#and at one point he literally asked me 'where's that father figure guy' RIGHT as they were driving to bobby's in 1x22
angelsdean · 4 months
also, my dad did tune in for the last ep of s1 and the first ep of s2 while i was rewatching and well, the best part abt watching anything with a 55 yr old man is that he gets ALL thee pop culture references and when john gave sam his fake insurance card and sam read out the name  "Elroy McGillicuddy" my dad immediately went "oh that's a reference! Elroy is from The Jetsons and McGillicuddy is a reference from I Love Lucy" and i was like......i literally would never have gotten that.
also the SuperWiki does list the McGillicuddy reference in the Trivia section for the 2x01 but i don't think the name "Elroy" is a clear reference, though the fact that my dad immediately thought of a character in pop culture from a time period that would be relevant to the characters and show writers makes me think he might actually be right
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coralinnii · 1 year
❋ If you are a villain, then let me be your accomplice ❋
feat: Floyd
genre: slow burn romance
note: sequel to reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy AU Floyd ver, no pronouns used for reader, 2k word count
Series masterlist
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A new normal has unfortunately assimilated into your life since your incident during that fateful ball. You felt your entire being sink into the pit of your stomach as your brother came running to you when he returned from the party, frantically asking why one of the Leech family sons was asking about you.
“You fell on top of him? And then just ran away?!” You were close to strangling your younger brother for his big mouth, especially when your outraged mother just happened to walk in right at the moment, though you were sure the birds resting in your gardens would have heard your brother’s obnoxious exclamations.
“I can’t believe you didn’t even say sorry, just running away and leaving the poor boy” After scolding your ear off, your mother wrote a letter of apology to the Leech household and to your dismay, invited Floyd to your home so you could personally apologize for your rude behavior. “It’s the least we could do,” your mother said.
Soon, an apology dinner led to a quick tour around your father’s training ground, then eventually there wasn’t a day where you didn’t worry that you’ll see a head of ocean teal hair bursting through your doors, naturally making his way into the guest room like it was made for him, though your mother probably did request the servants to keep that room clean everyday for his arrival anyway.
“Fishie, I’m bored~” You were convinced that Floyd was aware of your wariness of him which was why he intentionally spends his time constantly by your side, poking you and demanding you to entertain him anytime he was bored, which was all the time. He complains when you wouldn’t pay attention to him (eventhough he barged into your classes), drags you to spar with him during your father’s knight training sessions (eventhough you weren’t part of your father’s knight squad), and even naps in your bedroom while waiting for you (eventhough there’s a guest room literally just for him!).
Your wariness soon became frustration as you swore that Floyd was doing this just to get a rise out of you, for you to finally snap and give him a reason to squeeze you. You couldn’t figure it out but you’re starting to realize that the tall intruder only seems happy when you’re mentally suffering from his antics.
What’s worse was that your family doesn’t seem to see this as a concern. Your father was pleased to see potential in Floyd as a fighter and your brother became fascinated with the stories of merfolk and trinkets Floyd brings anytime he visits. The worst was your mother who was happy to have the sharp-toothed man visit them so often, calling him a sweet delight in the home.
“Crazy. They’re all crazy!” Your sanity as thin as silk thread and about as high-strung was tested everyday and it was at its breaking point one day when you had to join him for a night in the town, where a small festival was being held.
“Your dear friend was kind enough to invite you… you should go out more…Don’t be such a slugabed…Why can’t I be a slugabed, mom? Nothing wrong with that” lost in your grumbles, Floyd pulled you around the bustling crowds of the market to various food stalls when he felt an inkling of hunger. You supposed you were glad he was in a good mood for now, beats the alternative.
“Hey Fishie, Check this out!” You looked to see your companion with a satisfied grin on his face. “Look at what I got from the kebab stall!”
A satisfied grin plastered on his face, Floyd held out what you assumed was a meat kebab but the sheer length of it caught you off guard. The impulsive eel persuaded the stall owner to combine the sticks together to create a kebab much longer than intended (or recommended). Adorned with alternating grilled meat and vegetables, Floyd’s kebab stick was more of a kebab sword.
“Oh my goodness” you let out a gasp, wide-eyed at oddity before you. “Is that possible…or safe?” Clearly it was possible with the monstrosity clearly in his hands but your concern was more towards if such a food-covered stick was safe to wave around in a crowded area like this, where someone could accidentally get hit by that thing-
Whack “Hey, what’s the big idea?!”
Why couldn’t you be wrong?
As you feared, Floyd's creative street food managed to swing around and smacked an unsuspecting man in the back of his head. He turned, and your instincts immediately warned you that this man was not the forgiving type of fellow. His scowl seemed to target you, possibly because you seemed to be an easier victim to blame.
“What’s the big idea? A couple of prissy nobles walkin’ around thinkin’ they can do whatever they want?” The ruffled man snarled out in a gruff tone, his friends behind him copying his scowls with furrowed eyebrows and visibly clenched fists. “You better walk away if ya know what’s good for yer.”
But Floyd was not the least bit intimidated by the hostile group and started to scowl back, a dangerous look glazing over his mix-matched eyes. Before you could apologize, the tall merman stepped in front of you, towering over the stranger and blocking your figure from sight. Bystanders whispered and gasped as many started to back away from what looked to be an impending fight.
“Haaa? You minnows tryin’ to pick a fight?” Floyd tilted his head to the side glaring down at the other man, a hand squeezing his shoulder as though to limber up his arm. To you, he seemed like the meaner bully than anyone. “Sure, let’s have some fun then.”
“What’s going on over there?!” You heard another voice bellowing from afar and your worries suddenly shot up. Amongst the crowd, you could see a pair of men in armour making their way towards your direction where the commotion was.
“No. No. No. I don’t want to spend my night getting arrested!” Looking back to Floyd, you saw the wildness in his eyes barely being held back, dead set on starting a fight. You knew there wasn’t a chance to talk Floyd down when he gets this riled up so in a panic, you made a risky move.
Quietly crouching down, you scooped a handful of sand and gravel. With all your mustered courage, you side-stepped from behind your tall friend and threw the debris straight into the ruffian’s eyes, momentarily blinding him. The stranger bellowed with pain as he quickly back again in response.
“AARRGGHH, YOU CRAZY B-“ the blinded man couldn’t finish his sentence as you made the final blow by kicking him further backwards, his friends scrambling to catch him as he groaned in his suffering.
Taking the chance, you quickly grabbed Floyd and rushed away from the scene. Your mind ignored voices cursing you as you recklessly weaved through the crowd away from the knights and the ruffians and towards anywhere that had less of a crowd, your hand tightly holding on to the merman who was strangely quiet, stunned by your impulsive actions. But the ruffians were quick to recover as they started catch their bearings and chase after the two of you, rage fuelled in their motivations.
The chase brought you to a pier by the ocean that was as ink black as the night sky. You could still hear their voices coming closer and soon regret and fear flooded your senses.
“What do I do…what do I do?” You mumbled in panic, with tears lining your eyes. You have completely forgotten that Floyd could feel you shake through your hand still interlocked with his.
Your companion watched you quivering like a scared little seal and hearing angry footsteps approaching, when a fun idea crossed his mind.
“Hey Fishie,” his casual voice finally made you remembered his presence. “We gotta hide, right? I know a place~”
“Wha-“ Without a second to let you ask more, Floyd swiftly picked you up from your shoulders to fling you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and in one fluid motion, he threw you right into the waters without remorse.
In your flabbergasted state from the audacity and the sheer ice cold feeling of the water, your frazzled mind didn’t even register Floyd jumping in soon after you until he wrapped his arms around you, clasping your hand over your mouth to stop you from screaming. Floyd was surprisingly comforting with his hold on you as his long arms kept you afloat above the cold waters as he expertly led your body further from the pier where you could faintly hear shouting from afar.
Eventually, the noises quiet down and all there’s left were the waves of the water splashing against your skin. Unfortunately, the darkened sky allowed no light for your eyes to scan your surroundings. You could barely see Floyd very well despite feeling his body close to yours. “Floyd, can you see the pier?”
“Yea, can’t you?” Floyd asked but you shook your head, your eyes couldn’t adjust to your surroundings with almost no light in sight. “Too dark, huh? Hmmm, close your eyes for a second, will ya? I’m gonna do somethin’”
Though skeptical, you did as he asked. Minutes went by and before the fear that the ocean-haired man might had left you, a luminous glow nearly permeated through your eyelids. You could tell there was bright beacon of light close to you but there strangely wasn’t a sense of heat from the source.
“…Alright, open ‘em”
Floyd watched intently as you opened your eyes and saw something purely inhuman. The once tall man was no longer in his human form but instead his long eel-like body was wrapped around you which glowed a shimmering blue light from his bioluminescence. This was the first time you’ve him in his most natural form.
Floyd waited silently for a reaction from you, an unreadable look in his gold and brown eyes. With his natural glow, nothing was hidden from you. You could see his sharp claws protruding from his large webbed hands, his dotted blue skin coated with slime, and his large monstrous tail in lieu of those human legs he acquired. All land-dwellers do is gawk and shriek at whatever is unnatural to them and he suspected you’d be the same, just like all the boring humans…
“Floyd, you’re beautiful!”
You couldn’t help but marvel at the sight before you. Your old life fantasized and told tales of merpeople but would never come to see such a visionary sight like this. Even after finding yourself in this new world, many mermaids and mermen had to hide themselves from anti-merfolk humans on land so you still haven’t had the chance to meet them in such a natural form…Until now.
“Wow, you’re glowing from your chest to your tail…” your eyes sparkled with child-like wonder as you watched the light from Floyd’s body shimmer in the waters, reminding you almost like the waves of light of an aurora in the sky. Your fingers curiously grazed the surface of Floyd’s tail which felt cool and smooth to the touch, most likely due to the natural secretion of his skin to keep him hydrated. You reached back to his clawed fingers which you swore looked bigger than those of his human form, bigger than yours at least, which made you ponder if merfolks varied in sizes as well. “This feels like a dream”
“…Hehe, how long are you gonna touch me, Fishie~?” Floyd’s little tease snapped you out of your daze as he grinned down at you. His tone sounded accusatory but his sly grin spoke volume of his amusement over your fascination with his body.
Quickly, you let go of his webbed fingers. “I-I’m sorry, Floyd. I was just surprised. I’ve never seen a merman’s body before and-and” you stammered and splashed around but not even the ice cold waters could cool the sensation in your cheeks. You felt the burn of embarrassment just thinking how Floyd was watching you fawn over his body like a reckless pervert.
Distracted by your shame, Floyd took the opportunity to hold you tighter than before, his glowing body coiling around your legs and letting you feel his firm muscles as you felt forced to sit atop of his tail. Gently, the merman cradled your head as he smiled a toothy grin at you, seemingly happier than you’ve seen him all day, though you couldn’t figure out why.
“My Fishie never disappoints~ It’s always so fun when I’m around you, I can’t get enough!” Floyd surprised you by pressing his cheek to yours, nuzzling against your skin as he hummed in a satisfied tone. Seriously, what’s gotten him in such a good mood?
“Wait, don’t think I’d forgive you for throwing me into the water!”
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jmagnabo92 · 8 months
So I saw a post on Instagram, and it said:
‘Isn't it funny how James Potter decided to bully and harass a malnourished little boy from an abusive family just for existing, and years later, James' son became a malnourished little boy from an abusive family that bullies him just for existing’ 
And all the comments were agreeing and saying things like, ‘Karma’, ‘Glad I’m a James Potter hater’, ‘Don’t understand how he has even one fan’
And I was like… what??? Was so tempted to write a whole thing about it but decided the hate I’d get wasn’t worth it. What are your opinions about this? 
That's my initial reaction.
Don't these people know that the sins of the father shall not be visited upon the son?
It's not karma for Harry to suffer for James' mistakes. It's bullshit and I hope that no one that believes that has ever done anything wrong in their lives or their kids shall suffer. AND THERE"S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT THIS BS.
Now, let's point out how else they're wrong.
First of all, I had to re-read the Prince's Tale - and mind you, I did skim it so I could've missed things, but there is NO WHERE that says he was 'malnourished' as a boy. Not a single description said anything was physically wrong with Snape like malnourishment. It talks about his mismatched clothes, and his parents arguing. There's a line about James having an 'air of well-cared for - ness that Snape lacked' but there's NOTHING that he states he was malnourished or even abused.
So that's utter BS. I won't argue about the abuse, but there was no evidence that he was malnourished.
As for the about "just for existing" - I think a lot of people forget that SWM canonically happens *after* James saves Snape's life from Werewolf Remus. The reason that it's easy to figure that out is there is a scene with Snape/Lily arguing about the MM thing and she literally mentions James saving him the other night.
