#it was just a lot easier to zone out and play video games than try to work on things even if it made me feel bad to do that
304wv66 · 8 months
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10.20.2023 // gonna get bit by that thing
also bonus crop from the desktop wallpaper because i liked it, it made me happy 🥺
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otakween · 14 days
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Digimon Battle Spirit 2 - Final Thoughts
This game was so FUN!! I liked it a lot more than the first installment of Battle Spirit even though the games were very similar. They just added a bunch of little touches to this sequel that upped replayability big time. I still only beat it twice (and on easy mode teehee) but I can see myself revisiting this one in the future :)
I'm glad Frontier got a couple video game tie-ins despite the fact that it wasn't very popular. I think the quality of this game actually improved my opinion on Frontier somewhat. The sprites were so charming and each character's attack style was so anime-faithful. Very immersive for fans of the show.
There were digimon I didn't recognize in this? Who the heck is this rainbow one? This isn't the kind of game where you get digimon names on screen, so I was just like -shrug-
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This was my first time testing out RetroAchievements and I think it's really neat. Here is me getting an achievement for beating the Shooter game:
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I've given up on 100%-ing games but I'll definitely continue to use this feature just for fun!
I loved the little animation I got when I unlocked Lowemon of him jumping onto the character select screen, that was awesome.
I played as Chackmon and Fairymon, my two fave Frontier digimon and they both had such distinct play styles. I think I liked Chackmon's attacks more (it was really fun to perform icicle lala and freeze people by turning into stalagmites) but Fairymon was good for defeating Cherubimon because she could jump (fly) really high.
Even though it would be very annoying, I kinda wish this game had voice lines. I was mentally shouting "Brezzo petalo!!" when playing as Fairymon lol
There's a hacky way to win by hanging out in corners and stun locking your opponent, but I tried not to overuse that. It would be good for getting really high scores if I cared about that.
Speaking of scores, the tamer tags are such a good addition to increase replayability. You can get different tags based on the difficulty you play at and your final score. I can't be bothered, but if I was a kid with ample free time, it would be fun to try to unlock them all.
The shooter mini game was so fun! It was basically Digimon billiards. Of course, it was a lot easier to beat with save states because I lost many times lol. Fairymon kept launching me off the side of the board. It was funny to see the NPCs sometimes accidentally slide out of bounds and the digivolution mechanic was clever. This is the kinda casual game I could see myself playing just to kill time (like pinball or solitaire).
This game had way fewer digimon to play as/unlock? They probably only wanted to include digimon with human forms (I guess they could have borrowed Tamers characters for that). I could see this being a downside for some, but I was relieved. I unlocked Lowemon and had all the digimon just like that ;)
Cherubimon was very similar to Millenniumon, seemingly really hard at first, but you just need to learn the pattern. It was a little tedious still though because you had to get every move right. Not a battle you can zone out to lol. All the animations during and after the fight were very well done.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
God the amount of people on here I’ve, not just lost respect for, but become completely repulsed by in the last few days. People I share fandoms with who every so often would reblog those stupid “goblins are Jews so anybody who puts them in stories is antisemetic and should be shunned!!!” Which I usually just rolled my eyes and moved on. Those same damn people are on here justifying Jewish people getting slaughtered and kidnapped. And even if in their minds it’s truly just about “Israel vs Palestine”, not a fucking peep has been heard from any of them about the attacks now occurring to Jews around the world. “Punch Nazis! Listen to Jewish Voices! Be aware of antisemitism!” All goes out the window now I guess?
Gonna be setting everything to do with this situation to 'mature' and tagging "middle east mess" from here on in, this situation is far too much for lots of you and I get that I'm trying to balance things out best I can.
Go into your settings to the "content" filtering as well as "tag" filtering and punch in any terms you can think of to get most of this all off your dash.
Schrödinger's POC.
One thing I've come to realize in my observations over the years is the majority of the different activists, really loud ones at least, don't actually care about the causes they claim to care about, they don't actually want things to improve for people. Having perpetual victims while they themselves are not victims seems to let them look like they're trying to help and stand up for injustice and victimized people while still covertly looking down their noses at them.
Israel is a great example of that since they do a pretty good job mostly on their own surrounded by enemies on all sides, gotten a little less dangerous over the decades but they're still in the danger zone and generally still thriving.
That and they very rarely get involved in a difficult fight, much easier to virtue signal over a video game than it is when there's some fairly complex geopolitical forces at play. And hating Israel is the easier of the two routes to go in this one, you'll also be seeing the folks that say it's not Jews it's "Zionists" even if the overwhelming majority of Jewish people are Zionists.
Which hey, you're all entitled to your opinion but before you go and start bashing Israel on a hourly basis go ahead and look at all the other countries out there and see how you feel about them and decide if you honestly think you're judging them all by the same standard or if you're judging Israel (or any others) more harshly and then ask yourself why that is.
Amnesty went in to Ukraine at one point after several schools had been targeted by russia, amnesty pointed out all of the obvious signs that the ukrainian military had been using those schools as weapons cache's or staging grounds or any of a number of other military purposes and they declared that to be a big no no and properly laid the blame on the ukranian military and government. You made it a military target by putting troops there.
Oddly even though it's widely known that hamass does the same thing, somehow amnesty still goes after Israel who will "knock on the door" of places they're about to level that are legitimate military targets, if they're also civilian buildings. hamass using the roof of a building as a place for a communications array/radio tower they'll get a dummy bomb dropped in their lap and civilians have their 30 min notice to evacuate because it's going down in 30 min one way or the other, but somehow that's not good enough.
and Oh lord I was in the notes of a couple different post and people talking about the Jewish citizens of Israel not actually being the same people that are the indigenous population to that area, which dna tests have proven that wrong, but hey they're out there repeating talking points made up by goebels so remember that next time these people call someone else a nazi, granted they're stupid enough to call actual Jewish people nazis to their faces showing that they've really just turned that word into something that's on par with butthead at this point.
Circling back round, like I said most of these activists they don't want conditions to actually improve for anyone, because they won't be special little guys helping out the poor oppressed people, they'll just be ordinary.
Cancer researchers would be very happy if they got put out of a job, professional activists not so much.
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This is all beyond very tragic both for the people of Israel and the people of gaza who just want to live their lives free of fear and hate, it is interesting to see people doing 180's on their stances on things like rape and child murder/infanticide and such given who's doing it this time round, if I were Jewish I would be seriously reconsidering my position of I want everyone who wants to and can responsibly do so to own all the guns they like, but having one isn't for me.
I'd cut that last bit out, I'd be armed everywhere I go.
There's lots of issues on both sides of this conflict, but only one side went in to a music festival and murdered 260+ people and dragged off hostages to rape, torture, and maybe attempt to bargain with at some point if the mood strikes.
That's not something the good guys do.
Side note, I'm surprised I haven't seen a specific insult tossed out between members of the Jewish community who are on different sides of this issue, for the curious it's a german word and I'm not going to type it out.
Had someone throw that one at me once which confused me given my lack of being Jewish, loses all it's punch at that point.
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April roundup — Russian
Another month is over! Here are my Russian learning activities in April: 
I kept reviewing the Russian starter deck and the Ru15K deck (see my previous posts for more details). But I also started my own sentence deck. I’m currently adding sentences mostly from Animal Crossing that contain only one unknown word. I decided to focus on Animal Crossing for a while until I can understand most dialogues more easily. (They are surprisingly difficult at my current level. XD)
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This month I did lesson 11 - 36. After reaching lesson 36, I started to review older lessons. At some point, I noticed that the lessons became more challenging so I think I should spend a bit more time reviewing new lessons before moving on. Reviewing old ones will also help.
(YouTube) Comprehensible Russian: Beginner 1
I kept watching videos from this playlist. I'm currently at video 31. I like it when there are several videos about a certain topic instead of a different topic in every video. This way, certain words are repeated more often and I can learn more about this topic. Some of them are really interesting. 
(YouTube) In Russian From Afar - Beginner Videos A1
I only watched one video so far. He tells children stories and draws on a white board while speaking to make understanding easier (similar to Inna from Comprehensible Russian). Russian subtitles are available. I try to understand as much as I can without reading the subtitles in Russian but if in doubt I can check what he said. The first video I watched was very easy to understand, though. 
(YouTube) Inhale Russian
Similar to the beginner videos from Comprehensible Russian, just a bit more "modern“ and efficient and Russian subtitles are available. Instead of drawing, he already prepared all pictures on his computer so that he only needs to point at them during his speech. I like Inna’s drawings from Comprehensible Russian, but the use of photos and graphics makes understanding the meaning easier and faster in my opinion. 
However, he speaks veeery calm. Almost monotonous even. Maybe he speaks like this to make it easier for beginners? Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary to speak that calm. A little bit more emotions and personality would make the video more engaging. If someone talks too monotonous, I tend to zone out (my mind starts to wander). This makes it more difficult to stay focused which is not helpful if you want to learn something. 
Short Stories in Russian for intermediate (by Olly Richards) 
I finished this graded reader! I read the e-book version. This book is aimed at intermediate learners so it’s noticeably more difficult than the beginner book. But it’s still easier than the novel I started (which is aimed at native speakers). By looking up every word I noticed a few small errors in the text (like a wrong letter or an additional letter for example). It’s not a big deal but learners should keep that in mind.
I don’t know if it’s because the level of difficulty was higher but somehow these stories gave me a weird feeling. They were not really my cup of tea. I liked the stories of the beginner book much more. Nevertheless, I learned a lot.
