#and apparently my dad could do it too. yeah the same dad who was constantly dislocating hips and elbows and knees. GREAT
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Everybody: physical therapy hurts! You’re going to feel like you’ve been beaten up after you get out
Me: yep okay
Me when the physical therapy hurts:
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#she said ‘just to warn you; this massage gun is maximum strength. you can’t buy this at home. it’s a professional one’#and my dumb ass said ‘okay :)’ thinking i was going to be fine because i’m not exactly a stranger to vibrations if you catch my drift#BIIIIIIIITCH#i felt like i was being jackhammered into the table and not in a pleasant way#had me sweating bullets and clutching the table for dear life#anyway long story short my knee is taped up now with some sort of special tape that Will remove my skin if i try to take it off too soon#or without soaking#it feels kind of bizarre i won’t even lie. it feels simultaneously like it’s going to come off; but also feels very On There#i love that i’m getting the athlete treatment and i didn’t even have to play a sport. this is what happens when you have weird knees#apparently. did you guys know it’s not really normal to be able to bend your knees backwards?#i’ve been doing it my whole life and never knew. she was like ‘you’re hyperextending your knees’ i was like ‘i’m doing WHAT’#googled it and apparently it’s usually a sign of injury LOL#and apparently my dad could do it too. yeah the same dad who was constantly dislocating hips and elbows and knees. GREAT#honestly am starting to think the only reason this problem (repeated dislocations) has only just flared up is because i am lazy#if i was like my dad and played sports i’d probably have dislocated every joint i have by now#thank god my hobbies are literally all sedentary. anyway. if you need me i’ll be eating dinner (fish fingers and potatoes lol)#personal
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captain-mj · 1 year
Trials of Change
Ghost overhears Soap and a couple of recruits complaining about him and decides maybe he does need to be fixed.
Ghost had never been happier honestly. Really. He and Soap had been dating for… two months, four days and, he checked the time, six glorious hours. 
Maybe that happiness made him blind. Foolish or even just stuipd. 
Ghost slipped into the room where the other people were. It wasn’t on purpose that he was undetectable. His natural state of being was… well… Ghost. 
So he heard the conversation.
Price hummed. “How’s it going with him?”
Soap smiled. “Oh, he’s great.”
“Is he planning on wearing the mask less?” 
Ghost internally winced. He understood Price was just asking out of concern. Price was one of the first people to understand that Ghost and Simon were both different people and the exact same. 
Soap shrugged. “Don’t know. I wish he would.” 
Ghost knew that was true so he didn’t mind it, but he decided to wait a second and not announce his presence. He just sat back to listen. 
“Thank God.” One of the rookies piped up. Ghost tensed and glared at them, though they couldn’t feel it unfortunately. “Tired of him walking around all scary. We were all hoping he’d get better when you guys started dating.” 
Ghost didn’t understand.
Better? What did they mean better? He was happier. Wasn’t that enough?
Soap looked rueful. “Yeah. I’d like that too. He spooks me sometimes.” 
Ghost felt his heart just drop. He was sure if he strained he could hear the sound of it snapping. Ice shards being sent off everywhere. After a moment, he decided to stay where he was. Safe and sound. 
As everyone seemed to list off his transgressions. 
Did they know he was there and deciding to mess with him? It was right up Soap’s alley, but the rookies usually feared him enough to stay quiet. He doubted they would pick up on what was going on fast enough. 
“Please make him wear something with color.”
Soap shrugged. “His closet is nothing but black.”
“Tell him to put something besides his music on.”
Soap rebutted that one too. “He hates my music and you guys don’t get a vote.” 
Then the complaints came a bit faster. 
“Make him actually talk to people.” 
“And stop hiding in his room. It’s a bit creepy at this point.”
“Also why can’t he ever make friends on base?”
“Anger issues. He’s constantly getting pissed for no reason.”
“Please make him take off the mask.” 
“And stop staring.” 
“And also please stop letting him out at night.”
“Why are you breaking curfew to see him out at night?” Soap remarked, crossing his arms. The recruits cringed and quickly found something interesting in the room to stare at. That’s when Ghost made his escape. 
He wasn’t an idiot. He knew people wanted him to change. Always something off putting. It had been like that since he started wearing long sleeves at all time to hide bruises and sleeping through class because his dad kept him awake all night. 
But this was new. Did Soap want him to change?
Of course he did. 
What did better mean?
Soap had been asking him questions lately. Simple things. How was your day? How are you feeling? What do you feel like doing? And Ghost would answer honestly. The bad days had definitely decreased. Ghost enjoyed being around the 141 more. He thought he had been talking more. Just to the 141, Alex, Farah, Alejandro and Rodolfo, but really who else did he need? They all saw him as he was and he thought that was enough. 
Apparently not. 
Apparently that was not better.
Well, he had a list of things that he could be better at now. Ghost felt stupid. A silly teen trying to keep their boyfriend around. 
For a moment, he thought of forgetting this conversation happened. Of taking what Soap would give him and waiting to be abandoned when Soap realized that Ghost was incapable of being what he wanted. But already, he knew this would poison everything. Anytime Soap put his scarf around Ghost because he ran so much colder than his angry Scott or when he asked him to take his mask off when they were alone or every time he introduced him to someone new, he’d wonder if it was somehow a way to change him. 
Could he just break up with him? It was the smartest and easiest thing. Shove Soap out of his life and stay exactly where he is. But that meant not having Soap. No more late night tea trips with someone by his side. He’d no longer be there to put hickeys on his neck that he’d grumble about and then secretly like. All the jokes and stolen clothes and the touch. He had forgotten how nice it was to have someone touch him. To put his head on someone’s chest (he hated weight on him because it reminded him of the dirt from the coffin) and hear their heartbeat. Nice and steady and sweet. 
Fuck, Ghost couldn’t give that up. He’d also never be able to drink enough of it in to get his fill. So he’d have to be… better. 
Maybe he could start small. It was silly, but color was probably the easiest. Wear something besides black. 
He didn’t own anything not black. 
Fucking hell. 
Ghost took a deep breath. Maybe he could start with… music? When did they even play music? During exfil occasionally if Nik was driving? But he didn’t have a mission with Soap for the next few weeks so he could see it regardless. 
Anger issues? Yeah, Ghost had them but he didn’t think he ever blew up for no reason. Maybe his reactions were occasionally over the top, but he never hit anyone. Never hit objects near them to show he could either. His last meltdown was months ago and he had, with shockingly no protest but still with a very hurt pride, apologized to the person.
Goddamnit, he just needed a starting place. That’s all. So color it fucking was. 
Ghost went to Gaz, hesitant and nervous, but he was the only person he could really ask about this without it being suspicious since he wasn’t there. 
“Hey, Garrick.”
Gaz looked up from what he was reading. “Riley!” He liked that about Gaz. When he had first referred to him as Kyle, Gaz had called him Simon. If he used his rank, Gaz responded with his rank. Ghost had learned to stick to last name or callsign with him. They felt more like equals than most of the other people on base. 
“Can you help me with something?”
Gaz sat up. “A mission?”
“Where can I get… clothing?”
Gaz paused. “You… The Ghost… want me to help you with shopping?”
Ghost nodded awkwardly. “Yeah… Can we go… shopping?”
Gaz slowly stood up. “Why?”
“I’m going to try changing my style.”
“Just… want to try something… different?”
Gaz frowned and Simon remembered why he didn’t usually go to Gaz for assistance. They could see straight through him. Every time. “You want to try something… different? Why? You’ve never changed in the years I’ve known you.”
Ghost just shrugged awkwardly. 
“Alright. Let’s go.” Gaz stood up and pulled his shoes on. “What are you searching for?”
“Something with… color?” 
Gaz frowned but obliged. He couldn’t bring Ghost to a mall, worried the people would get him worked up. So instead, he brought him to a strip of stores and picked the most abandoned one. Gaz didn’t really do much, having a feeling he was more playing moral support for whatever breakdown this was. It wasn’t… completely uncommon for Ghost to get the urge to do things. Almost like a mania. However it was never something as simple as this. 
He gave Ghost’s a thumbs up when the man grabbed a blue hoodie. Dark blue, so still in theme. Then he grabbed a camo green and ruby red. Nothing but hoodies. 
“You going to stick with your normal dark color scheme?” It was a genuine question from Gaz, who was worried about him. Also, depending the answer, it would be easier to help him find things. 
Ghost wondered if this was… different enough. “Can you pick something that… isn’t?”
Gaz tilted his head and looked around. He found a polo shirt in a softer green color. “Do you want to try it on before buying it? Make sure you’re comfortable.”
Ghost bounced between his feet, debating. “Yeah.” He found a dressing room and slowly slipped off his black hoodie. The mirror was there. His arm tattoos covered the scars there, but he still felt nervous. 
Now his shirt. 
Just… take off the shirt. 
Take it off. 
Ghost pulled it over his head in a rush but he still caught himself in the stupid mirror. 
Ugly scarring. 
Did Soap not like those? Ghost had tried things to make them fade. Balms and creams and keeping them clean. They were still there. Dark, thick lines. Giant pieces of flesh that were marred for one reason or another. 
What if Soap hated those too? Ghost certainly did. It’s why he stayed covered up. 
He pulled the new shirt on and didn’t look at himself. The fabric was… fine. Not the best, but fine. The color looked weird against his pale skin. 
This was stupid. Again, the feeling of being a teen girl appeared. Was this childish? Of course it was. 
He bought the clothing anyway, even though it made his skin crawl. 
Gaz smiled at him once they were back in the car. “I’m proud of you.”
Ghost nodded. “Thanks, Gaz.”
“No problem, Ghost.”
Ghost grabbed food and hid in his room to eat. He perched on his desk. 
Soap arrived moments later and smiled, sitting on Ghost’s desk chair so they were right next to each other. “Hey, haven’t seen you today.”
“Went out.”
“You went out? By yourself?” Soap sounded so shocked. 
Ghost shrugged. “I had Gaz with me.”
“That’s nice! I’m glad you’re doing that.” Soap smiled at him. “Have fun?”
Ghost thought about it. Honestly, when he wasn’t focused on what they were doing, it wasn’t too bad. Hanging out with Gaz, even if they didn’t really talk much, was pretty fun. 
“Get anything?”
“More hoodies since you keep stealing mine.”
Soap smiled. “Hell yeah. It’s not my fault you have better taste in hoodies. They’re always so soft and big and smell like you.”
“They’re big because they’re meant to fit me.”
Soap leaned up and kissed his cheek. After having to deal with the people at the store, Soap’s presence was honestly a bit of a balm to his frayed nerves. 
Until he thought of why he had gone out. 
“Are you content with me?”
Soap paused, looking a bit confused. “Simon, I’m happy with you. Why do you ask?”
“Nothing. Just wondering.”
Johnny hummed. “Take your mask off for me.”
Simon did. He wanted to be what Johnny expected. To change how he was supposed to. Callused fingers ran over his cheekbones. Touching his jaw. 
“Did something happen?” Soap was too perceptive. 
Soap frowned and leaned up, kissing him more. “Alright. Ye won’t talk to me. I won’t push ya.” He cupped his face. “Just talk to me when you’re ready then.” 
Ghost frowned. “Nothing wrong. But I will if anything comes up.”
Soap smiled. “All I ask.” 
The next time they were in the car, Ghost put on some pop music. It wasn’t what he’d normally listen to. It was just a random list of the top 100 hits. Soap noticed and looked at him oddly. “Where’s your normal rock music?” 
Ghost normally made a radio each time they were going to do something together. All of it heavy rock music or metalcore. That was… bad though. Price called it his angry mix and he was trying to not do that. Not to be like that.
Be different. 
“Wanted to change it up?” It came out too much like a question. 
Soap frowned. He liked all types of music just fine, but Ghost didn’t. Ghost was predictable. Ghost only “Changed it up” when on leave when he listened to classical music. A fact only Soap got to know.
“You’re acting different.”  
Ghost shrugged and focused on driving. The other guys seemed on edge now Something was clearly off about him now. It made everyone nervous. 
It was exacerbated when Ghost wore colors at the next taskforce meeting. Even Gaz, who had been there when he bought it, looked very uncomfortable when he wore a soft shade of red hoodie and medical mask instead of his balaclava. They all kept glancing over and… looking confused. 
Ghost looked at Soap. He ignored that his skin prickled at the attention and the change. That the fabric was itchy against his skin. Or that being so exposed made him want to die right there. None of that quite mattered as much as Soap’s expression. He didn’t look pleased at all. No excitement that Ghost tried to be different. Just… a strange look. 
Ghost felt sick. He felt nauseous. 
Soap cornered him after the meeting and took him to his bedroom. 
Ghost felt like a kid, just sitting on his bed as Soap stared at him. 
“I was just trying to be what you wanted.” Simon admitted, yanking the hoodie off. “I heard you and the recruits complaining about me. I just… wanted you to like me.”
Johnny paused and softened. “Simon. I’m sorry. I was letting them complain because you’re their boss. Which I shouldn’t have. Gotta so caught up in you being Ghost, my Lt, I let them disrespect Simon, my boyfriend.” He sank down, getting on his knees in front of him. “All of this… Making yourself so uncomfortable and forcing yourself to change… You tried to do for me?”
Ghost winced. “It’s pathetic. I know. Just…”
Johnny laughed and pulled the medical mask down to kiss him. “Mo chroí. It’s not pathetic. I’m so sorry. If I had known, I would’ve cleared it up for you.” He kissed him a few more times. “I love your angry music and your dark clothing and the fact you only casually show your face to me. And I wouldn’t change you for the world.”
Simon relaxed a little. “Keep going.”
Johnny laughed. “Alright. I like that you’re mean to recruits because you want them to toughen up. You don’t listen when anyone suggests anything because you know you’re going to ignore it and I find it fun. Especially because you listen to me. I like that you’re a little pretentious about your music and that I get to wear your black hoodies. That you have two pairs of pants and that’s all you wear. On leave, I love that you wear a ton of rings. That you’re grouchy in the mornings even though you get up at 5 am when working. I love you, Simon.”
Simon pulled them back so they were laying in bed and Soap continued without a beat. “I love that you wake up at 2 am and make you tea and me a cup of coffee. Love that you sneak into my room all the time and that you steal the blankets. I-”
Simon kissed him. “Alright. You can stop now. I get it.”
“I can keep going. Anytime you want me to.” Johnny promised. “Also, I tore into them later. I wanted you to know. Made fun of all of them.”
Simon laughed and relaxed more into the bed, feeling Johnny pepper kisses on him. “Love you too.” 
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d1xonss · 9 months
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Desert Rose
Chapter 21 ~ Randall
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Rose
✧ Era : Season 2
✧ Word Count : 4.1k
In this chapter ~ The entire group is relieved beyond repair when Rick and the others finally return after bringing Hershel back from the small town. Although they also bring back quite the unexpected guest, leading the others into a spiral of different opinions as they figure out what to do with him.
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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ROSE POV *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
My eyes groggily and slowly opened the next morning, and everything that happened yesterday rushed back to me all at once. I couldn't help but smile to myself about everything that happened with Daryl, it almost didn't feel real and a part of me questioned if I dreamt it. But my smile faltered when I looked over and saw he wasn't there, up bright and early as per usual.
I sighed and sat up, quickly changing my clothes and walked out of the tent, looking out to see everyone was gathered around talking near the front of the gates, and I noticed quickly the guys still weren't back yet. Concern and worry pooled at the pit of my stomach, thinking what the hell could be taking them this long to come back. It couldn't have meant anything good, and by the looks of it, everyone was saying and voicing everything I was thinking.
I slowly began to make my way up to them upon hearing enough from a distance, the rest of them too into the conversation to even notice my sudden presence. They were going back and forth about who should go after them since Shane apparently didn't step up and go like he said he was going to. At this point to me I didn't matter who left, just someone needed to.
Listening to them argue constantly about the same thing over and over again for hours, it was starting to get under my skin. I would be more than happy to step up and take a car out to find them considering Lori couldn't even handle that. It really didn't have to be this difficult, though they couldn't seem to make up their minds about what we were supposed to do.
"Sorry I didn't wake ya up."
I jumped a bit at the sudden quiet voice coming from behind me, only turning my head over my shoulder to see Daryl smiling down at me with a certain glint in his eyes. Safe to say that it truly wasn't a dream.
A small smile made its way onto my lips as my head turned back towards the others, "Yeah, what the hell?" I quietly replied.
He scoffed, not doubt rolling his eyes, "Ya looked tired, ya needed the extra hour. Yer welcome."
"Thank you." I said, turning back around momentarily to send him a wink.
But my head whipped back around in a split second when I heard the sound of a car coming up the dirt road and heading straight towards the farm, pushing through the gates. A red and unrecognizable car pulled up onto the land, everyone squinting their eyes to try and see inside if it was the men we were talking about this very moment. But the second Rick stepped out of the driver's seat, the group collectively relaxed seeing that they were okay.
Relief washed over me quickly once I saw Glenn and Hershel step out as well, not having a single scratch on them. With so many things happening in the last few hours, I forgot how long they were actually gone. How long they were out there facing God only knows what that was keeping them from coming back all night.
Lori and Carl quickly rushed over to Rick, while Maggie ran up to her dad and practically tackled him in a hug, leaving Glenn just standing there with his hands in his pockets. I couldn't stay in place even if I wanted to, instinctively walking over towards him in a flash before I was bringing him into a tight hug as well.
"Hey." I breathed, "Are you okay?"
He only squeezed me tighter, "I'm okay." he whispered, his voice coming out more drained and tired than normal, but I believed him.
I hadn't realized how much I had missed him until he was actually here again, seemingly safe and back with everyone else. My eyes then looked back up, spotting Maggie over his shoulder with her saddened eyes looking directly at the two of us which caused me to smile and let him go. I nodded towards the woman and Glenn turned around just in time to see her crashing into his arms as she cried.
My feet took a few steps backwards, watching the couple reunite while everyone else around us made sure that all the guys were really okay, somewhat expecting an explanation. I was lost in my own mind for a moment or two, before I felt a presence next to me, turning to see Rick seeming to be doing the same thing I was.
I nudged his side, "Good to have you back."
He smiled warmly at me, "It's good to be back." he said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I smiled back up at him, before Hershel's voice suddenly called out towards the house, "Patricia, prepare everything for surgery." he spoke urgently.
"Are you hurt?" Lori asked as her eyes scanned Rick for anything serious.
He opened his mouth to respond, to try and explain himself and what happened, but T-Dog's voice cut through whatever he was trying to say, "Who the hell is that?" the man asked.
"That's Randall." Glenn muttered, gesturing back towards the car.
My eyes snapped over to him in shock, walking up closer to the vehicle to see a strange man in the backseat, a bandanna tied tightly over his eyes while his wrists were bound as well. His breathing was heavy as he stayed perfectly still against the seats, but I couldn't have been more shocked. I was absolutely blown away as to why the hell they thought it was okay to bring a stranger back here, but before I could mutter a word, I felt my arm being pulled back.
I turned and saw Daryl trying to lead me away further from the car door, wanting me far away from this guy, and I let him. I couldn't lie; I was angry. Frustrated at the fact that they thought it was perfectly okay to bring someone back here when they didn't know shit about what he was capable of. I didn't care that he was hurt, or that he needed help, we didn't know him at all and that should've been enough.
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A few hours had passed and right now we were all waiting inside the house for Hershel to come back in and tell us how the surgery went. They had at least a somewhat steady head on their shoulders as they thought it was a good idea to keep him locked in the shed. But that didn't make the rest of us feel any safer.
We went back and forth about why they brought him back here for a while, and to say Shane was pissed about it would be an understatement. It was like a never-ending cycle. We would argue about it, silence, then we would start arguing again. Right now it was quiet, and I was just looking around at their faces, waiting for someone else to say something else. But based on the story that the guys told us, I think they should've left him.
Some random guys had apparently showed up to the bar Hershel was holed up at, talking to them for a while casually like they were old friends. But that didn't last long as they starting demanding to be brought back here to this farm with their group, wanting a safe place to stay. But with the way they were acting, they couldn't be trusted. Rick ended up having to kill them after they pulled out their weapons first, knowing that he would rather have them die then Hershel and Glenn.
But then their group suddenly showed up to the bar, looking around for their two missing guys. It ended up being a huge face off, shooting at each other endlessly before walkers eventually heard the bullets flying around, causing them all to flee. But there was one man that got injured, landing right down on a sharp fence as he tried to leap off of the building he was on top of. And his group left him behind, causing our guys to go and save his ass.
And now here we are.
From just the story alone, the little pieces of information, I already didn't trust him at all. Hell, none of us even knew if he was going to make it because of the severe injury on his leg. I know my thoughts were cruel for a human being, but his group sounded dangerous.
Rick sighed at the silence, speaking up after what felt like hours, "He would've bled out, if he lived that long."
"What do we do with him?" Andrea asked.
Rick's response to her was cut short when we heard the back door opening, Hershel appearing into the dining room as he cleaned his hands, "I repaired his calf muscle as best as I could, but he'll probably have nerve damage." he informed.
"When he's back on his feet, we give him some supplies, take him out to the main road and send him on his way." Rick stated.
My brows furrowed in confusion, "Then why did you bring him back? If you planned on ditching him anyway in the end, why go through all the trouble?" I asked.
"Because this way it'll give him a fighting chance." Rick responded.
Shane scoffed from where he stood, "We're just gonna let him go? He knows where we are."
"He was blindfolded the whole way here, he's not a threat." Rick replied.
"Not a threat... how many were there? You killed three of their men, took one of them hostage, and they just ain't gonna come looking for them?" Shane asked with edge to his tone.
My leg began to bounce anxiously from under the table, somehow not even thinking of the possibility of his group finding us, or him running off back to them. Well...limping off back to them I suppose. But I was worried about Carl and Beth's safety the most out of everyone, and now Lori since she was carrying another life right along with hers. We had to be more careful about this instead of just dropping him off carelessly somewhere with the risk of him coming back.
"His group left him for dead, no one is looking." Rick started to raise his voice, arguing again.
T-Dog then stepped in, "We should still post a guard." he said matter-of-factly.
"He's out cold right now, will be for hours." Hershel stated.
Shane huffed as he shook his head, pushing himself off the wall to walk out of the room, "Y'know I'm just gonna go get us some flowers and candy. Look at this folks, we're back in fantasy land." he sarcastically said.
Hershel watched him walk away before stepping up right as he was about to leave the house, "You know we haven't even dealt with what you did to my barn yet." he voiced loudly, "Let me make this perfectly clear once and for all. This is my farm, now I wanted you gone but Rick talked me out of it, that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favor, and keep your mouth shut."
Wow, go Hershel. Shane just stood there for a moment glancing back at everyone, before sighing heavily and making his dramatic exit, slamming the door shut behind him. Hershel turned back after he was long gone and made eye contact with me. I gave him an impressed look, raising my hand to give him a subtle thumbs up, to which he smiled small in return.
"Look, we aren't going to do anything about it today, let's just cool off." Rick spoke, now finding the urge to leave right along with him.
The rest of us then started to leave without another word, slowly getting up from their chairs. I didn't want to just continue to brush this off forever, but it seemed as though everyone was done with discussing it for now with how frustrated we all became. So, I began to slowly follow everyone's lead, pushing my chair out and heading out of the room to go upstairs and check on Beth. I hadn't seen her or heard how she was doing since yesterday, and I wanted to make sure she had been doing okay since then.
Her door was open when I approached it, causing me to slowly peek inside to see her laying down on her bed with a far off look in her eye. I stood in the doorway for a moment, before eventually pushing myself forward and taking a seat at the end of her bed. My eyebrows pulled together in obvious worry, seeing her not moving an inch as she stared up at the ceiling, not even acknowledging my presence.
"Hey hon." I greeted, managing a small smile as I gently reached over to grasp her hand. She didn't take it, but she also didn't pull away.
A few minutes ticked by silently like that, with her not saying a thing even though she was much more aware of things than she was yesterday. I could easily tell she had a lot on her mind, her mind running constantly as she didn't even feel the need to talk. I wanted her to be okay, but I also didn't want to bother her if she just wanted to be alone right now, I understood that. But I also wanted her to know that I would be right her for her if she needed me.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'll come back later, yeah?" I asked.
Upon hearing me say that, her eyes slowly looked towards me, still not saying a word though she gave my hand a squeeze. That's all I needed to see to know she wanted me to come back, silently telling me without having to utter a word. I gave her hand a small squeeze in return before I slowly stood back up, leaving her alone as I shut the door a crack behind me.
I walked out of the house and towards the tent to grab my sketchbook from the bag I still had yet to unpack. I figured now would be a good time to try and finish the painting of the house since everyone else was just doing their own thing for the rest of the day, avoiding the problem that still laid in the shed. I began to work as soon as I found the same spot I had sat in only a few days ago, picking up where I left off, focusing on the small details in the house that some people might miss when they first look at it. I wanted to be able to capture it as well as I could.
Lost in thought, I didn't even hear someone walking up to me until they sat themselves down right in the space next to me. I looked over to see Glenn situating himself, waiting for him to say something, but instead he just stayed silent. My mind didn't linger on it for very long before I accepted his silent presence, going back to painting only a few seconds later.
I could easily see that he was stressed about the stranger just beyond the field, locked in the shed, worried about what the outcome would be in the end. And I understood completely that sometimes you just needed someone beside you for comfort when thinking about something stressful like this. I guess in a way, I needed him too.
Though after about an hour, we were still sitting there in silence, and I was almost done with it for the day and coming to a good place to stop. I wordlessly showed Glenn my progress and he took the sketchbook in his hands, taking his time looking over at all of the details as his eyes scanned rapidly over the paper. A smile spread onto his face that I couldn't help but beam at as he admired my work. He handed it back over to me once he was done and I just silently got up after that, placing a hand on his back as I moved around him, heading back over to Daryl and I's shared tent.
It honestly took everything in me not to tell Glenn about Daryl and I, feeling as if it was somehow wrong to keep it hidden from him. Though that statement alone just made me realize more that he truly was my best friend, because I physically couldn't keep secrets from him. But it wasn't just my privacy, it was Daryl's too. Not only that, but it was his request that we only keep it between us for now, knowing how nosy the people in this group could be. And that's what made me bite my tongue.
As I entered the small space to put everything away, I noticed that he wasn't sitting in there like I assumed he would be. My brows furrowed in confusion that I hadn't really seen him all day other than the little meeting we had in the dining room. But that only made me want to go out and find him, my boredom only growing once I was creatively burnt out for the day.
So I left the tent only seconds later, zipping it back up to close the small space before I turned around and ran right into the person suddenly standing behind me. Speak of the devil.
Daryl stood tall as he looked down at me with a soft smile, stepping back a step or two once he noticed how close he truly was.
"Hey." I breathed, "I was actually just about to come look for you."
"Weird, I was actually lookin for ya too." he smirked, "Wanted to see if you wanted to come on a hunt with me."
I felt my eyes light up a little more at the idea as I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'd love to."
His smile only grew as he nodded towards the trees, "Alright, come on."