The next scene is SWM.
Now, before get into that importance - I want to point out that in the scene about MM & the saving of Snape, Lily asks, "Why are you so obsessed with them?" and if it was a relentlessly unfair bullying situation there's two obvious answers:
A) he's been bullying me for years
B) I have to obsess so I can get one over on them.
He doesn't say either of those things - you know what he *does* say - he says "Potter fancies you"... and more about 'how great he thinks he is'.... isn't that rather suspicious?
You know what's also suspicious? If Snape's being relentlessly bullied than WHY DOESN"T HIS BEST FRIEND KNOW THE OBVIOUS? Maybe because it wasn't a situation of bully/victim - maybe it was a rivalry like Dumbledore suggested in the first book.
Now, back to the timeline:
So James saves his life and yet says "it's the fact that he exists" - which sounds terrible, right?
Of course it does, but here's the thing - Snape had literally as recently possibly two weeks previously (we don't know *exactly* when but sometime between Nov of 5th year and OWLs) had attempted to (at best) OUT Remus (at worst) KILL Remus - who is ONE of James' BFFs. Now - on top of that - we know that Snape has been obsessed with a theory for ages about Remus. We see this in the MM & Saving conversation - Lily says "I know your theory" with the air of someone that has heard his theories before. Given that he only found out *for sure* within a few days of that conversation that suggests that he has been going after Remus for a while.
So, here we have Snape's attempt to get Remus out or killed and James has every reason to hate him - he's a loyal guy. He believes in his friendships so much it cost his life and literally learned something that could put him behind bars *just to help his friend*. Whatever happened, however it happened, that doesn't matter to James.
What *does* matter is that Snape tried to detrimentally hurt his friend. So he has a reason, but in SWM, he literally *can't* say that. He would be outing Remus and he's not going to do that.
Which means he NEVER did anything *just because he exists* - he had a reason, he just couldn't say it.
Now, why does James have fans?
Because he's a good man. This is the man that did stupid shit when he was a teen, sometimes for good, sometimes for bad, but nothing he did was ever on par with the things that Snape was doing - I've got a while post on that.
After he grows up, he joins the Order - to do good for people that he doesn't have to care about, yet does. He does so much good, he becomes a target. In that, he then goes on to give his life for wife and son. And they think this man doesn't deserve fans? What Bullshit is this??
ANYWAY, my longass point here is that: They're idiots, and I kind of wish that some people had more thought into the situation. James deserves better.
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aliciavance4228 · 21 days
One thing that I honestly do not understand about some of Hades' fans is the way they claim that they like him because he is a complex figure, yet at the same time they erase all the characteristics that make him complex in order to depict him as the nicest guy possible.
"Hades never had any bastards." Yes, this is absolutely true, yet at the same time nobody is wondering why ancient greeks depicted him as having sexual relationships only with Persephone, or why Leuce and Minthe were added only centuries later by the roman poets. In order to answer to this question we have to understand why other gods are depicted as womanizers in the first place. It's because in this way it was easy for you to pretend that your father is a god, and by extension to receive a certain attention or priviledges.
"Of course I'm great. Don't you know that my father is Zeus himself?"
"How do you know that?"
"He told me in a dream that he disguised himself as an ant and then entered my mother's vagina."
"But then why didn't Hera kill you already?"
"He forgot to tell me why."
Hades, on the other hand, was equally feared and hated by ancient greeks, which is why nobody wanted to claim that they are his offspring. Romans, on the other hand, weren't necessarily afraid nor repulsed by him, which is probably why they were more comfortable writing about him having a dead lover and a mistress on top of Persephone.
"Hades never punished mortals the way other gods do." Are you kidding me, right? When Asclepcius started to bring people back to life he complained to Zeus about how Apollo's son is openly mocking death and asked him to kill him, not to mention that in some versions of the myth the reason why Zeus decided to murder him was because Hades was going to unleash his wrath on Apollo himself or destroy Asclepius' entire city. When Pirithous and Theseus tried to kidnap Persephone he trapped them for years and let them be attacked by the Furies on a daily basis.
Now, people will tell me: "Yeah but both of them were violating his rules so he had all the right to do that." and I'm not contradicting you here. However, there's another myth where he inflicted Thebes with a deadly plague after a king refused to bury some dead warriors or something like that. It is emphasized the fact that many died, and "many" could mean anyone, no matter if they were innocent, quilty, children, elders etc. The only way they managed to appease him was by sacrificing two girls. Sure, he took pity of them in the end and turned them into comets, but was the death of hundreds of mortals so necessary? Why didn't he punish only the king instead of his people? And then his stans are really going to say that Demeter is a monster for causing a global famine, even though this was clearly a result of her grief for her daughter.
Furthermore, I would also like to point out the fact that the main reason why there are few myths where he's directly punishing a living mortal is because he knows that sooner or later everyone will become his subject. Sure, you may not be punished immediately for cursing his name or badmouthing him, but thirty years later when you will be dead quess who will throw you into Tartarus!
"Hades was the least problematic greek god." First of all, there aren't only fifteen deities in Greek Mythology, but hundreds of them. And I doubt that out of hundreds of deities he's the least problematic one. And secondly, even if you think only about the fifteen major gods you cannot say that he's the least problematic one when Hestia exists. I think people are focusing way too much on his qualities and moments where he proves himself to be generous and equitable, and forget the fact that he's literally the King of the Underworld. One of the reasons why there are few to no writings about him nowdays is because a) people were afraid even to write about him and b) we're not sure how many of the few writings about him survived and how many were lost. He might have done even more horrible things that we're not aware of. Also, we do not live in Ancient Greece among people who existed thousands of years ago and had a way more clear perception on their deities. They might had good reasons to fear him other than the ones that we already know.
I do not consider anything wrong in portraying him as having a secret soft side or emphasizing the fact that just because he was the god of the dead that doesn’t mean that he was "pure evil" or "the devil himself", because we're talking about a polytheistic religion where deities are allowed to have complex, multidimensional personalities instead of being only "good" or "bad". But that doesn’t mean that you have to automatically turn him into an innocent guy who never did anything wrong in his entire life and all he wants is to unconditionally love his pastel goth wife and play with his dog Spot.
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more Buddie confirmation right in front of our salads
More space/universe aka future:
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Not to mention, Christopher has the bag, then Buck, and then Buck hands it to Ramon. Son to Buck to another father.
In the same episode that we get a dinner date (with Buck cooking) between Buck and Tommy:
Buck: "So maybe we both have Daddy issues." Tommy: "I don't." Buck: "But you think I do?" Tommy: "God, I hope so."
The very next scene is Eddie talking to his parents and we get:
Ramon: "Fathers are human. Sons don't always handle this news well." Eddie: "I'm not letting him run away from home because he's mad at me." Ramon: "Your son is trying to tell you what he needs. Don't wait 30 years before you listen. You'll regret it."
So in this episode we have:
Bobby's life on the line
A grandfather trying to get revenge for his grandson (after mentioning his own son/their relationship in the last episode we saw him in)
Buck talking about how Bobby is like a father to him
Tommy saying he doesn't talk to his dad; that he only had Gerrard (which was a very weird statement to me until I saw the end of the episode and went "aha!")
Christopher refuses to talk to Eddie because he's angry and hurting; he even called his grandparents to come get him so he can stay with them for a while
Ramon giving Eddie advice to let Christopher go because it's what he needs, coming from the perspective of his own regret with how he handled things with Eddie
Bobby (Buck's dad) being replaced by Gerrard (a former captain of the 118 - there's that Ramon/Eddie parallel again btw - and who Tommy "looked up" to)
Bobby not having been honest with the 118 about a decision he'd made; Eddie not having been honest with Christopher about Kim (well, I should say that Christopher found out about anyway) - both fathers/father figures
This all leads to: Fathers & Sons (as well as the theme of family)
But it's also important that this episode reaffirms Buck as Christopher's other parent (in the present). Yes, we been knew on this point already. It's been hammered home and hammered home time and time again. But it's literally confirmed in this episode right in front of our faces. Not because Eddie called Buck to talk to Christopher but because of the literal passing of the backpack which is sporting a theme that has been featured for Buddipher before (future).
From Christopher (the son):
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To Buck (another son/father):
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To Ramon (another father whose son's heart is breaking as he's losing his own son):
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Buck doesn't hand the backpack to Helena or even Eddie (so Christopher will need to retrieve it from him/talk to him). He doesn't place it down on the ground or on thee couch (which btw he oh so conveniently sits on the arm of it earlier in the episode in the scene where Eddie begs him to intervene with Christopher). He hands it right to Ramon who then shoulders it.
So not only does this confirm that yes, Buck has daddy issues and that he can identify with Christopher (based on what he went through, his understanding now, and his own evolved relationship with his parents), but he is indeed the second parent.
In the same season we saw both the Buckley parents and the Diaz parents resurface, when Buck and Eddie are going through their own journeys of some deep inner reflection.
Guys, I don't know how else to say this but we are at that point. Looking at everything from above, we are literally this close. It's either make or break time coming up soon in the narrative. They're not even being coy or subtle about it anymore. That's not dunking on BuckTommy btw (there is a reason Buck and Tommy have graduated from the beer prop to the wine prop this episode - think Taylor/Abby/Shannon/Ana, etc.). That relationship still needs to be seen through and obviously, Eddie still has some more grief and things to work through, but they literally have Buck and Eddie's narrative circling each other. Eddie didn't ask Marisol for help on this one - he went straight to Buck. He also didn't try to shoulder it alone - he immediately called Buck. Hence Buck mentioning to him that Christopher can't keep Eddie out of his room and Eddie's response to that. If you think back to how far we've come with Eddie and his character development: learning to ask for help when he needs it, not taking on everything alone, being able to admit when he has a problem/struggle...it is phenomenal that Eddie called Buck up immediately to get him over there to help with Christopher. Not that he hasn't trusted Buck with Christopher in the past, not that he doesn't truck Buck implicitly as his best friend and shift partner, but he literally realized in 0.02 seconds that he fucked up and called the one person he not only knew could get through to Christopher (if anyone could) but also would help him in this situation. Buck may have known about Kim but now so does Marisol, and it's obvious that Marisol has a relationship with Christopher as well. She may be hurt and angry with Eddie, but if Eddie asked her to talk to Christopher, if she knew how dire this was for Christopher, I'm not sure she would have told Eddie "tough, you cheated on me, screw you".
But regardless of what Marisol would have or wouldn't have done, the point is, Buck is there as Other Dad and it's confirmed right in front of our salads. And then the partner/parent confirmation:
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And if you need confirmation that props, blocking, and framing are a thing, look at the picture behind Ramon and Helena. Texas. Exactly where Christopher is going. Look at the open front door and the open door leading to the kitchen, purposely in the shot as Eddie kneels down to talk to Christopher, telling him he can always come back. Look at the fireplace (aka theme of home/hearth) Buck is standing in front of as he watches the scene unfold. Look at the way they framed Ramon and Helena vs Buck and Eddie. Ramon, Eddie's father, is on the right and Eddie, Christopher's father is on the right. They even touch in a similar manner (with less space between Ramon and Helena obviously). They even make sure to cement that connection of the two fathers in the shot of Ramon looking at Eddie, still shouldering the backpack, and closing the door. They even have Buck with his hands in his pockets and Eddie is about to do the same until Helena reaches out for Eddie's hand.
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Christopher is Eddie's son, his future. His future who just walked out the door with his grandparents. It's all there. I mean:
The same episode that mentions lost romantic partners: Ayanna, Emmett, and Shannon. Amir helps people. Athena has Bobby. And Eddie has...?
Amir + Ayanna = AA (he lost her in a fatal fire but she was the love of his life) Athena + Bobby = AB (they've both lost people but are now together and going strong) Eddie + ? = E?
The same episode where Maddie and Chim take in Mara temporarily until Hen and Karen can get her back to complete their family and we also see a scene between Bathena and the kids being grateful that they have each other.
The same episode where the two couples (Madney and Henren) are having a dinner together (the takeout) and so are Buck and Tommy (that Buck made).
The only person without a romantic partner this episode with this shared theme of dinner and prop of wine (for romance and family meals) was Eddie. He had no partner.
Or did he?
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alice, on a wednesday
a woman dropped alice off at annie's office, a woman that annie clocked as alice's bestie angel. they were communicating in sign language -- annie had noticed sometimes that when alice was speaking freely she would sign along -- annie had always observed her easily facility with language as a sign of alice's intelligence. she believed her to be a genius.
annie was aware that angel struggled with substance use, but to annie's eye she looked like a well-put-together 30something mom. maybe alice had exaggerated. one blind spot alice had, that annie took her to task for often, was a lack of sensitivity about addiction. alice herself was sober -- had been for over a decade, annie was fairly sure. she was intensely critical of angel and of her mother for their drug use.
when alice came into annie's office, it was her mother on her mind again. her father had called alice the previous night for guidance because her mother was, as alice described it, "in a coked-out frenzy." she told annie that she didn't believe it was fair for a great guy like her father to be saddled with a woman like her mother.
