#and also. i love his shitty b movies
sharkieboi · 9 months
my dad: “you should come home earlier so you can spend time with your mother”
me, internally: why the fuck would I do that
#shhh sharkie#I’m specifically a) lying to him about where i’m spending the night tonight#and b) spending as little time at home tomorrow as I can before I come back to the city#I have zero desire to spend any quality time with either of my parents rn#I’m driving to nyc to spend the night with my person tonight and sleep over with them#and then finishing the drive to ct tomorrow to drop off the car and then amtrak the fuck out of there#he’s trying to guilt trip me into spending the night in ct instead of nyc but like why would I do that#yeah i’d love to have an uncomfortable evening with a group of passive aggressive people who judge me and my life#and watch a shitty movie i’ll hate and be judged for how many glasses of wine I have#definitely better than getting free drinks at a gourmet restaurant while i wait for my SO to finish up work#and then go smoke/drink and get lovingly railed within an inch of my life#definitely time with my parents is worth more than that 🙄#edit: coming back to this about a month later (2/2) and i kinda do wish i had arrived earlier to say hi to mom but still#more in that like. my parents have this preconceived notion that I hate them but that isn’t true#and i’d like as many opportunities as i can to disprove that#but also my mom is a self-centered narcissist and any slight against her is the worst crime in the world#so i’m okay missing her. but i did still want to see her.#or any of my siblings. it was just my dad and the pets.#which is great! i love how each of the dogs greet everyone#have to deal with Daisy first cause she needs to be Held and tell you she loves you#and then Dolly needs to lick all the moisturizer off your face and be a little potato#and Odie whines and patiently waits his turn but then he gets swaddled with affection#it’s a whole routine i love them all so much#and i miss my girl so much
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fceriestcrdst · 2 years
me: "this movie didnt destroy me--" also me: [literally screaming at day abt the tragedy of this movie because i am in PAIN]
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reginaofdoctorwho · 6 months
my ex boyfriend's friend asked me out
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supernovafics · 11 months
Absolutely loving the I’ll be there for you universe not sure if you’re taking requests but I’d absolutely love to see reader getting jealous over Steve bring a girl back to their apartment 💗
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.8k words
warnings: (slightly)jealous!reader, explicit language, angst, soft(ish) ending
summary: in which a night that was already pretty shitty turns even worse when steve brings his date back to the apartment
author's note: i loved this request idea !! this became a lot more angsty than i initially planned/thought it would be 😭 (also i'm so happy that ur enjoying this little universe so far<333)
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
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Fall 1985
There were some moments in your life that were so ridiculous it made you feel like you were in a movie; one that was a solid mix between comedy and horror. 
Tonight proved to be one of those moments.
And it wasn’t even the fact that you were in your bedroom stuck studying for a Psych test on a Thursday night rather than doing your original plan of seeing some show at The Hideout with Eddie that made you feel that way. Instead, what made you feel like you were trapped inside the horror-comedy that was called your life was the fact that you had completely forgotten that Steve had gone on a date tonight. But, you were all too quickly reminded of that when you heard the squeaky front door of the apartment open and close, and then not too long after that, you heard the sound of Steve’s voice saying something you couldn’t fully decipher, but a girl’s very elated giggles were the response to his words.
“Shit,” You muttered to yourself as you immediately stopped reviewing your notes and started desperately searching for your Walkman and headphones. 
Moments like this were not supposed to happen, and after how quickly you and Steve learned that the walls in the apartment were insanely thin, you put a sort of system in place to make sure this kind of thing never happened. You would always tell each other when either of you were going on a date that could potentially lead to the person being brought back to the apartment, so that you or Steve could plan not to be there if that happened. And if it was actually a last second thing, you would try to do it at the person’s place instead of abruptly bringing them to the apartment. 
For the most part, this little system worked perfectly fine, and in the four months that you two had been living in the apartment there hadn’t been any issues with it. But, apparently, tonight Steve either forgot about the system or he decided to disregard it entirely.
And yes, in his mind, you were supposed to be gone for most of the night anyway— Steve hadn’t known that your plans abruptly changed when you were reminded of the test that you’d entirely forgotten about— but he definitely did not tell you that his date would potentially take this turn. When he talked about it early that morning as you two shared a quick breakfast before you ran off to class, he seemed pretty passive about the whole thing. He had quite literally shrugged and gave you a half-hearted “yes” when you asked him if he was at least a little excited about it.
Somehow it was this realization that things had apparently gone so well that he decided to bring Vanessa back to the apartment that bothered you a bit more than the situation you were now in where you could potentially hear scarring things at any given moment.  
It annoyed you further that, technically, in some fucked up kind of way, all of this was your fault. 
Vanessa was in your communications class; it was probably the one course this semester you actually didn’t hate. You and her had the kind of relationship where you did consider her a friend, but you also knew that you’d probably never see her again once the semester was over and you two were no longer in the same class.
It had only been last week when you offhandedly mentioned Robin and Steve’s Family Video to her when she mentioned to you that the video store by her never had anything good. And when she showed up to class the next day gushing about the “hot guy that worked there,” you told her that he was your best friend. She then excitedly asked if there was any way you could help set them up, and you stupidly told her yes. 
It was probably one of the dumbest things you’d ever said because you and Steve never set each other up with anyone; it was one of your unspoken rules. There was just something about doing so that felt weird and somehow wrong. 
Being each other’s “wingmen” while you were out at some party or giving dating advice was completely different. Doing either of those things didn’t feel as personal as actively looking for someone for each other; mainly because you knew that you both would be so damn picky and would only want to find that “perfect person” for one another. And then there was the more selfish side of it where neither of you really wanted to do it because your friendship always shifted in a certain kind of way whenever either of you got in a serious relationship. 
In your head, Vanessa wasn’t that perfect person, and you wished that you could use your selfishness as a plausible reason to tell her that you didn’t want to help set them up, but it wasn’t a good reason so you did it.
That same day, you told Steve that she thought he was cute and gave him her number, and he called her and the rest was history. 
You didn’t even think that anything would really stem from the date because of how uncaring Steve seemed about it this morning, but you once again thought about how that apparently had changed. And you adamantly pretended that you weren’t currently feeling something weird in your stomach because of that. 
You finally found your Walkman and you popped in a cassette tape before slipping your headphones on and going back to reviewing your notes. You fully pushed your mind away from Steve and Vanessa and what they were doing on the opposite side of the apartment in his bedroom.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
It was hard to tell if you were actually retaining any of the information that you had been studying for the past hour. But, it was easier to just pretend you were instead of letting yourself think about anything else. 
You kept your focus on the chapter you were reading and the music playing in your ears; a new album that you just got and were finally getting around to listening to. 
You had spent the last five minutes stuck on reviewing a concept that wasn’t making much sense to you before deciding to simply skip it for the time being and turning to the next page in your textbook. It was always in moments like these where you would wonder if any of what you were doing would eventually make sense in the grand scheme of things. If you’d ever learn if there was any point to studying and stressing over a stupid Psychology test, because would it even lead you to where you wanted to be in the future? However, it was hard to fully answer that question because you still didn’t even know what you wanted your future to look like. And that was just another thing that you wanted to push your mind away from at that moment.
Right as you were about to put a new tape in your Walkman, you once again heard the squeaky sound of the front door opening, and then after a few moments and hearing what you assumed were goodbyes, you heard it close.
With a loud sigh, you stood up from your desk, closing your textbook and notebook in the process because you were over studying, and you were now ready to become at least a little mad at Steve for making you feel like a hostage in your own home for the last hour.
You immediately noticed him in the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge.
“Hey,” You said, and he jumped a bit before quickly turning around to face you; it was a little funny seeing how much you slightly startled him, almost enough to make you not feel mad at him anymore, but not quite. 
“Woah, I didn’t even know you were here,” He said as he closed the fridge. “I thought you were gonna be with Eddie all night.”
“That plan changed because I remembered I have a test tomorrow, so I’ve been here studying for the past few hours.”
“Oh,” He said, and then it seemed as if something quickly clicked in his mind. “Shit. Did you hear–”
You interrupted him by immediately shaking your head. “No, thank God, no.”
“I’m sorry, I had no idea you were gonna be here tonight,” He told you, his voice then became soft. “I also didn’t think that would happen tonight, which is why I didn’t even think about mentioning it this morning.”
You once again wondered what happened on the date; how great it must have gone. But as much as you wanted to know everything about it, you also wanted to know absolutely nothing. You felt that weird feeling in your stomach coming back. This time you were able to decipher what it was— annoyance, and maybe even a little jealousy.
That was foreign to you because you never felt that way when it involved Steve and who he was dating or even simply flirting with. You didn’t necessarily like all of the girls he brought around, but you were always supportive and never felt an ounce of jealousy. Maybe it was the fact that you facilitated this situation that made it all feel worse somehow; like it was “too close to home,” in a way. 
You knew that you’d see Vanessa tomorrow— right before your stupid Psych test that you should probably still be studying for— and she’d probably tell you all about the date; excitedly rehashing the details of it. The thought of that happening only made the feeling in your stomach grow, and you quickly became frustrated with yourself for feeling so annoyed about everything right then. 
“You want a grilled cheese?” Steve asked, pulling you out of your spiraling thoughts. He went into the pantry to grab the bread. “I was about to make one.”
You nodded at him, happy to pretend that you weren’t internally falling down a very rough hill. “Yes, I’ll take one. I think that’s very fair compensation for the almost trauma you just put me through.”
“I agree,” Steve said as he pulled out a pan. “And once again, I’m sorry.”
“Say that a thousand more times and maybe I’ll forgive you,” You told him teasingly before sitting on the couch and turning on the TV. You flipped through the channels for a bit before settling on a random sitcom, watching it as Steve cooked in the kitchen and the smell of toasted bread and melted cheese started wafting through the air. 
“Here you go,” He said barely ten minutes later as he handed you a plate with your grilled cheese on it. “And make sure to cross this next “sorry” off the tab. I’m sorry.”
You laughed a bit at the pouty face he gave you to emphasize the apology. “Thanks.”
He sat down next to you on the couch and a silence settled between you two as you both enjoyed the grilled cheese sandwiches and only half-enjoyed the TV show playing.
The mindlessness of the show made it somewhat easy to avoid your thoughts. However, you still couldn’t help but silently debate whether or not you should let your curiosity get the better of you and ask him how the date went; even though you were almost certain that the answer he gave you would only make what you were feeling worsen. 
“So, are you gonna see her again?” You decided to ask him instead. 
That felt like the easier question to ask since you fully expected Steve to say no because nine times out of ten, he was rarely ever a second date kind of person; even if sex was involved on the first date. So, if the answer to your question was the no that you thought it would be, there would be no reason to feel this confusing jealous feeling because it wasn’t like anything more was going to stem between them. 
You were already mentally swearing to yourself that you’d never set him up with anyone again if this was how you’d feel when you did. Maybe that was another subconscious reason why you both never did this in the first place; deep down you knew just how uncomfortable it would be.
“Yeah,” Steve answered before he took another bite of his grilled cheese. “We’re gonna go to the movies next weekend.”