Две встречи в Париже
This book contains two stories. I already read chapter 1 of Медовый месяц в Париже so I continued with chapter 2.
Animal Crossing
I continued playing Animal Crossing. I’m using Google Translate to digitalize the text from the game, then I look up words and safe the text for later review. I'm currently using this material to create sentence cards (like I mentioned above).
Метро 2033
I couldn’t wait any longer. XD I started to read chapter 1. Tons of new words, but since I know the video game I’m not completely lost. I have at least a vague idea what awaits me. I’m very curious about the book!
Stranger Things
I watched the first episode of Stranger Things in Russian on Netflix. I turned off the Russian subtitles because most of the time they don't match with the audio. This is a downside because I can't easily check unknown words. So I'll regard it as pure listening practice. I only understand single words here and there, which is no surprise at my current level, but that’s okay. 
Maybe it's a bit early but I prefer to mix easier content (aimed at language learners) and difficult content (aimed at native speakers) instead of listen to learner content only. More variety not only makes the learning process more fun and interesting but this will also help me to familiarize myself to native level content. It will take a lot of time time to get accustomed to content aimed at native speakers so I start early. 
Plus, watching (or reading) difficult but interesting content is also a great motivation booster. Understanding interesting series and books is my main reason to learn the language. It's very hard right now, but as long as I keep going it will get easier over time.
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cerise-on-top · 2 years
Ok ok I think I have a idea for swap personality. It's kinda like a base start you can make up the rest . So what happened is that let's just say while fighting one of the bosses a reset happens and this time player didn't do it , it happened on its own . Their personality got switched but player and felt like it's normal for them
So maybe write what judge , zacharie, gardians (and maybe the elsen) thinks about it
Sorry if it doesn't make sense *poof out of exsistance *
Don't worry, it makes perfect sense to me! We did talk about that beforehand, after all! Again, it's an interesting concept! And thank you for indulging me on this one as well!
Personality Swap (Swap AU)
It’s rather… odd to him, to see the puppet act like the puppeteer and vice versa. While he wouldn’t be particularly shocked by that outcome, training a stoic puppet was something new.
He would definitely voice that there was something going on, even if he didn’t particularly know what that might be. I mean, he is well aware of the personality swap, just not what may have caused it. Some things are beyond the eye of the cat, after all.
Considering the oddity of it all, Judge might just join you in your adventures to seek out the power causing this baloney. And if he doesn’t join you explicitly, expect him to be around more than he usually would, not only giving you hints, but also asking questions neither of you would know the proper answer to.
The moment he felt another reset hit the game, he expected nothing in particular. The Player wanted to relive this adventure another time? Very well, he was up to playing his role.
When he saw an empathetic Batter for the first time, he was confused. Something wasn’t right after all. And when both of you claimed it had always been this way, Zacharie would play along for now. Considering his charisma, it would be easy enough. He was a video game merchant, he would show up when needed, and when not? He would look for that threat himself as well.
When Batter mentioned it wasn’t him, that did the reset, that was when he grew truly worried. With this information, he tried looking through the code to find out what happened, maybe even consulting his old pal Judge to find out more. But eventually, as he is a mere merchant, he would settle down and just accept it. Was he really capable of making a change, after all?
This would make fighting you either a lot harder or a lot easier. While the puppet was stoic, the puppeteer showed emotions and empathy, so perhaps he could make up for those times he lost.
Dedan wouldn’t care all that much about the personality swap, what was important was the fact he would win. This was really just another opportunity for him to do what was right to him. Protecting his people was one thing, making sure the other zones had been delivered the goods and resources they need another.
Overall, he will try to use this as an advantage to try and intimidate Batter a bit more, regardless of whether he fails or not. Keeping his zone impure and alive was his goal, and as long as he could achieve that, he could keep going, no matter what.
This was not at all what he expected, nor remembered. The saviour was supposed to be kind, not seemingly void of emotion. He had his doubts about whether or not that truly was the saviour, but who else would challenge him?
Japhet had his people to punish for their cowardice, his own sons, even if he knew it was wrong. While he couldn’t make amends on his own, he had been awaiting the two of you. There was little left for him to fight for but his own life, so he, too, decided to go all out. Even if he missed your kind voice at the end of the battle.
It didn’t feel right. Nothing about this did. If he could have, he would have reversed this. But alas, he could only accept defeat with grace as he watched his zone get purified, with you and Batter walking away as if a different time had never existed.
Another opportunist, even if he does try to find an answer as to what happened in his mind. If something was capable of tampering with the Player, then it must be capable of so much more. Definitely a threat worth thinking about as it could impede his sugar production.
Just before his first fight, he would tell you about what the two of you used to be like and what you had accomplished then. Even going as far as giving you a theory or two regarding what he thinks might have happened. But either way, he would give it his all to defeat the two of you and keep the sugar production working.
In reality, it’s really not the two of you that he fears the most, it’s whatever is behind your swap that’s making him a bit nervous. But no matter what, this dystopia had to go on. If something was to rival his status as a godly figure, then it was to confront him itself.
Not only would they be terribly confused, the ones of the first two zones would be even more timid and shy when talking to you as well. Batter was tall and his physique was scary like that, you showed little emotion and the tone you spoke in was very direct.
The Elsen would be more apprehensive than usual, confronting you even less if they didn’t absolutely have to and try to steer clear, if possible. You could gain their trust a bit by saving them still, like what happens in the residential area, but it would take a lot longer for them to fully trust you.
As for the ones in zone 3, they’d be even more aggressive, seeing you as an even bigger threat than before. They don’t care about whether any of this in that situation was right or wrong, you are enemies, you were going to take their sugar. You were strong, so they had to be as well.
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silverskye · 1 year
Hello everyone! This will be a new introduction to the blog and myself. I’ve always wanted to do a new intro and hopefully meet some cool people. My name is Jess and I am in my mid-twenties. I’m not new to tumblr and have been on this site for years, this blog is somewhat new. 
 A little about my interests I enjoy anime, (k)dramas, k-pop, video games, self-care, journaling, and of course writing. I consider myself to be shy & an introvert. I’m trying to get out of my comfort zone and talk to mutuals, it’s easier said than done. I’m always up for conversations about our aligned interests or just to say hello. 
I am looking for mutual blogs that have the same interest as me, as well as blogs that love to write and don’t mind being mutual with a multifandom blog.
K-Pop: I’ll start by staying I’m a multistan. I adore a lot of groups and try to keep up with every one of them, tho it can be trying and hard at times. Here are a few groups that I enjoy and try to keep up with - Kard, BlackPink, Monsta X, Shinee, BTS, Stray Kids, Seventeen, Victon, Twice, Red Velvet, The Rose, Xdinary Heroes & many more. I am more consistent when it comes to solos and bands.  
Anime:  I haven’t been an anime fan for long, maybe 3 years, but have found a lot of great shows that have made me really happy, or you know cry a few times. Oh!! sometimes I do anime reviews on my blog or randomly talk about episodes. Here are a few of my favorites: Fruits Basket, Free!, Cardfight Vanguard Overdress, Food Wars!, Boruto, Burning Kabaddi, Idolish7,  Aoashi, A3!, K, Jujutsu Kaisen, Moriarty the Patriot, Sasaki and Miyano, Yu-Gi-Oh!, The Case Study of Vanitas, Spy x Family & many more.
Gaming: Final Fantasy 15, Final Fantasy 7 & FF&R, FF Crisis Core, The Legend of Zelda (all games), God of War, Ghost of Tashima, The Last of us, Horizon Zero Dawn, Assassin’s Creed (1 - 4 & Unity), Genshin Impact, Obey me!, Resident Evil, Animal Crossing & many more.
Video games have always been apart of my life, even if I take a break from the gaming world I always return. I love retro games like Castelvania, Spyro, Crash bandicoot, Majora’s Mask, Ocarina of Time, Duck Hunt ect. I am a big nintendo fan and currently playing Triangle Strategy. 
Writing: Currently I am taking a break from writing, but do occasionally share random facts about my ocs, and sometimes I like to look for pic crews to create how I imagine how they look like. I like writing about relationships between people, mostly platonic, tho I don’t mind romance between characters, it can lead to a lot of chemistry and love that doesn’t have to lead to a romantic relationship. I am mostly interested in writing relationships between people, how close people are able to be beyond normal standards in our society. I believe people are able to be really close and have a sense of feeling like they’re soulmates, but without the romance, or intimate details that could with romance. (I don’t know if that makes any sense.) 
Thanks for reading. Feel free to like or comment. Have a great day!!
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workscounselingcenter · 9 months
The Importance of Hobbies
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One of the first questions you get asked when meeting someone new is “what do you like to do?” And if you are at all like me then at one point or another you have probably thought “Well, with what little free time I have, I enjoy sleeping. But I don’t think that’s the best response.” I completely understand the stress and time pit that is working, going to school, and generally trying to be an adult. So it makes sense that a lot of people think that they don’t have time for hobbies. However, there are a lot of benefits to finding a hobby you enjoy even if you just dedicate a very small amount of time to it. A hobby can be anything you enjoy. Some people enjoy exercising, reading, playing games, making art. My personal favorite hobby at the moment is crochet.
So how do you find a hobby you enjoy? You can always get the sampler platter and just try different things until something sticks. You can walk through a Michael’s or Joann’s and see if anything stands out. Another option is seeing if your friends have ideas of things you might enjoy. You could also try out local classes or join Facebook groups centered around X hobby.
