had come as a nasty shock. There were so many Mimbran families, or families that had been Mimbran recently enough to still cook the food, living on Ferrix that things like pigeon peas and good spices were a basic staple in the grocer's. Not here, though.
"Ah,” he said. “Sorry about that."
She hugged the blanket tighter around herself and made her voice brisk. "It's just food. It's all right."
She'd told herself that over and over, the day she lay in bed. It's just food. There's no reason to feel so awful about it. Don't be so silly. 
He shook his head. "You used to make that all the time back home. I remember you brought a great dish of it when my dad died."
She probably had; it was her go-to for occasions like that. Mostly because if she made a big enough batch there was plenty left over for her even after she'd taken some to whatever family was grieving or celebrating. 
"Surprised you want any, with an association like that."
"I do, though. Every time I took a bite, I knew someone was thinking of me." He finished off the sandwich, rubbed his hands together briefly, and tucked them into crooks of his elbows. "Same with what everyone brought."
She nudged him with her foot. "Mine was best, though, right?"
"Of course," he said. He gave her a sly look. "Better'n Jezzi's famous green beans. But don't tell her I told you that."
"It goes with me to the grave," she said solemnly.
She thought of when her own dad had died. She'd been too numb and exhausted to think anything but food I don't have to cook about the dishes that crammed her chiller box. But Brasso was right. Every dish had been brought by someone who was thinking of her.
Maybe that was why they all did it. Bix had never thought of it more deeply then, that's what you do.
Brasso hadn't brought anything, but nobody expected anyone living in those dinky flats to actually cook. He'd come with the other Sons of Ferrix, as her dad had been a Son. Before they'd loaded her dad's body onto the decorated salvage sled, he'd offered her a moment alone, and she'd said no. Fuck. No and burst into tears. 
He'd wrapped her up in his arms until she'd cried herself out, leaving skies only knew what on his shirt. She'd burrowed into his embrace for at least five minutes more beyond that before pulling away to blow her nose and wash her face. 
A chilly gust set her shivering, and she squeezed in next to him on the tiny step. He shifted to make room for her, but they were still hip to hip, which she wasn't complaining about. "You're sure you're still warm enough?" she asked. 
"Haven't been so warm since the summer." He smoothed his hand down over the coat she'd gotten him for Life Day - dark brown, sturdy, hard-wearing. 
His red ceremonial coat, which he'd worn when they fled Ferrix, had stayed in the closet even as it got colder and colder, the bitter wind whipping off the sea. He wanted to keep it nice, he'd said, and added another layer on top of the several he was already wearing. 
She'd saved up as much as she could from the fixes she did for the second-hand shop in town, and the "errands" they ran for the Rebels, and spent multiple afternoons sifting through the offerings at the second-hand shop until she found one big enough, thick enough, and with only some tears in the lining and tatters at the hems. She'd taken it to the repair shop to get those fixed.  
She'd been prepared for a fight, as she didn't have the best reputation in town, and she was pretty sure she'd gotten in a fight with the shopkeep's son during one of her benders. But credits spoke every language, and the stone-faced woman had taken the order and haggled without obvious resentment. 
"You're not half-bad when you're not drunk and mean," she'd said when they came to an agreement. 
"I'm still mean," Bix said. "Just not drunk."
The woman had actually cracked a small smile at that. "I'll have the coat ready for your man before Life Day."
"He's not - we - we're just - " Bix had fallen into confused silence at the shopkeep's raised brow, and escaped when another customer came in. There'd been no more words about her man when she'd gone to pick it up, but she'd been self-conscious the whole time. 
But it was a damn nice coat, and the repairs were almost invisible. She petted the heavy material with satisfaction. 
When she looked up, she realized Brasso was studying her with furrowed brows. "What?" she said.
"Just noticed you weren't wearing your jewelry." He cleared his throat. "Not the last couple days."
She touched the edge of her ear. She had never felt completely dressed without some kind of jewelry on, mostly in her ears or braided into her hair because necklaces and rings were liable to get caught as she was making repairs. 
He'd given her a set of ear cuffs for Life Day. She'd put them on immediately and he'd smiled and said, "There we are. Didn't seem right, Bix without some pretties on."
At the hotel, the ISB had taken all her jewelry off her before - well. Before. She hadn't had any since. 
"Yeah, I took them off," she said. "They're inside, on top of my clothes chest."
"Saving them for special?"
"No, they just, uh, I needed to fix them."
He frowned. "Did they break?"
She gave in and admitted, "The metal made my ears itch, all right? But I'll get some varnish and paint the insides and I'll be wearing them every day again."
"Any kind of metal that doesn't make your ears itch?"
"Yeah, the kind that's too expensive for us right now." Which was why she hadn't said anything before. She nudged him. "Don't fret on it. I've had to do that with almost every piece of jewelry I ever owned."
"If you're sure," he said, still doubtful. 
"I'm sure. I love them."
Another chilly gust snuck over the wall. A shudder racked him, swiftly suppressed.
"Brass, you are cold."
"I'm fine."
"I felt you shiver. Here." She opened her blanket and draped it over him. He didn't argue further, just tugged the other edge around himself.
Draped over two, it didn't quite cover them. But the warm bulk of Brasso's body made up for it. She tucked herself up close to him and slid her arm through his, fitting them together. 
"Wouldn't mind some of that summer heat right about now," he said. 
"What'd you do for Last Night a year ago?" she asked.
"Spent it with some of the lads from the yard. Aladon and Denz. At their place. It was nice."
"I spent it with Timm,” she admitted, like a shameful secret. “For the first time. See what that got me.”
He tilted his head down towards hers. "I think that's the first I've heard you talk about him," he said. "Not even since we left home. Since he died."
"Well, he wasn't the most popular person in Ferrix, once it got around he'd called the Imperials in on Cassian. And people were strange about talking about him in front of me. Either they thought I should be a grieving widow or they thought I should spit at the sound of his name."
"Which is it?"
"I don't know. Most of the time I just want him alive so's I can kick his ass. What an idiot."
"Won't argue that."
She looked down at her feet and kicked them in the dirt of the yard. "Do you think," she said, mostly to the dirt. "Do you think if I'd just managed to love him the way he wanted - "
"Then we wouldn't be here?" Brasso finished. "Mmm. Maybe."
She'd expected him to deny it, and shot him a betrayed look.
"Then again," he continued in the same tone of voice, "if Cassian Andor hadn't riled up the corpos like he did, they wouldn't have been after him in the first place, for Timm to turn in. And come to think of it, if Maarva and Clem hadn't taken it in their heads to adopt a half-grown boy from wherever it is they found him, he wouldn't have been on Morlana to rile up the corpos at all. And you know, if Naboo hadn't elected Sheev Palpatine Senator in the first place - "
"All right!" she said. "All right. I get it."
"And," he said more quietly, "if I'd been able to hold them off a little longer, they mightn't've caught you."
He sounded actually serious about that. How long he been stewing on it? She squeezed his arm. "Even you couldn't have held them off that long," she said. "And where would I have gone, anyway? There were too many of them. If I'm not to blame, you're not either."
"No," he said on a sigh. "No. The ones to blame are the Imperial Shithead Bastards."
They were quiet together for several minutes. 
"Don't feel bad about what you couldn't feel for Timm," he said in a low voice. “That's not really something you choose."
She sighed. She had a lot of regrets when it came to Timm. She'd taken advantage of his devotion, it was true. And she'd told herself that she'd made her own stance clear - just for fun, just to pass the time - when she knew full well he thought he could talk her into more. She shouldn't've let that go on. Look how it had ended. But - 
"You're right," she said. "Even if I'd  wanted to, I don't think I ever could've loved him. Not that way."
"My mum used to say hearts don't beat on command."
She swallowed hard, looking down at the dirt again, feeling her own heart - the one that had been so careless toward the man in her bed - soft and yearning toward the man at her side. "Be easier if they did."
He sighed heavily. "It would at that."
She cast about for a change away from dangerous subjects. "You don't talk about your mum much," she said. 
"Well, she's been gone a long time. Near twenty years. You remember her?" he asked, almost hopefully.
She wished she could say yes. But if she did remember Brasso's mum, it was as another face in the formless mass of adults that most little kids saw. "I remember people talking about her."
"And what is it they said?"
Better'n that Jakin ever deserved. Ardeth is probably the reason Brasso turned out so good. "Just that you're a lot like her."
He smiled as if he could hear the things she wasn't saying, and they fell silent again. 
"What time is it?" he asked after a while. "Can't tell without the moon."
"It said after two on the chrono when I woke up. So later than that. By a good hour, I’d guess. Maybe more.”
He sighed. "It's almost down at home."
The last moon of the year, a tiny sliver of a thing. Tradition said the old year ended when it set. 
She nudged him. "Go on then. Sing it down, Brass."
It was a child's tradition, singing the last moon down, so he sang a child's song, soft and sweet. It was a lullaby that Ferrix parents sang to their babies, so there had never been a time Bix hadn't known it, and probably Brasso too. 