"i don't know," annie said. "your mother sounds like a pretty vibrant and warm woman."
"with absolutely no self control," alice countered.
"some guys like that," annie said. "most guys."
alice laughed. "i know. and i do know they love each other."
"how do you know?" annie asked, genuinely curious.
alice told her that when she was 15, she'd found a VHS recording of her parents having sex and she'd watched it. annie immediately thought of her own parents and tried to imagine such a thing. alice explained that she'd watched the entire thing in part because other than photos in porn magazines that boys showed her, she'd yet to actually see sexual intercourse happening. "i kind of love that about my own history," alice mused. "i very literally learned to fuck from watching my parents. and i still use a few of her moves."
"like what?" annie asked.
alice giggled. "just before putting my father's cock inside herself, she sort of holds it up against her stomach as she straddles him, like, showing him how deep inside her he will go."
"yeah, that's a good move if the guy is, you know..."
"hung like a horse?" alice said.
"is your dad...?"
"oh yeah," alice said. "genuinely, biggest dick i've ever seen."
"wow," annie said.
"no wonder i mostly fuck women, right?" alice said, "who could compare?"
having seen angel now, annie briefly imagined her and alice fucking -- they'd briefly been engaged before angel got married and had children. they were still very sexually active.
alice explained that watching the end of the sex tape, where her father cums on her mom's mouth and tits and then films her cleaning up in the shower, was one of the most romantic things she'd ever seen. "i really understood romantic love at that point. and i thought about how rare it is. my parents are from different countries, you know? what crazy luck that they found each other. i don't think there's a lot of hope for the rest of us."
"i don't know," annie said. "i'm still a romantic."
"you're still young," alice said. "how's ryan?"
"okay," annie said.
"you fucking more?"
"yeah," annie said. "i am also trying to sext him more? like, i send nudes but they're pretty casual. i'm trying to figure out how to... do more."
"have him take pictures of you first," alice suggested. "they you'll see how he sees you and you can frame yourself the same ways."
"that's a great idea," annie said. "what happened to the sex tape of your parents?"
"I kept it. It turns out he had lots of them," alice said. "still does, I mean, I see his phone. every time he shows me pictures of like, a trip they took, he scrolls past videos of her sucking his cock and touching herself and videos he made of himself jerking off."
"Good for them," Annie said.
"He's even filmed me," Alice said.
"Uh, how?" Annie asked.
"We were in France. We were on a clothing optional beach and he dared me to go skinny dipping, so I did, and he filmed me taking off my bathing suit and splashing around in the water naked."
"Did you like that?" Annie asked.
"Yeah," she said. "I like, I don't know, being perceived by him in that way. I think I look good naked."
Annie told Alice about her dad and the iPad.
"That's so cute," alice said. "Also I love that you have a bush? Very classy."
Annie blushed. "You know, just a little one. I tend to shave in the summer."
"I shave all year round," Alice said. She winked at Annie. Annie giggled.
"Do you want to show me the nudes you send your boyfriend?" Alice said, tentatively but firmly.
"Yes," Annie said.
"Is that crossing a patient/therapist line?"
"You're an artist," Annie said. "It's different."
"I agree," Alice said. "I'm all for special treatment."
Annie opened her phone and nervously scrolled to a photo she'd sent Ryan a few weeks ago of herself in just a pair of panties at home.
"Cute tits!" Alice chirped. "God, I wish I had those tits. I think this is a cute picture but it reads as silly rather than horny. Like I don't believe that you're begging to get fucked.
"When I'm begging to get fucked I think I do that in text. I told him to come over and fuck me in the ass a few nights ago."
"Good girl," Alice said. She handed Annie her phone. It was a picture of Alice sitting nude against a wall, legs open. Annie gawked at Alice's tiny, perky tits and her smooth cunt.
"You are gorgeous," Annie cooed. And I get it. That's horny."
"Yeah, you better believe I got fucked after I sent that."
"How is this one?" Annie asked. She showed her a bottomless photo she'd sent Ryan from his bed.
"This has fuck energy," Alice said. "I love it. And I love the bush, as expected."
"Well," Annie said. "Our hour is up, and now we have seen each other's pussies."
"All we need is to see each other's dad's cocks and then we'll really be able to get some therapy done," Alice said.
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depressedhouseplant · 3 months
🔞 Cops & Robbers 🔞
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Chapter 16
Tags: Threat of violence? I guess?
A/N: Please enjoy the second big reveal of this fic that I wrote literally over 6 months ago & finally found a place where it fit in the story. Full fic is here
Network(s): @newworldnet @tbz-network
Younghoon was silent on the drive over to Felix’s headquarters, a club not far from Juyeon’s own.
”What are you going to do?” Hyunjae couldn’t stand the silence anymore.
”I told you, I’m not going to kill him,” Younghoon replied, not looking at the other man.
”Yes, but we both know there’s a lot you can do that won’t kill someone. You shot out a guy’s knees right in front of me,” Hyunjae pointed out.
”I’m not going to do that this time,” Younghoon said.
”Then why do you have a gun?” Hyunjae asked.
”You noticed that?” Younghoon finally looked at him.
”Of course I noticed that. I’m trained to tell when someone’s armed. Does Juyeon know you took it?” Hyunjae already knew the answer.
”No and you’re not going to tell him,” Younghoon replied.
”He’ll figure it out pretty quickly if that’s his desk piece,” Hyunjae told him.
”By the time he does, we’ll already be back,” Younghoon said.
”Okay,” Hyunjae was unconvinced. He parked the car and looked at Younghoon. “I assume you want me to wait?”
”You assume correctly,” Younghoon agreed as he got out. Hyunjae sighed as he watched Younghoon walk to the back door and disappear inside the club.
Younghoon was surprised when the door opened. Why would Felix leave it unlocked? There were several doors lining the back hallway. The first two were locked, but the third opened.
”Hello Younghoon,” Hongjoong greeted him from behind the desk.
”Where’s Felix?” Younghoon asked before he could register who he was talking to.
”Busy,” Hongjoong replied simply.
”Busy?” Younghoon repeated.
”He’s doing something for me,” the older man elaborated. “Have a seat.”
”So he works for you too?” Younghoon asked as he sat.
”A lot of people work for me,” Hongjoong 
“Who doesn’t work for you?” Younghoon scoffed. 
“You,” the older man replied. 
“I suppose I should be grateful for that,” Younghoon rolled his eyes. He knew he was playing with fire. At this point he didn’t care if he got burned. 
“I neither need nor want your gratitude. I protected you because it was in my best interest,” Hongjoong leaned back in the chair. 
“You let me get kidnapped and tortured! You let Chanhee die! How is that protecting me?” Younghoon demanded. 
“Even God sacrificed his own son for a larger cause,” the older man watched Younghoon intently like he was waiting for something. 
“What does God have to do with this?” Younghoon stared back. 
“Sometimes fathers have to sacrifice their sons,” Hongjoong replied. 
“No…you’re not…you can’t…” Younghoon started to shake. 
“I am,” Hongjoong’s expression remained impassive. 
“My parents are dead,” Younghoon said. 
“Your mother is. I am alive and well,” the older man stated. 
“No, my parents had me when they thought they couldn’t have children,” Younghoon shook his head. 
“Kim Taemin was one of my best employees. He and his wife tried for years, but couldn’t conceive. You were born when I was 27. Obviously I wasn’t in a position to be a parent so I asked if the couple you knew as your parents wanted to adopt you. They were more than happy to take you in. Your biological mother died shortly after you were born from an infection she contracted in the hospital. It’s one of many reasons I don’t trust hospitals,” Hongjoong explained. By the time he finished, tears were streaming down Younghoon’s face. 
“You’re lying,” he whispered. 
“I’m happy to do a paternity test to prove it to you,” Hongjoong told him. “Would someone who was lying offer to do that?”
“You’ll say anything if it’s in your best interest,” Younghoon hissed. 
“Younghoon, I’d hoped you’d figured out by now that just because we break the law doesn’t make us liars,” Hongjoong sighed. 
“We?” Younghoon asked.
“Juyeon and myself,” the older man replied. “I know that you know Juyeon has never lied to you. I haven’t lied to you either. I’ll do what it takes to prove to you I’m not lying.”
“What kind of father lets his son be tortured? You’re not God even if you think you are. Parents protect their children. Parents don’t discard their children because it suits them. If you weren’t ready to be a parent then you should’ve kept it in your goddamn pants!” Younghoon stood up and slammed his hands on the desk. 
“I never said I wasn’t ready to be a parent. I said I wasn’t in a position to be a parent. If your mother had survived then I would’ve kept you. I gave you up so you could have a decent life with parents who loved you like their own. You’ve already seen what being the son of a criminal can do to someone. The man you love showed you that. I wasn’t going to do that to you. However it seems fate had other ideas and you ended up here anyway,” Hongjoong stood up. Younghoon spat on the desk. 
“There’s your DNA sample. Go fuck yourself,” he turned to leave. 
“Not that you’ll care, but I loved your mother very much. Losing her was the worst thing that ever happened to me,” his father told him. Younghoon stopped in the doorway. 
“You’re right. I don’t care,” he growled. Younghoon slammed the door behind him. If Hongjoong really was his father then he had a lot to answer for. 
Hyunjae jumped when the door slammed. 
“Drive,” Younghoon snapped.
”Are you crying?” Hyunjae asked, trying to get a better look at Younghoon’s face.
”I said drive,” Younghoon hid his face in his hands.
”Okay,” Hyunjae agreed, starting the car. He wasn’t particularly in the mood to get shot. 
Juyeon was outside the house when they got back, pacing like a caged predator.
”Where have you been? What’s going on? Why are you crying?” He demanded as he practically pulled Younghoon out of the car. 
“He didn’t tell me anything,” Hyunjae held up his hands. Juyeon nodded and waved Hyunjae off.
”Earlier in the office, was that just an excuse to get a gun?” Juyeon asked.
”No, at least, not entirely,” Younghoon said into Juyeon’s shoulder. “Can we go inside?”
”Of course,” Juyeon agreed. He led Younghoon back into the house and up to their room. Younghoon took the gun out of his pants and put it on the bedside table.
”I knew you wouldn’t give me a gun if I asked so I came up with a plan to get the one from your desk. I knew you wouldn’t turn me down for sex and I know you’re always out of it for a little while after we finish. I waited until you went to change then I snuck back in and got it. I wasn’t going to hurt Felix, but I also wasn’t about to go on enemy ground without a weapon. I didn’t find what I was expecting when we got there,” Younghoon couldn’t bring himself to look at Juyeon.
”What does that mean?” Juyeon asked.
”Hongjoong was there. He didn’t tell me where Felix was. He told me something else though,” Younghoon wiped his face. “He told me that he’s my father.”
”Your what?” Juyeon wasn’t sure he’d heard Younghoon correctly.
”He said he’d even do a paternity test to prove it. Would he do that if he was lying?” Younghoon looked up. His eyes were red and swollen from crying.
”I wouldn’t offer to do a paternity test unless I knew for sure what the result was going to be,” Juyeon replied, placing one of his hands on top of Younghoon’s hand.
”I…I spit on the desk before I left so he has my DNA now. I just don’t know if I’ve somehow screwed us because of it. He was behind it all. He could’ve stopped it and he didn’t. He could’ve saved Chanhee’s life and he didn’t. I hate him,” Younghoon was thinking out loud by this point.
”I know. I hate him too,” Juyeon agreed.
”I thought about killing him, but then any answers he might have would die with him,” Younghoon rested his head on Juyeon’s shoulder.
”Like what?” Juyeon asked, petting Younghoon’s hair.
”Why? Why is he doing all this? Why is everyone so afraid of him? Why hasn’t he convinced you to work for him? Just…why,” Younghoon sighed.
”Do you think he’d actually answer any of those?” Juyeon questioned.
”Probably not, but I wish I knew,” Younghoon replied. They sat there in silence, one plotting revenge and one wishing none of this had ever happened.
Eric tapped his foot anxiously as the phone rang. Right before it went to voicemail, he picked up
”Eric?” Felix asked. “What’s wrong?”
”Has Younghoon been to see you yet?” Eric asked.
”No? I haven’t been to the office yet today,” Felix replied. A beat of silence. “What do you mean ‘been to see me’?”
