#and as much as i wanted to whip up an oc card of the golden boy for myself i also. Did Not Want To At All.
304wv66 · 11 months
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10.20.2023 // gonna get bit by that thing
also bonus crop from the desktop wallpaper because i liked it, it made me happy 🥺
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fullmetalscullyy · 26 days
Hello @fullmetalscullyy I hope you're having a lovely week~
In another post, you mentioned that you've been working on OCs, and that piqued my curiosity! :D Are you also working on an original world and/or story?
If you feel like it, please do tell us more about it all! Thank you~
casey my beloved thank you for this lovely question!!! thank you for taking an interest omg 🩷
i am working on an original piece! everything i've shared so far (snippets, aes, vibes) can be found in this tag here, #novel 2023
it all started when i had a Wee Thought and whipped up this... and saw this picture.......
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and 45k words later, i'm in deep hahahaha
its a fantasy piece! we have our loveable two main characters, and loveable secondary characters as well! there's ailsa (ale-sa) and ruaraidh (roo-ray), eilidh (eh-lay) and arran, all gaelic/scottish names. i had to represent!
ailsa and eilidh are two sisters, both blessed with magic. ailsa had a "sure shot" kind of magic (i just really wanted to give her a bow and arrow lmao) and eilidh has "seer" magic. arran is our healer boi and is a golden retriever and he and eilidh are v much in love they're both v sweet. and ruaraidh is our mysterious little wild card who appears when he needs some help - and it just so happens he stumbles upon our trio! what are the chances of that!!
they go on their adventure. there's determination, there's feels, big and small, there's (hopefully 🙈) cosy vibes with some stakes. i have yet to create a clear and concise summary, so if you (or anyone!) would like to hear it, i'd be happy to whip something up!
here is my fave snippet i've written so far mwah
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if you made it this far thank you for listening!!!! :D
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yslkook · 4 years
#customer centric (4)
#corporate masterlist summary: you arrive in tokyo and spend a few days catching up and reminiscing. jin comes as well, with a few old friends that you haven’t seen in years. Or, you wander around the city visiting familiar places and go to a club with people you haven’t called friends in years. word count: 8656 warnings: cursing, parental death, discussion of mental health, lots of alcohol a/n: this is part 1/2 of being in tokyo!! this is the top i envisioned for oc lol
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You missed Tokyo, and Tokyo missed you. The city itself brings bittersweet memories to you, memories of your childhood with your dead father and grandmother passing through your mind as if you’re watching a movie.
Your dad had brought you to Tokyo every summer when you were young, until you were about seventeen or eighteen. Tokyo had become more of a second home than a vacation place for you.  You haven’t been here since college, about two years before your dad passed away. But despite that, it feels like home.
You can read, write, and speak Japanese fluently, which is part of the reason why you’ve been such an integral part of the team so far. The company’s sister branch is in Tokyo, and it’s not your first time visiting the branch, or interacting with your team members based in Tokyo.
You’ve wondered often, quite bitterly, if your fluency in Japanese is the only reason you’re even still on the team. Your boss and his boss at least trust you enough to be the responsible party for your team- there’s only one other member of your team here, Sana. But she’s relatively new, so the responsibility has fallen onto you.
That’s alright. You operate well under pressure.
You’re joined by your small knit team, Sana, Namjoon and Jungkook. Namjoon had managed to finagle with the budget enough that you could arrive a day early, on Friday, and spend the weekend in Tokyo before the workshops began on Monday.
And Seokjin would be flying in on Saturday morning with some of his friends. You’re grateful that at least Jin was coming. Whenever Jin makes these spontaneous types of trips, they’re bound to be eventful. 
Monday and Tuesday will be filled with workshops, proposals and pitch meetings. You made Jin promise that he’d spend time with you during the weekend, so that you could show him some of the treasures you remembered from the city. Despite your many years of friendship, you had never been to Tokyo with Jin and you want to show him some of the places Appa used to take you to.
You’re excited. Even if Jungkook, with his big, sparkling eyes and his natural curiosity is coming along. Seeing him, even though it’s been well over three months that he joined the company, sends you down a dangerous path that isn’t fair to him or to you.
You have to constantly remind yourself that it’s not his fault and you shouldn’t be mean to him. It’s not his fault that your boss and his boss are out for your blood and refuse to give you recognition. But you can’t help but feel like he’s part of the problem that has faced you for the last three years. Part of the same awful old school, conservative mindset that so many of your peers were part of as well.
The leadership at your company needed a drastic overhaul, but you would be the last person to voice those thoughts out loud. Unless it was to Jin. 
You know Jungkook doesn’t deserve your unspoken rage. You can admit that, but you’re not saint enough to channel it somewhere else. You’ve mellowed out considerably from the initial few months, but you could stand to be a little warmer to him.
After all, the way his bunny smile takes up half of his face when he offers it up to someone so worthy… that means nothing to you.
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You arrive in Tokyo with your team at around eleven AM, and you check into your hotel rooms about an hour later. Jungkook and Sana had planned the logistics of the trip, from the hotel to the taxi service to lunch, dinner, and the company sponsored happy hour on Monday and Tuesday. 
Because you were in Tokyo for work, you fully planned on using your company card to the fullest for the next few days. This company could kiss your ass, and you would be more than willing to spend as much as you needed to as a subtle ‘fuck you’. It was your version of flipping off your boss, for when he would have to approve your expense report sheet. 
Namjoon had given you Friday to yourselves, to get acquainted with the hotel room and the area itself. Sana and Jungkook had done a good job with choosing the hotel- it has a wonderful view of the city from the rooftop, and being inside the sophisticated hotel with it’s hues of black and white and pops of color and elegance. This regal building screams opulence and you’re bathing in the luxurious feel of it all.
The diamonds of the chandeliers hanging high above you glint in the dim light of the lobby, bouncing off of the sleek, black piano and adding to the romantic air. Was this a love hotel? You scoff to yourself, keeping your head down as you exit the hotel and head in the direction of your favorite park, the Happo-en Garden. 
When you had told your therapist that you’d be coming to Tokyo for the first time since your father’s death, she had immediately picked up on your hesitation-
“It feels weird to be there without him. Almost like the place doesn’t exist if he doesn’t,” You scoff, wringing your hands together.
“It certainly exists without him. And you do, too,” She says kindly, “Maybe you’ll feel close to him when you go there.”
And she was right, as she usually is. You sit alone at a freshly painted red bench with a box of street snacks, including some of Appa’s favorites. The sunshine glimmers against the still lake in front of you, hues of green fading to orange and red reflecting in the murky water. 
This park was a favorite of Appa’s-
“We’re still in Tokyo, but it feels like we’re so far away. Right, sweetheart?” He asks, dark eyes shining. Appa’s hand tightens around yours and you nod excitedly.
“Yeah! Like we’re close to the princess’s castle!” You gasp.
“That’s right, but the only princess I see here is you,” Appa smiles and you beam at him, all smiles and sunshine.
The memory is from when you were maybe seven or eight years old. Everytime you came to Tokyo with Appa, you always came to this park. Specifically to this area, where Appa claimed that the sun shined on the leaves and the water in a specific way that made everything feel like magic.
You had always scoffed at him, especially as you grew older and the lines around his eyes grew deeper. But you still entertained him. You never saw that magic that Appa claimed to see, but now, you wonder how you could ever not see it.
A breeze ruffles through the trees, whistling as it threads through your hair and running over the water. The clouds part for a moment, allows a burst of sunbeams to spread over the water and you gasp at the sudden golden filter over the surroundings in front of you.
Another breeze, one from your left side, presses against your shoulder and your cheek. Almost like it’s whispering to you. You whip your head to the side, only to find nothing next to you. You feel like you’re floating, with the gentle caress of the wind to keep you company.
You eat your snacks in silence, embracing the way that it feels like the wind is Appa’s caress against your skin.
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By the time you return to the hotel, the sun is beginning to go down and a bittersweet sort of happiness settles in your heart. You feel closer to your dad than you have in a long time- this city was bound to feel like home with its welcoming arms curling around you warmly. You had spent the better part of the day visiting old sights and places that you had frequented to with Appa. 
It was peaceful, like a walk down memory lane. You could almost see your younger self bursting at the seams with joy at all of the new places. You could almost see her so eager to learn and demanding that Appa teach you Japanese immediately.
You wonder where that girl went. She’s lost, buried beneath layers and layers and maybe someday you’ll find her again.
Stopping by one of your favorite restaurants, you order all of your favorites times three. For your colleagues to have something to feast on when you returned from your day trip. You hadn’t been on your phone for most of the day, choosing to mute the group chat with your colleagues so you could truly be alone. 
Once you approach the familiar blue neon sign of the restaurant, you send them a text:
you: evening all. dont worry about dinner, Im bringing lots of food back sana: look who woke up from her coma namjoon: did you put it on your card? you: of course i did. you dont have to remind me joon ;)  you: want to have dinner together? jungkook: ya where should we eat Namjoon: come to my room, it’s room 1804 you: ok, be there in about thirty min
With your heart feeling full, brimming with fondness for your teammates, you pay for the heavy bags of food and make your way back to the hotel. You can’t help but smile as you walk with a little pep in your step.
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“You should have asked one of us to help you,” Jungkook says reproachfully, taking half the bags from you.
Your arms ache, not that you’ll admit your stubbornness. You only smile sheepishly, “It was only a fifteen minute walk.”
“And this is a lot of food,” Jungkook muses, peeking inside as his doe eyes sparkle in anticipation.
“It’s our first team dinner in Tokyo. We deserve it,” You shrug.
“I also bought a few bottles of wine,” Sana chirps, dangling two bottles of red in her hands, “We deserve it.”
You laugh and she winks at you. Namjoon is already setting up the many boxes of food on the mahogany wooden desk in the corner of the room. The curtains are pulled back, affording you of a breathtaking view of the city lights and the now hanging moon high in the sky.
“The boss has the best view, huh?” You tease, nudging his shoulder.
“Jungkook picked it,” Namjoon shrugs, “I just wanted to share the view with you all.”
“How sweet of you,” You say sincerely, “Dinner with a view. That’s pretty romantic. And Jungkook has good taste.”
Jungkook’s ears flush at your praise and he covers his ears for a second. Not that you notice. You sit on the floor, across from Jungkook and offer to scoop food onto everyone’s plates for them. You ignore their protests and do it anyway, quietly asking how much of each they want. Sana fills up plastic cups with wine and labels everyone’s cup with a black marker so you can all keep track of them.
“How classy of us,” Namjoon snorts but says thank you to Sana.
“Did you bring wine glasses in your luggage?” Sana shoots at Namjoon, “I didn’t think so.”
You stifle your laugh behind your hand and shake your head. “Feels like college, if only those cups were red,” You joke.
“My roommate still uses red cups sometimes, for casual purposes,” Jungkook says softly, “It drives me up the wall. Like, can you drink out of a normal cup or what? I get flashbacks to beer pong almost every morning.”
You laugh a little harder at that, and the sound is sweet in Jungkook’s ears. He wants to see if he can get you to laugh like that a little more.
“I mean, we’re grown now. I can’t believe Taehyung sometimes, having his morning orange juice in a red solo cup. It’s heinous.”
Your eyes are overflowing with mirth, the sound of your genuine happiness echoing in Jungkook’s ears and he can’t help but smile in return.
“Morning orange juice,” You mutter, “That’s adorable. Taehyung? That’s the name of your roommate?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook replies, “We did undergrad together and he’s an aspiring art gallery curator. He’s actually coming here tomorrow-”
“Wait, hang on,” You say after chewing through a mouthful of noodles, “Is this Taehyung, as in Kim Taehyung who you snuck into that bar with and he ended up getting absolutely hammered and stealing three bottles of alcohol? Before getting kicked out and Jin and I took you both home? That Taehyung?”
The fondness with which you speak of Taehyung unnerves Jungkook. 
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods, “That Taehyung.”
“Sounds like a real class act,” Sana says dryly.
“Wow, I haven’t seen him in years,” You exhale, “I think Jin’s bringing some friends from college tomorrow, too.”
“Yeah, he mentioned a Jimin and a Hoseok,” Namjoon adds.
“Damn, Sana, maybe we should’ve brought our friends, too,” You murmur, teasing but honestly, you don’t really have anyone you would’ve asked to bring, “Can’t wait to see what this boys weekend brings.”
You fully anticipate that Seokjin will rope you into whatever shenanigans they have planned, and you don’t even feel bad about crashing. You make a mental note to let Sana know of whatever plans they invited you to, so that she wouldn’t feel left out.
They don’t ask where you were all day, and for that you’re grateful. The lines of professionalism are beginning to blur for you, and you don’t want to burden them with your feelings and problems. You don’t want them to think differently of you for trying to catch a glimpse of Appa in your memories. 
Jin would say you were being silly, but you can’t help it. Maybe someday, but not today.
But Jungkook does wonder. Where were you all day? When the group chat was going off, you were silent. It was none of his business, but he’s curious. And he’s curious about you. You hadn’t changed out of your day clothes or taken your makeup off. He can see the nearly gone darkened stain of your gloss on your lips and the curl of your lashes. Jungkook keeps his eyes above your neck, knowing that if his eyes begin to wander he would be even more of a goner than he already was.
It’s September in Tokyo, meaning that it was warm during the day and somewhat chilly in the evenings. Your dark green long sleeved shirt is tucked into your shorts, complete with a black belt, leaving your tanned thighs on display. Jungkook thinks he catches a glimpse of a tattoo peeking from your shorts, but he thinks he imagines it. 
Until your shorts ride up just a little and he sees an array of colors and the fleeting sight of a flower on your upper thigh. Jungkook swallows nervously and stuffs his face full of udon noodles without hesitation. If his mouth is stuffed with food, then nobody will look twice at him and he can keep his thoughts to himself and ogle at you in peace. 
The logic makes sense in his head.
Your voice carries over to Namjoon, telling him that you’ll be picking Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok up in the morning with the rental car.
“Hey, if Taehyung is arriving at the same time, do you want me to pick him up?” You ask, turning your gaze to Jungkook.
“Huh?” Jungkook asks. You roll your eyes.
“Taehyung. If he arrives at the same time as Jin, Jimin and Hoseok, do you want me to pick him up?”
“Er,” Jungkook says eloquently, “He’s actually been here for the last week. Thanks, though.”
You want to say that Jin would cause a scene and whine at you if you didn’t pick him up from the airport, the prince that he is. But you keep it to yourself- after all, he’s somewhat of a boss to Jungkook and Sana. 
You nod in understanding and shove more noodles and meat into your mouth. You stretch your legs out in front of you and Jungkook doesn’t look away, instead allowing his eyes to rake over you shamelessly. Nevermind that Namjoon and Sana are right next to him, probably wondering why he’s staring you down so intensely.
The four of you spend the rest of the evening discussing your plans for the weekend, avoiding the topic of work altogether. It’s nice, you can almost believe that you’re all just four friends making a weekend getaway without the confines of work looming over your heads.
Namjoon offers to split the remaining food amongst the four of you and puts equal amounts of everything into each container for all of you to take back to your rooms.
And then Sana pours more wine for each of you and you feel yourself beginning to get more and more relaxed with each sip you take. You want to open your stitched together lips, tell them how it’s been so long since you’ve had alcohol with anyone who wasn’t Jin. You want to tell them that you like red wine more than white wine, but nothing beats soju-
“What’s your favorite kind of wine,” Jungkook asks. He comes to sit next to you on the floor, stretching his legs out. His shoulder brushes against yours and you feel something like electricity at the soft touch.
“Um… I like reds over white wine. But I haven’t had that many reds to say which kind is my favorite,” You muse.
“Guess we’ll have to try some more red wine, huh?” Jungkook says, his eyes sparkling and bunny smile on display. 
Your heart warms and sputters at the same time.
“Yeah,” You nod breathlessly, “What about you? What do you like?”
“I’m not picky. I don’t really like cabernet,” Jungkook scrunches his nose, “Too bitter for me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” You giggle, unable to believe that such a noise is coming out of your mouth. Despite Sana and Namjoon having their own conversation on the other side of the room, it feels like it’s just you and Jungkook for a minute in your own bubble.
“I like a good chardonnay, too. Nice ‘n crisp.”
“Me too, I love that crisp taste of a good white wine,” You reply, unable to keep your eyes off of him for longer than a second. His cheeks and the tips of his ears are a pretty pink and you wonder if his cheeks are as warm as yours are.
“Thought you didn’t like white wine?” Jungkook murmurs, head tilting inquisitively. 
“I prefer red, but if there’s white wine in front of me, I mean,” You shrug, “It’s not like ‘m gonna say no.”
“Oh? We’ll have to test that out, too,” Jungkook smiles, “I like soju the best. Nothin’ beats soju.”
“Yeah, peach and green grape,” You say knowingly, “The only flavors with rights.”
“Exactly. You get me,” Jungkook nods with wide eyes. He asks you about Tokyo, if you come here often. You answer him somewhat vaguely, but tell him that you grew up reading, writing and speaking Japanese. He looks impressed by that and the fondness in the lines of his lips startles you.
You chalk it up to the romance of this city making you soft and pliant to his doe eyes and the warmth of his smile. He’s so easy to get lost in- you find yourself leaning closer to him to hear what he has to say about his own travel dreams. He wants to go to New York City and Bangkok and Athens- the way his eyes light up constricts around your heart.
Every part of him radiates warmth and you want to be draped by it. He says something that makes you smile and laugh, and you swat at his shoulder reflexively. Jungkook only looks at you in that way. The way that makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world. He’s good at that.
He has hearts and stars in his eyes for you and it makes you choke.
Maybe you had imagined it all because you remember where you are. You’re in your boss’s hotel room and he’s standing right there. Jungkook sees the spark in your eyes disappear immediately and you pull away just as quickly, as if the moment had never happened.
He won’t deny the sting, but you’re so easy to get lost in. The fog in his mind clears, and while it’s only been a few minutes that you’ve been alone. It feels like much longer. But Namjoon and Sana are still deep in conversation, his dimples on display and her smile bright.
You pull away but your dark eyes are still wide and focused on him, stars swirling in your irises and Jungkook thinks he might fall into this wonderfully brown abyss held in your pretty face. Finally, you move away from him on the floor, almost immediately missing his warmth. You look back at him as you move to get some water, the same curious look on your face.
Your face is burning, and you’re surprised you’re able to keep this cool for this long. The urge to bolt from Namjoon’s hotel room and back to your own is one that you have to fight. But instead, you stay planted where you are. Jungkook confuses you, you hardly even know him and you had let him get so close to you. It’s not something you usually do, but what unnerves you is how nice it felt. The closeness of him, his eyes on you and only you. Are you bothered by it? 
No, you realize. No. You quite liked it. You’re supposed to hate him- he represents everything you hate. A young kid, a boy, raising quickly through the ranks of your corporate world, while you grasp at straws. 
Does he? Does he represent everything you hate? What a load of bullshit.
You swallow again. You need to leave.
“Hey, Joon,” You say softly, touching his elbow, “I’m going to head out. It’s getting late and I’ve gotta head out early tomorrow.”
Jungkook’s heart drops. He’d made you so uncomfortable that you were abruptly cutting your night short. Because of him. He needs to make this right.
“I’ll walk with you,” The words tumble out of Jungkook’s mouth before he can stop them. His heart is pounding in his ears- he needs to apologize before you hate him even more.
“Okay,” You reply with a smile, “Here are your leftovers.”
“I’ll walk with you both,” Sana says, taking her bag.
With that, you say your goodbyes and leave Namjoon’s room to the elevators. Your head feels like static, a wave of thoughts congealing into something impenetrable. The doors ding shut, all three of you standing on opposite ends of the elevator. You can’t look at Jungkook, you can’t see his doe eyes. Not right now.
Sana calls your name, “Thanks for the food.”
“No problem, Sana,” You murmur, “See you tomorrow.”
And then it’s just you and Jungkook in the elevator. 
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook says immediately, “I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry. If you don’t wanna talk to me outside of work, I get it-”
“What?” You ask, finally looking at him. You take a step forward, close enough to him that you’re in his orbit. “You didn’t… You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Jungkook. I would have told you if you did. You just… confuse me.”
The last bit comes out as a vulnerable whisper and all Jungkook can do is nod. 
“Goodnight, Jungkook,” You say clearly, casting him a look over your shoulder as you exit the elevator. Your eyes are guarded once more, as if the night hadn’t happened. As if he hadn’t fallen for you even further. You wash him away from your bloodstream quickly and Jungkook feels his heart aching once more.
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By the time you pick up Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok from the airport and arrive at the hotel, it’s nearly noon. The car ride back was fun, dare you say it. It amazed you how Jin still remained close in contact with people you went to college with. It felt natural, talking to Jimin and Hoseok. As if years hadn’t gone by.
They were hot, and that was your first assessment when you had met them at the airport. Jimin and Hoseok had both embraced you in tight hugs, without any regard for whether you wanted one or not. You found that you didn’t really mind.
You didn’t know how you were going to survive this weekend surrounded by these many attractive people. 
“We should celebrate. For this reunion,” Hoseok says.
“Jungkook is here, too,” You reply, “A great big university reunion right here in Tokyo, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting you guys work together now,” Jimin says.
“Wait, you guys are friends still?” You ask.
“Why wouldn’t we be?” Jimin says, genuine confusion in the handsome planes of his face.
You suppose everyone else is better at making and maintaining friendships than you are. It stings a little, having so many people from university in the same place. In the city that already holds so many memories for you. But you’ll embrace it, because that’s what you’ve been working on. Embracing change.
And of course, what was a boys weekend without a night out at the club? Jin had all but demanded that you come, in true dramatic fashion- I can’t go out without you, you know. I can’t believe you’re considering leaving me like this. I’ll die there without you.
It didn’t take much from you to roll your eyes but agree and tell him that you were inviting Sana.
“Go pregame and get ready with your boys,” You had urged him, “It’s so rare you all are together like this. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Are you sure?” Jin asked with uncertainty and you had only smiled warmly at him. 
“Yes, Seokjin. I’m sure. I’ll be crashing the party soon, don’t worry,” You reassured him and he left your hotel room. He promised to text you when to come and you just nodded, shooing him away.
That had been nearly two hours ago, and you’re putting the finishing touches on your makeup with Sana getting ready in the bathroom. Music is playing through your phone and once you’re done with your lip gloss, you make drinks and prepare shots for you and Sana.
“You’ve gotta tell me how you’re friends with so many hot men,” Sana says, taking a seat on the bed.
You scoff, “I’m really only friends with Jin. The rest of them come with Jin, we’re hardly friends.”
“Oh?” Sana asks with a skeptical raise of her eyebrow, “You all went to school together, right?”
“Yeah… Something like that,” You say lightly, “Jin kept in touch with all of them. I didn’t.”
You leave it at that and Sana knows not to press further.
“They’re all nice guys. I always had fun with them,” You say fondly, “You will, too.”
“Cheers to that,” Sana grins, “We look hot. Let’s take a picture.”
“Should we send it to our boss,” You roll your eyes.
“Yeah, that would send him off the deep end. He’d be here in five seconds, dragging us out by our ears,” Sana rolls her eyes as well with a laugh.
You try your best to make Sana feel as comfortable as she can with you. At least so that she’s comfortable when you go meet up with the guys later. You know it can be intimidating being around people who are so close, but they’ve always been welcoming.
It begs the question- why did you let them all go?
You don’t have time to unpack all of that. By the time Jin texts you, telling you to come to his suite on the eighteenth floor, you and Sana are three drinks and two shots in.
You’ve drank more in the last two days than you have in the last year alone. At least that’s what it feels like. 
You make sure to take your hotel card, phone and wallet and ensure that Sana does as well. Giggles erupt from the both of you when you enter the elevator, and excitement thrums in your veins. The liquid courage bouncing around in your veins makes you feel relaxed and you tug Sana’s hand out of the elevator once the steel doors open.
You text Jin from outside his door, you can already hear the loud peals of laughter and the beat of music through the walls. You wonder if they’ve gotten any noise complaints yet, but probably not- his room is the only one on this side of the hotel. He probably did this on purpose.
When he doesn’t answer your text, you decide to knock obnoxiously and Sana giggles at your impatience. On your fifth knock, the door swings open and you see Jin’s tipsy face complete with reddened cheeks and his broad smile. 
He hugs you like he hasn’t seen you in years, he even lifts you off of the ground a little bit. Your heart flutters with affection for him as you whine for him to put you down.
“Jin!” You shriek, “At least go inside, dummy- stop embarrassing me-”
He finally puts you down and holds you by the shoulders to take you in. His eyes are sharp and he says nothing as he assesses your outfit, apparently deeming you as acceptable as he waves you inside. He says hello to Sana, who returns his mellowed out hug graciously.
Jin hands you both full cups, and you trust Jin enough to know it’s a yummy but strong drink. You grip your cup tighter and allow Sana to go in front of you. The last thing you want is for her to feel left out, so you want the guys to be introduced to her first.
Besides, they all already knew you.
Jin does the introductions quickly, the guys all warming up to Sana and bringing her in for hugs as well. Her cheeks are flushed, and you knew she’d feel flustered. They’re intense in their friendliness and it would make anyone feel flustered and warm.
And then their eyes land on you and you wish you could melt into the floor. Six pairs of eyes stare back at you- apparently Yoongi had also decided to come as well. 
College reunion indeed.
You stay close to Jin, offering them a weak wave of your fingers and a smile. 
“Hello boys,” You say dramatically,  “Long time no see.”
“Jin’s been hiding you all to himself, hasn’t he?” Jimin says, not bothering to hide the way he’s looking at you. And you don’t mind, not really- you know you look good.
“I just saw you this morning. When I picked your sorry ass up from the airport,” You reply and Jimin pouts at you as everyone around you laughs at his expense. 
“Still so mean,” Jimin murmurs and you roll your eyes.
And with that, alcohol continues to flow as the chatter continues on.
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You cast another glance to Sana, making sure she’s not by herself. You relax when you see her talking to Yoongi and Hoseok, smiling to yourself at how quickly she takes to them.
“Hey pretty,” Jimin says, seeing you near the alcohol and joining you.
“Hey you,” You parrot back and he smiles at you in that sweet, disarming way, “Want a drink?”
“You always made the best drinks,” Jimin says, handing his cup over to you. You ignore the way your chest tightens at his use of past tense.