Okay, I found something I like. So what? That’s great! One way that hobbies help us is by allowing us to do something challenging but not too challenging that gives us a sense of mastery. You see this in video games or exercising. If you start at level 100 you will get discouraged just like if you start with the tutorial it’s possible it will feel too easy. There’s a sweet spot when things are just hard enough to offer a challenge that we feel we can get through. And that is an excellent feeling and where the best learning occurs, when we are challenged enough to stay interested but not so challenged we give up.
Hobbies also can use parts of our brain that aren’t usually engaged in our day to day activities. As we grow up, a lot of us end up in more sedentary jobs and lifestyles where we don’t get to be creative all the time. So picking up a hobby allows us to use those parts of our brain that we may have not used in a long time. Creativity doesn’t have to be just artwork like drawing or painting. It can be knitting, color by number, reading, or any number of other things.
Hobbies help us with mindfulness. Mindfulness is an extremely useful tool for humans. It can help us deal with mental illness like anxiety and depression as well as helping for symptoms of just general stress. Slowing down and focusing on one thing that we enjoy (i.e. a hobby) helps us practice mindfulness. The more we practice mindfulness, the easier it becomes.
Hobbies also can help us recharge ourselves. With all of the responsibilities that we face, it can be easy to put ourselves on the back burner. Or use what little time we have to just zone out or sleep. However, using hobbies can be a way that we engage in self care. We are taking a conscious effort to do something that we enjoy and focusing on it rather than zoning out.
So, now that you know some of the benefits of hobbies, I hope that you are able to try to find something you enjoy doing and start to implement it. Even if it starts as 5 minutes a day or one hour a week!
Please be in touch. We would be more than happy to discuss how we may be able to help.
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appreciatingtokrev · 1 year
that's true, i just keep reminding myself that nothing last forever but i am a bit sad about the ending. do you normally go to an art museum? ah, i suppose life is full of surprises, you never know what is around the corner. that's great, it's better to see things as the cup half full than empty.
i think gi will still be the company's most successful game. do you just stick to PC games then? isn't hsr the only one whose have a voice for the MC? i'm always phone based so i'm lost with the letters lol. wait, you can play it in class? 👀
don't worry, quite a few people retake a year no matter what country they are in so you're not the only one and i understand retaking a year more than once can be a bit demotivating but you can get through this.
just try not to beat yourself up about it, you are trying your best. yes, extra time to re-evaluate some options, would you like to goes into the STEMs? or another field?
i can imagine lmao, some kpop fans are too extreme though where they end up becoming saesangs. which kpop group did she introduce you to? i am an ex-kpop fan so i no longer know about the current groups.
those earrings would stand out wherever you would go especially since they are gold coloured lol. i have actually seen some shorts on YouTube of users styling their wigs and it's look like a profession because of how hard it look 💀 i'm wondering you might find a 15th february person? who know lmao but birthday twin would be most exciting. our time zone difference seem to be one hour apart so we should be able to wish each other on our days? i'll probably come off anon when it happen 🙂
you can take another shirt that fit you properly and ask them to use the shirt for guidance or get proper measurements. i just scrolled up the sleeves for mine lol. it is only the sleeves and nothing too complex so i can't imagine it will be expensive.
yeah, of course. i feel the same whenever any of my friendships or relationships or whatever end bc at the end there was still a lot of love and care involved. i love going to art museums <3 i generally love art and museums lol. i visit a bunch of museums every year, usually with my father, my godmother or said friend i mentioned. so yeah ig i usually visit them?
agreed lol, i mean hi3rd was already big before genshin but genshin topped it off still. omg my phone literally only has 16gb of storage so i can’t play any games on there ajdkffjskaj meaning i very much stick to my laptop. hi3rd doesn’t have a mc the way gi/hsr do and kiana does have a voice plus gi’s mc is occasionally voiced (only during cutscenes i think?). the mc in hsr is definitley voiced a lot more tho. i mean... i shouldn’t be playing any video games in class..... but always work on our devices anyways....... and i’d much rather play hi3rd than do french in class... ajdkfjdjsk (i’m not a good example of a student ajdkgkksj)
aa ty :) i’m doing great in school rn bc it’s all topics i’ve had before at a different school haha and i hope it’ll stay like this for a while, but let’s see. i’m also in the process of getting meds for my adhd so hopefully i’ll be able to study easier sometime in the future. honestly idk what i wanna do later rn... psychology or biology, specifically marine biology maybe? i’d love to be a marine biologist, but i get sea sick :/ though at the moment i’m mostly leaning towards studying medicine so i can work in forensic medicine. but luckily i still have at least a year to decide.
yeah, the kpop fans... she mostly introduced me to stray kids. i’m not like a big kpop fan, but i do have a playlist with kpop songs i like bc of her lol.
aren’t they silver colored tho? i made mine in silver at least ajdkfkks. but yeah, agreed. yeah, wig styling does look difficult tbh 💀 but. i believe in myself. if i believe enough it’s got to work...
maybe, who knows. ohh no more anon z next february 16th :0 hehe, i’ll gladly wait until then :3
ahh i have no long-sleeved shirts that correctly fit me ajfjfjhsk the only ones i’ve got left are from when my parents made me buy them bc i dislike them and prefer oversized hoodies and stuff by a lot lol. thanks for the tip though
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gloryofluv · 3 years
How the Last Three Brothers react to MC with ADHD
So this is the last half of the brothers. I also added some bonus content at the bottom in regards to all of them!
Here's the first four in case you missed them!
Heard about it from Satan. Was amused, but definitely didn’t care too much about it.
After meeting you the first time he decides that you’re not quite his type, but is friendly anyway. It wasn’t until he noticed that you were trying to mimic his makeup and did a stellar job that he was interested. He flat out asks you why.
When you express that he’s the most beautiful friendliest demon and wants to fit in more that he gushes! He immediately starts to have beauty sessions and finds out through teaching you proper hair care that you confess that you never feel like you fit in and want to, that he asks more about your ADHD.
Telling Asmo is easier than Lucifer. Mostly because he’s hugging you and brushing out your hair. Relaxing you into a state where you’re able to admit how awkward it makes you feel.
He immediately makes it his goal to improve your self-confidence! Doesn’t ask. Barges into your room with products, brushes, and other items at least once a week. You review the week and he listens to your worries. If someone is bothering you at RAD, he has ways of ending their lives in social suicide.
This beautiful boy becomes your gal pal with benefits. He always has something healthy to offer for your skin, clothing that he wants you to try on, and never says one horrible thing about you. He LOVES that you want assistance with your Devilgram and makeup. He even doesn’t mind when you zone out. He’ll be patient and repeat it.
Alone time? Well, don’t expect him to leave you completely alone. He’ll text you and not worry about receiving answers right away. He knows sometimes you just need to hear what he does. You give him so many compliments that his ego is boosted through the roof. He suddenly can’t live without you!!! Don’t leave him, okay? Other than Solomon, he’s never adored a human this much.
This boy. He didn’t care, but not because he was indifferent. He was just like, okay??? Doesn’t get it.
Notices you don’t snack or you snack all the time. No in-between. That’s a problem. Humans need to eat, right? Starts to make extra afternoon snacks for you. Doesn’t even make a big deal out of it. He just knocks on your door with water and a plate, offering them and leaving.
Notices that you’re tired or ready to run for a mile. No middle. Starts to ask if you want to go with him every day and will carry you on his back if you’re tired. Once something happens once it’s routine. Expect a knock at your door every afternoon with a snack and then going for a jog.
He isn’t as interested in the clinical details but asks you what it means when you become closer. You explain in a simplistic fashion why your brain is weird. He laughs and nods but still says he likes you just the way you are.
If you ever get sad, he will definitely ask if he can help. If you get tired, he’s used to carrying around a tired teddy bear. He offers to carry you. If you’re stress he’ll ask if he can give you some of his snacks and hug you.
He really likes you. A lot. You’re always saying how sweet, kind, and gentle he is. He’s just himself, but he always glows when you say it. It makes him warm and fuzzy.
If anyone makes you cry. Be prepared for this gentle giant to go full apocalyptic demon. He will ruin them! It doesn’t matter if he finds out after the fact. He will find them and eat them. No one fucks with his little human cupcake. Well, inedible cupcake, he’d never eat you. (Well… he had thoughts when you playfully tease, but no. He could never hurt you and worries about that.)
Beel is literally your bodyguard and teddy bear. Expect big hugs, head pats, and plenty of food. That’s the way he shows his love. You will have to tell him you can’t eat so much and he can have it and to tell you how it tastes. He’d be happy to share that and anything else of his. He’d give you anything because he sincerely loves you like his brothers. Maybe more? Food = love, right?
Meets you well after there are established routines. He notices how you are so odd for a human. He likes it, but then he doesn’t, but then he really does. He asks Beel about it and that’s how he finds out about your ADHD.
A weird brain? That might be fun. He uses that as a base to start contact with you. You tell him all about it without resistance and explain how the last several months have gone.
He suddenly has the urge to see how much your quirky personality is entertaining for him. He asks you to tell him more stories, they don’t even have to be about the Devildom. You tell him all the funny and ridiculous stories laying with him in the planetarium. It was… endearing.
He instantly adored you. You made him feel something more than bitter and tired. He listened to you and snoozed, opening an eye every so often to see you smiling and animatedly talking. He liked the inflections in your voice. He liked the smile on your lips. He liked that you were weird because he is sure as fuck was.
The fact that you were unique and still felt awkward in your own skin except when you were alone made him identify. Sees you. Sees that your struggles didn’t define you. Your issues, no matter the list, didn’t make you angry or mean.