”Sunwoo wouldn’t agree to help with your office unless I told Juyeon what you did. I told Younghoon and then I saw him leave with Hyunjae and he had a gun,” Eric explained.
”Was he coming to kill me?” Felix asked.
”He said he wasn’t, but then why would he bring a gun?” Eric questioned.
”I wouldn’t go on enemy ground unarmed,” Felix said.
“No, I guess you wouldn’t,” Eric consented. “I think they just got back though so I guess it’s safe for you to go back there.”
”I’ve still got some things to take care of, but thank you for the heads up,” Felix told him. Something was wrong. Eric sensed it.
”Are you okay?” He asked.
”I’m fine. I’ll see you soon,” Felix said then abruptly hung up.
”Fuck,” Eric hissed and threw his phone. 
“You ready?” Jongho asked as he adjusted his mask.
”As I’ll ever be,” Yunho replied. He took a shot from the flask and handed it to Jongho. “To making the worst fucking decision of our lives.”
”To making the worst fucking decision of our lives,” Jongho took a drink and got out of the car.
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lesbiandarvey · 3 months
could donna and harvey do iconic sports night fics
sorry this post is just for me dont worry about it
a form in wax: yes yes yes!!!! literally a form in wax is basically season 5 of suits -> danny leaving for la triggering casey’s problems with his father and going to therapy about it… so like donna leaves and goes to work for louis harvey starts having panic attacks and seeing paula about it to talk about his shitty relationship with his mother and it ends with him going to donnas’ friends art gallery opening and saying what do i want from you? i figured it out. i finally fucking figured it out… i want you to marry me
small town: yes! oh fuck yeah okay thomas would be the bobby bernstein so like donna and harvey have lived together as roommates for years in a small town in nova scotia working at a boutique law firm when thomas comes back into donnas life and asks her to come work with him -> the “im leaving you harvey” moment is her going to work with thomas and harvey freaks out
like sailing and home runs: ohhhhh okay ohmygod so in this harvey is the danny character. so his mom has a heart attack and his has to run to boston despite not speaking to her for years and right before he leaves he kisses donna in his office cus shes good and he needs just a little bit of that goodness in his life and then pulls back and leaves. and hes in the hospital all day surrounded by his dysfunctional family trying to make it through the fucking day and donna follows him to boston cus she knows he needs her. and she’s waiting in his hotel room after and he kisses her and things are happening and then he has a panic attack cus its just too much all at once and he calls paula saying “guy freaks out after kissing his best friend after his mom almost dies. not exactly the best romance novel of all time” and then the rest of the fic is harvey working through his guilt over kissing donna and how angry he is with his mother and how donna says that she thought… she thought that when harvey kissed her in new york she thought it meant he was ready and he wanted her to follow him and then they have That conversation im not explaining it well but its good in the fic
first base: OOOHHHH . i dont know??? maybe! maybe… like donna and harvey have this Thing in their 20s this half affair thing oh okay i think harvey is the danny here? where donnas married to . NO WAIT donna and harvey are the SECOND HALF of first base and CAMERON and harvey are the first half dancing in the kitchen in the refrigerator light and it messes him up for a long time until he finally is ready to be with someone again and he and donna finally get together after years and then get married like a week later. ok okay so the scarf moment is like right after he leaves cameron, he goes to donnas place and they spend the night together and he accidentally left his tie there and she kept it this whole time
even sugar peas run of out snap: no sorry . sugar peas really has to be two men. maybe maaaaybe if donna and harvey were lesbians in 1999 they could do sugar peas but also the whole point of sugar peas is that it ends in tragedy and darvey is about the fact they fall in love for the last time and its permanent. plus like the whole thing about sugar peas is about their role as Performers as Guys On Television like they have to be famous and closeted so donnaharvey doesn’t really work
whats that one called thats from january 1999 and its the first ever recorded dancasey fic where they sleep together in the office and wake up the next morning on the couch together and have to spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what to do next…. no i dont think donna and harvey would do that. its less fun when its about a guy and his secretary in the office together than two men who are partners. altho i am thinking now how crazy it would be if 8x16 happened in the office rather than her apartment. like it would be bad obviously but still i am thinking about it
WAIT VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS CATWALKSALONE how could i have forgotten voice in the wilderness but i dont think donnaharvey could do voice in the wilderness cus the whole point is about dan getting over his internalized homophobia BUT! catwalksalones other fic i love dearly is the chutes and ladders fic where “that night in minneapolis with the jäegermeister” they slept together and never mentioned it again and dan ever since has wondered about that and how everytime they get close it ends with casey pulling away -> so like after that night in the other time donna has always wondered what could have happened and how every time she and harvey get close to Something happening harvey pulls away and donna is desperately trying to figure out what the fuck is going on
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atvace · 1 year
Lady Dior and the Seven Dilfs
Chapter 6: That's why
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"Inhale for me, sergeant."
Ghost held both of your cheeks with his bare palms, facing your gaze only to him. he sat in front of you as your breath hitches violently. tears dripping down your cheeks, you whimpered in waves of panic attack.
you were pouring him with indescribable apologies, you feel your hands weakened beneath you. Ghost stared at you sternly, still holding the side of your cheeks. "...come on, deep breaths with me." you followed him taking a long inhale, "Good girl... now release, demoted FBI." you weakly exhaled at his words, faintly smiled. You were still incoherent with what had struck you, it was quite a nasty agonizing dream.
you were abstinent enough to realize that the guy you're breaking down into is a lunatic British lieutenant of yours who despises you from behind. He hushed you a few times, softly caressing your head, encouraging you to ease yourself. you were a bit embarrassed from that thought but you didn't need that emotion for now. 
You were sleeping so peacefully until your brain decided to replay one of your traumatic past events. it was when your dad abused you and your mom because she wouldn't give your dad money for gambling. it's been years but you guess your parents didn't leave with your PTSD. the image of your mom on the floor sobbing with pieces of broken vases around her haunted the back of your mind. 
he would constantly threaten your mom to hit you, which he kinda did afterward. but God the image of him getting cuffed by the police will be unforgettable. every time you were working on the field and police were involved, the sound of police sirens still stirred your stomach but you've kept your mask up for professionalism. If it weren't for Kate Laswell, you're probably still stuck with your dad as your mom's passing.
well, she died about 7 ish years ago and your dad left a few months after, but yet now you're breaking down in front of the lieutenant you were bitching at 4 hours ago.
"Don't even think about it, whatever you're thinking, stop doing that." he patted your head as your breathing calmed down, "but I haven't said anything..." You look up at him with glassy eyes. "I can hear the gears inside that little head of yours shifting, sergeant." he gestured your head to his lap, softly rubbing your head. "God, I feel like shit" You buried yourself in his lap. 
"I was about to say you are but I'll bully you in the morning, just sleep for now." he pulled your blanket over your shoulder and hushed you softly, he stared at your figure for a moment.
"Do you feel like talking about it?" He rubbed the side of your head softly. "I'm not sure... it's just," you paused "Fathers. you know where I'm going right..?" He shrugged. "I'd be guileful if I say I can't relate." you folded your lips thin before sighing. "He's fuckin' nuts. Gambler piece of shit, nothing but a burden to my mom." you cringed at the thought of your own father.
Ghost just stared at you. he literally knew half of yourself after snopping at your binder, why should he ask you about it. "I'd be more than pleasure to hear about your Father-slander but I must remind you about the mission." he poked your nose softly, "You'll be lurking, Dior. you need to stay focus."
you giggled weakly at him, "When we're home, I'll listen to your fatherless vent." he caressed your cheek. "God I want to give up the mission already..." you softly protested. "Nu-uh, never back down never what..?" He pointed at the center of your forehead as you laughed weakly. "never give up..." You smiled and whined softly. "Never back down never what, sergeant?" he holds your face to face him again. "Never give upp.." You cackled in defeat. there was a slight comforting pause between the two of you. 
"You hate me," You said sniffling to the gunk in your nose.
"Yes, I do." He nodded, brushing his fingers through your hair.
"But you're supposed to say no," You wiped your cheeks with the blanket.
"But I fuckin' do hate you, sergeant." He softly said.
you weakly chuckled, "Legitimately, you gave me a fuckin' heart attack, (y/n)." he rested his palm on your forehead. "Why, you're supposed to be pissed at me for waking you up." you exchanged look with him. "I genuinely thought you had an asthma attack," he shifted his palm to your eyelids. "sleep." You laughed faintly. "...you're right, I don't have the energy to be petty right now." You place your hand below your head, making yourself comfortable.
"You can bitch to me in the morning." he played with the strands of your hair.
you laid your head in his stoic lap, trying to drift asleep. "Lt," He raised his eyebrow. "you're not supposed to see me like this, I'm sorry it happens out of nowhere." your hand gripped against his figure. it kinda made him flinch because you have sharp acrylic nails. "Don't worry about it." He pauses.
"So I've gained your respect now"
"Affirmative, sir." you smiled, closing your eyes.
"Because I helped you escape your nightmare senses?"
"quiet close..." You smiled at him, turning your head facing his mask. "you're going to bully the fuck out of me because of this."
"Hell fuckin yeah, demoted FBI top class got a boo boo at night." he sternly said, hinting sarcasm. "I hate you."
Check The Rhime - A Tribe Called Quest
The thud sound of the trunk car shutting followed by sighs of relief from the men doesn't budge you a bit. you sat in the shotgun scrolling through your backup Samsung Flip 5 because you don't want your main phone getting damaged mid-mission. Gaz, Soap, and Ghost sat in the back as Price drove with his signature bucket hat. 
"Are you all ready?" Price tilted his looking at the back seat. Ghost just hummed, "Yessir" Gaz confirmed, "I'm cool, (y/n)?" Soap followed.
You've been a little quiet since morning, not feeling like talking for too much. you hummed in response which made Ghost tilt his head to your figure. you wear a humongous Chicago Bulls Typo blanket hoodie. with a simple white tank top and shorts beneath, with your long Stuart Weitzman Highland suede over-the-knee black boots. you hugged your knee defensively. 
"I'm alright, " you flip close your phone and smile. Everyone was a little concerned except Ghost. but they shrugged it off because a mission is about to go down. watching the base slowly disappear from the car window, you submerged yourself in the seat, resting your chin on your hand, watching the outside scenery. 
The radio pretty much filled the atmosphere, it was some random old jazz music that Price head bobbing to. you hummed to the few familiar lyrics. Ghost had his head resting on the side of the window, Soap playing Candy Crush on his phone whilst Gaz played with the side of his collar, twiddling it around, making Soap's eyes shift suspiciously.
"Gaz, did you shower." Soap's question made Gaz furrow his eyebrow, "Is this your way of admitting my sweet odor." he smirked and Soap scoffed. "You usually smell like a sewer, but now you smell like...peach?" Soap's statement draws Ghost's attention. "Yeah I was using a love potion or something, I found it in our bathroom." Gaz's retort made your ears perk. you disturbingly tilt your head back glaring daggers at Gaz. 
"You what." His smile dropped and gulped, "I-I was using the soap that said love potion..." You scoffed. "was that your soap, (y/n)?" The mohawk asked holding back a chuckle. "No fucking shit, I bought that from France." you angrily gripped the headrest of your seat, leaving claw marks from your acrylic nails. "Gaz, why did you use her soap." Price's eye didn't leave the road, his tone altered like a dad scolding his son. "I'm sorry, I can't help that it smells better than mine." Gaz sighs in defeat.
"Well maybe if you stop using that skunk flavored 13 in 1 men shampoo, you'll smell a little better." You hissed at Gaz which cause him to wince in hurt playfully. "Damn, (y/n) you got him good" Soap laughed at your slander, "Shut up, Soap. You're no different, you have a Miku 2024 with a Scottish flag background, freak." you spitefully huffed, receiving a grin from Price. "how the fuck did you know," Soap frustratedly sighed.
Ghost chuckled out of nowhere which made you shoot another remark, "That's a loud laugh for someone who broke my bedframe last night and now I have a sore back!" He glared at you from the rear mirror, Price, Soap and Gaz's jaw descended slowly. "Okay, I need a solid EXPLAINATION because what the hell did I just hear." Price looked at Ghost from the rear mirror. 
"(y/n), you didn't f-" "NO." you and Ghost shouted at Soap at the same time. "Okay, thank God. what actually happened, Ghost?" Price's question muffled Gaz's howls of laughter and your shocked expression when he said 'thank God'. "...I visited (y/n)'s room where I witness these two fucks gossiping with her. I sat on her bed, the bedframe broke down." Ghost explained with simplicity. Price sighed down to the driving wheel, "I'm so sorry, (y/n). I'll put that on the list." You turned to him and waved your palm "Oh, relax. I'll get it from Ikea on my own when we're done with this mission." you smiled at him.