“Maybe you just never knew how to make drinks,” You murmur, “Probably still don’t, huh?”
Jimin laughs lightly at that as a silence falls between you both. “You look good,” Jimin exhales, “You doin’ alright?”
You never know what to say to that. “Yeah. You look good, Jimin. You doin’ alright?” 
“Yeah. I’m still in Seoul at the dance school. Don’t be such a stranger,” Jimin murmurs and before you can protest, he pokes your forehead affectionately. 
“You’ll ruin my makeup,” You complain but give him a small smile, “Jimin. ‘M glad to see you. All of you.”
Jimin looks like he wants to say something more. But he bites his tongue. This isn’t the place to pick a petty fight, so he lets it go. Jungkook approaches you both, resting his arm on Jimin’s shoulder. Jimin groans dramatically and Jungkook only offers him a smile and a giggle.
“Cup’s empty,” Jungkook says, wiggling his cup to both of you, “Stop hoggin’ the alcohol.”
“Blame Jimin. Everything’s his fault,” You tease and Jimin rolls his eyes at you both.
“It is, isn’t it?” Jungkook grins and Jimin slips out from under Jungkook with another roll of his eyes. “Hey, you met Taehyung yet? My roommate? You ‘member him?”
His eyes are slick with alcohol, and yet they still sparkle at you like you hold all of the answers to the universe in them. He has this way of making you feel like you’re the only person in the world. It unnerves you, like many things about him do.
“No, where is he?”
Jungkook shouts for Taehyung to join him and you wince. All of a sudden his sandy haired roommate pops up from the direction of the living area and joins you at the drinks table. He looks a far cry from the boy you had driven home that night many years ago.
You knew being in the presence of so many attractive people was going to kill all of your brain cells by the end of the night.
Taehyung calls your name and nerves seize you inexplicably. 
“You remember me?” The words escape your lips before your brain has a chance to stop them.
“Course I do? The pretty girl who saved Kook and I at that one bar that I’m still banned from?” Taehyung grins, his eyes sweet and sincere.
“Jin was with me too, don’t forget him,” You say dryly, “Nice to see you again after all this time. And you’re Jungkook’s roommate?”
“Unfortunately,” Jungkook chimes in, earning him a laugh from you.
Taehyung is magnetic when he speaks to you, honey dripping from his tongue as he tells you about his journey as an aspiring art museum curator. Passion lights up his dark irises, his smile matching the intensity of it and you’re certain he has this effect on everyone he speaks to. They’re both so close to you, in your bubble and the scent of their cologne wafts into your nose. 
You drink more. You don’t know how to cope with all of this. So you drink.
Jungkook tells you that they’ve been roommates all through graduate school and they had recently moved into a new, bigger place. Now that they were both making a little more money. You find yourself benignly jealous of the life they live- two close friends living together and living for these kinds of nights with their other close friends. The bond they built and strengthened over the years is obvious in the way Taehyung holds Jungkook close, the way Hoseok lights up the entire room and makes everyone smile just because he’s smiling, the way Yoongi and Jimin bicker like an old married couple… Namjoon has already slotted himself within the group. Jin probably introduced him to them a while back, you realize.
Jungkook excuses himself to use the bathroom, leaving his cup next to Taehyung on the table. Taehyung’s gaze makes you nervous- the shift in his eyes is apparent as he lazily rakes his eyes over you.
“Kook told me he was workin’ with you again,” Taehyung murmurs, “What he didn’t tell me was how pretty you are.”
“What a line,” You say flatly and roll your eyes. To your surprise, he laughs, his smile making you smile as well.
“Just bein’ honest,” Taehyung shrugs, “‘Snot everyday you see our hot grad school girl after five years.”
“You’re full of it,” You roll your eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully, “‘Our?’”
“Jungkook was-” Taehyung starts but he’s interrupted by the man himself. Jungkook was what?
“You talkin’ about me?” Jungkook says, elbowing Taehyung. Taehyung only shakes his head and hands him his cup, before excusing himself. He throws you another charming smile and if you weren’t so on edge, your knees might have buckled.
“A pain in the ass?” Jungkook supplies, “Yeah.”
“No, I was gonna say he’s interesting,” You laugh. A short silence settles between you both, giving you a moment to really take him in. You itch your chin nervously before pushing your lips to the rim of your cup and watching him.
You’ve always known that Jungkook was somehow handsome, sexy and cute all at the same time- wide, doe eyes, pinchable cheeks, pretty smile, and then his body… His thighs strain against the tight material of his pants and you’re certain it’s deliberate. His button up shirt is loose but still molds to his muscles in that way where it leaves you wanting more. His shirt is buttoned at the elbow, giving you a peek to the smattering of tattoos on his forearm. His dark hair is parted in the middle, all soft and shiny, and a little long. It settles over his forehead, almost in his eyes, effortlessly. Two hoops in each ear glint in your direction and you swallow nervously.
Jungkook catches you looking at his tattoos- how ironic, considering he’s doing the same of you. The satin black top you’re wearing has a plunging neckline, giving him a view of the tattoos stemming from your upper arm to your clavicle.
It also offers him a teasing hint of your bare chest where if you turn to the side just a little, he catches a glimpse of even more. It makes him swallow, just as nervous as you. The top itself is loose, only cinched a little at the waist but your pants are tight, your strappy heels adding even more dimension to your legs.
You nervously twist the layering of gold necklaces around your neck. Jungkook has always thought you were beautiful, but he’s never seen you like this. Not even when he knew you years ago.
“Your cup’s empty again,” You laugh nervously, offering to make him another drink. You don’t know what to do with your hands, wanting to keep busy.
“Oh,” Jungkook breathes, “Yeah.”
He tries to keep his eyes on your hands, really he does. But you bend forward just a little and his eyes immediately flit to your plentiful chest. 
Jungkook thinks he might die, and what a way to go.
You pull away from the table, handing him his drink and he thanks you quietly. Jungkook ignores the way your eyes shine curiously at him, and he buries himself in the confusion fuzzing up his mind.
Jin, to your relief, pulls you away from Jungkook before you can do something incredibly stupid. Like let him burst through your carefully structured walls even further than he already has.
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Typically, clubs are not your favorite place to be. The intense crowd, the neon lights, the smoke… It’s all over the top. Usually, you can’t even hear yourself think over the music. Though, you don’t mind the sense of anonymity in such a crowded place. Besides, you’ve heard great things about IBEX, so you’re curious about it.
It’s a huge place, easy for everyone to split up, but still small enough that you can easily find your group. You urge Sana to go have fun with the guys as you order a round of drinks for everyone. As one of the oldest of your friends, you felt that sense of responsibility for them. Even if you hadn’t called them friends in years.
You signal them over once the drinks are ready, catching Namjoon’s eye and beckoning him over. They slowly begin to surround you, shouting thank you’s over the music. Jimin slings his arm around your shoulders as if it’s nothing. As if he’s known you for all this time.
It makes you feel warm. He gazes at you with crescent eyes and a full smile. It makes your heart thump heavily in your chest.
“Cheers,” Jimin says, tearing his eyes away from you and towards the group. His toast elicits a sequence of ‘cheers’ from everyone. You scan across all of them before your eyes inevitably land on Jungkook. He’s looking at you with a smile, the kind of smile that makes you wonder if it’s a smile only for your eyes.
Your smile matches his in intensity, neither of you pulling your gazes away. Until Jin pulls you away from Jimin, exclaiming that he needs to dance with you. His best friend.
The moment passes, and you make sure Sana is okay. She’s conversing with Yoongi now, and he’s laughing at something she’s saying. It makes you feel warm. Again.
You allow the music to pump through your veins as laughter bubbles from your lips freely at Jin’s antics. You entertain him, copying his coordinated movements with his same enthusiasm. You can tell he’s drunk, from the fiery flush in his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He abruptly pulls you close to him for a tight hug and holds your face in his hands.
“Jin,” You giggle, “What you doin’?”
“I love you,” Jin giggles, “Y’r my best friend, ‘n I love you.” He always got like this when you were drunk, so affectionate. You wonder how he knows exactly what you need to hear, when you need to hear it.
“Can’t wait for you t’meet Yuna when we get home,” Jin slurs.
“I’m excited, too-”
“She’s nervous y’know,” Jin continues as if you hadn’t said anything, “Knows y’r my best friend.”
“Jin,” You exhale, “Even if she doesn’t like me, you clearly like her. I shouldn’t matter-”
“No,” Jin says sharply, “Why d’you think you don’t matter? You matter to me.”
“Stop it,” He silences you and you comply with a sigh. 
“She doesn’t have to be nervous around me,” You finally say.
“You can be a little scary when you want to be,” He teases.
“That’s exactly how I want to be known,” You scoff and Jin laughs, swaying with you offbeat to the music. You stand with Jin like that for a few minutes, sipping on your drink and giggling at his antics.
“Seokjin,” You murmur, voice a little shaky, “I never say it but… I-I love you. So much. You’re my best friend and my rock. I don’t know who I’d be without you-”
“You’d be you,” Jin says without missing a beat, “You’d be scary, intense, kind, genuine, petty, funny and beautiful with or without me, sweetheart.”
Jin sees wetness in your eyes and pulls you in for another hug. “None of that,” Jin murmurs, “Hey, let’s take a picture ‘n send it to Grandma. She’ll get a kick out of that.”
You stand in Jin’s arms, in the crowd of people surrounding you and not paying attention to you. Despite the throng of people around you, it feels like it’s just you and Jin, and your friends in the club.
“Let’s get back to our friends,” You say, “They probably think we’re making out-”
“You would be so lucky,” Jin scoffs, “Only Yuna gets this handsome face.” You pinch his cheeks affectionately and coo at him.
“Hey, by the way,” Jin says, “Not to be totally unprofessional here. But I’m pretty sure Jeon Jungkook has the hots for you. Kid won’t stop lookin’ at you. Not that I can blame him, I mean look at your tits.”
With that statement, Jin walks away from you, leaving you confused and curious- two words becoming increasingly common with your thoughts of Jeon Jungkook.
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“Hey pretty,” comes a sweet voice to your right side. You already know it’s Jimin before you meet his sincere eyes.
“Hey you,” You reply, “Wanna dance? We used to always be in sync.”
If Jimin is surprised he doesn’t show it. He only takes your drink and finishes it, placing it on a high table near you. He walks behind you, a hand on the small of your back as you weave through the crowd easily. Bodies push back into you but you only dance along with them to move past. Jimin pulls you closer to him once he finds a spot, pulling you into his side. He turns you so that you’re facing him, the lights of the club illuminating the sheen of his lips and the shine in his eyes. You push a stray strand of his silver hair back behind his ear.
“I meant it you know,” Jimin murmurs, for your ears only, “You look good.” You lean into him at his praise, a hand on his chest. Your nails press into the soft material of his dress shirt and he tightens his grip around your waist, thumbs rubbing circles. 
“You do, too,” You reply easily, “You always did.”
Jimin scoffs but you look at him earnestly. “I mean it,” You say with a smirk, mimicking his words. He says nothing, only holds you and rolls his hips into yours to the beat of the music. He watches you carefully, trying to gauge your reaction. You snake a hand to the base of his neck and lightly scratch as he presses his nose to your neck. You’re lucky he’s holding you tight- you’re certain you’re knees would buckle if it weren’t for him.
It’s been years since anyone danced with you like this. You let out a soft sound into his skin and Jimin groans, pressing his hips into yours even more slowly if possible.
“Why’d you leave,” Jimin breathes into your skin, “Missed you. Missed my friend.”
“I was a mess,” You mutter, “I’m still a mess.”
“You’re here now?” He asks, looking at you with big eyes. Jimin cups your face tenderly, and you’re not sure how many of these kind touches you can take for one night.
“Yeah,” You say faintly, “I just… couldn’t. I still can’t.”
You won’t apologize for mending your own cracks the way you needed to. And Jimin knows that. “Don’t be a stranger,” Jimin says and pulls you in for a hug.
“Jimin,” You mumble, “I missed you, too.”
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Barely stifling a yawn, you look around for your group. They’re all within eyesight of you- Sana and Yoongi were still engrossed in conversation with each other, Namjoon with Jin, Hoseok and Jimin and Taehyung with Jungkook. Taehyung casts a look over to you and immediately whispers to Jungkook. It shouldn’t surprise you that they both saunter over to you, standing on either side of you. Taehyung wraps an arm around your shoulders and leans against you as if you’re old friends. At this angle, you can see the expanse of his tanned, golden skin since the top few buttons of his shirt are popped.
“See somethin’ you like?” Taehyung asks coyly with a wink.
“No, just wondering why you’re wearing tinted aviators inside,” You mutter, pointing at him, “You look like an asshole.”
Taehyung laughs, throwing his head back good-naturedly, “You clearly don’t know fashion. You must think you’re hilarious.”
Before you can retort, a yawn overtakes you. “Are we boring you?” Jungkook teases.
“No, ‘m just tired,” You blink to force yourself to stop yawning, “Hey, you guys wanna get ice cream?”
“Yes,” Jungkook says instantly.
Taehyung nearly snorts but agrees. By the time you and Jungkook say your goodbyes, and you ask for the tenth time if Sana wants to come with you (she declines, opting to stay with Yoongi), Taehyung is nowhere to be found. Jungkook rolls his eyes, his phone vibrating with a text from him-
taehyung: you’re welcome 
“Tae’s not coming,” Jungkook says slowly, wondering if you might change your mind if it’s just you two getting ice cream.
You shrug, “His loss. I know a great place.”
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Taking Jungkook to one of your favorite ice cream places that you used to come with Appa to feels intimate. But it feels right and you’re not bothered by it. Once you buy your respective cones (you pay for both before Jungkook can even fumble for his card), you head back outside for a short walk towards the hotel.
The ice cream place itself was close to the hotel, though you had to Uber here from the club. It’s a nice night for a walk, a little chilly but not uncomfortably so. You and Jungkook fall into an easy conversation, talking about the silliness of your shared friends.
He looks nice under the moonlight, you decide. A light breeze lifts his hair up briefly before it flawlessly settles over his forehead.
“I can’t keep up with you,” Jungkook whispers, his words carrying into the night air.
“What do you mean?” Your heart picks up immediately at the anguish in his tone. The air between both of you shifts immediately. What was easy becomes hardened, the space between suffocating you. You can physically see him pulling away from you. Months, or maybe years, of frustration seems to be coming to a head right here. Right near your favorite ice cream shop.
“One sec you hate me. The next, you’re asking me to get ice cream with you,” Jungkook says, something familiar and icy curling in his brown irises. It always looks so off-putting, the callousness in his eyes. It seems to be directed at you so often these days.
“I don’t hate you-”
“You avoided me for 2 and a half months. You’re only talking to me now because you have to!”
“That’s not true-”
“Oh, really? You telling me that you the last two and a half months was all in my head?”
You stay quiet, because he’s not wrong.
“That’s what I thought,” Jungkook says to himself, tearing his eyes from you. The cold look in his eyes has returned and it makes your heart ache. He can’t look at you like that, you can hardly bear it.
“I’m fucked up, I get it. Don’t think I don’t get it-”
“You left. Without a goodbye and now fuckin’ five years later- my dream girl’s my colleague and she hates me.”
A sudden, chilling epiphany douses you- he has no idea why you left. You know him well enough to know that he’ll feel awful once you tell him. Apparently none of his friends had told him. Maybe they thought it was your story to tell. It’s not much of a story, not really. It’s the story of a heartbroken girl with commitment issues.
Your face drops. Maybe he’s hurting you the same way you hurt him. But it changes nothing.
“You can’t even look at me now!”
“You listen to me, Jungkook,” You hiss, “I’m not your dream girl. I’m nobody’s dream girl, so let’s get that straight. I’m awful a-and terrible and mean- and… 
“My dad died,” You finally whisper, “Appa died and I couldn’t handle grad school so I dropped out. Dropped off the face of the earth. Got the first job I could, for Grandma and me. 
“I fuckin’ dropped out, my daddy died and I can’t look at you sometimes because it fuckin’ reminds me of when I was happy and I can’t chase that feeling because I don’t know what it feels like anymore!”
Jungkook’s eyes are wide, pretty pink lips parted in speechlessness. Fuck. You’ve ruined any chance at friendship with him, you know that. So you bury the dagger even further in whatever this is and you turn on your heel and run. Because that’s all you’re good at. Running. Your eyes are blurry with freely falling tears and the sound of your own heaving sobs are loud in your ears. 
You leave your heart out on the streets of Tokyo, near your favorite ice cream shop but you don’t even hear the sound of Jungkook chasing after you.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
Torn: Remus Lupin Story: PS OC: Chapter One: Sordid Sorting
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Remus Lupin Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Remus Lupin x Vega Black (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
“Yet when books have been read and reread, it boils down to the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them.” ― Walter Farley
This Chapter’s Song: “River” - Leon Bridges
Vega was eleven when she first met Remus.
She incredibly nervous at the time seeing as how it was her very first year at Hogwarts.
Her aunt and uncle had heavily warned her about getting into any house other than Slytherin....as if she had some kind of control over that kind of thing.
Sirius, her older cousin, who was more like a brother to be honest, had simply wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"It'll be fine, V. I swear it. No matter what house you get in. It'll be fine. Maybe you'll even be a Gryffindor, like me." he had told her with that infamous smirk of his.
Twelve years old and full of pride over his house.
But Vega was not convinced.
She'd been home when they'd received the news of which house Sirius had been placed in....and well, it hadn't been good.
She remembered very clearly that she'd grabbed Regulus and they'd ran off to hide until the storm blew over.
If you were present when Orion or Walburga Black were angry....well, you'd likely become a target.
After her parents had died when she was seven, she’d been placed in the care of her closest relatives and that happened to be her Uncle Orion and his family. 
She’d left behind her beloved country roads and enchanting woods of Tennessee in America and was relocated in London. 
She was expected to go to Hogwarts rather than Ilvermorny.  
She was expected to be a respectable pureblood and get sorted into the only reasonable house. 
Needless to say, she was terrified. 
At that particular moment in time, they were racing down the tracks on the Hogwarts express.
To calm her nerves, Sirius had offered to have her sit with him and his friends in their compartment.
She was first introduced to James.
A boy with impossibly messy black hair, glasses and a permanent smirk...almost identical to her brothers.
Next was a small boy named Peter with impossibly blue eyes that were a tad unsettling to her just due to the nature of how piercing they were. 
He looked friendly enough and if Sirius liked him she was sure she would too.
Lastly, was Remus.
Oh, Remus.
He was tall and lanky with very pale skin and light brown hair.
Vega could distinctly see a few scars across his face and on his hands but due to his clothes all else was hidden.
But he had the most beautiful green eyes but curiously enough there seemed to be a very faint golden brown ring around them.
She wouldn't have noticed had she not been so taken with him.
He was much quieter than the others but still quite nice.
Remus John Lupin.
Her very first crush.
Remus would've died from mortification at that time if anyone knew but....he found her quite pretty.
She was a year younger, yes.
And she was also Sirius little cousin, this was true.
One that he’d spent the better part of last year talking about to his new friends.
“Oh, you’ll love Vega, mates.” he could remember him telling them. “She’s a little shy at first but she’s actually from America.  A cowgirl.” 
Remus doubted if she was actually a cowgirl since Sirius had a way of being dramatic.
But she was so pretty.
She and Sirius resembled each other a lot with their thick black hair and big striking grey eyes but her features were softer than his.
She was much quieter with Sirius, although not impolite.
Sirius, whether he liked to admit it or not, had had the same good etiquette beat into him that she had and it often gave him a sort of casual elegance.
Little Vega sat stiff backed, mouth shut and eyes trained determined on her book.
She found reading to be easier.
She could focus on the words there and not on what she might say wrong that could potentially anger her parents.
Books were just by far much easier.
This intrigued Remus.
He had asked her so softly.
"What are you reading?"
She jumped at the sound of his voice, even as soft as it had been.
"Oh, um, it's-uh." she stammered.
"Oh that's The Black Stallion." he smiled. "It's a great book. My mum read it to me when I was little. It's a great muggle book."
Fear struck through her.
"Oh, I- please don't tell Aunt Walburga. I just- It looked so interesting and I wanted to know about the horse." Vega rambled as tears filled her grey eyes.
Sirius gave a hard forced smile to his friends before he grabbed his cousin and yanked her out of the compartment.
"Vega! Calm down! Bloody hell!" he snapped.
Tears were spilling, "I'm sorry, Sirius! I'm sorry! I didn't meant to get you in trouble with your friends! Now, Aunt and Uncle will be furious! I'm sorry!"
Sirius placed his hands on the side of her face.
"Vega, V,  look at me. Look. at. me." he said holding her in place and willing her big, frightened eyes to focus on him. "It's fine. No one will tell mum and dad. These are my friends. Remus was just making conversation. His mother is actually a muggle."
He added the last bit with a little smile towards her.
She'd been so frightened.
She sniffled before she hugged her book closer to her for a moment.
"Come on. Come back inside." he said trying to lighten the mood.
She shook her head sending the black tendrils everywhere.
"No." she said. "Those are your friends. I...I'll go sit with someone else."
"V, come on." he said.
But she'd already whipped around and was dashing away.
Sirius shook his head as he entered the compartment.
"I'm sorry, Sirius. Really, I didn't mean to upset her. I didn't think-" Remus began his apology.
Sirius waved him off, "It's fine, mate. V's just....she's a little skiddish is all. Our family can be a bit much sometimes. She just doesn't want to get in trouble."
There was a collective nod around the room.
It wasn't a huge secret that Sirius didn't have the greatest home life...but he was good at hiding it.
Seeing Vega be absolutely petrified by pure conversation....made it all too real for the twelve year olds in the compartment.
The four of them played cards for a bit longer until they train stopped and everyone filed off.
Remus caught glimpse of the silky, black hair glinting in the night and those two big grey orbs that looked like moons themselves.
They landed on him and he could even see her flush red...even in this poor lighting.
He smiled at her kindly and gave a little wave to which she returned...hesitantly before she was bustled along into the boat with the other first years.
He joined his friends and soon they were seated at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall listening to Dumbledore and waiting for the Sorting ceremony to begin.
Vega almost hid behind some of the first year boys as she entered the Great Hall and her cousin Narcissa smacked into her pushing her way to the front. 
She’d willingly let her take the spotlight and hide amongst the others but it wasn't for long before someone spotted her and the whispered began.
"It's the Black girl!"
"That's Sirius' little sister!" 
“No that’s his cousin! The one who’s parents were killed!”
"Bet she'll get into Slytherin!"
"Maybe Gryffindor!"
"I bet she's evil!"
"She looks just like him!"
“Did you hear about her father being a-” 
She shook her head to try and drown them out and before she knew it...
"Vega Equuleus Black." came the crisp words from the professor.
She gulped and took careful steps up to the stool before carefully settling down on it.
The giant hat was placed upon her head and...
Big, grey eyes snapped open in fear and shock.
She could distinctly see Sirius and his friends whooping and hollering on her behalf while her cousins at the Slytherin table looked less than pleased.
If she hadn't been in front of all those people....she would've cried.
Because she knew.
She knew that when Orion and Walburga found out....and she went home for holiday....there would be no escaping it.
They would be angry and she WOULD be punished.
Chapter Two
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Hello my lovelies! Here is another rewrite of a previous work of mine that I had on Mibba! I did a bit of reworking on the character, her name and her backstory because I just felt like she deserved more!  I would love to know what you think of little Vega! 
So please comment, reblog with thoughts and/or smash the ask box!  I do so love hearing from you my loves! 
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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tanoraqui · 4 years
AU: Hányǐng-jūn
(”Shadowbearing Lord”, translation by @lyratalus)
(see, this is my problem. I decide, “yes, damnit, I AM going to write this longfic!” and then 0.0003 seconds later I’m absolutely swarmed by other plot bunnies.)
anyway, Yiling Patriarch!Lan Wangji but, like...better
Lan Wangji gets out of seclusion and 3 days later takes a mostly sleeping Lan Yuan, a couple days' worth of provisions, and leaves for Yiling. Lan Xichen somehow catches him just outside of Cloud Recesses and LWJ freely admits that he's going to Yiling - the city, not the Burial Mounds themselves - and he's going to raise A-Yuan there and cleanse the Burial Mounds like Wei Wuxian was starting to do with the life he brought back to them
Lan Xichen lets him go, doesn't even bother to play the "shouldn't A-Yuan grow up somewhere healthier and wealthier" card, bc a) cheap shot, b) he knows Wangji has already thought of it (he's right), and c) this is doing NOTHING to convince him that his brother won't commit some sort of passive suicide if he doesn't get to keep that child. God damn, he thought they were over this phase of mourning but Apparently Not
so Lan Wangji gets a house in Yiling, has to deal with 50 tons of gossip - of a new variety; he's used to political gossip and "isn't he hot" gossip but wow he was not prepared for small town "ooh new hot single dad" gossip with a side order of random advice from elderly women about how to care for a six-year-old
(he is, in fact, very grateful for the advice)
(there is no way in hell that Lan Wangji knows how to be the sole provider for a six-year-old)
in the internal war between "do not let A-Yuan out of my sight" and "do not take the vulnerable child to the death mountain", I think the former wins, considering the small child already lived on the death mountain for about a year, and seemed fine except for malnutrition. Which was...well, yes it was a problem with the death mountain, but not directly. Lan Wangji has money and they live in town and commute to the Burial Mounds each day for LWJ to play Cleansing while A-Yuan runs around catching imaginary butterflies or practicing reading; it's fine
...though possibly the nosy grannies convince him to get a babysitter
and maybe to take a break?
oh no i would want so many OCs of just Lan Wangji's neighbors in this
anyway, it doesn't take long for it to become clear that even playing Cleansing all day every day is like being a bird scraping its beak once a millennia on a mountain. Sure it works, technically, but...not really. Frankly, the resentful energy grows back if he stops for a single day. And even Hanguang-jun only has so much power and endurance
he's going to have to handle the resentful energy himself. If he wants to do this, wants to leave some sort of positive legacy for Wei Wuxian, he's going to have to demonically cultivate himself. Siphon the stuff off, and do...something with it. It won't just vanish. Subdue corpses and monsters, probably? Go back to night-hunting?
