#and also i've been struggling with “this is probably obvious so who cares” types of thoughts regarding said analyses
milgrambles · 11 months
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Double thumbnail is out! I'm afraid.
Something that immediately caught my attention here is how, despite the bloodiness of the scene, Mikoto's clothes and bat are perfectly clean. Is he really the one who broke these mannequins, or is something else going on here...?
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mochinomnoms · 2 months
How would ptm jade react if Yuu told him about marine mushrooms?
I only know what wikipedia knows about marine mushrooms...unfortunately for yuu mind reading doesn't give them sudden infinite knowledge!
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“You know, with as much as you...like mushrooms and stuff, I'm surprised you haven't mentioned anything about marine fungi.”
You felt a chill run down your spine and Jade's bi-colored eyes on you.
“Pardon?” Does my darling also love fungi? How could I have not known this?
You shifted in your seat, staring down at your notebook as you doodles between the margins. A small button mushroom that you'd absentmindedly drawn minded you of Jade.
And you just happened to be doing research with him for your group project in the library this day.
“Sorry, I just was thinking about it, and it's just surprising to me that you never had, like an aquarium type terrarium or something with them.”
You let out a nervous laugh, after all, it was just you two by yourselves. Riddle and Yev were busy with their dorms due to the Spelldrive Tournament, and your dorm still didn't technically qualify, since all your freshmen were officially in other dorms.
Such a wonderful laugh, I'd like to hear it more...
“Well, to my knowledge, they don't exist.” Jade leaned in, his eyes wide and full of excitement. “By chance, do such mushrooms exist in your world?”
Please tell me more! Tell me lies for all I care, so I may hear your voice...though you wouldn't lie about such things, would you?
You perked up. It was rare that you knew something Jade, or anyone at NRC, had no clue about. It probably wasn't intentional, but the way people would look at you when you had no clue about something make you feel dumb, even though you logically had no way of knowing even the most basic things of this world.
It was kinda nice to be the one to share knowledge with another person.
“Well, I don't know a lot, but they mostly exist in marine environments. I think a few hundred?” You leaned in closer, moving your notebook towards Jade as you started drawing again.
“I can't remember their names very well, but I've always been a more visual person anyways.” You drew a piece of driftwood, a snail, and a rock covered in lichen.
“This one grows in mangroves, usually on the places. But this one grows around the shell of a snail, who eats it. And sometimes lichen will grow with fungi, but I don't know a whole lot about them.”
You paused, pursing your lips in disappointment.
“Sorry, I don't know enough to tell you about them, I know how much you...”
Your words trailed off as you looked back up at Jade, who was resting his check against his palm. He was staring at you with faint smile, and soft, half lidded eyes and pink cheeks.
So beautiful...
Cheeks and chest going hot, you stared back, opening and closing your mouth as you tried to figure out how to respond.
“Uh, Jade, you're, uh, staring...”
Jade stiffened, straightening up and covering his mouth in embarrassment.
“My apologies. I was just....enraptured by your descriptions.” And you. “I don't mind that you aren't familiar, but I would like to heard more from you about marine fungi. Perhaps you can tell me all about your world's plant life? It never occurred to me that your world would evolve differently, but saying that now, it seems obvious.”
He smiled at you again, his teeth showing a bit more as he excitedly leaned in.
“You struggle in musicology, yes? Perhaps in exchange for your knowledge, I can help you with practice?”
Please say yes!
You paused. Various suggestive scenarios that seem more apt for a risqué site or story flashed through Jade's mind in giddy anticipation.
You know better. You know what Jade's hoping for. You shouldn't string him along, you're going to get embarrassed. You're going to get uncomfortable, you're...
Another daydream, one of you two curled over a book, as you leaned into Jade's side while his arm pulled you closer, invaded your mind like a parasite in your brain. He had a tender smile as you laughed at something he said, your free hand reached up to cradle his cheek.
Maybe parasite is a harsh word. When the thoughts Jade had were so sweet and soft, it almost made you want to give in.
“It's okay, I'm just a choir member, so there's not much for me to improve on.” You could hear your more logical voice sigh in the back of your mind. “But I'm happy to share...if you help me figure out if the mushrooms growing behind Ramshackle are edible.”
I'm weak…
Jade blinked, processing what you said.
Really? “Really?” Even Jade seemed like he was anticipating your rejection.
“Yeah, why not.” You shrugged, Jade's internal excitement flooding into your subconscious and influencing your own emotions. “Means less money to spend on food, and I'm sure you know plenty of yummy recipes we can use if they do end up good!”
Jade rarely smiled, at least not genuine, bare-teethed smiles. Despite the sharpness of them, you weren't put off by them, or him, at all.
“I would be honored.”
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lineli225 · 6 months
Tomura Shigaraki 's abuse and neglect under All for One
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I've decided to make this post due to the fact AFO's abuse towards Tomura is often ignored and even denied, so I'll be bringing a collection of scenes that prove he was being severally neglected during the 15 years he lived with AFO
1- Malnourishment and Underweight
At the beginning of the story Tomura used to be very skinny, his spine visible, very accentuated collar bones.
We can't see if his ribcages are exposed too since he's always dressed, but we can tell he is abnormally skinny and thin.
Some theorize AFO's purposefully keeps him in this state so he's more weak and frail similar to Yoichi. Or so it adds to his tiredness and numbness.
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He's also been shown randomly struggling before (it could've been the aftershock of Stain attack, i don't know)
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2- Lack of hygiene
He literally lives in pure filth, trash bags, old soda cans, paper, boxes, packages of food that seems ordered other than homemade, it lingers all over his floor, he is clearly a hoarder
It's completely different of the kept and clean bar, and now before you say "That's Tomura's responsibility, he's an adult he should clean it himself!" just think for a minute, if you had a son, that you see as your heir, and bets on their future so much,If you truly cared about them and saw they felt into a hoarder mindset, wouldn't you at least help?
Why not even Kurogiri cleans if Tomura was being cared by him? This clearly is intentional neglect, specially to keep his mood constantly down.
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3 - His teeth
Tomura canonically has crooked teeth (compare his teeth to the other's in the jump festa art), cavities or at least what looks like plaques or dirt all over his teeth.
For someone raised by someone as filthy rich as AFO, he should've had access to dental care
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4- Shaggy hair
His hair looks un-brushed, shaggy and dirty, which had no reason for before MVA when he became homeless, so why even at the start? How long has he taken a bath or a shower?
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Look at the blatant difference in this scene after he showered at the PLF mansion
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5- Unkept, ragged and broken nails
despite his hands also being very skinny, his nails are also all rough and broken Now, I know Tomura isn't a kid to have someone cut his nails for him, but this implies he was never teached how to take care for himself.
Besides of course his clear symptoms of depression and suicidal idealism, which, are very obvious, All for One IS neglecting Tomura by keeping him in that state /knowing/ he isn't being capable of taking care of himself.
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6- His bedroom
First of all: No windows
Second, notice how empty it used to be, he had nothing but a bed and a desk, but right as he committed his first murder he started to receive toys, AFO is lovebombing and manipulating him to kill more
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7- The obvious neglect to his pain
Notice how every time Tomura panics or is even wounded, he is just ignored and left on the floor bleeding out, puking or writhing.
Which uh- it isn't normal to watch your kid writhe in the floor while smiling and monologuing
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8- 24/7 Surveillance and lack of privacy
There are cameras everywhere, AFO spends most of the time watching Tomura, even in his own bedroom, and even talks to him, Tomura probably hasn't had any privacy ever since he was 5
Which is a sign of abuse and control
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His entire childhood from 5 to 20 is often relatable for people who grew in cult like environments, and homeschooled children who grew under controlling parents, despite the abuse not being as "obvious" since AFO never directly physically hurt him, the neglect and psychological torture is still there, that and more all the manipulation, gaslighting and grooming (think of Mother Gothel from Tangled as an example of this type of abuser)
By the way, talking about it
9- Gaslighting
"but wasn't /you/ who desired my power?"
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The entire body possession plot is a clear evidence AFO never saw Tomura as anything other than a toy to play with, the same way he saw Yoichi, but so many people say the possession was a retcon because "early afo cleared saw him as his heir, he even said it's all for him!"
Well, argue with the literal "he's the next me", while he is.... weirdly caressing the screen while he watches his kid with no privacy- 100% creep behavior
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10- AFO's bizzare behavior towards Tomura
The way All for One's hands are often shown caressing him or encasing him somehow, which yeah, it's part of the symbology of Tomura's character (hands that can both hurt and save)
But knowing AFO represents /hurt/ and, you know, i'ts kinda weird to caress the kid you kidnaped off the streets like that-
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Cuz yes! Picking kids from the street even if they are orphan is illegal!! You should take them to a police station instead :D
Tomura was KIDNAPED by AFO, not saved.
11- Proof Tomura doesn't /feel/ saved
During his fight against Bakugou, when he sees him being helped, besides being "broken" he starts to spiral on "why no one saved me even before i was broken?"
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The visual including the granny that ignored him on the streets
AFO broke him.
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He recurrently thinks back to when he was on the streets, even though he was already traumatized, and had already killed his family, he still had /hope/ he ADMITS he believes he could've been different if it wasn't for AFO
If AFO had truly saved him,he wouldn't think like this
12- AFO gifting Tomura the corpses of his family to intentionally keep him nauseated, uncomfortable and traumatized, so he never heals
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Besides their weird placements- On a kid. the gangster's hands being in his chest...
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13-AFO's intentional desire for Tomura's discomfort
If this entire thread didn't make it obvious already, All for One benefits of Tomura's tiredness, ill feelings, nausea, depression and suicidal mindset, and over all physical and psychological discomfort
This ensures he's submissive to his manipulations and orders, keep him feeling hatred and anger due to constant overwhelming feelings and makes it harder for him to think of why AFO does all of it at all.
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I could go even deeper than this about it, but i've reached thread limit and am lazy, so I hope you enjoyed this thread!
