#and as time goes on more and more of that old daniel keeps getting uncovered and it feels GOOD
danthropologie · 1 year
Daniels whole demeanour and confidence at the gp though. He was absolutely walking and was feeling himself which makes me soso hopeful esp from his comments about next year and the stuff about the sim too. And him wanting himself to race, the belief in himself to go out and do what he loves!! I think the whole things with the fans and support is just a bonus tbh, like I do believe he would’ve decided he wants to come back either way with or without the huge reaction he was getting at the weekend but I like to think it shows him how supported and loved he is.
right and it was also such a nice (and interesting) progression from the launch as well, where even then he was SO excited and it felt like he probably kinda already knew that he wanted to get back on the grid, even if he wasn't quite ready to say it yet 🤧
#it DOES make me wonder if the initial poor outing in the sim was pre winter break tho#like right off the back of abu dhabi still in that kinda fucked headspace#going into winter break wondering if this is the end of the road if the mclaren fucked him up so bad that he can't come back from it#and because of that throwing himself so completely into to the break and not thinking about racing at all just because he Can#(and because maybe this is just How It Is now and he because he better get used to it)#only to come back from the break and jump in the sim; kinda dreading it cause what if it's still just as bad and fucked#but then it's???? not???? maybe only marginally better but there are flashes of what he used to be buried in there#and as time goes on more and more of that old daniel keeps getting uncovered and it feels GOOD#so by the time he's at the launch he's like pretty sure that if things continue like this he's gonna be back#but it's too early to say it just yet so he just holds it in. plays coy.#spends a bit more time in the sim and it's only getting better and better#to the point where he KNOWS he'll be back on the grid (and back in the red bull) it's just a matter of time#and showing up to melbourne with the glow of it all compounded by the leagues and leagues of fans still there supporting him#and telling him they hope to see him back soon :(#dan#red bull redux#answered#anonymous#insane about it actually#and if this is what he's done in just 2-3 months.....and there's three more months before he even gets in an irl car.....😵‍💫
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teecupangel · 8 months
We have put Desmond in a lot of situations, but seeing the recent ask about Ratonhnhaké:ton becoming a Templar got me thinking: What if after a few years on the run, Desmond gets discovered by Abstergo early? But instead of kidnapping him, they set up a scenario, where Desmond gets offered a job by them and he accepts. Eventually they convert him to the Templar mindset(wanting order isn't a bad thing, right?) and maybe a cell of assassins find out about Desmond working at Abstergo and rush to try and kill him. This, alongside his shitty upbringing, gets Desmond to finally fully throw himself into becoming a Templar(he was reluctant before, Templars are the bad guy, that' what his father slways said... right?). He could even train with Daniel and become an assassin hunter. :D
Everyone knew who Desmond Miles was.
It was hard not to considering he was William Miles’ son.
But no one would ever dare say that to his face.
William Miles was a forbidden topic in the presence of Desmond Miles.
Vidic ordered it himself.
Daniel hated him before he even met him.
He only heard the gist of it from Vidic.
A sixteen year old runaway who didn’t even know just how dangerous the real world was, found by Abstergo because he caught a fever that left him bedridden and sent to the nearest free clinic which was, fortunately for Vidic, under Abstergo control.
And now he was finally meeting Desmond Miles, 6 years later, to be his instructor.
6 years was a long time to indoctrinate someone but Desmond Miles was supposed to be a skittish boy so Vidic made him his pet project.
A son.
He called him.
How laughable.
Daniel knew how that play goes, having been the focus of it before.
But unlike Desmond Miles-
Desmond Vidic.
The name made Daniel want to vomit.
Unlike that idiot, Daniel had no choice.
The trigger they place on him made him kill the last mentor. He was the Brotherhood’s number one target.
And Daniel’s sanity could only be preserved by the Animus under Abstergo.
He had no choice and he didn’t give care.
Dr. Sung always furrowed her brows whenever he said that.
Was it the truth?
Was Daniel lying to himself?
Who knows?
Who cares?
What he does know is that he hates Vidic’s adopted son.
He had the choice.
He’s just stupid enough to fall for the indoctrination.
He was weak.
William Miles and his lovely (his neck throbbed at the reminder of that bitch managing to graze the side of his neck, that sniper rifle only missing its mark thanks to Daniel’s quick reflexes and Eagle Vision) wife had made him weak.
And now he was to become like Daniel.
An Assassin turned Assassin Hunter.
He sees him before he even got to the meeting room they were supposed to meet.
A nice suit that hugged his form, most definitely tailored and expensive.
He could afford it.
Daniel saw in his files that he had a salary larger than a supposed assistant for someone like Vidic should have.
Another way to keep him in their grasp, he supposed.
… Family.
Vidic really went all out.
Why wouldn’t he?
Desmond was the perfect Animus candidate. The scion of the Ibn-La'Ahad and the Auditore. What mysteries they could uncover from the memories of his ancestors.
Vidic was bidding his time though.
He still had other Animus subjects to torture and Desmond was better off hunting what remains of the Brotherhood in the meantime.
“Daniel Cross?”
Daniel’s feet stopped before he knew it.
Their eyes met as Desmond slowly turned to face him.
His lips curved into a polite smile.
The kind of smile the receptionist always gave whenever she had to talk to someone.
But his eyes.
Those were the eyes of someone who had killed before.
For a moment, Daniel thought that Vidic had ordered him to kill someone.
But no.
Vidic was more meticulous than that.
He must have orchestrated the situation in which Desmond would have no choice but to kill someone.
And then he would come in moment’s later, pretending he had rushed to the scene as soon as he heard, perhaps even bring a few men with him in an attempt to make Desmond believe he had tried to save him.
That was more like Vidic.
Daniel hated the fact that he wanted Vidic’s acknowledgment even after knowing the man that he was.
And here was the boy who held Vidic’s ‘fatherly affection’.
Would he break if Daniel was to tell him Vidic orchestrated it?
Or would he not believe it and try to kill Daniel?
Daniel won’t tell him though.
Because that would only disappoint Vidic.
So he took a step towards the young man.
“Call me ‘mentor’.” He ordered.
Something appeared in Desmond’s eyes but it was snuffed out before Daniel could see what it was.
He couldn’t be sure.
Desmond’s (fakefakefakehehatesitfakefakefake) polite smile stayed as he replied.
“Sure. If you’re into that kind of roleplay.”
Daniel’s lips twitched as he remembered.
The annoying thing about Vidic’s adopted son was that…
He was a brat.
(this can totally be the ‘prologue’ to this idea if you want to add time travel to it)
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hjcoolartnerd · 7 months
Continuing my few interactions for TDAS, Hope you enjoy these interactions. Giving Eric and Daniel Abit more screen time
Previous Episode:
Evil Dread
Episode 3: Saving Private Leechball
 Chris: “ last times on total drama all stars! Our hero’s and villains went digging for buried treasure, and uncovered a few nasty surprises *laughs* Eric’s got covered in itching powder while his brother laughs earning him a sucker punch in the nose by Scott, also Scott villained it up big time trying to sabotage the heroes, and when he got caught he didn’t take it so well. But in the end  heroic hamsters were victorious, and Lightning fresh from a hungry night of exile on boney island  made enough bony headed moves to get the royal  flush from his team mates 14 competitors remain, which one of the. Will ride the sewer system next, find out right now on, Total! Drama! All Stars!”
Villains at the looser cabin
Duncan: “ugh, I almost forgotten about these crudtacular cabins”
Alejandro: “let us hope it’s our only visit “
Scott: “*lays down* ow! I miss the hotel! Now that I know how rich people live everything I used to like stinks!”
Daniel: “that doesn’t look soft *goes to one of the bunks*oh they aren’t.., they feel like rocks! *scotts bunk breaks Daniel laughs*”
Duncan’s confessional: “Scott’s okay, at least with him you know what you are getting  which is crud, but still nice to know” 
Daniel’s confessional: “karma is a B I T C… or what? Jaja he totally deserved  that after sucker punching me. Maybe I should get  him more hurt tomorrow. Also I better keep working magic on Gwen if She allies with me guess who joins? No it’s not Scott…nor Alejandro…nor Jo… no Heather…” 
Alejandro:  “well goodnight gentlemen!” 
Heroes at the Spa hotel
Eric: “oh my gawd! This bed is supper comfortable! Is like sleeping on a cloud!
Mike: “*satisfying Sigh* this is the life!”
Cameron: “yeah, but I feel a little guilty looking at Sam’s empty bed. I hope he’s okay over on boney island.”
Eric: “he is a survivor like all of us he will be okay… maybe hurt to the bone but he’ll be fine.”
Eric’s confessional: “I should have gone to exile instead of Sam..  but he beat me to it..  tomorrow I plan to work hard on the days challenge! I do t want us to loose and get booted 3rd” 
Cameron: “I’ve never seen eggs so perfectly hardboiled! The odds are 10 trillion to 1”
Eric: “maple Bacon let’s never lose again!”
Courtney: “it’s not all perfect “
Eric: “and here comes miss Karen *mumbles placing one hard boiled egg in my pocket like Cameron, and zoey and Mike with bacon and Sierra with Toast*”
Courtney: “Hey Butler!  I’ve got a problem!  This juice is at least five percent too pulpy. I thought you were supposed to cantor to our every… *butler returns* oh that was fast… but I’m sure it won’t be *drinks* perfect!”
Eric’s confessional: “yeah Courtney is the type of customer whose food id spit if I found her at my job. Why treat the people who handle your food badly?” 
*Daniel’s notices Jo, Heather and Alejandro trying to make a play with Gwen.*
Daniel’s confessional: “so Alehandjerk, old Heather and Miss Josephine sweatpants are trying to make a play on weird goth girl , I need to step up my game if I want her on my side. I have to beat them to it or else I might be Toiler food! And I know how to try and get her on my side. She wants to make amends with Teen Karen!”
Daniel: “hey Gwen! Have you thought about a way to apologize to Courtney.”
Gwen: “I’ve thought of a lot of ways… but she is glaring at me and it’s hard to even apologize to her.”
Daniel: “Maybe keep trying to do good deeps for her, it will wear her out! It works on my teachers at school, and Courtney is kind of like a teacher.”
Gwen: “you think it would work?”
Daniel: “absolutely!”
Daniel’s confessional: “I have no clue! Teen Karen is well… a Karen.. she’d be the type to ask for a manager for a stupid thing like an employee asking her if she wants dessert when she said her order was complete.” 
Chris: “soldiers! Let’s all welcome back, exiled hamsters Sam!”
Zoey: “hey Sam! How was exile?”
Sam: “aside from the blinding hunger and bear attacks  pretty good actually, *sam falls*
*the team runs to him*
Mike: “ don’t worry buddy, we smuggled you breakfast!” *they all pulled out what they brought for Sam*
Sam: “you bots, are expert  level awesome!” 
Sierra: “Courtney what did you bring Sam?”
Eric: “yeah. Courtney. What did you bring?”
Courtney’s confessional: “no one told me we were doing that!”
Eric’s confessional: “yeah I purposely didn’t tell Courtney to make her look even more bad. I mean look at her! She did this to her self when she became a Karen ” 
Chris: “as winners of yesterday’s challenge the heroes get a full one minute head start! *heroes cheer* ready? Set! *chef shoots Leech gun leech falls on Scott’s face*”
Scott: “ouch!”
*Eric’s looks at Scott with a worried expresion but he runs with his team Daniel notices this*
Eric’s confessional: “Focus Eric! I gotta focus! I can’t let a guy or girl distract me again! After criticizing Heather, Gwen and Courtney in World tour I can’t be seem like a hypocrite now!” 
Daniel’s confessional: “what the? Does Eric cares about Scott’s Well being now? When last season he laughed at Him? I don’t understand those two? First they were at Each others throats and now the6 care for each other ?!”
Heather: “know who could outrace the hamsters even with a head start? Lightning! Way to ruin everything Jo!”
Jo: “We all voted him off, remember?”
Alejandro: “we may not need to worry*points to the hamsters as Sam’s stops tired but Sierra and Mike return to help him*”
Gwen: “*sighs happily* now that’s team work!”
Heather: “yeah Work together now! Crush each other later! Like you and Courtney!”
Gwen: “what?!”
Heather: “the allergy bouquet, the stink bomb! I love  how you insist  you wanna be friends so she never sees it coming .”
Gwen: “uh…”
Heather: “talk about evil genius”
Gwen: “but I didn’t really did those things on purpose! really!”
Heather: “sure *winks*”
Daniel: “don’t worry Gwen I know you didn’t” 
Gwen: “thanks Daniel, i appreciate it!” 
Chris: “Villains! You are up in 3,  2, 1 *chef shoots and the leech falls on Scott again*”
*the villains start running*
Courtney: “Move it! Hussle or so help me  you’ll never see another sunrise!”
Eric: “wow easy Courtney! The man is injured! Flip the witch switch back to Off! We need to work together and support him. No man left behind!” 
Courtney: “Shut it Eric! Or I’ll make sure you are the next one to be flushed!”
Mike’s confessional: “Courtney is kind of scary some times…. *mal shows up* and I love when things get scary! *mikes returns* so, uh what was I saying?” 
Eric’s confessional: “okay I never did anything to Courtney so she treats me like that? Sure I did sided with Gwen when the whole Boyfriend kissing happened but, she was asking for it? Duncan and Courtney were toxic together, a on again off again thing…… oh now I see why… jaja” 
Sierra: “does anyone knows where the heart of the Forrest, is exactly?”
Eric: “we’d have to verify. If I recall in season 1 nor season 4 we have never gone to the heart of the forest.” 
Zoey: “then I’ll go get a better look! *she starts to climb a tree*” 
Courtney’s confessional:” Zoey has some seriously impressive skills, and that is why she’s got to go”
Zoey: “over there!”
 Courtney: “the big one! Go for the big one!” *villains appear in front of the crate*
Mike: “wow! Where’d they come from?” 
Daniel: “best team ever!”*Heather blows a raspberry*
Duncan: “*laughs and points* suckers!” 
Courtney: “ the small one! Go for the small one!”
Eric: “no kidding!” *rolls eyes*
Courtney: “gross!”
Mike: “guess this is this is the low  tech crate alright!”
Villains: *cheer*
Jo: “Who needs lightning! Am I right people?”
Daniel: “what ever Jo.”  *duncan opens the crate*
Duncan, Scott, Heather and Jo: “I’ll take the cannon! No I’ll take the cannon! *goans*”
Alejandro: “We use it as a team right Gwen?”
Heather: “yeah! Obviously “
Jo: “that’s what I was going to say! Woh go team!”
Duncan’s confessional: “so Heather Jo and Alejandro are making a play for Gwen. Why isn’t anyone trying to work me? Probably because I can’t be manipulated! But they could at least  try!”
Daniel’s confessional: “Those three are so obvious! Even a dumb girl like Lindsiot would know they would be trying to manipulate her. Like Can’t they be more discreet?”
Eric: “*walks to Scott holding his bucket and his slingshot* hey Scott you okay? I saw that a leech fell on you?” 
Scott: “*taken a back* huh? Yeah huh I guess it didn’t hurt! I’m a strong as an ox *he smiles before trying to act villainous* and why would you ask about me huh? “
Eric: “well you screamed ouch? I’m just checking you don’t making things easier for us. *he said but they were making eye contact*
Daniel’s confessional: “are you seeing this? Those two are so obnoxious! Eric should have learned after what happened with that pretty boy from action! Discount alehandjerk … “
Eric’s confessional: “for those wondering I don’t have feelings for Scott! He just seem more goofy now than ,last season,  he seems more like the real him, I’m not attracted to his handsome freckled face… or that fire hair or those deep blue piercing eyes…. no! Focus!”
Scott’s confessional: “Eric was annoying last season as the rats ,mentor but now he seems nicer? More like a person I would talk to? He doesn’t seem as uptight as he was? Probably because I’m not in his team throwing challenges… but his hazelnut eyes, his cute smile, those black locks! He is adorable! … but n-no I don’t like him! He just seems like a possible, alliance member for the merge!” 
Screen in half Eric and Scott’s confessional: “Who ever thinks I like him will get a punch in the face! This is only strategic! Being nice to him and pull him into an alliance, no matter how much I want to ki…. *they blush  and stop* like I said strategic” 
Courtney: “ of course the villains, get machine gun shooters. We’ll never beat them with these puny slingshots.”
Cameron : “ sure we can!”
Cameron and Sierra: “ if we are stealthy and score 1st * they high five as Mike drops Sam*”
Eric: “ yeah, Courtney, you don’t have to drag us down with your pessimistic thoughts. “
Courtney: “ uh. nerd, love if you kiss  in front of me, I will throw up *turns to eric* I didn’t ask for your opinion Eric”
Cameron: “ Sierra and I are just friends, right Sierra?”
Sierra: “ yeah we are. I have a Cody waiting back home for me.” 
Zoey: “ a cave! Sam can rest in there while the rest of us take on the villains”
Eric: “ good idea!”
Sam: “uh, power, level low…”
Mike: “ should someone stay to guard him? It”
Courtney: “ I’ll do it I owe him for not bringing him some breakfast”
Eric: “ sounds like a plan, and not against that!”
Zoey’s confessional: “ I knew Courtney had a heart buried in there somewhere”
Courtney’s confessional: “ this is what the smart leaders do hang back and let the soldiers take the leeches to the face”
Eric’s confessional: “ you guys may be wondering why I wasn’t against Courtney guarding Sam. it’s very simple. Actually I know that she’s one of those people that prefers self preservation so the moment that she smells dangerous she’s going to use Sam as a human shield and if we lose the challenge it would be a win-win because we can get rid of Courtney. I feel like she should’ve gone an episode one.”