I dunno how or how fast word gets out, but I guarantee you Jiang Cheng is the first person of note to hear about it and come furiously flying. The fight that follows is raw and possibly literally bloody, and 99.99% about Wei Wuxian (of course.) I think the only reason it stops is that even though they took it outside, A-Yuan wakes up (as does most of the neighborhood) and pokes his head out the window to ask what's going on, and Jiang Cheng puts two and two together with the kid he saw when he visited to disown Wei Wuxian and- 
He can't quite bear to destroy something even halfway adjacent to family He wants Wei Wuxian to have a slightly good legacy, too He storms off.
the only reason he doesn't pass Lan Xichen in the air is that they aren't quite coming from the same direction. This night is becoming very long but Lan Wangji is happy to explain himself to his brother: the careful methods he's started to use, never very much resentful energy at once, and the careful checks he has on himself, meditation and Cleansing and purification rituals. Lan Xichen isn't happy, but he has to concede that it all seems sound, and the goal is certainly a righteous one, and...there are worse ways to mourn
so when an emergency sect leader cultivation conference is called, because the news that Hanguang-jun has not only moved to Yiling but started practicing demonic cultivation has spread like wildfire, Lan Xichen calmly stands forward and defends his brother, states that Lan Wangji is working on noble goals with careful precautions and the full support of GusuLan, he can confirm it himself as Sect Leader but of course any who wish are welcome to visit Yiling as well and judge Hanguang-jun's precautions for themselves.
I cannot put in words how close Jiang Cheng comes to punching him in the face
So that’s what happens: people visit, see what careful measures Lan Wangji has in place, and are convinc- ha ha lol no it’s politics. But it works out. i wish I could say that it's some sort of tie between who Jiang Cheng hates most: Wei Wuxian for everything, but particularly for not even bothering to try to make it safe like LWJ clearly is; Lan Wangji for thinking he can just get away with this shit; Lan Xichen for helping him do it; everyone else for going along with it when they couldn't give Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng and YunmengJiang a single shred of goodwill; or himself for not standing up for either Wei Wuxian (a la Lan Wangji, however post-mortem)/his brother (like LXC)
but we all know it's nowhere near a tie
so...Lan Wangji doesn't plan to teach Lan Yuan (he's still a Lan! They're both still Lans!) any sort of demonic cultivation, but no matter what he does there's still So Much Dangerous Stuff around here, and they have no backup nearby, and demonic cultivation is just so much easier for those without a well-developed golden core yet -
so he teaches him, you know, some basic chords to make a ghost or corpse go the fuck away
(to start)
UNFORTUNATELY I'm pretty sure the timing is such that the Yi City Affair happened mostly while LWJ was in seclusion? Or at least, the start of it, such that the finding of Xue Yang by the side of the road happened either shortly before or shortly after he got out (and, in this case, went to Yiling)
and they have no reason to visit Yiling, so...all that...plays out. as in canon
no reason to visit Yiling, that is, until Xue Yang is sitting on the floor of the coffin house clutching a bag containing the shards of Xiao Xingchen's soul and feeling something like remorse for the first time in his life and he HATES it, he hates it SO GODDAMN MUCH, he wants to burn everyone who contributed to this to the ground and then torment their ghosts for centuries
so, he might then visit Yiling and the man said to be some sort of inheritor of the Yiling Patriarch's power. He almost certainly tries to play nice and helpless, just a good young man who made bad choices and lost his friend, and Lan Wangji probably tries to give him the benefit of the doubt and...yeah that does not last long.
especially if A-Qing has anything to say mime about it
Xue Yang has a fierce corpse on call and the won't-stay-down attitude of a feral weasel on crack who hates you personally, but Lan Wangji has a the home court advantage, including extensive practice siphoning and applying power from the Burial Mounds, and he's fucking Hanguang-jun.
Result: Lan Sizhui gets a sad fierce corpse uncle and a cheerfully-refusing-to-pass-on ghost-jie
HARD CUT uh...10? Ish? Years later? Wei Wuxian aka Mo Xuanyu is quickly giving up the idea of subtle launching fierce corpses at this hand bc at this point it's either out himself or people die, and the latter is not acceptable. He's just about to whistle them in when a ghost whips in and probably saves someone's life by knocking them out of the way. One of the Lan babies shrieks and hides behind another one - but a third points excitedly to the sky and shouts, "Oh, it's Lan Sizhui! Sizhui, over here!"
and who should descend by sword but one Nice Young Man(TM) with a guqin that he plays while switching effortlessly back and forth between spiritual and resentful energy, which, damn, Wei Wuxian didn't even know that was an option. I mean, it wasn't, for him, but...damn! What a clever kid! Did someone teach him?!
oh yeah, imminent danger of death by angry left hand -
Wei Wuxian does have to openly intervene, or at least, obviously intervene by fierce corpse and shouting some instructions at the kids, and then letting this Sizhui kid take the credit for the fierce corpses and trying to book it but, uh...getting caught. By aforementioned Sizhui kid. Who is polite and formal and, Wei Wuxian points out, extremely un-GusuLan-like, what with the bothering him and also the demonic cultivation. There's probably still the ghost of a teenage girl following them and making rude gestures at Wei Wuxian for insulting her little brother
"That's because I'm from the Yiling branch," Lan Sizhui admits, a little shame-facedly except that it's definitely fake shame. 
"Hmm?" says Wei Wuxian, like he knows what that means but is curious for more information (as opposed to have no goddamn idea what that means and desperately wanting more information)
"I, ah, study with Hanying-jun" says Lan Sizhui, who doesn't want to make a big deal out of his parentage. 
"Hmm?" says Wei Wuxian, who is fucking Dying here "I thought I might escort you home with me, so you can get properly cleansed after manipulating those corpses. One must be careful, of course." He sighs in a slightly teenagerish way. "It'll take most of a day, probably, after that arm. I try to use only spiritual energy on night hunts, but that was...pretty bad." 
Wei Wuxian, internally: okay, CONS: getting spiritually cleaned by Lans, even possibly Cool Lans - ugh, why are Lans always like this. PROS: finding out who the fuck this "Hanying-jun” is, bc...what the fuck. In Yiling? Is he stealing MY schtick?? And I can't just ASK, because clearly this kid expects me to recognize the title, which means Mo Xuanyu would probably recognize the title, and even a Lan who practices some sort of resentful energy manipulation isn't just going to be okay with suddenly meeting the Yiling Patriarch...And i can always run if I have to. 
WWX: I mean...okay! I don't have anything else to do!
except they do detour to Dafan Mountain a little because Lan Sizhui wasn't raised quite Lan enough to beat out the rebellious teenager streak and he wants to fight a big monster, and Jiang Cheng nearly fucking draws Zidian on sight bc he really. Hates. The Yiling Lans. And then Lan Wangji shows up just bc he heard about a ruckus and figured it was a good place to find his son
and then goddess statue, Wen Ning, terrible bamboo flute...
it's definitely not 'til after Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng have started and maybe finished fighting before Wie Wuxian finds out that the mysterious bastard who totally stole his spot as Dark Lord of Yiling is Hanguang-jun
or, you know...different title now
and then LWJ takes him and orders him bathed and - wait actually if they've developed elaborate formal spiritual purification rituals to balance handing resentful energy, he. he probably does order Wei Wuxian bathed
and then brought to his room
oh wow
AND THEN PLOT RESUMES AS NORMAL?!? except possibly several questions of romance and Lan Sizhui's history get cleared up much faster 
also Lan Wangji - Hanying-jun - doesn’t have as peerless a reputation to trade on. Public opinion is probably fairly split between camps of, like, “he’s doing a good and noble thing, cleaning the Burial Mounds” vs. “the Lans say it’s okay so it must be, but wow that seems dangerous and/or useless” vs. “demonic cultivation is always eeeevil!” Among cultivators specifically, it’s more the first two, but...performatively more the first, genuinely more the second.
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Not me saying I wasn’t going to post any of my writing and then immediately going back on my word, no sir!! I’m actually really REALLY proud of this tho, so... up it goes. His Dark Materials AU for my OCs!
[For those that don’t know, in the HDM world everybody has something called a dæmon, which is the physical manifestation of their soul in the form of an animal.]
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Dusk bruised the sky, ugly purple-black with smoke and the oncoming night. No stars dared to tread above this city. Even the moon hid her face.
Below, the streets were populated only by shadows. It was easy to mistake them for one, hunched as they were on the stairs in a dark suit and with their face hidden behind an even darker sheet of hair. Only the ember at the tip of their cigarette separated them from the night.
Footsteps descended down the stairs behind them. Their owner had his hands tucked into his pockets, refusing to touch the brass rails mottled with grime. A staccato of claws clicked between each step.
“You’re late,” the living shadow said, the memory of a thousand other cigarettes burnt into their throat.
“I wasn’t sure I was going to come at all.”
A ribbon of smoke curled from their lips. “Don’t give me that shit,” they said, disgusted. “You always do. You always will. We both know it.”
“You’re in good spirits tonight,” he responded mildly. His name was Dante, and he regretfully knew the shadow too well to be offended. He hated them less than they deserved. His dæmon stood by his side in the form of a large black dog, the feeble anbaric light of the streetposts settling on her fur and gleaming in her calm eyes.
The shadow had no dæmon to be found.
They merely grunted and rose to their feet. They flicked their cigarette away; it carved a red arch through the air before it winked out on the pavement. They started walking.
Dante exchanged a glance that spoke volumes with his dæmon. But they followed, because he did know. They both did.
The shadow’s name was June, and Dante was their only friend (though, that may be too strong a word.) The reasons for this were immediately obvious, not limited to the miasma of cigarette smoke that seemed woven into their clothes, nor their frankly ugly tongue. Their voice was complicated, interesting, but their face was ordinary; long, with stark bones beneath dark golden-brown skin, an interesting nose and eyes the colour of charcoal. They were also abysmally short, the crown of their head barely reaching Dante’s shoulder. He didn’t mention that.
They barely had to flash their card at the bouncer before he swung the door open for them, his lizard dæmon curled nervously along his forearm. June strode through without a backwards glance. Dante gave him a nod.
It was dim inside the den. The air ought to have been stained red for the stench of copper, sweat and alcohol that clung to every breath; Dante thought he could feel the effects of a pint just from inhaling. The walls were panelled with dark wood, packed to bursting with people. Barely people – raucous grins, jostling, laughing, screaming like fiends in human skins. Even their dæmons seemed inebriated, staggering between their legs with tongues lolling against chins. Nevertheless, all parted for June and their silent, bulky shadow.
June didn’t spare them a single glance. They had bred this intimidation, this mystery, fed it with the tender care of a mother and watched its first steps with pride.
“Just keep your mouth shut,” they had told Dante. “You’re unknowable now. Their fear and uncertainty will make you great.”
That suited him just fine. He never was a man of many words.
Darodrey stayed pinned to his side like a moth to a board. The angle of her ears still read as calm, but she had begun to pant in the crushing heat of the den. He rested a soothing hand on her head. He could feel her anticipation crackling beside his own. They never felt quite so alive than when they were in these ratholes.
He drew back the shabby curtain that sectioned off the preparation quarter, allowed June to step in first. He pulled it to behind him, hands immediately dropping to unbutton his short coat. It fell to the floor, revealing an expanse of scarred olive skin and the lines of thick muscles. He opened the tin set to the side on the bench.
“Nova,” June told him, low. “Dumb as a barrel of shit, but he hits like one too.”
“His dæmon?” It was Drey who asked, as Dante slid a guard over his teeth. The shock of his dæmon speaking to them had been worn away by familiarity long ago.
“A mountain lion.”
Drey noted, “Also stupid.”
Dante pulled a white roll from the tin and began to unwind it around his knuckles. “Only Nova?”
“Mitchellson could be taken as well, if you’re fit after the first.”
“I’ll take him.” Dante flexed his fingers experimentally. “A bear, right?”
“Black,” June confirmed.
Maybe I’ve finally found a challenge, Drey murmured to him and him alone.
Dante secured the final bandage. “What do we get for both?”
“Enough.” June tilted their head, their hair falling against the blade they called a jaw. “As long as you don’t fuck this up.”
“I won’t.” He couldn’t.
They’re depending on us.
They, they, they. The two men currently warming his bed with their dreams, wound together in a lover’s knot. Maybe they did depend on him, but not in a way that led into an underground fighting den. That would break them to know.
A roar went up from behind the curtain, more ferocious than any bear. Darodrey’s fur rose along her spine, lips pulling back in fierce delight. Dante rolled his shoulders, knocked his knuckles together till they ached.
“Get out there,” June said, and then their hand closed claw-like over his wrist. “Do not disappoint me, Diệu.”
With the adrenaline biting in his pulse, he didn’t even deign to answer that. Instead, he merely gave them a measured look and pushed through the curtain. Darodrey’s tail whipped out on his heels.
June watched after him for a moment. Their expression was unreadable, their fingers hovering over the red kerchief folded in their breast pocket. Then their jaw set, and they followed him out.
Dumb as a barrel of shit seemed to be the perfect way to describe Nova. His angelic name didn’t look like it belonged to the brutish man with a vividly new scar wound across his bald head. His eyes were, by all means, bright blue, but even they looked dull in his face.
To his credit, he wasn’t prancing or hopping like he was on hot coals, like some of the other peacocks Dante had fought. He simply leaned against the metal links behind him, taking in his competition from under furrowed brows.
Dante ran his eyes up him, down him as if in a mere cursory glance. His fingers were still purple with fresh bruises, darker on his left hand than his right. The muscles in his arms were massively developed. He was also very actively trying to convince Dante he held his weight on his right side. He was concentrating on it harder than he was concentrating on breathing.
Meanwhile, Drey was summarizing her opponent. She found her wanting – the same dull eyes, patchy pelt and a tediously swaying tail.
“Don’t be arrogant,” he told her.
“Vrox is right. You confuse arrogance with confidance too much.”
“It doesn’t hurt to be cautious.”
“Utter modesty never got anyone anywhere, Dante.” She stretched out one hind leg and then the other, unbothered.  “We wouldn’t be here if you didn’t think we were the best.”
Dante hesitated. Something troubled curled like lead in his stomach.
“Pay attention,” she warned.
Their opponent and his dæmon had leaned to their feet. The crowd was stirring around them, a great wave of excitement, raw in the way only betting could achieve. Dante knew three quarters of those bets were on him, and he knew that would chafe at his opponent’s pride. Sure enough, he saw something close to hate flicker in Nova’s deep-set eyes.
The referee pushed between the two men, a smile fake and white as a skull’s wide on his lips. He dove enthusiastically into his usual spiel, but Dante tuned him out. He could recite it in his sleep already. He watched the lion dæmon’s claws unfurl from their sheathes, ticking lightly against the floor. Her eyes were locked on Darodrey. On her throat.
Good luck with that, bitch, Drey growled.
The bell sounded early, ringing clear above the crowd’s uproar. A look of frightened consternation darted across the referee’s face, but he did the sensible thing and tossed aside his dignity to sprint out of the way of the two fighters. Not a second too late, either: Nova came at Dante like a boulder in an avalanche.
Nova jabbed with his right hand, but expectedly the blow was weak enough for Dante to smash it aside with his forearm and return one of his own. It snapped Nova’s head back, snapped something else as well. Blood splattered down his chin, his nose a pulpy mess. His dæmon hissed in pain.
There was definitely hate in those eyes now.
Dante flicked some of the blood of his hand as Nova came at him again. A grimace crossed his face as Drey fastened her teeth deep enough in his dæmon’s foreleg to scrape bone, but his next punch whistled toward Dante’s face. Dante had to duck to the side to avoid it. It clipped his ear instead of knocking out his teeth, and Dante didn’t bother straightening, just slammed his fist into his stomach.
The angle was wrong, but Nova folded anyway, and Dante jerked his knee up. It caught his chin was a satisfying clatter of teeth. Nova fell backward, and cried out – not for himself, though.
Darodrey had his dæmon’s neck between her jaws and was shaking her violently, back and forth, back and forth as if she were trying to rip clean through to her spine. The lion twisted under her, loose skin bunching, and ripped at her face with jagged claws. Darodrey fell back reluctantly with red dripping from her mouth, snarling like thunder.
Claws, teeth, fists, two fights tangled into one. The noise was atrocious. Curses smudged into growls, roars, the sound of flesh ripping, skin and bone colliding.
Nova kicked Dante’s knee, forced him to down or risk a break. An arm found its hold around his neck. The demented cheers of the crowd dulled as if Dante had submerged his head underwater. Blood pounded thickly in his ears.
No time for fear, no hesitation. He grabbed Nova’s wrist in an iron grip and began to inexorably pry it away from his throat. Nova grunted from the strain – from surprise – his weight wavering on Dante’s back. The moment he could draw in a breath, he gathered himself and threw. Nova slammed into the ground, every scrap of air rushing painfully out of his lungs. His dæmon yowled. Dante was only half surprised when he rolled to his feet and came at him again immediately.
A sloppy mistake. To stay on the ground would mean the end of him, but to swing so quickly, so desperately, with his weight falling now onto his left side–
Dante left an opening. Waited.
And there was the left hand, twice as fast as the right, angled to catch him on the chin and knock him senseless.
Dante caught the punch by the wrist. He saw the panic flash in Nova’s eyes and waited just one moment more to let it set in, let him feel it. Then he twisted his arm under his own and drove downward with brutal efficiency. The bone shattered, and Nova screamed.
It was a ragged noise, an animal noise, the same that his dæmon gave as she writhed on the floor. Drey took advantage of the distraction by sinking her teeth in her shoulder and flinging her against the metal barrier.
Dante let the momentum carry Nova forward. The other man crashed to the floor, clutching at his arm. Dante noted distantly that he could see a shard of bone poking through the ripped skin at his elbow. Distant, far-away, nothing. He wasn’t there. He wasn’t a man. He was the roaring in his ears, the blur behind his eyes, the molten heat coursing through his veins. He was the mechanical action of kneeling over him, caging him in his knees, and smashing a punch into Nova’s cheekbone, feeling it give. Then his jaw, the imprint of the teeth within against his knuckles. Blackening an eye, splitting a lip to ruin. One punch ran into many. Raining until Nova resembled something out of a nightmare.
“Enough, enough or you’ll forfeit, I swear you’ll forfeit–”
He paused. There was a frantic, quiet voice in his ear. The referee had been trying to hold his arm back, but he hadn’t felt any resistance as he destroyed Nova’s face. Nova, whose body was a wreck. Nova, who he held between his knees.
In his mind, Jesse smiled up at him. His hands smoothed down his stomach, his thighs. Curious and trusting.
Nova groaned, blood bubbling from his lips.
Abruptly, Dante was sure he was going to be sick.
He staggered to his feet and lurched through the open cage door, shoving through the crowd. He would leave smudges of dark, dark crimson on their clothes wherever he touched them, he knew, but they couldn’t seem to get enough of it: hands showered down on him, patting, smacking, gripping, pushing and tugging. He could hear Darodrey snarling, only white noise that buzzed in his ears.
He burst through the back door into the reeking alleyway beyond. He stumbled against the wall, nails drawing bloody streaks down the uneven bricks. He stood there, and he shuddered.
But he wasn’t sick. He was nothing at all.
Darodrey whined and pressed her nose into his palm, licked at his trembling fingers, trying to clean off the blood. He could still feel the gore caught between her teeth. The torn flesh of a soul – such a terrible thing.
Diệu, Diệu, Diệu, she whispered.
The nothing coalesced slowly, becoming simply the bricks rough against his forehead. Out here in the cool and the smoke, the clouds had made good on their promise: a thin veil of rain misted the streets, gathered and trickled down between Dante’s shoulder blades. It should have steamed where it touched his skin, but it didn’t, because nothing here was pure. It tasted like soot in the back of his throat.
The door crashed open behind him. The violence echoed in his ears.
“They need you back,” June said, sharp as broken glass.
Dante didn’t reply.
“I said get back in there, Dante.”
Darodrey said, “No.”
“What.” The accent of the city made their voice flat and vicious. They turned their gaze to the dæmon.
The one without a soul, she thought.
“He hates this,” Darodrey said. She looked back at Dante, her eyes fathoms deep, gleaming starlike. “We hate this.”
“Liar!” June snapped. Drey laid back her ears. “You can be sweet with your boys as much as you like, you can pretend to be a husband and a friend, but this is you. This is what you were made to do, and you enjoy it.” A snarl twisted their voice.
Dante stood still for a terribly long time. An eternity, hanging in the faint drizzle, printed in stinging flesh. Jesse would call it a postcard moment. He knew it would never leave him, even when it was nothing more than a memory.
June let their words sink in in silence, their nails biting red crescents into their own palms.
Then Dante pushed off from the wall and it was a horribly efficient, broken motion. He straightened, wiped the beading rain from his face with one bloodstained hand. He didn’t look at June, nor Darodrey, but as he turned back to the den she moved with him, closer than his shadow. The roar and the heat thundered through the door to welcome them both.
June was left standing in the alley alone.
“This will ruin them,” Thyne said. It shifted where it hid tucked behind their breast pocket, wings fluttering in the place of their heartbeat.
They said nothing.
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,832
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​
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“Underneath the smiling mask, my true self is coming out.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Seoul – Cheongdam; Gangnam District South Korea
Anastasia groaned when she felt someone tugging at her shoulder, attempting to rouse her from her drunken slumber. Her body swayed back and forth and she swatted at the hand pulling her. Her hand fumbled around for the covers and she attempted to yank them up and over her head. Solace was given to her for a moment and she hummed in sleepy contentment.
However, her victory was short-lived when the blanket was completely ripped from her body, exposing her to the open air. Flailing like a toddler throwing a tantrum, Anastasia flopped onto her back and then sprung up into a sitting position. Her dirty blonde hair was messy and tangled but she didn’t care. Instead, she glared up at the person who was destroying her sweet slumber.
“Ana,” Raelyn said while shaking her head, “if you don’t get up and come on.”
Anastasia flung her arms around in various directions, fighting back an oncoming migraine and whining in the process. “Rae Unnie, it’s my day off!”
Raelyn held a glass of water out to her. She took it and automatically opened her other hand to accept the aspirin that was waiting for her. Raelyn smirked when she downed the aspirin and drained the glass.
“I made breakfast,” said the older woman, turning away from her to head down the small flight of stairs from the bedroom loft, “so get washed up and come down to eat.”
“Kay,” was all Anastasia offered before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.
Not wanting to keep her friend waiting, she opted to wash her face and brush her teeth. She’d shower later. Once she made her way downstairs, Anastasia took note of the folded-up blankets and pillows on the couch. The previous night’s antics played out in her mind and she couldn’t help grinning.
Raelyn suddenly showed up at her door with two big bottles of booze. Anastasia wasn’t one to usually turn down free alcohol, but she also knew that Raelyn wasn’t the type to mindlessly indulge in binge drinking like some college student. There was clearly something on her mind and the only way to chase it away was through booze. Anastasia could relate and since she had the next day off, she didn’t mind spending the evening drinking away.
They played cards, Monopoly, UNO and vegged out on the couch watching Netflix. Neither of them talked about work or the boys. Anastasia could tell that Raelyn wanted to avoid those subjects as much as possible. Everyone deserved a night to escape and there was a part of her that felt bad that they hadn’t included Eden. When it was mentioned, Raelyn said that Eden had other plans. Without having to say it aloud, Anastasia knew that it was with Jungkook. The woman was brutally honest and stubborn, but her affection toward Jungkook was cute.
She would tease her about it relentlessly.
The smells from the kitchen made Anastasia’s stomach groan, reminding her that she was, in fact, starving. It reminded her of when she had her own aspirations to start a restaurant and ultimately failed. It was probably for the best, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t prone to thinking about those days from time to time.
Raelyn whipped them up a traditional Southern Style breakfast of sausage, eggs, grits and toast. A side of sliced strawberries were set on small plates. Anastasia watched her pour a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice for each of them. When everything was set, the two women sidled onto the chairs by the counter and began to eat, neither of them wanting to say anything until they’d gotten a few bites in.
Anastasia swallowed a mouthful of toast and scrambled eggs, washing it down with milk, before finally deciding to break the silence. “So, do you want to talk about it now?”
The fork hovered by Raelyn’s lips and stayed there for a few seconds. She sighed, setting the utensil down on her plate. Anastasia remained quiet, not sure if she should repeat the question. There was a glint in Raelyn’s eyes that almost screamed what was being turned over and over inside of her head. But doing that would mean she hadn’t processed anything; that she hadn’t been sitting on this something for days.
She wouldn’t have shown up with the offer to booze it up if she wasn’t prepared to get her mind right.
Stabbing at a piece of strawberry, Anastasia gripped the utensil and tried to slow her heart rate some. It never usually took Raelyn this long to speak her mind. Especially if something was bothering her. This, in turn, made her uncomfortable. But instead of prodding further, she waited.
She watched Raelyn pressing her hand to her forehead, sighing again. “Everything’s fucked up,” she finally said.
Anastasia blinked, canting her head slightly. “What do you mean?”
Raelyn was now pressing both of her hands to her face. “I mean everything is fucked up, Ana.”
There was a broken tone in her voice that was unfamiliar to Anastasia. She couldn’t help but worry that something terrible had happened. But from what she understood, the boys were doing okay. Their businesses were thriving, and they were walking away from the criminal underworld like they’d dreamed. Raelyn’s reason for worrying wasn’t even a factor anymore. She could date Taehyung freely and without the strain of having to look over her shoulder.
She didn’t understand what the problem was.
Anastasia reached out to place a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Did something happen?” She paused, brows furrowing. “I mean, besides what happened with Eden Unnie?”
She’d heard about the incident that occurred when Raelyn was dispatched to another hospital. Eden got half a dozen voicemails from her that day and an earful of high-pitched screaming when she finally answered the phone. Regardless of how tough her friends were, Anastasia didn’t want them getting hurt. Not when there wasn’t a need for them to worry about it anymore.
Raelyn shook her head back and forth fervently, her fingers clenching into fists near her forehead. “Things were supposed to get better once they went straight, right?” Anastasia’s brows furrowed when the older woman finally turned to look at her, eyes wide and shaking. “So why does it feel like things are going to get worse?”
“What?” She felt a lump forming in her throat. “What in the world is that supposed to mean? Why would they get worse?”
The older woman laughed, border lining mania, and this caused Anastasia’s hand to fall from her shoulder. “God, how could I have been so fucking stupid? How could I have missed it?”
Anastasia didn’t understand what she was talking about. However, just because she couldn’t understand didn’t mean that the implications weren’t unsettling. It felt like she’d eaten a bag of river stones for breakfast – her stomach heavy and cold.