Thank you for reading
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aibloomie · 2 years
since requests are open could I request smoke session headcanons with sally face? I sent an ask about it before but it wasn't a request, if you remember :)
take your time and it's okay if you don't write them
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ahh yes !! i remember <3 I just HAD to write these for larry too so I hope that's alright (anyway guys don't do drugs, I feel like I'm obliged to say that 😎)
also just the thought of hugging sally and him smelling like cologne mixed with weed?? I need that
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━ smoking sessions with sally usually take place up in the treehouse that literally only your friend group goes into. and ever since, the two of you like decorating the place and making it more cozy by adding some comfortable furniture
━ he isn't the laughing type, he doesn't get all giggly over everything you say or do. rather, he's calm because for once his head goes silent. but he'd definitely be amused if you were the type who found everything funny – it would make him smile and feel good. he's definitely the type who NEEDS company when he's high, otherwise it isn't a good experience for him because he could get paranoid
━ it's during these moments that the filter in his brain turns off for a while. he can't help but gaze over at you and watch the way the smoke hovers over your face when you exhale. he's more obvious with his feelings, becoming more touchy as the high hits and suddenly he finds himself leaning onto your body, relishing the comfort of being next to you.
━ he stares at you so much, just observing you. he has always found you very attractive, but god, your beauty is enhanced even more when he's high. he admires every single feature you hold
"you're so beautiful." sally says, looking up at you while he rests his head on your lap. you were with your back hitting the wooden wall because your body would surely fall over if you weren't stabilized by something.
you smiled widely and shook your head, "nah man, you're just high. your visions probably blurred." that applied to you, whenever you turned your head, everything felt like it was being slowed down.
sally shook his head, tickling your thighs with his blue strands of hair. "hey, I mean it." he then pushed his body up, looking right into your now lidded and relaxed eyes. he could no longer tell if the feeling of his heart pounding against his ribcage was because of the weed, or because of how you made him feel
━ the type who learns how to do tricks with the smoke !! if you ask, he'll teach you how to do some of them. and of course, he'll beg you to teach him any of the ones that you know.
━ he has the advantage of hiding that he's high really well because he usually has his mask on, but he still goes the extra mile to show that he is NOT high when he is. like when you two walk through the hallway practically leaning onto each other because you guys can't walk correctly. of course you had to bump into lisa cleaning something right?
"oh I haven't seen you two all day! be careful okay, I've been mopping so it might be slippery."
sal immediately tried to stand up straight, gulping before speaking to try and make his voice sound clear. "yeah, thanks." and as soon as you're walking away he's clinging onto you and asking if he sounded normal
━ he takes care of you really well !! he knows when you're at your limit and won't let you go overboard. and if you end up feeling sick then he'll be right by your side asking what you need and doing everything he can to make you feel better. you don't have to worry about "ruining" his high or anything, he just wants you to be okay
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━ he's so fun to get high with. he has a mixture of everything. the deep conversations that leave the two of you emotionally vulnerable and questioning life? check! chaotic karaoke as you two struggle to get your slurred voices out and eventually end up falling onto the floor? check!
━ HE GETS THE MUNCHIES like literally every five minutes he goes over to open his empty fridge and he comes back complaining. "dude! this sucks I have nothing, should we go buy something?"
"larry we can't even drive right now we're going to crash!" you whined, trying to get some common sense into him because hey, someone has to be just a LITTLE bit mentally stable in this situation right?
larry landed with a grunt onto his bed. "I'm too lazy anyway I feel like I'm melting, let's doordash yeah?" his voice was muffled because he was quite literally speaking with his face planted on his mattress.
and then larry can't type quickly AND he wants the entire menu so ordering doordash takes like an hour
━ larry doesn't make a strong effort to hide that he's high, because nobody in the town really cares. the adults and authorities simply do not get paid enough to care, the only person who might nag him about it is mrs. gibson but thankfully she rarely leaves her apartment. so yeah, he walks past people and does not even care that he smells like weed. he doesn't use eyedrops either, his eyes get glossy but not red.
━ he is definitely the type to come to school high, like this poor guy zones out so hard during class and is so confused when he's given a worksheet with math problems on it.
one time he turned over to the nearest person for help but didn't notice it was travis, "hey what are we doing again?"
"fuck off." travis retorted
"yeah okay."
━ he's kind of an instigator when he's high. you have an ex best friend you want to hit back up? he'll encourage you to go for it with slurred words, being all like "yeah dude, just do it and let me know—let me know what they say." and then the next morning he's like "what!? why did you send them that text? nonono, block them already!" then cue him chasing you around trying to steal your phone from you
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━ the most comfortable place to smoke with both of them is in larry's basement with some sanity falls blasting in the background !! it's funny because sally and larry are drastically different in the way they act. so you'll just see sally laying down on the bed, his eyes closed because he's letting his body completely relax. and then there's larry whose mouth never closes because he voices all his thoughts
━ sometimes it'll only be you and larry talking because sally got the urge to play his guitar and he gets really focused !! so he kind of blocks everything out except for the noise that each string makes and the feeling of his finger pads pressing against them
━ sally is probably the most responsible one so he'll make sure that you and larry aren't doing anything TOO reckless. larry has the tendency of getting easily emotional so you and sally will have to provide him some comfort when that happens </3
━ the three of you have definitely gone to a store together at night for some snacks and ended up getting kicked out and banned because all of the shenanigans you pulled (most of it was larry)
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late-draft · 4 months
Thoughts on Toph, Jet and Suki? For these last two the question is more about potential or what you'd like from them, more than about canon.
I'm curious about how you feel about some of my favourites. Don't feel pressured to reply and have a nice day. Love your art!
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Hello! Thank you!! I'm gonna try to formulate my thoughts here, but I'll definitely have to expand on these in the future.
I think all of these three are strong, quality characters. Toph has most characterization and she and Katara share an aggressive temper, something I always thunderously cheer for; yet, they're vastly different despite that. The way I see it, Toph's situation is probably happier because the type of pain she carries is a feeling of betrayal and loneliness as she was restrained and oppressed by her parents and had no friends up until recently. She broke free. The writers said they wished there was more time to conclude Toph's struggle with her parents because it's an obvious pain point for her, for which she expressed several times a desire to fix. Fortunately for her, and unlike Katara whose pain comes additionally from traumatic loss which cannot be reversed, Toph's problems mostly can be solved relatively quickly by getting in her life what she was missing. She really is one of the best benders in the world and I was saying "Holy sh*t!" every time she fought because of the stuff she was able to pull off. She has a great dynamic with all characters from the gaang. Her animations of movement and bending are incredible - her character design, clothes and outer shape contribute to this (as shape and movement of clothes affect how animation feels a lot!)
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(There's more movement in the lower part that emphasises groundedness?)
I think her discovery of metalbending has been undercut because she probably wasn't in actual danger, she was being brought to her parents who as it turns out, wanted her unharmed. If I had been writing, I would have had her be in a more dire situation which would have then made her discovery and subsequent victory all the more amazing.
She's a character who I think couldn't be stopped by any obstacle. That's literally how she's constructed as an archetype, compared to Katara who might face much more moral/emotional dilemmas or unsolvable situations rather than just challenging obstacles. But I should never say never; Toph did show a vulnerability in the form of (unfounded) guilt when Appa was taken. The narrative correctly found one of her character vulnerabilities because she's someone who theoretically "can't lose" so what happens when she lets her (only) friends down by failing? She didn't solve this guilt last time. It would most likely show up again later if similar situations happen. She's a very compassionate person who cares very deeply about people important to her. (I vaguely hearing about her dealing with guilt about her daughters in LoK, but I've only briefly watched LoK, I have no idea how that could have happened and I'm no longer sure how "canon" that show is considered to be, due to vastly different characterizations of many old characters…) Also her disability is never erased, neither does it make her helpless and her parents wrongfully use it as an excuse to restrain her. It's a part of her that isn't just a cosmetic character trait. She's perfectly capable on her own (if we ignore specific circumstances like being in the air), and I like how the show, instead of having her learn this, skips that part and advances onto Iroh helping her through anxiety and assuring her that it's also okay to accept help from friends in general, unrelated to her disability. Because she expanded this stress due to her parents' treatment onto thinking she should refuse all help in order to stay strong.
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Suki is also one of my favourites. It's unfortunately clear that she doesn't have much characterization besides being a badass (which is spectacular, it's so cool that she's such a skilled fighter as a non-bender!) and a kind, no-bullshit person. These traits she has are very strongly repeated. Suki to me feels like someone who wouldn't suffer from social anxiety in the slightest. She could be the boldest in social situations alongside Aang, a confident extrovert. However, she feels like too stable of a character with no visible obstacles for her to overcome. I was disappointed by the Boiling Rock episode - yeah, a lot of things happened but it felt like nothing there affected the characters. Like in Toph's situation, what if it was tougher on them? The narrative did say Suki was Azula's favourite prisoner?! As much as I dislike torture, and this was a children's cartoon, imagine how strong Suki could have been to not break under worse conditions? But more importantly, I feel like she might have been really shaken from losing to Azula. How much would this harm her confidence in her skills, and how would she recover from this? Another one is how she might feel about Sokka's brief relationship with Yue, considering Suki had met him first. It would hurt her, and perhaps some feeling of guilt would arise because, how could she feel bad when Yue was no longer in the mortal realm? How would she deal with this? And maybe she could have an inverse parallel in Mai - if both of them had beef with benders, they might have different ways of overcoming this (Suki's being a healthy one). This thread would clearly be connected to the defeat to Azula, the prodigy bender. Because inversely, the narrative currently has Suki not feel anything from losing to Azula, not feel any envy towards benders in the series - that's kind of healthy for her, but boring to the audience. Plus, envy is one strong motivator to improve oneself. If not envy, then anxiety. Her and Kyoshi warriors' fight animations are also spectacular, I love the movement in the specific clothing they wear because you can't really see their legs. It's different from other characters and I heard their fighting style is inspired by aikido? The variety in combat styles is amazing! I think Suki could be additionally developed as one of the characters who puts the most focus on raw, physical prowess. So not just agility like Ty Lee, but strength and stamina too. Maybe Aang and Zuko don't have to be the only characters to push through sustaining scars from difficult wounds (if the show really doesn't want Katara to keep scars on her hands). Boiling Rock anyone? She and Sokka could match in this in the end when he hurts his leg in the final confrontation.