Not only did he value your forgiveness and care. He valued your differences the most. He didn’t care if you were a bit wild or sad or even stressed. He would pull you into a tight snuggle and kiss your hair. He’d wait until you were almost napping in his arms to say he’d never let anyone else ever hurt you. He would love you for every piece of you for eternity.
He’d never admit to his soft and fluffy side in front of his brothers, often teasing you, but his hinted smile only reinforced your private friendship. It was all part of the layers you both built so no one truly could dig to the fluffy pillows you were.
Soon naps and confessions became routine in the afternoons after RAD. He would spill his heart out in return for your sincerity. It would make you mushy and relax you so that you could release the day.
Expect Beel and Belphie to become inseparable with you. The minute this little cuddle bear identifies that you are his squishy human, he tells his twin it’s their job to make sure you never leave them. He is a bit demanding but always returns the favor in different subtle ways.
Expect midnight texts and asking you to come up to his room or the attic. Insomnia is no longer really an option. The moment he latches onto you, you’re comforted like a weighted blanket and out in minutes.
Expect secretive treats, blankets, and gifts left in discreet places for you. Expect him to wait for you outside the classroom if you’re not together with Beel holding him up. Oh, and don’t even think you’re getting out of it. He found the one thing he loves more in life than sleeping. He dreams about you all the time and will tell you all about them, even the dirty ones to your chagrin. This demon boy will do anything to keep you happy and his.
~BONUS~ Fun additives!
Lucifer often asks Mammon to be sure that you aren’t stressing over homework and has him go check on you. That usually leads to some antic that makes you relax and have more fun and less anxiety.
Satan has a favorite blanket that he’ll wrap you both in when you’ve had a long day. It has aromatherapy and helps him too. It’s weighted and often both of you relax and find a way to laugh over books or a cat video.
Asmodeus has a whole wish list on Akuzon made just for you. Some items are personal care, others are cute stuffed animals because he knows you have bad days. Lucifer knows of this list and will often offer some money for doing a simple task so he can buy them for you.
Belphie will tolerate sharing your time with Leviathan to play video games or watch anime. As long as you allow him to curl against you so he can watch you smile or hear the thrum of your voice as you talk to Levi about the game or show.
If you are crying and Lucifer caught you, he will pull you into his study. Sit you down with tea and ask you what’s wrong. If you tell him it’s just a bad moment, he will break formality and stroke your hair. He will tell you stories about his brothers so that you start to smile and relax. He fucking lives for that smile.
Satan sets up mock adventures through the Devildom so that you enjoy the impulse of adventure without the dangers. (Mammon does enough endangerment to your impulses!) He will be sure while setting it up that it’s human proof. He also asks Solomon for extra warding charms for you without telling you. They’re usually hand-made bracelets that Satan crafted and attuned by the sorcerer.
Leviathan will do check-ins when you’re at RAD and he isn’t. If you feel upset about something, he will quote TSL at you to give you courage. Then when you get home, he will have a video game you have to try. Soon you’ve forgotten about the stressful day.
Asmodeus will take pictures with you allllll the time. He says it’s for him because he’s so beautiful, but his captions are always about how gorgeous you are while tagging you. Half of RAD thinks you’re dating just because of how much you’re on his Devilgram.
Beel will listen to everything you say. He may not respond immediately, but he evaluates it. If you’re having a really rough go at something, he will ask Belphie what to do. Often he’ll just sit with you or ask if you want to help him in the garden just so he can try to make you smile. He’s not horribly good with bad feels, but he will do anything for you.
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until2022 · 4 years
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Until2022′s Guide to Catching Up When You’re Drastically Behind in Study:
I. Assess the damage
The first step in the plan is to confront how bad the situation is and then make some calls about what you can realistically achieve in the time you have left. 
List everything you have to do, down to exact detail - don’t write ‘catch up on readings for Virology’, but instead note down every chapter. This will make it a lot easier to gauge how much time and energy you need for each assignment or exam, and will help to motivate you as you work through. 
Use an Eisenhower matrix to sort these tasks:
Important and Urgent: Any and all compulsory assignments, exams, tests, etc. 
Important but Not Urgent: Lectures for upcoming exams, compulsory readings or labs, etc.
Urgent but Not Important: Additional homework or tasks that are due soon but aren’t worth much, like logbooks or small quizzes
Not Important and Not Urgent: Additional readings, nice lecture notes, and other ‘good-to-haves’
Now cross out everything that you can afford not to do. That’s going to be everything in your ‘Not Important and Not Urgent’ zone, and probably all of the things in your ‘Urgent but Not Important’ zone. I know that it’s annoying not to get everything done, or to sacrifice the 5% that you could have gotten, but unless you can do it in 10 minutes and it’s really worth it you simply don’t have the time to spare here. 
Having said that, if a class has lots of small assignments due, don’t overlook them because they’re not worth much on their own - make sure you take a look at the overall percentage left to go in that subject. If you can dedicate a whole day to just that subject and smash through all those assignments in one, you’re crossing a lot of work off your list. For example, I have weekly quizzes and 2% labs in my Pathology course - if I’m behind, I’ll dedicate a whole day and do all of those assessments. That’s 20% out of the way and a big leap towards catching up. 
II. Tackle the low-hanging fruit
Seeing the product of countless days of procrastination is probably pretty daunting right now. I could offer you platitudes here but it’s a lot easier for you to actually take some action and feel better about it yourself, so:
Do everything that will take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Reply to those emails, the messages in the assignment group chat, upload your peer assessment, do all the little things you need to do for someone else. That should cross out a big chunk of things from your list, and you’ll be left with the important stuff like finishing assignments and studying for exams. 
If you’re panicking (seeing the huge list of stuff which you have to finish in an impossibly short time will often do this!) then try an easy square breathing exercise. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4, repeat. Splashing cold water on your face is helpful too, as is having a glass of water. Do not use this time to procrastinate! It might sound like a good idea to relax by watching Youtube or Netflix, scrolling through Instagram or playing a video game, but you’re going to be sucked back into the procrastination game that got you here in the first place. 
III. Create your plan of attack 
You’ve left it too late to be regularly revising, so our plan of attack is basically going to be: cram every subject consecutively. This is the best way to get everything done when you’re pressed for time like this - don’t switch tasks or subjects. Interleaving subjects is great when you’re on schedule, but right now you don’t want to spend quarter of an hour getting into the groove of a certain subject and then switching before an hour has passed. 
University is just one assignment after another, no breathing space in between, especially towards the end of the semester. All you need to do is work out what’s due first and what’s worth most, order everything according to those criteria and then focus on the first assessment until you’re done. Once the assignment is handed in or you’ve sat the exam, then you can move onto the next task.
If you have two different assignments due for different classes on the same day, plan ahead so you can dedicate a full day to each subject instead of working on both at the same time. 
Plan out every single day - make sure you’re scheduling in time to eat, shower, sleep, and take breaks as well as to study. Be specific when planning your time out each day as to what tasks you’re hoping to achieve - don’t allocate too much time to any single lecture, but at the same time, be realistic about how much you can cover in one hour. 
Choose wisely based on what you do or don’t know. There isn’t much point in spending this precious time revising the things you already know you’re good at, so suck it up and schedule in the hard stuff first up, but be prepared to move on if you can’t get it down. You’re far better off going into the exam knowing 10 things badly, than 1 thing really well, so focus on the basics and if you have time to learn the more complex details then go back and do that later. 
You also need to be flexible and prepared to adjust - sometimes an assignment will take longer than expected or a day just won’t be as productive as you thought it might be. Don’t panic, just re-plan and shift things around so you keep moving in the right direction. 
IV. Grind it out 
Now that you have a clear idea of what you need to achieve and when, it’s time to get it done.  
For once, you shouldn’t need to worry about simple procrastination. You’re  probably already panicking, so turn that anxiety into motivation which will fuel you and let you focus for long time periods. Fear can be a great driver - when the threat of the exam is looming over you, it’s amazing how well you can knuckle down, assuming you don’t want to fail. 
Pack a bag with everything you need - your laptop or tablet, your charger, headphones, a water bottle and a travel mug, snacks and meals for the day, and anything else you like to have with you when you’re studying. Then take yourself to the library, the local coffee shop, the office - wherever you like to study, but don’t sit at home. There’s too many opportunities for distraction and you cannot afford that right now. Being in an environment where other people are working will motivate you to do the same. 
If you’re working on an assignment, the best way to get things done quickly is to let go of any preconceptions of doing a great job, or having a perfect draft, and instead just focusing on having a draft. Bash out the worst draft you’ve ever written, fill it with run-on sentences and spelling mistakes. But make sure you finish a draft. Then all you have to do is edit it, and it’s a lot quicker to do it this way than it is getting bogged down in the details before you’ve even begun. 
When you’re studying for exams, the number one way to learn is through active recall. There is no point in wasting time writing out a full set of notes if you’re two days out from the test. Even if you feel like you don’t know a single thing, start off straight away by testing yourself - do past exams, drill flashcards, try and write outlines or mind maps and then check your notes or textbooks and fill in what you’ve missed. If you don’t know the answer or you get it wrong, look it up and try to understand it, and then test yourself again in twenty minutes. 
It’s important to strike a balance here: don’t overextend yourself, but don’t continually take breaks. If you think you need a break, you probably don’t. Take two minutes to stretch your legs and drink some water, but do not pick up your phone. If you’re starting to feel mentally fatigued, especially after a few hours, it can be helpful to switch locations - go outside and study on a park bench, or shift to the dining hall. Sometimes the change of scenery is all you need to feel refreshed. 