We gathered our weapons and walked into the forest, both of us had our eyes on the ground looking for tracks. I was really hoping that we would start to see some deer tracks, and not just come back with a bunch of squirrels like always, but that was wishful thinking. We hadn't seen any type of bigger animal since we stepped foot onto Hershel's land.
"Ya ever learn how to shoot one of these?"
I looked over my shoulder to see Daryl holding up his crossbow, and I only smiled with a shake of my head, "No I haven't. I always kind of wanted to have a bow, but I never got a chance to learn or anything."
He then moved over to me and hovered the crossbow over my hands, barely brushing my fingertips against it. Right as I was about to question what he was doing, he finally placed it down in my hands, jerking down a little because of how heavy the thing actually was. Cursing under my breath, I adjusted the weapon in my hands before looking back up at him with raised brows.
"I said I didn't know how to shoot one." I clarified, "And damn no wonder your arms are huge, this thing is like a tank."
He raised his eyebrows at me in amusement, "Ya think my arms are huge?" he asked, his face flushed slightly.
My eyes narrowed at him, "Don't pretend like you're not aware. Everything you own is sleeveless."
He scoffed and just shook his head, crossing his arms in front of his chest when I attempted to hand the weapon right back to him, "I'll teach ya right now. Just gotta find ya a target."
I hummed, "Okay." I agreed as we began walking again, "But let's start simple, I don't want to throw my back out with this thing."
He chuckled quietly to himself, "Fair enough."
We didn't have to walk very far before we found a tree that looked to be good enough to practice on, thinner, a harder target yet something that wasn't moving. Handing the weapon back to Daryl so he could actually load the damn thing, I took it back in my hands and tried to steady myself with the extra weight. But apparently it was obvious I was having trouble.
My hands slightly shook as I tried to hold it up towards my eye to actually aim correctly, but then suddenly the weight wasn't an issue anymore. Daryl silently came up behind me as he noticed me struggle, placing his hands over mine to take some of the heaviness away as he fixed my stance. He got down to my level, his face just inches away from my neck as he tried to instruct me.
"Alright, yer gonna want to aim a bit to the right." his voice echoed by my ear.
Instant chills ran down my spine when he said that, his deep voice being the only thing I could hear other than my heart beating wildly in my chest. He was so close and that smug bastard knew exactly what he was doing. I almost wanted to kick myself for allowing him to teach me the thing he knew best, because I should've known he would've pulled something like this. Ceasing the opportunity.
But I didn't move the crossbow like he instructed, only turning my head slightly to the left to look him in the eye. Our faces were inches apart, out noses barely brushing against each other and a noticeable smirk started to grow on his face.
"So, when you said you wanted to teach me...was it so you could be this close to me?" I asked him with a tilt of my head.
His eyes flickered to my lips for a second before saying, "Nah, there's another reason."
"So, what's the reason?"
He was silent for a long moment, racking his brain for another excuse as he slowly became more flustered at the situation he put himself in. It was amusing to watch, seeing him not being able to come up with a single explanation as his mind only really wanted on thing.
"If you wanted to kiss me...all you had to do was ask." I whispered against his lips, finally closing the space between us.
The moment I felt him kiss me back, I immediately discarded the crossbow and I tossed it to the ground. My hands found the way to his neck, while his fingers hooked onto the loops of my jeans, pulling me closer. Our lips moved in sync so effortlessly, his tongue slowly pushing its way into my mouth.
He began to push me up against the tree gently and his hands made their way to my lower back, the warmth sending goosebumps rising on my skin in seconds. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I pulled back, needing air. We both were trying to catch our breath, when I opened my eyes to see him looking down at me with the same damn smirk on his face.
"What?" I asked.
"I thought of another reason. If yer back was against the wall and ya only had a crossbow to protect yerself with, ya already know how to use it." he said matter-of-factly.
I scrunched up my nose as I thought for a moment, "Four out of ten." I rated.
He chuckled, placing his forehead against mine, "At least I tried." he muttered, "Do I get a prize for tryin?"
I laughed lightly and pulled him back in for another kiss. This one was much softer and shorter, but just as amazing nonetheless. I pulled away to glance up at his bright beautiful eyes for a moment, before he pecked my lips once more and pulled away fully. He walked back over, picking up his crossbow from where it had fallen in the leaves and looked at me expectantly.
"Still wanna learn?" he asked smugly.
I rolled my eyes, "Yes." I said before following his lead.
Then the next few hours were filled with us talking, laughing, and sharing a few kisses here and there. It was nice to be able to just be with each other like this, away from the chaos back at the farm, and away from the stranger left in the shed. I really appreciated Daryl taking me out on this hunt because it was a good distraction from just everything going on.
But to my surprise, he admitted a little later on that the whole reason he took me out here was because he knew I was stressed about the whole Randall situation, and wanted to be able to take my mind off of it for a few hours. My heart warmed almost instantly when he told me that, looking at him in almost a new light as I admired him.
What I felt for this man, I had never felt for anyone else before, and I really liked it.
~ Thanks for reading!
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darkonekrisrewrite · 4 months
Something I've noticed is that MHA and MLB (miraculous ladybug) is that they are similar in how their protagonists are blamed for the wrong things.
Like Deku constantly injures himself because no one taught him how to use his quirk, and is over a decade behind his peers, gets blamed for that. Or how the series seemingly gives him equal responsibility for him and Le Million not saving Eri right away, when he wanted to, Mirio overruled him, meaning he wouldn't get the support needed to push this and he's supposed to listen to his upperclassman.
Yet he isn't given any blame for his lack of critical thinking skills when it comes to heroes and morality. If they are a hero they must be good, and villains must want to be perfect heroes for the law, to be redeemable.
Endeavor says to his face that he only took him and Bakugou on to manipulate Shoto, after Shoto has told him he bought & abused his mom, and himself. Deku "oh it's so good that you are working on forgiving your dad," right in the same room as Natsuo who isn't. Then tells Dabi "Endeavor is such a good hero and mentor, you have no right to be upset"
Let me know if you want me to go more into the parallels of this
Yeah, Deku getting blamed for not knowing how to use his (very new) Quirk was wrong.
At that time, it made me feel bad for Deku, because anyone could see that those circumstances weren't really his fault.
It was the fault of UA and All-might for not giving Deku extra time and help in mastering OFA, even if there was some attempts at instruction, none of them ever cut Deku any slack for having completely understandable difficulties.
Not a very logical line of thinking...
The Eri situation was a little different because while Deku is supposed to listen to his senior for what to do, he did let a clearly scared little girl go off with overhaul, a man they knew was very dangerous.
Basically putting his orders above the little girl's safety, I didn't like that.
(Because Deku could have run off with Eri and Mirio could have taken overhaul out by himself if there was a fight.
Because if Mirio was able to fight for a while against overhaul in a fully enclosed space (something that heavily compliments overhaul's quirk), while he was quirkless...Mirio could have curb stomped overhaul while protecting any civilians that may or may not have been close.)
That was where my problem with Deku started I think.
Because Deku doesn't have anything to criticize about hero society or the victims it creates.
He says that he needs to extend a helping hand, not giving a single thought to the idea of preventative measures to stop people from falling to villainy in the first place.
And apparently, not giving them any real mercy or help either, other than a fist bump at their death.
All for the sake of protecting the "innocent" people who created the villains and who would have laughed at Deku's own suffering as a quirkless less than a year ago (canonically).
These are meant to be the ideals of the "World's Greatest Hero" btw...
So I guess it makes sense that Deku wouldn't be blamed or called out for this, since he's just doing what hero society needs to be "Normal" again.
Deku didn't even save the world technically.
Because if the same problems that created the Lov still exist, then all Deku really did was beat at a rising Ocean Tide, no different than what All-might was doing during his time.
As of yet, nothing has actually been accomplished or achieved.
All the endeavor and Dabi stuff ties into this too.
At this point, I don't think Deku will ever have any real negative feelings towards hero society, and thus never change anything.
(Despite all this, I'm still hoping shigaraki is alive and Deku conflicts with him more to prove me wrong 🤞🍀)
And yeah, more parallels would be cool 👍 thanks for the ask!
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jazzy---j · 2 years
Daughter of Poseidon: The Lightning Thief
“even the gods have to bow to fate”
Chapter Summary: A simple game of deadly capture the flag turns into the worst day of Cassie's life.
Masterlist >>> Read on ao3 (8/23)
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We Capture A Flag
Believe it or not, the next few days were normal. Normal in the sense that I settled into a routine, not the getting lessons from satyrs, nymphs, and a centaur.
Each morning Percy and I took Ancient Greek from Annabeth, and we talked about the gods and goddesses in the present tense, which was kind of weird. Annabeth was right about our dyslexia: Ancient Greek wasn't that hard for me to read. At least, no harder than English. After a couple of mornings, even Percy could stumble through a few lines of Homer without too much headache.
The rest of the day, we'd both rotate through outdoor activities, looking for something to be good at. Chiron tried to teach us archery, but we found out pretty quickly that we weren't any good with a bow and arrow. He didn't complain, even when he had to de-snag a stray arrow out of his tail.
Foot racing? Not good either. The wood-nymph instructors and Hermes kids left us in the dust.  And wrestling? Forget it. Despite my protests, Percy wouldn't let me go anywhere near the mat with Clarisse. I was left watching from the sidelines as she beat the snot out of my brother as the other Ares kids cheered her on. Markus seemed to be the only one of them that didn't seem to delight in my brother's public humiliation, but he rarely seemed interested in anything at all other than those knives and daggers he constantly was tossing and playing around with.
The only thing we really excelled at was canoeing, and that wasn't the kind of heroic godlike skill that they created myths about.
I knew the senior campers and counselors were watching us both, trying to decide who our dad was, but they weren't having an easy time of it. The fact that we weren't half-siblings, as far as I know, wasn't helping anyone. Apparently, It was rare for siblings to have the same godly parent. But Percy and I looked too alike to be half-siblings. Plus, my mom had only talked about just one guy my entire life.
Either way, I began to rule out our potential fathers. As freakin crazy as that sounds. We both weren't as strong as the Ares kids, or as good at archery as the Apollo kids. I definitely didn't have Hephaestus's skill with metalwork or—gods forbid, Percy stated—Dionysus's way with vine plants. 
Luke tried to treasure us that we might be a child of Hermes, a kind of jack-of-all-trades, master of none. But I knew he was just trying to make us feel better. He really didn't know what to make of us either.
Regardless, I was actually starting to like camp. I was comforted by the morning fog over the beach, the smell of hot strawberry fields in the afternoon, and even the weird noises of monsters in the woods at night. Which was really not that different from the noise in the city. I would eat dinner with my brother and cabin eleven, scrape part of my meal into the fire, and speak to my dad. Day after day, a quick plea to just tell us who he is. Nothing came. Just a warm feeling that Percy talked about sometimes, the memory of his smile. I had never really cared about it before but, to be in the place where he wanted us to go... knowing who he was seemed a little more important than before.
I tried not to think or talk too much about my mom, but Percy kept saying that if gods and monsters were real, if all this magical stuff was possible, surely there was some way to save her, to bring her back. I don't know if that was even possible but I started to understand Luke's bitterness and how he seemed to resent his father, Hermes.
Like yeah, maybe gods had important things to do. But couldn't they call once in a while, or thunder, or something? Dionysus could make Diet Coke appear out of thin air. Why couldn't my dad, whoever he was, make a phone appear? Instead, he showed no sign that he ever existed.
Thursday morning, three days after I'd arrived at Camp Half-Blood, I visited the archery range, determined to try again and at least hit the target. I made sure to lug a target to a secluded area deeper into the woods so no one would be able to see all my spectacular failures. This precaution held true as I started to get frustrated when my 7th arrow went wide and landed on the ground nowhere near the target. I had started to pull back my 8th arrow when I heard a rustle in the forest behind me. 
I quickly whipped my head around to peer into the bushes. The noise was probably a drayd that lived in the trees around camp but, I remembered Annabeth talking about the monsters that were sometimes in the woods and my heart started pounding a little faster in my chest. I clutched the bow in my hand tighter and yelled, "Who's there?" 
After a moment of silence, I thought whatever had made that sound moved on but, the sound of a twig snapping proved that something was still there. Fine. If it wasn't gonna come out on its own I was gonna make it. I lifted my bow, pulled back the arrow, and aimed at the noise, saying, "If you don't come out I'll shoot!" 
Slowly someone moved out of the forest line, with their hands up, and into the clearing, "Based on your seven missed shots I don't think I'm in that much danger."
"Markus," I grit out pulling the bow even tighter and aiming for his bored face, "what ar- were you watching me!?" 
He tilted his head in a so-so type of way, "I didn't mean to- could you please put the bow down? Please?" A little bit of unease crept into his voice.
I snorted, "why? I thought I couldn't hit you." "You can't, your form is the worst I've ever seen but an arrow is an arrow and I’d rather it not be pointed at my face," he said plainly. I narrowed my eyes, "Why should I? You and your sister tried to give my brother a swirly!" 
He groaned and threw his head back, "I- I'm sorry about that… sometimes I get caught up in what my siblings are doing… I- I don’t think, ya know? I just do."
I stared at his eyes, usually so guarded, but at this moment steadily looking at me, remorse filled his gaze. But you know what, he had been a total jerk, so I was gonna be a jerk. 
I moved the point of the arrow away from his face, pulled back as far as I could, and let go. He didn't even flinch when the arrow sailed wide of his face and landed in the bushes behind him. But I saw a flash of an emotion I could not recognize in his eyes as I moved to slowly lower the bow and he slowly lowered his hands.
Cooly, he said, "Told you so."
My face burned in embarrassment. Obviously, I missed, everyone knew that would happen but his calm reaction to my tantrum made me feel foolish. Which only fueled my frustration with him. I mean, come on, this guy is being a jerk and not even giving me the basic human decency of a response. How rude is that?
"Why won't you just leave me alone?" I hissed at him.
He didn't respond and just stared. His dark eyes bore into me, searching for something. His stoic expression made me squirm uncomfortably. Two can play at whatever game is going on.
"Why were you watching me?" I asked schooling my face into a measured glare.
His lips quirked at the gesture and continued to study me so curiously that I almost didn't think he heard me. "Why were you following me?!" I stomped my foot angrily in emphasis. He chuckled and began to circle me, finally answering, "Isn't everyone watching you, trying to see what you and your brother can do?"
That didn't really explain why HE was watching me now, or any of the other times really. I tried to follow his movements, keeping my eyes on him, as he paced around me like a shark.
I narrowed my eyes. "That all you got? Dude not only were you just watching me in the bushes like a stalker, but you visited me in the infirmary to what? Talk? I mean seriously what is your problem?"
He stopped circling to firmly stand in front of me, close enough for me to get a whiff of pine from his shirt.
"I sensed your power as soon as you crossed the border. It was... interesting," he paused seeming unsure, "I wanna know if you are a threat to the camp or not. I have never sensed someone as powerful as you or your brother."
I couldn't help but laugh incredulously, "Me and Percy a threat?! Please, I mean we can cause a mess if we want to but like a threat? Ha." Wow, these guys took this medieval stuff seriously. What really bothered me was how he said he could sense my power. Was he saying he could like smell me or something? I sniffed my shirt discreetly as he scowled in my direction.
"This is not a joke. Something is coming and you and your brother are at the center of it," he pressed urgently. 
I rolled my eyes at that, "Oh yeah, and how do you know? Can you tell the future or something?" I mocked.
He stiffened, "thankfully, I do not have that gift but my father did bless me in other ways. I can sorta feel the potential power of demigods or monsters or whoever it is."
His father, the god of war, I remembered. Knowing that, him being some kinda power radar makes sense. Seemed very helpful to be able to immediately size up someone before a fight.
I frowned, "So, what's the plan then? Are you just gonna stalk me forever?" I knew I was being difficult but you know what, this guy was stressing me out. More than before. He was gonna have to be a little nicer if he wanted me to make whatever this conversation was easier for him. 
He closed his eyes and signed, seeming to gather himself, and calmly responded, "No, no I... I want to help you."
I blinked at him dumbly, "Help me?"
He seemed very uncomfortable and very out of his element but continued, "Yeah, like get the hang of camp and everything."
I stared at him for a moment, until it clicked in my head and I gasped, "Oh, ok you wanna be friends?" Nobody has ever actively tried to be my friend before. I was always too much of a bad influence to be invited over to someone's house to play dolls or have a sleepover. Despite myself, I felt a growing bubbling excitement in my stomach.
He frowned and shook his head, "No, no I don't need any friends. I just don't want any weak links walking around," He paused, "Something is coming and we ALL need to be ready."
My excitement dimmed at his confession.
Ouch ok, that stings on multiple levels. But as I began to turn over his words in my head, I realize he was right. Percy and I were so far behind everyone else, I could barely fire an arrow, let alone hit a target. We got lucky with the Minotaur and Mrs. Dodds, it would take a miracle if I wanted to survive in this place. I would need some help.
I sighed and took a deep breath. "Ok, ok, ok why don't we start over, and then we can talk about your advice or whatever? Deal?" I held out my hand for him to shake.
At that moment all time seemed to stand still as we eyed each other warily, on the edge of something new and unfamiliar to both of us. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and shook it.
Markus helped me put away all the archery stuff and we began to awkwardly walk in the direction of the training ring. I knew this guy was not trying to help me just out of the goodness of his heart but I would try to make the best of it. But as I glanced to my left at Markus's intense face I couldn't help but wonder what I had gotten myself into. I wiped my sweaty palms against my jeans. Damn nerves.
We reached the arena just as Percy and the other campers were gathering around the center training ring to start the sword-fighting lesson. I began to feel more and more uneasy as everybody from cabin eleven gathered in the big circular arena, where Luke would be the instructor. If they didn't notice Markus and I show up together then they definitely noticed our closeness as we stood on the side of the ring and were probably wondering if he was holding me captive.
Either that or, why wasn't I out there with Percy skewering the other kids? What they didn't know is that earlier that day when Annabeth took Percy and me to the shed by the armory to pick a weapon, as soon as I touched a sword I got the immediate feeling of wrongness. So strong that I got vertigo. Every weapon in the shed I tried was uncomfortable in my hand. So, no I would not be joining in the wholesome fun today.
They started with basic stabbing and slashing, using some straw-stuffed dummies in Greek armor. For his first day, Percy was doing okay. At least, I think he was, he looked like he knew what he was doing.
The main problem was, that like me, he couldn't find a blade that felt right. I could tell by his face that they were either too heavy, or too light, or too long. Luke was trying his best to help him out but even he agreed that none of the practice blades seemed to work for him.
I glanced over at Markus to see him intently studying everyone in the ring. "Why aren't you up there?" I ask. He didn’t even move his eyes from the ring as he declared, "I practice with all kinds of weapons, but this is not an interdisciplinary class." He paused glancing at me in mild disdain, "but what I'm doing or not doing doesn't matter right now. Watch what's going on now you’re gonna need it later."
I frowned at him because one, he was being rude, and two, I didn't even know what to look for. Nevertheless, I focused my attention back on the ring.
They began to move on to dueling in pairs. Luke announced he would partner with Percy since this was his first time.
Markus nodded, "That's a good matchup." "Why?" I questioned  "Luke's the best swordsman in the last three hundred years." My eyes widened, "that's not a good matchup, he is gonna beat the crap out of him!" He shrugged, "best way to learn is to be thrown to the wolves."
I very much disagreed with that.  "Maybe he'll go easy on him," I said. Markus gave me a side eye that said he didn't believe that for one second.
Luke showed Percy thrusts and parries and shield blocks the hard way.
With every swipe, he got a little more battered and bruised. "Keep your guard up, Percy," Luke said, then whapped him in the ribs with the flat of his blade.
"No, not that far up!" Whap! "Lunge!" Whap! "Now, back!" Whap!
I winced at every blow. By the time he called a break, Percy was soaked in sweat. Everybody swarmed the drinks cooler. Luke poured ice water on his head.
I bounded over to Percy waiting his turn, "Dude, are you ok? You're kinda getting pummeled out there."
Percy gave me a wild look like he can't believe I just said that. "Yuh, think?" Percy exclaimed out of breath as he reached down in the cooler copying Luke and pouring ice water over his face. 
Instantly, his eyes seemed more alert than before and his sword didn't look so awkward in his hands.
"Okay, everybody circle up!" Luke ordered. "If Percy doesn't mind, I want to give you a little demo." Great, I thought. Let's all watch Percy get pounded some more.
The Hermes guys gathered around. They were suppressing smiles. I figured they'd been in Percy's position before and this was some sort of stupid initiation ritual. Luke told everybody he was going to demonstrate a disarming technique: how to twist the enemy's blade with the flat of your own sword so that he had no choice but to drop his weapon. "This is difficult," he stressed. "I've had it used against me. No laughing at Percy, now. Most swordsmen have to work years to master this technique."
He demonstrated the move on Percy in slow motion. Sure enough, the sword clattered out of my brother's hand.
"Now in real-time," he said after Percy had retrieved his weapon. "We keep sparring until one of us pulls it off. Ready, Percy?"
I held my breath as Percy nodded, and Luke came after him. Somehow, Percy kept him from getting a shot at the hilt of his sword.
My eyes widened as they sparred. It was turning out to be a real match with Percy seeing his attacks coming and countering. He even was stepping forward and tried out a few thrusts of his own. Luke deflected it easily, but I saw the change in his face. His eyes narrowed, and he started to press Percy with more force.
I saw the look on my brother's face and could tell he knew that it was only a matter of seconds before Luke took him down.
His only option was to throw caution to the wind and try the disarming maneuver. His blade hit the base of Luke's and he twisted, leaning his whole weight into a downward thrust.
Luke's sword rattled against the stones. The tip of Percy's blade was an inch from his undefended chest.
The other campers were silent. I was silent. I couldn't believe it worked.
Percy lowered his sword, looking around at everyone staring at him, and muttered, "Um, sorry." For a moment, Luke was too stunned to speak.
"Sorry?" His scarred face broke into a grin. "By the gods, Percy, why are you sorry? Show me that again!"
Percy looked hesitant. But Luke insisted.
This time, there was really no contest. The moment their swords connected, Luke hit Percy's hilt and sent his weapon skidding across the floor.
After a long pause, somebody in the audience said, "Beginner's luck?"
Luke wiped the sweat off his brow. He appraised my brother with an entirely new interest. Like he was this new variable that he had never considered until now. Something about that rubbed me the wrong way.
"Maybe," he said. "But I wonder what Percy could do with a balanced sword... ."
I looked around the ring back to where I left Markus. But there was no one there.
Friday afternoon, I was sitting with Percy and Grover at the lake, resting from a near-death experience on the climbing wall. Grover had scampered to the top like a mountain goat, but the lava had almost gotten Percy. His shirt had smoking holes in it, and the hairs had been singed off his forearms. 
I, on the other hand, had to visit the burn ward in the healer's tent to get my leg bandaged. We sat on the pier, watching the naiads do underwater basket-weaving until Percy got up the nerve to ask Grover how his conversation had gone with Mr. D. His face turned a sickly shade of yellow.
"Fine," he said. "Just great."
"So your career's still on track?" Percy sounded hopeful, but I knew better. Based on what Chiron said I don't think it would be so simple.
He glanced at us nervously. "Chiron t-told you I want a searcher's license?"
"Well... no." I nudged Percy to stop talking. I had no idea what a searcher's license was, but it didn't seem like the right time to ask.
"He just said you had big plans, you know," I chimed in "... and that you needed credit for completing a keeper's assignment. So did you get it?"
Grover looked down at the naiads. "Mr. D suspended judgment. He said I hadn't failed or succeeded with you yet, so our fates were still tied together. If you got a quest and I went along to protect you, and we both came back alive, then maybe he'd consider the job complete."
I let out a huge breath. "Well, that's not so bad, right?"
"Blaa-ha-ha! He might as well have transferred me to stable-cleaning duty. The chances of either of you getting a quest... and even if you did, why would you want me along?"
"Of course, we'd want you along!" Percy exclaimed. I nodded my head in agreement.
Grover stared glumly into the water. "Basket-weaving ... Must be nice to have a useful skill." Percy tried to reassure him that he had lots of talents, but that just made him look more miserable. I wisely kept my mouth shut, knowing nothing I could say would do much.
I changed the subject and we talked about canoeing and swordplay for a while, then debated the pros and cons of the different gods and who our dad could be. 
Finally, I asked a question that had been bothering me since we got here, "So, what's the deal with the empty cabins? Are those campers not here yet or something?"
"Number eight, the silver one, belongs to Artemis," he said. "She vowed to be a maiden forever. So of course, no kids. The cabin is, you know, honorary. If she didn't have one, she'd be mad."
"Yeah, okay. But the other three, the ones at the end. Are those the Big Three?" I press. Grover tensed. We were getting close to a touchy subject. "No. One of them, number two, is Hera's," he said. "That's another honorary thing. She's the goddess of marriage, so of course she wouldn't go around having affairs with mortals. That's her husband's job. When we say the Big Three, we mean the three powerful brothers, the sons of Kronos."
"Zeus, Poseidon, Hades," Percy chimed in.
"Right. You know. After the great battle with the Titans, they took over the world from their dad and drew lots to decide who got what."
"Zeus got the sky," I remembered. "Poseidon the sea, Hades the Underworld."
"Uh-huh," Grover affirms.
Percy furrowed his brows, "But wait, Hades doesn't have a cabin here."
"No. He doesn't have a throne on Olympus, either. He sort of does his own thing down in the Underworld. If he did have a cabin here..." Grover shuddered. "Well, it wouldn't be pleasant. Let's leave it at that."
"Well that doesn't seem very fair," I exclaim, "aren't they a family?"
Grover looks at me a little funny, "Not that kind of family."
I considered his words. Yeah, I guess he was right, I mean all we talked about in Mr. Brunner's Latin class was how the gods were not that kind of family. They were always backstabbing, marrying, or generally causing chaos for each other and the world. Of course, they would leave out the weird emo brother, just cause.
Percy still wasn't satisfied with that answer, "but Zeus and Poseidon—they both had, like, a bazillion kids in the myths. Why are their cabins empty?" 
Grover shifted his hooves uncomfortably. "About sixty years ago, after World War II, the Big Three agreed they wouldn't sire any more heroes. Their children were just too powerful. They were affecting the course of human events too much, causing too much carnage. World War II, you know, that was basically a fight between the sons of Zeus and Poseidon on one side and the sons of Hades on the other. The winning side, Zeus and Poseidon, made Hades swear an oath with them: no more affairs with mortal women. They all swore on the River Styx."
Thunder boomed.
Percy muttered, "That's the most serious oath you can make, right?" Grover nodded.
"And the brothers kept their word—no kids?" I raised my eyebrows in disbelief.
Grover's face darkened. "Seventeen years ago, Zeus fell off the wagon. There was this TV starlet with a big fluffy eighties hairdo—he just couldn't help himself. When their child was born, a little girl named Thalia... well, the River Styx is serious about promises. Zeus himself got off easy because he's immortal, but he brought a terrible fate on his daughter."
"But that isn't fair.' It wasn't the little girl's fault," Percy grabbed my hand as if he was afraid I was going to disappear.