Jet is also a very strong character as he has a clearly defined role. He fulfils his purpose well. I really do have a feeling that he is sort of an inverse-Zuko: this doesn't mean I think he couldn't exist as a character on his own if Zuko didn't. But considering who ends up as part of the hero group, Jet additionally fills the role of showing something inverse of Zuko through the form he takes because he's a side-character (two birds with one stone). An Earth Kingdom character (Ally). Nonbender (masculine even without bending). No mercy for enemies. Successful and respected leader (of kids, but still) unlike Zuko who strained to get adults on the ship to respect him (loser). Jet's character design even has the more extreme version of Zuko's type of eyebrows!
This next part touches on shipping which can be skipped: ~ Most likely it's one of the integral parts he was created with. I'm not sure if I read this correctly, but I guess it's possible that Jet's character, which was made to fulfil the narrative purpose of showing a possible bad side to Allies who take things too far and kill innocents, in the visual and behavioural FORM he takes, was subsequently designed to also be someone Katara could project her forbidden interest in Zuko onto, but this time in a "justified" and "good" way, since Jet appears as a good guy freedom fighter. Then reality turns upside down at the end of the episode. (Narrative was planning to redeem Zuko since the beginning, so this was taken into consideration even while making S1. Katara gets a random FN crown in S1E13.) There is no hard evidence in the TEXT of the show for this, but to me it feels like this is what the narrative was doing. Thus there would be a high chance the narrative could force the two to clash in the future; and they do - I guess this is part of the reason why Jet physically fights Zuko. That fight grabs a bunch of threads: Zuko and Iroh are not safe/hidden even in Ba Sing Se, Jet was unable to overcome his visceral hatred for firebenders, Jet needed to be put in the brainwashing machine for some crime, the narrative needs a way to show that Zuko ISN'T integrating in the society outside of FN so it does it by having him refuse to join the freedom fighters gang, AND the two boys inevitably have to clash. I guess this might prove my suspicion, since the two had no interaction in S1 at all.
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However, when the show implied that Jet had died, I was literally shocked. Mostly because it was Zuko who kept giving off the vibes of "dies in the end" type of character, so I was stunned to see this transferred onto Jet. (My bro was convinced Zuko was gonna die right up until the end when Katara healed him. Then we were both staring at the screen and I said "I thought you said he was gonna die?" anyway) I feel like Jet did manage to speedrun a sort of redemption arc though. The narrative COULD have pushed him more into "refuses to redeem himself" path if he had ended his run still fully obsessed with killing any firebender he comes across. That was one option. But the story decided to pivot into him managing to overcome brainwashing in order to save the heroes, this is what his arc ends on. I feel like both situations of him dying or surviving were fitting and satisfying. If Jet had survived, maybe I'd push him into an even more morally ambiguous spot, something pretty tangled in which he'd be an ally to the gaang but still antagonistic to Zuko in some way. Or some sort of indescribable negative tension existing there, with no easy or clear explanation Zuko could point to when confronted by someone from the gaang defending Jet. Then what if there was a plot by Ozai's supporters to secretly get the Earth Kingdom to attack the Fire Nation, which would then have Jet be tempted in aiding this. Secretly? Openly? Or not at all.
How cool his animations with hook swords are? They're that good that it feels like his weapons are extensions of his arms. It looks very believable and makes it seem like he's on an equal power level with benders. References used in animation definitely paid off. I'm sad his fight against Zuko didn't last longer or gotten a rematch! But I'm a simple person, I love watching energetic fights.
Now in terms of animation of ATLA in general, I was surprised to see that it's actually spectacular in many parts, even if it's not constantly as high as the one in LOK (whose S1 I watched first.) Before watching ATLA, I had the wrong impression that the story was childish, with continuous annoying tea jokes and the like, and thought "well the animation is worse than LOK, so why should I even bother." Then many times during my watch I had to gasp how skilled the animations were! Also, references for fights - amazing, I'll always support this. The fact that I'm now attempting to match ATLA's animation should be telling!
I'm not sure if I replied along the vectors of your interests, feel free to ask additional questions if you'd like.
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
I want to talk about this moment between Lovelace and Minkowski immediately after Cutter dies:
Lovelace GASPS in relief. Both women COLLAPSE, wounded, at the end of their ropes. LOVELACE Nice... shot. MINKOWSKI Couldn't... have done it... without you, Captain. You all right? LOVELACE No. You? MINKOWSKI No, I... I... yeah... LOVELACE Stay with me, Minkowski. MINKOWSKI Yeah... We're almost through this. We just... need to... get Eiffel... And off of their attempts to hold onto consciousness, we -
Firstly, the acting of this scene is incredible. (The timestamp is 1:42:26 if you want to listen back.) I'm in awe of the way Emma Sherr-Ziarko and Ceilia Lynn-Jacobs convey the sense of pain and exhaustion and relief and trying to hold onto consciousness. The kind of damage they've undergone has been very different - Minkowski bleeding out from her gunshot wound, Lovelace recovering from the external control that caused her to inflict that gunshot wound. But the way these experiences manifest in their breathless pained voices is pretty similar. There's almost a kind of unity in that.
I love that the first thing Minkowski and Lovelace do after Cutter dies, even as they are struggling to speak, is to acknowledge each other's contribution to this moment.
"Nice shot" feels like a comment more suited to congratulating someone on doing well at a shooting range than as a response to a friend successfully harpooning their evil boss. There's a casualness to it as a phrase that feels almost humourous in this context, but it also reflects the fact that there isn't really an established thing to say in a situation like this. (More below the cut)
Minkowski could have just taken full credit here - after all she's the one who fired the killing shot - but she doesn't. It reflects the ethos of this show that neither Cutter nor Pryce, the major antagonists, is defeated by a single protagonist alone, and that the protagonists themselves are aware of that.
This scene is an example of a kind of exchange we get a few times throughout the show, where a character asks another character if they are okay and the answer is a clear no. There's an conversation like this between Eiffel and Minkowski in Ep12 (EIFFEL: You okay, Commander? / MINKOWSKI : No, Eiffel. My second in command just betrayed me and tried really, really hard to murder both us. I’m pretty damn far from “okay.”), and between Hera and Minkowski in Ep29 (HERA: Commander? Are you okay? / MINKOWSKI: No. You? / HERA: No. But I will be.), and between Eiffel and Hera in Ep41 (EIFFEL: Are you okay now? / HERA: No, Officer Eiffel. I'm not. But... I'm going to be.) I think I've said this before in tags on a post, but there's something about that type of exchange that fits the tone of this show so well to me. Of course none of these characters are all right, not with what they've been through. But the asking is still important, because of the care these characters have for each other. And the honest answer is still important, because this is a show partly about communication and because sometimes the awful things need to be acknowledged.
I should probably also say that there are also plenty of instances in Wolf 359 where people falsely claim to be fine in response to questions like this. There's an awful lot of emotional repression and compartmentalising on that space station. Which makes it more significant when characters are honest about not being okay.
In this scene, Minkowski and Lovelace don't need to waste words on saying why they aren't all right. I picture them both looking down at Minkowski's wound as she speaks here. And they laugh, or as well as they can do in their current condition, at how absurdly obvious it is that they aren't okay. Maybe that attempt at laughter is a way to keep going. And they are both so determined to keep going.
Lovelace tells Minkowski "stay with me", even though Lovelace is struggling to remain conscious herself. There's something so tender about that to me, and it's particularly heart-wrenching given that Lovelace was forced against her will to fire the bullet that wounded Minkowski.
When Minkowski says "We're almost through this", it feels like a call back to her conversation with Eiffel earlier in this episode, when he said "We're almost through. Just one more day, and then we're done." The "this" in "almost through this" somehow holds everything that they've been through on the Hephaestus. The repeated sense that this is the last confrontation that they will face on that station is perfect for a finale. But there's also something very emotionally heavy about that finality, especially when spoken by a woman who is bleeding out from a gunshot wound. And yet through her exhaustion and her pain, Minkowski expresses hope that they will get "through this", that they are "almost" on the other side of the whole nightmare.
Neither Minkowski nor Lovelace even consider the option of not going to look for Eiffel (and Hera). It would have been perfectly reasonable for them to have gone back to the Urania to try to patch Minkowski up and to wait to see if Eiffel and Hera were able to join them. But these characters would never do that.
They go to look for Eiffel even though Minkowski has been shot and Lovelace has been subject to horrific external control. They go to look for Eiffel even though both of them are "at the end of their ropes" and struggling to hold onto consciousness. They go to look for Eiffel even though waiting on the Urania was the plan they'd agreed upon with Hera. They go to look for Eiffel even though, for all they know, Eiffel and Hera might have the situation completely handled, or might even already be safely on the Urania. They go to look for Eiffel (and Hera) because only once they are all together can they consider themselves "through this".
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
I really like your idea on em both being rich kids lol, very interesting bc to me personally Billy is actually pretty poor. idk I mean I know we don’t see Tatum’s house or Randy’s either but the fact we never see a single thing about Billy’s sounds odd to me. Vs Tatum who has her own car and Randy with his odd collection of colorful (probably expensive) shoes.
there’s also the fact he’s on his dad’s income only who, from the real brief looks we got at him and the fact he slept with the town’s most likely ‘wellknown’ prostitute if that makes any sense, feels like some sleazy, struggling lawyer type.
