#and also cooks for her and does errands?
booasaur · 2 years
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NCIS: Hawai’i - 2x01
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gallusrostromegalus · 4 months
hi i see that you have much smart dog experience. i may have accidentally purchased such a dog. she's only 10 weeks, and ive had her 1, and she's already outmatched every puzzle feeder i got or have made. to the point that she is morosely disappointed when her food comes in an actual food bowl. do you know where i can find like. "heres 100 enrichment toys you can make out of free trash so your dog stops eating fucking rocks for enrichment" lists. i only have so many paper towel tubes XD
Herschel now just disassembles puzzle feeders, so I've been focusing on "Toys that, even if he already knows how to operate them, will still take TIME for him to collect the treat from" to give him something to fuss with.
Herschel eats all his meals out of a Kong Wobbler, because he will otherwise eat so fast he will literally inhale and choke on his kibble and I do not need him developing pneumonia from aspiration. Even though it's a "Simple" toy it slows him down and he does have to think a bit to tip it in the most efficient manner possible. Kong's "Flipz", "Gyro" and "Rewards Wally" are also really good "dog needs to think/carefully manipulate the toy for food" toys that act as both mental stimulation and exercise and "give human a break for up to twelve minutes" toys.
I highly reccomend KONG as a brand- they're local to Denver and have an impeccable saftey record and all of the toys I have gotten from them have held up extremely well vs. the ravages of three entirely too smart and strong-jawed dogs at once.
Some more thoughts:
If she's not prone to shredding rubber, the kind of treat toys she has to chew are also good stimulation.
If you don't want to give her That Many treats, my vet said that dogs can have as many green beans as they want. Just make sure that the beans haven't had salt added to them- canned usually does, but frozen green beans usually don't, but always check the label.
You can make nearly any toy last longer, or make a cheap long-puzzle by freezing the treats so they take longer to eat AND provides hydration. Herschel's most favorite treat of all time is literally a wad of sliced green beans in a dixie cup, filled with water and frozen. Just peel off the cup and hand him the chunk of ice and he's good for up to half an hour and more chill afterwards.
You can also freeze lick mats
If your girl is like Charlie and doesn't like greenbeans, you can also try freezing paper cups of: Canned pumpkin, apple slices in water, putting some ice cubes in the bottom of the cup, a gob of peanut butter in the middle and then fill it with water to make a peanutbutter filled ice cube.
If your girl is REALLY like charlie who has figured out how to use labor negotiation and strike tactics for better treats: boiled chicken chunks frozen in some of the water you boiled them in.
Walkies are as much mental stimulation as they are physical exercise. Take her out and let her sniff to her heart's content.
Also Puppies in particular need like, SO MUCH exercise.
Let her participate in activities with you. Herschel and charlie sit in the kitchen and I narrate cooking dinner to them, which seems to interest them, even if I don't have spare veggie ends to give them. I also frequently bring them along in the car if I'm running errands when it's cold enough to do that, so they have something new to look at, and get to participate. I also am more likely to stop at a new park and give myself some exercise and mental stimulation.
Training her to do tasks is GREAT Smart Dog enrichment- esp if she's a herding or heeler, they LOVE being helpful. I taught the dogs they get a small treat if they come in from the yard without me having to go chase them down, which saved me a lot of hassle, and now I'm working on teaching herschel to pick things up off the floor for me if I drop them and alert for chickpeas, which my housemate is allergic to.
A lot of dogs like cat-type toys. Tie a stick or some fleece to some paracord and drag or flycast it around for her to chase/play tug with when she catches it. Toys that bounce unexpectedly were also a huge hit. or just wave the string around the cat and the corgi both like that.
If you live in farm country or know other people with pets, you can grab something with the scent of another animal on it and bring it home for her to smell. Charlie and Herschel spent the better part of three days investigating the wad of horse undercoat I brought home and put in the spare wobbler for them to smell.
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aloesarchives · 3 months
Domestic Headcanons W/ Toji, Megumi, Tsumiki, and Mama!Reader
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TW/Warnings: Profanity, Domesticity, AFAB/Female Reader, Family life, Pregnancy, Mention of Sperm but not sexual, unhinged crack, too long(LMK if anything else needs to be tagged)
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
Pronouns: She/Her (Usage of Mama, Wife, Mom, Mother)
Word Count: 10k words
This headcanon is paired with this one right here. This can be stand alone for general/modern au. But this one mostly revolves around my Toji Lives AU.
Also, I'll be posting either my Toji/Megumi/Reader mini series or Suguru/Satoru/Reader series this week. Here's the form if you wanted to be tagged in my works. Please let me know if something's up with it.
[!!Edited and Proofread! 3/27/2024 11:48 pm CST!!]
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The married life with Toji isn’t any different from prior to marriage. You two live in a fairly spacious apartment for Tokyo Standards and well furnished on top of that. 
The basic routine of you and Toji as followed: Toji wakes up and gets ready in 10 minutes, gets the coffee going or anything you drink/eat for breakfast, you wake and get ready for work, you and Toji eat breakfast together for a bit, Toji gives you your work bag and lunch, gives you a kiss and sends you out the door on time, cleans the dishes and table once you leave, looks to see if there’s anything you’re low on or out of and makes a list for it, Toji does some house chores before leaving to go run errands, goes to run said errands and buy some groceries, comes home starts meal prepping, you come home as soon as he’s finished cooking, both of you eat together, then chilling on the couch together after cleaning up, Toji forces you to go to bed, does your nightly care routine with you while brushing your teeth, then pulls you into bed where both of you are knocked out instantly.
House Husband Toji and Working Wife (Y/N) dynamic, I don’t make the damn rules. Well it makes sense as you have a sustainable and consistent job that pays comfortably for minimal work. Honestly, Toji doesn’t mind it at all but you both established your roles in the relationship but help out whenever possible. In fact, he loves being a stay-at-home husband. He gets to do his hobbies and chores without distraction, having a piece of mind, cooking food with you, etc. Highkey loves being domesticated.
While yes, he does get an occasional high paying job/bounty from Shui, they happen a couple times a month. But even then it’s few and far in between. You don’t mind working, your job pays you enough to not take any overtime and you never work the weekends. Plus you get a raise and bonus once in a while so you’re not scrambling to find a second job. Also, it’s worth it since Toji takes care of your shared apartment and you. 
Both of you are financially stable to the point of comfort. Like only paying utilities because you and Toji own the apartment. Not having to worry about buying food or paying on time. Not taking up extra hours or shifts to just live. It’s a comfortable and stress-free environment you and Toji have created for yourselves.
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Doesn’t understand the fuss about men not being stay at home material and it’s a woman’s job. He just thinks those guys can’t take care of themselves and will force someone to baby them under the guise of tRadItIonAlIsm or some bullshit. He understands if both have their jobs and work to split the house chores. It’s not a luxury everyone has and he knows he’s in the small percentage of people who get to stay home while their spouse works. If it works in the relationship, it works, Toji says. It might not work for some people but you working and Toji staying home works for your relationship. If not, it has made it healthy because there aren’t severe or frustrating arguments about house chores, errand runs, cooking, maintenance, home management. 
You do anything in order to help out Toji because that’s your home too. Therefore, your living space you share and it’s your responsibility to at least take care of it. After work, you text Toji if there is anything you need to pick up or do for him while you’re out. 75% of the time he says there’s nothing you have to do, but the 25% is Toji asking you to pick up the dry cleaners, some food items he forgot to get while out, check if there’s a sale going on, or buying detergent and stain remover. Also text with a:
‘Doll, can you actually grab a few things from the supermarket? I’ll send the list to you.’
‘Hon, would you be able to pick up my jacket from the dry cleaners? Thank you’
When you say yes or of course, he’s hitting you with the:
‘Thank you, Sweet Girl. I appreciate all you do.’
‘Stay safe, (Y/N). Call me if anything happens. Love you, Baby’
Talks about buying a house and having a family happen a lot more frequently since the two of you got married. You always wanted to have a family of your own but wanted to wait for a good man to be a good father because you can choose a husband but your children can’t choose their father. But you knew Toji would step up when it happened. Toji didn’t think too far into his future but he knows he wants to have a family with you and grow old together. You changed his mind that he was okay with having a family and doing all that it takes to be a loving father and husband. As if he doesn’t do that already. 
That and you two talked about how your genetics would make the most beautiful and good looking babies. Toji would say he wants your kids to have your smile and personality while you told him you want them to have his eyes and nose. This is one of those late night talks you have with him that you absolutely love. 
You have an ungodly amount of money saved up to pay the house off in full or less than two years. You decided on one where it was a mix of modern and traditional. It was within walking distance of multiple subway and train stations while not being near the busy parts of the city. It’s in a more quiet suburb with good schools and nature. It’s a big home with the exterior of a traditional home but the interior is a little more modern. The main building is two stories and is the actual house, the building connecting to it is for guests, training/workout room/and a meeting room. The walls that surround the property are tall and sturdy. It looks like a mansion but feels more homey as you two start to make it your own.
So when you tell Toji you’re ready to have a baby, the man goes all in. Trying to watch your cycle and listens to the doctor in increasing his chances of getting you pregnant. Man looks up recipes that increase your fertility rate and balance out your hormones. Thinks about checking his sperm count but you declined saying Toji hasn’t done anything to decrease his numbers.
He definitely got good aim because it didn’t take long to get pregnant. After like 2-3 months of trying, it happened. You missed your period by a week and you decided to get a pregnancy test. You got the double lines and were excited to show Toji. He went to drop off your jacket to get it fixed and came home to find you sitting at the table with a napkin. You tell him to sit and he complies with a bit of concern. You gesture to the napkin and he picks up to see the positive text in front of him. He asks are you for real and you just nod. He pulls you into his laps and holds you while saying thank you and I’m going to be a dad.
Becomes protective of you instantly. Having morning sickness? He gets you a towel and some medicine. Sensitive to certain foods or smells? He will change them to your liking. Need him to do something for you? He’s already a flight of stairs ahead of you. He doesn’t want to stress you and the baby out so he’s doing everything. 
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As trimesters progress, the more protective and conscious he comes. Once you start showing, say goodbye to carrying items, doing some household chores, running errands, or fucking walking because this man will NOT let you do them. Is at your beck and call for anything and will become scary if people give you a hard time or look at you funny. Toji told you if your boss gives you a hard time, call him and he’ll talk to your boss with no fear or hesitation whatsoever. Once almost killed a man because he accidentally bumped into you. Toji had this look of death in his eyes as he grabbed the guy by the collar and forced him to apologize to you. Make sure the guy actually apologizes too. Walking? Who is she? You are only walking a couple of feet before he says ‘nah’ and picks you up to carry you. You tell him you can walk but it falls on deaf ears. Then you get concerned about being heavy for Toji. The man has never been more offended in his life. He looks at you, dead in the eyes, and says: “What kind of husband am I for not being able to comfortably carry my beautiful and pretty pregnant wife? If I can’t carry you, I need you to kill me, (Y/N).” You just get used to him carrying you around.
Always find a seat for you on a bus or the train. Will scare a guy who isn’t tired from work to give you the seat. Always hold your hand during the rides.
Talk to your bump every night. Hands on your stomach, face unbearably close to it, kneels on the floor or lies in bed to talk to it as you run your fingers through his hair. He’ll say some things that make you laugh but he mostly say sweet and warm things to your baby as he just wants to love and protect them. Definitely says:
“You know your mama is the prettiest and most beautiful woman out there? You’re so lucky to have her because you will be unconditionally loved and cared for. How do I know this? Because your mama loves me too, Kiddo.”
“Hey, be nice to mama. She’s not having the best time so I need you to go easy on her. Please, little one.”
“Hi, this is your old man speaking to you. I don’t care whether you’re a boy or girl. I will always love you no matter what. I wanna meet you soon.”
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Does the thing where he lifts up your bumps to alleviate some of the weight for a bit and smiles when you relax into him.
When he touches your bump and feels a kick, he is so happy that his head is glued to your bump so he can feel it. 
Buys your cravings whenever and whatever it is. It could be late at night and you’re asking him to get you your egregious food combo. He doesn’t understand your cravings but will not complain to you until it’s a straight up abomination. THEN, he just cooks you anything you want because he’s lowkey scared about your cravings affecting your health.
Daily/Hourly reminders of how beautiful and gorgeous you are. Body worshiping and praising, especially since you are carrying his child. The amount of reassurance and sincerity that comes from his words makes you cry a lot, and it’s not because of your hormones. He’s so sweet and loving with his words towards you, it makes you fall in love with him all over again.
Goes to every appointment with you and never fucking misses one. Actually, he is the one to remind you about them. Has this soft look in his eyes as he looks at the ultrasound seeing your baby. Asks for at least two copies so he can frame one of them and hang it somewhere in the house.
Doesn’t care if it’s a boy or girl, as long it’s half of you that’s all that matters.
You always tell him your love and appreciation for all that he has done for you and the baby since he has a tendency to push himself a lot more than he has to. A kiss and a hug will do the trick because he goes all soft for you every time. It’s amusing to you how your huge, seemingly intimidating, husband can become a warm melted putty at the snap of your fingers. But then again, you have him wrapped around your finger completely.
Grows more cautious and protected once you go on maternity leave in your final months of the final trimester. Constantly asking how you are feeling that day or hour, grabs everything within arms reach if there is anything you need or could get you, if you need help with everything in general. It’s not the point of overbearing or suffocating, it gets a bit annoying but you know Toji means well. You assume he’s concerned and worried for you and the baby because he is afraid you will have complications during the birth. It’s terrifying to him to know there’s a slight chance you could die while giving birth to your baby and he couldn’t do anything to help you.
So when you DO go into labor, man’s is a bit scared but also prepared with your bag ready in hand. Drives you to the hospital, checks you in, and makes you feel comfortable while giving birth.
Is holding your hand during the whole thing while wiping away the sweat off your forehead and face.
Says encouraging and calming words to keep you focused and at ease. Guides you through deep breaths and keeps you grounded:
“Take a deep breath for me, Honey.”
“You’re doing so good, Mama. So amazing.”
“I’m here with you, Sweet Girl. Keep squeezing my hand. Trust me, it doesn’t hurt. Hold onto me, (Y/N).”
Sheds a few tears when your daughter comes out and starts crying. Kisses your cheek and forehead while praising you for doing a phenomenal job.
Cuts the cord while you’re coming down from your intense birthing process.
Lets you sleep and relax while he cuddles and holds your daughter with his shirt off for skinship.
Once you wake up, he buys you any food you want since you’re not pregnant anymore. Spoon feeds you while saying you did a wonderful job and asking how you feel.
Once you hold your daughter, he’s over the moon. You look so perfect and ethereal the man thanks the gods for blessing him with you as his wife and your daughter, the proof of your love.
Lets you name her since she is a girl and the first-born. You name her Tsumiki because it’s a cute name for a pretty girl. She gets most of her traits from you besides her hair texture. Toji comments that a pretty girl deserves a pretty name because she was birthed by an elegant and demure woman. You chuckle at him and his sappiness but it brings you a certain type of happiness that Toji was expressing this side of himself more comfortably.
Once discharged, gets the car to bring you and your daughter to your new home where she’ll and her sibling(s) grow up.
Lets you have your bonding time with Tsumiki while you’re on your six months maternity leave. He lives to see you hold and carry your daughter around the house.
Takes care of everything in the house and helps you out during your postpartum. Reminds you of your beauty, that he still loves you and your body, how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for giving him this life.
Gets the hang of parenting faster than you did. Toji already knows how to burp, change, feed, and bathe your daughter.
Lets you sleep and rest more when Tsumiki cries at night by getting up to calm her down himself. Ends up sleeping in the rocking chair with her on his chest.
Tries to play and entertain her as much as he can. Toji is more of a stuffed animal guy than dolls because they’re more inclusive and genderless. But he will buy dolls for Tsumiki when she asks for them once she's old enough.
Tears up when she takes her first steps as she tries to walk towards both of you.
Her first words were Papa for sure but then Mama two weeks later. 
Tsumiki is a fairly calm and happy baby. Moves around but isn’t super hyper and energetic. Very smiley and giggly baby that brights up the room she’s in. Always puts you and Toji in a good mood.
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Toji is the type of guy to wait for you to give him the green light for another child. Even though the doctor says you’ve made a good recovery, he ain’t pouncing on you until you tell him so. Your doctor asked if she needed to write a note that you weren’t ready for another baby for some time but you told her you’ll be fine because Toji isn’t THAT TYPE OF GUY. On top of respecting you and your body, Toji highkey wants to have age gaps with your children. Like at least a year and a half or so they can be close in age and grow up together, but also give time for you and him to adjust to being first-time parents.
It was after Tsumiki’s first birthday that you said you wouldn’t mind having another kid. Then Toji and you tried for another kid. Happened fast per usual with minimal effort once again. Toji’s goo is pretty strong lol.
He was there with you when you took the pregnancy test and it had the fable two lines. Hugs you close and is excited to give Tsumiki another sibling.
Unfortunately, your second pregnancy wasn’t as forgiving as your first. In fact, your second child was pretty brutal on you. You were more sensitive to everything and your symptoms multiplied by three. It was a struggle but you managed to pull through but barely.
Hurts Toji a lot because you’re in a lot of discomfort compared to being pregnant with Tsumiki. Steps up tenfold to help out and make things better for you. 
Tsumiki just plays on the floor in her pen as you watch her while dealing with her younger sibling and Toji's making food in the background.
When you both found out it was a boy after a couple of months, you told Toji he can name the baby this time since you did with your first-born. It threw you off a bit when he said Megumi, a name that means blessing. You talked about names before but this was a new one both of you haven’t brought up yet. Perhaps it was a name Toji wanted but forgot to mention
Man, Megumi was a hard pregnancy. He was an energetic one in your womb. Always makes you lose sleep, loss of appetite, or straight up moody. Toji always talked to Megumi, lowkey begging him to be more gentle on you and not be so rough.
Once Megumi was born, you knew that’s Toji kid because he barely took anything from you. The nose, the eyes, the hair, even his small pout, it was all Toji. Toji was crying once again that your son is born but he takes after his old man. Tsumiki was just happy to see the little baby that is her younger brother.
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After Megumi, you and Toji decide that this is ENOUGH children for now. Especially since you have two children under the age of three.
Megumi, however, was an interesting baby. Tsumiki likes being held by both you and Toji, she never picked favorites. Megumi, on the other hand, was attached to you like glue. Technically, all babies are but Megumi never liked being away from you. Megumi was very clingy when it came to you, his mama. You have to hold him or be in his line of sight if you’re not.
Megumi is a certified mama’s boy. He’s all sweet to you, with his gummy smile and bright big eyes as he laughs when you hold.
His first and only words were Mama for a while until he said Papa.
Megumi becomes fussy and cranky if you’re not in the room. He wants you there when he wakes up, to feed him, change him, bathe him, everything. If Toji has to do it, it will take double the time because Megumi is all uncooperative and resistant to his father’s attempts to care for him. It helps if you’re in the room or nearby then Megumi will behave but if that's because he knows you’re there.
Baby Megumi glares at Toji over your shoulder when you’re making his and Tsumiki’s food. Toji glares at his son's back. As he gets older and can walk, Megumi always runs towards you. Place himself on the couch, floor, chair, any surface he can sit on so he is seated next to you. One time, Toji’s head was in your lap as you watched the news in front of you. Megumi was mad because he was supposed to sit next to you. But Toji was faster than him and sat himself where he’s currently positioned. Tsumiki was in front of the couch playing with her stuffed animals on the floor. Megumi decided to grab his doggy plushie and started hitting Toji’s face with it. Toji yelped while you grabbed Megumi and placed him in your lap. Megumi holds onto you while you and your husband exchange shocked looks.
Megumi purposefully and accidentally cock blocks Toji. It’s explained more in this headcanon here.
It’s exhausting to take care of Megumi because he always wants you and never Toji. It kind of sucks because you want Megumi to bond with Toji more as you also don’t want to neglect Tsumiki as well.
Both of you take turns caring for your two kids. It’s so cute to see Megumi bonding with Toji as Megumi smiles a bit more when he’s with his dad. Tsumiki just likes hugging you and so you hold her ever so dearly.
Tsumiki and Megumi never really fight, which you find odd since it’s common for siblings to fight with each other. That’s when you keep observing and notice Tsumiki will let Megumi have his way even though she didn’t have to. Though you appreciate her being an older sibling, you have to remind her she can say no to Megumi if she doesn’t want to. Also reminding her to tell you or Toji if anything happens and not feel scared or ashamed for asking for help. 
But Tsumiki is such a sweet child, she says she doesn’t mind at all when it comes to Megumi. But you brought it up to Toji because you don’t want Megumi to become very spoiled nor do you want Tsumiki to feel it’s okay to disregard her needs. Toji understands your concerns and tries to reassure you that he won’t let that happen as they get older. 
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While you were away from work, Megumi snatched Tsumiki’s pillow pet dolphin from her hands and Toji saw all of it. Toji put Megumi in time-out while he comforted Tsumiki. She wasn’t crying but he could tell she would have if he didn’t step in. Toji refrains from yelling and acting out because you told him that’ll strain his relationship with the kids. It’s easier and effective but it has long-term effects that negatively affect the parent-child relationship and the child themselves, something you knew all too well. So Toji is patient with Megumi, telling him it’s not nice to take things that aren’t his, especially when it’s his older sister’s stuff. That he should understand that Tsumiki doesn’t like it when he does and only lets him have them so he wouldn’t get upset. Toji makes Megumi apologize to Tsumiki but Tsumiki already forgave Megumi. 