Grover hesitated. "Percy, Cassie, children of the Big Three have powers greater than other half-bloods. They have a strong aura, a scent that attracts monsters. When Hades found out about the girl, he wasn't too happy about Zeus breaking his oath. Hades let the worst monsters out of Tartarus to torment Thalia. A satyr was assigned to be her keeper when she was twelve, but there was nothing he could do. He tried to escort her here with a couple of other half-bloods she'd befriended. They almost made it. They got all the way to the top of that hill."
He pointed across the valley, to the pine tree where I'd fought the minotaur. "All three Kindly Ones were after them, along with a horde of hellhounds. They were about to be overrun when Thalia told her satyr to take the other two half-bloods to safety while she held off the monsters. She was wounded and tired, and she didn't want to live like a hunted animal. The satyr didn't want to leave her, but he couldn't change her mind, and he had to protect the others. So Thalia made her final stand alone, at the top of that hill. As she died, Zeus took pity on her. He turned her into that pine tree. Her spirit still helps protect the borders of the valley. That's why the hill is called Half-Blood Hill."
I stared at the pine in the distance. The story was one of the saddest things I had ever heard. A girl my age had sacrificed herself to save her friends. She had faced a whole army of monsters. How could her dad have let that just happen to her? If that's what demigods were up against I didn't know if I could live up to it.
I also wondered if I'd been a little bit braver like Thalia, maybe I could have saved my mother.
"Grover," Percy said carefully, "have heroes really gone on quests to the Underworld?"
"Sometimes," he said. "Orpheus. Hercules. Houdini." "Houdini?!" I questioned in surprise. Grover shrugged as if to say, yeah I guess.
"And have they ever returned somebody from the dead?" Percy pushed. "No. Never. Orpheus came close... Percy, you're not seriously thinking—"
"No," Percy quickly responded,  "I was just wondering." I gave him a bewildered look. Was he suggesting that we go to the Underworld!?
"So... a satyr is always assigned to guard a demigod?" Percy continued ignoring my stare. Grover studied us warily. What a surprise Percy's very obvious lie, hadn't persuaded him that he'd really dropped the Underworld idea. Shocker.
"Not always. We go undercover to a lot of schools. We try to sniff out the half-bloods who have the makings of great heroes. If we find one with a very strong aura, like a child of the Big Three, we alert Chiron. He tries to keep an eye on them since they could cause really huge problems."
Whoa, wait for a second, he alerted Chiron because our dad might be one of the Big Three? With the story of Thalia still fresh in my mind I was in disbelief that our luck could be that bad.
"And you found us. Chiron said you thought we might be something special," Percy said dryly as he started to piece it together as well.
Grover looked as if we'd just led him into a trap. "I didn't... Oh, listen, don't think like that. If you were—you know—you'd never ever be allowed a quest, and I'd never get my license. You're probably a child of Hermes. Or maybe even one of the minor gods, like Nemesis, the god of revenge. Don't worry, okay?"
Heck no, I was worried. I just wasn't sure if he was trying to reassure himself or us.
That night after dinner, there was a lot more excitement than usual.
At last, it was time for capture the flag. I was trying the psych myself up for the game and ignore the nervous butterflies in my stomach.
When the plates were cleared away, the conch horn sounded and we all stood at our tables. Campers yelled and cheered as Annabeth and two of her siblings ran into the pavilion carrying a silk banner. It was about ten feet long, glistening gray, with a painting of a barn owl above an olive tree. From the opposite side of the pavilion, Clarisse, Markus and their siblings ran in screaming and going wild, carrying another banner, of identical size, but gaudy red, painted with a bloody spear and a boar's head.
Percy turned to Luke and yelled over the noise, "Those are the flags?"
"Yeah." "Ares and Athena always lead the teams?" "Not always," he said. "But often."
Made sense, god of war vs. goddess of war.
"So, if another cabin captures one, what do you do—repaint the flag?" I questioned
He grinned. "You'll see. First, we have to get one."
"Whose side are we on?" He gave Percy and me a sly look as if he knew something we didn't. The scar on his face made him look almost evil in the torchlight. He was a lot more intimidating in the dark I realized. "We've made a temporary alliance with Athena. Tonight, we get the flag from Ares. And you are going to help."
The teams were announced. Athena had made an alliance with Apollo and Hermes, the two biggest cabins. Apparently, privileges had been traded—shower times, chore schedules, the best slots for activities—in order to win support.
Ares had allied themselves with everybody else: Dionysus, Demeter, Aphrodite, and Hephaestus. I wish I'd paid more attention, instead of being in my head all the time but, from what I'd seen, Dionysus's kids were actually good athletes, but there were only two of them.
Demeter's kids had the edge with nature skills and outdoor stuff but they weren't very aggressive. Aphrodite's sons and daughters I wasn't too worried about it. They mostly sat out every activity and checked their reflections in the lake and did their hair and gossiped. Hephaestus's kids weren't pretty, and there were only four of them, but they were big and burly from working in the metal shop all day. They might be a problem. That, of course, left Ares'scabin: a dozen of the biggest, ugliest, meanest kids on Long Island, or anywhere else on the planet. Markus caught my eye in the chaos of his siblings jumping around and gave me an unimpressed look.
Markus's offer to help me get the rundown on camp had started a couple of days ago. He first gave me a basic lesson on camp dynamics and a spear lesson. It was going great, if great is getting my ass kicked.
"I heard Chiron gave you Stormbreaker?" He said to me on our first day in the ring. He gestured to the bracelet cuff on my wrist.
"Um, yeah I guess," I mumbled.
"Do you know how to activate it?" He questioned as he scanned over the spears on the rack and began weighing them in his hand to find a good fit.
"Activate? You mean turn it from a snake to the spear thingy?" I responded. He turned to me having finally found a good enough spear. He frowned at me and rolled his eyes as if I couldn't be serious. "First of all, it's not a snake it's a sea serpent, supposedly the one that Perseus killed on his second quest trying to save the princess, Andromeda, Second if I'm gonna teach you how to fight with weapons I need you to be serious." 
I nodded embarrassed. He rolled his eyes again and sauntered over to me grabbing my wrist. He was so close I could see all of the faint scars on his hands. I squirmed, uncomfortable with him in my personal space. He clicked the eyes of the serpent and it began to loosen and uncoil itself down my wrist. Eventually straightening and lengthening into a 5ft bronze spear with silver detailing twining up the shaft just like before in the museum.
It was surprisingly light and comfortable in my hand, but I could tell the tip was sharp enough to do some serious damage.
Markus looked a little awed himself but quickly shook it off and was back to his scowling self. He began by showing me a few motions and explained how spears differ from other weapons. "It's like dancing, you put your whole body into it." It was all going really well until we actually began to duel. Whenever I left my flank open he would smack me with the flat of the spear tip. I let my guard down, whap! I swing with only my arm, whap! By the end of our session, I was bruised and sore all over.
As I lay on my back in the center of the ring, sweat soaking my shirt, I groaned, "Aren't boys not supposed to hit girls?" Markus signed and walked over to me. In a rare display of vulnerability he leaned over my face to make eye contact, "Look I know I'm going hard on you but I'm not sorry. Monsters won't be sorry or hesitate, they will kill you. You're a demigod it's time to start acting like it."
Chiron hammered his hoof on the marble, bringing me back to the present. 
"Heroes!" he announced. "You know the rules. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game. All magic items are allowed. The banner must be prominently displayed, and have no more than two guards. Prisoners may be disarmed, but may not be bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. I will serve as referee and battlefield medic. Arm yourselves!"
He spread his hands, and the tables were suddenly covered with equipment: helmets, bronze swords, spears, and oxhide shields coated in metal.
"Whoa," Percy said. "We're really supposed to use these?"
Luke looked at him as if he were crazy. "Unless you want to get skewered by your friends in cabin five. Here—Chiron thought these would fit you two. You'll be on border patrol."
Percy's shield was the size of an NBA backboard, with a big caduceus in the middle, and looked like it weighed about a million pounds.  I was given a slightly smaller shield but it was still heavy as hell. I hoped nobody seriously expected me to run fast.
Our helmets, like all the helmets on Athena's side, had a blue horsehair plume on top. Ares and their allies had red plumes. Luke moved to hand me a sword that I knew wouldn't feel right in my hands. I looked down at my wrist, the serpent's maw looking like it would devour my middle finger as it wound around my arm. Here goes nothing I thought as I clicked the serpent's eye and it came alive to form the spear. It activated so suddenly that I had to quickly move it out of the way so I didn't skewer Luke.
"Whoa, there," he said surprised, "Cassie did not come to play today!" His loud voice attracted the attention of nearly everyone around us. Especially the Ares kids who now looked at me like a personal challenge. Markus was as always frowning and staring but this time not at me but at Luke. Still, my face burned at the attention as Percy helped me put on the rest of my gear.
Annabeth yelled, "Blue team, forward!"
We cheered and shook our swords and followed her down the path to the south woods. The red team yelled taunts at us as they headed off toward the north.
Percy managed to catch up with Annabeth, but I was struggling a bit on account of my microscopic height.
"So much for sticking together, huh?" Luke said.
I hadn't noticed he had slowed down to jog next to me.
"Huh," I said loudly. He motioned ahead to Percy jogging alongside Annabeth. "Ummm yeah, I guess," I said noncommittally, "I mean he should make friends other than me and Grover." He smiled at me in a pitying way like he thought I was lying to myself. Like he could see something I couldn't. That agitated me a little bit. "Sure. Anyways don't worry about border patrol. It's an easy job and pretty boring, you and Percy won't have to do much this game. I'll see if next time after a bit more training we can get you a little more in on the action."
My agitation eased a bit at that. Who was I kidding Luke was just trying to look out for me. Help out the new girl who clearly didn't know what she was doing. Still, I picked up the pace to catch up with Percy and Annabeth, leaving Luke behind.
"So what's the plan?" I heard Percy ask her as I reached them, "Got any magic items you can loan me?" Annabeth's hand drifted toward her pocket as if she were afraid he'd stolen something.
"Just watch Clarisse's spear," she said. "You don't want that thing touching you. Otherwise, don't worry. We'll take the banner from Ares. Has Luke given you your job?"
"Border patrol, whatever that means," I puffed out already out of breath. My helmet was too big and falling over my eyes as I ran. I had to keep reaching up to fix it.
"It's easy. Stand by the creek, keep the reds away. Leave the rest to me. Athena always has a plan."
She pushed ahead, leaving us in the dust.
"Okay," Percy mumbled sarcastically. "Glad you wanted us on your team." He turned to me, "Stay close Cassie." And then he jogged faster into the woods.
I grumbled to myself still out of breath, "kinda hard to do that when you're running away." I struggled to catch up with him. It was a warm, sticky night. The woods were dark, with fireflies popping in and out of view. Annabeth stationed us next to a little creek that gurgled over some rocks, then she and the rest of the team scattered into the trees.
Standing there with just Percy, with my big blue-feathered helmet and my huge shield, I felt incredibly ridiculous. I barely know how to use this big ass spear, and the shield I was carrying was weighing down my arm. How was I supposed to do this? 
"There was no way anybody would actually attack us, would they? I mean, Olympus had to have liability issues, right?" Percy said. I knew it was supposed to be a joke but I could hear the tinge of nervousness in his voice.
"Awwww, are you scared Percy?" I teased even though I had to set down my spear and wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans.
He scowled at me and ignored me, turned back to watching the woods. Far away, the conch horn blew. I heard whoops and yells in the woods, the clanking of metal, and kids fighting. A blue-plumed ally from Apollo raced past me like a deer, leaped through the creek, and disappeared into enemy territory.
Great, I thought. I'll miss all the fun, as usual.
Then I heard a sound that sent a chill up my spine, a low canine growl, somewhere close by.
"Percy..." I started. He didn't answer me but he must have heard it too because his eyes immediately began to dart around. "Get behind me," he said and shifted in front of me.
I raised my shield instinctively and quickly snatched my spear from the ground; I had this feeling that something was stalking us. Then the growling stopped. I felt the presence retreating.
On the other side of the creek, the underbrush exploded. Four Ares warriors came yelling and screaming out of the dark. "Cream the punks!" Clarisse screamed.
Her ugly pig eyes glared through the slits of her helmet. She brandished a five-foot-long spear similar to mine, but its barbed metal tip was flickering with red light. The way she held it while she ran to us, confident and sure there was no doubt she could use it way better than me. Her siblings had only the standard-issue bronze swords—not that that made me feel any better.
They charged across the stream and there was no help in sight. We could run. Or we could defend against the Ares cabin. We've done it before. Quickly Percy and I looked at each other knowingly. Anticipation tingled in my arms and legs. Maybe we could do this, maybe this would be like the scraps and fights we got into at school that we always managed to survive.
We both sidestepped the first kid's swing, similar to the days before. Percy going right and me going left, but these guys were not as stupid as the Minotaur.
Three of them broke off and managed to surround me, separating me from Percy and Clarisse. Who thrust at my brother with her spear. His shield deflected the point, but his body stiffened, jerking a bit as his muscles visibly constricted. He gave a loud shout. 
Electricity, I realized as the air around us burned. Her stupid spear was electric.
I wanted to help Percy but the kids around me seemed not too keen to let me.  My confidence quickly dissipated as we were separated. Another Ares guy slammed me in the chest with the butt of his sword and knocked the wind right out of me. I doubled over and wheezed out a couple of curses that would make a nun blush, searching the three faces around me, all of them sneering kids looking delighted to beat the absolute shit out of me. Markus's stoic face was not among them. Thank god. I don't think I could handle that guy's attitude right now.
They could've really given me a beatdown, but they were too busy laughing at Percy and Clarisse. This was quickly spiraling out of control.
"I think I'll give him a haircut," Clarisse said. "What do you say, boys?"
I turned to watch as Percy managed to get to his feet and raise his sword, but Clarisse slammed it aside with her spear as sparks flew in the night. I grabbed my spear and scooted backward trying to get my bearings while the three Ares kids were distracted.
"Oh, wow," Clarisse said. "I'm scared of this guy. Really scared."
"The flag is that way," I told her. I wanted to sound intimidating, but I was afraid it didn't come out that way. She barely gave me a glance. Her entire focus was on Percy trying to lift his sword.
"Yeah," one of her siblings said. "But see, we don't care about the flag. We care about the two kids who made our cabin look stupid." The three begin to circle me backing me up farther away from Percy.
I finally got to my feet with my spear clutched in one hand and my shield discarded somewhere in the distance. "You didn't need us to make your cabin look stupid," I told them, "Your entire existence made that possible." It probably wasn't the smartest thing to say but, I didn't care I was pissed off.
The guy on my left, enraged raised his sword and swung down toward me in a mighty arc. I raised my spear horizontally with both hands blocking his strike. We had reached the edge of the creek, water lapping at my feet and soaking the cuffs of my pants. I looked down at his wide stance and in a desperate thought, moved my leg behind his and pulled. Throwing him off balance, he lost control and fell back into the shallow bank of the creek.
The other two of them looked down at him shocked. Allowing me a little time to look over at Percy and Clarisse dueling farther down the bank of the creek.  Percy backed up toward the water, trying to raise and use his shield, but Clarisse was too fast. Her spear stuck him straight in the ribs. If he hadn't been wearing an armored breastplate, he would've been shish-ke-babbed. But I could tell by his face that the electrical shock was definitely doing some damage.
I started to move towards him down the bank of the creek but I all of a sudden felt a burning pain done the length of my shoulder blade to my elbow. One of the Ares kids snuck up behind me and slashed his sword across my arm, leaving a good- size cut. I fell forward, splashing into the warm water of the creek. At the last second, I was able to catch myself from slamming face-first into the rocky bed of the creek.
I stared at my dirty reflection in the water as it changed from a clear dark blue to a deep crimson as the water washed the blood from my wound into the creek.
Seeing my own blood made me dizzy—warm and cold at the same time. "N-no maiming," I whimpered.
"Oops," the guy said. "Guess I lost my dessert privilege."
He shoved me down with his boot and I splashed around trying to get away. They all laughed. 
"Awww, look she's gonna cry," one of them mocked, "are you gonna cry?" Let's be honest, I was gonna cry. 
Not because I was scared but because I was frustrated. Ever since we got here everything has been trying to kill us. All because of a dad we never knew. My entire life had been dictated by a guy who never even came to see me. Who maybe doesn't even know I exist? The thought filled me with such anger that I could barely even hear the Ares kids bellowing laughter. Who cares, I figured as soon as they were through being amused, I would die. But then something happened.
The water seemed to wake up my senses as if I'd just had a bag of my mom's double-espresso jelly beans. It also fueled my anger.
I looked over at Percy and he seemed to feel what I was feeling. We locked eyes as Percy began treading water to get to me. Clarisse and her cabinmates finally came fully into the creek to finish us off, as Percy reached me and helped me up.  We stood together to meet them. We knew what to do and I wasn't afraid anymore. 
Percy moved forward and swung the flat of his sword against the first guy's head and knocked his helmet clean off. He hit him so hard I could see his eyes vibrating as he crumpled into the water. Ugly Number Two and Ugly Number Three came at me. But I had retrieved my spear from the water and slammed the shaft of it into one's face. Next, I turned to use the blade to shear off the other guy's horsehair plume. Both of them backed up quick.
But Clarisse kept coming, the point of her spear crackling with energy. As soon as she thrust, Percy caught the shaft between the edge of his shield and sword and snapped it like a twig.
"Ah!" she screamed. "You idiot! You corpse-breath worm!"
She probably would've said worse, but  Percy smacked her between the eyes with his sword butt and sent her stumbling backward out of the creek.
Then I heard yelling, and elated screams, and I saw Luke racing toward the boundary line with the red team's banner lifted high. He was flanked by a couple of Hermes kids covering his retreat, and a few Apollos behind them, fighting off the Hephaestus kids.
The Ares folks got up, and Clarisse muttered a dazed curse. "A trick!" she shouted. "It was a trick."
They staggered after Luke, but it was too late. Everybody converged on the creek as Luke ran across into friendly territory. Our side exploded into cheers. The red banner shimmered and turned to silver. The boar and spear were replaced with a huge caduceus, the symbol of cabin eleven. Everybody on the blue team picked up Luke and started carrying him around on their shoulders. Chiron cantered out from the woods and blew the conch horn.
The game was over. We'd won.
My heart was still pumping and blood was still roaring in my ears from the adrenalin still raging through my body. Unable to understand that it was over. I was startled when Annabeth's voice, right next to us in the creek, said, "Not bad, heroes."
I saw Percy look around, but she wasn't there.
"Where the heck did you learn to fight like that?" she asked. The air shimmered, and she materialized, holding a Yankees baseball cap as if she'd just taken it off her head.
I looked over at Percy cause I was honestly still confused and a bit dazed. Was she just invisible? I mean it shouldn't have fazed me but still.
"You set us up," Percy gritted out. "You put us here because you knew Clarisse would come after us, while you sent Luke around the flank. You had it all figured out."
Annabeth shrugged. "I told you. Athena always has a plan."
"A plan to get us pulverized," I muttered warily.
"I came as fast as I could. I was about to jump in, but..." She shrugged. "You didn't need help."
Then she noticed Percy's wounded arm. Her brows were drawn together and she frowned. "How did you do that?"
I noted her reaction and turned to look at his arm. What I was expecting was a gnarly-looking half-burned cut, but my eyes widened at what I saw instead. 
"Sword cut," he said distractedly looking at the ongoing cheering and commotion of our fellow teammates. "What do you think?"
"No. It was a sword cut. Look at it."
He similarly to us looked down and was shocked to see the blood was gone. Where the huge cut had been, there was a long white scratch, and even that was fading. As we all watched, it turned into a small scar and disappeared.
"I—I don't get it,"  Percy said.
I was barely able to form the thought before I dropped my spear and scrabbled to try and look at my shoulder and the corresponding cut. It was a strain to crane my neck but I eventually saw the wound. Or I would have if it was still there. Similar to my brother all the blood was gone and only a faint slightly larger scar was left on my shoulder blade. What the hell?
Annabeth was thinking hard. I could almost see the gears turning. She looked down at Percy's feet, then at Clarisse's broken spear, and said, "Step out of the water, Percy."
"Just do it."
Percy looked at me cautiously before treading closer to the bank and finally stepping out of the water. I followed him but stopped right at the bank staying where the water still lapped at my feet.
As he came out of the creek it was like all his energy immediately left. He almost fell over, but Annabeth and I rushed out of the water to steady him. But it's kinda hard to steady someone when your strength immediately leaves you as well. 
I ended up having to lean on Percy and Annabeth so I didn't face plant on the gravel. I suddenly felt like I needed to take several naps.
"Oh, Styx," Annabeth cursed. "This is not good. I didn't want... I assumed it would be Zeus..."
I looked up at her through droopy eyelids. She didn't look like a confident kick-your-ass Annabeth anymore. Her brown skin had got ashen.
Before I could ask what she meant, I heard that canine growl again, but much closer than before. A howl ripped through the forest. Percy still a bit sluggish gripped my arm protectively, eyes frantically searching for the source of the noise like many of the campers still on alert.
The campers' cheering died instantly. Chiron shouted something in Ancient Greek, which I would realize, later, I had understood perfectly: "Stand ready! My bow!" Annabeth drew her sword.
There on the rocks just above us was a black hound the size of a rhino, with lava-red eyes and fangs like daggers.
It was looking straight at us,
Nobody moved except Annabeth, who yelled, "Percy, Cassie, run!"
She tried to step in front of us, but the hound was too fast. It leaped over her—an enormous shadow with teeth—and just as it was about to collide with us everything seemed to move in slow motion as Percy pushed me to the side, out of the way.
I could barely open my mouth to scream, as I flew backward in the water I saw its razor-sharp claws ripping through my brother's armor. There was a cascade of thwacking sounds like forty pieces of paper being ripped one after the other. From the hound's neck sprouted a cluster of arrows. The monster fell dead at my brother's feet. Time resumed its normal pace.
Instantly on my feet, I rushed over to Percy, at this point too shell-shocked by the night's events to even cry. I aggressively kicked the hide of the hellhound aside as I ran past its corpse to crash so hard on my knees by my brother that my teeth shook.
"Percy, Percy!," I screamed trying to get a better look at him. By some miracle, Percy was still alive. I didn't want to look underneath the ruins of his shredded armor. I could see the red color staining all over his shirt and I knew he was badly cut. Another second, and the monster would've turned him into a hundred pounds of delicatessen meat. 
Chiron trotted up next to us, a bow in his hand, his face grim.
"Di immortales!" Annabeth said. "That's a hellhound from the Fields of Punishment. They don't... they're not supposed to..." "Someone summoned it," Chiron said. "Someone inside the camp."
I looked back over at the bank to see a gruff-looking Luke come over, the banner in his hand forgotten, his moment of glory gone. As I looked at the shocked and fearful faces of the campers around us I caught a glimpse of Markus. His face was shadowed by this red-plumed war helmet but I could guess that he also had a grim look on his face at the scene before him. I noted that he had a bow strung in his hand.
In the distance, Clarisse yelled, "It's all Percy's fault! Percy summoned it!"
I shot her the nastiest look to ever be thrown. The hell he did, I wanted to scream.
"Be quiet, child," Chiron told her. We watched the body of the hellhound melt into shadow, soaking into the ground until it disappeared. "You're wounded," Annabeth breathed out. "Quick, Cassie, get him in the water." "I'm okay," he said still a bit stunned.
"No, you're not," she said. "Chiron, watch this."
I think I was understanding what Annabeth was trying to get at. I gripped Percy's arm to help him up and said, "It's okay Percy just trust us." He nodded and I helped him stumble back into the creek, the whole camp gathering around us. 
Instantly, I felt better. No more fatigue and I stopped shaking from the fear. I felt strength and a sort of calm pulse through me. I looked down and could see the cuts on Percy's chest closing up. I stepped away as he straightened up feeling the same surge of energy that I did. Some of the campers gasped.
"Look, I—I don't know why," Percy said, trying to apologize. "I'm sorry...."
But they weren't watching his wounds heal. They were staring at something above his head. 
"Percy," Annabeth said, pointing. "Um..." By the time Percy and I looked up, the sign was already fading, but I could still make out the hologram of green light, spinning and gleaming. A three-tipped spear: a trident. But it was clearly only above his head.
"Your father," Annabeth murmured. "This is really not good."
"It is determined," Chiron announced. He stepped forward glancing my way in pity.
All around me, campers started kneeling, even the Ares cabin, though they didn't look happy about it. Markus's eyes felt like a burn on my skin as he lowered his head along with them.
"Our father?" I asked, completely bewildered. Still not getting it.
"Poseidon," said Chiron. "Earthshaker, Stormbringer, Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, Son of the Sea God."
And that's when I finally understood what had happened.
My dad didn't claim me.
to be continued...
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svartalfhild · 1 year
Listening to the album Tommy by The Who for the first time since I was a teenager has awakened long buried memories of the time I pretended to be someone's girlfriend in order to go see the 2009 Star Trek movie when it came out.
I really really wanted to go see it, like I was fucking obsessed, but my parents sure as fuck were not going to take me, and I had friends who wanted to see it too, but I'd not met them in person before because I'd met them over FB through a mutual friend, so I had to convince another friend to come with who had parents willing to drive.
Enter the friend I will here refer to as Collin.
I use the word friend loosely here. Collin was a friend in the sense of he was an absolute shitshow of a person who was one of the few people in school who didn't hate me and didn't give a shit about my bad reputation. Didn't hurt that he had some of the same interests. One of the things about him, though, was that he was constantly trying to get me to date him and I had absolutely no interest in him whatsoever, especially after having seen all of the previous drama of his love life. He was also the only person I knew who had had sex (we were in our early teens, so that was a big deal), so I knew that that was an expectation of his and that made the whole thing even less appealing, especially because I didn't really trust him (and I didn't know I was ace yet either). When I say shitshow of a person, I mean it.
Anyway, Collin told me he'd ask his dad if he'd be willing to drive us, and then later he was like "yeah, he will, but only if it's for a date, so you gotta pretend to be my girlfriend for an afternoon" and I was like "Wtf, really? And then what?" and he goes "Oh, I'll just tell him it didn't work out if he asks why there haven't been anymore dates." And I didn't see any holes in this plan and I could not bear the thought of not seeing this movie, so I was like alright fine I'll do it.
Plan went off without a hitch (although apparently my distance was sus, so I had to agree to sit close to Collin and hold his hand), but to this day, I still don't know if his dad really wouldn't have let him go to a movie with a girl without it being a date or if he straight up lied to me to trick me into going through the motions of a date with him, because either were entirely plausible. His family were a bunch of redneck Republicans from Mississippi, but also he very much went in with the vibe of "someday you'll date me for real". He had this notion that if he could just worm his way past all of my emotional walls and get me to let go of my relationship angst, I'd surely break down and let him date me.
There's a lot to unpack there.
First of all, if that really was his dad's attitude, that's its own kind of fucked up. It's the implication that romance is automatically far more important than friendship. It's the idea that boys and girls shouldn't just hang out together. Just...ugh, the intense heteronormativity and amatonormativity of it all.
(Silver lining! When Viva la Vida came on the radio and I was like "oh I like this song!" his dad turned up the volume and no one has ever done anything like that for me before or since.)