I know in lore or whatever (wiki page lol) his dad is described as a powerful Woodsboro lawyer but considering this is the same lore that has Billy getting someone pregnant and can’t even decide the ages of the main cast I’m looking at in-movie evidence instead.
the only thing that kinda tips it to him being richer imo is the mobile phone he drops, or more precisely his dad’s phone - but even then it’s again his dad’s and not his own one. his dad who likely would need it as a work expense, but can’t afford to buy his son one and doesn’t care to.
anyway that’s my entire crackpot theory (I have even more but I wanted to spare your ask box from this already long thing) just to say that I really like your take on him being richer too
Hey thanks! My own personal theory dump below:
I've seen a lot of takes with poorer Billy. Tbh I think based on what we see in the movie it can go either way, we just don't really have the info. Also, not to nitpick, but we do see Tatums house, that's where Sid sleeps over after Billy gets arrested and there's also a breakfast scene there in the morning.
To me, Randy is actually probably the least wealthy member of the group, he's the only one that we know has a job, and the shoe brands (mostly hush puppies) he's wearing mostly wouldn't have been super expensive.
In my opinion we don't see much of Billy's home life because we don't see much of the real Billy at all until the reveal at the end. We only see as much of Stu's as we do because the finale takes place in his house, and imo more of Billy's home life would have made him more obvious. I have to imagine his room is full of horror merch lmao.
Honestly I don't really read Hank the same way as you do though. Maureen isn't a prostitute (not that theres anything wrong with sex work), she's a housewife with an extremely wealthy husband (aside from Stu's house Sid's seems like the biggest), so I don't really feel like the affair says anything about relative wealth.
In terms of the lore, tbh I don't actually think it's totally out of character for Billy to get a random girl pregnant. I chose not to do this in Debaser because I've decided to not make Sam canon in my own work, but I could totally see him deciding he needed to "practice" with some girl before Sid. I think he probably hooked up with her at a party, had a mediocre time, and never spoke to her again because he's an asshole. Not at all joking this seems fully in character for me.
My personal hc is that Nancy was a housewife, so Hank would have been carrying the family on a single income anyways. Even if we assume that she was working before and they lost that income, then they would have only been on a lower income for a little over a year, so I don't really see that as the makings of a poor Billy.
Also, we know from scream 2 that Nancy had enough money to get major plastic surgeries (enough that she was unrecognizable to Sid) and also paid for Mickey's tuition, so that's going to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. On top of that she's not working during the events of scream 2, she's doing the fake reporter thing. Based on that Nancy Loomis is either a rich girl by birth, someone who had an extremely high paying job before, or she got a lot of money in the divorce, which would require Hank to have had a lot of money to give.
In terms of the cell phone thing- cells weren't super common for teens to have in the 90's, as far as I can tell one of the first movies that shows teens having cell phones is clueless, which came out in 1995, so it doesn't necessarily say much to me that Billy doesn't have his own in the movie.
In terms of Hank, when we see him he's wearing a nice suit, it's up to date with trends in 96', meaning he's got enough money to be staying up to date with his wardrobe and suits aren't cheap. Other wardrobe hints include Billy's white shirt being Calvin Klein, not a cheap brand for a plain white shirt. If Billy is less wealthy he's more likely to be wearing Hanes. At the very least I, a relatively poor person, am buying the cheapest white shirts I can. I get that shit in a five pack from walmart, I don't have the expendable income to spend over 50$ for a single shirt.
All of this is to say that at least for me it doesn't make a lot of sense for Billy to be poor, especially with what we know about his mom in movie 2. But thats not why I chose to make him rich.
Why Sharp chose to make Billy a rich kid:
So i've seen a number of takes where Billy is poor and Hank is extremely abusive, and that was something I wanted to avoid. In some cases this can feel to me like the poverty and physical abuse is meant to explain his behaviour and that feels a little oversimplified. I specifically chose to make Hank neglectful, judgmental and argumentative (emotionally abusive) but not physically abusive. It doesn't always take more than that to fuck someone up, and I also wanted Billy's rage to come from somewhere else, to be a little less obviously justified. His life isn't easy, but he still has privilege.
In terms of the wealth issue, Billy's character reads more as an entitled rich kid to me. He's out of touch with the emotional stakes of the things he's doing and beyond that he's got the time and energy to plan and carry out a murder spree like this.
I personally chose to write Billy as someone who doesn't experience a lot of consequences for his actions because his dad can pay them away, which he does because Billy has an effect on his professional image as a lawyer. This was particularly important for my trans Billy storyline, because the money would be necessary both to access black market hormones (would have been near impossible to get them prescribed at the time) and also because Hank would have needed to bribe the cops and the hospital to keep quiet so Billy wouldn't be outed.
Aside from that though I just think the rich boy no consequences thing plays well into how unafraid he is about what he's doing and how casually he does it. All of this is just my take though! There are lots of ways to read the movie and I made character choices about him so that they fit into the narrative I'm crafting, doesn't need to work for anyone else.
I always enjoy chatting movie theories!
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 5 months
Right back at you, buddy! 3, 5, 12, 13, and 19 for the behind-the-scenes ask game :D
~ @sammys-magical-au 🫶
(Thank you, Sammy~ 😊😊😊)
3 — Do you write fics from start to finish, or jump around?
When I officially started writing fanfics, I mainly jumped around with the plot until I was satisfied with how things went in the story. And that was years and years ago. More recently, I decided to try writing from start to finish, and honestly. . .I see it as sort of a bad habit? That's not to say it can't work for other writers, but it just seems to slow me down. So, I'm trying to unlearn it and go back to my old tricks.
Like, I tend to think of climax scenes first. You know, the really dramatic/important stuff because, well, it's dramatic/important. I feel that once I get those particular details out of the way, it'll be easier for me to write other stuff around it until the story is full. Plus, that type of format allows for random ideas to pop up and potentially make things even better.
5 — What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
Typically somewhere quiet with no distractions. I take meds for my autism and ADD, but I can still be tempted to focus on other things, thus procrastinating my stories. I don't like to, it just happens, and I'm still working on it.
When the weather is nice, I love riding my bike over to the library and just writing there for a few hours (so long as some disruptive asshole doesn't waltz into the areas that are CLEARLY MARKED FOR SILENT STUDY. It happens more frequently than I care to admit, but oh well. Not the end of the world).
But if I'm really focused/dedicated to the story at hand, then I can write pretty much anywhere. Just a year ago, I tagged along on a family vacation and seriously surprised myself via writing a full story for Goretober 2023 during the several-hour-long car ride. And I didn't feel carsick once, which was practically a miracle. I'd brought one of the cool-looking notebooks I'd collected on a whim, as well as a pencil and a lap-desk thing. I totally covered the entire backseat with eraser shavings, but it was worth it!
12 — Is there a trope you haven't written yet but really want to?
Hard to say; I've written with tons of tropes—I've definitely done so without even meaning to. If you've read my stuff, then it's probably very obvious which tropes are my personal favorites, but I still try to be open to new ones.
I suppose I haven't written Talking Animals, since the stories I've been focused on are somewhat set in reality (fictional, but not Fantasy, you know?). But I always loved seeing that when I was a kid. Since a lot of my fanegos have pets, perhaps I could write a snippet from said pets' perspective? I know it technically wouldn't count as them talking, but it'd be pretty close, right?
13 — Is there a trope you wouldn't write if it was the last trope on Earth?
It's a tie between two tropes, actually: Minority Character Dies First, and The Pure and The Promiscuous.
The former is completely stupid and racist/ableist/etc., and I don't understand how or why it's still being used in some movies or books today.
The latter is more complex, since it's typically used in romantic scenarios, which I don't write very often anyway. But I still hate it because it just seems insulting to the characters. Like, I can understand the appeal of having one character teach things to an inexperienced character, but the way I've seen it handled almost always leads to the character on the receiving end being infantilized or dumbed-down. Which is bullshit, because the character deserves more depth and thought than that!
19 — Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
Maybe this is obvious, but fanegos are the easiest for me to write! True, sometimes I struggle a bit, since I want to have a balance of originality and a clear tie to the content-creator the fanego was inspired by. But otherwise, I make the rules. Canon egos also aren't too tricky for me to write; I feel like I'm pretty decent at learning/feeling a character's quirks to make that character seem authentic in fanfic settings.
One thing that's undeniably difficult for me to write is reader-inserts. No shame to those who have requested reader-insert fics from me, because I love engaging with people on here. The problem I have with it just seems to be my own self-consciousness. You already know why I tend to avoid shipping in fanfics, and I guess that also counts as a factor.
[Ask Game]
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kritischetheologie · 2 years
Hi C. Will you please feed my poor Jenson-starved heart and talk a little bit about your delicious Jenson characterizations in such masterpieces as Caught Your Reflection in the Mirror and the URBP? I notice that you often make him an asshole which is very evil/praiseworthy of you
Hello hello! First of all if you are missing Jenson may I recommend this incredible sebson fic that just got posted in the kinkmeme. God bless the anon who posted it.
Characterization notes for toxic fuckboy Jenson below the cut.
So, the obvious thing those two fics have in common is that they're a/b/o. Most of the time (I think I'm the Weight is more or less an exception), when I'm writing an a/b/o fic, one of the things I'm thinking about is gender.
Caught My Reflection in the Mirror is about, it has been said, Mark Webber's Gender Envy. Jenson is everything Mark thinks the world wants him to be, or everything he wishes he could be, or everything he wishes he could have, all rolled into one: he's a champion, and a playboy, and he's fucking Seb in just about the worst way possible. It's not the bruises that make it unbearable for Mark, but the realization that Jenson only fucks Seb when Jenson beats him. Insofar as Seb and Jenson have a Terrible Straight Relationship from which Mark rescues him through the Magic Of Queer Sex (fisting), what makes that relationship terrible and straight imho is the way it has no room for Seb to win, to be better than Jenson. The thought that Seb might have lost on purpose in Canada, because he felt the need to diminish himself in that way to appease Jenson, is the thing that finally compels Mark to intervene.