He had a clear, unselfconscious tenor voice, and she rested her head on his shoulder and listened to the words for maybe the first time in her life.
It told of a bird in the depths of winter, in the ice and the cold, in the smoke of its breath and the chill of its toes. But the bird sang, defiant, promising the winter-frozen world that spring was closer than it had been at the start. 
He finished the song and fell silent. She shut her eyes and sighed, picturing the last moon slipping down over the horizon, leaving them all together in the pause between years, before the first sun rose. 
When it did, they would all rush out into the street if they weren't there already, shouting and cheering, blowing trumpets, banging drums. In the tower, the anvil sang out note after note of joy and greeting, until the Time Grappler's arms got too tired to go on. Superstition said the longer he could go, the better year it would be.
The adults kissed, at least those who had someone to kiss did, and the kids ran around screaming with the unhinged glee of kids who were so tired they couldn't see straight. 
Then everyone went home and slept for most of the day. 
The day after that, the salvage yard would reopen, the shop owners would put out their shutters, and normal life would resume. 
But before all that came these breath-held hours of darkness. 
"Bix," he murmured. 
"I know it's not sunrise yet. But I'd like to kiss you."
She lifted her head and opened her eyes, and he was looking at her very steadily. 
She'd always thought his eyes were a dark grey, but this close, she could see green and even a touch of blue blossoming out from the pupil, like a common flower you never bothered with until someone you loved gave you a bouquet of them. 
"I'd like you to kiss me," she said. 
He lifted his hand to her cheek and closed his mouth over hers.
She'd kissed him once before, drunk and angry, and he'd stood there passive, like kissing a stone wall. She'd told herself afterwards, hungover and smarting, that she probably wasn't missing anything.
Oh, how wrong she'd been. 
His lips brushed soft against hers, lifting away, returning. His beard-scruff scratched, and he tasted of pernil and a hint of that rotgut and something that seemed to be just him. His hand was warm on her cheek, and if she could have lived the rest of her life in this moment she would have. 
His hand shifted, his fingers sinking into her hair, and a shiver went through her that had nothing to do with the cold. 
She wanted to deepen the kiss, slide her tongue into his mouth, crawl into his lap, guide his hands into her shirt, grind down until she felt him harden under her - 
And then what?
She turned her head, breaking contact. 
A year ago, Timm had kissed like this, in this same between time, and she'd taken him into her bed.
See where that got her. 
"Something wrong?" he whispered. His breath ghosted against her cheek. 
"It was lovely, Brass," she said softly, smoothing her hand over his coat-front. "But you've been drinking, and we're both of us homesick, and we - we're both the nearest thing to Ferrix either of us've got right now. So I think we should stop. Before we do something we shouldn't."
His fingers were still in her hair. He let them fall, the motion tugging softly and pleasantly at her scalp. "You've good sense."
"Not always," she said ruefully.
He got to his feet, the blanket sliding off his shoulders. 
She caught it, shivering with the loss of his body heat. "You okay?"
"Yeah." He looked down at her. "You should go inside. It's dreadful cold."
She got to her feet, slowly, trying to work out his expression in the darkness. Was he hurt? Upset? Annoyed? Relieved? "Are you coming in, too?"
He rubbed his hand over his face. "I think I should take a walk. Clear my head." 
"Yeah, all right," she said. "Don't you freeze out there."
"Not with this coat on, I won't," he said, and detoured around to the side gate. 
She went inside, hugging the blanket tighter around her, resisting the temptation to bury her face in its folds and try to catch a whiff of his scent. She told Bee that Brasso was fine, he'd just gone to get something they needed, and the little droid was wise enough not to ask what could possibly be needed so urgently that he went out in the wee hours for it. 
She washed the dishes the pernil and the sweet rolls had been in, and pulled out the beans to set them soaking - something she'd forgotten before she fell asleep. She took down all the blankets and sheets they'd washed and hung up to dry, making the beds with scrupulous attention to smoothing out every tiny wrinkle.
In all that time, Brasso still didn't come back.
She sat cross-legged on her bed, brushing out the tangles in her hair, trying not to worry. He'd been fine. He hadn't really had that much to drink. And he knew better than to go down by the sea. Especially as his own dad had drowned. 
When her hair was as tangle-free as she could possibly make it, she went to the table and pulled out her latest repair, a commlink with half its connections rusted out and needing replaced. It was barely worth doing, she thought as she trained her work-light on it. She wouldn't get much for it. Might be best to keep it for them, once she got a mate.
She tried not to worry. Or to think about the way his lips had felt on hers.
When the sky began to lighten, she put her tools away and went to sit on her bed again to watch it out the window. In the winter like this, the sun rose late. By her calculations, the new sun was well up on Ferrix. She sat listening to the silence where the anvil should be singing out notes of joy and luck and hope for the new year. 
Finally, she saw his familiar form turn the corner, silhouetted against the delicate pre-dawn light, and let out a sigh of relief. Then apprehension. What were they going to do? Pretend it had never happened? Have an awkward conversation? 
Kiss again?
No. She'd been right to stop them.
The door rattled, and his voice said indistinctly, "It's stuck again."
"Kriff," she said, jumping off her bed. Like everything else about this rented house, the door was old and half-functional, and the cold had made the lock especially stubborn lately. "Give me a moment - hah." The door slid open.
His cheeks were red with cold, but his eyes were clear. She looked up at him, and he looked away.
Oh. It was going to be like that.
But he said, "Hear that?"
"What?" She stepped out the door to join him in the street. 
"There. Shh." He held up a hand, listening. After a moment, he turned his head to smile at her, and then she heard it too. 
It was a bird.
A bird, alone, unseen, singing a high sweet song into the bitter air as the first edge of the new sun breached the horizon. 
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xivu-arath · 1 year
it is femslash february and also valentine's day, so I am finally pulling this snippet out instead of continuing to sit on it! tfw u are gay and also know the galaxy is maybe doomed
“What is it?” Rkorya asks when Lana pulls her away. The ruins she’s led her to are secluded, with enough standing walls to keep them hidden from view, and they’re far away from the coalition’s staging area that it’d be difficult to just stumble on them. In short, a good place to say something she’d rather not have overheard. “Is something wrong? Has the Republic tried to undermine us already?”
“No, no – though they might still try something, the truce holds for now,” Lana says, brow furrowing. Rkorya can feel her thinking something over, deliberating over each word, each action. Throughout every betrayal and crisis, her intellect has been both guide and weapon, something Rkorya has grown to admire and rely on. Normally she would have enjoyed watching her think, or treasured how relatively unguarded she is around her, but even this new, fragile bond cannot distract her from what she must somehow accomplish.
“This isn’t about the coalition, or Revan, or our mission. It’s about you.”
“Me,” she repeats dully, trying to wrest her thoughts away from tactics and battle. “What specifically about me?”
“It... might not be my place to say as much, but you’re pushing yourself. More than you were on Rishi, if I’m to judge.”
“And if I am?” she says, and waves sharply at the ruins, and the humming tension of the Force that they’re both privy to, like a darkly familiar note being plucked over and over. “This is surely a situation that requires it. You know I’m of little use away from the front lines.”
Lana doesn’t quite frown, and once again Rkorya has the sense that she is delicately sorting through what she might say. “You’re right, certainly. The Empire needs its strongest, and you are that. But you’ve already gone into the jungle several times for smaller matters, ones which don’t require your attention.”
Rkorya shifts, prepared to argue that point, and Lana raises a hand to forestall her. “It’s no longer just a handful of us against a conspiracy. We have people now, resources we couldn’t use in hiding. We no longer need to do everything ourselves.”
“I know that,” she snaps, more heated than she’d intended. “Just as I know what sort of missions I’m suited for, and what my limits are. I’ve made it this far without needing to be looked after.” As soon as she says the words she regrets them – she sounds more like a petulant child than a Sith, and one who knows she’s in the wrong.
It’s a struggle to rein in her temper, but she at least manages to soften her tone. “It takes hours or days to gather the intelligence needed to make our next move. What of it if I occupy myself with more minor tasks? What matters if that they’re getting done.”
“What matters,” Lana says, “is that you are the one doing them, wasting your energy when we have other options. Surely after all of this, no one could doubt your dedication. There’s nothing left to prove –”
“It’s not about proving anything! I – Lana, I have to be doing something. It doesn’t matter what, I just can’t stand this waiting.” Before, she had taken such things in stride, but she had been confident then, certain of her strength and her ability to triumph in the end. Now Yavin feels like an obstacle placed in her path, and there’s a frenetic energy humming under her skin, demanding she keep moving, keep fighting, do something of worth. “The stakes are too high, now.”
Usually she admires Lana’s poise, her ability to remain focused and in control despite the depths of her emotions, but right now it’s infuriating – her calm seems implacable, her reasoning a counter to Rkorya’s every word.
Perhaps they’ve grown close enough for Lana to sense that, because her expression softens and she steps closer, reaching for her hand. She lets her take it in both of hers, and not even her current mood can tarnish the quiet thrill of this familiarity, this easy trust.