You only nodded halfheartedly at that because you couldn’t think of any actual words to say in response.
Instead of your current feelings washing away, they only increased tenfold, and then it all settled into something that resembled sadness. And then you became upset at yourself because you couldn’t pinpoint exactly where your melancholy was coming from. 
Were you jealous of Vanessa for potentially “stealing” your best friend away? Jealous of Steve for potentially getting into something serious while you were nowhere close to having that? Or simply annoyed with yourself for being the one to have made this happen in the first place? 
It was a solid mix of all three, you knew that— that was probably the one thing you were actually certain about. 
“You okay?” Steve asked. You were unsure how long you’d been quiet, but the show playing on the TV was now on a commercial break, so you knew that it had been at least a minute or two.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You immediately told him. You wondered how obvious it was for your best friend to tell that you were quite far from fine. “I’m just… really tired. I’ve been studying for that test for so long and I kinda have a headache, and yeah…” You abruptly stood up from the couch. “I’m just gonna go to bed. ‘Night.”
You placed your now empty plate under Steve’s and then started heading to your bedroom before he could read you like a book and ask you more questions about what was currently going on with you.
“Goodnight,” You heard Steve say before you closed your door behind you. 
You knew that you should’ve sat back down at your desk and studied some more, but in that moment you truly couldn’t be bothered. You were suddenly glad that Psychology was your last class on Fridays so you’d have some more time to study throughout the day before having to take the test.
You laid down in your bed and pulled your blanket over your head as you let out a long breath. Every single thing you were feeling was still lingering and somehow it didn’t feel as if it was going away. You hoped it would all be gone by the morning; that you’d wake up feeling the complete opposite of how you were right then, that you’d feel stupid and laugh at how you had felt tonight. 
It could’ve been only a minute of you lying in your bed, or it could’ve been ten— you had no concept of time in that moment— but you heard a knock on your door at some point. You ignored it, hoping that Steve would go away, but also knowing that he wouldn’t.
Barely a minute later, you heard your door open and you didn’t have to see Steve to know that he was walking in. He was trying to be as quiet as possible, but the creaky wooden floors didn’t allow for any sort of silence.
You slowly pulled the blanket down from over your head and looked up at him. “Hi.”
“Hi,” He said as he set something down on your nightstand. “Some water and aspirin for your headache.”
A small smile took over your face and you sat up. “Thanks.”
“I know you’re too tired now, but I can help you study a little in the morning, if you want,” He told you and then gave you a playful smile. “I love reading your notecards.”
You shook your head and rolled your eyes. “Shut up, I know you hate helping me study for anything.”
“Yes, but I’ll always still do it.” 
You smiled at that. “Okay, well in that case, wake up at eight and we can study for an hour before I have to leave for my nine-thirty class.” 
“Got it.” 
“Thank you,” You said before leaning your head back against your pillow.
For a moment, you thought about telling him how you’d been feeling tonight; the jealousy, the annoyance. He’d probably think it was funny, just like you would in a few days. But, when you turned your head to look at Steve before he left your room and softly closed the door behind him, you decided against saying anything.
Just in case everything you were feeling right then actually meant something a little different than what you thought it did.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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kadentherabbit · 2 months
Pietro/Peter Maximoff NSFW Alphabet!
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(A/N!!: Hi guys! I’m back for my monthly writing, so I haven’t exactly seen all of wandavision or the movies quicksilver is in. I think I have a grasp of his personality and I’m going to be using Peter in the fic and I hope I’m not too repetitive! Divider is by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He tries his hardest to stay awake long enough but normally he’s awake long enough to speed around and get you a bath running before he’s nearly passing out next to the tub with a box of Twinkies. Waiting for you to get out so he can fall asleep again but this time with you next to him.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
If you’re a girl, he loves your tits. Burrowing his face into them or just using them as something to squeeze when he spaces out.
Just in general, your thighs, Peter just wants to lay there and let them hold him till the end of time. He’ll rant or play a video game while laying in your lap and listening to how your day went. (Extra points if you play with his hair. Please play with his hair)
His hands. Being able to grab you and hold you in every way possible is the best thing ever to him. I mean they also help him win video games and get the high score on literally everything, they’re just as speedy when he’s fingering you till you’re sobbing.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
All over your back, favorite place, no changed no hesitation. He’ll cover your back in his cum and just sit there for a good second and stare at your body before he actually starts the aftercare.
I guess he also prefers cumming inside, he doesn’t wanna risk getting you pregnant/ if you can’t get pregnant, he’s always cumming inside. Back to the pregnant thought, he’ll normally use a condom, and pull out before he actually does cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Skipping on this one! I’m sorry ☹️
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I say no, probably not besides watching porn, sometimes he doesn’t really have the confidence to ask a girl out, let alone get them into bed. Maybe one or two girls who were huge quicksilver fans, yet most of his experience now comes from watching other people. So he’s probably still learning a few new things with you.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Doggy style, he keeps his hands on your hips and likes having his eyes glued onto your ass the entire time. Normally he can see your face peak out if he’s going extra fast and the way you look at him drives him crazy.
Cowgirl, when he’s on bottom which was probably obvious but he still likes being able to grab onto your hips and slightly be able to guide your movements. He loves it when he’s able to watch your face and your reaction while he’s on bottom, another added bonus is when he’ll occasionally slide his hand up to squeeze you boobs/man boobs.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Jokes way too much, he’s never been the most serious guy and he actually can’t be serious while having sex. He just talks and talks and talks, well if he’s on top yeah, he can’t keep his mouth shut.
Expect a lot of shitty jokes that follow the lines of, “What do women and noodles have in common?…..They both wiggle when you eat em!” That’s his go to when he’s eating you out, he’ll just pull away to deliver his joke then go right back at it.
If he’s on bottom, he’s way too quiet, every time he starts thinking about saying a joke, he loses his train of thought with you fucking him.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
The carpet does in-fact match the drapes pretty well, maybe a slightly darker shade of gray with occasional curls mixed in there.
He trims the hair, he never goes fully bald down there but he’ll cut it before it gets too long so you’re both comfortable.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
He’s more of a guy that gets pampered than being pampered, but that’s doesn’t mean he won’t be intimate! Yet he’s not that good at it, flower petals around the room (in a very messy manner) and a lit candle which is probably only to cover up the weird smell in Peter’s room.
He wishes he could do better but all he’s seen romance from is from stupid romcoms. Occasionally, (with the help of Wanda) he can make you a good dinner before inviting you into bed.
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
He doesn’t like it but he’s used to it, he can usually get himself off pretty quick but that’s what ruins the fun! He could literally get himself off about 5 times in two minutes.
The only way he really likes it is if he’s able to steal some of your underwear, it makes the whole thing….feel better. But still, he prefers if you’re the one to get him off.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
food play, praise kink.
When I say food kink, I mean like he’s putting whipped cream on your nipples and pouring chocolate syrup all over your body so he can lick it off later. Especially if he’s gonna give you head, nothing a little bit of toppings can’t help with.
He constantly needs to be praised, anything he’s doing, even when it’s outside of the bedroom. He can make an actual meal for once in his life and he’s begging for you to tell him he did a good job.
In the bedroom, you’re his main priority, so constantly checking in on you is a must every time. He’ll pull away from giving you head or thrusting into you just so he can ask if he’s doing good. He wont continue until you answer.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Always the bed, well not always but mainly the bed. It’s the most comfortable space in his room, yet if it’s at your house. Nearly anywhere.
Walls, counters, on the couch, I’m talking everywhere he can get his grubby little Twinkie fingers on you. That’s where he’s gonna fuck you, he doesn’t really care as long as it’s comfortable.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He loves it when you wear short shorts or a crop top or anything that just shows off more of your body than it would normally be shown off. Especially skirts and dresses, he can’t handle himself if you’re wearing a skirt. He’ll be on his hands and knees before you can even think.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Peter’s pretty experimental but he doesn’t like degradation or any of that weird stuff like pee, or anything that would hurt either of you.
He’s pretty sensitive during sex, and the one time you guys tried degradation, it felt good for a few seconds but the more intense it got, he just felt bad. The most he’ll do is call you a slut, he can take a little bit of name calling but nothing intense.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He’s a master at head, his tongue can move around extremely fast and sometimes too fast. He can give you atleast three orgasms before actually fucking you.
Way too sensitive when you give him head, the moment your lips come in contact with his tip, he’s literally whining and begging you to slow down….the he’s begging you to go faster.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s normal fast but pretty gently with you, his pace is just quick but he’s not like trying to actually hurt you if that’s making any since, he can’t really go slow. When he’s inside you, he physically can’t keep himself from speeding up.
When he’s the bottom, he prefers you being slow with him, as I’ve said before, he’s sensitive. So he likes when your pace is slow but rough, hard thrusts but a slow pace.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
It’s in the name, No I’m kidding, he does like a quick pace but he doesn’t exactly like quickies. If you both need a quick release and other people are around, but most likely it’ll lead to more quickies throughout the day. His quickies literally last less than five minutes.
Most days, he’ll pull you away or make up a lame excuse that you guys can’t go with or can’t help with the next mission. He just really prefers being able to hold you and spend all the time he needs to make you feel good.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He experiments a lot, down to really try anything you wanna try. He’ll get crazy weird ideas from a movie or a porno and wants to try it out.
He’ll take the occasional risk, fuck you in public or let you give him a quick blowjob but he won’t actually do it if he knows someone could possible walk in. Doesn’t wanna embarrass you or himself, he especially doesn’t want anyone seeing you in a sexual manner.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He lasts about 5 rounds when on top, even if the rounds are about 5ish minutes long, he can definitely last longer is your not finished or have more energy.
On bottom, he lasts 3 rounds but they last a bit longer, 10ish minutes. He’ll probably cum each time but beg you for another round. He can last four if he has too much energy.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He personally doesn’t own any himself, he doesn’t really mind if you own any and probably will steal and use a few of yours when he gets bored or too pent up while alone.
Yes he’ll use them on you, he thinks it adds a little spice to your guy’s sex life but he prefers to just be able to please you himself instead of a toy.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Peter doesn’t tease, not on purpose but sometimes he’ll pull away to check his phone or stop thrusting so he can tell a joke or say something he finally remembered he needed to tell you. If it’s like the third round, he’ll stop after a second and ask if you’re hungry or something but still will go get himself a Twinkie.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud, breathy and whimpery. He’s definitely a sub, leaning more towards bottom some days. He doesn’t keep any of his noises back when bottoming and just moans and moans. He’s just as loud when getting head, it’s probably just more whimpers and begging than actual moaning.
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Not nsfw but he definitely buys really stupid graphic underwear. Minecraft, Pac-Man, all the works, then when he drops his pants it’s the funniest thing ever.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I think, a good…. 7 inches maybe? 7.5 when he’s hard and it’s a bit thick, he’s not circumcised and definitely has some veins running around it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
High, he gets horny from the weirdest and most normal things. But he knows you don’t constantly aline with all his needs so he’ll sit there and wait for hours until you actually are ready to fuck.