If it wasn't his dad's attitude and he'd just made that shit up to manipulated me, then that's, uh...pretty violating, especially because this scenario forced me to be physically close and have contact with him when I didn't want to. I'm glad it wasn't something I had to carry on with afterwards.
As the years went on, Collin's shitshow levels only increased. Less than a year later, he started bringing packs of beer in his backpack and showing up to class high as a fucking kite. His romantic relationships got increasingly messy and he got way too comfortable saying racist and homophobic shit. I had very little to do with him by the time we graduated. While I was in college, I heard he was in jail. Shocker. A few years later, he came in with his family at the sandwich shop I used to work at. We pretended not to know each other. Never seen or heard about him since, thank fuck.
Anyway, I think this may explain why I don't have a lot of enthusiasm for fake dating tropes most of the time.
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astridthevalkyrie · 1 year
trauma dump so my dad and i work in the same company right. he sits about twenty feet away from me (yeah it's fantastic i don't wanna jump out the window somtimes at all) but anyways today he comes over to my desk and in english and loud enough that my colleagues could hear he's like "your shower is clogged you need to fix it!" and a. my sisters and i have been telling him this for weeks so the fact that he is acting like he didn't know shows how little he actually listens to us and b. he only knows now bc since her bathroom is being painted my mother took a shower in ours and inconveniences only matter when it's inconveniences for them and c. he could have said this QUIETLY or in URDU and it would be fine but no apparently asking for respect in the workspace is too much to ask for so i told him "can you be a little less condescending about it?" and he got even more peeved and said he wasn't being condescending and was just telling me to clean out the clog (something i didn't even realize i could do like i didn't know i could lift the thing in the shower bc it looks screwed on and he's never told me this before) so i was like "okay whatever" and he walked away and i KNOW at least one of my colleagues overheard bc he joked something like "that sounded serious" so um. and yesterday my mom randomly got pissed at my sister and told me to stop teaching her to blame everything on my mother and i didn't wanna fight so i just said kay and tried to keep the mood positive with my mother because who am i if i'm not playing emotional support eldest daughter all the time and my dad heard the sound of conflict and went into the basement like the bystander and enabler he is!! anyways i have started another keigo fic that will most likely flop as well but idc because i'm having fun writing for him but i'm not having fun at home and i still lack the energy to find a therapist especially bc i know i'd have to pay for it out of pocket and i'd hear it from my parents (SEPARATELY ffs) that they don't think i need therapy but my sister has had trichotillomania for years and they're only now kinda seriously registering her into therapy after being told my several different doctors to do that because she has a fucking ANXIOUS TICK and they just don't see the correlation they don't see why she would have that and my mom keeps calling her crazy as though the woman doesn't have a barrage of mental health issues that she just refuses to address she has a therapist that she chooses not to talk to she takes depression pills she has meltdowns but it's oooover the second anyone else feels an emotion and now (and always) i'm being told that i'm teaching my sister to hate her and disobey her like BABE!!!! you are UNLIKEABLE and there is a reason no one in the house wants to spend time with you!!!! i'm already in this one stupid class that my parents pushed me into that i don't wanna get into but it's so annoying bc it takes up at least two hours aside from my 7:30 to 5 pm shift which if i go into office means i have to catch a 6 am train and be back at like 6:30 pm so i always push myself to stay up as late as i can to get some alone time where i can relax and then i wake up miserable and i push goals for myself to eat healthier and exercise bc i've gained weight even though everyone says i look like i don't eat (i don't) my mom will just randomly make a comment like "i can see your stomach poking out" or some SHIT like that and she's constantly trying to get me to drink her goddamn disgusting homemade mint water that will make my skin clearer and brighter but i like my brown skin and i'm not SELF HATING like some people! and she keeps bugging me to text the lady from this matchmaking service she enrolled me into but i do not WANT to because none of those men will like me because i god forbid put in my bio that i have ideals that i will not budge from and that i am a feminist and i need someone who will respect that i'm allowed to have as much freedom as them and desi men can't stomach that shit so. and my grandma uncle and his two kids are visiting this
(hit the character block limit) weekend and i have to make it into a fun game for my sister to always be around him and interact with everyone bc if me or her try to refill our social batteries in our rooms or interact with EACH OTHER instead of everyone else my mother will think it's the equivalent of stripping naked in front of everyone despite how she embarrasses us every fucking CHANCE she gets especially around her family and my grandma is back to living with us for at least a few months after this which means she'll sleep in my bed which means she'll use my pillows and take up half the bed and every time this happens my CHRONIC BACK PAIN FORGOT ABOUT THAT acts up more than usual so i'm considering sleeping downstairs but i tend to get anxious when i do that i'm just hoping it doesn't happen this time bc i'd rather be depressed as shit instead of anxious and anxiety scares me so bad i get into my own head so easily and i hate taking meds apparently i need vitamin d pills for the rest of my life and taking them makes me feel sick and i don't drink water no matter how hard i try bc the more i drink the more sick i feel and sometimes i go days without drinking water and sometimes i don't eat and sometimes i'm starving but after a single bite i'm full and somehow i'm still gaining weight and i can't expect anyone to care about this constantly because i'm no one's goddamn concern or burden anyways today i'm feeling really introspective and i want to sit with my feelings for a bit but i can't because once i get home (in the train right now) i have to have a one on one meeting with my course instructor and i miss acting but at the same time every time i think of it i think of that horrible incident a few months ago where i agreed to be in the ensemble of wizard of oz and the experience was so bad and the people were so awful and i was the only woc there and they treated me like dirt under their shoe and every time we had a show to put on i felt ill from how miserable i was and now i'm scared all my acting experiences will all be like this and i'm so tired i want to be held and comforted and i want someone to allow me to cry without telling me to cheer up and i want to stop being so nervous every time i meet someone new and i want my skin to be clearer and i want to be healthier and i want my mother to stop abusing me and i want to just sleep in for a whole day and have no one bother me and i want to answer all these asks in my inbox because some are more than a year old and i feel so bad and i go back to school in the fall and i'll be working full time and i can't even say well i guess i had a good break year because i didn't i was working the whole time and i'm almost always around one parent and i want to write without my wrists feeling pain and i want everyone to leave me alone.
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daddys-birdy-archive · 3 months
shipcest asks 1 & 2 ^w^
YAY THANK YOU FOR THE ASK 🫶 i’m so excited to talk about my old man…
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1. Who fell for who first?
Me, definitely. Slade does have other kids, after all. He’s used to, you know, being a normal father. And had he kept that family, our relationship would have never happened. The very idea of him having a similar relationship to Rose or Grant or Joseph makes him sick. And yet, here we are now. He’s acutely aware of the taboo feelings, so he ignored any signs that I felt that way about him—and really it wasn’t that big of a deal, at first. He knew I didn’t know familial (or, really, any kind of love…) from my time with my mom. He figured I’d learn how a family should feel and behave and that’d be that. But he slowly started to warp his own feelings for me. I just… tried to take care of him, which is something he isn’t used to, especially not from his own kid. Every time he came back to a safe house, riddled with bullets and bone-weary from the adrenaline drop, he’d find me, cleaning up the bloody armor he’d strip from his body; taking a cool rag to his skin to wipe his blood away as he used a knife to dig stuck bullets out of his own flesh. Perhaps after his ex shot him in the head, some wires got warped, because he started seeing me as much as a wife as I was a son. And with nobody else around to correct our actions, we just… fell into each other, really, making a codependent mess of a situation.
2. Will you let your other family members know, or do you want to keep it a secret? Do you have a plan for if they find out?
Slade’s family pretty much hates him. And some of that is deserved, really. I don’t share a mom with any of my siblings, and Adeline loathes my very existence (it just proves that Slade was unfaithful once upon a time, but in his defense he was supernaturally coerced into it). So Slade didn’t even think I’d meet the rest of the family—though a small part of him had always wanted me to get along with my siblings (and an even smaller, more selfish part of him wanted to keep me to himself). He knew it could come to light any number of different ways, and yet it never deterred him. He merely accepted it and moved on, so long as I was happy. I personally didn’t care one way or the other if the family found out. Like Slade, I wasn’t even sure if I’d ever meet them because I was always with him and they—again—hate him.
And of course things blew up specularly and it came to light that Slade was way too infatuated with his own flesh and blood. How Slade looked at me, talked to me, touched me—it screamed of anything but familial. So now they know, and Adeline hates me even more but also pities me because she thinks Slade is forcing this on me (he isn’t) and groomed me; on the other hand, I actually do have a really good relationship with Rose and Respawn (whom I even eventually help pick a name for so he isn’t just a codename or experiment name), and an okay relationship with Joseph (good in some timelines, amicable in others). They just… try not to think about it. Like yeah it stings that Slade’s been a shit dad to them and apparently idolizes me. And yeah it stings that Slade is the first parent they’d ever heard of confidently having a favorite child. But they definitely don’t say anything derogatory about it to me—I’ve been too good of a brother to them. I make up for what Slade lacks, and it helps them a bit when they start to see me partially as another parent, even though we are all not that far in age. Now, do they say things to Slade? Yes, and Adeline is constantly getting on his case. But he refuses to let anyone say anything negative about me, so to keep the peace, they don’t.
Anyway, at the end of the day, we really don’t care much about what anyone else says about our relationship (well I was worried about Jason and Dick finding out but that’s because of how much they mean to me as well). Slade has asked me before, after everyone found out, if I felt the same way that Adeline did. I told him no, that I was happy and that this didn’t make him any less of a father to me, and he dropped the issue.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Hades
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades
Well… this is awkward…
He’s actually met Hades multiple times for business reasons (Underworld-Devildom relations are amiable if not a little odd. Hades was something of an uncle figure to Diavolo as a wee demon lad, which should speak for itself really). He’s a gloomy fellow and not much for chit-chat, but he never thought they’d end up taking one of his kids by accident…
He had to send a formal apology letter to the Lord of the Underworld immediately, but thankfully he didn’t seem very concerned for his offspring - if anything he appeared to think the Devildom would suit them nicely which was… concerning.
And he was not wrong. The darkness, demons, ghouls, and frights of the Devildom hardly seemed to faze the MC, if anything they fit right in. He’d dare say they were thriving if not for one thing…
They were So. Damn. Bleak.
Getting a smile out of this one AT ALL was rare. For once he felt the need to check up on someone constantly just to be sure they were alright... They’d keep assuring the House that they’re not actually as sad as they look but it’s hard not to assume…
He was a little mortified at first when they first met Cerberus cause… well they called him “Cerbi” and the massive demonic guard dog rolled over for them like a Golden Retriever! 
Apparently he and the Cerberus that they knew are from the same litter and they must have smelt familiar... He would have probably limited their interactions just to keep his dog on his side but after seeing the MC smile for once while they played with the big oaf well…
Cerberus got a new playmate and the MC got a massive, three-headed therapy animal. Win-win. 😌
Do ya really gotta be such a downer all the time, MC…? 😔
He thinks they’re nice, like really nice. They’re always super concerned when his brothers attack him or when he gets injured, but he’s pretty sure it’s because they’ve seen people die before so…
At first, he had no idea why he had to be saddled with this depressing wisp of mortal but over time he started to understand that they weren’t all that sad. They had… Resting Gloom Face? Is that a thing? 
They also had a different way of seeing things. He could win the lottery and they’d tell him to stay inside so he wouldn’t get hit by lightning or if he pissed off the wrong people, they’d joke about him keeping his fingers and toes. Dark stuff, but not intended to be so… well morbid.
However, what he eventually found out that the REAL advantage to having a Hades kid in the Devildom was that nothing scared them. Literally nothing. Not even the ghosts - which to reiterate, are terrifying!
Cue Mammon getting dragged to horror movies nights with his brothers and pulling the MC along to be his personal security blanket. He’ll hold onto them for dear life as they just pat his head or something, watching and not even flinching at the jumpscares.
The first time the House had an unexpected power outage he clung onto the back of their shirt like a lost child while they calmly looked for the circuit-breaker...
If he could jump into their arms every time something scary happened like Scooby-Doo, he absolutely would. His brothers make fun of him, but after seeing the MC handle Cerberus like a puppy any time something frightens them they hide behind the mortal as well…
In some ways, he totally relates to their moodiness but come on! Who can still look so sad when watching The Magical Ruri Hanai: Demon Girl?? Ruri-chan can make anyone smile! 😠
When he first met the MC, he was a little confused about why they didn't find him intimidating at all. He even reverted to his demon form and showed his fangs but no dice! All they said was, "I've walked along the edge of Tartarus. You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that, buddy…" 
That was probably his first sign that the "human" wasn't normal…
After Mammon told him who their Dad was, things made a lot more sense. A child of Hades in the Devildom? That's ironic enough to be its own anime plot!! They certainly felt like an angsty protagonist at times. 🤷‍♀️
Truth be told, they could relate to each other in a lot of ways. You wouldn't think that an offspring of the Underworld and a demonic shut-in would have much in common but the one thing they share between them is that sense of never really fitting in.
Turns out that Hades kids are black sheep, even among other demigods, and Levi? Well, he's had trouble relating to others since his angel days. He and the mortal were like off-beat kindred spirits!
Which, I mean, you wouldn't get just by looking at them together. Levi being the impassioned super-otaku rambling their ear off while his somber companion would just go along with him quietly, but hey, there's more beneath the surface. Probably. 
Now if he could just get them to cosplay as the Lord of Emptiness with him… They'd be perfect! Perfect he says!!
Highly considered drugging their food with antidepressants for a while… 
This was before getting to know them better, of course, but for the first couple months he honestly couldn't shake the feeling that the mortal looked miserable! 
Now, he's one to particularly care for the comfort of strangers, but just looking at them like that every day would sour his own mood quite considerably. It was very irritating...
It was only on closer inspection that he realized there was something else at play, though.
The mortal was different - even for a demigod he imagined. They took to the Devildom easily and the realm almost accepted them right back!
The flora looked better in their presence, the hellish beasts that roamed the wilds would roll over for them, and they even seemed to be welcomed in by the never-ending shadows… 
It was fascinating. Like the effects of the Underworld were baked into their DNA and mingled with the environment around them… Two layers of darkness coexisting within one person.
I mean, what other creature - other than Lucifer - could ride Cerberus around like a pony??
Had they not been so kind, they'd probably scare him shit-less... Their potential power was too great to ignore. But after getting used to their gloom, at least they made for pleasant company. 🤷‍♀️
Satan likes them well enough, but even still he has to wonder just what they were capable of… you know?
Oh. My. WORD. What a buzzkill!!!
Really, the new mortal was no good at parties or pictures for that matter!
Not because they looked bad, or even because he couldn't get them to smile, but because GHOSTS would always photobomb any pictures they were in!! 😫
One time he got a selfie with them on the couch and a creepy ghost child could be seen hiding behind the cushions so NOPE. No more photos with the mortal around!!
Aside from that, he couldn't say the mortal was all bad or anything…They were pretty friendly, despite their general look and feel. 
Though, personally, he thought they wore far too much black... Even in the Devildom, there's normally a pop of color, you know? Was that just the Hades dress code?
And you want to know the weirdest thing? Despite everything about them screaming "Doom and Gloom," they're straaaangely popular among the RAD dating scene…
Like. Not as some heartthrob, "Love'em and Leave'em"-type, but he's found that there's a LOT of his demonic classmates who think they're cute or have a crush on them in some way…
Naturally, he can see the appeal of the mysterious, moody demigod with a dark, troubled past. It's just the demigod in question is completely oblivious to it! 🤷‍♀️
He tried to give them dating tips or play matchmaker from time to time but eventually gave up when it was clear they weren't interested. Alas, students of RAD, this is one forbidden fruit that refuses to be shared…! Such a tragedy… 😔
They remind him of Belphie… like. A lot.
The similarities were obvious. They had a similar feel, made similar jokes, and even the same somewhat dreary attitude about them...
If he were being honest, at the beginning there were times when he'd open up to them a lot more than he intended because he'd forget that he wasn't actually talking to Belphie…
Thankfully, he knew better than to try and treat them like his replacement or anything. They were two different people after all. But it didn't stop him from feeling extra protective around them for a while.
Besides, there was ONE thing that set them leagues apart from Belphie and that was the fact they were a shit cook. Not quite as bad as Solomon but uh… Actually no, that's a closer call than it has any right to be...
Apparently, Hades kids don't need to eat as much and when you hang out with shades and skeletons for most of your life, you don’t really worry about making food that's any better than… "Well, technically it's edible." 🤷‍♀️
Their food won't kill a person like Solomon's, but you WILL start seeing stuff you probably shouldn't. He tried their "soup" once and swore he saw the ghost of his mother… and he doesn't even have a mother!!!
He swears that if he ever sees the MC and Solomon working together in the same kitchen he's skipping town… Whatever culinary abomination the two of them could create would probably gain sentience and eat HIM instead. He's always figured he'd go out with Death by Food, but not like that!! 😫
Ever meet someone who’s like looking in a mirror? Yeah, he’s getting those vibes…
He never expected the "human" to be so similar to him, it was kind of uncanny.
Upon first laying eyes on each other there was a pause… then a squint… and then… a nod.
Honestly, their combined dry wit, dark humor, and pessimistic outlook played off of each other surprisingly well. Too well for him to hate, really.
Not that it mattered because they didn’t believe him for a second when he tried to trick them (they had dealt with loads of lying monsters before). He hated to admit it, but they had a good head on their shoulders and knew better than to trust a locked up demon…
And yet, they seemed to stick around with him anyway. Because of the good conversation or just empathizing with his loneliness was anyone's guess. 🤷‍♀️
Sometimes they'd come up and sit outside the door in comfortable silence… Or they'd talk about whatever:
MC: *sitting out by the attic with their back against the door* So what happens to demons when they die…?
Belphie: *laying on the floor on the other side, staring at the ceiling* Depends on the kind. If I die, I'll just reform later.
MC: Like a reincarnation?
Belphie: Eh. *shrugs* Maybe. Haven't died yet.
MC: You could die in there, you know.
Belphie: *throws a side glare* Well thanks for bringing that up��
MC: *shrugs* What? It's true. But don't worry, I won't let you. *small-ish smile*
Belphie: *stares at them wide-eyed and pink-cheeked before turning on his side quickly* Ugh… whatever…
They did their word, somehow. They eventually got the door open and let him out, but by that time the anger was gone and he was just happy to finally talk to them face-to-face...
And good thing too, because apparently it's not smart to fight a death-child in what is essentially their element - as he saw when they summoned an army of skeletons to kick Levi's ass when he cheated them in Devil Cart...
He would not have lasted in that fight... Dodged a bullet there. 
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sirsell · 2 years
I'm here
Quick Authors Note: This is third Chapter of my story I'm here.
I'm more active on wattpad so you might want to check that out.
English is not my first language so please feel free to correct me.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 3
It had been two days since my breakdown in front of Scarlett and ChrisE and apart from the fact that Scarlett wouldn't let me out of her sight, not much changed. ChrisE treated me almost exactly the same as before. But Scarlett got up with me in the mornings to make sure I ate breakfast. She made sure I did my schoolwork, went to bed early enough and so on.
While doing all this she constantly reminded me that my mother's death wasn't my fault and that I should not feel guilty about it.
I mean I was grateful she tried, but in all honesty I've known for a long time that my mother's death was my fault. She was just feeling sorry for me. "Lottie. Love. It's me Scarlett. Are you ready for today?" The happy voice of the blonde, followed by a knock made me look up. I opened the door and gave her a small smile.
"Good morning Baby. Did you sleep alright? You seem tired." I gave her a little nod. 
"Alrighy let's go get breakfast." I nodded again and followed her towards the Common Room. She guided me towards the table and told me to sit down, while she made breakfast. "I can help." I tried but she shook her head and started to make scrambled eggs. 
Ten minutes later she put a plate down in front of me and another one for her. "You do realize that we could get at the buffet, right?" I asked, while pouring us both something to drink. "Yeah I know but most of the food there isn't very nutritious and you don't eat enough, so I want to make sure that what you eat is healthy." "I'm so.." "No, please don't apologize, there's no need and now please eat." "Kay." The eggs were really good, but way too much for me. "I'm sorry I'm full." She sighed but gave me a small nod. "Okay." And after she finished her breakfast we cleaned up together. 
"Come on love, you have to go to hair and makeup." While the hair and makeup artist worked on me, Scarlett tried to make Smalltalk with me. Meaning she tried and gave her short and unspecific answers. 
I followed her to the set were started filming.
"Come Baby, it's time for lunch." Lizzie pulled me with her to the buffet. The rest of the cast  was already there, eating and talking. Apparently Jeremy had something funny cause ChrisH started laughing really loud. He waved over while shipping some tears away as Lizzie and I walked closer. "Hey." Most of them looked at us and smiled or greeted each other. Scarlett, who I hadn't seen since the morning, got up and walked over. She pulled me in a quick hug. "Hey love." She pressed a quick kiss on my hair, while I gave her a smile and leaned into her.
"What do you want to eat?" She asked and I looked over the food before deciding on taking two small pieces of pizza. "That's not very much." I heard Scarlett say next to me, but I just shrugged and followed her back to one of the tables. Liz, Aaron and Robert were already sitting there, eating and talking. So while the grown ups were lost in their conversations, I tried to eat the food. But after finishing the first I was full, my stomach started hurting. I really wasn't used to eating so much in so little time. First the eggs, now the pizza.
"By the way. Lottie. There was a man that wanted to talk to you." Aaron said, making me look up at him. 
"A man?" I asked and I could feel my stomach twisting. I didn't really know a lot of people, especially nobody that would just turn up here. Nobody but my father.
"Yes. End of the forties. Dark hair." He continued, while eating. The dark twisted feeling in my stomach just grew. Of course he would turn up today. I sighed. Today was the five year anniversary of my mother's death and up until now he turned up every year on this day to visit me.
"Oh uhm, probably just my dad." I mumbled and got up, I probably should get over with it quickly. "Everything okay?" I nodded and walked towards the trailors. He probably would wait in my trailor, where we had some privacy. I reached my trailor way too quickly and knocked before I opened the door. 
"Charlotte." My father. He was sitting on a chair next to the small table and looked at me. "Father." I answered, just I closed the door behind me.
Now that we were in a closed room, with almost no ventilation I could smell him. The fast food. Alcohol and sweat. Especially the alcohol.
As I stepped closer I noticed the Vodka bottle on the table. Almost empty. He grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. He was way too fast and made me stumble, but he just pulled me with another jerk, making me hit my head on one of the cabinets. I cried out in pain. Raising my hand to figure out whether I was bleeding or not. "Stop crying or I'll give you a real reason." He pushed me against the door towards the small bedroom.
"It's your fault. If you wouldn't be so incredibly ungrateful and would just listen to your parents for once, my wife would still be alive." A stinging pain on my left cheek told me that he had slapped, and before I knew it I flinched again. This time the pain was in my stomach region. He had punched me in my stomach and I leaned forward to handle the pain, but he lifted me up by my shoulders. 
"You deserve it. You're a murderer you killed her." His voice was getting louder and he punched me again and again. "Please stop." I begged him. "I'm so sorry. Please." The hot, salty tears were running down my face. I was looking directly into his black eyes, while he was laughing directly into my face and just continued to punch me in my stomach. "It's your fault." His breath was smelling just like alcohol and now his face came even closer, but I could see him tearing up and some tears started rolling down."And you look just like her." He cried out. Just like every year. First he was drunk, angry and sad and in the end he was just sad. But through all of his emotions he carried aggression and when he was aggressive he hurt me. I just closed my eyes and waited. Two more punches into my stomach. A furious scream that it was my fault and I was to blame. 
Then his hands started to push my shirt up. "No..no.. please don't." Only one time he had touched me. One year ago, he had been in the same mood as today, sad and angry. He had mumbled something about my mother before he had pushed me down on my bed.
His long, ice cold fingers brought me back to reality and I could feel him push my sweater back up and throw it to the side. 
"You look just like her." His face got closer to mine and it was almost on mine, when somebody knocked on the door.
"Lottie? Are you okay? We heard someone scream." I heard Scarlett's Voice. I closed my eyes, now everything would get worse. Now my new friends would find out what I really deserved. My father pressed his hand on my mouth. "Lottie?" I heard her voice again. The tears were still screaming down my face. "Charlotte? Please open the door." She sounded urgent and worried. "Tell her that everything is alright." My dad told me, before he took his hand away from my mouth. "Everything is alright Scarlett." I mumbled, but my voice was shaking and I know she picked up on it and that I hadn't been able to calm her down. "Charlotte. Open the door or I'll get one of the boys to open it." I couldn't react since my father had silenced me again. My whole body was trembling and apparently she really went to get someone, since only seconds later someone started to pull on the door. "Lottie. I'm coming inside." ChrisE was standing in front of my door. I heard somebody throwing themselves against the door and it started to crack. My father was completely frozen. He didn't move. The fear and anger were written in his face. The door cracked and small splints flew around as the door broke out of its angles. ChrisE stumbled inside, Scarlett right behind him. Both of them looked at me and my dad.
It took them a few seconds in complete shock before they sprung into action, Chris pulled my father away from me, which led to me falling onto the ground.  "Lottie. Baby. Everything will be alright." Scarlett kneeled down next to me. She gently helped me to put the sweater back on, which I was grateful for, since by now everybody had realized that something was really off and came running. 
"It's her fault. She deserves this." My father continued yelling outside. Scarlett just pulled me into her arms and cradled me in her arms. Her hands gently started to brush through my hair. "What happened?" I heard Lizzies voice, but nobody answered her. I just closed my eyes and tried to delete everything that just happened. "It's okay baby. I'm here. You're safe, I promise." Scarlett whispered into my hair. 
"Lottie. Everything is gonna be alright. I called the police. Your father will never hurt you again." ChrisH had kneeled down in front of us and I gave him a small nod. "Come let's get some tea." Scarlett mumbled as she helped me up.
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islesnucks · 4 years
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It's here! once again thank u @softbarzal for inspiring this
Word Count: 3.5 k
Warning: none
Summary: your date with Mat is cut short when a friend asks you to look after her daughter, but then he tags along
Add yourself to the taglist!
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“Please, please, please. I have to stay here for like 3 more hours and I already called the babysitter and she can’t stay longer. Just put on a movie and I promise she won’t cause any trouble.” your friend basically begged you from the other side of the phone.
“It’s not that I’m worried about taking care of her, I love spending time with her, but I’m in the middle of a date Lili.” you told her, turning your head to look at Mat who was sitting back on your table. He sent a small smirk your way, probably because he saw your furrowed brows.
“Shit I forgot that was today.” There was a long silence but you knew what was coming next. “Can’t you leave early? I know I’m asking a lot and I promise I’ll make it up to you.” You could sense the desperation in her tone and you knew she wouldn’t be asking this if it wasn’t really the only option, so there wasn’t much to think about. Even if it meant leaving Mat not even halfway into the date, you had to do it.
“Ok, sure tell the nanny I’ll be there in 15.” you said and heard Lili let out a deep sigh making you smile. Being a single mom wasn’t easy and if you could help your friend in any way you most surely would.