Zoey: “we have to find the villains before they find us”
Mike: “stealth maneuvers, this sounds like a job for Svetlana *gasp*”
 Sierra: “Oh, goody! She’s my favorite!”
Cameron: “svetlanna? Is that you?”
Mike: “*sighs* Nah still me”
Mikes confessional: “okay, wasn’t too long ago I couldn’t keep my alternate personalities in, now they won’t come out *hits himslef* ouch! Damned wall am I Chester? *rips off shirt* yo Vito! my shirts off come and get it. Vito? Anybody?”
*pushing the cannon*
Gwen: “we’re easy targets like this, maybe we should ditch the cannon”
Jo: “ no way! I haven’t even had a turn to fire it yet! Isn’t that right sweetheart”
Gwen: “OK? Then we should split up” 
Alejandro: “agreed I’ll go with Gwen”
Heather: “ no I’ll go with Gwen”
Jo: “ as if I’m letting either of you go anywhere with Gwen”
Alejandro: “please attempt to be reasonable *as he Jo and Heather argue*”
Daniel: “hey guys why are you fighting for Gwen? We can’t all go with her?” *a leech hits alejandro*
Alejandro: *screams* “I’m hit! *falls*” 
Zoey: “Sorry, but not totally *runs off as people try to shoot her leeches, Daniel screams*”
Daniel: “Oh come on!”*he  drops his machine gun and they can hear Eric laughing*”
Jo: *fires the cannon and it hits Scott*
Scott: “oh. Come on!” *he groans and falls*
Eric: “Scott!?” *he runs up to him Dropping his sling shots* “buddy you okay? *starts taking the leeches off scott*”
Eric’s confessional: “if I’m going to have Scott as an ally I need him at his best… but maybe going out in the open w(ere the villains are was a dumb mistake” 
Heather: “so long sucker!” *shoots eric as Eric screams” 
Daniel’s confessional: “Okay this is way more deep than I thought?! Eric is definitely in love with Scott! I have to stop anything to happen between them!” 
Chris: “*laughs* that’s!  Three points for the heroes and one for the villains!”
Duncan: “ but Zoey only hit Alejandro? And Eric hit Daniel” 
Chris: “true but friendly fire counts!” 
Jo: “ what dirt boy got in the way!”
Heather: “you can take your excuses and stick it in your *mike shoots her* ah!!”
Chris: “that’s four points heroes one for the villains!” 
(Next part is between Eric Scott Daniel Alejandro and Heather since Eric is out already)
Eric: “that’s the dumbest move I’ve ever done *,amages to take the five leeches Heather shot at him*”
Heather: “you think? You aren’t in your game Eric”
Eric: “you are one to talk? Both you and Alejandro out already? So sad *laughs*”
Daniel: “at least they were taken out by Zoey and Mike! Not like you taken out because you were worried about the dumb dirty boy!”
Eric: “*tries to stay calm* Me worried?! As If! I hate Scott!” *tries not to blush*
Daniel: “sure… just like Heather and Alejandro hate eachother!”
Alejandro and Heather: “shut it Daniel!” 
Daniel: “touchy *laughs*”
Daniel’s confessional: “it’s easy to play Heather, Alejandro and Eric! Two of them are into eachother and I know most of Eric’s weaknesses perks of being his brother,” 
Eric’s confessional: “ I really want to wipe Daniel’s grin off his mouth! He is more annoying than Bryan! And Bryan conspired against Heather to do a twin switch! That why I had pink tips in world tour!” 
Heathers confessional: “I got to say Daniel is really Evil, but is he Bryan evil? He turned against his own sibling? Maybe I could recruit him as an ally! He might know Eric’s weaknesses. I get Gwen, with Gwen comes Duncan, and I get Eric, four votes for Alejandro next time!” 
Alejandro’s confessional: “if Eric was in our team I think I could have convinced him to join me in a alliance, despite our past Eric wants the millions as much as I do, and right now Heather and Daniel are both threats!” 
Eric’s confessional : “you know I’m happy I’m not in the vultures!  Because if I did I would be their first target. And what allies I have in their team? Gwen only, and I’m trying to get Scott to side with me but Right now it work e useful, but it’s always good to have allies right?” 
Eric: “well I’m taking Scott to get those Leeches removed. *eric got up and tried to make Scott stand and held him with one of Scott’s arms around his shoulders. Eric walked off with scott*”
Daniel’s confessional: “okay this is getting out of hand! I don’t know my own older brother anymore.”
Alejandro’s confessional: “this is perfect! Is obvious Eric is trying to get Scott as an ally if I get Eric to ally with me! I can have 2 votea when the merge happens plus Gwen and Duncan if I get Gwen on my side.” 
Eric: *struggling to have Scott up, he sees Alejandro Hand walking to him* 
Alejandro: “need assistance?”
Eric: “I’d say yes but you can’t use your legs so it’d be futile” 
Alejandro’s confessional: “I need Eric’s trust and I know how” 
Alejandro: “what if I to,d you this is all an act?” 
Eric: “what do you mean?” 
Alejandro: “*smirks as he goes a Down and the  stands up with his legs* my legs are perfectly fine!” *but Alejandro didn’t know someone a Saw them being sierra*
Sierras confessional: “holy Cody! Alejandro is pretending? I saw right thru him but he just admitted that to Eric! Is he trying to play Eric? I need to ask him.”
Eric: “oh? So you are playing Heather and you team with a lie saying your legs don’t work?”
Alejandro: “you are smarter than you think! Listen Eric, I know you hate me”
Eric: “hate is an understatement” 
Alejandro: “how about I help you take Scott to the informers and you can ally yourself with me! I know you have the most influence on the votes in the heroes, if you have me as an Ally you’d have another ally on the villains and have more votes and possibly Duncan’s vote. You and Gwen are friends right?”
Eric: “yeah I do have Sam, Sierras, Mike, Zoey, Cameron and Gwen’s trust. They are friends to me. And I’m trying to get Scott to ally with me too. So yeah” 
Alejandro: “then perfect ally with me and we get rid of Jo, Heather, Courtney and Duncan when the time is right what do you say?”
Eric’s confessional: “I know Alejandro is playing me, but you know wha5 I’m going to let him think I’m with him! But when some threats are out, I’ll double cross him. That not evil when you are doing it to a villain! Besides. I would never double cross any one of my friends so once I get Jo Heather Courtney Daniel and Duncan out, the next one to go will be Alejandro. Leaving me and my friends and Scott.” 
Eric: “deal!”
Alejandro’s confessional: “wow he trust me!  He really is easily tricked! Once I get rid of all, those people Eric will be next!” 
Eric: “make yourself useful and Help me with Scott”
Alejandro: “*goes to the other Side of Scott and Helps him up* wow he really stinks!?” 
Eric: “really I guess sharing a cabin and a trailer with Owen’s farts really did made me immune to Scott’s smells.”
*after the left Scott in the infermery*
Alejandro: “I’ll return to my team before they get suspensions!”
Eric: “alright Al, *he sees Alejandro hand walk away as he walks the other way and hears Chris announce*
Chris: “it’s six to three, heroes!  One more point and the hamsters win!” 
Sierra: “*walks to Eric covered in Leeches* Eric what were you talking with Alejandro? Didn’t you hate them?”
Eric: “Sierra do you trust me?”
Sierra: “kind of? You’ve never done anything wrong thru the seasons so I know you are trust worthy”
Eric: “then get this Alejandro is trying to manipulate me to try and use me as a life boat to get far in the game and he thinks I’m oblivious.” 
Sierra: “so that’s why he let you know he can walk?”
Eric: “correct! He is trying to get me to trust him. But I’m just using him. If with his support we get rid of most of the villains and Courtney it will be just you, Me, Sam, Cameron, Mike, Zoey, Gwen and Scott in the merge.”
Sierra: “wait you already planned ahead? That’s really strategic of you? But what next? When most of the good guys are in the merge? “
Eric: “we start taking people out depending on how much of a threat they are. I don’t want to double cross anyone, so when the merge comes and it’s just us 7 I’d be honest and say that’s when our alliance breaks and everyone is on their own if they want.”
Sierra: “what if it back fires?”
Eric: “I never thought of that”
Chris: “six points to four! It ain’t over yet!” 
Eric: “which villain is left? And which heroes al left?”
Sierra: “if I’m correct, Jo is the only villain left and heroes, is Mike Zoey, and I think Courtney who might have used Sam as human shield.”
Eric: “perfect! If we lose let’s vote Courtney!”
Sierra: “really?you want us to lose?”
Eric: “not at all I love the spa hotel! But if no thanks to Courtney we lose she should be out next”
Sierra: “agree! She is nothing but mean and bossy! I like Zoey as leader better!”
Eric: “same!”
Sierras confessional: “Can I trust Eric? His plan to get 7 people to the merge sound pretty evil! Considering the fact he is willing to work with Alejandro someone that Eric despised more than Heather and Eric in season 3” 
Chris: “this just in with a final score of seven points to four, the heroes win!… al though some of them, didn’t behave all that heroically. Courtney!” 
Eric: “yes! Way to go!” *he high fives Sierra and Cameron*
Daniel: “hey Gwen who should we vote for in this elimination?” 
Gwen: “I’m voting Jo, most of us are.”
Daniel: “Alright Jo it is!”
Daniel’s confessional: “step two! Go with Gwen’s choice to vote off a villain! Check!” 
Vultures Votes:
Alejandro: Jo
Daniel: Jo
Duncan: Jo 
Gwen: Jo
Heather: Jo
Jo: Heather 
Scott: Jo
Order in which they receive marshmallows
Heather (bottom 2) 
Jo (Eliminated)
Chris: “but before we get flushing, I wanna do a little re shuffling! Today one villain acted more like a hero and one hero acted more like a villain, so pack your bags and switch your teams! Courtney and Duncan! *everyone gasps* and ass an added twist and more drama I also want to switch two more, just because I feel like it. Eric switch with Daniel!” 
Courtney: “I don’t want to be a villain!”
Eric: “how is changing me to the villains Team makes more drama?”
Duncan: “I don’t want to be a lame o hero!”
Daniel: “this sucks! I’m not a hero! Why am I switching!”
Chris: “ yeah yeah, Just do it.”
Eric:  *sighs crossing his arms* this sucks!  *he walks to where the villains are and sits to Scott’s left*
Scott: “guess we are teammate!”
Eric: “*blushes and smiles* yes, guess we are” *he looks away blushing*
Eric’s confessional: “I might not be with the team I had the mayority of votes but…. This isn’t half bad, I have Gwen and I’m getting along with Scott so that’s something right?”
Daniel’s confessional: “this really sucks! A ream with Apology Brat, String bean, Mike, the gamer and the stalker. Great I’ll be booted next… oh and Duncan” 
Daniel: “hey new team… *everyone but Duncan is glaring at him*”
Next episode
Food Fright
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
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The sixth chapter in the Harry Potter series does not disappoint. In fact, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is a contender for the best so far.
Lord Voldemort's return is no longer a secret but the Wizarding World feels powerless against him. Meanwhile, Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) and his best friends Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, whose magical barriers will keep them safe. Joining potions class under Professor Slughorn (Jim Broadbent) at the last second, Harry finds a mysterious textbook full of useful tips from someone calling themselves The Half-Blood Prince. As he goes about his classes, falls in love and worries about everyday school drama, Professor Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) asks Harry for help uncovering a crucial piece of information in the battle against Voldemort.
In the wake of Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games, there have been many imitators. The ones doomed to fail often fell into the trap of focussing too much on teenage angst in the middle of much bigger things. In this case, it works. This year, there’s no sinister new teacher trying to dismantle Hogwarts from the inside, no unknown assassin roaming the corridors at night. The Ministry of Magic acknowledges Voldemort’s return. Harry is not a social pariah whose sanity his fellow students question. He finally gets a chance to be normal. You get a taste of what a term at Hogwarts should be like and it’s wonderful. It brings you back to the first time Harry entered the Great Hall and gazed in wonder at the hidden world he had become a part of. We’ve been with these characters for years now. It’s so satisfying to see them growing up, getting all clammy-handed over asking their crush out on a date. The screenplay by Steve Kloves is filled with little moments like that. He perfectly captures the excitement of a first kiss or of winning that big competition that’ll have all your friends cheering.
But once in a while, you get a brief glimpse of something sinister in the background. Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton) is up to something. The camera will focus on Harry and his friends walking down a corridor, not a care in the world and to the left, tucked away by the camera is the blond-haired bully, practically tearing his hair out from stress. He’s always been up to no good so let’s pay him no mind. Let’s return to Harry and Dumbledore as they try to find this clue about Voldemort’s past.
The film's best scenes feature the Hogwarts Headmaster and the student who admires him. Michale Gambon and Daniel Radcliffe both so good together. Gambon, in particular, does so much with the tone of his voice and the dialogue. You get a sense that he’s kind and patient but there’s a strange aloofness about what he isn’t saying that keeps you guessing. He’s so much more than a simple, kindly old goody-goody.
Throughout the series, we've seen many striking images. That first time Harry held the wand that would become his, the Chamber of Secrets, that Angel of Death gravestone in the cemetary, etc. All the ones that come immediately to mind have a certain Harry Potter aesthetic to them. A crazy creature, a spell cast, some artifact. The striking shots in The Half-Blood Prince are different. There's a particular scene next to a cliffside that takes you breath away as the score by Nicholas Hooper swells and cinematographer Bruno Delbonnel flexes his layout muscles. There's a certain bird cage that really isn't that unusual in terms of design but the way it's framed, it's unforgettable. You could put the film on silent and tell what we’re supposed to feel from the way characters are framed, or the way the natural layout of the castle either divides or separates characters. The excellent score helps a lot too.
Perhaps more than in any of the chapters so far, the focus of The Half-Blood Prince is on the emotions. The finale is a punch in the gut even if you’ve read the book. Radcliffe, Grint and Watson have never been better. The drama between their characters is real. The supporting cast around them (I’ll give a bit of extra attention to Alan Rickman and Jim Broadbent, who have slightly bigger roles) disappear completely in their parts. It certainly helps to have seen all of the previous entries relatively recently but even separated from the rest, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince stands so steadily on its own legs you could pop it in anytime and fall in love with it all over again. (On Blu-ray, August 30, 2019)
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bookandcover · 4 years
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Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe…they do! They really, really do! This was such a phenomenal book! It’s 1987 and narrator Ari is a 15-year-old Mexican American boy living in El Paso who feels perpetually misfit. He doesn’t understand how to relate to other boys his age; he doesn’t understand his father, silent and troubled after years of serving in Vietnam; he doesn’t understand his mother’s silence when it comes to his older brother who is in prison, but who might as well be dead. Then, his world is utterly changed when fellow 15-year-old Dante befriends him. Dante is many things Aristotle is not: in love with the world and his life, passionate about books and art, open about his feelings, affectionate with his parents, and Dante charges through life with a joyous innocence that extends from his love for all living things right down to his unwillingness to wear shoes outside.
I loved every page of this book, from the tough parts to the surprising plot twists to the stunning portraits of both boys’ relationships with each of their parents, to the glorious ending which felt like a rainstorm breaking over the desert Ari loves—a therapeutic release of emotion. First off, the writing and voice is beautiful and spot-on. Ari is our narrator and every word sounds like him. He’s troubled and stubborn, but also quiet and attentive. He has a strong sense of justice, a strong moral compass, and clever and sarcastic sense of humor. We know him, and through his eyes we know deeply the other pivotal figures in his life. Ari’s growth over the course of the novel is seamless, as is the growth of his relationships with the other characters. Let’s start with Dante. Dante is beautiful in Ari’s eyes and therefore in ours. His soul is beautiful. Just like Ari, we long to protect that innocence. A third of the way through the book, one of the significant plot twists is the back-to-back events of Dante announcing that he’ll be leaving El Paso for a year—his family is moving to Chicago for his dad’s one year sabbatical—and a car speeding in the rain nearly killing both Dante and Aristotle. Ari moves instinctively and shoves Dante out of the way. The car crushes his legs. I gasped aloud reading this section. It’s unclear for several pages if Dante has survived and what, exactly, has happened, as we experience these scenes with the full confusion and disorientation that Ari experiences. This is the first event that shifts Ari and Dante’s relationship. Dante is wracked by guilt and Ari tries desperately to move them past this, to equalize their light-hearted friendship once again.
Dante moves to Chicago, writes letters to Ari who only occasionally responds, and then moves back. Everything continues to change. Dante is no longer so innocent, but he is still as pure of heart. In true Dante fashion, he is not afraid of who he is and he tells Ari openly that he’s gay and that he likes boys. Ari, again, tries to hang onto the past, tries to keep their relationship the way it’s always been. Near the end of the book, their relationship changes again after another dramatic twist (although, perhaps both of these should have looked to us as inevitable, as they match the personalities of both characters) that leaves one of our favorite duo severely injured. This time, Dante is hospitalized, after he’s beaten up by a group of boys who see him kissing another boy. Ari goes on an emotionally-driven rampage in response. He confronts the boy who Dante was kissing and learns that Daniel fled while Dante faced up to the bullies (very true to character) and discovers the names of two of the four boys who beat Dante up. Furious, Ari goes to find one of these boys and fights with him, sending him to the hospital in turn. Both these events evidence Ari’s deep need to defend and protect Dante, and both events change Dante himself and the relationship between Ari and Dante.