Price took a turn to pull up at a train station. "I should've filled our gas last night," Price got out of the vehicle after shutting down the engine as you followed him out too. "Capt, can I change my clothes and get some snacks?" You climbed the seat upholster to see him on the other side. "Sure, you've got 10 minutes." He said. you smiled and grabbed your tote bag, closing the car door. Soap called for your name but you didn't hear because you were outside his voice distance already.
the sound of the store bell rang as you enter and you notice the lady clerk. "Hi, what can I help you with?" She softly greeted you. "Oh, do you have an available restroom? I really need to change clothes." She pointed at a certain spot. "Go straight in this aisle, right beside the fridge with beers, sweetie" 
"Thank you so much," You make your way to the designated place. and it was a one-stall bathroom, hence it was locked from the inside. you went back to the cashier frowning, "I'm sorry, I think it's occupied." She raised her eyebrow surprised. "But nobody has been there since two hours ago??" she said puzzled. you left yourself slightly confused. She shrugged it off and smiled.
"It's probably jagged, I gotchu girl, hold on." She dove her hand to her apron with a rainbow badge in the corner, pulling out keys. you followed her toward the restroom. She pounded the door with her fist harshly, "Hello? Is anyone inside?" Your heart is surprisingly rapid at this moment. there was no response from the knocking and the clerk assumed it was jagged from the inside or she forgot to unlock it. you watch her insert the key to unlock the door from outside
as the door swung opened, You were taken aback to see an old man with white dried hair, tipsy in his steps, lunging at you while holding suspicious content in his hand. You and the clerk lady hugged each other screaming and suddenly the old man's head was forcefully slammed against the door frame before it got to touch you.
your breathing turned heavy looking at the figure standing beside it, Gaz's relieved expression when he sees you untouched. He had his sleeves folded elbow level, fist gripping the scalp of the high old man. "...(y/n)" he softly muttered, "Gaz!" You softly sigh in relief, "Fuck I forgot I was an FBI there, Jesus..." you held your chest.
The clerk lady let you go and fixated her apron. "Girl you was lucky your boyfriend came on time, my heart about to stop drop and roll." the clerk shook her head as Gaz's face heated at the comment, "I finna call the cops," she makes her way back to the register spot. "Maam, I'm sorry. can I have a small ziplock bag and a tissue? I can help you with evidence stuff you can give to the police." You smiled at her. "Okay girl, Gimme a minute." she cooed.
Gaz let go of the man and cracked his knuckles. You scooted over to his side and take his hand, "Why did you come here, I could've stomped him too, you know that." You chuckled and sprayed hand sanitizer all over his hands.  "I was just making sure because Reddit stories about gas stations restroom freaks me out." he softly look down on his hands, still held by yours. "Thank you, Gaz. I appreciate your concern but you know i can take you down easily." you shot him a flirty smile, tinting his cheeks more red.
"What happened here." Ghost stood menacingly in the distance, watching you caressing Gaz's hand. "(y/n) nearly got attacked by a..." Gaz kicked the unconscious old man with his foot slowly. "...a high skunk." you got on your knees and examined the old man. "Are you alright, (y/n)?" Ghost looked down on you. "In fact, very much yes, Gaz saved my life," you sarcastically said. "Uhm... girl, here's the stuff you asked." The lady clerk came up to you handing the items you asked for.
"Thank you," you smiled at her. She was eyeing Ghost, Gaz, then you. She gave you the 'GIRL YOU IS LUCKY, THEY LOOK ILLEGALLY SCRUMPTIOUS AND TOE CURLING' look. you exchanged her with a smirk, you shyly showed 4 fingers and gestured your thumb to the exit door as if saying 'There's four of them outside' 
lady's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. you chuckled and came back to the unconscious old man. you wrapped your fingers with the tissue and insert it into the mouth collecting saliva. with a disgusting expression, you zipped the wet tissue into the ziplock. "(y/n), do we need to report to Price?" Gaz watches you carefully. "I don't think it's necessary. the clerk contacted the Police department already, just let them handle this." you examined the tissue inside the plastic ziplock.
"I genuinely think that this is meth but I could be wrong," Ghost stared down at you and tilt his head thinking. "Y'think that's normal?" he pointed at a slightly green stain in the tissue. you raised your eyebrow and squinted your eyes. "Huh, nice sharp eyes, Lieutenant. saliva stains yellow, and blood stains brown. what does green mean..." you mumbled to yourself. 
"Fuck it, I'm not paid enough."  you cuffed the man and kicked him inside the restroom with your iconic heels boots, shutting the door close. "That'll do." You clasped your hands and looked at the two men who look at you with slight disbelief. "What?" you retorted. 
Afterwards, you gave the store clerk instructions on how to explain to the police, the wet sample and your number just in case. She thanked you by giving you a bottle of Gatorade and a bag of Takis. you waved goodbye as the clerk watches you going inside a car with 4 dilfs, you saw her biting her lips in jealousy.
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"And you're mad at me for helping a civilian having a drug snuffer in their restroom?" You look at Price with cynicism. "(y/n), I'm not mad at you for doing that, But-" "You're mad at me because I seize someone without decree." "(y/n), I am not livid." The car stops at the red light, Price's hand rested on your shoulder. "(y/n), I am proud of you for helping the clerk there.  God knows what would happen if you didn't go in there to use the stall." your eyes perked up, "But always report to me when those situations happen again." He smiled softly at you. "Duly noted." You giggled to him.
one and a half hours flew they finally arrived. you look up at the drop-off lobby at the SAS headquarters, it was huge. If it weren't for your boot heels, you're probably mistaken by the people there as an unauthorized civilian. As everyone got off the vehicle, you jumped down holding your tote bag closely. you see multiple armed security guards surrounding the car.
"Captain Price," one of them saluted, Price threw the car keys and he caught it with one hand. "Could you unload everything to C295. reporting duty under Sheperd." Price smiled softly. "Sir yes sir," the guard with the key got into the car and drove away towards the basement. you flinched at the General's name, 'Old fat fuck has an airbus huh.'
"come on, kid." Price gestured for you to walk by his side. you commended and walked beside him. With Ghost in front of you, Soap and Gaz behind, you feel safe in a new place. you looked around and see multiple people with SAS nametags, some are wearing rookie uniforms, some with honorary badges walking and busying themself around.
a few cadets glued their eyes on you, which made Ghost shift his stance to your side. after a few minutes of walking, you see an elevator. it dinged to the floor you're in. As the door of the elevator opens, you tilt your head to the side, not recognizing the man in front of you.
he had a slightly messy razored jawline, a cut mark on the side of his cheeks, dirty blonde hair combed to the side like a fucking emo, sharp gaze and a surprisingly perfectly shaped nose bridge. he wore a dark cyan button-up shirt and cheap jeans with multiple white marks around it. you deduced that he hasn't wash over the months. You also croaked at the fact that he has a dupe Zegarek Rolex. your thoughts broke off as he shakes hands with Price.
"Sergeants and Lt! and Captain Price... pleasure to work with you." he smiled at your captain with an American accent.
"Commander Graves, about time." Price warmly nodded, but Grave's eyes shifted to your figure at last. You stared at him emotionless as he raised his eyebrow, "You must be...?"
"Dior, assigned sergeant." You voiced your nickname and bit your lip at your last sentence. you missed the times when you can state your FBI rank. He smiled at you with hidden intentions. "...Interesting." He eyed you from top to bottom. you gave him a dirty look he quickly noticed and rasped.
"The operator room is right down the hallway, please follow me."
The operator room is spacious, with multiple guards and intels working on their own laptops trying to track down the kidnapper. the sounds of keyboard clicking filled the room and TF 141 is brought to the center of the room with round table. There's an iPad, an old office telephone, handguns, ammunition, and a few grenades scattered around. below that, you saw the same map from Price's desk back in the barracks.
"We couldn't find any traces or signs of human trafficking anywhere around so it's merely a kidnapping situation and hints of drug trafficking." Graves explained. Gaz, Ghost, and Soap were looking through the reports paper as you and Price listened to Grave's explanation.
"Do you know the kind of drugs they're transporting?" you took out your small notebook and wrote down important points. He smiled when you asked him, "Well, You see a-" "I'd appreciate it if you could get straight to the point." you coldly shot him while writing. He looked at Price in disbelief, Capt shrugged and Graves turned back to you. "Under investigation. however, reports from lab it leaves many green stains to white substances." He knitted his eyebrow.
You perked your eyes to Price. "That's what I saw from the high skunk in the gas station." the captain raised his eyebrow and patted your head. "keen eye, kid." Price praised.  "Wait, so you investigated th-" "I'm afraid outside duty leitmotif is strictly unrequired, Commander Graves." You clicked your pen and walked over to the round table as if you didn't cut him off two times already.
"(y/n), composure." Price chuckled, "I am composed captain." You sarcastically rolled your eyes. "We'll see if you're still composed talking like that to General Shepherd." Grave clocked a smirk, you tilt your head to the side. "Excuse you?"
Price rubbed his temper and sighed, "Yeah, General Shepherd is under command." your puzzled look drew satisfaction to Graves. "So, will you now admit about your unwarranted investigation?" you paused at Grave's question.
"I'm calling my mom." You walked towards the telephone desk. "Mom?" Graves turned to Price. "She meant Laswell."
as you were about to reach the telephone, it was actually ringing. but you picked it up thinking it wasn't. As your finger was about to press the numbered buttons, the phone static noise caught you off guard. "Hello?" a rasped Arabic accent voice talked through the phone, you leaned your body to the table.
"...I didn't dial no phone number yet, whose this?" You asked, gripping the phone carefully to your ears. everyone in the room looked over to you, pausing whatever they were doing. The room shifts to silence.
"Am I speaking with FBI?" Your eyes widened and looked at Price with a terrified expression. Graves took the hint and quietly gesture for everyone to plug their earpieces into the main phone line.
you watched everyone wearing black headphones and listened carefully. "Give me the phone-" Graves walked to your sight and you slapped his hands away. "The FBI? yea this is the FBI." You place your unoccupied hand on your waist. "Dior, give me the goddamn phone-" "SHUSH." you hissed noncoherent quietly to Graves and he irritatedly run his hand to his emo hair.
"You are FBI?" The Arabic accent sent an alarm to your spine. "Yeah I am on duty, what's up." You answered. at this point, Graves lost his shit and mumbled cusses to Price about you.
"Listen, woman. If you want the girl back alive, do not talk and listen." the anonymous sternly said to you. "Okay lemme get my pen real quick-" You glared at anyone near you then Gaz threw you a small pocket note with a pen. you caught it just in time and squeeze the phone to your ears with your shoulder, occupying both of your hands.
"My request is simple. you give back what you take from me, which is the 3rd missile truck you took from my train," you scribbled down the caller's request. "I will give you 48 hours to send it back and leave." You nodded, carefully listening. "And I want a drop of cash. you must give it by 48 hours from now. The amount is..." the caller pauses.
"..50 million dollars." He stated as you gasped in shock. "50 MILLION DOLLARS?? Who do you think you're kidnapping bro, Margot Robbie?" You angrily put your hand on your hips, and you swore you heard a few guards around you snickering.
"(y/n), keep him talking." Soap mouthed to you so then other agents can try to detect the anonymous's whereabouts from the phone line. "I want it with dollar currency. Do not get anyone else involved." He warned.
You shrugged calmly, taking Gaz's notebook out again. "Alright alright alright, all cool. 50 million dollars, easy money." you wrote down important lines again.
"I want 10 million in 100's," you nodded and repeated. "10 million in 50's," you repeated again to make sure. Ghost and Soap exchanged looks. "20 million in 20's," You hummed in response, Graves quietly commanded a few armed men to go outside. "and 10 million in 10's." You wrote everything neatly in the book.
"alright cool, you wanna add five's for that?" The caller didn't seem to like your comment.
"What 'tis your name?" You scoffed in annoyance, "What's your name, cuh? you called us first, why you wanna know my name." The caller grunted.
"I just want to be able to tell the governor who will be responsible for his daughter's death and America's destruction because she talks too much." He spat anger through the phone. "God you sound like an Arabic oliver tree, relax the fuck down." you scoffed back at him.
"You will receive the bail instructions 2 hours from now. Carefully watch the mailbox." the telephone shuts closed. You hold the phone in your hand, tilting your head facing Graves and Price. everyone's eyes pierced at you.
"I mean, that's one way to do it." You smiled awkwardly.