“Jimin told me something, Ana, and I’m not gonna lie, it rattled the hell out of me.”
“What did he—”
“The boys might be out, but there’s competition that wants them to stay.”
She blinked, unable to believe what she’d just heard.
“Whoa, wait…what?” Again, she blinked. “Why?”
“That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it?” Raelyn scoffed. “Why in the fuck—”
“—would they want their rivals to stick around when they could just claim the territory the Golden Jackals left for themselves?” Anastasia finished the thought and now it was Raelyn’s turn to look surprised. Averting her gaze, she curled her hand near her chin while glaring at her half-eaten breakfast. “That just doesn’t make sense. Strategically, when competition is gone, that leaves room for a takeover when the option for a merger is no longer on the table.”
From a marketing or bargaining standpoint, attacking the former Golden Jackals would lead to zero gain. She recalled a conversation she had with Seokjin about something similar. When companies refused to go along with mergers, a buyout option was presented. If the buyout option was refused, then eradicating all competition from the board was the next step. But if the competition chose to pull itself from the game, then the remaining competitors usually fought amongst themselves over who would take over what was left behind.
Pulling the competition back that chose to remove themselves would bring them no profit. It would create unrest all over again…
Is someone foaming at the mouth or something?
When she next met Raelyn’s gaze, it was like something dawned on the older woman. Several emotions passed over her face, but the one that Anastasia recognized immediately was anger. Something she’d said apparently set her off.
“They think they’re bluffing.”
Raelyn stood from her chair suddenly, causing Anastasia to recoil. “They think Hoseok and the others are bluffing!” She began pacing and all Anastasia could do was follow her with her eyes. “They’re not sure if they’ve really dissolved or not. That’s why they’re not launching a war.” She smacked her forehead while letting loose a mirthless laugh. “That’s why the others haven’t started stirring up shit. They’re not sure what Hoseok and the others are going to do!”
Anastasia heard her laugh again, but it sounded terrible, making her skin crawl. “Rae…”
The older woman continued pacing for a few more minutes, muttering things to herself. When she suddenly stopped, Anastasia was halfway out of her seat. The two friends met each other’s gazes and it was like they both thought the same thing at that very same moment.
“What’s going to happen when they find out that it’s true?”
The work week seemed to crawl at a snail’s pace. It was unbearable and Anastasia was sure she would start the process of plucking her own eyeballs out. Seokjin and she hardly had time to see each other at all since he was doing his best to assist Hoseok and Namjoon at the new hotel in Yongsan. Not that she blamed him or needed her hand held. He wouldn’t have hired her if he didn’t think she was capable of handling things without him constantly being in the office.
Jimin being there was a boon and he was always at the ready to assist whenever she needed him. Even when she didn’t, he had coffee and snacks ready – encouraging her to take breaks before she got lost in a mountain of paperwork.
Burying herself in her work, however, was the only way she could successfully chase her worries from her mind.
She’d wanted to pick Jimin’s brain; to figure out what was going on behind the scenes. All she knew was the financial aspect of their businesses. It was her job to maintain it and make sure all the books were up to date. Nothing was out of place and Seokjin wasn’t asking her to fudge the books either. Accounts were stable and clean. No money was laundered since none of their funds were funneling in from an outside source even remotely associated with the criminal underworld.
Yet she couldn’t shake the frustration and worry that radiated from Raelyn. It was bleeding across to her now, making it hard to focus on her job. Seokjin and she were getting closer, sure, and others could clearly see that they were an item. But without him there to reassure her that things were going to be alright, Anastasia felt on edge. Hell, borderline neurotic. She could admit it.
Was their friend, Eden, suffering like this also? When she saw her a few days ago, it didn’t look like it. What was she doing that was different than what either Raelyn or she were? Had the mixed girl gotten her hands on some magic pills, being selfish and unwilling to share?
Wanting to stop by her friend’s shop on her lunch break, she took a breath of air in relief when she arrived and saw that nothing was happening. The garage was closed, a sign hanging out the window saying they were out to lunch and would be back in an hour. Anastasia finished her paperwork early and decided she would take a long lunch, so she had time to kill until her friend got back. Maybe Eden would have some answers to the questions that were constantly nagging at her.
Just as she was about to hail a cab to a nearby café, Anastasia let out a sharp squeak, realizing too late that someone was now in front of her. Her chest bumped into said person, causing her to stumble backwards. The stiletto points of her shoes scraped along the concrete loudly. When she was positive she was going to see the sky, a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders to steady her.
“Whoa,” said a gentle voice, a hint of amusement laced through it, “careful there.”
“I’m so sorry!” Anastasia apologized, taking a step back and bowing her head. “I should have been paying more attention.”
“It’s alright. I was just wondering where the fire was.”
When she finally lifted her head to look up, she saw an unfamiliar man standing in front of her. He had mouse brown hair, umber eyes, and a sweet smile that mirrored in motion with said eyes. Flushing at his appearance, she quickly shifted her gaze to look away from him. She felt more embarrassed than anything else.
“There’s no fire.”
“I can see that.” She moved to look at him again just as the man brushed some of his hair out of his eyes. “Were you here for an appointment?”
“Oh, no,” she said with a laugh, “I just came to see my friend. Looks like I just missed them.”
He slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “In this day and age, you didn’t think to call her ahead of time?”
Anastasia pressed her hand against the side of her neck, giving a shy laugh while shrugging one shoulder. “I suck at surprises?” She laughed again until a thought struck her, causing a tiny shiver to shoot down her spine. Her hand slid slowly from her neck, falling to her side as she began narrowing her eyes at the stranger in front of her. “How did you know my friend’s a girl?”
“I assumed.”
“Assumed that I don’t have guy friends?” Anastasia took a step back when she saw the man’s gaze darken, his smile remaining. “Or that you already know who owns this shop?”
The man laughed, shrugging and then taking a step forward. She took another step back. He leaned forward, peering at her like he was examining a specimen in a jar.
“Clever girl,” he mused, straightening to his full height, “it didn’t take you long to pick up on that. No wonder you’re their financial advisor.”
Her eyes narrowed further. Anastasia didn’t appreciate being mocked. “…and who the fuck are you?”
“Ya, Yoo Kihyun,” called a familiar voice from the sidewalk. They both looked to see Yoongi approaching them and Anastasia felt a wave of relief wash over her. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Kihyun gave a lazy smile but there was no warmth in the gesture. Anastasia shuffled a few steps back when Yoongi closed the distance between them. He made a point to place himself in front of Anastasia, shielding her from the man who was getting his kicks out of messing with her. She had half a mind to throw her shoe at him.
Peering at him over Yoongi’s shoulder, Anastasia maintained vigilance as the other man scrutinized over her rescuer.
“Ah, Yoongi-ah. It’s been so long.”
She heard Yoongi scoff. “Not long enough. Now answer me: what do you think you’re doing?” Kihyun said nothing. “Actually, a better question: why are you here?”
“No reason,” he dismissed and Anastasia bit back her urge to pop off, “curiosity mostly.”
“I’m not surprised. You’ve always been a sick, twisted little fuck.” Anastasia blinked at the barbs coming from Yoongi. She gasped when he suddenly turned around to look at her. “When Eden gets back, don’t tell her about this.”
“Huh? But why?”
“Please, Ana-ssi,” he said, his brows furrowing.
Swallowing the lump in her throat, she finally nodded – albeit reluctantly. Yoongi’s expression relaxed somewhat and he bowed his head.
“Thank you.” He then turned around to face Kihyun. “You’re done here, Kihyun-ah. You talk to me now.” Yoongi strolled past the other man, not so much as giving him a backwards glance. “Follow me.”
Kihyun smirked, winked at Anastasia, and then followed after Yoongi as was demanded of him. Anastasia wasn’t sure of what to make of that encounter, but she knew she would have to thank Yoongi properly when she got the chance. Kihyun’s smile may have been charming, but the way he carried himself suggested something cold and unfeeling.
It left a knot in Anastasia’s stomach.
Is he one of the guys Rae was talking about? she thought, frowning, …are they the ones trying to pull them back?
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A Little Love for Tae
Summary: Taehyung somehow is still alone. And single. Despite having a bunch of friends around him in relationships. 
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Happy Valentine’s day! @yoonia this is for you! Here’s the link to her tumblr go read her amazing works! This is for the ‘Made With Love’ project by @bangtansmutcentral
Genre: Smut, Fluff, & Angst
Warnings: Implied relationships with OC, Bartender Tae AU, References to Undo, Replacing the reader from Yoongi’s story as OC for the sake of another x reader story, really a spinoff or a side story but this is completely original I swear I didn’t steal it, I hope my valentine and readers like it as much as I do!! Drinking, swearing, oral (f receiving), masterbating, etc.
Story takes place in Second Person POV.
Words: 10k+ 
Paring: Taehyung x Reader 
“Hey it’s me, Taehyung! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend, maybe have some girl time since we haven’t had any late night heart-to-hearts since high school-Oh you have a date with your boyfriend of two years? Okay. That’s fine, yeah maybe next time.” Taehyung hangs up his phone before listening to his best friend go on and on about her perfect relationship with her perfect partner. He’s frankly tired of seeing all of these lovey-dovey couples, especially when it’s so close to Valentine’s day. He saw the way Yoongi looked at Freya with nothing short of love in his eyes, and how Namjoon looked at his fiancé, he has plain jealousy in his heart, and nothing close to love.
‘The first time I fell in love, I was in high school. Unfortunately, the girl was a bitchy cheerleader that only wanted to get with me because of my reputation as the school’s “dumb blond.” She was also blonde, so what the hell did she mean?!’ Tae thinks to himself, making the job easier for the author so that she doesn’t have to guess what’s going through his brain. ‘The second time I fell in love, I was a freshman in college. I was taking a short break from girls only to fall hopelessly in love with my best friend, who was also in a relationship at the time. With another girl. Yeah, my love life isn’t exactly the best.’ Somehow he still has hope in his heart, and with that hope he steps out into the sunlight only for a second. Taehyung has been running longer than he can remember, and working out was a perfect de-stresser. He nearly vomits in his mouth when he sees five different couples trying to eat each other alive but he simply jogs on straight ahead.
After his morning jog, he takes a quick shower and changes into his work clothes. He’s a bartender, so he always has to look a bit presentable. Not to mention, the tattoos on his arms make him look less than qualified but he thought he looked like a badass. And honestly, he could complain? He did look really cool with those pretty tattoos.
“Can I get a Daquiri please?” A woman dressed in a golden gown with a flower in her dark brown hair sits down on a stool in front of him. Tae whips up the drink, and places the cocktail in front of her. He watches as she gulps it down in one go, and nervously draws back, pretending to clean a glass. “Listen to me very carefully,” She sets the empty glass down on the counter. “Your luck is about to change, and if you don’t play your cards right, you may end up being depressed forever.” She leaves quickly, only placing a $10 bill on the counter. Taehyung grabs it and shrugs to himself.
‘I don’t trust any of that fortune teller bullshit. My luck isn’t gonna change and I’m gonna stay single forever.’ He continues on with his job, and just as his shift is about to finish, a woman wearing a long white dress runs into the bar, and as she gets closer, he sees her smudged lipstick and runny mascara, as she cries into a handkerchief.
“Whoa, whoa are you okay?” Taehyung tries to calm her down as she blows her nose into a handkerchief.
“Can I borrow your phone?” Tae nods, quickly pulling it out and handing it to the woman in distress. He gawks at her as she makes her phone call, and eventually he slides a box of tissues towards her. “Yeah, the dress is fine. Just know that I’m really happy for you and Ryan. You deserve it, yeah, mmhmm, bye.” She hangs up, and Taehyung takes his phone back.
“Would you like something to drink?” He asks her in a soft voice.
A couple of shots later, his shift is over, and he knows this woman’s entire backstory. A simple girl from a normal family that fell in love with the CEO of a company and after their cliché of a love affair, she finds out that he has an arranged marriage to her best friend. Normal stuff, really. But he’s not interested. It’s not like he has a book series or an amazing life like those drama characters. Seeing her porcelain skin, and her pink lips, and piercing green eyes, anyone can tell that she’s the main character.
“Eliza!” Tae hears a man calling out to someone.
“Ryan?” The woman in the wedding dress responds to him, and they both run into each other’s arms. Tae doesn’t bother sticking around. He just fled the scene as fast as he could.
“Ah fuck-” He doesn’t get that far as he runs into you. Yes you, the reader, the fated reader who now has crossed paths with your fave.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there because of all these boxes I was carrying,” You do a double take, recognizing that beautiful curly hair anywhere. That familiar face, that you had seen so much on twitter, the gifs you used on a daily basis, this man was your savior. “K-Kim Taehyung?!” He stumbles back a bit, in surprise.
“How do you know me?” He asks, his eyes as wide as the full moon. You raise your eyebrows, confused by his question. First of all, his bodyguards were nowhere in sight, and second of all, how is no one trying to mob him right now?! You knew of his presence in America (Yes we all live in the United States here) but you didn’t know that he would be so close to the building you’re interning in!
“You’re famous, duh.” You spit out the answer, and he immediately shoots back a couple twenty questions or so. You were ecstatic that you met your idol, but continuing idle chatter meant losing precious time, and at your office, time is money. Especially since you’re the only paid intern there. “I’d love to continue our chat, but if I don’t get going right now, my boss is gonna kill me.”
“Oh, of course, I’m so sorry for holding you up. Do you need any help with those boxes?” You simply smile at him as he takes two of the five heavy boxes and carries it with his strong, muscular arms. When you reach your office, he sets them down and looks up at the building. “I didn’t know you worked at my brother’s company.” “What? I didn’t know your brother was the CEO of Gunderson’s Inc-Holy shit that’s not my office.” You drop some of the boxes you were holding in shock, and Taehyung rushes to catch them. “What happened to Gunderson’s place? This...this is not supposed to be a fashion company.” Taehyung recalls meeting you, how running into you was so strange. He didn’t see anyone in his path, and when he crashed into you, it was as if you appeared out of thin air. It was even weirder when you recognized him like he was a movie star or something. “Are you okay?” He asks. You shake your head, tears blurring your vision as he holds out his hand for you, waiting patiently for you to take it before the breakdown hits.
“No.” You whisper, and he crouches down next to you, in the middle of the sidewalk, allowing you to cry for as long as you need.
“What was the point of that?” He asks you, and you are just as confused as he is.
“I’m sorry, I just released all of my feelings that I was holding in all at once. It wasn’t you, or this situation, my life has just been shitty as of late.” The realization dawns on you as you look up at Taehyung’s perfect curly brown hair.
“Oh my god, I think I know how I got here.” You wait for the flashback but it never comes. Perhaps the author got lazy, or it was too simple to flashback to. All you know is that earlier that day, you walked into the attic of your company, and encountered a strange looking device. You were wishing to be anywhere but at work, and for BTS to save you, but particularly your bias because you love him. Then you black out due to all the dust and you wake up in the same place. You then walked out and went on an errand run. It wasn’t until you got the boxes that you really made the switch. The company was the same even after you went through the machine, so how would you have teleported there in the first place? Maybe it doesn’t matter how you got here after all. Your luck may have finally changed.
“Are you just gonna sit there, in the middle of the sidewalk with your skirt hiking your thigh?” You gasp, covering yourself as you stood up, a little embarrassed at being in front of Tae.
“Sorry. Um, are you busy right now, or something?” You ask, hoping for the best answer.
“Not at the moment, no. Why don’t we grab a coffee or something?” You nod, following him to your next destination. You both left the boxes in front of the building, happily bouncing away with no care in the world. “So, how do you know me?” He looks at you with that familiar gaze amd you can feel your heart thudding against your chest, delivering blows as if it is trying to break out from your very body.
“You see, I think something happened and I ended up being transported to your world.” I explain.
“Can you please just tell me? I’m a little bit scared.” Of you? Your bias was afraid of you?
“So, in the place where I'm from, you’re in a famous boy band with your friends, and you guys have these amazing concerts and a HUGE fanbase, which I’m apart of, and I was just confused because there weren’t any bodyguards following you…”
“Me?” You look up at him, in awe. His hair is just marvelous, curly and naturally brown, and his mole is visible on his left cheek. You can’t help but stare, as the human before you is just too beautiful. “Sorry, but did you say my f-friends?” You sip your coffee, snapping yourself out of your trance. “Might I know these people?” You shrug, secretly hoping he did. Slowly, you start reciting the fanchant.
“Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook….BTS.” You choke out the last part, coughing violently after.
“Whoa...you just recited the names of my lifelong best friends.”
“Knew it.” You smile, knowing that they’d be together, somehow. Even if they weren’t brought together by bighit, fate brought them together, as lifelong friends.
“Who exactly are you?” He asks, amazed by your presence. Tae had never met someone as bodacious as you. To say he was stunned was an understatement.
“I’m just a fan.” You, on the other hand, were not just a fan, you were their number one fan, you’ve been following them since their second album, and stanning them was absolutely worth it.
“So I’m famous, along with my six friends….from singing and dancing?” You nod eagerly, sipping my coffee. ‘Maybe I can form BTS here.’ You thought.
“Can you take me to meet your other friends?” There’s no harm in asking, so you just go for it. Then again, it’s not like you’re running into Kim Taehyung on the street, so it works itself out.
“Maybe, but I don’t think they’d want to be bothered.” You bite your lip. That was a possibility your forgot to consider. Tae seems the same, but what if the others have different personalities? That’s the problem with alternate universes. Also, you don’t even know how you got here in the first place. Was it the button? Was it wish-activated? You have no clue.
“You’re right. Sorry for intruding.�� You waver, between getting up and never seeing him again, or asking for an autograph. “Oh, can you sign this real quick?” Tae looks at you with that intimidating stare. Oh, but you already know what he’s thinking as his frown turns into a charming smile and he asks for a pen.
“I’ve never given an autograph before, so this is my first time,” Your eyes fill up with tears. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” You wipe the corners of your eyes with a tissue as Tae looks at you with worry. “I’m honored to receive your first autograph. You are so amazing and you don’t even know it,” He sighs sadly. That was the first and last time any woman would look at him. And to top it all off, you were cute. It was as if fate was trying to tell him that his luck really would change. He hasn’t felt this good about himself in years. Maybe you were the answer to his self-doubt. ‘Aish, what am I thinking? A woman can’t magically fix all my problems. The only person I should love is myself...but she makes me feel happy. Is it such a bad thing to be happy?’ As he’s wallowing in self-pity, you make your escape, dusting your skirt and formal attire. “I’ll go first.” He wants to grab your hand and say something, but really, what can he say?
“Wait!” He squints at his own actions, confused as to why he did that. “You came here from somewhere else, so that means you don’t have a place to go back to, right?” A look of grief flickers onto your face before you smile again, reassuring him that you’re okay.
“That is pretty spot on. Whew, I thought I’d have to rent an expensive hotel room or something.”
“I know a place.” Taehyung guides you to his apartment, and since his family pretty much owns an entire company, he can afford the penthouse.
“Whoa, you live here?” You spin around, breathing in the fresh air as he simply throws his coat on the coffee table.
“It gets pretty quiet here sometimes, since I have this entire floor to myself.”
“Yeah, I bet.” You’re distracted by the pretty garden, all the different flowers overwhelming you with emotions.
“Tannie, have you been a good boy?” You almost trip and die when you see the tiny black and brown pomeranian. You thought this world was different, but at least Yeontan is still here.
“Wait, lemme pet him!” The puppy yips before jumping and licking your hand.
“He likes you.” Tae takes a moment to admire your beauty. You have soft pink lips, shining eyes filled with determination, and a cute nose. Your hair falls around your face perfectly, creating almost a heart shaped look. You’re totally his type.
“I’ve been dying to meet him since I found out you got him. But it’s really unlikely, since you’re always guarded and busy. Even back in my world, you barely have the time to take care of your own dog.” You regret telling him, as his face immediately falls.
“Sounds like I gave up a lot to become a performer.” You hold Tan in place, looking at Tae with morose.
“Yeah. You did.” He takes a deep breath in before changing the subject.
“What do you want for dinner?” He asks.
“Depends on what you have.” You have a face off, and Tae pulls out a package from his fridge.
“Frozen steak.” You stick it in the microwave.
“Already ahead of you.” You both dance in the main room as the food cooks, and you throw some toys to Yeontan as you both twirl around like idiots. You listen to good old american pop music, and when senorita comes on, you become a stripper. Or at least, you dance like one.
“Whoa...whoa! Whoaaa.” Tae watches you with wide eyes as you move to the floor, your body humping the air as you dance. He’s really just concentrated on the curves of your body, and he notices how lean you are, from the way your clothes cling to your body, and how you can move with ease. It’s impressive how you can look like a pro dancer even without taking any classes.
“Sorry about that,” Your cheeks are flushed a little from embarrassment but that doesn’t stop Tae from following your lead and doing a booty drop. “Yes, fuck it up Taehyung!” You cheer him on, completely oblivious to the way he was checking you out.
A week passes by and you’re already dreading that it’s February. You didn’t think it was possible, but after spending so much time with him in a short period of time, you think you’re in love. Or at the very least, you have a crush on him. On Valentine’s day, you don’t make a big deal of it, since Tae came home late and you both had some cup noodles. He seems tired, so you don’t bother him as heads directly to his room.
“I know, Tan. Something is bothering him.” You hold the dog close to you as he slams the door shut, and you slowly crawl to your couch, which you have made into a bed.
The next day, he doesn’t have work, but he seems busy as he starts working in the kitchen. “Whatcha doing?” You ask as he slices some onions.
“My friends are coming over today.” He informs you, and your heart drops. From his grave tone, you could tell he didn’t want you there.
“Oh, need any help?” He wipes his tears away with a sleeve.
“No, I’m fine. Just take Tan out for a walk, I don’t want him to whine after my friends get here.” You still want to ask him if it’s okay for you to be present, but he sounds too stressed. Maybe it’s better if you don’t ask. You can just stay away from him.
“Oh shit-are you okay, miss?” Why are you always running into strangers like this? You take the hand of the man who bumped into you, and you rub your eyes to see that it’s none other than Jung Hoseok.
“I’m fine.” You nearly struggle to breathe, taken away by his glow in broad daylight. The sun is making him shine! Literally.
“Is this your dog?” You nod shyly, looking down at the playful pup as he barks. “That’s funny, my friend has a dog just like this one,” The puppy barks again, and then Hoseok finds the collar. “Wait a minute, he has the same collar, and the same name!” You blush, perspiring heavily and itching the back of your neck. “Who are you?!” Your heart falls. Of course he wouldn’t have told his friends that he was living with you. You’re too weird and gross and everything a guy could despise, he was probably embarrassed by you.
“No one. I’m no one.” You walk away from Hoseok, staring at the ground as Tan runs ahead of you, chasing after a squirrel. After you get home, you see Taehyung is still cooking.
“You’re back, great. Listen, I’m gonna need you to-”
“It’s okay, I’ll go somewhere else.” You sigh heavily before pressing a kiss to Yeontan’s head. “Bye bye Tannie.”
“Wait, Y/N-”
You yawn and walk back outside, hoping that you don’t see any other members. After walking for a bit, you reach a dance studio. For some weird reason, it reminds you of Jimin. You go inside, bored and completely tired, hoping for an energy boost.
“And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.” Your eyes fill with stars when you see the third member, and how well he works with little kids.
“Oh, are you here to pick someone up? Lucy, is that your big sister?” He asks a little girl.
“No, no, I’m just here to watch. Don’t mind me.” You sit down on a bench and watch his graceful movements, thankful that you were close enough to see him live. He’s an amazing dancer.
“Now, what can I do for you?” He wipes his forehead with a towel and looks as angelic as ever.
“Nothing. I was just feeling a little down, so I thought coming to the dance studio would make me more energized.” He kneels down, since you are very short while sitting down.
“How are you feeling now?” Your heart is racing, since Jimin being close to you is like a dream come true.
“Like shit.” You laugh, really just not in the mood for anything.
“Com’ere.” He pulls you towards the dance floor and plays “confident” by Demi Lovato.
“This song is overplayed noooo.” He raises an eyebrow.
“You think I care?” He wiggles his shoulders and you laugh, slapping his chest playfully. “Your turn.” After dancing for a couple more minutes, he dips you and lifts you up in the air, letting you fly for awhile. You both stare intensely at each other, an instant connection between the two of you. After putting you down, he starts leaning in, and you do the same.
“Chim, come and help me read these-you!” You both pull away from each other at the same time, and you see Hoseok standing there, with a look of anger on his face. “Why did you run away from me earlier?” He shoves a couple of folders at Jimin.
“N-no reason, it was just hot.”
“No, you had Yeontan. That’s Taehyung’s dog. Did you steal him?” Hoseok sounds snarky but you don’t blame him.
“No I-”
“He never even told me about a girl...I wonder if you’re even that important.” You burst into tears right at that moment, running out of the room while Jimin tries coaxing you to stay.
“He’s right, Jimin. Taehyung is disgusted and repulsed by me. No man like that could ever like a girl like me!” You sob into your hands, pouring out your heart to him.
“How do you know my name? And why was Hoseok so mad at you?”
“I ran away from him like I run away from all my problems.” Instead of reacting badly, you look up and see that he has a tender look in his eyes, one that comforts you. Why can’t every man treat you like this?
“It’s okay,” He lets you hug him for a minute, squeezing you gently in his arms. Maybe Tae wasn’t the answer, maybe it was just you. “Pretty girls shouldn’t cry. You should be happy, and I don’t mean in a fake smile type of way, either.” He wipes your tears. “Yesterday was Valentine’s day, did you get a present?” He asks. You shake your head meekly. “My girlfriend baked some cookies for me yesterday, here you go.” Your heart breaks at the word ‘girlfriend.’ Jimin was the sweetest angel, of course any girl would go for him.
“Thanks.” You lean against the wall, at a loss for words as you stare down at the little bag of cookies in your hands.
“I gotta get going now, if you want you can-”
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just go somewhere else.” And so you do, you leave the studio and you walk towards a bar.
Taehyung is stressed. More than he usually is, because you’re not there with him. You’re in an unfamiliar world and it’s his fault for letting you go so easily. He also feels like a jerk because he hasn’t been able to tell his friends about you. He just hopes you come back soon and everything will be fine.