V. Rinse and repeat
This is your life now. Make sure you stick to a regular sleep schedule - aim for at least six hours a night - because otherwise your fatigue levels will seriously impact your memory, retention and critical thinking abilities. It’s not worth the few extra hours you might get in, and you probably won’t be productive anyway. 
Remember that the advice I’ve given you here is based on what I do when I am severely behind, not how I study on a daily basis when I’m on top of everything. These tips aren’t all great for long-term learning, but are the most efficient way to cram when you’re behind and under pressure. 
You’ve got this. 
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monoxiid · 3 years
can i request for first date headcanons for any blue lock boys of your choice 🥺 im so glad more people wanna write for it
of course, honey! ^^ ❤️ it's true that blue lock content is rare 😔— anyway, thankchu for requesting! hope u like the characters i chose :›
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⋮☰ ┋ 𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 : headcanons about the first date of some blue lock characters ⌕
⋮☰ ┋ 𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 : Bachira Meguru、Nagi Seishiro ⌕
⋮☰ ┋ 𝐓𝐇𝐄̀𝐌𝐄 : fluff ⌕
⋮☰ ┋ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 : probably a lot of mistakes of all kinds, lightness of content? ⌕
(well, help me to find an appropriate aesthetic-)
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⠀⠀‘ ℬ𝒶𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓇𝒶 ℳℯℊ𝓊𝓇𝓊 ’ :
┃Meguru will be so excited!! You'll probably be his first girlfriend because of ... you know, his somewhat complicated childhood. Obviously, to be his partner, you would surely be someone who accepts him despite his faults, and who recognizes his qualities. He will be infinitely grateful to you for that, and the first way to show it to you will be to take you to its favorite places in the city!
┃The dark haired boy is an energetic person, naturally he will push you to be the same, pulling you out as soon as he can. He will introduce you to his friends -especially Isagi- with this proud smile on the lips. Meguru feels happy to have a girlfriend to take care of, to play video games with, but also to show off his football skills!
┃Yes, a lot of football dates. He won't hesitate to tell you if he thinks you're not good with a ball, thanks to his honest self, but it is with patience and pleasure that he will teach you how to play.
❛❛ And this is another goal from the striker Bachira Megury, what a man!!!
—I leave.
— (y/n) no—! ❜❜
┃He will not show the same enthusiasm to follow you in your own activities, but to thank you for agreeing to stay with him, he will stay with you as well. He will try as much as he can to be curious, to ask questions and to be interested in what you do, your hobbies ...
┃For an artistic s / o, he will obviously be titillated, his mother does art and it is sure that Bachira is no less creative than her. I can see him accompanying you in your painting sessions, or posing as a model for one of your drawings -not too long, though, he's a teenager who likes to move.
┃For someone as athletic as him, he will be equally happy. He will absolutely learn to play the sport you practice, go to your performances, matches etc ... and watch your training, the first to cheer you on without shame! If it's something like dancing, he'll totally be the type to carry you and turn with you in his arms.
❛❛ You see? I do the same as you!
— Ahah, you should think about converting to a dancer, then!
— I don't think that's a good idea ... Wait a minute!
— I was jok—! ❜❜
┃If you do things like team sport, he'll be more in his comfort zone, and learn to do like you faster! He will get to know your team, play with you, learn the rules...No matter what sport you play, he will act the same, with interest, because you are his girlfriend and he want to be there for you, with you.
┃If you don't even play sports, or you don't really do activities that he will be comfortable with, then maybe even better! It will be an opportunity for both of you to discover new things together and to test new experiences, without one to teach the other, just the two of you at the same level. It seems funny, isn't it?
┃The first date will probably be chaotic, Meguru will take you to any place that crosses his mind, and leave the unfinished behind, but all he wants is for you to familiarize yourself with his world, and to familiarize himself with yours.
⠀⠀‘ 𝒩𝒶ℊ𝒾 𝒮ℯ𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓇ℴ ’ :
┃👏date👏inside 👏
┃For the first time, it will be really simple, probably Seishiro pulling you into his house after school. And cuddles, that's all. Not even video games, not even televisions, screens, chatting, just the two of you cuddling on his bed. And always a nap that could take time.
┃Take advantage of Reo's money? Take advantage of Reo's money. But only sometimes, because Nagi is never for expensive and luxurious things. He prefers sofa to caviar, logical coming from someone like him.
┃But, being a soccer fan, it makes sense that if you ask him, he won't refuse to come out to shoot the ball a bit. He's not going to take it easy with you, though. If he's easier to block, it's only because of his incredible laziness, sorry.
┃As for your hobbies, he will only be interested if you mention them, he will not join you -or rarely- but will accept with pleasure to watch you. You are his girlfriend, he will make exceptions.
┃But the majority of the time, your dates will consist of you finding yourself on the couch, arms in each other, on your phones, talking to each other, even if it can end in a monologue. He's not very talkative, but absolutely loves it when you're having a conversation on your own without necessarily responding. He could listen to your voice for hours, and even fall asleep more easily with it.
┃If you like video games, he will be happy to play with you. He could be a bad player if you win, but he still enjoys these common moments that you both have. Obviously, he will be the first to taunt you if you win.
❛❛Oh, I won again. Strange, I thought you were the best at this game, (y / n) ...
—Sh-shut up! I'll take back control!!
— Ahah, of course, darling. ❜❜
┃He doesn't care that you don't want to go out, he will always agree with you on this point but sometimes he doubts himself and thinks that you would have had enough of him, who never takes you in places as fancy as Reo could, so sometimes he'll invite you to a restaurant. But it's not hard to see that he's not in his element, and you should quickly figure out what's going on. Seishiro will be relieved to hear you say that you don't care about the superfluous, that what you love is to be with him, no matter where you are.
❛❛ Oh my god, you are so sweet. I dunno what to say. ❜❜
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chaoswrites · 4 years
hiya darling! can i request hcs for akaashi, osamu, and kuroo (separately) with an s/o that has like an opposite personality from them? like, kuroo with a shy s/o that he enjoys making flustered, and akaashi and osamu with a more extroverted s/o that's always bright and bubbly. thank you so much!
Akaashi, Osamu, and Kuroo Having an S/o with the Opposite Personality
word count: 1687
a/n: hopefully this is meets your expectations. kuroo’s isn't as long as i wanted it to be but i wanted to get it posted. i actually had a lot of fun writing this so thank you for requesting :) feel free to send in requests, i love writing them and using them as an excuse to not do homework. enjoy and thank you for reading~
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when akaashi first met you, he was having a bad day
the usual calm and collected setter was on the verge of cracking under the stress from a little thing called life
he was barely on time for class meaning he wasn't able to grab anything to eat before the bell; he had to deal with a mopey bokuto, and not knowing the cause, he was unable to fix his mood which resulted in bokuto following him around everywhere, whining and refusing to go to his own class most of the time; and he had to forfeit half of his lunch when someone (read: bokuto) somehow set it on fire (don't ask how, nobody knows, it wasn't even heated up or anything)
needless to say, he was hungry and exhausted from dealing with an even wore bokuto who wouldn't stop apologizing for “almost killing him”
when you walked in to practice following his two managers, it could have gone one of two ways:
one, your upbeat personality would be able to lift his spirits and be the bright beacon on his gloomy day, or
two, it could've caused him a greater headache knowing he would have to converse with someone so extroverted and expressive on the one day he wanted to hide away from the world when you made everything seemed so positive and all he wanted to do was tear his hair out from frustration on the unlucky hand he was dealt for the day
luckily for you and everyone in the vicinity, it was the former
your smiles and encouraging comments turned bokuto’s mood around, wanting to show off his skills rather than looking lame in front of this new person who has yet to see what he could do
solving one of his problems so easily drew him towards you, he wanted to know your secrets and also wanted you around all the time
after your introduction to each other that day, you both began to talk more and more
he found out you're a newfound friend of yukie and kaori even though you're a second year and that you're a food enthusiast like yukie and that you tend to talk a lot, not that its something he isn't accustomed to dealing with due to bokuto, it actually makes it easier to hang out when you tend to take charge of the conversations
the closer you guys got, the more it confused everyone else
no one expected the introverted and reserved akaashi to willingly subject himself to someone so talkative, especially since he deals with bokuto on the daily
but as more time went passed everyone accepted it as the new normal so when you two finally started dating, it surprised no one
you two were eventually known as the iconic pair of opposite personalities that seemed to just fit together, along with your third wheel that you couldn't seem to ever shake, not that akaashi expected bokuto to leave him alone once he started dating, he resigned himself to forever being his babysitter
you both complimented each other nicely, you being the open, bubbly conversationalist and akaashi there to reign you back whenever needed
nobody could see you two with anyone else
when the volleyball team, including his twin, finally found out about you two, you were already dating for two months
the ever reserved man he is, he refused to let you meet anyone on the team in hopes to lessen the teasing (how wrong he was)
you didn't particularly mind, just happy to be dating him
although you did wish to be able to be more open about your relationship at school, you respected his wishes and left the more coupley aspects to when you're not around those who know you two
spending time and studying at your house and going out on days without practice became rituals between you two
the day you met the rest of the team was memorable, to say the least
you were over at osamu’s house, a rare occurrence that only happened when he knew atsumu was going to be gone the whole night
this particular day he was supposed to be working on a project with Ginjima and was planning to spend the night 
so there you were, osamu making you another one of his delicious creations in the kitchen while you were watching and telling him stories about your day at school
neither of you noticed when the front door of the miya household opened, in walk two boys that had realized they forgot vital materials at atsumu’s and walked over to get the work
as soon as the boys cross the threshold they freeze, surprised to hear an unfamiliar voice filling the usually quiet walls that occupy the house when the more expressive twin is absent 
let’s just say, when they walked into the kitchen and saw you, talking cheerfully and excitedly, and osamu, smiling and acknowledging the stranger at the various pauses you have during your storytelling, they were a little confused 
who was this person and why didn't they no about them?