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udekai · 2 years
Murderdock Analysis
Okay, I'm sorry this even exists. It's a long one, boys. It's a very. Very. Long one. absolute dumptruck under the cut
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“Dying for applause.” Is that a part of it? Stick likely taught him to kill, but The Hand raised him to be merciless. They drove home the point that the strong survive, noted at the end of this scene. They made him fight for everything, likely tooth and nail, in an attempt to make him stronger, and he excelled at it, but he never got applause for that, did he? He says later that “as any parent would do, they sent me away.” He did everything they asked and more and all it did was make them afraid of him. He hasn’t known an ounce of kindness, pride, or understanding since his parents died. How much of this is a performance to impress someone, literally anyone who might look at his work and for once say “well done”? It seems like the kind of role that Wilson Fisk might have filled.
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“I need somebody to know.” Know what, how the world wronged you? Look at you, taking the first steps that would normally be done in therapy. It’s a shame the guy listening can’t/won’t help you because you’ve impaled him. Given how few panels are between this and Jack’s murder, I have to assume not much time had passed. Wiki says Jack felt mounting pressure to pay medical bills, and I know those can last for literally lifetimes, but I feel like the stress would be freshest closer to the accident, hence the stupid decisions. 
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Get a load of this shit. You see that fuckin nine year old? That is Jack Murdock’s doing and this is now a Jack Murdock hate post, at least E-65 Jack Murdock. Matt is literally in the gym with him when he’s murdered. Did he not think for one single second that maybe having your son with you while you’re waiting for people to kill you might endanger him? Jack Murdock failed this boy so bad. This is almost on par with a murder-suicide. Was that it? Was Jack so broken about the death of his wife that he thought they should all die together? Was he simply so negligent that he didn’t consider they might also kill his son? Or was he so prideful that he thought he would be able to stop them when they came? If Matt hadn’t been put in a position where his father let him die, he might have come out closer to a Netflix!Matt, but no. He had to meet Stick in the most vulnerable seconds of his entire life. Over the course of a few minutes, this boy went from orphan straight to child soldier and that is 100%, unquestionably Jack Murdock’s fault. 
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Right into the manipulation with this kid. Just take him while he’s in the most emotionally fragile state and tell him that the way to solve it is by killing people. Tell him that he’s special and use this as ammunition. Tell him he’s the best weapon, and that he would be selfish to turn down the opportunity to act like it. Make sure he never aspires to be anything else. Tell him how fortunate he is to have met you. I hate him and I’m glad he got stabbed. 
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Fucking Christ, what is he here, like 13? I hate Stick, but I will give him credit for being the last person in Matt’s life who would ever in a million years give him credit for doing a good job. At least in this universe, I’m seeing a manipulative sack of shit that at least pretends to care about Matt’s wellbeing sometimes, and that’s more than can be said for the rest of his life. 
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Mourning trauma 2, the squeakquel. That’s fine, just kill father figure #2. Matt really needed another excuse not to get attached to people, you can tell by how happy he’s been up until this point. The world really took everything he had from him, and then found more. 
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Yeah, see, he’s repeating my point back to me. “Stick could see… He has nothing left. Nothing to fear. Nothing to hide. Without a life to cage him, he can be anything.” This is where the little bastard finally broke, I think. Had he continued under Stick, would he be functional? Fuck no! But he might have stood a chance of one day stepping down. Now, he’s committed, because from the second they laid eyes on him, the first thing these people thought was “this thing’s going to be great at killing people.” This is where Matthew Murdock gave up hope of being anything but a murderer, because nobody saw anything else in him. No soul, no heart, not even potential intelligence. Just a weapon. I’m glad he killed as many of you as he could. This is where he realized he was, and always would be, alone. 
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Did he see them as a family? Did they fuckin make him kill his first lover? How bitter he must have been, knowing he gave everything he had to this cult, this fucked up, bloody found family, only for them to fear him for doing exactly as they asked. “I am something more than they could ever understand.” Even here, he’s an outsider. He doesn’t have allies, just sponsors. Even with all the power in the world, he had nothing at all.
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This is a man who had everything he could possibly want, and found it lacking. He wasn’t alone because he was too powerful, he was alone because everyone in his life since Maggie’s death ensured it. He believes himself to be all-powerful. He sought every opportunity to grab more, because he forgot that there were other things. The idea that there may be something else to want besides more control doesn’t exist in his mind, because it has not been allowed to. The most powerful man alive, and he’s still operating on an arbitrary ruleset ingrained by a system that rewarded emotional disconnect and apathy.
He looks kinda young in that reflection of the first panel, dont he?
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In a moment of hope, he sees a possibility for human connection of any sort, believing that someone who shares his experiences is the only one who could ever know that he had merit once. Who the fuck else would ever believe that he had potential to be a good person? He would literally rather destroy someone to make them understand what he’s been through before he explained it to another human being, because the only method of communication he was ever taught was cruelty. 
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See, this is subtle, here. “Your desires are of no importance.” “Powerful” my pasty white ass. This comic started with him deciding, “No, you know what, you don’t own me, I want a real human connection.” He went about it the wrong fucking way, but please refer back to “Violence is the only thing he’s ever been taught, and therefore the only thing he understands.” This guy was probably 9 years old the last time anyone ever gave a fuck what he wanted. No wonder there’s this obsession with power; it’s obtainable for him and he’s been made to obey. The world has taken everything from him, and The Hand ensured it stayed that way. Power was the only thing Matt ever stood a chance of taking back, and this is him realizing that even that wasn’t doable so long as he was still cooperating. It was probably shortly before he met Gwen that he realized that he had been manipulated his entire life, and there was never anything he could have done about it. 
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He's addicted to control, because it's something he hasn't had for most of his life. He wants somebody to stop him because then the failure won’t be his fault. He can forgive himself for losing against a worthy opponent, but backing down has never been an option. He’s always wanted out, but even if The Hand allowed its people to retire (doubt), he can’t do that. I consider most of his goading Gwen later in the comics to be suicide attempt #2. 
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This and the panel with little tiny Murderdock all curled up in a ball are enough to make me go completely insane. It’s telling that he considers this a connection. My meow meow in christ, you deserve better. Not because I think he has many redeeming qualities, but because he’s a human being. 
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Because what did Jack’s code of honor get Matt? A lifetime alone, full of servitude and trauma, that’s right. 
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Is he tho? Yes, he's pulling the strings here, but he's also not allowed to drop them.
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This has major “Oh, shocker, Daddy’s disappointed in me. Again.” energy. Look at that face. He knows they’re going to try to kill him, and he’s counting on Gwen to do it first. 
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I think Matt was interested in George Stacy’s decision for more than just his obsession with Gwen. I think he had an academic interest to see if Jack’s mistake was one that any idiot would make. If Jack were alive, and he renounced Matt for what he's become, I don't think Matt would give two shits, because what's his opinion worth? But if Jack still loved him anyway, which I think is more likely, then we get something spicy. Then Matt has to make peace with the fact that Jack loved him, but his pride was still worth more. I bet Matt’s thought about that before, and maybe he’s interested in knowing if every man’s pride is worth more than their child’s life. 
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I know this is actually a pretty pragmatic thing for Matt to tell him, but I am once again pointing to how nobody has given a shit what Matt wants for years, too busy trying to keep him occupied in a way that’s conducive to The Hand’s purposes. (Or Stick’s. And honestly, probably Fisk’s. And even more honestly? Jack’s. See: no dont go outside ever, you need to go to law school). I’d also point to the fact that Matt expects nobody to ever understand him. If he told someone his side, would they care? Would anyone care?
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Okay, I’m still stuck on this. Did Matt see The Hand as a family? A fucked up, brutal, broken family? Because it’s easy to read this as a pride thing, right: “Not them.” Not them, as in “I don’t want them to win” or not them, as in “I want to pretend I was important”? Because it’s not like The Hand is going to purposely draw out his death. If they had it their way, they would make it quick. Why is it so important that Gwen does it? This doesn’t look like the face of a man who wants his apprentice to kill him so she understands bloodlust. He would look a little more hopeful if that were the case; no, this guy’s begging, or as close as he gets to it. 
Or is it justice? Is this the sense of justice that lives in every Matt Murdock in every universe? Because dying by The Hand is just another death, rather than vengeance as Gwen is owed? Maybe Matt’s so cynical in this universe that justice has never been served. He’s certainly never witnessed it. Maybe he wanted Gwen to stop him so bad, because even if he had to be the bad guy, at least he would know that in isolated incidents, justice still existed.
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tearing my hair out tbh
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an-aura-about-you · 3 months
I have finally got my house mostly clean including fully cleaning my bathroom, so let's see how much Handbook for Mortals I can do during the rest of my lunch.
going into Chapter 10 part 1:
when we last left our hero, Scheherazade hadn't really done anything, but we saw a bunch of boys gushing about her. seems kinda ironic since one of those characters bothers to mention that girls gush when they like a guy and we hadn't actually seen that yet.
anyway, Chapter 10: The Hanged Man
-tbh I can't think of the Hanged Man without thinking of Drumbot Brian in High Noon Over Camelot, and I would probably enjoy this a lot better if the Mechanisms showed up and caused a bunch of violence.
-Zade, as usual, is thinking about Mac and Jackson, but this time she's at the same bar where the gang celebrated Drew's birthday! idk if I mentioned that Zade wasn't there because she doesn't actually make an effort to make friends.
-she once again says Mac and Jackson had been friends before, but again, we don't really see this. Jackson spent his part of the last chapter needling Mac about how he's going after Zade. that is literally the only time we've seen those two interact and it was antagonistic.
-here we are, 11 chapters into the book (remembering to count Chapter 0) and we FINALLY get something resembling world building, and it's cribbed from Queen Terf's magical British school system books because Zade tells us it's frowned upon for those with magic (no I am not gonna spell it with the k) to get with mortals.
-this is also the first time Zade mentions ANYTHING about her father, and that's saying he's a mortal. this is insulting with all the other shit she's keeping under wraps about her dad.
-Zade's like, "I wasn't marrying anyone," as if we haven't been hit over the head every single time someone brings up dating that a long-term commitment is expected. girl, forever is not guaranteed. what happened to just dating people? for fun?
-quotations are placed weird in this bit:
Jackson was close to perfect minus the whole "just a mortal situation"
...something I hadn't quite place [sic] my finger on.
-"It could just be fear and my lack of ability to want to make a decision." excuse the fuck outta me?????? I'm so mad that this is going unexamined. you KNOW you're gonna have to make a choice at SOME point right? if you're insisting that the love triangle is the most significant thing going on in this book, that means you're gonna have to figure out WHY you don't want to make a decision. is it the destiny bullshit? do you have any agency at all??????
-this following passage pisses me off so bad:
I have always hated making tough decisions, but usually the tarot was far more helpful than it had been so far, considering that it hadn't given me a clear-cut winner no matter how I asked it. Its "freewill clause" must have been behind some kind of weird lesson I was supposed to learn.
first off, you IGNORED a trump card in your spread because you ~didn't know why it was there~ meaning you're skipping over any insight you might have gotten from it. (though if we're going with my interpretation, you overlooked it because seeing it would have meant admitting to yourself that you're the problem.) you also overlooked part of the nature of the Lovers in your spread, a fairly important part since its imagery was mirrored in another card in that same spread.
second, what the fuck do you mean by this "freewill clause" bullshit???? I know you're some kind of fatalist, but if that's the case why are you even entertaining the idea of free will? and if you're not a fatalist, then you know that means the cards are telling you that YOU'RE the one who has to make the choice on this one, right?????
I get. so very mad when tarot cards are viewed this way. they help you make decisions through interrogation, meditation, and self-examination, not because they're a 78-sided die in a Magic 8 Ball!
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my poor tarot cards are now scattered all over the floor.
and my lunch is basically over so we're putting a pin in it.
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occult-roommates · 11 months
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A new beginning to an old story
Around five days after their walk in the park, Athena felt ready to invite Akva to her new apartment. The reason it took so long is mostly because she needed to clean it first, and also for Akva to have some free time in between her retail job and flying lessons, but now it was time.
Athena: Tadah! Akva: Oh wow, congratulation on getting your own place. It's actually pretty decent. Athena: Why are you surprised by that? Akva: Cause like, have you seen my apartment? I live with six grown adults and one baby, but we only have two bedrooms but Charlie refuses to share hers except with the baby. We barely have enough space, privacy is like a foreign concept to me now after living like this for more than three years. Athena: I mean, I'm just saying, I only have one bedroom, but I think it's spacious enough I could get at least one roommates. Akva: Also, I was about to ask how you can afford it, but I mean, it's the spice district, most people in the area don't make that much money in the first place. Athena: That's because Paisley pays me good. Like I said, I could have a roommate to make it easier but I don't absolutely need one. Especially since in college I had one that must be from Hell. Like imagine a dude who refuses to shower more than once a week in spite of being a gym rat, would leave his dirty dishes everywhere to the point we had bugs infestation multiple times, and would punch holes into walls on a regular basis. Even had to bail him out of jail after a DUI with the money I needed to pay for a new computer. Oh and also he'd let his used condoms around the apartment as a way to assert dominance over my "beta" ass. Akva: Cause this guy was getting laid???!!!