If he fixes his own issue, it’ll probably only be an hour or two until he’s horny again and needs you to fix it for him.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Think I said things like this A, but he tries to stay awake just for you and just to make sure you are all comfortable and taken care of.
When he’s bottoming, he nearly just passes out without a care in the world, he can shower or eat in the morning. He just wants to sleep
Thanks for reading..!
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unamused-boss · 1 year
California Dreaming
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Another Billy Hargrove fanfic... yes I know what a surprise...
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common.... and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream.
Part 2 is out! Go to my page pls
When Max and Billy were moved to Hawkins Indiana they knew they were loosing one of the few best things they ever had. You. Ever since Max moved into Billy's home in California, she had the pleasure of having you as her neighbor. From what started as a babysitting gig turned into a friendship.
Billy on the other hand. Having lived next to you for a majority of his life was absolutely in love. He'll admit love is a strong word but you were just breathtaking to him. When his mom was still around she always tried to get him to talk to you. Finding it absolutely adorable watching him try to talk to you at the nervous age of eleven. As he grew up, and more handsome, he found it much easier to talk to you. Still fumbling here and there though. Now in Indiana all Billy could think about was you.
"So you guys are really moving." You said. You and Billy were currently sitting on your front porch over looking the street.
"Yeah... to some shit hole in Indiana." Billy spit out.
"Hey it won't be that bad." You comforted. "Once you graduate you can come here with me." Hearing you say those words made Billy's heart leap. You've done so much for him.
"You mean that." He smiled.
"Definitely." You replied. Having grown up with Billy you have seen many fazes of his life. You remember how sweet he was, well he's still sweet but only to you, and how he got flustered over small things sometimes. You saw the destruction that his dad had caused upon not only him but also his sister. There is so much you wish you could do. Now Billy and Max is being taken away from you.
"What am I going to do with out you?" Billy questioned. "I don't like anyone else as much as I like you."
"You'll make new friends B." You laughed. Billy just rolled his eyes at you.
"With who cows? Rednecks?" Billy stated. "I wanna stay here so bad."
"I know you do Billy but things happen." You rubbed his arm.
"Well it feels like shitty things only happen to me." He retorted. You knew Billy had a short fuse. It came with his vulnerability and constant state of survival.
"Shitty things don't happen to you." You reassured. "Plus does that make me being one of the shitty things in your life." You tried to joke with him. He chuckled lightly at the attempt.
"No you're not. You are the greatest thing to ever happen to me."
"Well don't give me to big of a head Hargrove." You giggled. "Enjoy what you got right now Billy, you leave in a week. And I don't know when I'll see you next after you move." You scoot closer to Billy. Looking out at the pink and orange sky as the sun set. It was like a dream.
Your words had stuck with Billy. After next week he will never see you again. He'll be on the other side of the country, you'll be gone. Your smile will be gone, your laugh, the conversations, coming over to "watch Max", movie nights, all of it. He can't just leave you. He has to tell you how much he cares about you. At least take you on a date. You've seen him with multiple girl as he's you with guys. Which he hated. If being your boyfriend will only last for one week he will grab that opportunity by the balls.
Billy stood up abruptly to face you, you look to hime with confusion and shock. He took a deep breath in and "Y/N. I have known you my entire life, and you are by far the most beautiful person I know. I have been to chicken shit to tell you but I like you. Damn... maybe even love you. But even if it only for a week I would love to take you out on a date and be your boyfriend." It was done. He said it. Billy Hargrove finally confessed his feelings to you. You sat still for a minute then... you laughed? Oh no, you think he's a joke now don't you. 'Good job pussy, now she thinks you're an idiot' Billy thought embarrassingly.
"I would love to Billy." You said.
"What?" Billy snapped his head to you.
"I said yes." You said once more." Jeez, I thought you were proposing for a moment."
"Oh, well it might have been much." Billy felt the heat on his cheeks rise. Just then you stood and walked over to Billy. Placing your hand on his shoulder; leaning up to place a kiss on his cheek.
"How about tomorrow at seven." You said.
"I would love that, we can get dinner then go to a drive in if you want." Billy suggested.
"I would love that. Don't be late." You said as you walked up and into your house. Billy has never been more happy. He probably would have skipped home from excitement. When he entered his house Max saw the smile on his face. Well everyone in the house could, it was not like it was going away anytime soon.
"Did you do it?" Max asked.
"Did you ask Y/n out or not?" Max said, elaborating.
"Shut up Max." Billy said before going off to his box filled bedroom.
"I am taking that as a yes." Max concluded. She was happy for him, but sad at the same time. He just told his crush his feelings then has to leave them. She is going to miss watching Billy fumble in front of you at times. At least he'll be a bit nicer to her in the next week. 'I'm gonna miss Y/N...' Max thought sadly.
Now being in Indiana, Billy was right it is a shit hole. His dad has been more on his case about watching Max and everything else in his life. The kids at school already cling to him; from being both new and from California. As Billy pulled into the high school parking lot for him and Max to get out at, he looked to Max.
"Alright shit-bird. Be out buy 3:45 or you're on your own." Billy pointed to her. She rolled her eyes to him.
"Fine." Max sassed to him as she got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Billy looked to his watch and saw he had a few minutes before he had to go in. He pulled his cigarettes out to take a quick drag. With said cigarette hanging from his lips Billy hastily looked for a lighter. Looking everywhere, then grabbing his sun visor in hopes he stashed it up there. Once the visor was flipped down and out something hell out of it. A polaroid. Not just any but the Polaroid you took on your first date with Billy. You took as many as you could in the week you and him had together. This polaroid being the only one he took with him when he moved. It was a picture of you and him in a booth at the restaurant he took you too with you giving him a kiss on the cheek. He remembers it like it was yesterday. You asked your waitress to take the photo for you; as Billy stood for the photo you grabbed his collar and placed the kiss on his cheek. The act causing both of you to bust in a fit of laughter right after. Billy wonders what you're doing right now. He wishes he was with you. Billy didn't realize that he was staring at the photo for to long till the first bell rang for school. Billy huffed carefully put the picture back into place, put his cigarette away got out of his car to make his way to school.
You'll always be his California dream.
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ediewentmissing · 1 year
some of my eddie munson headcanons
1. loves liquorice.
i know a lot of you guys probably HATE liquorice, but something about him screams ‘i am a liquorice lover and proud of it!!’. and he doesn’t like the strawberry kind.
2. races to press the button in the elevator
3. was rlly short before he hit puberty
eddie has obviously been subjected to a hell of a lot of bullying over the years, and just to add to that pile of angst, we have the idea of short eddie. gareth went through the same thing, except he didn’t grow as much. “how’s the weather down there, munson?” “fuck off, tommy.”
4. he’s either really hot or really cold
he’s wearing 3 layers half the time, and as little clothing as he can the other half. freezes during winter and sweats his ass off during the summer.
5. gets sensitive teeth
this is because he’s made himself eat a basket worth of lemons just to brag about it later on multiple occasions
6. enjoys watching b movies
those shitty low budget films? oh, yeah. eddie loves them. for one reason; he cackles the whole time over how crap they are. a great pick-me-up.
7. chews on things when he spaces out
the inside of his cheek, his lip, a pencil, and you can’t forget that one time he chewed on a pen for so long that all the ink spilled into his mouth and he was gagging in the middle of class
8. had a major crush on princess daphne from dragon’s lair
definitely fought over her with his friends. he was incredibly jealous of dirk the daring.
9. doesn’t like trying new foods
he’s attached to foods from when he was a kid (macaroni and cheese, cereal, mini pizzas, grilled cheese, and dishes from his mum) and refuses to branch out - unless you ask him to
10. swears he only listens to metal, but doesn’t
he wants to keep his ‘scary ‘music’ reputation, but it’s hard to do that when robin finds eddie’s abba and wham! tapes tucked away in his room
“i thought you were a, and i quote, ‘strictly metal-only’ guy, but i guess you were just a big pop fan this whole time” “quit it, robin”
he also doesn’t mind the country music wayne forced onto him when he was younger
11. twirls the phone cord around his finger
when he’s talking to you over the phone, you swear you can picture him clear as day; big sly grin plastered on his face, and his ringed finger wiring around the phone cord connected to the wall
12. graffitis
but only in the school bathroom cubicles and the hideout bathroom cubicles. occasionally you’ll go to one of his gigs, and then you’ll go to the toilet and there’ll be little drawings on the wall. a guitar, eddie the head, and the occasional shameless penis
13. used to ride bikes everywhere
USED to because he fell over while riding it when he was 9 and scraped his knee and declared he would never ride a bicycle again (thought that declaration broke in 1986)
14. loves roller coasters
specifically ones that take pictures of you - he loves to act all calm and collected while everyone else is screaming their heads off
“eddie, this is a terrible photo” “no, it’s a terrible photo of YOU. you look like you’ve shit yourself, and i look cool as ice”
15. thought babies hatched out of eggs
safe to say that when he learnt how babies are REALLY made, he was flabbergasted and very, very grossed out
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ma3mae · 1 year
Don't be so annoyed, love!
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Summary: He's so annoying sometimes but it's ok because you love him 😭 (HC w/ Dazai, Kunikida, Ranpo)
Genre: Crack, fluff, lowkey suggestive themes
Warnings: 🗿 we ignoring the red flags bc we can. also mentions of farting bc dazai 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿
A/N: u cant tell me that they wouldnt do any of these things ok 💀also kunikida's got a small drabble out of nowhere but im always wildin when it comes to him 😭😭😭😭😭
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Dazai Osamu
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u cant tell me that as soon as hes rly comfortable in ur relationship that he WOULD NOT be ashamed of just farting outta nowhere honestly 💀
Like yall r just chilling on the couch, watching smth and he just lets it all out bc why should he hold himself back 🗿
Hes at home 🗿
But bro's lucky he doesnt smell but 🗿🗿🗿🗿 wheres the warning from him
u give him the side eye and hes like "What? Are you perhaps ashamed of human nature, bella?" like ok we'll leave him alone but he ruined the emotional moment of the movie yall were watching 😭😭😭
Is also the type to prob leave his socks and clothes lying around
It got better over time but he still sometimes does it bc old habits die hard i guess 🧍
once got so bad you just collected all of his clothes and put them infront of the door so he'd have no choice but to pick all of that up and do it himself 💀
would try to talk his way out of it in the beginning but also felt kinda bad after the relationship got more and more serious
So now hes a good bf/ husband and does it himself 🤩 (with the occasional sock under the couch 💀)
drinking habits would take a bit longer to be fully gone, he'd learn to regulate it over time
He's learned to warn you tho when he thinks that a rly shitty day might hit him bc work and more
sometimes you take the day off and do something together to take his mind off of it
Sometimes you're at work and a "im home" text without hearts will come and you know whats wrong
would feel more comfortable over time letting you take care of him
will definitely show you his appreciation for you the next days in one way or the other 🤩💅
talking about living together, yall would often have to sit down to talk about his spendings bc our man cant save for ANYTHING
Used to often come home with little things like "Look, this reminded me of you!" and it's a plushie of a cat or something
Started off cute and small but got dramatic like him really fast
ngl he came home with a expensive necklace u liked when the both of u went shopping but u didnt buy it bc.. she expensive...
like he was charming as always with his "Tada! Guess what I've got you?~ 😋" ".... Not the necklace...? 😧" "🤩 How did you guess that right, bella??" "😨😨"
THIS man right here wouldnt even hesitate to just right out fking steal shit for you if u want it bc thats how much Power u got over him he'd never admit that tho sksks... OK maybe in bed...
he'd def either blackmail or bribe chuuya into helping him with stealing
probably even has access to his bank account and you'd only realize that when he'd stand infront of your door, asking where that "f*cking b*stard" is
you'd legit have to mediate their convo or else the whole building you live in would be gone immediately skks 💀
Chuuya likes u so he wouldnt make yall pay for it bc he knows that dazai's nearly broke 24/7 and u dont deserve to pay for his fault 💅
it would be enough to destroy his pride to make him obey chuuya for like 2 weeks or sum cue evil cackling from said red head
queen of Gaslightining nr. 1 😭 sometimes its for the dumbest arguments tho like why its okay to smack your lips while eating 😭
"I don't know it's just really noisy and kinda annoying for me?" "But Bella, that shows just how tasty your food is or are going to deny that fact and say that I should not show my appreciation for it? What if for me personally it's a sign of a good meal?" "Yeah but doesnt need to be that for me. Also you can show your appreciation for it in other ways like just simply saying its delicious?"