Both events remove some of Dante’s lightness. He understands in different ways what’s at stake when he’s expressing his identity. He worries over telling his parents that he’s gay and he’s thrilled when his mom is pregnant again, insisting that the child needs to be a boy and he needs to love girls. After Dante is beaten up, the truth about his identity comes out, and his dad is saddened as he asks Ari why his son didn’t tell him, why he didn’t feel he could tell him the truth. While Dante is no longer quite so light-hearted, his strength in his convictions is never shaken. While these events are dramatic, it’s the slow disappointment of his unrequited love for Ari that is perhaps changing Dante the most. Dante tries for a long time to show Ari his love. He talks Ari into things, shares his drawings of Ari, kisses him, and eventually tells him how he feels. But, by the end of the book, we see the way the hopelessness of Dante’s love for Ari is aging him and saddening him. When, in the final scene, Ari starts to tell Dante of his feelings in return, Dante’s instinct is to draw back, to tell Ari that he can’t do this. Dante has been too hurt by the day-to-day pain of loving Ari and believing this love is not returned. Ari, on the other hand, has reached a place of openness in which love has become stronger than the boundaries he has always built around his heart. He has become more like Dante—more willing to wear his heart on his sleeve—and Dante has become more like Ari—more cautious, more aware that the world is not as magical as he believed it to be. Beautifully, these boys meet in the middle, somewhere between their two natures.
Ari’s character development feels like healing. He begins this book in a place of tension, with himself and with his family. It takes him a long time to uncover the truth: the truth of his heart and his feelings and his sexuality, the truth about his brother, the truth about his father, the truth about his mother, the truth about his aunt (who was queer and estranged from her extended family while accepted only by Ari’s immediate family)…As Ari peels back these layers seeking the truth he seems to be liberating himself. Interestingly, the truth about his brother is a truth he always knew he needed. He wanted to know what happened and why his parents didn’t speak of this. The truths he learns about his father and mother seem to be by-products of this central truth, or part of the natural process of growing up and discovering the complexity of one’s parents as people. The truth about himself seems to be the deepest layer, the hardest to uncover, but one that is tied to learning these other truths. I thought it was poignant that his father, always so silent and internal, is the one to tell Ari the truth about his feelings for Dante. That his father, who Ari has always perceived to hold so much inside, is able to bare his soul and tell his Vietnam story (the deep guilt he feels for having left a man behind to die, that this is what haunts him most) and then, in the same conversation, tell his son that he knows his son is in love with his male best friend seemed like the perfect parallel. It is somehow always easier to see the truth in someone else than in yourself. Ari’s mother’s unveiling of her heart is similar, as she tells Ari the truth that is hardest for her to face—the truth about Ari’s brother who was imprisoned for killing with his bare hands a prostitute he picked up who turned out to be a man—and after revealing this, she is there in agreement as Ari’s father reveals the hardest truth for Ari to hear. I loved how she shows her son that his hardest truth doesn’t need to continue to be painful, that he doesn’t need to feel ashamed, that he can heal fully, as she says “Ashamed of what? Of loving Dante?” In asking this question, she shows Ari that shame is so far from the way he should feel about love.
I don’t think I’ve ever read a book with a better characterization of the relationships between children and parents. These parents are incredible people. They are far from perfect, but they try so hard to understand their children and they love them so fiercely. Early in the book, Ari is closer with his mother than his father. His witty banter with his mom, who co-opts Ari calling her a fascist as a way to tease him, shows their similar ways of being in the world. But in nature, Ari is more like his quiet father who holds a whole war inside himself. Ari grows to realize the ways that his reluctance to take the truth out and look at it has echoes in his mother’s nature as well, and that his father might be more light-hearted than he’d assumed (he goes bowling regularly with Mr. Quintana). Dante, on the other hand, feels more early affinity for his father who is also funny and fun-loving and contrasted to his composed mother. Yet, we see how deeply Mrs. Quintana loves (I loved the moment where, after Ari saves Dante’s life in the car accident, Mrs. Quintana tells Ari that she will love him forever, and Ari knows that she means it), and we see how her moral conviction and weight is somehow like her son’s, as he matures into himself. Mrs. Quintana sees everything about Dante in a way his father does not; his father, who more often lives in the moment, is blind-sided to realize his son is gay and never told him. Both of Dante’s parents are rejuvenated by Mrs. Quintana’s pregnancy, and they behave like young lovers, as they take Ari’s truck for a spin. Their age difference with Ari’s parents is never closely commented on, but it’s something I thought about as a friendship square is foraged among the parents, and opened to include their sons. By the end of the novel, Ari feels like Dante does: he knows he loves his parents; he’s crazy about them.
I loved how, late in the book, we finally get the first names of Ari’s parents—Lilly and Jaime—when they have become, for him, fully realized beings and when they have, through their bravery in confronting their hardest truths, helped their son to confront his. I bawled through the penultimate scene of this book when Ari’s dad tells him about his time in Vietnam. I felt like Ari’s dad was showing him that the most painful regret was to leave someone behind, that leaving someone behind is what haunts you, and that he doesn’t want his son to leave someone behind…and that someone is himself, a version of his true self that Ari might have chosen to shut out from his life for so long that he would never be able to truly heal. Instead, because of the willingness of Ari’s parents to still grow and change as settled adults, to strive for more openness with their son, they teach Ari openness with himself. Ari is not his brother and they see him for who he is rather than projecting Bernardo onto Ari. Although, when he comes home after having beaten up Julian (Dante’s attacker), his parents show an instinctual fear that he is like his brother—using his hands for violence—and his father reacts punitively (“I’m selling your truck”) like he must have done to his brother, Ari is able to tell the truth of his motivations and his parents are able to slow down and see him. This is such a powerful testament to the ability of parents and children to grow into their relationships with each, a positive growth that requires change in both of them. The healing of Ari’s family, their blossoming closeness, forms the central arc of this novel. Yes, this is a love story. It is a story of Ari coming to terms with his sexuality and accepting his love for Dante. But, more fundamentally, it’s the story of his relationship with his family, because in healing themselves, they heal each other. I adored all of these characters and l didn’t want their stories to end. Ending the novel felt like saying goodbye to friends.
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mldrgrl · 5 years
Ordinary People
by: mldrgrl Pairing: Hank Moody/Stella Gibson Rating: PG-13 Summary: In the Hanella universe, March 15th is Hank’s birthday.  Today is March 15th.  Also, in the Hanella universe, there is no coronavirus.
A/N: I usually don’t do these, but I just need to say, my creative drive is at an all time low.  I’ve tried to get a few Hanella stories off the ground for months, with no success.  I wanted to have this prepared for this morning, but it took me a painfully long time to put this together.  With all the panic and anxiety happening around me, us, the world, hopefully this is a small contribution to put a smile on a few people’s faces.  Stay safe everyone.
Hank likes Sunday mornings the best.  By virtue of a long-held agreement, Sunday mornings are unhurried and unplanned.  Afternoon brunch with Becca is usually on the calendar, but the mornings belong to them.  That’s why, when Stella’s cellphone rings at 9am, and she answers it, Hank rolls over with a disgruntled groan.
“Of course,” Stella says, slipping out of bed and Hank’s searching grasp.  “Yes, of course.  I’ll be right there.”
“Timeizit,” he mutters, coming up on his elbows, face scrunching as he struggles to fully open his eyes.  “Where you goin’?”
“Go back to sleep,” is all she says, and then she disappears into the bathroom.
Hank flops back down to the bed and buries his head under the pillows.  He tries to fall back to sleep, but he knows it’s futile.  Groaning again, he sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed.  He jams one fist against his eyes, rubbing the sleep out, and searches the floor blindly for the pair of shorts he’d whipped off and slingshotted at Stella the night before when they were on their way to bed.  He knew they’d landed there somewhere.  
Stella comes out of the bathroom in a peach silk camisole and navy blue panties.  He perks up a little as she crosses towards him, but she’s only there at the side of the bed to retrieve her diamond earrings.  As she afixes them in her ears, he hooks an arm around her waist and drags her into the space between his open knees.  
“Go back to sleep,” she says again.
“Who was on the phone?”  His voice is muffled as he rubs his face against her hip and tries to nuzzle her panties aside.
“On a Sunday?”
“I just need to run up and take some exam notes around to my TA.”
“Can’t you email them?”
“I’ll be quick.”  She wiggles her hips out of his clutches, but he pulls her back in.
“I can be quick too.”  He gets his fingers under her panties to squeeze her right asscheek and tugs the left side down at the hip.
“Later, Watson.”  She pushes him gently, but firmly away.  “I’ll make it up to you later.”
He rubs the back of his head and unhappily watches her get dressed.  It takes her less than two minutes to get into a pair of black, cropped pants, and a black and white striped sweater.  She pulls on a pair of black flats and then she’s gone and he still hasn’t found his shorts.
Two hours later, Hank has showered, fiddled with the latest chapter of his novel, and accidentally watched an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, but Stella isn’t home.  He receives a text at 11:30: Work issue to resolve taking longer than anticipated.  Meet at Sarabeth’s for Becca brunch at 1. x - Sherlock.  Because he’s annoyed, he texts back a sad face and an eggplant, hoping she feels guilty for leaving their bed for work.  And he really wants her to know how unhappy his dick is about it.  She doesn’t respond.
It’s a nice, unseasonably warm and sunny day with a cool, but gentle breeze, so he decides to walk to the upper west side to meet his wife and daughter.  It takes a little more than an hour, and on the way, he feels guilty for trying to make Stella feel bad, so he stops and buys her a bouquet of blue roses.  He probably has something to apologize for to Becca as well, so he gets her a colorful arrangement of daisies.
He’s early by ten minutes to Sarabeth’s and heads inside to try to get a table for three.  He doesn’t have to though.  He spots Becca at an upper level table and she waves at him.  He points out his party to the hostess and then ascends the staircase, two at a time.  It’s obvious to him something’s fishy by the wide smile on Becca’s face.  Stella’s back is to him.
“Milady,” Hank says, handing Stella her bouquet.  He presents the other to Becca with a nod.  “Mi-other-lady.”
“What’s this for?” Stella asks.
“Being a general pain in the ass,” he answers as he sits down beside her.  She laughs lightly and he places a lingering kiss to her cheek that she leans into.  He catches the hand she lifts to stroke his face and kisses her fingers one by one and gives her hand a squeeze as he pulls away.  
Becca still has the mysterious grin plastered on her face.  Hank eyes her suspiciously.  “Have you been dabbling with nitrous oxide, Daughter?”
“Can I give it to him?” Becca asks, shifting her eyes between Hank and Stella.  She looks ready to burst with excitement, so much so it’s palpable.
“Go on.”  Stella nods.
Becca turns and reaches into her bag.  She pulls out a shoebox-sized package wrapped in silver paper and passes it over the table to Hank.
“Me?” Hank asks, accepting the package.
“Happy birthday!” Becca exclaims.
“Oh…”  He’s forgotten.  Never much of a celebrator of birthdays, he’s forgotten that today was March 15th.  He looks from Becca to Stella.  “You two conspired on something?”
Becca nods and grins.  “Open it.”
Hank tears through the silver paper and uncovers an old, wooden cigar box.  It’s got more depth to it than boxes he’d ever seen before, fitting at least four rows of cigars deep by his estimate.  And it’s weighty, so he doesn’t think it’s full of cigars.  He flips up the aged metal latch at the front of the box and inside is a book.  Not just any book, a hard copy, possibly first edition of Call it Sleep by Henry Roth.
“Oh,” he says.  
“Keep opening!” Becca orders.
“Okay, okay.”
On closer inspection, before he even opens the book, he can see something is off about it.  The pages seem strange, like they’ve been altered somehow.  He opens the cover and on the inside is a small manila sleeve, stamped with PROPERTY OF MIAMI BEACH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL.  There’s even a checkout slot still embedded inside with return dates back to the 1940s.  The copyright page indicates that it is not a first edition, but a fifth.  He starts flipping the pages and that’s when he’s able to see how unique this book really is.
“What in the hell,” he murmurs.  Pages have been replaced with handwritten notes.  There are photos embedded inside.  Polaroids, even.  Part of the book has been hollowed out and a tiny bottle of airplane-sized Jack Daniels has been nestled inside.
“We called people,” Becca said.  “Friends and stuff.  Mom helped.  Asked them to personalize something for the book for you.”
“All these notes and things are…”
“From everyone.  Aunt Heather, mom, me, Stella, Fish, Charlie, Marcy-”
“I miss that bald little creep and Cokey Smurf.”
“Fish added the bottle of whiskey.  He said to tell you there’s an adult-sized one waiting for you next time you come up to the house.”
“The Trout’s a good man.”
“We’ve been working on it for over a year.”
“Over a year?”  Hank looks up, incredulous.  
“It took awhile to get from person to person.  It was Stella’s idea.”
He tries not to look surprised, but he can’t help it.  Stella has never revealed a creative side to him.  “Really?”
“Something I read about.”  She waves a hand, dismissively.  “I didn’t invent the concept.  I just thought it might be something you’d enjoy.”
“I do.  It’s really...it’s just really...”  Hank stops.  He finds himself choking up a little.
Stella leans over, kisses his ear and whispers, “Happy birthday, love.”
“Which pages...where do I find your notes?” he asks.
“Read them later.”
“Aunt Heather painted silhouettes of the city skyline on some of the pages,” Becca says.
“I’m going to go over all of this with a fine tooth comb when I get home.  Thank you, ladies.”
“And Karen,” Stella adds.  “She was the perfect liaison.”  
“I can’t believe you guys did this.  I can’t believe anyone would do this.  For me.”
“We love you.”  Becca smiles broadly and then gets out of her seat.  She gives Hank a hug and then straightens.  “Have to run to the bathroom.  Be right back.”
When Becca leaves, Hank turns to Stella.  “You didn’t have to go up to work today, did you?”
“No, I had to pick up that box.”  She nods down to the cigar box on the table.  “We were able to acquire it last minute from a flea market auction and only had a small window of opportunity to pick it up.”
“This was really incredible.  Thank you.  I can’t wait to find what you contributed.”
“I haven’t added mine yet.”
“It’s with me.  It’s just too...personal.”
“Something you wrote?”
She nods.
“Will you read it to me later?”
“You can read it yourself.”  She blushes and turns her face away from him.  
He runs his fingers through her hair and then cups her cheek and brings her gaze back to his.  “Do I get a birthday blow job tonight or is this old library book my only gift?”
She chuckles and takes up the bouquet he’d given her from her lap to smack him on the leg with it.  He kisses her once, twice, and then goes in deep on a third.  She’s breathless when he pulls away.
“I love you, Sherlock,” he says.
“Happy birthday, Watson.”
The End
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caitlinclark · 5 years
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Maitane López: «We are more tactical and therefore we play a very different football»
Our first 'C' in this tremendous trident is Maitane López Millán or also known as “the smile of the Liga Iberdrola” or “Mai”.
She says that it is something natural but unconsciously gives off that 'good vibes' energy that makes the interviewer (in my case) feel like being with a friend drinking something.
And before you start it is important that you understand that ...
For this and subsequent occasions, I have decided that my interviews can be taken as a souvenir home. For Maitane I drew half a soccer field on an A4 sheet and put 11 representative photographs of the player in question, symbolizing the number of components of a team. Her name also appeared in large print, a drawing of a book (later you will understand why), an orange and a star. Once the rules of the game have been explained, I give it to her and when she sees it, she smiles and immediately says, "Very original, really." And with an Aquarius in each hand, Mai begins uncovering the first photograph and ...
Photograph 1 (Maitane as a child) M: Oh! (She laughs). My beginnings, right? I started with 4 or 5 years, all my paternal family was related to football my father, José Ignacio López Rekarte, my uncles, Luis María and Aitor López Rekarte and my grandfather, Luis López. Until one day I came home and told my mother to sign me up. And of course, my mother didn't know anything about women's football in Mallorca because we had just moved from Murcia, and she decided on the Son Cotoner club, which was later renamed Sporting Ciutat de Palma. (Laughs) This anecdote is very funny because with 4-5 years I went to train, and my poor mother told me "don't be sad if they don't pick you", and on the first day, I went up two categories!
ESF: Did you play with boys? M: Yes, until there was a moment that another girl came who became my best friend. At age 12 I was beginning to notice inequalities between men and women because we are biologically different. But I never had problems with any teammates, they were more screams from the stands than anything else. In fact, I keep in touch with some of them.
Photograph 2 (Maitane with her uncle, Luis María López Rekarte) M: My uncle ... has always been my role model (snorts). I still remember this picture, I can see the smile on my face ... It was radiant. Imagine, thanks to him I could have access to my idols, that is, I was next to Kovacevic, Nihat, Xabi Alonso etc.
Really, I had devotion to him, when he came to play against Mallorca, I brought all my friends and they freaked out, for me he was my idol and he was the one who pushed me to continue.
ESF: Is your uncle going to see you at the matches? M: Yes, and my whole family when we play in Zubieta.
Photograph 3 (In his second football team: UD Collerense) M: Colle ... I was in Sporting Ciutat de Palma until the second division and then I went to Collerense for three years and I was a little scared of the reception because they are rivals to death, but nothing, everything was great (smiles). This club has been my trampoline, a super humble team with very few resources that gave me the opportunity to play in the first division and over at home. I think it is worth considering that the club has been 5 years in the first division (seasons 2011-2016). I take great friendships, in fact the day after tomorrow I will stay with them. But for me Sporting is special because I entered with 4 and left at 15-16 years of age there.
