#sirius black cousin
whysosiriushuh · 3 months
Bellatrix: we once told Reg a watermelon was gonna grow in his stomach and I kid you not, he looked at us straight in the eyes and said, "Nope, because there's no sunlight so you're wrong and education has failed you."
Sirius: That little freak was five at the time
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marvelomadness06 · 7 months
Remus: James… why do you have bite marks on your arms?
James: *sweating nervously* OH- oh, Urm I was babysitting my little cousin and- and he bites. haha.
Remus: *raises one eyebrow*
Sirius: *sympathetic* That sucks mate. Reggie was a fucking biter too- reckon I’ve still got scars from the little shit.
James: *quietly squeaks*
Remus: *raises the other eyebrow*
James: … I’ve got to go *absolutely bolts*
Sirius: what was that about?
Remus: *sighs* It would appear that you and James have the same cousin.
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kingstarkingslay · 2 months
“ everybody has a gay cousin ”
That’s right, I’m looking at you The Most Noble and Ancient House of Black
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aithusarosekiller · 3 months
Andy leaving her sisters/cousins to babysit her daughter would be insane
Like baby tonks learnt her chaos from somewhere and it wasn't from Ted, it was very much a 'mums side of the family' thing
Bella, standing in the corner: 🧍what does it want from me
Sirius, holding her: I don't know?!?! Why is she staring like that oh my god, please blink Dora
Narcissa: stop holding her like that you useless imbecile, you'll mess up her spine...no that's WORSE
Bella: make it stop staring at me
Reggie, coming to take her away from Sirius: I don't even like this baby but I chose to save you all from your incompetence so you are welcome
Baby tonks: :D
Narcissa, who had just tried to hold her and stop her from crying, claiming 'babies love me': what on earth did you do?
Reggie: no clue.
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that one teacup scene from uptown girl that’s going viral on tik tok but make it black brothers angst
i was also thinking abt making a regulus version but idk-also drawing/writing angst while listening to girly pop music is a surreal experience i highly recommend
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not-rab · 3 days
Regulus: *coughs blood*
Sirius: Don’t die Regulus
Regulus: Don’t tell me what to do
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Sirius: Hey Prongs, I hope our children will get along just like cousins, you know not like me and my cousins but like other cousins that get along so well, I always see cousins having a really good bond
James: Yeah I hope so too
*5 years later*
James: Hey Pads, you know when you told me about that cousin thing with our children *sweating nervously*
Sirius: Yeah what’s up with that?
James: I took your words too serious
Sirius: What do you mean?
Sirius: James what do you mea- oh no no no no. Please don’t tell me that-
James: Surprise?
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auntiejohn · 3 months
me tryna read a marauders fic without regulus black in
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deathnguts · 14 days
Bellatrix: they’ll send you to Durmstrang, where the bullies will fuck you.
Sirius: …
Narcissa: … and they make you shave your head
Sirius: but my hair defines me!!
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yazpadfoot · 1 year
Marauders fans are the gay cousins of Harry potter fans family
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whoopsiesnodaisies · 2 months
Hot take (everyone expected it from me)
I think more about the Black Sisters than the Black brothers
Literally the idea that Andromeda escaped!! SHE MADE IT!! Only to have her daughter killed by Bellatrix! Her own sister!! THAT GETS ME
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whysosiriushuh · 3 months
At The Weekly Black Cousins Astronomy Tower Meet Up
Andromeda: The stars are beautiful tonight.
Regulus: You know what else is beautiful?
Sirius: Don't you dare say you.
Regulus: Yes it's me. The stars are beautiful because they are constantly dying, just like me.
Bella: Looks like the curse got him!!!
Narcissa *spraying him with water*: No! Bad Reggie!
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Regulus: It's not Sirius's fault he is like this. Andromeda: True, his mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby. Narcissa: On his head apparently. Bellatrix: He used to gnaw on the crib bars, too. Regulus: Lead paint? Narcissa: Looks like it. Sirius: Funny. Why don’t you four shut up and sleep?
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swag696942069 · 1 year
Head canon that none of the Black cousins knew how to drive and so their respective partners attempt to teach them and it goes terribly wrong and most likely scares their partners for life.
Like just imagine;
James: Okay love, lightly push the gas pedal to start.
Regulus: Alright!:Absolutely floors it
Remus: alright, now what you want to do is make sure you check your mirrors before-
Sirius: I know Moony! Gods, you act like I'm an idiot.:Doesn't pay attention at all and nearly drives into a ditch-
Andromeda, already driving: And, which one is the break again?
Ted: *Has a panic attack*
Alice: Wow Cissa! You're doing suprising well, considering- :Looks over and notices Narcissa using the rearview mirror to fix her hair,:OH MY GODS, EYES ON THE ROAD!
Rita: Trixie, stop someone's trying to cross. Trixie. BELLATRIX STOP- OH MY GODS!
Bellatrix: oops!
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the black cousins
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all the hidden meanings!
red is the color of sirius’ shirt, narcissa’s lips and regulus’ pocket handkerchief. red represents how they rebelled against their family (sirius ran away and was openly against their morals, narcissa lied to voldemort and basically helped defeating him w her words, regulus turned against voldemort at the last moment, dying for his cause)
narcissa and andromeda are the only ones not wearing black, and they’re the only survivors in this picture.
clothes and accessories:
andromeda is wearing a white dress that resembles a bride’s dress, because she ran away to marry ted. her and sirius’s clothes are also less restricting than regulus and narcissa’s, because unlike their younger siblings they got their freedom.
andromeda, like her cousins, is wearing silver jewelry, aside from a gold ring (her engagement ring), and with her hand she’s covering a family pendant (she chose love over her family). regulus is wearing a pin that looks like salazar’s locket.
poses and such:
andromeda isn’t looking at the camera because she was the first to “look away from her family”, and sirius is looking at her because he would soon follow in her footsteps (andy also has a hand on his shoulder to further represent her influence on him). similarly, bellatrix (who is the only one smiling) is keeping an hand on narcissa so she wouldn’t leave. narcissa has a hand clenched in a fist, covered by her left, (as a way to hide her defiance).
ok i think this is all but i’m not sure lmao xx
hope you like it ^^
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not-rab · 3 months
regulus who dyed his hair from blonde to black to look more like sirius
narcissa who dyed her hair from black to blonde to look less like andromeda
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