I have said before that this fic is the queerest fic I've written; in the non-a/b/o version of this fic, Mark is some flavor of transmasc, probably nonbinary if you made me choose, (and bisexual, and terrified of what attraction to men would mean from a gender perspective), and Seb is female. And Mark rescues Seb from a Terrible Straight Relationship through the Magic of Queer Sex. I don't know if that version is better, but I couldn't have written it; you need sunglasses to look at an eclipse.
Jenson is still the personification of the patriarchy in the URBP (sorry, somebody had to be!) but in a less pressing way, since he's not involved in any of the romances. I've joked that his role in that fic is to be sleazy and deliver exposition; I gave him some of Mark's complexes from Caught My Reflection, but turned the overcompensation up to 11. Having the most toxically masculine person in the whole thing be a beta allowed me to de-naturalize the roles and the bodies, to some extent. Nico's struggling against an omegaphobic system, but it's not just the alphas buying into it, you know?
Ok, so that's all the gender theory, but... why Jenson?
I wrote a lot of the URBP before I wrote Caught My Reflection, and I drew on Jenson and Nico's history, especially Jenson being the one to really popularize the Britney nickname. I drew on his life in general, actually. One of the things I think a lot about [sorry for this tangent] is the way the drivers' IRL love lives impact the way we write them as blorbos. I've mentioned my frustration about this with Seb to several people; a Seb who is magically fanfiction-single would not have learned to care for others, etc., in the same way Seb the husband and father has (see also: Seb citing his kids as the reason he cares about the environment). That's neither here nor there, but I think Jenson is someone for whom his real romantic choices, from the wild youth in his memoir to the multiple models he's married, colors the way I write him as a blorbo. He's kind of a James Hunt type, and that can be very fun, but also means that when you're already thinking about the patriarchy, he's ready at hand to represent it. Contrast someone like Valtteri, for example. Which one of these men would you imagine leaving space for his partner to succeed?
Obviously I don't know his life and this is not commentary on his actual relationships. It's just a vibe. Everything I'm writing is fiction. But I think that's why, when I write him as a villain, I write him as that particular type of villain.
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kathy-rah · 2 years
As someone who is slowly learning how to do digital art alone, I may have some advices to give to those who want to start and don't have time/resources to spend a lot of time trying and testing out drawing processes.
These are some things that I've found useful but Boi, it got me a lot of time to get to it. Of course, this is just what I think can be a good advice for who is a newbie like me, you can try it as a way to start your coloring process but it's not something professional t.t so take it with a bit of salt
First advice I wanna give is to do like I did during this drawing process: while I keep everything on different layers (skin tone / armor / hair /detail / background), don't just start with one layer and then start another one after rendering the first one.
Multiple times I've noticed how the different tones didn't match to each other, or the colors were simply horrible to see next to each other. I've spent a lot of time fixing this type of issues in my old drawing, always deleting the layers (fully rendered) or trying to change the tone with horrible results.
Instead, if you too happen to have this problem, I'd advice you to first coloring everything with the base color. As you see in the video, as first thing I simply filled the lineart with base colors. It's not clear but I assure you I've changed his skin tone multiple times because it didn't match the armor. Same with the mask and the red details.
This is something you can easily do at the beginning to see if the colors match and are nice to see all together in the bigger picture.
It's really something easy and I'm 100% sure they teach you this literally at the beginning of art school but Boi I'm stupid. I only learn when I do things myself t.t
Change colors as much as you want until you've reached your desired tones. Be careful of saturation levels. To make everything more balanced, play with the hue level for every base color you've used. You don't like how the red is in contrast with the blue? Change the red layer' hue/saturation values a bit and you'll find the perfect type of red you need.
After you are happy with the overall results, start with the rendering.
This is something I recommend to do if you still aren't used to the use of tones/saturation.
If you need some examples of the pieces where I struggled, here you go: this one is probably my fav one even now that I draw from pc.
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As you can see there isn't balance in the colors. Fulgrim's skin is too much out of everything and in general there is too much differences between the colors. It just doesn't look harmonious. Then:
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I assure you I haven't re-drawn anything here, just fixed the saturation, tones and hue levels (and added a bit more of shadows), yet now everything matches. (i also have changed the color of the lineart in a few places, look at the hair for example).
This might looks obvious to others, but I've spent a lot of time on this piece with the only focus on making those colors look nicely together and with time I've learned from my mistakes.
Another example: the commission I did a few weeks ago. I had to draw an Imperial fist, so you'd expect to see a yellow armor. Considering that I painted the background with red colors, bright yellow would have been quite a shock to see: that's why the base color is not yellow but orange. Same thing the clothes aren't white anymore but a light pink.
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On a white background it looks weird for an IF armor, yet this is the result at the end:
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Yellow is only for the parts hit by the light, where the shadow are more on the red tones. (don't mind the light blue for now)
Of course, you have to take in consideration many things before changing the hues of the original colors, but I hope this could help c:
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ermbabyel · 1 month
Hi hi there, this is @shxtodxroki (just on anon since that isn't my main blog) and I don't believe I've sent this in yet, so here's my info for our mystic messenger romantic match-up trade :)
My name is Bee, I’m 18, I go by she/her pronouns and I identify as bisexual!  I’m an INFJ, a Taurus and a Ravenclaw if any of those are important!
As for my appearance, I have dyed bright pink hair that goes a little past my shoulders, its naturally wavy but sometimes its straight depending on how it dries. I’m 5’7” and I have green eyes, I’m pretty pale and I have freckles but you can see them much better in the sun. I think I’d say I’m more pear-shaped overall, and a slightly more sharp face/jaw. I tend to prefer more cute, pastel and/or feminine styles, but I also like to mix things up sometimes and try different styles like a more grungy all black look or just a cozy, relaxed one lol. When I’m at home, though, I’m usually quick to change out of the nicer outfits and just relax in some sweatpants/shorts and an oversized t-shirt :> 
For my personality, I’m definitely an introvert. I love spending time with the people I care about, but I also need at least a little bit of alone time each day just to decompress and relax. I have pretty bad anxiety, so I tend to overthink and I’m frequently stressed even if I don’t show it, and even about small things that most people don’t even think about lol. I’m also super awkward and shy especially when I first meet people especially since I sometimes struggle to read social situations, I’m really not the type to initiate conversations much at first and I even struggle with initiating physical affection with someone I’m close to. Once I feel safe and close with someone I tend to ramble quite a lot about my interests or just topics I’ve dived into recently. I love making it a conversation and going back and forth whether the topic is super important or super dumb just because it’s fun for me to get to share my perspective and hear others’ perspectives too, and I tend to think I’m a pretty good listener as well! :) I try my best to generally be a friendly, kind person and look out for others even when it makes me nervous to confront things, and I tend to avoid conflict unless someone I love is being hurt. My worst trait is probably my procrastination so that’s something I’d love to get better at, in all honesty. I’m currently in college and studying to hopefully become an English/Language Arts professor one day, though I’ve been considering switching to sociology and being a sociology professor instead! I really really do love learning about things I find interesting/important and getting to share what I learn with people :] I usually enjoy staying up somewhat late as I just like being up and being able to use my time how I like, without my time being dictated as much as it usually is when I’m awake
Some qualities I tend to like in a partner is confidence/willingness to initiate since it’s something I struggle with, someone who’s patient and willing to listen when I’m having a hard time (and I’m more than happy to do the same in return) and someone honest and loyal. Since I’m very anxious, I’d prefer someone who’s open with their affection with me! They don’t have to make it super obvious in public or anything, just someone who’s open and not ashamed of their partner :) And someone who’s willing to kill/get rid of bugs! I HATE bugs, especially spiders and any kind of worm :< I don’t think I’d do well with someone who struggles with showing affection at all, I feel like two anxious attachment styles may be difficult to work with in a relationship and if someone is more avoidant or doesn’t like to show much affection in any way, I’d most likely get overwhelmed and insecure and it probably wouldn’t work out well :/ My giving love languages are mostly physical touch and gifts (I love getting to see people’s reactions when I get them gifts I know they’ll love, and even if I don’t have a ton of money I’m willing to spend a lot of it just to make my loved ones happy), and my receiving love languages are probably physical touch, words of affirmation and acts of service.
As for my interests and hobbies, I’m a big fan of horror or mystery movies/media in general. (My favorite movie, for example, is Knives Out) I really enjoy reading as well, even though it’s much harder for me to find time to read and motivation to pick up a book lately lol, and I really enjoy writing as well! I enjoy anime/manga (my favorite anime is Yuri on Ice, if you’ve heard of it) and even though video games aren’t generally my favorite, there are a few kinds I really enjoy like visual novels (especially spooky ones), games like Danganronpa or FNAF or “cozy games” like Minecraft or Stardew Valley! I also play the cello (though I haven’t practiced as much in this past year) and I work backstage as the stage manager in most of my school’s theater productions. I really enjoy all kinds of music, I listen to anything from k-pop to musicals to “emo” music to just regular pop lol. I’m currently trying to learn how to play DnD, I’m only on my second campaign with my friends but I’m slowly learning! I do bullet journaling as well, and I really enjoy collecting things even when I lose interest! (As in, even after I stop fixating on an interest so much and switch over to a new one, I never get rid of the merch because it still brings me joy and reminds me of how important that thing was to me :> ) I like anything that makes me emotional, whether it’s soul-crushingly sad or inspiring and heartwarming, I just like when media can make me feel things, and I’m a big crier since I tend to get emotional pretty easily :]
Sorry this is so long, I tend to ramble on and have trouble condensing things lol but thank you so much again for agreeing to this exchange! I’m excited to see what you think :)
Hello~! I’m so sorry for the long wait, but I hope you enjoy your matches! And thank you so much for doing this exchange with me~! ☺️ I also was struggling choosing between Yoosung and Jaehee, but I ultimately chose….