Photograph 4 (Studies) M: I am currently finishing the Primary Education career with a mention in Therapeutic Pedagogy, now I am doing an internship at a Special Education center in Cheste. I've searched for it near Bunyol to get everything on time. The truth is that I've been trying to get my degree for 7 years (she laughs). No, I have not suspended any exams, the thing is that because of football I could not do the practices. And now yes, I have TFG, practices and memory, and that's it.
ESF: And that's it? M: Yes!!! (Smile from ear to ear). I've been doing this for 7 years, but it seems normal, but it's good to combine studies and be a professional football player. Although I have always been clear that I wanted to do both for what could happen, I also believe that when I leave this sport, I would like to dedicate myself to what I have studied, since it has nothing to do with football.
Photograph 5 (First day in the east) M: Incredible... Levante UD has given me everything, Colle was the springboard, but in this club I have evolved both personally and professionally. In addition, I had never lived alone outside home but this team welcomes you and takes care of you so much that I adapted very quickly. And it’s that (laughs) I'm still hallucinating that they iron our clothes and leave us folded in the locker room, really, I’m grateful for everything and I feel immensely happy in Levante UD.
Photograph 6 (Selection) M: I did freak out there, in fact I was with my partner on a off weekend in Salamanca and I was in a bad mood, Jorge called me and asked me how I was and I told him that great, and he told me that I was going with the National Team to Prague. It was a dream for me, to train with them, some of them were already friends ... Now they are in the United States and I wish them the best of luck. 
Photograph 7 (Maitane smile) ESF: A lot of people say you're always smiling ... M: (laughs) Yeah, it's true ... (laughs again) Obviously I don't realize it and although it sounds like a cliche I think you have a better life smiling than crying. Also in the team along with Rocío we are the ones who pull pranks... and Lucia and ... Eva (laughs). And nothing, you just have to enjoy everything you do.
Photograph 8 (Eva Navarro, Ona Batlle and Maitane) M: My gorritis !!! They are Eva Navarro and Ona Batlle, they are not my friends, they are like my daughters (laughs). Although Ona is not so much now because she has already grown but Eva is... And I love having them on my team and having met them, it is one of the most beautiful things that football gives you and I am very grateful for it. I love them a lot.
Photograph 9 (Maitane playing the guitar) M: It's one of the things that disinhibits me from football ... I am very much the kind of person who goes with a book to read sitting alone in the street (stares at me and smiles) don’t think it’s weird if you see me one day out there or on the beach giving a walk… In addition, whenever I am a little sad, I feel immense desire to play the guitar and I think… (raises her index finger) “What's wrong with you? You have been playing for half an hour, two hours… ” (Laughs) It is true that my 'gorritis' suffer a lot, although many times it is them who ask me for songs, and we start singing and dancing all three. We have a lot of videos being dumb together (laughs).
ESF: Favorite singer? M: Ainoa Buitrago! (she doesn't doubt a minute)
Photograph 10 (Stadium) M: From the final of the U19 European we lost, I think that defeat has helped me a lot to mature as a footballer. A few years later, you value being a starter in a final. In addition, we faced the Netherlands with some very good players, moreover, the one that scored a goal was the now Arsenal striker and an undisputed starter of the Dutch national team, Vivienne Mediema. And I think about it and I still hallucinate having played that final.
Photograph 11 (The British Ladies Football Club team) ESF: Do they sound like you? M: (Stares) Mmmm… no.
ESF: Do not worry, it is a very old photograph and almost nothing differs. They are the British Ladies Football Club, the components of the first women's soccer team on March 23, 1895 in England. What do you think? M: In the end I think they were the first to open the doors. It is true that now we are being given more visibility and I think we are collecting the reward of all the work not only ours, but since that March 23, 1895. And in the end, we are so grateful to them that they were the first as to all those who have fought for equality both inside and outside the football field. For example, to me past generations like Sandra Vilanova, Melisa Nicolau etc. All of them have opened the door for us here in Spain in many things.
ESF: What do you think of the collective agreement? M: Every step is important. Everything is improving, now there is a sub-20, sub-15 and before it did not exist, I think it is progressing a lot and faster and faster, although there is still much to improve.
ESF: And about future generations? M: I think we have to keep working so that in the future, girls can get to live football as boys do.
ESF: What do you think of the phrase 'girls don't entertain? M: Well (snorts) it's football and it's another kind of show, you don't have to compare men’s football with women’s football because I've said it before, we're biologically different and therefore, we play differently. We don't have as much speed, aggressiveness as they do… We are more tactical and that is why we play a very different football. That’s it.
Female football star M: The best player in the Liga Iberdrola is ...? (sound of drums) Jennifer Hermoso. And the one that is very good but is not given media hype… Mariona. (She laughs)
Favorite book M: I love reading and this question is always a problem for me but ... ' Contra el viento del norte’ by Daniel Glattauer oe ‘La mecánica del corazón' by Mathias Malzieu.
Food ESF: Star dish, favorite ... M: Well, let's see ... (laughs) If you like to eat well, you have to know how to cook. And I know! I love to eat, really, but for football I have to reduce certain foods. For example, my star dish, which is to suck your fingers is: crusty bread, with a layer of provolone cheese and another of hot foie. (close your eyes) Mmmmmm. Really, great. But this I can only allow once every two months (she smiles) that then you have to go out play.
ESF: Thank you very much Maitane, really, ESF thanks you for your time and your sympathy. M: Thanks to you and ESF that I get along great with many of that media. Goodbye, see you soon (smiles and leaves).
And I hit the pause button. I hope you never forget this interview, take a little piece of ESF home and we smile and closeness. Maitane from ESF we wish you all the luck wherever you go and we will always be grateful for these times you give us. Really, do not lose that illusion and desire to live the life that has led you to achieve so much. And we also want to thank Levante UD Feminine for their willingness.
Interview conducted and written by Cristina Brull. Original photographs by Juanfra Galindo for «They Are Soccer»
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karenxmenfan · 5 years
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(above: Jack Kirby, John Verpoorten, Glynis Oliver; John Paul Leon; Al Milgrom, Joe Sinnott, Julianna Ferriter; Daniel Acuña)
Jack Kirby’s Gods return to the Marvel Universe
“When two aggressive species share the same environment, evolution demands acceptance or dominance.” When Jonathan Hickman’s return to Marvel was first teased in 2019, I thought they might do something unexpected and announce a new Eternals series. Kevin Feige had revealed an Eternals movie not too long before, so it seems possible. I knew practically nothing about the characters, aside from Sersi being an Avenger, that it was Jack Kirby’s baby, and they were tied to the Celestials. I met these massive Space Gods in the beloved 1999 miniseries Earth X. That series includes a basic recap of the Eternals and Deviants in service of an epic plot surrounding the Celestials and their relationship to Earth.
The Hickman rumors sparked an interest in the characters, so I decided to read the original run from the beginning. What I found out is that there’s a lot of silly fun to these characters and I’m genuinely excited for the movie. The concept is weird and doesn’t quite have the same generative power as, say, the Fantastic Four, but it’s still enjoyable and Jack Kirby’s art is always a treat for the eyeballs. It’s easy to get caught up on all the essentials, since these characters are used so infrequently, but their presence is heavily seeded throughout the Marvel Universe. I’ve put together this reading guide to offer a roadmap for anyone wanting to take a deep-dive into THE ETERNALS!
The Eternals are secretly one of three branches of the human race that were ENGINEERED BY ALIENS (a fact that gets reiterated nearly every time they appear in a comic). Yes, it’s that old urban legend that human evolution was kickstarted by extraterrestrial influence. In this case, massive space beings called the Celestials came to Earth and did experiments on apes, resulting in homo sapiens, but also the Eternals, powerful god-like beings, and Deviants, “monsters” who have unstable genes so no two are alike. Make of that what you will, it’s kind of messed up. Anyway, many thousands of years after their first visit, the Celestials return to Earth again to check up on their creations, and to see if the planet is worthy to survive.
The main draw of this series is Kirby’s art, weird ideas, and how funny all the characters are as they strut around exclaiming everything. What’s interesting here is that it’s not actually a part of the Marvel Universe - there’s an issue halfway through where they fight a robot Hulk, which is pretty explicitly based on a fictional character. The best characters in the whole book are Sersi, who is a hip, with-it party girl, Thena, and of course the Deviant leader Kro (the romance between the latter two is very good).
Entries in blue are favorites
The Eternals (1976) #1–6 — Where it all begins!! WHO ARE THE SPACE GODS? Some human archaeologists discover, with the help of a disguised Eternal, the big secret of the human race, and their relationship to Eternals, Deviants, and the Celestials who created them. This kicks off the series and the first arc where all the various Eternals are brought out of hiding as the Deviants, led by Kro, launch an effort to keep the Celestials from returning to judge their creations - this includes an attack on New York where the Deviants pose as demons from space hell. Meanwhile, the Fourth Celestial Host arrives on Earth…
The Eternals (1976) #7–13 — Picking up after the attack on New York, the human race is now formally introduced to its ancient siblings. This arc starts to get more into the relationships of the characters, with Sersi getting thirsty for a flummoxed, stuffed-shirt anthropologist, while Kro and Thena drop hints of a previous romance. Through their story, we see more of Deviant society, which introduces future BFFs The Reject and Karkas. Meanwhile, the Celestials are floating around the planet making observations like colossal roombas and freaking out humanity who start to get very worried. We also see the introduction of the Uni-Mind, where all the Eternals fly into a blue flame and emerge as one giant brain-thing. In this form, they leave Earth for a while.
The Eternals Annual (1977) #1 — A fun little adventure with Thena, The Reject, and Karkas (who has a human disguise in this) dealing with some Deviant menace who brings Jack the Ripper and Atilla the Hun to the present day to cause mayhem. The Eternals (1976) #14-17 - The momentum of the series comes to a halt - the Uni-Mind returns to Earth and the Eternals get swept up in a battle with a robotic Hulk who goes on the loose, and then a secret, all-powerful monster that Zuras was hiding in the basement.
The Eternals (1976) #18–19 — Probably with the knowledge that cancellation is nigh, the story picks up again. Druig becomes obsessed with uncovering the whereabouts of a secret weapon that is able to kill the Celestials (planting the seeds for the Dreaming Celestial). Ikaris tries his hardest to stop his cousin’s folly and avert the wrath of the Space Gods and I think it eventually comes to an end when the Celestials make Druig disappear? I guess this is when Jack Kirby peaced out of Marvel…
CREDITS* full series (Writing/Pencils - Jack Kirby; Inks - John Verpoorten, Mike Royer; Colors - Glynis Oliver; Lettering - Gaspar Saladino, John Costanza, Irving Watanabe, Mike Royer)
Since the original series kind of was cut short with Kirby’s departure, the Eternals’ story gets picked up in other Marvel comics, where the heroes slowly learn about their existence.
Thor Annual (1976) #7 — Since the original series kind of was cut short with Kirby’s departure, the Eternals’ story gets picked up in other Marvel comics. This issue starts off a storyline where Thor recovers memories of the Celestials and some secret that Odin has been keeping from him.
(Writing - Roy Thomas; Pencils - Walter Simonson; Inks - Ernie Chan; Colors - Glynis Oliver; Lettering - Tom Orzechowski)
Thor (1966) #283-289, 291, 300-301 — Spurred on by his meeting of the Eternals, Thor takes the question to Odin. Odin won’t tell him anything, so this sets Thor off on a journey that takes him to the Eternals, the Deviants, and eventually the lead Celestial, The One Above All, who shows him hints of a deal between Celestials, Odin, Zeus, Zuras, and the other deities of Earth. Joining forces with the Eternals, Thor tries to stop the Fourth Hosts’ judgement of Earth which puts them at odds with the Norse and Greek gods. Thor finally learns the whole truth just in time to stand against the Celestials on the Day of Judgement. This is the big culmination of everything that started in The Eternals #1!
(Writing - Roy Thomas, Mark Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio; Pencils - John Buscema, Keith Pollard; Inks - Chic Stone, Gene Day; Colors - George Roussos, Glynis Oliver, Marie Severin, Bob Sharen, Carl Gafford; Lettering - Joe Rosen, Tom Orzechowski)
Iron Man Annual (1970) #6 — Rhodey is flying around and accidentally happens upon the Eternals’ city, but it’s overrun by Deviants! They’ve incapacitated all the Eternals and are trying to steal their power source or something.
(Writing - Peter Gillis; Pencils - Luke McDonnell; Inks - Roy Richardson; Colors - Carl Gafford; Lettering - Diana Albers)
Eternals: Secrets from the Marvel Universe (2019) #1 — This one-shot collects a series of backup stories that ran in What If? through the early 1980s. This covers the established origin of the Eternals and Deviants, but also goes into more detail about the branch of Eternals who left Earth to populate the solar system. It also ties in the Inhumans and creates a relationship between these two very similar groups of characters.
(Writing - Mark Gruenwald, Ralph Macchio, Peter Gillis; Pencils - Ron Wilson, Rich Buckler, Bruce Patterson; Inks - Chic Stone, Alan Kupperberg, Bruce Patterson, Joe Sinnott; Colors - Carl Gafford, Ed Hannigan, Nel Yomtov, Glynis Oliver; Lettering - Michael Higgins, John Morelli, Tom Orzechowski)
Avengers (1963) #246-248 — The Avengers crash one of Sersi’s parties and get dragged with her back to Olympia for some Eternals business. There we find out about the Eternals who went to Titan, and everyone finds out Starfox is an Eternal. The main plot involves a supervillain infiltrating Olympia to steal the power of the Uni-Mind. At the end of this story, the majority of lesser-known Eternals decide to leave Earth in a Uni-Mind for good, greatly narrowing their cast to just the essentials.
(Writing - Roger Stern; Pencils - Al Milgrom; Inks - Joe Sinnott; Colors - Christie Scheele, Julianna Ferriter; Lettering - Jim Novak, Diana Albers)
The Eternals (1985) #1-12 — This is actually a solid series, and does a huge amount to introduce new concepts and characters into the Eternals. It’s more of a standard Marvel superhero comic than Kirby’s weirdness, which perhaps allows it to fit more neatly into the greater shared universe. The best thing is that it features a lot of Kro and Thena as the latter becomes leader of the Eternals despite them not taking her seriously, and the former becoming embroiled in a sectarian power struggle with Ghuar (that guy from “Atlantis Attacks”) to lead the Deviants. The two find their love rekindled, putting them at odds with the other Eternals (Ikaris is a big asshole in this). Meanwhile, Sersi collects more human pets, including a guy she saves from suicide and tries to show that life is worth living. Central to everyone’s machinations is a plot to harness the power of the Celestials, playing off of the hints left by Kirby about the Celestial who was killed during the Second Host (this is the continuing foundation for the Dreaming Celestial idea).
(Writing - Peter Gillis, Walter Simonson; Pencils - Sal Buscema, Keith Pollard, Paul Ryan; Inks - Al Gordon, Keith Williams, Danny Bulanadi, Sam de la Rosa, Al Williamson, Tom Morgan, Geof Isherwood; Colors - George Roussos, Bob Sharen; Lettering - Joe Rosen, John Morelli, Rick Parker)
The Eternals: Herod Factor (1991) #1 — A little one-shot that is fun largely because it ultimately is about Thena and Kro. It’s written by Roy Thomas so doesn’t stray too far from established canon.
(Writing - Roy Thomas, Dann Thomas; Pencils - Mark Texiera; Inks - Bob McLeod, Christopher Ivy, Mark McKenna, Ian Akin, Sam de la Rosa; Colors - Mike Thomas, Dana Moreshead; Lettering - Jean Simek)
Despite the Forgotten One (aka Gilgamesh) joining the Avengers in issue #300, he doesn’t seem to have ever made much of an impression. His tenure does little more than to lead the team to another, more famous Eternal - the cosmopolitan Sersi! She definitely makes her mark on the team in the early 90’s. For better or worse!
Avengers (1963) #307-310, 325 — Gilgamesh is injured in battle, leading the Avengers to seek out the aid of his fellow Eternals - except Sprite has transported all of Olympia to the Negative Zone. After helping fend off Blastaar, Sersi joins the team in Gilgamesh’s stead. At this point she becomes a series regular and fans can start reading Avengers from here for more. Issue #325 is a great fill-in by Mark Gruenwald that features Sersi at her best – throwing a party and hitting on stymied squares.
(Writing - John Byrne; Pencils - Paul Ryan; Inks - Tom Palmer; Colors - Christie Scheele, Tom Fine; Lettering - Bill Oakley, Rick Parker)
Avengers (1963) #325 — A great fill-in by Mark Gruenwald that features Sersi at her best — throwing a party and hitting on stymied squares.
(Writing - Mark Gruenwald; Pencils - Rick Levins; Inks - Fred Fredericks [et al]; Colors - Ed Lazellari; Lettering - Brad K. Joyce)
Avengers (1963) #370-371 — Kro works at the Pentagon and has an outreach database for Deviants, which he uses to form Delta-Force! This team includes his kids with Thena who have the ability to merge into a grotesque fusion, and they need to save the Avengers from Ghaur.
(Writing - Glenn Herdling; Pencils - Geof Irsherwood, Mike Gustovich; Inks - Al Milgrom, Kevin Yates, Tom Palmer; Colors - Chris Matthys; Lettering - Bill Oakley)
Avengers (1963) #339, 344-347, 355-366, 372-375 — This is Bob Harras’ grand epic to ruin Sersi. After Sersi forms a version of the Uni-Mind with a bacteria-based group of Eternals (it’s… a thing), her behavior becomes erratic, presumably some Eternals mind-sickness. She begins to fawn all over Black Knight, linking to him in a soulmate ritual against his consent (he’s falling in love with Crystal). It’s all because of an alternate-reality Black Knight who wants to get revenge on Sersi because his version broke his heart. When everything is finally resolved, Sersi and Black Knight enter a wormhole and leave the dimension. At least Sersi has a cool costume.