“You are the best. Seriously. Best human being in existence.”
“I know, I know. Now get back to work before they fire you.”
“Love you, bye.”
“Love you too.”
Mat watched you talk on the phone, intrigued but trying not to be noisy. It was clear to see you were in distress and that caused him to worry. Soon you were making you way back to the table. He felt a bit of deja vu seeing you walk to the table like you had done earlier that night when you arrived at the restaurant, gorgeous as ever, taking his breath away. Only that now instead of that beautiful smiled that would appear whenever you looked at him, you had a concerned look on your face, which only made him worry more. You were just trying to come up with a way of telling him you had to leave right now without it sounding like a lame excuse to dip.
“Is everything okay?” he asked as soon as you were next to him.
“Yeah, just a little change of plans.” you started to say, without taking your seat and grabbing your coat from behind it. “I have to leave, like right now.”
“What happened?” He was genuinely preoccupied which warmed your heart. 
“Remember my friend Lili? The one that has a daughter of 5?” you asked and he nodded. You had told him about her on one of your first dates some weeks ago. “There was some problem at her office, she has to stay longer and the girl that babysits for her can’t stay the extra hours so she called me to see if I could go take care of little Amy...”
“And you said yes.” he finished the sentence for you. 
“Yes. I’m sorry. I promise I’m not making this up.” you were quick to add making him chuckle. “I really was enjoying this but she’s my best friend and Amy is like a niece. I can’t not help her.”
“Don’t worry I totally get it. We can raincheck, no big deal.” he said grabbing your hand in a reassuring manner. “Do you have a ride?”
“No, but I’ll order an uber-”
“Don’t. I’ll give you a ride.” he quickly said standing up, not letting go of your hand.
“You really don’t have to-”
“I’ll take every extra bit of time I can get with you miss.” Your cheeks turned red at his comment and he smiled down at you, loving the effect he had on you.
After making your way to the counter and failing to convince Mat to split the check for the food you weren’t even able to finish, you walked to his car hand in hand.
On the ride low music played in the background as you made conversation and Mat took advantage of every single red light to sneak a kiss or two. However the ride was shorter than you would have wanted it, in a couple minutes you were in front of Lili’s house.
“I’ll walk you to the door.” he said taking off his seat belt. You open your mouth ready to tell him he didn’t have to, but before you could Mat added: “Don’t even try to stop me, every minute counts, remember?” He leaned in to give you a final peck on the lips and then rapidly left the car to go around and open the door for you.
“Such a gentleman.” you joked taking the hand he was offering.
“I try my best.”
He closed the door behind you and gently moved your hand so it would be wrapped around his arm as you walked up to the door. Once there you rang the bell and within the second the door was opening showing you a really stressed teenager.
“Hi you must be Y/N, right?” she asked, already putting on her coat and grabbing her backpack. You nodded. “Thank you for rushing here. I really wish I could stay but I have another kid I have to babysit. Please tell Lili I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t worry she gets it.” you tried to calm her down.
“Amy is in the living room-” she started to say only to be interrupted by the 5 year old suddenly appearing down the hallway. Her eyes went wide and she smiled as she ran down the hall screaming your name.
“Aunty Y/N!” she screamed before jumping into your arms. You couldn’t help but laugh, wrapping your arms around her and positioning her on your side, resting her weight on your hip. Mat was beaming beside you, eyes full of adoration as he watched the sweet exchange.
“How’s my favorite niece doing?”
“I’m your only niece.” she remarked making you and Mat laugh once again.
“You’re getting too smart.” you joked poking her side to make her giggle.
“She already ate but there’s some food on the fridge if you get hungry, and we were about to watch Frozen 2.” the babysitter said as she crossed the door, clearly on a rush to leave.
“Wait do you have a ride or something to get to your next house? It’s already too late to be walking outside alone. I can give you a ride if you need.” Mat said before the girl could leave. You looked at him, a bit surprised by his words but at the same time not at all since you knew how gentlemanly he could get. How he could go from behaving like a kid to an adult within a second still amazed you. 
“Oh don’t worry I have my car, but thanks!” she replied, pulling out the keys to the car. “Bye Amy, see you tomorrow.” she added waving to the little girl.
“Bye!” Amy replied waving back to her. The three of you watched making sure the girl got back to get her car safely and once she was gone you closed the door and turned to look at Mat.
“That was such a dad thing to do considering she’s probably not that much younger than us” you teased him.
“I was being polite.”
“I know. I loved it.” you said giving him a wink and made your way to the living room before he could respond.
He watched you walk down the hall with the little girl in your arms and had to tell himself it was way too early in your relationship to start fantasizing about what your kids would look like, but that wasn’t enough to stop him from doing it.
“So we’re watching Frozen 2?” you asked Amy as you placed her on the couch and sat beside her.
“Who is he?” she asked referring to Mat, completely ignoring your question. You surely weren’t about to explain to a 5 year old the concept of dating and boyfriends. Plus you and Mat hadn’t talked about where your relationship stood, so you actually had to discover that yourself before telling the little girl. But as you looked for the right words Mat appeared on the living room and answered.
“I’m Mat. I’m a friend of your aunt.” he said followed by his best smile, but you could tell he was a bit nervous meeting the kid. Especially because he knew kids had no filter whatsoever so she was gonna say whatever came to her mind. He just hoped it was something good.
Amy looked him up and down, sword of examining him and Mat could have sworn he hadn’t felt that judged ever since his fitness test at the scouting years ago. You tried to hold in the giggles as you watched the grown man standing a bit awkwardly in front of you, being extremely intimidated by a 5 year old. Amy then scooted close to you and lifted herself on her knees putting her hands around her mouth and reaching your year to tell you a secret. Nevertheless she was still a loud young kid so what intended to sound like a whisper ended up being loud enough for anyone to hear.
“Is he the cute hockey player you and mom talked about?” she asked and your eyes went wide and face red. You looked at Amy surprised she had just said that and then looked at Mat, who was looking away pretending not to have heard that but the wicked smile on his face said he had.
“We really have to start being more careful with what we say around you.” you jokingly reprimanded her making her giggle. “But yes he is.” 
Your eyes went to Mat after saying that, wanting to see his reaction. Proud smile and puffed out chest, it was clear to see he liked hearing that. Mat was a man that thrived on praise, everyone knew that, but he was happy just hearing that you talked about him with your friend. It made him feel important, like he was part of your life and he loved it. He had talked about you to everyone who was willing to hear really, he actually couldn’t shut up about you sometimes and that resulted in his friends teasing him constantly, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was that apparently you were as into the relationship as he was, that couldn’t make him happier.
Amy nodded and then seemed to think about something serious for a moment before turning back to Mat.
“Are you going to watch Frozen 2 with us?” she simply asked like it was the most casual thing ever. You started panicking a bit, heart raising on your chest. This was the first time Mat met someone from your life, it didn’t matter if it was a 5 year old girl who didn’t really understand what was going on. You didn’t want to rush things only to end up scaring him away like it had happened with other guys you’d dated.
“Well Amy, Mat has other things-” you started to explain to her, trying to get out of what could turn out to be a really awkward moment.
“If you aunty is okay with it, then sure I’d love to watch Frozen 2 with you.” he replied with the sweetest grin in his face, but you still feared he just felt some kind of obligation to stay because Amy was the one asking.
“That’s sweet Mat but you really don’t have to. I’m sure there are thousand things you’d like to do rather than watching a kids movie.”
“First of all, Frozen 2 rocks, I wanna watch it. Secondly for the third time tonight, everything I’m doing is because I want to not because I feel like I have to.” he reassured you, washing away once and for all any insecurity left in you. You smiled at him, biting your bottom lips in disbelief, wondering how you had gotten so lucky. 
“Then I guess Mat is staying for movie night.” you told Amy and she stood on the couch and started clapping. “But I have to warn you, Mat eats all the popcorn.”
“That’s not true!” he replied, taking his hand to his chest in pretended offense.
“Ok Mat and I will go make some popcorn and you Amy go get your stuffed animals because we can’t watch a movie without them, right?” you said and Amy was instantly rushed to her room making both of you chuckle.
You stood up and grabbed Mats hand, dragging him across the house to the kitchen.
“Is Lili going to be fine with this? You know, she doesn’t know me and I’m hanging around her daughter, I don’t want you to get in any trouble.” Mat said leaning against the isle as you walked around the kitchen grabbing everything you needed for the popcorn.
“I’m like her second mother, Lili trusts me and I trust you to be around Amy so there won’t be any problem.” you told him as you put the bag on the microwave. Those words meant more to Mat that you would have guessed, you didn’t noticed but his cheeks went a bit red and he couldn't contain his smile. He couldn’t understand why you letting him into your life had such and effect on him, and he couldn’t quite put a name yet to the bubbling feeling you caused on him, but he would later realize it was love.
Soon you felt a pair of arms wrapping around your waist and his chest pressing against your back as he rested his chin in your shoulder.
“Thank you, it really means a lot.” he whispered into your ear, squeezing you a little. You knew the action was supposed to be cute, but his hot breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine.
“Could you be any more perfect?” you said turning around in his embrace to face him after turning on the microwave, being met with his all too familiar smug smile that made you roll your eyes and chuckle at the same time. He was about to reply something cocky surely, but you decided to erase that smile of his with a kiss.
You placed your arms around his neck, bringing him closer, as his hands stayed firmly in your waist. His lips fitted with yours in perfect rhythm, like it was meant to be. You wanted to deepen the kiss so badly but a voice inside your head kept on reminding you there was a really energetic, curious little girl around the house that run into the kitchen any second from now. And just as you were thinking that you heard her.
“I’m ready!” her voice traveled around the house from the living room to the kitchen, making you and Mat instantly stop kissing. There was a moment of silence and you looked at each other before you broke out in laughter. 
“That’s our cue.” you said freeing yourself from Mat’s embrace. Then you opened the microwave to get the popcorn out as Mat handed you the bowl you had set aside earlier. As soon as you put the popcorn in said bowl Mat’s hand was reaching to grab some.
“Don’t.” You jokingly slapped his hand which made him look at you with furrowed brows. “It’s still hot, you’ll burn yourself.”
“I already kissed you and I’m fine so...” he said with the cheekiest smile, making you roll your eyes at the cheesy comment. Then grabbed some quickly taking it to his mouth, only to start groaning in pain one second later.
“I told you it was hot Mathew. I thought I’d be babysitting one 5-year-old today, not two.”
“I didn’t think it would be that hot-” he started to defend himself but was cut off.
“When are you coming?!” Amy shouted again.
“We’re going! We’re going!” you replied between giggles, grabbing the bowl with one hand and Mat with the other and making you way back to the living room.
When you made it to the room you found 2 stuffed animals carefully placed in the couch facing the tv and Amy next to them wrapped around the Frozen blanket you had gifted her not too long ago.
“I see you have everything ready.” you said placing the bowl on the coffee table.
“Mat sits next Sammy and Eddie.” she pointed out signaling Mat to sit between a stuffed dolphin and a cat, which he instantly did. “And aunty sits with Eddie and me.”
You bit your lip trying to hold in your laughter as you took your seat between your niece and the stuffed cat she had obviously placed there intentionally so you wouldn’t be next to Mat. But the moment he looked at you lifting his eyebrows in amusement a giggle escaped your lips. 
“What’s funny?” Amy asked watching as the two of you exchanged looks.
“Nothing, nothing. Let’s watch the movie.” you replied, grabbing the control and starting the movie. Amy snuggled to your side and you could feel Mat’s arm behind your head as he stretched it on the back of the couch.
Within 20 minutes Amy was already asleep with her head in your chest and your left arm wrapped around her holding her close. That’s when you decided to put away the stuffed cat that served as a barrier. Mat looked at you confused, not wanting to do anything that could make the little girl dislike him.
“She’s asleep.” you whispered to him, he had been too focused on the movie to notice. “Sorry about Eddie the cat, she can be a little territorial.” you explained making Mat smile.
You tapped the new empty seat next to you signaling him to move closer and Mat scooted over to your side, placing his arm around you as you gently nestled into his side, trying not to wake Amy up. 
“And sorry about tonight, I know this isn’t what you had planed.” you said turning you head to face him.
“Stop apologizing Y/N. I have you by my side, that’s all I need.” he told you and even though his face was barely visible, poorly lit only by the light emitted by the tv, you could see a certain spark in his eyes that showed you how honest he was being. “Also this movie is actually great.” he added, making you laugh.
“You’re earning a lot of points tonight Barzal.” you said stretching your neck to kiss him briefly before cuddling back to his side. He then placed a kiss on the top of your head and went back to watch the movie, which he was clearly enjoying.
Lili arrived at her house over an hour later. She wasn’t surprised when she opened the door to a completely silent house, expecting you to have put Amy to bed by then. However she was surprised when she walked into her living room only to find the three of you asleep on the couch.
Amy had changed position and now was laying on the couch, still wrapped in her blanket, with her head laying on your lap as your arm was placed over her. Mat and you hadn’t moved that much, his arm still wrapped around your shoulders and your head on his chest, but now his head was resting on top of yours, moving your hair a bit with every deep breath he took.
Lili smiled to herself as he took in the scene. This was actually the first time she had seen Mat in person, but she was not mad at all, she actually found it quite cute. 
She carefully lifted her daughter in her arms, trying not to wake neither of you up. Amy’s arms instantly wrapped around her neck as she watched you unconsciously snuggle further into Mat’s chest now that Amy had left your side.
Needless to say you and Mat woke up the next morning really confused, not even remembering falling asleep the night before, and with terrible neck pain, but you woke up next to each other which was enough to make it a good morning.
hope you liked it! likes and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tagging those who asked to or seemed interested:
@spencereidbasis @2manytabsopen @spencereidbasis @bbbbruins @softbarzal @dreamer1430 @matsbarzals @hockeyandsht @barzysandmarnersbitch @shawnsreputation @glassdanse @tazeboes @barbienoturbby
Also here you can add yourself to my taglist for barzy or the other players i write for
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kellyteaquet · 3 years
I'll be honest, I used to protect Kelly. There have been a lot of factors about her life that have been criticized, starting with her role as mother. I used to ask myself why would everyone focus on her if she was there just to support and love Max. Apparently, I was wrong.
I found out the thing with the fake accounts a couple days ago. I didn't wanted to believe that it was actually her because, dammit, nobody can sink that low. I really thought it was fake and fans were just crazy but there are so many coincidences. The same method of writing, the same defense speech, the appearance of a new account when one begins to raise enough suspicion to believe that it is Kelly who is behind them. Now, reading all the proof and things she have made, I can't believe why—and how—Max could settle for someone like her.
I began to watch Formula One on the Qatar GP. Kelly was famous already so I start to follow her because she was my favorite driver's partner. Everyone was talking shit about her on Tumblr because of how she acts as mother and the amount of time she leaves Penelope with her nanny(s). I was like, 'Yeah, that shit must be hard for her as a mom'. Then, when I saw her photos of her, Max, Penelope AND the nanny on Miami, I was like, 'Give the nanny a break'. I'm not a mom, I'm barely eighteen, but I can see that is hard for—almost—every mom to leave their kids alone. Why, having in mind she travels here and there everytime to "support" Max, would she make the nanny goes with them during vacations? Why would she prefer to party the whole night out instead of being with her baby? Does Penelope even spend time with her dad?
Another weird thing, at least for me, is why she haven't delete the stories with Daniil. Like, I get it, he's Penelope's dad. But Kelly literally hinted that he cheated on her. She's obviously active on Instagram. She has time to made a highlights with Max but not to delete the ones where Daniil can be seen? Like, c'mon.
And her "love yourself" speech is so fake and empty. Does she loves herself the way she is? 'Cause everyone can see the filters she's constantly using in all her pictures. She has money and she can do whatever she wants to with it, but don't tell me to love myself if you're gonna lift your face or apply botox and remove a lunar. Don't tell me to love myself if you're constantly faking yourself.
And she's a Bolsonaro supporter. God. That just makes it worse. He thinks Co-Vid is fake, he deliberately exposed Brazilians to infection by being slow and taking no actions on it. She's part of the problem.
She's xenophobic, rude, fake and dishonest.
I can only thank you and all the other account for exposing the real Kelly Piquet.
we agree with everything you said!
now that you mentioned her daniil highlights being there, she has recently been deleting a lot of pictures, but some of the ones with daniil are still there and we also wonder why. we’re posting the screenshots just in case kelly sees this something happens and they get deleted.
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she could’ve untagged him too but she hasn’t, which is weird considering she’s been going up and down her instagram page deleting pictures.
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
Can the Batman get flustered ? - Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : Batman has a reputation of always being impassive. Of being very in control of his emotions. But of course, you being his wife, you know his secrets and weak spots... And apparently, sending him dirty texts while you guys are in public definitely works very well to fluster him /Drabble-Minific.
You know that Tik Tok trend where people send a dirty text to their s/o while they’re in public ? I don’t know why I find it so funny and all, but today during my lunch break I was scrolling through the app and fell on a few of those and...boom. This story was born haha. Written in half an hour while I was eating pasta, I hope you’ll like it nonetheless :
TW : SLIGHTLY Nsfw. I mean. The subject itself is “dirty texts” so ya know haha. No actual texts will be shown, but insinuation will. 
My master list : @ella-ravenwood-archives​
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Not amused. 
One. Two. Three. Fo-
Here it goes. 
He hears the little “beep” of his phone, notifying him that he just received a text.
Not any text though. 
A text from a family member. It was a very specific “beep”, for when one of his kids, you, or Alfred were sending him a text. 
You’re a little disappointed he changed the alert sound back to that boring “beep” it has always been.
You rather liked, when Jason pranked him and instead put a recording of himself saying “dingityding motherfucker, ya got a message from one of us”. 
It wasn’t very tasteful for sure, and yeah, you probably shouldn’t’ve found it so funny...But solely for the face your husband and the people he was talking to made, it was all worth it. 
So what if you were nodding along to Bruce’s sermon as he was scolding your son, while simultaneously, when your husband wasn’t looking, giving two thumbs up to Jason ? 
Anyway. Here was the family “beep”. And here it goes.
A smile to the people he was talking to meaning : “Apologies, I have to take this.” as he takes his phone out of his pocket. 
Not that it surprised anyone. He was Bruce Wayne, a busy billionaire who owned multiple enterprises and who was constantly on the move to something new. His phone ringing wasn’t exactly something special. 
Him answering during a conversation wasn’t either. 
Not only did he have the reputation of being a rather busy bee, but he was also  known as quite a protective father. His children were not present at the gala that night, meaning any calls or texts could be an emergency from them. 
Of course, nobody even suspected himbo Bruce Wayne to be the scary Batman, so no one could quite understand how worried Bruce could get about his kids. Yet Bruce Wayne has been a family man long enough by then for everyone to know he was a “doting father”. 
The fact he always protected them from too much media coverage, or how angry he would get when someone would be a little too chummy with them purely by interest...
You always found it sweet. 
That he cared so much about his family that even those not knowing him at all, even those only seeing his “Brucie Wayne” persona (minus the Playboy side he gave up long ago when deciding to make it official with you) noticed.
Of course, you knew he wasn’t always the perfect father. Or husband. But the fact he always tried so hard, and no matter what, always cared so much (maybe even too much ?) made everything worth it. 
Ah, but today wasn’t about how sometimes, it was a little difficult to be Batman’s wife. 
Today, it was about how fun it could actually be. 
Like right now, as he excused himself and took his phone out to see what the text he just received said. 
He was reading it now. And suddenly...
His eyes widened, his face turned a light shade of red, he hurriedly hid his phone’s screen, and cough a little to hide how hot he suddenly felt. 
“Are you alright, Bruce ?” 
One of the man he was talking to asked, and with an awkward smile (very unlike him), he answered : 
“Yes, yes everything is ok. Haha. The um, the children.” 
The man nods, and says something like : “Aaah children, never cease to worry us right ?” and Bruce chuckles. Of this utterly fake chuckle only you knew was fake. 
His real laugh sounded nothing like that. 
A few more seconds pass, before Bruce excuses himself, saying he has to go check something, and...Finally. 
Finally, his eyes are searching for you. 
Finding you easily amongst everyone else. 
His slight frown, his rosy cheeks who would stay this color for a little while still, and the way he walked towards you with incredible resolve...How adorable. 
“I bet you find this funny, mm ?” 
“No idea what you’re talking about, dear.” 
Your small smile is infuriating. And oh, oh how Bruce wished he didn’t love it as much as he did. Oh how he wished he could actually be mad at you for sending him such a thing, in such a public place.
“You need to stop doing that.” 
“Doing what, exactly ?” 
“Sending me -he lowers his voice and continues- sending me those, things.” 
“Things ?”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” 
You smile at him, coyly. But he can see the mischievous spark in your eyes. And he scoffs, frustrated that you always seem to easily get to him. 
Nobody does that. Only you. 
Sure, his kids will sometimes get under his skin just for the sake of it. Or could have rather hurtful words if they weren’t feeling well. But he was always able to control his emotions in those cases. 
The Batman was always so impassive. He always looked so in control of his emotions. And Bruce worked for years and years to achieve this. To be able to hide it all deep within him, to pretend he’s not feeling anything, and stay neutral. 
But you...You always burned through his very being. Wether it was because you smiled at him, or send him a rather dirty text in the middle of a crowded charity ball, as he was talking to some of the most powerful people in Gotham. 
Oh. Oh this was a treat. A flustered Bruce. It wasn’t often, you could get him like that. And it was such a treat. 
He can see you’re enjoying this. And passed the initial shock of you telling him such dirty things in your texts, he can see how funny and rather sexy this entire thing could be. 
If only, if only he could control his emotions when around you. 
But he can’t. He can’t because he loves you too much. And because you know exactly how to play him (to be fair, he also knew exactly how to play you, and could drive YOU crazy if he wanted to, too...each had a turn, you guess). 
He bites the inside of his lips, as he usually does when he’s slightly amused, yet a bit annoyed. Yes. That was a mood that was fairly frequent with Bruce. Especially when it came to you. 
You always knew exactly which buttons to push to rile him up, to fluster him, to exasperate him to no end, too. 
And when he bit the inside of his lips, it was when he felt a mix of amusement, and annoyance. 
To be honest, that was exactly what you were looking for to get out of him. 
And sending him a dirty text in public always worked. You loved, the flustered way he reacted. The flushed cheeks, the blabbering and how it took him a little bit to regain countenance while usually it’d only take him a few seconds to hide his feelings. 
You smile at him again, happy you still have any effect on him and...
Ah. And there it was. Passed the initial shock of receiving such a text, and the slight annoyance at you trying to fluster him...the smile. A genuine and soft smile. One only always directed at you. One that showed you, and everyone around, just how much Bruce Wayne loved you. 
He throws an arm around your waist, and says : 
“So. Should we get out of here ?” 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
Another smile. Genuine. Making everything worth it. 
The hardships, but also this sort of simple moments. 
When Bruce Wayne could act like a “normal” man, and get flustered as his wife send him sexy texts while they were in public, and very crowded places. 
Bruce smiles at you. Genuinely. Yes. You could always get to him. And, frankly, even if he loved to complain about it...He wouldn’t have it any other way. 
And now ? Now he was definitely ready to go try out what you suggested in that god forsaken text. 
Why do you chose such moment do to this ?! 
One. Two. Three. Fo-
Like clockwork.
He was in an important business meeting, but everyone here recognized that special “beep”, the one Jason oh so loved to change up to ridiculous things. 
It was even worst lately, as he started a “game” with his siblings : “Whoever can get their hands on dad’s phone and replace all his notification sounds with something stupid, wins”. Needless to say, your children’s competitive side was driving your husband crazy. 
It was rather funny, to watch him, each mornings as he was getting ready to leave for work, getting slightly unnerved as he made sure his alarms hadn’t been changed (your children could be sooooo sneaky).  
Tim won, when he slyly and sneakily replaced the “beep” with...that same “beep” a few times, as to not make his father suspicious, only for, after the third “beep”, the phone screaming the main theme from the “Barbie : Thumbelina” movie. Damn.
Your kids were geniuses. 
It was hilarious, to see your husband’s face suddenly turning pale. 
Ah but your children, all genius that they were, were still amateurs. 
They couldn’t get him to feel as mortified as you could, when you pulled this particular little trick on him...
Annoying him ? Making him feel embarrassed for a few seconds ? Exasperating him to no end ? That, they were always good at. But he would always regain his countenance fast. 
But what you did ? Haha. Aaah it would stay on his mind for long after the event, and would most definitely...Fluster him. 
Not a state the great Bruce Wayne was in often. 
And most of the time, you were the source of the “flustering”. 
Like right now, as he was in an important meeting, and heard his phone “beep”. 
The “family beep”. 
Unfortunately for him, it was one of “those texts”. That you just send because well, maybe you were a little evil ? Maybe you liked, to fluster him when he was in public ? To show people he was actually human ? 
He looked at his phone, straightened up in his chair and...Of course, he guessed that you must be around. 
And there you were indeed. Right outside the room.
He quickly glanced at you through the glass walls of the conference room. 
You saw him readjust his pants, and you knew you definitely got to him today. But his reaction wasn’t that grand. Maybe he had um...A little “pants being too tight” problem, but it was clear he could easily hide it. And he got hold of his face rather fast. 
Still, it was very entertaining, how clearly bothered he was. How unable to focus on the meeting he was. Only you though, who knew him better than anyone else, would notice the shift in his behavior. 
It wasn’t enough, though. And he wasn’t looking at you anymore. That wouldn’t do. 
You decided to give him the coup de grace and slipped to the restroom to um...Take a nice picture of yourself, let’s say that. 
You went back to wait outside the conference room, where you’d have a GREAT view of him. And of his reaction. That was certainly going to be...Something. 
“Beep”. The family “beep”. 
It’s uncanny, how Bruce never suspects you’re going to trick him TWICE in a row. He should though. You often do it. 
Ah but his fatherly instincts always get the best of him, and when he hears that specific “beep”, he can’t stop but look. In case anyone needs him. 
He should really find a “beep” just for you, shouldn’t he ? Then again, even then, even with the knowledge that you LOVE to send him dirty text while he’s in public, he’d still jump on the notification. Just in case something happened, you know ? 
Nothing happened today. Well. Except for your little restroom trip. 
He barely takes a look at the photo you send him, that his eyes widen, he spits the drink he was taking all over the papers in front of him, and he slams his phone screen first on the table (shattering it in the process).
“Um...are you okay, mister Wayne ?” 
His associates and employees are concerned. For good reasons. And Bruce hastily tries to dry his paperwork, and apologize saying it’s nothing, that they’re all doing a great job and to continue, please. 
They do. Writing this incident off as yet another one of their boss’ eccentricities (as far as they were concerned, there were lots of them). 
And you are LIVING. It’s always nice, you can get such reaction out of him. 
He looks at you again. And as the meeting went on, for ten more excruciating minutes, he kept looking at you, although he tried really hard to focus on what was being said. 
Oh well. He’d ask Lucious for a recap. 
His eyes also kept going to his shattered phone, playing that photo over and over in his head...Finally, the meeting was over, and he rushed out. 