“You miss her too, pup?” The dog seems to want to scramble out of his hands as the doorbell rings.
“Happy late Valentine’s day!” All of his friends greet him and he smiles back.
“Hey guys, glad to see y’all here.” Jimin suddenly steps forward and grabs his hand.
“We followed her, she went to the bar downtown, go find her and bring her back home.” Those words are all it takes for Tae to grab his coat and he rushes downstairs, leaving the rest of his friends in shock as he leaves his own party.
“Y/N!” He calls out for you. He finally finds you, shoving your tongue down some stranger’s throat.
“I don’t want to-” He can hear you struggle, but his fist acts faster than his thoughts.
“She said she wants you to stop!”
“Taehyung, what the hell is wrong with you?” You scold him for acting like a child.
“He was making advances at you that you didn’t like.” He was telling the truth, and that just infuriated you even more.
“Well, it’s up to me now, choosing which guys I flirt with.” He crinkles his nose in disgust.
“He was practically devouring your tongue.” You huff and stand up.
“I hope you have a nice rest of you night, I didn’t wanna ruin your party either, but I guess that didn’t stop you from finding me, did it?” He looks at you, feeling like an antagonist. Right then and there, all six of his friends burst into the hospital room, chattering away worriedly as they oversee their friend.
“Ohhhh, now I know why he was in a rush.” Jin pervertedly comments, making you blush but also more confident in yourself, as you weren’t feeling the best after putting on a little bit of makeup.
“Pretty lady, what have you done to our Tae?” Jungkook climbs into the bed with his best friend, and you smile to yourself at the “Taekook” ship sailing off.
“I didn’t cause this. Luckily, the guy he punched let him off with no charges, you would’ve been screwed if he sued.”
“That’s so American.” Namjoon scoffs at your comment. You take a bit of offense, as he used the term in a negative manner.
“Moving on...I will no longer be living with you, since I cause so much trouble wherever I go. Bye bye, BTS.” That was your first mistake.
“BTS?” Hoseok echoes you, looking around for an explanation.
“I wonder why she called us that.” Another man thinks out loud.
“Hey, worldwide pretty girl, what’s a BTS?” Jin screams from the hospital room. You shrug, turning around and facing him.
“It’s you guys. What you will be, anyways.” You still have faith in them.
You didn’t know how lonely life could be when you’re living on your own. First of all, no Yeontan, so you aren’t occupied by a needy pup the moment you step foot into your house. Second of all, the space, the apartment is tiny, and covered in dust. It took you an entire day to redecorate. The entire morning was a mess. Last of all, you missed Tae’s warm presence. Even when he was cold towards you, you still felt the warmth of his soul. He’s inherently good.
A knock on your door signals the start of your day.
“Hey neighbor! How are things going down in the pit?” You’re surprised by how Jungkook can keep his cheerful attitude up despite living in a sucky apartment like this one.
“Terrible, but I’m just gonna pretend everything’s fine and ask you if you found me a job?” He nods, his two front teeth jutting out as you close the door behind you and step into the common rooftop, where you two have been meeting to discuss potential job openings. Jungkook has been a sweetheart with taking you in and not prying into what happened between you and Tae. You’re thankful for him, but it’s not quite the same.
“I did. Seokjin is actually hiring and he needs an assistant.” He explains. Oh, of course, the universe you get dropped into is one of those cheesy Seokjin CEO aus with an equally kinky side as the objective changes from a simple romance to something deeper and more physical. You’ve only heard about it, but you doubted that Jin would make you do unprofessional tasks in the office just to relieve his stress.
You could only overthink it, though, as you wait for Seokjin in a hallway and then a couple minutes later you and Jungkook spot a woman fixing her skirt walking out of the room with smudged lipstick and runny mascara. Seokjin’s in the middle of adjusting his tie as he calls you into the office. You gulp. Hopefully, he doesn’t make any moves.
“So, I heard you were working in an office before?” His demeanor is very professional, and the way he sits in his chair is just so...powerful. You feel the urge to just sit and listen to him.
“Uh...yes.” You have no idea what lies Tae may or may not have fed this man as he moves onto the next question.
“Last of all, if you found out something about an employee, whether it is a personal or business matter, would you report it to me?” I’ve watched too many crime shows to know how this one goes. You shift in your seat and you face him head-on, looking at his piercing dark green eyes as he folds his legs towards you.
“Yes.” After pausing for a moment, he unfolds his legs and slams your file down on the desk, standing up and congratulating you, suddenly.
“Welcome to Kim Enterprises, it’s a pleasure to have you on my team,” It takes you a moment to register what’s happening as he hands you a pile of papers. “Now be a dear and stamp those for me, would ya? It looks best in pink.” Again, you are not surprised. Back home, Seokjin’s second most famous nickname next to ‘Worldwide Handsome,’ is ‘Pink Princess.’ And Somehow, while looking handsome at the same time, he works a subtle feminine tone very well, completely changing the game for male kpop idols. And it’s not just him, but all of BTS. They break gender roles, stereotypes, and connect better with their fans than any other group out there, that’s why you were so drawn to them in the first place! Now, being in an unfamiliar world, depending on one of the members as your only means of survival is...ironic. You expected to be rewarded for being a fan, but instead, you had to sacrifice more, to help him. It’s fine, though, as long as you’re getting paid.
“Hey babe. Yeah, got it. Oh, is your boyfriend doing okay? Alright, see you at the family dinner. Bye.” You overhear Jin on the phone as you finish up, and he looks a bit...bored. “It was my fiancée. As you can tell, neither of us want this marriage.” Oh, an arranged marriage au?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.” You awkwardly breathe as Seokjin stares at you, fascinated by how quickly you managed to finish your assigned task. Normally it takes most employees about 30 minutes, but you got it done in 15, definitely noteworthy.
“Nah, it’s okay. It’s what I was born to do. Marry a girl from another wealthy family, run the business, let my children take over, and die. Maybe I won’t be happy, but at least I’ll die being rich and comfy.” You gawk at him with wide eyes. How could such a gentleman be subject of a fate most cruel?
“That’s a horrible way to die,” You walk over to his desk and dump the pile of papers in his work space. “If anything, you deserve to be happy. Marry the one you love, grow old together, die knowing you lived a life of fulfillment and content.” He peers at you with curious eyes. Why do you keep looking at me like that? You wanted to ask but he clears his throat, alerting you of your next task.
“Next task, go to the bar. The one where my brother works. I can tell you need to tell him something important.” Brother? Who could Seokjin’s broth-wait a damn minute. Taehyung is…? Wow, that was unexpected.
“But don’t you nee-”
“I’m the CEO, I get paid the most even though I do only half the work that my employees do. Go now, find lil TaeTae and tell him whatever’s on your mind.” He puts his hands behind his head and kicks his feet up on the table.
“At least let me talk to him at home-”
“No.” Jin’s as stubborn as a child. You groan inwardly as he pushes you out the door, making your coworkers look at you strangely. You wave back at them and they simply shrug, ignoring you as they had been before.
“Kim Seokjin I am going to kill you when I see you outside of work.” You grumble as your boss towers behind you.
“I’d rather have a coffee or something later.” You roll your eyes. Did every BTS member have an obsession with coffee or was it just a Kim thing?
As you make your way down the street, Taehyung is busy working at the bar. He sees a familiar woman in a golden dress, and he begins to prepare a Daquiri, a drink that is almost as yellow as her dress.
“Did your luck change?” She asks, sipping the drink slightly. He sighs, thinking about the events that have happened thus far. In a way, since he ran into you on the street, his life has been better than it ever was.
“Yeah. I guess it did.” He begins wiping glasses, and then one of his coworkers come running in.
“Tae, I am so sorry man, but my wife is having a baby, and I can’t miss it.” Tae shakes his head, reassuring his friend as he hands him his black apron.
“Don’t worry about it man. Things are gonna turn out just fine.”
“Are you sure you can do this alone?” He feels the nerves building up inside, but he doesn’t dare let it show. He nods at Antonio as he leaves the bar.
“Ah, I felt the wind change again. Looks like your luck is gonna change again.” The woman’s words stun him, and just as she had appeared, she disappears into the crowd.
“Taehyung!” He hears your voice calling out to him and he shoots up. Were you a phantom or the real thing? He couldn’t concentrate at all today, since you were the only thing on his mind.
“Found you.” He sees your figure and recognizes you immediately. “What are you doing here?!” Tae’s deep voice makes you feel a sense of comfort and gives you the familiarity that you needed. Sure, Seokjin was a kind man, but Tae is your first friend in this weird world. On top of that, you live together, so you’ve had a lot of time to bond and grow closer.
“Jin sent me here. But he was right, seeing you now I definitely have to tell you that I-”
“Hey, bartender, are you gonna give me a drink or not?!” His body shrinks as he looks at the buff man with tattoos decorating his body from head to toe.
“Y-yes sir, be right there. Just a second, Y/N,” You watch as he swiftly pours some whisky and adds ice to the mix. He slides the glass in a professional way to the customer, as if he’s been doing this for years. “Okay, what did you want to talk about?” He asks. You get lost in his eyes, forgetting how handsome he was for a minute and getting sucked in.
“Waiter!” Tae scrunches his nose. He hates being called a waiter when his job description is clearly bartender, that and he’s the only one working in the bar right now. Looks like he’ll have to become a waiter as well.
“Gotta go fast.” Tae gets away from you and you watch as he runs around in circles, disappearing into the kitchen and juggling numerous trays and balancing it on his head, arms and knees. You quickly grab the one that’s about to fall off his knee, and then the one on his head. He looks at you, gratefully.
“I have to ask, are you the only one working right now?” He sets down two plates of food at a table and then turns to you, taking the next two.
“Yes.” He sighs, and you can see how tired he must be from running around so much.
“Do you need help?” You finally ask the question, eyes twinkling at him. Working alongside your bias was always a dream of yours, but you never thought it would become a reality as he hands you a black apron and you get behind the counter. He gives you a tutorial on preparing drinks, and you find out that you have a knack for it! Just as a large crowd appears, you and Tae get to work immediately, preparing drinks and conversing with customers for tips.
After his shift is supposedly over, you make him a drink. “Take a break, you’ve earned it.” You wipe a glass and place it on the shelf, and he sips his alcohol, watching you as you skillfully pour another drink for a customer.
You notice him staring, and your cheeks flush as he walks towards you with swagger, the same Kim Taehyung power you’ve seen plastered on articles all over the internet as a swing of his hips is all he needs to kill his audience.
“You are amazing. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” His eyes nearly pop out of his skull as he shakes the tips jar, and you greet him with a simple smile. He knew you were pretty but he didn’t know you were that good looking that people would tip more. He examines you more closely this time, seeing how you’re dressed in business casual, and how your makeup is done so it’s noticeable that you’re wearing some. You gulp when you see him licking your lips and staring at you, and Tae’s too caught up to even notice that you’re staring right back.
Taehyung was checking you out. He is checking you out and you have no clue how to react. Change the subject….!
“On another note, wasn’t there supposed to be another person here?” Tae blinks twice before snapping out of it.
“Yes, but his wife is delivering a baby so he had to leave early.” The flow of customers is a lot less now, and you both just ended up drinking yourselves and conversing as it got closer and closer to closing time.
“So Antonio is like the owner?” You ask, coughing as your throat burned from the last three drinks or so.
“He is, that’s why I’m getting paid for working overtime.” Tae is on his feet, and as customers leave, he is closing the blinds.
“Oh, that’s cool. But why don’t you just stay at home? Don’t you have a lot of money since Jin is the CEO of a company?” You twirl a glass in your hand, inspecting the little carvings a bit closely.
“I do, but I wanna do more than be a rich kid. So I started working on my own, and I made enough money to buy that penthouse that we live in. And now I want to save that money, hopefully one day I’ll be able to travel to France and start modeling.” You tuck your hair behind your ear. Of course, Tae would be a model. He has the perfect face and body for it. You feel a little sad, though, since BTS doesn’t exist here.
“Why France?”
“There are just more opportunities. I feel like I can’t fit in at Seoul’s top agencies. They’ll say I’m ugly or too fat, or something,”  You fall face flat on the table, and Tae runs over to you in worry. “Are you okay?!” He shakes you and you come to your senses, feeling very dizzy.
“I think I drank too much.” In a daze, as he carries you back to the penthouse on his back, you start singing the chorus of Dionysus, “Da masyeo masyeo masyeo masyeo nae suljan ay, Da ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo michin yesulgae, Han jan (one shot) du jan (two shots), Yesure chwihae bulleo ongheya! C’mon Tae sing your part!” You ruffle his hair and he cringes as he sets you down on the couch.
“I don’t know it.” He says, sitting next to you and taking Tan into his arms.
“Da masyeo masyeo masyeo masyeo nae suljan ay, c’mon.” He takes a deep breath and your eyes widen as you hear the familiar chorus.
“Da masyeo masyeo masyeo masyeo nae suljan ay, Da ppajyeo ppajyeo ppajyeo michin yesulgae….what comes next?” Just with two lines, you’re mesmerized. 
“Mama, I’m in love.” And the next thing you know, you’re fast asleep.
“You’re so bad at drinking.” Tae laughs to himself as he tucks you into the bed, making sure you’re comfortable before moving onto the couch. He hates to admit it, but he thinks this February might’ve given him someone special.
The next morning, you don’t feel too good. You vomit into the toilet bowl, and you remove the makeup you were wearing all night. You sigh and check your phone to see some messages from Jin. You have a meeting in 30 minutes! You quickly get your shit together and run out of Tae’s bedroom. He already left for his work, and you see some waffles on the counter with a note on it.
“Here are some waffles, I made you some Tea too, in case you might be hungover - Tae.” You happily eat the food and down the tea before work. Today you are wearing something a bit more informal, since your closet is very empty and you are in need of some money. Hopefully Jin will agree to be your sugardaddy, seeing how sexy you look in this outfit. Wow, a little self-confidence goes a long way.
Just as you are about to open the door, Seokjin comes out by himself, fixing his tie again. You roll your eyes and you help him, as he stares at you with awe and surprise.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here so early.” “Why’s that? I work here now, don’t I?” You bat your eyelashes just to seem more appealing to him, as he gulps and explains the problem to you.
“Well, my past assistants ran away or quit relatively early because I’d slept with them or done something naughty that causes them discomfort.” You raise an eyebrow. Some women are weird. Unless they completely spelled it out that they didn’t want a relationship, Seokjin wouldn’t have acted that way. Honestly, some people are stupid. You say people because you aren’t entirely sure if Seokjin is limited to girls. Wouldn’t you like to know? 
“Well, I’m a lot more clear-minded when it comes to stuff like that. I’ve hooked up with my boss at a job before in highschool, but that was just a one-time thing and we never talked about it. A couple months later, he got arrested because the cops found weed in his trunk.” You finish fixing his tie and you look up to meet eyes with him. “So trust me when I tell you that I want a professional relationship. Even if we fool around or end up sleeping in the same bed, I promise you that I won’t let that get in the way of work.” Jin licks his lower lip and then something shifts in his eyes, but you can’t tell what it is exactly because of his aura. He looks very boss-like and you wouldn’t mind if he flirted with you. I could honestly use the attention, since Tae is terrible at reading the mood.
“That is very mature of you, I understand that you must really want to keep your position?” You nod, replying with, “Yes, sir.” He nods approvingly and motions you to follow him into the office. Inside, you notice that his desk is covered in papers, files to be specific. Upon closer inspection, you find that those are the names of famous criminals, who are the most wanted in the whole of South Korea.
“These people are not to be messed with. Unfortunately, someone (ahem not naming names but Betty from HR cough cough) decided it would be a good idea to prank call all of these bastards, and now I am in charge of cleaning up this mess. I will need you to head the project and make peace with these people. Seeing how you stood up for yourself, I can tell that you are quite the wordsmith. I know that you can do this, that’s why I’m giving you such a hard and complicated task on the second day.” You blink twice, still taking in everything he said.
“And do I know these people?” You ask. He nods, and motions you to step forward. 
“They are an infamous group of Bandits, who have a strong relation to each other, known as BTS.” You gawk, as Seokjin slides over his own file.
“But-how can? And Tae told you? B-BTS?” Your mind is blown, as he greets you.
“Welcome to our lair, my name is Seokjin Kim, aka “The Chef.” I like to kill clean and quickly, my style of assasination is the sword. The outer world thinks that I am a simple CEO and it is a simple coincidence that I have the same name as a Worldwide criminal,” You’re shook. “As for my six cohorts, no one suspects them either because we’ve never been caught, ya know?” It makes sense, as their pictures are slightly blurry and their faces are hidden.
“This is crazy. But that explains why Tae goes missing sometimes.” You yawn, suddenly feeling the urge to lay down.
“Here, have a snickers. Look, I’m not a bad guy, I just have a lot of money and I like making more. What do ya say? Would you like to join?” You shrug.
“Meh, I have nothing better to do anyways.” Jin starts chattering away as you both head down to the meeting room, where Jin is about to explain a huge operation to the team of hackers disguised as office workers.
“So, as of right now, we are going simply prepare a heist. No killing, just a simple jewelry store robbery.” You bite your lip in anxiety. Jin notices, so he asks you, “What’s wrong?” You lean and whisper back to him, “Aren’t they going to find out it was you, though?” Just as those words escape your mouth, every single person in the room starts laughing, and so does Jin. You were concerned about his safety and wellbeing but now you’re being ridiculed? Wow, that’s great.
“Honey, our boss never loses. He always gets in and gets out undetected, and if someone does notice, his knife’ll take em out.” Someone explains it to you.
“Wow, that’s cool.” As the team begins to brainstorm creative ideas, you wonder what Tae is doing at the moment. You never thought he was apart of a mafia or something, much less the boss’ younger brother. But it makes sense as to why he’s so rich.
“And stay away from her.” Taehyung shoots down the man that was once his father, and he hugs the girl he calls his sister.
“Thank you, big brother.” He shakes his head, wiping her tears before guiding her out of the filthy apartment. It was about time before the bastard got what was coming to him. He has always been abusive, and Tae just barely made it in time. Just before the father raised the final hand on his sister, Tae shot the shit out of him, making sure he was dead before leaving. His sister followed him blindly, as she had nowhere to go. Jin may be their oldest brother, but he rarely even had time for Taehyung. How was he supposed to take care of Taylie when he couldn’t even take care of himself? It was because of Y/N he changed his ways. He loves himself now, whether he accepts it or not.
“Tae, I told her.” Is what he hears when he answers his phone. His eyes widen as he moves in a frantic manner. The confused 15 year old follows her brother, her footsteps picking up as Tae got closer and closer to the building.
“What’s wrong?” He stops. How was he to explain Jin’s condition to his sister? She’d probably faint or die from a heart attack first before that happens.
“I need to tell you something about Jin.”
The more time you spend with your boss, the more you understand how insane he is. He went as far as sending teams to stalk these criminals and keep tabs on them. All for the good of the company. But at the same time, you can’t ignore the rumors. The people in the office talked about his nervous habits and how he is crazy. You don’t want to believe them. But do you really have a choice?
“Jin!” Tae runs into the room, pushing the door wide open and greeting his older brother with worry.
“Tae, there you are. I was just explaining our little-”
“Yeah, yeah I know. Y/N, will you please come with me?” You follow Tae outside to the corridor, and he explains everything to you slowly. “Jin is ill. Ever since our father started abusing after out mom died he made up these crazy fantasies in his mind, all of which helped him create the company in the first place. He’s very very sick in the head, but he’s so smart! And that’s why he succeeded and heading the company. All while living out a fantasy that he is close with the most dangerous criminals in the area and that our friend circle consists of hackers, spies, and other super-minds.” You adjust your sleeves, rolling them up as the air suddenly becomes warm around you. “So you don’t go on huge heists or kill people?” You were right with one thing, but Tae couldn’t reveal his other truth to you.
“Not exactly. The workers here know about Jin’s situation, even deep down inside, Jin himself knows, but he pretends because this is his turf. And everyone plays along, because they get paid for it.” You look down and let out a bitter chuckle. Tae raises an eyebrow at you and you just can’t help but feel pathetic.
“That’s messed up,” You open your eyes and you look away as you walk towards the exit. “I’ll be leaving first. Let Jin know for me.” You don’t think you can face him now. He’s caught up in another world of make-believe and Tae just makes it worse by encouraging him. But damn, you understand because you would do the same for your sibling if you were in that position. Taehyung is a good brother. 
“Tan-Tan, do you want the bone?” You lazily play with the puppy as he chases the toy in circles, following you with short stubby legs.The dog lets out a bark, giving up and panting, wagging his tail eagerly as you prepare to toss the chew toy in the air. “I’m so glad you can’t talk. If you could, you’d drive me insane.” You sadly confess it to the dog, as he walks around you, mindlessly searching for food. Sometimes, you just need someone to listen to you, without talking back, or telling you that you’re wrong. 
“Hey, can we talk?” You sigh as you hear the familiar deep voice resonate throughout the room. Not left with much of an option, you turn and face him head-on, a small blush forming on your cheeks from your close proximity.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You trudge towards the sink and start doing the dishes, a dull routine that you’ve grown accustomed to with your time alone.
“I know it’s a terrible thing to do, but Jin is a lot better off this way! And-”
“Is this your place?” You raise your brow as a girl who looks to be a little bit younger than you stumbles into the penthouse, admiring the beauty of your home.
“Shit-I totally forgot. Taylie, meet Y/N, she’s my roommate.” She excitedly jumps onto one of the barstools, spinning around before reaching out to shake your hand.
“Um...who’s this?” Throughout all the chaos that happened between now and then, Tae totally forgot to explain the situation between his kid sister and dead father.
“I’m his sister.” She lazily jumps down and runs towards Yeontan, scooping the pomeranian in her hands and showering him with kisses. The poor dog struggles within her grip, trying to free himself from her tight hold.
“You never told me you had a sister.” You set down the dry dishes on the counter, walking out of the room and shutting the bathroom before Tae has a chance to say anything else.
It had been a few days since you came out of the room. Grief took over your life, and Seokjin had stopped calling. It was the third day, and finally, someone had to pick the lock on your door to check in. You were miserable when he found you, none other than Hoseok, the dance studio owner. Under normal circumstances, you would’ve been overjoyed to see him but things are much different now. You’re in a completely different world, with nothing else. Only BTS can help you, and now you’ve lost the chance after ditching Seokjin. The look of surprise on your face when Jin follows closely behind him is humorous, as the first thing he does is shove a cheese platter in your arms and demands you to eat, instead of being angry or upset that you missed work. 
“Jin, why are you doing this?” Hoseok leaves you both alone for privacy, as you eat in peace.
“Before I am your boss, I am your friend, and hopefully your future brother in law.” You blush a little at his words, as he shoves a fork into your mouth again. You chew with all of your remaining strength.
“Okay, that’s not good enough. I was mad at Tae, for lying to you about something so important-”
“It’s a part of the game Y/N, if I’m happy, so is he.” You blink twice. Just a game, huh?
“I need to talk to him.” You try standing up but you fall on your face.
“You haven’t moved in three days, you’ll need to ease yourself back into it.” Then next time you will. 
After working hard to get back into shape, you are finally able to talk to Taehyung. You finally saw things from his perspective, after talking to Jin. You understand, and you never want to let go. It wasn’t the plan, for you to fall into a depression that almost cost you your life. You’re glad Jin and Hoseok forced themselves into your room, and that Jin shoved cheese down your gullet. You’ll have to repay him, someday.
“Taehyung?” You call out for him. The apartment is seemingly empty, Yeontan is already fast asleep in his dog bed, and Taylie was on a cruise with Jin. You were supposed to volunteer at the dance studio with Jimin and Hoseok, but unfortunately due to an accident involving poop, the studio was temporarily shut down and everyone had to go home. Your phone had also died, so you couldn’t text Tae.
“Y/N…” You hear his voice, finally. He sounds out of breath though. 
“Tae, I’m home.”
“F-fuck, I’m so close Y/N,” You freeze in your tracks, right outside of his room. Was he fantasizing about me? You feel a strange warmth spreading throughout your body. “Y/N!” With one long moan of your name, he cums, feeling oddly satisfied. It wasn’t as good as the real thing, but you were the only person who could make him feel this way. But it’s so dirty and sinful, because you don’t even think of him like that. You’re lost in your own thoughts so much that you don’t even notice the door opening until it’s too late.
“Y/N?” You focus on the wall behind him. You can’t look into his eyes, the damage has been done. You can’t control yourself.
“Mmm?” He waves a hand in front of you.
“How long have you been standing there?” You shrug. Tae is sweating from nervousness, but then something within him snaps. His self-confidence creeps up on him. “Perhaps you heard me while I was having some fun on my own?” There it is again, the weird warmth in your stomach.
“It’s none of my business.” You push it away, since you can’t feel this way about the guy you’re living with.
“Awww, is my poor Y/N feeling left out?” You feel so powerless against him, like he’s controlling you. 
“Y-yes.” Before you know it, his soft pink lips are on yours, moving in a syncopated rhythm that feels almost unnatural. But it feels so good.
“Did you know how much of an effect your tight little skirts had on me? God, I just wanted to push you onto the counter and fuck you right there for everyone to see.” Your cheeks flush a reddish pink color as he kisses down your neck. “And your tits, damn they look amazing in everything.” You mewl as he bites down, leaving a small mark on your collarbone. 
“T-Tae…” He lets go, finally giving you everything your heart could desire. As he strips off the last few barriers between you, you feel more and more further away. He’s making you a wreck. It feels so right, though. Your brain is screaming for you to stop but your heart wants it.
“Just tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.” You let out a small puff of air before groaning and letting your eyes roll back into your head.
“I want-no, I need you to fuck me Tae. Do it however you want, doggy, missionary, cupid’s, I don’t care! I need this.” He stares at you for a moment before deciding his next move.
“You sure?” His deep voice is unsure, and for a moment it causes you to doubt yourself.
“Yes, absolutely.” 
“Get against the headboard. This is gonna hurt,” You feel the rush of adrenaline as he pins your hands up against your head and then lifts your legs. “I’m gonna prep you first, you’re gonna fee-”
“I know how sex works!” You blush slightly as he is taken aback by your outburst. “J-just do it.” You find yourself relaxing under his warmth, and his digits find their way inside you, right where you need him the most. 