(Writing - Bob Harras; Pencils - Steve Epting, Gordon Purcell; Inks - Tom Palmer, Steve Alexandrov, Fred Fredericks; Colors - Kevin Tinsley, Sarra Mossoff, Scott Marshall, Evan Skolnick, Tom Palmer, Gina Going, John Kalisz; Lettering - Bill Oakley, Michael Higgins, Rick Parker)
Heroes for Hire (1997) #5-7 — Sersi returns to a post-Onslaught 616 universe to warn about another plot by Ghaur to form an “Anti-Mind.” He’s been resurrected as a giant gold statue and is controlling all the Deviants. Once the day is saved, Sersi goes off on her separate way, with her bond to Black Knight severed at last.
(Writing - John Ostrander; Pencils - Pasqual Ferry; Inks - Jaime Mendoza; Colors - Joe Rosas; Lettering - Jonathan Babcock)
Having exhausted the story potential of the Eternals throughout the 80s and 90s, Marvel decided to pull in a ringer to give the franchise a reboot.
The Eternals (2006) #1-7 — the Eternals have all forgotten who they are thanks to Sprite, and the return of the Dreaming Celestial forces them to wake up… I am not a big fan of this run, and hold a bit of a grudge against it. John Romita Jr’s art is good though, especially when he’s drawing big bulky things. The biggest shame is that the Deviants are pretty generic here, and Kro is nowhere to be found. I mostly recommend reading this because it reintroduces the Eternals in the modern era and sets up the scenario for the next volume, with Makkari taking center stage and arranging Druig and Tiamet, the Dreaming Celestial on the board.
(Writing - Neil Gaiman; Pencils - John Romita Jr; Inks - Danny Miki, Tim Townsend, Tom Palmer, Jesse Delperdang, Klaus Janson; Colors - Matt Hollingsworth, Dean White, Paul Mounts; Lettering - Todd Klein)
The Eternals (2008) #1-6 — Druig is brainwashing as many Eternals as possible to his cause as Thena and Ikaris race against him. The heart of the story, though, is how Makkari is being used as a megaphone/alarm system by the Dreaming Celestial to warn about an intergalactic menace called the Horde that is coming to consumer Earth - a role that is overtaking his personality like an addiction. Sersi gets some good scenes in this but her character is kind of diminished in favor of Makkari. The story is actually pretty interesting, and salvages a lot of the ideas that Gaiman brought to the table. There’s a three issue X-Men crossover after this but I don’t have much to recommend it - Acuña’s not even drawing it.
(Writing - Charles Knauf, Daniel Knauf; Art - Daniel Acuña; Lettering - Todd Klein)
Thor: The Deviants Saga (2011) #1-5 — A little romp with Thor that takes the newer elements established by Gaiman and the Knaufs and brings them more in line with the previous depictions of the mythos. It does include a lot of details and references that Eternals fans should get a kick out of – Karkas and Ransak play a large role, Deviant Ereshkigal makes a return as does Ikaris’ dad Virako, there’s a lot of Kro – but it’s kind of meandering and doesn’t amount to that much. It ends with the entire cast essentially writing themselves out of future appearances.
(Writing - Robert Rodi; Pencils - Stephen Segovia; Inks - Jason Paz, Jeff Huet; Colors - Andy Troy, Will Quintana; Lettering - Jeff Eckleberry, John Rauch)
The Ultimates 2 (2017) #4, 6, 100 — Overall this is an amazing series, but as it pertains to this reading list, these issues shed light on the origins of the Marvel Universe, and thus, the Celestials. Created in the very first iteration of the cosmos, they not only have survived the many subsequent deaths and rebirths of the Multiverse, but they stand in opposition to a host of opposite, evil Celestials, known as the Aspirants. The Aspirants lay waste to the Celestials, who manage to live on through the surviving One Above All (this is even after the Celestials were seemingly all killed by the Beyonders in New Avengers [2013] #30).
(Writing - Al Ewing; Art - Travel Foreman, Filipe Andrade, Marco Lorenzana, Scott Hanna [Inks]; Colors - Dan Brown, Matt Yackey; Lettering - Joe Sabino)
Avengers (2018) #1-6, 8 — This series combines with Aspirants with the Horde of the last Eternals series to introduce the Dark Celestials, retconning the Celestial’s origin even further. The evil Dark Celestials have killed off their more colorful brethren and are coming to destroy Earth. Meanwhile, the Eternals are found to have all killed each other for some related reason. Ikaris holds out long enough to give Iron Man the power to make a Uni-Mind, which saves the day. The Celestials return and are cured of their Horde sickness – in return, they give the Avengers an ancient Celestial corpse to live in. Not my favorite, but as of this writing, it is the last time any of these concepts have appeared in the comics.
(Writing - Jason Aaron; Pencils - Ed McGuiness, Paco Medina, David Marquez; Inks - Mark Morales, Jay Leisten, Juan Vlasco, Karl Story; Colors - David Curiel, Justin Ponsor; Lettering - Cory Petit)
The History of the Marvel Universe (2019) #1 — As the name implies, this is a straightforward and beautiful explanation of the MU’s origins and the role the Celestials play, told from today’s vantage point with all the retcons and retrofitting that have happened over the years. Includes the obligatory origin of the Eternals and Deviants and the first three Hosts of the Celestials.
(Writing - Mark Waid; Pencils/Inks - Javier Rodriguez; Colors - Álvaro López; Lettering - Joe Caramagna)
Being an X-Men fan, it's worth noting the times when the Eternals, Deviants, and Celestials have run into the mutants.
X-Factor (1986) #43-50 — Judgement War! X-Factor ends up on another planet which is visited by its own Celestial Host. The team gets involved between a set of Eternals and Deviant-type sects, trying to stop the Celestials from judging them unworthy.
(Writing - Louise Simonson; Pencils - Paul Smith, Rich Buckler; Inks - Al Milgrom; Colors - Tom Vincent; Lettering - Joe Rosen)
X-Force (1991) #77, 79, 82-90, 96-97 — X-Force starts running into people associated with the Damocles Foundation - a group of Deviants, Eternals, and Humans.
(Writing - Joseph Harris, John Francis Moore; Pencils - Adam Pollina, Jim Cheung, Angel Unzueta, Terry Shoemaker, Anthony Williams; Inks - Mark Morales, Rob Stull, Ray McCarthy, Bud LaRosa, Harry Candelario, Scott Koblish, Derek Mei, Scott Elmer; Colors - Marie Javins, Steve Buccellato, Mike Thomas; Lettering - Comicraft, Chris Eliopoulos)
Earth X (1999) #0-X — Issue 0 is basically Uatu explaining the history of the Marvel Universe to X-51, with a heavy emphasis on the role of the Celestials. This includes a very brief discussion of the Eternals and Deviants, but mostly focuses on the creation of humanity and the birth of super heroes, as the various Celestial Hosts visit Earth. By issue 9, the Celestials return for their Fifth and final Host, and more of their relationship to earth and Uatu is revealed as the remaining heroes defend their planet. Really really good and a must-read in general, even if the Eternals themselves are just footnotes. John Paul Leon makes the Celestials look like the coolest things the Marvel Universe has ever produced. The Reject does get to play a role in the sequel Universe X, though.
(Writing - Jim Krueger, Alex Ross; Pencils - John Paul Leon; Inks - Bill Reinhold; Colors - Matt Hollingsworth, James Sinclair, Melissa Edwards; Lettering - Todd Klein)
New Eternals: Apocalypse Now (2000) #1 — Apocalypse is behind some ill-defined plot that involves destroying Lemuria and turning Karkas into a kaiju. Ikaris’ father Virako is brought back, and they have some quarrels over leadership. This is another good one for Eternals fans but it’s kind of incomprehensible. At the end, the Eternals adopt new superhero identities as “the New Breed,” but this is never mentioned again.
(Writing - Karl Bollers, Mike Higgins; Pencils - Joe Bennett; Inks - Scott Hanna; Colors - John Kalisz; Lettering - Benchmark)
Uncanny X-Men (2012) #1-3 — Mr. Sinister messes with the Dreaming Celestial and it’s bad news for the planet. Magneto comes in handy.
(Writing - Kieron Gillen; Pencils - Carlos Pacheco, Jorge Molina, Rodney Buchemi, Paco Diaz; Inks - Cam Smith, Roger Bonet, Walden Wong; Colors - Frank D'armata, Rachelle Rosenberg, Jim Charalampidis, Dono Sánchez-Almara, Rex Lokus; Lettering - Joe Caramagna)
There’s more stuff with Eternals in it throughout the Marvel Universe, and even more with the Celestials, but this is pretty foundational and focused on the Eternals of Earth. Most of this stuff is on Marvel Unlimited, and the stuff that isn’t is looking like it will be included in a new Omnibus - ”The Complete Saga” - (currently scheduled for December, 2020), like the 1985 series and the “Herod Factor” one-shot. With the MCU movie scheduled for February 2021, it’s highly likely we may be seeing a new series before too long. I recently came across this fascinating bit of research on the behind-the-scenes of Jack Kirby’s work on the The Eternals -- check it out! Four Color Primer: Sersi & The Eternals Part 1
*issue credits gathered from marvel.fandom.com
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creepingsharia · 5 years
A Month of Islam in America: May 2019
After more than 11 years of aggregating the painful details of the onset of sharia law in America, May 2019 was the month American tech companies Wordpress.com and Automattic enforced sharia law and banned the Creeping Sharia blog. With no explanation.
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WordPress.com Blacklists Blogs Critical of Islam
Originally we suspected it was several years-old images (seen here) that Pakistan claimed violated Islamic sharia law but that would be too easy. It was more likely that terror-linked, foreign-funded CAIR was involved in the systematic shutting down of sites in America that are critical of sharia law and jihad.
As such, this month’s report is a little shorter than prior months. Click any link for details and please share on your social media sites while you still can.
May 2019
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Jihad & Terror
Minnesota: Somali Muslim cop found guilty of shooting woman who called police
Mohamed Noor became the first former Minnesota police officer found guilty of an on-duty murder Tuesday as a Hennepin County jury convicted him for the fatal shooting of Justine Ruszczyk Damond in 2017.
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Missouri: Bosnian Muslim female refugee pleads guilty to providing support to Islamic State
Sedina Unkic Hodzic, a 39-year-old St. Louis County woman, pleaded guilty to one count of providing material support to terrorists in federal court.
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North Carolina: Pakistani Muslim immigrant arrested after lying about contacts with terror organizations
Waqar Ul-Hassan, a Pakistan native, was arrested when he arrived from the Middle East at Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
Hassan admitted to authorities that he lied and was in contact with two terrorist organizations, ISIS and Jaish-e-Mohammad, according to the complaint.
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Muslim who plotted to bomb Chicago bar gets 16 years, could be out in less than 3
A federal judge on Monday handed an Illinois man Adel Daoud a 16-year prison sentence for trying to kill hundreds of people by detonating what he thought was a car bomb outside a crowded Chicago bar, saying she factored in Adel Daoud’s mental health in imposing a sentence much lower than prosecutors requested.
The sentence — which, with time served, could mean the 25-year-old goes free in less than 10 years — includes prison time for attempting to have an FBI agent killed and for slashing an inmate with a shiv for taunting him with a drawing of the Prophet Muhammad.
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Texas: Muslim Found Guilty of Conspiring to Support ISIS
Said Azzam Mohamad Rahim, a 42-year-old United States citizen, was convicted of one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization (FTO), one count of attempting to provide material support to an FTO, and six counts of making false statements involving international terrorism to federal authorities.
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Texas: Jihadi Recruiter Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Provide Material Support Pakistani Terrorist Org (LeT)
Michael Kyle Sewell, 18, who was arrested in February, formally pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistani-based foreign terrorist organization also known as LeT.
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Alabama: FBI uncovers another Siraj Wahhaj Islamic training camp a few miles from Tuskegee
...plot of land in Macon County, Alabama is described in an FBI search warrant as a “makeshift military-style obstacle course” belonging to a small group of terrorists led by Siraj Wahhaj who owned the property up a long dirt road but just a few miles from downtown Tuskegee.
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New Jersey: Man who funded Hamas, spoke of bombing Trump Tower, attacking Israeli Consulate is arrested 
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New York: Muslim Immigrant Convicted For Covert Terrorist Activities On Behalf of Hizballah’s Islamic Jihad
A jury returned a guilty verdict against Ali Kourani, a/k/a “Ali Mohamad Kourani,” a/k/a “Jacob Lewis,” a/k/a “Daniel,” on all eight counts in the Indictment, which charged him with terrorism, sanctions, and immigration offenses for his illicit work as an undercover terrorist operative for Hizballah’s external attack-planning component.
“Ali Kourani was recruited, trained, and deployed by Hizballah’s Islamic Jihad Organization to plan and execute acts of terrorism in the United States.” 
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South Carolina: Greenville man who offered to be suicide bomber for ISIS sentenced to 10 years
Michael Bruce Messer, Jr., posted a message in an online forum stating he was interested in joining ISIS and volunteering as a suicide bomber.
While at his residence, agents found a .38 caliber pistol, according to the statement. They found another .38 caliber pistol during a warrant search on May 9, 2018 as well as assorted items related to ISIS, according to the statement.
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Virginia: Somali Muslim FBI translator charged after his own voice was intercepted on terror surveillance calls
Abdirizak Jaji Raghe Wehelie, a former FBI translator, was arrested and has been charged with doctoring transcripts in which his own name appeared on intercepts of phone calls placed by a terrorism suspect.
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Immigration Jihad in America
Kentucky: Imam at the Islamic Center of Lexington charged in murder-for-hire plot
Oregon: U.S. revokes citizenship of imam at Portland’s largest mosque over jihad ties
Texas: Afghan pilot training program terminated after almost half went AWOL in America
Information slowly emerging about pipe-wielding mob of Somali 'youths' who attacked people waiting for light rail train in Minneapolis last Friday
Virginia: Muslim immigrant who drove for Uber and Lyft is Somali war criminal, jury finds
Texas: Jordanian (Muslim) pleads guilty to smuggling Yemeni (Muslims) into the U.S.
Islamic Rape & Violence Against Americans
Minneapolis: 54-year-old Somali Muslim charged with stalking 11-year-old girl
New Jersey: Muslim Woman Convicted of Keeping Sri Lankan National as ‘Slave’ for 9 Years
Judicial Jihad and Dhimmitude in America
Muslim immigrant who plotted 9/11 Times Square, Grand Central subway bombing to be released on time served
'American Taliban' John Walker Lindh released from prison
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Sharia in Your Community
Philadelphia: Muslim American Society Mosque Kids Sing “We Will Chop Their Heads Off” (VIDEO)
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Muslim Group Tells Writers Guild of America to Further Islamize Hollywood
Florida: Tampa Bay mosque security guard shoots and kills Muslim at Ramadan feast
Philadelphia Int’l Airport submits, allows Muslim cabbies to keep makeshift (illegal?) mosque on property
Sharia in American Education
Washington: School District Asks Teachers to Bless Muslim Students in Arabic During Ramadan
Sharia Adherents in Elected Office
POTUS held a Muslim celebration at the White House and whoever wrote the speech for him slipped in 100% pure Islamic taqiyya (lies).
Watch the video at this tumblr post.
Fraud for Jihad in America
Whoever wrote this speech for @POTUS slipped in a doozy - pure taqiyyah. At least Trump didn't invite terror-linked Muslim groups like CAIR, MAS, ISNA, ICNA, MSA, Emgage & others but why is the Month of Jihad even recognized at the White House? https://t.co/8nvEPoWv0k pic.twitter.com/0Qb0jLAVz2
At Least $41 Million U.S. Taxpayer Dollars to Questionable Islamic Groups
Terror-linked Muslim Org ICNA Solicits Donations for Islamic Prison Program
Victories Against Sharia in America
California: Law Center Thwarts Muslim Attempt To Silence Disturbing Truth About Islam
South Carolina becomes 32nd state to outlaw female genital mutilation (FGM)
Washington: Northshore School District Quashes Special Ramadan Policy for Muslims after Threat of Legal Action
Oklahoma: CAIR dismisses lawsuit against “Muslim-Free” gun range
As we have been warning for 11 years, if the threat of sharia is not stopped in its tracks, you will lose your right to speak freely, and even commenting or criticizing Islam and Muslims will become a crime.
Sharia law is now in effect in America whether those of us subjected to it admit it or not.
As we tweeted then, Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
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neonowner5-blog · 4 years
The Fbi Needs Representatives
The changes, which took effect in October 2018, prompted a rise in requests to seal records, with state authorities processing an average of 7,000 monthly. The overhaul approved by the Legislature as well as Baker in 2018 was suggested to aid people proceed with their lives. Urrutia informs me concerning a 96-year-old man who obtained robbed and also beaten nearly to fatality in his own residence; the gun trace that Urrutia did on the swiped gun is what broke the instance as well as how they caught the enemy. He informs me about an 8-year-old woman who obtained eliminated, as well as a. university woman who got raped, and in both cases the weapon trace Urrutia did fixed the criminal activity. Yet Toby Hoover, executive supervisor of the Ohio Coalition Versus Weapon Violence, contended that the general public was safer without guns in the hands of people that have dedicated severe criminal offenses. A state agency recognizes individuals that have actually become ineligible to possess firearms and also state regulation gives guidelines to verify that such individuals have given up any type of firearms in their possession. Access to guns is restricted for at least a temporary duration after an individual has been founded guilty of fierce, firearm-related, and various other significant felonies and also violations, including domestic violence offenses and also despise criminal activities. At a minimum, gun qualification criteria are at least as extensive as government legislation, to permit state and also neighborhood resources to aid in application and enforcement. https://trello.com/c/M1wYQCIn/2-delaware-background-check-top-ct-search-options -six states prohibit people from accessing weapons for a short-term duration after they have been settled or founded guilty of particular offenses as juveniles.