Toji being patient with his kids is hard and always tests him as a parent. Then he remembers how you told him having a family with him isn’t going to be the easiest thing in the world. But children deserve parents who will love and care for them unconditionally, who will be patient and understanding no matter what, to not make them wish they were someone else in order to please their parents. You didn’t want your children to experience what you did growing up and you believe Toji is someone who will help you make that dream come true. So he continues with his gentle/patient parenting method because he knows it will pay off in the end.
Since you’re going to work most of the day, he’s always the one to take care of them. Toji always takes them to the park or outside so they can run around and be kids. Forces them to go with him to run errands so they can get used to it. Megumi hates this while Tsumiki loves it. After some time, they get used to it and ask Toji to take them on the errand runs. Like going to the local butcher for meat then to the supermarket for everything else. Toji makes this a learning experience for the two by teaching them how to pick and order what they want. He teaches them what each ingredient is and explains why he buys it. Because of this, Megumi and Tsumiki know how to do errands by themselves and get things on the way home from school if Toji texts them to get something. 
Megumi doesn’t admit it but he always follows Tsumiki’s lead. Especially when they start going to the same school together. When Tsumiki gets a fever/cold and can’t go to school, Megumi is a little nervous because he’s going by himself. So Toji had to comfort Megumi that he will be okay and Tsumiki will be proud of him for being able to go by himself.
Tsumiki is a quiet extrovert but Megumi is a raging introvert. Megumi, due to his aloof nature, doesn’t have many friends. You became worried because maybe there was something you weren’t noticing with Megumi. So you went to get Megumi checked out and the doctor ruled it out due to his personality and high intelligence. The doctor says it’s common for some children to prefer their own personal space rather than making friends. Though it does encourage you to have Megumi expose himself to kids around his age so he’s not socially distant.
This is where you and Toji butted heads for a bit. You don’t want to force Megumi into something that he doesn’t want. But Toji wants Megumi to interact with other kids that’s not Tsumiki so he can make friends. Megumi just doesn’t like people who are not his family. That’s the conclusion you both draw in the end.
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Jungle gym Toji. Ever since they could crawl, Megumi and Tsumiki have been climbing on Toji like a rock wall. They hang off his arms, hold onto neck, climb onto his back, they’re all over him. Well, Toji is built like a mountain so it feels like they’re climbing Mt. Fuji. Toji isn’t bothered by this at all. In fact, he likes it when his kids are playing with him.
When Toji works out, whether it’s outside in the courtyard or in the workout room, he has the kids nearby playing somewhere. Would definitely ask Megumi and Tsumiki to sit on his back while he does push ups. 
Hides his old weapons in the shed outside the house, he makes the excuse it’s for gardening tools and snow shovels so the kids aren’t curious.
Doesn’t do baby/kiddie talk to his kids. Obviously he’s gentle when he speaks to his kids but he also isn’t going to dumb things down for them. He’ll speak to them like a regular person but has a soft tenderness for children. It’s actually pretty sweet to see it.
The type of man to say to his children, “Isn’t Mama pretty? She is pretty, right?” Saying positive things about you to Megumi and Tsumiki. Then the two will say those lovely words back. You do this with Toji too. Telling the kids “Papa’s strong, right? He’s so cool.” “Papa made us this lovely dinner. Isn’t Papa amazing, you two?” Shit it so cute, I swear.
Speaking of food, Toji makes their lunches. From preschool to high school, he makes Megumi and Tsumiki’s lunches. It’s a challenge as they get older because both have different food preferences but he takes up on it. Just like with your lunch, everyone is in awe and jealous of their food. It’s always something good every time and it always smells good. Yuuji and Nobara ask Megumi if his dad could make them one and the next day Megumi brings two extra bentos for the both of them. Courtesy from Toji himself.
The type of man to make the kids their character bentos and eat the scraps/leftovers. Like the picture where the kid has a cute breakfast while the parent eats the cut out bread and fruit left over.
Family nap time! This is quite common in the Fushiguro household. You come home from work, sometimes earlier than scheduled, to see them laid out on the floor with a blanket underneath them. Sometimes, if the weather is enjoyable, they would nap outside. Toji is holding both kids in his burly arms while Tsumiki and Megumi hold each other’s hands.  It’s so adorable that you have multiple pictures saved in an album in the house. You would join them as well. A family napping pile.
Speaking of which, you have many albums from over the years as a family. Up until the present day, you have so many pictures of your children and your husband having their little family moments. Some wholesome, some embarrassing, others are cool photos or stolen shots. I don’t know if this fits Toji but I’m projecting here: he’ll have photos of your family throughout the years on the walls and tables of your home. But mainly, the ones he loves the most are the portraits of the family. They’re five of them. The first one is of you and Toji, the second one is you two with baby Tsumiki, the third is you holding baby Megumi as Tsumiki is standing with Toji, the fourth is the four of you with the kids who are six and seven, then the fifth one is taken from present day where the kids are teenagers while you and Toji haven’t aged at all. All of them have you wearing formal wear/Kimonos. He gets these personally commissioned and they’re 17 inches(43.18 cm) by 14 inches(35.56 cm), which is fairly large. 
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Since you work 6 hours of the day, Toji always takes the kids to and from school. It’s not a problem for him nor the kids as they know you are working and making mula for them. The problem is, a lot of parents believe he’s a single dad. More so, the moms of the other students. Toji wears his wedding band on his LEFT FINGER that’s SHINING when the sun hits it and people still couldn’t take a hint. As he picks up the kiddos, a lot of moms go up to talk to him to pass time. He knows most of them are trying to flirt with him, very few only genuinely talk to him. Toji doesn’t play games when it comes to his status and is very blunt if the woman can’t get the message.
“I have a wife.”
“I’m married.”
“The love of my life and the mother of my children is working right now.”
Bro, some of these moms are jumping hurdles just to get a chance with Toji. Toji would keep on flashing his wedding band and they are fucking delusional to think they still got a shot. Someone thought he was a widower even though you were ALIVE AND WELL. Toji felt his eyes twitch as he scowled at the accusation. Toji legit wanted to push her but can’t because he’s a big guy and all. ‘Fuck, I can’t put my hands on a woman. I’ll have (Y/N) do it instead.’ Toji tells you about this and he is more mad than you are about it, which you don’t blame him for. On Friday afternoon, school’s out and the parents are picking up the kids. Tsumiki waits for Megumi outside his classroom door as they always walk out together to get picked up by Toji. As they walked out, they were surprised to see you with Toji in your work clothes. They went into a full on sprint in your direction and you crouched down to hug them both. After giving each other a good squeeze, they hugged Toji. The look on the woman’s face when she saw you was priceless. Tsumiki was hugging Toji while Megumi was reaching for you and you took him in your arms. You turn around and feign a friendly smile her way with such an elegant but dominant introduction. 
“Oh hi! I’m (Y/N). You never saw me here since I work as a (occupation). Toji takes care of the kids when I’m away working. But I come every now and then when I get off early. Thanks for keeping my husband company! Though, you shouldn’t press on a married man when he refuses your advances. I mean, it’s not like his wife and the mother of his children has resources when most of the population doesn't. So, try to refrain yourself from stepping into the deep end, Dear. It was nice knowing you!”
Toji thought that was hot af. Tsumiki was hugging Toji’s neck because she was tired while Megumi glared at the woman. After that, no woman ever approached Toji after that.
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 FAMILY OUTINGS!!! Ugh, you always have one every weekend with your family. The favorites are the zoo and the park. Megumi on Toji’s shoulders while Tsumiki holds both you and Toji’s hands, she swings in-between the two of you. You go to all the exhibits your children want to go to. Tsumiki likes the marine enclosures while Megumi prefers more of the forest and savanna ones. You never could forget the way your son slightly bounces on his dad’s shoulders when he sees an elephant. He lets out a gasp of awe while calling out to you, “Mama mama, look! Look at the elephant!” “I can see it, Baby. You like elephants, Gumi?” “Yeah!” “What about you, Tsumiki-dear?” “I think they’re cool, Mama.” Toji tries to feed the animals but the animals are so scared of him like he is the most dangerous one which is true. This also goes for festivals as well, wandering the stalls and food stands. Toji winning every game you stop by and getting prizes his kids want, if his kids want it he’ll get it. The whole day is fun but exhausting once you come home. Toji carries the kids home along with the family bag. The kids are knocked out and easy to tuck in  as you and Toji decompress.
As the kids get older and mature, it’s easier to go places like Kyoto. Megumi and Tsumiki are more of exploring and sight-seeing individuals, which makes it easy on you and Toji so you don’t have to spend a lot of money to do those extravagant things. They just want to experience the surroundings and life without sticking out too much. They like the trips when you all stay at a Ryokan Onsen, it’s relaxing. Especially for Megumi since he’s away from Gojo, Itadori, and Kugisaki. He loves his teacher and classmates but they can be a handful to deal with. Once they get older, they have school and you and Megumi have missions so these family outings happen less. But if everyone’s home, you four go out and do whatever depending on the weather. Spring and early summer are good times of the year because the cherry blossoms are in bloom and the weather is pleasant. You usually go out and have a picnic when the trees are blossoming. It’s simple but sweet to get together so your kids will have some memories they can look back on fondly.
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There is this scenario that I can’t stop thinking about but it’s Toji coded: After a day of family bonding, Toji is standing in the train while you and your kids are sitting. It was full but not crowded. During one of the stops, Tsumiki ends up giving her seat to a pregnant woman who’s around her late stages of the 2nd trimester. Toji pets her head as she stands next to him, holding onto his pants as you send a sweet approving smile her way. She sends one back as she grips onto Toji to steady herself. Megumi is in our lap, completely gone into the world of dream as he clutches closer to you. The stop before the one you all get off, Tsumiki helps the pregnant lady up and walk her towards the door. The lovely lady thanks her, gives her a piece of paper to her family bakery which your family become regulars later on, before waving at her and you two. Mouthing ‘You have a wonderful daughter.' You and Toji glance at each other and smile. As your stop approaches, Tsumiki asks Toji if she can carry Megumi. He asks why and she replies, “Because Mama’s tired and I can carry Megumi for her.” Toji glances down at you and see the droopiness as they flutter to keep themselves open. He crouches down, pets Tsumiki on the head, saying she is a kind and sweet kid but he will take care of it. He asks her to give him your bag while he exchanges it for his jacket. Tsumiki places his jacket around you and Toji tells her to get into your lap. She does and you wrap your free arm around her. The next thing she knows, he’s carrying you in both of his arms while you hold your children. Once the train doors open, the incoming passengers are met with a towering man holding his sleeping wife and kids in his arms. They part to make way for him and he WALKS the whole way home. His arms never tired or aching. Tsumiki smiles up at him and comments how cool and strong he is, “You’re always strong and cool, Papa.” He just chuckles in his whole deep, simp-worthy, DILF voice before crouching down to let her stand since she grabbed the house keys. She unlocks the door and holds it open for him. They take off their shoes as Toji places you and Megumi on the couch while Tsumiki gets her Sanrio blanket to place it over you and her brother. You wake up an hour later to Toji cooking dinner as Tsumiki uses her color pencils on her coloring book. You wake up Megumi and have dinner together as a family.
Has no problem carrying you and his children in his arms. Like he can carry a 8 year old Tsumiki and a 7 year old Megumi like it’s nothing. He can carry you, Tsumiki and Megumi around without getting tired. You do the trend where Toji is holding you, Megumi and Tsumiki as kids then you retake the same picture but when the two are in their late teens. The point of those pictures were meant to show Toji is still strong; if not, stronger after becoming a father. If the kids fall asleep on the couch while watching a movie, he’s carrying them to their beds. They did their homework late at night on the kitchen table and are too tired to go to their rooms, he will take them to their beds no problem. You fell asleep on the couch because you came home extremely late from work or a mission. Toji is getting you to bed with him using his oversized shirt as your PJs. When Megumi, Yuuji and Nobara are out cold from their sleepover, Toji covers them with a huge blanket and gives them each a pillow.
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I discuss this a little bit in this but I’ll expand upon it here. Megumi and Tsumiki are way less traumatized. Megumi has sass and is aloof but that’s his personality. The reality is, Megumi isn’t as withdrawn or quick to make assumptions about people. He seems reserved but his walls aren’t thick or tall. He’s not going to summon Mahoraga in every death situation but just sometimes uses it as a last resort because he hasn't pushed himself to his limits. It’s more of the lack of knowledge behind his technique since you and Toji can only know so much. Plus you and Toji, specifically Toji, aren’t letting the Zen’in clan be near your children. Tsumiki also isn’t inclined to act more mature and take on adult responsibilities. She is allowed to be a kid and have a childhood, same goes with Megumi. Plus, the two are raised in a loving household. Is it a traditional one? Nope, not in the slightest. Their mom works while their dad stays at home. But it's a functional, healthy, content family. You and Toji have tried to set good examples for your children on love, relationships, and the process of communicating. There are some pitfalls every now and then. Yet Megumi and Tsumiki have seen honesty, patiences, and openness when you and Toji talk things out. 
Plus they know the rule you and Toji have: never fight in front of the kids. Matters between you and your husbands are between you two only. You never wanted to drag your children into the argument themselves. Obviously, when they are younger, you have to explain to them that you and Toji weren’t on the same page and are mad at each other. As they get older, you explain what the argument/conversation was about transparently. Megumi and Tsumiki also notice how after you and Toji clear up things the both of you never made snide remarks about each other in the slightest. This helps the kids out a lot because they never felt like walking on eggshells. That’s why Tsumiki and Megumi never really worried about you and Toji splitting over bad blood. They know you and Toji aren’t going to stay stubborn for long and make up no matter the circumstances. But there was an argument that both of them never can forget. They didn’t witness it themselves but they knew it was the worst argument you both had, and this happened when Tsumiki and Megumi were TEENAGERS. It lasted for a WHOLE DAY, the longest you two have been in the waters of the aftermath. The two of them wanted to say something but they knew better when you and Toji told them to not involve your affairs. It was worrying them to the point Megumi asked Tsumiki if this would create a rift. However, being the older sister she is, says the both of you will work through it. And she was right when the two of them came home to see you and Toji on the engawa wrapped up in each other’s arms with a blanket over you both.
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Tsumiki loves the flowers and plants in your garden beyond the courtyard. When you take her outside and show her the pretty flowers and plants, she has this sparkle in her eyes as you touch and hold the flowers up to her. As she gets older, she spends most of her time in the garden as you are sitting under the tree with your blanket keeping the dirt away from you. When you mentioned to Toji the garden would look better if there were more plant diversity, the man is handing you a list of your favorite plants and flowers you want. The next few days to weeks, the plants you wanted are already in your garden and blending in well with your home. He is also doing this legally, and doesn't want to be a bio-terrorist by accident.
Toji does this with Tsumiki too. She had this book about flowers from her school’s library and told him that those flowers were pretty and nice. She kept drawing them, saying they would look good in the garden. The next week, there was a bush of them in her favorite spot. Your garden becomes the Garden of Eden with the amount of plant life you and Tsumiki bring in. You do basic gardening but Tsumiki and Toji have the green thumbs in the family. They’re the ones doing maintenance on the garden. Mostly Toji since Tsumiki goes to school and isn’t always home. 
Toji does all the planting, replotting, mulching, everything a garden needs. The type to cut the hedges into a perfect shape because it fills his ego and makes him productive. Like one time, Megumi brings over Yuuji and Nobara to hangout and they see Toji cutting the hedges into a cool dragon. Toji wipes the sweat off his forehead to see the fruits of his labor, smirking to himself saying, “I’m so fucking good at this. I’m literally the best.”
Megumi lets his Shikigami out into the garden because they like to hang out outside. The only ones allowed in the house are his divine dogs because Toji doesn't want to see a huge owl or elephant in the living room.
Come to think of it, you and Tsumiki are the main ones who decide what goes in and out of the house. The flowers and the garden were just an example. Furniture, appliances, the color of the blinds and curtains, the interior and exterior, hell everything at this point. If you and Tsumiki made a comment about the appearance of something and it started with the words if, what, wonder, he’s already pulling the catalog for ideas. It’s mostly curiosity but if both you and Tsumiki bring it up, he’s changing it to your liking. Megumi never understands this because he’s the “it is what it is” or “I’m fine with it.” Megumi would be visiting home from school and sees Toji rearranging some of the furniture or building something from scratch in the backyard and he doesn’t question it.
Speaking of which, besides the appliances/photos/silverware/complicated items, almost everything in the house is made by him or customized by him. Tsumiki and Megumi’s rooms? Toji made them into their liking. The main bedroom? All Toji’s work. Not one spot in this house hasn’t been adjusted or changed by Toji. That’s why you credited your house to being the perfect home, all because of Toji. You always remind him that his work is much appreciated around this house. He’ll just smirk but you can see the way his ears fade into a pink rose color. He loves it when you say stuff like that to him. IF the kids say it to him, his grin is stuck on his face for a whole 24 hours.
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THE HANGOUT HOUSE! You know how there’s always that one friend where almost every hangout occurs at their home? That’s Megumi, it’s literally him. Technically since Yuuji permanently lives in the dorms and Kugisaki used to live in the countryside, Megumi is the only person in the trio to have an official home. They pass by it a lot when they go exploring or hanging out. Megumi never said anything but the two notice how he stares at it for some time. Then some shenanigans happen and they had to take cover in Megumi’s home. Mind you, Yuuji and Nobara were looking at Megumi like he committed a war crime when he b-lined to the house. And they know it’s a nice house. They were yelling at Megumi saying they were trespassing and they’ll be in some deep shit if they get caught. But Megumi yells at them to trust him as he opens one of the doors. Then Yuuji and Nobara start begging him to not get them killed because they finally see that the home is a literal MANSION. They think they’re cooked by whomever lives here. But from Megumi’s reaction, they’re wondering if Megumi knows the person that lives here. Then when they go inside the actual home, they slide off their shoes and walk to what’s the common area of the house(kitchen/living room). Then Yuuji notices one of the photos and sees kid Megumi and three other people. Nobara shoves herself to see it and they both turn around to Megumi grabbing a pitcher of some sort of drink out of the fridge. “YOU LIVE HERE, FUSHIGURO!?!?” “Oi, not so loud! My sister isn’t home yet but my parents are so quiet.” They don’t meet Toji here but later on because he was doing something with Shui. But you pop in and the students instantly recognize you. You force Megumi to show them around the house and they are in absolute awe. The moment they see his cool ass room, this house is their default hangout spot.
Sleepovers happen often, Megumi doesn’t want them to but you insist since he could just use one of the bigger guest bedrooms or his own room if he wanted. They stay up watching movies, shows, or watching youtube videos or documentaries just because. They do the laughing challenge to see if Megumi actually laughs. He does but fewer far in between. 
Toji embarrasses the hell out of Megumi. You don’t purposefully but by accident. Yuuji and Nobara would see Toji going into the kitchen to get a glass of water, see the color drain from Megumi’s face, then ask Toji about anything relating to Megumi. Then Toji spills the TEA on Megumi, it’s so funny. If Megumi won’t spill then his dad definitely would. Megumi’s face becomes like a tomato when anything about him comes out of his dad’s mouth.
Your house is stocked up on everything. There’s nothing in this house you wouldn’t have. Nobara needed some period products and you literally gave her a basket full of them. If she needs something else, you run to the store to get it for her. Yuuji forgot his toothpaste? You gave him a new tube and another one for his dorm. You tell them to ask you or Toji for anything if they need it. Nobara and Yuuji ask you to adopt them.
After a certain point, they just come over and ask for you instead of Megumi. He gets so annoyed and mad at them for it.
But you always insist on sleepover because Megumi finally has friends that he can call his own. It makes you happy he surrounds himself with good people and Toji agrees.
They know Megumi is balling in money which he always denies. But Yuuji brings up that Megumi has a Gameboy, Gameboy color, a DS lite, 3DS XL, a Switch OLED in his room. They’re all blue with every Pokémon game to have ever been released. He’s not beating the rich allegations.
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Megumi is so irritated with Toji, it’s absolutely hilarious. I said it before and I’ll say it again: once Megumi is high school age, he’s an angsty teenager. Dude just gets so annoyed at his dad for existing, he only imagines it’s just you, him, and Tsumiki only. Toji asks him to do something, will do it but will grumble under his breath about it. But if you or Tsumiki ask him to do something, he has no attitude. Megumi is more softer with his sister and you but his dad? Nah, if he inherits everything from his dad, he’ll use them to his disposal against his Pops. He and Toji butt heads a lot but it’s never serious. Tsumiki sometimes wants to stop it but you tell her it’s a father son bonding thing.
Megumi inherited Toji’s grumpiness. Actually Megumi inherited a lot of things from Toji but he doesn’t want to admit it. Physically, Megumi is a mini version of Toji. Personality-wise, fairly similar. It’s just his hair curls up a bit but you believe it’s a recessive gene from a distant relative that decided to come out in a rare time.
Never tell Megumi he looks and acts like his dad. It will temporarily ruin his mood for like an hour or so. He legit got so mad. Put a side by side picture of the two and show it to him and he’ll walk away. If he’s compared to his mom? The saintess who does no wrong? Hell yeah he’ll take up the compliment. But his old man? He has his own personal beef with that. It’s when you or Tsumiki tell him he’s like Toji because you’re his family and know his antics better than anyone. But if it was someone like Gojo-sensei? He’s throwing a roast back. “Man, Megumi-kun. You’re just like old man Toji, grumpy and full of attitude.” “And that’s the same old man who was able to beat you and lived. I don’t wanna hear anything from you, Gojo-sensei.” Gojo cried to you about why your son was so mean to him while Suguru was absolutely done with him.