“Open up, let me see how pink you are,” You obey, feeling more flustered than before. “Ah, so beautiful. You’re so obedient too, tell me pet, do you like it when your master touches you like this?” A soft gasp escapes your lips as his fingers dive deeper into your folds, digging inside your pinkish cavern, looking for something more. The sensation is overwhelming, and you feel like you’re floating on a cloud. 
“M-master?” You snap back into reality as Tae’s words strike a chord within you.
“That’s right.” He looks so perfect, so ethereal, you’re once again lost in his beauty.
“If that’s how you like it, then I guess I have no choice but to submit, am I right?” His lips turn upward as he nods in approval.
“Now you’re getting it. How about letting Master have a taste, without cumming on my tongue, please?” You nod, parting your legs wider for him as he explores your throbbing bud again. You want to please him, just as much you are scared of what the consequences might be. After living with him for so long, it feels so natural and that is what really frightens you. How normal this feels.
“T-Tae, please, I have to c-”
“What’s my name?”
“Master.” You correct yourself, feeling more submissive towards him now.
“Good. Since you’ve been such a good girl, I suppose you shall have your reward,” You almost pass out from excitement as he pushes you against the headboard, and then he places his hands on your thighs, looking for a comfortable position with you on his knees. You’re surprised by how big his dick is, but it’s proportionate to his body, so you don’t have any complaints. It’s the perfect size, with a pinkish tip and hairless balls. The entire length is hairless, and upon closer inspection, you can’t find a single flaw on his body. “Can’t take your eyes off me, pet?” You catch yourself as you realize you were staring at him, with your mouth wide open and your heat is on fire. You won’t be able to hold out much longer, your body recoiling from being denied an orgasm.
“Sorry Master, you’re just so...perfect.” You smirk, as he prepares you for his cock. He grabs a bit of lube, before rubbing it down his length, and then he slowly slides into you, ever so gently, murmuring words of praise before being completely inside.
“You can move now.” With your permission, he starts. Slowly at first, but then the friction builds up, everything is hot. As he starts thrusting fully, stretching you out to your maximum capacity, shrieks and moans of pleasure reverberate through the room, and you’ve never felt so full in your life.
“Best fucking pussy I’ve had all year.” He groans, gripping your thighs tightly as he slams into you repeatedly.
“You’re so big!” You grip his back, holding on for dear life as he destroys your pussy.
“Your cunt takes me so well, I’m surprised I held off you for so long. What was I trying to achieve, by convincing myself that I didn’t love you?” He realizes his mistake as your shocked eyes meet his.
“You...love me?” He gulps, slowing down and reaching dangerously close to his climax.
“I love you too.” You smile, feeling something being lifted from your chest.
“I’m close.” He kisses your nose, an intimate gesture he wouldn’t have thought of doing with you earlier.
“Me too.” You both release your knots at the same time, and as he lies down next to you, in the bed of sweat and sex, he feels true love. For the first time, Taehyung isn’t alone. It looks like he has a little bit of love for himself now.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars XXXV (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I am so sorry for forcing you to read this. The twins had an excuse but truly it is me saying I have no idea how to be funny.
Words: 2,168
Warnings: None!
Series’ Masterlist
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Chapter Seventeen: Valentine's Day.
Hermione had a dreadful time as a half-feline. 
People thought she'd been attacked and tried to take a look, Mel was having a hard time controlling her temper, but she managed to not scream at anyone, which was an utter success.
She was currently waiting for Erick at the far corner of the library, he'd sent her a note saying it was time she returned the favor and help him with his own search, she didn't know what he'd meant, but she wasn't too worried about it.
Harry and Ron were in the Hospital Wing, giving Hermione her homework for the day, so she wasn't expecting to see them in a while.
"Good afternoon, Miss," Erick sat down, going straight to business, "I've a list with all my doubts- I also have some petitions but don't worry, nothing about stealing human hair or making someone fall unconscious-"
"You'll never let me forget it, won't you?"
"Not ever," He pulled out a fancy notebook and opened it on its first page. "First thing on my list- What things do muggles teach to their kind?"
"You mean at school?" He nodded, "They teach them to write and read, then math-"
"Math?" Erick frowned, "subtractions and all that?"
"Yes, Erick. They need numbers too," She rolled her eyes, "What else... oh! They also have their own History lessons, science class- we don't have science here, but I guess we don't exactly need it since magic has its own rules..."
"Science?" The boy wrote it all down, "You have books on that?"
"Some, from when I was in muggle school- they're pretty basic, but they should do. I'll send a letter to my mom asking for a pair"
"Alright," He nodded, still writing, "You know about farmers?"
Mel laughed.
"A thing or two," She said, "what do you want to know?"
"How do they grow things?- And their animals?"
"They do that on its own, you don't need magic for that- wizards don't use magic for that either, I know it because the Weasleys had chickens and all"
"Oh," a faint pink color tinted his cheeks, "I didn't know that."
"You don't have a farm then," She tilted her head, "why do you live around so many?"
"The house belonged to my ancestors for centuries- we've lived there for ages," He shrugged, "my parents don't exactly love it but they never leave the house unless absolutely have to- the neighbors probably think we're mental"
"Anything else you want to know?"
"Yes," He turned the page of his notebook, "I... I need to know who's Rapunzel"
"What?" She raised a brow.
"Anne," Erick explained, "when I talked to her she told me I was like Rapunzel- that I was always locked down in my castle... is it some sort of muggle royalty?"
Mel tried to contain her laughter.
"N-No," She said with a strained voice, "Rapunzel... She's... She's a princess from a story"
Erick's eyes widened, his face turning completely red.
Mel snorted, hiding her face so the laughter would come out muffled.
"I-I think she didn't mean to insult you- maybe just teasing," She bit her lip, "Rapunzel's a fairytale. I could lend you that one too?"
"That would be nice. Thank you," He cleared his throat, "that's all I have."
"Alright," Mel smiled, "so... you've only talked to Anne that one time?"
"I didn't get a chance after that," The boy frowned, "my parents didn't know but they suspected something was off when she started to take the long path to her farm, the one closest to our home- They didn't allow me to leave the house after that."
"No wonder why you're so pale- Your family," Mel sighed, "are they like... the Malfoys?"
"They certainly want to be," Erick raised a brow, "but not really, some relatives have married half-bloods and muggle-borns- distant relatives though. My grandfather, my mum's dad- he's good with me. Never said anything dreadful- I think he doesn't care about blood. My parents are the problem... I don't know why are they so obsessed about it, I really don't. Guess I'm just that unlucky..."
"You're not," She reached for his hand and patted softly on it, retreating before he'd react. "You'll grow up one day and you'll be able to do whatever you want"
"That won't come fast enough," He scoffed, leaning back on his chair.
"Tell you what," Mel grabbed her bag and took out parchment, quill, and ink. "I'll write the letter while we're here so I send it today, what d'you say?"
"I say I would walk you to the owlery- although someone might see us"
Mel smiled.
"That's the fun part."
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"A diary?" Mel asked for the third time.
"Did you hit your head?" Ron frowned, "Yes a diary- We found it in Myrtle's bathroom"
"And you just picked it up," She raised her eyebrows, "bit thick from both of you- that thing could be haunted"
"That's what I told him!" Ron argued, "But he insisted-"
"I think it might be important," Harry handed it to her. Mel held it away from her body, "oh, don't be dramatic..."
"I'm being careful, there's a difference," She huffed, "have you told Hermione?"
"No, we found it after we visited her"
"Well now, and what're you going to do?"
"Dunno, wait for Hermione?"
"You could give it to Dumbledore," She offered, "it's a bit strange... I don't like it. It feels..."
She frowned, Mel didn't know why she felt that way about an empty diary, but she hated it.
"Come on now, and what we'd say? 'Excuse me, Professor, we found this on a toilet, thought you might appreciate it-' Ouch!"
Mel had hit Ron on the head with the book.
"Stop talking to me like that," She snapped, "why are you so moody?"
"Hermione can't help with our homework," Harry explained.
"Get it together," Mel demanded, "I'll help you if you promised to behave."
Ron's interest peaked.
"Would you?"
"I like to think that I'm clever enough to help others, you know?"
"You've got a lot to do," Ron dragged her to the nearest armchair and let all his works fall on her lap, "I've no idea of what've been doing in Potions and Transfiguration."
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"The moment their acne clears up, they'll be ready for repotting again," Sprout was telling Filch as they walked into their herbology class,  "And after that, it won't be long until we're cutting them up and stewing them. You'll have Mrs. Norris back in no time."
It was February and the attacks had miraculously stopped, things were going back to normal, even for Mel and her friends. Less people thought that Harry was the heir, and they were finally leaving him alone, now she could focus on her to-do list.
One morning she walked in with Hermione and Ron to the Great Hall -apparently, Harry was too tired from Quidditch practice and Ron didn't want to wake him up- and got attacked with a mixed set of emotions.
Everything was sickeningly pink.
Mel liked pink a fair good amount, but this was just excessive: Roses on the walls and confetti shaped like little hearts coming from the ceiling, she felt inside a doll's house.
"Gross!" Ron hissed as soon as they walked in, reluctant to step further, "Who did this?!"
"Locktwat," Mel pointed to the teachers' table, where their professor sat, proudly wearing the pinkiest set of robes she'd ever seen.
"I should've known," He groaned, dragging his feet towards their table.
After half an hour, Harry finally arrived.
"What's going on?"
Ron pointed to the teachers' table this time, Mel had her eyes fixed on her plate.
"Happy Valentine's Day!" Lockhart finally spoke up, getting her attention. "And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards! Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all - and it doesn't end here!"
Lockhart clapped his hands and through the doors to the entrance hall marched a dozen surly-looking dwarfs. Not just any dwarfs, however. Lockhart had them all wearing golden wings and carrying harps.
"My friendly, card-carrying cupids!" beamed Lockhart. "They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines! And the fun doesn't stop here! I'm sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion! And while you're at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly old dog!"
"Ugh..." Mel groaned, pushing her plate away, "I think I lost my appetite"
"Just eat quick," Ron said to Harry, "I can't stand this for another hour"
"I think it's nice he's trying to cheer us up," Hermione shrugged.
Mel glared at her, she was certain Hermione was one of those bloody forty-six letters.
After the first half of the day, a dwarf appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of her, he didn't seem in the mood to get a no for an answer.
"I've got a musical poem to deliver-"
"Oh no," Mel backtracked.
"Sweet as butter mellow," The dwarf started to sing -more like yell- and people stopped to listen, "Mel Dumbledore, your temper turns every boy yellow..."
She was dead, she had to be, this felt very much like hell and she was paying all her crimes.
"It sure hurts to fall on such bounder, but how pleasant it is to have our requital!"
She didn't have much experience with valentine's, but that didn't sound romantic at all.
"The twins," She growled- and sure enough, Fred and George were laughing at the end of the corridor.
"YOU!" She bolted over to them.
"Oh, come on, we went easy on you!" George snorted.
"The poem was lovely!" Fred added, "We did it in like, ten minutes or so. I'm sorry is not the best-"
"Be thankful I'm trying to control my temper now, otherwise you'd be running away with your heads turned into owls' nest!"
"Why are you so mad? We just declared our undying affection," George replied, Fred's chortles kept him from talking.
"Affection my-!"
"Mel, we'll be late if you don't hurry!" Hermione urged her, grabbing her arm and taking her away from the twins.
"They'll regret it," She growled, "those idiots- I'm going to win-"
"You won't amuse them," Hermione said severely, "don't let them get into your head!"
Ron and Harry's teasing definitely broke the deal for her, she was sure that by the end of the year the twins would end up regretting their decision.
On their way to charms, Mel got a bit of consolation.
'His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he's really divine, The hero who conquered the Dark Lord'
"Oh, don't you love irony?" She smiled at Hermione.
Harry got up and started to pick up his things, Mel helped him with a little smile on her face.
"All right, divine boy?" She smirked.
"Shut up."
"Off you go, off you go, the bell rang five minutes ago, off to class, now," Percy said. "And you, Malfoy-"
Harry looked up and turned pale. Malfoy was holding Riddle's diary.
"Give that back," He said.
"Wonder what Potter's written in this?" asked Malfoy.
"Hand it over, Malfoy," said Percy.
"When I've had a look," he replied.
"As a school prefect-"
"Expelliarmus!" Harry pointed to Malfoy and the diary flew up in the air.
Ron caught it with a triumphant smile.
Mel had to admit that looked extremely cool.
"Harry!" said Percy loudly. "No magic in the corridors. I'll have to report this, you know!"
Malfoy was fuming, he pushed some kids to walk past and snapped at Ginny.
"I don't think Potter liked your valentine much!" She ran into class with her face hidden behind her hands.
During their charms class Harry poked her arm to get her attention, she turned to see him hold the diary above the rest of his things.
"What is it?" She examined the book. "Is it ruined?"
"No," He frowned, turning the pages, "it's completely blank- the ink vanished!"
"Really?" She leaned forward, "How weird! D'you think that Hermione's right?"
"Looks like it," He admitted. "I'll give it a look tonight"
She nodded, then Harry perked up again and searched further on his bag.
"Look!" He took out a chocolate's frog in perfect state.
"Nice," She grinned, "finally a good thing happens to you, huh?"
He broke the chocolate in half.
"To us," He corrected innocently, "happy valentine's, Mel"
"Oh," She mumbled, grabbing a half, "I don't have anything for you..."
"S'not like I planned ahead, it's half a chocolate frog," He laughed, "you don't owe me anything"
"Still, it was nice..."
"Shut up you two," Ron groaned from Harry's side, "the last thing I want is to deal with your mawkish interactions"
"Shut up!" They replied.
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Next Chapter —>
@tiphareth2018​ @vampiregirl1797​ @siriuslysirius1107​ @celestialhayi​ @mikariell95​ @tomshollandz​ @omiwashere​ @steve-thotgers​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @reverse-hxlland​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 1/2)
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Part 1
Words: 4k
(OC from my fanfic: “The Varied Path”)
They had finally fully settled into their new home, and the girls went a little crazy with the decorating, as Halloween was just around the corner. Hand-painted jack-o-lanterns stood guard at the front door, and colorful lights were hung at the front of their mansion.
Inside, every single surface was draped in marigold tablecloths and cinnamon candles burned brightly, the spice wafting through every inch of the house. Garlands were draped over the railings in an artful arrangement of autumn leaves and cranberries. The usual white towels in the bathrooms and the kitchen were replaced with seasonal ones and Zeno added a bit of spooky touches all over the place.
Plastic bats hanging from the ceiling upstairs, a ghost at the foot of the basement stairs, and several well-placed traps so that whenever someone opened up a cupboard, they got a face full of goo launched at their head.
But in a house full of trained agents and spies, it was more fun than anything else to try and dodge the sticky substance.
The leaves had changed shades, indicating the much beloved season transformation by the one and only Calista.
She loved how the forest green gradually transformed into ruby reds and lavish golds, leaves spiraling gently to the ground as the autumn breeze whispered by. It was the season of pumpkin spice, fresh air, apple pie, and warmth that came from sitting by the fireplace with a mug of hot cocoa and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
Hak and Jae-ha had undertaken some projects for the new house when they first moved in during the summer, installing top of the line appliances for the giant kitchen. A huge fridge for Yoon to stock with all sorts of food to feed the hungry bunch of eight, and a state of the art oven complete with a industry standard stovetop.
They had also turned the unfinished, extremely creepy basement into an automated training space. They all used it for shooting practice, hand to hand combat and wrestling.
Kija had repainted nearly all of the rooms in the house, with a little help from Yona and Zeno. While they were doing that, Shin-ah and Calista were busy helping the movers bring all of their stuff inside under the direction of a pretty boy genius barking out commands at the front door.
"You!! Bring that into the kitchen, but watch out for the paint and the tools lying around."
"Don't forget to grab the rugs, those need to go in first before we can put any of this away."
"No— No!! I need this first before you bring in that!!"
Calista chuckled to herself as she carefully maneuvered around the sharp corner from the hallway that led from the foyer. Panting with exertion, she helped Shin-ah move the plush sofa into the living room. They set it down heavily, but luckily Yoon was too far away and too consumed with drilling the movers to hear that they may have scratched his hardwood floors.
Wiping the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her hand, she grinned at the blue-haired man who was scanning around for any boxes that needed unloading in their vicinity. She pushed herself up onto her feet, punching his shoulder good-naturedly when she passed him.
"C'mon, I'll race ya!!"
She broke into a sprint, and he chased after her. Their friends, in various places of the house cracked smiles and shared jokes as they heard the laughter coming from downstairs, knowing that the two must be up to their shenanigans again.
It had been months since then, and everyone had pretty much settled into a rhythm comfortable enough for Calista to hit the stores with Yona long enough without the boys destroying the place.
The girls picked out just about anything that caught their interest, bringing along Tae-yeon and Hani last minute with Mundok's and Gi-gan's permission. They were the children's respective guardians but it wasn't much of an issue seeing as how they were all family.
Calista had been in the store less than a minute before there was a loud commotion behind her.
Internally wincing, she turned around to see what trouble the children had gotten themselves into this time. But her eyes widened in surprise as she saw five familiar figures, Hani frozen from where she faceplanted into Nier's legs. Tae-yeon was staring up at Tae-jun with big, innocent eyes and Yona smiled sheepishly at Heuk-chi, apologizing to both of them for the collision while the children righted themselves.
The guardian brushed it off, his unofficial bodyguard going along with him. If she didn't know any better, Calista would say that the tall man was blushing badly in the presence of the sweet redhead. But she chose not to comment on it as Hani and Tae-yeon ran back to her, wanting to spare her friend any embarrassment.
"We weren't expecting to see you guys until later tonight." Calista pitched in, ruffling the children's hair as she directed her attention past the triplets. "We're getting some stuff for later on, want to come with?"
With an eager, mutual agreement to join forces, the huge and rambunctious group of nine browsed the aisles of the store, buying way more than they should have with the children throwing things in the cart more than would've been allowed if any real adults were present.
Tae-jun didn't count, he caved every time Opal turned his watery eyes on him and Calista cursed her spinelessness, giving in just as bad when it came to her youngest brother and the golden-haired, little girl.
Squeals echoed off of the shelves and she whipped around as the triplets and the younger two pulled a huge cake out from the bakery section.
"Oh no, absolutely not." Calista held up her hand, averting her gaze from their puppy eyes. "Yoon will throw a fit if he sees this."
"But Notch~" Opal whined. "Please!!"
His brothers chorused their persuasion and while she had to admit it was sort of endearing seeing the fifteen-year-old boys beg for permission to buy a ridiculously humongous treat, she redirected their efforts towards a panicking Tae-jun beside her.
There wasn't any way she would be able to hold up against all five of them if they continued, she barely had enough strength to resist Hani's puppy dog eyes.
But once she turned her gaze on her youngest brother and saw how Tae-yeon's lower lip trembled dangerously, she sped to his side, dropping down on her knees, ignoring how harshly she landed on them in her haste.
"Tae-yeon," Her soft voice broke as desperation seeped through, gripping his shoulders gently in an effort to convey how bad of an idea this was. "Gramps is gonna kill me."
He beamed up at her, tears suddenly vanishing. "No, he loves you, remember?"
Calista's eyes rounded pathetically at that and she coughed to cover it up.
"Alright, fine." She finally surrendered, throwing up her hands.
Their shrieks of excitement and victory shattered any semblance of silence in the marketplace and she winced at their volume, shaking her head in amusement as they rushed to shove it in the already crammed shopping cart.
Yona drifted over to her side, clasping her hands behind her back playfully.
"You caved~" The redhead sang, giggling.
A fond smile made its way onto the older girl's face, gazing after them as they disappeared around the corner with a worried Tae-jun hot on their tail to make sure they didn't get lost. Or end up causing chaos that couldn't be contained by the mere mention of his title.
Chuckling, Calista began pushing the cart to follow after them. "I always do..."
After numerous attempts to convince their temporary guardians to buy them all the snacks they wanted, five failed chances taken to sneak electronics into the cart and two feeble efforts to buy candy bars at the checkout lane, Calista, Yona, and all the others finally left the supermarket.
Though they were armed to the teeth with food and amenities for later that night.
They hopped into their separate cars, but Tae-jun followed them back to the house so the triplets could spend some more time with Calista.
Kicking open the door with one foot, the raven-haired girl yelled out that they were back as the three troublemakers along with Tae-yeon and Hani shot past her, vanishing from her view within seconds.
She had just set down the groceries and supplies on the floor when she heard two loud crashes come from upstairs and the kitchen at the same time an outraged cry reached her ears.
"Are you all alright?!" Calista shouted out as she untied her shoes and gathered up the food that needed to be refrigerated.
A chorus of reassurances were screamed back and she chuckled to herself, nudging the door with her foot to close it. She had a feeling Yoon would take care of whatever that was all about. Jae-ha appeared at the base of the stairs in a flash, paint in his hair.
She stifled a laugh that bubbled up, opting for a wild gesture that could have been interpreted as anything. But judging by the chuckle and the hand that was raised to wipe the excess away for the time being, he knew what she was getting at.
"Do I want to know?" She teased the eldest, handing him two of the larger bags.
Jae-ha's violet eyes crinkled at her ask, a smirk curling at the edge of his mouth. "Maybe not, my dear."
The pair made their way into the kitchen, both lifting an eyebrow at the pristine state. They glanced at each other and then shrugged. Yoon must have cleaned up whatever was spilled already, he couldn't stand the messes.
Zeno and Hak were sitting in the family room, crowded around some sort of card game, roping Heuk-chi into it the moment he passed by. A movie was playing in the background, but no one was paying attention to it. Some sort of Disney film that Calista knew Hak had put on for the kids after he was alerted of their impromptu meeting at the store.
Good thing she had sent him that text.
She had asked him to clean up the house and rid it of any exposed weapons when they ran into Tae-jun and the triplets in the store, having a suspicion that they were going to tag along all the way back to the house.
The night before, she was cleaning her knives and reassembling her sniper rifle. She hadn't gotten a chance to put it away, believing she had enough time before they were set to come over. Knowing her brother though, he had tossed them all on her bed without a second thought. It didn't matter, just as long as the children didn't see them.
It wasn't like they weren't aware of it, but in their line of work, they were better protected the less they were exposed to their lifestyle.
In tandem, the green-haired man and the raven-haired girl began to put away the various food items, Jae-ha automatically taking over the fridge and Calista the pantry. However, she dropped what she was doing the instant she heard a small cough.
Clicking her tongue in worry, she hurriedly filled a cup with water, handing it to Tae-yeon, who had just sprinted into the vicinity with Hani right behind him.
He coughed again as he tried to drink it too fast and she hushed him.
"Smaller sips, Tae-yeon. There you go..." Calista encouraged him quietly, masking her concern so that she didn't accidentally scare him.
Eventually, his breathing steadied and she was less panicked than before.
Patting him on the head gently, she asked, "Did you need your medicine? Are you sure you're alright?"
He nodded cutely, raising the cup above his head in an attempt to put it in the sink but he was struggling. His older sister watched him for a moment, letting him try for himself. But he couldn't do it and after another minute of struggling, he reluctantly asked her if she could do it for him.
Hani hopped up and down on her little feet, golden hair bouncing with her as Calista set it down in the sink. "Yeonie, Yeonie, Yeonie, come and meet my pet ladybug!! She's outside!!"
His eyes lit up and Calista was left alone as the kids shot off.
"Wait!!" She called after them worriedly, starting after them as they slid open the glass door leading to the backyard. "Both of you be careful please!!"
"Relax, Calista dear, they'll be fine." Jae-ha reassured her as he put the milk and the giant cake away in the fridge.
Hak was weird, he only ate bakery if it was cold and Yona made sure to call him out on it more than once.
Calista snorted, hesitating for a beat before giving in, knowing he was right. "Only if someone's watching them to make sure they don't accidentally get in trouble like last time."
Jae-ha shook his head slightly, eyes filled with light humor. "They're on our property. What could possibly happen?"
Once, Kija had mistakenly left the two children alone with the triplets, and somehow the five of them managed to land themselves in a police station within the hour. Something about escaped shelter animals and a raid on a corner store with a stereo. She couldn't even make sense of the police report when they had given it to her, and now she just knew better than to ask.
"I'm on it." He interrupted his sister, already halfway out the door that led to the acres of open land naturally fenced by several hundred-year-old trees. Zeno skipped cheerily after him, closing the door behind him to conserve the heat inside.
Following his younger brother in order to make sure his allergies didn't act up due to his weak lungs, Hak grabbed a spare rake from the shed in the back. He might as well do this now so that he didn't have to do it tomorrow, plus it would make the lawn easier to mow later on. Zeno took the smaller one to help after he played games with Tae-yeon while Hani went to look for her tiny friend.
They raked all the fallen leaves into a huge pile.
But the second Hak turned his back, he heard a yell of, "Cannonball!!", and in came the pitter-patter of small feet shaking the earth.
He let out a shout at the wave of dead leaves that he had just collected showered over him. Spitting out the ones that landed in his mouth, he glared in mock annoyance at his sheepish brother and the delighted golden-haired girl beside him. Zeno threw up his hands, having dived in with the children and sent another torrent of leaves up in the air, beaming widely.
"Mister!! Come on in!!"
Hak shrugged, tossing aside the rake as he sprinted towards them. Work would have to wait.
Hani and Tae-yeon shrieked as he leaped and clumsily scattered about, thoroughly diminishing all of his hard work. But he couldn't bring himself to care as he began to chase them around in a spontaneous game of tag.
Zeno sat on the ground with his legs crossed in front of him, scarf bundled up to his nose as a chilly wind blew by. "Zeno wants the little miss to win!!"
"But what about me?" Tae-yeon whined with big eyes, doubling over in a fit of giggles as Hak scooped him up, tickling his stomach. "Hak— hehe!! Stop!!"
His big brother didn't let up until Hani tackled him with a warrior cry, latching her tiny arms around his neck to get him off of her friend. Hak stood up with a loud but playful roar, chasing the two around the empty field until all of them collapsed in a fit of ringing laughter.
Hours passed before the four reentered into the house, teeth chattering with the need for a hot beverage.
Jae-ha had disappeared back upstairs. Something about a project with Kija and Yona that he had yet to complete. But Calista was still in the kitchen, and now so was Yoon.
Calista told the freezing bunch to go change into something warmer so that they didn't catch a cold and instructed her brother to sift through her closet to find spare jackets for the little ones. While he was busy doing that, she gathered what she needed to make them something hot so that they could warm up on the inside.