She couldn’t have dreamt of it, once.
“The stakes are high,” Lana agrees. “That is why it’s important that you be rested, focused. We need you – I need you – to be at your strongest.” Her composure slips – purposefully, she’s sure – just enough for Rkorya to catch just how important this is to her. “There’s little room for mistakes, with the truce and with our enemies. It’s nearly overwhelming as it is. I can’t bear having to worry about you as well.”
She’d clenched her hands into fists, but they uncurl now, some of the tension draining out of her. It would be difficult to fight a need as great as this one, and it’s utterly impossible now, when Lana meets her gaze and holds her hand like it’s some precious thing. For reasons she can’t begin to explain, that nearly undoes her. To be seen as so worthy of this.
“You shouldn’t worry,” she says at last, voice low and rasping with emotions she can’t quite name. “You know my strength –”
“Any other time, and in any other place, I wouldn’t question it. But here, I must. Please, Rkorya.” She squeezes her hand lightly. “Be careful.”
“I will,” she says haltingly.
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centuryberry · 2 years
FNAF Security Breach AU (UTMV)
Usually, I’d just keep my AUs and story ideas in my head until I managed to crank out a oneshot or a multi-chaptered fic, but I think I’m going to take a crack at writing out my ideas on here.
The Story
Chara, a scrappy and feral street child, sneaks into the Pizzaplex and stays after hours so they can sleep somewhere warm. They quickly learn that there’s something wrong with the animatronics (a very murdery kind of wrong), but they’re locked in until 6:00 a.m. and the security guard is nowhere in sight. But that’s all right. Chara was used to being in difficult, life-threatening situations. They can hold out for a few, measly hours. The problem? There is another child stuck in the Pizzaplex. Three-year-old Blank was never picked up, so they stayed in the Daycare after closing time.
Somehow, they both make it through the night with some teamwork and some help from the Daycare Attendant (“help” is a strong word since it only took a flip of a switch to turn the friendly Dream into the aggressive Nightmare.) Bad news for the two kiddos: a snowstorm hit the area that night, locking everyone in. Help won’t come for at least four more nights and the security guard that was supposed to be there still hasn’t shown their face. The children are stuck in the Pizzaplex.
Our Main Characters:
Chara: A runaway who’s been living in the streets for a while. Their past before the streets is never expanded on - only that it wasn’t a happy one. They’re slow to trust and is willing to throw down with their opponents when they’re able to, but they also know when to hide and retreat. Their priority is to survive. 100% would sass a murderous animatronic if they can get away with it. Thought Blank was a nuisance at first but got attached(TM) and now is willing to burn the entire Pizzaplex down if anything happens to them. (Once Chara gets their hands on a laser gun it’s over for everyone.)
Blank: A regular at the Daycare who was never picked up before closing time. Blank absolutely adore Dream/Nightmare as the Daycare Attendant(s) practically raised them since their “Mama” was always busy making ends meet. When their beloved caretaker(s) began to act strange, Blank immediately attached themselves to Chara. While they never met the main four since those animatronics were for the “big kids,” Blank is a huge fan. They even wear character-onesies. A little too trusting, but they mean well and they’re good at sneaking around.
About the Animatronics:
Fazzbear Entertainment completely rebranded itself after the many fires, murders, and freak-accidents. No more Freddy, Bonny, Chica, Foxy, Roxanne, and Monty. Now, there are completely new characters who take the stage. Originally, the new animatronics were supposed to look more human-like, but because of some shortcuts made to save money, they ended up looking more skeletal instead. Because of how well-received they were after the first showing, the design was kept for all robots within the establishment.
Of course, the “skeleton” design is only the base. In an attempt to outshine their previous mascots, Fazzbear Entertainment took on a mythological theme. Not only were their designs more intricate than their predecessors, but their programming was completely focused on protecting, entertaining, and aiding children.
The Main Animatronics
Instead of only one animatronic being “good” and helping the children out, that role switches from animatronic to animatronic each night, which kinda makes Chara’s trust issues worse lol. Thankfully, Blank has a talent for pointing out which animatronic to trust for the night and it correlates with the onesie they insist on putting on for the night.
Cross - Inspired in part by the wolves of Norse Mythology (Fenrir and Skull & Hati) and by Werewolves. He has two modes: 1) His bipedal mode, which is a form which allows him to talk and sing, and 2) his wolf mode, which has him shift completely into a canine form. His first form is good with performances and communication. His second form both functions as a “guard dog”against any adult who may pose as a threat to children (criminals/abusers/pedophiles) and a “support animal” for children with high anxiety. The form is very fast and good at hunting. Since he has soft ears and a fluffy tail in both forms, he is very popular amongst the children.
Ink - Inspired by the Chinese long, or dragon. His upper half is mostly “human-like” but his body is that of a dragon. Has a long “noodle” body with a brush tail, which he would use to paint during “arts & crafts” time with the kids. Also gives swimming lessons at the Pizzaplex’s water park since he’s waterproof (yes, I replaced Gator Golf with a water park.) While’s he’s good at entertaining, he sucks are remembering faces and names (or remembering other info unrelated to art and swimming tbh, a total goldfish.) Has a water gun in his mouth.
Reaper - Inspired by the harpy from Greek/Roman mythology. Reaper is one of the few animatronics who can fly. His wings are intricately made, even if they technically don’t make him “fly” without the help from ziplines attached to the ceiling. Has a first aid kit in his chest compartment on at all times and can stitch up wounds if the wounds are severe. Has talons as feet for the aesthetic and to “perch” at certain sections of the ceiling. Can mimic all bird calls and voices.
Blue - Inspired by the jackalope from North American folklore. Because of his cute appearance, his merch sells out pretty quickly. Blue is always dressed up in a cute outfit. Unlike the others, he has variety, mostly because he’s perfect for advertisement. His antlers can also be decorated. He’s often the one available to feature in birthday parties. Blue can see through walls and (in bursts) can be faster than Cross, though he has limited stamina.
The Daycare Attendant(s)
Dream/Night(mare) - Inspired by @skumhuu ’s design of the Apple Twins as Sundrop/Moondrop. They don’t have a specific mythology that they represent, which is fine since babies and toddlers don’t think too hard about that stuff anyways. Dream is popular because of his helpful and warm personality. Night used to be just as loved because of his storytimes and lullabies during nap time. Unfortunately, Night’s been acting strange and aggressive as of late, so the lights stay on. Like Reaper, the Daycare Attendant(s) are able to “fly” around the Pizzaplex.
Geno Error - The original Daycare Attendant, who used to be the face of the Daycare. Geno’s Error’s design was inspired by the Naga. He was the first to be infected by the Virus. He was scrapped and thrown away after an incident that ended up with half of his “head” caved in. (He fought so hard to not hurt the children.) Instead of breaking apart and letting the Virus overtake him, Geno became Error. With the remains of other bots, he managed to cobble together new parts for his body and survive. The basement area became his domain after he established himself as the “strongest”. (But then, a certain toddler falls down the trash chute and sets off long-forgotten childcare programs.)
Service Bots
Killer - A tour guide bot who was a little too chatty and smart for his type. He’d sass back to guests, take them through different routes, and even swear (how he learned to swear no one knew.) It was when his “eyes” started to secrete an oily substance that he was scrapped.
Horror - A food server bot who, after an accident that damaged his processor, binged ate food instead of serving them. Even after being thrown away, he’d “eat” everything and anything.
Dust - A security bot whose paranoia programming ran a little too well. He saw fellow security guards and visiting guests as threats. He set off the alarm too often, which led to him being scrapped.
TK - A child-sized map bot who tries his best. Offers maps for each level of the Pizzeria. Befriends Blank and annoys Chara to no end.
There’s more about this AU that I’d love to expand on and talk about. Feel free to ask! Or just wait until I post more about the AU. Since I will.
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mariacallous · 11 months
In 1959, the United States began construction of a real-life version of the frozen Echo Base from The Empire Strikes Back. The plan for Camp Century was to test snow tunneling technologies in northwest Greenland, not far from the north pole, ostensibly for scientific research. Really, the US was flexing its military muscle, and may have been considering Project Iceworm, a way to hide 600 nuclear missiles in thousands of miles of snow tunnels across northern Greenland, close to the former Soviet Union. The island’s massive ice sheet had other ideas for Camp Century, though—ice shifts and flows, making this not a particularly ideal place to stash nukes or run the nuclear reactor that powered the base.
Iceworm never went anywhere, and the US closed Camp Century in 1966, leaving the tunnels to collapse. But before everyone fled, researchers did manage to dig up some actual scientific dirt, drilling a 4,550-foot-deep core into the ice sheet. When they hit earth, they drilled a further 12 feet, bringing up a plug of frozen sand, dirty ice, cobbles, and mud. The military moved that ice core from its own freezers to the University at Buffalo in the 1970s. The core ended up in Denmark in the '90s, where it was kept frozen, so that now it provides scientists with invaluable insight into ice ages past.