Tsumiki took a picture of Megumi when his hair was still damp from a shower, he looked so much like Toji. She showed you the picture and you asked her to send it to you. She shows Toji and Toji smirks to himself, knowing he’ll dangle that over Megumi’s head for as long as he lives. Toji gets his and Megumi’s side by side comparison framed in the house lol.
Sometimes Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko babysit younger Megumi and Tsumiki when you and Toji are busy. Tsumiki loves them, tolerating Satoru at best. But Megumi is irked by Satoru’s presence and only hangs out with Shoko and Suguru. Hates Gojo’s constant teasing but from pure annoyance. He and Tsumiki grow up with them and that’s why both of them know the three long before anyone else did.
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Megumi gets irritated during Middle and High School because his parents are HOT. He remembers when his classmates from middle school would ask who’s the woman waving at him/man that grins his directions. Megumi grimaces and says “That’s my mom/dad.” Then his peers would start gushing about how gorgeous and demure you are/handsome and attractive Toji is. He wants them to shut up about it. If it’s only one of you, some of his peers would say, “Can your mom/dad fight?” Megumi wanted to punch them so badly, but refrains himself because he doesn’t want to waste his punches on a rando. It doesn’t help when he goes to the same school as Tsumiki, it’s the same THING. He knows people gush about him but he could care less. It just irritates him to no end when others do it on his family members. So when both you and Toji show up to school to take Megumi and Tsumiki out, everyone is just looking at Megumi and his attractive family. They can see where he got his genes from. His gene pool was created by divinity itself. His mom’s attractive, his dad’s attractive, his sister’s attractive, then they look at Megumi and see that he’s attractive. It gets worse with Yuuji and Nobara. They make remarks about it every time, how show stopping your looks are, his dad had people of all sexualities swooning, and his sister made people have hearts in their eyes. 
Nobara: “That’s not fair! Fushiguro gets his amazing looks and genes from the two most heavenly beautiful people in the world and he’s not using them! God has favorites for sure.”
Yuuji: “But Fushiguro-kun is using his good-looks though, Kugisaki! He’s just the more silent, mysterious, aloof type of guy that every secretly wants, you'know?”
Megumi: “Can you two just shut it right now!? Stop talking about my parents or appearance! Focus on the damn mission!”
Family dinners are silent but content. Everyone always eats together whenever possible since Toji’s done cooking dinner at 6:30pm. There’s some talking here and there but everyone is more focused on enjoying the meal Toji cooks for them. The kids clean up after themselves and usually fill the sink with hot water to place their dirty dishes inside. They prefer to eat their dad’s cooking any day. Yuuji and Nobara come over to have dinner every now and then. That’s when it’s more lively since they’re always gushing about Toji’s food.
Your children are so protective of you because of their father. Toji tells them there are some people out there that won’t respect you and tells Megumi and Tsumiki it’s their job to tell him if anyone bothered them or you. They mostly tell him about the amount of men who try to hit on you even though you said you’re already married to Toji, flashing your wedding ring, when you pick up Megumi and Tsumiki from school. Toji shows up with you, sizing up every male in the vicinity while puffing his chest. You roll your eyes but silently admit it was hot. It doesn’t change when they get older, they just hide it better. You could be in the grocery store in the produce section and some guy is hitting on you. You don’t have your wedding ring on because your fingers were sore and it hurt to wear jewelry on your hand. But you wore it on in a necklace. The guy wasn’t taking no for an answer until he saw two people behind you, staring down this man. It’s your son and husband. Then your daughter pops up and steals you away to look at a sale of some fruits she wanted. Leaving the poor man in the wrath of Megumi and Toji. They only put their hands on someone if they harass you or down right disrespect in any form. Mostly they’ll give a talk to the individual that’s not so courtesy of you. The best thing about this whole thing? The teens and Toji saw it all happen and made it into a whole operation. Tsumiki was in on it too, bruh. The men collectively agree to stare down any person that looked at you funny. Tsumiki isn’t so serious but she’s more subtle with her warnings and hints. You remembered when Toji was talking to Megumi about dealing with these situations. “Megumi, when you bring your dogs out, I need you to have them bite the guy in the balls if they try something with your mother or snatch their bag if they’re a woman.” “TOJI!” “I was thinking about the same thing, Dad.” “MEGUMI (L/N) FUSHIGURO! PLEASE! I can’t with you two!”
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Those family talks. Like when Megumi opens up to you or Toji about something, it could be anything but it’s mostly personal things. You know it’s serious when it’s just him sitting at the kitchen table while you and Toji are doing something in the kitchen. Hitting you with the “Can I ask you two something?” Then you and Toji give Megumi your undivided attention to let him know you’re listening and paying attention. These happen with Tsumiki too but she’s already an open book and isn’t as reserved as Megumi. You both give your commentary and advice when asked, sometimes you let Megumi rant or let out his bottled up feelings. Surprisingly, unsurprisingly, Toji gives out insightful advice that Megumi takes into account every time his dad speaks. This is also how you become closer to your son and daughter, even your own husband.
They are allowed to swear in the house but Toji’s rule is “You can swear but it can’t be towards someone.” But the kids didn’t swear until they were in junior high.
The house doesn’t have much talking but it’s not the uncomfortable kind. It’s the kind where everyone is enjoying each other’s presence with no need for talking. It’s functional in your household, so it works with your family.
Don’t remind Toji that Megumi and Tsumiki will eventually move out and have their own lives because Toji will get all soft and emotional about it.
Toji and you are living the dream life. A nice house and property. A loving family with two wonderful children to ever bless you and your husband. And a healthy life where your family is close. Toji never thought he could’ve had this life but he now he does. This is the greatest middle finger and ‘fuck you’ to the Zen'in clan.
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cheeseceli · 3 days
When you struggle to eat
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Pairing: Ot8!skz × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff, reactions
Request: reader thinking she eats "too much" and decides to eat way less for her body image, and how the skz boys would react to that.
Warnings: eating struggles will be discussed; reader has body image issues; mentions of food multiple times; use of petnames in Chan and Changbin's
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Disclaimer: this was made with the purpose to comfort anyone who's going through a similar situation. If I made a mistake and made someone uncomfortable/aggravated the situation, please do tell me and I'll correct or delete this post immediately, whatever is preferred. Topics related to eating disorders will be discussed here, please don't read if that's something that triggers you.
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Bang Chan - is ready to listen to all your worries
‌We all remember Chan's Room right?
‌He's ready to spend hours if needed just to understand what you're going through ‌and where your insecurities are coming from
‌At the same time, he will never judge you
‌So you know he's your safe place
Constantly checks up on you even if he's far away through texts and calls
And if there's someone who's aggravating the situation or making you insecure, you can bet he's gonna solve the situation himself
"Talk to me baby. What's going on in that mind of yours, hm?"
Lee Know - eats with you
Probably the first to realise something's off, considering food is almost his love language atp
Likes to have as many meals with you as possible
‌He usually makes a mountain of food in his plate, so you don't worry about the amount of food in yours
‌And he also runs errands with you
‌Especially those like buying food
‌You don't even gotta ask, he would be volunteering on the first opportunity
‌Also cooks for you, whatever you want
"Do you want to eat anything? I can cook"
Changbin - Hype man
‌Your personal hype man fr
‌Is ready to compliment you in absolutely everything
‌The best part is that you know that his compliments are always genuine
‌What do you mean you didn't like that trousers?? You looked fantastic in it! That shirt made you look even more gorgeous
‌He has known you for so long and still, he always finds something new to compliment you on
But even if after all the reassurance you want to change the way you look, he will be by your side to help you do it in a safe and healthy way
"You look perfect, baby. I promise. Actually, I still don't believe I managed to pull someone so beautiful like that"
Hyunjin - has all meals with you
‌And with that, I really mean all meals
‌Breakfast, lunch, dinner, you name it
‌Even if you can't really get out of your work place or your university, he's going there then
‌He just doesn't want you to be by yourself
‌He also always has something to say during those meals
‌News about their comeback, gossip at jyp, stories from his childhood...
He never fails to admire you a lot in those moments as well, never letting you forget how much he loves and appreciates you
‌He does that hoping it will distract you from the food, so you can be more at ease
"Have I ever told you about the time Kkami bit my ankle? I think I still have the scar."
Han - makes you feel beautiful
‌He truly doesn't understand how you don't think you're the most beautiful human being to ever set foot on this earth
‌In his eyes, you were born perfect
‌So, naturally, he makes it his mission to make you see yourself in his point of view
‌Compliments and adores you
‌Will make you feel beautiful, pretty, sexy, cute... Whatever you wanna be
‌Above all, he'll make you feel loved
"No matter what size, you'll always be my love. Don't forget that."
Felix - distracts you
‌With that, I mean that he tries to take your attention off food and body image related subjects
‌Before and after eating, he will always bring you along to activities where your mind can be turned off
‌So many fun dates!!
‌Even during the meals he'll have a similar idea to hyunjin and simply won't shut up
‌Most of his compliments don't involve around your body, so you really don't think about it
"I love this hairstyle of yours. It looks wonderful"
Seungmin - protects you
‌In a sense that no one even dares to comment on your looks/habits
Even if he isn't there with you
‌That because he made it very clear that everyone should watch their mouths around you
‌For as long as he's around you, he will do his best and more to protect you from harmful comment
Also tries to experiment a lot of different foods with you all the time, so you never feel like that's a burden or a bad thing
"Hey, have you heard about the new restaurant close to home? The food is peruvian. We could have dinner there tonight."
I.N - physically reassures you
‌He loves you and every single part of you, including your looks
I believe he was a bit lost in the beginning, not exactly sure on how to help you
‌But even if his words aren't exactly his biggest strength, he still wants to reassure you as much as he can
‌So he does that with his touch
‌Holding you on his lap, kissing all of your "imperfections" and tracing patterns in your skin
‌Anything that can ground, reassure and give you comfort at the same time
"Have I ever told you how perfect you are? I should tell you that more."
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when you're overworked (ateez comfort)
Thank you for reading<3 I hope this was able to help someone
» I won't put the taglist on this one as I don't want to tag anyone in something that can possibly trigger them «
Dividers by @/cafekitsune, images 1 2 3
Thank you so much for the beta readers: @duhgurl @beebee18 @applekiwi3202 @elqivxstxr @mrsunshine999 @msauthor
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solar-sunnyside-up · 10 months
How to start building your social village--
How do you go from isolated to being apart of a properly connected social circle?? How do I go from that isolated individual to an actually connected person without having to force myself out to be a regular at a club or something??
Pick the most used social media across all your connections (for my this is sadly Facebook but I'm sure you could do this through discord or some other site I'm like 90% sure this is transferable in some formate maybe other ppl could pitch those ideas tho-) and then add everyone you know! And here's the fun stuff you could do in your group!
Functional ideas Village Group for-
Offer to swap babysitting/chores/errands or even buddies for these things
Offer to exchange sale/coupon/bulk buying info (A good example of this is a have a friend who knows a butcher and so her family once every 2 months bulk orders from him directly and it'd WAY cheaper for everyone)
Holiday organizing
Dinner party ideas/hang outs (know 2 or more ppl who like sewing? Organize a dinner once every few months and watch a movie and sew! Do a book club!)
Trade/swap/leading stuff (ex tools, books, unused snacks, boardgames, clothes, etc..)
Offer to be apart of a shared calander (I use Cozi personally but again use your preferred)
Event spamming (community event sharing bc no one ever gets proper info on them in time)
Plant swaps (I personally know like 3 different plant ppl who specialize in different types of plants ex 1 person does a lot of herbs and another does all succulents and another does super well with berries and they always wanna get rid of the babies or spread the spoils)
Organizing work parties (repair parties ex fences/roofs/, bulk cooking parties ex my families perogie parties, tax prep parties, hair dying get togethers, etc..)
Fun ideas for village-
Make a village badge/crest of some kind (at one point was making badges for dinner parties as gifts so this is an easy one for me)
Funny pet photos/meme dump ground
This allows for a pretty fun way to also make ppl feel connected. If I get to know someone fairly well like my neighbor or another parent from my kiddos school- I'll just add them to my weird little club thing! Here's a patch for you. Your family now!!
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aeyumicore · 4 months
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Love and Deepspace Boys Azure's Echo Day (Valentine's Day) Headcanons
♡ pairing: zayne x reader, xavier x reader, rafayel x reader
♡ genre: pure fluff!
♡ word count: 800ish
♡ content warning: none, just pure tooth rotting fluff!
♡ a/n: just some headcanons on how each of the boys act on v-day/azure's echo day! do they ask you to be their valentine? how do they ask? and what kind of bouquet do they get you. credit to my friend @/myusuchaa on twit for designing the cute ass flower cards below and coming up with the content as well. she is the most unhinged raf lover, go follow her!
ALSO the xavier smut is still dropping later tonight. but wanted to self indulge a bit and share with yall <3 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY LOVES.
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🌨️ Zayne
Does he ask you to be his Valentine?
Yes, he will ask you one week before the day, on the dot. Zayne might be blunt and sometimes abrasive, but he’s generous in affection for those he cares about, especially you, and incredibly perceptive. How do you think he climbed the medical ladder so fast? Also he won’t admit this, but he’s definitely taken mental notes on all the cheesy romance movies you’ve forced him to watch, so he’s learned a lot.
How does he ask?
Zayne is a simple romantic. But while his plan is simple, he pours over every little detail, no matter how minute. He’s had an appointment with his favorite florist for a month, and spends an hour hand picking each flower in the bouquet he’s planned for you. He will do his best to take the night off, though it isn’t unlikely he gets called in for emergency surgeries, to cook you dinner by candlelight even designing a whole ass menu for just the two of you. And only after you’ve finished dessert does he ask you if you’d do him the honor of being his Valentine. 
What bouquet does he get you?
A custom bouquet of a few select blue tweedia flowers and cape jasmines. Simple and elegant, like him. It’s reminiscent of iridescent snowflakes amongst a flurry of pure white snow. He sprinkles a few of his own never melting snowflakes on top, but not touching the flowers as cape jasmines cannot tolerate cold or icy temperatures, and it’s truly picturesque. He’s created his very own beautiful snowstorm for you, capturing his essence like a snow globe.
💫 Xavier
Does he ask you to be his Valentine?
He doesn’t at first, not until Tara or Jeremiah ask him if he has, three days before Valentine’s Day. And once he realizes he’s supposed to, he's a panicked mess. But he will scrap his entire day of hunting and miscellaneous errands to formulate and execute a plan. He knows you deserve the absolute best and he’s kicking himself for potentially blowing this. Best believe he will never forget to ask you ever again. 
How does he ask?
He goes missing all day on the 13th to find your favorite flowers and pastries from a bakery you two discovered on a past mission. It’s a whole day affair because he literally goes several towns over to get your pastries, and they always sell out within hours so he needs to go there the morning of. And then he arrives at your apartment door in a tailored white suit, his only one. With the most bashful grin and peachy pink face, he will ask you, his little star, to be his very first and last Valentine.
What bouquet does he get you?
You once told Xavier he reminded you of a Forget-me-not, and he remembers it to this very day. After all, the forget-me-not is known as a “star flower,” and you consider Xavier to be your very own shooting star, and he considers you his. So Xavier finds you a bouquet of blue forget-me-nots with a sprinkle of feverfew chamomile flowers amidst the sea of blue. It’s reminiscent of the glowing stars littered across the milky way, a view which you’d enjoyed with Xavier countless times. 
🎨 Rafayel
Does he ask you to be his Valentine?
Yes. He asks a million times, starting on February 1st. And if you say no, a single time, expect chaos. Whining and screaming. Feet kicking. All the dramatics. Mumbling about how you don’t love him anymore. Even if you take it back and say yes he will still be a little baby about it. While he asks you many different times, his most “serious” ask would be the weekend before Valentine’s day.
How does he ask?
Even though you’ve said yes countless times, he plans the most extravagant date, which isn’t out of the blue since he’s often spoiling you with his wealth and affection. After a day on a little yacht on the sea, admiring the glimmering sun against the ocean current, he will literally get down on one knee to ask you to be his Valentine. We all know Rafayel is all for theatrics, but more than that he loves to tease you and render you speechless, so he does this especially to mess with you. He'll be on one knee: "Will you make me the happiest man alive......................and be my Valentine?" Truly insufferable, but we love him.
What bouquet does he get you?
Rafayel loves flame lilies; there’s always vases of them in his home. They’ve made several appearances in his paintings, and on more than one occasion has he randomly gifted you a bouquet of them. And with how much time you spend with him, and how much they remind you of him, they’ve become dear to your own heart. Eternal memories and final goodbyes, it’s the perfect symbol of everlasting, neverending, and tragic love. He pairs these with some baby’s breath to create a picture of innocence, purity, and new beginnings against the backdrop of fiery red passion. The bouquet encapsulates Rafayel himself.
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© aeyumicore 2024. please do not steal ♡
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hwasoup · 4 months
Tale As Old As Time
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Playlist to read along with !!
songs used for inspo: The First Branch, Belle, Nice and Airy How Does a Moment Last Forever (music box), No Matter What,
art credit goes to Marbipa
this au is very heavily inspired from the 1991 movie, 2017 movie, and the musical, some things will seem similar and at times different, some parts of dialogue will be familiar, however it's for the sake of the plot. to summarize, this is basically a retelling of the story. I hope you guys enjoy!!
also let me know if you want to be on the taglist!!
<< prev. | ch.2 >>
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Warnings: brief mention of character death, slight misogyny
word count: 1.9K
summary: life as the inventor's daughter
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Chapter 1 : The Village
In a small province, east of the castle, there was a small village called Arachna,
This village is quite unique on its own as there are many people of different personalities, Men go to work and get an education and the women stay at home to learn how to be housewives and tend for children. Reading was considered wrong for women to read…Men didn’t want them to develop ideas or think for themselves and only solely focus on the children… However…At the edge of the village, at a small house lived an old inventor, he knew how to fix clocks, create music boxes, and most importantly invent. He would slave the day away just tinkering and figuring out new ideas on how to make life more comfortable and convenient, he proposed his ideas constantly to the villagers to help them make their lives a bit easier, but alas…the villagers called him a loon and demented for frivolous ideas. He would go home dejected, but his greatest pride and most precious invention would be at home; Y/N…
He had raised y/n all on his own after his wife passed away when y/n was 5. To his precious daughter, He promised himself that he wouldn’t shun her from her curiosity and instead showed her all there is to know. Y/N learned how to read, write, speak, analyze, and even sing a little, all due to her father’s promise that he made to her dying mother and to his daughter. Eventually, Y/N grew to be a lovely and beautiful woman. She’s kind, compassionate, loving, and even imaginative. She even has a huge affinity for reading and especially having a bit of a collection of books at home. 
You may wonder, what is Y/N’s life like at her village
well it goes a bit like this…
A rooster crows in the distance, as the sun rises, signifying the day to begin..
Y/N has woken up and looked at her book beside her bedside table and smiles “well now...time to return this to the bookstore” she says softly to herself. She opens her curtains and opens the window, smelling the morning dew from the fresh air. Y/N gets dressed in her favorite blue dress, tying her hair in a low ponytail with a ribbon and walks downstairs to cook some breakfast for herself before leaving. She puts her book in a little basket and walks out and heads for the village. “Any moment now…before I hear-” she gets interrupted by the waking village “BUENOS DIAS MI GENTE” 
Y/N rolls her eyes as she sees the empty streets quickly fill up with people with errands and work to do. She smells fresh wheat from the bakery, and she smiles as she thinks how the baker always sells his bread right on time. “Ah, Buenos Dias Y/N” the baker says. “Oh Buenos Dias, señor”, The Baker looks at her and smiles and asks, “where are you off to?” Y/N smiling and excited to tell him says “Oh I’m going to the bookstore! I just finished reading this amazing story about an ogre, a donkey, and a cursed princess-” she gets interrupted “oh that’s nice. OYE MARIA, LOS BOLILLOS” he ends up yelling to his wife in the bakery. Y/N shrugs and moves along her day.
The villagers see her and start whispering amongst themselves, they gossiped about how she would always read, always having her nose stuck in a book.However, they could all mutually agree that despite her odd personality, she’s truly a sight for sore eyes, a truly beautiful woman who sadly knows how to think. 
Y/N arrives at the bookstore and opens the door, the bell on top of the door chiming, announcing her arrival. “Buenos Días señor ! vine a devolver el libro que me prestaron” she says handing the book back to the salesclerk with much care. The salesclerk laughs “ Already? Y/N my dear, it's only been since yesterday.” Y/N who was already on the ladder searching for another book looked down at him sheepishly “yea, well I couldn’t exactly put it down…” Her hand lands on a familiar blue book, she pulls it out of the bookshelf and hands it to the salesclerk “I’ll borrow this one !” The salesclerk looks at the title of the book and shakes his head, amused by her antics “you’ve read this book almost 2 times already, are you sure you want this book again ?” he says, while helping Y/N down the ladder. “Well I can’t help it, faraway places, tense sword fights, magic spells, and a prince in disguise” 
The salesclerk chuckles and hands her the book “well if you like it so much it’s yours...” Y/N holds the book in her hands in excitement “I-I… are you sure?” she asks hesitantly. “I insist, please take it” he tells her. “Well then thank you, thank you so much!” Y/N leaves the bookstore happily, immediately opening to the first page.
While Y/N is in the distance walking with her new book, next to a tavern there is a strong, tall, blone, handsome brute of a man, checking himself out in the mirror, making sure that his looks are impeccable. “BEN! I caught your uhh…whatever this bird is, oh and some girls told me to tell you you’re an amazing hunter” says a shorter looking pudgy man to him.