"But actions speak louder than words, my love." "YEAH, well then what do you want then???"
Its just a whole shit show and would (lmao it WILL) end in him giving you just shameless bedroom eyes and well you know whats gonna be after dinner lmaooo 🤡😭
Also also i do believe that hes not the best cook at first but hes a real fast learner so it prob would only take him a week of consuming cooking videos and reading books and BOOM
"Samu, is this a 3 course meal you're cooking because that's a LOT of ingredients in the kitchen." "Sssh just sit down, wash yourself up and enjoy the evening, my love! I'll call you when I'm done 💕"
Manages to somehow still give you some snacks and drinks in between the cooking 😭 with some sneaked in kisses on your shoulder or lips 😏
If you go and hug him from behind, he'll be MELTING
Like nuzzling your face into his back while wrapping your arms around his torso, you feel the slight rumble in his chest as he chuckles at your cute action 😭
"If you want to eat something then you should take a break from being so cute, you know? Don't want the food to go bad from maybe getting a bit distracted if you stay here for a bit longer." "Ew, are you implying you'd start something infront of our food??"
"... Well, I can just have a whole meal by myself but you'd be left hungry so it's your choice 😋"
🗿 the way he doesnt need long to be turned on is alwaya amazing to u but thats just how whipped he is and bro is a whole snack himself so WHOS complaining 😋💅
food's is guaranteed to taste heavenly but if he knows youve got time, then he'd make excuses to taste your cooking like
"Samu, it's been a while since I've gotten to taste your cooking." "Aww, was it that delicious for you? Hmm but I actually prefer your cooking!"
Time for some cooking and baking lessons together, eoow 💅 with the occasional make out session because the sauce found it's way on your lips and he just had to clean it up with his 😭😋
honestly despite all of some of the difficulties, dazai would never fail in making you feel loved in his own way even tho u gotta peel back some layers 🗿
At the end of the day, his bear hugs and many kisses are smth u love to come back home to after work
also doesnt say it but would def be a house husband for u 🤩 with the occasional "whoops gotta go and do smth quick" text and he comes home at like midnight skks bc the agency needs his cute ass 😋 but dw dinner's ready and house chores have been done so enjoy ur evening after work, zurlie 💅
dont kill me for this but id give him a 7.5/10 😭
Obsessed with him and i love him but it would prob be really really exhausting to get him to FULLY trust you and its honestly understandable
Also he kinda makes me feel like i'd have to walk on eggshells around him because you often dont really know what hes thinking 😭😭
could smile at u while thinking "why u so ugly" 😭😭
also bro is so smooth, its scary like he'd prob make us forget immediately that hes trying to find out everything about us(why he sounding like a stalker 😨😨 wouldnt want him to be MY stalker 😨😨 or would I?? 🤩) MY DELULU BRAIN 👹
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Doppo Kunikida
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😨 Cleaning maniac
personification of the verse "I can COOk, i can CLEAN" (i know its "dont" instead of can but we all know hes like perfect house husband material... maybe a bit too perfect 💀💀💀👹)
If u forgot a cup on the dinner table, he'd legit take the cup, put it in ur hand and be like "why did u leave it there if u r not using it"
WILL def rant about why u shouldnt do it
Honestly huge nagging mom vibes 💀💀
At the beginning of moving in together, he'd just clean everything without a word whatsoever
Like you wanna help around the house too? NUH UH, he already finished everything up.
Vaccuming the house? Done
Swiping? Lmao be sure to not arrive at home after work around that time bc u gotta stand at the door and WAIT until the floor is dried 💀😭
Dishes have been done like at 5 in the fucking morning 💀👹
Bro thankfully doesn't wash clothes that often (gotta be careful of the water bill 😭) but there r days where he legit throws his clothes nearly everyday bc the worse the mission the more blood yk 🗿🗿
U had to legit drag his ass to the couch to talk to him bc he gonn be deep clean the house if someone doesnt stop him
"Kuni, you literally don't need to do EVERYTHING by yourself! I'm also here to help and frankly, it feels like you're my maid sometimes 😞" " Don't worry. Everything fits perfectly in my time plan and since you sometimes work overtime, it's better if I do a bit more of it."
... "🗿 You are legit saving this city from being destroyed so often and I just sit in the office, bro 🤡" "I understand your argument but I have seen the way you look tired so often so let me take a bit of your burden"
He knows how to make us go "🥺"
The argument prob went on for an hour until yall settled on making a plan on who does what on which days and if someone's gotta work overtime or sum then the other takes a bit of it over and so on
So in the end its alrighty 🎉
Groceries and so on are never a problem except it sometiems turns out like going shopping with your mom because...
"Omg Kuni, look!!" *holds up cute decoration* "We could put this on our dinner table! Isn't it cute 🥺??"
Bro just takes it from you and looks at the price. Legit gives you the 🤨 look
"That's 937,32 Yen (around 6€) 🤨🤨. For a tiny statue of a dog? We could find it somewhere way cheaper." "🥺 But it's a limited edition and it reminds me of you bc its got the same fur color 🥺. It's even got ur glasses on 🥺"
Bro will say no but the day after you spot the dog on the table 🤡
Yall lying in bed together and cuddle so give him a peck on the lips while killing him with your cute ass smile (U MURDERER 🗿🗿)
"What was that for?" "Hmmm, well I just noticed that said statue magically appeared on our table. You think it was a cute long haired fairy with glasses and a grumpy look 😋? "
He tries really hard to deadpan at you but the corner of his lips still tug upwards as he pinches your nose
"Well, sometimes its not so bad to buy a little extra, I guess."
If theres a market nearby with some really good deals then you'd either be dragged together with him or he'd come home after work with tons of bags
Always surprises you in how good he is at negotiating about the price
Sometimes you gotta stop him from arguing with some of the shop keepers because some decided to sell some items way too overpriced 🗿🗿🗿
you once found him stay up all night researching about reasonable prices for veggies... 😨
and cue to yall standing in the morning infront of said shop keeper getting absolutely destroyed in an argument by your man.. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Well guess who even got some extra free stufd because kuni terrified the shit out of him 😋
"Thank you for your hard work in harvesting and selling us these delicious vegetables. My wife is quite a fan of them." Your husband said as he put the money into the shop keepers shaky hands, face red in embarassement as he squeezed out a "It's nothing." between his teeth. His face paled at the words "We'll see each other next Monday. Until then have a great week." leaving your man's mouth as he gave him a friendly smile before taking your hand and going to the next stall,only for you to sheepishly wave goodbye to the shop keeper before going with your husband.
"Well, you gave him quite the scare back there." You said as you felt him squeeze your hand a bit tighter, the bustling of the array of people only increasing by minutes. "Someone had to correct his ways. It would help his sales but only if he's willing to take that advice seriously." he simply answered as he looked at the contents of the bag, counting the ingredients left to purchase.
"Well atleast we got ourselves more than we needed so we can go home and call it a day." "Who are you?" Chuckling at your surprised face out of the corner of his eyes, he continued to make his way towards the end of the market, to finally reach your car.
"I thought over your words and I do believe it would be nice to" laze around together "for once in a while. Everything in the house has already been done, so maybe we could try out that one series you've been talking about. The reviews seem to be quite positive about it."
He just lets a breathy laugh escape his lips at your squeal while you begin to rant on why its gonna be so good watching it and
honestly there are like no real red flags like his red flags are disguised green flags and yall can legit work through it easily
The only thing would be his tendency to overwork himself and it could lead to an argument but never a real fight because hes pretty easy to reason with
Like even when hes stubborn, he'll STILL listen to your words because the many good things about him that he'd always make sure to take your words seriously 🗿🗿
which sometimes makes it tempting to tease him bc we can lowkey understand why dazai easily tells him the most outrageous shit and your man just casually writes it down in his notebook 😭
"That damn idiot managed to fool me again by telling me that aliens have been among us (AMOGUS 👹) and that the goverment has been hiding it from us for decades." "I thought you already knew about that tho?"
"What" "What?"
"Wait so they're real?"
Cue to him showing him a video (that dazai sent to you a week ago just for this moment 😭)
Lmao dont tease him too much tho but dw, he cant stay mad at you at all lmao 😋💅
Honestly a 8.5/10 bc his nagging scares me 💀😭
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Edogawa Ranpo
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"Greatest Detective" more like "Queen of Gaslightining" 👹👹
Everyone knows hes way too obsessed with sweets but how the hell is his teeth actually still existing 🗿🗿
ngl i believe fukuzawa would prob sometimes just randomly ask him if he brushed his teeth bc he lowkey lowkey raised him ok 🤡
Ranpo is all nice like "yup, i did." but when u ask him, hes a whole b*tch about it
"Hah??? Why would you ask me that?? Do you really believe that I'd be so dumb to forget about brushing my teeth? If i can solve the most difficult cases then why would you assume that brushing my teeth might something that I'd forget, huuuhh??"
His gaslightining used to work at the beginning of ur relationship but sooner or later its not hard to notice his patterns 🗿
Like yas ok, he could just put up a whole ass strategy in how to not get u to notice that he didnt brush em at all but bro
Hes too lazy
And hes a sucker for attention 😩 like he might be "annoyed" if u nag at him bc of smth but he absolutely loves it bc its just one of his many ways to get ur attention without him having to actively get up and get it for himself 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Hes a huge clown but i love him 😭
Dazai tends to forget his socks or smth lying on the floor but THIS mf right here just doesnt rly care 😭
Like that was the first thing u noticed when u entered his apartment 🤡
Its not right out messy on a disgusting degree, its more like theres tons of trinkets n shit from cases or just random candy wrap hidden under the couch 💀💀💀
The epitome of "I can do it tomorrow" bc bro doesnt forget, he just IGNORES that he has to do it 😭
might take a while to actually get him to yk do smth around the house
used to prob only sleep and shower at his apartment and thats it💀
But when hes whipped then hes whipped and hed actually try his best to help around the house
Key word "try" 🤡
Like its often tbh accompanied by "okay, ill do it but only if i get smth"
But there are days when he legit deep cleans everything by himself bc either you had a bad day or yall had a fight 👹👹
still would whip out the "now gimme something, please 😋" if yall cuddle after a fight and he cleaned and tidied everything up for his love 🤩
doesnt always have to be candy yk HEUEHEUEHEUUE 👹👹👹👹👹
also its not a surprise but dont let him near the kitchen
Like he had only cooked for ONE time and it was like a fever dream
Bc u legit had a fever and he cooked chicken soup but uhm 🗿
he cooked it so good??? Like veggies n meat cut and cooked up nicely?