No one was surprised, they all saw you waiting patiently (haha) outside. They all liked “Mrs. Wayne”, you were nice, and always lifted their boss’ spirit. 
And they knew that when you were around, it was usually to pick him up. So yes. It wasn’t a surprised when he hastily said goodbye, and went to you. 
“You need to stop doing that !” 
You don’t even bother answering, smiling at him in a mischievous almost evil way. And you kiss him on the lips. A simple, very chaste peck. That light his heart on fire. 
It’s crazy, the effect you have on him. No matter how much he tries to keep himself in check. Of course, he has the same effect on you. And to be honest, he flusters you much more than you fluster him. 
After all, rare are the perfect occasions to send him dirty texts in moments that will fluster him. If you did it in any other time, he’d just smile and immediately go to you. Or answer with an equally heated text (when he was away, sexting was totally a thing). 
More often than not, he was the one in control. Oh but when you could get to him...When you could get to him, you REALLY got to him. And if anyone else would notice how truly flustered he got, they wouldn’t recognize him. 
But you knew him. You knew how sweet and soft he could be. How many people had the wrong ideas of him. And how adorable it was, when you got him all hot and bothered in that way. 
How, no matter how much he tried, you always got to him, during those moments. And how much it meant. 
How much it meant. 
It meant that you were his only one. That nobody understood him more than you. And that honestly, no matter how annoyed, flustered and such he would get...he was just always feeling a little happy nonetheless. 
It meant a lot, that you knew him that well. And that only you, with a few well placed words, could fluster him so. 
In the Watchtower.
This was rather dangerous. 
Which added even more spices to everything. 
Not that usually, it wasn’t “dangerous”. So far, you did it to him while he was in a meeting, at a gala, not far from many paparazzis...
There had always been a sort of danger, to you sending this kind of texts to him while in public. 
But today...Ah today there was even more. 
Because today, you guys were in the Justice League’s watchtower. 
And there were MANY people, in that place, that could easily take a peak at what Bruce had on his phone. And that would NEVER leave it down that the Batman was receiving such filth from his wife. 
That’s why you did it. And also because that very same morning, Bruce had been a little too grumpy and unpleasant, and you wanted to take a little revenge on him. 
It was rare, really, that he would be a jerk to you or his kids nowadays. But sometimes. Just sometimes...Well. He wasn’t a perfect being. He had many flaws. And he could be a bit of a dick, at times. Even to you and your children. 
Hence, the well deserved little revenge you were about to get (not that you really needed a reason to want him flustered...but here, with all your superhero friends, it was a particular treat). 
One. Two. Three. Fo-
“Beep”. The specific family one. 
Batman was sitting at the tip of the meeting table. You were sitting a few seat from him, a wide evil grin already plastered on your face. And all your best friends were around the table, discussing plans to secure Earth a little more from intergalactic attack. 
“Excuse me for a minute.” 
Your husband says. And no one is surprised. They all recognize the “family beep”. And despite the reputation he dragged for years, they also all know what his family means to him... 
Clark is right there, slowly leaning towards Bruce, and you know he’s about to ask if the kiddos are alright. Turns out, Clark Kent is an amazing uncle. And friend. He worries a lot about “y’all”, very often. 
And oh, oh this was going to be fun. 
At the very moment Bruce’s eyes see your name on his phone, and what is the content of your text, his eyes widen, turn to Clark and...
“What the hell Bruce ?” 
Your husband, by pure instinct, shoved Clark’s face away, while at the same time hiding his phone in his pocket again.
Clark could’ve avoided it easily, you knew. But he probably wasn’t really expecting the Batman to get weirdly panicky and shove him away like that ? 
“You were-...Too close.” 
Bruce says a bit abruptly, trying really hard to hide how worked up he feels after he read what you send him. He avoids your look like the plague, and pretends as if this little incident didn’t happen, returning to discussing plans. 
The incident passed fast, and although Clark was a bit sour about it, he didn’t ask further. He guessed yes, he was a little too close ? He just wanted to be sure whoever send the text was alright. 
And oh. Oh that whoever was definitely alright. 
Because it was you. And this entire scene unfolded to your utter delight. Bruce abruptness and such was very much like him to all his friends. But you...You saw beyond that. 
You saw how rosy his cheeks got under his mask. And how his eyes kept wandering to you, even as he was working on something very important. 
You saw how truly flustered he got. So flustered in fact, that he couldn’t think of a clever way out of why he shoved his friends away, but that he was “too close”. 
A little unlike Bruce. 
Or was it really ? Was it truly unlike him, or just unlike the idea so many people had of him ? Because you...
You knew the real Bruce. And sometimes, he could be clumsy and shy and stumble on his words. He could be awkward and cute, all flustered and blushy. 
He could be...He was so many things. 
And so many sides of him were absolute secrets. Secrets only you and your children knew. 
You were privy to the most secret parts of him. 
The adorable ones that would get flustered by a dirty text send in public. 
But also the very sexy one that would later act upon it...
He could act annoyed, embarrassed and like he was mad at you all he wanted. You knew he secretly LOVED it, when you took this kind of risk. 
And oh. Oh how you knew. 
Really ?! In front OF MY SALAD ?!
It was a “family and friends” barbecue. One of those occurrences that happen very rarely, when your entire circle of close friends and family is free. 
One of those very rare occurrences where you could all meet up, and have a relaxing time. Today, a barbecue. 
The summer heat was heavy, and you couldn’t help but smile as you looked at your kids and Clark’s son, Jon, playing in the pool. 
Jason and Jon were having a fight against Tim and Damian, and you weren’t sure it was a very fair one...Up until Tim kicked his brother in the nuts, and Jason fell in the water, cursing him. 
You probably should’ve told them to “play nice”, but then Jason emerged from the water and grabbed both his little brothers and...It was clearly all in good fun. Jon was bursting in laughter, cheering along with Duke and Cass for whoever they were siding with to win. 
Ah. Ah you lived for days like this. When you could all pretend to be normal. Then again, you would change your lifestyle for no others. 
The vigilante thing, making Gotham (and by extension the World) a better place...this was what you chose. What you all chose. 
You turned away from your children playing in the pool, screaming (you were pretty sure they could be heard all the way in Downtown Gotham) and having fun, to look for your husband. 
And there he was. Flipping some burgers on the barbecue. Looking hella fine in his polo shirt and cargo shorts. Then again, that man could wear a burlap sack that he would still look good. 
You were shamelessly staring at him when he turned to look at you, giving you the smuggest look you’ve seen on his face in a while. 
Oh. Oh the bastard. He knew the effect he had on you. And he loved it. 
That sort of called for a little lesson, right ? Punishment, perhaps ?
And the environment was perfect. Here he was, taking care of the barbecue, while surrounded by friends asking for burgers...The perfect setting to fluster Bruce Wayne. 
You took your phone out, and wrote everything you wanted to do to him. The way that polo shirt was clinging to his muscles definitely fueled your imagination. 
You pressed send, and sat back in your chair, sipping on your non-alcoholic cocktail. You smiled at Lois and Dinah as they came to sit next to you, and took part in their conversation (they were talking about how annoying Oliver and Clark could be, yet how great they were too, and ah you could relate to this haha). But you kept a lookout for Bruce. 
His phone rang. The infamous “family beep”. But he didn’t immediately react. Probably because his entire family was reunited here, and he could see none of them were in trouble. 
He was probably thinking it was you sending him a text about how well you wanted your burger. Or something like that. And that’s when...
Your oldest son was coming with a plate full of uncooked food for the barbecue, and was about to settle it on the table next to his dad, but his phone was in the way. So he took it in his hand, and as he settled the plate Bruce’s phone rung again. 
You stood up, and called out, a little panicked : 
“No no no wait Dick ! Hey ! Don’t look at-”
Too late. You could see, as your son turned very pale, eyes widening and looking very ill, that he saw what you send your husband...
Damn it. And it was a very imaginative one at that, today...You sighed, knowing what was about to happen.
Dick turned towards his father, looking as if he had just been betrayed. And Bruce has no idea what’s happening. 
And suddenly, your husband understands. And he’s not sure if he’s amused or if he wants to frown at you. He gives you a quick glance, and you shrug. You definitely didn’t intend on traumatizing your son with this... 
Dick takes hold of his salad bowl, looks at his father straight in the eyes and says : 
“You disgust me.” Oh, but it was said in such an overdramatic, over the top way. It was impossible for you not to grin. 
And on that note, absolutely outraged and rather grossed out, Dick leaves to go grumpily eat his salad, alone at one of the outside table. Slowly, his siblings go to him, wondering what happened and why he screamed like that. 
But as they see you slowly laugh your ass off, as they see their father who’s not sure if he should be flustered, ashamed or amused, and as they see Dick’s face...They all understand the subject of it all. They don’t know the exact things that happened. But they know their parents enough, and particularly the way you sometimes couldn’t get your hands off of each others, to know what this all was about. 
Cue a bunch of “oh no ewwwww”, and a few “in front of your salad ?!” doubled with “this is a family event...”, and you definitely can’t stop laughing. 
You feel a little bad, because you really didn’t intend on your son seeing what you had to say. And this was definitely one of the worst thing that happened on the spectrum of “my parents are gross...ly in love”. But you can’t help it. Your kids’ faces are just too funny. 
And the way Bruce tries to resist looking at his phone to see what you said, while obviously being very curious (and feeling a little hot, the heat outside not being the reason)...it was just the icing on the cake. 
So what if you were a little evil, and liked to tease him a bit too much ? And what if there were some little collateral damages along the way ? 
As you always said, nobody was perfect. 
Sometimes, it is welcomed.
Oh but there are days. Harder than others. Where you do it, not to fluster or annoy him, but to take his mind off of his troubles.
Like right now.
You could see him, in the middle of this sea of people. Not feeling like he belongs. And dwelling on painful past events.
You went to get him a drink, for once. You left him alone for a few minutes, as you made your way to the bar and ordered the usual non-alcoholic drinks you two got. But when you turned around...
Here he was. 
Lost. In a place he did not want to be in, but had to so he could keep the “Brucie” facade he put up all those years. So the suspicion about him being Batman could never even start. And so he could put his money to good use. 
Charity, rebuilding the city, funding schools, hospitals...All of this required his presence. 
But oh. Oh he really didn’t want to be there. If it was up to him, he would probably be home, with his kids, in front of a movie they chose. Bonus point if you were snuggled up to him. 
This was his “one night a week” he HAD to not go out as Batman. And it killed you, that this night was too often used for such events... 
But alas, choosing the life you both chose required certain sacrifices. Including a few hours mingling with people you don’t even like, to try and make your city a better place. 
There was, however, something you could do for him. Something that would cheer him up, in this moment of “I wish I was somewhere else”. 
The “dirty texting to fluster Bruce” tactic wasn’t only used in mischievous way, to make him fluster and blush and such. 
No. No sometimes, sometimes it was used to cheer him up. 
Like now. 
Bruce’s mind was elsewhere, drowning in this sea of people he couldn’t even remember the names of. 
Until a familiar “beep” resounded in his pocket. 
The family “beep”. 
Without a second thought, he takes his phone out and...
Yes. There are certain moments, in which you sending him the dirtiest text he ever read (and being the “most eligible bachelor” for quite a while, he already received quite the saucy sexte), while you are in public, instead of flustering him would...
He finds you in the crowd easily. 
He always found it easy, to single you out. Even while amongst this many people. It’s because to him, you shine. Almost quite literally. 
He never had any difficulties finding his way back to you, even in the most crowded places...Sometimes, he joked that it’s because he could feel his love for you guide him. When he feels extra sappy, he says it with a serious tone. 
And he means it. 
He does. 
It’s easy, to find you. Because he knows where to look. As if instinct linked you to him all those years ago. And he knows. He knows it’s because he never loved anyone like he loves you. 
And right now, as you sent him a particularly graphic text in the hope to take his mind off of whatever dark thoughts he was getting lost in, he definitely finds it extra easy to find your face. 
There you are. 
And he smiles at you. Widely. So pure. Rare, for a man like him. 
Because he knows. He knows this time, you didn’t send this to him to fluster him in front of people, but to distract him. 
And it works. Oh damn it works. 
His smile turns “sexy”, as anyone would say, and he looks very smug, as you walk towards him. 
In truth, whenever you send him such a text, he always feel a little rush. Wether you’re trying to fluster him, or just cheer him up. 
That man was as in love with you as if it was the first day, forever stuck in the honeymoon phase...Why wouldn’t he appreciate receiving hot texts from you ?
Even when you were purposefully trying to make him blush, there was a little part of him, although it was infuriating how satisfied you look that you ALWAYS succeeded, that just loved those texts. 
You’re right next to him now, handing him his drink. He takes it smoothly from your hand, 
“Thank you, my love.” 
You wink at him, reveling in his warmth, snuggling a little closer albeit staying rather discreet, as this was an official event, after all. 
His hand squeeze your waist a little, and you know what he’s about to do. He bends down to your ear and whispers, all suave and smug : 
“What was this about needing um, a little disciplining ?” 
You smile, knowing your mission was a frank success as he’s definitely not thinking about not wanting to be there anymore. Well. He most likely does. But he’s not dwelling on pain and misery for sure. And he’s not thinking those dark thoughts he can have sometimes...
You give him a coy look, and then you say : 
“When we get out of here, I’ll show you.” 
Oh you make him melt. Unable to hide his bedroom eyes, he gives your forehead a chaste kiss in the hope to regain countenance. 
But it’s too late. You successful diverged his thoughts from any darkness...But now all he can think about is you. 
And what you told him you wanted him to do to you. 
Yes. Sometimes...Sometimes, you sending him absolutely dirty texts in public was everything he needed to come back to life. 
As ridiculous as this sounded. 
You were his lifeline so many times...He had no idea, at this point, what he would do without you. He couldn’t go back to the way he lived before you. No. He couldn’t. 
And you wouldn’t let him anyway. Because no matter what, you were here for him. Your unconditional love, and self-admittedly cheekiness was here for him. 
Ah. How good it felt, to be the only one in the world that could show off about being able to “fluster” the Batman himself. 
I think I haven’t written something that short in like...ever haha. I haven’t re-read myself, this is just a quick bonus story :).  It’s really just a little fun thing to write, nothing too serious or detailed or with too much feels ^^'. A quick drabble written for the sake of writing haha. I hope you liked it anyway, and aren’t disappointed or something ? 
Just wanted to show an unknown almost “evil” side to Batmom ? Hahahaha. Anyway : Any comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated ^^. Thanks in advance, and see you soon with an actual story ! There’s one coming just this week-end ;).
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
Miracle Queen Aftermath
Because there is a disappointing lack of focus or depth for the aftermath of Miracle Queen in canon, I have made my own.
Be warned of: Chloe salt. A lot of it. Chloe faces consequences for things.
Some Bustier salt. Some Adrien being called out on things (but he gets better).
In the weeks following the Miracle Queen incident, a lot had happened.
Hawk Moth had increased his power, and was now able to summon akumas and amoks at the same time.
Master Fu was gone and now Ladybug found herself the official Guardian of the Miraculous—along with the Miracle Box, kwamis, and duties that entails.
Marinette had resolved to let go of her crush on Adrien, and to support him and Kagami in their new relationship together.
And Chloe had been arrested and would now be going on trial for assisting a terrorist.
It was that last bit of news that had caused the most commotion in Paris and the world at large. What people would have dismissed as simply another akuma attack turned into a much greater matter when accusations started to be made about Chloe helping the super villain intentionally. This was soon backed by multiple eyewitness accounts and further proven by leaked video evidence showing Chloe not only attempting to grab a butterfly for herself after she was de-akumatized but even negotiating with the terrorist before the incident in which she betrayed the heroes of Paris and revealed the identities of most of the team.
To say that the people of Paris were outraged was putting it mildly. People were akumatized over it. Chloe was in a secured facility where she had armed guards around to watch her just as much as they were there to protect her. New legislation was being considered to specifically address willingly aiding supervillains. The backlash was so severe that many were calling the mayor’s own position into question.
After all, if his daughter could do all of that, who was to say that he wasn’t also in Hawk Moth’s pocket?
For Mayor Andre, his hands were tied. While he had covered for his daughter and her selfishness in the past, this was one thing he couldn’t overlook. Not when it brought his position as mayor under scrutiny. And certainly not when it opened a probe into his own dealings.
None of this was helped either by the multitude of witnesses of Chloe‘s past behavior. In particular, her many victims over the years.
And there were a lot.
Now that Chloe was actually being held accountable for something, it seemed to have opened a floodgate of outcries as the many people she tormented finally felt able to air their grievances. They came out on TV, on social media, on radio. Stories littered the air and internet of the horrors of dealing with this single teenage girl.
“She tried to cheat during this designing competition. She apparently stole some other girl’s hat design and tried to pass it off as her own.”
“She was the reason the mayor tried to shut down my ice skating rink! To build another gym! Paris has enough gyms! Why couldn’t she just go to one of those?”
“She had her dad shut down Clara Nightingale’s music video and got her akumatized just because she didn’t get to play Ladybug. We waited in that line for HOURS and didn’t get chosen either, but no one else threw a fit over it.”
“She shoved a giant signed poster of Adrien Agreste professing his love to her in my friend’s face just to make her cry! I found out after the fact that he didn’t even know about it!”
“Our entire school was punished for someone pulling the fire alarm except for her because she threatened our principal. So while the rest of us were having to clean up the school, she spent the entire time insulting and making fun of us.“
“Knowing her, she probably pulled the fire alarm in the first place.”
“She tried to crash a train! I don’t think I can emphasize that enough: she tried to crash a train!“
“Chloe Bourgeois joined up with Hawk Moth? Can’t say it’s a shock.”
“Yeah, given how many akumas she caused, I’d been wondering if she hadn’t been working with him all along.”
It wasn’t that unbelievable to the populous. Nor did anyone feel particularly sympathetic towards her for her current situation. Some might have for lack of knowing her, but Chloe had carved herself a special place in the memories and hearts of nearly every Parisian. There was nobody who didn’t know of her or have some experience with her by this point. So when it came out that she was arrested and facing criminal charges, the response was…rather telling.
Practically everyone was calling loved ones as soon as they heard, resulting in high phone and internet traffic. The Ladyblog crashed after making the announcement. Several people threw parties. People over the internet started coming up with a list of “Things We Will Be Allowed To Do Once Chloe Is In Prison”, with a count that currently rested at 139 and was rising quickly. One guy bought 500 cupcakes and just started passing them out to people on the street singing a jaunty little tune from some late 1930’s cult classic American movie. The school had closed down for a couple of days due to several teachers calling out sick—possibly with hangovers from celebrating a bit too hard. Various Queen-related hashtags and memes were trending with each seeming to fight for the top spot of most used. #let her eat cake was currently in the lead. And Mr. Ramier somehow orchestrated a 21 pigeon salute. On Chloe’s rooftop.
As it was, nobody expressed surprise when it came out that she worked with a supervillain. Many were disappointed, shaking their heads and saying “if only something had been done sooner” or blaming the parents and teachers and other adults in her life. Most were angry, mainly that things had been allowed to get this far and that they hadn’t been acted on earlier—particularly after the train incident.
But no. Nobody was surprised.
Except, perhaps, Marinette herself.
Still reeling from the events of Miracle Queen and the aftermath of…well…everything involved, Marinette had been questioning herself. Constantly. Incessantly. Going over and over in her mind all the things she could have done differently. Blaming herself for all the major blows to their team.
She lost her mentor. Her allies have been compromised. Chloe, one of her former allies, chose to betray them all. Hawk Moth had the grimoire now. Marinette didn’t have a grimoire. Fu had no memories.
And it was all because of her mistakes.
Last time, the prospect of never having to deal with Chloe again had been a relief.
Now…it was background static to her.
She could barely hear the announcements and cheers over the endless cycle of her own thoughts.
I should have tried harder. I should have been more aware. I failed them all. This is because of me.
So while everyone else in Paris was celebrating, de-stressing, or just outright reveling in the news, Marinette was grieving. With the help of the kwamis and Chat Noir, she had been trying to come to terms with what happened and figure out the next plan of action.
Hawk Moth had changed the game, so she needed to step up hers.
The days seemed to have passed in a blur. Between working with the kwamis, trying to recreate and retranslate the grimoire, and simply trying to deal with the remnants of Fu’s life that he had left to her, Marinette had barely even kept up with the current state of things in Paris. Or in particular, Chloe.
Not until the day came when Bustier made an announcement.
Chloe‘s trial date was finally decided. And though she didn’t say as such, it was clear that the case against her was pretty solid. There was video evidence. Eye witness accounts. And Chloe’s own words and actions working against her.
The odds were not in her favor on this. Even if her parents did try to help her, she wasn’t going to get off this time. Aside from getting the best lawyers money by, there really wasn’t much they could do.
Maybe that was why Bustier had tried to step in?
“Now class, I have received word that they are moving to the next step with Chloe’s hearing. Right now, they are looking for character witnesses for Chloe’s defense.” The kind teacher explained, causing Marinette to snap to awareness and realize just what was going on. Partly because of the mention of Chloe and her court case.
But mostly because of the sudden dead silence in the class…
To be fair, she wasn’t sure she could say anything either. Marinette felt her throat go dry and her muscles tense. There was a sudden tightness in her lungs that while she could breathe, it felt like she was suffocating. Why was Bustier bringing this up now?
The teacher smiled, seemingly unaware of the sudden tension and Marinette’s slow drowning. “I know this has been a difficult experience knowing that one of your classmates is facing such a trial. And Chloe will certainly need support. So I thought it would be kind if everyone wrote a letter supporting her for the hearing coming up, so the courts can hear about Chloe and understand more about who she is.”
Silence. Dead silence.
Maybe Bustier herself picked up on the growing tension, as she proceeded to move to passing out papers to the class. “I thought it would make for a nice project, so I will give you all the forms explaining the requirements. Take some time to think over what positive things you want to say about Chloe. If you have any questions, please feel free to come talk to me.”
After that, she quickly left the room, citing the desire to let them have this free time to work on the letters.
The class remained silent for a good minute after she left. Almost as if they were questioning if she would return. Or perhaps if she was listening.
“‘Think about what positive things we want to say about Chloe?’ Well that’s easy!” Alix spoke blithely, curling the paper she received into a ball. “Nothing!” She shouted and tossed it over her shoulder. “Assignment done!”
Murmurs filled the classroom. Some sounded uncertain, but most seemed to be in agreement. Or at least expressing distaste for the assignment.
“Is she serious?”
“Does she really expect us to?”
“Of all the worst ideas...”
Marinette could hear them, but couldn’t seem to acknowledge anything around her. And furthermore, she couldn’t make herself respond.
Chloe‘s trial was set for a point in the next few weeks, and at this point there was no denying just what type of person she was. If anything, this was probably the first time that anyone was allowed to actually speak their mind about the girl, and they were all reveling in it. Her classmates in particular.
Marinette couldn’t quite bring herself to.
Sure, Chloe has tried to blackmail her more than once.
And damaged her gift to their teacher.
And attempted to frame her a few times.
And stolen her hat design.
And her diary.
And a Miraculous.
And all of the other Miraculous.
But...she had been doing better for a while there, hadn’t she?
Didn’t she only betray them all in the end because Marinette had chosen Kagami over her for her own selfish reasons? Didn’t Hawk Moth only capture Fu because of her own mistake? Hadn’t Chloe only revealed everyone else because she felt betrayed? Couldn’t Marinette have done more to prevent Chloe turning?
Wasn’t a simple letter on Chloe’s virtues the least she could do?
So why...
Why couldn’t she seem to bring herself to?
Kim frowned, looking at his paper in worry. “We’re not going to get graded on this, are we?”
Nathaniel huffed. “I’ll willingly take the failing grade any day.”
“Hear hear!”
“But if it’s a grade…” Max murmured to himself. Out of everyone in the class, he took his grades the most seriously, so this was no doubt a difficult choice for him. He looked at his paper with a rather conflicted expression for a minute before sighing and turning it face-down on the desk. “No. It’s an impossible task in the first place.”
Kim rested a hand on Max’s shoulder in sympathy. It wasn’t that he cared as much about grades as Max did, but it was clear that the fallout of refusing could be more troubling for the genius who took his academic performance so seriously. If Bustier did make it a mandatory assignment with a grade, it’d be horribly unfair of her.
“What was it Chloe said before?” Ivan asked, looking over his page with a glare. “Once a monster, always a monster? I guess she’d know more than anyone.”
Mylene hugged him. “You’re not a monster. You never chose to be.”
“None of us did.” Nino agreed.
“Nobody did except her.” Alix bit out.
Mumbles of agreement came from the rest of the class. It was clear that none of them were on board with having anything to do with Chloe, much less try to help her with her current legal woes.
There was a large part of Marinette that agreed with them. But even so, there was also a large part of her that insisted she had to do the right thing and help.
She knew she should say something. She was supposed to say something here. Because it was her fault, after all. She was Ladybug. She had to be the better person. Shouldn’t she?
“Marinette? Girl, are you okay?” Alya asked, drawing her attention. “You look a bit pale.”
It was too much. It was suffocating.
“I think I need some air. Excuse me.”
She didn’t know if anyone watched her leave the classroom. She hadn’t even noticed if anyone had chosen to follow her.
Not until…
“Marinette, are you all right?”
She spun around in surprise.
“Oh! Adrien! Hey! Hi! Hello!” She blabbered. Why was he here? Did he come out after her? Why? She didn’t need this right now! She struggled enough with him under normal circumstances, she wasn’t sure she could handle being alone with him now. Her stress over everything was bad enough, but having him approach her set her anxiety skyrocketing.
“Hey,” he replied, smiling at her—and oh, what a beautiful smile. On any other day, it would ease her worries and make her want to swoon, but right now, it just made her more nervous.
“Are you all right?” He asked again. “You didn’t look so well in class.”
“Y-yeah. Just…” she sighed. “I just have a lot on my mind. With…you know…everything.”
He nodded in understanding. “I know what you mean.”
She smiled. She could always count on Adrien to be a calming supportive friend. He was always so sweet and reliable. If anyone could understand or relate to the chaotic mix of emotions she was feeling, he could.
He sighed in sympathy. “Poor Chloe.”
She froze.
“Well, yeah.” He replied, like it was obvious. “I mean, she did a bad thing, but now she’s going through the worst experience of her life. One that could ruin her future. And people are glad about it!” He shook his head. “It’s just too cruel.”
Marinette just stared.
He wasn’t wrong. But…that was what he was worried about?
She couldn’t fault him of course, because Adrien was always so kind and considerate and of course he’d feel for Chloe but…something about this just…pulled at something inside of her and was choking it.
“Chloe is already suffering enough and it feels like no one wants to help her. You heard them.” He gestured back to the classroom. “We’re being given an opportunity to make a difference for her and they’re all just saying she deserves it. Chloe is alone and hurting and they want her to hurt more.”
She felt a denial on her lips but couldn’t give voice to it.
“Everyone is so great with each other. It’s always just Chloe who is kind of on the outside. I know you’ve seen it.”
She hadn’t, actually. Because it was never Chloe on the outside looking in, it was Chloe looking down on them. Whether it was because she genuinely thought she was better or because it made her feel better to do so.