“Why thank you Eddie for reminding me how perfect I am,” Ben says. Eddie nods as he pretends to agree with his own statement. “I bet that not even a beast or girl can handle you,” he says, feeding the man’s ego. Ben looks down at Eddie and grins “oh and that’s true as well, but my next hunt is that one over there” he says pointing at Y/N. Eddie looks at him a bit appalled and says, “the inventor’s daughter?” Ben then inhales and goes on a tangent “Why yes, Eddie…she’s the one I’m going to marry, the most beautiful girl in town. As soon as I met her, I knew that I have to make her my wife, a handsome man like me and a gorgeous woman like her are meant to be together” Eddie agrees with him reluctantly as he sees Venom speed walk to catch up with her.
Ben goes through a bustling market in order to reach Y/N who is easing her way through the crowd despite reading a book. “Please let me through” he said exasperated, not wanting to let Y/N out of his sight. Eventually he does finally reach her by climbing the roof of a house and landing right on his feet like the man he is. “Hello, Y/N” he says as his eyes scan her from head to toe. “Hola, Ben” she says in response while still focusing on her book. ben then smirks and quickly takes the book away from her hands to get her attention. 
“Ben, por favor give back my book” she says politely. Ben ignores her by butting in her way and flipping the pages in the book “How do you read this… there’s no pictures…” 
“Well if you read books then you would know that some people have something called an imagination” 
Ben looks at her and throws the book somewhere as he tries to charm her “well Y/N, I believe it's finally time for you to stop reading books and pay attention to more…attractive things, like me” he says. “The whole town talks about it. It’s not proper for women to read...besides women thinking means they develop ideas and start assuming things” he says with a bit of a grimace on his face. 
“Ay, Ben you’re so antediluvian.”
Y/N then reaches down to pick up her book and wipes the dirt off with a handkerchief. She turns around to keep on going back home but is stopped by Ben yet again as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, mentioning how she should join him at the tavern so that they could talk and bond. “Oh, but I can't. I have to go help my father, goodbye now” she says, as she walks away as fast as her feet can take her away from the brainless man.
A few minutes later after speed walking, Y/N sees smoke coming out of the basement and rushes there quickly. “PAPA!” She opens the basement door to let out the smoke and searches for her father “ay papa, que paso? estas bien?” she asks as she helps him get up from the floor “Ay Hijita, I'm fine... I just can’t get this piece of metal to start working” Y/N chuckles and kisses her father’s forehead “papa you always say that when you’re frustrated… Besides, if you get this to work… you can finally go to the contest and win that prize you’ve always wanted.”
Her father thinks for a while and nods “ you’re right…i shouldn’t give up, i’ll get a patent on this and i’ll finally be Mauricio, the greatest inventor ever seen!” Y/N smiles and hugs her father before leaving to let him finish his invention. “Oh right, papa did you…” she looks at him with a knowing look “yes I did mijita, it's upstairs at the kitchen table.” Y/N nods and dashes up inside the house and speeds to the kitchen. She stops when she looks at the table and smiles fondly. It was her mother’s old music box…now fixed after so many years…
Y/N sits by the table and winds up the music box and hums along to the melody being played remembering the lullaby her father used to sing to her before going to sleep as a child. She then looks up and sees her father smiling at her, enjoying the melody as well. “Papa…do you think i'm..odd ?” she says softly to him. Her father raises an eyebrow and sits beside her “y a donde sacaste eso??”
“People talk papa…” she says looking to the side. “Solecito…they talk about me too, we’re not odd at all…” He brings his hand to her shoulder to console her “you’re my daughter…and you’re mother’s daughter as well, They’re the common people and you…you’re unique Hija. No matter what you do I’m always on your side ok?” Y/N smiles and chuckles “are you sure that’s just not you being biased?” Her father laughs and shrugs “Maybe…maybe not…don’t ever change who you are, ok?” Y/N smiles and nods “ok papa” A few days later, Y/N’s father was finished with his invention and had prepared the wagon, placing some food, medicine, horse fodder, and his invention all neatly placed inside the wagon. As he adds the saddle onto Felipe’s back, placing the reins properly on the horse’s side. He then looks at Y/N and smiles “Hijita…what do you wish for me to bring back for you? Shall it be jewelry, or dresses, or new perfumes?” Y/N thinks for a minute and says, “A rose, like the one mama had embroidered on her dress” He chuckles “But, you ask for that every year. Y/N smiles as she looks at her father “and yet every year you’ll bring it...” “Fine then, you’ll have my word, adios por ahora y/n” he says as he gently caresses his daughter’s cheek. “Adios Papa...” Y/N would watch her father ride up the hill into the distance. 
“Stay Safe...”
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taglist: @cupcakeinat0r , @miguelhugger2099, @mcmiracles, @xxsugarbonesxx,@codenameredkrystalmatrix,@deputy-videogamer,@lxverrings,@miguelzslvtz,@itsameclinicaldepression 
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smileysuh · 1 year
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🌙 staring. Joshua & Jeonghan x afab!Reader
🔮 synopsis. There’s something long and hard rubbing against your ass, and you can’t help but pull away from Joshua to drop your favourite lawyer pickup line to the man behind you; “Is that a gavel in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?” “Both,” Jeonghan practically purs, his mouth hot against your neck. “Think you can handle it?”
tw/cw. threesome, unprotected sex, multiple sex scenes, blow job, shower sex, double penetration, butt stuff, use of a judge's gavel as an anal sex toy, lube, praise, degradation, dirty talk, spanking, cock warming, fingering, hand riding, slight roleplay, beefy/size kink Joshua, polyamory, breast play, masturbation, 'full' kink, etc... I petnames. (hers) gorgeous, baby, filthy little whore.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 6.8k
🍭 aus. Lawyer!Jihan, polyamory, established relationship, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. the Joshua/Jeonghan pairing always does something to me, and now it can do something to you too. special thank you to @junkissed for helping me figure this fic out :)
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It’s nights like these where you have to be very secure in yourself to be in a relationship with not one but two of the top lawyers in your city. Evenings spent cooking dinner in the hope they’ll be able to make it home in time to eat with you often end up with you feeling a little lonely and picking at your food, two seats empty at your table.
You have to remind yourself that this is their job, that they try their best, and when they do finally come home, you have to greet them with a smile. There’s no room for blame on nights like these. 
“Sorry we’re so late, gorgeous,” Jeonghan apologizes immediately when they arrive home, setting down his briefcase and opening his arms to pull you into an embrace. One of his hands moves up to cup your cheek, and the kiss he places on your lips lingers. “The litigation team found an entire file of information that’s applicable to the court hearing tomorrow.”
“We just spent three hours going over it,” Joshua sighs, hanging his coat up in the closet.
The younger of your boyfriends looks much more tired than Jeonghan does, but Joshua’s always had a lower tolerance for unexpected turns in cases. You know he must have been seething when they discovered the file, and your heart goes out to him.
“That sounds rough,” you say sympathetically, turning your attention to the beautiful, exhausted man. “What can I do to help?” you ask as you begin to pepper kisses along his jaw, working your way to his pretty lips. “Are you hungry?”
“We ate at the firm,” Jeonghan tells you. “Soonyoung went out and got us all burgers.”
You smile at the mention of your long time friend, he’s one of their errand boys, and it sounds like none of your close acquaintances have had a good night. Sure, a part of you deflates a little- you’d prepared their meals, and the food is still waiting for them in the kitchen, but you suppose that’s easy clean up.
“I guess you two will be wanting to go to bed,” you sigh. “You’ve both got to get up at six, right?”
“I’m sorry,” Joshua matches your exacerbated tone, and he’s frowning while looking down at you. “I know you hate it when we miss dinner.”
“It’s alright,” you assure him, gently smoothing your hands along his broad chest before giving him a small pat and pulling away. “This is part of the job. I’ve got to go put the food away.”
“We should have texted you,” Jeonghan offers, “but it was a mad scramble at the firm.”
“Like I said, it’s alright,” you smile softly. “You’ve had long days, go relax, I’ll meet you in the bedroom when I’m done in the kitchen.”
With a nod, Joshua heads down the hall, but Jeonghan lingers. “I’ll help you clean up,” he tells you after a moment of consideration.
“Thank you.” 
The two of you relocate to the kitchen. It’s late, and like your boyfriends, you’re also moving a little slower than normal. 
It helps to have another set of hands, even if they’re on your hips while Jeonghan presses himself against your back. “Looks like you made a great dinner tonight, gorgeous. I’m extra sorry we missed it.”
“You really don’t have to keep apologizing,” you laugh, carefully putting the food into containers to be put in the fridge. “Besides, you can eat it tomorrow for lunch or something.”
“What would we do without you?” Jeonghan’s lips are on your neck, and the gentle kisses almost tickle, making your smile widen. 
“Eat bad food or starve?” you suggest.
Jeonghan grins against your throat. “Lucky we have you then, hmm?”
“Very lucky,” you agree. 
“Listen, I’m going to go have a shower…” Jeonghan holds you tighter, and you can feel his cock pressing against your ass through his pants. “Want to come join me?”
You push your butt back towards the horny man you call your lover, grinning at his behavior. “What about Joshua?” 
“You know Joshie likes morning showers after the gym. He won’t join us. In fact…” Jeonghan’s nose traces across your throat, his breath hot, “I bet he’s already asleep.”
“You think?”
Jeonghan hums. “He almost passed out in the car ride home. Trust me, we should let him rest.”
“We’ll have to be quiet though,” you point out. “We wouldn’t want to wake him.”
“I can be quiet,” Jeonghan smirks, “can you?” 
You love it when he challenges you like this, and you give a quick nod.
“Good,” he pulls away from your back, giving your ass a light smack. “Meet me in the bathroom, gorgeous.”
You’re just about done in the kitchen, and when you head down the hall to the guest bathroom, Jeonghan already has the shower running. 
The room is filling with steam, and his suit is neatly folded on the sink. Joshua’s forced Jeonghan into the habit of taking care of his clothes, and the sight of your wild boyfriend being neat always makes you giggle.
You’re wearing a cute little ‘housewife dress�� as Jeonghan would call it, and it’s easy enough for you to slip off. The underwear set adorning your body was one you’d chosen with the hope of someone else tearing it off, but you suppose doing it yourself before getting fucked in the shower is a decent compromise. 
Soon, you’re naked and opening the glass door to join Jeonghan in one of his favourite sex locations.
Jeonghan’s always been beautiful, but there’s something almost ethereal about the way he looks when there’s water cascading over his perfect skin. He turns as you enter, eyes scanning over your body as a smile appears on his lips. 
“Hi gorgeous,” he greets you, grabbing your waist to tug you tight to his front, capturing his cock between your bodies.
“I can’t believe you’re already hard,” you giggle, enjoying how easy it is to turn him on.
“I’ve been fighting a stiffy since lunch time when you sent me that picture of the new lingerie Joshua bought you. He might have forgotten about it and gone to sleep, but I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day.” 
“Is that so?” you tease, wrapping your arms around his shoulders while he pulls you half under the spray of warm water. “Is this what you were imagining?”
“I was imagining tag teaming you with Joshua, but when work ran late… this is exactly what I started to have in mind.”
“You like having me all to yourself, don’t you, Hannie?” 
“I’m not gonna lie,” his fingers dig into your hips, “as much as sharing you with Joshie is fun, I do enjoy having you to myself every once in a while.” 
“So now that you have me to yourself, what can I do for you, Mister Yoon?” You press your body forward, applying pressure to his cock. “I know you had such a long, hard day-”
“My day isn’t the only thing that’s long and hard,” Jeonghan smirks at you.
“I’m very aware of that, Mister Yoon. Shall I take care of it for you?” You love playing the part of sexy assistant, and he deserves it after the day he’s had.
Jeonghan lets out a groan. “Have I told you how fucking sexy you are today?”
“No, but I’d love to hear it while I suck you off, Mister Yoon,” you grin, pulling away from him so you can get down onto your knees.
“You always love being praised when you have your mouth full, isn’t that right, gorgeous?” Jeonghan’s eyes are fixed on you as you wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, and his hand moves down to push your hair out of your face.
“Of course, Mister Yoon, love to be praised by you.” 
“Yeah,” Jeonghan sighs as your tongue teases the head of his cock. “I’m the good one, and Joshua always gets to be the bad one with degradation. Are you sure I can’t call you my wonderful little cockwhore?”
“I think that’s still bordering on praise, Hannie,” you grin, breaking your game of assistant to ‘Mister Yoon’ for a moment to appreciate your boyfriend. Jeonghan can never be that rough with you, and his dirty talk always includes praise, even when he’s trying to be more of an asshole.
“It’s just hard not to compliment you,” he says, groaning when you take him into your mouth. “You always feel so good.”  
With your mouth full, there’s no way to verbally respond, but the moan you let out sends a shiver of pleasure through your lover. 
“Fuck, you feel like magic, gorgeous,” Jeonghan tells you, his voice breathy. “Always so good at sucking me off- who taught you how to be so good at sucking cock?”
Technically, he did. Jeonghan’s never been one to shy away from giving you instructions on what feels best, but to be fair, it’s never taken that much for you to get him to the edge either. 
He likes it when you move your tongue along his shaft, and he goes crazy for the sounds of pleasure you make when Joshua fucks you silly while you suck on him. But Joshua’s not here tonight, so you slip your own hand between your legs, rubbing your wet pussy with eager fingers.
“I guess we’re both horny, huh? I can’t complain. We both know I love watching my gorgeous girl touch herself. I’m not sure where to focus, on your mouth, or your hand.” 
You’re not sure where to focus either. Part of you wants to lean in to blowing Jeonghan, but another part of you feels so good to be touched after so many hours being home alone. It’s clear you’ve both needed this, both needed a release, and you know it won’t be long until both of you are cumming.
“Fuck, keep doing that,” Jeonghan moans when you swirl your tongue around his cock, taking him deeper into your mouth. “Keep doing that for me, good girl, good girl.” 
You whimper at the praise, rubbing circles on your clit that have jitters of pleasure erupting through your body. 
“I’ve been wanting this all day, gorgeous,” Jeonghan tells you, hips rutting forward to push his cock deeper into the back of your throat. “I’m not going to last long, and I don’t want to be in your mouth when I cum.” 
You pull off his cock, free hand stroking his shaft while you continue to rub your pussy. You blink up at Jeonghan. “Are you going to fuck me, Mister Yoon?”
“Of course gorgeous, now stop touching that pretty pussy and stand up for me.” 
You’re on your feet not a moment later, and Jeonghan gently pushes you so your back is against the wall. He kisses you hard, one hand reaching down to hike your thigh onto his hip, spreading you open for the cock that rubs between your pussy lips.
You whimper when his length brushes by your clit, and your boyfriend smiles against your mouth. “Ready for me?” he asks. “You don’t need me to get on my knees and return the favour first?”
“Definitely not,” you say quickly, “just want you inside of me.”
“You got it, gorgeous.” 
With one quick adjustment, the head of his cock is pressing into your entrance and you’re both letting out moans of pleasure, although yours is much louder than Jeonghan’s.  
“Shh!” he reprimands you with a laugh, slapping his hand over your mouth. “Joshie’s sleeping, remember?”
Honestly, part of you had forgotten. You’d been so enraptured in Jeonghan that Joshua hadn’t even been on your mind. 
You can’t help but smile against your boyfriend’s palm, but when he thrusts into you, your eyebrows furrow and another moan slips out of you, this time it’s muffled by Jeonghan.
“Fuck you’re so wet, and I know it’s not just from the shower,” Jeonghan groans. “Who made you this wet?”
His hand makes your response almost unintelligible, but as far as you’re both concerned, it’s a clear ‘you did.’ 
The feeling of Jeonghan’s chest pressing up against your sensitive nipples, the water from the shower making you both slippery- well, it’s absolutely wonderful. You’ve always loved fucking your hotshot lawyer boyfriend in the shower, and you completely lose yourself in the pleasure he provides.
As he fucks you harder, Jeonghan gets tired of muffling your sounds with his hand, and his mouth replaces it on your lips. His tongue invades you, and the whimpers that escape you are eaten up by your boyfriend.
He’s making his own pretty sounds, and they’re music to your ears. You like to know you make Jeonghan feel good, and his moans and groans have always been a huge turn on.
He breaks your kiss much too quickly for your liking, moving his mouth to your throat. “I’m close,” he tells you, teeth dragging by your skin. “Tell me you’re close too-”
“I am,” you confirm, gripping his wet shoulders tighter as you close your eyes and rest your head back against the cold tile. “You fuck me so well, Mister Yoon.”
“Fuck,” Jeonghan moans, rutting into you even faster. “Rub your clit, want you to cum as hard as I’m about to.”
One of your hands slips between your bodies, seeking out the sensitive nub that makes your whole body tingle. “Kiss me!” you beg, needing his mouth to muffle the sounds of pleasure that are definitely going to get louder now-
Jeonghan kisses you and takes your breath away. You completely give in to the feeling of euphoria that builds in your core, and the way you moan into each other’s mouths tells you that you’re both getting closer and closer-
You know Jeonghan well enough now to know the pitch of groan he makes when he cums, and you reach your highs together, lip locked in your shower while Joshua rests in the bedroom down the hall.
Jeonghan fucks you through your orgasm, and when you’re both done, he helps you put your foot back down on the floor, steadying you with two hands. 
“You’re amazing,” he tells you, as the two of you wash your bodily fluids from your skin under the hot water.
“No, you are,” you insist. “You had a long day and you still fucked me, I wasn’t sure if I was going to get laid tonight.” 
“I live to serve,” Jeonghan teases, turning you in his arms so your back is to his chest. His lips press kisses against your shoulder. “The court case will be over soon, even though this was fun, I know you usually like more,” - and by more, he means threesomes with Joshua - “I promise we’ll make it up to you when we’re done with the trial.” 
Jeonghan always keeps his promises.
The two of you dry up and head to the bedroom wrapped in towels. 
Joshua’s laying on the mattress, under the duvet. He’s adorned in a silky sleeping shirt, part of a set you’d got him for his birthday last year. There’s a sleep mask over his eyes too, and you think he must be in dreamland-
But as you and Jeonghan tiptoe to the closet to get dressed for bed, Joshua lets out a sigh, and one word slips past his lips that makes you realize he’s been awake this whole time; “Filthy.”
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You feel like a kid on Christmas morning when your boyfriends arrive back from court after the last day of their hearing. Joshua’s visibly more relaxed than he has been in weeks, and his happy expression tells you that they probably won their case, which is good news for you.
He pulls you into an embrace, cupping your face and kissing you. You can practically feel the emotion pouring out of him, his love for you, his need-
And Jeonghan’s just as eager to get a piece of you, pressing his chest up to your back and grabbing at your hips.
There’s something long and hard rubbing against your ass, and you can’t help but pull away from Joshua to drop your favourite lawyer pickup line to the man behind you; “Is that a gavel in your pants? Or are you just happy to see me?” 
“Both,” Jeonghan practically purs, his mouth hot against your neck. “Think you can handle it?” 
Joshua watches your expression, and he lets out a small chuckle at the way your eyes widen. “He’s being serious about the gavel.” It must be obvious you’re in shock. “I told him not to do this-”
“Nah, she’s going to love this,” Jeonghan insists, reaching into his pocket to pull out the little wooden hammerlike tool that judges use to maintain order in the court and make rulings. “I can use it to stretch you open, you know, get you prepped to take something bigger.”
Jeonghan rubs his cock against your ass again and you realize what he’s suggesting. 
You’re not sure how, exactly, the routine ended up being the way it is, but Joshua always ends up monopolizing on your pussy while Jeonghan fucks around with your ass. Although he’s never fucked around with your ass using a wooden gavel.
“Come on, gorgeous,” Jeonghan teases the tool along your arm. “What do you say?”
“First…” you swallow thickly, “I wanna know where you even got that thing.” You grab at the gavel and Jeonghan lets you take it, testing the weight in your hand.
“A judge owed my family a favour,” Jeonghan says simply. 
“Won’t they get in trouble?” 
The man behind you shrugs. “Gavels go missing all the time.”
“I told you she wouldn’t like it,” Joshua smirks knowingly. “We don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.”
As much as Joshua can be a bit of a dickhead in the bedroom, he still classifies himself as a gentleman in his day to day life, and giving you the space to make choices for yourself is part of that.
“It’s okay,” you assure them, taking a shaky breath. “He can use it on me… we all know Jeonghan quickly gets tired of using toys.”
“See?” Jeonghan grins, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “I told you she’d say yes. What did you call her the other night? Filthy? I told you our filthy girl would let me use the gavel on her.” 
Joshua makes a sound of annoyance in the back of his throat. “I’m pretty sure I called you both filthy. Fucking in the shower while I was trying to sleep- I still haven’t gotten either of you back for that.”
“You’re about to get back at us now,” Jeonghan insists.
“Really?” Joshua’s brows raise. “How’s that?”
“You’re about to be balls deep in the best pussy you’ve ever had.”
“And how does that get back at you?” Joshua presses.
The man behind you shrugs, grinding against your bum. “I only get to enjoy her ass.”
The ‘gentleman’ rolls his eyes. “Key word enjoy. We both know you love her ass.” 
“Okay, I do love her ass,” Jeonghan concedes, “and if we keep talking about it instead of letting me fuck it, I’m gonna be pissed, so how about we take this to the bedroom?”
You look at Joshua, waiting for your more controlling lover to decide what comes next. 
With one final sigh, Joshua bends down and throws you over his shoulder, making you squeal and wrap your hand tighter around the gavel. You thank god for how much he’s been going to the gym before work lately- the manhandling he does always makes you wetter beyond belief, and your panties are already sticking to your core.