Nobody cared much about the sediment, though, until 2018, when it was rediscovered in cookie jars in a University of Copenhagen freezer. Now, an international team of researchers has analyzed that sediment, and made a major scientific discovery.
“In that frozen sediment are leaf fossils and little bits of bugs and twigs and mosses that tell us in the past there was a tundra ecosystem living where today there's almost a mile of ice,” says University of Vermont geoscientist Paul Bierman, coauthor of a new paper describing the finding in the journal Science. “The ice sheet is fragile. It can disappear, and it has disappeared. Now we have a date for that.”
Previously, scientists reckoned that Greenland iced over some 2.5 million years ago, and has been that way since. In 2021, Bierman and his colleagues determined that it was actually ice-free sometime in the past million years. Now, they’ve dated the tundra ecosystem captured in the Camp Century core to a mere 416,000 years ago—so northwestern Greenland couldn’t have been locked in ice then.
Scientists also know that at that time, global temperatures were similar or slightly warmer than what they are today. However, back then, atmospheric concentrations of planet-warming carbon dioxide were about 280 parts per million, compared to today’s 422 parts per million—a number that continues to skyrocket. Because humans have so dramatically and rapidly warmed the climate, we’re exceeding the conditions that had previously led to the wide-scale melting of Greenland’s ice sheet and gave rise to the tundra ecosystem. “It's a forewarning,” says Utah State University geoscientist Tammy Rittenour, a coauthor of the new paper. “This can happen under much lower CO2 conditions than our current state.” 
That melting could be incredibly perilous. The new study finds that the Greenland ice melt 400,000 years ago caused at least 5 feet of sea level rise, but perhaps as much as 20 feet. “These findings raise additional concern that we could be coming perilously close to the threshold for collapse of the Greenland ice sheet and massive additional sea level rise of a meter or more,” says University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann, who wasn’t involved in the research. Today, less than a foot of global sea level rise is already causing serious flooding and storm surge problems for coastal cities—and that’s without the potential for an additional 20 feet. 
If Greenland melts again, it could reach a point of no return, relentlessly driving up sea levels as it does so. When an ice sheet melts, it exposes darker dirt beneath it, which absorbs more of the sun’s energy, raising local temperatures and driving more melting.
“If too much mass is lost and the elevation of the surface drops significantly, the resulting warming of the surface makes regrowth of the ice sheet more difficult,” says Pennsylvania State University geoscientist Richard B. Alley, who wasn’t involved in the research. “The new paper provides further evidence that even moderate sustained warmth will drive major melting in Greenland, forcing sea-level rise.”
Exactly how the Greenland ice sheet might degrade in the future is still unclear, and requires more research. Temperatures 400,000 years ago were similar to what they are today, but the natural warming that drove Greenland's melting back then happened gradually. Humans have quickly and dramatically warmed the planet since preindustrial times, and anthropogenic CO2 will stay in the atmosphere for thousands of years, unless people invent a way to remove it at large scale. We can also reduce temperatures. If we slash emissions, Mann says, Greenland’s ice sheet might remain stable.
So, how did this research team figure out that northwest Greenland was an ice-sheet-free tundra 400,000 years ago? The sediment from the Camp Century core was loaded with organic material, but it was way too old to examine by using carbon dating, which is only effective for periods up to 50,000 years back. “We pulled out little twigs and leaves, and we immediately sent them off radiocarbon dating, and they came back what we call ‘radiocarbon dead,’” says Rittenour. “There were no traces of radioactive carbon left in the sample.”
So instead, Rittenour used light—specifically the luminescence of bits of feldspar buried in the sediment. Free electrons build up in the minerals over time, producing a "luminescence signal." Exposure to sunlight essentially neutralizes this signal, but once these minerals became buried under thousands of feet of ice, the sun’s rays could no longer reach them, and the electron buildup recommenced. In a darkroom in the lab, Rittenour could peer into the Camp Century samples using infrared light. “We can use light of one wavelength, and we measure the luminescence coming off at a different wavelength,” says Rittenour. “The older the sample, the more luminescence it produces.” That allowed them to determine how long it had been since the feldspar in the sediment last saw sunlight.
To complement this, at the University of Vermont, Bierman looked at the mineral quartz in the samples for rare isotopes of beryllium and aluminum. “They're formed when cosmic rays, these really high energy particles, come zipping into Earth from beyond the solar system. And occasionally, they'll smack an element in the quartz grain,” says Bierman. “By looking at the ratio of those two isotopes, we can tell how long something's been buried away from those cosmic rays.” The result told them that this material had sat out on the landscape for less than 16,000 years.
Scientists are now racing to drill more ice cores in Greenland to gather more soil. Although the Camp Century core gives them the basis for modeling that they can use for estimations, with more cores, they can better work out how much of the island’s ice had disappeared and how quickly—and what that might presage about the ice sheet’s modern decline. “We now have definitive evidence that when the climate gets warm, the Greenland ice sheet disappears,” says Bierman. “And we've just started warming the climate.”
“We use the past to try to understand the future and understand the present,” Bierman continues. “And that makes the future a little frightening. Not that we should run from it—but to me, it's a call for action.”
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crazycoke-addict · 1 year
Phobia: the awakening
I don't think I ever been obsessed with a fnaf fan game than I ever been with a fnaf fan games. I think that fnaf has been the most impactful game and has been influence for indie game developers. The concept of the fnaf is so creepy, disturbing and terrifying than there are many indie game developers dipped their toe into making their own version with characters they have created themselves. However I think Phobia the awakening is different but still has the fnaf stuff in.
The Inspiration
So let's start with what Phobia the awakening is where it originated. If ever played the game than you'll notice the animatronics are very familiar and that's because they are. The game was inspired by an Australian kids show called The Wiggles and I grew up watching the guys you see in the same. They are the original four, Anthony the blue wiggle, Jeff the purple wiggle, greg the yellow wiggle and murray the red wiggle. There is also fifth character whose like an honary wiggle name Captain Feathersword. The wiggle is still going but now there are new members. They do occasionally appear in the show playing different characters and participate in important events like Christmas. The game itself was inspired by these creepy puppets they did for specials and I didn't knew they existed.
Jimmy the elf is connected to the wiggles but as a christmas song not a character. There are more members that have been added because they didn't got a puppet made for them. But i think play a part in the lore.
The original Idea
Phobia the awakening wasn't what it was going to be like we see and play. It was originally called Bought to Life and it was going to similar to fnaf help wanted flat mode. The original idea was that there were four levels that would set the player in different location. The one that ended up making to the new game was in the warehouse. The warehouse in bought to life is different to the warehouse we play in phobia the awakening. First the warehouse was still in its construction form if you will and instead of jimmy the elf in front of you it was an endoskeleton.
The animatronics appeared to be worn and dirty especially what the lore in tells so that could be the reason why. They also felt like an AI robot mixed between as the creepy puppet instead of the realistic humaniod animatronic that we see in Phobia the awakening. Another set that was going to take place was in the bedroom which was inspired by fnaf 4.
Lore and theories
Even though this is the first game. It has given us a fair amount of lore as well for us to create theories. The lore we get are from Matthew who talks to us through the phone during our nights as well as the vhs tapes that are scattered around in each night. You also play a protagonist name Mark.
So I wanna discuss about the messages we get from Matthew since he talks about some information about the pizzeria. According to Matthew, Wiggle Pizzahouse was opened in 1991 and was closed in 1998 due to the finical issues. Years have gone by and they decided to reopened the pizzeria. There are many animatronics but only a few manage to still work as all those years of being in the warehouse. During the nights, Matthew would give them an update on the animatronics and in Night 4 he says that someone must've turn them on and off because they are now acting out and said they are going to scapped them. However in night 5, Mark returns and Matthew finds out and is upset with him but tells him to finish the shift. However after you beat night 5, there is a cut scene where Mark wakes up in a different part of the warehouse. The greg animatronic comes closer to him and stuffs him in an animatronic suit.
In the office and in the cut scene, there are 3 missing persons posters. One of the things that Matthew fails to mentioned is that there was an incident happened on April 12th 1996. Now let's talk about the tapes.
In each night a tape would spawn in different locations. However you need to make sure you have all 5 tapes before you get the 6th tape. In the first tape, it says that this took place on September 22 2007 where they are testing the Marruy animatronic to see if it still works well however the end is him having his eye pupils light up and leaning towards the camera. The next tape shows up blueprints on some of the animatronics and announcement to the employees where they found out someone has reactive their AI so now they can't be deactivated. They also tell staff to not go near the animatronics for safety reasons. Matthew does mentioned this in night 4. In the 3rd tape, the camera facing unfinished version of the anothony animatronic meaning that the murray test must've happened after. You hear conversations happened where one person doesn't think its a good idea to reopened the pizzeria after what happened. It ends with the animatronic's eye moving. The 4th tape is a testing for Captain Feathersword however the video ends up with the employee being murdered by the animatronic. The 5th tape is an announcement that reads
"Warning to all employees- Stay away from all animatronics at all costs. This includes the various endoskeletons inside the warehouse. Stay out of the warehouse. Please refrain from telling friends or family about the issue. We will be dismantling the animatronics tonight. Thank you for your cooperation."