Coffee for Hak, and hot chocolate for the kids and Zeno.
Helping the small children onto the kitchen stools on the opposite side of the island where Yoon was at so that they didn't accidentally get in his way, Calista made sure they weren't going to fall off but guiding them to first blow on their hot chocolate before taking a small sip. Things wouldn't go well for the rest of the evening if they burned their tongues while attempting to chug the drink.
Hani swung her feet playfully, emerald eyes eager as she reached for the liquid chocolate.
Pulling back her hand that held the steaming, small mug, Calista stared at her intently. "Drink it slowly, okay, little one?"
She nodded enthusiastically, making grabby hands for it. The older girl finally handed it over, watching her carefully for a minute to make sure she was being careful. The little girl had a history of being too hurried that had unfortunate consequences.
Three sets of footsteps could be heard from the second floor as the triplets ran down the stairs, skidding to a halt once they reached the kitchen, resembling dominoes as Nier crashed into Opal and Yue crashed into his brothers. They fell into a heap on the carpeted floor, with a very winded Tae-jun trailing after them.
Stifling a giggle as the energetic boys sprang back up, she clapped a hand over her mouth as the sound escaped nonetheless and she was faced with three playful brooding looks.
"I didn't do anything." Calista claimed, shrieking and then breaking into a run the second she saw the look in their eyes.
"Get her!!!" Opal screamed, chasing her through the house with his brothers hot on his tail.
"Wait what?! Why me?!?!" She yelled over her shoulder, weaving in and out of the corridors at a breaknecking speed.
Dodging the sharp corner that separated the living room and the foyer, she twisted and turned throughout the extensive first floor of the house. Her memorization of every nook and cranny came in handy. They stumbled after her, not quite as fluent in the layout as she was, eventually giving up and declaring her victory.
"Marshy!!" Calista yelled, completely out of breath, resting her hands on her knees. "When's Gramps coming over?"
Hak checked his watch, keeping Yona at bay with the other hand as he held her out at arms length. They were playing a game of charades with Opal and Yue since Nier declined to have anything to do with lifting a finger after that exhausting chase through the house.
"In an hour." He answered her leisurely, a smirk of amusement stretching across his features as the redhead puffed out her cheeks in frustration. "Yoon, what's for dinner?"
"Hold your horses, you rare beasts!!" Yoon shouted over his shoulder, bustling around the massive kitchen, doing a hundred things at once.
Peering over the kitchen island, Calista tapped on his shoulder when she saw a pause in his purposeful stride.
"Anything I can do to help?" She offered.
She was a complete klutz in the kitchen, but she still wanted to be there for him so that he wasn't so stressed. Still, she wasn't sure if she brought anything to the table. What could a genius pretty boy possibly need from a clumsy girl like her?
Calista could barely keep track of Tae-yeon and Hani as they skipped around, their tiny heads bobbing into view every time one of them got too excited and started jumping up and down.
Yoon never got a chance to answer her as he saw her speed towards the door the second she heard it ring.
Throwing it open, Calista was surprised to find Gi-gan standing on the other side instead of Mundok. Nevertheless, she quickly invited her inside so that the elder woman was out of the cold.
"Would you like some tea?" She offered, taking her coat off and hanging it up for her on the antique coat rack Yona got from a thrift shop. "Is it that time already?"
Gi-gan rubbed her hands together in an effort to get the blood flowing again, sending the raven-haired girl a rare warm smile. "No, no, not yet. The little ones are going trick-or-treating later, yes? Tea sounds wonderful, girl. Thank you."
Flashing her a grin, she led her into the family room filled with laughter and all sorts of shenanigans.
Jae-ha stood up immediately, greeting his old guardian with a trademark, suggestive remark that had the elder smacking him upside the head for his language.
"I didn't teach you that, you brat." Gi-gan fired at him mercilessly.
Simply smiling, Jae-ha dodged the second blow aimed at his head, green ponytail streaming behind him as he escaped her. "Now, Captain, you wouldn't want to scratch a face this beautiful, would you?"
"You overestimate your beauty."
The offended gasp at the flat retort had everyone dying of laughter.
As Calista caught her breath, she boiled some water, gaze drifting to a mop of golden hair that came bounding up to her hopefully. Steering Hani away from the stove so that she didn't accidentally burn herself like last time she got too close, she crouched down to the little girl's level, who now was avoiding her gaze.
"Hey... what's the matter, little one?"
Hani pouted slightly, emerald orbs rounding as she exclaimed, "Can we make caramel apples?"
Chuckling, Calista pushed herself up and held out her hand. The golden-haired girl eagerly took it, pulling out the apples from the fridge as the older one fetched the caramel dip from the pantry.
"Guys!!" She shouted over the noise of their heated game of monopoly. "We're making caramel apples if you want to join!!"
"Not now, Bat-Ears!!" Hak fired back. "I'm just about to win!!"
Rolling her eyes, a crafty smile played upon her lips. "He's cheating."
"I KNEW IT!!!!!" Kija yelled, bolting up.
"Zeno wanted to join!!"
Jae-ha smoothly got to his feet as the two went head to head, whisking Tae-yeon away from the chaotic scene while the two of them bickered over who was right, the triplets egging on the grown men without any hesitation.
Tae-jun was lounging on the couch with Heuk-chi, flipping through the channels on the TV, trying to ignore the massive headache he had coming on.
Swiftly turning off the fire as the kettle began to whistle, Calista placed some jasmine tea leaves in a porcelain cup, leaving it alone to steep for a couple of minutes. Jae-ha and Yona had been the ones to convince Hak they needed nice silverware and fine china. Her idiot-of-a-brother was going to buy plastic utensils and plates from the dollar tree for crying out loud!
She set it down silently on the end table next to Gi-gan, trying not to disturb her.
Yona and Gi-gan were engaged in a casual conversation while the rest of them dipped fuji apples in smooth caramel, placing the finished but messy treats on a parchment paper lined tray so that the taffy treat could set.
The children eagerly waited by the countertop, much too hyper to eat one to even think about sitting down.
Calista gave up trying to pry them away from the island, leaving them to do whatever they wanted now that Yoon was finished making dinner and the kitchen was no longer that hazardous. Collapsing on a velvet chair, she sprawled herself out lazily, done moving for the rest of the day.
Her eyebrows drew together in confusion as she heard the doorbell ring, but sat up with a groan and ran to answer it when no one else got up.
It wasn't even five yet and people were already trick-or-treating?! Unbelievable.
Flinging open the door to give whoever was on the other side a piece of her mind, all words died on her tongue when cropped, blue hair flashed into view. She clapped a hand over her mouth in shock, taking in the signature red marks decorating his cheekbones and those piercing, golden eyes.
Calista choked on air, tears pricking at the back of her eyes.
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iwhumpyou · 5 years
BHTB: Ambush
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Reminder: bingo card is open to all requests, for any square, any of my OCs, any universe!  I currently have no requests or asks, so please request!
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@cursedscribbles​ I hope you enjoy!  I don’t think I’ve ever written character A/B (I usually just end up giving them names) and I just really dislike the term whumpee for some reason so I never use that.  I decided to set in the world of Raider, because it was in line with some ideas I had for future developments!
(Tagging @smileevenwhenyoudontfeellikeit​ because it’s Raider!verse.)
Masterlist.  Raider.
It was the worst of luck that this had to happen today.
Riya scowled at the street in front of her, emptying faster than she’d like because supernatural or not, people knew when a place was becoming inhospitable.  It was a sixth sense.  Though the two hulking goons following her were anything but subtle.
But did it really have to happen now?  Lee had pretty much forbade her to leave the apartment while she was off gallivanting around to get the city back in order, and Tanner and Ekaterina were only too willing to follow her orders.  It had taken an hour of pleading, two hours of whining, and the promise of chocolate muffins from the bakery on Fifth for Tanner to let her out.
She had a feeling he wouldn’t be pleased with her getting into a fight thirty minutes from the front door.  Nowhere near Fifth, or any decent bakery.
“Come on, guys,” she said loudly, her voice carrying to the two figures tucked in the shadows of the alley in front and to the windows, where she could see eyes watching.  “Are we really going to spoil this beautiful day with a fight?”
She leaned more on the enchanted cane that Ekaterina had grudgingly made for her and slowed her walk. In front, another pair of thugs emerged, while the two in the shadows slinked further back.
She came to a complete stop, still leaning more heavily on the cane than necessary.  “I always thought that Killian was more…subtle than this,” she said, watching them with a small smile.
Not subtle like he’d poison her tea, but subtle like the warehouse he’d dropped on her.  He would’ve obliterated a city block to take her out.
The two in front merely cracked their knuckles and bared the teeth.  She could hear the ones behind her stalk closer.
“You’re not Killian’s,” Riya said, watching them.  “So who sent you – the Council or my dear family?”
“You talk too much,” the uglier one of the two spat out.  Her companion balled her hands into fists and something gleamed in the sunlight.
“Well, I can’t say I’ve gotten that particular insult before,” Riya smiled, thin-lipped.  No, she hadn’t.  She was the good girl, she was the golden child, she was everything her family had wanted – brave and strong and obedient.
It was really too bad that they’d also taught her how to think.
“You should’ve learnt to keep that mouth shut,” said one of the ones behind her.  She shifted, still leaning on the cane, to observe the two of them glaring at her.  One was holding a serrated knife.  The other had a baseball bat.
“But that’s okay,” another one said, stepping forward.  The glint on her fists were brass knuckles.  “We’ll make sure to impress the lesson upon you.” 
Riya stayed where she was, watching the four of them as they advanced closer and closer.  If they’d been sent by the Council, they wouldn’t kill her – too much bad publicity.  Her family on the other hand – well, Riya would’ve thought that their style was more public execution, less back-alley stabbing, but they could’ve decided she wasn’t worth the effort.
Either way, it was apparent that she wouldn’t be getting those muffins.
She waited until one of them lunged before straightening, whipping the cane forward and driving it into their gut.  Brass Knuckles stumbled back, wheezing, but she had to skip back to avoid a sweeping slice from Knife.  She ducked under Ugly’s kick, and snapped back up to jab the cane at Baseball Bat.
Unfortunately, it seemed like Brass Knuckles recovered fast and while Riya was concentrating on the knife, she didn’t see the fists coming.
It slammed into her side, sending her off balance and Riya barely had time to catch her breath before she caught a vicious kick in the same spot.
This time, she heard something crack.
Something slammed down on her knee, sending bursts of pain down her leg, and Riya barely managed to bring her cane up to block the next swing of the knife.
And then the baseball bat came down on her outstretched arm and Riya couldn’t entirely suppress the strangled scream.
She’d dropped the cane, she noticed through her blurry vision, and she staggered to one side as light danced off the knife – right into the path of Brass Knuckles.
She could barely register where the punches were landing, much less try to block them and Riya cried out as something cracked across the back of her legs and sent her to the ground.
She tried to get back up, but only one of her arms were working and someone kicked it out from under her, letting her painfully crash back down.  And the sharp pain was beginning to spread, coiling through her limbs and weighting her down.
She attempted to scramble out of their reach, but a kick caught her in the ribs and she ignored everything else in favor of a pressing urge to breathe.
Sparks darted across her vision with every kick – she tried to curl up, but her muscles weren’t listening to her, the brief burst of adrenaline fading into the bone-deep weariness. She could barely curl her fingers into a fist.
And then something crunched down on her broken arm and her vision went white.
She slowly came back to the sound of harsh, ragged sobbing and agony spiking through her veins.  She almost felt like she was back under that building.  Only this time it wasn’t Ekaterina’s snide voice in her ears.
“– wanted to pass along a message,” someone was saying, and she listened dully, staring at the boots in her line of view.  “You try and interfere, you get what you deserve.”
The boot snapped forward, faster than she could track, and Riya hissed as her head snapped back, a sharp burst of pain in her nose.
“Next time you want to be a bleeding heart,” Knife said, crouching down to look her in the eyes, “Remember you’ll be left bleeding.”  He raised the knife and Riya choked as he slammed it into her hand, pinning it to the ground.
She could barely hear the footsteps getting fainter over the sound of her heart pounding.  Her arm felt like she’d doused it in acid and every time she took her breath, her broken ribs jabbed at her.  Exhaustion leeched at her, drawing her deeper into the darkness even as warnings shrieked inside her head.
She heard other footsteps, but didn’t have the energy to open her eyes.
“Oh, shit,” she heard a familiar voice say, half-panic, half-growl, “Lee’s going to murder me.”
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amethyst-wind-uk · 4 years
Was in a creative mood, but not enough of one to write a full story or anything - anyway, here’s a Yu-Gi-Oh! one-shot duel between OC girlfriends.
Two duelists walked into the arena. Both smiled easily at the other.
Readying their duel disks and decks, they took their positions.
“I’ll start, shall I?” 
The taller woman, Prata, whipped her six cards from her deck. Chestnut-brown eyes scanning her hand, she made her selection.
“Two backrow cards set,” a pair of facedown cards appeared before her, “and I’ll summon Phantom Beast Cross-Wing to finish.”
A burst of pixels heralded her monster, a golden-feathered avian with wings on every limb.
[Phantom Beast Cross-Wing - Level 4/Light/Beast-Warrior/1300 atk/1300 def]
Flipping a stray silver strand away from her face, Prata winked at her opponent. “All yours, honey.”
The shorter woman, Dawn, beamed back at her girlfriend. “Since you were so kind as to start the dance, darling, I’ll give your monster a partner.”
Dawn gently slipped her card onto her disk. “Since you’ve got a monster and I don’t, I can forgo tributes for this fellow. Arisen Gaia The Fierce Knight takes the floor!”
A blue-skinned knight, atop a purple unicorn steed, materialised onto Dawn’s field. In each hand, it held a lance that was identical to the unicorn’s horn.
[Arisen Gaia The Fierce Knight - Level 7/Dark/Warrior/2300 atk/2100 def]
Dawn regarded Prata’s monster ruefully. “Now, I know your monster and the graveyard go together almost as well as your hand in mine, but I’ll press forward anyway.”
Thrusting out a finger, Dawn ordered her attack. “Begin, Gaia!”
The cavalry knight thundered across the field, quickly closing the distance between the two monsters.
“You keep up that sweet talk, and I’ll almost be ready to give up and let you win.” Prata clicked her fingers. “But not quite yet. I activate my trap, Next To Be Lost.”
Another Cross-Wing ghosted from Prata’s deck to the grave. Instantly, her monster on the field gained 300 atk.
The gap in strength was still too much, and Gaia quickly overpowered Cross-Wing as they clashed.
Gaia’s lance piercing its chest, Cross-Wing burst into shards. Prata’s lifepoints dropped by 700.
[Prata: 7300 / Dawn: 8000]
Dawn raised a blonde eyebrow at Prata, who seemed completely unbothered by her monster’s demise. “And now you have two Cross-Wings in grave. Lucky you.”
Dawn made no other move, as her Gaia trotted back to her side of the field, except to nod her permission for Prata to take her next turn.
“Aaabout that.” Prata grinned as she drew her card, “It’s actually gonna be three in a sec, so all my cute little Phantom Beasties will get themselves a chunky 900 atk power-up.”
She slipped a spell card into her disk. “Apparitions In the Aether nets me another Phantom Beast for my hand, and also another for my grave. The latter being my third Cross-Wing, naturally.”
“Naturally,” Dawn echoed as Prata’s final avian disappeared into the grave, “but it cost you 500 lifepoints to do that.”
[Prata: 6800 / Dawn: 8000]
“Worth it.” Finding who she was searching for, Prata held up her new monster. “Let’s see how Gaia likes it when somebody else leads for a change. I summon Phantom Beast Torque-Scale!”
Tiny clawed hands burst up from the ground. Levering itself up, an orange pangolin-esque monster snuffled into position. As it stood there, its scales tensed against each other, filling the air with soft creaks and groans.
[Phantom Beast Torque-Scale - Level 4/Fire/Beast-Warrior/1500>2400 atk/1800 def]
“Aww.” Dawn cooed, as the tiny mammal waved its little fingers at her.
Prata’s expression was much harsher, making the critter burst out into a cold sweat.
“Every time with you, Torque-y! Can you, just one dang time, not flirt with Dawn? That’s my job!”
Her monster could only look back at her and shrug, as if to say ‘then give me something to do’.
“Fine!” Prata grumped. “Get that guy on the horse, whydon’tcha?”
Locking its long tail into a curl, ‘Torque-y’ pulled its entire body inwards. The creaks and groans rose sharply in volume. After a few seconds, with a mighty SPANG!, the Phantom Beast shot forward, blasting right at Arisen Gaia before the rider could even raise a lance to defend.
The pangolin’s claws tore a long diagonal slash, from left-hip to right-shoulder.
The fierce knight could barely gasp before disintegrating.
[Prata: 6800 / Dawn: 7900]
“Since he got a hit in, Torque-y’s effect kicks in. I get to send another Level 4 or lower Phantom Beast from my deck to my grave, and you take two-hundred times the level in damage.”
Teary-eyed, Torque-Scale sidled up to Dawn. It gingerly reached out a claw, to give her the tiniest scratch on her ankle.
Unperturbed, Dawn reached down and petted the distraught critter. “It’s okay, Torque-y. I still love you.”
Brightening, it rubbed against her hand.
“HEY! I’M DAWN’S FAVOURITE, NOT YOU!” Prata stamped her feet at the cheeky critter trying to steal Dawn’s affection.
She all but jammed a card into the grave for her monster’s effect. “I send Phantom Beast Thunder-Pegasus to the grave, yadda yadda yadda, 800 damage.” She crossed her arms in a huff. “Whatever, I’m done. My turn’s over.”
[Prata: 6800 / Dawn: 7100]
“Aw, sweetheart. You know I love you most.” Dawn shoo’d Torque-y back to her opponent’s field, as she drew her turn card. “He’s cute, but he’s not my favourite.”
“Hmph!” Prata squeezed her eyes shut, pointedly looking away.
Dawn just rolled her eyes. “You keep that face the way it is, it’ll stick that way.”
“I’ll give you my full attention now, but don’t end up regretting it when I do.” She slipped her next card onto the duel disk. “I summon Skilled Blue Magician.”
[Skilled Blue Magician - Level 4/Light/Spellcaster/1800 atk/1800 def]
“Next, I activate Polymerization, fusing my Origin Gaia The Fierce Knight and Curse Of Dragonfire, to summon Sky Galloping Gaia The Dragon Champion!”
As the swirling spell vortex blended the two monsters into a new form, a ball of light appeared in an orbit around Dawn’s magician. [1 spell counter]
[Sky Galloping Gaia The Dragon Champion - Level 7/Wind/Dragon/Fusion/2600 atk/2100 def]
Soaring and aflame, Dawn’s new Gaia kicked up a strong wind as it descended onto the field.
Dawn transferred another card to her field, leaving her with just one left in hand. “Next comes this: Spiral Spear Strike. My Gaias can deal damage through defence now.”
A second spell counter joined the first, in Skilled Blue’s orbit.
Dawn smirked at Prata. “Shall I show you how much I care?”
She thrust out her hand, fingers outstretched. “Sky Galloping turns your monster to defence when it attacks. It’s time for you to go now, little guy.”
The dragon breathed out a small flame, enough to make Prata’s Phantom Beast shrink back, before charging straight in.
“Ngh, dang it!” Prata reluctantly banished a card in her grave. “He’s a traitorous little snuggle-stealer, but I can’t let you get rid of Torque-y just yet, Dawn. Banishing Thunder-Pegasus negates the battle damage and destruction.”
Electric wings settled around Torque-Scale, deflecting the Dragon Champion’s blow.
Dawn couldn’t help but smile, happy that her girlfriend was giving it her all. “You are on rare form today, Prata. Much more of this and I might even get worried.”
Even this small compliment was enough to get Prata blushing and giggling. “Oh, stop. I mean, you’ve been teaching me so well in our lessons.”
Spreading her arms wide, Dawn beckoned to Prata. “Show me your best, Prata! I want to see you pull out all the stops!”
“You bet, babe!”
Dawn set her last card. “I can’t beat your monster’s defence with my magician, so it’s your move now.”
“Coming right up!” Prata jerked a thumb at her monster. “Time’s up, ya little turncoat. I got what I needed from you. You’re getting tributed.”
Torque-y leaned back in shock, paw on chest, before vanishing from the field.
“This guy’s Level 7, but only needs one tribute if it’s a Phantom Beast. Come on out, Rock-Lizard!”
A massive reptilian behemoth coalesced onto Prata’s field. Stony armour surrounded its might form, easily towering over the airborne Gaia.
[Phantom Beast Rock-Lizard - Level 7/Dark/Beast-Warrior/2200>3100 atk/2000 def]
Prata’s backrow card, set in the first move of the duel, flipped up. “Horn Of The Phantom Beast boosts my beastie even further!”
Rock-Lizard’s atk rose to 3900.
Prata pumped her fist. “Rip that dragon right outta the air, Rock-Lizard!”
Letting out an arena-shaking shaking bellow, the huge monster lumbered its four legs forward. Both hands closed around the Fusion monster, and squeezed.
Dawn had to shield her eyes as the two hands met in the middle, blasting the remains of her monster into dust with a resounding clap.
[Prata: 6800 / Dawn: 5800]
“And there’s an extra 500 damage for good measure when you lose a monster to my guy here. Turn end.”
[Prata: 6800 / Dawn: 5300]
“You’ve certainly got my heartrate up, Prata.”
Dawn drew her card, and frowned. “Your monster is quite a wall for me to tear down, but I promise I will in time.”
“For the moment, however. I summon Charging Gaia The Fierce Knight through its own effect. It’ll cost it 400 atk, but it won’t require a tribute.”
A new knight, in similar armour and with a helmeted horse, appeared.
[Charging Gaia The Fierce Knight - Level 7/Light/Warrior/2300>1900 atk/2100 def]
“I’ll also turn my Skilled Blue Magician to defence.” She turned the card sideways, then wagged a finger at Prata. “Soon, though, I promise. That wall is coming down.”
“Sure about that?” Her swagger was in full swing, backed by a creature almost four thousand attack points strong.
“Let’s give the wall some spikes, shall we? I summon Phantom Beast Wild-Horn!”
A bipedal moose, with antlers identical to those from Prata’s trap, appeared next to Rock-Lizard’s… leg.
[Phantom Beast Wild-Horn - Level 4/Earth/Beast-Warrior/1700>2600 atk/0 def]
“This one’s like your Spear Strike. It can pierce defences for extra damage.”
While Dawn was happy to see her girlfriend doing so well, her own pride was rising in response. She curled her finger at Prata, beckoning. “Come with it, then.”
“As the lady wishes… GET THAT GAIA, ROCK-LIZARD!”
The colossal monster’s fist slammed down onto the knight, leaving a crack-strewn crater where Dawn’s warrior had been.
[Prata: 6800 / Dawn: 3300]
“With another monster destroyed, the damage effect kicks in again.”
[Prata: 6800 / Dawn: 2800]
Prata put both hands behind her head, grinning with ease. “Now for your wizard. Wild-Horn, if you would?”
Braying harshly, Wild-Horn brandished its wicked-looking serrated blade as it bore down on Dawn’s remaining monster.
The corner of Dawn’s lips turned upwards. “I’m afraid you’re not the only one who can keep a monster alive. I banish my Origin Gaia in my grave, to return your Wild-Horn’s attack power back to its base of 1700. Your three Cross-Wings cannot help it now.”
An after-image of a Gaia knight flew into the Phantom Beast, causing its hands to shake and drop its sword. Weaponless, it couldn’t muster enough power in its charge, and the defending magician easily rebuffed it.
[Prata: 6700 / Dawn: 2800]
Prata deflated. “Well, that’s a bummer. I guess my turn’s over.”
Dawn drew, smile evolving into a smirk as she saw her card. “It’s time. I’ve collected the tools that will tear down your wall.”
“Quit sweet-talking me, baby.” Prata mimicked Dawn’s earlier finger-beckon. “Put your money where your gorgeous mouth is.”
“Gladly.” She revealed her card. “Summoner’s Art nets me a high-level Normal monster from my deck. I choose Curse Of Dragon.”
Adding the new monster to her hand, she then pointed at her existing creature. “That was the third spell, and thus the third spell counter for my spellcaster. Skilled Blue Magician’s effect kicks in, and I use it to summon the original Gaia The Fierce Knight from my deck!”
Disappearing into its magic circle, Skilled Blue Magician was replaced by yet another armoured horse-knight.
[Gaia The Fierce Knight - Level 7/Earth/Warrior/2300 atk/2100 def]
Prata wasn’t smiling now. “You know that’s not enough, so what are you planning?”
In response, Dawn simply triggered her facedown card. “Spiral Fusion.”
Prata regarded it coolly. “Another Sky Galloping? To turn my ‘wall’ to defence, and rip it down that way?”
Dawn shook her head. “That won’t be necessary. Gaia The Dragon Champion classic will suffice here. This particular fusion spell doubles the attack points of any Dragon Champions summoned, and also lets them attack monsters twice per turn.”
[Gaia The Dragon Champion - Level 7/Wind/Dragon/Fusion/2600>5200 atk/2100 def]
Meeting the gaze of Prata’s monolithic beast, Dawn didn’t blink. “Wall…”
She lazily directed her newest monster, emitting its own incredible aura, to attack. “...fall.”
Rising high into the sky, the dragon-rider plunged down towards Rock-Lizard at breakneck speeds, one lance thrust forwards. As it descended, it began to spiral, faster and faster, until the monster itself couldn’t be seen for the whirlwind it had cloaked itself in.
Rock-Lizard reared up on its hind legs, punching one meaty fist up at the whirlwind.
The cyclone didn’t even slow down, ripping through the fist, the arm it was attached to, and the body that arm was attached to as well.
Rock-Lizard, Prata’s great wall, collapsed. The entire arena shook when its corpse crashed down.
[Prata: 5400 / Dawn: 2800]
The storm didn’t end there, though. It swept up Wild-Horn, spiriting away into the sky.
Only the Dragon Champion came back down.
[Prata: 1900 / Dawn: 2800]
Prata could only gape. “My… my Rock-Lizard… just like that?”
Her hands clenched into fists. What does it take to bring her down?
“Come on, Prata.” Dawn’s slender hand reached up to cup her girlfriend’s face. “You’re not done, not yet.”