Jeonghan follows the two of you to the bedroom with a grin, and you find yourself shaking your head at him. “I can’t believe you brought a gavel home.”
“It’s sexy,” he insists.
“Are you sure about that?” You jokingly bring the gavel down on your hand and Jeonghan audibly moans.
“Yes, your honour, absolutely positive.” 
Joshua snickers below you, and you find yourself grinning at Jeonghan. It really doesn’t take much to get him turned on, and you should have known he’d have a thing for you being a naughty judge of sorts.
“Careful, Counsel,” you tut, using more lawyer lingo on him, “or I’ll sentence you to eating me out before you get your dick wet.”
“Sentence me then, I’m guilty, and I need to be punished.” 
You and Jeonghan release giggles, enjoying the playful banter, but Joshua doesn’t seem so impressed. He tosses you onto the bed, looking down at you with an exasperated expression. “Neither of you take law seriously.”
“We’re off the clock, Josh,” Jeonghan grins, patting his friend on the shoulder. “Lighten up a little.”
“I’m never going to be able to look at a gavel the same way again after this,” Joshua sighs.
Jeonghan’s grin only widens. “That’s the point, popping stiffies in the court room is good for your exhibitionism kink. Tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re wrong.”  
“Joshua,” you lock eyes with the more stoic of your lovers, “I’ve missed you.”
The lawyer visibly relaxes, shoulders falling as he takes a deep breath. “I’ve missed you too,” he confesses, putting a knee onto the bed between your legs, hands finding the mattress on either side of your head while he presses his lips to your own.
He’s always been a fabulous kisser, and you hadn’t realized how much you’ve needed him in the past few weeks. Sure, he’s fucked you a number of times, but part of his head is always somewhere else, somewhere working.
There’s nothing in the world like having Joshua Hong’s full attention, especially when he’s pinning you beneath his large body-
“So I guess I’m just standing here and watching tonight?” Jeonghan’s voice is laced with annoyance, and Joshua matches the sentiment when he pulls his lips from your own, looking over his shoulder at his friend.
“Be patient,” Joshua snaps. “And I thought you were a vouyer, don’t tell me you’re not enjoying this.”
“Fine,” Jeonghan swings the gavel in his hand. “Maybe I’m enjoying this a little, but I’m tired from working too, and we don’t have all night.”
“We do have all night,” Joshua insists. “It’s not my fault you insisted on waking up early to eat out your precious, little miss gorgeous while I got more rest. If you’re tired you can have a nap.”
Jeonghan narrows his eyes at the man still pinning you to the bed. Then he swings the gavel again. “I’m going to go grab the lube.”
“You do that.” Joshua’s lips are back on yours a moment later, and you find yourself smiling into the kiss. 
You’ve always enjoyed their unique dynamic, the push and pull between the men who have captured your heart. If someone asked you which of the two you like better, you’d tell them it’s impossible to choose, and that’s the truth.
With your legs around Joshua’s hips, it’s as easy as ever for him to grind down against you, and you moan at the feeling. Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging gently to work pretty sounds out of him as well.
“I need you naked,” Joshua tells you, grabbing at the pretty dress you’d worn to celebrate the closing of their high stress case. 
“Then take this off of me,” you suggest, “but please be gentle.”
Your boyfriend smirks. “Only with the dress.” His large hands smooth up your thighs, pushing the fabric up to your hips. “And these cute panties.” His fingers tug gently at the waistband of your thong, letting the material snap back against your skin before he continues lifting the dress from your body. 
Now all that stands between him and you is the set you’d worn, and he takes a moment to appreciate it. A sigh passes from between his lips, and Joshua’s eyes take in your form, hands going to caress your breasts through your bra.
“Look at our pretty little present,” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your collar bone before moving down. “It would be a shame to take this off before Jeonghan sees it.”
As much as the two of your boyfriends bicker, they can still be quite considerate of each other, and it makes your panties even wetter against your core.
“Flavoured lube or regu-” Jeonghan’s returned from where you keep all your sex paraphernalia, and his question cuts off. You can tell he’s as bewitched by your bra and pantie set as Joshua is, and it makes your heart swell with pride. “Fuck, gorgeous, you look…”
“Perfect,” Joshua groans, biting at the lacey detailing of your bra. “How’d we ever get so lucky?”
“Well, I brought her around after a date and you decided you wanted in on the situation,” Jeonghan retorts, making you smile, “that’s how we got lucky.”
“I’m still not going to apologize for it,” Joshua breathes, smiling as he presses more chaste kisses to the swell of your breasts. “It’s not my fault you weren’t satisfying her.”
“Hey!” you and Jeonghan both protest, and with one harsh push at Joshua’s shoulders, he allows you to roll so you’re now on top of him.
“What?” he grins, as if he hadn’t just said anything wrong.
“You know what,” you chastise him, trailing your fingers along his chest before moving to the buttons of his shirt. “Don’t be rude.”
“Sorry, baby, you know I’m only playing.”
“So she gets an apology but I don’t?” Jeonghan tuts, approaching the bed.
“And don’t pretend you’re only playing,” you scold Joshua. “Those were fighting words.”
“Fighting words.” The man beneath you only smiles wider, but he doesn’t try to argue. 
The mattress dips as Jeonghan joins behind you, his lips seeking out your shoulder. “I brought regular lube,” he tells you, going back to the matter at hand. “Unless you want me to get the cherry one and eat your ass.”
When he’d first started saying lines like this one, you’d thought he was joking, then it had seemed something of a threat, but now, you think Jeonghan might actually want to eat your ass, something you’re not particularly interested in tonight.
“Hannie,” you sigh, ditching your task with Joshua’s shirt buttons to reach behind you and thread your fingers through your other lover’s hair. 
“What?” Jeonghan smiles against your shoulder, and you find it almost comical how he and Joshua have so many of the same mannerisms. They’re two sides of the same coin, and you’re so lucky you don’t have to ever choose head or tails.
“Just help me with my bra,” you instruct, grinding down against Joshua and feeling needy beyond belief. 
“You got it, gorgeous.” Jeonghan’s fingers undo the clasp, and the material goes slack. Two sets of hands work to pull it off your body, and then those hands are clashing to get a good grip on your boobs.
Joshua ends up grabbing your left one, and Jeonghan settles for the right. In unison, they go to pinch your nipples, and you throw your head back, releasing a moan of delight. 
“You both feel so good,” you tell them, grinding down on Joshua even harder. 
“Going to feel even better in a minute,” Jeonghan promises, “but we’ve got to get your panties off first.”
You’re in a very difficult position to follow through removing your underwear, as you’re still straddling Joshua, and you go to lift yourself up- only for Jeonghan to reach down and grab onto your thong. 
You begin to tell him off with a “Don’t-” but Jeonghan’s already tearing the flimsy fabric off your body, ruining the panties forever. 
Disappointment floods through you, and Joshua immediately sits up in an attempt to sooth you. 
“You warned me to be gentle with your clothes, but you never warned him,” Joshua reminds you, pressing a kiss to your nipple. “We’ll buy you new ones.”
“Promise?” you pout, steadying your hands on his shoulders.
“Promise,” Jeonghan confirms, reaching around you so he can cup your pussy, fingers teasing past your clit. “You just look so sexy and needy on top of Josh, I didn’t want to make any of us wait any longer.”
“That’s because you’re impatient,” Joshua reprimands him, and it’s a common statement made in your household. 
Jeonghan doesn’t even bother to defend himself, instead slipping two fingers into your wet core. “Ride my hand, gorgeous?”
You let out a frustrated groan, but do as you’re told. 
There’s something so insanely sexy about straddling Joshua while he sucks on your nipples and Jeonghan’s hand presses between your bodies, long fingers buried deep inside of you-
You swivel your hips and moans begin to slip out of you. 
When Jeonghan begins rutting against your ass, aiding you in grinding against his hand, it almost becomes too much, and you whimper loudly.
“Close already? Jeonghan asks, lips ghosting by your throat.
“I’ve missed being between you like this,” you admit, focusing on the pleasure that surges through you at being in the exact position you’ve been deprived of for a little over a week. Their schedules simply haven’t lined up lately, and it feels like heaven to finally be exactly where you’ve always wanted to be; pressed between Joshua and Jeonghan.
“That’s our filthy girl,” Joshua grins, large hand coming up to grope your breast and tease your nipple again. “You look so good like this.”
“Joshie-” you whimper, his praise going straight to your core.
“Love the way you squeeze my fingers when he talks dirty to you like this,” Jeonghan moans, licking at your sweet spot and sending a shiver up your spine. 
“Come on, baby,” Joshua encourages you, “I want you to cum while riding his hand.”
“While he sucks on your perfect nipples,” Jeonghan adds. “I’ve got such a good view.”
You’re so lucky they’re both voyeurs who enjoy watching you get pleased by each other, and you allow yourself to get lost in the feeling. Jeonghan continues to rut against your ass, helping you grind down on his hand while he applies more pressure to your clit with his palm.
More moans of pleasure escape you, and you can feel both men smiling at the sounds. “That’s it,” Joshua breathes, “let go for us, the quicker you cum, the quicker I can be inside you. You want me inside, right?”
“Uh huh,” you whimper, eyes closed as you work your way closer and closer-
“Just like that,” Jeonghan tells you, “you’re so perfect for us-”
It’s the final line of praise that makes the cord in your stomach snap, and you let out a gasp as you find your release. You quiver between your boyfriends, motions faltering, but Jeonghan takes over for you, thrusting his fingers into your core and rubbing at your clit to work you through your high.
All you can do is latch onto Joshua’s shoulders as an anchor and enjoy the feeling of being worshipped, the feeling of being pressed between two men who love you more than almost anything in the world. 
Some part of you is a little bitter that their work still comes first, but this is proof enough that as soon as a case is over, you get to cum too. 
As far as orgasms go, however, this is just an appetizer. Jeonghan’s fingers are great, but they’re nothing compared to having two cocks buried inside of you, and as soon as you’re done cumming, you’re pushing at Joshua’s shoulders for space.
“Lay down,” you tell him, “I need to get your dick out.”
Joshua laughs but does as he’s told, tearing his shirt off before resting back against the bed with a smile. 
“You get his dick out,” Jeonghan says, “and I’m going to lube up the handle of this gavel.”
He can be such a weirdo, but he’s your weirdo, and you love him endlessly.
You’re attention is focused on Joshua, who lifts his hips a little to help you get his pants down, and you let out a moan when his cock slaps up against his abdomen.
You’re not sure what you ever did to deserve two men with such pretty cocks, and it’s almost a shame that in this position you can’t blow him. You promise yourself to give him good head another time soon, for his benefit or your own, you’re not quite sure.
Wrapping your hand around Joshua, you guide him to your wet core. 
Sinking down on him makes you both groan loudly, and as soon as he’s inside, you collapse against his strong chest to press your lips to his.
Joshua grabs your hips, fingers digging into your skin. 
If it was just the two of you, you have no doubt he’d be fucking you already, that he’d be rutting up to meet you and helping you bounce on his cock- but you’re both highly aware of Jeonghan at your rear. 
Any time Jeonghan does butt stuff with you, Joshua settles for cock warming while his friend works you open, and it gives you lots of time to enjoy his pretty lips and the tongue that glides by your own.
“I’ve gotta say it, gorgeous,” Jeonghan sighs, “you’ve got the prettiest ass I’ve ever seen.” 
Coming from an assman like Jeonghan, it’s a huge compliment, and you always appreciate his praise. No man has ever made you feel as proud of your asshole as Jeonghan has, and it’s always a somewhat comical experience, but one you love nonetheless.
“I’m about to ruin this gavel,” the assman at your rear tells you, giving you the space to back out, but you’re much too deep in this to go back now. 
When you respond with a loud moan, still lip locked with Joshua, Jeonghan brings the lubed up tip of the handle to your hole, gently pressing it inside.
You’ve become accustomed to butt stuff while dating these two men, and the feeling is one that you’ve learned to love. Even though it’s just the first inch of the handle, slowly teasing your hole, it feels amazing to have Jeonghan working your ass open while Joshua’s buried balls deep in your pussy.
“Fuck, this looks-” Jeonghan groans, “insane. Joshie, you’re really missing out.”
Joshua only chuckles against your lips, and you wonder if he’s thinking the same thing about Jeonghan missing out on your pussy. 
The handle of the gavel presses deeper into your ass and you feel yourself clench around both of your intrusions. 
Joshua lets out a groan, reaching to cup your bum and spread your cheeks for his friend.
“Shit, yeah, that’s good,” Jeonghan tells you. “This looks-”
“Insane,” Joshua finishes for his friend, pulling away from your mouth to glare over your shoulder, “we know. Hurry up so I can actually start fucking her.”
“I want to play a little more though,” you can hear the pout on Jeonghan’s words. “It’s only two inches deep.”
“Hannie,” you groan. “Please-”
“Just a little more,” Jeonghan insists, pulling the gavel out of your ass only to press it back in. The feeling makes your toes curl, and Joshua lets out a grunt below you when your pussy clenches around him again.
“Fuck,” Joshua cusses, releasing one of your ass cheeks only to bring his hand down on it with a harsh slap. All three of you moan and the flash of pain makes your toes curl again. 
“Joshie-” you whimper, burying your face against his neck.
“Another?” Joshua asks, not bothering for an answer before he’s spanking you again.
Jeonghan moans. “Holy shit-” The gavel is toyed around your ass, and then it’s being removed. “Fine, have it your way.”
You feel the gavel being tossed onto the bed, and then there’s a scuffle of pants and a cap being clicked. You can hear Jeonghan lubing up his cock, and he lets out a hiss at the sensation. “Ready for me, gorgeous?”
“Yes, please,” you whimper, arching your back to make things easier for the assman behind you.
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again,” Joshua groans, spreading your asscheeks with two large, warm hands, “You’re both filthy.” 
“Don’t act as if you don’t love this,” Jeonghan tuts, pressing the head of his cock to your hole. The tip slips into you and you cry out, earning a soothing touch of Jeonghan’s hand over your spine. “Relax, gorgeous, this is going to feel amazing.”
It already does, but you focus on your breathing as Jeonghan slides his lubed cock deeper into your ass.
“Okay, okay,” Jeonghan swallows thickly, “let’s start to move.”
“Thank fuck,” Joshua groans, grabbing onto your hips to anchor you above him for his first real thrust-
They move in unison, and the feeling of being stuffed makes you cry out in pleasure, grabbing onto Joshua’s shoulders. 
You love how you don’t have to do anything. Pressed between Jeonghan and Joshua, you give up all control. Their push pull relationship is never more evident as it is now, and they wordlessly work together in a way that has your toes curling and your eyes clenching shut.
“Fuck, fuck-” you whimper loudly and it only makes your boyfriends laugh.
“Hang in there, gorgeous, we just started,” Jeonghan warns you.
“You’re so tight, baby,” Joshua groans, “such a filthy little whore for being stuffed.”
You kind of love it when he calls you a filthy little whore, and your pussy throbs with pleasure-
“Shit, are you going to cum?” Joshua laughs. “Our filthy little whore is going to cum already?”
“It just feels so good,” you whimper. “Feels so full-”
“That’s the way you like it,” Jeonghan says, and you can hear him smiling. Then his hand comes down on your ass and you let out a yelp, clenching again-
“Fuck-” Joshua groans loudly. “If you keep squeezing me like that, I’m not going to last either-”
“Aw,” Jeonghan teases, “is our stoic little lawyer boy going to cum already?”
“Fuck off,” Joshua growls, fingers digging into your hips while he fucks up into you even faster. 
“It was just a question,” Jeonghan insists, but you can hear his own voice faltering with effort. 
“Unlike you, I’ve been focused on the case,” the man below you argues. “Excuse me for being sensitive after not being in this perfect pussy for three days.”
“You chose sleep over fucking, not my fault,” Jeonghan retorts. 
“Please,” you groan, “stop arguing.” 
“We both know if she cums, we cum,” Joshua continues, disregarding your plea. “Don’t act like you’d be able to stop yourself-”
“Hannie-” You turn your attention to the man in your ass, hoping he’ll see reason and end this bickering, but of course he wants the last word. 
“Be patient, Joshie.” 
“Fuck,” Joshua groans loudly, bucking up into you wildly.
“I’m so close-” you whine, needing to draw their attention to you somehow. Besides, it’s the truth, and you can feel your orgasm rising in your core again-
“Shit,” Jeonghan grabs your ass roughly. “Can you hold it?”
“I don’t think so-” you admit, pressing your lips against Joshua’s throat in an effort to distract yourself.
The man under you shudders, and you know he’s just as close as you are to reaching his end. 
“Please, Hannie,” you moan desperately, “I want to be full, please fill me up, please-”
Jeonghan lets out a shaky breath, and when he speaks, his voice is near a whisper; “Order in the court.” 
“Fuck order,” Joshua says, a major statement coming from him, “cum with me baby, come on, cum with me.” 
That’s all it takes for your orgasm to take over, and you let out a strangled gasp as it slams into you. You feel yourself clamp down on both men, and Joshua moans loudly in your ear as he reaches his own high.
His hips falter ever so slightly, and you can feel him filling you up with his cum while Jeonghan releases cusses behind you, fingers digging into your hips as he’s thrown over the edge too.
Being double stuffed is one thing, but being double filled is another, and it feels like absolute heaven. If there’s ever a night to get noise complaints, it’s going to be tonight, as the sound of three people reaching cloud nine together rings through the room.
The two men fuck you until they can’t anymore, until you’re all breathing heavily and nearly overstimulated. 
You’re already collapsed against Joshua’s chest, and Jeonghan slumps down against your back, breath hot against your neck. 
The three of you lay there for a short while, trying to slow your racing hearts. Then Joshua lets out a sigh. “Did you really say ‘order in the court’ during sex?”
“Did you really say ‘fuck order’?” Jeonghan retorts.
God, you love these men.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! the banter between Jeonghan and Joshua always gets me 😂
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🔮 preview. Maybe Joshua calling you filthy had some merit, only a filthy filthy girl would be in a situation like this. Jacking off your boyfriend, rubbing your clit under his desk while your other boyfriend hides his own cock from your friend in the doorway-
cw/ tw. exhibitionism/sex in their workplace, blowjob, masturbation, Soonyoung walks in during y/n blowing Joshua, head petting, praise, degradation, hand job, voyeurism, mentions of this not being the first time someone’s walked in on them, cum swallowing, finger licking, etc…
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 3.6k I teaser wc. 500
🌙 staring. Joshua & Jeonghan x afab!Reader  
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You’d guessed there was a plan brewing when Joshua messaged you around lunch time to let you know he’d forgotten the meal you’d prepped for him. Out of your two boyfriends, Joshua’s not the type to forget things, least of all lunch, and especially not on a day where he’s not completely overwhelmed by a case.
It would be as easy as anything for him to send Soonyoung out to grab him food, so the fact that he’s messaged you to ask you to come down to the office tells you there will be more to your lunchour than just being an errand girl.
You don’t mind taking a trip down to the lawfirm, and you adorn yourself in a cute dress Joshua always loves fucking you in. Your makeup is simple yet pretty, and you’re confident in yourself when you walk into the tall building your boyfriends work at.
It feels nice to get a few appreciative looks as you head through the lobby, and you even run into another attorney your boyfriend’s work with in the elevator. Seungcheol does his best not to look at your chest, but you catch his gaze dipping once or twice while you make simple conversation and explain to him that “Silly Joshie forgot his lunch” which is why you’re here to visit.
Seungcheol is even so nice as to walk you to Joshua’s office, and you can’t help but think it’s an excuse to look at your ass while you walk in front of him, side stepping litigation team members and waving to your acquaintance Vernon at his desk.  
When you reach Joshua’s luxurious corner office, you and Seungcheol are both a little shocked to find both of your boyfriends inside waiting for you. Joshua and Jeonghan look just as surprised to find Cheol as your escort.
“I uh, bumped into her in the elevator,” Seungcheol explains. “Wanted to make sure she found your office alright.”
You’re all aware that you’ve been here before, you know where your boyfriend’s office is, and Joshua cocks a brow at his friend. Instead of questioning Seungcheol’s motives, however, Joshua simply nods. “Thank you for showing her the way. Is that all?”
“Yeah,” Seungcheol coughs nervously, “I’ll see you both in the boardroom in an hour for our case debrief.”
“See you then,” Joshua confirms.
“Bye, Cheol,” Jeonghan lifts a few fingers to wave at his friend as he leaves you, shutting the office door firmly behind him. “Hi, gorgeous.”
“Hi, you two,” you laugh, practically skipping up to Joshua’s desk to set his lunch down and press a kiss to his lips. “Didn’t expect you both to be here.”
“Originally, I was going to try to get you alone,” Joshua admits, smiling down at you before his gaze shifts to Jeonghan. “But when he heard you were coming with lunch, he insisted on staying.”
“We all know you never ‘forget lunch,’ Joshie,” Jeonghan says simply. “I figured if there was a show going on in here, I’d want to see it. For a man who claims we’re the filthy ones, it’s awfully daring of you to invite our girlfriend to the firm to get your dick wet at lunchtime on a Tuesday.”
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courtingchaos · 1 year
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Pairing: Line Cook!Eddie x Barista Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie lets slip that he wants something from you, and you’re more than happy to oblige. 😉
Word Count: 6.8k
A/N: Alright, a little explanation. This is technically the fourth installment for this little AU. I just…haven’t finished the other two yet. So if some of this feels like it was maybe pre-established? It is, just in another document that y’all will be able to see soon…ish. Also! This is my first pegging fic, so I ask some mercy for any inaccuracies/issues you may find! Strawberry is the safeword.