Broth kicking in real hard?
Like? "What the hell? I thought you couldn't cook??"
Bro is about to put that spoon fr away 💀
"I'm not so heartless to let you starve and I definitely wont be giving you some cheap soup either. I just looked it up on the internet and followed the instructions so you gotta get well soon because I miss your cooking 🤩🤩"
Are we flattered?? Gurl, maybe but he'd def know if we tried to make ourselves be sick to taste his cooking again
Bro only offers to help when it comes to baking 😪😮‍💨😮‍💨
His only help is licking the dough or chocolate outta the bowl or smth 😀
would sneak in many kisses tho bc he likes u and sweet stuff is just sugar overload for him and he loves it 🤩
I think one of the important factors for him in a relationship is that fukuzawa approves of you? Since he does value his opinion over his own intellect
Like bro trusted him when it came to Fukichi and other ppl 💀
fukuzawa could legit go "aliens r evil" and ranpo would be like "ok everyone, aliens are evil!!!!" 🗿🗿🗿
honesrly i dont think why there would be a reason for fukuzawa not to accept you (if there is one then time to take 100 steps back and reflect on urself 💀)
He'd prob be impressed on how u even fell in love with him bc.. its ranpo💀
petty, clingy, can be manipulative ( but never with ill intentions), would legit prank ur ass bc he can, impatient and quickly bored af
But hes attentive, kind, can be patient when it comes down to it, empathetic (depends sksks) (also thank u fukuzawa for kinda ramming that into his head 🤩), affectionate in his own way (a sucker for physical touch but would NEVER right out admit it 🗿) and so much more honestly
there arent any real red flags tbh (might come as a surprise for some ppl)
Maybe maybe he'd obviously have a bit of difficulty fully opening up and i do believe there might be times where he once or twice legit deducted what ur feelings r for him bc hes used to being careful around people and especially bc in case someonw could randomly target the agency
Or is some kinda criminal in general
But honestly when hes learned to trust you then you know youve got yourself someone loyal 💅 and i mean FR loyal
personal favorite hc and honestly prob canon since we've already seen it : he'd not be ashamed to throw hands at someone when he thinks you're being insulted or harassed
And with hands i mean exposing them to 100% until they are pissing their pants and begging him to leave them alone 🤩🤩🤩
Also also, gives me off a similar vibe to dazai with the "maybe having to walk on eggshells" around them but ranpo doesnt make you feel as watched tbh as dazai which would kinda make it easier to talk to
but bro isnt as smooth as him so whOOP 💀💀
Overall iconic and a solid 8/10 🤩🤩🤩💕💕💕
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The random ratings i gave them LMAO 💀💀💀 hope u like em 🗿
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spiderlandry · 1 year
congrats!!!! i was wondering if you could do a childhood friends to lovers drabble with ethan landry?
thank u anon!! i Love childhood friends to lovers (i already have one for ethan in my wips, so i ended up making this one a little different, but my wip sounds like something you’d be into so stick around for when i release that soon!)
used a jack gif because i am running out of cute ethan ones 😧 this turned out way longer than expected sorry omfg
100 follower event
warnings/tags: mostly just fluff w ethan 😮‍💨 ghostface not mentioned, one use of y/n, mentions of dieting (by ethan b/c he’s going to the gym), insecurities
off the table — ethan landry
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“Ethan, look at the camera!”
He stares at his phone, watching through the ‘movies’ you used to film at his house when you were younger. Your voice sounds squeaky, matching his at the time. The video is blurry, but he can see his own goofy pose through the pixels as you turn the camera to him, and then here comes his favourite part, when you turn the camcorder and set it on the coffee table and he can see you and him sitting on the floor of his family living room.
“Introduce yourself, come on!”
“Ethan?” A knock on his bedroom door forces him to shut off his device and hug it to his chest, leaning back against his headboard.
“Yeah?” He responds to the all-too familiar voice, you, on the other side of the wood, opening the door.
“Um—“ You squint your eyes at him, as if you’d heard the sounds coming from his phone. Shit, did you hear? “You have any plans tonight?” You don’t mention the way he’s visibly relieved when you ask.
“No, why?” He’s back at ease with you again, pushing back the thoughts of a future with you to the back of his mind.
“I want wings,” He confesses.
You chuckle at his admission, knowing he’d been dieting because he began regularly going to the gym with Chad. (Which, honestly, was a treat to your eyes—but he’d never know.)
“I’ll get wings.” You pull out your phone to order, then adding, “I won’t tell Chad.” Before you leave and close the door.
He runs his hands down his face. Why did he think becoming roommates with you was a good idea? Oh, right, because you promised each other when you were kids.
It’s not the fact that you’re roommates. It’s that you’re just roommates, at least at this moment. But you’re also each other’s best friend since childhood—a connection that neither of you plan to change.
He watches through the video folder he has, titled, ‘y/n and ethan’ consisting of the videos you two filmed with a shitty camcorder at his dad’s house.
It was a time capsule of sorts—the videos progressed and the two of you grew up—but as time passed, the entries became less frequent. The last time was before you both separated for the first two years of college, when you went to study abroad. But you came back, reminded him of the promises you both made; telling him ‘the offer is still on the table.’ and he ended up moving in with you as per the plans you made as children.
This year of living together has been like if nothing ever changed, like you never went anywhere else, never spent two years apart from him. Though, there are flashes of uncertainty. Cracks in your demeanor that leaves him wondering if he truly knows you still.
Each moment where you mention someone in your life he doesn't know, he feels a sting. And on top of that, he feels guilt. How can he stay in your life keeping this secret from you? It eats at him.
He's in love with you. There's no denying that. The problem lies in how long he can hold it in, out of fear of ruining what he has with you. But knowing you, you would probably reject him so nicely that he wouldn't notice. There is no chance you'd feel the same, he thinks.
You both eat wings on the couch, watching your favorite movie. Neither of you care about the close distance, shoulders touching and hands brushing against each other when the movie ends and you begin to cleanup.
In the kitchen disposing of trash, you lean against a counter while he gets busy tidying up the kitchen. He can feel your stare on him, burning.
"Are you just gonna stand there?" He laughs, but there's a waiver in his voice that is hard to miss.
"Were you watching the videos of us? You know. Earlier."
His heart pounds in his ears. "Yeah. Why?" He doesn't see a point in lying anymore.
You sigh, "I miss you too, you know."
His head snaps up to meet yours, a longing gaze in your eyes.
That's when he realizes that you've stepped closer, your warmth practically radiating off your figure. His mind blanks.
"I feel like I've been..." You pause to think, "I don't know. Distant?"
Between the two of you, you were always the more honest one. A trait he admires, a reason to look up to you. You never shy away from a conversation when it's needed.
Ethan's mind jumps to a worst case scenario. Multiple, actually. Why are you telling him this? You're about to break bad news to him, aren't you?
Reading the uncertainty in his eyes, you continue.
"Something's changed." You shrug, looking to him for an answer.
"No, why--why would you say that?"
"I'm sorry, E."
His brows furrow. Now he's even more confused.
"I feel like I don't know how to fucking act around you anymore."
Woah. Now where did that come from?
His shoulders slump at the mere though of you not wanting to be around him. Did he do something wrong? Are you uncomfortable?
You mumble something inaudible.
"What?" He whispers, almost breathless.
He's certain his heart stopped beating. He needs to get his ears checked, surely.
"Can--can you say that again?"
You stare at him through your lashes, a frown forming on your lips. He wants nothing more than to wipe it off you, but first he needs to make sure he heard you correctly.
"I'm in love with you." You stop looking at his eyes, unable to face him. "And I'm sorr--"
He engulfs you in a hug before you can finish.
"Don't ever be sorry," He tightens his hold, and you reciprocate. "I thought--I didn't think you'd ever feel the same."
He can physically feel you relaxing.
"You're an ass."
That gets a laugh out of him. "Why?"
"You made me say it again."
"You know what? I'll make you a deal."
"Yeah? Is it a good deal? Don't try to scam me."
He smiles, though you can't see it because your eyes are closed, too focused on the feeling of his arms around you. "I'll tell you how much I love you for as long as you want."
"Give me a timeframe."
"For the rest of our lives, hm? Deal?"
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theycalledmebaby · 2 months
| steve harrington x fem!reader | 18+
summary: flashback to the first time Steve Harrington made you cry.
warnings: angst.no smut. typical middle school bullying? mention of shitty dads. not edited.
series masterlist | series mixtape(coming soon)
October 2002
7th grade, end of the school day. Boys II Men’s “End of the Road” plays on the radio, sending chills down your spine. You’re trying to keep your composure as your mom asks how your day was, battling back tears. It’s a cruel twist of fate that this song is playing right now. Not only is it the end of your friendship with Steve, but this was one of the few songs you both agreed on.
Growing up, your tastes in music diverged—you leaned toward hip-hop and R&B, thanks to your younger parents, while Steve Harrington was all about pop. Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Britney Spears, Celine Dion—those were his favorites. Despite your differing tastes, you both shared a love for movies and cheesy drama TV series. Except during his weird Titanic phase when he made you watch it every weekend, or the fact he hated horror movies, which drove you crazy since you loved them.
Steve’s parents were strict about the media he consumed, while your mom, being younger and more lenient, wasn’t as restrictive. This meant Steve was always reporting back about your music choices or horror flicks, especially when Eddie Munson was around.
You met Eddie when you were eight—he was your mom's friend’s kid, and since your mom often babysat Steve, the three of you were inseparable. Steve and Eddie got along well, but Steve’s jealousy over your friendship with Eddie often led to him tattling on your movie nights.
Yes, Steve Harrington, once a nerdy, goody-two-shoes tattletale, evolved into the King Steve everyone adored. But his sensitive side, the one who’d cry during The Lion King and learn Grease dance moves with you, was never truly hidden. He’d hold your hand during thunderstorms, kiss your scraped knees, and walk you to class every day, always reassuring you when you cried.
Steve was your first in many ways—the first best friend, the first boy to kiss you, but also the first to make you cry and break your heart.
The first time Steve broke your heart was when he started dating Nancy Wheeler in the second semester of sophomore year. That’s another story. But the first time he made you cry was in 7th grade when he called you ugly in front of all the 7th and 8th graders, including your crush, Tommy Hagan. Steve humiliated you on purpose.