“Easy for you to say.” Prata groused, even while leaning into Dawn’s hand. “You’re winning.”
“But I haven’t won yet. You were so strong earlier. Show me more.”
“Don’t you want to win?”
“Not if you give up before you’re out of options.” Dawn’s fingers traced the knuckles on Prata’s hand. “You’ve still got cards. I’ve only got my one monster.”
Dawn winked, causing both girls to blush. “It’s just another wall.”
She leaned in to whisper in Prata’s ear. “I overcame yours, now break mine.”
Turning on her heel, she walked back to her side of the field. “I’m waiting, darling.”
Reignited, Prata ripped her next card off the top of her deck. “Okay, Dawn. Just you watch.”
Her smile resurfaced as she took in her hand. She played another spell. “Revenant Reinforcement banishes two Phantom Beasts from my grave, but I can special summon a Level 4 or lower one from my deck. I’ll banish Wild-Horn and Torque-Scale for Phantom Beast Frost-Bison!”
A massive bovine, fur full of ice, appeared in a misty haze.
[Phantom Beast Frost-Bison - Level 4/Water/Beast-Warrior/1600>2500 atk/1400 def]
“I’ll also summon Phantom Beast Poison-Coil.”
A snake with wicked fangs looped itself around Frost-Bison’s horns.
[Phantom Beast Poison-Coil - Level 3/Wind/Beast-Warrior/Tuner/0>900 atk/800 def]
“You summon a Tuner in this late stage of the game?” Dawn clapped her hands together happily. “That’s wonderful, Prata!”
“You’re not the only one with an Extra Deck, after all. I tune Frost-Bison with Poison-Coil, to Synchro Summon my Level 7 Phantom Beast Shock-Howl!”
Biting its own tail, Poison-Coil made a circle with its body. The circle then split into three rings of light, which surrounded Frost-Bison. The icy bovine then split into four starry orbs, before a pillar of light shot up, surrounding rings and orbs alike.
Out of the light charged a fearsome albino werewolf, electricity arcing between its fangs and eyes.
[Phantom Beast Shock-Howl - Level 7/Earth/Beast-Warrior/Synchro/2500>3400 atk/0 def]
Growls rumbling from its throat, the werewolf stalked back and forth on Prata’s field.
“For every Phantom Beast in my grave, Shock-Howl lowers every one of your monsters’ attack stat by 200. I’ve got six, so that’s a twelve-hundred point drop.”
Static pulsed from the lycan’s fangs up to the dragon-rider, who shuddered as it passed over him. Dragon Champion’s atk dropped to 4000.
“As you said earlier: ‘you know that’s not enough, so what are you planning’?”
“You know me so well, babe.” One of Prata’s six Phantom Beasts was ejected from her graveyard. “Poison-Coil is banished for its effect. Only five mons in the grave now, so your wall monster gets 200 atk bigger again, but then loses another 800 from my snakey-snake.”
“Putting the final total at… what?”
Prata grasped her hand into a fist. “Why don’t I show you instead? Shock-Howl, attack!”
Another electric shock ran through the dragon, dropping both it and its rider down to just above ground level. The beast-warrior took the chance, springing forward with claws outstretched.
Gaia got a lance up in time. The knight ran Shock-Howl through at the same time that the werewolf’s claws opened his throat.
Both monsters vanished into a huge dust cloud.
Prata set her final two cards, ending her turn. “I decided to build another wall, just big enough to topple yours.”
Beaming with pride, Dawn drew her card. “Splendid work, Prata. I knew you could do it.”
She looked down at her card. “Hmm, not one of my knights.”
“You’re the only knight I need.”
Dawn hid her blush with her duel disk. “You’re so cheesy. I set one backrow card, and end my turn.”
Happy at Dawn’s reaction, Prata jovially drew her card. “Ooh, looks like I got a monster first. You might be in trouble here, ‘knight’.”
A chameleon, changing colours rippling across its body in waves, appeared on Prata’s field.
“Phantom Beast Shade-Tongue can destroy one of my backrow cards,” her set Beast Rising trap shattered, “to banish one monster from your grave. I’ll get rid of that meddlesome Sky Galloping Dragon Champion.”
Said Fusion monster was ejected from Dawn’s grave.
“Since that’s done, Shade-Tongue gets a boost equal to a hundred times your monster’s level during every one of my Main Phases, including this one. So, since your monster was Level 7, that’s a big chunk o’ change each turn.”
[Phantom Beast Shade-Tongue - Level 4/Dark/Beast-Warrior/1000>1900>2600 atk/400 def]
Dawn braced herself for what was coming.
“Sorry, but… direct attack!”
The chameleon’s long tongue shot out, connecting with the duel disk Dawn had hastily thrown up as a shield.
The force of the attack still forced her stumbling backwards, as her lifepoints dropped critically low.
[Prata: 1900 / Dawn: 200]
No longer smiling, Dawn stalked back to her starting spot. “The knight is still standing, princess.”
“Yeah, but it’ll be an even bigger attack next turn. Is this gonna be it, Dawn?”
Brown eyes met hazel. “Is this gonna be my first win over you?”
Both of their hearts beat a little faster at the idea. Prata’s from hope. Dawn’s from excitement.
I wouldn’t mind if it was, my love. “I suppose it all rests on this draw. We’re both out of walls now. Will the knight claim the hand of the princess, or bend the knee at long last?”
Prata chuckled. “This metaphor’s getting pretty strained, isn’t it?”
Dawn couldn’t help but agree. “Indeed, so let’s wrap this up, one way or another. Draw!”
Wheels began turning behind her eyes, the moment Dawn laid eyes on her final card. It’ll depend on Prata’s facedown, but this could be it.
She gestured to her own facedown card. “My Spiral Reborn revives my Gaia The Dragon Champion-”
“-classic,” Prata quipped.
“Do I need to muzzle you?” Dawn joked back.
“Well, my birthday is coming up...”
“AS. I. WAS. SAYING. Dragon Champion revives!”
The fusion monster burst back onto the field, dragon and rider soaring airborne.
“Then,” Dawn placed her final card onto the field, “I’ll sacrifice my dragon to Special Summon Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight from my hand!”
A new Gaia, taller and broader than the others, appeared. His armour was more ornate, as was his trident lance. A billowing cape covered his strong back.
[Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight - Level 8/Dark/Warrior/2600 atk/2100 def]
“Without fusing, he’s the strongest Gaia I have.”
“Still only as strong as my Shade-Tongue, and that’s only for this turn.”
“Yes, but…” 
Soldier Gaia pointed its trident at the Phantom Beast. It curled into a ball, tongue wrapping around itself.
“...Like the Sky Galloping you banished earlier, he can also turn one of your monsters to defence mode, and your lizard only had 400 defence.”
“Oh yeah?” Prata challenged, triggering her facedown card. “Well, Phan-tomb Beast Curse says ‘no’! I banish a Phantom Beast from my grave, and drop your strongest monster’s atk by the banished monster’s stat. Banishing Shock-Howl will leave your monster at just one hundred attack points. Not enough to beat ‘only’ 400 defence!”
Taking a deep breath, Dawn closed her eyes. “And you were so close, too. Maybe next time, Prata.”
“What was that?”
Dawn opened her eyes, gaze not unkind. “Seems I still need to teach you patience. If you waited for the battle to start before using your trap, you’d have won.”
Prata’s pride wouldn’t let up. “There’s not going to be a battle, is there? Soldier Gaia still only has 100 attack!”
“True, it doesn’t have much in the way of damage potential. What it does have, however, is another effect to fall back on.”
Prata deflated. “Oh.”
“Yeah, sorry.” Dawn made a ‘what are you gonna do?’ gesture. “Soldier Gaia can tribute itself, and search out another Gaia to add to my hand instead. I pick Swift Gaia The Fierce Knight…”
“...which, being the only card in your hand, can be summoned without tribute.” Prata finished. That last lapse in judgement aside, she did know Dawn’s deck very well.
I love watching you duel, but it’s hard being across the way from you.
[Swift Gaia The Fierce Knight - Level 7/Dark/Warrior/2300 atk/2100 def]
Prata laid down on her back. “Twenty-three-hundred attack vs four-hundred defence. With Spiral Spear Strike, that’s-”
“Exactly enough to take you to 0.” Dawn barely looked at her monster as it began its attack.
“I win, darling.”
Neither blinked as Prata’s monster, and remaining lifepoints, disappeared.
[Prata: 0 / Dawn: 200]
Dawn crossed the field as the hardlight monsters disappeared. Kneeling down, she pulled Prata’s head into her lap, stroking her hair. “You really did do very well. I’m so proud of you.”
“Mhm.” Prata sniffled, fighting her own feelings.
She pulled Dawn’s hand to her lips, giving it a soft kiss. “Next time, yeah?”
Dawn smiled down at her girlfriend’s vain attempt to hide her frustration. “Next time.”
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chromecutie · 5 years
Not A Ghost - part 17
A/N - Multi-part fic. Colossus x OC where OC has come home after being wrongfully imprisoned in the Icebox. Warnings for whole fic - references and flashbacks to harsh prison environment, including various types of abuse. Takes place shortly after events in Deadpool 2. Whole thing will end up on my AO3 eventually.
Taglist: @emma-frxst  @ra-ra-rasputiin  @holamor ​  @empressme-bitch  @marvel-is-perfection  @hazilyimagine ​ @marvelhead17 @rovvboat @angstybadboytrash ​ @whitewitchdown ​ @master-sass-blast ​ @mori-fandom @mooleche @dandyqueen . Wanna be added or removed? Holla at me.
The excitement over lighting the bulb was short-lived. After the first lightbulb, Rhonda had gotten ambitious and stole a few bulbs of various sizes from a supply closet. In her practice room, she laid them in a circle on the floor and stood in the middle. She had worked at it for nearly an hour, and though maybe she should have been glad she could now get them to flicker without touching them, she was frustrated with being hard-pressed to do more than flicker.
She stepped out of her circle of bulbs and paused the top 40 pop song playing on her phone. “Sia,” she muttered with annoyance, “Thinks she’s an artsy Rihanna or some shit.” She huffed and started searching on her music app, “I need something I know.”
Rhonda’s taste in music was all over the place, but mostly gravitated to two moods: Marilyn Manson, System of a Down, and Rammstein, or Missy Elliot, Christina Aguilera, and Destiny’s Child. She found a playlist fitting that second mood and started nodding her head to a bass beat that would have some good thump on better speakers. Without thinking about it, her feet started moving and her hips winding. Her old, worn dance hoodie found its way off her body, tossed carelessly on the slightly dusty hardwood floor. The familiarity of the beat and the sexy, unapologetic lyrics had Rhonda turning and stepping all over the room, whipping her hair and sweeping her arms in powerful arcs. She smiled, and sparks lit from her cheeks and fingers. The bulbs didn’t light, but she wasn’t even thinking about those anymore except to step around them. Movement, and the freedom it gave her, dissipated all her frustrations as long as she could feel the floor under her feet. Song by song, she felt better, until--
“We should find you some twerk tutorials,” someone said flatly from the doorway.
Startled, Rhonda’s rhythm broke and she ducked into a low fighting stance. 
Ellie was leaning against the door frame. Her smile faded when she realized why there was a rule about not startling Rhonda. ��Sorry, um,” Ellie edged into the room. “I know I should knock or something--”
“How long were you standing there?” Rhonda’s heart was racing, and she tried to breathe slowly, force herself to calm down, and not let on how scared she was for that split second.
The teen raised her shoulders and answered, “Just...two and a half songs? I forgot how cool it is to watch you go.”
Rhonda paused the music. She wanted to fuss at Ellie, but couldn’t make herself do it. Instead, she asked curtly, “What’s up?” Acutely conscious that her arms were bare, Rhonda snatched her hoodie off the floor and quickly pulled it back over her head.
For someone who kept a stony face so often, Ellie had an absolutely darling smile. When she grinned, Rhonda saw the little girl who used to play with black nail polish and liked trying on Rhonda’s X-Men boots. “Colossus said to come get you, lunch’ll be ready soon.”
Rhonda couldn’t resist smiling a little herself. “All right. Give me a minute to put the tripping hazards away.”
Ellie helped her box up the dozen or so new lightbulbs. “So? Who are you liking on that playlist we made?”
She snickered more than she meant to, “Well, not Sia.”
Scrunching her nose, Ellie shook her head, “She’s overplayed.”
“Panic! At the Disco is fun, though,” Rhonda stacked the boxed lightulbs neatly on the floor by the wall. “I dunno why I wasn’t always into them, they’re great.”
Ellie beamed, “They did get better, though.”
They finished the bulbs and headed down the hall toward the stairs. “I’m not wild about the new Metallica album,” Rhonda admitted glumly, “Nothing tops their old stuff, I guess.”
The younger woman carefully rubbed her eye without smudging her eyeliner. “Nah, but it’s better than St. Anger.”
Scoffing, Rhonda muttered, “Anything’s better than that shitstack.”
“Have you listened to Hozier yet?”
“Ho--” Ellie stopped and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Hozier. Yukio would give me a ton of shit for this, because I tell her I don’t like him, but,” she grabbed Rhonda’s shoulder and stared her hard in the eyes. “He’s objectively good. You gotta try him. The whole album.”
“Okay,” Rhonda chuckled, “It’ll be the next thing I listen to.” She gave a sidelong glance, “Why did you tell Yukio you don’t like him?”
Ellie rolled her eyes so hard it was a wonder she didn’t knock herself unconscious. “When ‘Take Me to Church’ first dropped, it was super overplayed and everyone and their mom was obsessed with it. It is pretty good, though.”
They started walking again. Ellie said under her breath, “And if he does a show anywhere near here, we’re going.” When Rhonda gave her a sidelong glance, she added, “For Yukio.”
“You two seem really good together,” Rhonda hooked her arm through Ellie’s.
Let the record show: young badass Negasonic Teenage Warhead was blushing. She said through gritted teeth, “She’s the best and I would kill for her.”
Rhonda thought she might rupture a sinus from how hard she was trying not to laugh. “Yeah?”
“Also?” Ellie slowed her walk.
“She wanted me to ask you if, uh, if you’d let her,” Ellie winced, “Fix your hair?”
Tugging a strand of frizzy, mousy colored hair, Rhonda scrunched her mouth to one side, “It’s pretty crusty, huh? I dunno how all this grey got here.”
Ellie playfully shoved her with her shoulder, loosening their linked arms as they went down the stairs. “You used to tell me you started going grey at fourteen and that’s why you dyed your hair every color you could find!”
“You remember that?” Rhonda’s jaw dropped. “That was a secret!”
“I never told anyone,” she giggled.
“You told me just now!” Rhonda was laughing too.
Ellie laughed harder, “You--but? You’re the one who told me!”
On the first floor, they passed a parlor that was used as an office now. The door was open and Rhonda saw a familiar form. “Hey, Ellie?” Rhonda pulled away. “I’ll meet you in the kitchen, ok? Tell Piotr I’ll just be a minute.” With a nod, Ellie broke away and walked off.
Nerves making her chest tight, Rhonda hesitated by the door, debating whether she should enter at all.
Michelle sighed and without looking up from her work at the desk, said, “Either come in, or keep walking, Rhonda.”
Taking a deep breath, Rhonda forced herself to walk calmly into the room. She cleared her throat and nodded, “Michelle?”
“So you do know my name,” Michelle turned and stood--and looked down at Rhonda with a chilled glare.
Finally giving her a good look, Rhonda realized Michelle was tall. She had to be about six feet tall, built like a mythical queen with long, willowy limbs and a perfect bunch of thick, dark curls bouncing just past her shoulders. Her skin was such a warm, glowing sepia brown, Rhonda guessed she would shine like a human chunk of tiger’s eye if she stepped in the sun. She was gorgeous. It was no surprise she’d caught Piotr’s eye--she looked like an exquisite sculpture in a museum.
Rhonda, by comparison, was shorter, stockier, and though she was looking much better than a few weeks ago, would still compare herself to a pile of dry leaves. 
Michelle impatiently drummed her fingers on the edge of her desk, “Is there something you want?”
“I am...I’m sorry...about before.” Rhonda looked like she was going to choke from trying so hard to swallow her pride. “I should have said thank you.” She stole a glance at Michelle’s face, then looked down to fidget with the hem of her hoodie. “You made Piotr happy at a time when...that probably wasn’t easy. And he, um, ha,” she forced a light laugh, “He deserves every ounce of happiness he can get, right?” She was nervous and uncomfortable under Michelle’s gaze. She sighed and looked up at her again, “You took care of him. Thank you. I dunno if we’ll ever be friends, but...I don’t want to be enemies.”
Michelle gave her a stern up-and-down glance with her golden hazel eyes. “He really believes you’re still some kind of sweetheart. This is the first time I’m tempted to believe that.” 
She moved suddenly, and Rhonda instinctively took a quick step back. Michelle rifled through a few papers on her desk before grabbing a business card, holding it up, but not extending it to Rhonda just yet. “You still haven’t been to see Charles.”
Rhonda’s jaw worked, “Not yet.” She realized Michelle was tense too.
The taller woman shrugged with one shoulder, conceding, “Look, I get it. If you’d rather talk to someone else, this is a colleague of mine.” Finally, she held out the business card for Rhonda.
Both were careful not to let their fingers touch as Rhonda took the card. She fidgeted with the corners with her fingernails, looking at the name and phone number for a therapist who specialized in mutants. “He’s not a telepath?”
Michelle huffed and rolled her eyes, “He’s not, but what do you have against us?”
To retort, Rhonda raised her eyebrows and tossed her head, over-enunciating for sassy effect, “If I wanted to talk about it, I’d say so, out loud, with my noisy face hole.”
“Whatever,” she adjusted back to her seat and got back to work. “I just better not hear about you stabbing anyone else.”
As she edged out of the office, Rhonda grumbled under her breath, “Like you’ve never wanted to stab Kurt. Have you met him?” By the time she reached the kitchen, she'd stashed the card in her hoodie pocket.
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the-foxes-fangs · 5 years
Warmup fragments with Ikesen/OC’s
I’ve been behind on requests so I promised @otomediary I’d post these little warmups even though they feature my OC’s 
She had thought it was the wormhole opening two months too soon as the sky split like a rent cloth on the day the warlord’s had taken her out hawking, she had been riding next to Hideyoshi who had the presence of mind to grab her horses reins as it reared and jerked away in terror, nearly unseating her. 
That same feeling, nauseating pressure, the crackle of static building to a painful roar, and the sky coming undone as Hideyoshi lifted her bodily out of the saddle and held her protectively, his arm growing tighter around her as the sounds of a massive battle rolled in as if on a wave that broke against them. She held his sleeve, heart pounding as their group bunched up, each of them peering into the midday twilight, turned ochre through a cloud of choking dust that whipped across their faces and twisted into serpentine columns, falling from the broken sky. 
And then the noise receded and they appeared, four figures riding hell for leather out of the dust, pursuing something that flashed unnaturally bright even in the haze, a massive twisting mass that reminded her of a huge crumpled thermal blanket whipping and rolling in some way that was horribly alive and malicious, and utterly silent. 
They were yelling to each other in some language she had never heard, even in her own time, women crouched low on their horses, circling it, it whatever it was. The language was unintelligible, but the urgency wasn’t. 
She saw one of them vault off her horse and into the writhing malevolence, before being immersed in a silence so complete and abrupt that for a moment she felt as if all of the sound had been excised from the world at once. The snorting and stamping of the horses and the buzz of voices started her out of the dull shock of the scene, which had seemed to expand into hours but must have taken no more than half a minute in reality, if reality could still be considered a reliable thing. She had fallen through time, and now time and space were falling around her as she clutched Hideyoshi’s hand. 
It was gone, and the dust was drawing back apparently of its own volition, revealing a placid, uninterrupted sky as it receded into the outstretched hand of the woman closest to them, and she felt that same instinct for flight as she had the night she’d arrived at Honno-ji when the two groups faced each other. 
“Hey!” Masamune thundered, wheeling his horse out, sword unsheathed, always the first to run toward a fight, “explain yourselves!” 
“Masamune, stand down.” Nobunaga said quietly, holding himself quite still and carefully observing the otherworldly invaders. 
“Be cautious my lord.” Hideyoshi said protectively. 
Ieyasu and Mitsuhide were too busy aiming their respective weapons to speak, and you could almost hear the speed of Mitsunari’s thoughts as he surveyed the scene. 
She was arrestingly beautiful, he thought, the tallest of the strangers with the darkest skin he’d ever seen, lithe grace in her body and fearlessness stamped into her fine features, from the graceful column of her neck, the gentle smile with no hint of timidity on her full lips to the good natured intelligence that burned in her dark eyes. 
He laid out the Go board and watched her pad silently about the Tenshu, hands held behind her back, taking inventory to the smallest detail as she seemed to always do. 
“Tiaret.” He said, her name heavy on his tongue. “Why is it that the others call you one thing, but you ask us to call you another?” Nobunaga asked curiously, watching the way the golden cloth of her dress seemed to gather all of the light in the room to itself. 
“I am from a place where magic is as common as water, and there’s magic in a name-- power to bind, power to break.” She answered, her voice soft and low, a trace of amusement on her face. She wore her thick curly black hair elaborately braided close to her head, with ornaments of gold and red that gave her face a warm glow even in the moonlight where she stood on the balcony. 
Of all their guests from the further shore, she was the most amiable, but he felt as if it were the disinterested amiability of a tiger looking at a falling leaf. He had never believed in the possibility of an unseen world, of anything so childish as magic, until he had seen what she could do. As every challenge ever had, she filled with him a fierce desire to capture her attention, to conquer her disinterest, and to know her. 
“And you have my name now.” He said, tapping his fingers against his cheek as he rested his chin on his hand. 
“If I wished to harm you with magic, it would be of a far more direct kind. I was elected as intermediary to maintain some semblance of peace while we’re here, not as an assassin.” She said, with an elegant gesture of dismissal. 
“I have seen it, and I still cannot grasp the nature of magic.” He replied, searching her untroubled face. 
She seated herself elegantly across from him and studied the board thoughtfully. “It is unnatural to you, and thus beyond your grasp.” She said bluntly, but without any incivility. 
A faint scent of honey and some flower whose name was as much a mystery as hers drifted across to him, heady and soft, with the warm late summer breeze. “I commend you on your grasp of tactics, it’s rare that I am outmatched in Go.” 
“My vocation is to remember, it would be strange if I were so well acquainted with the details of so many battles and yet knew nothing of the general principles of war.” She answered with an indulgent smile as she rolled a white go piece between her slender fingers. 
“You have a lot of freedom for a prisoner of war,” Ieyasu said, looking askance at the unsettling wisp of a woman, sickly pale as a radish with her face framed by hair the color of an orange autumn leaf and her eyes barely a shade lighter. 
“My prison is living, but my hell is being alive to be questioned by the likes of you.” Zenaida replied acerbically as she glanced up from her reading, bitterness in her expression, distant and hard. 
“Try to be polite, Zenaida.” Tiaret said mildly from across the library, without glancing up from her book. 
“Try to be less sickeningly saintly, Sulwe.” 
The entire room seemed to seethe with cold anger, but he saw, or imagined he saw a shadow of anguish flit across her drawn features for a fraction of a moment before it dissipated. 
“Well excuse me for breathing.” He muttered. 
“Ask the gods for pardon, all I know how to do anymore is spit poison at the world that poisoned me.” Zenaida answered very softly, looking up at him with haunted eyes that said he would get no more of an apology than that. 
“Darling boy, you couldn’t out ride me if your life depended on it! I was just about born on the back of a horse, and I expect I’ll die there too.” Sankho said merrily, irreverent and flip, with a wildness all about her that made Masamune feel downright conventional. 
“Oh you think so? Let’s have a race then. Loser cooks dinner” He shot back amiably, watching as she made another strange dish, with a mouth watering aroma he couldn’t place at all. She had said that since she didn’t know what ingredients were safe for humans it was better that he not try it all, but his curiosity as a cook was killing him. 
Of all of them, she looked nothing like a barbarian, she could almost have passed for a resident of the castle if not for the reckless glitter in her eye, her raucous laughter and utter lack of manners that had its own kind of charm. 
He couldn’t shake his fascination with her, it was like watching a typhoon coming in knowing that it would blow you halfway to hell and still not wanting to move out of the way. 
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just have a duel? It would make you look more cool losing to magic, you know.” She said with a crooked smile and a daring wink. 
He grinned back at her, and felt the heat rise in his face. “And they say I’m overconfident!” 
“You’re reckless, far more reckless than a real dragon ever would be, and I’ve met a few, but I like it. There’s a little of the wild old magic in you, I think. The rest of it has gone to sleep in this world, but I feel the faintest echo from you.” She said, looking him over appraisingly.
“What does that mean?” 
“It means you should take my advice.” She said, and reached out to take hold of his chin, her eyes so dark they nearly looked like ink boring into him, into some part of him that he himself didn’t know. “Don’t let it make you cruel. It will make you feel like you can do anything, the mote that lives in you. Don’t always heed the call.”
“Play your hand, pretty fox.” Tura said, her voice pleasantly low, and took another drink. Mitsuhide glanced at his cards, and back at her. She was impossible to read, even for him. It was as if she could simply vanish into herself, into some stillness that held no thought or feeling. 
Her silky black hair fell down her breast in disarray, and she didn’t so much sit across from him as sprawl. But even in repose she was imposing, as tall as him or taller, with plenty of hard muscle under her curves that gave a serpentine impression. 
“My, are you in a hurry to lose, or trying to cheat while I’m distracted?” He asked, peering uselessly into her eyes, grey as ash in her angular tanned face. He fancied he could see the faint red glow of embers in their depths. 
“See, that’s why I like you. Half the fun of the game is trying to cheat each other.” She replied with a half smile softening her angular features. 
“Oh? Is that why I’m your favorite?” He asked, a little more seriously than he intended. 
She looked at him and smiled and there was a little of the wolf in her white teeth, as she laughed good humoredly. “I’d feel a little bad trying to cheat the Chatelaine or her man, but you can take it.” She drained her cup in one go. “Maybe it’s just that you haven’t got the good sense to be afraid of me.” 
The incense she always kept burning sent up a ribbon of smoke  that drifted between them and gave him the discomfiting sense that he had been there before, and had waited a long time to return. 
“I could say the same to you.” He said and filled both their cups. 
“Everything I ever feared has already come to pass.” She replied with no particular feeling. 
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