Warnings: Pegging! Eddie is being pegged by Reader, A little dom reader if you squint, oral (male receiving), mentions of alcohol, language.
18+ NSFW No Minors Allowed or Wanted
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“Okay, so what am I looking for here?”
“Yeah, I meant on the wall.” You smirk at Eddie while he gives you a disappointed stare.
“Oh hardy har har.”
You laugh at him and he tries to hit you with a bottle of lube. There’s a small tussle that follows and the poor clerk at the register looks over the screen and clears her throat at the two of you. “Y’all good?” You hide your face in Eddie’s shoulder while he tries his best to straighten out. He nods and waves at the clerk and then slaps your shoulder when you keep shaking against him.
“Would you fuckin’ behave?!”
“Never! You brought me into a sex shop to shop for dildos, what do expect from me?”
“Class?” He says, turning you around to face the wall of silicon again. You snort and grab the bright pink dildo in front of you.
“Is this what you had in mind?” You push it into his chest and he turns it over, staring at the front of the package.
“It’s only 5 inches, you think I can’t handle more?” You know he’s kidding, but you can see the pink blush on his ears where he’s starting to embarrass himself. You decide to push it further since this afternoon is turning into one long bit anyways.
“Oh baby, you couldn’t handle what I’d like to give you.” Your tongue lolls out of your mouth and you grab at his hip, pretending to hump the side of him while his face flushes. “Aww,” You lean in close and push your nose into his rapidly heating cheek, “You gettin’ all hot and bothered?”
“Maybe.” He looks sidelong at you when your fingers creep under his t-shirt and graze his stomach. You smush your face in more and laugh into his cheek while he shoves the box back on the shelf. “Listen, you wanna pick this out or not?”
“Oh no no, this wasn’t my idea.”
“Well if you don’t want to do it, we don’t have to.” He drops his smile to give you a serious look. You know he means it, always does when it comes to your shared comfort but he’s not getting away that easy. You grab him by the belt loops and pull him behind a pillar, out of the direct view of the cashier.
“I’m sorry, you think you’re just going to casually mention that you’ve been thinking about me pegging you and then try and back out of it?” He looks down at you and tries to stop the smile creeping out across his face. “No, I am absolutely going to do this but it’s your pick Eddie.” You nod your head over to the wall. “I want you to choose.”
He rolls his eyes but turns to look again while you wind your arms around him from behind to hold him tight. You trail along behind while he wanders the store, showing you stuff over his shoulder while you nod in approval or tell him no. You keep your chin hooked on his trap so you can stay close to his neck, your breath whispering over his skin when you reply to him. Your hands wander, light fingertips bunching up his shirt a bit to drag across his hip.
He’s a little bit of a mess in this tiny store. Between you talking softly in his ear about the various toys and the gentle kisses you place on his bare skin, he’s sweating.
“Are you trying to start something?” He whispers to you when you point out the grouping of handcuffs.
“Isn’t that the point of this little errand?”
“Kind of, I just didn’t think you’d be so into this.”
“Fucking you? Eddie, that’s all I think about now.”
“Hey that’s my line.” He says that a little more breathy than he means to and watches your eyes light up. You bare your teeth, snapping playfully at him. It’s a good thing his hands are full because he wants to drag you out of the store and shove you in the backseat of his truck. Obviously you can tell he has an idea so you grab some stuff from him and gesture to the register, mischief in your eyes. “You ready?”
The plain black paper bag sits in the corner of his room taunting him while the universe actively works against him. He’d gotten called in twice and you’d had to stay late every night this week, resulting in no time for anything remotely fun. You’d only gotten as far as looping the black harness around your hips, trying to figure out what belt tightened around which leg. He’s only got fantasy fueling him through the week, the image of you turning around in the full length mirror inspecting your new accessory the fuse for all his thoughts.
It’s the end of your week, a late Sunday and he knows when you show up you’ll be tired and quiet and looking for a shower. He’s already started dinner, having gotten out of work on time himself for once, just so you don’t have to worry about it. He is however, still stuck on the bag and the items therein.
This isn’t his first time getting fucked, but it is his first time doing it with you. He hasn’t really trusted anyone like this in a long time and he’d let it slip one night, a too hot shower and your hands in his hair making him comfortable and vulnerable and he’d been just drunk enough to slur the thought out. You’d been quiet at first, fingers still sudsing through his curls and nails scratching at his scalp. He’d tried to take it back until you’d shushed him and dragged your hands down his chest, leaving one lying flat while the other wrapped confidently around his cock.
“You want me to fuck you?” Words hushed under the spray from the shower head. All he can do is nod, throat sticking when he tries to make a sound. You move your hand slowly up and down and he tilts his forehead into yours to watch, mesmerized and drunk on you and a good handful of cocktails. “Hmm?” You purr at him, raising the hand on his stomach up to tilt his head back enough so he can see your eyes. “Whatcha gotta say to that big guy?”
His laugh turns into a gasp when your hand speeds up and your fingertips dig into the side of his jaw. You’re holding him in place, watching him twitch and moan under your hands. He’s edged closer than he thought, the coil of heat springing to life low in his belly.
“I’m serious Eddie, tell me.” Your smile is dangerous, a glint of teeth under the sweetness. He grabs at your neck to steady himself and to try to bring you in for a kiss but you hold tight. Keep his head in your grasp and your lips just out of reach. “Tell me you want me to fuck you and I’ll let you kiss me.” The hand on his cock slows down. He groans long and low and his grip tightens behind your head. You squeeze around the fat head of him and he can still smell the liquor on your breath when you talk. “Tell me and I’ll let you cum.”
“Fu-ck please, god damnit.”
“Huh?” You’re being cruel and he’s lapping it up. He’s been waiting to see this mean side of you, knew it was in there somewhere.
“Please…fuck, I want you to fuck me.”
You lean in and drop the hand on his face so he can crowd you against the shower wall. The kiss is bruising, all teeth and slipping skin and you barely have to speed up your hand before he’s cumming, spilling hot over your fist. You hiss and ‘aww’ at him when he gets overstimulated but he still leans against you, knows you’ll take care of him like he does you.
He can hear movement in the hallway that pulls him out of his thoughts. Gives himself a shake to try and tamp down the memory he’s been reliving for 20 minutes. He almost ducks into his bedroom when he hears the key turn in the lock, an attempt to hide the semi that’s clear as day under his shorts. You get in first though and he greets you a little stiffly, a jerky wave from the stove where he’s still stirring curry.
“You okay?” You’ve barely put your bag down and kicked off your shoes and you’ve got worry all across your face.
“I’m fine!” He lies, still picturing the shower. You get up close to him, eyes darting between his own. You’re not mad but obviously not in the mood for anything at all probably. He knows that dead look well.
“Why don’t you take a shower? Dinner’s almost ready.” He wants you out of the kitchen so he can refocus and calm down. The last thing he needs is to be up your ass about anything. (He just wants you up his.)
You make a noncommittal sound. Give him a once over and he thinks you might spot his half hard dick but the look goes away as quick as it came.
“I’ll just be a few minutes, I promise.”
He’d heard the shower start and had to wrangle himself in, had half hoped you’d come out feeling better and maybe walk your fingers up his back. You’d yet to leave the bathroom though, an hour after he heard the water stop. He knows you’re just decompressing, staring at your phone and scrolling scrolling scrolling but also he’s out here. Worked up, unknown to you, but worked up all the same.
Eddie has somehow twisted himself into a bad mood. Dinner had been ready for a while and you’d said just a few minutes. Yet here he sat, staring at a tv screen with some video game he had no interest in tonight. Finally he hears the bathroom door open and you swan out, damp hair half dried from how long you must have been sitting on the edge of the tub.
“Have a good shower?” He asks flatly, barely giving you a side eye when you walk past into the kitchen. He’d put your plate in the microwave and had made a point to have all the dishes done so you’d maybe get how long you’d been.
“I feel a little more human, but no amount of hot water can make up for the travesty that was tonight.” You’re oblivious apparently and he just huffs, a small nod directed at the TV. “You okay?” You sit directly next to him on the couch, sympathy in the crease of your brows.
“I said I’m fine.” He had. Like an hour ago. Deep down, in the part of his brain that isn’t mad for no reason, he knows what he sounds like. Knows he’s snapping and being a little mean but he feels a certain way and can’t seem to get out of the funk of annoyance.
“I know I was in there for a while, I’m sorry.” You sound deflated. He should put his controller down and look at you and talk to you but he just keeps staring forward, unable to get his brain off its one track of ‘Horny and Angry’. He gives a half shrug and before he can unpause the game you reach a hand over and rest it on his knee. “Seriously Ed, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” He does look at you then, feels the anger melt a little when he sees the tired look you give him. You pat his knee and eat in silence, watching him meander aimlessly around the map. You get up and wash your plate and wander back into his room, the whole time he’s screaming at himself to follow you in and apologize. He’s almost ready to toss the controller to the side when he hears you rummaging around in a paper bag.
“Hey Ed?” You call to him from inside his room.
“Can you come in here?”
Eddie finds himself in a lot of situations with you. Most of them fun, some of them suck but this one has moved to the top of his Best of All Time list. It’d taken him a fraction of second too long to answer you and you come out of the bedroom to stand in front of him. Wordlessly lean down and kiss him, hands soft where they fall on his neck. All of his built up frustration boils to the surface and all he wants is to move you back into the bedroom. He‘s halted when you press him back, those hands on his neck a little tighter.
“What have you been up to?” You whisper against his mouth. He’s not sure how to answer, doesn’t really know what your asking. The context is missing and-
“Have you just been mean because you’re horny?” Your laugh brushes across his face.
“Mean? I made dinner.” He’s still pissed.
“And you’ve been giving me the cold shoulder since I got out of the shower.”
“No, you got out of the shower an hour ago.”
“Did you time me?” You stand straight and one hand trails up to lightly hold his jaw. You look appraisingly down your nose at him. “I said I was sorry.”
“And I just wanted you to come eat dinner.” He huffs.
“I don’t think that’s what you wanted. I looked in our goodie bag.”
“…okay.” He might know what you’re talking about now, remembers the empty box he left in there.
“Did you start without me?” The tilt of your head feels condescending and he likes that a little too much. Wants to see how far he can push it. Maybe he can make you feel guilty for making him wait.
“Like two days ago, yeah.” A smug smile stretches his lips. “I got tired of waiting.”
You ‘tsk’ at him and very suddenly the hand under his jaw isn’t so soft. It grips while your other comes to tangle in the curls at the back of his head, keeping it tilted back in place. You hover over him, just barely out of reach again and this isn’t the part of the game he enjoys, when he can’t reach your lips.
“Eddie.” Your voice is low and soft. “You told me specifically that I’d get to see you use any and all things we bought, that included that pretty little plug. So where is it?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
That makes you full on laugh in his face, breaking character for a moment. “I’m sorry Ed, are you being serious or is this-“
“Fuckin’ play along.” He murmurs through a grin.
“Are you being purposefully bratty?”
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were the only one allowed to pout around here.” This moment of levity makes his stomach unknot. He knows you’re not mad at him, not really. Maybe a little annoyed but he can work with that. You pull his hair a little, another tug that makes his mouth fall open.
“Are you wearing it right now?”
“What? No. I was last night though.” He knows that’ll piss you off, considering you’d gone home to your own place after work instead.
“Are you fucking-“ When you straighten up you pull him with you. He stumbles and drops the controller on the floor with the sudden movement, head still trapped between your palms so he can’t quite see the floor. He’s following you to his room while a laugh builds in his chest. This is what he’s been waiting for all week, longer if he’s honest with himself. He always wants to take care of you in all the ways but recently he’s been feeling a little restless, a little frustrated.
“I like this side of you, where’s she been hiding?” He laughs when you push him down against the bed. The paper bag falls over and he notices the only thing in there is the empty box he left. He slides his eyes over to you where you stand at the foot of the bed.
“I bet you thought I was on my phone that whole time, huh?”
He doesn’t say anything, the heat of arousal blooming low, that anticipation making his stomach tense.
“I noticed when I came in, you’re so easy to read sometimes. Also, your shorts are very loose.” You head into the bathroom and he immediately rips his shirt off, very suddenly sure of where his night is headed. When you come back out he catches the purple silicon in your fist and lets out a quiet moan.
“God you are easy, aren’t you?” Your gaze wanders over him sitting up on his elbows, completely naked and staring at you wide eyed and smirking. His dick lays heavy against his stomach and there’s no hiding his excitement from you. “You know I was going to be all sweet about this and treat you like a hot house lily, but I don’t think you want that.”
He shakes his head. “No. Where’s that mean barista I fell for? She only seems to come out when I don’t do the dishes right.”
“Do you want me to just roast you about your drink all night? I can do that, easy.” You toss the strap on the bed next to him and descend on him. “Do you want me to be mean to you?” You ask between kisses on his stomach, hands roving over his sides and tracing dark ink.
“Maybe a little.” He says it shyly while looking down his chest to catch your reaction. You just tilt your head, contemplating while moving up his body. When you get to his neck, soft lips under his jaw moving up, you lick the shell of his ear and watch the shiver run down his spine.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.”
“Oh, never sweetness.” He’s all shining eyes and slowly emptying head, the weight of the harness next to his hand the only anchor he’s got to this moment. You pull away from him though, entirely too clothed and serious.
“I mean it Eddie. This is new shit, I’m not messing this up.” The finality in your voice gives him enough clarity to stop teasing for a second.
“I promise I will strawberry the fuck out of this if I don’t like it.” He holds up his hand, scouts honoring you. “Now would you please take your fucking clothes off and put the fucking harness on.”
In the time it takes you to get everything situated, you tell Eddie all about your hour in the bathroom. How you’d been planning since your lunch earlier to come home and do this. He tries to help you with the straps once but you slap his hand away and push him back on the bed.
“Hands to yourself.” Wordlessly he scoots back to the middle of the bed to watch you finish undressing. “Good boy.”
That makes his eyes roll and his cock jump. Good boy. It plays on repeat, echoing off the back of his skull while you talk about how you got it, finally understood the appeal when you’d gotten the harness on. Watched yourself run your hand up and down the purple silicon and you’d just had to try it out. “That’s why I was in there so long. Can’t let you have all the fun.”
He pauses, vision going foggy when he realizes what you’ve said. It’s not the most scandalizing thing but you were two doors away, fucking yourself with his new toy. Ignoring him and the dinner he made so you could tease him later with this information.
“It’s not quite you, you’re something else.” You say with a wink, a few steps away from the bed. You’re slow approach makes the strap bob and he watches it with baited breath and mouth watering. He’s not sure where to look anymore, every inch of you setting his thoughts on fire. If he thought you were hot before this is going to end him, the way you kneel on the bed and shimmy up his chest, the tip of your big purple dick nudging his lips. “You gonna help me out or what?”
His laugh is light but his eyes are all dark, pupils wide and lids heavy when he looks up at you. Keeps eye contact when he opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue to barely lick the tip.
“Oh come on, I know you can do better than that.” You coax him and run a hand over the top of his head, anchoring your fingers in the soft curls. “Show me what else that mouth can do.” A pull at the crown of his head to lean him forward and he catches that heavy look in your eye. It makes him sit up and tuck his elbows under his back to prop him up better so he can fully blow you. His eyes slip shut when he opens his jaw, a soft gasp from above let’s him know he’s doing it right. Good boy good boy good boy.
“Is this why you get so cocky?” Your voice is strained over the wet sound oh him sucking. “Is’hot.” You reach back to grab his cock, the soft heat heavy in your palm. His tip is slick with precum where it’s been dribbling on his stomach. “I haven’t even touched you yet and look at you.” A slow drag of your hand up to squeeze the head and he groans, mouth full and drooling. He hears you whisper under your breath, a faint ‘oh my god’ before your hand travels down further and your fingertips inch under to grab his balls. He jerks up and gags and you laugh, still gripping his hair to hold him in place. “Ed you look so pretty like this.” The pressure on his sac tightens and his brain goes off line. Eyes rolling when you keep pulling his hair and give a little thrust into his mouth. “Is this what I look like? Hmm? When I blow you?” His arms tremble with the strain but he refuses to give up, not when you’re touching him like this and teasing him like this and making all those breathy little comments above him. He bobs his head and rolls his tongue around like you could feel it, tries to swallow around the head bullying the back of his throat. He has to force his eyes open to look up at you, to see you shake your head at him and pout condescendingly. “No, I don’t think I look half as good as you.” You keep switching between rolling his balls in your palm and slowly jerking him off and he’s starting to think he’s going to cum before you ever fuck him. He taps your knee twice to get your attention and you let go of everything, making to swing your leg over when he stills you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m-“ His voice is hoarse and wet and he has to swallow a few times before he can talk. “I need you.”
“Need me to what?” Its genuine, concern still laced in your words. He’s staring up at you though, fully fucked out look on his face, pliant and loose on his bed and you know he’s okay. “Tell me Eddie. What do you need?” A soft touch pushes back his hair from his face, skin damp and hot. “What do you want?” You know it’s a hard thing to admit so you give him time. Let him run his hands up your thighs and over your stomach. He kneads your tits, pushes them together and when you grind down against the backside of the strap looking for some kind of friction he pinches a nipple to make you gasp. He keeps a hand at your chest and uses the other to pull you down for a kiss. He’s flushed and hot under you, skin tacky with a thin sheen of sweat. The groans rumbling in the back of his throat make you anxious to hear more. You want to know what he sounds like when he’s under you and lost in his own pleasure. Head empty except for your voice and your touch.
Rarely does he give up control, typically the giver with you but this is special. He’s already quieted down, smart remarks replaced with these whimpers and pants in your mouth where he holds you close to kiss you. When you pull away his eyes are shining and you make a show of shimmying down till you’re kneeling between his thighs and looking up at him.
“You want me to touch you?” You grab his cock and he nods, watches you lazily jerk him. A few licks to the underside of his head and his face scrunches up in concentration.
“Tell me.”
“Yes please.” He breaths out and you open your mouth and sink down, nose buried in the wiry hair. You keep your eyes up, watching him drop his head back against the bed. He drags his hands down his face and when you pull up, pulling his own little tongue swirl move on him he holds his fist over his mouth. You let go with a gasp.
“Absolutely not.”
He looks down his nose at you, eyes wide.
“I’m not doing all this for you to be quiet.” The smile you give him feels feral. “I wanna hear it all, Eddie. Every little sound.” You give him a final look before bowing your head to swallow him down again. You’ve rendered him speechless it would seem, until you slide a hand down and gently tug on his balls. A long groan and a hand sliding into your hair makes you smile around your mouthfull. They’re heavy in your palm, rolling them around until you can wrap your index and thumb finger around to pull down. His hips jerk and when you feel his thighs tensing you sit up, panting and laughing at his visible distress.
“Under the pillow there.” You nod your head towards his side of the bed. He looks dazed for a moment before patting around and finding the bottle of lube you threw under there earlier.
“Oh you’re crafty.”
“You have no idea.”
He hands it to you and you can see him holding his breath. You let him squirm for a little while longer, let him watch you open the bottle and cover your hand in it. It drips on his stomach and cock and you watch his muscles contract, his anticipation visible everywhere.
“You gonna relax?”
“I am relaxed.” He lies. He pulls his feet up next your knees and squishes you between his own. “I’m just excited.” His own squirrelly little smile flashed at you. You’re excited too, but nervous. You’d done your own reading outside of everything you’d asked Eddie but still. This was your first time doing this and you didn’t want to hurt him.
“Tell me if anything hurts?” He nods and keeps watch of your slick hand. Watches you graze his balls again and feels your fingers graze over his ass. Elbowing his legs to give you more room and you slide a slick finger over the tight ring of muscle. His eyes slip shut and his mouth falls open on a deep, breathy laugh. He’s gripping the back of his thighs when you prod gently, tip of your index finger looking for a little give. You grab the bottle again and open it, drizzling more lube over your strap. Before Eddie can comprehend anything, you grab both cocks in your free hand and thrust.
“Oh my fucking god”
“Good?” You use that outburst to push your finger in gently. Eddie moans and tries to find his footing again when his feet start to slide on the sheets.
“If you keep doing that I’m gonna cum immediately.”
“Doing what?”
“Oh good.” Another thrust of your hips and another push of your finger and it’s no time at all before you have him at your mercy. Everything is slick and sticky and you’ve managed to get two fingers in, stretching him just enough before he snaps at you.
“If you don’t fuck me right now this night is going to end very fast.” It’s a low warning, gasped down at you where you’re still jerking him and your strap off. You almost want to laugh but the sight of him flushed and wanting is making you feel crazy. When you finally let go of him and gently remove your fingers, you tap his leg to get him to look at you.
“Promise me if it hurts you’ll tell me.”
“I promise, just…please.” His eyes are giant orbs of black ringed in deep brown, blown out in lust and heat and want. Any real thoughts you might have had about being textbook over this is out the window and you just watch yourself line up against him, tip barely pushing against tense muscle before it pops in. Your inhale matches his and you both marvel at this new sensation together. The slightest movement forward and you can feel him clenching around the strap and pulling you in. It takes you a few moments of adjusting and readjusting, making sure you aren’t hurting him or moving too quickly when he snaps again.
“Would you fucking move?” He wheezes. His thighs tremble in anticipation and he’s about to bite his lip in two if you don’t move your hips.