Anyway, Athena kept showing Akva around the place. It wasn't that decorated to her personality yet, 50% because she couldn't afford it yet, 50% because the landlord wouldn't let her repaint that sickly green or move the furnitures around that much.
Then, the two women sat down on the couch to continue their little chat.
Athena: Fun fact, you can see by the window the exact place where that plane landed in the Myshun river a few years ago. Akva: Oh wow, that's cool. I remember recently, Ralf and I went to an aviation museum that's in southern New York in hope of seeing part of that plane, but turns out it's in North Carolina. We still had fun though, after the museum we went to eat at the shadiest roadside dinner known to man. Athena: Who are you talking about? Akva: Ralf is my new father figure, you should meet him, he is really nice.
Akva then leaned in for a hug. It felt good to finally have a close friend back in town. It felt even more special now that she knew Athena was actually happy and not just pretending. Though, it did messed her up that she literally had no idea what she was going through. Then again, in her defense, she was living on the other side of the country, even if Athena was visibly unhappy, she couldn't have known. Yeah, they did saw each other from time to time, like when they briefly dated which caused Akva to get pregnant, but still, she could have very well hid how she felt.
Akva: And you know, it would feel even more special if instead of introducing you to him as my friend...
Akva tapped her laps and told Athena to sit here, so she did. Now that they were in a more intimade position, step 2.
Akva: I'd introduce you as my girlfriend.
Athena looked at her all red and then, they made out on the couch, as the cameraman panned away as to not creep on them. Maybe their first attempt at dating did not ended up super well, and let's be real, ruined Akva's life for a year, but this time is the right time. Round 2 will be different, round 2 will have a happy ending.
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yourworsttotebag · 8 months
tell me more about your thoughts on wyll needing a hero….. 👁️👁️ evie dating sim next steps??
Very broadly, I just enjoy the idea of the hero getting rescued, laying down their literal and metaphorical armor and having someone hold them and care for them.
And I think Wyll is such a good candidate for this because he so badly wants to be the right kind of hero. He'll gladly accept more and more weight and responsibility. I wonder if maybe he feels some necessary part of being heroic is the suffering and the shouldering of burdens. I think Wyll might not even realize how much being a hero, or even just a good guy, is weighing on him until the pressure is relieved just a tiny bit.
The specific Wyll/Evie arranged marriage au I've been puttering around with is extremely vibes based. The timeline is all cooked, there's no ending, there's enormous time skips where I just don't know what's supposed to happen. It's more of a wish list than anything.
Right now I'm picturing a) their current game ages in their mid 20s and b) Wyll isn't a warlock yet. Is Wyll changed too much by pushing this event later? That - remains to be seen, don't think about it, don't worry, we're gonna figure it out or we won't.
But I think during his time in Baldur's Gate, Wyll would still feel beholden to heroic ideals and feel a little burdened by the idea of being a Duke and living up to his father. And Wyll's banishment would come after he and Evie have gotten past their initial iciness, after their big sex scene, when they think things are most likely to work out, so it feels as bad as possible that Wyll is suddenly gone.
He kind of falls into monster hunting as he wanders around the Sword Coast, the story we're all familiar with. The people Wyll helps adore him and he's happy to be of use but he's at his emotional low point. He has new warlock powers but they're frightening and unfamiliar. His family, including his wife, is gone. He can never go home again.
So one of the scenes I have actually written is one where Wyll is pinned down by some Really Bad monsters and Evie suddenly rides in and saves the day. And Wyll is shocked! He figured she would write him off as dead and start her life over but instead she left her comfortable existence to come find him because she was worried about him.
And all of my iterations of Evie kind of thrive at the fun adventuring parts of being a hero for hire. She's been so bored and isolated for so long that having a cause to focus on gives her a ton of energy. She says to Wyll, "Hey, I care about you and I'm basically a super hero. Let's keep each other safe instead of you suffering alone because you think you need to atone or want to be extra noble while a dragon cuts you in half."
What does it mean for Wyll to establish his Blade of Frontiers rep with a partner? Is it a lot different from the game? Does it ever dovetail with tadpole stuff? I honestly have no idea. I answered another ask where I went into more of the difficulties I'm facing with this because I'm just too early in the process to even know what I'm doing. It could all get split into something else for all I know!
I DO think they would make a pretty hilarious good cop/bad cop duo on the frontiers. Like, "You better tell us who's in charge of your murder cult. My wife's a sorcerer and she's crazy." Wyll insists that he can be the bad cop sometimes and Evie's just like, "Oh honey...no...no, you can't."
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staghunters · 2 years
Many thoughts on Pahanhautoja (Hatching)
Gonna put it behind a read more because this may get long, unfiltered, and full of spoilers. Enjoy!
So as may be clear, I'm still thinking about this movie lol. It's not Amazing per se but oof does it touch on things and keep you guessing at meanings even if the central theme of the movie is pretty clear.
Pahanhautoja is about spectacle/exploitation culture in the way that f.e. Nope isn't.
It doesn't have Big Moments, but it does show the strain of everyone working behind the scenes. "Capturing real authentic moments", taking pictures that are framed just right, for the irony to create a "perfect everyday life".
The Mother stands central in this. Arguably, it's all her idea, dream, and ambition. The Father even notes (though in the context of the scene, it's about something else) that he lets her do whatever she likes because she is so certain of things. Why he stays is a mystery. Perhaps the money, as he has bought a new guitar in the early bits of the film. But they sleep separately, he and Matias are clearly coordinated to look the same (hair, glasses, blouse), and he does not seem to have any input or agency whatsoever.
And here comes a tricky bit, because taking on Father's point you could read this as a horror movie where "women in power are evil". It isn't. Father is sympathetic because he isn't able to be himself. BUT he also doesn't stand up for his kids.
And yes, Mother is very unsympathetic. First and foremost she also is not a true parental figure. Like with Father, that is just a title that works well with the blog she has going. It's not something she truly puts into practice.
Some posts here have cited/posted the one-on-one scene with Tilja about Mother having fallen in love again as something that should be read as something creating sympathy for her.
(For context, it's this scene)
You Could read this as base-level, second-wave feminism "Women should not just live to please their husband". And while those are valid points to make in other contexts, maybe take a look at who the main character is in this film?
Mother takes Tilja aside and talks about finding love again and you can see from Tilja that she thinks Mother is talking about Father until Tero is mentioned by name. Her smile literally drops.
And before this, she has already caught her mom with Tero. Then it was wafted off as "adults have special friends" as a thin cover-up. But here Mother does not even stop to make her case and explain it to Tilja as best as she can. She just takes Tilja's acceptance of the situation for granted, just like Father would. Parallel to that is the "business weekends" that casually turn into weekends at Tero's. She could have created this situation at home maybe if the blog was put on a back-burner, but that is not the case. And as soon as they get to Tero's, the house is already being shaped into Mother's image.
And don't get me wrong: Tero is a good guy by all means!
He's more of a dad to Tilja than Father is, he tries to go against Mother, and even wants to help Tilja overcome her urge to achieve perfectionism for her mother's sake. And understandably, he is upset when Helmi has been put in danger!! But the only thing that Mother has to say to Tilja as they drive back home is
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Tilja sprained her wrist here, lost a competition she worked so hard for, and has to pack up and leave with her mom for a second time, and all Mother has to say is that. Mother is complicated, surely, but by no means is someone you're supposed to sympathize with.
And Tilja!! Tilja just wants to be loved on her own terms and not for what her mother wants from her. It is frustrating, it seems fruitless, yet there is just enough little bits to keep her going for this goal.
When the bird flies through the window Tilja wants to put it back outside because it isn't harmed, but Mother simply kills it in front of her daughter's eyes and asks her to put it in the trash (but, sweetie, the biodegradable one). Tilja has fun at gymnastics, even if she's not as good as Reeta. And it is clear that she could have had more fun here, as well as made some friends if her mother didn't isolate her for the sake of fame and a viral moment.
What is so endearing is that once Alli comes into the picture, Tilja is able to give it/her(?) the love she would want herself even if she had never received it. And, let's be honest, Alli at first is not a very loveable creature.
The theme of puberty is inherent to Alli. Tilja is 12-ish and has to dress in frilly dresses and does gymnastics (a sport that is known for demanding parents/coaches, but also for keeping the ones doing it physically as childlike as possible for advantages). Mother wants to keep her young but the reality is that that will change. Pair that with a stranger's baby becoming more important than her own daughter, and you got a theme.
Alli goes from capital M Monster to a near-indistinguishable image of Tilja (this does make for some funny scenes where people mistake this obviously feral child for prim and proper Tilja).
I know that one time in sex-ed when we had talked about puberty (I was around 11/12), I got home and cried to my mom because I could not think about ever fighting with her. But I did.
Alli starts out as an abstract thing that Tilja fears but comes to care for. It is impulsive, at times over-excessive, but that is exactly what pubescent teens are like! Tilja and Alli are connected so closely yet act as separate beings (cue to moments of "why did I ever do/say that?").
When Mother stabs Tilja and Alli rises in her place, it is the only time we see Mother crying. In the context of the film, it may be because she lost her "real" daughter and is left with this "monster", even if they look identical.
Ultimately, it's about her child growing out of her control.
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scoopstrooptm · 2 years
dustin + the importance of his dynamics with steve & eddie
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         this one has been a long time coming and rolling around in my brain for a while but I really want to talk about the importance of both Steve and Eddie in Dustin’s life and how, even though from a writing perspective they both function in a same way as older male role model / brother figures and the Duffers did kind of repeat a similar storyline and not really handle it in the best way, there are actually a lot of subtle differences in how Dustin views them / grows from their influence in his life. they are both equally important to his development ( and future development ) in different ways.
         the most important preface to discussing Steve and Eddie as brotherly figures ( because I do kinda hate the whole “co-parenting” “they’re both Dustin’s dads” trend within the fandom when it’s not for fun/the memes, they are only 5-6 years older than Dustin and as he gets older, that age gap will become much less noticeable ), is that Dustin is absent a father figure. unlike Will, however, who it is established early on has Jonathan, Dustin is deliberately set up in s2 to be living with only his mom, which then helps facilitate the fledgling brotherly relationship that goes on to develop between him and Steve. the writers often talk about them both being the spares within that season who are paired off with each other: Steve needed something to do after Nancy goes off with Jonathan to investigate the lab, and Dustin needed someone ( preferably older ) to help him with Dart and then lead the junkyard squad with Max and Lucas. they also very clearly don’t want to be around each other at the very beginning: Dustin only asks for Steve’s help because he’s the first person he can find to help him out with Dart, and it’s clear that Steve would rather be trying to fix things with Nancy, right up until he realises that Dart is actually an Upside Down monster and Dustin genuinely needs his help.
         the two of them are worlds apart in terms of personality and character. Steve is the most popular guy at school ( in spite of his star beginning to wane in favour of Billy ), plays sports, has ( up until this point ) been successful with the ladies, is not naturally book smart and has never had to try very hard in order to get what he wants. Dustin is a self-proclaimed nerd, is not naturally athletic, is extremely intelligent but lacks a lot of common sense, and doesn’t have really have any friends outside of the Party. the two also have very little in common, but they do get to bond over girls as they lure Dart to the junkyard — however the turning point in their relationship imo doesn’t happen until Dustin, Steve, Lucas and Max are attacked by the demodogs.
         this is, for me, the most pivotal moment in how Dustin’s attitude towards Steve shifts. he even says to Lucas before the dogs attack, “nobody is around. why else would I be with Steve Harrington?” but the moment that Steve decides to leave the bus and act as bait for the demodogs with his nailed bat, Dustin’s indifference to Steve’s completely changes, to the point where, as Max says “he’s insane” for going out there alone, Dustin’s only response is: “he’s awesome.”
          it’s no secret that Dustin uses D&D and fantasy tropes to contextualise the Upside Down — he does this both in a narrative sense in order to flag to the audience exactly what kind of monsters the group are facing ( he is the one who gave the Mind Flayer and Vecna their names ), but also I believe he does this as a coping strategy too considering the danger that he has been around for three years of his young life. in that moment, then, that Steve headed out of the bus and fought three demodogs with just his baseball bat with nails, he quite literally was the white knight who leapt out of the pages of one of his storybooks. he was the fighter / paladin class from D&D that their group of heroes needed, protecting the party at great personal risk to himself, and this is where Dustin’s hero worship of Steve began.