He hesitated for a moment before looking at her. And there was something in his expression that told her he was about to ask something. A gut feeling told her that it was going to be something she wouldn’t like.
“Do you think you could talk to them?” He asked her, looking so sad and despondent that she just wanted to hug him and agree to anything to make that look go away.
He wanted her to convince her classmates to help Chloe?
“I know you and Chloe have had your differences, but you’ve been able to see past her front. And you’ve done a lot to help her before.” He smiled. “Like the party you threw for her after she became Queen Bee.”
A traitorous voice asked if giving her a second chance with the Miraculous she had previously stolen wasn’t enough? Why did she have to feel bad for her leaving and throw her a party to make her feel special?
“Chloe really needs the help right now. And you’re always so good about that sort of thing.” He looked to her imploringly. “Do you think you could try to get them to at least give Chloe a hand? I don’t know what impact it’ll have in her hearing, but any little bit helps, right?”
Go back in there? With the tension and the suffocation to try and convince her classmates to help when she was questioning whether to herself?
But she had to, right? After all, couldn’t she have prevented this if she had acted sooner? Couldn’t she have helped sooner instead of being focused on her own petty problems? Isn’t that what Ladybug should do?
“Please, Marinette? They listen to you. If you asked them to, I’m sure they’d be willing to at least try.”
Her vision started to dim, seeming to tunnel in on Adrien and his sad and hopeful expression. Her thoughts crying about CHLOE and poor CHLOE and how hurt CHLOE was and how it was her fault for CHLOE—
“Oh no! No, you do NOT.”
Marinette suddenly found herself torn away from Adrien by a sudden grab of her arm and pulling sensation. She felt as if she was pushed out of the way by a fierce gale. Like a raging whirlwind had spun her around and behind it.
That whirlwind’s name was Alya.
“How dare you? How dare you try to make my girl be responsible for this!”
Marinette floundered because she had not expected this and oh no now her best friend looked ready to tear her crush’s head off!
“Alya, we don’t have to do this!” She pleaded, trying to calm the other girl down.
“Oh, we most certainly do.” Came another voice. And sure enough, the rest of the class had stepped out as well. All of them looked in varying ranges of frustrated and that frustration was clearly directed at her and Adrien.
Or rather just Adrien, as Marinette discovered when Rose and Juleka pulled her aside and out of their direct line of sight. They were all looking at Adrien, and those were not nice or understanding expressions.
Oh no! This was a disaster! Now everyone was upset and she should have just agreed or said something sooner!
Completely unaware of Marinette’s inner turmoil, Alya stepped forward and jabbed at Adrien in the chest. “You are not going to make my girl feel bad and try to help someone who has never done a single nice thing for her or anyone.” She spat out, forcing him to back away.
Adrien held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Come on, Chloe is not that bad.“
“Not that bad?” Nino exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief at his friend’s words. “Adrien, Chloe betrayed us!“
“She took over Paris!”
“She turned us into her servants!“
“Not to mention the other things…”
“Do we really have to name each time?” Alya started to count on her fingers. “Chloe CHOSE to take the Miraculous for herself instead of returning it. She CHOSE to transform in front of everyone and reveal her identity to the world. She CHOSE to try and crash a train, risking the lives of EVERYONE on board just to show off. She CHOSE to run off with it when Ladybug tried to take it back.”
“She also chose to continue being horrible to everyone even after Ladybug gave her a second chance.” Nathaniel added, bitterly. “She didn’t get better after becoming Queen Bee. It just became another thing for her to lord over people.”
Alya nodded. “And when Ladybug made it clear to her that she wasn’t going to be Queen Bee again, she felt ENTITLED to something that was never hers in the first place. And because of that, she made the active, knowing, and willful choice to work with Hawk Moth.”
“And out all of us while she was at it.” Kim added. “Turning us into her personal ‘guard’. Making us fight our heroes against our will.” He shuddered. “I don’t know if you were hit by those things, Adrien, but it was NOT a pleasant experience having your body turned into a puppet.”
Adrien wanted to argue that he understood full well, but that was only as Chat. He couldn’t say that here.
Unaware of his inner turmoil, Alya continued. “So no, we are not going to forgive Chloe. We are not going to try and ‘get along’ with her because her own poor choices have led her to have a ‘rough time’.”
Adrien grew nervous at the way the others drew closer to Alya as she spoke, clearly backing her statements as she continued.
“We are not going to defend her or speak up on her behalf to the entirety of Paris she ALSO betrayed. Whatever consequences Chloe has to face—quite possibly the first ones she will EVER have faced in her LIFE—are nothing less than what she deserves.”
“Yeah!” Came the exclamations from the rest of the crowd.
“She didn’t know what she was doing!” Adrien argued.
“Not know what she was doing?! Adrien, she willingly accepted an akuma! She used it to take control of us and revealed us to Hawk Moth!” Alya exclaimed. “That’s just—how can you even justify that?”
With as angry as Alya was, any lesser or wiser man would have backed off.
Adrien…well, she certainly would never call him unwise, so it had to be because he was more strong-willed than that to be willing to stand his ground here.
“Hawk Moth was the one who manipulated Chloe!” He insisted. “And he’s the one who got away scott free and left Chloe to take the fall.”
“And whose fault was that?” Alya countered. “Chloe HELPED him. He only got as far as he did because of her and he only got away because she helped him!”
“Don’t you think this is cruel?” He argued back. “Yes, Chloe was wrong, but she was already called out for what she did by Ladybug and Chat Noir. The entire city hates her. Isn’t that enough?”
“NO!” Alya shouted. “No, it isn’t! Because Chloe has always gotten away with her antics in the past but you’re actually trying to get us to let Chloe off for a legitimate crime here! If Chloe is going to prison, it’s only because she deserves it!”
Around them, several of the others in the class nodded in agreement.
“How can you say that?” Adrien demanded. “Chloe made a mistake and she’s suffering for it! All this time, she’s felt left out and cut off and this only further emphasizes that for her! She’s been alone all this time and now she’s alone and miserable!”
“Then why should that be OUR problem?” Alya questioned, raising her hands in exasperation. “Why are you trying to MAKE it our problem?!”
Adrien drew back, looking genuinely hurt.
"But treating someone badly never made them become a good person."
"Yeah, because letting Chloe have her way all this time has totally made strides in her path to becoming a good person." Alix called out sarcastically.
"If anything, it's made her worse." Max added. "She's gone from simply causing akumas to intentionally becoming one."
Alya cut him off. “But nothing, Adrien! You have to have some gall to be trying to get us to make nice with Chloe after she betrayed us all! And here I thought your little lecture to Marinette to make her feel bad for being relieved that Chloe was leaving Paris was pretty hard to beat.”
Nino blanched at that. “You did what?” He turned on Adrien. “Dude! You know that happened after Chloe tried to crash that train!”
“She was just trying to prove herself.” Adrien weakly argued.
“PEOPLE were on there!” Nino bit out. “They could have DIED because Chloe was showing off! And you got on to MARINETTE? Where was this attitude with Chloe?”
“I’ve called her out!”
“Yeah, one time.” Alya groused. “AFTER the rest of us had spent the better part of the day cleaning up after HER mess. Which she never apologized for or admitted to doing, by the way.”
“And in response, she threw a party.” Juleka muttered.
“It was a nice party, sure.” Rose added quickly.
Alya though shook her head. “But being a good hostess is nowhere near the same thing as being a good person. And before the night was over, you rolled over for her and she went RIGHT back to acting as she always had.”
“She made Mylene cry.” Ivan glared. “She made Mylene cry and you just laughed.”
“I didn’t mean—”
“You said it yourself: ‘she’ll never change’. Except you said that like it was a good thing.”
Marinette looked back and forth between the two, everything inside her screaming at her to help. But she was completely lost on which one she was supposed to help. Because Adrien had a point about what Chloe’s going through but Alya was right about what Chloe did and she needed to do the “right thing” and help Chloe but why did everything Alya say resonate so strongly with her and bring such a feeling of vindication—
No. She was getting distracted. She needed to help. And right now, it was Adrien against the rest of the class.
But Alya was worked up. And Adrien was looking past her to Marinette, eyes begging for help and still so hopeful that she would step in. And Chloe was still in prison and Marinette could fix everything if she just tried so why can’t she try?
“Alya,” Marinette tried. “You told me to give Chloe a chance before after the fire alarm incident, remember? You said we were a lot alike.”
“That was to get you to go to a party!” Alya shouted, making Marinette step back in surprise. “I never meant it like this!”
She stepped forward and took Marinette by the shoulders, holding her sternly.
“Marinette, you are nothing like Chloe! Not where it counts! Yeah, you both can be short sighted when it comes to trying for what you want, but you at least notice and CARE how other people feel! And when you make a mistake, you at least TRY to make it right!”
She shook her head.
“She doesn’t try to.” Alix cut in. “If Chloe was feeling sad and lonely, that was pretty much her own fault.”
Adrien looked like he wanted to argue, but Alix didn’t even give him a chance.
“It wasn’t like we left her out. We went well out of our way to try and befriend her. We invited her to things. We tried to help her. Hell, you said it yourself—Marinette has tried to help her more than anybody! And each and every time, Chloe only took what we offered like it was something we owed her but that she was also too good for. I mean, I certainly can’t recall a time she ever thanked me. Can you?” She asked, turning to the other classmates.
All around them, there were murmurs of agreement. Maybe a couple hesitated as they tried to recall a time—one single moment of kindness on Chloe’s part only to come up empty.
“Chloe’s had a hard time.” Adrien insisted. “You know how her parents are—”
“Oh yes, her ‘Daddy the Mayor’.” Alix rolled her eyes. “Like we don’t hear enough about him every time it comes to something Chloe wants. She only threatens us or anyone with him every other day.”
Adrien shook his head and tried to explain. “It’s only because her parents aren’t there for her emotionally.”
“Again, not seeing how this is our problem? Or justification for anything she’s done to us? Or how this excuses her willingly helping a supervillain?”
“Because we’re her classmates!” He argued back, gesturing to all of them. “Out of everyone, we’ve all had the most interactions with her.”
“All of which were negative.” Came a cutting remark, followed by grumbling.
“There were good times, too!” Adrien insisted with a frown. His eyes spanned over the assembled classmates before they came to rest on one in particular. “Kim, you have to have seen Chloe’s good side. You liked her before.”
“Before.” Kim replied, emphasizing the word and the timeframe it referred to. “But being humiliated and her sending out that pic to everyone in school kind of crushed that crush.”
“How did she even have our numbers?” Ivan asked.
“But there had to be something that made you like her in the first place.” Adrien encouraged.
The taller boy shrugged, uncertain and uncaring. “Maybe so, but was it something that was really there? Or something I just wanted to see? Because I’m looking back and quite frankly, I don’t know what past me was thinking.”
“Wow, that’s deep, man.” Nathaniel whispered.
Seeing Nathaniel gave Adrien an idea. “Wait, Nathaniel! Didn’t Chloe let you put her in your comic?”
“Forced us to, more like.” The artist bit back. “And even when we tried to fit her, we got nothing but complaints from her. It was no wonder we never got past the initial concept art for her character.”
Adrien winced. “It was an attempt, at least?”
Nathaniel wasn’t buying it. “A poor one.”
“She’s been trying to be better.” Adrien was getting increasingly frustrated. This was not how he was expecting this argument to go. “Rose? What about you? You’ve seen it, haven’t you?”
After all, Rose was sweet and caring, always willing to see the good in anyone. Surely she would have something nice about Chloe!
Juleka frowned at him over his focus on her girlfriend and moved to stand beside her. “Don’t push her.”
Still he tried.
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” Rose said, hugging herself. “But Chloe has done nothing but hurt people. And going out of our way to protect her has only ended up biting us.”
That wasn’t true. Not...all the time at least. There had to have been at least one instance where she did the right thing!
Adrien brightened in realization. “Didn’t she catch you when you fell after being deakumatized during Heroes Day?”
The blonde girl frowned. “Well, yes…but she wasn’t very nice about it. Even though I did the same for her before.”
“Rose, come on…”
She shook her head. “I put myself at risk to help Chloe when she was being chased by zombies, and only got turned into one for my efforts. Chloe never appreciated it. She never thanked me. She didn’t even do anything to help when we were trying to keep her safe!”
“We all ended up kissing zombies because of her.” Alix accused, crossing her arms and looking particularly annoyed. “And not just because she caused the akuma in the first place.”
“Why are you pushing this?” Mylene asked. “We’ve been asked. We said no. Isn’t that enough?”
“Adrien, you’ve got a good heart.” Ivan started.
“Easy for him when he’s not the one who has to be on the receiving end of Chloe’s tantrums.” Alix cut in, clearly sounding bitter.
“You’ve got a good heart.” Ivan repeated, sending Alix a look that asked her to back off. “But Chloe…doesn’t.”
Adrien shook his head, remaining insistent. “That’s why she needs help.”
“If she needs help,” Mylene spoke, “It should come from her parents. Her teachers. Any of the adults in her life. She has plenty of adults who are fully capable of helping her. It should not be expected to come from the kids she’s spent years tormenting.”
She gestured to herself and the others around her. “And that’s what she’s been doing: tormenting us.”
“To great joy, might I add.” Max droned.
“She hasn’t been cruel to everyone.” Adrien muttered.
That brought out a backlash of outrage.
“She outted my crush!”
“She insulted Mylene’s cooking and made her cry!”
“She got Aurore akumatized and nearly caused Paris to be incinerated in a volcano!”
“She tried to push Mylene out of the lead role of our movie!”
“She locked Juleka in the restroom!”
But that hadn’t been Chloe. She had stayed with the class at the time. The one who did do it was...
He glanced around until he saw her—a redhead in the background behind the rest of the class. She looked anxious and uncomfortable, and almost seemed to be trying to edge around the class to get to the stairs.
Adrien did seem aware. Or rather, he was focused on the fact she was there.
“Sabrina? What about you? Chloe was your friend!”
Of course she would help! Because who better than her own best friend to speak on her behalf?
The rest of the class broke into mutters as they realized the same.
But Sabrina...bit her lip and looked away. Refusing to even meet Adrien’s gaze.
“Sabrina?” Marinette tried, concerned about this reaction. Sabrina had been Chloe’s best friend—or at least the closest thing she could have to a friend. “Minion” or “Servant” would be more accurate. “Slave” would be more honest.
The girl had been Chloe’s only real fan and follower, and had assisted Chloe in some of her worst plots.
Marinette had briefly seen another side to her. A girl who was so desperate for friendship that she latched onto even the slightest bit of kindness and went to the greatest of extremes to appease the “friend” so they wouldn’t leave her. It was no wonder she had fallen in with Chloe—someone like that was perfect for the spoiled girl. Compared to her, Marinette’s anxieties and need to please were nothing.
And Chloe had pretty much been her world for years.
What must she be feeling now?
“Should we really be getting her opinion?” Ivan whispered. “You know how she and Chloe were…”
“Well, if anyone would have anything positive to tell the courts about Chloe, it would be her.” Mylene whispered back.
Sabrina took a breath and spoke quickly—almost shouting in her rush.
“I’m sorry but my therapist said I shouldn’t!”
That got a surprise. The rest of the classmates glanced to each other before looking back to the girl. Adrien in particular looked shell-shocked. Marinette couldn’t blame him. She felt the same.
Sabrina for her part seemed to tense up, as if ready to defend herself from the rest of the class.
Marinette stepped forward. “Sabrina? Are…you okay?”
The other girl shook her head, looking close to tears.
“After word got out what Chloe did, the police had to question me about Chloe. They were able to see that I wasn’t involved, but they…didn’t like what I told them about our relationship. Afterwards, my dad decided to have me see a counselor and she…has been telling me things that I hadn’t really considered.” She curled in on herself. “They all think I should stay away from Chloe and anything directly related to her…for my own health.”
Adrien frowned at that. “But don’t you want to help Chloe?”
Sabrina jumped. “Of course, I do!”
“Hold up, Adrien!” Nino stepped in. “She just said police took her in because of Chloe!”
“But they let her go…”
“It still happened!” Mylene argued. “It doesn’t matter how nice they are, how innocent you know you are, or if you’re released in the end, it’s still terrifying when it happens!”
"And it only happened to her because of Chloe." Alya added.
Rose, in her infinite sweetness, reached out to take Sabrina’s hand in support. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
Sabrina sobbed and covered her face. Aside from Rose, no one else really attempted to comfort her. Most of them simply watched her, pitying her current state. But they also remembered how complicit she had been in Chloe’s schemes, so they were conflicted. While they did feel bad for her current situation, there was a part of most of them that noted how she had brought it upon herself by being Chloe‘s lackey for so long, so their sympathy was limited.
Perhaps it was out of awkwardness, or maybe an attempt to give some respect for Sabrina’s privacy that the classmates turned away from her and instead focused on the heart of the argument.
“Man...” Nino tried. “Maybe you should let it go?” Though it was clear from his tone that he knew it wasn’t likely.
Because Adrien had still not given up, it seemed.
He looked around between of the classmates, growing more desperate. But those that remained either looked at him straight on as if daring him to call on them or looked away. A few of them even closed ranks as if to block his view of certain others. It was clear none of them were willing to help him on this.
None of them except…
“Marinette.” He called out, drawing her gaze to him instantly. “You understand, don’t you?”
She bit her lip. “I…”
“Back off, Adrien.” Kim said, giving the other boy an angry frown as he stood in front of her to shield her from his gaze. “It’s not on Marinette to help Chloe.”
“Yeah! She suffered more than any of us!“ Ivan shouted.
“She has been Chloe’s main target for years.” Nathaniel agreed. “She is the last person who is obligated to help Chloe now.“
Adrien winced at the harshness of their words and in their tone. “I just thought that Marinette could help. Like before.”
“Just because she could doesn’t mean she should have had to.” Alya countered. “She’s a teenager. Dealing with Chloe should have been the job of adults. Her parents. Bustier. Damocles. Any one of them should have done something—and if they can’t, the courts will. It’s their job. Not ours.”
“And getting her to help you wouldn’t make a difference anyway even if you had convinced us.” Max said, shifting his glasses. “Chloe helped Hawk Moth. There is nothing we could say that could undo that. And even if we did try, we would either be guilty of committing perjury or aiding in a conspiracy.”
“What?” Adrien jerked in surprise.
“The best we can do is be character witnesses.” Mylene explained. “But this is a court and we can’t claim something that isn’t true! We can’t say anything nice about Chloe when she hasn’t done anything nice!”
Max nodded and shifted his glasses. “Furthermore, our testimonies—even if they were positive—would only serve to create a narrative about Chloe and the type of person she is. They can’t explain away the current evidence against her.”
He rubbed the back of his head. He knew there were issues, but he also knew Chloe. He knew what she could be like. He knew she was a good person deep down. “I know she’s made some mistakes—”
“No.” Alya stated sharply. “Calling them ‘Mistakes’ implies that her actions were unintentional. ‘Mistakes’ implies that people were harmed by accident. ‘Mistakes’ implies that she would have any point learned from them. They weren’t mistakes, Adrien. They were willful acts of cruelty every single time.”
Ivan shook his head, pityingly. “We can’t save Chloe from this. We have nothing to say in her defense. The kindest thing we can do for her is stay silent.”
“She’s better than you think she is. She threw that party once for everyone, remember? You all went.” Adrien reminded them.
“That only proved that she could throw a party and be a good host, not that she could be a good person. There is a difference.” Nathaniel pointed out.
“Not that Chloe could tell.“ Alix sniped.
Adrien ignored the barb. He had given up on getting any of them to listen and now only had eyes for her. His last hope.
“Marinette….come on…please.”
She hesitated.
Everything in her that was Ladybug and her crush on Adrien and her desire to make people happy and take the high road and give second-third-fourth chances wanted nothing more than to give it to him.
There was a long pause. No one spoke.
The other classmates have had their say. They were letting Marinette have hers. And she knew in that moment that if she spoke up…if she did as Adrien wished and tried to help Chloe…she knew they would go along with her. It may be more out of respect for Marinette than it would be out of any sort of forgiveness for anything Chloe had done, but it would still help Chloe and it would still make Adrien happy.
…and hadn’t Marinette already done that enough?
“Did you know?” Marinette started, not looking at anyone. “I would have been well within my rights to press charges against Chloe?”
Adrien balked at that.
“She’s stolen from me at least three times now.” She shrugged. “I mean, sure, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything about my diary since she had Sabrina steal it for her, but she did steal my hat design for a competition and I had proof. I could have pressed charges against Chloe and let her face some consequences…but I didn’t.”
She looked up at Adrien. “I also could have pressed charges for what she did to my gift for Madame Bustier. Since she did break into my locker and vandalize my property while it was still technically mine…but I didn’t.
“Adrien.” She spoke almost in monotone, the only sign of her emotions being how she clenched her fists. “Did you know that after the fashion show, my parents and I took a train to get home?”
He furrowed his brows in confusion. What did that have to do with anything?
“It was the same train Chloe took control of and nearly caused to crash.”
Several gasps resounded around them. Apparently this had not been common knowledge.
“Even if Chloe could have bought her way out of any consequence for the other things, we all could certainly have had her face some major trouble for that one…” Marinette took a shuddering breath. “But we didn’t.”
Adrien frowned. “I…I see that—”
“No, I don’t think you do.” She cut him off. “Because instead of any of that…rather than hold Chloe accountable at any point, I catered to her. I tried to understand Chloe. I tried to make things nicer for Chloe. I tried to excuse Chloe. Time and again. Just like everyone else. Just like you wanted me to. Just like you’re asking me to now. And what did that get us?”
The more she talked, the more words filled out and she was unable to stop the torrent.
“I defended her from Alya after Madame Bustier was akumatized, and Chloe stole a Miraculous and nearly got my family killed. I helped Chloe bond with her Mom—costing myself any chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity in the process—and Chloe tried to get me banished from Paris just for saying she wasn’t a superhero. I threw Chloe a party to show her some appreciation, and she willingly worked with a supervillain to take over Paris. Just to fuel her ego and because she felt she was owed something that wasn’t hers.”
She tilted her head, considering.
“What is that American saying? Three strikes and you’re out?” Her eyes narrowed. “I have given Chloe more than three chances. I have done nothing BUT give her chances. And clean up after her. And just…try to help her. At no point has she been grateful. At no point did she ever apologize. Or show the slightest bit of remorse for anyone she hurt. Or just…try to do better.”
She stepped forward. Past her classmates. Past Alya, who looked ready to tear into Adrien herself.
“So tell me, Adrien. How much more am I supposed to do? What miracle am I supposed to achieve to help Chloe to be a better person that I haven’t already done?”
“You can just try.” Adrien begged. “Chloe’s alone. She has no one in her corner. You’ve given her chances before! Can’t you find it in your heart to give her another chance this time?”
“Why haven’t you?” Alya demanded.
Adrien drew back in surprise at that.
But the girl wasn’t letting him off. “If you’re so certain Chloe is the victim in all this, then why aren’t you stepping up to help her? Why are you pushing Marinette and the rest of us to do it?”
Alya wrapped an arm around Marinette in support. “If you truly believe Chloe has some sort of inner goodness that only needs the right person to bring it out, then it’s pretty clear Marinette is just not that person. She’s tried enough.”
Alix nodded. “I’m pretty sure she could’ve demolished a brick wall with how many time she’s banged her head against it by this point trying to drag a decent person out of Chloe.”
Others in the class also nodded and gave sounds of agreement to that.
Adrien frowned, lowering his head despondently. “I’m just one person. There’s only so much weight my word will have. I just...I just want to give her the best chance.”
“That’s nice for Chloe, I guess.” Kim muttered. “But not much for us.”
Adrien looked up in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Alya stepped forward, releasing Marinette in the process. “Adrien, why should we as Chloe’s victims have to help protect her? That’s the thing we’re not getting here. WE are the ones she hurt. WE are the ones she betrayed to Hawk Moth. So why are WE supposed to try and save her from her own consequences? Why are you wanting us to?”
Adrien hesitated.
“Can you even imagine what it was like? Being frozen in time. Unable to move or speak? Only able to hear her voice in your head? Feeling your body respond as she’s calling you and being unable to stop?” She clutched her arms, as if trying to hug herself. “Do you have any idea how terrified I was knowing what she was doing to us but being completely unable to stop it? How humiliating it was when she had us bowing to her and calling her our Queen? And then…” She took a breath. “She made us fight our heroes. Ladybug and Chat Noir trusted us to help them and we used the Miraculous they entrusted to us to try and kill them.”
“We were just lucky that they were able to turn the tables on us.” Kim muttered. “I don’t even want to know what would have happened if we had won.”
“Luka still has nightmares.” Juleka whispered. “He won’t talk about it, but he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks.”
Marinette winced. She hadn’t even considered that everyone else could be suffering ramifications of Miracle Queen as well.
“We could have killed them.” Max stated. “Given the nature of the Snake Miraculous’s power, we very well could have more than once for all we know.”
“Maybe you wouldn’t have killed them?” Rose suggested, trying to be positive. “I mean, Chloe wanted all of the Miraculous, right? She probably wanted them as her servants as well.”
Max glared. “I’m pretty sure I attempted to send Chat Noir into space. Even a Miraculous can’t protect someone from that.”
Adrien tried not to wince at the memory. How he managed to even move enough to activate the Miraculous, he still wasn’t sure.
“We fought against them. We never wanted to, but we did.” Alya bit out. “Not even because of Hawk Moth this time, but because of Chloe. And now you are wanting us to just…overlook the trauma of the whole thing to help Chloe after what she did. For something she hasn’t shown even the slightest remorse for.”
She shook her head.
“I know you’re nice, Adrien. But this level of kindness is a cruelty.”
He winced. And it looked like he wanted to argue. But he just…wilted.
“I just…it feels harsh. What’s happening to her. The amount of hate she’s getting. That her entire life could be over.”
That was true. While they felt her current status was well deserved, it was a harsh sentence for anyone. Especially a teenager.
Nathaniel sighed. “Adrien, it is harsh. Maybe cruel. But fact is that she still brought on herself.”
“Isn’t that just victim-blaming though?” Adrien countered, frustrated now. “I mean, Hawk Moth manipulated her! How was that her fault? He’s the one who did it. She was…” He clenched his fists in anger. “Chloe is a victim.”
“No, we are the victims.” Alya insisted, gesturing to herself and the other revealed former heroes. “We were the ones used to fight our heroes. We were the ones who had our identities revealed to the world against our will. And now we are the ones having to live with the results of Chloe‘s choices, just like we always are.“
Adrien looked ready to argue. And maybe he would have, except...
Nino rested a hand on Adrien’s shoulder.
“Adrien. Dude. Just stop. We have enough to deal with and this…this isn’t helping.”
Adrien frowned at that, concerned by his friend’s attitude. “Nino?”
Nino lowered his head. “I wasn’t going to say anything. Really, I was trying not to think about it. But my parents are currently talking with police about their options. Now that I’ve been exposed as one of the temporary heroes, they’re questioning if it’s not safe for us at home anymore. There is a chance of us having to go into protective custody.”