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Your Mystic Messenger Lover is…Jaehee~
I think Jaehee would be a very patient and supportive partner. She’s a bit introverted as well, but she can also be very social-able and would most likely be the first to reach out to you.
While reading your description, I got the impression that you need a calming presence in your partner, which is why Jaehee is my choice for you. Although Yoosung will be a fun and loving partner to have, I feel like you’d benefit the stability Jaehee will bring to the relationship.
I can see Jaehee taking you to a cute, cozy little cafe in the city. Just chatting along and maybe Jaehee brings books for the both of you to read together!
Jaehee is a very attentive person as we can conclude for how much she does for the RFA and working for a Jumin. So that definitely translates to her personal relationships, especially with you.
She will ABSOLUTELY watch anime with you. You might have to do some convincing on your part, but once she starts watching with you she’s HOOKED. Especially when you watch Yuri On Ice together~ (such a good anime btw :D).
She would absolutely try her very best to take care of you when you need it. She’ll also be a bit stubborn and won’t take no for an answer lol. Like she has moments where she wants to cook you and nice meal after a long day and insist on doing it by herself and have you relax. And you’d do the favor back of course (Jaehee needs a partner to live and pamper her too ;-;)
Just a very sweet and loving relationship you and Jaehee have~! 💜
Again I am so so sorry for the long ass delay, but I really hope you enjoy your ship! And thank you so much for doing an exchange with me! 💜
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alephskoteinos · 2 years
There's a weird take I've seen today about the Sam Smith Grammy's performance. Obviously the usual suspects have taken the pantomime image of the Devil at face value as proof of Satanism or demon worship or whatever, but an especially peculiar take that some boomer-brained reactionaries have is "I'll stick to metal/classic rock, pop music today is more satanic than metal/classic rock will ever be".
It's ridiculous at face value but after a while it's obvious: they pretty much just think Sam Smith's performance of "Unholy" is more "satanic" than anything in metal/rock because Sam Smith is a queer person. That's literally the only reason.
Stop and remember the fact that in metal the "satanic" theme is played up to such an extent that sometimes there's actual Satanists in on it. Or the fact that Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page was literally inspired by Aleister Crowley and at one point even bought Crowley's Boleskine Manor, and I would have thought that usually gets the conspiracy theorists going! It seems like for whatever reason that doesn't always bother those reactionary types, but Sam Smith and Lil Nas X certainly do, and it's not solely because of the vague performance of diabolical imagery. They offend the reactionaries because they are queer artists who acquire any sort of popular visibility, and to them the Devil imagery just matters as proof that "the queers are turning your kids in Satanists" or worse.
The funny thing is that Sam Smith isn't a Satanist, or even non-religious, or even non-Christian. They were raised Catholic, and they've seemingly pretty much just been Catholic in some way throughout their life, but they also happen to be gay and genderqueer and they've sort of struggled with the Catholic Church's attitudes on people who don't conform to cisheteronormativity. They wrote a song back in 2017 called "HIM", in which Sam literally says "Don't you try and tell me that God doesn't care for us", as in gay and queer people like them. It's obvious that Sam sees themselves as a Catholic in a way that means they simply reject older traditionalist/conservative understandings of what it means to be a Catholic, or to believe in the Christian God more broadly. Not to mention that the song "Unholy" is called "Unholy" because it's about adultery and that's literally how the song's lyrics characterise adultery. Sam dressing up as a Devil and recalling diabolical imagery is probably just for the purpose of accentuating the "unholiness" of adultery, or at most just to recall the Devil as a figure of punishment: hardly a Satanic gesture. If indeed it is "satanic", then we might also consider medieval plays to be "satanic", since they also featured actors dressed as devils and demons in Hell, even though they also portrayed them as villains and losers who were going to be defeated by God and his son Jesus.
But again, the reason why none of that matters to reactionary queerphobes is because Sam Smith being a queer performer at the Grammy's is what matters to them. That's also the only reason they feel outraged at the perceived sexualisation of one of Sam's more recent music videos: because it's queer and because Sam owns it, as opposed to the sexualisation of woman as solely to service a male gaze, and at that a rather timid consumerist male gaze if I may say so.
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doriana-gray-games · 2 years
Collection of asks !
Hi! Don't want to clog up your dashboards so I am answering some asks that have piled up while I was a bit absent <3
(Game update status: both going good and bad. Stuck on this one scene, but I am starting to see the end in the tunnel lol. Have been trying a new approach where I don't edit while writing :0 it's hard but does increase productivity! I just hope the quality isn't too bad after it lol. You can tell me once the update is out haha!)
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Bahaha Love that! W deserves all the love <3
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😏😏😏 Watson likes all of Sherlock, tho I'm sure they are partial to some... parts hehe
But the reaction is not new!! Tho I know a lot of people miss it (there's a few easily missed things tbh haha, maybe not optimal, but I find it fun to hide little things). There's one reaction with small waist too !
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lolol I see it. I have a scene in my notes where MC basically has to teach H to sit on (and touch) grass...
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@jumpyhamster Maybe? Not sure yet, sorry!
Ah--was it so obvious i'm not english haha! Yeah, I might as well tell you all too (despite my best efforts of internet anonymity, I talk too much on discord lol) I am Swedish. So if I make some weird English mistake or miss some quintessential British thing the MC or NPCs would know plz let me know! <3
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Aww I think I know who this is!!! 💛💛💛 hearts right back!!!!
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@4332 <3<3<3 I'm so glad you liked it!! (I don't recommend it to 12 years old tho! might be too adult for that haha)
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<3 <3 <3
I am for sandwich solidarity in all forms haha! XD
Hopefully MC will be able to get them a not-chewed on sandwich soon <3
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It seems I can't paste more images sorry-- One similar question I got was what the elegant body type looks like:
Currently the body types won't assume a lot much more than the word and possibly synonyms to the word. That's because it's so subjective. So--if I were to make further content about it I probably will have to ask further questions about that setting <3 I do think it would be fun and interesting to do!
Elegant, is again, what you want it to mean. But generally I've heard it to mean semi-long limbs with "ideal" like proportions. And in mass perhaps somewhere between tall-athletic and lean. I personally think of grace kelly I think
Love this game and the new details you added <3 this is definitely a spoilery question but man, i gotta ask... what happened in Lestrade's life that to made him so... unhappy? Careless with his own wellbeing? :(
A previous answer I have given: "Just a spiral of things. Life turning the wrong way, things looking bad on the horizon, failing to take care of themselves so they have poor chances of climbing out or realising they even can." In addition to this. This had not started when MC and L first met. And there was a catalyst event, that set it off, and in a way MC is involved in this.
you deserve to go to jail for making me choose between two cute love interests... that aside, your game has helped me a lot while struggling with mental health problems. which sounds a little silly but genuinely it warms my heart when i don't feel well. so thank you for creating something so wonderful. + i know most asks here are RO-related but im also very excited to see how the story goes!
Gosh Anon, you gave me a heart-attack with those first few words haha-- but to the rest, thank you so much <3<3<3 That's very sweet. I'm really glad and honoured to help in anyway I can. There's a lot of plot coming anon! Don't you worry! :D
harrypotternerd934 asked:
I need to say that I'm absolutely amoured by your story. I really enjoy playing as Sherlock and I think you did a really great job at capturing the vibe of the setting.
Much love and further luck with your story 🤗
@harrypotternerd934 <3
Aww, thank you so much! <3<3<3
approxtwelveangrybees asked:
I need you to know that I had so much fun with the Victorian gazing in the first two chapters
@approxtwelveangrybees <3<3<3
Congratulations on the anniversary <3 the update was so good.. all the little reworked scenes... the love kernels... But wait, will there actually be a love triangle route!!!!?
Yeees <3 Lot's of them <3
phaedraismyusername asked:
My favourite line of the update - just a top tier IQ drop right there 😍 lol
The whole thing was so good! An absolute joy to read as always ❤️❤️❤️
@phaedraismyusername <3<3<3 You're a joy!!! <3<3<3 (I love how people are discovering the thigh line haha)
and to "The trio Lestrade/hungry tumblr anon" Thank you for your story <3
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Hey! Can I request headcanons for albedo in a relationship with fem reader who struggles with perfectionism? She has extremely high expectations for herself that she can't meet. Thank you!
This on hit close to home ngl lol also guess i’ve just become a comfort blog cause that’s literally all I'm getting. Trauma makes you good at comforting people Ig lol
albedo x fem!reader
type: headcanons, hurt/comfort
warnings: self deprecation, self doubt, crying
No matter how many times I read over my work I will always miss typos/grammatical errors and I apologize
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Being in a relationship with the chief alchemist of the knights of Favonius, with this mindset? oof, good luck bro
To everyone else you two are the perfect studious couple
He the genius and you his assistant destined to fall in love
And it is like that, Albedo cares for you very much and treats you delicately like fine glass
And you treat him like he’s the most beautiful human ever
You’re perception on yourself however, is much to be desired.
It’s hard at times to see yourself deserving of someone as perfect as Albedo.
You work hard to keep up your appearance
You study hard to keep up with Albedo’s intellect
Sometimes you think you look fine, but then one hair goes out of place or someone catches you struggling with a task and it all goes down hill again.
You don’t ask for help even when you’re really struggling with things, convincing people it’s determination and confidence in yourself that you can get the task done.
But the reality is, is that people seeing you weak, even if it’s just something small like helping your carry items, just fills you with so much dread. You can do it, why is it so hard? Why can’t you get you get it done on your own like everyone else can?
Asking for help would cement the fact that you’re not a whole being in your mind, and you just can’t have that, even when it risks your health.
People offer to take the load so you can go home early and rest, but you always have a smile, reassuring that you can do it, ignoring the subtle annoyance in your mind. It does get annoying sometimes, unreasonably you realize later, but at the moment it’s more of a why can’t you just leave me alone so I can get it done. I’d be able to focus more if I wasn’t always interrupted, only I can do it.