Since last summer, after you told him Billy Hargrove asked you to be his girlfriend, Steve’s been a dick. You’re not sure why—he didn’t seem to dislike Billy back then, though he does now, thanks to their fight.
When Billy broke up with you, the first week of 6th grade, he did it in front of everyone at early morning break. He almost made you cry. And Steve sucker punched him. It was the first fistfight Steve had ever been in. Billy gave him a black eye. They both got lunch detention for a week and Steve wouldn't talk to you for a couple of weeks after that but said it was just because he was grounded.
 Since then he’s become a complete asshole to you, and you get it. He’s becoming more popular, you two have different interests, and that's okay. Friends grow apart, but you never expect this from him. For his words to hurt so bad. To embarrass you like that in front of everyone. Just like Billy did. Just like Eddie did that day in the park.
Fuck boys. 
You hear your mom saying something to you, but you're too focused on the lyrics. 
Although we’ve come to the end of the road, still I can’t go. Why does this stupid song have to be playing right now? You think to yourself as the tears stream down your face now. You couldn’t believe him.
You two had gotten into an argument in your last period and Steve commented that you are probably just obsessed with him and jealous. You blew up on him and said some pretty mean things and so does Steve. 
“oh get over yourself Steve Harrington, like I would ever want to be with someone as lame as you. Why don’t you go fix your stupid hair”
 “Yeah well, no one would ever wanna be with you, 'cause you’re crazy and.. and ..and ugly!  Everyone knows Billy Hargrove only went out with you 'cause he felt sorry for you!” No one wants to be around you! Thats why your  step dad never sticks around and...and why your real dad didn't stick around!
You didn’t respond. The tears in your eyes were evident, and the classroom fell silent as the teacher walked in. Thankfully the bell rang, and you grabbed your backpack, and left without a word when Heather and Robin called after you. It was all a blur.
Steve cried himself to sleep that night. You were once his best friend, and he had promised your mom he’d always take care of you. How could he say such things? He had always thought you were perfect—the prettiest girl he’d ever seen. The comment about your dads made him sick. He was ashamed and scared to apologize sooner, worried about how you’d react and fearing he’d get in trouble with your parents, who you hadn’t told, but he didn't know that.
You eventually forgave him, but things were never the same. You’d say hi in the hallways or chat online, but the closeness was gone.
That was the first time Steve Harrington made you cry. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the last.
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*Look at that one ghost pregnancy carving meme*
Sure, they're normal pregnancy carving... And then they're weird ones. Like, yes, he can't eat a batarang, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to.
Have a little crack I guess! Also bonus point if it's angst for the others batfam members
Angst, you say?
Jason came out of a daze to the sound of broken glass.
Why was he in Tim’s room? He remembers getting up to look in the kitchen. Nothing was appealing at the moment but he was hungry and Dr. Leslie mentioned he was a little below weight.
He was looking and nothing was appealing but then he felt a pull and-
“Jason, what the fuck.”
Tim looked disheveled, clearly back from his patrol.
Why was he freaking out? Sure, Tim finding him here was strange but-
Jason was suddenly aware of something papery in his mouth.
“Jason why?”
Tim looked like he had shot him, and as Jason looked around him he realized that he may as well.
Around him laid a shredded old box.
Tim’s old photo box.
He remembers when he was first reached out to his family again after the mess of reintroduction.
The olive branch Tim held out to him. The night they sat in the lounge as Tim shyly showed him the years of photos. They were up until dawn reminiscing. It was the first time he started to think of the two of them as brothers.
They weren’t all ruined but quite a few had obvious teeth marks and tears.
“I-I don’t- fuck! Baby bird I’m so sorry. I don’t even remember..”
Jason raised a frustrated palm to his eyes at tears started to pool.
Fuck, Tim was shutting down.
“It’s- it’s fine, I was in the middle of digitizing the photos anyways. Never know what will happen, you know?”
Jason removed the photo from his mouth and tried to flatten it out what was left. It was one of the one’d around his debut as Robin, sitting on a gargoyle under a moonlit sky.
Jason gently got off his knees with a wobble before he gently took his brother into his arms.
“I-I already got most of them taken care of.. It’s fine.. you didn’t- the baby been doing a lot of strange things to you. You nearly bit a batarang last week- it’s not- something like this was bound to happen and-“
Tim made a keening he folded himself into Jason’s side.
Looking around at the carnage as Jason tried his best to comfort his brother as he wailed.
“This shouldn’t’ve happened. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”
He muttered as he rubbed up and down Tim’s back.
“Okay… Okay.. How about we go downstairs huh? We can go downstairs, and I’ll make us some hot chocolate ‘n’ we can put on one of those shitty b-rated horror movies we love to roast.”
Avoiding what Jason could only assume was a cup of coffee on the floor, he closed the door and gently guided his little brother down the hall.
Tags for hoodlums:
@numbuh-7-knd @phoenixdemonqueen @thegatorsgoose @storm-and-fire @elvesandlanterns @moedango @skulld3mort-1fan @apointlessbox @samgirl98 @thedragonqueen1998 @booberrylizard @idek618 @littlefeather345 @iosonotoro @dxrksong @moonfirearc @terzatheunderscorerima @moedango
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
you are not a monster.
Tumblr media
eddie munson x gn!reader
word count: 3,875
warnings: swearing, smoking, the events of vol. 2, eddie’s self-doubt and personal issues, trauma, mentions of blood, of death, sorta a fix-it-fic? the boy who lived has in fact not come to die
a/n: i’ve got, like, 240 followers now, and i am very appreciative. i don’t think i’ve ever had that many on any platform in my whole media-usage-world. i am quite the loser, so it is wild that you guys are—at least slightly—entertained by what i write. i love you ughh. this has been in my drafts for a long ass time seeing as i couldn’t seem to finish it, and i’m worried maybe it’s kinda shitty? i do like it for the most part, though. and it got long. oops. but i hope you enjoy it! <333
“Ugh, you know I don’t do double VHS.” Steve waved off Robin’s Saturday morning movie suggestion.
“But it’s about doomed love,” Robin tried again, clutching the video tape to her chest.
“Oh, well, that’s relatable.” Steve grabbed a cart full of movies to be restocked, swerving around a rampaging Robin.
You flipped around a movie in the new releases section that someone had fumbled with at some point or another, adjusting it so the poster was facing outwards, half-paying attention to the conversation going on between your two friends/coworkers.
“Also, Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this.” You snorted at Robin’s comment, and she tossed a sly grin your way before continuing on her rant about the most gorgeous creature she’d ever seen.
“We’re in Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County.” Your neck cracked with the speed at which you turned your head towards the television Robin had just turned on, seeing both her and Steve staring up at the reporter.
“We don’t have a lot of details right now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not yet issued the victims name…”
“Holy shit,” Steve said.
You swore you could’ve fainted at that very moment. You felt dizzy, started to sweat, felt your hands shake—so much that you tossed the videos you were holding onto the counter, catching Steve and Robin’s attention.
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve asked, glancing at you and clocking how frazzled you looked.
“Th-that’s where Eddie lives. Forest Hills trailer park.” You hopped up the step to behind the counter, trying to see behind the reporter.
“No. Shit. That’s his trailer. Oh my god, that’s his trailer.”
“Hey, woah, woah, woah, calm down. How can you be sure—”
“Because Steve! I practically live there half the fucking time! I think I know what my boyfriend’s home looks like.” You felt like throwing up. Seriously, you needed some air.
"Okay, well when did you see him last?" Robin started, trying to console you before you erupted into full-blown mass panic mode. She set her hands on your shoulders.
"Last night. I went by the drama room to wish him good luck—you know, because of the campaign—" Robin nodded her head, urging you on. "It was normal, I don't know, I-love-you-see-you-later shit, but then I left to go watch Lucas! I didn't see him after that because he said he had a deal, that he had to go home and get something else f-for—"
"For what? For who?" Robin couldn't handle the suspense.
"For Chrissy Cunningham."
"Chrissy does drugs? Huh, that's interesting." Steve cocked his head, slipped his hand under his chin, contemplating the actions of the cheerleader you spoke of.
"Steve! That is not the focus right now. Besides, everyone has their moments," Robin berated her once jock-worthy friend.
"Right. No, you're right."
You separated yourself from Robin’s clutches, moving out from behind the counter. “I need to check on Wayne.”
“Wayne?” Steve questioned, looking at Robin who watched you disappear around the corner.
“Eddie’s uncle, Harrington. Keep up.” Robin clapped her hands. “She’s been with the boy for, like, ever.” Her focused shifted though, as Dustin and Max appeared, the former hurling himself over the countertop.
You collected your things from the staff room, ignoring the bickering from the other side of the door. Wayne was home, obviously, it was day time, but if the cops were there, no way was he gonna answer the phone. Maybe you should’ve gone to hunt for your boyfriend right away, but you couldn’t bear to not check on the boy’s uncle, who was probably just in the dark as you were—if not more.
It took you a little longer to get going, hands shaking so much that you dropped your keys, and then remembered to clock out. You scribbled an excuse on a sticky note in case Keith questioned your early departure on the schedule when he came in on Monday.
Pushing the green painted wood open, you slammed into Steve, who’d just finished helping a young woman, and put his hands out to steady you.
You turned your head, taking in Max, Dustin and Robin chatting wildly on three separate phones, all pacing equally. “What are they doing?” You asked, straightening Steve’s vest where you’d messed it up.
He mumbled something about Eddie’s friends when Max waved to get your attention, slamming the receiver down. “Do you know a ‘Reefer Rick’?”
The question was so odd, coming from her, that you shook your head before answering. “Yeah, Eddie’s supplier. Why?”
“Do you know where he lives? We’re trying to find Eddie.”
“Uh,” you rubbed your forehead, recalling the couple times Eddie had needed to stock up and you’d been with him. “Out by Lovers Lake.”
Dustin slammed his phone down at this new information, the group now frantic with chatter about your boyfriend’s whereabouts. You started toward the door, stressed and suddenly sweaty, when Dustin flew out from behind the counter, stopping you.
“Where are you going? Don’t you want to come look for your significant other?”
“Of course I do, Dustin. But I’m going to check on Eddie’s uncle. I don’t like the idea of him being left in the dark during all this. It isn’t fair.”
Dustin lifted his hat from his head, readjusting it and then setting it right back down.
“Okay.” He let out a breath that sounded like he’d been holding it in for a while. “Well what if he’s there? At Rick’s? Can you meet us there after your excursion? I don’t feel right looking for him without you.”
“Yeah, Dustin.” He gave you a hopeful high five, your palm stinging as you pushed your way out of the door.
Pulling into Forest Hills, your hands started to shake. What if they wouldn’t let you in?
You stopped beside the cop monitoring the entrance, rolling down your window.
“I’m sorry, miss. I can’t let you in. We’ve got an active crime scene on our hands.” Shit.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep yourself from stumbling over your words. “I apologize, officer. It’s just that I have a family member that lives here, and I’d really like to check on him. Just for a moment. I’m worried sick.”
The officer straightened from where he’d been level with your window, placing his hands on his hips. He looked around, looked back at you, looked up again. His resolve was slipping.