atsumu, ever the antagonist, sat down next to you at the table and decided to throw his arm over your shoulders and leaning in, startling you and effectively ending your speech
at the sudden silence, osamu turns around confused to ask you what's wrong only to see his brother hanging off of you with the biggest smirk he could muster
before he could say a word, atsumu pulls out his phone and sends the message to end this man’s whole career into the volleyball group chat
in an instant, the whole volleyball team arrived at the miya house, filling the empty space of the kitchen, trying to get a look at “the friend” atsumu announced that a certain closed-off wing spiker had as company
having already pulled you away from his annoying brother, the numerous eyes in the room focused on you two standing awfully close to be just “friends”
the conversation wasn't as exciting as one might think
it pretty much went
osamu: “yes we’re dating. leave us alone”
then he grabbed your hand and dragged you over to your house instead
the rest of the team were left in various states of shock, not expecting him to be so blunt or to even admit it
the next day, you followed your boyfriend to his morning practice, ready to officially introduce yourself to everyone
when they saw you both come in, hands intertwined, the snarky remarks died on their tongues with your bubbly introduction
the contrast between their laidback hitter and the talkative newcomer that rivaled even atsumu’s vibrant personality surprised even the most conservative of the bunch
the rest of the practice consisted of many of the team members (mostly atsumu) asking you questions while attempting to avoid punishments from kita for not paying attention to practice and glares from osamu for invading his privacy
the initial shock of such an unlikely pair quickly dwindled after realizing how much osamu adores you, through all the quick glances and fond smiles when you continued to rant about your first date or some of your favorite things
not to say there wasn't any teasing, atsumu and the rest of the team gave him hell for the rest of his life for attempting to hide your relationship
dating this man is something else
luckily for you, even though he is more extroverted now, he was very introverted as a child, and is very used to dealing with introverts since he's best friends with kenma
so he'd be very understanding if you were shy and not very big on interacting with people
that doesn't mean he wouldn't push you out of your comfort zone every once in a while or tease the hell out of you
he knows your limits and when to pull back if it’s too much
when you first start dating, he’ll make sure that he's always checking up on you to make sure comfortable
he’ll drop everything to make sure you're ok and not being pressured into anything
but once you get comfortable around him and he knows you trust him he’ll make it his personal mission to fluster you
while he is nowhere near the confident fuck boy that most of the fandom makes him out to be, he won't back down on the chance to tease you
most of this came from flirting
bringing you with to volleyball practice (after he is 100 percent sure you are comfortable with the team, he doesn't want to put you in a gym full a people you can't relax around), he will use every opportunity to embarrass you
he’ll show off constantly to turn you into a stuttering mess
leaning over you on the bench to reach his water bottle that just so happened to have been forgotten beside you
wiping his face off with his shirt when he knows you're watching him play just to see you avoid his eyes when he catches you staring
most of the time, kenma takes pity on you
he’ll sneak you out of the gym when kuroo is distracted and let you watch him play video games while avoiding practice
both of you being introverts started a strong friendship between you two
the number of times kuroo went on the hunt for you only to find you guys shoulder to shoulder, kenma showing you something new on his psp, quiet mumbles being passed from one to the other
kuroo was very happy that you two found comfort in each other, glad that kenma put an effort into making sure you were comfortable just as much as him
no one was really surprised on the relationship that bloomed between you and kuroo
at this point, most of team believed he was just taking in introverts under his wing
some were kinda concerned before they realized that wasn't the case
overall, the best person for someone more on the shy side is kuroo because he would be the perfect combination of pushing your limits and understanding your reluctance to be so open
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everything (minus smaus) taglist: open
@woodygirl127 @remuswriting @cleopatera 
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Some things I wish I had known before getting sucked into the whole “dark academia” business:
I waited a very long time to start posting here because It just seemed necessary to wait a bit since DA exploded out of nowhere last year. I just couldn’t bring myself to write when I was so disgusted with the community. Now that it seems like we are out of fashion again (lol) I decided it could be worth giving this blog a try.
Also, almost everything I say here goes for pretty much any change in lifestyle, and these are just some general guidelines that I find particularly easy to follow, but do what works best for you!
1 - You DON’T have to spend all of your money to fit into this “aesthetic”.
The biggest problem with what is now called dark academia (but really, it has been a thing for such a long time) is that people put it in the same category as, for instance, VSCO girls or Indie (not that there is any problem with these aesthetics in specific, they are actually quite cute!). I know this sounds like rubbish, but DA really is a little bit more than that. The clothing/visual part of it may be important to some, but the way you choose to live your life and the hobbies you opt to engage with are crucial for everyone!
That being said, don’t spend a ridiculous amount of money on expensive linen shirts and fancy blazers. You don’t need a brand new pair of Oxfords or a 100% leather messenger bag to consider yourself DA. Start small, then make investments if you find it to be worth it. That brings us to our second point:
2 - Find your favourite aspect of the community.
I know it can be very overwhelming to adhere to any new style of living, but there are some easier ways to make a smoother transition (also, you don’t really want everyone to notice that you went from water to wine in one week, and then back to water after two more because you felt lost amidst all of those weird nerds you found on Tumblr, right?).
Begin with figuring out what part of the lifestyle you identify with the most. Is it the musical part? Classical dance? Are you into poetry? Books? History?
Once you have that done (I plan on doing posts on all of those topics and more, so stay tuned!), narrow it down until you find the very core of your interest. For example, I absolutely love literature, but what do I love about it? Is it the writing part? The reading part? Both? Do I have a favourite style? If the answer for the previous question is ‘no’, try to find one! There are so many amazing styles and eras to explore!
After determining what is/are your main interests, make sure to find time to fit them into your life. Buy more books, if possible. There are also public libraries with a great variety of literature to choose from! If you already do that, I encourage you to try getting out of your comfort zone and attempting something new. Why not experiment reading a different style of books? Or maybe getting into the more poetic part of literature?
3 - Get into it!
Have you found your main interest? Great! Now it may be time to actually get into the fashion aspect of the whole thing. Also, remember that, although it is not a requirement per say, being academically successful is something you may want to achieve, so put some effort into that as well.
I won’t get too much into the fashion rabbithole, but I may write something about it later. In the meantime, you can definitely find some great guides on different DA related blogs.
4 - Don’t adhere to all the negative habits that DA romanticizes.
We all know that mental illness and self destructive behaviors are heavily romanticised, and I will say this from the bottom of my heart: DO NOT LET YOUR MENTAL HEALTH SLIP BECAUSE OF SOME 15 YEAR OLD ON TUMBLR! Trust me, it is NOT worth it.
Cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, all-nighters, heavier drugs. All of that may seem cool and edgy from the outside (why people think that, I could not tell you), but it can also defeat the main purpose of DA and, even worse, ruin your physical and mental health for good. How are you going to stay ahead in school and go to Oxford if you are too busy partying and snorting coke? You will get a sore nose and a big hole in your pocket, that’s all.
Nihilism is another one. Note that I said “nihilism”, not "existentialism" (more on that coming in the future). If you enjoy pondering the reason for human existence and you question the religious beliefs that control our society, welcome to the club! But please, please, don’t let that get too much in your head. Existential depression is a very painful and difficult thing to deal with. It will take away any joy you may find and it is not in any way productive. If you have it, you will know what I mean. Thinking about it sometimes, writing poems, debating with friends, that’s all good, even encouraged, but don’t let it go to your head and become a problem. Not worth it.
Some extra things I would like to mention:
1 - Don’t force yourself into doing or enjoying anything. Sure, reading is good, but if it isn’t enjoyable there is no reason to become obsessed with it! DA should not be a burden.
2 - Stay away from the eurocentric ideals that come with the community. Racism is bad even if you want to live in the 1800s. There is simply no excuse to think that European culture is richer or more refined than any other. Remember that the only reason you think that is because some rich, old, white men decided to murder and opress millions of different people for pure egoism. Not really something to be proud of.
Also, if you are thinking “Yeah, whatever, but English culture is a lot nicer than Mexican, or Indian culture”, then you should probably reevaluate the reasons for your interest in DA.
3 - Don’t be mean to people just because you think it fits with your all-new pretentious and arrogant character. I don’t care if you want to be perceived as such, but it can be very bad in the long-run. Just be aware of that.
And most importantly, don’t let DA take away your personality! It’s okay to like video games and read gossip magazines every once in a while. It is also okay to be yourself. You don’t have to (and probably shouldn't) get rid of all the qualities that make you unique (yes, this is a cliche, but there is a reason why people say it all the time). Be silly, say dumb things and play minecraft with your friends all night, for godsakes!
“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”
(Hamlet - Polonius, act 1 scene 3)
-- Shakespeare, William
Memento Mori, dear villains.
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waumpel · 4 years
I have adhd. I'm taking all online classes this semester for college. Somehow, I'm not failing. Here's what I do that works for me!