The 6th tape is titled "Timmy's birthday". We see a dark room and a deep distorted voice telling a story about a boy name Timmy who went to Wiggle Pizzahouse along with his 2 best friends to celebrate his 12th birthday however the day didn't well due him and his friend being murdered by someone. The 6th tape is the most important went it comes to lore since there are few hints that somehing bad happened in the pizzeria and why the company was probably having troubles on keeping it opened until 1998.
When it comes to theories I believe there are lot of questions but there are some that have been answered while others are still unknown. The first one being who possesss which animatronic? I think it easy to says who possesses whom based off their last name. Timmy's last name is Cook and he shares the same last night name as Murray the red wiggle meaning that he is possessing that animatronic. One of his friend whose last name is Fett would have to be 100% possessing the Jeff animatronic. However the 3rd friend whose name is David Smith is a mystery. There is no cast member with the last name Smith. However I'm going to guess that he may be possessing Captain Feathersword. It's unknown whose possessing Greg and Anthony however I do hope that we may get the answer in the sequel.
Another question that could answered is what were the animatronics that Matthew was refering to. He could be talking about the other characters who are Wags the dog, Henry the octopus and Dorothy the dinosaur. They never got a puppet of their own which could be a way to say that their own animatronics are out of commission. It's possible it doesn't mean anything but could come up in future games.
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I wont see my friends for a few days but I need to share my work drama so here internet you have it.
I can’t say which restaurant I work at bc we 100% have a social media policy and the wages are bussin sO just know it’s a steak house and averages like, $30-50 per person, but we’re a chain.
A few months ago, we had a server, D, get fired for stealing from the company by getting pieces of checks voided out from tables that paid in cash. So, say the bill was $120, they gave him $160 to cover tip, he would get a manager card and void off food from the bill so when he cashed out at the end of the night, he made not only the $40 the table meant to leave him, but also the difference between the actual total, and the one he manipulated. This was discovered by a server who was also an hourly manager, C, and D was fired. It was a big scandal for like, a week and then we all got distracted by the fact that after the death of a previous manager we still hadn’t hired someone new and we were struggling by on two BOH managers.
(We still haven’t hired a new manager. It’s been four months it’s truly crazy. Like waiting a little bit was appropriate to me but damn man we need someone else on the team now. We’re literally borrowing managers from other stores around the country. Last week we had a guy from tennessee, we’ve had a guy from texas. We’re close to the corporate office so right after it happened the LITERAL EXECUTIVE CHEF FOR THE COMPANY came to like, cut meat and make salads and shit. It was wild, I got to tell him he designed an appetizer that looked like a vagina, because he did.0
ANYWAY. Today, during a decently chill shift, we started talking because we’re a restaurant and gossip is a currency. AND I LEARNED THE MANAGER WHO GOT D FIRED, C, WAS IN ON THE GIG THE WHOLE TIME. HE WAS DOING THE SAME THING, AND HAS BEEN FOR OVER A YEAR.
Like, there’s an internal investigation right now, and the rough estimates for lost money is in the ten thousand dollars range. The company is looking into the legal actions because what looked like petty theft turned into fucking grand larcany and our GM is in so much trouble likely because he’s supposed to go over all the voids every week and it looks like he was just submitting the report without reading it. THey could have caught this so much faster if he had been oH MY GOD
but also one of my favorite coworkers got fired for a dumb reason. (There were legit reasons to fire him, tbh. Home boy was always late and left early and would leave and come back, but he was reliable as hell on the line.)
it’s just a lot to happen at a restaurant in one week. And we literally did have a manager die and have to cover shifts for the like, five employees he was related to. Christmas was crazy Corporate basically approved us for unlimited OT and our District manager like, moved into our store for a few weeks.
But yeah, I already have the story plotted so this won’t make it into hands off hands out but OH MAN IF I DIDN”T I still wouldnt use it because I tried to use it when we thought it was just D stealing and it wasn’t really a story i was interested in telling tbh? It just didn’t fit into the tone of the whole thing.
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christmas eve and feeling a melancholy sort of way? means time for wildly self-indulgent fic. hi colin again…
They miss the flight that’s supposed to bring them home to Glasgow, and Colin has to put on the voice he uses when he has to break bad news to passengers—it’s just that he now has to use it to console Darla, who Colin will not be with this Christmas Eve.
Not for the first time, but this will be the first that their daughter, also, will not be there for her. It’s Colin’s fault—he was a little indulgent this time, had asked his daughter to bid with him. Flights together are rare; he was responsible for that company policy, struck by the fear of Darla losing them both at once if something happened that he couldn’t control.
But just this once, his resolve had slipped; just this once, they had taken a tour together. It didn’t end at base, but they’d just reasoned that they could take a flight back. Those plans had been ruined by a storm system over Austria, which had canceled flights, and—
They’re not home.
Mrs Fairbairn wastes no time looking on the bright side of things, of course, her lovely voice as bright as she can possibly make it given the current circumstances. Colin presses the little cell phone harder against his ear, in hopes that she can transmit her optimism straight into his brain. “You have our Linda,” she reminds him. “At least you’re together.”
“We’ll try to be home before you get up, if you lie in,” Colin says, desperately. “We’ll be your Christmas present.”
“Oh, Colin.” Darla chuckles over the line. “That’s sweet. You’ll be in your coats and scarves. I can unwrap you both.”
“Yes, darling. I’m sorry…”
“Colin, sweetheart, rest,” Darla says softly. “If you’re going to start early, you should rest. I’ve already said good night to Linds.”
They bid good night to each other, kisses down the line; Colin flips his cell phone closed and walks back through the empty crew lounge, his daughter picking at the skin around her nail as she sits on a sofa, shoes off, stockinged feet tucked up.
“Bairnie,” he calls softly, bending to drop his phone into his flight bag pocket. He absentmindedly pulls down the hem of his rumpled shirt—no clean pajamas, sadly, they’ll have to sleep in uniform—Linda looks up at him quickly, sitting on her hands to hide that she’s been picking at them. His daughter manages a smile. She’s in this business too; heaven knows they don’t formally teach pilots how to make the most of a non-ideal situation in ground school, but she’s got it down. Colin sits next to her and drapes his arm behind, dropping his head onto her shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, turning his head and letting his nose brush against the fabric of her blazer, identical to the one hanging over the back of a chair save for the stripes on her arm—one less.
“You did everything you could, Dad. I’m okay.”
“Are you hungry, Linds? I’m sure there’s…well, there are microwaves here,” he casts a quick look around the crew lounge. “I don’t know if anything’s open, if there are ready-made meals in this airport…” A new wave of melancholy crashes over him, and he sighs and buries his face in his daughter’s shoulder again, “oh bairnie, I’m sorry…”
“Dad,” Linda says gently, and Colin feels her lay a hand across the back of his head, “Dad, it’s okay, for me, it really is. I’m still full from the catering earlier. If you want, I have a spare sandwich from when I slipped out to stretch my legs during the first turnaround. It might be a little squashed, but it’s still fundamentally a sandwich…”
Colin can’t help but laugh, a bit despairingly, and his daughter shifts so she’s got both her arms around him.
“We should rest,” she says, echoing her mother, “if we want to be home before Mum’s up. We should get the earliest flight out, and I had a wander down to the cargo terminal while you were in the crew shower, because you always told me they tend to have earlier flights. I found out there’s going to be a transatlantic flight that will stop in Glasgow for fuel around 0500 Zulu, and…” she continues explaining the calculations she’s done to account for time zone, and Colin smiles against his daughter’s shoulder; clever lass, it seems every day she pushes the upper boundaries of his pride—
“You’re half-asleep, Dad,” Linda says, breaking into his thoughts, her voice amused.
“No, I’m listening,” Colin says innocently, stretches up, and tickles his daughter’s chin with his mustache; she giggles, leans away, and Colin pushes himself in to kiss her cheek. “Run along to the shower, bairnie, and we’ll get that rest you’re speaking of. I’ll try to make things more comfortable for us tonight.”
She gently disengages herself and obeys, leaving Colin to open the cupboards, pull out spare company pillows and blankets, and prepare two of the crew lounge sofas for himself and his daughter.
“Two?” Linda asks when he’s surveying his work. He turns around and sees her hang her blazer over a chair next to his, putting her tie on the table. She’s left her epaulettes on but the top buttons of her untucked shirt are undone, in imitation of him. In response to his questioning look, she sticks a little pout on her face and says, “I’m cold.”
Colin chuckles, “All right,” and before he can think too hard about it, they’re flat out on one of the sofas together, and she’s in his arms the same way she always liked when she was a bairn, but they’re almost the same height now and it’s a little cramped but—
He’s much too comfortable to care.