Alya winced at that, drawing attention to her. “My parents have been talking as well. My mom quit her job. She said she doesn’t want to work for someone who would let their daughter do such a thing and put me in danger. She’s looking at drawing me out of school since it was pretty much Chloe‘s base of operations. And since Chloe is the Mayor’s daughter…and Hawk Moth…and just…everything?” She looked away, clearly anxious.
“There’s a chance we may have to move out of Paris altogether.”
Marinette gasped.
Alya looked to the other girl, sad and guilty all in one. “I’m sorry, girl. I guess I’ve been hoping it wouldn’t be an issue. I’ve been trying to talk them out of it, but it’s hard given everything that happened. Currently, the only reason they’re willing to stay is to see through to the end of the trial. But after that…” She shrugged, shaking her head uncertainly. “Who can say?”
“No…” Adrien whispered in shock.
The others in class came closer around her, trying to offer some comfort and reassurances—what little they could give, at least. This was a situation that was clearly beyond them. Marinette herself hugged Alya tightly for all she was worth, and the other girl held her back just as much, neither wanting to be parted.
Adrien, however, remained on the outside looking in. Watching the people Chloe had tormented even before Miracle Queen and realizing just how badly they’ve been hurt by this. It hit him then—for what was perhaps the first time just how much pain Chloe had caused his friends. And how unfair he had been to expect them to simply deal with it.
He stayed the lone person outside of the circle. By this point, did he really deserve to join in the comfort? To try to be the one to give comfort? After what he had tried to push on them all?
After minutes passed, they were finally able to draw away from each other.
“I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner.” Alya told Marinette. “I guess I was just hoping…y’know…that it wasn’t real. Or that it would go away and things would work out on their own.”
Marinette smiled. “No, I understand.”
And she did. That’s exactly what she herself had been doing for the past few weeks as well. Trying to deal with things without really dealing with them. Working without acknowledging just what it all meant because she was scared she would break down and that would be just one more thing Hawk Moth would have won because of this whole mess.
“I was kind of the same way.” She admitted, and it felt like a slight relief to be able to say aloud to someone. “I’m sorry I couldn’t talk to you about it.”
She still couldn’t, unfortunately. Not about Ladybug and the kwamis and the Miracle Box.
But…she could talk about Fu. How she lost him. How she feels. She could help support Alya and her classmates and be there for them in the meantime.
She…hadn’t lost everything.
Not yet.
And that was the scary thing…
Adrien gaped at the group. He had thought the trauma was bad enough, and that at least could be worked through. But this...
“I’m sorry. I...I didn’t even realize...”
“Adrien, what Chloe did put a major target on our backs.” Alya explained. “Nobody knows how we became heroes, or that Ladybug was the one to specifically choose us and give us the miraculous to use. Nobody knows WHY we were chosen. It’s not just Hawk Moth, any regular criminal can come after us now in an attempt to get a hold of that power. And we can’t exactly protect ourselves.”
She shrugged helplessly.
“We kind of have enough to worry about with the fallout of Chloe‘s actions. And now you want us to try and protect Chloe on top of that?“
Seeing it now, in this light...it was cruel. It was cruel and unfair and hurtful, and Marinette felt horrible for considering letting herself be talked into it.
Adrien himself felt horrible for even suggesting it.
“We all have to live with the consequences of Chloe’s choices.” Alya stated. “So why shouldn’t she?”
Silence followed. It practically echoed throughout the entire hallway.
He said nothing in response. What could he possibly say? He’d known that Chloe was…difficult with other people, to say the least. He’d known the type of person she was. But she was his friend and friends forgive and support each other, right?
But they were right as well. It wasn’t fair to expect them to help Chloe after what she did. Especially once he knew of the level of harm she’d caused them. He felt the horror trickle in. The trauma everyone felt. The knowledge of what they’d been forced to do. The fact that…
He suddenly found it harder to breathe.
Nino could leave.
Adrien could lose his best friend because of this.
And who knew how many of the others would be forced to leave as well. Aside from Nino; Kim, Max, Alya, and Luka were other heroes as well. Juleka was Luka’s sister. And how many of the other classmates might be pulled out of this class and school because it’s unsafe? And Kagami—oh god, she was outted as well. He hadn’t heard from her in a while. Her mother is probably furious. She could move back to Japan because of this. And Marinette…she had been lucky to not be caught up in that fight since she was a hero only the one time, but that could have been just one more thing Chloe ruined for her…
…what about himself?
He paled.
He was longtime friends with Chloe. Went to school with Chloe. Was in class with Chloe. Chloe, who was currently getting a lot of heat from all of Paris. How was his Father going to react to that? The man was always focused on the company and appearances…what would he do now that Chloe had fallen from grace in such a way? Would he forbid Adrien from talking to Chloe again? Would he pull Adrien from school?
…would he ban Adrien from leaving the house altogether?
How was he only just now considering the impact? For himself or anyone else? Of course people would be hurt. Of course they would be upset. Of course people would respond. Somehow, he knew that, and yet he had only been focused on Chloe that it hadn’t actually hit home until now…
And in that light…
It had been selfish to ask. Honestly, he’d known that when he first tried to approach Marinette. But he felt he had to try. Honestly, part of him had known better than to ask in the first place. But at the same time…there was a part of him that still believed things could just go back to “normal”.
…how foolish. That was a “normal” that nobody else wanted. And even more, it was one that was now impossible…all because of Chloe herself.
“I just wanted to help.”
He deflated, losing all remaining fight.
“I’m sorry.”
The classmates glanced between each other. There was much they could have said, but really, anything they could have said already had been. And with him seeming resigned, it appeared there was no longer a need to defend themselves.
Marinette—ever the mediator, stepped up and hugged Adrien.
“Adrien, this isn’t something you can help with. None of us can. What happens in the trial is up to the courts. And what happens to Chloe is up to her.”
Slowly, he reached up and hugged her as well. The warmth and comfort brought some limited solace in this situation. He felt lost. Out of control. Like the world was moving around him and he didn’t know where he was standing much less where he was supposed to be.
They weren’t ready to forgive Chloe. And he couldn’t force them to be. Given the circumstances, he couldn’t blame them. And it was really unfair of him to try. Especially…
“I’m sorry, Marinette.” He whispered to her.
He had tried to use her. Looking back, he had a bit of a tendency to rely on Marinette to fix things when she shouldn’t have had to. Especially when it was for Chloe’s sake. He knew plenty of times Chloe had done things…but he always seemed to overlook how hurt Marinette was because of it, simply due to how well she always appeared afterwards. She was strong and confident, but also a good listener and willing to forgive. It was like nothing really brought her down.
It was due to this that Marinette was often the one he turned to whenever things happened. Because she would listen. She would understand. And she would always try to help, regardless of her position.
In this light…he may have over relied on her too much.
“I wasn’t fair to you.” He admitted. “I just saw Chloe hurting and only thought about how to fix things for her. I didn’t consider your feelings.” He hugged her more strongly. “I’m sorry.”
She didn’t speak. But she squeezed him back.
He felt another body press against him. A quick glance showed it to be Nino.
“I’m still super mad with her. And I don’t like how you tried to push us to defend her after what she did. But I get that she’s your friend and you care about her. I’d do the same if it were you in her place.” He gave a small laugh. “Not that I think you ever would, of course.”
Adrien smiled back. “Thanks.”
This…this felt much better.
Things weren’t okay right now. He still wanted to help Chloe. His classmates were still hurt. People were still angry. Hawk Moth was still out there.
But whatever happened...in this moment, he felt they could make it.
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adam-banks2024 · 3 years
Deja Vu
Part 1
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Kind of angst for now, backstory, arguments, and extremely slow burn. Also future poly
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He’s insufferable
He’s arrogant. He’s rude. He’s annoying.
He is insufferable.
And I have to deal with him.
Of all the people Mrs. Moore could have partnered me with, she just had to choose him. It’s not like we even put a show on in public, and it’s sad but, everybody knows about the feud between us that started four years ago. 
I had just moved to town from three states over, and I didn’t know anyone my age. After a few weeks of summer went by of not knowing anyone, my dad convinced me to join the district’s hockey team. He told me that it was because he wanted me to make some friends, but I knew that he really just couldn’t afford to pay a babysitter. And my mother, well, she wasn’t in the picture. So I ended up having to go through the lost and found at six different ice rinks in Minnesota in order to get all of my equipment. At first, I was wary of the idea, but my dad said that it was kind of like shopping, so I agreed to go with him. Originally, we would have only had to search five rinks, but I couldn’t find any skates that were my size. After almost twelve hours of rummaging through sweaty pads and broken sticks, I had myself a full set of hockey gear.
Now I was on to the next challenge: How To Skate. I had been ice skating a couple of times before for birthday parties, but I’ve never been able to skate at the level that I had to in order to survive during an entire hockey game. I thought maybe it would just come to me naturally after attending a few practices. Until I did some research at the school library. Apparently, it takes a person at least two months to learn how to ice skate. But ignoring the negative, I decided to focus on the positive. ‘I could at least balance myself...and besides, I probably would be on the bench for every game...and just remember, you’re doing this for friends.’ These were the only three things that ran through my mind on the way to the ice rink. I was honestly terrified. I was scared that the other kids would make fun of me, or worse, ignore me. Well, maybe being made fun of is worse, but at least then they’d acknowledge me. I had to stop myself from thinking about that kinda stuff. I haven’t even attended a single hockey practice yet, and now I’ve added at least four more stressors into my life.
When my dad pulled up to the building, my stomach was tingling. My hands were clammy, and my eyebags had definitely seen better days. I wanted to run so fast away from this place, and not move at all at the same time.
“Nerves,” my dad said. He must’ve noticed from my frozen state in the backseat of his minivan. “You’ll do great! Just don’t break any bones.” He chuckled at the end in hopes that it would come off as a joke, but that is definitely not how it sounded.
To my surprise, I was the first kid that had arrived. I didn’t know much about the team, but I did know that most of the other kids had been on it since they were five or six years old. I was almost the exact opposite, thirteen and just starting. I wasn’t really sure why I was the first person to arrive, and it only added to my nervousness. 
I tried to brush it off as I saw someone outside in the parking lot leave a car holding a bag like you had. I could hear his muffled voice. “I’ll see you at six.” Whoever he was talking to must have responded because the boy spoke again, “yup, love you too.” A parent maybe. A mom? I could faintly make out a silhouette in the driver’s seat, but the glare from the sun blocked most of the car window.
Thank god someone else was here because at least now I knew that I was in the right place. But another problem arose. Now, different things were rushing through my head about what to say to the other boy. Should I make a joke, ask a question? Simply say ‘hello’? I didn’t know. So, I decided to settle on the most stupid thing anyone could ever say. 
“Are you on the hockey team?” What kind of question is that? He has a bag, this time is cut out specifically for hickey practice, and he has a hockey stick with him. Why else would he be here?
He looked up from where he was walking and stared at me awkwardly. It was likely that he wouldn’t have even noticed me if I hadn’t said anything to him. But I did. Which I regretted.
“Oh, um, yeah.” He went to keep on walking but he stopped himself quickly. “Are you?”
I had to keep a laugh in because the boy looked genuinely confused. Or maybe I misjudged that for concern. Still, though, it sounded a bit hopeful. This kid was really hard to read. Either way, I was pretty sure that he thought I couldn’t play hockey.
“Yeah. My dad made me join to make some friends.” 
Suddenly the boy’s demeanor changed. He seemed almost excited that there was a new kid on the team. “Well, I’ll be your first friend. My name’s Adam. Adam Banks. Walk and talk.” And then he started towards two big double doors.
My eyebrows rose at the sudden confidence, taken off guard, but at least he was being friendly. I adjusted your bags and followed right behind him. “So what’s it like here.”
He answered after struggling to open one of the doors, “Well it’s not so bad. It’s super cutthroat during the regular season but in the offseason, it’s pretty relaxed.” As I made myself around the outside of the rink, he kept rambling. “Especially during summer league. The kids who only play during that league have it nice. You’ll definitely survive.”
“Um, so what happens during the regular season?” The thought of angry yelling coaches wasn’t appealing to me, but I could make it work
Adam shrugged his bag up so it wouldn’t fall from his shoulder, “Well. Usually, coach yells at us, tells us that if we don’t win we’re failures, and everyone is constantly fighting to be a starter.” There was silence. “So that’s fun.” I just nodded my head, trying to take this all in. Adam didn’t say anything until he reached the locker room doors. Then he turned to me. “Yeah, but coach is a lot less lenient during summer because it doesn’t really matter for playoffs.”
I scoffed, “yeah, but I’ll eventually have to deal with him. Right?”
Adam’s expression flattened, “Wait, you’re doing winter league too?” He looked genuinely concerned, and now I was second-guessing joining hockey. If this boy didn’t think I could survive, then how could I? Even if I was just gonna sit on the bench, the way this kid was making it out to be was not sounding like the greatest way to make friends.
“Well, yeah. Is that bad?” I needed to hear him say it. Say that I should quit, or join dance, or something. Just so I could have an excuse to tell my dad in case the first day of practice goes awry.
He spoke fast, “Oh no, no. It’s just that--” 
“That I’m not good enough…”
He didn’t say anything. Harsh. I was just trying to make a joke but, I guess that’s what he was really thinking. We stood in silence for a few more seconds, and then he finally thought of something to respond with.
“No. I just feel like you’ll get hurt… and, um.”
I started to laugh. I applaud Adam for trying to make it seem like he didn’t think I was bad, but he just couldn’t do it. “Don’t sweat it, I know I’m gonna be bad.” He started to laugh with me. “Hey, at least I’ll get abs out of it.” 
He and I were actually pretty good friends for the most part. He was my first friend here in Minnesota. He taught me how to skate, and in turn, I offered him some sub-par jokes. He always used to laugh at my jokes even if they were awful. He was what I considered my best friend. He definitely wasn’t a best friend, I couldn’t confide in all of my secrets, and he couldn’t do the same to me, but Adam was the only kid I was friends with. We laughed hard, we fell on the ice together. He even told his mom that practices started to end later just so he could wait with me until my dad got off work and picked me up. 
Not long after we bonded, I hato the ducks. At the time, I didn’t know exactly what happened. All my dad said to me was something about how the coach wasn’t that nice, and that he didn’t want me on his team. I didn’t really care since hockey wasn’t something that I cared about too much. So I said goodbye to Adam and explained that I had to go. I didn’t say anything about the coach-not-liking-me part because then I thought he’d feel bad for me.
“Yeah, I’m supposed to switch teams too, but I think my dads’ gonna see if I can stay on the team.” He spoke almost as if he was trying to convince himself. I thought it was a great idea to tell him why he had to go to the ducks.
“They don’t want you, Adam. Maybe if you go to the ducks, you’ll get a coach who appreciates you.” I didn’t know what was wrong with what I said to him until about a year later, but by the time I finished my sentence, he was fuming.
The situation afterward was a blur, and I can’t remember what all was said. I just remember Adam touching on the fact how I’m an awful hockey player, and that he only talked to me because he felt sorry for me. Now, if my old coach had told me that I was awful at hockey, I’d be completely fine. I already knew that, and coach is just...coach. But hearing it come from Adam? It wasn’t like he was just telling me how it is, he wanted to hurt me.
It took me two weeks to stop thinking about the situation constantly, and then it started to fade away. I never even told him the real reason why I told him what I did, but now I have to work on a history project with him. How am I gonna do that if I can’t even tell him the reason for our quarrel that we had three years ago? Let alone complete a whole project?
“The syllabus will be given tomorrow, and the deadline for this project will be written under the ‘AP History’ bulletin. You may get to work.”
I slumped out of my desk and started putting away my things that were on the table attachment. During this, I tried to think of what I was going to say when I went over to him. I almost decided on either trying to make a truce or just acting like he didn’t exist.
He was slouched in his desk, pencil in hand, avoiding eye contact with me. As I sat down my stuff on an empty desk near him, his words startled me. “So, 50/50?”
I just stared at him. For some reason, my brain could not process what Adam had just said. It took a solid four seconds for me to respond. “I don’t understand.”
Adam’s eyebrows rose while his eyes rolled, “Of course you don’t.”
I scoffed, “What, you’re just gonna say some numbers and you think I’m gonna understand what you’re trying to say?”
He was leaning forward in his desk now, “Well you seemed to be doing well in calculus, so, yes.” A small, mocking smile was now gracing his face. 
I took in a deep breath to try and refrain from spewing whatever profanities came to mind. “Look, can we just set aside whatever this is so we can do this project?” He crossed his arms in response. “C’mon, I can’t afford to get a bad grade.” Still no response. If his goal was to ruin my life, he sure was on the right path. 
“What do I get out of it?”
The audacity.
“I’m just saying. I’ll be fine with one bad grade, so what exactly is the payoff for tolerating...you?”
So there was a shiny glimmer of hope, but it would definitely come at a cost. “Anything. Anything you want. Just please, tolerate me.”
He brought a hand to his chin, acting like he was pondering his choice, “but will it really be anything?”
“Oh my god, you are so annoying.”
“Watch it.” His voice was stern.
“Okay, okay. Sorry. But yes, anything. You name it.”
Did he even know what he wanted? Or was he just trying to play this out? Either way, I’m about to have a conniption if we don’t start working on this project soon.
We sat in silence for what felt like forever. Of course, Adam had to change his thinking position almost every second, until he decided on what he wanted. “Okay, here’s the deal. I help you get your precious little A, and you have to get me a date with Charlie.”
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remedialpotions · 3 years
Off The Train
Thanks to @mertronus for tagging me in the HPRomione Discord Popcorn game thingy! The prompt she gave me was: "I can finally see you."
I'm tagging @acnelli with the prompt: "You can't just keep pretending things are fine!"
”I can’t wait until you get off that train,” says Ron, his voice low and lazy with fatigue, “and I can finally see you.”
Hermione shifts in her bed so she’s lying on her side, mirror held out before her. This way, she can pretend - if she squints a bit, and ignores the crimson hangings of her four-poster bed - that he’s lying next to her, and not hundreds of miles away in London.
“What do you mean, ‘finally’?” Hermione, too, keeps her voice quiet. It won’t do, in her final days as Head Girl, to be waking her dormmates. “You’re looking at me right now.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same. I can see you, but I can’t touch you, or...” The corner of Ron’s mouth twitches up into a crooked smile. “Or do anything else for that matter.”
“Right. Well,” she says, trying to infuse positivity into her voice, despite the weeks since the Easter holidays dragging into what felt like months and years, despite missing him so much that it’s like a heavy fog surrounding her. “It’s only a couple more days, right?”
“Can’t it be now?” Ron looks like he’s reclined in bed too now, his fiery hair stark against the deep navy of his sheets. “Just get to Hogsmeade, then you can Apparate-“
“You know full well that I cannot,” she replies briskly, even though it’s tempting, really tempting. “It’s-“
“-behavior unbecoming of a Head Girl,” Ron finishes her sentence. “I know. I just miss you, that’s all.”
“I miss you too.”
“I love you,” he adds after a moment’s silence, before his eyes widen with inspiration. “Oh, I’ve got it. What if I Apparate to Hogsmeade, and then walk to the castle - I bet Hagrid would let me through the gates-“
“It’s only two days, Ron.”
He sighs. “Fine.”
“And I love you too.”
He grinned. “Yeah, I know.”
Pigwidgeon is the last owl to fly into the Great Hall, his little wings beating wildly to keep him aloft. With a scrap of parchment clutched in his tiny talons, he struggles over to the Gryffindor table before somersaulting down into Hermione’s lap.
Hermione’s heart sinks, and not just at the sight of the exhausted little bird currently burrowing into the crook of her elbow. Their two-way mirrors mean they don’t usually have to resort to writing letters. Not unless...
Hermione, the parchment reads when she unfolds it. Got called on an emergency mission. I’m not allowed to tell you where or why or even how long but I’m hoping it won’t take too long. I’m still going to be there at King’s Cross, because I’m dying to see you and I can’t wait until all this is over and we can just be together. Anyway, I love you and try not to worry too much. I promise to do my best not to die.
“Oh, good,” comes Ginny’s voice from beside her, and Hermione turns to see her peering intently at the parchment. “He’s promised not to die, that’s a relief-“
“He’ll be there,” interrupts Hermione, tucking the note in the pocket of her robes before Ginny can further infringe upon her privacy. “If he thinks it’ll only take a day, then I believe him.”
Ginny blinks. “I never said he wouldn’t be.” Plucking Pigwidgeon from Hermione’s lap, she offers him water from her goblet. “I’m sure he knows what he’s talking about.”
“It’s probably just a quick day trip,” Hermione rationalizes, eyes focused hard on Pigwidgeon as he drinks so she doesn’t have to see the sympathy she knows is etched on Ginny’s face, “and he just wanted me to know in case - well-”
“In case he dies?”
Ginny’s attempt at a joke falls flat.
“Well, just in case, you know, something were to - to happen,” Hermione stammers, “and anyway, it’s just good for me to know - I like to know what he’s up to - not in a controlling way or anything, just-”
“Of course,” Ginny interjects bracingly. “I’m sure he just wanted you to know, that’s all. I’m sure he’ll be there.”
Hermione picks up her mug of tea and holds it close to her face so the steam washes over her. She knows what they’re both thinking but are unwilling to say: that in the year Ron and Harry have been Aurors, neither has had a mission run shorter than a week.
And so Hermione sits with Ginny and Luna on the train, watching the Scottish Highlands slowly transform into the low, tidy hills of the English countryside outside her window and hoping against hope that Ron will be there on Platform 9 and ¾. But she hasn’t heard from him since that first letter, and his mirror has gone dark. This doesn’t worry her - not for his safety, anyway - but it does make it difficult to share in Ginny’s gleeful anticipation as the train pulls into King’s Cross.
She busies herself with tending to Crookshanks, who is furious about his prolonged confinement in his basket, as Harry and Ginny embrace on the platform. It’s not that she’s upset, not really. Ron is doing what he needs to do, and she would never want him shirking his responsibilities just so he can kiss her on a train platform for the first time since April. She just wishes things could be different.
After Harry and Ginny depart for Grimmauld Place, she flags down a taxi and rides alone to her parents’ home. The family car is parked in front, which is unusual for a weekday, but when she goes inside, she finds her parents have been eagerly awaiting her arrival and can hardly let her set down her trunk before whisking her away to an upscale restaurant in South Kensington.
“So, tell us about school,” says Mum with an eager smile once they’re seated at their candlelit table. “How were your exams? I want to hear everything.”
“I will later,” Hermione replies, raising her brows and tipping her head pointedly in the direction of the waiter currently pouring red wine into their glasses.
“Oh, right, right, of course. Well, anyway, dear,” she begins as the waiter sets down menus and strides away, “your father and I have a little surprise for you.”
It’s foolish, she knows, but her mind leaps instantly to Ron. Maybe all of this business with his mission has been a ruse, and he’s here in London after all, and she’ll be able to come up with an excuse to spend the night at Grimmauld Place…
Until she notices that her parents are still talking, and there’s no tall, lanky, red-haired wizard to be seen in this high-end French restaurant, but there are three Eurostar boarding passes laid out across the tablecloth.
“Sorry,” says Hermione, shaking her head to clear away the daydream, “what’s going on?”
“We’re going to Paris!” announces Mum with delight. “We thought it would be so lovely to spend time together since you’ve been away for so long, and you’re about to start your new job - and I know you’ve always wanted to go there. We’ve got ten whole days, and everything’s booked, so all you’ve got to do is pack.”
“That - that’s - that’s brilliant,” Hermione musters, forcing her lips into some semblance of a smile. Her parents beam so brightly back that it’s almost difficult to look at them. “Erm, so when are we leaving?”
She crosses her fingers under the table, praying they’ll say August, or her birthday in September, or Christmas, anything but-
“This weekend!”
Of course.
Paris is beautiful. It exceeds every single one of Hermione’s expectations. She and her parents consume copious amounts of bread, cheese and wine, they visit museums and cafes and old bookstores, they ascend to the top of the Eiffel Tower and take in the view. She thinks of Ron constantly as she walks the cobbled streets, as she crosses the Pont des Artes and sees the countless locks affixed to its railing. Before she left, she sent Harry an owl to tell him that she was leaving, so Ron would know where she was if he returned home before she did. As they can’t communicate when she’s staying in a Muggle hotel, she truly has no idea where he is, but she tells herself that he’s still on his mission. It feels better that way, imagining that even if she stayed in London, there would still be obstacles keeping them apart.
On their last day, she nearly empties out a patisserie buying eclairs and macarons for Ron, and then they board the Eurostar back to England. Nervous anticipation grips her stomach as the train barrels through the tunnel (idly, she wonders if Ron’s dad is aware of this train that travels underwater, and makes a mental note to tell him), because she has no idea what awaits her back in London. What if Ron’s still away? Or worse - what if something’s happened to him, and she’s been off enjoying a holiday while he’s been suffering?
The train can’t move quickly enough. Hermione can focus on nothing - not the paperback romance novel her mother has loaned her to read, not the Muggle newspaper that her father is engrossed in, not even the argument of the couple seated across the aisle from them. It’s only a two-hour trip, so why does it feel like it’s taking days?
She checks her mirror, but it’s still dark.
“You go ahead, sweetheart,” says Dad when the train finally rolls to a stop in St. Pancras station. “We’ll get the cases.”
Hermione looks up at the luggage rack over their heads, then at her parents. “Are you sure? I’ll bring mine-”
“We can manage. Go on ahead, get some fresh air.”
She doesn’t bother reminding them that train station air is hardly fresh, and instead heads down the aisle with just her purse and the box of pastries in tow. Truly, she’s not sure why her parents have sent her off the train without them; with the station as busy as it is, they’ll surely lose track of each other.
But then she sees him. Standing a head above the crowd, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, his bright blue eyes scan the throngs of travelers. At first, she doesn’t believe her eyes. Surely, she’s just become so desperate to see him that she’s actually begun hallucinating.
But as she draws closer, he doesn’t ripple into nothingness, he doesn’t fade away. He’s really, truly there, his red hair curling behind his ears, one knee jiggling with pent-up energy the way it always does when he’s particularly impatient. As he turns his head, still surveying the crowd, their eyes lock and the rest of the station recedes into the background. Finally, they’re within sight of each other after months of hushed mirror conversations and stolen moments borrowing Professor McGonagall’s Floo. Hermione picks up speed, nearly skipping across the concrete in her haste, and flings herself into his waiting arms.
She fits against him perfectly. The fabric of his faded t-shirt is soft against her cheek as she breathes him in, and for the first time in recent memory, words fail her completely.
The box of pastries thuds to the ground.
“Hi,” he mutters, lips brushing her skin and sending chills up her spine.
“How - how did you-”
“Harry told me where you’d gone.” He presses a kiss to her cheek, and then, at long last, their lips connect. “It’s not that hard to look up train schedules.”
As reluctant as she is to pull away from him, she leans back just enough to look up at him. Behind the freckles scattered across his face, his cheeks have gone pink. “You’re amazing,” she tells him, rising on tiptoe for another kiss, unconcerned with the passersby and the blast of nearby train whistles.
Ron lifts one shoulder in a casual shrug when they break apart. “Had to meet you on a train platform somehow.”
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