1. I have an alarm that makes me do math every morning to turn it off, it's called Alarmy! 📚
2. It also plays a different loud sound every day from random-- I have several hundred(?) ringtones downloaded from Zedge, things like songs from shows I like or Pokemon cries or MBMBAM lines, and this helps me wake up to a different sound I'm bound to like which my brain can't get used to (and then ignore). I highly suggest godzilla roars if you need to be startled awake. 📚
3. This is SUPER HARD but I always try to force myself to sit up in bed when I'm turning off my alarm or checking my phone or whatever, so I'm not tempted to pass out again. I also like to get up and loudly tell my cats "good morning" so I wake us both up 📚
4. PLEASE STOP EATING CEREAL AND BAGELS AND STUFF. You would not BELIEVE the difference it makes when you eat things like fruits and eggs in the morning. NO MORE 10AM NAPS, I'M WATCHING YOU 📚
5. I literally schedule in Duolingo time. If you aren't learning a language you can do some other enriching activity like this, idk. I force myself to do it on my computer, not phone, so I can't lay down in bed when I'm doin it. I have a 101-day streak!! 📚
6. ik this isn't available to everyone but SPACE MATTERS SO MUCH!! I got a gaming desk that we put in our living room and I do ALL of my homework there. I also got a second monitor for my laptop with is SOOOO important if you're multitasking (and we all are, bc we're adhders ibdusvcjkn) 📚
7. HAND WRITE YOUR NOTES!!! I know this is super hard for many people-- I have carpal tunnel so I get it lmao. If you can't, at least type them. YOU THINK YOU CAN MEMORIZE INFO BUT YOU'RE WRONG!! Please write as much as you can i swear it will change ur life 📚
8. COLOURED! PENS!!! These changed the game for me y'all. I take all my notes in at least 2 colours, and I cycle through them a lot. My favs are Pilot Frixions because u can erase them :) (the highlighters are epic too) 📚
9. Make your space fun, but NOT DISTRACTING. I have a plant (his name is Yoshi) and a desk Godzilla (his name is Godzilla) on my desk, but they're out of the way so I can't zone out starin at em. But also, when I'm bored outta my gourd, I can smile at Yoshi and tell him how my day is goin :] 📚
10. SNACKING BAD *BUT*... sometimes i do it anyway... i try to associate certain foods with subjects, like I eat cocoa M&Ms (which are awesome) when I'm reading my Kaqchikel textbook. On the upside, I think it helps me recall Kaqchikel better? but also the language makes me crave mnms adkldigurvn 📚
11. LISTEN TO... CERTAIN MUSIC. I have learned that music with words, even in LANGS I DO NOT KNOW, is HELL for my adhd. Right now I'm listening to stuff like "Pokemon and Chill" (lofi album on YT), Studio Ghibli violin covers, and Night on Bald Mountain 5x on repeat ibjnvc.... I highly suggest songs/videos that are, like, 20+ minutes or else you'll get distracted with the constant change. Also, that No One's Around To Help 1hr vid is REALLY REPETITIVE and therefore PERFECT for when I'm reading textbooks. 📚
12.  EVERY NIGHT... i make a super detailed timetable schedule for the next day, down to the half hour. I don't always follow it but it's a really good reminder of what I gotta do. I write it on a whiteboard but sometimes I also write it on a sticky note and on social media so I don't forget. To do lists are so epic you guys 📚
13. THIS HAS SAVED MY L I F E: at the beginning of the semester I looked at ALL of my syllabi and wrote down EVERY daily task, test, homework, etc BY DATE. this is essentially a premade to do list EVERY DAY for MONTHS and oh my gosh it is the best thing I have ever done. 📚
14. I use the Forest app to track my productivity AND lock me out of apps ndsjv... podomoro timers work well too!!! 📚
15. Ok so for me this is like... a religious thing bc my Patron (my God) is a deity of fire AND working, but I like to light a candle (scented like FALL!!) and do a little prayer on it and I have it next to me when I'm workin on terrible, terrible homework. It helps me feel like my Patron is here with me, but also it’s GREAT for grounding and I can just kinda. Stare blankly at the flame and then get back to tryin to focus. 📚
16. Please drink water lmao, to make sure I drink enough I set little goals like "take a sip after every paragraph you read" 📚
17. Each of my classes has a different coloured notebook which I'm consistent with! Like, all my German notebooks through the years have been green! Also I take notes w green pens a lot in Deutsch 📚
18. HELLA STICKY NOTES... I put em on the bottom of my monitor, on a shelf by my desk, in my books as bookmarks (bad idea lol), on Yoshi. When I wanna go look up something random but I need to focus, I like to write it down on sticky notes to look at later. 📚
19. I'm the most annoying student ever. I like to do a bunch of assignments at once so I don't have to budget my time later, so I'll turn in like 5 things in an hour and then NOTHING for a week. ALSO i email my teachers constantly if I have any questions at all. I work at a pace that works for me!!! 📚
20. I turn off my sound on my phone until I'm done with work bc otherwise I WILL open that notification 📚
22. I make a loooot of chai (and also some overpriced herbal teas). It makes me feel fancy, it's better for me than coffee, and it helps me ground and focus! Plus it's a samefood! 📚
23. Hyperfixating on classic literature would be awesome, except I'm hyperfixating on Gothic and I'm taking a lit class for More Than Just Gothic. But I'm figuring out ways to connect them, which is really helpful, cause I get to enjoy my hyperfixation while learning for school! PLZ TRY TO DO THIS (harder when you're hyperfixating on godzilla :pensivecowboy:) 📚
21. When I have extra time I write my notes like I'm plannin to put em on Tumblr and taggin em as #darkacademia... I never post my notes, but when they look nice it's easier for me to look over em later. Plus it takes me longer to write so I remember it a lil better!! 📚
24. I'm in an awesome academia + studyspo server!! We sometimes study together on call and it's SUCH a good motivator! Here's an invite link if u wanna join, we are nice https://discord.gg/fjuX7TN (this wasn’t meant to be a promo post I just really like this group lol) 📚
OK I hope that helps!!! Feel free to add more if you have any tips that work for you :) Neurotypicals, feel free to RB respectfully!
(pics are: syllabus list, daily schedule, Yoshi the plant, and some fancy notes)
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ichibanerd · 4 years
How to be a Healthier INTP, by an INTP
Create a system and build your day around it. And no, I’m not talking about a schedule because we know we suck at following them. For instance, I bet you forget to drink water if you are not reminded in a way or another. I make sure to drink a glass of water every three hours. “Oh, but wouldn’t that make things harder?” Not at all! I wake up at 6, drink a glass of water. Then again at 9. Then at 12 when I have lunch. And then at 3pm and so on. We’re always looking at the time. Might as well put that to good use. Also! Try to pick three things you want to do the next day before you go to bed. And then switch doing them throughout your day. If I choose to study, update my blog and work out, I might study a little, then go and work out. And then Update. Then back to studying. 
Reward yourself. Between those 3 things sneak in some fun. We’re too impatient to reward ourselves at the end of the day. Start small!
Sleep early and wake up early. Sleep is so important! The better you sleep the easier it will be for you do grasp a hold of your inferior functions. By default we are not very aware of our surroundings. Getting enough sleep will help you keep your mind sharp. If your sleep schedule is disastrous, start slowly. Let’s say you sleep at 3 am. Try going bed one hour earlier than that for a week. And then always reduce the time by an hour week by week. “But I won’t fall sleep even if I lay down.” That’s alright. Try to do things that relax you before bed. Listen to podcasts, play a game on you phone for a bit, read a book. Anything that you find relaxing. 
Use your bed only to sleep and bang. (At least try to reduce the time you lay in your bed.) Seriously, if you’re not going to bed for any of those reasons, don’t go at all.
Never go to bed if you’re hungry. It’ll just make you feel uncomfortable and you’ll have a harder time going to sleep. 
Work out!! This is so important. It’ll help you feel more present in the moment. Teaches you how to be okay with being uncomfortable, creates discipline (which we INxPs really lack)  and it’s good for your health. Also it’ll make you feel more confident with yourself. Start with working out 2 minutes a day. Jumping rope is a good idea as well! Don’t worry to much. You’ll see that soon your time will get longer. 
Try grasping information randomly about the subject you’re studying at least a few days before your exam. We grasp information easier when it’s thrown at us randomly but that in our logic makes a lot of sense. I really don’t know how to explain this that well. But let’s say that you’re learning a foreign language. It’s probably easier for you to learn words at random periods of time, rather than when the teacher makes a list of them and gives it to you expecting you to master them for the upcoming exam. You’ll learn them anyway, I’m sure, but you’ll probably forget them once the exam is over if they didn’t make a logical sense in your brain. 
If you don’t know what you want, then know what you don’t want. A lot of people take the route that will take them to their goal. But what if you don’t have one? Then do your best planning at avoiding things that you don’t want happening. I know this seems obvious, but we often fall down a rabbit hole and forget where we are, or who we are. 
Take alone time even when you’re not feeling apathetically antisocial. Make it clear to people who know you that from x to y time, you want to relax. Soon you’ll have a better grasp of your tendencies to isolate from the world. 
Learn to distinguish your feelings from those of other people. Contrary to popular belief, we’re extremely empathetic thanks to our buddy Fe. And we struggle a lot with emotional outbursts that come from others. If said emotions are too intense, we might get ill even physically. Take deep breaths down to your belly, and use you Ti to logically make sense of the situation. Is there any reason for me to feel sad/angry/hurt/whatever right now? Explain to yourself why you shouldn’t be feeling like that and get the situation back in control.
Don’t let people step on you. Honestly, if someone is taking advantage of your good nature then call them out on it. If they are not willing to talk about it and instead deny the facts, then leave. Do whatever you can to get out of that situation. 