“Okay. I understand. But you have to be quick, okay? There’s a lot going on that I don’t want you getting caught up in.”
“Thank you officer, really.”
You cranked the handle, rolling up the glass panel and pulled off, trying to find somewhere to stop considering your boyfriend’s home was the crime scene. Eyes scanning for Wayne, you found purchase.
He was sat up against the geometric dome that was meant to be the designated play ground area. Except all the kids in the park had grown up at this point, so now everyone sat there to sulk or smoke.
The slam of your car door caught his attention, and he stood on seeing you, moving in your direction. He met you halfway, holding his arms out. That’s how you knew he was tired. Scared. Confused.
Wayne Munson was no cuddle-bug, but he had no aversion to hugs if he really knew you. But letting you see this much emotion right off the bat, letting you in, that’s how you knew he was hurting. This was his boy they were talking about. Where was his boy?
He was warm from being outside, and smelled of cigarettes. You pretended not to see the tear tracks left in the thin layer of dust on his cheeks. He didn’t let go for a long time.
“Have you seen him? Heard from him?”
You sniffled. “No. Not since last night. I saw him before Hellfire, but that’s all.”
Wayne wiped a hand down his face. “Did he seem alright?”
“More than. You know they were supposed to finish th—”
“The campaign. Yeah. How could I not know?” He smiled, and you could tell he was seeing Eddie hunched over the kitchen counter, pencil in his mouth.
He briefly filled you in. “They’re saying he did this. Killed that girl. But I know Eddie. He’s my boy and he didn’t do it. He couldn’t.”
“I know he didn’t. I’m sorry you had to find her. I’m going to look for him, okay? I probably shouldn’t tell you that, but I figured you needed to know. If I get to him, I’ll come tell you, okay? I’m so sorry, Wayne.”
Another hug. More reassurance on your part, on his, telling you that you couldn’t have known. You asked if he needed anything, but he said the cops were supposed to figure out where to put him soon. And that was it. You left him there, and sobbed in the car knowing how sick he was over his boy. Knowing what’d he’d seen, how frightened he was.
“Eddie! It’s me! It’s Dustin!”
The young boy tried so hard to get his older friend to hear him, to calm down. But that was kind of impossible given the situation. He tried to understand.
“You won’t believe me.” Eddie’s voice was broken, his eyes glassy, his fingers going numb from his grip on the broken bottle.
“Try us.” Max knew what it felt like to be that confused. To be that uneasy. But he spilled his guts, and now the group of unlikely friends sat with him.
The slam of a car door made Eddie jump, made Dustin shoot up from his spot on the floor. Dustin peeked over the window sill, spying you looking a little lost at where they might be, so he hurried outside, much to the dismay of everyone else, scaring the shit out of you, but making you hopeful nonetheless.
“Any luck?” You whispered, not quite grasping his sudden appearance from the boathouse.
“Yeah! Yeah. He’s in there. And he’s scared shitless, but he’s okay.”
“Really?” Your eyes were glazing over and there was nothing you could do about it. He was alright.
“Really.” And he took your hand, leading you back and gently pushing the door the rest of the way open. He let you in first, lingering behind.
You moved in, eyes scanning for him, first roving over Steve, Max, Robin. But there he was. Up against the wall, hands in his hair. He looked up at you, and visibly softened, but sunk in on himself nonetheless.
“Eddie.” You dropped your bag, not giving him time to stand, moving to meet him on the floor.
Your knees met chilly concrete, and you went to reach out for him, but you stopped yourself, noticing how broken he looked. “Eddie? Is this okay? If I touch you?”
“Y-yeah.” He nodded as he said it, eyes moving quickly back and forth between yours. To Eddie, even though there were four other people in the room, it felt like everything else faded away the second you walked in. You came for him. You’d believe him. He knew you would.
You opened your arms, and he fell into them, arms going around your back, head falling to your chest. He buried his face against you, squeezed you so hard it hurt, but fuck if you were going to tell him to let up.
You ran your hand soothingly over his head, gently untangling curls without the intention of doing so. Glancing up, you met Dustin’s eyes, and he gave you a small smile. “Thank you,” he mouthed. Dustin wanted to thank you for putting up with him, for letting him steal your boyfriend, for being so kind, for calming Eddie down. For everything.
“I went to see Wayne, Eddie,” you told him, moving your hand to rub his back. The boy perked up at that, looking at you with fear all over his face considering what he’d done.
“I-is he…is he m-mad at me?” He looked so young, so fragile.
“No, he’s not mad at you, sweetheart. He’s just worried. Scared. Wants his boy safe.”
Eddie winced, but pulled away from you anyhow. You brushed his bangs away from his eyes, straightened his vest, buttoned a chest pocket. “Do you think you could tell me what happened, maybe? You don’t have to now, really you don’t. But whatever it is, I believe you, okay?”
He hummed in reply, and relayed the story again for you, even if it hurt, and the rest of them tried to catch you up on their theory.
What you didn’t see was Robin turning to Steve, eyes softening at the way you and Eddie interacted with one another. How that scared look in your eye that had been there at the store was gone, just from seeing him. How Eddie’s hands had stopped shaking at your presence. How he wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable with you, and how much you cared for him.
But he made it so easy for you.
“Shit! Shit!” You stumbled over your own feet, hopping over ever root and vine you met in your path, trying not to make your presence known.
You’d been with Steve, Robin, and Nancy. The four of you were meant to go to Creel House while Eddie and Dustin distracted those fucking bats.
But you had this feeling. This sick, sick feeling.
It was eating you alive. It was something Eddie sad at Skull Rock. Something about running. And then right before you parted ways. When he’d kissed your head and muttered in Steve’s direction, “Trust me. We are no heroes.”
And standing there with your friends, trying to save the world, you ran. Ran for Eddie’s sake. Because he was going to do something. You just knew it. Some sacrificial lamb shit.
And it hurts, the running. Your legs are burning. It’s the kind of running you haven’t done since you were a kid. The desperate kind. But this time it’s not in order to beat a friend to the finish line, to win a competition. It’s to get to your boyfriend. Because you’re afraid he’s going to die.
And you can hear them. The bats. Their horrid screams, the leathery and wet rasp of wings, of tails thrashing in their rage, their determination to get to the source of that noise. The noise that had just quit.
You’d just caught the end of Eddie’s playing, and barely had time to think about how he’d finished it. He’d been determined to finish that fucking song and it’d been two weeks.
But none of that mattered.
Because you could see the trailer now, and it hadn’t occurred to you that maybe you wouldn’t be able to get in. That was the point of their reinforcements, anyways.
You stumbled up the concrete stairs, reaching for the door handle, trying to ignore the ever increasing sound of the bats, the sounds of them closing in. You didn’t dare glance over your shoulder, knowing they’d be right there.
Wrenching open the door, metal screeching, you almost smacked into Eddie. He’d been holding onto the sheets, but he had that look in his eye. The decisive one. And then he heard you clattering in and he practically tumbled free from his hold on the fabric.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You looked up seeing Dustin, who looked equally as frightened and desperate for Eddie to get to the other side.
“Whatever it is that you’re thinking, stop it. Go. Now. Climb.”
Eddie looked at you. Really looked at you. A look that said I need to do this. I need it. “You first.” He backed away, beckoning you forward.
“You go. Now.”
“Baby, please go. I’m begging you. If I go now, I can buy more time. I know it.”
Eddie looked desperate. He needed this. Needed to know he was good for something. He’d been such a failure. And he could do this. He could be good.
“No! Fucking go, Eddie! Now!”
He blinked at you, not expecting the change he found in your voice. He’d never heard you sound like that before. So angry. So angry at him.
So he let up, reaching and pulling himself towards Dustin. Towards home.
You felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. And then you tried to get yourself up, calming considering in the time that you’d stood there, the noise had stopped—the bats had stopped. Your friends had done their job.
You pulled and it hurt, but you did it anyways.
It had been three days since Eddie almost sacrificed himself and you’d been avoiding him ever since. He knew why you hadn’t come to see him, and he was upset at himself for hurting you, for not realizing you could read him so well. But it felt like that was the only way to prove himself.
And now he was living in a fucking tent in the Wheeler’s basement, supposedly like some girl with superpowers had.
The boy was flipping through one of Mike’s old X-Men comics when the sheet providing him refuge was torn back. Dustin appeared, making Eddie jump. “Jesus Christ!”
“Here.” Dustin threw a hand radio at him and then vanished again. It took him a minute before he realized you had one too.
A few guesses later on what channel he needed, he found you.
“Hey, I know you can hear me, baby. I know you’re mad.”
You reached for radio where it resided under your bed, stretching so that you didn’t have to actually get up, the chill of hardwoods meeting your fingers.
As much as you wanted to pretend you couldn’t hear shit, you wanted to talk to him. Something was really wrong if he thought he’d needed to do that. And maybe it was wrong of you to be upset, but you loved him. He didn’t need to complete some grand act of service to be redeemed, he was already your hero.
“Afternoon, Munson.”
Eddie slumped down inside his tent, smacking his head on the wall. He really was too lanky to be living in there.
“Son of a bitch!” He rubbed his hand, skull throbbing from the impact. “Hey, honey, please come see me. I wanna talk to you. Please.”
“Yeah. Yeah, fine. Unlock the basement door, okay?”
You sat against the support beam at the bottom of the stairs, watching Eddie tie up the sheet so it’d quit falling down and he could see you properly.
Your lower back started to ache and he noticed, passing you a smushed pillow. Silence filled the hair until you decided to breach the surface. “What were you gonna do, Eddie?”
He scrubbed his hands over his face, fingers bare of their usual silver, as the rings sat in a pile of his other shit, metal accoutrements proving incredibly uncomfortable to sleep in when living on the floor.
“Buy more time. I thought that if I could get the bats to back off, that they would’ve had the chance to kill Vecna. That Dustin could get home okay. I don’t know. And don’t give me that look.”
“I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. I could’ve done it. I swear. I just wanted to be good for something for once in my fucking life. Prove that I’m not this—this thing. This nuisance. This monster.”
“I guess I thought I could be the hero for once.”
You moved towards him, sitting on your knees and taking his hands into yours. He wouldn’t look at you, eyes darting around the basement walls, the old furniture indented from years of bodies molding the cushions.
“I understand. But I wish you didn’t feel that way. I wish I could fix it. I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you sooner. I was just upset because I had this feeling, Eddie. I thought you were going to die.”
“But, Edward Munson, you are not a monster. You aren’t a nuisance. Anyone that’s ever thought that is a piece of shit and you know that”
You put your hand on his cheek and he blinked. Hard.
“Eddie, look at me, please.”
The boy turned to you, looking just as young and fragile as he had in the boathouse. He looked disappointed in himself.
“You’re my hero.”
Eddie bit the inside of his lip so hard he tasted blood, forcing himself not to cry.
“Your Gareth’s hero. Mike and Lucas’ hero. Eddie, your Dustin’s hero. But, sweetheart, you didn’t have to save the world to prove yourself. You’re everything to me. To your friends. To Wayne.”