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It was 3am, and for the 3rd night in a row you were still up.
You and Albedo had a paper you were to submit tomorrow afternoon and your half was still incomplete, usually with this close to the deadline you’d be editing and outlining everything already, but you were late.
This late in the relationship Albedo would probably know you have a thing about asking for help, and he tries to respect that.
But you’re running on fumes at this point.
A small knock came to the door, “Y/n, may I come in?”
When he got no reply he slowly opened the door, hoping you finally fell asleep even if it was at your desk, but what he was was you so focused you just didn’t hear him.
He quietly walked up, a hot cup of tea for you in hand. He observed you for a little bit, admiring the concentration on your face. He always thought his girlfriend was most lovely when focused on something she enjoys doing.
But right now tears were beginning to form in your eyes, unknown to him you’ve been stuck on the same formula for the last 1o minutes and is really getting to you.
“Y/n.” He spoke quietly, trying not to spook you, but with how close he was it didn’t stop the small jump you made. And the obvious wiping of the tears you tried to hide as just rubbing your face.
“When did you get here Bedo?”
“For a bit, did you not hear me come in?”
He handed you the cup, you silently thanking him. “Sorry love, I've just been finishing up with the last few things we need.” That was a lie, you were only 60% done with everything, but you weren’t about to tell him that.
“Well it’s my understanding, from what you’ve told me yourself on a number of occasions,” He chuckles a bit at the memories, “that sleep and being fully rested is best when looking over papers.”
It was fond memories for him, and he was really only trying to help, but the comment just left a pang in your heart.
I’m such a hypocrite
“Just let me finish up this last thing then i’ll be in bed with you, please?”
He paused for a moment, wanting to pick his words carefully but could only come with being blunt, “Would....you like some help.” 
He saw you tense, “No I got it honey, but thank you I appreciate it.” You go to give him a quick peck on the cheek, meaning for it to be a goodnight gesture to get ready to get back at it, but he grabbed your shoulder before you got ready to turn back around.
“Y/n I want to help you.” He stated, Albedo looked into your eyes, usually undiscernible to most people, sometimes even cold, but never to you. They looked worried.
Another pang to the heart.
“I’m ok Bedo, seriously I got this, we’ve got a deadline and I said I would do this much and I will.”
“Yes I am aware, but i’m worried you took on a bit more than you can handle this time. We always divide the work between the two of us evenly, but this time you took on more. I accepted because you looked so determined at the time, but right now you look exhausted.” He rubbed reassuring circles in the shoulder he had a hand on.
“I....I can handle it.” You repeated, but you weren’t looking at him now, because tears were beginning to form. “You’ve taken on a lot more than this before so....it shouldn’t be a problem for me.”
“That was before I had you love. You help me out so much, because you could tell I needed it. You’re always so helpful love, let me help you.”
You sniffled, your heart tightening a bit at the fact you made an audible sound at your distress. Albedo kneeled down on the floor so he could see your face, moving his hands to cup it.
“I just, want everything to be 100% correct. I’m your assistant, it’s my job to get this work done for you. I know I can do it I just......”
“Y/n you are so hard working. Everything you do is nothing less than the best of your ability.”
“But it’s not perfect. No matter how hard I try it always seems someone thinks I need to be helped. I feel like a child when people ask. I’m an adult i should be capable to handle this on my own.”
Albedo took the tea from your hands, setting on your desk and his hands taking it’s place in yours. The tears were fully flowing at this point. 
“Y/n part of our relationship isn’t just you being my assistant and me expecting you to have perfect work. I’m your boyfriend, and you’re my girlfriend, part of that relationship is helping us grow. You’ve helped me so much over this time, parts of me I didn’t think we’re wrong until you came into my life and showed me that there's more to research this just experiments and paperwork, and more to life than just research in general. I admit I need help. And as your boyfriend who only sees the best in you, I should help you as well. At the very least just me.”
He kissed your hands, using one of his to cup your cheek to help wipe your tears away. “Being an adult doesn’t mean you never need assistance, you are not less for making mistakes. As long as you put 100% into the work you’re able to do, then there’s no reason for you to feel anything but proud. And whatever you can’t do after that 100% is given, is not a weakness on your record when you need help with the rest. From my experience with you, it’s a growth.”
You wanted to shake your head, deny it. You’re better than this. You think. But he’s right.
Albedo doesn’t expect one speech to fix your mindset. But he’s always been a determined man. And for you, he’d remind you every day if he has to if it means lessening your burden little by little.
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lantur · 2 years
I've had a couple of wonderful evenings lately.
I got to play pickleball with @broomchickabroom and @northshoretragedyeagle (and Derek!) last night, and then we sat together and ate fresh-baked peach cobbler and banana bread. It was a perfect evening with great people. I went to bed feeling so much better than I had all week.
I got to see my beloved nieces tonight and I got SO much time with my favorite little niece, playing sticker book together and reading to her.
These are the bright spots I'm holding onto and that give me hope for the future. I had something else happen earlier this week and earlier today that was more difficult.
I had a good mental health day for once on Wednesday, probably because I talked to two friends that day. My mom emailed me later that night and truly threw me for a loop. For context - she has been heavily pressuring my husband and I to have a child ASAP ever since we got married in September 2020. We've been firm on the fact that we're not ready yet and are taking our time to be emotionally ready for this lifetime commitment of being parents.
The email she sent was... difficult. She resumed the pressure to have a kid ASAP, in light of my dad's diagnosis with aggressive stage four cancer. It went beyond her previous entreaties for us to have a kid ASAP.
"the greatest regret of your dad's life is that he won't be able to see a grandchild"
"just the thought that you are expecting a child will nourish his spirit and give him the hope to go on"
"you have nothing to lose and so much to gain by having a child sooner - a once in a lifetime chance to give your father a priceless gift as he approaches the end of his life."
"this might be the one and most significant gesture you make as his only child"
"sometimes in life, we set aside our plans and life routines and conveniences because life asks something special and something greater of us, and we respond and rise to the occasion."
I let my mom know that Derek and I have in fact been thinking about it since my dad's diagnosis, but we have a lot of concerns about pregnancy during such an emotionally fraught time. Namely, our main concern is the very real possibility that my dad might pass away while I am pregnant, before the baby is born, and what it will do to me to be grieving the loss of my dad WHILE undergoing the tremendous emotional, physical, and mental challenge of pregnancy. (While also having type 2 bipolar disorder and alternating between episodes of depression and hypomania.)
My mom flipped out. She said "the time is now" to have a kid, and attacked Derek and I for not caring about my dad's wants. She said that I don't care about my dad, only Derek - who would be the father of my child, the person who raises this child with me, forever. She said that a dying man's wishes don't factor into our decision at all. She said that "for ONCE, just once," in my life, that I think about my father, "because he doesn't have the luxury of time while you figure out if this choice is right to you. The big question for you is, does he matter enough to want to do this for him? The answer is obvious that he does not. He lives on borrowed time, but you are unwilling to step outside your own time frame."
My mom has had massive outbursts of temper periodically for the past 10+ years. She's said a lot, a lot, a LOT, of very hurtful things to me since my teens and throughout my twenties. Things that I've been dealing with in therapy for almost 3 years. I've dealt with it. But this was too much. I became very distraught after this entire interaction on Wednesday night. The emotional manipulation and accusation that I don't care about my dad was too much, especially as I've already been struggling tremendously this summer since my dad was diagnosed.
I spoke to friends about this situation yesterday and spent time with friends. I didn't speak to my mother, though I called my dad twice a day to talk to him, as usual. She sent me a text this morning accusing me of "putting her in the doghouse."
I had a phone call with her and told her how inappropriate, offensive, and hurtful Wednesday night was, and how it is just a long (decade+ long) pattern of behavior - of "normal behavior" and getting along for a few weeks or a couple of months, only to culminate in an explosive display of temper. I told her the truth about how her temper has affected me and told her that I cannot continue to deal with this. I told her the same thing 6.5 years ago, after I moved out - that the outbursts of anger would alienate me, and to please try to moderate that, and she said she wasn't willing to change that behavior, and she would express herself in the way she pleased.
The truth is, my mom terrifies me because of her anger, because of these unpredictable displays of anger, and that's why I've tried to distance myself from her over the past 6.5 years. She's seen me try to distance myself, and she's been so angry about that. Every time I've tried to reconcile with her and give her more chances, she blindsides me again with another incident.
Long story short (lmao, this was not a "long story short," it's been a long story) she doubled down and refused to apologize, or to make any changes to her behavior. We are now estranged. I will stay in touch with my dad and will not be in touch with her.
It's difficult, it's painful, but nobody in my life has ever hurt me more than my mom has. Repeatedly, over and over again, since I was in my teens. I'm not in a point in my life where I can tolerate emotional abuse any longer. I'm already going through enough pain with the prospect of losing my dad.
I couldn't see my therapist yesterday or today because she's on vacation for Labor Day. I'm not going to lie, it's been hard, but I've made a lot of difficult decisions and life changes since my dad was diagnosed. I'm looking forward to therapy on Tuesday.
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eremiie · 4 years
not too bad a dad;
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❥ eren babysitting ipad kids falco & gabi, i have had this thought on my mind bc i think their interactions would be so funny, so here this is. (bonus if you get the title referene)
❥ eren x reader | 2.1k words | pure fluff
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the first time eren had to babysit was quite questionable.
actually, quite worrying if that's a good way to describe it.
you had falco sit on the couch and watch some television to keep himself entertained for the time being, while you sat in your room leaving eren to stay in the living room as well— that is until he slowly opened the door to your shared bedroom. "yes, eren?" you mumbled turning around to see him just standing, head cracked through the door.
"baby, why isn't he doing anything?"
"eren, he's just watching t.v... what do you want him to do?"