You are more important than what other people expect from you. No matter how nice you are, people will always be unhappy. That said, always give people a chance, and if they miss it that’s on them. You can go back to taking care of yourself.
Realize that you can’t help people who are too stubborn and refuse to help themselves. Don’t beat yourselves over it. Give advice and a helping hand, but if you see that they are not taking them, leave them to take responsibility for themselves. It is absolutely not your job to take upon yourself the responsibility of other’s actions, or the lack of them. I know it sounds harsh, but the sooner you realize this, the better; not only for you, but for those who you tried to help as well.
Don’t share your opinions where you know they are not welcome. Sometimes, people will refuse to see the truth, and that’s on them. Do not try to convince them otherwise. Shrug it off and go on with your day. Often times our ideas seem a bit too ‘out there’ to other people. Especially to certain sensory types (looking at you XSFJ), but of course they are not the only ones. You might have a harder time having a deep conversation with them, but don’t let this stop you. If you see that your idea gets ignored, just sit back and watch the world burn. Have some popcorn while you’re at it.
That said! Don’t be afraid to share your ideas and opinions. Never let fear decide for you. If you’re feeling fearful and anxious just ask yourself: What am I afraid of? List your fears, and then conquer them one by one.
Never allow people to use guilt against you. Realize when people are doing this to manipulate you and break free from it. Realize that whatever happened, happened. It’s okay. Learn from it so it won’t repeat itself and then move on. You don’t need to beat yourself over it every day for the rest of your life. Forgive yourself. We’re human. Mistakes is what we learn from. 
A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. Learn to incorporate your inferior functions in your daily life. Look up videos and information on your type and especially pay attention to unhealthy patterns. See if any of them resonate with you. The first step to getting rid of a problem is by acknowledging it. 
Try do get out of your comfort zone sometimes, but don’t go and throw yourself off a cliff. Being out of your comfort zone might be stressful, but it shouldn’t give you a mental breakdown. If you’re feeling that it is too much for you, then retreat (mission failed, we’ll get them next time) but don’t be afraid to try again. However, if it is something that isn’t for you, don’t try to force it upon yourself. Being comfortable is just as important. Try to balance out the two. For example, I am not fond of loud places with a lot of people so going to a pub for me is too much, especially because I’m not interested in whatever is going on there. Going to the gym however is out of my comfort zone, but I enjoy working out, so I’m more willing to try it. After you break your comfort zone enough times it becomes ordinary, and you won’t such a hard time with it anymore. 
Keep a journal to sort out your ideas and things you learned. Especially those that you know will help you to develop your personality. You don’t have to write on it every day. I certainly don’t, but when the need arises I know where to turn to. 
Take notice of the patterns of your life and see what works and what doesn’t for you. 
Use a little bit of that Fe with people you trust. It becomes extremely destructive when we let it sleep and awaken only when our Ti is having a breakdown. Tend to it from time to time. As much as we do not like it, we can’t deny that it is a part of us.
Lastly, go with the flow. Don’t try to control things that are out of your grasp!
That’s it for now. I hope this helps!
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costellos · 4 years
❥ ┋ ❝ bucci gang & how / who they love!
bruno bucciarati.
love language he gives: words of affirmation, gift giving, acts of service
love languages he wants: quality time, acts of service
favorite dates: having coffee at a swanky cafe, visiting the beach (loves hearing the waves crash against the rocks; also loves teaching you how to fish)
doesn’t really date since his time is so limited. likewise, he doesn’t want to drag his partner into the mobster life, so he would most likely date someone who’s also involved. it’s just easier that way.
Bucciarati doesn’t really have a “type.” at least not for physical appearance. as long as he can get along with someone and they share his values, he can make a relationship work.
will adore anyone that can have any sort of intellectual conversation with. it doesn’t necessarily have to be about politics or literature, it can be about the latest celebrity gossip and how it affects current events. really just wants someone to talk about things and how they affect other things if that makes sense?
as mentioned, Bucciarati has very limited time. he tries to make the most out of what time he does have with you and would appreciate your understanding.
because he prizes fairness above all else, his deal breaker would be witnessing your being rude for no reason (especially to children or the elderly). he doesn’t care for those who can’t show basic human decency.
the one who spoils you the most. he buys you little trinkets from every new city he visits.
leone abbacchio.
love language he gives: acts of service, quality time
love languages he wants: quality time
favorite dates: eating at a restaurant that has a live band playing (preferably jazz or swing), getting wine drunk at home
truly doesn’t believe that he deserves love.
despite that, Abbacchio is someone who loves with every fiber of his being. that’s why he’s so protective of his team upon Giorno’s arrival. if he were to ever find a partner, he would be head over heels for them.... just don’t expect him to show it outwardly.
his type is anyone who’s patient and can tolerate his snippy comments. someone who’s not naive or childish. like Bucciarati, physical appearance doesn’t matter much, but he has a penchant for thick thighs.
honestly really easy to please once you’re in a relationship with him. he doesn’t ask for much nor does he ask for much in return. he just wants to spend time with you.
however, he doesn’t tolerate those who don’t respect his boundaries. Abbacchio is already hesitant going into this relationship. if you rush into it and push him to do the same, he’d end this before it even began.
the one who cooks the best. his dishes taste like home.
giorno giovanna.
love language he gives: words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time
love languages he wants: quality time
favorite dates: visiting a natural history or art museum, going to a conservatory
he’s not particularly interested in romantic endeavors since he’s so focused on his dream.
but if he were to fall in love with someone, it would be for someone who’s just as ambitious as he. wants someone who can continuously push him to his greatest achievements. he would happily return the sentiment for them.
also doesn’t really have a “type,” but loves those who are quick-witted, natural leaders, and fast thinkers. he needs someone that can keep challenging him.
loves to spoil you with bouquets of beautiful flowers. if you like cute animals, he’d turn an old brick into a wide-eyed rabbit. he absolutely adores how your face lights up for the things he makes you.
the only thing that annoys him are those who won’t try anything new. it’s good to step out of your comfort zone, and he’d be happy to help you with that. but if you continuously dismiss him, whether it be to try a new experience or hell, a new food, well. irritated is putting it lightly.
the one who’s most observant of you. you need help with something but won’t ask for it? here, let him take a look at it.
guido mista.
love language he gives: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time
love languages he wants: physical touch
favorite dates: going to the movies (for any genre, but loves comedies and action the most), eating at restaurants with cheap yet delicious food after midnight
he says that he wants a super hot model gf but he’ll honestly fall in love with anyone who gives him any attention. that said, he falls in love hard. he just wants to give his partner the world. it’s what they deserve. is that so much to ask?
again, he falls in love with anyone who gives him the time of day, but he has a bias for thick folks. physical touch is one of his love languages, so be prepared for him to always be squeezing your thigh.
on that note, he loves touching you intimately. his favorite place is putting his hand between your thighs when sitting next to him (”what? my hand is cold”) and on your hip when standing up. 
loves easy dates. he’s a simple man. dinner and the movies make him happiest. what’s better than a good flick with delicious food and lovely company?
Mista loves fully and wholly. the only deal breaker is if you complicate his life. as mentioned, he’s a simple man. if he catches you engaging in harmful gossip, lying, or god forbid, cheating, it’s over.
the one who makes you feel the most comfortable in your skin. he’s literally always praising you, whether it’s about your appearance, your personality, or your accomplishments. such a great hype man.
narancia ghirga.
love language he gives: gift giving, acts of service, physical touch
love languages he wants: words of affirmation, physical touch
favorite dates: going to a carnival, staying in and playing video games or listening to music
really, really wants to be in a relationship but also really, really scared to be in one. loves the idea of having someone who loves you for you. hates having to be vulnerable.
but once Narancia shows his true colors (and isn’t judged for it) to a certain someone, he will fall in love with them. it’ll be easy to know, too — he’s really bad at hiding his feelings. expect lots of candid requests to hang out.
he prefers someone who’s smaller than him. he isn’t picky, though. honestly just wants someone to hold but he’d never admit that, jesus christ that’s so cheesy.
loves going on dates that stimulate him. challenging you to a carnival game or a round of Mario Kart is such a fun way to pass the time with you! 
would be incredibly heartbroken if you insult his intelligence first and foremost, and anything else after. he’s self-conscious about never finishing primary school. if you bring that up to hurt him, he’d simply get up and leave. forgiveness is uncertain.
the one who comforts you best after a long day. you can always expect a long hug, a kiss, and food from your favorite takeout restaurant from him.
pannacotta fugo.
love language he gives: quality time, acts of service 
love languages he wants: words of affirmation, acts of service
favorite dates: visiting a history or science museum, reading together at an old library
Fugo wants to love and be loved in return, but he knows that by doing so, he would be putting his partner in danger. he tries to avoid it as much as he can as a result.
though he can’t help it when someone treats him like he isn’t a monster. the way they smile at him, how they compliment him... it makes his heart race.
he has a weakness for people who wear glasses. there’s just something about them that makes a person infinitely more attractive to him. other than that, he needs someone that can keep up with him intellectually. yeah, he tries to keep his cool. but having someone that doesn’t require him to repeat himself saves a lot of time and effort.
although he’s no longer in school, he wants to keep learning. he loves being able to share that with you, so visiting museums or reading books together is his ideal way of bonding.
Fugo has the most deal breakers out of the gang (they’re all for your safety), but his biggest is a lack of patience. he knows that his short temper is tough to deal with, it’s just... he needs you to be patient with him. he wants this to work and he can’t do it without you.
the one who remembers details about you best. don’t tell him embarrassing stories or he’ll tease you about them later.
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