New Jersey generally restricts firearm accessibility after an individual has actually been convicted of a violation culpable by greater than 6 months jail time. Several states likewise restrict weapon access after an individual has actually been founded guilty of particular other misdemeanor offenses, typically consisting of wider classifications of firearm-related or fierce criminal offenses. However, federal law simply gives a floor, and has noteworthy gaps that allow some individuals who have actually shown significant danger aspects for future physical violence or self-harm to legally get and also have guns. Giffords Law Center has 25 years of experience battling for the regulations, plans, and also programs verified to conserve lives from gun physical violence. " There were a lot of people who we felt should be able to obtain their gun legal rights restored who could not," said Alan M. Gottlieb, owner of the Second Amendment Structure, that was active in the initiative. Although it attracted little notification at the time, the regulations additionally consisted of an expansion of what had actually been extremely restricted qualification for reconstruction of firearms legal rights. Erik Zettergren initially shed his gun rights in 1987 as a result of a felony conviction for dealing marijuana. A decade later on, the cops went to his house after being called by his ex-wife as well as uncovered a cache of weapons. He was founded guilty of one more felony, illegal belongings of a gun. Just a handful of region staffs in Ohio claimed they might track these cases, producing records on several loads remediations. They included people who had actually been founded guilty of first-degree murder, volunteer homicide, villainous attack and sexual battery. For his part, Mr. Holisky took papers from the plea contract in his attack case, in which the prosecutor in surrounding St. Louis Area concurred not to oppose the remediation of his guns rights. 2 Democratic lawmakers looked for to impose a life time firearms restriction on violent offenders, although they wrapped up that for their expenses to have any kind of chance of passing, they would likewise need to establish a procedure that held out a hope of eventual reconstruction. They were incapable, however, to obtain their bills with the Legislature. One research, released in the American Journal of Public Wellness in 1999, found that rejecting handgun acquisitions to felons cut their threat of devoting new gun or terrible criminal activities by 20 to 30 percent. Researches on the effect of weapon constraints mainly sustain disallowing lawbreakers from possessing weapons. A spokesperson for the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Solution decreased to say what's triggering the hold-up or when the procedure might get underway however stated the agency is "dealing with the state to assist in the sealing of records at the state's demand." Back in the work areas, I rest with an ATF expert named Daniel Urrutia. It permits an individual's criminal record to be wiped clean offered the infraction took place before their 21st birthday and they have actually avoided of problem. " The state and FBI have actually been extremely close-mouthed concerning it," he included. " They keep claiming they're servicing requirements for processing records, however they have actually been incredibly obscure." Lawyers who deal with clients attempting to seal their documents say the process is stalled and also they can't get the answer. He tells these stories carefully, describing why he looked one location, as opposed to one more, and also just how vital these options were, as well as exactly how he agonized over them, and somewhere in the middle of the tales, his eyes well up. In the beginning I believe he's obtained allergic reactions or something-- he is not a person you think of weeping. To browse the millions of records they have on data, tracers have to scroll through miles of old microfilm. The dealer, who likewise has to maintain such records, goes through the same rigmarole the importer or supplier did, and also he gives you the name of the gun shop that ordered it from him. Gun importers are certified by the ATF, and also they have to maintain documents of sales and also acquisitions. So the importer has to go through all his weapon documents as well as find that certain Taurus PT 92 keeping that specific serial number, locate what batch it was in, as well as inform you what wholesaler it went to. The substantial bulk of the gun documents linking a weapon to its proprietor are maintained back at the different accredited dealers, the Walmarts, Bob's Gun Shops, and also Guns R Us shops dotting America's landscape. Anybody may look for the VAF, yet it is developed for firearm purchasers that think they are legally permitted to acquire guns, but they have been denied more than when or regularly experience delays in their purchases. Purchasers sometimes locate themselves experiencing delays or denials in firearms acquisitions because of a past misdemeanor charge or due to the fact that a disqualified individual has a comparable name. The EEOC also advises thinking about private conditions as well as context around a candidate's rap sheet.
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 48
A/N: Sorry this update is so late......I got sick and then husband got sick and I haven’t had time to work on it.....So without further ado, let’s find out how Josh’s presence at the party is received.Also, #sorrynotsorry about the ending. MUAHAHA
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“Wh-what are you doing here?”
Josh smiles at me as he stands up. “I was invited,” he answers as if it should be obvious. “Danneel invited me.”
“Why?” I ask, still confused and on edge. “You two were never really that close. Not close enough to garner an invite to a birthday party for JJ, anyway. Right?” I begin thinking back over the months that Josh and I had dated to see if maybe I wasn’t remembering vital facts. Nothing came to mind as I recalled all the times that Josh had been involved with the Ackles.
“Uh,” Josh begins and I can tell he is starting to feel...uncomfortable. “Dee and I have kinda been going out. For about three months now,”he confesses.
My eyes widen as I look at him. “Wha…?”  but before I can ask Dani comes around the edge of the house and stops in her tracks. I look at her and back to Josh and then, shaking my head, I put all my attention on Jackson; he still needs changed. I ignore the conversation going on five feet from me and coo to my son as I change and redress him. I am beyond pissed!  All this time that Dani had been giving Jay a rough time about wanting to see JJ and spend time with his daughter and throwing it up in his face every chance she got that she was doing it all alone and she had been dating again. And Josh Daniels of all people!  Not that I hold any ill will toward the man but he had broken up with me rather rudely and, other than a chance run-in at the diner, I hadn’t seen or heard from him since. And Dani had seemed upset when she found out that we had broken up but now it looks like she has forgotten that little tidbit.
I pick Jackson up and put him on my shoulder and grab the diaper bag from the bench before walking away swiftly, going back to join the ones I know are on my side, so to speak. Jay immediately notices the sour look on my face and comes over to me.
“What’s wrong?” he asks as he takes Jackson from my arms and settles him in his. When I shake my head, he looks at me pleadingly. “Tell me. I can tell something is bothering you.”
I bend down and kiss the top of my son’s head and go to tell Jensen that we would discuss it later but he is now staring hard toward the other end of the lawn; I know without looking what he is seeing. “You have got to be fucking kidding me!” he says, loud enough that our friends and family at the table hears. Everyone’s heads turns to see what he means and there in front of the party is Dani hugged up with Josh.
Jay hands Jackson to his mom and goes to walk toward the couple but Alan stands up and steps in front of his son. “Not the time, son. Just let it go right now,” he tries to persuade Jensen. “Let’s focus on what we are all here for and it’s that little girl over there,”Alan points to JJ, who is sitting at a kiddie table with the Padalecki boys and a few other kids that are attending her party, completely unaware of the turmoil taking place. “You can deal with everything else in private.” Alan places a hand on Jensen’s shoulder and gently squeezes.
Jensen turns to look at me and I can tell he was taking his dad’s advice, although I can see the rage in his eyes. I approach him wearily. I want him to know I had no idea about this but I don’t get to tell him because Jared and Gen joins up with us, both with looks of worry and remorse. Gen hugs me and Jared gives Jensen the manly “shoulder slap” before he says, “Dude, we had no idea this was going on. Gen talked to her just last week and she never said a word about seeing anyone.”
“It’s been going on for three months,” I mutter. The trio looks at me in surprise. “Josh arrived while I was changing Jackson and stopped to talk. He told me when I asked him what he was doing here. That’s what I was going to tell you later,” I say as I look at Jensen.
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For the rest of the party I, along with the Padalecki's and Jensen's parents, try to keep his attention away from the couple cuddled together across the lawn. We all ooh and ahh when JJ opens her presents and when it is time to go, I make sure JJ gets to say goodbye to her father and brother.
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The whole way home, Jensen is in the front seat broody and despondent, not saying a word. I keep my mouth shut and concentrate on Jackson. I don't know what is going to be done or said once we get home and I am afraid it is going to scare our son.
As we walk in, Jensen sits the carrier on the couch and retreats to his office.  I go about my usual routine, taking care of Jackson and the home we were still in the process of making our own. Hours pass before I see my boyfriend and when he appears it is evident he has been locked away drinking.
“Hey you hungry?” I ask as I pull the leftover casserole out of the fridge. Jensen plops on the couch and throws an arm over his eyes, grunting out a negative response. I uncover the dish and put it in the oven to heat. Glancing over at him, I watch as Jensen sits up to take another drink of the amber liquid in the tumbler he brought in with him. Jackson is sitting in his bouncy chair beside the couch,  playing with his toys.
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“Listen, I’m not trying judge but could you not drink around our son?”
Jensen raises his head and looks at me and then to the child.
“You think he understands? In his little one month old mind, he knows that I’m drinking? Come on Drea, be serious!”
I balk at the words and the tone Jensen uses toward me. I have never, in the four years I have known him, heard him speak to anyone that way. I take a breath, knowing that it’s possibly the whiskey talking and I am in no mood nor do I want to argue with him. “No, I don’t think that. I just--I don’t want him subjected to that. I’ve seen the ill effects it can have on kids. Some of the kids in the system are there because of drunk parents. Chad was there because of a drunk parent! He grew up only knowing that if his dad didn’t have a drink in his hand it was going to be a bad evening.I don’t want that for Jackson!”
“It’s one drink for Christ’s sake! One goddamn drink is not going to send him off the deep end, Drea!” Jensen yells.
“One drink in here but how many did you have when you locked yourself away from us, huh?”
Rolling his eyes, Jensen gets up off the couch and grabs up his glass of whiskey and stalks back to his office. Once the door slammed, Jackson jumps and begins whimpering. I rush to him to soothe him, telling him it’s going to be okay but I can’t keep the tears from welling up in my eyes. Jensen raised his voice toward me and retreated back into hiding. I don’t know how to fix it, how  to make him understand that it’s not as bad as it all seems.
Yes, Dani has began to start dating and yes she seems to have decided my ex whatever is the man she’s attracted to but that isn’t the end of the world. Hell, for all we knew Josh was just the first one she let us know about.
I get Jackson settled and he goes back to kicking his feet and slapping at the toys connected to his seat. I busy myself with preparing the sides to go with the reheated casserole. Although we had eaten at JJ’s birthday party, that had been hours ago and I was beginning to get hungry. I grab a plate from the cabinet and pour a glass of milk. Since I’ve been breastfeeding, I’ve tried to keep a healthy diet, including my drinking habits. Water or milk and less caffeine like I drank before I became pregnant.
When the oven beeped, I slipped on a mitt and pulled the dish out. Even reheated the food smelled and looked scrumptious. I spoon out a serving on my plate and open the drawer to get a fork. Sitting on the couch, I eat while I watch my son babble and play with his toys. ‘He is such a good baby,’ I think to myself. ‘Must be the Ackles genes because Justice had been the same at that age.’
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After eating, I go about the routine of getting Jackson ready for bed. I talk sweetly to him as I bathe him and rub the lotion on his skin. Once he is dressed, I take him into his room and sit in the rocking chair as I do each night to feed him before putting him down. Clicking on the music box, soft tunes fill the air as I get Jackson attached to my breast. I rock him as he feeds and watch as he begins to doze off. I love this little boy in my arms more than I could ever imagine. He is the perfect combination of Jensen and myself. His bright green eyes, now hidden behind closed eyelids, are the exact replica of his father’s, his nose is mine and the little dimple in his chin came straight from my mother, his deceased grandmother.
I think of her often, of how excited she would have been to become a grandmother and how doting she would have been over her grandson. He would have her wrapped around his pinky for sure.I fix my clothing before standing up to lay him in his crib. This perfect little angel, yet to be scarred by the world. There just is no words to explain how deep a mother’s love for her child runs, how hopeful and optimistic a mother is for her child. “I won’t ever let anyone hurt you I promise,” I whisper as I run my fingertips across Jackson’s forehead.
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I tiptoe out of his room and close the door, leaving it open just a crack.I look down the hallway at the closed office door. Chad and I had once promised one another to never go to bed angry or upset and I plan to keep it that way with Jensen, so with the unknown looming before me, I cautiously walk toward the shut door and knock.
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gamersonthego · 5 years
Matt Giguere’s Top 10 Handheld Games of 2019
Handheld gaming is in a weird spot. Beyond the plethora of mobile devices running iOS or Android and the app store fronts they offer; the handheld market has now been distilled down to one major device in 2019. Lo and behold, Nintendo, once again sits alone on the hill. While the Switch has seen great gains in maintaining a constant flow of software on its platform, the vast majority of their releases are either mobile ports or older games from generations past. It is amazing on how much has been released so far, but what makes a handheld game a “handheld game” now anyway? When your choice can be a small bite sized game like BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! or a massive single player game like Tales of Vesperia, there really isn’t much of a difference what a handheld platform can offer compared to the home consoles for the types of games that can be played. As the Nintendo 3DS and Sony PlayStation Vita sunset into their legacy years, there seems to be a wider line on what can be considered a handheld game.
Nintendo did release a portable only version of the Switch this year, dubbed the SwitchLite. Considering that most of my playtime has been in handheld mode, I picked one up shortly after release. After a few months of playtesting, I think this will be my go-to system for the foreseeable future. I adore the form factor size. The original Switch still works great for quick pick up and play in my home, but I find the new model easier to hold in my hands and store away when I’m travelling. The dedicated directional pad, as opposed to separate buttons because of the nature of the detachable joy-cons, is a big selling point for the myriad of 2D platformers now on the system. I sometimes miss the “HD Rumble” feedback that had to be cut, but that is a small gripe. If you don’t care for playing games on the big screen in a higher resolution and varying framerate, I highly recommend picking this dedicated handheld up.
Admittedly, a lot on my best of 2019 list are games that can be enjoyed on the big screen, especially with the convenience of the Switch’s hardware. Of the games I played this year, I think this smattering represents a healthy dose of what managed to present a case that gaming on the go is still well alive and ever changing.
Top 10 of 2019 or the Hollow Knight Memorial List*
*Sometimes when making a top list our favorite thing came out in a different year or is so clearly ahead it is a lock of number 1 across every critic. This year Hollow Knight from Team Cherry captivated me like nothing else that released this year. Alas, this game came out in 2017. So instead of placing it on my official list for 2019, it takes the honor of being my list’s name. This Metroidvania style exploration platformer is full of surprises, sometimes subverting my expectations when I thought there wasn’t anything left to uncover. If you have a Switch, I highly recommend checking out one of my favorite games in the genre since Metroid: Fusion.
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10. My Friend Pedro (Switch, Xbox One, PC)
An action, score-based shooter that I’ve had my eye on for years since seeing the gif put out by publisher Devolver Digital and developer Dead Toast Entertainment. The nature of this very tricky to pull off and even harder to master game lies in its focus on style. Moving across short levels on a 2-D plane, you must, roll, spin, flip, kick, skate, and, of course, kill combo as many enemies to place a high score and a top rank. While there is a story to keep the drive of the game moving forward, I wouldn’t say that should be the guiding factor to check this out. Rather, I found the quick get up and quick play of a level or two perfect for on the go gaming. Once the controls click, this game really delivers on its promised “Bananas” style.
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9. Untitled Goose Game (Switch, Xbox One, PS4, PC)
“What if Hitman, but a Goose?” is probably the most quoted pitch heard for this small, but very charming game by developer House House. In it you play as, well, a goose who terrorizes a small town from every front. From untying shoes so people trip to locking helpless victims in garages, no one is safe from this feathered menace! Okay, so the Hitman comparison is apt, minus the extreme brutality, for this sandbox-lite adventure. The best I can compare it to is an interactive toy; one that is unique in how the player can approach a situation and explore the possibilities of what can and will happen within the rules of the program. It might not have the deep experimentation of a larger game of its kind, but I found its calm and lighthearted nature makes this a very stress-free experience, especially when you are the one dealing out all the harassment.
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8. SteamWorld Quest (Switch, PC)
I don’t normally go for card-based RPGs, but when Image & Form provide a new adventure in the SteamWorld universe, I had to check it out. This might be the one that changed my mind, because after several turns, I was hooked. The adventure itself keeps things relatively jovial with plenty of jokes and wit to keep the story moving forward. It can be easy to stick to one group of characters, a limit of three per battle, but I find more enjoyment in the battle system when different combinations are put into play. The battle system also provides linked combos that offer bonuses and stringing cards together in a row also adds more to the strategy. Building a potent strategy is where I found the most engagement in this RPG, and all the trappings around the edges made this one stand out in my mind. A good starting point in the genre for those curious.
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7. Baba Is You (Switch, PC)
A tough logic puzzler I think goes the extra mile with its charm and style. You play as Baba. Or, rather, Baba is you, or a wall, or section of water, or a skull, or... well you get the point. The goal in each stage is to reach the “Win.” What is the “Win?” Most of the time it is a flag, but really it can be anything. Using a simple push function mechanic that many top-down puzzlers have used before, the twist comes in that you can have these sentence blocks to push around and affect the game’s logic. For example, if the winning object is out of reach by a wall that forces you stop (“Wall is Stop”) you can push one of the sentence blocks away so you can pass through the wall. Even making a sentence to “You is Win” will also result in a victory. The difficulty can be a bit stiff, but I would often find myself just thinking about a stuck puzzle while out and about and think of the solution as a sort of epiphany. Even when getting stuck on a tricky brain teaser, the game offers multiple paths so you can keep progressing through. Certainly, Baba Is You has been on my mind since first playing it.