"i don't know... he's just... sitting there. he's so quiet, and just..."
you raised an eyebrow at eren watching him finally coming over to massage your shoulders while looking at your computer screen where you were typing away. "okay... that's a good thing eren, let him sit there."
so eren left, still clearly somewhat unnerved by the little boy for whatever reason, but you shrugged it off, continuing to do your work on the device in front of you.
you weren't sure how much time had passed, but you finally removed your eyes from your screen when you heard the clatter of a large object hit the floor. your eyes darted to the clock in front of you to see that it had been maybe an hour since you last saw both eren and falco, so with a sigh you got up and left the room.
the slight shuffling of objects moving around from the kitchen had caused you to turn towards it, to see falco in the middle of the kitchen floor holding a large baking pan with half baked cinammon rolls, some seemingly flattened, oven mitts on both of his hands, and when he turned around to face you the expression on his face was immediate worry and remorse— not to mention the large flour stains on both his shirt and pants.
it was only then you noticed eren beside him on the floor picking up another flattened roll and placing it back on the pan you assumed it fell off of, flour coating him as well as what you could only assume was other miscellaneous baking products.
"i'm— i'm sorry, i was, i wasn't— he— he," falco stumbled over his words causing eren to look up at you with an innocent boyish smile.
"eren...what in the world." you ignored falco, as you figured he wasn't the root of the issue, seemingly coerced by eren into their dilemma.
"oh hey babe, falco and i were making some cinnamon rolls. i thought it'd be fun." you weren't sure if this was fun for falco, the timid boy practically shaking in his socks.
"he asked me to! i— i—"
"it's okay falco... i know. i know." you shook your head at eren and screamed a look that said ‘clean this up right now.’ eren only giving both you and falco a confused expression before you walked back to your room.
you could only pray colt would trust you enough to let falco come back a second time.
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there were other times where you wondered if having your own child with eren was even plausible.
you weren't sure if it was news that spread that you were a "great babysitter" or maybe it was eren who was the great sitter, but somehow you were in the brief possession of another kid, although eren almost refused to take care of her in all. of course, he was in no position to refuse, as you sat him down on the couch opposite while you did your own thing in the kitchen, preparing a meal for the three of you.
eren stared at gabi, eyes narrowed at her as if she was a threat to him, her ipad sitting on her chest as she looked up at eren time to time while she layed on the couch away from him. "what? why do you keep staring at me? weirdo..." gabi rolled her eyes swiping away at the device in front of her.
"baby, she just called me weird! did you hear that?" eren immediately complained hands flailing at his sides and you shook your head even though he couldn't see and even though you did hear. if anything, you weren’t sure if you were taking care of one or two kids.
"seriously?" he huffed as gabi began to laugh at him causing him to grimace at her and buck at her somewhat playfully causing her to flinch.
"stop! i can beat you up you know." she gave eren a stink face, putting down her device on her stomach and crossing her arms from where she laid.
"eren, don't." you warned, knowing that despite him being a grown man, he'd bicker back and forth with anybody.
"i wasn't even gonna do anything." eren said back to you, still side eyeing gabi.
"yeah, cause you can't." she taunted as you placed the lid over the pot of rice and slinked your way over to your room to grab your phone, only being gone for maybe two minutes as you checked your notifications in your room, standing at the edge of the bed for a bit.
the minute you stepped back out gabi was on top of eren, pulling at his hair as he struggled to get her off of him, pulling at her hands as his face was scrunched up showing his efforts. he picked her up and threw her down onto the couch, and you slapped your hand to your forehead at his childish antics. "oh my gosh— eren stop acting like a child!" you came over and slapped his shoulder.
"what? we were just playing around!" you tugged eren's ear and pulled him to the couch gabi sat at previously with a stern look. gabi stuck her tongue out at eren as you scolded him from the sofa across from her.
"well you might actually hurt her—"
"he can't hurt me!" you turned around and gave gabi a fake smile.
"i don't want to get in trouble with your parents gabi." you said before looking back to eren. "watch it, eren."
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sometimes, eren seemed more knowledgable about kids than you.
"look, see how they got to the other side? that used to symbolize the freedom that they thought they gained, and of course their friend still thinks it represents that but he—"
"falco?" eren interrupted you coming over to sit on the other side of falco, swinging his arm over the backside of the couch, causing you to glare at him.
"eren, i'm trying to explain the show to him."
"baby, he's clearly bored," you looked down at falco and he did seem less enthusiastic than you, but when he looked up at eren, then to you he immediately shook his head.
"he probably would rather play ball with me or something. i wanted to earlier but then you made him watch this documentary with you." eren motioned to the tv screen as if it was clearly the most boring thing on earth.
"eren, the documentary isn't boring... he hasn't complained yet." you rolled your eyes, falco's flitting between you and eren as he sat between the two of you. at least you didn’t think it was boring, you couldn’t even count how many times you had seen it. all you knew it that it intrigued you every time, and you could explain it ten times over.
"because you know he doesn't like to complain." eren wrapped his arms around falco's shoulder and pulled him closer,  a smirk on his face. "falco, would you rather watch this documentary with ______, or play baseball with me outside?"
falco seemed uncomfortable, and you took notice shoving eren's arm off of him. "eren, if you won't watch it with me then let me watch with falco."
"i've watched it with you like four times baby!"
"no you haven't..." the more you thought about it, falco was pretty quiet the whole first twenty minutes of the documentary you were showing him. as interesting as you thought it was; you weren't sure falco was enjoying it as much as you. "falco... you can go play baseball or catch or whatever with eren. i have some stuff to do anyways." you shrugged, eren pumping his fist and dragging falco to his feet, falco's eyes lighting up a little.
you couldn't help but give a small smile at his eagerness to hang out with eren. "c'mon falco, i used to play with my brother all the time, i'm gonna show you how to pitch really good."
you chuckled to yourself. maybe eren wasn't as bad as an influence as you thought.
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of course there were times that eren surprised you, like this one.
"gabi, c'mon let's go eat." your arms were crossed as you leaned against the doorframe watching gabi's hands fiddle with the controller while her eyes darted on the screen in front of her. both her and eren were leaned forwards as he guided her to victory, babbling some game nonsense to her.
"let her play one more round babe, she's has one point on falco." eren held a hand up without looking back at you, murmuring a couple "c'mon," to gabi as she leaned forward even more.
"she has to eat, eren, i gave you guys an extra thirty minutes already."
"please!" gabi said also without looking at you.
you sighed, raising an eyebrow at the pleas of gabi. "i didn't know you guys got along now."
"we've always gotten along." eren replied as if it was the obvious thing in the world, causing your to scoff as he pointed at the screen while gabi spoke into the mic headset on her head.
gabi’s face scrunched up as she stared at the screen more intensely, her eyes suddenly going dark, eyelids dropping. "hey... falco, when did you get that skin?" gabi murmured, bringing her hand up to bring the mic closer to her lips.
"eren bought it for me last time i came over." falco said from the other side of the mic as the sound finally translated over. eren's body went slightly rigid as he side eyed gabi as she slowly turned to him, her eye twitching.
"what?! that's not fair! eren buy me a skin too!" she exclaimed loudly, hands flailing, and you were scared eren’s controller would fly out of her hand.
eren pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing the question was going to come sooner or later. "no, i don't have any money." there they went, bickering again, only proving your earlier point.
"then how did you get falco that skin, and why did you get falco it and not me? i been wanted it before him!" you could only imagine falco rubbing his face from the other side of the screen.
"gabi i'll buy you a skin," you said, shifting on your feet as you watched gabi's character die on screen as she argued back and forth with eren. she smiled at your comment then glared at eren as she began to turn around to face the screen fully, jaw dropping at the 'defeat' sign now on display in front of her. "now come, eat—"
"one more round!" both eren and gabi said at the same time, your eyes widening in slight shock.
"okay, okay... one more round."
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and lastly, there were times you were sure you wanted to have kids with eren.
"eren are y'all okay?" you spoke through the phone as you drove down the street, on your way back to the apartment you and eren shared. "i got all of us some food too, so we don't have to eat leftovers today. also, get their bags, colt is coming to pick both of them up today, he says thanks for letting him leave them with us this morning."
eren groaned from the other side as he pushed gabi off of him and you heard some yelling before he shuffled around and spoke again. "yeah, yeah, i'll see you soon, i love you." his voice sounded muffled through the phone.
eren was a bit hasty to end the call, you only able to get out an "i love," before the dial tone beeped, and you furrowed your eyebrows, placing your phone in the cupholder and continuing on the road home.
it had been maybe fifteen minutes before you arrived, unbuckling your seat belt and turning off the car. you didn't forget to grab the takeout sitting on the passengers seat as well as your bag before walking up the steps to your apartment. you unlocked the door and stepped inside, locking it back. "eren, baby, i'm home." you said loud enough for him to hear, but no response was returned as you shrugged your shoes off. "don't tell me he took them outside... i just said colt was coming soon." you mumbled to yourself as you made your way to the living room.
the sight caught you off guard, eren sprawled on the floor knocked out from what you assume was sleep, gabi laying down on the couch, falco at her legs sleeping as well, using them as a headrest. both of their bags were laid beside the couch and you let out a laugh. how quick did they fall asleep? it hadn't been long since you were on the phone with eren.
you set down the takeout bags on the kitchen and sauntered over to eren on the floor, his hair framing his face and his brows furrowed together as if he was in deep thought in his sleep. it didn't take much to wake him up, only a couple "baby," and some shakes of his shoulder before he jolted awake.
"huh?" he rubbed his eyes and sat up, head whipping back to the two kids on the couch. "shit, i'm sorry baby..." he immediately apologized, letting out another groan.
you couldn't help but smile and bring eren in for a short kiss on the lips. "you're fine baby, you got their bags and everything, you can go to the room and sleep if they tired you out."
eren pulled you in for a hug as he stood up, you standing with him, and then kissing your forehead. "alright... i love you."
"i love you too."
yeah, you might be sure kids with eren won't be too bad.
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