“Hey, I’m trying to be gentle-“
“I’m fine! Just move!” He cuts you off and stares you down when you open your mouth again to argue. He’s about to suggest you lay down and he can do all the work when you suddenly sit up off your calves and push forward. No snap of your hips or quick shove into him just enough that you sink in halfway and he drops his retort. Drops his head against the pillow and drops his hands to the comforter where they grasp for something, anything to hold on to. It’s like you punched the breath right out of him and he groans, short gasps when you push forward again and finally fully seat yourself against him. All he can feel are your hands clutching at his thighs and the fullness of you finally in his ass.
“oh fuckfuckfuck.” It’s been a minute since he’s done this but he’s happy he waited for you. He’s currently busy watching stars explode behind his eyelids but he knows you’ve got that shit eating grin plastered on your face. Barely moving against him, just little thrust to get a better grip on him and his chest is heaving with breathy laughs.
“Is that what you wanted?” He does answer you, just in a strangle of words. You can see his throat bob where he’s swallowing and trying to talk and you just shush him. Run a hand up his abdomen and to his chest where you can feel his heart beating fast.
“Oh I know baby.” A gentle pat on his sternum before you drag your hand down again and grab him, cock slick with all the extra lube. “I bet that feels good, huh?”
He just whimpers at you. It’s such a sweet sound coming out of him. You’ve barely gotten into the swing of this and he’s already a wreck.
“Ed, you’re so pretty like this.” A slow drag of your hand pulls another garbled sound from deep in his throat. Another roll of your hips makes him sigh and laugh and suddenly you’re finding your rhythm. His bed rocks under you when you really start going, the whines punched out of him on every thrust fueling you.
“Does that feel better?” You coo at him and he pushes his head back further into the bed. Let’s out a deep, stuttering cry when you roll your hips back into him and angle up. He lifts his leg up momentarily, dazedly looking for a place to set his foot and you hook him under his knee. Gently pull it up close to your chest where the hair tickles your sensitive nipple. The sounds knocking out of him are pathetic and small, little whimpers and whispers of your name drawn out between a litany of fucks. He’s barely listening to you, too dick drunk to pay attention to anything else but they way you roll your hips against his.
This isn’t a fast night and you wouldn’t call this lovemaking by any stretch. He had pissed you off earlier and maybe you were making him suffer a bit but really this was for him. He’d talked this up for a few weeks and driven you to the shop and bought the toys and then you’d made him wait. Not purposefully, but nonetheless it’d been your fault you two hadn’t done this yet. Getting a little lost in thought causes you to slow for a moment too long and Eddie is whining again, lifting his hips up slightly and trying to fuck himself on your big purple dick. The glassy look in his eyes, the way his whole face is drawn downward while he bites his lip. He’s moving his hand again, up and down the length of his cock where you’d stopped your own movements. Desperate and whining and maybe this is a little for you too.
“Oh my god, look at you.”
His eyes find yours before squeezing shut, a pained expression while he rolls his body against you.
“You have no idea how hot you look.” You fuck into him with shallow thrust, obviously hitting that spot that’s making him keen. He’s grabbing onto anything he can, nails digging into your skin when he catches your arm. “This is-you’re amazing Eddie.” Your hands roam up his sides while you crowd him, leaning in and down to give him a desperate kiss. This closeness makes it hard for you to move as much but he’s still whining while his hands find your hair and your neck, holding you close.
“Please don’t fucking stop-I’m-“ his voice hitches when you obviously hit that sweet spot, eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“You close?” Whispered into his open mouth, it’s all damp air and hot breath and you’ve never been more enraptured by something.
“You gonna cum for me baby?” You’re watching artwork unravel under you. The way his skin flushes red under all that black ink, the heaving of his chest and the sounds punching out of his throat. You marvel at him lasting this long, his cock ruddy and leaking against his stomach, untouched in the last few minutes and you feel a little bad. “Oh come on Ed let me have it.” You grab the sides of his neck, fingers splayed up into his hair. His hips jump at the contact and he babbles and begs for you to keep going. “Let go for me.” The slick sound of him trapped between your bodies and the string of pleas from him fill the room and you know he’s teetering on the edge.
“Come on baby, let me hear you.”
He goes stiff for moment, neck taut under your thumbs rubbing circles. His hands pull at the back of your neck and his knees dig into your hips and the absolute cry he lets loose has you feeling some type of new way. He spills hot between you, lines shooting up to his chest and he jerks under you. Body convulsing and mouth running while he rides out his high and you slow the roll of your hips. He’s breathing like he’s run a marathon, eyes hazy and staring through the ceiling above. You give him a minute to calm down before you sit up and inspect the mess you’ve made of him.
“You okay?”
He doesn’t respond.
A grunt then, hands dropping from the back of your neck to slap against the sheets. You run a finger down his chest through the mess of cum and sweat and lube and laugh lightly.
“You have fun?” You try to shift back to pull out but he hooks his ankles behind you, keeping you close.
“Can I have a kiss?” He asks, small and unfocused. He’s still staring up at the ceiling but his eyes are a little less hazy.
“Oh of course you can.” You lean back down and cage his head in between your forearms. You give him a few gentle pecks while you card your fingertips through his hair. His breathing is coming back to a normal pace and you can feel the tremor in his legs calming down.
“Hey.” Whispered softly against his lips to try and get his attention. “Are you okay?”
“I’m…great.” He finally tears his gaze away from the ceiling to look at you. “I’m thirsty.”
“If you let me get up I can help with that.”
It’s with a lot of sighing and protest that he finally unwinds his legs and lets you pull out. He gasps and grimaces but gives you a pointed finger.
“If you ask me one more time.” He watches you untangle the harness from your legs and the mock outrage you shoot him.
“I’m concerned!”
You leave the bedroom naked to get him water and then head back to the bathroom to get a washcloth.
“I’m not going to bruise your ego if I clean you up am I?”
Eddie still hasn’t moved, legs hung over the side of the bed and arms splayed. “I don’t care.”
So you hand him the glass of water and kneel beside him, wiping up the mess you two made. He almost chokes on his water when you run the towel under his balls.
“Warn me!” He rolls away from you while you laugh and try to get anything else off of him. “Just stop, come here.” He pulls the towel out of your hand and throws it towards the bathroom, grabbing your hand and pulling you close to him. It takes some finessing to get you both under the sheets, and even more time for Eddie to finally get situated with his nose buried under your ear.
“Are you comfortable?”
“Immensely.” He sighs and winds his limbs around you, keeping you close to his overheated body. It’s quiet for a while while you trail your fingers over his skin and through his hair, soothing him into a calm state. “Thank you.”
“It was my pleasure.”
“I didn’t even get to help you.”
“I told you, I took care of that already.” You smile when you feel him still.
“I forgot about that.” You can feel his eyebrow raises against your neck.
“Don’t get any ideas.”
“I couldn’t if I wanted to, you fucked them all out of me.” There’s a giggle fit between you two before you settle down again. You work around him clung to you to plug in both your phones and to turn off the bedside light. You think he’s gotta be falling asleep with how heavy he’s leaning into you when he makes a little noise into the crook of your neck.
“What’s up?”
“I feel really stupid saying this right now, but I really want to say it. I know it’s probably some after glow bullshit but…” He trails off. Head still buried in your neck but you can feel the heat of his blush.
“What is it?” You give him a little shake and he just holds on tighter. “Seriously, you can tell me Eddie.”
“I won’t bite.”
He laughs. “I love you.”
It’s your turn to stop. With how much of him is draped over you, you know he can feel your heart beating faster but he can’t see the stupid grin spreading over your face.
“I don’t expect you to say it back or anything I just…I know it’s only been a few months but it’s how I feel and I wanted to say it.” He pauses and takes a deep breath. “Even before the sex shop.”
That makes you laugh loudly and it takes a few minutes for you to calm down enough to talk.
“Do you want me to wait until we wake up to say it?”
“Okay.” That smile is still there for the whole dark room to see. You settle back down against him, hand wrapped around the back of his head cradling him to you. He peppers a few kisses against your neck, lazily nuzzling before he starts to drift off. When you hear the first sounds of deep breathing you turn your head to bury your nose in his curls and whisper at him.
“I love you too.”
(Sacrifice for the readmore)
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wileys-russo · 8 months
could you write something with georgia where she has to have you rubbing her back to fall asleep, and whenever you stops she does a little shimmy to make you start again
ps i can also picture her making one of the girls (keira or leah) scratch her back when they’re away so she can fall asleep 😭
my needy girl II g.stanway
"-you can't be serious. surely you can take a nap without it gee!" leah scoffed in disbelief as the younger blonde beside her frowned, crossing her arms over her chest grumpily.
"i can't leah! i wouldn't be askin if i wasn't dead serious." georgia huffed quietly as her best friend groaned, earning her a harsh shushing from mary who was trying to sleep a couple of rows up from them.
"please leah?" georgia practically begged her best friend, body burning with exhaustion as sleep seemed something she might never obtain, not having slept well the entire time she'd been away with the lionesses.
they'd all travelled to norway for the week for a friendly with the national team, but a flare up of an old hamstring injury for you meant you'd had to stay home.
of course georgia was sad about it both for herself and for you, knowing how much it would hurt for you to have to watch from afar. and with the two of you playing together for club and country it was seldom you were ever away from one another longer than a couple of days.
for most people this would be fine but for you and georgia it was rare you'd find a couple more happily codependant. you lived together, ran errands together, paired up for drills together, trained together, played together, showered together, cooked together, cleaned together and of course slept together.
which was what had lead to georgia coming to leah for help in the first place.
ever since the early stages of your relationship you'd picked up the habit of rubbing georgia's back while the two of you lay together, limbs intertwined and heartbeats thumping in sync. at first the blonde was resistant to it, not used to such casual intimiacy from a partner.
though overtime the tables had flipped completely and she found herself unable to get a goods night sleep without her girlfriends soft touch, hand tucked up her top as her nails would gently graze georgias tanned skin, the calloused palm of her hand rubbing small but loving circles into her back as she dozed off peacefully.
so having been missing that for the last eight nights had made georgia insufferably tired and grumpy, and now on the flight home it was catching up to her fast.
"fine, but only for a few minutes." leah gave in with a grumble as georgia sighed a quiet thank you and turned toward the window of the plane trying to get comfortable.
closing her eyes she felt leahs hands gently start to rub circles on her back, trying desperately to let that soothe the sting of having been away from her lovers touch for so long.
though hard as she tried, it just wasn't the same.
"nevermind, its not workin." georgia huffed, shrugging leahs hand off and sinking down into her chair crossing her arms over her chest. "georgia you are so incredibly-" leah started to tell her off until keiras hand snaked over the top of her chair, smacking her on the shoulder.
"be nice!" the girl mouthed as leah turned around to glare at her, nodding toward georgia who was curled into a ball looking absolutely miserable.
leahs face softened at the sight as keira settled back into her chair, the skippers hand reaching out to gently squeeze the younger girls knee in comfort.
"we're nearly home mate, and you know she'll be there and waiting for you."
your head snapped to attention as you heard the jingle of keys, a grin making its way to your face as you heard them drop to the floor and your girlfriend groan, swearing like a sailor at the mistake.
"you kiss your mother with that mouth?" you yanked the door open with a teasing smile, the blondes face lighting up at the sight of you, dropping the keys again as she stumbled through the door.
"babe!" you squealed as she dropped her luggage, swept you off your feet and swiftly picked you up into a bone crushing hug hello.
"george my leg, i had physio today." you warned gently with a soft smile as the blonde carefully placed you back on your feet, closing the door behind her and advancing toward you again.
"god i've missed ya." you swooned at her accent as always, knees wobbly and lips curling into a face splitting grin as her hands gently cupped your face, eyes roaming every little feature of your face oh so lovingly, memorizing it as if she'd been away for a year.
"i missed you more. you played so well baby, my golden goal scorer." you placed a tender kiss to her lips, georgias hands finding your hips and flushing your bodies closer together.
"where do ya think you're goin? you've got a weeks worth of lovin to make up for baby." the girl grinned cheekily, her nose scrunching up adorably as you melted at the sight.
"you look shattered love, lets head to bed?" you offered with a concerned frown as georgia went to press play on another episode, not missing the deep seeded bags under your girlfriends eyes and the way her body was clearly struggling to stay awake.
it relieved you that she didn't put up a fight, wordlessly nodding and flicking off the tv as the two of you stood, flittering around the house and switching off the lights before meeting one another in the bedroom.
"nah give us that one." georgia frowned, nodding to the hoodie you already had on your body as you held another out to her to change into. you opened your mouth to protest but the pout which formed on her face had you stripping the material off in an instant, handing it over as she shrugged it on with a content smile.
slipping into one of her old jerseys you kicked off your track pants and followed the blonde into the bathroom, the two of you messing about playing footsies as you brushed one anothers teeth.
"oi!" she gasped in mock offence as you flicked water at her, grinning before the slightly taller girl yanked you into a minty fresh kiss. "dickhead!" you pushed her away with a scoff as she dripped water down your back from freshly washed hands, winking cheekily and pecking your lips a few more times.
grabbing her hand and dragging her back into the bedroom you wasted no time collapsing into the soft mattress as georgia promptly flopped herself right on top of you.
your laughter filled the room as she attacked your face with sloppy kisses, only stopping once you gently pushed her off, leaning over to flick off the lamp on your bedside as she did the same, engulfing your bedroom into darkness.
"assume the position then woman." georgia mumbled tiredly, rolling onto her stomach and fumbling around blindly for you, eventually finding your arm and draping it over her.
knowing exactly what she wanted you chuckled, moving your hand to sneak up her hoodie, rubbing gentle circles on her back as your other hand tangled in her messy blonde locks, scratching at her scalp.
"i love ya." she mumbled sleepily, scooching closer to press a tender kiss to your jaw, nose tucked into your collarbone as you echoed the words back, pressing a kiss into her hair and moving away a few flyaways from her warm forehead.
you smiled in surprise as within seconds it seemed the taller girl had fallen dead asleep, mouth slightly ajar as she exhaled gently, nose twitching as you shook your head.
retracting your hand from inside her hoodie you rolled onto your back, other hand still tangled in your lovers hair as your own eyes fluttered close tiredly.
you'd almost drifted off yourself before you heard georgia whine, the girl wiggling and fumbling around in the dark. grabbing at your top she pulled and tugged until your body rolled onto its side, her fingers finding yours as she moved your hand back under her hoodie.
"more." the blonde demanded sleepily, accent even thicker in her tired state. you smiled feeling her settle instantly as you resumed rubbing her back, breathing evening out as she immediately crashed again.
your lips left a tender kiss on the crown of her head with an amused smile, sighing softly as georgia mumbled something incoherant in her sleep and pressed her face even more into your neck.
"my needy girl."
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lissrissye · 5 months
𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔲𝔞𝔤𝔢 !?~
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ synopsis : ADA members love language. physical touch, acts of service, quality time, words of affirmation, and gift giving. which one is their love language?
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ warnings and notes : includes Osamu Dazai, Nakajima Atsushi, Edogawa Ranpo, Doppo Kunikida, Akiko Yosano, and Miyazawa Kenji x F!Reader/ A!Reader. Also, SOME OF YOUR GUYS USERNAMES ARE SCARING ME 😰)
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre : romance, fluff, safe for work
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太宰 ᴏꜱᴀᴍᴜ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ ? 治
Dazai’s love language is definitely physical touch. He’s frequently whiny and pouty whenever you aren’t pampering him, even if it’s just for a moment. He doesn’t let you do you paperwork, so you’ll most likely have him on your lap as you work or vice versa. He doesn’t want to let you go.
The only time the detective would give you some space is if you really insisted it, you need to use the restroom, or if you are on a mission without him. Of course, he still throws a small dramatic, playful tantrum, but he reluctantly lets you go in the end. However, if you aren’t doing anything important in the restroom, like washing your hands in the restroom or anything that you don’t really need much privacy for, Dazai would be embracing you from behind with his chin on your shoulder, watching you do whatever you’re doing.
•·.·'ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ'·.·•
You were cooking in the kitchen, preparing Dazai’s favorite food, boiled crab. You were actually quite the chef, and naturally, feet moving quickly and hands moving efficiently. You were placing the crab in a huge pot for it to steam, but shivered slightly as a pair of familiar cold, bandaged wrapped around your waist. Of course, it was your brown-haired lover, Dazai, pestering you even as you cook. He was extremely clingy. It’s only been a few minutes too. —“Be-ll-a-do-nn-a~” He whispers sweetly in your ear, distracting you as you cook. His favorite thing to do. You sigh, muttering his name softly with slight embarrassment. You were a bit flustered, you couldn’t lie. It showed on your pink, blushing face too. There was no excuse for it. Dazai teased you about this all day.
You and your suicidal boyfriend were off for the day. What did you do that entire day? Well, Dazai kind of just followed you everywhere. You went to run some errands and purchase some groceries, etc. Dazai came along, skipping beside you happily as you grab something up the shelf. He loved humiliating you in public, so he lifted you up when you struggle’s to grab hold of the food at the top of the shelf. Silly Dazai being his goofy self.
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中島 ɴᴀᴋᴀᴊɪᴍᴀ ᴀᴛꜱᴜꜱʜɪ ? 敦
Atsushi’s love language would probably be acts of service. He was just a pure and innocent angel, he loved doing things for you. You were always appreciative of him and usually rewarded him with a kiss, a hug, etc. He would do anything either way though, he doesn’t need anything in return, but damn, those kisses or hugs you gave him in return was surely a bonus, and he wasn’t complaining at all.
The poor weretiger just couldn’t explain how he felt. The warmth he feels inside and the fluttering in his stomach makes him go slightly red. Whenever he does something for you, he thinks about you during the process. He normally has thoughts like, —“I wonder what y/n is doing right now~..” or, —“I want y/n to tell me about her day…”
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
You just back from a tiring case. Atsushi was home earlier than you because you decided to investigate one last crime scene for the night. You groaned, dreading the idea of having to cook because you were already worn out and absolutely exhausted. However, a delicious aroma met your nostrils. You walk to the kitchen, noticing Atsushi preparing a bowl of ramen for you. He was putting some extra protein in it. With a smile, you pressed your soft, pluno lips against his forehead to show your gratitude, thanking him. Atsushi literally melted, shyly smiling as he avoids eye contact and turns a soft, cherrry red.
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江戸 ᴇᴅᴏɢᴀᴡᴀ ʀᴀɴᴘᴏ ? 川乱歩
Ranpo’s love language is words of affirmation, hands down. Yes, he loves all the praises everyone else gives him for being a literal genius, but when you praise him, it’s completely different. It would make his ego skyrocket, and get him immediately excited and cocky. He would usually smirk at you playfully. He craves all the compliments you give him, he literally feels like he needs it to live.
—“C’mon, praise me some more~” Your genius lover insists all the time. He would accept “thank you” or any words of gratitude or appreciation. Whenever he does something for you, even if it’s as small as fetching you some water or paperwork, he’d ask for a compliment in return with an arrogant smirk plastered onto his face, his eyes screaming mischievous.
.⋅ ۵ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ ۵ ⋅.
You were on a mission with your childish lover, Ranpo. Of course, you didn’t even get to do anything as your emerald-eyed boyfriend already cracked the entire thing already. You were a bit irritated at him since you did practically nothing, but his intelligence did save a lot of time. —“Good job, love~..” You praised your beloved, making him slowly turn his head to you and open his eyes. That’s how you know he enjoyed the words that escaped your lips. Then, he gets overall playful and flirtatious, teasing and pestering you for more.
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国木田 ᴅᴏᴘᴘᴏ ᴋᴜɴɪᴋɪᴅᴀ ? 独歩
Kunikida’s love language most likely would be quality time. In his green notepad, he has his usual schedule, however, ever since you got together with him, he had “free time with y/n” written in his notebook. He even highlights it because it’s the part in his day that excites him the most. Of course, your idealist darling would want to see and spend time with you, even if he is a workaholic.
Even on a busy day, even if Kunikida is occupied for the current few moments, he will always try to clear out his schedule just to spend some time with you if you really desired to be with him. He loves your company, you loved his. If he can’t find a time to spend even just a few moments with you, he’d most likely apologize and try to make it up to you somehow, if it’s treating you to dinner or a shopping spree of some sort. He actually loves when you ask things of him since he gets to be in your presence during these moments.
.·:*¨༺ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ༻¨*:·.
You wanted to go shopping for some clothes. (makeup if you want to substitute it, anything you want!) Kunikida was honestly quite the simp for you, so he drove you there and followed you around a bit possessively. He suggested things in the mall that he felt like you would like, and he ended up purchasing what he suggested for you most of the time because he knows you well. Yes, he paid for you as well, he didn’t mind it and actually wanted to buy you things. That enthusiastic expression and bright smile on your face was enough to make butterflies in his stomach flutter, as if he were some teenager falling in love. He felt humiliated, but he was just overalls sweet and romantic. I a good way, of course.
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与謝 ᴀᴋɪᴋᴏ ʏᴏꜱᴀɴᴏ ? 野晶子
Yosano’s love language possibly could be gift giving. She knows you oh to well, so she knows exactly what to gift you. It’s frequently out of the blue too, sometimes elegantly and cleanly wrapped with a glittery ribbon or top like a Christmas present, sometimes in a bag with wrapping paper in it, sometimes just not wrapped at all. Really, the doctor’s presents for you are just unpredictable, but they were so cute and always, and I mean always, an object you wanted or talked about. Yosano couldn’t lie either, she loved how you were so grateful for all her gifts.
If it’s any special occasion, such as you and Yosano’s anniversary, your birthday, Valentine’s Day, then you should expect plenty of gifts. The thing is you fail to catch her wrapping anything for you despite the amounts of presents she wraps for you, so she was stealthy and flexible with it as well, always finding a time to wrap when you’re away.