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6. What The Golf? (Apple Arcade, PC, Switch TBD)
If Desert Golf is the pinnacle zen of the golf sport genre, What The Golf? embodies its “party mindset.” Yes, it is golf, and yet, it becomes something more than just golf. Sometimes you will find yourself having to hop across a very familiar level. Other times you will have to coordinate trick shots while being an exploding barrel. And sometimes, there’s just good old-fashioned bowling. What The Golf? will keep you on your toes, especially if you are fond of video games released prior to this. I won’t spoil some of the surprises in store, but some of them had me in stitches from laughing so hard. It would be nice to fully outright buy this game on the iOS App Store, but for now, a subscription to Apple Arcade is the only way to play this on the go.
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5. Sayonara Wild Hearts (Switch, Apple Arcade, PS4, PC)
Another Apple Arcade exclusive for mobile (you can also buy it on the Switch at this time), this one showcasing music and style. If there is one thing that counts in making an impression on me, it’s presentation. Sayonara Wild Hearts is described as a pop album video game; one you experience as much as you listen to. The format seems simple at first. Guide your character along the track and collect different items for points to rank a high score while also dodging obstacles. Soon though, things start to mix up as fast as the soundtrack’s BPMs start to pump up. While the touch controls are adequate, I think for certain spots, a physical controller would have been nice. However, there are movements that are far easier to pull off using a touch interface, such as time hits reminiscent of music games like Elite Beat Agents. This gem of a game needs to be experienced at least once, not only for the wonderful soundtrack, composed by Daniel Olsen and Jonathan Eng and featuring Linnea Olsson on vocals, but also to see the twists and turns the game takes. This little game surprised the hell out of me, and I think it will be one that I will revisit again based on its production.
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4. Ape Out (Switch, PC)
Sometimes we all need to get out. Especially when you are an ape stuck in a cage. That’s the conceit of the top-down, twin stick, hyper violent, and super stylized game, Ape Out. There is one goal: Be the ape and get the hell out! The concept is very rudimentary which I feel allows the game to shine. You will have to run, dodge, grab and toss enemies to reach the exit while the only advantage is being able to take three hits before going down. Enemies have guns that the player can’t use in the typical way. Instead, grabbing a foe allows one immediate shot to be fired from the grappled target. Used strategically, it can get you out of a lot of close calls. Other enemies can have bombs or body armor to keep this from being too repetitive and thanks to the game’s art style, they all look distinct so there’s no confusion on who you are fighting. Levels are procedurally generated as well, so even thinking on memorizing enemy patterns doesn’t always work. The fluorescent color palette and very minimalist style, like that of a Saul Bass movie poster, highlights the chaos and violence without making it too gross or unappealing. Even the soundtrack is minimalistic, utilizing only jazz percussion that plays out dynamically as the action plays out in real time. A feast for the eyes and a challenge on the thumbs.
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3. Katana Zero (Switch, PC)
Taking a page from one hit kill action games like Hotline Miami, Katana Zero plays out at first like a typical note from the genre, right down to its ‘80s aesthetic. You clear room after room of enemies, slashing with your katana, wall jumping to high points, and focusing time to slow down and either dodge or reflect projectiles. A lot of this game is a throwback thanks to its choice of graphics, 2D platforming and story points from movies like Drive and Leon: The Professional. It is thanks to the presentation that makes this game shine for me. The story, music, graphics and gameplay presentation are what makes Katana Zero so high on my list. Clearing rooms is fast paced and quick, with messing up only taking several seconds to get back into the fray. While the loop of the game can get a bit repetitive, there are plenty of surprises that change up the standard formula of the game as you progress. The story does a nice job of not only driving things forward, but also tying in gameplay concepts into the narrative. The music is a healthy blend of synthwave and some very heavy and experimental electronic tunes (one that I’ve had on repeat most of the year). The overall games is fairly short and ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but there are speedrunning modes and secrets to uncover from replaying. Katana Zero stands as one of the best independent games this year.
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2. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch)
There was a time when Fire Emblem was on the ropes, becoming a lagging franchise that was not connecting with strategy enthusiasts on the home consoles. Then in 2013, things changed with the release of Fire Emblem: Awakening on the 3DS. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems had intended that game to be the last in the series. Instead, we got another 3 (and 1/2) games released on the 3DS this past decade. Now it’s time to pass the torch onto the Switch and boy did they deliver on a packed adventure! Instead of just following one or two paths like most FE campaigns, Three Houses offer up to four different story playthroughs that each roughly takes about 50 hours or more to complete. There is also a vast amount of customization thanks to the setting being centered around a military school and teaching classes. If you love watching meters and bars fill up, there are tons of those to be had in Three Houses. Even though not every aspect is well thought out (the amiibo gazebo comes to mind, even though it is the best named mechanic), the cast of characters and support conversations (all fully voice acted) provide some rich storytelling from a character development standpoint. Do check out this game as it is one of the best in the series.
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1. Tetris 99 (Switch)
“Where are we dropping, Blocks?” In a personal first for me, a multiplayer game has taken my number one spot. Tetris 99 is just that. Tetris. However, it’s you versus 98 other players in a battle royal style completion. Released as a free download to Nintendo Switch Online subscribers, it now has multiple versions that can be bought as well. Thanks to constant updates and weekend tournaments, the online community is still strong, so finding matches is quick and painless. Playing against such a wide number of challengers turns the typical Tetris strategy on its head. Racking up combos instead of quickly clearing lines, for example, is one way to secure victory, but leaving too many gaps and holes can prove disastrous if you suddenly become the target of a handful of players. Even though I have yet to secure a 1st place finish, the nature of Tetris keeps me coming back for more. Whether it’s facing against bots, friends, marathoning solo or playing the featured battle royal, this is a fun version of Tetris to be had.
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bookaddict24-7 · 5 years
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Hi everyone, it’s been a while, huh? 
I mentioned in a post on Monday how I’ve been in a really weird reading mood since some personal stuff went down. Sadly, this Feature was one of the posts that was most affected. But I want to be better with my reading and I know that I won’t properly get back to my routine if I don’t even try (which is kind of what I l let myself do). 
Forcing yourself to do something you’re not in the mood for isn’t the answer. Allowing yourself to understand and accept where you are and what you’re doing, however, is okay. I don’t want to give up on a couple of my Features so I’m going to try a little harder. Especially because I do believe in this Feature because it helps me declutter my life. And at some point, I have to move on--especially when certain situations arise and I’m not at fault for them happening. 
I read the first chapter (or the majority of the first chapter) for the three books for this Sunday today (Saturday--this is a scheduled post). As my current ARC list grows, I need to make room for potential new reads--especially with the new book season arriving and more publishing events coming up.
Please let me know if you’re doing the challenge, too! I love reading about your experiences!
A gentle reminder: Just because I’ve unhauled the books in this post and in future posts, it doesn’t mean that they’re books not worth reading. They’re just not right for me. This is more of an incentive for me to free up space and give these books better homes than my basement.
Also, there might be some spoilers. If you’re interested in reading these books, tread with care.
Read my original post and how I’m going about this challenge here.
Have any of you practiced this challenge this past week?
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Megabat by Anna Humphrey & Kass Reigh
Decision: Will continue reading!
This is an adorable read that came to my attention thanks to a friend who goes with me to publishing events. Plus, I’m always open to reading new 6-8 books so I can better recommend new reads to the little ones who come into the bookstore. 
“A sweet and hilarious chapter book about a boy and a bat, two unlikely friends who bond over loneliness, jellyrolls and Darth Vader.
Daniel Misumi has just moved to a new house. It’s big and old and far away from his friends and his life before. AND it’s haunted… or is it?
Megabat was just napping on a papaya one day when he was stuffed in a box and shipped halfway across the world. Now he’s living in an old house far from home, feeling sorry for himself and accidentally scaring the people who live there. 
Daniel realizes it’s not a ghost in his new house. It’s a bat. And he can talk. And he’s actually kind of cute. 
Megabat realizes that not every human wants to whack him with a broom. This one shares his smooshfruit. 
Add some buttermelon, juice boxes, a light saber and a common enemy and you’ve got a new friendship in the making!”
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This Story is A Lie by Tom Pollock
Decision: Unhauled 
I was a bit on the fence about this one. The idea of the story is intriguing and even makes me wonder if there will be some exciting events happening. But while I sat here for a moment thinking about what to do about this book, I decided to just unhaul it. The going back and forth of the past and the present is actually what made me decide to not read this book. 
“Seventeen-year-old Peter Blankman is a math genius who suffers from an extreme anxiety disorder, one that subjects him to intense panic attacks. He only manages to get through his daily life with the constant help of his scientist mom and his beloved twin sister, Bel. But when their mother is nearly assassinated in front of their eyes--during a major awards ceremony in her honor--Pete finds himself separated from Bel, alone, and on the run. 
Dragged into a strange world where state and family secrets intertwine, Pete has to use his extraordinary analytical skills to find his missing sister, uncover the mystery of his mother's life's work, and track down the people who attacked her--all the while fighting to keep a grip on the fear response that threatens to overwhelm him. Weaving back and forth between his past and present, the novel is an extraodinary testimonial from a protagonist who is brilliant, broken, and trying to be brave.”
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The Vanishing Season by Jodi Lynn Anderson
Decision: Will try to read by the end of the month. Unhaul if I don’t. 
I was so sure I was going to unhaul this book when I sat down to read the first chapter. But I surprised myself with how the writing just pulled me in. I’ve had this on my shelf for a long time because I always wanted to read Anderson’s novel, but a good time never really came up and here we are. If I don’t read this by the end of the month, it’ll go. Also, I wrote this and came to this decision before seeing the ratings on Goodreads.
“Girls started vanishing in the fall, and now winter's come to lay a white sheet over the horror. Door County, it seems, is swallowing the young, right into its very dirt. From beneath the house on Water Street, I've watched the danger swell.
The residents know me as the noises in the house at night, the creaking on the stairs. I'm the reflection behind them in the glass, the feeling of fear in the cellar. I'm tied—it seems—to this house, this street, this town.
I'm tied to Maggie and Pauline, though I don't know why. I think it's because death is coming for one of them, or both.
All I know is that the present and the past are piling up, and I am here to dig.I am looking for the things that are buried.”
Have you read any of these three books? What were your experiences with them?
I’ll be back next week with another three picks!
Happy reading!
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sassylavellen · 6 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet template”
original post here
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Character Chart
Character’s full name: Marian Adriana Hawke Reason or meaning of name: “wished for child“ Character’s nickname: Mari Reason for nickname: Shortened from Marian Birth date: 3rd of Wintermarch (January 3rd)
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Physical appearance
Age: (at the time of Inquisition) 31 How old does he/she appear: 35 Weight: It fluctuates, when she started her journey she was aroudn 117 lbs, by the end of Inquisition she’s around 154 lbs Height: 5ft 9in (175 cm) Body build: curvy Shape of face: rounded Eye color: dark brown Glasses or contacts: none Skin tone: pale, but heavily freckled. Distinguishing marks: scars on her upper right arm Predominant features: long nose Hair color: ginger red Type of hair: wavy Hairstyle: long and let down, somewhat wild Voice: quiet, with a Ferelden accent Overall attractiveness: This could be relative but I’d give her a solid 9/10 Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: whatever is most comfortable Favorite outfit: her red dress Jewelry or accessories: Necklace with her mother’s wedding ring in it.
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Good personality traits: Caring, thoughtful, generous,  Bad personality traits: pessimistic thinking, anxious Mood character is most often in: Constant state of underlying panic Sense of humor: She has one, but she doesn’t use it unless she’s around her friends. Character’s greatest joy in life: Her daughter Character’s greatest fear: Losing her daughter Why?: Mari lost her father, her brother, and her mother in the span of four years. All she has left is her sister and her daughter. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? All of DA2 honestly. Character is most at ease when: At home, comfortable and relaxed. Most ill at ease when: in a battle Enraged when: someone attacks her family Depressed or sad when: most of the time really Priorities: Keeping those she loves safe.  Life philosophy: Treasure what you have, no matter how large or how little.  If granted one wish, it would be: To live a normal life Why? Her life has been a lot of trials and conflicts Character’s soft spot: Kindness Is this soft spot obvious to others? Yes Greatest strength: Loyalty Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Stability Biggest regret: Not being able to save her mother or her brother. Minor regret: Not leaving with Tallis Biggest accomplishment: Defeating the Arishok and saving Kirkwall twice Minor accomplishment: Buying her mother’s childhood home Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: (she doesn’t want to pick one from the extensive list) Why? (there are lots) Character’s darkest secret: The crushes she had for some of her companions Does anyone else know? She never admitted them
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Drives and motivations: call it a motherly instinct Immediate goals: to keep her daughter safe from the chaos Long term goals: to see her daughter grow up safe How the character plans to accomplish these goals: by being the best parent she can be How other characters will be affected: Mari more or less isolates herself and Lyra from everyone else out of fear
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Hometown: Lothering Type of childhood: Fairly steady. She and her family had a farm. Pets: her Mabari, Rory First memory: Her mother singing to her before naps Most important childhood memory: It’s not a specific memory, but she remembers a mental image of sorts, walking through town, holding her mother’s right hand and her father’s right hand. Why: it’s special to her because it reminds her of both her parents. Childhood hero: Her father Dream job: To be a healer Education: homeschooled Religion: Andrastian Finances: Enough to get by
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Current location: no one knows for sure. Except for those she tells. Currently living with: Her sister and her daughter Pets: Rory the Mabari Religion: Andrastian, but her faith is a little shaken Occupation: Farmer Finances:  She’s not a big spender and still has a more than enough money left over from her days in Kirkwall
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Mother:  Leandra Amell Relationship with her:  Very close Father:  Malcolm Hawke Relationship with him:  Not as close as her mother, but she loved and admired her father. Siblings:  Carver and Bethany Relationship with them:  She was very close with Bethany, but had a rocky relationship with Carver Spouse: N/A Relationship with him/her: There was Daniel, she and him had a romantic and physical relationship and she did genuinely have feelings for him, but he was killed. Children: Lyra. Relationship with them: Very close, maybe to the point of being over-protective of her Other important family members: The only other family she has left is Bethany.
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Color: red Least favorite color: pink Music: folk Food: sweets Literature: any Form of entertainment: music Expressions: “A lot of things are my fault“ Mode of transportation: walking Most prized possession: Her mother’s wedding ring
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Hobbies: Playing musical instruments Plays a musical instrument?  Violin and lute Plays a sport?  No How he/she would spend a rainy day: Inside, in bed reading or writing Spending habits: She’s not a big shopper, she just buys what she needs. Smokes: No Drinks: Yes. There was a period after her mother’s death where she was borderline an alcoholic, but she managed to get herself clean. Other drugs: none What does he/she do too much of?  worry What does he/she do too little of?  exercise Extremely skilled at: archery Extremely unskilled at: anything artistic Nervous tics: picking at her fingernails, tapping her fingers on her hips or on whatever flat surface she may be in contact with, breathing heavily through her nose Usual body posture: sometimes slightly slouched, but for the most part straight. Mannerisms: She gestures with her hands a lot. Peculiarities: standing on one foot if she’s been standing for too long
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Optimist or pessimist? Moreso pessimistic Introvert or extrovert?  extreme introvert Daredevil or cautious?    extremely cautious Logical or emotional?  definitely emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?  A little of both Prefers working or relaxing?  Relaxing Confident or unsure of himself/herself?  Unsure of herself Animal lover?  yes
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How he/she feels about himself/herself: She always thinks she’s not worth it and never enough. One word the character would use to describe self: Wreck One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:  “I’m doing my best, I really am. Sometimes it’s enough, other times I just need to try harder.” What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Loyalty What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Anxiety What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Eyes What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic?  Her weight How does the character think others perceive him/her: As this larger-than-life character What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: She wishes she could have a better sense of self-confidence.
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Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: People are generally good, even if you have to dig deep to uncover their humanity. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others She tries. She’s not always very good at it. Person character most hates: Knight Commander Meredith, Corypheus Best friend(s): Varric and Aveline Love interest(s): She’s had a few but the two most prominent ones were Tallis and another guy named Daniel (another OC of mine) Person character goes to for advice: For most of her life it was her mother, but now it’s more often Varric. Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Bethany, Merrill, her daughter Lyra Person character feels shy or awkward around: Aveline Person character openly admires: Aveline Person character secretly admires: Aveline Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Bethany After story starts: It’s still Bethany for a lot of it. Her mother too. Later in life it’s Lyra.
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found here
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Can you mix 3 ,38,117 for kay and Cameron? Great writing!
Okay, who ordered thetriple scoop of fluff and angst. They include #117 – “Game’s over you son of abitch! Tell me where (s)he is!”, #38 – “You fainted… straight into my arms.You know if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”,and #3 – “Please, don’t leave.” Anyone? Anyone?
“Game’s over you son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”Cameron yelled when he got to the front desk. For the past few days, he and Kayhad been investigating the mysterious murder of a night janitor in a high-endenergy drink company. Everything had been going seemingly fine until Kay wentmissing two nights ago. She had told Cam that she was going to go speak to thepresident of the company again to ask about some new evidence that they haduncovered. Cameron had offered to go with her but she said that it wasn’t goingto take long, Cam wished he hadn’t listened to her, he would know if she wassafe if he hadn’t.