When Linda was little, Colin would spend more time than he was willing to admit looking down at his sleeping daughter, thinking of how lucky he was that he could just look at her, the way her eyes crinkled up when they were shut, the perfect curve of a nose that must have been carbon-copied from his, the way she was so vulnerable and grounding and real, the rise and fall of her little chest mesmerizing in half-light. And before that, when he would wake before Darla, and watch her in sleep too—vulnerable, grounding, and real. The only two women he’s ever loved, the only ones he loves more than the sky.
He’s not religious, really—the sheer dominance of the sky is enough for him, he never particularly needed a belief system to supplement it—but if there’s a God, Colin thinks his Linda and his Darla must be from Him.
“Your brain’s too loud,” Linda mumbles, and Colin tightens his arms around her, kisses her cheek, and she giggles, sleepily. “Good night, Dad.”
“Good night, bairnie.”
There’s a pause, and then— “Merry Christmas.”
Colin smiles, and finds that he can return it. “Merry Christmas.”
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mill3nniumforc3 · 4 months
2023: A Year in Review: Part 1
Here we are, 11 years in a row! I started this in November, and it's now February. Things got pretty crazy at the end of the year and I just didn't have time between work, being sick with a "mystery illness" that wasn't COVID or the flu, and trying to take care of myself.
Grab your popcorn and a drink, because this is going to be a long one!
We left off on Ohio State losing to Georgia, me missing the ball drop for the first time in YEARS, and Russell kissing me. Was I drunk? Maybe a little. I had to work on January 1, so I couldn't go too crazy.
My department was still managerless at UGS, so Kathy and Wendi were in charge. They asked me if I could start working earlier shifts on Sundays (10-6 had been my shift for MONTHS). I said I would prefer not to open, but 8-4 would be doable since I lived 30 minutes away.
And because the cost of eggs skyrocketed thanks to the bird flu, I made it a habit to check every egg carton before loading it into the car. This became something everyone did.
January 27 was me and Russell's fifth anniversary. We didn't have the time or money to do anything huge for it, so we went to dinner at Olive Garden. I was very happy about it since our first date was at an Olive Garden. January 27th was also my paternal grandfather's 91st birthday. Whoooo!
Oh, and Tee FINALLY got her car back after crashing it in October, meaning we had two cars again.
Kathy announced that she was the new manager. I was probably the only one to try and be supportive, but I think we all knew that it was an impending disaster.
We actually had plans for Super Bowl Sunday this year! We went to Russell's best friend Monkey's house. I provided dessert, ready to cheer on Philadelphia because I hate Kansas City. It was a good game to watch, even though Philly lost. The commercials and halftime show are better than the game itself anyway.
My dad's birthday was on February 13th. I called him and talked for a little while.
We didn't do anything for Valentine's Day because Russell had to work.
Tee decided to do an early trade-in with her lease on February 18th. She went from a blue 2020 Nissan Rogue to a gray 2023 Nissan Rogue. While she was working on the paperwork, Russell took me to the used car lot to look at the cars, since it was about time I got my own. I found a gray Nissan Kicks that I liked, and we asked the salesperson about buying it with my credit, income, and having Russell cosign. He said it'd probably work and to come back another day since the dealership was technically closed.
February 19th was Sean's birthday. I made him a birthday card that I got everyone to sign (including Caleb, and he seemed surprised that I included him) and bought him mini cupcakes. Gotta go all out for my favorite coworker!
On February 23rd, we went to the dealership again. The Nissan Kicks I liked was still available, so we went to purchase it. It was so exciting to finally have a car that was mine!
Also, the month of February was warmer than normal for some reason. We had a funny conversation about it at work where Isaac said the weather seemed hurricane-like. I pointed out that we had dandelions in February, so I wouldn't be surprised if we had a hurricane too.
Lilli got fixed on March 10th. I thankfully had the day off, so it was easy to drop her off and pick her up in a timely manner. When we went to pick her up, she was drowsy from the anesthesia still and acted like she was in pain. 30 minutes after she came home, she was acting like herself again. Silli Lilli...
March 12th was Sugar's 4th birthday. She got extra treats and a car ride.
On March 23rd while I was at work, I got a text from my mom telling me my paternal Grandpa was in the hospital after having a "possible mini-stroke." I ended up leaving 30 minutes early because I was so upset, and I was on edge for the next two days.
The afternoon of March 25th, my mom texted me again. Grandpa got released and there was no sign of stroke on the MRI. THANK GOD!
Monkey got married to his long-term girlfriend Lakyn on March 25th. Russell was a groomsman, so we spent the night of the 24th apart. It was tough because I sleep so much better when he's next to me. The next day, Tee and I drove to the wedding. We parked at the hotel we were staying at, checked in, and then walked to the venue (which was only a little ways down the road, and in the heart of UGA- that's important). Russell was outside to greet people to the wedding, and I was very happy to see him again. We hung out for a little bit before it was time to take our places for the ceremony. I had to educate Tee on wedding etiquette when she tried to sit on the aisle. "You don't sit on the aisle unless you're immediate family." She got all huffy with me, but I didn't care. The ceremony itself was beautiful, minus the nearby frat houses playing loud music (Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon was playing in the middle of a serious part, and I had to stop myself from laughing. I later learned from Russell that everyone in the wedding party had to refrain from laughter too). Monkey made everyone laugh during his vows when he read the lyrics to Never Gonna Give You Up at the end. The reception itself was pretty mid. The food was ok, the drinks were lackluster (it was a cash bar outside of the signature cocktails and White Claws), and the DJ only played songs that Lakyn picked (which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it seemed unfair to Monkey that the songs he wanted were left off the final playlist). The reception also ended at 10pm, which seemed like a waste because that meant people only danced for 90 minutes (and a chunk of that time, the sound system went out so we were singing our own songs). They apparently were going to head downtown for an after party, but we opted not to go.
March 26th was Muffin's 10th birthday. He's officially an old man.
April 1st was my 29th birthday! I spent it at... you guessed it, work! It wasn't that bad though. Sean bought me doughnuts, Wendi bought me chocolate chip muffins, and the day wasn't too busy. My parents also flew down to Atlanta to see me and spend a few days with me. We went to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner and had ice cream cake at my house.
I had to work on April 2nd, but because it was a Sunday, I was off at 4pm. After I was off, we went to the mall (mainly because I needed a new pair of work shorts and JCPenney is the pair that works the best) and had dinner at Red Robin.
I was off on April 3rd, which was surprising because I'm almost never off on Mondays. My parents picked me up from my house and we went to walk around the park. After walking around for a while, we went to get something small to eat for lunch and then hung out in their hotel room for a little while. When Russell was off work, we met up with him and Tee for eat dinner at Loretta's (a local restaurant that serves homestyle food). After dinner, I said goodbye to my parents, but not for very long, since Moira's wedding was coming up.
Not much else happened in April, except April 26th was my paternal Grandma's birthday.
On May 4th, I got into a freak accident at work (medical TW: mentions of blood and swelling) I was unloading and staging the fulfillment center deliveries in the cooler. Suddenly, I collapsed. Even though I was fully aware of what might've happened (I tripped over a dolly that got underfoot), I was out of it when the impact happened. The very first thing I noticed as soon as I came to was I was tasting blood. I quickly ran my tongue around my mouth, and when all my teeth were still in and none felt loose, I breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. I knew I had to tell Kathy what happened. I was afraid she was going to be mad because we were pretty busy, and while she wasn't happy that I got hurt during a busy time, she made sure I took care of myself. The blood I was tasting was because my lower lip busted open (I either bit it when I fell or the lid on the container hit my face hard enough) and Kathy said my teeth looked fine. She gave me some paper towels to press on my lip to stop the bleeding and sent me to the meat department to get a bag of ice. Unfortunately, because I was probably hyped up on adrenaline and got up immediately after the fall, I didn't notice that my left knee was swollen to the size of a softball, and didn't realize it was bad until I drove home from work. I got home and I couldn't move my knee, so Russell had to help me out of my car and upstairs.
On a lighter side, apparently, Burberry got outside and nobody noticed. After Russell had me upstairs in the living room, he went to let Sugar and Lilli outside. When he opened the door, he saw a cat and said, "Hey, you look like Burberry!" When the cat let himself inside, Russell realized and shouted, "Hey, you ARE Burberry! When did you get outside??" He was soaking wet because it had been raining, but Burr didn't seem upset about it at all.
I showed up to work the next day wearing my knee brace. Kathy noticed it and asked if it was from the accident. I said yes, and Kathy asked why I didn't tell her my knee hurt. I mentioned that I didn't even notice that it hurt until I got home. She asked if I wanted to file for worker's comp, but I declined since it wasn't a big deal (and I was afraid I was going to get in trouble for some reason).
May 16th was Russell's 32nd birthday. I was off on his birthday, so we spent it together. It was also Lemmy and Rufus's 2nd birthday.
On May 19th, Kaitlyn (a family friend) graduated veterinary school with her DVM. I was so happy and proud, and very excited for her, because she had talked about wanting to be a vet since we were kids.
June 2nd was my mom's birthday. I called her and we talked for a while.