          it’s not clear to Steve that Dustin idolises him, but it’s very clear to everyone else lmao. I think, particularly at this point, Steve is the sort of person that Dustin aspires to be like, in the same way that he might look at a character like Han Solo or Aragorn and aspire to be like them. he fills the void of an older male role model that Dustin needed; he might be different to him in terms of enjoying sports and not understanding the nerdy references, but the fact that the gap between s2 and s3 establishes that the pair were close enough to learn a Star Wars-themed secret handshake shows that Steve was open-minded enough to at least try to engage with the nerdy stuff. it’s also heavily implied that Dustin was Steve’s only close friend during that time. 
          however, that also means that I don’t think Dustin ever looked at Steve as someone who was necessarily fallible: he knows that the dude is uncultured, book dumb sometimes, kinda bitchy and a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to shooting down dangerous ideas, but Steve is still the hero who will always pull through in the end. even when Steve is beaten up by Billy, Dustin is the most visibly concerned out of the kids ( and is the one who convinces the others to bring Steve along in Billy’s car and not leave him in his concussed state back at the Byers house ), but Steve is still able to recover enough to lead the group into the tunnels and assume that caretaker role. he has never failed to protect Dustin when he needs him, and he is always there: in s3 when Dustin is left with his Cerebro by the Party, it’s Steve that he goes to in order to vent and then share the contents of his secret Russian transmission. in s4, as soon as Max comes to him about Eddie, Dustin seeks out Steve at Family Video.
          the dynamic definitely does Dustin a lot of good: as Gaten himself says, Steve helps Dustin with his confidence, and he also helps Dustin to be brave. this isn’t to say that Dustin isn’t brave in s1 because he is, but in the first season a lot of his bravery comes from being around Mike and Lucas and El. on his own, I don’t think Dustin would ever consider himself a brave individual, but then Steve came along and threw himself repeatedly into danger with only minor complaining, the very picture of the errant hero, and that made Dustin want to be brave like that too. the contrast between s2, when Dustin let Steve head down into the storm shelter to deal with Dart on his own, and s3′s “if you die, i die” isn’t just a reflection of how much Dustin and Steve’s friendship has developed in that time. it is also an indication of how, through knowing Steve, Dustin has become more courageous and willing to dive headfirst into danger as a result. in s3, he takes the lead in his and Erica’s rescue attempt of Steve and Robin which, while kinda unrealistic if we’re being picky about it lmao, is an extremely big deal for Dustin. Erica is younger than him and he’s not with Mike, Will or Lucas ( or any of the other older teens or adults ), but he goes back for Steve and Robin anyway, without hesitation.
         but on the flip side, this dynamic does create an unrealistic ideal for Dustin to live up to ( which is no fault of Steve’s or his own ), and this is perfectly illustrated by the snow ball scene at the end of s2. in that scene, Dustin takes on not only Steve’s confidence, but also his appearance in the way that he also uses the Farrah Fawcett spray to style his hair. however, unlike Steve, who I’m sure has never had to try very hard with girls until it came to Nancy, Dustin comes up against immediate rejection from his female peers and ends up completely alone, crying on the sidelines at not having a dance partner of his own. it’s interesting that it’s Nancy who actually rescues him, considering Steve’s influence on Dustin’s self-expression is at its strongest in this scene, but I digress: this highlights the limitations of Dustin’s hero worship and wanting to be like Steve. Dustin is not Steve: their experiences, particularly of a social setting like school, are completely different, and the Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington King of Hawkins High rules for socialising are not rules that necessarily apply easily to Dustin, being a nerd and not athletic or interested in “popular” pursuits at school.
         I imagine this is a difference between them that would have reared its head again in those first few weeks after Dustin first started high school, between s3 and 4. we hear him talk to Max about the fact that nobody was nice to him or Mike ( except Eddie, who I will get to in a minute ), and I can picture a similar thing happening: Steve offering him plenty of well-meaning advice in the run up to semester starting, Dustin taking a lot of it on board, but none of it really working out that well when he actually gets there. Dustin is not destined to be a jock or the most popular guy at school like Steve was, and that is a good thing! being a jock and being popular wasn’t really that good for Steve either. Eddie’s advice and influence is actually good for both of them.
           the way that Dustin’s dynamic with Steve ( subtly ) shifts between s2 and s4 is also interesting. from s2 to s3, the pair become very obvious best friends who share secret handshakes and a single brain cell ( there is no season that they are closer than in s3 tbh ), but in s4 that close camaraderie becomes, in some respects, a little more mean-spirited jibing, especially from Dustin’s end. there is tension established early on between them as a result of Dustin’s new friendship with Eddie and Steve’s jealousy over having his position as his older male role model stolen away from him because Dustin and Eddie actually share a lot of common interests. but also, Dustin is growing up and has reached high school and his teenage years where he is starting to develop his own sense of self. Steve, also, finally has a friend his own age in Robin, so their need to be constantly in each other’s company has naturally lessened as a result. as the primary and at this point constant older male figure in Dustin’s life, there is an element of not quite rebellion in this instance, but push and pull to be expected. he’s growing! Steve has been in Dustin’s life for two years now and Dustin is finally reaching that tumultuous period of his adolescent development where he is deciding who he wants to be.
          but most important is the influence of Eddie’s friendship. it doesn’t pull Dustin away from Steve, as Steve might think, but again as Gaten says in the earlier video I linked, Eddie teaches Dustin to be comfortable and confident in his own skin. where Steve was in many ways unconsciously teaching Dustin to wear a different skin, Eddie’s entire being is telling Dustin that it’s okay to be the way he is. it’s okay to not fit in, it’s okay to break the mould and be different and to own those differences. Dustin can also more easily see himself in Eddie: they are both social outcasts, both enjoy nerdy pursuits like LOTR and D&D, and have both endured judgement and mean comments from their peers. they share a commonality that Dustin would never be able to share with Steve, no matter how close the two of them are.
          the other difference with Eddie is that he shows Dustin very early on that he is fallible. he doesn’t jump into the action as readily as Steve does, he struggles with his perceived cowardice and he is either horrifically injured or dies at the end of the narrative depending on your perspective. it is important for Dustin to see that and know that he doesn’t have to be perfect — because it is not that Steve is perfect by comparison, but only that Dustin is not witness to Steve’s struggles and doubts and regrets about his past behaviours in the same way. in s3, his slow realisation towards “it’s all just bullshit anyways” is all stuff that he only shares with Robin ( and then later in s4 with Nancy during his speech about being given a thump on the head and enabled to change ). Dustin might tease Steve mercilessly for his faults, but he’s never really witnessed Steve have a crisis of confidence in the same way that he watches Eddie struggle with his label of the freak and his belief that he’s not as brave as the others, or not brave for leaving Chrissy and running away. Eddie is therefore just a little more human in Dustin’s eyes.
        one thing that s5 is at least going to take on from s4 is the fact that, seeing the destruction and death and injury that the Upside Down has wrought first hand will change Dustin forever. even if it is horrible trauma for a 14 year old, it is still important that Dustin sees this alternative to the hero narrative that he has in his head regarding Steve  — and will also, i hope, or at least i will address it even if the Duffers don’t, allow for Dustin and Steve’s friendship to strengthen even further as a result. what happened to Eddie should be a wake up call for Dustin in more ways than one and that’s the frustrating thing about s4′s ending. with the sudden timeskip, Eddie’s [redacted] isn’t allowed to have a ripple effect on the other characters ( even though we know through word of god that it will have an impact on Dustin in s5 ), and if there is one dynamic that it should impact, it’s Dustin and Steve’s.
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ri-writing · 2 years
Dear Book, please stop doing this to me (or Ri yells into the void about a throw away line with implications)
I was working on Part 2 of my meta essay on Jordan and Ixil and trust, and was flipping through my copy of Icarus Hunt looking for the right chapter (the one I want to discuss is Chapter 13), when I stumbled on something in Chapter 12 that I hadn't noticed before.  It's fascinating, and I'm trying to figure out if it's intentional or if it's a case where the author made a mistake.  
Honestly, someone needs to take this book away from me.  All I wanted to do was write a nice essay series about how a trust plot line gave me feels, but there's too much stuff in this book and I keep getting distracted by all the details that make me go “wait.....omg, how did I miss this?!” in a book I've easily read three dozen times.
Cut – because it deals with spoilers.  Everything with this book is a spoiler, I swear to god.
Alright.  Welcome to my Side Quest that I'm now spinning my brain around.  In Chapter 12, Tera is explaining why she called in the tip against Jordan at the Meima spaceport - namely she calls in the tip to prevent Jordan from reaching the ship before Arno, so that Arno can sneak aboard.  That explanation seems to make sense.
But today it hit me - at the time the tip is called in, Tera and Jordan have never met.  Jordan sees her for the first time when he reaches the ship.  It feels pretty safe to say that this is the first time Jordan lays eyes on her.  He describes her in the same manner he describes the other crew member characters.  Jordan does not connect her with Arno.  As he's trying to figure out each member of the crew, his assumption about Tera is that she's part of a religious sect that doesn't trust outsiders.  He holds that assumption about her at least until he's talking with Uncle Arthur, as that's where he suggests Uncle Arthur look to try to find out information about her.  Learning she's Arno's daughter is a real shock to him – so much so that he barges into her room to confront her.  Even afterward, he's not completely sure that it's true.  This man had no idea Tera had a connection to Arno Cameron.  We can confidently say that Jordan's never seen Tera before he meets her in the spaceport.
But Tera's seen him.
As I noted above, Tera admits to being the person who calls in the tip that got Jordan detained back in Chapter 2.  This is before Jordan and Tera meet.  She knows what he looks like well enough to pick him out of a crowd.  (We know there's a crowd at the gate; Jordan literally uses that word).  The only way Tera would know what Jordan looked like was if she was in the taverno when Arno hired him.
But Ri, you might be asking, couldn't Tera have looked Jordan up?  He gave Arno his name.  He has a Mercantile Authority File with his photo in it.  It would make a lot more sense if Tera simply had his name and saw his picture.
That would normally make sense, but in Chapter 2, we're told the photo in Jordan's file is old and looks nothing like Jordan now.  The fact that Jordan no longer resembles his old photograph is what saves him initially from all the bounty hunters looking for him.  Given that people whose job is to find those who do not want to be found are unable to recognize Jordan based on his picture, Tera's not realistically going to be able to pick him out of a crowd based only on the old picture.  For her to pick one guy out of many and know that he's Icarus crew, she must have seen Jordan now.  And she would need to have seen him with her father to know he’d been hired.  That only happens once up until this point - in the taverno.  Tera was somewhere in that room.  Jordan tells us the room is dark and crowded; it would be all too easy for Tera to blend into the background and watch.
Of course, that raises the question of why she's there.  Arguably, she could have been shadowing her father in her role as his mole, but that's contradicted by evidence from elsewhere in the book.  We know that she doesn't see Arno hire the medic.  If she had, she would have known that Everett was not the medic Arno hired.  We also know that she doesn't see Arno hire Jones. During Jordan's homage to murder mysteries, she gets temporarily confused as to whether Jones and Jordan had worked together.  Tera even tells Jordan that the plan was for her to be kept out of the hiring process.  Presumably, that's what happened.
Which then circles us back to why Tera was in the taverno.  Now, it could be that Zahn messed up. There are a lot of inconsistencies between this novel and the sequel that look like mistakes.  (Uncle Arthur, for example, is a general in Icarus Hunt but is referred to as an admiral in Icarus Plot; Tera's last initial, let alone her last name, is never used in front of the Patth, but the Patth know her as ‘Tera C’ somehow.  Authorial mistake is a possible explanation).  The original Icarus Hunt itself, though, is too tightly plotted and the language of each conversation too carefully selected for me to think it's a mistake. The whole sequence with Jordan being detained is too critical to the plot.
Maybe Arno and Tera ended up in the same place accidentally and then became trapped with all the other patrons when the Yavanni decided to barricade the place off.  Coincidence and bad luck are real things that happen.  Maybe they staged a hiring meet-up there so that, if anyone ever did try to look into the hiring of the crew, nothing appeared out of the ordinary and Tera could claim to have been hired off the street just like everyone else.  Regardless, it's an interesting little observation that's itching at my brain.  Because I do want to know why.  And how.  And what Tera thinks of the whole scene from Chapter 1.  These are questions to which I’ll likely never receive an answer.
I've long thought that the two major supporting characters (Tera and Ixil) have more interesting stories than Jordan.  What makes them even more intriguing is that most of their stories happen between the lines and off the pages.  We never get all the details – and we likely never will - but the glimpses we do get are fascinating.
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