The president of the company, Mr. Enerday played dumb, “Mr.Black, I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m talking about my partner, Agent Kay Daniels. She cameto speak with you two nights ago and she never came back.” Cameron was in nomood.
Mike rushed up next to Cameron, “Agent Mike Alverez. We’rehere because my colleague Agent Daniels came to ask you questions a few nightsago and she hasn’t been heard from since.”
Mr. Enerday shook his head, “I’m afraid I haven’t seen AgentDaniels, if I do, I will let you know. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
“Just a moment Mr. Enerday. If you have nothing to hide, youwon’t mind if we look around. You have to understand that Daniels is one of ourbest agents.”
Enerdaay stiffened for a moment then relaxed, “Of course.Take a look around.”
Cameron quickly walked down the hallway, he had a feelingthat he could figure out where Kay was. Mike called after him, “Cameron, waitup!”
Cameron slowed down for Mike to catch up, “Sorry Mike, I’mjust-”
“I know but it’ll be easier to find her if we sticktogether.”
Cam smiled at his friend, “Yeah, I know.” His eyes suddenlycaught a door that he hadn’t seen the first time he and Kay had looked around,“Hey Mike, you got my back?”
Mike raised an eyebrow at the out of place door, “Ofcourse.” He had his gun at the ready for whatever was in there. They wentthrough the door and were shocked by what they saw. The company building hadthis bright aesthetic to it but in here was dark, dreary and kind of rustylooking. “What is this place?”
“I have no idea but if Kay’s somewhere in this building,she’s here.”
Suddenly they heard frantic running, “Stay alert.” Mikewarned.
They hid behind a giant wall of pipes when someone camerunning through, as if she didn’t know where she was going. However Camrecognized her, it was Kay but something wasn’t right. He ran after her callingher name, “Kay!”
He couldn’t hear what she said and he almost lost until shetripped… over nothing. Kay wasn’t clumsy, something was wrong. He got closer,tried to take her by the arm but she swatted him away, “Get away from me! I’mnot some guinea pig!”
Cameron noticed that she wasn’t wearing the clothes she hadworn two nights ago, she was now wearing an off white cotton dress and a dullblue cardigan. He had to grip her shoulders, “Kay! It’s me, Cameron!” When hefinally got a look at her face, he was shocked. She still looked like Kay butthere were scratches on her face, bruises on her skin, including her neck and ablack eye was beginning to form. Her injuries were similar to what she
Kay blinked for a few moments as if she was trying to focusher vision but was failing. Kay carefully her hand and placed it on where shefelt his hand was, “C-Cameron?” It was him, she could sense it.
Cameron smiled, “Yeah, it’s me, and Mike’s here with me”
“Mike?” Kay was silent for a moment as Cameron helped her toher feet, “We need to get out of here! Now!” She pleaded gripping his upperarms.
She tried to walk but she couldn’t keep herself steady,“Kay!” Cameron exclaimed as he wrapped one arm around her waist and took herarm and put it around his shoulders, “Kay, what did they do to you?”
“I-I don’t know, every time I started asking questions, theywould just inject me with a needle and… then I don’t know what happened. Iwould just remember the injections. But every time I would wake up, I kepthaving trouble keeping my head clear and my eyes won’t focus.”
“Kay!” Mike called out, “Thank God we found you. Cameron wasstarting to go kinda nuts.”
“He-” Just then, Kay lost her consciousness.
Cameron to wrap his other arm under her legs and pick herup, “Mike, we need to get her to a hospital. Now!” Cameron said.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know but she said they’ve been injecting her withstuff” He explained.
Mike’s nose flared, “That son of a bitch.” Mike had his gunheld up in front of him and motioned for Cam to follow him. When they got backout to the lobby, Mike pointed his gun to Enerday, “Put your hands in the airwhere I can see them Enerday!”
“What the hell is this!? You have nothing to tie me to thatmurder!”
“No, but I can arrest you for kidnapping an FBI agent andusing her as some… guinea pig.”
Mike knew that if Cameron wasn’t holding onto Kay, he wouldhave attacked Enerday but Cam did look furious, “You better hope to God thatshe’ll be okay or you’ll have to deal with a hell of a lot more than simplecriminal charges.”
After Mike had brought in Enerday, he drove Kay to thehospital with Cam watching over her. Kay had been taken into the ER, stillunconscious, leaving Mike and Cam in the waiting room with Cam being a worriedmess. Mike placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder, “Hey, she’ll be okay.”
“You saw those injuries on her, right Mike?” Mike could onlynod as Cameron continued, “What I don’t think you saw was the look in her eyes.I mean she was having trouble focusing her eyes but… God, she looked terrified,I have never seen her like that before.”
“I can only imagine. Kay’s strong though, she’ll be able topull through.”
“What the hell did they… inject in her?”
Almost as if on cue, a nurse walked out of the ER, “KayDaniels?” Mike and Cam both stood up and walked over to the older lady, “She’llbe fine. She had been given an unhealthy amount of non-FDA approved drugs butwe managed to flush most of it out of her system. Unfortunately, because of thedrugs, we could not give her any pain medication. All she needs now is plentyof rest and we’ll need to keep her here for a few days for observation justuntil all the toxins have been eradicated from her system.”
Mike nodded in understanding, “Thank you Nurse… Rose”Reading her name tag.
“Can we see her?” Cameron asked.
Nurse Rose nodded, “She’s being taken to a private room now,I can show you the way.”
Mike patted Cam on the back, “I actually have to report backto Deakins now and make sure our new friend goes behind bars. You go on, tellher I’m glad she’s okay.”
Cameron nodded as he followed the nurse to where Kay was. “Sowhat is your relationship with the Ms. Daniels?” The nurse asked with a kindtone
“Oh, uh… I’m just a friend.”
“Just a friend?”
“Then she’s lucky to have friend like you, I happened tonoticed you when you three came in, you wouldn’t stop until you made sure shewould be alright.”
“I care about her, I wanted to make sure she would be okay.”
The nurse stopped in front of a door and opened it, “Thanksto you, she will be. I’ll be back in a little while to check up on her.”
Cameron walked into the room and saw Kay lying on the bedwith her eyes closed. Her skin was no longer a sickly pale and her cuts andbruises had been cleaned up. we walked over sat on the chair next to the bedand took her hand. “Kay? I know you probably can’t hear but… I’m glad you’reokay.” He took her hand in both of his brought it close to his lips, “I’m sosorry that you had to go through… whatever it is you went through. I know youmust be in a lot of pain but it’ll be over soon, I promise.” He then kissed thepalm of her hand.
“Hmm?” Kay began to stir. After a minute, she cracked openher eyes and saw Cameron seating next to her, not having noticed that she hadwoken up, “C-Cam?”
Cameron couldn’t help but smile, “Kay?”
“W-where am I” She tried to sit up but her headache got inthe way, “Ugh, and why do I have such a nasty headache.”
“Do you not remember? You’re in the hospital.”
“The hospital?”
“Yeah, you went to talk to Enerday and then you wentmissing… for two days.”
“Honestly the last thing I remember is walking into theEnerday building.” Kay suddenly looked down at her arms and saw that there weremany needle holes, “What happened to me?”
“You were drugged… a lot. So much that hospital is reluctantto give you pain medication.”
“That explains the pain. How did you guys find me?”
“We found this hidden section of the building that didn’tseem to match up with the rest of the building’s theme… then we found you asyou were trying to run away, you said something about how you weren’t someguinea pig and then.. you fainted… straight into my arms.” Cameron smirkedtrying to brighten her mood, “You know if you wanted my attention you didn’thave to go to such extremes.”
Kay smiled but felt pain as she did so, “I must be a totalknockout right now.” She muttered sarcastically.
Cameron shrugged, “Makes no difference to me. You’re stillthe same strong beautiful woman you’ve always been.” She blushed at the kindwords. Cameron smiled that she seemed like she would be fine and back to herold self in no time, “I’ll go see if Nurse Rose has anything at all she cangive to help with the pain”
He stood up and was about to leave when Kay gripped hishand, “Please, don’t leave.”
“I… I’d just feel more at peace if you were here with me.”Kay pressed her lips tightly, “Just until I can fall asleep?”
Cameron smiled at her as he sat back down. The two continuedto talk and Cam even preformed a few card tricks for her until Kay fell asleep.Cam would have left but he stayed a little just to be sure that she would beokay. When Kay had been woken up by a nightmare involving her kidnappers,Cameron calmed her back down and hugged her until she stopped shaking. He thenproceeded to lie down next to her claiming that if it happened again, she couldjust grab onto him like a teddy bear or body pillow. Kay soon fell asleep againwith her head against Cam’s shoulder and her arms wrapped around one of hisarms while his other soon pulled her close as he fell asleep as well. Kay didn’thave any more nightmares that night.
When Nurse Rose came back into the room to see how they weredoing, she saw the two in their sleeping embrace. She quietly closed the doorand let them sleep. She could bend the rules just this once.
I swear that thesestories won’t all take place in ahospital!
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aresaphrodites · 6 years
Hey but sorry to bother u but could give me those book recs? Relying on u girl
of course!! sorry bout the long wait, dear x
you said you preferred trilogies or series’ (which i don’t read much of tbh) so here are a few of my favorites: (( some of these will have full on summaries and some… not so much, i got lazy lol ))
The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout : Meet Katy and Daemon! Katy is a funny, down-to-earth book blogger who has just moved to West Virginia. And Daemon? Well, he’s her hot and arrogant next-door neighbor. He’s also an alien. This one is cheesy, yeah, but it’s so FUN! Follow along as Katy and Daemon try to figure out what they mean to each other while trying not to get killed by the Arum; the Lumen’s enemy. In this world, the DOD is well aware that aliens exist and that they live on Earth. However, they are unaware that the aliens known as Luxen actually possess powers that make them.. well… powerful beyond means. This isn’t just a romance story; it focuses on family and friendships and it has a bunch of kick ass action and the entire plot with the DOD is so interesting. 
The Pine Deep Series by Jonathan Maberry ; I’m only on the first book but this one is a bit more mature in terms of horror and things like that. If you like scary books or feel like being spooky in time for Halloween, you should definitely check this one out! 
The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare : I’m sure you know about this one, but if you don’t! Angels, demons, warlocks, vampires, faeries, werewolves? What more could you want? When Clary Fray discovers she’s actually a Shadowhunter; an appointed warrior of the Angel Raziel and has angel blood coursing through her veins, her life is about to change forever. Join her and the rest of the Shadowhunter gang (and even a few others) as they team up to rescue her mom and stop an all out war from happening. 
The Darkest Minds Series by Alexandra Bracken ; I’m only on the first book but I absolutely love it! It’s an intense read that has me on the edge of my seat constantly. I adore Ruby and she’s easily become one of my favorite female characters of all time. 
Dorothy Must Die Series by Danielle Paige ; Okay. I know, I know. Really? Dorothy Must Die? Hear me out! This book is FUN. Trashy? Perhaps, but fun! The first book is really fast paced and honestly? I am living for a world where Dorothy is evil. So basically our main character is named Amy and she is the other girl from Kansas. She’s sent to Oz to save it from Dorothy Gale who has become power hungry and is now pure evil along with the Tin-Man, the Lion, and the Scarecrow. The rest of the series doesn’t really live up to the first book, but I would say you should read the first one anyway. It’s a lot of fun. 
Did I Mention I Love You Series by Estelle Maskame: Sixteen-year-old Eden Munro decides to spend the summer with her father in Santa Monica as her parents are divorced now. Once there, she meets her father’s new family and that includes Tyler Bruce; her new asshole step brother with a short temper and a huge ego but as she gets to learn more about him, she finds herself falling for him. This trope isn’t for everyone and I know the whole step sibling thing is super taboo but this series is awesome and I read it during a huge reading slump and it really helped me get though it. 
Perfect Chemistry Series by Simone Elkeles: When Brittany Ellis walks into chemistry class on the first day of senior year, she has no clue that her carefully created “perfect” life is about to unravel before her eyes. She’s forced to be lab partners with Alex Fuentes, a gang member from the other side of town, and he is about to threaten everything she’s worked so hard for―her flawless reputation, her relationship with her boyfriend, and the secret that her home life is anything but perfect. Alex is a bad boy and he knows it. So when he makes a bet with his friends to lure Brittany into his life, he thinks nothing of it. But soon Alex realizes Brittany is a real person with real problems, and suddenly the bet he made in arrogance turns into something much more. (Each book in this series focuses on a different Fuentes brother.)
Fighting to Be Free Series by Kirsty Moseley: Jamie Cole has just been released from juvenile detention. Determined to go straight, he tries to cut ties with crime boss Brett Reyes - but Brett has no intention of letting him go. Jamie’s life is already more complicated than it needs to be, yet it’s when he meets a beautiful stranger at a bar that Jamie knows he’s really in over his head. Ellie Pearce has just come out of a terrible relationship and isn’t looking for anything serious; until she meets Jamie. Their attraction is overwhelming and intense - she can’t seem to shake her growing feelings for him, even though she’s trying to keep it casual. But when fate goes horribly wrong and Jamie’s family is faced with ruin, he’s forced to strike a deal with Brett. Despite his struggles, he wants nothing more than a future with Ellie. That’s until Ellie finds out that he’s been hiding more from her than she could ever imagine. 
Mind if I drop in a few stand alone’s? I’m trying to read more series’ but I’ve always been more of a stand alone kind of girl, so here are some of my current favs: 
#MurderTrending by Gretchen McNeil : WELCOME TO THE NEAR FUTURE, where good and honest citizens can enjoy watching the executions of society’s most infamous convicted felons, streaming live on The Postman app from the suburbanized prison island Alcatraz 2.0. When seventeen-year-old Dee Guerrera wakes up in a haze, lying on the ground of a dimly lit warehouse, she realizes she’s about to be the next victim of the app. Knowing hardened criminals are getting a taste of their own medicine in this place is one thing, but Dee refuses to roll over and die for a heinous crime she didn’t commit. Can Dee and her newly formed posse, the Death Row Breakfast Club, prove she’s innocent before she ends up wrongfully murdered for the world to see? Or will The Postman’s cast of executioners kill them off one by one?
One Small Thing by Erin Watt : Meet Beth and Chase. Beth is entering her senior year and is still trying to move on from the death of her older sister three years ago. In a small town with parents who have suddenly become her wardens; that seems nearly impossible. And then she meets the mysterious and hot Chase who immediately draws her in. Their attraction is instant and he’s the first person who makes her feel like Beth Jones and not Lizzie; the young girl who lost a sister and is somehow broken by it. But as she falls harder for Chase, she’s hit with the reality of the part he played in her sister’s death. It’s about forgiveness, love, and moving on. It’s sad and sweet and such a fun, quick read. Definitely good for trying to get out of a slump! 
Autoboyography by Christina Lauren :  Fangirl meets Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda in this funny and poignant coming-of-age novel from New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren about two boys who fall in love in a writing class—one from a progressive family and the other from a conservative religious community. If you read one book off of this list, PLEASE let it be this one. This book is so… amazing. It’s been months and I still think about it constantly. 
Fault Line by C. Desir : Trigger WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A RAPE. It is not shown, but it’s the main conflict in the book. Over the years I have struggled with if I liked this book because it was good or if I liked it because of how much it fucked me up. I read this book in one sitting and when I finished, I sat in my bed for a good hour and just…. didn’t move or do anything. You will NOT be rooting for the main couple. The narrator is unlikable and you will HATE all the characters in this book. The ending is NOT happy and I don’t know why I’m recommending this but GOD. This book, after so many years, just stuck with me because of how fucked up it was. It deals with the whole “recovery” process in such a dark way that we normally don’t see in YA fiction and I think that’s what makes it stand out so much. If you want something darker, read this. But read it with caution. If this isn’t something you like then please, don’t bother reading it. It’s not happy and it’s sure as shit not fluffy. Summary : Ben could date anyone he wants, but he only has eyes for the new girl—sarcastic free-spirit Ani. Luckily for Ben, Ani wants him too. She’s everything Ben could ever imagine. Everything he could ever want. But that all changes after the party. The one Ben misses. The one Ani goes to alone. Now Ani isn’t the girl she used to be, and Ben can’t sort out the truth from the lies. What really happened, and who is to blame? Ben wants to help her, but she refuses to be helped. The more she pushes Ben away, the more he wonders if there’s anything he can do to save the girl he loves.
Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero : If you like Scooby-Doo or Archie’s Weird Mysteries this book is probably for you. 1990. The teen detectives once known as the Blyton Summer Detective Club are all grown up and haven’t seen each other since their fateful, final case in 1977. Andy, the tomboy, is twenty-five and on the run, wanted in at least two states. Kerri, one-time kid genius and budding biologist, is bartending in New York, working on a serious drinking problem. At least she’s got Tim, an excitable Weimaraner descended from the original canine member of the team. Nate, the horror nerd, has spent the last thirteen years in and out of mental health institutions, and currently resides in an asylum in Arhkam, Massachusetts. The only friend he still sees is Peter, the handsome jock turned movie star. The problem is, Peter’s been dead for years.The time has come to uncover the source of their nightmares and return to where it all began in 1977. This time, it better not be a man in a mask. The real monsters are waiting. 
Fatal Throne by Candace Fleming ; A book about Henry VIII and his six wives. If you like historical fiction then this book might be for you! It’s told through the perspective of his six wives (and even Henry himself) and it’s a really fascinating read. 
Okay, I think I’m going to stop here. Let me know if none of these speak to you and I’ll give you some more recs! I didn’t know what kind of genres you liked, so I tried to throw in a little bit of everything.
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