Lilli got her first haircut on June 13th. We got her the typical schnauzer cut, and while I thought it was cute, Russell thought it made her look like a boy. We picked a different cut for her to get from now on.
June 13th was the start of our long adventure. Russell dropped me off at work and picked me up afterwards since we planned on leaving immediately after I got off (I got off at 7pm- that's important). I placed a mobile order at Chipotle for dinner, filled my car with gas, and picked up my dinner before we hit the road. We planned to spend the night in North Carolina, about an hour north of Charlotte. We figured we'd get there by 10:30-ish, but with all the construction on I-85 in South Carolina, we ended up getting there closer to midnight. We were ready for bed when we got to the Sleep Inn.
We got up decently early on June 14th, since we still had a long ways to go to get to New Jersey. We got breakfast at Sheetz (my idea!) and topped off the tank at Kangaroo (gas was cheaper there) before starting our long journey. The trip was pretty dull and boring. When we got to Virginia, we finally got to hop on I-95. We passed King's Dominion, and Russell joked that we should've gone there instead of Six Flags. After getting past Richmond, we stopped for lunch at McDonald's. Russell got the Grimace Meal so we could try the Grimace shake, and neither of us liked it that much. The aftertaste reminded me of Fruity Pebbles, but the initial taste was pretty gross. After lunch, we got back on the road. The GPS had us bypass Washington, D.C., but the traffic was still a nightmare anyway. We were close to the Ronald Reagan Airport, so I kept calling out the different airlines I saw as they were taking off and landing. Once we finally made it out of D.C., we were on route to Baltimore. When we got there, the GPS had us get off the highway to avoid an accident. We drove past the Ravens stadium, and I flipped it off because I'm a Steelers fan. We also drove past the Orioles stadium and I wanted to flip it off too (a guy two grades below me in school played for them and deleted everyone on Facebook afterwards. I later learned he got released because he sucked HAHA), but there people next to us at that point and I didn't want to get shot. We then drove through shady backroads until the GPS had us get on I-95 again. Before leaving Maryland, we stopped at the rest stop called Maryland House to use the bathroom and get something to snack on since the McDonald's wasn't filling. When we got to Delaware, we hopped on I-295, which took us straight to New Jersey. We needed gas again after we got into New Jersey, so we stopped at Wawa. It was an experience having a gas attendant fill my car. While we there, we decided to get dinner. Once getting our food, we made our way to the Best Western for the evening. The one thing we noticed was that it reeked of weed because it's legal in New Jersey.
I woke up in the middle of the night on June 15th with my stomach hurting. I'm not much of a fast food eater to begin with, so all that grease in my stomach made me feel like shit. I got out of bed, sat on the toilet, and drank some water, convinced that I was going to vomit. After sitting for a while, I started feeling better. I laid down to go back to sleep until Russell's alarm went off. We went to get the free breakfast in the hotel, and since I still felt a little queasy, I opted to just eat some vanilla yogurt and granola. After breakfast, we made our way to Six Flags Great Adventure. As much as we were looking forward to being there, we were slightly disappointed that the top two rides in the park were closed (El Toro had been out of commission for almost a year and Kingda Ka had an incident a week before we got there. What sucks is El Toro reopened two days later). The park was busier than we had anticipated since many schools were taking field trips there, so we got Flash Passes to ensure we could ride everything. The food was very lackluster and there was next to nothing for me to eat, so I ended up having cheese fries for lunch. We saved the rides we expected to be the worst for last, which worked out well since Green Lantern hurt so bad! Nitro, Jersey Devil, and Medusa were the top 3 that I rode. Also, we got stuck on Houdini's Great Escape, which was not fun, especially since some Karen sitting by us kept asking someone to call for help. I kept telling her that the ride operators knew we were in there and would get us out as soon as they could. Her young child wasn't even panicking! We left the park around 4pm, and got dinner at Denny's. I got a veggie burger and fries. After dinner, we went to the hotel to relax for the night.
We woke up decently early on June 16th to go to Ocean City, Maryland. We drove out of New Jersey and to Pennsylvania to get breakfast at Bob Evans, and then made our way down. We had to drive backroads in Philadelphia because the bridge collapsed on I-95, but we eventually found our way back to Delaware. After driving through Delaware for a while (I never realized how long Delaware actually was since it looks so small on the map), we stopped for lunch at... McDonald's, surprise surprise. We took our lunch to go this time so we could continue the drive. We made it to Ocean City around 3pm, and I called my mom to let her know we were in the city so she could stand outside and show us where the condo was. We followed the GPS to park the car, and my mom was standing on the top floor of the condo (it was thankfully only three floors high lol). We grabbed our luggage out of the trunk of my car and walked upstairs. My mom showed us where our room was, and we dropped off our bags. The view of the beach from our condo was amazing. We relaxed in the condo for a while until we wondered what was going on for dinner. My mom reached out to Moira, and she suggested we got dinner at BLU Crabhouse & Raw Bar as a "rehearsal dinner" since it was by their hotel. Me, Russell, and Bridgid rode in my car while my parents rode by themselves (I think they intended to pick up Fiona and Zach, but they didn't want to go since they spent all day driving from Cleveland). We got Blu Crab Dip as an appetizer, and I got the Crab Cake Sandwich as my entree. I also got a Dirty Banana as a drink, and it was delightful. After dinner, me, Russell, and Bridgid stopped at Food Lion to buy a gift card for Moira and Adam. I was tempted to get an inappropriate card for their wedding, but chose to be normal and got a wedding card.
We woke up the morning on June 17th and, when we allegedly had no plans for breakfast, me and Russell went to McDonald's because they had bagels. I asked if anyone wanted anything, and at first everyone said no, but once I had my shoes on, my dad asked for a large coffee and Bridgid asked for an Oreo Frappe. I asked my mom if she wanted an unsweet tea, but she said no. After we came back with our breakfast and started eating, my mom said Moira wanted to meet up for Wedding Day breakfast at The Dough Roller. I mentioned that I could probably eat again since the bagels aren't necessarily filling, so we went to breakfast. I chose to get the Cheese & Egg Sandwich because pancakes didn't sound good for some reason.
Part 2 live now on my blog! Stupid character limit smh.
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imactuallyadog · 9 months
Oh boy. A post from me. Someone you don't know. Ah man. Where do I start?
I'll start with my job. I've been with this restaurant for close to two years now. It's located in Florida and is one of the hottest tourist traps, except they don't like being labelled as such. I used to love my job. I used to brag about my job so much. But things started changing just after a shift in one of the management positions. See, the manager I had at the beginning was really nice. Soft. Understanding. Laid back. Chill. Then a hurricane hit Fort Meyers and she had to relocate to help her parents. She had no idea when she would be back. A new manager came in and I got bad vibes automatically.
Now, I didn't have personal beef with this new manager until a couple months in. I sent an email to one of the assistant managers detailing everything that the actual manager said or did to me and included "If you ask a couple of my coworkers, they will also have horror stories." What this manager will do is state how much she does not like drama but then will purposefully take the pot, throw in some weird ass ingredients, and stir it with a smile on her face as she watches the pot boil. Separations started happening. Rumors began to fly and we all began questioning each other which made no sense. It became toxic. But that was just the beginning. They promoted someone to becoming a second assistant manager and everything got worse. The second assistant manager had been noticing things happening for a while and decided to speak out against it in a meeting with HR. However, the meeting ended with "You can either continue here as a cashier or you can leave." She decided to stay as cashier, in hopes that at least she'll get her bonus. She did not get any bonus. Adding on to this, the supervisors usually get a bonus. Half now, half in December. The supervisors ended up getting less than they had ever gotten vs the normal employees ended up getting more. I was a normal employee for about half the summer.
Adding on to this list, I know that in certain areas of this particular restaurant, tips are part of the job. In this certain area, we had tips for years. I mean years. However, our tips had gotten taken away. This manager that we work for in this particular area has said multiple times "You guys get paid way too much." At the time, I didn't understand why she would say that until it was revealed that supposedly, the money on the bonus checks came from Google Reviews. Now, that doesn't quite make sense because we had been making some bank before we switched systems and in the area of this restaurant I work in, we had been close to our sales of last year. So something isn't adding up here. We also had a "customer service test" to see how our customer service is. We ended up being the best area of this restaurant for our customer service. Me and the second assistant manager had gotten called out because we killed it. Then a week later our tips got taken away. Now, like I said, in certain areas of the restaurant, you tip. You don't NEED to tip in my area which happens to be retail. But the fact is.. why is the best place with customer service getting punished?