That was the tipping point. Uncle Wayne. And the tears slipped out, silent and calmly, easily sliding down his finally clean cheeks.
“R-really? I’m your hero?” Eddie’s hands were shaking.
“Yeah! Of course you’re my hero, Eddie. You’re such a badass, you know.” A grin pulled at the corners of his mouth. “You are not a monster. I’ll spend every day for the rest of my life telling you that if you’d like. I’d do anything for you.”
“You didn’t need to save the world by fighting off demo-bats, Ed. You’ve saved it by being you. By shepherding those little sheepies. Shit, you’re so good, Eddie. You’re golden.”
Eddie Munson had been waiting his whole life for those words. For someone to reassure him that he wasn’t this sick creature. This freak. And he was your hero. That was better than anything in the whole world to him.
Wayne rested against the cool brick that constructed Hawkins High School. His current place of refuge post-earthquake. Pulling his flannel closer his chest to keep out the wind, he reached in his pockets for a lighter and a pack of Marlboros.
He didn’t look up at the sound of gravel crunching around him, used to the noise of other people fluttering around him.
“Any chance you’d lend me one of those?”
Wayne’s hands froze from where they’d been peeling the plastic wrap off of the new cardboard box. He knew that voice. But he thought it was a trick. He looked up anyways.
And there, standing in this alleyway, somewhere he definitely shouldn’t be, was his boy. Eddie’s hands were in his pockets, a bandana over his forehead.
He smiled that award-winning smile, the one he’d used on Wayne as a kid when he wanted pancakes or temporary tattoos from the coin machine at the grocery store.
Eddie made his way over to his uncle, to—let’s face it—his dad. Wayne enveloped the boy in his arms, squeezing way too tight, but Eddie wasn’t going to complain. “My boy.”
Eddie rested his head on his uncle’s shoulder, breathing in that familiar scent that never seemed to go away, of cigarettes and the came cologne he’d been wearing since Eddie was a toddler. That smell he’d welcome after a rough day at school, after he’d done well on a science project.
“I never gave up. I never stopped looking. I knew you didn’t do it. Not my boy.”
“Thanks, uncle Wayne. For everything. I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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lilyystarr · 5 months
hmm what are your some of your barty hcs? literally about anything i love love love that man
thank you so much for asking !! i also rlly rlly love barty
so i mentioned this not long ago but i feel like hes lowkey genderfluid. he has no connection to any gender or pronouns and he isn't bothered by what you call him, its all pretty "meh, whatever"
he barks at ppl :/ he started doing it ironically in like 5th year to rando's then he started doing it unironically to ppl he or his friends dont like.
he likes sour lollies :D the skittles think its so gross cuz he'll down like a packet of war heads then complain that he burnt his tongue. he never learns his lesson tho, maybe cuz he's a bit of a masochist
he. cannot. dance. like that white boy is so lanky and spindly but he insists on dancing anyway
he got so excited when evan first called him b. it made him all giddy and eeee and he was like obsessed cuz it just itched his brain so well, maybe bc it's not smth his father gets called, maybe its cuz he gives all of his friends nicknames and that was the first time someones given him one !! (barty doesnt count) and and and!!!
speaking of nicknames he likes calling evan, rosie
he has so many stick and pokes :( and they're shitty, stupid and faded but he refuses to get them covered or anything professionally bc memories and shi
he was that kid to moan in the middle of class and act like its the funniest thing ever
so many piercings, jesus christ. too many (not rlly its fine). hes got his ears filled with piercings, snake bites, stretched ears, dick piercing. he has it all.
i’ve also said this before but he vapes rather then smokes. he likes to find the grossest flavours like pickles, cheesecake ice
umm i could go on but most if this is just small little things that dont rlly matter lmao
also does anyone have any thoughts abt the tongue flick canon barty does in the movies? do u think its tourettes or ?
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Killer Croc finding out that he’s dating a former Actress; finding out from flipping through TV Channels and seeing her in a Movie; a horror movie. He also learns that she has been in 3 movies and one TV Series; that ended after 1 Season due too poor ratings. He has sooo many questions! Like why? Why did you quit?. She said “Being an actress/actor isn’t all it’s cracked up too be” Dealing with Paparazzi’s, Social Media and even Stalkers. Overall, just not having any privacy and being on the go!
"The B-list blues" Killer Croc x f!reader
This is such a fun/different prompt! I don't see this dynamic often so I hope I do it justice.
TW: stalking, hate comments online
His brow furrows when he lands on a channel and sees someone that looks like his girlfriend. He almost remarks how her twin is on the TV until he squints. Underneath the screams of terror and fake blood- that's her!
"You never told me you were in a movie!" He's looking over at her to her nervous laugh. She's sort of standing there, frozen for a moment. It's difficult to talk about something you had to quit. Especially when said thing tends to represent a certain beauty standard that your partner has struggled with his whole life.
Yet, her boyfriend only expresses interest! What's it like being a big movie star? Lots of fans? This the only one? It's... a pleasant surprise.
"Well- I gotta see all of it, chere." He's a little surprised when she tells him it was only three movies and one season of a TV show. But she's gorgeous, look at her! And from what he's seen she's got that thing. What's it- the "it" thing.
It's a surprise when she tells him it's not because she couldn't get the jobs. She quit. At first he's willing to shrug it off- you don't like it, get out. But... he can tell there's something lingering that she's not saying. He knows that too well, that itch of tension under the skin.
His voice is low, "You wanna say why or is it uh..." His fingers tap the couch. "Too personal" feels clinical to him. Something Crane would say. She gets what hes trying to imply.
There are so many horror stories. Paparazzi from shitty smaller magazines trying to catch a photo of her when she wasn't looking her best. Comments online about her body, her face, her acting. Then there was the stalker-
"The what?" She winces. It was bound to come up at some point. It was several months of her life, after all. A fan that asked for an autograph, then joined an online fan club. When she was on the show, he was constantly sending her messages and attempting to get on set. While it had nothing to do with the show getting canceled- It certainly didn't help the stress surrounding it.
She sighs, "I couldn't... live my life. I was either constantly moving or scared to leave my house. I quit. I had to quit. I couldn't be that scared and anxious anymore-" There's a mist to her eyes that he can see forming. Waylon surrounds her with his body in a hug. The sigh that leaves her feels so heavy. Has she ever really talked about this?
His voice rumbles against her, "Want me to eat him? I'll bite some putain's face off for you."
It's just silly enough to make her laugh. She feels herself rising to her toes as he lowers his face down for a kiss. He wipes at her cheeks for any tears with his thumbs.
At some point he will joke that it's good she's dating him- they'll always be looking at the big green man with a skin condition in the pair. She can kiss him again and tell him she loves the way he looks and the way he is.
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24-guy · 6 months
I really want to hear the opinions you have on this! What horror movies do you think the main npmd characters like to watch? I don't know much about horror movies (yet) but I like to think Max is the kind of guy who is genuinely scared of the live action Scooby Doo movies
Yes absolutely! Enjoy below the cut!! (Cos it's long and I'm sorry about that-)
I'll start with Max since you mentioned him. He's absolutely scared of even the Scooby Doo cartoons. Because of the fear of skeletons and ghosts. So he stays right away from paranormal movies. I think Ghost face even is a hard no, too. However: I think he liked the purge movies. Because those are just guns, really. But like. That's probably the only horror he likes.
Stephanie I think is a bad movies and popular movies enjoyer. She likes the most popular movies (Halloween, Elm Street, Friday, Etc) but then will pull out the most random movie you've never heard of (Frogs) and it'll be a moment and a half. She collects the memorabilia and has the replica of the Reverse Bear Trap even though I don't think she loves Saw. She's seen all of them. But I don't think she'd intentionally go out of her way to rewatch them outside of watching with somebody else. Not to say she hates gore, though. I think she'd love Terrifier and it's sequel. She probably saw them at the cinema.
Peter mildly dislikes horror. He's probably more fond of horror comedies. Things like child's play and the more recent elm street movies. He probably likes the Jordan Peele horror movies, too. Other than that, I think he'd like making fun of shitty B movies with Steph because making fun of them is the best part. He also probably unironically enjoyed the original black and white Universal Monsters movies. He has those vibes.
Richie is a film geek who watches anime and because I'm those things he gets the "he's just like me" and he loves all sorts of horror but in a more pretentious way than me. He's a stickler for the classics, probably hates all the remakes/requels - he refuses to acknowledge their existence. He probably has a list of his top favourites which involves the original Psycho, Halloween, Alien, and basically any other movie that was "revolutionary" to the genre. He does have a guilty pleasure for so bad they're good movies though. Mainly killer klowns. Also his ass probably likes the unique/artsy films like Jordan Peele's Get Out and Skinamarink.
Ruth hates all horror and she only watches the horror musicals. Thus her favourite horror movie is Sweeney Todd. She will happily vacate the room or hide under a blanket, thank you very much.
Grace thinks horror is satanic and, as a joke, I think the nerds would show her The Nun. And she grows a minuscule obsession with horror movies with religious themes and backgrounds. Like the Exorcist, the other nun films, midsommar, and Carrie to name a few. She would refuse liking them, of course. But she gets away with watching them from describing only the religious meanings.
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the-puppet-bracket · 10 months
Crow T Robot propaganda:
"He gets to decide who lives and who dies - and idk he's just a funny guy a silly dude, a comical fella - his whole thing is making fun of bad movies"
"First off, he was built to help his creator Joel to stave off insanity while they're forced to watch horrible B movies on a satellite in space. My boi has been set on fire, fallen from great heights, cut in half, and blown up among other things. He also did time travel at one point to save Mike's (MST3K's host after Joel) life. He's written several screenplays and documentaries, and who can forget the beautiful timeless Christmas song he wrote "Let's Have A Patrick Swayze Christmas" (please look it up for the love of god it's amazing). Crow is pretty snarky and quick-witted, and he has some of the greatest lines in the show, such as "I want to decide who lives and who dies" (when asked what he wanted for Christmas), “Now listen to me you SIMP!”, and “Well believe me, Mike, I calculated the odds of this succeeding versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid... and I went ahead anyway.” (which is a mood). Crow is a beloved icon of MST3K and without him, MST3K would be a lot less chaotic."
"I didn't even notice Crow was on this list, so even though Tom Servo is my favorite allow me to just make a quick lil propaganda bit for him because I think this is the coolest thing about him and the other robots from Mystery Science Theater 3000: he's completely made out of old junk and weird parts. Crow's mouth is a bowling pin split in half, the net thing behind his head is a part of a hockey face guard, he has ping-pong ball eyes in a soap dish eye-socket thing, his body is made out of a Tupperware floralier, and his arms and hands are made from desk lamps and Italian fanny pincers. It's seriously really cool craftsmanship and I highly recommend the show to anyone who loves comedy and shitty movies. This show is iconic and a part of my childhood."
"Here’s my propaganda for Crow!!He’s just a little guy!!! He’s super funny, always having some of my fav riffs and lines during the host segments!! He is sarcastic and kinda of a jerk sometimes but he is still extremely loveable at the same time!!! Also who doesn’t always repeat his famous catchphrase “You know you want me baby!”"
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