•,¸,.·’ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ'·.,¸,•
It was Christmas… and you know Yosano on Christmas. She overdid it completely. All the presents under her tree were mainly hers for you. She was like a mom too, since she records you each time you open her presents.
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宮沢 ᴍɪʏᴀᴢᴀᴡᴀ ᴋᴇɴᴊɪ ? 賢治
Kenji’s love language has a high chance of being acts of service. With his ability, undefeated by the rain, or in simpler words super strength, he usually helps you carry anything you need, provide support to comfort you if you needed it, etc. he doesn’t care what it is, you can always count on him.
Your pure loved Kenji loves to help you out whenever you ask, and he even looks forward to it. He finds interest in supporting you with anything. A part of him loves physical touch, so his love language is a bit of both. He can’t tell if he likes physical touch more or acts of service. He just wants to do anything for you.
*+:。.。ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏꜱ。.。:+*
You were sitting on a couch in the Armed Detective Agency, (ADA), taking a break before you interrogate a suspect for a case. That was until Dazai swung by, attempting to flirt with you again, despite knowing you’re already in a relationship with Kenji. He has a rose in his mouth and his charming signature smile as he grabs your hand, stroking it. —“Oh, belladonna~ would you care to double suicide with m—“ The detective is cut off by your blonde beloved abruptly throwing him in another room by the arm. Kenji does this with an innocent bright smile, as if nothing happened. —“What are you doing, Angel?~” He asks casually.
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I apologize if there’s a few spelling mistakes. Also, thank you for 100 likes on my “they get jealous of your plushie” post!~ 💗
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yan-lorkai · 4 months
Please may I have a black butler headcanon of Sebastian with a S/O who is a literal cat magnet and cats pretty much always come to her for affection and love. Cats probably have a sensor raider when it comes to humans. Kinda Yandereish but just fluffy headcanons.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Cutest rq I ever received ngl, I was imagining reader playing with the cats and things like that and Sebastian looking at them with so much adoration in his eyes wjdwoldwls. I loved this, hope you like! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
* Warnings: Yandere content but its pure fluffy, really.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Cats seems to follow you anywhere. Why? How? You don't know but they always come to you wanting to be petted and to cuddle. They like to follow you around, they like when you play with them and if you tried to bathe them, they wouldn't even run away. Again, how and why do they like you so much? No idea, they just do.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You like their company though, they're funny and chaotic sometimes. But you love them as much as they do. But you know someone who also love cats? Yes, him; Sebastian Michaelis. It's not uncommon to feel his eyes on you but are they really on you or on the cats that are following you here and there? You don't know.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The answer it's both. He's both watching you with great interest, seeing how you play with the kittens but also admiring all the cats that surround you, some cuddling your chest, others on your lap and your side, all of them purring and pretty much relaxing in your presence while you do your things.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He knows that if he gets closer the cats will move away, but he can't help but hold one of them on his lap while he plays with it, not caring about the feline's claws trying to hit him. He feels at peace holding it, soothing it gently, stroking behind its ears as he coos and makes small talk with you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You are like a parent to all those cats so he co-parent with you, buying tons of toys and food for them, helping you clean and play with them when he has time. Aside from this, he also takes the opportunity to swept you off your feet, cooking dinner for you, helping you on your errands, even massaging your shoulders when you feel too tense. Small gestures to make him appear good looking in your eyes
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Sebastian tries to understand why cats like you but he can't help being mesmerized by you as much as they are, wanting nothing more than to hold you and never let go. And if you lives nearby or works for Ciel, he do tries to sneak all your cats inside the manor.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You and him taking care together of any preggo mama cat, omg <3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You and him name every single kitten that was born, some names are normal, some you two make up and he make it extra silly to make you laugh. He loves your laugh and smile, he isn't so subtle as he likes to think. You also can probably figure his feelings after awhile.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Your cats love him and people do say that cats only trust in trustworthy people. Sebastian is trustworthy in your eyes, he does everything to make you feel loved and taken care of.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You beat him and ask to court him before he can, gifting him a ring that reassembles a cat. Sebastian normally doesn't wear any jewelry but your ring? He wears it on his finger all the time to show off and he takes such good care of it. He also likes to call your cats your kids. How scandalous, you two have so many kids even before marriage 🤭
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You don't know it but Sebastian train each and every cat you got to attack anyone who tries to talk to you, only exception being your relatives and close friends. Because of this and because people like to gossip, you're known as the cat magnet and that talking to you is inherently bad as anyone who tries ended up being bitten, scratched and chased by your cats and you are left wondering why they react like this. Nothing you do can possibly stop them so you resign yourself to spend your free time at home. And with Sebastian, of course.
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antiquatedplumbobs · 4 months
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Spring 1916
~an excerpt from Elsie Sewell's private diary~
Spring has arrived! The calendar has been saying it had been here for weeks, but today it really and truly made its presence known. The east field is awash with flowers and I simply had to stop and pick a bouquet, they had the sweetest scent and the most delicate yellow petals. Mamma was rather irritated that it made me a bit late coming home, but I can't very much see why. I was back with plenty of time to prepare supper (she had an Aide Society meeting) and the house smelled ever so sweet as I did. No one complained about my victual offerings either.
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I am quite pleased to be done with the schoolhouse; sums and grammar were always ever so boring and pointless. It is ever so much better to spend the day with work that actually has to be done, rather than made up to torture us. I enjoy most housework, cooking and sewing in particular, but laundry... There's something about that specific task I have not yet resigned myself too.
I think we all have that particular chore that we dislike more than the others, though none of the adults will admit so to my face. Laundry is a necessary evil though, or we should all go around naked, as Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden, and the climate her could never allow such an indulgence, so laundry we must do. 
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It does feel good to be helping around the house more and take some of the burden off Mamma; I can't imagine how she did all this work on her own for years, it's quite a lot between the two of us. Despite my continued propensity to "dawdle" as Mamma puts it, she still sends me on all the errands, I think she likes having the house to herself just as much I like the walk into town. Sometimes Lydia accompanies me if her mother also needs something fetched.
The general store is the best store in town, it's filled floor to ceiling with everything you could ever need. Dottie's always mighty pleased to see us and if she's busy Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield are always so sweet to me. Sometimes Mr. Greenfield slips me penny candy in with my orders with a little wink.
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Dottie, Lydia and I don't see each other as much as when we were in school, but now that we're older when we're finished with chores and housework we have so much more freedom to go on walks or sit down by the inlet. The sun hits the old dock down there in the afternoon and it's so pleasant, especially if there's a breeze coming off the water.
We chat about anything and everything; Dottie always has all the news of the town since she talks to just about everyone at the general store. Mamma says it's wrong to gossip, but she always says that after I've given her all the news. Lydia is such a hoot, she has the strongest opinions on everything and everyone. Just the other day she was informing (lecturing one might say) us on the proper etiquette for accepting a proposal; according to Mrs. Parr proper young ladies should never accept their first proposal, they must refuse and wait for the man to ask again, that's how she'll know he's serious and will make a good husband. Apparently she turned Mr. Parr down thrice. Dottie and I both thought that was completely silly. Mamma said yes to her first proposal and she seems quite content with her lot.
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Want You Back | ateez x reader
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Pairing: werewolf!ot8!ateez x werewolf!reader
Genre: fluff mostly, romance, poly, a little angst?
Warnings for this chapter: none
Word Count: 2150 words
a/n: hello!! hope you enjoy this chapter! I am curious, how is the pacing so far? while editing, I changed up a lot of scenes and spaced them out in other chapters. I'm curious to know your thoughts on how the story is flowing so far - is it too slow or is it okay? all your feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
Chapter 5
It had been about a week and a half since Mingi's arrival, and for the most part, things took a turn for the better. Mingi was very thoughtful and patient, he was careful not to push or pressure you into doing anything you were uncomfortable with. It was difficult for him at first however, as he wasn’t sure how to begin to fix things with you.
Thankfully, when you introduced Mingi to Chan, the older wizard was kind enough to offer him advice and assist him.
“Give her space,” he explained, “Allow her the time to make her own decisions and think things through without feeling pressured. Show her that you respect her and her choices even if it might not be in your favour.”
Changbin also offered his own advice since he and Mingi shared the same birthday month and he took pride in that. 
“Do little things now and again for her. Don’t do anything over the top! Just small things like buy her a pastry or cook a meal. Send her a kind text during the day now and again. Maybe even ask to take a stroll in the evening at the park sometime.”
Most of your friends welcomed Mingi kindly even though they were quite apprehensive, given your history with him. The only one bold enough to stand his ground was Jisung. He made it particularly and significantly clear that he will not go easy on Mingi and will not hesitate to make him disappear. At first, Mingi found it humorous, seeing it as a baseless threat but Changbin indicated that Jisung could be a menace when he wanted to. So while Jisung smiled sweetly but intimidatingly in the corner of the apartment twiddling his wand in hand, Mingi blinked three times in concern and looked at you. You assured him everything was fine, but truthfully, you weren’t so sure about Mingi’s safety because you did hear about Jisung’s fearsome alter ego. But you weren’t gonna tell Mingi that. 
As for Mingi, he took a while to comprehend your new found life. Slowly, you both realised Mingi thrived better doing more physically energetic pursuits rather than standing behind the cash register with Jisung nearby watching him like a hawk. Chan offered to recruit Mingi at the apothecary to help with running errands with Hyunjin and organising and moving boxes and shelves with Felix and Jeongin. Mingi enjoyed it and felt that it was a good approach in giving you a chance to have space for yourself.
It surprised you how easy going he became with all of it, because though Mingi is kindhearted, he still was an alpha werewolf who does not necessarily do well with being told what to do. Maybe he was actually scared of Jisung? You were curious about what was going on inside his head and jokingly asked Chan if he could pick his brain.
Chan laughed and said no while Minho and Seungmin unapologetically agreed. Chan deadpanned at the two. 
"But I'm curious too!" they argued.
During the week, Chan suggested everyone should have a night out at the karaoke place. While you and Felix belted your hearts out trying to pass Seungmin and Jeongin’s high score, Mingi sat behind you, mesmerised by your voice. It was one of those moments as of recently, where he savoured your presence. He observed your newly dyed hair with streaks of blonde, your pretty hoop earrings, your beaded and charm bracelets adorning your wrists and your outfit.
He remembered vividly the first time the two of you met. You were with Hongjoong as the latter dragged you into the store for snacks while he complained that you ate all of his. Mingi was working at the store during that time and the moment all three of you came into contact, you felt the magnetic pull. It was enchanting and captivating. And meeting you introduced Mingi to another way of life. He began to feel more comfortable in his skin and who he was, you helped him to become confident and maybe even a little reckless when you appeared at his window in the early morning, recruiting him to go with you and Hongjoong to watch the sunrise. In the times when Hongjoong was unable to go, you and Mingi ventured out and spent the time talking and planning for the future.
And whereas Hongjoong was a stickler for not showing affection outside of your private space, Mingi would back hug you as you strolled down the street. The one time he did it to Hongjoong, they both rolled down the hill with Mingi landing on top of him while you watched in panic.
But at least, that's how you met Seonghwa and Yunho. 
In reminiscing, Mingi realised that you met all of them, excluding him, in smaller groups. He discovered that none of you really took the time to get to know each other personally or one on one. 
Mingi was snapped out of his daydreaming by Jisung who poked him with one of the mics. 
"You weren't moving, so I was wondering if you became a statue.”
"I’m fine."
"Mhmm," he said, "Come on, let’s step outside for a minute."
Mingi was kind of concerned but still he followed him out the door cautiously.
"So are you okay?" Jisung asked.
"Why do you care?” Mingi questioned.
“I don’t really, but you are Y/N’s soulmate and I care about her. So I gotta make sure you’re not going to do something stupid and hurt her.”
“Wow.” Mingi drawled.
“So I shall ask again, are you okay?”
Mingi sighed.
Yeah I just...I realised all of us never really got to know each other personally. All of a sudden we just got together, a big group of nine, and we never took the time to spend with one another. Maybe only Hongjoong and Y/N have.”
Jisung eyed Mingi carefully before responding, "Yeah I know what you mean.”
“You do?”
Jisung rolled his eyes, “That was me when I met Minho, we clicked almost immediately and everything came so naturally, we never really took the time to just be friends and get to one another personally. You know, like really getting to each other for who we are, not just our likes and dislikes but how we operate and think."
"I feel like something happened."
"Something did…” Jisung contemplated for a moment before continuing, “We started to just expect that we would understand each other and meeting the others amplified that. So as we started to split our time, we expected certain things from each other and when it wasn't being met we would argue a lot. We expected that the other person would do things for the other and it became a whole mess."
"What did you guys do to fix it?"
"Chan intervened and we basically did what you and Y/N are doing now, and we also sought therapy from one of Chan's friends and it helped us better understand each other."
"Do you think Y/N and I should try therapy?"
"Do whatever works best for you. Therapy might be a good idea and I think you are doing well with taking your time for now. Maybe bring it up after a few weeks if you still feel like it would help. I've seen the way you’re trying.”
“Oh my gosh, did you just say something nice to me!?” Mingi gasped.
Jisung smirked, “I don’t dislike you Mingi. I’m just wary of you. I saw how broken Y/N was when she got here and she has told me little bits here and there. As her friend who also sees her as a sister, I don’t want to see her hurt again.”
Mingi felt a sense of appreciation at the way Jisung cared about you. 
"I feel bad about hurting Y/N like that,” Mingi confessed, “I’m a terrible person.”
"You’re not. You’re not a bad person, it was a terrible, terrible lapse in judgement if you ask me or whatever, but you’re learning and that’s the most important thing you can do right now, learn and not be ignorant.”
"Thanks Jisung, I feel a little better now."
"You’re welcome and I still will not hesitate to deal with you or any of the others if you hurt her. "
When it was time to leave, you walked side to side with Mingi hands in your jacket pockets as the two of you commented on the day’s events. The night was chilly but it provided the perfect opportunity in Mingi’s mind to stay in a little close proximity to you to give you more warmth. He was mindful not to overstep any boundaries but you didn’t mind this time, and allowed him to cosy up a little next to you. He had to leave to go back home tomorrow, Chan offering to open a portal and giving him a way back to you. 
Mingi didn't want to leave but the others were waiting for him. With Chan’s help, he got into contact with Yunho who he told that he needed to be away for a while after the previous dinner events. Now, he was going back to explain the matter, ask to be temporarily put on leave from his duties and express his decision to stay with you for however long he wanted. 
This time it was necessary for it to be one-on-one as Jisung educated him. He had to make it right.
He wasn't sure how the others would react but he hoped that they might come back with him at the very least maybe.
While the two of you waited for the others to catch up, you told Mingi that you were going to dispose of some wrappers in your pocket. As you rounded a corner that was a little far off where a trash can was located, your thoughts were interrupted by a strange voice.
"Well well well, if it isn't one of us." a sickly voice sang.
You turned around at the voice. You had no clue who they were exactly but judging by the tattoo on their arm, they were rogues. How were they here?
"What the heck do you want?” You questioned.
“Now, that’s no way to talk to an alpha."
“You’re not my alpha and I do not care to talk to you.”
“Aww but you’re hurting my feelings.”
"Bleh." You gagged.
They were not amused by your response and it didn't take long for them to swing at you. You dodged and tried to find a way out but after some scuffling you did end up with a bruised lip and your arm being pinned behind your back. You weren't scared at first but you needed backup and fast.
With every fibre of your being, you drowned out the taunts of the rogues and focused on your connection to Mingi. You called Mingi's name hoping he would hear.
"That's a nice necklace you have there." the sickly voice commented.
Your half moon necklace was given to you by your mates, representing your clan. You never took it off and it was your most prized possession. As the sticky finger rogue attempted to reach for it, a hand grabbed him with force and pressure. Every single one of his bones cracked gruesomely and his skin began to turn a grisly black and blue.
"Do not ever touch my mate." Mingi snarled ferociously. 
His eyes turned into his gold werewolf colour and he threw the rogue back effortlessly. You could feel the change in Mingi’s aura as he glowered dangerously at the other one that was pinning your arm and swung at him, hitting him right in the nose, a sickening crack ringing through. He scowled at the other two who stepped back seeing the infuriated alpha. They ran off leaving behind their members. 
“Pathetic.” he seethed.
As he composed himself on seeing you, Mingi rushed to help you and escort you back. He began to fuss all over you, his sentences rushing through like a waterfall.
"I got your pull, it freaked me out because I should've known better to let you go alone! I'm so glad you're okay! I'm not leaving again, I'll tell Chan to send a letter or something, are you okay!? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Mingi…” you began, “You're going to have to go back."
"What!? No! Why!?"
You noticed something. Besides Mingi’s connection, you began to feel the pull and call of your other seven mates. Though you called for Mingi specifically when you focused your mind on him, being in danger and initiating your soul bond after so long, activated the connection for your other mates which meant that your connection to all of them that was once dormant, was now ignited.
They felt it too. You could hear their calls.
"They know."
Tag list:
@eastleighsblog @sehun096rainbow @greensnakeglobep @satsuri3su @idfkeddieishot @zonked-times @sugarrush-blush
a/n: hi again! unfortunately, I was unable to tag you @greensnakeglobep :( I'm really sorry about this, I'm not sure why I'm not able to. if anyone could clarify how to fix this, please let me know, thank you!!
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Would I be the asshole for not doing chores in my friends' home anymore?
Due to a series of events (relationship ending, leaving my job, etc) I (32f) wound up moving back to my hometown. I couldn't take living with my dad and his girlfriend although they offered to put me up, and my brother and his wife don't have space for me, so I temporarily moved in with my childhood best friend M (32m) and his wife R (33f). They just bought a house and have plenty of space.
I got a part time job, but can't afford to pay rent or do more than chip in a few hundred for groceries sooo I offered to run errands and do housework instead which seemed a great compromise.
Except now they expect me to do ALL the house work. R does the cooking and the two of them do their own laundry, but everything else falls on me. I vacuum, dust, sweep, mop, load and unload the dishwasher, do windows, bathrooms, ALL of it. At least once a week R will also text me while she's at work asking if I can pick up this that or the other thing for her. There have also been a few times where she's prepped dinner and asked me to stick it in the oven.
When I asked to start doing housework for them I assumed I'd like be doing a third of it? Like I'd just be looped into the rotation to take a little off each of their plates.
I have some income now, but I have so many bills I'd rather forego paying rent and keep saving, but... I also really don't want to keep living this way. Would I be the asshole for telling them I don't want to keep this up anymore and I think we should keep the housework split between the three of us?
What are these acronyms?
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wordstome · 6 months
What are the dads’ favorite bonding activities with their kids? 🥺
hello friend!!
Price: I like to imagine Price's girls are engaged in all sorts of extracurricular activities from ballet to the school play. I think his favorite bonding activity with them would be taking them out to eat after a recital or a performance. Just his little ladies and some good old greasy spoon diner food: what else could a man want? And you know that when the girls grow up, those nights are going to be some of their fondest childhood memories.
Ghost: Caden is a parallel play kind of kid. He's quietly doing his little crayon drawings next to Simon watching a tv show. I could also see them bonding when Simon takes Caden out to run errands with him, groceries and stuff. Caden gets a bit of socialization, and Simon is there if he gets overwhelmed and needs a bit of comfort. It really brings them together: the kid knows that no matter how distant his dad can be, he can always rely on Simon.
Soap: JOCK ALERT. His favorite bonding activity is taking his kids to the park. Impromptu soccer games, roleplaying on the playground equipment, buying them ice cream on a hot summer day. When Elodie's older, she stops going, preferring to hang out with friends or do her own thing. But I can see wayyyy in the future when she's an adult, she'll have a lot of nostalgia for those days and will love going on walks with her dad.
Gaz: Kyle is a planned activities kind of man, a very take the kids to Disney World and make lifetime memories sorta guy. Every summer the family gets an airbnb by the lake, and every winter they're off at a ski lodge. (Here's to that delicious, delicious dual income household.) Violet and Elliott are always the kids blowing into the first day of class full of stories about all the fun stuff they got up to over the summer.
König: Dress-up. Come on, you knew this was coming. He's so girldad. Ava can't keep her hands out of her dad's luscious locks, and loves making him paper crowns because of his callsign (he definitely speaks German with her at home so she knows what it means). He also buys Ava those big plastic playsets that are a grocery checkout or a little kitchen and roleplays little scenarios with her. Ava's a militant chef, by the way. She would make a great line cook.
Horangi: Concerts with his daughter, Ryujin. Probably a few raves, as well. Ryujin's a punk rock and indie scene kinda gal, but she'll listen to anything, and has a few favorite kpop groups whose concerts she's dragged Hong-jin to. He's a diehard Once (fan of the girl group Twice) himself. They've also definitely gotten a few tattoos/piercings together, which would be an odd thing to do with your dad if Ryujin's dad were not so cool.
Keegan: Same as Johnny, except instead of taking his kids to safe parks and soccer fields, he takes them into the woods. Camping, fishing, teaching them a bunch of useful skills. It's such a "things your divorced dad does with you when he doesn't know what else to do for the weekend you're staying with him" activity, but Jason and Cecelia have never had someone do those things with them before, so they're having a good time. Other than that, laser tag and airsoft is a big one. Keegan was hesitant to get them into stuff like that, but they've always been curious about his military career and things just sort of escalated from there. I saw this tiktok of a cosplayer in a Logan mask captioned "when you're playing airsoft with your 15-year spec ops dad" and it's the cosplayer plastering themselves against a wall in terror: that's Keegan's kids. He's not going to hold back when he plays, and they don't want him to.
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