My favorite memory so far while working for this job is the fact that I recently shaved my head for no other reason than to just shave my head. I am a female. If you had a slight clue to who this is, you'll know now. I had recently volunteered to take pictures promoting stuff for this restaurant. Imagine my surprise when the person who took my pictures pulled me to the side and said that the owner's son said he liked the pictures but would prefer for someone else with LONG hair to model. It had nothing to do with my face tattoo or my neck tattoo. It had to do with my HAIR. It's a natural color that I dyed. But the problem was with how SHORT it was. According to this person, the GM of the restaurant stood up for me as well as the photographer. How sure I am that this is true? I'm not. The photographer is a Scorpio though and we know about SZA right? I love that queen to death but she can not tell the truth to save her life. SZA, not the photographer. Even if 5% of this was true, I need to get this out there. My fury has no bounds when it comes to this restaurant. I love working in restaurants but this.. Everyone fucks each other, everyone is two faced, everyone is coked up, and everyone sucks. But because I'm limited in my job choosings, due to having a face tattoo, it's taken a bit longer than I'd admit to quit.
I am angry. I am at a loss.
Cooperations do not care about your happiness and neither do greedy owned businesses. There are small businesses that do give a shit about you but this one in particular... They do not give a single shit about you. I can not wait to quit. They're gonna have to order a cease and desist letter because I will not be quiet.
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a-spell-a-rebel-yell · 9 months
oh my god i am sooo sorry for the super late reply yet again 😭 i swear this time the reason is very much valid: i got swamped with school work! oh well, i'll just do an August and a third of September recap hehe
also very much expected to get this amount of workload because: 1) it's a postgrad school, and 2) it's U of I 😂 i'm feeling that significant shift from undergrad environment of a private university, to a completely independent mode of a public university, though not that surprised with a culture shock phase because i'm used to hold myself accountable to a mainly prioritizing critical thinking learning system. so now when we get new task for every class, it’s not a big deal (the only major change is these tasks rendered me chronically offline aka i���m spending less time on twitter, who would’ve thought 😂) because it’s a discipline i’m interested in, reading numerous journals and finding new textbooks to read no matter how complicated feels like getting gifts, ha!
two weeks in and so far i'm enjoying everything, special mention to my ten wonderful classmates that are nothing but a joy to be around with. so it's fun engaging with them and straight away feeling like we're longtime best friends who haven't seen each other in a while.
here to proudly announce i've been made the class': interim manager, secretary, treasurer, archivist, publicist, photographer, timekeeper, and scheduling coordinator 😂😂😂 it's a lot, but i'm having fun taking care of stuffs and it's not like there are much to work on, since all eleven of us are always helping each other. since there's not many of us, naturally a close knit group was formed from the very first day, and i'm happy to have them as companions for the next three years.
what i notice these days is that my personality is slowly reverting back to my old cheery, bubbly, and super talkative self? it's funny to observe really, and if you know me from my elementary school days, you'll know which version of me i'm talking about hahaha i’m more carefree, taking more chances, overall extracting happiness out of everything.
rolling back a bit, my Brisbane cousin got married on early August! me and the fam went to Bandung and stayed at Bank lndonesia's guesthouse at Tubagus Ismail. was feeling so much nostalgia because that house complex is a place of so much childhood memories.
the venue for the wedding is an outdoor restaurant at Dago area, and the decor was ethereal! i love it so much, and Dago is famously known for its forestry and cool air, and alhamdulillah at that time the sun wasn't too hot, the trees provide a nice shade, and no rain despite heavy rain previous and next days after! my cousin and i have similar taste in esthetics, food, and music, so it was like being in my dream wedding party 😂 doing bridesmaid duty was easy, the EO made sure all we do is look good for the footage! also because i had to walk my cousin down the aisle, i had to wear heels (not my usual Dr Martens boots) and boy oh boy it was only a 3 cm heels but i suffered a lot on hour five 🥲 and again with the personality change i mentioned earlier: i literally participated in the fun games thing, and one of the games required me to run for my life with those heels (other competitors cheated by taking off theirs 😤) and i didn’t even win because the emcee changed the rules mid game!!! still quite bitter about it tbh 🫠 but then again i had so much fun with my cousins, Bandung trips are always to remember.
mid August marked the day me and the newbie ortho res met some of our seniors. next day we got our new shiny yellow jackets and took photos in front of the famous dean/Balairung building (goodness i still can’t pick them apart) then on late August we went through medical checkup, basic life support class, and skill station trainings. this time i got 'reprimanded' by the doctor who supervised the checkup, she said i'm way too skinny my body mass index is on the lower end of underweight... and i have anemia too 🧍‍♀️ i'm scheduled to see an internist later though!
first semester started on August 28th but we didn't have our first class until Aug 30th. every single class awed me in a way we do really have the best in the field as our teachers, and i learned a lot. my brain's gonna absorb as much as it can while being here. still can't believe that i'm a part of this huge thing, against all odds i still got in. this makes me want to do my very very very best and prove that i deserve the spot. such an amazing feeling to be able to study more and finding out knowledge is truly inexhaustible. then i realized yet again that my line of profession is never-ending learning process, i'm humbly glad to be on this exact place and time, a dentist and orthodontics resident. no words are able to describe how grateful i am.
in another good news, in 138 days i'll be seeing Coldplay in Singapore! doing mental countdown and using it as a motivation to study 😂 i can't wait to get barrier and scream out all the lyrics, thinking maybe i should get a strategy to be noticed by the social media crews (currently devising a head piece or costume lol) and maaaybe i'll end up on coldplay's instagram heheheh
a bit of sad news: this September it'll be my dad's last month ever working as a Bank lndonesia employee, which means i'm moving out of the Blok M/Panglima Polim house and back to Cibubur. though technically for my first year of school i'll be moving temporarily to my Brisbane cousin's home somewhere in Tanah Kusir, so yep, still a South Jakartan (born and raised! haha)
oh well. that's all the exhilarating run of the eighth month, it's 8/12 already!? time flies so fast, i'm about to turn 26 in three months 😂 see you on September post!
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cartasparadani · 10 months
Monday, August 21, 2023 @ 11:29am in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Oi amor
I am sitting now in the airport in Jeddah waiting to board my flight to Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia. Last night I told you, but I went to a shisha lounge with my tour manager and we smoked for a while, talked, and had a good time; he dropped me off to the hotel ~1:30am and I spent the rest of the night packing my things before going to bed ~3am.
I woke up this morning, got breakfast at 7:30am, and went back to sleep before being slightly late for my ride to the airport at 8:30am (I arrived with my roommate ~8:43am; we both fell asleep haha)
Thank you for continuing to commit to working on our relationship. I told you it hurts to think you truly give up on us, so I am happy to see you continue putting in effort, I think all our efforts will be worth it as time goes on.
I am half way through my tour in the Middle East: I completed the tours in Oman and Jeddah, now I just have Riyadh (10 days) and Abu Dhabi (4 days) to go before I am back home and I have you in my arms once again. When I am back, let’s spend time up in New Hampshire again for the Monday night to Wednesday morning stretch again. If the water in New Hampshire is still nice I would like to spend time relaxing by the beach with you, taking it easy, and enjoying ourselves; let’s save the hikes and exercise activities for another time.
While in the mall in Jeddah I bought you this nice piece of clothing I thought would look great on you. I can’t wait to see you wearing my gift for me, I know you’ll look lovely.
My computer is at 3% and my flight boards soon, so I will be ending this letter shortly, but I’ll write until that comes.
I love you.
I want to learn how your mind works. I want to help you feel comfortable and safe. I know I bring up things that cause you anxiety and stress, and I never intend for these reactions to happen, I am sorry, and thank you for enduring the pain I unintentionally cause you.
All I want is a happy life together. I want a happy life where we are a team and work together to address the issues and concerns that arise in one another. We will never have conflict with each other, it will never be us against one another. Always and forever we will be a team and it will be us against the concerns and problems we have.
I appreciate that you’ve made the “cartasparasean” Tumblr page. I appreciate this page because I am able to understand your mind better. I also appreciate this page because we will have this thread of thoughts and letters for a lifetime to come and maybe one day we can show our children.
Let this letter be the first in a long line of letters to come of my own, written only for you, men amor, my love, minha mulher, minha bebe.
I love you
I love you today I love you tomorrow I love you for every day to come
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for putting energy and attention into me and into our relationship.
Let us set goals together, explore the world, and live life to all extents, until we are long gone, and even then, let us stay together for what comes next. I love this.
I love you I love you I love you
Forever and always these word will be true, but just in case, I’ll remind you for as long as I can speak, and even if I cannot speak another word, I will write it out. If I can no longer write, I will wink at you, and know that this means that I love you. I love you. I love you. If I can no longer wink at you, I will look at you. Know that when my eyes rest on your lovely figure, I love you. With every second I see you I love you more. With every shifting of my gaze I am seeing you anew and falling in love with you all over again, and again, and again, for eternity.
The image of my grandfather and my grandmother comes to mind as I write this. I can see him now in his last days, ill and weak, leaning into my grandmother, closing his eyes, and loving her more and more even then. Seeing how much he cared, seeing how much love, appreciation, and care he had for her, I only hope we can recreate something similar. That was love. That was a life spent building together. That was a love and a life that will never die. Let that be us
I love you amor 
I love you
I love you
I love you all the more
Thank you for loving me.
If I’m not asking too much, please love me forever. I want this. I want you. Para sempre. I love you
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